May 25, 2006
Deer Attack Three at Ill. University (JIM SUHR, 5/24/06, The Associated Press)
A year after the normally docile creatures attacked seven people on a university campus here, the deer have turned bullish again.Three people were attacked by deer within minutes of each other Tuesday on a footpath at Southern Illinois University, police said Wednesday. One doe probably was responsible for all three attacks, said Todd Sigler, the school's public safety chief.
One worker needed stitches for a gash on his forehead, another suffered cuts, bruises and a sprained wrist, and a student was left with a scratched jaw. Two of the victims sought medical treatment.
...if, like me, you've been traumatized by the movie Bambi for the last forty years, you can finally tell yourself: "the bitch got what she deserved." Posted by Orrin Judd at May 25, 2006 1:15 PM
Too many deer, not enough habitat. You wouldn't normally even see any deer and they aren't usually aggressive, except for a period in the fall.
Last spring we saw a doe and fawn eating off a bike path. A number of people stopped and were oohing and awwing. They had no idea that these deer were frightened and only stood their ground because their hunger overcame their fright. Very sad if you knew what you were looking at. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Posted by: Rick T. at May 25, 2006 1:53 PMVenison is tasty, especially when prepared by an expert.
Posted by: Bryan at May 25, 2006 2:02 PMTime to turn the Salukis loose.
Posted by: jdkelly at May 25, 2006 2:04 PMOne of the great dividing lines. Urbanites love deer, suburbanites hate deer.
Posted by: David Cohen at May 25, 2006 2:13 PM... and ruralites love to eat deer.
Posted by: jd watson![[TypeKey Profile Page]](
And rural folks eat deer.
(As for aggression, I wonder if it was mamma with the baby nearby and someone got the bright idea that Bambi needed to be petted. Stupid tourons.)
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at May 25, 2006 3:17 PMLife imitates art.
Posted by: Mike Morley at May 25, 2006 3:22 PMA few years ago someone hit a deer in McLean, VA (inside or just outside the Beltway). The deer then flew into the windshield of an oncoming car, killing the driver.
Posted by: George at May 25, 2006 4:31 PMWe were approaching Bemidji, MN, 1999 or so...11 AM, mid-October maybe...slightly overcast...not a creature in sight. I was tuning the radio dial when I looked up to see a nitwit deer leaping out of a ditch by the side of the road.
He crushed the right front fender, flipped up onto the hood, tumbled over it, then bounced off our rear trunk lid. I recall seeing him in the rearview, tumbling over and over, and it reminded me of that film of Evel Knievel missing the ramp at Caesar's Palace.
We limped to a halt, with deer blood spittle on our windshield, me cursing the deer, my wife terrified, as the deer, had he been larger, might've gone through the glass, into her lap and possibly done her great harm.
The Minnesota State Trooper was there in minutes, the deer removal dude showed up shortly after. He was spoken for immediately and someone eventually ate him.
Now, that's civilized.
Hertz was pissed.
We hate deer with a passion.
Southwest Texas, from the Hill Country west of San Antonio to the Big Bend region, is where the deer test a driver's mettle, as they stand by the side of the road at twilight and dare you to keep driving 70 mph on the chance that they'll decide just at that moment to dart out into the highway (and these aren't the cute little Bambis, but the big arse mule deer that will take out a grill and quarter panel just as soon as they would look at you).
Posted by: John at May 25, 2006 10:13 PMoj,
While I gave up deer hunting in the late 60's, all our deer hunting trips prior to then included killing at least one yearling, illegaly, ie: Bambi himself, for camp meat!
Trust me, there is no better camp food than fresh deer heart and/or liver fried in bacon grease! Actually, there is very little in the way of non-camp food that is better.