May 19, 2006


New KFC meal should be called 'Cardiac Arrest Bowl' (Seattle Post Intelligencer, 5/19/06)

At first we thought it was one of those bogus commercials by the "Saturday Night Live" people. Then we realized it was indeed a real, honest-to-badness commercial for a new KFC "product."

We think it's called the Cardiac Arrest Bowl, or maybe the Lard Almighty Bowl. It features a generous helping of mashed potatoes as the foundation, then a smear of gravy, then a layer of corn, a layer of fried-chicken pieces and a crowning touch of grated cheese.

Grated? It cries out for molten Cheez-Wiz.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 19, 2006 8:08 AM

That's nothing. You should stop in Carls Jr. or Hardee's, sometime. They sell a Breakfast Bowl (eggs, bacon, cheese, sausage), with a option to put Biscuits 'n Gravy in it!

Though if the girl at the KFC counter would hold the corn, I think I'll slurp these up quite often.

Posted by: Brad S at May 19, 2006 8:35 AM

What is the problem? This is the standard KFC meal served exactly how most people actually eat it.

Posted by: Buttercup at May 19, 2006 8:36 AM

Wait 'till they see the value meal version of this, which comes with an order of fries and a soda.

Posted by: John at May 19, 2006 9:31 AM

Yum-yum for sure, but having recently returned from one of our frequent visits to the States, I must ask the question my wife and I ask each other every time on the drive home:

Where in the world do you put it all?

Posted by: Peter B at May 19, 2006 9:54 AM

So the writer is upset about a meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn. I've never been to Seattle, do they not have American food there?

Posted by: Shelton at May 19, 2006 12:10 PM

Orrin, I thought you were in favor of the government outlawing this kind of food.

Posted by: Bryan at May 19, 2006 12:55 PM

No, I'm in favor of replacing gas stations with KFCs

Posted by: oj at May 19, 2006 1:06 PM

Looks like the folks at the P-I are well-trained-- they're doing the bidding of Michael Jacobson and the Center for Panic in the Public Interest without any prompting.

Posted by: Brian McKim at May 19, 2006 1:07 PM

But surely these people love a (gringo-style) taco, which has a starch base with layers of beans, meat, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, sauce and TOPPED WITH CHEESE!!

Just onions, cilantro and salsa verde for me, please.

Posted by: Rick T. at May 19, 2006 1:13 PM

Rick T:

In Mexico, street tacos are frequently served with diced potatoes. Yum, double starch.

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at May 19, 2006 2:32 PM

Rick T.:

Amen brother. Are you a fan of the La Pasaditas trio of taquerias on Ashland near Division/Milwaukee?

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at May 19, 2006 9:42 PM