May 11, 2006
Small Biz Can Save Retirement (Jeff Seely, 5/10/06, ShareBuilder)
As I see it, America is facing a retirement crisis. Picture a scenario where most people hit age 60 or 65 and have no choice but to keep working, asking to stay on in their current jobs; or if pushed into "retirement," forced to find a new, lower-paying job at an age when many will be unemployable.At the rate we're going, this could become the unfortunate fate for a frightening number of today's workers. It presents a big problem for the country and for the people that work in its companies. Now is the time to tackle it.
How did we get into this mess?
By living past 65? Posted by Orrin Judd at May 11, 2006 3:16 PM
Of course in a more family centered society mom and dad would be able to fall back on their children.
I've already told my liberal father-in-law that he and my mother-in-law will always have a place in my home but that should the unthinkable occur, I'll be going to the polling place with him and punching the straight republican ticket for him.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at May 11, 2006 3:49 PMJim, Why not have a practice run in '08. We may need those two votes.
Posted by: erp at May 11, 2006 4:33 PMYet there's $14 trillion in retirement savings.
Go figure.
Of course, this will change considering Iran just declared war on us.
Via Rantburg:
Hat tip to Jihad Watch:Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture. He made the above remarks in reply to a reporter while attending press conference on his letter to President Bush in Jakarta in the afternoon of the third day of his stay in Jakarta.
Stressing that the letter was beyond the nuclear issue, the chief executive said that in principle, the country's nuclear case is not so significant to make him write a letter about it.
"We act according to laws and our activities are quite clear. We are rather intent on solving more fundamental global matters.
"The letter was an invitation to monotheism and justice, which are common to all divine prophets. If the call is responded positively, there will be no more problems to be solved," added the president.
The president said that the letter actually contained a clear message of invitation to human beliefs, adding that its response will determine the future.
From Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch:
"Both bolded statements suggest that the letter was indeed the call to Islam that must precede any attack, in accord with Muhammad's words (in Sahih Muslim 4294) about inviting the unbelievers to accept Islam or dhimmitude and fighting him only if he refuses both. We shall see."