May 10, 2006
Dick Cheney: idealist or realist? (EJ Dionne, 5/10/06, Seattle Times)
It came as something of a shock to have to agree with Vice President Cheney...
At some point don't these folks have to stop being surprised that the President and company speak for their own most decent impulses? Posted by Orrin Judd at May 10, 2006 9:27 AM
With the just-brokered peace agreement in Darfur having quite possibly cut off the left's latest region of directed moral outrage -- go home, George Clooney -- it sounds as if E.J. wants to make Kazakhstan the next place where the outrage can be directed, because of it's lower correlation to the U.S.'s direct security interests than the Persian Gulf region (plus Nazarbayev's name is even less pronouncable than Milosevec's was when Serbia suddenly became the driving foreign policy issue a decade ago).
Posted by: John at May 10, 2006 9:54 AM"Bush's claims five years ago of spiritual affinity with a Putin who was already showing his authoritarian streak." Haven't we got out of the ABM treaty right afterwards with Putin's consent?
Kazakhstan hosts our largest military base right in China's backyard. By the way, they have some oil too.
We had no need of Putin's nor Russia's permission to leave the ABM treaty. The treaty itself permitted a unilateral withdrawal via a specific procedure, which the USA followed.
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at May 10, 2006 5:01 PM