May 20, 2006
Belgians Seek Roots of Racist Crimes: String of Attacks on Foreigners Feeds Fears About Political Appeal of Intolerance (John Ward Anderson, 5/20/06, Washington Post)
When 18-year-old Hans Van Themsche was expelled from his boarding school dormitory for smoking, police officials here say, it pushed him over some existential edge. He shaved his head, bought a Winchester hunting rifle, put on a black leather trench coat and wrote a note saying he was going to kill foreigners. Then he went on a shooting rampage in the narrow cobblestone streets of this ancient port city.Posted by Orrin Judd at May 20, 2006 8:04 AMFirst he shot and critically wounded a Turkish woman wearing a head scarf as she sat on a bench reading a book. Then he calmly walked down a street and turned his gun on a black, 24-year-old nanny from Mali and a 2-year-old white toddler in her care, killing them instantly.
Police say that a plainclothes officer caught up with Van Themsche a short time later. After the teenager ignored orders to drop his weapon, the officer shot him, wounding him in the stomach.
The May 11 rampage was the worst in a string of racially motivated crimes that have rocked Belgium in recent weeks. Mainstream politicians, religious leaders and human rights activists have warned about a dangerous rise of intolerance. Many of them blame that atmosphere on Vlaams Belang, or Flemish Interest, a xenophobic and hugely popular separatist party in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Members of Van Themsche's family hold prominent positions in the party.
These are just little brush fires easily put out and signal the absolute end of revolt against the collectivism of the EU.
Posted by: erp at May 20, 2006 8:20 AMI'm surprised he could buy a Winchester.
Did he get it illegally or legally?
At least we have a waiting time.
Posted by: Sandy P at May 20, 2006 11:23 AM