May 23, 2006
Harper has support to win majority (Mark Kennedy, National Post,, May 23rd, 2006)
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is so popular with Canadians that it would be swept back into power with a majority if an election was held now, a new poll has found.The Ipsos Reid survey, conducted for CanWest newspapers and Global National, was done over three days last week just as Harper's Tories were touting their accomplishments after 100 days in office as a minority government.
The poll found the Conservatives are enjoying their highest level of public support in nearly 20 years since Brian Mulroney's government was returned to office with a second majority victory in the November 1988 election.
''Basically what's happening is that Stephen Harper is recreating the Brian Mulroney majority,'' Ipsos Reid president Darrell Bricker said in an interview.
''And the way he is doing that is by breaking through in the province of Quebec. It's very much that kind of coalition Quebec and the West.''
Posted by Peter Burnet at May 23, 2006 12:19 PM
I have to feel that some of this is the inevitable rebound of "hey, the Tories aren't as scary as the Liberals lied to us that they were."
Posted by: John Thacker at May 23, 2006 2:19 PM