May 13, 2006
Predators in UN uniforms (Ottawa Citizen, May 13th, 2006)
The sex scandals continuing to plague United Nations peacekeeping operations are a function of the organization's ideological and misguided conviction that all countries are equal on the international stage.In 2004, troops under the UN flag were caught trading food and favours for sex with women and girls in Congo. This time, it's in Liberia, according to Save the Children U.K., a respected international charity.
In late 2005, Save the Children workers interviewed more than 300 people in Liberia, and found that peacekeepers and aid workers engaged in routine "transactional sex" with the Liberians they were supposed to be helping. Corrupt internationals would exchange luxuries, clothing, and even skimmed-off food aid for sex. Teenage and pre-teen girls are favoured because they're cheaper and can be more easily cheated, Save the Children reported.
Sex crimes are revolting, but especially so when perpetrated by "peacekeepers" serving in the name of the United Nations, which is supposed to represent the best of humanity.
Save the Children doesn't identify the countries whose soldiers are responsible for sexual exploitation in Liberia, but the bulk of the Liberia peacekeepers in December 2005 were from four countries: Bangladesh (3,237), Ethiopia (2,546), Nigeria (2,134, one of whom leads the mission) and Pakistan (2,728) .
In 2005, Bangladesh tied for worst in Transparency International's global corruption rankings at No. 158 in the world; Nigeria was No. 152; Pakistan was No. 144; Ethiopia was No. 137 -- where it was tied with Liberia itself. Some helpers.
Many such states find peacekeeping very lucrative. The UN pays $1,000 U.S. per soldier per month, no matter whether the soldier comes from Canada, China or Chad. (Ethiopia's economy produces $800 U.S. per Ethiopian per year, less than Liberia's GDP per capita of $900.) Nigeria is notorious for keeping the UN money and not paying its troops; naturally they resort to aid-skimming, black-marketeering and uniformed gangsterism. It should be no surprise when soldiers who have to violate rules just to feed themselves break other humane norms. They have nothing to lose.
Sadly, this is just a minor tragedy arising from the flaw underpinning international law and the transnational ethos---the refusal to acknowledge free democracy is a superior form of government and culture that performs to higher standards internationally. It is also a good example of how useless the decent left can be in solving the outrages of the world. Their horror and resolve at scandals like this can be admirable and palpable, but so frightened are they of being labeled ethnocentric or even racist that they will hold back from demanding what needs to be done be done and lose themselves in a feckless world of studies, protests, conferences, sub-committees, resolutions and declarations of principles while women and children in savage places continue to be raped and exploited.
Posted by Peter Burnet at May 13, 2006 9:45 AMAh, Mr. Burnet, that's not a bug, that's a feature....
Posted by: Robert Mitchell Jr. at May 13, 2006 10:37 AM"... sex scandals continuing to plague United Nations ..."
Yeah, a plague like, you know, of locusts or something. The poor plaguees would be far better off dealing with their local tormenters without the help of U.N. sanctioned terrorizors.
"Sex crimes" are the way of the non-Western world, and even in the West were the way of the pre-Christian world.
This sort of thing will go on until we again take up our burden.
Posted by: Lou Gots at May 13, 2006 12:43 PMAwesome post, Peter. Thanks.
Posted by: Jeff at May 13, 2006 1:25 PMThe US should propose demand that only eunuchs be available for this work, and that the host nation have the option of ensuring that all men on the mission will be in compliance.
And, of course, we should start with the man at the top.
Posted by: jim hamlen at May 14, 2006 9:56 AMSure, Lou, Christianity put a stop to sex crimes in the West.
Posted by: Robert Duquette at May 14, 2006 11:04 AM