May 29, 2006
Rapper faces jail for song dissing France (Angelique Chrisafis, May 29, 2006, Guardian)
One of France's most popular rappers will appear in court today charged with offending public decency with a song in which he referred to France as a "slut" and vowed to "piss" on Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle. Monsieur R, whose real name is Richard Makela, could face three years in prison or a €75,000 (£51,000) fine after an MP from the ruling UMP party launched legal action against him over his album Politikment Incorrekt.
MP3 here--almost makes you wish you spoke their dead language.
-France: Soundtrack to a Riot: A rap of protest from the ghetto (Marco Werman, March 28, 2006, The World)
-David Brooks, Playa Hater: The New York Times columnist grapples with "gangsta rap." (Jody Rosen, Nov. 10, 2005, Slate)
-France's Homegrown Gangstas (Olivier Guitta, September 28, 2005, Weekly Standard)
There really is no bottom to their disgrace.
Posted by: erp at May 29, 2006 7:16 PMIf, I had an Ipod this would be on it.
Posted by: Rick T. at May 29, 2006 9:54 PM