May 27, 2006


Claws, tongues sharp in beauty salon brawl (Michele McPhee, May 27, 2006, Boston Herald)

Fake nails and women’s shoes were flying as a bloody claw fight erupted at a Dorchester salon after one primping patron allegedly screamed at a woman bantering in Spanish, “Speak English! This is America!”

Just minutes after the melee broke out at Kathy’s Nail Design at 261 Bowdoin St., it escalated to the point of a 911 call.

A cop who arrived to break the fracas up got angry red scratches on his neck and arm for his trouble. They were left by a woman who’d just spent $40 for French manicure nail tips, said the shop’s owner, David Win.

When we were kids -- in East Orange, NJ -- we finally convinced our Dad not to give us buzzcuts himself so he started taking us to the local barbershop, owned by two French guys. No matter what cut you asked for they'd pretend not to understand you so they could just do a crew cut, which was easiest.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 27, 2006 7:55 AM
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