May 1, 2006
Aid to Sudan, though hefty, leaves gaps: The US leads countries in assistance, but the UN says it has to cut back food rations (Howard LaFranchi , 5/02/06, The Christian Science Monitor)
True, the United States has been out ahead of other world powers in pressing the parties in the peace talks and approving billions of dollars in aid, but many activists and some experts believe the US has not put its full weight behind the Darfur struggle.
So even though we've been the only ones -- other than the African Union -- doing anything useful, we're to blame because the situation isn't resolved yet? Aren't these the same folks who thought e;leven years was too quick to end Saddam's genocide? Posted by Orrin Judd at May 1, 2006 8:15 PM
Well OJ, the Left hates America because she is not perfect, and loves her so much they can't name a better country. Only America is Real to them.....
Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at May 1, 2006 8:34 PMYes, oj, thats probably the same crowd. That mess in Dufur has gone on far too long. The UN's SEC and HRC are on safe footing by doing like they have been doing. Very little. I think their position is based on Sudan posing no threat to member states. They don't have to do anything but the US should in the name of common decency. This could be another of those sensitive spots where we could take action now and appoligize later. On second thought don't appologize.
Posted by: Tom Wall at May 1, 2006 11:40 PM