May 8, 2006
Male need to 'hide' from women is natural (Siri Agrell, National Post, May 8th, 2006)
Whether it is in the garage, the study or even just sitting in a La-Z-Boy recliner playing video games, men feel the need to get away from women occasionally, according to a new book chronicling the gender's favourite hiding spots.Where Men Hide, written by James Twitchell, an English professor at the University of Florida, chronicles the evolution of the male-only space from opium dens and speakeasies to hunting lodges and strip clubs.
Men are not trying to escape out of anger or any negative feelings toward women, Mr. Twitchell said this week, but simply because they crave a place to be alone or to share the company of other men.
"My job was not to generalize so much as to particularize," he said. "Why these places and what's the history of them?"
Mr. Twitchell had some strange inspiration for the book. He became interested in male space after the capture of Saddam Hussein in 2004, when the former Iraqi dictator was found in a tiny "spider hole" burrowed in the ground.
"All over the world, people wanted to know about his hidey-hole," Mr. Twitchell said. "I became really intrigued about the interest in that.
"Men are really interested in where you go when there are no women. What's it like?"
And while Mr. Twitchell admits it was not women from whom Saddam was hiding, he said the famous dugout shares much in common with more popular male-only haunts.
Lucky dude.
Hmmm, that's never been something I have felt a need for. Hiding away from other people, oh yes. Luckily, my personality tends to take care of that for me without the need for overt action.
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at May 8, 2006 2:54 PMI thought we just hid from them so we wouldn't have to do all the work they ask us to do.
Posted by: Brandon at May 8, 2006 3:38 PMThe reverse is true as well. We women need a place of refuge from the tyranny of the TV remote, the blaring ballgames, bombs bursting in the air war documentaries, TV cops and robbers movie sirens and especially the endless shouting of TV panel discussions.
That's why we like going out to lunch with our female friends so much. We can discuss important stuff in a decorous lady-like fashion.
As a former colleague of mine has said...every man needs a poutin' house.
Posted by: H.D. Miller at May 8, 2006 6:40 PMH.D.
Daddy looked confused so the technician tried to help.
"What do you call this place?"
"This is my poutin’ house," Daddy answered. "When Mama chases me out, I’ll come here to pout."
Yup, that sounds like Saddam, all right.
Posted by: Peter B at May 8, 2006 6:53 PMErp, after reading your comments I've never felt so normal. Does he shout back at the panels too?
Posted by: Genecis at May 8, 2006 9:21 PMGen. Absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called the cops.
Posted by: erp at May 9, 2006 7:59 AM