May 31, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 PM

O FOR 4 (via Tom Morin)

Freud Lives! (Slavoj Zizek, 5/25/06, London Review of Books)

In recent years, it’s often been said that psychoanalysis is dead. New advances in the brain sciences have finally put it where it belongs, alongside religious confessors and dream-readers in the lumber-room of pre-scientific obscurantist searches for hidden meaning. As Todd Dufresne put it, no figure in the history of human thought was more wrong about all the fundamentals – with the exception of Marx, some would add. The Black Book of Communism was followed last year by the Black Book of Psychoanalysis, which listed all the theoretical mistakes and instances of clinical fraud perpetrated by Freud and his followers. In this way, at least, the profound solidarity of Marxism and psychoanalysis is now there for all to see.

A century ago, Freud included psychoanalysis as one of what he described as the three ‘narcissistic illnesses’. First, Copernicus demonstrated that the Earth moves around the Sun, thereby depriving humans of their central place in the universe. Then Darwin demonstrated that we are the product of evolution, thereby depriving us of our privileged place among living beings. Finally, by making clear the predominant role of the unconscious in psychic processes, Freud showed that the ego is not master even in its own house. Today, scientific breakthroughs seem to bring further humiliation: the mind is merely a machine for data-processing, our sense of freedom and autonomy merely a ‘user’s illusion’. In comparison, the conclusions of psychoanalysis seem rather conservative.

It's no coincidence that Copernicus and Darwin turned out to be just as fundamentally mistaken as Marx and Freud.

-REVIEW: of Mind: A Brief Introduction by John R. Searle (Maria Antonietta Perna, Ph.D. on May 23rd 2006, Metapsychology Online)

Granted, as an introductory text Mind: A Brief Introduction might be said to be particularly brief. However, if Searle keeps his introduction brief, this is because the present book does much more than introducing the reader to a fascinating philosophical subject in clear and accessible language. What Searle aims to do is far more ambitious: along the lines of his previous publications on the philosophy of mind, especially those dealing with consciousness and language, he argues for a radical break with the entire post-Cartesian tradition and its conceptual framework in which the entire discipline is steeped. In fact, it is the main thesis of the book as stated in the Preface that

the philosophy of mind is unique among contemporary philosophical subjects, in that all of the most famous and influential theories are false (p.1).

By 'theories' Searle means all kinds of dualist positions as well as the various existing materialist approaches.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:46 PM


Tiger Woods: Bill Clinton Cheats at Golf, Too (News Max, 6/01/06)
In Arkansas for a children's golf clinic, Tiger Woods was asked about playing golf with former President Bill Clinton.

"Interesting math," Woods said, drawing a laugh before telling a story about a round the two played in February before the opening of the Tiger Woods Learning Center in Anaheim, Calif.

Woods described a hole on the back nine.
The story's pretty funny, but if the guy didn't grope you in the locker room you got off easier than most....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:20 PM


Greene's story, Day 4: 'There is war,' and Rhode Island responds (GERALD M. CARBONE, May 31, 2006, Providence Journal)

These are the orders that started the American Revolution:

"You will march with the Corps of grenadiers and Light Infantry put under your Command with the utmost expedition and secrecy to Concord, where you will seize and destroy all the Artillery, Ammunition, provisions, Tents & all other military stores you can find."

Thomas Gage, the general commanding the British garrison at Boston wrote those orders; Francis Smith, a fat lieutenant colonel, received them at 8 p.m. on April 18, 1775.

For secrecy, Smith was to march his soldiers in small groups to the Boston Common, where they would rendezvous at 10 p.m. From the Common the 700 men would row across the bay to Lechmere's Point on Charlestown, to begin their long march to Concord, where British spies had determined that the rebels had a large store of gunpowder, artillery and shot.

The secret of Smith's nighttime mission was poorly kept. As the troops stepped into their transport boats under cover of darkness, the city's apothecary, Dr. Joseph Warren, dispatched Patrick Dawes and the silversmith Paul Revere to carry the alarm to Concord.

A friend of Revere's bravely carried two lanterns up the narrow stairwell in the steeple of the North Church. Here he hung the lighted lanterns as a signal that the British were coming via the bay to Charlestown. The British in Boston weren't stupid; they knew that lanterns burning in the belfry were some sort of a signal. They hustled over there to catch the messenger, but he had already doused his lanterns and run.

Dawes spurred his mount along Boston Neck, through Roxbury and Brookline; two men silently rowed Revere past the British warship Somerset to the Charlestown shore.

Revere wrote: "It was then young flood, the ship was winding, and the moon was rising."

In Charlestown Revere borrowed Deacon John Larkin's horse, a mount the deacon would never see again. The horse thundered across a bridge spanning the Mystic River to Medford.

"The regulars are out!" Revere called into the moonlit night. "The regulars are out!" [...]

On the way to Concord lay the town of Lexington, a sleepy crossroads of 750 people. Warned by Revere and Dawes before their capture by British troops, a band of 70 minutemen awaited the arrival of Smith's soldiers.

Leading the minutemen was Capt. John Parker, at 45 a veteran of the French and Indian War. Only 38 of Parker's men brought arms and ammunition with them; these he formed in a line across the Lexington Green.

At dawn the British troops came in view from the south. John Pitcairn, 53, a captain in the Royal Marines led the advance guard as the British swept on toward Lexington.

Pitcairn ordered his men to form the battle line; his troops smartly moved into formation, pointing their muskets and yelling "Huzzah! Huzzah!"

Pitcairn spurred his mount toward the small line of rebels; he drew up before them with his troops bristling at his back. "Lay down your arms, you damned rebels, and disperse!"

There was no way 38 farmers could hold off a battle line of the British Army, Parker knew that. He ordered his minutemen to leave the green. They began to break up, but they refused Pitcairn's demands to drop their muskets. As the rebels left the field, somebody's gun flared. No one will ever know for certain who fired this, "the shot heard 'round the world." What is certain is that it touched off a storm of fire from the British lines. And when the shooting stopped, eight minutemen lay dead on the blood-spattered green.

The British rolled on for Concord, six miles away, stopping to fire their traditional victory volley. Their only casualties had been a wounded man and Pitcairn's bloodied horse.

On the return march from Concord to Boston, the British marched for eight hours through a gauntlet of armed and angry minutemen. Nearly 4,000 men fired at them during the march; the muskets of that time were wildly inaccurate, so the farmers and merchants of Massachusetts just kept firing and firing 1-ounce balls of lead. They shot about 80,000 rounds in all, an average of 3 blasts every second.

The British troops that made it as far as Concord had to march 16 miles back in wet boots, carrying 60 pounds of gear, with no sleep, while the trees, walls and houses around them exploded.

"We were fired at from all quarters, but particularly from the houses on the roadside, and the Adjacent Stone walls," wrote British Lt. Frederick Mackenzie of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. "Several of the Troops were killed and wounded in this way, and the Soldiers were so enraged at suffering from an unseen Enemey, that they forced open many of the houses from which the fire proceeded, and put to death all those found in them. . . .

"Our men had very few opportunities of getting good shots at the Rebels, as they hardly ever fired but under cover of a Stone wall, from behind a tree, or out of a house; and the moment they had fired they lay down out of sight until they had loaded again, or the Column had passed. In the road indeed in our rear, they were most numerous, and came on pretty close, frequently calling out, "King Hancock forever."

By day's end, Mackenzie tallied 168 British soldiers wounded, and 68 dead.

The British troops were lucky enough not to have Predators circling overhead filming their actions.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:46 PM


City To Immigrants: Hospitals Won't Ask Status (CBS/AP, 5/301/06)

The city is distributing a letter meant to reassure immigrants that no one will question their legal status when they seek care at the city's public hospitals, health officials said.

The letter, in 11 languages, promises that public hospital employees will "keep confidential all information regarding your immigration status." If workers reveal the information, they could lose their jobs, Health and Hospitals Corporation president Alan Aviles writes in the note.

The letter's release follows reports from advocates that many undocumented immigrants are afraid of going to hospitals.

One of the theories of the anti-immigrationists is that it is unfair to push the burden of illegal immigration onto state and local governments. If New York City wants to take on that burden, why should anyone else care?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:40 PM


An Apocalyptic Religious Zealot Takes on the World: Iran's mullah-run theocracy is on a seemingly unstoppable course to becoming a nuclear power. The country's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a pious zealot with a penchant for visions, is doing his best to provoke the West. Faced with a choice between acceptance and intervention, America and Europe have opted for diplomacy -- for now, that is. (DIETER BEDNARZ, RALF BESTE, GEORG MASCOLO, STEFAN SIMONS, GERHARD SPÖRL, BERNHARD ZAND, 5/30/06, Der Spiegel)

Conditions in Iran are already nightmarish, a blend of the sermons of hate and efforts to develop the Bomb, a weapon this state, all denials to the contrary, clearly seeks to possess. Iran poses a far greater threat than nuclear powers Pakistan or India because the mullah-dominated state brings together a far-reaching Islamist ideology and an image of the enemy -- that of the Great Satan, the United States, and a smaller Satan, Israel -- all the while promoting a calculated anti-Semitism aimed at building Islamic solidarity in the Arab world.

Iran is also far more dangerous than Iraq or North Korea. The theocracy stands a good chance of successfully building weapons of mass destruction. The kind of weapons that, in a figment of Western imagination, Saddam Hussein had supposedly come close to obtaining.

Presumably the threat from Saddam was a figment of the imagination because they opposed the war? One wonders how serious they'd say the Iranian threat was if Gerge Bush, Tony Blair, and John Howard were about to bomb its nuclear program.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:28 PM


The Ireland of the East: Slovakia is an investor's paradise and a model of economic growth promoted by neoliberal measures. But dissatisfaction is growing among the population and the next elections promise historic changes. (Der Spiegel, 5/31/06)

Only ten years ago, the capital city was as gray as socialism itself. Now boutiques, pizzerias, sushi parlors and cocktail bars crowd the renovated city center. There is full employment here. The country may have come to capitalism late, but it has become a model country in record time -- an Ireland of the East.

Experts are predicting six percent economic growth for this year; unemployment has fallen from 18 to 11 percent during the past three years. Foreign corporations, especially those in the automobile industry, are waiting in line to invest. Kia, Volkswagen and Peugeot Citroen are all profiting from low wages and taxes and rejoicing over investment assistance. People are already talking of a "Detroit of Europe."

Folks who despair of Iraq and the Middle East ought to consider the following: as recently as thirty years calling a country the "Ireland of the East" would have been a pejorative, rather than the highest compliment in the Euro-lexicon, and the idea that an Eastern European nation could be booming would have seemed fanatstical.

The blessed calling of business: The greatest threat to privatization, tax cutting, deregulation and other unfinished economic reforms is no longer from the left, but from the right. (Stefan A. Bielski , 5/29/06, Warsaw Business Journal)

"The free market is the most efficient instrument for utilizing resources and effectively responding to needs."

"Overseeing and directing the exercise of human rights in the economic sector ... belongs not to the state but to individuals and to the various groups ... which make up society."

Are these the words of a classical economist or an editorial in The Economist? Or perhaps a chamber of commerce or free-market politico?

Though written by a Pole and a good Catholic, they seem to be ideas alien to Poland's current government, which is conservative, Catholic and distrustful of the market. In today's world, this puts Poland in quite a rare spot: The greatest threat to privatization, tax cutting, deregulation and other unfinished economic reforms is no longer from the left, but from the right.

"The state could not directly ensure the right to work for all its citizens unless it controlled every aspect of economic life and restricted the free initiative of individuals."

In 2006, this criticism could be directed at the two populist parties, one far-left and one far-right, that have joined the government. However, like all quotations in this essay, it was written 15 years ago this month in the aftermath of Communism's fall by Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Centesimus Annus. [...]

Alas, in Poland, history is heavy, and her burliest neighbors throwing their weight around has made the deepest impression. But Poland's past domination - or betrayal - by foreign powers need not lead to a fear of foreign ideas and capital. Centuries of freedom-friendly traditions, such as limited government and cosmopolitanism, cultivated Poland's Golden Age. Even in an era when across Europe both Church and state were more autocratic, Poland limited their respective powers by never having a divine-right monarch and instituting extreme checks on state power such as the Liberum veto and Nihil novi. Toleration of other nationalities and creeds brought not only their accompanying goods and ideas, but helped develop an entrepreneurial, high-trust culture.

These will serve Poland well in its return to Europe. Unfortunately, some wrongly believe this entails forsaking spiritual wealth for material riches. We can help change this debate, in part, by showing religious leaders and their flocks that free-market economics is not only compatible with, but complements their moral principles. Moreover, it's an essential tool in their social goals, such as eliminating poverty, as the "free exercise of economic activity ... will lead to abundant opportunities for employment and sources of wealth."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:09 PM


What You Don't Know About the Immigration Bill (Robert J. Samuelson, May 31, 2006, Washington Post)

The Senate passed legislation last week that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) hailed as "the most far-reaching immigration reform in our history." You might think that the first question anyone would ask is how much it would actually increase or decrease legal immigration. But no. After the Senate approved the bill by 62 to 36, you could not find the answer in the news columns of The Post, the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. Yet the estimates do exist and are fairly startling. By rough projections, the Senate bill would double the legal immigration that would occur during the next two decades from about 20 million (under present law) to about 40 million.

One job of journalism is to inform the public about what our political leaders are doing. In this case, we failed.

Actually, even most opponents at least pretend they don't care about the numbers but are only concerned about the fact that so many immigrants are breaking the law to get here. The primary focus of the President, Democrats, half the GOP and 65% of the American people is, therefore, to regularize and legalize that immigration. Mr. Samuelson fails to offer any reasons why that's a bad idea and, of course, can't make a moral case against it.

Rousing the Zealots: Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and militiamen are revivified by the furor over illegal immigration (JEFFREY RESSNER, 5/29/06, TIME)

Pugnacious anthems and racist diatribes have never been in short supply at Nordic Fest, an annual white-power Woodstock held over the Memorial Day break near the former mining town of Dawson Springs, Ky. And this past weekend was no exception. On the agenda were a Triumph of the Will--themed running event and a cross "lighting" sponsored by the Imperial Klans of America. But something new did arise at Nordic Fest this year: bellicose talk and plans of action against illegal immigrants. Among the scheduled guest speakers was Hal Turner, a New Jersey Internet radio talk-show host who recently instructed his audience to "clean your guns, have plenty of ammunition ... and then do what has to be done" to undocumented workers.

With immigration perhaps America's most volatile issue, a troubling backlash has erupted among its most fervent foes. There are, of course, the Minutemen, the self-appointed border vigilantes who operate in several states. And now groups of militiamen, white supremacists and neo-Nazis are using resentment over the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. as a potent rallying cry. "The immigration furor has been critical to the growth we've seen" in hate groups, says Mark Potok, head of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center counts some 800 racist groups operating in the U.S. today, a 5% spurt in the past year and a 33% jump from 2000. "They think they've found an issue with racial overtones and a real resonance with the American public," says Potok, "and they are exploiting it as effectively as they can."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:04 PM


Calif. bill would change electoral college (Ben Lando, May 31, 2006, UPI)

The California Assembly has passed a bill giving all its Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the most votes nationwide.

The bill is intended to give California more clout in the presidential race, The Los Angeles Times reports. [...]

The California Senate still needs to approve the measure and then the governor needs to sign it for it to take effect.

States are entitled to assign their electors in any way they see fit, but how does this help CA? No Democrat can win the presidency without carrying CA and now the Republican will get their electoral votes despite losing the state?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:42 AM


A Wall Street rock star is Bush's pick for Treasury job: President Bush nominated 60-year-old Goldman Sachs Chairman Henry 'Hank' Paulson for Treasury secretary, traditionally one of the most powerful jobs in government. (RON HUTCHESON AND KEVIN G. HALL, 5/31/06, Knight Ridder News Service)

Paulson, who goes by ''Hank,'' is arguably the most influential executive on Wall Street, the market's equivalent of a rock star. Associates said he initially rebuffed Bush's overtures, but changed his mind after winning assurances that he'd have an influential role in shaping economic policy. [...]

Although Paulson is expected to win Senate approval with little difficulty, Democrats signaled that they'd use his confirmation to highlight troubling aspects of the nation's outwardly strong economy.

Tired of highlighting their opposition to the President's strong anti-terrorist measures the Democrats will now highlight the strong economy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 AM

GAPING (via Tom Morin):

Up With Grups* (Adam Sternbergh, 4/03/06, New York)

* Also known as yupster (yuppie + hipster), yindie (yuppie + indie), and alterna-yuppie. Our preferred term, grup, is taken from an episode of Star Trek (keep reading) in which Captain Kirk et al. land on a planet of children who rule the world, with no adults in sight. The kids call Kirk and the crew “grups,” which they eventually figure out is a contraction of “grown-ups.” It turns out that all the grown-ups had died from a virus that greatly slows the aging process and kills anybody who grows up.

Let’s start with a question. A few questions, actually: When did it become normal for your average 35-year-old New Yorker to (a) walk around with an iPod plugged into his ears at all times, listening to the latest from Bloc Party; (b) regularly buy his clothes at Urban Outfitters; (c) take her toddler to a Mommy’s Happy Hour at a Brooklyn bar; (d) stay out till 4 A.M. because he just can’t miss the latest New Pornographers show, because who knows when Neko Case will decide to stop touring with them, and everyone knows she’s the heart of the band; (e) spend $250 on a pair of jeans that are artfully shredded to look like they just fell through a wheat thresher and are designed, eventually, to artfully fall totally apart; (f) decide that Sufjan Stevens is the perfect music to play for her 2-year-old, because, let’s face it, 2-year-olds have lousy taste in music, and we will not listen to the Wiggles in this house; (g) wear sneakers as a fashion statement; (h) wear the same vintage New Balance sneakers that he wore on his first day of school in the seventh grade as a fashion statement; (i) wear said sneakers to the office; (j) quit the office job because—you know what?—screw the office and screw jockeying for that promotion to VP, because isn’t promotion just another word for “slavery”?; (k) and besides, now that she’s a freelancer, working on her own projects, on her own terms, it’s that much easier to kick off in the middle of the week for a quick snowboarding trip to Sugarbush, because she’s got to have some balance, right? And she can write it off, too, because who knows? She might bump into Spike Jonze on the slopes; (l) wear a Misfits T-shirt; (m) make his 2-year-old wear a Misfits T-shirt; (n) never shave; (o) take pride in never shaving; (p) take pride in never shaving while spending $200 on a bedhead haircut and $600 on a messenger bag, because, seriously, only his grandfather or some frat-boy Wall Street flunky still carries a briefcase; or (q) all of the above?

This is an obituary for the generation gap.

Only someone incurably old in spirit would waste all that money for a lifestyle that's so naturally cheap.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 AM


Croquet's dark side (BBC Magazine, 5/30/06)

The angry press coverage of John Prescott's game of croquet puts the spotlight on a game struggling with its identity.

Some of the coverage of the deputy prime minister's distinctive choice in recreation has centred on its reputation as a sport for toffs, juxtaposing this with the working class origins of the former ship steward and MP for Hull East.

But as much as the world of croquet is fighting hard to shed its image as a sport of the posh, there is a darker side to the stereotyping of the hoops-and-mallets game, a belief that it is a uniquely "vicious" pastime.

One correspondent to the Daily Telegraph describes it as "one of the most self-serving, unsporting games ever played, requiring ruthless meanness and ungenerosity of spirit towards one's opponents".

Another correspondent, in the Times, recalls an episode where the Archdeacon of Oakham was quite insistent that it was "a vicious game".

For the uninitiated observer there is no escaping the observation that a major part of the game seems to involve bashing other people's balls off the pitch.

And they don't even play beer croquet over there.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:35 AM


A lasting 'Net legacy - Korean anti-Americanism (Jeffrey Robertson, 6/01/06, Asia Times)

As the administration of South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun winds down and assumes its "lame duck" status, the question of its historical legacy is coming to the fore. Of all the issues that Roh has faced as president, two themes have dominated from the very beginning - the Internet and anti-Americanism.

Blogs and Internet chat rooms were the genesis of Roh's campaign. They brought a virtually unknown candidate to the presidency. With little background in national politics, without an prestigious education and from a less than privileged background, Roh could not have been elected without an overwhelming youth vote and its Internet coordination.

Today, Roh-Sa-Mo (the Korean-language abbreviation for the Roh Lover's Society) has become an Internet legend. On polling day, bulletin boards, chat rooms and cell-phone text messages urged eligible voters to vote for Roh, boosting the usually complacent youth vote. Perhaps for the first time in the Internet age, a dedicated band of "netizens" had influenced an election result. But four years on, with the US-South Korea relations under constant pressure, blogs and Internet chat rooms may leave Korea's first "Internet president" with a less favorable legacy.

Parallel to Roh's Internet-based victory was the growth of a more sinister form of Internet-based political consciousness - anti-Americanism.

orea's ruling party heads for big defeat (Bruce Klingner, 5/31/06, Asia Times)
South Korea's ruling Uri Party is expected to suffer another humiliating loss during Wednesday's local elections, accelerating the decline in President Roh Moo-hyun's political influence and making a party split more likely by year's end.

Party chairman Chung Dong-yong will be held responsible for the loss, weakening his candidacy for the December 2007 presidential election. Chung could even be forced to resign, as his predecessor Moon Hee-sang did after poor Uri Party results in the 2005 by-elections.

The main opposition Grand National Party (GNP) should sweep the majority of the electoral contests, improving the presidential candidacy hopes of both the party chairwoman, Park Geun-hye, and her party rival, Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-bak.

S. Korea's opposition GNP wins big in local elections: exit polls (Kyodo News, 5/31/06)
South Korea's main opposition Grand National Party won a crushing victory over the ruling Uri Party in Wednesday's nationwide local elections, widely seen as a weathervane for next year's presidential election, according to exit poll results released by local TV networks.

The state-run Korean Broadcasting System said its exit poll results showed the GNP won 11 out of 16 contests for either mayor or governors, with the Uri Party winning just one and the others going to minor opposition parties. [...]

The elections were held amid deepening public disappointment about President Roh Moo Hyun's handling of state affairs.

Yup, it's the perfect Leftwing moment in world politics, huh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM

511 (via Brad S.):

Baseball's top 10 'records' ... without the home runs (Jayson Stark, 5/30/06,

When Barry Bonds and his cohorts in the Asterisk Generation can perform radical surgery to remove all the romance from one of the most romantic numbers in any sport -- 714 -- it's time to reevaluate.

It's time to reevaluate the home run and what it means in our culture. And it's time, especially, to reevaluate what we've always looked on as our favorite records in the record book.

If numbers like 714 are going to cease to mean anything, then what do any home run records mean? And if the home run records are no longer the coolest, most celebrated records in baseball, what replaces them?

We've asked this question recently to a bunch of baseball people -- players, ex-players, executives, historians, writers and great statistical minds:

"If we take all home run records out of the argument, what are the 10 best records in baseball?" That's the question.

Certainly the best, and the only unbreakable one listed, is Cy Young's 511 wins (and very close to 200 wins over .500). It's just not possible to imagine a starting pitcher going ever third or fourth day for twenty years again, even though it would be a very good idea for the game to revert back to four man rotations.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 AM


Hurdle for U.S. in Getting Data on Passengers (NICOLA CLARK and MATTHEW L. WALD, 5/31/06, NY Times)

The ruling gave both sides four months to approve a new agreement, and American officials expressed optimism that one could be reached. But without an agreement, the United States could take punitive action, in theory even denying landing rights to airlines that withhold the information.

That could cause major disruptions in trans-Atlantic air travel, which accounts for nearly half of all foreign air travel to the United States.

Immigrants who oppose our way of life come here via airplane from Europe, not over the Southern border.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


German figures suggest recovery (BBC, 5/31/06)

[S]ales were 1% lower in real terms on a year-by-year basis, in contrast to analysts' expected 0.6% rise. [...]

Unemployment was down to 11% in May, compared to 11.3% in April, according to seasonally-adjusted figures from the Federal Labour Agency.

One of the factors prompting greater job opportunities is the World Cup, both for employment in services and construction, the agency said.

However, while Germany's economy seems set for a recovery, data for France was not as positive.

Consumer confidence for May declined to a net -30, according to INSEE, France's National Statistics Office.

"We have extremely weak confidence and the only thing that could be a catalyst to help this would be a change in government," said Emmanuel Ferry, economist with Exane BNP Paribas.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:52 AM


President Bush should heed Tony Blair's advice (EJ Dionne, 5/31/06, Seattle Times)

Imagine where British Prime Minister Tony Blair would be if he hadn't joined with President Bush in prosecuting the Iraq war. [...]

You wish, at least, that the prime minister could have edited Bush's rhetoric. More important, you wish Blair would have pushed Bush much harder to approach the rest of the world in a way that would have left us with a few more friends and allies.

The reality is that most of the political damage that Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair sustained from the war is a function of the latter's insistence (along with Colin Powell) on trying to sell it to the international community and to do so using the WMD argument. Had the P.M. just accepted the President's assessment that the UN wasn't going to be any use and that it was up to enforce their resolutions for them he'd have nothing to apologize for today. Though his heart is generally in the right place, Mr. Blair continues to stumble when he makes himself believe his own backbenchers, the continental Europeans, and the UN are interested in the same causes he is. The transnationalist project is aimed at stopping men like Tony Blair as much, or more, as stopping those like Saddam.

May 30, 2006

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:28 PM


Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist' (Oliver Burkeman and Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian, May 31st, 2006)

Al Gore has made his sharpest attack yet on the George Bush presidency, describing the current US administration as "a renegade band of rightwing extremists".

In an interview with the Guardian today, the former vice-president calls himself a "recovering politician", but launches into the political fray more explicitly than he has previously done during his high-profile campaigning on the threat of global warming.

Denying that his politics have shifted to the left since he lost the court battle for the 2000 election, Mr Gore says: "If you have a renegade band of rightwing extremists who get hold of power, the whole thing goes to the right."

Actually, that sums it up rather nicely.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:09 PM


Top scientist gives up on creationists (James Randerson, The Guardian, May 30th, 2006)

A leading British scientist said yesterday that he had given up trying to persuade creationists that Darwin's theory is correct after repeatedly being misrepresented and, he said, branded a liar.

Speaking at the Guardian Hay festival at Hay-on-Wye, the evolutionary biologist Steve Jones spoke of his frustrations when trying to debate with religious opponents.

"I don't engage with creationists directly," he said, saying that, when he had, they had frequently quoted him out of context or accused him of lying. "If somebody has decided to believe something - whatever the evidence - then there is nothing you can do about it."

We know the feeling.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:41 PM


Unmarried couples to get new rights(Clare Dyer, The Guardian, May 30th, 2006)

Unmarried couples will have the right to make the same financial claims after a break-up as those who have gone through a marriage or civil partnership ceremony, under proposals to be unveiled today.

These could include rights to claim maintenance, lump sums, and a share of property and pensions. Gay couples who have not gone through a civil partnership ceremony would enjoy the same rights as unmarried heterosexual couples.

The recommendations from the government's law reform body, the Law Commission, are at the consultation stage, but have been drawn up at the request of the government, which has been promised a draft bill by summer 2007. They are likely to be criticised for undermining the unique status of marriage, and encouraging more couples to opt out.

The nihilist, anti-family foundation of these ideas is demonstrated by the fact that none of their proponents can answer why the state should have any interest in these relationships at all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:03 PM


From Israeli jails, Hamas activists press middle way (Joshua Mitnick, 5/31/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

A two-month-old survey taken by Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki on the eve of the inauguration of the Hamas government found that two-thirds of Palestinians support mutual recognition with Israel and a two-state solution. Some 75 percent wanted Hamas to negotiate with Israel.

"This is their Achilles' heel," says Shmuel Bar, a Middle East export at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center. "Hamas realizes that they weren't elected for their ideology, and most likely such a referendum would pass."

In a democracy when your Achilles heel is that the voters oppose your ideology you have a problem.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:01 PM


Jolie, Pitt child named with Hebrew word for 'Messiah' (Associated Press, May. 30, 2006)

Nothing was normal about the birth of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's child, so naturally, neither was their baby's name.

The child - whose pending arrival created a frenzy of hyperbole making it for some the most awaited baby since Jesus - was named Shiloh, which fittingly means "Messiah" or "Peaceful One."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:37 PM


New pitch is born out of compromise (MARC TOPKIN, May 30, 2006, St. Petersburg Times)

When Doug Waechter was warming up to pitch in Boston on Thursday, he didn't have a good feel for the split-finger fastball he had debuted in his previous start.

He fidgeted with his grip until it felt comfortable and ended up somewhere between how he holds the ball for a splitter and how he holds it for a changeup, with his index finger on the side of the ball and his middle finger on a seam.

From that, the "splange" was born.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:23 PM


Breaking faith with the cult of Kyoto: Environmentalists embraced Kyoto with religious fevour. Now it's time to start looking for a real solution (STEVE MAICH, Maclean's)

[W]hen Conservative Environment Minister Rona Ambrose walked into UN climate change meetings a couple of weeks ago and admitted Canada has no hope in Hades of meeting its Kyoto commitments, most Canadians were aghast. A poll found more than 60 per cent of respondents considered the minister's position "a cop-out."

The reaction of activists and pundits was far more severe. "Our international credibility is skydiving," said Greenpeace's Steven Guilbeault. Liberal Leader Bill Graham suggested the Conservatives set out to "destroy the system from within." A parade of op-ed writers begged the Tories to reconsider. And the Toronto Star's Richard Gwyn perfectly channelled the smug self-regard of Canada's chattering classes, concluding that Ambrose had embarrassed herself and the country.

Pretty harsh, but whenever a question of public policy is elevated to the level of religious belief, passions are bound to run high. Over the past few years, the protocol's defenders have insisted that it represents the only viable plan to stop the scourge of global warming. And once you accept the notion that the survival of the planet hinges on the success of this initiative, no counter-argument -- economic, political or otherwise -- can hold any sway. Just as archaeological evidence wields no power over the faith of creationists, the holes in Kyoto's framework do nothing to loosen its emotional hold over its believers. To them, the lines are clear: you are either with Kyoto or against the planet.

But when Rona Ambrose came clean to the UN, all she really did was shine a cold hard light on all the happy myths that have kept the pact alive for almost a decade, despite showing virtually no progress toward its goal. [...]

Facing the facts, Ambrose has joined world leaders including Australia's John Howard, and yes, George W. Bush, calling for a third path. One promising option is the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development, which essentially replaces Kyoto's mandatory cuts and unenforceable penalties with a framework based on incentives, shared technology and co-operation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:07 PM


Justices Set Limits on Public Employees' Speech Rights (DAVID STOUT, 5/30/06, NY Times)

The Supreme Court declared today, in a ruling affecting millions of government employees, that the Constitution does not always protect their free-speech rights for what they say on the job. [...]

"We hold that when public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, the employees are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline," Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the court.

The court's newest justice, Samuel A. Alito Jr., was in the majority as were Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. [...]

In writing the decision that reversed the Ninth Circuit today, Justice Kennedy noted that the Supreme Court has made it clear in previous rulings "that public employees do not surrender all their First Amendment rights by reason of their employment." On the other hand, he wrote, "When a citizen enters government service, the citizen by necessity must accept certain limitations on his or her freedom."

The controlling factor in this case, Justice Kennedy wrote, was that Mr. Ceballos was acting purely in an official capacity when he complained internally about the search warrant. [....]

Dissenting in three separate opinions were Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer.

Note that by assigning the opinion to the conservative majority's justice-most-likely-to-bail-out the Chief got to 5 votes while the fractured liberals ended up with three different dissents.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:59 PM


The Boys of Spring: They started fast, but are playing dangerous baseball. Can an un-Mets-like optimism and an unusual leader keep them amazin’ through the fall? (Chris Smith, New York)

Hang on tight. The Mets are turning yet another game into a blindfolded ride on the Cyclone. And it’s only the first inning.

In some ways, this is a relief. The Mets have won three of the past four games in ludicrously dramatic style. Friday night, they fell behind the Yankees and Randy Johnson 4-0 in the top of the first, rallied to tie the game in the third inning and then again in the fifth, and finally won it in the bottom of the ninth. Saturday afternoon brought a shocking, vomit-bag loss, with prized $43 million closer Billy Wagner coughing up a 4-0 advantage in the ninth. Sunday night, another early lead for the Yankees, another comeback Mets win on back-to-back homers. Monday was for sleep—luckily, because Tuesday night, the Mets spotted Philadelphia a four-run lead, tied the game on a two-run Jose Reyes homer in the eighth, and then, after nearly five and a half hours, won the marathon in the bottom of the sixteenth on a blast by Carlos Beltran.

Today, all that’s on the line is the lifelong dream of a Cuban émigré and the future of the Mets’ starting rotation. Alay Soler escaped Castro on a harrowing boat ride, then spent nearly two years trapped in bureaucratic visa hell. In the past six weeks, Soler has been on a vertigo-inducing rise from the minors to Shea Stadium. He’s today’s starting pitcher against the Phillies because the Mets, despite being in first place in the National League East, are desperate for someone competent to follow the geniuses Pedro Martinez and Tom Glavine and give the brilliant-but-overworked bullpen a rest. The team’s success is as fragile as the chronically sore sesamoid bones in Martinez’s right big toe. And now the 26-year-old Soler appears to be on the verge of a heart attack. He’s walked the first three batters he’s faced in the big leagues.

Twenty years ago, Mets pitcher Jesse Orosco was seriously rattled. It was the sixteenth inning of an epic, playoff-series-turning battle with Houston. The Astros were teeing off on Orosco’s fastball and had the winning run on base when the emotional leader of the 1986 Mets, first-baseman Keith Hernandez, went to the mound. “Throw another fastball and I’m knocking you on your ass,” Hernandez said. Orosco threw six straight sliders to strike out Kevin Bass. Soon the Mets were spraying World Series champagne.

Today, Mets first-baseman Carlos Delgado goes to the mound. The Mets traded three prospects to the Florida Marlins for Delgado, eager to install the two-time All-Star power hitter in the middle of their batting order. And Delgado has delivered huge hits. But of equal value has been his leadership.

Now Delgado stands talking with Soler. The stakes aren’t nearly as high as they were in October 1986. But it is small moments like this, scattered throughout a long season, that build the camaraderie that is both overly mythologized and utterly necessary.

Of course, the slider was causing Orosco so much pain by that point in his career that Gary Carter wasn't calling for it. That Orosco, who was a real mess the next season, lasted another 16 years boggles the mind.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:27 PM


Khamenei in control and ready to 'haggle' (Gareth Porter, 5/31/06, Asia Times)

Despite Ahmadinejad's clever exploitation of the nuclear issue to strengthen his domestic political position, he is playing second fiddle on this issue.

Ahmadinejad "doesn't have much to do with the nuclear issue", David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, the most experienced US non-governmental expert on Iran's nuclear program, told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty immediately after the Iranian president's election. Albright observed that the policy on Iran's nuclear program is run by the Supreme National Security Council "directly under the Supreme Leader" (Khamenei).

At a briefing in Washington last week, Hadi Semati, a professor at Tehran University who is now a visiting fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, said Ahmadinejad "is third in command" after Khamenei and the Supreme National Security Council. Khamenei and the council, he said, "are not going to let the president decide anything on the nuclear issue".

The Supreme National Security Council includes representatives appointed by the Supreme Leader as well as top officials from the military, foreign affairs, intelligence and other national-security-related agencies, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. It determines national-defense and security policies on the basis of general guidelines laid down by the Supreme Leader.

Khamenei has not hesitated to set the record straight when Ahmadinejad has strayed from the foreign-policy line he and the Supreme National Security Council have set.

This scenario is much more credible than the Times's yesterday. Ahmedinejad is delusional enough to think Iran is going to develop nukes and threaten the world while the Ayatollah recognizes a good bargaining chip with which to normalize relations with America and salvahe the wreckage of their economy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:46 PM


Pedophiles to launch political party (Reuters, 5/30/06)

Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday, proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!"

They're a little late to the party since the libertarians favorite European leader favored it too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:17 PM


Chavez Calls for Cut In Oil Production (Natalie Obiko Pearson, 5/30/06, Associated Press)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is pushing for an cut in oil production as he hosts an OPEC meeting this week, but he appears to be a lone voice as other members of the cartel will probably want to keep output unchanged to temper soaring prices.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:58 AM


Bush taps Paulson for Treasury Secretary (TERENCE HUNT, 5/30/06, AP)

Treasury Secretary John Snow resigned Tuesday and President Bush nominated Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Henry M. Paulson Jr. as his replacement — another chapter in the shake-up to revive Bush's troubled presidency. [...]

Robert Rubin, one of Paulson's predecessors, served as Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, and Jon Corzine, another Goldman Sachs chairman, served as a U.S. senator from New Jersey and is now governor of that state.

The Senate Finance Committee is expected to act swiftly on the nomination. A spokeswoman for the panel said it was possible a hearing could be conducted within the next few weeks, depending on how quickly the necessary paperwork for the nomination is supplied to the panel.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Senate Finance Committee, gave Paulson his backing after talking to him Tuesday.

"His experience, intelligence and deep understanding of national and global economic issues make him the best pick America could have hoped for," Schumer said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:48 AM

AFTER THE FOX (via Tom Morin):

Is the tide finally turning in Mexico? (GEORGIE ANNE GEYER, May 30, 2006, San Diego Union-Tribune)

[M]exico is so corrupt, so oligopolistic, so rotting inside with the privilege of the rich that it has to send its poor and its potential political activists to another country. And on top of that, it tries to blame the United States for its own failures.

When I was in Mexico last fall, after dozens of visits over the years, people on every political and social level confirmed these accusations, complaining to me of Fox's failures. Forty families still own 60 percent of Mexico. There are no voluntary organizations, no civic involvement, no family foundations – and thus, no accountability, allowing corruption to flourish. Mexico gains $28 billion from oil revenue and $20 billion from immigrant remittances. There is virtually no industrialization, no small business, no real chance at individual entrepreneurship. Under Fox, it has created only one-tenth of the 1 million jobs needed.

Ah, but there are new voices of change, of reason, of self-awareness in Mexico, in place of the hoary anti-gringo rants: the beginnings of a transformation of the debate.

The same week of the Fox visit, for instance, The New York Times ran a stunning article headlined “Some in Mexico See Border Wall as Opportunity.” It quotes men such as Jorge Santibanez, president of the College of the Northern Border, saying: “For too long, Mexico has boasted about immigrants leaving, calling them national heroes, instead of describing them as actors in a national tragedy; and it has boasted about the growth in remittances as an indicator of success, when it is really an indicator of failure.”

Other prominent Mexicans were quoted as saying, for instance, the formerly unthinkable: that a wall would be the “best thing that could happen for Mexico”; the “porous border” allowed “elected officials to avoid creating jobs.” And former Foreign Minister Jorge G. Castañeda, who always took a tough line toward the United States, writes in the Mexican newspaper Reforma that Mexico needed “a series of incentives” to keep Mexicans from migrating, including welfare benefits to mothers whose husbands remained in Mexico, scholarships, and the loss of land rights for people who were absent too long from their property.

This is European social democracy, this is American New Deal, this is real development talk, in place of the tiresome historical Mexican attitude that everything is the gringos' fault and they should pay for it. This is a real revolution of the mind! It also may indicate that, while President Fox failed in carrying through such basic modern reforms, he did lay the basis for them.

Two important points here. The fact that the free enterprise candidate for July's presidential election, Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party (PAN), is suddenly and unexpectedly surging ahead on his slogan of “My job will be to make sure you have a job” may show that the Mexican people are fed up. In addition, the fact that only 50,000 of the 400,000 Mexicans in the United States who were available to vote in the July Mexican elections have bothered to register can only indicate a generalized disgust with Mexican corruption and hopelessness, and perhaps even a turn toward American ways.

Policy follows rhetoric.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 AM


The Pope at Auschwitz: “They wanted to kill God” (Sandro Magister, 5/30/06, Chiesa)

By annihilating that people – Benedict XVI asserted – the architects of the slaughter “wanted to kill God.” The God of Abraham, and of Jesus Christ. The God of the Jews and of the Christians, but also of all humanity, for whose sake “on Sinai he laid down principles to serve as a guide, principles that are eternally valid.” By destroying Israel, the authors of this extermination “ultimately wanted to tear up the taproot of the Christian faith and to replace it with a faith of their own invention: faith in the rule of man, the rule of the powerful.”

This is the key passage of the address given by Benedict XVI on Sunday, May 28, at Auschwitz and Birkenau.

To speak in this place of horror, in this place where unprecedented mass crimes were committed against God and man, is almost impossible - and it is particularly difficult and troubling for a Christian, for a Pope from Germany. In a place like this, words fail; in the end, there can only be a dread silence - a silence which is itself a heartfelt cry to God: Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all this? In silence, then, we bow our heads before the endless line of those who suffered and were put to death here; yet our silence becomes in turn a plea for forgiveness and reconciliation, a plea to the living God never to let this happen again.

Twenty-seven years ago, on 7 June 1979, Pope John Paul II stood in this place. He said: “I come here today as a pilgrim. As you know, I have been here many times. So many times! And many times I have gone down to Maximilian Kolbe’s death cell, paused before the execution wall, and walked amid the ruins of the Birkenau ovens. It was impossible for me not to come here as Pope.” Pope John Paul came here as a son of that people which, along with the Jewish people, suffered most in this place and, in general, throughout the war. “Six million Poles lost their lives during the Second World War: a fifth of the nation”, he reminded us. Here too he solemnly called for respect for human rights and the rights of nations, as his predecessors John XXIII and Paul VI had done before him, and added: “The one who speaks these words is ... the son of a nation which in its history has suffered greatly from others. He says this, not to accuse, but to remember. He speaks in the name of all those nations whose rights are being violated and disregarded ...”.

Pope John Paul II came here as a son of the Polish people. I come here today as a son of the German people. For this very reason, I can and must echo his words: I could not fail to come here. I had to come. It is a duty before the truth and the just due of all who suffered here, a duty before God, for me to come here as the successor of Pope John Paul II and as a son of the German people - a son of that people over which a ring of criminals rose to power by false promises of future greatness and the recovery of the nation’s honour, prominence and prosperity, but also through terror and intimidation, with the result that our people was used and abused as an instrument of their thirst for destruction and power. Yes, I could not fail to come here. On 7 June 1979 I came as the Archbishop of Munich-Freising, along with many other Bishops who accompanied the Pope, listened to his words and joined in his prayer. In 1980 I came back to this dreadful place with a delegation of German Bishops, appalled by its evil, yet grateful for the fact that above its dark clouds the star of reconciliation had emerged. This is the same reason why I have come here today: to implore the grace of reconciliation - first of all from God, who alone can open and purify our hearts, from the men and women who suffered here, and finally the grace of reconciliation for all those who, at this hour of our history, are suffering in new ways from the power of hatred and the violence which hatred spawns.

How many questions arise in this place! Constantly the question comes up: Where was God in those days? Why was he silent? How could he permit this endless slaughter, this triumph of evil? The words of Psalm 44 come to mind, Israel’s lament for its woes: “You have broken us in the haunt of jackals, and covered us with deep darkness ... because of you we are being killed all day long, and accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord? Awake, do not cast us off forever! Why do you hide your face? Why do you forget our affliction and oppression? For we sink down to the dust; our bodies cling to the ground. Rise up, come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!” (Ps 44:19, 22-26). This cry of anguish, which Israel raised to God in its suffering, at moments of deep distress, is also the cry for help raised by all those who in every age - yesterday, today and tomorrow - suffer for the love of God, for the love of truth and goodness. How many they are, even in our own day!

We cannot peer into God’s mysterious plan - we see only piecemeal, and we would be wrong to set ourselves up as judges of God and history. Then we would not be defending man, but only contributing to his downfall. No - when all is said and done, we must continue to cry out humbly yet insistently to God: Rouse yourself! Do not forget mankind, your creature! And our cry to God must also be a cry that pierces our very heart, a cry that awakens within us God’s hidden presence - so that his power, the power he has planted in our hearts, will not be buried or choked within us by the mire of selfishness, pusillanimity, indifference or opportunism. Let us cry out to God, with all our hearts, at the present hour, when new misfortunes befall us, when all the forces of darkness seem to issue anew from human hearts: whether it is the abuse of God’s name as a means of justifying senseless violence against innocent persons, or the cynicism which refuses to acknowledge God and ridicules faith in him. Let us cry out to God, that he may draw men and women to conversion and help them to see that violence does not bring peace, but only generates more violence - a morass of devastation in which everyone is ultimately the loser. The God in whom we believe is a God of reason - a reason, to be sure, which is not a kind of cold mathematics of the universe, but is one with love and with goodness. We make our prayer to God and we appeal to humanity, that this reason, the logic of love and the recognition of the power of reconciliation and peace, may prevail over the threats arising from irrationalism or from a spurious and godless reason.

The place where we are standing is a place of memory, it is the place of the Shoah. The past is never simply the past. It always has something to say to us; it tells us the paths to take and the paths not to take. Like John Paul II, I have walked alongside the inscriptions in various languages erected in memory of those who died here: inscriptions in Belarusian, Czech, German, French, Greek, Hebrew, Croatian, Italian, Yiddish, Hungarian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Romani, Romanian, Slovak, Serbian, Ukrainian, Judaeo-Spanish and English. All these inscriptions speak of human grief, they give us a glimpse of the cynicism of that regime which treated men and women as material objects, and failed to see them as persons embodying the image of God. Some inscriptions are pointed reminders. There is one in Hebrew. The rulers of the Third Reich wanted to crush the entire Jewish people, to cancel it from the register of the peoples of the earth. Thus the words of the Psalm: “We are being killed, accounted as sheep for the slaughter” were fulfilled in a terrifying way. Deep down, those vicious criminals, by wiping out this people, wanted to kill the God who called Abraham, who spoke on Sinai and laid down principles to serve as a guide for mankind, principles that are eternally valid. If this people, by its very existence, was a witness to the God who spoke to humanity and took us to himself, then that God finally had to die and power had to belong to man alone - to those men, who thought that by force they had made themselves masters of the world. By destroying Israel, by the Shoah, they ultimately wanted to tear up the taproot of the Christian faith and to replace it with a faith of their own invention: faith in the rule of man, the rule of the powerful.

Then there is the inscription in Polish. First and foremost they wanted to eliminate the cultural elite, thus erasing the Polish people as an autonomous historical subject and reducing it, to the extent that it continued to exist, to slavery. Another inscription offering a pointed reminder is the one written in the language of the Sinti and Roma people. Here too, the plan was to wipe out a whole people which lives by migrating among other peoples. They were seen as part of the refuse of world history, in an ideology which valued only the empirically useful; everything else, according to this view, was to be written off as lebensunwertes Leben - life unworthy of being lived. There is also the inscription in Russian, which commemorates the tremendous loss of life endured by the Russian soldiers who combated the Nazi reign of terror; but this inscription also reminds us that their mission had a tragic twofold effect: they set the peoples free from one dictatorship, but the same peoples were thereby subjected to a new one, that of Stalin and the Communist system.

The other inscriptions, written in Europe’s many languages, also speak to us of the sufferings of men and women from the whole continent. They would stir our hearts profoundly if we remembered the victims not merely in general, but rather saw the faces of the individual persons who ended up here in this abyss of terror. I felt a deep urge to pause in a particular way before the inscription in German. It evokes the face of Edith Stein, Theresia Benedicta a Cruce: a woman, Jewish and German, who disappeared along with her sister into the black night of the Nazi-German concentration camp; as a Christian and a Jew, she accepted death with her people and for them. The Germans who had been brought to Auschwitz-Birkenau and met their death here were considered as Abschaum der Nation - the refuse of the nation. Today we gratefully hail them as witnesses to the truth and goodness which even among our people were not eclipsed. We are grateful to them, because they did not submit to the power of evil, and now they stand before us like lights shining in a dark night. With profound respect and gratitude, then, let us bow our heads before all those who, like the three young men in Babylon facing death in the fiery furnace, could respond: “Only our God can deliver us. But even if he does not, be it known to you, O King, that we will not serve your gods and we will not worship the golden statue that you have set up” (cf. Dan 3:17ff.).

Yes, behind these inscriptions is hidden the fate of countless human beings. They jar our memory, they touch our hearts. They have no desire to instil hatred in us: instead, they show us the terrifying effect of hatred. Their desire is to help our reason to see evil as evil and to reject it; their desire is to enkindle in us the courage to do good and to resist evil. They want to make us feel the sentiments expressed in the words that Sophocles placed on the lips of Antigone, as she contemplated the horror all around her: my nature is not to join in hate but to join in love.

By God’s grace, together with the purification of memory demanded by this place of horror, a number of initiatives have sprung up with the aim of imposing a limit upon evil and confirming goodness. Just now I was able to bless the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer. In the immediate neighbourhood the Carmelite nuns carry on their life of hiddenness, knowing that they are united in a special way to the mystery of Christ’s Cross and reminding us of the faith of Christians, which declares that God himself descended into the hell of suffering and suffers with us. In Oświęcim is the Centre of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and the International Centre for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. There is also the International House for Meetings of Young people. Near one of the old Prayer Houses is the Jewish Centre. Finally the Academy for Human Rights is presently being established. So there is hope that this place of horror will gradually become a place for constructive thinking, and that remembrance will foster resistance to evil and the triumph of love.

At Auschwitz-Birkenau humanity walked through a “valley of darkness”. And so, here in this place, I would like to end with a prayer of trust - with one of the Psalms of Israel which is also a prayer of Christians: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff - they comfort me ... I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long” (Ps 23:1-4, 6).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 AM


Poise and style, wisdom and wit - yes, Cameron has left me starstruck: The Conservative leader has achieved things I once thought impossible, and sooner or later he will surely be prime minister (Max Hastings, May 30, 2006, The Guardian)

The highlights of Brown's early premiership will be supervision of a more or less ignominious retreat from Iraq, further increases in taxation, pressures on public spending and - if Brown is foolish - a lurch back to "old Labour values". Leave morality out of this. As Blair always understood and the left never does, there are not enough poor people in Britain to elect a government. The majority of "haves" will always care more about what happens to them than about compassion for the less fortunate.

Yet even if circumstances are shining wondrously upon Cameron, that does not diminish the scale of his achievement in the past six months. He has done more than many of us thought possible to make a Conservative government again plausible. He is, of course, playing Blair's 1990s game, by distancing himself from his unpopular old guard. Every time a neanderthal columnist attacks the Tory leader in a rightwing newspaper, I find myself wondering how much the Cameron camp paid for the privilege. "Norman Tebbit compares me to Pol Pot," says Cameron, gleefully, "and that's when things are going well!"

The struggle to force through his priority list of candidates, which includes a phalanx of women and gay people, has dismayed many local Conservative associations. Yet Cameron tells them the unpalatable truth: "If we want to govern this country, we have to reflect its make-up and its concerns. If we go on with the old system we might have, say, 10 more women MPs after the next election - and that's not good enough."

He refuses to commit a Tory government to abolishing inheritance tax, or to cutting taxes at all. He declares that the Tories were wrong to oppose university top-up fees. He acknowledges that devolution is "here to stay", though he wants "English votes to decide English law". When criticised for not attacking the government sufficiently vigorously, he says: "I don't wake up in the morning asking myself: 'What can I do to destroy the Labour party?' They're doing that themselves. I ask myself: 'What can I do to show people what a Conservative government will be like?'"

He refuses to get rough with Blair about Iraq or Afghanistan, saying that the public is thoroughly aware that the Tories supported the government in initiating both. "We are partly responsible for what has happened. I don't think people will respect us if we quibble endlessly." He says without apology that he sees no reason to commit his party to explicit policies until he must, and would not carry conviction with voters if he did.

Beyond thus gaining points for honesty, Cameron is in the happy position of not needing to say or do anything about Iraq and Afghanistan. The executive decisions, the further grief that lies ahead, are the exclusive responsibility of this government. He can leave the electorate to draw its own conclusions. Such an attitude represents wisdom, not wetness.

If I sound somewhat starstruck, so I am.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets While a Related Bill Was Pending (John Solomon, May 30, 2006, Associated Press)

Senate Democratic Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) accepted free ringside tickets from the Nevada Athletic Commission to three professional boxing matches while that state agency was trying to influence him on federal regulation of boxing.

Reid took the free seats for Las Vegas fights between 2003 and 2005 as he was pressing legislation to increase government oversight of the sport, including the creation of a federal boxing commission that Nevada's agency feared might usurp its authority.

He defended the gifts, saying that they would never influence his position on the bill...

Such things only influence Republicans......

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 AM


Tyranny of the Christian Right (Michelle Goldberg, 5/30/06, AlterNet)

Whenever I talk about the growing power of the evangelical right with friends, they always ask the same question: What can we do? Usually I reply with a joke: Keep a bag packed and your passport current.

I don't really mean it, but my anxiety is genuine. It's one thing to have a government that shows contempt for civil liberties; America has survived such men before. It's quite another to have a mass movement -- the largest and most powerful mass movement in the nation -- rise up in opposition to the rights of its fellow citizens. The Constitution protects minorities, but that protection is not absolute; with a sufficiently sympathetic or apathetic majority, a tightly organized faction can get around it.

The mass movement I've described aims to supplant Enlightenment rationalism with what it calls the "Christian worldview." The phrase is based on the conviction that true Christianity must govern every aspect of public and private life, and that all -- government, science, history and culture -- must be understood according to the dictates of scripture. There are biblically correct positions on every issue, from gay marriage to income tax rates, and only those with the right worldview can discern them. This is Christianity as a total ideology -- I call it Christian nationalism. It's an ideology adhered to by millions of Americans, some of whom are very powerful. It's what drives a great many of the fights over religion, science, sex and pluralism now dividing communities all over the country. [...]

In the coming years, we will probably see the curtailment of the civil rights that gay people, women and religious minorities have won in the last few decades. With two Bush appointees on the Supreme Court, abortion rights will be narrowed; if the president gets a third, it could mean the end of Roe v. Wade. Expect increasing drives to ban gay people from being adoptive or foster parents, as well as attempts to fire gay schoolteachers. Evangelical leaders are encouraging their flocks to be alert to signs of homosexuality in their kids, which will lead to a growing number of gay teenagers forced into "reparative therapy" designed to turn them straight. (Focus on the Family urges parents to consider seeking help for boys as young as five if they show a "tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.")

Christian nationalist symbolism and ideology will increasingly pervade public life. In addition to the war on evolution, there will be campaigns to teach Christian nationalist history in public schools. An elective course developed by the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, a right-wing evangelical group, is already being offered by more than 300 school districts in 36 states. The influence of Christian nationalism in public schools, colleges, courts, social services and doctors' offices will deform American life, rendering it ever more pinched, mean, and divided.

There's still a long way, though, between this damaged version of democracy and real theocracy.

That the Christian Right's entire agenda can be achieved by changing just two or three seats on the Supreme Court suggests just how tenuous the secular revolution always was in America.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:02 AM


Nation splits 4 ways on illegals (Susan Page, 5/29/06, USA TODAY)

Americans hold strong and conflicting views about immigration that underscore the difficulties Congress will face in reaching a final legislative deal on the issue, an analysis of USA TODAY polling data shows.

The public splits into separate camps over whether illegal immigrants should be able to work toward citizenship, whether they help or hurt the economy — even whether immigration is an urgent problem that must be addressed.

Those disagreements are reflected in the Senate immigration bill that passed Thursday and the House bill, passed in December, which takes a tougher approach. A conference committee will try to resolve conflicts between the two measures on the issue, President Bush's top domestic priority before Congress.

A USA TODAY breakdown of public opinion, based on Gallup polls taken in April and May, finds Americans falling into four clusters that are roughly equal in size but vary dramatically in point of view. The groups can be characterized as "hard-liners," "unconcerned," "ambivalent" and "welcoming."

The hard-liners (USA Today, 5/29/2006)
25% of Americans, 60% male, 11% from immigrant families, 41% Bush approval rating.

The welcoming (USA Today, 5/29/2006)
27% of American, 59% female, 21% from immigrant families, 28% Bush approval rating. [...]

54% are Democrats. More than three of four are conservatives or moderates.

The unconcerned (USA Today, 5/29/2006)
23% of Americans, 50% male, 13% from immigrant families, 20% Bush approval rating.

Their outlook:

Not at all concerned about the issue. Generally sympathetic to illegal immigrants. Think their removal would hurt the economy.

The ambivalent (USA Today, 5/29/2006)
27% of Americans, 58% female, 15% from immigrant families, 33% Bush approval rating.

You can't win by playing to the hysteria of 25% of the population.

New immigration laws won't change laws of nature (Ruben Navarrette Jr., 5/30/06, Seattle Times)

I've been wondering how the father of the legislation felt about all this. So I dialed the sage of Cody, Wyo., former Sen. Alan Simpson.

Simpson isn't just the chief sponsor of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, which morphed into IRCA. He is also a friend and was one of my graduate-school professors.

He's also delightfully quotable, like when he said that this debate is all about "emotion, fear, guilt and racism." Or when he said that a lot of the public concern over immigration starts when you "see people in the backyard who are roasting a pig and making a lot of noise and [you] don't understand what language they're talking." Or when he said to be wary of guest workers because "there's never been a temporary person in the United States, they all want to stay and they do." Or on his opposition to sending the National Guard to the border because "you're going to have a redneck in there every once in a while who is going to cause real pain." [...]

[O]n the big question — whether it was a mistake to grant amnesty to all those people — Simpson offers no apologies.

"I don't have any qualms about 3 million people from 93 countries coming forward," he said. "I like that. And I still see those people out in the street and it pleases me greatly."

So what do we do about the 11 million to 12 million here currently?

"You have to do something to give them a legal status," he said.

"They might have to put up five grand or two grand or 150 bucks but they've got to do something to come into one of the best countries on Earth."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:56 AM


Apartment rents expected to rise 5% (Noelle Knox, 5/29/06, USA TODAY)

Apartment rents are expected to increase 5.3% this year — about double last year's increase — the National Association of Realtors says. [...]

There are four driving forces:

•Job growth. U.S. businesses have generated 4 million new jobs in the past two years. New hires typically look for rental property.

•Rising home prices. From 1980 to 2000, the median price of a home was 12 times higher than the annual average rent. By this spring, it was 21 times higher, Nadji said. The median-priced home now costs $223,000, making the American dream a fantasy for more renters, whose competition for apartments then drives up rents. There's little relief in sight in such areas as Phoenix and South Florida, where home prices soared more than 30% in the first quarter of this year over the same quarter last year.

• Condo conversions. When the housing market was at its blazing peak, many investors who owned apartment buildings kicked out tenants and sold the units as condos. One out of three apartment buildings sold last year were converted into condos for sale. That took 191,400 apartments off the market, according to the NAR. In addition, the number of new apartment buildings under construction is down this year.

• Hurricane Katrina. About half the 100,000 displaced families in the New Orleans area haven't returned. Most of them were renters, says Lawrence Yun, an NAR economist, and "that's putting additional pressure on rental units throughout the country."

May 29, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:00 PM


Harper wins opening round: Here's a list of 10 things he did brilliantly -- or at least correctly (Ted Byfield, 05/28/06)

We may not yet know (as this is written) who won the semifinal round for the Stanley Cup, but we do know who has won the opening round at Ottawa in the contest to govern Canada.

An Ipsos Reid poll confirmed what was becoming evident to anybody who watches politics.

Though they lack a majority, Steve Harper's Tories are running the country.

The poll put them at 43%, highest level of Tory support since the Mulroney ascendancy, and enough to win a majority if the election were held now.

Even in Quebec, the Conservatives are gaining on the Bloc, and the Liberals are far below their traditional standing.

All of which raises the question: How has Harper done it?

Here's one man's assessment (one man's plus one wife's) on 10 things he's done right, several of them brilliant: ....

Not to sell Mr. Harper short by any means, but when America, Australia, Britain, Mexico, Israel, Japan, Poland, Germany, etc. all have similarly conservative governments or ascendant conservative oppositions, perhaps it's best not to focus overmuch on personalities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 PM


Segway Sets Course For Stock Market
Scooter's Catch On With Cops, But Not Consumers
(AP, 5/28/06)

Although the electric, self-balancing Segway scooter never quite caught on with commuters the way its backers had predicted five years ago, the gizmo has found a growing market among law-enforcement agencies, with more than 100 departments around the world now signed on as customers and many others testing the device.

The niche market, coupled with a burst of interest from Europeans struggling with gas prices much higher than in the U.S., have breathed new life into the Segway.

And Segway Inc. President and Chief Executive James Norrod, hoping to parlay the growth into a payday for the original investors in the scooter, has made grooming the company for an initial public offering in the next few years a top priority. [...]

[T]he device is still expensive even five years later, retailing for between about $4,000 and $5,700, depending on the model and accessories package.

The top priority ought to be cutting the price in half.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:17 PM


Rapper faces jail for song dissing France (Angelique Chrisafis, May 29, 2006, Guardian)

One of France's most popular rappers will appear in court today charged with offending public decency with a song in which he referred to France as a "slut" and vowed to "piss" on Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle. Monsieur R, whose real name is Richard Makela, could face three years in prison or a €75,000 (£51,000) fine after an MP from the ruling UMP party launched legal action against him over his album Politikment Incorrekt.

MP3 here--almost makes you wish you spoke their dead language.

-France: Soundtrack to a Riot: A rap of protest from the ghetto (Marco Werman, March 28, 2006, The World)
-David Brooks, Playa Hater: The New York Times columnist grapples with "gangsta rap." (Jody Rosen, Nov. 10, 2005, Slate)
-France's Homegrown Gangstas (Olivier Guitta, September 28, 2005, Weekly Standard)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:11 PM


A Few Years, and Then Another Bush? (ELISABETH BUMILLER, 5/29/06, NY Times)

"I'm not running for president. I'm not running for United States Senate. I'm not going to run." For good measure he added, "Why doesn't everyone believe me on this?"

One reason is that Jeb, who was always considered the political comer compared with his brother the black sheep, was the original family favorite to run for president. But in a turn of events that has become a political parable, George surprised even his mother by upsetting Gov. Ann Richards of Texas in 1994, the same year that Jeb lost by two percentage points to Gov. Lawton Chiles in Florida. Although Jeb came back to beat Buddy McKay easily in 1998, by then his brother was in line for the White House.

People close to the Bushes say there are two major factors, political and personal, driving the governor's thinking.

First, Republicans say that running on the heels of what has shaped up to be a dismal second term for his brother would be difficult, if not impossible. Even if President Bush's approval ratings were better, Republicans say that Jeb Bush, for all his political popularity in Florida, would still have to define himself in the shadow of his brother's White House. [...]

Second, friends of the Bushes say that Jeb does not want the intense focus of a presidential campaign on his wife and daughter, and that his mother, for one, is opposed to a 2008 race. "It's very clear that he knows what he has to do for himself and his family in the immediate future," said Ron Kaufman, a political adviser to the first President Bush.

A couple years as NFL Commissioner. Four years as VP to President McCain. Bush-Blackwell in 2012.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 PM


Castro's American friend
: a review of The Man Who Invented Fidel: Castro, Cuba, and Herbert L. Matthews of The New York Times By Anthony DePalma (KEN FRANKEL, 5/27/06, Globe and Mail)

Anthony DePalma's important and well-written book, The Man Who Invented Fidel, recounts the sad tale of the steady rise and meteoric fall of a shy New York City boy who had ambitions of being a scholar of Romance languages, but became a widely recognized New York Times foreign correspondent. Matthews reported from the front lines on many of the major events of the first half of the 20th century. His last assignment was covering the Cuban revolution. [...]

Because he was charismatic, well-spoken and dedicated to deposing a voraciously corrupt and ruthless dictator, Castro was the ideal subject for Matthews's emotional brand of reporting.

The articles caused a splash. Castro and Matthews each got what he wanted. As DePalma notes, Fidel benefited from an instant international image makeover from "a hot headed loser to a noble rogue with broad democratic ideals." Matthews reinforced this image in subsequent editorials and occasional news articles.

The most important point that Mr. DePalma conveys is that Fidel Castro was really secondary to Herbert Matthews's purposes--he want to the Sierra Maestra looking to create a man on horseback and would have been perfectly content to make one of whoever he found there. That does clear him of the charge of collaborating in a Communist revolution, but is more damning in its own way. Meanwhile, the notion that the corrupt Batista was also ruthless is fairly silly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


Colombia's Uribe wins second term (BBC, 5/29/06)

Correspondents say his tough policies against drugs and militants paid off.

There was no major violence on election day, after huge numbers of security forces were deployed, and Farc rebels pledged not to interfere.

With nearly all ballots counted, Mr Uribe had 62% of the vote - well over the 50% needed to win in the first round.

He pledged to carry on his tough conservative policies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Socialist Party at war as Sheridan says: I'm no drug dealer (HAMISH MACDONELL, 5/29/06, The Scotsman)

THE Scottish Socialist Party descended into open warfare last night when Tommy Sheridan, the former leader, accused a "cabal" of spreading lies to discredit him.
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Mr Sheridan sent an open letter to all SSP members claiming that senior figures in the party, including MSPs, had spread malicious rumours about him, including allegations that he was a drug dealer, that he trafficked women from eastern Europe and that he used prostitutes.

The Glasgow MSP warned that the SSP was in danger of becoming a "gender-obsessed discussion group" rather than a "class-based socialist party".

He said the tactics used against him were nothing more than "a political witch-hunt" redolent of the "dark days of Stalinism".

Village red-faced at butcher's late call to revolution (Adam Sage, 5/30/06, Times of London)
A SMALL village in France has been split by the will left by its late butcher, who bequeathed his house and land to the local council on condition that they were used to help to plan the communist revolution.

Albert Le Roy, a hardline Marxist who died two months ago at the age of 80, amazed his native Goudelin, in Brittany, with a handwritten will discovered in a drawer at his home that said he was leaving his property, valued at €140,000 (£96,000), to the village council “to prepare for communism”.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:53 AM


Eye of the Storm: Religious fanatic at a Persian bazaar (Amir Taheri, Jerusalem Post, May 27th, 2006)

What could be the logic behind Ahmadinejad's "preemptive diplomacy"? One answer is that the Islamic leader may be inspired by practices in Persian bazaars that are based on the assumption that whatever offer is made in any bargain is suspect because it may be a trick to avoid an even better offer.

Reviewing the events of the past year or so Ahmadinejad cannot but observe that by sticking to his guns he has received better and better offers across the line. The Europeans are offering him what they were not even prepared to consider in negotiations with his predecessor president Muhammad Khatami. Hassan Ruhani, the mullah who handled the negotiations with the EU under Khatami, says that he would have been in seventh heaven had the Europeans offered him what they now offer Ahmadinejad.

As for "security guarantees," Ahmadinejad knows that successive US administrations refused to consider them as advance payment for normalization of relations with the Islamic Republic. Now that so many prominent American personalities are prepared to promote the idea, shouldn't Ahmadinejad wonder whether he could secure even more concessions?

Would he not be tempted to wait-out President George W. Bush in the hope that his successor would offer what Albright, Brzezinski and Lugar are advocating?

The real problem with the Islamic Republic now is that Ahmadinejad, unlike his predecessors, is convinced that, backed by the "Hidden Imam," he can win across the line without making any concessions. The chorus of appeasers in Europe and the US confirm him in his dangerous belief. The message that Ahmadinejad can get more and more by offering less and less has already crushed the realists in Teheran who know that his policy of persistent provocation could lead to war. The more one tries to appease Ahmadinejad the less he will be appeased.

Excuse the self-reference, but last week I asked a leftist journalist and a European diplomat what they thought we should do about Iran. The leftist took all of one sentence to blame the whole thing on Bush and Iraq and assured me Ahmadinejad would never have arisen but for that imperialist madness. The diplomat fixed impatient eyes on me and said: “I suppose you would be all in favour of just bombing!” Neither had a clue what to do and neither seemed the slightest bit troubled by that.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:30 AM


Foreign ministers consider plan to salvage EU constitution (Mark John and David Brunnstrom, The Scotsman, May 29th, 2006)

European Union ministers have raised the possibility of changing the name of the bloc's stalled constitution as part of a plan to rescue key parts of the charter by 2009.

French and Dutch voters a year ago rejected the text, aimed at streamlining EU decision-making and giving the bloc its own president and foreign minister, all but killing off a project that needs the backing of all EU states to come into force.

EU foreign ministers meeting in Vienna yesterday acknowledged no move could be undertaken to save the charter before French and Dutch general elections in May 2007. However, there was guarded backing for a German proposal to start steps to salvage the core of the text, possibly under a new name, immediately afterwards.

"Everybody agrees it was a mistake to call it a constitution, so that would be a sensible change," the Finnish foreign minister, Erkki Tuomioja, said, insisting his country nonetheless planned to become the 16th state to ratify the existing text later this year. [...]

Germany, among countries that have already ratified the charter, takes over the EU presidency early next year and its foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, for the first time publicly mentioned the idea of a possible name change.

"We in Germany live with a 'Basic Law', which does not carry the title 'constitution' but has the same legal quality. It's a possible starting point," he told reporters.

Jose Manuel Barroso, the EU Commission president, said: "If someone finds a better name, great. But what is important is to recommit ourselves to this vision of Europe."

We suggest “The European Democratic Republic”.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


In Defense of History (Donald Kagan, 2005 Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities)

I am most grateful for this great honor. When I think of the list of my brilliant predecessors I feel as most Yale freshmen do soon after arriving on campus. They look about them at their remarkably talented fellow-classmen and nervously ask themselves, "did the admissions office admit me by mistake?" At any rate, I come as a defender of the faith, of the humanities as they were understood ever since the invention of the concept many centuries ago. Their goals were nicely stated by the Renaissance humanist Pietro Paolo Vergerio some six centuries ago as the purposes of a liberal education:

We call those studies liberal which are worthy of a free man, those studies by which we attain and practice virtue and wisdom, that education which calls forth, trains and develops those highest gifts of body and mind which ennoble men and which are rightly judged to rank next in dignity to virtue only, for to a vulgar temper, gain and pleasure are the one aim of existence, to a lofty nature, moral worth and fame.

The training of the intellect was meant to produce an intrinsic pleasure and satisfaction but it also had practical goals of importance to the individual and the entire community, to make the humanistically trained individual eloquent and wise, to know what is good and to practice virtue, both in private and public life.

Such was the understanding of the ancient Greeks and of the Renaissance humanists but not, I fear of many teachers of the humanities today, who deny the possibility of knowing anything with confidence, of the reality of such concepts as truth and virtue, who seek only gain and pleasure in the modern guise of political power and self-gratification as the ends of education.

Among them it is common to reject any notion of objectivity, of truths arrived at by evidence or reasoning external to whims or prejudices. One famous professor deplored such an idea as foundationalism, defined as, "any attempt to ground inquiry and communication in something more firm and stable than mere belief or unexamined practice." Such views are proposed by literary critics, but their significance is much broader than for the interpretation of literature; they assert that all studies are literature, all, therefore subject to the same indeterminacy as all language. Even death is merely "the displaced name for a linguistic predicament." It should not be surprising, then, to learn that "the bases for historical knowledge are not empirical facts but written texts, even if these texts masquerade in the guise of wars or revolutions." What we know of history, after all, we learn from written accounts whose rhetoric "allows for two incompatible, mutually self-destructive points of view, and therefore puts an insurmountable obstacle in the way of any reading or understanding." Including, I presume, any reading or understanding of the quotation I just read.

Such ideas have made their way even into the study of the Classics, but I remain grateful that I have spent much of my life in the exploration of the ancient civilizations, especially that of the Greeks. Because they are at the root of modern civilization, so like us in many ways and so different in others, they offer a perspective removed from the prejudices of time and place that threaten to distort our understanding and yet continually relevant and illuminating to those who will examine them with a mind open to the possibility that useful wisdom can be found in their thought and experience.

Let me offer an example of how a study of the ancient world may help our understanding: the question of the role of the artist in his society. Ever since the beginning of the Romantic movement the dominant belief has been that a true poet or artist, whatever his genre, must be a rebel against the established order of society. Writers of the past who don't fit the model seem always to be merely the victims of their place in corrupt societies or stooges of those who rule them. The modern critic who discovers this is, of course, free from such influences. To me, and to the poor writers of the past, ignorant of their pitiful roles, art, and especially literature, has an autonomous place apart from politics and sociology, even from philosophy. Its power comes from its ability to choose its own subject, style and purpose. Literature that is shaped merely by its author's time and his place within his society, by his prejudices and purposes, is a poor and weak thing that deserve the social scientific analysis and pseudo-philosophical mumbo-jumbo that pass for literary criticism in our day.

But true artists are not bound by such things. They see through and beyond the prejudices and passions of their own time and place and are bound only by the limits that bind all human beings at all times in all places: the reality of nature and of human nature. There is a natural world outside of human will and desire; man's genius can manipulate it to a considerable extent, and the results can be wonderful, but they are inevitably constrained by the enormous power and mystery of nature and by the limits imposed by man's own nature. For confirmation I turn to the tragic poet Sophocles and especially his drama Antigone. There his chorus describes the dilemma:

Wonders are many on earth, and the greatest of these
Is man, who rides the ocean and takes his
Through the deeps, through wind-swept valleys of perilous seas
That surge and sway.
He is master of ageless Earth, to his own
will bending
The immortal mother of gods by the sweat of his brow,
As year succeeds to year, with toil unending
Of mule and plough.

He is lord of all things living; birds of the
Beasts of the field, all creatures on sea and land
He takes, cunning to capture and ensnare
With sleight of hand;
Hunting the savage beasts from the
upland rocks,
Teaching the mountain monarch in his lair,
Teaching the wild horse and the roaming ox
His yoke to bear.
The use of language, the wind-swift
motion of brain
He learnt; found out the law of living together
In cities, building him shelter against the rain
And wintry weather.
There is nothing beyond his power. His
Meets all chance, all danger conquers.
For every ill has found its remedy,
Save only death.
O wondrous sublety of man, that draws
To good or evil ways! Great honour is given
And power to him who upholds his country's laws
And the justice of heaven.
But he that, too rashly daring, walks in sin
In solitary pride to his life's end,
At door of mine shall never enter in
To call me friend.

Man's ingenuity and power are great, but both his power and life are limited. Such is the basis for the Greeks' tragic view of life. There is no excuse for passivity, for human beings can help shape the environments that shape them and they have the opportunity and the power to defy their societies and their unjust laws, as Antigone does in defying Creon. He has overridden the unwritten divine law by forbidding the burial of her brother, killed in a rebellion against his state. She chooses to bury her brother and accept a horrible death as the penalty, and we marvel and admire her for it.

So far, it is possible to think of Sophocles as the kind of artist favored today--the champion of revolt against man's fate, so often in our time taken to be the revolt against his society and its ways. True artists, like Sophocles, however, are not propagandists but pursuers of deep, usually complicated, understandings of the human condition. Sophocles's play reveals such complexity. There is something to be said for Creon. His decree is meant to preserve the security of the state and society, the minimal requirement of civilization, the thin veneer that protects us from the plunge into barbarism and savagery. Modern artists tend to assume that the established order is always wrong. Ibsen's Dr. Stockmann in An Enemy of the People made it clear that the rule applies even to democratic establishments with his passionate assertion that "the majority is always wrong." But the greatest artists are prepared to search for the truth of the human condition wherever the trail may lead. They do not prejudge the outcome. The establishment or the defiant rebel may be right or, as is typical of real tragedy, each may be right in his own way, even as the two rights clash disastrously. Sophocles's portrayal of the struggle is so even-handed that some ancient scholars thought that Creon's case is the stronger and that the play should be called Creon, not Antigone. That must be wrong, for Antigone alone displays the willful, defiant, single-minded, unrelenting, uncalculating determination to do what she must, regardless of consequences, that is characteristic of Sophoclean heroes. But the point is that Sophocles wrestles with the issues and depicts their champions with such honesty as to do justice to the depth, difficulty and universality of the subject and his characters.

Such an artist does not reflexively take the side of any rebel against the established order. It may be that the establishment is right. More likely, there is a degree of right on both sides, so that the difficult task for human beings is to gain a deeper understanding of what is at stake, both for individual and society, to understand that the needs of individual and society are both competitive and complementary and to contemplate the resulting dilemma with the seriousness and awe it deserves.

In Antigone, Sophocles is concerned, in the first place, with the temptation that power can place in the way of a political leader like Creon to do whatever is necessary, even to violate divine law, in the interest of the state. That would be a comfortable position for a writer in our times. But Sophocles understands the enormous cost when an individual tramples on human law, even in defense of the most fundamental human needs. The resulting clash leaves us neither with a burning determination to overthrow the regime nor to suppress all insurgency. It leaves us emotionally stimulated and then drained, and it leaves our minds alerted and sobered. We have become deeper individuals and wiser citizens.

André Malraux said that "All art is a revolt against man's fate." If he is right, Sophocles's plays, the other tragedies, and much of ancient Greek literature are not art. Malraux seems to me to reflect the Romantic view that is determined to see the artist as an individual apart from, superior to and in rebellion against the established order. Sophocles, like Aeschylus and Thucydides, was very much a part of his society. He fought its battles as a soldier, he understood and appreciated its necessity and excellences even as he probed its dilemmas and weaknesses. His plays, among other things, helped their audiences to understand and come to terms with man's fate. It is man's fate, part of the tragic human condition, to revolt and struggle against its negative elements. But human excellence, virtue, even survival depend on the establishment of a decent social order and its defense even against the most passionate and sincere rebels who would smash it in search of some imagined perfection beyond human grasp.

Because he was part of the society in which he lived and understood its needs and virtues he could compel his fellow citizens honestly to confront its conflicts and its deepest contradictions. They did not suppress, scorn, or, what is worse, ignore him. Instead, they honored him with prizes, election to the highest military and political office and with deep and abiding reverence. Would that all this were possible for modern artists and their audiences in the world today.

To understand this question, which involves both literature and philosophy, one must study history, my own special field of interest, the dearest to my heart. I want to make the case that history, defined not meanly in the current style as an infinitely malleable tool to be used to achieve current political ends, but as the Greek founders of the genre did, can be the most valuable approach to achieve the proper goals of the humanities.

The world we live in is a difficult place to try to make a case for the value of history. Through the centuries its claim has rested chiefly on its search for truths arrived at by painstaking research conducted with the greatest possible objectivity, explaining events by means of human reason. Its various goals, as the late Arnaldo Momigliano put it, were "to provide an example, constitute a warning, point to likely developments in human affairs." The ancient Greek historians, the earliest and still among the greatest, set the agenda, taking as their subjects large events affecting great numbers of people in dramatic and powerful ways.

Herodotus, the first true historian, wrote of the war in which a band of small Greek city-states defended their freedom against the assault of the vast and mighty Persian Empire. He wrote, he said, "so that time may not blot out from among men the memory of the past, and that the fame of the great and marvelous deeds done by Greeks and foreigners may not be lost, and especially the reason why they fought against each other." Here, from the very beginning of the genre, we can discern the special place occupied by history among humanistic studies. Like literature, specifically the epic poetry of Homer, it has the responsibility of preserving the great, important and instructive actions of human beings, individually and in the mass so that we may marvel at them and learn from them. It sets the historian the task, however, not merely of describing events in evocative language that will impress them on human hearts and arouse an emotional response but also, like philosophy, to explain their meaning by the use of reason.

Thucydides, a younger contemporary of Herodotus, took on the same assignments. He wanted to memorialize the great event of his day, the war between Sparta and Athens.

Thucydides tells us that he undertook his history:

in the belief that it would be great and noteworthy above all the wars that had gone before…. For this was the greatest upheaval that had ever shaken the Hellenes, extending also to some part of the barbarians, one might say even to a very large part of mankind.

No one who has read his dramatic accounts of the debates in the various assemblies, and especially his heart-rending account of the destruction of the Athenian forces that invaded Sicily will doubt his literary artistry in achieving that goal. But Herodotus' story had a happy ending, while Thucydides' tale was far grimmer. The account of the Persian War seems filled with sunshine; the report of the Peloponnesian War seems to have been written in twilight. Herodotus, like Homer, tells good stories for their own sake, whether he believes them or not. Most of his explanations of events credit human agents alone, but, again like Homer, he leaves plenty of room for the intervention of the gods. Thucydides ruthlessly excludes everything not clearly relevant to his task and employs cold reason alone in his explanations. Herodotus obtained the necessary information by asking people who seemed to know something he was interested in, sometimes reporting more than one account of things without choosing among them, sometimes making a choice based on the exercise of reason and what seemed likely. This was not good enough for Thucydides. "As to the facts of what happened," he said, "I did not learn them from any chance informant nor did I think it proper to write down what seemed probable to me but by investigating each of them with the greatest possible accuracy, both those events at which I was present myself and those I learned about from others. And the discovery of these facts was laborious, since eye-witnesses to the same events did not give the same reports of them, either because of partisanship or failure of memory."

Thucydides understood that his careful attention to factual accuracy came at a literary price. "Perhaps," he says, "the absence of the fabulous from my account will seem less pleasing to the ear." But he judges the sacrifice necessary to achieve a higher goal, a philosophic one with great practical application: "If those who wish to have a clear understanding both of the events of the past and of the ones that some day, as is the way in human things, will happen again in the future in the same or a similar way, will judge my work useful, that will be enough for me. It has been composed not as a prize-essay in a competition, to be heard for a moment, but as a possession forever."

These lines seem plainly to be a critique of Herodotus and then a bold claim to contribute to rational, philosophic understanding. Even beyond that, I believe, they lay claim to practical usefulness in dealing with real human problems in the real world. These are the missions for the historian: to examine important events of the past with painstaking care and the greatest possible objectivity, to seek a reasoned explanation for them based on the fullest and fairest possible examination of the evidence in order to preserve their memory and to use them to establish such uniformities as may exist in human events, and then to apply the resulting understanding to improve the judgment and wisdom of people who must deal with similar problems in the future. That is the legacy the Greek historians handed down to their successors which, when practiced well, makes Clio the Queen of the Humanities, standing between and slightly above her noble handmaidens, the muses of literature and philosophy.

So say I, but not everyone has agreed. Critics of history have been legion, running the gamut from the sophisticated, wickedly witty Voltaire, who asserted that: "History is a pack of tricks the living play upon the dead," to the simpler remark of Henry Ford that "History is bunk." A more serious critique, favoring literature, came soon after the invention of history from Aristotle's Poetics, which says:

A poet's object is not to tell what actually happened but what could and would happen either probably or inevitably. The difference between a historian and a poet is not that one writes in prose and the other in verse. Indeed the writings of Herodotus could be put into verse and yet would still be a kind of history, whether written in meter or not. The real difference is this, that one tells what happened and the other what might happen. For this reason poetry is somewhat more philosophical [philosophoteron] and serious than history, because poetry tends to give general truths while history gives particular facts.

By a general truth I mean the sort of thing that a certain type of man will do or say either probably or necessarily. That is what poetry aims at. A particular fact is what Alcibiades did or what was done to him.

Aristotle, of course, would have claimed the same advantage for philosophy which must also be more philosophos than history. He had great learning and wisdom but, like Homer, even he occasionally nodded. The primary source for what Alcibiades did and suffered, in fact, is Thucydides, and it is hard to believe that Aristotle did not read his history. If he did, this assertion is truly astonishing for, as we have seen, Thucydides took the greatest pains to discover what particular people did precisely in order to establish general truths about human behavior. He stood at a position on the road from literature to philosophy. Like the poet he was free to select his topic, to define its boundaries, to treat some events and topics at greater length than others, to emphasize some things and touch lightly on others. Unlike the creative writer, however, the historian may not invent characters or events or chronology but must report with the greatest possible accuracy the doings of real people, keeping to the true order in which they happened. To the extent that he fails in those responsibilities he is not a bad historian but no historian at all.

Yet, if he follows the rules, carefully establishes the facts and reports them in their true chronological order and does no more, he is still not a historian but a chronicler. It is not enough to record a certain level of events each year, however accurately. The historian must select a topic of importance. Even a narrative history must organize and arrange events in such a way as to reveal their significance most effectively. He must try to explain why things happened as they did and what may be learned about human affairs and behavior in general from the events he has studied. In this respect his work must be philosophical.

But unlike philosophers and their post-enlightenment offspring, the social scientists, who usually prefer to explain a vast range of particular phenomena by the simplest possible generalization, historians must be prepared to explain the variety of behavior in various ways. The well-known lines of the ancient Greek poet Archilochus present the two fundamental choices: "The fox knows many tricks, the hedgehog only one:/ one big one." This may work in the animal kingdom, but in the world of human affairs, wildly complicated by the presence of individual wills and of different ideas of what produces or deprives people of happiness and honor, in what does interest consist and of what there is to fear, extremely general explanations are neither useful nor possible. Historians, in the first instance, need to be foxes, using as many tricks as they can to explain as many particular things as accurately and convincingly as they can. Then, they should try to find revealing examples from the wide variety of human experiences to support generalizations of varying breadth. They should not expect to find the one big trick that will explain everything, but the lesser generalizations that can be tested by other understandings of the evidence and by new human experiences as they arise, which can still be interesting and useful. It is this mixed path taken by the historian, chiefly of the fox but with a necessary element of the hedgehog that promises the best results.

The poet, inspired by a unique personal perception and understanding, may shed a more intense and powerful light on some human affairs than the most careful and serious historian. We may admire its brilliance and originality, but are his revelations right? When we think so, it is by intuition that we are convinced or by some feeling that the poet's perception accords with our own experience. But everyone has his own intuition and experience. The literary road to the understanding of human things calls for generalizing from a single perception. It can be galvanizing, inspiring, but not satisfying to the mind. The literary experience is primarily aesthetic and emotional, not intellectual or practical.

Philosophy is a word and concept harder to define but among the many definitions I find in my dictionary the following strikes me as most central: "inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods." The pursuit of philosophy does not preclude the study of human experience to provide material for contemplation and analysis by ordered reason, but experience is clearly subordinate and ancillary. Even Aristotle, who for centuries was known as the philosopher and liked to begin his inquiries with reference to the experience and thought of real people, did not investigate these widely or deeply but just until they produced the inevitable intellectual difficulties, the aporiai, to which he then applied his great powers of logic and reason. There are great advantages for our understanding of the nature of things in it: pointing out sloppy thinking and helping to correct it; the ability to analyze things that appear unitary or to bring together others that seem hopelessly disparate; the search for simpler, more general principles than those available to the empirical students of human experience, among others. But philosophy inevitably leads to metaphysics, the investigation of first principles and the problem of ultimate reality, which over the millennia has led to massive disagreement, no progress, cynicism and rejection. Wags have described the pursuit of metaphysics as looking in a perfectly dark box for a black cat that doesn't exist. More seriously, the situation has driven professional students of philosophy to such despair as to reject entirely the most basic and compelling questions as impossible, in fact as non-existent, merely the result of bad thinking or improper grammar. In that spirit the Enyclopaedia Britannica defines philosophy narrowly as "the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and an analysis of the basic concepts of such beliefs." Aristotle must have rolled over in his grave when he first learned of the thin gruel modern teachers have made of his rich philosophical porridge. Fortunately, a small band of scholars have not given up the search for wisdom that is true philosophy, but their tribe is small and their enemies legion. A field of study in such shape can not help us much in our efforts to comprehend the human condition.

None of this is to say that history is without its problems for our purpose. Although, in its moderate way, it has not suffered so badly as philosophy from the linguistic analysts or literature from the pseudo-philosophers, it has not escaped the assaults of post-modernism in its various forms. A major assault is in the area of subject matter and attitude. The traditional great events and subjects: high politics, constitutions, diplomacy, war, great books and ideas, are not to be considered, except to show why they must be excluded as the product of dead white males engaged in the permanent process of oppressing good ordinary people of one kind or another. The purpose of the enterprise is not to seek the truth with the greatest objectivity one can muster but to raise the consciousness of the oppressed, to bring them the self-esteem they will need to overthrow the current version of this ancient establishment.

Some historians may not be convinced by these beliefs, observing that post-modernists assert that there is no such thing as truth, only self-interest, prejudice and power, that there is no objectivity, that all statements of fact or value are relative and claims to the existence or search for objective truth are part of the racket by which the ruling groups try to retain power. Such doubters may point out that the opinions of those making these claims should be ignored since, by their own admission, their claims can not be objective or true but merely devices to gain power.

Although historians in universities have given far too much ground to such mindlessness promoted by contemporary political partisanship, as historians they are better situated than their colleagues in the other humanities to recover their senses. They know that the current fad of skepticism and relativism is as old as the Sophists of ancient Greece and had a great revival with the Pyrrhonism of the sixteenth century. On both occasions their paradoxical and self-contradictory glamour yielded in time to common sense and the massive evidence that some searches are more objective, some things truer than others, however elusive perfect objectivity and truth may be.

Historians have reason to know this and to resist the blatantly subjective and untruthful assault of the modern-day sophists, confident that if they hold, or return, to their traditional methods, which allow them to correct errors in our beliefs about the past, or, sometimes, to bring new evidence and perceptions, that may have the effect of refining or even confirming what has been believed. For history is a discipline in which the improvement of understanding is not impossible, random, nor merely cyclical, but cumulative.

Perhaps you will think that my own approach is not entirely objective, that it is shaped by what the French call a déformation professionelle, so let me say at once that it goes without saying that literature, philosophy and history have long been valuable roads to the understanding of the human condition, and all make important contributions, but I confess that as to their relative merits my mind is not completely open. Perhaps my view could be compared with that of the clergyman who listened to a heated debate among his fellow divines, each claiming the superiority of his sect. At last, he intervened with these words: "Friends, let us not quarrel among ourselves in this sectarian fashion. We all seek to work God's will, you in your several ways, I in His."

But I believe there is more to my claim than mere prejudice related to professional deformation. Two millennia ago the Roman historian Livy's introduction to his great narrative account of his nation's history included this observation:

What chiefly makes the study of history wholesome and profitable is this, that you behold the lessons of every kind of experience set forth as on a conspicuous monument; from these you may choose for yourself and for your own state what to imitate, from these mark for avoidance what is shameful in the conception and shameful in the result. (1.10)

That is a view of the purpose of historical study that went out of favor with professionals in the nineteenth century and is not thought respectable in our time. As a result it has been increasingly harder to persuade people that they have anything to learn from history. At the same time, the retreat by professors of history from the tradition of writing narrative accounts that explain the past by telling a story has further repelled potential readers. This has not, however deterred millions of people hungry for historical writing from reading those historians who will interpret the past by narrating a story and are alert to the moral implications, personal and political, of the story they tell. And why should it be otherwise? The fact is that we all need to take our moral bearings all the time, as individuals and as citizens. Religion and the traditions based on it were once the chief sources for moral confidence and strength. Their influence has faded in the modern world, but the need for a sound base for moral judgments has not. If we can not look simply to moral guidance firmly founded on religious precepts it is natural and reasonable to turn to history, the record of human experience, as a necessary supplement if not a substitute. History, it seems to me, is the most useful key we have to open the mysteries of the human predicament. Is it too much to hope that one day we may see Clio ascend her throne again and resume her noble business at the same old stand?

[Originally posted: 5/19/05]

May 28, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:39 AM


American theocracy: Is God ambidextrous? (Lexington, May 25th 2006, The Economist)

The religious left is more energised than it has been for years. The number of new-wave “values voters”—who loathe, rather than love, the values embraced by George Bush—is growing rapidly. They range from blacks and Latinos (who are among the most churchgoing people in the country) to left-wing evangelicals to a hotch-potch of Buddhists and gurus, and they are coming together to make their voices heard. The religious left has acquired spokesmen in the form of Jim Wallis, the author of “God's Politics”, and Michael Lerner, a rabbi and the organiser of last week's conference. Several topical themes are giving it momentum, from immigration reform, where the Catholic church has been particularly outspoken, to Iraq. [...]

The Democratic high command has at last worked out that it does not have much chance of thriving in one of the most religious countries in the world if it cannot close the “God-gap”. Yet, if anything, the God-gap is growing. In 2004 Mr Bush won 64% of the votes of people who go to church more than once a week and 58% of people who go once a week. The proportion of people who regard the Democratic Party as less “friendly” towards religion than the Republican increased from 12% in 2003 to 20% in 2005. Fully 67% of people think that liberals have gone too far in keeping religion out of schools. [...]

The religious left suffers from two long-term problems. The first is that it is building its house on sand. The groups that make up the heart of the religious left—mainline Protestants, liberal Catholics and reform Jews—are all experiencing long-term decline. Most of the growth in American religion is occurring among conservative churches. And the constituent parts of the religious left are also at odds over important issues. Middle-of-the-road Catholics are happy to march hand-in-hand with mainline Protestants over immigration and inequality. But they often disagree over abortion and gay rights.
The secular left usually wins

Serious doubts also persist about how much the Democratic Party is willing to change to embrace religion. Some influential Democrats want real change. Others think that all they need to do is drop a few platitudes to religious voters and the God-gap will disappear.

Oops, way to step on your own theme. It's precisely because blacks and Latinos are religious but not left-wing that the Democrat coalition can't hold and the Party will end up opposing immigration.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:14 AM


Forty years of miracle cures. Now it's homeopathy's turn (Ben Goldacre, May 27, 2006, The Guardian)

'I hope you get cancer and then look in the mirror." That is a pretty representative sample from the Bad Science mailbag last week, so I shan't be writing about mobile phone masts again until you all calm down. But it's in the backlash that you can find the truth. This week some fabulous elderly scientists came out loudly against homeopathy on the NHS.

A maelstrom ensued, and critics focused mainly on the failures of modern medicine: the side effects, and the failures, as if these problems could somehow be subtracted from medicine and given to alternative therapies as a benefit. In that backlash, you can see a whole century of medical history.

Before 1935 we were basically useless. Then suddenly, between about 1935 and 1975, science poured out a constant stream of miracle cures. Everything we associate with modern medicine happened: antibiotics which could save you at 21 and let you die at 70; dialysis; transplants; intensive care units; CT scanners; heart surgery; almost every drug you've ever heard of, and more.

As well as the miracle cures, we were finding those hidden killers that the media still desperately pine for in their headlines. Smoking, in the 1950s, to everybody's genuine surprise, turned out to cause 97% of lung cancers.

Then, rather suddenly, for the most part the breakthroughs stopped, and the subtle refinements began.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 AM


Good news you didn't read on mercury fillings (Ben Goldacre, May 6, 2006, The Guardian)

And now here's the news they didn't tell you. You might remember the scare stories about mercury fillings from the past two decades: they come around every few years, usually accompanied by a personal anecdote, where fatigue, dizziness and headaches are all vanquished with the removal of the fillings by one visionary dentist. Traditionally these stories conclude with a suggestion that the dental establishment may well be covering up the truth about mercury, and a demand for more research into its safety.

Well, the first large scale randomised control trials on the safety of mercury fillings were published just two weeks ago, and I've been waiting to see these hotly awaited results pop up in the newspapers, but nothing doing so far. They studied more than 1,000 children, some were given mercury fillings and some mercury-free fillings. Then they measured kidney function and various neurodevelopmental outcomes such as memory, coordination, nerve conduction, IQ, and so on, over several years. There were no significant differences between the two groups.

Not that actual scientific evidence will persuade such hysterics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


Why you should have a phone mast as close to your house as possible (Ben Goldacre, May 20, 2006, The Guardian)

The one thing that people who worry about the health risks of mobile phone masts tend to forget is the inverse square law: the power of the signal falls away extremely rapidly as you move away from the mast, much faster than you'd think, exponentially in fact, because the energy is dissipated and spread out in three dimensions like a big, ever-growing sphere.

A bit like the way the skin of a balloon gets thinner, the more you inflate it.

Meanwhile, you are holding a dirty great big transmitter right up next to your brain in the form of your mobile phone.

In fact, because of the inverse square law, the phone gives you a far higher dose of evil rays than the mast.

Go on, press it harder - I can't quite hear you. But mobile phones, very cleverly, preserve their battery life by transmitting a much weaker signal into the air (and therefore also your head) when they detect that a mast is very close by.

If you have a phone, it's in your interests to have it transmit at the lowest power it can manage, which means a strong signal from the mast, which means the mast should be on your street.

I don't expect you all to start campaigning at once.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:01 AM


The Secrets of the Bomb: a review of Spying on the Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea
by Jeffrey T. Richelson (Jeremy Bernstein, May 25, 2006, NY Review of Books)

About the Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, and Iraqi programs, Richelson points out that what they all have in common is that foreign intelligence failed badly to detect them, a failure caused in part by the successful deception practiced by these countries. In the Iraqi case, American and other intelligence services failed twice to find out about its nuclear progress. After the Israeli air raid that destroyed Iraq's so-called Tammuz 1 reactor in June of 1981, foreign intelligence agencies assumed that the Iraqi program had been successfully stopped. As far as the manufacture of plutonium was concerned this was largely true. But the Iraqis had a very sizable program to separate uranium isotopes that had not been affected by the raid. They also had a group of bomb designers equally unaffected. Neither of these had been detected by American intelligence. Only after the first Gulf War, and after a good deal of resistance by the Iraqis, were international inspectors finally able to pin down the extent of the program. They concluded that if it had not been interrupted it might have produced a bomb within a year or so. In short, Saddam Hussein's abortive invasion of Kuwait had an unintended consequence of depriving him of a nuclear weapon.

The misreading of the intelligence before the latest Iraq war has been much discussed, but a reader who wants a compact summary will find it in Richelson's book. What the reader will not find is an explanation of why Saddam Hussein gave up the program in the early 1990s yet did not fully cooperate with the inspectors who would have verified that he had done so. If he had supplied adequate information at first, the war might well have been avoided; he might have reconstituted the program, although I have seen no hard evidence that he planned to do so. If inspections had been allowed to continue under Mohamed ElBaradei and Hans Blix in 2003, as many nations preferred, the absence of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction would have been increasingly clear, and in Blix's view war would probably have been avoided. What has been hardly mentioned in the controversy over whether Saddam Hussein might have revived a nuclear program is Blix's statement in his book Disarming Iraq that while he informed the Security Council that "neither governments nor inspectors would want disarmament inspection to go on forever," he

reminded that Council that, after verified disarmament, a sustained inspection and monitoring system was to remain in place to strike an alarm if there was any sign of revival of forbidden weapons programs.

In his failure to make full disclosure, Saddam Hussein's worst enemy was Saddam Hussein. He may, Blix and others have speculated, have been reluctant to admit that he didn't have the weapons with which to intimidate Iran and others in the region.

As for the Indians and Pakistanis, they simply lied about their intentions. The US had no informants on the ground, so when they tested their first nuclear weapons Americans were taken by surprise. Until 1959 the Russians and the Chinese collaborated on nuclear development, and Chinese scientists were sent to the Soviet Union to learn about nuclear technology. The Russians had agreed to supply the Chinese with fissionable material and, more remarkably, with a sample bomb and the plans that went with it. But then the two countries had a falling out and the cooperative program was stopped before any samples arrived. The Chinese were on their own. US intelligence services made a very substantial effort to follow developments, but they assumed incorrectly that, like the other countries, the Chinese were going to make a plutonium bomb, so they made an unsuccessful search, mainly from the air, for nuclear reactors that would produce plutonium. Not finding any, they came to the conclusion that no Chinese bomb was imminent.

The Chinese, however, had decided to make a uranium bomb but one with a novel design. In a bomb the fissionable material passes through three stages; subcritical, critical, and super-critical. In the subcritical stage fissions do take place but they do not produce a self-sustaining chain reaction. When the material becomes critical the chain reactions become self-sustaining and when it goes super-critical the material becomes explosive. In the Hiroshima bomb what happened was that a subcritical mass was fired into another mass, producing first a critical and then a super-critical mass. This device was not tested before it was used at Hiroshima.

When the plutonium bomb was first considered, scientists proposed to use the same design. But when the first plutonium was delivered to Los Alamos from the reactors in Hanford, Washington, it was found to contain an unwanted isotope of plutonium that spontaneously fissioned. This could set off the fission reaction in the bomb before enough material was assembled, thus producing a "fizzle." Thus a different method was needed. This consisted of imploding a sphere of plutonium by wrapping shaped high explosives around it. This worked much faster and solved the isotope problem. What the Chinese did was to use implosion for their uranium bomb, which they exploded on October 16, 1964. This design was much more efficient than the one the US used at Hiroshima, so it used less fissionable material. The test again caught our intelligence services totally by surprise.

The last part of Richelson's book deals with Iran and North Korea. Here events, especially in Iran, are moving so quickly that Richelson's account has to be supplemented by information released by the International Atomic Energy Agency and reported by the press. Of the two countries, in my view, the prospects of an Iranian bomb are the more serious. The North Koreans probably have a small, untested nuclear arsenal. My guess is that sooner or later, under Chinese and other international pressure, Kim Jong-il may accept an offer of economic and other rewards in return for giving up his nuclear program. Meanwhile, the principal concern about the North Koreans is that they do not try to sell their technology to terrorists. They may have little else to sell.

What makes the Iranian situation so difficult is that they have oil to sell, which makes them less vulnerable to economic sanctions. Indeed, when they are threatened the price of oil tends to go up, making the Iranians richer. The Chinese at the moment get about 14 percent of their oil from Iran, which is why they are so unwilling to apply pressure. To add to the difficulties, the Iranian president often speaks of eliminating Israel, although it is a question whether he has the authority to try to do so. In any case, if the Iranians eventually make one or more bombs, the logic of mutual deterrence would apply: use of the bomb against Israel would very likely result in a disaster for Iran. Meanwhile, the Israelis seem to mean it when they say they would not allow the Iranians to have nuclear weapons; the Iranians, one can surmise, are as aware of this as anyone else, just as they must be aware of the alleged American contingency plans for an attack on Iran recently reported by Seymour Hersh.

The themes of this review have been twofold. In order to have really reliable intelligence about the atomic program of a foreign country a necessary, but not sufficient, condition is to have agents on the ground. In the examples I have given the necessity is clear. Countries can hide their nuclear programs even from satellites and other sophisticated detection instruments. The Chinese hid their program because the satellites were looking for the wrong signals. Until Vanunu, an agent on the ground, unmasked the Israeli program the Israelis hid it by deception. But even with an agent on the ground mistakes can be made. Samuel Goudsmit was selected as the scientific leader of the Alsos mission in part because he did not know anything about ours. He often said that if he had been captured by the Germans he could not have told them anything. Since he did not know about our plutonium program, he did not look for the German program and made the erroneous assertion that there was none.

The second theme is that in almost all cases the predictions have erred on the side of conservatism.

Since we can't know for sure it would seem the wisest policy is to treat our enemies as if they were close or already had nukes and to bomb them accordingly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


A 'Bolivarian' backlash (Kelly Hearn, 5/28/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Ideological allies of Mr. Chavez's who had been expected to win the presidencies in Mexico and Peru have plummeted in polls, as voters take offense at the Venezuelan leader's public campaigning as an insult to their respective nations' independence and sovereignty.

Moreover, the backlash is threatening to spread to other nations, including Venezuela, and Mr. Chavez's checkbook diplomacy is adding to suspicions of a man who fashions himself as a 21st-century version of South America's liberator, Simon Bolivar.

"The real size of the Venezuelan government is three feet high -- the size of a barrel of oil," said Diego E. Arria, former Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations.

Mr. Chavez has spent between $18 billion and $25 billion on foreign projects since taking power in 1999 -- on everything from paying off Argentina's debt to the International Monetary Fund to underwriting a popular samba festival in Brazil.

In recent weeks, Mr. Chavez's spending and his use of the bully pulpit to back leftist political candidates in other Latin American nations has caused diplomatic spats with Nicaragua, Peru and Mexico, all of whom accuse the Venezuelan of meddling in their affairs.

Yet Democrats think this is the Left's moment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:44 AM


Fan creates card set to honor Jewish players (Joe Capozzi, May 28, 2006, Palm Beach Post)

The Marlins thought they were honoring their Jewish first baseman when they decided to give away Mike Jacobs T-shirts as part of Jewish Heritage Day at Dolphin Stadium this afternoon.

One small problem — Jacobs isn't Jewish, a fact the Marlins would have learned if they'd asked Jacobs himself.

Better yet, they could have contacted Martin Abramowitz.

As records custodian for the non-profit Jewish Major Leaguers Inc., Abramowitz is on a mission to catalogue every Jewish player who ever played in the majors — from Lipman Pike of the 1871 Troy Haymakers to Kevin Youkilis of the 2006 Boston Red Sox.

He's at 154 now, and his mission also includes distinguishing the likes of Shawn Green and Brad Ausmus from imposters like Mike Jacobs and Walt Weiss, players with common Jewish names who are not.

The best was several years ag when the only Jewish player in the NL was Jose Bautista of the Cubs.

Jews on First (Dann Halem, April 13, 2001, Slate)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 AM


Battered Up!: He's Been Hit by Pitches 277 Times, but Houston Astro Craig Biggio Is Having a Ball (Peter Carlson, 5/24/06, Washington Post)

Craig Biggio is the king of pain. He has been beaned, plunked, dinged, smashed, whacked, zapped and clobbered, but he doesn't let it bother him. Last year, Biggio, who works as a second baseman for the Houston Astros, set the modern (post-1900) record for getting hit by the most pitches in a career: 268. This year, his total is up to 277 plunkings, which means he's zeroing in on Hughie "Ee-Yah" Jennings's all-time record, which is 287.

Sitting in the visitors' locker room at RFK Stadium on Monday, waiting to play the first of four games with the Washington Nationals, Biggio shrugged off these records with the calm of a Zen master.

"If it's meant to be, it's meant to be," he said. "And if it's not, it's not."

Biggio is a Stoic philosopher in a baseball cap. He knows life hurts, but he chooses to ignore that.

"It swells up and you move on," he says. "You give it enough time and it goes away."

Biggio lives by a code that seems old-fashioned in this Era of Shared Feelings: When some huge, hulking brute hits him with a hardball thrown at 95 mph, he just heads down to first base. He does not whimper, he does not curse, he does not yell or charge the mound with homicide blazing in his eyes. And he never, ever rubs the sore spot.

"Oh, no, I won't touch it," he says. "The pitcher knows he hit you and you know he hit you, and rubbing ain't gonna make it any better."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:09 AM


With Illegal Immigrants Fighting Wildfires, West Faces a Dilemma (KIRK JOHNSON, 5/28/06, NY Times)

As many as half of the roughly 5,000 private firefighters based in the Pacific Northwest and contracted by state and federal governments to fight forest fires are immigrants, mostly from Mexico. And an untold number of them are working here illegally. [...]

Some Hispanic contractors say the state and federal changes could cause many immigrants, even those here legally, to stay away from the jobs. Other forestry workers say firefighting jobs may simply be too important — and too hard to fill — to allow for a crackdown on illegal workers.

"I don't think it's in anybody's interest, including the Forest Service, to enforce immigration — they're benefiting from it," said Blanca Escobeda, owner of 3B's Forestry in Medford, Ore., which fields two 20-person fire crews. Ms. Escobeda said all of her workers were legal.

Some fire company owners estimate that 10 percent of the firefighting crews are illegal immigrants; government officials will not even hazard a guess.

The private contract crews can be dispatched anywhere in the country through the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho — and in recent years have fought fires from Montana to Utah and Colorado, as well as Washington and Oregon — anywhere that fires get too big or too numerous for local entities to handle.

The work, which pays $10 to $15 an hour, is among the most demanding and dangerous in the West. A workweek fighting a big fire can go 100 hours.

"You've got to be physically able and mentally able," said Javier Orozco, 21, who has fought fires in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, California and Montana since 2002.

Just let the flames start creeping towards Casa Tancredo and the Congressman will be handing out green cards like Snickers bars on Halloween.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 AM


Iran Chief Eclipses Power of Clerics (MICHAEL SLACKMAN, 5/28/06, NY Times)

Mr. Ahmadinejad is pressing far beyond the boundaries set by other presidents. For the first time since the revolution, a president has overshadowed the nation's chief cleric, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on both domestic and international affairs.

He has evicted the former president, Mohammad Khatami, from his offices, taken control of a crucial research organization away from another former president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, challenged high-ranking clerics on the treatment of women and forced prominent academics out of the university system.

"Parliament and government should fight against wealthy officials," Mr. Ahmadinejad said in a speech before Parliament on Saturday that again appeared aimed at upending pillars of the status quo. "Wealthy people should not have influence over senior officials because of their wealth. They should not impose their demands on the needs of the poor people."

In this theocratic system, where appointed religious leaders hold ultimate power, the presidency is a relatively weak position. In the multiple layers of power that obscure the governance of Iran, no one knows for certain where the ultimate decisions are being made. But many of those watching in near disbelief at the speed and aggression with which the president is seeking to accumulate power assume that he is operating with the full support of Ayatollah Khamenei.

"Usually the supreme leader would be the front-runner in all internal and external issues," said Hamidreza Taraghi, the political director of the strongly conservative Islamic Coalition Party. "Here we have the president out front on all these issues, and the supreme leader is supporting him."

Mr. Ahmadinejad is pursuing a risky strategy that could offer him a shot at long-term influence over the direction of the country — or ruin. He appears motivated at least in part by a recognition that relying on clerics to serve as the public face of the government has undermined the credibility of both, analysts here said.

The changing nature of Iran's domestic political landscape has potentially far-reaching implications for the United States. While Iran has adopted a confrontational approach toward the West, it has also signaled — however clumsily — a desire to mend relations. Though the content of Mr. Ahmadinejad's letter to President Bush was widely mocked here and in Washington for its religious focus and preachy tone, it played well to Iran's most conservative religious leaders. Analysts here said it represented both Mr. Ahmadinejad's independence and his position as a messenger for the system, and that the very act of reaching out was significant.

"If the U.S. had relations with Iran under the reform government, it would not have been a complete relationship," said Alireza Akhari, a retired general with the Revolutionary Guard and former deputy defense minister, referring to Mr. Khatami's administration. "But if there can be a détente now, that means the whole country is behind relations with the West."

Mr. Ahmadinejad is trying to outpace the challenges buffeting Iran, ones that could undermine his presidency and conservative control. The economy is in shambles, unemployment is soaring, and the new president has failed to deliver on his promise of economic relief for the poor. Ethnic tensions are rising around the country, with protests and terrorist strikes in the north and the south, and students have been staging protests at universities around the country.

Mr. Ahmadinejad's critics — and there are many — say that the public will turn on him if he does not improve their lives, and soon. It may ultimately prove impossible to surmount these problems while building a new political elite, many people here said.

You can't sustain an argument that Khomenei believes in the Iranian theocracy and at the same time wants to transfer his own powers to the secular authorities. The fact that even the most extreme leaders n Iran recognize their system can't work provides us a world of opportunities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM


2 Industry Leaders Bet on Coal but Split on Cleaner Approach (SIMON ROMERO, 5/28/06, NY Times)

The future for American energy users is playing out in coal-rich areas like northeastern Wyoming, where dump trucks and bulldozers swarm around 80-foot-thick seams at a Peabody Energy strip mine here, one of the largest in the world.

Coal, the nation's favorite fuel in much of the 19th century and early 20th century, could become so again in the 21st. The United States has enough to last at least two centuries at current use rates — reserves far greater than those of oil or natural gas. And for all the public interest in alternatives like wind and solar power, or ethanol from the heartland, coal will play a far bigger role.

But the conventional process for burning coal in power plants has one huge drawback: it is one of the largest manmade sources of the gases responsible for global warming.

Many scientists say that sharply reducing emissions of these gases could make more difference in slowing climate change than any other move worldwide. And they point out that American companies are best positioned to set an example for other nations in adopting a new technique that could limit the environmental impact of the more than 1,000 coal-fired power projects on drawing boards around the world.

Just tax the emissions so that they're paying for the harm they cause--a good capitalist practice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


THE SLOW LANE: Can anyone solve the problem of traffic? (JOHN SEABROOK, 2002-09-02, The New Yorker)

Since September 11th, as anyone who drives in New York knows, traffic patterns have changed. Congestion cleared up when Mayor Giuliani used his special emergency powers to restrict bridge and tunnel crossings into Manhattan below Sixtieth Street. Not since the Second World War had traffic in the city flowed as freely. In April, restrictions were lifted on some crossings, but morning-rush-hour restrictions on lone drivers entering Manhattan remained in effect below Fourteenth Street. Although the cleanup operation at Ground Zero has now ended, Mayor Bloomberg—who, during his campaign, promised to improve the quality of life in New York by making the city less auto-reliant—says that he will keep the restrictions in place while the reconstruction of lower Manhattan continues. Traffic has been getting steadily worse since April, but it's still less crowded in the city now than it was a year ago. [...]

Since 1970, the population of the United States has grown by forty per cent, while the number of registered vehicles has increased by nearly a hundred per cent—in other words, cars have proliferated more than twice as fast as people have. During this same period, road capacity increased by six per cent. If these trends continue through 2020, every day will resemble a getaway day, with its mixture of commuters, truckers, and recreational drivers, who take to the road without regard for traditional peak travel times, producing congestion all day long: trucks that can't make deliveries on time, people who can't get to or from work, air quality that continues to deteriorate as commerce suffers and our over-all geopolitical position weakens because we are forced to become ever more dependent on foreign oil. This is the way the world ends: not with a bang but a traffic jam. [...]

No major new highways have been built around New York since the nineteen-seventies, partly because there's no room left, and partly because many people believe that building highways makes congestion worse, because drivers who had previously used mass transit to avoid the traffic begin using the new roads. Even if no new drivers take to the new roads, scientists have shown that increased road capacity alone can increase congestion, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as "Braess's paradox," after a German mathematician named Dietrich Braess. In the twenty-three American cities that added the most new roads per person during the nineteen-nineties, traffic congestion rose by more than seventy per cent.

The sum of all things in road levy (Seattle Times, 5/28/06)

Mayor Greg Nickels' proposed levy for Seattle roads, bridges and other items is too big and lasts too long. But the central idea is all right. A smaller, shorter levy focused on roads and bridges alone makes sense.

Make it higher and don't waste the money on roads.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Revealed: grim truth of Scots unemployment (EDDIE BARNES, 5/28/06, The Scotsman)

THE true figure for unemployment in Scotland is 250,000 - almost three times the official number - according to a groundbreaking report.

Research conducted by one of Britain's leading authorities on the welfare state claims there are 160,000 "hidden unemployed" in Scotland, many of them forced on to sickness benefits through lack of work.

They outnumber by almost two to one the official unemployment claimant count of 88,000. The 160,000 make up around half of the total number of Scots presently on incapacity benefit, the £78 a week payment given to those who are deemed too ill or disabled to be required to look for work.

However, the report says this group, largely made up of less skilled workers, women and older workers, should be counted as among the unemployed, arguing that they are capable of working and, in a more vigorous economy, would have nothing to stop them finding a job.

Except for receiving benefits by not working.

MORE (via Tom Morin):
Capital send-off for Royal Scots (BBC, 5/26/06)

Well-wishers turned out to cheer the Royal Scots during their parade
Hundreds of well-wishers have turned out for the Royal Scots on their last parade in Edinburgh.

Friday's event, which marked the end of the Edinburgh regiment's 373-year history, included more than 500 serving soldiers and veterans. [...]

The Royal Scots, formed in 1633, is the oldest infantry regiment in the British Army and won its first battle honour in Tangiers in 1680.

The regiment's first Victoria Cross was won during the Siege of Sevastopol, while in the First World War the number of battalions increased to 35, of which 15 served as active front line units.

May 27, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 PM


West Virginia and Kentucky Alter Medicaid (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 5/24/06)

West Virginia families served by Medicaid could face a reduction in benefits if they refuse to sign contracts promising to show up for doctors' appointments and to use the emergency room only for emergencies. Kentucky, meanwhile, is putting new limits on prescriptions and visits to therapists.

They are the first two states to take advantage of a new law that makes it easier to mix and match which residents get which benefits under Medicaid, the state-federal program that provides health insurance coverage to about 55 million low-income people.

In years past, when states provided a health benefit for Medicaid beneficiaries, they had to do so for all participants in their state. The concept, called comparability, guaranteed comprehensive health insurance coverage for the poorest of the poor.

Now, comparability is out. Flexibility is in.

Governors had seen the comparability requirement as a straitjacket, forcing them to drop people off the Medicaid rolls when trying to reduce the program's explosive costs. The governors view the changes approved by Congress as a way to scale back coverage for some rather than drop people into the ranks of the uninsured.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 PM

HOW'S IT GOIN' GOLIATH? (via Tom Morin):

Armed groups shun electronic media to counter U.S. high-tech surveillance (Azzaman, May 24, 2006)

No mobile phones, no landlines, no Internet – that is the message anti-U.S. rebels have recently received from their commanders.

The message is believed to have even spread in neighboring states as part of the package of instructions foreign fighters receive before heading to Iraq.

“You are not to use electronic communication or even land lines when communicating,” said a leaflet which the groups distributed recently.

The instructions are apparently a response to what are described as ‘moderate successes’ U.S. troops have achieved in the past few weeks in their fight to flush out rebel cells.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 PM


Things are looking up but can Dave really deliver? (Melissa Kite and Patrick Hennessy, 28/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

[H]ow well is he really doing? Polls suggest that Labour is now in serious trouble and that Mr Cameron is succeeding in the first challenge he set himself when he became leader, late last year: to begin rescuing the damaged Tory brand.

He has started to persuade voters that his party is changing, but not enough of them, yet, to send him to Number 10. To borrow the Blairite phrase: "A lot done, but a lot left to do."

His staff realise this, and it explains the frenetic pace the Tory leader is setting. After "Beckingham Palace" last Sunday, Mr Cameron delivered a speech to the Google Zeitgeist Europe conference, in Hertfordshire on Monday, in which he launched a discussion of the "happiness" agenda and said that there was more to life than money.

It could have backfired, with some critics immediately mocking the assertion. However, he held firm and insisted that politicians had a right to explore such esoteric issues.

He followed it with a polished performance at Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday.

Not for the first time, commentators concluded that he had got the better of the Prime Minister, with a forceful line of attack - on immigration - and a nicely timed joke accusing Mr Blair of bogusly blaming past Tory leaders for his own mistakes - "He'll be blaming Robert Peel next."

Leaks from the recording of his Desert Island Discs prompted more admiring headlines after it emerged that he chose Ernie, the Fastest Milkman in the West, by Benny Hill as one of his favourite records, by way of homage to his first childhood memories.

His other choices included Bob Dylan, The Killers and Mendelssohn. A case of Scotch whisky and a cookbook were perhaps less inspiring and may have owed much to a Blair-style attempt to be all things to all voters.

However, evidence was about to come that his efforts to "rebrand" the party, which some denounce as superficial, have had an impact, even if only a limited one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 PM


Blair beefed up his Iran speech to please Bush (Toby Harnden in Washington and Patrick Hennessy, 28/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

Tony Blair made significant changes to one of his most important foreign policy speeches after bowing to American objections, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.

The Prime Minister changed key passages on possible action against Iran, climate change, and a proposed shake-up of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Objections by President George W Bush's inner circle played a key role in the alterations, which were made just before Mr Blair delivered his landmark address at Georgetown University in Washington, on Friday, British sources have revealed.

No wonder Tony likes George, the last Blairite (Matthew d'Ancona, 28/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)
Gordon Brown must surely have had what senior ministers call "one of his little moments" last Thursday when George W Bush was asked about Tony Blair's departure date. "My attitude is," Mr Bush said, gazing fondly at the Prime Minister, "I want him to be here so long as I'm the President."

That would give Mr Blair till noon on January 20, 2009 (teatime in Downing Street, allowing for the time difference). "Well, what more can I say?" said the Prime Minister, with one of his 1,000-watt grins. To which the Chancellor doubtless growled inwardly: "Say you're going tomorrow, you idiot!"

The President, meanwhile, could only beam satisfaction. It is just possible that he is the one true Blairite left, the last politician who will say publicly that he, for one, wishes the Prime Minister could go on, and on, and on. Who is this Scotch guy, anyway, and what's with all these girly-man "deals"? Where Mr Bush comes from, Granita is the name of the Mexican housekeeper.

It is hard to exaggerate the affinity that has arisen between the President and Prime Minister.

Folks who ponder how it just so happens that folks as similar as an FDR and a Churchill, a Thatcher and a Reagan, and a Blair and a Bush happen to be in office together at just the moment we need them tend not to give enough weight to the seemingly obvious idea that the reason they're in office is precisely because of the similarities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 PM


The $10,000 Light Bulb …: Or, why it's so hard to measure inflation (Tim Harford, May 27, 2006, Slate)

Flipping through the Montgomery Ward mail-order catalog, which began publication in 1893, economic historian J. Bradford DeLong calculates that a simple bicycle cost 260 hours' wages for the typical worker in 1895 and just 7.2 hours' wages in 2000. But silver spoons actually cost more hours of labor today than in 1895. Your personal inflation rate depends on whether you are spending your money on bicycles or spoons. [...]

In recent years, received wisdom among economists has been that the inflation rate has been overstated because of unmeasured improvements in quality. Home computers have not only become cheaper but dramatically better, and failure to fully adjust for the quality improvements would overestimate the inflation rate and underestimate how much better off we are compared with previous generations.

A highly influential paper by Yale economist William Nordhaus made the point forcefully. He studied not commodities like bicycles or spoons but a service: light. By tracking lighting technology from campfires to oil lamps to today's energy-saving light bulbs, he estimated that the real price of light had fallen 10,000-fold in 100 years. Partly because of Nordhaus' work, many economists believe that the official statistics on wages underestimate how much richer we have become.

Note that in the reference to silver spoons and later in the discussion of women's clothing they depend on people not substituting items of equal quality at lower prices.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 PM


Children for Sale: Would $36,000 convince you to have another kid? (Daniel Gross, May 24, 2006, Slate)

Communism is officially dead in the Soviet Union, but the Marxist belief that men and women are essentially economic creatures is alive and well at the Kremlin. Earlier this month, Vladimir Putin, alarmed at Russia's declining population, which is falling thanks to short life expectancy and a plummeting birthrate (1.17 children per woman, down from about 2 in 1990), offered a bonus of 250,000 rubles (about $9,200) to women who would have a second child.

Meanwhile, at the other end of Europe, Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates is using the stick instead of the carrot to make babies. As part of a slate of reforms intended to simultaneously reform pension funding and reverse Portugal's declining birth rate (about 1.5 children per woman compared with 2.6 in the 1970s), Sócrates proposed tying tax rates for pensions to the number of children a worker has. Rates for those with two kids would remain constant, would fall for those with more than two, and would rise for those with fewer than two.

It's their materialism that's made them give up the future in the first place--monetizing lives won't help.

Child benefits may get boost to push births (Japan Times, 5/28/06)

The government is considering increasing the amount of benefits to households with infants as part of its efforts to stem the declining birthrate, officials said Saturday.

The measure, already proposed by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, is intended to financially help households with small children as income levels of such households are relatively low, the officials said.

The Chinese are coming ... to Russia (Bertil Lintner , 5/27/06, Asia Times)
Economically, the Russian Far East is becoming separated from European Russia.

Before the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, the Far East supplied European Russia and the other western republics with fish and crabs from the Sea of Okhotsk. The area's heavy industry produced steel, aircraft and even ships, and few foreign consumer goods were for sale.

Today, Chinese consumer goods - which are cheaper and better than those produced far away in European Russia - and even food are flooding the markets, while timber and raw materials are going south. Entire factories are being dismantled and sold as scrap metal to China. And the seafood is almost exclusively sold to South Korea and Japan.

In the long run this could also lead to demographic changes. There is a floating population of tens of thousands Chinese traders and seasonal workers who move back and forth across the border, and one day they may want to stay.

Russia's Far Eastern Federal District - a huge area covering 6,215,900 square kilometers - has only 7 million inhabitants, and that is down from 9 million in 1991. The population is declining rapidly as factories are closing down and military installations have been withdrawn.

Across the border, China's three northeastern provinces - Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning - are home to 100 million people, and the area has even by Chinese standards an unusually high unemployment rate. Or, as one Western analyst put it: "If the Russians continue to move out, the Chinese are ready to fill the resultant population vacuum in the area." And that could lead to more than just a change of the demographic balance in what still is the Russian Far East.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 PM


For Whom the Road Tolls (MITCH DANIELS, 5/27/06, NY Times)

AS Americans hit the roads this Memorial Day weekend, debate is building about how to pay for the first-class transportation network that everyone agrees the United States requires. The money from gasoline taxes no longer comes close to meeting needs. Nationally, the gap between road-building needs and projected tax revenue is estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and growing. Almost every governor I talk to faces a seemingly intractable shortfall.

When I became governor last year, my administration inherited a gap of at least $3 billion, equal then to 10 years of new road construction. Long-sought, long-delayed projects languished on the drawing board. For Indiana, a centrally located state that calls itself "the crossroads of America" and has great promise as a logistics and distribution capital, the opportunity cost of inaction was enormous.

A case can be made for higher gas taxes, but no economically rational or politically imaginable increase could close a gap this huge, even if leveraged through reckless borrowing. The only alternative to throwing in the towel was to bring to bear that handiest of revenue sources, Other People's Money.

For all the chatter about Dick Lugar as a Secretary of State or Evan Bayh on the Democrat ticket, it's Mr. Daniels who matters nationally.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 PM


India shelves ambitious nuclear missile program (Siddharth Srivastava, 5/26/06, Asia Times)

Has the Agni III, India's most ambitious nuclear-capable ballistic-missile program, been aborted or merely put in cold storage? Keen to impress the world community of its peaceful intentions in its quest to obtain nuclear fuel and technology from the United States, France, Canada and Australia, it seems that New Delhi has made up its mind to shelve plans for big military-power credentials for now.

The government has decided to cancel the first test-firing of an Indian inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM), one with a range of 4,000 kilometers (some say up to 6,000km), which is sufficient to reach China and capable of delivering a nuclear payload.

Pressure from the US and others cannot be discounted. The United States has always been very suspicious about India's Agni program, and in 1994 persuaded it to suspend testing of the missile after three test flights.

India needs to focus on the capability of taking out Pakistan completely--we'll do China if push ever comes to shove.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:14 PM


Iran offered 'to make peace with Israel' (Gareth Porter , 3/26/06, Asia Times)

Iran offered in 2003 to accept peace with Israel and cut off material assistance to Palestinian armed groups and to pressure them to halt terrorist attacks within Israel's 1967 borders, according to a secret Iranian proposal to the United States.

The two-page proposal for a broad Iran-US agreement covering all the issues separating the two countries, a copy of which was obtained by Inter Press Service (IPS), was conveyed to the US in late April or early May 2003. [...]

The negotiating proposal indicated clearly that Iran was prepared to give up its role as a supporter of armed groups in the region in return for a larger bargain with the United States. What the Iranians wanted in return, as suggested by the document itself as well as expert observers of Iranian policy, was an end to US hostility and recognition of Iran as a legitimate power in the region.

Before the 2003 proposal, Iran had criticized Arab governments that had supported the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The negotiating document, however, offered "acceptance of the Arab League Beirut Declaration", which it also referred to as the "Saudi initiative, two-states approach".

There's no excuse for not using a weapon an enemy hands you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM

A NATION OF DAVIDS (via Tom Morin):

Missile defense system makes history: A Pearl Harbor ship intercepts a test missile at the end of the target's flight, a first (Gregg K. Kakesako, 5/25/06,

The Pearl Harbor-based Aegis cruiser USS Lake Erie successfully intercepted a target test missile in the last few seconds of its flight for the first time yesterday.

In previous tests the Lake Erie successfully intercepted target missiles as soon as they were launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands on Kauai or in the middle of their flights, the Navy said.

Target missiles had been intercepted in their final stage only by ground-based interceptors before yesterday.

The interceptor is part of the Missile Defense Agency's multibillion-dollar program to protect the United States and its allies from an enemy missile attack.

While the philistines hide in caves.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 AM


'Bad Twin,' a Novel Inspired by 'Lost,' Makes the Best-Seller Lists (FELICIA R. LEE, 5/27/06, NY Times)

Whether "Bad Twin" is good fiction, good marketing for "Lost" or both is a judgment call.

The novel follows the private detective Paul Artisan, who is helping the scion of a wealthy family find his twin brother. Entertainment Weekly called the book "a chewy snack for Lost-philes, though its mythological value is T.B.D."

Margaret Maupin, a buyer for the Tattered Cover bookstore in Denver, said "Bad Twin" sold out quickly there. "I'm not sure that the people who are buying this are your general book buyers, but they love the TV show," she said. [...]

On Web sites devoted to "Lost," fans have been debating the meaning of the book and how it figures in the Chinese-box puzzle that is the "Lost" plot. On ABC's site devoted to the show, one post declared that the book was an "alternate reality" experience relayed to Troup. ("That's the only thing that makes sense.") Meanwhile, on the site The Lost Experience are lists of possible clues: the names of the characters, various literary references (including "The Great Gatsby," "Beowulf" and "King Lear") and even references to the color green.

To add to the layers of marketing and mystery, the book has been denounced by the Hanso Foundation of Copenhagen, which is also part of the "Lost" puzzle. The island where the "Lost" characters are stranded has bomb-shelter-type hatches, where they find videotapes made by Hanso that suggest the island was used for experiments or for scientific research. On its Web site, the fictional Hanso tells visitors not to read Troup's book. Hyperion, in return, has taken out real advertisements in real newspapers defending the book.

"It's about perpetuating the mystery and what's going on," Mr. Benson said. "Everyone knows Harry Potter doesn't exist, but it sure makes it more fun to believe that Harry Potter is somewhere out there, in a magical place."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


Royals foil joy of Jeter's 2,000th hit (BRIDGET WENTWORTH, 5/27/06, Newark Star-Ledger)

Derek Jeter collected the 2,000th hit of his career last night at Yankee Stadium.

But the Yankees' captain was in no mood to celebrate it, because it did not help his team beat the lowly Kansas City Royals, who won for the first time in the Bronx since August 2002 and snapped a 13-game losing streak in sending the Yankees to a 7-6 loss.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


Tough Justice for Executives in Enron Era (KURT EICHENWALD and ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO, 5/27/06, NY Times)

The tactics and strategies used in the successful prosecution of the former Enron chief executives, Jeffrey K. Skilling and Kenneth L. Lay, highlight the transformation that has occurred in recent years in the investigation and prosecution of white-collar crime, a change that has brought many of the techniques applied to drug cases and mob prosecutions into the once-genteel legal world of corporate wrongdoers.

No longer are defendants allowed to surrender themselves quietly, outside the view of the press. Now, as Mr. Skilling and Mr. Lay learned firsthand, there are "perp walks" where the handcuffed defendant is brought in by law enforcement for booking. Cases are not resolved with a fine or a short stay in a "country club" prison; now defendants face decades of real jail time, sentences that can preclude them from being considered for minimum-security prisons.

Witnesses are squeezed, with threats against family members and stints in solitary confinement. Those who fail to cooperate are indicted, or deemed unindicted co-conspirators, a designation that places potential witnesses in a state of indefinite legal limbo. And companies that want to settle a criminal case can often do so only by taking the once unusual step of waiving their right to protect the confidentiality of their communications with their lawyers. [...]

Legal experts yesterday heralded such aggressive approaches as crucial to the government's securing convictions of Mr. Lay and Mr. Skilling. "Prosecutors in white-collar cases are looking at the range of legal tactics that are available to them that they have used for years in other kinds of cases, and they are not just ruling out those tactics because it is a white-collar case," said Christopher Wray, the former head of the Justice Department's criminal division and now head of the government investigations practice at the law firm of King & Spalding.

The reality is that they did more harm to society than most of the 2 million guys we already have behind bars.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:12 AM


U.S. Is Debating Talks With Iran on Nuclear Issue (STEVEN R. WEISMAN, 5/27/06, NY Times)

The Bush administration is beginning to debate whether to set aside a longstanding policy taboo and open direct talks with Iran, to help avert a crisis over Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program, European officials and Americans close to the administration said Friday. [...]

One reason senior administration officials do not like the idea of talking with Iran, many of them say, is that they are not certain Iranian leaders would respond positively. A rebuff from Iran, even to a back-channel query, is to be avoided at all costs, various officials agree.

The administration, for example, has been embarrassed by the on-again, off-again possibility of talks with Iran on Iraq, which were authorized by Ms. Rice late last year.

The concern, some say, is that talking to Iran only about Iraq will anger Sunni dissidents in Iraq, reinforcing the Sunni-led insurgency while enhancing the status of Iraqi Shiites, whose strong ties to Iran make Washington uneasy.

On the other hand, the American ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, was said to be eager to enlist Iran in helping to deal with Iranian-backed Shiite militias, which are accused of carrying out killings and kidnappings of Sunnis in Iraq.

Here's one of those stories that drives home just how much the Embassy episode in 1979 has warped American policy. Note that the official position is that we have to appease our Sunni enemies rather than help Shi'ite democrats.

Meanwhile, if the President gave a speech in which he offered to fly to Teheran for a meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei it would be a diplomatic coup whether they accepted or not and would deepen the rifts in their regime regardless.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


House Republican Pessimistic on Immigration Deal (RACHEL L. SWARNS, May 26, 2006, NY Times)

If the Senate bill's provisions were to make it into law, they would be the most substantial overhaul of immigration law in two decades. The key architects of the bill, Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, hailed the bipartisan coalition for withstanding a large number of amendments intended to sink the legislation.

The bill was also praised by some immigrant advocacy groups, the Roman Catholic Church and business leaders, who worked to ensure its passage. And Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, the majority leader, described the vote as "a success for the American people" as well as for the immigrants "who hope to participate someday in that American dream."

Mr. Bush issued a statement praising the Senate for its vote and the House for passing an earlier immigration bill that he said "began a national dialogue." He urged both chambers to work together to pass a bill that he could sign into law.

But with Republicans deeply divided over immigration, the bill's future remains in doubt, reflecting the fluid politics of the issue in a Congressional election year. House conservatives, who passed a border security bill in December, vowed to thwart any deal that includes a central provision of the Senate bill: its call to give most illegal immigrants a chance to become citizens if they meet certain conditions.

All they House opponents have to do is stand up to 65% of the American people, the President, half their own party in Congress, the Church...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


Gonzales Said He Would Quit in Raid Dispute (DAVID JOHNSTON and CARL HULSE, 5/27/06, NY Times)

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, and senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized in a bitterly disputed search of a House member's office, government officials said Friday.

Mr. Gonzales was joined in raising the possibility of resignation by the deputy attorney general, Paul J. McNulty, the officials said. Mr. Gonzales and Mr. McNulty told associates that they had an obligation to protect evidence in a criminal case and would be unwilling to carry out any White House order to return the material to Congress.

The potential showdown was averted Thursday when President Bush ordered the evidence to be sealed for 45 days to give Congress and the Justice Department a chance to work out a deal.

Everyone defends their own turf.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


Claws, tongues sharp in beauty salon brawl (Michele McPhee, May 27, 2006, Boston Herald)

Fake nails and women’s shoes were flying as a bloody claw fight erupted at a Dorchester salon after one primping patron allegedly screamed at a woman bantering in Spanish, “Speak English! This is America!”

Just minutes after the melee broke out at Kathy’s Nail Design at 261 Bowdoin St., it escalated to the point of a 911 call.

A cop who arrived to break the fracas up got angry red scratches on his neck and arm for his trouble. They were left by a woman who’d just spent $40 for French manicure nail tips, said the shop’s owner, David Win.

When we were kids -- in East Orange, NJ -- we finally convinced our Dad not to give us buzzcuts himself so he started taking us to the local barbershop, owned by two French guys. No matter what cut you asked for they'd pretend not to understand you so they could just do a crew cut, which was easiest.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:19 AM


What on Earth is going on? (Joseph Brean, National Post, May 27th, 2006)

Among users of Internet chat rooms, Godwin's Law states that as any discussion grows longer, the probability of someone making a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis approaches 100%.

Meteorologists seem to have a similar law: that in discussions about mankind's effect on the weather, it is only a matter of time before someone makes a crack about believing the Earth is flat.

Ptolemy's Law, as a scientist might call it, was at work on the grounds of the London Zoo recently, where some of the world's most eminent climate experts gathered for lectures of the Royal Meteorological Society.

The victim of the inevitable quip, a television weatherman, had said that public debate on the Kyoto accord is polarized between alarmism and industry-funded skepticism, neither of which satisfy him as a professional communicator. He asked whether there might be a "middle way."

Everyone turned to get a look at this heretic. They knew what was coming.

"Sorry to be provocative," Henry Derwent, Britain's climate-change representative to the G8, replied to the weatherman. "But round Earth, flat Earth. Where's the middle way in that?"

The room came alive with chortles of agreement.

Mr. Derwent -- a politician and former investment banker, not a scientist -- meant that there is no middle way, that the "anthropogenic" or man-made nature of climate change is now established beyond all but the most frivolous skepticism, wilful blindness or complete ignorance. "The last few years have seen the elimination of hiding spaces for skeptics," he said later in an interview.

Few of the experts in his audience would have contradicted him. To them, doubting whether humans are responsible for the warming air and rising oceans, or whether we can now do anything to reverse these trends, or whether we should, or even whether Kyoto is the best of various possible approaches, is as stupid as worrying about falling off the edge of the Earth. The situation is much the same in Canada. On climate change, skepticism has become Nazism.

Anyone who thinks his belief in global warming is based upon rational science should ask himself why he becomes so enraged when skeptical scientists deliver encouraging news.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:02 AM


Back to basics as maths problems multiply (Liz Lightfoot, The Telegraph, May 27th, 2006)

Modern methods of teaching maths which have mystified parents and confused many pupils are to be abandoned six years after the Government forced them on primary schools.

The same unit at the Department for Education which devised the strategy now wants teachers to go back to the "standard written method" it abolished.

The decision has prompted a backlash from some primary teachers and maths advisers who say children are better able to understand the concept of arithmetic when they break sums down into a series of units.

They say the "back to basics" approach heralds a return to the "dark ages" of adding up, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in vertical rows without understanding what they are doing.

But evidence has shown that many pupils are arriving at secondary school unable to do long division and multiplication and reliant on columns of workings out which take longer and are more prone to errors along the way.[...]

The decision to return to the old methods will come as a relief to many parents.

Christine Turno says she dreads the twice-weekly homework with her nine-year-old daughter.

"She goes ballistic," she said. "We have massive rows because she says I'm doing it wrong and she has to do it the way the school says. But she can't understand what they want and it's a complete mystery to me."

A 20-minute homework session turns into an hour.

Mrs Turno, of west London, said: "The teachers say it is the new way and if the answer is wrong it doesn't matter as long as she is using the right method. It's quite bizarre."

It must take years of postgraduate studies in education before one sees that wrong answers in math are preferable to right ones provided the students “understand what they are doing.” More.

May 26, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:53 PM


As Bush admits making mistakes over Iraq, Blair offers a new world vision (Alec Russell, 27/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

Tony Blair last night challenged the world to unite around a policy of "progressive pre-emption" as he sought to shore up his legacy by linking the invasion of Iraq to a range of problems, from global warming and poverty to immigration.

In a speech in Washington just hours after he and President George W Bush made strikingly frank admissions of mistakes in their handling of Iraq, the Prime Minister called for the world to help the new government in Baghdad. On his visit to Iraq on Monday he had seen a "child of democracy struggling to be born".

He also called for radical reform of the United Nations and its sister bodies, the IMF and the World Bank, arguing they were out-of-date and incapable of confronting the financial and security threats facing the world.

PM's foreign policy speech - third in a series of three (10 Downing Street, 26 May 2006)
This is the third of my speeches on the challenges facing the international community. In the first, I argued that the global terrorism that menaces us, can only be defeated through pulling it up by its roots. We have to attack not just its methods but its ideas, its presumed and false sense of grievance against the West, its attempt to persuade us that it is we and not they who are responsible for its violence. In doing so, we should stand up for our own values, asserting that they are not Western but global values, whose spread is the surest guarantee of our future security. In the second speech, I argued that such values would only succeed, however, if they were seen to be fairly and even-handedly implemented; that this required a unifying agenda for global action, which was about more than the immediate security threat but was also about justice and opportunity for all.

In this speech, I contend that now is the moment for reconciliation in the international community around such an agenda and I outline some of the key policy priorities and reforms of the global institutions to make such an agenda happen.

Underlying all these arguments, is a world view. We all agree that the characteristic of the modern world is interdependence. We haven't yet thought through its consequences.

In Government, I realised this first at the time of the Asian financial crisis shortly after taking office. Within weeks, all of us who had been initially holding back, waiting for the market to correct itself, wondering how a market meltdown in Thailand could possibly destabilise our own economies, were coming together, agreeing packages to prevent contagion, supporting Brazil and others who looked like they might be the next to go. In the process every conventional doctrine about markets was amended to prevent catastrophe.

A year later, Kosovo happened and the spectre of ethnic cleansing returned to Europe. We put pressure on Milosevic. We threatened diplomatic action. We eventually took military action by air strikes. But it was only when, with considerable courage President Clinton indicated - and it was only an indication - he might be prepared to use ground force, that suddenly Milosevic collapsed and the crisis was resolved.

What these two events taught me was that the rule book of international politics has been torn up. Interdependence - the fact of a crisis somewhere becoming a crisis everywhere - makes a mockery of traditional views of national interest. You can't have a coherent view of national interest today without a coherent view of the international community. Nations, even ones as large and powerful as the USA, are affected profoundly by world events; and not affected, in time or at the margins but at breakneck speed and fundamentally. Why is immigration the No.1 domestic policy issue in much of Europe and in the US today? What are the solutions? The answer is that globalisation is making mass migration a reality; and only global development will make it a manageable reality.

Which is the issue that has rocketed up the agenda of most political leaders in a way barely foreseen even 3 years back? Energy policy. China and India need energy to grow. The damage to the environment of carbon emissions is now accepted. It doesn't much matter whether the issue is approached through energy security or climate change, the fact is we need a framework, internationally agreed, through which the developing nations can grow, the wealthy countries maintain their standard of living and the environment be protected from disaster. And this is not a long-term issue - though its consequences are long-term. It is here and now.

The point is that in respect of any of these challenges, certain things stand out. They affect us all. They can only be effectively tackled together. And they require a pre-emptive and not simply reactive response.

Here is where it becomes very difficult. In the old days - I mean a few decades back - countries could wait, assess over time, even opt out - at least until everything was clear. We could act when we knew. Now we have to act on the basis of precaution.

What is more such action will often require intervention, far beyond our own boundaries. The terrorism we are fighting in Britain, wasn't born in Britain, though on 7th July last year it was British born terrorists that committed murder. The roots are in schools and training camps and indoctrination thousands of miles away, as well as in the towns and cities of modern Britain. The migration we experience is from Eastern Europe, and the poverty-stricken states of Africa and the solution to it lies there at its source not in the nation feeling its consequence.

What this means is that we have to act, not react; we have to do so on the basis of prediction not certainty; and such action will often, usually indeed, be outside of our own territory. And what all that means is: that this can't be done easily unless it is done on an agreed basis of principle, of values that are shared and fair. Common action only works when founded on common values.

Therefore, to meet effectively the challenge that faces us, we must fashion an international community that both embodies, and acts in pursuit of global values: liberty, democracy, tolerance, justice. These are the values we believe in. These are the values universally accepted across all nations, faiths and races, though not by all elements within them. These are values that can inspire and unify. So, how, at this moment in time, in an international community that has been riven, do we achieve such unity around such values?

Let us go back to the immediate issue: Iraq. We can argue forever about the merits of removing Saddam. Our opponents will say: you made terrorism worse and point to what is happening there. I believe differently. I believe this global terrorism will exploit any situation to further its cause. But I don't believe that its cause is truly to be found in any decision we have taken. I believe it's cause is an ideology, a world-view, derived from religious fanaticism and that had we taken no decisions at all to enrage it, would still have found provocation in our very existence. They disagree with our way of life, our values and in particular in our tolerance. They hate us but probably they hate those Muslims who believe in tolerance, even more, as apostates betraying the true faith.

They have come to Iraq because they see it as the battleground. The battle they are fighting is nothing to do with the liberation of Iraq, but its subjugation to their extremism.

I don't want to reopen past arguments. I want to advocate a new concord to displace the old contention.

It is three years since Saddam fell. It has been three years of strife and bloodshed. But it has also seen something remarkable. Despite it all, despite terror, sectarian violence, kidnapping and the exhibition of every ugly aspect of human nature, a democratic political process has grown. Last week, a new Government was formed. This Monday I visited it in Baghdad, I sat and talked with the leaders, chosen by the people, Sunni, Shia, Kurds, non-aligned, and heard from them not the jarring messages of warring factions but one simple, clear and united discourse. They want Iraq to be democratic. They want its people to be free. They want to tolerate difference and celebrate diversity. They want the rule of law not violence to determine their fate.

They were quite different from the Interim Government of 2004 or the Iraqi Transitional Government after the elections of January 2005.

This is a child of democracy struggling to be born. They and we, the international community, are the midwives.

You may not agree with original decision.

You may believe mistakes have been made.

You may even think how can it be worth the sacrifice.

But surely we must all accept this is a genuine attempt to run the race of liberty.

These are not stooges. Or placemen.

They believe in their country.

They believe in its capacity to be democratic.

They are fighting a struggle against the odds but they are fighting it.

And in their struggle is a symbol of a wider struggle.

Listen to what the new Prime Minister says and the new Government's programme.

Tell me where their vision differs from ours except that ours is based in experience and theirs in hope.

I came back from Iraq not less daunted by the responsibility on our shoulders to help them succeed. But I did come back inspired by their determination that they do indeed succeed.

This should be a moment of reconciliation not only in Iraq but in the international community. The war split the world. The struggle of Iraqis for democracy should unite it.

There was a moving moment when I was talking to the new Prime Minister in his office in Baghdad that he told me, with a smile, used to be the dining room of one of Saddam's sons. We were on our own with the interpreter. He leant across to me and said: "if we can change Iraq we can change this region and the world".

The terrorism that afflicts them is the same that afflicts us. Its roots are out there in the Middle East, in the brutal combination of secular dictatorship and religious extremism. Yet in every country of the region there are people, probably the majority, who are desperate for change. In Kuwait, as I boarded the plane for Iraq, they told me how they were planning elections for the first time with women voting. Across the Gulf states, in the Lebanon, in the steps, however difficult, Egypt is taking, in signs of change in nations as different as Jordan or Algeria, there are possibilities for progress.

These are the true voices of Muslim and Arab people, or more true than the voices of hate, with their poisonous propaganda that seeks to divide.

They need our support. In Iraq, of course, people want to gain full control of their own destiny. The MNF should leave as soon as the Government wishes us. As the Prime Minister said we need an objective timetable. By that he means one that is conditions-based ie as Iraqi capability is built up. But don't be in any doubt. No-one, but no-one I spoke to, from whatever quarter, wanted us to leave precipitately. An arbitrary timetable ie without conditions being right, would be seen for what it would be: weakness.

Here is where we have to change radically our mindset. At present, when we are shown pictures of carnage in Iraq, much of our own opinion sees that as a failure, as a reason for leaving. Surely it is a reason for persevering and succeeding. What is the purpose of the terrorism in Iraq? It is to destroy the prospect of democratic progress. In doing so, they hope to deal us a mortal blow. They know victory for them in Iraq is defeat not just for Iraqi democracy but for democratic values everywhere.

So they kill our soldiers even though our forces - with incredible heroism and dedication - are and have been in Iraq for three years with full United Nations support and are there now with the free consent of Iraq's first ever fully democratic Government. They kill ordinary Iraqis for wanting to join the police or build the country or just for being of one religious persuasion not another. Theirs is a strategy drenched in the blood of the innocent.

Should their determination to do evil eclipse our desire to do good? By all means debate the tactics and strategy of how we succeed. But I ask: how can we possibly, in the face of such a struggle, so critical to our own values, not see it through and do so with renewed vigour and confidence? If Iraqis can show their faith in democracy by voting for it, shouldn't we show ours by supporting them in it?

By "we" I don't mean the countries of the MNF, I mean the entire international community.

Doing so would signal a dramatic step of reconciliation.

There are two "ifs".

"If" the international community could see the struggle for security in Iraq as part of the wider global struggle against terrorism. And "if", we would commit the same energy, engagement and raw political emotion to the rest of the agenda which preoccupies the world at large.

Throughout the past years, ever since I saw 9/11 change the world, I have believed that the greatest danger is that global politics divides into "hard" and "soft". The "hard" get after the terrorists. The "soft" campaign against poverty. The divide is dangerous because interdependence makes all these issues just that: interdependent.

The answer to terrorism is the universal application of global values. The answer to poverty is the same. Without progress - in democracy and in prosperity - security is at risk. Without security, progress falters.

That is why the struggle for global values has to be applied not selectively, but to a global agenda.

The agenda is there. It is largely agreed. But it needs passion as well as policy.

We must act on global poverty, most of all in Africa. We have a plan that last year's G8 agreed. Each aspect is important: aid, cancelling debt, education, tackling disease, especially HIV/Aids, governance, conflict resolution.

We must act on climate change. The G8 +5 process, whose next meeting is in Mexico in October, offers a way forward, building on Kyoto, which can involve America, China and India.

We must deliver an ambitious world trade round, for the poorest nations but also for ourselves.

In each of these areas, there are powerful reflections of nation's interests but also vital tests of commitment to global values. If we believe in justice, how can we let 30,000 children a day die preventably? If we believe in our responsibility to the generations that come after us, how can we be, knowingly, indifferent to the degradation of the planet we live on?

How can we have a global trading system based on unfair trade?

Indeed, even in respect of that part of the agenda that naturally preoccupies my country and yours, there is a breadth we must address.

Earlier I described the fledgling movement toward democracy across the Middle East. As I said, I believe success in Iraq has an importance far beyond the borders of Iraq.

But I would put it higher than this. I now think that we need a far more concentrated and concerted strategy across the whole region. The United States rightly began this with its Broader Middle East Initiative. However, the more I examine this issue, the more convinced I am, that to protect our future, we need to help them to theirs. For example, I don't believe we will be secure unless Iran changes. I emphasise I am not saying, we should impose change. I am simply saying the greater freedom and democracy which, I have no doubt, most Iranians want, is something we need. There is a choice being played out in the region: to be partners with the wider world; or to be defined in opposition to it. If Iran leads the latter camp, the results will be felt by us all. The most effective way of avoiding that is to encourage and support all nations and people in the region who share our belief that freedom is the best route to peace and prosperity. This cannot and should not be the responsibility of the United States alone. The EU, in particular, needs to be fully engaged. But country by country, in every way we can, with every means we can properly deploy, the international community should be the champions of those who want change there. And wherever those who strive for that freedom are in danger, we should be at their side.

They would be hugely empowered and encouraged if we were able to offer hope on Israel and Palestine. At so many levels, this is critical: for ordinary Israelis and Palestinians, of course, who suffer the depredations of the conflict. But far wider than that, this is a dispute which casts a shadow over all attempts at reconciliation. Under its cover, global terrorism recruits. Because of its darkness, moderate Muslim opinion is put on the defensive. And shut out is any enlightened sensible view of what we in the West really stand for and believe in.

The frustrating thing is that whatever people say, everyone knows the following: the state of Israel is here to stay; the Palestinian people aren't going to disappear; and the only possible solution is two states, side by side. In fact, when President Bush became the first US President openly to articulate this, everyone more or less accepted it. The problem we have had in Northern Ireland is that there has never been agreement on the basic nature of the final outcome, one part wanting Union with the UK, the other with the Republic of Ireland. Nonetheless we have achieved extraordinary progress, by relentless working at it through every stop and start. In the case of Israel and Palestine, we do now have agreement as to the basic nature of the settlement: two states. Yes, there are innumerable difficult aspects, not least Jerusalem and of course a negotiation about territory; but the constitutional outcome is essentially agreed.

There is only one way through. Clear acceptance by Hamas that the two-state solution is the only one; a renunciation of all violence; and then a move back into the Road Map, with a speeded up pathway to final status negotiations. It will require heavy engagement by the US and the Quartet. But there is not a better time than now, to break out of what is otherwise a continuing descent into despair.

The scale of this agenda is enormous. It means that today's leaders of nations must analyse, cope with, deal with, a vast array of international problems as well as the myriad of challenges thrown up by each of our systems of healthcare, pensions, welfare, law and order. Except that, these problems are no longer simply international. They intrude into domestic politics. There is globalisation in politics, too.

All of the issues raised today, require immense focus, commitment and drive to get things done. Increasingly, there is a hopeless mismatch between the global challenges we face and the global institutions to confront them. After the Second World War, people realised that there needed to be a new international institutional architecture. In this new era, in the early 21st century, we need to renew it.

I want to make some tentative suggestions for change.

First, the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, has done an extraordinary job in often near impossible circumstances. He has also proposed reforms of the UN that should certainly be done.

But a Security Council which has France as a permanent member but not Germany, Britain but not Japan, China but not India to say nothing of the absence of proper representation from Latin America or Africa, cannot be legitimate in the modern world. I used to think this problem was intractable. The competing interests are so strong. But I am now sure we need reform. If necessary let us agree some form of interim change that can be a bridge to a future settlement. But we need to get it done.

We should give the UNSG new powers: over the appointments in the Secretariat - it is absurd they have to be voted on, one by one, in the General Assembly; and over how the resources of the UN are spent. We should streamline radically the humanitarian and development operations so that the UN can act effectively as one agency in country: single UN offices, with one leader, one country plan and one budget. There is even a case for establishing one humanitarian agency that allows for better prediction of an impending crisis; for swifter action to remedy it; and sees the different aspects, from short-term relief to longer term development as linked not distinct.

We should also strengthen the UNSG's powers to propose action to the Security Council for the resolution of long-standing disputes; and encourage him in doing so.

Second, the World Bank and IMF. These institutions together play an important role in global stability and prosperity. There is a case, as has been argued before, for merger. But in any event, there is certainly a powerful case for reform.

The IMF, and the international monetary and financial committee chaired by Britain's Gordon Brown, is developing plans for change. To fulfil its role in ensuring the stability of the international monetary and financial system, the IMF must focus on surveillance, both of individual countries and the wider system, that is independent of political influence. It also must become more representative of emerging economic powers and give greater voice to developing countries. The World Bank must remain focussed on fighting world poverty.

Finally, reform, including to appointments and administration, is needed to make the Executive Board more effective.

Third, there is a strong argument for establishing a multilateral system for "safe enrichment" for nuclear energy.

The IAEA would oversee an international bank of uranium to ensure a reliable fuel supply for countries utilising nuclear power without the need for everyone to own their own fuel cycle.

Fourth, the G8 now regularly meets as the G8 +5. That should be the norm.

Finally, we need a UN Environment Organisation, commensurate with the importance the issue now has on the international agenda.

I do not, for a second, under-estimate the hazardous task of achieving these changes. But I am sure it is time to make them.

I want to take one example as a test case: Sudan. There are hundreds of thousands who have died. The dispute between different groups has every dimension of strife in it: ethnic, religious, territorial. If it gets even worse, the knock-on consequences will stretch across the middle belt of Africa and beyond. And we have watched it, with intermittent bursts of activity, for the past two years. The seeds of it were, of course, sown years before that.

This is not a condemnation of world leaders. On the contrary, most of us have devoted what time we can and are doing so now. But in reality, we can't do it all. What it needs is an empowered international actor; the capacity to intervene militarily; and a properly orchestrated humanitarian response. And we needed all of it, from the beginning.

Leaders should do more. But it's the system itself that is at fault, not because of indolence but because of time. Occasionally I look at our international institutions and think as I do about our welfare state: the structures of 1946 trying to meet the challenges of 2006.

What's the obstacle? It is that in creating more effective multilateral institutions, individual nations yield up some of their own independence. This is a hard thing to swallow. Let me be blunt. Powerful nations want more effective multilateral institutions - when they think those institutions will do their will. What they fear is effective multilateral institutions that do their own will.

But the danger of leaving things as they are, is ad hoc coalitions for action that stir massive controversy about legitimacy; or paralysis in the face of crisis.

No amount of institutional change will ever work unless the most powerful make it work. The EU doesn't move forward unless its leading countries agree. That is the reality of power; size; economic, military, political weight.

But if there is a common basis for working - agreed aims and purposes - then no matter how powerful, countries gain from being able to sub-contract problems that on their own they cannot solve. Their national self-interest becomes delivered through effective communal action.

Today, after all the turmoil and disagreement of the past few years, there is a real opportunity to bring us together. We all of us face the common security threat of global terrorism; we all of us depend on a healthy global financial system; all of us, at least in time, will feel the consequences of the poverty of millions living in a world of plenty; we all of us know that secure and clean energy is a common priority. All of us have an interest in stability and a fear of chaos. That's the impact of interdependence.

Above all, though in too many countries and in too many ways, global values are not followed, there is no dissent about their desirability. From the moment the Afgans came out and voted in their first ever election, the myth that democracy was a Western concept, was exploded. The Governments of the world do not all believe in freedom. But the people of the world do.

In my nine years as Prime Minister I have not become more cynical about idealism. I have simply become more persuaded that the distinction between a foreign policy driven by values and one driven by interests, is obviously wrong. Globalisation begets interdependence. Interdependence begets the necessity of a common value system to make it work. In other words, the idealism becomes the real politik. None of that will eliminate the setbacks, fallings short, inconsistencies and hypocrisies that come with practical decision-making in a harsh world. But it does mean that the best of the human spirit, that which, throughout the ages, has pushed the progress of humanity along, is also the best hope for the world's future. Our values are our guide.

To make it so, however, we have to be prepared to think sooner and act quicker in defence of those values - progressive pre-emption, if you will. There is an agenda for it, waiting to be gathered and capable of uniting a world once divided. There wouldn't be a better moment for it.

Or listen to the MP3

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 PM


Registered foreigners top 2 million (Japan Times, 5/27/06)

The number of registered foreign residents in Japan at the end of 2005 totaled roughly 2,011,500, surpassing the 2 million mark for the first time ever, the Justice Ministry announced Friday.

The figure was up 1.9 percent from a year ago and foreign nationals now account for 1.57 percent of the total population.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:07 PM


That Chávez Thing Is Over: If his foes triumph, he will be pushed to the fringe. The Chávez road will have led nowhere. (Ruchir Sharma, 5/29/06, Newsweek International)

Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez is the new rock star of world politics. His impassioned rants against globalization, with animated poses to match, make front-page headlines almost daily. The commentariat—particularly in Europe—seems to buy Chávez's line that Latin Americans are so disenchanted by their short tryst with liberalism that they now prefer a strongman to spread the benefits of a commodity boom. The recent moves by a Chávez soulmate, Evo Morales, to renationalize the energy resources of Bolivia reinforce a growing perception that Latin America is lurching to the radical left.

But it's not. While Chávez does seem to rekindle a certain romantic Western nostalgia for Latin American guerrilla movements, the underlying trends point in the opposite direction. Voters in Latin America, far from crying out for a radically new economic model inspired by Caracas, are in fact rallying powerfully behind leaders and parties who promote more-orthodox economic policies. As candidates espousing Chávez-style populism have plummeted in the polls in Mexico and Peru, their camps have tried to distance themselves from the Venezuelan leader. Elsewhere, incumbent presidents like Alvaro Uribe in Colombia and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brazil have won plaudits as economic managers, and look likely to be reelected.

This is good news for Latin America. It shows that political societies have evolved to the point where most people realize that, in a globalized world, they have to stick to a reformist path.

As the Right looks at Ahmedinejad and thinks it sees the will of the people, so too the Left thinks Chavez popular. In each case it tells us more about our own political extremes than about the countries invvolved.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:09 PM


Mastering art of the prolonged at-bat: Game's most patient, resilient steadily disrupt pitchers' plans (Tom Singer, 5/26/06,

You've doubtless seen at least one classic duel between irresistible pitches and immovable hitter. The count reaches two strikes, and the batter refuses to be counted out. He starts wasting strikes and can't stop ... and eventually the scoreboard begins tracking the pitches, with the entire house screaming the countup.

Usually, such standoffs become consequential, not just memorable. We saw it just last Saturday, in Shea Stadium, where Yankees rookie Melky Cabrera punked veteran Mets closer Billy Wagner.

Wagner is accustomed to blowing through ninth innings, closing out lights; only the night before, he had struck out the side on 12 pitches. This time, Cabrera stayed rooted in the batter's box, fouling off pitches until he'd worked an 11-pitch walk -- the centerpiece of a Wagner meltdown, as he went on to blow a four-run lead.

On such occasions, baseball is reprising its role as a metaphor for life.

Alex Cora served as such inspiration on May 12, 2004, when he fouled off 14 consecutive Matt Clement pitches before punctuating an 18-pitch at-bat with a two-run homer.

The next day, Cora appeared on NBC's network news, and Tom Brokaw described the incident to the nation as "a moment that transcended sports."

Cora's recollection of the battle captured the essence of all such standoffs: "It was tough; he was throwing good pitches. When they put it on the scoreboard, that put me under a little bit of pressure. I had to stand back and regroup."

At 18 pitches, Cora fouled his way into rare territory. While there is no gospel when it comes to this stat, according to various Internet sources Cora's at-bat was the third longest of the last quarter-century. Only longer: Ricky Gutierrez's (Astros) 20-pitch affair with Bartolo Colon (Indians) on June 26, 1998, and Kevin Bass' (Astros) 19-pitch epic with Steve Bedrosian (Phillies) on July 23, 1988.

But forget those oddities. Far more common, and as disruptive, are those 10-12 pitch at-bats that alter a game's course.

"Any hitter who works the count is a pain," says Bud Black, the respected Angels pitching coach following a career as a successful American League left-hander. "Being able to foul off pitches makes him even more of a pain.

"As a pitcher, you're trying everything ... in and out, up and down ... and he keeps fighting balls off. You feel as though you're making good pitches, and he keeps fighting them off. You start thinking, 'What do I have to do to get this guy out?'"

Black sighs. "It's not a good feeling."

Because even if the pitcher wins the battle, he is closer to losing the war. Or, at the very least, his place on the mound. Both Clement and Colon (Bedrosian was a reliever) were removed immediately following the aforementioned marathons.

Clement, who had thrown 86 pitches before Cora stepped in, was taken over that 100-pitch wall to 104, a spectacular example of emptying a guy's tank.

Among today's players, the consensus identifies the best at that as Texas' Michael Young, Oakland's Mark Kotsay, Bill Mueller of the Dodgers, Ichiro and, of course, Eckstein.

As far as the St. Louis dynamo is concerned, his at-bat doesn't even begin until he's got two strikes; that just gets his attention.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:49 PM


Dying 'Dr. Death' Has Second Thoughts About Assisting Suicides (LARA SETRAKIAN and ABC News' Law & Justice Unit, May 26, 2006, ABC)

Today, on his 78th birthday, Jack Kevorkian, the man known as "Dr. Death," is slowly dying in prison.

And, according to his lawyer, Kevorkian seems to have second thoughts about helping people die. [...]

When asked to describe Kevorkian's physical and mental state, Morganroth said it was "not great. … He's quite ill."

"Certainly he does get depressed at times," he said.

He's lucky not to have a Dr. Death on hand at those moments when he's depressed.

Posted by David Cohen at 1:26 PM


Senate Confirms Kavanaugh to Appeals Court (Laurie Kellman, AP, 5/26/06)

White House aide Brett Kavanaugh won Senate confirmation as an appeals judge Friday after a wait of nearly three years, yet another victory in President Bush's drive to place a more conservative stamp on the nation's courts.

Kavanaugh was confirmed on a vote of 57-36, warmly praised by Republicans but widely opposed by Democrats who said he is ill-suited to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

It is possible that, when the Gang of 14 usurped the constitution and undercut President Bush and the Senate leadership, I might have suggested that there could have been a better way to proceed. Never let it be said that I am overly scrupulous in my concern for my country and its constitutional form of government: Senator McCain got a lot of good judges onto the bench and the Gang of 14 wasn't anything like the practical political disaster that I feared. In this, the Gang of 14 agreement is very similar to Campaign Finance Reform, which bought increased Republican congressional majorities and President Bush's reelection at the cost of some unpopular constitutional rights. One might even go so far as to deduce a general theory of the McCain Doctrine, but that would not be charitable in the course of an apology.

So, I am not overly displeased to offer this self-criticism: I was wrong about the Gang of 14 deal and Senator McCain was right.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:21 PM


Defendants Sunk by Their Testimony (Carol Rust, 5/26/06, The Washington Post)

Jurors in the Enron trial made it clear that it would have been better for former executives Kenneth L. Lay and Jeffrey K. Skilling if they'd kept their mouths shut and stayed off the witness stand.

Speaking shortly after a federal judge read their verdict, jurors said Lay's indignant outbursts while testifying in his own behalf made him seem "that he very much wanted to be in control -- he commanded the courtroom," said Wendy Vaughan, a Houston business owner.

"He was very focused, but he had a bit of a chip on his shoulder that made me question his character," she said.

As for Skilling, who spent days explaining the tedious financial inner workings of the once high-flying energy company, the jurors couldn't understand how he could know so much about that and not be aware of illegal business maneuvering, whether or not he was responsible for it personally.

"Skilling was supposed to be a hands-on individual," said Freddy Delgado, an elementary school principal. "It's hard to believe a hands-on individual wouldn't know what was going on."

"When he got on the stand and knew what a [technically complicated] chart was and how it worked, we knew he was involved," Delgado said.

Elementary school teacher Kathy Harrison said she was glad Lay and Skilling took the stand during their trial. Had they not, "I would have always had questions," she said.

Kind of nice that their being so full of themselves sunk them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:06 PM


Century-old phone tax for war is defeated (Bloomberg News, May 26, 2006)

More than a century after the Spanish-American War, phone companies have succeeded in getting rid of the tax created to pay for it.

Treasury Secretary John Snow announced Thursday that the government is "conceding the issue" over the 108-year-old U.S. excise tax on long-distance calls and will refund about $13 billion in taxes paid for the past three years.

In past years five appeals courts have said the tax is illegal, and Republican lawmakers in Congress sought to abolish it.

One of those trivial issues that drives the Right crazy, but you have to throw them a bone as you whip them..

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 AM


Senate Confirms Hayden As CIA Director (KATHERINE SHRADER, May 26, 2006, The Associated Press)

Hayden, 61, would be the first active-duty or retired military officer to run the spy agency in 25 years. He was approved by a vote of 78-15. [...]

During Thursday night's debate, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said the warrentless wiretapping program raised "serious questions about whether the general is the right person to lead the CIA, serious questions about whether the general will continue to be an administration cheerleader, serious questions about his credibility."

Democrat opposition to terrorist surveillance raises questions about whether the American people will trust them to govern.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 AM


Abbas Urges Hamas To Back 2-State Plan: Palestinian Leader Says He May Call Referendum (Scott Wilson, 5/25/06, Washington Post)

If Hamas does not change its position, Abbas said, he will measure public support for a two-state solution within 40 days through a popular referendum. Although it would not be binding, the result would help clarify for recalcitrant Hamas leaders, the Israeli government and the world what course Palestinians favor to resolve the conflict with Israel.

"We must stop with the slogans and start dealing with reality," said Abbas, Fatah's leader. "We must stop dreaming and accept what we can take now. Let us not speak of dreams. Let us take the Palestinian state on the '67 borders. There is a national consensus for this."

Abbas delivered his ultimatum during a meeting of Fatah and Hamas leaders in the West Bank city of Ramallah that was intended to reduce mounting tensions. His comments reflect frustration over Hamas's refusal to soften its views at a time of deepening economic hardship in the Palestinian territories and sporadic armed conflict between the two movements.

It was democratic ideologues--like Natan Sharansky, George Bush, and Ariel Sharon--who understood that the death knell for Palestinian radicalism would be sounded by consensual politics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM


Senate OKs citizenship for illegal aliens (Charles Hurt, 5/26/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The Senate yesterday easily approved an immigration bill that allows 10 million illegal aliens to become citizens, doubles the flow of legal immigration each year and will cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $54 billion over the next 10 years.

The leaders of both parties hailed the 62-36 passage as a historic success. [...]

In the moments before the vote, Mr. Frist and about a dozen senators, from both parties, tearfully congratulated one another for all their hard work in producing the legislation. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat and the leading proponent of the bill, called it "the most far-reaching immigration reform in our history."

After the vote, more than a dozen giddy lawmakers from both sides of the aisle gathered before television cameras to again commend one another.

"I am so proud of the Senate," Minority Leader Harry Reid said as those around him smiled broadly. "This is the way we should legislate -- on a bipartisan basis."

As he spoke, a television screen behind him showed a live picture of the Senate floor, where fellow Democrats were at that moment trying to mount a filibuster against President Bush's latest judicial nominee.

In the end, Democrats failed and a final vote was set for today on the nomination of White House lawyer Brett M. Kavanaugh, named to the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. After speaking to reporters, Mr. Reid returned to the Senate floor and cast his vote in favor of the filibuster.

House GOP expected to yield on legislation (Stephen Dinan, 5/26/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
The House is the only obstacle that stands between President Bush and a comprehensive immigration bill, and the White House yesterday predicted that the chamber's Republicans will give in.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said House Republicans will want to pass border security badly enough to back down from the fight against what many consider amnesty for illegal aliens, knowing there is a "heavier political price for failing to act, than for acting."

"If you are a Republican member of Congress and you're concerned about illegal immigration, do you really want to say to your constituents: You know, I'm going to wait a couple of years before I take up the issue of people knowingly hiring illegal aliens, I want to wait a couple of years before I go ahead and try to identify who the illegal aliens are, I want to wait a couple of years before I start grappling with what to do with these 11 or 12 million people who are here illegally," Mr. Snow said.

The Bush years are just one historic reform after another.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


-Blair and Bush Are Duo Even in Descent (Glenn Kessler, 5/26/06, Washington Post)

The two have always been a bit of an odd couple. Bush is a conservative Texan who speaks inelegant English, while Blair is an eloquent speaker who promoted the "third way" of politics with former president Bill Clinton, his transatlantic pal. After their first meeting, when Bush was asked what they had in common, he replied: "We both use Colgate toothpaste."

But Blair always has had a moralistic streak. Clinton, after all, had restrained the more enthusiastic prime minister when he wanted to send ground troops during the conflict over Kosovo. It turned out that Blair's worldview meshed perfectly with the neo-Wilsonian outlook that Bush adopted after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Blair, convinced that it was essential for Britain to align its foreign policy closely with that of the United States, moved quickly to make sure he was in Bush's good graces. Though most European nations opposed Bush's plan for a missile defense system, Blair offered to support it as long as Bush agreed to negotiate a deal with Russia to end the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty -- rather than end it unilaterally, as some administration officials preferred. Bush agreed to Blair's proposal.

I'm reading Richard North's often insightful pamphlet, Mr. Blair's Messiah Politics, in which he notes that what makes the Prime Minister almost unique in modern British politics, his moralistic (even messianic) bent in foreign affairs, is entirely routine in American political leaders. He also nails the Third Way:
The Third Way is no more than the idea that neither command-and-control nor laissez-faire provides the best way of running a society and iits economy. You need, this creed asserts unremarkably, a bit of both. Since the Tories have always known this, and important sectors of Labour have resisted it, the Third Way has more to each socialists than conservatives.

Indeed, Mr. North cites as the main domestic effect of Blairism the entrenchment of Thatcherism.

The reality is that Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush could hardly be more similar.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 AM


Treasury Secretary to Step Down (Peter Baker and Paul Blustein, 5/26/06, Washington Post)

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, who has presided during a period of strong economic growth but at times seemed out of sync with President Bush, has informed the White House that he will resign in the coming days after three years as the nation's chief economic officer, a source close to Snow said yesterday.

Snow asked the White House to announce his resignation in early June and said he plans to stay in the job no later than July 3 while a replacement is sought, the source said. The secretary's decision was intended to bring finality to a process that has played out awkwardly in public over months as Snow's job security has been a regular source of Washington speculation.

Republican insiders said possible candidates to succeed Snow include former commerce secretary Donald L. Evans, a longtime Bush friend; Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez, a former Kellogg Co. chief executive; Ambassador David C. Mulford, a former treasury undersecretary who represents the United States in India; and Stephen Friedman, the president's former chief economic adviser and a former Goldman Sachs chief executive. [...]

Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick, a former trade representative, had hoped to be named the next treasury secretary but does not appear likely to get the job, and has indicated to associates that he plans to resign soon to return to the private sector.

It's a job that could use a pitchman and there's no better carny barker in the GOP than Newt Gingrich.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 AM


Reggae legend Desmond Dekker dies (BBC, 5/26/06)

Reggae legend Desmond Dekker has died suddenly from a heart attack, his manager has announced.

The 64-year-old Jamaican, best known for his 1969 hit Israelites, collapsed at his Surrey home.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


Bush, Blair admit Iraq errors (The Associated Press, 5/26/06)

President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair acknowledged costly mistakes and difficult times in the Iraq war they launched together in 2003, but they insisted that enough progress has been made that other nations should support the new Iraqi government.

While Bush increasingly has begun to acknowledge missteps in handling the war, his comments at the joint news conference Thursday — together with Blair's — represent his most explicit acknowledgment that the administration underestimated the difficulty of the central project of his presidency.

Bush said he regrets his cowboy rhetoric after the Sept. 11 attacks, such as his "wanted dead or alive" description of Osama bin Laden and his taunting "bring 'em on" challenge to Iraqi insurgents.

"In certain parts of the world, it was misinterpreted."

He also cited the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners at the U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad. "We've been paying for that for a long time," Bush said.

But, he said, "Despite setbacks and missteps, I strongly believe we did and are doing the right thing."

Blair regretted the way in which Saddam Hussein's political allies were purged soon after the fall of Baghdad. Critics have said the sudden purge left a security vacuum in Iraq and encouraged former regime loyalists to take up arms against the newly installed government.

Blair also said allies seriously underestimated the insurgency.

"It should have been very obvious to us" from the beginning, Blair said.

He said he and Bush should have recognized that the fall of President Saddam Hussein would not "be the rise of a democratic Iraq, that it was going to be a more difficult process" because "you're talking about literally building the institutions of a state from scratch."

Pretty hard to picture Churchill and FDR apologizing for talking too tough in their radio broadcasts, being too mean to the Nazis, and purging the regime afterwards.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM

PHILISTINIANISM (via Tom Corcoran):

Dear Useful Idiot: On Cindy Sheehan’s Dear President Bush (Catherine Seipp, 5/25/06, National Review)

[T]he most idiotic statement in Sheehan’s new book, Dear President Bush, comes not from Sheehan herself but from Howard Zinn, who writes in the introduction: “A box-cutter can bring down a tower. A poem can build up a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution.”

A box-cutter can bring down a tower. By now, I suppose, we should be used to the hard Left’s extending underdog status to the worst of mass murderers; still, the sheer gall of beginning a series of David-and-Goliath metaphors with that one is breathtaking.

Except that box-cutters are Goliath--our response was David.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:20 AM


Tories six points ahead as scandals rock Blair (George Jones, 26/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

The Conservatives are experiencing their most sustained electoral recovery for more than 14 years as public confidence in the competence of Tony Blair's government plummets, according to a YouGov poll published in The Daily Telegraph today.

After a string of Government blunders and scandals culminating in near meltdown at the Home Office this week, the Tories have opened a six-point lead over Labour - their largest advantage since before John Major's win in the 1992 general election.

May 25, 2006

Posted by Matt Murphy at 10:32 PM


The French malady: Philosopher Andre Glucksmann diagnoses the ailment that has been troubling the French Republic for decades. (Andre Glucksmann, Sign and Sight, 5/24/06)

Extravagant France! In just a year, four crises have confounded international opinion. A year ago, there was the Non to the European referendum, followed last autumn by the suburban riots, then in spring by the student revolt and now the Clearstream scandal (news story). Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, currently no. 1 in the government, is said to have put the secret service onto the activities of no. 2, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, and cast suspicion onto no. 3, Defence Minister Michele Alliot Marie. [...]

If the French no longer believe in the sacrosanct left-right alternative, it's because they see that in several decades of cohabitation, alternation, mobilisation and counter-mobilisation, neither the left nor the right have done a thing to solve France's problem of problems: the unemployment rate. Here France is the long-standing Western European champion. As long as the country has 10 percent unemployment (over 20 percent among young people and almost 40 percent in disadvantaged neighbourhoods), the situation will not improve.

Did he really just say that the employment situation won't get any better until the unemployment rate drops?

Posted by Matt Murphy at 10:11 PM


Judge: Man Is Too Short for Prison (AP, 5/25/06)

Sidney, Neb. [...] A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.

His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers. [...]

"I want control of you until I know you have integrated change into your life," the judge told Thompson. "I truly hope that my bet on you being OK out in society is not misplaced."

Hasn't exactly been okay out in society so far, has he?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 PM


Talking to Hamas: Hamas official Osama Hamdan explains how US pressure is making it hard to govern. But the organisation, if it can stay on track, is set to change the face of Islamism and then the middle east (Alastair Crooke, June 2006, Prospect)

It seems...that the new Israeli government will aim towards partial independent withdrawal from the West Bank, for the time being at least. And for this, Israel prefers Hamas to Fatah. To engage with President Abbas would undermine the claim that unilateralism is necessary “because there is no Palestinian partner.” Unlike Fatah, Hamas does not want to negotiate on a partial solution, and can be plausibly labelled “a non-partner.” As a result, some Israelis perceive Hamas as sharing a common interest in Israeli withdrawal that could lead to some “understandings.” And as Israel knows, Hamas counts all Israeli departures from Palestinian land as a victory, especially without a quid pro quo.

This prospect would leave Hamas to concentrate over the coming year or two on its core objective of providing competent governance to the Palestinians. Osama Hamdan underlined the importance of bringing law and order to the Palestinians and, specifically, of resolving clashes between Hamas and Fatah factions: “Ismail Haniya [the Palestinian prime minister] has begun working… there are good signs that he will succeed in securing the internal situation. Some of the other groups, such as the popular resistance committees, have begun working directly with the interior minister, and a new co-ordinator of security, who is very popular and commands wide support among all factions, has been appointed.”

According to Hamdan, Hamas’s other priorities are to reform the security services, to create effective judicial oversight over the security agencies and, above all, to make parliament accountable for and the instrument of control of all Palestinian institutions and ministries. Hamas has not perpetrated any direct attack in Israel since late 2003; its military wing has focused instead on targets within the occupied territories. For over a year, Hamas has observed a unilateral de-escalation, or tadiya. The suicide attack in Tel Aviv in April that led to the death of 11 Israelis was mounted by Islamic Jihad in response to an earlier killing of several of its leaders. In a response that was widely criticised, Hamas spokesmen refused to condemn Islamic Jihad, repelling any tentative European feelers towards engagement. But Hamas wanted to signal clearly that it would not be Israel’s policeman in the territories. It had learned from Fatah’s experience that to publicly condemn such attacks was to invite US and Israeli pressure to arrest members of Islamic Jihad, something it was not ready to do given the risk of being outflanked by more militant groups. Hamas also knows that if it begins to arrest Palestinians, Israel will send lists of further Palestinians to be arrested. These lists, which were sent to Arafat as soon as he took office in 1993, proved deeply corrosive to Fatah’s credibility and legitimacy. The language used by Hamas, however, was not well chosen. Israel may have understood the signal, but externally it was damaging.

Hamas and Fatah represent two very different traditions of Muslim thinking. Fatah has looked to the international community to help balance the asymmetrical relationship with Israel, whereas Hamas’s Islamist approach relies on the inner resources of its constituency for the fortitude to persevere. But contrary to the popular view, Hamas does not believe in imposing Sharia law on Palestinians, or anyone else. This has been said publicly. It does not seek a “top-down” Islamic state that imposes norms of Islamic behaviour but has no real Muslims living in it. It prefers the goal of a state peopled by believing Muslims whose freely chosen priorities colour society from below.

If Muslims judge Hamas to have been successful, this approach will change the face of Islamism. It will do more than any other initiative to swing the pendulum away from the revolutionary groups that aim to radicalise and to impose strict Islamic structures. And the commitment to reform will appeal to public opinion throughout the region. It is this that represents the revolutionary nature of the Hamas electoral victory and explains the antagonism of leaders like Mubarak of Egypt and King Abdullah of Jordan, who can see the implications only too clearly.

A referendum could get Hamas off the hook and let them accept reality so that we can help them start building a decent Palestine.

President's ultimatum to Hamas: recognise Israel or the people will decide (Stephen Farrell, 5/26/06, Times of London)

The move appeared to wrong-foot Hamas, whose refusal to recognise Israel and renounce violence has led to international isolation and the freezing of millions of dollars in international aid.

Waiting until the last minute of an otherwise turgid address to a “national dialogue” conference broadcast live on television, Mr Abbas, a Fatah leader, called on his Islamist rivals to accept a proposal drawn up by Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and other prisoners in Israeli jails — foremost among them the Fatah populist Marwan Barghouti.

Hamas may recognise Israel's right to exist (Tim Butcher, 26/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)
Mr Abbas, trying to persuade Hamas to drop its traditional refusal to accept Israel's right to exist, seized on a seven-page document written inside an Israeli prison by Palestinian political prisoners.

The prisoners represent not just Hamas, but all major factions, including Mr Abbas's own Fatah movement and Islamic Jihad.

It was debated inside high-security cells and drawn up under the eyes of prison guards during exercise periods.

In parts verbose and repetitive, the document nevertheless implies an acceptance of the right of Israel by claiming a Palestinian homeland only on land occupied by Israel in 1967 - Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

If he could persuade the Hamas leadership to accept the 18-point prison accord it would mean the movement had dropped its original claim on all the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean.

Mr Abbas gave the parties 10 days to accept the document as a common platform, and said he would call a referendum if they failed to do so.

He is understood to have won tacit agreement for the plan from the Hamas leadership before unveiling it during a Palestinian national unity summit held yesterday to try to halt the slide towards civil war.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 PM


When we said goodbye to the USS Oriskany: A rusted ship moved men to tears. And that was before she slipped beneath the sea (Nicholas A. Basbanes, 5/26/06, CS Monitor)

A day before the USS Oriskany (CV-34) was scheduled to be sunk in the Gulf of Mexico last week, Denny Earl, a naval aviator attached to the venerable aircraft carrier during the Vietnam War with Attack Squadron 163, bade farewell to his old ship in a dazzlingly audacious way. [...]

People who have never served aboard a naval ship can be excused for wondering how it is that grown men could cry so freely and without embarrassment at the sight of an obsolete leviathan they once called home being sent to the bottom in what amounted to a sailor's burial at sea. "Ships have a way of imparting something of themselves to those who sail in them," is the way Captain Kenyon describes the dynamic that takes place between a vessel and her crew. He said that two years ago when news of the reefing was announced, and his words still resonate quite powerfully for me today.

And this from John Resnick.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:46 PM


A Latin leader set to defy leftist trend: Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe looks likely to win reelection Sunday. (Danna Harman, 5/26/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

The slight, bespectacled yoga enthusiast with an amateur historian's interest in the US Civil War (he knows the Gettysburg Address by heart) is expected to be reelected here Sunday. Uribe has more than 57 percent support, enough to win elections in the first round, according to the Napoleón Franco Group, a polling firm here. [...]

"Uribe is a remarkable leader," says Michael Shifter, vice president of the InterAmerican Dialogue, a think tank in Washington, D.C. "He has an acute sense of what the people want, and despite continuing, serious problems, has made real progress on the security front."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 PM


Congress passes funeral protest ban: Bill targets group that taunts mourners at military rites (AP, 5/25/06)

Demonstrators would be barred from disrupting military funerals at national cemeteries under legislation approved by Congress and sent to the White House.

The measure, passed by voice vote in the House Wednesday hours after the Senate passed an amended version, specifically targets a Kansas church group that has staged protests at military funerals around the country, claiming that the deaths were a sign of God's anger at U.S. tolerance of homosexuals.

The act "will protect the sanctity of all 122 of our national cemeteries as shrines to their gallant dead," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee, said prior to the Senate vote.

"It's a sad but necessary measure to protect what should be recognized by all reasonable people as a solemn, private and deeply sacred occasion," he said.

Why not just issue the honor guard live rounds?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:17 PM


Rise and Fall of the Enron Boys (William Greider, The Nation)

Normally, I am a "bleeding heart" when it comes to long prison terms, but an appropriate sentence for the Enron boys might be six trillion years.

Of course, in Greiderville you're eligible for parole after two years on a six trillion year sentence.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:02 PM


Wrong to let climber die, says Sir Edmund (Tom McKinlay, New Zealand Herald, May 24th, 2006)

The first man to the summit of Mt Everest cannot understand how New Zealand climber Mark Inglis and others on the mountain left British mountaineer David Sharp to die.

"All I can say is that in our expedition there was never any likelihood whatsoever if one member of the party was incapacitated that we would just leave him to die," Sir Edmund Hillary said yesterday.

The renowned adventurer was reacting to the decision by double-amputee Inglis, who was one of many who passed the dying Briton near the summit without trying to rescue him.

Sharp died on the mountain.[...]

The difficulties posed by operating at high altitude were not an excuse.

"You can try, can't you? This is the whole thing," Sir Edmund said.

"You are in a dangerous situation, there's no question about that.

"But at least you can try to rescue the life of a man who is obviously in a distressful condition."

Sir Edmund has previously criticised the intensely commercial environment that has developed around the world's highest peak and called for a moratorium to give the mountain a break.

"I think the whole attitude towards climbing Mt Everest has become rather horrifying. The people just want to get to the top.

"They don't give a damn for anybody else who may be in distress and it doesn't impress me at all that they leave someone lying under a rock to die," Sir Edmund said.

Obviously uncomfortable supporters of Inglis have been responding to Hillary’s Old Testament-like thunder with the familiar argument that one’s intellectual and moral faculties are strained under these conditions and thus no one who hasn’t experienced them is in any position to condemn. This is true, of course, but the problem is that it is also true of anyone in a desert or jungle or just about anywhere else, and also of anyone who is hungry, thirsty, in pain, in mourning, drunk, broke, depressed, falling in love, falling out of love, getting married, getting divorced, sick, suddenly rich, pregnant, lonely, a new parent, under stress at work, injured, in a war, jilted, in jail, receiving the special attention of the IRS or endless other “special” conditions. Moral relativists like to imagine a mythical noble man assessing his moral choices independent of contingency, but as he doesn’t exist and never did, they end up standing for a regression to a pagan perception of morality in which we are just bounced around helplessly by chance and circumstance and are therefore never accountable.

Posted by David Cohen at 5:42 PM


Hastert Lashes Out at Justice Dept (Laurie Kellman, AP, 5/25/06)

House Speaker Dennis Hastert accused the Justice Department Thursday of trying to intimidate him in retaliation for criticizing the FBI's weekend raid on a congressman's office, escalating a searing battle between the executive and legislative branches of government.

"This is one of the leaks that come out to try to, you know, intimidate people," Hastert said on WGN radio Thursday morning. "We're just not going to be intimidated on it."

The Illinois Republican, in his interview with the Chicago radio station, was responding to an ABC News report that quoted an unnamed law enforcement source as saying that he was "in the mix" of the Justice Department's investigation into influence peddling by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

"We are not going to dignify or speculate about the motives of anonymous sources providing inaccurate information," said Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse.

Within minutes of that report late Wednesday, the department issued the first of two denials that it was investigating Hastert. The speaker demanded a retraction from ABC News, which stood by its story. Hastert on Thursday threatened to sue the network and reporters and executives for libel and defamation.

Hastert's assertion of a constitutional privilege against the search and seizure of a Congressman's papers in the course of a criminal investigation is ridiculous. That does not excuse the wrong being done by what appears to be yet another example of the permanent government using anonymous leaks to punish politicians and undercut policy. These leaks, too, should be traced to their source and the leakers fired and, if possible, prosecuted. Leaking from an investigation or, even worse, lying that an investigation is in progress, is a particularly vile way of ruining a person's reputation without giving them any way to fight back. (Notice how the story spins this as an attack on the Justice Department, when Hastert is, in fact, attacking anonymous leakers who are violating Justice Department rules to create anonymous mischief.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:51 PM


Chirac's failing reign (International Herald Tribune, MAY 23, 2006)

One reason France's latest political scandal, the so- called Clearstream affair, is way down among the topics of café chit-chat is because it's so incomprehensible. What it boils down to is whether Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin tried to smear his arch-rival, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. In the best tradition of French political affairs, there probably won't be an answer. But that doesn't really matter, because Clearstream already figures as another tedious chapter in the fast-failing Chirac presidency. As Ségolène Royal, the current Socialist favorite, put it in an interview, "It is the end of a reign without ethics, the explosion of a system that gives room to secret methods, to blows below the belt, to destabilizing moves."

You'd have trouble convincing us that Chirac and de Villepin aren't rejected samples from this experiment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:44 PM


Britain to boost retirement age to 68
(JANE WARDELL, 5/25/06, Associated Press and Canadian Press

The British government unveiled a major overhaul of the state pensions system Thursday, revealing that it will gradually raise the retirement age to 68 and link benefits to earnings to avert a looming funding crisis as people live longer and have fewer children.

The government said that, beginning in 2024, it will begin increasing the retirement age from the current 65 to 66 and later to 68. That will also help pay for the government's plan to restore the link between state pensions and earnings by 2012 if fiscal conditions allowed, it said.

The link to average pay was removed by former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher in 1980 in one of the first acts of her government to tackle a system that was deemed too expensive. The link to prices since then has significantly reduced the value of post-work benefits.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:35 PM


Iran leader's love of soccer worries World Cup host: A visit by Ahmadinejad would trouble Germany (Colin Nickerson, May 23, 2006, Boston Globe)

German security forces are ready to deal with hooligans, right-wing protesters, and even suicide bombers.

But the possibility of Iran's president making a surprise appearance at next month's World Cup soccer championship is giving the country's leadership a collective case of angst.

The prospect of such a visit started to emerge last month after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- the world's best-known Holocaust-denier, despiser of Israel, and alleged wannabe wielder of nuclear arms -- expressed his passionate love for soccer. Iran's national team is one of 32 that have qualified for the championship, and it will play its first game at Nuremberg.

Suddenly, it seems possible that Ahmadinejad and his entourage might show up to cheer Iranian players in a city where Adolf Hitler set the stage for the Holocaust with massive Nazi rallies and passage of the Nuremberg laws, which stripped citizenship from German Jews.

...that the world is arranged for your personal amusement?

Posted by David Cohen at 2:21 PM


Study: Chocolate may boost brain power (Reuters, 5/25/06)

Chocolate lovers rejoice. A new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function.

"Chocolate contains many substances that act as stimulants, such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine," Dr. Bryan Raudenbush from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia noted in comments to Reuters Health.

"These substances by themselves have previously been found to increase alertness and attention and what we have found is that by consuming chocolate you can get the stimulating effects, which then lead to increased mental performance."

Silly scientists. Everyone knows the real benefits come from dark chocolate.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:20 PM


Q1 GDP growth fastest in 2-1/2 years (Reuters, 5/25/06)

The U.S. economy shot forward at an upwardly revised 5.3 percent annual rate in the first quarter, the fastest growth in 2-1/2 years, as companies built up inventories and exports strengthened, a Commerce Department report on Thursday showed.

Democrats may be having trouble articulating a positive agenda, but the one thing they all agree on is that they'll reverse course from what George Bush has done.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:15 PM


Deer Attack Three at Ill. University (JIM SUHR, 5/24/06, The Associated Press)

A year after the normally docile creatures attacked seven people on a university campus here, the deer have turned bullish again.

Three people were attacked by deer within minutes of each other Tuesday on a footpath at Southern Illinois University, police said Wednesday. One doe probably was responsible for all three attacks, said Todd Sigler, the school's public safety chief.

One worker needed stitches for a gash on his forehead, another suffered cuts, bruises and a sprained wrist, and a student was left with a scratched jaw. Two of the victims sought medical treatment.

...if, like me, you've been traumatized by the movie Bambi for the last forty years, you can finally tell yourself: "the bitch got what she deserved."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:07 PM


Bill to Ban Gambling Online Gets 4th Chance (Frank Ahrens, 5/25/06, Washington Post)

Online poker players will have to fold their hands if a Virginia congressman gets his way.

Today, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up a bill introduced by Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte (R) that would ban much online gambling, including bets on sporting events and games of chance -- namely poker, which has enjoyed a boom in recent years.

The legislation could get an unexpected boost from the Jack Abramoff scandal. The disgraced lobbyist was key to blocking one of Goodlatte's three previous attempts to ban Internet gambling, and backlash over corruption charges could help the current effort. [...]

"I am a big advocate of opening up the Internet to all kinds of legitimate uses," said Goodlatte, who is co-chairman of the Congressional Internet Caucus. "But we don't want the Internet to become the Wild West of the 21st century." Goodlatte said he opposes gambling because it leads to "a whole host of ills in society."

If you want to bet see a bookie.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:04 PM


Gonzales's Rationale on Phone Data Disputed (Walter Pincus, May 25, 2006, Washington Post)

Civil liberties lawyers yesterday questioned the legal basis that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales used Tuesday to justify the constitutionality of collecting domestic telephone records as part of the Bush administration's anti-terrorism program.

While not confirming a USA Today report May 11 saying the National Security Agency has been collecting phone-call records of millions of Americans, Gonzales said such an activity would not require a court warrant under a 1979 Supreme Court ruling because it involved obtaining "business records." Under the 27-year-old court ruling in Smith v. Maryland , "those kinds of records do not enjoy Fourth Amendment protection," Gonzales said. "There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in those kinds of records," he added.

Noting that Congress in 1986 passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in reaction to the Smith v. Maryland ruling to require court orders before turning over call records to the government, G. Jack King Jr. of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers said Gonzales is correct in saying "the administration isn't violating the Fourth Amendment" but "he's failing to acknowledge that it is breaking" the 1986 law, which requires a court order "with a few very narrow exceptions."

Congress can't actually seize power that the Constitution grants to the executive.

Posted by David Cohen at 11:54 AM


Study: Parents Encourage Tots to Watch TV (Lauran Neergaard, AP, 5/24/06)

Even for the littlest tots, TV in the bedroom isn't rare: 19 percent of babies under 2 have one despite urging from the American Academy of Pediatrics that youngsters not watch any television at that age.

So concludes a new study that highlights the immense disconnect between what child-development specialists advise and what parents allow.

"My reasoning was that my little boy was extremely intelligent since birth. At 1 year old, he was putting his own DVDs in, skipping scenes," one mother of a preschooler told researchers with the Kaiser Family Foundation. "I thought it was a real good thing for him to have his own TV because TV helped him grow at a very young age."

. . . so we've given them their own wine cellar.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 AM


PM takes aim at Charest over Kyoto (BILL CURRY and RHÉAL SÉGUIN AND GLORIA GALLOWAY, 5/25/06, Globe and Mail)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is shooting back at his Kyoto critics, including Quebec Premier Jean Charest, saying actions are more important than words on reducing greenhouse gases.

"There's lot of people around the world who have bold and ambitious statements about limiting greenhouse gases, but I am more interested to see what actual effective actions are undertaken," Mr. Harper said.

The talkers are in Kyoto, the doers in the Asian-Pacific Partnership

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:28 AM


Dickens, Challah and That Mysterious Island (KATE AURTHUR, 5/25/06, NY Times)

On last night's "Lost," which closed the island mystery's second season on ABC, a crucial plot development hinged on a copy of the Charles Dickens novel "Our Mutual Friend." (Readers who do not wish to know the particulars of the finale should stop here.)

In a flashback Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick), the character "Lost" viewers know as the man who lived down the hatch, tells a prison guard that he carries around "Our Mutual Friend" because he means for it to be the last book he reads before dying. Later, on the island, when Desmond thinks that death is near, he finds a letter inside the book from the love of his life, Penny. Her letter inspires him to go on an apparent suicide mission to save the island and, the episode implied, possibly the world.

During a visit to New York City last week, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the executive producers who run "Lost," said they got the idea of the deathbed reading of "Our Mutual Friend" from an interview with the writer John Irving in which he said he was saving it for last. But besides paying tribute to Mr. Irving, they were eager to refer to Dickens for their own narrative purposes.

"He was writing chapter by chapter for newspapers," Mr. Cuse said. "We often think: 'How much did Dickens know when he was writing his stories? How much of it was planned out, and how much was flying by the seat of his pants because he had to get another chapter in?' " He paused, then said with a laugh, "We can respect what he went through."

Smells like shark.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:22 AM


Men die young in pursuit of sex, researchers say (Amy Brown-Bowers, National Post, May 25th, 2006)

Women live longer than men in part because males incessantly pursue sex, a new study suggests.

A research paper recently published in the journal Human Nature says men die sooner than women because of patterns of procreation established hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Simply put, the traits that made men more likely to get a girl in the past -- being competitive, physically dominating and daring -- are also traits linked to shorter life spans.

So today's man is living with the effects of thousands of generations of men who have been naturally selected for their ability to successfully have sex at the cost of a long life.

So, let’s get this straight. The Freudian ideal of the man whose emotional make-up is most in tune with his long-evolved natural instincts is the lounge lizard?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 AM


Japan bans suburban sprawl as population slips (AFP, 5/24/06)

The Japanese parliament banned new large shopping malls in suburbs in a bid to prevent the hollowing out of urban centers as the population shrinks.

Despite opposition by the business community, the upper house of parliament unanimously backed the proposal amid worries that American-style sprawl would be unhealthy as Japanese have fewer children. [...]

Japan has seen a more than decade-old shift toward the suburbs by residents who buy cars to flee the famously high rents inside the densely populated cities.

But the Japanese population fell for the first time in peacetime last year and at current rates is expected to be cut to 60 million, or less than half the current total, by 2100. [...]

More Japanese young people are putting off starting families, finding them to be a burden to their careers, finances and lifestyles.

Trapping folks in cities is a sure way to make them court extinction.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


Abbas plans referendum if no deal reached with Hamas
(MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, 5/25/06, Associated Press)

In a dramatic announcement, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that he will call a national referendum on accepting a Palestinian state alongside Israel if Hamas does not agree to the idea within 10 days.

The deadline to Hamas represented a political gamble that could either could either help resolve the Palestinians' internal deadlock or lead them into a deeper crisis.

Senior Hamas officials said they accepted the idea of a referendum.

There's nothing more dangerous to the governments of the Middle East than asking electorates what they really want.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:13 AM


Families Add 3rd Generation to Households (MIREYA NAVARRO, 5/25/06, NY Times)

Tess Crescini keeps trying to limit her roommates to her fiancé and her dog, but so far she has failed miserably.

At the moment, Ms. Crescini, 51, and her fiancé are sharing her four-bedroom house in San Jose, Calif., with two of her three adult sons, a daughter-in-law, a 3-year-old granddaughter and a brother who comes and goes. Exorbitant housing costs, layoffs and children who yearn for family togetherness have coalesced to make her the head of a multigenerational household.

In a society where the most common type of household is led by those who live alone and where the scattered family is almost a cultural institution, many grandparents, adult children and grandchildren are gathering to live under the same roof.

The last census showed these "multigenerational households" — defined as those of three or more generations — growing faster than any other type of housing arrangement. [...]

Multigenerational living, especially those in which grandparents care for their grandchildren, have long been common in Asian and Hispanic countries, and the arrangement is popular among immigrants from those nations.

It's great to import folks who will end social pathologies, but we should accelerate the trend by ending all government monies for nursing homes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM

7 7/8THS-8, THANKS:

Just Manny being Manny:

2006 BOS 152 27 48 11 29 35 0 0.3158 0.4421 0.5789

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


Olmert Urges Palestinians To Qualify For Talks (William Branigin, 5/25/06, Washington Post)

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert yesterday urged the Palestinian Authority to meet his terms for peace talks or face a unilaterally imposed settlement in the West Bank, and he warned that a nuclear-armed Iran would constitute "an intolerable threat" that he said "cannot be permitted to materialize."

In an address to a joint meeting of Congress a day after talks at the White House with President Bush, Olmert acknowledged Palestinians' "national aspirations" and asserted that Israel has no desire to rule or oppress them.

But he said Israel cannot wait indefinitely for the Palestinians to become acceptable negotiating partners, and he outlined a plan for unilateral "disengagement" from the West Bank that would involve redrawing Israel's final borders to include major West Bank settlements and a "united Jerusalem" as the capital.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


Editor at Conservative Magazine To Be Top Policy Adviser to Bush (Michael A. Fletcher, May 25, 2006, Washington Post)

President Bush appointed a longtime scholar at the American Enterprise Institute yesterday to be his top domestic policy adviser, a post that has been vacant since February, when Claude A. Allen stepped down after being charged with stealing more than $5,000 in a phony refund scheme.

Karl Zinsmeister, who has worked the past 12 years as editor in chief of the American Enterprise magazine, is slated to assume his White House post June 12. At the institute, he focused on examining cultural issues, as well as social and economic trends. His columns for the magazine included pieces praising Wal-Mart's efficiency and extolling the role of religion in forming the glue that bonds communities.

Zinsmeister, 47, also has written three books defending the war in Iraq, a nation he has visited four times as an embedded journalist. His books focus on the everyday work of U.S. troops, whose progress in fulfilling a noble mission, he argues, is often overlooked by much of the media.

"What the establishment media covering Iraq have utterly failed to make clear today is this central reality: With the exception of periodic flare-ups in isolated corners, our struggle in Iraq as warfare is over," Zinsmeister wrote in his column last June. "Egregious acts of terror will continue -- in Iraq as in many other parts of the world. But there is now no chance whatever of the U.S. losing this critical guerrilla war."

Faithful Community Life (Karl Zinsmeister, May 2006, American Enterprise)
Over the last generation, many historians, politicians, and journalists have labored to downplay the significance of religion in making American society what it is. That's not easily accomplished, though. There's just too much concrete evidence of the importance of our religious roots.

Nearly half the men who signed the Declaration of Independence had some seminary training, and John Adams’s description of the American Revolu­tion was that it “connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil govern­ment with the principles of Christianity.” In their marvelous story starting on page 20 (built on a year of research) Michael and Jana Novak debunk today’s conventional portrayal of George Washington as a man influenced mightily by Greek and Roman paganism but not much touched by Christian ideals. To the contrary, they report, Washington’s Christianity was critical to his fathering of our nation.

David Gelernter looks at different historical evidence and finds that America is deeply stamped with the Judeo-Christian ideas and practices first brought to this con­tinent by Puritan settlers. Stepping back even further in Western history, professor Rodney Stark concludes that Christian principles were decisive in allowing Europeans to vault out of the static misery that most humans had to cope with through the cen­turies. Not just compassion, moral equality, and democracy, but even seemingly secu­lar innovations like liberty, limited government, and science were products primarily of Christian insights. And these religious understandings made Western civilization more successful and more humane than other societies.

This issue of The American Enterprise doesn’t concern itself with all of the ways Judeo-Christianity has influenced us, but focuses specifically on how religion creates social bonds—how it knits people and communities together. The common view among liberal intellectuals today is that religion is something that divides peo­ple, a “wedge,” a force that corrodes unity. Everything from today’s “culture wars” to the recent marauding of disaffected Muslims through European cities is blamed vaguely on “too much religion.”

That is a crude reduction of the actual effects of religious belief on most people. It’s true that religion is a potent influence on all aspects of a civilization. “The beginning of culture is cult,” reminds Michael Novak. Often, religious views have soaked so deeply into the social fabric that most citizens are no longer even conscious of them, even as their culture continues to be shaped by echoes of faith.

In particular, it is the religious impulse that makes typical men and women capa­ble of concern for their fellows. The verdict of history, says Novak, is that “apart from the worship of God, human beings cannot transcend themselves in the large num­bers needed to sustain a civilization. Unless human beings have a vision of something beyond the bounds of their own natures, they cannot be pulled out of themselves.”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


Libby Told Grand Jury Cheney Spoke of Plame (R. Jeffrey Smith, May 25, 2006, Washington Post)

Vice President Cheney was personally angered by a former U.S. ambassador's newspaper column attacking a key rationale for the war in Iraq and repeatedly directed I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, then his chief of staff, to "get all the facts out" related to the critique, according to excerpts from Libby's 2004 grand jury testimony released late yesterday by Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

Libby also told the grand jury that Cheney raised as an issue that the former ambassador's wife worked at the CIA and that she allegedly played a role in sending him to investigate the Iraqi government's interest in acquiring nuclear weapons materials. That issue formed the basis of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV's published critique.

"investigate" seems a stretch for what Mr. Wlson actually did.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 AM


Breach Was More of the Spirit, Not the Letter, of the Constitution (Charles Lane, May 25, 2006, Washington Post)

The FBI raid on Rep. William Jefferson's congressional office was an aggressive tactic that broke a long-standing political custom. But while it might violate the spirit of the Constitution, it might not violate the letter of the document or subsequent rulings by the Supreme Court, legal analysts say.

The issue could turn on whether a court finds that the items seized from Jefferson's office were related to such protected legislative activities as writing, researching and voting on bills. Other things could be fair game for the prosecution, analysts said. [...]

Both the search warrant for Jefferson's office and the raid to execute it were unprecedented in the 219-year history of the Constitution. In that sense, they violated an interbranch understanding rooted in the separation of powers -- and, indeed, in the events of 1642, when King Charles I burst into Parliament and attempted to arrest five members of the House of Commons, triggering the English Civil War.

Just because Congress and the Court have routinely overstepped the bounds of separation doesn't mean the Executive should start.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Like it or not, Europe is paying the transaction costs of diversity: Renaissance Europe's restless pluralism brought great creativity, but also bloodshed. Now we have peace without dynamism (Timothy Garton Ash, Thursday May 25, 2006, The Guardian )

Amid yawns of boredom from most of our citizens, Europe's political intellectuals agree that the EU needs a new narrative to inspire us. What should that be? Ah, say some, the narrative of diversity. On the face of it, this is an odd thing to say. This new political narrative must presumably address the question: "What do we all have in common?" "That we are all so different!" does not seem a sufficient answer. The more conventional European formula is "unity in diversity" - but where's the unity?

In the great age of Renaissance Florence, diversity was indeed the dynamo of Europe's extraordinary creativity. There's a marvellous book called The European Miracle, by the economic historian EL Jones, that explores why Europe rather than China - scientifically and technologically more advanced than Europe in the 14th century - produced the scientific, agrarian and industrial revolutions that led the world into modernity. In brief, his answer is: Europe's diversity.

But this was the diversity of a restless, often violent competition between cities, regions, states and empires. Florence and Siena, England and France, Christian Europe and the Ottoman empire - they did not resolve their differences by coalition agreements and endless negotiations in airless committee rooms on the Rue de la Loi in Brussels. To reverse Churchill's post-1945 adage: they made war-war not jaw-jaw.

Many readers will remember the speech that Orson Welles put into the mouth of the gangster Harry Lime, in the film of Graham Greene's The Third Man: "In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." Has Europe today entered its age of the cuckoo clock?

Of course I'm not suggesting that what we in Europe need is another good dose of warfare, terror and bloodshed; but I am wondering aloud about the conditions in which diversity produces dynamism and creativity. The question for all Europeans today is whether the path we have chosen since the end of our last 30 years' war (from 1914 to 1945) - the path of permanent, institutionalised, peaceful conflict resolution, both domestically and internationally, inspired by the "spirit of solidarity and consensus" that the former European commission president Romano Prodi has promised to rebuild in his new Italian government - is capable of producing a dynamism to match that of the US, let alone of the rising powers of Asia. Yes, we have Airbus - which produces slightly better planes than Boeing - and a European GPS system called Galileo, which may eventually be slightly better than the American one; but aren't these the exceptions that prove the rule? They should not obscure the fact that the economies of China and India are currently growing at around 10%, ours at an average of around 2%. And that's at least partly because of the enormous transaction costs of what, to be more precise, we must describe as the peaceful management of diversity.

A probable future is that, having chosen this path of the peaceful, consensual management of diversity, Europe is set for a long period of relative economic decline. But relative decline need not be absolute decline. If we Europeans are conscious of the choice we are making; if we don't kid ourselves that we can have our cake and eat it, simultaneously enjoying the social solidarity and easier lifestyle of Europe and the economic dynamism of America and Asia; if we mobilise to make the maximum reforms that our political systems and societies permit; then we can still live quite well.

All this is necessary to such a modus vivendi is that you abandon the purpose of life. But, it seems unlikely that you can convince everyone to do so and get them all to just let you die in peace.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


ADHD drugs take toll on minors (Joyce Howard Price, 5/25/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Accidental overdoses and side effects from attention-deficit (hyperactivity) disorder drugs send about 3,100 Americans -- 80 percent of them children -- to hospital emergency rooms annually, a federal survey has found.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 60 percent of the overdoses were accidental and were preventable if parents had kept the stimulant drugs locked in cabinets and in child-resistant containers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Benedict Contra Nietzsche: A Reflection on Deus Caritas Est (Benjamin D. Wiker, May 2006, Crisis)

Deus Caritas Est is a declaration of war, and it is loaded with ammunition—much of it stealth in design, and of such power that the Church under Benedict XVI will certainly be the Church Militant. For while on the surface Benedict only seems to be offering a theological platitude, that “God is love,” hidden to the hasty eyes of the press, buried in the intricacies of his philosophical and theological analysis, obscured from all but those initiated into Benedict’s inner circle, he really is declaring that God is love. [...]

It was quite surprising to have Benedict open with philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s charge against Christianity. “Christianity gave Eros poison to drink,” Nietzsche quipped; “he did not die of it but degenerated—into vice.” [...]

Benedict’s counterattack is disarmingly simple and charmingly direct. It is not Christianity but modern culture that has poisoned eros by exalting personal, sensual pleasure. The unhappy result is that eros is “Deiectus merum ad ‘sexum.’”

The English translation of the encyclical renders Deiectus merum ad “sexum” as “reduced to pure ‘sex,’” a most unfortunate mistake, since in its current debased condition sex is anything but pure. Benedict is far more subtle and exact in the Church’s native tongue. The Latin adjective merus comes from the noun merum, wine that is unmixed with water, and hence (in antiquity) only drunk by the intemperate—drinking for the sake of drunkenness. Deiectus comes from the verb meaning “to hurl down,” “to throw down,” even “to kill.” Our contemporary focus on sexual pleasure as pleasure hurls eros down, nearly kills it, and makes us into sexual drunkards.

In regard to sexuality, we might say that our culture is merely erotic because it sees nothing more to eros than eros. Such a brutish flattening of sexuality brings not gain but a “slipping down and diminishing of human dignity.” In exalting eros it makes eros “ebrius et immoderatus,” “drunk and immoderate.”

If eros by itself is unmixed wine, Benedict reminds us that it is still wine, and wine is good. He therefore affirms eros in the strongest terms. Love between man and woman, “where body and soul are inseparably joined and human beings glimpse an apparently irresistible promise of happiness,” presents “the very epitome of love,” such that “all other kinds of love immediately seem to fade in comparison.”

Ahh, sighed the chorus, now the pope’s got it! And what could be more baneful than throwing water upon such unmixed erotic bliss?

The problem, the pope replies, is that “eros needs to be disciplined and purified if it is to provide not just fleeting pleasure, but a certain foretaste of the pinnacle of our existence, of that beatitude for which our whole being yearns.” The entire argument of Deus Caritas Est is packed into this single reply.

Against the notion that eros unbound is eros free and natural, Benedict makes the countercharge that eros unbound binds us to self-destruction. Eros needs to be disciplined and purified because it represents only a half-truth.

The half-truth, embraced by our culture as the whole truth, is that we are bodily creatures. For a host of reasons (and it is not an angelic host), the West over the last 400 years has ever more passionately thrown itself into the arms of materialism, the belief that bodily reality is the only reality. Following upon the belief that there is nothing more to the human being than the body—that, indeed, “souls” are a fiction of unenlightened, unscientific primitives—comes the belief that there is nothing more to eros than the unmixed wine of bodily pleasure.

Contra Nietzsche, the West is dying in a drunken bacchanalia of this materialist reading of eros. It represents, for Benedict, a woeful loss of our true humanity precisely because it denies that we are bodily creatures with souls: Animals, yes, but animals made in the image of God.

And nothing could more aptly describe the West’s bleary, weary, and frantic divinization of sex than this: It is soulless. Empty-eyed, because the eyes are the windows of the soul; aimless, because it aims at everything, having nothing more to hit than bodily pleasure; lifeless and mechanical, because it denies that the soul gives life to the body, and hence to eros; all-consuming, because consuming is all it knows.

To cure this spiritless malaise, Benedict offers the truth: Bodily pleasure is an essential aspect of the body-soul union that truly and properly defines our sexuality and our entire being, but if it is made the essence of eros, it becomes the nemesis of eros. Eros, to be eros, must be ensouled, otherwise it contains only a half-truth that destroys even what truth it has. The whole truth is contained in the union of body and soul, and there is no escape from the whole truth by taking either half.

Should he [man] aspire to be pure spirit and to reject the flesh as pertaining to his animal nature alone, then spirit and body would both lose their dignity. On the other hand, should he deny the spirit and consider matter, the body, as the only reality, he would likewise lose his greatness.

The restoration of eros demands that we reject both the gnostic denial of the reality and goodness of the flesh and the materialist, Epicurean denial of the reality and goodness of the spirit. Each age, it seems, is marked by its own characteristic lapse into one extreme, one error or the other. We live in a hidebound age, an age bound to the pleasures of its hide, an age of Epicurean hedonism if ever there was one—and it is against the drag of this Charybdis that Benedict must steer the Church.

The point of steering away from hedonism isn’t to escape the body but to return to the truth that humanity is essentially defined by this strange union of animality and something like divinity.

It is neither the spirit alone nor the body alone that loves; it is man, the person, a unified creature composed of body and soul, who loves. Only when both grow together [coalescent] does man become fully his own self. By this one way alone, love—eros—has the strength to grow to the maturity [maturescere] of its own true greatness.

But then the pope adds something very odd and very ancient: “Man truly becomes his own particular self when his body and soul are united most intimately.” Only this union can love. Yet this attempted union is not achieved without struggle. Eros is not docile, but ornery. The “dispute [concertatio] of eros” must be overcome, and eros is “truly conquered” only when “this union [of body and soul] is achieved.”

The dispute of eros? The English translation of concertatio as “challenge” no doubt confused more than it clarified, because it loses the aspect of antagonism within eros that Benedict assumes must be conquered. The verb concertare means to strive eagerly, often in verbal disputes; hence the noun concertatio means a contest in words, a wrangling, a dispute. It is as if the body is arguing against the soul, dividing each “self” into factions, eagerly striving to make the case to the self that the self is, after all, only a body, and that bodily pleasure is the highest satisfaction and perfection.

As wonderful, natural, and good as eros is, then, it contains a spirit of rebellion, an aftershock of original sin that brings eros to assert itself against the true, human union of body and soul. Nietzsche attempted to rarify this spirit of rebelliousness of the flesh into a spirit of rebellion itself—a Promethean “against-ness” set against the spirit. He therefore represents the greatest corruption of eros, a divinization of intoxification.

But for all that, Benedict makes clear that eros must not be denied. Eros needs discipline and purification, so that unmixed wine doesn’t lead us into the Bowery gutter of history along with other lost, decrepit, and enervated civilizations.

What, then, must be mixed with eros? In a word (a very strange word for most of us) eros needs agape. “Theos agape estin,” declares the Greek of 1 John 4:16—“God is love.” In Latin, “Deus caritas est,” the name of the encyclical. The first words of Benedict’s first encyclical quote the First Letter of John: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

God is love, agape. Not eros? Eros needs agape? Eros needs God? No wonder Nietzsche was gnashing his teeth at Christianity. It was Nietzsche who famously declared that God was dead. If St. John and Benedict are right, then it was Nietzsche’s atheism that poisoned eros, not Christianity, and this atheism was rooted in the modern West’s denial of any reality beyond brute matter. No amount of Dionysian celebration of eros by itself in a godless cosmos could save Nietzsche from lapsing into madness and spending the last decade of his life in an asylum.

Nietzsche's achievement was to help turn the entire continent into an asylum.

May 24, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 PM


Sales of New Homes Jump Unexpectedly (MARTIN CRUTSINGER, May 24, 2006, AP) --

Sales of new homes rose unexpectedly in April to the fastest pace this year as the housing sector showed resilience in the face of rising mortgage rates. But the price of homes sold last month fell and the level of unsold homes rose to a record high.

The Commerce Department reported that sales of new single-family homes increased by 4.9 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.198 million units, the highest rate since last December.

The pace of activity caught economists by surprise.< /blockquote>

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 PM


Montenegro's challenge to Europe (The Monitor's View, 5/25/06, CS Monitor)

The emergence of a new nation in old Europe is a bit like the sudden surfacing of a volcanic island. Life around it adjusts. A new ecology springs up. With the mountain realm of Montenegro voting for independence, Europe's evolution, too, must now shift.

Montenegro, tiny though it is with 612,000 people, and located in the continental backwater of the Balkans, declared separation from Serbia in a May 21 referendum. This has revealed an unresolved tension in Europe between toleration for the kind of old-style nationalism that sparked many wars and promotion of the half-century experiment to unify Europeans around the political and economic ideals of Western civilization.

Odd how the secular Left is somehow always surprised by nationalism/racism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 PM


Rising black-Latino clash on jobs (Daniel B. Wood, 5/25/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

While Los Angeles is ground zero for black-Hispanic friction these days, echoes of Vaughn's words are rising throughout urban black America as Congress labors over immigration reform. In cities where almost half of the young black men are unemployed, a debate is raging over whether Latinos - undocumented and not - are elbowing aside blacks for jobs in stores, restaurants, hotels, manufacturing plants, and elsewhere. [...]

"In this era of mass immigration, no group has benefited less or been harmed more than the African-American population," says Vernon Briggs, a Cornell University professor who researches immigration policy and the American labor force.

That's likely false, but as long as blacks believe it the GOP can work the tension. Throw in Labor, Secular, and Environmentalist hostility and you've got a big winner.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:57 PM


Another fuel to power your car arrives in R.I. (DANIEL BARBARISI, 5/24/06, Providence Journal)

Environmentalists have long offered the benefits of compressed natural gas vehicles as a solution to all of these problems. The engines burn immaculately clean. [...]

Monday, the Rhode Island Airport Corporation opened the state's first public-use CNG station at T.F. Green Airport, finally giving eco-friendly drivers an option and opening Rhode Island to retail sales of CNG-powered cars.

Vehicles powered by CNG produce only 10 percent of the carbon monoxide and particle discharge of gasoline-powered engines, and half the nitrogen oxides. Carbon dioxide discharge is reduced by 30 to 40 percent.

The fuel, which is primarily methane, is cheaper than gasoline -- at T.F. Green, the natural gas will retail for $2.69 for the equivalent of one gallon -- and natural gas-powered cars get better mileage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:53 PM


A.C.L.U. May Block Criticism by Its Board (STEPHANIE STROM, 5/24/06, NY Times)

The American Civil Liberties Union is weighing new standards that would discourage its board members from publicly criticizing the organization's policies and internal administration.

"Where an individual director disagrees with a board position on matters of civil liberties policy, the director should refrain from publicly highlighting the fact of such disagreement," the committee that compiled the standards wrote in its proposals.

"Directors should remember that there is always a material prospect that public airing of the disagreement will affect the A.C.L.U. adversely in terms of public support and fund-raising," the proposals state.

Given the organization's longtime commitment to defending free speech, some former board members were shocked by the proposals.

"The problem for anyone writing satire today is competing with the front page."
-Christopher Buckley

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:23 PM


Illinois 12-Year-Old Wins 2006 National Geography Bee (AP, May 24, 2006)

Could you locate the Cambrian Mountains on a map? Twelve-year-old Bonny Jain could and his knowledge made him the winner Wednesday of the 2006 National Geographic Bee.

The eighth-grader from Moline, Ill. won a $25,000 college scholarship by correctly naming the mountains that extend across much of Wales, from the Irish Sea to the Bristol Channel. [...]

Although Bonny plans to celebrate his victory by having "a huge party," he also needs to prepare for his third appearance in the national spelling bee, which starts May 31.

He was joined by his father, Rohit Jain, his mother, Beena Jain, and his 5-year-old sister, Riya Jain. His teacher Kelly Mulcahy also accompanied him.

Neeraj Sirdeshmukh, 14, from Nashua, N.H., came in second. He won a $15,000 college scholarship. Third-place contestant, Yeshwanth Kandimalla, 13, of Marietta, Ga., won a $10,000 college scholarship. The other seven finalists won $500 each.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:17 PM


When Germans join migrant field hands, the harvest suffers (Andreas Tzortzis, 5/24/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

In Germany, the spring asparagus is harvested by migrant farmworkers. But the labor ministry has a new rule that says 10 percent of seasonal farmworkers should be German.

With only 170 German field hands in the state of Brandenburg so far, the experiment is off to a rocky start. And German farmers are angry, saying native-born pickers are only half as efficient as the Poles.

Unemployed Germans lack both practice and motivation, farmers here say.

Just as the Three Stooges parodied Hitler we could really use a sketch where they're nativists forced to do real work.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:15 PM


For Neocons, the Irony of Iraq (Harold Meyerson, May 24, 2006, Washington Post)

In the beginning, neoconservatism was a movement of onetime liberals enraged at the wave of violence and disorder that overtook the cities in the 1960s. Riots convulsed urban America in that stormy decade, crime rates soared, student radicals seized campuses. How could anyone see all this, the first generation of neocons inquired, and still remain a liberal?

For it was all the liberals' fault. Wafted along by their vaporous good intentions, indifferent to any unintended consequences those intentions might engender, wrapped up in their dizzy notions of the perfectibility of humankind, the liberals (at least, as the neos caricatured them) crafted criminal codes devoid of punishment, welfare programs requiring no work. In the world the liberals made, civic order took a back seat to individual rights, and as order vanished, the urban middle class vanished with it, abandoning once-vibrant neighborhoods for the safety of the suburbs. A neoconservative, the movement's founding father, Irving Kristol, famously observed, was a liberal who'd been mugged by reality. While liberals dithered, neoconservatives argued first and foremost for more cops.

Fast-forward four decades and we've come full circle. The neocons have refocused their attention on foreign policy and, in championing the Iraq war, have come to embody everything they once mocked and despised in '60s liberals.

Bolsheviks in the cause of their vaporous intentions, so bent on ignoring reality that they dismissed and suppressed all intelligence that prophesied the bloody complexities of the post-Hussein landscape, they conjured from nowhere and guaranteed the world an idealized postwar Iraq.

The sharpest irony was their stunning indifference to the need for civic order.

While neocons were concerned about some domestic issues -- though chiefly affirmative action, which they were afraid would give the Jewish slots at Ivy League schools to black kids -- their primary cause was to destabilize the Cold War stalemate and defeat the USSR, which they correctly perceived as a threat to both Russian Jews and to Israel. Student riots on campus were a problem not because of thedisorder they brought to American society but because they threatened the cause of defeating Communism. Of course, George Bush is a theocon, not a neocon, but you can hardly expect Mr. Meyerson, who's previously accused the President of being everything from a Klansman to a Confederate to a Nixonian, to pass up a chance to accuse him of being a Bolshevik.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:09 PM


Gov. Bush considered for commish (AP, 5/24/06)

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said he was privately approached about his interest in becoming the NFL's next commissioner.

Bush said Tuesday the issue was discussed at a recent meeting with Patrick Rooney Sr., according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

An ideal way to stay in the public eye but out of politics until the 2008 convention and the McCain phone call.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:48 PM


F.B.I. Raid Divides G.O.P. Lawmakers and White House (CARL HULSE, 5/24/06, NY Times)

After years of quietly acceding to the Bush administration's assertions of executive power, the Republican-led Congress hit a limit this weekend.

Resentment boiled among senior Republicans for a second day on Tuesday after a team of warrant-bearing agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation turned up at a closed House office building on Saturday evening, demanded entry to the office of a lawmaker and spent the night going through his files.

The episode prompted cries of constitutional foul from Republicans — even though the lawmaker in question, Representative William J. Jefferson of Louisiana, is a Democrat whose involvement in a bribery case has made him an obvious partisan political target.

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert raised the issue personally with President Bush on Tuesday. The Senate Rules Committee is examining the episode.

Two big benefits from ths fuss: it allows the GOP to keep a corrupt Democrat in the news and it eviscerates the argument that something like FISA is constitutional.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:44 PM


Senate Advances Sweeping Immigration Bill (RACHEL L. SWARNS and JOHN HOLUSHA, 5/24/06, NY Times)

Chances that the Senate will pass a bill overhauling the immigration system increased sharply today when senators voted 73 to 25 to limit debate on the immigration bill and the number of amendments that can be offered.

The cloture vote makes it likely that final action on the bill, which would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been in the country for over five years, will take place this week, possibly on Thursday.

Shut your eyes and you can see Ronald Reagan ducking his head and chuckling as George W. Bush, who cut taxes more than he, likewise gets ready to create more Americans than the Gipper managed to.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:54 PM


Just got a great, though repeatedly self-contradictory, e-mail:

Richard A. Viguerie FOR RELEASE May 22, 2006 Contact Nancy Bakersmith

9625 Surveyor Court, Suite 400 (703) 392-7676, ext. 1144

Manassas, Virginia 20110 After business hours (703) 209-6190

Richard Viguerie Criticizes President Bush’s Betrayal of Conservatives; White House Responds; Viguerie Replies to the White House

The May 21 Washington Post published an article by Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of and the author of the forthcoming book, Conservatives Betrayed: How Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause, criticizing President George W. Bush’s betrayal of conservatism.

The Washington Post article is on-line at

Viguerie also participated in a May 22 Washington Post on-line discussion of his article at

Peter Wehner, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives, sent the following e-mail message to an unknown number of persons:

Original Message-----
From: Wehner, Peter H. []
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 11:54 AM
Subject: Richard Viguerie: Now & Then


“Sixty-five months into Bush's presidency, conservatives feel betrayed... The main cause of conservatives' anger with Bush is this: He talked like a conservative to win our votes but never governed like a conservative.” -- Richard Viguerie, “Bush's Base Betrayal,” The Washington Post, Sunday, May 21, 2006


“[Richard Viguerie], who also is a leading fund-raiser for conservative candidates, indicated he would not support Reagan in 1984, adding: ‘I'm very disillusioned with a president that walks away from the Soviet Union.’” -- “Conservative Leader Blasts Reagan on Plane Reaction,” Associated Press, September 8, 1983

“‘Just like Jimmy Carter gave conservatives the back of the hand, we see the same thing happening in the Reagan administration,’” said Richard Viguerie, the direct-mail wizard who is the leading fund-raiser for conservative candidates and causes. ‘Almost every conservative I have talked to in the last two months has been disappointed in the initial appointments to the Reagan cabinet,’ Viguerie said.”-- “Conservatives Angry with Reagan,” Associated Press, January 27, 1981

“‘The White House slapped us in the face,’ says Richard A. Viguerie, the conservative direct-mail expert. ‘The White House is saying you don't have a constituency we're concerned about. We don't care about you.’” -- “For Reagan and the New Right, the Honeymoon Is Over,” Washington Post, July 21, 1981

“[M]any longtime conservative activists are not buying Reagan's rhetoric. ‘The emperor has no clothes on; just about every conservative I know is now acknowledging it,’ said Viguerie.” -- “Reagan Seeks to Calm His Right-Wing Critics” Los Angeles Times, September 6, 1987

“In other important matters he [Reagan] has changed sides and he is now allied with his former adversaries, the liberals, the Democrats and the Soviets," said Viguerie.” -- “Conservatives Hit Reagan on Treaty,” Los Angeles Times, December 5, 1987

“Eight years after Reagan's nomination for president, the conservative movement is directionless” -- Richard Viguerie, “What Reagan Revolution?” The Washington Post, August 21, 1988

Richard A. Viguerie Replies to White House:

Apparently the White House’s response to my article in the May 21 Washington Post is to send out an e-mail from Peter H. Wehner, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives, consisting of six quotes by me criticizing Ronald Reagan during his presidency.

That’s a lot easier than trying to respond to my arguments. That’s a lot easier than trying to explain away the many examples I give of how Bush has betrayed the conservative movement. And that is standard operating procedure for this White House: Put the spotlight on the president’s critic, rather than respond to the critic’s arguments.

Peter, I plead guilty to your implied criticism of me. I am, indeed, a consistent conservative. I put loyalty to conservative principles above loyalty to the Republican Party or a politician.

Yes, I followed that policy even during the Reagan presidency. President Reagan was a hero to me and most conservatives. I voted for him in 1980 and 1984, and the conservative organizations that used my direct mail services helped elect him to the White House. But he was not perfect by any means, and his administration disappointed conservatives on a number of issues. Reagan’s true friends were those who would tell him when he was not governing as a conservative, such as the appointments of Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court, the tax increases of 1982 and 1983, and signing into law the amnesty of illegal aliens in 1986.

As I explain in my forthcoming book, Conservatives Betrayed,

* This is why conservatives must maintain their independence. Our job as conservatives is not to be mouthpieces for any administration, but to give credit where credit is due, and to give criticism where criticism is due.

* This is why the proper role for the conservative movement is to act as a Third Force in American politics, rather than a third party. Our constant goal is to return the Republican Party to conservative principles and to move the Democratic Party to the right as well.

* In the 1960s we conservatives learned how to nominate a conservative (Barry Goldwater) for the presidency. During the 1970s and in 1980, we conservatives learned how to nominate and elect a conservative (Ronald Reagan) as president. The remaining task for conservatives is to nominate and elect a president who will govern as a conservative.

One final word, Peter. I knew Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush is no Ronald Reagan. Bush’s presidency follows in the tradition of Big Government Democrats and Republicans like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, and George H. W. Bush. That is not a conservative line-up!

Note that while he asserts that Ronald Reagan didn't govern as a conservative he fails to include the tax-hiking, entitlement-rescuing, liberal-judge-nominating, record-deficit-spending, amnesty-granting Gipper amongst the Big Government Republicans, though he does have sense enough not to include the budget-balancing, entitlement-reforming Bill Clinton among the Big Government Democrats. Of course, fairness would require him to acknowledge that George W. Bush, despite some deficit spending and amnesty, at least belongs with Reagan and Clinton -- if not to their Right -- on the basis of tax cuts, entitlement reform, and exemplary judicial appointments.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 1:46 PM


The Cold Wars are coming (Niall Ferguson, Los Angeles Times, May 24th, 2006)

Why does it suddenly seem so hard to stop Iran from going nuclear? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is behaving with such recklessness that it ought to be easy. In October, he called for Israel to be "wiped off the map". It is, he told cheering Indonesian students last week, a "tyrannical regime that one day will be destroyed." Simultaneously, Ahmadinejad has trumpeted Iran's "right" to pursue its nuclear ambitions, barely disguising his country's intention to move from energy into weaponry.

Yet the West -- what's left of it --seems paralyzed, watching Ahmadinejad with the same appalled fascination that a large and docile cow might regard a rearing cobra.

It is, of course, always dangerous to draw analogies with the 1930s. Too many bad decisions have been made over the years on the basis of facile parallels -- between Hitler and Nasser, between Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Still, in one respect, Ahmadinejad really has taken a leaf out of the Füührer's book. He has discovered the counterintuitive truth that it works to talk aggressively before you have acquired weapons of mass destruction.

The key is that weak opponents are unnerved when they fear they are dealing with a madman. In this respect, the long and nutty letter sent by Ahmadinejad to President Bush last week was exemplary, with its repeated references to "the prophet ... Jesus Christ (PBUH)" (Peace Be Upon Him).

Four years ago, George W. Bush would have trash-canned such drivel with a snort of "WBUH" (War Be Upon Him). But those days are gone. Bush is now almost as unpopular as Richard Nixon or Jimmy Carter at the nadirs of their political fortunes. Not only is domestic support lacking for any preemptive action against Tehran, international support is close to nonexistent.

In short, it seems highly probable that nothing will be done this year, next year or the year after to stop Iran's nuclear program. Sure, maybe a miracle will happen and the Iranian people will get rid of the madman and the mullahs. But I'm not holding my breath.

Perhaps we can have a contest here. Complete the following sentence: “The world is going to stand by and watch Iran acquire nuclear weapons because...”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:22 PM


Whining, Bitching and Moaning (Joerg Colberg, 5/24/06, Der Spiegel)

I have been living in the US for about seven years now, and if there's one thing I dread when I go home to visit Germany, it's the complaining. I had never realized how much Germans love to complain until I moved away.

The complaints range from the small, which are occasionally understandable, to the large, which tend never to make any real sense at all. If you go to Germany you will definitely be subjected to hours and hours of complaints, especially if you dare to disagree.

Why would you: (a) go there; or (b) disagree that it's a hellhole?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:29 PM


Statue no one wants will be unveiled anyway (Brian Hutchinson, National Post, May 23rd, 2006)

Isaac Romano, U.S.-born child therapist, dreamer, promoter and irrepressible peace impresario, stood on the grass outside Vancouver City Hall yesterday. It began to rain.

To his right, on a table, stood a sculpture: Three figures in wax and clay. A man and woman, about to be embraced by another, taller man. The woman is looking over her shoulder, anxiously, toward the viewer.

After two years of delays, missteps and "misunderstandings," announced Mr. Romano, the draft dodger statue that no one wanted will finally become a reality.

Too rich to be excerpted, this article captures nicely the pathetic absurdity of a greying generation trying desperately to keep living the putative glories of their youth.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:16 PM


President Doubts He'll See Gore Film (James Gerstenzang, Los Angeles Times, May 23rd, 2006)

President Bush had a two-word response when he was asked Monday whether he would see Al Gore's documentary on global warming.

"Doubt it."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:53 AM


Prophet of a Third Way: The Shape of Kuyper's Socio-Political Vision (Peter S. Heslam, Spring 2002, Markets & Morality)

A century after Abraham Kuyper’s visit to the United States, the issue that dominated political discourse both in Northern Europe and in the United States was that of the so-called Third Way. This was reflected in a meeting that took place in Washington in the autumn of 1998 between Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, the serving governmental heads of the United Kingdom and the United States. [...]

All authority of earthly governments, Kuyper declared, derived from the authority of God alone. Had sin not entered into the human experience, the organic unity of the human race would have been preserved, but as a result of the Fall, God had instituted civil authority as a way of keeping check on the potential for anarchy. The divine origin of political authority was true of all states, Kuyper insisted, whatever the form of government.

This double assertion—that sovereignty resided in God alone, and that this held true whatever the form of government—raises the question if, and to what extent, Kuyper was in favor of democracy on point of principle. It is a question made particularly pertinent through the characterization that one sometimes encounters of Kuyper as a “Christian Democrat.” Kuyper himself is partly responsible for this characterization, not least as a result of his visit to the United States. In a remarkable speech given in Grand Rapids on October 26, 1898 to an enthusiastic audience of around two thousand, Kuyper declared that he was a Christian Democrat and, as such, was in agreement with some of the central standpoints of the Democratic party of the United States.

In keeping with its name, the Grand Rapids Democrat was delighted with such an apparent display of sympathy for the Democratic cause, and carried a report on Kuyper’s address under the bold headline: HE IS A DEMOCRAT. Kuyper hastily responded by writing an article for the newspaper in which he declared his sympathies for the Republican party. In the article he explained that, although he was happy to be known in America as a “Christian Democrat,” this was not a sign of special affinity with the Democratic party of the United States—the party whose figurehead was Thomas Jefferson. On the contrary, he wrote:

We Christian, or, if you please, Calvinistic democrats in the Netherlands, were always considering the principles of the French Revolution, which Jefferson advocated, as the very target of our Calvinistic bullets.

It was Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson’s Republican opponent, Kuyper explained with an obvious show of humor, who had declared that the American evolution was as little akin to the principles of 1789 as a Puritan matron of New England was like the infidel heroine of a French novel. [...]

The revolution in France, Kuyper declared, was quite unlike the three revolutions of the Calvinistic world. The Dutch Revolt, the Glorious Revolution in England, and the American Revolution had all left God’s sovereignty intact. But in the French Revolution, the basis of free will was located in the individual, rather than in God, and from the individual it was passed on to “the people.” Kuyper regarded this idea, expressed in the notion of social contract, “identical to atheism,” and one that inevitably led to the destruction of all moral authority.

It was the kind of individualism embodied in the political vision of Jean Jacques Rousseau that Kuyper had in mind when he issued this criticism. This is evident in Kuyper’s treatment of the social question in his speech to the Social Congress in 1891, in which he denounced the individualism of the French Revolution for undermining the organic interrelatedness of society and destroying the spiritual and moral makeup of human beings and their social relationships. In the end, all that was left was the raw egoism of “the monotonous self-seeking individual, asserting his own self-sufficiency.” [...]

Kuyper’s Third Way between the evils of popular-sovereignty, on the one hand, and State-sovereignty, on the other, was sphere-sovereignty—or, as he called it himself, “sovereignty in the individual social spheres.” For Kuyper, society was made up of a variety of spheres, such as the family, business, science, and art. They derived their authority not from the State, which occupied a sphere of its own, but from God, to whom they were directly accountable. Each of the spheres developed spontaneously and organically, according to the powers God had given them in the first moments of creation. [...]

The contemporary relevance of Kuyper’s ideas goes beyond providing the framework for criticism. Fourth, they also supply the basis for a positive alternative social paradigm that takes the freedom and integrity of the various social spheres as the basic structuring principle of societal life. At a certain level, as noted earlier in the case of Otto von Gierke, Kuyper’s vision cannot be easily distinguished from mainstream pluralist thought and, indeed, from certain aspects of current Third Way thinking, which seeks to limit the role of the State. For Kuyper, the State is not to interfere in the life of the spheres unless conflict arises between them, in which case it is to act as umpire, to restore justice. In the normal course of events it serves in an enabling capacity, facilitating the free and equitable development of each social sphere. Both Max Weber and Leonard Hobhouse came to a similarly pluralist understanding of social spheres (or “associations”), and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in his pamphlet The Third Way, endorses the use of the State “as an enabling force, protecting effective communities and voluntary organizations and encouraging their growth.”

Kuyper’s vision is distinctive, however, and on at least three accounts. First, he regards the norms that govern the life of the spheres as fundamental structural principles rather than as principles that provide the basis merely for individual morality or “tagged-on” ethics. Second, for Kuyper the limited role of the State does not imply that the State adopts a liberal “neutrality.” It means, instead, that it is able to act as a positive vehicle for public justice, safeguarding the freedom and integrity of the spheres and their members. Third, Weber, Durkheim, and other pluralist-minded thinkers tended to pursue a neutral form of social science, combined with religious and ideological agnosticism. Kuyper, by contrast, took the acknowledgement of God as creator of the cosmos as the foundation for all social science. In this way, his social teaching avoids the belief—knowledge dualism that characterizes virtually all the other varieties of pluralist theory. The problem with Kuyper’s alternative—an alternative in which the sovereignty of God is a public doctrine significant for every area of society—is not so much that it has been tried and has been found wanting (to paraphrase G. K. Chesterton’s comment on Christianity), but that it has not been tried, not at least in a consistent and persistent way that takes account of contemporary circumstances. As Max Stackhouse suggests, Kuyper’s work carries implications that are wider than even his most devoted followers have recognized.

It's interesting that the French understand that the Anglo-American model is a dagger aimed at their Enlightenment heart (to mix the metaphor), even if we don't.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:40 AM


An Amnesty by Any Other Name ... (EDWIN MEESE III. 5/24/06, NY Times)

Two decades ago, while serving as attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, I was in the thick of things as Congress debated the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The situation today bears uncanny similarities to what we went through then.

In the mid-80's, many members of Congress — pushed by the Democratic majority in the House and the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy — advocated amnesty for long-settled illegal immigrants. President Reagan considered it reasonable to adjust the status of what was then a relatively small population, and I supported his decision. [...]

The difference is that President Reagan called this what it was: amnesty. Indeed, look up the term "amnesty" in Black's Law Dictionary, and you'll find it says, "the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act provided amnesty for undocumented aliens already in the country."

Like the amnesty bill of 1986, the current Senate proposal would place those who have resided illegally in the United States on a path to citizenship, provided they meet a similar set of conditions and pay a fine and back taxes. The illegal immigrant does not go to the back of the line but gets immediate legalized status, while law-abiding applicants wait in their home countries for years to even get here. And that's the line that counts. In the end, slight differences in process do not change the overriding fact that the 1986 law and today's bill are both amnesties.

George W. Bush's problems with the Right stem from being too much like Ronald Reagan rather than not enough.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:58 AM


Democrats in disarray (Donald Lambro, 5/23/06, Insight)

The Democrats' election-year agenda is still a work in progress as party leaders attempt the impossible: to draft a document that appeals to all of its disparate ideological factions.

But the word coming out of the Democrats' inner sanctums is there's deep disagreement over its contents and core message and a brewing argument over the timing of its release.

Parts of the agenda have been floated piecemeal over the past several months, but they were either boilerplate proposals, like raising the minimum wage, or an attempt to sound tough on national security, but without any specifics on how to end the insurgency in Iraq or set timetables for troop withdrawals, as their large antiwar wing demands.

The rest of the agenda being drafted in Democratic backrooms will deal with domestic issues that, once revealed, could alter the dynamics of this election in the GOP's favor.

The political reality that Bill Clinton understood is that to advocate for any one of the primary concerns of each Democratic constituency is an electoral loser. In 1992, after twelve years of Reaganism, the Party was desperate enough to let him run on tax and government bureaucracy cuts, free trade, entitlement reform, Judeo-Christian values, law-and-order, and American exceptionalism. At that point, they were lucky enough to be running against a Bush who had gotten himself on the wrong side of nearly every one of those issues. However, here in 2006, they find themselves reacting to a Bush who's on the right side of every one, making it extraordinarily hard for them to offer a legislative agenda that doesn't consist of mere "mega-dittoes," which would sound especially discordant coupled with their seething hatred of the President they're agreeing with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


U.S. Plan to Lure Nurses May Hurt Poor Nations (CELIA W. DUGGER, 5/24/06, NY Times)

As the United States runs short of nurses, senators are looking abroad. A little-noticed provision in their immigration bill would throw open the gate to nurses and, some fear, drain them from the world's developing countries.

The legislation is expected to pass this week, and the Senate provision, which removes the limit on the number of nurses who can immigrate, has been largely overlooked in the emotional debate over illegal immigration.

Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, who sponsored the proposal, said it was needed to help the United States cope with a growing nursing shortage.

He said he doubted the measure would greatly increase the small number of African nurses coming to the United States, but acknowledged that it could have an impact on the Philippines and India, which are already sending thousands of nurses to the United States a year.

The exodus of nurses from poor to rich countries has strained health systems in the developing world, which are already facing severe shortages of their own.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:27 AM


Brave new marketing? Lost reconfigures TV: Even your favourite show is becoming interactive (Scott Colbourne, 5/24/06, Globe and Mail)

It has been called TV 2.0: The hit series Lost has left passive viewing behind, entering an interactive space where fans comb through fake websites for clues and read real books by fake authors in an attempt to figure out what is happening on a mysterious island. This is either a brave new world of storytelling or an absurd marketing gimmick -- and it shouldn't really matter which, since both could be entertaining to follow.

The Lost story, in one form or another, promises to continue over the summer even though its second season wraps up tonight . [...]

During a commercial break from the madness of its May 3 episode, an ad for something called The Hanso Foundation was aired. There was a 1-800 number to call and an elaborate new website for the fake organization was launched ( Callers and web visitors were directed to clues that were part of a game, The Lost Experience. It belongs to a category known as alternate reality games, or ARGs, wherein fictional stories are combined with real-world elements. There are puzzles to solve and research to be done using a mix of real and contrived websites.

The Hanso site, with its visually impressive splash page and flashing clues in unexpected places, is certainly worth a visit just to see the effort (and the real funds) involved in the game, but several other linked sites have been derided for being blatant ads, especially one for a soft drink that has little to do with the castaways on the island.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:15 AM


Author is at home among Venice's mysteries (Adam Woog, 5/24/06, The Seattle Times)

Q: The writing finances your passion: a Baroque opera company.

A: Yeah, why not? It's the best thing I can do with the money.

Q: The company you co-direct, Il Complesso Barocco, does only Baroque opera.

A: That's correct — Vivaldi, Handel, maybe Monteverdi.

Q: What's your role beyond the financial?

A: I'm the yenta — I nag.

Q: Did your love for opera predate your move to Venice?

A: Yes. They're in no way connected. La Fenice [Venice's opera house] is a beautiful theater but the level of performance is not distinguished. [...]

Q: But your books aren't published in Italy.

A: No. This is my choice. I'm famous in Germany and Austria. In Venice I'm spotted three or four times a day by Germans or Austrians. But I want to live where I'm not a celebrity. This isn't Greta Garbo fake humility stuff — I really don't want the cool, even, anonymous tenor of my life disturbed.

Q: Is it true there's almost no crime in Venice?

A: Almost none. It's closed off physically, and it's a maze. Where are you gonna go? Also, Venetians are nosy — if you start screaming, windows will open and the cops will be called; they might not come, but they will be called. And I think Venetians are a reasonably law-abiding people — not necessarily honest, but law-abiding.

Q: What's the distinction?

A: To survive in Italy requires a certain amount of law-breaking. If you want to get anything done, you employ people in nero, "in black" — off the books. Everybody does it, so it's hard to take a high moral tone. It's illegal but not criminal, I suppose. And if you have troubles with the administration it is not unknown to bribe.

I bribed someone myself once, to get something — a 17th-century house, not in Venice. It's better that someone like me got it, because I saved it from being flattened by bulldozers, so my weenie little bribe worked toward the general good.

Q: What's next for Brunetti?

A: I just finished a book about illegal adoption, which is a tremendous problem in Italy, and I think the next one's on religious cults — I have about 100 pages written.

If P.D. James weren't just gong strong but peaking late, this would be the best police series going.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:06 AM


Iran Requests Direct Talks on Nuclear Program (Karl Vick and Dafna Linzer, May 24, 2006, Washington Post)

The eagerness for talks demonstrates a profound change in Iran's political orthodoxy, emphatically erasing a taboo against contact with Washington that has both defined and confined Tehran's public foreign policy for more than a quarter-century, they said. [...]

"You know, two months ago nobody would believe that Mr. Khamenei and Mr. Ahmadinejad together would be trying to get George W. Bush to begin negotiations," said Saeed Laylaz, a former government official and prominent analyst in Tehran. "This is a sign of changing strategy. They realize the situation is dangerous and they should not waste time, that they should reach out." [...]

Earlier attempts at outreach to Washington have been thwarted by conservatives. "The tradition is the hard-liners need American hostility," the analyst said. The most serious attempt was by Ahmadinejad's predecessor, reformist cleric Mohammad Khatami.

"When Khatami tried to do it, the leader rejected it," said the European diplomat. "But I guess they're worried enough. People don't want sanctions. Domestically, it's a good move."

Indeed, by last week, a prominent member of Iran's conservative parliament made headlines proposing talks with members of Congress.

"The taboo of the discussion is gone, but I don't think they've formed a consensus about normalization of relations," said a Western diplomat in Tehran. "But 'let's talk to the Americans' -- that was very controversial until recently."

The change appears rooted at least partly in Iran's political scene, now dominated entirely by conservatives. Pillar pointed out that with reformists driven from government, conservatives no longer fear that political credit for renewing contact with Washington will accrue to a rival domestic force. The Iranian public strongly favors restoring ties.

They've handed us a wedge that we aren't smart enough to drive through their regime--President Bush should accept the offer but to speak directly with Ayatollah Khamenei.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 AM


America, Israel and Tony Judt (Rick Richman, April 26, 2006, Jewish Press)

After Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer posted an anti-Israel polemic on the website of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government...The New York Times devoted the entire center of its op-ed page to a 1,300 word evaluation by Tony Judt – an NYU professor whose previous essays asserted Israelis were "trapped" in the "story of their own uniqueness;" their "invocation" of the Holocaust was "special pleading;" the term "terrorist" was a "rhetorical device" (comparable to "Communist"); Ariel Sharon had "blackmailed" America; Israel might be described as a "rogue state;" the "fascist" label "fits better than ever;" a Jewish state was an "anachronism" that was "bad for the Jews;" and it "has no place" in the modern world.

Not surprisingly, Judt dismissed assertions of anti-Semitism and raised instead a "pressing question" he asserted we "cannot ignore":

It will not be self-evident to future generations of Americans why the imperial might and international reputation of the United States are so closely aligned with one small, controversial Mediterranean client state. It is already not at all self-evident to Europeans, Latin Americans, Africans or Asians.

Let's rewrite those sentences to put Judt's point in clearer relief, eliminating the tendentious adjectives ("imperial" might and "client" state) as well as the euphemistic one ("Mediterranean" for "Middle East"): Judt cannot understand why the U.S. would closely align its power and prestige with a democratic state under attack in the Middle East, since the state is "small" and "controversial" and unpopular in the world.

Judt's question epitomizes the cynicism and amorality of realism – the school of foreign policy analysis that relies on power and interests as the determinants of international relations, and which values stability above all else.

But Judt is not a foreign policy expert; he is a historian. As a result, a historical answer to his professed puzzlement over America's commitment to Israel may be the best response – using some twentieth century international history, and some American history even older than that.

Intellectuals can';t figure out why Americans have always hated them so much, but note that Mr. Judt's argument, whether anti-Semitic or not, is at least anti-Zionist and therefore a repudiation of the Bible and God, which something like 85% of Americans believe in.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:30 AM


Extremism Isn't Islamic Law (Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid, May 23, 2006, Washington Post)

It is vital that we differentiate between the Koran, from which much of the raw material for producing Islamic law is derived, and the law itself. While its revelatory inspiration is divine, Islamic law is man-made and thus subject to human interpretation and revision. [...]

All of humanity, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, is threatened by the forces of Islamist extremism. It is these extremists, masquerading as traditional Muslims, who angrily call for the death of Abdul Rahman or the beheading of Danish cartoonists. Their objective is raw political power and the eventual radicalization of all 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide. Western involvement in this "struggle for the soul of Islam" is a matter of self-preservation for the West and is critical given the violent tactics and strength of radical elements in Muslim societies worldwide.

Muslim theologians must revise their understanding of Islamic law, and recognize that punishment for apostasy is merely the legacy of historical circumstances and political calculations stretching back to the early days of Islam. Such punishments run counter to the clear Koranic injunction "Let there be no compulsion in religion" (2:256).

People of goodwill of every faith and nation must unite to ensure the triumph of religious freedom and of the "right" understanding of Islam, to avert global catastrophe and spare millions of others the fate of Sudan's great religious and political leader, Mahmoud Muhammad Taha, who was executed on a false charge of apostasy. The millions of victims of "jihadist" violence in Sudan -- whose numbers continue to rise every day -- would have been spared if Taha's vision of Islam had triumphed instead of that of the extremists.

The greatest challenge facing the contemporary Muslim world is to bring our limited, human understanding of Islamic law into harmony with its divine spirit -- in order to reflect God's mercy and compassion, and to bring the blessings of peace, justice and tolerance to a suffering world.

Islamicism is a Muslim heresy just as Marxism, Darwinism, and Freudianism were Judeo-Christian heresies and pushed by the same sorts of people for the same reasons--it's just about political power.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


Harvard Christians On The Rise: Number of evangelical Christians at Harvard has increased, Summers says (STEPHANIE S. GARLOW, 5/2/2006, Harvard Crimson)

Harvard United Ministry chaplain Jeffrey K. Barneson says Harvard has a reputation for being irreligious. “I get these calls from people saying, ‘Oh I’ve heard that Harvard is a godless place,’” he says.

This reputation may soon be no more. According to University President Lawrence H. Summers, the evangelical Christian community here at Harvard has grown significantly.

Speaking to prospective freshmen during prefrosh weekend, Summers said that the number of students at Harvard who identify themselves as evangelical Christians has doubled in the last decade. [...]

Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church Peter J. Gomes says that when he first came to the University in 1970, there were no evangelical chaplains officially connected with the United Ministry.

Of the 38 different chaplains currently affiliated with the United Ministry, Ministry President William S. Campbell says that there are probably a half dozen who would identify as evangelicals, several of whom joined the ministry in the past decade, Gomes says.

According to Gomes, changes in the University’s admissions policies may explain the growth of the evangelical community.

“It’s more than likely that we also are going to have a larger pool of religious people” as Harvard becomes a more diversified place, Gomes says.

Jordan L. Hylden ’06, former co-president of CI, specifically cites the student body’s increasing racial diversity as a factor.

Jesus isn't on the mainline.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Journalists stage boycott of PM's press conference (ALEXANDER PANETTA, 5/24/06, CANADIAN PRESS)

About two dozen journalists walked out on Stephen Harper yesterday after he refused to take their questions, the latest chapter in an unseemly spat between the Prime Minister and members of the national media.

Parliament Hill veterans described the scene of reporters boycotting a prime ministerial news conference as a first.

It resulted in Harper being forced to make his announcement on aid to Darfur to a small handful of reporters, photographers and camera operators outside the House of Commons.

The impromptu boycott was the latest move by journalists in their ongoing tug-of-war with Harper over who controls news conferences.

He's not being nice to them so they refuse to do their jobs? Nice to see we don't have the most immature press corps in the Anglosphere.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Labour: now a crisis of faith: Public believe Tories would be better for health, education and law and order (Julian Glover, May 24, 2006, The Guardian)

Public faith in Labour's ability to deliver on its core promises is collapsing across the board, with the Conservatives pulling ahead as the party with the best policies on a range of issues including health and education, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today.

The findings suggest the base of support that gave Labour three comprehensive election victories has been badly eroded by difficulties in the NHS and the Home Office and by the Conservative party's renewal under David Cameron.

The worrying picture for Labour is confirmed by a four-point rise in Tory support to 38%, the party's highest rating in 13 years, matched only during the fuel protests of 2000.

In a sign that Labour may be losing support among women voters, the poll found they are more likely than men to support Conservative policies on health, education and the economy. Although the difference is small, it is a sign that Mr Cameron's rebranding of Tory priorities is making a difference. Women were more likely than men to vote Labour in the last three general elections.

The most important question for Labour is whether it can survive losing its most conservative leader--the Democrats didn't, despite the Clinton/Gore administration having delivered unprecedented peace and prosperity.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:21 AM


An exceptional woman (Barbara Kay, National Post, May 24th, 2006)

When news broke of Canada's first female combat death last week -- that of Captain Nichola Goddard in an Afghanistan firefight -- Canadians greeted the news in a gender-neutral way. It was not a female soldier we mourned per se, but simply a soldier. The Department of National Defence's chief historian applauded this as "a reflection, really, on society saying we have accepted the implications of gender integration."

I don't think that's true. Canadians accepted Captain Goddard's death without ambivalence because she was a career soldier, on a necessary, well-executed mission, who had willingly undertaken the risk of combat duty. She left no children behind. Her death could not be imputed to lesser physical strength or other female handicaps. Most importantly, she died instantly, and with dignity. Had she been captured (like American PFC Jessica Lynch in Iraq in 2003) and raped or tortured, Canadians would have experienced anguish of a very gender-specific kind.

Captain Goddard's courage and impeccable service record do not indicate a wider trend for women in the military. She was a "manly" soldier -- I say that with great admiration and no irony -- and the exception to a general rule. Women do not, and have never sought, military careers in more than token numbers. Moreover, even combat-trained women rarely opt for combat.[...]

Over the past 15 years, a vast amount of money and good will has been expended in developed countries to support the PC value of gender integration in combat training. Amongst other accommodations here and in the United States, we've witnessed lowered combat training standards for some women, rigorous harassment codes and the enlargement of aircraft carrier bathroom facilities.

Nevertheless, in 30 or so wars currently in progress, most uniformed women are still choosing the traditional (and honourable) path of their non-uniformed historical sisters -- providing logistical, administrative and medical support to the men who kill and get killed. As competent and professional as Captain Goddard was, her attitude was unusual. There are about 8,000 women in the Canadian Forces (CF), of whom 225 actually occupy the "combat arms" trades. What have we spent to recruit, train and service women in order to deploy this low number? Don't ask (because they won't tell).

Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld recently unpacked many of the myths promoted to sustain the illusion that men and women are equally keen to face combat.

A case in point: After a November, 2005, column on the folly of integrated combat training, I received indignant e-mails from female CF members who mentioned, amongst other examples supporting their received wisdom, the heroism of servicewomen in the Second World War. Where did they get this idea? Van Creveld illustrates the collusion of liberal media with feminist theory by citing a 1985 Life magazine WWII commemorative issue that grossly misleads the reader by featuring portraits of war heroes: 10 male soldiers alongside seven female soldiers. The reality, according to Van Creveld? From 1941-45, 15 million American men were conscripted. Of those, half went overseas where 300,000 died. During the entire war, 470 servicewomen died of all causes, 12 from enemy fire.

As the ever-shrewd Ms. Kay notes, the key to the public acceptance of the death of this brave soldier was the absence of torture and the fact that she left no children behind. Integrated combat remains the politically correct luxury of militaries that can no longer conceive of defeat.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:30 AM


Hitler's World Cup drama an own goal, say theatregoers (Kate Connolly, The Telegraph, May 24th, 2006)

Theatre audiences in Hamburg have been outraged by a new play in which Adolf Hitler dreams of holding a World Cup to rekindle Germany's glory on the world stage.

My Ball - A German Dream, complete with a pop-song accompaniment, satirises the last days of the Nazi regime.

As Hitler's demoralised followers wait for him to commit suicide, he comes up with the idea of a football tournament, in which he is determined to engineer a Germany victory. The megalomaniac believes that it will save his Reich from final destruction.

Erik Gedeon, the Swiss-Swedish director, said the play was a dig at the nation's current attempts to project its hopes for an economic revival on the World Cup, which it is hosting in just under three weeks.

But critics have condemned the play, which opened this week at Hamburg's Schauspielhaus, as being in bad taste and appallingly timed.

The climax comes when the USAF foils the plot by parachuting tens of thousands of cases of Budweiser into Germany, thus completely destroying morale and checking the militarist revival.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Effort to repeal state gay-rights law gathers momentum from pulpit (Andrew Garber, 5/24/06, Seattle Times)

A referendum campaign aimed at repealing Washington's gay-rights law has no paid signature gatherers, no advertising budget and not much money in the bank. Yet supporters say signatures are rolling in by the thousands.

The reason? The Faith and Freedom Network and Sound the Alarm, two conservative religious groups that existed before the measure was filed, say they are leading an extensive grass-roots campaign, urging congregations throughout Washington to sign petitions and volunteer. [...]

Anne Levinson, campaign chairwoman of the opposition group, Washington Won't Discriminate, said Referendum 65 likely will make the ballot, given the efforts of the various religious organizations.

Her group has raised more than $100,000 to battle the referendum. Supporters have until June 6 to turn in signatures of at least 112,440 registered voters to qualify for the November ballot.

The religious groups and churches that oppose the gay-rights law have an enormous capacity to gather petition signatures on their own.

That was clear at the Northshore Baptist Church, where more than 2,600 people attended its regular services Sunday.

The church held three services in a large auditorium with balcony seating. Hundreds of people packed the 9:30 a.m. service as Senior Pastor Jan Hettinga urged them to sign petitions to get Referendum 65 on the ballot.

"This is about intolerance of the Christian world view. It's about codifying into law the acceptance of a behavior so that we cannot say it is wrong. That is what we're objecting to," he said.

May 23, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:38 PM


Blair survives a backbench mutiny over trust schools: Conservatives help Prime Minister push through plans despite rebellion by 69 Labour backbenchers (David Charter, 5/24/06, Times of London)

TONY BLAIR suffered his biggest backbench rebellion since the general election last night but the revolt by 69 MPs failed to stop legislation to create new self-governing trust schools.

They voted for a ballot of parents every time a school wants to adopt the new status but the Government won the day with the support of Conservative MPs. [...]

Fifty-two Labour MPs voted against the Bill’s second reading in March, leaving the Government dependent on Conservative votes to save it. Nick Gibb, the Shadow Schools Minister, said: “Our position is that we are more government than the Government when it comes to this Bill.”

Bill Clinton's entire positive legacy--GATT, NAFTA, & Welfare Reform--similarly depended on the GOP, not Democrats. It would seem parties of the Left have more difficulty reconciling themselves to the Third Way than those of the Right.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 PM


10 Upper Valley Schools Fail ‘Adequate Yearly Progress' Standard (Carolyn Lorié, 5/23/06, Valley News)

Ten area schools were among the 156 in New Hampshire that did not make “adequate yearly progress” -- the federal benchmark used to gauge the quality and effectiveness of schools -- according to assessment results released yesterday.

The schools that fell short of AYP were Bernice A. Ray School in Hanover, Claremont Middle School and Disnard and Maple Avenue elementary school in Claremont, Indian River School and Canaan Elementary School in Canaan, Unity Elementary School in Unity, Newport Middle School and Towle Elementary School in Newport, and Kearsarge Middle School in New London.

Of these, only Unity, Disnard and Claremont failed because of low scores among the total student body; the others failed because of low scores for special-education students, low-income students, or both. [...]

While some learning-disabled children were excused from taking the test and were allowed an alternative assessment -- a portfolio system in which a year's worth of work is evaluated -- some educators said the state requirements were too stringent. “It's a narrow funnel,” said Victoria Sutcliffe, a special-education teacher at Bernice A. Ray School. Sutcliffe said the scores provide a useful “snapshot” in working with her students, but added that they have to be used in conjunction with other assessments.

Sutcliffe also said that the test results were predictable. “It did not tell me anything new,” she said. “I did not have any surprises.”

Overall, students at the Hanover school exceeded the state requirement for making AYP, but learning-disabled students failed to meet the criteria in both reading and math.

A school that fails to meet the standard in a subject area two years in a row is classified as “in need of improvement,” and its administrators are required to submit a plan to the state outlining what actions they will take to bolster scores. Four area schools fell into that category: Claremont Middle School for both reading and math, Indian River School for math and Towle Elementary and Newport Elementary schools for reading and math.

Any school receiving federal funding -- often called a Title I school-- is subject to additional sanctions for missing the mark two years in a row: If there are other schools within the district that offer the same grade levels, parents can opt to pull their child from the failing school and enroll him or her in a school deemed to perform better. Indian River, Towle and Newport Middle schools all receive federal funding, but, like many schools in New Hampshire, they are the only choice within their districts.

Thus do you introduce vouchers to even a school where the average student exceeeds standards. When the GOP gets to 60 seats in the Senate and allows students to transfer anywhere their parents choose, not just public schools, you're got a universal voucher program.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:28 PM


McCain calls for more nukes (ERIC MOSKOWITZ, 5/23/06, Concord Monitor)

The United States needs to overcome its fear of nuclear power and embrace the technology as a way to wean itself from fossil fuels, Sen. John McCain told an audience in Manchester yesterday.

Nuclear power "is safe. The technology is here," McCain said, speaking to a crowd of about 200 at a breakfast hosted by The New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women. "It's a NIMBY (not in my backyard) problem, and a waste-disposal problem. It is not a technological problem."

McCain pointed to France, which draws more than three-quarters of its power from nuclear plants, and Russia, which has plans to build 40 new plants, as examples. "We've got to get over it, get over Three Mile Island," he said, referring to the 1979 accident at a Pennsylvania nuclear power plant.

If the sainted John McCain says it, you know it has to be so.....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 PM


On immigration, for once, Bush understands what the public wants (Dick Morris, 5/24/06, The Hill))

It is odd how there are so many issues on which the two political-party establishments in the United States sharply differ but on which the public is relatively united. As the debate rages in Congress on whether to be tough on the border or generous in granting citizenship and guest-worker status to illegal immigrants, the Fox News poll of May 9 echoes the public’s point of view: Do it all!

While their party leaders steadfastly resist granting “amnesty” by allowing “illegal immigrants who have jobs in the United States to apply for legal temporary-worker status,” voters back the proposal by an overwhelming 63-29 percent. And, despite the posturing of the right wing, Republican voters say yes by 63-30.

Nor are Democrats any more likely to fall in line behind their party’s polarizing positions. Asked if they back “using thousands of National Guard troops temporarily to help patrol agents along the Mexican border to stop illegal immigration, voters as a whole answer yes by 63-31, and even Democrats support the idea by 52-40.

And everybody supports increasing the Border Patrol force. Voters as a whole back the addition of thousands of new agents by 79-17, and Democrats go along by 73-22.

It's funny listening to pundits ponder why the president keeps pushing the issue when only the wahoo wing of each party opposes him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:25 PM


Okay, that's pretty funny.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:31 PM


The End of Motherhood?: But somehow the United States better mixes child rearing and the job market than do other advanced societies. (Robert J. Samuelson, 5/29/06, Newsweek)

Up to a point, we understand plunging fertility rates. The usual suspects: improved incomes; health and life expectancies (as more children survive, parents have fewer babies); growing urbanization (families need fewer children to work the fields); women's access to education and jobs; contraception; later and fewer marriages; more divorces. But our understanding is only partial, because there's one big exception to low fertility rates: the United States.

American fertility is roughly at the replacement rate, 2.1 children per woman. Nor does the U.S. rate merely reflect, as some think, a higher rate among Hispanic Americans. The fertility rate is 1.9 for non-Hispanic whites and about 2 for African-Americans, reports demographer Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute. What explains the American exception? Eberstadt cites three differences with Europe and most other advanced countries: greater optimism, greater patriotism and stronger religious values. There's some supporting evidence. A survey by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago asked respondents in 33 countries to react to this statement: "I would rather be a citizen of [my country] than of any other." Among Americans, 75 percent "strongly" agreed; among Germans, the French and Spanish, comparable responses were 21 percent, 34 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

Children are now usually a conscious choice—whereas they were once considered economic necessities or religious obligations. Somehow our society better mixes child rearing and jobs than other societies that provide greater child subsidies (government day care, family allowances). [...]

[B]y not having children, people are voting against the future...

The beauty is, if you're secular you don't care about the future, just yourself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:10 PM

FOOD, SOAP & PRAYER (via Tom Morin):

Medical Guesswork: From heart surgery to prostate care, the health industry knows little about which common treatments really work (John Carey, 5/29/06, Business Week)

The signs at the meeting were not propitious. Half the board members of Kaiser Permanente's Care Management Institute left before Dr. David Eddy finally got the 10 minutes he had pleaded for. But the message Eddy delivered was riveting. With a groundbreaking computer simulation, Eddy showed that the conventional approach to treating diabetes did little to prevent the heart attacks and strokes that are complications of the disease. In contrast, a simple regimen of aspirin and generic drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol sent the rate of such incidents plunging. The payoff: healthier lives and hundreds of millions in savings. "I told them: 'This is as good as it gets to improve care and lower costs, which doesn't happen often in medicine,"' Eddy recalls. "'If you don't implement this,' I said, 'you might as well close up shop."'

The message got through. Three years later, Kaiser is in the midst of a major initiative to change the treatment of the diabetics in its care. "We're trying to put nearly a million people on these drugs," says Dr. Paul Wallace, senior adviser to the Care Management Institute. The early results: The strategy is indeed improving care and cutting costs, just as Eddy's model predicted.

For Eddy, this is one small step toward solving the thorniest riddle in medicine -- a dark secret he has spent his career exposing. "The problem is that we don't know what we are doing," he says. Even today, with a high-tech health-care system that costs the nation $2 trillion a year, there is little or no evidence that many widely used treatments and procedures actually work better than various cheaper alternatives.

This judgment pertains to a shocking number of conditions or diseases, from cardiovascular woes to back pain to prostate cancer. During his long and controversial career proving that the practice of medicine is more guesswork than science, Eddy has repeatedly punctured cherished physician myths. He showed, for instance, that the annual chest X-ray was worthless, over the objections of doctors who made money off the regular visit. He proved that doctors had little clue about the success rate of procedures such as surgery for enlarged prostates. He traced one common practice -- preventing women from giving birth vaginally if they had previously had a cesarean -- to the recommendation of one lone doctor. Indeed, when he began taking on medicine's sacred cows, Eddy liked to cite a figure that only 15% of what doctors did was backed by hard evidence.

A great many doctors and health-care quality experts have come to endorse Eddy's critique. And while there has been progress in recent years, most of these physicians say the portion of medicine that has been proven effective is still outrageously low -- in the range of 20% to 25%. "We don't have the evidence [that treatments work], and we are not investing very much in getting the evidence," says Dr. Stephen C. Schoenbaum, executive vice-president of the Commonwealth Fund and former president of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc. "Clearly, there is a lot in medicine we don't have definitive answers to," adds Dr. I. Steven Udvarhelyi, senior vice-president and chief medical officer at Pennsylvania's Independence Blue Cross.

The only significant health care advances we've made are better nutrition and hygiene.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:05 PM

GROW THE PIE HIGHER (via Kevin Whited):

Immigration—The Wages of Fear (Alvaro Vargas Llosa, May 19, 2006, Independent Institute)

Among the objections that form the rationale for anti-immigration legislation, two stand out: Immigrants threaten American jobs and erode American culture. Both are based on unwarranted fear.

In a productive economy, more workers mean more growth—and even more jobs. Non-Hispanic whites are a minority in the two largest states, California and Texas, while Hispanics comprise more than 35 percent of the population in both. Unemployment rates in California and Texas mirror the national average. According to a study by United Van Lines, the largest moving company in the nation, since 1989 more people have moved from other states into Texas than have moved out, which rules out a stampede of non-Hispanic whites as the reason for Texas’ low unemployment rate.

Much of the Hispanic contribution has little connection to low-skilled jobs. According to Geoscape International, a third of Hispanic households earn over $50,000 a year. The Pew Hispanic Center puts the net worth of Hispanic households at more than $700 billion. HispanTelligence, a research division of Hispanic Business magazine, says the rate of growth of the purchasing power of Hispanics in the last 10 years is three times the national average. In 2010, Hispanics will own 3.2 million businesses. Clearly, these immigrants are expanding the national pie.

What about culture? I asked some colleagues of Samuel Huntington—the Harvard University guru who thinks Hispanics are eroding American values—their opinion. Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, co-founder of the Harvard Immigration Project, says, “Huntington’s views are not empirically based. Hispanics are learning English faster than did Italian and Polish immigrants a century ago, and 30 percent of adults from various first-generation Hispanic immigrant groups are marrying non-Latinos.”

Univision Communications, the Spanish-language TV giant, is up for sale because the prospects for continued expansion are not great—the second generation is tuning to English programs (many watch comedies such as “The George Lopez Show” and listen to “Hurban” radio). Sixty percent of Latinos are now American-born. According to Geoscape International, 83 percent of American Hispanics speak English.

As for family values, consider the fact that the average immigrant household has 3.8 people, over and above the national average of 2.3 per household for non-Hispanic whites.

If they are creating wealth, learning English, engaging in interethnic marriage, and practicing family values, how are they threateningly different from other humans?

Those are the reasons the Left will join the far Right in opposing immigration. They're too American.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:54 PM


In Attack Mode, a Rightist Surges in Mexico (JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr., 5/23/06, NY Times)

Felipe Calderón loves to make allusions to Mexican folk songs. These days, the conservative candidate for president is particularly fond of recalling a song about a nag named Relámpago who upsets a glistening champion, Moro, in a race.

"I was not the favorite," he boomed over loudspeakers to a crowd of farmers, fishermen and business owners in the town of Tonalá on a swing in Chiapas on Thursday. "I was not the one who was up in the polls, but do you know what I did, gentlemen? I went to work. I set about telling Mexicans what each candidate really stands for."

After six months in second place, Mr. Calderón has surged past the front-runner, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with a stream of attack advertisements portraying him as a dangerous and violent leftist who will bankrupt the country.

Now, a month before the vote, the race is a contest between Mr. Calderón, a free-trade advocate backed by business leaders, and Mr. López Obrador, a leftist who draws most of his support from poor people who feel that free-trade policies have failed to help them.

If you can't even sell Pelosism in Mexico how are you going to get Americans to voe for it in November?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:50 PM


Graduates get an apology (Paul Kirby, 05/22/2006, Freeman)

New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. told about 900 SUNY New Paltz graduates Sunday that he was sorry.

It wasn't an apology for anything Sulzberger, who first joined the Times in 1978 as a Washington correspondent, specifically did. It was, for the most part, offered as an apology from a member of a generation that had vowed to beat back world ills, such as the Vietnam War and government corruption, and never let them happen again.

"I will start with an apology," Sulzberger told the graduates, who wore black gowns and hats with yellow tassels. "When I graduated in 1974, my fellow students and I ended the Vietnam War and ousted President Nixon. OK. OK. That's not quite true. Maybe there were larger forces at play.

"Either way, we entered the real world committed to making it a better, safer, cleaner, more equal place," Sulzberger added.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:43 PM


It's Not Enough to Be a Vegetarian (Christina Waters, May 23, 2006, AlterNet)

There wasn't much wiggle room left for the casual carnivore when über-ethicist Peter Singer got finished with us in 1973. That's when his uncompromising assault on trans-species suffering, Animal Liberation, had millions of readers trading in their T-bones for tofu.

But now even the moral high ground of a vegetarian lifestyle isn't good enough. Singer's new book, The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter argues that, all things considered, only a vegan lifestyle will do. The reasons go far beyond Singer's past exposés of animal abuse and factory farming. Tracking the source of food served at three very different American tables, Singer and his co-author Jim Mason uncover more than they could swallow.

How we eat can influence the very health of the planet even more than switching to hybrid cars or solar heating.

Speaking of which, Sarah Moulton made this yesterday, Spanish Pork Tenderloin Roulade (Recipe courtesy Bruce Aidells, Complete Book of Pork, HarperCollins, 2004)
2 pork tenderloins (1 to 1 1/4 pounds each)

Kale Stuffing:
2 teaspoons olive oil plus 1 tablespoon, for skillet
1/2 cup diced red onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 pound kale, rinsed and drained, stems discarded and leaves cut into thin julienne strips
1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
1/2 cup water
4 slices serrano ham or prosciutto
1 (8-ounce) jar piquillo peppers, drained
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Romesco Sauce, for serving, recipe follows

To butterfly the tenderloins: make a deep lengthwise cut down the center, being careful not to cut all the way through. Open the tenderloin up like a book. Place the opened tenderloin between 2 pieces of plastic wrap. Pound with a meat mallet until 1/4-inch thick. Repeat with the other tenderloin.

To make the stuffing: heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until lightly golden, about 6 to 8 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute more. Add the kale, vinegar, honey, and water. Increase the heat to high and continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the kale is wilted, about 2 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Lay 2 slices of ham or prosciutto over each butterflied tenderloin. Top with half of the kale stuffing, leaving a 1/4-inch border. Carefully open the peppers and lay a single layer over the kale. Roll up each tenderloin and tie at 2-inch intervals with butcher's twine.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Sprinkle the tenderloins all over with salt and pepper. Heat a heavy ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat and add the olive oil. Place the tenderloins in the pan and brown on all sides for about 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer the pan to the oven and roast. After 15 minutes, begin checking the internal temperature with an instant-read thermometer, checking every 5 minutes, until the pork registers 140 degrees F to 145 degrees F. When done, remove the tenderloins from skillet to a platter, cover loosely with foil, and set aside to rest for 10 minutes. Remove the twine from the tenderloins, cut them into 1/2-inch-thick slices, and serve with Romesco sauce.

Romesco sauce:
1/2 cup toasted almonds
1/2 fresh bread crumbs
3 tablespoons olive oil
8 ounces piquillo peppers or fire roasted red bell peppers or pimentos
1 tablespoon capers, drained
Kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper

For the Romesco sauce: In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, grind the almonds until they form a thick paste. Add the bread crumbs, olive oil, peppers, and capers and process until smooth. Taste for salt and pepper. Transfer to a serving bowl.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:37 PM


The New Temptation Of Democrats (Ruth Marcus, May 23, 2006, Washington Post)

When mega-pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church opened last year in its new Houston home, the city's former professional basketball arena, a most unlikely guest was on hand for the celebration: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), a minister's son who chairs the House Democrats' Faith Working Group, headed to Dallas a few months later to worship with Bishop T.D. Jakes, an African American Pentecostal minister who's been called "the next Billy Graham."

This month, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean -- yes, that would be the Howard Dean who dismissed Republicans last year as "pretty much a white, Christian Party" -- went on Pat Robertson's "700 Club," asserting that Democrats "have an enormous amount in common with the Christian community, and particularly with the evangelical Christian community." Randy Brinson, founder of Redeem the Vote (think Rock the Vote meets Jesus), met last week with the centrist Democratic Leadership Council.

Democrats these days are a party on a mission that might sound impossible: to persuade evangelical Christian voters to consider converting -- to the Democratic Party.

Just as Republicans have worked, and to some extent succeeded, at peeling off some African American voters from the Democratic Party, evangelical voters are too big a part of the electorate (about a quarter) for one party simply to write off.

Democrats have a shot at luring some of them, but it's a long shot, and one that poses dangerous temptations for the party as it tries to narrow the God gap.

The GOP just has to convince black Christians to vote conscience instead of tribe--Democrats have to ditch everything they believe in (or, rather, don't) to appeal to the religious.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 1:02 PM


Wilkins's first year as ambassador brings tumult, triumph and tears (Robert Russo, Canadian Press, May 23rd, 2006)

U.S. ambassador David Wilkins has developed a whole riff on enduring his first lengthy Canadian winter and he delivers it in a drawl that just drips Dixie.

"I never thought dirt would look so good," he said of the March mud that signals spring in Canada's capital. Wilkins has learned enough about Canadians in the year since he arrived here to know they love to hear about Americans struggle with winter.

So when he delivers the line in front of an audience, he obliges by laying on the low-country patois.

"Ah nevuh thawt duht wud luk suh good," is how it comes out. Canadian crowds eat it up.

What they might not realize is how cannily he's using it to disarm a country that might not otherwise be as receptive to the representative of an unpopular U.S. president.

Nor would he necessarily want them to know how effectively he used that style to help deliver an elusive softwood lumber agreement into the hands of a new prime minister who happens to be a conservative cousin.

"It's not a put-on," said Frank McKenna, who served as Wilkins's counterpart as ambassador to Washington. "It's real. He's a modest, humble and engaging person - and it is disarming."

During the election last winter, I was present when he turned a cynical, hostile crowd into applauding admirers in thirty minutes. Not only did he talk openly about his faith in very un-Canadian terms, he managed to intimate to the crowd they were international shirkers who couldn’t hold a candle to George Bush intellectually, all the while telling them how much he loved them and their country. The man is a master.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:19 PM


Harper has support to win majority (Mark Kennedy, National Post,, May 23rd, 2006)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is so popular with Canadians that it would be swept back into power with a majority if an election was held now, a new poll has found.

The Ipsos Reid survey, conducted for CanWest newspapers and Global National, was done over three days last week just as Harper's Tories were touting their accomplishments after 100 days in office as a minority government.

The poll found the Conservatives are enjoying their highest level of public support in nearly 20 years since Brian Mulroney's government was returned to office with a second majority victory in the November 1988 election.

''Basically what's happening is that Stephen Harper is recreating the Brian Mulroney majority,'' Ipsos Reid president Darrell Bricker said in an interview.

''And the way he is doing that is by breaking through in the province of Quebec. It's very much that kind of coalition Quebec and the West.''

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 PM


'High School Musical' busts a move (Thomas K. Arnold, 5/23/06, USA TODAY)

Madison Ongstad was thrilled to attend the May 13 Hollywood premiere of High School Musical, the TV movie that has teens and 'tweens alike in a tizzy not seen since the early days of Britney Spears.

"I'm a devoted fan of the Disney Channel, and of this movie," says Madison, 9. The Costa Mesa, Calif., third-grader has the CD soundtrack, "and I play the songs all day when I'm not in school. I know all the words and all the dance moves."

She's making sure her mother buys the movie Tuesday, when it arrives on DVD (Disney, $27). As for the sequel? "I can't wait."

All this hoopla is for a movie that grossed exactly zero dollars in theaters. The "premiere," at Hollywood's historic El Capitan, was for a DVD launch party, a one-time big-screen showing for the TV movie.

As part of the network's original movie franchise, High School Musical has been nothing short of a phenomenon. Since its first airing Jan. 20, the film has been shown 10 times, with 34 million unique viewers, according to Disney.

Zac Efron, one of the stars of the film, says he and his fellow cast members are prepping for the sequel, "which starts filming later this year or early next year."

High School Musical, for those of you who are over 14....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:57 AM


Sen. Clinton: Add ethanol, cut foreign oil (DEVLIN BARRETT, May 23, 2006, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

The senator recommended a combination of government tax incentives, private investment and new research to cut the consumption of foreign oil in half by 2025, or by nearly 8 million barrels a day.

She also called for a massive expansion of ethanol, a corn-based fuel additive and substitute, which is currently only available at a small percentage of gas stations in the United States.

Ethanol is popular in corn-producing states, especially Iowa, which holds the first caucus of the presidential primary.

President Bush and other elected officials have called for a greater expansion of E-85, a fuel made of 85 percent ethanol that can be used in vehicles built to run on both regular unleaded gasoline and E-85.

Clinton called for accelerating the spread of E-85 to half of the nation's gas stations by 2015 by offering a 50 percent tax credit for station owners who install ethanol pumps.

Republicans criticized her proposal even before she started speaking, noting that she had voted against drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge and against some of Bush's other energy expansion proposals.

So take her proposal add ANWR drilling and bring it to a vote.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:37 AM


Neo-Nazi Violence on the Rise in Germany (SPIEGEL Staff, 5/23/06, Der Spiegel)

It's hardly the issue that Germany wanted to see in the headlines during the last few weeks before the World Cup kicks off in Munich on June 9. But stories on neo-Nazi violence, suddenly, are everywhere. On Monday, new figures showing a rise in right-wing violence in 2005 poured fuel on the fire.

German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said on Monday he was very worried about the steep rise in far-right crime and appealed to Germans never to look the other way when they see someone being attacked. "There mustn't be any no-go areas in Germany," he told a news conference at which he presented the 2005 report of the domestic intelligence service, the Bundesverfassungsschutz.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:05 AM


Science Friction: Is the controversy over research fraud in China spiraling out of control? (Bruce Einhorn, with Catherine Arnst in New York, 5/29/06, Business Week)

Just when U.S. universities are pushing to form alliances with their counterparts in China, accusations of scientific fraud are zinging across the Middle Kingdom. Beijing's determination to make China a scientific superpower seems to have created a Wild West climate where top researchers, under intense pressure to produce, are tempted to fake results or copy the works of others. [...]

One of the leading Chinese whistle-blowers is biochemist Shi-min Fang. He runs a highly influential Chinese-language Web site ( that details charges of fraud and abuse among China's scientists. Since his site launched in 2000, he claims to have exposed 500 cases of illegal or unethical behavior. "Misconduct is so widespread among Chinese academics that they have almost become used to it," Fang said in an e-mail exchange. "They don't think it's a big deal at all."

The turmoil comes at a particularly embarrassing time for President Hu Jintao. He and other leaders have been flogging their vision of China as an economy that relies on high-end innovation more than low-cost manufacturing. To realize this brains-based future, Communist Party leaders urge scientists to seize the leading edge of nanotechnology, stem cell research, and other emerging fields.

Such ambitious goals may be inspiring the unethical behavior.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


Airbus Has A Bad Case Of Jet Lag: Its redesigned, lightweight plane will still trail Boeing's Dreamliner by years (Carol Matlack, with William Boston in Berlin and Stanley Holmes in Seattle, 5/29/06, Business Week)

Plastics. They really are the future. More precisely, the carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics known as composites are reshaping the rivalry between Airbus and Boeing Co. (BA ), and the European planemaker has a lot of catching up to do.

With oil prices soaring, airlines are flocking to Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner, which promises to burn 20% less fuel than conventional planes. The 787 is made mostly of composites, which weigh half as much as aluminum, but are stronger so that wings and other parts can be made slimmer and more aerodynamic. Airbus is countering with the A350, a planned aircraft with one-third less composite content than the 787. But most carriers are snubbing it.

The fuel savings from making cars of such parts will be enormous.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:25 AM


Ottawa seeks help finding Kyoto alternative
(BRIAN LAGHI, 5/23/06, Globe and Mail)

The Conservatives will move today to blunt criticism that they have forsaken the Kyoto accord by asking provinces to help develop a plan to boost ethanol production as part of a made-in-Canada plan to reduce greenhouse gas.

Federal cabinet ministers will meet with provincial counterparts in Regina to kick-start an initiative to keep a Tory pledge that would raise to 5 per cent the amount of ethanol used in gasoline. Experts say ethanol fuel, most of which is derived from corn and agricultural crops, would contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The meeting comes as the Conservative government continued to come under fire from international environmental groups yesterday and the European Community urged Canada to respect goals the Liberals previously agreed to under the Kyoto accord.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:01 AM


Iraqi Charities Plant Seed of Civil Society (SABRINA TAVERNISE, 5/23/06, NY Times)

[M]ore than three years after the American invasion, the outlines of a nascent civil society are taking shape.

Since 2003 the government has registered 5,000 private organizations, including charities, human rights groups, medical assistance agencies and literacy projects. Officials estimate that an additional 7,000 groups are working unofficially. The efforts show that even as violence and sectarian hatred tear Iraq's mixed cities apart, a growing number of Iraqis are trying to bring them together. "Iraqis were thirsty for such experiences," said Khadija Tuma, director of the office in the Ministry of Civil Society Affairs that now works with the private aid groups. "It was as if they already had it inside themselves."

The new charity groups offer bits of relief in the sea of poverty that swept Iraq during the economic embargo of the 1990's and has worsened with the pervasive lawlessness that followed the American invasion.

The burst of public-spiritedness comes after long decades of muzzled community life under Saddam Hussein, when drab Soviet-style committees for youth, women and industrialists were the only community groups permitted.

Mr. Hussein stamped out what had been a vibrant public life. Since the founding of Islam in the seventh century, charity has had a special place in its societies. As far back as the 19th century, religious leaders, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, formed a network called Al Ashraf that was a link between people and the Ottoman-appointed governor of Baghdad.

The Iraqi Chamber of Commerce dates from the 1930's, and its volunteers plunged into Baghdad's poor areas to conduct literacy campaigns in the 1950's, around the time of the overthrow of the monarchy.

Today's groups have picked up that historic thread and offer hope in an increasingly poisonous sectarian landscape that Iraqis may still be able to hold their country together.

When Ronald Reagan was being memorialized and eulogized many of us were surprised to discover just how firmly Democrats had supported his every step in winning the Cold War. Similarly, when the day comes that we bury George W. Bush, you'll be heartened to hear about the unwavering support Democrats gave him in Reforming the Middle East.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


Solana: Montenegro comparisons sign of "delirium tremens" (Spain Herald, 5/23/06)

The European Union's high commissioner for foreign policy and common security (PESC), Spanish Socialist Javier Solana, said yesterday that comparing the situation in Montenegro to that of the Basque Country or Catalonia "is at the verge of delirium tremens." He was responding to Basque regional premier Juan Jose Ibarretxe's statement that the Montenegrin referendum was "the model to follow" for the Basques, after Ibarretxe's participation in a delegation of Basque observers in Podgorica. Catalan separatists ERC announced that they would question the administration in the Congress of Deputies on this issue.

Solana congratulated the people and government of Montenegro on the referendum held on Sunday, and announced that the EU would "completely" respect the results of the election, as it fulfilled the requirements set. He added, "There is no similarity between Montenegro and the Serbian Republic, and any other country that already forms part of Europe."

Except that they're identical.

Montenegro vote opens separatist Pandora's box (Calin Neacsu, 23 May 2006, AFP)

Montenegro's independence could open a Pandora's box for other separatist movements in Europe and the former Soviet Union, with some already claiming the right to follow the same path. [...]

Bosnian Serbs have already said Montenegro's independence was a good model to be followed by their entity of Republika Srpska, which, along with the Muslim-Croat Federation, has made up post-war Bosnia.

For those fighting for the independence of the Germanic Tyrol region of Italy, and its annexation to Austria, the outcome of Montenegro's referendum inspired dreams to organise a similar vote.

A senior Russian lawmaker estimated that Montenegro's decision to separate from Serbia would spur debate on the status of Kosovo and could set a "heavy" precedent for other countries with separatist minorities.

Konstantin Kosachev, chairperson of the Russian Parliament's foreign-affairs committee, warned of setting a precedent over Kosovo.

"This will create a precedent heavy with consequences for other regions," he said, citing in particular Turkish northern Cyprus and Spain's Basque separatists.

But even in the former Soviet Union, several regions are hoping to follow the lead of Montenegro. They were unilaterally proclaimed during the bloody conflicts that followed its 1991 collapse and supported by Moscow, but not recognised by the international community.

Among them, the breakaway republics of Transdniestr in Moldova and Abkhazia in Georgia, were the first to say the vote serves as a model of "self-determination".

"One can only welcome such a civilised method for gaining self-determination," said the "president" of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapch, quoted by Interfax.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


In Medicare Debate, Massaging the Facts (ROBERT PEAR, May 23, 2006, NY Times)

If the drug benefit succeeds, Republicans will cite it as a precedent for expanding the role of private insurers in Medicare. Democrats abhor that prospect and are eager to discredit the current benefit. They cite every mix-up and mistake of the last five months as proof that private insurers are less efficient and less reliable than the government.

President Bush and Republican lawmakers boast that they delivered Medicare drug benefits to older Americans after more than a decade of unfulfilled promises and unsuccessful efforts by Democrats.

"It's saving lives, and it's saving money," Representative Phil Gingrey, Republican of Georgia, said last week at a rally on Capitol Hill, celebrating "the unprecedented success of Medicare Part D."

Senator Jim Talent, Republican of Missouri, said many constituents had told him, "This is a godsend."

Besides saving lives and money and opening the way for further privatization of the welfare state how is it conservative?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:31 AM


Six major hurricanes possible this year (Laura Wides-Munoz, Globe and Mail, May 23rd, 2006)

A hectic, above-normal tropical storm season could produce between four and six major hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico this year, but conditions do not appear ripe for a repeat of 2005's record activity, the U.S. National Hurricane Center predicted Monday.

There will be up to 16 named storms, the centre predicted, significantly less than last year's record 28. Still, people in coastal regions should prepare for the possibility of major storms, said Max Mayfield, the centre's director.[...]

Last year, officials predicted 12 to 15 tropical storms, seven to nine of them becoming hurricanes, and three to five of those hurricanes being major, with winds of at least 179 kilometres an hour.

The season turned out to be much busier, however, surpassing records that had stood since 1851. Last season, there were 15 hurricanes, seven of them Category 3 or higher.

But, to a man, they know global warming is a proven scientific fact and that only Kyoto can save us.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Israel captures Hamas commander (BBC, 5/23/06)
Israeli forces have captured the leader of Islamic group Hamas' military wing in the West Bank in a raid in Ramallah.

Israel accuses Ibrahim Hamad, 41, of masterminding a string of suicide bombings, including attacks on cafes and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
'Zarqawi aide' captured in Jordan (BBC, 5/23/06)

Jordanian officials say they have arrested a senior al-Qaeda figure heavily involved in Iraq's insurgency.

Security officials in Jordan's capital, Amman, refused to identify the man, said to be a key aide to Iraq's most wanted militant, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

...we only have to get lucky once.

Architect of New War on the West: Writings Lay Out Post-9/11 Strategy of Isolated Cells Joined in Jihad (Craig Whitlock, 5/23/06, Washington Post)

From secret hideouts in South Asia, the Spanish-Syrian al-Qaeda strategist published thousands of pages of Internet tracts on how small teams of Islamic extremists could wage a decentralized global war against the United States and its allies.

With the Afghanistan base lost, he argued, radicals would need to shift their approach and work primarily on their own, though sometimes with guidance from roving operatives acting on behalf of the broader movement.

Last October, the writing career of Mustafa Setmariam Nasar came to an abrupt end when Pakistani agents seized him in a friend's house in the border city of Quetta and turned him over to U.S. intelligence operatives, according to two senior Pakistani intelligence officials. [...]

Counterterrorism officials and analysts see Nasar's theories in action in major terrorist attacks in Casablanca in 2003, Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005. In each case, the perpetrators organized themselves into local, self-sustaining cells that acted on their own but also likely accepted guidance from visiting emissaries of the global movement. [...]

"The enemy is strong and powerful, we are weak and poor, the war duration is going to be long and the best way to fight it is in a revolutionary jihad way for the sake of Allah," he said in one paper. "The preparations better be deliberate, comprehensive and properly planned, taking into account past experiences and lessons."

Intelligence officials said Nasar's doctrine has made waves in radical Islamic chat rooms and on Web sites about jihad -- holy war or struggle -- over the past two years. His capture, they added, has only added to his mystique.

"He is probably the first to spell out a doctrine for a decentralized global jihad," said Brynjar Lia, a senior counterterrorism researcher at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, who is writing a book on Nasar. "In my humble opinion, he is the best theoretician among the jihadi ideologues and strategists out there. Nobody is as systematic and comprehensive in their analysis as he is. His brutal honesty and self-criticism is unique in jihadi circles."

War? Random acts of violence by folks who can't afford to be identified or to communicate do not a war make.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


Do we work too much? (STEVEN THEOBALD, 5/23/06, Toronto Star)

Ahhh, back on the job at last.

Canada ought to cancel the May long weekend.

These words may sound like the rant of a deranged workaholic, but they actually do a pretty good job of describing our society's values when compared with those in many other wealthy countries. The average Canadian worked 1,751 hours in 2004. That's about 300 hours — or 43 seven-hour days — more than the Dutch, Germans, French or Danes.

European societies are at one end of the spectrum while Canada, the United States, Australia and Japan are at the other. [...]

Will Canadians or Americans ever start working less?

The past 25 years suggest not.

Between 1980 and 2000, European countries added, on average, six vacation days or statutory holidays, totalling 36 per year.

Meanwhile, according to Huberman's numbers, Canada actually dropped a day, to 24, while the United States lost two days, to 20 days off.

We've become more Western since the '70s while they've become less.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Learning the knuckleball can be hard on the knees (Dwight Perry, 5/23/06, The Seattle Times)

The knuckleball pitch, developed by Ed Cicotte of the minor-league Indianapolis Indians, celebrates its 100th birthday this year.

"I learned it as a kid trying to throw a ball without any spin to my brother," ex-Seattle Pilots pitcher Jim Bouton told the Indianapolis Star. "I must have thrown 500 pitches and accidentally threw it properly.

"The ball went through the air without any spin, my brother reached up to catch it and, just before it went into his glove, it broke down and hit him in the kneecap. He was writhing on the ground in pain saying, 'What a great pitch. What a great pitch.'

"I spent the rest of the summer trying to maim my brother."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:46 AM


Worker confidence up as hiring rises (Stephanie Armour, 5/23/06, USA TODAY)

Workers reported high confidence in their job security, with more than 80% predicting little or no chance they could lose their jobs in the coming year, according to a May survey of 1,000 full-time employees by Philadelphia-based Right Management.

That's a big jump from six months ago, when nearly a quarter of employees said they might leave their jobs.

"We're seeing a slow, steady (increase) in confidence," says Eileen Javers, a global leader with Right Management. "Right after Katrina, people were worried about jobs and what the economy was doing."

No one goes to the polls and votes his concern for his neighbor's job.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:36 AM


Push to bump teen driving age hits fast lane: Teens cry foul over proposal (Jessica Fargen and Emelie Rutherford, May 23, 2006, Boston Herald)

Thousands of would-be teen drivers may be forced off the road under a junior operator bill backed by a House committee yesterday that calls for jacking up the driving age, banning cell phones and forcing parents to rev up the training.

With Bay State teens dying in wrecks almost weekly, lawmakers are pushing for action.

A good start, but they need to ban it for 70 year olds too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:14 AM


Blair visits Baghdad to sketch out timetable for withdrawal (Greg Hurst and Ned Parker in Baghdad and Michael Evans, 5/23/06, Times of London)

BRITISH troops could start withdrawing from two Iraqi provinces within weeks, and Iraqi security forces could be in charge of much of the country by the year’s end, Tony Blair agreed with his Iraqi counterpart on a surprise visit to Baghdad yesterday.

Buoyed by the formation of Iraq’s new unity Government over the weekend, senior officials travelling with Mr Blair said that all foreign troops should be out of the country within four years.

Mr Blair is to hold further discussions on withdrawal at a White House summit with President Bush later this week.

Host springs surprise for PM: New Iraqi leader reveals more urgent and ambitious troop withdrawal than UK and US had admitted (Ewen MacAskill, May 23, 2006, The Guardian)
Nuri al-Maliki, the new Iraqi prime minister, had a surprise for Tony Blair and his entourage in Baghdad yesterday. At a joint press conference, Mr Maliki said British troops would hand over responsibility in two provinces to Iraqi security forces by next month and that he expected US, British and other foreign troops out of 16 of the country's 18 provinces by the end of the year, a much speedier and more ambitious schedule than the US and Britain have so far admitted to. [...]

Both Mr Maliki and Mr Blair's comments were telling. With the arrival at last of an Iraqi government, the US and British can at last begin to plan for specific withdrawals. The planes to carry troops home can be booked.

Bush Says U.S. Is Set to Shift Burden After 'Turning Point' (Peter Baker and Bradley Graham, 5/23/06, Washington Post)
"We can expect the violence to continue, but something fundamental changed this weekend," Bush said in a speech to the National Restaurant Association. "The terrorists are now fighting a free and constitutional government. They're at war with the people of Iraq. And the Iraqi people are determined to defeat this enemy, and so are Iraq's new leaders, and so is the United States of America." [...]

Bush has set a goal of turning most of Iraq over to Iraqi security forces by the end of the year, a target repeated on Monday by the newly installed prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


This time the crocodile won't wait: a review of Londonistan by Melanie Phillips (Spengler, 5/23/06, Asia Times)

Black and white Baptists made their peace in the US South a generation ago. Protestants and Catholics yet might make peace in Northern Ireland. But that is an entirely different matter, says Phillips: "True, the IRA [Irish Republican Army] were Catholics and their adversaries were Protestants. But their cause was not Catholicism. It was a united Ireland. They did not want to impose the authority of the pope upon Britain ... There is simply no comparison to the agenda of the Islamists who want to defeat the West in the name of Islam."

The institution that should understand this best, namely the Church of England, seems most eager to liquidate itself. Notes Phillips: "In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage."

The Archbishop of York, the black Ugandan Dr John Sentamu, praises the British Empire and the culture it spread around the world, whereas the present Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, apologizes for taking "cultural captives" through the export of English hymns and liturgy. Sadly, the "cultural captives", mainly black African converts, are all that is left of the C of E. Its evangelical wing, represented by former archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey - a vocal critic of Islam in the past two years - cannot compete with dissenting churches, and the High Anglican side barely breathes.

It is a bit late in time for a national church. The Roman Catholic Church can make a case that Benedict XVI has the right to head a universal church by virtue of his apostolic succession from St Peter, and thus can forgive sins in Jesus' own stead. But why should Queen Elizabeth II, much less the overtly Islamophile Prince Charles, enjoy this privilege? Perhaps the moment is ripe for the remnants of English Catholicism to join the Roman Church, and for British Protestants to find their way to more robust dissenting denominations.

In any case, Western liberalism, including the sexual habits of English curates, does not appeal to Muslims. On the contrary, Phillips says:

British Muslims are overwhelmingly horrified and disgusted by the louche and dissolute behavior of a Britain that has torn up the notion of respectability. They observe the alcoholism, drug abuse and pornography, the breakdown of family life and the encouragement of promiscuity, and find themselves there in opposition to their host society's guiding values. What they are recoiling from, of course, is the breakdown of Western values. After a visit to the United States in 1948, Sayed Qutb wrote: "Humanity today is living in a large brothel!"

Revulsion and contempt color Muslim attitudes toward the British leftists who most desire to appease them.

He and she tiptoe right up to the edge of insight there: just as the cause of the IRA wasn't Catholicism, neither is the cause of Islamicists Islam.

May 22, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:02 PM

TOO REAGANESQUE (via David Linton):

Bush's Base Betrayal (Richard A. Viguerie, 5/21/06, The Washington Post)

As a candidate in 2000, George W. Bush was a Rorschach test. Country Club Republicans saw him as another George H.W. Bush; some conservatives, thinking wishfully, saw him as another Ronald Reagan. He called himself a "compassionate conservative," which meant whatever one wanted it to mean. Experts from across the party's spectrum were flown to Austin to brief Bush and reported back: "He's one of us."

Republicans were desperate to retake the White House, conservatives were desperate to get the Clinton liberals out and there was no direct heir to Reagan running for president. So most conservatives supported Bush as the strongest candidate -- some enthusiastically and some, like me, reluctantly. After the disastrous presidency of his father, our support for the son was a triumph of hope over experience.

Actually, this just contributes to the heirdom, Mr. Viguerie having made a notorious ass of himself by trying to read Ronald Reagan out of conservatism too. Of course, he had a stronger casde there, the Gipper having repeatedly raised taxes, saved SS, and buddied up to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 PM


A huge 'no' to Africa's big-man politics (The Monitor's View, 5/23/06, CS Monitor)

Nigeria has defied an African tradition of bowing to the Big Man (the kind who takes power by bullet or ballot and never lets go): It denied its president a third term. Such an act shows the potential for leadership by Africa's most populous nation. [...]

With some 130 million people and oil resources that should have made it prosperous by now, Nigeria could be the continent's shining light. But an entrenched culture of civil and political corruption, along with tensions among its more than 250 ethnic groups - and especially between its Muslim north and Christian south - have kept those prospects dim.

Eventually the UN Security Council -- reorganized around the idea of an Axis of Good -- should be America, Australia, England or Poland, India, Brazil and an African democracy. Kenya and Nigeria are logical choices if they can keep making progress.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 PM


New star power for Hong Kong's democracy struggle (Robert Marquand, 5/23/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Audrey Eu] comes out of a grass-roots protest movement that rose in 2003 to demand self-rule and rights. Eu articulated why it made good business sense for Hong Kong to govern itself; indeed, she linked the idea to the survival of Hong Kong's special identity.

Now, a central question is whether that spirit can be translated into an effective political party. The Civics want genuine democracy, not the watered-down version where Beijing controls the levers of power. That puts party leader Eu and her compatriots at uneasy odds with Beijing, despite their moderate nature.

There is no China.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 PM


Milwaukee's lessons on school vouchers (Amanda Paulson, 5/23/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Choice is something lower-income Milwaukee parents definitely have. Families who make below a set income can get a voucher (worth up to $6,500 in the coming school year) to send their school-age children to a private school, including a religiously affiliated school. In addition to some 125 schools that participate in Milwaukee's program, there are numerous charter schools in the city, and an open-enrollment program through which a few thousand students attend suburban schools. [...]

The voucher program has given new life to venerable Catholic and Lutheran schools in the city, and has spurred the creation of dozens of new schools - many of them religious - that rely solely on voucher students. All told, about 70 percent of the voucher schools are religious.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 PM


Uganda Defies EU, Begins DDT Program to Fight Malaria (Paul Driessen, May 1, 2006, The Heartland Institute)

The African nation of Uganda has announced it will defy European Union threats and begin indoor spraying of DDT to battle rampant malaria.

Malaria kills more people in Uganda each year than any other disease, including AIDS and tuberculosis, which typically receive more media attention. Malaria accounts for 40 percent of all illnesses and 21 percent of deaths in Uganda's hospitals. Every year the disease kills approximately 100,000 children under five years old in the country.

"We have to kill malaria using DDT, and the matter has been settled that DDT is not harmful to humans and if used for indoor-insecticide spraying," Uganda Health Minister Jim Muhwezi told the East African on April 4. "It's the most effective and cheapest way to fight malaria." [...]

European Union officials and nongovernmental organizations, who claim DDT spraying inside Ugandan huts may result in trace levels of the chemical being found on exported Ugandan crops, threatened to restrict the import of Ugandan crops in retaliation for the nation's use of DDT.

Q: What kind of people defy bureaucrats just to save millions of lives?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:57 PM


Rare American chestnut trees discovered (ELLIOTT MINOR, 5/19/06, Associated Press )

A stand of American chestnut trees that somehow escaped a blight that killed off nearly all their kind in the early 1900s has been discovered along a hiking trail not far from President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Little White House at Warm Springs.

The find has stirred excitement among those working to restore the American chestnut, and raised hopes that scientists might be able to use the pollen to breed hardier chestnut trees.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 7:23 PM


Jack Bauer Must Stop President in Season Finale (Diane Clehane, 5/22/06, Fox News)

It's hard to believe there are too many more we-never-saw-it-coming plot twists, but that’s just what producer Evan Katz is promising in the adrenaline-pumped, two-hour season finale of "24."

“Confrontations that have needed to take place that haven’t yet happened will happen in a really explosive way,” teases the producer.

“There are three characters in conflict: Jack, Henderson (Peter Weller) and President Logan (Gregory Itzin). In the last two hours that’s all going to explode. I think people’s faith in the show will pay off. It has a serious climax in every way. The action is bigger, the surprises are bigger. I know it sounds obnoxious, but it’s really going to be a mindblower.”

We’ve heard that kind of hype before from television producers. Our questions are more direct: who lives, who dies and who gets what’s coming to them?

Katz wouldn’t spill, but Jean Smart, who plays nutty First Lady Martha Logan, offered up some intriguing clues.

“You’ll see a helicopter, a flag and a coffin,” said Smart.

Please feel free to discuss tonight's occurrences in the comments below. As for me, it's time for The Checklist: Popcorn, check. Remote, check. Insanely conspiratorial frame of mind, check. It's Bauer time.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:27 PM


Iraq's Band of Brothers (and their mothers) (Michael Fumento, May 22, 2006, Enter Stage Right)

Since returning from my embed in the wild west Iraqi city of Ramadi at the end of April, I've gotten some wonderful e-mails from relatives of the troops. I'd like to share a few of them.

First some background. Despite the constant flow of news out of Baghdad, which to many reporters is where Iraq begins and ends, terrorist-infested Ramadi is probably block-for-block the meanest place in country. Asked where in the city I wanted to be embedded, I told the military "The redder, the better." ("Red" means hostile.) So they packed me off to Camp Corregidor with the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division – the "Band of Brothers" made famous by author Stephen Ambrose and HBO.

Four minarets stand within sniping distance of the camp and the gentlemen in these erstwhile places of worship regularly shoot at the observation posts and often into the camp itself. Huge 122-millimeter mortars explode in Corregidor on average every other day. I photographed a crater where two men were blown up just before reaching shelter.

Because of the constant attacks, body armor is required whenever outside a protected building – something I've seen nowhere else in Iraq. I went on two day patrols and we were attacked in force both times. Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) pop up like mushrooms.

One chilling statistic: Charlie Company arrived in January with 132 men. By late April it was down to about 100 from deaths, wounds and injuries.

I described and photographed these horrors for my blogs from the camp, which many family members read. I discovered from their letters that ignorance is not always bliss.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:22 PM


With friends like these: Hugo Chávez's meddling backfires (The Economist, May 11th 2006)

ON MAY 8th, Ollanta Humala, the nationalist former army officer who won most votes in the first round of Peru's presidential election last month, met Evo Morales, Bolivia's socialist president. Opening an eye clinic staffed by Cuban doctors at Copacabana, a small town on Lake Titicaca just inside Bolivia's border with Peru, the two men proclaimed their fraternity.

So will Peru be the next domino to fall to the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, an anti-Yanqui political alliance sponsored by Cuba and Hugo Chávez, Venezuela's president, and recently joined by Mr Morales? Probably not. Opinion polls suggest that Mr Humala will lose a run-off election on June 4th to Alan García, a former president, by a margin of ten to 20 percentage points. And far from helping Mr Humala, the vocal support of Messrs Chávez and Morales seems to be hurting him.

Seeking United Latin America, Venezuela's Chávez Is a Divider (JUAN FORERO, 5/20/06, NY Times)
As Venezuela's president, Hugo Chávez, insinuates himself deeper in the politics of his region, something of a backlash is building among his neighbors.

Mr. Chávez — stridently anti-American, leftist and never short on words — has cast himself as spokesman for a united Latin America free of Washington's influence. He has backed Bolivia's recent gas nationalization, set up his own Socialist trade bloc and jumped into the middle of disputes between his neighbors, even when no one has asked.

Some nations are beginning to take umbrage. The mere association with Mr. Chávez has helped reverse the leads of presidential candidates in Mexico and Peru. Officials from Mexico to Nicaragua, Peru and Brazil have expressed rising impatience at what they see as Mr. Chávez's meddling and grandstanding, often at their expense.

One Predator solves the Chavez problem.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:18 PM


School Choice Expanding in Three States (Karla Dial, May 1, 2006, The Heartland Institute)

Three states either created new school choice programs or expanded existing ones in late March--a trend suggesting the movement is gaining wider support among legislators.

In Ohio and Utah, lawmakers gave more students access to school choice.

Ohio's EdChoice program--which had given students attending schools rated for three consecutive years as being in "academic emergency" the option of transferring to better-performing schools of their choosing--now gives students in schools on "academic watch"--the second-lowest rating--the same option. Some 50,000 students are expected to participate, an increase of 30,000.

In Utah, the Carson Smith Scholarship Program for autistic students was widened to include more schools, and the legislature removed a requirement that private schools must "specialize" in serving special-needs populations in order to participate.

On March 29, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D) allowed a corporate tax credit program to become law without her signature, ending a year-long battle with legislators, during which she twice reneged on her promise to sign the measure into law.

"Our legislature just held the line," said Vicki Murray, an independent education researcher in Scottsdale and former education policy director for the Goldwater Institute, a public policy think tank in Phoenix. "The governor gave her word last year that she would sign this, and she didn't, but our legislators just wouldn't back down. They knew there was a desperate need for more choices. Children need it, parents want it, and it's good policy. A lot of state [legislatures] would have said, 'We have a governor who is philosophically opposed to school choice, so we can't get anything done,' but ours said, 'No, this is the right thing to do.'"

Governor OKs Milwaukee Voucher Expansion (Sean Parnell, May 1, 2006, The Heartland Institute
Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D) on March 10 signed legislation expanding Milwaukee's innovative school voucher program, averting what some education reformers had termed a "looming crisis" that jeopardized the education gains low-income students have enjoyed under the 16-year-old program.

Doyle, a Democrat, reached a compromise with the state legislature to raise the cap on the total number of students eligible to receive vouchers from approximately 14,500 to 22,500 students. The bill included new accountability measures for schools educating voucher students, as well as increased funding for smaller class sizes in Wisconsin's government schools.

In a March 10 statement, Doyle called the bill a "victory for schools, not just in Milwaukee, but all across the state." The bill was passed largely along party lines in both the General Assembly and the Senate, with most Republicans voting for the bill and most Democrats voting against it. The Democrats who supported the bill mostly represented Milwaukee districts, where many low-income students use vouchers to attend private schools.

Democrats care about union sinecures, not black kids.

Posted by David Cohen at 12:51 PM


Bush's faith worries Albright (Reuters, 5/22/06)

U.S. President George W. Bush has alienated Muslims around the world by using absolutist Christian rhetoric to discuss foreign policy issues, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says.

"I worked for two presidents who were men of faith, and they did not make their religious views part of American policy," she said, referring to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both Democrats and Christians.

"President Bush's certitude about what he believes in, and the division between good and evil, is, I think, different," said Albright, who has just published a book on religion and world affairs. "The absolute truth is what makes Bush so worrying to some of us."

. . . 1. A dishonorable American who volunteers to go abroad and lie for her nation's enemies. 2. An oxymoron.

What would Ms. Albright have made of this religious fanatic?

Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning--signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge--and more.

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom--and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required--not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge--to convert our good words into good deeds--in a new alliance for progress--to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support--to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective--to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.

Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms--and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.

Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah--to "undo the heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free."

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are--but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:04 PM


MP unveils fetal homicide bill (TONDA MACCHARLES, 5/22/06, Toronto Star)

A Conservative MP has introduced a private member's bill that would make it a separate criminal offence to harm an unborn child in cases where a pregnant mother is assaulted or murdered. Keep forcing the contradictions and it'll soon be a decent country again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 PM


'Extinct' frog comes back to life (Richard Black, 5/22/06, BBC News)

No word yet on wether they mayed with humans in the meantime.....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 AM


A nation that's gotten used to mass job cuts a review of The Disposable American: Layoffs and their Consequences by Louis Uchitelle (Gabriel Madway, May 20, 2006, MarketWatch)

Americans have accepted corporate layoffs as the norm, a new book charges, acquiescing to a system that creates a nation of unstable, temporary workers.

Not every country is so obliging, as we have been reminded lately. After all, bandana-wrapped young Parisians, choking on tear gas, spent early spring marching angrily through the streets of the 5th arrondissement, protesting the mere threat of allowing layoffs.

Americans, meanwhile, watched the spectacle on CNN with amusement. [...]

[T]he book contends that a more active government involvement in the marketplace could go a long way towards remedying the epidemic of American layoffs. Such an argument may have found a foothold in the 1970s, but it sounds almost quaint in today's regulatory environment.

It'll surprise no one that Mr. Uchitelle, with his proposals that we be more like France, is a NY Times reporter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:53 AM


Chief Justice Says His Goal Is More Consensus on Court (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 5/22/06)

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said Sunday that he was seeking greater consensus on the Supreme Court, adding that more consensus would be likely if controversial issues could be decided on the "narrowest possible grounds."

In a 15-minute address to Georgetown University law graduates, Chief Justice Roberts, 51, sketched a vision for leading a court sharply divided on issues like abortion, the death penalty and gay rights.

He said the nation would benefit if the justices could avoid 5-to-4 decisions in cases with sweeping impact, noting that many of the court's most controversial cases, including presidential wartime powers and political boundaries in Texas, would be decided in the final six weeks of the current term.

"If it is not necessary to decide more to a case, then in my view it is necessary not to decide more to a case," Chief Justice Roberts said.

Ironically, the chief stumbling blocks are likely to be intellectual ideologues like Scalia and Thomas who feel compelled to offer idiosyncratic reasoning even on decisions they agree with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:50 AM


Affordable PC has a hitch (Brier Dudley, 5/22/06, Seattle Times)

Like one of those appliance dealers on Highway 99, Bill Gates won't be undersold.

He's working on a plan to make your next PC almost free. Free in the way cellphones are free — if you sign up for a network service plan. [...]

"There's going to be a great wave of those things that are going to get rolled out," Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief technical officer for advanced strategies, said at the Future in Review (FiRe) conference.

Mundie said, "You'll basically be able to buy composite hardware and software packages ... on cellphone-type business models where you essentially rent them or pay for them like you have prepaid cards on cellphones." [...]

Whether this financing scheme works abroad or not, the technology could eventually change the dynamic of PC ownership everywhere if the industry moves further toward subscriptions.

As people become more comfortable with the concept of paying monthly fees for their computing, the shift toward digital media and online services will also accelerate.

Having millions of subscribers would also help Microsoft catch Apple Computer in the digital-media business and recoup the billions it's investing in online services.

Free or reduced-price computers will lure people to subscribe to a bundle of services. Then it's easy to start adding things to that monthly computing bill, just as you do with phone and cable television. Miss a TV show? Want that new song or video game? Download them, for a few dollars added to your bill.

Nor will you have three different bills.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:44 AM


Microfinance gets VC nudge (Tricia Duryee, 5/22/06, Seattle Times)

Mike Murray, a former Microsoft executive, founded Unitus in 2000 with the aim of improving the industry. In microfinancing's 30-year history, loans have been distributed to 20 percent, or 100 million, of the 500 million people in the world who could benefit from the loans.

"In business, after 30 years, if you have only reached 20 percent market share, you aren't successful," Murray said. "That's not good enough. It works well, but the industry hasn't grown."

So Murray hired Geoff Davis as president and chief executive to devise a new model.

Davis, who has worked with microfinance organizations worldwide, realized one of the problems is that they depend on donations. Of the 3,000 institutions that make loans, 95 percent have fewer than 100,000 clients.

"That's not quite large enough to get economies of scale," he said.

Davis identified the constraints: not having enough resources to make more loans and not having access to capital.

"We designed a business plan where investors would fuel the growth, rather than donors," he said.

The model is called the Unitus accelerator, and it's similar to how venture capital works.

Unitus raises a fund and looks for small microfinance banks around the world that have good management teams and large market opportunities. It helps turn the bank into a for-profit entity, then it makes an investment.

The money can give the institution leverage to borrow more money from traditional banking institutions.

Unitus also takes a seat on the bank's board and provides consulting services to set up the infrastructure designed to support fast growth.

With the transformation in place, Unitus expects a bank that once served 3,000 people to help 100,000 to 200,000 people in five to seven years.

That kind of growth may need millions of dollars, a sum that would never be able attained through donations, Murray said.

Applying such capitalist forms to social problems is archetypally Third Way.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:35 AM


McGavick would bar Iran from soccer's World Cup (Alicia Mundy, 5/23/06, Seattle Times)

Republican Senate candidate Mike McGavick has a plan to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions: Bar its national team from the soccer field.

McGavick, who is challenging Sen. Maria Cantwell in November, wants the international soccer federation to disinvite Iran from the wildly popular World Cup soccer tournament.

If Ms Cantwell were smart she'd exploit the opening Mr. McGavick opened to his Right and propose barring America from the soccer bowl.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:30 AM


Dozens die in Afghan air strike (BBC, 5/22/06)

Dozens of people have been killed in a bombing raid by US-led coalition forces in southern Afghanistan, officials say.

The governor of Kandahar province said at least 60 Taleban had died in the air strikes in the Panjwayi district.

Sixteen civilians were also killed, he added. One injured villager told the BBC that Taleban fighters had used his house to launch missiles from the roof.

Wherever they cluster we can bomb.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:22 AM


Top Israelis Meet With Palestinian Leader: Encounter Precedes Prime Minister Olmert's Washington Visit; Medical Aid Approved (Scott Wilson, May 22, 2006, Washington Post)

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's top two cabinet ministers met Sunday with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, the first time senior officials from the two sides have met in nearly a year.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Olmert's chief deputy, and Vice Premier Shimon Peres spoke with Abbas, the Palestinian Authority's president, for 30 minutes at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East. Afterward, Livni said the U.S.-backed peace strategy known as the "road map" was "still relevant," and Palestinian officials suggested the meeting was a positive first step toward renewing regular talks. [...]

Formal peace negotiations between the two sides have been dormant since January 2001. Olmert, who visits Washington this week on his first official trip as prime minister, has pledged to explore the possibility of new talks with Abbas before carrying out a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from parts of the West Bank. He led the Kadima party to victory in Israel's March elections on a promise to define Israel's final eastern border during his four-year term.

Voices from the prison (Uri Avnery, 5/16/06, Daily Times)

Prison serves an important function in the annals of every revolutionary movement. It serves as a college for activists, centre for the crystallisation of ideas, rallying point for leaders, platform for dialogue between the various factions.

For the Palestinian liberation movement, the prison plays all these roles and many more. During the 39 years of occupation, hundreds of thousands of young Palestinians have passed through Israeli prisons. At any given time, an average of 10,000 Palestinians are held in prison. This, the liveliest and most active section of the Palestinian people, is in continuous ferment. People from every class, every town and village, every political and military faction are to be found there.

Prisoners have ample time. They have the opportunity to learn, to think, to organise seminars, to concentrate full-time on the problems of their people, to exchange views, to work out solutions.

In order to prevent an explosion, the Israeli prison authorities allow these prisoners a communal life and self-government. This is wise. In practice, the prisons resemble camps for prisoners of war. Clashes between the prisoners and the prison authorities are comparatively rare.

One of the results is that, in prison, the inmates learn Hebrew. They watch Israeli TV, listen to Israeli radio and become acquainted with the Israeli way of life. They come to know Israeli reality and even to appreciate some of its components. Israeli democracy, for example. “What we liked most,” an ex-prisoner once told me, “was to see the Knesset debates on TV. When we saw Knesset members shouting at the prime minister and cursing members of the government, we really got excited. Where do you have such a thing in the Arab world?” [...]

All this comes as an introduction to the central event of this week: the agreement achieved in prison between the representatives of all the Palestinian factions.

This is a document of very great importance for the Palestinians, both because of the identity of its authors and its content.

At this time, many leaders of the various Palestinian factions are in prison, from Marwan Barghouti, the leader of Fatah in the West Bank, to Sheik Abd-al-Khaliq al-Natshe, a Hamas leader. With them there are the leaders of Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front and the Democratic Front. They spend their time in permanent discussion, while in touch with the leaders of their organisations outside and the activists inside. God knows how they do it.

When the leaders of the prisoners speak with one voice, what they say carries a greater moral weight than the statements of any Palestinian institution, including the presidency, the parliament and the government.

This is the background, against which this fascinating document should be examined.

In general, it follows the policy of Yasser Arafat: the two-state solution, a Palestinian state in all the territory occupied in 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, the release of all Palestinian prisoners. This means, of course, the recognition of Israel in practice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 AM


Barbaro Is Able to Stand After Surgery: Horse's Survival Still a 'Coin Toss' (John Scheinman, 5/23/06, The Washington Post)

Veterinarians announced Sunday night they had successfully fused the shattered right leg of Barbaro, offering reason for optimism after a tumultuous 24 hours during which the racehorse went from Triple Crown contender to struggling for his life.

More than five hours of unprecedented surgery at the University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Center left doctors cautiously optimistic that Barbaro, who suffered his injury about 50 strides into Saturday's Preakness Stakes, would survive and move on to a career at stud that would be worth millions of dollars. [...]

The surgery required a metal rod and 23 screws to help stabilize a long pastern bone that had shattered into more than 20 pieces.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 AM


Making Peace with the Colonel: By rewarding Libya with the resumption of diplomatic ties, the United States is hoping to transform Moammar Gadhafi's regime from rogue state to model Muslim partner. With plenty of oil and a cosmopolitan elite, the country's chances at rehabilitation aren't half bad. (Bernhard Zand and Volkhard Windfuhr, 5/22/06, Der Spiegel)

[W]hat does the reconciliation mean for the power struggle in Libya? America's diplomatic initiative could benefit the reformers in the bizarre jumble of contradictions that is modern Libya. Or it could be their doom in the place formally known as the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The initial winners are clearly the urban elite of Tripoli, Benghazi and Tobruk, whose lives are already leaning to the West.

The oil boom has made them rich. Libya earns about $80 million a day and will take in more than $30 billion this year on petroleum. The wealth is now becoming palpable. Mid-size cars wait in traffic jams along the coastline near Tripoli. Gadhafi's son Hannibal pilots a white Humvee, a military jeep that represents the US invasion of Iraq in other parts of the Arab world. The airport in Tripoli now has a business lounge even though elsewhere in the country Libyans refuse to sit in the back of a taxi, careful not to make the driver look like a servant.

The hip drink of the moment in the seaside towns along the Mediterranean is the macchiato, a remnant of the officially hated Italian colonial period. Today, the milk foam peeks over the edge of a paper cup, just like it does in America. But men's fashion is all Italian -- dark suits, light-blue shirts, thin brown shoes.

The style has been made popular by yet another son of Gadhafi - Seif al-Islam, 33, an eccentric but bright son who has trouble hiding his ambitions. He's already confessed to having no interest in Libya's presidency, not to mention becoming a revolutionary leader like his father. But as head of the organization that pays restitution for the Lockerbie and "La Belle" bombings, his intentions have become very clear.

In the spring of 2005, he invited Harvard Business School economist Michael Porter to Libya. Porter is a former economic adviser to Reagan and a leading expert on competition. Gadhafi's son met him at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. For ten months, Porter and a 25-member team of international experts investigated Libya's ministries, oil industry and economy. Recently, they published their report. "It is," said an experienced European diplomat in Tripoli, "the most revealing document that has ever been written about the internal state of an Arab nation."

The diagnosis is brutal. The bureaucracy, education system and health care sector come off far worse than they were portrayed in an earlier United Nations report. Only three percent of Libyans work in the oil sector, but they account for 60 percent of the gross national product. More than half of the population works in the service sector but make up just nine percent of the gross national product. Unemployment has crested 30 percent. Without oil, the country would be a disaster.

But the solution is heartening. Libyans were "motivated and open" when they spoke to one of the researchers, an experience "without comparison to what we've experienced in other countries." The country's energy sources are large with guaranteed reserves of 40 billion barrels of the lightest and most sulfur-free crude -- all within proximity of oil-thirsty European markets. With smart leadership, Libya could become an exemplary country by 2019 -- the 50th anniversary of the revolution -- "egalitarian, productive, democratic and green," according to the report.

The study's preamble is a masterpiece of Middle East diplomacy that touches on the Achilles Heel of the whole experiment: "Our strategy attempts to improve Libya's global competitiveness while maintaining its unique character as a government of the masses (jamahiriya)." This refers to Gadhafi's theory that a government must only implement the decisions taken by an elite inner circle despite the convening of hundreds of people's congresses -- currently 468 -- that meet for two weeks four times a year.

This raises yet another question, which the geostrategists in the State Department must also be asking after the debacle in Iraq -- Can Arabic autocracies be reformed even if the autocrats and their regimes remain -- at least temporarily -- in power?

Because they can't fix their economy without reducing autocracy, the autocrats who want a functional economy more than they do political power are worth working with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:59 AM


First glance (Elizabeth Wilner, Mark Murray and Huma Zaidi, 5/22/06, First Read)

President Bush has some accomplishments to tout and more expected wins queued up for this week before Congress departs for the Memorial Day recess. A new Iraqi government. A forthcoming broad immigration bill from the Senate, though it may not survive a conference committee. An emergency supplemental spending bill which will either adhere to his prescribed dollar limit, or provide him with a chance to encourage GOP conservatives by casting his first veto. A new CIA director and a new appellate court judge favored by his party's base.

NBC's Ken Strickland advises that Gen. Michael Hayden's nomination to head the CIA is likely to be voted out of committee in the Senate on Tuesday, with a floor vote probably on Thursday. Judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh is also expected to win confirmation this week. The final vote on the Senate immigration bill could happen either Wednesday night or Thursday morning. A final vote on the emergency supplemental by both chambers is expected for Thursday, with a price tag close to what Bush has said he'll accept.

Elections Are Crux Of GOP's Strategy (Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei, 5/22/06, Washington Post)

Bush has turned his attention to the campaign. Six months before the election, he has made 36 fundraising appearances, more than at this point in 2002. He spoke at a party gala last week that broke off-year records for hard-money fundraising and later attended events in Virginia and Kentucky. Vice President Cheney has been even more active, making 62 fundraising appearances, including one in Nashville on Saturday, and he plans three more in California in the next couple of days.

With Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove reassigned from day-to-day policy management to concentrate on the fall campaign, the White House has begun setting an agenda. Bush focused on stopping illegal immigration with his National Guard plan announced in an Oval Office address last week, followed a few days later by a visit to the border. In between, he signed legislation extending $70 billion in tax cuts that he has made a signature issue on the campaign trail.

To address conservatives, who have been key to his election victories but have grown disenchanted with the administration, Bush and Senate Republicans are reviving their fight with Democrats over judicial nominations, and senators last week voted out of committee a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage to set up a floor vote next month.

The White House also appears eager for a battle over the nomination of Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden as CIA director. With a committee vote expected this week and a floor vote by next week, the White House hopes voters will see the warrantless surveillance program Hayden started as head of the National Security Agency as tough on terrorism rather than a violation of civil liberties.

And Bush remains a firm believer in the "Iraq first" strategy. The war has overshadowed everything else and, in the White House's view, to a large extent has poisoned the public against other messages -- to the point that many Americans fault Bush's handling of the economy even though economic performance has been strong. So the White House calculates that if the public sees any improvement in Iraq and a withdrawal of even some U.S. troops, Republicans will be rewarded.

Aides point to the president's last spike in the polls, which came late last year after Iraqi elections and a series of Iraq speeches by Bush. A top adviser said Rove and White House political director Sara M. Taylor are advising candidates not to duck the issue of Iraq but rather to make it a centerpiece of their campaigns.

The Rove-Taylor view is that one-third of Americans agree with liberal Democrats calling for immediate withdrawal and another third support staying the course. The middle third wants a new strategy, but would be leery of pulling out and leaving behind a volatile Iraq, a position strategists believe leaves those voters open to persuasion.

"Look, we're in a sour time -- I readily admit it," Rove said in a speech last week. "I mean, being in the middle of a war where people turn on their television sets and see brave men and women dying is not something that makes people happy and optimistic and upbeat." But, he added, "ultimately, the American people are a center-right country who, presented with a center-right party with center-right candidates, will vote center-right."

Perhaps the most important element of the emerging strategy will be to "move from a referendum to a choice," as Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman put it. Instead of a verdict on Bush, Republicans want to frame the election as a contest with Democrats, confident that voters unhappy with the president will find the opposition even more distasteful.

"We're moving from a period where the public looks at things and says thumbs-up or thumbs-down, to a time when they have a choice between one side or the other," Mehlman said.

Troops home. Gas prices down. Dow up. Interest rates down. Deficit falling. If you can get those forces converging in October/November you win again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 AM


Media should stop and say, 'It's only a movie' (Tim Rutten, May 20, 2006, LA Times)

The problem with the "Da Vinci Code" story as controversy is that the outraged side just refuses to play ball. The primary victims of the foolishness committed in the book and continued on screen are the Catholic Church and Opus Dei, a deeply conservative and rather unwholesomely secretive organization of mainly lay believers given to education, hard work and a couple of creepy spiritual practices. Brown and his cinematic confreres have produced a cartoon that depicts the church as deceitful, corrupt and conspiratorial and Opus as murderous, corrupt and conspiratorial. These are moral, though thankfully not legal, slanders — at least not yet, though you never know what this desperate Congress will do.

The media, always mindful of the pathos to be wrung from a good auto-da-fé, have zealously circled the globe searching for outraged Catholics. So far, what they've got are a Nigerian cardinal in the Vatican curia, who grumbled that somebody, somewhere ought to take legal action, the urging of a boycott in China, a ban in Manila and a couple of Indian Catholics who threatened to set themselves on fire outside a theater when the film opens there. (They didn't; apparently, somebody reminded them that the church they're defending inconveniently forbids suicide.)

For its part, Opus Dei convened a team of "crisis managers" under the direction of its "global communications director," Juan Manuel Mora, and charged them — according to the Wall Street Journal — with converting the film's release into "a marketing opportunity." They overhauled the organization's website,, which last year received 3 million hits, as opposed to 674,000 the year before Brown's book came out.

The collective Catholic response to the book and film probably were best summed up by a Jesuit theologian who responded to an earnest radio interviewer's long and suggestive question this way: "I don't mean to sound obtuse, but are you asking me whether a novel is true?"

Meanwhile, media attempts to deputize the usual evangelical Protestant firebrands into one of those reliably copy-worthy anti-blasphemy posses also have been generally fruitless. You almost can hear frustrated assignment editors and producers muttering to themselves: What's the matter with these guys? Don't they care that this cockamamie movie says Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene? Can't they see this is another battle in the war against Christmas? Didn't they learn anything from those Muslims?

That Christians are blase about the Da Vinci hoax is just the flipside of unbelievers being apoplectic about Mel Gibson's Passion presenting the genuine story.

The shocking secret of 'The Da Vinci Code': It stinks (DOMINIC P. PAPATOLA, 5/21/06, St. Paul Pioneer Press)

With 105 chapters — each about the length of a potty break — and sentence structures not too far removed from "See Dick run," the book seems to be written at about a sixth-grade readability level. The plot advances in a series of enough improbable "a-ha!" moments to burn through a couple of grosses of light bulbs. And the galloping, thinly strung conspiracy theory makes your typical Kennedy assassination theorist look scholarly by comparison.

To call the thing a piffle is to insult piffles.

The film breathlessly packs the book's 450 pages into about 2½ hours. Tom Hanks is a much more skeptical protagonist than you'll find in the book, and the cinematic version soft-pedals the whole church-as-thug idea, assigning most of the malevolent deeds to a rogue, beanie-bedecked "shadow council" of clerics instead of Mother Church herself. Still, the movie is, if anything, more laughably strung together than the book.

Does it offend? The book irked plenty of people — just take a peek on the Internet. And protests broke out around the world before the first frame of the film was shown to the public.

But as a practicing Catholic, I find the idea of corrupt churchmen and Holy Grails far less troubling than the insinuation that any person with any cartilage whatsoever in their spiritual spine would find "The Da Vinci Code" the least bit threatening to their faith.

Faith is the acceptance of things we can't see, after all, and the idea that someone would suddenly believe that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married just because "Da Vinci" actor Ian McKellen said so suggests a faith that probably wasn't all that strong to begin with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 AM


America’s mayor, but what’s next? (Rachelle G. Cohen, May 22, 2006 , Boston Herald)

[T]oday Giuliani stands alone before the hero worshipers - unblemished either by poor policy choices or events - and not unaware that there aren’t many left who can lead the Republican Party out of the wilderness in which it finds itself.

He is bemused that a book by New York Post columnist John Podhoretz is predicated on the notion that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is on an inexorable march to the White House and that he might be the only Republican on the planet who can stop her.

“Hillary does look like the front runner at the moment,” Giuliani said in an interview. “I guess McCain and I share that role in our party. But she seems to have it all to herself right now.”

Only belatedly does he think to mention Sen. John Kerry or the retooled Al Gore.

McCain may be already off and running, but Giuliani is working on his own timetable.

“First we have to get through ’06, and it’s going to be very tight,” he said of the congressional elections. Oh, he’s been out and about making appearances for candidates and fundraising in North Carolina, Georgia, California. Sure it’s the right thing to do, but it also doesn’t hurt to collect those chits if a year from now - and that is his time frame - America’s mayor turns presidential contender.

“I’ll approach it from this point of view,” he said, “whether I can make a significant contribution.

“It will also depend on what the issues are a year from now,” he added, noting that voters look for different qualities in their leaders, depending on those issues.

And it is also - as it is for every potential contender - about the money.

To appreciate how far Right the country has shifted in the last several decades, consider that the Mayor is the most liberal person with a realistic shot at being the next president.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:32 AM


Montenegro says 'yes' to independence (Jovana Gec, Globe and Mail, May 22nd, 2006)

Montenegro's state electoral commission on Monday confirmed the victory of a pro-independence bloc in a referendum to secede from Serbia and form a separate state.

The head of the commission, Fratisek Lipka, said that according to near-complete results, 55.4 per cent voted Sunday for Montenegro to become and independent state. The European Union has said a minimum 55 per cent threshold of “Yes” votes was needed for Montenegro to secede.

The result confirms the split of the Serbia-Montenegro union, and write the final chapter in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.

Oh goody. Just what the world needs right now. More nationalism in the Balkans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:30 AM


Montenegro vote finally seals death of Yugoslavia (Ian Traynor, May 22, 2006, The Guardian)

Montenegro voted yesterday by a comfortable majority to split with Serbia and establish a new small independent state in the Balkans, killing off what remains of Yugoslavia. In a referendum that attracted a turnout of almost 90%, much higher than at any election since democracy arrived in 1990, voters decided by a majority of 56% to 44% to opt for independence rather than a creaking dysfunctional union with Serbia, according to a projection by an independent monitoring organisation last night.

A people who thinks of themselves as a nation is one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


Senate bill protects employers of illegal aliens from penalties (Charles Hurt, May 22, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Among those who will be cleared of past crimes under the Senate's proposed immigration-reform bill would be the businesses that have employed the estimated 10 million illegal aliens eligible for citizenship and that provided the very "magnet" that drew them here in the first place.

Buried in the more than 600 pages of legislation is a section titled "Employer Protections," which states: "Employers of aliens applying for adjustment of status under this section shall not be subject to civil and criminal tax liability relating directly to the employment of such alien."

Supporters of the legislation insist that such provisions do not amount to "amnesty." [...]

Sen. Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia Democrat, vehemently opposes "this effort to waive the rules for lawbreakers and to legalize the unlawful actions of undocumented workers and the businesses that illegally employ them."

Democrats are always in favor of criminalizing business practices, but it's surprising to find conservatives with them.

As their numbers grow here, Hispanics become big business (Alwyn Scott, 5/22/06, Seattle Times)

As Mexican President Vicente Fox arrives in Washington state Wednesday for a whirlwind 24-hour visit, he will be greeted by a fast-growing Hispanic population that is important to the state's economy and its business world.

The number of Hispanic-owned businesses in Washington surged by 69 percent, to about 10,270, in the decade through 2002, the most recent data available, according to the University of Washington's Business and Economic Development Center.

The growth in Hispanic businesses was faster than any other minority-business segment, said Michael Verchot, the center's director.

Mexican or Hispanic entrepreneurs have developed some well-known local brands, such as the Azteca restaurants and Gene Juarez Salons and Spas. There are also many doctors, lawyers, accountants and other professionals, often aiming their services at Latinos.

"It's not a niche," said Raymundo Olivas, owner of Multiservicios, a Seattle company that prepares taxes for many Hispanic immigrants, including undocumented ones. "Now every service — chiropractor, loan officer, travel agent, real estate — any service that the general population needs, there's a market for the Hispanic population."

Microsoft employs about 150 Mexican technical or software workers in Redmond, and hires five to 10 new Mexican recruits a year, said Pedro Celis, who holds the coveted Microsoft designation of "distinguished engineer."

A Mexico native, Celis spoke from a research conference in Guadalajara, Mexico's Silicon Valley, where he and other Microsoft workers were looking at new research and ways to collaborate with Latin American professors and universities. He said he hopes the trip will open doors for future recruiting..

"Mexico has been a very effective [recruiting] area for us," Celis said. "When we compare the numbers we get from a university here with the U.S., they compare favorably. They're as good as any of the universities in the U.S."

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:45 AM


Time to say sorry to all Aborigines (The Australian, May 20th, 2006)

It is time to say sorry to indigenous Australians. Time to say sorry for the way black women and children are abused in remote settlements. Time to apologise for governments just spending money over a generation instead of seeking solutions to practical problems. Time to regret the social engineering ideologues who have played politics with people's lives. On ABC TV's Lateline program last Monday night, Alice Springs Crown Prosecutor Nanette Rogers showed us why in a graphic interview that made it impossible for people who prefer to downplay the real oppression of Aborigines to ignore what is happening any longer. Dr Rogers reported cases where women were sexually assaulted, where infants - infants - were raped. Equally awful, she described how lawyers representing Aboriginal men from remote communities who committed such crimes played the race card, claiming their clients acted in the context of customary law. But the cause of the appalling circumstances Dr Rogers described run much deeper than courtroom stunts. In large part, they are the outcome of a generation of social engineering that experimented with indigenous lives. They are also a result of the rhetoric of political opportunists who have used Aboriginal disadvantage as a stick to beat settler society. It started in the 1960s when the push for equal pay for Aboriginal stockmen in remote Australia cost too many of them their jobs – and pushed their families on to welfare. There was no case then, just as there is none now, for race-based discrimination in what different people are paid for equally productive work. But the fact remains that while equal pay was a just reform, it helped start the spiral into welfare dependency in the bush. Three decades later the Mabo decision, which cemented the ideal of indigenous land held in common, was equally well meaning, and just as damaging. By making it impossible for Aborigines in remote communities to own their own homes, it ensured public housing and community resources would always be run down, because no individual will take responsibility for what everybody owns. Universal welfare has done as much damage. Allowing Aborigines to rot in remote settlements where there is no work and no prospects for young people is a recipe for social disaster. People turn to drink and substance abuse to numb the misery, parents lose interest in disciplining their children and all sense of family structure ends.

But rather than accept that these strategies have never worked, over the years opinion leaders in indigenous affairs have cast ever wider for somebody, anybody, to blame. Indigenous deaths in custody were described as affronts to all Aborigines, rather than the result of crime and misery that trapped too many black men. We were told the stolen generation had scarred all Aborigines, as if this alone accounted for everything from diabetes to domestic violence in plague proportions. But such arguments ignore the evidence that many members of the stolen generation, especially those who were sent away to school, rather than universal servitude as is so often suggested, provided the last voices of mature moral authority many indigenous communities heard. And in the ultimate absurdity, we are still told self-determination is the only solution to indigenous disadvantage, despite the fact that ATSIC's discredited leaders – mainly men – largely ignored the interests of women and children in remote Australia. Even this week, advocates of the failed status quo in indigenous affairs were at it again in response to Dr Rogers's revelations. Her statement was such shocking stuff that at first it seemed Australia would be shamed into acting. The next day, the federal Indigenous Affairs Minister, Mal Brough, spoke out, saying the misery must end. He sounded like he meant it. And it seemed as if a paradigm shift had occurred, that instead of academic debates about abstract indigenous rights, people in power would finally act to protect women and children. But not for long. Northern Territory Chief Minister Clare Martin said her Government was trying hard and that she would not attend the summit Mr Brough proposed, because indigenous violence was already on the agenda of the Council of Australian Governments. And then she came up with an inane excuse for inaction by calling on Canberra to provide more money for housing in remote areas. This sounded familiar to anybody interested in the well-being of indigenous Australians because for a generation we have heard how more money is the answer. But it's not. Whatever Ms Martin thinks, sexual assaults in remote settlements will not be stopped by bigger public service budgets.

A widespread plague of social pathology and gruesome sexual abuse among aboriginals is gripping the Australian consciousness this month, which you can read about through the links to the right of this editorial. The liberal inspired battles against old-fashioned prejudice that began in the 60's were hijacked by the postmodern left and became grounded in the celebration of pre-settlement paganism, the quest to revive an ethereal “traditional knowledge” that bore an uncanny resemblance to the cant of modern environmentalism, a native self-government magically innoculated against corruption and oodles and oodles of cash mau-maued out of naive but well-meaning Westerners. An adjunct to this was a full-frontal assault on Christianity and the churches that had run missions and residential schools, which descended into high-profile lawsuits that actually bankrupted some dioceses in Canada. Almost no one challenged this gross distortion of the historical record and the Churches were gripped by an orgy of self-flagellation that saw parish after parish work long hours to master the art of fine-tuning public apologies to combine maximum mea culpas for cultural genocide with minimum exposure to class action tort lawyers.

Sadly, faced with these horrors, too many will draw racist rather than moral and cultural conclusions. Even worse, hardly anyone will hear the beat of warning drums and reflect on the connections between our own modern plagues of STD’s, sexual abuse, teenage female mental disorders, the exploding sex trade, vulnerable children, etc. and the destruction of the boring and demanding moral plinth of Judeo-Christianity in favour of the seductive lure of amoral paganisms, new and old.

May 21, 2006

Posted by Matt Murphy at 8:29 PM


Due to a nomenclatural accident, my dad is currently fielding a bunch of irritating phone calls from people who believe he is the head of the Omaha chapter of the Minutemen (apparently formed to keep those crafty Iowans from infiltrating Nebraska and taking our jobs). Apparently, some folks are anti-immigrationists who want to sign up, while others are just journalists pursuing a story.

My dad needs a short, witty riposte to deal with these people. Any suggestions?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:03 PM


Hey, big spender! Save yourself (MARY WISNIEWSKI, 5/21/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

The last time the U.S. savings rate was negative was 1933. The unemployment rate hit 25 percent, and more than 4,000 banks had closed.

It's hard to save money when you're selling apples on the corner.

In 2005 and so far in 2006, the savings rate is negative again -- we're spending more than we're saving. Unemployment is 4.7 percent, and the stock market is up almost 29 percent since the dark days of September 2001.

It looks like we're doing OK -- at least better than we were in the Great Depression. [...]

Personal savings peaked in World War II, when many households had a woman in a factory and a man at the front, and wartime rationing left little to buy. It has been on a downward slide since 1984, when the rate was 10.8 percent.

There are limits in the way the savings rate is measured. It doesn't consider assets or capital gains. Rising home and stock values have helped Americans grow their nest eggs and helped offset both poor savings and inflation, according to a study by A.G. Edwards & Sons, a financial services firm.

So the savings rate has fallen in direct proportion to the revival of the stock market, the creation of 401k's and IRA's and the corresponding stratospheric rise in household net worth? No wonder this isn't quite the Great Depression, huh?

MORE (via David Hill, The Bronx):
Boomers bet on property for support (Mindy Fetterman, USA TODAY)

Real estate ownership has become a key part of boomers' retirement plans, says Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. That's largely because the national savings rate is so low, she says, and the availability of pensions is declining.

Unlike previous generations of retirees who tended to pay off their mortgages and live "rent-free" in retirement, many boomers see their homes as money in the bank, Munnell says. Many previous retirees also chose to hang on to a house to pass down to their children.

By contrast, boomers are more likely to use the equity in their homes, through home equity loans or reverse mortgages, to finance purchases or to help fund their retirements, Munnell says.

"In the old days, you knew you had your house to live in when you retired," Munnell says. But given most boomers' modest retirement savings, "You really are not going to be able to hold on to it and not touch your house. You're going to need the money in your house."

For boomers, vacation homes aren't seen as merely a chance to have fun in the sun or on the ski slope or at the lake. Four in 10 boomers who own a vacation home intend to make it their primary home eventually, the NAR survey found.

At the point where you think folks who own two houses but don't have a passbook account haven't saved enough you aren't discussing reality, nevermind real estate.

Give and take across the border: 1 in 7 Mexican workers migrates -- most send money home (Carolyn Lochhead, May 21, 2006, SF Chronicle)

The current migration of Mexicans and Central Americans to the United States is one of the largest diasporas in modern history, experts say.

Roughly 10 percent of Mexico's population of about 107 million is now living in the United States, estimates show. About 15 percent of Mexico's labor force is working in the United States. One in every 7 Mexican workers migrates to the United States.

Mass migration from Mexico began more than a century ago. It is deeply embedded in the history, culture and economies of both nations. The current wave began with Mexico's economic crisis in 1982, accelerated sharply in the 1990s with the U.S. economic boom, and today has reached record dimensions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:23 PM


Big Fish: It's time to put the al-Qaida ringleaders on trial (Dahlia Lithwick, May 20, 2006, Slate)

Four and a half years after Sept. 11, we are still struggling to decide whether this "War on Terror" should be fought in courts, on a battlefield, or in some black hole in between. The government uses courts to prosecute low-level terrorists: the guys who trained at camps in Afghanistan, or played paintball in the Virginia woods. But it uses the rules of war, modified for its own convenience, to indefinitely hold the ringleaders either at Guantanamo or at so-called "black sites" around the world. Those black sites were appealing precisely because the government intended to hold no trials. There was never a plan for what would happen next.

For years now, the government has been holding key plotters and participants in the attacks of 9/11. People from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—considered by the 9/11 Commission to be the "principal architect" of the attacks—to Ramzi Bin al-Scheib, the alleged paymaster. People like Abu Zubaida, one of Osama Bin Laden's chief recruiters, and Mohammed al-Qahtani, the man alleged to be the real "20th hijacker." These men, and other "big fish" like them, have been held for interrogation that may have amounted to torture—be it Mohammed's alleged water-boarding, or sexual degradation and sleep deprivation. They long ago exhausted their intelligence value. And now, if the government is finished with them, we the people should get a crack at them. Americans are entitled to their Nuremburg.

Except that Americans don't want to repeat the Nuremburg travesty, we want to string these guys up like Mussolini in a gas station in Milan [Ohio in our case].

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:19 PM


An air of uncertainty in town where Latino roots run deep (Hal Bernton, 5/21/06, Seattle Times)

Liliana came to the United States illegally three years ago, hiking five days across the desert while pregnant. She works in the Wapato area, cutting asparagus spears this week before moving on to cherries, pears and apples in a season that stretches into November.

During the slow winter months, Liliana would like to head south to rejoin family and friends in her home state of Michoacán. But the costs and perils of a return trip across a tightening border have dissuaded her.

So instead, Liliana, who declined to give her last name for fear of deportation, has become a year-round resident of the Yakima Valley. She shares a small house outside of town with her husband, Ramiro, her young daughter, Leslie, and another family of four.

Liliana's transformation from migrant worker to resident is part of a broader shift in the Central Washington farmworker community.

Increasing numbers are settling here in the Yakima Valley — rather than working the seasonal crops and moving on. Latinos now make up about 40 percent of the population in Yakima County — more than double the percentage two decades ago.

Permanence is preferable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 AM


How Finland fell back in love with nuclear power (Colin Freeman, 21/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

[F]inland - almost uniquely among the Green-hued nations of northern Europe - has now largely shed any lingering mistrust of nuclear power.

Far from mothballing the industry, it is going to the opposite extreme: alongside Olkiluoto's two existing 1970s reactors, work is under way on a new facility called Olkiluoto 3 - the first to be built in Europe since 1991, when continuing public anxiety over Chernobyl had largely sounded the death knell for future nuclear programmes.

The plant (expected to be switched on around 2010) will help Finland reduce both its CO2 emissions and its dependence on foreign imports of natural gas - the same reasons cited by Tony Blair last week in his speech endorsing a new generation of nuclear stations for Britain.

"The number one reason behind Finland's new approach is climate change," said Jorma Aurela, a senior engineer in the Finnish trade and industry ministry, who signed the licence for the new reactor.

"We are also 100 per cent dependent on Russia for our gas imports. We do not think they would ever use it as a political tool against us, but there is the question of the price, which is going up, and being certain of the availability of the supply."

Built for €3.2 billion (£2.28 billion) by the French-German consortium Framatome ANP/Siemens, and financed entirely by Finnish business, the new advanced boiling-water reactor at Olkiluoto is the same kind that Mr Blair's officials have in mind to replace Britain's ageing facilities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 AM


The new power behind Osama's throne (Syed Saleem Shahzad , 5/18/06, Asia Times)

On the least in the rugged Hindu Kush mountains that span Pakistan and Afghanistan, the reality is that bin Laden, while remaining a source of inspiration in the anti-West struggle, is acknowledged as no longer being in command of al-Qaeda's operations.

In that role, he has been superseded by Taliban leader Mullah Omar, according to investigations and interviews conducted by Asia Times Online in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. [...]

Another man, whom Asia Times Online had met in the northern mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and who just called himself a mujahid, said, "The al-Qaeda command structure, as it was known at the time of September 11, which carried out specific missions to target US interests, has largely been abandoned, but it has quickly been replaced.

"Nowadays, Arabs go straight into Afghanistan and join various Taliban commanders. At the same time, the Pakistani Taliban have formed bases in North and South Waziristan. All of them pledge their allegiance to Mullah Omar," the mujahid said.

"All global operations have been shunned for now. Sheikh [bin Laden] is inactive. Actually, Sheikh does not have any money left," a colleague of the mujahid said. Introducing himself as Abdullah ("Servant of Allah"), he was from the Afghan province of Nuristan and said he was part of the Taliban-led resistance. He also described himself as a "host", a term generally used for those who provide shelter to Arab-Afghans - those Arabs who have joined the insurgency and spent time in Afghanistan.

"He [bin Laden] kept changing his location; he spent a lot of money on his people and associates, and of course for his survival. The channels of money kept choking one by one and finally dried up," said Abdullah with a forlorn look on his face.

"This was a strange situation in which everybody [Arab-Afghan] was striving for survival, and once Osama's shelter [money] was off, they were scattered," Abdullah explained.

The most significant result of this was a sharp turn by al-Qaeda toward mainstream jihadist activity, mainly against allied forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And the blunt truth is that tribal warfare just doesn't matter much outside the region.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:35 AM


Study shows apes can plan ahead (BBC, May 19th, 2006)

Bonobos and orangutans are capable of future planning, according to a study published in the journal Science.

Researchers found the apes could select a suitable tool for reaching a treat, carry it away, and return with it to retrieve the reward hours later.

Forward planning is thought by some to be a uniquely human trait.

The German team suggests such skills may have evolved about 14 million years ago, when bonobos, orangutans and humans shared a common ancestor.

How silly. Surely everyone knows these skills evolved much, much earlier when humans and squirrels shared a common ancestor. It explains why squirrels gather and store nuts for the winter while their close cousins stuff money in mattresses.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 AM


Darfur's Fleeting Moment (ANTHONY LAKE and FRANCIS FUKUYAMA, 5/21/06, NY Times)

Last Tuesday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution supporting the peace agreement and created a team to prepare for a peacekeeping mission that will take over from the African Union force in Darfur.

To seize the moment, the Bush administration should go beyond calling for urgency at the United Nations in planning a peacekeeping force. It should also give the government of Sudan a brief time in which to accept such a force. Sudan has said it would do so once there was a peace agreement, but has waffled in recent statements. It must be held to its words.

Mr. Bush should also now get ready the logistics, intelligence and headquarters assistance that the United States could provide to such a force. Showing we are prepared to act quickly should help persuade the United Nations to move smartly itself.

President Bush could join President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, who was instrumental in pushing through the peace agreement, in personally soliciting pledges of troops for a United Nations force. While NATO itself will not be accepted by the Sudanese government, why not include alliance members in a United Nations operation?

And Washington should make it clear that if Sudan refuses to accept a United Nations force, we will press NATO to act even without the consent of the Sudanese government — including a no-flight zone to ground the Sudanese aircraft that have provided support to the murderous janjaweed. And we would bring further sanctions to bear.

While recent sanctions by the United States and the United Nations against four Sudanese men involved in the genocide are a step in the right direction, far more expansive measures should be taken against the high-level propagators of genocide based in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, if they block a United Nations force. Beyond multilateral sanctions, the United States could work with countries where Sudanese officials have assets or hope to travel to impose penalties on them.

Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis grows more desperate. As the needs grow, money to meet them has dwindled. The World Food Program is halving daily rations to Darfurian refugees to a dangerous 1,050 calories a day. Unicef is being forced to scale back its operations, including its nutritional programs for children. The president has asked Congress to increase food aid to Sudan by $225 million. That request must be put on a fast track.

Poor Mr. Fukuyama, stuck arguing that the UN is a credible force, that NATO matters, and for sanctions, while at the same time recognizing that only the US can even possibly prod the institutions to do what they're morally obligated to and that aid stoppages are already killing people. What a mess you get your conscience into when you go all tansnationalist on us.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 AM


For soldiers, gratitude and praise from an Iraqi mayor (David Montero, 5/20/06, Rocky Mountain News)

An Iraqi mayor stood before troops lined up on the lawn at Fort Carson on Friday morning and said only two words in English.

But those two words brought the crowd to its feet.

"Thank you."

It was a telling gesture from Tal Afar Mayor Najim Al Jibouri, who spoke for about 20 minutes in his native tongue praising the 3rd Armored Cavalry for saving his city from certain ruin.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM


The ultimate martyr (Pepe Escobar, 3/31/06, Asia Times)

Ahmadinejad's ultimate spiritual mentor remains Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, who is the dean of the Educational and Research Institute of Imam Khomeini, a very influential hawza (theological school) in Qom. It's impossible to interview Ayatollah Yazdi - officially because of "new government rules", unofficially of his own volition.

The crucial election of the Council of Experts (86 clerics only; no women; no non-clergy) will take place this coming summer, by universal vote. It's the Council of Experts that chooses the all-powerful supreme leader. Influential people such as former presidential candidate Hojatoleslam Mehdi Mahdavi-Karrubi and former imprisoned philosopher Shoroush are terrified: according to them, Ayatollah Yazdi is trying to influence the outcome of the elections to take over power.

"You see, it's a circle," said a ministry official insisting on anonymity. "The people elect the Council of Experts, but only religious people can run. The Council of Experts elects the leader. The leader elects the Guardian Council. The Guardian Council filters the presidential and the parliamentary elections. And people believe they are electing somebody."

In the event of taking over power, Yazdi would implement "real Islam", as he sees it. He does not believe in Western democracy. He wants a kelafat - a caliphate. Ayatollahs like Yazdi are simply not concerned with worldly matters, foreign policy or geopolitical games; the only thing that matters is work for the arrival of the Mahdi. The ayatollah is on record saying he could convert all of America to Shi'ism. Some of his critics accuse him of claiming a direct link to the Mahdi, which in the Shi'ite tradition would qualify him as a false prophet.

US researcher Dr Muhammad Legenhausen, who has lived and taught in Qom for more than a decade, speaks fluent Farsi and is married to an Iranian, is one of the top scholars at Yazdi's hawza. By telephone, he declined an interview, saying he's "not interested".

Ayatollah Yazdi is also the spiritual mentor of the Hojjatieh, a sort of ultra-fundamentalist sect whose literal reading of Shi'ite tradition holds that chaos in mankind is a necessary precondition for the imminent arrival of the Mahdi. Ahmadinejad may not be a Hojjatieh himself, but he totally understands where they are coming from.

Ahmadinejad's slightly more worldly mentor is Mojtaba Hashemi Samareh - his closest adviser. Samareh, also a former Revolutionary Guard, met the president during the Iran-Iraq War, in Khuzestan. Then he came under the wing of, once again, Ayatollah Yazdi, who sponsored him for entering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (one of his jobs was to teach the "psychology of infidels"). He has also spent many years at the Intelligence Ministry.

Samareh's allegiance is first and foremost to Ayatollah Yazdi - not to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. He's always right behind Ahmadinejad - a sword of Damocles over every minister, ambassador or high official. Every day they pray together at the mosque at the presidential palace. [...]

There's one huge problem, though. He's not delivering - in economic terms. As a ministerial government official put it, visibly anguished, "of course he is an honest man. In his declaration of assets, mandatory in our constitution, he put only his old car [a rickety Paykan from the 1970s] and a small house. But he does not have the personality for the job."

The masses were totally excluded from the late shah's secular, Westernized, petrodollar banquet. They kept getting nothing under the revolutionary, clerical oligarchy that never implemented in practice the rhetorical slogans of Islamic solidarity. Former president Mohammad Khatami, for all the appreciation of his "dialogue of civilizations", did nothing to put more mutton kebab on people's plates. Every major decision - even in domestic policy - remains with the supreme leader.

The economy remains atrophied, dependent on bazaaris and bonyads (foundations) that ultimately respond to the supreme leader. According to a US-educated economic analyst, who insists on anonymity for his own protection, income tax accounts for less than 7% of the state's budget, deficits are underestimated, inflation could easily spin out of control and the private sector is atrophied compared with the omnipresent state.

Ahmadinejad's much-taunted plan last year to "put oil revenues on people's plates" was ditched: it would lead to an explosion of inflation. He couldn't even place his own man at the crucial Ministry of Petroleum. As another government official put it, "It's hard to believe we have to import 60% of our gasoline from abroad. The previous governments built too many mosques and not enough refineries."

The worldly, secular Ebrahim Yazdi, former Iranian foreign minister (under Khomeini) and current secretary general of the Freedom Movement of Iran - an opposition party banned from contesting the latest elections - tries to sum it up. "Ahmadinejad has failed his promises of economic justice. Under Khatami, at least we had long-range planning and investment in the private industrial sector. Ahmadinejad is in favor of the welfare state, a 19th-century idea. We have a proverb in Persian: 'A good year could be judged by the spring.' Ahmadinejad's 'spring' says it all."

Nine months into the Ahmadinejad administration, Iran's political apartheid is still more than evident. For all of the president's populist rhetoric and his outsider posture, it remains a case of the khodiah (our people) against the gheyreh kodiah (the others), insiders against outsiders. In many aspects, foreign outsiders cannot shake the impression of an austere, melancholic, suffocating society carrying the weight of 27 years of a historical, sociopolitical and religious experiment gone wrong.

The majlis (parliament) could invoke its constitutional powers and sack the president before this coming summer.

The inability of regime critics to differentiate Khamenei from Ahmedinejad cripples our ability to play them against each other.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


Hopes for a Triple Crown Winner Come to an Abrupt, Untimely End (George Solomon, May 21, 2006, Washington Post)

The ambulance pulled up at exactly 6:26 in front of Barn E, the Pimlico stakes barn. Inside was Barbaro, the Kentucky Derby winner who -- before yesterday's horrific injury -- was the clear favorite to win the Preakness Stakes and move on to the Belmont in three weeks with a chance to become the first Triple Crown winner in 28 years.

Security officials quickly threw a canvas shield across Barbaro's stall as a team of veterinarians moved quickly to stabilize the horse. With a record crowd of 118,402 looking on at this ancient Baltimore racetrack, Barbaro broke prematurely from the starting gate, was led back to the gate but broke again seemingly well. He ran about a furlong before pulling up. [...]

Larry Bramlage, one of the attending veterinarians, said Barbaro broke from the gate well, but "around a furlong planted his hind right foot unevenly, above and below the ankle."

With onlookers watching, some in tears, the ambulance pulled out of the stable area for the two-hour trip to the equine hospital in Chester County, Pa.

The prognosis last night was pretty grim.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


Schools told to give pupils gay sex advice (KATE FOSTER, 5/21/06, The Scotsman)

OFFICIAL guidance on how to teach Scottish schoolchildren about gay sex is being issued for the first time since the abolition of laws which banned "promoting" homosexuality in schools.

Teachers will be told they can discuss issues including safe gay sex and where to get advice on homosexual relationships, in a move which has already set religious groups and health professionals at loggerheads.

Senior health officials have told Scotland on Sunday the current sex education guidelines need to be expanded because they are "heterosexist".

It can't go Muslim fast enough.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:15 AM


Meche adjusts for win (Bob Condotta, 5/21/06, Seattle Times)

It may be too early to tell if the Mariners really found something in Oakland that has led to the turnaround of the last two nights.

But there seems little doubt that Gil Meche did.

The Mariners starter credited a slight change in his delivery — moving his glove further away from his body, an adjustment he worked on during a bullpen session in Oakland — for his best performance of the season Saturday.

Meche shut out the San Diego Padres through seven innings, retiring 15 in a row at one point, and allowed just one run and four hits in 7-2/3 innings in leading the Mariners to a 6-3 win in front of 33,946 at Safeco Field.

May 20, 2006

Posted by pjaminet at 10:03 PM


Baghdad's Lionel Richie Obsession (John Berman, ABC News, 5/19/2006)

Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name. "I love Lionel Richie," they say....

I asked Richie if he knows just how big he is here. He said, "The answer is, I'm huge, huge in the Arab world."...

He thinks it is because of the simple message in his music: Love.

Because Love Will Conquer All.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:41 PM


Ayyyyyyy! (Manolo the Shoeblogger, May 15-20, 2006)

Manolo says, the Manolo he has of late been feeling unsettled, nervousy, on edge. There is the atmosphere of dark foreboding, as if something terrible were about to happen.

The portents they have not been good.

The pets of the neighbors of the Manolo they have been skittish; the dogs they have whined and snapped, and the cats they have hissed without provocation. And now the carrion birds are roosting in the trees near the house.

Each day it has dawned darker than the last.

Worst of all, yesterday, the Manolo thought he had heard the muffled sound of thundering hooves, as if the massive hoard of ravening Mongols were riding fast down upon our peaceful hamlet.

And now, with the news of this day, it all becomes hideously apparent:

Destruction! Death! The End of Civilization as We Know It!

Worse! The Eruovision, it has Returned!

Don’t pass up The Manolo’s commentary on this annual celebration of Europe’s timeless cultural profundity and richness. Meanwhile, the winner was...

Posted by Peter Burnet at 3:00 PM


Social sciences' serious image problem (Anne-Marie Owens, National Post, May 20th, 2006)

The social sciences are always seen as the flighty older sister of the academic family, eternally straining to be taken seriously for nailing down ethereal wisps of knowledge when their more serious siblings in the so-called hard sciences are gaining accolades for researching a cancer cure or genome theory.

But when 8,000 PhDs from 80 scholarly associations across Canada get together to swap ideas about everything from the Bonoization of Democracy to the Significance of the Sock, there will be no time for such an inferiority complex.

Among the thousands of academic papers to be delivered during the week-long Congress, which begins a week from now at Toronto's York University, are titles about education, aboriginal rights, environmental ills, and warfare. There will be lectures from such academic luminaries as David Suzuki, Stephen Lewis and even the Ethics Commissioner, Bernard Shapiro.

But the annual brains-fest, otherwise known as the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, will also feature papers with titles such as "Cheese as Class Indicator in the Retail Market," "A Reflection of the Sock in Society," and "Opening, Closing and Revolving: Studies in Doorology."

Such titles are sure to elicit some guffaws and even calls of outrage about misguided government funding, but the people who ply their trade in this world are accustomed to this derision. "It is a constant struggle," concedes Donald Fisher, education professor at the University of British Columbia and president of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. "There is that sense that this knowledge isn't as useful, it isn't as concrete, it doesn't contribute economically, it doesn't have that obvious benefit...."

"We've always suffered from that image. What sometimes seems arcane and particularistic and sometimes remote is, when you actually unpack it, very relevant."

Astrology and alchemy had to fight similar prejudices.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:27 AM

NO STEPS AHEAD (via Tom Morin):

Another Five Million Dollar Man Killed (James Dunnigan, May 18, 2006, Strategy Page)

On the evening of April 13th, an air strike by Pakistani attack helicopters on two houses in the town of Miranshah, in North Waziristan, killed about a dozen al Qaeda operatives. Confirmed to be among the dead was 41-year old Abdul Rahman al Muhajir. One of al Qaeda's principal explosives experts, Al Muhajir was indicted for the bombings of the U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998, which killed over 220 people. The U.S. had posted a $5 million reward for his capture. [...]

Al Muhajir's death is one of the most important results of a protracted Pakistani operation in Waziristan that began several months ago.

Posted by David Cohen at 10:06 AM


Castro healthy enough to live till 140 years old: doctor (AFP, 5/19/06)

Cuban President Fidel Castro, who turns 80 this year, enjoys vibrant health and will live to 140, his chief doctor said.
... as long as I keep my gun to his head.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:53 AM


Jewish fraternity rejected again from Dartmouth College
(Matt Rand, Jerusalem Post, May 19th, 2006)

Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi apparently won't be throwing any crazy toga parties at Dartmouth College any time soon.

Told it "would not be competitive," for a second time the Dartmouth College fraternity council recently blocked Alpha Epsilon Pi from being officially recognized and given colony status at the Hanover, New Hampshire, school two hours north of Boston whose fraternities inspired the film Animal House.

Through a secret ballot, Alpha Epsilon Pi was rejected for membership in the Dartmouth Interfraternity Council for a second time in early May after first being rejected in January.

Alpha Epsilon Pi had been the first fraternity to ask for recognition after Dartmouth trustees lifted the ban on recognizing new fraternities in June 2005, said Interfraternity Council President Alexander Lenz. He said the council intended to reexamine its expansion policy in the next couple of weeks.

While the council originally said it "could not sustain another fraternity," it also conceded that some in the council were uncomfortable admitting a fraternity whose membership was "eighty to ninety percent" Jewish.

Other Dartmouth fraternities which have minority group connections apparently did not have to go through the same process, said Patrick Karas, who is leading the advocacy for the Jewish fraternity's establishment as a "colony" at Dartmouth.

Karas said that Alpha Phi Alpha, a historically African-American fraternity, and Lambda Upsilon Lambda, a Latino fraternity, did not have to get recognition from the same fraternity council Alpha Epsilon Pi now petitions. [...]

Dartmouth Chabad Rabbi Moshe L. Gray expressed disappointment with the rejection, saying the establishment of the Jewish fraternity would be "another opportunity to increase and better Jewish life on campus."

"I think this does not bode well for Dartmouth, nor for the Jewish community here," said Gray. "I'm not sure what kind of message this sends to the broader Jewish community in America."

We are. Something pointed and creative must be done about this. And we think we have found just the man to do it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


I like driving in my car: Americans' obsession with their cars did not come about by accident. (Paul Harris, May 18, 2006, Guardian Unlimited)

In between the wars many American cities had fully functioning electric tram systems that shuttled millions of citizens from their homes to their jobs without the need for a private car. American cities were more compact, more walkable and had vibrant downtowns that were the centre of urban life.

Even in southern California, which is now seen as the ultimate creation of the automobile, railways and trams were a huge part of life. Los Angeles was served by the largest mass transit system in the nation, including 1,000 trains a day running on the Pacific Electric Railway's 760 miles of track.

But take a drive - and it will have to be a drive - through most major US cities today (and particularly LA) and you see a different world. Downtowns lie abandoned to office blocks, gridlock rules on city freeways that have destroyed old urban neighbourhoods and suburbia sprawls out across miles upon mile of territory that only a generation or two ago was rural farmland. The figures tell the story best.

Americans make one billion trips a day and just 1.9 percent of them are by mass transit. There are 220m cars in a country of 290m people. The average US family makes 10 car trips every day.

But this did not just happen. Big business and government helped plan it this way. Many of those electric tram lines ended up being bought by car firms, notably General Motors. Between 1936 and 1950 a holding company backed by GM, Firestone and Standard Oil bought 100 tram firms in 45 American cities. They were dismantled and replaced by GM buses: more inefficient, more likely to lead to congestion and, in the end, more profitable to GM. Many bus lines then failed, leaving consumers with no choice but to buy cars.

But it was not just 'conspiracy' by the big car firms. Urban planners of the 1940s and 1950s seemed possessed with a manic zeal to push the car at the expense of public transit. Their vision was a sprawling suburbia linked by huge, broad expressways. One of the most influential was Robert Moses, who is responsible for much of modern New York's sprawl. Though never elected to office he was probably the most powerful man in New York from the 1930s to the 1950s. He once declared 'Cities are for traffic' and planned to build a huge freeway through downtown Manhattan that would have levelled much of SoHo and Greenwich Village.

Just think of that. Some of the most culturally and financially valuable real estate in the world was scheduled for destruction just so car owners could get across Manhattan more quickly. Many other less famous (but no less vibrant) neighbourhoods across America were not so lucky.

The focus on the car was a tragedy of human planning.

The greatest trick of the Devil was to convince Americans they chose to be programmed into cars.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 AM


Bewildered Unit sees ERA soar (ED PRICE, May 20, 2006, Newark Star-Ledger)

Randy Johnson calls this uncharted territory. He probably can't remember details from 15 years back, or doesn't want to.

Twice given a lead yesterday by his Yankees teammates -- including four runs in the first inning -- Johnson gave both away and came out of his start against the Mets with a no-decision. By allowing six runs on eight hits in five innings, Johnson saw his ERA rise to 5.62 for the season.

Sheffield's setback heads list of woes (ED PRICE, 5/20/06, Newark Star-Ledger)
On a day their flurry of injuries became an avalanche, the piece of Yankees health news with the most immediate impact was that Gary Sheffield had a setback in his attempted comeback from a bad left hand and wrist.

It's not just Barry Bonds who looks suddenly elderly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:28 AM


Graduates at New School Heckle Speech by McCain (DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, 5/20/06, NY Times)

The jeers, boos and insults flew, as caustic as any that angry New Yorkers have hurled inside Madison Square Garden. The objects of derision yesterday, however, were not the hapless New York Knicks, but Senator John McCain, the keynote speaker at the New School graduation, and his host, Bob Kerrey, the university president.

No sooner had Mr. Kerrey welcomed the audience to the university's 70th commencement than the hoots began to rise through the Theater at Madison Square Garden. Several graduates held up a banner aimed at Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican and likely 2008 presidential candidate, declaring: "Our commencement is not your platform." Other students and faculty members waved orange fliers with the same message.

Mr. Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska, was unapologetic yesterday about inviting Mr. McCain, his friend and fellow Vietnam War veteran, to speak. He noted early in his welcoming remarks that there had been intense media coverage of Mr. McCain's graduation speech last week at Liberty University, headed by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, in which Mr. McCain strongly defended the Iraq war.

"Many predicted that his speech today would not receive as friendly a reception," Mr. Kerrey said.

His campaign staff could hardly script a better scenario than a respectful greeting at Liberty and hostility in NYC.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


High stakes in Triple Crown race (Andrew Beyer, 5/20/06, The Washington Post)

If Barbaro wins today's Preakness Stakes, he will be cheered by more than 120,000 people at Pimlico and millions watching on television. He will be the most celebrated racehorse in America. On the brink of sweeping the Triple Crown, he will elicit comparisons to the greatest Thoroughbreds of all time.

Most of the distinctions he will gain from a victory at Pimlico have something in common: You couldn't take them to the bank. The tangible rewards that will go to owners Roy and Gretchen Jackson are relatively modest. They will receive the winner's share of $650,000 from a guaranteed purse of $1 million. To put this number in perspective, compare the Preakness to the Virginia Derby, a mere Grade II stakes race.

When it is run July 15, fewer than 9,000 customers will be watching at Colonial Downs. Yet the Virginia Derby offers the same purse — $1 million — as both the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes.

Or put it in perspective this way: If Barbaro captures the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes to win the Triple Crown, he will have earned a total of about $2.7 million for a historic feat that spanned five weeks. That sum is less than a horse named David Junior collected on one night in March by winning the Dubai Duty Free Stakes at Nad Al Sheba Racecourse in the United Arab Emirates.

No racetracks earn the profits Churchill Downs, Pimlico and Belmont Park do from their big races for 3-year-olds. Yet the Triple Crown tracks pay peanuts to the winners.
Today on TV: Preakness Stakes, 3:14 p.m. post time, Ch. 5

Why? Because they can.

2nd jewel Barbaro's for the taking (Ryan O'Halloran, May 20, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

A field of nine will go to post at 6:15 p.m. for the 1 3/16-mile race. Barbaro's main competition figures to be Brother Derek (3-1), who will start to Barbaro's left, and Sweetnorthernsaint (4-1), who will start to Barbaro's right.

While trainers Dan Hendricks and Michael Trombetta are confident their colts can improve on their Derby performances -- dead heat for fourth and up-the-track seventh, respectively -- it's a given that if Barbaro does the best he can possibly do, everybody is running for second money.

"Two weeks rest isn't what a trainer wants for his horse, and it isn't what a horse wants," said Kiaran McLaughlin, trainer of Like Now. "But he's probably superior enough to overcome a lot of adversity, and he's probably good enough to get by all of us."

Said Diabolical trainer Steve Klesaris: "He just toyed with the Derby field. He's better than this field."

Like Now and Diabolical are two of six newcomers to the Triple Crown quest. The best of the bunch are the lightly raced Bernardini (2-for-3 lifetime) and Like Now, who is expected to take the early lead.

Barbaro should be right behind him. In each of his six races (all wins), he has been first or second at the race's halfway point. And once jockey Edgar Prado asks for acceleration, Barbaro should be ready to go, given the fact he won the Derby with seeming ease.

If he does fly down the lane, it would lend even more credence to Matz's winter/spring plan of spacing Barbaro's races out. He had eight weeks before the Florida Derby and five weeks off before the Kentucky Derby. Today is the real litmus test.

"He probably isn't as fresh as he was before the Derby, but Brother Derek and Sweetnorthernsaint are in the same boat," Matz said. "But he's a big, strong horse, and I'm sure he's going to hold his own."

Barbaro leading the parade (JIM O'DONNELL, 5/20/06, Chicago Sun-Times)
Time is almost up, crabs are down and the vans are finally in for the 131st running of the Preakness Stakes.

Like Boy Scouts arriving for a golden weekend jamboree, a final phalanx of five contenders for the second jewel of thoroughbred racing's Triple Crown arrived at Pimlico Race Course on Friday afternoon. Most prominent of the fashionably late was Kentucky Derby champion Barbaro, who was vanned the 60 miles from the plush Fair Hill Training Center in Elkton, Md., for today's mile-and-three-sixteenths classic.

The impressive son of Dynaformer arrived in good shape, according to trainer Michael Matz, and was in the process of being bet down to 1-2 atop the field of nine in early-bird wagering.

Said Matz: ''Nothing really changes for us. We still have to beat the horses that we did last time. I just hope that it's a cleanly run race and the best horse wins.''

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


Felix's flaw found? (Bob Condotta, 5/20/06, Seattle Times)

It was what happened after Thursday's loss against the A's in Oakland — the Mariners held a 57-minute meeting in an attempt to right their flailing ship — that got all the headlines.

But what happened before the game might turn out to be just as significant, if not more.

During a pregame bullpen session, Mariners pitching coach Rafael Chaves said the team might have figured out the cause of Felix Hernandez's recent struggles.

The second-year pitcher, who entered the season creating as much hype as any young hurler in team history, allowed a career-high 10 runs (though just five earned) in a 12-6 loss to the A's Tuesday. He is just 2-5 with a 5.19 earned-run average for the season.

Chaves said he thinks the team found a flaw in which Hernandez's "effort level is leading to overstriding" as he finishes his pitches. That, in turn, is leading to some of his problems with control.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:13 AM


Campaigners defy Sarkozy plan to deport schoolchildren (Kim Willsher, The Guardian, May 20th, 2006)

French parents, councillors and human rights campaigners yesterday vowed to "hide" school and college pupils threatened with deportation because their parents are in the country illegally.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the interior minister, has ordered local police to round up the youngsters and their families and ensure they are expelled after the school term finishes at the end of June. Even those who are French-born will not be spared.

The move has outraged opposition party representatives and welfare organisations, leading to calls for a countrywide campaign of civil disobedience.

Pierre Labeyrie, a Green party councillor in Toulouse, said he would have no hesitation in breaking the law. "We will give these people our support, our protection. If they ask us to shelter them, we will not close our doors, we take them in and feed them," he told Libération. "We will not denounce them to the police."

These leftists just don't get the beauty and nobility of the rule of law.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


From a Modest Scottish Town To Downing Street's Doorstep (Kevin Sullivan, 5/20/06, Washington Post)

As the top job seems closer to his grasp, the 55-year-old [Gordon] Brown has begun a stylistic makeover, appearing now and again without a tie, wearing the occasional pastel-colored sweater and seeming to comb his uncooperative hair more often. But that has done little to answer doubts about what kind of leader he would be. Many people here say they know what is in Brown's head but not what is in his heart.

"The biggest question right now in British politics is how the country is going to take to Brown as prime minister," said Michael Howard, former leader of the Conservative Party, Labor's main opposition.

If Blair steps aside, Labor would choose a new prime minister to run the country until the next general election, which must be held no later than 2010. It almost surely will be Brown, though no one rules out the possibility of a challenge from within. Home Secretary John Reid has been mentioned in British political circles as a possible alternative.

The party's likely opponent in that election will be the Conservative leader David Cameron, 39, who, as if to underscore Brown's style vacuum, appears on the June cover of the British edition of GQ magazine wearing a sleek suit.

To understand Brown, his friends say, it helps to visit Kirkcaldy, where he was raised and where he is still known simply as "Gordon." Brown represents the town in Parliament, and he owns a lovely brick house just down the road, to which he, his wife and young son make the five-hour train ride from London to spend most weekends.

Kirkcaldy, pronounced "Ker-cawdy," is a waterfront town of 50,000 that exudes Brown's rough charm. It is a working-class place, proud but not too full of itself, where stores on the main street sell expensive French wine and iPods alongside a shop called Spike's that sells live bait.

For decades the town survived on a pair of coal mines and a huge linoleum factory, but they're long gone. Teachers at Kirkcaldy High School, which claims Brown as its second-most-famous alumnus after economist Adam Smith, said many children are from families dogged by unemployment that has persisted since their grandfathers were laid off from the mines.

Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve and a friend and adviser of Brown's, accepted Brown's invitation to give a speech here last year. He quipped that any town that produced both Smith and Brown must have some kind of "subliminal intellect-enhancing emanations."

Brown is the middle son of the late John Brown, a Presbyterian minister, and his "whole philosophy in life is based on his father's beliefs," said Peter Livingstone, who met Brown when they were 11.

Judith Kerr, a classmate of Brown's who teaches at the high school, recalled John Brown as a powerful presence in a black robe. He was an "austere" man who taught thrift and prudence, social justice, and charity for the less fortunate, Kerr said.

"I learned from my mother and father that for every opportunity there was an obligation, for every demand a duty, for every chance given, a contribution to be made," Brown said in a speech last year. In interviews, he has recalled learning those lessons living in a preacher's home where the door was open to anyone at any hour.

Livingstone recalled that when he and Brown were about 14, Brown ran as a Labor Party candidate -- and won -- in a mock election in which he stressed his father's theme of social responsibility. "I was amazed by his passion, even at that age," he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


Belgians Seek Roots of Racist Crimes: String of Attacks on Foreigners Feeds Fears About Political Appeal of Intolerance (John Ward Anderson, 5/20/06, Washington Post)

When 18-year-old Hans Van Themsche was expelled from his boarding school dormitory for smoking, police officials here say, it pushed him over some existential edge. He shaved his head, bought a Winchester hunting rifle, put on a black leather trench coat and wrote a note saying he was going to kill foreigners. Then he went on a shooting rampage in the narrow cobblestone streets of this ancient port city.

First he shot and critically wounded a Turkish woman wearing a head scarf as she sat on a bench reading a book. Then he calmly walked down a street and turned his gun on a black, 24-year-old nanny from Mali and a 2-year-old white toddler in her care, killing them instantly.

Police say that a plainclothes officer caught up with Van Themsche a short time later. After the teenager ignored orders to drop his weapon, the officer shot him, wounding him in the stomach.

The May 11 rampage was the worst in a string of racially motivated crimes that have rocked Belgium in recent weeks. Mainstream politicians, religious leaders and human rights activists have warned about a dangerous rise of intolerance. Many of them blame that atmosphere on Vlaams Belang, or Flemish Interest, a xenophobic and hugely popular separatist party in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Members of Van Themsche's family hold prominent positions in the party.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


Democrats to Focus on Fuel: Leaders Tell Rank and File to Spotlight High Gas Prices (Shailagh Murray, 5/20/06, Washington Post)

Seeking to gain advantage on a potent election-year issue, Democrats are promoting ambitious ideas to lower gasoline prices, targeting key voting blocs such as farmers and autoworkers. [...]

House and Senate Democrats are promoting separate energy packages. The differences reflect the challenge of reconciling the many regional interests and biases that influence energy debates in Congress.

The House plan focuses almost exclusively on crop-derived biofuels. "From corn in the Midwest, to soybeans in North Carolina, to sugar beets in Minnesota, we grow the crops that can be converted into the biofuels that power our cars," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), when House Democrats announced the plan May 11.

Although narrowly focused, the House plan has a specific audience in mind: conservative rural voters, whom Democrats believe are particularly disgruntled with Republican leadership and for whom high gas prices are a particular burden.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said of the package: "It's perfect for an Iowa open congressional seat. It's perfect for a Montana Senate race. An Indiana or Kentucky race."

At 352 pages, the Senate package includes benefits for almost every faction of the energy industry. It calls for the expanded use of flexible fuel vehicles, which can run on higher blends of biofuels, and would help local governments and individual gas stations install more biofuel pumps. Oil companies would be required to install the pumps at the gas stations that they own.

Senate Democrats would establish a nationwide renewable energy standard, mandating that 10 percent of electricity come from renewable sources by 2020. To reach that goal, they would subsidize the development of alternative energy technologies, such as wind, solar power and liquefied coal.

The third is popular in mining states such as West Virginia and Montana -- where Democrats are trying to defend one Senate seat and pick up another -- but environmental groups strongly oppose the fuel as dirty and impractical.

"It's really refreshing that they're focusing on reducing demand," said Anna Aurilio, a lobbyist for U.S. PIRG, a leading environmental group, referring to the Senate package. But the coal provision, she said, "is the worst of all possible worlds."

Neither Democratic plan requires Detroit automakers to manufacture more fuel-efficient cars, a step that many environmental groups believe would be the single most effective way to reduce fuel consumption. But Democrats don't want to undercut Sen. Debbie Stabenow's reelection in Michigan. Instead, the Senate package would provide federal assistance to the auto industry to advance fuel technologies.

The GOP ought to tinker with them just a bit and pass them. Then bring up ANWR and let the Democrats vote against it.

Bipartisan Group Thwarts Foes of Immigration Bill (CARL HULSE, 5/20/06, NY Times)

In the days since President Bush endorsed comprehensive changes in immigration law in a nationally televised speech, Senate backers of that approach have prevailed on the crucial votes, clearing the way for the likely Senate approval of major immigration legislation next week.

What happens next is anyone's guess. Many House Republicans are dug in against the call by a Senate majority and the president for a plan that could ultimately lead to citizenship for millions who have lived illegally in the United States for years. House Republicans deride that idea as an affront to the law-abiding public.

And Republicans fear that even if they reconcile those seemingly irreconcilable viewpoints in House-Senate talks, Democrats will throw up new obstacles to deny Mr. Bush a legislative triumph close to crucial mid-term elections.

There's the Democrats in a nutshell--they can't vote for even things they support because all they have is reaction against George Bush.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:03 AM


Germany's beer lovers can already taste defeat (Roger Boyes, The Times, May 20th, 2006)

It is brown-gold and alcoholic but, then, in the scathing verdict of German beer fans, so is paint thinner.

The Germans are furious that Budweiser will be the official tipple for the World Cup, which starts next month. The American lager has secured a near-monopoly of beer sales inside World Cup stadiums and within a 500m radius of the grounds, supplanting more than 1,270 domestic breweries.

And what most upsets the fans is that Budweiser — advertised as the “King of Beers” in the US — fails to meet the ancient German standards for purity, which stipulate that beer can be brewed only from malt, hops and water. Budweiser uses rice in its production process and therefore does not qualify as a beer in the German sense.

Budweiser’s World Cup status is a slap in the face for a country that attaches such importance to beer production. When Germany was a patchwork of principalities and duchies, a sponsored brewery was seen as the stamp of independence. German pride at hosting the tournament is being dented by the fierce marketing of the American beer.

As it takes at least ten before you even get a buzz, this should solve the soccer hooliganism problem.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:00 AM


Won’t Someone Stop This Tragedy?: Bloomberg’s education campaign is driving Gotham’s Catholic schools out of business. (Sol Stern, 18 April 2006, City Journal)

Something precious in the lives of many deserving New Yorkers is slowly dying in Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s glittering city. The New York Catholic Archdiocese recently announced that it would close 14 schools, following on last year’s announcement by the Archdiocese of Brooklyn that it would shutter 22 of its schools in Brooklyn and Queens. Located in some of Gotham’s neediest neighborhoods, these schools have served for over a century as a haven for low-income but striving families. Many of the predominantly minority children in those closed schools will now have to attend failing public schools.

The school closings result in part from the inexorable laws of competition. No, I don’t mean that the Catholic schools have fallen behind in the areas of academic achievement or classroom productivity. Quite the contrary. Catholic schools still deliver a far bigger bang for the education buck than the public schools. For example, in last year’s state reading and math tests for 4th and 8th graders, Catholic school students scored from 7 percent to 10 percent higher than their public school counterparts. And the Catholic high school graduation rate is nearly double that of the public high schools. Moreover, Catholic schools deliver these stellar results with per-pupil expenditures remaining about a fourth of the costs of the public schools.

In a truly competitive education world—one, that is, where taxpayer money followed children to their school of choice—the Catholic school sector would be thriving financially as well as academically, prodding the public schools to do better. But with no vouchers or tuition tax credits in place, the Catholic schools are finding it harder and harder to compete financially with an insatiable public school monopoly, ever more expansive under mayoral control. The city’s Department of Education budget now tops $17 billion, or about $15,000 per pupil. This spending growth has allowed Mayor Bloomberg to raise teacher’s salaries by 33 percent. The top public school salary of $93,000 is now double that of the highest paid Catholic schoolteacher. (When I first started writing about Catholic schools ten years ago the salary gap was a “mere” 60 percent.) To try to keep teachers from leaving for the public system, the Catholic schools have had to boost salaries, too, forcing up tuition and putting the squeeze on their low-income families. According to the Brooklyn Archdiocese, average tuition in its schools has risen from $1,659 in 1992 to $3,000 in 2004. This increase has already resulted in an outflow of thousands of low-income families to the public schools.

It's too bad that Democrats care so little about the children of their constituents that they prefer to protect union jobs at the expense of better, cheaper educations.

May 19, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 PM


Less Health Care Can Be Better for Elderly (KEVIN FREKING, 5/16/06, AP)

The amount of money Medicare spends on chronically ill patients varies substantially from state to state, with nearly $40,000 spent per patient in New Jersey and the District of Columbia, but less than $24,000 spent in states such as Indiana and West Virginia.

Yet, there is no indication that patients in the states with the highest spending are better off than those in states with the lowest spending. In fact, the reverse seems to be true, according to researchers at Dartmouth Medical School.

Their findings, released in a report Tuesday, could have important policy implications as the nation struggles with the soaring expense of its Medicare program.

"We must fundamentally redesign the way we care for chronically ill Americans," said the authors of the report. "We must reward, rather than penalize provider organizations that successfully reduce excessive care and develop broader strategies for managing patients with chronic illness."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 PM


Injured Husband Talks to Action News (WPVI , May 17, 2006)

A Philadelphia man is recovering from an attack, allegedly at the hands of his wife. The assault on his private parts has become public knowledge. In an interview with Action News after his release from, the 52-year-old victim spoke of his terrifying ordeal.

The 52-year-old Tioga-Nicetown man, who we are identifying only by his first name of Howard, arrived home late Wednesday, hours after his wife allegedly tore off two parts of his genitalia with her bare hands.

On the bright side, they found the parts quicker than this, Found! King Tut's penis
King Tutankhamen's rediscovered penis could make the pharaoh stand out in the shrunken world of male mummies, scientists say.

They've taken a close look at old pictures of the 3300-year-old mummified king.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:44 PM


Hamas official caught with £450,000 hidden in clothes (Tim Butcher, 20/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

Rival Palestinian forces were involved in a stand-off at Gaza's border crossing with Egypt yesterday after a Hamas official was caught with €639,000 (£450,000) hidden in his clothing, authorities said. [...]

The money may have been from a £30 million donation from Qatar to the Hamas-led Palestinian government which could not be moved through banks because of US-led sanctions against the group for its support of terrorism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:42 PM


Five illegal migrants 'worked at Home Office for years' (Brendan Carlin, 20/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

The five illegal immigrants arrested this week while working as Home Office cleaners had worked there for years, it was alleged last night.

Go back in a month and there'll just be five different illegals doing the work.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 PM


Animal rights camp to export terror (Rosie Murray-West, 20/05/2006., Daily Telegraph)

British animal rights activists are planning to use a training camp next month to export their violent tactics to Europe and beyond. [...]

The camp is advertised on animal activist websites but police say there is little they can do against a private meeting of individuals.

"The UK is the centre for this kind of activism," said a spokesman for the pressure group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC). "Everyone around the world looks to us for inspiration."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:37 PM


A second baby? Russia's mothers aren't persuaded (Fred Weir, 5/19/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Russia's birthrate, falling for decades, has plunged in post-Soviet times, to just 1.17 in 2004 from 2.08 babies per woman in 1990 - far below the 2.4 children required to maintain the population - according to the Federal State Statistics Service. The average rate from 2000-05 in the US, by contrast, was 2.0, according to UN figures, while Mexico, for example, weighed in at 2.4 and Italy at 1.3.

Russia also has one of the world's highest abortion rates. In addition, the death rate has climbed to levels seldom seen in peacetime, to 16.3 in 2002 from 10.7 per thousand people in 1988. The result is a population that is shrinking by an average of 700,000 people each year - and aging. A UN report last year predicted that Russia's population, around 145 million in 2002, could fall by one-third by 2050.

While ours is increasing by two-thirds.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:31 PM


Report: Teachers' benefits 'excessive': Teacher contracts in Rhode Island focus too much on "excessive adult entitlements," such as lifetime health benefits, a business-backed education report states. Union officials call the study "an attack on teacher unions." (JENNIFER D. JORDAN, 5/19/06, Providence Journal)

Teacher union contracts are a major stumbling block to improving education in Rhode Island, according to a business-backed organization that is issuing a report today.

The report, Teacher Contracts: Restoring the Balance, Volume II, says teacher contracts in Rhode Island focus too much on "excessive adult entitlements" -- such as lifetime health benefits, extra pay for professional development and seniority rights -- and not enough on student learning.

The report urges political, education and community leaders to work together to change the laws that govern contract negotiations.

The report is the second in two years from The Education Partnership that criticizes teachers' unions. Last year's report recommended sweeping changes in the way teachers' contracts are negotiated, calling for such issues as salaries, benefits and evaluations to be decided at the state level, not by the local districts.

"Unions have got to get back in balance so they aren't focused solely on membership and benefits, and instead are focusing on the kids," said Valerie Forti, executive director of The Education Partnership. "It's not like we have the answers to all these things, but we know what we have now is not working."

Despite the fact that Rhode Island teachers are among the highest paid in the nation, student performance continues to lag.... [...]

As they did with last year's report, union officials called the study "an attack on teacher unions" and "an attempt to gut collective bargaining in Rhode Island."


Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:31 PM


Moderate voices vie for clout within Hamas: A recent poll shows most Palestinians prefer negotiation with Israel to letting it act unilaterally. (Ilene R. Prusher, 5/19/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

When imprisoned Palestinians from both Hamas and Fatah last week issued a joint platform that calls for a Palestinian state with the "1967 boundaries," Hamas was caught off guard. Leaders of Hamas, the Islamic militant organization-cum-political party now at the helm of the Palestinian Authority, have said that they will not recognize Israel or endorse a two-state solution - and the prison statement implied something quite the contrary. [...]

Most Palestinians, according to a poll released two weeks ago, think they would fare better by working out their differences with Israel around a negotiating table than they would by dealing themselves out of and having Israel redraw its borders without Palestinian input. Just under three-quarters of Palestinians say they would prefer a negotiated solution to unilateral withdrawals, such as Israel's pull-out from Gaza last year, pollsters at the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion and Survey Research in Ramallah found.

The end is the same, but they can have some say in the means.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:10 PM


Future Tech: 8 amazing scientific and technological advances on the horizon - made by mixing hefty parts of human ingenuity with the freedom to employ it (Dennis Behreandt, Red Orbit)

Every age has its pessimists. The '60s had Rachel Carson and her overblown manifesto Silent Spring, which foretold of the poisoning of the planet by man. The '70s were influenced by the radical ideas of Paul Ehrlich, whose 1968 book The Population Bomb envisioned "hundreds of millions of people" starving to death in the next decade. Neither author's vision of disaster came true. Despite their spectacular failures, both Carson and Ehrlich remain heroes of many environmental doomsayers. Perhaps more stunning still is the fact that the enduring mythos of impending doom that they and others like them created retains its potency in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The myth of doom is a triumph of perception over reality.

That perception has run rampant in the 21st century, and not without reason. The expected disaster at the turn of the century, Y2K as it was known, failed to materialize, but the horrible attacks of 9/11 confirmed for many that the new century would be one of disaster and tragedy. To some extent, this view can be said to have been vindicated, with the war on terrorism and its attendant attacks on long-cherished freedoms, the disastrous hurricane season, the great Asian tsunami, and economic turmoil repeatedly grabbing headlines and attention. There is even a new "Ehrlich" on the scene. In The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century, author James Howard Kunstler argues that the world is going to run out of oil and, as a result, society is going to crumble. "There will be a substantial interval of trouble like nothing we have ever seen before in the United States," Kunstler said in an interview, summing up his bleak outlook on the future.

Is such pessimism really justified? The disasters that have occurred so far have been on the local or regional level. They have been horribly damaging to lives and properties in the regions in which they occurred, but they have not been the paradigm-shifting harbingers of doom that the pessimists, like Kunstler, continually warn about. In fact, so far the pessimists have been 100 percent wrong 100 percent of the time.

The fact is that since the close of World War II the world has been experiencing an age of progress that is nearly unequaled in human history. More people have more food, more shelter, more access to medical care, more access to transportation, to education, and to technology than ever before. Of course, problems remain to be solved and progress is yet to be made in a number of areas. But advances since World War II - leading to such marvels as the Internet, personal computing, and synthetic materials, to name but a few - have allowed millions to live in greater comfort and dignity than ever before. The lesson of the last 50 years is that the future is brighter than the naysayers will have people believe as technology allows people the chance to enjoy and pursue other endeavors, including what is truly important. Looking forward, then, here are eight major areas in which rapid technological advance will improve the way people live.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:32 PM


Thoroughly Modern Mill: A utilitarian who became a liberal--but never understood the limits of reason (ROGER SCRUTON, May 19, 2006, Opinion Journal)

According to Mill...[t]he law does not exist to uphold majority morality against the individual, but to protect the individual against tyranny--including the "tyranny of the majority." Of course, if the exercise of individual freedom threatens harm to others, it is legitimate to curtail it--for in such circumstances one person's gain in freedom is another person's loss of it. But when there is no proof of harm to another, the law must protect the individual's right to act and speak as he chooses.

This principle has a profound significance: It is saying that the purpose of law is not to uphold the will of the majority, or to impose the will of the sovereign, but to protect the will of the individual. It is the legal expression of the "sovereignty of the individual." The problem lies in the concept of harm. How can I prove that one person's action does not harm another? How can I prove, for example, that other people are not harmed by my public criticism of their religious beliefs--beliefs on which they depend for their peace of mind and emotional stability? How can I prove that consensual sex between two adults leaves the rest of us unaffected, when so much of life's meaning seems to rest on the assumption of shared sexual norms? These questions are as significant for us as they were for Mill; the difference is that radical Islam has now replaced Scottish puritanism as the enemy of liberal values.

Mill's defense of liberty, which was enunciated with great force and seeming clarity, soon followed the path taken by his defense of utilitarianism, and died the death of a thousand qualifications. "On Liberty" sees individual freedom as the aim of government, whose business is to reconcile one person's freedom with his neighbor's. "The Principles of Political Economy" by contrast, while pretending to be a popular exposition of Adam Smith, accords extensive powers of social engineering to the state, and develops a socialist vision of the economy, with a constitutional role for trade unions, and extensive provisions for social security and welfare. The book is, in fact, a concealed socialist tract. While "On Liberty" belongs to the 18th-century tradition that we know as classical liberalism, "Principles" is an example of liberalism in its more modern sense.

Mill's hostility to privilege, to landed property, and to inheritance of property had implications which he seemed unwilling or unable to work out. His argument that all property should be confiscated by the state on death, and redistributed according to its own greater wisdom, has the implication that the state, rather than the family, is to be treated as the basic unit of society--the true arbiter of our destiny, and the thing to which everything is owed. The argument makes all property a temporary lease from the state, and also ensures that the state is the greatest spender, and the one least bound by the sense of responsibility to heirs and neighbors. It is, in short, a recipe for the disaster that we have seen in the communist and socialist systems, and it is a sign of Mill's failure of imagination that, unlike Smith, he did not foresee the likely results of his favored policies.

Taking "On Liberty" and "Principles" together we find, in fact, a premonition of much that conservatives object to in the modern liberal worldview. The "harm" doctrine of "On Liberty" has been used again and again to subvert those aspects of law which are founded not in policy but in our inherited sense of the sacred and the prohibited. Hence this doctrine has made it impossible for the law to protect the core institutions of society, namely marriage and the family, from the sexual predators. Meanwhile, the statist morality of "Principles" has flowed into the moral vacuum, so that the very same law that refuses to intervene to protect children from pornography will insist that every aspect of our lives be governed by regulations that put the state in charge.

Mill famously referred to the Conservative Party as "the stupider party," he being, from 1865, a member of Parliament in the Liberal interest. And no doubt the average Tory MP was no match for the brain that had conceived the "System of Logic"--an enduring classic and Mill's greatest achievement. Yet Mill suffered from the same defect as his father. He never understood that wisdom is deeper and rarer than rational thought.

As if on cue, there was an especially silly bit of libertarian nonsense in Tech Central Station this week, The Family vs. the State (Arnold Kling, 16 May 2006, Tech Central Station)
There are a number of issues that provide sources of friction between market libertarianism and "family values" conservatism. They concern personal behavior, morality, and the law.

Should gambling, prostitution, and recreational drugs be legalized? Market libertarianism answers in the affirmative, but "family values" conservatives would disagree.

Another potential source of friction is abortion. It is not a coincidence that the abortion issue became prominent during the sexual revolution of the late 1960's and early 1970's. That was a period in which social attitudes about sex-without-consequences underwent a reversal. Prior to 1960, sex-without-consequences generally was frowned upon. By 1975, sex-without-consequences was widely applauded. In that context, abortion rights were considered a victory for sexual freedom. Libertarians tend to take the pro-choice side.

Gay marriage is another legacy of the sexual revolution. Again, it tends to divide libertarians from "family values" conservatives.

One compromise, which Morse generally endorses, is to use persuasion rather than government in the family-values struggle. That is a compromise that I would favor, although unlike Morse, I approach the issue primarily as a libertarian.

If one views a strong state and a strong family as incompatible, then a case can be made that taking the state out of issues related to prostitution or abortion or marriage actually helps serve family values. If people know that they cannot rely on the state to arbitrate these issues, then they will turn to families, religious institutions, and other associations within communities to help strengthen our values. [...]

I would contend that other forms of morality, like speech codes, are best reinforced by nongovernmental means. When we see moral decline, we ought to try to resist turning to government as the solution. Instead, we should view moral decline as a symptom of an adverse cycle of government expansion and family breakdown.

As is so often the case with libertarians, Mr. Kling has confused personal libertinism with political liberty, seemingly unaware that it is such license that creates a desire for greater state intervention in human affairs, precisely because the behavior of fellow citizens becomes so unreliable. Thus is secular humanism the handmaiden of a authoritarianism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:07 PM


The Nuance Box: The president is trapped in it (John Dickerson, May 18, 2006, Slate)

President Bush has built his political career on clarity and simplicity. He's presented himself as the teller of truths sharply stated. He and his administration saw things clearly, made crisp decisions, and were home for dinner. In the post-9/11 uproar, Bush's clarity defined him and won him admirers. His plain-spokenness about "evil" was bracing and just what the country seemed to want. But the president's greatest talent has suddenly become a curse. Lack of clarity bedevils Bush on immigration reform, high gas prices, and Iraq. He's now trying to make nuanced arguments but his presidency rests on an anti-nuance platform. Now he has to actually make a subtle case, but he has neither the tools to do so nor a receptive audience.

Democrats have come to see any Bush attempt at nuance as a bait and switch. "Compassionate conservatism" sounded OK to them in 2000, but then Bush turned out to be just conservative. And conservatives see nuance as a sign of weakness, in part because Bush has taught them to view it as such. During the 2004 campaign, Bush advisers and campaign officials turned "nuance" into a pejorative. They walloped Kerry with it like a mallet. It was a point of pride for the president, who once reportedly told Sen. Joe Lieberman, "I don't do nuance."

Now Bush is nuancing all over the place, trying to explain to his supporters the complicated competing interests that require everyone to compromise by gathering at some "rational middle ground."

The notion that the "Compassionate Conservative" didn't build his career on nuance is self-refuting.

Of course, what really upsets folks is that his nuance always works, Immigration measure said likely to pass (Associated Press, May. 19, 2006 )

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:59 PM


The Real Iraq (Amir Taheri, May 2006, Commentary)

Since my first encounter with Iraq almost 40 years ago, I have relied on several broad measures of social and economic health to assess the countrys condition. Through good times and bad, these signs have proved remarkably accurateas accurate, that is, as is possible in human affairs. For some time now, all have been pointing in an unequivocally positive direction.

The first sign is refugees. When things have been truly desperate in Iraqin 1959, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1980, 1988, and 1990 long queues of Iraqis have formed at the Turkish and Iranian frontiers, hoping to escape. In 1973, for example, when Saddam Hussein decided to expel all those whose ancestors had not been Ottoman citizens before Iraqs creation as a state, some 1.2 million Iraqis left their homes in the space of just six weeks. This was not the temporary exile of a small group of middle-class professionals and intellectuals, which is a common enough phenomenon in most Arab countries. Rather, it was a departure en masse, affecting people both in small villages and in big cities, and it was a scene regularly repeated under Saddam Hussein.

Since the toppling of Saddam in 2003, this is one highly damaging image we have not seen on our television setsand we can be sure that we would be seeing it if it were there to be shown. To the contrary, Iraqis, far from fleeing, have been returning home. By the end of 2005, in the most conservative estimate, the number of returnees topped the 1.2-million mark. Many of the camps set up for fleeing Iraqis in Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia since 1959 have now closed down. The oldest such center, at Ashrafiayh in southwest Iran, was formally shut when its last Iraqi guests returned home in 2004.

A second dependable sign likewise concerns human movement, but of a different kind. This is the flow of religious pilgrims to the Shiite shrines in Karbala and Najaf. Whenever things start to go badly in Iraq, this stream is reduced to a trickle and then it dries up completely. From 1991 (when Saddam Hussein massacred Shiites involved in a revolt against him) to 2003, there were scarcely any pilgrims to these cities. Since Saddams fall, they have been flooded with visitors. In 2005, the holy sites received an estimated 12 million pilgrims, making them the most visited spots in the entire Muslim world, ahead of both Mecca and Medina.

Over 3,000 Iraqi clerics have also returned from exile, and Shiite seminaries, which just a few years ago held no more than a few dozen pupils, now boast over 15,000 from 40 different countries. This is because Najaf, the oldest center of Shiite scholarship, is once again able to offer an alternative to Qom, the Iranian holy city where a radical and highly politicized version of Shiism is taught. Those wishing to pursue the study of more traditional and quietist forms of Shiism now go to Iraq where, unlike in Iran, the seminaries are not controlled by the government and its secret police.

A third sign, this one of the hard economic variety, is the value of the Iraqi dinar, especially as compared with the regions other major currencies. In the final years of Saddam Husseins rule, the Iraqi dinar was in free fall; after 1995, it was no longer even traded in Iran and Kuwait. By contrast, the new dinar, introduced early in 2004, is doing well against both the Kuwaiti dinar and the Iranian rial, having risen by 17 percent against the former and by 23 percent against the latter. Although it is still impossible to fix its value against a basket of international currencies, the new Iraqi dinar has done well against the U.S. dollar, increasing in value by almost 18 percent between August 2004 and August 2005. The overwhelming majority of Iraqis, and millions of Iranians and Kuwaitis, now treat it as a safe and solid medium of exchange

My fourth time-tested sign is the level of activity by small and medium-sized businesses. In the past, whenever things have gone downhill in Iraq, large numbers of such enterprises have simply closed down, with the countrys most capable entrepreneurs decamping to Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf states, Turkey, Iran, and even Europe and North America. Since liberation, however, Iraq has witnessed a private-sector boom, especially among small and medium-sized businesses.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, as well as numerous private studies, the Iraqi economy has been doing better than any other in the region. The countrys gross domestic product rose to almost $90 billion in 2004 (the latest year for which figures are available), more than double the output for 2003, and its real growth rate, as estimated by the IMF, was 52.3 per cent. In that same period, exports increased by more than $3 billion, while the inflation rate fell to 25.4 percent, down from 70 percent in 2002. The unemployment rate was halved, from 60 percent to 30 percent.

Related to this is the level of agricultural activity. Between 1991 and 2003, the countrys farm sector experienced unprecedented decline, in the end leaving almost the entire nation dependent on rations distributed by the United Nations under Oil-for-Food. In the past two years, by contrast, Iraqi agriculture has undergone an equally unprecedented revival. Iraq now exports foodstuffs to neighboring countries, something that has not happened since the 1950s. Much of the upturn is due to smallholders who, shaking off the collectivist system imposed by the Baathists, have retaken control of land that was confiscated decades ago by the state.

Finally, one of the surest indices of the health of Iraqi society has always been its readiness to talk to the outside world. Iraqis are a verbalizing people; when they fall silent, life is incontrovertibly becoming hard for them. There have been times, indeed, when one could find scarcely a single Iraqi, whether in Iraq or abroad, prepared to express an opinion on anything remotely political. This is what Kanan Makiya meant when he described Saddam Husseins regime as a republic of fear.

Today, again by way of dramatic contrast, Iraqis are voluble to a fault. Talk radio, television talk-shows, and Internet blogs are all the rage, while heated debate is the order of the day in shops, tea-houses, bazaars, mosques, offices, and private homes. A catharsis is how Luay Abdulilah, the Iraqi short-story writer and diarist, describes it. This is one way of taking revenge against decades of deadly silence. Moreover, a vast network of independent media has emerged in Iraq, including over 100 privately-owned newspapers and magazines and more than two dozen radio and television stations. To anyone familiar with the state of the media in the Arab world, it is a truism that Iraq today is the place where freedom of expression is most effectively exercised.

That an experienced observer of Iraq with a sense of history can point to so many positive factors in the countrys present condition will not do much, of course, to sway the more determined critics of the U.S. intervention there. They might even agree that the images fed to the American public show only part of the picture, and that the news from Iraq is not uniformly bad. But the root of their opposition runs deeper, to political fundamentals.

Their critique can be summarized in the aphorism that democracy cannot be imposed by force. It is a view that can be found among the more sophisticated elements on the Left and, increasingly, among dissenters on the Right, from Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska to the ex-neoconservative Francis Fukuyama. As Senator Hagel puts it, You cannot in my opinion just impose a democratic form of government on a country with no history and no culture and no tradition of democracy.

I would tend to agree. But is Iraq such a place? In point of fact, before the 1958 pro-Soviet military coup detat that established a leftist dictatorship, Iraq did have its modest but nevertheless significant share of democratic history, culture, and tradition. The country came into being through a popular referendum held in 1921. A constitutional monarchy modeled on the United Kingdom, it had a bicameral parliament, several political parties (including the Baath and the Communists), and periodic elections that led to changes of policy and government. At the time, Iraq also enjoyed the freest press in the Arab world, plus the widest space for debate and dissent in the Muslim Middle East.

To be sure, Baghdad in those days was no Westminster, and, as the 1958 coup proved, Iraqi democracy was fragile. But every serious student of contemporary Iraq knows that substantial segments of the population, from all ethnic and religious communities, had more than a taste of the modern worlds democratic aspirations. As evidence, one need only consult the immense literary and artistic production of Iraqis both before and after the 1958 coup. Under successor dictatorial regimes, it is true, the conviction took hold that democratic principles had no future in Iraqa conviction that was responsible in large part for driving almost five million Iraqis, a quarter of the population, into exile between 1958 and 2003, just as the opposite conviction is attracting so many of them and their children back to Iraq today.

A related argument used to condemn Iraqs democratic prospects is that it is an artificial country, one that can be held together only by a dictator. But did any nation-state fall from the heavens wholly made? All are to some extent artificial creations, and the U.S. is preeminently so. The truth is that Iraqone of the 53 founding countries of the United Nationsis older than a majority of that organizations current 198 member states. Within the Arab League, and setting aside Oman and Yemen, none of the 22 members is older. Two-thirds of the 122 countries regarded as democracies by Freedom House came into being after Iraqs appearance on the map.

Critics of the democratic project in Iraq also claim that, because it is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state, the country is doomed to despotism, civil war, or disintegration. But the same could be said of virtually all Middle Eastern states, most of which are neither multi-ethnic nor multi-confessional. More important, all Iraqis, regardless of their ethnic, linguistic, and sectarian differences, share a sense of national identityuruqa (Iraqi-ness)that has developed over the past eight decades. A unified, federal state may still come to grief in Iraq history is not written in advance but even should a divorce become inevitable at some point, a democratic Iraq would be in a better position to manage it.

What all of this demonstrates is that, contrary to received opinion, Operation Iraqi Freedom was not an attempt to impose democracy by force. Rather, it was an effort to use force to remove impediments to democratization, primarily by deposing a tyrant who had utterly suppressed a well-established aspect of the countrys identity.

It's revealing that it likewise required force to prevent democracy in Iran, though, to our shame, it was America helping to provide the force there until the Revolution. Colonialism was an unmitigated disaster for the region.

Posted by pjaminet at 2:45 PM


A colour code for Iran's 'infidels' (Amir Taheri,, 5/19/2006)

Islamic legislators are unanimous that Islam is incompatible with "gay, wild, provocative colours" such as red, yellow, and light blue, which are supposed to be favoured by Satan. The colours to be imposed by law are expected to be black, brown, dark blue and dark grey.

Some Majlis members have been trying to lift the ban on green, which is, after all, the colour of the Bani Hashem, the family of the Prophet Muhammad, and thus regarded as the colour of Islam. The majority view, however, is that green is not "serious enough" to underline the gravity of a Muslim man's position.

Hardly surprising that a dark spirituality should suppress color.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:13 PM


This is Europe's problem too, says Madrid (Mike Elkin, The Telegraph, May 19th, 2006)

Spain has issued its most urgent international appeal for help in coping with illegal immigrants flooding into the Canary Islands.

Madrid announced it will dispatch diplomats to several countries in western Africa, where the migrants come from, while a European parliament delegation will arrive next month to assess a problem that the Spaniards say is not just theirs but Europe's.

The calmer seas of early summer have seen a sharp rise in the numbers reaching the holiday islands, which are the closest European land to the west African coast. More than 1,400 arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the past week, while 2,000 have landed this month, mostly from Senegal and Mali, compared with 4,751 in the whole of last year.

Their journeys can be as long as 900 miles, in usually small, often unseaworthy, craft. Hundreds have perished on the journey. Yesterday Spanish coast guards intercepted seven boats carrying a total of 483 people. Several more craft carrying hundreds more migrants were caught attempting to land on the two islands on Wednesday.[...]

On Tenerife the new arrivals are crammed into the police headquarters, a court house and a pre-fabricated barracks, which already houses 200 people. Police cells are also packed. "We have never seen anything like it," said government prefect Jose Segura, describing it as an emergency situation.

The wave of immigrants does not seem to have affected the tourism in Tenerife, however. "The authorities usually catch them as they arrive and then take them via bus or ambulance to the town," said the director of a hotel on the southern coast. "If it didn't appear in the press, I don't think anyone would even know."

Thank goodness for that. Nothing spoils an idyllic holiday like a boatload of starving refugees appearing from out of nowhere on the beach. But allowing that this kind of “mass migration” is unmanageable and unacceptable, it does point to the dangerous irony of immigration threatening to turn Europe and North America inwards and towards a mentality of protective isolationism. We can try to build fences and barriers that will not stem the tide, but if we really want to control immigration levels from Africa and Latin America, we should slash agricultural tariffs and get very tough with dictators and statists (Venezuela, Bolivia, come on down!). When was the last time anyone heard of boatloads of desperate migrants trying to sneak in from Chile or Singapore?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 AM


An Economy of Davids (Edward B. Driscoll Jr., 19 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

The death late last month of John Kenneth Galbraith helps to illustrate just how much the American economy -- and indeed the world's -- has changed over the last four decades. Galbraith could plausibly write in 1967's The New Industrial State, that large corporations were immune to market forces.

And yet, a mere three years later, the enormous Penn Central Railroad, itself born of a desperate 1968 shotgun marriage between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central, declared bankruptcy. It was eventually bailed out by Conrail, initially created by the federal government, which itself was acquired in 1998 by Norfolk Southern, and CSX.

Beyond Penn Central and Conrail, as Thomas Sowell recently noted, "Eastern Airlines has gone out of business. The Graflex Corporation has gone out of business." Japanese car manufacturers have completely dominated the seeming monopoly the American "Big Three" automakers had on the US auto market.

Despite all that, Galbraith's theories will be taught in universities for decades to come. Which probably wouldn't surprise Alvin Toffler (interviewed in a recent TCS podcast) in the least.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 11:35 AM


War in Iraq was 'grave mistake,' says Prodi (Malcolm Moore, The Telegraph, May 19th, 2006)

Romano Prodi, Italy's new prime minister, pledged yesterday to pull Italian troops out of Iraq, saying that the war had been a "grave mistake" which could make "the whole region explode".

"We consider the war and occupation in Iraq a grave mistake because it has not solved the problems of security, it has complicated them, and opened Pandora's box," he said, in his maiden speech to the senate.

Indeed it has. But it did wonders for Iraqi freedom. Not unlike the invasion of Sicily

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 AM


How the Right Stole the '60s (And Why We Should Get Them Back): Conservatives are winning the battle over how the 1960s are remembered. But their version is far from the truth (Astra Taylor, May 19, 2006, AlterNet)

Regardless of whether we were raised in the hippie tradition, those born too late to remember the '60s firsthand have heard an awful lot about the decade, most of it bad. The period has been trivialized, commemorated and castigated ad nauseam. It's been reduced to a risible relic, a series of clichés about hippies and protesters and lost idealism.

Today we too often assume the mythic '60s to be solely the invention of sentimental liberal Baby Boomers unable, or unwilling, to let go of the past. But, more often than not, the 1960s the media portrays is a construct invented to serve corporate and conservative interests. The fact is, conservative Baby Boomers are even more fixated on the '60s than their progressive counterparts.

The spirit of the '60s, conservatives claim, has infiltrated and corrupted almost every corner of our culture, destroying America in its wake. They blame the decade for corroding family values, weakening the church, inspiring rampant drug abuse, spoiling the poor, ruining higher education, ridiculing Western civilization and emasculating white men. Over the last 40 years, reactionary forces have never ceased their assault, singling out the decade for unique and unparalleled abuse, alienating many people, especially young people, from the progressive ideals and spirit of experimentation the 1960s embodied.

Actually, most of the damage was contained to the '70s and fueled the reaction. The Republic isn't so weak that a bad decade or two can destroy it. Sadly, it was Vietnam that the progressives truly destroyed.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:58 AM


Inquiry into illegal immigrant cleaners at Home Office (Hélène Mulholland, The Guardian, May 19th, 2006)

An inquiry is under way today after it emerged last night that five illegal immigrants had been arrested at one of the immigration service's central London offices.

The five were stopped by suspicious security guards when they could not show they had clearance to enter the building and did not start work before being detained.

Conservatives claimed the arrests on Wednesday night were proof that the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) - which has responsibility for tracking down and expelling illegal immigrants - was in "chaos".

No doubt tomorrow we shall read of the long lines of native Brits lining up to fill these vacancies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:47 AM


Hard Luck for a Hard-Liner (IAN BURUMA, 5/19/06, NY Times)

WHEN Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk of the Netherlands suddenly decided last Monday that the Somali-born politician and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali should never have been granted Dutch citizenship because she had lied about her name, a storm was unleashed. Ms. Hirsi Ali resigned her seat in Parliament. Her supporters spoke of "judicial murder." Ms. Hirsi Ali herself had referred a few weeks ago to the "terror regime of political correctness ruling our nation." It was as though she were being punished in a timid country for being an outspoken critic of Islam. [...]

Rita Verdonk is far from being "politically correct." In fact, she is running for the party leadership as a hard-liner with a "straight back" who will no longer tolerate bogus asylum seekers, radical imams and immigrant youths "terrorizing" Dutch cities. In Dutch politics, Rita Verdonk was Ayaan Hirsi Ali's ally. They were fighting for the same cause. So why this sudden ruckus?

The Netherlands, proud of its multicultural tolerance, its hospitality to strangers, its free and easy social ways, used to be thought of as a soft touch for would-be immigrants with a story of persecution or war. Once you got across the Dutch border, officials of the welfare state would take care of you. Ms. Hirsi Ali was even coached by members of Dutch refugee organizations on how to finesse her story in order to get asylum. Economic immigration from outside the European Union was (and is) almost impossible, so such finessing was often the only way to get in.

The free and easy climate began to change in the late 1990's, and even more so after 9/11. Pim Fortuyn, the populist leader gunned down in 2002, gained a huge following by saying that the country was full, and warning that Muslims posed a danger to Dutch society. Mr. Fortuyn was an extraordinary figure, for he was not only a populist promising law and order, but also an openly gay man who saw Islam as a threat to his own sexual freedom.

In this new climate Ayaan Hirsi Ali began to flourish. Though neither a populist nor a xenophobic opponent of immigrants (how could she be?), she warned the Dutch about the Muslim menace. In the name of the Enlightenment, she would do battle against the new counter-Enlightenment, and she found allies among a variety of conservative intellectuals and politicians — and some former leftists, too — who were convinced that multiculturalism had failed, that the Dutch were timid, even cowardly, in the face of the Muslim challenge and that a tough line had to be taken.

Except that Holland's problem is the Enlightenment and her allies aren't conservative--no one was ever more multi-culti than Pim Fortuyn, an advocate of not just homosexuality but pedophilia.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:44 AM


Bad Ray to finish road trip (JOE COWLEY, 5/19/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

"[Bleep] the Cubs,'' Guillen said. "I don't care about the Cubs. I won't think about the Cubs until 3 o'clock [today]. I'd rather play Detroit right now than the Cubs.''

With good reason.

After all, it isn't the Cubs who are standing alone in first place in the American League Central, looking down at the Sox in second. It's the Tigers.

A two-run home run by Tampa Bay's Damon Hollins in the seventh inning ended up being the difference as the Devil Rays beat the Sox 5-4 in front of 22,665 at Tropicana Field.

The win not only gave the Rays the three-game series but dropped the Sox (26-14) a game behind the first-place Tigers after they swept Minnesota and won their seventh straight game.

There's no shame in being worse than the worst team in the best division.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:40 AM


Illegals arrested at work in Home Office (Graeme Wilson, 19/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

Five illegal immigrants were arrested yesterday while working as cleaners in the Home Office department responsible for removing illegal immigrants.

Who do you think empties the wastebaskets in Tom Tancredo's office at night?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:28 AM


How Bush Destroyed the CIA (Sidney Blumenthal, May 19, 2006, AlterNet)

Acting on the president's charge, Goss in effect purged the CIA. He was even conducting lie detector interrogations of officers to root out the sources of stories leaked to the press -- to the Washington Post, for example, in its Pulitzer Prize-winning exposé of CIA "black site" prisons where detainees are jailed without any due process, Red Cross inspection or Geneva Conventions protection. Last month, a CIA agent, Mary McCarthy, was fired for her contact with a reporter. Like others subjected to questioning, she was asked her political affiliation.

But Goss' purging weakened the agency and his own inherent bureaucratic strength in relation to his voracious rivals at the Directorate of National Intelligence and the Pentagon. The more he served as the president's loyalist, the less was his power. By fulfilling his mission, he diminished himself. [...]

President Bush has nominated Gen. Michael Hayden, the former director of the National Security Agency and currently Negroponte's deputy, as the new CIA director. He has distinguished himself as a loyalist to the administration by using his uniform as a shield against the heat generated by the revelation of illegal domestic surveillance by the NSA.

Regardless of anodyne assurances offered in his forthcoming congressional testimony, Hayden will preside over the liquidation of the CIA as it has been known. The George H.W. Bush CIA headquarters building in Langley will of course remain standing. But the agency will be chipped apart, some of its key parts absorbed by other agencies, with the Pentagon emerging as the ultimate winner.

Future historians will be bewildered that it took so long to level one of the worst run agencies of the American government and will be particularly puzzled by how it survived the collapse of the Soviet Empire, which dramatically demonstrated that ineptitude.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:36 AM


The Weapon Iran May Not Want to Use: Withholding Oil Exports Could Wreak the Most Havoc at Home (Steven Mufson, 5/19/06, Washington Post)

[S]enior policymakers within the Bush administration and their French and British counterparts have come to the conclusion that Iran would continue to sell oil abroad even in the face of heightened economic and diplomatic pressure from Western powers. Administration officials have considered and discounted the possibility that Iran would shut in oil supplies, robbing world markets of much-needed crude.

Experts on Iran point to a number of reasons it might be reluctant to cut oil exports. Oil accounts for 85 percent of Iran's exports, according to an International Monetary Fund report issued last month. Revenue from those exports makes up 65 percent of government income. And Iran uses a good chunk of that money to raise public-sector wages and to subsidize its own gasoline prices, one way to keep domestic discontent in check when unemployment is running at more than 12 percent and inflation at 13 percent.

"If you think a little beyond the moment when this happens, the credibility of the country as an economic partner will go down the drain," said Giandomenico Picco, a consultant who was a mediator during the Iran-Iraq war. "The economy as a whole will be affected, not just because of lack of income." Picco said that already some European banks are reluctant to do further business with Iran and that some petrochemical projects might be delayed.

Moreover, the politics of cutting off exports are muddy for Tehran. In recent years, Iran has shifted its oil exports away from the West. It sells substantial amounts to China and India, though U.S. allies such as Japan, Italy and France are still the major buyers. None is sold to the United States because of sanctions dating to the 1979 hostage crisis. All oil is fungible and even selected export cuts will affect market prices regardless of the customer; the symbolism of hurting Japan, China and India to retaliate against sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies would be fuzzy.

So far, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seems to be banking on the oil weapon even as European countries try to avoid testing it. On Wednesday, he rejected a potential European offer of incentives, including a light-water nuclear reactor, to give up uranium enrichment. "Do you think you are dealing with a 4-year-old child to whom you can give walnuts and chocolates and get gold from him?" Ahmadinejad told thousands of people in central Iran.

Pretty much. If we can get him to do further damage to the economy and destabilize his own government we should.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 AM


Report hints human `Hobbit' just a fantasy (RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, 5/19/06, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

The surprising discovery of bones heralded as a new, Hobbit-like human species may turn out to have simply been the remains of a human suffering from a genetic illness that causes the body and brain to shrink, according to researchers challenging the original report.

Nothing in life is more certain than that a loudly trumpeted Darwinist claim will turn out to be bogus.

Though a brilliant humorist, Tom Wolfe here parodies himself quite accidentally, A Speech In Full (David Epstein, 5/11/06, Inside Higher Ed)

Wolfe argued that, though neo-Darwinists believe genes are the puppeteers responsible for pulling all human strings, mankind must be studied not only as Homo sapiens, but as Homo loquax, he said — “man talking.”

“Human speech,” Wolfe said, “ended the evolution of man.” Because speech removed humans from the state of nature once and for all, Wolfe implied, it is only through the study of the humanities that we can reach to the core of modern humans.

Rather than natural selection, Wolfe said, humans are now governed by “artificial selection,” and even impose artificial selection on other animals.

Adding to the comedy though is that this fella doesn't get it either, Dark Observations From the Man In the White Suit (Philip Kennicott, 5/11/06, Washington Post)
If last night's speech is any indication, Tom Wolfe has come out of the muck with the biggest stain of all. He's a misanthrope. He loves stories that show man at his worst. He gravitates toward them; he tells them charmingly, as if holding a platter of manure in his hands while walking through a garden party. But a writer is defined not just by his attention to detail -- and last night, as always, he was a master of wry observation -- but by the stories he seeks out. And Wolfe, it seems, has sought out the stories that confirm a very bleak worldview.

He called his speech "The Human Beast," borrowing the title from the French writer Emile Zola, who he has often claimed is his idol. "The greatest novelist who ever lived," he said last night.

The human beast is guided by social inclinations, by the desire for status and the fear of humiliation. With the arrival of Darwin, whose theories supposedly shatter the belief of intellectuals in God, the human beast gets even more bestial. Nothing can contain him. His appetites and urges come to the fore, social restraint is thrown off, and he emerges as . . . a college student. A frat boy, a libidinous cheerleader, or, later in life, intellectuals or Wall Street types, who pursue selfish ends with comical narcissism, hubris and self-deception.

The irony, Wolfe suggested, is that it is speech, a great evolutionary leap forward, that also gives us religion, the thing that not only contains the human beast but also proves the degree to which it is our social world, our culture, that really defines us. And so Darwin, who lays out the mechanics of evolution, which reveals the importance of religion, also gets credit for unchaining the human beast, which leads to things such as cop killing, untrammeled sex, hippies, bohemians, preening intellectuals and all the other easy targets that get skewered like fish in a barrel in a Tom Wolfe novel.

That, at least, is the argument he seemed to want to make. But it was all very confused, filled with large claims that were left unproven or unconnected.

"Evolution came to an end when the human beast developed speech," he said, which seems dubious from any number of angles.

He admires Darwin, or the impact of Darwin, but tried to argue with what he called "neo-Darwinists" in the field of neuroscience who supposedly believe in a rigorously deterministic world. Which is a straw man. He feinted in the direction of giving love to religion -- never a bad gesture in today's Washington -- but left no indication of whether he himself believes, and plenty of indication that he lives more in Nietzsche's world (where religion is a rather pathetic crutch for lesser beings) than the world of fundamentalism or NASCAR drivers who pray before each race (which he clearly admires).

But this is a strategy, isn't it? The misanthrope is guided by one big idea, that man is beastly. Darwin may be entirely correct, and God may be dead. But Wolfe doesn't need to have a stand on either of these propositions, because all he really needs is: material.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


The Eternal Value of Privacy (Bruce Schneier,May, 18, 2006, Wired)

We do nothing wrong when we make love or go to the bathroom. We are not deliberately hiding anything when we seek out private places for reflection or conversation. We keep private journals, sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them. Privacy is a basic human need. [...]

How many of us have paused during conversation in the past four-and-a-half years, suddenly aware that we might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place. Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or Islam. We stop suddenly, momentarily afraid that our words might be taken out of context, then we laugh at our paranoia and go on. But our demeanor has changed, and our words are subtly altered.

This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

None of us?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 AM


AUDIO: Canadian Dreams of Ethanol Distilled from Grass (Kathleen Schalch, May 16, 2006, NPR: Morning Edition)

It's been a dream for many years: Distill clean-burning ethanol from grass, the cheapest vegetation. It's not just a dream anymore. An entrepreneur in Canada has a small factory operating already. He claims that he's ready to blanket the continent with such factories.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


New KFC meal should be called 'Cardiac Arrest Bowl' (Seattle Post Intelligencer, 5/19/06)

At first we thought it was one of those bogus commercials by the "Saturday Night Live" people. Then we realized it was indeed a real, honest-to-badness commercial for a new KFC "product."

We think it's called the Cardiac Arrest Bowl, or maybe the Lard Almighty Bowl. It features a generous helping of mashed potatoes as the foundation, then a smear of gravy, then a layer of corn, a layer of fried-chicken pieces and a crowning touch of grated cheese.

Grated? It cries out for molten Cheez-Wiz.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


Greenspan says housing boom 'over' but sees stable prices (Adam Shell, 5/19/2006, USA TODAY)

In his first public comments as a private citizen since leaving the Federal Reserve in January, former chairman Alan Greenspan said Thursday that the housing "boom is over" but did not share his views on hot issues such as inflation, interest rates or Fed policy.

"This has been quite an extraordinary (housing) boom," Greenspan said during a Bond Market Association dinner in New York. "The boom is over. I think we can safely say that with a strong degree of confidence."

However, he said, there is "no evidence that home prices will collapse."

Does he have room for 100 million new immigrants in his mansion?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


They'd Sooner Fix Medicaid: Can market incentives save the system? (TOM COBURN AND REGINA HERZLINGER, May 18, 2006, Opinion Journal)

OKLAHOMA CITY--The state Legislature here is working to finalize an agreement for Medicaid reform legislation creating personal health accounts (PHAs) for Medicaid enrollees. This comes hard on the heels of similar innovations in South Carolina and Florida. Reform is in the air--much the way it was when Wisconsin revolutionized its welfare system in the early 1990s, forerunning a stunning national success. Are we on the verge of consumer revolution in health care?

It is of course too soon to tell, but the Oklahoma case study is auspicious. The state's antiquated Medicaid bureaucracy has fostered, by turns, a lack of patient choice, provider dissatisfaction, a 9.5% payment error rate, and an escalating price tag of some $3.5 billion. Against these discouraging trends, state leaders spent six months last year formulating stopgap measures with state agencies, policy innovators, providers and beneficiaries.

Instead of assuming the indigent are incapable of decision-making, Oklahoma legislators proposed that Medicaid beneficiaries be given a risk-adjusted allowance to purchase private health insurance. A PHA would be established for annual out-of-pocket expenses without a "use it or lose it" penalty--that is, the unspent balance could be used for future health-care needs. They state would not mandate a homogenous set of benefits; instead, it would provide financial assistance and patient counseling.

The reform passed the Oklahoma State House in March and recently won Oklahoma State Senate approval. The bill's sponsors, Republican Rep. Kris Steele, and Democratic Sen. Tom Adelson, are working to craft a durable bill to send to the governor by the end of this year.

Oklahoma is simply coming to grips with reality--Medicaid needs fundamental change.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:46 AM


PM backs 'righteous force' of US (Steve Lewis, The Australian, May 19th, 2006)

The world will face greater terrorist threats and more regular attacks against Western targets if the US retreats from its leadership role, John Howard has warned.

Challenging those who want less US military intervention around the world, the Prime Minister has argued that defeating terrorism and widening economic opportunity can only be achieved with American leadership. [...]

George W.Bush is under pressure to pull American troops out of Iraq and other global hot-spots and concentrate more on protecting the US's own borders.

But Mr Howard has challenged this, claiming it would only embolden terrorists.

"To the voices of anti-Americanism around the world, to those who shout 'Yankee go home', let me offer some quiet advice: be careful what you wish for," he said. Mr Howard argued that no dominant power in history "has brought to bear the righteous force or generous countenance of the United States of America".

"Without American leadership, the trials and tragedies of recent years could be but a prelude of darker days to come. With American leadership, we can build a better world - not just for us, but for all," he said.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:34 AM


Religion and politics: All the president's truths (Stanley R Sloan, International Herald Tribune, May 18th, 2006)

Besieged by plummeting approval ratings and mounting domestic and foreign challenges, President George W. Bush nonetheless keeps the faith. Speaking to a California audience last month, he affirmed that he bases "a lot of foreign policy decisions on some things that I think are true. One, I believe there's an almighty. ... Secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul ... to be free."

Such a statement will surely add to the distress of many friends of the United States who believe that it has been led astray by such beliefs. The concern is about a president who so strongly believes he is doing "God's work" that he cannot see mistakes when he makes them or alternative policies when events cry out for them.

Europeans have always been uncomfortable with the way American presidents have invoked God in support of U.S. policies. Bush didn't start this, but he has practiced it with more conviction than most of his predecessors.

A French foreign policy expert, François Heisbourg, has put European concerns this way: "The biblical references in politics, the division of the world between good and evil, these are things that we simply don't get. In a number of areas, it seems to me that we are no longer part of the same civilization."

As opposed to America, where religion has historically been on the side of "freedom," Europe's experience suggests that the church is not always a friend of democracy, and that religion can be a source of conflict as much as an instrument for peace. For Europeans the political success of the 18th-century Enlightenment was that it ensured a social contract based on reason, rather than on an absolute truth that made discussion and debate impossible.

For the most part, religious faith has reinforced many of the values on which European and American civil societies are based. The freedom to worship in a faith of one's choice is an important source of cohesion and peace in our societies.

But some Europeans have lately equated the danger of American evangelical fundamentalism's influence on U.S. policy with that posed by radical Islamic fundamentalism.

A European friend put it this way: "In Europe, it is newcomers who are challenging the fundamental values on which our political system is built, whereas in the United States this challenge comes from a core indigenous group's perversion of the founding values of their own system." She added, "I find this even more scary."

Of course you do, sweetie. You drank anti-Americanisn from your mother’s breast and you will seize on any aspect of American society to frame it. Just as you once found American free enterprise “more scary” than Soviet statism, so now you have convinced yourself there is more to fear from the Southern Baptist leadership than the Islamicism engulfing you. Unfortunately, your liberal American counterpart drank philo-Europeanism at his mother’s breast and instintively assumes you must be on to something in your infinite sophistication. He therefore turns on his own stronger, more resilient society, realizing far too late, if ever, that your rote, timeless whine is born of atavistic resentments and arrogance and has little to do with anything America is actually doing or not doing.

To be fair, the European experience with church and state is so different and so fraught with extremes on both sides that a wariness of both informs the decent and democratic among them. But this article bespeaks another modern trend that is just as endemic in North America. Whereas in the past religious belief was seen by most people, even non-believers, as a desirable social glue and general character ballast, today more and more of secular society is unable to even conceive of a (white) religious person who isn’t misanthropic, contemptuous of reason, enslaved to scriptural literalism and hellbent on undoing democracy and the Bill of Rights. President Bush’s inspiring and actually quite innocuous statement that he believes in the Almighty and derives a preference for freedom over slavery from that belief chills the modern chattering classes as much as if he had declared he bases the implementation of U.S. foreign policy on the Book of Revelations. This has nothing to do with religion in America and everything to do with minds that have been intentionally deprived of any religious education and that consequently cannot progress spiritually and intellectually beyond the version of faith taught to five year olds. We here are generally bullish on President Bush, but we would be the first to admit that, man, he is one lousy theocrat.

May 18, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:53 PM


Book Offers New Image of Canadian Pol (SHELDON GORDON, May 19, 2006, The Forward)

A new biography asserts that former Canadian prime minister Pierre E. Trudeau — long viewed as a defender of civil rights and as a friend of the Jewish community — was a fascist sympathizer in his youth and shared the antisemitic attitudes prevalent in the 1930s and early '40s.

The revelations, contained in a new book, "Young Trudeau: 1919-1944: Son of Quebec, Father of Canada," have provoked surprise and consternation in some circles — the kind that American Jews might feel if former president John F. Kennedy, honored as an advocate of religious and racial tolerance in America, were shown to have shared his father's fascist sympathies and anti-Jewish sentiments before and during World War II.

They didn't even bat an eyelash.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:26 PM


Looking for a foreign policy, Mr. Harper? Try Australia's John Howard (PAUL EVANS AND YUEN PAU WOO, 5/18/06, Globe and Mail)

Australian Prime Minister John Howard has a record that is the envy of conservative leaders around the world. Recently elected to a fourth term (with an enhanced majority, to boot), he has charted a distinctive and largely successful course for Australia's international relations over the past decade.

As the Harper government begins to formulate its own approach to foreign policy, Mr. Howard arrives in Ottawa at an opportune moment.

Under Mr. Howard's leadership, Australia's ties with the United States have warmed considerably, stemming in large part from Canberra's staunch support for U.S.-led anti-terrorism initiatives and the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Howard has a relationship with George W. Bush that Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin were never able to strike. In 2005, Australia signed a free-trade agreement with the U.S., joining an elite club of countries that have preferential access to the richest market in the world.

The most important lesson from Canberra is not the closer relationship to Washington. Rather, it is the way that Australia has burnished its credentials as a serious player in Asia and invested in a long-term strategy for commercial and diplomatic success in the region.

Even allowing for geography, Australia has outperformed Canada in a variety of areas.

The Canadians just need to accept that they're a part of the Anglosphere/Axis of Good and not geopolitical virgins.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:59 PM


Long Shot (Ralph Kinney Bennett, 18 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

That Monday night, May 28, 1956, is etched in my memory. School had ended that day, Daylight Savings Time was in full bloom and ancient ritual demanded that even though it was a cloudy and relatively cool day, we boys of Rector, Pa., should go swimming until dark at Devil's Hole, our favorite "deep spot" in the rushing mountain creek a mile above our house. But what about the big game?

Did I say life was good? Our family had recently acquired a then-new and exciting piece of technology -- a transistor portable radio. It was a teal-colored plastic Philco, about the size of a big dictionary, with a convenient gold handle on top.

We sat it on some rocks beside the swimming hole, volume turned to the max, listening to a rasping Bob Prince's play-by-play. The Dodgers had the superb Carl Erskine, who had recently pitched a no-hitter, on the mound. And even before he had to walk out to the hill, Duke Snider smashed a home run, knocking in Junior Gilliam for a two-run lead in the first.

We swam and horsed around, our lips turning blue from the ice cold water. We paused only when Long came to the plate, standing shivering in our dripping trunks around the radio. Long's first time up he grounded out to second. Back to the water. Then, in the fourth inning, Long was at the plate again. The count went to one and one. Erskine fired what he later described as "a good overhand curve. Low and away."

I wish I could say I heard the "crack of the bat." I didn't. Long had poled the ball into the lower deck in right center. The only thing I remember is the roar from that Philco portable. It overwhelmed the little speaker. The plastic grill on the radio vibrated. You couldn't hear the hoarse-voiced Prince, just the long roar that reverberated across the water of Devil's Hole and through the woods. I could hear someone whooping through the open window of a cottage just down stream.

At Forbes Field Bob Skinner tried to take his place in the batter's box. The noise was deafening. Erskine and the other Dodgers and the umpires stood patiently, looking around the park. Every time Skinner tried to step in and let the game continue the roar got louder. He'd step back out with a kind of a shrug and a grin.

Finally, and this was rare in those days, Dale Long stepped out of the dugout and doffed his hat to the delirious crowd. Branch Rickey, former general manager but now an "adviser" to the club said he had never seen anything like that during a game.

The Pirates went on to win 3-2. Long got his eighth home run in the record streak and Bob Friend got his eighth victory. We walked down the dirt road from Devil's Hole in the darkness fiddling with the Philco to hear snatches of the post-game banter. But the batteries were almost worn out. We made up a little chant. "How long can Long go on? How long can Long go on?"

Well, we learned how long the next night. Don Newcombe tamed Dale Long 0 for 4 at the plate, and hit a triple to help his own cause as the Dodgers won. A couple of weeks later, Long hurt his ankle with a fouled off pitch. He slumped and the Pirates, after a heady start, slumped too. They ended the season with 66 wins and 88 losses, in seventh place, 27 games out of first. At least they didn't repeat in the cellar. The Cubs finished eighth. [...]

Dale Long died of cancer in Palm Coast, Fla., January 27, 1991, having seen his record tied but not broken. He had come to know both sides of the old saw that the distance from obscurity to fame is much longer than the distance from fame to obscurity. But his name still shimmers in the flickering light of his one great feat. Each time a run like Mench's or Bonds' takes place I think of him and, frankly, I always hope the now thrice-shared record holds a little longer. And I think of the roar from that old Philco on a spring night half a century ago.

How could his parents come that close but not make his middle name Kiner?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:56 PM


Time to Vaccinate a Panic (John Luik, 18 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

A 2000 survey in Pediatrics reported that 25% of parents had serious concerns about the vaccines given to their children. And significant numbers refused to vaccinate their children, with predictably unfortunate consequences.

In 2000, Ireland, reported 1,603 cases of measles -- 10 times more than the year before. Another surge to 572 cases occurred in 2003. By comparison, the US, with a population 75 times greater, had 86 measles cases in 2000 and 116 in 2003. In Colorado and Oregon where parents concerned about autism are allowed to decline immunization for their children, diseases like whooping cough are already returning. For instance, in 2004, Colorado, a state with just under a 70th of the population, had more than a 10th of the total number of cases of pertussis -- whooping cough -- 1,210 cases.

Autism is a terrible diagnosis for any parent to receive, but however much one sympathizes with parents and their children, the question still is: What is the scientific evidence that thimerosal in vaccines causes autism?

In 2004, the U.S. Institute of Medicine, which had been commissioned by the U.S. government to examine the epidemiological data, along with the idea of whether a connection between thimerosal and vaccines was biologically plausible, concluded that the majority of the evidence "favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal and autism." The evidence that the Institute relied upon consisted of five major epidemiological studies from the US, the UK and Sweden, all completed since 2001, which looked at the links between various vaccines containing thimerosal and autism, and 14 other epidemiological studies that focused on the MMR vaccine and autism.

Two of these studies, both published in 2003, are particularly important since they highlight how weak the case against thimerosal is. The first (Stehr-Green et al "Autism and Thimerosal Containing Vaccines: lack of Consistent Evidence for an Association," AJPM, 2003) compared thimerosal exposure and autism rates in children in Denmark, Sweden and California.

In each jurisdiction, the study found autism rates started to increase from 1985. In Sweden and Denmark the increase continued into the 1990s even though thimerosal was eliminated from vaccines in 1992. Indeed, in Denmark the increases were substantial. Where before 1992 there were about 10 new autism cases per year, by 2000, eight years after all thimerosal had been removed from vaccines, there were 181 cases a year. Similarly, in Sweden, autism rates continued to increase even after thimerosal was removed from vaccines. Because of this lack of a consistent connection between thimerosal and autism, the researchers concluded that the hypothesis that thimerosal caused autism was inconsistent with the scientific evidence.

The second study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Hviid et al., "Association between Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine and Autism," October, 2003), and its results were even more dramatic. Led by Anders Hviid of the Danish Epidemiology Science Center, the researchers examined the medical histories of all children who were born in Denmark from 1990-1996, almost 500,000 children. Thimerosal vaccines had been eliminated in Denmark in mid-1992, so the study was able to examine two groups of children, those who received vaccines with thimerosal from 1990-1992 and those from 1993 onward who did not.

The children who had received vaccines with thimerosal had a non-statistically significant relative risk for autism of 0.85, compared with the thimerosal-free group, which meant that they were 15% less likely to get autism. There was also no dose-response link -- where risk increases with exposure level -- leading the research group to conclude that "the results do not support a causal relationship between childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines and development of autistic-spectrum disorders."

More recent studies, including one in Pediatrics (September 2004) support these conclusions. The Pediatrics article looked at 12 different studies on thimerosal vaccines and autism published from 1966-2004 and concluded: "Studies do no demonstrate a link between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autistic spectrum disorders." Equally interesting, the authors looked at the blood mercury levels found in children after receiving vaccinations and concluded that they did not fall within the toxic range.

Moreover, autism researchers consistently caution that autism is not a single condition but a highly complex group of developmental disorders. There is no agreement on the rate of autism, though two recent reviews have placed it at one case for every 1,000 children. Indeed, it is not even clear whether autism is increasing or whether it is simply being more accurately diagnosed.

Strike the "accurately".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:09 PM


Feingold, Specter Clash Over Gay Marriage (LAURIE KELLMAN, 5/18/06, Associated Press)

A Senate committee approved a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage Thursday, after a shouting match that ended when one Democrat strode out and the Republican chairman bid him "good riddance."

"I don't need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., shouted after Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record) declared his opposition to the amendment, his affinity for the Constitution and his intention to leave the meeting.

"If you want to leave, good riddance," Specter finished. [...]

Amid increasing partisan tension over President Bush's judicial nominees and domestic wiretapping, the panel voted along party lines to send the constitutional amendment — which would prohibit states from recognizing same-sex marriages — to the full Senate, where it stands little chance of passing.

Democrats complained that bringing up the amendment is a purely political move...

Thank goodness the far Right suicide squad didn't lose us the PA Senate seat.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:31 AM


Jaheim - Ghetto Classics (Laura Checkoway, February 20, 2006, Vibe)

Who keeps the streets on smash but also has your mama saying, “Wow, that boy can blow”? Who sings strictly to the ladies but is hard enough for dudes to bump in their rides and not blush? Jaheim is definitely that man.

A young soul with an old voice, Jaheim, with his Ghetto Classics, bridges the uncharted gap between generations with earnest, heartfelt lyrics and vintage vocals that fill the space Luther left.

Ladies, if you don’t know the magic of Jaheim’s music yet, consider yourself warned: He puts us on such a high pedestal that he might make you question why your man doesn’t treat you sweeter. Fellas, you already know from his first two platinum-selling albums (2001’s Ghetto Love and 2002’s Still Ghetto) that there’s no denying these bumping bass lines and thug-love anthems.

If you're looking to get your freak on, obviously there's still nothing that beats a frosty Colt .45, but slappin' on this platter is guaranteed to limber up your home slice too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:22 AM


Wider Briefing for Lawmakers on Spy Efforts (MARK MAZZETTI and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG, 5/18/06, NY Times)

Classified briefings provided to lawmakers on Wednesday about a controversial domestic eavesdropping program have smoothed what might have been a contentious path toward confirmation for Gen. Michael V. Hayden as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, senators and Congressional officials said. [...]

Lawmakers have said that even without Wednesday's briefing, by Lt. Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the current N.S.A. director, the Senate was likely to confirm General Hayden. Yet Wednesday's briefings diminished the prospect that the hearings, before the Senate Intelligence Committee, would become a focus of hostile questions from Democrats and Republicans on the panel who had not been briefed on the program, in which the security agency monitored, without court warrants, the international telephone and e-mail communications of those suspected of having links to terrorists. [...]

One senior Democratic Senate aide, who was granted anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly about his party's strategy, said of Thursday's hearings, "Democrats were much more likely to cause problems if they weren't able to ask knowledgeable questions during the hearing."

Constitutional law isn't secret but none of the Senators asked knowledgeable questions of John Roberts or Sam Alito.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:12 AM


Did chimp and human ancestors interbreed?: DNA analysis indicates that species split was a messy affair, scientists say (Bjorn Carey, 5/17/06, Live Science)

The earliest known ancestors of modern humans might have reproduced with early chimpanzees to create a hybrid species, a new genetic analysis suggests.

Based on the study of human and chimp genomes, the scientists believe the split between the human and chimpanzee lines occurred much more recently than previously thought — no more than 6.3 million years ago and perhaps as recently as 5.4 million years ago.

Human and chimpanzee ancestors began branching apart on the primate evolutionary tree about 9 million years ago, scientists say, but there are significant gaps in the fossil record. The new analysis suggests that a full split, which scientists call speciation, wasn't achieved for nearly 4 million years and might have occurred twice.

You can call a brick a duck but that won't make it float.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:08 AM


Trial by fire: How I learned to stop worrying and love backyard grill (Amy McConnell Schaarsmith, May 18, 2006, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

As the masculine-feminine thing goes, I'm kind of a chick. I mist up over sappy TV commercials, covet sparkly shoes and invest more than my share of disposable income in lipsticks and earrings.

And until last month, I confess I had never operated a grill. Farm life and a well-armed father taught me how to drive a tractor and shoot a shotgun, but cooking over a fire was something I left to the menfolk.

In truth, I was afraid of the grill. I had visions of turning the wrong knob or pressing the wrong button on our gas grill and sparking a fireball that would engulf our home in catastrophic flames.

I tend to worry about such things.

Whereas, for a guy that'd just be a bonus....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:04 AM


These Red Sox Are Idiot-Proof (Thomas Boswell, May 18, 2006, Washington Post)

[W]ith all the change and the continuing search for a new identity, Boston still finds itself in first place. Somehow, these New England dudes abide. Shake them up, shuffle the roster, misplace General Manager Theo Epstein, then coax him back into the fold again and yet, at least for the moment, the Yankees still aren't in front of them. Every day, the way the Red Sox see it, New York seems to find more problems, like Hideki Matsui's broken wrist or Randy Johnson's imitation of The Lost Unit, while the team from Fenway Park learns more about itself and begins to discover its future. [...]

"Communication is the key. Before the '03 season, I started to make a conscious effort," Varitek said. "Terry's right, we'll get a bunch of guys to go out to dinner tomorrow [on a day off]. We've learned that you need to know your teammates better. Get to know them as people. I once heard Bill Russell talk about that," meaning the team unity of the old Celtics.

"But the point really got across to me watching the U.S. women's soccer team [in 1999]. They'd played together so long and knew each other so well. They hung out together and enjoyed playing together. Their communication with each other led to their dominance of their sport," Varitek said. "I listened to Mia Hamm and Brandi Chastain when they were interviewed. Before I ever met Mia [who married Nomar Garciaparra, the former Red Sox shortstop], I knew women tended to be better communicators than men."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:59 AM


Canadian inflation edges up (TAVIA GRANT, 5/18/06, Globe and Mail)

Canadian inflation quickened to a 2.4-per-cent annual pace last month, although cheaper imports sent core prices unexpectedly lower, Statistics Canada said Thursday.

While overall inflation rose on higher gasoline prices, core consumer price inflation – which strips out the eight most volatile items in the index – unexpectedly cooled. Core prices, which have been stable over the past eight months, eased to 1.6 per cent from 1.7 per cent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


Senate Backs Fence, Guest-Worker Curbs: Immigration Bill Gaining Conservative Support (Jonathan Weisman, May 18, 2006, Washington Post)

The Senate voted yesterday to build 370 miles of triple-layered fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border and to block access to a new guest-worker program by lawbreaking illegal immigrants, even those guilty of misdemeanors or ignoring a deportation order.

On a 83 to 16 vote, the Senate backed an amendment by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to fortify 70 miles of existing fences near San Diego and parts of Arizona and to build 300 miles of additional fencing through the Arizona desert. The amendment would also order the immediate construction of 500 miles of vehicle barriers along frontier lands identified as prime entry points for smugglers and illegal immigrants.

Senators approved another provision, 50 to 48, declaring that illegal immigrants seeking a guest-worker permit could not petition for legalization on their own, and instead must be sponsored by an employer.

The votes on the fence and the guest-worker restrictions gave new momentum to the Senate bill among conservatives, but they may further strain a coalition of immigrant rights and civil rights groups that have given Democrats political cover to back the Senate measure.

Which 60%+ of the people support they get, irrespective of the ideologues on either side.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


Barbaro's race to lose at Kentuck Derby (The Associated Press, 5/18/06)

Trainer Steve Klesaris sees the Preakness unfolding this way:

"The only way Barbaro loses is he beats himself," Klesaris said Wednesday at Fair Hill Training Center while his longshot, Diabolical, grazed near Barbaro's barn. "I think he's better than the field. He toyed with them in the Derby."

Not everyone agrees.

If they did betting would be hard.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:12 AM


Nuclear Power Will Drive the Future: Nuclear energy offers numerous benefits and advantages over other sources. (Christine Todd Whitman & Patrick Moore, 5/18/06, Der Spiegel)

From the minute the alarm clock goes off in the morning, our lives are fueled by electricity. We are amazed at the seemingly endless parade of new, life-improving and life-saving technologies. But too little attention is paid to the looming shortage of energy needed to power them. We take for granted that the lights will come on at the flip of a switch.

The Department of Energy projects that the United States will need 45 percent more electricity by 2030. Where is this going to come from? Energy conservation, greater efficiencies in the production of natural gas, oil, coal and hydro power, and a genuine commitment to renewables such as wind, solar, and geothermal power will be needed.

Across America today, companies are reducing their demands for power without slowing their growth, but those efforts won't be enough in and of themselves. We will continue to need a mix of power sources, and nuclear energy must play an increased role in supplying America's growing demand for electricity.

Nuclear energy offers numerous benefits and advantages over other sources.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


CDs may fade away, but vinyl is here to stay (Stuart Eskenazi, 5/18/06, Seattle Times)

When CDs usurped vinyl in the late 1980s as the format of choice, sound quality was a selling point. The ever-clever record companies even encouraged consumers to dump their vinyl and rebuy the same records on CD.

The shiny silver discs could be played over and over without developing the pops and hisses that afflicted overplayed vinyl. And they wouldn't scratch — at least not as easily.

But there was a loss in sound quality that audiophiles could discern. Vinyl, they still insist, sounds warmer.

Comparing CDs to vinyl is like comparing digital photos to film. If a digital photo is blown up large enough, the image is lost and all that remains are a bunch of pixels.

It's similar with sound, says Nauck, a dealer of vintage records. "Music may sound great through an iPod when you're working out in the gym or walking down the street, but when you sit down in a room with a decent sound system and compare the MP3 file to a CD or vinyl record, the sound quality is not even close.

"I suppose it's the dumbing down that we see in every other aspect of our society. People are made to accept an inferior product."

Our best Christmas CD is of Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong with all the static and popping you'd have gotten from a 1960s radio broadcast retained.

Audiophiles Become IPodiophiles (Leander Kahney, May, 16, 2006, Wired)

Old-time audiophiles must be spinning in their soundproof graves. Thanks to hardware modifications and headphone amplifiers, the humble iPod is earning a place at the heart of the most expensive and exacting sound systems.

Veteran audiophiles would scoff. The iPod is relatively inexpensive, costing only a fraction of the $10,000 to $100,000 some will spend on big-rig audio gear. And it is designed to play -- gasp -- compressed audio.

Audiophiles demand only the highest fidelity and detail. For some, digital music in any form, especially highly compressed MP3, is contemptuously unacceptable. To purists, only old-fashioned vinyl platters cut it.

But remarkably, the iPod is exceptionally well engineered, boasting circuitry to rival much more expensive stereo components. And thanks to CD-quality or lossless codecs, not even those blessed with golden ears can detect a recording's source.

"The iPod's measured behavior is better than many CD players," concluded an exhaustive review and performance test in Stereophile magazine, "Excellent, cost-effective audio engineering from an unexpected source."

George Tyshchenko, who runs the testing-oriented HiFiiPod website, said: "The quality of the components used in the iPod are on the same level as low- to medium-priced audiophile gear. From the audio standpoint, iPod makes a very good source. And from a practical standpoint, iPod is revolutionary because the vinyl and CD mediums are now gone."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:46 AM


Back to Kabul with diplomas: A US-based scholarship program for Afghan women graduates its first students. (Stacy A. Teicher, 5/18/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

On May 20, they'll be among the graduates listening to first lady Laura Bush deliver the commencement address at Roger Williams. A supporter of the Initiative to Educate Afghan Women, Mrs. Bush will celebrate these pioneers - some of the first to complete four-year scholarships offered through the initiative. Launched in 2002 by Paula Nirschel, wife of Roger Williams's President Roy Nirschel, it has grown to include 10 American colleges that will sponsor 30 scholars next year.

"We are all extremely committed to returning to Afghanistan, because we want to make sure that the next generation won't face the same problems, such as lack of education and not feeling secure enough," says Sahar, whose family split up for a number of years so that she, like many other girls, could continue her schooling in Pakistan during the Taliban's reign. Families who could not leave but were still devoted to educating their daughters were sometimes able to do so in underground schools in Afghanistan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:42 AM


Backstory: A natural Segway ...: The two-wheeled transporters are making inroads into everyday life - from fishing trips to weddings. (Cristian Lupsa, 5/1/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

The Segway, the enviro-happy machine unveiled to great hype in 2001 only to thud commercially, has made steady, if modest, inroads among early adopters, becoming the stuff of daily life for pockets of enthusiasts from coast to coast. It's used to commute, have fun and, in the case of Segway tour operators, make money.

Segway Inc. won't release sales figures, but Will Hopper, president of the users club SEG America, estimates there are 25,000 to 30,000 "seggers" nationwide, a fraction of the average ballpark crowd.This number doesn't include vehicles sold to police departments (officers look more approachable on Segs), research institutions, and other organizations.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:40 AM


Australia boosts aid to its neighbors: The increase, to $3.1 billion from $1.9 billion, is part of Canberra's sense of responsibility for the Asia-Pacific region. (Janaki Kremmer, 5/18/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

The amount of aid spending will jump to $3.1 billion by 2010, from $1.9 billion. The new spending will channel funds into humanitarian areas in the Asia-Pacific region such as health and education, while sustaining its current aid related to law-and-order projects. Among the few specifics available, the white paper on foreign aid unveiled late last month said that Australia will head an international bid to tackle malaria in the Pacific.

The effort is part of Australia's moves since 9/11 to stake out more clearly Southeast Asia and the Pacific as its sphere of concern and responsibility, say analysts, who see in the new humanitarian focus a more comprehensive approach to fostering stability, development, and goodwill.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 AM


America: An ode to immigrants (RAY BRADBURY, May 17, 2006, Opinion Journal)

We are the dream that other people dream.

2006 All-USA High School Academic First Team (USA Today, 5/18/06)

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:19 AM


The monkeys who can speak in sentences (Roger Highfield, The Telegraph, May 18th, 2006)

The first evidence that monkeys string "words" together to say more complicated things, as humans do, is published today by scientists.

Simple vocal languages use a different sound for every different meaning. But there is a limit to the range of sounds that can be made and easily distinguished. So for complicated messages it is more efficient to combine basic sounds in different ways to convey different meanings.

A team at the University of St Andrews reports today in the journal Nature that male putty-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans) in West Africa can combine different sounds to construct new messages, a remarkable discovery.

During three years of observations of the monkeys in the Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria, Dr Kate Arnold and Dr Klaus Zuberbühler found that the creatures use their two main call types - "pyows" and "hacks" - to warn each other against predators.

They also noticed that a particular sequence of calls appeared to mean something else entirely when strung together, depending on the circumstances. A string of pyows warns against a loitering leopard, while a burst of hacks indicates a hovering crowned eagle. But a sentence made up of several pyows followed by a few hacks tells the group to move to safer terrain.[...]

"These calls were not produced randomly and a number of distinct patterns emerged," she said. "The pyow-hack sequence means something like 'let's go' whereas the pyows by themselves have multiple functions and the hacks are generally used as alarm calls."

Boy, St Andrew’s is sure on a roll this month. It’s too early to confirm yet, but the full study is expected to show five pyows followed by three hacks means “Hey, let’s build a cathedral!”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:15 AM


2 Immigration Provisions Easily Pass Senate (CARL HULSE and JIM RUTENBERG, 5/18/06, NY Times)

Another Republican, J. D. Hayworth of Arizona, said of the divide between House Republicans and the White House over citizenship and temporary foreign workers, "This is a polite but profound disagreement." [...]

On Wednesday night, President Bush took his case to an influential group of party faithful during a speech at the Republican National Committee's annual gala dinner in Washington.

"The Republican Party needs to lead on this issue of immigration," Mr. Bush said. "The immigration system is not working, and we need to do something about it now. America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society."

Mr. Hayworth, an outspoken critic of the president's approach, planned to travel to Arizona on Air Force One with Mr. Bush on Thursday for an immigration event. Mr. Hayworth, who attended the signing of the tax bill on Wednesday, said the president had offered a playful warning about the trip and Mr. Hayworth's opposition.

"He said, 'Hey, be careful over by the emergency exit at 30,000 feet,' " Mr. Hayworth recounted.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:09 AM


MPs extend Afghan mission (Mike Blanchfield, National Post, May 18th, 2006)

The House of Commons supported a Conservative motion to extend Canada's military mission to Afghanistan by two years, handing Stephen Harper a narrow victory with a 149-145 vote that came late last night.

The outcome of the vote was in doubt all evening, with MPs from all three opposition parties speaking out against the Tory plan to extend the Afghan mission through to 2009 without providing further details about what the extension would mean for the Canadian Forces.

"I'm obviously pleased," Mr. Harper said last night, "though the vote was a lot closer than we expected it would be even 24 hours ago."

The Prime Minister said three of the four parties in the Commons had supported Canada's involvement in Afghanistan, so he was surprised to learn the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and many Liberals voted against the extension.

Earlier, Mr. Harper had vowed to extend the mission by one year, regardless of the outcome of the vote.

"So what we would do is proceed cautiously for a year.... If we believe we need to go further than that, we will seek a mandate from the Canadian people."

The often-acrimonious debate, scheduled for six hours, started less than an hour after Canadian politicians learned of the death of Captain Nichola Goddard near Kandahar, the 17th Canadian and first woman killed in Afghanistan.[...]

During the debate, Mr. Harper provided several new details of Canada's future involvement in Afghanistan, including revealing that Canada had been asked to assume command of NATO forces in Afghanistan for one year starting in February, 2008.

Mr. Harper also announced that Canada would boost its aid funding to Afghanistan by $310-million, raising its contribution to almost $1-billion by 2011, and he promised to build a more fortified embassy in Kabul that could serve Canada's interests for 15 years.

A nice welcome for John Howard. With this coup, Harper effectively takes away the ability of the left to politicize every death, which is especially dangerous for him in Quebec, where he is popular but the war is not. Perhaps it is atonement for past sins, but despite the closeness of the vote it is surprising how widespread support/resignation for all this is among Canadians, if only in that hand-wringing, fussy Canadian way. Morale in the military is soaring and even many in the MSM left seem to understand what cowardice is.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:04 AM


France's de Villepin May not Be Out, But He's Definitely Down: French Prime Minister de Villepin may have survived a vote of no confidence but his own party has turned its back on him - more than just a few members failed to show up for what could have been a public show of solidarity. (Stefan Simons, 5/18/06, Der Spiegel)

His government is entangled in a spiteful internicine battle and he's already been on the ropes after weeks of new revelations in the Clearstream scandal. Now, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has also been disavowed by his own party.

On Tuesday, de Villepin was put up for a vote of no confidence in the French parliament, the Assemblee Nationale. It came as no surprise that the prime minister survived the vote -- after all, his party, the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), has an absolute majority in parliament with 369 of the 577 seats. In the end, just 190 parliamentarians sided with the Socialists.

But despite his success, Villepin is a wounded man: instead of a demonstration of solidarity amidst the public display of mistrust, more than just a few UMP seats were left vacant in the crescent of the national assembly -- and some parliamentarians even left the room as the prime minister approached the podium. Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie and de Villepin's toughest rival within the party, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, arrived late at Bourbon Palace.

Just getting rid of him will be nice, but one would rather send him canoeing with Lewis Medlock.

May 17, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 PM


Gadhafi's Leap of Faith: Libya's strongman feared appearing weak. (JUDITH MILLER, May 17, 2006, Opinion Journal)

And there was the map problem. "I wanted a detailed, but nonclassified, map of the country," said Mr. Mahley. "But there was none in the entire U.S. government." Mr. Mahley said that nothing he had done before, including commanding two companies in Vietnam, facing down the Russians over arms-control disputes, or negotiating the germ and chemical weapons treaties in Geneva, was as complicated as dismantling Libya's WMD infrastructure in less than four months between January and April 2004.

Several things surprised him: first, the relatively small number of Libyans involved in the WMD programs. "Though the Libyans I dealt with were knowledgeable, dedicated, and innovative," he said, "there was almost no bench." "The same six people--most of them American-educated--did almost everything," said Harry L. Heintzelman IV, senior adviser on noncompliance. A second lesson was how relatively easy it was to hide elements of a WMD program, even in an open desert, "if there is a national dedication to do so," Mr. Mahley wrote in a "Lessons Learned" paper for an arms-control newsletter.

"Tony" Sylvester Ryan, known as "Chemical Tony" to distinguish him from the team's other Tony who helped dismantle banned missiles, recalled being taken to a place they wound up calling the "turkey farm." Other officials said that the site, previously unknown to U.S. intelligence, was where Libyans had hidden unfilled chemical bombs and where they were going to set up centrifuges to enrich uranium. Libya, Mr. Ryan said, came clean in stages: "They'd start by saying 'I think we have only 1,500 unfilled bombs,' and by the end of the visit, they'd acknowledge having stored about 3,000. But we never would have found the place at all if the Libyans hadn't shown it to us."

Team members were also struck by the extent to which sanctions had complicated Libya's hunt for unconventional weapons, especially biological. Though U.S. intelligence officials still debate whether Libya has disclosed all aspects of its early effort to make or acquire germ weapons--in particular, how much help, if any, was provided by Wouter Basson, head of South Africa's illicit germ-warfare program under apartheid--sanctions apparently helped dissuade Col. Gadhafi from building an indigenous program. "The program, if you can call it that, just kind of fizzled out," said a member of the British-led biological team that first toured suspect Libyan sites and interviewed some 25 scientists during a two-week trip in the late spring of 2004.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:13 PM


Howard's new best friend (David Nason, The Australian, May 18th, 2006)

John Howard will take great comfort knowing that when he arrives in Canada today for an official state visit, he'll be meeting a like-minded Prime Minister who has already demonstrated his new friendship.

Despite damning evidence of AWB's illegal kickbacks to Saddam Hussein under the UN's former oil-for-food program in Iraq, Stephen Harper's new Government hasn't uttered a word of criticism. This despite Canada being the first to sound a warning about the situation and missing out on valuable wheat contracts because it wouldn't pay the same bribes as Australia.

Howard has been to Canada only once in his 10 years as PM but will be the first foreign leader to visit Ottawa since Harper's Conservative Party won office in January. Notably, the visit comes in the same week Harper's Government, the first Tory administration in Canada for 13 years, passes 100 days in office.

Given that political lessons learned from Howard's four election victories in Australia played a big part in Harper's defeat of former Liberal Party prime minister Paul Martin, a love-in of rare ideological passion is expected when the new kid on the Tory block meets the old hand from down under.

At 46, Harper is 20 years younger than Howard, but it's about all that sets them apart. Both men entered parliament aged 34 and both are socially conservative free marketers who believe in family, individual enterprise and the US alliance. A strong Christian ethic underscores their beliefs.

Meanwhile, the left simmers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:06 PM

Ed Driscoll on perhaps the only assassin who's ever mattered.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:11 PM

GO (via Tom Morin):

Don't Talk to the Mullahs: Bush should respond to Ahmadinejad's letter, but he should speak directly to the Iranian people. (Christopher Hitchens, May 17, 2006, Slate)

Bear in mind that almost all Iranians are now within reach of a satellite dish, a cell phone, or a foreign broadcast—and that we have a talented and resourceful Iranian diaspora in Europe and North America. The president could have added two things. The first is that, since Western technology helped to build the Iranian reactors in the first place, there is no need for Iran to go pirating for centrifuges and other techniques on the black market as it has repeatedly been caught doing. If a peaceful nuclear program is truly what it wants, we alone can help maintain and enhance it. The second is that Iran is standing on a cobweb network of earthquake "faults" that will, with absolute certainty, produce yet another devastating chain of earthquakes in the next few years. (So awful is this predicament that, after the total destruction of the city of Bam in 2003, even the mullahs considered removing the wildly overcrowded and dysfunctional capital city from Tehran to Esfahan.) American aid workers performed beautifully in Bam and were very well-received by the inhabitants. And only the United States could help Iran to design some system of preparation against the seismic horror that impends and that will now be still more apocalyptic as it affects secret reactors and covert uranium-enrichment facilities in deep caverns. Humanitarian duty thus matches international responsibility, and the mullahs have meanwhile squandered, on their pointless and dangerous nuclear program, what they ought to have been investing in social self-defense. I predict that there could be a very serious and attentive Iranian audience for such an offer, which is one that we ought to be making anyway.

This is no longer a matter of "public diplomacy" or "image" or "making nice." A wrecked Iran in one form or another is an immediate and urgent danger, and the pathetic religious demagogue at its merely titular summit is of no more significance than a false prophet screeching in a real wilderness. Almost everything that went wrong in Iraq went wrong because we postponed the real decisions until it was almost too late. President Bush has a chance to redeem this by speaking directly to the Iranian people and the international community and bypassing the wicked men who have run a noble country into a swamp of beggary, violence, crime, corruption, and disaster.

Forget broadcasts, go there, as Reagan went to Moscow.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:03 PM


Gov's clout list hundreds long (CHRIS FUSCO AND DAVE MCKINNEY, May 17, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

Gov. Blagojevich's office kept a clout list of hundreds of state employees recommended by lobbyists, lawmakers and major fund-raisers -- despite the governor's repeated statements that politics doesn't influence state hiring.

The computerized list obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times was created and stored off state property, a source said, and the administration used it to track favors it handed out if Blagojevich needed something in return from the employees' patrons -- a charge the governor's office vehemently denied.

The political sponsors on the 2003 list include top Blagojevich fund-raisers Antoin "Tony" Rezko and Christopher G. Kelly, identified as "TR," "CK10" and "CK."

Other patrons of those hired include Al Ronan ("AR"), a lobbyist whose former firm was convicted in a bid-rigging scheme; Blagojevich's now estranged father-in-law, Chicago Ald. Richard Mell ("RFM" and "Mell"), and a host of other insiders whose spouses and children wound up on the state payroll.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:55 PM


Trained to go on vacation (KEN HOFFMAN, 5/16/06, Houston Chronicle)

This year, I did it old school. Instead of flying from city to city and spending half my vacation (and half my budget) getting to and getting on airplanes, I took the train everywhere, just like I used to. [....]

With a train pass, you don't even have to pre-program your trip. Just show up at a train station, check out the big departure board, and go wherever the mood strikes you. That's what I did. [...]

Unlike with planes, there are no weather delays on a train. They go. And they run on time. Trains also don't leave the station, roll 100 yards and then sit there for two hours as planes do with passengers trapped like prisoners.

The best thing about train travel in Europe is that the stations are in the middle of downtown. You don't have to set out two hours early in an expensive taxi to get to the airport. You just show up a few minutes before the train leaves and hop on. Mr. Friendly Conductor will show you to your seat.

It doesn't take an hour to get from the airport to downtown when you land, either. You're already where you're going.

Plus there are wonderful, inexpensive eating places across the street from train stations. My friend had a giant gyro with extra sauce and grease outside the train station in Rome that he's still burping and talking about. [...]

Babies sleep like a baby on trains. On planes, they cry.

By taking a night train, you save money on hotels, which are very expensive in Europe.

Here's one I can't explain: People get off a train in 30 seconds — no time at all. On a plane, it takes forever. There's always that one guy who can't get his bag out of the overhead compartment and just stands there blocking the aisle. That guy should be put on the terrorist watch list.

Another way the train beats the plane: On a train, you are in control of your luggage. It's never out of your sight. It's all carry-on, no matter how big your suitcase.

Sometimes with a plane, it's bye-bye luggage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:51 PM


"Voltaire and Erasmus Are Spinning in their Graves" (Henryk M. Broder, May 17, 2006, Der Spiegel)

Holland's most famous immigrant -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali -- has been stripped of her citizenship overnight following television revelations about news that's long been public: she lied a little on her application for asylum years ago. The controversial decision by the country's immigration minister has sparked outrage, and many are calling it a dark day for Dutch democracy.

Dark? Think of it as a whitening...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:42 PM


From Kennedy’s Cold War to the War on Terror: Gareth Jenkins looks for continuities in American foreign policy from the 1960s to the 2000s. (Gareth Jenkins, June 2006, History Today)

'The United States is in the early years of a long struggle, similar to what our country faced in the early years of the Cold War. The 20th century witnessed the triumph of freedom over the threats of fascism and communism. Yet a new totalitarian ideology now threatens, an ideology grounded not in secular philosophy but in the perversion of a proud religion.’
--US National Security Strategy, March 2006

The US invasion of Iraq of 2003 is viewed by many as a historical watershed, as ushering in a new era in which the world’s only superpower feels unconstrained in resorting to pre-emptive military action to achieve its strategic goals. For the first time in more than half a century the term imperialism has regained common currency, and there is renewed interest in understanding the European scramble for colonies in the late nineteenth century.

No doubt the period we are entering does in many ways mark a new historical phase. Global power relations are accommodating rapidly to new economic realities – the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the rise of China and India and the emergence of structural weaknesses in the US economy. Nevertheless, as George Bush recently reminded us, there are many continuities with the past half century of the American exercise of power.

There have been continual assaults on the sovereignty of Third World countries, backed by covert and overt military interventions, throughout the period since the Cold War was launched. [...]

The ideological underpinnings of America’s projection of its global power are very different today from what they were in Kennedy’s time. During the Cold War, Washington could at least point to an enemy that controlled a huge state armed with nuclear weapons. Today one is asked to believe that life as we know it is threatened from a cave in Afghanistan, or by Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction that no one could find, or by a civil nuclear programme in Iran that could, one day perhaps, morph into a military programme.

The ideological underpinnings never waver, only the enemies of that ideology do:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:14 PM


Oil Spiel: President Bush says Americans guzzle too much petroleum, and James Howard Kunstler would certainly agree. But the flamethrowing author of The Long Emergency—a wickedly entertaining and terrifying look into a future without cheap fuel—thinks the world isn't doing nearly enough to get ready, and nobody is safe from his wrath. (John Galvin, May 2006, Outside)

"You're not going to run Walt Disney World and the interstate highway system on ethanol or hemp! Or biodiesel! Or hydrogen! Or solar power, or all of them together," booms the man at the podium in the conservative khaki suit. "That isn't going to happen!" he continues in a staccato blast of invective. "We are going to have to make other ar-range-ments for how we live!"

James Howard Kunstler, a stout, bald 57-year-old author from Saratoga Springs, New York, is in the throes of his modern-day hydrocarbon jeremiad. He's pacing. He's yelling. He's livid. And just in case you missed his point, he's jabbing his fingers downward to show the direction of things to come.

America, Kunstler argues, is about to become one fantastically miserable place. Why? Because our entire standard of living is propped up by cheap oil, and the days of cheap oil are over. "No combination of alternative fuels is going to allow us to run the United States the way we've been used to running it," he tells the Dallas crowd. And though tonight he'll resist calls to pinpoint when the nightmare will begin, he's told the online environmental magazine that "we're going to be feeling the pain" in as little as three years, and suburban collapse might start in ten.

Sounds preposterous, on the face of it.

But, when you dig a little deeper, when has a Malthusian ever been wrong?

Posted by kevin_whited at 11:18 AM


The new power behind Osama's throne (Syed Saleem Shahzad, Asia Times, 5/17/2006)

Whether he is viewed as a living legend for jihadis or as a reviled terrorist, the mere mention of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's name provokes strong reactions, and is an invaluable tool in the propaganda war between the two sides.

On the ground, though, at least in the rugged Hindu Kush mountains that span Pakistan and Afghanistan, the reality is that bin Laden, while remaining a source of inspiration in the anti-West struggle, is acknowledged as no longer being in command of al-Qaeda's operations.

Maybe because he's dead?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:57 AM


Critic of Islam to quit Holland after lies are exposed (David Rennie, The Telegraph, May 16th, 2006)

Holland's most strident critic of Islam, the Somali-born MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is today expected to announce she is quitting politics and moving to America, amid allegations that she lied to gain asylum.

Miss Hirsi Ali faces penalties up to and including the potential loss of her Dutch citizenship, after a leading member of her own political party, the VVD, pledged a formal investigation of her actions.

The Dutch immigration minister, Rita Verdonk, who is running for the parliamentary leadership of the VVD, said she would order a probe of her colleague's case, saying: "Laws and rules are valid for everyone".

Miss Hirsi Ali, 36, lives under constant police guard, after receiving death threats for her criticisms of the treatment of women in Islam (her own religion), a stance that won her many fans in Europe and America.

A film she scripted about abuse of women, Submission, led to the brutal murder of its director, Theo van Gogh, in 2004, by a Muslim extremist.

The MP has in fact long admitted lying to the Dutch authorities in 1992 about her name, her age, and the fact that she did not flee directly to Holland from Somalia.

She presented those omissions as necessary lies to obtain refugee status. Asylum seekers are expected to seek shelter in the first safe country they come to, and she would have been automatically deported if she had owned up to spending more than a decade outside Somalia, in Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Kenya and, briefly, Germany.

She obtained Dutch citizenship in 1997, and was elected to parliament in 2003.

However, the controversy has been stoked by a television documentary last week, which showed members of her own family striking at the very heart of her dramatic life story - her claim that she fled a forced marriage to a cousin she had never met.

Relatives, including her brother, said she had not been forced into marriage, and had nothing to fear. The documentary showed images of her family's comfortable middle-class home in Kenya.

Miss Hirsi Ali, who cut short a book tour in America to return to Holland and address the media storm, is expected to announce she is moving to Washington DC, to take up a post at the neo-conservative think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute, the newspaper De Volkskrant reported.

Self-reference alert. In the early 1990's I was trying to establish a law practice and did low-paid duty once a week at a legal-aid clinic. At the time, Canada and Ottawa were receiving a large and very visible number of refugees from war torn Somalia, which was applauded by a left flying full tranzi colours and viewed by many conservatives like me as dangerous madness. At my first clinic, I was asked by a Somali who could barely speak English to help him prepare and swear an affidavit he needed to get him into night school at university. They wanted proof he had graduated from high school, but his school had been destroyed in the war, the staff was dead or dispersed and there was no effective government, so obtaining proof was impossible. Much moved by his tale, I happily fulfilled his request.

I was only slightly less moved when two hours later another Somali told me the same tale about a different school, but after several months, I had heard the tale so many times about so many schools that I thought about preparing a template. I accommodated them all, as my job was simply to attest to their oaths and there was no basis for refusing because their stories mirrored those of so many others, but the experience made me contemptuous and certainly fueled my prejudices. I harboured these in sanctimonious secrecy for several more years until I began to notice that, far from being the socio-economic burden I feared and expected, Somali kids were starting to win all the school prizes and Somalis were proving to be far more pleasant, informed and diligent in stores than the clueless young native-born Canadians who seemed irritated that you were bothering them and appeared never to have been taught the word “thank-you”. The story isn’t trouble-free–immigration never is-- but that the city has been enriched by the hard-working Somalis is plain for all but the wilfully blind to see.

One young boy of Somali immigrants plays on my son’s hockey team, which I coach. He is smaller than his team mates and more enthusiastic than talented, but he plays his heart out, is unfailingly cheerful and does whatever is asked of him. His entire family comes to all games, including his mother and sisters in traditional dress. The other night he scored our winning goal and the sheer innocent pride and joy he and his family expressed was a wonder to behold.

I will never know, but I would sure like to believe I swore his father’s ridiculous affidavit many years ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


Something new: Tigers atop AL Central (AP, 5/17/06)

Brandon Inge isn't going to give Jim Leyland all of the credit for the Detroit Tigers' surprising rise to first place.

Just most of it.

Detroit's 7-4 win over Minnesota on Tuesday night, combined with Chicago's loss to Tampa Bay, lifted the Tigers into a first-place tie with the White Sox in the American League Central. The Tigers, who have won five straight, have not been in first place this late in the season since 1993.

"A lot of us were on that team that lost 119 games in 2003, and we fought hard to keep it to that many," Inge said. "We used to dream about getting to .500, and now we're looking at first place. This is an incredible turnaround."

It helps that the Central is so much weaker than folks thought it would be, but the Tigers are legitimately one of the two or three best teams in baseball and will stay there if their young pitchers hold up.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 AM

The number is much higher for straight men.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


Center ties hate crimes to border debate (Kevin Johnson, 5/16/2006, USA TODAY)

Tension over illegal immigration is contributing to a rise in hate groups and hate crimes across the nation, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. It says that racist groups are using the immigration debate as a rallying cry.

The center — an Alabama-based non-profit organization that tracks racist, anti-immigrant and other extremist groups — says in a new report that there were 803 such hate groups in the USA last year, up from 762 in 2004 and a 33% jump since 2000.

The center's report says the national debate that has focused on Hispanic immigration has been "the single most important factor" in spurring activity among hate groups and has given them "an issue with real resonance."

The debate over immigration "has been critical to the growth of the hate movement," says Mark Potok, editor of the center's quarterly report on extremists. "More and more groups are turning to immigration to help recruitment."

Hopefully it won't take another Oklahoma City to shock folks out of their flirtation with white separatism this time.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:17 AM


Early viewers pan 'Da Vinci Code' (CNN, 5/17/06)

[W]hile not planning a protest or boycott, members of the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation expressed unhappiness with the film's heavy, a monk-assassin, being an albino, as described in the book.

Michael McGowan, an albino who heads the organization, said "The Da Vinci Code" will be the 68th movie since 1960 to feature an evil albino.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM


‘Da Vinci’ critics crack the Code: It stinks (Stephen Schaefer, May 17, 2006, Boston Herald)

It may be the buzz movie of the season, but most of the buzz was bad last night when “The Da Vinci Code” premiered for an audience of journalists and VIPs at the opening of the 59th Cannes Film Festival.

Ron Howard’s $125 million adaptation of Dan Brown’s controversial bestseller was shrouded in secrecy until yesterday’s screenings here and in Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles.

Maybe Columbia Pictures was worried about the reaction. It’s not a good sign when your film’s big revelatory moment is greeted with laughter. “It’s not really interesting,” groused one critic leaving the theater here. “The plot is in some ways ridiculous and the laughter was justified.”


Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 AM


New Medicare Drug Plan Is Called a Success: Officials Cite Significant Rise In Coverage (Amy Goldstein and Shailagh Murray, May 17, 2006, Washington Post)

Hours after the deadline for older Americans to sign up for Medicare drug benefits, President Bush's top health advisers yesterday rushed out a preliminary tally that they said shows 90 percent of the 42.5 million eligible people have federal or other kinds of coverage for medicine -- including at least 1 million who enrolled during a final blitz in the past week.

Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt announced that, based on "very good estimates," 38 million elderly and disabled people have gotten drug coverage through the new Medicare benefit, an employer or another government health program.

Leavitt praised the six-month enrollment process, which ended at midnight Monday, as "a remarkable American moment . . . sort of a de Toqueville moment."

Now you can give the slackers a second chance.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 AM


Immigration Proposals Pass Test In Senate: Guest-Worker And Citizenship Provisions Survive (Jonathan Weisman and Jim VandeHei, May 17, 2006, Washington Post)

A fragile Senate coalition backing a broad overhaul of the nation's immigration laws survived its first legislative test yesterday, beating back efforts to gut provisions to grant millions of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship and hundreds of thousands of foreigners a new guest-worker permit.

But President Bush's efforts to win House conservatives to his immigration proposals still faced an uphill climb. A day after a prime-time televised address to the nation, Bush continued to make his case yesterday that immigration legislation must be comprehensive -- tightening control of the borders, offering a new temporary guest-worker visa to foreign workers, and offering most illegal immigrants a path to lawful employment and citizenship.

They can do it or the next House will.

May 16, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:54 PM


It's Not What Snow Doesn't Say, It's How He Doesn't Say It (Dana Milbank, May 17, 2006, Washington Post)

It began as the Tony Snow show. It turned out more like "Oprah."

The new White House press secretary gave his first televised briefing yesterday, and the former Fox News commentator was dispatching questioners with a sprightly blend of barbs, colloquialisms and one-liners. Then a local TV reporter in the back asked why Snow was wearing a yellow wristband.

"It's going to sound stupid, and I'll be personal here," Snow, a survivor of colon cancer, said of his Lance Armstrong bracelet. Then he choked up. Unable to speak, he raised his hand, gripped the lectern and drummed his fingers while 10 seconds of silence passed. "Having gone through this last year," he continued, and then he lapsed into another silence. Finally, he added: "It was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Nine more seconds of awkward silence followed as Snow struggled to regain his composure. "It's my Ed Muskie moment," he quipped, and the briefing room filled with laughter.

It was the pinnacle of a boffo debut by Snow. Reporters leaving the 40-minute session would discover that, like his predecessors, Snow had imparted no useful information to them. But he had done it in a far more entertaining manner.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:36 PM


Plants Bad for the Environment? Celebrities Causing Frogs to Croak? (Steven Milloy, January 16, 2006,

Could it be that celebrities are planting the forests that are causing the global warming that is growing the bacteria that are wiping out the frogs?

Global warming alarmists may be compelled to consider that chain of causation this week thanks to two new studies just published in the Jan. 12 issue of the journal Nature .

In the first study, Max Planck Institute researchers reported their discovery that living plants emit into the atmosphere methane (natural gas), the third most important greenhouse gas behind water vapor and carbon dioxide.

Until this discovery, scientists thought the methane in the atmosphere was largely produced by bacterial processes not involving oxygen. But the Max Planck researchers report that living plants -- two-thirds of which are in tropical rainforest regions -- produce 10 to 30 percent of annual global methane production.

The implications of this study are stunning. Previously, it was thought that the net effect of growing plants was to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and, therefore, to reduce global warming. But in the words of New Zealand climate researcher David Lowe, “We now have the specter that new forests might increase greenhouse warming through methane emissions rather than decrease it by being sinks for carbon dioxide.”

The discovery also implies that deforestation -- that is, cutting down trees -- slows methane accumulation in the atmosphere and, as a consequence, reduces global warming.

This is all bad news for the movie and rock stars -- including Leonardo DiCaprio, the Foo Fighters, Dido, and Simply Red to name a few -- who have decided to plant “All Celebrity Forests” in hopes of offsetting their personal carbon dioxide emissions in order to avoid contributing to global warming.

And the news seems to get worse for these so-called “carbon neutral” celebrities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:23 PM


Thank you, my foolish friends in the West: Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is only the latest dictator-in-waiting to bask in adulation from western 'progressives' (Ian Buruma, 5/25/06, Times of London)

When the Cuban novelist Reinaldo Arenas managed to escape to the US in 1980, after years of persecution by the Cuban government for being openly homosexual and a dissident, he said: “The difference between the communist and capitalist systems is that, although both give you a kick in the ass, in the communist system you have to applaud, while in the capitalist system you can scream. And I came here to scream.”

One of the most vexing things for artists and intellectuals who live under the compulsion to applaud dictators is the spectacle of colleagues from more open societies applauding of their own free will. It adds a peculiarly nasty insult to injury.

Stalin was applauded by Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Mao was visited by a constant stream of worshippers from the West, some of whose names can still produce winces of disgust in China. Castro has basked for years in the adulation of such literary stars as Jose Saramago and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Even Pol Pot found favour among several well-known journalists and academics.

Last year a number of journalists, writers and showbiz figures, including Harold Pinter, Nadine Gordimer, Harry Belafonte and Tariq Ali, signed a letter claiming that in Cuba “there has not been a single case of disappearance, torture or extra-judicial execution since 1959 . . .”

Arenas was arrested in 1973 for “ideological deviation”. He was tortured and locked up in prison cells filled with floodwater and excrement, and threatened with death if he didn’t renounce his own writing. Imagine what it must be like to be treated like this and then read about your fellow writers in the West standing up for your oppressors.

None of this is news, and would hardly be worth dredging up if the same thing were not happening once more. Hugo Chavez, the elected strongman of Venezuela, is the latest object of adulation by western “progressives” who return from jaunts in Caracas with stars in their eyes.

It was actually more discordant when the Left praised Mr. Arenas than when they praise Castro and Chavez, who are, after all, perfect egalitarians.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 PM


Blogging the Bible: What happens when an ignoramus reads the Good Book? (David Plotz, May 16, 2006, Slate)

I have always been a proud Jew, but never a terribly observant one. Several weeks ago, I made a rare visit to synagogue for a cousin's bat mitzvah and, as usual, found myself confused (and bored) by a Hebrew service I couldn't understand. During the second hour of what would be a ceremony of NFL-game-plus-overtime-length, I picked up the Torah in the pew-back, opened it at random, and started reading (the English translation, that is).

I was soon engrossed in a story I didn't know, Genesis Chapter 34. It begins with the rape of Jacob's daughter Dinah by Shechem, the son of a local chief named Hamor. Shechem and Hamor visit Jacob and his brothers to resolve the mess. Hamor begs on Shechem's behalf: Shechem loves Dinah, he says, and yearns to marry her. Hamor and Shechem offer to share their land with Jacob's family and pay any bride price if only Dinah would be Shechem's wife.

Jacob's sons pretend to agree to this proposal, but they insist that Shechem and all the other men of his town get circumcised before the marriage. Shechem and his father accept the demand. They and their fellow townsmen get circumcised. Three days after the circumcision, "when they were in pain," Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi (who are Dinah's full brothers) enter the town, murder all the men, and take Dinah away. After this slaughter, Jacob's other sons plunder the town, seize the livestock and property, and take the women and children as slaves. Jacob, who hasn't said a word in the chapter till now, complains to Simeon and Levi that other neighboring tribes won't trust him anymore. "But they answered, 'Should our sister be treated like a whore?' "

This is not a story they taught me at Temple Sinai's Hebrew School in 1980: The founding fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel lie, breach a contract, encourage pagans to convert to Judaism only in order to incapacitate them for slaughter, murder some innocents and enslave others, pillage and profiteer, and then justify it all with an appeal to their sister's defiled honor. (Which, incidentally, may not have been defiled at all: Some commentators, their views dramatized in Anita Diamant's The Red Tent, think Dinah went with Shechem willingly, and even the language in the two translations I looked at is ambiguous. One says Shechem "lay with her by force," while the King James say he "lay with her, and defiled her.")

Sadly that's about the level of understanding you'd expect, that her honor depends on her whims.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:14 PM


Tribal language added to highway signs (Montana News Station)

Highway signs informing motorists they are near Crow Agency now have the town's name in the Crow language, as well as English.

The Crow word is Baaxuwuaashe (bah-hoo-AH'-juh). Crow speakers say that translates to "flour mill."

Four Crow signs were put in place early this year, at a cost of about three-thousand dollars.

In western Montana, the Confederated Salish (SAY'-lish) and Kootenai (KOOT'-nee) Tribes expect to display some traditional words for place names, as well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:10 PM


Confessions of the removal man (Philip Johnston, 17/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

Immigration control was denounced as a mockery yesterday after Whitehall officials disclosed that those overstaying illegally are not pursued "as individuals" and hundreds of thousands of National Insurance numbers are given to foreign nationals without any check on their status.

MPs on the all-party Commons home affairs committee were flabbergasted to hear from senior civil servants that no records were kept on people whose applications to stay in Britain were turned down after months or even years of expensive legal wrangling.

Dave Roberts, who holds the title Director, Enforcement and Removals, at the Immigration and Nationality Directorate, "had not the faintest idea" how many people were here illegally.

Folks who think they want the kind of government that would forcibly remove people who fled to their country seeking a better life need to move to the sorts of country those poor souls fled, though that's not a formula they can likely comprehend.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:10 PM

This can't be what C.S. Lewis meant.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:58 PM


IEA could cover cutoff of Iran oil for 4 years -DoE (Chris Baltimore, 5/16/06, Reuters)

The 26 countries that belong to the International Energy Agency could cover any disruption in Iran's crude oil exports for more than four years, a U.S. Energy Department official said on Tuesday.

"When you take all of the stocks that all of the countries hold together in the IEA, we have the ability to meet a complete shutoff of Iranian oil for over four years," Karen Harbert, assistant secretary for policy and international affairs at the Energy Department, said at a hearing before a House Government Reform Committee panel.

Demonstrating that today's prices are a function of speculation, not supply.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 PM



The American policy of absorbing the small shocks administered by the Islamic Republic allowed Tehran to maintain its anti-U.S. posture at minimal cost to itself. But the policy was not cost free. Washington's refusal to recognize the Khomeinist regime as a legitimate member of the international community has cost Tehran dearly. For almost three decades, Iran has been shut out of the global capital market and prevented from normal access to the fruits of scientific and technological progress. The Islamic Republic's persistent economic failure must, at least in part, be imputed to the U.S. boycott.

Nowhere is the cost of the so-called "War against the Infidel" more apparent than in Iran's oil industry. Projections made in 1977 envisaged the Iranian oil off-take to reach a daily capacity of 6.5 million barrels, with another 1.5 million available as emergency reserves. The capacity of the Kharg terminal, the chief export facility for Iranian oil, was increased from 5.5 million barrels a day to 8 million.

But lack of investment, and the virtual impossibility of accessing highly complex technology, has meant a steady decline. Today, the Islamic Republic produces something like 3.8 million barrels a day - a level Iran had surpassed in 1973.

Worse still, Iran has become an importer of petroleum products. [...]

Against that background, it would not be hard to see that the Islamic Republic has been the bigger loser in the low-intensity war it has waged against the United States. The U.S. is now four times richer, in constant dollars, than it was in 1979. Iran, however, is almost 50 percent poorer.

The Islamic Republic has succeeded in securing a foothold in Lebanon, through the Hezballah, and in the Palestinian territories through Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It also has allies in Iraq, Afghanistan and among the Shiite communities in the Gulf. Politically and diplomatically, however, the Islamic Republic today is more isolated than in 1979.

The United States, on the other hand, has made a spectacular incursion in what could be regarded as Iran's geopolitical habitat in West and Central Asia, the Caspian Basin, Transcaucasia and the Middle East. The Americans are now militarily present in all but two of Iran's 15 neighboring countries.

In a sense, the war that the Islamic Republic says it is waging against the United States has hurt it more than its designated enemy.

We win the Cold Wars too, it's just harder on the poor folks trapped in enemy territory.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:18 PM


Under the Sign of Saturn (John Derbyshire, The Corner, 5/16/06)

From where I'm sitting, right under the fallout plume from New York City, my own previous idea for a bolt-hole in some quiet provincial Chinese town is looking real good right now. Perhaps we could even get an expat colony going over there. Anybody want to sign up? But that's [probably] a loser, too. For all their faults, the ChiComs keep a careful eye on who comes to live in their country. They're nasty, but they're not STUPID.
Rush Limbaugh also has this schtick where he pretends to be proposing Mexico's immigration laws for the US. I keep expecting it to occur to the anti-immigrationists that if the US has one set of laws, and the ChiComs and Mexico have a different set, that might indicate something about which set is more conducive to national success.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:18 PM


Paris suburb names street for cop-killer Abu-Jamal (Jennifer Lin, 5/16/06, Philadelphia Inquirer)

As Philadelphians cope with another police slaying, news comes that a suburb of Paris has named a street for Mumia Abu-Jamal, convicted of the 1981 murder of Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.

Hundreds of supporters of Abu-Jamal attended a ceremony on April 29 to dedicate the Rue Mumia-Abu Jamal in the city of St.-Denis.

"In France, they see him as a towering figure," said Suzanne Ross, cochair of the Free Mumia Coalition of New York City, who was part of the ceremony.

Heck, Charles Manson towers over most of the French.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:43 PM


Living the Creed (Nathan Smith, 16 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

Like many of President Bush's speeches, his immigration address last night was awkward, yet quite moving. His core beliefs -- hope for the future, the dignity of every individual, a love of freedom -- shine through every time Bush speaks. They are profound and noble convictions, made all the more poignant by their contrast, both with Bush's personal demeanor -- his everyman drawl, never quite at home amidst the grandiloquence he is uttering -- and with the black legend that surrounds his name throughout the world. [...]

Bush won't reunite the GOP, because many people on the right are foaming at the mouth that these swarthy Spanish speakers who mow their lawns and clean the restrooms at the office may soon be their fellow-citizens, their equals. It is this same kind of visceral opposition that Lyndon Johnson evoked when he demanded that white Americans relinquish their claims to superiority over black Americans. [...]

[I] think Bush is a hero for raising the issue and standing up to his base to do (sort of) the right thing, especially at the cost of wrecking his approval rating.

That's the difference between Bush and Clinton. Clinton, the Eisenhower Republican, was a feel-good president. He radiated complacency. Iraqis starved in the stranglehold of US-led sanctions; we didn't have to know or care. Illegal immigrants filtered in, helped us prosper, but stayed conveniently invisible. Clinton kept the divisive issues below the radar, and reaped a huge harvest of popularity for it.

Not Bush. Bush thinks Iraqis deserve to liberated, undocumented workers legalized. Why? His arguments that it serves US self-interest (war on terror, border security) never quite make sense. His real reason is that he believes in "the dignity of every individual." That's what's so subversive about Bush. We all mutter that "all men are created equal." Bush really believes it and tries to live by it, and his push for a better world is making a lot of people upset.

Which is why the nativists will ultimately fail, they are at odds with the ideals upon which the Republic is Founded.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:12 PM

TRUST-BUSTING (via Tom Morin):

Homework Help, From a World Away: Web Joins Students, Cheap Overseas Tutors (Amit R. Paley, 5/15/06, Washington Post)

In an hour-long session that cost just $18, the Indian tutor, who said his name was Mike, spent an hour walking Del Monte through such esoteric concepts as confidence intervals and alpha divisions, Del Monte recalled. He got an A on the final exam. "Mike helped me unscramble everything in my mind," the 20-year-old said.

Thousands of U.S. students such as Del Monte are increasingly relying on overseas tutors to boost their grades and SAT scores. [...]

But educational outsourcing has sparked a fierce response from teachers and other critics who argue that some companies are using unqualified overseas tutors to increase their profit margins.

"We don't believe that education should become a business of outsourcing," said Rob Weil, deputy director of educational issues at the American Federation of Teachers. "When you start talking about overseas people teaching children, it just doesn't seem right to me."

So bring them over here and use them to break the teachers' unions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:53 PM


Rowand adding some fire to Phils (Bob Ford, 5/16/06, Philadelphia Inquirer)

It has taken more than a decade to get answers to the famous questions once posed by Eagles running back Ricky Watters, but Aaron Rowand stood up and delivered them yesterday.

"For who? My teammates. For what? To win."

That was Rowand's explanation of how he plays baseball, a mind-set that sent him into a full-tilt collision with the center-field fence at Citizens Bank Park on Thursday.

There were two results from that play: Rowand saved three runs and possibly the game with a two-out catch of a deep drive. And he slammed into an exposed steel bar just below the padding, breaking his nose and fracturing the orbital bone and cheekbone on the left side of his face.

Fair trade, according to Rowand.

"I knew I could catch it but it would [take] having to run into the wall, and if that's the case, so be it. We're here to win games," Rowand said. "People can think I'm dumb or whatever, but I'm here to play and I'm here to play hard."

Yesterday, the Phillies finished installing the new padding on the center-field fence, covering the bar that Rowand hit, the same exposed bar he pointed out to the organization in April. He knew that bar had his name on it if he played here long enough. Unfortunately, a month was too long.

"There's a process that goes with everything. You can't snap your fingers and get [the padding] up there," Rowand said. "It's nobody's fault. It's part of the game. "

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:49 PM


Poll suggests Bush address swayed viewers (CNN, 5/16/06)

In a CNN snap poll of 461 people who watched Monday's speech, 42 percent said they had a positive opinion of the president's immigration policies before they heard him speak. Afterward, 67 percent said they had a positive view, a jump of 25 percentage points.

The polled audience was 41 percent Republican, 23 percent Democratic and 36 percent independent. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

"People who watch the speech do tend to be somewhat more Republican than the voters as a whole," CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider said. "But that wasn't the best response he's gotten compared to other speeches, in fact it was lower than any speech we've measured since he took office."

Every poll on immigration shows that if you combine amnesty-by-another-name with "increased enforcement" you win politically on the issue.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:41 AM


Fortunately, even most nativists in America are just venting and needn't be taken seriously, but take a look at Jim Miller's post on the May 1st rallies and ask yourself if the wonks at NRO are really going to grab bayonettes and herd these folks back over the border.

Posted by David Cohen at 10:01 AM


How Gadhafi Lost His Groove: The complex surrender of Libya's WMD (Judith Miller,, 5/16/06)

How and why did Col. Gadhafi, the despotic, still dangerously capricious leader, decide to abandon a lifetime of revolution and terrorism and abandon the WMD programs he had pursued since seizing power in a coup in 1969? What role did American intelligence play in that decision? And how much change can Col. Gadhafi tolerate and still retain power?

Col. Gadhafi's hip, 34-year-old son, Saif-al-Islam, told me in Vienna--where he earned an M.B.A. and lives when he's not carrying out tasks for his father, or studying for a doctorate in political philosophy at the London School of Economics--that his father changed course because he had to. "Overnight we found ourselves in a different world," said Saif, referring to the Sept. 11 attacks. "So Libya had to redesign its policies to cope with these new realities."

But a review of confidential government records and interviews with current and former officials in London, Tripoli, Vienna and Washington suggest that other factors were involved. Prominent among them is a heretofore undisclosed intelligence coup--the administration's decision in late 2003 to give Libyan officials a compact disc containing intercepts of a conversation about Libya's nuclear weapons program between Libya's nuclear chief and A.Q. Khan--that reinforced Col. Gadhafi's decision to reverse course on WMD.

While analysts continue to debate his motivation, evidence suggests that a mix of intelligence, diplomacy and the use of force in Iraq helped persuade him that the weapons he had pursued since he came to power, and on which he had secretly spent $300 million ($100 million on nuclear equipment and material alone), made him more, not less, vulnerable. "The administration overstates Iraq, but its critics go too far in saying that force played no role," says Bruce W. Jentleson, a foreign-policy adviser to Al Gore in the 2000 presidential campaign and professor at Duke University, who has written the most detailed study of why Col. Gadhafi abandoned WMD: "It was force and diplomacy, not force or diplomacy that turned Gadhafi around . . . a combination of steel and a willingness to deal."

Americans are having a surprising amount of trouble dealing with the concept of an Administration that doesn't tell us every little thing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


Hey, don't bad-mouth unskilled immigrants (Tyler Cowen and Daniel M. Rothschild, LA Times)

Until the late 1990s, when a boom in native-born self-employment occurred, immigrants were more likely than natives to work for themselves. Immigrant small businesses, from the Korean corner market to the Mexican landscaping service, are, well, as American as apple pie. The labor market is not a zero-sum game with a finite number of jobs; immigrants create their own work.

A key question for economists has been whether the influx raises or lowers "native" American wages. UC Berkeley's David Card, who studied patterns in different U.S. cities, concludes that immigration has not lowered wages for American workers. George Borjas of Harvard counters that immigration reduced the wages of high school dropouts by 7.4% between 1980 and 2000.

Most economists have sided with Card. For one thing, his studies better capture the notion that immigrant labor makes work easier for all of us and brings new skills to the table. Additionally, as Card points out, the percentage of native-born high school dropouts has fallen sharply over the previous decades, creating a shortage of unskilled laborers that immigrants fill. In 1980, one in three American adults had less than a high school education; by 2000, this figure had fallen to less than one in five.

Gianmarco Ottaviano of the University of Bologna and Giovanni Peri of the National Bureau of Economic Research have shown that immigrants and low-skilled American workers fulfill very different roles in the economy. For instance, 54% of tailors in the U.S. are foreign-born, compared with less than 1% of crane operators. A similar discrepancy exists between plaster-stucco masons (44% immigrant) and sewer-pipe cleaners (less than 1% foreign-born). Immigrants come to the United States with different skills, inclinations and ideas; they are not looking to simply copy the behavior of American workers.

New arrivals, by producing more goods and services, also keep prices down across the economy. Even Borjas — the favorite economist of immigration restrictionists — admits that the net gain to the U.S. from immigration is about $7 billion annually.

And over the coming decades, the need for immigrant labor will increase, according to demographers. The baby boom generation will need more healthcare and more nursing homes. The forthcoming Medicare fiscal crunch will require more and younger laborers to finance the program.

Mexico: Pumping Out Engineers: The headlines are about low-wage illegals, but Mexico is swiftly upgrading its workforce (Geri Smith, 5/22/06, Business Week)

For years the Mexican workforce has meant one thing to multinationals: cheap, reliable labor, perfect for assembling cars, refrigerators, and other goods in the maquiladoras lining the border with America. More complex engineering and design work was better done elsewhere in the global economy -- usually at company headquarters in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

But as maquila-style assembly work migrated to cheaper locales, and India and China grabbed more sophisticated design and engineering assignments, Mexican officials knew they had to do something to stay in the global race. Quietly and steadily, they have. Over the past 10 years, the country's policymakers have been building up enrollment in four-year degree programs in engineering, developing a network of technical institutes that confer two-year degrees, and expanding advanced training programs with multinationals from the U.S. and elsewhere.

The result is a bumper crop of engineers. Currently, 451,000 Mexican students are enrolled in full-time undergraduate programs, vs. just over 370,000 in the U.S. The Mexican students benefit from high-tech equipment and materials donated to their schools by foreign companies, which help develop course content to fit their needs. Many of these engineers graduate knowing how to use the latest computer-assisted design (CAD) software and speaking fluent English.

This expanding workforce is changing the way multinationals view the country. They can now shift more complex production to Mexico, along with higher-skilled jobs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 AM


Mfume decries lack of party support (S.A. Miller and Jon Ward, May 16, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Maryland U.S. Senate candidate Kweisi Mfume said yesterday that Democrats risk losing the senatorial election because "old-line party bosses" are undermining his campaign and alienating black voters.

Mr. Mfume also would not say whether he would endorse Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin, the front-runner for the Democratic Senate nomination, if he should lose to the lawmaker in the September primary.

Mr. Mfume's future is in the GOP anyway.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 AM


Long-gun registry to be axed (BRIAN LAGHI AND GLORIA GALLOWAY, 5/15/06, Globe and Mail

The Harper government plans to fulfill its pledge to gut the federal long-gun registry by providing amnesty to gun owners who don't sign up and eventually unveiling legislation to eliminate it.

Auditor-General Sheila Fraser will release her report on the controversy-plagued registry today.

Sources said the amnesty would be announced imminently and legislation would come some time this spring. They were unclear what the legislation would say, but it's assumed the law would not get rid of the handgun registry, merely the portion of the registry that deals with long guns.

Decent societies don't enforce unconscionable laws.

Contentious gun registry spawned hate mail, distrust between East and West (CP, 5/15/06)

Having been told that he and the people of Miramichi, N.B., would be better off shovelling cow manure than registering long guns, John McKay has a clear idea of just how contentious the gun registry issue is in Canada.

The main processing office for the Canadian Firearms Centre is located in Miramichi and McKay, the city's mayor, is more worried than ever about the centre's future following the latest revelations of mismanagement by Auditor General Sheila Fraser. [...]

"It's hate mail," McKay said bitterly.

"These letters are directed at me, the registry employees, the Miramichi community and the Maritimes. The employees have been compared to concentration camp guards. One writer suggested that tabulating polar bear excrement in the North would be a more useful job. Another suggested we could spend our time homogenizing cow manure."

McKay said he always believed there was a disconnect between Western Canada and the East, but the letters he is receiving indicate a depth of hatred and disgust he never would have suspected.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:38 AM


Commodity price tumble puts markets in tailspin (JOHN HEINZL, 5/16/06, Globe and Mail)

“It's beginning to look a little ugly,” said Elvis Picardo, research analyst and chief market strategist at Global Securities Corp. in Vancouver. “When sentiment shifts it happens very suddenly.”

Nowhere was the reversal more dramatic than in commodities, which plummeted amid concerns that rising interest rates could crimp global economic growth and curb demand for raw materials in countries such as the United States, China and India.

In London, gold fell 4.9 per cent for its biggest drop since 1993, while silver skidded 8 per cent. Copper, zinc and other base metals also fell sharply, as did crude oil, which slumped $2.63 (U.S.), or 3.7 per cent, to $69.41 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The Canadian dollar shed 0.34 cents (U.S.) to 89.80 cents.

Underscoring worries about slowing economic growth, the International Energy Agency last week cut its estimate of global energy demand for the third time in four months, indicating prices are starting to cut into consumption.

Commodity prices had zoomed skyward on a combination of Asian demand, supply concerns and speculative buying by pension and hedge funds hoping to beat the returns on stocks. But the outsized gains in commodities have set off a growing chorus of warnings about an imminent correction.

“There is a danger that this is a bubble,” Donald Brydon, chairman of the London Metal Exchange, was quoted as saying in the Financial Times over the weekend. “There are a lot of new players in the market that need to be careful.”

The sooner the speculative commodity bubble is popped the sooner Ben Bernanke can start lowering rates.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


Behind Bush's Address Lies a Deep History (ELISABETH BUMILLER, 5/16/05, NY Times)

What was remarkable to people who knew Mr. Bush in Texas was how much he still believes in the power of immigration to invigorate the nation.

"He's always had a more welcoming attitude," said Bruce Buchanan, a presidential scholar at the University of Texas. "He always spoke well of Mexican nationals and regarded them as hard-working people. So his grace notes on this subject are high." [...]

"He understands this community in the way you do when you live in a border state," said Israel Hernandez, an assistant secretary at the Commerce Department who traveled with Mr. Bush as a personal aide when he first ran for governor. "Philosophically, he understands why people want to come to the U.S. And he doesn't consider them a threat." [...]

"There was never any effort to cut off benefits, and Bush basically bought into the notion that they were going to be Texans," said Paul Burka, senior executive editor of Texas Monthly, who closely followed Mr. Bush then. "He didn't believe in closing the borders."

Mr. Bush first met Mexican immigrants at public school in Midland, Tex., where Hispanics made up 25 percent of the population. Later, when he owned a small, unsuccessful oil company, he employed Mexican immigrants in the fields. When he was the managing partner of the Texas Rangers, he reveled in going into the dugout and joking with the players, many of them Hispanic, in fractured Spanglish.

"In every dimension of his career, whether it was politics or the private sector or the sports world, he's been engaged with the Hispanic population," Mr. Hernandez said.

Mr. Bush was also living in a state that has stronger historical and cultural ties to Mexico than any other.

"The cultures mingled much more freely here than in California," Mr. Burka said. "Here there was not nearly as much antipathy. There were always workers coming over, and they were very essential."

At the same time, Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's veteran political adviser, recognized that there was potential in the Hispanic vote and that Republicans could appeal to them on abortion, religion and family values.

"Karl has always been a strong believer that Hispanics were a natural Republican constituency," Mr. Burka said. "He once told me that 'we have about 15 years to put this together.' "When Mr. Bush got to the White House, immigration was going to be a signature issue, a key to his relationship with President Vicente Fox of Mexico and essential in attracting Hispanic voters to a Republican Party that Mr. Rove envisioned as dominant for decades to come.

As the fatal flaw of liberalism is the mistaken notion that Man is naturally good, so too is the fatal attraction of conservatism being overly pessimistic just because Man is Fallen--after all, if God hasn't given up on us, by what right would we give up on each other? What makes George W. Bush a great conservative leader is, like Reagan before him, his optimism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 AM


Mubarak's Son Met With Cheney, Others: Secret Visit Came After Cairo Unrest (Peter Baker, May 16, 2006, Washington Post )

The son of Egypt's president made a secret trip to Washington last week to meet with Vice President Cheney and other senior U.S. officials a day after thousands of Egyptian riot police broke up a pro-democracy demonstration back in Cairo, U.S. and Egyptian officials said yesterday.

Gamal Mubarak, 42, a powerful political player and widely considered a possible heir to his father, Hosni Mubarak, told the U.S. officials that Egypt is committed to further democracy but said it would be a long-term process that will include setbacks. "There was no tension at all," Egyptian Ambassador Nabil Fahmi said in an interview. "They listened to his explanation of what was happening."

But U.S. officials have publicly called themselves "deeply concerned" about Egypt's recent actions and they used the opportunity to press upon Gamal Mubarak their views of what needs to be done to further genuine reform in Egypt, said a Bush administration official who was not authorized to discuss the meeting on the record. The administration has been impressed by Egypt's moves to restructure its economy but disappointed at the government's failure to open its political system more.

The great unknown in Egypt is whether Gamal Mubarak understands the future as well as Seif al-Islam does.

U.S. Will Restore Diplomatic Links With the Libyans (JOEL BRINKLEY, 5/15/06, NY Times)

The decision ends more than 25 years of hostility while sending a strong signal to Iran and North Korea to follow suit.

Along with the normalization of relations and the announced intention to open a new embassy in Tripoli, the administration removed Libya from the list of nations that are state sponsors of terrorism. The United States had reaffirmed Libya's place on that list as recently as March.

The announcements were a result of Libya's surprise decision in 2003 to renounce terrorism. At the time, senior American officials said they believed that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, had taken that step because he was chastened by the American invasion of Iraq. Since then, Libya has also destroyed its chemical weapons stockpiles and dismantled a secret nuclear weapons program.

"Libya is an important model as nations around the world press for changes in behavior by the Iranian and North Korean regimes," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. Hers was just one of several similar statements on Monday from senior officials who worked hard to turn Libya's change in behavior into a lesson for Iran as a resolution on Iran's nuclear development program remains stalled in the United Nations Security Council.

Sadly, Iran has to depend on the Ayatollah recognizing what Seif does.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


Blair leads the attack on his own human rights laws (Richard Ford and Frances Gibb, 5/15/06, Times of London)

TONY BLAIR risked a fresh clash with the legal establishment yesterday when he targeted a “distant” justice system that most believed let people get away with breaking the rules.

In his latest assault on the criminal justice system and human rights laws, the Prime Minister rounded on those who failed properly to supervise drug offenders and criminals who have been given community punishment.

Mr Blair reiterated his oft- repeated call for a shake-up of the criminal justice system to ensure that the security of the law-abiding is put ahead of the rights of offenders.

The Prime Minister said it was time for a “profound rebalancing” of the debate on civil liberties to ensure that wrongdoers pay the penalty for breaking the rules.

He's been Maggie. He's been Bill. He's been W. Time to be Rudy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Cooke's Tour: Notes From WWII America: THE AMERICAN HOME FRONT, 1941-1942 By Alistair Cooke (Jonathan Yardley, May 16, 2006, Washington Post)

Late in the winter of 1942, a young journalist named Alistair Cooke "drove out of Washington with five re-treaded tires" and began a journey around the United States. [...]

That his publisher chose not to release the book at the time is a mystery, but better late than never. [...]

Writing about Henry Ford's mixed record in converting his celebrated Willow Run plant into an efficient manufacturer of trainer airplanes, but not the fighter planes he'd boasted of being able to produce, Cooke somewhat dourly observes:

"Willow Run will be cited at grandfather's knee as the very type of majesty before which other nations bow their heads in envy. But I have told its melancholy story because it symbolizes the grandiosity that is to other nations the most unpleasant of all American traits -- the unbridled promise, the wild freedom of untested assumption, the invitation to share the cornucopia that is stuffed with the peculiar American riches: such unique things, the native honestly believes, as devilish ingenuity wedded to unequaled material and spiritual resources. What exacerbates the foreigner's annoyance is his secret awareness that there is an uncomfortable measure of truth in the boast."

How many foreigners would feel that "secret awareness" today certainly is open to questions, but the rest of Cooke's indictment is as true now as it was then, perhaps even truer as the rest of the world eyes our Middle Eastern adventures with skepticism at best. Cooke admired American energy but despaired of American provincialism and ignorance.

With the possible exception of Richard Bernstein a the NY Times, Mr. Yardley is probably the best regular book reviewer in America and the least likely to yield to liberal cant, which makes it all the more peculiar that he seems not to have processed the lest bit of that quoted passage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


Comedian to NESN sports hottie Hazel Mae: Make my day (Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa, May 16, 2006, Boston Herald)

Like a lot of guys, comedian Adam Wade is rather taken with Hazel Mae. In fact, the NESN sports chick makes his day.

And if you don’t believe us, check out Adam’s musical tribute to the “SportsDesk” vixen on his Web site. It’s priceless.

“I put it together one night after I’d had a couple of drinks,” Adam told the Track.

Now there’s a shocker!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:57 AM


Final Rush to Make Deadline for Drug Coverage (ROBERT PEAR, 5/16/06, NY Times)

After procrastinating for weeks, Medicare beneficiaries flocked to centers for the elderly around the country and made frantic telephone calls to insurers on Monday to beat the deadline for getting prescription drug coverage as the initial enrollment period ended.

Panic as many into signing up now as you can and then relax the rule.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:19 AM


The Return Of Voodoo Economics: Republicans Ignore Their Experts on The Cost of Tax Cuts (Sebastian Mallaby, May 15, 2006, Washington Post)

Nobody serious believes that tax cuts pay for themselves, as I noted last week. But most senior Republicans flunk this test of seriousness.

In January, George W. Bush declared that, "by cutting the taxes on the American people, this economy is strong, and the overall tax revenues have hit at record levels." Regrettably, this endorsement of what his dad called voodoo economics was not a one-time oversight. The next month, Bush told a New Hampshire audience, "You cut taxes and the tax revenues increase." [...]

The Republicans' only argument is that tax receipts have boomed in the years since the 2003 tax cut.

Over the 25-year period since Ronald Reagan introduced supply-side economics, federal income taxes have fallen to their lowest level as a percentage of GDP since 1942 and total federal revenues have fallen to their lowest level as a percentage of GDP since 1959 yet we've had uninterrupted economic growth since 1983. Yet Mr. Mallaby thinks it's supply-siders who need to defend themselves?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:03 AM


Life On The Web's Factory Floor: Who do you think turns all those words into an easy click? (Burt Helm, with Manjeet Kripalani in Bombay, 5/22/06, Business Week)

[A] new category of work is emerging: the digital factory job. Behind the seemingly magical offerings of the Internet are thousands of human beings madly inputting data around the clock. The work ranges from the slightly creative, such as Kempf's job of crafting sentences for ads to snag search traffic, to the rote -- typing in descriptions of hamburgers for online menus.

These digital bricklayers are in a sense building the new information pyramid. In Madras, India, "editors" making a fifth of U.S. pay work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to digitize archived American newspapers from the 1700s to the 1980s. In Boston, New York, and Palo Alto, Calif., Google Books workers manually turn each and every page of millions of library books so they can be scanned and made available to any visitor to the Google Web site.

In Hyderabad, India, typists for startup type the menus of thousands of U.S. restaurants so Web surfers can browse for reservation ideas or takeout. "Internet companies are realizing that you don't need to be a massive company to manage such operations," says Ravi Aron, assistant professor of operations and information management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. He adds that process work is moving out of traditional places -- insurance claims processing, say -- and onto the Web.

Just like with a display of fresh oranges in a supermarket, far more labor goes into getting the digital product there than most people fathom.

May 15, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:03 PM


President Bush Addresses the Nation on Immigration Reform (The Oval Office, 5/15/06)

Good evening. I've asked for a few minutes of your time to discuss a matter of national importance -- the reform of America's immigration system.

The issue of immigration stirs intense emotions, and in recent weeks, Americans have seen those emotions on display. On the streets of major cities, crowds have rallied in support of those in our country illegally. At our southern border, others have organized to stop illegal immigrants from coming in. Across the country, Americans are trying to reconcile these contrasting images. And in Washington, the debate over immigration reform has reached a time of decision. Tonight, I will make it clear where I stand, and where I want to lead our country on this vital issue.

We must begin by recognizing the problems with our immigration system. For decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders. As a result, many who want to work in our economy have been able to sneak across our border, and millions have stayed.

Once here, illegal immigrants live in the shadows of our society. Many use forged documents to get jobs, and that makes it difficult for employers to verify that the workers they hire are legal. Illegal immigration puts pressure on public schools and hospitals, it strains state and local budgets, and brings crime to our communities. These are real problems. Yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life, but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law.

We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. We're also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways. These are not contradictory goals. America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society at the same time. We will fix the problems created by illegal immigration, and we will deliver a system that is secure, orderly, and fair. So I support comprehensive immigration reform that will accomplish five clear objectives.

First, the United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security. Our objective is straightforward: The border should be open to trade and lawful immigration, and shut to illegal immigrants, as well as criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists.

I was a governor of a state that has a 1,200-mile border with Mexico. So I know how difficult it is to enforce the border, and how important it is. Since I became President, we've increased funding for border security by 66 percent, and expanded the Border Patrol from about 9,000 to 12,000 agents. The men and women of our Border Patrol are doing a fine job in difficult circumstances, and over the past five years, they have apprehended and sent home about six million people entering America illegally.

Despite this progress, we do not yet have full control of the border, and I am determined to change that. Tonight I'm calling on Congress to provide funding for dramatic improvements in manpower and technology at the border. By the end of 2008, we'll increase the number of Border Patrol officers by an additional 6,000. When these new agents are deployed, we'll have more than doubled the size of the Border Patrol during my presidency.

At the same time, we're launching the most technologically advanced border security initiative in American history. We will construct high-tech fences in urban corridors, and build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas. We'll employ motion sensors, infrared cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent illegal crossings. America has the best technology in the world, and we will ensure that the Border Patrol has the technology they need to do their job and secure our border.

Training thousands of new Border Patrol agents and bringing the most advanced technology to the border will take time. Yet the need to secure our border is urgent. So I'm announcing several immediate steps to strengthen border enforcement during this period of transition:

One way to help during this transition is to use the National Guard. So, in coordination with governors, up to 6,000 Guard members will be deployed to our southern border. The Border Patrol will remain in the lead. The Guard will assist the Border Patrol by operating surveillance systems, analyzing intelligence, installing fences and vehicle barriers, building patrol roads, and providing training. Guard units will not be involved in direct law enforcement activities -- that duty will be done by the Border Patrol. This initial commitment of Guard members would last for a period of one year. After that, the number of Guard forces will be reduced as new Border Patrol agents and new technologies come online. It is important for Americans to know that we have enough Guard forces to win the war on terror, to respond to natural disasters, and to help secure our border.

The United States is not going to militarize the southern border. Mexico is our neighbor, and our friend. We will continue to work cooperatively to improve security on both sides of the border, to confront common problems like drug trafficking and crime, and to reduce illegal immigration.

Another way to help during this period of transition is through state and local law enforcement in our border communities. So we'll increase federal funding for state and local authorities assisting the Border Patrol on targeted enforcement missions. We will give state and local authorities the specialized training they need to help federal officers apprehend and detain illegal immigrants. State and local law enforcement officials are an important part of our border security and they need to be a part of our strategy to secure our borders.

The steps I've outlined will improve our ability to catch people entering our country illegally. At the same time, we must ensure that every illegal immigrant we catch crossing our southern border is returned home. More than 85 percent of the illegal immigrants we catch crossing the southern border are Mexicans, and most are sent back home within 24 hours. But when we catch illegal immigrants from other country [sic] it is not as easy to send them home. For many years, the government did not have enough space in our detention facilities to hold them while the legal process unfolded. So most were released back into our society and asked to return for a court date. When the date arrived, the vast majority did not show up. This practice, called "catch and release," is unacceptable, and we will end it.

We're taking several important steps to meet this goal. We've expanded the number of beds in our detention facilities, and we will continue to add more. We've expedited the legal process to cut the average deportation time. And we're making it clear to foreign governments that they must accept back their citizens who violate our immigration laws. As a result of these actions, we've ended "catch and release" for illegal immigrants from some countries. And I will ask Congress for additional funding and legal authority, so we can end "catch and release" at the southern border once and for all. When people know that they'll be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally, they will be less likely to try to sneak in.

Second, to secure our border, we must create a temporary worker program. The reality is that there are many people on the other side of our border who will do anything to come to America to work and build a better life. They walk across miles of desert in the summer heat, or hide in the back of 18-wheelers to reach our country. This creates enormous pressure on our border that walls and patrols alone will not stop. To secure the border effectively, we must reduce the numbers of people trying to sneak across.

Therefore, I support a temporary worker program that would create a legal path for foreign workers to enter our country in an orderly way, for a limited period of time. This program would match willing foreign workers with willing American employers for jobs Americans are not doing. Every worker who applies for the program would be required to pass criminal background checks. And temporary workers must return to their home country at the conclusion of their stay.

A temporary worker program would meet the needs of our economy, and it would give honest immigrants a way to provide for their families while respecting the law. A temporary worker program would reduce the appeal of human smugglers, and make it less likely that people would risk their lives to cross the border. It would ease the financial burden on state and local governments, by replacing illegal workers with lawful taxpayers. And above all, a temporary worker program would add to our security by making certain we know who is in our country and why they are here.

Third, we need to hold employers to account for the workers they hire. It is against the law to hire someone who is in this country illegally. Yet businesses often cannot verify the legal status of their employees because of the widespread problem of document fraud. Therefore, comprehensive immigration reform must include a better system for verifying documents and work eligibility. A key part of that system should be a new identification card for every legal foreign worker. This card should use biometric technology, such as digital fingerprints, to make it tamper-proof. A tamper-proof card would help us enforce the law, and leave employers with no excuse for violating it. And by making it harder for illegal immigrants to find work in our country, we would discourage people from crossing the border illegally in the first place.

Fourth, we must face the reality that millions of illegal immigrants are here already. They should not be given an automatic path to citizenship. This is amnesty, and I oppose it. Amnesty would be unfair to those who are here lawfully, and it would invite further waves of illegal immigration.

Some in this country argue that the solution is to deport every illegal immigrant, and that any proposal short of this amounts to amnesty. I disagree. It is neither wise, nor realistic to round up millions of people, many with deep roots in the United States, and send them across the border. There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation. That middle ground recognizes there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently, and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record.

I believe that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, to pay their taxes, to learn English, and to work in a job for a number of years. People who meet these conditions should be able to apply for citizenship, but approval would not be automatic, and they will have to wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law. What I've just described is not amnesty, it is a way for those who have broken the law to pay their debt to society, and demonstrate the character that makes a good citizen.

Fifth, we must honor the great American tradition of the melting pot, which has made us one nation out of many peoples. The success of our country depends upon helping newcomers assimilate into our society, and embrace our common identity as Americans. Americans are bound together by our shared ideals, an appreciation of our history, respect for the flag we fly, and an ability to speak and write the English language. English is also the key to unlocking the opportunity of America. English allows newcomers to go from picking crops to opening a grocery, from cleaning offices to running offices, from a life of low-paying jobs to a diploma, a career, and a home of their own. When immigrants assimilate and advance in our society, they realize their dreams, they renew our spirit, and they add to the unity of America.

Tonight, I want to speak directly to members of the House and the Senate: An immigration reform bill needs to be comprehensive, because all elements of this problem must be addressed together, or none of them will be solved at all. The House has passed an immigration bill. The Senate should act by the end of this month so we can work out the differences between the two bills, and Congress can pass a comprehensive bill for me to sign into law.

America needs to conduct this debate on immigration in a reasoned and respectful tone. Feelings run deep on this issue, and as we work it out, all of us need to keep some things in mind. We cannot build a unified country by inciting people to anger, or playing on anyone's fears, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain. We must always remember that real lives will be affected by our debates and decisions, and that every human being has dignity and value no matter what their citizenship papers say.

I know many of you listening tonight have a parent or a grandparent who came here from another country with dreams of a better life. You know what freedom meant to them, and you know that America is a more hopeful country because of their hard work and sacrifice. As President, I've had the opportunity to meet people of many backgrounds, and hear what America means to them. On a visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, Laura and I met a wounded Marine named Guadalupe Denogean. Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean came to the United States from Mexico when he was a boy. He spent his summers picking crops with his family, and then he volunteered for the United States Marine Corps as soon as he was able. During the liberation of Iraq, Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean was seriously injured. And when asked if he had any requests, he made two: a promotion for the corporal who helped rescue him, and the chance to become an American citizen. And when this brave Marine raised his right hand, and swore an oath to become a citizen of the country he had defended for more than 26 years, I was honored to stand at his side.

We will always be proud to welcome people like Guadalupe Denogean as fellow Americans. Our new immigrants are just what they've always been -- people willing to risk everything for the dream of freedom. And America remains what she has always been: the great hope on the horizon, an open door to the future, a blessed and promised land. We honor the heritage of all who come here, no matter where they come from, because we trust in our country's genius for making us all Americans -- one nation under God.

Thank you, and good night.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:42 PM


The other day, while the kids were watching Hoot, my wife and I went to see Akeelah and the Bee, the first movie from Starbucks Entertainment and this summer’s well-reviewed (84% on Rotten Tomatoes), feel-good movie. Akeelah tells the story of an underachieving, but charming, young black girl living in the ghettos of Los Angeles. It turns out that she can spell, a hobby she took up in tribute to her dead Dad, who was apparently a Scrabble player. Akeelah is uncomfortable, though, letting her talent show. No kid (and, the movie implies, especially a young, black Angelena) wants to be known as a Brainiac.

Unfortunately for Akeelah, her teacher (no swift speller herself) notices Akeelah’s talent and mentions it to the principal. The principal, apparently a well-meaning, motivated educator despite running a particularly bleak and failing jail-for-kids, forces Akeelah to take part in the school’s first spelling bee. The winner will go on to other competitions, and ultimately can go to the national spelling bee in Washington, DC. The movie hints that the principal instituted the spelling bee because of Akeelah’s talent, and for the purpose of making the district take notice of Akeelah and her school. As part of his plan, the Principal brings along to the bee an old college friend to coach Akeelah. The friend (Lawrence Fishburne) was once a competitive speller and is now a college professor suffering from tragic continuity lapses. (Is he on sabbatical? Is he on medical leave? Has he been fired? Is he a pioneering Internet educator? Don’t ask the script; it doesn’t know.) Coincidentally, Mr. Fishburne’s character has a back-story that meshes perfectly with Akeelah’s back-story.

Akeelah lives with her widowed mom (Angela Bassett), who works long hard hours doing something vague at a hospital, work for which she is apparently paid poorly. Also at home are an older brother and (I think) an older sister with a baby. Akeelah also has a brother who is enrolled in a magical Air Force program in which you are an enlisted man, jump out of airplanes, get your college degree and end-up with a pilot’s license. For plot purposes, Akeelah’s mom is dead-set against her daughter competing in spelling bees, but no one mentions or seems at all concerned that an eleven year old girl is spending hours every day alone at the house of a strange man.

Akeelah is (literally) a movie brewed up for Starbucks customers, so it can’t, metaphorically, just ask for a cup of coffee when it can get a triple grande decaf breve hazelnut no foam latte. The movie is well-acted, competently directed (well, competently minus), overly-structured, manipulative, predictable and processed to within an inch of its life. Again, a movie made for and by Starbucks. It is well-worth seeing, particularly for those of us who want to see African-Americans succeed on their own terms, bucking the establishment that is actively trying to hold them back. Special mention must be made of the excellent acting of Keke Palmer in the title role, and of Lawrence Fishburne and Angela Bassett, who loses herself in her role. Mr. Fishburne and Ms. Bassett must be especially commended for making an acting choice that single-handedly saves the movie.

On the other hand, I turned to my wife two-thirds through the movie and whispered that Akeelah was the most racist movie I had seen in a long time. After the movie was over, she told me that it was among the most sexist movies she had ever seen.

(After the jump, the discussion continues and includes spoilers.)

Akeelah’s racism has been noted by other reviewers. However, I haven’t seen a review that makes clear how all-encompassing the racism is. With one exception, lasting about 10 seconds, no character breaks out of his or her racial stereotypes. The whites are clumsy, well-meaning and clueless. The Hispanic family is emotional, gregarious and friendly. The Asian father is an unemotional, racist (how ironic) taskmaster pushing, pushing, pushing his robotic son. For a while it seemed like there could be two kinds of African-Americans: thugs and nature's nobility. But, no, by the end of the movie it was clear that there can only be noble black men and women, pushed down by the Man. By the time the alcoholics, gang bangers, classmates, older brothers and assorted strangers all start supporting Akeelah, the actors seem to be wading through a hip-deep syrup of black accomplishment though academic competition. I started to long for one angry young black man to snarl that it didn’t matter what happened at the white man’s spelling bee and then throw a trash can through the window of the local pizzeria.

None of this, though, prompted my comment to my wife. That came when we learned – after a setup that had lasted through the entire movie – that Akeelah’s secret weapon at the spelling bee, her answer to the smug white and Asian kids who had been born, bred and trained to spell, was – and I swear I’m not making this up – her innate sense of rhythm.

The sexism is, I suppose, somewhat more subtle, but then it would have to be. Akeelah is not allowed to succeed, or even to have ambition, unless it is OK with, it seems, every single person she has ever spoken to. (You think I'm exagerating, but I'm not.) It has to be OK with her mother, sister, brother, teachers and principal. It has to be OK with her coach. It has to be OK with the local alcoholics. It has to be OK with the local gang bangers. It has to be OK with her classmates, including the two girls who used to beat her up for being smart. It has to be OK with her best-friend Georgia, who needs to be coddled because Akeelah is making other friends through spelling – weird, Scrabble playing friends who Georgia wants no part of. It has to be OK with her dead father.

Ultimately, it has to be OK with her male competitors. No, really, they get a veto. The only character who breaks his racial stereotype is Akeelah’s Chinese competitor, Dylan. Dylan, who has been the runner up in the last two bees, is in DC for the last time. His father has been pushing him hard his entire life and Dylan has had less emotional affect than sand throughout the movie. At the end, though, when he knows that Akeelah has purposely misspelled one of the final words, he also intentionally misspells it and then, smiling, tells Akeelah that he doesn’t want to win unless she tries her hardest. They then go on to tie, and Akeelah gets to be co-champion speller while still being saved from being an ambitious, castrating b****. Dylan, of course, has not suffered at all for being an ambitious cut-throat speller.

Finally, I must praise Mr. Fishburne and Ms. Bassett for playing their scenes with each other brilliantly. The script matches a fatherless young girl being raised by her mother with a spelling coach whose marriage broke-up after his daughter died. The temptation to have the mother and up with the coach is more temptation than a poor Hollywood script writer could be expected to endure. And yet, through their acting, Mr. Fishburne and Ms. Bassett reject this portion of the story. They don’t look at each other much, they don’t react to each other, they make clear that other concerns are crowding out any future they might have had. It is a great choice and a nice example of actors saving a movie from the best intentions of the script and the director. Akeelah and the Bee was written and directed by Doug Atchison.

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  • Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:45 PM


    Texas Economy Surges on Gains From Katrina Rebuilding, Energy (Bloomberg, 5/15/06)

    Texas's economy is surging nine months after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast as rebuilding spurs job growth and oil and natural-gas production increase in response to higher energy prices.

    Texas, the second-largest U.S. state by population, added 274,000 jobs in the year ended March 31, according to the state Workforce Commission. The pace was the fastest since 2000. The state estimated that its budget surplus will almost double to $8.2 billion, second only to California's, for the two years ending in August 2007. [...]

    [T]he 9.9 million-person workforce in the state is expanding at about 3.1 percent a year, more than twice as fast as the rest of the U.S., Sigalla said. [...]

    Production of goods and services in 2004 totaled $881 billion, the third-most of any state and more than neighboring Mexico, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Last year, single-family housing starts jumped 15 percent to 205,462, Fed data show.

    Imagine what unlimited immigration could do for your state?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:45 PM

    '70SLAND (via Tom Morin):

    Astonishing Quantities of Rubbish: Theodore Dalrymple takes a drive along the A55 - and finds litter, great mounds of it (Theodore Dalrymple, Social Affairs Unit)

    If I had to choose a single road that, by itself, had ruined more towns than any other, I suppose I would choose the A55 in North Wales. The number of charming and elegant little Victorian and Edwardian seaside towns and villages it has defaced and destroyed is staggering. It is tragic that the only efficiency demonstrated by British transport and town planners has been in the destruction of the appearance and atmosphere of the whole country. There they have managed a giant effect with the slenderest of means.

    A drive along the A55 is very instructive. Of course, it passes through landscapes and countryside of great beauty, some of the most beautiful in our islands; but, as the drive will also instruct you, the first instinct of the modern Briton when he sees a fine landscape is to throw litter at it. Indeed, it is almost a reflex with him; I hesitate to say that he cannot help himself, but he might as well be unable to help himself for all the effort he makes actually to do so.

    The verges, the bushes, the trees are festooned with astonishing quantities of rubbish. It is not only the major roadways, moreover, that are the repositories of such detritus; any of the lanes that are frequented by visitors are also used as their personal rubbish dumps.

    The nature of this rubbish is very instructive too. The vast majority of it consists of the packaging of food and drink consumed en route by passers-by. Indeed, when the sun is out, the rays of the celestial body glint on all the plastic bottles and tins cans, just as in inner cities they glint on the shards of shattered glass of the windows of cars that have been broken into. Of course, much of the litter is matt and reflects much less light: for example, the discarded polystyrene containers of fast food and drink.

    I have no idea of how many pieces of such litter are strewn on the roadside, but it must run into the hundreds of thousands or perhaps even millions. And when we consider that each individual piece of such litter constitutes evidence of an act of unbridled egotism by an individual, we must conclude something very unflattering about the nature of at least a large proportion of the British population. The fact is that so much rubbish could not have accumulated if there were only one or two people who used the country as their personal litter bin.

    This fits in with the theme-parkization of Europe as it becomes a place that American tourists will visit to see quaint little 17th/18th century villages on the one hand and where the rest of the country is swamped in the pathologies that plagued us in the 1970s.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:32 PM


    What India wants (Christopher Griffin, 5/15/06, Armed Forces Journal)

    In principle, my first stop in Delhi was the perfect venue to discuss the question of how to square India’s longstanding ties to Iran with its new strategic partnership with the U.S. The Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, an elite foreign-ministry-funded think tank, was holding its annual Asian Security Conference on India’s relations with the Middle East, or in deference to the local nomenclature, “Southwest Asia.” I would see Indians talking to Indians, not performing for an American audience.

    Alas, my hopes for a nuanced discussion of India’s emerging security strategy, or indeed any other issue, were immediately dashed. Early speakers set the tone for the conference when they declared that U.S. efforts to “dominate” the region had done “no good and much harm” and presented India with “a choice between harmony and hegemony” in international relations. Later speakers would alternate between lambasting America’s Middle East policy as oil-grubbing and defending India’s relationships with such countries as Sudan and Iran as necessary in the face of Washington’s efforts to “squeeze India out” of the global energy market. Not the sort of stuff the Bush administration has been touting.

    But as the conference wrapped up — and as my despair peaked — one of the organizers took me aside and said: “Ignore everything you’ve just heard.” He explained that although Indians criticize the U.S. and the Singh government, they privately support closer relations with Washington. Indian intellectuals would require more time before they could break free of vestigial mistrust of America and embrace an emerging strategic partnership.

    While it initially sounded as though he was apologizing to a dinner guest who had been insulted, the more time passed, the more I saw his point.


    In both capitals, the public debate on U.S.-Indian relations is too often obsessed with the bogeymen of the past. Whether it is the fear that India can only be developing ballistic capabilities in order to target the U.S., or apprehension that the current nuclear deal is just another Yankee ploy to undermine India’s strategic ambitions, public, political dialogue — what bureaucrats call “track two” — this is has not caught up to the “track one” diplomatic agreements between the two capitals.

    This perception gap is dangerous because it creates political pressures to limit the scope of a strategic partnership that’s barely begun, and which may unravel the progress of the last five years. As one Indian diplomat warned when I asked about the cost of failure to carry out the nuclear deal: “Anybody who expects that, if this deal doesn’t go through, then the morning after will be the same as the day before, will be wrong. ... The next time there is a tsunami disaster, we might not take your call.”

    In sum, it is more than possible to destroy the potential of the partnership, and destroy it fairly quickly. This is because the partnership is starting from a weak position: Although officials in Washington and Delhi recognize the necessity for greater cooperation, there have been no major “deliverables” that skeptics would demand in exchange for closer ties.

    Indeed, a near-term focus is the major source of confusion in Washington and Delhi; witness the proliferation of litmus tests and ultimatums. This U.S.-Indian relationship should not be judged in terms of immediate deliverables, but the gradual convergence of national interests. This is the essence of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s characterization of the U.S. and India as “natural allies.” Although there are strong reasons for the relationship to come to fruition, it can only occur with concerted, sustained effort.

    Trends indicate that over the next 20 to 50 years, India will emerge as one of the world’s great powers. And the Bush administration believes that as Indian power grows, Delhi will assume greater responsibility for regional and international security. India shares Washington’s support of democracy at home and abroad, opposition to international terrorism and concerns about the security of the sea lines of communication upon which the world economy depends. Philip Zelikow, the State Department official who has been one of the key architects of the Bush administration policy, said the goal is “to help India become a major world power in the 21st century.”

    Bharat Verma, publisher of Indian Defense Review, explained the Indian view of partnership to me: “We won’t hand over strategic autonomy to anyone, but our strategic autonomy does not conflict with American interests.”

    But just because India’s rise will not conflict with American interests does not mean there won’t be differing priorities or diverging perceptions. Thus, the challenge for American strategists is to shape India’s understanding of its own power, of its own growing strategic interests, of its role in the world. An essential means will be to tie U.S.-Indian cooperation into those fields where India’s abilities are growing most rapidly.

    The key to a special relationship in foreign affairs is that your interests are sufficiently mutual that even a rough patch or two won't matter much in the long run. Thus, Britain and America can be at odds every once in awhile, but our backgrounds, cultures, and national interests are so similar we're generally there for each other -- or at least not actively opposed to one another -- when push comes to shove. Not only does India share some considerable portion of that culture but since its natural enemies are China and Sunni Pakistan there's every reason to believe we'll be forced back into each other's arms even if there should be kerfuffles and fusses over trivial issues.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:20 PM


    Diet trends aggravate U.S. meat glut (Associated Press, May. 15, 2006)

    Benchmark wholesale prices for beef and pork are down more than 8 percent from a year ago and 20 percent for chicken, according to the Livestock Marketing Information Center.

    "There is just an overabundance of protein on the market," the center's Jim Robb said.

    We sure won't have trouble feeding that 100 million new Americans.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:15 PM


    New life found for the ol' still - make your own ethanol (Associated Press, May. 15, 2006)

    The still - standard equipment of any moonshiner - has a shot at becoming the must-have accessory of penny-pinching motorists.

    An upstart Tennessee business is marketing stills that can be set up as private distilleries making ethanol - 190 proof grain alcohol - out of fermented starchy crops such as corn, apples or sugar cane. The company claims the still's output can reduce fuel costs by nearly a third from the pump price of gasoline.

    Buyers of stills need a federal permit to make ethanol on private property. In what amounts to an honor system, they are to add a poison to their homemade alcohol so it isn't white lightning.

    Where have you gone, Junior Johnson, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:01 PM


    Emerging Nations Powering Global Economic Boom: The expansion is the strongest since the 1970s, with China, India and Russia setting the pace. But many U.S. workers are left behind. (Tom Petruno, May 14, 2006, Los Angeles Times)

    The global economy is on a growth streak that is shaping up to be the broadest and strongest expansion in more than three decades.

    Rising spending and investment by consumers and businesses worldwide are boosting national economies on every continent, pushing down unemployment rates in many countries and lifting business earnings and confidence.

    Of 60 nations tracked by investment firm Bridgewater Associates, not one is in recession — the first time that has been true since 1969.

    Yet this is a different kind of boom from any other in the post-World War II era, analysts say. The soaring economies of China, India, Russia, Brazil and other emerging nations increasingly are setting the pace, overshadowing the slower growth of the United States, Europe and Japan, where the benefits of the expansion have eluded many workers.

    "This is the first recovery where developing economies are playing a dominant role," said James Paulsen, chief strategist at Wells Capital Management in Minneapolis, which manages money for big investors such as pension funds.

    The trend is being driven by free trade, which has created millions of jobs in emerging nations in recent years, fueling stunning new wealth in those countries.

    This is a story not only at odds with the facts--strong US GDP growth and low unemployment--but with itself--the jobs in those developing countries consist of doing the manufacturing and other work [answering phones] we're too wealthy to do ourselves. It does though demonstrate just how powerful the End of History remains -- forcing capitalism upon such a wide array of nations -- even at a time when folks want to dismiss it.

    China lifts its currency - and US hopes: By setting the yuan higher, China makes its exports costlier, which could ease the US trade deficit (Mark Trumbull, 5/16/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Chinese officials set a new currency target at slightly less than 8 yuan per dollar - a level it has not seen since a major devaluation in 1994, economists say. [...]

    America and China have been serving as twin engines of the global economy, helping to fuel worldwide growth of 4 percent or higher for several years straight.

    The Tax Cut Record: Americans are better off despite Democratic naysaying. (Opinion Journal, May 14, 2006)
    Our late editor Bob Bartley used to say that critics might forgive you for being wrong, but they'll never forgive you for being right. That psychological insight may be the only way to explain the fierce and bitter opposition this week to extending the tax cuts of 2003 for another two years through 2010.

    If ever there was a market test of economic policy, the last three years have been it. The stock market has recovered from its implosion in Bill Clinton's last year in office, unemployment is down to 4.7%, and growth has averaged 3.9% in the three years since those tax cuts passed--well above the post-World War II average and more than twice the growth rate in Euroland.

    Realistically, the United States should be counted with the emerging economies, not the European.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:37 PM


    The Crash of Big-Government Conservatism (S.T. Karnick, 15 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

    Big-government conservatism has a few main aims: to preserve the welfare state while mitigating its ill effects, to preserve the present American culture while mitigating its bad effects, to preserve the present international order while mitigating its bad effects, and to preserve the present system of national politics while mitigating its ill effects.

    The economic premise of big government conservatism is that the welfare state benefits from free markets and is not in dire conflict with them. Their social premise relies on the same utilitarian calculus as that of their opponents on the Left, but the big government conservatives hold that although antinomianism is not good for people, nothing can really be done about it except to try to ease government restrictions on religion. The international affairs premise is that liberal democracy is the best thing for all nations and imposition of it on other nations is the solution when they become threats to U.S. interests.

    The Democrats and the Left in general, by contrast, say that the system of free markets and human welfare are in inevitable conflict, and the latter must always be the higher priority. They believe in expanding the sexual revolution. They believe that the moral problem with America is not antinomianism but the intractable intolerance of monotheists. And they believe that the real problem with the international order is that war is inevitable when people don't see residents of other nations as being of equal importance as oneself and one's family, neighborhood, and nation. Other nations, they say, are basically rational and hence always amenable to good-faith negotiations, meaning ones in which the United States is willing to make big concessions when necessary for an agreement to be reached.

    The Democrats have a definite philosophy that creates a vivid picture of a good world, and that is appealing in itself. The Republicans' present philosophy is simply a watered-down version of the Democrats'. For a party in power, that is disastrous, as it lets the opposition set the agenda and measure success.

    This is the inane line the neocons have been pushing since at least David Frum's memoir, that the politics of Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Stephen Harper, John Howard, Kim Beazley, and Junichiro Koizumi is ineffective but that the war is really, really popular. Even setting aside the fact that every governing party in the major nations of the Anglosphere is pursuing Third Way solutions to the inability of the Second Way to deliver a functional welfare state, one need only note that American voters punished the war party in 1920, 1942, 1952, and 1968 or look at public opinion polling on the war vs. that on universal health care, SS reform, and school vouchers to see that it has been the President's domestic agenda that has propped up the war, not vice versa.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 PM


    A More Dangerous World? Think Again: Over the past dozen years, virtually every trend in global security has been positive -- dramatically so. (Carl Robichaud, May 15 , 2006, Mother Jones)

    Since 9/11 and the global war on terror, the world is a much more dangerous place. Right?

    Dead wrong, according to a recent in-depth study, which found that virtually every trend in global security in the past dozen years has been positive, and dramatically so.

    The world is today a safer place, according to the Human Security Report, a project funded by five nations and published by Oxford University Press. The study, which is the culmination of three years of research, offers a comprehensive look at the data on political violence from 1988–2005, and reaches some arresting conclusions:

    # Fewer armed conflicts. Armed conflicts declined by more than 40 percent since the early 1990s. During this period, fifteen more armed struggles for self-determination ended than started. Today there are fewer armed secessionist conflicts than at any point since 1976.

    # Less genocide. Notwithstanding the horrors of Rwanda , Bosnia , and Sudan, the number of genocides and “politicides” fell by 80 percent between the high point in 1988 and 2001.

    # Fewer international crises. The number of “international crises” declined by more than 70 percent between 1981 and 2001.

    # Fewer arms deals. International arms transfers, in real dollar values, fell by 33 percent between 1990 and 2003. This accompanied a sharp decline in total military expenditure and troop numbers as well.

    # Fewer refugees. The number of refugees dropped by some 45 percent between 1992 and 2003, as more and more wars came to an end.

    # The longest peace between major powers. The period from World War II to today is the longest interval of uninterrupted peace between great powers for hundreds of years.

    # The rise of the United Nations after the cold war. The years since the end of the cold war have seen the related emergence of the United Nations as an effective actor in conflict resolution.

    It seems the past decade’s global security sea change has gone virtually unnoticed outside of political science departments. The dominant narrative in America—echoed by the media, politicians, and the security establishment—is that we today live in a more dangerous world with endemic conflict, clashing civilizations, and new threats.

    How could it be otherwise after History has Ended and sovereignty been redefined?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


    Blair's new bid to 'rescue' public services: Shadow of leadership battle hangs over launch of party consultation (Will Woodward, May 15, 2006, The Guardian)

    Under the banner of Let's Talk, Mr Blair will lead the Labour party into a series of conferences on public service reform. His frustration at the administration of justice predates the fiasco over foreign prisoners, and controversy over the human rights of convicted criminals, but has been given further fuel by them. "I believe people want a society without prejudice but with rules; rules that are fair; that we all play by; and rules that, when broken, carry a penalty," Mr Blair will say.

    "The truth is most people don't think we have such a society. The problem of crime can be subject to lurid reporting or undue focus on terrible but exceptional cases. But even allowing for this, the fundamental point is valid.

    "Despite our attempts to toughen the law and reform the criminal justice system - reform that has often uncovered problems long untouched - the criminal justice system is still the public service most distant from what reasonable people want."

    In a formal minute released in full today, the prime minister tells the home secretary, John Reid, to ensure "that the criminal justice system is shaped around targeting the offender and not just the offence, in order to enhance public protection and ensure that the law-abiding majority can live without fear".

    He calls on Mr Reid to "build on, and seek to accelerate" a reduction in crime, and to ensure that the police "radically improve their performance on customer and victim satisfaction".

    Folks don't like to think of it in these terms, but the remoralization of American culture, which has put 2 million fellow citizens behind bars, has dramatically improved the quality of the rest of our lives.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:01 AM


    Keys to consumer conduct? Try germs and vanity (ANNE MCILROY, 5/15/06, Globe and Mail)

    A man is shopping for a long-sleeved T-shirt with a University of Alberta logo, but the only one left in the campus store is hanging up in the change room.

    Will he want to try it on?

    “The contagion effect” says no. Marketing researchers Jennifer Argo at the U of A and Darren Dahl at the University of British Columbia have performed a number of experiments that show shoppers shy away from products other people have recently touched.

    They say fear of contamination — even if it is subconscious — is what makes many of us reach for the crisp magazine at the back of the stand or refuse to try a pair of pants still on the rack outside the change room. Put those same pants back on the shelf, however, and we are happy to pull them over our bare legs and underwear.

    Dr. Argo and Dr. Dahl are part of a growing community of researchers studying the behavioural quirks of modern shoppers. And shoppers are quirky. Research has shown that we don't like buying computers in the morning, that only 76 per cent of us rule out the idea of buying used underwear, and that we are attracted by brand names that contain letters of our own names.

    Such findings may never win a Nobel Prize, but the science of shopping is of enormous interest to the companies and retailers that make and sell the food, clothes, shoes and millions of other products we buy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 AM


    In a Scientist's Fall, China Feels Robbed of Glory (DAVID BARBOZA, 5/15/06, NY Times)

    Not very long ago, China saw itself as a nation on the verge of a technological breakthrough.

    But today, China appears shocked and shamed by a scandal that has already begun to tarnish that vision. It involves a top computer scientist, Chen Jin, who became a national hero in 2003 when he said he had created one of China's first digital signal processing computer chips, sophisticated microchips that can process digitized data for mobile phones, cameras and other electronic devices. His milestone seemed to hold the promise of helping close the enormous gaps with the West in science and technology.

    On Friday, however, the government said it was all a fraud.

    The distinguished scientist, the government said, had faked research conducted at Jiaotong University and simply stolen his chip designs from a foreign company, then passed them off as his own.

    Cultures that stifle creativity aren't hotbeds of innovation.

    Research fraud rampant in China: A Chinese study found that 60 percent of PhD candidates admitted to plagiarism, bribery (Robert Marquand, 5/16/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    The stunning revelation of fraud and fakery in the heart of China's R&D industry has vindicated a feisty set of scholars who are gaining traction in exposing a culture of fraud and corruption in China's colleges. [...]

    A recent Ministry of Science study of 180 PhD candidates in China found that 60 percent admitted plagiarizing, and the same percentage admitted paying bribes to get their work published.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


    Blacks see threat from Hispanic illegal aliens (Keyonna Summers, May 15, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Blacks in the region are joining Minuteman militia groups opposed to illegal Hispanic aliens working in the United States, saying they take jobs from blacks and piggyback off the strides made during the civil rights movement. [...]

    A recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that about 80 percent of blacks have a favorable view of Hispanic immigrants' work ethic and family values. The survey also shows that 33 percent of blacks are less likely to suggest deportation of illegals aliens, compared with 59 percent of whites.

    However, the survey indicates that about half of blacks in the region see immigrants as a burden because they take jobs and housing. More than 50 percent of blacks in the region and more than 75 percent nationwide say increased immigration has led to difficulties in finding a job, compared with 50 percent of whites nationwide and 20 percent in the region who say the same.

    The survey stated 22 percent of blacks and 14 percent of whites said they or a relative had lost a job to an immigrant.

    Blacks are, of course, likelier to live in proximity to and work with immigrants, so have a better view of the values that make them economic and eventually political competitors. Those values are so at odds with liberal dogma that when the rest of the Left figures it out they'll shift to the nativist camp.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


    Bush Set To Send Guard to Border: Assignment Would Be Temporary; Critics Cite Strain on Troops (Peter Baker, May 15, 2006, Washington Post)

    President Bush tried to ease the worries of his Mexican counterpart yesterday as he prepared for a nationally televised address tonight unveiling a plan to send thousands of National Guard troops to help seal the nation's southern border against illegal immigrants.

    Mexican President Vicente Fox called to express concern over the prospect of militarization of the border, and Bush reassured him that it would be only a temporary measure to bolster overwhelmed Border Patrol agents, the White House said.

    Tougher border enforcement has backfired (Spencer S. Hsu, 5/15/06, The Washington Post)
    Beefed-up enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border since Sept. 11, 2001, has substantially increased the number of arrests of illegal immigrants, but tens of thousands of captured non-Mexicans continue to be released into the United States because there is no place to hold them, according to experts and immigration officials.

    The vast majority simply slip away inside the country after being issued "Notices to Appear" for a deportation hearing — documents known to Border Patrol agents as "Notices to Disappear."

    The success of border crossers who stay in the United States through this "catch-and-release" process has encouraged others who hope to enter the country the same way.

    The same folks complaining about immigration are the ones complaining about spending, and that's not a contradiction they can square.

    Reform bill to double immigration (Charles Hurt, May 15, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    The immigration reform bill that the Senate takes up today would more than double the flow of legal immigration into the United States each year and dramatically lower the skill level of those immigrants.

    The number of extended family members that U.S. citizens or legal residents can bring into this country would double. More dramatically, the number of workers and their immediate families could increase sevenfold if there are enough U.S. employers looking for cheap foreign labor. Another provision would grant humanitarian visas to any woman or orphaned child anywhere in the world "at risk of harm" because of age or sex. [...]

    All told, the Hagel-Martinez bill would increase the annual flow of legal immigrants into the U.S. to more than 2 million from roughly 1 million today, scholars and analysts say.

    A doubling is nice, but unlikely to prove enough. If there's one thing that conservatives know, it's that central governments aren't capable of making micro-management decisions like the exact number of workers we need to import.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


    English blow to Brown's PM hopes (HAMISH MACDONELL, 5/15/06, The Scotsman)

    GORDON Brown's hopes of winning the next election as Labour leader suffered a setback yesterday when a new poll showed a strong English backlash against the idea of a Scottish Prime Minister.

    The BBC poll found that most voters in England believe Scottish MPs should be barred from becoming Prime Minister, with the highest level of antagonism in the south-east of England. [...]

    Across the UK, 52 per cent of respondents said it was wrong for an MP north of the Border to become Prime Minister now Scotland has its own parliament.

    Forty-five per cent said they did not mind a Scottish MP becoming Prime Minister, with 3 per cent undecided. The percentage of those objecting to the idea of a Scottish Prime Minister was 55 per cent for England and 59 per cent in the south-east, and 20 per cent in Scotland.

    The BBC poll represents one of the first pieces of definite evidence of English resentment to the so-called "West Lothian Question".

    This asked why Scottish MPs could decide English domestic matters in the UK parliament while English MPs had no chance to influence Scottish domestic policy, which is decided in Holyrood.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 AM


    Asian nations to get help saving energy (Japan Times, 5/15/06)

    The Natural Resources and Energy Agency will formulate a plan to offer Japan's energy saving technologies and methods to rapidly growing Asian economies, agency officials said.

    The agency, an arm of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, wants to incorporate the project in its new energy strategy report to be compiled this month according to the officials.

    The agency envisions dispatching experts to the countries to be selected, including China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, to help them implement energy saving methods that have proven successful in Japan.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


    Victory Day, Moscow 2006: Can a Westerner understand the Russian people's love of strong leaders? (Peter Savodnik, May 14, 2006, Slate)

    Last year, Victory Day was big. The 60th anniversary of the 1945 Nazi defeat gave President Vladimir Putin a chance to host a grand celebration that included, for the first time, the German chancellor. Other world leaders, including President Bush, also attended the Red Square ceremonies. The Lithuanians and Estonians stayed home—they don't believe the war really ended until the 1991 Soviet collapse—and the Latvians probably regretted that their president accepted the Kremlin's invitation. But the general tenor of the festivities was positive, if somber, injecting some staying power into a holiday that has, inevitably, lost some of its currency with the passing of the years.

    This year, Victory Day's slide toward oblivion resumed. Thousands turned up for the parades, speeches, and demonstrations in central Moscow. Millions tuned in to the Soviet-era war movies that played on state-run TV stations. But there was less excitement than in 2005, and the distractions of the popular culture seemed to crowd out the state-sponsored mythologies that once shaped the public consciousness.

    For 15 years, at least, a cultural-cognitive gap has been growing between the people and the state. That space is a manifestation of the public's alienation from its government. Attempts to paper over that alienation, to foist a new solidarity on an old people, are absurd. The people, especially the young people who are impervious to the old dogma, know this.

    So, too, does the president, who's not a Soviet premier so much as a tsar, dispensing with ideology and reappropriating the powers of 19th-century imperialism. Whether it's single-handedly rerouting massive oil pipelines or reorganizing the federal bureaucracy, Putin has not so much resurrected a dead superstate as responded to Russians' long-festering desire for a "strong hand."

    And so the day after Victory Day, the president gave his State of the Nation address and told Russians that they need to have more babies. Noting that the population has been declining—from roughly 150 million in the early 1990s to 140 million today—he mapped out a series of financial incentives for women to have more children.

    Whether more Russians women will become mothers for the sake of the motherland is unknown. There is, of course, something odd about a president telling his people to make more babies—procreation tends to be a personal matter. But this is not how tsars think. And the Russian people—most of them, at least—love their tsar.

    Richard Pipes couldn't figure it out either, but has written well about it in Russian Conservatism and its Critics.

    May 14, 2006

    Posted by David Cohen at 5:35 PM


    This list of positions common to lefty bloggers (from Atrios via Kevin Drum) is bouncing around the internet, with libertarian bloggers using it as a test of whether they are really left-libertarians. I took the test, and it turns out that I'm not a lefty. The really interesting thing, though, is how weak, colorless, contentless, label-driven and reactionary modern liberalism is. The test, and my comments, follow:

  • Undo the bankruptcy bill enacted by this administration.
    I don't care very much, but, being conservative, I'm against change for change's sake, so I'll go with "no." On the substance, I have two friends who are both experienced bankruptcy lawyers. One is liberal and the other is more conservative than I am. Both dislike the bill because it tilts the field from the bankrupt to their creditors. On the other hand, I haven't been hearing any horror stories since the bill passed. Note, however, that the only reason given for opposing the bankruptcy bill is that it was passed by "this administration." Actually, the administration had very little to do with the bankruptcy bill, which has been bouncing around Washington for at least a decade. It passed with a substantial minority of Democratic votes in both the House (73 votes for) and Senate (17 for, plus Jeffords, and with Senator Clinton not voting). Liberalism is reactionary.
  • Repeal the estate tax repeal
    Again, liberalism is reactionary. The estate tax is a small tax that is hated by those who have to pay it and thought to be unfair even by those who will never have to deal with it. It is also an incredibly wasteful tax, with billions of dollars (more, probably, than the tax collects) spent every year in attempts to avoid it. Again, liberalism is reactionary, but liberals also love this tax because it targets their bete noir, the undeserving rich. It is a nice example of how far removed the left is from mainstream America that they find popular resistance to the estate tax baffling and irrational.
  • Increase the minimum wage and index it to the CPI
    An incredibly stupid idea, unless the left really is dedicated to remaking the US in the image of 70s era Latin America. A recipe for high unemployment, inflation and stagnation and a way to ensure that the CPI becomes even more overstated than it already is. A prime example of the Democrats continuing war on African-Americans.
  • Universal health care (obviously the devil is in the details on this one)
    The devil is in the details? All that matters is the details. Apparently, the left is more impressed by titles than ideas. Say that something is the Civil Rights Restoration Act, or promotes universal health care, and the left will be for it. I fully expect that, if the Democrats ever retake the government, the Economic Justice Act of (say) 2050 will re-institute slavery. In any event, "universal" "healthcare" would be neither. It's a bad idea that would be badly executed. It is also the left's only big idea, now more than 40 years old.
  • Increase CAFE standards. Some other environment-related regulation
    "Some other environment-related regulation." Because, you know, if it's called "environmentalism" there can't possibly be a down side. CAFE standards, of course, set up perverse incentives by reducing the cost of each mile driven. The left complains that the American people have avoided past CAFE standards by buying more loosely regulated trucks, but that's the point. CAFE standards are the poster child for unintended consequences.
  • Pro-reproductive rights, getting rid of abstinence-only education, improving education about and access to contraception including the morning after pill, and supporting choice. On the last one there's probably some disagreement around the edges (parental notification, for example), but otherwise.
    Ah, the theme song of the left: "Death, death, death. Death. Death, death, death. Death." Chorus: "Death. Death. Death. Death."
  • Simplify and increase the progressivity of the tax code
    Leaving aside the easy point that you can't do both, let's note that taking 34% of income tax revenue from the top 1% of earners (who earned 16% of all earned income) just isn't progressive enough. (Numbers are from 2003) In fact, there's no such thing as progressive enough, because the left isn't interested in using the income tax to raise revenue. It wants to use the income tax to take as much money as possible from the rich, apparently a good in and of itself. The left is so mired in its European socialist redistributionist past that it's as if they've never met a modern American.
  • Kill faith-based funding. Certainly kill federal funding of anything that engages in religious discrimination.
    Here we have the left at it's truest. "We hate religion, so we're not going to fund efficacious programs, the beneficiaries be damned." Of course, if religion were to return the favor, the left would come down on them like an avenging ang ... like an IRS agent with a hang-over.
  • Reduce corporate giveaways
    Again, a contentless slogan, not a program. It might as well be a lefty goal to "Be excellent to each other" or not be evil. I'm all in favor of reducing corporate giveaways, but I certainly don't trust the left to identify them. We'll score this one a "no."
  • Have Medicare run the Medicare drug plan
    That would be the Medicare drug plan that the left is denouncing as a confusing corporate giveaway? This, too, is reactionary. It is, in fact, defensive, as the Medicare drug program is going to be an arrow in the heart of government run healthcare.
  • Force companies to stop underfunding their pensions. Change corporate bankruptcy law to put workers and retirees at the head of the line with respect to their pensions.
    This micro-management is the best they can come up with? They might as well agree that red lights should be 10 seconds shorter. As Jane Galt and others have noted, this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how the problem arose, and of the financial markets. The best one could hope for is that this would have no effect. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that a lot of pension funds -- the well-run ones -- would be against this, too, because it would complicate their operations and increase their costs.
  • Leave the states alone on issues like medical marijuana. Generally move towards "more decriminalization" of drugs, though the details complicated there too.
    As we will see in the hodge-podge of miscellanea that follows, the left couldn't care less about states' rights. If any other drug was being pushed on the public in the face of an FDA conclusion that it wasn't efficacious, the left would be up in arms about big business and the profit motive betraying poor sick Americans. Drug dealers are different, apparently. (I've always been amused by the left on the one hand running on and on about Alar and pesticides and additives and organic farming, and on the other hand celebrating the snorting, smoking, shooting up of drugs cut with unknown substances processed under unknown conditions by unknown people.) In any event, the medical marijuana movement is meant to lead to the legalisation of marijuana and serves no other purpose. There can be no effective national prohibition on marijuana use at the same time there are medical marijuana programs in the states. As Americans have enough vices to be going on with, I vote no here, too.
  • Paper ballots
    Because that's how Democrats steal elections. (Note that states' rights suddenly take a back seat.) I have no problem with making elections more secure. Let's start with a requirement that all voters show proof of citizenship to register and government issued photo ID to vote.
  • Improve access to daycare and other pro-family policies. Obviously details matter.
    Gee, I didn't realize that government was blocking access to daycares. Again, without details, this is not a policy. "Let's be pro-family." Blech.
  • Raise the cap on wages covered by FICA taxes.
    Because nothing is more important than that we continue to lie to the electorate about how social security works.
  • Marriage rights for all, which includes "gay marriage" and quicker transition to citizenship for the foreign spouses of citizens.
    States' rights? Did anyone mention states' rights? As far as federal questions are concerned: Again with the miscellanea. Foreign spouses should be able to come here immediately, but should have to qualify for citizenship in the usual way. (Is this really something that all lefty bloggers agree on? Have they also agreed on the amount of time federal workers should get for lunch?)
    So, there you have the completely pathetic, uninspiring clap-trap that all lefty bloggers can agree to. I understand that this is supposed to be least common denominator stuff, but it is really sad that American liberalism has been reduced to this contentless drivel. Saddest of all is the one issue that is not mentioned: National security and the war in which we are currently engaged. Not a word about the biggest issue of our time. The party of the left needs to spend more time in the wildernes. The left can not yet be trusted with our security, which they see as a distraction from income tax progressivity and letting foreign spouses become citizens in three years rather than five.

    Finally, can the right do any better? What do all righty bloggers believe in, and is it any less anodyne? Here's my proposal: Righty bloggers all believe in American exceptionalism. The Devil is in the details.

  • Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 AM


    We Test the Tips: What Really Saves Gas? And How Much? (Philip Reed and Mike Hudson, 11-22-2005,

    With gas prices so high, the media is awash with lists of gas-saving tips. Well how's this for a tip? If you listen to us, you can see hybrid-type savings without having to buy a new car.

    By changing your driving habits you can improve fuel economy up to 37 percent right away (depending on how you drive). Combine several tips and perform routine maintenance and you will save real dollars, not just pennies.

    A miracle? All we did was take several of the most common tips out there and put them to the test over a remote 55-mile route in the high desert of California. Some of them worked like a charm. Some of them didn't work at all. We'll give you the breakdown.

    These tests were done under real-world conditions — not in a government lab somewhere. Our results can be matched by anyone — even you.

    The wonderful part about what we found is that improving your car's mileage is just a matter of changing your habits. Stack a few of these winners together and we'll bet that you'll see a substantial savings at the pump — without the need for a new car. [...]

    Test #4 A/C On, Windows Up vs. A/C Off, Windows Down

    Result: Nice in theory; not true in practice

    Cold Hard Facts: No measurable difference (unless you open the sunroof, too!)

    Recommendation: Please, make yourself comfortable.

    Thank you, Jesus.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:37 AM


    Everyone lagging in AL West (Larry Stone, 5/14/06, Seattle Times)

    On two things, all four teams in the American League West would agree:

    One, they sure could use another productive bat or three (that goes even for the Texas Rangers, who aren't raking with the reckless abandon one would expect from a club that plays at a hitter's paradise like Ameriquest).

    And, especially, two: Thank goodness everyone else is struggling, too.

    None of the quartet has taken off and taken control of the division, but none has been buried, either. And the candidates for burial are four-fold: Heading into Friday's play, the last-place Mariners would have been a nearly hopeless 9-½ games out of first place if they were in the Central Division with the White Sox — and first-place Texas, at one game over .500, would have been six games out.

    As it was, however, just 3-½ games separated top from bottom, leaving the whole bedraggled gang with illusions (or perhaps delusions) of running off the sort of surge that propelled the San Diego Padres from the dregs to the top in their kindred cauldron of the commonplace, the National League West.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


    Mandelson bars Brown's way (Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite, 14/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

    Peter Mandelson, Labour's former spin doctor-in-chief, is playing a leading role in efforts to persuade Tony Blair to delay his departure as Prime Minister, it can be revealed.

    The European commissioner is at the head of a group of "ultra" Blairite advisers who want Mr Blair to defy Gordon Brown by "playing the long game" and not leaving Downing Street until 2008 at the earliest.

    His intervention throws into chaos Labour's hopes of a "stable and orderly" transfer of power between Mr Blair and Mr Brown next year.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:03 AM


    This marvelous translation of an ancient Persian classic brings these stories alive for a new audience: a review of SHAHNAMEH: The Persian Book of Kings By Abolqasem Ferdowsi, Translated from the Persian by Dick Davis (Michael Dirda, May 14, 2006, Washington Post)

    The Shahnameh is the great epic of ancient Persia, opening with the creation of the universe and closing with the Arab Muslim conquest of the worn-out empire in the 7th century. In its pages, the 11th-century poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi chronicles the reigns of a hundred kings, the exploits of dozens of epic heroes and the seemingly never-ending conflict between early Iran and its traditional enemy, the country here called Turan (a good-sized chunk of Central Asia). To imagine an equivalent to this violent and beautiful work, think of an amalgam of Homer's Iliad and the ferocious Old Testament book of Judges.

    But even these grand comparisons don't do the poem justice. Embedded in the Shahnameh are love stories, like that of Zal and Rudabeh, that recall the heartsick yearnings of Provençal troubadours and their ladies; tragedies of mistaken identity, hubris and irreconcilable moral obligations that might have attracted Sophocles; and meditations on the brevity of life that sound like Ecclesiastes or Horace. Though ostensibly historical, the poem is also full of myth and legend, of fairies and demons, of miraculous births and enchanted arrows and terrible curses, of richly caparisoned battle-elephants and giant birds straight out of the Arabian Nights. Little wonder that artists have often taken its stories as the inspiration for those manuscript illuminations we sometimes call Persian miniatures.

    All this is swell, a modern reader is likely to think, but can Americans living in the 21st century actually turn the pages of the Shahnameh with anything like enjoyment? Yes, they can, thanks to Dick Davis, our pre-eminent translator from the Persian (and not only of medieval poems, but also of Iraj Pezeshkzad's celebrated comic novel, My Uncle Napoleon ). Davis's diction in this largely prose version of the Shahnameh possesses the simplicity and elevation appropriate to an epic but never sounds grandiose; its sentences are clear, serene and musical. At various heightened moments -- usually of anguish or passion -- Davis will shift into aria-like verse, and the results remind us that the scholar and translator is also a noted poet...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 AM


    A Rebel Prince's Vision for Reform: Saudi's Long-held Ideals Gaining an Audience with Royal Family (Anthony Shadid, 5/14/06, Washington Post)

    [Prince] Talal is many things: for 50 years, the most liberal figure in a family that remains the most conservative and traditional of the Persian Gulf's monarchies and tribal dynasties; a philanthropist who brings a ruthlessness to business that he once saved for politics; a glimmer of light for the kingdom's liberals, many of whom acknowledge that change here will probably only come under the auspices of religion and its modernization, not through the secular talk of civil society and individual rights.

    Perhaps most compelling, though, is that Talal takes a debate about democratic reform in the Arab world, defined lately by the Bush administration, and illustrates a broader, more enduring context, one that speaks to experience rather than promise. His calls for change are little different than in the 1950s and '60s, when he was dismissed as a communist sympathizer; he remains a critic of U.S. policy, citing Iraq's trauma as the latest example. To Talal, the battle itself is not new, only the players. And in his words are a sense of vindication for ideas he believes are no less crucial today.

    "The world has changed, not me," he said. "History has proved the rightness of what I was talking about."

    "Some of the members of the family were against those ideas," he added. "Now they're talking about them."

    These days, Talal advocates a constitution that would bind an absolute monarchy by law, "a social contract between the ruler and those who are ruled." The parliament, now an appointed, relatively toothless body known as the Consultative Council, would be at least partially elected, with the right to oversee the budget, monitor the government and question ministers, he said.

    Women? "Right now, we have more than 2 million female students," he said, shaking his head. "When they graduate, where are they going to go? Either you close the schools and leave them to illiteracy or you grant them an opportunity to work."

    He laughed. "Can you imagine, can anyone imagine, that women cannot drive in Saudi Arabia?" he said.

    His list went on: Progress is impeded by "the opposition of religious extremists." The religious establishment, long the allies of his family, should stand aside as the country forges a division of power -- judicial, executive and legislative. Along the way, the kingdom, he said, must determine the mechanism of passing the monarchy from the aging sons of the country's founder to their grandsons before simmering rivalries between the branches of the House of Saud flare into the open.

    "The goal remains the same," he said, "the participation of people in forming opinions and making decisions."

    The same words, a different era: "Now we're freed from the notion of the Red Prince, the name the Americans gave me."

    A constitutional monarchy is the ideal form of government.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


    McCain Reconnects With Liberty University (Dan Balz, 5/14/06, Washington Post)

    McCain's appearance came eight months after the founder of the Moral Majority visited him at his Senate office in what both men said was an effort to put their contentious past behind them. This weekend, Falwell rolled out the red carpet for his old adversary, assembling about 150 church leaders from around the country for a Friday night reception and later hosting a small, private dinner for the senator.

    At Saturday's commencement ceremonies, McCain and Falwell marched side by side onto the stage in the university's basketball arena. After a sometimes raucous faculty processional, in which students and faculty members doused one another with aerosol cans of string, Falwell warmly praised his guest, saying, "The ilk of John McCain is very scarce, very small."

    Neither McCain nor Falwell made even an oblique reference to past differences. After his loss to George W. Bush in the South Carolina primary in 2000, an angry McCain went to Virginia Beach to challenge the power of Christian conservative leaders in the Republican Party and singled out Falwell and the Rev. Pat Robertson by name. Unexpectedly, he set fire to his own campaign.

    His differences then with Falwell and Robertson came principally over campaign finance reform, but his words carried a far harsher message about the power of the religious right. A day later, McCain used the word "evil" to describe his opponents, but afterward, he and his advisers regretted it.

    Falwell's visit last September began a process of reconciliation between the two men. "The senator did what I do quite often: spoke out of his emotions and later felt bad about it," Falwell said of that 2000 incident. But in their meeting, he said, "no apologies were asked for or given."

    Asked whether he believes their reconciliation helps McCain politically, Falwell, in a telephone interview on Friday, said, "I don't think there's any question about that. There are 80 million evangelicals in this country. My intent was to say that John McCain and I are friends, that I respect him and that there are no problems with yesterday."

    Cooler relations persist with some other Christian conservative leaders. The Rev. James Dobson, who leads Focus on the Family, declined a request for an interview about McCain's appearance at Liberty University, and knowledgeable social conservatives say Dobson has a distinctly dubious view of McCain as the prospective leader of the Republican Party. McCain and Robertson have made no attempts to patch up their differences.

    Others said McCain will have to demonstrate more consistent respect for religious and social conservatives. "John McCain has to get in line behind a number of other people that have already won our respect and admiration and, in some cases, already our support," said the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition.

    Next month, McCain will part company with religious conservatives on the Senate vote over a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. He opposes the amendment on the grounds that it is an issue for states to decide. Falwell said the two agree that marriage should be between a man and a woman but differ on the means to ensure that.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:25 AM


    Dolphins 'have their own names' (BBC, May 8th, 2006)

    Dolphins communicate like humans by calling each other by "name", scientists in Fife have found.

    The mammals are able to recognise themselves and other members of the same species as individuals with separate identities, using whistles.

    St Andrews University researchers studying in Florida discovered bottlenose dolphins used names rather than sound to identify each other.

    The three-year-study was funded by the Royal Society of London.

    Dr Vincent Janik, of the Sea Mammal Unit at St Andrews University, said they conducted the research on wild dolphins.

    He said: "We captured wild dolphins using nets when they came near the shore.

    "Then in the shallow water we recorded their whistles before synthesising them on a computer so that we had a computer voice of a dolphin.

    "Then we played it back to the dolphins and we found they responded. This showed us that the dolphins know each other's signature whistle instead of just the voice.

    "I think it is a very exciting discovery because it means that these animals have evolved the same abilities as humans.

    In his brilliant takedown of Freud, Roger Scruton noted that Freud’s genius lay not in his silly theories but in his capacity to be amazed and astounded by the commonplace and to convince us to be likewise. This is a common feature of modern science, or at least of the public presentation of its work, especially in biology and paleontology. Each and every “discovery” is hailed as exciting beyond words and a challenge to our “old certainties” that force us to “rethink” the natural order. In almost all cases, the reader is invited subtly or not so subtly to conclude that, contrary to what we have all believed since the beginning of time, there is really nothing special about man, who is physically, emotionally, socially and even linguistically of the same order as the animal world.

    One of the most famous of such claims was Jane Goodall’s observation in the 1960's of chimps digging termites out of mounds with sticks. According to Peter Watson, the use of tools was “hitherto understood to be the hallmark of humanity” and the discovery reverberated around the world and showed chimps were far closer to us than had been previously believed. But believed by whom? Certainly not by pre-Enlightenment man, whose rich motif of fables and myths included anthropomorphic themes that make Disney look amateurish (Here Be Dragons!) and who experienced near-mystical relationships with horses, dogs, cats and other animals. Shaken scientists may have lain sleepless and wondrous at Goodall’s observation, but it is hard to imagine the man in the street giving more than an impatient shrug and wondering what the fuss was all about. For it was not he who believed in “the old certainty” that only man used tools, but rather the scientists who invented the claim.

    Something similar occurs with the much-repeated observation that we share 98.3% of our DNA with chimps, and are therefore almost identical. This figure is drummed into our heads with such frequency that one fears a whole generation is growing up believing it is only their superstition and ethnocentrism that keeps them from inviting chimps to the family reunion or taking them on as spouses or business partners. Outside of strict biological applications, the figure is meaningless (we also apparently share 60% of our DNA with the banana) but it is repeated ad nauseum in the context of a shadowy assumption that before Crick, we all believed humans were made of unique raw materials and that it was these that established us as belonging to a distinct and higher order. In fact, no one ever believed that man’s uniqueness was grounded in the physical, but in persuading us that we once did, modern biology makes its mundane, day-to-day work appear momentous and furthers its campaign to take the uniqueness of the human experience out of science, and therefore out of reality.

    Would anyone who grew up around animals be surprised to learn dolphins have distinct whistles that they can recognize? Certainly not anyone who saw that memorable scene from March of the Penguins where mating couples who had just met could find each other in the cacophony of tens of thousands of identical screeching penguins. Certainly not anyone who has observed the complex ways dogs, horses and other animals recognize and communicate. This “discovery” is banal in the extreme, but it does give Dr Janik what every modern biologist dreams of—the chance to stand before a microphone and assert that “animals have evolved the same abilities as humans”.

    May 13, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 PM


    Grappling with God: The faith of a famous poet: Auden and Christianity by Arthur Kirsch (Wilfred M. McClay, May 7, 2006, The Weekly Standard)

    In some respects, Auden's theological orientation and reflections are emblematic of a particular historical moment, the mid-20th-century decades when the cataclysms of world war and the thwarting of the progressive faith led so many serious, secular-minded Western thinkers to reconsider the claims of the Christian intellectual tradition, even down to the forbidding doctrine of original sin.

    Auden himself believed he had rejected the Christian faith as a young man, but gradually found himself drawn back to it, partly in reaction to the brutal political realities emerging in the late 1930s, especially the rise of Nazism and the closing of the churches in civil war Spain, both of which shocked and dismayed him, and challenged the hold of left-progressive pieties. His chronic and tortured unhappiness in love also surely influenced him, as did an impressive encounter with the Anglican writer Charles Williams, who introduced him to the work of Kierkegaard and provided him a shining example of an accomplished intellectual who was also a thoroughgoing Christian.

    But the questions that ate at him went much deeper than the mere matter of role models. How did one explain the destructive recalcitrance of the human heart, including one's own? How did one find a way to live decently within the content of a world, and a life, that seemed beyond redemption?

    Such questions were never far away, and one can already begin to see the beginnings of a Christian reckoning with them emerging quite consciously in "As I walked out one evening" (1937): "Life remains a blessing / Although you cannot bless. . . . You shall love your crooked neighbor / With your crooked heart"--the term "crooked" here carrying, of course, meanings both personal and general. By 1940, the time of his famous "September 1, 1939," he had formulated his own concise distillation of the conundrum of original sin: "For the error bred in the bone / Of each woman and each man / Craves what it cannot have / Not universal love / But to be loved alone."

    There was a general intellectual excitement in those days about emerging works of serious theology, particularly Protestant theology, excitement that is hard to imagine today. Auden read widely in that literature, particularly in the works of his good friend Reinhold Niebuhr, as well as Paul Tillich, Karl Barth, and the other theological lions of the first half of the 20th century. But he was no theologian. He always seemed to feed on such works in an opportunistic spirit, having a poet's insouciance about the truth claims of systematic theology or apologetics and, indeed, for nearly all dogmatic assertions about questions of religion. Such theological reading chiefly served to replenish his fund of metaphors and similes. But in the end, he was convinced that all ratiocinations and speculations about God's nature were arrogant assumptions and empty human pretensions, merely learned ways of "taking His name in vain." Instead, he believed the worthiest Christians were those who remained perpetually humble and perpetually uneasy in their outlook, their minds stretched taut between the contrary poles of belief and skepticism.

    "Our faith," he insisted, must be "well balanced by our doubt," for a Christian "is never something one is, only something one can pray to become." Christianity was a "way," a way of being in the world, not a set of intellectual propositions or a moral checklist or a map of all reality.

    Such intellectual modesty helps explain the enduring appeal of his native Anglicanism, particularly in its high-church Anglo-Catholic form, precisely because it stressed "uniformity of rite" more than "uniformity of doctrine."

    Great art must, of course, reflect knowledge of that "error bred in the bone."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:59 PM


    Buying a GOP Baby Boom (Froma Harrop, 5/13/06, Real Clear Politics)

    Vladimir Putin wants to pay Russian women to have more children. Such pro-natalist policies are common in Western Europe, Japan and parts of Canada.

    It was odd, however, to see similar ideas floated last November in the "conservative" Weekly Standard magazine. Authors Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam suggested that Washington mail out checks for "bonus babies," then pay their parents to take care of them at home.

    Didn't welfare do much of that? Of course, the authors don't use such an unpopular term. "Subsidy" is a nicer word than "welfare," though to a true conservative, it's not a very nice word.

    Douthat and Salam envision a number of transfer payments: handouts for parents who care for children at home; tuition credits as reward for the time spent raising kids; pension credits for the years not spent in the workplace. (I guess the $1,000-a-child tax credit isn't enough for these guys.) Imagine the blizzard of new checks flying out of Washington.

    Now why would conservatives make the sort of proposals that have long inhabited the left end of the feminist movement? The answer is that they're not really conservatives. They're Republicans.

    How does the Left's future look when it has to face the fact that children are a Republican plot for political dominance?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 PM



    Thank you, Dr. Falwell. Thank you, faculty, families and friends, and thank you Liberty University Class of 2006 for your welcome and for your kind invitation to give this year’s commencement address. I want to join in the chorus of congratulations to the Class of 2006. This is a day to bask in praise. You’ve earned it. You have succeeded in a demanding course of instruction. Life seems full of promise as is always the case when a passage in life is marked by significant accomplishment. Today, it might seem as if the world attends you.

    But spare a moment for those who have truly attended you so well for so long, and whose pride in your accomplishments is even greater than your own – your parents. When the world was looking elsewhere your parents’ attention was one of life’s certainties. So, as I commend you, I offer equal praise to your parents for the sacrifices they made for you, for their confidence in you and their love. More than any other influence in your lives they have helped make you the success you are today and might become tomorrow.

    Thousands of commencement addresses are given every year, many by people with greater eloquence and more original minds than I possess. And it’s difficult on such occasions to avoid resorting to clichés. So let me just say that I wish you all well. This is a wonderful time to be young. Life will offer you ways to use your education, industry and intelligence to achieve personal success in your chosen professions. And it will also offer you chances to know a far more sublime happiness by serving something greater than your self-interest. I hope you make the most of all your opportunities.

    When I was in your situation, many, many years ago, an undistinguished graduate – barely – of the Naval Academy, I listened to President Eisenhower deliver the commencement address. I admired President Eisenhower greatly. But I remember little of his remarks that day, impatient as I was to enjoy the less formal celebrations of graduation, and mindful that given my class standing I would not have the privilege of shaking the President’s hand. I do recall, vaguely, that he encouraged his audience of new navy ensigns and Marine lieutenants to become “crusaders for peace.”

    I became an aviator and, eventually, an instrument of war in Vietnam. I believed, as did many of my friends, we were defending the cause of a just peace. Some Americans believed we were agents of American imperialism who were not overly troubled by the many tragedies of war and the difficult moral dilemmas that constantly confront soldiers. Ours is a noisy, contentious society, and always has been, for we love our liberties much. And among those liberties we love most, particularly so when we are young, is our right to self-expression. That passion for self-expression sometimes overwhelms our civility, and our presumption that those with whom we have strong disagreements, wrong as they might be, believe that they, too, are answering the demands of their conscience.

    When I was a young man, I was quite infatuated with self-expression, and rightly so because, if memory conveniently serves, I was so much more eloquent, well-informed, and wiser than anyone else I knew. It seemed I understood the world and the purpose of life so much more profoundly than most people. I believed that to be especially true with many of my elders, people whose only accomplishment, as far as I could tell, was that they had been born before me, and, consequently, had suffered some number of years deprived of my insights. I had opinions on everything, and I was always right. I loved to argue, and I could become understandably belligerent with people who lacked the grace and intelligence to agree with me. With my superior qualities so obvious, it was an intolerable hardship to have to suffer fools gladly. So I rarely did. All their resistance to my brilliantly conceived and cogently argued views proved was that they possessed an inferior intellect and a weaker character than God had blessed me with, and I felt it was my clear duty to so inform them. It’s a pity that there wasn’t a blogosphere then. I would have felt very much at home in the medium.

    It’s funny, now, how less self-assured I feel late in life than I did when I lived in perpetual springtime. Some of my critics allege that age hasn’t entirely cost me the conceits of my youth. All I can say to them is, they should have known me then, when I was brave and true and better looking than I am at present. But as the great poet, Yeats, wrote, “All that’s beautiful drifts away, like the waters.” I have lost some of the attributes that were the object of a young man’s vanity. But there have been compensations, which I have come to hold dear.

    We have our disagreements, we Americans. We contend regularly and enthusiastically over many questions: over the size and purposes of our government; over the social responsibilities we accept in accord with the dictates of our conscience and our faithfulness to the God we pray to; over our role in the world and how to defend our security interests and values in places where they are threatened. These are important questions; worth arguing about. We should contend over them with one another. It is more than appropriate, it is necessary that even in times of crisis, especially in times of crisis, we fight among ourselves for the things we believe in. It is not just our right, but our civic and moral obligation.

    Our country doesn’t depend on the heroism of every citizen. But all of us should be worthy of the sacrifices made on our behalf. We have to love our freedom, not just for the private opportunities it provides, but for the goodness it makes possible. We have to love it as much, even if not as heroically, as the brave Americans who defend us at the risk and often the cost of their lives. We must love it enough to argue about it, and to serve it, in whatever way our abilities permit and our conscience requires, whether it calls us to arms or to altruism or to politics.

    I supported the decision to go to war in Iraq. Many Americans did not. My patriotism and my conscience required me to support it and to engage in the debate over whether and how to fight it. I stand that ground not to chase vainglorious dreams of empire; not for a noxious sense of racial superiority over a subject people; not for cheap oil; -- we could have purchased oil from the former dictator at a price far less expensive than the blood and treasure we’ve paid to secure those resources for the people of that nation; not for the allure of chauvinism, to wreak destruction in the world in order to feel superior to it; not for a foolishly romantic conception of war. I stand that ground because I believed, rightly or wrongly, that my country’s interests and values required it.

    War is an awful business. The lives of the nation’s finest patriots are sacrificed. Innocent people suffer. Commerce is disrupted, economies damaged. Strategic interests shielded by years of statecraft are endangered as the demands of war and diplomacy conflict. Whether the cause was necessary or not, whether it was just or not, we should all shed a tear for all that is lost when war claims its wages from us. However just or false the cause, how ever proud and noble the service, it is loss – the loss of friends, the loss of innocent life, the loss of innocence -- that the veteran feels most keenly forever more. Only a fool or a fraud sentimentalizes war.

    Americans should argue about this war. It has cost the lives of nearly 2500 of the best of us. It has taken innocent life. It has imposed an enormous financial burden on our economy. At a minimum, it has complicated our ability to respond to other looming threats. Should we lose this war, our defeat will further destabilize an already volatile and dangerous region, strengthen the threat of terrorism, and unleash furies that will assail us for a very long time. I believe the benefits of success will justify the costs and risks we have incurred. But if an American feels the decision was unwise, then they should state their opposition, and argue for another course. It is your right and your obligation. I respect you for it. I would not respect you if you chose to ignore such an important responsibility. But I ask that you consider the possibility that I, too, am trying to meet my responsibilities, to follow my conscience, to do my duty as best as I can, as God has given me light to see that duty.

    Americans deserve more than tolerance from one another, we deserve each other’s respect, whether we think each other right or wrong in our views, as long as our character and our sincerity merit respect, and as long as we share, for all our differences, for all the noisy debates that enliven our politics, a mutual devotion to the sublime idea that this nation was conceived in – that freedom is the inalienable right of mankind, and in accord with the laws of nature and nature’s Creator.

    We have so much more that unites us than divides us. We need only to look to the enemy who now confronts us, and the benighted ideals to which Islamic extremists pledge allegiance -- their disdain for the rights of Man, their contempt for innocent human life -- to appreciate how much unites us.

    Take, for example, the awful human catastrophe under way in the Darfur region of the Sudan. If the United States and the West can be criticized for our role in this catastrophe it is because we have waited too long to intervene to protect the multitudes who are suffering, dying because of it.

    Twelve years ago, we turned a blind eye to another genocide, in Rwanda. And when that reign of terror finally, mercifully exhausted itself, with over 800,000 Rwandans slaughtered, Americans, our government, and decent people everywhere in the world were shocked and ashamed of our silence and inaction, for ignoring our values, and the demands of our conscience. In shame and renewed allegiance to our ideals, we swore, not for the first time, “never again.” But never lasted only until the tragedy of Darfur.

    Now, belatedly, we have recovered our moral sense of duty, and are prepared, I hope, to put an end to this genocide. Osama bin Laden and his followers, ready, as always, to sacrifice anything and anyone to their hatred of the West and our ideals, have called on Muslims to rise up against any Westerner who dares intervene to stop the genocide, even though Muslims, hundreds of thousands of Muslims, are its victims. Now that, my friends, is a difference, a cause, worth taking up arms against.

    It is not a clash of civilizations. I believe, as I hope all Americans would believe, that no matter where people live, no matter their history or religious beliefs or the size of their GDP, all people share the desire to be free; to make by their own choices and industry better lives for themselves and their children. Human rights exist above the state and beyond history – they are God-given. They cannot be rescinded by one government any more than they can be granted by another. They inhabit the human heart, and from there, though they may be abridged, they can never be wrenched.

    This is a clash of ideals, a profound and terrible clash of ideals. It is a fight between right and wrong. Relativism has no place in this confrontation. We’re not defending an idea that every human being should eat corn flakes, play baseball or watch MTV. We’re not insisting that all societies be governed by a bicameral legislature and a term-limited chief executive. We are insisting that all people have a right to be free, and that right is not subject to the whims and interests and authority of another person, government or culture. Relativism, in this contest, is most certainly not a sign of our humility or ecumenism; it is a mask for arrogance and selfishness. It is, and I mean this sincerely and with all humility, not worthy of us. We are a better people than that.

    We are not a perfect nation. Our history has had its moments of shame and profound regret. But what we have achieved in our brief history is irrefutable proof that a nation conceived in liberty will prove stronger, more decent and more enduring than any nation ordered to exalt the few at the expense of the many or made from a common race or culture or to preserve traditions that have no greater attribute than longevity.

    As blessed as we are, no nation complacent in its greatness can long sustain it. We, too, must prove, as those who came before us proved, that a people free to act in their own interests, will perceive those interests in an enlightened way, will live as one nation, in a kinship of ideals, and make of our power and wealth a civilization for the ages, a civilization in which all people share in the promise and responsibilities of freedom.

    Should we claim our rights and leave to others the duty to the ideals that protect them, whatever we gain for ourselves will be of little lasting value. It will build no monuments to virtue, claim no honored place in the memory of posterity, offer no worthy summons to the world. Success, wealth and celebrity gained and kept for private interest is a small thing. It makes us comfortable, eases the material hardships our children will bear, purchases a fleeting regard for our lives, yet not the self-respect that, in the end, matters most. But sacrifice for a cause greater than yourself, and you invest your life with the eminence of that cause, your self-respect assured.

    All lives are a struggle against selfishness. All my life I’ve stood a little apart from institutions I willingly joined. It just felt natural to me. But if my life had shared no common purpose, it would not have amounted to much more than eccentricity. There is no honor or happiness in just being strong enough to be left alone. I have spent nearly fifty years in the service of this country and its ideals. I have made many mistakes, and I have many regrets. But I have never lived a day, in good times or bad, that I wasn’t grateful for the privilege. That’s the benefit of service to a country that is an idea and a cause, a righteous idea and cause. America and her ideals helped spare me from the weaknesses in my own character. And I cannot forget it.

    When I was a young man, I thought glory was the highest attainment, and all glory was self-glory. My parents tried to teach me otherwise, as did my church, as did the Naval Academy. But I didn’t understand the lesson until later in life, when I confronted challenges I never expected to face.

    In that confrontation, I discovered that I was dependent on others to a greater extent than I had ever realized, but neither they nor the cause we served made any claims on my identity. On the contrary, they gave me a larger sense of myself than I had before. And I am a better man for it. I discovered that nothing in life is more liberating than to fight for a cause that encompasses you but is not defined by your existence alone. And that has made all the difference, my friends, all the difference in the world.

    Let us argue with each other then. By all means, let us argue. Our differences are not petty, they often involve cherished beliefs, and represent our best judgment about what is right for our country and humanity. Let us defend those beliefs. Let’s do so sincerely and strenuously. It is our right and duty to do so. And let’s not be too dismayed with the tenor and passion of our arguments, even when they wound us. We have fought among ourselves before in our history, over big things and small, with worse vitriol and bitterness than we experience today.

    Let us exercise our responsibilities as free people. But let us remember, we are not enemies. We are compatriots defending ourselves from a real enemy. We have nothing to fear from each other. We are arguing over the means to better secure our freedom, promote the general welfare and defend our ideals. It should remain an argument among friends; each of us struggling to hear our conscience, and heed its demands; each of us, despite our differences, united in our great cause, and respectful of the goodness in each other. I have not always heeded this injunction myself, and I regret it very much.

    I had a friend once, who, a long time ago, in the passions and resentments of a tumultuous era in our history, I might have considered my enemy. He had come once to the capitol of the country that held me prisoner, that deprived me and my dearest friends of our most basic rights, and that murdered some of us. He came to that place to denounce our country’s involvement in the war that had led us there. His speech was broadcast into our cells. I thought it a grievous wrong then, and I still do.

    A few years later, he had moved temporarily to a kibbutz in Israel. He was there during the Yom Kippur War, when he witnessed the support America provided our beleaguered ally. He saw the huge cargo planes bearing the insignia of the United States Air Force rushing emergency supplies into that country. And he had an epiphany. He had believed America had made a tragic mistake by going to Vietnam, and he still did. He had seen what he believed were his country’s faults, and he still saw them. But he realized he had let his criticism temporarily blind him to his country’s generosity and the goodness that most Americans possess, and he regretted his failing deeply. When he returned to his country he became prominent in Democratic Party politics, and helped elect Bill Clinton President of the United States. He still criticized his government when he thought it wrong, but he never again lost sight of all that unites us.

    We met some years later. He approached me and asked to apologize for the mistake he believed he had made as a young man. Many years had passed since then, and I bore little animosity for anyone because of what they had done or not done during the Vietnam War. It was an easy thing to accept such a decent act, and we moved beyond our old grievance.

    We worked together in an organization dedicated to promoting human rights in the country where he and I had once come for different reasons. I came to admire him for his generosity, his passion for his ideals, for the largeness of his heart, and I realized he had not been my enemy, but my countryman . . . my countryman . . . and later my friend. His friendship honored me. We disagreed over much. Our politics were often opposed, and we argued those disagreements. But we worked together for our shared ideals. We were not always in the right, but we weren’t always in the wrong either, and we defended our beliefs as we had each been given the wisdom to defend them.

    David remained my countryman and my friend, until the day of his death, at the age of forty-seven, when he left a loving wife and three beautiful children, and legions of friends behind him. His country was a better place for his service to her, and I had become a better man for my friendship with him. God bless him.

    And may God bless you, Class of 2006. The world does indeed await you, and humanity is impatient for your service. Take good care of that responsibility. Everything depends upon it.

    And thank you, very much, for the privilege of sharing this great occasion with you.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:10 PM


    Military Plans Tests in Search for an Alternative to Oil-Based Fuel (THOM SHANKER, 5/13/06, NY Times)

    When an F-16 lights up its afterburners, it consumes nearly 28 gallons of fuel per minute. No wonder, then, that of all the fuel the United States government uses each year, the Air Force accounts for more than half. The Air Force may not be in any danger of suffering inconveniences from scarce or expensive fuel, but it has begun looking for a way to power its jets on something besides conventional fuel.

    In a series of tests — first on engines mounted on blocks and then with B-52's in flight — the Air Force will try to prove that the American military can fly its aircraft by blending traditional crude-oil-based jet fuel with a synthetic liquid made first from natural gas and, eventually, from coal, which is plentiful and cheaper. [...]

    "Energy is a national security issue," said Michael A. Aimone, the Air Force assistant deputy chief of staff for logistics.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:07 PM


    Tommy Thompson looms large (PHIL BRINKMAN, May 12, 2006,

    Before Tommy Thompson threw it out, the script for next week's state Republican Party convention in Appleton had a familiar look.

    There were the cocktail receptions and hospitality suites, the party-building exercises and keynote addresses, all building to the predictable selection of U.S. Rep. Mark Green as the party's nominee for governor.

    But then Thompson wrote a scene for himself that could elevate him from supporting actor to leading man, promising to use the event to announce whether he will run for governor of the state he led for 14 years, or possibly for U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Herb Kohl.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 PM


    The Right Kind of Paranoia: How the NSA could fix its data-mining program (Fred Kaplan, May 12, 2006, Slate)

    We have hit the point where paranoia is a proper frame of mind for assessing nearly everything this administration says or does.

    We're long past the point where we automatically blame folks for their own derangement, but aren't we also past the moment when anyone believed the Left's argument that craziness is just a social construct?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:48 PM


    The Right Call on Phone Records: The NSA's Program Safeguards Security -- and Civil Liberties (Richard A. Falkenrath, May 13, 2006, Washington Post)

    On Thursday, USA Today reported that three U.S. telecommunications companies have been voluntarily providing the National Security Agency with anonymized domestic telephone records -- that is, records stripped of individually identifiable data, such as names and place of residence. If true, the architect of this program deserves our thanks and probably a medal. That architect was presumably Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and President Bush's nominee to become director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

    The potential value of such anonymized domestic telephone records is best understood through a hypothetical example. Suppose a telephone associated with Mohamed Atta had called a domestic telephone number A. And then suppose that A had called domestic telephone number B. And then suppose that B had called C. And then suppose that domestic telephone number C had called a telephone number associated with Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The most effective way to recognize such patterns is the computerized analysis of billions of phone records. The large-scale analysis of anonymized data can pinpoint individuals -- at home or abroad -- who warrant more intrusive investigative or intelligence techniques, subject to all safeguards normally associated with those techniques.

    Clearly, there is a compelling national interest in understanding and penetrating such terrorist networks. If the people associated with domestic telephone numbers A, B and C are inside the United States and had facilitated the Sept. 11 attacks, perhaps they are facilitating a terrorist plot now. The American people rightly expect their government to detect and prevent such plots.

    Very few career government officials possess the expertise, initiative and creativity needed to devise a system to penetrate such networks, using only existing statutory and presidential authorities, employing only existing technical and personnel resources, and violating the privacy of no American. Yet, if the USA Today story is correct, this appears to be exactly what Hayden did.

    As Pepys points out, the Left already considers the Post to be playing Der Angriff to President Bush's Hitler, so this should set their heads spinning.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 3:13 PM


    A Mother's Touch (Victor Limjoco, Discover, May 12th, 2006)

    Be grateful to your mom. Not only did she carry you around for nine months, but now new research suggests that her mothering style may have triggered genes that help determine your parenting style.

    Columbia University neurobiologist Frances Champagne says that previous research across species showed that maternal behaviors are passed down from mother to daughter.

    "So if your mother held you a lot, you will hold your infants a lot," Champagne says.

    But she wanted to know whether mothering tendencies are passed on through genetics or experience. Her team studied mother rats that spent time licking and grooming their babies, and others that didn't.

    As she wrote in the journal "Endocrinology," without enough licking and grooming, female rats had certain genes turn off, preventing the production of certain hormones key to future mothering behaviors, including estrogen and oxytocin, also known as the love hormone.

    Licked rats had a higher production of those hormones, which, in turn, affected behavior when these baby rats became mothers themselves. Champagne says that this combination, genes and environment, pass maternal behaviors from generation to generation.

    Random mutation, natural selection and chicken soup? Now, that’s our idea of a modern synthesis. Over to you, Mr. Dawkins.

    Posted by David Cohen at 2:02 PM


    Alabama candidate for AG disputes Holocaust, is coming to NJ (Jay Reeves, AP, 5/12/06)

    A Democratic candidate for Alabama attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend in New Jersey to a "pro-white" organization that is widely viewed as being racist.

    Larry Darby concedes his views are radical, but he said they should help him win wide support among Alabama voters as he tries to "reawaken white racial awareness" with his campaign against Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson.

    The way you do this in the Democratic primary is to express your concern that our international relations have been warped by Likudnik neocons and "End Times" Christianists. Then you say that to be honest brokers between Israel and Palestine we need to be seen as more neutral. Then you just finish up by saying that, although the history of the Jews has its share of tragedy, we can't just ignore the modern on-going tragedy in Palestine that is radicalizing poor Muslims and has caused the deaths of so many innocent Palestinians and Americans. That way you get to hate the Jews and be hailed as a progressive. Even if you're not elected, you can be sure of some sinecure at the DNC.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:12 PM


    U.S. is Iran's best hope (SALIM MANSUR, 5/13/06, Toronto Sun)

    As spring turns into summer, Iran will continue making headlines with its march to acquire nuclear weaponry. And as tension mounts, the inverse rule of distance in geopolitics will come into effect.

    This rule predicts those furthest from Iran -- for instance, the leadership aspirants of Canada's federal Liberal party and their supporters in Toronto -- will insist the entire problem of Iran is the making of George W. Bush and his cabal of neo-conservatives in the U.S.

    Since most Canadians have as much trouble distinguishing between Vimy and Vichy as did John McCallum when he was minister of national defence in the former Liberal government of prime minister Jean Chretien, I suspect it will not be difficult for a paper like the Toronto Star to convince a majority of its readers that Iran is being set up by American imperialists who own the Republican party.

    Conversely, a majority of Iranians -- far from Toronto -- will despair for their own future, and that of their children and grandchildren, knowing all too well that nuclear weapons will make their leaders feel invincible and extinguish any hope of regime change in Tehran.

    A corollary of this hypothesis is that the greater the ignorance of the distant "other" -- in this case, the politics and culture of Iran under its religious leaders bequeathed by the founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Ayatollah Khomeini -- the more insistent becomes the need to romanticize it and vilify the U.S., a view that happens to be in solidarity with such model rulers of prospering democracies as those of Cuba, Iran, Libya, Venezuela or Zimbabwe.

    But for anyone who wants to get acquainted in a hurry with Iran as a legacy of Khomeini, the sensible thing to do would be to listen to some Iranians who escaped the dungeon of the ayatollahs. They could start by acquiring a copy of Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:45 PM


    Nice Ass (Peter Beinart, 05.11.06, New Republic)

    [I]f liberals must eradicate self-indulgent niceness, they must also confront an even bigger scourge. Let's call him nascar Man. Nascar Man hovers over every discussion I've ever attended. You don't always notice him at first, but, sooner or later, someone invites him into the room, and he proceeds to suck out all the air. Nascar Man is the guy liberals need to win, but usually don't. He loves guns, pickup trucks, chewing tobacco, and church on Sunday. He thinks liberals are high-taxing, culturally libertine, quasi-pacifist wimps. And, once liberals have conjured him up, they no longer say what they really believe--even to one another.

    The problem starts with the failure to draw a basic distinction: between what liberals believe and what Democrats should say to get elected. Inevitably, in my experience, the two are conflated, and, inevitably, the latter tramples the former. Should liberals invest more power in the United Nations? Should they spend large new sums on the poor? Should they support gay marriage? The propositions are not refuted; they are rarely even raised, because no one wants to incite nascar Man's wrath. Nascar Man inhibits intellectual inquiry. He's the bully everyone wants to appease.

    This, needless to say, is not how conservatives traveled from the political wilderness to political power. Since John Kerry's loss, liberals have devoted themselves to institution-building, in a self-conscious effort to ape the "counter-establishment" so effectively constructed by the American right. But, when William F. Buckley founded National Review in 1955, or when Edward Feulner and Paul Weyrich created the Heritage Foundation in 1973, they did not use public opinion's perceived liberal tilt as an excuse to self-censor. Instead, they poured their energy into trying to explain--first at the level of principle and then at the level of policy--what conservatives really believed.

    Today, nascar Man keeps liberals from doing that. In fact, he keeps liberals from even fully realizing that, were we given intellectual carte blanche, we would have difficulty articulating a set of core principles. At first glance, nascar Man's presence makes liberal discussions harder--because you have to tailor your views to his whims. But he ultimately makes them easier, because he prevents liberals from having to think about what we fundamentally believe.

    Expelling nascar Man is not synonymous with moving liberalism to the left.

    The bit about the Left just being too nice is the sort of self-indulgent pabulum that a person less deeply trapped in the bubble would be embarrassed by, but he's right that the Democratic Party need to move far enough Right to appeal to NASCAR man if it's too win elections. Of course, if it does it will cease to be a party of the Left and a new party will replace it. The proper place for people who recognize that liberalism is a bad idea is the GOP.

    The Loneliness of the Liberal Hawk: Dems who understand war, pols who don't (Tom Donnelly, 05/22/2006, Weekly Standard)

    T'S TOUGH TO BE a moderate Democrat. Hatred of George Bush has changed the loyal opposition into the bitter opposition, less interested in policy than in punishing their bête noire. It's particularly tough for Democrats who supported the invasion of Iraq, the defining George Bush moment, and who oppose withdrawal. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the very model of a modern "defense Democrat"--not to mention the party's 2000 vice presidential nominee--now faces overwhelming votes of "no confidence" from Connecticut Democratic town councils.

    The conundrum is acute for the rising generation of moderate Democrats who may run for president, if the performances last week by former Virginia governor Mark Warner and Sen. Evan Bayh at an event sponsored by the Progressive Policy Institute are any indication. Speaking in support of PPI's new collection of essays, With All Our Might--a valiant attempt to define "a progressive strategy for defeating jihadism and defending liberty"--both Warner and Bayh clung safely to the anti-Bush orthodoxy. [...]

    PPI's book With All Our Might actually represents an impressive lineup of younger defense and security intellectuals, many of whom worked in the Clinton administration. And they're more hawkish, in general, than Warner or Bayh.

    Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution, whose prewar The Threatening Storm made a forceful case for invading Iraq, still sounds like a closet neocon. His essay on "A Grand Strategy for the Middle East" argues that "whether you supported the war or not, it is all about Iraq now." Withdrawal is not an option: "We cannot simply walk away from Iraq without repercussions. In that sense, Iraq is decidedly not Vietnam." While offering a comprehensive critique of Bush administration failures in Iraq, he emphasizes the military and strategic shortcomings; Pollack sees clearly that the first order of business is to establish security, which means fighting.

    PPI's own Jan Mazurek is even tougher on Middle East strategy than Pollack. Where Pollack imagines, in keeping with the elite conventional wisdom of both parties, that China can easily be made a partner for progress in the region, Mazurek sees that the People's Republic, by its own choices, is creating the conditions for an even greater challenge. "Beijing is striking up cordial relationships with a motley array of tyrants and rogue states with which the United States is at odds," he writes. "In fact, competition between China and the United States for oil and influence in oil-rich countries could become the 21st-century equivalent of the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the cold war."

    And there are two very fine essays on military matters. James Blaker and Steven Nider call for an expanded Army and commit the ultimate Democratic apostasy: "The military budget--which currently consumes a much smaller percentage of U.S. GDP than it did during the cold war, on average--will probably need to grow in the short term." Perhaps most surprising is Melissa Tryon's remarkably sensitive examination of current military culture, an essay that should be required reading for all post-Vietnam politicians. She understands that people in uniform "see the defense of our country as a calling, and one of the greatest forms of service." They also have a deep commitment to victory that "leads to anger at what is widely seen as 'defeatism' among those who declare that the Iraq war is 'unwinnable.' . . . What service members want most is to see America succeed in Iraq."

    It's ironic that the current president, a Republican, is a visionary liberal, while those who seem to be his natural lieutenants are Democrats without the prospect of a commander in chief who shares their commitment.

    No more ironic than Lincoln and Reagan.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:39 PM


    Starlings vs Chomsky: Can common birds make the linguist eat his words? (Jocelyn Selim, May 01, 2006, Discover)

    Male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) constantly add new sounds to their repertoires, picking up nearly any auditory object they can find, including the sounds of car alarms, squeaky doors, human speech and the vocalizations of other species. (photo: Daniel Baleckaitis)

    Noam Chomsky, that noted linguist, has theorized that one of the main hallmarks that distinguishes human language from the squeaks and rumblings of birds and beasts is the ability to use something called recursive grammar. Essentially, recursive grammar is what enables us to insert an explanatory clause in the midst of a sentence, such as the 'that noted linguist,' in the preceding sentence.

    Now a team of zoologists and psychologists led by University of California at San Diego's Timothy Gentner has shown that the lowly European starling is also quite capable of using this kind of syntax.

    Geez, he even biffed his own supposed field of expertise?

    For Chomsky (Robin Blackburn, November 2005, Prospect)

    Some believe—as Paul Robinson, writing in the New York Times Book Review, once put it—that there is a "Chomsky problem." On the one hand, he is the author of profound, though forbiddingly technical, contributions to linguistics. On the other, his political pronouncements are often "maddeningly simple-minded."

    In fact, it is not difficult to spot connections between the intellectual strategies Chomsky has adopted in science and in politics. Chomsky's approach to syntax stressed the economy of explanation that could be achieved if similarities in the structure of human languages were seen as stemming from biologically rooted, innate capacities of the human mind, above all the recursive ability to generate an infinite number of statements from a finite set of words and symbols. Many modern critics of the radical academy are apt to bemoan its disregard for scientific method and evidence. This is not a reproach that can be aimed at Chomsky, who has pursued a naturalistic and reductionist standpoint in what he calls, in the title of his 1995 volume, The Minimalist Programme.

    Chomsky's political analyses also strive to keep it simple, but not at the expense of the evidence, which he can abundantly cite if challenged. But it is "maddening" none the less, just as the minimalist programme may be to some of his scientific colleagues. The apparent straightforwardness of Chomsky's political judgements—his "predictable" or even "kneejerk" opposition to western, especially US, military intervention—could seem simplistic. Yet they are based on a mountain of evidence and an economical account of how power and information are shared, distributed and denied. Characteristically, Chomsky begins with a claim of stark simplicity which he elaborates into an intricate account of the different roles of government, military, media and business in the running of the world.

    Chomsky's apparently simple political stance is rooted in an anarchism and collectivism which generates its own sense of individuality and complexity. He was drawn to the study of language and syntax by a mentor, Zellig Harris, who also combined libertarianism with linguistics. Chomsky's key idea of an innate, shared linguistic capacity for co-operation and innovation is a positive, rather than purely normative, rebuttal of the Straussian argument that natural human inequality vitiates democracy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:36 PM


    Iranian President Says Tehran Willing to Hold Nuclear Talks (VOA News, 13 May 2006)

    Iran's president says he is willing to hold talks about his country's uranium enrichment program, but not with nations who threaten to use force against Iran.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to reporters Saturday, following meetings of eight mainly Muslim nations on the Indonesian island of Bali. He said again that Iran's nuclear ambitions are only for peaceful, energy-producing purposes.

    It's ideal--he can cut a deal with the EU while we reserve the military option.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:39 AM


    Withdrawing from Kyoto will damage our credibility: briefing (Dennis Bueckert, Canadian Press, May 13th, 2006)

    Canada would lose international credibility and the ability to influence future climate-change negotiations if it withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, say briefing documents prepared for Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay.

    "Given the Kyoto Protocol's international profile ... withdrawal from the Protocol would have important foreign policy implications,'' says the document, marked "secret.''

    The analysis could explain why the Conservative government has chosen to remain within the protocol despite having fought it while in opposition, and despite deeming its targets unrealistic.

    "Canada would have diminished credibility in discussing options for what future commitments industrialized countries might make, having rejected its earlier commitments,'' says the analysis, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

    These bureaucrats never seem to ask themselves how much credibility the world would accord a country that tries to craft its foreign policy on the basis of maximizing its credibility.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:14 AM


    A rapist's paradise
    (Leonard Stern, The Ottawa Citizen, May 13th, 2006)

    Women's groups in South Africa were outraged at the acquittal Monday of Jacob Zuma, the country's former deputy president, who had been charged with rape, sparked outrage. Sexual violence is out of control in that nation. Tens of thousands of rapes are reported to police every year, though experts believe that at least as many additional ones go unreported. A bizarre pathology is plaguing South African men, and the trial of Mr. Zuma suggested that not even the nation's leaders are immune.

    Researchers in fields from political science to psychology are trying to figure out why so many South African men rape. Observers note that South Africa is both a rigidly patriarchal society and in many ways a lawless one, two factors that, when combined, put women in a vulnerable spot.

    Yet there are other patriarchal, lawless places in the world, and women there are not being systematically raped. One intriguing theory holds that the rape epidemic is a legacy of the apartheid years. Under the humiliating apartheid system, black South African men were rendered officially powerless -- politically neutered. The culture of rape represents a dysfunctional effort by black men to assert themselves and project power.

    A similar phenomenon could be said to exist in U.S. inner cities, where black men who are marginalized in the larger society embrace a hip-hop culture whose defining feature is a grotesque misogyny.

    In Mr. Zuma's case, his accuser was a 31-year-old HIV-infected woman -- an AIDS activist, actually -- who was staying at his house. In the end, the court sided with Mr. Zuma, 64, who argued that the sex was consensual.

    It emerged in the course of the trial that the sex was unprotected. This also is interesting. Not only was Mr. Zuma a former deputy president of the country, but he once headed the South African AIDS Commission. Massive AIDS-awareness programs are under way across Africa, but you really have to wonder how effective these are if the one man in all of South Africa who should know better is having unprotected sex with an openly HIV-positive woman. For the record, Mr. Zuma himself is HIV-negative.

    Never mind that this should have bolstered the accuser's contention that the incident was rape. Many HIV carriers engage in unsafe sex, but a woman who is personally and publicly involved in AIDS prevention presumably would behave responsibly in a consensual affair. It strains belief that a 31-year-old AIDS activist agreed to a one-night stand with a man nearly old enough to be her grandfather and also agreed to do so without protection.

    It sure is depressing to see Mr. Stern’s admirable outrage dissipate so quickly in drivel about past exploitations and “marginalized” men. Maybe he should start asking African women what they think.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM

    BACKHANDED FAVOR (via Tom Morin):

    What's a little debt between friends? (Finlo Rohrer, 5/12/06, BBC News Magazine)

    The UK is about to pay off the last of its World War II loans from the US. But it hasn't always been so fastidious.

    On 31 December, the UK will make a payment of about $83m (£45.5m) to the US and so discharge the last of its loans from World War II from its transatlantic ally.

    It is hard from a modern viewpoint to appreciate the astronomical costs and economic damage caused by this conflict. In 1945, Britain badly needed money to pay for reconstruction and also to import food for a nation worn down after years of rationing.

    "In a nutshell, everything we got from America in World War II was free," says economic historian Professor Mark Harrison, of Warwick University.

    We did them no good by propping up their socialist welfare system at a time when bankruptcy could have broken it--but the failure to defeat the other totalitarians in WWII led us to do many foolish things.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


    Hispanics ride storm surge to Mississippi (Bob Dart, May 13, 2006, COX NEWS SERVICE)

    Lucio's Mundo Latino Grocery opened recently between the oyster po' boy place and the barbecue shack on U.S. 90.

    In a state where the Census Bureau said only 1.7 percent of the populace was Hispanic in 2004, the new store with shelves full of Spanish-labeled foodstuffs is another sign of how the worst storm in Mississippi history has changed the coastal culture, perhaps forever.

    "I saw all these Hispanic workers coming here to do construction after Katrina" struck in August, said owner Mario Cano, who lost his Mexican restaurant and house in nearby Pass Christian.

    "I kept waiting for the [Small Business Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency], all these agencies to help me rebuild. But nothing was coming through," he said. "I've got bills to pay, a family to support."

    He saw a new market niche and jumped in.

    "I stocked Latin products -- the kinds of foods they couldn't find in Wal-Mart," Mr. Cano explained. "I'm building a kitchen in the backroom to prepare hot food to go."

    No state needs such an influx mnore than the most backwards.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:47 AM


    Democrats See an Opening to Debate Security Issues (CARL HULSE, May 13, 2006, NY Times)

    Senate Democrats intend to use next week's confirmation hearings for a new C.I.A. director to press the Bush administration on its broad surveillance programs, engaging Republicans on national security grounds that have proved politically treacherous for Democrats in the aftermath of Sept. 11.

    Poll: Most Americans Support NSA's Efforts (Richard Morin, May 12, 2006, Washington Post)
    A majority of Americans initially support a controversial National Security Agency program to collect information on telephone calls made in the United States in an effort to identify and investigate potential terrorist threats, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    The new survey found that 63 percent of Americans said they found the NSA program to be an acceptable way to investigate terrorism, including 44 percent who strongly endorsed the effort. Another 35 percent said the program was unacceptable, which included 24 percent who strongly objected to it.

    A slightly larger majority--66 percent--said they would not be bothered if NSA collected records of personal calls they had made, the poll found.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:45 AM


    Predators in UN uniforms (Ottawa Citizen, May 13th, 2006)

    The sex scandals continuing to plague United Nations peacekeeping operations are a function of the organization's ideological and misguided conviction that all countries are equal on the international stage.

    In 2004, troops under the UN flag were caught trading food and favours for sex with women and girls in Congo. This time, it's in Liberia, according to Save the Children U.K., a respected international charity.

    In late 2005, Save the Children workers interviewed more than 300 people in Liberia, and found that peacekeepers and aid workers engaged in routine "transactional sex" with the Liberians they were supposed to be helping. Corrupt internationals would exchange luxuries, clothing, and even skimmed-off food aid for sex. Teenage and pre-teen girls are favoured because they're cheaper and can be more easily cheated, Save the Children reported.

    Sex crimes are revolting, but especially so when perpetrated by "peacekeepers" serving in the name of the United Nations, which is supposed to represent the best of humanity.

    Save the Children doesn't identify the countries whose soldiers are responsible for sexual exploitation in Liberia, but the bulk of the Liberia peacekeepers in December 2005 were from four countries: Bangladesh (3,237), Ethiopia (2,546), Nigeria (2,134, one of whom leads the mission) and Pakistan (2,728) .

    In 2005, Bangladesh tied for worst in Transparency International's global corruption rankings at No. 158 in the world; Nigeria was No. 152; Pakistan was No. 144; Ethiopia was No. 137 -- where it was tied with Liberia itself. Some helpers.

    Many such states find peacekeeping very lucrative. The UN pays $1,000 U.S. per soldier per month, no matter whether the soldier comes from Canada, China or Chad. (Ethiopia's economy produces $800 U.S. per Ethiopian per year, less than Liberia's GDP per capita of $900.) Nigeria is notorious for keeping the UN money and not paying its troops; naturally they resort to aid-skimming, black-marketeering and uniformed gangsterism. It should be no surprise when soldiers who have to violate rules just to feed themselves break other humane norms. They have nothing to lose.

    Sadly, this is just a minor tragedy arising from the flaw underpinning international law and the transnational ethos---the refusal to acknowledge free democracy is a superior form of government and culture that performs to higher standards internationally. It is also a good example of how useless the decent left can be in solving the outrages of the world. Their horror and resolve at scandals like this can be admirable and palpable, but so frightened are they of being labeled ethnocentric or even racist that they will hold back from demanding what needs to be done be done and lose themselves in a feckless world of studies, protests, conferences, sub-committees, resolutions and declarations of principles while women and children in savage places continue to be raped and exploited.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 AM


    A Bitter Game: Beijing Battles With Vatican (JIM YARDLEY and KEITH BRADSHER, 5/13/06, NY Times)

    From the moment in 1978 when China reopened itself, conditionally, to the outside world, the Roman Catholic Church has been painstakingly working to get back in. Hopes have been raised, then dashed, but this year Rome and Beijing finally seemed close to a historic deal to normalize relations.

    Then, unexpectedly, a public spat last week over China's installation of two bishops without the Vatican's approval changed everything. Now, the debate is over how much damage has been done, and why efforts to end 55 years of diplomatic isolation have again gone wrong.

    "It is potentially a huge problem," said the Rev. Jeroom Heyndrickx, a Belgian priest who has acted as an emissary between the sides. "It's a confrontation. There was an informal dialogue going on. This has been cut off now. The question is, can we go on from here?"

    Hopefully not.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:32 AM


    55,000 dead, duplicate voters deleted from state database (Andrew Garber, 5/13/06, Seattle Times)

    The Secretary of State's Office has deleted about 55,000 registrations from Washington's voter rolls after finding duplicate records and dead voters with the aid of a new statewide database.

    The database, put in place earlier this year, allowed the state to find 19,579 dead people still on the rolls and 35,445 duplicate voter records.

    "It's a critical piece to help regain the trust and confidence of the voters of the state of Washington," Secretary of State Sam Reed said Friday. "I think we are slowly but surely rebuilding trust in the system."

    Voter confidence was shaken in 2004, when Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire narrowly beat Republican Dino Rossi after two recounts. The tumultuous election was replete with lost ballots, mismatched signatures, and dead people and convicted felons casting ballots. Rossi challenged the election in court and lost.

    Now how's Ms Cantwell supposed to win?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


    Rebel territory (MICHELLE SHEPHARD, 5/13/06, Toronto Star)

    Certainly, the insurgents' will to fight is formidable. Khalid Khawaja, a former Pakistani intelligence officer and Osama bin Laden associate, says there is no quit in the Islamic principles that inspire the Taliban. [...]

    "You fight to live; live a comfortable life. We fight to die. You love to live. We love to die."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM


    I'm ready to rip up Human Rights Act, declares Cameron (Graeme Wilson, 13/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    David Cameron revealed yesterday that he is ready to tear up the Human Rights Act amid growing public concern that it is being exploited by foreign criminals.

    If he wins the next general election, the Conservative leader will order a review of the law introduced by Labour eight years ago and rewrite the legislation if necessary.

    However, if it becomes clear that it was not possible to improve the Act through amendments, Mr Cameron is prepared to abolish it.

    The Tory leader's aides conceded last night that even if the party scrapped the Act, Britain would still be bound by the European Convention of Human Rights.

    An excellent start, but until he's ready to scrap the EU treaties that infringe on British sovereignty he's not going to be a great PM.

    Freedom's best guarantor is a sovereign parliament (Daily Telegraph, 13/05/2006)

    On Thursday, this newspaper called for the Human Rights Act to be scrapped. On Friday, David Cameron followed suit. Our editorial, like the Conservative leader's declaration, was prompted by the ruling that nine Afghan hijackers who came to Britain by diverting a plane to Stansted could not be repatriated - despite their crime, and despite the displacement of the Taliban regime from which they claimed to be fleeing. But ours is no knee-jerk campaign.

    We have been calling for years for Britain to reassert its control over who settles here. We have long argued that, in order to secure this goal, it is necessary to scrap the Human Rights Act, derogate from parts of the European Convention on Human Rights and withdraw from the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees. [...]

    The Human Rights Act, like the convention itself and, indeed, the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights, effects a massive transfer of power from the legislature to the judiciary. The rights themselves are unexceptionable - but we contract out their interpretation to people over whom we have no control.

    Most of the freedoms promised in these charters could also be found in, say, the Soviet constitution; but, when our elected politicians are powerless, there is no way of ensuring their enforcement. The best guarantor of freedom is a sovereign parliament - which is another way of saying that it is up to us all to safeguard our rights. As Disraeli put it: "To the liberalism they profess, I prefer the liberties we enjoy."

    Actually, a sovereign parliament is a pretty crappy guarantor, which is why they've so much less than we.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:02 AM


    Pig Manure Converted to Crude Oil (Stefan Lovgren, July 2, 2004, National Geographic News)

    Yuanhui Zhang, an agricultural engineering professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, has succeeded in turning small batches of hog waste into oil.

    The process, called thermochemical conversion, uses heat and pressure to break down carbohydrate materials and turn waste into liquid. The project is still in its infancy.

    For now, each half-gallon (two-liter) batch of manure converts to only about 9 ounces (0.26 liter) of oil.

    But Zhang believes the conversion process could eventually solve the problem of pollution and odor at modern hog farms, where farmers pay big money to get rid of the waste. And, he says, pig oil could also offer an alternative to petroleum oil.

    Nevermind the alternative energy source, if the Tancredos had their way Mr. Zhang wouldn't even be here.

    May 12, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:32 PM


    Happy surprise as US trade deficit narrows (Daily Telegraph, 12/05/2006)

    The US trade deficit unexpectedly narrowed in March for a second month as exports climbed to a record and the value of petroleum imports declined.

    The shortfall in goods and services trade shrank to $62bn, the smallest since August, the Commerce Department said in Washington. The price of goods imported to the US in April jumped by the most in seven months, the Labor Department said in a separate report.

    Stronger European and Asian economies, along with a decline in the dollar, may spark greater demand for US exports in coming months, economists said. The smaller deficit prompted economists to raise their estimates of first-quarter economic growth, while the increase in import prices stoked concern inflation may accelerate.

    Jay Feldman, an economist at Credit Suisse Holdings in New York, said: "There's been a clear pickup in exports and that reflects strength in the global economy. This will add even more to first-quarter growth." He revised his estimate to 6.2pc, from 5.8pc before the report.

    Meanwhile, the sole premise of the Democrats '06 campaign is that voters will go to the polls to reverse the Bush presidency.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:46 PM


    Stop trying to kill us off: The legalisation of premature death as a treatment option is a threat to disabled people (Jane Campbell, May 9, 2006, The Guardian)

    Assisted dying is not a simple question of increasing choice for those of us who live our lives close to death. It raises deep concerns about how we are viewed by society and by ourselves. I have a severe form of spinal muscular atrophy, and require 24-hour assistance. Many people who do not know me believe I would be "better off dead". Even more argue: "I couldn't live like that." And some suggest that advances in genetic screening should be used to enable parents to choose whether to have a child with disabilities.

    Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill, Lord Joffe's private member's bill, which will be debated in the House of Lords this Friday, feeds into that lack of knowledge (some might call it ignorance, others prejudice) by endorsing such views and legalising the killing of terminally ill and disabled people. The bill has the backing of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society (recently renamed Dignity in Dying) and, according to their polls, the support of the British public.

    Yet it has failed to get the endorsement of a single organisation of disabled people.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:42 PM


    Drug Plan Is Meeting Goals: The Medicare benefit is helping millions even as the system's complexity vexes many pharmacists and patients. A penalty looms for late enrollees. (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, May 7, 2006, Los Angeles Times)

    With the first enrollment deadline a week away, the Medicare prescription benefit apparently is achieving its primary objective: helping millions of Americans get protection they did not previously have against one of the most draining problems of growing older.

    By the May 15 deadline, federal officials expect to have more than 20 million seniors enrolled in plans under Medicare Part D, as the benefit program is called. That would include at least 7 million who previously lacked insurance for outpatient prescriptions. Of the millions who have signed up, many are enjoying significant savings, sometimes $1,000 a year or more.

    That's a considerable achievement for a government that has not tried to roll out such an ambitious entitlement program since the days of Lyndon B. Johnson. It's especially so for President Bush, who is no fan of big government.

    Even some of the program's critics have given up trying to repeal it, while vowing to make it better.

    And the performance of the drug plan, offered through private insurers, goes well beyond benefits for today's seniors. The plan is a test of Bush's idea that, instead of creating new federal bureaucracies, Washington can use businesses, informed consumers and market competition to solve knotty social problems such as access to healthcare — potentially for all Americans.

    "This is the first full test of competition in Medicare," said Joseph Antos, a health policy expert at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. "It's also a test of consumerism in healthcare."

    So if Medicare Part D is meeting its goals and helping millions of elderly Americans, why isn't it being hailed as an unqualified success?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 PM


    A win-win option on stem cells: Specter-Santorum bill promotes research that doesn't require killing human embryos (Robert P. George, 5/09/06, Philadelphia Inquirer)

    For nearly four decades, our nation has been bitterly divided over the question of abortion. In recent years, a closely related issue has arisen to further divide us: the use of human embryos in research involving their destruction. Often the competing sides in these debates have been unwilling or, as a strict matter of conscience, unable to cooperate with each other in the search for solutions that both sides can accept.

    On the issue of embryonic stem-cell research, however, it seems increasingly clear that there are such solutions.

    Arlen Specter, a leader of the pro-choice forces who has been one of the Senate's most vigorous advocates of embryonic stem-cell research, and Rick Santorum, a champion of the pro-life cause who has staunchly opposed the destruction of human embryos in biomedical research, have united in an effort to find sources of "pluripotent" stem cells - cells having the remarkable flexibility that characterizes embryonic cells - that do not require killing human embryos.

    The Pennsylvania Republicans are offering Americans a win-win option: Stem-cell science can go forward full speed ahead, but in a way that is consistent with the consciences of most Americans.

    Specter and Santorum have sponsored a bill that would provide federal funding for promising lines of research that may enable scientists, without substantial delay, to develop stable, long-lived and fully pluripotent stem-cell lines. And these lines would not involve producing or destroying human embryos.

    Can it really be possible that science itself will provide a solution to the embryonic stem-cell debate? Evidence from the laboratories gives us every reason for optimism.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:36 PM

    SO WE COULD EAT THE CORN FIRST? (via Gene Brown):

    NZ firm makes bio-diesel from sewage in world first (Errol Kiong, 12.05.06, weekend Herald)

    A New Zealand company has successfully turned sewage into modern-day gold.

    Marlborough-based Aquaflow Bionomic yesterday announced it had produced its first sample of bio-diesel fuel from algae in sewage ponds.

    It is believed to be the world's first commercial production of bio-diesel from "wild" algae outside the laboratory - and the company expects to be producing at the rate of at least one million litres of the fuel each year from Blenheim by April.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:32 PM

    LET THE MAORI HAVE IT BACK (via Gene Brown):

    N.Z. Won't Offer Income Tax Cuts Like Australia (Bloomberg, 5/12/06)

    New Zealand's Finance Minister Michael Cullen said he won't cut taxes in next week's budget, fueling concern that more workers will join an overseas exodus seeking better incomes in countries such as Australia.

    Australian Treasurer Peter Costello this week cut the top tax rate and raised the threshold at which it kicks in. Cullen says he can't afford tax cuts in his May 18 budget because slowing economic growth is eating into tax income and he has to pay for spending promises in last year's election campaign.

    "There's not much spare room at all,'' Cullen told reporters this week. "There aren't tax cuts'' in the budget.

    After Costello's changes, a worker earning the equivalent of $75,000 in Australia will pay $17,850 in tax, while in New Zealand they pay $20,520, according to Joanna Doolan, a tax director at Ernst & Young Ltd. The tax cuts may add to the emigration that has taken 450,000 New Zealanders, equivalent to 11 percent of the 4.1 million population, to Australia.

    Don't look for Tom Tancredo to try to stop Kiwi immigration.

    Posted by Matt Murphy at 4:19 PM


    The Red and the Blue: A Harvard professor worries about America's coming civil war. (Dean Barnett, Weekly Standard, 5/12/06)

    D. Quinn Mills is worried. The respected Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr. Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School fears that America may be headed toward calamity.

    Convinced that two straight elections which he characterizes as "tied and disputed" have gone to the Republicans and that good-faithed, but fatigued, Democrats have "exhausted all other legal options," Mills cautions that a third straight cliffhanger marred by Republican skullduggery could well result in a civil war. By which he means a real, honest-to-goodness Civil War, except this time around it won't be the Blue and the Gray but the Blue and the Red. To warn America about this gathering storm, Mills has written a novel titled Blue! Red! (available online here) and is conducting a sparsely attended online seminar on the subject for the Harvard community.

    An often compelling read about a polarized electorate heading to explosion over a contested presidential election in 2008, Blue! Red! nevertheless sometimes veers into the realm of the unintentionally hilarious.

    Even though the book begins with the mandatory disclaimer that it "is a work of fiction and that any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental," the plucky Democratic candidate in the book is a female senator ("Sheila Brinton") whose husband was once president of the United States. Senator Brinton shows a lot more intestinal fortitude than the previous Democratic candidates for president who, in the book's retelling, meekly allowed themselves to be cheated out of the presidency.

    "I want to keep fighting," Senator Brinton declares. "I want
    the Presidency with every fiber of my being - I want it for the Party, for our people who've been beaten down . . . I'm afraid that if I concede now, and I run again next time, they'll steal the election again. If they steal election after election, we have no choice but to not accept it. I'll not back down; I'll not concede like those soft men who were candidates before me conceded."

    Strangely, Blue! Red! foresees the college football bowl games becoming the site of armed conflict between rabid partisans (with Republicans naturally being the aggressors). [...]

    But where Mills stumbles is in his assumptions about American political passions. If you're reading this story, you're strange; strange in a good way, but strange nonetheless. You're by definition a high-end consumer of news. Few Americans have ever heard of, let alone often read, political magazines or websites.

    You'd think such people would notice that our side has the guns.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:13 PM


    Higher Learning in France Clings to Its Old Ways (ELAINE SCIOLINO, 5/12/06, NY Times)

    There are 32,000 students at the Nanterre campus of the University of Paris, but no student center, no bookstore, no student-run newspaper, no freshman orientation, no corporate recruiting system.

    The 480,000-volume central library is open only 10 hours a day, closed on Sundays and holidays. Only 30 of the library's 100 computers have Internet access.

    The campus cafeterias close after lunch. Professors often do not have office hours; many have no office. Some classrooms are so overcrowded that at exam time many students have to find seats elsewhere. By late afternoon every day the campus is largely empty.

    Sandwiched between a prison and an unemployment office just outside Paris, the university here is neither the best nor the worst place to study in this fairly wealthy country. Rather, it reflects the crisis of France's archaic state-owned university system: overcrowded, underfinanced, disorganized and resistant to the changes demanded by the outside world.

    "In the United States, your university system is one of the drivers of American prosperity," said Claude Allègre, a former education minister who tried without success to reform French universities. "But here, we simply don't invest enough. Universities are poor. They're not a priority either for the state or the private sector. If we don't reverse this trend, we will kill the new generation."

    But retirees will still get their welfare checks, non?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:50 PM


    What Blogs Are Big Name Conservatives Reading? (John Hawkins, 5/12/06, Right Wing News)

    Back in March, I put together an article called What Blogs Are Republicans In Congress Reading?

    Well today, I've finally got the follow-up post ready and this time around, I decided to expand the list and ask for responses from big name conservatives as well as Congressmen.

    With the members of Congress, I requested a list of the blogs they regularly read and/or have their staffs monitor for them. With the other conservatives mentioned, I simply asked for "some of their favorite blogs."

    The results are below.

    The answer from Bruce Bartlett, who's been running around saying that George W. Bush betrayed the Reagan legacy, is dispositive.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:23 PM


    Japanese Discovery of Democracy (Masaru Tamamoto, 10 May 2006, The Japan Institute of International Affairs)

    Those familiar with post-1945 Japanese foreign policy will readily notice that bringing ideological difference to the fore is new. After the collapse of its empire by the defeat in war, Japan had refrained from expressing value judgments on how other nations organize themselves-empires are exactly about organizing the lives of other nations. Today's new talk of democracy is one manifestation of the debate as to whether Japan should begin to adopt a more assertive foreign policy. Supporting the emergence of new democracies has become a part of the foreign policy agenda, though not central.

    Elevating democracy above totalitarianism, liberty above tyranny, of course, had been the language of the United States in the Cold War. Cold War thinking and habits linger in the way Tokyo and Beijing frame their security structures with each other. And Japanese pundits who pit democratic Japan against dictatorial China surely have in mind the United States as audience. Emphasizing democracy is their way of reaffirming the bond of Japan's alliance with the United States in the face of rising China. But the United States is not quite buying the Japanese rhetoric. Washington's China policy is engagement, and its slogan is turning China into the world's "responsible stakeholder." While Washington has not entirely given up on "transformational diplomacy," there is increasing impatience with the way Japan handles China; there is even concern that the U.S.-Japan security treaty might turn into a burden if Japan's alienation in East Asia were to worsen.

    Many Japanese analysts agree that Japan now faces a fluid and unstable strategic environment-the issue is the rise of China and nuclear brinkmanship of North Korea. Throughout the Cold War and beyond, Japanese foreign policy has had a simple architecture. How to maintain the American relation was key, and most all else flowed from that relationship.

    Following the defeat in war in 1945, Japan recoiled from the harshness of international power politics. The American victors offered vanquished Japan a deal, which was sealed with the U.S.-Japan security treaty: The United States extended a security umbrella over Japan in exchange for the use of Japanese territory as America's forward military base. The United States acted as Japan's buffer to international power politics, while Japan happily pursued the life of economism. In this way, the security treaty became Japan's highest source of authority, the functional successor to the prewar emperor, "sacred and inviolate."

    The Cold War provided Japan with a stable strategic environment, the threat of nuclear annihilation of humanity notwithstanding. And there was nothing much that Japan could or was willing to do to affect the deadlock of mutually assured destruction. This Japan could not make any value judgments about the world, according to Kiichi Miyazawa who would be prime minister in the 1990s. So the goal of Japanese foreign policy was to establish friendly relations with as many countries as possible, while under the protection of the United States, the final guarantor of Japan's willful innocence of international politics.

    The question today is: To what extent should Japan continue to depend on the United States to frame its place in the world? While there is a handful of younger parliamentarians espousing the brave vision of a Japan independent and responsible for its own security, the bulk and core of the Japanese foreign policy establishment sees no wisdom in imagining a world without American protection. The current dispatch of Japanese troops to Iraq as part of the American "coalition of the willing"-Japan's first military venture abroad since 1945 without United Nations cover-is not unrelated to the Japanese calculation of the rise of China; the American insurance premium has gone up.

    Sometimes, on some questions, the student surpasses the master.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:13 PM

    E = M x (WHATEVER YOU DECIDE) SQUARED (via Tom Morin):

    Light's Most Exotic Trick Yet: So Fast it Goes ... Backwards? (University of Rochester, May 11, 2006)

    In the past few years, scientists have found ways to make light go both faster and slower than its usual speed limit, but now researchers at the University of Rochester have published a paper today in Science on how they've gone one step further: pushing light into reverse. As if to defy common sense, the backward-moving pulse of light travels faster than light.

    Confused? You're not alone.

    "I've had some of the world's experts scratching their heads over this one," says Robert Boyd, the M. Parker Givens Professor of Optics at the University of Rochester. "Theory predicted that we could send light backwards, but nobody knew if the theory would hold up or even if it could be observed in laboratory conditions."

    Boyd recently showed how he can slow down a pulse of light to slower than an airplane, or speed it up faster than its breakneck pace, using exotic techniques and materials. But he's now taken what was once just a mathematical oddity—negative speed—and shown it working in the real world.

    This should cheer up that quack in today's Times who thinks Darwinism is the only science that the rest of us think is silly.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:04 PM


    Al Qaeda Talking Heads: Propaganda blitz by bin Laden, al-Zawahiri and al-Zarqawi may be aimed at hiding their weakness (Fawaz A. Gerges, 11 May 2006, YaleGlobal)

    Al Qaeda’s leadership considers the Iraq war the most important step since September 11 in establishing their long-awaited Islamic state in the heart of the Muslim world. Before the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, the global war had not been going well for bin Laden; not even the ummah, the worldwide Muslim community, supported his cause. Al Qaeda had suffered crippling military blows and, with the 2001 fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, lost its refuge and political patron. Bluntly put, Al Qaeda was in a coma.

    The war in Iraq revived Al Qaeda and provided the bin Laden network with a new cause, a second generation of recruits. Equally important, the American occupation of an Arab country in the heart of the Muslim world enabled Al Qaeda to make an ideological sales pitch to Muslims worldwide.

    According to bin Laden, Iraq, seat of the historic Muslim caliphate, is the central battle of a Third World War, launched by the Crusader-Zionist coalition against the Muslim community: “The whole world is watching this war,” offering “a golden and unique opportunity” to bloody America and spread the conflict into neighboring Arab countries like Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and the Palestinian-Israeli front.

    Little wonder, then, that bin Laden and his lieutenants are alarmed at early signs of political progress bringing Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders together to assemble a unity cabinet. Such a new political day would spell ruin for foreign militants like Al Qaeda; conceivably, Sunni Arabs would turn on the Zarqawi network. It’s happened already: In some towns, Sunni tribes killed scores of Zarqawi's men and chased others away. [...]

    There is a pronounced urgency in the new propaganda blitz by Al Qaeda’s leaders. They sense danger in Iraq. By approaching the media, they hope to reaffirm their existence and inspire their sympathizers to continue the fight in Iraq and elsewhere. Although bin Laden and his men are waging a global struggle against the US and its allies, Iraq has emerged as the most pivotal theater. Al Qaeda barely survived the loss of its Afghan base; the loss of Iraq could prove to be more devastating.

    So al Qaeda's strategy depended on a permanent US occupation of Iraq? Does their entire understanding of America come from the Leftwing press and House Democrats?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:26 PM


    Hope for Newark: Cory Booker faces a big task in trying to turn around a completely dysfunctional city (Steven Malanga, 11 May 2006, City Journal)

    Cory Booker rode to victory in Newark’s mayoral race by pledging to end the corruption, cronyism, and incompetence that have plagued the government of New Jersey’s biggest city for decades. Not just Newark, but the entire state, has a big stake in seeing him succeed. [...]

    Booker arrives promising reform, and the people of Newark seem ready to welcome it. They not only elected him with 70 percent of the vote but also transformed the city council by backing a host of Booker-supported candidates. But now comes the real work. Having lived in a mobile home on some of Newark’s most dangerous street corners, Booker has pledged to shake up the city’s police department and has pledged zero tolerance of crime. He’s also advocating for the state to return the city’s education system to local control and has pledged to push for education reforms, including school choice, to help spur competition and better performance in the public schools. He’s promised to bring professional management into city hall, which one federal prosecutor likened to a “supermarket,” because “you can buy anything” there.

    Of course, Newark has heard this all before. Sharpe James won his first election 20 years ago as a reformer, proclaiming that under his predecessor, Kenneth Gibson, Newark had become “fear city and dope city.” Gibson in turn had won election 16 years earlier on a reform platform, promising to rebuild Newark in the wake of the riots and the scandal-plagued administration of Mayor Hugh Addonizio. Newark has listened to promises of a better tomorrow for nearly 40 years now with little payoff, except for those in power.

    But today the stakes are even higher, not just for Newark but for all of New Jersey. Someone has to break the cycle of bad government that has plagued urban Jersey for decades. Someone has to show the state’s cities how to join the urban revolution that has revived municipalities across the country. At the moment, smooth, charismatic, Yale-educated Cory Booker, the Rhodes Scholar, is Jersey’s best shot.

    Vouching for Newark: One of America's most-maligned cities gets set to elect pro-school choice leadership (David Weigel, 5/09/06, Reason)
    Only one powerful interest group has shunned Booker and endorsed Rice. That's the city's teachers union, and that's because Booker is a vocal supporter of school choice. Four years ago that fact was used against him in ugly ways. He was called a Republican-in-disguise, a tool of white and Jewish schemers. Candidate Rice pulled that cudgel out of mothballs last month, saying Booker supported vouchers because he was the "New Jersey point-person of the far-right Christian wing of the Republican Party."

    The attacks aren't working this year, and not because Booker has papered over his policy stances or personal beliefs. He's running with a slate of candidates—three for the at-large city council seats, four for each of the ward seats—who also support vouchers.

    Some of Booker's candidates are established Newark politicos who have come into his fold. Oscar James II is a different story—a 24-year-old Villanova graduate who originally came to Booker to ask for a law school recommendation letter.

    "He said, 'You can go to law school whenever you want,'" James says. "'But right now you can be part of a real change that will affect Newark for years to come.'"

    James is running for the council seat in the city's south ward, and his campaign is shepherded by Oscar, Sr., who got out the ward's vote for Mayor James (no relation) in 2002. The James family had enough money to send Oscar II to a series of private schools that "challenged" him and turned him from an easily distracted student to a hard-charging non-profit volunteer and candidate.

    "Most kids in Newark don't get one tenth of the education that I had," James says. "And not every kid will get all of what I had, but they deserve a chance."

    The slate's central ward candidate, Dana Rone, is probably its most vocal advocate of school choice. She won a seat on the city's school board in 2000 as an unapologetic member of Excellent Education for Everyone (E3), a pro-voucher group co-founded by Bret Schundler, the former mayor of Jersey City. Schundler was a conservative Republican who got creamed in two runs for governor, becoming persona non grata with Garden State liberals. That didn't stop Rone from winning a second term, in 2003, by a landslide.

    "Vouchers have been pegged as something negative in the African-American community," Rone says. "When I explain them to people who are skeptical, I say: Look, you get vouchers. Medicare is a voucher. Social Security is a voucher. Welfare is a voucher. This is the same principle; it's the equalizer that can get your kids into good schools. And when you explain it like that, they understand and they support it."

    No one on Booker's slate represents the school choice/anti-school choice divide like its candidate in the west ward. That's Ron Rice, Jr., the son of Booker's opponent, and a graduate of private schools. (Booker manages to needle Ron, Sr. for taking "his kids" out of the public school system in a way that doesn't seem to bother Ron, Jr.) Rice fell into Booker's orbit when he ran his first city council race, and he's stayed in the circle since then, even as his father took higher and more powerful roles in the James administration. "He and his father are like night and day," says Rev. Reginald Jackson, the executive director of Black Ministers of New Jersey and a school choice supporter.

    Rice is a less vocal supporter of choice than Rone or James—he thinks vouchers are "one option" to consider. But they should have been considered long ago, he says, and weren't because of "the status quo politicians."

    The conflict between blacks and the teachers unions is a target rich environment for the GOP.

    -The guy in the thick of it (Susan Headden, 4/24/06, US News)
    Cory Anthony Booker: On a Path That Could Have No Limits (DAMIEN CAVE, 5/10/06, NY Times)

    Democrats compare him to Barack Obama, the charismatic United States senator from Illinois, or Harold Ford Jr., the Tennessee congressman.

    Young, black, Ivy League-educated and pragmatic, Cory Anthony Booker is part of an emerging generation of politicians who came up after the major battles of the civil rights movement and say they have outgrown its approach.

    But while Mr. Booker, 37, clearly sees himself as a next-generation leader who will fight for ideas and people, not ideology or party, he has chosen a position that has long been the first stop of his elders: big-city mayor.

    Unlike Mr. Ford, who was sworn into Congress at the age of 26, Mr. Booker will become a manager — "chief executive of a major city," said Ellis Cose, an author and columnist who often writes about race.

    That decision could make or break a career that his friends and supporters said could have no limits.

    "These other guys, at the end of the day, don't really have to run anything," Mr. Cose said. "He's going to have to run something, and he's never really run anything of any substance or size before. He can fail."

    Cory Booker was born to run Newark (Paul Mulshine, May 09, 2006, Newark Star-Ledger)
    When I spoke to him after the service, Booker told me Newark's future hinges not on huge public investments but on small private investments. One urban think tank termed Newark "the most underachieved city in America," he said, because of its great location. Newark offers a quicker commute to the Manhattan financial district than many places in uptown Manhattan, he pointed out. Meanwhile, rents in Newark are a tiny fraction of New York rents.

    "My friends come in from New York City and look at these apart ments and say, 'Wow, imagine what these would go for in Manhattan,'" he said.

    The problem, he said, is that his building is managed by "the proven worst manager in the city, the housing authority." Getting public projects into private hands would lead to successful neighborhoods, he said. And encouraging middle- class people to move to Newark would create "a 24-hour downtown" and a service economy that would create jobs for the city's poorer residents.

    This doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Better police protection, quicker approvals for business permits and revitalized neighborhoods don't have big price tags.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:16 PM


    One Juror Between Terrorist And Death: Moussaoui Foreman Recalls Frustration (Timothy Dwyer, May 12, 2006, Washington Post)

    Only one juror stood between the death penalty and Zacarias Moussaoui and that juror frustrated his colleagues because he never explained his vote, according to the foreman of the jury that sentenced the al-Qaeda operative to life in prison last week.

    The foreman, a Northern Virginia math teacher, said in an interview that the panel voted 11 to 1, 10 to 2 and 10 to 2 in favor of the death penalty on three terrorism charges for which Moussaoui was eligible for execution. A unanimous vote on any one of them would have resulted in a death sentence.

    The foreman said deliberations reached a critical point on the third day, when the process nearly broke down. Frustrations built because of the repeated 11 to 1 votes on one charge without any dissenting arguments during discussions. All the ballots were anonymous, and the other jurors were relying on the discussions to identify the holdout.

    Why not vote by a show of hands?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:49 PM

    WHERE'S AL GORE WHEN WE NEED HIM? (via Brian Boys):

    Ships' logs give clues to Earth's magnetic decline (Patrick Barry, 11 May 2006,

    The voyages of Captain Cook have just yielded a new discovery: the gradual weakening of Earth’s magnetic field is a relatively recent phenomenon. The discovery has led experts to question whether the Earth is on track towards a polarity reversal.

    By sifting through ships’ logs recorded by Cook and other mariners dating back to 1590, researchers have greatly extended the period over which the behaviour of the magnetic field can be studied. The data show that the current decline in Earth's magnetism was virtually negligible before 1860, but has accelerated since then.

    Until now, scientists had only been able to trace the magnetic field’s behaviour back to 1837, when Carl Friedrich Gauss invented the first device for measuring the field directly.

    The field’s strength is now declining at a rate that suggests it could virtually disappear in about 2000 years. Researchers have speculated that this ongoing change may be the prelude to a magnetic reversal, during which the north and south magnetic pole swap places.

    Where is the Democrat with courage enough to take on this issue and propose the radical reforms to our affluent lifestyles necessary to combat it?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 AM

    STOLYPIN FAILED (via Pepys):

    Putin versus Cheney (Anatol Lieven, 5/12/06, International Herald Tribune)

    In many ways, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney are rather similar characters. Both are highly intelligent, but both see the world above all through the restrictive prisms of security and national power.

    Both are patriots, but - like so many leaders - with a tendency to see national power and their own power as one and the same thing.

    One of the hallmarks of the Realists is the inability to distinguish the nationalism of someone like Putin, who only cares about Russia and Russians, from the patriotism of a Dick Cheney, who believes in a set of universalist American ideals. It's an especially peculiar blindness since the difference is rather easily expressed: Russia's only hope for the future is further Americanization, while the notion of a Russian America is a non sequitur.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:00 AM

    IF ONLY SHE'D STAY BOUGHT (via Pepys):

    Who Are You, Hillary? (Richard Cohen, 5/12/06, Real Clear Politics)

    I know a businessman who says that if the answer to a question is not about money, the question has to be restated. If that applies to politics, the answer to the question of who the Democratic presidential nominee will be in 2008 is simple: Hillary Clinton. She has far and away the most money.

    But politics is not just about money -- not quite yet, anyway -- if only because ideology or principles are not yet ``products.'' That being the case (I hope), then Hillary Clinton's vast lead in fundraising -- she now has more than $20 million in the bank -- will be offset by growing questions about her principles and ideology. In other words, who is this woman who wants to be the next president of the United States? Is she the wife of Bill Clinton, who we were once led to believe was more liberal than he was, or is she actually far more conservative? The answer, at the moment, is something I cannot provide.

    The latest reason for my perplexity is Clinton's agreement to have Rupert Murdoch host a fundraiser for her this summer. Murdoch is the very personification of the contemporary conservative movement. He is the proprietor of both the New York Post and Fox News, both of which are ideologically biased, sometimes blatantly so. No doubt Murdoch can raise lots of money. That's not the question. The question is: What will it buy?

    In Britain he backed Tony Blair when he made Labour the heir to Thatcherism as the Tories floundered. If Ms Clinton has sense enough to run as a New Democrat and try to remake the Party in the image of the Third Way it would make perfect sense for a businessman to cover his bets in case the GOP reverts to its pre-W ways.

    Republicans for Hillary: Are they pretending she's a strong presidential candidate? Or do they really believe it? (John Dickerson, May 11, 2006, Slate)

    There are good reasons why Republicans are taking her very seriously. Hillary seems to have genuinely impressed her Republican Senate colleagues, including McCain, with her careful diligence. In New York she has won over upstate conservatives and has become powerful enough that arch-conservative Rupert Murdoch is throwing a breakfast fund-raiser for her. "We think that she's been effective on state issues and local issues here in New York," he told reporters Wednesday. "She's been an effective and good senator."

    In Washington, she has been on a careful program of aisle-crossing. She formed ad-hoc alliances with Tom DeLay on foster care, Newt Gingrich on health care, and Bill Frist on improving medical-record technology. Most recently, her cultivation paid off with a valentine from Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham in Time. Her prolonged discipline in office suggests she has the focus to make it through a long and complicated campaign.

    Her surprise competency may be doubly disturbing for Republicans who also see she shares her husband's resilience. Every time they thought they had Bill Clinton cornered, he escaped in better political shape. When Hillary arrived in the Senate in 2000, Republicans were sure her arrogance and pushy liberalism would doom her. They seemed itching to slap her down. "When this Hillary gets to the Senate," said then Majority Leader Trent Lott, "she will be one of 100, and we won't let her forget it.'' She may lack her husband's talent on the stump and easy likability, but she has shown she can outmaneuver her detractors.

    Hillary is so far ahead of her potential Democratic presidential rivals she looks like the kind of candidate the GOP usually nominates—the "it's their turn" candidate who has either been through national campaigns or has the star-quality, finances, and a big lead in the polls over their rivals. This doesn't ensure a seamless coronation (it hasn't for the GOP in the last three contested nominations either), but it means she can win commitments from key fund-raisers and activists or prevent them from signing up with other candidates. This adds to her air of inevitability. Even those Democratic strategists who are likely to work for her opponents concede her overwhelming advantages.

    She's certain to be the nominee, but for all the wrong reasons: she appeals to the core constituencies of the Party. The problem is that she can't win the election if she's the Bill/Hill Clinton of 1993-94 and she's not yet shown the courage in her Senate votes to be the Bill Clinton of 1992 & '95-'00.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


    Hamas and Fatah try to ease tensions after clashes (BEN LYNFIELD, 5/12/06, The Scotsman)

    IMPRISONED leaders of Hamas and Fatah have drafted a joint political platform they hope will reduce tensions between the two Palestinian movements that flirted with civil war this week. [...]

    The platform, if embraced by the Hamas cabinet, could be viewed as a step towards recognition of Israel. It was signed by intifada uprising leader Marwan Barghouthi of Fatah and Abdul-Khalek Natshe of Hamas, both prisoners in Israel's Hadarim prison.

    It calls for establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and "the right of return" of Palestinian refugees. It says political steps should be based on "Arab legitimacy", an apparent reference to an Arab League peace plan from 2002 that offers recognition of Israel in exchange for a full Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied during the 1967 Middle East war.

    Hamas, whose charter calls for Israel's destruction, has so far refused to adopt the Arab plan despite the urging of president Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate Fatah leader, and international isolation that has prompted a severe economic crisis. Israel, its eye on annexing parts of the occupied territories, dismissed the plan when it was issued.

    They obviously won't ever get the right of return or the '67 borders, anymore than the Zionists got Judea and Samaria, but those are just details.

    Israel’s Road To ‘Convergence’
    Began With Rabin
    (Jonathan Cook, 12 May, 2006,

    With his coalition partners on board, Israel’s prime minister Ehud Olmert is plotting his next move: a partial withdrawal from the West Bank over the next few years which he and his government will declare as the end of the occupation and therefore also any legitimate grounds for Palestinian grievance.

    From hereon in, Israel will portray itself as the benevolent provider of a Palestinian state -- on whatever is left after most of Israel’s West Bank colonies have been saved and the Palestinian land on which they stand annexed to Israel. If the Palestinians reject this deal -- an offer, we will doubtless be told, every bit as “generous” as the last one -- then, according to the new government’s guidelines, they will be shunned by Israel and presumably also by the international community.

    Even given the normal wretched standards of Israeli double-dealing in the “peace process”, this is a bleak moment to be a Palestinian politician.


    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM


    Andy Garcia's labor of love comes to fruition (LAURA EMERICK, 5/12/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

    "My parents went through a journey similar to the one in the movie," said Garcia, speaking from his CineSon production offices in California. "But 'The Lost City' is really a homage to the culture and music of Cuba, to the end of a way of life. It depicts an era of sociopolitical change while showcasing the music and culture of Cuba. But my movie is no more political than 'Traffic' or 'Dr. Zhivago,'" he said, referring to two other movies that set personal dramas against a backdrop of social or political upheaval.

    But "The Lost City" does have an interesting political pedigree of sorts. It was written by Guillermo Cabrera-Infante, one of Cuba's greatest literary figures, whose parents founded the Communist Party there. He eventually fell out of favor with Castro and, in the mid-'60s, went into exile. Garcia, who calls Cabrera-Infante "the brightest man I ever met in my life," sent him a rough cut of the movie shortly before his death in February 2005. "He was very pleased with the final product."

    Cabrera-Infante also worked his way into "The Lost City" via the character of the Writer, played by Bill Murray, who "serves as a sort of Shakespearean fool or Greek chorus to comment on the absurdities of the time." (Of Murray, who worked for a fraction of his usual salary, Garcia said, "Bill called it the most extraordinary part he ever read.")

    In "The Lost City," the Writer turns up mysteriously in the nightclub of Federico "Fico" Fellove (Garcia), the eldest son of an upper-class Cuban family torn apart by the coming revolution. While his younger brothers Luis (Nestor Carbonell) and Ricardo (Enrique Murciano of CBS' "Without a Trace") decide to join the revolutionary cause, Fico remains apolitical, observing the unrest from his safe haven, El Tropico -- modeled on Havana's famous Tropicana, where Cuban legends such as Beny More once performed.

    If your spouse sends you out to rent a flick this weekend, try his Arturo Sandoval biopic, For Love or Country

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:32 AM


    For environmentalists, a growing split over immigration (Brad Knickerbocker, 5/12/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    The flow of people into the United States is troubling some environmentalists for two reasons. First, more Americans means more people living in one of the world's most resource-consuming cultures. Second, there's new evidence that Hispanic women who move to the US have more children than if they stayed put.

    "We've got to talk about these issues - population, birth rates, immigration," says Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which confronts whalers, seal hunters, and those who poach wildlife in the Galapagos Islands. "Immigration is one of the leading contributors to population growth. All we're saying is, those numbers should be reduced to achieve population stabilization."

    If you could just harness the crazy power of the anti-immigrationists we wouldn't need to burn fossil fuels.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:19 AM


    Talk radio gives Palestinians a voice: Radio shows in Gaza have taken on increased importance since Hamas took over in January (Joshua Mitnick, 5/12/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    In the impoverished coastal strip where the threat of anarchy and internecine violence have filled the vacuum created by the collapse of the central government authority, the talk shows give ordinary Palestinians a stage to rant and challenge politicians. The broadcasts figure as a democratic buttress in a society increasingly ruled by the power of the gun, say analysts.

    "The radio is colorful, powerful, and influential. People in Gaza don't have an avenue to express their opinion, so these shows give them an opportunity to talk, to shout, and even to insult," said Omar Shaban, a Gaza-based economic consultant. "This is good because, via the radio, they learn democracy. When they start to express their opinion and talk, people start to become more aware of the issues on the ground."

    While retaining an Eastern flavor, In poetry-loving Yemen, tribal bard takes on Al Qaeda - with his verse (James Brandon, 5/12/06, The Christian Science Monitor)
    [T]he long and rich history of Yemeni polemical poetry, the idea of using tribal poets to fight extremism began with a chance meeting nearly two years ago, explains Faris Sanabani, a friend of Yemen's president and editor of a weekly English-language newspaper The Yemen Observer.

    Leading Yemenis in Sanaa had gathered to chew khat, a narcotic shrub, talk politics, and listen to poetry, Mr. Sanabani recalls. Suddenly, one guest turned to Yemen's most popular tribal poet, Mashreqi, and asked him if he could recite any poetry about terrorism, he says.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 AM


    Corn lobby's tall tale of a gas substitute (The Monitor's View, 5/12/06, CS Monitor)

    Over the next five years, $5.7 billion in federal tax credits will support the ethanol market - a boon to Midwest corn growers who are certainly no hayseeds when it comes to lobbying members of Congress.

    But just what do US taxpayers get in return for these silo-sized subsidies? A renewable biofuel that reduces greenhouse-gas emissions, yes, and a safe substitute for dangerous gasoline additives. Overall, though, the net energy gain from corn-based ethanol is modest, and there are serious issues to consider in making it widely available at America's gas stations.

    Why not phase out the subsidy as you raise gas taxes?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 AM


    Between the Seams: Slurring Sutcliffe rambles on (Bernie Wilson, 5/12/06, The Associated Press)

    Rick Sutcliffe, a Cy Young award winner and ESPN baseball analyst, gave a rambling, slurred interview during the local-television broadcast of the Brewers-Padres game Wednesday night.

    Sutcliffe's microphone eventually was cut off. Craig Nichols, general manager of Channel 4 San Diego, on Thursday described the interview as embarrassing. [...]

    Sutcliffe, who used to broadcast Padres games for Channel 4 San Diego, dropped by the broadcast booth late in Wednesday night's game and was warmly welcomed by announcers Matt Vasgersian and Mark "Mud" Grant, a former big-league pitcher.

    The trio first talked about golf and actor Bill Murray, who was with Sutcliffe at the game.

    Sorry, but you can't be puttin' the guy on live when he's been out golfing with Bill Murray.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


    Floyd Patterson, 71, Good-Guy Heavyweight Champion, Dies (FRANK LITSKY, 5/12/06, NY Times)

    Floyd Patterson, a gentleman boxer who emerged from a troubled boyhood to become the world heavyweight champion, died yesterday at his home in New Paltz, N.Y. He was 71.

    The cause was prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease, said a grandson, Kevin McIlwaine.

    In the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, Patterson won the middleweight gold medal with five knockouts in five bouts. Then, in a 20-year professional career, he won 55 bouts, lost 8 and fought 1 draw. His total purses reached $8 million, a record then.

    He won the heavyweight title twice, knocking out Archie Moore and Ingemar Johansson. In the first instance he became the youngest heavyweight champion up until that time; in the second, he became the first fighter to regain the title. He also lost the title twice, defended it successfully seven times and failed to regain it three times. He generally weighed little more than 180 pounds, light for a heavyweight, but he made the most of mobility, fast hands and fast reflexes.

    He was a good guy in the bad world of boxing. He was sweet-tempered and reclusive. He spoke softly and never lost his boyhood shyness. Cus D'Amato, who trained him throughout his professional career, called Patterson "a kind of a stranger." Red Smith, the New York Times sports columnist, called him "the man of peace who loves to fight." [...]

    Patterson was voted into the United States Olympic Committee Hall of Fame in 1987 and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1991. The public loved him. As Dave Anderson wrote in 1972 in The Times:

    "He projects the incongruous image of a gentle gladiator, a martyr persecuted by the demons of his profession. But his mystique also contains a morbid curiosity. Any boxing fan worth his weight in The Ring record books wants to be there for Floyd's last stand. Until then, Floyd Patterson keeps boxing, the windmills of his mind turned by his own breezes."

    No challenge was too big for boxing giant (LACY J. BANKS, 5/12/06, Chicago Sun-Times)
    ''I loved Floyd Patterson because he was a champion of the little guys when he won the heavyweight title as a 6-foot, 185- pounder,'' promoter Don King told the Sun-Times. ''A guy that size had no business fighting heavyweight. But he had the heart of a lion and was one of the stalwarts of boxing. That's why he's in the Hall of Fame.''

    Chicago's Ernie Terrell, also a former heavyweight champion, called Patterson ''one of the most efficient fighters of all time, when you realize how much he was able to get out of his size and limited strength. But he was lightning quick, a classy boxer and was always in top shape. He'd box out of that peek-a-boo style, leap out of nowhere and knock out some opponents with one punch.''

    A native of Waco, N.C., Patterson won the Olympic gold medal as a middleweight in 1952. When he knocked out Archie Moore at Chicago Stadium for the world heavyweight title that had been vacated by the retiring Rocky Marciano, he weighed just 182-1/4 pounds.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


    Fletcher indicted: Governor calls inquiry political (Tom Loftus and Mark Pitsch, 5/12/06, The Courier-Journal)

    Gov. Ernie Fletcher was indicted yesterday on three misdemeanor counts alleging that he directed an illegal conspiracy to place his political allies in state jobs at the expense of those who might oppose him.

    Because, after all, if democracy means anything it means insulating a permanent governing bureaucracy from the will of the electorate.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


    Tanzanian monkey goes up a notch (Rebecca Morelle, 5/12/06, BBC News)

    Scientists have described a new genus of monkey - the first for 83 years.

    The Rungwecebus kipunji sports a distinctive Mohawk stripe of hair, and is found in Tanzania, Africa.

    The monkey, first described from photographs last year, was originally thought to be a new species but tests reveal it is even more special. [...]

    Bill Stanley, an author on the paper, and mammal collections manager at the Field Museum, Chicago, US, said hearing the news that the monkey belonged to a new genus "sent shivers down my spine".

    "Simply put, the genetics said that it was closely related to baboons, but the skull wasn't anything like a baboon. The conclusions we drew from the genetic and morphological data meant that it had to be named as a new genus." [...]

    Jonathan Kingdon, a biological anthropologist from Oxford University, commented: "The geneticists have shown that the closest relative of this rather slender, mainly tree-dwelling monkey is the hefty, mainly ground-dwelling baboon. Indeed of all the primates known it is the baboon's closest relative.

    "The evolution of this unique monkey from a baboon and not a finely tuned lineage that was already 'monkey' offers us a unique opportunity to understand the evolution of monkeys in Africa.

    "And the most likely reason for baboon and not monkey ancestry is that the Southern Highlands were separated from the great primate communities of central Africa by Lakes Tanganyika and Rukwa."

    But Professor Colin Groves, a biological anthropologist from Australian National University, Canberra, was more cautious about the research.

    "I'm not certain if this is a new genus. I'm unsure of the molecular analysis - when I look at the phylogenetic tree (a diagram of the evolutionary relationships of a group of organisms) there are aspects of it that are quite different to those that other people have generated. I would like to see them explore their DNA tree much much more."

    What makes the argument especially hilarious is that monkeys can breed with baboons, so they aren't even different species. It's like raising with a jump straight.

    There's a pretty funny op-ed in the Times today by a chemist who apparently doesn't undersand the difference between evolution and Darwinism

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 AM


    Sox come up ’huge’ -- Loretta caps big win over Yanks (Jeff Horrigan, May 12, 2006, Boston Herald)

    For much of last night’s game, Yankee Stadium took on the feel of Southie on St. Patrick’s Day due to the number of Bostonians left loaded in public.

    Thankfully for the visitors, Mark Loretta was up to being a designated driver.

    After seeing his team leave the bases loaded three times in the first six innings, the second baseman produced a two-run infield single that sent the Red Sox to a 5-3 victory over the New York Yankees. Loretta went 4-for-6 with three RBI to propel the division-leading Red Sox to their third victory in four games against New York this season. [...]

    “This is huge,” Papelbon said. “It showed what we’re made of, coming back in the later part of the ball game and coming through with clutch hits and preserving the lead. From top to bottom, we laid our hearts out on the line and everything paid off.”

    They'd have swept had Francona started Wily Mo in the middle game. Meanwhile, the Yanks are left patching and filling what was exposed as an elderly and fragile -- boh physically and emotionally -- squad.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Diamondbacks' Webb improves to 6-0 again (ALAN ROBINSON, 5/10/06, The Associated Press)

    Brandon Webb must be wondering how much better it can get than this.

    Webb withstood a shaky start to win his sixth in a row, Chad Tracy had four hits and Shawn Green drove in three runs to give the Arizona Diamondbacks a 7-4 victory over the Pirates on Wednesday night.

    Webb gave up three runs and 10 hits despite constantly being in trouble over six innings, but worked out of enough jams to improve to 6-0 in eight starts. He has the most victories of any unbeaten pitcher in the majors, never allowing more than three runs in any start during his streak.

    "Tonight was the most I'd say he's gotten hit all year, and he still only gave up three runs," Green said. "He's our guy and we're trying to ride him every time he pitches."

    Now come the hard part for the right-handed Webb, who also was 6-0 last season before finishing 14-12. He has a 15-7 record in April and May during his career, but is 21-30 in other months.

    May 11, 2006

    Posted by Matt Murphy at 9:55 PM


    How to tell if a man wants children (Mark Henderson, The Times, 5/10/06)

    Women can tell whether a man likes children simply by looking at his picture, and they are more attracted to the ones who do when they are looking for a long-term relationship, research suggests.

    Scientists in the United States have found that women are surprisingly accurate at guessing male affinity for infants from facial cues alone, and use these to help to select a suitable mate with whom to start a family.

    When women want a short-term relationship, however, they favour male faces that are strongly masculine, which tend to belong to men with higher levels of testosterone, the study indicates.

    Dario Maestripieri, of the University of Chicago, who led the research, said that men who looked like the actors Tom Hanks or Leonardo di Caprio were more likely to be judged as being interested in children, as their faces were themselves more child-like.

    “They have more rounded features, smaller chins, friendly expressions, and eyes that are relatively large compared to the size of their heads,” he said. “Women take a look at someone like Tom Hanks and come away with the impression that he’s friendly and warm towards children.” [...]

    This contrasts with men who have more masculine features, such as a heavy-set jaw, smaller eyes and a strong bone structure, which tend to convey high testosterone levels and a more aggressive, less caring personality. Examples include Mickey Rourke and Christopher Reeve, Dr Maestripieri said.

    While these qualities might be appealing for a brief liaison, they are much less attractive in a long-term mate. The findings fit with evolutionary predictions of how female mate preferences should differ in response to particular circumstances.

    When considering a long-term partner who will help to bring up children, evolutionary theory suggests that women should favour men who show a willingness to invest in their offspring. For a short encounter, however, a man’s genetic quality and masculinity should be more important.

    Dr Maestripieri said that this had been borne out by the research. “The study provides the first direct evidence that women’s attractiveness judgments specifically track both men’s affinity for children and men’s hormone concentrations,” he said.

    If a self-reference can be excused, this is so fundamentally daffy that I have to violate my usual well-founded refusal -- deriving from painful memories of high school science tests -- to wade into evolutionary controversies. Indeed, any reasonable person should immediately spot two jinormous non sequiturs:

    1.) It is widely known that Tom Hanks left his two kids -- indeed, even this article can't avoid mentioning it -- and many discerning folks suspect that Leonardo DiCaprio is what used to be called an "invert."

    2.) Common sense suggests that if the study had gone the other way and women preferred the tougher-looking men, the article would matter-of-factly state that this also supports the predictions of evolutionary psychology. It would run something like this: Tough-looking men are preferred by women because they have higher testosterone levels and are more likely to effectively protect the family unit during dangerous times.

    Regardless of one's opinion of evolutionary psychology, this article obviously does little to allay the popular suspicion that it is largely composed of post hoc rationalizations for puzzling phenomena -- which is to say: Crap that people tell themselves to explain other crap they pretend to understand.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 PM


    L.A. Psychologist Who Didn't Get Tote Bag at Mother's Day Angel Game Files Lawsuit (Dave McKibben, May 11, 2006, LA Times)

    A Los Angeles psychologist who was denied a tote bag during a Mother's Day giveaway at an Angel game is suing the baseball team, alleging sex and age discrimination.

    Michael Cohn's class-action claim in Orange County Superior Court alleges that thousands of males and fans under 18 were "treated unequally" at a "Family Sunday" promotion last May and are entitled to $4,000 each in damages.

    The targets of the suit are the team and the Corinthian Colleges. Corinthian oversees Bryman College, which has an Anaheim campus and sponsored the event, its name printed on the bags.

    Thousands of the red nylon bags were given to women 18 and older attending the Sunday Mother's Day game.

    Pretty much had to be a psychologist, huh? He must have just had the tar beat out of him every day as a kid.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 PM


    Don't underestimate the weakness of Iran's theocracy (Simon Scott Plummer, 10/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    [I]n assessing these risks, insufficient attention is paid to the fundamental weaknesses of the opponent. The first is ideological. In the 27 years since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has come full circle. The religious fervour of Khomeini gave way to Rafsanjani's economic pragmatism, which was in turn succeeded by mild liberalisation under Khatami.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who became president last August, is attempting to turn the clock back to 1979 at a time when the ayatollah's fanaticism is discredited and the population, two thirds of which was born since the revolution, hates its leaders for their oppression, corruption and incompetence.

    The second weakness has to do with political legitimacy. Loss of faith in the revolution calls into question the system of velayat-e faqih, or guardianship of the religious jurist, by which ultimate power lies not with elected representatives, but with the clergy. The mullahs' dominance seriously compromises Iran's democracy. For example, in parliamentary elections in 2004, the Council of Guardians, a clerically appointed body, barred about 2,500 reformist candidates from participating. A year later, the second round of the presidential poll was marred by widespread accusations of fraud.

    The third weakness, veiled by the near-doubling of oil revenues over the past two years, is economic. The revolution has failed to provide work for an overwhelmingly youthful population; unemployment is running at about 30 per cent. The regime clings to an outmoded model of import substitution through industrialisation, and things are likely to get worse under Ahmadinejad. Members of a supposedly pliant parliament have criticised the current budget as likely to bring higher inflation and joblessness and slower growth.

    The defiant rhetoric of Iran's leaders thus belies manifold fragility.

    As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn asked of a similarly decrepit regime that folks were needlessly scared of: "Yes, yes, of course, we all know you cannot poke a stick through the walls of a concrete tower, but here's something to think about: what if the walls are only a painted backdrop?"

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:18 PM


    Although it isn’t talked about too much in these gender-sensitive times, serious Darwinists know well that our survival depends upon the uncanny ability of women to choose those men who will father, protect and care for their children, thus allowing them to thrive and propagate in turn. It’s a tough job, and fickle old natural selection has a way of confusing the ladies. Fortunately, man invented dance to show them exactly who has that tough “bring home the bacon” survival instinct who does not.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:46 PM


    Put a stake through Freud's heart (Spengler, 5/09/06, Asia Times)

    The psychiatric profession observed the 150th anniversary of Sigmund Freud's birth on May 6. My modest proposal for the event is to exhume his body and put a stake through his heart. Freud's Viennese contemporary Karl Kraus quipped that psychoanalysis was "a disease posing as a cure". Kraus was closer to the truth than he could have imagined. [...]

    Freud claimed to have discovered the source of all neurosis in the repression of the sexual impulse, or libido. In fairness, Freud did not think repression was a bad thing, for without it society would disintegrate. The object of psychoanalysis was not to spread universal joy, but to proceed "from hysterical misery to ordinary unhappiness". He did not count on the adolescent narcissism of the 1960s, when the complacent and affluent youth of the industrial world demanded something better than ordinary unhappiness. Freud provided the ideological foundation for the so-called sexual revolution of the 1960s, and popularized versions of his theory dominated popular culture.

    All the major religions of the world attempt to sanctify the family; Freud sought to expose it as a hypocritical viper's nest of neurosis. Religion, he taught, totemized power relations; God was the projected form of the castrating father. The mother provides sexual pleasure to the infant she nurses, whose initial polymorphous perverse sexuality focuses upon the mother; the authority of the father then represses the son's sexual fixation on the mother through the threat of castration, while little sister laments the lack of a penis. Such a chamber of horrors cannot be entrusted with the upbringing of children, the left interpreted Freud. Sexuality must be severed from reproduction, through abortion, equal status for homosexuality, and so forth.

    Few psychiatrists today defend Freud's sexual derivation of neurosis, but the damage was done. Sexual liberation remains the core of the social agenda of the left.

    With all due regard to Spengler, "sexual liberation" is just a means to the Left's end of absolute equality. Such equality obviously requires that we deny there are any differences between the genders but, less obviously, requires that all social structures that intercede between the individual and the State be destroyed--only in complete dependence can be parcelled complete equality--and on the annihilation of morality, so that no behavior can be judged inferior to any other.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:06 PM


    Senate Leaders Expect Immigration Bill Next Week (DAVID STOUT, 5/11/06, NY Times)

    Senate leaders said today that they had broken a political stalemate and would bring to the floor next week an immigration bill that could put millions of illegals on the road to eventual American citizenship.

    An agreement reached today by Senators Bill Frist of Tennessee and Harry Reid of Nevada, the Republican majority and Democratic minority leaders, ends an impasse that has stalled action in the Senate for weeks while immigrants and their advocates have been holding huge demonstrations across the country.

    Combine the phony security measures in the House bill with the genuine amnesty in the Senate bill and you have exactly what voters want.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:40 PM

    AIN'T NO KENNEDYS IN TEXAS (via Tom Morin):

    Wind farm to be built off Texas coast (The Associated Press, May 11, 2006)

    The nation's largest offshore wind farm will be built off the Padre Island seashore, a critical migratory bird flyway, Texas officials announced Thursday.

    Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson lauded what he said would be an 40,000-acre span of turbines about 400 feet tall able to generate energy to power 125,000 homes.

    "The wind rush is on," Patterson said. "We want to be number one. We want to attract the businesses that build the turbines, that build the blades. ... We want to be the leader in the United States, if not the world."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:16 PM


    Small Biz Can Save Retirement (Jeff Seely, 5/10/06, ShareBuilder)

    As I see it, America is facing a retirement crisis. Picture a scenario where most people hit age 60 or 65 and have no choice but to keep working, asking to stay on in their current jobs; or if pushed into "retirement," forced to find a new, lower-paying job at an age when many will be unemployable.

    At the rate we're going, this could become the unfortunate fate for a frightening number of today's workers. It presents a big problem for the country and for the people that work in its companies. Now is the time to tackle it.

    How did we get into this mess?

    By living past 65?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:39 PM


    'The Common Interest' No Answer For Democrats (Brad Carson, 5/10/06, Real Clear Politics)

    The failure of Tomasky is that, like Lakoff, he seems to believe that the problems facing Democrats can be fixed with only a rhetorical shift. "If only we progressive had a Frank Luntz to wordsmith for us," they would seem to say. But the Democrats' problem is far deeper; it is not that they fumble for words, but rather that they have lost their voice.

    A coherent political philosophy implies a certain understanding of human nature, of the proper ends of human life. Progressive politics across the world - from Britain's Labour to Germany's SDP to America's Democrats -- has no vision of a better world because these deeply philosophical foundations of left-wing politics have eroded over the last thirty years. Events like stagflation and the fall of the Soviet Union played a role in this, but, so, too, did a line of brilliant thinkers like Hayek, Friedman, Buchanan, Stigler, Lucas, Kydler, Prescott, Merton, Miller, Becker, Simon, and Coase, all of whom received Nobel Prizes for their now-accepted apostasies from left-wing orthodoxy.

    Civic republicanism may well provide a new basis for progressive politics, which is, as Tomasky says, mired in stultifying proceduralism. But it will do so by changing more than the Democrats' rhetoric. The civic republicanism that Tomasky invokes will demand a rethinking of church-state relations, criminal procedure, abortion, antitrust law, and nearly every other policy that we associate with today's Democrats. Indeed, civic republicanism demands a rethinking of what human beings actually are and what ends are conducive to human flourishing. But, while much will change, one thing will stay the same: for progressives, any use of civic republicanism must and will be guided by a deep concern for social justice and a veneration of equality, the very principles that Tomasky derides.

    A party that is so at odds with human nature is hardly capable of meaningful reform.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:52 PM


    Putin lashes out at 'wolf-like' America (Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow and Ewen MacAskill in Washington, May 11, 2006, Guardian)

    Relations between the US and Russia sank to the lowest point in a decade yesterday when Vladimir Putin harshly rebuked Washington for its criticism last week and compared the US to a hungry wolf that "eats and listens to no one".

    Mr Putin, stung by an attack from Dick Cheney, the US vice-president, used his annual state of the nation address to denounce US expansionism and military spending.

    Putin Offers Russian Mothers Cash for More Babies (Christian Lowe, May 10, 2006, Reuters)
    President Vladimir Putin offered couples cash to have more children to halt a dramatic decline in population and called for a stronger army in a key speech on Wednesday in which he shrugged off sharp attacks by Washington.

    Putin, defying predictions he would focus on foreign policy, zeroed in on Russia's dwindling population -- an issue with huge implications for the economy -- which is falling by 700,000 people every year.

    De Tocqueville got it half right--the future belongs to America, but there won't be a Russia

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:38 PM


    Plame leak probe descends into absurdity (Byron York, 5/11/06, The Hill)

    Perhaps the key moment in the descent happened last February in the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton. Fitzgerald was there, along with the Libby defense team.

    Libby’s lawyers had asked Fitzgerald to produce evidence that Valerie Plame Wilson was a covert agent at the CIA. They had also asked for an assessment of the damage, if any, caused by the exposure of her identity.

    In papers filed with the court, Fitzgerald refused both requests. Now, in the courtroom, Judge Walton wanted to hear Fitzgerald’s reasons.

    “Does the government intend to introduce any evidence that would relate to either damage or potential damage that the alleged revelations by Mr. Libby caused, or do you intend to introduce any evidence related to Ms. Wilson’s status and whether it was classified or she was in a covert status or anything of that nature?” Walton asked.

    “We don’t intend to offer any proof of actual damage,” Fitzgerald said. “We’re not going to get into whether that would occur or not. It’s not part of the perjury statute.”

    It was an astonishing statement, in the context of what Fitzgerald has said in the past.

    It must be conceded that the leak helped destroy the CIA by exposing that it is loyal to itself not the elected representatives of the people. That seems unlikely to be the crux of Mr. Fitzgerald's case though....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:11 PM

    SHIPS OF STATE (via Dave Burda & Bryan Francoeur):

    New Navy Ship Being Built With WTC Steel (RICHARD PYLE, Apr 3, 2006, AP)

    With a year to go before it even touches the water, the Navy's amphibious assault ship USS New York has already made history twice. It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center, and it survived Hurricane Katrina.

    Historic liner heads to scrap yard (AP, 5/09/06)
    The SS France was of the last great liners in the heyday of trans-Atlantic cruise ships, carrying artist Salvador Dali and his pet ocelot, and taking the Mona Lisa to an exhibition in the United States.

    Today it's headed to a scrap yard at Alang in western India

    Somehow, the rise of an American warship from the rubble of 9-11 begs to juxtaposed with the scrapping of the SS France in India.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:10 AM


    Chicken with Mango-Tomato Salsa (The Oklahoman, 12/13/04)

    15oz. mangos diced
    15oz. diced tomatoes, drained
    1 serrano chile, minced
    1 tablespoon minced red onion
    1 small bunch cilantro leaves, chopped
    Juice of one lime
    A pinch of red pepper flakes
    1 scallion, chopped
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    Salt (opt) and pepper to taste
    6ea. chicken breast 4oz , skinned & boneless

    Combine the mango, tomatoes, chile, onion, cilantro, lime juice, pepper flakes, scallion, olive oil, salt and pepper, and let sit for 30 minutes to let the flavors blend.

    Place the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap and flatten with a meat pounder to a uniform thickness. Remove from the plastic wrap.

    Heat the broiler or grill to high. Broil or grill the chicken breasts approximately 4 minutes on each side until cooked through.

    Top the chicken breasts with the salsa.

    Unfortunately, The Wife and spawn are all on a mango kick.

    Spicy Oat-Crusted Chicken With Sunshine Salsa (The Oklahoman, 1/12/05)

    ¾ cup prepared salsa

    ¾ cup coarsely chopped orange sections


    2 tablespoons canola oil

    1 tablespoon margarine, melted

    2 teaspoons chili powder

    1 teaspoon garlic powder

    1 teaspoon ground cumin

    ¾ teaspoon salt

    1½ cups quick oats, uncooked

    1 egg, lightly beaten

    1 tablespoon water

    4 boned and skinned chicken breast halves (about 5-6 ounces each)

    Chopped cilantro, optional

    In small bowl, combine salsa and orange sections. Refrigerate, covered, until serving time. Heat oven to 375 degrees. In flat, shallow dish, stir together oil, melted margarine, chili powder, garlic powder, cumin and salt. Add oats, stirring until evenly moistened.

    In second flat, shallow dish, beat egg and water with fork until frothy. Dip chicken into combined egg and water, then coat completely in seasoned oats. Place chicken on foil-lined baking sheet. Pat any extra oat mixture onto top of chicken. Bake 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and oat coating is golden brown. Serve with salsa. Garnish with chopped cilantro, if desired.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:03 AM


    Rehabilitating a Rogue: Libya’s WMD Reversal and Lessons for US Policy (Dafna Hochman, Spring 2006, Parameters)

    On 19 December 2003, Muammar al-Qadhafi announced Libya’s decision to dismantle all components of its nonconventional weapons programs. Concurrently, Qadhafi declared an abrupt halt to Libya’s development of missiles with a range exceeding 300 kilometers and his intent to open all nonconventional weapons stockpiles and research programs to international inspectors.1 Libya’s acknowledgment that it was building chemical and biological, as well as nuclear, weapons marked a dramatic shift; for decades, Tripoli had unequivocally denied the possession of any such weapons when faced with Western allegations to that effect. In fact, as recently as January 2003, Qadhafi told an American reporter that it was “crazy to think that Libya” had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).2 In a 2003 article directed at the US foreign policy community, Qadhafi’s son and likely successor, Saif al-Islam al-Qadhafi, underscored Libya’s continued compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) as well as the Biological Weapons Convention.3

    Yet, with great confessional drama, Qadhafi now admitted to the international community that he had overseen the development of an active WMD program, with materials imported as recently as 2001. Thus, Qadhafi’s WMD reversal poses a puzzling question: Why would a rogue leader decide to eliminate a WMD program that he recently had been pursuing?

    The international community, including President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, immediately lauded Qadhafi’s decision to seek rapprochement with the West.4 The Bush Administration and analysts outside the US government cited two principal reasons behind Qadhafi’s decision. First, they argued that the United States had sent a strong message by invading Iraq in 2003, proving its willingness to use military force to deal with rogue states acquiring WMD. Libya must have been watching, they contended. Second, many argued that economic sanctions had successfully suppressed the Libyan economy. With a growing population, and potential revenue from undeveloped oil resources, Qadhafi might have decided to prioritize Libya’s economic survival over WMD procurement.5

    These two explanations, while plausible, have sidelined the role of deliberate, long-term US policies toward Libya that likely facilitated Qadhafi’s WMD reversal. Three additional factors affected Libya’s WMD reversal. First, in addition to the pressures exerted by the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, Qadhafi had reason to foresee greater security benefits to be gained by closer ties with the United States and the West. In particular, Libya’s concern about al Qaeda influenced its desire to ally with the United States. Second, while seeking an end to the stifling US and UN sanctions for economic motives, Qadhafi also sought to end Libya’s pariah status. Qadhafi’s concern about his own reputation and Libya’s international image and credibility motivated his decision. Third, the Pam Am 103 victims’ families and their advocates on Capitol Hill wielded agenda-setting influence, strengthening the negotiating position of the United States vis-à-vis Libya. Each of these factors reflects one of three US foreign policy approaches applied toward Libya over the past 15 years. Each factor also yields implications for current and future US national security strategies, offering prescriptive lessons to policymakers confronting rogue regimes acquiring WMD programs.

    The author actually pinpoints the most likely cause of Libya's reform here:
    Observers within the Bush Administration and experts in the private sector contended that Qadhafi finally acknowledged Libya’s plummeting economy and sought to realize Libya’s vast oil potential. Faced with a growing population and the failure of the state-run economy, Qadhafi recognized that the only solution to Libya’s poverty was to open up Libya to international trade and investment. Indeed, evidence does suggest that Qadhafi, or at least his top advisors, understood Libya’s predicament and chose to privilege economic interests over ideological or nationalist ones. Qadhafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, a doctoral student at the London School of Economics, has been particularly vocal about the need for Libya to embrace global capital and abandon its long-standing socialist economic policies.

    Which renders the main lesson: Westernize the next generation.

    Kingdom to Privatize Bourse (Javid Hassan, 10 May 2006, Arab News)

    A new financial district will be constructed over an area of three million square meters in the north of Riyadh, making it the biggest project of its kind in the world, Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf announced yesterday.

    It was also announced that the Kingdom would go ahead with the privatization of the Saudi stock market as part of its economic reforms program designed to boost investment and create job opportunities.

    Reading out the speech of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, Al-Assaf said the King Abdullah Financial District would be the Middle East’s first financial district to match the major global trade zones.

    Reform is best done from above.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


    McCain to make nice with old foe Falwell (Ralph Z. Hallow, May 11, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    John McCain will trade superlatives with the man he once called an "agent of intolerance" when he delivers the commencement address Saturday morning at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University.

    "Senator McCain spent some of his career burning bridges," McCain strategist John Weaver says. "All of us have learned from that, and he is very much in the process of building bridges now."

    Mr. Falwell, in a similar bridge-building mode, says Mr. McCain "is not very far from a position where religious conservatives could support him" on banning same-sex "marriage" and other moral issues.

    Being the Republican nominee requires building a bridge to the 18th Century.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM


    PM keeps door open on mission to Darfur
    (GLORIA GALLOWAY, 5/11/06, Globe and Mail

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper says Canada might send troops to the troubled Darfur region of Sudan despite insistence by his Defence Minister that the mission in Afghanistan precludes significant commitments elsewhere in the world.

    "This government stands ready and is in consultation with our friends in the international community to do whatever is necessary to advance the peace process in Darfur," Mr. Harper said yesterday in the House of Commons.

    "If that involves sending troops, that will be an option that we consider."

    No one ever said starting to act like an adult nation again would be easy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:22 AM


    In Iran, Apocalypse vs. Reform (Jackson Diehl, May 11, 2006, Washington Post)

    Qom is a place where the possible ends of Iran's slowly crumbling Islamic regime can be glimpsed -- both the catastrophic and the potentially benign. There is the rising, officially nurtured last-days cult at Jamkaran, and the extremist rants of Ahmadinejad's own spiritual adviser, Ayatollah Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, who recently suggested that future elections were superfluous because a true Islamic government had arisen.

    But also in the winding alleys here, with their mosques and madrassas , are some of the world's most progressive and influential interpreters of Islam -- ayatollahs who insist that democracy, human rights, equality for women and even cloning are all compatible with the Koran. To hear them is to understand that the much-hoped-for Islamic reformation is, at least in the Shiite world, already underway.

    The best known of the liberals is Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, once the designated successor to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran's first supreme leader, and in recent years one of Iran's foremost advocates of democracy. Frail at 84, Montazeri was nonetheless firm enough when I asked him about Ahmadinejad's buildup at Jamkaran. While "the 12th Imam does exist and will someday emerge," he said, "using this belief as a political means for deceiving people or leading them to certain decisions is wrong." As a grand ayatollah, Montazeri is one of the few in the country who can make such a public statement without risking imprisonment or worse.

    Even more intriguing is Montazeri's near neighbor, Grand Ayatollah Yusuf Saanei, 68, who, unlike his elder, is still instructing students at his madrassa and delivering regular sermons and fatwas . Like Montazeri, Saanei favors full democracy in Iran; he has also issued rulings banning workplace discrimination against women, sanctioning abortion in the first trimester and authorizing therapeutic cloning for the purpose of producing replacement organs.

    Another early collaborator of Khomeini who long ago returned to Qom, Saanei acknowledges that anti-democratic forces among the Iranian clergy have the upper hand, for now. But he offers two reasons for optimism. One is the growing demand for change among Iranian youth; those under 30 make up more than two-thirds of the population. "We have been doing a lot of work in colleges and universities," says the ayatollah, whose diminutive stature, wispy white beard and leathery brown skin make him appear older than he is. "If you talk to students in these institutions you will see that we have achieved a great deal, and that our ideas have spread very far."

    The other factor is Iraq -- where, Saanei says, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has successfully updated the role of Islam in government. "The Iraqis were well aware and informed of events in Iran," Saanei said. "Therefore they have adopted the model of Ayatollah Sistani. Ayatollah Sistani has made the correct decision by staying out of the political system."

    Khomeinism is heresy, which is what makes Iran low-hanging fruit. The liberation of Iraq and of Ayatollah Sistani shakes the tree.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:50 AM


    Environmentalists want Amrose to quit Kyoto post (Mike De Souza, National Post, May 11th, 2006)

    Environment Minister Rona Ambrose should resign as chairperson of international negotiations on climate change because she's in danger of sabotaging the United Nations Kyoto protocol which was ratified by more than 150 countries, environmental groups said Wednesday.

    At a news conference, the environmentalists said Ambrose had no business leading the international community's fight against climate change, since she hasn't proved she supports the Kyoto protocol's objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    "It's the honourable things to do," said John Bennett, executive director of the Canadian Climate Action Network. "If you are engaged in a negotiation that is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and you are doing nothing but bad mouth that process, bad mouth the way it works, bad mouth other countries, you're going to do immeasurable damage to the international negotiations."[...]

    Greenpeace spokesperson Steven Guilbeault said that many countries are, in fact, on pace to meet their targets, and they're surprised that the new Canadian environment minister is saying the opposite of what Dion fought for at a United Nations climate change conference held December in Montreal.

    "They're a little bit baffled frankly," said Guilbeault. "Now, all of a sudden, having Canada in line with (U.S. President) George W. Bush on climate change is a bit of a shock to everybody."

    It’s a bit of a shock to us too, Steven. But with Harper’s approval ratings climbing daily (nearly 70% in Alberta and Quebec) and no one brave enough to confront the horror, we’ll just have to suffer the humiliation a bit longer.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


    U.S. Under Pressure To Talk to Tehran (Glenn Kessler, May 11, 2006, Washington Post)

    The administration has dismissed the letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- the first such communication since U.S.-Iranian relations were broken more than a quarter of a century ago -- as not a serious diplomatic overture.

    "It really was a kind of philosophical and indeed religious attack on U.S. policies," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday on NBC's "Today" show. "There was nothing in it that suggested a way out of the nuclear stalemate."

    But Albright said yesterday that the letter, despite its invective and religious musings, should be viewed as an opportunity both for a dialogue with Iran and to influence world opinion. She likened it to President John F. Kennedy's choosing to selectively respond to -- and ignore -- conflicting messages from his Soviet counterpart during the Cuban missile crisis.

    "In diplomacy, you make your opportunities," Albright said. "Acting in a dismissive way doesn't get you anywhere."

    Do you suppose she's even aware that all JFK got was 60 years of brutal dictatorship for the Cuban people? Or is that a victory in her book?

    Iran's President says country ready to negotiate (CHRIS BRUMMITT, 5/11/06, Associated Press)

    Iran's President said Thursday he was ready to negotiate with Western powers over Tehran's nuclear program, but warned that threats would make any talks more difficult. [...]

    “There are no limits to our dialogue,” he said. “But if someone points an arm [a weapon] at your face and says you must speak, will you do that?”

    While Washington has said it favours a diplomatic end to the dispute, it hasn't ruled out military force and is pushing at the United Nations for economic sanctions against Iran.

    Despite Mr. Ahmadinejad's hard-line rhetoric, there were hints of a possible solution to the escalating international crisis from other quarters.

    In a letter to Time magazine published on its website Wednesday, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei offered new possibilities for solving the impasse with the United States and its allies on the issue.

    Hassan Rohani, Iran's former top nuclear negotiator, said Tehran would consider ratifying an International Atomic Energy Agency protocol that provides for intrusive and snap inspections and would also address the question of preventing a pullout from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

    President Bush should travel to Iran himself for talks, but exploit the splits by meeting with Reformers and Ayatollah Khamenei and not Ahmedinjad. While there he could deliver then an address that points out that the current regime structure of Iran is inconsistent with Shi'ism.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 AM


    Democrats Are Fractured Over Strategy, Funds (Thomas B. Edsall, May 11, 2006, Washington Post )

    Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and the leader of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have clashed angrily in recent days in a dispute about how the party should spend its money in advance of this fall's midterm elections.

    Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), who is leading the party's effort to regain majority status in the House, stormed out of Dean's office several days ago leaving a trail of expletives, according to Democrats familiar with the session.

    The blowup highlights a long-standing tension that has pitted Democratic congressional leaders, who are focused on their best opportunities for electoral gains this fall, against Dean and many state party chairmen, who believe that the party needs to be rebuilt from the ground up -- even in states that have traditionally been Republican strongholds.

    Emanuel's fury, Democratic officials said, was over his concern that Dean's DNC is spending its money too freely and too early in the election cycle -- a "burn rate" that some strategists fear will leave the party unable to help candidates compete on equal terms with Republicans this fall.

    The money and which races they spend it in doesn't matter unless they move the Party back as far Right as Bill Clinton had it in '92 and '96. Making Mr. Dean the chair was calculated to prevent that from happening.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 AM


    In a Very Secular France, Nicolas Sarkozy Is Breaking a Taboo: In a book, the candidate for the presidency of the French republic acknowledges the public role of religion. And the Church is paying attention, in Italy and Rome, too (Sandro Magister, 5/11/06, Chiesa)

    [T]he most startling indication of a new way of looking at religious matters concerns France, the most secularized country in Catholic Europe. It is a book entitled “La République, les religions, l’espérance [The Republic, the Religions, and Hope],” first issued in France and recently published in Italy. The author is Nicolas Sarkozy, the politician whom many predict will win the 2007 French presidential election.

    The presentation of the book that appears on the rear cover summarizes as follows the ways in which its contents are fresh and new:

    “With this book, Nicolas Sarkozy is confronting one of the taboos of French society: the place of religion in the République. Sarkozy wants to create an open and serene secularism, in which each person can live out his own vision of hope and participate in building up democratic society. He speaks of his faith, of his encounters with spiritual figures who have influenced him, of the convictions he wants to pass on to his children. The book is a great contribution to the reflection on the founding values of the République and on the future of secularism in France.” [...]

    [S]arkozy had placed at the opening of the book the following excerpt from a masterwork of liberal Catholicism, “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville, which was published in France in 1835 after he returned from a voyage to the United States:

    “There are persons in France who see in the République a permanent and tranquil state, a necessary end toward which ideas and customs guide the modern societies each day, and who sincerely desire to help men to become free. But when they attack religious beliefs, they are following their passions, not their interests. Despotism can do without faith, but freedom cannot. Religion is much more necessary for the République that they proclaim than for the monarchy that they attack, and it is more so for democratic republics than for any other.”

    Much of the failure of the French model traces directly to viewng the State as an end rather than a means.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


    Party chair's left jabs put Cantwell on the defensive (Joni Balter, 5/11/06, Seattle Times)

    When Dwight Pelz was elected chairman of the Washington State Democrats, he promised to reach out to moderate and rural Democrats all across the state. It didn't take long for him to revert to form — a reflexive liberal playing to a narrow Seattle base.

    Pelz is living proof Democrats love to eat their young — or at least work against their own candidates. Pelz last week did a disservice to U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell and the moderate wing of the party by effectively challenging her Democratic bona fides.

    Pelz, longtime King County councilman and party chairman not long enough to have a clue, lobbed one at the state's No. 1 Democratic candidate running this fall. Cantwell faces a vigorous Republican challenge in Mike McGavick, former CEO for Safeco and former aide to U.S. Sen Slade Gorton.

    "Definitely right now there are a lot of activists who are not signing up to work on her campaign and that's very clear," Pelz said last week, explaining that her position on the Iraq war is making it difficult to recruit volunteers to support her.

    Who's he working for?

    Such ideological purity tests among the Democrats have served the GOP well, though some in the Stupid Party would like to adopt them as well.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 AM


    A good headline ought to not just convey a sense of what the story is about but make you want to read it. Rarely has one ever served to so thoroughly stifle readership as the following:

    The Care Crisis: What women talk about when men are not listening. (Hint: it's not sex.) (Ruth Rosen, May 11, 2006, TPMCafe)

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


    Analysis finds boom in Hispanics' home buying (Haya El Nasser, 5/11/06USA TODAY)

    Home buyers with names such as Rodriguez, Garcia and Hernandez bumped Brown, Miller and Davis down the list of most common buyers' names in 2005, reflecting Hispanics' rapid advance into the middle class.

    A DataQuick Information Systems analysis of deeds and county assessment data shows a dramatic rise in the number of Hispanic and Asian home buyers since 2000.

    Smith and Johnson remain the two most popular, but Rodriguez has replaced Brown in third. Four Hispanic names are in the top 10, compared with two in 2000.

    Hispanic surnames made up 14.6% of all home buyers' names, up from 10.3% five years earlier. "The Latino population is really integrating into the middle class — and rapidly," says John Karevoll, analyst at DataQuick, a San Diego real estate information company that scoured public records in 37 states that accounted for 91% of the USA's real estate activity.

    Asians also are bigger players. Nguyen, a common Vietnamese name, moved from 23rd to 14th.

    Sadly, anti-immigrationism isn't about facts....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


    DNA tests confirm bear was a hybrid (AP, 5//10/06)

    Northern hunters, scientists and people with vivid imaginations have discussed the possibility for years.

    But Roger Kuptana, an Inuvialuit guide from Sachs Harbour, North West Territories, was the first to suspect it had actually happened when he proposed that a strange-looking bear shot last month by an American sports hunter might be half polar bear, half grizzly.

    Territorial officials seized the creature after noticing its white fur was scattered with brown patches and that it had the long claws and humped back of a grizzly. Now a DNA test has confirmed that it is indeed a hybrid — possibly the first documented in the wild.

    Though open-minded people hardly needed more proof that species is a social construct.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM


    NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls (Leslie Cauley, 5/11/06, USA TODAY)

    The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

    The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews.

    "It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.

    For the customers of these companies, it means that the government has detailed records of calls they made — across town or across the country — to family members, co-workers, business contacts and others.

    The three telecommunications companies are working under contract with the NSA, which launched the program in 2001 shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the sources said. The program is aimed at identifying and tracking suspected terrorists, they said.

    Did they think TIA would go away just because Admiral Poindexter was forced to? The really interesting question is whether the leak comes from Secretary Rumsfeld or General Hayden's prospective underlings at the CIA.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:48 AM


    1 million more sign up for Medicare drug program (Julie Appleby, 5/10/06, USA TODAY)

    In the midst of a last-minute push to get seniors to sign up for the new Medicare drug program, the Bush administration on Wednesday said 1 million more people have enrolled since figures were last released at the end of April.

    Medicare officials say they hope to get about 90% of the approximately 43 million eligible seniors covered by the midnight Monday enrollment deadline.

    "To have (that many) enrolled in the first year would be historic," said Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt, who spent the day at sign-up events in Detroit and Lansing, Mich.

    May 10, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


    US April budget surplus $118.85 bln (Reuters, 5/10/06)

    The U.S. government posted a larger-than-expected $118.85 billion federal budget surplus in April on strong government receipts, a Treasury Department report showed on Wednesday. [...]

    April outlays fell to $196.24 billion from $219.90 billion in April 2005, while receipts were $315.09 billion, up from $277.61 billion in April a year ago.

    Receipts for the fiscal year to date were $1.353 trillion, the highest on record for the first seven months of the fiscal year, a Treasury official said.

    The one lesson of the late nineties is that running a surplus is a sure way to tank the economy.

    Bush, GOP Congress Losing Core Supporters: Conservatives Point to Spending, Immigration (Jim VandeHei and Peter Baker, May 11, 2006, Washington Post)

    Disaffection over spending and immigration have caused conservatives to take flight from President Bush and the Republican Congress at a rapid pace in recent weeks, sending Bush's approval ratings to record lows and presenting a new threat to the GOP's 12-year reign on Capitol Hill, according to White House officials, lawmakers and new polling data.

    What spending?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:34 PM


    The following two stories just happen to appear consecutively in tonight's e-mail edition of the Times of London:

    Freed rapist murdered woman as officials debated his rights: Concerns over human rights prevented officials from properly supervising a rapist who went on to kill a mother of one while on parole, a report has said(Richard Ford, 5/11/06, Times of London)

    Attorney-General condemns Guantanamo: Lord Goldsmith made his strongest attack yet on the US detention camp and called for its closure (Frances Gibb, 5/11/06, Times of London)

    Can't you just imagine what Churchill would have done to anyone who proposed freeing poor misguided Rudy Hess?

    900 terrorist suspects in Britain leave MI5 and police unable to cope (JAMES KIRKUP, 5/11/06, The Scotsman)

    THERE are now so many terror suspects in Britain that the police and security services are unable to monitor them all, counter-terrorist officials have warned.
    Advert for Rosslyn vodcast

    The Scotsman has learned that anti-terrorism police and MI5 have identified as many as 900 people in Britain whom they suspect could be linked to potential terrorist plots.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 PM


    Corporatism Redux: Latin America, the Left, and the Church’s Challenge (Samuel Gregg, 5/10/06,

    [A] a more accurate description would be to say that Bolivia and Venezuela are experiencing a resurgence of “corporatism.”

    Strongly associated with policies pursued by interwar fascist regimes, corporatism blends state-authoritarianism, populism, nationalism, and anti-foreign xenophobia. This is combined with extensive nationalization and regulation of the economy, the militarization of much of society, and the creation of state-controlled civil organizations that gradually suffocate any autonomous free associations.

    In Latin America’s case, the most thorough-going attempt to implement corporatism occurred during Juan Perón’s first presidency of Argentina. Like Chavez, Perón came from a military background. An admirer of Mussolini, Perón rose to power on a wave of populism in 1946.

    Perón’s subsequent policies were based on eliminating freedom of association and exchange, which were replaced by state-directed cooperation between state-manipulated businesses and state-dominated unions. Government control of economic and political life was enhanced by nationalization of key industries and expulsion of foreign firms and capital. The rhetoric of Perón’s regime was nationalistic, militaristic, and strongly anti-Western.

    Sound familiar? The parallels between Perón’s corporatist agenda and the present policies of Morales and Chavez are uncanny.

    Protectionism, militarization, xenophobia, nationalism....anti-NAFTA, close-the-borders Dubai ports, anti-anchor baby....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:11 PM


    House committee approves fuel economy bill (KEN THOMAS, 5/10/06, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

    The Bush administration got the go-ahead Wednesday from a House committee to set per-gallon mileage targets for passenger cars. Republicans beat back Democrats' attempt require higher standards by 2015. [...]

    Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta has opposed simply imposing tougher mileage requirements on cars until the rule changes. He has cited safety concerns - more smaller, fuel-efficient cars on the road might put more people at risk in accidents - and a need to give the industry some flexibility.

    The legislation approved by the committee "can improve fuel efficiency by requiring manufacturers to apply fuel-saving technologies rather than giving them an incentive to build smaller cars," Mineta wrote House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

    Pretty funny when Democrats oppose the Prresident of doing too little even as he achieves things Bill Clinton wanted to but couldn't. Meanwhile, Mr. Mineta adds to a list of accomplishments that make him one of the few great cabinet officers in history.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 PM


    A 3rd President Bush? First 2 All for It (NEDRA PICKLER, May 10, 2006, The Associated Press)

    Could there be a third President Bush? The current chief said Wednesday that younger brother Jeb would make a great one, too, and has asked him about making a run. The first President Bush likes the idea as well.

    Jeb Bush, the Republican governor of Florida, has one asset that his presidential brother doesn't right now _ approval from most of his constituents. While George W. Bush's approval ratings are in the low 30s, some 55 percent of Florida voters surveyed last month by Quinnipiac University said Jeb was doing a good job.

    The governor has repeatedly said he won't be a candidate for president in 2008, but that doesn't stop his family from encouraging him to go for it some day.

    He's the ideal vice presidential running mate for John McCain which positions him perfectly to run in 2012.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 PM


    Rising Declinists: Is US Influence Waning? (Alan W. Dowd, 10 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

    Consider America's ebbing power in the aftermath of World War II. As historian Derek Leebaert writes in The Fifty-Year Wound, just a year after the end of the war, the Army had just 12 battle-ready tanks in Germany. US forces in the Pacific were equally under-equipped and under-prepared, as Leebaert details: Each division of the Eighth Army was a thousand rifles short, the Fifth Air Force still had no jet fighters in 1949, and there were just 500 US soldiers based in Korea. Thus, as world war gave way to cold war, "The United States neither looked nor felt ready to contain anybody," as Leebaert observes.

    Worries about America's decline mushroomed as the Cold War began in earnest, when "we lost China," when communist forces rolled through Korea, when Chinese "volunteers" pushed MacArthur's troops back across the 38th Parallel. Indeed, the bloody interplay between the US and communist China throughout the second half of the 20th century calls into question the notion that America has ever had any "moral influence" over the People's Republic.

    As the 1950s wore on, Sputnik rocketed into orbit and Moscow bludgeoned Hungary into submission. The US had no answer for either.

    It was in those halcyon days of the New Frontier, as Leebaert reminds us, that The New York Times predicted Soviet industrial output would exceed America's by the end of the 20th century. In fact, the CIA surmised that the Soviet economy would be three times larger than America's by 2000. (Today, the doomsayers and declinists substitute the PRC for the USSR.)

    Even during Kennedy's Camelot, it looked as if the US had fallen fast and hard from its World War II perch. What else could be said of a superpower that couldn't oust a petty Third World dictator 90 miles off its coast?

    A decade later, the world witnessed what historian Paul Johnson calls "America's suicide attempt" in Vietnam. After the war, the United States appeared to be in a geopolitical freefall. While Washington retracted and retreated, Moscow's proxies descended across the Third World. Coming on the heels of Vietnam, détente itself was arguably an expression of American weakness. It's no wonder that a 1976 survey unearthed by Leebaert reveals that Americans wanted "to be Number One once more."

    Not long after Iran's unchallenged takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran, Paul Kennedy was laying out in grim detail how the United States was tumbling inexorably toward an inevitable collapse. He explained how "the American share of world power has been declining relatively faster than Russia's over the past few decades;" predicted that US defense outlays and commitments were unsustainable and were pushing the United States toward the same "imperial overstretch" that undid earlier powers; and concluded that America's capacity to carry its postwar "burdens is obviously less than it was several decades ago."

    Of course, it was the Soviet Union that soon collapsed under the weight of empire.

    Even in the 1990s, America's footing was uncertain. For all its power, Washington was growing increasingly allergic to post-Cold War challenges.

    Isn't the problem today the opposite, that we feel we have too much power and ample temptation to use it, which makes people nervous? Folks are likely to feel much better as we withdraw from Iraq and cut defense spending in half again in the coming years.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 PM


    In: fruit crisps and milk. Out: Twix and Coke: Companies like Kraft are stressing nutrition for kids, and sales of healthy products from smaller firms soar. (Amanda Paulson, 5/11/06,The Christian Science Monitor)

    Last week, soft-drink companies announced they would pull high-calorie drinks out of schools, selling only limited sizes of water, milk, and 100 percent juice in elementary and middle schools, and no full-calorie sodas in high schools. Disney recently decided not to renew its cross-promotional agreement with McDonald's, reportedly in part because of concerns about junk-food associations. And at this week's Food Marketing Institute Show in Chicago, a number of companies are emphasizing "low in sugar" and "high in nutrients," especially when it comes to food for kids. That follows Kraft's lead from last year, when it decided to limit children-oriented advertising to its "sensible solution" products.

    "The food industry is very worried these days about being blamed for the rising obesity rates, and they should be," says Margo Wootan, director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 PM


    Aid may flow again to Palestinians: The US, UN, EU, and Russia say they will release international aid, but bypass Hamas-led government (Ilene R. Prusher, 5/11/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    [T]he decision Tuesday by the Quartet - the US, the United Nations, European Union, and Russia - to release international aid that has been held since Hamas's election in January is already facing challenges.

    While the donor countries want to alleviate suffering and help prevent a total financial breakdown in the PA, most - in particular, the US - say they remain committed to keeping funds out of the hands of Hamas.

    We agreed to the deal precisely because the details prevent implementation.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:50 PM


    Poland revives cold-war tactic: democracy via radio: Beamed nightly into next-door Belarus, Radio Racja supplements state-run media (Andrew Curry, 5/11/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    [H]ere in a ramshackle building not far from the Belarussian border, a Polish-funded team of reporters is offering an alternative to the state media monopoly in neighboring Belarus - a country they refer to as Europe's last dictatorship.

    Mindful of the Western support that sustained their own opposition movement in the 1970s and '80s, Poles are resurrecting a tool that went out of style at the end of the cold war: radio.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 PM


    Anatomy of a Hostage Crisis: The drama may be over for German hostages held in Iraq for more than three months, but the Berlin government is still taking heat from critics who say that paying ransoms will create an open season on Germans in the Middle East. (Ralf Beste, Juergen Dahlkamp, Holger Stark and Steffen Winter, 5/08/06, Der Spiegel)

    Even after the hostage drama in Iraq had come to a happy end, Reinhard Silberberg, the head of the German crisis task force that led the operation vowed to stand by the concessions his government had made while the hostages were still being held. The German government plans to withhold any information about the "details of the effort or the exact circumstances of the hostages' release," Silberberg said last Tuesday.

    There are good reasons behind the government's reluctance to make the information public. The official take is that the authorities want to avoid putting ideas into future hostage-takers' heads. But there are also two other reasons the government is less willing to discuss. Although no one doubts that the rescue of German hostages René Bräunlich and Thomas Nitzschke was a success, it came at a steep price. Indeed, the ransom the German government paid for the release of the two men exceeded the $5 million it had paid for archaeologist Susanne Osthoff's release in Iraq in December by several million.

    The terrorists only release hostages if there's been a deal, either after or before they were taken.

    Posted by Matt Murphy at 2:59 PM


    Gov. turns back Osborne (Don Walton, Lincoln Journal-Star, 5/10/06)

    Gov. Dave Heineman edged past Rep. Tom Osborne late Tuesday night to win the battle of GOP titans.

    Osborne phoned Heineman with his congratulations, both men addressed their cheering supporters in Lincoln hotel ballrooms, and Nebraska’s most dramatic primary election contest in memory was over well before midnight.

    While Osborne captured populous Omaha and Lincoln, Heineman sealed his victory in rural counties and key population centers in western and central Nebraska’s critical Republican battleground.

    Those communities — Grand Island, Kearney, Hastings and Columbus — are in Osborne’s 3rd District.

    Osborne, the three-term congressman and former Nebraska football coach, was winning North Platte and Scottsbluff. [...]

    Osborne told his supporters at the Embassy Suites he hopes some of the ideas he advanced to make the state more competitive will bear fruit.

    If so, he said, the effort will have been worthwhile.

    “This is a tough one to take,” Osborne acknowledged. “It’s hard. It’s hard to lose the last one.

    In retrospect, it seems clear that the better course from a strictly political standpoint would have been for Osborne to run for the Senate, as Ben Nelson was reportedly planning an attempted return to the governor's office if Osborne so much as thought about it. Instead, Nelson is left to run against businessman Pete Ricketts, who is unfortunately easy to stereotype since he spent gobs of money trying to win the GOP primary. Indeed, Nelson is already spouting off about "Main Street vs. Wall Street" as a major theme of the upcoming election.

    As for Osborne, it is a bit depressing to watch people continually bitch about the endless corruption of politicians and the paucity of candidates who represent "real people," and then reject a conservative candidate of upstanding integrity who won't even take PAC money. Those who voted against him should rip up their license to complain.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 2:57 PM


    Zuma apologises to nation for having unprotected sex (Christopher Munnion, The Telegraph, May 10th, 2006)

    Jacob Zuma, South Africa's former deputy president, yesterday apologised to the nation for not wearing a condom while having sex with a woman he knew was HIV-positive.

    Following his acquittal on a charge of raping the 31-year-old family friend, he said: "I should have been more cautious and more responsible. On this I apologise."

    Judge Willem van der Merwe reprimanded him for having unprotected sex while finding him not guilty of rape. The judge accepted Mr Zuma's submission that the sex had been consensual.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:40 PM


    Affluence and Its Discontents (Robert J. Samuelson, May 10, 2006, Washington Post)

    To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent. Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn't really want or need. Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unfulfilling. Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being shortchanged because people instinctively -- and wrongly -- stigmatized government only as "a necessary evil."

    "Automobiles have an importance greater than the roads on which they are driven," he wrote scornfully. "Alcohol, comic books and mouthwash all bask under the superior reputation of the [private] market. Schools, judges and municipal swimming pools lie under the evil reputation of bad kings [government]." The book argued for more government spending and less private spending.

    By and large, these ideas have not aged well. [...]

    It's often said that only the rich are getting ahead; everyone else is standing still or falling behind. Well, there are many undeserving rich -- overpaid chief executives, for instance. But over any meaningful period, most people's incomes are increasing. From 1995 to 2004, inflation-adjusted median family income -- for families precisely in the middle -- rose 14.3 percent, to $43,200, the Federal Reserve says. People feel "squeezed" because their rising incomes often don't satisfy their rising wants -- for bigger homes, more health care, more education, faster Internet connections.

    The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity. People regard job stability as part of their standard of living. As corporate layoffs increased, that part has eroded. More workers fear they've become "the disposable American," as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name. Galbraith expected the affluent society to be a placid society. Giant corporations would control markets and provide safe jobs; government would regulate business cycles. Underestimated were the disruptive effects of new technologies, globalization and activist shareholders.

    Ours is a post-affluent society. Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty, the advent of widespread affluence suggested utopian possibilities. Up to a point, affluence succeeds. There is much less physical misery than before. People are better off. Unfortunately, affluence also creates new complaints and contradictions.

    Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants -- public and private -- of their citizens. The social order depends on it.

    And that economic growth, of course, depends on an economy free enough to appall Galbraith and his ilk. Meanwhile, the big difference today is that economic insecurity used to mean that you had a legitimate reason to fear you wouldn't be able to feed yourself and your family. Today it means you might have to switch jobs, delay buyng a new car, or live in a house only a quarter bigger than the one you grew up in, not a third.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:16 PM


    Rising number of schools face penalties (BEN FELLER, May 9, 2006, AP)

    [T]here is growing concern that the number of schools in serious trouble under the No Child Left Behind law is rising sharply - up 44 percent over the past year alone - and is expected to swell by thousands in the next few years.

    Schools make the list by falling short in math or reading for at least five straight years.

    In perspective, the total amounts to 3 percent of roughly 53,000 schools that get federal poverty aid and face penalties under the No Child Left Behind law.

    "It's just a matter of time before we see upwards of 10,000 schools in restructuring," said Michael Petrilli, a former enforcement official at the Education Department.

    "Unless all of these schools suddenly turn themselves around, or the states continue to find ways to finagle the system, you're going to see the numbers accelerate," said Petrilli, now vice president for policy at the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, a school change advocate.

    The genius of NCLB is that eventually every school in America will be failing--the requirem ent that Special Ed students meet standards alone assures that--and, when coupled with the voucher provision in the law, that will allow every parent/child in America to choose what public school to attend. Once the GOP gets to 60 Senate seats you can tweak the bill to allow the vouchers to be used in private and parochial schools and you've effected a universal school choice.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:58 AM


    Merkel's Unwilling Reform Coalition: Reforms? A fresh start? Not a bit of it. Instead of courageously tackling Germany's problems, the ruling coalition in Berlin has been settling for stop-gap measures, distributing cash it doesn't have and hiking taxes. Chancellor Angela Merkel's role is confined to that of moderator. (Der Spiegel, 5/10/06)

    Merkel is living in a curiously parallel world these days. On the one hand, her popularity is easily explained. Her reticent, modest manner is a welcome respite from the wolf-like ego trips of her media-savvy predecessor Gerhard Schröder. With charm and determination, she quickly repaired Germany's damaged relations with the United States, redefined her country's ties with Russia and rescued European Union budget talks by following the example of her former tutor, ex-Chancellor Helmut Kohl -- filling EU rifts with German money.

    But there is also something irrational about her unexpected love affair with the German people. Merkel runs a government whose appetite for reform in its first months in office has been confined to taking money out of people's pockets more unabashedly than any other government before.

    The tax hikes agreed by Merkel and her cabinet will cost consumers more than €100 billion in the next three years. Most economists are predicting that the increases will hurt Germany's already weak economic growth.

    Virtually every day the machine of government churns out new reform ideas which are largely based on the same principle -- that the welfare system should be rescued not through fundamental structural reform, but through never-ending cash injections. At the same time the government is displaying an astounding degree of creativity in spending billions of euros it doesn't have. The government's "growth package" aimed at boosting employment through investment in central growth areas will cost €25 billion.

    There's an eerie calm on the reform front. So far the voters, tired of the loud and unsuccessful reform battles of the previous government, are thanking Merkel. "Don't worry...Be happy," is how "Newsweek" summed Germany's curious mood these days, adding: "Germans seem to prefer inaction from their not-so-new chancellor."

    Strangely, no one is stressing the need for reforms more insistently than Merkel herself. She knows the disastrous state of the welfare system's coffers, and that the worst financial strains have yet to come in the next few years when the baby boom generation starts retiring and an ever decreasing number of employees has to pay for a growing army of retirees.

    Even now, only 39 percent of Germans derive their income from employment, according to official statistics. The federal budget is almost totally used up paying for pensions, unemployment benefit, interest on debt and the military. Every cent spent on top of that, say on road construction, research or education is funded through debt. Germany is wasting its future.

    Merkel is tirelessly pointing out these problems. She speaks of a closing window of opportunity for reforms, and that the changes will have to be more radical with each year that they aren't implemented. But she isn't following up her description with a plan of action.

    The more radical the reforms required the less likely they'll ever happen because the higher percentage of elderly secular childless Germans with no interest in the future. If only Darwinism were true they'd have some hope, eh?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:52 AM


    A Tired Continent of Crises: Europe has become a continent of political crises with governments in Italy, France, Britain and Poland all suffering from paralysis or a lack of voter approval. Is the continent about to abandon its integration project and return to the old era of national rivalry? (Der Spiegel, 5/10/06)

    Giulio Andreotti, nicknamed "Beelzebub," is the personification of traditional politics in Italy, and he's back in the game. The 87-year-old grand old man of Italy's Christian Democratic establishment, bowed with age and enveloped in the sulfurous aura of the Mafia, the Vatican and unresolved scandals, was brought back by the country's right-wing camp to run for president of the senate. His opponent, Franco Marini, a former Christian Democrat himself, is 73.

    After four chaotic elections, Marini was finally elected,sparing Prime Minister-elect Romano Prodi an embarrassment. This was no new beginning for Italy. The Andreotti episode in the Senate Palace shines a merciless spotlight on Italy's inability to reform itself. [...]

    The four governments in Italy, France, Great Britain and Poland represent more than 220 million citizens, or about 48 percent of the EU. These four countries hold 282 of 732 votes -- 38.5 percent -- in the European Parliament.

    But how can a continent undergoing so much change, a continent that has embarked on an unprecedented unification effort, achieve it goals when its leaders, including those of the EU's two nuclear powers, are in such weak positions? Why is this continent unable to escape its history of rivalries among nation states? Who can step up to the plate and give the EU the boost it so sorely needs when Germany and France are focused on their own problems and Britain would rather ally itself with the United States than with Europe?

    The navel-gazing by the EU's most important countries is obstructing the continent's bid to become a global player. Inertia is a waste of time and moving backward is deadly. While countries like China, India, Japan and Russia -- and the United States, for that matter -- run a tight ship or reap the benefits of centralization, a many-faceted Europe is merely falling back into its old routines.

    Asian business executives already view the old continent with some amusement and its states as little more than departments in some romantic history museum.

    Oughtn't Democrats, Atlanticists, Realists, etc. be quoted as being surprised that Europe isn't emerging as a world power?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:49 AM


    G.O.P. Sees Big Voting Bloc Flocking to Drug Program (JIM RUTENBERG and MARJORIE CONNELLY, 5/10/06, NY Times)

    A few months ago, President Bush's prescription drug plan seemed to be another White House initiative going wrong. The people it was intended to help complained that the plan was too complicated. Conservatives complained that it was a giant giveaway.

    This week, Mr. Bush is storming through this state, rich with older residents, as the main salesman for a plan that aides say is now emerging as a surprise plus for Republicans in a rocky election season.

    Rather than angering a crucial bloc, aides say, the plan gives older voters, who go to the polls more reliably than younger ones, something that always endears politicians to constituents — money in the pocket.

    "I think it's going to be value added as we go forward," Dan Bartlett, the White House counselor, said at the end of a presidential event here encouraging people to sign up for the program before the deadline on Monday. Asked whether Republicans should promote the plan as they campaign this summer, Mr. Bartlett said, "They'd be smart to."

    You can excuse Republicans for being surprised that the program is working so well, both as policy and as politics, after all, we're the Stupid Party. But how can the intellectuals be surprised? Any idiot could figure out that the program -- which enormous majorities of the electorate demanded and the President was elected on in 2000 -- was going to be popular.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 AM


    UN's human-rights council wins backing (EDITH M. LEDERER, 5/10/06, Associated Press)

    Cuba, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia won seats on the new UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday despite their poor human-rights records, but two rights abusers – Iran and Venezuela – were defeated.

    Human-rights groups said they were generally pleased with the 47 members elected to the council, which will replace the highly politicized Human Rights Commission. It was discredited in recent years because some countries with terrible rights records used their membership to protect one another from condemnation.

    Seating any non-democracy makes the whole Council a joke.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:27 AM


    Dick Cheney: idealist or realist? (EJ Dionne, 5/10/06, Seattle Times)

    It came as something of a shock to have to agree with Vice President Cheney...

    At some point don't these folks have to stop being surprised that the President and company speak for their own most decent impulses?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


    Does God have a prayer in Europe? (Tom Hundley, 5/10/06, Chicago Tribune)

    From Ireland to Italy, church attendance across Europe is down drastically, and apart from Western Europe's rapidly growing Muslim communities and the staunch piety of Poles in the east, religion as a moral force in public life continues to wane.

    By all accounts, British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a devout Christian. But when Blair recently told a TV interviewer that his religious faith informed his world view, he was lampooned and lambasted from the left and right. The message for British politicians was clear: If you have a religious urge, keep it in the closet.

    Europeans and Americans share a civilization and many values. But in matters of faith and religion, Europe and the United States appear to be headed in opposite directions.

    ...and into opposition to one another. To pretend that Europe can be secular and still be said to share our civilization is obvious nonsense.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 AM


    GOP will repeal export-tax breaks under EU threat (Mark Drajem, 5/10/06, Bloomberg News)

    U.S. congressional Republicans agreed to revoke a contentious provision of an export-tax break for Boeing and other companies that rely on long-term contracts after the World Trade Organization (WTO) said the measure is illegal.

    A provision of a broader tax-bill compromise brokered Tuesday "repeals the rules grandfathering certain binding contracts," according to a summary released by the House Ways and Means Committee. The House of Representatives is likely to vote on the measures as early as today and the Senate by next week.

    The repeal would end a dispute between the European Union (EU) and U.S. that dates to a 2000 ruling by the WTO that deemed a 10-year, $50 billion U.S. export-tax rebate illegal.

    If much hated transnationalism will help us to open our own and other markets, we Right-wing kooks are only too happy to utilize it. The big enchilada is when it provides political cover for ditching all farm subsidies.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 AM


    U.S.-born Hispanics drive growth (Haya El Nasser, 5/10/2006, USA TODAY)

    Hispanics remain the USA's fastest-growing minority group, but most of their population increase comes from births here rather than immigration, according to Census Bureau estimates released Tuesday.

    As debate over immigration policy roils the nation, government numbers show that 60% of the 1.3 million new Hispanics in 2005 are citizens because they were born here.

    "When all the attention is on immigration, natural increase is what's driving the population change," says Roberto Suro, director of the Pew Hispanic Center.

    A third of the nation's 296.4 million people are considered minorities. Hispanics are the largest minority group at 42.7 million, up 3.3% from mid-2004 to mid-2005. [...]

    There are 35.2 million foreign-born people, about 12% of the population. The share of immigrants has soared since its historic low of 4.7% in 1970.

    It's no coincidence that when there were fewer immigrants the country was a festering outhouse and that their return has paralleled the American revival.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 AM


    The Year of the Black Republican?: GOP Targets Democratic Constituency in 3 High-Profile Races (Dan Balz and Matthew Mosk, May 10, 2006, Washington Post)

    All three black candidates face significant obstacles. In heavily Democratic Maryland, Steele must win a big share of the black vote in a state where African Americans account for 28 percent of the population, almost three times the percentages in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    Swann must overcome rookie mistakes that have plagued his campaign in the early months. Blackwell is running into head winds created by GOP scandals in Ohio and by lingering resentment in the African American community over voting problems in the 2004 election, which he oversaw as secretary of state.

    Together, they embody a new chapter in the Republican Party's often-failed efforts to appeal to African Americans, a strategy shaped by RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, who last year apologized for the GOP's Nixon-era "Southern strategy" of exploiting white resentment over integration.

    "We've gone from a model of outreach to a model of inclusion," Mehlman said. "Outreach is a top-down approach. Inclusion says, 'Let's find some really good people and encourage them to run for office.' "

    Republicans such as Mehlman say it will take more than one political cycle to change the habits of African American voters, and some Democrats say it will take more than a few attractive black Republican candidates to overcome GOP positions -- on affirmative action and other issues -- that many blacks view as anathema to their interests.

    Still, some Democrats say the GOP's investment in high-profile black candidates represents a strategy that cannot be dismissed lightly. "It cuts into the Democratic base," said Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman. "It gives choices. And what that does is say to the Democratic Party, 'Put your money where your mouth is.' "

    The plight of black America is, sadly, directly tied to things like Mayor Coleman viewing this as just another opportunity to squeeze a few bucks out of the Democrats instead of bring about real change.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 AM


    Crime Brings Venezuelans Into Streets: Large Protests Over Soaring Homicide Rate Create Political Challenge for Chavez (Monte Reel, 5/10/06, Washington Post)

    rustration among crime-weary Venezuelans recently has become a political issue, erupting into several large street protests demanding that Hugo Chavez's government do something to stem the violence. Chavez's opponents are trying to make crime a central theme of the December presidential elections, demanding action from a president they say has neglected the issue since taking power in 1999.

    Many of the protesters have suggested that Chavez has divided Venezuelan society with his frequent criticism of the country's upper class, rhetoric they say has incited lower classes to violence against the wealthy. They also argue that crimes against the poor have been overlooked by a police force tainted by widespread corruption.

    Venezuela, a country of 26 million, has recorded an average of nearly 10,000 homicides a year since Chavez took office. The homicide rate, 37 deaths per 100,000 people, is more than double what it was in the 1990s.

    Though the number of reported homicides peaked at about 11,900 in 2003, the public outcry reached its highest pitch in recent weeks after several high-profile cases. Three Venezuelan-Canadian teenage brothers were found dead with their chauffeur after being abducted by armed men in police uniforms in Caracas, and a well-known Italian-born businessman was killed after being abducted at a temporary roadblock near the capital.

    Among the suspects arrested in the businessman's killing were a police officer and a former police officer. Their possible involvement underscored the feeling many Venezuelans have about the police: that they're part of the problem, not the solution.

    "Here, everything moves with money," said Sandra Molina, complaining about police corruption. "We just hope the man who did it doesn't find someone that he can pay to make everything disappear."

    The government has responded to the recent complaints by promising police reforms and a gun buyback program. But such measures are unlikely to calm the fears of those who believe solving the problem of escalating violence demands deeper structural changes.

    "The characteristic response of the Venezuelan government, historically, has been that of evasion, following the law of least resistance and a complete lack of accountability," said Rafael Rivero Muñoz, a founder of one of Venezuela's top investigative police units who now works as a consultant. "There is an absence of political will to change it because crime causes fear, and that fear helps the government control the people. Neither the government nor the opposition wants to destroy the machinery that will help them in the future."

    Despite the billions in revenue flowing into Venezuela, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter, any attempt to stop the violence has been eclipsed by other priorities that Chavez has emphasized, especially his calls to reduce poverty through social programs and to forge regional alliances to counter U.S. political influence in Latin America. The idea is that wider economic opportunities, made possible through social programs, will reduce crime in the long run. But the lack of a direct crime-fighting strategy has been the subject of much of the discontent on the streets in the past month.

    "A lot of people voted for Chavez hoping that he would bring to order the problem of violent crime, and this didn't happen," said Marcos Tarre, a public security analyst in Caracas. "The government doesn't have a clear public security policy. Instead, there has been a very simplistic and erroneous manner of thinking that the problem is the responsibility of the military."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:20 AM


    Blair v Brown: the public and the private disputes (Patrick Wintour, May 10, 2006, The Guardian)

    Gordon Brown yesterday raised the spectre of Margaret Thatcher's ejection from No 10 as he pressed Tony Blair to give assurances to senior party colleagues on the date of his departure and the process of transition. The chancellor is determined not to let his chance to succeed to the leadership on his terms slip from his grasp, as it has in the past.

    He believes he has received worthless private assurances from the prime minister before and now wants flesh on Mr Blair's promise to give his successor "ample time" to take over and set his distinctive agenda. The prime minister gave that assurance under backbench pressure at a meeting with Labour MPs on Monday.

    In an interview with GMTV yesterday Mr Brown repeatedly insisted that Mr Blair had said he would talk to senior colleagues about the transition. No 10 regards this demand for a private pledge to senior party colleagues on when he will stand down, and the process of transition, as unreasonable and unworkable.

    Mr Brown said in a carefully worded warning: "Tony has said he is going to do it in a stable and orderly way. That means he is going to be talking not just to me, but to senior colleagues about it. Remember when Mrs Thatcher left, it was unstable, it was disorderly and it was undignified."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:13 AM


    GOP Reaches Deal on Tax Cuts: $70 Billion Measure Would Extend Breaks (Jonathan Weisman and Paul Blustein, 5/10/06, Washington Post)

    House and Senate Republican negotiators reached a final agreement yesterday on a five-year, nearly $70 billion tax package that would extend President Bush's deep cuts to tax rates on dividends and capital gains, while sparing about 15 million middle-income Americans from the alternative minimum tax.

    Republican leaders hope to pass the agreement swiftly. House consideration is scheduled for tonight, with the Senate likely to send the measure to the White House for the president's signature by the end of the week.

    While it's comforting that the Presiden just keeps winning and cementing one piece after another of his realigning legacy in place, it's sometimes annoying to be the party of good government. Democrats would never do something like support the AMT reform just because it's the right thing to do when they could instead use it as a political weapon. Ah, well, such are the wages of being the grown-ups in town.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:08 AM

    ...AND CHEAPER...:

    Biodiesel firm plans $40 million refinery (Warren Cornwall, 5/10/06, Seattle Times)

    The people who started what's now the largest biodiesel refinery in the state are planning what could be the largest such plant in the nation, in the heart of Western Washington's depressed timber country. [...]

    The project has attracted money from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, whose investment company, Vulcan Capital, is backing it, said Imperium President John Plaza. Two California venture-capital firms are the other major investors, he said.

    For Grays Harbor, which has suffered economic loss from a slowdown in the timber industry, the project could mean 250 to 350 construction jobs plus 50 long-term jobs, according to Imperium.

    The Legislature this year passed a law requiring that by 2008, all diesel sold in Washington each year must be 2 percent biodiesel, hoping to create a market for Washington's crops and eco-friendly fuel.

    Biodiesel, made from processed vegetable oil, produces less air pollution than petroleum-based diesel. Proponents say it also makes less carbon dioxide, a gas linked to global warming.

    With the recent jump in fuel prices, biodiesel is now also slightly cheaper than regular diesel at Seattle-area gas stations.

    Posted by David Cohen at 12:09 AM


    CENTCOM has captured, translated and released a memo describing the situation in Iraq from Al Qaeda's point of view. This memo has been picked over in the blogosphere (Captain Ed has done a particularly nice job), but there are two paragraphs that deserve particular attention as we start to focus on the midterm elections:

    4. The policy followed by the brothers in Baghdad is a media oriented policy without a clear comprehensive plan to capture an area or an enemy center. Other word, the significance of the strategy of their work is to show in the media that the American and the government do not control the situation and there is resistance against them. This policy dragged us to the type of operations that are attracted to the media, and we go to the streets from time to time for more possible noisy operations which follow the same direction.

    This direction has large positive effects; however, being preoccupied with it alone delays more important operations such as taking control of some areas, preserving it and assuming power in Baghdad (for example, taking control of a university, a hospital, or a Sunni religious site).

    At the same time, the Americans and the Government were able to absorb our painful blows, sustain them, compensate their losses with new replacements, and follow strategic plans which allowed them in the past few years to take control of Baghdad as well as other areas one after the other. That is why every year is worse than the previous year as far as the Mujahidin’s control and influence over Baghdad.

    5. The role that the Islamic party and the Islamic Scholars Committee play in numbing the Sunni people through the media is a dangerous role. It has been proven from the course of the events that the American investment in the Party and the Committee were not in vain. In spite of the gravity of the events, they were able to calm down the Sunni people, justify the enemy deeds, and give the enemy the opportunity to do more work without any recourse and supervision. This situation stemmed from two matters:

    n First, their media power is presented by their special radio and TV stations as the sole Sunni information source, coupled with our weak media which is confined mainly to the Internet, without a flyer or newspaper to present these events.

    n Second, in the course of their control of the majority of the speakers at mosques who convert right into wrong and wrong into right, and present Islam in a sinful manner and sins in a Muslim manner. At the same time we did not have any positive impact or benefits from our operations.

    In other words, lacking trained soldiers and material, Al Qaeda has had to resort to a media strategy in which they carry out operations solely because of their utility in convincing the media (and they have to mean, given the first bullet point in paragraph 5, the US media) that Al Qaeda is an effective fighting force. If they can just keep it up for long enough, they can win simply by convincing America that they have won.

    But they can't wait too long. The operations they are forced into in order to impress the media must be large, splashy, bloody operations. Those operations are turning even their natural allies among the Sunni clerics against them. So Al Qaeda is in a race: will the Americans break before the Sunnis turn. In this situation, how can we run the risk of a Democratic House?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:08 AM


    Robby powered first Red machine (Lonnie Wheeler, 5/10/06, Cincinnati Post)

    Frank Robinson's first look at Crosley Field met very much with his approval. "You walk up to home plate," he said Tuesday from the visiting manager's office at Great American Ball Park, 50 years and a few miles from where he was then, "and there's no 400-foot sign anywhere in the ballpark. That's a good ballpark."

    It was not, however, a good team that he joined in 1956, as a ferocious 20-year old. The Redlegs, as they were called in the day's raging overreaction to communism, had schlepped around with losing records for 11 straight seasons, to the point that not so many people cared anymore. Fewer than 700,000 showed up for their home games in 1955.

    The young outfielder from Oakland - a former teammate of Bill Russell's in high school basketball - had spent that season in Columbia, S.C., with Cincinnati's affiliate in the Sally League, which, newly and somewhat irritably integrated, was not a particularly pleasant place for a young black athlete to make his way; much less one with an aching shoulder. "I would have made it up the year before," Robinson allowed, "if I'd been able to throw."

    And yet, it certainly seemed that power was the thing the Redlegs needed least. They had Ted Kluszewski and Wally Post and Gus Bell and Ed Bailey, which is why the new left fielder was batting seventh on Opening Day. First time through, he whaled into one from Vinegar Bend Mizell and slammed it against the center field wall. The next day, he hit a ball to the same spot, only over.

    It was the first of 38 home runs for the National League Rookie of the Year. [...]

    So changing was his influence that the Redlegs' attendance soared in his first season to more than 1.1 million, a Crosley Field record.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 AM


    Beckett sparkles under lights in Big Apple (Michael Silverman, May 10, 2006, Boston Herald)

    Josh Beckett did not wash his hair in champagne after another victory at Yankee Stadium last night.

    His seven-inning start was near championship-caliber, however, in the Red Sox’ 14-3 romp over the Yankees. After one bad pitch - a fastball in Jason Giambi’s wheelhouse that resulted in a 2-0 first-inning deficit - Beckett was in close to ace form the rest of the way. He did not allow another hit or base-runner until Robinson Cano’s one-out double in the fifth led to the Yankees’ third and final run of the night.

    Beckett cruised the rest of the way, though he didn’t quite duplicate his complete-game effort of Game 6 of the 2003 World Series.

    That was his last appearance here, back when he and the Marlins beat the Yankees to win it all. [...]

    There was a brief scare for Beckett in his final inning when Cano hit a sharp come-backer that glanced off the bottom of Beckett’s left calf. Beckett looked fine immediately afterward, and he emphatically waved away a concerned troupe of Red Sox non-players that ran out of the dugout to check him out.

    “I’m fine,” said Beckett. “It’s a long ways away from my heart.”

    And Sean MacAdam captures the two teams in two sentences: "Not too long ago, Randy Johnson and Josh Beckett were both World Series MVPs. The difference, of course, was that Johnson was already 38 when he earned his honor and Beckett was merely 23."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Anti-Bush Petition Submitted: Hanover Residents Seek to Put Impeachment Before Voters (Jessica T. Lee, 4/04/06, Valley News)

    Residents yesterday handed in two petitions for Town Meeting, each signed by well more than 100 residents, calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney and for a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. Twenty-five signatures are required to petition an article to Town Meeting.

    Voters will decide the measures on May 9.

    After several mildly silly but civically rewarding hours, during which we debated the merits of buying or leasing a new fire truck, before approving our town budget virtually unchanged, we then got to these two resolutions. They are the product of the folks at our local wealthy retirement home, The Kendall, who were bused to the meeting by the dozen, though they live across the street.

    The first resolution was the impeachment one. The gentleman proposing it argued that the President and Vice President are violating the separation of powers and the Constitution by not seeking FISA warrants for spying. Friend Dennis Goodman, who'd put his UN background to good use and thwarted these nutbags last time, made the procedural argument that a meeting of 200 people was about to put the town of 7500 on record as backing a measure more extreme than even Bernie Sanders thinks warranted and that perhaps this wasn't the best forum for hashing out national security law. The general response was that in trying to silence them he showed how we were slipping into dictatorship --I kid you not--and that by failing to speak now we'd have lost the chance when we were renditioned to concentration camps (again, I'm not joking).

    I tried the substantive angle and noted that under the separation of powers the executive is tasked to make war and has never been considered subject to court oversight of that power in past wars. Moreover, since Congress explicitly authorized the Administration to wage war against the terrorists, it had certainly ceded whatever powers it might theoretically have. Mr. Goodman noted that at Powerline just today (a blog of Dartmouth alums) they'd written about how FDR followed the exact same standards on separation of powers and domestic surveillance as President Bush:

    In Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage, Joseph Persico writes that "[f]ew leaders have been better suited by nature and temperament for the anomalies of secret warfare than FDR." He quotes Roosevelt: "You know that I am a juggler, and I never let my right hand know what my left hand does." As Persico demonstrates (pages 34-36), President Roosevelt's enthusiasm for intelligence extended to prewar domestic wiretapping of "diplomats, journalists, labor leaders and political activists" in the face of newly enacted statutory bans on wiretapping that had been upheld by the Supreme Court.

    "I have agreed with the broad purpose of the Supreme Court relating to wiretapping in investigations," Roosevelt instructed J. Edgar Hoover. "However, I am persuaded that the Supreme Court never intended any dictum in the particular case which it decided to apply to grave matters involving the defense of the nation." Persico summarizes: "In short, never mind Congress, the Supreme Court, or the attorney general's qualms. The nation was in peril." (Persico's reference to Roosevelt's attorney general is of course to future Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson.)

    So Mr. Goodman also asked to offer an amendment to the resolution reflecting this fact, but the Moderator said none were allowed. The impeachment resolution proceeded to pass by something like 120 votes to forty.

    The next measure on Iraq withdrawal went similarly. The fellow who introduced it though suggested that the withdrawal be via a collaborative effort in Congress and said that since we were morally responsible for the current state of Iraq we'd not be able to cut and run. This time when Mr Goodman offered an amendment that would state that the withdrawal should come at the request of the duly elected Iraqi government the Moderator accepted the possibility of amending the resolution, to great protest from the mob. So I pointed out that the adoption of the prior resolution had, therefore, been illegitimate since we were refused the chance to amend it. She responded that since we'd already voted that was too bad. I asked if we didn't risk sinking into a dictatorship if we didn't follow the proper democratic process and noted how inappropriate it was to eschew democracy in the midst of what these partisans assured us was a last ditch defense of democracy.

    At any rate, the old fella carefully explained to his assembled minions that this was the same trick they'd fallen for last time and that if they allowed Mr. Goodman's amendment it would destroy the entire resolution. A younger fellow, who appeared blissfully unaware that Jerry died several years ago, protested that no one knows who the legitimate government of Iraq is. So, I interjected that, not only does the United Nations recognize the government that is asking us to stay but the UN itself has passed subsequent resolutions endorsing the "occupation" and so if we truly want to be collaborative and not cut and run on the Iraqis it seems awfully strange to argue that language that calls for us to withdraw at their request destroys the intent and spirit of the original resolution. That amendment, however, was quickly voted down and then the resolution passed.

    So, be warned Bushitler and Tricky Dick II, Hanover has you squarely in its sights and, as one speaker reminded us, it was a town in Vermont that started the impeachment of Richard Nixon. And, all y'all Iraqis better start waving good-bye to the troops, because Hanover--or 1% of it anyway--says we're bringing the boys home pronto.

    If we hadn't gotten what sounds like a wicked-cool, shiny-new, $700k firetruck out of the whole deal it would have been a waste of four hours.....

    May 9, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


    Here comes Chris Snelling (again) (ART THIEL, May 10, 2006, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER)

    Chris Snelling was back in town Tuesday, and faster than a 6-4-3 double play, the conversation whipped around to Tibetan monks.

    With Snelling, direction and outcome are rarely knowable.

    The young Australian outfielder, whose health history resembles a fall down the Space Needle stairwell, was analyzing a subject he knows well -- pain. He'd seen a show on the Discovery Channel that explained how the Himalayan holy men had mastered the art of mind over matter so well that they could sleep in the snow without blankets and emerge undamaged and rested.

    "It's all mental," he said with the conviction of a man who really has no other choice but to believe. "They've trained their minds so well they can control their body temperatures."

    If Snelling gets the head game down, he's got a shot to make the major league lineup this season. Yeah, Mariners fans have heard that before. But this time, he begins a rehabilitation assignment today in Triple-A Tacoma, which is only a couple of hours from his new bed in a Mount Rainier glacier.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 PM


    Pink Bats Could Be Big Hit on Mother's Day (Washington Post, May 10, 2006)

    Hulking Jim Thome . Rugged Manny Ramirez . Brawny Adam Dunn .

    "The thought of these big macho men, swinging pink bats to help women with breast cancer . . . what a novel idea," Louisville Slugger President John Hillerich said yesterday.

    Major League Baseball granted special permission for players to use the colorful bats -- baby pink, at that -- for Mother's Day. They're part of a weeklong program to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. [...]

    Kevin Mench was among several Texas players who wanted his mother's name burned on the bats.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:16 PM

    THE ALLIES WHO MATTER (via Tom Morin):

    India and US to explore the Moon (BBC, 5/09/06)

    India and the US are to conduct joint research experiments on the Moon.

    Under an accord between the countries' space agencies, India's first unmanned lunar mission will carry two scientific payloads from the US agency, Nasa.

    Indian officials called the deal a "milestone". The Indian spacecraft is due to be launched in early 2008.

    The Nasa instruments will scan the Moon's surface for minerals and ice. Devices from the European Space Agency and Bulgaria will also be on board.

    The deal is being seen as another sign of increasingly close ties between Washington and Delhi after years of Cold War suspicion.

    By the time the Atlanticists and Realists figure out that Europe is a nullity George P. Bush may be president.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:01 PM

    SPEAKING OF DELUSIONAL (via Kevin Whited):

    General Knowledge: The battle over the Hayden nomination (Fred Kaplan, May 8, 2006, Slate)

    This leaves one further issue that may be genuinely troublesome: Hayden's execution of President Bush's secret domestic-surveillance program. On the one hand, during his tenure as NSA director, from 1999 to 2005, Hayden was insistent, in public and in private, on the NSA's role as interceptor of foreign signals intelligence and on its need to stay away from phone calls, e-mails, and so forth within the United States. In a National Press Club speech in January, shortly after revelations of Bush's secret program, Hayden argued that he had done nothing improper:

    The lawfulness of the actual authority was reviewed by lawyers at the Department of Justice and the White House and was approved by the Attorney General. … Frankly, there's a certain sense of sufficiency here—authorized by the president, duly ordered.

    A decent case could be made that Hayden was following orders that he was assured were lawful.

    On the other hand, during the question-and-answer period of that speech, Jonathan Landay of Knight-Ridder pointed out that the Fourth Amendment requires that a warrant—whether to search Americans' homes or intercept their communications—must be preceded by a finding of "probable cause," which the NSA intercepts under question did not involve.

    Here is the subsequent exchange:

    Hayden: No actually, the Fourth Amendment actually protects all of us against "unreasonable search and seizure."

    Landay: But the measure is "probable cause," I believe.

    Hayden: The amendment says "unreasonable search and seizure."

    Landay: But does it not say—

    Hayden: No. The amendment says—

    Landay: The court standard, the legal standard—

    Hayden: —unreasonable search and seizure.

    This is startling. Elsewhere in the speech, Hayden said, "If there's any amendment to the Constitution that employees of the National Security Agency are familiar with, it's the Fourth." And he doesn't know that it requires "probable cause" as the criterion for "reasonable" search? (To read the amendment for yourself, click here.)

    Hayden may have dug his own hole with this one, and it is equally amazing that the Bush White House—already beset with Republican lawmakers seeking to distance themselves from an increasingly unpopular president—didn't conduct due diligence on this point before nominating Hayden.

    Yeah, boy, how did Karl Rove leave them wide open to those attacks from Democrats on how unfair the Administration is to terrorists?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:37 PM


    The Left's Digital Lynch Mob (Richard Cohen, 5/09/06, Real Clear Politics)

    Two weeks ago, I wrote about Al Gore's new movie on global warming. I liked the film. In response, I instantly got more than over 1,000 e-mails, most of them praising Gore, some of them calling him the usual names and some, in what passes for logic nowadays, concluding there was no such thing as global warming if only because Gore said there was. I put the messages aside for a slow day when I would answer them. Then I wrote about Stephen Colbert and his unfunny performance at the White House Correspondents' dinner.

    Kapow! Within a day, I got more than 2,000 e-mails. A day later, I got 1,000 more. By the fourth day, the number had reached 3,499 -- a figure that does not include the usual offers of nubile Russian women or loot from African dictators. The Colbert messages began with Patrick Manley (``You wouldn't know funny if it slapped you in the face'') and ended with Ron (``Colbert ROCKS, you MURDER'') who was so proud of his thought that he copied countless others. Ron, you're a genius.

    Truth to tell, I peeked into only a few of the e-mails. I did this because I would sometimes recognize a name I thought I knew, which was almost always a mistake. When I guilelessly clicked on the name, I would get a bucket of raw, untreated and disease-laden sewage right in the face. [...]

    The e-mails pulse in my queue, emanating raw hatred. This spells trouble -- not for Bush or, in 2008, the next GOP presidential candidate, but for Democrats. The anger festering on the Democratic left will be taken out on the Democratic middle. (Watch out Hillary!) I have seen this anger before -- back in the Vietnam War era. That's when the anti-war wing of the Democratic Party helped elect Richard Nixon. In this way, they managed to prolong the very war they so hated.

    The hatred is back. I know it's only words now appearing on my computer screen, but the words are so angry, so roiled with rage, that they are the functional equivalent of rocks once so furiously hurled during anti-war demonstrations.

    In fairness to the Deranged Democrats who wrote to Mr. Cohen, it was a very silly column. The lines by Mr. Colbert that he cited with disapproval were all quite funny:
    He referred to the recent staff changes at the White House, chiding the media for supposedly repeating the cliche "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" when he would have put it differently: "This administration is not sinking. This administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg."

    What Mr. Cohen mostly did, unintentionally, was demonstrate that the Left is humorless. Of course, that makes the reaction to his essay even more amusing, because his fellow travelers just drove the point home.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:54 PM


    A Realistic Idealism: There's a Right Way to Support Democracy in the Mideast (Madeleine K. Albright, May 8, 2006, Washington Post)

    Recent events in Iraq and the Middle East have revived the hoariest of academic debates -- between the so-called realists in foreign policy and the idealists. Realists, who come in both Democratic and Republican varieties, argue that the Bush administration has been naive to promote democracy in Arab countries, as evidenced by ongoing sectarian violence in Iraq, recent gains by Islamist parliamentary candidates in Egypt and Hamas's victory in the Palestinian elections. They suggest that, in the storm-tossed atmosphere of the Arab Middle East, democracy will do less to extinguish terror, as President Bush predicts, than to ignite it.

    It is customary for politicians and commentators to distance themselves from those responsible for foreign policy setbacks. Because Bush is increasingly viewed as overly ideological and out of touch, the herd will increasingly want to appear hardheaded and realistic. My fear is that, in the process, a new conventional wisdom will emerge that promoting democracy in the Middle East is a mistake. It is not.

    We should remember that the alternative to support for democracy is complicity in backing governments that lack the blessing of their own people. [...]

    The time has come to start looking beyond the Bush administration to its successor. Our new leaders, of whichever party, will face daunting challenges, including that of redefining what America stands for in the world. Their "to do" list is sure to include winning the battle of ideas -- as we should have long ago -- against the likes of Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, halting nuclear proliferation, devising a sensible energy policy, and restoring America's reputation as a supporter (and observer) of international law and human rights. At the top of that list, however, must be a reaffirmation of America's commitment to liberty and respect for the dignity of every human being. Without such a commitment, all else will be in vain.

    So once you pare away all the partisan cant, she agrees we should aggressively support liberalization in the Middle East, continue the fight against what little remains of al Qaeda, stop the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, and make Judeo-Christian morality the basis of our foreign policy. The only points where she differs from the Adminstration are that she would have left Saddam in place, although that obviously violates the standard she just enunciaed, and she'd allow transnational organizations and treaties to dictate our foreign policy, even though that would frequently force us to behave immorally and be complicit in precisely the kind of tyrannies she just said we couldn't get in bed with. Clear enough?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:40 PM


    MMR campaigners demand action as autism cases soar (KEVIN SCHOFIELD, 5/09/06, The Scotsman)

    A MASSIVE surge in the number of autistic schoolchildren in Scotland has been exposed after figures showed an increase of more than 600 per cent in secondary pupils with the condition in the past six years.

    Official statistics show 825 pupils were diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder in state secondaries in 2005, compared with 114 in 1999 - an increase of 623 per cent. Over the same period, the number of autistic youngsters in primary schools more than quadrupled, from 415 to 1,736.

    One can't much mind the folks utilizing autism quackery to get extra help for their kids -- it's certainly better than the parents and teachers using ritalin to control rambunctious boys -- but the MMR nonsense can have tragic results.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:03 AM


    Pitying Darfur, ignoring Iraq (David Frum, National Post, May 9th, 2006)

    It's not easy to be an enlightened liberal internationalist these days.

    An enlightened liberal internationalist wants to send troops to the Sudanese region of Darfur to protect a majority Muslim population against murderous Islamic extremist militias.

    On the other hand, he or she must oppose keeping troops in Iraq to protect a majority Muslim population against murderous Islamic extremist militias.

    The enlightened liberal internationalist wants to use U.S. airpower to stop Osama bin Laden's allies in Khartoum from committing terrorist atrocities.

    On the other hand, he or she must condemn the use of U.S. airpower to stop Osama bin Laden's allies in Iraq from committing terrorist atrocities.

    NDP Leader Jack Layton summed up the two required points of view superbly in a pair of speeches he delivered last week. At a rally at Queen's Park in Toronto on April 30, timed to coincide with rallies in Washington, D.C. and across North America, Mr. Layton joined in a "scream" for Darfur. He declared: "Sometimes, there's a little too much thumb-twiddling." In a debate in the House of Commons the next day, he argued that it was immoral to stand by and do nothing as innocents are murdered.

    On May 5, U.S. war protestor Cindy Sheehan passed through Ottawa -- and afterward, Mr. Layton urged the Harper government to accede to Ms. Sheehan's request that Canada accept U.S. military deserters as refugees: "We should be looking at it. These young people are courageous individuals. They've made a decision of conscience."

    But what if the U.S. deserter were running away from an assignment to Darfur? Would that be a "decision of conscience"? Or would that be standing by as innocents are murdered?

    Two days after Ms. Sheehan's visit to Ottawa, the London Sunday Times gave the world the first detailed report on the murder of Iraqi television journalist Atwar Bahjat. Bahjat, a correspondent for the al-Arabiyya television network, was killed on Feb. 5, after filing three reports on the bombing of the golden shrine in the city of Samarra, her home. Last week, the Times obtained video footage of her final moments, recorded on a mobile phone. Here is how her friend and colleague Hala Jaber described them:[...]

    This is only one of the thousands of murders committed in Iraq by al-Qaeda terrorists, Baathist thugs and Iranian-backed militias. Yet these crimes seem to evoke "screams" of pain and outrage only from half the political spectrum. Where is the other half? Why are they encouraging Americans to desert Atwan Bhajat -- and those like her? How can they condemn jihad in Sudan as the equivalent of genocide in our time -- and pardon an even crueler jihad in Iraq as legitimate national resistance?

    Has hatred of America perverted their judgment? Or did they lack any judgment to pervert?

    If President Bush ordered an invasion of Darfur, how long would it be before we started seeing “Save the Janjaweed” protest marches.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 AM


    Washington’s Next Military
    Crusade Is Beckoning
    (Amr Ismail, 09 May, 2006,

    Washington’s hegemonic strategy made it the chief adversary of social progress, peace and democracy. Contradictions of America’s capitalism are getting sharper, and the language of force and total destruction is hardly absent from delivered statements by White House officials and some members of congress. Can we justifiably signal Israel for using the US as proxy for war and for its chief role in manipulating the American public?

    There is a great sense of anticipation for what could transpire following the recent publication of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” – an academic paper by two Harvard professors. What prompts John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt to come forward with their discussion on The Israel lobby and US foreign policy is likely their well deserved conviction that the Project of The American Century is not in the interest of the United States, and that the entire premise of a prolonged series of current and coming wars, interventions and nation building falls back on only one justification – securing Israel’s realm as advanced by AIPAC and other loosely coupled lobbying organizations on behalf of the tiny nation. The authors didn’t deny Christian Zionists’ their due credit and contribution.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


    US food aid for crisis-hit Darfur (BBC, 5/09/06)

    President George W Bush has announced US emergency food shipments to ease the crisis in Sudan's Darfur region, urging Congress to approve $225m in aid.

    He also said he was sending his secretary of state to the UN Security Council to help speed up the deployment of UN peacekeepers to the region. [...]

    Calling the situation in Darfur a "genocide", President Bush said five aid ships would be urgently redirected to Sudan to provide extra help for the two million people displaced by the conflict.

    He said: "These actions will allow the World Food Programme to restore full food rations to the people of Darfur this summer."

    Money for the world's largest aid operation has been running out. Rations for May have been cut in half.

    Mr Bush said: "Darfur has a chance to begin anew... America will not turn away from this tragedy."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


    Optimistic, Democrats Debate the Party's Vision (ROBIN TONER, 5/09/06, NY Times)

    [S]ome of these analysts argue that the party needs something more than a pastiche of policy proposals. It needs a broader vision, a narrative, they say, to return to power and govern effectively — what some describe as an unapologetic appeal to the "common good," to big goals like expanding affordable health coverage and to occasional sacrifice for the sake of the nation as a whole.

    This emerging critique reflects, for many, a hunger to move beyond the carefully calibrated centrism that marked the Clinton years, which was itself the product of the last big effort to redefine the Democratic Party. [...]

    This discussion of first principles and big goals marks a psychological shift for many in the party; a frequent theme is that Democrats must stop being afraid, stop worrying that their core beliefs are out of step with the times, stop ceding so much ground to the conservatives.

    Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, said, "One of the most successful right-wing ploys was to demonize any concern about the distribution of income in America as, quote, class warfare."

    So, they need to move beyond the centrist Third Way politics that made Bill Clinton the only successful national Democrat of the last quarter century to get back to their redistributionist core beliefs that are being rejected even by some European electorates? They aren't just reactionary; they're delusional.

    Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at 8:05 AM


    Great Moments, great TV (Jeff Merron, 5/08/06, ESPN: Page 2)

    "Everyone has a purpose in life," David Letterman once quipped. "Perhaps yours is watching television." Perhaps. If so, it's been a great (sporting) life.

    We've picked 20 of the greatest moments in sports television history. Perhaps others will soon be made -- Barbaro winning the Triple Crown or Steve Nash hitting a dramatic shot to lift the Suns to an NBA title or Albert Pujols hitting his 74th home run of the season (hey, we can dream, can't we?).

    For now, we have these 20. We listed them in chronological order -- but we want you to rank them. Click here to rank these 20 moments.

    The scary part is that I watched 17 of the 20 on TV; I was at one of the events (Game 6, 1986 Series); and wasn't born for one of them (the 1958 Giants-Colts game...and, as a Giants fan, I would have watched it had I been alive). The only one I intentionally missed was Dan Jansen, and frankly, who cares?

    In terms of great thrills/chills moments, here are some I would have included: Reggie's 3 homer game in the '77 Series; Hank hitting #715; Norman's collapse at the '96 Masters; Jack's win at the '86 Masters; the Bird/Dominque playoff game; the 3 OT Islanders-Capitals playoff game (1987?); the 1970 All-Star game (Pete Rose v. Ray Fosse); game #6 of the 1991 World Series (Kirby's walk-off homer) and Game 7 of the 1970 NBA Finals (the Willis Reed Game). And, of course, either the Princeton-Georgetown game (G 50-P49) or Princeton-UCLA (P43-U42), both of which remain staples on ESPN Classic.

    I would have left off his list: Women's World Cup (it's women's soccer, so who cares; if we have to have a token soccer game, give me a Germany-Holland match from 1974 or the Cosmos-Tampa Bay (1978?) game where 70,000 people showed up out of nowhere and Pele scored 3 goals); Billie Jean v Riggs (he was almost 60; if she had beaten Connors it would have been worth talking about); US-USSR basketball (we got screwed, but it wasn't particularly compelling TV to watch the Bulgarian (or whatever he was) ref inexplicably adding 8 seconds to the clock and pretending the last play was from a full-contact football game); Dan Jansen (dodn't see it then and I don't regret it); Tonya Harding (freak show, not good sports tv); Scott Norwood (there have been better Super Bowls); McGwire's 62nd (it was exciting, but how can you have that one and not Henry's 715?).

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:42 AM


    Hungry Tigers regaining bite (Bob Nightengale, 5/9/2006, USA TODAY)

    This same team, which had 12 consecutive losing seasons — averaging 100 losses the last five years — and has not been to the postseason since 1987, is sitting with a 20-12 record, second best in the American League.

    The Tigers' pitching staff, which has not posted an earned-run average lower than 4.39 since the days of Jack Morris in 1990, entered Monday leading the majors with a 3.38 ERA.

    The starting rotation, led by Kenny Rogers (5-2), ranks first in the majors with a 3.47 ERA, yielding the third-lowest opposing batting average (.239) while accumulating the third-most innings. The bullpen leads the AL with a 3.16 ERA and until last Saturday had not blown a save. It was only the second time the Tigers blew a lead after the second inning.

    The offense, despite playing in one of the most pitching-friendly ballparks, has hit more home runs (50) than any team. It's the most Detroit has hit at this stage of a season since 1960.

    Jim Leyland, the Tigers' sixth manager since 1998, is so committed to turning this franchise around that he is moving from his longtime home in Pittsburgh to Detroit.

    Now if Magglio can just stay healthy....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:40 AM


    Lack of supply reduces hybrid sales (Chris Woodyard, 5/09/06, USA TODAY)

    Just when sky-high gas prices should be raising demand for fuel-efficient gas-electric hybrids, Toyota and Honda are selling fewer of the hottest models than a year ago.

    They blame supply shortages for sales declines on Toyota Prius and Honda Civic hybrids in April from April 2005.

    "We sold down our inventory. We're down to a two-day supply," says Toyota U.S. President Jim Press. "The fact is, demand has never been higher."

    The Power Information Network's Tom Libby says dealers sell Priuses and Civics in an average of less than 10 days. The average for all models is 57 days.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:18 AM


    Rove prepares 20 judges (Alexander Bolton, 5/09/06, The Hill)

    Presidential adviser Karl Rove and White House counsel Harriet Miers yesterday told conservative activists and Senate staff that the administration would soon send the names of more than 20 judicial nominees to Capitol Hill for confirmation.

    The undertaking to move ahead came at a 2:30 meeting at the White House that was boycotted by leading conservatives upset at the slow pace of nominations, according to people who attended the meeting. [...]

    Yesterday’s meeting was scheduled to thank conservatives for their work on behalf of President Bush’s nominations to the bench, particularly Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito, both of whom the Senate confirmed within the past year.

    Even a Daddy Party has its share of babies.

    Senators to Renew Debate on Court Nominee: Democrats Prepare Familiar Argument (Charles Babington, May 9, 2006, Washington Post)

    Senate Democrats today will try to make the case that Brett M. Kavanaugh is too much a conservative activist to deserve a federal appellate judgeship. In the process, they may experience some unsettling flashbacks to the Supreme Court confirmation of John G. Roberts Jr. -- a big success for President Bush and Senate Republicans.

    Like Roberts, Kavanaugh, 41, has spent most of his professional life in the service of conservative causes and bosses. Now White House staff secretary, Kavanaugh was deeply involved in Kenneth W. Starr's investigations of President Bill Clinton regarding Whitewater and Monica S. Lewinsky.

    Kavanaugh also is widely described as brilliant, affable and disarming, attributes that prevented Democrats from successfully demonizing Roberts. And as they did with the Roberts nomination, Democrats are focusing largely on what they do not know about the nominee, an approach that gained little traction in the chief justice's confirmation debate.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:54 AM


    Is hard-line Iran leader softening his stance? (Karl Vick, 5/09/06, The Washington Post)

    Ahmadinejad's writing and rhetoric is typically laced with ardent calls for "spirituality." With such a letter, he is following the example of the prophet Muhammad, who was known to write even to his enemies.

    "Domestically, it's extremely important," said Nasser Hadian-Jazy, a political scientist at Tehran University. "He's taking the initiative. ... " [...]

    Private Iranian analysts, however, called sending such a letter tactically shrewd. If Ahmadinejad proposed talks and the Americans agreed, Iran could "buy time," said Mohsen Sazegara, an Iranian official-turned-dissident who holds a fellowship at Yale University. And if the United States refused, he added, Iran could say, "Well, we tried."

    "But in a way, it's something wonderful inside Iran," Sazegara said of the letter. "Over the last 27 years, whenever they arrested someone, including myself, they accused us of having contact with the Americans."

    Washington broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 1979 after militant students overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holding 52 Americans hostage for more than a year. The two governments have had extremely limited contacts since then.

    In March, Iran agreed to direct talks with the United States about Iraq, following an overture from the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. Analysts said that move by Tehran and the letter clearly were both authorized by the ultimate authority in Iran's theocratic government, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    Gary Sick, a Columbia University specialist on Iran who was a National Security Council staff member during the 1979 Iranian revolution, said Bush administration officials could be missing a chance by dismissing Iran's overtures in the name of holding together a balky alliance on the Security Council. "It's hard for me to imagine the Americans will respond positively to something that will undercut their efforts in the Security Council," Sick said.

    Farideh Farhi of the University of Hawaii said the letter, depending on its contents, could represent a significant change of Iranian policy.

    She said the previous Iranian government faxed a lower-level letter to the Bush administration about three years ago that was never reciprocated. And there have been secret discussions between the two governments over Iraq and Afghanistan, she said.

    "Iranians may be wanting to remind the world, particularly today when the foreign ministers are meeting at the U.N., that although the U.S. talks about diplomacy, the most important [method] has not been tried, which is direct talks," she said.

    Iranian analysts said it was unclear whether the overtures might mark the start of a significant strategic shift. Iranian politicians often speak of striking a "grand bargain" with the United States, a keystone negotiation that would unlock diplomatic relations, remove U.S. sanctions, resolve the nuclear issue and end Iran's status as a pariah state.

    "The nuclear issue is the hub of all the problems here," said one political analyst in Tehran, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "If they can get Western approval for Iran keeping its nuclear research activities and not move to industrial scales, then the pressure on Iran would be lifted, the economic situation would improve, and there would be room and justification for the grand bargain. The regime would be legitimate."

    The regime can't ever be truly legitimate until the ayatollahs give up their control of who gets to run for office and over the legislative process, but if Iran were to forsake its nuclear ambitions and end all support for terrorism, we'd likely be willing to let them evolve the final few steps to normal liberal democracy. This is an opportunity it would be foolish to waste, as we have prior ones.

    Iranian Writes to Bush; No R.S.V.P. Is Likely (STEVEN R. WEISMAN, 5/09/06, NY Times)
    U.S. says Ahmadinejad letter to Bush has no new proposal (AP, 5/8/2006)

    Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki delivered the letter to the Swiss ambassador Monday, ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told the AP. The Swiss Embassy acts as a U.S. interest section in the Iranian capital.

    The letter appeared as the lead item on several Iranian television and radio news shows throughout the day. The official IRNA announced the letter and carried international reaction to it. Iran's only evening daily, the state-owned Ettalaat, carried a large story on its front page under the headline: "Important letter from Ahmadinejad to the American president."

    No Iranian president has written to his U.S. counterpart since 1979, when the countries broke relations after Iranian militants stormed the U.S. Embassy and held the occupants hostage for 444 days.

    On Tuesday, Ahmadinejad travels to Indonesia, where Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda said "we support nuclear development for peaceful purposes, especially energy, but we consistently object to nuclear weapons proliferation."

    White House Calls Iranian Letter a Ploy: Officials say the missive, apparently the first between the nations' leaders since 1979, fails to address U.S. concerns over nuclear program (Maggie Farley and Paul Richter, May 9, 2006, LA Times)
    Negotiations would pose a twofold risk for the Bush administration, which does not want to lend legitimacy to a regime it wants to change and does not want to infuriate its conservative base, political analysts in Washington said Monday.

    The Iranians' biggest gain through negotiations would be an assurance that the U.S. won't lead or approve an attack aimed at ousting the regime. Only the U.S. can make that promise, and the Bush administration has said all options remain on the table, implying a possible resort to military strikes.

    Some of the civilian nuclear and petroleum development technology that Iran needs is available in Europe, but under U.S. licensing agreements can't be sold or lent to the Iranians without American permission.

    Iran's ambassador to the U.N., veteran diplomat Javad Zarif, said last week that Tehran felt stung by what it called Washington's disregard for its past efforts to help the U.S., particularly in Afghanistan, and by the administration's refusal to remove the military option from its dealings over Iran.

    "For Iran and the United States to have a dialogue, there should first be a recognition of Iran and a readiness to engage in dialogue for mutual respect," Zarif told a caller to C-SPAN on Wednesday.

    It's an easy assurance to give so long as it's conditional.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:35 AM


    Peers should protect patients by rejecting Assisted Dying Bill (The Telegraph, May 9th, 2006)

    We believe medically assisted dying is a bad solution to a difficult problem. Safeguards in the Assisted Dying Bill are woefully inadequate.

    Six times, starting in 1936, Parliament has rightly recognised that any Bill that has as the qualifying linchpin "unbearable suffering" would open the door to death on demand. Who is to say that another person's suffering is or is not unbearable? The present Bill contains this fatal flaw, which was pointed out clearly by the recent House of Lords select committee.

    To allow medical killing, when a person still has up to six months of natural life left, is to invite a flood.

    Such prognoses are notoriously inaccurate and would include some who actually live for a year or more. This stretches the term "terminally ill" far beyond credibility.

    The Bill overturns without a thought the medical ethic of avoiding malevolence and the criminality of assisting suicide. In effect, black is considered white, or at least only grey. Apparently the end justifies the means. We consider that legitimising assisted suicide on grounds other than those linked to terminal illness would logically follow.

    The media profile patients who are so incapacitated that they cannot commit suicide. This Bill makes no distinction between those who are still able to effect suicide for themselves and others.

    To use the power of medicine to end life when the patient is still able to do it for himself is a patent abuse of the skills of the medical profession. What right has such an individual to demand to offload his own responsibility on to another? The administering doctor would not have been compassionate, so much as naïve and lacking in judgment.

    We believe the law should protect the vulnerable from the subtle pressures of society, the pressure of feeling a drain on scarce health care resources and the pressure of feeling a burden on the family. Protection is also needed for the patient - as one poignantly remarked: "Medically assisted dying is a temptation I do not wish to endure."

    We, who together have very many years of experience of care of the dying, have come to the considered opinion that the hard cases that are publicised could have been handled with respect for autonomy, with dignity and humanely within the present law by harnessing what has been learnt within palliative care. We ask readers to consider these issues and urge peers to reject this Bill on May 12.

    Prof Sam Ahmedzai Professor of Palliative Medicine Sheffield,
    Dr Claud Regnard Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Rob George Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Michael J Minton Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Andrew Hoy Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Steve Dyer Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Craig Gannon Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Cathy M Gleeson Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Jeremy R Johnson Medical Director Severn Hospice,
    Dr Louisa Kreeger Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Anna Kurowska Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Annabella Marks Consultant Physician in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Veronica A Moss CEO/CMO Mildmay Mission Hospital/Milday International,
    Dr Alexander B Nicholson Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Rhian Owen Macmillan Consultant,
    Dr Patrick Stone Senior Lecturer in Palliative Medicine, St George's, University of London,
    Dr Bee Wee Senior Lecturer in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr John Zeppetella Medical Director, St Clare Hospice.
    Extra signatories: Dr Anthony Byrne Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr John Chambers Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Mary Miller Consultant in Palliative Medicine,
    Dr Nigel Sykes Consultant in Palliative,
    Dr Adrian Ruddle Consultant in Medicine

    Of course, the same noble principles answer those who would deny medical care based upon lifestyle.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:15 AM


    Pecan Waffles with Roasted Pecan and Banana Syrup (Emeril Lagasse, Food Network)

    2 cups all-purpose flour
    1/2 cup ground lightly toasted pecans
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    4 eggs, separated
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/2 cup melted butter plus 1/2 cup cold butter, cut into pieces
    2 1/2 cups milk
    Vegetable oil or nonstick cooking spray, for coating the waffle iron
    1 cup pecan pieces
    1/2 cup cane syrup
    4 medium bananas, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch slices

    Preheat the waffle iron according to manufacturer's instructions and preheat the oven to 200 degrees F.

    Combine the flour, pecans, baking powder and salt in a medium mixing bowl and whisk to combine. In another bowl, combine the egg yolks and sugar and whisk until pale yellow. Add the vanilla extract, 1/2 cup melted butter, and milk, and whisk to blend. Combine the egg and milk mixture with the flour mixture and whisk until just combined. Do not overmix.

    In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form, about 1 minute. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the egg whites into the waffle batter. Do not overmix.

    Using a pastry brush, lightly coat the waffle iron with some of the vegetable oil. Pour enough batter into the iron to just barely cover the waffle grid. Close the waffle iron and cook according to manufacturer's instructions, or until golden brown, 4 to 6 minutes. Transfer to a baking sheet and keep warm in the oven while you prepare the remaining waffles.

    In a saute pan, add the remaining 1/2 cup of butter and the pecan pieces. Cook, stirring occasionally, until pecan pieces are light golden and fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the banana slices and cook until light golden and soft, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the syrup and bring to a simmer. Serve with the warm waffles.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:09 AM


    It's time to bury the myths (Carlos Alberto Montaner, September 27, 2005, Firmas Press)

    The first hammer blow against the sugary memory of a heroic Allende came from Chilean historian Víctor Farías, the author of Salvador Allende: Anti-Semitism and Euthanasia. Farías unearthed the dissertation written in 1933 by Allende to get his medical diploma.

    Allende's thesis bore the title ''Mental hygiene and crime'' and could have been signed by any fanatical supporter of Hitler. It was something like a handbook for the perfect Latin American fascist. Homosexuals were described as repugnant. People with mental illnesses should be chemically castrated so they couldn't transmit their biological heritage. Jews were characterized as usurers, swindlers and slanderers.

    When Allende wrote this, he was only 25, but at age 40, a health minister, he tried to put his eugenic theories (so typically Nazi) into practice by introducing a bill to sterilize the mentally ill. Fortunately, that bill was rejected by Congress.

    At 64, when he was president and Simon Wiesenthal, the late Israeli Nazi-hunter, asked him for the extradition of Walter Rauff (a Hitler henchman who ordered the murder of thousands of Jews), Allende rejected the petition.

    Deep in his heart, though a sexagenarian, he remained the same ardent anti-Semite he had been in his youth.

    The second blow against the falsified image of Allende comes from other historians: Vasily Mitrokhin of Russia and Christopher Andrew of Britain. [...]

    The late Chilean president was a KGB collaborationist, who received money, transmitted information and contributed to Soviet plans for the conquest of Latin America.

    Allende was known as a confidential contact, someone who Moscow counted on to undermine democratic regimes and -- in accordance with the great Soviet project for world hegemony -- to eventually achieve the political defeat and destruction of the United States.

    In reality, there is no contradiction between the young Allende, captivated by the fascist ideas prevalent in the 1930s, and the old Allende of the 1970s, a KGB collaborationist. Mussolini was an admirer of Lenin, while Hitler, along with the communists, felt a deep antipathy toward liberal democracy and the United States, a country that he thought was dominated by the Jews.

    Helping get rid of him was one of the few decent things Nixon and Kissinger did.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Streaking Phillies Set for Series Against NL East Rival Mets (Washington Post, May 9, 2006)

    Charlie Manuel gestured and gyrated. He cussed and fussed. His message got across.

    The Phillies haven't lost since their normally low-key manager ripped into them in the early innings of a game at Florida last Monday. [...]

    The Phillies now turn their focus on the NL East-leading Mets.

    New York begins a three-game series in Philadelphia tonight, with Pedro Martinez going against Brett Myers .

    "We have to keep playing winning baseball no matter what," SS Jimmy Rollins said. "That's what we've been doing since Charlie got on us pretty well, and it was good he did get on us. It picked our spirits up."

    The Mets ought to be working Aaron Heilman and Mike Pelfrey into their rotation, but instead Omar Minaya is likely to look for a big name to acquire via a trade that will cost them Lastings Milledge.

    May 8, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 PM


    How America is earning respect abroad (James Sloan Allen, 5/09/06, CS Monitor)

    People from these countries who spend time in the United States under exchange programs not only prize the democratic culture they find here; more important, they typically go home bent on instilling the virtues of America in their own nations... [...]

    In Azerbaijan, a young woman declares, "My understanding of the meaning of life has totally changed" since she resided in the US. Surprisingly, she reports that this is partly because after experiencing America's "freedom of speech and belief and the respect for law and government ... I started to read the Koran and came to my religion and understanding of it only in the US, not in my country." At the same time, touched by "how the American people care about and help" others, she vowed to "do my best to have an open and big heart and help those who need it." Today she is a Muslim with democratic ideals who has thrown herself into the work of securing rights for children.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:29 PM


    How the Blair-Brown fault line could swallow the whole party (Rachel Sylvester, 09/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    Last week's reshuffle created more bruised egos. "This will be endless," one of Mr Blair's advisers at Number 10 admitted to me yesterday. "Madness has entered the Labour Party's soul."

    Meanwhile, the two men at the top of the Government are apparently irreconcilable. Mr Blair is convinced that Mr Brown is behind what appears to be a carefully co-ordinated campaign to force him out. The appearance on the airwaves of Andrew Smith, Nick Brown and Geoffrey Robinson - all close allies of the Chancellor - calling for the Prime Minister to publish a timetable and using an extraordinarily similar form of words was, in the view of Number 10, too neat to be a coincidence.

    "It's obvious Gordon is organising this. It's not The Da Vinci Code," one of the Prime Minister's advisers told me. Certainly, the Brownites make no secret of their desire to see the Labour leader go - they have started to make the case that Mr Blair has, because he has lost the trust of his party, become a "roadblock" to the sorts of public service reform the Government needs to implement - a deliberate reversal of the criticism made by the Blairites of the Chancellor in the past.

    For his part, Mr Brown is still fuming about last week's reshuffle: the appointment of Hazel Blears as party chairman, a role that will be crucial to the management of the handover of power, was particularly irritating to him. He wanted Douglas Alexander to get the job and was ignored.

    The Chancellor was also cross to discover that Andrew Marr had been briefed, ahead of his interview on Sunday morning, by a special adviser working for the arch-Blairite John Reid. The new Home Secretary's remarks about "Old Labour" plotters - e-mailed around to all government special advisers by Downing Street yesterday to hand on to their ministers as the "line to take" - were seen by the Brownites as a declaration of war. "MPs want to see a commitment to a stable and orderly transition in actions as well as words," one ally of the Chancellor said.

    Ministers look on in dismay. One said: "They live in two separate worlds. They're both paranoid about each other. It's pathetic. We are in free-fall and nobody can stop it."

    And for what? Mr Blair's advisers now think it likely that the Prime Minister will stand down at some point next year; Mr Brown's aides say they want the handover to take place by the summer of 2007. And yet, for the sake of a few months, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor are tearing the Labour Party apart. This is all completely irrational - but politics has always been driven by psychology as much as by reason.

    The truth is that Mr Blair does not really want to hand over power to Mr Brown because he does not fully trust him to stick to his New Labour agenda. The Chancellor wants to get into Number 10 as soon as possible because he thinks the Prime Minister will squander his inheritance if he stays in office much longer.

    Yesterday, a Number 10 adviser likened the Brownites to "teenage girls who cut themselves and don't quite know why".

    To see if they still feel, of course.

    Support for Labour at lowest level since 1992 (Peter Riddell and Philip Webster, 5/09/06, Times of London)

    LABOUR’S poll rating has fallen to its lowest level for years amid the turmoil at the top of the party and the bad local election results, a poll for The Times suggests today.

    Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are given the starkest warning of the cost of their feuding, with the Populus survey showing David Cameron’s Conservatives moving into an eight-point lead.

    The shock results of the Times poll — the first since Friday’s reshuffle — will be a chilling warning to the warring factions of the perils of more infighting.

    You can have it all...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM

    JUST LIKE US (via John Resnick):

    Iran says no to girly sportsmen (AFP, May 08, 2006)

    Iran's hardline Islamic regime has had enough of footballers with long hair and plucked eyebrows.

    "I will ban athletes with an effeminate look," the head of the country's Physical Education Organisation, Mohammad Ali-Abadi said, told the Etemad-Melli newspaper.

    "It is really disgraceful for Iran that young people step onto fields wearing make-up," the top official fumed. "When a man enters the field with dyed hair and groomed eyebrows he is disrespecting society."

    Too bad masculine soccer player is a contradiction in terms.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:37 PM


    In Spain, the Newcomers Have Been Good for Business (Carlos Alberto Montaner, 5/08/06, Real Clear Politics)

    Immigrants are not welcome anywhere. I know that, firsthand. I have emigrated three times in my life (to the United States, Puerto Rico and Spain) and on every occasion I've heard the same five complaints:

    • Foreigners take jobs away from us.

    • They work for lower wages, to the detriment of local workers.

    • They commit most of the crimes.

    • They abuse our social services disproportionately.

    • They don't obey the laws or the rules of social coexistence of our community.

    That's why I was delighted to hear Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (ACM), say exactly the opposite during a conference at Florida International University in Miami on April 3, at the same time that tens and hundreds of thousands of immigrants -- mostly, but not all Hispanic; both legal and illegal -- demonstrated on the streets of 20 American cities to request job and residence permits.

    According to this lawyer and politician, former minister of education and former president of the Senate, the region she governs is the richest in Spain. It has achieved a per-capita income rate 30 percent higher than the median rate for the European Union, basically as a consequence of the unflagging work of the immigrants who have literally invaded the ACM in the past six years and now account for 15 percent of the population.

    Thanks to the immigrants -- most of them Ecuadorans, Colombians, Argentines, Dominicans, Romanians and Arabs from North Africa -- the number of people who contribute to the social security system has increased substantially, to the benefit of a population that aged dangerously without contributing enough replacements to the labor force.

    It's not as if opposition to immigration is based in facts.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 PM

    WHAT'S IN IT FOR US? (via Tom Morin):

    Aznar proposes economic integration of EU, US (Spain Herald, 5/08/06)

    Former prime minister Jose Maria Aznar said last Friday that the European Union should "aspire to full economic integration" with the United States, especially considering "the poor results" achieved so far at the WTC Doha Round of negotiations. According to Aznar, "The EU should consider bilateral talks...We're going to start with the United States, but as we wish to create an open club, other countries like Canada, India, Japan, South Africa, or South Korea could join, as well as many others." He said, "The US and UE can and should pursue a completely free transatlantic flow of goods, services, capital, and knowledge." [...]

    He warned that if Europe wants to pursue the creation of a trans-Atlantic economic area, it needs to progress according to the Lisbon Agenda for economic liberalization, and to become more competitive. Aznar added, "The pressure of trans-Atlantic competition would collapse many of the barriers that are currently fragmenting the European market."

    French insistence on maintaining their farm protectuions is the main stumbling block to the Doha Round--why would they agree to this? And why would we want them?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 PM


    Japan wants NASA help on fast jet (The Associated Press, 5/08/06)

    Stung by repeated setbacks, Japan's space agency plans to start talks next month with NASA about jointly developing a supersonic successor to the retired Concorde, an official said Monday.

    Japan is trying to leapfrog ahead in the aerospace field with a plan to build a next-generation airliner that can fly between Tokyo and Los Angeles in about three hours. But a string of glitches, including a nose cone problem during the latest test flight in March, has led the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to look for an international partner.

    "In the future, we think we need some kind of cooperation with NASA," JAXA spokesman Kiyotaka Yashiro said. [...]

    Yashiro's comments came in response to a Japanese newspaper report that said JAXA would ally with NASA and the U.S.-based aerospace giant Boeing Co. on the next stage of development.

    It's nice to be part of the Axis of Good, huh?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:13 PM

    BE A MAN:

    Townies' Osei proves a fast learner (J Gillool, May 8, 2006, Providence Journal)

    The first time he ran a race against American high school students, he was disqualified for false starts.

    The next time he raced, he made it out of the starting blocks but finished last.

    Not exactly the start you would have expected from someone who is now sprinting toward the American dream.

    But then Eric Osei 's journey to national high school track prominence has never followed the normal script for an American teenage success story.

    "The first time I false started and was kicked-out. The second time I finished last. But I knew I was fast. I knew I could do it," said Osei, the East Providence High senior track star.

    He was right.

    They have been running high school track meets in Rhode Island for at least 70 years, and in all that time nobody has ever run faster than Eric Osei.

    He has run the indoor 55-meter sprint faster than any Rhode Island schoolboy ever has, and nobody from Rhode Island has ever run 100 meters outdoors as fast as Osei. For a few weeks this winter, he not only was the fastest high school student in Rhode Island, he also was the fastest 55-meter high school runner in the country.

    But Osei's story is as much about clearing life's hurdles as it is about sprinting to the finishing line.

    It's the story of a teenager who spent eight years living in his native Ghana, Africa, separated from his parents while they tried to earn enough money to bring all of their children to America.

    It's a saga of a kid who only three years ago stepped into an environment where he couldn't speak the language and didn't understand what it meant to be an American teenager, but now is headed toward the American dream of a scholarship at a major university.

    It's also the tale of a young man who knows talent comes with responsibility.

    "My father says it's a gift from God," Osei said of his speed. "I know I have to work to be good at it."

    His presence in America is by luck of the draw -- literally.

    "My uncle was living in Rhode Island and he won the lottery, so he invited my mother and father to come to America," said Osei.

    But there wasn't enough money to bring the entire family to America, so Osei's parents left their five children with relatives in Ghana. The plan was to eventually bring the entire family to America, but it took time.

    "My two (older) sisters came here two years after my parents, and we (Osei and his two younger brothers) came here eight years after my parents," he said.

    By that time, Osei was 16 years old.

    It's never easy for a 16-year-old to integrate himself into a new social environment, but it can be especially difficult when that 16-year-old doesn't speak the same language as his new classmates.

    "I spoke Twi," Osei said of the native language of Ghana. "But my mother told me I had to learn English. She told me I had to be a man and do it."

    It actually sounds like a rather typical script.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


    Oil prices fall below $69 (Associated Press, 5/08/06)

    Crude-oil prices dropped below $69 a barrel Monday on rising U.S. gasoline supplies and a letter from Iran's leader to President Bush proposing "new solutions" to escalating tensions. [...]

    Oil futures have been on a sharp down-swing since last week, when the U.S. government showed an increase in U.S. refining and gasoline supplies. Still, concerns about Iran, unrest in Nigeria, violence in Iraq and rising resource nationalism in South America underpin oil prices.

    The over-supply is fact, the rest psychology.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:43 PM


    Satisfaction, frustration over new Medicare plan (Jodie Snyder, 5/08/06, The Arizona Republic)

    As the final deadline nears on this year's new Medicare drug-benefit coverage, overall satisfaction with the benefit is growing, but patients and providers face even more pressure. [...]

    As winter turned to spring, fewer problems seemed to be reported nationally and locally, with national polls indicating seniors are growing satisfied with the plans. Most of the calls to the Area Agency on Aging in Phoenix now are from people with questions about the May 15 deadline.

    The government is declaring the new drug plan a success, saying that 8 million new members have joined and that now 30 million Medicare beneficiaries get some kind of help paying for their medications. However, victory is not clear-cut because most Medicare beneficiaries already had coverage through their employers or through federal and state governments.

    For Loretta Nuzzo of Mesa, it is a total victory. The 82-year-old last year paid $737 every three months for five medications. Now, she pays $145.

    "It's hard to believe. I'm going to enjoy it as long as it lasts," she said.

    Nuzzo plans to use the extra money to pay for bills like higher costs for utilities.

    In Arizona, enrollment has been particularly high, thanks in large part to many people signing up for the popular Medicare HMO-type plans. That's welcome news to the federal government, which sees the plans as a way to control rapidly expanding health care costs for the population of baby boomers.

    Meanwhile, Democrats plan to win the elections in the Fall by campaigning against it.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:36 PM


    Bordering on Defeat: Immigrant bashing is for losers (Stephen Moore, 06/28/2004, Weekly Standard)

    When Ben Nighthorse Campbell unexpectedly announced his retirement from the Senate and popular GOP governor Bill Owens announced he would not run, many people assumed Rep. Tom Tancredo--by far the best-known member of Colorado's congressional delegation and a solid fiscal conservative--would coast to an easy win in the primary. But Tancredo, the leading anti-immigration voice on Capitol Hill, pulled out. It turns out that while Tancredo's crusade against immigration has gained him a loyal following among like-thinking conservatives, his political negatives are also in the stratosphere. [...]

    So Republicans are now torn between divergent ideologies on immigration--a nativist stand represented by Tancredo and a welcoming one represented by Bush. The tensions are palpable. Pat Buchanan, who wants to bar as many people and goods from coming into the United States as possible, predicts "another Goldwater moment in the Grand Old Party, like 1960, when the grassroots began to rumble and rise in rebellion. . . . Immigration is the most explosive [issue], as is seen in the stunning recoil to Bush's amnesty early this year."

    But if conservatives are "recoiling" from what Buchanan calls the "immigrant invasion," where is the electoral evidence? (Buchanan himself, recall, mustered a grand total of 1 percent of the presidential vote in 2000.) The answer is that there is none. In virtually every congressional race in recent years where the issue came up, it has been the candidate who wants to drape a "No Admittance" sign over the Statue of Liberty who lost the election--even in Republican primaries.

    Restrictionist themes have been tried many times over in the wake of the 9/11 attacks (as if denying visas to Mexican migrant workers were going to protect us from al Qaeda). On almost every occasion the seal-the-border candidates have fallen. Last year, it was state representative Carl Isett in Texas's 19th congressional district, running in a special election. This March, it was hard-charging, dynamic state senator Rico Oller in the GOP primary in the third district of California who hammered Dan Lungren mercilessly for supporting "amnesty" in the mid-1980s. Lungren won.

    Most recently, in the Republican primary in Illinois, Senate candidate Jim Oberweis spent millions of dollars on immigrant-bashing TV and radio ads but still finished a distant second place, to Jack Ryan, who is pro-immigration.

    Buchanan touts upcoming GOP primaries in Arizona and Utah in the coming weeks, where anti-immigration zealots backed by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) are hoping to oust pro-immigration incumbent congressmen Jeff Flake, Jim Kolbe, and Chris Cannon. Their alleged sins: endorsing the Bush "amnesty" and alleged political indifference to the tide of illegal immigration. Despite all of the hullabaloo, all three are expected to win their races with relative ease.

    The problem is that even to the extent that anti-immigrationism is politically popular, those politicians who are obsessed by it are too off-putting to succeed in America. You can't win elections wearing your pathologies on your sleeve.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 1:07 PM


    Male need to 'hide' from women is natural (Siri Agrell, National Post, May 8th, 2006)

    Whether it is in the garage, the study or even just sitting in a La-Z-Boy recliner playing video games, men feel the need to get away from women occasionally, according to a new book chronicling the gender's favourite hiding spots.

    Where Men Hide, written by James Twitchell, an English professor at the University of Florida, chronicles the evolution of the male-only space from opium dens and speakeasies to hunting lodges and strip clubs.

    Men are not trying to escape out of anger or any negative feelings toward women, Mr. Twitchell said this week, but simply because they crave a place to be alone or to share the company of other men.

    "My job was not to generalize so much as to particularize," he said. "Why these places and what's the history of them?"

    Mr. Twitchell had some strange inspiration for the book. He became interested in male space after the capture of Saddam Hussein in 2004, when the former Iraqi dictator was found in a tiny "spider hole" burrowed in the ground.

    "All over the world, people wanted to know about his hidey-hole," Mr. Twitchell said. "I became really intrigued about the interest in that.

    "Men are really interested in where you go when there are no women. What's it like?"

    And while Mr. Twitchell admits it was not women from whom Saddam was hiding, he said the famous dugout shares much in common with more popular male-only haunts.

    Lucky dude.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:59 PM


    P.E.I. plant imports Russian workers (Quentin Casey, National Post, March 8th, 2006)

    A Prince Edward Island seafood plant has imported workers from Russia and Ukraine to staff its processing facility after it was unable to find enough local residents willing to go on its payroll.

    Last Monday, the Ocean Choice PEI plant in Souris, 80 kilometres east of Charlottetown, brought in 19 Russian workers. Twenty Ukrainians are expected to arrive this week. They will help fill the need for 50 new workers.

    "We're making every effort to recruit locally," said Blaine Sullivan, president of Ocean Choice PEI. "It's just that there are not enough people here. It has been a disappointment."

    Mr. Sullivan said a declining and ageing rural population is to blame for the shortfall in workers. "It's an ageing workforce and young people are moving on to different jobs," he said. "Lots of people in eastern Canada are heading out to Alberta, as well."

    The company is paying to fly the workers to Canada. As casual employees, they will make about $2 less than the $9.40 an hour made by the average Ocean Choice plant worker, offsetting the flight and recruitment costs, he said.[...]

    Ray Gallant, local spokesman for the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, said the labour shortage has taxed the other plant workers, who often work 16-hour shifts to process the perishable product.

    "[The other workers] welcome the extra help because they see it as a bit of a relief," Mr. Gallant said. "We're hoping this helps relieve some of that pressure." About 300 people work at the plant at full capacity.

    Mr. Gallant said the company has been unable to lure workers from the surrounding area. "People aren't going to travel three hours a day with the price of gas these days for a job in a fish plant that pays nine or 10 bucks an hour," he said.

    It is truly scandalous that Canadian companies are bringing in foreign workers in an effort to underbid native Canadians who won’t take their jobs anyway.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:27 PM


    Why Isn't Socialism Dead? (Lee Harris, 05 May 2006, Tech Central Station)

    The Peruvian economist, Hernando de Soto, has argued in his book, The Mystery of Capital, that the failure of the various socialist experiments of the twentieth century has left mankind with only one rational choice about which economic system to go with, namely, capitalism. Socialism, he maintained, has been so discredited that any further attempt to revive it would be sheer irrationality. But if this is the case, which I personally think it is, then why are we witnessing what certainly appears to be a revival of socialist rhetoric and even socialist pseudo-solutions, such as the nationalization of foreign companies?

    It should be stressed that de Soto is not arguing that, after the many socialist failures of the twentieth century, capitalism has became historically inevitable and that its expansion would occur according to some imaginary iron clad laws without any need for active intervention. On the contrary, de Soto is fully aware of the enormous obstacles to the expansion of capitalism, especially in regions like South America, and his book is full of dismal statistics that demonstrate the uphill battle against bureaucratic red-tape that is involved in getting a business license or even buying a house in many third world countries. But, here again, the question arises, If capitalism is mankind's only rational alternative, why do so many of the governments of third world nations make it so extraordinarily difficult for ordinary people to take the first small steps on the path of free enterprise?

    For de Soto, the solution lies in democratizing capital. Minimize state interference. Cut the red-tape. Make it simple to start up a business. Devise ways for the poor to capitalize on their modest assets. If a person in the USA can get a loan based on the value of his $200,000 home, why shouldn't a much poorer fellow get a loan based on the value of his $2,000 shack?

    These are all sensible ideas; they are all based on de Soto's belief that the only way to help the poor in the third world is to get the bloated bureaucratic state off their backs, and permit them to use their own creative initiative to do what so many poor immigrants to the USA were able to do in our past -- to start out as micro-entrepreneurs, and to work their way up to wealth and often fabulous riches. But again, we come back to the same question, only in a different form, Why are the people in Bolivia and Venezuela responding so enthusiastically to the socialist siren-song of Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez, instead of heeding the eminently rational counsel of Hernando de Soto? Why are they clamoring to give even more power and control to the state, instead of seeking to free themselves from the very obstacle that stands in the way of any genuine economic progress?

    When Hernando de Soto asserts that capitalism is the only rational alternative left to mankind, he is maintaining that capitalism is the alternative that human beings ought to take because it is the rational thing to do. But what human beings ought to do and what they actually do are often two quite different things. For human beings frequently act quite irrationally, and without the least consideration of what economist called their "enlightened self-interest." And it is in this light that we must approach the problem, Why isn't socialism dead? [...]

    In light of the horrors brought about in the twentieth century by the revolutionary myth of socialism, it is easy to sympathize with those who believe mankind could not possibly be tempted to try the socialist experiment again. If the liberal rationalist Renan was surprised that "Socialists were beyond discouragement" at the beginning of the twentieth century, how much more surprised must his contemporary counterparts be to discover that socialism is also beyond discouragement at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Yet this is a lesson that Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez, under the guidance of their mentor, Fidel Castro, seem determined to impress upon us.

    It may well be that socialism isn't dead because socialism cannot die. As Sorel argued, the revolutionary myth may, like religion, continue to thrive in "the profounder regions of our mental life," in those realms unreachable by mere reason and argument, where even a hundred proofs of failure are insufficient to wean us from those primordial illusions that we so badly wish to be true. Who doesn't want to see the wicked and the arrogant put in their place? Who among the downtrodden and the dispossessed can fail to be stirred by the promise of a world in which all men are equal, and each has what he needs?

    Here we have the problem facing those who, like Hernando de Soto, believe that capitalism is the only rational alternative left after the disastrous collapse of so many socialist experiments. Yes, capitalism is the only rational method of proceeding; but is the mere appeal to reason sufficient to make the mass of men and women, especially among the poor and the rejected, shut their ears to those who promise them the socialist apocalypse, especially when the men who are making these promises possess charisma and glamour, and are willing to stand up, in revolutionary defiance, to their oppressors?

    Why's this a problem? People can go right ahead and try socialism again, and will, but we all know that it's so self-destructive as to be a doomed experiment. What was truly a problem was that, as recently as the 80s, even conservative elites thought socialism, communism, etc. were viable alternatives (as some conservatives today have convinced themselves Islamicism is) to liberal democratic protestant capitalism that presented long term competition for us. Once you recognize them all as dead-ends there's little reason to fret, in geopolitical terms, if other folks are racing down them.

    Venezuela Seeks Top Oil Company Tax Rate of 50% (Bloomberg, 5/08/06)

    Venezuela, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter, plans to raise oil taxes on companies including Exxon Mobil Corp. and ConocoPhillips as President Hugo Chavez demands a greater share of surging oil industry profit.

    All oil companies operating in the country, including heavy oil joint ventures, will now face a uniform income tax rate of 50 percent and a royalty rate of 33.3 percent, Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said in a television interview. The changes will be submitted for congressional approval tomorrow, Ramirez said. Chavez backers hold all 167 seats.

    Chavez, 51, has already forced Total SA, and Eni SpA out of contracts to operate some oil fields when they refused to convert operations to joint ventures with the state oil company. Countries including Venezuela, Russia and Bolivia have been seeking a bigger share of profits after oil more than doubled over the past three years.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:19 PM


    Did Bush Force British Minister Out?: London Papers: Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's Iran Stance Prompted Angry Bush Call To Blair (CBS/AP, May 7, 2006)

    Two London papers have speculated this weekend that complaints by President George W. Bush forced a British minister from his post because of his opposition to the use of nuclear force against Iran.

    The Independent suggests that a phone call from the U.S. president to British Prime Minister Tony Blair led to the removal of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Friday.

    The newspaper reports that friends of Straw believe Mr. Bush was extremely upset when Straw pronounced any use of nuclear weapons against Iran "nuts."

    Both The Independent and the Guardian write that Straw's "fate was sealed" after a White House phone call to Blair.

    Doing Iran would be a nice final punctuation mark on Mr. Blair's tenure.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 PM

    JUPITER IN THE BALANCE (via Bryan Francoeur):

    New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change (Sara Goudarzi, 04 May 2006,

    A storm is brewing half a billion miles away and in a rare event, astronomers get to watch it closely.

    Jupiter is growing a new red spot and the Hubble Space Telescope is photographing the scene. Backyard astronomers have been following the action, too.

    "Red Spot Jr." as it is being called, formed after three white oval-shaped storms—two of which were at least 90 years old—merged between 1998 and 2000. [...]

    The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.

    Future historians will mourn the stubborn Jovian refusal to join the Kyoto Treaty....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 PM


    U.S. Immigration Debate Is a Road Well Traveled: Early-20th-Century Concerns Resurface (Michael Powell, 5/08/06, Washington Post )

    They were portrayed as a disreputable lot, the immigrant hordes of this great city.

    The Germans refused for decades to give up their native tongue and raucous beer gardens. The Irish of Hell's Kitchen brawled and clung to political sinecures. The Jews crowded into the Lower East Side, speaking Yiddish, fomenting socialism and resisting forced assimilation. And by their sheer numbers, the immigrants depressed wages in the city.

    As for the multitudes of Italians, who settled Mulberry Street, East Harlem and Canarsie? In 1970, seven decades after their arrival, Italians lagged behind every immigrant group in educational achievement.

    The bitter arguments of the past echo loudly these days as Congress debates toughening the nation's immigration laws and immigrants from Latin America and Asia swell the streets of U.S. cities in protest. Most of the concerns voiced today -- that too many immigrants seek economic advantage and fail to understand democracy, that they refuse to learn English, overcrowd homes and overwhelm public services -- were heard a century ago. And there was a nub of truth to some complaints, not least that the vast influx of immigrants drove down working-class wages.

    Yet historians and demographers are clear about the bottom line: In the long run, New York City -- and the United States -- owes much of its economic resilience to replenishing waves of immigrants. The descendants of those Italians, Jews, Irish and Germans have assimilated. Manhattan's Little Italy is vestigial, no more than a shrinking collection of restaurants.

    Now another wave washes over.

    Never should have let the Scots and Welsh in, they're gutter peoples...

    Ireland may close doors to Bulgarian and Romanian workers (Helena Spongenberg, 08.05.2006, EU OBSERVER)

    The Irish government is expected to deny Bulgarian and Romanian workers free access to its labour market if the countries join the European Union next year, a move in stark contrast to its current approach to workers from central and eastern Europe. [...]

    Ireland was one of only three member states – plus Sweden and the UK – which never imposed any restrictions on workers coming from ex-Soviet bloc countries.

    Good wayt to turn the Celtic Tiger into a Gallic slug.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 AM


    A nation of millionaires who can't afford to buy anything: Zimbabweans are speaking out with candour against the Government as the country descends further into economic chaos (Jonathan Clayton, 5/08/06, Times of London)

    WITH his torn shirt and tattered trousers held up by a piece of string, Barons Chikamba is an unlikely millionaire.

    His life is a daily struggle despite the seemingly astronomical prices that he charges for even a short hop in the battered car that he uses to ferry visitors around Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare.

    Even his lowest fare is more than a million Zimbabwean dollars. It may sound a lot, but in a country where even the official rate of inflation is nearly 1,000 per cent — by far the highest for a country not at war — it is really less than £6.

    Visitors arriving at Harare’s smart, modernistic airport quickly become millionaires simply by changing $10 at the official rate of Z$101,000 (55p) to the US dollar. The black market rate is roughly double that. “Yes, I am a millionaire — a millionaire who can afford nothing at all,” Mr Chikamba says. “Zimbabweans are all millionaires today.

    We are a country of millionaires, but it goes nowhere and no one has anything.”

    Mr Chikamba chuckles at the thought, but for him and millions like him, Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation is no joke. Last week the basket of essential basics that an average lowincome family needs for survival rocketed to Z$41 million a month in a country where more than 60 per cent of the workforce is jobless and others earn as little as Z$4 million a month.

    With the highest denomination banknote, Z$50,000, it can take almost as long as a taxi journey itself to pay the fare.

    Pretty amusing, as long as you don't care about any of the victims, to see how enthusiastic the Left is about Chavez and Morales doing the same to their nations.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM


    It's always 'OPEN HOUSE' as real estate goes online (Noelle Knox, 5/7/2006, USA TODAY)

    Nancy Teer-Sims's] story illustrates how the breadth of information now available on the Internet is shifting the balance of power in the real estate industry, giving home buyers and sellers more control over the deal than ever before and fueling competition among agents.

    Gone are the days when real estate agents could guard the information about homes for sale in their Multiple Listing Service. Now, buyers and sellers can see all the homes for sale on 800 regional multiple listing services on the Web. They can see thousands of newly built homes for sale and apartments for rent nationwide. They can view aerial photos of homes and neighborhoods. They can get appraisals or see how much the house down the block fetched. They can shop for loans and compare mortgage rates. They can check out local schools and community features for towns across America. They can ask questions and get answers in online forums.

    And all of it's free.

    "The Internet has done what no consumer advocate could ever do: It has reduced the distance between the consumer and the real estate expert to the point where the consumer is so much more informed, they don't need the expert as much as they used to," says Art Raby, an agent for McColly Real Estate in Valparaiso, Ind.

    The Internet is also revolutionizing the job of real estate agent — from the way agents attract clients to how they advertise and show properties. When a buyer walks into his office, "They've seen the inventory of homes for sale over the Internet, so I don't have to show as many homes, so I can sell faster and sell more," Raby says.

    But he acknowledges a downside: "The consumer sees us not working as many hours for getting the commissions we used to get. So commissions are under pressure."

    The Internet, as it turns out, isn't revolutionary, just evolutionary, dispersing information more widely and efficiently so that markets may be somewhat smarter and more efficient.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


    Miles Per Cob (TOM DASCHLE and VINOD KHOSLA, 5/08/06, NY Times)

    Our national leadership must promote a market-based shift away from petroleum-based fuels toward renewable fuels produced in America with American technology.

    The CAFE standard does nothing to encourage that change. It requires American automakers to build cars and trucks that meet a minimum standard of average mileage traveled per gallon of gasoline. But the current standard for minimum mileage traveled per gallon of gas consumed is both too low and focused on the wrong challenge.

    We need to upgrade to a new CAFE: Carbon Alternative Fuel Equivalent. This new CAFE will measure "petroleum mileage" and give automakers incentives and credits for increasing ethanol consumption as a percentage of fuel use of their vehicles, not least by promoting flex-fuel vehicles, which can run on either gasoline or E85 fuel, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. This approach promises several significant benefits.

    Accompany it with an end to farm cash subsidies.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


    Ahmadinejad sends letter to Bush (BBC, 5/08/06)

    Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to George W Bush proposing "new solutions" to their differences.

    The letter will be sent via the Swiss Embassy which represents US interests in Iran, a government spokesman said.

    Mr Ahmadinejad proposes "new solutions for getting out of international problems and the current fragile situation of the world", he said.

    Reports say it is the first letter from an Iranian president to a US leader since the Iranian revolution in 1979.

    President Bush should publicly thank him, ask to visit Iran to talk things out, and then turn the trip into Reagan's visit to Moscow.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


    Nourishing "our roots" (Neal Peirce, May 8, 2006, Seattle Times)

    "You respect our gardens, give us a hand with them, and we'll help you set up a peaceful basketball tournament."

    With that message to teenagers in their gang-ridden neighborhood, the Puerto Rican-born women gardeners of the Lyman public-housing project struck a promising civic deal.

    And it has worked. There's now an organized, spirited yearly competition among local basketball teams. Younger teenagers have stronger role models. Some of the teams have even begun their own gardens.

    Gardens? That's right. Holyoke was once a proud Connecticut River city that produced a high percentage of the world's fine writing paper. Today, it's alarmingly poor, burdened with high joblessness, teenage pregnancies, welfare dependency, serious crime. It's so depressed the local newspaper even folded.

    But a wave of hardy new gardeners has a radically greener future in mind — and is working energetically to make it a reality. A community-run organization — Nuestras Raices (Spanish for "Our Roots") — taps the rural and farm heritage of many of the Puerto Ricans who first came as migrant workers to Connecticut River Valley fields that historically grew some of the best cigar-wrapper tobacco in the world. Inner-city residents are being encouraged to plant their own garden plots on even the most desolate tenement blocks, then to offer their produce in farmers' markets. In the process, they earn desperately needed dollars and start rebuilding their civic culture.

    I DO not propose to speak of those political associations by the aid of which men endeavor to defend themselves against the despotic action of a majority or against the aggressions of regal power. That subject I have already treated. If each citizen did not learn, in proportion as he individually becomes more feeble and consequently more incapable of preserving his freedom single-handed, to combine with his fellow citizens for the purpose of defending it, it is clear that tyranny would unavoidably increase together with equality.

    Only those associations that are formed in civil life without reference to political objects are here referred to. The political associations that exist in the United States are only a single feature in the midst of the immense assemblage of associations in that country. Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions constantly form associations. They have not only commercial and manufacturing companies, in which all take part, but associations of a thousand other kinds, religious, moral, serious, futile, general or restricted, enormous or diminutive. The Americans make associations to give entertainments, to found seminaries, to build inns, to construct churches, to diffuse books, to send missionaries to the antipodes; in this manner they found hospitals, prisons, and schools. If it is proposed to inculcate some truth or to foster some feeling by the encouragement of a great example, they form a society. Wherever at the head of some new undertaking you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association.

    I met with several kinds of associations in America of which I confess I had no previous notion; and I have often admired the extreme skill with which the inhabitants of the United States succeed in proposing a common object for the exertions of a great many men and in inducing them voluntarily to pursue it.

    I have since traveled over England, from which the Americans have taken some of their laws and many of their customs; and it seemed to me that the principle of association was by no means so constantly or adroitly used in that country. The English often perform great things singly, whereas the Americans form associations for the smallest undertakings. It is evident that the former people consider association as a powerful means of action, but the latter seem to regard it as the only means they have of acting.

    Thus the most democratic country on the face of the earth is that in which men have, in our time, carried to the highest perfection the art of pursuing in common the object of their common desires and have applied this new science to the greatest number of purposes. Is this the result of accident, or is there in reality any necessary connection between the principle of association and that of equality?

    Aristocratic communities always contain, among a multitude of persons who by themselves are powerless, a small number of powerful and wealthy citizens, each of whom can achieve great undertakings single-handed. In aristocratic societies men do not need to combine in order to act, because they are strongly held together. Every wealthy and powerful citizen constitutes the head of a permanent and compulsory association, composed of all those who are dependent upon him or whom he makes subservient to the execution of his designs.

    Among democratic nations, on the contrary, all the citizens are independent and feeble; they can do hardly anything by themselves, and none of them can oblige his fellow men to lend him their assistance. They all, therefore, become powerless if they do not learn voluntarily to help one another. If men living in democratic countries had no right and no inclination to associate for political purposes, their independence would be in great jeopardy, but they might long preserve their wealth and their cultivation: whereas if they never acquired the habit of forming associations in ordinary life, civilization itself would be endangered. A people among whom individuals lost the power of achieving great things single-handed, without acquiring the means of producing them by united exertions, would soon relapse into barbarism.

    Unhappily, the same social condition that renders associations so necessary to democratic nations renders their formation more difficult among those nations than among all others. When several members of an aristocracy agree to combine, they easily succeed in doing so; as each of them brings great strength to the partnership, the number of its members may be very limited; and when the members of an association are limited in number, they may easily become mutually acquainted, understand each other, and establish fixed regulations. The same opportunities do not occur among democratic nations, where the associated members must always be very numerous for their association to have any power.

    I am aware that many of my countrymen are not in the least embarrassed by this difficulty. They contend that the more enfeebled and incompetent the citizens become, the more able and active the government ought to be rendered in order that society at large may execute what individuals can no longer accomplish. They believe this answers the whole difficulty, but I think they are mistaken.

    A government might perform the part of some of the largest American companies, and several states, members of the Union, have already attempted it; but what political power could ever carry on the vast multitude of lesser undertakings which the American citizens perform every day, with the assistance of the principle of association? It is easy to foresee that the time is drawing near when man will be less and less able to produce, by himself alone, the commonest necessaries of life. The task of the governing power will therefore perpetually increase, and its very efforts will extend it every day. The more it stands in the place of associations, the more will individuals, losing the notion of combining together, require its assistance: these are causes and effects that unceasingly create each other. Will the administration of the country ultimately assume the management of all the manufactures which no single citizen is able to carry on? And if a time at length arrives when, in consequence of the extreme subdivision of landed property, the soil is split into an infinite number of parcels, so that it can be cultivated only by companies of tillers will it be necessary that the head of the government should leave the helm of state to follow the plow? The morals and the intelligence of a democratic people would be as much endangered as its business and manufactures if the government ever wholly usurped the place of private companies. Feelings and opinions are recruited, the heart is enlarged, and the human mind is developed only by the reciprocal influence of men upon one another. I have shown that these influences are almost null in democratic countries; they must therefore be artificially created, and this can only be accomplished by associations.

    When the members of an aristocratic community adopt a new opinion or conceive a new sentiment, they give it a station, as it were, beside themselves, upon the lofty platform where they stand; and opinions or sentiments so conspicuous to the eyes of the multitude are easily introduced into the minds or hearts of all around. In democratic countries the governing power alone is naturally in a condition to act in this manner, but it is easy to see that its action is always inadequate, and often dangerous. A government can no more be competent to keep alive and to renew the circulation of opinions and feelings among a great people than to manage all the speculations of productive industry. No sooner does a government attempt to go beyond its political sphere and to enter upon this new track than it exercises, even unintentionally, an insupportable tyranny; for a government can only dictate strict rules, the opinions which it favors are rigidly enforced, and it is never easy to discriminate between its advice and its commands. Worse still will be the case if the government really believes itself interested in preventing all circulation of ideas; it will then stand motionless and oppressed by the heaviness of voluntary torpor. Governments, therefore, should not be the only active powers; associations ought, in democratic nations, to stand in lieu of those powerful private individuals whom the equality of conditions has swept away.

    As soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have taken up an opinion or a feeling which they wish to promote in the world, they look out for mutual assistance; and as soon as they have found one another out, they combine. From that moment they are no longer isolated men, but a power seen from afar, whose actions serve for an example and whose language is listened to. The first time I heard in the United States that a hundred thousand men had bound themselves publicly to abstain from spirituous liquors, it appeared to me more like a joke than a serious engagement, and I did not at once perceive why these temperate citizens could not content themselves with drinking water by their own firesides. I at last understood that these hundred thousand Americans, alarmed by the progress of drunkenness around them, had made up their minds to patronize temperance.

    They acted in just the same way as a man of high rank who should dress very plainly in order to inspire the humbler orders with a contempt of luxury. It is probable that if these hundred thousand men had lived in France, each of them would singly have memorialized the government to watch the public houses all over the kingdom.

    Nothing, in my opinion, is more deserving of our attention than the intellectual and moral associations of America. The political and industrial associations of that country strike us forcibly; but the others elude our observation, or if we discover them, we understand them imperfectly because we have hardly ever seen anything of the kind. It must be acknowledged, however, that they are as necessary to the American people as the former, and perhaps more so. In democratic countries the science of association is the mother of science; the progress of all the rest depends upon the progress it has made.

    Among the laws that rule human societies there is one which seems to be more precise and clear than all others. If men are to remain civilized or to become so, the art of associating together must grow and improve in the same ratio in which the equality of conditions is increased.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:32 AM


    'Spy' cameras net a $3.3 million haul (Tarron Lively, May 8, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    The Metropolitan Police Department collected a record $3.3 million in fines from its automated speed cameras in March -- increasing the five-year-old program's total revenue to more than $100 million.

    The amount marks the first time that the program has collected more than $3 million in monthly revenues, even though only 2.2 percent of more than 3 million vehicles monitored in March were cited for speeding, according to police statistics.

    The percentage was near 30 percent when the program began in 2001. The percentage in March was the second lowest for a month, with the lowest at 2 percent in February.

    Critics of the program say the department is attempting to monitor more vehicles to catch more speeders as their percentages decrease.

    Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey said there are no plans to scale back the program, despite the steady decrease of motorists caught speeding.

    Enforcing spped limits reduces speeding? What are the odds....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 AM


    Only educated aliens need apply in Europe (Elizabeth Bryant, 5/08/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    European governments, facing an immigration debate much like that in the United States, are pulling in the welcome mat, especially for low-skilled, illegal aliens from Africa and other developing regions.

    Increasingly, governments are introducing immigration tests and other devices to screen out all but the brightest and most qualified in the face of rising anti-immigration sentiments -- despite having an aging population that leaves many European countries in need of new workers to bankroll their welfare states.

    "There is a general trend toward regulation and restricting immigration and asylum seekers in particular," said Daniele Joly, a specialist on immigration issues at the University of Warwick in England. "In appearance at least, the door is closed to immigration. And the discourse of politicians is very hostile to immigration."

    Meanwhile, the natives march in the streets and demand the entitlements that none of them care to work to pay for....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:22 AM


    The Pope Is Asking China for Freedom, Not Forgiveness: The Chinese authorities have begin ordaining illegitimate bishops again. But this time the Vatican is responding firmly. It is the new course inaugurated by Benedict XVI (Sandro Magister, 5/08/06,

    Speaking at the synod on October 12, bishop Zen of Hong Kong drew these conclusions from the whole affair:

    “It has become more and more clear that the Chinese bishops ordained without the approval of the Roman pontiff are accepted neither by the clergy nor by the faithful. It is to be hoped that in the face of this 'sensus Ecclesiae' the government of Beijing will see the advantage of coming to a normalization of the situation, even if the 'conservative' elements within the official Church are creating resistance for obvious motives of self-interest.”

    The “conservatives” within the official Church include, for example, Beijing bishop Michael Fu Tieshan, who is not recognized by Rome and is unwelcome to most of the faithful, and one of the new bishops ordained in recent days, Joseph Ma Yinglin, who is also a member of the People’s National Congress, the Chinese parliament.

    But above all, there are the “conservatives” within the communist regime, for whom the normalization of relations between the Vatican and China would be a catastrophe. This is the view, in particular, of the Patriotic Association that controls the official Church. Its vice-president, Anthony Liu Bainan, does everything he can to keep the Church nationalist and separated from Rome, and it is especially to him that the recent resumption of illegitimate ordinations is due. It is clear that this objective clashes with the project of a “harmonious society” as enunciated by president Hu Jintao.

    The resumption of illegitimate episcopal ordinations on April 30 and May 3 has temporarily given an advantage to the “conservatives.” And the initial silence of the Vatican authorities was also greeted with alarm by the newly nominated cardinal Zen, who declared in an interview: “I cannot be the only one to protest. If we remain silent, we are preparing the way for an unconditional surrender.”

    But a few hours later, on May 4, the Holy See published the forceful declaration reproduced above. It states that the illegitimate bishops and those who consecrated them are subject to excommunication (according to the canon cited, number 1382 of the Code of Canon Law), but that they are spared from this because they have acted under constraint.

    In the note, the Holy See restates that it is not withdrawing from dialogue with the Chinese authorities, in order that “such unacceptable acts of violent and inadmissible constrictions not be repeated.”

    For Benedict XVI, the central issue for China is definitely that of religious liberty. Or rather, that of liberty plain and simple.

    Shifting the Church from Realpolitik to to Crusade would be enormously helpful.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    New cd's: Gnarls Barkley "St. Elsewhere" ((JON PARELES, 5/08/06, NY Times)

    Danger Mouse is the sound-collaging producer who plundered the Beatles' white album ("The Beatles") to remix Jay-Z's "Black Album" as "The Grey Album." Cee-Lo Green sang and rapped with the Goodie Mob and has appeared on various projects from the innovative Atlanta hip-hop scene. Together they are Gnarls Barkley, whose debut, "St. Elsewhere," is a manic, twisted soul album that's part nostalgia and part dementia.

    Most of the 14 terse tracks are songs, not raps. The recurring theme is madness: not just in the amiable Motown-meets-Philly-soul single "Crazy," but in songs that detail other abnormal mental states ("Who Cares").

    Cee-Lo Green has a genuine Southern soul voice as well as a rapper's articulateness, and he riffles through roles on "St. Elsewhere." He boasts, "I transform," as Danger Mouse puts his voice through speed changes; he's a crooner, a belter, a rapper, a comic "boogie monster," a creepy necrophiliac and even a preacher.

    Backing him, Danger Mouse scrambles 1960's and 70's soul, treating vintage samples with hip-hop's analytical crispness, and doing some things that are rare in hip-hop, like changing key ("Go-Go Gadget Gospel"). The songs are funny with dark undercurrents ("Storm Coming"), but Danger Mouse's time-warped combinations and rhythmic snap keep them danceable. Then again, cheerfulness might be just one more of the album's delusional states.

    May 7, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:32 PM


    Labour at war as Number 10 condemns plot to oust Blair (George Jones, 08/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    Labour was plunged into its worst infighting for a generation yesterday after Downing Street issued a warning of a plot by rebel MPs to oust Tony Blair and take the party back to the Left. [...]

    After several Sunday newspapers reported that a letter was circulating among Labour MPs calling for "a clear timetable" to be drawn up by the summer, David Hill, Mr Blair's press chief, sent a text message to political journalists claiming that there was an attempt to "unseat" Mr Blair and "reverse" New Labour's reforms.

    John Reid, the new Home Secretary and one of Mr Blair's staunchest Cabinet allies, went further, saying "you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes" to know that "Old Labour" plotters were behind the attempts to oust the Prime Minister.

    "The whole thing has been generated by people who want to push Mr Blair out," he told The Politics Show on BBC TV.

    "They want to stop the reform programme and go back to Old Labour. They are not going to win. There is no going back for this party. If we go back, we walk back into the wilderness."

    After eight years masking their true proclivities the Democrats likewise rejoiced when Al Gore yanked the party rudder hard to the Left--and they've not been heard from since....

    Labour faces civil war over Left's 'plot' to oust Blair (Philip Webster, 5/08/06, Times of London)

    LABOUR is on the brink of civil war today after rebel MPs were accused by ministers and Downing Street of a plot to force Tony Blair out now and return the party to the hands of the Left.

    As the party descends into its most poisonous bout of infighting for a generation following its dismal performance in the local elections, Tony Blair will refuse mounting demands for him to name a day for his departure from No 10. He will say at a speedily arranged monthly press conference that he has no intention of allowing his hand to be forced by a group that wants to reverse Labour’s reforms and go back to an “Old Labour” agenda.

    Brown camp seeking coup, say Blair allies (Patrick Wintour, May 8, 2006, The Guardian)

    Posted by Matt Murphy at 9:18 PM


    UFO study finds no sign of aliens (Mark Simpson, BBC News, 5/7/06)

    A confidential Ministry of Defence report on Unidentified Flying Objects has concluded that there is no proof of alien life forms.

    In spite of the secrecy surrounding the UFO study, it seems citizens of planet Earth have little to worry about.

    The report, which was completed in 2000 and stamped "Secret: UK Eyes Only", has been made public for the first time.

    Only a small number of copies were produced and the identity of the man who wrote it has been protected.

    His findings were only made public thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, after a request by Sheffield Hallam University academic Dr David Clarke.

    The four-year study - entitled Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK - tackles the long-running question by UFO-spotters: "Is anyone out there?"

    The answer, it seems, is "no".

    The 400-page report puts it like this: "No evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces."

    The sheer enjoyment one could derive from the reaction to an official report "validating" flying saucers is well worth the trouble of bribing a government agency to produce one.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 PM


    Andy Garcia's Thought Crime (Humberto Fontova, May 1, 2006,

    Andy Garcia blew it big-time with his movie The Lost City. He blew it with the mainstream critics that is. Almost unanimously, they're tearing apart a movie 16 years in the making, which Garcia both directed and stars in. In this engaging drama of a middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free Havana's last days, Garcia insisted on depicting some historical truth about Cuba -- a grotesque and unforgivable blunder in his industry. He's now paying the price.

    Earlier, many film festivals refused to screen it. Now many Latin American countries refuse to show it. The film's offenses are many and varied. Most unforgivable of all, Che Guevara is shown killing people in cold blood. [...]

    Garcia has seriously jolted the Mainstream Media's fantasies and hallucinations of pre-Castro Cuba, Che, Fidel, and Cubans in general. In consequence, the critics are unnerved and disoriented and their annoyance and scorn are spewing forth in review after review.

    "In a movie about the Cuban revolution, we almost never see any of the working poor for whom the revolution was supposedly fought," sniffs Peter Reiner in The Christian Science Monitor. "The Lost City' misses historical complexity." [...]

    "Garcia's tale bemoans the loss of easy wealth for a precious few," harrumphs Michael Atkinson in The Village Voice. "Poor people are absolutely absent; Garcia and Infante seem to have thought that peasant revolutions happen for no particular reason—or at least no reason the moneyed 1 percent should have to worry about." [...]

    "The impoverished masses of Cubans who embraced Castro as a liberator appear only in grainy, black-and-white news clips," snorts Stephen Holden in The New York Times. "Political dialogue in the film is strictly of the junior high school variety."

    "It fails to focus on the poverty-stricken workers whose plight lit the fires of revolution," complains Rex Reed in the New York Observer.

    It was a pleasant surprise to see Jonathan Alter say in the pages of the NY Times itself that: The most enduring [myths about Cuba] on the left are that the United States drove Castro into the hands of the Soviets (DePalma explores documents from the Soviet archives that suggest the Soviets offered to send military trainers into Cuba well before the relationship with the United States deteriorated) and, most perniciously, that there is still something romantic and appealing about the Cuban revolution.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:54 PM


    Bolivia's populism steps on Brazil: More than half the gas used in Brazil comes from Bolivia, which nationalized its reserves last week (Andrew Downie, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Bolivia's decision last week to nationalize its natural gas reserves shocked the West, but the country set to pay the highest price - both politically and economically - is Brazil, experts and analysts say.

    More than half the gas used in Brazil is Bolivian, and in Sao Paulo - the state that accounts for roughly half of Brazil's GDP - the figure is 75 percent. Any disruption in supply from Bolivia would hit Brazil hard, and those in the heavily industrialized south of the country are especially concerned about the potential costs of last week's decision.

    Hard as it is for Brazilians to accept, they're increasingly part of the Axis of Good and "populist"/socialist knuckleheads like Chavez and Morales are the enemy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 PM


    Afghan women start businesses, help reconstruct a torn nation: Some 10,000 women have been trained as entrepreneurs, some of whom are now economically self-sufficient (David Montero, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    The ambitions of [Pashtun] Begum, once considered rare for women in Afghanistan, highlight a silent but powerful revolution here. A growing number of female entrepreneurs - some 10,000 have been trained - are emerging from the isolation of war and oppression of the Taliban to contribute toward a more prosperous nation and greater independence for women, observers say.

    According to Microfinance Times, 75 percent of all active microcredit borrowers in Afghanistan are now women, many of whom use their loans to start businesses. Beauty parlors, tailoring shops, and bakeries are just some of the enterprises these women now own. Their efforts, observers say, are indispensable in the struggle to reverse decades of deprivation in Afghanistan.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:49 PM


    Next steps to peace in Darfur: A peace deal signed Friday could pave the way for a UN peacekeeping force (Katharine Houreld and Claire Soares, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Observers say that the most important result of the deal is that it could pave the way for a UN peacekeeping force to enter Sudan. In the past few days different spokesmen for the Sudanese government have confirmed that the government would now at least consider allowing UN peacekeeping troops on the ground, something Khartoum had flatly rejected before Friday's deal. [...]

    Sounding a cautiously optimistic note, US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick said the agreement represented "an opportunity for peace." He went to Nigeria after talks stalled between rebels and the government over security issues. Eventually both the Sudanese government and the largest rebel faction, the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Minni Minnawi, signed the deal on Friday.

    All in a day's work for the Crusader State...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:36 PM


    Social Security shortfalls are suspect (David R. Francis, 5/08/06, CS Monitor)

    To New York actuary David Langer, Mr. Snow's statement paints the finances of the nation's public pension system as "more dire than it is" in order to scare the public into approving the Bush administration's advocacy of partial privatization of Social Security.

    Actually, Social Security finances are in good shape, argues Mr. Langer. He's become something of a pest to top Social Security officials with his finding that, in the past, the most optimistic of three annual projections of the financial future of Social Security for the next 75 years has proved the most accurate. Social Security might work fine unchanged for the next 75 years, able to provide pensioners their full monthly checks, the disabled their disability payments, and widows and orphans their needed funds.

    We don't need to personalize SS, we just ought to because it's good public policy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 PM


    NASA poses $2-million lunar rocket challenge (Associated Press, 5/08/06)

    NASA said Friday it is sponsoring a $2 million (U.S.) contest to spur aerospace designers to build and demonstrate versatile rockets that may one day support a lunar mission.

    The competition is part of the space agency's Centennial Challenges program, which aims to foster innovation by offering prizes to teams that can solve a range of problems.

    Competing teams have to build a rocket that can launch vertically, climb to a certain altitude and suspend in the air, land at a target over 90 metres away and then return to its original launch pad.

    The competition has two levels of difficulties and several prizes will be awarded. The largest prize is $1.2-million.

    The next X-Prize: How about a 250 m.p.g. car? (Mark Clayton, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor
    The challenge: Build the world's most fuel-efficient production car - one that gets maybe 250 miles per gallon and causes little or no pollution. The payoff: prize money from the group that awarded $10 million for the world's first private spaceflight two years ago.

    When the X-Prize Foundation unveils its new high-mileage car contest later this year, it will join a small but growing number of competitive prizes for energy development. Instead of watching President Bush and Congress wrangle for months to just get Detroit to boost fuel efficiency by a few miles per gallon, why not offer fat cash prizes to the private sector for breakthrough technologies? Proponents say it's a cheaper and faster way to unhook America from its oil dependency.

    Why not have Congress offer the first folks to sell a few thousand of them several billion dollars, paid for from a hike in gas taxes?

    Gas prices fuel telecommuting (Marilyn Gardner, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Laurie] Shannon is in the vanguard of a quietly growing band of Americans turning to telecommuting to reduce gas costs. As they work at home, typically a day or two a week, they are spurring a shift that could eventually turn the United States into what workplace analyst John Challenger calls a "telecommuter nation."

    "Companies are just beginning to become aware that employees are coming to them here and there, asking for help," says Mr. Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, an outplacement firm headquartered in Chicago. "They're seeing more absences. It's still under the radar, but as gas prices hit $3 a gallon, it's beginning to make a real impact on people's decisions with their employer."

    A push for cars to get better gas mileage: A key dispute is whether proposed fuel standards should apply equally to all vehicles. (Brad Knickerbocker, 5/08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)
    Like the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit environmental group of scientists and citizens, as well as other supporters of more rigorous CAFE standards, Mr. Becker asserts that the technology already exists to make all new vehicles average 40 miles per gallon within 10 years.

    "Taking this step would save the average driver over $5,000 over the lifetime of their vehicle, even after accounting for the added cost of the fuel-saving technology," he says. "At the same time, raising fuel economy standards would save 4 million barrels of oil per day - an amount equal to what America currently imports from the entire Persian Gulf and could ever get out of the Arctic Refuge, combined."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:26 PM


    Task for CIA's next chief: push Bush's agenda: To the president, streamlined intelligence is paramount. (Faye Bowers, 5//08/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Mr. Goss, who said Friday he would step down as CIA director after 19 months at the helm, reportedly defended the CIA's status quo too strenuously. [...]

    As a consequence, President Bush is likely to choose a CIA director more acquiescent to his streamlining goal - which may lead to a narrower role for the CIA.

    If true, Mr. Goss's tenure is an object lesson in how quickly and easily bureaucracies co-opt even those who enter them with the specific mission of transaforming them. That's why Secretary Rumsfeld, the rare exception, ain't goin' nowhere.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:35 PM


    Barbaro makes Derby a six-cess story (JIM O'DONNELL, 5/07/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

    When you have walked away from the crash landing of a jumbo jet that killed 112 other people and carried the flag of the United States in front of teammates at an emotional closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, the rest of life might play out a little more 9-to-5.

    Not for Michael Matz.

    A man apparently Velcroed to angels, Matz drew upon the great spirits at another venue Saturday, saddling the heaven-sent Barbaro to a smashing victory in the 132nd Kentucky Derby.

    A Churchill Downs throng of 157,536 -- the second-largest in history -- watched as the sleek son of Dynaformer matter-of-factly put away 19 foes in the $2.2 million Run for the Roses. Ridden by Edgar Prado, Barbaro ($14.20) won the 1-1/4-mile classic by 6 1/2 lengths, the fifth-widest winning margin in Derby annals. His final time was 2:01.36 over a perfect strip.

    More importantly for a game constantly looking for renewed energy from its marqueed spring series, Barbaro will take a perfect 6-for-6 career mark to his next stop, which almost certainly will be the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico in two weeks. He emerged from KD 132 as only the sixth unbeaten modern Derby champion and first since Smarty Jones in 2004. His mid-term sights now are set on the feats of Seattle Slew, who was the last undefeated Triple Crown champion. The late Slew accomplished that in 1977.

    The sport's fallen on such hard times we only read him three times a year, but Mr. O'Donnell always makes you feel like you've picked up a 1930s edition of the Sun-Times.

    Posted by David Cohen at 1:30 PM


    Shin Sang-Ok, film director and abductee, died on April 11th, aged 79 (The Economist, 4/27/06) (registration required)

    VIEWERS of the movie “Team America: World Police” will have gathered that North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Il, is a mixed-up fellow. He may be brutal—he is depicted feeding Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector, to a shark—but he is also a sensitive, artistic soul. After murdering Mr Blix, he sings a sad song about how lonely it is being a psychotic despot. This was supposed to be outrageous satire. But, as Shin Sang-Ok could have told the directors, no fictionalised “Dear Leader” could be weirder, or nastier, than the real one.

    Mr Shin was a South Korean movie director. In 1978, Mr Kim, a movie buff, had him kidnapped [and his ex-wife] and whisked to the hermit kingdom to make its revolutionary film industry less awful....

    In North Korea, he was put up in a comfortable guest house, but insisted on trying to escape. One day he borrowed a car, drove to a railway station, hid among crates of explosives and crept aboard a freight train. He was caught the next day, and soon found himself in a hellish prison camp.

    Even there, however, he was protected from afar. When he tried to starve himself to death, officials force-fed him through a funnel. A guard told Mr Shin that he was the first attempted suicide he'd ever seen saved—so he must be very important....

    As soon as [the Shins] saw a chance to dodge their bodyguards, during a promotional trip to Vienna in 1986, they fled to the American embassy and sought asylum.

    Mr Shin was at first reluctant to go home, for fear that South Korea's security police might disbelieve his fantastic tale and suspect him of communist sympathies. Fortunately, he and his wife had made, at mortal risk, clandestine tape recordings of conversations with Mr Kim. These, and the couple's memoirs, are among the most useful accounts we have of the secretive (and now probably nuclear-armed) Dear Leader's personality: charming, shrewd, quirky, malevolent.

    The traditional Westphalian understanding of sovereignty says that what Mr. Kim does within his own borders is none of our concern. International law says that we can't just go in and depose him because someday he might be a threat to us. Now, is it really immoral of Americans to resist both these conclusions?

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:52 PM


    US rebuffs torture questions before UN committee (Sam Cage, The Scotsman, March 7th, 2006)

    The United Nations yesterday grilled American officials over claims that the United States has broken the global ban on torture during the war on terror.

    The UN Committee Against Torture, the watchdog for a 22-year-old treaty forbidding prisoner abuse, rejected US refusals to discuss intelligence matters, such as alleged secret CIA prisons and flights transferring suspects for possible torture in other countries. [...]

    Andreas Mavrommatis, the chairman of the committee, said although he could understand that intelligence matters needed careful treatment, "they are not excluded" from scrutiny.

    "If during intelligence activities there is a violation of the convention, it's our duty to investigate them and your duty to answer," he said.

    No one knows better than we Canadians how much fun it can be to reject US refusals, but don’t these guys feel even the slightest bit ridiculous?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:05 PM


    Talladega Nights - August 4 (DREW WEITZ, 4/28/06, The Spectrum)

    Will Ferrell stars as Southern NASCAR driver Ricky Bobby, a role he wrote for himself. As if Ferrell alone isn't funny enough, his gay French rival will by played by Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his character Ali G. This could be a great combination.

    How can you not love the idea of Will Ferrell vs a gay Frenchg Formula One racer, but I repeat myself....

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 11:07 AM


    New monkey species discovered in Africa (Bob Holmes,, May19th, 2005)

    A new monkey species has been found in the highland forests of Tanzania. The monkey was discovered almost simultaneously by two research teams on separate mountain ranges and is the first new African monkey to be found in more than 20 years. It also instantly becomes one of the rarest and most critically endangered primates on Earth.

    If you want to get away from the woes of the world and wile away a few amusing hours, pop a cold one and Google “New Species”. Not only will you get a good sense of the pomposity of modern biologists and conservationists, you might stumble on gems like this. And this.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:33 AM


    Sudan agrees to UN troops for Darfur as treaty signed (Mohamed Osman, 5/07/06, Sunday Herald)

    A spokesman for the Sudanese government has confirmed that United Nations peacekeepers will now be welcome in Darfur after a peace agreement between Khartoum and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), the main rebel group involved in the conflict.

    Bakri Mulah, secretary-general for external affairs in the information ministry, issued the invitation on behalf of the Khartoum government after the agreement was reached on Friday in Abuja, the Nigerian capital.

    The Sudanese government initially rejected calls for UN peacekeepers to replace the thousands of African Union peacekeepers currently in Darfur.

    “We heard the appeal of the UN secretary-general Kofi Annan [for UN peacekeepers to join those of the African Union] ... Now there is no problem,” a spokesman said.

    The government of Sudan and the main Darfur rebel faction expressed hopes that three years of fighting could now come to an end.

    A nice illustration of how the UN can be useful, following our lead.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM

    FRIEND OF THE DEVIL (via Tom Corcoran):

    Liberty, Equality, Fratricide: a review of French Revolution Books by David Andress and Ruth Scurr (DAVID GILMOUR, NY Times Book Review)

    BETWEEN 1789 and 1958 France had more revolutions and changes of regime than any other nation in recent history. Its people were forced to endure two empires, three monarchies and five republics, in addition to a consulate, two directories and the ignoble government of Vichy. Even Spain was unable to compete with such a catalog of political instability.

    Unlike the French Revolution, England's Glorious Revolution of 1688 established a state that both succeeded and survived. Yet the English do not have a tenth of the affection for 1688 — or even consciousness of the event — that the French retain for 1789. Regardless of its failures, incoherence and reliance on state terrorism, the first French revolution remains a source of patriotic pride. Maximilien Robespierre, chief architect of the Terror, has been venerated by generations of French historians. The revolutionary slogan — "liberty, equality, fraternity" — can still ignite the nation's spirit.

    Yet it was a slogan that encapsulated neither a truth nor an achievement. Liberty was not accorded to anyone who criticized the revolution; fraternity was less prevalent than fratricide; and equality before the law had little meaning when no one, aristocrat, bourgeois or peasant, could hope for a fair trial. As Simon Schama wrote in "Citizens," his vast and brilliant chronicle of the period, violence, not ideology, was the real motor of the Revolution. [...]

    In her lively and well-written book, "Fatal Purity," Ruth Scurr, a historian and literary critic, confesses her sympathy for Robespierre, admitting that she has given him "the benefit of any rational doubt" and has "tried to be his friend and to see things from his point of view."

    Rational being the operative word. Mr. Gilmour's own conclusion is much more sensible:
    Most of the positive aspects of 1789-95 had either been secured already by the English and American revolutions or evolved from them later on. France too could in due course have enjoyed the benefits of democracy without resorting to the guillotine, the Napoleonic Wars and the uprisings of 1830, 1848 and 1871. (Far more Parisians were killed in the repression of the Commune in 1871 than during the Terror.) In fact the Revolution was the fount and origin not of our world but of the totalitarian era, an inspiration to future dictators who could adopt Rousseau's theory of the General Will as an excuse to avoid democracy and who could label their opponents counterrevolutionaries as an excuse to murder them without trial.

    Understanding that the French model is a disastrous break from the Anglo-American rather than a continuation is the key to understanding modernity.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


    In a Dentist Shortage, British (Ouch) Do It Themselves (SARAH LYALL, 5/07/06, NY Times)

    "I snapped it out myself," said William Kelly, 43, describing his most recent dental procedure, the autoextraction of one of his upper teeth.

    Now it is a jagged black stump, and the pain gnawing at Mr. Kelly's mouth has transferred itself to a different tooth, mottled and rickety, on the other side of his mouth. "I'm in the middle of pulling that one out, too," he said.

    It is easy to be mean about British teeth. Mike Myers's mouth is a joke in itself in the "Austin Powers" movies. In a "Simpsons" episode, dentalphobic children are shown "The Big Book of British Smiles," cautionary photographs of hideously snaggletoothed Britons. In Mexico, protruding, discolored and generally unfortunate teeth are known as "dientes de ingles."

    But the problem is serious. Mr. Kelly's predicament is not just a result of cigarettes and possibly indifferent oral hygiene; he is careful to brush once a day, he said. Instead, it is due in large part to the deficiencies in Britain's state-financed dental service, which, stretched beyond its limit, no longer serves everyone and no longer even pretends to try.

    Whenever you go by a crumbling colonial cemetery around here you're reminded of a Brit's teeth.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


    An Invitation, Not an Endorsement (JERRY FALWELL, 5/07/06, NY Times)

    I have been astounded by the reaction of some to Mr. McCain's agreement to deliver the commencement speech, particularly by those who would make it something it is not.

    Many in the news media have portrayed my invitation to the senator as an effort to repair a relationship damaged during the 2000 Republican primary. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While I have long been a supporter of President Bush and his father, I have been around hardball politics long enough to know that elections often place good people in opposition. I have always admired Mr. McCain and nothing said or done in the 2000 campaign changed this opinion.

    In September I called a meeting with Mr. McCain to put aside any past misunderstandings. We did not ask for apologies from each other, nor were any offered. No ideological deals were brokered.

    The decision to ask him to speak to our graduates was a reflection of our agreement on many important issues facing our nation, but it did not mean our positions were in perfect harmony. For example, both of us agree that the traditional family needs to be protected, but we disagree on how it should be done. I support the Federal Marriage Amendment while Mr. McCain favors protections passed by individual states.

    These differences, however, do not separate us as friends. As we continue to prosecute the war on terrorism — a war that I have argued is just — I could not think of a better example for our students than Mr. McCain, who knows both the civilian and military sides of a country at war. That is why several months after our meeting I asked him to be our 2006 commencement speaker.

    The next election for president is more than two years away. Mr. McCain is the front-runner for the nomination and is the kind of conservative candidate whom I would have little trouble supporting.

    Nevermind commencement speeches, by now, Senator McCain is likely working on the second or third draft of his January 2009 Inaugural Address.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


    Is ecosabotage terrorism? (Hal Bernton, 5/07/06, Seattle Times)

    This year, the Bush administration has touted the arrests of terrorists of a different kind — homegrown militants who have embarked on arson attacks to protest treatment of animals and the environment.

    During the past three years alone, FBI counterterrorism agents have conducted at least 190 investigations into property crimes claimed by the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). None of the crimes injured or killed people.

    "Terrorism is terrorism — no matter what the motive," declared FBI director Robert Mueller on Jan. 20, when he announced the indictment of 11 people in an alleged conspiracy that involved 17 attacks. Those include arsons at a ski resort in Vail, Colo., a horse slaughterhouse in Oregon, a federal wildlife research center in Olympia and the University of Washington Center for Urban Horticulture.

    More indictments are expected in the months ahead as federal grand juries meet in Seattle, Eugene, Denver, San Francisco and other cities. Most of those indicted earlier this year could face decades in federal prison. A few may face life sentences, if tried and convicted.

    Some balk at putting the terrorism label on activists who have targeted property — not people. [...]

    "You couple spying on political dissenters with grand jury subpoenas and a series of arrests, it's had a huge effect," said Alejandro Queral, executive director of the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center. "There is a serious danger of chilling dissenting points of view."

    The point is to chill those whose views are so transgressive. If anyone was interested in their cause wouldn't need to resort to violence.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


    Mo playing time leads to Mo success for Pena (Steve Buckley, May 7, 2006, Boston Herald)

    It’s been more than a month since the Red Sox traded right-hander Bronson Arroyo to the Cincinnati Reds for outfielder Wily Mo Pena.

    Debate over the trade continues to be waged, and a goodly number of Sox fans remain convinced that general manager Theo Epstein gave up too much for too little. [...]

    With a chance to log consistent time in center field until Coco Crisp returns from his injury, Pena has been playing surprisingly well. He has a .328 average and three home runs after going 2-for-4 with two runs and two RBI in last night’s 9-3 win over Baltimore. He’s hit safely in nine of his last 10 games, going 15-for-40 (.375) with two homers and eight RBI.

    Hardly surprising given how well he was playing last year before he got hurt. The only adjustment he still needs to make is to the outside breaking ball and Manny and Ortiz have that covered. They're probably a better team with him in center, Coco in right, and Trot in a different city.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


    Nats' Farm Team Goes the Distance (Associated Press, May 7, 2006)

    The Washington Nationals' New Orleans Zephyrs farm team and the Nashville Sounds tied a Class AAA Pacific Coast League record for the longest game, going 24 innings over two nights before the Zephyrs broke a tie to win 5-4 Saturday night.

    The game, which started at 7 p.m. Friday, was the third 24-inning game in the league's history and lasted a little more than eight hours. After 14 scoreless innings, Wiki Gonzalez singled to score Chris Schroder. Nashville went down in order in the bottom of the inning to end the game.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


    U.S. Grants Asylum to Refugees From North Korea (Associated Press, May 7, 2006)

    Six refugees from North Korea, including four women who say they were victims of sexual slavery or forced marriages, have fled to the United States, a senator said yesterday.

    The group is the first from North Korea to be given official refugee status since passage of a 2004 law that makes it easier for North Koreans to apply for such status.

    Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) said the six refugees arrived at an undisclosed U.S. location Friday night from a Southeast Asian nation. He would not identify which nation they came from because of worries about security for their families and to avoid diplomatic complications with the country that sent them.

    "This is a great act of compassion by the United States and the other countries involved," said Brownback, a co-sponsor of the law. He said that the refugees' arrival in the United States showed "the act is working" by making the refugees' human rights a part of U.S. policy toward North Korea.

    Best of all, the nativists won't mind because they aren't Mexican.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:52 AM


    Confident Democrats Lay Out Agenda: Party Plans Probes Of Administration If It Wins the House (Jonathan Weisman, May 7, 2006, Washington Post)

    Democratic leaders, increasingly confident they will seize control of the House in November, are laying plans for a legislative blitz during their first week in power that would raise the minimum wage, roll back parts of the Republican prescription drug law, implement homeland security measures and reinstate lapsed budget deficit controls.

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, "You never know where it leads to."

    The GOP should steal a march and call a vote to reimpose Gramm-Rudman, but it's not a vote-getter, nor are any of these little bete noires the Democrats are talking about. The GOP took advantage of a Rightward post-War tide in 1994 and ran on issues that polled at 80%. Democrats are fighting the tide and propose to run on pet peeves?

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:50 AM


    Politicians, economists, teachers… why are they so desperate to make us happy? (Frank Furedi, The Telegraph, May 7th, 2006)

    People have always pursued happiness. Policy makers have always hoped their initiatives would make people happy. But happiness was not seen as an end in itself. Teachers hoped that their students would be happy with their experience but did not set out to teach their pupils how to be happy. Those charged with moral education were devoted to explaining the difference between good and bad but not to instructing children how to feel.

    Today's turn towards the management of people's internal life is motivated by moral disorientation and political exhaustion. Unimaginative politicians who are unable to decide what needs to be done - or implement the appropriate policies - feel more comfortable with instructing the public how it should feel.

    Advocates of the happiness crusade frequently contend that their campaign will help create more caring, altruistic and trustful communities. However, the emphasis on individual feelings distracts people from the life of their communities. Public policies enacted through the intervention of thousands of therapists are likely to turn the public citizen into a helpless patient. Whatever the problems associated with the pursuit of individual ambition, they pale into insignificance when compared with the moral disorientation caused by the politicisation of happiness.

    Those who are sceptical about the capacity of a government to make us happy are sometimes advised to look at Bhutan, the absolute monarchy that has adopted the politics of happiness. This is the Buddhist kingdom that has forced more than 100,000 Hindus of Nepalese origin to leave the country. It may not be very democratic, but its track record on promoting happiness is second to none. In pursuit of this cause it has boldly banned wrestling and MTV.

    In reality, neither experts nor clever policies can make people genuinely happy. Freud may have been a little cynical when he suggested that his objective was to "convert neurotic misery into ordinary unhappiness". But he understood that true happiness was an ideal that we pursue but rarely achieve. Nor is that a problem. A good life is not always a happy one. People are often justified in being unhappy about their circumstances and surroundings. Discontent and ambition have driven humanity to confront and overcome the challenges they faced. That is why people like the Controller in Brave New World want us live on a diet of "feelies" and "scent organs". That is also why we should be suspicious of experts who seek to colonise our internal life.

    Few people seem to notice how the therapeutic culture supports the destruction of family, community and faith by trying with varying degrees of subtlety to convince folks the demands and duties of these are the source of their unhappiness. The caring professions largely share the statist fantasy of directing the lives of millions of happy, servile individuals unburdened by other loyalties. The result is not only a loss of freedom and dignity, but also rank unhappiness. To paraphrase the late Robertson Davies, happiness is a feline condition. If you reach out for it directly, it will run away every time, but if you ignore it, it has a habit of curling up beside you unexpectedly. Better to walk face first into the storm and seek wisdom.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:44 AM


    Exit of C.I.A. Chief Viewed as Move to Recast Agency (MARK MAZZETTI, 5/07/06, NY Times)

    Porter J. Goss, who was forced to resign Friday, was seen as an obstacle to an effort by John D. Negroponte, the director of national intelligence, to focus the agency on its core mission of combating terrorism and stealing secrets abroad. General Hayden, who will be nominated to the post on Monday, is currently Mr. Negroponte's deputy, and he is regarded as an enthusiastic champion of the agency's adoption of that narrower role.

    A senior intelligence official said that General Hayden, in a recent presentation to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, had sharply criticized Mr. Goss for resisting that transformation. Mr. Goss was seen as trying to protect the C.I.A.'s longtime role as government's premier center for intelligence analysis, but under General Hayden, who is currently Mr. Negroponte's top deputy, much of that function is intended to move elsewhere. [...]

    General Hayden has spent his career in the military, but his relationship with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has never been close, and a Bush administration official said Saturday that he was being selected, in part, because he had demonstrated an ability to set aside a parochial military mind-set and look at the broader picture.

    Mr. Negroponte himself has had a difficult year trying to bring the Pentagon's vast intelligence operations under his control. Historically, the Pentagon has controlled more than 80 percent of the nation's intelligence budget.

    The administration official said that President Bush had chosen General Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency, in part because of his success in running a large, complex organization.

    The disastrous effect of well-intended civil service reform was to make bureaucrats permanent and loyal to their bureaucracies. Patronage may have been distasteful but it created massive cyclical turnover and workforces loyal to the administrations that gave them jobs. It is quintessentially democratic but was replaced by a system that is unfortunately statist.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Cincinnati and Detroit have surprised majors with hot starts (Seattle Times, 5/07/06)

    Would it be far-fetched to envision the Cincinnati Reds and the Detroit Tigers in the World Series? Yes, it would, but in the first five weeks of the season, the Reds and the Tigers have been two of the best teams in the major leagues.

    The Reds and the Tigers began Saturday with 20-10 records, second in their leagues by half a game. No one expects either team to sustain its impressive start, but no one expected the Reds and the Tigers to have these starts.

    "Everybody picked us for last," Jerry Narron, the Reds' manager, said. "It was important for us to have a good start."

    The Reds, who last won the National Central title in 1995, have finished fifth three of the past five seasons. Although the pitchers have sparkled in the last two weeks, compiling a 2.04 earned-run average as the Reds won nine of 12, it has been the hitters who have powered Cincinnati's start. The Reds began Saturday first in the NL in runs scored and on-base percentage and second in home runs and slugging percentage.

    The Tigers are totally legit and have more talent coming, but the Reds need to trade to bolster their starting pitching ASAP if they want to hang around this Summer even if Homer Bailey can help this year.

    May 6, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 PM


    Hamas sanctions squeeze the life out of West Bank (Jane Flanagan, 07/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

    With Hamas refusing to condemn a recent suicide attack, aid workers fear that the isolated Palestinian government - and the limited services available to its people - may soon collapse. Aid agencies would be overwhelmed if expected to pick up the pieces.

    "All the international aid agencies put together will not be able to replace the services that the Palestinian Authority provides," said David Shearer, the head of the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs.

    As government coffers empty and the flow of trade and goods into the Palestinian territories dries up, medical supplies in hospitals are running dangerously low and basic food supplies are unaffordable for most families.

    Last week a group of 36 aid agencies working with Palestinians, including the British groups Merlin and Save the Children UK, wrote a joint letter to Israel urging it to fulfil last November's agreement to allow trade in and out of Gaza. Israel has remained insistent on keeping tight checks on traffic to prevent terrorist attacks.

    The economy of the Palestinian territories has been propped up by outside support since the early 1990s, when the PA was created out of the Oslo peace process as the future government of a nascent Palestinian state. In spite of the continued fighting that stalled progress towards creating a Palestinian state, the international community kept faith with the PA, ploughing in billions of pounds.

    The World Bank estimates that only 12 per cent of the PA's economic activity was ever internally generated. The rest came from outside, either through Palestinians earning wages in Israel or foreign donor support. When Yasser Arafat, then the Palestinian leader, launched the armed intifada in late 2000, Israel closed the checkpoints to the occupied territories, reducing the income from foreign earnings to a trickle. By the time Hamas won power in January's general election, the PA was in debt to the tune of £451 million.

    When aid was suspended by Brussels and Washington, Hamas asked Muslim nations for funding and won promises of tens of millions of pounds from friendly Arab nations - only to run into another problem. International banks have refused to transfer these Arab funds to the PA, for fear of being proscribed by the United States banking authorities for helping Hamas, which is on Washington's list of terrorist organisations.

    They have reason to be cautious. Five years ago, when al-Aqsa Islamic Bank in the West Bank city of Ramallah was described by President George W Bush as "a financial arm of Hamas'', its global business vanished overnight. Both America and Europe agree that economic sanctions should hurt the Hamas administration, not the Palestinian people.

    Odd thing about our Left, you could starve every Palestinian to death via transnational sanctions and they'd not bat an eyelash, but the use of military force in places where it can save lives by changing the regime and allowing sanctions to be lifted is more than they can tolerate. It's as if the positive use of American force serves to delegitimize any cause in their eyes.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:44 PM


    Civil war: the only way to bring peace to Iraq (Edward Luttwak, 07/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

    Civil wars can be especially atrocious as neighbours kill each other at close range, but they have a purpose - they can bring lasting peace by destroying the will to fight, and by removing the motives and opportunities for further violence.

    England's civil war in the mid-17th century assured the country's political stability under parliament and a limited monarchy throughout the subsequent centuries. But first there had to be a war with many bloody battles and casualties on the side, including the execution of Charles I, who had claimed absolute power by divine right.

    The United States had its own civil war two centuries later, which established the rule that states cannot leave the union alone, abolishing slavery in the process. The destruction was vast, and the casualties immense, given the size of the population at that time. But without the decisive victory of the Union, two separate and quarrelsome republics, periodically at war with each other, might still endure.

    Now it is the turn of Iraq...

    The sad reality is that the Sunni had to be beaten into submission--both military and electorally--after several decades of Saddam telling them they were the majority and fourteen centuries of lording it over the Shi'a.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:28 PM


    Labour civil war as Blair refuses to name a day (Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite, 07/05/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

    Tony Blair will refuse to put a date on his departure from Downing Street, threatening "civil war" in the Labour Party, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal today.

    Mr Blair's message of defiance came as leading supporters of Gordon Brown stepped up calls for the Prime Minister to name the day - and rebel Labour MPs circulated a letter demanding a "clear timetable" for his exit.

    Today, we publish the full letter which - after last week's local elections disaster for Labour and Mr Blair's "bloodbath" reshuffle - has attracted the support of about 50 backbenchers.

    It calls for a "dignified, orderly and efficient" transition of power - suggesting that the present succession crisis engulfing Labour is the exact opposite - but does not mention Mr Brown or any other potential candidate. [...]

    Allies of the Prime Minister are openly comparing his plight with that of Margaret Thatcher before her departure in November 1990 and say that Labour must not repeat the Tories' mistake of ditching a successful leader.

    We'll have to see what happens to the post-Bush and post-Howard conservative parties, but the possibility exists that those who govern according to the Third Way will almost inevitably be punished by their own party eventually for their very success. The ideologues of both Left and Right may just not be able to reconcile themselves to victories that come at the expense of purity.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:23 PM

    HWANG 'EM!

    While we’re at it (Richard John Neuhaus, First Things, March, 2006)

    Among those taken in was the prestigious magazine Science, with the media leading the chorus of global acclaim. It went on for months and months. Then it turned out that Hwang Woo Suk, the South Korean scientist, was forced to admit that he had faked the evidence for his cloning experiments and related discoveries. In an interview, Dr. Leon Kass of the University of Chicago, who has recently stepped down as chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics and is famous for choosing his words with care, put it this way: “Scientific fraud is always revolting, but it is fortunately rare, and, in the end, truth will out. But in this case, American scientists and the American media have been complicit in the fraud, because of their zeal in the politics of stem-cell and cloning research and their hostility to the Bush funding policy. Concerted efforts have been made these past five years to hype therapeutic cloning, including irresponsible promises of cures around the corner and ‘personalized repair kits’ for every degenerative disease.” The media and the large part of the scientific establishment were “complicit in the fraud.” So eager were they to puff the high promise of, among other things, embryonic stem cell research, so determined were they to ignore the proven rewards of employing adult stem cells, and so exultant were they in scoring points off the Bush administration, that the usual cautions were thrown to the winds in announcing a great scientific breakthrough and cruelly raising the hopes of those who suffer from sundry diseases that a cure was at hand. Kass said, “The need to support these wild claims and the desire to embarrass cloning opponents led to the accelerated publication of Dr. Hwang’s ‘findings.’...We even made him Exhibit A for the false claim that our moral scruples are causing American science to fall behind.” The technological imperative—that if something can be done, it must be done—operates by the motto Full steam ahead, and morality be damned. Of course, it is not usually put that bluntly. The denigration of moral “scruples”—the word sounds so old-maidish—is thinly veiled by the hiring of the best bioethicists that money can buy. They can be counted on to issue permission slips for whatever ambitious scientists want to do. To be sure, not all scientists are unscrupulous, but the imperative to push the envelope is built into the system. Before he went down in ignominy, Dr. Hwang was an international celebrity and the darling son of South Korea. It is reported that a postage stamp was issued in his honor. Whatever their interest in philately, every researcher involved in fields related to Hwang’s fraud should keep an enlarged copy framed in the laboratory. Others might be sent to top editors and executives of the world’s media. Especially sordid in this case was the eagerness with which Hwang’s “findings” were embraced for crassly political purposes. Such incidents should not be forgotten as yesterday’s news. “Hwanging” deserves a permanent place in our vocabulary, referring to the many instances in which dubious or fictional scientific advances are invoked in order to create a simulacrum of inevitably about the abandonment of moral reason. This instance of Hwanging was not the work of one man. It was the result of an ideologically driven scientific-media complex that, if unchecked, will continue to pit science against morality, with the likely and unhappy result of bringing science into popular disrepute. Complicity is the right word.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:53 PM


    Turns out I didn't necessarily miss Lost this week after all....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:20 PM

    EGO UNLEASHED (via Genecis):

    From stiff upper lip to clenched jaws: Youthful embrace of human rights is destroying British dignity and decorum (Theodore Dalrymple, May 06, 2006, The Spectator)

    WHAT a human catastrophe is the doctrine of human rights! Not only does it give officialdom an excuse to insinuate itself into the fabric of our lives but it has a profoundly corrupting effect on youth, who have been indoctrinated into believing that until such rights were granted (or is it discovered?) there was no freedom.

    Worse still, it persuades each young person that they are uniquely precious, which is to say more precious than anyone else; and that, moreover, the world is a giant conspiracy to deprive them of their rightful entitlements. Once someone is convinced of their rights, it becomes impossible to reason with them; and thus the reason of the Enlightenment is swiftly transformed into the unreason of the psychopath.


    Posted by Peter Burnet at 4:06 PM

    1930's RETRO

    Europe’s Two Culture Wars (George Weigel, Commentary, May, 2006)

    At the height of the morning commute on March 11, 2004, ten bombs exploded in and around four train stations in Madrid. Almost 200 Spaniards were killed, and some 2,000 wounded. The next day, Spain seemed to be standing firm against terror, with demonstrators around the country wielding signs denouncing the “murderers” and “assassins.” Yet things did not hold. Seventy-two hours after the bombs had strewn arms, legs, heads, and other body parts over three train stations and a marshaling yard, the Spanish government of José María Aznar, a staunch ally of the United States and Great Britain in Iraq, was soundly defeated in an election that the socialist opposition had long sought to turn into a referendum on Spain’s role in the war on terror.

    So, evidently, had the al-Qaeda operatives who set the bombs. A 54-page al-Qaeda document, which came to light three months after the bombings, speculated that the Aznar government would be unable to “suffer more than two or three strikes before pulling out [of Iraq] under pressure from its own people.” In the event, it was one strike and out—as it was for the Spanish troops in Iraq who were withdrawn shortly thereafter, just as the newly elected prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, had promised on the day after Spanish voters chose appeasement.

    Earlier this year, five days short of the second anniversary of the Madrid bombings, the Zapatero government, which had already legalized marriage between and adoption by same-sex partners and sought to restrict religious education in Spanish schools, announced that the words “father” and “mother” would no longer appear on Spanish birth certificates. Rather, according to the government’s official bulletin, “the expression ‘father’ will be replaced by ‘Progenitor A,’ and ‘mother’ will be replaced by ‘Progenitor B.’” As the chief of the National Civil Registry explained to the Madrid daily ABC, the change would simply bring Spain’s birth certificates into line with Spain’s legislation on marriage and adoption. More acutely, the Irish commentator David Quinn saw in the new regulations “the withdrawal of the state’s recognition of the role of mothers and fathers and the extinction of biology and nature.”

    At first blush, the Madrid bombings and the Newspeak of “Progenitor A” and “Progenitor B” might seem connected only by the vagaries of electoral politics: the bombings, aggravating public opinion against a conservative government, led to the installation of a leftist prime minister, who then proceeded to do many of the things that aggressively secularizing governments in Spain have tried to do in the past. In fact, however, the nexus is more complex than that. For the events of the past two years in Spain are a microcosm of the two interrelated culture wars that beset Western Europe today.

    The first of these wars—let us, following the example of Spain’s birth certificates, call it “Culture War A”—is a sharper form of the red state/blue state divide in America: a war between the postmodern forces of moral relativism and the defenders of traditional moral conviction. The second—“Culture War B”—is the struggle to define the nature of civil society, the meaning of tolerance and pluralism, and the limits of multiculturalism in an aging Europe whose below-replacement-level fertility rates have opened the door to rapidly growing and assertive Muslim populations.

    The aggressors in Culture War A are radical secularists, motivated by what the legal scholar Joseph Weiler has dubbed “Christophobia.”1 They aim to eliminate the vestiges of Europe’s Judeo-Christian culture from a post-Christian European Union by demanding same-sex marriage in the name of equality, by restricting free speech in the name of civility, and by abrogating core aspects of religious freedom in the name of tolerance. The aggressors in Culture War B are radical and jihadist Muslims who detest the West, who are determined to impose Islamic taboos on Western societies by violent protest and other forms of coercion if necessary, and who see such operations as the first stage toward the Islamification of Europe—or, in the case of what they often refer to as al-Andalus, the restoration of the right order of things, temporarily reversed in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabella.

    The question Europe must face, but which much of Europe seems reluctant to face, is whether the aggressors in Culture War A have not made it exceptionally difficult for the forces of true tolerance and authentic civil society to prevail in Culture War B.

    Mr. Weigel provides a thoughful and disturbing analysis of the two extremisms facing off against each other in Europe that are universes apart, yet united in their contempt for the genuinely tolerant and decent.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:47 PM


    Robert Wright interviews Brian Swimme on cosmic evolution (Slate)

    Brian Swimme is a mathematical cosmologist on the graduate faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. [...]

    Wright: And and and this this gets at a question I have... now you definitely with this story you want to do some things that religion has traditionally done, orient people, inform their values and so on... one thing a lot of religions have done is give people a sense that things were meant to be you know... there was a God that designed the universe or there were some supernatural order that imbues their own life with purpose. And there, as I read you, you are kind of teetering on the edge of that but not quite doing it. Right?

    Brian Swimme: Yes. That's right. Teetering is not a word I'd use but it would certainly... there I guess it's trying so hard to get a feel for the way in which there is a random dimension to the universe without question.

    Wright: Let me give you let me give you an example ...

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: ... of you talk in "The Universe Story" about several kind of parameters of the universe that were just quite exquisitely fortuitous from our point of view. If they had been off a little in either direction, things would have collapsed, life could have been impossible or something. Here's just one example, you're talking about the curvature of space time which I can't quite imagine clearly but anyway ... the curvature of space time: "Had the curvature been a fraction larger the universe would have immediately collapsed down into a massive black hole. Had it been a fraction smaller the universe would had exploded into a scattering of lifeless particles. Thus the curvature of the universe is sufficiently closed to maintain a coherence of it's various components and sufficiently open to allow for a continued creativity." Now a lot of other you know...

    Brian Swimme: Yes. Yes.

    Wright: ...gravitational constant whatever I don't know if you mention that one but there are various things you do mention...

    Brian Swimme: Right.


    Wright: Now some people conventionally religious people have looked at these things and have said clearly the universe was designed for a purpose it's just too good to be true. What's what's your view on that?

    Brian Swimme: Well I guess first of all it'd be the word design because as soon as you use the word design at least for me it then you're talking about a designer and so you have you have someone sort of outside the universe, Newton's idea was tinkering with it so you set the universe and kind of run run and tinker with it but I think what is what word discovers something way more exciting that is that universe is finding it's way, the universe is you know probing and exploring and it is from the beginning it's it's in search of something. Now I mean that I'm personifying by using that...

    Wright: Yes.

    Brian Swimme: ... and that is that does make it hard I think...

    Wright: Well but how literally do you mean the the personification. I mean is the you know... you do think the universe is a living system?

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: And now living systems do have purposes though in the sense I mean even evolutionary biologists would say that an animal you can say is "designed by natural selection" and that's why it pursues goals like getting it's genes into the next generation and and and and goals that are subordinate to that I mean when we think of a living system we think of something that is the result of at least a process of design even if it's a kind of impersonal process like natural selection and something that has it's own little set of goals, right?

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: Is that what you mean to imply?

    Brian Swimme: I do...

    Wright: About... you do? So the universe does have a purpose.

    Brian Swimme: I would not call it it's own little set of goals.

    Wright: No. Well if it's the universe it's big goals. Obviously.

    Brian Swimme: Yes. I think that the universe does have purpose it does have direction in the sense that but they're not in my own way of thinking they're not fully formed. There are I think something like, go back early in the universe, I think there are literally an infinite of things that are possible but out of all those universe is always striving to give birth to the to the richness that's there potentially that'd be one way of how I'd talk about it so that it it could be that the universe would be very very different than it is right now, but it would still have something like life and something like a kind of rich inner-connected world of our planet. That'd be how I'd look at it. Those those those aims are present somehow, darkly, and then how are they present? Well. I don't know. I mean, we just found this out. We just discovered all this.


    Wright: You mean by "all this" you mean?

    Brian Swimme: I mean the the discovery of the big bang cosmology...

    Wright: Right.

    Brian Swimme: ... is extremely recent. We've been humans for 150,000 years.

    Wright: Right.

    Brian Swimme: And now just just just like yesterday we discovered some of the details of this happening we call the universe and so I it's going to take us time to to sort out really what's going on. When... to talk about designers... I think I think that's unfortunately collapsing back into a previous way of thinking that isn't... it's more exciting than that.

    Wright: But but purpose is a word you are willing...

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: ... to use.

    Brian Swimme: Yes I am.

    Wright: So the universe has a purpose?

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: And you don't exactly what it is but you got a feeling that sentient life is part of the point.

    Brian Swimme: Yes. Yes I do. Right. Sentient life and and and display of all kinds of energy constellations. So that the universe starts off so simple really in terms of of of it's structure and yet over time it just it throws out all this exotic stuff. So I think that is part of one of the main aims of the universe...

    Wright: To display...

    Brian Swimme: Yes...

    Wright: ... beautiful stuff...

    Brian Swimme: Yes.

    Wright: But there wouldn't be much point in displaying beautiful stuff if there weren't creatures capable of apprehending beautiful stuff. I mean who is it showing off for?

    Brian Swimme: Well, that's a good question. But it may it may just that alone may be what the universe is about... it doesn't happen without...


    Wright: This is kind of it reminds me of kind of Whitehead a little bit.

    Brian Swimme: Oh yes I would say that the three thinkers...

    Wright: He was a process theologian, right?

    Brian Swimme: Process... yes.

    Wright: And and and do you have a good thumbnail definition of that or should we pass over that? What what what does process theology mean?

    Brian Swimme: He would be a he would be a you know the first process thinker that gave birth to process theology. He was really doing cosmology. And his his I give you here's a thumbnail sketch of Whitehead... His idea was that we have in science exhausted the mechanistic metaphor and it it took us places but it was it was no longer viable in terms of what we learned but especially the quantum world so he was attempting to give a framework for understanding the universe with organism as the fundamental concept not machine. That would be one way to think about it. And then his idea of organism would be that that the fundamental reality of the universe is an experience in subject so his phrase is outside of experiencing subjects there's nothing nothing just bright nothingness. So not only would ... he would say it's not just display but it's the richness the intensity of the experience that would be what the universe is aiming at.


    Wright: Ok. The so really I'm a little surprised because you're being more explicit than I think you generally are in your writing about the idea that the universe has a purpose. Maybe I mean I haven't read every word you've written but but but I'm a little surprised and what I was going to ask you was isn't this one thing that religions have traditionally done that you're world view doesn't do... that is to say by suggesting an over-arching purpose imbue people lives with a meaning from beyond in some sense... I mean would you say your world view has a transcendent source of meaning in it?

    Brian Swimme: You see when you words like beyond then I start to loose my confidence because I'm really working out of primarily the scientific data so also like the word beyond or also transcendence I get a little bit uneasy...

    Because his story has melded seemlessly into the One Story.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:38 PM


    Al-Qaeda faces an ideological crisis (Amr Hamzawy, May 06, 2006, Daily Star)

    Three remarkable aspects of Osama bin Laden's latest videotape suggested that its strident tone masked an ideological crisis for Al-Qaeda. First, in his speech, broadcast on the Arab satellite network Al-Jazeera on April 24, bin Laden betrayed a need to justify his organization's terrorist mission not just to extremists, but to broader Muslim publics. [...]

    The second remarkable aspect of bin Laden's videotape was his addressing, albeit by assailing them, Arab liberals. In previous videotapes, he accused pro-Western Arab governments and official religious institutions of seducing their populations away from the path of jihad. But this time he blamed Arab liberal intellectuals and writers for betraying the true spirit of Islam. For bin Laden, the liberals disseminate "blasphemous ideas" of democracy, human rights, and moderation, and in so doing diminish the degree of popular support for Al-Qaeda's jihad. [...]

    Finally, bin Laden tried to seize on Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections. His Egyptian deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had taken the exact opposite position. While Zawahiri claimed that Hamas' participation in elections would only serve as an act of submission to Western conspiracies by detracting Palestinians from jihad, bin Laden endorsed the Hamas government and called on Muslims to support it. However, it would be misleading to interpret this new position as an attempt to give sustenance to Hamas. Rather, it was much more a bid to ride the movement's coattails. [...]

    Arab politics have transcended the legacy of Al-Qaeda. Today gradualism, participation, and democratic reform, rather than radical violence and jihad, set the agenda.

    That was easy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:38 PM


    Not All See Video Mockery of Zarqawi as Good Strategy (C. J. CHIVERS, 5/06/06, NY Times)

    [S]everal veterans of wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, as well as active-duty officers, said in telephone interviews yesterday that the clips of Mr. Zarqawi's supposed martial incompetence were unconvincing.

    The weapon in question is complicated to master, and American soldiers and marines undergo many days of training to achieve the most basic competence with it. Moreover, the weapon in Mr. Zarqawi's hands was an older variant, which makes its malfunctioning unsurprising. The veterans said Mr. Zarqawi, who had spent his years as a terrorist surrounded by simpler weapons of Soviet design, could hardly have been expected to know how to handle it.

    "They are making a big deal out of nothing," said Mario Costagliola, who retired as an Army colonel last month after serving as the operations officer for the 42nd Infantry Division in Tikrit, Iraq.

    An active-duty Special Forces colonel who served in Iraq also said that what the video showed actually had little relationship to Mr. Zarqawi's level of terrorist skill. "Looking at the video, I enjoy it; I like that he looks kind of goofy," said the Special Forces officer, who was granted anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on military matters. "But as a military guy, I shrug my shoulders and say: 'Of course he doesn't know how to use it. It's our gun.' He doesn't look as stupid as they said he looks."

    The release of the captured video reflected the dueling public relations efforts between the American-led forces fighting in Iraq and the terrorists and insurgents. It also reflected increasing interest by the military and civilian strategists in trying to ridicule Mr. Zarqawi.

    "In Arab and Muslim societies, pride and shame are felt much more profoundly than they are in Western culture," said J. Michael Waller, a professor at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington. "To find video like this that can cut him down to size and discredit him is a real way of fighting terrorism." A paper written by Professor Waller advocating the use of ridicule against the insurgents has been circulating at the Pentagon and among military commanders with experience in Iraq recently, according to several military officers.

    After all, if an American Special Forces operative knows how hard it is to use that gun, who doesn't?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:58 PM


    White House Dismisses Reports on Goss (KATHERINE SHRADER, 5/06/06, AP)

    The White House on Saturday denied that President Bush had lost confidence in just-resigned CIA Director Porter Goss, saying there was a "collective agreement" the agency needed a new leader now.

    Bush planned to act quickly, perhaps as early as Monday, to nominate Goss' successor. The leading candidate was Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, the top deputy to National Intelligence Director John Negroponte, a senior administration official said. [...]

    It wasn't immediately clear what's next for Goss, 67. He was supposed to retire after representing a Republican district on Florida's West Coast for 16 years, but he became CIA director when Bush called in 2004.

    Many former directors take consulting positions on corporate boards. Goss and his wife own a central Virginia farm, where they raise cattle, sheep and chickens.

    Rumors swirl that CIA head quit so he could run for U.S. Senate against Bill Nelson (Larry Hannan, Charlie Whitehead, May 6, 2006, Naples News)
    News that Porter Goss had resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency fueled speculation he'd make a bid for the U.S. Senate.

    Southwest Florida officials expressed their surprise Friday at his resignation as they lined up to praise the longtime former congressman from Southwest Florida for his decades of service.

    Some expressed the hope that he will run for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson of Tallahassee.

    Soon after the announcement was made in Washington around 1:45 p.m. Friday, rumors began to swirl in the nation's capital and in Tallahassee that Goss resigned so he could run against Nelson.

    Goss in the Cold: A Scandal Skedaddle? (David Corn, May 5, 2006,The Nation)

    [T]here's already turmoil on the Seventh Floor of CIA HQ. Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the CIA's executive director (who was put in that post by Goss), has been under investigation by both the CIA's inspector general and the
    FBI. Foggo, the No. 3 man at the CIA, was a regular at a poker game hosted by Brent Wilkes, a businessman tagged by federal prosecutors as a coconspirator in the bribery case that landed Republican Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham in jail. The CIA IG is examining whether Foggo helped one of Wilkes' companies win a CIA contract for providing bottled water, first-aid supplies and other items to CIA officials in
    Afghanistan and
    Iraq. According to he San Diego Union-Tribune, critics have claimed the CIA overpaid for this contract.

    Did Foggo help Wilkes, his best friend since the late 1960s, bilk the CIA?

    That may be the least of it. Last week--here it is!--the Wall Street Journal reported that the feds are investigating whether Wilkes and Mitchell Wade, a defense contractor who pleaded guilty to giving Duke Cunningham more than $1 million in bribes, supplied Cunningham with prostitutes, limos and hotel rooms (a dangerous combination). The Journal wrote, "Besides scrutinizing the prostitution scheme for evidence that might implicate contractor Brent Wilkes, investigators are focusing on whether any other members of Congress, or their staffs, may also have used the same free services, though it isn't clear whether investigators have turned up anything to implicate others." Other members of Congress. That's something to ponder.

    Wade reportedly has confessed that he did periodically arrange for a limousine to pick up Cunningham and a hooker and ferry them to a suite at the Watergate Hotel or the Westin Grand. Wade also said that Wilkes participated in the ply-Duke-with-sex scheme.

    What's this got to do with Porter Goss? Maybe nothing. But here's the reason for speculation. Wilkes did hold parties and poker games for CIA officials and lawmakers, including members of the House intelligence committee. (Goss has been a CIA director, a lawmaker, and a member of the House intelligence committee.) Wilkes was pals with Foggo. (As CIA executive director, Foggo manages the CIA on a day-by-day basis for Goss.) So might Goss know anything about (a) a rigged contract; (b) bad behavior at Wilkes' poker bashes; (c) the non-recreational use of prostitutes; (d) all of the above or something we cannot even imagine? The Foggo-Wilkes-hooker links are certainly quite sketchy at the moment. But--to put this in perspective--they are firmer than some of the intelligence the Bush administration used to claim Saddam Hussein was in bed with bin Laden.

    With identical resulting regime change, no?

    Posted by pjaminet at 11:16 AM


    Editor's Notes: Undoing the ayatollahs (David Horovitz, Jerusalem Post, May 4, 2006)

    In Washington a few days ago, I met with a longtime Iranian-born opposition activist who, among other efforts, is a member of the National Union for Democracy in Iran, a three-year-old, US-based opposition group which seeks, it says, "to promote a strategy of nonviolent political defiance to the rule of the dictatorial theocracy in Iran, and set the conditions for a transparent national referendum," under which Iranians would "determine their future form of government in a free, fair and democratic manner." The group has good ideas but, he readily acknowledged, next to no resources ...

    The activist ... painted a complex picture of an Iranian populace at once overwhelmingly resentful of the regime and deeply dispirited over the prospects of removing it....

    Where he was categorical and unequivocal was in expounding the depth of the Iranian government's anti-Western mind-set, the absurdity of the delusion that it contained any genuine reformist elements within its ranks and the scope of the danger it poses should it go unchecked. If the Western policymakers grappling with Iran, its aims and its nuclear drive are sleeping at night, he said simply, "then they are fools."...

    The people ... don't participate in elections. They know it is meaningless.

    They did not choose Ahmadinejad. The election was a total fraud. The turnout was far, far lower than claimed. Some of those from poor neighborhoods, south of Teheran, did vote for Ahmadinejad - but not in nearly as high numbers as the regime claimed....

    The people have given up. If there is a good incentive, they could come into the street again. If they believe something can change. But they say "President Bush told us to come out, so did Reza Pahlavi, so did all the opposition leaders. We came to the streets and nothing happened. Our friends were beaten up. A lot of our friends are in jail. We kept our end of the bargain; nobody else kept theirs."

    I'll give you a recent example. In the last few months, the bus drivers have [twice] gone on strike, seeking a legal right to protest and to boost salaries and working conditions. Others might have joined. But the regime suppressed the protests after a few days. It brought in poor people to drive the buses and it beat up the drivers and their families. [Hundreds were arrested.] The leader, Mansour Ossanlu, is still in jail. What did America do? Mr. John Sweeney, the president of the Teamsters Union, wrote two nasty letters to Ahmadinejad. That was it....

    In 1999, when the Khatami government shut down a pro-reform newspaper, there were much bigger protests [initiated on the campus of Teheran University]. The first students who came out were beaten up. More students joined them. It continued for seven or eight days until the regime had completely beaten everybody up. Some of them were condemned to death. They were tortured and are still in jail. The torture and suppression was so savage, and the support from outside and from within Iran was so small, that they all got discouraged....

    The message from those outside, particularly America, has to be that they will be with the Iranian people to the end. They must send the right message into Iran. [US-sponsored] Radio Farda and Voice of America are a joke.

    Oddly enough, even a few American conservatives think that the Supreme Leader of the Guardian Council, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, is a democrat and reformer, and that the leader of the torturers, Ahmadinejad, got most of the people's votes.

    Posted by David Cohen at 11:11 AM


    Not in D.C. Anymore (David Epstein,, 5/5/06)

    For some students at the New School, in Manhattan, their institution and conservative politicians go together as well as Swiss cheese and peanut butter.

    Bob Kerrey, the institution’s president and a former Democratic governor and senator from Nebraska, announced this spring that U.S. Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican and past and possibly future presidential candidate, would be the commencement speaker at the New School. Kerrey said the senator’s acceptance “is a big honor for our graduates and their families.”

    But hundreds of students, staff and faculty members at the institution of about 9,000 students have signed paper and online petitions that seek to revoke the invitation....

    Harper Keenan, a sophomore, has helped organize the dissent. “In all of our classes we’re taught the value of inclusion of all people.”...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:15 AM


    Poll backlash puts Labour back in third place after English elections (GERRI PEEV, 5/06/06, The Scotsman)

    A grinning Mr Cameron embarked on a victory parade to boroughs his party had regained after years in exile. "We are on our way back," he said. "We are building support at a time when Labour's is collapsing."

    The party had "broadened its appeal under my leadership", but there was still work to do in northern English cities, such as Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle, where it had faltered.

    "I think we see a Labour Party that is in some sort of serious meltdown, with people coming straight from Labour to the Conservatives."

    Conservatives "can really challenge the government for power at the next election", Mr Cameron added.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


    Top C.I.A. Pick Has Credentials and Skeptics (SCOTT SHANE and MARK MAZZETTI, 5/06/06, NY Times)

    Gen. Michael V. Hayden, who senior administration officials said Friday was the likely choice of President Bush to head the Central Intelligence Agency, has a stellar résumé for a spy and has long been admired at the White House and on Capitol Hill.

    But General Hayden, the principal deputy director of national intelligence, would also face serious questions about the controversy over the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program, which he oversaw and has vigorously defended.

    His Senate nomination hearing, if he is chosen to succeed Director Porter J. Goss, is likely to reignite debate over what civil libertarians say is the program's violation of Americans' privacy.

    Mr. Bush has often reserved decisions about top-level appointments until just before they are announced, but senior administration officials said Friday that General Hayden was the clear leading candidate.

    Confirmation hearings would give the administration's opponents a highly visible forum for questioning not only the eavesdropping program but President Bush's overall handling of national security.

    Can even the Timesmen be so obtuse that they haven't yet figured out that the GOP loves it when Democrats stand up against spying on terrorists?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


    Finding hope in the Middle East: Democratic change is stirring in the Arab world, says the venerable historian Bernard Lewis: But he has a few words of advice for Washington — informal, as always — on how to handle Iran (LYNDA HURST, May 6, 2006., Toronto Star)

    In Toronto this week to talk at the high-profile Grano Speakers' Series, Lewis is probably best known to the general public for his 2002 book, What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity.

    It was in proof form when 9/11 happened. When it appeared, the American public, indeed, much of the world, was still reeling and mystified by the terrorist attacks, desperate for explanation. It was a best-seller.

    Lewis wrote that during the 20th century, it became abundantly clear that things had gone badly wrong for the Middle East. Once a great and enlightened civilization, the Islamic world was now mired in resentful malaise, oppressed by "a string of shabby tyrannies, ranging from traditional autocracies to dictatorships that are modern only in their apparatus of repression and indoctrination."

    The dominance of the West was there for all to see. And it became essential for Arab governments to find outside scapegoats to block the mounting anger, "to explain the poverty they have failed to alleviate and to justify the tyranny they have introduced."

    Having inherited the mantle of the old colonial powers, the U.S. was the primary target for blame and, when it came to it, for the 9/11 attacks by fundamentalist extremists.

    In a pre-speech interview, Lewis lists several devastating statistics to show how the Middle East has failed to get a foothold in the modern world. The combined gross national product of the Arab world is less than that of Spain, he says. Total exports, other than oil, amount to less than Finland's. The total number of books translated into Arabic is less than in Greece, "and so on."

    But modern communications, he says, are starting to change everything. "Now they know what's going on, they know more about themselves and how awful their situation is. You only know things by comparison and even the humblest and illiterate are realizing the differences between their society and free societies."

    In a sense, this is the phenomenon that brought down the Soviet system, says Lewis.

    "If the Soviets had rejected the new technologies, they'd have fallen behind the West. If they accepted them, they'd lose control. The various tyrannies of the Middle East face the same dilemma.

    It's not generally reported by media that think only "bad news is good news, but I assure you there are democratic stirrings; quite dramatic changes, that would have been inconceivable in earlier times, are happening."

    Lewis is fed up with the skeptical view that the Arab world is "incapable of decent government;" that whatever the West does, it will still be ruled by corrupt tyrants, therefore foreign policy should be to ensure they're friendly, not hostile, tyrants.

    "That is, for reasons beyond my grasp, described as the `pro-Arab' point of view," he says dryly. "In fact, it is anti-Arab. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt of the Arab present and unconcern for the Arab future."

    Corrupt tyrannies are a modern development, he says, a European importation. On this he is vehement: "They have no roots at all in Arab or Islamic tradition."

    Which isn't to say democracies in the Western sense ever flourished in the region. But Lewis says they had "government under law, consensual, consultative, even contractual. The roots are there, so by no means is it hopeless to try and develop some sort of democratic life in these countries."

    Just look at the "extraordinary courage" of the millions of Iraqis who risked their lives by lining up to vote this year, he says. "How many people in Canada or the U.S. or anywhere in the West would line up to vote if they knew they'd be under fire?"

    But open and free societies took centuries to develop in the West, he adds, and going too fast in the Middle East will be a major mistake. Just as leaving Saddam in power was a mistake in 1991.

    Lewis has never succeeded in finding out why that was done but assumes "a tamed Saddam Hussein was safer than what might happen if he was removed. It was a very wrong decision," for which the Kurds and other Saddam opponents dearly paid, he says.

    There's a podcast of his lecture online here and Fouad Adjami's here.

    Algerian Reformist Malek Chebel: 27 Propositions for Reforming Islam (Nathalie Szerman, 5/05/06, MEMRI)

    Malek Chebel, a renowned anthropologist focusing on the Arab world, is one of today's prominent French-speaking North African intellectuals. In 2004, he established, in France, the Foundation for an Enlightened Islam.

    Chebel has published some 20 books on Islam, in which he has frequently dealt with sensitive and uncommon subjects, such as love in Islam: He claims that Islam is a sensuous religion and condemns the strict fundamentalist approach to relations between men and women. He has also tackled such taboos as wine and homosexuality in Islam. His publications include a Love Dictionary of Islam (Plon, 2004) and an Encyclopedia of Love in Islam (Payot, 1995). His other main focus is reform of Islam, to which he has dedicated two major books: Islam and Reason: The Struggle of Ideas (Perrin, 2005), and Manifesto for an Enlightened Islam (Hachette, 2004).

    In his Manifesto for an Enlightened Islam (Manifeste pour un islam des lumières), Chebel puts forth 27 proposals for extensively reforming Islam. He turns to the values of the 18th-century European Enlightenment for guidance, when rationalism and secularism guided the drive towards cultural, social and political progress. Chebel's first two propositions set the principles of reform: a new interpretation of the Koran, and the preeminence of reason over creed. However, he dismisses atheism, noting that "nothing very important is achieved outside the framework of religion." [1]

    Chebel calls for putting an end to violence in the name of Islam; for renouncing Jihad, which is, in his eyes, immoral; for abolishing all fatwas calling for death; and for abolishing Islamic corporal punishment. Chebel stands against female genital mutilation and for banning slavery and trafficking in human beings in the Arab world; for strict punishment of the perpetrators of honor crimes and for promoting the status of women.

    Most of Chebel's propositions deal with politics: He advocates an independent judiciary, the preeminence of the individual over the Islamic nation, and the struggle against political assassinations in an effort to promote democracy in the Arab world. He also advocates fundamental cultural changes, such as turning freedom of thought into a Muslim value, renouncing the cult of personality, respecting the other, and fighting corruption.

    His other propositions address technology, bioethics, ecology, and the media. The last one reaffirms the preeminence of human beings over religion. Chebel's propositions aim at providing keys to a modern, reformed, enlightened Islam.

    The following is the fourth in the North African Reformist Thinkers Series. [2] The report focuses on Malek Chebel's response to the issue of women wearing the veil in Islam and the issue of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in September 2005 by the Danish paperJyllands-Posten, and presents Chebel's 27 propositions for reforming Islam. [...]

    Returning to the Original Islam to Combat Islamism

    Islam used to be modern, whereas today it is backward, says Chebel. He explains that only a return to the "intellectual heritage" of Islam will counter Islamism: "This disgusting ideology [Islamism] is fed by a kind of complicity, of indifference, of fatalism [...] We must provide Muslims with an alternative solution to which they can adhere. In order to achieve this, we should go back to the intellectual heritage of original Islam [...] This is what I am trying to do when I advocate a true and therefore modern Islam. As a matter of fact, [true] Islam has always carried [within it] modernity." [8] He says that as a "modern" religion, the original Islam did not deprive Muslims of their freedom of choice: "The Islam I love is freedom. But current Islam is not. It is controlled by a certain number of structures [societal, political, educational, and religious structures] aiming at destroying freedom. They impose one vision, one judgment, one outlook. They prevent any kind of free choice." [9]

    The "enlightened Islam" Chebel advocates is based on the values of secularism. But, he explains, today the Arab world considers secularism to be a Christian threat: "Muslims have associated the concept of secularism with Christian aggression against Muslims. The word 'secular' sounds derogatory in the preaching of several preachers, like an insult." [10]

    The Reform Movement in the Arab World

    Chebel holds that while Islamism is very popular in the Arab world, there is also a growing reform movement against it: "Today, a certain Islamic trend is progressing in the right direction, even if we do not see it or do not want to see it.," [11] Chebel believes that in the long run, Islam will be forced to accept change in order not to be left behind by other civilizations. He says that this will happen through "addressing a number of issues Muslims do not want to address right now: the aspirations of young Muslims, equality between men and women, and, most importantly, the preeminence of the individual over the community." [12]

    But these issues will be fully addressed only when the despotic regimes are removed: "I am saddened by the huge waste that prevails in the Arab world today: in this region of the world undermined by despotism and unrestrained corruption, a magnificent youth is being held at bay. The region enjoys intellectual and material resources that could significantly improve the gloomy social and economic conditions, if they were distributed fairly. Unfortunately, a bunch of potentates, autocrats, and theocrats is preventing the proper use of these resources. However, a whole generation of Muslims will not accept this any longer. In today's world, information spreads rapidly, and this allows for hope.” [13]

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 AM


    With Smear Scandal, France Near Paralysis: Weak Government Is Dealt a Fresh Blow (John Ward Anderson and Molly Moore, 5/06/06, Washington Post)

    A burgeoning political scandal of alleged dirty tricks involving the cabinet's two top ministers has tainted the entire French government, pushing it to the brink of paralysis and collapse in the final year of President Jacques Chirac's administration, according to government officials and political analysts.

    Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin faces daily calls for his resignation. [...]

    The scandal is unfolding as French politicians and pundits struggle to assign blame for decay in many aspects of French society -- government, economy, and the nation's general standing in the world.

    "The problem in France is that the political and diplomatic and official elite are stuck in a time warp of believing in l'exception française ," said Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform in London, referring to a belief that France is in a class of its own.

    How does one tell when sclerosis becomes paralysis?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


    Sudanese, Rebels Sign Peace Plan For Darfur: U.S. Pressured Parties; Doubts Remain on Deal (Glenn Kessler, May 6, 2006, Washington Post)

    With a prod from the United States, the government of Sudan and the biggest Darfur rebel faction signed a complex peace plan yesterday that diplomats and experts said would require careful implementation to ensure an end to a conflict that has left as many as 450,000 people dead and 2 million homeless. [...]

    U.S. officials say an accord is essential in order to persuade the Sudanese government to accept a U.N. peacekeeping force that would include logistical assistance from 400 to 500 NATO officers. The African Union currently has a 6,000-person force with a limited mandate in place. Many experts say it has been ineffective at stopping the fighting.

    As the negotiations in Abuja stretched into the wee hours, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo told the rebel leaders that they would miss a historic opportunity if they did not accept the agreement.

    Zoellick said that at some time between 2 and 4 a.m. Friday, he pulled out a letter from President Bush to Minnawi pledging to "strongly support" implementation of the deal and make sure anyone who broke it would be "held accountable" by the U.N. Security Council. Zoellick read the letter to the assembled gathering. One problem, he said, was that it was clear that many rebels had not read the tentative agreement and did not realize that issues they kept raising had already been addressed.

    In the past year, Zoellick has become the administration's point man on Sudan, making four trips to Khartoum, the capital, and the Darfur region to press the two sides to agree. He also has shepherded efforts to implement another peace deal, signed last year, that ended a 20-year conflict between the Muslim government and rebels in the southern part of the country, which is largely animist and Christian.

    The Darfur agreement is an amended version of a draft document produced earlier in the week by the African Union, which mediated the talks.

    One faction that refused to sign is led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur, who founded the movement that launched the revolt against the government but has since split. The other rebel group is the Justice and Equality Movement.

    "We won't sign it because the deal does not protect the people of Darfur. We don't have any real power in this deal," Ahmed Tugod, a JEM negotiator, said in an interview. "It only answers part of our problems, and we reject partial solutions."

    Analysts yesterday were divided on the prospects for success.

    Prod? First we told The Sudan it had to give autonomy to its South, now its West. That's a bit more than prodding.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:13 AM


    Talk to Iran, Bush urged (David Nason, The Australian, May 6th, 2006)

    US President George W.Bush has used a speech in Washington to declare the US's "unshakeable" commitment to defend Israel from aggression.

    Mr Bush said the US and Israel were "natural allies" with ties that would "never be broken".

    The comments, made at a dinner to mark the 100th anniversary of the American Jewish Committee in Washington on Thursday night, were aimed squarely at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and at the recently elected Hamas regime in Palestine.

    Mr Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" while Hamas refuses to recognise the Jewish state.

    Mr Bush said democratically elected leaders could not have "one foot in the camp of democracy and one foot in the camp of terror". He said the US would continue to "rally the world" against terrorism.

    Mr Bush saved his harshest words for Tehran, accusing it of "sponsoring terrorists, destabilising the region, threatening Israel and defying the world with its ambitions for nuclear weapons".

    But Mr Bush's comments came on a day that the US was under increasing pressure to negotiate directly with Tehran over Iran's nuclear program.

    Iran has defied repeated UN requests to cease its uranium enrichment and nuclear research and development activities and now faces the prospect of a UN Security Council resolution next week that could open the door to economic sanctions, and possibly military action.

    But a growing number of current and former world leaders, including former US president Bill Clinton, former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright and German Defence Minister Franz Josef Jung, believe a diplomatic breakthrough will be difficult without direct talks between Washington and Tehran that Mr Bush has so far refused to authorise.

    The influential Senate Republican Richard Lugar has also urged dialogue and was joined on Thursday by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who said "intensified diplomatic efforts" were needed to settle the dispute.

    Mr Annan said the diplomacy had to put something on the table for Iran and suggested that offers of nuclear technology and assurances that "nobody is going to blow them up" might be appropriate.

    "It would also be good if the US were to be at the table with the Europeans, the Iranians, the Russians, to try and work this out," Mr Annan said in an interview on US public television.

    "I think if everybody - all of the stakeholders and the key players - were around the table, I think it would be possible to work out a package that would satisfy the concerns of everybody.

    Some days one despairs that all the might of the United States Armed Forces may not be sufficient to protect us from the West’s chronic, ostrich-like belief that the leaders of rogue states like Iran and North Korea do not really mean what they say, that they have a secret, much more moderate agenda and that a frank and friendly chat around the table will produce the peaceful solution we know everybody wants and must be out there somewhere. This is the faith of the naive fundamentalist, not informed international diplomacy. Given 20th century history, it is astounding and depressing to see how fervently so many of us cling to such dangerous naivite.

    For an interesting take on the internal situation in Iran, see here.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


    Aspiring to glory at the Kentucky Derby (Andrew Beyer, 5/06/06, The Washington Post)

    Will the 2006 Triple Crown series produce drama that excites the sporting public? The potential is there: The Kentucky Derby field contains four horses who are undefeated as 3-year-olds, two of them unbeaten in their careers. The best have earned excellent speed figures that suggest this is an above-average group.

    • Brother Derek has won four straight stakes races in California with authority, but his trainer has attracted more media attention than the horse. Two summers ago, Dan Hendricks was paralyzed from the waist down in a motocross accident. He returned to his job in a wheelchair, and his determination has been rewarded by the opportunity to saddle the Kentucky Derby morning-line favorite.

    • Barbaro won his first three starts on grass, and looked as if he could be one of the best turf runners in the world. But with the Kentucky Derby in mind, trainer Michael Matz shifted the colt to dirt. He won both starts on that surface, including the Florida Derby. With a 5-for-5 record, he has the potential to be a superstar.

    • Lawyer Ron has won six straight races, most recently the Arkansas Derby. Sweetnorthernsaint emerged from a maiden-claiming race in Maryland to compile an impressive record that includes a runaway victory in the Illinois Derby. Either Lawyer Ron or Sweetnorthernsaint could be the rags-to-riches hero of this year's classics.

    If so many horses of high quality were competing in an ordinary race, it would be reasonable to assume that a superior horse would emerge as the winner. But the Derby is no ordinary race. Because so many owners and trainers dream of winning it, they frequently enter horses with dubious qualifications, resulting in oversized fields. Churchill Downs allows as many as 20 horses to start the race. (By contrast, the Breeders' Cup limits its fields to a manageable 14.) The size of the Derby field invariably causes traffic and tactical problems that compromise the chances of some of the contenders.

    When many speed horses are in the lineup, their jockeys have to hustle them from the gate to get into a decent early position. In the process, they might set an extraordinarily fast pace that takes a toll on every horse racing near the early leader. That is what happened last year. All of the front-runners collapsed. The best horse in the field, Afleet Alex, made a premature midrace move and weakened.

    And in the final furlong, 50-1 shot Giacomo plodded past the field to score a fluky victory that drained much of the interest from the remainder of the Triple Crown. Giacomo hasn't won since.

    Such a pace scenario could develop again, because almost every contender is a speed horse. Sinister Minister, front-running winner of the Blue Grass Stakes, is blazingly fast. Brother Derek has always raced on or near the early lead. So has Barbaro. So has Sweetnorthernsaint.

    Their trainers rightly worry about an insane pace that will destroy the chances of the leaders and produce another winner with the running style of Giacomo.

    Off and running for many happy returns (JIM O'DONNELL, 5/06/06, Chicago Sun-Times)
    A full update on the field, in post-position order, with morning-line and early-bird odds and assorted Old Louisville minutiae:

    1. Jazil (30-1, 18-1): Kiaran McLaughlin tallied a rough training exacta: His two starters drew the extreme posts with Jazil gunning from Post 1 and Flashy Bull commencing from Post 20. McLaughlin might not care; his long shot Closing Argument finished second last year from Post 18.

    2. Steppenwolfer (30-1, 11-1): Dan Peitz said his interest in training was stoked when he had his picture taken with Secretariat at age 17 in 1974. Steppenwolfer, sir, is no Secretariat. Robby Albarado will be trying to hit the Derby board for the first time with his eighth Derby mount.

    3. Keyed Entry (30-1, 45-1): Trainer Todd Pletcher had 14 other horses running at Churchill Downs this weekend including uncoupled stablemate Bluegrass Cat. Pletcher has started 12 colts in the Derby since 2000, finishing in the money with Impeachment (third, 2000) and Invisible Ink (second, 2001).

    4. Sinister Minister (12-1, 7-1): Some backstretchers are saying Baffert has another winning speed ''freak'' cut from the same hooves as his 2002 victor War Emblem in this son of Old Trieste. The colt popped an abscess in his foot on Tuesday.

    5. Point Determined (12-1, 9-1): His daddy (Point Given) finished a disappointing fifth behind Monarchos as the 9-5 favorite in 2001. Bobby Frankel, who is idle in the Derby this year, said Point Determined is his top pick, on top of Barbaro and Lawyer Ron ''in a tough race.''

    6. Showing Up (20-1, 36-1): Trainer Barclay Tagg won the rose garland in 2004 with the unheralded Funny Cide. This time out, his colt was unraced as a 2-year-old and since has gone 3-for-3 on the maiden-allowance-Lexington stepladder.

    7. Bob and John (12-1, 13-1): Baffert's third and final contestant, the biggest fear is John will beat Bob. Actually, the silver-maned trainer accomplished a major mission with the Seeking the Gold colt four weeks ago when he splashed to victory in the Wood Memorial.

    8 Barbaro (4-1, 6-1): The other unbeaten horse in the field, the Michael Matz trainee will try to become the first colt to win the Derby directly from the Florida Derby since Needles (1956).

    9. Sharp Humor (20-1, 24-1): Trainer Dale Romans has five other horses in today at his home base, Churchill Downs. Jockey Mark Guidry has been 10th (Deputy Warlock, 2000), 14th (Balto Star, 2001) and fifth (Buzzards Bay, 2005) from his three prior KD starters.

    10. A.P. Warrior (15-1, 16-1): Some say the son of A.P. Indy has been the most ''visually impressive'' of Derby starters available for viewing this week. Shirreffs said: ''All systems are go now.''

    11. Sweetnorthernsaint (10-1, 7-1): Since his smashing win in the Illinois Derby last month, the chocolate gelding has evolved into a certifiable ''wise guy'' pick in the Derby. Co-owner Ted Theos is the son of long-ago Greek-American Chicago attorney Theotokis Theotokatos.

    12. Private Vow (50-1, 38-1): Steve Asmussen runner lost all chance in the Breeders' Cup Juvenile last fall when a rein broke. Lightly raced since then with thoroughly nondescript also-rans in Rebel (third) and Arkansas Derby (seventh).

    13. Bluegrass Cat (30-1, 23-1): Other Pletcher runner had excellent fall-winter streak with four straight wins. Has come back to earth with tailspinning fizzles in Tampa Bay Derby (third) and Blue Grass (fourth).

    14. Deputy Glitters (50-1, 75-1): Trainer Tom Albertrani described his dream pace scenario -- the same one all non-speedballs in this field hope for: ''I hope we're sitting about six lengths off of a real strong pace and go from there.'' A first quarter of 22.47 would be just about right.

    15. Seaside Retreat (50-1, 49-1): Apparently hopeless Canadian veteran hasn't won since a minor stakes score at Woodbine last November. Beyer Speed Figure of 62 in Blue Grass wouldn't beat some of the more talent-challenged allowance types in Chicago.

    16. Cause to Believe (50-1, 26-1): Co-owner Peter Abruzzo -- a Long Grove-based businessman -- is a savvied survivor of the Arlington-Cicero turf frays; he and trainer Jerry Hollendorfer ran the enigmatic gray USS Tinosa in the 2002 Preakness.

    17. Lawyer Ron (4-1, 9-1): Cowboy Bob Holthus has long been remembered for his checkered training days on Chicago backstretches. O.J. Simpson -- attending his third consecutive Derby -- said this is his 2006 choice.

    18 Brother Derek (3-1, 8-1): A California monster just waiting to roll to the Triple Crown? Or an overachieving turfer boy who has been set up to fail on thoroughbred racing's mainstage? Only one Derby champ -- Gate Del Sol (1982) -- has won from Post 18.

    19 Storm Treasure (50-1, 47-1): Both Guidry and Mike Smith rode and scooted on this second-tier colt, and trainer Asmussen didn't finalize David Flores until Tuesday. Won a maiden special weights at Churchill in November, and that's been it.

    20 Flashy Bull (50-1, 39-1): Other McLaughlin starter gets Smith, without question the most productive rider of recent Derbies. In his last four rose runs, steady jock has been third (1999, Cat Thief), second (2002, Proud Citizen), second (2004, Lion Heart) and first (2005, Giacomo).

    Hopefully the Mets and Braves won't go 14 again....

    Not all find new Derby yummy (Ryan O'Halloran, May 6, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    It looks bad and sounds worse.

    The Kentucky Derby ...

    (Now here's the bad/worse part)

    ... Presented by Yum! Brands.

    For the first time in its 132-year history, the Kentucky Derby has gone fully corporate. Churchill Downs, site of the Derby, signed a five-year contract with Yum! on Jan. 31. Financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM


    Lost: Chubby, naked chef: Kidnapped doughboy having time of his life in captivity (Kristin Erekson, May 6, 2006, Boston Herald)

    Market Basket employees need - or perhaps knead - some help finding their 4-foot Styrofoam Pillsbury Doughboy, which was nabbed from his perch over the dairy aisle in Plaistow, N.H., on April 15. [...]

    Ransom notes from the ’boy-nappers even started arriving to the store. Carefully typed out in different colors and fonts, the first letter read: “To whom it may concern: We have been shopping in your store for the past 20 years and if you close the store, the Pillsbury Dough Boy will be baked.”

    Each message - there has have been 12 in all - has been stuffed with a photo featuring the puffy Pillsbury publicity piece hanging out at different locales, presumably looking for a new job.

    He’s been spotted at the Dairy Queen in Salisbury, the Winnekenni Castle in Haverhill and even the Haverhill Fire Department where “he couldn’t take the heat.”

    But after feeling fed up with not fitting in, the doughboy takes a turn toward the dirty. He’s photographed drinking vodka and looking for some entertainment at the Ten’s Show Club, a Salisbury strip joint.

    “It’s funny because he kind of looks like the building because it is big and white,” said Jack, who works security at the club. “But I don’t think he would fit in (to work here).”

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 AM

    THE POLITICS OF "AND" (via mc):

    RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman Addresses State Chairmen’s Meeting (RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman delivered remarks at the 2006 Republican National Committee State Chairman’s Meeting, 5/04/06)

    Republicans are the governing party in America today … and here to take on the big issues.

    And immigration is one of those issues.

    There has been a lot of rhetoric about immigration and border security over the last few months, but not enough communicating.

    Too much talking, and not enough listening.

    The result has been a hardening of positions, an attitude of ‘my way or the highway.’

    But that doesn’t solve anything.

    Another Republican President understood this well.

    Ronald Reagan practiced what I call the politics of ‘and’.

    Before President Reagan, some politicians counseled strength in response to the Soviets, while others called for peace.

    Ronald Reagan was the leader who stood up and said we will have peace through strength.

    When economists said we could control either inflation or unemployment, Ronald Reagan said we can do both … and he did it by cutting taxes and insisting on sound money.

    When others said we can either be energy independent or dependent on foreign oil, Ronald Reagan said it was a false choice and deregulated the oil industry … and gas lines disappeared.

    I believe that we still can, still must, practice the politics of ‘and.’

    Which is why today, I want to speak to both sides of the immigration debate.

    And I am here to say that they are both right … and they are both wrong.

    And no good will happen until they come together to discuss the issue, not politicize it.

    We will not have solutions until we come back to practicing the politics of ‘and.’

    So let’s start at first principles: America is a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.

    First, America is a nation of laws … and we are a nation at war.

    Which means we must always protect ourselves from those who hate us for what we are.

    On 9/11, the terrorists didn’t distinguished between fifth generation Americans and those like Milton Bustillo, a new husband and father who came here from Colombia … or Juan Ortega Campos, an immigrant from Mexico, who was saving to build a better life for his children … or Carlos DaCosta, a native of Portugal, who ‘was general manager of Building Services for the Port Authority’ and a father of two.

    All were among the victims.

    And in this new war, we must – must – control who enters our nation.

    It’s not a trick, not scapegoating, not a dishonest means to a nefarious end.

    Border security is a codeword for one thing: border security.

    There are people, right now, today, who are examining our borders, looking for weaknesses.

    They don’t want to come here to become American … they want to come here to destroy America.

    And though they might number a mere handful among the millions of others who want to come here for the right reasons, we learned on 9/11 what a mere handful can do.

    We will not let that happen again.

    That is not the only reason we must control our borders.

    One of the reasons America is the first universal nation – a nation united by ideas, not race, creed or place of origin – is because we are all held to account by a common rule of law.

    As the Supreme Court says so eloquently, “equal justice under law.”

    This simple concept has brought down the rich and powerful and provided justice and mercy to the weak and vulnerable.

    And respect for this basic concept is critical to an America where we are all treated the same.

    If the law applies to some people – those who waited on long lines to enter this nation according to the law, for instance – but not to others – those who enter illegally – then we are betraying the very concept that has allowed this nation of many to become one America.

    Controlling illegal immigration is also an issue of fairness to American taxpayers.

    Is it fair if people are using public services like schools and roads, but are not paying taxes?

    Is it fair when people live outside the system?

    No, it is not … and everyone pays in the end.

    Indeed, far too often, illegal immigration’s real victims are the immigrants themselves, exploited by those who know that their legal protections cannot be enforced.

    So that’s one side of the ‘and’ argument.

    And here’s the other. America is a nation of immigrants.

    In his farewell address to the nation, President Reagan called America a “shining city on the hill” with the doors “open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.”

    What’s so powerful about the American Dream is that it has nothing to do with where you come from, what you look like, or how or if you pray.

    The American Dream is about your destination, not your origins.

    Unfortunately, throughout our history, there have always been Americans who believed that coming to these shores was a right reserved only for them and their ancestors, and for no others.

    In an opinion survey in May 1938, fully 68 percent of the public opposed letting refugees from Germany and Austria enter the United States.

    In 1924, Morris Sheppard, a Democrat Senator from Texas, said that the increasing rate of immigrants in American cities “all tends to show that the United States has become a Tower Of Babel.”

    In 1905, Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge called for “more restrictive legislation” partially because of “the effect upon the quality of our citizenship caused by the rapid introduction of this vast and practically unrestricted immigration.”

    Ladies and gentleman, that was wrong then … and it is wrong now.

    Those who predicted then that America’s culture would be changed by those immigrants were right.

    America always has and always will be changed by the immigrants who come to our shores: changed for the better.

    America is safer because of the more than 12,000 soldiers who have been naturalized since the beginning of the War in Iraq.

    We are wealthier and more productive because of an immigrant, Andrew Grove, whose computer chip technologies are moving our world at faster speeds.

    Our culture is richer because of people like

    · Architect Cesar Pelli, from Argentina;

    · Fashion designer Oscar de la Renta, from the Dominican Republic;

    · And baseball Hall of Famer Rod Carew, from Panama.

    Let me ask you this: as Republicans, we believe in a strong defense because freedom is not free.

    Well, who shows a stronger commitment to freedom than those who leave everything and everyone to be part of our American democracy?

    We believe our nation is strengthened by strong families, active faith, and vibrant communities.

    Who better to strengthen our communities and fortify our institutions than those willing and anxious to put tar on roofs in 100-degree weather to provide food for children they love?

    We believe our free enterprise system must constantly be infused with new energy and vitality.

    Who better to strengthen capitalism than those whose who will work the extra hours for the dream of one day starting a small business?

    These men and women aren’t just enriching America … they are America, and they always have been.

    But today, just like a century ago, some people wonder “can they really be American? They look different. They act different. They eat different foods, and speak with a different accent.”

    Well, what do you think they said about the Germans and the Irish and the Jews not too long ago?

    When Americans go out to an Italian restaurant for dinner, do we think “we’re eating foreign food?”

    When we celebrate St. Patrick’s day – and I’ve seen some impressive St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in this country – do we think “this is a foreign holiday?”

    Of course not.

    Today, St. Patrick’s Day is an American holiday, Italian restaurants serve some of the best American cuisine, and kosher hot dogs are sold wherever we enjoy the American pastime … because of assimilation.

    On our nation’s great seal are the words E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one.

    We have always absorbed people from many cultures, and it has always made our own unique American culture richer.

    Assimilation has always been a quiet tide that has risen from our neighborhoods … from our towns … from our cities … as people from different backgrounds meet each other, marry each other, work together, pray together, live together and build a great nation together.

    It’s what makes us different from Europe, where foreign workers are always thought of as foreign.

    Assimilation means Americans welcome new people and learn from them …

    And the newcomers, in turn, embrace what it means to be an American.

    To become an American means we stand behind one flag.

    Old Glory is not a white or black or brown or yellow flag. It is the flag of a universal nation.

    To become an American means a commitment to learn English, the language of opportunity.

    To those who say it doesn’t matter whether new immigrants learn English, I disagree.

    It matters to those immigrants’ chances in life.

    It matters to their children’s hopes and future.

    It matters because our common language, accented and unaccented, learned from birth or studied last week, helps unite the American people.

    To become an American means to learn about our history.

    In learning about our nation’s past, these new Americans will help contribute to a better future.

    Our Declaration of Independence speaks of the pursuit of happiness

    That’s because being American is active, not passive -- pursuing economic opportunity, demanding social justice, building a better tomorrow.

    If we want new Americans to be active citizens, isn’t a process that teaches them English and American history so they earn citizenship more likely to produce active Americans?


    So let’s accept the ‘and’ premise:

    We are a nation of immigrants.

    And we are a nation of laws.

    And together, we must practice the politics of ‘and,’ forging a new way, a solution that recognizes these two essential concepts.

    Because if we give up on either one …

    If we close ourselves off to the very lifeblood that gives our nation strength and vitality …

    Or if we say ‘anything goes’, to heck with our laws and system of justice …

    Then we have given up on America.

    And this President, this Administration, and this Party will not let that happen.

    I believe the answer is a comprehensive solution to this problem, one that embraces our history and our compassion, one which continues to welcome new immigrants … but one which also recognizes the rule of law and keeps our nation secure.

    First, we must control our borders. We need more people, more technology, and more money at the border. There can be zero tolerance for illegal immigration, and porous borders.

    Second, we need more interior enforcement. Last year, the President signed the Real ID Act into law to make sure our driver’s licenses and government issued IDs can’t be faked. We need to hold employers accountable for hiring illegal workers, and real IDs will make this enforcement possible.

    Third, we need to ensure fairness to the millions of legal immigrants who entered America the right way, according to the law. It would be unfair for illegal immigrants to automatically become citizens, while those who followed the laws wait behind them in line.

    And, finally, we must have a temporary worker program so we can meet our economic needs without encouraging illegal immigration.

    Our problem today is one of supply and demand – demand for workers without the supply.

    A guest worker program makes sure we can meet our economic demands through a legal supply.

    If there are people willing to do jobs, and jobs that need to be done, we should be trying to bring those two together, not keep them apart.

    We can do that by using the same methods and technologies we use to keep terrorists and drug runners from crossing our borders. If we can identify them, we can also identify carpenters and farmers and tech workers whose help we need.

    Without a guest worker program, we will only continue to encourage more illegal immigration.

    And while we’re talking about temporary workers, let’s make something very clear.

    A temporary worker program is not the same thing as amnesty.

    First, a guest worker program for workers in the future has nothing to do with the 12 million illegal immigrants now in the United States.

    Second, even for the 12 million now here illegally, a guest worker program is not the same thing as amnesty.

    Amnesty would mean letting illegal immigrants become citizens without penalty.

    That’s what happened in 1986.

    Leaders of our Party – including the President – who favor a guest worker program believe there should be a penalty.

    Some have proposed forcing illegal immigrants to pay a fine or return to their nation or wait at the back of the line. Nearly all of the proposals require English to be learned.

    Some plans would differentiate between those who have been here five years or less.

    There are many points of view.

    But insufficient penalties are not the same as no penalties at all.

    So what should the consequences be?

    Should they be fines? Back of the line? Return to your home before applying?

    Something less severe? Something more severe?

    And what about those who do come forward and agree to face the consequences?

    In the American legal system, we have a long tradition that those who admit guilt often have a reduced penalty.

    We do this to provide an incentive, so people who have violated the law will come forward, and law enforcement can focus its energies on the rest.

    If we want to find the drug dealers, criminals and others who could threaten our communities among the 12 million, won’t authorities be able to better focus their efforts if most of these individuals voluntarily identify themselves?

    One thing is certain: there will not be amnesty. There must be consequences for breaking the law.


    These are all subjects for us to decide together, in a civil discussion as a nation.

    This is a big issue.

    It is a serious issue.

    And we must treat it seriously.

    To my Democrat friends, let me clarify: treating it seriously means not using it as an excuse for the same old partisan politics.

    3.3 million Hispanics voted for George W. Bush two years ago, representing 44 percent of the Hispanic vote.

    That is something our Party should be proud of.

    And it is something the Democrat party is obviously terrified of.

    Right here in Colorado, the President’s share of the Hispanic vote increased five percentage points from 2000 to 2004.

    It increased nine points in Arizona … 12 points in New Mexico.

    There’s something going on out here, away from Los Angeles and New York and Washington, D.C.: Hispanic populations are growing in rural states … states that Republicans do well in.

    My friends, Hispanics are red staters.

    And do you know why?

    Because we agree on so many vital issues.

    According to a recent national poll, Hispanics overwhelmingly support tax cuts to grow the economy and create jobs.

    By a 20 percent margin, Hispanic voters would prefer private insurance over government-run programs.

    And 57 percent of Hispanics identify themselves as pro-life.

    Is it any wonder that when Hispanics learn what the Republican Party stands for, they pull the Republican lever in the voting booth?

    We have the opportunity, right now, to reach out …

    Not to pander …

    But to make sure this growing community knows that on so many of the issues we all care about, we are on the same page.

    And if we can do that … if we take advantage of this opportunity.

    We will have an expanding voter base for generations to come.

    The Democrats know this.

    It is why they are attacking us on all fronts on the issue of immigration and border control.

    There were 202 Democrats in the House of Representatives last year.

    And 191 of them voted to make illegal immigrants felons.


    So they could turn around and attack the Republicans, who are offering real solutions.

    83 percent of Democrat insiders, according to a recent poll, believe that blocking immigration reform would be good for their Party.

    But ‘good for your Party’ isn’t what we’re talking about here.

    ‘Good for your country’ is what we’re talking about.

    I hope the Democrats can join with us.

    I hope that, with enough people of good faith, we can cut through the rhetoric on both sides.

    We can discuss and debate in a civil manner.

    We can practice the politics of ‘and.’

    We can find a solution that will do our nation and all of its people proud.

    Thank you.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Stakes high in battle between Rumsfeld, generals (James Kitfield, May 5, 2006, National Journal)

    Given the nearly unprecedented nature of the controversy, what is perhaps most remarkable is how utterly unsurprising it is to anyone who has spent time with senior military officers, in the field, over drinks at the officers' club, or especially on the ground in Iraq. The fact that the Army chief of staff came out of retirement to take the job after sources say at least three active-duty generals declined it, and reports that the Marine Corps commandant, Gen. Michael W. Hagee, may retire before his term is up, speak volumes about the frayed state of civil-military relations in today's Pentagon.

    Practically from the moment they first occupied the E Ring, Rumsfeld and his tight circle of senior aides demonstrated a dismissive attitude that has grated on uniformed leaders. In the view of Bush's civilian team, President Clinton had allowed the generals and the admirals to run roughshod. Rumsfeld and his band of reformers were a rude awakening for senior military leaders conditioned to expect a measure of courtesy from civilian bosses as a privilege of their rank; instead, Bush's team set out to show the generals who was boss.

    Rumsfeld's incessant needling of the Army, in particular, to more rapidly reshape itself into an expeditionary force, at a time when the service has been run nearly ragged by back-to-back-to-back deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, added insult to injury. From the beginning, the Rumsfeld reformers have also considered themselves bold revolutionaries who deal only in transformative ideas, and their "roll the dice" spirit in nearly all things has often been at odds with the more cautious nature of a uniformed military pledged to securing the Republic.

    It's only natural for the bureaucrats at the Pentagon not to want to transform and not to want civilian oversight, but, that's just tough. With all due regard for Mr. Kitfield, who has an essay in our book, the Iraq stuff is just a smokescreen.

    May 5, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:54 PM

    NOW THAT'S A GOOD HOLIDAY (via Tom Morin):

    History of Cinco de Mayo (MexOnline)

    The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The 5th Of May, commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862. It is primarily a regional holiday celebrated in the Mexican state capital city of Puebla and throughout the state of Puebla, with some recognition in other parts of the Mexico, and especially in U.S. cities with a significant Mexican population. It is not, as many people think, Mexico's Independence Day, which is actually September 16.

    France invaded at the gulf coast of Mexico along the state of Veracruz and began to march toward Mexico City, a distance today of less than 600 miles. Although American President Abraham Lincoln was sympathetic to Mexico's cause, and for which he is honored in Mexico, the U.S. was involved in its own Civil War at the time and was unable to provide any direct assistance.

    Marching on toward Mexico City, the French army encountered strong resistance at the Mexican forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. Lead by Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin, a small, poorly armed militia estimated at 4,500 men were able to stop and defeat a well outfitted French army of 6,500 soldiers, which stopped the invasion of the country. The victory was a glorious moment for Mexican patriots, which at the time helped to develop a needed sense of national unity, and is the cause for the historical date's celebration.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


    Friend pays off card game "bet" decade later (KATIE PRINCE, 5/03/06, Scanton Times-Tribune)

    Ten years ago, Heather Randall wagered her kidney in a friendly game of pinochle with best friend Kim Huegel, who suffers from a rare kidney disease.

    It was a joke and Ms. Randall didn’t think too much about it. Ms. Huegel’s health improved and she went on to have a daughter.

    Last year, Ms. Huegel took a turn for the worse and began dialysis in December. Two weeks ago, Ms. Randall made good on her bet when the two women underwent transplant surgery at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville.

    “I always said, ‘I’m not sharing my parts with anyone,’” said Ms. Randall. She is not an organ donor on her license and is squeamish at the sight of blood.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:01 PM


    Wife who stabbed love rival 18 times cleared of murder bid (Nicole Martin, 06/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    A woman who stabbed her husband's former mistress 18 times in a jealous rage was cleared of attempted murder yesterday.

    Alethea Foster, 61, gasped and stumbled in the dock after a jury of nine women and three men acquitted her of intentionally trying to kill or harm Julie Simpson, 45, a mature student at Cambridge University, last October.

    But she was sentenced to 30 months in prison for causing grievous bodily harm after stabbing her in the neck, face, head, chest and back, leaving her with a punctured lung, blind in one eye and disfigured for life.

    Cambridge Crown Court heard that Foster, who until her retirement was chief podiatrist at King's College Hospital, London, launched the attack after she uncovered e-mails suggesting Miss Simpson had been having a 16-year affair with John, 58, her husband of 35 years.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 PM


    Nightmare on Downing Street (George Jones, 06/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    Tony Blair carried out his biggest and most brutal Cabinet reshuffle yesterday as he attempted to shore up his position after one of the worst ever local election performances in Labour's history.

    He signalled his determination to remain in Downing Street by promoting trusted and loyal ministers, sacking Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, and demoting six ministers, including Jack Straw and the disgraced John Prescott.

    It was a defiant rebuff for supporters of Gordon Brown who stepped up their demands for Mr Blair to quit after Labour was relegated to third place behind the Tories and the Liberal Democrats and lost control of 18 local authorities.

    But there was no sign that it had strengthened Mr Blair's authority, with growing calls last night from senior backbenchers for him to set out a timetable for a handover to the Chancellor.

    Left-wing Labour MPs claimed they now had 50 signatories for a letter calling on Mr Blair to set an "early end date" to his premiership. They need 70 to force a leadership challenge. [...]

    Last night the Tories had gained 300 council seats and 40 per cent of the vote - the share needed to secure power at a general election.

    John Reid Tories toast a job well done but now hard work begins (Anthony King, 06/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)
    In modern circumstances one party seldom emerges as the clear victor in any round of local elections. This year one did.

    By any reasonable measure, the Conservatives won decisively on Thursday. It was their first unqualified electoral triumph in nearly a generation. [...]

    A figure of 40 per cent is the highest the Conservatives have scored since 1992, the year in which they last won a general election.

    It is still far from clear whether Mr Cameron has made his new-model Conservative Party electable but he has succeeded in making it less frightening to voters.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 PM


    Hamels vs. Bonds would be ESPN classic (Bill Conlin, 5/05/06, Philadelphia Daily News)

    IT WAS a sunwashed early September afternoon in the middle of the last century. I can't tell you why I was in the rightfield bleachers of the Polo Grounds for a doubleheader between the New York Giants and the Phillies.

    I hated the Giants and knew nothing about the Phillies except they had been baseball's armpit for more than 30 years with no deodorant. Maybe my dad had scored some free tickets during his appointed rounds of the Murder Incorporated gin mills along the docks in Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood, made infamous by Marlon Brando in "On The Waterfront.''

    I wound up rooting for the Phillies that day and the two young pitchers manager Eddie Sawyer ran out there. And I cheered for the straw-haired centerfielder, who ran like Buster Keaton pursued by the cops in a Mac Sennett silent movie.

    The pitchers were Robin Roberts, 21, and Curt Simmons, 19. Roberts had been signed to a big bonus out of Michigan State. Simmons was a stunning lefthander signed out of high school in Egypt, Pa. Both had brief minor league careers.

    They came to mind after Cole Hamels, who throws harder than Simmons, matches the radar control of Roberts and has one of the great changeups in baseball today, ran his Triple A record to 2-0 with one walk and 26 strikeouts in 16 innings of scoreless work. I don't recall owner Bob Carpenter, who served as his own GM after the death of Herb Pennock that January, saying he hoped Roberts and Simmons would get lit up for the Wilmington Blue Rocks so he could see how the kids would bounce back from adversity. As Pat Gillick did the other day. I've been around a lot of GMs who were lit, but never heard one advocate that particular derivative of the sink-or-swim philosophy.

    I don't recall who pitched which game in that sparsely attended Polo Grounds twinbill. The Giants, a .500 team, swept the second-division Phils. Roberts and Simmons both pitched well enough to make my list of "must-follow'' pitchers. Willie Mays would later call Simmons the toughest pitcher he ever faced - until a bizarre lawn-mower accident snipped a toe from a foot and a yard from Curt's fastball.

    The Phillies play Barry Bonds at home on ESPN Sunday night. It's a national stage for Bonds. It could and should be a national stage for Cole Hamels, as well. It's his pitching day, and he is scheduled to start for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 PM


    Building a More Yummy Pig (Associated Press, Apr, 30, 2006)

    Max Rothschild has been trying to "build" a better pig for almost 30 years, since he took a job cleaning up after the hogs at his alma mater, the University of California, Davis.

    He's now a renowned swine scientist who has traded the dirty pigpens of his undergraduate days for a glistening Iowa State University laboratory dedicated to producing tastier chops, safer pork and healthier pigs.

    Rothschild is part of a national collaboration that earlier this year received a $10 million federal grant to map pig genes. Researchers from the University of Illinois-led project promise it will help take the guesswork out of breeding.

    The idea is to find and exploit the genetic variations of the best pigs, which Rothschild and like-minded agricultural researchers say will radically change the industry.

    Aren't you proud of me for not exploiting the easy cheap shot that's teed up with the phrase "swine scientist"?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:19 PM


    "We never say no.": The right-to-die movement abandons pretense (WESLEY J. SMITH, April 27, 2006, Weekly Standard)

    There is a pretense in contemporary assisted suicide advocacy that goes something like this: "Aid in dying" (as it is euphemistically called) is merely to be a safety valve, a last resort only available to imminently dying patients for whom nothing else can be done to alleviate suffering.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, the founder of the Swiss suicide facilitating organization Dignitas is just about done with pretense. The Sunday Times Magazine (London) reported that Dignitas' founder, Ludwig Minelli, plans to create sort of a Starbucks for suicide: a chain of death centers "to end the lives of people with illnesses and mental conditions such as chronic depression."

    Minelli believes that all suicidal people should be given information about the best way to kill themselves, and, according to the Times story, "if they choose to die, they should be helped to do it properly." Dignitas admits to having assisted the suicides of many people who were not terminally ill. As Minelli succinctly put it, "We never say no."

    It's not about a right to die, but a right to kill.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:42 PM


    U.S.-Europe Rift Looms on Hamas Aid (Ori Nir, May 5, 2006, The Forward)

    With the Palestinian Authority facing bankruptcy and unable to pay salaries to government employees, Hamas is quietly seeking ways to form a unity coalition with its top political foe, the secularist Fatah faction, the Forward has learned. In what some observers see as another sign of economic desperation, Hamas — which has been losing support in Palestinian opinion polls — has indicated a willingness to allow international third parties to pay P.A. employees directly, though the Islamic movement probably would win less credit from the public under such an arrangement.

    Hamas also appears to be searching for ways to satisfy international demands that it recognize Israel and disavow terrorism — two steps that it adamantly has refused to take. On Tuesday, a top Hamas official said that the Islamic movement is ready to consider a 2002 Arab League-backed peace plan calling for recognition of Israel in exchange for a complete pullout from Gaza and the West Bank.

    In talks with foreign diplomats, the Bush administration has been hailing the recent developments as proof that the strategy of isolating and boycotting the Hamas government is working. But diplomats in Washington say that the united front against Hamas could fall apart over a French proposal — opposed by the Bush administration — to have the European Union set up a fund that the World Bank would manage and use to pay the salaries of the P.A.'s 160,000 civil servants.

    The American-French disagreement underscores what some diplomats see as a deeper divide.

    If you don't recognize that France is an enemy you haven't been paying attention.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


    What’s Behind the New Fight Over Judges (Byron York, 5/05/06, National Review)

    Imagine that, a year and a half ago, you said this to a Republican senator: "Democrats will cave and you'll get William Pryor confirmed. "You'll get Janice Rogers Brown. You'll get Priscilla Owen. And oh—by the way—you'll also get John Roberts and Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court."

    They would have thought that was a big, big win.

    But there were nominees left on the side of the action, their situation unaffected by the so-called Gang of 14's negotiations—among them Kavanaugh, Terrence Boyle, William Myers, William Haynes, and Henry Saad. What about them?

    Each situation is different. Democrats have made a variety of complaints about Kavanaugh, but they can't stand him for one basic reason: He worked for independent counsel Kenneth Starr. And that is not enough for Democrats to block him. Indeed, Senate sources now suggest that Kavanaugh is pretty much a "done deal." Once Judiciary Committee chairman Arlen Specter agreed to give Democrats another shot at him—a second hearing, set for next Tuesday—members of the Gang of 14 have made clear that there will be no filibuster. So Kavanaugh, who has the invaluable advantage of Specter's strong support, is most likely in.

    In light of that, it appears that what Democrats really wanted in the Kavanaugh case was an opportunity to vent. Kavanaugh has worked in the Bush White House counsel's office and is now the staff secretary of the White House. Democrats believe—"hope" would be a more accurate word—that there might be some evidence that Kavanaugh was involved with making policy on, say, the treatment of prisoners or the surveillance of suspects in the war on terror. There apparently is no such evidence, but Kavanaugh's hearing will give Democrats a chance to talk—and talk and talk and talk—about a few of their favorite subjects. "Tuesday will be the way for them to get the following words in the paper: torture, abuse of power, illegal wiretaps," says one Senate aide. And then Kavanaugh will move on to confirmation.

    There's no need to imagine it--this is precisely what Republicans were told when John McCain manuevered the Democrats into the Gang.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:40 PM


    Dow surge puts record in sight (Alexandra Twin, May 5, 2006,

    The Dow Jones industrial average surged to its highest level in six years Friday, after a weaker-than-expected April jobs report fanned hopes that the Federal Reserve's interest-rate hiking campaign can soon end.

    The Dow Jones industrial average (up 137.91 to 11,576.77, Charts) jumped 1.2 percent, according to early tallies. That set it at its highest close in more than six years and within 150 points of its record high of 11,722.98 hit on Jan. 14, 2000.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:12 PM


    CIA Director Porter Goss Resigns (William Branigin, May 5, 2006, Washington Post)

    CIA Director Porter J. Goss resigned today after less than two years on the job, President Bush announced at the White House.

    Bush said Goss offered his resignation this morning and that "I've accepted it."

    Neither the president nor Goss, who sat to Bush's right as he made the announcement in the Oval Office, gave a reason for the resignation.

    Apparently, someone was hanging out with Duke Cunningham too much.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:19 PM


    Public Housing in Private Hands (MARK LANDLER, 5/05/06, NY Times)

    Ingolf Rossberg is the mayor of this majestic eastern German city. But watching him stride around his ballroom-size office, wreathed in smoke from his cigarillo, one could mistake him for a European real estate tycoon.

    Yet he is that after a fashion. Mr. Rossberg reached a deal in March to sell Dresden's entire stock of 48,000 city-owned apartments to an American private equity firm, the Fortress Investment Group, for $1.2 billion. In a single stroke, Dresden wiped out its burdensome public debt.

    "We had to move fast," he said, "because if you had 10 German cities selling their property, it would be a buyer's market."

    That may soon be the case. [...]

    The foreign appetite dovetails nicely with Germany's needs: virtually every major German city is awash in debt. And with the limited health of a convalescing German economy, they have had few other ready ways to raise funds. Thanks to its sale, Dresden can promote itself as the first debt-free major city in the country.

    Mayor Rossberg, who selected the Fortress bid after cutting a list of 83 bidders to three finalists, said, "We found that the interests of Fortress were parallel to the interests of Dresden."

    The central theme of the Democratic Party for the past three election cycles, and the upcoming one, is that Americans have had enough of the Thid Way and want to revert to the New Deal/Great Society Second Way that gave us the 70s. To make that case, not only do they have to repudiate Bill Clinton's presidency--their only success since the 70s--but they have to ignore that the entire Anglosphere and even parts of continental Europe are headed in precisely the opposite direction. Now, it's at least theoretically possible that there's been an instant in the modern era when America was the most Leftist nation in the developed world, but I sure can't think of it and am deeply dubious that this is a new one.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:14 PM


    Poll: Smoking ban a hit (Tom Hester, 5/05/06, Newark Star-Ledger)

    New Jerseyans overwhelmingly support the state’s three-week-old smoking ban in indoor public places, according to a Monmouth University poll released today.

    The poll, conducted via telephone between April 17 and 20, indicates 70 percent of New Jerseyans support the law, with 61 percent saying they strongly favor the initiative. Monmouth’s Polling Institute conducted the survey on behalf of the Medical Society of New Jersey.

    In addition, a majority of smokers - 47 percent to 33 percent - agree that the rights of nonsmoking patrons should supersede their right to light up indoors. Eight-five percent of the 803 people polled statewide believe all workers deserve protection from secondhand smoke and 83 percent agreed restaurants and bars are healthier for customers and workers under the ban.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:46 PM

    GOLDILOCKS NUMBERS (via Bryan Francoeur):

    Just Good Enough (Igor Greenwald, May 5, 2006, SmartMoney)

    A MODEST GAIN in April payrolls and a steady jobless rate pumped up demand for shares early Friday as traders bet on a continuation of the profit boom.

    The government counted 138,000 net new jobs for the last month, well short of Wall Street's expectations for 200,000. The unemployment rate held at 4.7%. Average hourly earnings jumped 0.5% and 3.8% year-over-year, the biggest increase since 2001.

    But the payroll shortfall had traders betting that the Federal Reserve would follow through on its chairman's suggestion of a summer pause to rate hikes after one more serving of the anti-inflationary medicine next week.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:42 PM


    Possible Darfur deal brings new hope (CNN, 5/05/06)

    Sudan's strife-torn Darfur region appears to be near a peace deal to end three years of violence that has exacerbated what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis, officials said Friday.

    The main rebel group has tentatively agreed to a peace deal with the government during talks in Abuja, Nigeria, according to a U.S. diplomat advising the talks.

    The United Nations says 180,000 people have died from illness and malnutrition since rebels began attacking in February of 2003, and some 2 million have been forced from their homes.

    U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who's attending the talks, told The Associated Press on Friday that participation by Minni Minnawi, who leads the largest rebel group, has been key.

    Actually, only participation by the U.S. matters.

    Sudan, Main Rebel Group Sign Peace Deal (Glenn Kessler and Emily Wax, May 5, 2006, Washington Post)

    The government of Sudan and the biggest Darfur rebel faction signed a peace deal today, declaring an end to three years of bloody conflict that has left tens of thousands of people dead and 2 million homeless. [...]

    Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick, who has spent three days and nights shuttling between the parties in talks held in Abuja, announced the accord.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 PM


    I was looking for a tune the other day and found it on something random like the Power Puff Girls soundtrack or some such. At any rate, the thought occurred that we ought to have a Brothers Judd Soundtrack, made up of tunes associated with the blog or that we've discussed here in the past. Unfortunately, my memory is so spotty I can't recall all the ones we've all ruminated upon. Here are some I came up with -- and links to the music and or the post -- but please feel free to make suggestions.

    -Chester (William Billings)

    -Symphony #3 (Henryk Gorecki)

    -The Rising (Bruce Springsteen)

    -Starting All Over Again (Iz Kamakawiwo'ole)

    -Long Black Train (Josh Turner)

    -The Man Comes Around (Johnny Cash)

    -Bush was RightM (The Right Brothers)

    -Hoppipolla (Sigur Ros)

    -(I'm No) Superman (Laszlo Bane, Theme from Scrubs)

    -Way Down in the Hole (Blind Boys of Alabama, Theme from The Wire)

    -Train in Vain (The Clash)

    -Fourth of July (Dave Alvin)

    -500 Miles (The Proclaimers)

    -Thunderbirds Are Go (Busted, Theme from the movie, Thunderbirds)

    -Super Bon Bon (Soul Coughing)

    -Tear Down the Wall (Luther Wright & the Wrongs)

    -Killing Me Softly (Roberta Flack)

    -Love Supreme (John Coltrane)

    -Post aeternitatem (After Forever (Rondellus)

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 AM


    U.S., British Forces Obtain Document Outlining Al Qaeda's New Iraq Strategy (JONATHAN KARL, May 4, 2006, ABC News)

    ABC News has obtained a document seized by U.S. and British Special Forces during a recent raid of an alleged Zarqawi safe house about 20 miles southwest of Baghdad in the town of Yusufiyah. This was the raid where the military believes it narrowly missed capturing Zarqawi himself.

    The five-page document appears to sketch out a new strategy for al Qaeda in Iraq: Reduce attacks in the Sunni-dominated areas in the west and concentrate attacks inside Baghdad. [...]

    It states the strategy is aimed at two goals:

    1) Incite people against the Shia and provoke sectarian war.

    2) Bringing down the government or at least weakening it (and then destroying the Shias' four-year rule). [...]

    [I]n the concluding paragraph, the document says the "rank and file" of the mujahideen in Baghdad know their leadership does not have "a broad view" or "a well-knit plan" and that "this has led to strategic losses for us."

    Note how detached from reality they are, imagining that the 80% of the country that is Shi'a or Kurd would ever let the Sunni Arabs take control again and that the U.S. would permit it.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


    Playing to the Home Crowd in Iran (MARK BOWDEN, 5/05/06, NY Times)

    Hard as it may be for Americans to believe, in November 1979 Iran's theocratic future was hardly assured. There had been a revolution, of course, but many different forces had combined to overthrow Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. The mosque network, which had sunk deep roots that had spread wide during years of political oppression, provided the popular muscle; it was the force that propelled millions into the streets. But despite fervent and widespread reverence for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the new Iran could have taken any number of identities.

    Among those who had cast out the shah were Communists, nationalists, socialists and others — many of whom envisioned at least some flavor of democracy. Some of these groups were highly organized and well-financed, especially Tudeh, Iran's Communist party. These groups had varying ideas about the new Iran, but were united in preferring a secular state.

    Ayatollah Khomeini himself was of two minds on the subject: he did not immediately seize power on his triumphant return to Iran from Paris but retreated to the holy city of Qom, appointed a provisional government manned by the secular political leaders who had surrounded him in exile, and established a revolutionary council to write Iran's new constitution.

    The idealistic young Iranians who seized the American Embassy that month and held 52 Americans hostage for more than a year, however, wanted a total Islamic revolution. They faced intense competition on college campuses from Tudeh and other secular groups. Feeling outnumbered, they formed the umbrella group Strengthen the Unity to combine the Islamist students scattered throughout the city into a single force.

    In the confusing, violent aftermath of the revolution, there were plots galore. Mr. Ahmadinejad feared the influence of Tudeh most of all; he argued that the better embassy to occupy would have been the one belonging to that party's sponsor, the Soviet Union. He lost that debate to those in his group who felt the greater threat was America, the nation that had propped up the shah for more than 25 years.

    The embassy seizure worked beyond its plotters' wildest expectations.

    The one thing Ahmadinejad has learned is how to push American buttons.

    Beyond the bluster: Iran at a crossroads (Kaveh L Afrasiabi , 5/06/06, Asia Times)

    Iran is fairly well equipped to deal with the rather toothless sanctions posed by the US that date back to the hostage crisis of 1979. Short of an oil embargo, Iran can financially withstand any lesser sanctions such as travel bans, a freeze on assets of leaders and the like.

    On the other hand, the Iranian economy will suffer grievously should foreign investors stay away, foreign contracts be canceled or put in indefinite limbo, and the bills for foreign imports skyrocket, translating into higher unemployment and economic stagnation. That would come on top of a war economy where more and more of the government's budget is swallowed up by defense spending. At a minimum, it will slow Iran's economic growth, about which Ahmadinejad boasted recently.

    Thus, looking ahead, a year or so from now, with Iran under international isolation, the picture that emerges is rather bleak - an Iran turned into a Middle Eastern version of isolated North Korea. That is hardly what Iran's foreign-policy establishment aimed to achieve during the past two decades.

    The pressure on Iran could, of course, worsen if there are additional punitive measures such as the exclusion of Iran from international sports, cultural and scientific events, as advocated by certain hawkish politicians in the West. The very stigma of becoming a pariah state is unwelcome news to Iran's foreign-policy decision-makers who have, over the years, expended considerable energy in cultivating Iran's foreign ties, regionally and internationally. Without doubt, the negative repercussions of UN actions against Iran would be far-reaching, adversely impacting the whole edifice of Iran's foreign policy.

    To avoid or minimize the regime's vulnerabilities, Iran's behavior has been characterized by a fluid, mixed response, evincing the tough line in public - "we don't give a damn" - with an increasingly finessed diplomatic approach geared toward stalling the US-EU march to sanctions.

    This might explain why Iran rebutted the recent statement by a military leader, regarding Iran's intention to attack Israel in case of an assault by the US, saying it was not "valid". The pendulum had swung too far in the direction of bellicose rhetoric supplanting diplomacy, and as Dr Hassan Rowhani, the former chief nuclear negotiator, has candidly stated, Iran welcomes dialogue and diplomacy.

    The subtle diplomatic approach by Rowhani and his increasingly prominent role in formulating Iran's response to this dangerous crisis suggests that Iran is actually in the throes of a serious soul-search and quite another lurch "back to the past", that is, back to the prudent nuclear diplomacy prior to Ahmadinejad, dictated by the survival prerogatives of the regime and Iran's national interests.

    That's all just Ahmedinejad vs. Khamenei.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 AM


    Bush Sets Conditions For Contact With Hamas (Zachary A. Goldfarb, May 5, 2006, The Washington Post)

    President Bush vowed last night not to work with the Palestinian Authority's Hamas leadership until it disavows terrorism and recognizes Israel's right to exist, as three world leaders came together to celebrate the American Jewish Committee's centennial.

    "As you know, I'm a strong believer of democracy and free elections, but that does not mean that we have to support elected officials who are not committed to peace," Bush said, flanked by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. "Hamas has made it clear that they do not acknowledge the right of Israel to exist, and I've made it clear that so long as that's their policy, we'll have no contact with the leaders of Hamas."

    He added: "Democratically elected leaders cannot have one foot in the camp of democracy and one foot in the camp of terror."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


    U.S. Warns Russia to Act More Like A Democracy (Peter Baker, May 5, 2006, Washington Post)

    The Bush administration has warned Russia that the upcoming summit of the Group of Eight nations in St. Petersburg could be a debacle unless the Kremlin takes specific actions in the coming weeks to demonstrate a commitment to democracy, according to U.S. officials.

    The administration has privately identified to Moscow concrete steps it should take before the July meeting, such as registering civil society groups that have been harassed, as a way of deflecting criticism that Russia has no business hosting a summit of democratic nations. And administration officials have sharpened their rhetoric about Russia's backslide toward autocracy.

    At a European democracy conference in Lithuania yesterday, Vice President Cheney accused Russia of "unfairly and improperly" restricting the rights of its people and using oil and gas as "tools of intimidation or blackmail" against neighboring countries.

    "Russia has a choice to make," Cheney said. "And there is no question that a return to democratic reform in Russia will generate further success for its people and greater respect among fellow nations."

    Strong Rebuke for the Kremlin From Cheney (STEVEN LEE MYERS, 5/05/06, NY Times)
    Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday delivered the Bush administration's strongest rebuke of Russia to date. He said the Russian government "unfairly and improperly restricted" people's rights and suggested that it sought to undermine its neighbors and to use the country's vast resources of oil and gas as "tools of intimidation or blackmail."

    "In many areas of civil society — from religion and the news media, to advocacy groups and political parties — the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of her people," Mr. Cheney said in a speech to European leaders in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. "Other actions by the Russian government have been counterproductive, and could begin to affect relations with other countries."

    Mr. Cheney's remarks, which officials in Washington said had been heavily vetted and therefore reflected the administration's current thinking on Russia, appeared to lay down new markers for a relationship that has become strained and could become significantly more so in the months ahead.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:17 AM


    Minority report they’ll view Cruise’s ‘Mission 3’ (Sean L. McCarthy, May 5, 2006, Boston Herald)

    There’s good news and bad news for Tom Cruise.

    The good news? Just about everybody knows who he is.

    The bad news? Just about everybody thinks he’s jumped the shark, the couch and everything else in the real world.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


    Hitchens the Warmongering Hacker (Juan Cole, May 5, 2006, AlterNet)

    Christopher Hitchens owes me a big apology. [...]

    All the warmongers in Washington, including Hitchens, if he falls into that camp, should get this through their heads. Americans are not fighting any more wars in the Middle East against toothless third-rate powers. So sit down and shut up.

    One, two, three, four! We don't want your stinking war!

    We are not going to see any more U.S. troops come home in body bags at Dover for the sake of some Cheney affiliate grabbing the petroleum in Iran's Ahvaz fields.

    We are not going to have another 15,000 wounded vets flood onto our streets with spine damage and brain damage.

    We are not going to put Yazd behind barbed wire to liberate it, as a millenarian Christian general did to Habbaniyah in Iraq.

    We are not going to imprison and torture thousands of Iranians at Evin Penitentiary in Tehran, as worthy successors to the bloodthirsty Shah and Khomeini.

    We are not going to kill 200,000 Iranians with aerial bombardments of Tabriz, Isfahan, Qom, Kerman, Shiraz and Mashahd.

    We are not going to let dozens of U.S. corporations loot the American people and the Iranian people alike with no-bid "contracts," embezzlement, corruption, and graft.

    We are not going to let you have a war against Iran.

    So sit down and shut up, American Enterprise Institute, and Hudson Institute, and Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and American Heritage Institute, and this institute and that institute, and cable "news," and government "spokesmen" and all the pundit-ferrets you pay millions to make business for the American military-industrial complex and Big Oil.

    To call such folks infantilized is to do a disservice to youngsters who, after all, can't control their body functions.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:12 AM


    Tories target gun crime (TONDA MACCHARLES, 5/05/06, Toronto Star)

    The federal Conservatives have proposed tough new sentences for gun and gang-related crimes that would swell inmate populations in federal prisons and provincial jails.

    The measures — contained in two separate bills — don't go as far as Prime Minister Stephen Harper pledged during the election campaign.

    But they were still criticized by opposition parties and criminologists as an overreaction when violent crime rates are falling and too harsh to survive court challenges.

    "We are changing the focus of the justice system so that serious crime will mean serious time," said Justice Minister Vic Toews.

    The simple lesson of the last 25 years in the States: more criminals in prison means less crime outside.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Blackwell speech links God, politics (Joe Guillen, 5/05/06, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

    Ohio's GOP gubernatorial candidate continued Thursday to play to the religious base that helped him win the party's nomination Tuesday. He showed no signs yet that he is willing to forgo them to appeal to a more moderate base. [..]

    [Ken Blackwell, t]he Ohio secretary of state began his speech in Westlake with an anecdote about the connection between man and God, then quickly progressed toward politics, offering his interpretation of religious freedom and later declaring, "the first obligation of government is to protect innocent life."

    The speech was peppered almost equally with references to the Bible and historic American politicians, like Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin.

    "We have a godly heritage in this country," Blackwell said. [...]

    "Those who want to run away from the roots of our judicial and civic legal system and pretend as if there's no connection between the 10 Commandments and our legal system are only fooling themselves," he said Thursday.

    Some in the audience of about 200 responded with shouts of "Amen" and "Praise be to God."

    Afterward, Blackwell said it was a fitting way to spend the National Day of Prayer. The last time he was in Cleveland, he spoke about job creation and the economy, he said.

    Susannah Smalley, 23, of Avon, expected Blackwell, being in a church, to talk more about religion. "I like his stance for pro life," she said.

    Lakewood resident Richard Ward, 37, supported Petro in the primary but wanted to learn more about Blackwell. "If he talks about his faith, it tells you what kind of man he is," Ward said, admiring Blackwell's embrace of religion.

    Of course, opposing the Bible and Lincoln and Franklin presents a false dichotomy.

    May 4, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:29 PM


    An Evening with Darwin in New York: The glibness of the recent Darwin exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in New York shows off the fact that Darwinism has become an officially sanctioned orthodoxy, an orthodoxy which is to be promoted and defended at all costs. (GEORGE SIM JOHNSTON, Crisis)

    In New York, it’s been the season of blockbuster exhibits. Fra Angelico and Van Gogh had spectacular shows at the Met, while a few blocks north the Guggenheim offered the best retrospective of Russian painting ever mounted. But the Museum of Natural History has grabbed most of the headlines by putting on an elaborate show with a simple title: Darwin. It’s doubtful that a science exhibit has ever received so much attention. Newsweek and CNN covered it as breaking news, while the New York Times published a rave review and an approving editorial. The show is also striking deep chords with the public. The night I went, one bohemian-looking father was solemnly guiding his young son through the displays about evolution as though this were catechism class — which, in a way, it is for a modern secularist.

    The show presents the life and ideas of the great evolutionist, and its tone is frankly triumphalist. Darwin’s theory, we are told, “underlies all modern biology. It enables us to decipher our genes and fight viruses, and to understand Earth’s fossil record and rich biodiversity.... [T]he theory remains unchallenged as the central concept of biology.” A subtext of the show is that scientific doubts about the theory were cleared up long ago and that opposition now comes only from Fundamentalists who insist on reading Genesis as a scientific textbook. A bogey haunting the exhibit is Intelligent Design, which is politely but firmly dismissed as a wedge for religious beliefs that have no place in science.

    Catholics, of course, are not troubled by the idea of evolution. As G. K. Chesterton put it, “If evolution simply means that a positive thing called an ape turned very slowly into a positive thing called a man, it is stingless for the most orthodox; for a personal God might just as well do things slowly as quickly.” Pope John Paul II, who addressed the issue on several occasions, said that the Church has no problem with evolution, or with the possibility that the first humans had biological antecedents, so long as God is not kept out of the big picture.

    But the Church does have a problem when Darwinists become crusading materialists bent on turning God into an irrelevancy. It’s a mission they find quite appealing. And once they start behaving like agents of enlightenment, rather than scientists, they tend to play shell games with the evidence. Their language becomes slippery and their methodology dubious. But they get the result they want: a vague, widespread impression among the “educated” public that Darwinism has solved all the mysteries of creation. Darwin comes close to making that claim, and so it’s worth taking a critical look at what it has to say. The show, it turns out, is almost a caricature of what Stephen Jay Gould once called Darwinian fundamentalism.

    It's not as if Darwin wasn't aware that he was offering up a secular faith. As Edward Larson relates in his fine short volume, Evolution:
    By the 1870s, Darwin was an international celebrity. Even if people did not believe they descended from apes, they talked about it--and about Darwin. And for many of those who did believe, Darwin became a kind of secular prophet or high priest. Secluded in his remote country home at Downe, perpetually ill or supposedly so according to some, Darwin played the part of hermit sage receiving favored guests on his own terms. [...] Surveying the scene, Huxley sent Darwin a sketch of a kneeling supplicant paying homage at the shrine of Pope Darwin. Given their almost visceral contempt for Catholicism, both Huxley and Darwin surely enjoyed the irony.

    The real irony is, of course, the absence of irony.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:21 PM


    Villepin's desperate denials (Charles Bremner, 5/04/06, Times of London)

    Dominique de Villepin seems to have forgotten that rule of life for courtiers in the ancien régime: le ridicule tue, nothing finishes you faster than making a fool of yourself.

    The Prime Minister's indignant and eloquent denials of malfeasance over the Clearstream affair are making him look very foolish. He has been at it again today, dismissing as nonsense the latest devastating judicial leak published by Le Monde. President Chirac is determined to keep de Villepin in the job, but some of the Elysée courtiers now believe that the aristocrat-Prime Minister has incurred too much ridicule and may soon have to be banished. Today's episode also sheds intriguing light on a mystery about what President Chirac gets up to in Japan, but first....

    According to the latest leak, de Villepin did indeed instruct General Philippe Rondot, a senior intelligence official, in January 2004, to investigate claims that Nicolas Sarkozy, his rival, held illicit funds in an Italian bank. De Villepin forced two senior ministers to flank him throughout an embarrassing hour-long news conference this morning as he thrashed around explaining his version of the now famous 2004 meeting. The performance was chilling for the parliamentarians of Chirac's UMP party who know that they will pay the price for the sulphur and skullduggery that is coming to light.

    One of de Villepin's gems was a claim that he had decided to devote his life to selfless service of the state -- at the age of seven. His subsequent three decades as an impartial haut fonctionnaire, he said, is a guarantee of his honesty when he denies that he had ever tried smear Sarkozy, who is Interior Minister and UMP leader. In other words, as a premier appointed from the nobility of la fonction publique, Villepin believes that he is above politics and serves a higher cause.

    The fall of de Villepin is a moment to be savored.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:14 PM


    Labour's drubbing (Philip Webster and Jill Sherman, 5/05/06, Times of London)

    TONY BLAIR will try to relaunch his battered Government today after suffering a drubbing in the local elections with heavy losses to the Conservatives in London.

    He will reshuffle his Cabinet this morning in a desperate move to turn attention from what appeared to be his party’s worst local election showing since the late 1960s and his own worst night at the polls.

    Despite performing poorly in the northern cities, failing to gain a foothold in Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool or Newcastle, the Tories compensated with big gains in London and other parts of the South. Overall the Conservatives were heading for a national share of about 39 per cent of the vote, with the Liberal Democrats and Labour close together on about 27 per cent.

    Blair punished at the polls (George Jones, 05/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)
    More than half the UK electorate - 23 million people - were entitled to vote in elections in rural and urban councils across England

    Labour officials said its internal polls suggested the party could be forced into third place, behind the Lib Dems, with the loss of more than 200 seats and control of a number of town halls.

    In Barking and Dagenham, Labour feared the British National Party could make gains. Margaret Hodge, the employment minister, had said that as many as 80 per cent of white voters there were considering switching to the far-Right group.

    Jonathan Cruddas, the Dagenham Labour MP, said the BNP could win 13 seats in Barking and Dagenham.

    "It's a possibility. It's a distinct possibility," he said.

    "They could gain 30 or 40 seats across the country and there are some serious issues here that the Government has to take on board and that could have an effect in the next general election."

    Among the smaller parties, the UK Independence Party won a seat in Hartlepool. The Greens appeared to be picking up support in Norwich.

    Labour suffers local poll losses (BBC, 5/05/06)

    Tony Blair has suffered a poor night in England's local elections with Labour losing more than 250 councillors.

    The main winners were the Tories, who had their best results since 1992. The Lib Dems failed to make much headway. [...]

    The projected vote share if the polls were held nationwide shows the Tories on 40%, Lib Dems 27% and Labour 26%. Turnout is estimated at 36% - down three points from 2004. [...]

    In addition to winning 11 seats in Barking, the BNP took three in Sandwell, three in Epping Forest and one in Pendle.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:30 PM


    CBO: Deficit could be less than $300B: Non-partisan analyst says gap could be below White House estimate due to increased revenue growth (Reuters, May 4, 2006)

    The U.S. budget deficit this year could dip to as low as $300 billion, well below the White House's estimate, partly because the federal government was enjoying "robust growth" in revenues, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday.

    Had enough?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 PM


    Kennedy Confirms Car Crash Near Capitol (Del Quentin Wilber and Allan Lengel, May 5, 2006, Washington Post)

    Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy crashed his car into a security barrier near the Capitol early yesterday and officers suspected that he was intoxicated, a police union official said.

    Kennedy (D-R.I) issued a statement confirming that he was in an accident but said he consumed no alcohol prior to the crash. Kennedy, 38, was not injured, and no charges were filed.

    "I will fully cooperate with the Capitol Police in whatever investigation they choose to undertake," Kennedy's statement said.

    Capitol police released few details and did not even confirm that the six-term congressman was in the accident at 2:50 a.m. in the 100 block of C Street SE, near the House office buildings.

    In all fairness, if he didn't lobotimze, rape, or kill a woman does it even register on the Kennedy scandal scale?

    Pat cites pills in car wreck,/a> (Dave Wedge, May 5, 2006 , Boston Herald)

    U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy insisted yesterday that he had consumed “no alcohol” before he slammed his Mustang convertible into a concrete barrier near his office, but a hostess at a popular Capitol Hill watering hole told the Herald she saw him drinking in the hours before the crash.

    “He was drinking a little bit,” said the woman, who works at the Hawk & Dove and would not give her name.

    Leaving his office late last night, Kennedy refused to say whether he’d been to the Hawk & Dove the night before.

    Earlier in the evening, Kennedy issued a statement through his office blaming the accident and strange behavior surrounding it on prescription drugs.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:58 PM


    AUDIO: Victory in Tripoli: How America's War with the Barbary Pirates Established the U.S. Navy and Shaped a Nation (Joshua London, April 6, 2006, Heritage Foundation)

    At the dawn of a new century, a newly elected U.S. president was forced to confront an escalating series of unprovoked attacks on Americans by Muslim terrorists sworn to carry out jihad against all Western powers. As timely and familiar as these events may seem, they occurred more than two centuries ago. The President was Thomas Jefferson, and the terrorists were the Barbary pirates. Victory in Tripoli recounts the untold story of one of the defining challenges overcome by the young U.S. republic and reviews every aspect of the first U.S. military campaign through foreign lands.

    Standing alone against the pirates, the young nation would learn valuable lessons in cross-cultural diplomacy, diplomatic maneuvering, and the projection of military might as an extension of public policy. This dramatic tale examines the events that gave birth to the Navy and the Marines and re-creates the startling political, diplomatic, and military battles that were central to the conflict … and offers deep insight into issues that remain fundamental to U.S. foreign policy decisions to this day.

    We enjoyed Mr. London's book very much, and interviewed him here. You can listen to this lecture on-line.

    -REVIEW ESSAY: America’s First War on Terror (Andrew G. Bostom, May 4, 2006,

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:12 PM


    Pakistani woman beheads husband for polygamy (Middle East Times, May 3, 2006)

    Pakistani police have charged a 45-year-old woman with beheading her husband with a dagger and chopping up his body after he planned to take a fourth wife, officials said on Wednesday.

    Majeeda Khatoon lopped off her spouse's head, cut off his legs with the help of relatives and dumped the body parts in a sewer in Gulshan-e-Hadeed on the outskirts of the southern city of Karachi, police said.

    At our house that's the punishment for a first offense.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:01 PM


    Israel's Olmert Would Split Jerusalem in Border Plan (Fox News, May 04, 2006)

    Breaking an old taboo, Israel's new government is drawing up plans to divide the holy city of Jerusalem by giving up Arab neighborhoods, an architect of the program said.

    Still, Israel would keep Jerusalem's Old City with its shrines sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians alike — an unacceptable plan to Palestinians, particularly if carried out unilaterally.

    Otniel Schneller, in interviews with The Associated Press this week, outlined the government's plan to separate from the Palestinians and draw Israel's final borders by 2010, providing the clearest indication yet of what Jerusalem is likely to look like and how Israel plans to abandon much of the West Bank.

    That's four years too long.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:55 PM


    Crude falls under $70 for the first time in three weeks ()Myra P. Saefong, May 4, 2006, MarketWatch)

    Crude futures fell under $70 per barrel for the first time in three weeks and gasoline futures dropped under $2 per gallon to a level not seen since mid-April as Wednesday's data from the Energy Department eased market concerns about supplies.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:50 PM



    Maybe leaks are going to be more common in the Tony Snow Era.

    The man has not even started officially yet as White House press secretary, and already the tightness of the Andy Card days seems to be a thing of the past.

    ABC News has exclusively obtained this undated memo from Snow to his new colleagues. It is not clear when it was written, but from the content, it must have been in the last few days. It was given to ABC News by a Republican who is not pleased with Snow's hiring.

    Mr. Snow's memo is tooth-achingly cute, but the advise is quite sound, especially about how easy it is for the President to play the press.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:38 PM


    U-S Command unveils unflattering video snippet of al-Qaida in Iraq leader (Associated Press, 5/04/06)

    Newly released video of the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq shows Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (AH'-boo MOO'-sahb ahl-zahr-KOW'-ee) decked out in American tennis shoes and fumbling with a machine gun.

    The U-S military command says the footage was found during a series of raids in April on purported terror cell safe houses southwest of Baghdad.

    Major General Rick Lynch says al-Zarqawi chose not to show the world this piece of video in which he's wearing "his New Balance tennis shoes," and in which his associates "do things like grab the hot barrel of the machine gun and burn themselves."

    High-Ranking Al Qaeda Leader Detained in Iraq (FOCUS News Agency, 4 May 2006)

    High-ranking leader of terrorist organization Al Qaeda was detained today in Iraqi province of Karbala during military operation, Iraqi news agency INA reports.

    Abdel Fatih Isa, a.k.a. Abu Aisha, was arrested in a private home where he had been hiding for a long time. The arrest was made after a few houses in the town had been searched through.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:14 PM


    The Self-Inflicted Wounds of the Academic Left (TODD GITLIN, 5/05/06, The Chronicle Review)

    Truly this is a bizarre time for the life of the mind in America. The airwaves and best-seller lists are noisy with anti-intellectual jeers. The ruling party embraces the nostrums of "No Child Left Behind" while tossing the teaching of all subjects besides reading and math to the winds. Many of its leaders declare that the Republic was founded not in the name of enlightenment but as a "Christian nation." When the topics of evolution, climate change, stem cells, and contraception arise, the president of the United States blithely jettisons scientific judgments. On the evidence of his dialogue with reporters, and his behavior toward underlings like former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and the former Environmental Protection Agency chief, Christine Todd Whitman, his interest in and capacity for reason are impaired.

    Conservative pundits apologize for him. According to his rapturous chronicler, Fred Barnes (Rebel-in-Chief), early in 2005, Bush devoured Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear, which maintains that global warming is a scientific fraud, and met with Crichton at the White House for an hour. They were, Barnes writes, "in near-total agreement." Meanwhile, the great straight-talking hope of the ruling party makes ready to traipse off to Jerry Falwell's university, while another leading candidate for the presidency, a medical doctor, diagnoses a brain-damaged patient from a family videotape. Nor is the reign of fantasy limited to the titular leaders. One year ago, 79 percent of Republicans (and 37 percent of Democrats) still believed that Saddam Hussein's Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction when the war began, according to public-opinion experts Yaeli Bloch-Elkon and Robert Y. Shapiro.

    In this perverse climate, dissenting intellectuals might gain some traction by standing for reason.

    Their standing for Reason is why Americans have always been so hostile to intellectuals to begin with, a hostility that has served us incredibly well

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:08 PM


    What Jane Jacobs Really Saw: Today's urban planners falsely claim her legacy (LEONARD GILROY, May 2, 2006, Opinion Journal)

    Given urban planners' almost universal reverence for Jacobs, it is ironic that many have largely ignored or misinterpreted the central lesson of "Death and Life"--that cities are vibrant living systems, not the product of grand, utopian schemes concocted by overzealous planners.

    Modern planners have contorted Jacobs's beliefs in hopes of imposing their static, end-state vision of a city. They use a set of highly prescriptive policy tools--like urban growth boundaries, smart growth, and high-density development built around light-rail transit systems--to design the city they envision. They try to "create" livable cities from the ground up and micromanage urban form through regulation. We've seen these tools at work in Portland, Ore., for more than three decades. But the results have been dismal and dramatic. The city's "smart growth" policies effectively created a land shortage, constricting the housing supply and artificially inflating prices. By 1999, Portland had become one of the 10 least affordable housing markets in the nation, and its homeownership rate lagged behind the national average. It has also seen one of the nation's largest increases in traffic congestion and boasts a costly, heavily subsidized light-rail system that accounts for just 1% of the city's total travel. Not exactly how they planned it.

    That's because these planning trends run completely counter to Jacobs's vision of cities as dynamic economic engines that thrive on private initiative, trial and error, incremental change, and human and economic diversity. Jacobs believed the most organic and healthy communities are diverse, messy and arise out of spontaneous order, not from a scheme that tries to dictate how people should live and how neighborhoods should look.

    She felt it was foolish to focus on how cities look rather than how they function as economic laboratories. "The main responsibility of city planning and design should be to develop--insofar as public policy and action can do so--cities that are congenial places for [a] great range of unofficial plans, ideas and opportunities to flourish," Jacobs wrote.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:01 PM

    OUR TEAMMATE (via Genecis)

    Simple gesture, big change (DAVE ANDERSON, April 17, 2006, NY Times)

    Even with jugglers, tumblers and two marching bands, this was not another jazzed-up minor-league opener. This was 27-year-old Robinson's debut as the first African-American to shatter organized baseball's color barrier.

    His first time up, Robinson grounded out. In the third inning, with two on, Jersey City left-hander Warren Sandell threw a chest-high fastball that Robinson drilled for a 335-foot home run over the left-field fence. As Robinson approached home plate, teammate George Shuba, in that era long before high-fives and power-fists, extended his right hand. Robinson shook it -- a simple, silent, seminal moment in baseball history. Not that Shuba, whose father arrived in the United States in 1912 from Czechoslovakia, realized its social significance.

    "I really didn't," he said over the telephone the other day from his home in Youngstown, Ohio. "Our teammate hit a home run, so I shook his hand."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:52 PM


    Why Kent State is important today (Michael Corcoran, May 4, 2006, Boston Globe)

    THIRTY-SIX years ago today, Ohio National Guardsmen shot 13 college students at Kent State University who were protesting US incursions into Cambodia as part of the Vietnam War. [...]

    Consider the similarities: In 1970, just as today, we had an unpopular president carrying out an unpopular war for questionable reasons.

    Richard Nixon and George W. Bush embody many of the same divisive characteristics. Bush tells the world: ''You are with us or you are with the terrorists." Nixon's public statement after the shootings blamed the students: ''When dissent turns to violence it invites tragedy."

    Again our civil liberties are being threatened. Bush has ordered the wiretapping of US citizens without a warrant and holds detainees indefinitely without trial; Nixon was spying on student activists and what he called ''domestic radicals."

    But, perhaps the most telling comparison is the sharp division within the nation, both then and now. Americans are now, as we were then, split to the core on matters of war and peace, life and death, and cultural values. [...]

    Kent State should remind us of what happens when a grossly misguided war divides a country. If we can speak candidly and openly about our history and our present -- even the worst elements of it -- then we can ensure that the lives lost on May 4, 1970, were not in vain.

    The lessons are actually quite different. The most important at the time was that middle America didn't much mind Kent State. That scared the bejeebers out of the anti-war movement which never recovered, allowing us to stay in Vietnam for five more years, and even then we were only forced out by congressional Democrats who had the political strength even to betray an ally after driving Nixon from office. The permanent lesson is that the American people are intolerant of such transgressive behavior and will side with a Mayor Daley, the hardhats of NYC and the National Guard every time.

    As Bryan Franceour notes, May 4th is also the anniversary of Margaret Thatcher's election victory in Britain, making for two good bookends to an otherwise rotten decade.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:46 PM


    ready when you are?: A professor in England thinks he has a solution to commuting woes: a personal rapid transit system (mechanical engineering design, February 2004)

    Creating that new transportation method is the goal of Martin Lowson and his students at the University of Bristol in England. They've designed a system they call ULTra (short for "urban light transport") that tries to be the "perfect" transit system: It's there when you need it and it takes you directly to the station of your choice.

    Advanced Transport Systems Ltd., the University of Bristol spin-off company commercializing the ULTra system, has completed trials of a prototype on a test track in Cardiff, Wales. Once the funding comes through, a small circulator could be running there in a couple of years. But is ULTra ready for the real world? And is the real world ready for ULTra? [...]

    Back in 1995, Martin Lowson, a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Bristol, confronted a group of recent graduates with this very problem. "We asked ourselves what would be the ideal form of urban transport in the 21st century," Lowson said.

    The team proceeded to outline certain desirable qualities for the proposed system. "What do people want? They want something that is available when they want it. They want to go where they want to go, nonstop. They want their transportation mechanism to be energy efficient, and have zero emissions."

    Dealing with those constraints, the group worked up a design that disregarded many of the conventions of public transportation. There would be no drivers and no schedule. Vehicles would sit in the station, waiting to be ridden, rather than force riders to wait at the station for their rides to show up. Passengers could choose whom they rode with—or they could ride alone.

    As proposed, the system would run on flat steel-and-concrete tracks elevated over streets or on the surface alongside highway or railroad rights-of-way. Automated four-seat cars would run on the guideway (the ULTra's track), picking up passengers from stations on sidings off the main line and traveling nonstop to a destination, another off-line station. The vehicles would run at about 25 miles per hour, which seems slow, but since they run nonstop, the savings in time promise to be substantial, especially in congested city centers. (More details of the system can be found at

    "Once our system emerged," Lowson said, "we looked around to see if there were other similar systems that had any important aspects we had missed. And we saw that there were parallel concepts around."

    Personal rapid transit, or PRT, is a concept that dates back more than 30 years. But it is hardly surprising that Lowson hadn't heard of the idea before kicking off his class project. Although PRT has a cadre of ardent advocates, the concept has never been implemented on a full-scale basis.

    A compendium of PRT schemes catalogued on Innovative Transit Technologies, a Web site dedicated to alternative transportation ideas, lists more than two dozen personal rapid transit proposals. Almost all of those, however, are scarcely more than slick drawings and sketchy scenarios. Some invoke magnetic levitation to enable speeds of more than 200 mph; others propose running pods through evacuated tubes. They all seem to address some, if not all, of the ideals that Lowson and his students identified.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


    When Civilizations Meet: How Joseph Ratzinger Sees Islam: The author of this essay is an Egyptian Jesuit who is very familiar with both the pope and the Muslim religion. It was written for and published by “Asia News.” Here it is in its entirety (Samir Khalil Samir, S.J., 5/04/06, Chiesa)

    To understand Benedict XVI’s thinking on Islamic religion, we must go over its evolution. A truly essential document is found in his book written in 1996, when he was still cardinal, together with Peter Seewald, entitled “The Salt of the Earth”, in which he makes certain considerations and highlights various differences between Islam and Christian religion and the West.

    First of all, he shows that there is no orthodoxy in Islam, because there is no one authority, no common doctrinal magisterium. This makes dialogue difficult: when we engage in dialogue, it is not “with Islam”, but with groups.

    But the key point that he tackles is that of shari’a. He points out that:

    “the Koran is a total religious law, which regulates the whole of political and social life and insists that the whole order of life be Islamic. Shari’a shapes society from beginning to end. In this sense, it can exploit such freedoms as our constitutions give, but it cannot be its final goal to say: Yes, now we too are a body with rights, now we are present [in society] just like the Catholics and the Protestants. In such a situation, [Islam] would not achieve a status consistent with its inner nature; it would be in alienation from itself”.

    This alienation could be resolved only through the total Islamization of society. When for example an Islamic finds himself in a Western society, he can benefit from or exploit certain elements, but he can never identify himself with the non-Muslim citizen, because he does not find himself in a Muslim society.

    Thus cardinal Ratzinger saw clearly an essential difficulty of socio-political relations with the Muslim world, which comes from the totalizing conception of Islamic religion, which is profoundly different from Christianity. For this reason, he insists in saying that we cannot try to project onto Islam the Christian vision of the relationship between politics and religion. This would be very difficult: Islam is a religion totally different from Christianity and Western society and this makes does not make coexistence easy.

    On August 20 in Cologne, pope Benedict XVI has his first big encounter with representatives of Muslim communities. In a relatively long speech, he says: [...]

    “There is plenty of scope for us to act together in the service of fundamental moral values. The dignity of the person and the defence of the rights which that dignity confers must represent the goal of every social endeavour and of every effort to bring it to fruition.”

    And here we find a crucial sentence:

    “This message is conveyed to us unmistakably by the quiet but clear voice of conscience. Only through recognition of the centrality of the person can a common basis for understanding be found, one which enables us to move beyond cultural conflicts and which neutralizes the disruptive power of ideologies.”

    Thus, even before religion, there is the voice of conscience and we must all fight for moral values, for the dignity of the person, the defence of rights.

    Therefore, for Benedict XVI, dialogue must be based on the centrality of the person, which overrides both cultural and ideological contrasts. And I think that, getting under ideologies, religions can also be understood. This is one of the pillars of the pope’s vision: it also explains why he united the Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue and the Council for Culture, surprising everyone. This choice derives from a profound vision and is not, as the press would have it, to “get rid” of archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, who deserves much recognition. That may have been part of it, but it was not the purpose.

    The essential idea is that dialogue with Islam and with other religions cannot be essentially a theological or religious dialogue, except in the broad terms of moral values; it must instead be a dialogue of cultures and civilizations.

    From Muslims living in the West to Turkey to Indonesia, it actually doesn't seem all that hard to separate Mosque and State in reality.

    The Iraqi Constitution: A Model of Islamic Democracy (Reza Aslan, Spring 2006, NPQ)

    Even before Iraq’s constitution was ratified, dire predictions were being made that it would pave the way for the creation of an Islamic theocracy. But while there may be a number of issues in the constitution that could conceivably pose problems for the future of Iraq, the role of Islam in the state is not likely to be one of them.

    The truth is that despite grumblings from those who were expecting a secular, liberal democracy to arise fully formed in the midst of a bloody and chaotic occupation, the constitution of Iraq is nothing short of a miracle. This is an enlightened charter of laws written in a lawless country embroiled in a civil war, whose framers were literally dragged onto the streets and beaten to death between meetings. And yet, in spite of the odds, Iraq’s leaders have drafted a constitution that reflects the values, interests and concerns of an overwhelming majority of a fractious population in a fabricated country that has never known anything resembling genuine democracy.

    But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Iraq’s constitution is the way it has managed to balance the religious identity of the people (96 percent of whom are Muslim) with the requirements of democratic pluralism. Article Two of the constitution establishes Islam as “the official religion of the state” and “a basic source of legislation,” meaning that no law can be passed that contradicts “the fixed principles of Islam.” However, not only does the constitution deliberately leave those fixed principles to be defined by the natural democratic process in accordance with the changing values and sentiments of the Iraqi people, it unequivocally states that no law can be passed that contradicts the basic rights and freedoms outlined by the constitution. Among the first of these is that all individuals have a right to complete freedom of creed, worship, practice, thought and conscience. True, a constitution does not a democracy make. Still, as the template for a stable, viable, pluralistic and distinctly Islamic democracy, Iraq could not have hoped for a better founding charter.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 AM


    Earl was right all along (Ron Sirak, 5/03/06,

    If a biography were written about the father of Tiger Woods, the title would have to be "Earl Was Right."

    Earl Woods was right in 1997 when, after Tiger won The Masters by 12 strokes, he said we hadn't yet seen the best of his son. We saw that in 2000 when Woods had one of the most remarkable seasons in the history of the game. Earl was right when he said Tiger would change the way the world looks at golf. Nearly a decade after Tiger turned pro, it is clear he has made the game cool, attracting better athletes to golf and teaching everyone that to be a top pro these days you have to be in shape.

    And, most of all, Earl was right in the firm but loving way he raised his son. He put Tiger on the stage only when he was certain his son was ready to perform in the spotlight. The ultimate proof that Earl was right came in the unquestioned love and respect the son had for the father.

    Several years back, when teenagers were just starting to pop up at professional tournaments in significant numbers, I asked Earl when he knew Tiger was ready to turn pro. Surely, I said to him, the temptation to cash in when the kid was 16 (or 17 or 18 or 19) had to have been there. Earl resisted that temptation because he didn't think it was the right thing to do. Pops said the revelation that Tiger was ready came at the 1997 British Open at Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club after his son shot a 66 in the second round and backed it up with a pair of 70s on the weekend to finish tied for 22nd place.

    "I didn't want to put him out there until I was sure he could play with the big boys," Earl said. "And, more importantly, I didn't want to put him out there until I was sure that he was sure he could play with the big boys." The fact that Tiger won in his fifth start as a professional proved that Earl was right. And when Woods rolled through The Masters by 12 strokes six months later, establishing himself at the age of 21 not only as a worthy professional but also as the best in the world, it proved without question that Earl was right.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


    U.S. hybrid vehicle sales more than doubled in 2005 as choices increased (AP, 5/04/06)

    U.S. hybrid vehicle sales more than doubled last year, according to data released Thursday, although they still only comprise slightly more than 1% of U.S. vehicle sales.

    Registrations for new hybrids rose to 199,148 in 2005, a 139% increase from the year before, as more models came on the market, according to R.L. Polk & Co., a firm that collects and interprets automotive data. The Lexus RX 400h and hybrid versions of the Toyota Highlander and Mercury Mariner were among the new models from which consumers had to choose.

    Hybrids accounted for just more than 1% of all vehicles sold in the United States, up slightly from the year before. The U.S. hybrid market has grown exponentially since 2000, when 7,781 were sold.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:50 AM


    Growing Unease for Some Blacks on Immigration (RACHEL L. SWARNS, 5/04/06, NY Times)

    [D]espite some sympathy for the nation's illegal immigrants, many black professionals, academics and blue-collar workers feel increasingly uneasy as they watch Hispanics flex their political muscle while assuming the mantle of a seminal black struggle for justice.

    Some blacks bristle at the comparison between the civil rights movement and the immigrant demonstrations, pointing out that black protesters in the 1960's were American citizens and had endured centuries of enslavement, rapes, lynchings and discrimination before they started marching.

    Others worry about the plight of low-skilled black workers, who sometimes compete with immigrants for entry-level jobs.

    And some fear the unfinished business of the civil rights movement will fall to the wayside as America turns its attention to a newly energized Hispanic minority with growing political and economic clout.

    "All of this has made me start thinking, 'What's going to happen to African-Americans?' " said Brendon L. Laster, 32, a black fund-raiser at Howard University here, who has been watching the marches. "What's going to happen to our unfinished agenda?"

    A party built on a divergent coalition of interest groups can ill afford to benefit one group at the obvious expense of others, which is why anti-immigration is a natural Democratic position.

    Blacks slam immigration bias (Brian DeBose, May 4, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Black leaders say Mexicans and other Hispanic nationals are getting preferential immigration treatment, as the U.S. systematically turns away people from countries with largely African-descended populations, such as Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.

    Foes of Foreigners Grow Vocal In Britain (Kevin Sullivan, 5/04/06, Washington Post)
    The BNP declares itself "wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples." It seeks to restore the overwhelmingly white makeup of Britain before 1948; its leader has called Islam a "wicked, vicious faith." Support from people like Mitchell, a white mother of three whose political views otherwise appear generally mainstream, illustrates rising anti-immigration sentiment in Britain and across Europe.

    Parties long dismissed by many as the racist fringe have become increasingly popular as governments that once freely accepted immigrants question how many more their nations can take.

    We Jutlanders didn't ask the Brits permission before raping and pillaging our way across the isles.

    May 3, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


    Illegals making it in Massachusetts: Immigrants flock to Hub’s roadside hiring sites (Casey Ross, May 4, 2006, Boston Herald)

    A growing shadow work force of illegal immigrants, many of them soliciting daily jobs at unregulated street-corner bazaars, is illicitly fueling the Massachusetts economy in plain view of law enforcement authorities who have failed to launch any kind of crackdown.

    A Herald surveillance of hiring sites in Somerville, Chelsea and Allston found that immigrant workers - many of them admittedly illegal - are being trucked to work sites in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, often to labor in hazardous jobs such as demolition, painting and general construction. [...]

    Despite the argument, one thing is clear: Day laborer sites across Massachusetts are commonplace, unmonitored and unregulated.

    At one site along McGrath-O’Brien Highway in Somerville, a Herald reporter watched 50 laborers congregate daily on three recent mornings to seek work.Between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., the workers got into trucks and vans whose license plates were traced to general contractors, cleaning companies, house painters, flooring installers and others.

    Interviews with numerous day laborers revealed that many are undocumented and that most rarely know their work destinations before a contractor’s van arrives to pick them up for the day.

    “Some don’t speak English and they don’t have their papers,” said one 22-year-old laborer at the site who only gave a first name of Adilson. “The contractors sometimes don’t pay, but what can we do?”

    We need to legalize and regularize immigration just to protect these poor guys.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:22 PM

    WILLING DUPES (via Tom Corcoran):

    Justice for a Traitor (Robert Spencer, May 3, 2006,

    When al-Arian tried the old manipulation games that had served him so well for so long, speaking of his “belief in the true meaning of a democratic society...and the integrity of the jury system,” Moody was having none of it. “Dr. al-Arian,” he said, “as usual, you speak eloquently. I find it interesting that here in public in front of everyone you praised this country...but that’s just evidence of how you operate...You are a master manipulator.” [...]

    Many on the American Left have been all too eager to be manipulated. On August 22, 2002, Phil Donahue featured al-Arian as a guest on his short-lived talk show, and apologized for asking him about his genocidal statements: “So, one more time, sir, and I know that you’re probably getting tired of these same questions – death to Israel did not mean you wanted to kill Jews, do I understand your position?”

    Al-Arian agreed and suggested that his statement was comparable to Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death!” Donahue ate it up, stating: “The law of innocent until proven guilty doesn’t seem to exist for Professor Sami al-Arian…You are swimming upstream, professor, and this must be quite a shock to you. I know that your life has been threatened. I assume you have security.”

    Donahue wasn’t alone, as I noted in a February 2003 FrontPage article. When the University of South Florida fired al-Arian from his job as associate professor of computer engineering, the Chronicle of Higher Education published a cover story called “Blaming the Victim?” and featuring a photo of al-Arian. Academic Islamic apologist John Esposito noted, “the University did a thorough independent review several years ago which found no merit in accusations made at that time” and worried that al-Arian was a victim of “anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bigotry.”

    Other encomiums to al-Arian appeared in the New York Times, Salon, and elsewhere...

    Except that you don't need to be any better at manipulation than Edward Scissorhands to get the Left to assume that George Bush and John Ashcroft are evil.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:05 PM

    D'OH, NUTS:

    Worshipping at the church of Tim Hortons: The idea Canadians have replaced doxology with doughnuts is less Timmy than tinny (MARK STEYN, 5/03/06, Maclean's)

    The other week, the Toronto Star assigned Kenneth Kidd to do a big story on Tim Hortons as an icon of Canadian identity. This was a couple of days before that odd incident with the fellow going into the men's room and blowing himself into a big bunch of Timbits, so nothing tricky was required, just the usual maple boosterism. And naturally the first thing Kidd did was call up the Canadian media's Mister Rent-A-Quote, Michael Adams, the author of Fire And Ice and American Backlash, and a man who can be relied upon to provide some sociological context to the lamest premise.

    Mr. Adams evidently thought about the old doughnut-chain thing for a nanosecond and then slotted it effortlessly into his grand universal theory about the difference in American and Canadian "values." Canadians are communal and gregarious, while Americans are paranoid and cowering in terror behind the gates of their stockades. "Americans aspire to independence," he told the Star's man. "Their model is to drive out of town, Gary Cooper with Grace Kelly, and get on their ranch and she's in the kitchen and having babies and he's standing at the ranch gate with a gun, saying, 'no trespassing.' "

    Really? Is that in the director's cut? No matter. This turned out to be just the sort of thing Kenneth Kidd needed for the piece and he ran with it: "Canadians, by contrast, are far less fearful," he decides. "Americans now increasingly use churches as their replacement for a sense of community lost to long working hours and lengthy commutes."

    I don't know if, in the course of their research, Messrs. Kidd and Adams ever visited any "communities" -- in, say, New England, or old England, or Belgium, or Slovenia, or even Canada. But, if they did, they might have noticed that you drive through the outskirts of the "community," past the various "dwelling units," and arrive at the centre of the "community" -- often called a "village green" or a "town square" -- and smack dab at the centre of the centre you'll see a big building with a cross on it, and perhaps a sign saying "St. George's Parish Church. Consecrated 1352." Nonetheless, undaunted, two grown men are willing to argue in the Toronto Star that Americans have to make do with going to church because they've lost all sense of community.

    But not in Canada. "We don't go to church as much on Sundays," says Adams. "We go shopping and we go to Tim's." Gotcha. Americans are forced to worship Christ, whereas Canadians are free to worship crullers.

    The even more curious thing is that Canadians may be worshipping just as much or more as in the past but not in community settings, the exact opposite of their argument even about their own country.

    Though, on the other hand, maybe they really do worship the place,
    Tims priced like ‘icon'
    (ANDY HOFFMAN, 5/04/06, Globe and Mail)

    A trio of new research reports on Tim Hortons Inc. adds credence to the belief that Canadian investors are willing to pay more than Americans for a piece of the iconic coffee and doughnut chain. [...]

    At 22.8 times next year's projected earnings, CIBC said Tims shares are “priced like an icon” and well ahead of its mature fast-food peers.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:52 PM


    Women's Lib: Saddam wasn't a feminist (A. YASMINE RASSAM, May 3, 2006, Opinion Journal)

    Some radical feminists and anti-war liberals have very short memories. It's just three years after Saddam Hussein's ouster and some would have us believe the tyrant was in fact a protector of women's rights in Iraq. That Iraq under Saddam actually had progressive, pro-women policies that are now being "rolled back" thanks to the Bush administration.

    A recent report by "Global Exchange" and "Code Pink" entitled "Iraqi Women Under Siege" concluded that "the occupation of Iraq has not resulted in greater equality and freedom for women" than they had under Saddam Hussein. Published by two radical feminist anti-war groups whose primary activities include protesting military recruiting stations, organizing anti-WTO protests and sympathizing with the regimes in North Korea and Cuba, this report echoes a long line of blatant pronouncements. Hillary Clinton who once said that after liberation there were "pullbacks in the rights that [women] were given under Saddam Hussein" and Howard Dean's infamous remark that "Iraqi women were better off under Saddam Hussein."

    Odd that putative democrats would value voting so little.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:40 PM


    Oklahoma Pecan Pie (The Oklahoman, 5/03/06)

    Makes [1] servings

    3 eggs, lightly beaten

    1 cup sugar

    1 cup light corn syrup

    1 tablespoon melted butter

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    1 cup pecan halves or pieces

    1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell

    Beat eggs; add sugar, corn syrup and butter and mix together until well blended. Stir in vanilla and pecans.

    Pour mixture into pie shell and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 45-55 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean. Cool well on wire rack. Serve plain or with whipped cream.

    Source: "The Route 66 Cookbook" by Marian Clark

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 PM


    The Passion of Eliot Spitzer (KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL, May 3, 2006, Opinion Journal)

    New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer appeared on Comedy Central late last year, admitting to host Stephen Colbert that as a kid he was the "enforcer" on the soccer team, the guy who "took people out." "You play hard, you play rough, and hopefully you don't get caught," he said. The AG was trying for a laugh, but it may have been one of the more revealing insights into his career.

    Bad enough to reveal you played soccer, but the notion of a soccer enforcer is so ludicrous you make yourself a laughingstock.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:30 PM


    Not-so-constants? (Robert C. Cowen, 5/04/06, CS Monitor)

    If further research were to confirm that any of the constants is variable, physicists would face the stark realization that their understanding of how the physical universe works is fundamentally flawed. These latest results are uncertain. But they show that the tedious effort to refine what already are highly precise measurements is worthwhile.

    The constants in question include: the speed of light in empty space, a constant that's used to determine gravitational force; the fine-structure constant that fixes the strength of electromagnetic forces; and the ratio of the mass of a proton to the mass of an electron.

    It doesn't matter that their metaphors are bunk as long as you can get the equations to work most of the time.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:27 PM


    Iran, US share Afghan goals (David Montero, 5/04/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    The Shiite republic, one of Afghanistan's greatest trading partners, has a visible hand here, building roads and schools, and keeping shops afloat with electricity and goods. What's more, these projects represent only a fraction of the $204 million Iran has spent in aid, ranking it among the top donors to post-conflict Afghanistan.

    Even though the US and Iran are locked in an international struggle over Iran's alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons, the long-time foes have worked together well in Afghanistan, a place where they have common ground.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:23 PM


    Oil prices plunge as US gasoline stocks grow, but Iran worries limit falls (AFX)

    Oil prices fell sharply, reversing their earlier move earlier towards record highs, after US inventory data showed a surprise build in gasoline and crude stockpiles last week.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:15 PM


    Jury Rejects Death Penalty for Moussaoui (William Branigin, Jerry Markon and Timothy Dwyer, May 3, 2006, Washington Post)

    A federal jury decided today to spare the life of Zacarias Moussaoui, finding that the avowed al-Qaeda conspirator should be sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist plot.

    Announcing the verdict outside U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Edward Adams, a court spokesman, said the 12 jurors "were not unanimous" in favor of a death sentence for Moussaoui, meaning that he automatically gets a life sentence without possibility of parole. [...]

    Adams said the jury's findings on a list of aggravating and mitigating factors varied. For example, in weighing "aggravating factors" advanced by the prosecution, the jurors unanimously agreed that Moussaoui entered the United States for the purpose of gaining knowledge necessary to kill as many Americans as possible and knowingly created a grave risk to one or more persons. But Adams said the jurors "did not unanimously find" that the defendant's actions resulted in the deaths of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

    You can see how they'd not be unanimous on that point, but not why it should mitigate.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:23 PM


    George W. Milhous Bush?: Is Dubya the new Nixon? (Jonah Goldberg, 5/04/06, National Review)

    [T]here is one area where we can make somewhat useful comparisons between Nixon and Bush: their status as liberal Republicans.

    Nixon has a fascinating reputation as one of the most right-wing presidents of the 20th century. This impression is largely a product of the fact that few presidents have been more hated by the Left. But simply because the left despises you doesn't mean you're particularly right-wing. If LBJ were alive, you could ask him about this. Or just take a look at poor Joe Lieberman.

    The truth is, Nixon was the last of the New Deal-era liberal presidents. He sponsored and signed the legislation creating the Environmental Protection Agency, the Water Quality Improvement Act and the Endangered Species Act. He oversaw the establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Nixon created the Philadelphia Plan, the springboard for racial quotas; pushed for Title IX (the women's "equality" law); and hired Leon Panetta (later Bill Clinton's chief of staff) as his director of the office of civil rights.

    Nixon pushed aggressively for national health insurance that would cover 100 percent of the nation's poor children. He increased federal spending on health and education programs by more than 50 percent and massively boosted spending on the National Endowment for Humanities. He tried to increase welfare with his Family Assistance Plan and Child Development Act.

    Economically, Nixon got along swell with the chamber of commerce crowd, but he was well to the left of almost any leading Democrat today, championing wage and price controls as a legitimate tool of state, and boasting "Now I am a Keynesian in economics."

    I could argue that Nixon's amoral foreign policy is today alive and well in many corners of the Left, but that's a distraction from my central point.

    Bush is certainly to the right of Nixon on many issues. But at the philosophical level, he shares the Nixonians' supreme confidence in the power of the state. Bush rejects limited government and many of the philosophical assumptions that underlie that position. He favors instead strong government. He believes, as he said in 2003, that when "somebody hurts, government has got to move." His compassionate conservatism shares with Nixon's moderate Republicanism a core faith that not only can the government love you, but it should spend money to prove its love. Beyond that, there seems to be no core set of principles that define Bush's approach, and therefore, much like Nixon, no clearly communicable message that explains why he does things other than political calculation and expediency.

    It's odd that the neocons look down on the theocons as their intellectual inferiors but can't even figure out that compassionate conservatism is not just a comprehensive philosophy of government but one that has been tremendously successful not only here but in Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. as well, though under a variety of rubrics. Their silliness reached its pinnacle with David Frum's memoir, which argued that 9-11 had rescued the Bush presidency, but they've maintained a pretty high standard of nonsense for quite a while now.

    The reality is that it was Ronald Reagan and his vice president, George H. W. Bush, who, like Nixon (and like him a child of the Depression), were the last New Deal liberals--taking sateps to preserve and extend Social Security and Medicare largely unchanged. It is Bill Clinton and George Bush who have brought to bear an entirely different set of Third Way principles--utilizing First Way (free market) means (welfare work requirements/school vouchers/HSAs/personalized retirement accounts) to effect Second Way ends (economic security)--to bear on social schemes that Ike, Nixon, and Reagan did just as much to enshrine as FDR, Truman and LBJ.

    Meanwhile, though anti-government conservatives do indeed retain the same set of First Way core principles they always did, those principles have been rejected so overwhelmingly in every developed nation on Earth that they effectively serve to prop up the Second Way by not offering an alternative that's acceptable to more than a tiny sliver of the citizenry. They have the purity of Goldwater in '64 or Landon in '36, and just as little influence on the actual governance of the nation.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:53 PM


    A good letter from Congressman Jeff Flake.

    Posted by David Cohen at 2:37 PM

    I AM SHOCKED, SHOCKED... (Self-reference alert)

    An April Shower of Tax Revenue (Michael Englund, Business Week, 5/3/06)

    All the daily data for receipt of tax payments by the U.S. Treasury for the key month of April are now available, and the results speak for themselves: By our estimates at Action Economics, April receipts soared at a 15% year-over-year rate. This is well in excess of the 2% year-over-year growth in outlays, which were depressed by a "pull ahead" of some spending into March because of calendar effects.

    The April data signal that the fiscal 2006 U.S. budget deficit is on track to reach the vicinity of our $270 billion forecast, despite official and market forecasts that are all nearly $50 billion to $150 billion higher. A shortfall of this magnitude in the U.S. budget deficit from official forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) happens with remarkable consistency in healthy "middle years" of business expansions, and it's happening again.

    For those who don't pay U.S. taxes, April is when Americans "settle up" for the previous year, and so receipt data in this volatile month removes most of the uncertainty for each year's budget-deficit forecast. We still don't have the official monthly figures, but the daily data imply that we saw an April Treasury surplus that could reach $100 billion, and that we more conservatively peg at $95 billion.

    With only five more months to go in the fiscal year, it will now be hard to reach the CBO's $337 billion figure, and all but impossible to reach the $423 billion gap projected by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). At this point, if our April projection is correct, the CBO would need to see the U.S. economy hit a brick wall to reach its fiscal 2006 and fiscal 2007 receipt estimates.

    According to the numbers posted daily by the Department of the Public Debt, the non-governmental public debt dropped by something like $60 billion in April.

    Posted by John Resnick at 2:09 PM


    Debunking One of the Worst Ideas in Economics (Charles Wheelan, Ph.D., May 3, 2006, Yahoo! Finance)

    Economist Arthur Laffer made a very interesting supposition: If tax rates are high enough, then cutting taxes might actually generate more revenue for the government, or at least pay for themselves. (In one of life's great coincidences, he first sketched a graph of this idea on Dick Cheney's cocktail napkin. [not according to Laffer, ed] ) If the government cuts taxes, then Uncle Sam gets a smaller cut of all economic activity -- but reducing taxes also generates new economic activity. Laffer reasoned that, under some circumstances, a tax cut would stimulate so much new economic activity that the government would end up with more in its coffers -- by taking a smaller slice of a much larger pie.

    In fairness to Mr. Laffer, there's nothing wrong with this theory. It's almost certainly true at very high rates of taxation. If you consider the extreme, say a 99 percent marginal tax rate, then the government will probably not be collecting a lot of revenue. To begin with, citizens are going to hide as much income as possible. (The more honest ones will turn to barter and avoid the tax system entirely.) And no one is going to rush out and take a second job or build a factory if they get to keep only $1 of every $100 that they earn.

    So it's entirely plausible that slashing tax rates from 99 percent to 30 percent could increase government tax revenues. It would deflate the black market and provide a huge new incentive to work and invest.

    No Big Jolt for the U.S.

    But here's the problem when we take Laffer's theory and try to apply it in the U.S.: We don't have a 99 percent marginal tax rate. Or 70 percent. Or even 50 percent. We start with low marginal tax rates relative to the rest of the developed world. (Yes, I understand that it may not feel that way after the check you wrote last month.)

    So cutting the tax rate from 36 percent to 33 percent is not going to give you the same kind of economic jolt as slashing a tax rate from 90 percent to 50 percent. There's no huge black market to be shut down, no big supply of skilled workers to be lured back into the labor market, and so on.

    Will it generate new economic activity? Probably. And that will generate some incremental tax revenue for the government. But remember, it also means that the government will be taking a smaller cut of all the economic activity that we already have.

    Think about a simple numerical example: Assume you've got a $10 trillion economy and an average tax rate of 30 percent. So the government takes $3 trillion.

    Let's cut the average tax rate to 25 percent and, for the sake of example, assume that it generates $1 trillion in new economic growth (a Herculean assumption, by the way). So now, what does Uncle Sam get? One quarter of $11 trillion is only $2.75 trillion. The economy grows, government revenues shrink.

    That's basically what happened with the large Reagan and George W. Bush tax cuts, both of which were followed by large budget deficits. Yes, spending has a lot to do with that, but the bottom line is unequivocal: In both cases, government revenue was lower than it would have been without the tax cuts.

    Wouldn't want the facts and figures to get in the way of the meme, eh Doc? And just exactly how do incremental budget increases "pay for" themselves?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:51 PM


    Administration Conducting Research Into Laser Weapon (WILLIAM J. BROAD, 5/03/06, NY Times)

    The Bush administration is seeking to develop a powerful ground-based laser weapon that would use beams of concentrated light to destroy enemy satellites in orbit.

    The largely secret project, parts of which have been made public through Air Force budget documents submitted to Congress in February, is part of a wide-ranging effort to develop space weapons, both defensive and offensive. No treaty or law forbids such work. [...]

    The laser research is far more ambitious than a previous effort by the Clinton administration nearly a decade ago to test an antisatellite laser. It would take advantage of an optical technique that uses sensors, computers and flexible mirrors to counteract the atmospheric turbulence that seems to make stars twinkle.

    The weapon would essentially reverse that process, shooting focused beams of light upward with great clarity and force.

    Though futuristic and technically challenging, the laser work is relatively inexpensive by government standards — about $20 million in 2006, with planned increases to some $30 million by 2011 — partly because no weapons are as yet being built and partly because the work is being done at an existing base, an unclassified government observatory called Starfire in the New Mexico desert.

    It's imperative that we, and only we, have the capacity to destroy satellites from the ground and missile installations from space.

    Posted by David Cohen at 12:27 PM


    Q&A: Embryonic Stem Cells: Exploding the Myths (Joe Palca,, 5/3/06)

    Will embryonic stem cells cure diseases?


    Alzheimer's disease is frequently mentioned as one that might be cured by stem-cell therapy, but most neuroscientists think this is unlikely. It does not appear to be a disease caused by damage to a particular cell, so cell therapy probably wouldn't be the most appropriate treatment....

    If the federal government doesn't expand funding for embryonic stem cells, will U.S. scientists flee to other countries?

    Probably not....

    If the federal government doesn't expand funding, will America fall behind in stem-cell research?


    Are U.S. scientists prohibited from doing certain kinds of embryonic stem-cell research?


    Still, you'll never convince some people that, if John Kerry had been elected, Christopher Reeves wouldn't be playing himself in the next Night of the Living Dead.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


    The loose supercannon: The Age of War: The United States Confronts the World, by Gabriel Kolko (Allen Quicke, 5/04/06, Asia Times)

    Since World War II the United States has been increasingly willing to use its military might to impose its will on the world. But it is not sure exactly what its will is, and it has never evolved a workable doctrine that specifies its global role and how and when force should be used to achieve its ends. The result is haphazard foreign-policy decisions and ill-conceived military adventures embarked on without an understanding of local conditions and in utter disregard of possible consequences. Besides, Kolko argues, military means seldom if ever achieve the desired political ends. Still, the US goes in, with massive firepower, its smart bombs thinking overtime and its superweapons primed, only to find more often than not that its awesome arsenal is utterly unsuited for the job at hand. Thus it gets sucked in to prolonged, escalating conflicts such as Vietnam and Iraq, and its original intentions are forgotten as it fights on simply to avoid defeat and humiliation - in other words, to protect its credibility as a superpower. The massive human, social and economic damage that it inflicts in the process serves to destabilize regions and create enemies that the US did not have before.

    Add to this "shock and awe" the increasing economic inequalities abetted by the US-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund, and you have the ingredients for anti-American terrorism: desperate people with no other recourse, economically on the brink and having been on the receiving end of US firepower.

    If some of this sounds familiar, it's because it is standard anti-American fare. Yet the iteration of the facts behind such assertions is instructive. Let's look at some of them, starting with a very abbreviated list of better-known US military interventions since 1950 (a similar list would have served Kolko's argument well, yet it is missing from the book).

    1. Korea, 1950-53
    2. Egypt, 1956
    3. Vietnam, 1962-73
    4. Cambodia, 1969-75
    5. Laos, 1971-73
    6. Dominican Republic, 1965-66
    7. Iran (hostage rescue attempt), 1980
    8. Lebanon, 1982-84
    9. Grenada, 1983
    10. Libya, 1986
    11. Panama, 1989-90
    12. Kuwait, 1991
    13. Iraq (no-fly zone), 1991-2003
    14. Somalia, 1992-93
    15. Haiti, 1994
    16. Bosnia (with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 1995
    17. Sudan, 1998
    18. Serbia (with NATO), 1999
    19. Afghanistan, 2001-present
    20. Iraq, 2003-present

    A fuller list, such as one provided byZNet, numbers at least 60 US military and/or covert interventions since 1950, excluding shows of naval/air strength, covert action and/or the use of proxy forces where the United States did not have command, and US pilots flying foreign warplanes. Instances in which the US has used proxy forces and/or covert action for regime change, for propping up "friendly" rulers, or to fight communism include scores of countries around the globe: Angola, Cuba, Venezuela, Indonesia, the Philippines, Namibia, Iran in 1953, Afghanistan in the 1980s, Iran again in 2006, to name just a very few.

    And all this for what?

    For this: "Just 25 years ago, there were only 45 democracies. Today, Freedom House reports there are 122 democracies, and more people live in liberty than ever before."

    As to the alleged ideological inconsistency over the years that we've been forcing that evolution, one need only compare this statement, this statement and this one to this one and this one in order to see that the assertion is nonsensical.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:24 AM


    Iraqi President Says Sunni Insurgents See Iran as Threat: 'Great Change' in War Aims Is Cited (Nelson Hernandez and Saad al-Izzi, 5/03/06, Washington Post)

    Iraq's president appealed for national unity and the renunciation of sectarian violence ahead of a parliament meeting set for Wednesday, saying he had met with Sunni Arab insurgent leaders and observed a "great change" in their war aims.

    The insurgents "do not think that the Americans are the main enemy," President Jalal Talabani said in an interview on al-Hurra television Tuesday night. "They feel threatened by what they call the 'Iranian threat.' "

    He referred to the insurgents' fear of Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority, which many Sunnis believe is dominated by the neighboring Shiite theocracy in Iran. Despite their worries about Iran, Talabani said, he found them "reasonable and ready for the peaceful political process," and he appealed to Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds to participate together in a government.

    "If the current government is formed as a national unity government which represents the entire spectrum of the Iraqi people, then I think we will be able to solve the problem of terrorism within a year," Talabani said.

    They've got to stop reading the Weekly Standard.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:02 AM


    Blackwell Wins GOP Nod for Ohio Governor (JULIE CARR SMYTH, May 3, 2006, The Associated Press)

    Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell won the GOP nomination for governor Tuesday after campaigning as the best candidate to deliver his party from a year of political scandals and infighting. [...]

    Blackwell's prominence as a leading black voice in the GOP could be pivotal to Republicans. He is the first black candidate to run for governor in Ohio.

    A Governor Blackwell immediately joins Jeb as a leading contender to be John McCain's vice president.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 AM


    Canadians praying in private, Statscan says (MICHAEL VALPY, 5/03/06, Globe and Mail)

    Millions of Canadians are secretly more religious than they let on, murmuring prayers, meditating and reading sacred texts in the privacy of their homes but staying away from formal worship, Statistics Canada said yesterday.

    Using data from Statscan's 2002 Ethnic Diversity Study, the agency said that while only one-third of adult Canadians attend religious services at least monthly, more than half engage in religious activities of their own at least monthly.

    The agency's report, published in the journal Canadian Social Trends, will likely become part of the heated debate among religion sociologists over whether Canada is becoming more or less secular.

    According to the report's authors, senior Statscan analysts Warren Clark and Grant Schellenberg, the findings indicate that adult Canadians attach a higher degree of importance to religion than religious attendance figures alone would indicate.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM


    Minutemen recruit blacks against illegal immigrants (MARK BROWN, May 3, 2006, Chicago SUN-TIMES)

    For the handful of self-styled immigration enforcers from the Chicago Minuteman Project, this was old hat.

    This time, though, they had some new comrades-in-arms: a contingent of African-American men, mostly ex-offenders involved with an organization that advocates finding jobs for individuals with criminal records.

    "These people haven't served time for their crimes, and they're getting amnesty," complained Mark Carter, 32, of Lawndale, who says he went to prison on a drug offense. "We're being pushed aside. The ex-offenders should have got amnesty before any illegal aliens. Are there certain laws that certain people can break?"

    Carter's friend from Roseland, Paul McKinley, a leader of the group, Voice of the Ex-Offender, later suggested a solution with eerie echoes: "Send them back where they come from."

    Illegal immigration is an extremely sensitive issue across the African-American community, and the problem of unemployed young men with criminal pasts is just one subset.

    The confluence of interests among nativists, blacks and Labor creates a delicious dynamic.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


    TRADING WITH THE MULLAHS: German companies have enjoyed booming trade with Iran in recent years. But with tension over Tehran's nuclear ambitions rising, the export party may be over. Deals with the mullah state are becoming an increasingly risky business. (Beat Balzli and Sebastian Ramspeck, 5/03/06, Der Spiegel)

    Between 2000 and 2005, German exports to Iran more than doubled. Last year they reached a new record of €4.4 billion, or 0.6 percent of Germany's total export volume. Manufacturers of machinery and equipment are the main beneficiaries because Iran is using German know-how to develop its economy.

    Frankfurt-based Lurgi AG for example is currently leading four large Iranian petrochemical projects worth around €500 billion. The company's business activities there have accounted for up to 20 percent of its total sales in recent years. Despite the ongoing tension surrounding Tehran's controversial nuclear ambitions the company is "relaxed," according to a spokesman, who said that Lurgi has had a very good working relationship with Iran for years and views the country as a reliable business partner.

    Until a few days ago, Lurgi's Wiesbaden-based competitor Linde AG was also waxing lyrical about the excellent business ties and about an Iranian order intake which in 2005 rose almost five-fold from the previous year But last Monday the company announced that Iran was abandoning a deal that would have yielded €400 million for Linde. The country has handed the contract for a petrochemical plant to domestic companies rather than to an international consortium which Linde would have headed.

    The abandoned deal highlights the risks involved in dealing with Iran, risks which could soon start spoiling the party for German exporters. The leadership in Tehran isn't confining its policy of confrontation and isolation to the nuclear dispute with the West. It has started to lessen its dependence on the West in economic relations as well.

    German firms are also worried about a possible embargo on the mullah regime, or even a war. And they are starting to feel the heat from the United States as well. Many companies are worried that they will be punished in the US market if they remain active in Iran. "The pressure is strong and is often exerted in a very subtle way," said the employee of one company that exports to Tehran. "You have to weigh your interests very carefully."

    This is why a lynchpin of our foreign policy has to be treating any and all business arrangements entered into by enemy regimes as odious and unenforceable upon their fall.

    Posted by pjaminet at 8:53 AM


    A Conservative Republican for the Center (David Ignatius, Washington Post, 5/3/2006, reprinted in Wall Street Journal)

    Sen. McCain is spending more of his time in the bog of American politics, and it's no picnic.

    When he accepted a speaking invitation from Jerry Falwell, the polarizing prince of the Christian right, liberals saw it as a betrayal of values. When he voted to make President Bush's tax cuts permanent, despite his own past warnings about the country's fiscal mess, budget balancers attacked him as a hypocrite.

    When I asked Mr. McCain if the criticism bothered him, he answered quietly, "Oh yeah."...

    A McCain candidacy ... will be rooted in his image as a man of principle. But it will also be something of a balancing act -- one that the candidate himself is likely to find uncomfortable.

    Senator McCain has a flair for the dramatic. A more effective, but less showy, way to reach out to the Christian right would be to work with its most respected figures -- people like Charles Colson and James Dobson -- to address some problem, such as prisoner welfare or the fate of the Sudan. Doing good, and doing it in partnership with the most respected Christian conservative leaders, would have won him respect among the base. Falwell on the other hand is wild in his ideas and spirit, and carries less influence with Christian conservatives, but has a much higher public profile thanks to the opprobrium liberals have heaped on him. I think it is good that McCain is talking to a leading Christian conservative and not allowing himself to be captive to political correctness, but I don't believe this was the most attractive choice of ways to do it. In seeking out Falwell, and not for anything substantive but for a mere speech, McCain seems to choose the flashiest, most controversial, most daring and reckless way over the slow, cooperative, and humble way.

    It is a hint that McCain conceives of the world as combative rather than cooperative. He chooses to associate with combative figures like Falwell, and demonstrate his "conservativism" by picking up liberal animosity, rather than associate with cooperative figures and win respect by doing something constructive.

    He is, character-wise, the anti-Bush. I wonder if it is a personality that will age well on the national scene. Roguishness that is charming in a junior player may be unsettling in the nation's principal leader.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 AM


    Beverage companies to stop selling non-diet sodas to schools (AP, 5/03/04)

    Tens of millions of students will no longer be able to buy non-diet sodas in the nation's public schools under an agreement announced Wednesday between major beverage distributors and anti-obesity advocates.

    The distributors, working with a joint initiative of the William J. Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, also have agreed to sell only water, juice and low-fat milks to elementary and middle schools, said Jay Carson, a spokesman for former President Clinton.

    Cadbury Schweppes PLC, Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc. and the American Beverage Association have all signed onto the deal, Carson said, adding that the companies serve "the vast majority of schools." The American Beverage Association represents the majority of school vending bottlers.

    "It's a bold and sweeping step that industry and childhood obesity advocates have decided to take together," Carson said.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


    Man on a mission to enlighten Seattleites about real tacos (HSIAO-CHING CHOU, Seattle Post -Iintelligencer)

    At the Greek cafe where Alvaro Candela works as a server, the kitchen sometimes sets aside its baklava heritage to experiment with its hidden taco talent.

    Candela is from Mexico City. Even though he works nights at Vios Cafe & Marketplace, where he serves family-style Greek dinners, he can't help injecting some salsa spirit into life at the Capitol Hill restaurant.

    He grew up in a family of self-professed "taco freaks" who think nothing of driving more than an hour to let their taste buds confirm the latest rumor of a great taco.

    "The taco," Candela says, "is not junk food." [...]


    * 8 large white potatoes, peeled
    * 3 white onions
    * 4 poblano chiles
    * 2/3 cup corn or canola oil
    * 1/2 quart heavy cream
    * Tortillas for serving

    Cut potatoes in half lengthwise, then slice into 1/4-inch-thick half-moon slices. Cut onions in half and slice.

    Skin the poblanos by charring them directly over a flame or in the broiler. Put chiles in a plastic bag and seal. Let sit for a few minutes, then remove and the skin should come right off. Cut poblanos in half. Remove the seeds and ribs. Cut into julienne strips.

    Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add potatoes and fry until they're light brown. Add the onions to the potatoes and cook until onions are soft. Raise heat to high. Add the poblanos and stir to mix.

    Add the cream. Let the mixture sizzle a bit. Turn heat to low and let cook for about 20 minutes. Add salt to taste.

    Serve with warmed tortillas.

    Recipe by Alvaro Candela

    The Chinese journalist profiling the Mexican with a dream who works at the Greek joint....

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


    Mirabelli ’s trip picks up steam (Michael Silverman, May 3, 2006, Boston Herald)

    Doug Mirabelli’s midday journey from San Diego to Boston in time for Monday night’s game is gaining fast on Paul Revere’s midnight ride in local lore.

    Mirabelli would probably not have made it to Fenway Park in time to catch Tim Wakefield’s pitch had it not been for Mass. State Police (Troop F) trooper David O’Leary. He took the catcher from Logan Airport to the ballpark in about 10 minutes.

    According to traveling secretary Jack McCormick, the Red Sox paid $160 ($40 an hour per body for a four-hour minimum rental) for O’Leary to step on it while Mirabelli was changing into his uniform.

    McCormick did assure curious minds that had O’Leary seen a crime while en route, “he would have done everything in his power to intercede and stop the crime in process.”

    Better be a least a homicide, preferably genocide.....

    Lowell savors rivalry (Dan Ventura, May 3, 2006, Boston Herald)

    He’s been a big league ballplayer for nearly a decade, but Mike Lowell couldn’t remember being part of a one-game series. [...]

    Now, as the Red Sox third baseman, he couldn’t believe the intensity a two-game series in April could generate.

    “I’ve never been a part of anything like this,” he said. “It was totally different than any other regular-season game that I’ve been a part of.”

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:47 AM


    Mediators reportedly preparing new Darfur plan
    (Associated Press, 5/03/06)

    African Union mediators joined by senior U.S. and British officials are preparing a substantially changed Darfur peace proposal after rebels rejected the original draft, said two Sudanese close to the negotiations who saw the new document Wednesday.

    The two Sudanese, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the new proposal was not yet official, said it was aimed at meeting rebel demands for a greater share of power and wealth.

    The Sudanese government had accepted the original draft and it was not immediately clear how it would respond to any changes.

    U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick and British Cabinet member Hilary Benn, who have joined efforts to hammer out an agreement, met Wednesday morning with African Union officials to finalize the new proposal, said the two Sudanese who had seen it.

    We may not have split Iraq in three yet but this will finalize the tripartite division of The Sudan.

    U.S. Envoy Joins Negotiations on Darfur as Deadline Is Extended (Glenn Kessler, 5/03/06, Washington Post)

    Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick plunged into the negotiations on a peace plan for Sudan's Darfur region yesterday as President Bush telephoned Sudan's president to urge him to return a top negotiator to the talks. A midnight deadline for a resolution was extended to allow additional talks today, Zoellick said. [...]

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush called Lt. Gen. Omar Hassan Bashir, Sudan's president, late Monday to urge him to return his top negotiator, vice president Ali Uthman Muhammad Taha, to finalize an agreement. Taha abruptly returned to Khartoum on Monday.

    The official SUNA news agency said Bashir assured Bush he wants to reach an agreement to end the conflict, but there was no indication Bashir would accede to Bush's request to allow Taha to return to Abuja. Zoellick said he had been assured that the government's senior representative to the talks had the authority to make decisions and that he could speak to Taha and Bashir by telephone whenever necessary.

    Sudan has resisted a U.S.-backed plan to replace a 7,000-strong African Union force with a more robust United Nations peacekeeping mission, with NATO providing logistical support. U.S. officials hope that an agreement in Abuja will pave the way for the dismantlement of the Janjaweed and the introduction of U.N. troops.

    "The president also stressed the need for President Bashir to accept the transition of an African Union mission to a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Darfur and to accept a NATO supportive role," McClellan said.

    Time to get serious, the Crusaders are here.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Bush, Hill Republicans Agree To Extend Expiring Tax Cuts (Jonathan Weisman, 5/03/06, Washington Post)

    President Bush and congressional Republicans agreed yesterday on a $70 billion package of tax-cut extensions that they hope will help halt the deterioration of their political fortunes.

    The package would extend the 2003 cuts to the tax rates on dividends and capital gains, continue tax breaks for small-business investment and the overseas operations of financial service companies, and slow the expansion of the alternative minimum tax, a parallel income tax system that was enacted to target the rich but is increasingly snaring the middle class.

    It's the AMT that gives them leverage over Democrats for a real reform package--make it bite.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    U.S. takes new view on DDT in Africa (Joyce Howard Price, May 3, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    U.S. government officials are enthusiastically endorsing and funding the use of DDT in sub-Saharan Africa after years of resisting calls from scientists who said the insecticide would be the best weapon for fighting malaria, despite lingering objections by some environmentalists.

    "We're really pretty aggressive" about supporting DDT use against the mosquitoes that spread malaria, said Michael Miller, deputy assistant administrator of the Bureau of Global Health for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

    Added Richard Green, director of the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition in USAID's global health bureau: "We think DDT is an excellent insecticide and that, in some circumstances, it has some advantages over some other insecticides that are available."

    The insecticide credited with eliminating malaria in the Western world years ago was outlawed in the United States in 1972 and is banned in most countries because of environmental concerns and unsubstantiated fears it can harm humans.

    Who gets to break it to Captain Ozone.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Senate moves to keep vouchers: The state Senate advanced a proposal to fix the constitutional weaknesses of Florida's first voucher program. It comes up for a vote today (MARY ELLEN KLAS, 5/03/06, Miami Herald)

    The state Supreme Court ruled that the state Constitution bars the state from using taxpayer dollars for private schooling.

    The Senate's suggested solution: Don't give the state funds directly to the kids. Instead, let corporate sponsors pay for the vouchers -- then give them a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.

    The plan, which will come up for a final vote today, is designed to get around the high court decision in January that declared the Opportunity Scholarship Program unconstitutional. [...]

    The proposal would expand the already existing corporate tax-credit scholarship program but will not affect another voucher measure, the McKay Scholarships, designed to help disabled students go to public schools.

    The Florida Education Association and a coalition of groups financed the lawsuit that overturned the governor's first voucher program. The lead attorney, Ron Meyer, called Webster's bill ''a good start toward addressing the constitutional shortcomings that the court found and that is something we support.'' Meyer said his coalition has ''no plans'' to file a lawsuit against the other voucher programs and said warnings from the governor and voucher supporters that his group plans to challenge the McKay scholarships are untrue.

    Are such contortions really worthwhile just to retain anti-Catholic detritus in your constitution?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Administration Is Singing More Than One Tune on Spanish Version of Anthem (Peter Baker, May 3, 2006, Washington Post)

    President Bush declared last week that the national anthem should be sung in English not Spanish, but he evidently never told his own government or campaign organizations.

    The State Department posts four Spanish versions of "The Star-Spangled Banner" on its Web site, and accounts from the 2000 election suggest that the song was at times performed in Spanish at Bush campaign events. Critics even turned up one reference to Bush himself singing the anthem in Spanish on the trail, but there was no confirmation.

    The furor over a newly released Spanish version of the anthem has underscored once again the power of symbols in American politics. At a time when the immigration debate in Washington has divided Republicans on Capitol Hill, drawn hundreds of thousands of protesters into the streets and triggered a nationwide boycott, all sides are scrutinizing the words and records of the president and other politicians for signs of inconsistency.

    The National Anthem in Spanish is swell, but the rewrite at issue here is a travesty.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    Beef Kebabs with Soy Sauce, Cumin and Orange Zest: Cooking New American by The Editors of Fine Cooking (The Splendid Table, 5/03/06)

    * 1 tablespoon brown sugar
    * 1/4 cup soy sauce
    * 1 large clove garlic, very finely chopped
    * 1-1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
    * 3/4 teaspoon ground coriander
    * Pinch cayenne
    * 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    * 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
    * 3/4 teaspoons grated orange zest
    * 2 tablespoons olive oil
    * 1-3/4 pounds boneless rib-eye steak, about 1-1/2 to 2 inches thick and cut into 1-1/2- to 2-inch cubes
    * Sprigs of fresh cilantro or mint
    * Plain yogurt (optional)

    1. In a large bowl, combine the brown sugar and soy sauce. Whisk in the garlic, spices, lemon juice, and orange zest, and gradually whisk in the olive oil.

    2. Set aside 2 tablespoons of the marinade. Toss the beef cubes in the bowl with the rest of the marinade and marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature or for up to 8 hours in the refrigerator.

    3. Prepare a medium-hot charcoal fire or heat a gas grill. Skewer the cubes, leaving a little space between each cube so they'll cook all around. Grill, turning the skewers to brown on all sides to the point of slight charring, for about 8 minutes for medium rare.

    4. Push the meat off the skewers and onto plates, drizzle with the reserved 2 tablespoons marinade, and garnish with cilantro or mint sprigs and a spoonful of yogurt, if you like.

    May 2, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


    A Man Who Won't Sell His Soul (David Ignatius, May 3, 2006, Washington Post)

    He says liberals need to understand that he's not a man of the left, or even the center. "I haven't changed. My record is the same on all issues, which is that of a conservative Republican. Not a liberal Republican, not a moderate Republican." [...]

    A measure of McCain's loyalty to Bush on Iraq is that he won't rule out becoming secretary of defense if Rumsfeld goes. "I would have to assess where I can be most effective," he said, adding: "It's awfully hard to say no to the president of the United States."

    The GOP nominates good soldiers, the Democrats winter soldiers.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


    Troop pact takes alliance with U.S. into new era: SDF will be handed a bigger role in operations (REIJI YOSHIDA, 5/03/06, Japan Times)

    The final bilateral accord reached Monday in Washington on realigning the U.S. forces in Japan is not just about moving military units from one place to another.

    It is an epoch-making agreement to achieve greater integration of the Self-Defense Forces into U.S. military operations, allowing Tokyo to play a bigger role in support of the U.S. forces beyond the scope of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, senior Defense Agency officials said.

    "The Japan-U.S. (military) alliance has already become more than what the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (stands) for," said a senior Defense Agency official who engaged in the realignment talks, asking that his name not be used.

    It's possible to believe that the Realists who make up the foreign policy crowd are so locked into their narrow Atlanticist worldview that they genuinely don't realize what's going on around them, but you have to have at least a sneaking suspicion that if a JFK, Nixon, or even Clinton were forging an Axis of Good as sweeping and powerful as the one that George Bush is putting together it would be hailed as the historic achievement that it is.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:50 PM


    Americans find fresh new ways to dip into salsa: There's no question that Mexico's spicy staple tastes best when made from scratch (Stephanie Cook Broadhurst, 5/03/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    In December 2000, salsa became the No. 1-selling condiment in the US, replacing ketchup, according to the Association for Dressings and Sauces. Of course, Americans have put their own spin on salsa, creating milder and fruity versions, mixing in ingredients like bell peppers, mushrooms, or pineapple. [...]

    Salsa Mexicana

    2 tablespoons finely diced white onion
    8 Roma tomatoes (about 1 pound), diced
    1 to 2 serrano chilies, finely diced, with seeds
    2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, finely chopped
    1 teaspoon sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

    Place onion in a strainer, rinse with hot water, and drain. Combine and mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Add a little more sugar if tomatoes are acidic, but make sure salsa does not taste of sugar. Chill for 30 minutes before serving, and eat within a few hours. This all-purpose salsa is good with tortilla chips, grilled meats, hamburgers, or almost any Mexican dish. Makes 3 to 4 cups. (Medium-hot. Use fewer chilies to lower heat.)

    Source: Adapted from 'The Great Salsa Book' by Mark Miller, with Mark Kiffin and John Harrisson (Ten Speed Press)

    Cinco de Mayo Tips (Food Network)

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:46 PM


    How $3 gas could push US drivers to shift: But consumption habits would only change if prices stay high (Mark Trumbull, 5/03/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    To politicians, high prices have exposed a more urgent need for measures that help the nation diversify beyond oil-based transportation. To consumers and producers of energy, the marketplace is providing an impetus for new products and resource-saving habits. [...]

    For years, some policy experts and economists have argued that higher taxes on gasoline - or on fossil fuels in general - would be the most efficient way to curb demand for oil and promote alternatives. What the nation now faces is a kind of involuntary test of those proposals.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:22 PM


    Masked man rides to the rescue (Bob Ryan, May 2, 2006, Boston Globe)

    Any skilled professional can catch Curt Schilling or Josh Beckett. But is Doug Mirabelli the only man on this planet who can catch Tim Wakefield?

    We know this much: He did it with aplomb for 4 1/2 years, and the five games Wakefield had thrown in his absence this season were terrifying exercises in knuckleball stoppage. Josh Bard was en route to establishing passed ball records that might have endured for centuries, and so the Red Sox did the only thing they could. They asked Bard and Cla Meredith to transport $100,000 with them to San Diego and they welcomed back the man they had traded away in December for Mark Loretta.

    When Doug Mirabelli was announced as last night's starting catcher, the crowd erupted as if John Henry had just announced free beer and hot dogs for both Yankee games.

    How badly did the Red Sox want Mirabelli back? The police escort was ready on the tarmac when he disembarked from his plane at 6:48 p.m. He dressed in the car. He breezed through the clubhouse, put on his equipment, and headed to the field.

    Wake up call (Eric Wilbur, 5/01/06,
    Doug Mirabelli didn’t directly answer the question as to whether this was his first time in a police car.

    “It was my first time naked in a police car,” he said.

    It was that kind of day for the newly re-acquired Red Sox catcher, who summed up his day in one word -- “Wow", following Boston’s 7-3 win over New York at Fenway Park. Arriving just minutes before game time at Logan Airport, Mirabelli changed into his Red Sox uniform while enjoying a police escort down Storrow Drive to the Fens.

    “You can’t even imagine how much work went into getting here,” he said.

    Mirabelli said he was nervous the entire flight from California that he wasn’t going to make it in time. He arrived at Fenway at 7 p.m., 12 minutes after disembarking his flight.

    “He rolls out with all his gear on and jumps right in,” Wakefield said. “It’s the most unbelievable thing I’ve seen in my life.”

    Sox get back Mirabelli, whose role is labor of glove (BOB HERZOG, 5/02/06, Newsday)
    There was some added intrigue to the deal because the Yankees played their version of Hollywood Squares, as in "I'll take Doug Mirabelli to block." Yankees GM Brian Cashman admitted he tried to get involved in the trade talks with the Padres.

    "I knew it was an obvious fit [Mirabelli with the Red Sox]. I wanted to make it as painful as possible," Cashman said. "I wanted to make sure it wasn't a one-horse race."

    Even if he couldn't get Mirabelli, Cashman acknowledged, "I hope I drove up the price."

    It's understandable if folks in Podunk are tired of The Rivalry, but it really is just better than any other in sport.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:08 PM


    This card costs 'cause you aren't supposed to have it' (Darren Rovell, 5/02/06,

    Alex Gordon has yet to play a single game in the major leagues and yet his rookie card is the hottest in all of baseball, selling for as much as $2,550 in recent weeks.

    Is Gordon the Kansas City Royals' next great player? Could be. But that isn't why his card, which is No. 297 in Topps' 2006 set, is worth that kind of money.

    The piece of cardboard is worth that much only because it never should have been produced in the first place.

    Last year, in part to reduce confusion in the marketplace, the Major League Baseball Players Association ruled that card manufacturers could make rookie cards only of players who either made the 25-man roster or played in a major league game the season before. Gordon didn't qualify either way. After he led Nebraska into the College World Series, the No. 2 overall pick in the 2005 draft didn't sign his contract -- including a $4 million signing bonus -- until late September.

    "At the last second, we realized we had made a mistake, so we pulled the cards, destroyed them by cutting out the photo and then destroyed the plates," said Topps spokesman Clay Luraschi.

    But a fan named Jeremy Troutman pulled five of Gordon's cards on a shopping trip in his hometown of Wichita, where, coincidentally, Gordon is playing Double-A ball for the Wranglers this season.

    "I went to Wal-Mart, bought two boxes, and got two in the same pack," Troutman said. "So I bought seven more boxes and got another three in the same pack."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:00 PM



    HARVARD University has a bizarre idea of how to advance the education of its grads: Instruct them to bow down to North Ko rea's paranoid dictators and show proper "respect" for the Axis of Evil.

    It's the ultimate in radical Stalinist chic - the Harvard Alumni Association's $636-a-night totalitarian luxury tour of a rogue nation where thousands are deliberately starved to death.

    "Demonstrations of respect for the country's late leader, Kim Il Sung, and for the current leader, Kim Jong Il, are important," instructs the Harvard Alumni Association's tour memo.

    "You will be expected to bow as a gesture of respect at the statue of Kim Il Sung and at his mausoleum."

    In a related story, if you go on the Zimbabwe Study Group expect to floss Mugabe's butt.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:02 PM


    The Options for Darfur: Liberal hawks, don’t do unto Darfur what you did to Iraq (Mark Leon Goldberg, 04.26.06, American Prospect)

    [S]hould Khartoum continue to support the their proxy janjaweed militia, disrupt humanitarian access to Darfur, or launch aggressive military campaigns in Darfur, the United States should reserve the right to launch cruise missile or airstrikes against Sudanese military instillations. The regime in Khartoum values its fleet of converted Antonov transport jets above human lives. So why not threaten the government where it will hurt? The leaders in Khartoum are not bloodthirsty thugs for the hell of it. Rather, they devised a counterinsurgency strategy of genocide precisely because it was the most practical way to suppress a rebellion. It would not take much to make that strategy prohibitively expense for Khartoum by taking out a few dozen aircraft.

    I do not propose airstrikes with great enthusiasm. They could be problematic for a number of reasons, not least of which is the potential that Khartoum follows Slobodan Milosevic’s lead and responds to an aerial assault by accelerating their ground war. But airstrikes would be a last resort, and unlike Milosevic, the regime in Khartoum is more likely to fold under the simple threat of such attacks.

    The question, of course, is whether the United States seeks Security Council support to legitimize such airstrikes. The Chinese will most certainly object. To this, the Kosovo clause should apply: All available diplomatic options would have been exhausted and the urgency of the situation justifies the circumvention of a Security Council vote. This may put me in common cause with the hawks, but any airstrikes should come with the tacit understanding that no American troops will set foot in Darfur.

    Getting folks like this to sanction what even their own consciences require is like pulling teeth. And when they pussyfoot about like he does here it just leaves them out of the serious conversations.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:02 AM


    France's Crackpot Comedian (Steven Plaut, May 2, 2006,

    France, formerly the nation of Balzac and Voltaire, is today best represented by Dieudonné, an anti-Semite and self-styled "comic."

    Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala (his full name) is the French son of a British mother and a Cameroonian father.
    (You can see his poster here.) Beloved by many on the French Left, Dieudonné is so popular in modern France that he is planning to run for President in 2007.

    Not the least significant reason for Dieudonné’s appeal is his eagerness to pander to the anti-Israel prejudices of French audiences. In one of his more notorious acts, he dressed up as a uniformed Israeli settler in the Palestinian occupied territories, gave Nazi salutes, and called upon young people to “join the American-Zionist axis.”

    He also likes to dress up as a rabbi on stage and cry "Isra-heil!" During an anti-Israel sketch in which he portrays Hitler in his bunker, Dieudonné closes with the line: "You will see, in the future, people will come to realize that I, Adolf Hitler, was really a moderate."

    The Left worries that these cretins don't approve of America.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:15 AM


    Al-Qaeda fugitive detained by Pakistan
    (PAUL GARWOOD, 5/02/06, Associated Press)

    A top al-Qaeda leader whose links stretch from Afghan terror training camps to extremist networks operating throughout Europe has been detained in neighbouring Pakistan and possibly handed over to American authorities, according to a U.S. law enforcement official.

    Mustafa Setmarian Nasar, a Syrian who also holds Spanish citizenship, was captured in a November, 2005, sting in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta that left one person dead, said the American official, who declined to be identified further because the matter is sensitive.

    The official, who spoke to the Associated Press late last week, said Mr. Nasar, who is also known as Abu Musab al-Suri, may now be in U.S. custody but did not specify where. He declined to comment further.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:59 AM


    Britons put work and fun before babies: ICM poll reveals changing social attitudes behind UK's low birthrate (Audrey Gillan, May 2, 2006, The Guardian)

    Britain's low birthrate is being driven by a generation of potential parents who would rather get rich and have fun than start a family, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today.

    It also shows that while people still think it is best to have children while young, they are being forced to delay family life by career pressures and the growing difficulty of finding a partner.

    The findings shed light on the changes in social attitudes behind a major demographic shift in countries across Europe. According to the Office of National Statistics, about 20% of British women reaching the end of their fertile life are childless, compared with 10% in the 1940s. In 2004 the UK fertility rate was 1.77 children per woman, considerably lower than the 1960s peak of 2.95 children, although up on the 1.63 record low in 2001.

    Both men and women, according to the poll, believe it is more important for women to enjoy themselves than to have children - with 64% of men and 51% of women agreeing. A majority also thinks that doing well at work and earning money count for more than bringing up children. Just 36% of women believe that people put children ahead of their career.

    Culture matters--nature doesn't.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 AM


    Calm at the Center of the Storm (BARTLE BREESE BULL, 5/02/06, NY Times)

    Hilla, Iraq--HERE in the hometown of Iraq's prime minister-designate, Nuri al-Maliki, people are understandably excited. And not just because a local boy has done well. Rather, they hope Mr. Maliki's ascension is a sign that Iraq as a whole may emulate their province's remarkable success in combating Iraq's two main security threats: Sunni Arab terrorism and the infiltration of Shiite militias into the state security forces.

    Hilla is the capital of Babil Province, 900 square miles just south of Baghdad that could well turn out to be the country's crucial province. Babil's population of 1.6 million, like that of Arab Iraq in general, is mostly Shiite with a Sunni minority. The province borders not only the capital but also the Sunni heartland, Anbar Province, to the west and the Shiite holy places Najaf and Karbala to the south. In the east, Babil's neighboring provinces stretch to Iran and feel its influence heavily.

    Babil's date palm plantations, flat alluvial landscape and almost infinitely divided lattice of irrigation canals give the place a timeless and emblematic feeling. It was home to Babylon — and the Tower of Babel. Thus it was here that Iraq gave the world the "confusion of languages": what should be the blessing of diversity, now cast as the curse of identity politics.

    If everything goes to pieces in Iraq, we will not hear much more about Babil. In that case it will be Anbar, Basra, Kirkuk, Sadr City and the Green Zone in Baghdad that will symbolize pessimism and disaster. But if things go well, or at least better — if Iraq still exists five years from now, and continues to be more free than all of its neighbors except Turkey and less of a threat to them than it used to be — then Babil will have been a major reason for the success. [...]

    Can the new government prevent this success story at the heart of Arab Iraq from becoming yet another stronghold of theocrats, thugs and meddling neighbors? Handicapping Iraqi politics is a fool's game, of course, but if anyone can, it might well be Mr. Maliki. While he spent some years of his exile in Iran, he was the leader of the pro-Arab, rather than the pro-Iranian, wing of his party, Dawa. He has a strongly Shiite identity, yet his acceptance in his new post by Kurdish and Sunni politicians has been on surprisingly warm terms.

    Undoubtedly, Mr. Maliki is less of an Iranian stooge and a far more forceful character than his predecessor, Ibrahim al-Jaafari. He also has solid anti-insurgent credentials. As chairman of the Parliament's national security committee, he was the architect of the popular new law that, among other things, attacks the economic basis of domestic insurgent support by going after the property and wealth of those convicted of abetting terrorists.

    The key for the incoming government will be to apply this law vigorously in the knowledge that nonsectarian and nonpartisan control of local security forces is the key to domestic order and, ultimately, reconstruction.

    Babil shows that such a thing is possible.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:45 AM


    Turkey's 'vaizes' expedite reform (Nicholas Birch, May 2, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Dressed in the head scarf and ankle-length coat that mark her as a devout Muslim woman, Sule Yuksel Uysal brushes off any suggestion that she is a revolutionary. But her job places her and her country on the front lines of Islamic reform.

    Appointed 18 months ago by Turkey's directorate of religious affairs, or Diyanet, Mrs. Uysal is one of 200 state-paid "vaizes," or female preachers, whose very existence breaks with centuries of Muslim tradition.

    Women acted informally as preachers in the early days of Islam, but they never before have been recognized officially as such.

    "Turkey is a country that has accepted the idea of sexual equality, and that must be reflected in religious practice," said Diyanet head Ali Bardakoglu, who implemented the changes. "Anyway, the Koran has taught the equality of men and women for 1,400 years." [...]

    Despite the problems, Turkish women in the past few years have benefited from a raft of changes aimed at legitimizing their place in the religious order.

    As well as being preachers, women now have the right to lead groups on the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, and 15 Turkish provinces have women serving as deputy muftis -- specialists on religious law who monitor the work of imams in mosques.

    Significantly, given that 70 percent of requests for advice come from women, the assistant muftis have the right to issue fatwas, or religious opinions.

    Theologian Hidayet Tuksal thinks these are crucial changes.

    "Religion is the best way to reach religious women, much better than dictates handed down by secularist feminists in Istanbul," she said.

    Perhaps the best-known of a growing band of what the Turkish press calls Islamic feminists, Mrs. Tuksal attributes the changes to the rise of a new sort of Turkish woman who is feisty and not afraid to question tradition.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 AM


    Pollution reports hurt CO2 emissions market (Richard Ingham, May 2, 2006, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE)

    Dark clouds suddenly have gathered over the fledgling market for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, where prices plunged by more than half last week as European countries discovered they were polluting far less than they thought.

    The innovative market was established under the Kyoto Protocol for controlling emissions of greenhouse gases -- the carbon gases emitted mainly by burning oil, gas and coal that most scientists think are driving climate change. [...]

    "The downturn is due to exceptional circumstance -- the publication of verified emissions by a number of European countries," said Jean-Francois Conil-Lacoste, director-general of Powernext, Europe's biggest CO2 market.

    Authorities in five of the 25 EU countries -- France, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Belgium's Wallonia region -- reported that their CO2 pollution last year was less than their quota levels, whereas Spain said it had exceeded its quota, but by less than expected.

    This was the first time that governments reported their actual levels of emissions. The quotas established for the firms participating in the ETS were based on estimates.

    On the face of it, this is a rare bit of good news for the environment, given that global levels of CO2 are surging, fueling growing concern about the stability of Earth's climate system.

    The announcements, though, have the effect of unloading more sellers on the market. Analysts warn that a white-knuckle price ride could undermine confidence in what Kyoto's supporters claim is the smartest and most flexible way to tackle carbon pollution.

    "It would be premature to trumpet this as good news," the Financial Times commented on Friday.

    So George W. Bush was right that industrial progress would lower emissions but it's bad news?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 AM


    Sudan rebels hold key to peace pact: Seek concessions as deadline looms Government ready to disarm militia (BASHIR ADIGUN, 5/02/06, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

    With a midnight tonight deadline approaching after more than two years of talks here, Sudan's government said it was ready to sign a peace accord with rebels from Darfur.

    But the western rebels, suspicious of government intentions, rejected the draft by the African Union. They said it did not guarantee enough political power for Darfur or give enough detail on how it would be implemented. [...]

    Rebels in the arid region the size of France have fought since 2003 what they see as neglect by the Arab-dominant government. Militias allied to Khartoum, known as Janjaweed and drawn mainly from Arab tribes, have worked to crush the rebellion. [...]

    AU mediator Salim said the pact would create a transitional authority for the region, including rebel representatives, and proposes that Darfuris vote by 2010 on whether to create a single entity out of its three states. The AU has 7,000 peacekeepers in Darfur.

    The draft calls for the president to include a rebel-nominated Darfur official, among his top advisers, with "all the attributes of a vice-president, except the name," Salim said, noting the constitution, under the treaty ending the north-south war, permits two vice-presidents.

    Yesterday marked the first day of the World Food Program's cut in food rations by half for about 3 million refugees in Darfur because of a shortage of money. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick is expected to arrive in Nigeria's capital today, in a bid to break the talks' stalemate. Washington calls the Darfur violence "genocide."

    The Sudan has already accepted the loss of its Christian/Animist South; losing the black West is inevitable. The rebels just have to accept victory.

    Darfur's rebels pressed on deal (BBC, 5/02/06)

    US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick and UK Development Secretary Hilary Benn are both in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, where the talks were due to end on Sunday, before being extended until midnight on Tuesday.

    AU mediator Salim Ahmed Salim urged the black African rebels "to show leadership and make the compromises necessary for peace, for the sake of the people of Darfur".

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


    Par in sight for dollar (STEVEN THEOBALD, 5/02/06, Toronto Star)

    Donald Coxe moved to what some thought the lunatic fringe of forecasters in 2003 when he predicted publicly that the Canadian dollar would reach par with the greenback within five years.

    "Not all the disdain was polite," said Coxe, Chicago-based global portfolio strategist for BMO Financial Group.

    But he's getting the last laugh.

    The hard-charging Canadian dollar is prompting an increasing number of mainstream thinkers to predict parity with the United States.

    Making monetary union a natural step.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


    Shades of the Harris era: Conservative cuts signal shift in style `More on tax side, less new spending' (LES WHITTINGTON, May 2, 2006, Toronto Star)

    Today's budget will signal a major shift in Ottawa as the Conservatives begin to focus on tax cuts — rather than increased government spending — as a key tool in pursuing their national goals.

    This Mike Harris-like approach will be unveiled in Parliament this afternoon by one of the most fervent proponents of Ontario's 1990s Common Sense Revolution, newly minted federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.

    A prominent Progressive Conservative cabinet minister under Harris who switched to the federal political scene last winter, Flaherty will deliver a budget package that echoes the themes — cutting taxes while holding down government spending — that marked his years at Queen's Park.

    While the Liberals relied to a great extent on grants to industry, cultural groups, social organizations, environmentalists and others to promote Ottawa's policies and goals, the Harper government will take a leaf from Harris's book and begin the transformation toward incentives based around tax breaks, with cutbacks in spending for some programs. The military and the RCMP will be exceptions to the rule.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 AM


    The Trouble With Class-Interest Populism (Stephen Rose, April 25, 2006, Progressive Policy Institute)

    Editor's Note: In this paper, labor economist Stephen Rose uses income and employment data to show why Democrats have failed to build a majority coalition using class warfare themes. Rose's analysis finds that less than one-quarter of "prime-age" U.S. workers (adults between 26 and 59 years old) can rightly be characterized as having a direct, class-based interest in the policies most commonly associated with the Democratic Party, such as social safety net programs for the poor and strict business regulations.

    Rose also argues that "class-interest populists" like Thomas Frank, author of What's the Matter with Kansas?, "cling to an outdated concept of workers' interests -- a holdover from the New Deal-to-Great Society era, when a large blue-collar class was fighting for a fair share of the industrial economy's rewards. Today, most people work in offices or high-end service jobs, and they believe their economic interests are more closely aligned with the companies they work for."

    Rose's conclusion is not that Democrats should abandon the interests of the poor or working families who are struggling to get by in today's tumultuous economy. Instead, he argues that the party needs to modernize its economic and social programs so that it speaks to the aspirations of a larger constituency -- the working poor, America's broad middle-class, and people in long-term economic distress.

    Note that he offers no ideas about how to help that quarter develop wealth, because the ideas are the President's--health and retirement savings accounts that the individual would own.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


    Hong Kong Cardinal Wants Vatican to End Diplomatic Talks with China (Fox News, May 02, 2006)

    The Vatican should halt talks with China about restoring formal diplomatic ties because Beijing is ordaining bishops who aren't approved by the Roman Catholic church, a Hong Kong newspaper on Tuesday quoted a cardinal as saying.

    The reported comments by Hong Kong's outspoken Cardinal Joseph Zen came after China's state-sanctioned Catholic church appointed a new bishop Sunday in the southwestern city of Kunming. The Vatican had requested the ceremony be delayed until both sides could assess the candidate's qualifications.

    Sadly the Vatican is pimping itself out to the PRC just like any businessman fixated on those one billion potential "customers."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 AM


    A Judge Stuns Al-Arian With Maximum Time (JOSH GERSTEIN, May 2, 2006, NY Sun)

    A federal judge yesterday lambasted a former Florida college professor, Sami Al-Arian, as a liar and "master manipulator," before sentencing him to nearly five years in prison for providing support to a Middle Eastern terrorist group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    Under a plea deal finalized last month, Al-Arian, 48, agreed to admit guilt and accept a possible sentence of 46 to 57 months and eventual deportation from America. Prosecutors agreed to join defense attorneys in recommending a sentence at the low end of the range, but the judge, James Moody Jr., ignored those suggestions and imposed the maximum sentence allowed by the plea bargain.

    Remember how it was an article of faith on the Left that the courts would save us all from John Ashcroft's fascist witch hunts? You'd think they'd have learned their lesson in the 50s when all the accused turned out to be die-hard Stalinists after all.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:48 AM


    Workers adjust habits to save on gas costs: Surging prices are forcing employees to adopt good habits. (Barbara De Lollis, 5/02/06, USA TODAY)

    Drivers are paying $2.919 on average for a gallon of regular gasoline, the government said Monday, up 30% from just 10 weeks ago. Most business travelers aren't going to the same extreme as Goff to combat rising gas prices. Yet across the USA, surging gas prices are forcing action among people who drive hundreds of miles for their jobs, manage corporate fleets or run limousine and taxi companies.

    Some, like Goff, are switching vehicles. But most are making more modest adjustments — checking tires more often for proper inflation, idling engines less or taking public transit. [...]

    Companies are taking steps to save fuel, too. About 15% of the National Business Travel Association members surveyed last week say that they're encouraging greater use of public transportation where available.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 AM


    Nice to see you again: Sox handle Damon, Yanks in first meeting (Michael Silverman, May 2, 2006, Boston Herald)

    [Mark] Loretta, acquired for Mirabelli in the offseason, sliced an eighth-inning RBI single between the legs of reliever Tanyon Sturtze to break a 3-3 deadlock. Another ex-Red Sox, reliever Mike Myers, then came in and surrendered a three-run homer to Ortiz, the only slugger able to hit the ball out of Fenway Park on an evening when a frigid, 20-plus mph wind whipped in from center field.

    Would-be home runs turned into easy flyouts all night. Ortiz’ blast, however, soared without a hitch over the Red Sox’ bullpen fence and into the glove of closer Jonathan Papelbon, who then flung it to the delirious fans in the center field bleachers.

    Thanks to Joe Torre for yanking Wang and to Brian Cashman (and Tony LaRussa) for the Myers signing--those situational lefties are a waste of money and a roster spot.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:21 AM


    Tax cuts, spending on farmers and business, all part of federal Tory budget
    (Sandra Cordon, National Post, May 2nd, 2006)

    Awash in billions of surplus dollars, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is likely to cut both income taxes and the GST -- as well as boost spending on farmers, students, the military and police -- in his first federal budget Tuesday.

    He's also expected to take an axe to some environmental programs and cultural funding as the Conservatives begin to fulfil their campaign promises to slash $22 billion from government spending over five years.

    Flaherty -- who treated himself to new pair of $185 shoes Monday to wear while delivering this budget -- has already warned of painful spending cuts to come in order to pay for billions in tax reductions and spending on Tory priority programs.

    Those will include $2 billion in aid to struggling farmers, billions for defence, cash to increase the number of police officers and beef up security at border crossings.

    Not only will the GST be cut by one percentage point -- at a cost of $5 billion each year -- but some income taxes will likely also be lowered to ward off criticism when the Conservatives eliminate existing Liberal reductions. [...]

    Flaherty is also expected to give parents $1,200 a year for children under age six for a new family allowance program that will replace a $5-billion child-care program initiated by the Liberals.

    That will do nothing for Canadians without children or whose kids are now school-aged, added McCallum. (Liberal critic) He predicted Conservatives will help finance their new spending and tax cuts by trimming government jobs in rural areas, reducing cultural and social grants and programs as well as making deep cuts in environmental budgets.

    Already, 15 climate-change programs have been eliminated by the Conservative government.

    Already the three opposition parties are playing chicken, trying to oppose publically while praying the others support the government to avoid the election they all dread.

    Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:52 AM


    Katrina and China's whirlwind growth (Spengler, Asia Times, April 26th, 2006)

    Of course, the traditional culture of New Orleans will disappear, like most of the traditional cultures of the world. But the people of New Orleans are better off without it. Full disclosure: I never visited the city nor intended to, in part because I detest New Orleans jazz, but mostly because the ambience of louche hedonism annoys me. I read with indifference the innumerate eulogies to New Orleans culture.

    Eulogies of this kind are becoming more frequent. Perhaps 90% of the world's languages will disappear during the next century. One is more likely to encounter KFC chicken or Domino's pizza in downtown Shanghai than the recondite and elegant cuisine that bears the name of the city.

    Many beautiful things will disappear because poor people no longer will suffer to make them. One simply cannot find decent Mexican food in the United States, in part because traditional Mexican cuisine requires vast amounts of labor. Machine-made corn tortillas never will hold the savor of the hand-made article, but Mexicans migrate to the US precisely to escape a life of making tortillas by hand.

    Atlanta, for readers whose main association with the Georgia state capital might be Gone With the Wind, has metamorphosed into an expanse of steel and glass surrounded by ticky-tacky housing developments, an emblem for the sort of urban sprawl that Europeans disdain. "I love New Orleans, don't get me wrong," one of the Katrina refugees told the New York Times. "But I thank God we are in Atlanta."

    The best thing the US could do for the poor people of its urban ghettos is to expel them. One does not do poor people a favor by concentrating them in government housing (or for that matter refugee camps) where they depend on the public dole. Given the incidental costs of major hurricanes, there probably are cheaper ways to accomplish this, eg, simply pay them to leave.

    This is difficult to accomplish in a democracy, to be sure, for the elected representatives of immiserated black Americans form a bloc large enough to thwart legislative attempts to better their conditions. Were the urban poor dispersed into the rich regions of the country, they no longer would vote as a bloc for the sort of congress members who now conspire to keep them poor.

    It was the great luck of the poor blacks of New Orleans that a great wind came along to carry them away from servitude to their political leaders. The Black Caucus of America's Congress keeps urban blacks as political hostages, much as the regimes of the Arab world have exploited Palestinian refugees, whom they refuse to take in, and expel when convenient.

    China's advantage is that it is not a democracy and can manage the great transfer of population by fiat (see China must wait for democracy, September 27, 2005). I favor democracy and abhor many practices of China's regime, but it is an ill wind that blows nobody good.

    Nor do I mean to make light of the consequences of cultural deracination. Many of Katrina's refugees are ascending out of the humiliating poverty that blighted their lives back home. Now they will have the means to watch sex and violence on plasma-screen televisions, spend their free time in the esthetic dystopia of shopping malls, and worship in mega-churches.

    Will more money make them happier? I do not think so, any more than the loss of traditional Chinese culture in the globalized urban jungle of the coastal cities will make Chinese peasants happier. With the admonition Careful what you wish for, I addressed that issue in a March 21 review of Rod Dreher's book Crunchy Cons.

    What it will do, however, is enable them to contemplate their unhappiness with a sense of empowerment. People with money, education and opportunity may be as miserable as any illiterate dirt farmer, but they have the means - how did Thomas Jefferson put it? - for the pursuit of happiness. Whether they choose good or ill is not up to this writer. But it is a vicious form of condescension to condemn people to perpetual poverty in the name of preserving traditional culture.

    This illustrates one of the great fault lines of modern conservatism, especially in North America. Supporting both the progress that liberates from poverty and the traditions that ground in non-material priorities, conservatives wrestle with the inconsistencies and ambiguities of celebrating constant change and innovation while at the same time fearing the dark side of timeless, immutable human nature. This is why conservatives are right to be wary of ideology and why both optimism and pessimism are prominent in conservative thought.

    Not so on the modern left, which has surrendered to full-blown, ideologically pure reaction. Whether defending international law as if it were inscribed on tablets from Sinai, opposing globalization and trade in the name of cultural preservation, doubting other cultures wish or are “ready” for democracy, fear-mongering about the environment, supporting traditional poverty and oppression in Africa or waxing furiously and nostalgically about the disappearance of pathological sewers like the ghettos of New Orleans, the left has declared total war on the modern and now seems to be animated by a feudal ideal of a static, hierarchically-ordered, centrally-directed bastion of protection against chance and change that would condemn much of the world to poverty without escape. Indeed, as disorganized and directionless as today’s left may seem, they do seem united in their determination to stand athwart history yelling: “Stop!”

    May 1, 2006

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


    Jean-Francois Revel, philosopher, prolific writer, noted commentator, dies (AP, May 01, 2006)

    Jean-Francois Revel, a philosopher, eclectic writer and a journalist whose commentaries on the state of France and the world were for years a mainstay of the French media, died Sunday, his wife said. He was 82.

    Revel, who also was a member of the noted Academie Francaise, died at Kremlin-Bicetre Hospital, just south of Paris, said his wife Claude Sarraute, a former journalist herself. The cause of death was not immediately revealed.

    Revel, author of about 30 books whose subjects ranged from poetry to gastronomy to politics, became known in later years for his conservative position and pro-American stance as editor-in-chief of the newsweekly L'Express and commentator at that magazine and later at rival Le Point.

    Mr. Revel was wise enough to switch sides from the French model to the Anglo-American.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:42 PM


    Slick-fielding Betancourt has a glovely 0-for-April (JOHN HICKEY, 5/02/06, Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

    Yuniesky Betancourt has it all defensively -- quick feet, strong arm, soft glove and tremendous instincts.

    Now he has a statistical underpinning to the quality of his defense.

    The Mariners shortstop went through April without committing an error.

    Shortstops are error machines. It's not that they are more prone to errors; it's that they generally handle more difficult chances than anyone else. Errors are the price they pay.

    So for a shortstop to go a month without making any foul-ups is special.

    In Mariners history, only four shortstops have gone an entire calendar month without an error. Omar Vizquel, among former Mariners the player to whom Betancourt is most frequently compared, did it three times. Alex Rodriguez was the most recent to do it, back in June 2000.

    Scouts this Spring were saying he's the best fielding ss they've ever seen.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 PM


    U.S.: Ramadi battle kills 100-plus insurgents (CNN, 5/01/06)

    U.S. and Iraqi troops killed more than 100 insurgents last week in Ramadi, west of Baghdad, a U.S. Army officer said Monday.

    Two Iraqis also died in the fighting, said Col. John Gronski, commander of the U.S. Army's 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 28th Infantry Division. No Americans were killed.

    Gronski said Iraqi forces "are doing very well" in the battle against insurgents in the volatile Anbar province city.

    "The Iraqi army is conducting aggressive operations here based on human intelligence from the people of Ramadi themselves," he said.

    Gronski said the Iraqi soldiers' improved capability has bolstered the morale of U.S. troops working with them.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 PM


    Scandals leave Blair at voters' mercy (Neil Tweedie and George Jones, 02/05/2006, Daily Telegraph)

    Support for John Prescott and Charles Clarke was draining away among Labour MPs last night as Tony Blair faced a critical 48 hours before voters in local elections in England passed judgment on the scandal and chaos engulfing his Government. [...]

    Some MPs accused Mr Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, of having become the party's greatest liability because revelations about his alleged "predatory sexual behaviour" had made him a laughing stock and humiliated the party.

    Others expressed alarm at the impact of the blunder by Mr Clarke, the Home Secretary, which allowed hundreds of foreign prisoners to be released into the community rather than be deported.

    The pressure on Mr Clarke intensified when a woman whose son was murdered by a convicted Jamaican drug dealer in Birmingham last year called on him to resign. Dorothy Gayle said her son's killer should have been deported because he had served time in prison.

    When you reach the point where the debate is which guy is doing the party more damage you're losing.

    Labour fears poll disaster after week of scandals (Jill Sherman, Richard Ford and David Charter, 5/02/06, Times of London)

    LABOUR is heading for its worst local election drubbing in almost 40 years this week, as voters protest at the failings of Charles Clarke and the lurid sex allegations involving John Prescott.

    Two weeks ago the party was expecting a poor showing in local elections but after days of damaging revelations experts are now predicting the biggest disaster since 1968, which came months after sterling was devalued under Harold Wilson.

    In London, Labour could lose up to ten of the fifteen councils it controls as local government pundits predict a “meltdown” in support for the party on Thursday.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:02 PM


    Charles Beard and the growth of modern American liberalism (Robert S. Sargent, Jr., May 1, 2006, Enter Stage Right)

    In this paper, I suggest that liberalism, (I'll define it generally, as opposed to specific policy issues, as the use of a strong central government to achieve social reform, usually of an egalitarian nature) was greatly aided in its growth with the publication in 1913 of the historian Charles Beard's An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution. [...]

    Before the publication of An Economic Interpretation, there was a dichotomy in liberal thought: A sense of needed reform in society, and recognition of society's great respect for our Constitution. The reason for the dichotomy, of course, is that the Constitution greatly limits the ability of the Federal Government to reform society. The 10th Amendment says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people," and social reform is not a delegated power.

    But Charles Beard changed the way reform-minded leaders thought about the Constitution. In An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, Professor Beard argued that it wasn't political philosophy, or idealism which influenced the Founding Fathers, but selfish economic greed. What's important about this book is what the great historian, Samuel E. Morison wrote: "…An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, was written apparently to break down [the] excessive respect for the Federal Constitution which [Beard] believed to be the main legal block to social justice." By discrediting the Constitution, Beard gave the intelligentsia, especially in academic circles, the ammunition to attack the Constitution in ways that would allow the centralized Federal Government to not only participate, but to take the lead in reforming society.

    The great revival of interest in the Founders is helping to dispense with Beard's canards, but those of us who went to school in the 70s and 80s faced a faculty that had sucked down the myth of the Founders being motivated entirely by economic greed like mother's milk. This text richly deserves its place among the Worst of the 20th Century.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 PM


    Did you hear the one about the meat growing trees?: a review of Hippo Eats Dwarf: A Field Guide to Hoaxes and Other B.S. By Alex Boese (Steven Martinovich, May 1, 2006, Enter Stage Right)

    It is ironic in that in the Information Age, when claims and statements can be checked for accuracy more easily than ever before, that we seem no less susceptible to hoaxes and misinformation than our forebears in other allegedly less enlightened times. From our email boxes to the major media, we continue to fall prey to clever hoaxers looking for fun or profit. This era may be more accurately dubbed The Misinformation Age.

    Alex Boese has built a popular web site entitled Museum of Hoaxes chronicling hoaxes, spawning two books the latest of which is his engaging Hippo Eats Dwarf: A Field Guide to Hoaxes and Other B.S. Part encyclopedia of recent hoaxes, part guide for readers to protect themselves, Hippo Eats Dwarf illustrates that we -- in the words of Boese -- live in a world "that's fake and growing faker every day." [...]

    The line between reality and the fake has become so blurred that one can be forgiven for falling for some of the more ludicrous hoaxes. "Our world isn't just fake or phony. Any society that produces Michael Jackson's nose, breast-enlarging mobile-phone ring tones and human-flavored tofu has gone well beyond that. Our world is hippo-eats-dwarf," writes Boese.

    indeed, the most disturbing aspect of the book isn't the fakes but the stories that turn out to be true. I laughed so hard at the section on personal ads that it brought tears to my eyes.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 PM


    Aid to Sudan, though hefty, leaves gaps: The US leads countries in assistance, but the UN says it has to cut back food rations (Howard LaFranchi , 5/02/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    True, the United States has been out ahead of other world powers in pressing the parties in the peace talks and approving billions of dollars in aid, but many activists and some experts believe the US has not put its full weight behind the Darfur struggle.

    So even though we've been the only ones -- other than the African Union -- doing anything useful, we're to blame because the situation isn't resolved yet? Aren't these the same folks who thought e;leven years was too quick to end Saddam's genocide?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:57 PM


    Exclusive: Shah of Iran's Heir Plans Overthrow of Regime (Human Events, May 01, 2006)

    Reza Pahlavi, son of the late Shah of Iran, told the editors of HUMAN EVENTS last week that in the next two to three months he hopes to finalize the organization of a movement aimed at overthrowing the Islamic regime in Tehran and replacing it with a democratic government.

    He believes the cause is urgent because of the prospect that Iran may soon develop a nuclear weapon or the U.S. may use military force to preempt that. He hopes to offer a way out of this dilemma: a revolution sparked by massive civil disobedience in which the masses in the streets are backed by elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

    Pahlavi, who lives in exile in the United States, said he has been in contact with elements of the Revolutionary Guard that would be willing to play such a role, and activists who could help spark the civil disobedience.

    He also said that the U.S. and other governments can help by imposing “smart sanctions” on the leaders of Iranian regime, but he categorically opposes U.S. military intervention.

    After the revolution he envisions, Pahlavi said, he would be willing to become a constitutional monarch in Iran if an Iranian constitutional convention offered him that role. “I’m ready to serve in that capacity,” he said. “If the people so choose, it would be my greatest honor.” [...]

    Assume you’re directly advising Condoleezza Rice and George Bush. Bush is going to be in office for two more years. How can they help you and your people get rid of this regime in the next two years?

    We have to find a combination of internal elements working with exterior elements within the Iranian opposition and a coordination of such a movement with a number of key countries who in concert will act on this plan to make it happen.

    You want to see a systematically organized general strike, people going into the streets against the government in Tehran?

    Well look, civil disobedience, we can find examples of it from Argentina to India.

    That’s what you want. That’s your tool.

    That’s one of the tools. The other thing is the military and paramilitary power. Understand one thing: The basic powerbase of this regime is the Revolutionary Guards, at the end of the day.

    They report to [Ayatollah] Khamenei, not to Ahmadinejad?

    It’s a mixed bag. Ultimately, Khamenei is the supreme leader. But let’s face it, Khamenei doesn’t have single-handed control. In fact, Khamenei went all the way to take the risk of alienating some of the Revolutionary Guards by publicly referring to the talks between [U.S. Ambassador to Iraq] Zalmay Khalilzad and Iranians over the Iraqi issue. What was he trying to do there? He was much more concerned about the rising disenchantment inside Iran. He wanted to just pour ice water on their head, by saying, “Oh, we’re talking to the Americans”—at the risk of alienating his own militia.

    That explains the psychology of the regime. It also explains that the whole militia is not under one core unit. It’s a whole mafia. There are various families of Revolutionary Guards. Each has its own portfolio and agenda. Some are behind Al Qaeda. Some are involved in Syria. Some are involved in Bekaa Valley. Some are involved in Iraq, etc. And they have their own independent means of finances. They don’t have to report back to the government. They have their own bases of income, free ports, what have you.

    You think you can exploit this to turn some elements of the Revolutionary Guards against the regime?

    Yes, for a number of reasons. Because like in any totalitarian system, they know that at the end they’ll fall. The question is, how do they negotiate their exit strategy? No. 2 is because a lot of their families are not as wealthy as we think. There are some preferred ones, but many are still having to make ends meet. We have ranked officers who have to drive taxicabs at three o’clock in the morning, as a major or colonel returning from base, because they don’t have enough money to pay the rent. The disenchantment is there.

    So what you see happening is a general strike, people going into the streets, refusing to work, calling for the overthrow of the regime, and then their being backed—

    Sustained. Sustained.

    And then being sustained by significant elements of the Revolutionary Guards who say, “You’re gone”?

    And I’m talking about a blitzkrieg of media supporting, like the BBC did before the revolution, which was practically announcing the night before where there would be a demonstration the next day. This is not myth, it is fact.

    Are you in contact with some of the commanders of these [elements]?

    Absolutely. Absolutely. And in fact, they keep on saying that we are being under-utilized, we have a role to play, we know the time for it, but we cannot just take the initiative. They are in No Man’s Land. You have to understand.

    Are you the person who puts together the master plan? Are you the commander-in-chief of this counteraction?

    Look, I think I can be effective, and the reason I have stayed behind until now was because I wanted to exhaust every avenue of possibility so that the opposition can gather itself and collectively work on a common agenda. Within the next two or three months, we’ll know if the result of two or three years of intense effort is going to pay off.

    Two or three months?

    Two or three months. This summer.

    A good first step would be to start making more public appearances and appeals with Hossein Khomeini. Together they could help avoid many of the problems Iraq has had because we hadn't set up a government in exile via Ayatollah Sistani and Ahmed Chalabi.

    MORE (via Pepys):
    -Iran: Let the democratic process work (Hamid Dabashi, 4/28/06, Speaking Freely: Asia Times Online)

    The deeply fragmented class divisions within the Islamic Republic also indicate that should the US attack Iran, it is the poorest and most disfranchised, the 15 million militarized poor who voted for Ahmadinejad - namely the Pasdars, the Basijis and the Hezbollah - who will be immediately mobilized for the protracted guerrilla warfare that will ensue, while the middle-class audience of expatriate, mostly Los Angeles-based, propaganda against the Islamic Republic will all run for cover.

    Those analysts, Americans or expatriate Iranians, posing to defend the cause of democracy and/or human rights in Iran from the safe distance of US think-tanks, promising that Iranian people are all pro-American and thus will welcome the US Army, will have to be held accountable for their dangerous delusions should the US attack Iran and tens of thousands of Iranians and Americans are maimed and killed - with women in particular yet again the most under-reported victims of such crimes against humanity.

    The emerging assumption that Ahmadinejad is yet another Adolf Hitler is factually false and rhetorically lame. His outlandish remarks about the Holocaust and Israel notwithstanding, Ahmadinejad is deeply in trouble and severely challenged from within the clerical establishment itself. The tug-of-war that is currently under way inside the leading organs of the Islamic Republic has very much sidestepped Ahmadinejad.

    He is not a player in the high-power clerical clique. By virtue of the mandate the Iranian electorate handed him and the modicum of integrity invested in his office because of its previous occupant, he carries certain limited authority, but not much power. [...]

    The only sensible solution to the current crisis is to keep US and Israeli hands off the Islamic Republic, withdraw any military plan, suspend all financial aid to self-serving, ill-informed expatriate opposition groups, or those that discredit the legitimate oppositional forces inside Iran - and thus allow the democratic process to work itself out.

    It's inane to speak of an invasion or mass civilian casualties, but quite right that Iran's democratic process will dispense with Ahmadinejad posthaste.

    -Why war comes when no one wants it (Spengler, 5/02/06, Asia Times)

    Robert Musil's great novel The Man Without Qualities portrays Austrian aristocrats preparing the emperor's semicentenary in the months before August 1914, when their world would come to a ghastly end. [1] The reader, of course, knows this, but the protagonists don't. It is hard to read news from Washington these days without recalling Musil's work. War will come, even though President George W Bush wants it as little as did Emperor Franz Josef.

    Neither Washington nor Tehran wants military confrontation. Nevertheless it will come, just as many great wars came despite the desire of the belligerents to avoid them. Washington knows that an attack on Iran's nuclear installations would crush its plans for regional stability. It still hopes for a deal behind the back of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, or destabilization of the theocratic regime. Iran hopes to bluff its way into an empire stretching from the southern shore of the Caspian Sea in the north to the oil-rich Shi'ite provinces of Saudi Arabia in the south, and to a Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon in the west.

    Spengler knows better than to take seriously the notion of a Persian led empire in the Middle East and to imagine that instability in the region is against our interests.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 PM


    The new Muslim TV: media-savvy, modern, and moderate (Ursula Lindsey, 5/02/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    Mr. Abu Haiba, the station's Cairo bureau manager, says the station espouses the values of tolerance, peace, and progress, while being critical of some modern developments. Abu Haiba rails against cellphones and fast food, and says people should "be honest, be punctual, not raise their voices." [...]

    These entrepreneurs target the upper middle class, and focus on personal enlightenment rather than political engagement. They're socially conservative and opposed to what they see as the decadence of much of Western culture. But they want to benefit from Western science, education, and progress, and they condemn violence and extremism.

    Compare the number of folks hiding in western Pakistan with the remnants of al Qaeda with the numbers watching this sort of media and turning out for elections and you get a sense of how comprehensively the extremists are losing. Of course, it'll be fun to listen to the Right deny the evidence of the market.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:36 PM


    A conservative takes the lead in Mexico race: Felipe Caldéron surpassed the leftist front-runner last week, surprising many (Danna Harman, 5/02/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

    He seems nervous waving to crowds, uncomfortable when supporters chant his name. "Uncharismatic" is what he's usually called. But now Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa is the man to beat in Mexico's July 2 elections.

    The young, at 43, lawyer and economist was far behind when the campaign season took off last fall. To begin with, President Vicente Fox, barred constitutionally from running for a second term, backed a different candidate to lead his center-right National Action Party (PAN). More critically, there was the seemingly unstoppable rise of populist Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the candidate for the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), who is as charismatic and dynamic as Calderón is ho-hum.

    This is the global geopolitical climate in which Democrats think they're destined for a big year?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:42 PM


    Guess Who's Got His Back? (MICHAEL BARBARO, 5/01/06, NY Times)

    RIGHT or wrong, it has somehow become conventional wisdom: Wal-Mart is bad for small businesses, outspending, outmaneuvering and outgrowing lesser rivals until they change their strategy or close their doors.

    But for Sparky Electronics, a family-owned store in California that sells hard-to-find watch batteries and record-player needles, Wal-Mart is more ally than enemy, more lifeline than threat.

    The 43-year-old store, which has a loyal customer base of handymen and contractors, wanted a Web site to reach consumers beyond its home in Fresno. But the big technology companies wanted up to $1,000 for a simple site, far more than the owner, Cheryl Cook, was willing to pay.

    Then there was Wal-Mart. For $100, the retailer helped create, complete with the icon that sits above its store, an oversize electrified cartoon character. "The nice thing was that it did not cost us an arm and a leg," Ms. Cook said

    For thousands of independently owned convenience stores, restaurants and hair salons, the nation's largest — and most feared — retailer also happens to be a business partner. Through its Sam's Club division, a chain of 570 club stores, Wal-Mart helps them process credit-card transactions, build Web sites, pay employees and take out loans, all at bargain prices.

    In that sense, Sam's Club is an oasis within the harsh climate of Wal-Mart. At Sam's, the very qualities that make Wal-Mart such a formidable competitor — its size and hard-nosed negotiating tactics with suppliers — have been unleashed on behalf of small businesses.

    Boy, it only took a few sentences to lose track of his own point, that Wal-Mart itself is a boon to small business.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:30 PM


    Hollow Saber Rattling: The U.S. intelligence on Iran's nuclear program is way too weak for anyone to be considering military strikes (David Isenberg, April 26, 2006, Center for Defense Information)

    Even if all the questions are answerable, much would still depend on having excellent intelligence. And our intelligence on Iran, to put it politely, stinks. U.S. News & World Report recently reported that Senate Select Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., said that, “we have not made the progress on our oversight of Iran intelligence, which is critical.” Last year, the report of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction stated, “From Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons to the inner workings of al-Qaida, the intelligence community frequently admitted to us that it lacks answers.”

    The notion that when our intelligence about an enemy is crappy--in other words always--we ought to trust them rather than whack them is an argument I've never quite grasped. Zell Miller once explained the countervailing view, which seems far more comprehensible:
    I also gave the President my full support for the regime change in Iraq. And at that time, I told this true story to my colleagues:

    I was doing some work on my back porch in Young Harris, Georgia, tearing out a section of old stacked rocks, when all of a sudden, I uncovered a nest of copperhead snakes. Now, as you may know, a copperhead is poisonous; it will kill you.

    It could kill one of my grandchildren. It could kill one of my four great grandchildren who play around there all the time.

    And, you know, when I discovered those copperheads, I didn't call my wife Shirley, like I do about everything else. I didn't ask the city council to pass a resolution. I didn't even call any of my neighbors.

    I just took a hoe, chopped their heads off, and killed them dead as doorknobs. Now, I guess you could call it a unilateral action. Or maybe a pre-emptive strike.

    I took their poisonous heads off because they were a threat to me, and they were a threat to all I hold dear. And isn't what this is all about?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:21 PM


    Germany's Tax-and-Spend Tango: After struggling for years, the German economy finally appears to be on the upswing again. So why is the government in Berlin so annoyed? (Marc Young, 5/01/06, Der Spiegel)

    Germany's leading economic institutes on Thursday raised their growth forecast for this year, which you'd think would be cause for celebration for Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition of Christian and Social Democrats. But instead of being giddy with glee that the German economy seems to be shaking off its torpor, officials from the Finance Ministry have attacked the institutes' assessment of 1.8 percent growth in 2006 as far too optimistic. [...]

    [T]he prospect of a booming economy could make it hard for Berlin to justify its plans to raise taxes and keep the public spending gushing next year. That, at least, would certainly explain all the government's grousing. Because if growth is in fact on the rise it does indeed make little sense to raise Germany's value-added tax (VAT) from 16 percent to 19 percent starting in 2007 as the government wants.

    While such a move would provide Berlin with a huge budgetary windfall, it would likely be lethal for Germany's long-miserable domestic demand. For years, German consumers have been masterly miserly and stupendously stingy. But according to a consumer sentiment survey released on Wednesday, people this spring have finally started to reach for their wallets again.

    Of course, some economists believe it's the fear of the coming VAT hike that's spurning shoppers to make purchase this year before everything becomes 3 percent more expensive. But especially in light of an expected economic slowdown next year -- growth is likely to drop to an anemic 1.2 percent in 2007 -- the government might want to consider taking advantage of the stronger economy to abandon its potentially hazardous tax plans.

    It does nicely put to rest the notion that a VAT gives the government the capacity to secretly raise taxes, but oughtn't Germany be raising taxes and cutting spending if it hopes to keep its welfare state alive for a few additional years?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:39 PM


    Steyn's Song Of The Week: (3) MORNING TRAIN (NINE TO FIVE) by Florrie Palmer (Mark Steyn, 5/01/06)

    I love the Great American Train Song. It’s a genre that has the sweep and size of the nation:

    And you pull the throttle, whistle blows
    A-huffin’ an’ a-puffin’ and away she goes
    All the way to Californiay
    On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe!

    And, if you're a foreigner, you can learn a lot about the lie of the land from these numbers:

    You leave the Pennsylvania Station ’bout a quarter to four
    Read a magazine and then you’re in Baltimore
    Dinner in the diner
    Nothing could be finer
    Than to have your ham’n’eggs in Carolina… [...]

    And, as a general rule, the worst train song is better than the best soccer song.

    That last bit obviously damns with too faint praise. For instance, there's no better tune of the past several years than Josh Turner's Long Black Train, the video of which is available here.

    Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at 2:35 PM


    My LA buddies and I had our annual golf trip this weekend. Instead of Scottsdale, our usual destination, the 19th annual "Dash to the Desert" became the "Dash to the Dunes" as we visited the Bandon Dunes golf resort on the Central Coast of Oregon. The Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes courses are magnificent...they look like they were shipped in from Ireland (Bandon) or Scotland (Pacific). The guy who designed Pacific Dunes (Tom Doak) clearly had Royal Dornoch on his mind while he was drawing it up. Not only are they both true links courses, but they are both overgrown with honest-to-goodness gorse plants (which were blooming with the yellow whins flowers). The 3rd course in the bunch is no slouch either: Bandon Trails, an inland course (although it has the same links turf as the other 2) designed by Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw.

    Anyway, we're at dinner on Saturday night, and a few of us order cheeseburgers, medium rare. The waitress tells us that it's "against the law" in Oregon to serve ground meat cooked anything below medium well. So one guy then pointed out that the State of Oregon will let you kill yourself, but won't let you eat a medium rare burger. Which raised a constitutional question that none of the 6 lawyers on the trip could answer: what if you want to commit suicide by eating an undercooked burger?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:27 PM

    Bookviews (Alan Caruba, May 2006)

    In a world of many international organizations and treaties, the issue of American sovereignty was never more important. That’s why Redefining Sovereignty, edited by Orrin C. Judd, ($29.95, Smith and Kraus, Lyme, New Hampshire) is an important book. It raises the question of whether liberal democracies will continue to determine their own laws and public policies or yield these rights to transnational entities in search of universal order and justice. Essays and opinions that represent both the Left and the Right allow the reader to come to their own opinion.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:06 PM


    Where Are the Omelets? (Lawrence W. Reed, October 1999, The Freeman)

    On ne saurait faire une omelette sans casser des oeufs.” Translation: “One can’t expect to make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

    With those words in 1790, Maximilian Robespierre welcomed the horrific French Revolution that had begun the year before. A consummate statist who worked tirelessly to plan the lives of others, he would become the architect of the Revolution’s bloodiest phase—the Reign of Terror of 1793–94. Robespierre and his guillotine broke eggs by the thousands in a vain effort to impose a utopian society based on the seductive slogan “liberté, égalité, fraternité.”

    But, alas, Robespierre never made a single omelet. Nor did any of the other thugs who held power in the decade after 1789. They left France in moral, political, and economic ruin, and ripe for the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte.

    As with Robespierre, no omelets came from the egg-breaking efforts of Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini either. [...]

    In The New Yorker in 1984, John Kenneth Galbraith argued that the Soviet Union was making great economic progress in part because the socialist system made “full use” of its manpower, in contrast to the less efficient capitalist West. But an 846-page authoritative study published in 1997, The Black Book of Communism, estimated that the communist ideology claimed 20 million lives in the “workers’ paradise.” Similarly, The Black Book documented the death tolls in other communist lands: 45 to 72 million in China, between 1.3 million and 2.3 million in Cambodia, 2 million in North Korea, 1.7 million in Africa, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, 1 million in Vietnam, 1 million in Eastern Europe, and 150,000 in Latin America.

    Additionally, all of those murderous regimes were economic basket cases; they squandered resources on the police and military, built vast and incompetent bureaucracies, and produced almost nothing for which there was a market beyond their borders. They didn’t make “full use” of anything except police power. In every single communist country the world over, the story has been the same: lots of broken eggs, no omelets. No exceptions.

    Reading the plaudits for Mr. Galbraith is especially amusing since he got the only important question in human affairs wrong and spent his life pimping for the French mania for absolute economic security.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 PM


    Bush challenges hundreds of laws (Charlie Savage, APRIL 30, 2006, The Boston Globe)

    President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

    Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, "whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research.

    Legal scholars say the scope and aggression of Bush's assertions that he can bypass laws represent a concerted effort to expand his power at the expense of Congress, upsetting the balance between the branches of government. The Constitution is clear in assigning to Congress the power to write the laws and to the president a duty "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Bush, however, has repeatedly declared that he does not need to "execute" a law he believes is unconstitutional.

    Indeed, he would make himself liable to impeachment if he were to enforce a law he knew to be unconstitutional.

    Posted by kevin_whited at 10:20 AM


    Texas woman on life support ... for now (UPI, 04/29/06)

    A Texas hospital has agreed to delay taking a severely ill woman off life support, following a failed plan to transfer her to an Illinois nursing home.

    St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital had invoked the state's futile-care law, which allows hospitals to take some patients off life support with 10 days notice to the families, the Houston Chronicle reported.

    The so-called "Futile Care" law is one of the more shameful pieces of legislation ever to be enacted by a decidedly conservative state.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:14 AM


    Vote looms on voucher program (GARY FINEOUT, 5/01/06,

    The fate of a seven-year-old private-school voucher program could be decided this morning in the Florida Senate.

    The chamber is scheduled to vote on whether to send to the November ballot a far-reaching constitutional amendment that would authorize vouchers and make them immune to any further legal challenges. [...]

    The measure sponsored by Sen. Daniel Webster, a Winter Garden Republican, states that lawmakers can authorize voucher programs that serve disabled children, low-income children or any other criteria established by the Legislature.

    The constitutional amendment also says that any education program, from pre-kindergarten to college scholarships, would not violate a separate provision in the Constitution that prohibits any state aid going to religious institutions.

    Especially fitting to fix this anti-Catholic remnant on the day of the immigration rally.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


    Israel's Olmert completes his coalition
    (RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI, 5/01/06, Associated Press)

    After three weeks of negotiations, prime-minister-designate Ehud Olmert has put together a coalition government that backs his plan to pull out of parts of the West Bank and draw Israel's final borders by 2010, officials said Monday. [...]

    Mr. Olmert announced his cabinet appointments Monday, naming Tzipi Livni, a rising star in Israeli politics, as vice-premier and foreign minister.

    Mr. Livni is a senior member of Mr. Olmert's Kadima Party and had served as acting foreign minister in recent months. Monday's appointment makes Mr. Livni the second most powerful politician in Israel.

    'Tis best 'twere done quickly.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


    Faith gets $3M boost to fight guns (ROYSON JAMES, 5/01/06, Toronto Star)

    The premier in the pulpit; the premier as preacher. That was the unusual combination found Saturday in Rexdale as Premier Dalton McGuinty showed his government is prepared to think and act outside the box when it comes to tackling the epidemic of gun violence.

    Speaking against a backdrop of an 80-voice dynamo gospel youth choir called Yes to Life, and looking straight out the door where Amon Beckles was shot dead last November at a funeral at the Toronto West Seventh-day Adventist Church...[h]e announced a $3 million fund to help the faith community in drafting strategies aimed at ending the violence and alleviating the causes.

    "What we are doing today is drawing upon a resource that government never before in history of our province has tapped into," McGuinty told reporters, even as he stood where Beckles blood once stained the entranceway of the church.

    It's a departure from regular practice because the persistence of the violence is a departure from regular practice. Desperate times demand desperate measures. And in turning to the churches, the government is showing how desperate it is for a solution.

    With every nation of the Anglosphere following the Third Way, it's sort of hard to see this as innovative anymore. Nice that the Canadians are catching up though.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


    Protesters Give Bush the Finger (Tom Engelhardt, 5/01/06,

    It's the perfect day for a march. Sunny, crisp, clear, spring-like. The sort of day that just gives you hope for no reason at all, though my own hopes are not high for New York's latest antiwar demonstration. I haven't received a single email about it. Many people I know hadn't realized it was happening. [...]

    Perhaps such demonstrations are now not for the Bush administration, nor really for the mainstream media either, but only for us. Perhaps they are a reminder to all those who attend and to those numbering in their hundreds of thousands, if not millions, on the political Internet that we are here, alive, and humming. That is reason enough to demonstrate.

    Yes, your marching is just about you.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM

    TRAINING GROUND (via The Mother Judd):

    Mock Iraqi Villages in Mojave Prepare Troops for Battle (DEXTER FILKINS and JOHN F. BURNS, 5/01/06, NY Times)

    FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Three years into the conflict in Iraq, the front line in the American drive to prepare troops for insurgent warfare runs through a cluster of mock Iraqi villages deep in the Mojave Desert, nearly 10,000 miles from the realities awaiting the soldiers outside Baghdad and Mosul and Falluja.

    Out here, 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles, units of the 10th Mountain Division from Fort Drum, N.Y., are among the latest war-bound troops who have gone through three weeks of training that introduce them to the harsh episodes that characterize the American experience in Iraq.

    In a 1,000-square-mile region on the edge of Death Valley, Arab-Americans, many of them from the Iraqi expatriate community in San Diego, populate a group of mock villages resembling their counterparts in Iraq. American soldiers at forward operating bases nearby face insurgent uprisings, suicide bombings and even staged beheadings in underground tunnels. Recently, the soldiers here, like their counterparts in Iraq, have been confronted with Sunni-Shiite riots. At one village, a secret guerrilla revolt is in the works.

    With actors and stuntmen on loan from Hollywood, American generals have recast the training ground at Fort Irwin so effectively as a simulation of conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 20 months that some soldiers have left with battle fatigue and others have had their orders for deployment to the war zones canceled. In at least one case, a soldier's career was ended for unnecessarily "killing" civilians.

    "We would rather you got killed here than in Iraq," said Maj. John Clearwater, a veteran of the Special Forces who works at the training center.

    The troops who come here are at the heart of a vast shift in American war-fighting strategy, a multibillion-dollar effort to remodel the Army on the fly.

    When the Other Brother was stationed there he'd lead a unit of "Soviet" troops against American trainees.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:42 AM


    In Japan, New Pains Suffered at Childbirth (Anthony Faiola, May 1, 2006, Washington Post)

    Pregnant women are being asked to give birth at faraway regional hospitals and babies are unlikely to cooperate with their new deadlines. If Yamauchi or the others go into early labor, they have been warned to expect an emergency helicopter ride across 40 miles of water to the nearest functioning maternity ward. "A helicopter! Can you believe it?" Yamauchi exclaimed, clutching her belly with a nervous laugh.

    The expectant mothers of Oki Island have joined thousands of other pregnant women across Japan who are now facing a major complication: a national shortage of obstetricians. In a rapidly aging nation with one of the world's lowest birthrates, the number of doctors entering child-related specialties is plummeting -- stretching those who are left so thin that they can no longer manage existing caseloads.

    Analysts attribute the shortage partly to a declining interest in obstetrics among medical students, who are wary of the long hours, high malpractice risk and relatively average pay. But whatever the cause, the shortage is turning the miracle of birth into a logistical nightmare.

    The decision by entire societies to seek their own extinction puts paid to the notion that survival is a natural instinct.

    Japan's toys for the elderly (Duncan Bartlett, 5/01/06, BBC)

    The problem for Japanese companies is that the country's falling population means that there are now less children than before to play with them.

    That has led the toy companies to turn to adults as potential customers.

    Take the business Tomy, which had a world wide hit with the children's robot toy Transformers.

    One of its latest lines is a doll that is selling very well to adult women, especially women over the age of 60.

    Appropriate to such an infantilized and self-centered society.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:36 AM


    Blog Readers Unmasked (Zachary A. Goldfarb and Chris Cillizza, May 1, 2006, Washington Post)

    Think the people who while away their hours reading and commenting on political blogs are slovenly twenty-somethings with nothing better to do?

    Think again, said a survey last week by Blogads, a company that many leading political blogs have used for ad placements.

    In an unscientific Web survey of 36,000 people, Blogads reported that political blog readers tend to be age 41 to 50, male (72 percent), and earn $60,000 to $90,000 per year. Two in five have college degrees, while just a tad less have graduate degrees.

    It's always amusing when folks mistake the blogosphere for the voice of America, when it generally just reflects the views of one special interest.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:28 AM


    Alito May Tilt Vote in Reargued Cases (Charles Lane, May 1, 2006, Washington Post)

    [I]t won't be long before Alito makes his mark. There are three cases on the court's docket in which the 56-year-old junior justice will probably have the deciding vote.

    These are the three cases the court has set down for reargument since Sandra Day O'Connor left the court and Alito took her place on Jan. 31. [...]

    Garcetti v. Ceballos involves a lawsuit by a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who says that his bosses retaliated against him because he wrote an internal memo charging a police officer with lying to get a search warrant in a murder case.

    Richard Ceballos says the retaliation violated his constitutional right to free speech because his memo was about a matter of public concern. But the defendants, including former Los Angeles district attorney Gil Garcetti, argue that disputes over policy between public employees and their supervisors should not become potential First Amendment lawsuits.

    Kansas v. Marsh is about Kansas's death penalty law, enacted in 1994, which requires a death sentence in cases in which the jury finds that there is an exact balance between the factors favoring capital punishment and those weighing against death. Convicted murderer Michael Lee Marsh II says that saddles him with the burden of proving he should not be executed, which, he says, is unconstitutional.

    Hudson v. Michigan revolves around the "knock and announce" rule for police raids. The Supreme Court has prohibited officers from simply barging in to execute a search warrant; instead, they must identify themselves and give the occupants a reasonable time to respond, except in emergencies. Otherwise, they cannot use the evidence at trial.

    Booker Hudson says his rights were violated because officers did not knock and waited only three to five seconds before entering his house. Michigan conceded that was wrong, but says that the evidence -- drugs and a gun -- should still be admissible because it would have been found even if the officers had waited longer.

    Only two other cases from the court's pre-Alito days, House v. Bell , No. 04-8990, and Whitman v. Department of Transportation , No. 04-1131, remain undecided. The former involves a Tennessee death-row inmate's claim of innocence; the latter is about grievance procedures for federal employees.

    Justice Alito will certainly side with the conservatives on such trivia. The more interesting question is whether Chief Roberts can continue the shift he's been effecting and get a couple of these to 6-3 or even 7-2. Expect him to assign the cases to either himself or Justice Kennedy in an effort to do so.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:23 AM


    Immigration Bill Lobbying Focuses on House Leaders: With Senate in Hand, Bush May Face a Skeptical GOP Base (Jonathan Weisman and Jim VandeHei, May 1, 2006, Washington Post)

    President Bush's growing confidence that he will secure a victory on immigration runs in direct contrast to the House Republican leadership, which is prepared to block legislation that offers illegal immigrants a path to citizenship without sending them home.

    Senate Democratic and Republican leaders are closing in on a bipartisan deal to secure the nation's borders, create a guest-worker program for foreign workers and offer citizenship to illegal immigrants who clear certain hurdles.

    Assuming agreement is reached in the Senate, White House advisers said Bush believes that he can count on House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and other leaders to rally skeptical House Republicans behind legislation.

    That sort of comprehensive and generous plan is precisely what polls show most Americans want, not that anyone is seriously going to control the borders. In his dotage, when Mr. Bush looks back at all he achieved in an already historic presidency, certainly adding over seven million new citizens will be among the things of which he's most proud.

    How immigrants make economy grow (Patrice Hill, 5/01/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Immigrant labor -- both legal and illegal -- has been an important force propelling U.S. economic growth for years.

    Growth in the native population has been in decline since the 1970s, so immigrant workers have filled in, providing half of the growth in the U.S. labor force since 1990. A basic rule of economics dictates that the economy in the long run can grow only as fast as the increase in the pool of workers, plus the growth in their productivity -- or output per worker.

    Immigrant workers, like all American workers, not only contribute their labor but further propel growth by liberally spending the wages they earn on a host of items, from food to cars to clothing. Their presence has been a significant factor fueling growth in key sectors from banking to agriculture and housing -- many of which have been booming and underpinning the health of the rest of the economy.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:17 AM


    Rally decries Darfur killings (Amy Doolittle and Arlo Wagner, 5/01/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Religious organizations, political groups and foreign nationals led thousands of people in a rally yesterday on the Mall to urge U.S. leaders to help end the widespread killings in Sudan's Darfur region.

    The rally brought together an unusual coalition of about 160 Catholic, evangelical, Muslim and Jewish organizations and Democratic and Republican lawmakers to help stop what many have called "a genocide."

    "This issue crosses every religion, every race, every age," said Rinat Manhoff, 28, who came with about 200 people from Temple Micah in Northwest. "And now there is no excuse for the world not to do something about it."

    Divisions Cast Aside in Cry for Darfur: Mall Rally Highlights Growing Concern (Sudarsan Raghavan, May 1, 2006, Washington Post)
    Clutching signs that read "Never Again," thousands of protesters from across religious and political divides descended on the Mall yesterday along with celebrities and politicians to urge President Bush to take stronger measures to end the violence in Sudan's Darfur region that the United States has labeled genocide.

    They wore skullcaps, turbans, headscarves, yarmulkes, baseball hats and bandanas. There were pastors, rabbis, imams, youths from churches and youths from synagogues. They cried out phrases in Arabic and held signs in Hebrew. But on this day, they said, they didn't come out as Jews or Muslims, Christians or Sikhs, Republicans or Democrats.

    They came out as one, they said, to demand that the Bush administration place additional sanctions on Sudan and push harder for a multinational peacekeeping force to be sent to Darfur.

    They're all just Americans and that means advocating a unilateral moralist crusade in some country whose only offense is not having the regime or respect for human rights that we require of them.

    Action needed on Darfur (The Scotsman, 5/01/06)

    [L]ast night, as the deadline set by mediators for a deal passed, the two main rebel groups said they would not sign the agreement as it stands. [...]

    The lack of action by the international community to address this on-going humanitarian crisis has been shocking given the moral duty to intervene in situations where a government turns on its own people in such a blatant and horrifying way.

    So it is now the responsibility of the United Nations and the African Union to keep up the pressure on Sudan to ensure the rebels' fears that the government will not live up to its promises do not come true.

    Nope. Just the Anglosphere.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


    'Privatising' the peace process (Jon Leyne, 5/01/06, BBC News)

    Businessmen like Mr Imran have helped produce a huge expansion in Jordanian exports to the United States.

    They now stand at just over US$1bn a year.

    There is just one small problem. Almost all of the factories set up under the scheme are foreign-owned. And most of the workers are foreign as well.

    At the factory I visited, it was a veritable United Nations.

    On the sewing machine are workers from India, Taiwan or Bangladesh. In the canteen, a stream of Sari-clad women queue up for lunch - ferociously hot curry.

    This is truly globalisation in action - at one desk a Sri Lankan woman operates a Japanese sewing machine, which was made in China for a Pakistani company to export clothes to the United States.

    It is easy to forget this factory is actually in Jordan, and easier still to question what benefit comes to Jordan.

    In this workplace, less than a third of the workforce are Jordanian - who congregate around jobs seen as more prestigious.

    Yet this is a country where poverty and unemployment are major problems.

    "People say there is unemployment in Jordan but when you advertise the vacancies the workers are not available," explained Mr Imran.

    "If anyone is desperate to do the work, the jobs are available."