May 9, 2006
MMR campaigners demand action as autism cases soar (KEVIN SCHOFIELD, 5/09/06, The Scotsman)
A MASSIVE surge in the number of autistic schoolchildren in Scotland has been exposed after figures showed an increase of more than 600 per cent in secondary pupils with the condition in the past six years.Official statistics show 825 pupils were diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder in state secondaries in 2005, compared with 114 in 1999 - an increase of 623 per cent. Over the same period, the number of autistic youngsters in primary schools more than quadrupled, from 415 to 1,736.
One can't much mind the folks utilizing autism quackery to get extra help for their kids -- it's certainly better than the parents and teachers using ritalin to control rambunctious boys -- but the MMR nonsense can have tragic results. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 9, 2006 12:40 PM
The teacher of a friend of mine's kid suggested that the child could be autistic. Her reasoning? He didn't like to be hugged. Gee, a four year old boy who doesn't like a bunch of strangers touching him? Who woulda thunk it.
Chalk another one up to the criminalization of being a boy in today's schools. And then they wonder why boys don't go to college anymore.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at May 9, 2006 1:18 PMThis subject is too heart breaking for casual discussion. I have no trouble with parents trying to help their troubled kids in any way they can. If the autism label gets them help, let it be so. Helping needy kids like these are why we pay taxes gladly.
Posted by: erp at May 9, 2006 1:23 PMWhile I am sympathetic to erp's sentiments I have to disagree with the over-diagnoses of ADD and ADHD. You know what improved my attention span when I was in grade school? My father's belt that's what.
Posted by: Bartman at May 9, 2006 3:29 PMBartman:
Uh, oh. Look out for incoming from erp shortly about corporal punishment. (I agree with you, though.)
Posted by: Rick T. at May 9, 2006 3:40 PMI agree with you about ADD and ADHD being ploys to emasculate little boys, but autistic kids are quite a different matter . . . and I seriously doubt that Bartman père used his belt for anything more than to hold up his pants. All this stuff about being beaten as children is a bunch of macho nonsense and all you guys would cut off your arm before you'd beat a child.
And since you all remember my sermon (a little religious lingo here) against corporal punishment, I needn't repeat it.
No, they aren't. In both cases there are a few genuinely ill kids and many diagnosed that way for social reasons.
Posted by: oj at May 9, 2006 4:19 PMI can't relate to any of this.
Posted by: ghostcat at May 9, 2006 4:22 PMdefine beaten.
Posted by: Sandy P at May 9, 2006 4:49 PMI'm one of those kids who almost got labeled. If my mom (an elementary teacher of several years before she brought me into the world) had listened to the prevailing "wisdom" of the doctors I would've been on drugs since I was 5. Instead, my mom listened to a child nutritionist who said to try pulling sugar, milk, or wheat from my diet. We took out sugar, and almost overnight all my "ADHD symptoms" vanished. Turns out I have a dietary issue with my blood sugar level, not ADHD. So here I am, 21, Dean's list in college every semester, and a 34 on my ACT. I look at what I could have been, had I been "diagnosed" ADHD, and I feel lucky and blessed to be were I am.
And yes, Dad's belt gracing my backside did wonders to drive out such undesired behavior as lying and fighting with The Brothers Younger.
Posted by: Jay at May 9, 2006 4:51 PMJay:
we posted a personality test here one time in which near everyone scored as having Asperberger's with a few full autistics thrown in. I'd have been classified when I was a kid too.
Posted by: oj at May 9, 2006 4:56 PMWhat do you mean, when you were a kid?
Posted by: ghostcat at May 9, 2006 5:25 PMerp: My father was a wonderful man. BUT he would not put up with certain types of behavior from the 6 siblings. Lying, cheating, stealing, poor grades, and the big kahuna...disobeying mom. I had my fair share of whippings. Truly!
Posted by: Bartman at May 9, 2006 7:44 PMI thought autism was the diagnosis for boys who were insufficiently rambunctious.
Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at May 10, 2006 12:53 PM