May 8, 2006


P.E.I. plant imports Russian workers (Quentin Casey, National Post, March 8th, 2006)

A Prince Edward Island seafood plant has imported workers from Russia and Ukraine to staff its processing facility after it was unable to find enough local residents willing to go on its payroll.

Last Monday, the Ocean Choice PEI plant in Souris, 80 kilometres east of Charlottetown, brought in 19 Russian workers. Twenty Ukrainians are expected to arrive this week. They will help fill the need for 50 new workers.

"We're making every effort to recruit locally," said Blaine Sullivan, president of Ocean Choice PEI. "It's just that there are not enough people here. It has been a disappointment."

Mr. Sullivan said a declining and ageing rural population is to blame for the shortfall in workers. "It's an ageing workforce and young people are moving on to different jobs," he said. "Lots of people in eastern Canada are heading out to Alberta, as well."

The company is paying to fly the workers to Canada. As casual employees, they will make about $2 less than the $9.40 an hour made by the average Ocean Choice plant worker, offsetting the flight and recruitment costs, he said.[...]

Ray Gallant, local spokesman for the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, said the labour shortage has taxed the other plant workers, who often work 16-hour shifts to process the perishable product.

"[The other workers] welcome the extra help because they see it as a bit of a relief," Mr. Gallant said. "We're hoping this helps relieve some of that pressure." About 300 people work at the plant at full capacity.

Mr. Gallant said the company has been unable to lure workers from the surrounding area. "People aren't going to travel three hours a day with the price of gas these days for a job in a fish plant that pays nine or 10 bucks an hour," he said.

It is truly scandalous that Canadian companies are bringing in foreign workers in an effort to underbid native Canadians who won’t take their jobs anyway.

Posted by Peter Burnet at May 8, 2006 12:59 PM

A former collegue of mine said it best...Everyone Needs a 'Poutin House'

Posted by: H.D. Miller at May 8, 2006 1:49 PM

That's really big of Blaine Sullivan, president of Ocean Choice PEI, to only pay the foreign workers $2 less an hour.

Posted by: AllenS at May 8, 2006 2:35 PM

Raise wages and you'll have more Canadians working.

Posted by: sharon at May 8, 2006 2:42 PM

And who should do that, Sharon? Gosplan North?

Posted by: Peter B at May 8, 2006 2:45 PM

Mr. Burnet;

No, but you should be honest that importing foreign workers is not to find workers but in order to lower wages.

Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at May 8, 2006 2:56 PM


If Gosplan North ends up decreeing the wage increase, does that mean GOSSNAB takes it on the back end:)

Posted by: Brad S at May 8, 2006 3:19 PM


They are not importing workers merely because they can't find local ones. They are importing workers because they can't find local ones willing to do the work for $7.40 an hour. Increase the wage and you will probably have more local employees. Of course, the cost will be passed on to the consumer, which is normal.

Posted by: sharon at May 8, 2006 3:26 PM


I'm not so naive as to think the company is doing this for non-economic reasons, but as I read the article, they can't find Canadians to work even at the higher rate and the reduction is to offset the flights (this isn't immigration--yet). C'mon, even the union seems to be on board so the "rapacious capitalist importing slave labour to depress wages" line seems unpromising.

Posted by: Peter B at May 8, 2006 3:43 PM