May 20, 2006

NO STEPS AHEAD (via Tom Morin):

Another Five Million Dollar Man Killed (James Dunnigan, May 18, 2006, Strategy Page)

On the evening of April 13th, an air strike by Pakistani attack helicopters on two houses in the town of Miranshah, in North Waziristan, killed about a dozen al Qaeda operatives. Confirmed to be among the dead was 41-year old Abdul Rahman al Muhajir. One of al Qaeda's principal explosives experts, Al Muhajir was indicted for the bombings of the U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998, which killed over 220 people. The U.S. had posted a $5 million reward for his capture. [...]

Al Muhajir's death is one of the most important results of a protracted Pakistani operation in Waziristan that began several months ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 20, 2006 11:27 AM
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