May 2, 2006


Nice to see you again: Sox handle Damon, Yanks in first meeting (Michael Silverman, May 2, 2006, Boston Herald)

[Mark] Loretta, acquired for Mirabelli in the offseason, sliced an eighth-inning RBI single between the legs of reliever Tanyon Sturtze to break a 3-3 deadlock. Another ex-Red Sox, reliever Mike Myers, then came in and surrendered a three-run homer to Ortiz, the only slugger able to hit the ball out of Fenway Park on an evening when a frigid, 20-plus mph wind whipped in from center field.

Would-be home runs turned into easy flyouts all night. Ortiz’ blast, however, soared without a hitch over the Red Sox’ bullpen fence and into the glove of closer Jonathan Papelbon, who then flung it to the delirious fans in the center field bleachers.

Thanks to Joe Torre for yanking Wang and to Brian Cashman (and Tony LaRussa) for the Myers signing--those situational lefties are a waste of money and a roster spot.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 2, 2006 7:35 AM

Go Blue Jays!

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at May 2, 2006 10:05 AM

Ha. The Yankee fans are blaming Joe Torre once again for not using his best relievers in another high-leverage inning.

Posted by: pj at May 2, 2006 10:33 AM

"Thanks to Joe Torre for yanking Wang..."

As always, OJ, you have a way with words. Just hope you don't have a visual for that historic event.

Posted by: John Barrett Jr. at May 2, 2006 10:38 AM

If the wind had been blowing in the opposite direction, the game would have ben 14-10 and Ortiz' mammoth shot would have landed in Conneticut.

Posted by: Mike Earl at May 2, 2006 11:01 AM

Torre's and Cahsman;s management of the bullpen is the reason the Yanks are laying something like 4 games behind their pythagorean.

Sturtze is done. Torre blew out his arm over-using him two season ago, everyone else in the world except Torre knows it.

Meanwhile, while the Yanks were busy overpaying the likes of Villone, Dotel, Myers, and Farnsworth in the offseason, they have aseveral good relief pitchers in Columbus and Trenton, one of whom they just sent down, Matt Smith, a left-hander who's yet to give up a run this season and looked dominant in his appaearances for NY.

They could've had a better bullpen for a fraction of the price. Who knows, maybe Cashman and Torre will figure it out before the all-star break.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at May 2, 2006 11:28 AM