New glimpses of Bush worldview: Bush made major changes to his predecessor's list of foreign policy priorities, as all new administrations do. (Peter Grier and Faye Bowers, 4/01/04, CS Monitor)
[I]n the first months of the Bush administration US diplomacy changed directions, with new items such as withdrawal from the ABM Treaty and the multilateral Kyoto pact on atmospheric emissions moving up the priority list. Bush's first real foreign crisis - recovering a Navy spy plane and crew forced down near China - perhaps confirmed officials' beliefs that big-power politics would be their focus in the months ahead.But it's probably wrong to portray the Bush team as just a bunch of unreconstructed Cold Warriors. Much of the US national security apparatus remains consistent, president to president, and as Richard Clarke's testimony demonstrates, worry about terrorism was widespread in Washington. The new Bush officials weren't deaf to their fears.
Both National Security Adviser Rice and her deputy, Stephen Hadley, told the 9/11 Commission that they realized the Clinton administration had worked very hard on the Al Qaeda problem, according to a commission report. But they'd accomplished little, and their policies, in Hadley's words, were "out of gas."
So they determined to produce new ones. They asked counterterror chief Clarke for ideas. On March 7, 2001, Stephen Hadley convened an informal meeting of his counterparts from other agencies, to mull over such options as increasing aid to Afghanistan's Northern Alliance. They discussed a new presidential terrorism directive.
"The Bush administration was in the process of developing new approaches ... but it took time," says Robert Pfaltzgraff, an international security expert at Tufts University's Fletcher School.
On Sept. 4, 2001, a foreign-policy principals group chaired by Rice "apparently approved" a draft terrorism directive, according to a 9/11 commission report. Among other things, the directive envisioned an expanded covert action program against Al Qaeda.
No ‘Choice’: Wal-Mart prepares to bury the left under a mountain of money (Glen Ford and Peter Gamble, 3.31.04, In These Times)
Jim, John, Alice, Sam and Helen may carry the world’s most dangerous genetic markers. They are the Waltons, heirs to the global destructive force called Wal-Mart.With more than $100 billion in personal assets among them, the five Waltons occupy positions six through 10 in the Forbes billionaires rankings, twice as rich as Microsoft’s Bill Gates, the guy at the top. Collectively, they are antisocial malevolence with a last name. These spawn of Bentonville, Arkansas harbor an abiding hatred for the public sphere: business regulatory controls, nondiscrimination laws, wage and workplace safety standards, the social safety net—all of it—as expressed through the operations of their retail empire, which is both the largest employer in the United States and biggest importer of goods made in China. As the Democratic Socialists of America put it: “Wal-Mart is more than just a participant in the low-wage economy: It is the most important single beneficiary of that economy. It uses its economic and political power to extend the scope of the low-wage economy and threatens to extend its business model into other sectors of the economy, undermining the wages of still more workers.”
Such a vast project of political economy is far too complex for four middle-aged children of wealth and the 84-year-old matriarch, Helen. The family’s immediate personal ambitions are more modest: to destroy public education in the United States. To that end the Waltons, through their Walton Family Foundation and in close collaboration with Milwaukee’s Bradley Foundation, literally invented the national school “choice” network and its wedge issue-weapon, vouchers.
It is the existence of the school vouchers “movement” that allows the Bush administration to savage and massively disrupt the nation’s public schools while positing “alternative” forms of education, both vouchers and charter schools that often operate very much like public-funded private schools. “Choice” has become national policy under Bush’s Department of Education, which has doled out more than $75 million to organizations birthed by the Waltons, Bradley and their allies. (See “Funding a Movement” by People for the American Way,
Public education’s defenders, already outgunned by the combined resources of the right-wing political funding network plus the full weight of the Republican executive branch, now await the deluge: an infusion of $20 billion into the Walton’s private philanthropy, most of it earmarked for education “reform”—the euphemism for school privatization. At the usual rate of foundation disbursement, this would translate as $1 billion a year—a tidal wave of money, enough to reinvent the voucher “movement” many times over.
The God Wars: From here in the ‘None Zone,’ a feeling of helplessness as religious warriors relentlessly reshape the world. (Knute Berger, 3/24/04, Seattle Weekly)
In the Pacific Northwest, we’re the most irreligious folks in America. We have the largest percentage of adults in the nation who are unaffiliated with any church (63 percent) and the largest percentage who don’t identify with any religion (25 percent)—which is more than double the size of the largest religious group in the region (Catholics, 11 percent). The “state” religion in the Pacific Northwest is no religion, according to a new study, Religion and Public Life in the Pacific Northwest: The None Zone (AltaMira Press). If you’re one of these so-called “Nones,” you’re in good company here.That doesn’t mean we Nones aren’t deeply involved in religious conflict. From Israel and Palestine to the war on terror to the culture wars at home, they’re unavoidable, whether you’re religious or not. God, we are told, is setting the agenda.
In his Iraq anniversary speech last week, George W. Bush, whose statements since 9/11 have been filled with Biblical resonance and religious phrasings, showed that he’s honed his Manichean view of the world. We are engaged in a war of civilizations, good versus evil, he said again. But this time he was clearer than ever, provoked by the upstart Spanish electorate to assert that there is no room for dissent. “There is no neutral ground—no neutral ground—in the fight between civilization and terror, because there is no neutral ground between good and evil, freedom and slavery, and life and death.” He preached to representatives of 84 nations, and the essence was: Bush’s values constitute the dividing line between good and evil, and he represents good. Choose Bush, or you’re the enemy. [...]
[I]t appears that Bush’s side is winning—even here in heathen country. According to James Wellman, a professor of comparative religion at the University of Washington, evangelical churches are where the growth is. He described a veritable “revival” in Washington state. They seem to appeal to people who find the mainline protestant denominations too wishy-washy, secular, liberal, or old-school. Evangelical congregations are thriving because they’re dynamic, growth-oriented, and they offer moral clarity. He also notes that with Bush articulating so well the evangelical worldview of a titanic struggle between good and evil, people are drawn to the churches because they seem to reflect reality.
In this, Bush’s role is key right now. He believes he is called to rise to the challenges of his times. Others believe that he is interpreting events to suit his beliefs. Either way, he’s right that there is no longer a dividing line: His faith is shaping politics, and his politics are shaping America’s faith.
The Mariane Pearl-Eason Jordan Link (Washington Post, 3/31/2004)
Eason Jordan, a CNN news exec who was deeply involved in the network's coverage of the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl, is now romantically involved with Pearl's widow, Mariane, people familiar with the relationship told us yesterday....Married for 16 years, with two children, the Atlanta-based Jordan, 43, got to know Pearl, 36, who now lives in New York, after Islamic terrorists killed her husband in Pakistan two years ago....
Some CNNers mulled the ethical implications of the relationship.... "While she's a source, what kind of source is she?" one staffer wondered. "She's a source about her husband's death."
'I'm fascinated by Hip-Hop," says Prez Candidate John Kerry (Rich Rock, Mar. 31, 2004, The Wire / Daily Hip-Hop News)
"I'm fascinated by Rap and Hip-Hop" said Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry during an MTV Choose or Loose forum. Offering up a heavy dose of street credibility, Kerry defended gangsta rap, freedom of speech and the realities of street life.Kerry spoke with MTV's Gideon Yago and took questions from the audience last night in MTV's annual Choose or Loose forum. The youth voting movement this year endeavors to get 20 million new voters to the polls and impact what is projected to be a tight presidential race.
The Boston-born heir by marraige to the Heinz Ketchup fortune, offered his perspective on rap music as the voice of the streets. [...]
Calling rap a "reflection of life", Kerry empathized with the struggles reflected in the music.
"I'm still listening because I know that it's a reflection of the street and it's a reflection of life, and I understand all that. I'm not for the government censoring or stepping in. But I don't think it's inappropriate occasionally to talk about what you think is a standard or what you think is a value that is worth trying to live up to."
Reclaiming pro-lifers (Nat Hentoff, 3/28/04, Washington Times)
Quiet as it's kept, the diminishing Democratic majority in Congress for the past quarter of a century equals the rate at which pro-life Democrats have been abandoning the party. This was the message given to Terry McAuliffe, head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), when he was visited on March 8 by members of Congress on the National Advisory Board of Democrats for Life of America. Among them were Reps. Bart Stupak of Michigan and James Oberstar of Minnesota.These are the illuminating statistics — ignored by the media — that were presented to Mr. McAuliffe: In the 95th Congress (1977-78), Democrats had a 292-seat majority in the House of Representatives, which included 125 pro-life Democrats. Now, as a minority, Democrats are down to 204 seats, with 28 pro-life Democrats.
At the meeting, Mr. McAuliffe was told that in certain congressional districts, a pro-life Democrat would be able to win a Republican-leaning seat.
In Britain, one in five pregnancies ends in abortion (Sarah Womack, 31/03/2004, Daily Telegraph)
More than one in five pregnancies in Britain ends in abortion while the number of childless women over 40 "increases substantially", according to new figures.For the general population, parenthood has largely become a matter of choice as opposed to chance, says the Office for National Statistics.
Its report said 36 per cent of all pregnancies in women under 20 were terminated, a figure that has continued to rise despite the widespread availability of contraception and the "morning after" pill.
Among women of all ages, 23 per cent of pregnancies were terminated in 2000.
Statue of Jesus defaced by pro-choice vandal (NEIL SHEA, March 24, 2004, Providence Journal)
Outside Our Lady of Grace Church, black spray-paint streaked down the statue of Jesus, coating his face and throat. Near his feet, across a border of gray slate slabs, a vandal had scrawled: "Anti-choice Nazis."
Readers Of The Last Aardvark: Dave Sim's postmodern comic-book epic, Cerebus, ends after 26 years and 6,000 pages (Grady Hendrix, March 30th, 2004, Village Voice)
One of the most ambitious literary projects of the last 25 years came to an end this March and you probably don't even know its name: Cerebus. It's a comic-book series about a talking aardvark, whose creator seems to have slowly gone insane somewhere over the course of its 6,000 pages. But it is also something of a masterpiece.In 1979, Dave Sim (then just 23) made the improbable announcement that his black-and-white comic book, Cerebus, would run for 300 issues and that he would write, draw, and publish the books himself (although it was initially put out by his then wife, Deni Loubert). [...]
[O]ver the course of this story arc ("Mothers & Daughters")—both in the book itself and in the book's editorial pages—Sim made it clear that he believes we live in a feminist totalitarian state. Readers left in droves. The last 2,000 pages have been driven by their creator's deeply personal preoccupations ("Latter Days," the penultimate story line, devoted 144 pages to commentaries on the first 38 chapters of Genesis) and his religious faith (a homemade blend of fundamentalist Christianity, Islam, and Judaism).
Sim found his religion while writing Cerebus, and his uncompromising beliefs have become a whip driving his readers away and his fictional creations through increasingly convoluted antics intended to make theological points. Vexingly, the last 100 issues have also seen Sim and his collaborator (the mysterious Gerhard, who does the backgrounds) hone their visual technique to unparalleled expressive heights. With its dense layers of lettering, literary allusion, and internal logic, one page of Cerebus requires—and rewards—migraine-inducing concentration.
Cerebus's enormous contradictions have alienated it from the comic-book market. To Sim's readers, Cerebus was the satirical story of a talking aardvark in a realpolitik world. To Sim, Cerebus was a soapbox from which to proclaim his beliefs. And, like a true monomaniac, Sim painted himself into a corner, denouncing the Marxist-feminist axis to an increasingly hostile audience.
But despite Sim's anti-feminist crusade, Cerebus stands on its own as a ferocious critique of power. Sim believes that freedom is an absolute, and to this end he has self-published Cerebus, advocated for artists' rights, and bucked intellectual-property laws wherever possible (after his and Gerhard's deaths, Cerebus will become public domain). In an era when selling out is considered synonymous with success, Sim's resistance is bracing. But independence comes at a cost, and the price of Sim's is that his 26-year project, his life's work, is ending largely in silence. Tired of his grandstanding, most people long ago tuned him out. But for the scale of its ambition, the intricacy of its characters, the beauty of its artwork, and its commitment to mapping the at times objectionable mind of its creator without ever blinking or looking away, Cerebus remains a staggering declaration of independence.
-ESSAY: Requiem for an Earth-Pig (Brian Doherty, 3/23/2004, American Spectator)
One of our era's most enduring and complex epics of fantasy storytelling came to an end this month. It was 6,000 pages long, and chronicled one man's rise through a fascinatingly imagined world, on the cusp between medieval and early industrial ages. We witness the introduction of the printing press, cannons, and primitive airships as the tale progresses. The hero moves, often haplessly and buffeted by outside forces he barely understands, from a barbarian thief and adventurer to a prime minister to Pope of its Catholic-reminiscent church to renegade fighter against a matriarchal dictatorship to bartender to tyrannical head of his own brand new religion.
As with any 6,000-page epic, a one-paragraph prÈcis cannot do it justice. It can, I hope, hint at the riches to be found therein. A couple of complications are also worth noting. First, the protagonist is not strictly a man -- in two respects. "He" is a hermaphrodite, though he thinks of himself as male, and he's also an aardvark. A talking, hind-foot walking, sword-wielding, hard-drinking, scripture-parsing aardvark, mind you.
This 6,000-page epic, it should also be noted, is 6,000 pages of comic book, told and sold in 20 page chunks (mostly) monthly since 1977, published under the title Cerebus (the aardvark's name). It is a sad reflection of the regard with which the art of storytelling through the artful combination of words and pictures is held in our culture that knowing that Cerebus is a comic book is enough to make most intelligent readers not give it a second thought. The general level of regard for comics is low at best, usually plunging to "beneath notice" for the vast majority of literate Americans beyond an ever-shrinking cult of funny book devotees.
Most unusually for a comic book, which are generally produced in an assembly-line manner as work-for-hire for a corporate entity, this epic was mostly a one-man job, written and drawn by a Canadian named Dave Sim. Sim published it himself and retained full ownership of his characters and work. (With issue 65 of his 300 issue series, Sim hired another artist, the singly named Gerhard, to pen the backgrounds while Sim continued to draw the characters.)
The story started off as a broad parody of Conan the Barbarian comics. But it quickly latched on to greater ambitions. Throughout the series Sim continued his early practice of introducing parody characters based on figures from the world of comic books (both characters and creators), movie comedies (ditto), and authors (these latter less parody than attempts to grapple with the figure's meaning). These takeoffs are almost always hilarious, biting, and brilliantly observed.
Within the pages of Cerebus you'll find takes on Groucho and Chico Marx, Batman and the Sandman, the Three Stooges, and Norman Mailer, among many others, that in many cases capture and extend the essential aspects of those characters (it seems apt to refer to Norman Mailer as a "character") as well or greater than their original creators -- all the while fitting them in to Cerebus' fantasy world with perfect sense.
SIM STARTED OFF AS an energetic cartoonist, but 6,000 pages of practice turned him (and Gerhard) into, if not geniuses, highly skilled journeymen who through hard and continuous work discovered techniques and reached destinations not often matched in their discipline.
Cartoonists can achieve stylistic distinctions far more, well, distinct than a prose writer. A prose writer, after all -- unless he strives for Joycean unintelligibility -- uses the same words as everyone else. But within very wide limits, every ink line, and method of drawing a human figure, hand, furniture, a building, is unique. Sim and Gerhard, to abuse the language a bit myself, were even uniquer than most in the world of comics.
It might seem belittling to call Cerebus great "for a comic." But there is no other way for it to be great -- it is a comic book. This is not an insult to comic art, but the ultimate praise: it can strive for and reach storytelling effects that would be simply impossible for other storytelling forms. Sim's lettering is the most obvious example of this.
No one has yet discovered a way for a prose writer to make dialogue say as much about a speaker's intentions, inflections, thought processes and meanings (both hidden and surface) than Sim's brilliantly varied hand-lettering of it -- the most wild and innovative the form has ever known. Sim once made a bravura eight-page sequence of a broken-legged Cerebus trying to climb a huge staircase in complete darkness say surprisingly much, with nothing but panel after panel of differently-divided solid black ink with his lettering of Cerebus' thoughts and words, incredibly revealing of mania, panic, relief, comedy, and self-doubt.
The mastery of pacing through his choices in how to present images across panels and pages is another area where Sim approaches nonpareil, and similarly irreproducible by prose writers.
WITHIN THE WORLD OF comic books, Sim has achieved something unprecedented in length and focus: 6,000 pages all telling a single life story, all written and drawn by the same man. But he's not much loved for it. Somewhere along the line, Sim decided he had a mission with his story. Its theme became the evils and perfidy of feminism, in all its varieties, especially the notion that a man ought to cleave unto a woman and become one flesh.
Sim's methods of expressing this theme shifted as his own ideology did. The real tectonic shift came when he discovered religion and created his own portmanteau syncretist monotheism from aspects he admired from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Bloody fight scenes, long debates, quotes from fictional treatises, detailed representations of the depths men would sink to in a world dedicated tyrannically to motherhood at all costs, were all in the delightful mix as the story progressed. By the tale's end, Sim was theologizing feminist evils in the YHWH character in the Torah, who Sim insists is not the God who created the world.
I should give a spoiler warning here: One detail of the practice of the theocratic dictatorship that Cerebus sets up toward the work's end will give you a hint as to why, within the narrow community of comics fans, its creator is embattled and widely despised. Cerebus the religious leader arranged the public executions of women who didn't meet the approval of a gathered crowd of men.
Because of his very public animus toward feminism, which shades toward pure misogyny in the eyes of many readers, the comics community at best damn Sim with faint praise, raising the glass to his maniacal productivity and dedication -- a fully written and drawn page pretty much every weekday for 26 years without fail or falter. But they mostly just damn him, and Cerebus, for ideological reasons.
Sim's representation of himself as the embattled last defender of reason and masculinity against the Marxist-feminist axis that he thinks rules the world has marginalized him, to the point that he seriously seems to expect an angry mob of feminazis to lock him up for thoughtcrime. (Well, he is Canadian, so perhaps that's not so unrealistic a notion.)
Cerebus did appear at first to be a funny-man's comic book, taking everyone along for the ride for the first year and a half. The fact that Cerebus is an aardvark and everybody else is human, although never mentioned, is just one small thing (although Cerebus is described from time to time as anything from a short midget to a guy wearing a bunny's costume). The early stories were populated with parodies of famous fictional characters and figures from Marvel Comics. These lampoons of standard comic book clichés made Cerebus stand out in the early days from the rest of the pack; Sim was thumbing his nose at the corporate comic book machine.There was Elrod of Melvinbone, a character who was based on Michael Moorcock's famous albino hero Elric, whose speech was patterned after the Warner Brothers cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn. There was Red Sophia, a parody of the Red Sonja character created by Robert E. Howard, and The Regency Elf, Sim's version of Tinkerbell. One of the best was Jaka's uncle, Lord Julius, the ruler of Palnu and an impersonation of Groucho Marx down to his speech, mannerisms and his first name (Groucho's real first name was Julius). Finally, but not least, there was Artemis, who morphed into parodies of Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-Man, Moon Knight, The Punisher, Sandman, and countless others over the years.
With all this parody going on, when did Cerebus get serious?
The seriousness started with Sim himself. He was always serious about doing comics, but it was around 1979—when he declared that Cerebus would run 300 issues—that the comic began to show more focus. Sim moved away from sword-and-sorcery tales and started dealing with the more adult themes of politics and society. The comics, collected in Book 2 as High Society, told one continuing story and were first published in comic form at around the same time as his announcement. Nobody noticed this connection, but the reader could see that Sim was more focused, as if he had something bigger in mind, and with each subsequent collection the stories and the artwork became more involved and, at times, more serious in tone. These collections, or Books, would eventually showcase the entire series. Sim also declared that the series would be in two overall parts, each with 150 comics. Cerebus, High Society, Church and State, Jaka's Story and Melmoth (Books One through Six) are the First Half of the series, and the Second Half (unfinished as of this writing) are Flight, Women, Reads, Minds, Guys, Rick's Story, Going Home and Form and Void (Books Seven through 14; the books got shorter as the years went along because Sim published fewer issues per book).
Two themes that developed as the comic evolved were Cerebus' campaigns to move up the ladder of power and his love/hate relationship with the dancer Jaka, who was introduced in Issue 6. Cerebus wanted Jaka, but only when he could not have her, and when he could have her he was too busy campaigning for power to notice. "You said you'd wait forever for Cerebus…" he says to Jaka at one point, referring to their first meeting when he was drugged against his will so he would not remember her. Jaka replies, "I said I'd wait forever for you to remember [me]. Well you did remember and you never came back" (Sim, Church and State I: 461-63). Cerebus does come back to her in Jaka's Story, but unfortunately she is married to Rick (who appears later in Rick's Story). Sim's take on the guy/girl romance angle haunts Cerebus through the entire run of the series. Cerebus is only truly happy with Jaka at the end of Rick's Story, and even that is short-lived. Throughout twenty-plus years of Cerebus, he has loved Jaka and driven her away, and when it seems that he has finally learned his lesson, he drives her off again at the end of Form and Void. The reader can only wonder if Jaka is to be heard from again.
Cerebus' campaign for power eventually wins him the title of Pope of the Eastern Church of Tarim, which in turn leads to a power struggle and eventually a radical power shift from men (Kelvinist) to women (Cirinist) being in control. While Cerebus' quest for power is at times very funny, it is also very serious. When all is said and done, Cerebus embodies the notion that "absolute power corrupts absolutely." The more powerful he becomes, the more insane he becomes until finally he is brought before The Judge—a being of intense power (though his greatest power is observation)—to prevent the destruction of the entire world through Cerebus' greed. Church and State ends with a prophetic warning from The Judge: "You live only a few more years. You die alone. Unmourned. And unloved" (Sim, Church and State II: 1212). This prophecy will haunt Cerebus, and the reader, for the remainder of the series.
Cerebus' drive to do things his way only mirrored Sim's. When Sim launched his series, there were only two comic companies around: Marvel and DC. Rather than sell his creation outright (the fight over creator-owned comics was still to come), Sim decided to self-publish his work. He had an advantage because he could do everything himself, from writing and drawing to stapling the issue together. However, he also had a disadvantage: he had to do everything himself, from writing and drawing to stapling the issue together…
With his girlfriend's help, he began planning out the comic. He wanted a character that was barbaric like all those Barry Windsor Smith comics he read (Smith had worked on Conan for many years before he was let go by Marvel, a move that angered Sim). He wanted a name, something mythological, and his girlfriend Deni suggested the three-headed dog of Greek mythology. Deni, however, spelled the name wrong; Ceberus became Cerebus, and a legend was born (Jones and Jacobs 229). Over time, as Cerebus started to attract a reading audience, Sim realized that there was an incredible amount of power in doing everything himself. He did not have to answer to anybody as far as his subject matter; if the readers did not like it, they would stop reading it. The readers' vote was what mattered most, and not the corporate idea of what a comic should look like or how much money it should make. As Marvel and DC were in a constant power struggle over which company was on top that week, Sim was left alone because, as far as the Big Two were concerned, Sim and his ilk did not matter. Little did they realize how wrong they were.
Kerry personally vulnerable (Tony Blankley, March 31, 2004, Jewish World Review)
[W]hat may become the enduring exemplar of the Kerry style was his spontaneous expletive on the ski slopes when his Secret Service guard bumped into him by accident (while guarding him): "I don't fall down. The S.O.B. knocked me over." To instinctively say that about the man who is sworn to put himself between Kerry and a bullet, paints a lasting and contemptible character portrait. Contrast that with what Ronald Reagan said shortly after he was shot: "Honey, I forgot to duck." It was at that moment that 60 percent of the American public fell permanently in love with the Gipper. As Ernest Hemmingway put it in another time, that is grace under pressure — and Kerry doesn't have it.The second emerging liability is the matter of Senator Kerry's health and vigor. Few people commented adversely when Mr. Kerry had his cancer operation last year. Most otherwise healthy men go on to fully active lives after such a successful operation. But some people began to notice when he took a week off to relax and "re-charge his batteries" at his wife's ski lodge — just when the campaign was heating up and he had not yet recovered from his foolish foreign leaders claim. His staff had to explain that he gets verbally sloppy when he gets tired. (Of course, the presidency is a darned tiring job 365 days a year.)
Now comes the unrelated matter of an operation to repair a torn shoulder tendon, an injury that the Kerry campaign says he incurred while on a campaign bus in January. The post-operative period will again take him out of action for "three or four days." Of such episodes, impressions begin to form. [...]
The American public has a growing experience with incomplete, protective or misleading statements by the doctors of politicians and other celebrities. So long as Mr. Kerry refuses to permit the release of his military records relating to his war injuries and health, as well as his current and comprehensive medical records, a curious American public will have to judge the senator's physical fitness for the presidency by publicly available evidence, speculation and rumor. It's Kerry's own fault if false rumors affect his candidacy.
He is already on record as lying about his cancer condition last year — first denying the condition, then admitting it when the fact could not be avoided. Even The Washington Post yesterday reported that: "Kerry, 60, who appeared athletic and robust during his recent skiing holiday, has nonetheless faced medical issues in the past year that have raised questions about his overall health." When the Washington Post puts its corporate teeth into a candidate on a personal matter — that's not good news for the politician.
The fundamentals of this race make it nearly unwinnable for Mr. Kerry--Northeastern liberal sitting senator vs. popular incumbent during economic boom--but if he doesn't get out in front of stories like this then Mr. Blankley is correct about his candidacy's potential for flophood.
The Jobs of the Future Are a Thing of the Past: Outsourcing and the sad little movement to stop it (Rick Perlstein, March 30th, 2004, Village Voice)
The outsourcing of white-collar jobs overseas began in earnest during the personnel shortage caused by the run-up to Y2K. In a sense, it grew directly from a parallel phenomenon, generally ignored. Call it "in-sourcing." Averting the catastrophe of a nation of computers suddenly partying one New Year's morning like it was 1899 gave Congress a reasonable excuse to raise the cap on the number of H-1B visas, which are issued to allow companies to sponsor specialized foreign workers in cases of a demonstrable labor shortage.On the other side of the world, the Y2K panic catalyzed India, which was dismantling the protectionist components of its own quasi-socialist economy, to bid for all kinds of service work to be done there—thanks to its relatively large, educated, English-speaking middle class and a providential 10.5-hour time shift that lets Indian researchers crunch numbers on behalf of sleeping American financial analysts on the East Coast.
Importing labor, exporting jobs: These are the two sides of the coin. According to the regnant economic theories, the sides are inseparable: capital scouring the world to find labor at the cheapest price, supply meeting demand, each dollar being spent at its greatest point of efficiency. A fat lot of comfort that is if you're on the receiving end of the regnant economic theories. Capital does the scouring a lot more aggressively these days than it used to—even to the point of systematically abusing the law.
Some of the worst abuses are the "body shops," made possible by another kind of temporary work visa: the L-1. This permit is tailored even more narrowly; it was designed to allow companies to fill short-term vacancies with transfers only from their overseas branches. And since it was intended to be of such limited application, Congress didn't bother setting ceilings on their issuance. This proved a loophole big enough to fly a 747 through: Indian consulting companies set up U.S. branches, imported Indian computer programmers en masse, and rented them as cheap replacement parts to cost-conscious third-party companies in the U.S.
Such "intracompany transfers" made for one of the most dramatic stories of this fragile little movement. Siemens Information Communications Networks in Lake Mary, Florida, replaced its entire IT department with employees of the Indian consulting company Tata, who worked at about a third of the Americans' salary. For a severance bonus, the displaced workers received the privilege of training their replacements. The Dickensian maneuver turned one of them into a political animal. Mike Emmons, a 42-year-old father of two, awoke one morning with the sun and sent out thousands of e-mails to Siemens employees explaining the whole dirty deal—at 5:30 a.m., while possibly suspicious Siemens network administrators slept. Like a scene out of some post-industrial Erin Brockovich, some 1,000 workers settled down to their toil one January day in 2003, opened their inboxes, and, one by one, broke into a spontaneous cascade of applause in appreciation of the brave truth-teller no longer in their midst.
Now Emmons is running for Congress, as a Democrat. He makes some great points: "You know," he says, "I wouldn't mind if the relentless search for cheap, cheap, cheap included critical items Americans need. While I was training my Indian replacements, my HMO insurance was being increased 84 percent, to $18,000 a year—one-half the money Siemens pays my replacement!"
Christian Quotation of the Day (March 31, 2004)
If there were a righteousness which a man could have of his
own, then we should have to concern ourselves with the question
of how it can be imparted to him. But there is not. The idea
of a righteousness of one's own is the quintessence of sin.
--Lesslie Newbigin (1909-1998)
Alternative teachers' training 'alarming': Group calls for reforms, oversight of programs that prepare new educators (Nancy Mitchell, 3/24/04, Rocky Mountain News)
Before they lead classrooms, alternative teachers in Colorado average only 18 hours of preparation. Some have none at all.The Alliance for Quality Teaching labels that statistic "alarming" in its report, released this week, on the state's 44 alternative teacher preparation programs.
"That was a surprising and somewhat distressing discovery," said Gully Stanford, one of three people who lead the statewide Alliance, a nonpartisan group of educators, politicians and policymakers.
"It goes hand-in-glove with our first recommendation that there be more consistent oversight, even regulation, of alternative programs." [...]
Alternative programs, once considered a stop-gap measure to ease teaching shortages, are supplying greater numbers of the state's teachers.
The report found the typical alternative teacher is older, with an average age of 35, and better-educated, with nearly a fourth already holding a master's degree.
Bush Administration Shows More Support of Free Trade (EDMUND L. ANDREWS, 3/31/04, NY Times)
Top officials at the Federal Reserve, though independent of the Bush administration, have sided with the White House in defending free trade.Ben S. Bernanke, one of the central bank's most visible and outspoken board members, said on Tuesday that foreign trade accounted for only a tiny fraction of the 2.2 million jobs that have been lost over the last three years.
Mr. Bernanke, citing estimates by outside economists that foreign trade may have led to the loss of as many as 167,000 jobs a year since 2001, said the numbers were small in comparison with the nation's overall pace of both job creation and job destruction. During the 1990's, Mr. Bernanke said, the United States lost about 15 million jobs a year but gained about 17 million jobs.
"Quantitatively, outsourcing abroad simply cannot account for much of the recent weakness in the U.S. labor market," he told an audience at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
Mr. Bernanke argued that the biggest reason for the weak job market was the rapid rise in domestic productivity, which has allowed companies to make more goods without hiring additional workers. American productivity has grown by about 5 percent a year for the last two years, twice its normal pace.
William Poole, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, told a college audience in Indiana that foreign trade and outsourcing would ultimately benefit the United States by reducing prices at home and expanding export markets.
"This process has been going on in the course of economic development for hundreds of years," Mr. Poole said. "So this is a fact of life. It's not something that we're going to reverse."
The Limits of Medicine (Philip Longman, Washington Post, 31/03/04)
Faith in medicine runs deep in America. We spend more per person on health care than any other nation. Most of us are confident that we will live longer, more active lives than our parents. Whether we eat too much or exercise too little, whether we're turning gray or feeling blue, we increasingly look to some pill or procedure to make us better. No one likes to hear official projections such as those that came out last week about Medicare, which show that the program will be running multitrillion-dollar annual deficits just when baby boomers need it. But a common response is: What's a more important priority for society's resources?Good question, assuming that devoting ever more dollars to medicine will bring us longer, healthier lives. But there is mounting evidence that each new dollar we devote to the current health care system brings small and diminishing returns to public health. Today the United States spends more than $4,500 per person per year on health care. Costa Rica spends less than $300, and has half as many doctors per capita. Yet life expectancy at birth is nearly identical in both countries.
Despite the ballyhooed "longevity revolution," life expectancy among the elderly in the United States is hardly improving. Since 1990 Medicare expenditures per senior have more than doubled. Yet life expectancy among American women at age 65 was lower in 2003 than it was in 1991, according to estimates released by the Social Security Administration last week. Yes, we are an aging society, but primarily because of falling birthrates.
Younger Americans, meanwhile, are far more likely to be disabled than they were 20 years ago. Most affected are people in their thirties, whose disability rates increased by nearly 130 percent, due primarily to obesity. Americans of all ages are also increasingly likely to die from a host of infectious diseases and chronic conditions. Between 1980 and 2000, the age-adjusted death rate from diabetes increased by 39 percent, chronic lung disease by 49 percent, and kidney disease by 21 percent.
Why has our huge investment in health care left us so unhealthy? Partly it is because so many promised "miracle cures," from Interferon to gene therapies, have proven to be ineffective or even dangerous. Partly it's because health care dollars are so concentrated on the terminally ill and the very old that even when medical interventions "work," the gains to average life expectancy are small. And partly it is because of medical errors and adverse reaction to prescription drugs, which cause more deaths than motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer or AIDS. Each year roughly 200,000 seniors suffer fatal or life-threatening "adverse drug events" due to improper drug use or drug interaction. Will Medicare's new prescription drug benefit save more lives than it ends? The answer is not obvious.
There are some simple ways to improve the effectiveness of medicine. Each year 90,000 patients in the United States die from infections they contract in hospitals, and doctors and nurses who fail to wash their hands are the biggest vector. To cut down on medical errors, many hospitals are adopting sophisticated quality control measures similar to those used by manufacturers to reduce "defect rates." Today only 1 cent out of every dollar spent on the National Institutes of Health goes to establishing "best practices" in medicine. Redirecting more funds from basic research to studying the effectiveness of different treatments would go a long way toward preventing such lethal medical fads as high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants.
It is all well and good to encourage people to have more children to support the aged, but given the modern frantic determination to live as long as possible at whatever cost, what kind of slavery will they be born into?
Dear Mr. Judd,
I just wanted to notify you and your readership about a call for submissions for the new journal of the Bull Moose Republicans:
"Defending the rule of law and promoting free trade are two of the foundational values of modern American conservatism. President Bush's immigration proposal has brought these two principles to the fore of public discussion within the GOP as faithful conservative loyalists debate the practical application of these two shared values as they apply to our country's present immigration situation.
Authors are invited to interpret these two values - rule of law and free trade - philosophically and/or historically, and apply them in defense of or opposition to the specific immigration policy proposal of the Bush administration.
For source material, read the President's immigration proposal."
More information is available at Thank you for your time.
Sincerely yours,
William M. Fusz
Policy Director
Bull Moose Republicans
EU 'anti-terror Tsar' to fight al-Qa'eda (Telegraph, 3/26/2004)
European Union leaders agreed yesterday to rush forward a clutch of EU-wide surveillance measures and created an anti-terror "Tsar" in response to the Madrid bombings.The list of counter-terrorism measures pushed by Britain, France and Spain at a Union summit in Brussels include plans to retain mobile telephone records, e-mail and internet data indicating the time and address of all websites visited.
Campaign 2004 prediction: in September, Dick Clarke and John Kerry explain that the Europeans take terrorism much more seriously than the Bush administration.
The NEW YORK OBSERVER will report on Wednesday that former Vice President Al Gore will close the deal to buy his own cable TV channel this week!Mr. Gore and his business partner, entreprenuer and Democratic fundraiser Joel Hyatt, will acquire Newsworld International for around $70 million from Vivendi. The Observer will also report that Mr. Gore approached French-owned Vivendi through French President Jacques Chirac in 2003, hoping to get a better deal from Vivendi CEO Jean-Rene Fourtou.
Heinz Seeks to Disavow Kerry Connection (CHARLES SHEEHAN, 3/30/04, AP)
H.J. Heinz Co. has launched an election-year campaign of its own, this one to distance the ketchup maker from what is shaping up to be an acrimonious presidential race.If you've waited this long, why not file online? Get a move on with E-filing tips and tax site comparisons.
The company has sent nearly 50 letters to radio and television talk shows nationwide to tamp down chatter on the airwaves and Internet suggesting revenue from ketchup sales will benefit the campaign of pending Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
Medicare's Hidden Bonanza: After millions in campaign contributions, an insurance magnate's 10-year lobbying campaign finally pays off. (Michael Scherer, March/April 2004, Mother Jones)
For conservative leaders, the best part of the Medicare bill President Bush signed in December had absolutely nothing to do with Medicare. Rather, the provision that House Speaker Dennis Hastert calls "the most important piece in the bill" and former Speaker Newt Gingrich considers "the single most important change in health care policy in 60 years" is a little-noticed tax rebate set to cost the Treasury $6.4 billion over the next decade. The measure allows Americans to open tax-free "health savings accounts," which can be used to pay medical bills—in effect removing their owners from the shared risk that has been the core of the health-insurance system since World War II.
CRISP POTATO "PIZZA" (Lynne Rossetto Kasper, The Splendid Table)
Serves 3 to 4 as a side dish or antipasto2 large cloves garlic
3 tightly packed tablespoons fresh Italian parsley leaves
1 1/2 pounds small red-skinned potatoes, sliced 1/16 to 1/8 inch thick
1 medium red onion, sliced into very thin rings
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/8 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
Shredded zest of 2 large oranges
1/3 cup oil-cured black olives, pitted and coarsely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 heaping cup shredded Asiago or Fontinella cheese1. Preheat the oven to 500°F. Oil a 14-inch pizza pan or a cookie sheet. Mince together the garlic and parsley. Place in a large bowl with the potatoes and onion. Fold in the olive oil, oregano, hot pepper, half the orange zest, and half the olives, along with generous sprinklings of salt and black pepper. Toss everything to coat the potato slices.
2. Spread the potatoes out in an even single layer on the pan. Bake 20 minutes, then sprinkle with the remaining orange zest and olives. Bake another 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are speckled with golden brown and the zest has darkened. To get the top to brown to a rich gold, it may be necessary to broil the pizza for 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle with the cheese, let it begin to melt, then take the pizza out of the oven. Slice into wedges (or squares) and lift off the pan with a spatula. Serve hot or warm.
The Red-Green Divide Over Human Enhancement (James Pethokoukis, 03/30/2004, Tech Central Station)
Having spoken with many enhancement advocates, it seems pretty clear to me that they, for the most part, think the cultural momentum is moving in their direction. Just look, they point out, how we are already enhancing themselves. College students are already using Ritalin to enhance their concentration for exams. Human growth hormone has been approved for healthy short kids. Demand for cosmetic plastic surgery continues to soar. In 2003, more than 6.9 million procedures were done -- 41 percent more than a year earlier, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Interest in plastic surgery has grown so much that it's now the subject of reality shows on ABC and MTV. And as soon as embryonic stem cells are shown to cure some disease or tinkering with the germline is shown to prevent some horrific malady from ever occurring, "the debate over them will be over," as UCLA's Gregory Stock, author of the book Our Inevitable Genetic Future, told me recently.Except ... that Hispanics and blacks, who by 2050 will compose 39 percent of the population, both display strong culturally conservative values and -- along with evangelical whites -- may form formidable political obstacle to new biotechnologies. Take the issue of abortion, which serves as a handy stand-in for attitudes toward cutting-edge biotech since both touch on the issue of what it means to be human. A 2002 Pew Research survey found that more than 55% of both registered Latino and African-American voters believe that abortion should be illegal in most or all cases -- ten points higher than whites. When asked whether abortion is "unacceptable, 79 percent Hispanics who identified themselves as Roman Catholic -- about 70 percent of respondents -- agreed that it was vs. 53 percent of white Catholics. (Even 53 percent of self-described "secular" Hispanics found abortion "unacceptable" vs. 22 percent of secular whites.) And a 2001 Survey USA poll of attitudes of New Yorkers towards stem cell research found that only 38 percent of Hispanics and 44 percent of blacks thought such research ethical vs. 68 percent of whites.
Religious commitment, of course, plays a big part in that divergence. Another 2002 Pew Research poll of attitudes toward federal funding for stem cell research found that individuals with a high level of religious commitment (based on factors such as how often individuals pray and attend church services) opposed such funding in far greater numbers than low commitment individuals. Roughly 48 percent of black with a high religious commitment, for instance, opposed such stem cell funding vs. 22 percent of those blacks with a low commitment. For Hispanics, it was 44 percent vs. 32 percent.
Now unless we are about to enter a Star Trek world where religion seems to have disappeared, it appears likely that over the coming decades both demographic and technological trends will turn America's current red-blue divide into a red-green divide (like the colors in a traffic light) -- "red" for those religious Hispanic, blacks and evangelical whites who will want to stop human enhancement, and "green" for those more secular Hispanics, blacks and whites who will want to go forward with it.
Face the Fetus: It's time for abortion rights advocates to stop denying reality. (William Saletan, March 29, 2004, Slate)
Once the embryo is defined as a child, and killing it is defined as killing a child, abortion at any stage of pregnancy becomes murder—immediately in theory, and eventually in law.Is this what the Senate intended? Not really. Last year, 52 senators voted for an amendment declaring that Roe "secures an important constitutional right" and "should not be overturned." Fourteen of those 52 pro-choice senators voted Thursday for UVVA. Four of them voted against an amendment to UVVA, offered by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would have preserved UVVA's penalties for assaults on pregnant women while changing its language to avoid a collision with abortion rights. Feinstein's amendment was the sole alternative put forward by abortion rights supporters. It was the whole ball game, and those four senators held the balance of power. With their support, Feinstein's amendment would have been adopted, and abortion rights would be safe. Instead, the amendment failed, 50 to 49.
Why did the pro-choice side lose those four votes? The answer lies in the text of the Feinstein amendment. It says that anyone who commits one of the enumerated violent federal crimes and "thereby causes the termination of a pregnancy or the interruption of the normal course of pregnancy" will get a second punishment "the same as the punishment provided for that conduct under Federal law had that injury or death occurred to the pregnant woman."
One word is notably missing from the amendment. The word is "fetus." There is no fetus. There is only a "pregnancy."
This is not an accident. Each time pro-lifers have tried in recent years to treat the embryo or fetus as a person in one context or another, pro-choicers have responded by treating the fetus as a nonentity. When pro-lifers sought to ban human cloning, pro-choicers offered a counterproposal that would require the destruction of every cloned embryo—which they referred to only as "an unfertilized blastocyst" and "the product of nuclear transplantation"—within two weeks of its creation. When pro-lifers sought to make fetuses eligible for the State Children's Health Insurance Program, pro-choicers offered a counterproposal to expand the program's eligibility guidelines "as if any reference to targeted low-income children were a reference to targeted low-income pregnant women." The pro-choice alternative made no reference to the gestated entity until it was "born."
It's a strategy of denial. And this week, it ran into too much reality. [...]
"If a state can put someone in jail for life because they took the life of an unborn child, then we're clearly saying there is something very valuable there," Feinstein warned Thursday. She wasn't endorsing that conclusion. She was reading aloud, with disapproval and alarm, the words of a Nebraska state senator. Guess what: There is something very valuable there. And if you can't see it, we can't hear you.
MAY DATE TARGET FOR DEM MATE (Brian Blomquist, March 30, 2004, NY Post)
John Kerry is looking to name a running mate early - by the end of May - to help raise money, build momentum and serve as an attack dog, sources said yesterday.Kerry's advisers believe they can send out their No. 2 to hammer President Bush and quickly respond to Republican charges - in a fashion similar to Bush's use of Vice President Dick Cheney, who's been giving hard-hitting anti-Kerry speeches.
New Happiness Index shows British society peaked in 1976: Overall quality of life said to have dropped, despite technological advances and economic prosperity. (Mark Rice-Oxley, 3/31/04, CS Monitor)
Britain was in the grip of inflation, drought, and punk rock. The cold war was in remission, the IMF bailed out the economy, and the Muppets and Starsky and Hutch were on TV.It hardly sounds like the halcyon days of a golden era. But according to new research from a London think tank, 1976 was the year when Britain peaked as a society. Since then, Britons may have become more prosperous and more technologically advanced, but at such a social and environmental cost as to weigh negatively on the overall quality of life.
The report by the New Economics Foundation (also dubbed the Gross National Happiness Index ) is the latest salvo in an ongoing global debate over how to measure progress. Some US cities have created their own quality of life or "sustainability" indexes that include crime, health, environmental, and cultural factors. Canadian, British, and Scandinavian governments have added a catalog of new social and environmental yardsticks, too.
Understanding that, however, hasn't stopped economists and social commentators here from balking at the idea that a period in British history often known for industrial unrest, bellbottoms, and terrorism can be considered the apogee of anything.
Some doubt that after a generation of economic growth and exponential technological change, British citizens are really worse off now than almost 30 years ago.
And yet the study insists that this is just the point: traditional measurements of progress, it says, heavily favor the economic over the social, and are becoming outmoded. Becoming bigger, faster, and richer is only part of the story.
Clarke's Progress: Guess who used to believe in the Iraq/al-Qaida connection? (Christopher Hitchens, March 29, 2004, Slate)
Opposition to the Bush policy since Sept. 11, 2001, has taken one of four forms. There are those who continue to believe that there must have been some administration collusion in the planning and timing of the attacks. (I notice that yet another book alleging this has attracted endorsements from about half of The Nation's editorial board.) There are those who feel that America has antagonized the Muslim world enough already, and that the use of force in Afghanistan and Iraq only makes the enemy more angry. There are those who think that Iraq is "a war too far" (to annex David Rieff's phrase) and a distraction from the hunt for al-Qaida as well as a dangerous exercise in pre-emption. And there are those who think that the Clinton administration would have done, indeed was doing, a superior job.Of course this quartet of positions is not mutually exclusive, and elements of each are to be found in one another, but the third and fourth ones have emerged as the safest and most consensual with the reception accorded to Richard Clarke's book. Among those claiming to be vindicated by his testimony are Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, two senior counterterrorism figures from the Clinton National Security Council, whose not-bad book The Age of Sacred Terror, published in 2002, bears re-reading. Among other things, it contains (on Pages 230-233 and 336-338 of the paperback version) an interesting profile of Richard Clarke, who is depicted as an egotistical pain in the ass who had the merit of getting things right. This seems fair: He has been exposed as wildly wrong in saying that Condoleezza Rice had never even heard of al-Qaida—an allegation that almost amounts to the dread charge of "character assassination"—and his operatic bow to the families of the victims is fine unless you think (as don't we all?) that one shouldn't appear to exploit Sept. 11 for partisan purposes. However, when in office he worked to develop the Predator drone, pushed for aid to the Northern Alliance, and leant heavily on the CIA and FBI to stop their wicked practice of hiding information from each other, and one can picture his rage at learning that the hijackers had bought seats using their "terrorism watch list" names.
The Benjamin-Simon book contains a long account of the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and also a stern defense of Clinton's decision in August 1998 to hit the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Sudan with cruise missiles. What is interesting is the strong Iraqi footprint that is to be found in both episodes. Abdul Rahman Yasin, one of the makers of the bomb that exploded at the World Trade Center, was picked up by the FBI, questioned, and incredibly enough released pending further interrogation as a "cooperative witness." He went straight to Amman and thence to Baghdad, where he remained under Saddam Hussein's protection until last year. As Clarke told the Sept. 11 commission last week: "The Iraqi government didn't cooperate in turning him over and gave him sanctuary, as it did give sanctuary to other terrorists." That's putting it mildly, when you recall that Abu Nidal's organization was a wing of the Baath Party, and that the late Abu Abbas of Klinghoffer fame was traveling on an Iraqi diplomatic passport. But, hold on a moment—doesn't every smart person know that there's no connection between Saddam Hussein and the world of terror?
Ah, we meant to say no connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Well, in that case, how do you explain the conviction, shared by Clarke and Benjamin and Simon, that Iraq was behind Bin Laden's deadly operation in Sudan?
Economists see 'booming economy' (Barbara Hagenbaugh and Barbara Hansen, 3/30/04, USA TODAY)
Employers soon will add jobs steadily as the economy continues to expand, say economists surveyed by USA TODAY.In an optimistic outlook, the 56 economists also predict businesses and consumers will continue to spend more as the unemployment rate falls. Inflation will stay low, they say, letting the Federal Reserve keep interest rates at historic lows a bit longer. [...]
"Business looks really very, very good," Decision Economics President Allen Sinai says, noting that corporate profits are rising rapidly. That means firms can spend on new technology and other improvements.
They also may finally spend on hiring. In the survey conducted March 19-24, 31% of the economists said they expect hiring to begin in earnest in the second quarter. More than half expected considerable gains in the second half.
Economists say the economy is improving quickly enough that businesses will no longer be able to meet demand with their existing workforces.
Upsetting But Powerful Logic Behind Outbreak of War Over Taiwan (Tom Plate, 3/30/04, Korea Times)
It’s unimaginable that China would ever go to war against Taiwan, right? Until recently, that’s what I thought.Why would the government of China alter strategic course, veer away from its sane game plan of prioritizing economic development for 1.3 billion people and launch some kind of military attack on Taiwan, a major investor on the mainland and the democratic darling of people in the West?
The international implications for Beijing would be staggering. It would shock an on-looking world every bit as much as last century’s horrific Cultural Revolution, not to mention Tiananmen Square. China again would become, for some years at least, a pariah on the international stage.
Die-hard anti-Communist Republicans in America would say “I told you so”; anti-free trade Democrats now blaming China for aggravating U.S. joblessness would say “There the Bad Guys go again.” Even the worshipful French would have to duck for political cover. Thus China, assuming the success of invasion, would gain Taiwan but lose the world.
And so I used to laugh when learned scholars such as UCLA’s Richard Baum would refuse to rule out the possibility of such military action. How could they be so oblivious to the primacy of economics over politics in our globalized world?
But now I have come to accept the Baum possibility: that significant forces inside China marching to a drumbeat different from that of rational economists may wind up calling the shots over Taiwan, where pro-independence party President Chen Shui-bian has apparently been reelected (subject to the recount) and unleash the first shot.
March 30, 2004 Letter from Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President, to Thomas A. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton. (From the Corner)
We continue to believe, as I advised you by letter dated March 25, 2004, that the principles underlying the Constitutional separation of powers counsel strongly against such public testimony, and that Dr. Rice's testimony before the Commission can occur only with recognition that the events of September 11, 2001 present the most extraordinary and unique circumstances, and with conditions and assurances designed to limit harm to the ability of future Presidents to receive candid advice.This is a climb down, although politically necessary. It is one of the rare instances in which the administration, as Condi Rice was urged to do yesterday, chooses to rise above principle. The part about only doing this because Hastert and Frist agreed that it would not be a precedent is particularly silly, for being so transparent. I want to see Pelosi and Daschle agree. I expect that, far from agreeing, they, and the Democrats on the committee, will attack this agreement. The last thing they want is Dr. Rice's public testimony.Nevertheless, the President recognizes the truly unique and extraordinary circumstances underlying the Commission's responsibility to prepare a detailed report on the facts and, circumstances of the horrific attacks on September 11, 2001. Furthermore, we have now received assurances from the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate that, in their view, Dr. Rice's public testimony in connection with the extraordinary events of September 11, 2001 does not set, and should not be cited as, a precedent for future requests for a National Security Advisor or any other White House official to testify before a legislative body. In light of the unique nature of the Commission and these additional assurances, the President has determined that, although he retains the legal authority to decline to make Dr. Rice available to testify in public, he will agree, as a matter of comity and subject to the conditions set forth below, to the Commission's request for Dr. Rice to testify publicly regarding matters within the Commission's statutory mandate.
The necessary conditions are as follows. First, the Commission must agree in writing that Dr. Rice's testimony before the Commission does not set any precedent for future Commission requests, or requests in any other context, for testimony by a National Security Advisor or any other White House official. Second, the Commission must agree in writing that it will not request additional public testimony from any White House official, including Dr. Rice. The National Security Advisor is uniquely situated to provide the Commission with information necessary to fulfill its statutory mandate. Indeed, it is for this reason that Dr. Rice privately met with the Commission for more than four hours on February 7, fully answered every question posed to her, and offered additional private meetings as necessary. Despite the fact that the Commission will therefore have access to all information of which Dr. Rice is aware, the Commission has nevertheless urged that public confidence in the work of the Commission would be enhanced by Dr. Rice appearing publicly before the Commission. Other White House officials with information relevant to the Commission's inquiry do not come within the scope of the Commission's rationale for seeking public testimony from Dr. Rice. These officials will continue to provide the Commission with information through private meetings, briefings, and documents, consistent with our previous practice.
I greatly appreciate the strong support you expressed to me last night for an agreement to the conditions on which we are proposing this extraordinary accommodation and your commitment to strongly advocate for the full support of the Commission. If the Commission accepts the terms of this agreement, I hope that we can schedule a time as soon as possible for such a public appearance by Dr. Rice. I want to reiterate once again, however, that Dr. Rice would be made available to the Commission with due regard for the Constitutional separation of powers and reserving all legal authorities, privileges, and objections that may apply, including with respect to other governmental entities or private parties.
I would also like to take this occasion to offer an accommodation on another issue on which we have not yet reached an agreement - Commission access to the President and Vice President. I am authorized to advise you that the President and Vice President have agreed to one joint private session with all 10 Commissioners, with one Commission staff member present to take notes of the session.
Radio legend Cooke dies aged 95 (BBC, 3/30/04)
Veteran BBC broadcaster and writer Alistair Cooke has died at his home in New York.For 58 years, Cooke presented his radio series Letter from America, the world's longest-running speech radio programme.
Earlier this month, he announced his retirement on health grounds following advice from his doctors. [...]
A special one-hour tribute, Remembering Alistair Cooke will be broadcast on BBC Radio Four at 2100 BST on Tuesday 30 March, 2004 and at 2000 BST on Saturday 3rd April, 2004.
A World Service tribute is being broadcast at 1030 GMT, 1430GMT (not Europe) and 2130 GMT (Europe) on Tuesday 30 March, 2004.
Alistair Cooke, Elegant Interpreter of America, Dies at 95: Alistair Cooke was the urbane and erudite British-born journalist who was a peerless observer of the American scene for almost 70 years. (FRANK J. PRIAL, 3/31/04, NY Times)
-TRIBUTE: Alistair Cooke: More than a charming TV personality, the elegant and erudite Englishman was, first and foremost, a top-notch journalist and social historian. (DOROTHY SAMUELS, 3/31/04, NY Times)
-TRIBUTE: The Bond Across the Pond: My friend Alistair Cooke was a literate and wise interpreter of life in the daughter country. (WILLIAM SAFIRE, 3/31/04, NY Times)
William Tell, Tax Rebel (Adam Young, March 30, 2004,
The legend of William Tell, the Swiss legendary hero who symbolizes the struggle for individual and political freedom, has its origins in medieval Switzerland, in the tax rebellions that launched the Everlasting League and the defeat of an empire., [...]As the legend goes, the emperor dispatched his army of tax collectors to enforce his long unrecognized claims. One of them, Hermann Gessler, arrived in Altdorf, where he promptly acted to enforce imperial and feudal authority over the people. Raising a pole in the center square, and using his hat decorated with peacock feathers atop it as a symbol of imperial power, Gessler commanded all who passed to bow before it and show proper respect for the government.
William Tell and his young son Walter, peasants from the nearby countryside of Bürglen in Uri, perhaps having not heard of Gessler's command or maybe choosing not to obey it, walked past without bowing. Some versions say he laughed out loud at the silly symbol of the government and its claim to tax.
When Gessler heard of this, he became enraged, fearing that other men would also disobey him, and ordered William Tell's arrest. Hearing that this William Tell was a famous hunter, Gessler devised a cruel plan. He ordered Tell to shoot an apple atop the head of his young son, Walter.
Now, William Tell begged the tyrant not to have him do this. "What if my son should move? What if my hand should tremble? What if the arrow should not carry true? Will you make me kill my boy?" he asked. "Say no more," said Gessler. "You must hit the apple with your one arrow. If you fail, my soldiers shall kill the boy before your eyes."
Without another word, William Tell aimed and let the arrow loose. Walter, hands tied, stood firm and still. He wasn't afraid. The arrow struck the apple in the center, carrying it away from him.
Gessler was impressed and infuriated, but as Tell was turning away, a second arrow that he had hidden in his coat fell to the ground. Cried Gessler, "what mean you with this second arrow?" Tell proudly replied "Tyrant, this arrow was meant for your heart if I had hurt my son."
US, Israel agree on disengagement terms (Herb Keinon, Mar. 30, 2004, Jerusalem Post)
[B]oth sides are presently 'mapping out the areas of understanding and agreement.' The discussions are taking so long, the official said, because they are tantamount to negotiations, with the US representing the interests of a number of other players - Egypt, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority.The official also said he believes the final formula of support for the plan that the Bush administration will issue 'will be satisfactory for the Israeli domestic scene,' meaning that it will live up to the three conditions Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spelled out for his critical support of the plan.
Netanyahu, whose support is considered key in swaying some of the uncommitted Likud ministers, laid out three conditions for accepting Sharon's disengagement plan at last Sunday's meeting between Sharon and the Likud ministers.
These conditions are:
* All of the points of entry to the Gaza Strip - by land, air, and sea - must remain in Israeli hands. This condition was earlier by the Defense Ministry as well.
* A public and detailed US rejection of the Palestinian demand for the right of refugees to return to Israel. The US's rejection of the 'right of return' was strongly implied in comments by presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
* Completion of the security fence before withdrawal from Gaza begins, including building the fence around the Ariel, Gush Etzion, and Ma'aleh Adumim settlement blocs, as well as around Route 443 from Modi'in to Jerusalem. This will be the most difficult commitment to secure, since the US has objected to the route of the fence dipping deep into the West Bank. [...]
Sources close to Sharon said the disengagement plan placed Netanyahu in a political dilemma. While he has real problems with the plan, he understands the public sentiment in favor of withdrawal, and he is looking beyond the plan to the next election.
Rays tee off on Mussina in Tokyo (AP, 3/30/04)
On the other side of the world, these New York Yankees looked lost.Jose Cruz Jr. hit a tying home run that sparked a comeback, Tino Martinez helped beat his former team with his 300th career homer and the lowly Tampa Bay Devil Rays roughed up Mike Mussina in defeating the Yankees 8-3 Tuesday night.
The team that dominates the AL East couldn't do much in the Far East, giving up 15 hits and playing sluggishly in the field.
NPR Stations Had Pushed for Change (LYNETTE CLEMETSON, 3/30/04, NY Times)
National Public Radio's decision to remove Bob Edwards as host of "Morning Edition" is part of a broader push by the network, at the urging of many of its local partners, to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding and crowded news marketplace, several public radio managers across the country say.The announcement that Mr. Edwards would leave his anchor post, effective April 30, to take on a new assignment as a senior correspondent, and his statements that the move was not his idea, ignited widespread criticism. NPR, based in Washington, has received more than 17,000 calls and e-mail messages from angry listeners, its officials said. A Web site,, has generated close to 3,000 signatures. [...]
In recent years, however, several station managers confirmed, some member stations have voiced concerns to NPR management that Mr. Edwards, who has served as host of "Morning Edition" from its beginnings in 1979, often seemed less engaged on the air. More critically, some station officials said, the program's traditional anchor-dominated format, heard live from 5 to 7 a.m., Eastern time. and rebroadcast with updates throughout the morning, has left NPR ill positioned to respond instantly to breaking news.
"A host, when news is breaking, actually needs to be able to interact live with a reporter on the scene and do live interviews with analysts as a story is unfolding," said Jeff Hansen, program director for KUOW in Seattle, and an independent coordinator for news-focused radio statons that carry NPR programs. "We owe a lot to Bob Edwards for setting exactly the right tone for the first 25 years. But I think there is probably wide agreement in the public radio system that it is time for an evolutionary change."
No More Clash of Civilizations: Greece and Turkey join hands to defeat al-Qaeda. (Stephen Schwartz, 3/30/04, FrontPage)
The victors in the Greek election--Kostas Karamanlis and his conservative New Democracy party--won on a classic free market platform. They preached lower taxes for citizens and corporations, leaner government, deregulation, privatization and denationalization of major industries, and reform of social security, health care, and education.Their opponents, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), in power for 20 of the last 23 years, had long been known for virulent anti-American and anti-NATO rhetoric, and such provocative policies in foreign affairs as allowing Arab and other extremists free access to their country so long as they refrained from harming local interests. As a result, Greece had long been treated with near-universal disdain in European capitals, as well as in Washington.
At the same time, PASOK, for all its coziness with Arab militants, indulged in furious demagogy against Muslim Turkey. There was no contradiction in this--Arabs don't like Turkey, which has close links to Israel. But above all, Greeks still smart over their long humiliation at the hands of the Turks, symbolized by the fall of Constantinople in 1453. [...]
But all that is in the past. Now the Socialists--with George Papandreou as their leader--are in opposition, and Kostas Karamanlis, is prime minister of Greece, like his father before him. His government has approved a framework for direct Greek-Turkish negotiations regarding Cyprus. And on April 20, the Cypriots are scheduled to vote in a UN-sponsored referendum. Greek and Turkish Cypriots will be asked to approve a fairly predictable UN-style system for settlement of refugee claims, along with provisions for power-sharing between the two communities.
While UN-sponsored "conflict resolution" has failed in Bosnia and Kosovo, the Greeks and Turks, fortified by their thriving capitalist economies, seem bent on avoiding the path taken in the upper Balkans. For this, Athens and Ankara deserve congratulation and support. In the age of terrorism, a rapprochement between Greece, the cradle of democracy, and Turkey, the pioneer of Muslim secularism, is welcome news for the civilized world. It is of course anathema to al-Qaeda.
Reagan Wounded In Chest By Gunman; Outlook 'Good' After 2-Hour Surgery; Aide And 2 Guards Shot; Suspect Held (Howell Raines, 3/30/1981, The New York Times)
At 4:14 P.M, Mr. Haig, in a voice shaking with emotion, told reporters that the Administration's ''crisis management'' plan was in effect, and citing provisions for Presidential succession, Mr. Haig asserted that he was in charge.Mr. Reagan's wife, Nancy, and senior White House advisers rushed to the hospital and talked to Mr. Reagan before he entered surgery at about 3:24 P.M.. Despite his wound, the 70-year-old President walked into the hospital and seemed determined to assure his wife and colleagues that he would survive.
''Honey, I forgot to duck,'' Mr. Reagan was quoted as telling his wife. As he was wheeled down a corridor on a hospital cart, he told Senator Paul Laxalt, a political associate, ''Don't worry about me.'' According to Lyn Nofziger, the White House political director, Mr. Reagan winked at James A. Baker 3d, his chief of staff. Then, spying Edwin Meese 3d, the White House counselor, Mr. Reagan quipped, ''Who's minding the store?''
The operating room was said to be the scene of a bit of the partisan humor favored by the chief executive. Mr. Nofziger said that Mr. Reagan, eyeing the surgeons, said, ''Please tell me you're Republicans."
At this point, Mr. Reagan had apparently not been told of the grave wounds to the three men who went down in the spray of bullets aimed at him.
[...]Mr. Reagan regained consciousness early tonight, according to a White House statement. It said: ''At 8:50 this evening, the President joked with his doctors in the recovery room and, despite the tubes in his mouth, he gave them a handwritten note that said, 'All in all, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.' ''
The President's game recounting of the show-business line, attributed to W.C. Fields as his choice of epitaph, struck a sharp contrast with the events of the day. [...]
Mr. Reagan was operated upon by Dr. Benjamin Aaron and Dr. Joseph Giordano of the university's staff. Asked if it was ''medically extraordinary'' for Mr. Reagan to have walked into the hospital, Dr. O'Leary said, ''Maybe not medically extraordinary, but just short of that.''
Dr. O'Leary said the surgeons made an incision about six inches long just underneath the left nipple. Mr. Reagan received two and a half quarts of blood through transfusions during what Dr. O'Leary called a ''relatively simple procedure.''
The bullet was removed intact, although its shape had been distorted by striking Mr. Reagan's rib. A .22-caliber bullet is relatively small, and although capable of killing, generally does less tissue damage than the larger calibers typically used by lawenforcement officers.
Mr. Reagan, who has been in office just over two months, is the eighth American President to become an assassin's target. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy were killed by gunmen. Unsuccessful attempts were made on the lives of Andrew Jackson, Harry S. Truman and Gerald R. Ford. This is the third assassination attempt since President Kennedy's death in 1963. Two attempts were made on President Ford's life in September 1975.
Future of a ruined Germany (George Orwell, April 8, 1945, The Observer)
As the advance into Germany continues and more and more of the devastation wrought by the Allied bombing planes is laid bare, there are three comments that almost every observer finds himself making. The first is: 'The people at home have no conception of this.' The second is, 'It's a miracle that they've gone on fighting.' And the third is, 'Just think of the work of building this all up again!' [...]To walk through the ruined cities of Germany is to feel an actual doubt about the continuity of civilisation. For one has to remember that it is not only Germany that has been blitzed. The same desolation extends, at any rate in considerable patches, all the way from Brussels to Stalingrad. And where there has been ground fighting, the destruction is even more thorough. In the 300 miles or so between the Marne and the Rhine there is not such a thing as a bridge or a viaduct that has not been blown up.
Even in England we are aware that we need three million houses, and that the chances of getting them within measurable time seem rather slender. But how many houses will Germany need, or Poland or the USSR, or Italy? When one thinks of the stupendous task of rebuilding hundreds of European cities, one realises that a long period must elapse before even the standards of living of 1939 can be re-established.
We do not yet know the full extent of the damage that has been done to Germany but judging from the areas that have been overrun hitherto, it is difficult to believe in the power of the Germans to pay any kind of reparations, either in goods or in labour. Simply to re-house the German people, to set the shattered factories working, and to keep German agriculture from collapsing after the foreign workers have been liberated, will use up all the labour that the Germans are likely to dispose of.
Clarke Refused to Testify in 1999, Citing Same Reasons as Condi (NewsMax, March 29, 2004)
Former Clinton terrorism czar Richard Clarke refused to testify before the Senate Y2K Committee in 1999, citing the same rule invoked by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in recent days, with the Bush White House saying the regulation prevents her from testifying publicly before the 9/11 Commission.In a transcript of a July 29, 1999, Senate hearing first unearthed by, Committee Chairman Robert Bennett, R-Utah, explained that Clarke had canceled his appearance because, as a member of the National Security Council, he hadn't been confirmed by the Senate and as such was prohibited from testifying before Congress.
The Congressional Record confirms Clarke's decision not to appear by invoking the same rule cited by Dr. Rice.
Kerry slams Cheney in Sacramento campaign stop (Associated Press, March 29, 2004)
Sen. John Kerry lashed out at Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday, accusing Cheney of distorting his Senate record on taxes as the Democrat sought to shift the debate to President Bush's stewardship of the economy. [...]"They found Dick Cheney in an undisclosed location and brought him out to attack me," Kerry said at the start of a town hall meeting at the Charles A. Jones Skills & Business Education Center. "That seems to be his designated role, not to create jobs, but to attack John Kerry. [...]
Two weeks ago, Kerry and Cheney engaged in a cross-country, rhetorical fight over national security and the Democrat's credentials to be commander in chief. On Monday, they sparred over taxes and the economy.
Kerry is on a two-day campaign swing through four California cities, where he is raising money and talking to voters about the need for jobs. While Kerry blames Bush for rising unemployment, Bush's campaign portrays Kerry as a habitual tax-raiser.
Cheney said Kerry had voted for higher taxes some 350 times in his Senate career and was likely to seek huge tax increases to help pay for nearly $1 trillion in his spending proposals.
"That averages to one vote for higher taxes every three weeks for almost two decades. At least the folks from Massachusetts knew who was on the job," Cheney told a receptive audience at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Unfortunately for the Democrats, no one qualified to run for president entered the race and the campaign season was so mild that Mr. Kerry was never tested. Now they find they're stuck with a bad candidate who learned nothing.
Jewish defections irk Dems (Alexander Bolton, 3/30/04, The Hill)
“On the GOP side they’ve been very aggressive in courting the community,” said Nathan Diament, director of public policy at the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. “The point person on the Senate side is Rick Santorum. Over the past two or three years they’ve been working the community and having a lot of meetings.”Diament said Barbara Ledeen, the director of coalitions for the Senate Republican Conference, initiated the efforts.
Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), who is Jewish, has also been active. He has traveled around the country “stumping in Jewish venues trying to convey a sense of why Republicans are more deserving of support,” said Diament.
On the House side, Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in the House, has led the GOP outreach effort.
“Democrats do not speak with a unified voice on Israel anymore,” said Cantor. “The Democrats want to re-inject the United States into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a neutral arbiter and neutral voice.”
A pitched battle for state legislatures: Chambers in 25 states could change majorities with a tip of three seats or less. (Daniel B. Wood, 3/30/04, CS Monitor)
The battle for party control over state legislatures, say experts, is more intense than at any point in recent political memory.Of the more than 7,000 legislative seats in the US, the GOP holds a slim 60-seat advantage. And of the 50 states, 25 have legislative chambers that could switch party control with a shift of just three seats or less.
In Maine and Colorado, a switch of one seat could reverse longtime party dominance of both legislative and executive branches. While in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, a change in three seats could significantly reshape the poltical path of the South's fastest-growing states.
Several of the nation's key battleground states - Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington - could solidify political alliances for years to come.
"This is a far bigger election year for state legislatures than most," says Tim Story, election analyst for the National Conference of State Legislatures. "Because there are so many close votes which could shift party control of legislative chambers, it will likely have an impact on every issue before state government from civil unions to transportation, education, and health care."
This fall's vote will indicate whether Republicans can continue to garner more power in state governments. The 2002 election gave the GOP control of a majority of US legislative seats for the first time in 50 years. (Republicans now control both chambers in 21 states, compared to 18 for Democrats.)
The Transition Has Begun: One by one, Iraqis regain control of their own government operations. (Robert Alt, 3/29/04, National Review)
Much debate has swirled from Washington to Baghdad over the June 30, 2004, Coalition-pullout deadline: Will it be too soon to formally transfer power over key governmental operations from Coalition authority to the Iraqi people? At least one agency has demonstrated that June 30 is not soon enough: In a formal ceremony on Sunday, Ambassador Paul Bremer, surrounded by Iraqi doctors, announced that authority over the Ministry of Health is now officially in the hands of the Iraqi people.That the Ministry of Health should be the first of the 26 public ministries to return to Iraqi control is quite an accomplishment, especially when you consider its dilapidated status just one year ago. Years of neglect had taken their toll. Maintenance was unheard of under Saddam, leaving only 35 percent of the equipment in hospitals operable. Doctors and medical students were unable to view medical journals online because of government policies that made owning a satellite dish a crime punishable by the state. And to add insult to injury, when Jim Haveman, the senior Coalition adviser, and Dr. Kudair Abbas, the Iraqi minister of health, arrived last year, the ministry building itself was completely looted. It is therefore not surprising to learn that Iraqis had come to expect little in the way of medical care.
What a difference a year makes! Saddam only provided $16 million for health care in his 2002 budget, a wretchedly low sum that should again prompt questions about how the Oil-for-United-Nations-Cronies — I mean, Oil-for-Food — program was operated. In FY 2004, however, the health budget received an enormous 60-fold increase, providing $948 million for 26 million Iraqis. At the end of the war, Iraq possessed only 300 tons of pharmaceuticals on hand. Compare this to the 35,000 tons of drugs distributed this year alone, a total that notably includes 30 million doses of children's vaccinations.
Mass. takes step toward gay marriage ban (AP, 3/29/04)
The Massachusetts Legislature adopted a new version of a state constitutional amendment Monday that would ban gay marriage and legalize civil unions, eliminating consideration of any other proposed changes.The vote came at the opening of the third round of a constitutional convention on the contentious issue, as competing cries of "Jesus Christ" and "Equal Rights" shook the Statehouse outside the legislative chamber.
Lawmakers had voted earlier this month in favor of a similar amendment. The revised version adopted Monday would ask voters to simultaneously ban gay marriage and legalize civil unions — rather than taking those steps separately. It clarifies that civil unions would not grant federal benefits to gay couples.
Peter Ustinov, Oscar-Winning Actor, Dies at 82 (THE NEW YORK TIMES, 3/29/04)
Peter Ustinov, the hair-trigger wit with the avuncular charm whose 60-year-career amounted to a revovling series of star turns as actor, playwright, novelist, director and raconteur, died Sunday at a clinic near his home in Bursins, Switzerland. He was 82.Mr. Ustinov had suffered for years from the effects of diabetes and, more recently, a weakened heart. His death was announced by Leon Davico, a friend and former spokesman for Unicef, for which Mr. Ustinov worked for many years.
Mr. Ustinov, a cosmopolitan, corpulent and full-bearded six-footer whose ancestors were prominent in czarist Russia, was a prodigy who began mimicking his parents' guests at the age of 2. He wrote his first play, "House of Regrets," in his teens; it opened in London to glowing reviews when he was 21.
As an actor, Mr. Ustinov won international stardom as a languid, quirky Nero in the 1951 sword-and-sandal epic Quo Vadis?, gained increasing stature by playing sly rogues, and became one of the few character actors to hold star status for decades, adjusting easily to movies, plays, broadcast roles and talk shows, which he enlivened with hilarious imitations and pungent one-liners.
The entertainer's many honors included two supporting-actor Academy Awards for portraying a shrewd slave dealer in Spartacus in 1960 and a clumsy jewel thief in Topkapi in 1964. He received three Emmys for television performances: in the title role of "The Life of Samuel Johnson" in 1958, as Socrates in "Barefoot in Athens" in 1966 and as a rural shopkeeper who gains compassion from a youngster in "A Storm in Summer" in 1970. He won a Grammy for narrating Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf" in a concert conducted by Herbert von Karajan and also directed operas and his plays in half a dozen European cities.
Listen to the Arab Reformers (Jackson Diehl, March 29, 2004, Washington Post)
The most underreported and encouraging story in the Middle East in the past year has been the emergence in public of homegrown civic movements demanding political change. Two years ago they were nonexistent or in jail. Now they are out in the open even in the most politically backward places in the region: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria. They are made up not only of intellectuals but of businessmen, women, students, teachers and journalists. Unlike their governments -- and the old school of U.S. and European Arabists -- they don't believe that change should be gradual, and they reject the dictators' claim that democracy would only empower Islamic extremists. It is the delay of change, they say, that is increasingly dangerous.These people weren't created by George W. Bush. They are the homegrown answer to a decadent political order, and they ride a powerful historical current. But they will tell you frankly: The new U.S. democratization policy, far from being an unwanted imposition, has given them a voice, an audience and at least a partial shield against repression -- three things they didn't have one year ago.
"In the Middle East today, you talk about food, you talk about football -- and you talk about democracy," says Mohammed Kamal, a young political scientist from Egypt. "Some people condemn the Americans, others say, 'Look at the other side, these are universal values.' The point is that for the first time in many years, there is a serious debate going on in the Arab world about their own societies. The United States has triggered this debate, it keeps the debate going, and this is a very healthy development."
Kamal and another prominent Egyptian political scientist, Osama Ghazali Harb, were in Washington last week; both attended a groundbreaking meeting of civic organizations at Egypt's Alexandria Library earlier this month. The conference, unthinkable a year ago, produced a clarion call for democratic change -- one that was all but ignored by Western media.
So here is what the Alexandria statement said: "Reform is necessary and urgently needed." That means: an "elected legislative body, an independent judiciary, and a government that is subject to popular and constitutional oversight, in addition to political parties with their different ideologies." Also, "the freedom of all forms of expression, especially the freedom of the press . . . and the support of human rights in accordance with international charters, especially the rights of women, children and minorities."
Judge hands down a harsh sentence . . . on columnists (EJ Montini, Mar. 28, 2004, Arizona Republic)
Judge Stephen A. Gerst is a cruel and heartless jurist, bordering on evil. How a person like this could get appointed to the bench, then re-elected again and again by voters, is beyond comprehension.Not because of what he did on Friday to convicted Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien. Not because of what he did to the family of victim Jim L. Reed. But because of what he did to . . . me.
He made me irrelevant. He made everybody who does a job like mine irrelevant. At least for a day.
Gerst spent over an hour explaining why he sentenced Bishop O'Brien to probation, community service and a deferred jail sentence. And he did so in a way that left people like me with nothing to gripe about. Not a thing.
Gerst detailed how he had read all 99 cases of those who, like the bishop, had been convicted of leaving the scene of a fatal accident. He showed a picture of himself with boxes and boxes and boxes of files. He announced in court that he had reviewed each file, using no clerks or other help, and then he described in meticulous detail exactly what the defendants in those cases received as sentences and what factors led to those decisions. [...]
If he were to treat the bishop differently, Gerst said, "It would establish a standard that treats people more leniently who do not hold religious position and treats people more harshly if they do. How people may personally wish to feel about this issue is their own business, but all people should be treated equally under the law."
That is what he did. He considered all of the evidence, all of the testimony, all of the mitigating and aggravating factors. Then he ignored the rants of self-righteous, marginally informed, overly emotional hacks like me and treated Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien equally under the law.
It was a good day for justice, a bad day for columnists.
Americans fighting their own holy war (ALEX MASSIE, 3/27/04, The Scotsman)
[I]f there’s one essential truth about the United States these days, it is that the principal divide in the country is no longer between rich and poor, or even black and white, but between the devout and the unbelievers. Clearly, racial issues remain immensely important, but race is both an openly acknowledged problem and one that, although far from solved, is at least moving in the right direction. By contrast, the cultural war between religious and secular is only getting worse.The case before the Supreme Court is the latest skirmish in this grinding cultural war. Mel Gibson’s The Passion drove another nail through the idea that the United States could comfortably reach any kind of consensus about religion. For the first time in living memory, religious conservatives had no problem with graphic violence on the big screen, while liberal atheists disparaged the pornographic brutalism of Gibson’s vision.
Last year, foreigners chuckled as devout Christians flocked to the state courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama, to protest against the (court-ordered) removal from the building of a slab depicting the Ten Commandments.
To some extent, the argument over gay marriage is but another front in this wider, deeper cultural struggle. The religious Right (and in this case many on the religious Left, too) sees no difference between the Church’s definition of marriage and the civil, secular, definition of the institution. "Activist" judges in Massachusetts and elsewhere disagree.
If further evidence were needed that a religious revival is under way, it came this week as Congress passed legislation making it a crime to hurt or damage unborn children. To godless Europe, this is an extreme measure; to many Americans, it is commonsense.
There is another point to be made too. The notion that the United States was and is a great and divine experiment is central, indeed crucial, to the idea of American exceptionalism. The US remains a profoundly evangelical country, even if the constitution explicitly rejects the idea of a State-sponsored established religion. [...]
The idea of manifest destiny, still deeply felt today, may trouble non-Americans more than any other aspect of contemporary American culture, be it secular or religious. But it is nothing new. Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt both believed themselves to be in the business of saving other countries from themselves. There was, in that respect at least, no contradiction in their minds between the interests of the divinity and the United States.
In other words, US religious fervour is inseparable from the political mission the United States has believed itself to be engaged in ever since its founding. In that respect, the modern-day US remains a deeply old-fashioned place, burdened with the sense of obligation (and righteousness) not seen in Europe since the 19th century. The spirit of noblesse oblige lives on and America is destined to be an inspiration for the rest of humanity. Some may see this as hubris, of course, but it is an essential element of American amour propre.
Socialist Cousin Insists Kerry Isn't French (NewsMax, 3/29/04)
John Kerry's French cousin insists there's nothing gallingly Gallic about the Massachusetts Democrat."John Kerry is incredibly American," claimed cousin Brice Lalonde, mayor of Saint-Briac-Sur-Mer and environment minister under Socialist former president Francois Mitterrand. "He has absolutely nothing French about him."
The Associated Press reported today: "With the race for the White House turning nasty - and France-U.S. ties not quite mended from the Iraq war - Kerry's Gallic clan, when questioned, talks up his American-ness. Some are keeping a low profile, saying too much talk about France could be political arsenic."
Lalonde admitted, "I'm afraid to hurt him," but like other Frenchies has a Kerry bumper sticker pasted to his car.
The leftist's Adam Smith (Joshua Glenn, 3/28/2004, Boston Globe)
ADAM SMITH IS often hailed as the original free-market guru. But according to Samuel Fleischacker, an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and author of the new book On Adam Smith's `Wealth of Nations", the Scottish economist was also a deeply moral thinker who has some lessons to teach the left. "I came to Adam Smith with the notion that he must be a right-wing libertarian," says Fleischacker, who spoke with Ideas from his home in Evanston, Ill. "So it was eye-opening to discover that Smith didn't exalt `commercial society' because it allows people to amass goods, but because it can lead to good for human beings."IDEAS: Before writing "Wealth of Nations" (1776), which is in part a tract against mercantilist restrictions on trade, Adam Smith published a much-acclaimed treatise on moral philosophy. Yet it's difficult to find any mention of morality in "Wealth of Nations."
FLEISCHACKER: It's true that in "Wealth," moral considerations are given oblique and cursory treatment. But remember, Smith was writing for politicians and merchants likely to ignore appeals to their better natures. Still, he argued for a liberal political economy largely because the broadening of free markets reduces the price of food and raises the standard of living for the poor. Also, he believed that political liberty has a crucial moral function: In a commercial society, individuals are able to develop virtues of self-reliance and self-government, essential to the development of good character.
IDEAS: But isn't Smith pessimistic about our selfish human nature? In a famous line, he writes, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."
FLEISCHACKER: Read in context, Smith's point is that what distinguishes humans from animals isn't self-interest, but the fact that we understand that we can pursue our individual interests together. Instead of being a zero-sum game, economic exchange can serve a joint human effort to increase the wealth of everyone -- that's also the point of his "invisible hand" line. But it's important to note that Smith also believed that sometimes an individual's unconstrained pursuit of his interest will not benefit society, and he didn't rule out the possibility of benevolent actions.
For Smith, the innate passions of humanity fall into three main categories: the social passions of generosity, compassion, and esteem that, when practiced, lead to benevolence and self-control. Unfortunately, these are rare and cannot be counted on to provide the glue of a social order. The unsocial passions of hate, envy, and revenge are never condoned as a social practice and they cannot be transformed into a social virtue. The third category of passions includes grief, joy, pain, pleasure, and self-preservation. These passions are the key to the formation of the social order, and when the downside of these passions is channeled for good, these passions become the virtues of prudence and justice.The key to the transforming of passions into virtues is three screens or conditioners that function to make society viable. The first is sympathy, which helps people see themselves as others see them. The innate ability to see, hear, feel, and identify with another person’s situation and to experience the same fellow-feeling in return creates an interdependency that is socially constructive. The second screen is the impartial spectator, which acts to provide a totally unbiased perspective on how the passions are lived out. Finally, there is always the appeal “to a still higher tribunal, to that of the all-seeing Judge of the world, whose eye can never be deceived, and whose judgments can never be perverted.”
If this system of three checks on the passions is effectively supported by the proper institutional structures, then the social order can be viable and virtuous. In the area of economics, a market order will best fit this moral framework because of its compatibility with the rules of prudence and justice. The key is the effective control of the passions, and it is the moral order described above that must be present in order for the market system to succeed. What follows is a more detailed discussion of that moral system with special attention given to the question of whether that system is based on nature, custom, and habit alone or whether there is a moral force involved that is anchored in some sense of human telos or essence that defines human purpose. [...]
Smith does not root morality in our ability to attach self-command to sympathy or to our ability philosophically to discern right from wrong. Rather, he looks to the impartial spectator that comes to us from creation and is outside of ourselves—but people often do not have constancy in following the impartial spectator, so the moral battle is ever-present. In one example of a person in distress, Smith describes the battle that goes on between the selfish passions and the impartial spectator.
His own natural feelings of his own distress … presses hard upon him, and he cannot, without a very great effort, fix his attention upon that of the impartial spectator. Both views present themselves to him at the same time. His sense of honor, his regard to his own dignity, directs him to fix his whole attention upon the one view. His natural, his untaught and undisciplined feelings, are continually calling it off to the other. He does not, in this case, perfectly identify himself with the ideal man within the breast, he does not become himself the impartial spectator of his own conduct.
In other words, the inability to appropriate the ideal impartial spectator limits the ability of people to live a truly moral life. The language and context of this discussion points toward a view of the impartial spectator that approximates the conscience as it is used in modern discussion. There is a spiritual component to the conscience, but it can be easily abused by human weakness. In a similar manner, there are times when public pressure opposes the impartial spectator’s judgment for a person, and in those times the influence of the spectator will become weak and faltering, leaving the person with sympathy alone to guide action.
In such cases, this demigod within the breast appears like the demigods of the poets, though partly of immortal, yet partly, too, of mortal extraction. When his judgments are steadily and firmly directed by the sense of praiseworthiness and blameworthiness, he seems to act suitably to his divine extraction: But when he suffers himself to be astonished and confounded by the judgments of ignorant and weak man, he discovers his connexion with mortality, and appears to act suitably, rather to the human, than to the divine, part of his origin.
The All-Seeing Judge of the World: The Still-Higher Tribunal
This divine and human extraction of the impartial spectator leaves the possibility of unsolved moral dilemmas where there is no reliable guidance left for a person involved in such a situation. Commenting on the mortal side of the impartial spectator, Smith concludes that there are times when the impartial spectator is no more dependable than the man without (sympathy of public) that accepts options that are not just or ethical.
In such cases, the only effectual consolation of humbled and afflicted man lies in an appeal to a still-higher tribunal, to that of the all-seeing Judge of the world, whose eye can never be deceived and whose judgments can never be perverted. A firm confidence in the unerring rectitude of this great tribunal, before which his innocence is in due time to be declared, and his virtue to be finally rewarded, can alone support him under the weakness and despondency of his own mind, under the perturbation and astonishment of the man within the breast, whom nature has set up as, in this life, the great guardian, not only of his innocence but of his tranquility. Our happiness in this life is, thus, upon many occasions, dependent upon the humble hope and expectation of a life to come: a hope and expectation deeply rooted in human nature, which can alone support its lofty ideas of its own dignity.
Smith believed that the idea of life beyond death where justice is fully realized is a valuable contributor to the willingness of people to transcend a weak man within and a faulty man without. Having this fully immortal backup to the impartial spectator, whether real or imagined, would be the final line of defense against antisocial behavior. Religious values could be very beneficial to a social order. In this sense, Smith, though espousing only a natural religion, did adopt a concept of telos that specified how people would behave if they live up to their essential purpose.
The Stoic tradition, which can be seen beneath the surface of Smith’s moral analysis, came through several phases from early Hellenistic philosophy through the Roman period up to the third century. Fundamental to Stoic thinking is the notion that the world is an ideally good organism that operates as a system with each part serving the whole. A divine logos, or primary moving force, ordained the system and acted as its guide, but direct access to the Creator rather than submission to the created order is an error of Christianity. Moral development, in the Stoic view, involved an ever-expanding sense of one’s self-interest until the good of the whole is foremost even to the point of sacrificing what would commonly be one’s personal interest, though later Stoicism developed a more pragmatic, ethical posture.The notion of self-control in Stoicism gives clues as to how one progresses morally. Smith’s ability to connect the Stoic organismic view of the world with the mechanistic natural concepts of the Enlightenment provided a broad base on which Smith built his views. The notion of moral progress in Stoicism when blended with the Enlightenment ideas of moral precepts led Smith to his three-level approach to the moral socializing of behavior. The ability to exercise sympathy, appropriate to the impartial spectator and, if need be, the final judge of our conduct, can be seen as a marriage of Stoic moral development and the secular virtue concepts of David Hume. While there may be no teleology in Hume, one can see Stoic threads in Smith that make the teleological claims plausible.
The Role of Rules in Proper Conduct
Smith believed that if the proper institutional structures were established and new rules of the economic game could be established, then a new era of economic performance would result. The reason for established rules in a social order relates to the problem of appropriating the impartial spectator. Since all the circumstances and motivations must be known before the impartial spectator can authoritatively speak, and because humans rarely know those things in advance, it is necessary to set up general practices and rules that simplify the moral discernment process. “So partial are the views of mankind with regard to the propriety of their own conduct, both at the time of action and after it; and so difficult is it for them to view it in the light in which any indifferent spectator would consider it.”
Given this problem and the fact that individuals are easily self-deceived, Smith sees in nature a method that can standardize behavior effectively. We observe behavior that generates individual welfare and social harmony, and we see behavior that does not. “It is thus that general rules of morality are formed. They are ultimately founded upon experience of what, in particular instances, our moral faculties, our natural sense of merit and demerit, approve, or disapprove of.” Once the rules are established, it becomes the duty of everyone to follow the rules. Apparently, nature reinforces the opinion that the Deity is behind the rules and will subtly enforce them. “Those vice-regents of God within us, never fail to punish the violation of them, [rules] by the torments of inward shame and self-condemnation; and, on the contrary, always reward obedience with tranquility of mind, with contentment, and self-satisfaction.”
Conversely, for Smith, the rules are limited in their purpose. In discussing the operation of virtue development, Smith divides the process into efficient and final causes. The efficient cause of the heart, arteries and veins, or the digestive track in the body is to circulate blood and process food respectively. The efficient cause of the wheels of a clock is to spin with consistency. The final cause of the body is to make human life meaningful, and the final cause of the watch is to tell time. At this point Smith claims that we are trying to do too much if we focus on final causes.
But though, in accounting for the operations of bodies, we never fail to distinguish in this manner the efficient from the final cause, in accounting for those of the mind we are apt to confound these two different things with one another. When, by natural principles we are led to advance those ends, which a refined and enlightened reason would recommend to us, we are very apt to impute to that reason, as to their efficient cause, the sentiments and actions by which we advance those ends, and to imagine that to be the wisdom of man, which, in reality, is the wisdom of God.
This passage illustrates Smith’s concern that we confuse natural systems, which function as efficient causes, with the ends of social organization, which are the final causes. In short, the natural system is God’s design and the tendencies and forces that he programs into the system guide those concerned with morality to the virtues that God intends for us—but the guiding process is toward an end, which is more than simply a viable social order or an efficient economy. The goal is to achieve the perfection of human nature. “And hence it is, that to feel much for others and little for ourselves, that to restrain our selfish, and to indulge our benevolent affections, constitutes the perfection of human nature; and can alone produce among mankind that harmony of sentiments and passions in which consists their whole grace and propriety.” This surely represents a vision of the essential purpose of human creation and the role of the impartial spectator and the higher tribunal are not trivial in this process of perfecting human nature.
MacIntyre’s reading of Smith at this point sees Smith’s view of nature as a substitute for the Christian God. When applied to a setting such as economics, nature prescribes principles or rules that when submitted to properly, become a system of prudence. When a similar approach is taken in the moral realm, ethics and moral reflection become a prudential rule following enterprise. When Smith says, “The man who acts according to the rules of perfect prudence, of strict justice, and of proper benevolence, may be said to be perfectly virtuous,” MacIntyre sees Smith as having a moral system that simply follows rules given in a system based on human passions.
When Smith criticizes ancient moralists for ignoring the rules of justice, MacIntyre sees Smith as equating virtue with rule-following. No purpose beyond the rules of prudence is recognized. While I agree that the intellectual climate in which Smith wrote would support MacIntyre’s view, I believe that Smith could not easily discard the notion that there is a meaningful telos toward which, human activity should be directed. Smith’s references to the design of God, his vice-regents within us, the higher tribunal, and final causation, I argue, are attempts by Smith to hold onto a sense of telos.
THE HEIGHT GAP: Why Europeans are getting taller and taller—and Americans aren’t. (BURKHARD BILGER, 2004-03-29, The New Yorker)
When Vincent van Gogh was thirty-one years old, in the fall of 1883, he travelled to the bleak moors of northern Holland and stayed at a tavern in the village of Stuifzand. The local countryside was hardly inhabited then—“Locus Deserta Atque ob Multos Paludes Invia,” an old map called it: “A deserted and impenetrable place of many swamps”—but a few farmers and former convicts had managed to carve a living from it. They dug peat, brewed illegal gin, and placed poles across the marshes to navigate by. Any squatter who could keep his chimney smoking for a full year earned title to the land he cleared.There is little record of what happened to van Gogh in Stuifzand—whether he got lost in the marshes or traded sketches for shots at the bar. When I visited the village, the locals mentioned him merely to illustrate an even greater national obsession: height. At the old tavern, which is now a private home, I was shown the tiny alcove where the painter probably slept. “It looks like it would fit only a child,” J. W. Drukker, the current owner, told me. Then he and his wife, Joke (a common Dutch name, they explained, pronounced “Yoh-keh”), led me down the hall, to a sequence of pencil marks on a doorjamb. “My son, he is two metres,” Joke told me, pointing to the topmost mark, six and a half feet from the floor. “His feet”—she held her hands about eighteen inches apart—“for waterskiing.” Joke herself is six feet one, with blond tresses and shoulders like a Valkyrie. Drukker is six feet two.
The Netherlands, as any European can tell you, has become a land of giants. In a century’s time, the Dutch have gone from being among the smallest people in Europe to the largest in the world. The men now average six feet one—seven inches taller than in van Gogh’s day—and the women five feet eight. The national organization of tall people, Klub Lange Mensen, has considerable lobbying power. From Rotterdam to Eindhoven, ceilings have had to be lifted, furniture redesigned, lintels raised to keep foreheads from smacking them. Many hotels now offer twenty-centimetre bed extensions, and ambulances on occasion must keep their back doors open, to allow for patients’ legs. “We will not go through the ceiling,” the pediatrician Hans van Wieringen assured me, after summarizing national height surveys that he had coördinated. “But it is possible that we will grow another ten centimetres.”
Walking along the canals of Amsterdam and Delft, I had an odd sensation of drowning—not because the crowds were so thick but because I couldn’t lift my head above them. I’m five feet ten and a half—about an inch taller than the average in the United States—but, like most men I know, I tend to round the number up. Tall men, a series of studies has shown, benefit from a significant bias. They get married sooner, get promoted quicker, and earn higher wages. According to one recent study, the average six-foot worker earns a hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more, over a thirty-year period, than his five-foot-five-inch counterpart—about eight hundred dollars more per inch per year. Short men are unlucky in politics (only five of forty-three Presidents have been shorter than average) and unluckier in love. A survey of some six thousand adolescents in the nineteen-sixties showed that the tallest boys were the first to get dates. The only ones more successful were those who got to choose their own clothes.
Like many biases, this one has a certain basis in fact. Over the past thirty years, a new breed of “anthropometric historians” has tracked how populations around the world have changed in stature. Height, they’ve concluded, is a kind of biological shorthand: a composite code for all the factors that make up a society’s well-being. Height variations within a population are largely genetic, but height variations between populations are mostly environmental, anthropometric history suggests. If Joe is taller than Jack, it’s probably because his parents are taller. But if the average Norwegian is taller than the average Nigerian it’s because Norwegians live healthier lives. That’s why the United Nations now uses height to monitor nutrition in developing countries. In our height lies the tale of our birth and upbringing, of our social class, daily diet, and health-care coverage. In our height lies our history. [...]
If you were to stretch a string from the head of the earliest soldier in that row to the head of the most recent recruit, you might expect it to trace an ascending line. Humans are an ever-improving species, the old evolution charts tell us; each generation is smarter, sleeker, and taller than the last. Yet in Northern Europe over the past twelve hundred years human stature has followed a U-shaped curve: from a high around 800 A.D., to a low sometime in the seventeenth century, and back up again. Charlemagne was well over six feet; the soldiers who stormed the Bastille a millennium later averaged five feet and weighed a hundred pounds. “They didn’t look like Errol Flynn and Alan Hale,” the economist Robert Fogel told me. “They looked like thirteen-year-old girls.”
Fogel, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1993, is the man most responsible for Komlos’s interest in height. In the fall of 1982, when Komlos was working on a Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago (he had earlier earned a Ph.D. in history there), Fogel gave a lecture on stature that Komlos attended. Most historians, if they thought about height at all, tended to assume that it was tied to income. The more people earn, the better they eat; the better they eat, the taller they grow. “Men grow taller and faster the wealthier their country,” the French hygienist and statistician Louis-René Villermé wrote in 1829. “In other words, misery . . . produces short people.”
Fogel knew it wasn’t that simple. In 1974, he and Stanley Engerman published an exhaustive study of slave economics entitled “Time on the Cross.” Historians had long insisted that slavery was not only inhuman; it was bad business—hungry, brutalized workers made the poorest of farmers. Fogel and Engerman found nearly the opposite to be true: Southern plantations were almost thirty-five per cent more efficient than Northern farms, their analysis showed. Slavery was a cruel and inhuman system, but more so psychologically than physically: to get the most work from their slaves, planters fed and housed them nearly as well as free Northern farmers could feed and house themselves.
“Time on the Cross” was greeted with uncommon fury in academia—one reviewer consigned it “to the outermost ring of the scholar’s hell.” Yet each point that critics blew apart left a scattering of uncomfortable facts behind it. The most dramatic example came from a graduate student of Fogel’s, Richard Steckel, who is now at Ohio State. Steckel decided to verify his mentor’s claims by looking at the slaves’ body measurements. He went through more than ten thousand slave manifests—shipboard records kept by traders in the colonies—until he had the heights of some fifty thousand slaves; then he averaged them out by age and sex. The results were startling: adult slaves, Steckel found, were nearly as tall as free whites, and three to five inches taller than the average Africans of the time.
The height study both redeemed and rebuked “Time on the Cross.” Although the adult slaves were clearly well fed, the children were extremely small and malnourished. (To eat, apparently, they had to be old enough to work.) But Fogel was more than willing to stand corrected. This wasn’t just another data set, he realized. Height records offered a new angle on history, and they were readily available. Measurements of French military conscripts date back to 1716, and anthropologists have collected much older skeletal measurements. “There are millions of these data lying around and nobody is looking at them,” Komlos remembers Fogel suggesting at the lecture. All that was needed was a few good graduate students to gather them up.
Who rules Iran? (AMIR TAHERI, Mar. 28, 2004, Jerusalem Post)
Since 1979, Iran has been ruled by an occult oligarchy with a strong theocratic component. That oligarchy sees itself as the embodiment of a messianic revolution in opposition to state structures that remain to be cleansed of millennia rule by "corrupt" kings, emirs and khans.The oligarchy controls the real levers of power, sets policies, and imposes key decisions with little deference to the governmental fa ade. That fa ade is maintained as a first line of defense for the revolution which, so the oligarchs assert, is sill threatened by internal and external foes.
At the center of the oligarchy stands the "Office of the Leader," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the "Supreme Guide." Under the Khomeinist Constitution, the "Supreme Guide" represents Allah's sovereignty on earth and has unlimited powers. The opening articles of the Khomeinist Constitution, approved in 1979, make it clear that the "Supreme Guide" is also the leader of all Muslims throughout the world, whether they like it or not. Thus, theoretically at least, the Khomeinist "Supreme Guide" can decide what Islam is and is not at any given time.
But that is not all.
In practical terms, the "Supreme Guide" controls the purse strings of the Iranian state, one of the richest in the Muslim world. (In the past quarter of a century the "Supreme Guide" has supervised the expenditure of almost half a trillion dollars in Iran's oil income.) He must approve the national budget and is the commander-in-chief of all armed and security forces. Every ministerial, gubernatorial and ambassadorial appointment must receive his assent. Also, each year he has a cool $1.5 billion, some eight percent of Iran's average annual oil income, to play with as he pleases.
Europe, U.S. Diverge on How to Fight Terrorism (Glenn Frankel, March 28, 2004, Washington Post)
While President Bush was giving an address earlier this month describing the war on terrorism as "not a figure of speech" but "an inescapable calling of our generation," the official in charge of overseeing Europe's counterterrorism efforts was offering a far different assessment."Europe is not at war," Javier Solana, foreign policy chief for the European Union, told a German newspaper. "We have to energetically oppose terrorism, but we mustn't change the way we live."
Between those two declarations lies a gap that reflects the different modern histories, cultures and approaches to terrorism of the United States and Europe, according to politicians and analysts on the continent. [...]
Analysts trace some of the differences between the United States and Europe to the ways they view recent history. For Europeans, the seminal date is November 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell and Europe began the process of reunification with the former Soviet bloc. The end of the Cold War and European reunification has been the enduring narrative of the past 15 years, one that has promised peace and prosperity.
But for the United States, that narrative has been supplanted by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and the Pentagon and a new global campaign that some Americans liken to a new world war.
European leaders insist they are prepared to use force to combat terrorism. They point to their enthusiastic support for the U.S.-led military campaign against al Qaeda and the Taliban government in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001. And Bush and European leaders have all identified the lack of democracy, human rights safeguards and economic opportunity as root causes of popular support for Islamic extremists in the Muslim world.
"At the government level I don't see any huge differences in principle," said Gary Samore, an analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. "Everyone accepts you need both hard power in the near term to deal with terrorist operatives and soft power to deal in the long term with root causes."
Europeans have had decades of bitter experience in dealing with domestic terrorism. Britain waged a 25-year campaign against the Irish Republican Army, while Spain has battled the Basque separatist group ETA. Germany defeated the Baader-Meinhof gang and Italy, the Red Brigades. France has engaged in a long struggle with Islamic extremists from Algeria.
"Their experience told them terrorism is a threat but not a war," said Mustafa Alani, a terrorism analyst at the Royal United Services Institute here. "If it's a war, you have to commit yourself fully -- all your resources, everything, and they found this has no appeal in public opinion."
A Misleading Fetal Violence Law (NY Times, 3/29/04)
The law that Congress passed last week making it a federal offense to harm a fetus, distinct from the crime of attacking the pregnant woman, is an attack on abortion rights masquerading as law enforcement.
Summit's Collapse Leaves Arab Leaders in Disarray (NEIL MacFARQUHAR, 3/29/04, NY Times)
Arab governments were in disarray on Sunday after the Arab League summit meeting, set to grapple with vital regional issues like democratic reform, Arab-Israeli bloodshed and the American occupation of Iraq, was abruptly called off just before it was to open Monday.The exact reason is a matter of some dispute, but all sides viewed the meeting's collapse — even as some heads of state were on their way — as an embarrassment. It was a stark public admission that the commitment to change voiced by Arab leaders risks becoming just more words.
The Arab League is infamous for its fractious gatherings, but even its most experienced bureaucrats described the cancellation as extraordinary. Some commentators thought the collapse inevitable from the start. The very idea of reform remains too divisive, and many nations' governments have yet to decide how to deal themselves with issues like elections.
Iraq economy shakes off the shackles of Saddam (Paul Wiseman, 3/28/04, USA TODAY)
Anything goes these days in Baghdad's teeming streets, crowded souks and back alleys. An exhilarating but virtually lawless economy has risen from the ashes of Saddam Hussein's government. Business opportunities are everywhere, but so are corruption and crime."The regime is gone," says Osama al-Quraishi, an Iraqi entrepreneur who returned to Baghdad to search for business opportunities after decades in exile in Europe and the Middle East. "There are no restrictions. There are no rules." He predicts Baghdad will soon replace Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, as the Middle East's commercial center.
Besides crushing human rights, Saddam smothered the Iraqi economy. The dictator, who invaded Iran in 1980 and Kuwait in 1990, ran a war-based economy, diverting resources to the military and starving the rest of the country. Iraq's infrastructure deteriorated; the oil industry alone needs $10 billion to $40 billion of investment to catch up. Saddam and his cronies imposed stiff duties on imports, steered government contracts to loyalists and buried business in regulations. This encouraged a culture of kickbacks and corruption.
"It was a lawless economy governed by one principle: Saddam and the Baathist party took whatever they wanted," says Bill Block, an economist with the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority.
Under Saddam, the shops were silent, the goods available were obsolete or absurdly overpriced, and the cars were clunkers dating back 15 or 20 years. Now that Saddam is gone, signs of bounty are visible everywhere in Baghdad and to a lesser extent in smaller cities such as Mosul and Basra.
The World Bank says Iraq's economy shrank by nearly a third last year after several years of smaller declines. The World Bank projects a sharp rebound in 2004 — growth ranging anywhere from 30% to 70% — and an overall economy worth $17 billion to $22 billion. That would make the Iraqi economy about the size of North Dakota's or Vermont's, which have the smallest output among the 50 states.
Riyadh To Close Charities Oversees: Some of targeted charities have been established by royal decrees (Fawaz Mohammad, March 29, 2004,
Saudi Arabia is set to close all charities and relief organizations outside the kingdom and place their funds and properties under the control of a newly established governmental body, well-places Saudi sources revealed Sunday, March 28.Among the targeted organizations are the World Assembly of the Muslim Youth (WAMY), the Islamic Relief International, the Islamic Waqfs and the Saudi Joint Committee for the Relief of Kosovo and Chechnya (SJRC), the sources, speaking on condition not to be named, told
The activities of the yet-to-be dismantled charities would be exclusively run by the state-run Saudi Civil Council for Relief and Charity Work Overseas, which was set up last month by a royal decree by King Fahd.
The sources said the Saudi move is expected to have a domino effect on some 100 charities worldwide. [...]
Analysts believe the kingdom has yielded to Washington, which has been laying huge pressures on Arab and Islamic countries, particularly Saudi Arabia to regulate charity operations, claiming that funds usually end up in the hands of “terrorists.”
Songs of Cuba, Silenced in America (JACKSON BROWNE, 3/22/04, NY Times)
Carlos Varela, the great Cuban singer-songwriter, applied for a visa to come to the United States to sing his powerful, amazing songs. He had concerts planned in Miami, New York and Los Angeles. Our government turned him down.Visas have been denied to other Cuban artists because their visits are "detrimental to the interests" of our country. In essence, the government says that if Carlos Varela plays concerts in the United States, the money he makes would go to Fidel Castro. This is untrue. In Cuba, renowned artists keep much of what they earn, because the government does not want them to leave the country and live somewhere else. Yet, the Bush administration used the same reasoning to keep Ibrahim Ferrer, of the Buena Vista Social Club, and Manuel Galbán from attending the Grammy award ceremony in Los Angeles last month. (Both men won awards.)
Jaw-dropping theory of human evolution: Did mankind trade chewing power for a bigger brain? (MICHAEL HOPKIN, 25 March 2004, Nature)
Researchers have proposed an answer to the vexing question of how the human brain grew so big. We may owe our superior intelligence to weak jaw muscles, they suggest.A mutation 2.4 million years ago could have left us unable to produce one of the main proteins in primate jaw muscles, the team reports in this week's Nature. Lacking the constraints of a bulky chewing apparatus, the human skull may have been free to grow, the researchers say.
The timing of the mutation is consistent with rampant brain growth seen in human fossils from around 2 million years ago, says Nancy Minugh-Purvis of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, who helped with the study. "Right at the point you lose power in these muscles, brain size evolution accelerates," she says.
Terrorists Don't Need States: The danger is less that a state will sponsor a terror group and more that a terror group will sponsor a state—as happened in Afghanistan (Fareed Zakaria, 4/05/04, Newsweek)
Around 1997, members of the intelligence community—and others, like Richard Clarke—began focusing on a Saudi man, Osama bin Laden, who they realized was the financier and leader of a new group, Al Qaeda. Few in government shared their concern. In 1997 Al Qaeda was not confirmed to have executed a single terrorist attack against Americans. "Employees in the government told us that they felt their zeal attracted ridicule from their peers," the commission's report on intelligence says.In due course, some senior officials in the Clinton administration awakened to the threat: CIA Director George Tenet, national-security adviser Sandy Berger and Clinton himself. But they never proposed a full-fledged assault on it. Their one dramatic attack—bombing the Afghan terror camps and Sudanese factory in 1998—proved unsuccessful and led to domestic criticism, and they did not think they could do something more ambitious. The Pentagon, which comes off poorly in the commission reports, was stubbornly unwilling to provide aggressive and creative options. [...]
The Bush administration came to office with different concerns. During the 1990s conservative intellectuals and policy wonks sounded the alarm about China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Iraq, but not about terror. Real men dealt with states. [...]
Afghanistan housed Al Qaeda, and thus it was crucial to attack the country. But that was less a case of a state's sponsoring a terror group and more one of a terror group's sponsoring a state. Consider the situation today. Al Qaeda has lost its base in Afghanistan, two thirds of its leaders have been captured or killed, its funds are being frozen. And yet terror attacks mount from Indonesia to Casablanca to Spain. "These attacks are not being directed by Al Qaeda. They are being inspired by it," the official told me. "I'm not even sure it makes sense to speak of Al Qaeda because it conveys the image of a single, if decentralized, group. In fact, these are all different, local groups that have in common only ideology and enemies."
This is the new face of terror: dozens of local groups across the world connected by a global ideology.
The Holocaust Shrug: Why is there so much indifference to the liberation of Iraq? (David Gelernter, 04/05/2004, Weekly Standard)
[S]addam, like Hitler, murdered people sadistically and systematically for the crime of being born. Saddam, like Hitler, believed that mass murder should be efficient, with minimal fuss and bother; it is no accident that both were big believers in poison gas. Saddam's program, like Hitler's, attracted all sorts of sadists; many of Saddam's and Hitler's crimes were not quite as no-fuss, no-muss as the Big Boss preferred. Evidently Saddam, like Hitler, did not personally torture his prisoners, but Saddam (like Hitler) allowed and condoned torture that will stand as a black mark against mankind forever.Hitler was in a profoundly, fundamentally different league. And yet the distinction is unlikely to have mattered much to a Kurd mother watching her child choke to death on poison gas, or a Shiite about to be diced to bloody pulp. The colossal scale and the routine, systematic nature of torture and murder under Saddam puts him in a special category too. Saddam was small compared with Hitler, yet he was like Hitler not only in what he wanted but in what he did. When we marched into Iraq, we halted a small-scale holocaust.
I could understand people disagreeing with this claim, arguing that Saddam was evil but not that kind of evil, not evil enough to deserve being discussed in those terms. But the opposition I hear doesn't dwell on the nature of Saddam's crimes. It dwells on the nature of America's--our mistakes, our malfeasance, our "lies." It sounds loonier and farther from reality all the time, more and more like the Holocaust Shrug.
Turning away is not evil; it is merely human. And that's bad enough. For years I myself found it easy to ignore or shrug off Saddam's reported crimes. I had no love for Iraq or Iraqis. Before and during the war I wrote pieces suggesting that Americans not romanticize Iraqis; that we understand postwar Iraq more in terms of occupied Germany than liberated France. But during and after the war it gradually became impossible to ignore the staggering enormity of what Saddam had committed against his own people. And when we saw those mass graveyards and torture chambers, heard more and more victims speak, watched those videotapes, the conclusion became inescapable: This war was screamingly, shriekingly necessary.
But instead of exulting in our victory, too many of us shrug and turn away and change the subject.
Wanted in Germany: a few good risk-takers: Germany now seeks to counter a culture that stymies innovation. (Andreas Tzortzis, 3/29/04, CS Monitor)
Last month, a group of companies headed by DaimlerChrysler and Deutsche Telekom conceded that they could not produce a high-tech toll-collection system in time to meet government deadlines. The government canceled the contract, sparking a national debate on the decline of the "Made in Germany" standard."Can't we do anything anymore in Germany?" read a headline in Bild, the country's widest-circulating tabloid.
Once Europe's economic powerhouse, Germany is facing an identity crisis as it reforms structures that steered its postwar economic miracle.
Analysts say Germany's welfare programs have made its workforce too costly, scaring away both foreign and German firms. The German economy, the largest in Europe, shrank by 0.1 percent last year. Researchers and academics quickly list two reasons Germany is falling behind in the global economy: Years of declining investment in research and development by both the government and private firms, and an overall aversion to risk.
"We're finding the interest in licensing new research comes from foreign companies ... even though we ask German companies first," says Ulrich Schmoch of the Fraunhofer Society, a think-tank network that develops new technology for companies and the government. "There's a whole culture that's behind it."
GOP Success: It's the Principles, Stupid: Liberals don't get the forces behind the right's rise (Matthew Dallek, March 28, 2004, LA Times)
The conservative edge of the Republican Party in the 1950s crafted a political philosophy, adapted it to the social turmoil of the '60s and deepened its popular appeal in the '70s by donning the mantle of political insurgency. When World War II ended, conservatives were isolationist in foreign affairs and adrift on domestic matters. Following Sen. Robert Taft's death and Sen. Joseph McCarthy's demise in the 1950s, they were what Sidney Blumenthal and others have called a "remnant." At the time, liberal commentators described conservatives as crackpots out of touch with modernity and progress.Conservatives wore such epithets like medals of honor. The National Review, William F. Buckley Jr. wrote in the magazine's 1955 premiere issue, "stands athwart history, yelling 'Stop,' at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it." Conservatives logged long hours behind the scenes in pursuit of a political philosophy — not policies and electoral strategies. Far from monolithic in outlook, they relished ideological debates among themselves. Leading conservatives gave speeches to business organizations and exhorted fellow travelers at anti-communist rallies. They wrote books called "Witness" and "Up From Liberalism" and "None Dare Call It Treason." In addition to writing in the National Review, conservatives propounded ideas in Human Events and other magazines and pamphlets. "It is not the single conservative's responsibility or right to draft a concrete program — merely to suggest the principles that should frame it," Buckley noted.
Disdaining both Democrats and mainstream Republicans as big-government liberals, conservatives successfully adopted three bedrock beliefs: anti-statism, anti-communism and pro-moral authority. These beliefs formed the foundation of the movement's success over the next four decades. [...]
As the '60s progressed, however, right-wing jeremiads aimed at totalitarian ant heaps were replaced by a single-minded focus on public morality and law and order. Running against riots, crime, anti-Vietnam demonstrators and student dissent, conservatives appealed to whites — some racist — angry at Democratic support for civil rights. Conservatives shattered the liberal political order by ostracizing fringe figures like Welch and promising to restore traditional values to schools and streets. In 1966, Ronald Reagan complained that California's city streets resembled "jungle paths after dark." As governor, he had a sign near his office that read: "Observe the Rules or Get Out." In 1968, George Wallace, who had then abandoned the Democrats and was running for president as an independent, used the language of law and order and "values" to win votes in white, working-class communities. Conservatives soon appropriated Wallace's themes, denouncing "acid, abortion and amnesty," as Richard Nixon's running mate, Spiro Agnew, put it, which helped them further refine their populist message.
By the 1970s, conservatives were routinely using insurgent imagery and language to identify with middle- and working-class voters. In 1978, Howard Jarvis spearheaded his "tax revolt," Proposition 13, by attacking the liberal establishment for thwarting people's will and giving ordinary people's money to minorities and other so-called special interests.
In the aftermath of Vietnam, neoconservatives, calling Democrats weak on security, promised to win the Cold War by taking the struggle to communists, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua. Appealing to pride and patriotism, conservatives wrapped themselves in the flag. To this day, Democrats still wrestle with this foreign policy critique.Today, conservatives are entrenched, politically dominant and often intransigent — exhibiting some of the proclivities that predated the liberals' crackup in the 1960s. Against this backdrop, the left's challenge is to stop obsessing over the right's organizing successes. Instead, it should articulate its bedrock beliefs, then unite and figure out which buttons to push to maximize its appeal in a country where "order" — the war on terror — remains a central concern. Liberals must drum out of their ranks figures like Ralph Nader who are now part of the fringe and seek a balance between philosophy and strategy, internal dissent and political cohesion. By taking these steps, they will finally be able to claim Buckley and Reagan's conservative counterrevolution legacy.
Did We Have It Coming? (Lee Harris, 03/23/2004, Tech Central Station)
"This is the culture in which we live… The world is ruled by force. The only way we can put a permanent end to terrorism is to stop participating in it… This is the first time the guns have been pointed the other way."-- Noam Chomsky, discussing the events of 9/11/01.
Noam Chomsky has endorsed, however reluctantly, John Kerry.
This is an endorsement from the man who, on hearing about 9/11, attempted to put it in perspective for the American people by arguing that President Clinton had murdered many times more people in his response to the Al Qaeda bombing in Kenya than Al Qaeda had murdered on 9/11. The fact that Mr. Chomsky had not a shred of evidence for this blood libel did not kept him from making it. After all, he had something far better than evidence -- he had his own opinion; or what Jeremy Bentham called ipsedixitism: something is true because I myself have said it is true.
Yet Noam Chomsky was by no means alone in standing up in the days immediately following 9/11 and declaring that 9/11 was the expected and natural reaction of those who had been oppressed by American hegemony, and who, however immaturely, were fighting back in retaliation for what we had done to them. [...]
Now let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that these critics of America are right. Let us suppose that when the terrorists struck us we had done more than enough bad things to deserve such an attack. But now let me ask these apologists for terrorism a simple question:
If we had it coming then, don't we have it coming even worse right now?
GOP Pressing Cultural Issues (DAVID ESPO, 3/27/04, AP)
Passage [of the fetus protection bill] was not in doubt, only the size of the split within the Democratic ranks.Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who will be Bush's challenger this fall, opposed the bill, which passed on a vote of 61-38. But 13 Democrats voted for it, including Sen. Tom Daschle, the party leader seeking re-election in conservative South Dakota. [...]
The vote occurred two days after a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on a second contested social issue, a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages.
Bush has called for action on the measure. Republicans appear far short of the two-thirds majority needed for passage, and Daschle charges them with using the Constitution for partisan purposes.
"There are those who would like to politicize this issue and they'll use whatever means available to them to maximize whatever value they find politically," he said recently.
Republicans sense the potential for gain in the presidential race and in the battle for the Senate, where Democratic retirements have created open seats in five culturally conservative southern states.
A recent national CNN poll put opposition to gay marriage at 64 percent to 32 percent.
Germans go on offensive to retain U.S. military bases (Melissa Eddy, 03/28/2004, Associated Press )
As host to 170,000 American soldiers and dependents, Germany has a lot to lose under Pentagon plans to shift forces out of western Europe, and officials in areas facing a pinch are lobbying heavily for them to stay.Economic survival for their communities, more than security, is the concern for these supporters of a continued U.S. presence in their regions, where ties are deeply rooted despite Germans' current criticism of U.S. policy in Iraq.
Many of the communities depend on business and jobs generated by the bases, located mainly in economically weak regions of southern and western Germany.
"We realized that our installations are in grave danger," said Karl Peter Bruch, a state official in Rhineland-Palatinate who heads an effort to lobby U.S. officials. "And then came the question, what can we do to make us more attractive?"
Saboteurs: The Nazi Raid on America by Michael Dobbs (C-SPAN, March 28, 2004, 8 & 11pm)
Shortly after America's entry into World War II, Adolf Hitler ordered an extensive sabotage campaign against the United States to disrupt the production of tanks and airplanes and blow up bridges and railroads. Eight German saboteurs were dispatched across the Atlantic by U-boat, one team landing in Amagansett, Long Island, the other near Jacksonville, Florida. They brought with them enough money and explosives for a two-year operation and traveled inland to explore potential targets.The full story of this audacious endeavor is a remarkable account of a terrorist threat against America. Michael Dobbs describes the saboteurs' training in Nazi Germany, their claustrophobic three-week voyage in submarines, and their infiltration into American life. He explores the reasons each volunteered, and their links to a network of Nazi sympathizers in the United States. He paints a portrait of the group's leaders: George Dasch, a onetime waiter who dreamed of leaving his personal mark on history, and Edward Kerling, a fanatic Nazi caught between his love for his mistress and his love for his wife. And he shows how the FBI might never have captured the saboteurs had one of them not helped J. Edgar Hoover transform a hapless manhunt into one of his proudest accomplishments. A military tribunal, a historic Supreme Court session, and one of the largest mass executions in American history provide a stunning climax to a dangerous but failed mission.
-BOOK SITE: Saboteurs: The Nazi Raid on America by Michael Dobbs (Knopf)
-ESSAY: A Familiar, Thorny Record Of Wartime Justice (Michael Dobbs, February 8, 2004,
-ESSAY: Back in Political Forefront: Iran-Contra Figure Plays Key Role on Mideast (Michael Dobbs, May 27, 2003, Washington Post)
-REVIEW: of MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: A 20TH Century Odyssey By Michael Dobbs
(Michael Hirsh, Washington Monthly)
Virginity auction ends on net (BBC News, 2/9/2004)
A lesbian at the University of Bristol who is selling her virginity on the internet has closed the bidding. Rosie Reid, 18, a social policy first year student from Dulwich, south-east London, wants to avoid graduating with excessive debt.According to her website, bidding closed at £8,400 on Sunday, with the winner to be contacted by 11 February....
Can Okar, President of the University's Student Union, previously said: "... It is a great stunt ..."
This information will certainly come in handy to economists calculating English GDP. Very likely they've been under-estimating the value of teenage deflowerings.
Internet virgin faces police probe (3/28/2004)
Avon and Somerset police are investigating if Reid is guilty of soliciting. A London man paid £8,400 by banker's draft to sleep with the lesbian student....She told the News of the World the experience was "very uncomfortable but over quite quickly".
The man involved is a 44-year old divorced father of two. He is a BT engineer and lives in south east London, according to reports.
Transcript (NBC MEET THE PRESS, March 28, 2004)
MR. RUSSERT: As you know, the White House has been rather aggressive trying to undercut your credibility. They've released an e-mail which says it's Richard Clarke vs. Richard Clarke. This is now last week on "60 Minutes." "...I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months ... I think he's done a terrible job on the war against terrorism." And the White House then says then and they refer to a background briefing you gave reporters which has now been placed on the record. "...the Bush administration decided then, you know, [in late] January, to do two things. One, vigorously pursue the existing policy, including all the lethal covert action findings ... The second thing the administration decided to do is to initiate a process to look at those issues which had been on the table for a couple of years and get them decided. ...[T]hat process which was initiated in the first in February, uh, decided in principle, uh in the spring to add to the existing Clinton strategy and to increase CIA resources, for example, for covert action, five-fold, to go after al Qaeda. [T]he principals met at the end of the summer [of 2001], approved them in their first meeting, changed the strategy by authorizing the increase in funding five-fold, changing the policy on Pakistan, changing the policy on Uzbekistan, changing the policy on the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. And then changed strategy from one of rollback with al Qaeda over the court [of] five years, which it had been, to a new strategy that called for the rapid elimination of al Qaeda." There you are...MR. CLARKE: And it's not inconsistent.
A Test of Kerry's Faith: The candidate's policies are at odds with church canon. Will there be a price to pay? (KAREN TUMULTY AND PERRY BACON JR., Apr. 05, 2004, TIME)
Kerry and other Catholic politicians have long argued that their religious beliefs need not influence their actions as elected representatives. That position is what provoked New York's Archbishop John Cardinal O'Connor in 1984 to castigate New York Governor Mario Cuomo and Democratic vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro, who are both pro-choice.If anything, the church is getting tougher. The Vatican issued last year a "doctrinal note" warning Catholic lawmakers that they have a "grave and clear obligation to oppose any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them." When Kerry campaigned in Missouri in February, St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke publicly warned him "not to present himself for Communion"—an ostracism that Canon Law 915 reserves for "those who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin." Kerry was scheduled to be in St. Louis last Sunday, and told TIME, "I certainly intend to take Communion and continue to go to Mass as a Catholic." [...]
Most Catholic officials expect that the church's response to Kerry's candidacy will vary from diocese to diocese. You may not see many Catholic bishops appearing at Kerry photo ops this campaign season, and there's a possibility of some uncomfortable moments on the trail. "All you need is a picture of Kerry going up to the Communion rail and being denied, and you've got a story that'll last for weeks," says Father Thomas Reese, editor of the Jesuit magazine America.
For now, theologians say, Kerry's conduct is principally a matter between the candidate and his own Archbishop. Boston Archbishop Sean O'Malley has given him Communion in the past; the Senator took the sacrament at O'Malley's installation last July. More recently, however, O'Malley has said that Catholic politicians who do not vote in line with church teachings "shouldn't dare come to Communion." But between the gay-marriage debate in Massachusetts and his efforts to repair the damage from the sexual-abuse scandal that began in his archdiocese, O'Malley already has a plateful of controversy. Kerry, for his part, is planning to avoid stirring any up. "I don't tell church officials what to do," he says, "and church officials shouldn't tell American politicians what to do in the context of our public life."
Prison guards forbidden to wear protective gear (DOUG BEAZLEY, March 17, 2004, Calgary Sun)
Corrections Canada won't let guards at maximum security prisons wear stab-proof vests because it sends a confrontational "signal" to prisoners. "If you have that kind of presence symbolized by (a stab-proof vest), you're sending a signal to the prisoner that you consider him to be a dangerous person," said Tim Krause.
That Seldom Heard Encouraging Word (Christopher Farrell, 3/26/04, Business Week)
I think it's time for a reality check. What's everyone really complaining about? That India and China are joining the global trading system? That Russia and Taiwan just had democratic elections, however imperfect, for their Presidents? That the American productivity growth rate jumped to a 3% average annual rate from 1995 to 2003, about double the anemic pace of 1973 to 1995?"We -- the globally collective we -- are getting rich so much faster than before that we ought to be in need of sedatives to subdue the wild laughter," says James Griffin, economist consultant at ING Investment Management.
Let's not lose sight of the bigger picture here. Even with the threat of terrorism, freer trade is invigorating global growth by providing entrepreneurs from all the world's major economies access to bigger markets.
The Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek emphasized the role the markets play in creating and disseminating knowledge. In the Information Age, the cost of gathering and sharing information and knowledge has plummeted even as the size of the market has expanded exponentially."Capitalism, as Hayek conceived it, was fundamentally dynamic, and that dynamism was due to the discovery of new needs and new ways of fulfilling them by entrepreneurs possessed with 'resourcefulness,'" writes historian Jerry Muller in The Mind and the Market. These are the tantalizing glimmers of a payoff from globalization.
If it weren't so disheartening, it would be hilarious to listen to Americans bitch and moan about how hard life is at a time when no one has ever had it so good--at least in material terms.
Foreign Policy for a Democratic President (Samuel R. Berger, May/June 2004, Foreign Affairs)
The foreign policy debate in this year's presidential election is as much about means as it is about ends. Most Democrats agree with President Bush that the fight against terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) must be top global priorities, that the war in Afghanistan was necessary and just, and that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed a threat that needed to be dealt with in one form or another. Over time, moreover, the Bush administration has, at least rhetorically, embraced the Democrats' argument that to win the war on terrorism the United States must do more than destroy something bad; it must also construct something good, supporting other peoples' aspirations to live in freedom and peace and to conquer poverty and disease.But the manner in which the Bush administration has advanced these goals has been driven by a radical set of convictions about how the United States should act on the world stage. Key strategists inside the administration appear to believe that in a chaotic world, U.S. power -- particularly military power -- is the only real force for advancing U.S. interests, that as long as the United States is feared it does not matter much if we are admired. These same people believe it is best to recruit temporary "coalitions of the willing" to back our foreign actions, because permanent alliances require too many compromises. They believe the United States is perforce a benign power with good intentions and therefore does not need to seek legitimacy from the approval of others. And they believe that international institutions and international law are nothing more than a trap set by weaker nations to constrain us.
These are not new ideas. During the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, a hard-line faction of congressional Republicans, led by Senate Majority Leader Robert Taft, fought virtually every measure to build the postwar international order. They opposed NATO and the permanent deployment of U.S. troops in Europe, believing we should rely on the unilateral exercise of military power to defeat Soviet designs. They fought the creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and turned against the un. And they disdained "one worlders" such as Eleanor Roosevelt for their support of international law. Taft Republicans were briefly dominant in the U.S. Congress (until the combined efforts of Democrats and internationalist Republicans such as Dwight Eisenhower relegated them to the sidelines). But their radical world-view never drove policy in the executive branch -- until today.
The real "clash of civilizations" is taking place within Washington. Considering the open differences between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, it is even playing out within the Bush administration itself. It is not really a clash over discrete policy issues -- the merits of the war in Iraq, the costs of the Kyoto Protocol, or the level of spending on foreign aid, for example -- but between diametrically opposed conceptions of America's role in the world. It is a battle fought between liberal internationalists in both parties who believe that our strength is usually greatest when we work in concert with allies in defense of shared values and interests, versus those who seem to believe that the United States should go it alone -- or not go it at all.
Bush administration hard-liners have not been bashful about defining and defending their vision. In an election year, Democrats must also be clear about what they believe and about what they would do to advance U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic ideals, to restore our influence, standing, and ability to lead. Democrats must outline a foreign policy that not only sets the right goals, but also rebuilds America's capacity to achieve them. [...]
A posture of strength and resolve and a willingness to define clear terms and to impose consequences are clearly the right approach for dealing with our adversaries. But where the Bush administration has gone badly wrong is in applying its "with us or against us" philosophy to friends as well as foes. Put simply, our natural allies are much more likely to be persuaded by the power of American arguments than by the argument of American power. Democratically elected leaders -- whether in Germany, the United Kingdom, Mexico, or South Korea -- must sustain popular support for joint endeavors with the United States. When we work to convince them that the United States is using its strength for the common good, we enable them to stand with us. But when we compel them to serve our ends, we make it politically necessary, even advantageous, for them to resist us. It would have been hard to imagine a decade ago that leaders of Germany and South Korea -- two nations that owe their existence to the sacrifice of American blood -- would win elections by appealing to anti-Americanism. [...]
A Democratic administration will need to reaffirm the United States' willingness to use military power -- alone if necessary -- in defense of its vital interests. But it will have no more urgent task than to restore America's global moral and political authority, so that when we decide to act we can persuade others to join us. Achieving this reversal will require forging a new strategic bargain with our closest allies, particularly in Europe. To this end, Washington should begin with a simple statement of policy: that the United States will act in concert with its allies in meeting global threats as a first, not last, resort. When we ask our allies to join us in military action, or in nation-building efforts in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan, we should be ready to share not just the risks but also the decision-making. That is what we did when NATO went to war in Bosnia and Kosovo, and what the administration irresponsibly failed to do when NATO invoked its collective defense clause to offer aid to the United States in Afghanistan. The U.S. side of the bargain must also include a disciplined focus on our true global priorities, starting with the war on terrorism, undistracted by petty ideological disputes over issues such as Kyoto, the icc, and the biological weapons convention.
The Democratic approach to resolving disputes with Europe over treaties should be pragmatic, focused on improving flawed agreements rather than ripping them up. International law is not self-enforcing. It does not, by itself, solve anything. But when our goals are embodied in binding agreements, we can gain international support in enforcing them when they are violated. By the same token, nothing undermines U.S. authority more than the perception that the United States considers itself too powerful to be bound by the norms we preach to others.
Europeans are reasonably comfortable in their dotage and would like to be left alone to die in peace. What concern is it of theirs if the Muslim world is unfree, backwards, impoverished, and a breeding ground for radicalism? So long as totalitarian regimes have a reasonably firm grip on their populations, the worst that'll happen is a periodic bombing--hopefully aimed at the confrontational Americans, rather than the accommodationist Europeans.
That's all well and good for the Europeans--they aren't much use anymore anyway. But if we base our own foreign policy on keeping them happy then it seems obvious that we must act against our own interest and that of the people of the Middle East. You can't both satisfy Europe and transform Islam. So the difference between the foreign policy of George W. Bush and that of the Democrats is not a matter of means only but of ends.
The Two World Orders (Jed Rubenfeld, Autumn 2003, Wilson Quarterly)
What’s the source of America’s growing unilateralism? The easy answer is self-interest: We act unilaterally to the extent that we see unilateralism as serving our interests. But the answer prompts a more searching question: Why do so many Americans view unilateralism this way, given the hostility it provokes, the costs it imposes, and the considerable risks it entails? Americans sometimes seem unilateralist almost by instinct, as if it were a matter of principle. Might it be?It will not do to trace contemporary U.S. unilateralism to the 18th-century doctrine of isolationism, for unilateralism is a very different phenomenon. An isolationist country withdraws from the world, even when others call on it to become involved; a unilateralist country feels free to project itself—its power, its economy, its culture—throughout the world, even when others call on it to stop. Although there may still be a thread of isolationism in the United States today, unilateralism, the far more dominant trend, cannot usefully be derived from it.
The search for an explanation should begin instead at the end of World War II. In 1945, when victory was at hand and his own death only days away, Franklin Roosevelt wrote that the world’s task was to ensure “the end of the beginning of wars.” So Roosevelt called for a new system of international law and multilateral governance that would be designed to stop future wars before they began. Hence, the irony of America’s current position: More than any other country, the United States is responsible for the creation of the international law system it now resists.
The decisive period to understand, then, runs roughly from the end of the war to the present, years that witnessed the birth of a new international legal order, if not, as widely reported, the death of the Westphalian nation-state. America’s leadership in the new internationalism was, at the beginning, so strong that one might be tempted to see today’s U.S. unilateralism as a stunning about-face, an aberration even, which may yet subside before too much damage is done. But the hope that the United States will rediscover the multilateralism it once championed assumes that America and Europe were engaged in a common internationalist project after World War II. Was that in fact the case? [...]
At the risk of overgeneralization, we might say that for Europeans (that is, for those Europeans not joined to the Axis cause), World War II, in which almost 60 million people perished, exemplified the horrors of nationalism. Specifically and significantly, it exemplified the horrors of popular nationalism. Nazism and fascism were manifestations, however perverse, of popular sovereignty. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini rose to power initially through elections and democratic processes. Both claimed to speak for the people, not only before they assumed dictatorial powers but afterward, too, and both were broadly popular, as were their nationalism, militarism, repression, and, in Hitler’s case, genocidal objectives. From the postwar European point of view, the Allies’ victory was a victory against nationalism, against popular sovereignty, against demo-cratic excess.
The American experience of victory could not have differed more starkly. For Americans, winning the war was a victory for nationalism—that is to say, for our nation and our kind of nationalism. It was a victory for popular sovereignty (our popular sovereignty) and, most fundamentally, a victory for democracy (our democracy). Yes, the war held a lesson for Americans about the dangers of democracy, but the lesson was that the nations of continental Europe had proven themselves incapable of handling democracy when left to their own devices. If Europe was to develop democratically, it would need American tutelage. If Europe was to overcome its nationalist pathologies, it might have to become a United States of Europe. Certain European countries might even need to have democratic institutions imposed upon them, although it would be best if they adopted those institutions themselves, or at least persuaded themselves that they had done so.
These contrasting lessons shaped the divergent European and American experiences of the postwar boom in international political institutions and international law. For Europeans, the fundamental point of international law was to address the catastrophic problem of nationalism—to check national sovereignty, emphatically including national popular sovereignty. This remains the dominant European view today. The United Nations, the emerging European Union, and international law in general are expressly understood in Europe as constraints on nationalism and national sovereignty, the perils of which were made plain by the war. They are also understood, although more covertly, as restraints on democracy, at least in the sense that they place increasing power in the hands of international actors (bureaucrats, technocrats, diplomats, and judges) at a considerable remove from popular politics and popular will.
In America, the postwar internationalism had a very different meaning. Here, the point of international law could not ultimately be antidemocratic or antinationalist because the Allies’ victory had been a victory for democracy (American democracy) and for the nation (the American nation). America in the postwar period could not embrace an antinationalist, antidemocratic international order as Europe did. It needed a counterstory to tell itself about its role in promoting the new international order.
The counterstory was as follows: When founding the United Nations, writing the first conventions on international rights, creating constitutions for Germany and Japan, and promoting a United States of Europe, Americans were bestowing the gifts of American liberty, prosperity, and law, particularly American constitutional law, on the rest of the world. The “new” international human rights were to be nothing other than the fundamental guarantees made famous by the U.S. Constitution. Wasn’t America light-years ahead of continental Europe in the ways of democracy? International law would be, basically, American law made applicable to other nations, and the business of the new internationalism would be to transmit American principles to the rest of the world. So of course America could be the most enthusiastic supporter of the new international order. Why would it not support the project of making the world more American?
In the American imagination, then, the internationalism and multilateralism we promoted were for the rest of the world, not for us. What Europe would recognize as international law was law we already had. The notion that U.S. practices—such as capital punishment—held constitutional by our courts under our Bill of Rights might be said to violate international law was, from this point of view, not a conceptual possibility. Our willingness to promote and sign on to international law would be second to none—except when it came to any conventions that might require a change in U.S. domestic law or policy. The principal organs of U.S. foreign policy, including the State Department and, famously, the Senate, emphatically resisted the idea that international law could be a means of changing internal U.S. law. In the 1950s, the United States refused to join any of the major human-rights and antigenocide conventions. The rest of the world might need an American-modeled constitution, but we already had one.
Norah Jones’s eternal afternoon. (SASHA FRERE-JONES, 2004-03-22, The New Yorker)
Norah Jones is apparently very boring. Recent reviews of her new album, “Feels Like Home,” use words like “tepid,” “blank,” and “dull” to describe her music. She has been referred to more than once as Snorah Jones. But there are at least twenty million people who have a different take. Her 2002 début album, “Come Away with Me,” which sold eight million copies in America and ten million overseas, and won a number of Grammys, is the flag waved by record executives every time another article about the end of the music business appears. Like many mega-platinum records, “Come Away” succeeded without the benefit of much critical support, and “Feels Like Home” has sold two million copies in the first month of its release. How her records do what they do is a topic that is annexing its own wing of journalism. Some credit marketing, but record companies regularly promote releases by sending out advance copies to critics, buying ads, licensing songs to Starbucks compilations, and the like. It’s what record companies know how to do. Yet the records they push rarely sell eight million copies. Eight million means there are no red states or blue states. Eight million means everyone voted for you.There are sociological explanations. Critics point out, accurately, that young artists like Jones, who is twenty-five, and Josh Groban and Michael Bublé are selling soothing songs by the seashore to a much older audience. These artists’ faith in melody and acoustic instruments ostensibly provides evidence that not all musicians below the age of thirty are getting tattooed with runic symbols and sending viruses to each other on tiny, inscrutable batphones. Record companies have agreed to think that the older audience is their pot of gold. This is half science—the percentage of records being bought by listeners above the age of thirty is growing—and half hearsay. Older listeners are continually saddled with the calumny that they are too dumb or scared to download music for free.
There is the aesthetic explanation—Norah Jones and her foot soldiers are organic, grass-fed artists taking back the castle from the injection-molded, polyblend popbots who are accused of a number of crimes against music. (These crimes are often what drew people to pop in the first place, but what are a few false dichotomies when you’re mourning your youth?) Jones’s sound is distinctive enough to have created its own subgenre, and new singers like Katie Melua, possibly against their wishes, are being sold as post-Norah artists. Jones has managed to make music that is universally useful, like a paper clip, but personal enough that listeners think they discovered it for themselves.
There are two plausible explanations for all this smoke and fire: Norah Jones is actually pretty good. And she is selling the all-time No. 1 hit song—sex.
How myth became the legend of Joseph Campbell: He’s half-Scottish and his work was the force behind star wars. So why haven’t we heard of him? (Allan Burnett, 3/28/04, Sunday Herald)
[The late anthropologist Joseph] Campbell was born 100 years ago this month, and it is testament to [George] Lucas’s acknowledgement that this once-obscure, half-Scottish, quiet academic is the subject of a glitzy, sell-out centenary celebration in the US hosted by the educational foundation set up in his name. A friend to the Steinbecks, his past admirers also include Jackie Kennedy Onassis and John Lennon – a nod to the fact Campbell was a cult figure even before Star Wars made him a worldwide celebrity.The first child of a middle-class Catholic couple in New York, the young Campbell became consumed by myth when he was taken to see Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Upon seeing the figure of a naked American Indian, “his ear to the ground, a bow and arrow in his hand, and a look of special knowledge in his eyes”, he began a lifelong obsession with ancient cultures.
Already immersed in the rituals, icons and traditions of his parents’ Catholic heritage, he read all he could on Native Americans and even started his own pretend tribe. Fascinated with totem poles and masks, he was hooked by the direct experience “primal” people seemed to have of myths.
Campbell went on to study at Columbia, and in Paris and Munich, becoming an expert in Arthurian studies. It was during his time in Europe in the 1920s that he was exposed to the ideas of people such as Picasso and Freud, whose work was to have a profound influence on him. Returning to the US in 1929, and with the onset of the Depression giving him little hope of finding a teaching job, he decided to hit the road in an effort to discover “the soul of America” and in the process, hopefully, discover his own purpose in life. He eventually reconnected with the academic world and made his reputation in 1949 by publishing The Hero With A Thousand Faces.
That book posited that the concept of the heroic journey occupies the heart of all the world’s cultures. Moreover, the stages of this journey, or mythic cycle, are essentially the same in every culture – whether it be the creation myths of Native Americans or the Book of Genesis. So what makes one culture different from another is not an exclusive set of mythical principles, but a distinctive inflection on the universal “monomyth” that moves us all. The wrappings are different, he explained, but underneath it is the same diamond.
When Lucas reread the book in 1975, after he had first come across it while studying anthropology at college, it gave him the focus he needed to turn his sprawling fantasy universe into one coherent, powerful story. Above all, a story that felt real.
Campbell had argued that the travails of Odysseus or the legends of King Arthur were not meant to be taken literally – you wouldn’t go into a restaurant, he famously explained, see “steak” on the menu and then eat the menu. Rather, their truthfulness emerges when they are understood as metaphors for human action that work in terms of deep psychological principles.
Lucas realised that if his space-age fantasy could pull the same psychological triggers, audiences would respond to the trials and tribulations faced by Luke Skywalker during his quest to defeat Darth Vader in much the same way as bygone generations had to the journey of awakening undertaken by Christ, the Buddha or Telemachus. Lucas followed Campbell’s blueprint for the hero’s journey of initiation, departure and return exactly – and the result was a sensation.
A Long, Long Muddle (NY Times, 3/28/04)
The White House has been driving Congress — and the nation — in wildly contradictory ways that suggest a deeply muddled, or perhaps nonexistent, set of domestic goals.Last year, for instance, the Republican House leaders desperately pummeled their more fiscally conservative members to get the Medicare drug program passed at the behest of the White House. Meanwhile, when the chief Medicare actuary tallied up the program's real cost, the administration did everything to keep him quiet but bury the man alive.
While Mr. Bush was pressing for this huge increased commitment in entitlements — along with big new spending on the military and homeland security — he was also drastically cutting taxes, depriving the government of the revenue it would need to pay for programs like a Medicare prescription drug plan. Last week, at the president's behest, the loyal House leaders waded into the fray once more, defeating attempts to block new tax cuts in next year's budget.
There are many people who believe in small government and low taxes. They often make the argument that tax cuts are needed to "starve the beast" and force the government to cut spending, particularly for mammoth entitlement programs. Others, including this page, believe the social safety net is vital, that the government has a responsibility to do things such as help the elderly pay their drug bills, and to collect enough revenue to make that possible.
But virtually no one believes it is a good idea to dramatically expand expensive Medicare entitlements while drastically cutting taxes.
The Moor's Last Laugh: Radical Islam finds a haven in Europe. (FOUAD AJAMI, March 28, 2004, Wall Street Journal)
In the legend of Moorish Spain, the last Muslim king of Granada, Boabdil, surrendered the keys to his city on Jan. 2, 1492, and on one of its hills, paused for a final glance at his lost dominion. The place would henceforth be known as El Ultimo Suspiro del Moro--"the Moor's Last Sigh." Boabdil's mother is said to have taunted him, and to have told him to "weep like a woman for the land he could not defend as a man." An Arab poet of our own era gave voice to a historical lament when he wrote that as he walked the streets of Granada, he searched his pockets for the keys to its houses. Al Andalus--Andalusia--would become a deep wound, a reminder of dominions gained by Islam and then squandered. No wonder Muslim chroniclers added "May Allah return it to Islam" as they told and retold Granada's fate.The Balkans aside, modern Islam would develop as a religion of Afro-Asia. True, the Ottomans would contest the Eastern Mediterranean. But their challenge was turned back. Turkey succumbed to a European pretension but would never be European. Europe's victory over Islam appeared definitive. Even those Muslims in the Balkans touched by Ottoman culture became a marked community, left behind by the Ottoman retreat from Europe like "seaweed on dry land."
Yet Boabdil's revenge came. It stole upon Europe. Demography--the aging of Europe on the one hand and, on the other, a vast bloat of people in the Middle East and North Africa--did Boabdil's job for him. Spurred by economic growth in the '60s, which created the need for foreign laborers, a Muslim migration to Europe began. Today, 15 million Muslims make their home in the European Union. [...]
Europe's leaders know Europe's dilemmas. In ways both intended and subliminal, the escape into anti-Americanism is an attempt at false bonding with the peoples of Islam. Give the Arabs--and the Muslim communities implanted in Europe--anti-Americanism, give them an identification with the Palestinians, and you shall be spared their wrath. Beat the drums of opposition to America's war in Iraq, and the furies of this radical Islamism will pass you by. This is seen as a way around the troubles. But there is no exit that way. [...]
Whatever political architecture Europe seeks, it will have to be built in proximity to the Other World, just across the Straits of Gibraltar and in the grip of terminal crisis.
‘Bloom Building’ honors civilian news veteran at Fort Lee (Jamie L. Carson, March 26, 2004, Army News Service)
From the comfort of their homes, millions of Americans watched the war in Iraq through the eyes of David Bloom, veteran NBC news correspondent.Traveling on top of his creation, the "Bloom Mobile," with the 3rd Infantry Division across the Iraqi desert toward Baghdad, the former White House Correspondent was exactly where he wanted to be, at the tip of the spear.
The 39-year-old husband and father of three daughters never made it to Baghdad. Bloom died from a pulmonary embolism April 6, 2003.
Fort Lee honored the news veteran for his commitment in a March 19 ceremony, dedicating its new Public Affairs Office building as the "Bloom Building."
A Soldier's journalist, Bloom stayed on the front lines of Operation Iraqi Freedom to accomplish his mission and broadcast the Soldier's story to the world.
"David risked his life to be with Soldiers, and he died among Soldiers, while telling the Soldier's story," said Maj. Gen. Terry E. Juskwoiak, U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee commanding general.
Stop behaving as if you are a Frenchman if you want to win, says Kerry's (French) adviser (Julian Coman and Charles Laurence, 28/03/2004, Sunday Telegraph)
He has already attempted one reinvention: as outdoorsy Marlboro Man rather than buttoned-up Boston Brahmin. Yet John Kerry, the Democrats' challenger to George W Bush, has been warned by a French-born adviser that his style on the stump is still too "French" to win the presidential election.Clotaire Rapaille, a psychologist and business consultant, has concluded that Mr Kerry, a noted francophile and fluent French speaker, would go down better in Paris than the Mid West because his style is too highbrow. In short, he needs a radical makeover.
"My expertise is in breaking the unconscious code in every culture, and you must do that to understand the presidency," he told the Telegraph last night. [...]
Mr Rapaille's devastating decoding of Mr Kerry will come as a blow for aides who sought help after the Republicans depicted their candidate - despite his Vietnam war service - as a woolly intellectual, given to over-analysing important issues.
"A French writer living in America," as one Democrat official described Mr Rapaille last week. "Who better to advise on the dangers of being seen as too intellectual?"
Kerry challenges Bush to prosecute Clarke if former anti-terrorism advisor lied (AFP, 3/26/04)
"My challenge to the Bush administration would be, if (Clarke) is not believable and they have reason to show it, then prosecute him for perjury because he is under oath, Kerry told CBS's MarketWatch."They have a perfect right to do that," said Kerry.
The little horse that couldn't (The Japan Times, March 28, 2004)
Haruurara, the chestnut mare famous for having now lost 106 races in a row, must be a secret fan of Samuel Beckett, the acerbic Irish playwright who died in 1989. We are thinking in particular of Beckett's late play "Worstward Ho," a line from which is said to have become the mantra of a thousand struggling stand-up comics: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."Haruurara's feats of ignominy at the racetrack -- the 8-year-old has never placed higher than second and has lifetime winnings of just 1 million yen -- have inspired pop philosophers from the prime minister down to the lowliest bettor to meditate on failure and its meaning, especially for slump-ridden Japan.
Earlier this month, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi praised the horse in the Diet as an example of fortitude in tough times. Conveniently ignoring the fact that the horse hardly has a choice in the matter, having stayed the course under whip and spur, the prime minister said the lesson of Haruurara's story was that "people shouldn't give up, even when they lose." Many ordinary people seem to have interpreted the saga of this Anna Kournikova of the equine world in the same way. (That's not a far-fetched comparison, by the way: Haruurara has earned millions in the horsy equivalent of endorsements and will soon go the winless tennis diva one better by having a movie made about her life).
Fans have told reporters that they identify the mare's losing streak with their own difficulties in a time of recession. "We feel that if we do our best for long enough we will win in the end," one man said last Monday after the little horse in the pink Hello Kitty hood posted a reliable 10th place out of 11 at Kochi Racecourse, despite the best efforts of a champion jockey.
New Face Delivers Old Result in El Salvador: Candidate Seen as an Average Joe Retains Presidency for Pro-Business Party (Mary Beth Sheridan, March 23, 2004, Washington Post)
Tony Saca, the winner of El Salvador's presidential elections, had everything going for him. He was backed by the country's business barons, by a party in power for 15 years and by a national media tilted strongly toward his conservative party.And yet, Saca's Nationalist Republican Alliance, or Arena, was running scared as it geared up for Sunday's vote. Many Salvadorans have expressed concern about a lack of economic progress, and showed it in previous elections -- handing a victory in congressional elections last year to a party headed by former Marxist guerrillas. That raised the possibility of a dramatic change of leadership in El Salvador, one of the most pro-American governments in Latin America.
Arena fought off the challenge with its traditional advantages of money and media. But it also renovated its image, distancing the party from the 12-year civil war in which it had been linked to death squads.
The new president is a 39-year-old businessman who had no role in the conflict and no experience in political office. Saca became famous as a TV commentator narrating soccer games, and went on to purchase a string of radio stations. He projected a cheerful, Average Joe style in a party dominated by well-heeled businessmen.
"I represent that Salvadoran who wants to find . . . a pretext to vote for Arena," Saca said in an interview on the eve of the election.
But his overwhelming victory, with about 57 percent of the vote, also reflected the difficulties that El Salvador's former rebels have faced in adjusting to democratic competition since they signed peace accords in 1992, political analysts said. Their party, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, or FMLN, ran a former guerrilla leader known for his hard-line views. The candidate, Schafik Handal, 73, failed to gain much support beyond his party's hard-core supporters. [...]
Saca, who takes office on June 1, has promised to continue Arena's free-market policies, which have included privatization of state-run industries, adopting the U.S. dollar as the nation's currency and negotiating a free-trade agreement between Central America and the United States. He said in the interview that he would "be ready to consider" any U.S. request to keep the Salvadoran troops in Iraq beyond their current commitment, which ends in June. And he has pledged to seek more programs for the poor, who make up about half the population, according to official statistics.
Bush, Clinton Varied Little on Terrorism (Dana Milbank and Dan Eggen, March 27, 2004, Washington Post)
The Bush administration's approach, which was in draft form by Sept. 4, 2001, did not differ substantially from Clinton's policy. The commission staff, in the "key findings" it released this week, said: "The new administration began to develop new policies toward al Qaeda in 2001, but there is no evidence of new work on military capabilities or plans against this enemy before September 11" -- a point on which Armitage concurred.The primary differences in the Bush proposal were calls for more direct financial and logistical support to the Northern Alliance and the anti-Taliban Pashtuns and, if that failed, to eventually seek the overthrow of the Taliban through proxies. The plan also called for drafting plans for possible U.S. military involvement, according to testimony and commission findings.
But those differences were largely theoretical; administration officials told the panel's investigators that the plan's overall timeline was at least three years, and it did not include firm deadlines, military plans or significant funding at the time of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. [...]
But Clarke, who was counterterrorism director for both Clinton and Bush, has been much more critical of Bush. In testimony this week, he said al Qaeda and terrorism "were an extraordinarily high priority" and there was "certainly no higher a priority" under Clinton. On the other hand, he said, "the Bush administration in the first eight months considered terrorism an important issue but not an urgent issue."
In fact, Clarke was constantly agitating for a more aggressive response to terrorism from the Clinton administration, including more significant bombing of al Qaeda and Taliban targets. The commission staff described him as "controversial" and "abrasive" and included an observation that several Clinton colleagues wanted him fired.
"He was despised under Clinton," said Ivo H. Daalder, who worked under Clarke in the Clinton National Security Council on issues other than terrorism. James M. Lindsay, who also worked under Clarke, concurred that people "thought he was exaggerating the threat" and said he "always wanted to do more" than higher-ups approved.
REVIEW: of Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose? by Michael Ruse (Manuel Bremer, Mar 25th 2004, Metapsychology)
Michael Ruse's Darwin and Design is the third book in his trilogy on evolution, the first being Monad and Man: The Concept of Progress in Evolutionary Biology, the second being Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? All three books are written for a non-specialist audience and all three try to place evolutionary thought and the debate around evolution into the wider cultural climate of the times. In Darwin and Design Ruse takes on the relation between the theory of evolution and the argument from design as one of the classical ways to prove that there has to be a God. Aiming at the non-specialist the debate is not developed systematically or presented in formal clothing, but enfolds as Ruse leads us through the history of the argument from design and the unfolding of Darwinism and the theory of evolution. Ruse starts with the versions of the argument from design in Plato and Aristotle, distinguishes between a realistic reading of it (i.e. there really is design by God) and Kant's methodological reading of it (i.e. we have to see the world as if it was designed to formulate the laws of biology), and sees the argument from design in British natural theology employed as a justification of science: If the laws of nature are God's design, then it cannot be against faith to do science (as a means to understand God's ways).The teleological language used in the argument from design is congenial to the language of functions in biology, it seems. The function/telos of the eye is to see, the function of the heart to circulate blood -- and so on. Darwin himself often writes in a teleological fashion. One of his favorite pictures of the process of evolution is the similarity to breeding, which obviously involves the farmer planning his breed. So the question is: What keeps Darwin's (and other evolutionist's) usage of functional or teleological expression distinct from the cosmological view of the argument from design?
Ruse is not very explicit about the formal structure of the argument from design, but introduces an important distinction between the two major steps in that argument. The first premise of the argument Ruse calls "the argument to (organized) complexity". This is a premise won by observation. We see around us highly complex living systems. Once we look into the details of the working of the human eye or the metamorphosis of a butterfly we see what immensely structured entities or processes we encounter. Given this complexity the decisive step, according to Ruse, is the "argument to design", namely that the observed complexity is design. Ruse takes the name "argument from design" a misnomer, since it is tautological that design requires somebody doing the designing. The crucial step, therefore, rather is that complexity is taken as design. This step involves two sub-steps, it seems. The first sub-step underlines that complexity is something to be explained. Complexity is not random. Explained such this sub-step trades on the definition of "complexity", and seems to be unproblematic. Scientists, naturalists, and religious people agree on the need to explain the occurrence of organized complexity in nature. The decisive second sub-step in the argument to design is the statement that nothing but design explains complexity. It is a negative claim arguing to design as the only/best explanation. It is here that Darwin and the theory of evolution enter, and it is here where the argument from design crumbles. What the theory of mutation ("inherited variation" in Darwin's first version of his theory) and selection provides is exactly some such explanation of complexity as adaptation to a (complex) environment. Since there is the interplay of (random) mutation and selection (of better adaptive traits), there is a mechanism -- even an "algorithm" the workings of which can be ascertained ex post -- to increase complexity, to get "design" out of chaos.
But as a general proposition, Darwinism can't help but be teleological because it is historical. It attempts to explain how we got to this precise point in the history of Evolution. As the great Darwinist Ernst Mayr puts it:
[D]arwin introduced historicity into science. Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain.
Rethinking the United States — A European Perspective (Helmut Schmidt, March 23, 2004, The Globalist)
Some people in the United States believe that 9/11 changed the world. But that's not quite true, says former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. Rather, it deeply changed the way in which Americans perceive the outside world. His analysis is all the more relevant one year after the start of the Iraq War.On September 11, 2001, despite all of their power —and for the first time in many generations — Americans suffered from a violent attack on its own soil. This experience led the U.S. leadership to use their enormous military power to fight the so-called “war on terrorism.”
As a result, tendencies toward hegemonic behavior vis-à-vis other nations appear to have come to the forefront.
An imperialist element within the foreign policy of the United States has always co-existed with isolationism, and also with internationalist idealism (which is nowadays called “multilateralism”). Sometimes, one of these elements prevailed — and sometimes another.
The Origins of Occidentalism (IAN BURUMA, February 6, 2004, Chronicle of Higher Education) the Occidentalist idea of the West?That is the problem that vexed a group of prominent Japanese intellectuals who gathered for a conference in Kyoto in 1942. The attack on Pearl Harbor was not the ostensible reason for the conference, but the underlying idea was to find an ideological justification for Japan's mission to smash, and in effect replace, the Western empires in Asia. The topic of discussion was "how to overcome the modern." Modernity was associated with the West, and particularly with Western imperialism.
Westernization, one of the scholars said, was like a disease that had infected the Japanese spirit. The "modern thing," said another, was a "European thing." Others believed that "Americanism" was the enemy, and that Japan should make common cause with the Europeans to defend old civilizations against the New World (there would certainly have been takers in Europe). There was much talk about unhealthy specialization in knowledge, which had fragmented the wholeness of Oriental spiritual culture. Science was to blame. So were capitalism, the absorption into Japanese society of modern technology, and notions of individual freedom and democracy. These had to be "overcome."
All agreed that culture -- that is, traditional Japanese culture -- was spiritual and profound, whereas modern Western civilization was shallow, rootless, and destructive of creative power. The West, particularly the United States, was coldly mechanical, a machine civilization without spirit or soul, a place where people mixed to produce mongrel races. A holistic, traditional Orient united under divine Japanese imperial rule would restore the warm organic Asian community to spiritual health. As one of the participants put it, the struggle was between Japanese blood and Western intellect.
Precisely the same terms had been used by others, in other places, at other times. Blood, soil, and the spirit of the Volk were what German romantics in the late 18th and early 19th centuries invoked against the universalist claims of the French Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and Napoleon's invading armies. This notion of national soul was taken over by the Slavophiles in 19th-century Russia, who used it to attack the "Westernizers," that is, Russian advocates of liberal reforms. It came up again and again, in the 1930s, when European fascists and National Socialists sought to smash "Americanism," Anglo-Saxon liberalism, and "rootless cosmopolitanism" (meaning Jews). Aurel Kolnai, the great Hungarian scholar, wrote a book in the 1930s about fascist ideology in Austria and Germany. He called it War Against the West. Communism, too, especially under Stalin, although a bastard child of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, was the sworn enemy of Western liberalism and "rootless cosmopolitanism." Many Islamic radicals borrowed their anti-Western concepts from Russia and Germany. The founders of the Ba'ath Party in Syria were keen readers of prewar German race theories. Jalal Al-e Ahmad, an influential Iranian intellectual in the 1960s, coined the phrase "Westoxification" to describe the poisonous influence of Western civilization on other cultures. He, too, was an admirer of German ideas on blood and soil.
Clearly, the idea of the West as a malign force is not some Eastern or Middle Eastern idea, but has deep roots in European soil. Defining it in historical terms is not a simple matter. Occidentalism was part of the counter-Enlightenment, to be sure, but also of the reaction against industrialization. Some Marxists have been attracted to it, but so, of course, have their enemies on the far right. Occidentalism is a revolt against rationalism (the cold, mechanical West, the machine civilization) and secularism, but also against individualism. European colonialism provoked Occidentalism, and so does global capitalism today. But one can speak of Occidentalism only when the revolt against the West becomes a form of pure destruction, when the West is depicted as less than human, when rebellion means murder.Wherever it occurs, Occidentalism is fed by a sense of humiliation, of defeat. Isaiah Berlin once described the German revolt against Napoleon as "the original exemplar of the reaction of many a backward, exploited, or at any rate patronized society, which, resentful of the apparent inferiority of its status, reacted by turning to real or imaginary triumphs and glories in its past, or enviable attributes of its own national or cultural character."
The same thing might be said about Japan in the 1930s, after almost a century of feeling snubbed and patronized by the West, whose achievements it so fervently tried to emulate. It has been true of the Russians, who have often slipped into the role of inferior upstarts, stuck in the outer reaches of Asia and Europe. But nothing matches the sense of failure and humiliation that afflicts the Arab world, a once glorious civilization left behind in every respect by the post-Enlightenment West. [...]What, then, is new about the Islamist holy war against the West? Perhaps it is the totality of its vision. Islamism, as an antidote to Westoxification, is an odd mixture of the universal and the pure: universal because all people can, and in the eyes of the believers should, become orthodox Muslims; pure because those who refuse the call are not simply lost souls but savages who must be removed from this earth.
Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews, among others, but did not view the entire West with hostility. In fact, he wanted to forge an alliance with the British and other "Aryan" nations, and felt betrayed when they did not see things his way. Stalinists and Maoists murdered class enemies and were opposed to capitalism. But they never saw the Western world as less than human and thus to be physically eradicated. Japanese militarists went to war against Western empires but did not regard everything about Western civilization as barbarous. The Islamist contribution to the long history of Occidentalism is a religious vision of purity in which the idolatrous West simply has to be destroyed.
The worship of false gods is the worst religious sin in Islam as well as in ancient Judaism. The West, as conceived by Islamists, worships the false gods of money, sex, and other animal lusts. In this barbarous world the thoughts and laws and desires of Man have replaced the kingdom of God. The word for this state of affairs is jahiliyya, which can mean idolatry, religious ignorance, or barbarism. Applied to the pre-Islamic Arabs, it means ignorance: People worshiped other gods because they did not know better. But the new jahiliyya, in the sense of barbarism, is everywhere, from Las Vegas and Wall Street to the palaces of Riyadh. To an Islamist, anything that is not pure, that does not belong to the kingdom of God, is by definition barbarous and must be destroyed.
Just as the main enemies of Russian Slavophiles were Russian Westernizers, the most immediate targets of Islamists are the liberals, reformists, and secular rulers in their own societies. They are the savage stains that have to be cleansed with blood. But the source of the barbarism that has seduced Saudi princes and Algerian intellectuals as much as the whores and pimps of New York (and in a sense all infidels are whores and pimps) is the West. And that is why holy war has been declared against the West.
Since the target of the holy warriors is so large, figuring out how to defend it is not easy. But it is not immediately apparent that a war against Iraq was the most effective way to fight the Islamist jihad. Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath regime was a murderous dictatorship that deserved to come to an end, but it was not in line with the holy revolution.
Hamas linked to area housing (Jerry Seper, March 26, 2004, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
The terrorist organization Hamas invested millions of dollars during the past decade in real-estate projects nationwide, including in suburban Maryland, as part of a scheme to raise cash to fund acts of terrorism, records show.The investments -- involving the construction of hundreds of new homes, including many in Oxon Hill -- were handled through BMI Inc., a defunct Secaucus, N.J., investment firm founded by Soliman S. Biheiri, an Egyptian and Hamas supporter, according to a newly released sentencing declaration by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The Lonely Historian: Benny Morris discusses the new version of his famously controversial book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, which has left him alienated from both the left and the right (Elizabeth Wasserman, March 25, 2004, Atlantic Unbound)
I want to ask you about the recent change in your politics, from a highly critical to a more pro-Israel view. How do you explain that?Let me just say something up front: I don't really regard my views as having changed much.
I still believe that a territorial compromise is necessary, that a two-state solution is the only equitable solution here, and that Israel must withdraw from the territories. What has changed in my views is my perception of the Palestinian side during the past decade. Whereas in the 1990s I was fairly optimistic that the Palestinians had accepted in their hearts the need for a compromise and for a two-state solution, now I'm very doubtful. I don't think the Palestinians really want to agree to a two-state solution. They want a one-state solution, which means Israel's destruction and the turning of all of Palestine into one Arab majority state. That's what has changed in my thinking.
How has this influenced your thinking on the subject of transfer?
From my realization about the Palestinians stems a number of conclusions. If it is true that the Palestinians—historically, monolithically, continuously and probably forever—are disagreeable to a two-state solution, to the acceptance of Israel's existence, then one has to think afresh about the problem of demography and territory. And what this has led me to conclude is that in 1948, it would probably have been better for everybody to have had all the Palestinians cross the Jordan River rather than having many of them stay on the Israeli side at the end of the war. In other words, if Israel had been established on all the territory between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River and the Palestinians had crossed the river and turned Transjordan into a state of their own, both peoples would have probably been happier, and the Middle East would certainly have been a pleasanter place over the next fifty years.
Do you have an idea of how and when this should have come about?
Well, there were expulsions and there was mass movement of population in '48 in the course of the war, and had this transfer occurred completely rather than partially, that would have been the right moment for it to occur, historically speaking—the only possible moment it probably could have occurred. Later it was already too late. The Palestinians were not going to move of their own volition; Israel was not going to kick anybody else out; and the opportunity for a complete separation between the two peoples, and the establishment of two states—one on each side of the Jordan—was lost.
In conducting research for Revisited you found a lot more evidence that the Arab leaders were partially responsible for promoting the evacuation. What is the significance of this? Should this information affect the Palestinian cause internationally?
It should translate in some way. Look, there is a connection between current policy on the Arab side—the demand for the right of return of the refugees to their homes and lands in Palestine—and the question of who is to blame for what happened in '48. There's sort of a formula here that essentially asserts that if the Israelis were by and large to blame for the displacement of the Palestinians, therefore they are guilty and must agree to a full-scale return of the refugees. On the other hand, if the Palestinians have more blame in the flight or the displacement of the Palestinians, their argument for a return of the refugees is diminished. So there is a political significance to the apportioning of blame
You have referred to Arab intellectuals' approach to the history of the Arab-Jewish conflict in the Middle East as hypocritical. Can you elaborate on this?
A lot of Arab critics have become hot and bothered about the so-called ethnic cleansing of Arabs in 1948. But they neglect to mention that ethnic cleansing is a sport long and consistently practiced by the Arabs, from Muhammad, who ethnically cleansed Arabia of its Jewish tribes back in the seventh century, down to the Arab world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which systematically cleansed their communities of Jews. Almost no Jews live in the Arab world today—in Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, etcetera. And, for that matter, there are very few Christian communities in the Arab world. The Arabs between the seventh and the twentieth centuries took care to expel them, massacre them, or forcibly convert them to Islam. An ethnic cleansing of giant proportions is currently under way in the Sudan, and has been for decades. No Arab historian I know of has ever studied or written about these events.
How has the change in your politics affected your relations with your leftist colleagues?
My relations have suffered as a result. Before the recent, as we think of it, change of heart, they were at least courteous. They were suspicious of my basic feeling because they always knew that I wasn't on the Arab side—I was never pro-Palestinian or pro-Arab, but at least I was producing a history that they enjoyed and made use of. But since I have made these statements blaming the Palestinians for much of what is going on, especially since the year 2000, they've been extremely hostile in print and I find that even my colleagues at the university don't say hello in the corridors. I'm talking about extreme leftists. So in some ways there is a beginning of an embargo or ostracism in the works. It isn't pleasant, but I think it's instinctive.
The Virtues of C-SPAN (Harvey Mansfield, September/October 1997, The American Enterprise)
With a healthy, unexciting breakfast, you need a zesty appetizer to start the day. I receive mine from C-SPAN, where the morning talk show, "Washington Journal," gets my partisan juices flowing. A liberal and a conservative politician pick articles from the morning paper and usually get into an argument. They spin, they bicker, they exchange barbs. I love it.C-SPAN, two [now three and a radio station] educational channels funded by the cable television industry, is known for providing "unfiltered" news-including live coverage of floor debates in the U.S. House and Senate, unabridged taping of campaign stump speeches, and similar political jousting. Yet the same network famous for providing the most partisan news is also considered the most objective. Why? Because C-SPAN lets politics appear as it is, with all its partisan slants. Sometimes the slant is obvious, as when a Democrat or Republican states his party's position, and sometimes it is concealed behind the desire to appear "nonpolitical" (or "bipartisan"). C-SPAN tolerates both: It doesn't dismiss people's opinions merely because they are partisan, and it doesn't dismiss the aspiration to rise above partisanship merely because the effort often fails or is insincere.
Brian Lamb, the head moderator, and his able assistants do something almost never done on the major networks. They listen and they question; or rather, they listen so that they can question. Lamb's purpose is to enable the talker to make his point, not to embarrass him. But to do that, he asks for evidence, for a source, for an example, for consistency, or-when it's a wanderer-for the point. Sometimes the result is to embarrass an ill-informed caller or a biased guest, but that is not the intent. The intent-though Lamb doesn't boast of it-is to educate.
On C-SPAN talk-show programs the moderators do not simply sit by silently while others talk; they maintain an active neutrality that helps all sides. They want to improve our respect for democratic debate; so they do their best to make the debate worthy of respect. You never hear a voice-over or a sound-bite on C-SPAN. In a voice-over, the network reporter gives the gist
of a speaker's statement in his own words, and then often illustrates his interpretation with a punchy phrase actually taken from the speaker. The emphasis is the reporter's, and the speaker, who may well be the President of the United States, becomes a character in the reporter's story-and thus a witness to the reporter's moral or intellectual superiority.The ruling vice of American journalists is not that too many are Democrats but that they show such disrespect for democracy. Their error is mostly unconscious but nonetheless grave: They despise the surface of things and look too much, too quickly, for the inside story. The surface of things in democratic politics is the partisan dispute of the moment, but journalists allow themselves to get bored with that. They don't listen partly because they have heard it before and mostly because they are convinced beforehand that it doesn't mean anything. The only important events, they believe, are the ones that go on behind the scenes, and the only important words are those spoken in private: what we don't see determines what we do see, and the job of the journalist is to unearth secrets, not to report what is obvious.
C-SPAN, by contrast, is not afraid of the obvious.
But the film does have a significant weakness, one pointed up by Mr. Mansfield above: even as the media complains constantly that the campaign is devoid of substance, Ms Pelosi avoids the substance almost entirely. We see that George Bush is at Bob Jones University or at a debate or giving his nomination acceptance speech, but get none of the words. His candidacy becomes almost inexplicable except to the extent that he charms the journalists covering him. It's almost as if the election were about whether they ended up liking him or not. That they do is a credit to one fact of his political skills, but it does make the election seem as if it was devoid of ideas--a notion which his presidency has laid to rest.
THE WALLFLOWER KNOWS: C-SPAN has downsized Washington, revealing it to be a city of mere people, not giants. (William Powers, March 24, 2004, The Atlantic)
The Myth of the Racist Republicans (Gerard Alexander, March 20, 2004, Claremont Review of Books)
[B]ias is how differently they treat the long Democratic dominance of the South. Carter and the Black brothers suggest that the accommodation of white racism penetrates to the very soul of modern conservatism. But earlier generations of openly segregationist Southerners voted overwhelmingly for Woodrow Wilson's and Franklin Roosevelt's Democratic Party, which relaxed its civil rights stances accordingly. This coalition passed much of the New Deal legislation that remains the basis of modern liberalism. So what does the segregationist presence imply for the character of liberalism at its electoral and legislative apogee? These scholars sidestep the question by simply not discussing it. This silence implies that racism and liberalism were simply strange political bedfellows, without any common values.But the commonality, the philosophical link, is swiftly identified once the Democrats leave the stage. In study after study, authors say that "racial and economic conservatism" married white Southerners to the GOP after 1964. So whereas historically accidental events must have led racists to vote for good men like FDR, after 1964 racists voted their conscience. How convenient. And how easy it would be for, say, a libertarian conservative like Walter Williams to generate a counter-narrative that exposes statism as the philosophical link between segregation and liberalism's economic populism.
Yet liberal commentators commit a further, even more obvious, analytic error. They assume that if many former Wallace voters ended up voting Republican in the 1970s and beyond, it had to be because Republicans went to the segregationist mountain, rather than the mountain coming to them. There are two reasons to question this assumption. The first is the logic of electoral competition. Extremist voters usually have little choice but to vote for a major party which they consider at best the lesser of two evils, one that offers them little of what they truly desire. Segregationists were in this position after 1968, when Wallace won less than 9% of the electoral
college and Nixon became president anyway, without their votes. Segregationists simply had very limited national bargaining power. In the end, not the Deep South but the GOP was the mountain.Second, this was borne out in how little the GOP had to "offer," so to speak, segregationists for their support after 1968, even according to the myth's own terms. Segregationists wanted policies that privileged whites. In the GOP, they had to settle for relatively race-neutral policies: opposition to forced busing and reluctant coexistence with affirmative action. The reason these policies aren't plausible codes for real racism is that they aren't the equivalents of discrimination, much less of segregation.
Why did segregationists settle for these policies rather than continue to vote Democratic? The GOP's appeal was mightily aided by none other than the Democratic Party itself, which was lurching leftward in the 1970s, becoming, as the contemporary phrase had it, the party of "acid, amnesty, and abortion." Among other things, the Democrats absorbed a civil rights movement that was itself expanding, and thus diluting, its agenda to include economic redistributionism, opposition to the Vietnam War, and Black Power. The many enthusiasms of the new Democratic Party drove away suburban middle-class voters almost everywhere in the country, not least the South.
Democrats' Ads in Tandem Provoke G.O.P.: An analysis of advertising data shows a striking synchronicity between the advertising campaigns of Senator
John Kerry, and the Media Fund. (JIM RUTENBERG, 3/27/04, NY Times)
Senator John Kerry's advertising campaign is so closely complemented by those of two major liberal groups running commercials against President Bush that Republicans are accusing the Democrats of trying to evade campaign finance laws.An analysis of advertising data provided by Republicans, Democrats and an independent group shows a striking synchronicity between the advertising campaigns of Mr. Kerry and and the Media Fund, which flatly deny any illegal consultations. They have been advertising in the same 17 swing states, in most of the same markets while almost uniformly ignoring others.
In mid-March, while Mr. Kerry advertised slightly more in the morning, the groups advertised slightly more at night. At other times of day, the two groups and the Kerry campaign together matched Mr. Bush's advertising nearly spot for spot, in a couple of cases exceeding it. That level of correlation has delighted Democrats, who acknowledge that the groups have gone a long way in helping Mr. Kerry to meet the advertising onslaught of Mr. Bush, whose campaign has raised far more money.
Officials of the two groups say that they do not need to speak to the Kerry campaign to join it in answering the Bush campaign. But such help is becoming a focal point in what is widely expected to be a legal battle with Republicans and some advocates of election reform over what legitimate role the groups, which are called 527 committees for the section of the tax code that created them, should be allowed to play.
The 527 groups' significance has grown exponentially this election cycle because they are able to collect millions in unregulated, unlimited contributions from unions, corporations and wealthy individuals. The parties and candidates are now prohibited from that type of fund-raising under the new campaign finance law.
While the law does not affect the fund-raising practices of these groups, it prohibited them from coordinating their efforts with federal parties or candidates.
Palestinian officials call on militants to lay down arms (Ha'aretz, 3/26/04)
Over 60 prominent Palestinian officials and intellectuals Thursday urged the public to refrain from retaliation for Israel's assassination of Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, saying it would ignite a new round of bloodshed that would only hurt Palestinian aspirations for independence.A half-page advertisement in the PLO's Al-Ayyam newspaper called on Palestinians to lay down their arms and turn to peaceful means of protest to end Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The ad reflected apparently growing sentiment among many Palestinian leaders and intellectuals that military struggle is not helping the Palestinian cause. [...]
The intellectuals who signed Thursday's ad - including lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi, Nablus Governor Mahmoud Aloul, Geneva Accord co-author and PLO Executive Committee member Yasser Abed Rabbo and Abbas Zaki, a leading member of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement - said such revenge attacks would lead to a strong Israeli retaliation and further hurt the Palestinian cause.
The group called on the public to "rise again in a peaceful, wise intifada." While saying the 37-year occupation must be brought down, they asked the public to reconsider the benefits of a violent struggle.
5 planets offer stargazers rare show visible at dusk (MARCIA DUNN, 3/24/04, Associated Press)
For the next two weeks, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- the five closest planets -- should be easily visible at dusk, along with the moon."It's semi-unique," said Myles Standish, an astronomer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "They're all on the same side of the sun and stretched across the sky and that's what is kind of pretty."
When Kerry's Words Obscure His Message: Deviations From Script Don't Always Resonate (John F. Harris, March 26, 2004, Washington Post)
For a national security speech earlier this month, Sen. John F. Kerry's speechwriters produced a draft that included the story of a woman who was suddenly evicted from military housing. Because her husband was killed in Iraq, authorities brusquely told her, she no longer qualified as a military family.
Kerry's prepared speech had the words to crisply convey his outrage. "How can this happen in the United States of America?" the prepared text read. "Who among us could move on short notice when you don't even know where your paycheck will come from?"But when the Massachusetts Democrat delivered the speech, those crisp words went a bit limp. "Now how can this happen in the United States of America in the way that it happens? . . . Who among us thinks it's right to say so quickly, on short notice, before you even know where your next paycheck's going to come from; before you know, if you haven't been working, what skill you can apply to be able to earn a paycheck; before you've been able to adjust to the loss and begin to be able to get back into life?" [...]
The fear among some Kerry backers is that muddy language from Kerry -- at a time when he is still not well known among most voters -- will also cloud the policy distinctions he needs to unseat Bush, and make it easier for Republicans to promote their less flattering definition of what the Democrat represents.
Republicans seek to declassify Clarke testimony (DAVID ESPO, March 26, 2004, AP)
Key Republicans in Congress sought Friday to declassify two-year-old testimony by former White House aide Richard Clarke, suggesting he may have lied this week when he faulted President Bush's handling of the war on terror."Mr. Clarke has told two entirely different stories under oath," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said in a speech on the Senate floor.
The Tennessee Republican said he hopes Clarke's testimony in July 2002 before the House and Senate intelligence committees can be declassified. Then, he said, it can be compared with the account the former aide provided in his nationally televised appearance Wednesday before the bipartisan commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. [...]
One Republican aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the initial request for declassification was made by House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairman of the House intelligence committee.
Frist, without elaborating, said Clarke's testimony in 2002 was "effusive in his praise for the actions of the Bush administration."
Frist also noted that Clarke, appearing as an anonymous official, had praised the administration's actions in an appearance before White House reporters in 2002.
Clarke on Wednesday dismissed that appearance as the fulfillment of the type of request that presidential appointees frequently receive.
But, Frist said, "Loyalty to any administration will be no defense if it is found that he has lied to Congress."
Syria seeks our help to woo US (John Kerin, 27Mar04,
SYRIA has appealed to Australia to use its close ties with Washington to help the Arab nation shake off its reputation as a terrorist haven and repair its relations with the US.Secret talks between the two nations have been under way for months but have become more urgent as rogue nations reconsider their role in allowing terrorists to thrive, in light of the US determination to take pre-emptive military action.
A Syrian embassy will be opened in Canberra in weeks and Australia is considering reopening its mission in Damascus.
Australia's close relationship with Washington, and its much higher profile in the Middle East, have prompted Syrian Foreign Minister Farouq al-Shara'a and parliamentary speaker Mahmoud Al-Ibrache to appeal to Canberra to help bring their country back in from a US-imposed diplomatic freeze.
Abortion on the line in election (Joan Ryan, March 26, 2004, San Francisco Chronicle)
The message scrolled across Kate Michelman's cell phone as she sat in the Westin St. Francis Hotel ballroom Thursday afternoon. Around her, the room buzzed with the conversation and clicking flatware of 975 people, the largest turnout in the nine years San Francisco has hosted the NARAL Pro- Choice America lunch. Michelman, the longtime president of NARAL, read the message and let out a soft groan. [...]If you looked across the enormous ballroom at the hundreds and hundreds of smart, accomplished, committed women, you might shake your head at the Bush administration's folly. How can it think it will succeed in making abortion illegal again? We won already. The Supreme Court said so 31 years ago. It's a done deal. Living in an America that forces women to back-alley butchers to end unwanted pregnancies seems as preposterous, in the year 2004, as living in an America that makes women wear burqas.
But the assumption of keeping this fundamental liberty could be the agent of its demise. [...]
"The situation is perilous,'' Michelman said. "It's very scary. There's a lot going on in the world, and this (unborn victims' act) might get missed. But this is a very, very serious setback. Pro-choice advocates have been too complacent that the right to an abortion can never be lost. Too many believe it cannot and will not happen. But the Supreme Court is not immune to social currents. This highlights how important it is to elect a pro-choice president."
San Francisco businessman and philanthropist Richard Goldman, a lifelong Republican, drove the point home. He walked to the lectern and announced publicly he was supporting Democratic candidate John Kerry for president.
"This is the most important election of my lifetime,'' said Goldman, a man not given to hyperbole. "There is no choice.''
The Faith-Based Presidency: You can question Bush's veracity, his grip on reality, and the rationality of his policies, but not his faith. (Jack Beatty, March 25, 2004, Atlantic Monthly)
George W. Bush has made rationality an antonym of Republican. His is the first faith-based presidency. Above the entrance to the Bush West Wing should be St. Paul's definition of faith—"the evidence of things unseen." [...]You can question Bush's veracity, his grip on reality, and the rationality of his policies, but not his faith. Turning to Jesus to escape from drinking was the turning point in his life. Sincerity, unreservedly giving your heart to Jesus, is the fulcrum of life-altering faith, say people who have experienced it. Reason, skepticism, critical thought, irony, argument—all threaten this sustaining emotional purity. You owe your life to a miracle, and it will go away if doubt creeps in.
All lives have the kind of soul-trying trouble that nearly cost George W. Bush his marriage. Some people see psychiatrists; others take medication; many turn to faith. And for many of this last group, I suspect, Bush's sins against reason, his privileging of his heart over his head, make up no small part of his appeal. Religiosity—intensity of faith and frequency of church attendance—now vies with race as a partisan predictor. Just as 9 in 10 African-Americans voted for Al Gore in 2000, so nearly 9 in 10 "high-commitment evangelicals" voted for George W. Bush. Altogether, evangelicals and white Protestant fundamentalists constituted 40 percent of Bush's vote. When Pat Robertson resigned as president of the Christian Coalition, in late 2001, Gary Bauer, a spokesman for social conservatism, said he knew why: "I think he stepped down because the position has already been filled..." President Bush "is that leader right now."
You can't arrive at a belief in human dignity, inalienable rights, the necessity of freedom, and a basis for democracy without Judeo-Christianity. So George W. Bush can't use Reason to explain why the Iraqi people should be free. He's "reduced" to fundamentalist religious formulations, like this one:
Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity.
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...
Islamic world is violent, says Carey (Sam Jones, March 26, 2004, The Guardian)
The Islamic world is a violent, authoritarian and undemocratic place, according to Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury.In a speech in Rome yesterday, Dr Carey denounced moderate Muslims for refusing to condemn the "evil" of suicide bombers, urged Islamic theologians to take a more critical approach to the Koran, and lamented that "no great invention has come for many hundred years from Muslim countries".
"Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, we find authoritarian regimes with deeply entrenched leadership, some of which rose to power at the point of a gun and are retained in power by massive security forces," he said.
Turning his attention to suicide bombers, he said: "Sadly, apart from a few courageous examples, very few Muslim leaders condemn clearly and unconditionally the evil of the suicide bombers ... We need to hear outright condemnation of theologies that state that suicide bombers are martyrs and enter a martyr's reward."
Dr Carey's words, reported in the Daily Telegraph, come as the present Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, leads a seminar of Muslim and Christian scholars in New York today.
His call for Islamic theologians to be as rigorous in their studies as their Jewish and Christian counterparts is unlikely to please his successor.
'Culture wars' shaping election (Bill Sammon, March 25, 2004, Washington Times)
"He sort of wins on a lot of these issues without even firing a shot," said Democrat Manfred Wolf, an English professor at San Francisco State University. "It's just a feeling that a lot of people have that the country is growing soft, and they don't like it."The Republicans tend to cash in on this," he added. "I would hate to see the Democratic Party get caught in this, because the Democratic Party will lose on these cultural issues."
The Bush campaign agreed.
"The Democrats' position on almost all of these issues is anti-majoritarian," said a senior campaign official. "Their position is: Because we don't trust the majorities in defining marriage, or in establishing appropriate laws in their states on things like abortion or on so many other fronts, we need to step in and have an elite group of people who share our values tell the majority what to do."
For example, he said, the left warned that Mel Gibson's "The Passion," which graphically depicts Jesus' crucifixion, would incite anti-Semitism.
"Think about what they're saying: You can't be trusted to go see this movie. You can't be trusted, or your passions will rise up," said the Bush campaign official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Tax flip-flop? (The Tipsheet, March 26, 2004, The Hill)
Sen. John Kerry (Mass.), the Democrats‚ presumptive presidential nominee, withdrew his co-sponsorship of the Senate‚s corporate tax bill last fall, citing concerns that the bill‚s international provisions could spur the outsourcing of jobs overseas. The move came shortly after he joined other Democrats in voting the bill out of committee. A spokesman for Kerry said that he had wanted to move the bill forward in an attempt to avert trade sanctions, but later had concerns about the international provisions.
Whatever happened to evolutionary theory?: INTELLIGENT DESIGN: Intelligent design has now (in 2025) become a thriving scientific research program and replaced materialistic accounts of biological evolution (in particular, Darwinism). ID theory led to new understanding of embryo development and the importance of "junk DNA" (Jonathan Wells, 4/03/04, World)
[D]arwinian evolution is little more than a historical footnote in biology textbooks. Just as students learn that scientists used to believe that the Sun moves around the Earth and maggots are spontaneously generated in rotting meat, so students also learn that scientists used to believe that human beings evolved through random mutations and natural selection. How could a belief that was so influential in 2000 become so obsolete by 2025? Whatever happened to evolutionary theory?Surprising though it may seem, Darwinism did not collapse because it was disproved by new evidence. (As we shall see, the evidence never really fit it anyway.) Instead, evolutionary theory was knocked off its pedestal by three developments in the first decade of this century-developments centered in the United States, but worldwide in scope. Those developments were: (1) the widespread adoption of a "teach the controversy" approach in education, (2) a growing public awareness of the scientific weaknesses of evolutionary theory, and (3) the rise of the more fruitful "theory of intelligent design." [...]
In the second major development, students who were free to examine the evidence for and against evolution quickly realized that the former was surprisingly thin. Although Darwinists had long boasted about having "overwhelming evidence" for their view, it turned out that they had no good evidence for the theory's principal claim: that species originate through random mutation and natural selection. Bacteria were the best place to look for such evidence, because they reproduce quickly, their DNA can be easily mutated, and they can be subjected to strong selection in the laboratory. Yet bacteria had been intensively studied throughout the 20th century, and bacteriologists had never observed the formation of a new species.
If there was no good evidence that a Darwinian mechanism could produce new species, still less was there any evidence that a Darwinian mechanism could produce complex organs or new anatomical features. Darwinists discounted the problem by arguing that evolution was too slow to observe, but this didn't change the fact that they lacked empirical confirmation for their theory.
Of course, there was plenty of evidence for minor changes in existing species-but nobody had ever doubted that existing species can change over time. Domestic breeders had been observing such changes-and even producing them-for centuries. Unfortunately, this was not the sort of evidence that evolution needed. After all, the main point of evolutionary theory was not how selection and mutation could change existing species, but how that mechanism could produce new species-indeed, all species after the first-as well as new organs and new body plans. That's why Darwin titled his magnum opus The Origin of Species, not How Existing Species Change over Time.
A growing number of people realized that the "overwhelming evidence" for evolutionary theory was a myth. It didn't help the Darwinists when it became public knowledge that they had faked some of their most widely advertised evidence. For example, they had distorted drawings of early embryos to make them look more similar than they really are (in order to convince students that they had descended from a common ancestor), and they had staged photos showing peppered moths on tree trunks where they don't normally rest (in order to persuade students of the power of natural selection).
In the first few years of this century, the cultural dominance of Darwinism was so strong, especially in academia, that critics were slow to speak up. By 2009, however, when Darwin's followers had hoped to stage a triumphal celebration of their leader's 200th birthday, millions of people were laughing at the emperor with no clothes. [...]
More and more people saw through the lies, however, and within a few short years Darwinism had lost its scientific credibility and public funding. By 2015 it was well on its way to joining its intellectual cousins, Marxism and Freudianism, in the dustbin of discarded ideologies. By 2020, Darwinism was effectively dead.
Guess What’s Hot? Politics! (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester, Clothilde Ewing and Sean Sharifi, 3/26/04, CBS News)
The latest poll from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press indicates that Americans feel the stakes of the 2004 presidential campaign are high. About 63 percent of those surveyed said it really matters who wins the election. This is up from the last presidential election when a June 2000 Pew poll showed that only 45 percent said it really mattered who won the presidency.
Democrats Trounce Bush in Negative Ads (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester, Clothilde Ewing and Sean Sharifi, 3/26/04, CBS News)
The Bush-Cheney campaign has defended its ads attacking John Kerry by saying that Kerry ran 16 negative ads against Bush before Bush-Cheney even got into the game. And a study out today by the Wisconsin Ad Project documents that Democrats have been clobbering President Bush in TV ads for months."The Democrats spent $51.3 million in the top 100 media markets during the Democratic presidential primaries … Although only a handful of ads attacked fellow Democrats in the field, half of all the ads aired by the Democratic presidential candidates had at least one negative mention of President Bush and his administration. Of the $10.6 million that now-Democratic nominee Kerry spent on advertising in his bid for his party’s nomination, 78 percent of his ads had at least one criticism of President Bush."
The study also says that "of all of the Democratic presidential primary candidates, Kerry ran the most negative television advertising campaign, with less than a quarter of his spots being purely positive. Kerry’s criticisms were entirely aimed at Bush, while other candidates, most notably Richard Gephardt and Howard Dean, also used spots to directly attack their Democratic primary opponents. Edwards and Clark were the most positive of the Democratic candidates."
The study says that by and large the Bush ads so far have been mainly positive and a Pew Poll released yesterday indicated that Americans may be aware of that fact. Forty-seven percent say that John Kerry has been too critical of George Bush, while only 33 percent feel Bush has been too critical of Kerry.
NEWS ANALYSIS: Sharon's Gaza Strategy: Good for Hamas, or Israel? (JAMES BENNET, March 26, 2004, NY Times)
Hamas sees a unilateral Israeli withdrawal as a political opportunity. In the weeks before he was killed in an Israeli missile strike on Monday, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, was in talks with other Palestinian factions over how to govern Gaza if the Israelis depart, according to officials of Hamas and Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction.That is a landmark change for Hamas. A fundamentalist group that officially seeks Israel's destruction and rejects any negotiated end to the conflict, Hamas always refused a role within the governing Palestinian Authority, regarding it as a creature of the Oslo peace framework. Since Mr. Sharon is planning to leave Gaza without an agreement, Hamas now feels free to step in, its leaders said.
How much of a role the group wants to play in running Gaza in the near term is unclear. Dr. Mahmoud Zahar, one of its leaders in Gaza, said, "We are going to contest municipal elections."
For now, the killing of Sheik Yassin has given Hamas a lift among Gaza's Palestinians. "Sheik Yassin's death will give more momentum and more power to Hamas," said one Palestinian Authority official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The Palestinian Authority in Gaza is already struggling. It is straining to meet payrolls and keep the lights turned on in ministry buildings. Its popularity has faded as Palestinians have come to view it as incompetent and corrupt. By contrast, Hamas has built a network of schools and low-cost health clinics. Its leaders live modestly and have reputations as incorruptible. [...]
Under Olso, Israel was supposed to yield civil or security control of some Gaza and West Bank land to the Palestinian Authority, which in turn was supposed to safeguard Israelis from attack by Hamas and other militant groups.
Mr. Sharon says the Palestinian Authority did not live up to its end of the deal. Now he wants to act without any agreement, withdrawing from Gaza and part of the West Bank because, he says, Israel needs to draw more defensible boundaries.
He also says he fears that if Israel does not act on its own, an internationally imposed plan may eventually deprive it of far more of the territory it captured in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
Bush criticized for gags about weapons search (Frank James, March 26, 2004, Chicago Tribune)
The jokes came at Wednesday night's annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner. In a 10-minute, mostly puckish, self-deprecating speech, the president presented a slide show he called "an election year, White House photo album."In several photos, he appeared to be searching the Oval Office. A photo of Bush looking under a piece of furniture was flashed on the large projection screens in the ballroom.
"Those weapons of mass destruction got to be here somewhere," Bush said in his narration, drawing laughter from the audience of journalists, politicians, government workers and other guests.
Another photo showed him looking through a window. "Nope, no weapons over there," the president said.
"I'm appalled," said Larry Syverson of Richmond, Va., who has a son serving with the Army in Iraq and another who recently returned after serving in the Tikrit area. Syverson read news accounts of the event.
"I think it's in extremely poor taste," he said. "I think he owes an apology to those families who have lost loved ones there and those of us that are going through the dread every day having a son or daughter in Iraq."
Syverson recalled the displeasure many military families felt with Bush after he appeared last year to be daring Iraqi insurgents to attack U.S. troops by saying "Bring it on."
"Now he pokes fun at the reason that he told us [soldiers] went over there. I think it's extremely callous."
Change in South Carolina (George Will, March 26, 2004, Jewish World Review)
With the Heritage Foundation, a Washington think tank, [Rep. Jim DeMint] has developed an ``index of dependency.''America is in, he says, ``an eleventh-hour crisis'' of democracy because it recently reached a point where a majority are ``dependent on the federal government for their health care, education, income or retirement.'' Tax reforms, from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, have removed many Americans from the income tax rolls: ``Today, the majority of Americans can vote themselves more generous government benefits at little or no cost to themselves.'' DeMint asks: ``How can any free nation survive when a majority of its citizens, now dependent on government services, no longer have the incentive to restrain the growth of government?''
DeMint's fear, that dependency produces ``learned helplessness,'' echoes Tocqueville's warning about government keeping people ``fixed irrevocably in childhood,'' rendering ``the employment of free will less useful and more rare.'' It is, Tocqueville said, ``difficult to conceive how men who have entirely renounced the habit of directing themselves could succeed at choosing well those who will lead them.''
In the context of a welfare state devoted to assuaging the insecurities and augmenting the competencies of its citizens, conservatism's challenge is to use government — collective action — to promote individualism. DeMint believes dependency can be countered by policies that foster attitudes and aptitudes requisite for independence. He favors applying to public policy the axiom that ``no one washes a rental car.'' Which means: Ownership encourages rational maintenance of resources. Consider the pertinence of this to health care.
DeMint was one of 25 doughty House Republicans who, resisting intense White House pressure, voted against the Medicare prescription drug entitlement, partly because of its cost. And this was before the administration's ``$130 billion `oops!'" — the projection of a 10-year cost that much higher than previously anticipated.
But DeMint says the Medicare bill's provision for individual health savings accounts is ``the grain of sand in the oyster,'' from which a pearl of progress may emerge.
Why are we still annoying Americans with metrics? (Dean P. Johnson, 3/26/04, Jewish World Review)
Last week saw the passing of an international hero. Steve Thoburn, 39, died in Sunderland, England from an apparent heart attack, reports said.While most people probably never heard of Thoburn, his stand against a system forced upon millions of people in both the UK and here in America echoes many people's beliefs.
In 2001, Thoburn was prosecuted for selling fruits and vegetables in pounds and ounces when the European Union requires produce to be sold in metric units.
Fortunately, Thoburn's spirit of aversion to the metric system carries on. [...]
It is time for the world to realize that our system of measurement is indefatigable because it is quintessentially American. It's no accident that the United States is one of the only countries in the world not totally committed to adopting the metric system. Rugged defiance of global influence and shrewd isolationism are representative of the American spirit. What else than good ol' American determination can fathom (6 feet) measurements like the rod (16.5 feet) or the pole (5.5 yards) or the peck (2 gallons) or the pace (2.5 feet) or the gill (half a cup) or the hogshead (63 gallons)?
America will keep her measures just as she pleases. She will not bend to the torrents of international pressures. Her scales of justice will tip left and right with ounces and pounds; her quantities of milk and honey will flow in pints, quarts and gallons; her rulers will hold its inches to a foot. And remember what Thomas Jefferson said: People get the rulers they deserve.
Bye, bye Banfield (Lloyd Grove, March 26, 2004, Jewish World Review)
Onetime cable television star Ashleigh Banfield — a publicity-magnet even before she achieved celebrity in the aftermath of 9/11 — is out at NBC News. [...]The native Canadian was a controversial figure at NBC, where detractors spread rumors of diva-like behavior and sniped at her supposed journalistic deficiencies.
Banfield didn't try to butter up colleagues and supervisors, and instead cast herself as an enemy of the Establishment. She once showed up for anchor duties at MSNBC's Secaucus, N.J., studios sporting a T-shirt that shouted, in garish glitter: "Starf — — r." But on camera, the message was discreetly concealed by a conservative jacket.
On Sept. 11, 2001, her dramatic reports from Ground Zero won her star status and her own nightly live show from Afghanistan and Pakistan, "A Region in Conflict" (for which she wore a burqa and dyed her hair) and, later, "Ashleigh Banfield: On Location."
Do thoughts count?: Intent, action and responsibility (Rabbi Hillel Goldberg, March 25, 2004, Jewish World Review)
Do thoughts count? Of course they do, one might be tempted to say, especially after forgetting an important birthday, then remembering it two weeks later. If the person you forgot is gracious, he or she will say, "It's the thought that counts." Meaning: What really counts is the action, but I'll forgive you since you meant well.Which counts most, then, thoughts or acts? It's a complicated topic in Judaism. Saul of Tarsas, propagator of Christianity, thought that Judaism regarded actions above all else. Judaism doesn't care what you think or feel, only what you do, he said. Judaism values the "law." To Saul, this was a biting criticism.
Some 1,700 years later, this was a high compliment, according to Moses Mendelsohn, the founder of the Jewish enlightenment in Western Europe.
Mendelsohn argued that Judaism required only action — and that this was a strength. Mendelsohn wished to adopt European ways of thought and felt he could do so and still remain a good Jew, provided only that he performed Jewish acts — the mitzvos, or commandments. Judaism, he said, was strictly a matter of "legislation." Any Jew was free to think whatever he wanted about G-d and philosophy, just so he observed the laws of the Torah.
Here is a contemporary version of the same approach, heard in certain Orthodox Jewish circles: Homosexuality is wrong, but only to the extent that it expresses itself in an act. The act is wrong, but the thought or "orientation" is not proscribed. Judaism values the "law" only. The circle comes back on itself, from Saul of Tarsas to Mendelsohn to some Orthodox rabbis. Strange bedfellows indeed.
The point is this: Yes, Judaism values acts; yes, Judaism is a religion of acts, of mitzvos; but no, acts do not exhaust Judaism. Far from it. Just as Saul was wrong about Judaism, ignoring the importance that Judaism places on love and other emotions and intentions, so, too, every Jewish thinker who tries to reduce Judaism to deeds alone ignores a pivotal quality of the religion.
This is brought home in this week's Torah portion by the olah sacrifice. It was offered on many occasions, one being this: Having sinful thoughts that are not carried out. Do thoughts count? Indeed they do. The very first sacrifice in Leviticus — the olah — was brought for imagining sin, for thinking unworthy thoughts. One dreamt of sin, nothing more. For this one was obligated to go to the trouble and expense of offering an olah sacrifice in the Temple.
We have no more Temple, but we do have sinful thoughts, and we do have a clear value statement about them in this week's Torah portion. Thoughts count.
I try not to commit a deliberate sin. I recognize that I'm going to do it anyhow, because I'm human and I'm tempted. And Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. Christ said, 'I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery.'I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do--and I have done it--and God forgives me for it.
Eagles dare nest in city first time in a century (GARY WISBY, March 26, 2004. Chicago Sun-Times)
Chicago is home to a pair of nesting bald eagles for the first time in more than a century, bird experts said Thursday.State officials and birders are trying to keep the eagles' location secret, lest people spook them into leaving town.
Suffice it to say they are nesting next to the Little Calumet River, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service said. The Little Calumet marks part of Chicago's southern border.
"This is a historic event," said Walter Marcisz, a longtime birder in the Calumet area. "The last eagle nesting in the Chicago area was in 1897, in the Indiana Dunes. So this is a big deal."
America's Disappearing 'Black Vote' (Todd Boyd, March 26, 2004, LA Times)
[C]onsider this question: What happened to "the black vote"? Once a hot topic of discussion during presidential campaigns, it has been noticeably absent in recent years. Instead, it is the Latino swing vote that appears to be "in play" right now, with both parties vying for this group's attention in the presidential race.It's not all that hard to figure out why. Over the years, Democrats have come to take the black vote for granted. And why shouldn't they, as long as blacks vote overwhelmingly and unwaveringly Democratic?
Republicans feel the converse: No matter what they do — even with prominent African American figures like Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice in high places — they now realize that their appeal to black voters in large numbers remains limited. So, why address this constituency? Latinos, by contrast, are up for grabs.
A cursory glance across the political landscape reveals another fact: There are no African American politicians with a substantial presence on the national stage who demand any real respect.
In your face: Bush gives Kerry a Boston beaning (Andrew Miga, March 26, 2004, Boston Herald)
Red-meat rhetoric topped the menu last night as President Bush took aim at Sen. John F. Kerry at a Boston fund-raising reception, needling his rival as a big-spending Democrat eager to boost taxes.Spicing his attacks with a dash of humor as he invaded Kerry's home turf, Bush seized on the senator's 1993 vote that would have boosted the federal gasoline tax by 50 cents per gallon.
"He wanted you to pay the extra money at the pump - and he wouldn't even throw in a free car wash,'' Bush said to a crowd of about 1,000 well-heeled supporters who paid upwards of $2,000 apiece to attend his reception at the Boston Park Plaza ballroom.
Bush ticked off a laundry list of tax cuts, ranging from the marriage penalty to the child care tax credit and the death tax, that he accused Kerry of opposing.
"My opponent is one of the main opponents of tax relief in the United States Congress,'' Bush said. ``Over the years, he voted over 350 times for higher taxes on the American people, including the biggest tax increase in American history.'' [...]
Bush shared the stage with Gov. Mitt Romney and his Bay State fund-raising chief, former U.S. Ambassador to Ireland Richard J. Egan, founder of Hopkinton-based EMC Corp. Former Gov. William F. Weld was among the crowd.
A playful Bush tweaked Romney's national political ambitions, noting he telephoned Sunday's traditional St. Patrick's Day political roast in South Boston.
"When I called in, I had the feeling they were going to ask me about a Massachusetts politician who had his eye on the White House,'' Bush recalled. ``So I addressed the issue as directly as possible: I told Mitt the job was filled until 2008."
rish Lessons (Anne Applebaum, March 24, 2004, Washington Post)
Read the British or the Irish press and you'll see references to the "battered" peace process or the "flagging" peace process, stories of Irish Republican Army beatings and kneecappings, tales of hopelessly complex machinations among Belfast politicians. But Trimble agrees that there have nevertheless been some fundamental changes over the past decade. Some IRA members, while still claiming they are fighting a war for Irish independence, in fact spend much of their time smuggling cigarettes and dealing drugs. Others have morphed into democratic politicians, and now compete in Northern Irish elections. It's unsavory for someone like Trimble to deal with them, and cigarette smuggling and drug dealing don't contribute much to the greater social good either. Still, this is preferable to the frequent bloody attacks on innocent people that once characterized the IRA's "war" on Britain.Nor is the IRA unique: Moving to another part of the world, the same phenomenon was on display last weekend in El Salvador. There, two parties that represented in effect the two sides of that country's old civil war clashed in a bitter, unfriendly but ultimately nonviolent election. The loser, a former FMLN Marxist guerrilla leader who recently congratulated Fidel Castro for imprisoning dissidents, was ungracious, refusing to congratulate the winner of his own country's election. Nevertheless, he didn't take to the forests, go underground or set off bombs. That, too, is progress.
Kerry to Offer Cut in Corporate Taxes (Jim VandeHei, March 26, 2004, Washington Post)
John F. Kerry today will propose cutting the corporate tax rate as part of an economic plan designed to create 10 million jobs by 2009 and discourage companies from sheltering taxable income overseas, his economic advisers said yesterday.
Police: 'Passion' movie prompts man to admit murder (Associated Press, March 25, 2004)
The hanging death of Ashley Nicole Wilson in January was closed as a suicide and might have remained so if longtime friend Dan R. Leach hadn't seen "The Passion of the Christ."Leach's experience viewing Mel Gibson's cinematic depiction of the last hours of Jesus Christ, coupled with a discussion with a religious adviser, caused him to walk into the Fort Bend County sheriff's department earlier this month and confess to killing Wilson, Detective Mike Kubricht said Thursday.
Leach otherwise had successfully tricked authorities and the Harris County Medical Examiner into ruling suicide, Kubricht said.
"He was very, very meticulous," Kubricht said. "It was very well-planned and well executed."
Wilson's body was discovered Jan. 19 in her apartment near Richmond, just beyond the southwest suburbs of Houston. All physical evidence pointed to suicide, Kubricht said, and Wilson had gone off several anti-depressant medications because she was pregnant.
The pregnancy apparently was the motive, Kubricht said, because Leach believed the baby was his and did not want to raise the child.
Credentials for Pulp Fiction: Pimp and Drug Addict: The novels of Donald Goines, who died in 1974, are experiencing a resurgence in popularity, fueled by prison
literacy programs, hip-hop music and now a new movie. (LOLA OGUNNAIKE, 3/25/04, NY Times)
Born to a middle-class family in Detroit, [Donald] Goines was expected to go into the family's laundry business. Instead, at 15 he falsified his age and joined the Air Force, for which he served from the early to mid 1950's. While enlisted Goines developed a heroin habit that plagued him until he died. For nearly 15 years after leaving the military, he pimped, robbed and gambled to support his addiction, spending several years in and out of prison. During his last stint behind bars Goines began his literary career. A fan of cowboy flicks, he first tried to write westerns. After reading Iceberg Slim's autobiography, "Pimp: The Story of My Life," Goines moved from the Wild, Wild West, to the wilds of America's urban jungles."Dopefiend," which follows the descent of a middle-class woman into drug abuse, was almost too graphic to be published, Mr. Morriss said. In it Terry, a prostitute, happens on the corpse of a pregnant addict who has just hanged herself and discovers "what looked to be a child's head protruding from" between the woman's naked legs, Goines writes.
When working on "Never Die Alone," Mr. Dickerson said, he shied away from many of the more graphic passages. "Some of it was too much."
While Goines's novels, like many rap songs, tend to glorify the gangsta lifestyle — pimp's wardrobes, cars and diamond jewelry are often described in loving detail — his words are also quick to condemn. Comeuppance is the guiding theme for much of his work.
Dr. Brenda Greene, director of the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, prefers to view Goines's books as cautionary tales. "You can tell someone not to do drugs," she said, "or you can give them a copy of `Dopefiend.' "
Driven by a need to support his drug habit, Goines wrote at a feverish pace, sometimes finishing books in less than month, Mr. Morriss said. His novels at times have the hurried feel of a first draft. "He was a junkie, but you'd never know it," said Mr. Morriss, who remembered Goines as introspective and low-key, standing just over 5 foot 6. "His eyes were always sharp, and he always wore long sleeves."
Though Goines wrote when blaxploitation films were beginning to flourish, bringing larger-than-life characters like Shaft, Superfly and Foxy Brown to the big screen, there are few heroes and even fewer positive role models to be found in most of his earlier works. Toward the end of his career Goines introduced Kenyatta, a character named after Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of independent Kenya. This protagonist heads a Black Panther-like organization intent on ridding the ghetto of its ills.
Whether Goines intended to move in a more political direction can never be known. In October 1974, while sitting at his typewriter at home in Highland Park, Mich., Goines was fatally shot. His common-law wife was also killed. Their murders remain unsolved.
Paring Away at Microsoft (STEVE LOHR, 3/25/04, NY Times)
On its own, the European ruling might be seen largely as a nuisance to Microsoft. Yet it comes as other forces are also weakening Microsoft's grip on desktop computers.Beyond the moves to open the Windows desktop to rivals, Microsoft faces growing competition from Linux, an operating system that is distributed free. Even more important, Microsoft's dominance is threatened by a shift in computing from the personal computer to technologies like Internet-connected cellphones and Internet-based services offered by Google and similar companies.
"The significance of Europe is not the decision itself, but it adds to the other pressures on Microsoft," said David Yoffie, a professor at the Harvard Business School.
Those pressures may be having some effect. There are signs that Microsoft has altered its practices since the settlement with the Bush administration — and the European ruling could provide a further prod.
Industry analysts note that work on the company's next generation of Windows, expected in 2006 or 2007, emphasizes programming code as building blocks, or modules, that can be removed and snapped into the larger program.
This approach may be paving the way for the day when Microsoft shifts away from its bundling approach. Skeptics, however, say that Microsoft may be adopting this approach simply because it needs to be able to locate and combat security flaws in Windows more easily.
Other analysts say that the Microsoft division responsible for MSN Web sites — and not the Windows division — is working to develop a Web search service to compete with Google. To be sure, Microsoft could eventually decide to fold its search software into Windows, as it has with other products in the past.
Critics and competitors contend that the company, having long used the bundling strategy to protect and extend its Windows monopoly into other software products, will not significantly change its approach.
"How do you really deter Microsoft from pursuing this bundling strategy when they have bet the company on it?" asked Andrew I. Gavil, an antitrust expert at the Howard University law school in Washington.
Timothy F. Bresnahan, a professor at Stanford University who was chief economist for the Justice Department's antitrust division during the Clinton administration, said, "Microsoft sees a new product and says, `We were about to invent that, too,' comes up with its version and bundles the software into Windows." The result, he added, is that "the early leader in some promising new technology is bundled out of the market."
"It's an innovation tax that is a problem for society," Mr. Bresnahan said.
Atheist Presents Case for Taking God From Pledge (LINDA GREENHOUSE, 3/24/04, NY Times)
Michael A. Newdow stood before the justices of the Supreme Court on Wednesday, pointed to one of the courtroom's two American flags and declared: "I am an atheist. I don't believe in God."With passion and precision, he then proceeded to argue his own case for why the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in his daughter's public school classroom violates the Constitution as long as the pledge contains the words "under God."
Dr. Newdow, a nonpracticing lawyer who makes his living as an emergency room doctor, may not win his case. In fact, justices across the ideological spectrum appeared to be searching for reasons he should lose, either on jurisdictional grounds or on the merits. But no one who managed to get a seat in the courtroom is likely ever to forget his spell-binding performance.
That includes the justices, whom Dr. Newdow engaged in repartee that, while never disrespectful, bore a closer resemblance to dinner-table one-upmanship than to formal courtroom discourse. For example, when Dr. Newdow described "under God" as a divisive addition to the pledge, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist asked him what the vote in Congress had been 50 years ago when the phrase was inserted.
The vote was unanimous, Dr. Newdow said.
"Well, that doesn't sound divisive," the chief justice observed.
Dr. Newdow shot back, "That's only because no atheist can get elected to public office."
The courtroom audience broke into applause, an exceedingly rare event that left the chief justice temporarily nonplussed. He appeared to collect himself for a moment, and then sternly warned the audience that the courtroom would be cleared "if there's any more clapping."
Friend Jim Siegel wrote the following:
The Consequences of Mel Gibson’s Fifth Gospel (Jim Siegel, March 2004)
1966 was the first time I read the Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I was a high school freshman in a Boston suburb at St. John’s Prep taking the required Catholic religion course. As a fourteen year old Jewish kid, I asked our teacher Brother Linus, “Why are there four versions of the story?”
Because the film medium has so much power, today Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ” is a fifth version. He thinks his Gospel is the right one and that anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong.
From what Gibson has said in recent interviews, he does not appear to be interested in having a conversation about this with anyone who has a different point of view.
Yet one good thing about the film is that it has sparked a lot of constructive conversations among Christians and among Christians and Jews. This is a consequence that I doubt Gibson intended. We’re learning more about each other. We’re learning more about ourselves. A couple of years ago Father Richard John Neuhaus, editor-in- chief of the interreligious journal “First Things” said, Salvation Is from the Jews (First Things, November 2001) :
The percentage of Christians involved in any form of Jewish-Christian dialogue is minuscule. Not much larger, it may be noted, is the percentage of Jews involved. …Only in America are there enough Jews and Christians in a relationship of mutual security to make possible a dialogue that is unprecedented in two thousand years of history…. Providential purpose in history is a troubled subject, and the idea of America’s providential purpose is even more troubled, but I suggest that we would not be wrong to believe that this dialogue, so closely linked to the American experience, is an essential part of the unfolding of the story of the world.
So far I’ve had conversations with eight friends I would describe as religious Christians who have seen the movie. Most say that its portrayal of how much Jesus suffered for them has strengthened their faith.
For them, that is good.
My friends who mentioned the portrayal of the Jews in the movie describe it as not positive. But they do not blame the Jews as responsible for the death of Jesus. Instead they say God in His love for humanity sacrificed His only son to redeem the sins of all mankind.
From what they said, I think they do believe that. I don’t think they were pulling punches for the Jewish guy.
In his unprecedented visit to the Synagogue in Rome eight years ago, Pope John Paul II denounced anti-semitism and the blaming of Jews for "what happened in Christ's passion" and proclaimed the bond between Christianity and Judaism:
Through myself, the Church, in the words of the (of the Second Vatican Council’s) well-known Declaration Nostra Aetate (Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions), "deplores the hatred, persecutions and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews at any time and by anyone;" I repeat: "by anyone."The Jewish religion is not "extrinsic" to us, but in a certain way is "intrinsic" to our own religion. With Judaism therefore we have a relationship which we do not have with any other religion. You are our dearly beloved brothers and, in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers.
No ancestral or collective blame can be imputed to the Jews as a people for "what happened in Christ's passion". Not indiscriminately to the Jews of that time, nor to those who came afterwards, nor to those of today. So any alleged theological justification for discriminatory measures or, worse still, for acts of persecution is unfounded. The Lord will judge each one "according to his own works," Jews and Christians alike (cf. Rom 2:6)
It is not lawful to say that the Jews are "repudiated or cursed," as if this were taught or could be deduced from the Sacred Scriptures of the Old or the New Testament. …(Refer to) Saint Paul in the Letter to the Romans (11:28-29), that the Jews are beloved of God, who has called them with an irrevocable calling.
Nonetheless Jews today fear that Gibson’s film will fuel overt anti-semitism. This is not paranoia. Reactions in the past to passion plays have led to dreadful acts. There is a horrible history of Jews tortured, murdered and persecuted -- from the Crusades to forced conversion or burning at the stake in Spain and Portugal to the pogroms of Eastern Europe to the Six Million exterminated in the Holocaust.
Not What Jesus Would Do.
Jesus would condemn as well the covert, “polite” American anti-semitism that caused grandparents and parents of the Baby Boom Generation to anglicize their last names in order to deflect bigotry and get jobs.
A Jewish friend of mine recalls:
I grew up in a virulently anti-Semitic neighborhood in the Midwest. The police had to surround our house every Halloween to protect us from loving Christian children. Going to school every day was pure and violent hell. To this day I recall a kid sitting on my chest in kindergarten his fingers around my throat screaming, “You f-ing Jews killed Jesus." At the time I had never heard about Jesus and really hadn't thought much about what I was or wasn't.
However, Europe and the Arab world are another story. I greatly fear the film's effect where anti-Semitism is more prevalent and more public.
In recent interviews Mel Gibson supports his father, someone who has denied Hitler’s Holocaust. Gibson is not accountable for what his father says or does. Yet Gibson does not seem to recognize that the movie will encourage people who hate the Jews. This is not a Christian act. This is irresponsible. God teaches us that we must take responsibility for our actions.
I am dismayed that Gibson presents Pilate in the movie as a sympathetic man, when all other accounts describe him as cruel and ruthless.
I am troubled that many scenes are based not on the Gospels but on the graphic, bloody and imagined visions of an early19th Century nun Anne Catherine Emmerich. One of my friends noted the scene in the movie where an earthquake cracks the Temple structure when Jesus dies. He asked, “Was it factual or made up?” Emmerich made it up. So too the movie’s prominent role of Satan.
Why should the Gospels carry more weight than Emmerich’s visions? Two thousand years’ acceptance by hundreds of millions far outweigh a 200 year old tract that only a small number of traditionalist Catholics have embraced.
Based on Emmerich’s visions and Gibson’s concept, the film portrays the Romans’ torture of Jesus with far greater gore and violence than do the Gospels. Father Bob Robbins of the Church of the Holy Family in Manhattan spoke at a packed-house, interfaith gathering of neighborhood clergy and congregants at Manhattan’s Central Synagogue on March 15. On this point, he said:
Traditionally, Christ fell three times on the way to the Cross. I stopped counting at seven! The whipping that Christ receives at first from the Romans is so severe that no human being could have lived through it. He has the Lord turned over for a second beating. He has the Romans use a cat o nines tail and there is a close-up of the flesh being torn from Jesus' body. There isn't as much blood in the human body as he has gush from every imaginable body part. The Romans are portrayed as whipping Jesus all the way on the road to Calvary – a sheer physical impossibility.
An essay on Jesus from the Jewish perspective would be incomplete without explaining the Jewish concept of the Messiah. Monsignor Tom Hartman and Rabbi Marc Gellman (“The God Squad”) explain it in their wonderfully clear way:
The Hebrew Bible doesn’t really include the idea of a personal Messiah who will end evil and usher in a time of peace. Instead, there is the idea of a ‘Day of God’ – a kind of messianic age that would bring peace to the earth. Later, in the chaos that followed the Roman destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (around the year 70 Common Era), when rabbinic Judaism gradually arose to replace the priestly sacrificial offerings, the idea of a personal Messiah developed. This idea became a part of both rabbinic Judaism and, obviously, Christianity…The rabbinic idea was that there would be two Messiahs:* A Messiah, the son of Joseph, who would die in the great battle of the end of days, fighting the forces of evil.
*A Messiah, the son of David, who would come and defeat evil, gather the scattered exiles of the Jewish people into the land of Israel, bring world peace, resurrect the dead to eternal life, and usher in the end of suffering, death and strife.”
(Source: Rabbi Marc Gellman & Monsignor Thomas Hartman, Religion for Dummies®, 2002)
Judaism does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Nor do Jews believe that the Messiah would be an incarnated god whose death would erase original sin and save mankind. The idea of original sin and its punishment are not at the core of Judaism. For my sins against other people, only they can forgive me. For my sins against God, only He can forgive me.
A fundamental principle of Judaism is that each of us is born with an inclination to do good and an inclination to do evil. Our struggle in life is to choose to act as God wants – to be His partner on earth in unfinished and ever-unfolding creation and to make the world a better place one act at a time.
We’ve got a lot of work to do.
Linking our purpose in life with Gibson’s “Passion” in particular, Central Synagogue Senior Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein said in a recent sermon:
All of us need to take responsibility for our actions and that is what we can learn from the events that surround the release of this movie. All of us would do well to think about the effects, intended or not, of what we do and what we engender. We all would do much better expanding the scope of our responsibility rather than claiming that we are powerless over others or the events of their lives or what they think.
At the start I said that the dialogue that Gibson’s movie has generated is a good thing. This is no small matter, as Father Neuhaus says:
We can and must say that there are great goods to be sought in dialogue apart from conversion; we can and must say that we reject proselytizing, which is best defined as evangelizing in a way that demeans the other; we can and must say that Jews and Christians need one another in many public tasks imposed upon us by a culture that is, in large part, in manifest rebellion against the God of Israel; we can and must say that there are theological, philosophical, and moral questions to be explored together, despite our differences regarding Messianic promise; we can and must say that friendship between Jew and Christian can be secured in shared love for the God of Israel; we can and must say that the historical forms we call Judaism and Christianity will be transcended, but not superseded, by the fulfillment of eschatological* promise. But along the way to that final fulfillment we are locked in argument. It is an argument by which—for both Jew and Christian—conscience is formed, witness is honed, and friendship is deepened. This is our destiny, and this is our duty, as members of the one people of God—a people of God for which there is no plural.
Let’s keep the conversations going.
And if Mel Gibson wants to chat, all he has to do is give me a call.
(* -- Eschatology is the branch of theology dealing with death, resurrection, judgment, immortality. I had to look that one up. )
(Endnote: For those who wish to explore this topic more deeply, has created a terrific, comprehensive e-book called The Passion Papers)
MORE (via Rod):
One Small Problem With 'The Passion' (Jeffrey K. Mann, March 9, 2004, AScribe)
Claims that the film is anti-Semitic are ludicrous, and we need to recognize them as such. Even the argument that it could inflame anti-Semitism is rather weak. And since when do we condemn a work of art because it may be misunderstood? Could one see the film and conclude that the Jews are Christ-killers? Of course. However, I suspect even more people will see the film and conclude that the savior of the world is a Jew.We live in an age when our racial sensitivities are on such high alert that we condemn not only racism, but anything that could potentially lead to racism. The Anti-Defamation League condemns the "objectionable elements that would promote anti-Semitism" in the film. This movie, according to these folks, is problematic not because it is anti-Semitic, but because it might be misused to convey anti-Semitism.
Now, in a society that constantly rewards those who claim discrimination, we can hardly be surprised by such objections. We have moved from condemning actual racism to behavior that could conceivably evoke racism. To do so is absurd and can never be applied equitably. We would have to censure "Schindler's List" for potential anti-Germanism, "The Killing Fields" for its anti-Cambodianism, "Austin Powers" for its potential anti-dwarfism, and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" for its ... wait, we've already done that.
Without the Consent of the Governed: Without a Federal Marriage Amendment, the gay marriage movement is threatening to overturn one of our bedrock legal principles: that all laws stem from the consent of the governed. (Hugh Hewitt, 03/25/2004, Weekly Standard)
Had the proponents of gay marriage taken their cause to state legislatures, they would have been rebuffed, at least today and in the foreseeable future. Across the country, even in the liberal precincts of California, supermajorities continue to believe that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, and presented with the question on ballots, have continually affirmed the millennia-old standard. And off course the Congress has already passed, by supermajorities in both houses, the Defense of Marriage Act.FACED WITH THIS WALL OF RESISTANCE, proponents of a radical new view of marriage wish to bypass the consent of the governed and impose their vision. Andrew Sullivan has taken to branding opponents of gay marriage as "theocrats," but of course those seeking to impose their own vision of society--without even a single instance of elected officials acting in legislative bodies to endorse their view--are acting in the tradition currently on display in Iran, where the reigning mullahs do everything in their power to prevent majorities from electing legislatures to represent their own desires and views. The theocrats of the gay marriage movement have set their goals above the consent of the governed.
THE MARRIAGE AMENDMENT is a necessary, indeed urgently required antidote to such a radical assault on the bedrock of the American experience. If imposition of new norms can be accomplished without even one law anywhere ever having being passed, then it can happen again and again whenever willful minorities can persuade robed elites to act without conscience against the idea that all law proceeds from the people.
Senate Passes Bill On Harm To Fetuses: Critics Say Measure Defines Start of Life (Helen Dewar, March 26, 2004, Washington Post)
The Senate gave final approval yesterday to legislation that would make it a crime to injure or kill a fetus during the commission of a federal crime of violence, overriding critics' claims that the bill defines the start of human life in a way that could undermine abortion rights.
The 61 to 38 vote to approve the measure came after a vote of 50 to 49 to reject an alternative favored by abortion rights advocates that would have imposed the same penalties without reference to the legal status of a fetus.The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, given new impetus by the killing of Laci Peterson and her unborn son in California more than a year ago, was passed by the House last month and now goes to President Bush, who strongly supported its passage.
It was the second narrowly focused initiative by antiabortion forces to pass in the past two years, fulfilling a strategy aimed at incremental gains in the absence of a congressional majority to ban abortion outright. It follows approval last year of legislation to ban a specific procedure, called partial-birth abortion by its critics.
Rice Accuses Clarke of Conflicting Stories (Steve Holland, Reuters, 3/24/04)
Rice is not testifying before the 9/11 commission based on a White House principle that a presidential adviser who has not been confirmed by the U.S. Senate should not give public testimony. Commissioners are calling on her to testify.Here's another bizarre thing I believe: when the Constitution says, in Article II, clause 1, "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America", it means that the executive power is vested in the President.About that call, she said: "I would like to be very clear that this is not a matter of preference. I would like nothing better than to be able to go up and do this, but I have a responsibility to maintain what is a long-standing constitutional separation between the executive and the legislative branch."
In February she spent four hours privately with the commission and said she would be available to answer more questions. "I'm prepared to spend longer with them, any where they want, any time they want, answer as many questions as they have," she said.
There are lots of clauses in the Constitution to which we pay less attention than we should, but this might be the one clause most ignored. For my part, I think that it means that the so-called "independent agencies" are unconstitutional and that there is no executive action within the scope of the power of the United States that the president himself can't take, unless the Constitution specifically provides a limitation. If the president chooses to delegate power to Dr. Rice, an officer of the Executive Branch not subject to Senate confirmation, then when she acts, it is the Presidency acting through her. In other words, I'm all for this claim of executive privilege.
But this hit on Dr. Rice is the cheapest of cheap shots. An oath makes no difference here at all. As Martha Stewart found, we make false statements to the government at our peril:
Section 1001. Statements or entries generally18 USC Sec. 1001. If Condi lies, whether she was under oath is the least of her problems.(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully -
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. . . .(c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to - . . .
(2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.
'Al-Qaeda has got it wrong' (Ritt Goldstein, 4/25/04, Asia Times)
A recently released Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) provided document affords some remarkably critical and militant Islamic perspectives on the "war on terror". Highlighting the unique nature of the document's perspective, it addresses an analysis of al-Qaeda's efforts by al-Jama'ah al-Islamiyah, a faction which is designated by the US State Department as a terrorist organization. The fact of the document's release by the CIA speaks volumes about its interest.Providing an equally surprising parallel, in December the US Defense Department's Strategic Studies Institute released a report describing the objectives of the Bush administration's war efforts as "politically, fiscally and militarily unsustainable". Al-Jama'ah observed essentially the same of al-Qaeda. And according to the CIA translation, al-Jama'ah argues that al-Qaeda "entangled the Muslim nation in a conflict that was beyond its power to wage". [...]
The authors blame anti-US violence (including the Trade Center bombing) for casting Islam as "the green peril". They portray a shift in US perception as transpiring during the period when America was attempting to define its "new enemy" following the Cold War.
Particularly singled out as evidence of this American development are the works of Francis Fukuyama The End of History and Samuel Huntington (The Clash of Civilizations). However, the authors pointed out that even during this period, the US sought an accommodation with the Taliban, demonstrating "the supremacy of the US self-serving logic on US strategy". But concurrently the authors saw an al-Qaeda policy of confrontation lead to the foregoing of unique opportunities that may never recur.
According to the text, because of US geostrategic (oil and gas) interests, the Taliban were offered "US$3 billion as a free grant and $300 million annually in return for leasing the pipeline transporting natural gas from the Caspian" to Pakistan. This was in reference to the trans-Afghan pipeline the US had long desired.
Al-Jama'ah cites Islamic history to make the point that mutually advantageous accommodation is not sacrilegious.
The authors note that instead of the assets and stability the proposed pipeline revenue held for both Afghanistan and Pakistan, there have instead been substantive setbacks for the global Islamic community. The siege al-Qaeda is under, as well as the increased pressures on those who are fighting traditional struggles of liberation, were seen as but one part of a much broader fallout. Particular note is given to the extreme nature of September 11, and the West's reaction to it.
L’Année de la Chine: Will Europe arm Red China? (John J. Tkacik Jr., 3/25/04, National Review)
A bitter dispute over election results is bad enough. But Taiwan's troubles — and ours — may be just beginning.The reason: Our European allies might well approve plans to sell China advanced weaponry at the March 25-26 European Union summit that begins today.
The repercussions would be disastrous. Not only could China use new weapons from Europe against Taiwan, but Chinese generals have said they're prepared to confront U.S. forces in the Pacific if America tries to help Taiwan.
Why would NATO allies put the United States in this position? Money is one reason. But European commentators suspect that France and China want to build a multipolar alliance to counter American "hegemony."
The Man Who Defused the "Bomb" (Steven Martinovich, 03/25/2004, Tech Central Station)
In the long history of the global popularity contest known as the Nobel Prizes it's beyond debate that more than a few of them were undeserved. What should also be beyond debate, however, was the merit in awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Norman Borlaug in 1970. Despite the fact that Borlaug -- who celebrates his 90th birthday on March 25 -- isn't a household name, he is owed a debt by the world that is simply beyond calculation.Borlaug's contribution to the world is what we know today as high-yield farming. During the Depression Borlaug, who had already made a name for himself researching the rust fungus, noted that areas that employed high-yield farming saw less soil lost to wind than those that employed traditional practices. Borlaug decided that his life's mission would be to spread the word about the benefits of high-yield farming.
Borlaug took that mission to Mexico in the 1940s when he became director of a wheat program. There he developed crops that were able to grow in a wide variety of climates and more quickly. Combined with fertilizer and irrigation, Borlaug's new wheat was the answer to a problem that not many people were thinking about in the years after the Second World War. The world's population was growing quickly and many third world nations faced the prospect of perpetual famine.
In 1965, India and Pakistan were two of those nations. The famines were so extreme that the institutional resistance to Borlaug's technology disappeared. The results spoke for themselves. Just three years later Pakistan became self-sufficient in wheat product. Despite a prediction by Paul Ehrlich in 1968's "The Population Bomb" that it was a "fantasy" that India would ever do the same, it managed the feat for all cereals by 1974. In 1967, the average Indian consumed 1,875 calories a day. That same average Indian consumed 2,466 calories a day in 1998 even while the population of India doubled during that period.
What Borlaug was able to do, as Gregg Easterbrook illustrated in a 1997 Atlantic Monthly essay, was grow more grain, for more people on only marginally more land. [...]
[H]e continues to add to his legacy as the man, as Easterbrook wrote, who "has already saved more lives than any other person who ever lived."
Sahara refugees form a progressive society: Literacy and democracy are thriving in an unlikely place. (John Thorne, 3/26/04, CS Monitor)
A dozen women recline on the steps of the main girls' school in the Saharawi refugee camps, their pastel robes like blots of water-color on the whitewashed cement. When the door opens and the headmistress emerges, the women suddenly leap up and crowd around her, clamoring. They are mothers seeking places for their daughters in the already-crowded school.The Saharawi women are among the most liberated of the Muslim world, and their status is characteristic of the well- organized, egalitarian society that has developed in the refugee camps over the past three decades. For all their bleakness, the Saharawi camps boast a representative government, a 95 percent literacy rate, and a constitution that enshrines religious tolerance and gender equality.
The Saharawis are the Arab nomads of Western Sahara, bound together by their Yemeni ancestry and their dialect, Hassaniya, which remains close to classical Arabic. For centuries, they roamed the territory with their camels and goats, sometimes trading with Spanish colonizers, and became known as "blue men" for the indigo robes they wear.
When Spain abandoned Western Sahara in 1975, Morocco invaded and drove the Saharawis into neighboring Algeria. Trading their camels for Land Rovers, they fought a guerrilla war under the leadership of the Polisario Front, an independence movement, until the UN brokered a cease-fire in 1991. Since then, the promised vote on independence has been stalled by disagreement over who should be allowed to participate. [...]
It has also begotten an individualistic approach to Islam. While most Muslims tend to stress the importance of the Islamic community, "the Saharawis believe that religion is a very personal issue," says Mouloud Said, the Polisario's representative in the United States. "It's a personal relationship between the human being and his Creator. This is the mentality of the nomadic society."
Mosques are conspicuously absent from the camps, in large part because the Saharawis "don't believe that to speak to God, you need a fancy place," explains Mr. Said.
Saharawis seldom pray in groups save on important Muslim holidays, and view even these ceremonies as purely optional. For some, this is a welcome escape-hatch from the religion's bloodier rituals.
"Each person has his own Islam," says Zorgan Laroussi, a translator in the camps who chose not to attend the mass slaughter of camels for the feast of al-Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. His brother-in-law Salek did go, and relishes explaining the ritual's finer points while the two men and their families share a dish of grilled hindquarters.
Saharawis are equally welcoming of other religions. "There is an almost continuous presence of church groups from all over the world - in particular the US - in the camps," says Said. "Every year for the last four years, there has been a joint prayer at Easter."
"Tolerance is not something new, but it's something [Saharawi leaders] encourage," he says. "In a tolerant society, the center prevails, not the extremes. That means respect for others, whether for the faith or their ideas."
Different hearings - and times: 9/11 hearings expose Washington's culture of caution. (Gail Russell Chaddock, 3/26/04, CS Monitor)
While the news media fixed on the firefight between the Bush White House and former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, there's a deeper theme in this week's 9/11 commission hearings: Call it un-Church imperative.Sen. Frank Church's scorching 1973-76 investigations of US intelligence operations changed the thinking of a generation. Starting with the CIA role in the downfall of Chile's Salvador Allende, the hearings targeted international "dirty tricks." Today, instead of asking why an assassination was attempted (against Fidel Castro), panels are asking why one didn't succeed (against Osama bin Laden). The difference stems partly from the 9/11 attacks themselves, which galvanized Americans against terrorists - and in favor of using stronger means of stopping them. But it also reflects a slower evolution of national opinion.
In the mid-'70s, packed hearing rooms heard of botched attempts on the life of Cuba's Castro that ranged from exploding cigars to acid in his shoes. In the wake of the just-completed Watergate hearings, the cautions stuck. At the end, assassination was no longer viewed as a legitimate tool of foreign policy, and the CIA was no longer considered a top career path for the "best and brightest."
Asked why US officials seemed cautious "to a fault" in going after bin Laden, 9/11 Commission chairman Thomas Kean recalled his days as a student at Princeton University: "The CIA was not a very good thing to go into for a while. When I was in college, I think the guy who recruited for the CIA was the dean of the college. It was a very prestigious organization to go into. Some years later, the CIA was kicked off campus and most good campuses didn't even allow them to recruit on campus because of the kind of reputation they got after some of those [Church] hearings."
Critics at the time dubbed the Church Committee hearings "potentially dangerous" to the nation's security. "The repercussions of the Church Committee's misguided zeal are still being felt today," wrote former Sen. John Tower (R) of Texas in his 1991 memoir.
That legacy was everywhere in evidence in this week's 9/11 hearings.
Who's behind the LTTE split? (Sudha Ramachandran, 3/25/04, Asia Times)
Speculation is rife in Sri Lanka over who might have engineered the recent split in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). While some are pointing to a foreign hand - India and/or the United States - others are insisting that Colombo might have had a part in fomenting the rebellion. [...]Some have suggested that it might be the Americans. After all, there is little love lost between the US and the LTTE. Washington has declared the LTTE a terrorist organization and has refused to remove this tag despite the Tigers engaging in negotiations with the Sri Lankan government. The US has in fact openly backed the government and has warned the LTTE of dire consequences if it walks out of the peace process. Less than a week before the rebellion, the US State Department issued a stern warning to the LTTE, blaming it for the assassination of Sinnathamby Sunderapillai, the United National Party's Batticaloa candidate, and the killing of P Yogeswaran, a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party.
When it expelled Karuna, the LTTE blamed "malicious elements" for instigating Karuna's "traitorous act". It did not elaborate on the identity of these "malicious elements". In a subsequent interview to the Associated Press, Thamilselvan, the LTTE's leader of the political wing, accused "external forces" for the crisis. Although he did not identify the external force, he elaborated that it was one that "did not accept the LTTE's position of being the sole representative of the Tamil people and was jealous of the high regard and acceptance it was enjoying in the international community".
Laid-Off Jac-Pac Workers Search for Work (Raquel Maria Dillon, 2004-03-25, NHPR)
It's been seven weeks since the Jac-Pac plant in Manchester closed and left 550 workers unemployed. The state Employment Security Department could not absorb this vulnerable population of mostly immigrant workers. So state officials got a federal emergency grant worth 2.4 million dollars to boost their unemployment services. In a matter of weeks, a new job training and placement center opened downtown. It will stay open for the next two years, or as long as workers need it. As New Hampshire Public Radio's Raquel Maria Dillon reports, the former Jac-Pac workers who gather there are desperate to start working again soon.Job hunting is never easy. You need a good resume, networking contacts, and someone to cheer you on when you get discouraged. The former Jac-Pac employees also need English-as-a-Second-Language classes, translation services, and training -- but at least they have the new Worker Assistance Center in downtown Manchester. [...]
Earlier this week, one of the center's new job placement counselors, Rafael Calderon was helping a job-seeker compose a resume. Like some of his clients, Calderon emigrated from the Dominican Republic, and struggled to learn English far from home. He knows finding a job will be isn't easy for new immigrants with few skills. But he's full of confidence and encouragement. He tells them that self-esteem and a firm handshake is just as important as speaking English. [...]
Calderon tries to put them at ease -- He recommends taking the language pill that will teach them English automatically [...]
If only there were...a miracle pill for Felix Soto. He stopped by the Worker Assistance Center with a handful of unpaid bills. He was injured on the job in January, less than a month before Tyson Foods closed down the Manchester plant. He hasn't received any of the workers' comp benefits he expected. But his first priority is finding a new job.
SOTO: yo estoy preparado para hacer cualquier tipo de trabajo – supervisor, produccion (son los ultimos trabajos que yo he tenido). Lo unico que quisa es por el ingles, porque el ingles mio es bien limitado.
VOICEOVER I'm prepared to do whatever kind of job: supervisory work, manufacturing -- that's what my last few jobs have beenâ€| The only thing is English, my English is very limited.
Soto moved from New York City to Manchester about a year ago. Rents are cheaper here, and he says he was lonely in Brooklyn, life is easier here. He lives with his parents and sends money home to his grandparents in the Dominican Republic and to his wife and son in Puerto Rico.
SOTO: vine con la ilusion de progresar y encontrar un futuro para los mio alla en mi pais, y estoy luchando para eso. Tengo muchas illusions metas, espero conseguir un buen trabajo y ahora estoy fuera de trabajo.
VOICEOVER I came with the hope of finding a better future for my family in my home country. That's what I'm fighting for. I have a lot of hopes and goals -- I want to find a good job and now I'm out of work. [...]
About a quarter of the Jac-Pac workers don't speak English. 40% say Spanish is their first language. The rest speak Arabic, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Bosnian and a handful of other languages. At first, workers were reluctant to come to the job center. Calderon says there was some mistrust, and lots of rumors. [...]
About 100 former Jac-Pac employees have found new jobs. Now the center is focusing in on the harder cases -- the workers with fewer skills, no English, no drivers license or transportation. Job Counselor Emily LaBlonte speaks French (with a Canadian accent) and translates for her clients from Togo (who speak French with West African accents). [...]
LaBLONTE: In NH it's so white and so European. For someone like myself, a NH native, it's very striking to see that these people do exist here. Yes, they are a minority, but they're a hidden population. You can live your life in city of Manchester and never run into these people, but they're here and they're working and contributing.
And they're heading back to work -- one by one. Lablonte says that about every day, someone comes in with good news about a new job. Earlier this week it was Michael Kuda, a refugee from Sudan. He says the new job came just in time.
KUDA: I was in a difficult of money. My wife get a new baby, I don't know how to help myself, employment security didn't pay me until today. They say they're going to send check this week. Every day I open my mailbox 2-3 times looking for check, nothing, I don't know what's going on. it's better I will find job and help myself.
Kuda says he'll be working the second shift at a fan factory in Bow. That way he can take classes in the morning, get his G-E-D, and move on to a better job.
KUDA: I'm looking on internet, job sites. All need to have high school diploma, or EGD, if you don't have that they cannot qualify your application to get the job.
LaBlonte says Kuda was one of the easier workers to place, he speaks English, he has a car, and his wife takes care of their five children. Kuda says he'll continue looking for a better job. He earned 9-25 an hour at Jac-Pac, but his new job only pays 8 dollars an hour.
Jac Pac workers find welcome at support center (DALE VINCENT, 3/22/04, Manchester Union Leader )
The Tyson plant was a magnet for immigrants and refugees, many of them recent arrivals. One asset is a strong work ethic. Another is they look out for one another. "There's a strong community spirit," said LaBonte.
Crimes against fetuses bill nears Senate passage (JIM ABRAMS, March 25, 2004, Associated Press)
Congress stood ready Thursday to send President Bush legislation making it a separate offense to harm a fetus during a violent federal crime, an issue that has become tangled with the battle over abortion.The Senate cleared the way for passing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act by defeating an amendment, backed by abortion rights lawmakers, that would have increased penalties but maintained that an attack on a pregnant victim was a single-victim crime.
The House approved the legislation last month.
The vote is being closely watched by anti-abortion and other conservative groups, who have made passage of the measure one of their top goals this year. Abortion rights groups say the bill is an effort to undermine a woman's right to end her pregnancy.
Kerry's Task Now Is to Win Enthusiasm of Democrats: Fresh from an Idaho vacation, the likely presidential nominee needs to turn his party's anti-Bush fervor into passion for him. (Mark Z. Barabak and Matea Gold, March 25, 2004, LA Times)
[E]ven as he sets his sights on the fall contest against President Bush, Kerry faces a challenge within his own party, rallying Democrats who seem more passionate at this point about beating the Republican incumbent than backing the party's apparent nominee-to-be."The early Kerry people are certainly enthusiastic about their guy," said David Rosen, a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago. "But the rest of the folks, the folks coming over and jumping on the bandwagon, I don't think they have this great enthusiasm yet for Kerry."
Rosen is convinced that will change as the senator becomes better known. But for now, Rosen and others say Kerry is still a mystery to many fellow Democrats, who know little beyond the fact that he once served in Vietnam and won a succession of primaries to clinch the party's nomination in record time.
And while Democratic leaders praised Kerry as both a candidate and potential president, notwithstanding the rough patch his campaign hit before vacation, they tacitly acknowledged that he has yet to forge a personal connection with many of the party faithful
"I think people in the Democratic Party like, admire and love him because he's a Democrat," said Mark Brewer, the state party chairman in Michigan.
Richard Clarke KOs the Bushies: The ex-terrorism official dazzles at the 9/11 commission hearings. (Fred Kaplan, 3/25/04, Slate)
Among the many feckless or snarky statements that Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and White House spokesman Scott McClellan have issued about Clarke the past few days, the observation they've recited with particular gusto is that this disgruntled ex-official was in charge of counterterrorism policy during the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole, and the bombing of our East African embassies. Their implication was: How can this guy, who allowed so much bloodshed on his watch, be blaming us?And so now here's Clarke, in an official, nationally broadcast forum, announcing: I failed, I'm sorry, please forgive me. Which, as one member of the panel noted, is more than any official in the Bush administration has said to any victims of the far more devastating 9/11 attacks.
I am not suggesting that Clarke's apology was cynical or purely tactical.
Blair meets Gadhafi, sees 'common cause' (MSNBC News Services, March 25, 2004)
In a state visit that marks Britain's willingness to welcome Libya back into the international community, British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Thursday, saying that the two shared a common goal in defeating the al-Qaida terrorist network.After historic talks with the Libyan leader, Blair said Gaddafi recognized “a common cause with us in the fight against al-Qaida, extremism and terrorism, which threatens not just the Western world but the Arab world also.”
“We are showing by our engagement with Libya today that it is possible for countries in the Arab world to work with the United States and the U.K. to defeat the common enemy of extremist fanatical terrorism driven by al-Qaida", Blair said, "and to ensure we have a more secure world because of the absence of weapons of mass destruction.”
“I think it is a very, very important signal for the whole of the Arab world,” Blair added.
The son of Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi, Saif al-Islam, said on Wednesday that his country would be prepared to compensate Jews who had lost their property in Libya. He also welcomed Libyan Jews to return to Libya and receive Libyan citizenship."In the future, we will open the file of compensation for Jews who lost their property and money," Saif al-Islam Ghaddafi said in an interview with al-Jazeera. "These people are Libyans, and therefore they will be compensated. We should call on the 30,000 Jews of Libyan origin who are living in Israel to return to Libya as citizens. This is their land and the land of their ancestors. That way, they will leave the country they took away from the Palestinians."
Ghaddafi's son said his country no longer viewed Israel as an enemy. "Until recently, Israel was an enemy," he said. "But things have changed, and the Palestinians, whom we supported with weapons, are saying that they don't want these weapons. In addition, neither Jordan nor Egypt wants a confrontation [with Israel]. We are not negotiating with Israel because it's not occupying our land; it's not a country with which we are in conflict, and we have no problems with it."
However, he stressed that Libya has no intention of recognizing Israel in the near future.
Saif al-Islam lashed out at the Arab states for failing to endorse democracy and reforms. He called on Arab leaders to agree to US demands to introduce democracy to their countries. "Instead of shouting and criticizing the American initiative, you have to bring democracy to your countries, and then there will be no need to fear America or your people," he said, addressing Arab rulers.
"The Arabs should either change or change will be imposed on them from outside," he said.
He denied reports that he is a candidate to succeed his father. "Many Arab countries are now following the policy of inherited leadership, but there are hundreds of Libyans who are better [suited] than I," Saif al-Islam said.
He even praised Israel, saying that unlike Arab countries, sons do not tend to succeed their fathers in power there.
"We don't place the appropriate person in the right place, but Israel is a democratic country," he added.
Since the arrival of the first ship-load of “government contract labour in February 1885, until the 26th Immigrant boat “Miike Maru” in the early part of 1894, some 29,032 Japanese poured into Hawaii. During the next three years from 1896 private immigration companies looked after the immigrants, and brought here 40,208 Japanese. In July 1898, Hawaii was annexed to the United Slates. The contract labour was forbidden, and over-night, Japanese labourers in Hawaii became free labourers. Children, born in the islands, were granted the right of American citizenship.For a time being, the Japanese government restricted the immigration to Hawaii, but the bar was lifted in the latter part of 1901, and a limited number of Japanese was allowed to leave Japan. Within the short period of five or six years more than 40,000 Japanese came. The majority of these Japanese made Hawaii their stepping-stone and deluged the Pacific coast states. In 1907 the ‘Gentleman’s Agreement” was drawn up, and the immigrants from Japan were stopped. With the passage of the Immigration Act in 1924, Japanese were excluded from the United States. Not a single Japanese Immigrant can now come into Hawaii.
Looking back at the past half a century, the Japanese have gone through many striking changes. They have built up slowly, the foundation of today, but industrially they have not accomplished anything very striking. Only in population, have the Japanese beaten other nationalities. Out of some 15.000 Japanese only a third are first generation Japanese. Death has removed many of them; others have gone back to Japan. But the second and third generation Japanese are increasing steadily. Over 10,000 are now exercising their right as voters, and many engaged in hopeful occupations. These facts are most encouraging, and they strengthen our hope of the future.
However today, the Japanese both of the first and second generation are being put to a test. They are, in the words of the streets, “being put on the spot.” They are seriously been questioned:
a. Have the Japanese during the past fifty years made an honest effort toward assimilation?
b. Are the Japanese born in Hawaii truly loyal American citizens, or can they become absolutely loyal to America?
c. Are the Japanese bringing up their children into good and loyal American citizens?
The future of the Japanese in Hawaii, and the relations between the two countries depend on the solution of these two problems. Japanese have been excluded from Canada. Australia, America and Brazil. The chief reason is that “Japanese do not assimilate,” for example, let us quote some of the outstanding arguments.That this article is wrong is self-evident. There was no reason to think that the Japanese would not be able to assimilate into a majority white, majority Christian, English speaking culture. Mexicans, on the other hand . . .1. Mr. McClatchy. Editor of ” Sacramento Bee,” holds that the Japanese as a race cannot assimilate. He gives three reasons:
a. “Japanese racial characteristics, heredity and religion prevent social assimilation,
b. “Japanese government claims all Japanese, no matter where born, as its citizens, thus preventing political assimilation.
c. “Individually and in mass with opportunity offered and even when born under the American flag, they have shown pronounced antagonism to assimilation.”
2. After his extensive tour of Hawaii in July, 1923 the late Congressman Charles F. Curry of California stated:
“I do not think there is any possibility of Americanising the Hawaiian Japanese who were born in Japan. While a majority of them may not wish to return to Japan, they are nevertheless loyal to the Mikado ant their government, and Japan is first in their thoughts at all times. This is only natural in as much as they speak an alien language and live among the alien people.
“In so far as the native-born Japanese are concerned; that portion of them who are sent back to Japan for their education and return to the United States just before the time when they would be required for army service are also alien in thought and sympathy. Same result must be expected of those who are educated even in Hawaii under the alien influences. Public Schools in Hawaii should exert their utmost endeavour to correct these evils. Y.M.C.A. and Sunday Schools are called upon to pay particular attention to them.
“I am convinced more than ever that aliens ineligible to citizenship should be excluded in the future, and that an immediate stop should be placed upon the bringing of ‘picture brides’. All Oriental influences must be stamped out.
3. In this argument against the injunction proceeding instituted by the language schools against the Act 36, ex-Governor W. F. Frear said:
“The most important problem of this territory is the character of the children who are to become our future citizens. Whether Hawaii will have a commission form of government, or whether she will be granted statehood will be largely determined by the character of our future citizens. Will these citizens of Oriental descent act as the United States citizens or as the subject of Japan, or as citizens half-American and half-Japanese is a most Important problem?”
Today the questions of commission form of government and the statehood are being widely discussed. Naturally the qualifications and loyalty of our second-generation are seriously questioned. We can easily surmise that President Roosevelt came here primarily to make a personal check on the problems of our second generation.
“To the eyes of those who came here to give us an once-over, do the Japanese in Hawaii seem to be making honest efforts assimilate, and are they actually assimilating? Or as Mr Frear feared, does it look as though the Japanese are trying their outmost to become subjects of Japan or citizens half-American? Are we able to pass these tests?
“When a person is living in a room of a large family, he must follow the rules of that home. Otherwise he can never get along harmoniously with the others living in the home. We are living today in a corner of American territory under the protection of America and are enjoying many privileges. We have an obligation to perform. That is we must try to assimilate and bring our children up into good and loyal American citizens. In a sense our boys and girls are adopted children of America, and we must see to it that they become simon-pure American citizens. If we perform this task sincerely we would be rendering a great service to both America and Japan.”
On the eve of his departure from Seattle, Viscount Kikujiro Ishii said:
“The Americanisation campaign which is now going on in the United States is a nation-wide movement. As long as you are residents of America you must make your status clear. If you desire to assimilate, you must make up your mind to live here permanently. If you can not assimilate, you ought to return to Japan.”
Today Japanese in Hawaii are displaying Japanese spirit in full colour. This may be the reaction of the rise of nationalism in Japan. Many of the Japanese schools have become Japanised. Imperial rescript is boldly read and taught in some of the schools. Some teachers have openly declared that they are teaching Japanese spirit through the medium of the Japanese language. This audacity may he the result of their mistaken idea of victory in the legal battle. If the Japanese go on in the present conditions, they will fail miserably in the test. Politically and socially America may oppress the Japanese. The doors of Canada, Australia and South American countries may be closed more and more tightly. We must think more of the future and remove every obstacle that hinders our real progress.
All sorts of suggestions on the ways and means of celebrating the Fiftieth anniversary of the first landing of Japanese immigrants in Hawaii have commenced to appear in the various newspapers. It is a splendid thing to observe this memorable day. As a fitting celebration can the Japanese throughout the territory get together and work for the radical change our community? As Ishii has said: “Let’s remove every trace of alien influence and attitude” and expatriate all our children from their allegiance to Japan. Then we will be declaring to the world that the “Japanese can truly assimilate” and that “our children can become loyal citizens.” This will be more suitable work than having a noisy festival.
Teenager promised sex with virgins if he blew himself up near soldiers (Ellis Shuman, March 25, 2004, Israeli Insider)
"I wanted to get to the Garden of Eden, to have sex there with 72 virgins," said 14-year-old Hussam Abdu, who approached an army roadblock near Nablus yesterday with 8 kilograms (14 pounds) of explosives wrapped around his waist. Alert IDF Paratroopers suspected the teen bomber, and helped him cut off the belt. It was the second time in ten days that Nablus terrorists have sent a young boy on a bomb mission."They told me that this was the only way (to get to Heaven), and they promised that my mother would get one hundred shekels ($22) if I did this," Hussam told the soldiers after the belt was removed. Hussam said that after being bullied in school, he wanted "to be a hero."
Hussam's path to the Garden of Eden was planned to pass through the Huwara roadblock, south of Nablus, where ten days ago an alert Border Policewoman spotted an innocent-looking 12-year-old carrying a heavy bag with wires protruding from it.
Howard Zinn's History Lessons (Michael Kazin, Winter 2004, Dissent)
From the 1960s onward, scholars, most of whom lean leftward, have patiently and empathetically illuminated such topics-and explained how progressive movements succeeded as well as why they fell short of their goals. But Zinn cares only about winners and losers in a class conflict most Americans didn't even know they were fighting. Like most propagandists, he measures individuals according to his own rigid standard of how they should have thought and acted. Thus, he depicts John Brown as an unblemished martyr but sees Lincoln as nothing more than a cautious politician who left slavery alone as long as possible. To explain why the latter's election in 1860 convinced most slaveowners to back secession, Zinn falls back on the old saw, beloved by economic determinists, that the Civil War was "not a clash of peoples…but of elites," Southern planters vs. Northern industrialists. Pity the slaves and their abolitionist allies; in their ignorance, they viewed it as a war of liberation and wept when Lincoln was murdered.To borrow a phrase from the British historian John Saville, Zinn expects the past to do its duty. He has been active on the left since his youth in the 1930s. During the 1960s, he fought for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam and wrote fine books that sprang directly from those experiences. But to make sense of a nation's entire history, an author has to explain the weight and meaning of worldviews that are not his own and that, as an engaged citizen, he does not favor. Zinn has no taste for such disagreeable tasks.
The fact that his text barely mentions either conservatism or Christianity is telling. The former is nothing but an excuse to grind the poor ("conservatism" itself doesn't even appear in the index), while religion gets a brief mention during Anne Hutchinson's rebellion against the Puritan fathers and then vanishes from the next 370 years of history.
Given his approach to history, Zinn's angry pages about the global reach of U.S. power are about as surprising as his support for Ralph Nader in 2000. Of course, President William McKinley decided to go to war with Spain at "the urging of the business community." Zinn ignores the scholarly verdict that most Americans from all classes and races backed the cause of "Cuba Libre"-but not the later decisions to vassalize the Caribbean island and colonize the Philippines. Of course, as an imperial bully, the United States had no right, in World War II, "to step forward as a defender of helpless countries." Zinn thins the meaning of the biggest war in history down to its meanest components: profits for military industries, racism toward the Japanese, and the senseless destruction of enemy cities-from Dresden to Hiroshima. His chapter on that conflict does ring with a special passion; Zinn served as a bombardier in the European theater and the experience made him a lifelong pacifist. But the idea that Franklin Roosevelt and his aides were motivated both by realpolitik and by an abhorrence of fascism seems not to occur to him.
The latest edition of the book includes a few paragraphs about the attacks of September 11, and they demonstrate how poorly Zinn's view of the past equips him to analyze the present. "It was an unprecedented assault against enormous symbols of American wealth and power," he writes. The nineteen hijackers "were willing to die in order to deliver a deadly blow against what they clearly saw as their enemy, a superpower that had thought itself invulnerable." Zinn then quickly moves on to condemn the United States for killing innocent people in Afghanistan.
Is this an example of how to express the "commonality" of the great majority of U.S. citizens, who believed that the gruesome strike against America's evil empire was aimed at them? Zinn's flat, dualistic view of how U.S. power has been used throughout history omits what is obvious to the most casual observer: al-Qaeda's religious fanaticism and the potential danger it poses to anyone that Osama bin Laden and his disciples deem an enemy of Islam. Surely one can hate imperialism without ignoring the odiousness of killers who mouth the same sentiment.
Kerry spoke of meeting negotiators on Vietnam (Michael Kranish and Patrick Healy, 3/25/2004, Boston Globe)
In a question-and-answer session before a Senate committee in 1971, John F. Kerry, who was a leading antiwar activist at the time, asserted that 200,000 Vietnamese per year were being "murdered by the United States of America" and said he had gone to Paris and "talked with both delegations at the peace talks" and met with communist representatives.Kerry, now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, yesterday confirmed through a spokesman that he did go to Paris and talked privately with a leading communist representative. But the spokesman played down the extent of Kerry's role and said Kerry did not engage in negotiations.
Asked about the appropriateness of Kerry's saying that the United States had "murdered" 200,000 Vietnamese annually when the United States was at war, Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan said "Senator Kerry used a word he deems inappropriate."
Meehan said Kerry "never suggested or believed and absolutely rejects the idea that the word applied to service of the American soldiers in Vietnam." Meehan then declined to say to whom Kerry was referring when he said that the United States had murdered the Vietnamese; Kerry declined to be interviewed about the matter. [...]
When Kerry was asked by committee chairman Senator J. William Fulbright how he proposed to end the war, the former Navy lieutenant said it should be ended immediately and mentioned his involvement in peace talks in Paris.
"I have been to Paris," Kerry said. "I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government and of all eight of Madam Binh's points . . . ."
The latter was a reference to a communist group based in South Vietnam. Historian Stanley Karnow, author of "Vietnam: A History," described the Provisional Revolutionary Government as "an arm of the North Vietnamese government." Madam Nguyen Thi Binh was a leader of the group and had a list of peace-talk points, including the suggestion that US prisoners of war would be released when American forces withdrew.
An Unlikely Immigration Champion (Tamar Jacoby, March 23, 2004, LA Times)
[E]ven if no bill is passed in the foreseeable future, the Bush initiative still marks a critical step forward in the effort to make our immigration code rational, bringing it more into line with the realities of the global labor market.For one thing, popular or not, the proposal has already energized a national conversation about immigration — a conversation that would never have taken place otherwise. Despite the glaring failure of current law — a failure acknowledged both by those who want higher immigration ceilings and those who are determined to lower them — no one on either side of the argument had made any headway with the public since 9/11. The Bush initiative changed that overnight.
Second, the Bush proposal has put a floor under the immigration debate: a point beyond which we as a nation can no longer retreat. The analogy is civil unions for gay couples. Just a few months ago, that seemed like a radical idea. Now, in the light of the debate about gay marriage, civil unions are the least-generous option and a plausible fallback position even in some conservative states. So too now with a guest worker program and more realistic immigration ceilings.
Finally, by making clear that the critical question about an immigration overhaul is not if but when, the president's speech created space for advocates to get busy working out the details of a reform package. The Bush proposal is only the roughest outline of the change that's needed. The most glaring gap has to do with enforcement. Congress' last best idea for enforcing the nation's existing immigration code — the employer sanctions at the heart of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act — has proved a total failure, and nobody has come up with a better notion.
For more than a hundred years now, Americans have tolerated — and worse, all but deliberately maintained — a vast underclass of disenfranchised and exploitable foreign laborers. In California, they included Chinese, then Filipinos and then mostly, since the 1920s, Mexicans. Wherever they came from, they've done our dirtiest work, mainly though not only in the fields. But because they came as temporary workers or without papers — though often with a wink from ineffective immigration authorities — they were easily taken advantage of and could be deported at will. They are the last century's dirtiest secret. Yet now, led by, of all people, a conservative Republican president, the nation is moving toward abolishing this shameful institution.
Sofia Coppola, who owns a fashion business in Japan, recently captured the best original screenplay Academy Award for the movie Lost in Translation—making her the fourth Oscar-winning member of the Coppola dynasty, after her father Francis, grandfather Carmine, and first cousin Nicolas Cage. Bill Murray stars as a morose and mordant American action movie star who finds himself washed up in a Tokyo Hyatt.The hotel seems dispiritingly like every other downtown luxury hotel in the world. But its Japanese idiosyncrasies make it subtly disconcerting.
Japan refuses to import millions of Third Worlders, so the Japanese have robotized many service jobs. This takes Murray some getting used to. His drapes fling themselves open in the morning. In a hotel gym devoid of personal trainers, he finds himself in the clutches of an unstoppable and hyperactive exercise machine shouting indecipherable and no doubt deranged commands.
But, of course, it's the puzzling uniqueness of Japanese life that helps make Lost in Translation so entertaining. You leave the theatre thinking that a trip to the Orient would be disappointing if it wasn’t a little disorienting. Isn't travel more fun when other countries are different from your own?
In a lot of small ways, Japan is indeed very different. Consider professional nail care. [...]
The Japanese voters think their islands are crowded enough already without importing human nail polishers. And the Japanese government is mysteriously inclined to enforce the will of its people.
So the Japanese have done something that by our standards is weird, even comical. They've invented yet another kind of vending machine, this one for doing your nails. You stick your finger in, and it gives it back (you hope) with the nail painted to your specifications using inkjet printer technology.
Bush's Meandering Moral Compass (Peter Singer, March 25, 2004, LA Times)
Do Bush's statements and actions reflect a coherent, defensible ethic?First, what does Bush think about the proper reach of the federal government? In his preelection memoir, "A Charge to Keep," he was eloquent about his support for states' rights, individual freedom and small government. He contrasted that with "a philosophy that seeks solutions from distant bureaucracies" and added, "I am a conservative because I believe government closest to the people governs best."
Again and again during the campaign he hammered that theme. On the "Larry King Show," in response to a question about a hypothetical state vote on gay marriage, he replied: "The states can do what they want to do. Don't try to trap me in this states' issue."
Yet in office, Bush has done just the opposite of what he said he would do. The Patriot Act has given the federal government unprecedented powers over American citizens. Arguably, that legislation may be justified by the need to combat terrorism. But no such justification exists for Bush's support for a constitutional amendment to rule out gay marriage. Here, his stated reason for this proposal is to curb "judicial activism." And what about attempts by his attorney general to overturn Oregon's law permitting physician-assisted suicide and to fight against state decisions allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes? These changes were brought in at the ballot box, by the state's voters.
Next, take Bush's stance on taxes. Leading up to the 2000 election, he argued for a tax cut on the basis that the government was running a huge surplus, and the money should be given back to the taxpayers. Instead of government spending the money, he said, his preferred option was "to let the American people spend their own money to meet their own needs."
When the surplus evaporated and turned into a huge deficit, however, Bush did not reverse his arguments. Instead, he simply switched ground, defending a further tax cut on a completely new basis: that it would benefit the economy. But now a tax cut was not letting the American people spend their own money; it was letting this generation of Americans spend the money of future generations.
Finally, there is Bush's policy on the sanctity of human life. In August 2001, he announced that his administration would not allow federal funds to be used for research on stem cells if that funding could encourage the destruction of human embryos — even though there are more than 400,000 surplus embryos in laboratories across the country and the chances of most of them ever becoming children are close to zero.
In defending this policy, the president says he worries about "a culture that devalues life" and believes that, as president, he has "an important obligation to foster and encourage respect for life in America and throughout the world." Yet under his command, the U.S. military has, by the most conservative estimates, caused the deaths of at least 4,000 civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq — the real number could easily be three times as high — and injured thousands more. Sometimes a target as insignificant as a single Taliban truck has brought American bombs down on a village, killing people sleeping in their homes.
Second, if you believe that people can generally spend their own money more effectively than the government can spend it for them, then what does it matter if there's a deficit? Does the government's insatiable need for more money demonstrate that it is more efficient than the citizenry? Or does it not demonstrate the truth of the initial proposition?
Finally, it is innocent life that is to be protected, not that which is morally compromised. This why it is appropriate to put to death criminals and to make war on totalitarian regimes. Indeed, as the Declaration of Independ3ence says, the people of Afghanistan and Iraq had a moral duty to depose their rulers. They failing to do so, we did it for them.
Only Fools Bark at Dogma (Patrick O'Hannigan, 03/22/04, Catholic Exchange)
Many freedom-loving Americans are frustrated by Christianity. They stumble over dogma, not because anything in it is provably wrong, but because dogma is the public face of authority, and they do not comprehend the nature and purpose of authoritative teaching — particularly as expressed by the Catholic Church.Where pious people part company with thoughtful agnostics is not in thinking that truth and virtue sustain each other, but in articulating the implications that flow from that premise. As Thomas Aquinas wrote in answer to the first question of his Summa Theologica, "The entire salvation of man depends upon the knowledge of the truth."
Note the lack of equivocation: this Doctor of the Church has confidence in our ability to comprehend enough of what is true to preserve both sanity and hope.
The Christian understanding of freedom has an equally impressive pedigree. It dates back to Judaism, and the prominent role that free will plays in the Garden of Eden. As Fr. James V. Schall writes: "No faith is worth anything at all if it is not rooted in freedom, freedom not for its own sake — as if there was nothing further than making our own choices — but freedom to seek and live by what is true and what is right."
Did 311 = 911?: Spain’s Surrender, and the Destiny of Europe (Nicholas Stix, March 21, 2004, Men's News Daily)
By the early 20th century, Europeans tended to speak synonymously of “Europe,” “Christianity,” and “the West.” But Christianity was born in the same place as Judaism – the Middle East. Christianity may have achieved its greatest political power in Europe, but its greatest religious passion had peaked long before it arrived on the Continent. By the mid-19th century, at the height of European power, Christianity was a decadent, empty shell. And the ideas associated with “the West” were already moving … west.Until the past generation, the notion of being a “European,” as opposed to the national of a particular country, was an oddity. There were no “Europeans,” there were only Frenchmen, Germans, etc. Today, since “Europeans” refuse to identify themselves in opposition to Asia and Africa (and South America isn’t a part of their consciousness), the only reason I can see for their identification with the Continent, is in unified opposition to America. (No, not “North America”; Europeans are indifferent to Mexico and Canada. The term “North America” functions merely as a petty insult to Americans.)
The official story today, is that nationalism destroyed Europe. As is so often the case, the official story is nonsense. Nineteenth century European history is largely split between wars pitting nation-states and alliances against each other, and the rise of revolutionary, transnational movements (communism, pan-Germanism). Those two trajectories converged and exploded, in the first half of the 20th century. In each case, a transnational movement (communism, national socialism) bonded with a national base and nationalistic passion (Russia, Germany, Austria). The irony, is that one of the reasons that Europe failed to stop Nazism, was due to the interwar influence of a bureaucratic, pacifist humanitarianism. After the war, that pacifist humanitarianism was left standing, unchallenged, in Western Europe, where it still saps the Continent’s strength. Today, corrupt, supranational bureaucracies (the UN, EU) are manipulated by nationalist interests (France, Germany, Russia) in the name of “internationalism.”
And as Europeans permit their nations to be swamped with their Muslim enemies, one wonders if the nations of the Old World will go down with a bang or a whimper.
Al Green on Gay Marriage and Prince (Peter Scholtes, March 19, 2004, Complicated Fun)
Have you ever met Prince?
Yes, I got some Minneapolis memories. And I got to see Prince once. But I really never got a chance to get close enough to him to shake his hand. And that's what we wanted to do, was go meet him. He was at the Grammys once, maybe two or three years ago. He sung and he played his guitar, and vroom, they went off the stage, and nobody got a chance to meet anybody or say hello or anything like that.
But he's a tremendous, dynamic personality and a wonderful performer, and I know you guys up there know that. I mean he's awesome in his own right. And everybody got their way of doing things, you see. That may be his way of keeping himself where he's clear at, you know? So if he don't want to talk with the Letterman or Leno people, or whatever that is, everybody got their own way. I don't condemn a man for having his own way. If that's the way he is, then that's what he's got to do, to keep his head together. If he don't want to talk to people about what he's doing and what his thing is, then that's his prerogative to have that, and people should respect that, you know?
I mean, I don't want to jump in the man's business. My idea was, it would be exciting for me to meet him.
Germany axes Lederhosen subsidies (Reuters, 23 March, 2004)
Germany can no longer afford state aid to help its yodellers buy Lederhosen, the Bavarian government says, in a sign of how drastically public finances have deteriorated in Europe's largest economy."We no longer want to sponsor the Lederhosen with subsidies," Bavarian Premier Edmund Stoiber said, ignoring outcries from traditional folk groups, some of whom have threatened to boycott the opening parade of the Munich Oktoberfest, the world's biggest beer festival.
The Alpine state had previously provided the 300,000 members of its folklore groups with half a million euros in state funds to help buy traditional Bavarian attire such as the leather shorts -- amounting, one newspaper said, to a subsidy of 13 percent per garment.
Putin on the Writs (Marta Glazier, 03/17/2004, Tech Central Station)
In the midst of so many tumultuous changes (Presidential Administration turnover not one of them), the Yeltsin-era Mikhail Kasyanov was booted for Mikhail Fradkov, who the pundits claim is a complete "unknown" and has been chosen to execute Putin's wishes. Now, just for kicks, let's say that is true. Yes, Putin has replaced a Soprano-type family member with a man with little political clout, but with experience in essentially two areas: tax collection/corruption control and relations with the European Union.Maybe, just maybe, Putin (and I share this view) thinks that corruption and tax evasion, are intermingled and potentially the most destructive problems in post-Soviet Russia. And let's say that Putin recognizes how important foreign relations are in this quickly shrinking world, and in particular, Russia's relationship with the EU, as well as the effect these relationships could have on his ambitious plans for Russia's economy. And maybe, like any CEO or good manager, Putin wants someone working for him who is smart and fresh, responsive and even malleable, depending on the position - someone untouched by ugly political entanglements and tainted experiences. In a nutshell, appointing Fradkov as Prime Minister could mean that Putin's priorities are to fight corruption and improve relations with the EU, while simultaneously looking out for Russia's best interests. [...]
It seems to me that Putin has one thing on his mind: growing Russia's economy. And that includes its trade interests in the surrounding countries (the actual trade effects of the EU expansion remain unclear. Russia and the EU disagree in terms of their predictions). Over the past eight years, living standards have improved dramatically and the creation of a middle class has been initiated. By contrast, most of Western Europe is middle class, most Europeans live in a clean and safe environment where venturing out on a sidewalk in January is not the equivalent of signing up for an arm cast of plaster. Russia's government does not have the luxury of planning 20 years down the road whether for future trade or environmental benefits.
The EU's Fine State Of Affairs (Forbes, 3/23/2004)
A few weeks ago, a man in Finland was fined 170,000 euros, or $208,847, for speeding, which was said to be a record. In Finland, it appears that speeding tickets are assessed according to income and the man in question, heir to his family's sausage business, earned nearly 7 million euros, or $8.6 million, per year.For the record, the Finnish fine amounted to about a week's pay....
Brussels is not far from Finland, which is where Microsoft ... is reportedly facing a fine from the European Union of 487 million euros or $613 million relating to antitrust violations ...
The amount is far less than the theoretical maximum 10% of the company's annual revenue of $32.2 billion ...
"We believe it's unprecedented and inappropriate for the Commission to impose a fine on a company's U.S. operations when those operations are already regulated by the U.S. government," Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft's lead lawyer in Europe, told the Associated Press. "The conduct at issue has been permitted by both the U.S. Department of Justice and a U.S. court."...
One would think that fine levelers would seek to pay attention to the seriousness of the offense as well as the ability to pay. No one suggests that Microsoft earned more than a pittance of its overall profit--in Europe or anywhere else--from either servers or its Media Player software. But Mario Monti, antitrust chief of the European Union, thinks the issue goes beyond the specific violations ...
So, where does the EU get $613 million? Perhaps from Finland. The fine, as it happens, works out to about one week's worth of Microsoft's annual worldwide revenue.
Sometimes on the Brothers Judd we argue that the Judeo-Christian ethic of kindness and love is better for the economy than the sheer self-interest, however enlightened, of homo economicus. Europe's ongoing decline will continue to provide support for that thesis.
Jihadists keen to repeat Spanish effect (The Australian, 24 March 2004)
The legacy from Spain is that political parties, in government or opposition, must decide whether to lead or merely to follow public opinion as the war on terrorism penetrates the political culture of Western democracies.One of the first responses has come from Britain's Conservative Party leader Michael Howard, who chose defiance.
Howard's message is that terrorists cannot manipulate Britain to repeat the "Spanish effect", whereby an opposition won by seeking to separate itself from the US – in effect, to procure a better deal from the terrorists.
"If the terrorists hope they can gain their ends by perpetrating in Britain a similar outrage to that in Spain, their wickedness will be in vain," Howard told a News Corporation conference in Mexico. His comments reflect an unspoken reality – that toppling Tony Blair via a massive strike on Britain would be the prize for the jihadists.
"Whatever my disagreements with Tony Blair, any government that I lead will not flinch in its determination to win the war against terror where it has to be fought," Howard said. "It would be a terrible thing indeed if last week's murders in Madrid led the terrorists to conclude that attacking America results in retribution but attacking Europe results in victory. We cannot buy ourselves immunity by changing our foreign policy."
Howard confronted the issue at the heart of Europe's agony – that the war on terror has to be won side by side with the US. There is no other way. A separate peace would never work and it is folly to think that it would (as many Europeans do). Appeasement would usher in a new dark age.
(via John Resnick):
Gee, look who's 'outsaucing'! (CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA, MARCH 20, 2004, Times of India)
John Kerry's financial fortunes may be linked to a ketchup empire, but in his political notebook, what's sauce for the goose isn't sauce for the gander. The Democratic Presidential nominee, who has been railing against outsourcing, is walking on a sticky wicket on the issue. There are outsourcing footprints all over Kerry's pristine all-American turf.
H J Heinz & Co, the family business of Kerry and his wife Teresa, has spread its ketchup operations across the world. Of the 79 factories that the food processor owns, 57 are overseas. Heinz makes ketchup, pizza crust, baby cereal and other edibles in such countries as Poland , Venezuela , Botswana , Thailand , and most of all, China and India .
That's not all. Campaign finance reports reviewed by the Congressional publication, The Hill, reveal that executives at 25 companies identified by CNN's Lou Dobbs as prime outsourcers have contributed more than $370,000 to Kerry's presidential campaign. Among them are executives of Citigroup (who contributed $68,250 to Kerry), Morgan Stanley (gave $38,000) and Goldman Sachs (gave $50,300).
Direct investments and trusts controlled by Kerry list assets of $124,026 to $636,000 in companies that outsource jobs, according to his financial disclosures. Trusts held by Teresa Heinz Kerry hold at least $8.5 million in outsourcing companies. Among them are General Electric, IBM and AIG which have big operations in India and China .
All this has led analysts to believe that Kerry's anti-outsourcing stand is just election season posturing.
The Arnold Effect: Senate race tests his coattails: Incumbent Boxer faces a strong Republican in a race that may revive California's GOP. (Daniel B. Wood, 3/25/04, CS Monitor)
The fact that Senator Boxer faces a challenge amplifies the question of whether the GOP can stage a Schwarzenegger-led comeback. From now through November's presidential election, analysts say, that's the story to watch: whether the governor's coattails will be as broad as his smile and whether Republicans - whose fortunes have long sagged here - and President Bush himself can ride Schwarzenegger's honeymoon train. Is the movie star's popularity strictly personal, they ask, or a harbinger of further expansion among Republicans promoting his formula for social tolerance and fiscal conservatism?"There is no question California is enjoying a new era of enthusiasm and possibility because of its historic recall election," says Steven Schier, a political scientist at Carleton College in Northfield, Minn. "The question is, is this a new era of Republican possibilities or does it go no further than [Schwarzenegger's] popularity?"
To be sure, Boxer has a loyal following, and with over 1 million more registered Democrats than Republicans, she has a clear advantage - though Republicans say they'll register half a million new voters by November. Though more liberal than most senators, she's a national figure and is considered a formidable campaigner.
For his part, Jones is an eight-year assemblyman and eight-year secretary of state, author of the controversial "three strikes, you're out" law that became a national model. The former rancher and businessman won a second term as secretary of state in 1998 with the endorsement of nearly every major state newspaper. He's considered a specialist in agriculture, trade, and water issues and has received national attention for tightening voting laws.
"The attempt by conservative Bill Jones to unseat liberal Barbara Boxer will be the first big test in California of whether Arnold Schwarzenegger's rise to victory was an anomaly or [if] Republicans are making a comeback here," says Jack Pitney, a political scientist at Claremont McKenna College. "If Jones even comes close, then it's a sign that the Democratic swing of California in recent years may have crested and is headed in the other direction."
Hard-liners take hard hit in Malaysia: Secular wins in national elections emphasize narrow appeal of strict Islamist politics. (Simon Montlake, 3/25/04, CS Monitor)
The sweeping victory of Malaysia's secular rulers in last Sunday's national elections emphasizes the narrow appeal of Muslim hard-liners in Southeast Asia, where strict religion-based politics run up against multiethnic realities.Muslim voters dealt a potentially knock-out blow to the conservative Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), which slid to third place in parliament.
This message may resonate in neighboring Indonesia when it holds national elections on Apr. 5. Although several Muslim-oriented parties are expected to do well, their platforms mostly eschew calls for strict Islamic law in favor of vague appeals to Muslim brotherhood.
"[PAS's] loss will be felt across the Muslim world. They were seen as a future model for political Islam in a democratic context," says Karim Raslan, a political analyst and author. PAS has forged close ties in recent years with like-minded parties in Indonesia, Egypt, and other Muslim-dominated countries, he says.
For Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, a former Muslim scholar who took office last October and campaigned on a platform of rural development and anticorruption, the election was a personal triumph. His ruling coalition won 90 percent of seats in parliament and regained majority in one of two state legislatures formerly dominated by PAS. Adding to its humiliation, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang lost his seat by only 163 votes.
Noordin Sopiee, who chairs Malaysia's Institute of Strategic and International Studies, a political think tank, says this shows Islamic challengers to secular politics can be curbed at the ballot box. "There's a lesson here. You can democratically win over conservative, fundamental Muslim candidates if you have the right mixture of leaders and policies, and if you appeal to people with respect and humility," he says.
Poll-watchers in Malaysia give Abdullah credit for reaching out to rural Malays who deserted the ruling party at the last election in 1999. They say his soft-spoken manner, Islamic piety, and refusal to rise to the bait of his conservative foes played well among Malay voters, particularly first-time voters attracted to his reformist rhetoric.
Clarke contrasts Bush, Clinton terror priorities (HOPE YEN, March 24, 2004, Associated Press)
The government's former top counterterrorism adviser testified Wednesday that the Clinton administration had "no higher priority" than combatting terrorists while the Bush administration made it "an important issue but not an urgent issue."Richard Clarke told a bipartisan commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that "although I continued to say it (terrorism) was an urgent problem I don't think it was ever treated that way" by the current administration in advance of the strikes two and a half years ago.
Kerry Still Backpedaling on Presence at 1971 Anti-War Meetings (Marc Morano, March 24, 2004,
Early last week, Kerry's presidential campaign spokesman David Wade told the New York Sun, "Kerry was not at the Kansas City meeting." Wade added that Kerry had resigned from the VVAW "sometime in the summer of 1971."But following the March 18 publication of the report, in which the FBI files were used to corroborate Kerry's attendance at the meeting, Wade reversed himself.
"If there are valid FBI surveillance reports from credible sources that place some of those disagreements in Kansas City, we accept that historical footnote in the account of his work to end the difficult and divisive war," Wade said in a statement late last week.
Kerry also retreated from an earlier comment he made in response to a question about former VVAW executive director Al Hubbard. Kerry and Hubbard appeared together on an April 18, 1971 broadcast of the news show Meet the Press to discuss their anti-war efforts.
But Hubbard, who had passed himself off as a decorated Air Force captain, was later shown to have lied about his military record. An investigation in 1971 by a CBS News reporter revealed that there were no military records showing that Hubbard had either served in Vietnam or was injured there.
When asked about his relationship with Hubbard at a televised press conference two weeks ago, Kerry said, "I haven't talked to Al Hubbard since that week" of the April 1971 Meet the Press appearance.
But after reported that FBI files and eyewitness accounts from former VVAW members had placed Kerry and Hubbard in the same place on several occasions after the Meet the Press appearance, the Kerry campaign conceded that the senator was also incorrect on that point. [...]
Gerald Nicosia, author of the book Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement and a Kerry supporter, told last week that Kerry was being less than truthful about his anti-war activities.
"I am having some problems with the things he is saying right now, which are not matching up with accuracy," Nicosia said.
"I am in kind of an awkward position here. I am a Kerry supporter and I certainly don't want to do anything that hurts him. On the other hand, my number one allegiance is to truth. So I am going to go with where the facts are, and John is going to have to deal with that," Nicosia said.
Kerry hosted a reception in Nicosia's honor in 2001 when the book was released and praised it as an "important new book [that] ties together the many threads of a difficult period in our history every American should take the time to understand in its totality."
More recently, Nicosia offered some advice for Kerry: "The chickens are coming home to roost, and unfortunately he is starting to backtrack and I personally don't think backtracking is going to work because people are going to go at him and find the discrepancies," Nicosia said.
Judge Permits Testimony About Fetus Pain (LARRY NEUMEISTER, 3/23/04, Associated Press)
A pediatrician who says a fetus can feel pain during an abortion will be allowed to testify in a legal challenge to a new law banning a type of late-term abortion, a judge has ruled.U.S. District Judge Richard Casey ruled Friday that Dr. Kanwaljeet S. Anand can testify as a government witness at a trial scheduled for later this month.
The judge rejected arguments from the National Abortion Federation that the testimony would be irrelevant and unreliable. [...]
The judge said the doctor's testimony will help him assess Congress' findings that the procedure is "brutal and inhumane" and that "the child will fully experience the pain associated with piercing his or her skull and sucking out his or her brain."
Anand has conducted research on pain in fetuses and newborns and concluded that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks of gestation.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing the National Abortion Federation, argued that Anand's testimony is insufficient because he will say it is likely but not definite that a fetus experiences pain during late-term abortions.
Hot Cocoa Tops Red Wine And Tea In Antioxidants; May Be Healthier Choice (Science Daily, 11/06/03)
There's sweet news about hot cocoa: Researchers at Cornell University have shown that the popular winter beverage contains more antioxidants per cup than a similar serving of red wine or tea and may be a healthier choice.Just so I've got this straight: I should be eating eggs, meat, cheese and cream and washing it down with hot chocolate?The study adds to growing evidence of the health benefits of cocoa and points to a tasty alternative in the quest to maintain a diet rich in healthy antioxidants, chemicals that have been shown to fight cancer, heart disease and aging, the researchers say.
(via Andrew Withers):
Transcript: Clarke Praises Bush Team in '02 (FoxNews, March 24, 2004)
The following transcript documents a background briefing in early August 2002 by President Bush's former counterterrorism coordinator Richard A. Clarke to a handful of reporters, including Fox News' Jim Angle. In the conversation, cleared by the White House on Wednesday for distribution, Clarke describes the handover of intelligence from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration and the latter's decision to revise the U.S. approach to Al Qaeda. Clarke was named special adviser to the president for cyberspace security in October 2001. He resigned from his post in January 2003.RICHARD CLARKE: Actually, I've got about seven points, let me just go through them quickly. Um, the first point, I think the overall point is, there was no plan on Al Qaeda that was passed from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration.
Second point is that the Clinton administration had a strategy in place, effectively dating from 1998. And there were a number of issues on the table since 1998. And they remained on the table when that administration went out of office — issues like aiding the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, changing our Pakistan policy -- uh, changing our policy toward Uzbekistan. And in January 2001, the incoming Bush administration was briefed on the existing strategy. They were also briefed on these series of issues that had not been decided on in a couple of years.
And the third point is the Bush administration decided then, you know, mid-January, to do two things. One, vigorously pursue the existing policy, including all of the lethal covert action findings, which we've now made public to some extent.
And the point is, while this big review was going on, there were still in effect, the lethal findings were still in effect. The second thing the administration decided to do is to initiate a process to look at those issues which had been on the table for a couple of years and get them decided.
So, point five, that process which was initiated in the first week in February, uh, decided in principle, uh in the spring to add to the existing Clinton strategy and to increase CIA resources, for example, for covert action, five-fold, to go after Al Qaeda.
The sixth point, the newly-appointed deputies — and you had to remember, the deputies didn't get into office until late March, early April. The deputies then tasked the development of the implementation details, uh, of these new decisions that they were endorsing, and sending out to the principals.
Over the course of the summer — last point — they developed implementation details, the principals met at the end of the summer, approved them in their first meeting, changed the strategy by authorizing the increase in funding five-fold, changing the policy on Pakistan, changing the policy on Uzbekistan, changing the policy on the Northern Alliance assistance.
And then changed the strategy from one of rollback with Al Qaeda over the course [of] five years, which it had been, to a new strategy that called for the rapid elimination of al Qaeda. That is in fact the timeline.
QUESTION: When was that presented to the president?
CLARKE: Well, the president was briefed throughout this process.
QUESTION: But when was the final September 4 document? (interrupted) Was that presented to the president?
CLARKE: The document went to the president on September 10, I think.
QUESTION: What is your response to the suggestion in the [Aug. 12, 2002] Time [magazine] article that the Bush administration was unwilling to take on board the suggestions made in the Clinton administration because of animus against the — general animus against the foreign policy?
CLARKE: I think if there was a general animus that clouded their vision, they might not have kept the same guy dealing with terrorism issue. This is the one issue where the National Security Council leadership decided continuity was important and kept the same guy around, the same team in place. That doesn't sound like animus against uh the previous team to me.
JIM ANGLE: You're saying that the Bush administration did not stop anything that the Clinton administration was doing while it was making these decisions, and by the end of the summer had increased money for covert action five-fold. Is that correct?
CLARKE: All of that's correct.
Man Who Killed Armed Intruder Jailed Eight Years (Will Batchelor, PA News, 3/23/04)
A man who stabbed to death an armed intruder at his home was jailed for eight years today. . . .I've read the quote over and over, and I can't for the life of me figure out what Detective Chief Inspector Haworth is saying. For our foreign visitors, in the US it would be more likely that the other robbers would be tried and convicted for Swindells' death than that the victim would. Oh, and in the US the "victim" would be the stabber, not the stabbee.When the gang tried to rob him he grabbed a samurai sword and stabbed one of them, 37-year-old Stephen Swindells, four times. . . .
After the case, Detective Chief Inspector Sam Haworth said: “Four men, including the victim, had set out purposefully to rob Carl Lindsay and this intent ultimately led to Stephen Swindells’ death.
“I believe the sentences passed today reflect the severity of the circumstances.”
ETA: This must be misreporting, mustn't it?
The End of Europe? (Niall Ferguson, March 4, 2004, AEI Bradley Lecture)
When we look closely at the way in which the European Union is evolving and try to set its evolution in some kind of historical perspective, I believe it becomes apparent that, far from approaching a kind of parity with the United States, whether in economic and cultural and political or in international terms, in reality the European Union is an entity on the brink of decline and perhaps ultimately even of dissolution.Now, for the avoidance of doubt, I'm not saying that the European Union will disappear as an institution in our lifetimes. Institutions, in Europe particularly, tend not to disappear. They just decline in their power. Like, for example, today's Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development--once the prototype of a far larger post-Marshall Aid European union, today a harmless agency for gathering data and producing economic reports. And ladies and gentlemen, Europe is littered with such agencies, which once embodied grandiose plans--think, for example, of the Bank for International Settlements or the International Labor Organization. There's scarcely a European capital without the relic of some past plan for great greater European integration.
My suggestion is not that the European Union will vanish, but simply that its institutions are in danger of atrophying and that it, too, may one day be no more than a humble data-gathering agency with expensive but impotent offices in the city of Brussels and elsewhere.
Let me try to illustrate to you why I think this is. There are really three parts to my argument, one of which is quite obvious and I will deal with as swiftly as possible. And that is, essentially, to point out why so many of these signs of rapid integration and of approaching parity with the United States are false signs.
The second and more interesting part of the argument has to do with a fundamental historical insight into the way that the European Union or, to be precise, the process of European integration, has always functioned from its very inception until the present. I want to draw on the work of recent scholars, not all of which will be known to you, to suggest that there is a key to understanding the process of European integration, and that key can be summed up in a single phrase: German gravy.
Finally, having bored you near to unconsciousness with economics, I will soar away from such dry matter and offer a third cultural argument to the effect that Europe may not only experience a kind of institutional decline, but that its very culture is in itself authentically, and in the true sense of the word, decadent. So my conclusion will be as much cultural as economic.
First, the economics. In every year of the last decade but one--that was 2001--the economy of the United States has grown in real terms faster than that of the European Union. In every year but two out of the last nine years, productivity has grown faster in the United States than in Europe. If you look at the average of unemployment--and these are the standardized measures of unemployment that the OECD uses--you can see that on average over the last decade unemployment in the European Union has been double what it has been in the United States.
Why is this? I think there are two ways of explaining European economic under-performance in the past decade. One of them is that the labor market and indeed markets generally are less flexible than those of the United States. The other is simply that the monetary policy of the European Central Bank has been somewhat inept, or at least somewhat unbalanced, in the way that it has treated the different members of the euro zone.
The key point about economic under-performance in Europe is that it is principally, or at least predominantly, a German story. It is richly ironic that only 20 years ago scholars were warning that Germany--along, of course, with Japan--was going to surpass the United States among the world’s biggest economies. In truth, those of us who were living in Germany in the 1980s could see an impending economic crisis in that country, a crisis that German reunification temporarily postponed in an orgy of deficit finance and subsidized consumption.
Now we see the reality. There is a profound problem in the German economy that would be there whether the Bundesbank was still in charge of monetary policy in that country or not. The problem is worsened by the fact that, under the ECB, interest rates in Germany are probably around 100 basis points higher than they should be. And given that the German economy is roughly a third of the economy of the euro zone, an unhealthy Germany is an unhealthy European economy.
I want to add a little footnote to this story. If you look closely at man-hour statistics-comparing the productivity of, say, a Frenchman in a single hour with that of his American counterpart--there is in fact nothing to choose between them. As a worker, a Frenchman is just as efficient as an American. It's less true in the case of a German worker, but the difference is not huge. One of the biggest differences in economic terms between Western Europe and the United States has been an astonishing divergence in working hours. In the past decade or so, Americans have steadily worked more hours per year. In fact, according to figures from the OECD, the average American in employment works nearly 2,000 hours a year--and hours a year are a good measure of just how much work people are doing. The average German, ladies and gentlemen, works fully 22 percent less of the year.
Between 1979 and the present, the length of the working year grew in the United States. Or, if you want to put it in more conventional terms, the vacation shrank. Precisely the opposite happened in Europe. In Europe, working hours diminished, vacations grew. Labor participation also diminished. Fewer and fewer of the population actually entered the labor market altogether. And that in many ways explains that differential in GDP growth rates as well as anything I could suggest to you. It's a little hint of what I'm going to say in a minute, that this, I think, is more than just an economic phenomenon. In some ways it is a symptom of that cultural malaise in Europe that I want to see as a critical part of the end of Europe.
To put it very crudely, it is the work ethic itself that has declined and fallen. And it is, I think, noteworthy that the decline in working hours is most pronounced in what were once distinctly Protestant countries of northwestern Europe. Once. [...]
There's been some very good work on the history of European integration done recently. It hasn't been, I think, widely enough understood or received. Perhaps the most interesting work has been produced by the venerable British economic historian Alan Milward, but it's also been complemented by the young Harvard historian Andrew Moravcsik. Between them, working independently, they've arrived at a new interpretation--and I think it deserves to be called a new interpretation--of why European integration happened at all after the Second World War.
Instead of the conventional view that a few saintly figures, like Jean Monnet, realized a vision of European integration to prevent the recurrence of war in Europe and generally make everybody happier and better off, they argue that, beginning with the negotiations that produced the European Coal and Steel Community, the nation states of Western Europe made very limited concessions of sovereignty in the pursuit of the national economic interest---or, to be quite specific, in pursuit of the interests of well represented economic groups within their societies, principally heavy industry and small agriculture.
If one understands the process of European integration in these terms--essentially an economically driven set of deals between still largely sovereign nation states--one thing becomes abundantly clear. And that is, ladies and gentlemen, that from the very outset this process relied on what I rather crudely called a moment ago "German gravy." It was the Germans who, from the very word go, were prepared to subsidize the other parties in the process of European integration.
To give you just one example: The fundamental bottom line of the coal and steel community was that German taxpayers would prop up the inefficient coal mines of Belgium at the cost of hundreds of thousands of marks. In the same way, it was German taxpayers who paid the development aid to the French colonial empire, aid that was an integral part of the Treaty of Rome.
It's often forgotten that where the British saw a choice between empire and Europe, and dithered and hesitated about that choice, the French did what I always do whenever I see a choice. They said, "We'll have both, please." Not only did the French seek to retain their African empire and what was left of their Asian empire within the structures of the emerging European community, but, with a brilliant stroke of diplomacy, they insisted that the other five members that signed the Treaty of Rome should subsidize their colonies. And so it was that, in an extraordinary deal, Konrad Adenauer agreed to payments to French colonies that came very largely from German taxpayers. Likewise, the Common Agricultural Policy, which became the single largest item in the budget of the European community, was from its very inception underwritten by net contributions from German taxpayers. That was how it worked.
If you add up all the--to use the technical term--unrequited transfers that Germany has paid through the European budget since its inception, one of the most striking facts that I can offer you is that the total exceeds the amount that Germany was asked to pay in reparations after the First World War. It is more than 132 billion marks, the sum that the Germans in the 1920s insisted would bankrupt them if they paid it. Well, they finally did pay it. They paid it not as reparations, but as net contributions to the European budget. [...]
But ladies and gentlemen, I didn't come here this evening to make a purely economic argument. What I've said I think is in fact a sufficient argument to explain the end of the process of European integration as we have known it up until this point. But I have one last argument to make that is not, in the end, an economic argument at all.
The fundamental problem that Europe faces, more serious than anything I've mentioned so far, is senescence. It's a problem that we all face as individuals to varying degrees, but from society to society the problem of senescence, of growing old, varies hugely. In the year 2050, which is less remote than it may at first sound, current projections by the United Nations suggest that the median age of the European Union countries, the EU 15, will rise from 38 to 49. The median age will rise in the United States, too, though less sharply. (I wish I had time to tell you about the problems that you are going to face, because then it would stop you feeling the complacency that you may have begun to feel this evening.)
The situation in the United States is not great at all in this respect, but it is--and I believe this is the most one can say--better than the situation of the European Union. The German population is projected to decline absolutely from 82 to 67 million between now and 2050. Falling populations will be a characteristic feature of the once globally dominant societies of Western Europe. An increase in retirement ages would help only slightly, but it is not an adequate answer to the problems that already beset the social security systems of Western Europe. The implicit liabilities of the German social security system at the moment are currently around about 270 percent of German GDP. There are problems with the social security and Medicare systems in this country--very serious problems indeed. But the problems in Europe are much worse, and they will bite politically much sooner.
There is only one way out for this continent, and that is immigration. There is an obvious source of youthful workers who aspire to a better standard of living. All around Europe there are countries whose birth rate is more than twice the European average, indeed, significantly more than twice. The trouble is that nearly all these countries are predominantly Muslim. Not only that, but there is, right next door to the European Union, in fact between the European Union and Iraq, a country that now has a very plausible claim to European Union membership. And that country is Turkey.
Turkey's per capita income is in fact, by some measures, higher than that of Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania, all of which are about to enter the European Union--certainly higher than those Balkan economies that hope to be in the next, or next but one, wave. The arguments against Turkish membership--and the Turks have been pressing for some form of membership since the 1980s--are getting weaker and weaker. And you know the only one that is left? It's one most often heard among German conservatives, but occasionally it slips out of a French mouth, too. That argument is a cultural argument. It is the argument that Europe is fundamentally a Christian entity; that the European Union is a kind of latter day secular version of Christendom.
Ladies and gentlemen, I only wish that were true. The reality is--and it is perhaps the most striking cultural phenomenon of our times--that Western and Eastern Europe are no longer in any meaningful sense Christian societies. They are quite clearly post-Christian--indeed, in many respects, post-religious--societies. In the Netherlands, Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, less than 1 in 10 of the population attends church even once a month. A clear majority do not attend church at all. There are now more Muslims in England than Anglican communicants. More Muslims attend mosque on a weekly basis than Anglicans attend church. In the recent Gallup Millennium Survey of Religious Attitudes conducted just a couple of years ago, more than half of all Scandinavians said that God did not matter to them at all. This, it seems to me, makes the claim to a fundamental Christian inheritance not only implausible but also downright bogus in Europe. The reality is that Europeans inhabit a post-Christian society that is economically, demographically, but, in my view, above all culturally a decadent society.
They cannot, though they will try, resist forever the migration that must inevitably occur from south and from east. They will try. Indeed, they try even now to resist the migration that really ought legally to be permissible from the new member states to the old member states after May the 1st. Even that has become contentious. Increasingly, European politics is dominated by a kind of dance of death as politicians and voters try desperately and vainly to prop up the moribund welfare states of the post-Second World War era, but above all to prop up what little remains of their traditional cultures.
A Dance to the (Disco) Music of Time: A review of Homosexuality and Civilization, by Louis Crompton (John Derbyshire, March 16, 2004, Claremont Review of Books)
We are, as everyone knows, living in the, or a, "gay moment." One of the consequences is that we have to put up with a great deal of homosexualist propaganda. (I favor the usage "homosexualist" for people who are activist about their sexual orientation, versus "homosexual" for people who are merely, and privately, homosexual. I admit, though, that my attempts to promote this—it seems to me, useful and non-insulting—usage have fallen mostly on stony ground.) Among homosexualists there are many whose devotion to what Christopher Isherwood famously called "my kind" is as intense as anything that can be shown by the followers of any religion or political ideology.One aspect of this devotion is the urge to recruit long-dead historical names to the Cause—to comb through history seeking out gayness. Since history is, much more often than not, a very ambiguous affair, an explorer of this inclination can return with many trophies, which he will then display triumphantly to us dull-witted, unimaginative breeders, revealing to us that the human race is, contrary to our narrow brutish prejudices, a very ocean of gayness. Julius Caesar? Gay! Jesus of Nazareth? Gay! Leonardo? Gay! Frederick the Great? Gay! All of them-gay, gay, gay! I do not recall having seen it argued that George Washington was gay, but I have not the slightest doubt that the argument has been made by somebody, somewhere.
Louis Crompton's Homosexuality and Civilization belongs to this genre of homo-prop. It has, I should say here up front, many virtues. Crompton has done prodigies of literary and historical research across a wide range. His sources are for the most part secondary, but they could hardly be otherwise in a book of this scope. Nobody has real expertise on both ancient Greece and feudal Japan. He writes well for an academic (Crompton is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Nebraska), and the book is beautifully produced, with a high standard of copy editing and many fine plates to please the eye.
Certainly Crompton has a bill of goods to sell, but there we come to matters of personal taste in reading. You either like didactic history, or you don't. I myself like it very much, to the degree that I even like it when an author writes contrary to my own prejudices. We—the readers of this fine periodical, I mean—are not gaping rubes, to be lured from the straight and narrow by a silver-tongued swindler. We have powers of judgment, which we can apply to an author's reasoning, and we have knowledge, which we can compare with the facts he presents. Crompton left me unconvinced on his main point, but he proved thoughtful, and entertained me along the way. As propaganda goes, this is a superior specimen.
Romney's national profile rises (Frank Phillips, 3/24/2004, Boston Globe)
Governor Mitt Romney's national profile has risen significantly over the last year, as he created a broad fund-raising machine, developed closer ties to President Bush, and became the chief GOP leader in a state that is home to both the likely Democratic presidential nominee and that party's convention.A perfect storm of events -- including the convention, gay marriage, and John F. Kerry's presidential candidacy -- has created a swirl of national media attention for Romney, a marked contrast to his lower profile when he took office in January 2003.
Romney's new image will be on display tomorrow when he hosts a Boston fund-raiser for Bush that is expected to raise $1 million and further foster his links to the president, who had hosted Romney at the White House for two nights shortly before the president endorsed a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
By every indication, Romney and his staff are relishing his emerging role, even while insisting that the events are not of his making. They said the governor's increasing national role is being thrust on him because of the events rooted in Boston. [...]
The national attention has forced Romney to try to quash speculation about his future. He fended off a leading question Monday night from WBZ radio personality David Brudnoy about replacing vice president Dick Cheney, and laughed along with Bush when the president joked to a St. Patrick's Day breakfast that Romney would have to wait until 2008 to run for the White House.
U.S. OK’d plan to topple Taliban a day before 9/11, Panel report faults intelligence, lack of will (MSNBC, 3/23/04)
After years of delay caused by inadequate intelligence, the U.S. government decided just one day before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that it would try to overthrow the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan if a diplomatic push to expel Osama bin Laden from the country failed, the independent panel investigating the attacks reported Tuesday. . . .So, the criticism is that we should have acted pre-9/11 in Afghanistan the way we acted in post-9/11 Iraq and in post-9/11 Iraq the way we acted in pre-9/11 Afghanistan?The report alleges that the Clinton and Bush administrations moved slowly against the al-Qaida terror network in the years before the attacks, partly because they lacked detailed intelligence that would have allowed a military strike and partly because they preferred to explore diplomatic alternatives. As a result, bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders were able to elude capture repeatedly.
I'm all for holding people responsible for being wrong ex post, even if they seemed to be right ex ante. (This is almost a religious view. It flows from my scepticism about the inherent limits of human knowledge. Also, some people just seem to have a knack for being right ex post beyond what chance would allow for. Because I don't think those people are necessarily beloved of G-d, this doesn't quite edge over into religion.) This, however, seems to me to be something a little different: a sort of situational analysis that measures human action against perfection. We went into Iraq in part because of the lessons of 9/11. Intelligence is always lacking. There are always gaps and they are always filled by guessing. Pre-9/11 we thought we could wait for certainty, not because we thought Al Qaeda wouldn't act but because we thought we were willing to take whatever damage their first (ok, fifth) strike would inflict.
Edwards ousted as 'Morning Edition' host (Peter Johnson, 3/24/04, USA TODAY)
Bob Edwards, whose smoky, understated delivery on Morning Edition draws 13 million listeners a week to National Public Radio, is out as host after 25 years.The surprise move at the nation's No. 1-rated morning radio show comes amid a reassessment of programming at NPR, where executives are discussing how to use a $200 million bequest in November from Joan Kroc, wife of McDonald's founder Ray Kroc.
Edwards will become a senior correspondent, and his work will air on Morning Edition and other NPR broadcasts.
The ouster surprised Edwards, 56, who has hosted the show since its inception in 1979. He was told two weeks ago that his last day is April 30.
"They want somebody else. They're taking the program in a new direction. Those aren't my words," Edwards said Tuesday. "I am not totally clear what it is I am going to be doing, but whatever it is, I'm looking forward to doing it. I'm trying to focus on the positive."
Weapons of Mass Sedition: Can a sacred music festival lure us away from violence and toward reason? (Larry Blumenfeld, March 23rd, 2004, Village Voice)
I flew to Casablanca on my way to last year's Fez Sacred Music Festival just three weeks after terrorist bombings shook Morocco. Everywhere were public-service billboards bearing the Hand of Fatima, a symbol of protection for Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Scholars and cab drivers alike told me that the slogan, in Arabic and French—"Don't lay a hand on our country"—was directed at terrorists and fundamentalist Muslims.Set in Morocco's northern Middle Atlas region, Fez is among the oldest of Islamic holy cities, a center of learning since the founding of Qaraouine University in the ninth century. It boasts a history of religious tolerance: Many of the Muslims and Jews expelled from Spain in the 15th century ended up there. I'd arrived for a week of sacred music and consciousness-raising. Yet little prepared me for how the first sacred sounds I'd encounter would affect my consciousness. A 3 a.m. muezzin's call to prayer, issued from mosque minarets in all directions, woke me. I'd heard this before, right down to the vocal embellishments, from the Sephardic cantor in my childhood Brooklyn synagogue.
Morocco is ruled by a monarchy, but its constitutional reforms and civil society stand in contrast to most Islamic states. Sufism, the mystical humanist face of Islam, is represented in Fez by the many brotherhoods active there. Embodied as it is in the tenor of daily life and high-level policy-making, the Moroccan Sufi spirit is akin to the voice of liberalism here—a force for moderation and inclusion.
Fez native and Sufi scholar Faouzi Skali first initiated a film festival in the wake of the first Gulf war. He dubbed it Desert Colloquium, after Desert Storm. "It was a modest response," he told me over mint tea in Fez last year, "and it has kept on evolving." What it evolved into is the current Fez Festival of Sacred Music. "Music seemed more elemental," he explained, "and it got around barriers of language."
The Moroccan festival has included Buddhist and Native American music, but its focus remains the unity of the three Abrahamic traditions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. And for the past three years, among the festival's most resonant sounds has been people simply talking.
Why Do They Hate Us? (Ilya Shapiro, 03/23/2004, Tech Central Station)
In the end, anti-Americanism boils down to the timeless disgust with America's daring to export its idea of liberty to the four corners of the globe. Whether via gunboat diplomacy, realpolitik, humanitarian intervention, or the current blend of preemptive strikes and trade liberalization -- despite intermittent rollbacks at the behest of groaning industrial-age unions and its John Edwards demagogues -- it is anathema to the Old World mind (and its Rousseauean influence in the New World) that a nation would choose to pursue other than parochial mercantilist interests. This is why French companies violated the sanctions against post-Gulf War Iraq while the chattering class decried the Yankee drive to trade blood for oil. It is why Vladimir Putin is a supposedly faithful partner in the war against Islamic terrorism while selling nuclear reactors to Iran. And it is the reason that, unfortunately, Europeans consider the United States to be the second-most dangerous country in the world -- second only to the sole democracy in the Middle East.To oversimplify the point, Europeans (like New Yorkers) are cynical, and cannot comprehend the "shining city upon a hill." They can't help it; their Enlightenment was essentially French and positivistic, rather than Scottish and natural law-oriented. Still, it is amusing to observe the simultaneous attacks on America from what roughly corresponds to the political left and right, for being an insufficient promoter of "social justice" while reveling too much in proletarian culture. Such is the paradox of this irrational anti-Americanism.
This nation is prosperous and strong, yet we need to remember the sources of America's greatness. We're strong because we love freedom. America has a special charge to keep, because we are freedom's home and defender. We believe that freedom is the deepest need and hope of every human heart. We believe that freedom is the future of every nation, and we know that freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is the Almighty God's gift to every man and woman in this world.
If he fails to convince people that this ambition is worthwhile, they'll gladly dump him and turn to John Kerry, who they think will restore our more typical isolationist posture. But if President Bush can drag a wisely reluctant citizenry along behind him, he will become one of the most important figures in human history. That sounds like a mouthful, no? But just imagine five more years (or 9 or 13 or 17 or however many succeeding administrations it takes) of constant pressure on the globe's most dysfunctional polities and what kind of salutary effect it could have.
Mind--we needn't turn the whole Islamic world and the few Communist remnants and the various other dictatorships into mini-Americas in that time. All we need do is get them firmly on the path that leads to the End of History and give them a shove. That in itself would be epochal.
The Nose Knows: The Bombing of the Al Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in Sudan is one of Clinton's lamest lies— but who cares? (Jason Vest, March 10 - 16, 1999, Village Voice)
[W]hile the Domestic Lie will draw the wrath of Congress and the independent counsel and whip the Fourth Estate into a frenzy that flings all else aside, the National Security Lie -- though more blatant and consequential -- will be granted and allowed to fly off into the horizon of memory.Case in point: Last August's obliteration of the Al Shifa pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan. Two Fridays ago, the Al Shifa's owner, Salah Idris, filed lawsuits against the U.S. government in Washington and San Francisco to release millions of dollars the Treasury Department ordered frozen last year, not long after the Defense Department -- on instructions of the commander in chief -- destroyed Idris's Khartoum plant with 13 cruise missiles on the heels of Clinton's grand jury testimony in the Lewinsky matter. The grounds for converting the Al Shifa to rubble, some may recall, were that the plant was supposedly the weapons-of-mass-destruction arm of new U.S. foreign policy bogeyman Osama bin Laden's international terror empire, churning out precursor chemicals to concoct VX nerve gas. At first, the U.S. government asserted that Al Shifa was financed by Bin Laden; upon finding out it wasn't, the government said that Idris was a front man, a Bin Laden confederate, and, despite not being on the State Department's list of "designated terrorists" (yes, Virginia, there is such a thing), the Sudanese-Saudi banking and investment magnate would have to deal with his U.S.-held millions being put into stasis. [...]
Immediately after the bombing, the U.S. propagated the notion that Al Shifa had vats of lethal brew ready for action. Indeed, unnamed government sources told U.S. News & World Report that this was old news: that Al Shifa "had been in the Pentagon's inventory of targets for several years," and that "one final step" before loosing the Tomahawks was running "computer models of the risk that explosions at the chemical factory would unleash a plume of poison gas across Sudan." However, when it quickly became evident that the plant was not the "clear and immediate danger" that Clinton had declared it to be, backpedaling commenced: the scientific basis for the attack was a soil sample containing EMPTA, a non-lethal VX precursor.
No more details than that, sayeth the White House, in the name of protecting intelligence "sources and methods." However, everyone from an EMPTA authority at Oxford's chemistry department to the American Chemical Society has pointed out that the presence of commercially used EMPTA proves nothing. According to a recent issue of ACS's Chemical & Engineering News, the administration's refusal to examine the results of Professor Tullius's investigation, and its contention that intelligence activities would be "jeopardized by disclosing the amount found, the analytical techniques used, or the other chemicals detected . . . [serve] only to exacerbate people's disbelief of the U.S. government's claims."
No matter. On January 22, as demonstrated in The Washington Post, the government's story underwent yet another permutation. Currently, according to White House terrorism czar Richard Clarke, the U.S. is "sure" that the Iraqis were the sinister force behind Al Shifa, producing what the Post characterized as "powdered VX-like substance at the plant that, when mixed with bleach and water, would have become fully active nerve gas." This, says Professor Tullius, strains credulity: "Bleach is often used to detoxify nerve agents," he says. "Using bleach to activate an agent makes no sense." While the Iraqi and Sudanese militaries are known to have collaborated on limited munitions projects, says investigative reporter Frank Smyth, there is nothing linking these endeavors to Al Shifa or Bin Laden. "It looks like the administration acted based on inferences drawn from pieces of intelligence they presumed were connected," he says.
That seems to be about par for the Clinton foreign policy course. According to the intelligence agent who once hung his cloak and dagger in Khartoum, behind every intelligence failure is a policy failure, and, he says, one has to question the U.S. approach to Sudan. Currently controlled by a government with a horrible human rights record -- which is at war with Christian and animist rebels with somewhat less horrible human rights records -- the Khartoum government has been the focus of a hard-line approach by a clique of U.S. foreign policy officials: Berger, Clarke, Madeline Albright, and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice. This has been the case despite Khartoum's attempts at international outreach, through acts such as delivering Carlos the Jackal to the French and expelling Osama bin Laden for the U.S. ("The Sudanese aren't sweethearts, but even the Taliban in Afghanistan get more respect than Khartoum does," a rueful mid-level State Department official says.) If the U.S. government is serious about neutralizing threats of Islamist terrorism from Sudan, says former Sudanese foreign minister Francis Deng, it should try to understand this famine-plagued country and work to change it from the inside rather than bombing it.
What's That in Your Shirt Pocket?: The Rev. Al Green talks about his spirit and what happened when God found his stash (Peter S. Scholtes, 3/24/04, City Pages)
City Pages: A question from the old days: What was "Take Me to the River" about, anyway?Al Green: I wrote the song, "Take me to the river/Wash me down/Cleanse my soul/Put my feet on the ground." That's what I wrote down. Now, [guitarist] Teenie Hodges and Willie Mitchell wrote, "I don't know why you treat me so bad," and "took all my cigarettes," and da-da-da. I didn't write none of that. I wrote, "Put my feet on the ground." That's what I wanted. And at that time my feet definitely wasn't on the ground. Far from it. I was zinging away, I'm telling you.
CP: Do you still feel like your feet aren't on the ground sometimes?
Green: No, no. I asked to be delivered from that. And I was delivered from it. God said to me, "You have to pray about this. Now what I want you to do is...uh, what's that in your shirt pocket?"
I'm going like, "Huh? Oh, well, there's some junk up in it. But I just bought this." [laughs]
The man says, "Well, when you need my help, you call me."
I say, "Hold it, hold it. I need your help."
So he says, "Okay, speed up a little bit. Take the bottle out of the bag, roll down the window, start shaking. Ah ah ah, don't look back. Keep going."
Honestly, I never talk about that. But that really did happen. And since that time, I haven't done that. It's a waste of time, a waste of your money, a waste of your life. You betray your children, you betray yourself. I don't need that. I need to be... [breaks into song] "I don't know why/I love you like I do."
Karl Rove's Moment: How "Bush's Brain" hijacked Washington, D.C. and politics-as-usual (Steve Perry, 3/24/04, City Pages)
To speak of Karl Rove's successes is to speak of the failures and corruptions of American politics and public life. They are two expressions of the same thing. Since January and the start of the Democratic presidential campaign, there has been some hint of life in the loyal opposition and the press; American newspapers, led by the big three (New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times), have turned notably more critical in their Bush coverage. Any one of numerous potential scandals still might return to haunt the administration. (One of the figures reportedly implicated in the criminal investigation of the Plame leak is Rove underling I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.) There are also signs that Democrats aren't the only ones in the Washington political establishment feeling anxious about Bush's brazenness and his reckless, sloppy management of economy and empire. This circle is not a great power in electoral politics, but it could lend fuel to a media feeding frenzy, if one arose.The president could lose this election, as I'm guessing Rove surmised early on. In crafting a campaign that is half poison-pen note, half Hallmark card, he and George W. are wagering against a lot of things: real, and serious, competition from John Kerry and the Democrats; and sustained criticism of Bush in the media. These aren't bad bets. The news media has proven that it does consist mainly of deadline-driven trained seals, most of whom don't know much about the issues in question themselves. But they do know the rules of political theater, and that is what they write about. Rove and the Republicans understand this so much better than the Democrats that in terms of hand-to-hand political combat, it's a little like the Democratic National Committee beer-ball team against the New York Yankees.
John Kerry has been slowly dematerializing in the public imagination since his wrap-up of the nomination came into view. He has made some trenchant criticisms of Bush, but he hasn't made any of them stick. He doesn't know how. It's still possible that Kerry and the Dems could put the White House back on the defensive, force them off their game, but they've been losing that battle for a month now and can't afford to keep losing it much longer.
It doesn't mean Bush is home-free. No matter how well you do political campaigns, there is always the faint chance that too many people will already have seen through you. The amazing thing about 2004 is not that a radical, reckless president has the chance to be reelected; the amazing thing is that, in the face of a political establishment and a news media that rarely said boo to George W. Bush, millions and millions of people have his number anyway. Where the people are concerned, therefore, Karl and W are forced to make a dicier bet--against public memory, decency, and self-interest. It isn't clear yet whether terror fears and "wedge" issues like gay marriage, guns, and religion will once again divert sufficient numbers of people from more pressing matters, such as their own livelihoods. Maybe not.
On the other hand, Karl Rove has yet to lose a race by underestimating the integrity and rationality of American electoral politics.
Editorial: Appalling treatment (Toronto Star, 3/23/04)
Is it fair to boo a U.S.-born Grade 9 girl for carrying an American flag across a stage during a school multiculturalism parade?Is it fair to insult and use obscene gestures against 11-year-old peewee hockey players from the Boston area because you don't like the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq?
Is there no limit to some Canadians' anti-American anger?
Those questions are being asked again on the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq after a teenager was in tears after being loudly booed as she carried the American flag in a parade of 39 flags representing every nationality in the school.
L.A. Times Overlooks Details of Kerry's FBI Record (Scott Stanley Jr., 3/30/04, Insight on the News)
News management may have reached an embarrassing low in the Los Angeles Times for March 23 where an article by staff writer John M. Glionna purports to offer selections from the FBI file on soon-to-be Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry, who was under surveillance by the G-Men as a member of the executive board of the pro-Viet Cong Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW).Presenting items from 50 documents carefully selected from what it reported were 14 boxes of related government papers 12 feet high, the Times confirmed from the FBI and other witnesses that Kerry had resigned from the VVAW leadership in November 1971 at a Kansas City board meeting to run for Congress. For years Kerry claimed that he had resigned after a July 1971 meeting in St. Louis and had not been present for the Kansas City meeting that was moved from venue to venue to try to avoid FBI surveillance of the group's most secret plans.
The reason official confirmation that he did not leave the group until after the Kansas City meeting is important, say specialists on radical activities during the Vietnam era, is that the FBI documents confirm earlier reports by those present that Kerry participated in a closed-door discussion of a proposal to assassinate seven U.S. senators who were special targets of Hanoi, with whose agents selected leaders of VVAW had been meeting. The Los Angeles Times made no mention of this part of the story, broken 10 days earlier in the New York Sun by founding New York Times books editor Tom Lipscomb and since spiked by editors coast to coast.
Ex-White House aide defends 9/11 allegations (CNN, 3/23/04)
During the Clinton administration, [former White House counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke] said, al Qaeda was responsible for the deaths of "fewer than 50 Americans," and Clinton responded with military action, covert CIA action and by supporting United Nations sanctions."They stopped al Qaeda in Bosnia," Clarke said, "They stopped al Qaeda from blowing up embassies around the world."
"Contrast that with Ronald Reagan, where 300 [U.S. soldiers] were killed in [a bombing attack in Beirut,] Lebanon, and there was no retaliation," Clarke said. "Contrast that with the first Bush administration where 260 Americans were killed [in the bombing of] Pan Am [Flight] 103, and there was no retaliation."
"I would argue that for what had actually happened prior to 9/11, the Clinton administration was doing a great deal," Clarke said.
Hardliner Rantissi named new Hamas chief for Gaza Strip (Amos Harel, Arnon Regular and Uri Ash, 3/23/04, Haaretz)
Abdel Aziz Rantisi on Tuesday became the new "general commander" of Hamas replacing slain Ahmed Yassin, who was assassinated by Israel on Monday.Immediately after claiming the mantle at the packed Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza, where thousands - including Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia - gathered to pay condolences to the Hamas leadership, the 57-year-old Rantisi went underground, fearing an Israeli attempt on his life.
The Enemies of Religious Liberty (James Hitchcock, February 2004, First Things)
It is common for religious believers to lament the Supreme Court's barely concealed hostility to the free exercise of religion, at least since the middle decades of the twentieth century. But in the long term, even more damage is likely to be done by the influence of ideas advocated by a cluster of political and legal theorists in the academy. For these writers, religious liberty itself is a pernicious idea.The term "liberalism" in recent political theory has been defined, by John Rawls and others, as both an agreement to abide by constitutional principles that provide access to all citizens ("political" liberalism) and as a particular ideological concept of a free and open society ("comprehensive" liberalism). According to Rawls, the "political" notion of liberalism takes no position on ultimate questions of meaning — and it is the ideal to which contemporary liberals should aspire.
Oddly enough, this formulation seems to harmonize with the argument of the Jesuit theologian John Courtney Murray, according to which belief in religious absolutes can be reconciled with the First Amendment of the Constitution by considering it to be an "article of peace" rather than an "article of faith." In this view, one is not obliged to accept any particular philosophical assumptions but must merely agree to respect the Constitution for the sake of civil harmony. As we shall see, despite Rawls endorsement of this Murrayan ideal, many of the most prominent liberals writing today adopt, whether or not they expicitly say so, a radically comprehensive and even imperial version of liberal ideology. [...]
It is religion's claim to articulate the meaning of existence that runs up against Rawlsian "comprehensive" liberalism. As Carter observes, deep faith is both incomprehensible and threatening to the liberal order, which therefore defines religion as irrational, private, and divisive. As J. Judd Owen has pointed out in Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism (2001), the liberal concept of individual freedom tends to create an atmosphere in which religion is tolerated only to the degree that it is deemed harmless: tolerance ends at the point where religion makes strong demands on its adherents.
The strict separationist argument has therefore been extended to what is "private" as well as public. Thus Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson acknowledge in Democracy and Disagreement (1996) that the liberal order threatens religious belief — and they believe it should. Similarly, in Toleration and the Constitution (1986) David A. J. Richards asserts the necessity of fostering "a religion and an ethics that validate the highest-order moral powers of rationality and reasonableness of a free people," which he declares to be "the only kind of religion suitable for a democracy." Richard Rorty likewise proclaims in Truth and Progress (1991) that the "highest achievements of humanity" are incompatible with traditional religion.
Ostensibly the primary political argument against strong religious beliefs is that they threaten civic peace; for this reason, Cass Sunstein argues in The Partial Constitution (1999) that America's founding document decrees "a secular liberal democracy in a way that is intended to minimize religious tension." He thus urges the liberal state to force the intolerant to be tolerant, with government serving as "a divine instrument" for depriving groups of "weapons to use against one another."
But if no deep conflicts are permissible in the liberal state, coercive methods may be necessary to restrain them. As Stanley Fish, no friend of religion, admits, the liberal state is tolerant in inverse proportion to the seriousness of what is at stake and does not achieve its promised neutrality. At the same time, in There's No Such Thing As Free Speech (1994) he ridicules believers for invoking liberal principles on their own behalf, arguing that they should not expect to benefit from liberalism's promises but ought actually to reject them. Wojciech Sadurski similarly argues in Moral Pluralism (1990) that government cannot be neutral towards those who allegedly deny the principle of neutrality itself.
According to Kathleen M. Sullivan of the Stanford University Law School, the "establishment clause" actually establishes a culture from which there can be no legitimate dissent — in which religion is tolerated only "insofar as it is consistent with the establishment of the secular moral order." She candidly admits that "the religion clauses enable the government to endorse a culture of liberal democracy that will predictably clash over many issues with religious subcultures." But believers "must pay for the secular army which engineers the truce among them" for the sake of civil peace. Critics of the theory of evolution, for example, are accused by Sullivan of being in violation of the spirit of the Constitution, which, she claims, has been "shaped by an argument honoring Galileo's defense of empirical rationality against the abuses of Bible interpretation." Hence the state is obligated to encourage "scientific rationality."
It follows logically that churches should be denied the right to be fully self-governing. Thus in A Wall of Separation (1998) Ted Jelen accuses a Catholic bishop who threatens religious sanctions against dissident church members of being guilty of "a religiously based threat to the prerogatives of democratic citizenship." The same charge would be brought against religious officials who express or enforce opposition to homosexual marriages or abortion. Sullivan thinks that churches can be allowed to exclude women from the ranks of the clergy only so long as this does not "impede the functioning of the civil public order." In Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas (1997), Steven Feldman goes so far as to argue against allowing the major Christian denominations to proselytize among non-Christians.
The liberal state, Sadurski argues, should discriminate among religious groups on the basis of how "progressive" each is thought to be, and Rogers Smith insists in Liberalism and American Constitutional Law (1990) that religion can only enjoy constitutional liberties if it undergoes a basic transformation to make itself more "rational" or "self-critical." Going further, Steven Macedo, who explicitly identifies his view as "comprehensive," defines liberalism in The New Right Versus the Constitution (1987) as "a permanently educative order" for the preservation of liberal values and argues that the power of government can be legitimately used against illiberal churches because doing so promotes greater overall freedom. He urges "the right sort of liberal partisanship in all spheres of life," and, despite the Constitution's explicit prohibition of any religious test for public office, he argues that certain religious believers (notably Catholics) can justly be excluded from certain public functions, such as serving as judges. [...]
In identifying the interests of the state, in formulating some concept of the public good, comprehensive liberals exclude religious believers as such from citizenship, even though a very high proportion of citizens define themselves as religious. A large majority of the nation is thus required to acquiesce in the use of governmental authority precisely for the purpose of undermining their own beliefs, even of impairing their ability to inculcate those beliefs in their children. By redefining "free exercise" and exalting the "establishment clause," separationists have in effect "established" their own hostility to religion.
Extreme separationists justify restraints on religious liberty on the grounds that religion tends to foment divisiveness. But they impose no such restraints on divisiveness of a secular kind. Ironically, liberals who are quick to detect signs of political repression even in democratic societies now justify the restriction of religious liberty on precisely the grounds traditionally used to justify political repression — that full freedom cannot be granted to those who allegedly would use it to undermine the regime of freedom. It is, to say the least, paradoxical to restrict religion undemocratically because it is deemed to be insufficiently supportive of democracy.
[T]onight's reading assignment is A Stone of Hope by David L. Chappell.A Stone of Hope is actually a history of the civil rights movement, but it's impossible to read the book without doing some fundamental rethinking about the role religion can play in schools and public life. [...]
Chappell argues that the civil rights movement was not a political movement with a religious element. It was a religious movement with a political element. [...]
[The Reverend Martin Luther] King had a more accurate view of political realities than his more secular liberal allies because he could draw on biblical wisdom about human nature. Religion didn't just make civil rights leaders stronger — it made them smarter.
Whether you believe in God or not, the Bible and commentaries on the Bible can be read as instructions about what human beings are like and how they are likely to behave. Moreover, this biblical wisdom is deeper and more accurate than the wisdom offered by the secular social sciences, which often treat human beings as soulless utility-maximizers, or as members of this or that demographic group or class.
Whether the topic is welfare, education, the regulation of biotechnology or even the war on terrorism, biblical wisdom may offer something that secular thinking does not — not pat answers, but a way to think about things.
For example, it's been painful to watch thoroughly secularized Europeans try to grapple with Al Qaeda. The bombers declare, "You want life, and we want death"— a (fanatical) religious statement par excellence. But thoroughly secularized listeners lack the mental equipment to even begin to understand that statement. They struggle desperately to convert Al Qaeda into a political phenomenon: the bombers must be expressing some grievance. This is the path to permanent bewilderment.
Thus does the call for tolerance, which cloaks itself in the language of liberalism, work instead to subvert liberal democracy.
Catholic + American = ?: How a communal body made its peace with liberal democracy.: a review of Catholicism and American Freedom: A History by John T. McGreevy (Allen Guelzo, March/April 2004, Books & Culture)
[M]cGreevy is...a great noticer of irony, and the principal irony of Catholicism and American Freedom is that the 1940s were precisely the moment when long-dormant Catholic voices calling for assimilation and accommodation to liberal democracy began to clear their throats and be heard. The twin horrors of fascism and communism persuaded many Catholics—and McGreevy focuses strongly on Jacques Maritain—that visions of paradisiacal communities, including those based on class or race, were delusions, and that liberal democracy, whatever its problems, was an infinitely safer bet for Catholics than the fascism of Franco, Petain, Salazar, and the Anschluss. In the United States, legal disputes over schools and local tax revenues found Catholics deploying church-state-separation arguments to demand equal treatment; the American Jesuit John Courtney Murray argued for a reconciliation of Catholicism and American democracy, even if the price was a cautious endorsement of individualism. And the proof was in the presidential pudding. John F. Kennedy was narrowly elected president in 1960, despite the less-than-discreet questions about whether his loyalty to the Catholic Church was at war with his loyalty to the Constitution, and to the mortification of truculent Protestants, the republic did not end.All too soon, however, it became apparent that conflict over Catholicism and American freedom, far from disappearing, had only shifted its location, from Catholics v. American culture to Catholics v. Catholics. Every hope of liberal Catholics that the way was now clear for a rapprochement with American life crashed onto the twin rocks of Catholic moral theology: contraception and abortion. The indifference with which the American Catholic laity greeted Paul VI's 1968 encyclical on contraception, Humanae Vitae, suggested that the cultural rapprochement had been a little too successful. "Most Catholic couples rejected the teaching or ignored it," McGreevy admits, and as early as 1964, Catholic physicians were already suggesting that the Church needed to "redefine what is meant by abortion." Intellectually, Catholic theologians heaved overboard the ballast of Thomistic theology as "legalism" and shifted their attention to "the historical, the particular, the individual, the changing and the relational" —the words coming, not from a Protestant situational ethicist, but from Fr. Charles Curran.
But the one unarguable virtue of an ecclesiastical hierarchy which is pledged to the principle of semper eadem is the conviction that there are some rocks on which it would be better if the ship actually broke rather than transforming itself into a sponge, and abortion proved to be one of them. Also, even the most forward liberal Catholics sat uneasily beside the onward rush of American political and legal thought beyond Isaiah Berlin's "two ideas" of liberal democracy and into the embrace of John Rawls and the "third idea" of liberalism as absolute individualistic self-definition (now enshrined in Justice Anthony Kennedy's opinion, striking down the Texas sodomy law).
What is surprising in this regard is how near to success Catholics were in turning back state legislation liberalizing abortion in the early 1970s; it was the overriding intervention of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton which upset the expectation that the tide of individualism could be resisted by Catholic political strength alone. Still more surprising, and more ironic, was how abortion signaled the end of the alliance between Catholics and Democrats. "A Democratic Party adamant that all abortions remain legal" drove observant Catholics (and the more observant, the more driven) into the unlikely arms of both the Republican Party and Protestant evangelicals. As liberal Protestantism dissolved into mere blue-America secularism, Protestant evangelicalism found itself, for the first time, as deeply alienated from the dominant culture as Catholics had been a century before. It discovered the limits on raging individualism, and then discovered that conservative Catholics also had a controversy with individualism, based on natural law theory.
Orestes Brownson and the Truth About America (Peter Augustine Lawler, December 2002, First Things)
With Brownson and Murray, we can say that there is an American tradition of Thomistic realism that opposes itself to the dominant American tradition of contractualism and pragmatism, while also resolutely affirming the achievement of American constitutionalism. We might add to the American Thomist tradition the great literary artists Walker Percy and Flannery O'Connor. Percy, for example, realistically affirmed the truth and goodness of science while also rejecting scientific claims that do not acknowledge the reality of the distinctive excellence, and destiny, of human beings.
Brownson and Murray teach us the important lesson that the beliefs we hold in common as Americans must really be true if our liberty is to be defensible. Where Brownson goes beyond Murray is in his robust defense of the necessarily national or territorial character of democracy. This was arguably his keenest insight--and one that contemporary Catholics, in America and elsewhere, inclined as they are toward skepticism of national sovereignty and admiration of transpolitical institutions, would do well to ponder.
For Brownson, national solidarity is a natural human potential rooted in necessary human dependence. It also accords with the real but limited human powers of knowing and loving one another. The universality of reason and even religion, given our natural possibilities and limitations, cannot be the model for political order. The proper political form is thus the nation, the modern equivalent of the polis. Brownson thought national solidarity perfectly compatible with the solidarity of the human race through reason and faith, as long as the state was properly oriented toward the truth.
Given our need to flourish as social but limited beings, government deserves our love, loyalty, and obedience. "Loyalty," Brownson writes, "is the highest, noblest, and most generous of human virtues, and is the human element of that sublime love or charity which the inspired Apostle tells us is the fulfillment of the law." Loyalty is more specifically human or particular than the supernatural virtue of charity. And charity cannot replace loyalty as a political or national passion. So Christianity elevates "civic virtues to the rank of religious virtues [by] making loyalty a matter of conscience." Brownson even asserts that "he who dies on the battlefield fighting for his country ranks with him who dies at the stake for his faith." More precisely, "Civic virtues are themselves religious virtues, or at least virtues without which there are no religious virtues, since no man who does not love his brother does or can love God." Human beings approach the universal through the particular, and love of the personal Creator cannot be separated from other particular human beings. Human love is never for human beings in general. All men are brothers, but men come to know brotherly love only when they experience political solidarity with their fellow citizens.
The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim, Know Thyself, and certainly there is for an individual no more important as there is no more difficult knowledge, than knowledge of himself, whence he comes, whither he goes, what he is, what he is for, what he can do, what he ought to do, and what are his means of doing it.
Nations are only individuals on a larger scale. They have a life, an individuality, a reason, a conscience, and instincts of their own, and have the same general laws of development and growth, and, perhaps, of decay, as the individual man. Equally important, and no less difficult than for the individual, is it for a nation to know itself, understand its own existence, its own powers and faculties, rights and duties, constitution, instincts, tendencies, and destiny. A nation has a spiritual as well as a material, a moral as well as a physical existence, and is subjected to internal as well as external conditions of health and virtue, greatness and grandeur, which it must in some measure understand and observe, or become weak and infirm, stunted in its growth, and end in premature decay and death.
Among nations, no one has more need of full knowledge of itself than the United States, and no one has hitherto had less. It has hardly had a distinct consciousness of its own national existence, and has lived the irreflective life of the child, with no severe trial, till the recent rebellion, to throw it back on itself and compel it to reflect on its own constitution, its own separate existence, individuality, tendencies, and end. The defection of the slaveholding States, and the fearful struggle that has followed for national unity and integrity, have brought it at once to a distinct recognition of itself, and forced it to pass from thoughtless, careless, heedless, reckless adolescence to grave and reflecting manhood. The nation has been suddenly compelled to study itself, and henceforth must act from reflection, understanding, science, statesmanship, not from instinct, impulse, passion, or caprice, knowing well what it does, and wherefore it does it. The change which four years of civil war have wrought in the nation is great, and is sure to give it the seriousness, the gravity, the dignity, the manliness it has heretofore lacked.
Though the nation has been brought to a consciousness of its own existence, it has not, even yet, attained to a full and clear understanding of its own national constitution. Its vision is still obscured by the floating mists of its earlier morning, and its judgment rendered indistinct and indecisive by the wild theories and fancies of its childhood. The national mind has been quickened, the national heart has been opened, the national disposition prepared, but there remains the important work of dissipating the mists that still linger, of brushing away these wild theories and fancies, and of enabling it to form a clear and intelligent judgment of itself, and a true and just appreciation of its own constitution tendencies,--and destiny; or, in other words, of enabling the nation to understand its own idea, and the means of its actualization in space and time.
Every living nation has an idea given it by Providence to realize, and whose realization is its special work, mission, or destiny. Every nation is, in some sense, a chosen people of God. The Jews were the chosen people of God, through whom the primitive traditions were to be preserved in their purity and integrity, and the Messiah was to come. The Greeks were the chosen people of God, for the development and realization of the beautiful or the divine splendor in art, and of the true in science and philosophy; and the Romans, for the development of the state, law, and jurisprudence. The great despotic nations of Asia were never properly nations; or if they were nations with a mission, they proved false to it--, and count for nothing in the progressive development of the human race. History has not recorded their mission, and as far as they are known they have contributed only to the abnormal development or corruption of religion and civilization. Despotism is barbaric and abnormal.
The United States, or the American Republic, has a mission, and is chosen of God for the realization of a great idea. It has been chosen not only to continue the work assigned to Greece and Rome, but to accomplish a greater work than was assigned to either. In art, it will prove false to its mission if it do not rival Greece; and in science and philosophy, if it do not surpass it. In the state, in law, in jurisprudence, it must continue and surpass Rome. Its idea is liberty, indeed, but liberty with law, and law with liberty. Yet its mission is not so much the realization of liberty as the realization of the true idea of the state, which secures at once the authority of the public and the freedom of the individual--the sovereignty of the people without social despotism, and individual freedom without anarchy. In other words, its mission is to bring out in its life the dialectic union of authority and liberty, of the natural rights of man and those of society. The Greek and Roman republics asserted the state to the detriment of individual freedom; modern republics either do the same, or assert individual freedom to the detriment of the state. The American republic has been instituted by Providence to realize the freedom of each with advantage to the other.
The real mission of the United States is to introduce and establish a political constitution, which, while it retains all the advantages of the constitutions of states thus far known, is unlike any of them, and secures advantages which none of them did or could possess. The American constitution has no prototype in any prior constitution. The American form of government can be classed throughout with none of the forms of government described by Aristotle, or even by later authorities. Aristotle knew only four forms of government: Monarchy, Aristocracy, Democracy, and Mixed Governments. The American form is none of these, nor any combination of them. It is original, a new contribution to political science, and seeks to attain the end of all wise and just government by means unknown or forbidden to the ancients, and which have been but imperfectly comprehended even by American political writers themselves. The originality of the American constitution has been overlooked by the great majority even of our own statesmen, who seek to explain it by analogies borrowed from the constitutions of other states rather than by a profound study of its own principles. They have taken too low a view of it, and have rarely, if ever, appreciated its distinctive and peculiar merits.
As the United States have vindicated their national unity and integrity, and are preparing to take a new start in history, nothing is more important than that they should take that new start with a clear and definite view of their national constitution, and with a distinct understanding of their political mission in the future of the world.
Today, July 4, we celebrate a declaration, and that in itself is something special among nations. It is wars that nations often celebrate as their most patriotic of days, but our focus is on words about the "unalienable rights" of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; our focus is on a statement that the American colonies are now independent, not that they will be after armed conflict, but that they are as of the declaration's adoption.
July 4 is a celebration of a people deciding to choose a destiny free from the dictates of others. The decision--an act of mind --is what counts most. And what have we done with that independence? We have become incredibly powerful, of course, but not because we sought power. We are where we are because we afforded common men and women opportunities nowhere else equally available.
Darwin Day and the Peppered Moths (Marek Kohn, 29 February 2004, Independent on Sunday)
Richard Dawkins was looking magisterial, his demeanour and his dark suit apt for an occasion devoted to an eminent Victorian. This was Darwin Day, February 12, the anniversary of the great scientist's birth in 1809. The international Darwin Day Program urges its celebration around the world; the British Humanist Association, for whose event Dawkins was acting as chair, wants it to be a public holiday. It feels that if believers have saints' days, non-believers should have a ceremonial day off too.How should we spend such a day, though? There are no obvious traditions, like maypole-dancing and marches for May Day. Over in Shrewsbury, Darwin's birthplace, they were having "a night of fine food and revelry" on the grounds that as a Cambridge student, Darwin had belonged to a 'Glutton Club' devoted to dining on "strange flesh". At the London School of Economics, by contrast, the atmosphere was more chapel than feast. Darwin Day was an occasion for sober dress and righteous ire. [...]
These are the two main forms of the peppered moth, emblems and textbook examples of evolution in action. The dark form appeared in Victorian Manchester, described at the time as "the chimney of the world", and had almost taken over from the speckled by the century's end. An entomologist named J.W. Tutt suggested that the dark ones were better concealed from birds in industrial districts, where pollution had stripped the lichen from the trees and covered them in soot. Half a century later, experiments by Bernard Kettlewell, of Oxford University, supported Tutt's hypothesis and made the peppered moths famous as a demonstration of evolution at a pace humans could observe. Then the dark forms duly went into decline along with smokestack industries and coal fires, making the textbook story complete. Yet in the past few years, Creationists and other anti-evolutionists have taken up the peppered moth as a stick with which to beat Darwinians. The LSE event was a rally in defence of the peppered moths' tarnished reputation.
And it was personal - relentlessly, vehemently, entirely personal. The speaker was Dr Michael Majerus, who leads the Evolutionary Genetics group at Cambridge University. Some years ago, he published a book in which he reviewed the studies done on the peppered moths. There were some anomalies, such as the appearance of dark moths in unpolluted areas, and it remained infernally difficult to do experiments which did not distort the untidy reality of life in the wild. These difficulties did not, however, shake his confidence in the story that Tutt had started a century before. But reviewing the book in the journal Nature, Jerry Coyne, an American evolutionist, compared his reaction to Majerus's discussion with the dismay he had felt when he discovered the truth about Santa Claus. He considered that the moth should be discarded as "a well-understood example of natural selection in action". [...]
Given a platform, Majerus took his revenge. For an hour he refuted, denounced and mocked. He closed with an impassioned invocation of over forty years' experience, man and boy: "I have caught literally millions of moths in moth traps. And I have found in the wild more peppered moths than any other person alive or dead. I know I'm right, I know Kettlewell was right, I know Tutt was right."
But, he acknowledged, anyone else needs scientific proof.
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In an attempt, probably feeble, to create our own version of a tracking poll, we've (well, the Other Brother has) set up a page where you can pick the electoral vote results for each state for the 2004 election. The unique feature here is that you can go in up to once a week and change your picks. We'll display a running tabulation of the current results. This should let us see how one (with all apologies to our readers) incredibly odd corner of the Internet sees the political climate at any given moment.Eventually we'll freeze the picks (late October), turn it into a contest,and award prizes to the winners.
Click The Vote: In the age of Internet politics, the Web can make or break a candidate (Stephen Baker, 3/29/04, Business Week)
As the eight-month Kerry-Bush marathon takes off, the President looks to extend his lead on the Net. The Republican Party, with its long history of direct-mail activism, has far more experience breaking its list into target groups, from tax hawks to pro-life activists. The plan is to solidify this base through the long campaign, adding e-mail names and tapping volunteers to call conservative radio stations, write letters to the editor, and knock on doors for the Bush ticket. The Republicans are even experimenting with instant messaging to create up-to-the-second links between small groups, says Max Fose, partner at consultancy Integrated Web Strategy.The Democrats, by contrast, are struggling to catch up. The party, say insiders, relied heavily on its control of the White House to mobilize supporters during the '90s. When Terry McAuliffe took the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee in 2001, he found the tech system "nothing short of shocking," says one DNC tech leader. Kerry, who used the Web far less than Dean, faces a steep learning curve. Kerry has signed up only 33,000 volunteers online, according to his campaign spokeswoman Morra Aarons.
The most innovative Web approaches are likely to come from the networked activists. With campaign-finance reform stemming the flow of so-called soft money to the parties, much of the moolah goes straight to online advocacy groups. They can focus on a single message, a strategy that plays to the Web's strengths. And they innovate constantly. After country singer Willie Nelson released an antiwar song, Aaron Sain, a member of, recorded Hey Hollywood, a conservative response in praise of President Bush. RightMarch sent a link to the song to its members, and some 20,000 downloaded it.
Even as the Web rises, TV remains the key to reaching undecided voters. According to TNS Media Intelligence/CMR, television spending this political season is expected to reach $1.1 billion, dwarfing the millions spent on the Web. Unlike the Net, TV reaches nearly every home in America. It has the power to grab the viewer's attention, and it offers far more compelling video than a broadband Net connection. "TV is still the most efficient. It interrupts you," says Robert M. Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies, a research organization in Los Angeles. "But the Internet is far more cost-effective."
AND THE WEB IS GAINING GROUND. WHILE the growth of ad-zapping technology, such as TiVo (TIVO ), erodes the value of a TV ad, the Web's reach is growing. With the spread of broadband connections, candidates -- including the vast majority who can't afford to buy time on TV -- can speak directly to voters. "It's a godsend for candidates who literally wouldn't have a voice," says David M. Stone, a film producer in Philadelphia who created Web videos for long shot Garrett Gruener in the California recall election.
The Web also has a legal edge. It's not bound to the same election regulations as TV. A candidate who runs a hard-hitting ad against an opponent on television must take responsibility for it, in his own voice, sometime during the ad. No such requirement yet exists for Net ads. In February, the Bush team circulated its first attack ad against Kerry to its millions of online supporters -- minus the President's voice authorizing the message. The pace of Web ads is sure to pick up, especially in the last two months of the campaign, when political ads by advocacy groups on TV are prohibited. "It's going to be a wild last two months on the Web," says James F. Moore, senior fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Voting Bloc: In Geneva, the U.N.'s successor may be testing its wings (Jonathan Rauch, March 22, 2004, Reason)
Since 1996, a handful of foreign-policy wonks have been kicking around the idea of a "democracy caucus" at the U.N. Two administrations, first Bill Clinton's and then George W. Bush's, took quiet but significant steps in that direction. Now, according to Bush administration officials, the concept will be test-flown at the six-week meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights that began on Monday in Geneva.Reached at his Chicago law office shortly before his departure for Geneva, Richard S. Williamson, the U.S. ambassador to the Human Rights Commission, said, "It's our hope, going to Geneva, to have two or three working sessions of the Community of Democracies—the democracy caucus, if you will." Asked if the meetings would be simply organizational or social, as earlier ones have been, he said: "We want to move beyond that. We are hopeful there will be meetings to discuss particular agenda items at the commission meeting and seek to find a common approach to them." Losing no time, the democracy caucus convened over breakfast in Geneva on Wednesday. [...]
In 1996, a private group called the United Nations Association of the United States of America floated the idea of a caucus solely for democracies. With 120 or so nations (out of 191 U.N. members), such a caucus could serve as a powerful counterweight to the traditional caucuses.
Late in the second Clinton administration, with a push from the State Department, the democracies began to organize. In 2000, 106 democracies gathered for the first meeting of an informal group they called the Community of Democracies. It had no permanent staff or formal powers, but it did produce an endorsement, in principle, of a democracy caucus at the U.N., a stance that the community reaffirmed in a second meeting in 2002 and, most recently, at a U.N. meeting last fall.
The Bush State Department then began lobbying Community of Democracy nations in a series of diplomatic lunches. "And these lunches with ambassadors from all different geographical regions—but all democracies—talked about all kinds of ideas, including this one," Paula J. Dobriansky, the undersecretary of State for global affairs, said in an interview. "Overall, it was very clear that other democratic countries from various regions embrace this idea and feel it could be of great value at the U.N., that it can bring together and highlight issues relevant to democracy."
All of that was groundwork. What had yet to happen was for the caucus to meet at the U.N. to do actual business: devise common positions, advance resolutions, eventually vote as a bloc on nominations and policies. It is this operational coordination that the administration hopes will now begin in Geneva, under the leadership of Chile, which currently heads the Community of Democracies' steering group. [...]
[C]onsider the long-term potential. By the time the Community of Democracies becomes strong enough to act coherently inside the U.N., it will also be strong enough to act coherently outside the U.N. It will contain most of the world's countries, including most of the strong ones. It will be unencumbered by the vetoes of tin-pot tyrannies. As it gains confidence and skill, it will attract money and authority. It may sprout an aid budget, a relief program, a peacekeeping arm, perhaps treaty powers.
In other words, the Community of Democracies may begin as a voice within the U.N. but go on to become a competitor to the U.N. Perhaps—one can dream—it may someday be the U.N.'s successor.
Saddam, women's rights (Nat Hentoff, March 22, 2004, The Washington Times)
At the Brookings Institution in Washington on Feb. 25, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton charged that, with Saddam Hussein gone, there have been "pullbacks" in the rights Iraqi women enjoyed under his rule. Not even such bellicose critics of the war as Sen. Ted Kennedy have claimed that the regime change has cost women in Iraq the leading defender of their rights.Mrs. Clinton did try to qualify her softening of the dictator's horrific image by noting that these women's rights were "on paper." However, she went on to give substance to the rights on paper: "They went to school; they participated in the professions. They participated in government and in business; as long as they stayed out of his way, they had considerable freedom of movement."
John Burns -- who reported for the New York Times from Iraq before, during the war and since -- wrote of a paramilitary group once led by Saddam's oldest (since forcibly deceased) son, Uday: "Masked and clad in black, (the men) make the women kneel in busy city squares, along crowded sidewalks, or in neighborhood plots, then behead them with swords." The women's crime, said their families, was having criticized Uday's benevolent father.
When the dictator's prisons were briefly opened before the war, Mr. Burns reported on the "raping of women in front of their husbands, from whom the torturers wanted to extract information."
Kerry rebuffs Venezuela's Chavez (Reuters, 3/22/04)
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has attacked Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as a dubious democrat hostile to U.S. interests, delivering a slap in the face to the leftist leader who had portrayed Kerry as a potential friend.The Kerry statement on his Web site made front-page news in Venezuela on Monday, nearly two weeks after Chavez had publicly praised the Democrat contender, hailing his health care plans and likening him to assassinated U.S. President John Kennedy.
The Trial of John Kerry (William Rivers Pitt, 10 December 2003, t r u t h o u t)
There are but a few weeks to go before the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. Time has grown short. In an effort to galvanize the message Kerry wants to deliver in the time remaining, he convened a powerful roster of journalists and columnists in the New York City apartment of Al Franken last Thursday. The gathering could not properly be called a meeting or a luncheon. It was a trial. The journalists served as prosecuting attorneys, jury and judge. The crowd I joined in Franken's living room was comprised of:Al Franken and his wife Franni;
Rick Hertzberg, senior editor for the New Yorker;
David Remnick, editor for the New Yorker;
Jim Kelly, managing editor for Time Magazine;
Howard Fineman, chief political correspondent for Newsweek;
Jeff Greenfield, senior correspondent and analyst for CNN;
Frank Rich, columnist for the New York Times;
Eric Alterman, author and columnist for MSNBC and the Nation;
Art Spiegelman, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist/author of "Maus";
Richard Cohen, columnist for the Washington Post;
Fred Kaplan, columnist for Slate;
Jacob Weisberg, editor of Slate and author;
Jonathan Alter, senior editor and columnist for Newsweek;
Philip Gourevitch, columnist for the New Yorker;
Calvin Trillin, freelance writer and author;
Edward Jay Epstein, investigative reporter and author;
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who needs no introduction.We sat in a circle around Kerry and grilled him for two long hours. In an age of retail politicians who avoid substance the way vampires avoid sunlight, in an age when the sitting President flounders like a gaffed fish whenever he must speak to reporters without a script, Kerryís decision to open himself to the slings and arrows of this group was bold and impressive. He was fresh from two remarkable speeches -- one lambasting the PATRIOT Act, another outlining his foreign policy ideals while eviscerating the Bush record ñ and had his game face on. He needed it, because Eric Alterman lit into him immediately on the all-important issue of his vote for the Iraq War Resolution. The prosecution had begun.
Sexual Abuse by Educators Is Scrutinized (Caroline Hendrie, 3/10/04, Education Week)
A draft report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education concludes that far too little is known about the prevalence of sexual misconduct by teachers or other school employees, but estimates that millions of children are being affected by it during their school-age years.Written in response to a requirement in the federal No Child Left Behind Act, the report by a university-based expert on schoolhouse sexual misconduct concludes that the issue "is woefully understudied" and that solid national data on its prevalence are sorely needed.
Yet despite the limitations of the existing research base, the scope of the problem appears to far exceed the priest abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church, said Charol Shakeshaft, the Hofstra University scholar who prepared the report.
The best data available suggest that nearly 10 percent of American students are targets of unwanted sexual attention by public school employees—ranging from sexual comments to rape—at some point during their school-age years, Ms. Shakeshaft said.
"So we think the Catholic Church has a problem?" she said.
To support her contention that many more youngsters have been sexually mistreated by school employees than by priests, Ms. Shakeshaft pointed to research conducted for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and released late last month. That study found that from 1950 to 2002, 10,667 people made allegations that priests or deacons had sexually abused them as minors. ("Report Tallies Alleged Sexual Abuse by Priests," this issue.)
Extrapolating from data collected in a national survey for the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation in 2000, Ms. Shakeshaft estimated that roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a public school employee from 1991 to 2000—a single decade, compared with the roughly five-decade period examined in the study of Catholic priests.
Those figures suggest that "the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests,"contended Ms. Shakeshaft, who is a professor of educational administration at Hofstra, in Hempstead, N.Y.
For Kurds, a day of bonfires, legends, and independence: During Newroz, a spring festival, Kurds commemorate the defeat of a tyrannical king. (Dan Murphy, 3/23/04, CS Monitor)
At first blush, the holiday looks similar to dozens of coming-of-spring festivals around the world. But for the Kurds, the day means far more - especially this year, the first after the fall of Saddam Hussein, with the Kurds having won a major political victory in the transitional constitution, which appears to guarantee the de facto autonomous status they've enjoyed since the US created the no-fly zone after the 1991 Gulf War.In the 20th century, Newroz became an integral part of the Kurdish national myth. On the Kurdish calendar, the first day of spring is the first day of the year.
In the 1930s, the Kurdish poet Taufik Abdullah decided it was time for a Kurdish cultural revival, and struck on this ancient holiday as the key.
"It was a dying holiday but he revived it and remade it as a symbol of Kurdish national struggle,'' says Stran Abdullah, a Kurdish journalist. "It was to remind everyone and ourselves that we're different, a special people. The lighting of the fires became a symbol of freedom." [...]
Part of the reason that Kurdish national aspirations remain so strong is that Newroz came with a set of myths befitting a people who felt oppressed and robbed by history. Kurdish children are brought up on the legend of Kawa, a courageous blacksmith who lived 2,500 years ago under the tyranny of King Zuhak, a monster with two serpents growing from his shoulder who fed on the brains of small children. He was so evil that spring no longer came to Kurdistan.
One popular version of the myth has it that Kawa, asked to send his seventh and last child to Zuhak, hid his son in the mountains with other fleeing children. Over time, Kawa turned the children into an army and, on March 20, marched on the castle and smote the king dead with his hammer. Fires were lit on the hillsides to celebrate the victory, so the story goes, and spring at last returned the next day.
Over the past 30 years the Kurds came to see Hussein, particularly since the atrocities of the campaigns of the 1980s, which included the murder of 5,000 Kurds at Halabja, as a latter-day Zuhak.
"We're so happy Saddam is gone, we live in hope that our rights will be protected now,'' says Chi Bahaddin, a young wife decked out in a red-sequined dress. Still, she's not satisfied. "It would have been best for everybody if he had been killed with a hammer."
A Russian reform hits home: mortgages: For his second term, President Putin has made home ownership a priority. (Scott Peterson, 3/23/04, CS Monitor)
Part of Mr. Putin's campaign focused on mortgages, and the need for a "legislative package that could 'launch' an affordable housing market." The problems must be "addressed without delay" in the spring parliamentary session, Putin said, because "only a free man can ensure the state's prosperity."The budding market has now loaned $400 million to $500 million by some counts, with an average mortgage of $18,000, paid back over seven to 15 years. The Association of Russian Banks, says Georgy Gangus, expects the market to quadruple during the next three years, toward a potential volume of $30 billion.
But bringing mortgages to Russia has not been easy. Though seeds of a mortgage system were sown in the late 1990s, legal and psychological hurdles persist. The law enabling lenders to foreclose on the property of defaulters remains untested, for example, so lending banks have been cautious.
And while most Soviet-era apartments were simply given to those who were resident in them when the communist regime fell apart, laws defining land ownership were only passed in 2001.
In a demand-driven real estate market - where prices in some better Moscow areas soared 40 percent last year - many families can't afford to move without a loan. Until recently, tax and finance laws were also in flux; often borrowers have little collateral other than their jobs.
"[Lending] is impeded by the fact that there are no credit histories in Russia, no credit rating agencies, and no credit bureaus," says Gerald Gaige, the head of Real Estate and Valuation Advisory at Ernst & Young, who has worked in Russia for 10 years.
Among the laws expected to be passed this spring is one that smooths the process now prohibiting banks and financial institutions from sharing credit information, Mr. Gaige says. Only now are assets such as buildings and property in Russia beginning to be valued and "monetized," he adds; new rules in the works will also create mortgage-backed securities, to make more cash available to lenders.
So far there are only "thousands, not millions" of mortgages in Russia, a figure that Gaige expects to "accelerate" since some 100 banks and institutions are already geared up to make such loans.
Terror suspects may have escaped through secret tunnel, officials say (Ahsanullah Wazir, 03/22/2004, Associated Press)
Top al-Qaida terrorists may have escaped a siege by thousands of Pakistani soldiers through several secret tunnels leading from mud fortresses to a dry mountain stream near the border with Afghanistan, a security chief said today.The longest tunnel found so far was more than 1 mile long and led from the homes of two local men - Nek Mohammed and Sharif Khan - to a stream near the frontier, said Brig. Mahmood Shah, head of security for Pakistan's tribal regions. [...]
The militants may have used the tunnel to escape during the disastrous first day of the operation on Mar. 16, when at least 15 soldiers were killed in fierce fighting. Still, Lt. Gen. Safdar Hussain, the commander of the operation, said over the weekend that authorities believe an important terrorist remains inside, based on the level of resistance of the holdouts.
'You love life, we love death' (Spengler, 3/23/04, Asia Times)
Washington continues to underestimate its enemies. Who precisely loves life and who loves death? Al-Qaeda's taunt comes from a people with one of the highest birth rates in the world, namely the Arabs. It is directed at a people with one of the lowest birth rates in the world, namely the Spanish. One does not love "life" if one does not bother to have children. One loves rather one's own life, with its vacations, jamon serrano (cured ham), wines and siestas. Al-Qaeda is saying that the Spaniards are too soft to fight for their own future. Two generations ago, it was the arch-Catholic Spanish legionnaire General Millan Astray who raised the cry "Viva la muerte!" at the outset of the Civil War, by which he meant that death was preferable to defeat. [...]Sacrifice is the universal means by which religions enable the faithful to come to grips with death. Christians take part vicariously in the self-sacrifice of their God; Muslims sacrifice themselves. Jewish sacrifice in pre-Christian times contained both a material side, that is, the elaborate animal and other food sacrifices performed at the temple, as well as a purely spiritual side ("a broken and contrite heart", Psalm 51:10). In post-temple times that peculiarly Jewish institution, the Sabbath, became a sacrifice of sorts; by doing no work of any kind on the Sabbath, "a foretaste of the world to come", the Jew sacrifices his ego, namely his impulse to act on and control the world. Only in a very specific sense was Ismail Hayina correct to say that the Jews love life more than anyone else. The Jewish concept of election, the notion that Israel is a divinely chosen and thus an eternal people, gives the Jews a special surety of eternal life. That is why, alone among the major religions, the Jews have no ascetic tradition.
All religion submerges the ego, in anticipation of the day when death will destroy the ego for all time. Sacrifice, namely giving up something of one's self, is the universal vehicle for reducing the ego. Sacrifice becomes terribly dangerous when the ego cannot re-emerge under the sun and sky of the real world. [...]
The longstanding Judeo-Christian objection to Islam lies in the notion that Allah's absolute power is not constrained by love. "The God of Mohammed is a creator who well might not have bothered to create. He displays his power like an Oriental potentate who rules by violence, not by acting according to necessity, not by authorizing the enactment of the law, but rather in his freedom to act arbitrarily," wrote the Jewish theologian Franz Rosenzweig. (See Asia Times Online, Oil on the flames of civilizational war, Dec 2, 2003). Whether the human ego can stand up to this absolute power is a different question; whether Islam has a propensity to produce a necrophiliac brand of radicalism is a question that the West will continue to ask. That issue is only tangential to the matter of al-Qaeda's challenge, which simply means, "Unlike us, you are unwilling to give your lives for your cause." Evidently that is true of the Spanish; if it becomes true of the West in general, radical Islam will win.
Are the Jacksonians Sated? (Michael J. Totten, 03/22/2004, Tech Central Station)
A curious thing seems to have happened since Saddam Hussein's regime was overthrown in Iraq. America no longer feels like a country at war. [...]
America's Jacksonians have been sated.
Who are the Jacksonians?
In 1999 Walter Russell Mead wrote a celebrated essay for The National Interest called The Jacksonian Tradition where he described what he calls the four foreign policy traditions in the United States; Jacksonian, Wilsonian, Hamiltonian, and Jeffersonian.
Jeffersonians are principled pacifists. Hamiltonians seek a stable and orderly world made secure for the global economy. Wilsonians build international institutions that promote freedom and human rights. They also fight for a world that's safe for democracy. And finally there are Jacksonians, who are isolationist in peace time and ruthless in war time.
Jacksonians, when roused, fight unflinchingly to the finish. The very idea of a limited war is anathema. They demanded the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in World War II, and they hardly blinked an eye at the nuclear annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their complaint about the Vietnam War is that we didn't fight to win, not that we stayed on too long. When the first President Bush left Saddam Hussein in power after routing him in Kuwait, Americans of the Jacksonian persuasion were deeply unsatisfied.
After September 11, 2001, pin-point air strikes against terrorist camps in Afghanistan would have been woefully inadequate. Nothing short of the overthrow of the Taliban was acceptable. Though regime-change in Iraq was the brainchild of hawkish Wilsonian intellectuals, Jacksonians lent their support instinctively and overwhelmingly. They would no longer tolerate violations of the 1991 cease-fire they never thought Saddam deserved in the first place. [...]
President Bush's Middle East strategy is Wilsonian idealism in Jacksonian costume. Rhetorical flourishes like "good riddance" and "dead or alive" play well among Jacksonians, even as it drives more genteel Wilsonians and Jeffersonians to distraction.
Indeed, we can see in retrospect that those within the Administration who argued for doing Iraq in the immediate wake of 9-11 were probably right. By waiting until after Afghanistan they nearly didn't have enough backing to take out Saddam and folks just want it all to end now. (That's why leaving the al Qaeda elements in Pakistan was wise--no one will dispute going after them whenever.)
The great task before President Bush, the one that stands to make him a historic figure if he succeeds, is to convince the Jacksonians that his style of hawkish Wilsonianism is in America's (and their) best interest. The basic idea is that by hastening the End of History and pushing the world's most dysfunctional regions and states towards liberal democracy we can avoid getting pulled into their problems in the future. That is: it is always America that ends up dealing with the most pathological -isms; stopping genocides; intervening in civil wars; reversing invasions; etc.--why not act preemptively for once and settle these problems on our terms?
In trying to effect this revolution, Mr. Bush is squarely within the American rhetorical and intellectual tradition but running counter to the political tradition. If he pulls it off it will be an unparalleled achievement.
Sheik Was a Symbolic Figure Revered by Hamas Followers (CHRISTINE HAUSER, 3/22/04, NY Times)
[A]s the spiritual leader and man who helped found Hamas, Sheik Yassin is the most significant Palestinian militant killed by Israel so far. Sheik Yassin, a quadraplegic, was a symbolic figure for Palestinians to resistance against Israel.He was revered by followers of Hamas, which is officially committed to Israel's destruction and has launched suicide attacks against Israelis in retaliation for what it calls Israel's crimes in the occupied territories and attacks on Palestinians.
His death came as Israeli forces have increased the pressure on militants in the Gaza Strip after two Palestinian suicide bombers from a refugee camp there blew themselves up eight days ago at the Israeli port of Ashdod, killing 10 Israelis. Hamas and Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades jointly claimed the attack.
Sheik Yassin has denied involvement in planning specific attacks against Israel, but Israeli officials say he is personally responsible.
In a statement that underscored the prospect of even more violence after his killing, Hamas's military wing said it was planning a "string of responses to this crime of assassination."
Yoram Schweitzer, an Israeli researcher in international terrorism at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv, said that Sheik Yassin was of such symbolic importance to Palestinians there would likely be a new urgency for "spectacular attacks" to satiate Palestinian calls for revenge.
"We are already in a war with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and contingents of Fatah," Mr. Schweitzer said in a telephone interview, referring to other Palestinian groups that have carried out attacks.
"I don't think it is going to change anything for the time being."
Israel preparing for wave of terror (Herb Keinon, Mar. 21, 2004, Jerusalem Post)
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Monday that Israel will press ahead with a systematic campaign against Hamas, hours after an IAF air strike killed the founder of the Islamic terrorist group, Ahmed Yassin.Yassin's "hands were soaked in the blood of Israeli children," Mofaz told reporters after appearing before parliament's Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee.
Yassin was directly responsible for attacks that killed hundreds of Israelis, Mofaz said.
"As part of our systematic operations against all the terror organizations, we are working on a large number of tracks, including striking against the terrorist leaders, activists, sources of money, (making) arrests and targeted killings," Mofaz said. "We shall continue this systematic policy against the terrorist organizations."
Mofaz said he was confident Hamas could be weakened ahead of a possible Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
The defense minister said Israel had taken possible Hamas reprisals into account. "We are prepared for a possible wave of terror in the coming weeks," he said.
The Defense Ministry is preparing a systematic war against Hamas, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told the cabinet Sunday, saying this is especially important as Israel moves toward disengagement from Gaza.
In Afghanistan, once a hotbed of Qaeda training and Taliban tyranny, nobody can deny we helped bring forth the beginnings of democratic government. Afghans, including newly liberated women, are helping track down fugitive killers. [...]Nobody can be certain that Iraq will remain whole and free after we turn over sovereignty on June 30. But prospects look far better than predicted by defeatists who claimed a year ago that political freedom had no chance of taking root in hostile Arab soil. [...]
We are training a civilian defense corps, twice the size of a joint Shiite-Sunni-Kurdish army, to take over free Iraq's battle against the Ansar-Qaeda terrorists and Baathist diehards. With the transfer of political power to a transitional Iraqi government, public fury at the mortar and rocket attacks on "soft target" civilians will be a nationalizing, not a destabilizing, force — directed not at occupiers but against the terrorist invaders. [...]
From Kuwait to Qatar, the coalition's overthrow of Saddam has been a political tonic. Libya's dictator is making weaponry concessions lest his economy be wrecked and he be ousted. Repressive Iran is ripening for revolution. Egypt's boss and Saudi Arabia's princes are nervous because an arc of democracy bids fair to extend from Turkey through Iraq to Israel, with literate, enterprising populations blazing a path to liberating prosperity in the greater Middle East.
Syria's sullen Bashar al-Assad is feeling the heat. He benefited most from Saddam's corruption, probably provided a hiding place for Iraqi weapons and a route of entry into Iraq for Qaeda killers. His troops illegally occupy Lebanon; he supports Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists in rocket attacks and suicide bombings. His so-called intelligence sharing has been singularly unproductive.
Kerry unveils message ad, touts 'a new direction' (AP, 3/22/04)
John Kerry introduces himself to voters in a television ad unveiled Monday, promising "a new direction for America" from a war-tested Democrat.Titled "Fought for America," the 30-second ad airing in 17 states beginning Tuesday says Kerry has "the military experience to defend America" and the policies to improve health care and the economy.
"We need to get some things done in this country: affordable health care, rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy, really investing in our kids. That's why I'm running for president," Kerry says in the commercial, which includes footage of him emerging from the jungles of Vietnam more than 30 years ago.
The four-term Massachusetts senator and decorated Vietnam veteran is trying to define himself before President Bush and his GOP allies do. The president is spending more than $6 million on broadcast TV alone to label Kerry a soft-on-terrorism, tax-raising, flip-flopping liberal. Kerry spent less than a third of that amount on his first commercial, accusing Bush of "misleading America" with negative ads. [...]
Kerry's latest commercial, his second, contains no direct criticism of Bush. His advisers, confined to a budget of more than $2 million for the new ad, are hoping that voters will reject the White House's negative spots and learn more about the Democratic challenger who came out of the primaries ill-defined and underfunded.
That doesn't mean Kerry or his staff have sworn off negative campaigning.
"This is our chance to say Americans have a real choice, and we don't have to define the president because the people have been living through his real and meaningful failures every day," campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill told The Associated Press.
Kerry recruits former Mondale aide to lead search for running mate (Rob Hotakainen, 03/22/2004, Minneapolis Star Tribune)
When Jimmy Carter called Walter Mondale on July 15, 1976, asking him to join the Democratic ticket, Jim Johnson was in Mondale's room at the Carlyle Hotel in New York City.In 1984, as Mondale's presidential campaign manager, Johnson oversaw the search that made history when Mondale chose the first woman, then-Rep. Geraldine Ferraro of New York, as his running mate.
As Johnson now takes charge of the vice presidential candidate search for Democratic Sen. John Kerry, his friends say the Minnesota native is well-suited for the job for one big reason: He can keep his mouth shut.
What’s morality got to do with it?: Some 55 million foetuses are aborted each year. Why, then, all the fuss about destroying embryos in the course of stem-cell research? (Mary Wakefield, 3/20/04, The Spectator)
Although ‘reproductive cloning’ is illegal in Britain, many people oppose cloning embryos on the grounds that scientists, once confronted with a blastocyst, will be unable to resist implanting it in a human womb. The resulting clone baby will then, they imagine, suffer hideous genetic defects and accelerated ageing in the manner of Dolly the sheep. ‘There is every reason to expect an expansion of the context of therapeutic cloning to include foetuses,’ says Dr Fleming, director of Southern Cross, an Australian bioethics think-tank. ‘Particularly given the fact that it would be much easier to allow organs to develop “naturally” in the cloned foetus before harvesting. There have, in fact, already been calls for the harvesting of organs from embryos and foetuses. If cloned foetuses were allowed to develop, the next “natural” consequence would be to allow cloned embryos to be implanted and develop until birth.’It’s a horrible thought but I’m sure Dr Fleming is right. If it can happen, it will, and probably already has somewhere in an underground lab in Belgium. But here’s another horrible thought: isn’t the whole attempt to draw a wavy line between the sorts of embryocide we like and don’t like basically nonsense? Can we really persist in thinking that a tiny blastocyst has some sort of right to respect if we are in favour of aborting 24-week-old babies?
The government attempts to make sense of the issue by giving an embryo this ‘symbolic moral status’ — a term cooked up by the Warnock committee in 1990. ‘The special status of an embryo as a potential human being is accepted,’ says the Department of Health, ‘but the significance of the respect owed to developing human life is regarded as increasing in proportion to the degree of development of the embryo. At the very early stages of development, according to this view, it is morally justified to use embryos for research purposes in order to benefit others.’ It’s a comfort to think that the little blastocysts have some standing in the world even as the syringe approaches, but what exactly is a ‘symbolic moral status’? To what is an early embryo morally equivalent? A dog? You’d have the RSPCA in fits. An iguana? Perhaps something in-between a mouse and a skin cell? And what does its ‘special moral status’ entitle an embryo to, apart from the right to be scrutinised by the Human Embryology and Fertilisation Authority before it’s whacked?
Those who object to therapeutic cloning, but not to IVF or abortion, claim that there is a difference between creating an embryo just in order to nix it and killing it after an accidental pregnancy. But treating an embryo as a means to an end is only ethically problematic if it has human status. And if the intention of scientists doing the therapeutic cloning is to alleviate a considerable amount of suffering, then what’s the problem? Why is it better to abort a foetus for the sake of convenience than to kill a blastocyst in the interest of finding a cure for heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, liver failure, blindness, senile dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s and arthritis?
Ahab and Nemesis (A. J. Liebling, 1955-10-08, The New Yorker)
Back in 1922, the late Heywood Broun, who is not remembered primarily as a boxing writer, wrote a durable account of a combat between the late Benny Leonard and the late Rocky Kansas for the lightweight championship of the world. Leonard was the greatest practitioner of the era, Kansas just a rough, optimistic fellow. In the early rounds, Kansas messed Leonard about, and Broun was profoundly disturbed. A radical in politics, he was a conservative in the arts, and Kansas made him think of Gertrude Stein, les Six, and nonrepresentational painting, all of them novelties that irritated him.“With the opening gong, Rocky Kansas tore into Leonard,” he wrote. “He was gauche and inaccurate, but terribly persistent.” The classic verities prevailed, however. After a few rounds, during which Broun continued to yearn for a return to a culture with fixed values, he was enabled to record: “The young child of nature who was challenging for the championship dropped his guard, and Leonard hooked a powerful and entirely orthodox blow to the conventional point of the jaw. Down went Rocky Kansas. His past life flashed before him during the nine seconds in which he remained on the floor, and he wished that he had been more faithful as a child in heeding the advice of his boxing teacher. After all, the old masters did know something. There is still a kick in style, and tradition carries a nasty wallop.”
I have often thought of Broun’s words in the three years since Rocky Marciano, the reigning heavyweight champion, scaled the fistic summits, as they say in Journal-Americanese, by beating a sly, powerful quadragenarian colored man named Jersey Joe Walcott. The current Rocky is gauche and inaccurate, but besides being persistent he is a dreadfully severe hitter with either hand. The predominative nature of this asset has been well stated by Pierce Egan, the Edward Gibbon and Sir Thomas Malory of the old London prize ring, who was less preoccupied than Broun with ultimate implications. Writing in 1821 of a “milling cove” named Bill Neat, the Bristol Butcher, Egan said, “He possesses a requisite above all the art that teaching can achieve for any boxer; namely, one hit from his right hand, given in proper distance, can gain a victory; but three of them are positively enough to dispose of a giant.” This is true not only of Marciano’s right hand but of his left hand, too—provided he doesn’t miss the giant entirely. Egan doubted the advisability of changing Neat’s style, and he would have approved of Marciano’s. The champion has an apparently unlimited absorptive capacity for percussion (Egan would have called him an “insatiable glutton”) and inexhaustible energy (“a prime bottom fighter”). “Shifting,” or moving to the side, and “milling in retreat,” or moving back, are innovations of the late eighteenth century that Rocky’s advisers have carefully kept from his knowledge, lest they spoil his natural prehistoric style. Egan excused these tactics only in boxers of feeble constitution. I imagine Broun would have had a hard time fitting Marciano anywhere into his frame of reference.
Archie Moore, the light-heavyweight champion of the world, who hibernates in San Diego, California, and estivates in Toledo, Ohio, is a Brounian rather than an Eganite in his thinking about style, but he naturally has to do more than think about it. Since the rise of Marciano, Moore, a cerebral and hyperexperienced light-colored pugilist who has been active since 1936, has suffered the pangs of a supreme exponent of bel canto who sees himself crowded out of the opera house by a guy who can only shout. As a sequel to a favorable review I wrote of one of his infrequent New York appearances a year ago, when his fee was restricted to a measly five figures, I received a sad little note signed “The most unappreciated fighter in the world, Archie Moore.” A fellow who has as much style as Moore tends to overestimate the intellect—he develops the kind of Faustian mind that will throw itself against the problem of perpetual motion, or of how to pick horses first, second, third, and fourth in every race. Archie’s note made it plain to me that he was honing his harpoon for the White Whale.
Archie Moore’s Remarkable Run at the Heavyweight Championship (B. R. Bearden, East Side Boxing)
It’s 1954 and Archie is making some noises towards a possible Marciano fight but nobody is listening. Not yet. [...]In a campaign of harassment that would make a celebrity stalker proud, Moore goes after the heavyweight champion where it hurts the most; his pride. He takes out adds in papers calling for Rocky to fight him, he gives interviews where he outlines his strategy to defeat the Rock, he has wanted posters printed and placed where Marciano will see them, he sends him notes on the golf course, “Are you afraid to fight an old man?”. Even the Ring is suggesting Moore has a chance to dethrone the Rock “if Marciano gives him a shot”. Called out in such a sustained, public manner, Rocky shelves his retirement plans (which are unknown to the public or Moore) and agrees to answer the challenge of the Old Mongoose.
The resulting fight starts off as if Moore’s master plan were flawless. In the second round he drops Marciano with a perfect right for only the second time in the Rock’s career. For a brief moment, a twinkling in the eye of fate, it appears Archie will hold both the light heavyweight and the heavyweight belts. But the moment is a mere two seconds and Marciano is back on his feet, taking no count, and coming after Moore with a savagery he might not have unleashed on the amiable Moore otherwise. Archie later admits the mistake he made was to drop Marciano early, noting that the heavyweight champ was a slow starter and he meant to get the early rounds in the bank as Walcott had done. By dropping him in the second round, he’s roused the smoldering fire that always burned in Marciano and the result is a relentless, merciless assault. All Archie’s great boxing skill, his cross-arm defense, his feints and moves, can’t keep off him a man he would refer to later as “a bull with boxing gloves”. For eight rounds Moore takes a terrible beating, knocked down three times, saved by the bell in the eighth, and when he returns to his corner with the assist of a compassionate referee it’s obvious the end is near. Between rounds the referee comes to Moore’s corner and offers to stop the fight, the outcome of which is no longer in doubt, and Archie replies, “I too am a champion, and I want to go out like a champion.”
The courageous words of a great fighter, the final defiant gesture from a man who worked so hard for his shot at the heavyweight title. The ninth round starts, Marciano is a whirlwind of fury, and Archie is down for the fourth and last time. In defeat he is as endearing as in triumph; he says he hopes the fans felt they got their money’s worth and he thanks Marciano for giving him the shot.
Archie Moore would have one more shot at the title, fighting Floyd Patterson for Rocky’s vacated title. It is Marciano himself who names Patterson and Moore as the men most deserving to fight for the belt. Moore fights a torrid schedule leading up to the Patterson fight, eleven bouts in eight months, seven of them against heavyweights. It’s too much, and Archie isn’t in the shape for Patterson that he was for Marciano. The result is a 5th round KO and the end of Archie’s heavyweight championship dreams.
The incredible Archie Moore finished with a record of 183-24-10 with at least 141 KOs (some historians state it at 145, but either way it’s the most of any fighter in the history of gloved boxing). He fought 61 times against Top Ten fighters and 15 times against future Hall of Famers. Archie may not have grasped the golden ring he wanted so badly, but it wasn’t for lack of courage or the will to reach for it.
AFTER MADRID (David Remnick, 2004-03-22, The New Yorker)
In recent years, Osama bin Laden has concealed his person from spies and Predator drones but has hidden his intentions and his sense of historical mission in plain sight. The recent bombings in Madrid are linked not only to the goals of undermining and unnerving states where secular pluralism reigns but also, by way of a kind of magical realism, to ancient resentments and fantasies, to bin Laden’s desire, expressed in videotaped speeches and declarations, that his followers reverse what Al Qaeda’s ideologist Ayman al-Zawahiri once called “the tragedy of Al-Andalus.” In the United States, “The Moor’s Last Sigh” is a novel by Salman Rushdie; for radical Islamists it is the memory of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelling Muslims from the Iberian peninsula and of King Boabdil fleeing Granada in tears while his mother says, “Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man.” That event, five centuries past, resonates in the fundamentalist imagination like the defeat of the Muslim armies in Vienna in 1683 and the end of the Ottoman caliphate in 1924. [...]The problem of modern terror--terror that combines an apocalyptic ideology and a yearning for destruction--demands honesty with ourselves about the nature of the threat and honesty in politics. Capturing the top leaders of Al Qaeda is a necessity, but terror is not a threat that will end with decapitation. Nor will it end with the ordinary politics of negotiation and concession. The rebel cells of Madrid will not disperse with the pullout of Spanish troops from Iraq any more than the cells in this country dispersed with the American pullout of troops from Saudi Arabia. The old models do not apply. Groups like eta and the I.R.A. have committed acts of repugnant violence, but their aims have always been regional, limited in scope. The radical Islamists are at war with modernity itself. Their sense of difference is encapsulated in the declaration of an alleged Al Qaeda spokesman: “You love life, and we love death.” Transnational terror cannot be combatted in an atmosphere of international distrust. At the very least, the terrorists have proved themselves to be as good as their word. Governments that hope to resist them must be, too.
Neoconservatives and Trotskyism (Bill King, March 22, 2004, Enter Stage Right)
In one of the first in-depth studies written about neoconservatism in the 1970s, The Neoconservatives: The Men Who Are Changing America's Politics (1978), Peter Steinfels observed that it is impossible to understand the neoconservatives without understanding their history. Yet it is precisely the history of "the neocons" that is today being systematically distorted by paleoconservatives through the polemical campaign they are waging against leading neoconservative intellectuals and the foreign policy of the Bush administration.As part of the two-decade old civil war within intellectual conservatism, paleoconservatives have forcefully asserted that neoconservatism is a descendant of American Trotskyism, and that neoconservatives continue to be influenced by the ideas of the exiled Soviet revolutionary in their view of foreign policy. In fact, in the period since the attacks of 9/11 the isolationist paleocons have made the "Trotskyist neocon" assertion one of their main weapons in the ongoing feud. Web sites such as The Center for Libertarian Studies' and, and magazines such as Pat Buchanan's American Conservative and the Rockford Institute's Chronicles, have all featured articles focusing on the supposed link between the neocons and Leon Trotsky. The most extreme paleocons, who flirt dangerously with outright anti-Semitism, claim not only that neoconservatism is derivative of Trotskyism but that a "cabal of Jewish neocons" is manipulating US foreign policy and actually implementing Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution from the White House.
While paleoconservatives usually have little impact outside of intellectual circles, their "Trotskyist neocon" assertion has rapidly entered mainstream political discussion. To a large degree this is due to the efforts of anti-neocon liberal pundits, such as Michael Lind and William Pfaff, who popularized the neoconservative-as-Trotskyist theme both before and during the initial ground war in Iraq. The assertion is now so widely accepted that a writer as far removed from paleoconservatism (or anti-neocon liberalism) as Vanity Fair's Sam Tanenhaus can claim that, "…a belated species of Trotskyism has at last established itself in the White House." Ostensibly serious discussions of neoconservative "Trotskyism" have also appeared in mainstream newspapers throughout the world, from Canada's National Post to Hong Kong's Asia Times Online. And even as respected a foreign policy commentator as Dimitri K. Simes, co-publisher of The National Interest, has joined the "Trotskyist neocon" chorus, writing recently in Foreign Affairs that the neoconservatives' belief in "permanent worldwide revolution" owes more to the founder of the Bolshevik Red Army than to "America's forefathers".
[Irving] Kristol never did join the "official" Trotskyists of the SWP, but rather the heretical offshoot led by Max Shachtman, the Workers' Party (WP), in 1940. More importantly, Kristol belonged to a small intra-party faction inside the WP known as the "Shermanites" which was led by future Sociologist Philip Selznick, and also included Lipset, Himmelfarb, and Diamond, i.e. the only other neoconservatives to have been associated with Trotskyism. What is key here, and what for the most part has been overlooked, is that the Shermanites considered not only Stalinism but Bolshevism, which in their context meant Trotskyism, to be "… bureaucratic, totalitarian, and undemocratic". Decisive to Kristol and the others' rejection of Marxism and Trotskyism was Robert Michels' Political Parties, which was introduced to the group by Selznick. This "premature" anti-communism was so anathema to Shachtman that after Kristol and the tiny band of Shermanites resigned from the Workers' Party in 1941, a mere one year after they had joined, they were then retroactively expelled. The journal that Kristol and the Shermanites briefly published after their expulsion from the Workers Party, Enquiry, far from providing "conventional Marxist fare" as has been claimed by one scholar, in fact consisted mainly of substantive critiques of Marxism, Leninism, and Trotskyism, all the more noteworthy for the youthfulness of those making them. [...]
The final variation of the "Trotskyist neocon" assertion is the one that received much attention during the debates over the war in Iraq, and which contributed the most to the assertion's current widespread popularity. It is also perhaps the most confused. The contention here, as ludicrous as it may seem, is that neoconservatives in the US Defense Department, such as Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and former Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle, are surreptitiously implementing Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution from the White House.
This charge is associated primarily with the liberal pundit Michael Lind, who in a much quoted article in the New Statesman from April of this year wrote that, "…neoconservative defence [sic] intellectuals…call their revolutionary ideology 'Wilsonianism' (after President Woodrow Wilson), but it is really Trotsky's theory of the permanent revolution mingled with the far-right Likud strain of Zionism". Even before Lind, however, the charge had already been made by Paris-based columnist William Pfaff, who had written in the International Herald Tribune in December of 2002 that, "The Bush administration's determination to deal with its problems through military means [….] seems a rightist version of Trotsky's "permanent revolution," destroying existing institutions and structures in the millenarian expectation that all this violence will come to an end in a better and happier world." As recently as this past August, Pfaff was still insisting in the IHT that neoconservatives, "…are influenced by the Trotskyist version of Marxist millenarianism that was the intellectual seedbed of the neoconservative movement."
Yet if anti-neocon liberals such as Lind and Pfaff -- together with an assortment of conspiracy theorists -- have done the most to popularize the idea that neoconservatives adhere to the theory of permanent revolution, it is again the paleoconservatives that deserve the credit for coining the idea -- or at least some of the credit, for the actual origins are more varied than one would imagine. Paleoconservative criticism of the aggressive internationalism championed by some neoconservatives dates back to the origins of their dispute in the early 1980s. But at that time, neoconservatives were only being accused of "neo-Wilsonianism". Explicitly equating the belief in promoting a "global democratic revolution" with Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution is a much more recent invention that started during the debates over how to respond to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 -- and it has some rather surprising roots.
In September of 2001, just a few weeks after the terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon, the paleoconservative author Joseph Stromberg devoted an article on the web site to attacking a piece by neoconservative scholar Michael Ledeen entitled "Creative Destruction: How to wage a revolutionary war". Ledeen's main argument was that it was "…time once again to export the democratic revolution" as the best way to defeat the terrorists. Polemicizing against this view, Stromberg questioned whether Ledeen's approach stemmed from "Schumpeter or Bakunin" and decided it was neither. Stromberg then quoted a Yugoslav bureaucrat from the 1960s, Edvard Kardelj, who at the height of the Soviet-Chinese dispute sought to discredit the "Chinese line of exporting the revolution by force" by labeling it as "Trotskyite". Stromberg, who at least gives credit to Commissar Kardelj, then went on to -- incredibly -- choose that very same label to smear Ledeen and the neoconservatives. Given these methods, one should perhaps refer to the paleocons as the "inverted Titoists" of conservatism!
In reality, while Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution can be called many things, including irrelevant, it has nothing whatsoever to do with exporting revolution. Much less does it extol upheaval for its own sake or the inherent virtues of violence and destruction -- something more akin to a blend of Georges Sorel and Frantz Fanon than to Trotskyism. As defined in its final form by Trotsky in the late 1920s, the theory of permanent revolution held that in third world countries, attempts to carry out the tasks of the "bourgeois-democratic" revolution, such as land reform and "authentic" national independence, would fail unless those attempts led to the seizure of power by the working class through a socialist revolution. Rather than a theory of "exporting revolution", Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution is above all a theory of the possibility of socialist revolution in the third world through combining and passing over the "historical stage" of a "bourgeois-democratic" revolution.
The claim that neoconservatives derive their view of foreign policy from an inversion of the American Trotskyists' call for permanent revolution in the 1930s and 40s is thus deeply flawed right from the start: Permanent revolution was never about using the Red Army to spread socialism. The Trotskyist movement's actual conceptual framework and political activity in the 1930s and early 40s consisted of trying to bring about world-wide revolutions "from below" as the way to break the Soviet Union out of its isolation and achieve world socialism. Calling for the Stalinist bureaucracy to export socialism by bayonet would not only have had nothing to do with permanent revolution, it would have been suicidal to boot! It was, after all, that same Stalinist bureaucracy that the Trotskyists were seeking to overthrow through "political revolution" in the USSR, and which was itself actively strangling revolutions and annihilating Trotskyists wherever it could, from Siberia to Spain to Vietnam.
The whole essay is well worth reading, but two things stand out: (1) Whatever happened to them all being the tools of the fascist svengali Leo Strauss? Do paleocons think any more people will know who Trotsky is than knew who Strauss was?; and (2) As we said yesterday, the Republic is Founded on the idea of permanent revolution. People aren't therefore required to support democratizing the whole world; but when they oppose it they are being literally un-American.
Acoustics Experiment Shows Why It's So Hard to Make Out the Heroine's Words at the Opera (Bertram Schwarzschild, PhysicsToday)
Vocal-tract resonances enhance the output of the vocal cords. They also create the distinctions between different vowels sounds. For sopranos singing high notes, the two functions come into conflict.A frustrated listener might well define grand opera as musical theater where you have a hard time making out the words even when they're being sung in your own language. Conceding the point, many opera houses nowadays always flash surtitles above the proscenium. Comprehension is particularly difficult in the higher reaches of the soprano register. Hector Berlioz long ago warned composers not to put crucial words in the soprano's mouth at high notes.
A recent study at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, lays most of the blame on an inescapable tradeoff dictated by the physical acoustics of vowel differentiation and singing very high notes. Acoustical physicists John Smith and Joe Wolfe, working with physics undergraduate Elodie Joliveau, have carried out an experiment that demonstrates why different vowel sounds are almost impossible to distinguish when sopranos are singing in the highest octave of their range.
Helicopters fire missiles at car of Hamas spiritual leader in Gaza (The Associated Press, 3/22/04)
Israel Air Force helicopters fired missiles at Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin as he left a mosque near his house at daybreak Monday, residents said, and Hamas officials and witnesses said he was killed.Witnesses said Israeli helicopters fired three missiles at Yassin and two bodyguards as they left the mosque, killing them instantly. Hamas officials confirmed that he had been killed. Four people were killed and 12 wounded in the attack, witnesses said.
Yussef Haddad, 35, a taxi driver, said he saw the missiles hit and kill Yassin and the bodyguards. "Their bodies were shattered," he said.
Holy War in Europe: Is al Qaeda a Eurocentric organization? (Reuel Marc Gerecht, 03/29/2004, Weekly Standard)
A small cadre of European scholars, mirrored by a small group of European internal-security and intelligence officials, have followed the growth of Islamic radicalism in Europe for nearly 20 years. They know, even if European politicians do not, that Europe's most fearsome Muslim true believers are not products of the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation, or the First Gulf War, or the American troop presence in Saudi Arabia after 1990, or the Algerian civil war, or the Bosnian war, or the strife in Chechnya, or the Hindu pillaging of mosques, or the war in Afghanistan, or the second American war against Saddam Hussein, or the globalization of American culture. These events are banners that men who are already converted to jihad wave as they march to give battle. The holy warriors in Europe do not want to see peace in Palestine any more than Hamas's spiritual chief Ahmad Yassin or Osama bin Laden or Iran's clerical guide Ali Khamenei wants to see Israelis and Palestinians solve their problems in two separate, peacefully coexisting states. They do not care about Israeli settlements.Europe's jihadists are born from their imperfect assimilation into Western European societies, from the particular alienation that young Muslim males experience in Europe's post-Christian, devoutly secular societies. The phenomenon is vastly more common among Arabs than among African or Asian Muslims. The reasons why these young, predominantly Arab males are drawn to the most militant expressions of Islam are complex and always personal. But their journey--which they usually begin as highly Westernized, modern-educated youths of little Islamic faith and end as practitioners of bin Ladenism--is a thoroughly European experience.
The jihadists of Europe have drunk deeply from the virulently anti-American left-wing currents of Continental thought and mixed it with the Islamic emotions of 1,400 years of competition with the Christian West. It's a Molotov cocktail of the third-world socialist Frantz Fanon and the Muslim Brother Sayyid Qutb. Muslims elsewhere have gone through similar conversions--the United States, too, has had its Muslim jihadists and will, no doubt, produce more. And the globalization of this virulent strain of fundamentalist, usually Saudi-financed, Islam is real and probably getting worse. But the modern European experience seems much more likely to produce violent young Muslims than the American. Europe may be competitive with the worst breeding grounds in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.
For Americans, after 9/11, this is obviously not just of academic interest. For the future of al Qaeda--if al Qaeda is to have a future where killing Americans en masse remains its transcendent raison d'être--is in Western Europe. [...]
President Bush has said that we, the West, are all in this together. But this simply isn't true. The néo-umma guerrière doesn't really want to strike Spain, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, or even France as much as it wants to bomb the United States. It would be a delicious irony if small bands of Muslim holy warriors in the twenty-first century accomplished the opposite of what the Ottomans, the most powerful of Islam's empires, achieved in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The latter helped bring the West together; the former may help tear it apart.
What it means to be human: Roger Scruton tracks down the soul — the divine spark that distinguishes us from the rest of creation (Roger Scruton, 3/20/04, The Spectator)
Other animals are conscious, have thoughts, desires and emotions. But only we are self-conscious, able to address each other from ‘I’ to ‘I’ and to know ourselves in the first person, as subjects in a world of objects. As Kant plausibly argued, self-consciousness and freedom are two sides of a coin. It is I, not my body, who choose, and it is I who am praised or blamed, not my limbs, my feelings or my movements. There is a mystery here: how can I be both a free subject and a determined object, both the ‘I’ that decides and the body that carries the decision through? Kant argued that the understanding stops at the threshold of this mystery, and I suspect that he was right. It is precisely this mystery that religions try to normalise with the story of the soul.The story varies from epoch to epoch and creed to creed. But it is never more simply put than in the language of the Koran, in which one word — nafs — means both ‘self’ and ‘soul’. This soul is raised in me: only by learning the ways of accountability do I rise to the condition of a free being, who realises his freedom in his deeds. Hence the soul can be corrupted. There is such a thing as the Devil’s work, which consists in undermining the self, tempting people to see themselves as objects, leading them to identify completely with their biological condition, to squander their selfhood in orgies of concupiscence and to refuse all accountability for what they are and do. The moral truth is conveyed with admirable simplicity in the great Sura of the Sun, Koran 91, which invokes the wonders of creation: sun and moon, day and night, heaven and earth, and finally ‘a soul, and what formed her, to which He revealed both right and wrong’. The Sura goes on to tell us that the one who safeguards the soul’s purity will prosper, while he who corrupts it is destroyed. It requires no metaphysics to understand the words ‘wa nafsin...’ — ‘and a soul...’. They are spoken in me and to me. The verse refers to the self that harbours knowledge of right and wrong, and it is just this that is the source of meaning in me.
Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists have other ways of capturing this simple thought, but the fundamental observation is shared. Human beings stand out from the rest of creation. They are subjects in a world of objects, and as a result they judge and are judged. Hence they can be redeemed and corrupted. This work of redemption and corruption is neverending. We do not need a metaphysical doctrine of the soul to make sense of this; as we learn from the Koran, the reflexive pronoun is enough. Faith adds just one crucial detail: namely, that the reflexive pronoun is used also by God.
The way forward: There is a long and hard road ahead if America and Britain are to begin to make amends with the Arab world (Yasir Suleiman, 3/21/04, Sunday Herald)
After decades of indifference and support for authoritarian rule in the Arab lands, US policy-makers have discovered democracy and embraced it as their ultimate goal for a future Middle East, which, it is hoped, will be more prosperous and more ready to interact peacefully with the West. The American administration has dubbed this vision its Greater Middle East policy, which it intends to present to the G8 summit of industrialised countries in the summer. Democratising the Arab world within a Middle East that has been geo-politically expanded to include Afghanistan and Pakistan is the topic of the hour for most Arabs.There is no doubt that Arabs yearn for a genuine democracy in their countries, but they have responded to the American ideas on democracy, which have been met with traditional political acquiescence from Britain, with a massive dose of cynicism and an impressive array of conspiracy theories. Arabs ask how the Americans and British can be trusted with their future, considering their track record of false promises, brazen disregard for injustice and international legality in Palestine, lies over the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and support in the past for those countries whom they have now found wanting?
Beginning to Bloom: The British learned in the 1920s that growing democracy in Iraq takes time. But the U.S. effort there is already showing signs of success. (Joel Rayburn, March 21, 2004, LA Times)
A year ago, troops of the U.S.-led coalition moved into Iraq on their way to swiftly defeating Saddam Hussein's armies. Since then, Iraq's journey toward stability and democracy under U.S. tutelage has been painfully slow and difficult. So says a chorus of observers who reflexively transform not-unexpected obstacles to the establishment of an Iraqi government into major roadblocks. Typical was the New York Times' judgment, after reports of a delay in the signing of the interim Iraqi constitution, that the U.S. occupation had failed both to deliver Iraq from "pervasive insecurity" and to devise a "satisfactory formula … for creating the interim government due to assume power July 1." But although the problems confronting the United States and its coalition partners in Iraq are complex, they are not new. The good news is that when measured against the only previous attempt at Iraqi democracy-building — in the 1920s under the British — the current effort compares favorably in virtually every way. [...]The U.S.-led democratization effort in Iraq, then, has been quite successful despite problems, risks and poorly handled situations. Even the Islamist terrorists seem to agree. In a way, their horrific surge of violent attacks against civilian targets last week, from the drive-by shooting of aid workers to the powerful car bomb in Baghdad, is a sign of their desperation and fear that democracy is taking root in Iraq, and that their window for destabilizing the country is closing. The goal of a stable, pluralistic democracy seems reachable — and we've been in Iraq only a year. If the pessimists read some history, they would learn that expectations of a swift conclusion to the Iraqi project are unrealistic and historically naive.
John Dean Kerry (David Hogberg, 3/17/2004, American Spectator)
Recently Juan Williams described Kerry as "someone who can take a punch and punch back on his way to a strong finish." Yet last week showed a Kerry who was punch drunk. The reason is that Kerry's campaign skills really haven't been tested. The only real challenge Kerry faced during the primary was revamping his campaign after he lost the lead in the polls to Howard Dean. Dean's implosion is what was primarily responsible for Kerry's wins in Iowa and New Hampshire. After the Granite State win had cemented his position as frontrunner, Kerry never really faced a serious attack. Gephardt and Lieberman were gone early, Clark was feckless, Dean was in disarray, and Edwards played too nice. Perhaps if Kerry had to defend his status as a frontrunner, it would have toughened him up, made him more careful in his remarks, and impressed upon him the difference between putting out fires and pouring gasoline on them.Indeed, Kerry hasn't faced a tough challenge since his Senate race of 1996. (He ran unopposed in 2002.) And a closer look at that victory, over GOP Governor William Weld, suggests that Kerry's ability to best a tough opponent is suspect. Kerry beat Weld by only seven percentage points, despite outspending Weld by $4.6 million, and running in what was a good year for Democrats and during Bill Clinton's successful effort to make the unpopular Newt Gingrich the face of the Republican Party. As the Almanac of American Politics suggested, it "may simply have been a matter of Democrats coming home," as Clinton walloped Dole in Massachusetts 61-28%. Kerry didn't so much fight his way to the finish line as he was carried there on Clinton's coattails.
Last week Kerry demonstrated campaign skills that are very rusty, if they exist at all. Unless he makes big improvements quickly, he is headed for a meltdown. Since he is not given to impulsive primal screams à la Dean, it will not be sudden. Rather, it will draw out like a blade as he compounds one gaffe with another and another...
The Liberty of Others (Carroll Andrew Morse, 03/18/2004, Tech Central Station)
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.-- Benjamin Franklin [...]
The willingness of Spain to abandon the Iraqi people after the Madrid bombings demonstrates the existence of an option for trading liberty for security not anticipated by Franklin. Franklin assumed the existence a dangerous human inclination to sacrifice one's own liberty in pursuit of security. Over the past several decades, however, a different source of liberty that can be traded away has been discovered. The liberty of others has been identified as a tradable commodity. [...]
Alas, the option of destroying the terrorists' ability to wage war is too unsophisticated for the internationalists of Old Europe. By cutting and running from Iraq, the Zapatero government rejects the strategy of destroying of terror networks at their source and joins Old Europe in the search for a solution based upon multilateral agreements and international law. Despite what may be good intentions, Zapatero's withdrawal does not advance the rule of law. No just law requires individuals or nations to stand idly by while hundreds of thousands of people are tortured and murdered. On the contrary, abandoning Iraq and decrying its liberation as a mistake makes mockery of the rule of law.
Spain's March 11-based disengagement from Iraq most closely resembles the option of acceding to the demands of a foreign despot. It is more a bilateral deal with the terror masters than it is a principled stand to defend multilateralism and the rule of law. Here are the terms of the deal: Spain agrees to withdraw material support for operations against state sponsors of terror. Since the state sponsors of terrorism are also brutal dictatorships, Spain also turns its back on extending liberty to places of the world where its presence is lacking. In return for these self-imposed restraints, the Spanish government expects the terror masters to refrain from using their death squads against the people of Spain.
This is the type of deal that Benjamin Franklin warned against -- a trade of liberty for security. The acceptance of the inevitability of terrorism and the refusal to take the battle to the terrorists may well succeed in buying a little short-term security for the people of Spain; they may be spared further attacks while the terror masters seek to establish control of the foreign policy of other nations. Ultimately, in the long term, such arrangements never benefit anyone except terrorists and their leaders. At some point, the despots who give orders to the death squads will make further demands of Spain. And if Spain refuses to comply, the death squads will again be unleashed. There is no promise of security for Spain; there is only a promise of future opportunities to surrender more and more liberty.
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
The Florida Chamber's Big Fish Tale (Paul Jacob, March 21, 2004, Townhall)
Cozying up to Florida legislators, the Florida Chamber of Commerce is agitating to take initiative rights away from Florida voters.Otherwise, the Chamber warns, disaster is at hand. Those wild and crazy Florida voters will amend their state's constitution with such reckless abandon that businesses will flee, leaving Florida bankrupt. (Ignore all the people and businesses flocking to Florida these days. It spoils the Chamber's story.)
According to the Chamber, Florida voters should be put in their place, voting only for their betters, paying their taxes, keeping quiet.
Never mind hanging chads; the Chamber lobbyists are trying to hang the voters. Their rallying cry might as well be: "Disempower the voters now, before it's too late."
The Chamber of Commerce bemoans that Florida's state constitution has been amended 95 times since 1970.
Minnesota women blazing a new kind of political trail (Dane Smith, 03/21/2004, Minneapolis Star Tribune)
Whenever Minnesota's top elected officials gather these days, women are well represented -- not a terrible surprise in a state historically known for its liberalism.What's unexpected is that Minnesota's female political powerhouses are mostly conservative Republicans.
The state's pace-setting Republican women include Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau, Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, State Auditor Patricia Anderson and Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz. [...]
In the Legislature last year, both of the key sponsors of legislation that allowed more people to get permits to carry guns were Republican women: Sen. Pat Pariseau and Rep. Lynda Boudreau. This year, the lead authors of the bill for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage are again Republican women: Sen. Michele Bachman and Rep. Mary Liz Holberg.
The advances of conservative women extend into the realm of local government, interest groups and public-policy advocacy. Strong players in those fields include: Hennepin County Commissioner Penny Steele, a conservative voice in Minnesota's largest local government; Kersten, of the Center of the American Experiment, who is a frequent contributor to opinion pages and policy journals; Linda Runbeck, a top leader of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota; and Annette Meeks, public affairs director for the Center of the American Experiment and a member of the Metropolitan Council. [...]
Unlike many DFL women who jumped into politics in their 20s or 30s, Republican women tend to have raised their children first and been drawn into community affairs gradually, Molnau said.
"For whatever reason, there are some women driven to do what they think is right; they put in the extra time, they get active, and they are rewarded," Molnau said.
Kiffmeyer is an example of a lifelong party activist who didn't run for public office until she was a grandmother. And she marvels that she and other women managed without much difficulty to achieve statewide office without the quotas imposed by DFLers at almost every level of party organization.
"It's not like we were owed it," Kiffmeyer said. "We felt we had to earn it."
"An unfunded mandate," cry the critics of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. In the words of Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee: "By neglecting his promise to provide the funding necessary to help each student to reach high standards, George W. Bush has made a mockery of the phrase 'leave no child behind.'" Virginia's Republican-dominated legislature recently struck a similar chord, passing (on a vote of 98-1) a resolution complaining that the law will cost "literally millions of dollars that Virginia does not have."A damning critique, if true. But consider the following:
The No Child Left Behind law is, intrinsically, an inexpensive school reform, a plan to get more bang from existing bucks, not a high-priced mandate. The costs of setting standards, testing students, and releasing results to the general public are trivial, compared to the cost of public schooling more generally.
Two Massachusetts officials, James Peyser and Robert Costrell, report in the current issue of our publication, Education Next, that accountability costs in their state run about $20 per student tested. Looking at 25 states, the Harvard University economist Caroline Hoxby found that the costs of accountability systems in place in the 2000-01 school year ranged from less than $2 per public school student in South Carolina to $34 per student in Delaware. Costs in the median state were just $15 per public school student. Meanwhile, average per-pupil costs in U.S. public schools now run approximately $10,000 a year.
In short, the true costs of the No Child Left Behind Act are no more than 0.2 percent of the total cost of public schooling. Would that all unfunded mandates were so cheap.
But if the mandate is cheap, the new federal bucks are plentiful. Historically, education has been a matter to be funded by state and local governments. But the federal role has been increasing rapidly under the Bush administration. Between 2000 and 2003, the U.S. Department of Education upped its contribution to elementary and secondary education by approximately $300 per pupil, from $23 billion to $36 billion dollars--15 times the cost of accountability.
Meet The Press (NBC, 3/21/04)
NBC'S TIM RUSSERT: "Was John Kerry wrong to vote authorization for war?"SEN. TED KENNEDY (D-MA): "Look, he has explained his position. If John Kerry had been president of the United States with that vote, we never, I don't believe, gone to war, certainly not at that time. He would have worked through the inspection system. He would have worked through the international kinds of system, and I don't personally believe that we would have gone to war."
Mysteries of bog butter uncovered: Wax found in Celtic bogs is the remains of ancient meat and milk. (PHILIP BALL, 17 March 2004, Nature)
Those who live in the countryside of Ireland and Scotland and dig up chunks of peat for fuel have long been familiar with bog butter. While gathering the compressed plant matter, which can be burned in fires, diggers occasionally slice into a white substance with the appearance and texture of paraffin wax.This is thought to be the remains of food once buried in the bog to preserve it. Waterlogged peat is cool and contains very little oxygen, so it can be used as a primitive kind of fridge.
The question is what type of food was buried in the peat. Local lore sometimes says that the waxy stuff is literally the remains of butter. For example, the seventeenth-century English writer Samuel Butler remarked in one of his famous poems that butter in Ireland "was seven years buried in a bog".
But there could be an alternative source for the waxy material: dead animals. In the eighteenth century, French chemists discovered that human corpses often contain adipocere, a substance also known as 'grave-wax'. So bog butter could be the remains of carcasses rather than dairy products.
In Memoriam A. H. H. (Alfred, Lord Tennyson )
PrefaceStrong Son of God, immortal Love,
Whom we, that have not seen thy face,
By faith, and faith alone, embrace,
Believing where we cannot prove;Thine are these orbs of light and shade;
Thou madest Life in man and brute;
Thou madest Death; and lo, thy foot
Is on the skull which thou hast made.Thou wilt not leave us in the dust:
Thou madest man, he knows not why,
He thinks he was not made to die;
And thou hast made him: thou art just.Thou seemest human and divine,
The highest, holiest manhood, thou.
Our wills are ours, we know not how;
Our wills are ours, to make them thine.Our little systems have their day;
They have their day and cease to be:
They are but broken lights of thee,
And thou, O Lord, art more than they.We have but faith: we cannot know;
For knowledge is of things we see
And yet we trust it comes from thee,
A beam in darkness: let it grow.Let knowledge grow from more to more,
But more of reverence in us dwell;
That mind and soul, according well,
May make one music as before,But vaster. We are fools and slight;
We mock thee when we do not fear:
But help thy foolish ones to bear;
Help thy vain worlds to bear thy light.Forgive what seem'd my sin in me;
What seem'd my worth since I began;
For merit lives from man to man,
And not from man, O Lord, to thee.Forgive my grief for one removed,
Thy creature, whom I found so fair.
I trust he lives in thee, and there
I find him worthier to be loved.Forgive these wild and wandering cries,
Confusions of a wasted youth;
Forgive them where they fail in truth,
And in thy wisdom make me wise.1849.
I held it truth, with him who sings
To one clear harp in divers tones,
That men may rise on stepping-stones
Of their dead selves to higher things.But who shall so forecast the years
And find in loss a gain to match?
Or reach a hand thro' time to catch
The far-off interest of tears?Let Love clasp Grief lest both be drown'd,
Let darkness keep her raven gloss:
Ah, sweeter to be drunk with loss,
To dance with death, to beat the ground,Than that the victor Hours should scorn
The long result of love, and boast,
`Behold the man that loved and lost,
But all he was is overworn.'II
Old Yew, which graspest at the stones
That name the under-lying dead,
Thy fibres net the dreamless head,
Thy roots are wrapt about the bones.The seasons bring the flower again,
And bring the firstling to the flock;
And in the dusk of thee, the clock
Beats out the little lives of men.O, not for thee the glow, the bloom,
Who changest not in any gale,
Nor branding summer suns avail
To touch thy thousand years of gloom:And gazing on thee, sullen tree,
Sick for thy stubborn hardihood,
I seem to fail from out my blood
And grow incorporate into thee.III
O Sorrow, cruel fellowship,
O Priestess in the vaults of Death,
O sweet and bitter in a breath,
What whispers from thy lying lip?'The stars,' she whispers, `blindly run;
A web is wov'n across the sky;
From out waste places comes a cry,
And murmurs from the dying sun:'And all the phantom, Nature, stands—
With all the music in her tone,
A hollow echo of my own,—
A hollow form with empty hands.'And shall I take a thing so blind,
Embrace her as my natural good;
Or crush her, like a vice of blood,
Upon the threshold of the mind?IV
To Sleep I give my powers away;
My will is bondsman to the dark;
I sit within a helmless bark,
And with my heart I muse and say:O heart, how fares it with thee now,
That thou should'st fail from thy desire,
Who scarcely darest to inquire,
'What is it makes me beat so low?'Something it is which thou hast lost,
Some pleasure from thine early years.
Break, thou deep vase of chilling tears,
That grief hath shaken into frost!Such clouds of nameless trouble cross
All night below the darken'd eyes;
With morning wakes the will, and cries,
'Thou shalt not be the fool of loss.'V
I sometimes hold it half a sin
To put in words the grief I feel;
For words, like Nature, half reveal
And half conceal the Soul within.But, for the unquiet heart and brain,
A use in measured language lies;
The sad mechanic exercise,
Like dull narcotics, numbing pain.In words, like weeds, I'll wrap me o'er,
Like coarsest clothes against the cold:
But that large grief which these enfold
Is given in outline and no more.VI
One writes, that `Other friends remain,'
That `Loss is common to the race'—
And common is the commonplace,
And vacant chaff well meant for grain.That loss is common would not make
My own less bitter, rather more:
Too common! Never morning wore
To evening, but some heart did break.O father, wheresoe'er thou be,
Who pledgest now thy gallant son;
A shot, ere half thy draught be done,
Hath still'd the life that beat from thee.O mother, praying God will save
Thy sailor,—while thy head is bow'd,
His heavy-shotted hammock-shroud
Drops in his vast and wandering grave.Ye know no more than I who wrought
At that last hour to please him well;
Who mused on all I had to tell,
And something written, something thought;Expecting still his advent home;
And ever met him on his way
With wishes, thinking, `here to-day,'
Or `here to-morrow will he come.'O somewhere, meek, unconscious dove,
That sittest ranging golden hair;
And glad to find thyself so fair,
Poor child, that waitest for thy love!For now her father's chimney glows
In expectation of a guest;
And thinking `this will please him best,'
She takes a riband or a rose;For he will see them on to-night;
And with the thought her colour burns;
And, having left the glass, she turns
Once more to set a ringlet right;And, even when she turn'd, the curse
Had fallen, and her future Lord
Was drown'd in passing thro' the ford,
Or kill'd in falling from his horse.O what to her shall be the end?
And what to me remains of good?
To her, perpetual maidenhood,
And unto me no second friend.VII
Dark house, by which once more I stand
Here in the long unlovely street,
Doors, where my heart was used to beat
So quickly, waiting for a hand,A hand that can be clasp'd no more—
Behold me, for I cannot sleep,
And like a guilty thing I creep
At earliest morning to the door.He is not here; but far away
The noise of life begins again,
And ghastly thro' the drizzling rain
On the bald street breaks the blank day.VIII
A happy lover who has come
To look on her that loves him well,
Who 'lights and rings the gateway bell,
And learns her gone and far from home;He saddens, all the magic light
Dies off at once from bower and hall,
And all the place is dark, and all
The chambers emptied of delight:So find I every pleasant spot
In which we two were wont to meet,
The field, the chamber, and the street,
For all is dark where thou art not.Yet as that other, wandering there
In those deserted walks, may find
A flower beat with rain and wind,
Which once she foster'd up with care;So seems it in my deep regret,
O my forsaken heart, with thee
And this poor flower of poesy
Which little cared for fades not yet.But since it pleased a vanish'd eye,
I go to plant it on his tomb,
That if it can it there may bloom,
Or, dying, there at least may die.IX
Fair ship, that from the Italian shore
Sailest the placid ocean-plains
With my lost Arthur's loved remains,
Spread thy full wings, and waft him o'er.So draw him home to those that mourn
In vain; a favourable speed
Ruffle thy mirror'd mast, and lead
Thro' prosperous floods his holy urn.All night no ruder air perplex
Thy sliding keel, till Phosphor, bright
As our pure love, thro' early light
Shall glimmer on the dewy decks.Sphere all your lights around, above;
Sleep, gentle heavens, before the prow;
Sleep, gentle winds, as he sleeps now,
My friend, the brother of my love;My Arthur, whom I shall not see
Till all my widow'd race be run;
Dear as the mother to the son,
More than my brothers are to me.X
I hear the noise about thy keel;
I hear the bell struck in the night:
I see the cabin-window bright;
I see the sailor at the wheel.Thou bring'st the sailor to his wife,
And travell'd men from foreign lands;
And letters unto trembling hands;
And, thy dark freight, a vanish'd life.So bring him; we have idle dreams:
This look of quiet flatters thus
Our home-bred fancies. O to us,
The fools of habit, sweeter seemsTo rest beneath the clover sod,
That takes the sunshine and the rains,
Or where the kneeling hamlet drains
The chalice of the grapes of God;Than if with thee the roaring wells
Should gulf him fathom-deep in brine;
And hands so often clasp'd in mine,
Should toss with tangle and with shells.
Kerry Faced Tight Campaign Finances (Sharon Theimer, AP, 3/21/04)
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry spent nearly as much as he raised last month and had little campaign cash left as March began, according to a report he filed Saturday.There are about 23 weeks until the Republican Convention in New York City, at which point the President will have to have spent his $110 million, plus whatever additional funds he raises. So, week in and week out, the campaign must spend at least $5 million.The Massachusetts senator raised $8.4 million and spent nearly $8.3 million in February, beginning this month with $2.4 million in the bank, according to his monthly campaign finance report to the Federal Election Commission.
President Bush, facing no Republican opponent, started March with $160 million raised and $49 million spent. He had $110 million on hand to spend as Kerry emerged from this month's "Super Tuesday" primaries as the Democratic nominee-to-be.
On the other hand, Kerry's campaign must raise every dollar it needs to spend between now and the Democratic convention in July, which might explain another reason for the president's campaign going right to ridicule. Are doners really going to reach deep into their pockets to fund a joke?
An Inspired Strategy: Is Religion a Tonic for Kids? You Better Believe It, Say Teens and Scholars (Laura Sessions Stepp, March 21, 2004, Washington Post)
Late last year, a commission convened by Dartmouth Medical School, among others, studied years of research on kids, including brain-imaging studies, and concluded that young people who are religious are better off in significant ways than their secular peers. They are less likely than nonbelievers to smoke and drink and more likely to eat well; less likely to commit crimes and more likely to wear seat belts; less likely to be depressed and more likely to be satisfied with their families and school."Religion has a unique net effect on adolescents above and beyond factors like race, parental education and family income," says Brad Wilcox, a University of Virginia sociologist and panel member. Poor children who are religious will do better than poor children who are not religious, he adds -- and in some cases better than nonreligious middle-class children.
Meanwhile, a social groundswell may be underway, as a larger proportion of teenagers than a decade ago say religion is important. In 2001, about three out of five teenagers said religion was "pretty important" or "very important" to them -- a significant increase, according to Child Trends, a research organization that analyzes federal data. The biggest jump occurred not among poor and unambitious teenagers -- the stereotyped believers -- but among young achievers who anticipated finishing four years of college. [...]
The commission members said that religious congregations benefit teenagers by affirming who they are, expecting a lot from them and giving them opportunities to show what they can do. These are not exactly earthshaking observations; as the panel noted, the same could be said of clubs, sports teams and other youth organizations (such as the YMCA, which helped fund the study). What sets religious groups apart, however -- and makes a surprisingly big difference to kids, according to the panel -- is that they promote a "direct personal relationship with the Divine." [...]
On Sundays you can find Kimbrey [Pierce, a Columbia high school senior,] and 100 or more young people hanging out at Glen Mar United Methodist Church, an Ellicott City congregation that doubled its membership in the 1980s and again in the 1990s and now counts 1,500 active members.
Senior pastor Anders Lunt realized long ago that the way to grow a church was to attract baby boomers and the way to attract boomers was through their kids. The church youth program took off six years ago when its first full-time youth director, D.C. Veale, was hired.
Veale, a bearded, Tolkienesque figure in his early thirties, recruited adults to help him with a struggling group of fewer than 20 regular members. Today he calls on about 30 adult volunteers to lead a youth choir, handbell choir and rock band, a video tech team, plays and scavenger hunts, Bible groups, community service projects and mission trips.
Youths also play major parts in more traditional worship, teaching Sunday school, reading scripture, and three times a year preaching sermons so popular that people squeeze in at the back of the sanctuary and spill out into the front hall.
Lunt has instructed his Howard County congregation that no place is off-limits to the young. When babies cry during a sermon, he has been known to stop mid-sentence to assure parents it's okay.
"I have been in churches where there are no children," the congenial, sandy-haired pastor will say, "and those are awful places."
Software of Democracy (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 3/21/04, NY Times)
While India has the hardware of democracy — free elections — it still lacks a lot of the software — decent, responsive, transparent local government. While China has none of the hardware of democracy, in the form of free elections, its institutions have been better at building infrastructure and services for China's people and foreign investors.When I was in Bangalore recently, my hotel room was across the hall from that of a visiting executive of a major U.S. multinational, which operates in India and China, and we used to chat. One day, in a whisper, he said to me that if he compared what China and India had done by way of building infrastructure in the last decade, India lost badly. Bangalore may be India's Silicon Valley, but its airport (finally being replaced) is like a seedy bus station with airplanes.
Few people in India with energy and smarts would think of going into politics. People don't expect or demand much from their representatives and therefore they are not interested in paying them much in taxes, so most local governments are starved of both revenues and talent.
Krishna Prasad, an editor for Outlook magazine and one of the brightest young journalists I met in India, said to me that criminalization and corruption, caste and communal differences have infected Indian politics to such a degree that it attracts all "the wrong kind of people." So India has a virtuous cycle working in economics and a vicious cycle working in politics. "Each time the government tries to put its foot in the door in IT [information technology]," he said, "the IT guys say: `Please stay away. We did this without you. We don't need you now to mess things up.' "
That attitude is not healthy, because you can't have a successful IT industry when every company has to build its own infrastructure. America's greatest competitive advantages are the flexibility of its economy and the quality of its infrastructure, rule of law and regulatory institutions. Knowledge workers are mobile and they like to live in nice, stable places. My hope is that the knowledge workers now spearheading India's economic revolution will feel compelled to spearhead a political revolution.
The Kerry campaign would appear to have gone insane. Tim Russert is doing a number on the Senator's record and who do they have defending him?: Ted Kennedy.
An Eight-Month Run: Starring John Kerry in "Airplane" and George W. Bush in "The Happy Warrior." (Peggy Noonan, March 11, 2004, Wall Street Journal)
Mr. Kerry has a structural weakness on the stump. It's John Kerry. There he was this week on stage in shirtsleeves, with a handheld mike, riffing along. "I have news for George W. Bush . . ." "George Bush said he would be a uniter, but instead he is a divider . . ." "I used to do Elvis . . ." Raspy, pacing back and forth. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place it. The blank intensity, the conviction that what's on his mind is important, though he can't quite remember why . . .And then I had it. Captain Rex Kramer in "Airplane," played by Robert Stack. At the end of the movie he's alone in the tower at the microphone, talking to an empty plane. "Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked in the head with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. It's a dumb question. Skip it."
There's the same faintly disturbing aspect to his free associations. Mr. Kerry's voice is like Robert Stack's, the same studied actor's baritone. [...]
Right now the key to Mr. Bush's success in defining both himself and Mr. Kerry is joy. The joy of the battle. And what joyous battlers bring to the proceedings: humor and wit and grace.
The one thing cable TV can't resist, and can't ignore even if it comes from a Republican, is wit. Wit brightens their copy. They love humor and joy. They will use a pithy putdown over and over. That's why Mr. Bush got so much mileage out of even a wan joke about Mr. Kerry having been in Washington long enough to take two sides on every issue.
Mr. President, keep it up but do it better.
Don't make the country mad at John Kerry, make them laugh at John Kerry. And use wit not only for wit's sake but to make political and philosophical points.
This year comedy's a cannon. It's the only thing right now that will break through the media wall.
The other day I was thinking of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner a couple of years ago at which Ozzy Osbourne was the big attraction. He stood up when the president entered the room and gestured to his own long hair. He yelled out something like, "You should grow your hair too." Mr. Bush looked and laughed and shouted, "Second term, Ozzy!" That's the spirit.
So, the question for the Kerry campaign is: are they realistic enough and is the candidate patient enough to start out with biography? Those of us who have been paying far too much attention are sick by now of hearing about the Senator's service in Vietnam, but perhaps 60% of the citizenry is either unaware that this Kerry guy served or else think he's the Senator Kerrey who dated Debra Winger. They need to find some imaginative ways to generate free media for awhile during which the candidate talks about himself and not politics: the late night talk show rounds, C-SPAN, Regis, the Today Show, Saturday Night Live, etc. But maybe Baseball Opening Day and a couple innings in the TV booth? Maybe an unannounced and relatively low key trip to a NASCAR race? Maybe a trip to Good Friday and Easter services? Maybe even one of those goforsaken bus trips across America? And, in the meantime, they need to be disciplined enough to spend some of the too little cash they have on hand to run those warm and fuzzy ads that make politicians seem like new and improved bathroom tissues. Hardest of all, they need to do all this with George Bush and Karl Rove just carving him up all the while and with the almost psychotically angry Democratic regulars screaming for him to return fire.
It's a tall order, but a good test. (Of course, it's only the second test--the first is retiring from the Senate.)
Bush brands Kerry a serial tax-raiser, mocks Democrat's claim of foreign support (NANCY BENAC, March 20, 2004, Associated Press)
President Bush used the first rally of his re-election campaign to cast Democrat John Kerry on Saturday as a serial tax-raiser who has voted for tax increases 350 times. He also mocked Kerry's claims of support from undisclosed foreign leaders.Bush took note of Kerry's proposals to expand health care, education and other domestic programs while still cutting in half the deficit. Kerry, the president, said, has promised more than he can pay for.
"He's going to have to pay for it somehow," Bush told thousands of cheering supporters at the Orange County Convention Center. "It's pretty clear how he's going to fill the tax gap -- he's going to tax all of you. Fortunately, you're not going to give him that chance."
Aides to Kerry, who was vacationing in Idaho... [...]
Bush used his speech to jab at Kerry on two other counts: his vote against an $87 billion aid plan for Iraq and Afghanistan, and his claim that some foreign leaders would prefer to see Kerry win the election.
On the foreign aid, Bush mocked Kerry's awkward explanation that "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
Bush read aloud the quote, then declared: "That sure clears things up, doesn't it?"
"His answers aren't always clear but the voters will have a very clear choice in this campaign."
As for Kerry's claim that foreign leaders would prefer a Kerry White House, the president told the crowd, "That's OK, I'm not too worried, because I'm going to keep my campaign right here in America."
After 19 Years in Senate, Kerry of Today Is Far From Kerry of 1985 (KATHARINE Q. SEELYE, 3/20/04, NY Times)
When he first entered the Senate, in 1985, John Kerry was a proponent of a nuclear arms freeze and he joined other liberal Democrats in challenging numerous elements of President Ronald Reagan's military expansion. He called the build-up unnecessary and said some of the weapons systems were useless.Mr. Reagan's military expansion was subsequently credited for helping hasten the collapse of the Soviet Union. And with the cold war ending, the world was suddenly a different place. The next president, George Bush, also a Republican, and his secretary of defense, Dick Cheney, began drawing down the armed forces and scaling back weapons systems, reaping the benefits of what was referred to as the peace dividend.
Mr. Kerry, like most of his colleagues, went along. But he also occasionally went further than the majority of his party.
In 1994 he proposed some cuts in military programs and intelligence services that even many Democrats rejected. Senator Dennis DeConcini, the Arizona Democrat who then headed the intelligence committee, had said, earlier cuts were "as deep as the intelligence community can withstand during its post-cold-war transition." [...]
More recently, Mr. Bush has ridiculed Mr. Kerry for initially supporting the use of force in Iraq, then campaigning against it.
In the heat of the Democratic primaries this year, after Howard Dean, the antiwar candidate, criticized his vote, Mr. Kerry said that he had merely voted for the president to "threaten" the use of force and that he had believed Mr. Bush would build an international coalition and go to war only as a last resort.
The Bush campaign is also emphasizing Mr. Kerry's subsequent vote against $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan and for more equipment for the troops.
Explaining his vote at the time, Mr. Kerry said: "The best way to support our troops and take the target off their backs is with a real strategy to win the peace in Iraq — not by throwing $87 billion at George Bush's failed policies."
He also said he wanted that $87 billion to come from rescinding part of Mr. Bush's tax cut and he voted for an amendment to do that. But it was rejected, so Mr. Kerry voted against the final measure.
In a scathing television commercial, the Bush campaign singles out items from that one vote to suggest that Mr. Kerry voted "no" several times against specific outlays like "funding our soldiers," "body armor for troops in combat" and "higher combat pay." The Bush campaign then remade the commercial and began running it on Thursday to further deride Mr. Kerry. It pointed to his recent explanation that "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
Some Democrats Say Kerry Must Get Back on the Trail (DAVID M. HALBFINGERand ADAM NAGOURNEY, 3/21/04, NY Times)
[A]s Mr. Kerry disappeared to regroup on the slopes of Sun Valley this weekend, he left Democrats recoiling at the disparity between his campaign in the works and that of the White House, which has devoted six months to preparing for this moment.As the White House greeted Mr. Kerry's claim on the Democratic nomination with an avalanche of advertisements and attacks, the challenger seemed at least a little spent as he faced the challenges of raising money, building a staff, responding to all of what his aides called the "incoming," and retooling his campaign to appeal to a general election audience.
Après ski, of course.
A Bush Surprise: Fright-Wing Support (WARREN ST. JOHN, 3/21/04, NY Times)
With his mohawk, ratty fatigues, assorted chains and his menagerie of tattoos — swallows on each shoulder, a nautical star on his back and the logo of the Bouncing Souls, a New York City punk band, on his right leg — 22-year-old Nick Rizzuto is the very picture of counterculture alienation. But it's when he talks politics that Mr. Rizzuto sounds like a real radical, for a punk anyway. Mr. Rizzuto is adamantly in favor of lowering taxes and for school vouchers, and against campaign finance laws; his favorite Supreme Court justice is Clarence Thomas; he plans to vote for President Bush in November; and he's hard-core into capitalism."Punks will tell me, `Punk and capitalism don't go together,' " Mr. Rizzuto said. "I don't understand where they're coming from. The biggest punk scenes are in capitalist countries like the U.S., Canada and Japan. I haven't heard of any new North Korean punk bands coming out. There's no scene in Iran."
Mr. Rizzuto is the founder of Conservative Punk, one of a handful of Web sites and blogs that have sprung up recently as evidence of a heretofore latent political entity: Republican punks. With names like GOPunk, Anti-Anti-Flag and Punkvoter Lies, the sites are a curious blend of Karl Rove and Johnny Rotten, preaching personal responsibility and reflexive patriotism with the in-your-face zeal of a mosh pit. When he's not banging his head to the Misfits, the Vandals or the Bouncing Souls, for example, Mr. Rizzuto spends his time writing essays denouncing Michael Moore and "left-wing propaganda," and urging other conservative punks to join his cause.
"Punk has been hijacked by an extreme left-wing element," Mr. Rizzuto said. "It's blame America first. Everything is America's fault, and everything is Bush's fault." Mr. Rizzuto said his goal "is rallying conservative punks and getting people to vote."
Dogging Craze Has Brits in Heat (Leander Kahney, Mar. 19, 2004, Wired)
Giving new meaning to the term "flash mob," the British have invented a new sex craze called "dogging" that mixes sex, exhibitionism, mobs and the Internet.Dogging combines technology with swinging, cruising and voyeurism. To wit: Crowds big and small watch exhibitionist couples who've met on the Net have sex in cars, and sometimes join in.
"Dogging is the broad term used to cover all the sexual outdoor activities that go on," says the dogging FAQ at Melanies UK Swingers, a popular dogging site. "This can be anything from putting on a show from your car, to a gangbang on a picnic table."
Dogging appears to be popular and widespread, attracting heterosexual couples and single men and women of all ages, income brackets and backgrounds. Not surprisingly, however, dogging meets tend to attract more men than women.
Dogging is most often practiced in cars at rural parks, lover's lanes and superstore parking lots. The term dogging has a number of suggested origins, but it probably refers to the "walking the dog" excuse proffered to spouses for an evening's absence.
Dogging sessions are usually organized through the dozens of dogging sites and message boards that have sprung up in the last couple of years. Photos are exchanged and meetings arranged by e-mail or mobile phone text message.
Time, at Last: Stay-at-home moms — DISCOVERED! (Rich Lowry, 3/19/04, National Review)
In a cover story headlined "The Case for Staying Home," [TIME] magazine reports, without sneering or condescension, the trend toward more new mothers leaving the work force. This is an important cultural benchmark, because until now, the media, feminist leaders and other opinion-makers have tended to portray stay-at-home moms as a regrettable throwback to what should be a long-gone era of child-rearing. Now, perhaps, we are ready to honor the full range of choices made by women struggling with how to balance career and family.The workplace participation of married mothers with a child less than 1 year old has dropped for the first time ever, reversing a 30-year trend. It fell from 59 percent in 1997 to 53 percent in 2000. Women have realized that "having it all" — i.e., leaving their young kids with someone else all day long — is not as wondrously fulfilling as they were led to expect. "Common sense is winning out over the ideologies of the 1960s and 1970s," says family expert Allan Carlson. [...]
The option to stay at home shouldn't be a privilege of the well-credentialed few. Public policy needs to make it easier for families to choose whether to have mom, or dad, stay home, rather than forcing both parents into the work force. High taxes do just that. About half of married couples with children in the mid-1950s paid no federal income tax, thanks to a generous $3,000 personal exemption. If this exemption had kept up with inflation, it would be $10,000 today.
Although the steadily increasing child tax credit (now $1,000 per child) has eased the burden on families, more tax relief will make it still easier for them. Meanwhile, the tax code's dependent-care tax credit, which is only available for parents who go to licensed day-care providers, could be broadened to include parents who provide their own child care. The tax code could make it easier for moms and dads to maintain home offices as they search for creative ways to spend more time with their children while still working.
Too Quiet on the Home Front (David Brooks, New York Times, 3/20/04)
Compassionate conservatism never really had much of a life, but its collapse has had a debilitating effect on the Bush presidency.Compassionate conservatism started out, remember, as a way to salvage the Republican Party from the wreckage of the Gingrich revolution. Newt Gingrich vowed to slash government, an approach that struck voters as entirely too negative. So Bush rejected "the destructive mind-set that if government would only get out of our way, all our problems would be solved."
Instead, compassionate conservatism was designed as a positive governing philosophy. It would revive responsible citizenship with more community and national service, more parental involvement in schools. Self-governing citizens would have greater incentives to give to charity.
Moreover, compassionate conservatism would get Republicans engaged in normally Democratic issues. The idea was to build trust across party lines and change the tone in Washington.
Clinton Aides Plan to Tell Panel of Warning Bush Team on Qaeda (PHILIP SHENON, March 20, 2004, NY Times)
Senior Clinton administration officials called to testify next week before the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks say they are prepared to detail how they repeatedly warned their Bush administration counterparts in late 2000 that Al Qaeda posed the worst security threat facing the nation — and how the new administration was slow to act.They said the warnings were delivered in urgent post-election intelligence briefings in December 2000 and January 2001 for Condoleezza Rice, who became Mr. Bush's national security adviser; Stephen Hadley, now Ms. Rice's deputy; and Philip D. Zelikow, a member of the Bush transition team, among others.
One official scheduled to testify, Richard A. Clarke, who was President Bill Clinton's counterterrorism coordinator, said in an interview that the warning about the Qaeda threat could not have been made more bluntly to the incoming Bush officials in intelligence briefings that he led.
At the time of the briefings, there was extensive evidence tying Al Qaeda to the bombing in Yemen two months earlier of an American warship, the Cole, in which 17 sailors were killed.
Gaffes and Senate Speak: Kerry’s political mistakes have allowed the Bush administration to cast the senator in a negative light—and deflect attention from its deception about the cost of its Medicare plan (Eleanor Clift, March 19, 2004, Newsweek)
This is a critical stage in the campaign. The voters barely know Kerry, and the Bush campaign is racing to define him in a negative way before he can define himself. A 30-second ad calling Kerry “wrong on defense” began airing this week. An earlier ad claimed Kerry would raise taxes by $900 billion. The Associated Press reported that Karl Rove—Bush’s campaign Svengali—boasted to a group of conservative activists meeting in Washington, “This is just a taste of what we’re going to give him.”Kerry knew this was coming. “Bring it on,” he said so often it became his battle cry. Well, now they’ve brought it on, and what is Kerry doing? He’s going on vacation in Idaho, leaving behind the festering story of his unholy bond with foreign leaders. “Before long they’ll be calling him Jacques Kerry,” says a Republican strategist. “It’s only a matter of time.”
The cable networks also had a grand time airing over and over Kerry’s response to the Bush attack that he didn’t support the troops in Iraq because he voted against the $87 billion the administration requested to reconstruction. “I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it,” Kerry said. That’s Senate-speak, and Kerry better shed it if he wants to win the election. Voters can’t grasp the contortions of casting a preliminary vote conditioned on an amendment that would have paid for the war with Bush’s tax cut, however high-minded that might have been.
If the election is fought on national security, Bush has the edge. Even if events on the ground in Iraq are not going well, Republicans enjoy a 20-point advantage over Democrats when it comes to keeping the country safe. Kerry thinks his strong suit is foreign policy. But the Bush campaign is ready to pounce on any misstep. “I just want to shake [Kerry,]” says a Democratic Senate aide. “[He’s] got to be disciplined.”
By any means necessary: It is not simply Israel's current hardline government that is to blame for the subjugation of Palestinians, but Zionism itself (Ghada Karmi, March 18, 2004, The Guardian)
For those who have forgotten or never understood what Zionism meant in practice, the Israeli historian, Benny Morris's latest revelations and comments - published first in the Israeli daily Haaretz and then in the Guardian - make salutary reading. They have raised a storm of controversy that is still raging two months later, perhaps because they were too honest about an ideology that some would rather keep hidden. Morris, who first exposed the dark circumstances of Israel's creation in his groundbreaking 1988 book on the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, explains the Israeli project with a brutal candour few Zionists have been prepared to display. [...]"The right of [Palestinian] refugees to return ... seems natural and just," Morris says. "But this 'right of return' needs to be weighed against the right to life and wellbeing of the 5 million Jews who currently live in Israel." Apparently, Jewish self-determination is an imperative that supersedes the rights of the people at whose expense it was promulgated.
And in this he encapsulates the essence of Zionism. Though creating Israel entailed Palestinian suffering, Morris argues, it was for a noble aim. That is why Zionism is still a dangerous idea: at its root is a conviction of moral rightness that justifies almost any act deemed necessary to preserve the Jewish state. If that means massive military - including nuclear - force, unsavoury alliances, theft of others' resources, aggression and occupation, the brutal crushing of all resistance - then so be it. No one should be under any illusion that Zionism is a spent force, regardless of current discourse about "post-Zionism". That a benign Zionism, sympathetic to Palestinians, also exists means little while these basic tenets remain.
We must thank Morris for disabusing us of such notions. But a project that is morally one-sided and can only survive through force and xenophobia has no long-term future. As he himself says: "Destruction could be the end of this process."
The Fog Of History Strikes Again CBBS News, 3/19/04)
Unemployment and outsourcing are big issues in Campaign 2004, but Democrats hoping to make political hay out of them might want to be a bit more original than Democrats of yesteryear.They've traditionally been fond of pointing to the Republican Party as the party of Herbert Hoover, on whose watch the nation sunk into the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Hoover has in fact been mentioned repeatedly by the John Kerry campaign as the last president until George W. Bush to oversee a loss of jobs. But a national poll finds that most people don't connect the Hoover name with the presidency, the Depression (whose camps of suddenly homeless individuals were known as "Hoovervilles") or the 1929 stock market crash.
Just 43 percent of the 634 adults questioned by the University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey correctly identified Herbert Hoover. Twelve percent thought he was the director of the FBI, a post held for 48 years by J. Edgar Hoover. Four percent linked the name to the Hoover Dam, the Nevada-Arizona structure honoring the former president. Three percent thought Hoover had something to do with the vacuum cleaner invented in 1907 (by Ohio janitor James Spangler, whose cousin William H. Hoover became president of his company). [...]
The nation's touch of amnesia when it comes to history cuts both ways - politically, that is. [...]
Pollsters discovered that only one out of five people connected [Jane] Fonda - a two-time Oscar winner who continues to be politically active, although less controversially in recent years - with opposition to the Vietnam War.
Only 20 percent of those surveyed knew Fonda as a Vietnam War protester. Twice that many identified Fonda as an actress, 9 percent tied her to exercise videos, and 2 percent linked her name to either her father, the late Oscar-winning actor Henry Fonda, or to her ex-husband, maverick media mogul Ted Turner. Another 11 percent gave a variety of answers while 17 percent had no answer at all.
Imagining the Future (Yuval Levin, Winter 2004, The New Atlantis)
Put simply, those who imagine the future in terms of innovation tend to think of the future as something that will happen to us, and so as something to be judged and understood in terms of the interests of the free, rational, individual adult now living. That person is the basic unit of measurement in all of the theories of social life that inform the anthropology of innovation: the freely choosing individual of classic liberal democratic theory; the rational actor of free market capitalism; the consenting adult of libertarian cultural theories. All of these models and theories serve us well because enough of us do more or less answer that description much of the time.But the future is populated by other people—people not yet born, who must enter the world and be initiated into the ways of our society, so that they might someday become rational consenting adults themselves. Strangely, what is missing from the view of the future grounded in innovation is the element of time, or at least its human consequent: the passing of generations. What is missing is the child—the actual bearer of the future of humanity—and the peculiar demands, conditions, and possibilities that the presence of children introduces into the life of our society and its future.
In part, children are absent from this vision of the future because the vocabulary of classical liberal and libertarian thinking leaves little room for them. The thought-experiment that is liberalism’s creation myth—that famous state of nature from which free and equal men enter together into society and government for the protection of their rights—holds out a timeless ideal. Government is legitimate because free individuals created it by choice and live under its rules in accordance with a kind of contract. But only the founding generation of any society can claim to have done that. The generations that follow did not freely create their regime. They were born into it, literally kicking and screaming. They enter a world formed by laws, arrangements, and institutions that were established by others, but which they have no real choice but to accept. They are also incapable, for about the first two decades of their lives, of fully exercising the rights of citizens. And yet every decision made by their society will directly affect them and those who will follow them. So by the logic of the theory, how can we take into account the needs and rights of future citizens who are not there to consent? How can we keep from treating them unjustly?
Liberal theorists have not been blind to this difficulty of course; and more importantly, like many things that occupy political philosophers, these concerns are really far more of a problem in theory than in practice. The theorists come up with complicated notions of implicit consent and implied participation, while in actual societies liberalism is suspended in the family, and parents are trusted to look out for the interests of their children.
Nonetheless, it matters that the theory of liberal society and the anthropology of innovation have serious trouble with children and with future generations. Our theories do shape our ideals and our actions, and affect our sense of what is legitimate and what is desirable.
The most common answer to the liberal difficulty with the child is to treat children as the charge and almost as the property of parents, and so to apply the language of rights to them second hand. This often makes good sense, but it also has the effect of subsuming the interests of the child within those of the parents, so that in principle our picture of the world can still consist purely of rational adults and their needs and wants. That way, we can continue to imagine the future without considering the distinctive challenges (and the peculiar promise and hope) that result from the presence of children in society.
But the absence of children in this vision of the future results from more than a gap in a theory. Even more important is the very practical way in which children pose a hindrance to any vision of progress. Regardless of how much intellectual and material progress any society may make, every new child entering that society will still enter with essentially the same native intellectual and material equipment as any other child born in any other place at any other time in the history of the human race. Raising such children to the level of their society is, to put it mildly, a distraction from the forward path. And a failure to initiate the next generation of children into the ways of civilization would not only delay or derail innovation, it would put into question the very continuity of that civilization.
The constant intrusion of children into our world reminds us that even as we blaze a trail into the new and unknown we are always at risk of reverting very far back into humanity’s barbarous origins, because we are always confronted with new human beings who have just come from there. We are, in a limited sense, always starting from scratch, and this means that we need more than innovation to secure and to better our future.
The anthropology of innovation would like to avoid or avert this complicated reality. It does so mostly by ignoring it, but at the edges of the party of innovation, we see genuine efforts to ward off the challenge of the child. In the “transhumanist” desire for eternal life is a desire to think of the future as belonging to us, and not to future generations. It is a desire to start not from scratch, but from individual, rational, freely choosing adults, and to progress only from there.
Indeed, it may be that in its fullness, this innovation-driven vision of the future almost has to exclude children. William Godwin, the eighteenth-century futurist and prophet of innovations of the human intellect, offers a sense of why that should be. In his future, free of “disease, anguish, melancholy [and] resentment,” when people might live nearly forever, progress would almost depend on the absence of children. “The whole will be a people of men, and not of children,” Godwin writes of his utopian ideal, “generation will not succeed generation, nor truth have, in a certain degree, to recommence her career every thirty years.”
This may be the only way in which the anthropology of innovation could be sufficient in itself as a vision of the future. But the fact that truth has, “in a certain degree, to recommence her career every thirty years,” or in other words that children enter the world knowing nothing of it, is a defining feature of the life of every human society. Children do not start where their parents left off. They start where their parents started, and where every human being has started, and society must meet them there, and rear them forward. That we are all born this way has everything to do with how the future happens.
Hannah Arendt, borrowing a term from the demographers, labeled this inescapable fact of life human “natality,” the counterpart of human mortality. A vision of the future that takes note of our natality will go about imagining in a profoundly different way.
The Anthropology of Generations
To imagine the future in terms of generations means, most fundamentally, to be concerned for continuity. The means of human biological continuity do not offer guarantees of human cultural continuity, because (at least for the time being) the intellectual and cultural progress we might make leaves no real mark on the biology of our descendents. They enter the world as we did, and as all human beings have before us: small, wrinkled, wet, screaming, helpless, and ignorant of just about everything. At this very moment, dozens of people are entering the world in just that condition—about 15,000 worldwide make their entrance every hour—and the future of the human race depends upon them. Contending with this constant onslaught and initiating these newcomers into the ways of our world is the never-ending and momentous challenge that always confronts every society.
At stake are both the achievements of the past and—most especially—the possibilities of the future. If the task of initiation and continuation fails in just one generation, then the chain is broken, the accomplishments of our past are lost and forgotten, and the potential for meaningful progress is forsaken. The barbarism of savage human nature, more than the prospect of a final human victory over natural limitations, is in this sense always just around the corner.
Indeed, what stands out about the anthropology of generations is not so much a desire to protect children from the dangers of the world—a desire shared by nearly everyone—but rather the related determination to protect the world from the dangerous consequences of failing to instruct the up-and-coming generation.
Second Coming: Ralph Reed, now born again as a political strategist, has moved on from doing God's work to doing George W. Bush's (Joshua Green, April 2004, Atlantic Monthly)
ew figures in American politics seem more fixed in time and place than Ralph Reed. As the brash, boyish director of the Christian Coalition a decade ago, Reed personified the ascendant religious right: he was an articulate, media-savvy spokesman who put to rest the predominant stereotype of religious conservatives as fiery televangelists, and led them into the modern political era. An organizational genius, Reed transformed the remnants of Pat Robertson's failed 1988 presidential campaign into a potent political force, more than a million strong at its peak. The Christian Coalition was instrumental in shaping the Republican Party of the 1990s, and helped Newt Gingrich bring off the Republican revolution of 1994. For a time Reed appeared likely to be the power behind the curtain for years to come. In 1995 Time seemed only mildly hyperbolic when it extolled him on the cover as "the right hand of God."The following year, however, the Republican Party of Gingrich and Reed seemed to expire after Bob Dole's defeat by Bill Clinton. Reed's aggressive style of conservatism alienated moderate voters. He left the Christian Coalition in 1997, just as its influence began to wane, and largely disappeared from the public eye.
But he did not abandon politics. Reed returned to Georgia, where he had been raised, and began anew as a secular political consultant. The return home could not have provided much professional solace: the governor's mansion was in the hands of a popular Democrat, and by 2000 both the state's Senate seats, too, were held by Democrats. The consulting firm that Reed founded, Century Strategies, had an inauspicious start when most of its clients, including Alabama Governor Fob James, lost their 1998 races. Nevertheless, over the next four years Reed helped do for the Georgia Republican Party something much like what he'd done for the Coalition—organizing and rebuilding it from the ground up. He was elected state party chairman in 2001, and in 2002 the Georgia Republicans won a historic upset. Sonny Perdue became the first Republican in thirty-nine gubernatorial elections to win, and a Republican congressman, Saxby Chambliss, defeated the Democratic senator Max Cleland. Georgia's other senator, Zell Miller, is a Democrat in name only, who has already endorsed George W. Bush—so in practical terms Georgia was fully Republican. "What happened in Georgia in 2002 was a once-in-a-decade performance," says the political analyst Charlie Cook.
Even if it had many causes (not least the tremendous appeal of the President, whose visits in behalf of Republican candidates Reed leveraged to maximum effect), this startling success testified to Reed's enduring skill as a political strategist. The Georgia resurgence went a long way toward detoxifying his image, proving that he could succeed outside the context of a politics whose very nature was implicitly rejected by his party's embrace of "compassionate" conservatism. The Bush Administration has acknowledged Reed's achievement by putting him in charge of the Southeast for the upcoming re-election campaign—recognition that confers high standing in the current Republican hierarchy. Beneath that very practical tribute lies a greater honor, and a challenge. Because most southeastern states are reliably Republican, Reed's true responsibility is to reprise his Georgia performance in the state that analysts of both parties believe could once again determine the next President: Florida.
Grateful Kurds in Iraq's north embrace Americans and their culture (Mariam Fam, 3/20/04, Associated Press)
At MaDonal, a restaurant with a familiar name, diners munch cheeseburgers and fries. U.S. troops open cans of Diet Coke. An American flag flies next to the sign that bears the internationally recognized trademark yellow M.The scene reflects a fact of life in Iraq's north: Many Kurds are fascinated with the culture of the superpower that freed an oppressed people from brutal persecution by the ousted dictator.
''The people like the Americans,'' said Dana Mohammed, who works at MaDonal, named after McDonald's. ''They helped us get rid of the dictator, Saddam Hussein.''
In Saddam's Iraq, the United States was demonized and largely blamed for the country's woes. In the new Iraq, the U.S. presence gets mixed reviews at best. Many Arab Sunnis resent an occupation that has cost them their privileged status. Some majority Shiites, while grateful for the ouster of the dictator, think the Americans have overstayed their welcome.
In some moderate Middle Eastern countries where U.S. culture is popular, American restaurants and products are often threatened with boycotts. The U.S. flag is often burned by angry demonstrators.
But the situation in northern Iraq is different.
Many Kurds ethnically distinct from Arabs have no qualms about expressing their support for the United States.
Civil War Still Haunts Spanish Politics (ANTONIO FEROS, 3/20/04, NY Times)
That the civil war should remain a searing political reference point more than 25 years after democracy was established is not as odd as may at first seem. Some of Spain's main political parties, including the Socialist, the Communist and some nationalist parties, played substantial roles before and during the civil war, and analysts believe that their ideologies, tactics and goals have not changed substantially since then.The Popular Party did not exist during the civil war, but it was originally founded in the late 1970's by Manuel Fraga Iribarne, a minister of Francisco Franco during the 1960's; and on occasion it has been regarded as the offspring of Francoist ideology and tactics. Therefore, to understand the real intentions of each political party, the argument goes, one must look at what happened before and during the civil war.
Yet just what happened during that period — when 300,000 people died in action, 400,000 were forced into exile and another 400,000 were imprisoned by Francoists during and after the war — has become the subject of increasingly bitter dispute.
Pío Moa, a journalist and historian, is probably the best known of the recent crop of revisionists. His several books on the Republic (1931-1936) and the civil war have been enormously popular. "Los Mitos de la Guerra Civil" ("The Myths of the Civil War"), published last year, sold more than 100,000 copies in a few months. In it Mr. Moa systematically questions the main thesis accepted by a majority of Spanish historians: that Franco overthrew the democratically elected government. In the words of Stanley Payne, a historian at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Mr. Moa disputes "the notion that leftist politics under the Republic were inherently democratic and constitutionalist and the idea that the civil war was the product of a long-standing conspiracy by wealthy reactionaries rather than a desperate response to stop a revolutionary process that had largely destroyed constitutional government."
In addition, Mr. Moa maintains that Franco's victory saved Spain from the trauma of revolution and territorial fragmentation, and that his regime — supported by a majority of Spaniards — helped modernize Spain and provided the conditions on which to build today's democratic system.
Buchanan's White Whale (Lawrence Auster, March 19, 2004,
In these intensely polarized and paranoid times, more than a few people are like the obsessed Captain Ahab in Moby Dick, of whom Melville wrote, in one of the supreme passages of American literature: "The White Whale swam before him as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep men feel eating in them, till they are left living on with half a heart and half a lung.... All that most maddens and torments; ... all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it."Today, of course, we don't have whale hunters from Nantucket circumnavigating the globe, but we do have politics—an increasingly ugly, ideological politics in a country that seems to be splitting apart before our eyes. Unsurprisingly, we also have among us, on the both the left and the right, Ahab-style monomaniacs who throw away their reason and blame everything that has gone wrong in the world on a single, all-controlling, evil cause. Such fanatics tend to wrap every issue around the object of their particular rage, coming back again and again to the same complaint, the same burning grievance, the same satisfying theory that explains all of society's problems as stemming from the group they oppose.
For Patrick Buchanan, that White Whale is, of course, Israel, along with Israel's purported agents in America, the neoconservatives. As a sign of his obsession, at the very moment when America and its Coalition partners were launching the war against Iraq last year, and most Americans were focused on how to win this tremendous battle, Buchanan published a long diatribe in The American Conservative called "Whose War?", in which he charged that President Bush was in thrall to "the neoconservatives' agenda of endless wars on the Islamic world that serve only [emphasis added] the interests of a country other than the one he was elected to preserve and protect."
"We charge that a cabal of polemicists and public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America's interests. We charge them with colluding with Israel to ignite those wars and destroy the Oslo Accords. [Note how according to Buchanan, it is Israelis and American neoconservatives, not Palestinian terrorists, who destroyed the 'peace process.'] We charge them with deliberately damaging U.S. relations with every state in the Arab world that defies Israel or supports the Palestinian people's right to a homeland of their own. We charge that they have alienated friends and allies all over the Islamic and Western world through their arrogance, hubris, and bellicosity."
These charges of massive deception and at least quasi-treason are repeated in Buchanan's recent cover article in The American Conservative, in which he offers a critique of Richard Perle and David Frum's book, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror. To be fair, the piece doesn't immediately come across as simply an anti-neocon screed. Buchanan starts out with some reasonable-sounding criticisms of what appear to him as the excesses of the book, in which Frum and Perle seem to propose a global war by the United States against all terrorists, everywhere, on behalf of all possible targets of terrorism, everywhere. At the very least, Perle and Frum should be censured for the book's overwrought title; the notion of "an end to evil" is as dangerously divorced from reality as Woodrow Wilson's "war to end all wars." Buchanan is especially put off by Perle's statement that "a radical strain within Islam ... seeks to overthrow our civilization and remake the nations of the West into Islamic societies, imposing on the whole world its religion and laws." Buchanan counters that Islamism does not present any particular danger to America, or at least not anything we need to worry about, and he advances several arguments to support this idea.
The Evangelical Roots of American Unilateralism: The Christian Right's Influence and How to Counter It (Duane Oldfield, March 2004 , Foreign Policy In Focus)
That the administration of George W. Bush is pursuing a unilateralist foreign policy on issues ranging from the Iraq War to global warming to the International Criminal Court is obvious to observers at home and abroad. Also clear is the fact that the Bush policy, at least in its broad outlines, is very much in keeping with the preferences of the Christian right. As the second two quotes above indicate, the president, himself a born-again Christian, does not hesitate to use a moralistic, implicitly religious language in defense of his policies. [...]Although the Christian right's unilateralism is not new, its proximity to power is. Three developments have helped make the Christian right a significant player in U.S. foreign policy: the election of a president with close ties to the movement, the growth of the Christian right's grassroots organizational strength, and the development of an alliance with neoconservatives, who have come to play a crucial role in the present administration.
The Christian right played a supporting role in the Reagan administration's war on Central America, particularly in funneling aid to the Nicaraguan contras (Diamond, 1989, chaps. 5 and 6). However, its activism in the 1980s was primarily on the domestic front. The administrations of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton provided few opportunities for Christian right influence, at least at the presidential level. A committed multilateralist, Bush Sr. set off alarm bells in the Christian right with his talk of a “new world order.” For many elements of the Christian right, that phrase tapped into a long history of right-wing demonology, symbolizing a world government--perhaps Satanically inspired--threatening American sovereignty. And antagonism toward Bill Clinton was even stronger. Demonized by a Christian right that vigorously fought to have him impeached, Clinton had little incentive to grant its leaders access to foreign policy decisionmaking.
The disputed election of George W. Bush provided the Christian right with a far more sympathetic president. Bush's personal history helps cement his ties to the movement. Although his father was clearly uncomfortable with the movement's style of mixing religion and politics, the current president, saved from the sin of alcoholism by his own born-again experience, has long understood the nuances of the Christian right's religious constituency and speaks its language. Recognizing this back in 1988, Bush Sr. gave his son the task of reaching out to that constituency for him in his presidential campaign. Campaign aide Doug Wead worked with George W. Bush as part of an effective effort to woo evangelical leaders. George W. Bush's White House reflects its occupant's comfort with evangelicalism. The first words heard by Bush speechwriter David Frum when he arrived at the White House were “missed you at Bible study” (see Frum).
The personal inclinations of the current president are reenforced by the development of the Christian right's grassroots electoral capabilities. Prior to Pat Robertson's 1988 presidential campaign, the Christian right had very limited experience with precinct organizing. Robertson's nomination campaign failed in its immediate objective, but it laid the groundwork for the emergence of the Christian Coalition. That coalition's grassroots network, in turn, played a significant role in the Republican congressional victories of 1994. In the run-ups to the 1996 and 2000 campaigns, the Christian Coalition's annual convention became a required stop for GOP presidential aspirants. Early on, George W. Bush hired former Christian Coalition Director Ralph Reed as a consultant for his nomination campaign. After Bush lost the New Hampshire primary, strong support from the Christian Right, especially in South Carolina, helped him beat back a serious challenge from Senator John McCain.
With the Christian right now a central part of the Republican electoral coalition, presidents of that party must take the constituency's concerns into account. And the change goes even deeper than that. When Christian right activists entered party politics during the Robertson campaign in the late 1980s, the distinction between these activists and established Republicans was clear. For many party regulars, the Robertson activists were alien interlopers who had somehow descended on the party. In the words of the president's brother Neil Bush, they were “cockroaches” issuing “from the baseboards of the Bible-belt.” Though tension between the Christian right and other party factions continues, the Christian Right is now an established component, and in some areas even a dominant feature, of the party coalition. John Green provides an insightful analysis of the evolution of the “collective identity” of the Christian right: from sectarian religious identities in the early 1980s to a pro-family identity that helped unite Christian right members across religious lines to the current era of “evangelical Republicans,” in which partisanship is central to movement identity. Ralph Reed, former executive director of the Christian Coalition and now chair of the Georgia Republican Party, exemplifies this trend. As Christian rightists become party activists, Christian right organizations may suffer, as the Christian Coalition has since Reed's departure, but their influence within the party grows. In a Republican Party dominated by conservative Southerners such as George W. Bush, Tom Delay, and Dick Armey, Christian right activists are no longer interlopers; they are insiders.
Finally, the Christian right's access to power has been greatly aided by the ties it has developed with neoconservatives influential within the present administration. Neoconservative intellectuals, many of them Jewish, may seem unlikely allies for the Christian right, but this partnership has developed across several issue areas. The most important basis for this partnership is a common support for Israel or, to put it more accurately, for the Likud Party's vision of Israel's interests. The Christian right's support for Israel harks back to the movement's beginnings in the late 1970s, but it has risen to a higher level in the last few years. The 2002 annual convention of the Christian Coalition culminated in a rally for Israel, and Ralph Reed and Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein recently founded a new group, Stand for Israel. Meanwhile, throughout Christian right media, criticism of the Palestinians and support for hard-line Israeli policies has grown more intense.
The Christian right's support for Israel is closely interrelated with prophetic concerns discussed earlier in this essay. In the words of Christian right author John Hagee: “Israel is the only nation created by a sovereign act of God, and He has sworn by His holiness to defend Jerusalem, His Holy City. If God created and defends Israel, those nations that fight against it fight against God.” At a recent Christian Coalition gathering, a speaker even suggested that the September 11th attacks were God's punishment for America's insufficient support of Israel (Arab News, 2003).
Links with neoconservatives have also been forged around the issue of religious persecution. Michael Horowitz, a neoconservative senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, and Nina Shea of the Puebla Institute, were instrumental in mobilizing evangelicals around the issue of religious persecution. Elliott Abrams, then head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote extensively supporting the cause and, along with Nina Shea, was later appointed to the commission created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, eventually serving as its chair. Abrams has moved on to human rights and Middle East policy positions at the National Security Council.
In 1997, when the Project for the New American Century was born, it united conservative leaders around a call for a much more aggressive U.S. foreign policy (including forceful action against Iraq's Saddam Hussein). The group's Statement of Principles declared: “Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be fashionable today. But it is necessary if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and greatness in the next.” Among the 25 signatories were leading neoconservatives and future players in the Bush administration including Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Frank Gaffney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Also on the list were Gary Bauer, long-time head of the Family Research Council, and author William Bennett.
A sympathetic president, grassroots electoral strength, and ties to influential neoconservatives have given the Christian right influence in American foreign policy, providing support for a militant unilateralism and unwavering backing for Israel . The Christian right has been rewarded with appointments on delegations to UN conferences and supportive administration action on its international social agenda (see Butler), and it has been heartened by the president's use of religious language to justify his policies. The religious right does not dominate foreign policymaking in the current administration; for example, it lacks key posts at the State and Defense departments. However, the Christian right has provided powerful grassroots support for the unilateralist forces that currently dominate American foreign policy.
Hussein's Fall Leads Syrians to Test Government Limits (NEIL MacFARQUHAR, 3/20/04, NY Times)
A year ago, it would have been inconceivable for a citizen of Syria, run by the Baath Party of President Bashar al-Assad, to make a documentary film with the working title, "Fifteen Reasons Why I Hate the Baath."Yet watching the overthrow of Saddam Hussein across the border in Iraq prompted Omar Amiralay to do just that. "It gave me the courage to do it," he said.
"When you see one of the two Baath parties broken, collapsing, you can only hope that it will be the turn of the Syrian Baath next," he added, having just completed the film, eventually called "A Flood in Baath Country," for a European arts channel. "The myth of having to live under despots for eternity collapsed."
When the Bush administration toppled the Baghdad government, it announced that it wanted to establish a democratic, free-market Iraq that would prove a contagious model for the region. The bloodshed there makes that a distant prospect, yet the very act of humiliating the worst Arab tyrant spawned a sort of "what if" process in Syria and across the region.
The Syrian Baath Party remains firmly in control, ruling through emergency laws that basically suspend all civil rights. The government says the laws are necessary as long as Israel occupies the Golan Heights, 40 miles from Damascus, and the two nations remain at war.
Yet subtle changes have begun, even if they amount to tiny fissures in a repressive state. Some Syrians are testing the limits, openly questioning government doctrine and challenging state oppression.
Syrians who oppose the government do so with some trepidation because it used ferocious violence in the past to silence any challenge. Yet the fall of Mr. Hussein changed something inside people.
"I think the image, the sense of terror, has evaporated," said Mr. Amiralay, the filmmaker.
The situation calls to mind what Robert Kaplan wrote about Ronald Reagan, tongue deeply in cheek:
In perceiving the Soviet Union as permanent, orderly, and legitimate, [Henry] Kissinger shared a failure of analysis with the rest of the foreign-policy elite--notably excepting the scholar and former head of the State Department's policy-planning staff George Kennan, the Harvard historian Richard Pipes, the British scholar and journalist Bernard Levin, and the Eureka College graduate Ronald Reagan.
Yes, yes, of course, we all know you cannot poke a stick through the walls of a concrete tower, but here's something to think about: what if the walls are only a painted backdrop?
The evil that men do:
Theodore Dalrymple can find no better explanation for man’s wicked behaviour than the doctrine of Original Sin (Theodore Dalrymple, 3/20/04, The Spectator)
For personal reasons that it would be tedious to explain, my entire adult life, at least in its professional aspect, has been a search for the source of man’s evil. Besides this question, all other questions — at least those pertaining to mankind — seem to me almost trivial. But I cannot say that I have answered the question to my own satisfaction, let alone to anyone else’s. I am still mystified.I do not mean that all men are evil; far from it. Most men are not, or at least not habitually. But all men are capable of evil. Evil is always lurking in the lair of man’s heart, including my own, awaiting its chance to pounce; and if man were a computer, which of course some believe that he is, I believe that his default setting, as it were, would be to evil rather than to good. [...]
The best way of understanding evil is by way of metaphor, the metaphor of Original Sin. I do not think that Adam actually existed as a historical figure, of course; yet the idea that death and sin came ineradicably into the world (ineradicable, that is, by man himself) with Adam’s first disobedience, the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, is a metaphorically realistic account of the human condition — far more realistic, and hardly less conjectural, than any other that is supposedly more scientific. It explains why technical progress is not moral progress, and why utopian dreams are bound to fail. Imperfect beings cannot bring about perfection. [...]
Original Sin accounts for the manifest imperfectibility of man. No social arrangements, however civilised or compassionate, will ever result in the elimination of man’s desire to do evil: the best that can be hoped for is that they will limit the scope of its expression. There is, for example, so much domestic evil in this country for two reasons: because there is nothing to discourage it and because there is so little room for evil, at least of the cruder sort, in the public sphere. This is not to say that one day the opportunity to commit evil in a larger, public theatre and on a vastly larger scale will not arise; indeed I think it very likely that one day it will. Goodness is fragile because it requires self-restraint, but evil is strong because it requires self-expression.
You could say that modern Darwinism has a concept of Original Sin, that our genes endow us with certain ineradicable traits such as the drive for dominance, or (in the case of our weaker brethren) the resistance to dominance, that are akin to Original Sin. But Darwinist explanations of actual human conduct are as metaphorical as biblical ones, and no more illuminating: they explain some of the past all right, but never predict the future. They are always wise after the event.
90-Day Media Strategy by Bush's Aides to Define Kerry (JIM RUTENBERG, 3/20/04, NY Times)
The goal, several campaign aides said, is to first strip Mr. Kerry of the positive image that he carried away from the Democratic primary contests and then to define him issue by issue in their own terms before the summer vacation season. The central thrusts will be national security and taxes, they said.The aides said the strategy was planned weeks ago in coordination with Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political aide, while Mr. Kerry was battling for his party's nomination.
The aides are following a tight timetable, they said, and they want to have defined Mr. Kerry on their terms between now and early June, when they expect voters to stop paying close attention to politics, at least for a time. In addition, Mr. Kerry will very likely have a much larger war chest with which to fight by then, reducing the effect of the Republican media blitz.
"We just see this as the greatest window of opportunity, not that there won't be others," said Mark McKinnon, Mr. Bush's head media strategist. "It's easiest to define somebody when they're ill-defined, and John Kerry's ill-defined."
The Bush aides pronounce their efforts a success so far, and point to polls showing that Mr. Kerry's ratings are dropping while Mr. Bush's are rising, a huge relief to a campaign that just a couple of weeks ago was criticized even by some Republicans as appearing flat-footed.
"If you look at the average balance of the public polls now, the president's either even, or up one or two points," said Matthew Dowd, the president's chief campaign strategist. "And two weeks ago he was down three or four."
This early drive by the Bush campaign is in marked contrast to the approach of the Kerry organization, whose strategists say they believe the period before June is important but not as crucial as Mr. Bush's team asserts. Calling the Bush campaign's depictions of their candidate "distortions," Mr. Kerry's strategists said the labels would not stick. Mr. Kerry is on vacation in Idaho this week.
Fukuyama in Tel Aviv: Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, and Francis Fukuyama come together to discuss the end of history in Israel. (Peter Berkowitz, 03/19/2004, Weekly Standard)
Under the bright lights on the large auditorium stage, the diminutive professor held forth for 40 minutes. With his characteristic calm cogence, Fukuyama rehearsed the key elements of his argument: history displays a broad pattern of human progress; bourgeois civilization will not be transcended; history will terminate not in a socialist utopia but in liberal democracy and market capitalism; this conclusion is fortified by the empirical evidence of people around the world who have voted with their feet for freedom, democracy, and modernization; and it is further fortified by theoretical reflection on human nature which discloses the rationality of economic and political systems based on individual rights and the consent of the governed.The key question thus far posed by the 21st century, Fukuyama observed, is whether there is a Muslim exception to the end of history. Fukuyama doubts it. He pointed out that the real democracy deficit is not in Muslim or predominantly Muslim countries but in Muslim Arab countries of the Middle East. And there the problem, he suggested, was not Islam, though he indicated it still awaits its Luther, but bad government and dismal economic prospects that produce an angry alienation on which purveyors of radical Islam prey. What is necessary on the part of the liberal democracies of the world, according to Fukuyama, is the right kind of politics, one that knows that individual freedom is the long term goal but which takes careful account of, and learns to work with, the distinctive culture of Arab and Muslim societies. [...]
Netanyahu began by explaining that he rejected the descriptive part of Fukuyama's thesis but embraced the prescriptive part. Never mind that the descriptive and prescriptive parts of Fukuyama's thesis--liberal democracy was in fact and appropriately triumphing around the world because it satisfied genuine and powerful human wants, needs, and desires--were inseparably connected. What Netanyahu really wanted to dwell upon was that terrorism is a monumental threat to liberal democracy, and while inflamed by poverty and oppression, it "is a product of the totalitarian mindset." In concluding that the issue in connection to Fukuyama is not whether he is right about the end of history but rather how we can insure that he is right, Netanyahu agreed with Fukuyama as well as Peres that the world's liberal democracies have a moral and strategic interest in the spread of liberal democracy.
The Bush revolution in foreign policy though--one echoed above by Mr. Netanyahu--consists in putting the full force of American military, economic, and moral power into an effort to hasten the End of History in those regions that are lagging. It is disingenuous to understate how radical is this transformation. It is obviously a reversal of America's traditional isolationism, but it is also a major departure from the containment policy that was used to fight the Cold War up until Ronald Reagan was elected and goes well beyond what even the Gipper did to win that war. (Mr. Bush can be bolder precisely because the dysfunctional culture in this case is so weak--there's no Mutual Assured Destruction in this confrontation.)
Indeed, while the President does sometimes dress up his policy in the garb of security, it is really much more a function of his (and our) religious faith:
Historians in the future will reflect on an extraordinary, undeniable fact: Over time, free nations grow stronger and dictatorships grow weaker. In the middle of the 20th century, some imagined that the central planning and social regimentation were a shortcut to national strength. In fact, the prosperity, and social vitality and technological progress of a people are directly determined by extent of their liberty. Freedom honors and unleashes human creativity -- and creativity determines the strength and wealth of nations. Liberty is both the plan of Heaven for humanity, and the best hope for progress here on Earth. [...]Sixty years of Western nations excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make us safe -- because in the long run, stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty. As long as the Middle East remains a place where freedom does not flourish, it will remain a place of stagnation, resentment, and violence ready for export. And with the spread of weapons that can bring catastrophic harm to our country and to our friends, it would be reckless to accept the status quo.
Therefore, the United States has adopted a new policy, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East. This strategy requires the same persistence and energy and idealism we have shown before. And it will yield the same results. As in Europe, as in Asia, as in every region of the world, the advance of freedom leads to peace.
The advance of freedom is the calling of our time; it is the calling of our country. From the Fourteen Points to the Four Freedoms, to the Speech at Westminster, America has put our power at the service of principle. We believe that liberty is the design of nature; we believe that liberty is the direction of history. We believe that human fulfillment and excellence come in the responsible exercise of liberty. And we believe that freedom -- the freedom we prize -- is not for us alone, it is the right and the capacity of all mankind.
Working for the spread of freedom can be hard. Yet, America has accomplished hard tasks before. Our nation is strong; we're strong of heart. And we're not alone. Freedom is finding allies in every country; freedom finds allies in every culture. And as we meet the terror and violence of the world, we can be certain the author of freedom is not indifferent to the fate of freedom.
With all the tests and all the challenges of our age, this is, above all, the age of liberty.
Socialists: The zombies who won the Spanish election. (Chris Suellentrop, March 18, 2004, Slate)
Granted, the war in Iraq and the war against al-Qaida are the whole reason the world has been watching Spain so closely for the past week. But there's another reason for the conservative silence about Zapatero's economics: The socialist debate over what to do about capitalism—and the proletariat, and the theory of surplus value, and the ownership of the means of production—is largely over in Europe. If the old libel against American liberals is that they're socialists, the new European libel against socialists is that they're liberals—classical ones. Here are some of the economic promises on which Zapatero's Socialist Workers Party campaigned: lowering the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 30 percent, cutting income taxes, and reducing the value-added tax. Oh, and they're going to balance the budget and control inflation. The man expected to be the Socialist finance minister, Miguel Sebastian, is a U.S.-educated economist with a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He's promising to put his faith in the Invisible Hand. "There will be a strict separation between politics and business," he told the Financial Times. "We will be a market-friendly government." These are socialists?They're what's left of them. The 43-year-old Zapatero took the helm of the Socialist Workers Party in 2000, in the wake of a disastrous election for the party. That year, the Socialists allied themselves with the Communists, known as the United Left, but for the first time since Franco's death in 1975, the Socialists and the United Left together did not win a majority of Spanish votes. In the wake of that defeat, Zapatero pledged to follow a "Nueva Via," or New Way, rhetorically aligning himself with the "New Democrats" of Bill Clinton, the "Third Way" of Tony Blair, and the "New Middle" of Gerhard Schröder. He would navigate between market fundamentalism and state socialism. The clear message: The era of big socialism is over.
Reactionary Prophet: Edmund Burke understood before anyone else that revolutions devour their young—and turn into their opposites: a review of Reflections On The Revolution In France: Edmund Burke, edited by Frank M. Turner (Christopher Hitchens, April 2004, The Atlantic Monthly)
[E]dmund Burke was neither an Englishman nor a Tory. He was an Irishman, probably a Catholic Irishman at that (even if perhaps a secret sympathizer), and for the greater part of his life he upheld the more liberal principles of the Whig faction. He was an advanced opponent of the slave trade, whose "Sketch of a Negro Code" was written in the early 1780s, and who before that had opposed the seating of American slaveholders at Westminster. His epic parliamentary campaign for the impeachment of Warren Hastings and the arraignment of the East India Company was the finest example in its day of a battle against pelf and perks and privilege. His writings on revolution and counter-revolution, and on empire, are ripe for a "Straussian" or Machiavellian reading that seeks to discover the arcane or occluded message contained within an ostensibly straightforward text.This is most particularly true of his Reflections on the Revolution in France, which has seldom if ever been better analyzed and, so to speak, "decoded" than in this excellent companion edition. One might begin by giving this imperishable book its full name. The original 1790 title page read "Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to That Event: In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris." The gentleman in question was Charles-Jean-François Depont, a young man of Burke's acquaintance who had become a member of the French National Assembly and had written to him in the fall of 1789. Burke owed him a reply, which turned into a very long letter indeed after its author had been further inspired to put pen to paper. The further inspiration was supplied by two meetings in London, of the Constitutional Society and of the Revolution Society, at which were passed warm resolutions welcoming the fall of the Bastille. It was, more than anything else, the alarm he felt at these latter developments that impelled Burke to his response. Please note, then, that Burke chose to stress not the French Revolution but "The Revolution in France." He seems to have intended, here, to speak of the phenomenon of revolution as it applied to French affairs, and as it might be made to apply to English ones. Hence the emphatic mention of "certain societies in London."
The Revolution Society was not as insurgent or incendiary as its name might suggest. It was a rather respectable sodality, dedicated to celebrating the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, a relatively bloodless coup that installed William and Mary of the House of Orange on the English throne, and established Protestantism as the state religion. One of the society's leaders was the Reverend Richard Price, a great friend to the American Revolution and a staunch Unitarian clergyman. His resolution, carried by the same meeting that had forwarded a "Congratulatory Address" to the National Assembly in Paris, read in part, "This Society, sensible of the important advantages arising to this Country by its deliverance from Popery and Arbitrary Power ..."
It was made immediately plain to Burke that those who had enthused over revolution across the Channel were also interested in undermining and discrediting the same Church that he—an Irishman brought up under anti-Catholic penal laws—felt so obliged to defend. (This deep connection has been established by Conor Cruise O'Brien in a masterly series of studies that began with his own edition of the Reflections in 1968.) But the point is not a merely sectarian one. In 1780 London had been convulsed and shamed by the hysterical anti-Papist Gordon Riots, in which a crazed aristocratic demagogue had led a mob against supposedly subversive Catholics. (The best evocation of the fury and cruelty of that episode is to be found in Dickens's Barnaby Rudge.) This memory was very vivid in Burke's mind, and goes far to explain his visceral detestation of crowd violence. No less to the point, some emulators of Jacobinism—the United Irishmen, with many Protestants among their leaders—were at work in Ireland trying to bring off a rebellion that would compromise all parliamentary "moderates." And several of the pro-Jacobin activists and spokesmen in England, not excluding the rather humane Price himself, had had political connections with Lord George Gordon. As between the Jacobite and the Jacobin, Burke could not be neutral for an instant; he might give up the Jacobite cause out of loyalty to the British crown, but he was profoundly stirred when he saw old-fashioned anti-Catholicism renascent under potentially republican colors. So one does well to keep Barnaby Rudge in mind along with A Tale of Two Cities.
Three questions will occur to anybody reconsidering the Reflections today. Was it a grand and prophetic indictment of revolutionary excess? Was it the disdainful shudder of a man who despised or feared what at one stage he described as the "swinish multitude"? And did it contain what we would now term a "hidden agenda"? The answer to all three questions, it seems to me, is a firm yes. Let us take the two most celebrated excerpts of Burke's extraordinary prose. The first is the prescient one. [...]
If modern conservatism can be held to derive from Burke, it is not just because he appealed to property owners in behalf of stability but also because he appealed to an everyday interest in the preservation of the ancestral and the immemorial. And the abolition of memory, as we have come to know in our own time, is an aspect of the totalitarian that spares neither right nor left. In the cult of "now," just as in the making of Reason into an idol, the writhings of nihilism are to be detected.
It is vastly to the credit of Conor Cruise O'Brien that he still feels it necessary to defend Burke from the charge of being a "reactionary." It may not be feasible to make this extenuation a consistent one. Burke was strongly in favor of repressive measures at home, including the silencing of all dissent. In calling for an all-out war, he outdid William Pitt himself. He died before the worst of the Bonapartist project for Europe was revealed, and it cannot easily be said that his gravest fears in this respect did not materialize. But in his discussion of the French philosophes he declined even to cite any of their secular and rationalist critique, because, as he put it in a footnote to Reflections, "I do not choose to shock the feeling of the moral reader with any quotation of their vulgar, base, and profane language." That's Tory pomposity defined. Furthermore, and as Darrin McMahon points out in his chapter of this edition, Burke in the year of his death (1797) wrote to the exiled Abbé Barruel to thank him in the most profuse terms for a copy of his Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du jacobinisme. This was a work, infamous in its time, of the most depraved and retrograde Jesuitism, which purported to find a grand conspiracy of Freemasons and other subversives in the overthrow of the Bourbons. Burke's letter was no mere courtesy; it lauded the abbé for his justice, regularity, and exactitude. This is the only charge against Burke that I cannot find mentioned or dealt with in Conor Cruise O'Brien's tremendous biography The Great Melody; but as O'Brien has observed in another context, those intellectuals who will not give up "civility" and "objectivity" for the cause of revolution have sometimes been observed to sacrifice these qualities for the sake of the counter-revolution. Clearly, Burke saw himself as willing to try all means and all alliances in order to "contain" revolutionary France, lest it pose a challenge similar to that presented by the Protestant Reformation, and then as far as possible to destroy it.
Pecan Scones (Domain Magazine, November/December 1989)
Buttery scones enriched with pecans and sour cream. Makes 24 to 28 Scones4 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup coarsely ground pecans
1/2 pound butter, chilled and cut into cubes
1 cup sour cream
1 cup milkPreheat oven to 375 degrees.
Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.
Add sugar and pecans.
Cut in butter until mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Combine sour cream and milk, add to dry mixture, and stir just until mixed.
On well-floured board, divide dough into 6 balls, flatten each to 5/8-inch thickness, and cut into wedges or circles.
Bake at 375 degrees on ungreased sheet until golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes.
‘Reckless’ And ‘Irresponsible?’: 2003 Tape Shows Kerry Seemingly Backing $87 Billion In Iraq Funding He Voted Against (Jake Tapper, March 19, 2004,
In an interview several weeks before he voted against $87 billion in funding for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., seemed to argue that such a vote would be reckless, irresponsible, and tantamount to abandoning U.S. troops.On the Sept. 14, 2003, edition of CBS's Face the Nation, Kerry spoke at length about an amendment he and Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., were offering which would have paid for the $87 billion by delaying some of the recent tax cuts.
Asked if he would vote against the $87 billion if his amendment did not pass, Kerry said, "I don't think any United States senator is going to abandon our troops and recklessly leave Iraq to whatever follows as a result of simply cutting and running. That's irresponsible."
Kerry argued that his amendment offered a way to do it properly, "but I don't think anyone in the Congress is going to not give our troops ammunition, not give our troops the ability to be able to defend themselves. We're not going to cut and run and not do the job."
Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said her boss' vote against the funding was a "protest vote." …
Kerry's 1994 effort to cut defense eyed (JOHN SOLOMON, 3/19/2004, The Associated Press)
When John Kerry offered a surprise plan to trim $43 billion in spending a decade ago, he encountered some harsh resistance: The cuts would threaten national security. U.S. fighter pilots would be endangered. And the battle against terrorism would be hampered, opponents charged.And that's just what Kerry's fellow Democrats had to say.
"We are putting blindfolds over our pilots' eyes," Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, a decorated World War II veteran, said of the impact of Kerry's proposed intelligence cuts. Senators rejected Kerry's plan on a vote of 75-20. [...]
[S]everal of the Democrats' longest serving senators zeroed in immediately on the cuts Kerry proposed for military and intelligence.
"The amendment offered by the senator from Massachusetts would reduce the fiscal year 1994 budget for national defense by nearly $4 billion," said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., then the powerful Appropriations Committee chairman. "We have already cut defense spending drastically. ... Cutting another $4 billion is simply unwise and insupportable."
Sen. Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz., then the Intelligence Committee chairman, took Kerry to task at the time for reducing intelligence spending by $6 billion over six years, saying it would leave Americans vulnerable while facing problems such as the war in Bosnia, nuclear proliferation and terrorism.
"It makes no sense for us to close our eyes and ears to developments around the world," he said, wondering aloud why Kerry didn't raise the idea of his cuts with the committee first.
Inouye, who has supported Kerry's presidential campaign, rebuked Kerry for proposing military cuts without consulting Pentagon leaders. "This is clearly micromanaging the Defense Department without any input from our military commanders," the Hawaii Democrat said.
Teen's right to wear sweatshirt is restored: Denbigh High responds to letter threatening lawsuit (Angela Forest, March 19 2004, Hampton Roads Daily Press)
A Denbigh High School student prevented from wearing an anti-abortion sweatshirt in school last month by a school administrator now can wear it after a Michigan law center raised the possibility of a lawsuit.An assistant principal told Daniel Goergen on Feb. 18 to remove the sweatshirt or turn it inside-out. Printed in white letters on the front of the black, hooded sweatshirt are the words "Abortion is homicide." The back reads "You will not silence my message / You will not mock my God / You will stop killing my generation."
"It was kind of irritating, it was bringing me down a little," Goergen said of the assistant principal's decision. "I respected (the assistant principal's) opinion and did what she said because she's an administrator. Then I got a lawyer to explain to her the right for me to wear it."
Many students at the school have shown support for his actions, he said.
In response to a letter from the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Chief Deputy City Attorney Leonard Wallin sent a letter March 12 informing Goergen's lawyers that he could wear the sweatshirt at school.
Unmasking Alger Hiss: a Review of Alger Hiss's Looking-Glass Wars: The Covert Life of a Soviet Spy (Ronald Radosh, 3/17/04, Hudson Institute)
What White accomplishes in this innovative and brilliant new book is not yet another attempt to show Hiss's guilt, but rather an examination of how Hiss managed to be both a gifted Soviet agent and "a successful publicizer of his innocence," able to convince so many people. Why, White asks, was Hiss seen as a sympathetic figure by so many who should have known better—and why did they ignore irrefutable evidence in order to go on believing him?White starts from the premise that Hiss was both a dedicated Communist party member and an agent of Soviet military intelligence from 1934 to 1946, and then asks why Hiss lied about this so blatantly, for so long, and even enlisted friends and family in the lie. He had other options. He could—as his wife desired—have faded into the woodwork and led a private life. He could have admitted his guilt and sought to excuse his actions with the "idealistic" reasons that he thought at the time justified the betrayal of his own country—the rationale used today by left-wing historians to exonerate the Rosenbergs.
Instead, Hiss pursued a consistent path of categorically dissociating himself from the slightest connection with Communism, developing what White calls a false narrative that he would relate for the rest of his life. He was, he claimed, simply a loyal New Dealer and devotee of international peace, a man who was therefore accused by the New Deal's right-wing enemies for their own partisan purposes. He characterized those who accused him as liars and himself as their innocent and unwilling victim. Hiss's chosen narrative was nothing but a spy's cover story, repeated ad infinitum until many opinion makers chose to believe him. [...]
Hiss had a fanatical dedication to vindicating his reputation. One of the major themes of White's psychological portrait is of how Hiss brought his son Tony, who had been estranged from him since childhood, into active participation in his fraudulent effort. He mended his fences with Tony in adulthood, and gained the loyalty of a family member who would carry on the effort to vindicate him even after his death. In effect, he betrayed the trust of loyal friends and family members, including his own son, to pursue the goal of helping the Soviet Union.
What helped Hiss most was the changing moral and political climate. When he was imprisoned, most Americans undoubtedly believed in his guilt. But he maintained his charade long enough for the 1960s and Vietnam to come along and produce a new national climate, one in which many Americans came to believe the worst about their government—that, for example, the Justice Department and FBI would fabricate evidence to convict an innocent person. This skeptical climate enabled Hiss to gain near-vindication, as White puts it, "without his producing a shred of credible new evidence." His tale of partisan right-wingers and government officials orchestrating a frame-up won him fresh supporters among the emerging New Left.
Divide and Bicker: The Dean Campaign's Hip, High-Tech Image Hid a Nasty Civil War (Howard Kurtz, February 29, 2004, Washington Post)
In different conversations and in different ways, according to several people who worked with him, Dean said at the peak of his popularity late last year that he never expected to rise so high, that he didn't like the intense scrutiny, that he had just wanted to make a difference. "I don't care about being president," he said. Months earlier, as his candidacy was taking off, he told a colleague: "The problem is, I'm now afraid I might win."As Dean was swallowed by the bubble that envelops every major candidate, he allowed his campaign to sink into a nasty civil war that crippled decision-making and devastated morale. In the end, say some of those who uprooted their lives for him, these tensions hastened the implosion that brought Dean down.
The polarization revolved around two people: Joe Trippi, the rumpled, passionate, sometimes headstrong campaign manager who drew rock-star coverage in the press, and Kate O'Connor, the quiet, shrewd, low-profile Vermont confidante who never left Dean's side. [...]
Every presidential campaign has an ambitious strategist, a James Carville or Karl Rove, pulling the strings back at headquarters, and an unassuming body man (or woman) traveling with the candidate, a loyalist who can read his moods, cater to his needs and watch his back. And there are often tensions between "the office" and "the road." For Trippi and O'Connor, the sparring began early and never let up.
When Dean, once dismissed as a gadfly candidate, was surging to the front of a crowded Democratic field in September, things came to a head.
O'Connor, according to a staffer who saw the e-mail, wrote a friend that she wanted to get rid of Trippi and that she felt like quitting herself except that she needed to protect Dean. This followed a clash in which Trippi and other top political advisers helped craft a major Boston speech in which Dean was to denounce special interests -- only to have him toss out most of the speech after O'Connor expressed her opposition.
O'Connor, who said she had "possibly" sent the e-mail but did not recall it, said Dean felt the speech wasn't suitable for a large rally. But she confirmed that she was "uncomfortable" with the campaign's move toward "harping on the special interests. . . . I thought it was not a message that was true to who Howard Dean was." While she offered her opinions, "the thought that I could manipulate him is just absurd."
In October, as much of the media and political establishment began to view the former governor as unstoppable, Trippi was so frustrated by the mounting strife that he threatened to resign, he and other officials confirmed. Trippi asked his campaign allies to join an "intervention" with Dean to get things changed, but they told him he was being unrealistic. Trippi's partner in a consulting firm, Steve McMahon, and Trippi's wife, Kathy Lash, a campaign aide, talked him out of quitting. But he made a pact with his wife that, win or lose, he would quit the day after the New Hampshire primary.
For all the low-level warfare between what was termed the "Washington faction" and the "Vermont faction," O'Connor does not believe the disagreements damaged Dean's effort. "Maybe I'm just naive," she said. "Maybe it did and I'm oblivious to the fact that it hurt the campaign." [...]
Even the highest-ranking advisers found Dean resistant to changing his approach. Dean strategists say campaign chairman Steve Grossman repeatedly urged the candidate to talk about treating patients as a physician and expressed frustration that Dean never took the advice.
"Unfortunately Howard never took advantage of that unique quality and experience he had, that of being a doctor," Grossman said. Had Dean used more "personal examples" involving patients, it "would have humanized him and created more of an emotional link between him and the voters."
Trippi dispatched various aides to accompany Dean and O'Connor on the road, but problems developed each time. One said he was viewed as "Trippi's spy." Another said O'Connor would "kill" people she viewed as insufficiently loyal. A third said staffers were frightened of "the wrath of Kate." As fundraising surged and the campaign was rapidly expanding, Trippi tried to hire several seasoned pros but told colleagues that O'Connor had blocked his efforts.
"Completely false," said O'Connor. "I didn't meddle in hiring." She said Trippi refused to hire some people suggested by Dean, which Trippi confirmed.
But O'Connor saw herself as standing up for Dean. "If Washington people wanted to change a position, Kate would be the first one to say no, because she knows how long and how adamantly the governor held a particular position," said Sue Allen, Dean's longtime Vermont spokeswoman.
"She had the thankless job of keeping him on message. He's the kind of guy who will chat with somebody and change his opinion. She would control access, and that angers people. . . . She's a handy scapegoat."
David Bender, the New York senior deputy campaign director, said that when O'Connor complained about exhaustion and he suggested some time off, "she looked at me with a ferocity in her manner and voice and said: 'I know they want to get rid of me. . . . I will do this job if I have to do it from a hospital bed hooked up to an IV because I'm the only one who protects Howard. Everyone else wants something from him.' " [...]
Kate O'Connor knew about the Al Gore endorsement. Joe Trippi didn't. He blamed O'Connor. He also blamed Howard Dean.
It was early December, and Dean and Gore had agreed to keep quiet about the former vice president's plan to announce his support within days, fearing a premature leak. Trippi grew suspicious when staffers were asked to charter a large plane to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He asked Dean, who said someone would be endorsing him but he couldn't tell Trippi who it was. Trippi reminded him that he was the campaign manager. But Dean wouldn't budge.
The larger message was that O'Connor had known and the Washington faction had not. O'Connor said she was simply doing what Dean and Gore wanted. What no one knew was that this would be the high point and that the corrosive sense of mistrust would eat away at the campaign at the worst possible time.
Over the next six weeks, Dean's rivals escalated their attacks on his fitness for the White House, and he was hit by an avalanche of negative headlines. "Every media organization and reporter went after us because, you know, take down the front-runner," he told CNN.
But Dean also started making high-profile mistakes. After the seizure of Saddam Hussein, Dean's top political aides scripted a San Francisco speech in which the candidate would say that although his opposition to the Iraq war was unchanged, the capture was a victory for the American military. At the last minute, Dean added a line that the country was no safer, sparking a new controversy.
It was during this period that some senior officials became convinced that Dean wasn't serious about doing what it takes to win the White House, especially when he refused repeated requests to ask his wife, Judith Steinberg Dean, to make even an occasional campaign appearance. Dean did not respond to an interview request, but O'Connor believes he never wavered in his desire to be president.
Still, she said, "he didn't expect to be there" as the front-runner, and they were surprised at the intensity of the media barrage. "We never anticipated the constant getting beaten up over something every single day," O'Connor said.
But others felt the campaign should have been better prepared to play defense and that this contributed to the daily drip of damaging stories.
Senior officials, for instance, said they had never been able to gain access to the boxes of Dean records in O'Connor's garage or the files kept in her car trunk. Enright had reviewed tapes of Dean's appearances on a Canadian talk show from 1996 to 2002, but there was one tape she never got -- and NBC triggered a flap by reporting that Dean on that tape had disparaged the Iowa caucuses as "dominated by the special interests." The staff blamed O'Connor, who said she had never seen that tape and that the material in her Ford Focus was just news clips from Dean's gubernatorial days.
Campaign officials said they also tried to get O'Connor to dig out old National Rifle Association questionnaires completed by Dean. Enright was blindsided when the New York Times obtained one from a rival campaign, showing that Dean had opposed restrictions on owning assault weapons -- a contradiction of his current position.
When Dean, despite raising $40 million, finished third in Iowa on Jan. 19, he ripped up his prepared remarks and started yelling on his campaign bus, officials said, proclaiming that the message of taking on Washington's entrenched interests hadn't worked, that the grass roots were a mirage and had let him down. [...]
The warfare continued over Dean's message, the outsider-against-Washington-special-interests pitch that Trippi had developed in a PowerPoint presentation, tested in polls and, despite O'Connor's concerns, used to sell the candidate to major labor unions.
Dean's policy director, Jeremy Ben-Ami, declared in an e-mail: "The message of the campaign is simply no longer our campaign vs. the special interests. This is not what the governor wants to be saying -- or frankly what he ever really wanted to be saying."
Joe Drymala, the chief speechwriter who received the e-mail, resigned in protest. "I refused to believe it because I didn't want to," he said. "To believe that was to believe that Howard Dean was a fraud."
Now John Kerry has inherited the mantle and, though the anti-war half fits him to a tee, the rhetoric about special interests and fighting for the little guy rolls off his tongue like cinder blocks. It's always a bad idea to go before the American people and try to present yourself as something you manifestly aren't. How long before Mr. Kerry starts his own schizophrenic meltdown?
Bush Insults Kerry's Intelligence: The president's latest attack is even more dishonest than the last. (Fred Kaplan, March 9, 2004, Slate)
Yesterday, President Bush told a crowd of supporters in Houston that, back in 1995, two years after the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, Sen. John Kerry introduced legislation to cut the intelligence budget by $1.5 billion. "Once again, Sen. Kerry is trying to have it both ways," the president said. "He's for good intelligence; yet he was willing to gut the intelligence services. And that is no way to lead a nation in a time of war." Bush further charged that Kerry's bill was "so deeply irresponsible that he didn't have a single-co-sponsor in the United States Senate." [...]One thing is true: Kerry did introduce a bill on Sept. 29, 1995—S. 1290—that, among many other things, would have cut the intelligence budget by $300 million per year over a five-year
Remember the Misery Index?: Here's why the press doesn’t play this oldie anymore. (Jerry Bowyer, 3/18/04, National Review)
For those who only began following economic statistics within the past 10 years, a definition is in order. The misery index, as the name suggests, is designed to measure the amount of misery felt by ordinary people in the economy. Since fear of unemployment and loss of purchasing power through inflation have pervasive effects in the lives of ordinary Americans, the misery index is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. Unemployment is based on the (recently neglected) household survey of employment, compiled by the Labor Department. And the inflation rate is based on the annual change in the Consumer Price Index.How does the current misery index stack up with earlier periods? You be the judge:
The ranking for the average misery index for given periods in descending order are as follows:
* George Herbert Walker's average misery index is a massively large 10.7 percent.
*The Post WWII period's average is a rather large 9.5 percent.
*The average for Clinton's first term weighs in at a moderate 8.8 percent.
*George W.'s current misery index is 7.6 percent.
*The average for Clinton's second term is 6.8 percent.This means that George W.'s current misery index is roughly only two-thirds of his father's average. In other words, with the exception of the hyper-growth of Clinton's second term, the current misery index compares very favorably with every other time-period analyzed here.
Poll Numbers Devastating for Chávez (Hispanic American Center for Economic Research)
Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez would be defeated by a wide margin in any election or any referendum on his mandate, according to two private polling firms that released their survey results here Wednesday.Polls conducted in 64 cities and in rural areas show ''consistently since late 2001 that, at a ratio of around 70-30, the electorate would vote against Chávez,'' Luis León, director of the Datanálisis firm, told the foreign press.
In a potential referendum to revoke Chávez's mandate -- a vote that the opposition is seeking and which the Constitution allows as of August -- ''64 percent of the electorate would vote against Chávez and 34 percent in favor,'' said León. Saúl Cabrera, of Consultores 21 polling firm, told the press that ''in any election Chávez would lose.''
''It's what you could say about someone gravely ill with cancer: he is going to die in a month, six months or a year. But he is going to die,'' said the public opinion expert.
FCC to broadcasters: F-word is out of bounds (JONATHAN D. SALANT, 3/19/2003, AP)
The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday overruled its staff and declared that an expletive uttered by rock star Bono on NBC last year was both indecent and profane. The agency made it clear that virtually any use of the F-word was inappropriate for over-the-air radio and television."The 'F-word' is one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activity in the English language," the commission said Thursday. "The fact that the use of this word may have been unintentional is irrelevant; it still has the same effect of exposing children to indecent language."
Senator Kerry's list of Executive Orders to issue in the first 100 in office just got longer.
Reading the minds of Jewish voters: President Bush's policies toward Israel have been pretty favorable; Kerry has never been a leader on Israel-related issues. How will the Jews vote? (Mitchell G. Bard, March 19, 2004, Jewsweek)
In 1916, Republican presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes won 45% of the Jewish vote, but lost the election. Four years later, Warren Harding won 43% of the Jewish vote and the presidency. Since then, Eisenhower (in 1956) is the only Republican who won as much as 40% of the Jewish vote. On average, Republicans have received less than 25% of Jewish votes since 1916. That could all change this year.In 2000, George W. Bush received only 19% of the Jewish vote in large measure because Al Gore was viewed as a good friend of Israel and most Jews suspected Bush would inherit the policies of his father, which were widely regarded as the most hostile toward Israel since Eisenhower. Four years later, few Jews would question that President Bush's policies toward Israel have been, if not the most favorable in history, pretty darn close.
No one believes Bush will win a majority of the Jewish vote, but he has a good chance of reaching the levels achieved by Eisenhower, Harding, and Hughes. Jewish Republicans suggest there is a realignment taking place as Jews become more conservative, but Jews remain the most liberal group of voters other than African-Americans, and the constituency that is most likely to vote against its economic interests. Some of the data from the last midterm election supports the idea of a realignment, but it is too early to tell. If Bush does as well as many expect, it is less likely to be a result of a Jewish shift to the Republican Party, which still has social policies that do not sit well with most Jews, than because of their support for his approach to foreign policy and the lackluster Democratic alternatives. [...]
The truth is the Jewish vote does matter. Though the Jewish population in the United States is roughly six million (about 2.3% of the total U.S. population), roughly 89% live in 12 key electoral college states. These states alone are worth enough electoral votes to elect the president. Therefore, it can make a difference in the outcome if the Jewish vote shifts.
The age of reverence: Once upon a time in nostalgia land, everybody was good and God-fearing. More recently, the fad has been all things irreverent. But is that changing, and what impact is religion having on our popular discourse?
(Benyamin Cohen, March 19, 2004, Jewsweek)
Media observers are sensing a change in the mood of America. People are fed up with the negative and want something uplifting instead. Even before the Super Bowl stunt, it seems, Americans were tired of indecency and looking for inspiration. It would seem that reverence is the new irreverence."People have been fed up for a long time," says film critic and observant Jew Michael Medved. "Four times the number of people go to church or synagogue every week as go to the movie theaters. It's taken a huge mega blockbuster like the Passion of the Christ before people have begun to understand that there is a religious audience out there and they are looking for more traditionalist, more uplifting fare."
And the proof is on the boob tube. Shows with positive religious overtones like Joan of Arcadia, 7th Heaven, and Wonderfalls are ratings hits and critical darlings. Jay Leno, late night's nice guy routinely beats his more acerbic competitor, David Letterman.
And throughout pop culture, a "kinder, gentler" image is taking shape. [...]
The source of this upturn in religious reverence is anybody's guess, but one good bet might be a response to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The truth is 9/11 changed more than just our airport security procedures. Rather, much has been said about how we as a people changed, how our predominant outlook on the world was shattered that day. But what about our pop culture? After all, if Janet Jackson's nipple can send TV censors scrambling, one would assume that 9/11 sent shockwaves through our collective unconscious.
Kerry not weak on defense, McCain says (Nancy Benac, 3/19/2004, Associated Press)
Asked on two morning television shows yesterday whether he thought Kerry was weak on defense, the Arizona senator was quick to bat down the suggestion. Furthermore, he chided both parties for waging such a "bitter and partisan" campaign."This kind of rhetoric, I think, is not helpful in educating and helping the American people make a choice," he said on "The Early Show" on CBS.
McCain said Kerry would have to explain his voting record, but also told NBC's "Today" show: "No, I do not believe that he is necessarily weak on defense. I don't agree with him on some issues clearly. But I decry this negativism that's going on on both sides."
Mr. President, we have begun a debate that may ultimately be more consequential than the war debate we had in this chamber last October, which culminated in the votes of 77 Senators authorizing the President of the United States to go to war against Saddam Hussein s Iraq. A negative Senate vote last fall, before our country was committed to liberating and reconstructing Iraq, would have weakened the President s leadership and made America less secure. But a vote against reconstructing Iraq now, with 130,000 American forces on the ground, American credibility before friends and enemies at stake, and the enormous responsibility of helping the Iraqi people rebuild their country now on our shoulders, would doom Iraq's transformation to failure, with grave consequences for the entire Middle East, and devastate American leadership in a dangerous world.
Afghan offensive: Grand plans hit rugged reality (Syed Saleem Shahzad, 3/20/04, Asia Times)
The plan to eradicate the Afghan resistance was straightforward: US-led coalition forces would drive from inside Afghanistan into the last real sanctuary of the insurgents, and meet the Pakistani military driving from the opposite direction. There would then be no safe place left to hide for the Taliban and al-Qaeda remnants, or, presumably, for Osama bin Laden himself. The plan's implementation began with the launch of operation "Mountain Storm" around March 15.But the insurgents have a plan of their own, which they have revealed to Asia Times Online. Conceived by foreign resistance fighters of Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Arab origin, it is a classic guerrilla stratagem that involves enmeshing the mighty military forces of the United States and its allies in numerous local conflicts, diverting them from their real goal and dissipating their strength.
The insurgents' plan, too, has been put into effect, and the fierce fighting in Pakistan's tribal agency of South Waziristan last Tuesday, when resistance fighters and their tribal sympathizers took on the Pakistani military and routed it, was an early manifestation. Now Pakistan must quell its own rebel tribespeople before it continues to help the US with Mountain Storm. Indeed, Pakistan is attempting just that, on Thursday launching a "full force" operation in South Waziristan, using artillery and helicopter gunships. At the same time, tribal opposition to the Pakistani military has spread to North Waziristan - all according to plan, it seems.
Just Browsing: Living Room Film Club, a Click Away (WILLIAM GRIMES, March 19, 2004, NY Times)
Netflix, founded in 1998, is an online movie-rental company that could be described as the anti-Blockbuster. It deals only in DVD's, and customers pay a flat monthly fee of $19.95 to rent an unlimited number of films with no late fees. The sole restriction is that subscribers may keep only three movies out at a time. (The company also offers more expensive five-film and eight-film plans.)As each movie is returned in its self-addressed, prepaid envelope, Netflix sends out the next film on a list that the subscriber maintains online. Since the company has 23 regional distribution centers, most movies arrive the day after they are sent out. In theory a fanatic customer watching three films a day could go through several hundred DVD's each year, whittling down the per-film rental cost to a dollar or less. In practice the average user watches about six movies a month. [...]
There are two other weaknesses in the Netflix system, one unavoidable, the other understandable. First, the company does not rent videocassettes, so its library does not include thousands of films, some of them obscure, but many of them recognized classics. Anyone hoping to binge on Barbara Stanwyck will have to do without "Ball of Fire." Preston Sturges fans will look in vain for "Easy Living."
Remarks by the President on Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (The East Room, 3/19/04)
The murders in Madrid are a reminder that the civilized world is at war. And in this new kind of war, civilians find themselves suddenly on the front lines. In recent years, terrorists have struck from Spain, to Russia, to Israel, to East Africa, to Morocco, to the Philippines, and to America. They've targeted Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Yemen. They have attacked Muslims in Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan. No nation or region is exempt from the terrorists' campaign of violence.Each of these attacks on the innocent is a shock, and a tragedy, and a test of our will. Each attack is designed to demoralize our people and divide us from one another. And each attack must be answered, not only with sorrow, but with greater determination, deeper resolve, and bolder action against the killers. It is the interest of every country, and the duty of every government, to fight and destroy this threat to our people.
There is [a] dividing line -- there is a dividing line in our world, not between nations, and not between religions or cultures, but a dividing line separating two visions of justice and the value of life. On a tape claiming responsibility for the atrocities in Madrid, a man is heard to say, "We choose death, while you choose life." We don't know if this is the voice of the actual killers, but we do know it expresses the creed of the enemy. It is a mind set that rejoices in suicide, incites murder, and celebrates every death we mourn. And we who stand on the other side of the line must be equally clear and certain of our convictions. We do love live, the life given to us and to all. We believe in the values that uphold the dignity of life, tolerance, and freedom, and the right of conscience. And we know that this way of life is worth defending. There is no neutral ground -- no neutral ground -- in the fight between civilization and terror, because there is no neutral ground between good and evil, freedom and slavery, and life and death.
The war on terror is not a figure of speech. It is an inescapable calling of our generation. The terrorists are offended not merely by our policies -- they are offended by our existence as free nations. No concession will appease their hatred. No accommodation will satisfy their endless demands. Their ultimate ambitions are to control the peoples of the Middle East, and to blackmail the rest of the world with weapons of mass terror. There can be no separate peace with the terrorist enemy. Any sign of weakness or retreat simply validates terrorist violence, and invites more violence for all nations. The only certain way to protect our people is by early, united, and decisive action.
In this contest of will and purpose, not every nation joins every mission, or participates in the same way. Yet, every nation makes a vital contribution, and America is proud to stand with all of you as we pursue a broad strategy in the war against terror.
We are using every tool of finance, intelligence, law enforcement and military power to break terror networks, to deny them refuge, and to find their leaders. Over the past 30 months, we have frozen or seized nearly $200 million in assets of terror networks. We have captured or killed some two-thirds of al Qaeda's known leaders, as well as many of al Qaeda's associates countries like the United States, or Germany, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Thailand. We are taking the fight to al Qaeda allies, such as Ansar-al-Islam in Iraq, Jemaah Islamiya in Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. Our coalition is sending an unmistakable message to the terrorists, including those who struck in Madrid: These killers will be tracked down and found, they will face their day of justice.
Our coalition is taking urgent action to stop the transfer of deadly weapon and materials. America and the nations of Australia, and France, and Germany, and Italy, and Japan, and the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, and Norway have joined in the Proliferation Security Initiative all aimed to bind together, to interdict lethal materials transported by air or sea or land. Many governments have cooperated to expose and dismantle the network of A.Q. Khan, which sold nuclear secrets to Libya, Iran and North Korea. By all these efforts, we are determined to prevent catastrophic technologies from falling into the hands of an embittered few.
Our coalition is also confronting the dangerous combination of outlaw states, terrorist groups, and weapons of mass destruction. For years, the Taliban made Afghanistan the home base of al Qaeda. And so we gave the Taliban a choice: to abandon forever their support for terror, or face the destruction of their regime. Because the Taliban chose defiance, our coalition acted to remove this threat. And now the terror camps are closed, and the government of a free Afghanistan is represented here today as an active partner in the war on terror.
The people of Afghanistan are a world away from the nightmare of the Taliban. Citizens of Afghanistan have adopted a new constitution, guaranteeing free elections and full participation by women. The new Afghan army is becoming a vital force of stability in that country. Businesses are opening, health care centers are being established, and the children of Afghanistan are back in school, boys and girls.
This progress is a tribute to the brave Afghan people, and to the efforts of many nations. NATO -- including forces from Canada, France, Germany, and other nations -- is leading the effort to provide security. Japan and Saudi Arabia have helped to complete the highway from Kabul to Kandahar, which is furthering commerce and unifying the country. Italy is working with Afghans to reform their legal system, and strengthening an independent judiciary. Three years ago, the people of Afghanistan were oppressed and isolated from the world by a terrorist regime. Today, that nation has a democratic government and many allies -- and all of us are proud to be friends of the Afghan people.
Many countries represented here today also acted to liberate the people of Iraq. One year ago, military forces of a strong coalition entered Iraq to enforce United Nations demands, to defend our security, and to liberate that country from the rule of a tyrant. For Iraq, it was a day of deliverance. For the nations of our coalition, it was the moment when years of demands and pledges turned to decisive action. Today, as Iraqis join the free peoples of the world, we mark a turning point for the Middle East, and a crucial advance for human liberty.
There have been disagreements in this matter, among old and valued friends. Those differences belong to the past. All of us can now agree that the fall of the Iraqi dictator has removed a source of violence, aggression, and instability in the Middle East. It's a good thing that the demands of the United Nations were enforced, not ignored with impunity. It is a good thing that years of illicit weapons development by the dictator have come to the end. It is a good thing that the Iraqi people are now receiving aid, instead of suffering under sanctions. And it is a good thing that the men and women across the Middle East, looking to Iraq, are getting a glimpse of what life in a free country can be like.
There are still violent thugs and murderers in Iraq, and we're dealing with them. But no one can argue that the Iraqi people would be better off with the thugs and murderers back in the palaces. Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open? Who would wish that more mass graves were still being filled? Who would begrudge the Iraqi people their long-awaited liberation? On year after the armies of liberation arrived, every soldier who has fought, every aid worker who has served, every Iraqi who has joined in their country's defense can look with pride on a brave and historic achievement. They've served freedom's cause, and that is a privilege.
Today in Iraq, a British-led division is securing the southern city of Basra. Poland continues to lead a multinational division in south-central Iraq. Japan and the Republic of Korea -- of South Korea have made historic commitments of troops to help bring peace to Iraq. Special forces from El Salvador, Macedonia, and other nations are helping to find and defeat Baathist and terrorist killers. Military engineers from Kazakhstan have cleared more than a half a million explosive devices from Iraq. Turkey is helping to resupply coalition forces. All of these nations, and many others, are meeting their responsibilities to the people of Iraq.
Whatever their past views, every nation now has an interest in a free, successful, stable Iraq. And the terrorists understand their own interest in the fate of that country. For them, the connection between Iraq's future and the course of the war on terror is very clear. They understand that a free Iraq will be a devastating setback to their ambitions of tyranny over the Middle East. And they have made the failure of democracy in Iraq one of their primary objectives.
By attacking coalition forces -- by targeting innocent Iraqis and foreign civilians for murder -- the terrorists are trying to weaken our will. Instead of weakness, they're finding resolve. Not long ago, we intercepted a planning document being sent to leaders of al Qaeda by one of their associates, a man named Zarqawi. Along with the usual threats, he had a complaint: "Our enemy," said Zarqawi, "is growing stronger and his intelligence data are increasing day by day -- this is suffocation." Zarqawi is getting the idea. We will never turn over Iraq to terrorists who intend our own destruction. We will not fail the Iraqi people, who have placed their trust in us. Whatever it takes, we will fight and work to assure the success of freedom in Iraq.
Many coalition countries have sacrificed in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the fallen soldiers and civilians are sons and daughters of Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We honor their courage, we pray for the comfort of their families. We will uphold the cause they served.
The rise of democratic institutions in Afghanistan and Iraq is a great step toward a goal of lasting importance to the world. We have set out to encourage reform and democracy in the greater Middle East as the alternatives to fanaticism, resentment, and terror. We've set out to break the cycle of bitterness and radicalism that has brought stagnation to a vital region, and destruction to cities in America and Europe and around the world. This task is historic, and difficult; this task is necessary and worthy of our efforts.
In the 1970s, the advance of democracy in Lisbon and Madrid inspired democratic change in Latin America. In the 1980s, the example of Poland ignited a fire of freedom in all of Eastern Europe. With Afghanistan and Iraq showing the way, we are confident that freedom will lift the sights and hopes of millions in the greater Middle East.
One man who believed in our cause was a Japanese diplomat named Katsuhiko Oku. He worked for the Coalition Provision Authority in Iraq. Mr. Oku was killed when his car was ambushed. In his diary he described his pride in the cause he had joined. "The free people of Iraq," he wrote, "are now making steady progress in reconstructing their country -- while also fighting against the threat of terrorism. We must join hands with the Iraqi people in their effort to prevent Iraq from falling into the hands of terrorists." This good, decent man concluded, "This is also our fight to defend freedom."
Ladies and gentlemen, this good man from Japan was right. The establishment of a free Iraq is our fight. The success of a free Afghanistan is our fight. The war on terror is our fight. All of us are called to share the blessings of liberty, and to be strong and steady in freedom's defense. It will surely be said of our times that we lived with great challenges. Let it also be said of our times that we understood our great duties, and met them in full.
May God bless our efforts.
Senator Kerry of Massachusetts yesterday retreated from his earlier steadfast denials that he attended a meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War at which a plan to assassinate U.S. Senators was debated.The reversal came as new evidence, including reports from FBI informants, emerged that contradicted Mr. Kerry’s previous statements about the gathering, which was held in Kansas City, Mo. in November 1971.
“John Kerry had no personal recollection of this meeting 33 years ago,” a Kerry campaign spokesman, David Wade, said in a statement e-mailed last night from Idaho, where Mr. Kerry is on vacation.
Mr. Wade said Mr. Kerry does remember “disagreements with elements of VVAW leadership” that led to his resignation, but the statement did not specify what the disagreements were.
“If there are valid FBI surveillance reports from credible sources that place some of those disagreements in Kansas City, we accept that historical footnote in the account of his work to end the difficult and divisive war,” the statement said.
It did not address the murder plot, though as recently as Wednesday a top aide to Mr. Kerry said that the Massachusetts senator and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was “absolutely certain” he was not present when the assassination plan, known as the “Phoenix Project,” was discussed.
The New York Sun first reported last week that other anti-war activists placed Mr. Kerry at the Kansas City meeting. A total of six people have now said publicly that they remember seeing Mr. Kerry there.
Reggie and the red balloons (John Mercurio, CNN Political Unit, 3/19/04)
Reggie the Republican registration rig will be in Orlando tomorrow. So will the Blue Dog Democrats and their budget-busting red balloons. . . .I can't figure out any way to work Eric and Julia Roberts into this post. Oh. Hey! Trifecta.The Republican National Committee is parking its 56-foot 18-wheeler inside the convention center, allowing hundreds of volunteers to fan out after the rally for a massive voter-registration blitz. This grass-roots effort to help mobilize the GOP vote is part of the RNC's "unprecedented" commitment to register 3 million new voters by November.
Also on hand, we hear, will be a large number of red balloons, which conservative Blue Dog Democrats plan to use to remind voters of the "ballooning" federal budget deficit that the president has created since 2001. Even though the aforementioned "dogs" are "blue," the balloons are red, presumably to represent the budget's "red ink."
Amid Natural Splendor in Idaho, a Weary Kerry Gets Away From It All (DAVID M. HALBFINGER, March 19, 2004, NY Times)
His getaway came at a particularly rough time for the senator, the expected Democratic presidential nominee. For more than a week, he has had to defend himself from an onslaught of attacks by President Bush and millions of dollars in negative advertising, while taking criticism for calling Republicans "crooked" and "lying" and claiming to have the support of leaders whom he has not named. Moreover, a New York Times/CBS News poll indicated that many Americans were beginning to see him as the kind of politician who says what he thinks people want to hear.Several Democrats and Kerry aides said some of his missteps were a result of exhaustion. They and some of the senator's friends said the vacation could not have come too soon. "He needed it about as badly as anybody could need it," said Sam Grossman, a real estate developer who has skied with Ms. Heinz Kerry here for decades, and with Mr. Kerry for years. "The best thing that can happen is he'll sleep, relax, eat some good food, and then, in a couple of days, he'll be back firing again."
Another reminder of how badly Mr. Kerry needed a break was provided by the Bush campaign, which released a commercial skewering him for saying Tuesday that he had voted both for and against the $87 billion appropriation for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it," he said, referring to an amendment he favored that would have rescinded some tax cuts to help finance the Iraq war.
Mr. Kerry's staff back in Washington was working in overdrive, meanwhile, marshaling surrogates to defend him and punch back at Mr. Bush. They were also compelled, however, to reject an endorsement from one foreign leader: Mahathir Mohamad, former Malaysian prime minister — "an avowed anti-Semite whose views are totally deplorable," Rand Beers, a foreign policy adviser, said in a statement.
But Mr. Beers added that Mr. Kerry would shun as inappropriate the endorsement of any foreign leader at all.
MORE (via Tom Corcoran):
The Treason Temptation: In their growing disdain for their own country Democrats increasingly rely on foreign opinion -- and think this won't cost them politically. (George Neumayr, 3/18/04, American Spectator)
Democrats bristle at the suggestion that they are out of touch with mainstream America. But their rhetorical reliance on opinion from outside the country -- whether it is John Kerry citing support from foreign leaders or Democratic activists citing Scandinavian jurisprudence as they try to topple marriage -- proves it. The more they alienate themselves from mainstream America, the more they rely on foreign cultural currents to push their agenda.Modern Democrats are peculiar in American political history in that they actually brag about non-American support. This is a political boast the Founding Fathers and early Federalists would find puzzling if not shocking. Independence from foreign opinion and influence is one of the founding marks of America. The Federalist Papers contain chapters entitled "Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence." John Kerry's foreign-leaders-are-pulling-for-me talk would sound to the American founders like the beginnings of treason.
Democrats loudly emphasize their foreign support, then wonder why they are caricatured as the party that tends toward anti-Americanism. After it turns out that an accused traitor, Susan Lindauer, was a serial employee for Democrats -- hopping from the office of Rep. Peter Defazio to Rep. Ron Wyden's to Senator Carol Moseley Braun's to Rep. Zoe Lofgren's -- one would think the Democrats might show some reluctance to hawk foreign endorsements. But they don't. They consider them useful political props.
They rush to defend the veracity of Kerry's declaration of foreign support, as if the political problem is that it might be false when the real political problem is that it is true. Dem diplomat Richard Holbrooke's defense of Kerry -- "In the last six or seven months, I've been in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. I've met with leaders in all of those regions, and they have overwhelmingly -- not unanimously but overwhelmingly -- said that they hope that there's a change in leadership" -- supplies Americans with an urgent reason not to vote for Kerry. He is more in tune with the views of foreign leaders than with mainstream America.
Iraq-al Qaeda link (Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, March 19, 2004, Washington Times)
We have obtained a document discovered in Iraq from the files of the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS). The report provides new evidence of links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.The 1993 document, in Arabic, bears the logo of the Iraqi intelligence agency and is labeled "top secret" on each of its 20 pages.
The report is a list of IIS agents who are described as "collaborators."
On page 14, the report states that among the collaborators is "the Saudi Osama bin Laden."
The document states that bin Laden is a "Saudi businessman and is in charge of the Saudi opposition in Afghanistan."
"And he is in good relationship with our section in Syria," the document states, under the signature "Jabar."
Taiwanese president, vice president shot but survive (AP, 3/19/04)
President Chen Shui-bian and his vice president were wounded Friday when shots were fired into their motorcade on the final day of campaigning for a landmark election and referendum that could be a turning point in Taiwan's tense relationship with China.
Statement from Kerry Foreign Policy Advisor Rand Beers on the former Malaysian Prime Minister
“John Kerry rejects any association with former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, an avowed anti-Semite whose views are totally deplorable. The world needs leaders who seek to bring people together, not drive them apart with hateful and divisive rhetoric.“This election will be decided by the American people, and the American people alone. It is simply not appropriate for any foreign leader to endorse a candidate in America’s presidential election. John Kerry does not seek, and will not accept, any such endorsements.”
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad endorsed Democratic contender John Kerry in the U.S. presidential race Thursday, saying he would keep the world safer than President Bush."I think Kerry would be much more willing to listen to the voices of people and of the rest of the world,'' Mahathir, who retired in October after 22 years in power, told The Associated Press in an interview.
"But in the U.S., the Jewish lobby is very strong, and any American who wants to become president cannot change the policy toward Palestine radically,'' he said.
Look what the church dragged in (Miami Herald, 8/9/2003; via Curt Jester)
Rover, of course, needs his run in the park. But what about his spiritual needs?All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale wants to meet those needs ...
The church just started monthly services for pets and their loved ones, even providing doggie treats for Rover at communion time.
For the first time in 10 years, Mary Wilkinson went to church one Sunday in January. She sat in a back pew at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, Conn., flipping through a prayer book and listening intently to the priest's sermon.What drew Ms. Wilkinson back into the fold was a new monthly program the church introduced -- Holy Communion for pets. As part of the service, the 59-year-old retired portfolio manager carried her 17-year-old tiger cat to the altar, waited in line behind three panting dogs to receive the host ...
Kerry's Uncommon Touch: Besides the flip-flops, John Kerry has another big problem: how his life in the Senate has prepared him for connecting with ordinary Americans. (Hugh Hewitt, 03/18/2004, Weekly Standard)
JOHN KERRY presented President Bush with a St. Patrick's Day gift via the Wednesday morning New York Times. Responding to a new Bush ad reminding voters that Kerry had voted against last year's $87 billion dollar appropriation to support the troops deployed in Iraq, Kerry responded: "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."This beautiful bit of nonsense from the nominee followed Sunday's Miami Herald piece on Kerry's many positions on Cuba and Cuba-related issues. The choice paragraphs from among many:
"Asked in the Herald interview last year about sending Elián back to Cuba, Kerry was blunt: 'I didn't agree with that.'"
"But when he was asked to elaborate, Kerry acknowledged that he agreed the boy should have been with his father."
"So what didn't he agree with?"
"'I didn't like the way they did it. I thought the process was butchered,' he said." [...]
KERRY had his first rotten week last week, with his venomous outburst about the "crooked" and lying GOP, his declaration that he wanted to be the nation's second black president, and his assertion that he's spoken with foreign leaders who want him to win in November. Pressed to name these Harvey-the-Rabbit leaders, Kerry dodged and darted, and found himself snarling at Cedric Brown, a signmaker from Pennsylvania. Kerry told Brown that it wasn't any of his business who these pro-Kerry leaders are, and followed that up by bullying Brown into admitting that he had voted for Bush, which led to boos from the pro-Kerry crowd.
As a caller to my show put it: Doesn't Kerry want to win any of the votes that went to Bush in 2000?
Spain's Next Prime Minister Says U.S. Should Dump Bush (Keith B. Richburg, March 18, 2004, Washington Post)
Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero on Wednesday described the U.S. occupation of Iraq as "a fiasco" and suggested American voters should follow the example set by Spain and change their leadership by supporting Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts for president in November."I said during the campaign I hoped Spain and the Spaniards would be ahead of the Americans for once," Zapatero said in an interview on Onda Cero radio. "First we win here, we change this government, and then the Americans will do it, if things continue as they are in Kerry's favor."
Mel's New Testament Profits: Gibson Could Earn $500 Million From His Leap of Faith (Anne Thompson, March 18, 2004, The Washington Post)
Only one man has ever taken hundreds of millions out of the Hollywood studio system: George Lucas. He socked his "Star Wars" millions into his Bay Area empire Lucasfilm Ltd. and now funds his own movies and reaps the rewards.Gibson now has the same kind of freedom. Speculation abounds on what he will do with his half-billion.
Asked whether Gibson will donate some of the money from the film to charity, his spokesman Alan Nierob said: "It would be out of character for Mel to publicize his private donations."
He's most likely, sources close to him say, to put money into more religious-themed films. He's scheduled to do another "Mad Max" movie, though those close to Gibson find it hard to imagine him now wanting to do that or make another "Lethal Weapon" sequel.
This much we do know. On Tuesday, Gibson told ABC Radio that there were several "R-rated" Old Testament stories that "fired his imagination," most notably the tale of the Maccabees, who overthrew an idol-worshiping Syrian king in 164 B.C. "They stood up for their beliefs and made war and came out winning," Gibson said. "It's like a western, you know."
School Strips Teen's Pro-Life Tee-Shirt; Attorney Demands Redress (Jim Brown, March 17, 2004, AgapePress)
A Virginia public high school is being threatened with a lawsuit for telling a student that his pro-life T-shirt is equivalent to profanity.For the past two and a half years at Denbigh High School in Newport News the student has been wearing a sweatshirt that says "Abortion is Homicide. You will not silence my message. You will not mock my God. You will stop killing my generation. Rock For Life."
But the school's assistant principal told the pro-life teen the message on his shirt violated a school rule that prohibits students from using obscene or profane language. He was told not to wear it to school again, even though he had been doing so without incident going on three years.
A new swing vote: Alliance of Jews & Evangelicals could tip the election (Zev Chafets, March 17, 2004, NY Daily News)
[Yechiel] Eckstein is an unorthodox Orthodox rabbi from Chicago who recently moved to Israel. He wears a baseball hat for a skull cap, and he looks more like an ex-jock than a practicing clergyman. His congregation isn't what you'd expect, either. He is the founder and leader of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a group linked to 20,000 Evangelical and Pentecostal churches.Eckstein raises money from Christians and gives it to Jews. Last year alone, he took in around $40 million. Most of it was disbursed in the Holy Land. That's enough to make the Fellowship of Christians and Jews Israel's biggest philanthropic foundation - and Eckstein a very influential figure in his new country.
The rabbi's real power base, though, is still the United States. A close associate of Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer and Tom DeLay, Eckstein is at the epicenter of the rapidly developing Jewish-Evangelical political connection.
The fellowship is officially nonpartisan, but there is no question that the partnership Eckstein is building will help the Republicans this year and beyond. For that reason, it is highly controversial in the Jewish establishment. Historically, American Jews have distrusted and disliked Evangelical Christians. Since FDR, they have voted overwhelmingly Democratic in every national election except 1980, when upward of a third cast ballots for Ronald Reagan over the born-again Jimmy Carter.
George W. Bush is born-again, too, but he also is the most pro-Israel President in history. Eckstein believes President Bush will get a significant Jewish vote, perhaps enough to make a difference in electoral battleground states like Illinois, Pennsylvania and, especially, Florida.
Spain Will Legalise Gay 'Marriages' - Zapatero (Reuters, 3/18/04)
Spain will legalize gay unions, although it may not call them marriages, incoming prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said on Thursday, but he did not set a time-frame for the move.
Flip Side (Noam Scheiber, 3/18/2004, TNR Online)
Kerry sympathizers will respond that this kind of analysis reads way too much into what was, after all, only one week. Would that they were right. But a simple look at some recent polling data suggests that's unlikely. Several weeks of favorable coverage during the Democratic primaries and a couple of months of White House missteps had conspired to give Kerry a statistically significant lead over Bush in most polls by late February. This week, a New York Times/CBS poll showed Kerry suffering a 10-point net reversal in his favorable/unfavorable ratings since that time. Maybe that's the kind of thing that happens even to fundamentally strong candidates when they suffer a couple of bad days. But, given the speed and size of the turnaround, the numbers seem far more likely to suggest that Kerry is settling into his natural equilibrium. Unfortunately for Democrats, that's not the one that has him winning in November.
Bush Uses Kerry's Words in Campaign Ad (RON FOURNIER, 3/18/04, AP)
John Kerry's words are being used against him in President Bush's new television ad, which accuses the presumptive Democratic nominee of waffling on military issues.Airing nationally on cable TV, the commercial borrows heavily from an ad Bush is airing in West Virginia this week criticizing Kerry for voting against an $87 billion aid package for Iraq and Afghanistan last year.
Campaigning in West Virginia Tuesday, Kerry responded to the ad, saying he voted against the $87 billion bill because he did not support the president's military and reconstruction plans. The Democrat explained that he supported a failed amendment that would have paid for the Iraq and Afghanistan programs by repealing Bush's tax cuts.
"I actually did vote for his $87 billion, before I voted against it," Kerry said.
Bush's campaign tacked that quote to the end of the West Virginia ad, which was edited slightly to make room for Kerry's have-it-both-ways response. The new ad was released Thursday.
House Iraq Resolution Turns Into Debate (JIM ABRAMS, 3/17/04, Associated Press)
The House on Wednesday approved a simple four-point resolution praising U.S. troops and the Iraqi people on the first anniversary of the war in Iraq, but only after a raucous debate over whether the war was warranted and had made the world a safer place.Democrats said the Republican-written measure was aimed at endorsing President Bush's flawed policies, while Republicans said the removal of Saddam Hussein was an unequivocal victory in the war against terrorism.
The measure passed 327-93...
Terror 'Threat' Names Targets (CBS News, March 18, 2004)
The Islamic militant group that claimed responsibility for last week's Madrid train bombings has warned that its next targets could be the United States, Japan, Italy, Britain or Australia, an Arabic newspaper reported Thursday.The London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi said on its Web site that it had received a statement from "The Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri (al Qaeda)" in which the group reiterated its claim of responsibility for the March 11 attacks that killed more than 200 people and wounded 1,600.
"Our brigades are getting ready now for the coming strike," said the statement dated March 15. "Whose turn will it be next? Is it Japan, America, Italy, Britain, Saudi Arabia or Australia?"
The statement warned these countries that "the brigades of death are at your doors," adding that they would strike "with an iron hand at the right time and place."
Pakistan: Qaeda No. 2 Surrounded (CBS News, March 18, 2004)
Pakistani officials said Thursday they believe al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri is surrounded near the Afghan border.No other details were available.
Pakistani troops and paramilitary forces using artillery and helicopter gunships had launched a new assault Thursday against al Qaeda and Taliban suspects in a tribal region near Afghanistan, two days after a fierce assault that left dozens dead.
The new push began in Azam Warsak, Shin Warsak and Kaloosha villages in South Waziristan, the tribal region that borders Afghanistan, said Brig. Mahmood Shah, the chief of security for the area. Army spokesman Gen. Shaukat Sultan said there have been casualties in the new offensive, but he had no details of how many or on which side.
The operation follows a clash between security forces and suspected Taliban and al Qaeda holdouts in a fortress-like compound in the village of Kaloosha, just miles from the border. Some 41 people — including 15 troops and 26 militants, died in the raid on Tuesday, the military said Thursday. Eighteen other suspects were captured.
A military statement said most of those killed Tuesday were foreigners, but it gave no details of nationalities and acknowledged that only two of the bodies had been recovered. No senior al Qaeda figures are believed to have been among those killed or captured.
One of the two dead militants whose bodies were recovered was a Chechen and the other was believed to be of Middle Eastern origin, a military official said on condition of anonymity.
Cops: 'Hate Crime' A Hoax (CBS/AP, 3/18/04)
A professor who claimed she was targeted in a hate crime that stirred student protests at the Claremont Colleges is suspected of staging the vandalism herself, police said Wednesday.Kerri F. Dunn's car was vandalized and covered with racist, anti-Semitic and sexist epithets on March 9, while she spoke at a forum on racism.
The incident prompted faculty to cancel classes and students to stage rallies the following day.
Two witnesses interviewed by police investigators allegedly saw Dunn, a visiting professor of psychology at Claremont McKenna College, commit the vandalism, police said in a statement.
Costello plays safe in abortion debate: The Health Minister, Tony Abbott, has put himself at odds with the Treasurer, Peter Costello, in leaving open the possibility of future moves to discourage abortions (Mark Metherell and Alexandra Smith, March 18, 2004, The Sydney Morning Herald)
Churches Burn as NATO Boosts Kosovo Peace Force (Shaban Buza, Mar 18, 2004, Reuters)
Albanians set fire to Serb Orthodox churches in Kosovo on Thursday as NATO scrambled to deploy up to 1,000 more troops to stifle an explosion of ethnic violence.A church was torched in the flashpoint town of Mitrovica despite the efforts of French NATO peacekeepers, who fired teargas and rubber bullets to drive off the mob.
Gunshots were heard, but it was not clear where from.
A Serb church and Serb homes were also set ablaze in the central town of Obilic, near the provincial capital Pristina.
Reports from Obilic said NATO peacekeepers had evacuated about 100 Serbs because it could not guarantee their safety -- as happened on Wednesday night in the capital, Pristina.
NATO summoned reinforcements after 22 people were killed in the worst ethnic clashes in Kosovo since the allies and the United Nations took control of the province from Serbia in 1999. Some 500 have been injured, of whom 20 were in intensive care.
Meanwhile, pompous ass Richard Holbrooke was on Chris Matthews last night criticizing the Bush administrations nation building record--anyone want to compare Afghanistan and Iraq to Haiti, Yugoslavia and Somalia?
St. Patrick's Day at Riley's (Paul Greenberg, March 17, 2004, Townhall)
With sincere apologies to, and selective quotations from, Finley Peter Dunne, creator of the immortal Mister Dooley, the Irish barkeep and political sage who first noted that politics ain't beanbag.J. Aloysius Hennessey looked even more confused than usual as he came through the swinging doors of Riley's Royal I.R.A. Vegetable Bar Grill at the corner of Broadway and Apocrypha. He headed straight for the bar at the back - as if he were late for an appointment.
Hennessey would have taken off his coat if he'd had one, and plunked down a dollar if he had one. Instead, he raised a forefinger straight up to indicate his order: One Cold One.
Mr. Riley calmly took the dishrag he usually wore casually draped over his left shoulder, leisurely dusted off the free lunch, nodded sagely (he couldn't nod any other way, being a sage), and raised his own forefinger to point out the Past Due list taped to barroom mirror. Hennessey's name led all the rest.
"I'm confused," Hennessey confessed.
"As if I'd ever seen you whin ye weren't," said Mr. Riley.
"It's this prezydential iliction, donnybrook, lollypaloooza and general foofaraw and brouhaha," explained Hennessey. "Here 'tis only Saint Paddy's Day and th' two distinguished candydates is already debatin' the issues iv th' day by throwin' chairs at one anwather. 'Tis worse thin me last family reunion. Just when did this campaign start, anyway?"
"It started, Hennessey, th' day th' the last prezydential iliction ended. And it'll be over shortly befure th' ides iv November, which is whin th' next one starts. The Missus Clinton is already gearin' op fir that wan. Aught-eight is her year. She's joost waitin' fir a clear field, like a filly in th' Irish Sweepstakes. And it'll shure be a race t'see!"
"I'll dhrink to that," said Hennessey.
Your Place or Mine?: Telecommuting can produce real savings, but employees are now reluctant to cut the cord. Should companies do it for them? (Doug Bartholomew, March 15, 2004, CFO)
As a CFO in these still uncertain economic times, imagine saving $3,000 per employee per year. And lopping $71 million off your real estate bill. Oh, and how about a 4 to 12 percent boost in employee productivity?Sound good? Those are some figures thrown around by advocates of telecommuting, or, as some prefer to call it, teleworking. While the numbers may be optimistic, they do suggest that working from home isn't just good for commute-weary employees but for employers as well. But properly equipping a remote employee is more complicated than you might think, as is deciding whether the investment truly pays off. More vexing still may be the issue of who should take the lead in pushing for—or pushing back on—work-from-home arrangements. [...]
However these workers are defined, their numbers are increasing, at least by some measures (as with the total population, growth rates vary depending on how teleworker is defined). To be effective from home, they typically rely on a computer, often a laptop that travels back and forth from home to office; an Internet connection, preferably broadband and not dial-up; a telephone; maybe a fax machine; and, increasingly, a growing range of corporate-based software applications that can be accessed from home.
Also close at hand, of course, are family members, pets, and maybe the plumber, coming sometime between 10 and noon. With distractions, obligations, and temptations in abundance, productivity is bound to suffer. Isn't it?
Not necessarily. Most corporations with large numbers of teleworkers report productivity increases, not declines. "A number of companies fear their workers will be at home with their feet up in front of the TV, and that's just not the case," says IDC analyst Merle Sandler. "You can put measures in place to see if employees are actually producing what they are expected to produce."
Both of them are fairly unreadable nowadays, but here are consecurtive entries in the NY Times newsletter today:
Axis of Appeasement
The notion that Spain can separate itself from Al Qaeda's
onslaught on Western civilization by pulling its troops
from Iraq is a fantasy.
Pride and Prejudice
The Republicans prefer to paint our old ally as craven
rather than accept the Spanish people's judgment ˜ that the
Iraq takeover had nothing to do with the war on terror.
Kind of cruel of the editors to juxtapose Ms Dowd, their resident expert on Sex and the City and such pop trivialities, with their foreign policy guru.
Blacks Shift to the Center: Why the Democrats are losing their hammerlock on this constituency. (John H. McWhorter, 3/18/04, FrontPage)
There are no indications that voting Republican will become the norm among blacks any time soon — and a good thing, too, because being a slam-dunk voting bloc for a single party means that neither party has any reason to court your vote with meaningful proposals. But more and more, black politics are moving to a constructive center, wary of sad realities but open to the fact that change does happen.In a poll conducted by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in 2000, for example, 74% of blacks were registered as Democrats. By 2002, that number had fallen to 63%, with about one in four blacks — many of them younger voters — registered as independents.
In a 1995 Gallup poll, almost all blacks favored affirmative action in the form of outreach to minorities, but 78% were opposed to hiring minority applicants when they were less qualified than white ones. [...]
Of course, most of us still know a black person or two who bring to mind Homey the Clown from the television variety classic "In Living Color," painting life as a black person in the U.S. as an endless battle against racist abuse. This ideology, increasingly difficult to square with reality, is a legacy of a stain that the past left on the African American self-image.
In his 1951 classic, "The True Believer," Eric Hoffer noted that fanatic movements attracted people who found a balm for their insecurity by folding themselves into movements that stressed unquestioning allegiance. Forging true progress means engaging with the complexities of the real world, but this requires individual initiative. Therefore, fanatic movements sidestep logical engagement in favor of mythologies and recreational fury. Post-civil rights blacks have been ripe for such ideologies: Left with a sense that one is inferior, nothing could be more soothing than a new identity based on resenting a morally inferior enemy.
For the true believer, a paradisiacal future is the focus, which requires that the present be remorselessly condemned regardless of actual conditions. Hence the black "victicrat's" insistence year after year that "most" black Americans remain mired in misery.
Census projects more diversity (Haya El Nasser, 3/18/04, USA TODAY)
The oldest baby boomers will turn 65 in 2011. By 2030, 20% of Americans will be 65 or older, up from 12% in 2000.The profound demographic shifts promise to redefine American society at every level — from the ethnic make-up of suburban neighborhoods to public education, elderly care and national voting patterns.
Economists say that as the U.S. population ages, the increase in the working-age population will help pay for Social Security, Medicare and other government benefits for seniors.
The population increase also will fuel the housing market. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has cited the increase in the population for helping to keep the housing industry humming.
While far lower than the 86% population increase from 1950 to 2000, the projected 49% growth by 2050 contrasts sharply with forecasts for most European countries. Germany and Italy, for example, are on the brink of population declines because of low fertility rates.
The projections suggest that whites who are not Hispanic — the dominant population group since the nation was founded in 1776 — will see their share of the population drop from 69% in 2000 to 50% in 2050.
12 Kurds Killed in More Clashes with Syrian Police (Kerry Sheridan, 17 Mar 2004, Voice of America)
At least 12 Kurds have been killed in northern Syria, in the latest in a series of clashes with police that began last Friday.Several people were shot to death in northeastern Syria on Tuesday, when security forces fired at Kurdish demonstrators. Hundreds had gathered to mark the anniversary of the devastating chemical attacks that Saddam Hussein launched against Kurds in northern Iraq 16 years ago.
The deaths followed several days of violence between Kurds and Syrian police, which began when fighting broke out between Arabs and Kurds at a football game last week. [...]
Ms. Harris said the unrest is the most serious in recent history, and is escalating. She said Kurds from Turkey have tried to cross the border into Syria to show their solidarity, but have been blocked by Turkish army forces. Kurdish groups in Iran and Belgium have held demonstrations to protest the treatment of Kurds in Syria.
US vs. Europe: two views of terror: White House sees a war; European allies focus on police work. (Howard LaFranchi, 3/18/04, CS Monitor)
With President Bush set to emphasize in a speech Friday that the war in Iraq is a cornerstone of his war on terrorism, the White House is leaving no doubt about its view that the battle against terror, as practiced in this century, is indeed a war. But that view has not caught on with America's European allies - and has only met with more vehement rejection as the Bush administration has equated the terror war with the Iraq war.After decades of battling terrorism on their own soil, Europeans continue to believe that the best counterterrorism work is done through police intelligence and cooperation. And they believe that characterizing the fight as a "war" only antagonizes the populations that have produced terrorist groups and makes it harder to address the root causes of terrorism.
What may have changed now is the arrival of the same kind of terrorism in the heart of Europe that prompted America's sense of urgency, some experts say. But they add that transatlantic cooperation will be enhanced only if the US dictates less what Europe's response should be, and instead sits down to more fully understand Europe's sense of facing a new threat.
In fast-growing Texas, businesses aid schools (Kris Axtman, 3/18/04, CS Monitor)
The classrooms are filled with new learning tools, walls are freshly painted, inside and out, and new playground equipment gleams in the late winter sun.These recent improvements to His Place Day Care Center on the city's heavily Hispanic east side have come despite statewide education cutbacks. Where public funding is failing to support struggling preschools and kindergartens, local branches of companies such as Baker Hughes, ExxonMobil, and IBM are making a much needed entrance in this land of sandboxes and pint-size desks.
It's part of a growing realization by businesses that investment and involvement in early childhood development is crucial to their own success. The flurry of public-private cooperation is especially welcome in states with fast-growing young populations - of which Texas is the leader.
"It's just wonderful," says Hattie Robinson White, the day care's executive director. His Place Day Care Center has received more than $60,000 through an ExxonMobile program and volunteers from Baker Hughes pitched in to help paint the school. "More and more, we need corporate America to step up and say, 'We want to make an investment in the lives of children,' because they are going to be paying on one end or the other. This is their future workforce."
Jewish Americans wary of Bush evangelical base (Ralph Z. Hallow, March 17, 2004, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
[J]ewish leaders say President Bush's gains among heavily Democratic Jewish voters for his support of Israel and the Iraq war could be offset by policy initiatives influenced by evangelical Christians, who many Jews think are anti-Semitic despite their support of Israel."Jews are generally turned off by the views that his administration has taken on a host of issues -- including stem cell research, the faith-based initiative, a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, abortion rights -- that are very popular with the president's evangelical base," said Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, which raises money and support for Democratic candidates.
Christian conservatives have been especially supportive of Israel, but many Jewish Americans think the majority of Israel's supporters on the religious right are anti-Semitic, said David Twersky, international affairs director of the American Jewish Congress.
A January poll sponsored by the American Jewish Committee shows that 20 percent of Jewish Americans think most Christian conservatives are anti-Semitic and another 21 percent say many are. Even though those numbers have dipped, nearly 50 percent predict bias against Jews will grow in America.
-Kerry Camp Moving To Calm Jewish Fears: One-on-one confabs for big givers, secret conference calls may be paying off. (James D. Besser, 3/19/04, The Jewish Week)
Faced with reports that some big Jewish contributors are still wary of the John Kerry presidential campaign, and with even stronger concerns that Republican charges of Kerry's Mideast flip-flops were starting to stick, the campaign is moving aggressively to firm up Jewish financial support.In numerous one-on-one conversations with Kerry backers and in secret conference calls, potential contributors are being reassured that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee will be a strong candidate against President George W. Bush, and that he will be a strong supporter of Israel.
Those efforts seem to be paying off.
Top Kerry supporters report that many Jewish givers, the financial backbone of the Democratic Party, are plunging in even as some have expressed concerns about Kerryís statements on Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat and Israelís security fence.
Matthew Brooks, the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, has been riding high lately. Who can blame him? After toiling away as the leading spokesman of Jewish Republicans for more than a dozen years, he's finally starting to see signs that the tiny interest group might be growing.When the American Jewish Committee released a poll last month showing that as many as 31 percent of American Jews would vote for President Bush if presidential elections were held today, Brooks could hardly contain his glee. In fact, he didn't seem to try at all.
"It [is] now undeniable that there is a major shift taking place among Jewish voters," Brooks trumpeted in a press release commenting on the poll.
Considering that Bush drew just 19 percent of the Jewish vote in 2000, it wouldn't take much of a shift for the numbers to rise. But the RJC shouldn't pop the champagne corks prematurely; Jews may have some very good reasons to shift their allegiances, but they also have strong motivation to stay within the Democratic fold. November is a long way off, and there's plenty of time for people to think and rethink the question of which candidate to choose.
A few days ago, I spoke with a woman in Chicago who could have been speaking for many Jews I know. "What am I supposed to do in November?" she asked. "Bush has been so good for Israel, and that's so important to me."
"So, what's the problem?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what her problem was. I hear it every day.
"I'm a lifelong Democrat," she said. "How can I vote for Bush?" She is gratified by Bush's support for Israel in the post-9/11 era, and she believes he's right to pursue the war on terror. But she disagrees with just about every plank of his domestic agenda, and she can't conceive of casting a vote that might mean further weakening the separation of church and state or an end to Roe v. Wade.
Remarks by the Vice President at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum (3/17/04)
The President's conduct in leading America through a time of unprecedented danger - his ability to make decisions and stand by them - is a measure that must be applied to the candidate who now opposes him in the election of 2004.In one of Senator Kerry's recent observations about foreign policy, he informed his listeners that his ideas have gained strong support, at least among unnamed foreigners he's been spending time with. (Laughter.) Senator Kerry said that he has met with foreign leaders, and I quote, " who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy,' things like that." End quote.
A few days ago in Pennsylvania, a voter asked Senator Kerry directly who these foreign leaders are. Senator Kerry said, "That's none of your business." (Laughter.) But it is our business when a candidate for President claims the political endorsement of foreign leaders. At the very least, we have a right to know what he is saying to foreign leaders that makes them so supportive of his candidacy. American voters are the ones charged with determining the outcome of this election - not unnamed foreign leaders. (Applause.)
Senator Kerry's voting record on national security raises some important questions all by itself. Let's begin with the matter of how Iraq and Saddam Hussein should have been dealt with. Senator Kerry was in the minority of senators who voted against the Persian Gulf War in 1991. At the time, he expressed the view that our international coalition consisted of " shadow battlefield allies who barely carry a burden." Last year, as we prepared to liberate Iraq, he recalled the Persian Gulf coalition a little differently. He said it was a "strong coalition," and a model to be followed.
Six years after the Gulf War, in 1997, Saddam Hussein was still defying the terms of the cease-fire. And as President Bill Clinton considered military action against Iraq, he found a true believer in John Kerry. The Senator from Massachusetts said, quote, "Should the resolve of our allies wane, the United States must not lose its resolve to take action." He further warned that if Saddam Hussein were not held to account for violation of U.N. resolutions, some future conflict would have " greater consequence." In 1998, Senator Kerry indicated his support for regime change, with ground troops if necessary. And, of course, when Congress voted in October of 2002, Senator Kerry voted to authorize military action if Saddam refused to comply with U.N. demands.
A neutral observer, looking at these elements of Senator Kerry's record, would assume that Senator Kerry supported military action against Saddam Hussein. The Senator himself now tells us otherwise. In January he was asked on TV if he was, quote, "one of the anti-war candidates." He replied, "I am." He now says he was voting only to, quote, "threaten the use of force," not actually to use force.
Even if we set aside these inconsistencies and changing rationales, at least this much is clear: Had the decision belonged to Senator Kerry, Saddam Hussein would still be in power, today, in Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein would almost certainly still be in control of Kuwait. (Laughter.)
Senator Kerry speaks often about the need for international cooperation, and has vowed to usher in a "golden age of American diplomacy." He is fond of mentioning that some countries did not support America's actions in Iraq. Yet of the many nations that have joined our coalition - allies and friends of the United States - Senator Kerry speaks with open contempt. Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, Poland, and more than 20 other nations have contributed and sacrificed for the freedom of the Iraqi people. Senator Kerry calls these countries, quote, "window dressing." They are, in his words, "a coalition of the coerced and the bribed."
Many questions come to mind, but the first is this: How would Senator Kerry describe Great Britain - coerced, or bribed? Or Italy - which recently lost 19 citizens, killed by terrorists in Najaf - was Italy's contribution just window dressing? If such dismissive terms are the vernacular of the golden age of diplomacy Senator Kerry promises, we are left to wonder which nations would care to join any future coalition. He speaks as if only those who openly oppose America's objectives have a chance of earning his respect. Senator Kerry's characterization of our good allies is ungrateful to nations that have withstood danger, hardship, and insult for standing with America in the cause of freedom.
Senator Kerry has also had a few things to say about support for our troops now on the ground in Iraq. Among other criticisms, he has asserted that those troops are not receiving the materiel support they need. Just this morning, he again gave the example of body armor, which he said our administration failed to supply. May I remind the Senator that last November, at the President's request, Congress passed an $87 billion supplemental appropriation. This legislation was essential to our ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - providing funding for body armor and other vital equipment; hazard pay; health benefits; ammunition; fuel, and spare parts for our military. The legislation passed overwhelmingly, with a vote in the Senate of 87 to 12. Senator Kerry voted no. I note that yesterday, attempting to clarify the matter, Senator Kerry said, quote, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." (Laughter.) It's a true fact. (Laughter.)
On national security, the Senator has shown at least one measure of consistency. Over the years, he has repeatedly voted against weapons systems for the military. He voted against the Apache helicopter, against the Tomahawk cruise missile, against even the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. He has also been a reliable vote against military pay increases - opposing them no fewer than 12 times.
Many of these very weapons systems have been used by our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are proving to be valuable assets in the war on terror. In his defense, of course, Senator Kerry has questioned whether the war on terror is really a war at all. Recently he said, and I quote, "I don't want to use that terminology." In his view, opposing terrorism is far less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence-gathering, law enforcement operation. As we have seen, however, that approach was tried before, and proved entirely inadequate to protecting the American people from the terrorists who are quite certain they are at war with us - and are comfortable using that terminology.
I leave it for Senator Kerry to explain, or explain away his votes and his statements about the war on terror, our cause in Iraq, the allies who serve with us, and the needs of our military. Whatever the explanation, whatever nuances he might fault us for neglecting, it is not an impressive record for someone who aspires to become Commander-in-Chief in this time of testing for our country. In his years in Washington, Senator Kerry has been one vote of a hundred in the United States Senate - and fortunately on matters of national security, he was very often in the minority. But the presidency is an entirely different proposition. The President always casts the deciding vote. And the Senator from Massachusetts has given us ample doubts about his judgment and the attitude he brings to bear on vital issues of national security.
The American people will have a clear choice in the election of 2004, at least as clear as any since the election of 1984. In more than three years as President, George W. Bush has built a national security record of his own. America has come to know the President after one of the worst days in our history. He saw America through tragedy. He has kept the nation's enemies in desperate flight, and under his leadership, our country has once again led the armies of liberation, freeing 50 million souls from tyranny, and making our nation and the world more secure.
All Americans, regardless of political party, can be proud of what our nation has achieved in this historic time, when so many depended on us, and all the world was watching. And I have been very proud to work with a President who - like other Presidents we have known - has shown, in his own conduct, the optimism, and strength, and decency of the great nation he serves.
Thank you very much.
Poll Finds Hostility Hardening Toward U.S. Policies (SUSAN SACHS, 3/17/04, NY Times)
In some predominantly Muslim countries, where negative attitudes toward American policy have prevailed for years, disapproval of the United States persisted over the past year, although at a less intense level that Mr. Kohut described as anger rather than hatred.Still, the survey found, people in Jordan, Pakistan and Morocco tended to view other outsiders with almost the same degree of ill will and distrust as they did the United States. Opinions about the European Union and the United Nations were generally unfavorable or ambivalent at best, a sharp contrast to opinion in Europe and Russia where attitudes toward those institutions were positive. [...]
Turkish attitudes toward the United States improved during the past year, possibly a reflection of satisfaction that post-war Iraq has not descended into a civil war that might threaten or destabilize Turkey. This year, 30 percent of Turks rated the United States favorably, compared with 12 percent last year.
US stalls on Iranian offer of reform deal (Guy Dinmore, March 16 2004, Financial Times)
The US has for 10 months been stalling over an Iranian offer of landmark talks that would see the Islamic republic address Washington's concerns on nuclear weapons, terrorism and Israel - because of divisions within the Bush administration. [...]What has become known in diplomatic circles as Iran's "grand bargain" was first communicated to the US State Department through the "Swiss channel" on May 4 last year. Switzerland represents US interests in Iran. The communication quoted a senior Iranian official as laying out a "road map" to normalise relations, which have been hostile since the Iranian revolution of 1979.
Under the plan, Iran would address US concerns over nuclear weapons and terrorism, co-ordinate policy on Iraq and consider a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In return, Iran expected a lifting of sanctions, recognition of its security interests, dropping of "regime change" from the official US lexicon and eventual re-establishment of relations. "There was a lot of detail to be worked out," said one American familiar with the proposal. "They proposed concrete steps on how to work on this. The substance of the agenda was pretty reasonable."
However, Washington has given no formal response to the offer. Instead, the Swiss foreign ministry received a rebuke from the US for "overstepping" its mandate.
Killing Iraq With Kindness: Imposing "universal values" by force just doesn't work. (IAN BURUMA, 3/17/04, NY Times)
Once again a nation with a universalist mission to liberate the world is creating dangerous enemies (and once again Jews are being blamed). This is not necessarily because the Islamic world hates democracy, but because the use of armed force — combined with the hypocrisy of going after one dictator while coddling others, the arrogant zealotry of some American ideologues and the failures of a ham-handed occupation — are giving America's democratic mission a bad name.One problem with American troops' liberating the Middle East is that it confirms the opinions of both Muslims and Westerners who see the Iraq war as part of a religious war, a "clash of civilizations" in the phrase of the Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington. On the face of it, this would seem an unlikely proposition. Saddam Hussein did not rule over an Islamic state. Far from it; he killed large numbers of Muslims. Whatever his values are, it would be an insult to claim they represent Arab civilization. And although Tony Blair (also a fan of the phrase "universal values") and George W. Bush are Christians, religion does not appear to have played a major part in their war aims.
Yet to many Arab Muslims inside and outside Iraq, this does indeed look like a war unleashed by "Zionists and Crusaders" to keep the Muslims down, or worse, impose a foreign civilization on an Arab nation. This is certainly the way Islamist extemists see it. But then, they always were believers in Mr. Huntington's thesis.
Islamists, however, do not represent Muslim or Arab civilization — any more than the Christian Coalition, let alone "Zionists," represents the West. Iraq is a perfect example of how ethnic, religious and cultural fault lines run inside national borders. The future of Iraq is not being forged out of a battle between West and East, or between Muslims and Christians, but between Shiites and Sunnis, Kurds and Arabs, Baathists and democrats. The main fault line crossing most Muslim societies isn't even between secularists and religionists, but between Muslims with different ideas about the proper role of religion.
Islamists of the kind represented by Al Qaeda are religious revolutionaries. But it is perfectly possible for a practicing Muslim to be against United States intervention, free-market capitalism, sexual freedom and the importing of Hollywood movies without being a theocratic revolutionary. Such a person may be a moderate reformer who believes, as did many Europeans until just a few decades ago, that democratic politics is best organized along religious lines.
The real question for the Western universalists, then, is whether the cause of moderate Muslims is helped by the revolutionary war that has been set off by the American and British armies. For that is what the war in Iraq is: not a clash of civilizations, but a revolution unleashed through outside force.
Unfortunately for folks like Mr. Buruma, the answer to his question is the precise opposite of what he thinks it is. Obviously Iraqis (especially Kurds and Shi'ites) are better off today than they were a year ago, and state this themselves. But, in addition, the Sau'dis are starting to tamp down Wahabbism themselves; Syrians have begun protesting their Ba'athist regime for the first time; Colonel Qaddaffi has radically realigned his nation towards the West; Sudan is taking tentative steps towards peace; Hizbullah is moving towards politics rather than terror; King Mohammed VI is democratizing Morocco rather rapidly; Irans clerics were forced to so damage their own republic, in order to stop true liberal reform, that they've lost all legitimacy; smaller Gulf States like the UAE are really trailblazing; etc.; etc.; etc.
Indeed, any honest assessment of the President's revolutionary project in the Islamic world would have to conclude that it could hardly be going better. The issue for folks like Mr. Buruma then--what we might call, as Michael Walzer has, the Decent Left--is whether they are forced to oppose a successful policy of democratic liberalization just because they oppose its religious sources and leader.
Our Union’s Jewish State (David Klinghoffer, 3/17/04, The Forward)
If anyone else has pointed out what a Jewish piece of oratory the recent State of the Union address was, I’m not aware of it. The ethos, the whole moral outlook, was Jewish, and this observation raises a question: How did America come to be the most Judaic country on earth, a country where one could plausibly say such a thing about the principal yearly address given by an American president? [...]An amazingly observant and prescient writer, [the sainted Reform rabbi Leo Baeck (1873-1956)] understood Judaism’s daughter religion as being in a constant state of war with her own Jewish soul. In certain periods of Christian history, he explained, the Judaic heritage — what he called "classical” religion — was dominant: an emphasis on ethics, on commandments. In other periods, this Jewish side of Christianity was submerged under a "romantic” tendency that revered not ethical action but emotional experience, that gauzy, swooning sensation of feeling and glorying in being personally "saved.”
This essentially aesthetic, passive version of religion loves sacred music and wafting incense, but can look with indifference on injustice and tyranny. By contrast, the Jewish "classical” counter-tendency thinks less about the self and more about the wrongs done by human beings and directs a focused passion to setting things right on earth. This leads to a messianic longing for a final redemption of all people, as well as to a certain missionary instinct to share your ethical vision with others. [...]
Back to the State of the Union. One is struck by the heartfelt piety, entirely compatible with the Hebrew Bible, accompanied by the moral impulse and the will to defeat systematized injustice: in Baeck’s terms, by the ethical and the messianic.
The president advocates "confidence and faith” because "The momentum of freedom in our world is unmistakable — and it is not carried forward by our power alone. We can trust in that greater power who guides the unfolding of the years. And in all that is to come, we can know that His purposes are just and true.” [...]
Nothing like this is to be found in Europe — where sexual decadence is smiled upon, where it was thought that leaving Iraqis to suffer under their horrendous dictator was the most reasonable course of action. Lofty or comical, it’s something for which we Jews should not forget to thank our Maker. Which reminds me: Thank you, God, for making me an American.
Chinese, French warships stage joint 'non-conventional security' drill (AFP, Mar 16, 2004)
Chinese and French warships carried out a joint exercise Tuesday, marking the largest naval drill China has ever conducted with a foreign country, state media and officials said.The exercise, coming at the end of a five-day visit by French naval vessels to China, was aimed at improving capabilities in the field of "non-conventional security," according to the Chinese foreign ministry.
"In recent years, the development of the relations between the two countries and the two militaries has been growing smoothly," ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told a regular briefing.
The exercise came just four days ahead of crucial presidential elections on Taiwan, watched carefully by China which is in constant fear of separatist sentiments on the island.
John Kerry's attention deficit disorder (Orrin Judd. March 15, 2004, Enter Stage Right)
As a threshold matter, the image of Mr. Kerry that is already beginning to gel, and which will solidify quickly as Karl Rove begins to spend his millions, is of a hyper-cautious flip-flopper, slow to make a decision and then prone to second-guess himself, even to switch to the opposite position. Nor is it just the GOP driving this meme. Even the New York Times's February 26th endorsement of him, for the New York State primary, was as tentative as a kiss for a sister:"Mr. Kerry, one of the Senate's experts in foreign affairs, exudes maturity and depth. He can discuss virtually any issue of security or international affairs with authority. What his critics see as an inability to take strong, clear positions seems to us to reflect his appreciation that life is not simple. He understands the nuances and shades of gray in both foreign and domestic policy. While he still has trouble turning out snappy sound bites, we don't detect any difficulty in laying down a clear bottom line. His campaigning skills are perhaps not as strong as his intellectual ones, but they are pretty good and getting better. Early in the race he alienated some audiences with brittle, patronizing lectures. But he has improved tremendously over the last few months. His answers are focused and to the point, and his speeches far more compelling. [...]
A sense of balance comes through when he is talking. Unfortunately, so far in this campaign Mr. Kerry has shown little interest in being daring, expressing a thought that is unexpected or quirky on even minor issues."
If that's the most passion his amen corner can muster, he's in trouble already.
Courier, 11, seen as pawn in Mideast terror: Boy was unaware he carried bomb (Charles A. Radin, 3/17/2004, Boston Globe)
Israeli military and intelligence analysts were reexamining unsolved terror bombing cases yesterday, after an 11-year-old boy was stopped at a checkpoint with a 20-pound, nail-reinforced bomb in a backpack. Israeli and Palestinian officials said the boy did not know what he was carrying.Investigators said they were looking into whether this method could have been used in previous cases in which the route of bombs from their makers to their users was never discovered. The incident, the first time a child was found carrying a bomb unknowingly, seems likely to revive long-standing concerns on both sides about the willingness of Palestinian terrorists to involve children in their operations.
Some Dems to run away from Kerry (Hans Nichols, 3/17/04, The Hill)
A handful of House Democrats who look vulnerable in November’s election, plan to run away from their party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), and will not endorse him.The holdouts are a minority of the 17 “frontliners” selected by the party leadership for member-to-member cash infusions, but their attitude reflects varying levels of comfort with how the New England senator will play in their districts.
A majority of frontliners, including those who are from conservative districts carried by President Bush in 2000, and have slim majorities, plan to campaign with and for Kerry.
But, regardless of their formal position on Kerry, most vow to run “independent campaigns.”
Several lawmakers, including Reps. Rodney Alexander (D-La.), Allen Boyd (D-Fla.), Jim Marshall (D-Ga.), Jim Matheson (D-Utah) and Dennis Moore (D-Kan.) have told The Hill they do not currently plan to endorse Kerry.
Alexander, who late last week denied he was considering switching parties, wrote to union supporters, stating: “I’d like to clarify. I will not be endorsing any candidate, including President Bush.”
Moore said he is leaning against endorsing Kerry, although he does not expect the presidential circus to run through Kansas, which Bush won overwhelmingly.
“I don’t suspect that I am going to run my campaign in accordance with the Democratic nominee,” Moore said. “I am going to run my campaign without regard to what the nominee does. They don’t have long coattails in Kansas.”
Boyd’s Florida district, which Bush carried with 53 percent, is expected to see some of the heaviest presidential traffic in the country. But the fourth-term lawmaker told The Hill that he remains undecided about endorsing Kerry. “At some point, we’ll meet individually,” said Boyd.
“You would want to get an assurance personally on how he’s going to run,” he added.
Through spokesmen, Marshall and Matheson said they have no plans to endorse Kerry. Both Georgia and Utah are expected to vote heavily for Bush.
State Sen. Obama wins Democratic Senate primary in Ill.; millionaire Ryan wins on GOP side (MIKE ROBINSON, March 16, 2004, Associated Press)
State Sen. Barack Obama, a former civil rights lawyer seeking to become just the third black U.S. senator in a century, easily won the Democratic primary Tuesday, setting up a November contest that is key to the party's bid to regain control of the closely divided Senate.Millionaire Jack Ryan defeated a crowded field to capture the Republican nomination. With 70 percent of the votes counted, Ryan had 130,713 votes, or 36 percent. Dairy owner Jim Oberweis had 87,007 votes, or 24 percent, and state Sen. Steve Rauchenberger had 76,187 votes, or 21 percent.
Nation's Direction Prompts Voters' Concern, Poll Finds (ADAM NAGOURNEY and JANET ELDER, March 16, 2004, NY Times)
The Times/CBS News poll offered the latest evidence that the race for president was as tight as has long been predicted. Even after two weeks in which Mr. Bush has run televised advertisements promoting himself and attacking Mr. Kerry, and in which Mr. Kerry has enjoyed the glow of favorable coverage that greeted his near-sweep of Democratic primaries, the two men are effectively tied, with 46 percent of voters saying they supported Mr. Bush and 43 percent backing Mr. Kerry.The candidacy of Ralph Nader looms as a potentially lethal threat to Democratic hopes of regaining the White House: With Mr. Nader in the race, Mr. Bush leads Mr. Kerry by 46 percent to 38 percent, with Mr. Nader drawing 7 percent of the votes. In a sign of the polarized electorate Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry are facing, three-quarters of supporters of each candidate asserted they would not change their mind before the election.
Bush's openness about religion connects with American youth (DAVID TARRANT, Mar. 16, 2004, The Dallas Morning News)
Today, as he campaigns for a second term, the president's unabashed candor about his faith is hitting the mark among an emerging group of voters: young conservative Christians. [...]When it comes to their faith, "a lot of people are uncomfortable talking about it. President Bush has broken that barrier by not being afraid in a public setting to talk about how a higher being has affected his life," said Shelby Ricketts, also a member of the local Young Republicans. "That makes him attractive to a lot of young people."
Indeed, studies and polls show that a substantial number of college students are expressing strong interest in religion, along with a more socially conservative outlook.
Enrollment at conservative Christian colleges and universities is growing rapidly. Even on secular campuses, membership in religious clubs has skyrocketed.
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "On Thursday nights, you can't find a large lecture hall that doesn't have a religious group using it," said Dr. Christian Smith, a sociologist and director of the National Study of Youth and Religion.
Campus Crusade for Christ has chapters on more than 1,000 campuses - up from about 300 in the early 1990s, said Nathan Dunn, the group's communications director. There are 200 chapters in Texas. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has chapters on 560 college campuses, including about two dozen schools in Texas.
What this generation of students wants, Dunn said, is "authenticity in every area of their lives. They're looking for what's real and what's true."
They look for genuine qualities in their leaders, he said.
"They want to be able to trust who they're putting their faith in," he said, "and they are drawn to leaders who are not hesitant to talk about what they believe."
John Kerry, Bush's Advisor On Iraq (David Freddoso, Mar 16, 2004, Human Events)
Sen. John Kerry (D.-Mass.) has been all over the map on the topic of the Iraq War. In October 2002, he voted for the Iraq war resolution. Later, assaulted from his left on the campaign trail, he changed his mind, declaring that the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq, even stating that Bush "rushed to war against our warnings."When confronted with his vote in favor of the war, Kerry has flip-flopped back, retreating to this position, which he gave this month to a reporter from Time: "I might have gone to war but not the way the President did."
Is that so? It sounds reasonable enough. But in fact we don’t have to rely on any such guesswork: we have a way of knowing exactly what Kerry would have done, had he been president.
On September 6, 2002, Kerry laid out a very specific plan for dealing with Iraq in an op-ed in the New York Times. And looking back now at that op-ed, it almost appears that Bush took his advice, step by step, through the entire process.
It is not unfair to hold Kerry to what he said, especially considering his comments to Time Magazine this month: “I refuse ever to accept the notion that anything I've suggested with respect to Iraq was nuanced. It was clear. It was precise. It was, in fact, prescient. It was ahead of the curve about what the difficulties were. And that is precisely what a President is supposed to be. I think I was right, 100% correct, about how you should have done Iraq.”
So what did Kerry suggest?
The question is not whether we should care if Saddam Hussein remains openly scornful of international standards of behavior that he agreed to live up to. The question is how we secure our rights with respect to that agreement and the legitimacy it establishes for the actions we may have to take. We are at a strange moment in history when an American administration has to be persuaded of the virtue of utilizing the procedures of international law and community - institutions American presidents from across the ideological spectrum have insisted on as essential to global security.For the sake of our country, the legitimacy of our cause and our ultimate success in Iraq, the administration must seek advice and approval from Congress, laying out the evidence and making the case. Then, in concert with our allies, it must seek full enforcement of the existing cease-fire agreement from the United Nations Security Council. We should at the same time offer a clear ultimatum to Iraq before the world: Accept rigorous inspections without negotiation or compromise. Some in the administration actually seem to fear that such an ultimatum might frighten Saddam Hussein into cooperating. If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act. But until we have properly laid the groundwork and proved to our fellow citizens and our allies that we really have no other choice, we are not yet at the moment of unilateral decision-making in going to war against Iraq.
Twelve years ago, Iraq invaded Kuwait without provocation. And the regime's forces were poised to continue their march to seize other countries and their resources. Had Saddam Hussein been appeased instead of stopped, he would have endangered the peace and stability of the world. Yet this aggression was stopped -- by the might of coalition forces and the will of the United Nations.To suspend hostilities, to spare himself, Iraq's dictator accepted a series of commitments. The terms were clear, to him and to all. And he agreed to prove he is complying with every one of those obligations.
He has proven instead only his contempt for the United Nations, and for all his pledges. By breaking every pledge -- by his deceptions, and by his cruelties -- Saddam Hussein has made the case against himself.
In 1991, Security Council Resolution 688 demanded that the Iraqi regime cease at once the repression of its own people, including the systematic repression of minorities -- which the Council said, threatened international peace and security in the region. This demand goes ignored.
Last year, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights found that Iraq continues to commit extremely grave violations of human rights, and that the regime's repression is all pervasive. Tens of thousands of political opponents and ordinary citizens have been subjected to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment, summary execution, and torture by beating and burning, electric shock, starvation, mutilation, and rape. Wives are tortured in front of their husbands, children in the presence of their parents -- and all of these horrors concealed from the world by the apparatus of a totalitarian state.
In 1991, the U.N. Security Council, through Resolutions 686 and 687, demanded that Iraq return all prisoners from Kuwait and other lands. Iraq's regime agreed. It broke its promise. Last year the Secretary General's high-level coordinator for this issue reported that Kuwait, Saudi, Indian, Syrian, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Bahraini, and Omani nationals remain unaccounted for -- more than 600 people. One American pilot is among them.
In 1991, the U.N. Security Council, through Resolution 687, demanded that Iraq renounce all involvement with terrorism, and permit no terrorist organizations to operate in Iraq. Iraq's regime agreed. It broke this promise. In violation of Security Council Resolution 1373, Iraq continues to shelter and support terrorist organizations that direct violence against Iran, Israel, and Western governments. Iraqi dissidents abroad are targeted for murder. In 1993, Iraq attempted to assassinate the Emir of Kuwait and a former American President. Iraq's government openly praised the attacks of September the 11th. And al Qaeda terrorists escaped from Afghanistan and are known to be in Iraq.
In 1991, the Iraqi regime agreed to destroy and stop developing all weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles, and to prove to the world it has done so by complying with rigorous inspections. Iraq has broken every aspect of this fundamental pledge.
From 1991 to 1995, the Iraqi regime said it had no biological weapons. After a senior official in its weapons program defected and exposed this lie, the regime admitted to producing tens of thousands of liters of anthrax and other deadly biological agents for use with Scud warheads, aerial bombs, and aircraft spray tanks. U.N. inspectors believe Iraq has produced two to four times the amount of biological agents it declared, and has failed to account for more than three metric tons of material that could be used to produce biological weapons. Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
United Nations' inspections also revealed that Iraq likely maintains stockpiles of VX, mustard and other chemical agents, and that the regime is rebuilding and expanding facilities capable of producing chemical weapons.
And in 1995, after four years of deception, Iraq finally admitted it had a crash nuclear weapons program prior to the Gulf War. We know now, were it not for that war, the regime in Iraq would likely have possessed a nuclear weapon no later than 1993.
Today, Iraq continues to withhold important information about its nuclear program -- weapons design, procurement logs, experiment data, an accounting of nuclear materials and documentation of foreign assistance. Iraq employs capable nuclear scientists and technicians. It retains physical infrastructure needed to build a nuclear weapon. Iraq has made several attempts to buy high-strength aluminum tubes used to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon. Should Iraq acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year. And Iraq's state-controlled media has reported numerous meetings between Saddam Hussein and his nuclear scientists, leaving little doubt about his continued appetite for these weapons.
Iraq also possesses a force of Scud-type missiles with ranges beyond the 150 kilometers permitted by the U.N. Work at testing and production facilities shows that Iraq is building more long-range missiles that it can inflict mass death throughout the region.
In 1990, after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the world imposed economic sanctions on Iraq. Those sanctions were maintained after the war to compel the regime's compliance with Security Council resolutions. In time, Iraq was allowed to use oil revenues to buy food. Saddam Hussein has subverted this program, working around the sanctions to buy missile technology and military materials. He blames the suffering of Iraq's people on the United Nations, even as he uses his oil wealth to build lavish palaces for himself, and to buy arms for his country. By refusing to comply with his own agreements, he bears full guilt for the hunger and misery of innocent Iraqi citizens.
In 1991, Iraq promised U.N. inspectors immediate and unrestricted access to verify Iraq's commitment to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles. Iraq broke this promise, spending seven years deceiving, evading, and harassing U.N. inspectors before ceasing cooperation entirely. Just months after the 1991 cease-fire, the Security Council twice renewed its demand that the Iraqi regime cooperate fully with inspectors, condemning Iraq's serious violations of its obligations. The Security Council again renewed that demand in 1994, and twice more in 1996, deploring Iraq's clear violations of its obligations. The Security Council renewed its demand three more times in 1997, citing flagrant violations; and three more times in 1998, calling Iraq's behavior totally unacceptable. And in 1999, the demand was renewed yet again.
As we meet today, it's been almost four years since the last U.N. inspectors set foot in Iraq, four years for the Iraqi regime to plan, and to build, and to test behind the cloak of secrecy.
We know that Saddam Hussein pursued weapons of mass murder even when inspectors were in his country. Are we to assume that he stopped when they left? The history, the logic, and the facts lead to one conclusion: Saddam Hussein's regime is a grave and gathering danger. To suggest otherwise is to hope against the evidence. To assume this regime's good faith is to bet the lives of millions and the peace of the world in a reckless gamble. And this is a risk we must not take.
Delegates to the General Assembly, we have been more than patient. We've tried sanctions. We've tried the carrot of oil for food, and the stick of coalition military strikes. But Saddam Hussein has defied all these efforts and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction. The first time we may be completely certain he has a -- nuclear weapons is when, God forbids, he uses one. We owe it to all our citizens to do everything in our power to prevent that day from coming.
The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of U.N. demands with a decade of defiance. All the world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?
The United States helped found the United Nations. We want the United Nations to be effective, and respectful, and successful. We want the resolutions of the world's most important multilateral body to be enforced. And right now those resolutions are being unilaterally subverted by the Iraqi regime. Our partnership of nations can meet the test before us, by making clear what we now expect of the Iraqi regime.
If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately and unconditionally forswear, disclose, and remove or destroy all weapons of mass destruction, long-range missiles, and all related material.
If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all support for terrorism and act to suppress it, as all states are required to do by U.N. Security Council resolutions.
If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will cease persecution of its civilian population, including Shi'a, Sunnis, Kurds, Turkomans, and others, again as required by Security Council resolutions.
If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will release or account for all Gulf War personnel whose fate is still unknown. It will return the remains of any who are deceased, return stolen property, accept liability for losses resulting from the invasion of Kuwait, and fully cooperate with international efforts to resolve these issues, as required by Security Council resolutions.
If the Iraqi regime wishes peace, it will immediately end all illicit trade outside the oil-for-food program. It will accept U.N. administration of funds from that program, to ensure that the money is used fairly and promptly for the benefit of the Iraqi people.
If all these steps are taken, it will signal a new openness and accountability in Iraq. And it could open the prospect of the United Nations helping to build a government that represents all Iraqis -- a government based on respect for human rights, economic liberty, and internationally supervised elections.
The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people; they've suffered too long in silent captivity. Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause, and a great strategic goal. The people of Iraq deserve it; the security of all nations requires it. Free societies do not intimidate through cruelty and conquest, and open societies do not threaten the world with mass murder. The United States supports political and economic liberty in a unified Iraq.
This seems to be yet another--and perhaps the most important--example of Mr. Bush creating confusion by stating precisely what he thinks and what he means to do about it. WMD never mattered to him--democracy and the rule of law did.
Manifesto for a Capitalist Revolution (Stephen Schwartz, 03/16/2004, Tech Central Station)
How can anyone believe that Islamic countries will forever elude the global impetus that has swept through such formerly impoverished nations as South Korea, Taiwan, and Malaysia (the latter, by the away, about as Muslim as a country can get)? The information revolution and such items as satellite communications have contributed enormously to the advance of financial and political accountability. A little more than a century ago Friedrich Engels, the confrere of Karl Marx, wrote of the "invading socialist society," referring to an inevitable and observable transformation of capitalism from within, by which the goals of the old socialism -- greater prosperity and equality of access to it, and a general sense of common purpose throughout society, would be realized. [...]A Marxist colleague of mine has observed, somewhat sourly, that rather than a decline in the rate of capitalist development, we are now in a period of accelerated capitalist development. Let me state the case rather more directly: the past century and a half have seen a speedup in the rate at which countries become stable, prosperous, democracies. It took 150 years for Spain, once the richest country in Europe thanks to the gold and silver of the New World, to become what it is today, and the true "new Spain" did not emerge, bright and beautiful, until the death of Franco in 1975. Germany required 75 years, from 1880 to 1955, and the presence of American troops; Japan needed 60, from 1900 to 1960, also with direct American help. But for South Korea the process took only 30 years, from 1953 to 1983, and suddenly the country was ripe for transformation into the democratic state we see today. In 15 years from Pinochet's seizure of power to his resignation, in 1998, Chile was equally transformed. And in Zizek's Slovenia, the years from the end of Titoite dependency to economic success were so short they are difficult to measure. The country came out of Yugoslavia in 1991, ready to bloom.
I will not deny that bloodshed accompanied all these processes: Spain suffered two civil wars and countless rebellions, over two centuries, and Germany and Japan fought in both world wars; South Korea was devastated by aggression from its northern neighbor; Pinochet was hardly an admirable figure, and, yes, 70 people died when Slovenia decided to go its own way. Yet the worldwide capitalist revolution continues, and produces positive results, with America in its vanguard. And it will end up victorious in Iraq and elsewhere a Muslim majority resides, from Morocco to Indonesia, from Albania to Tanzania. The terrorism of al-Qaida and other Islamist reactionaries cannot stop it; nor can window-breaking by anarchist teenagers at Starbucks or McDonalds; nor the reactionary leftism of a Chavez in Venezuela; nor the irritable wit of intellectuals like Slavoj Zizek. As for the enthusiasts of sociological film criticism, I recommend putting The Searchers aside, and watching My Darling Clementine (1946) and High Noon (1952). Sometimes, even in the real world, the good guys win.
Stability under a strongman (The Japan Times, March 17, 2004)
As expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin was re-elected by a landslide in Sunday's presidential election. His leadership now seems almost unchallenged. Opposition parties are weak. Parliament is obedient. Key government posts are held by Putin loyalists. Mr. Putin's tightened grip on power may bolster political stability, but his authoritarian instinct is raising concerns about the future of Russia's fledgling democracy.President Putin need not worry much about the legislature, in which the pro-Putin ruling bloc commands an absolute majority. Nor does he face any significant criticism from within the government. Immediately before Sunday's election, he dismissed Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, a one-time loyalist to former President Boris Yeltsin. Mr. Putin's victory is a prelude to a more assertive second term. The key word here is stability, though perhaps a better word would be domination. Indeed, the political situation in Russia appears to be revolving around a sole strongman. On his watch the Russian administration is likely to enjoy a spell of "superstability."
Mr. Putin deserves his victory. The election showed most Russians to be more or less satisfied with his performance in his first term. His vigorous economic and foreign policy has received a solid vote of confidence. In his second term he is likely to even more actively pursue his "strong Russia" agenda for doubling the country's economic output and for playing a larger role on the world stage.
For Japan, a strong Russian presidency will be welcome if it can jump-start stalled diplomatic negotiations on pending issues left over from World War II, notably the dispute over the Northern Territories, a group of islands northeast of Hokkaido. Commenting on Mr. Putin's re-election, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said it is "desirable in terms of the consistency of negotiations for a peace treaty," which is tied to a territorial settlement.
Kerry takes on GOP head-on in swing through pivotal Va. (Ken Fireman, March 17, 2004, Newsday)
John Kerry took his presidential campaign to the small but potentially pivotal state of West Virginia yesterday -- and the Republicans were waiting.Before Kerry even arrived in Charleston, W.Va., for an event showcasing his support for veterans, President George W. Bush had unveiled a new ad on local TV accusing him of undercutting U.S. troops in Iraq by voting against war funding.
"John Kerry: Wrong on defense," said the ad, which focused on the presumptive Democratic nominee's 2003 vote against an $87 billion appropriations bill to fund military operations in Iraq.
Kerry reacted with asperity. "The Republican attack machine has welcomed me to West Virginia today with another distortion," the Massachusetts senator told the veterans, adding that he voted against the bill because Bush refused to pay for it by rescinding some of his tax cuts.
One Bold Thinker Among the Democrats (David S. Broder, March 14, 2004, Washington Post)
Why is this boom leaving so many worse off? Frank's catalogue of causes is a familiar one: globalization and its handmaiden, the outsourcing of jobs to low-wage countries; the weakening of unions; the tilt of the tax system in favor of the wealthy investor. And Frank endorses the regular catalogue of remedies urged by Kerry and other mainstream Democrats. They include tougher trade rules, restoration of union organizing and bargaining rights and steps to make the tax system more progressive. Like everyone else, including Bush, he says education, innovation and skills training are the keys to a healthy long-term economic future.But unlike others, Frank does not stop at that point. Just as he is bold in diagnosing the cause of the problem -- a private economy geared to producing wealth, not jobs -- he is equally daring in his remedies.
Toward the end of his speech, Frank uttered a sentence one can hardly imagine coming from the mouth of a 21st-century American politician. "Our problem today," he said, "is too little government."
When I asked him in an interview Thursday if he was sending a message to Kerry, Frank said, "It's a message for all Democrats. What I'm saying is we're in a situation now where we need the government, and where is it? We've cut taxes, we've criticized bureaucracy, we've almost condemned the public sector. I'm saying it's time to talk positively about government and use it to do what the private economy is no longer doing."
His proposal is to tax some of the wealth the private sector is now producing so abundantly -- "a fairly small percentage," he said, without being specific -- "and use it to employ people on socially useful purposes."
Frank urges that we "take some of the wealth that is being created by this wonderful thing, this increased productivity, this new technology and the ways of using it, and all this innovation, and let us use it for our own undisputed public purposes. Let us give cities and states more money so they can have more people policing, fighting fires, cleaning up the environment, repairing facilities that need to be repaired, enhancing train transportation, building highways, helping construct affordable housing in places where that is a crisis, helping pay for higher education for students."
As Frank acknowledged, this whole approach smacks "to some extent [of] the New Deal philosophy." And that is why no one, including the Democratic presidential candidate, is likely to endorse it wholesale.
Smile, these are good times. Truly: Anxiety is turning to paranoia about jobs. Take a deep breath: most Americans have rarely had it better (The Economist, Mar 11th 2004)
Waiting for the job recovery might be a good time to take a broader measure of the material well-being of Americans. Their condition is widely held to be perilous. The economy, it is said, is being “hollowed out” by international competition and the connivance of business and political elites, creating “two Americas”, one rich, one poor. Median income of American households, commentators often say, has been stagnant, though census figures give a rise of one-fifth since 1980. Lou Dobbs, on CNN's “Lou Dobbs Tonight”, is just one media fabulist who makes his living by claiming that, as America is being “exported”, so the well-being of middle Americans is in a parlous state.It is a good story, but false on many levels. For a start, this slow growth in median income overlaps with a scale of immigration into America outpacing all immigration in the rest of the world put together. Many immigrants have come precisely to take up the lowest-paid jobs. As a result, in the 20 years to 1999 some 5m immigrant households were added to those defined as below the poverty level. Yet among native-born Americans, poverty rates have declined steadily since the 1960s. In the case of black families, median incomes have recently been rising at twice the pace for the country as a whole.
Strip out immigrants, and the picture of stagnant median incomes vanishes. Indeed, for the nine-tenths of the population that is native-born, middle-income trends continue their improvement of the 1950s and 1960s. For these people, inequality is not rising, but falling. Gregg Easterbrook cheekily points out in his excellent recent book, “The Progress Paradox” (Random House), that if left-leaning Americans seriously want better statistics about middle-income gains, then they should simply close their borders.
Mr Easterbrook points to something else about the figures for median household income. A quarter-century ago a typical household had three members. Today, it has just 2.6 members. Simply by this effect, median households have seen their real incomes rise by a half.
Another measure of improved well-being is increased access to jobs. Between 1980 and 2002 Americans in work rose by over 40%, a far brisker pace than the 26% growth in the population. Some three-quarters of the adult population are now in work, close to a record and some ten percentage points higher than in Europe. [...]
Of course, many American households struggle to survive on minimum-wage jobs with employers who do them few favours. We will look at low-paid work in a future week. What this piece attempts to argue is that the middle is far from being hollowed out. As Mr Easterbrook emphasises, most Americans have at least two cars and their own house, and they send their children to college. Certainly a bigger share of household income is being spent on things that did not feature 50 years ago, such as high-tech health care. But it has brought the benefit of a longer and better life, and not just for the old: since 1980, infant mortality has fallen by 45%.
At the end of last year, America's household wealth, at $44 trillion, passed the previous peak set in early 2000. With Americans wealthier than ever, why are many so anxious?
One nation under God: The US is powerful and religious; the EU is weak and secular. Mark Steyn wonders whether it is any coincidence (Mark Steyn, 3/15/04, The Spectator)
Last year, I had a long talk with a ‘senior EU official’ and I was amazed at the way, quite unprompted, he used the phrase ‘Europe’s post-Christian future’, presuming that I would agree with him that this was a condition to aspire to. Europe’s quite post-Christian enough, and most of the horrors of our time came about through the most prominent expressions of its post-Christian state, Nazism and Communism. And yet faith in secularism is indestructible. The other day a correspondent emailed a swipe at me by the Independent’s Johann Hari in a vain effort to goad me into swiping back. Mr Hari was discussing the term ‘Islamofascism’: ‘It has been picked up by some people, like the vile Mark Steyn, who seem to think that all Islam is evil. I dislike all religions and would happily see the whittling away of every last church and mosque, but to imply that all Islam is on a par with al-Qa’eda is grotesque.’I certainly don’t think ‘all Islam is evil’, though much of it is problematic for a liberal, Western, pluralist society. But I love the way that, even as he’s slurring me as anti-Islam, Johann Hari casually reveals that he’d like to see the end of ‘every last church and mosque’. Surely Islamophobia isn’t any more politically correct for being subsumed within theophobia, is it? The assumption of virtue by radical secularists comes so easily you wonder whether they ever stop to think it through.
For example, it is a fact that the most religious nation in the West is also the most powerful militarily, economically and culturally. Is that a coincidence? It could be. To suggest otherwise would be to claim the ‘special relationship with God’ that so distresses Max Hastings. So let’s look at it the other way: what happens when you opt for the ‘post-Christian future’?
Take my beloved Quebec. As recently as 1960, the birth rate in the province was an average of four children per couple. (Jean Chrétien, the recently retired Canadian prime minister, was the 18th of 19 children of a Quebec mill worker.) But then came the so-called ‘Quiet Revolution’, determined to free the people not just from the House of Windsor but from the Church of Rome, too. There’s a fine scene in Denys Arcand’s Barbarian Invasions in which a sad Catholic priest in Montreal explains to an art appraiser from London that one month in the Sixties the churches simply emptied out and the people never came back.
Fast forward to 1995, and Quebec’s referendum on ‘sovereignty’. Lucien Bouchard, the separatist leader of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition, wanders off-message in one speech and urges the women of the province to have more children because they have one of the lowest fertility rates of any ‘white race’ on the planet. Immediately, all the bien pensant types berate him for his faux pas. But the thing is, he wasn’t wrong. A couple of weeks later, his side narrowly lost the referendum, by a few thousand votes. Given that young Francophones tend to be separatist, had Quebec Catholics of the mid-Seventies had children at the same rate as their parents, M. Bouchard would now have his glorious république. Now he never will. Quebec couples have an average of 1.4 children, and their shrivelled fertility rate has cost them their country.
In the space of a generation, a Catholic backwater became the most militantly secularist jurisdiction in North America. [...]
Maybe the collapse of the church and the looming demographic disaster facing Quebec and most of Catholic Europe is just another coincidence. But, for whatever reason, Europeans have less and less interest in God’s first injunction, to ‘go forth and multiply’. And, as a consequence, they’ll enjoy their post-Christian EUtopia, but only for the two or three generations it lasts. Russia is headed for the same fate. China, where Christianity is booming, seems unlikely to make the same mistake.
Survey finds hope in occupied Iraq (BBC, 3/16/04)
The survey, carried out for the BBC and other broadcasters, also suggests many are optimistic about the next 12 months and opposed to violence.But of the 2,500 people questioned, 85% said the restoration of public security must be a major priority.
Opinion was split about who should be responsible, with an Iraqi government scoring highest. [...]
Seventy per cent of people said that things were going well or quite well in their lives, while only 29% felt things were bad.
And 56% said that things were better now than they were before the war.
Boxer says Jones out of touch with voters (AP, March 16, 2004)
And Pol Pot was intellectual-friendly...
Manpower 2Q04 Employment Outlook Survey (Manpower, Inc., .PDF format via
The results of the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey in the United States include Puerto Rico. Nearly 16,000 interviews have been conducted with employers across the United States to measure anticipated employment trends between April and June 2004. All participants were asked, "How do you anticipate total employment at your location to change in the three months to the end of June 2004 as compared to the current quarter?" Of the US employers that were surveyed, 28% expect an increase in hiring in the second quarter, while 6% plan to decrease staff levels.This creates a Net Employment Outlook of 22%. Sixty-two percent of the
employers polled anticipate no change in hiring activity, and 4% are uncertain of the job outlook at their companies. The employment outlook has not been this promising since the first quarter of 2001, according to the seasonally adjusted survey results. The job forecast for the second quarter is a steady improvement from the first quarter of 2004 and is nearly twice as strong as it was last year at this time.
Of course, this data is still subject to the half empty/half full pundits on either side. On CNBC this morning, Manpower's CEO (Jeff Joerres) went on to discuss something I've thought for months now: there's concurrently a significant boom in self employment, Subchapter S Corp. formation and LLC's. He said they expect some of that Labor to be eventually pulled back into the corporate realm as demand warrants, thereby bolstering the more traditional metrics of "job growth." Granted, many of those little businesses will simply fail as they're statistically prone to do. But the Fed and the Government's role should be to get out of the way and let capital formation and labor association work itself out in a trying economy. The private sector will inevitably create jobs at a rate the Governement could only dream of if they'd quit meddling.
As to the historical comparison with 2001, which most will agree in hindsight was a waining period, bear in mind that 1Q01 was the END of a string (some 6-8 quarters?) worth of similar levels. Mr. Joerres also reiterated how Manpower has backtested their survey vs. subsequent government payroll reports and it proves to be a highly-correlated leading indicator.
Hiring managers' propensity to hire now seems tempered by two remaining hurdles: 1) FIRING is always easier and actually substantially less risky than hiring - particularly for smaller companies where the bulk of new jobs are created. 2) Given the events of the last 3 years and the implied instability in the future status of tax laws, longer range planning is still murky enough to prompt extra cautiousness.
In any event, comparing the current job growth rate to historical rates which were neither sustainable nor ultimately prudent is like wishing the NASDAQ would hit a 5,100 high next week. Today one wonders how many of the "jobs" along with the other 3,100 index points never really existed in the first place.
A BAD THING: Why did Martha Stewart lose? (JEFFREY TOOBIN, 2004-03-15, The New Yorker)
Peter Bacanovic, Stewart’s broker at Merrill Lynch, was, like almost everyone else, just trying to keep Martha Stewart happy. On December 27, 2001, while he was on vacation in Florida, he heard from his assistant, Douglas Faneuil, that another of his clients, Sam Waksal, the chairman of ImClone, was trying to get rid of virtually all his own and his family’s stock in the company. Bacanovic knew that Stewart owned ImClone stock—Stewart and Waksal were close friends—and he told Faneuil to call her and let her know. [...]Stewart’s trades that day were small compared with Sam Waksal’s. After learning that the Food and Drug Administration was going to reject ImClone’s most important product, a cancer drug called Erbitux, Waksal tried to move 79,797 shares to his daughter Aliza’s account through Bacanovic; Aliza herself sold 39,472 shares; his other daughter, Elana, sold 3,014. Waksal’s father sold 135,000 shares, and his sister sold 1,336. Not surprisingly, in light of the F.D.A.’s decision, which was announced the following day, the Waksals’ sales drew the attention of an internal auditor at Merrill Lynch, who asked to see Bacanovic as soon as he got back from Florida.The auditor, Brian Schimpfhauser, also noticed Stewart’s sale of ImClone, and, he later testified, “that made me kind of suspicious.”
A small problem now started to get bigger. Bacanovic had to come up with an explanation for why Stewart had sold at the same time as the Waksals. When Faneuil saw him after the New Year, Bacanovic first said that Stewart had sold ImClone as part of an end-of-year practice called “tax loss selling.” But that made no sense, because she had sold at a profit. So Bacanovic decided to tell the investigators that he and Stewart had a preëxisting agreement to sell her ImClone stock when the price reached sixty dollars a share, which it did on December 27th.
For a while, it looked as though this story might hold. Merrill Lynch had referred the Waksal case to the S.E.C., and the government’s investigators were putting together an easy insider-trading case against him. Because of the focus on the Waksal case, investigators were most concerned with whether he had tipped Stewart or anyone else about the imminent F.D.A. decision on Erbitux. Since Waksal himself hadn’t told Stewart, she had every reason to think she had no problem. On January 16, 2002, Bacanovic and Stewart met for breakfast, and it’s probable that they discussed the burgeoning investigation of the ImClone sales—and their possible culpability. Within a week, Stewart had decided to hire a criminal-defense attorney.
When Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia went public, in 1999, the company used the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz for corporate work. Wachtell, Lipton is smaller than many of the better-known firms in the city, but it has the highest profits per partner of any law firm in the nation—on average, more than three million dollars a year. Lawyers there tend to be brilliant and arrogant; typical among them is John Savarese, the lawyer whom Stewart hired in January, 2002. Like Bacanovic, Savarese is good-looking and socially prominent. He had earlier been a prosecutor in Manhattan, and in 1986 he helped convict the reigning bosses of the city’s five Mafia families. (Just before that trial, I worked for him as a summer intern.)
On January 25th, Michael Schachter, the Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the Waksal investigation, spoke to Savarese and asked to interview Stewart about the ImClone sale. Savarese had to evaluate this request in a transformed legal landscape of white-collar criminal law. Even before the Enron scandal, which was just then unfolding, the Justice Department and the S.E.C. had been placing tremendous pressure on corporate executives to coöperate with their investigations. The S.E.C., and even private auditors, might hesitate to certify the financial statements of a company headed by someone who wouldn’t coöperate. A directive to prosecutors from Deputy Attorney General Larry D. Thompson suggested that companies should pressure senior employees to testify rather than refuse to answer on Fifth Amendment grounds.
Stewart was travelling a lot in late January, so there wasn’t much time for her to talk to Savarese, but she seemed nonchalant about the prospect of sitting down with Schachter and his colleagues. She and Savarese tentatively agreed to meet with the prosecutors on February 4th. “There was a lot of pressure, including from Martha, that she go in there and show she had nothing to hide,” one person close to the Stewart camp says. “All she thought they wanted to talk about was whether Waksal himself had tipped her about the F.D.A. decision. She knew she was in the clear on that one.”
On January 31st, something happened that should have signalled the magnitude of the risk of letting the government question Stewart. Around five in the afternoon, Stewart and Savarese spoke for half an hour on the telephone. When Stewart hung up, she asked her secretary, Ann Armstrong, to call up her computer’s phone log for December 26th through January 7th. As Armstrong later testified at Stewart’s trial, Stewart examined the messages and noted the one from Bacanovic on December 27th, which read, “Peter Bacanovic thinks ImClone is going to start trading downward.” Armstrong described what happened next: “Martha saw the message from Peter, and she instantly took the mouse and she put the cursor at the end of the sentence, and she highlighted it back up to the end of Peter’s name, and then she started typing over it.” She changed the message to “Peter Bacanovic re imclone.”
Stewart then had second thoughts, Armstrong continued. “She instantly stood up, and still standing at my desk, she told me to put it back. ‘Put it back the way it was.’ She walked back to her office door, and by the time she got to her office door she asked me to get her son-in-law on the phone.” Alexis’s husband, John Cuti, was a litigator who sometimes worked for Stewart and her company. He said to Armstrong, who became increasingly upset, “Stop in your tracks,” and told her not to change anything else. When Armstrong got home that evening, Stewart called and asked if she had been able to restore the message. Ultimately, with the help of a friend, Armstrong was able to find the original message and fax a copy to Savarese. The next morning, Stewart left for a quick trip to Germany, which would get her back just before her interview at the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Cuti told Savarese about the altering of the document, which suggested that Stewart was worried about the appearance, at least, of the ImClone transaction, if not the legality of her actions. But she was out of the country, and there was no way to get her ready for the interview. To make matters worse, Savarese had not gone over her phone logs with her.
Savarese could have delayed Stewart’s appearance. He could have gathered all the relevant documents and forced her to test her recollections against the physical evidence. “It’s not easy telling someone like Martha Stewart to take the Fifth,” a lawyer inside the Stewart camp says. “She would have gone ballistic.” Instead, Savarese sent into the hands of prosecutors an underprepared witness, who may not have told him the whole story, and who had already tried to doctor evidence in the case. “What Savarese did was an unbelievable disaster,” another person in the defense camp told me.
MORE: (Joan Didion, 2000-02-21, The New Yorker)
According to “The Web Guide to Martha Stewart—The unofficial Site!,” which was created by a former graduate student named Kerry Ogata as “a thesis procrastination technique” and then passed on to those who now maintain it, the fifty-eight-year-old chairman and C.E.O. of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia L.L.C. (“MSO” on the New York Stock Exchange) needs only four hours of sleep a night, utilizes the saved hours by grooming her six cats and gardening by flashlight, prefers Macs in the office and a PowerBook for herself, commutes between her house in Westport and her two houses in East Hampton and her Manhattan apartment in a G.M.C. Suburban (“with chauffeur”) or a Jaguar XJ6 (“she drives herself”), was raised the second-oldest of six children in a Polish-American family in Nutley, New Jersey, has one daughter, Alexis, and survived “a non-amicable divorce” from her husband of twenty-six years, Andrew Stewart (“Andy” on the site), who then “married Martha’s former assistant who is 21 years younger than he is.”Contributors to the site’s “Opinions” page, like good friends everywhere, have mixed feelings about Andy’s defection, which occurred in 1987, while Martha was on the road promoting “Martha Stewart Weddings,” the preface to which offered a possibly prescient view of her own 1961 wedding. “I was a naïve nineteen-year-old, still a student at Barnard, and Andy was beginning Yale Law School, so it seemed appropriate to be married in St. Paul’s Chapel at Columbia in an Episcopalian service, mainly because we didn’t have anyplace else to go,” she wrote, and included a photograph showing the wedding dress she and her mother had made of embroidered Swiss organdy bought on West Thirty-eighth Street.
DON’T LOOK BACK: a review of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. (ANTHONY LANE, 2004-03-15, The New Yorker)
Do you feel clever, punk? Well, do you? Because that’s the only way to get your head around the latest Charlie Kaufman flick. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is written by Kaufman, directed by Michel Gondry, and set in the kind of weather that makes you pray for five minutes of sunshine, never mind the eternal variety. On a biting Valentine’s Day, Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) calls in sick and sneaks off to the beach—a glum arena for the battle of sand and snow, and as vacant as the moon until the arrival of a snuffling figure in flame red. This is Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet), and she and Joel are strangers. Or, to be accurate, they have met before, on this same bleak strand, and spent the night together, and tumbled into love, and split in some distress. But today, unbeknownst to each other, they are starting from scratch.The premise of “Eternal Sunshine” is that scratch is a pretty radical place to be. Kaufman, as he showed with “Being John Malkovich” and “Adaptation,” is not so much a conjurer with a trick up his sleeve as a guy madly sewing extra sleeves onto his jacket, and this mischievous new movie cannot restrain itself from pouring forth conceits. The two big ideas are as follows. First, the story runs backward, yanking us from the lovers on the frozen shore, through the fall and rise of their affair, and so on, until their original meeting. Second, both Clementine and Joel call on Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson), who runs a sleazy little operation called Lacuna. There, with help from his assistants, Stan (Mark Ruffalo) and Patrick (Elijah Wood), Dr. Mierzwiak will take your money and blow your mind. Specifically, he will put you to sleep, set up a brain scan, and blow away portions of your mind, like cobwebs or particles of dirt, leaving you with a nice clean space where a memory used to be. Thus, one mournful lady sits in the waiting room with a dog’s bowl and bone, unable to bear the loss of her late Buster. She will presumably hand over his effects and then, after a blast from the Lacuna zapper, forget that the poor pooch ever existed. And so it is with Joel and Clementine: each deletes all traces of the other.
This is, of course, unrefined sci-fi, but one of the virtues of “Eternal Sunshine” is that, thanks to some careful roughening from Michel Gondry, it maintains the beautiful illusion of looking like [scatological reference deleted].
Is the Tide Turning on Torts? (Michael B. McClellan, 03/16/2004, Tech Central Station)
The US Chamber of Commerce and the American Tort Reform Association are now fully engaged in the nation-wide legislative battle to statutorily limit the structural incentives encouraging the litigation deluge. Similarly the American Medical Association has made reforming the medical liability system its number one legislative priority. Such organizations and others have accumulated powerful empirical data to support the reform cause.The macroscopic evidence for reform is damning -- revealing massive costs and gross inefficiency. The overall costs of the tort system are rising dramatically, and given the expenses of legal representation and contingency fees, the majority of the money is not going to remedy plaintiffs' injuries. While US tort costs have risen a staggering 125% over the last decade, the system returns less than 25 cents on the dollar to compensate plaintiffs' economic loss. At 2.2% of GDP, the US tort system is the most costly of any in the industrialized world.
Anecdotally, this trend in tort law was wonderfully illustrated by well-known legal reform advocate Philip K. Howard at a recent meeting of the Federalist Society. He recalled that during his law school days in the early 1970s, a one million dollar jury verdict was so extraordinary that it made the front page of the Miami Herald. Today, a $100 million verdict barely makes the tenth page. "This is not due to inflation," he said.
Given such trends, it is unsurprising that in a 2003 Gallup Poll, 72% of Americans favored capping non-economic damages in medical liability cases.
So popular opinion-makers are speaking out, beleaguered professional and business groups are organizing, and the public is responding, but such does not necessarily equate to reform. Cynics invoke the political clout of trial lawyers as an impenetrable roadblock to meaningful reform. Trial lawyers are indeed among the most generous contributors to the Democratic Party, and the second leading candidate for the Party's Presidential nomination hails from among their ranks.
President Bush’s Muddled Policy on Taiwan (Ted Galen Carpenter, 3/15/04, Cato)
The Bush administration has gone from one extreme to the other with regard to U.S. policy on Taiwan. During the early months of his administration, the president gave a seemingly unconditional pledge to defend Taiwan from attack by mainland China— going significantly further than his predecessors had. He followed that assurance by approving the largest arms sales package to Taiwan in nearly a decade. In marked contrast to the Clinton years, high-profile visits by Taiwanese leaders to the United States have been encouraged, despite Beijing's protests.That pro-Taiwan stance appeared to change dramatically in December 2003 during a visit by Chinese premier Wen Jiabao. President Bush publicly admonished Taiwanese president Chen Shuibian for seeking to change the political status of the island unilaterally and emphasized Washington's opposition to any unilateral actions. At issue is the Taiwanese government's intent to hold referenda on sensitive issues, which Beijing believes is the latest installment in an ongoing campaign to achieve independence.
Neither the earlier pro-Taiwan policy nor the latest pro-Beijing posture serves the best interests of the United States. It is not America's proper role to take a position on Taiwan's independence or other issues involving relations between Taipei and Beijing. Taiwan is a vibrant democracy, and the United States should respect that society's democratic prerogatives. At the same time, U.S. leaders should make it clear that Taiwan must bear all of the risks entailed in whatever policies it adopts. In particular, Washington should state that it will not intervene if an armed conflict breaks out between Taiwan and mainland China.
Second black seat test uneasy coalition (JAMES CAMPBELL, 3/14/04, Houston Chronicle)
Ousted state Rep. Ron Wilson claims he fell on his sword for the greater good of creating a second African-American congressional seat for Houston. Noble ...Wilson was the only black state lawmaker to vote for a Republican-backed congressional redistricting plan that is expected to change Texas' congressional delegation from 16-16 to about 22 Republicans and 10 Democrats. For that, Wilson accused "white liberals" of undermining his bid to be re-elected to the District 131 seat he held for 27 years.
"Because I didn't do what white, liberal, extremist Democratic leaders wanted me to do, they're trying to punish me. It's a racist attitude. They think they ought to control the minds and hearts of every black in the Democratic Party, and if you don't do what they say, they're going to try to drag you back to the plantation like a runaway slave," Wilson said in a Houston Chronicle story. [...]
"To simply win an additional seat -- if you're in the minority party at this immediate juncture -- does not empower the greater (black) community," said Texas Southern University political science professor Franklin Jones.
The larger question that stemmed from the contentious race between Bell and Green is whether it created an irreparable schism between blacks and moderate whites in the Democratic Party? And, if so, what must both sides do to repair their uneasy coalition?
It's the heart versus the Bible (Dennis Prager, March 16, 2004, Townhall)
With the decline of Judeo-Christian religions, the heart, shaped by what the eye sees (hence the power of television), has become the source of people's moral decisions.This is a potentially fatal problem for our civilization. As beautiful as the heart might be, it is neither intellectually nor morally profound.
It is therefore frightening that hundreds of millions of people find no problem in acknowledging that their heart is the source of their values. Their heart knows better than thousands of years of accumulated wisdom; better than religions shaped by most of the finest thinkers of our civilization (and, to the believer, by God); and better than the book that has guided our society -- from the Founders of our uniquely successful society to the foes of slavery to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and most of the leaders of the struggle for racial equality.
This elevation of one's heart is well beyond self-confidence -- it is self-deification.
[W]e may well designate the moral cynics, who know no law beyond their will and interest, with a scriptural designation of "children of this world" or "children of darkness." Those who believe that self-interest should be brought under the discipline of a higher law could then be termed "the children of light."
From Bat to Verse: With training camps in full swing, it's time for an ode to the joys, and boys, of spring (Steve Rushin, February 26, 2003, Sports Illustrated)
Spring, for fans, has finally sprang:
We've seen Joe Torre's (Chien-Ming) Wang.
But will Bob Melvin have the guts
To pull his pitcher, J.J. Putz?
(No, these men are not impostors:
All are on spring training rosters.)
Pasqual Coco? Cesar Crespo?
How, again, does "Let's Go Mets" go?
And will those Mets, before too long,
Light up Atlanta's (young Jung) Bong?
These, and countless other questions
(And Fenway Frank-based indigestions)
Lay all winter, hibernating
In my head, like Zimmer's plating.Birds return (to batting practice).
Nature blooms (with Grapefruit, Cactus).
Buds are opening (and Bud Lights)
And squads, like Pavarotti's tights,
Are split (by Solomonic skips).
And somewhere, warming up her lips,
Sits Morganna, aging kisser.
This year's Red Sox? Wicked pissah!
(That is, if the disabled list
Treads not on Nomar's fabled wrist.)
Dodgers fans, meanwhile, conjecture
That -- per New Age architecture --
Teammates Chin-Feng Chen, Paul Shuey
Give L.A. a good Feng Shuey.Neil Diamond's words last year rang true
'Cause Expos pitcher Seung Song blew.
(Pity this Van Lingle Mungo
Shagging a bilingual fungo
In Quebec or Puerto Rico.
Bon voyage. Godspeed, amigo.)
Teams like Peter Angelos's
Stink like camel halitosis.
Spring, however, keeps us hopeful.
Faithwise, Cubs fans have a Popeful.
(To Sosa's gin, add this tonic:
Hee Seop Choi and Grudzielanek.)
Comiskey renamed for a phone?
It stinks, so Sox now wear Colon.No apter name hath baseball wrought
Than Tampa pitcher Nick Bierbrodt.
For beer and brats -- like Kaats and Otts
Or, on the scoreboard, racing dots --
Somehow feel like baseball totems,
Like Ruth's nickname. Or John Odom's.
Melvin Mora, Alex Cora:
Hail the Latin diaspora,
Which now gives us once a week a
Name like Hiram Bocachica.
(Or, recast by Kurosawa:
Shigetoshi Hasegawa.)
Worst pitcher's name? Grant Balfour,
The Mariners have Heaverlo.
Spain's elections show why radical Islam can win (Spengler, 3/16/04, Asia Times)
Socialist voters may not have worked out the arithmetic; Jose Zapatero's supporter in the street simply does not want to be burdened with America's distant wars, especially if they draw fire at home. It all amounts to the same thing. Countries too lazy to produce their next generation will not fight. Who will lay down his life for future generations when the future generations simply will not be there?Like other former strongholds of Catholicism, Spain has made an abrupt and terrible shift away from traditional family life toward egregious hedonism. Alone among Europe's great powers, Spain nipped Protestantism in the bud, avoiding the terrible religious wars that ravaged France during the 16th century, and killed off perhaps half the German population during the 17th century. By expelling its Jews, its Inquisition cut off access to the Hebrew language and Bible translation. By burning several thousand heretics in public, it offered a terrible object lesson to prospective dissenters. Not until 1936, when Catholic generals rose to overthrow the communist-tinged republic, did Spain finally have its religious war, with half a million deaths, of which one-quarter were from executions.
The victorious General Francisco Franco kept Spain firmly in the Catholic fold until his death in 1975, after which Catholicism shriveled in Spain like a vampire exposed to the light of day. Along with church attendance, the birthrate fell from one of the highest to one of the lowest in the world. That already has been the fate of other Catholic strongholds, such as Canada's province of Quebec. There the fertility rate dropped from 4.95 children per woman in 1961 to 1.57 in 1996.
Old Europe's people, religion, culture and fighting mettle have imploded together. The Europeans are not so much defeatist as resigned to extinction.
Change in Spain (NY Times, 3/16/04)
The terrorist bombings in Madrid last week were undoubtedly the main factor in Sunday's upset of the incumbent Popular Party, which supported the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. The victorious Socialists, like most Spaniards, did not. If Al Qaeda organized the bombings, as now seems to be the case, the outcome may be seen by some as a win for the terrorists. We disagree.
If you build it they will come: Blogging and the new citizenship (Tim Dunlop, 6/17/03, EVATT)
[T]hat's the image you should hold in your head: a group of people sitting at their computers, scouring the news of the day, reading everything from The New York Times (online, of course) to other people's blogs, and writing their own responses and interpretations of whatever grabs their attention. It's somewhere between an online academic seminar and Friday night at the pub.Blogging does not (and should not) try and emulate the sophistication of, say, an academic presentation or paper. It shouldn't even try and emulate the precision of a news report, though paradoxically, as I've said, one its best functions is to fact-check such news reports. The attraction and strength of blogging is that it is informal, first draftish, and more than a little breathless.
For the individual blogger, or even for the reader who decides to leave a comment, there is a real blowtorch-to-the-belly aspect to blogging in that, by engaging in political debate in such a public way, people often move beyond their own knowledge horizon, or come up against people who are simply better informed than they are, or who have thought about the topic more deeply. Under such circumstances bloggers can be forced to do their growing up on a subject in public, which can be a difficult thing. But it is also good thing, and it gets us back to the idea, espoused most fully by conservative thinker Christopher Lasch, that argument precedes understanding and is central to democratic opinion formation.
Lasch says that democracy requires argument and that public argument involving ordinary citizens has been usurped by an elite, a group of insiders who either because of political connections, expertise or other institutional reasons have easier access to the media and are therefore able to dominate public discourse. Such debate then tends to happen within pre-defined parameters that reflect the education, specialisation and norms of that elite. Thus, not only do they dominate public argument by virtue of their elite access and knowledge, they also tend to define the topics, terms and presentation of such debate and are liable to judge any lay contribution as illegitimate.
The net affect is not only anti-democratic, in that democracy relies on public argument between all sectors of society, not just its elites, but the very idea of debate-as-learning gets turned on its head. Instead of seeing arguments as a source of knowledge, they become seen as a sign of lack of knowledge. This criticism is misplaced because as Lasch says, "our search for reliable information is itself guided by the questions that arise during arguments about a given course of action. It is only by subjecting our preferences and projects to the test of debate that we come to understand what we know and what we still need to learn. Until we have to defend our opinions in public, they remain opinions in Lippmann's pejorative sense - half-formed convictions based on random impressions and unexamined assumptions. It is the act of articulating and defending our views that lifts them out of the category of 'opinions,' gives them shape and definition, and makes it possible for others to recognize them as a description of their own experience as well. In short, we come to know our own minds only by explaining ourselves to others."
Lasch's ideal was that arguments aren't won by shouting down your opponent but by changing their minds.
Humbling a Despot: How Bush put Qaddafi in his place. (Kenneth R. Timmerman, March 16, 2004, FrontPage)
In October 2003, with the help of Italian customs, a massive shipment of centrifuge components from Malaysia was seized in the Mediterranean en route to Libya. "It was a big shipment - the guts of what he needed," a U.S. official says. "That seizure broke the back of his program. Without it, he would have had to go back to square one."The centrifuge parts were manufactured at Scomi Precision Engineering in Malaysia, according to specifications provided by Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdel Qader Khan. Shipped to Dubai, they were transferred onto a German-owned freighter, the BBC China, and labeled as "used machinery."
Democrats, including Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, have argued that the Libyan case shows that diplomacy works better in the war on terror than force. "If diplomacy was so effective," a Bush official involved in the interdiction effort tells Insight, "why did Col. Qaddafi continue to procure equipment at the same time our diplomats were talking?" After the seizure, the Libyans began to come clean. Only then were U.S. and British intelligence teams allowed to visit previously closed nuclear sites and to begin mapping out the true scope of the Libyan program.Qaddafi now sought counsel from an unusual source, which Insight can reveal here for the first time. One month before Qaddafi's historic announcement on Dec. 19, 2003, he met in Tripoli with visiting Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. "During their private meeting, Qaddafi asked Kuchma how America had treated him when he gave up his nuclear weapons after the fall of the Soviet Union," says Weldon, who heard the story directly from Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Hryshchenko. Kuchma suggested that Qaddafi broaden his ties beyond the administration and work with members of the U.S. Congress, as well.
The final event that sealed the fate of Qaddafi's nuclear-weapons program took place in early December 2003 along the borders of the Tigris River near Tikrit, when U.S. soldiers pulled former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein out of a spider hole."When Qaddafi watched a U.S. medic probe Saddam's hair for lice and poke around his mouth, he was stunned," several sources tell Insight. Western diplomats in Tripoli agree that Saddam's capture "traumatized" the Libyan leader. "What happened is very clear," an administration official says. "Things happened, and immediately afterward the Libyans did things in response."
Until Saddam's capture, "we were still negotiating. Both sides were sparring back and forth," a British official involved in the talks says. "Things radically changed course after that." Just 10 days later, Qaddafi made his official announcement that Libya was giving up its WMD programs and had invited U.S. and British experts into the country to verify the dismantling of his weapons plants.
Scientists Confirm Phenomenon Of Falling Beer Bubbles (Mark Shwartz, Mar 16, 2004, Stanford News)
A new experiment by chemists from Stanford University and the University of Edinburgh has finally proven what beer lovers have long suspected: When beer is poured into a glass, the bubbles sometimes go down instead of up."Bubbles are lighter than beer, so they're supposed to rise upward," said Richard N. Zare, the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Sciences at Stanford. "But countless drinkers have claimed that the bubbles actually go down the side of the glass. Could they be right, or would that defy the laws of physics?"
The Spanish dishonored their dead (Mark Steyn, 3/16/04, Jewish World Review)
"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, naturally they will like the strong horse." So said Osama bin Laden in his final video appearance two-and-a-half years ago. But even the late Osama might have been surprised to see the Spanish people, invited to choose between a strong horse and a weak horse, opt to make their general election an exercise in mass self-gelding.
-Rewarding Terror in Spain (EDWARD N. LUTTWAK, 3/16/04, NY Times)
It must be said: Spanish voters have allowed a small band of terrorists to dictate the outcome of their national elections. This is not how democracies are supposed to react when they are attacked by fanatics. Americans were visibly united and hardened by Sept. 11; the Italians overcame deep political differences to unify in their determination to crush the Red Brigades; Israeli cohesion has only been increased by decades of terrorism. When threatened by a violent few, democratic political communities will normally react by enforcing the will of the many.For many years, this has been the Spanish answer to the Basque separatist movement. But it was not the response to last week's bombings.
Before the attacks, the polls forecast a victory for Mariano Rajoy of the Popular Party, for the very good reason that he was the chosen successor of Prime Minister José María Aznar, who has led Spain on the path of modernization and prosperity with almost universally acknowledged success. Three days before the elections, Mr. Rajoy seemed to be headed for victory over José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, who campaigned on a pledge to withdraw the 1,300 Spanish troops stationed in Iraq if the United Nations did not assume control of the occupation. Mr. Zapatero's call was not merely to avoid more casualties, but to affirm that the Iraq war was an act of imperialist aggression that Spain should never have supported.
Even those who view the Iraq war as a strategic error for the United States — and I'm one of them — cannot take seriously the Zapateros of Europe, who seem bent on validating the crudest caricatures of "old European" cowardly decadence. It was an act of colossal irresponsibility for the Socialists and the Spanish news media to excoriate the Aznar government for asserting that ETA, the Basque separatist movement, was probably behind the attacks.
I am trying not to think harshly of the Spanish. They have suffered a grievous blow, and it was crazy to go ahead with an election a mere three days after the Madrid massacre. Nonetheless, here is what seems to have happened:The Spanish government was conducting policies in Afghanistan and Iraq that Al Qaeda found objectionable. A group linked to Al Qaeda murdered 200 Spaniards, claiming that the bombing was punishment for those policies. Some significant percentage of the Spanish electorate was mobilized after the massacre to shift the course of the campaign, throw out the old government and replace it with one whose policies are more to Al Qaeda's liking.
What is the Spanish word for appeasement?
Bombs, ballots and nation-building (George Will, 3/16/04, Jewish World Review)
[M]uch American rhetoric is now so routinely vituperative that it may strike foreign enemies as evidence of paralyzing national discord. And conceivably it is evidence of national divisions that could widen, not close, in the event of a large terrorist attack.For example, in his Saturday response for the Democrats to President Bush's weekly radio broadcast, Sen. Edward Kennedy said that the administration's arguments for war against Iraq were not merely, in Kennedy's view, mistaken, they were a conscious dishonesty — a "distraction." Such statements are perhaps predictable from a senator who recently cited, approvingly, the writings of Karen Kwiatkowski.
The Weekly Standard reports that she, a retired Air Force officer, has written about "the Zionist political cult that has lassoed the E-Ring" of the Pentagon (the offices of senior civilian Defense Department officials). She says the war in Afghanistan was "planned of course before 9/11/01" because of "Taliban non-cooperation" regarding a trans-Afghanistan pipeline. She says that with "Bush and his neoconservative foreign policy implementers" — those E-Ring Jews — resembling propagandists such as Lenin, Hitler and Pol Pot, "all evidence" points to "a maturing fascist state" in America and, in foreign policy, "fascist imperialism touched by Sparta revived."
Poll finds pessimism about U.S. direction (Susan Page and Richard Benedetto, 3/15/04,USA TODAY)
Americans are increasingly gloomy about the state of the economy and the direction of the country, a Gallup Poll has found. That state of mind is a warning flag for President Bush as his re-election campaign begins in earnest. (Related item: Poll results)In the poll, 60% said they were dissatisfied with "the way things are going in the United States at this time." Except for a survey two weeks before the invasion of Iraq a year ago, that is the most negative reading since 1996.
The question about the general direction of the country is one of the fundamental judgments voters make in deciding whether to support a president for re-election. That makes the public's pessimism, if it persists, a serious problem for the Bush campaign.
"The reality is that when people are dissatisfied with the country's direction, they tend to vote for change, and when they vote for change, they tend to vote out incumbents," says Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster and adviser to the likely Democratic candidate, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.
The War that Never Ends: a review of The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 by Christopher R. Browning (Benjamin Schwarz, Atlantic Monthly)
[A]s Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances...
Tech titans give more to GOP (Jim Hopkins, 3/15/04, USA TODAY)
The tech industry, which favored Democrats in the 2000 federal elections, is betting more campaign donations on Republicans this year.Bolstered by money from luminaries such as Yahoo CEO Terry Semel, tech has poured 55% of its $8.2 million in contributions into Republican coffers. That's up from 47% in 2000, says the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan watchdog group. Among top givers, only doctors and other health professionals shifted more to the GOP. [...]
Republicans are viewed as more pro-business on topics of special interest to the tech industry.
Companies moving software development jobs overseas worry politicians will clamp down, says Rick White, CEO of TechNet, an advocacy group for Microsoft and other tech giants. John Kerry, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, has slammed "Benedict Arnold" firms for offshoring jobs.
A sales tax on Internet access, being debated in Congress, might crimp sales at firms such as eBay if it depressed Net traffic. The Bush administration opposes such taxes. EBay's political action committee has given 64% to the GOP this year, up from 56% in 2000.
Poll: Bush Moves Ahead Of Kerry (CBS, March 15, 2004)
Eight months from Election Day, it is already a nip-and-tuck Presidential race. George W. Bush currently leads John Kerry by three points among voters, while two weeks ago Kerry was up by one. Seven in ten of each candidate’s voters say they have already locked in their choices, and most voters already have clear opinions of the two presidential candidates’ qualities and their potential strengths and weaknesses in office. [...]VIEWS OF THE CANDIDATES
(Registered voters)Bush
Favorable 43%
Unfavorable 39%
Undecided/Unknown 17%Kerry
Favorable 28%
Unfavorable 29%
Undecided/Unknown 41%
Sex and the Brain: Researchers Say, 'Vive la Différence!' (ANAHAD O'CONNOR, March 16, 2004, NY Times)
For almost a decade, researchers at Pfizer struggled to show that Viagra, the male impotence drug, could enhance sexual function in women.Last month, they gave up.
Countless tests on thousands of women made it clear that the little blue pill, though able to stir arousal, did not always evoke sexual desire.
Viagra's failure underscored the obvious: when it comes to sexuality, men and women to some extent are differently tuned. For men, arousal and desire are often intertwined, while for women, the two are frequently distinct.
Spain: More al Qaeda links found (CNN, March 15, 2004)
CNN also has obtained a document posted on an Internet message board analysts believe is used by al Qaeda and its sympathizers that spells out the terrorist group's plan to separate Spain from the U.S.-led coalition on Iraq.The strategy spelled out in the document, posted last December on the Internet, calls for the use of terrorism to drive Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's Popular Party from power and replace it with the Socialists.
That was expected to drive a wedge between Washington and Madrid and result in the withdrawal of Spanish military forces from Iraq.
"We think the Spanish government will not stand more than two blows, or three at the most, before it will be forced to withdraw because of the public pressure on it," the document says.
"If its forces remain after these blows, the victory of the Socialist Party will be almost guaranteed -- and the withdrawal of Spanish forces will be on its campaign manifesto."
That prediction came to fruition in elections Sunday, with the Socialists unseating the Popular Party three days after near-simultaneous bombings of four trains killed 200 and shocked the nation.
Ninety percent of Spaniards had opposed Aznar's staunch support for the U.S.-led war against Iraq, and some have blamed Aznar's policies for the train bombings.
Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said Monday he wants the 1,300 Spanish troops in Iraq to return home by June 30 if the United Nations "doesn't take control of Iraq."
"I think Spain's participation in the war has been a total error," he said.
THERE’s no getting round it, the outcome of the Spanish election is a serious setback for the war on terror.It would be impertinent to criticise the deeply-traumatised Spaniards for casting their votes they way they did.
Rotten Europe (David Warren, 3/16//04, Ottawa Citizen)
Analysis and homily must converge in what I have to say today. There is no ambiguity in what has happened in Spain. The rotten heart of Europe has been exposed. The best comparison one can make is to Europe in 1940, when the entire continent had capitulated to Nazism and fascism, leaving Britain alone to fight. It thus came to be known as "Churchill's war", rather than "Hitler's war", only to revert when the Allies had won it, and a generation of Europeans, who had not lifted a finger, decided retrospectively that they had been in the Resistance.The position of Tony Blair's government in Britain today is further undermined by the Spanish vote, so that it is quite possible that the British, too, may soon abandon what the Europeans now choose to call "Bush's war", rather than "Osama's war".
A good question might be asked of the Bush administration, in light of the Spanish election. It was articulated by an American friend yesterday: "Before we waste another drop of blood trying to create democracies in the Middle East, shouldn't we reflect a bit on how easily democracy in Spain was subverted by terrorists?"
One must not, under the present circumstances, sound an uncertain trumpet. All men of goodwill, regardless of nation, are fighting the Jihadists in Afghanistan and Iraq, as we fought the Nazis in Italy and France; and if the Americans must fight them alone, so be it. Then as now we made a lot of blather about "democracy". But screw democracy, we are fighting an enemy of civilization, an embodiment of real evil. There is no compromise with such an enemy, no capitulation to him, no way to avoid casualties, no easy way out. We defeat him, or he defeats us.
We do not retreat because our allies are cowards. We continue to fight, for ourselves, for our children, and for their children.
Stumping Kerry Sidesteps Blasts and Election in Spain (DAVID E. ROSENBAUM and JODI WILGOREN, March 16, 2004, NY Times)
Senator John Kerry has conspicuously avoided speaking out on the terrorist attacks in Spain and the fall of the government there, a departure from his practice of trying to use the events of the day to bolster his case against President Bush.All year, Mr. Kerry has argued that the war in Iraq has diverted resources and attention away from what should have been devoted to a more pernicious target, terrorist groups, and he has accused the president of squandering alliances that previous administrations carefully cultivated.
Yet in a 25-minute speech on Monday about terrorism and domestic security to the International Association of Firefighters, the senator mentioned the events in Spain only in passing. He accused the president of being "short on action" in protecting Americans against terrorism and added, "As we saw again last week in Spain, real action is what we need."
Democrats inside and outside Mr. Kerry's campaign said on Monday that the situation in Spain now was too uncertain and delicate to use politically.
The Kerry campaign said the senator had no plans to delve into Spain, even though he planned to make a big speech on national security on Wednesday.
Political fallout likely to embolden al-Qaida: Armed guards are planned for Olympic athletes, but the US presidential election campaign is seen as prime target for attack (Ewen MacAskill, Helena Smith in Athens and Giles Tremlett in Madrid, March 16, 2004, The Guardian)
Al-Qaida and its sympathisers will be emboldened by the impact of what is now assumed to be its first attack in western Europe. The governing party has lost the election and Spain is planning to pull its troops out of Iraq.If it was al-Qaida, Spain will have become the first country "to have a prime minister owing his position to Bin Laden," said Jonathan Eyal, the director of studies at the London-based Royal United Services Institute. [...]
Although al-Qaida or one of its allied groups are unlikely to have realised that the bombings would have as speedy an impact as they had, the strategy had already been rehearsed on the internet.
Spain's La Razón newspaper reported yesterday that a document on Iraqi jihad, drawn up by the self-styled Institute of Information in Support of the Iraqi People and published on the internet in December, analysed the effects that attacks on Spanish troops posted in Iraq might have.
The Arabic language document suggested attacks in Iraq rather than in Spain, but predicted accurately what the outcome on the Spanish elections would be. "We believe that the Spanish government will not be able to resist more than two or three attacks, after which they would be obliged to withdraw as a result of popular pressure," it said.
"If their troops remain in Iraq after the attacks, a Socialist victory is practically guaranteed and withdrawal of the troops will feature in its election manifesto."
It added ominously: "The withdrawal of Spanish or Italian forces from Iraq would produce tremendous pressure on the British presence [in Iraq], a pressure that Tony Blair would not be able to withstand."
First-class ticket: Charter school makes history by reaching state final in 6th year (Jackie MacMullan, 3/14/2004, Boston Globe)
Someone was shaking him. Reggie Morris pried open one eye, looked at the clock -- 6:30 a.m. -- then glared at his mother in utter disbelief. "Get up," Isabelle Morris said. "And put these on."She tossed him a pair of navy blue shorts and a white shirt.
"You're starting at your new school in an hour and a half," she said.
New school? It was Aug. 11. What kind of school held classes in the summer?
"I'll tell you on the way," she said.
There was plenty to tell. Isabelle explained to her son that she was concerned about his choice of friends. She was afraid he was slipping away from her, toward the junkies on the corner, and she couldn't allow that to happen. Without telling him, she had filled out an application for New
Leadership, a charter school in Springfield founded by the Urban League with hopes of rescuing underperforming city kids. Reggie would attend classes from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. He would wear a uniform every day. He would go to school 24 Saturdays a year. He would be required to take a training course in conjunction with the Army National Guard."No way, Mom," Reggie said. "I'm not going."
The Irish Soldiers of Mexico (Michael Hogan, March 2004, The Crisis)
One of the least-known stories of the Irish who came to America in the 1840s is that of the Irish battalion that fought on the Mexican side in the U.S.-Mexico War of 1846-1848. They came to Mexico and died, some gloriously in combat, others ignominiously on the gallows. United under a green banner, they participated in all the major battles of the war and were cited for bravery by General López de Santa Anna, the Mexican commander in chief and president. At the penultimate battle of the war, these Irishmen fought until their ammunition was exhausted and even then tore down the white flag that was raised by their Mexican comrades in arms, preferring to struggle on with bayonets until finally being overwhelmed by the Yankees. Despite their brave resistance, however, 85 of the Irish battalion were captured and sentenced to bizarre tortures and deaths at the hands of the Americans, resulting in what is considered even today as the “largest hanging affair in North America.” [...]Before the declaration of war by the United States, a group of Irish Catholics headed by a crack artilleryman named John Riley deserted from the American forces and joined the Mexicans. Born in Clifden, County Galway, Riley was an expert on artillery, and it was widely believed that he had served in the British army as an officer or a non-com in Canada before enlisting in the American army. Riley’s charge was to turn this new unit into a crack artillery arm of the Mexican defense. He is credited with changing the name of the group from the Legion of Foreigners and designing their distinctive flag.
Within a year, the ranks of Riley’s men would be swelled by Catholic foreign residents in Mexico City, and Irish and German Catholics who deserted once the war broke out, into a battalion known as Los San Patricios, or “Those of Saint Patrick.”
The San Patricios fought under a green silk flag emblazoned with the Mexican coat of arms, an image of St. Patrick, and the words “Erin Go Braugh” (sic). The battalion was made up of artillery and was observed in key positions during every major battle. Their aid was critical because the Mexican had poor cannon with a range of 400 meters less than the Americans. In addition, Mexican cannoneers were inexperienced and poorly trained. The addition of veteran gunners to the Mexican side would result in at least two major battles being fought to a draw. At the Battle of Buena Vista, for example, the San Patricios held the high ground and enfiladed the Americans. At one point they even wrested a cannon from the Yanks and led General Taylor’s advisers to believe that the battle had been lost. Several Irishmen were awarded the Cross of Honor by the Mexican government for their bravery in that battle, and many received field promotions.
At the Battle of Churubusco, holed up in a Catholic monastery and surrounded by a superior force of American cavalry, artillery, and infantry, the San Patricios withstood three major assaults and inflicted heavy losses on the Yanks. Eventually, however, a shell struck their stored gunpowder, the ammunition park blew up, and the Irishmen, after a gallant counteroffensive with bayonets, were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. They were tried by a military court-martial and then scourged, branded, and hanged in a manner so brutal that it is still remembered in Mexico today.
In almost every Mexican account of the war, the San Patricios are considered heroes who fought for the noble ideals of religion and a just cause against a Protestant invader of a peaceful nation. In U.S. histories, however, they are often portrayed as turncoats, traitors, and malcontents who joined the other side for land or money.
It seems odd that anyone would defect from a superior force sure of victory to join an obviously inferior one certain to be defeated, even if, as most U.S. accounts assert, there were offers of money and land from the Mexicans. There was plenty of free land to the west, much easier to come by than risking one’s life in combat against a Yankee army. Simple desertion and refuge in the rich valleys of California would have accomplished that purpose. To determine the true causes of the defection of these men, it is necessary to reflect on the temper of the times.
The potato blight that began in 1845 (roughly coinciding with the Mexican War and lasting for its duration) brought a devastation to Europe more horrible than the Black Death. For the Irish, it was the beginning of massive evictions, starvation, sickness, and death. Of the many fortunate enough to afford the fare for an escape to the New World, tens of thousands would die en route as a result of the inhuman conditions aboard Great Britain’s vessels.
Victims of oppression in the Old World, they were to experience it again in the New. Confronted by enormous numbers of Irish-Catholic immigrants in the 1840s, American nativism reared its ugly head. “All the world knows,” wrote historian Thomas Gallagher, “that Yankee hates Paddy.” And so it seemed to those who had survived the perilous journey to America only to be labeled inferior by demagogic politicians and feared by Anglo-American workmen. Victims of prejudice in the New World, it should not be considered strange that they would shortly find themselves becoming sympathetic to the Mexicans. Here was another Catholic people being invaded by Protestant foreigners. According to a contemporary account, “On reaching Mexico they discovered they had been hired by heretics to slaughter brethren of their own church. On top of this they were confronted with the hatred of their fellow soldiers.”
Secular Absolutism: The irreligious left tries to impose its religious views on everyone else. (Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2004)
Secular absolutism is becoming the most potent religious force in America. Just ask the Boy Scouts and Catholic Charities, which both fell afoul of secular orthodoxy and then found judges willing to punish them for it.Start with Catholic Charities. The California Supreme Court just ruled that the social-services arm of the Roman Catholic Church must include contraceptives coverage to women as part of any prescription drug benefit it extends to employees. When Catholic Charities insisted that as an avowedly Catholic organization it fit the religious exemption provided by the law in question, the court simply said it was not a religious organization. Catholic Charities?
Leave aside the irony that of all America's Catholic institutions, Catholic Charities is arguably the most liberal and sympathetic to secular crusades. Even that didn't protect them. Nor did its practice of employing people outside the Catholic faith--which was used here as reason for denying its religious claims. If the state can order a Catholic organization to include contraceptive coverage as part of its health benefits or drop all drug coverage, it's not hard to see where that's leading. This is what passes for civil liberties now.
The lone dissent in this 6-1 decision came from Justice Janice Rogers Brown. Judge Brown, nominated by President Bush for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, has been pilloried for refusing to bow before this increasingly stifling liberal orthodoxy. As she tartly noted in her decision here, the California high court has "such a crabbed and constricted view of religion that it would define the ministry of Jesus Christ as a secular activity."
Compare this ruling with what's going on with the Boy Scouts. On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court turned down the Scouts' appeal of a Connecticut decision to kick them off a list of charities on its state-worker voluntary-donation plan. Meanwhile the American Civil Liberties Union has routed the Scouts in San Diego.
In a settlement reached earlier this year with the ACLU, San Diego agreed to revoke a Scouts lease for public campgrounds, where the Scouts have had a presence since 1918 and a formal lease since 1957. The city also agreed to pay the ACLU a whopping $950,000 for its efforts. [...]
What's going on here is an effort by liberal activists and their judiciary enablers to turn one set of personal mores into a public orthodoxy from which there can be no dissent, even if that means trampling the First Amendment. Any voluntary association that doesn't comply--the same little platoons once considered the bedrock of American freedom--will be driven from the public square. Meet the new face of intolerance.
It's really an astonishing reversal of the Founders' intent that they've effected: the only form of belief specifically protected by the Constitution has been turned into a liability where government benefits and regulations are concerned.
Pakistan gains in Al Qaeda hunt: Foreign fighters flee their village hideouts as Pakistani soldiers step up their crackdown. (Owais Tohid, 3/16/04, CS Monitor)
Many Al Qaeda and Taliban guerrillas in Waziristan are fleeing their village hideouts and heading up into the mountains along the Afghan border, according to tribal sources in the area.Shunning their conspicuous Land Cruisers, the militants are camouflaging their movements by journeying with local woodcutters and shepherds, who head into the mountains to earn their livelihood.
Officials here say the fighters are being squeezed by the government's recent crackdown in the tribal region. Pakistan has deployed 12,000 military and paramilitary soldiers, and demanded help from tribal leaders, to round up Al Qaeda and Taliban elements.
"Our strategy against foreign terrorists is working very well," says Rehmatullah Wazir, a senior government official in South Waziristan. "They feel unsafe here. They are feeling the pressure, and we are coming down hard on their local supporters as well."
US forces in Afghanistan, meanwhile, have stepped up their hunt on the other side of the border, announcing over the weekend a new operation named Mountain Storm. US military officials have said they are coordinating their efforts with the Pakistanis to rid the region of Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
"It seems a part of the strategy of Pakistan and US-allied forces to herd them onto the mountains [for] a final battle there," says Sailab Mehsud, a writer and sociologist of South Waziristan.
Sharpton endorses Kerry for president, plans TV job (AP, 3/15/04)
Al Sharpton, the New York activist who flashed quick wit and rhetorical jabs on the campaign trail but failed to spark a large following, on Monday endorsed John Kerry for president but promised to continue his own urban agenda campaign.Can't wait for that convention speech.The mixed message — endorsing a former rival but not exiting the stage — came after a face-to-face meeting with Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.
The All-Onomatopoeic Team (Mikhail Horowitz, Elysian Fields Quarterly)
C Elmer Klumpp
1B Vince Shupe
2B Bobby Knoop
SS Everett Booe
3B Goldie Rapp
OF John Clapp
OF Merlin Kopp
OF John Poff
Eric Plunk
Stan Klopp
Joe Klink
Jung Bong
Walter Plock
Bobby Clack
MGR Johnny Kling
Democracy for Sudan (Chris Ingram, 3/15/04, Washington Times)
The people of Sudan have endured decades of civil war between various regimes in the North and those seeking liberty both in the South and in the western and eastern peripheries. Today, peace between the two main warring factions is closer than ever with a peace deal all but certain.Signing a peace deal between North and South isn't the end of the process — it's merely the beginning. Indeed, this is where the hard work begins — building a democratic state and a functional government.
This means the terms "democratic" and "functional" will not just be for the government that is to emerge from the South, it will cover all of Sudan, as the opposition Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) is expected to participate in Sudan's national government.
Thanks to the foreign policy established by President Bush, America is committed to helping expand democracy in Sudan.
America's greatest export is democracy. Around the world, people who have lived under repressive regimes are being freed because of the foreign policy of the United States. "Thank you America" was frequently heard in Sudan. In East Africa, U.S. involvement is not only needed — it is wanted and appreciated.
Beyond the Duck Blind (NY Times, 3/15/04)
Supreme Court arguments are only six weeks away in the Sierra Club's challenge to the secrecy surrounding Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force and the formulation of the Bush administration's energy policy. And Justice Antonin Scalia, Mr. Cheney's duck-hunting buddy, still stubbornly resists stepping out of the case. To protect the Supreme Court's integrity and legitimacy — and honor the rule of law — the final choice can no longer be left to Justice Scalia alone. Unless he suddenly reverses himself, the Supreme Court as a whole has a duty to intervene, much as it reviews the recusal decisions of lower-court judges. [...]This problem is not Justice Scalia's alone. On the other side of the court's ideological spectrum, as another L.A. Times article noted, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg maintains involvement in a lecture series named for her that is co-sponsored by New York City's bar association and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, which frequently participates in Supreme Court cases. Justice Ginsburg is relatively circumspect in her public remarks, but it's still unwise for her to retain an ongoing affiliation with such an active advocacy and litigation group.
Bombs shake up war on terror: The Madrid bombs have done more than shake up Spanish politics. (Paul Reynolds, 3/15/04, BBC News Online)
If al-Qaeda was behind the Madrid bombings, it could be said that this was a significant strike by the terror group. It has forced a change of government in one of Mr Bush's leading allies.Not that Spanish voters support al-Qaeda, but nor do they support the policy in Iraq.
And, like the French and Germans, they want a rethink. In particular, they want a separation of the war on terror from the war in Iraq, which Mr Bush has said is the "front line" in the war on terror.
The arrival of the Spanish socialists back on the European scene will also shift the balance of opinion on Iraq within the European Union. Mr Blair has lost a close ally and may have to turn further east to the new members joining on 1 May to reinforce his position.
Whether they suffer rebukes from their own voters in due course remains to be determined.
The real effect of the Spanish election then, contrary to the quickly assembled conventional wisdom, is not foreign but domestic. The Socialists are much more amenable to the Franco-German vision of the EU and that's disastrous for Europe.
Socialist Spain a blow to US: Incoming Prime Minister Zapatero has signaled he will pull Spanish troops from Iraq. (Peter Ford, 3/16/04, The Christian Science Monitor)
"This changes all the equilibriums in Europe," says Sergio Romano, an influential Italian commentator on foreign affairs. "Spain is no longer America's main partner on the European mainland. It is definitely bad news for pro-American governments in Europe, and for sectors of the left that have tried to hold radical pacifists at bay." [...]A troop withdrawal in the wake of the train attacks, now believed to be the work of Al Qaeda, would risk drawing accusations that Spain was appeasing terrorists. A videotaped statement purporting to be from Al Qaeda and claiming responsibility for the bombings said it was "a response for your collaboration with the criminals Bush and his allies. This is how to respond to the crimes you have caused in the world and specifically in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Polish Prime Minister Lezsek Miller, who has sent 2,400 soldiers to Iraq, told reporters Monday that he would keep them there.
"Revising our position on Iraq after terrorist attacks would be to admit that terrorists are stronger and that they are right" to continue such attacks, he said.
Spanish Socialists, however, angrily reject such charges.
"Live" with TAE: Bill James: He is the guru who invented a whole new way for Americans to partake of the national pastime from their reading chairs. More recently he has gone to work in the major leagues to see if he can translate his baseball theories into wins on the field. Meet an American sporting icon. (Tim Rives, March/April 2004, American Enterprise)
Bill James has been called "the most influential baseball writer in the sport's history." In a sport shrouded in myth, James's success is itself the stuff of legend. Thirty years ago, while working in the boiler room of a pork and beans cannery in Lawrence, Kansas, James produced a series of self-published Baseball Abstracts, which analyzed the game and its players with wit, irreverence, and the orthodoxy-smashing use of statistics. (Using James's logic, bunting, stealing, and the use of a bullpen "closer" are sucker's plays.)The Abstracts attracted a cult following, then major publishers, and eventually a wide readership that included, among others, future Boston Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein.
Michael Lewis's recent bestseller, Moneyball, described how the Oakland A's have used the insights of James and his fellow "sabermetricians" to outfox far wealthier teams. Last season, after years of writing his mordantly erudite fan notes, Bill James left the bleachers and joined the game as a senior baseball operations adviser for the Boston Red Sox.
Kansas historian Tim Rives interviewed Bill James at the Emerson Biggins sports bar in Lawrence, Kansas.
TAE: Just what does a so-called "sabermetrician" do?
JAMES: The human mind searches for order in everything it perceives. What a sabermetrician does is search for order and patterns--objective proof--on questions that are debated by baseball people. Sabermetrics starts with the question, "What are the characteristics of winning teams?" and then moves to "Why are these things characteristics of winning teams?"
We take an historical approach to the game. Because baseball is inherently meaningless, its history is more clear and less clouded than the history of things that are meaningful.
And we rely heavily on statistics (though no good analysis in any sport is driven solely by statistics). I've tried for 25 years to keep sabermetrics from being taken over by the bad habits of academicians--overspecialization, discussing issues that are of interest only to other academics, and discussing them in a manner which is inaccessible to anyone who hasn't been following the discussion for years. [...]
TAE: Was Babe Ruth the finest player in the history of the majors?
JAMES: Yes. Mays may have been as good, Honus Wagner may have been as good, Bonds may be as good. But Ruth had more impact.
Helping the Pearl of Africa (Fiona Kobusingye-Boynes, 03/15/2004, Tech Central Station)
Fighting malaria is not only a humanitarian need. It is also economically important, both for the developing countries and for aid providers like the United States. Something most people don't realize is that the same African countries that are most infected by malaria are also the poorest ones on our continent. That is because the disease makes so many millions of people in those countries too sick and weak to earn a living or cultivate their fields.What can be done to save our people? The first thing we need is more support for medical research, to develop new medicines and help people who are already sick with malaria.
Second, we must try to kill the mosquitoes by spraying them. I know many well-meaning people say DDT is not good for the environment. But it is still the only fully effective means to kill the mosquito that causes malaria. It also keeps them out of our houses, because the mosquitoes do not seem to like the smell of DDT. And the way we use it won't hurt animals, birds or fish, because we just spray it on the walls of our houses.
Nothing works as well as DDT, and it is the only pesticide that the mosquitoes are not resistant to. We only need to spray tiny amounts on our houses one or two times a year and we are protected. Without DDT, the mosquitoes are everywhere, and they come into our homes and bite us whenever they want.
If people in Africa are to be saved, we must stop the primary cause, the mosquito that carries malaria. Of course we are concerned about our environment. We live in it. But should we not be concerned about our loved ones, our people, first?
Third, and just as important, we must help develop sanitation systems and dry out puddles and swamps that are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. We can educate our people about malaria. We can let them know that it is preventable -- that they must begin to take some responsibility themselves to eradicate this terrible disease from their families and our country. But we must have pesticides, too. We must have DDT.
Seeking Life as We Know It: To all appearances, it has to start with water -- but does it? What is the likelihood of an ammonia-based alien somewhere in space? (K.C. Cole, March 5, 2004, LA Times)
On the face of it, water seems a rather silly molecule — two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom in a way that looks like the head of Mickey Mouse. Even children know its chemical formula: H2O.But the bonds it forms with itself and other molecules are anything but ordinary.
Atoms normally bond by sharing the negatively charged electrons that buzz around their positively charged nuclei, like people sharing popcorn at a movie.
In water, the oxygen shares one electron with each of its hydrogens, leaving four extras. These clump together as "lone pairs" that can grab onto other molecules like prehensile feet.
At the same time, the two positive hydrogen nuclei stick out the other side like arms. The "feet" of one water molecule grab the "arms" of the other, forming abnormally strong networks. Where one water molecule goes, the others tend to follow. Thus, water can climb tall trees — hand over foot, as it were — in defiance of gravity, carrying nutrients from the soil to the leaves.
Chemists say they would expect water to be a gas at room temperature because it's made up of just a few light atoms. But the strong bonds make the molecules stick together in a liquid form.
Luckily, the bonds aren't so sticky that they form a viscous gel — something that Boston University physicist Eugene Stanley initially found perplexing. Water flows freely, he and others discovered, because water molecules stick to each other only briefly, let go, grab another partner — whirling an ever-changing cast of partners around in a molecular square dance.
The upshot is that water stays watery over a remarkable range of temperatures (32 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, to be exact).
This is a liquid bonanza for life, which seems to need some form of fluid to transport things from place to place. In solids, molecules stick together and can't go much of anywhere. In gases, the molecules don't get close enough to interact.
Water's unbalanced geometry — positive charges on one side, negative on the other — also gives it a distinctively schizophrenic personality (although chemists, like psychiatrists, prefer the term bipolar). This makes it an excellent solvent.
One side of a molecule grabs on to negative charges; the other side grabs the positive. This pulls most things apart, so water can dissolve almost anything. (If things didn't dissolve, they'd sink to the bottom, or rise to the top — not good for a free flow of chemical reactions.)
Why doesn't life just disintegrate altogether in water then? While water is one of the most strongly bipolar molecules, it is not the most reactive — meaning it can make things fall apart (dissolve) without changing their composition (react). So the parts can be endlessly rearranged.
And as it turns out, the few things water doesn't dissolve are equally important in assembling life's building blocks. Water hates fat. "It won't dissolve a spot of grease on my nice silk tie," Stanley said.
Water herds these hydrophobic (water-hating) and hydrophilic (water-loving) molecules into structures such as cells. The hydrophobes point away from each other, while the hydrophiles look inward. "It's like circling the wagons," McKay said.
Water, in other words, gives living things outsides and insides. The hostile outside is kept at bay, while inside, the proteins behind nearly all of life's mechanisms go about their business.
"You have 3,000 proteins, minimally, in every cell," said University of Massachusetts biologist Lynn Margulis, "and every reaction requires water. Everything else is negotiable."
What's the water doing with the proteins exactly? "Everything," Margulis said. "It's like a loom that you can do the weaving in. It's the matrix that's holding things in place. Nothing can go on without it."
The magical molecule does a whole lot more: For example, it absorbs heat slowly, and holds on to it for a long time. This stabilizes temperatures not only in the oceans, but also inside living things — which, lest we forget, are made mainly of water.
Finally, water expands when it freezes, contrary to nearly every other substance known. That's why ice floats, allowing it to form an insulating blanket on lakes and ponds for life beneath. Without it, fish would freeze before they hit the grocer's shelves.
Of course, it's hard to ignore one obvious reason life may depend on water. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Helium is the second, but it's inert — so standoffish it doesn't bond with other atoms at all. Oxygen comes third. Maybe life is made of water simply because it's there.
But some otherwise habitable worlds just don't have water. Are they out of luck?
Not necessarily. "Water's a wonderful molecule," McKay said, "but there are other wonderful molecules."
Kerry Remark on Foreign Leaders Faulted (JODI WILGOREN, 3/15/04, NY Times)
A Republican business owner here in this November battleground state and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had the same questions Sunday for Senator John Kerry: Which foreign leaders told you they support your campaign, and when did you meet with them?The questions, in a volatile exchange at a forum here and in an interview on Fox News Sunday, stemmed from a comment that Mr. Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, made last Monday at a Florida fund-raiser. It was the second time in recent days that stray comments by Mr. Kerry diverted attention from his themes of creating jobs and providing health insurance.
"I just want an honest answer," Cedric Brown, 52, who owns a small sign company, told Mr. Kerry.
"Were they people like Blair or were they people like the president of North Korea?" he asked, referring to the British prime minister, Tony Blair. "Why not tell us who it was? Senator, you're making yourself sound like a liar."
Mr. Brown's repeated questions came hours after Mr. Powell said on television that Mr. Kerry's vague claim to have the backing of unnamed foreign leaders was "an easy charge."
"If he feels it is that important an assertion to make, he ought to list some names," Mr. Powell said. "If he can't list names, then perhaps he should find something else to talk about."
Mr. Powell also challenged Mr. Kerry's recent assertions that Mr. Powell had been undermined in foreign policy debates in the Bush administration.
"Name a specific issue where it looks like I have been marginalized," Mr. Powell said.
US revealed to be secretly funding opponents of Chavez (Andrew Buncombe, 13 March 2004, Independent)
Washington has been channelling hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund the political opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez - including those who briefly overthrew the democratically elected leader in a coup two years ago.Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that, in 2002, America paid more than a million dollars to those political groups in what it claims is an ongoing effort to build democracy and "strengthen political parties". Mr Chavez has seized on the information, telling Washington to "get its hands off Venezuela".
The revelation about America's funding of Mr Chavez's opponents comes as the president is facing a possible recall referendum and has been rocked by a series of violent street demonstrations in which at least eight people have died. His opponents, who include politicians, some labour leaders, media executives and former managers at the state oil company, are trying to collect sufficient signatures to force a national vote. The documents reveal that one of the group's organising the collection of signatures - Sumate - received $53,400 (£30,000) from the US last September.
Jeremy Bigwood, a Washington-based freelance journalist who obtained the documents, yesterday told The Independent: "This repeats a pattern started in Nicaragua in the election of 1990 when [the US] spent $20 per voter to get rid of [the Sandinista President Daniel] Ortega. It's done in the name of democracy but it's rather hypocritical. Venezuela does have a democratically elected President who won the popular vote which is not the case with the US."
The funding has been made by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) a non-profit agency financed entirely by Congress. It distributes $40m (£22m) a year to various groups in what it says is an effort to strengthen democracy.
It's India Above China in New World Order: Can India overtake China? That's the title of an influential new article in Foreign Policy magazine. A Q&A with authors Yasheng Huang of MIT and Tarun Khanna of HBS. (Martha Lagace, Mar. 15, 2004, HBS Working Knowledge)
[C]hina and India are the world's next major powers, according to the writers, Yasheng Huang, formerly of Harvard Business School and now a professor at M.I.T. Sloan School of Management, and Tarun Khanna, a professor of strategy at HBS. It is also important because the two countries have embraced very different models of development.The reasons they have done so are complex but, in general, China has discouraged or actively undermined local entrepreneurship in favor of an foreign direct investment-dependent approach, they say. India, on the other hand, is building an infrastructure—however slowly—that allows entrepreneurship and free enterprise to thrive. By making fuller use of its resources, India's long-term outlook may be far stronger, they suggest. Macroeconomic statistics cited by Huang and Khanna show China clearly in the lead. "But," the authors wonder in Foreign Policy, "the real issue isn't where China and India are today, but where they will be tomorrow."
How these two models play out has great significance not just for Asia but also for other parts of the world that want to benefit from their lessons and avoid their mistakes.
Huang and Khanna recently collaborated on an e-mail interview with HBS Working Knowledge to discuss their Foreign Policy article, Can India Overtake China? [...]
Q: As you think about the future of both countries, what are your main concerns or worries, given these two different models?
A: Our concerns for China are these: how will China give political voice to the public, if at all, along with increasing economic autonomy? We are also concerned about instability caused by migration to cities and the large (though decreasing) role of bankrupt, state-owned enterprises that continue to play a Social Security-like role in China. But the biggest source of worry is the state of China's banking sector, which is technically insolvent. The banking problem is one of the biggest costs of the delay associated with developing a vibrant, domestic private sector.
Here are our concerns for India. How will India rein in its fiscal deficit? How will India discipline its political class? One challenge India faces is deregulation. India is also quite over-regulated compared to other countries at its level of per capita income.
HOW KERRY QUIT VETERANS GROUP AMID DARK PLOT: When Talk Turned To Assassination He Exited, Vet Says (THOMAS H. LIPSCOMB, 3/12/04, NY Sun)
The anti-war group that John Kerry was the principal spokesman for debated and voted on a plot to assassinate politicians who supported the Vietnam War.Mr. Kerry denies being present at the November 12-15, 1971, meeting in Kansas City of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and says he quit the group before the meeting. But according to the current head of Missouri Veterans for Kerry, Randy Barnes, Mr. Kerry,who was then 27,was at the meeting, voted against the plot, and then orally resigned from the organization.
Mr. Barnes was present as part of the Kansas City host chapter for the 1971 meeting and recounted the incident in a phone interview with The New York Sun this week.
In addition to Mr. Barnes’s recollection placing Mr. Kerry at the Kansas City meeting, another Vietnam veteran who attended the meeting, Terry Du-Bose, said that Mr. Kerry was there.
There are at least two other independent corroborations that the antiwar group Vietnam Veterans Against the War, of which Mr. Kerry was the most prominent national spokesman, considered assassinating American political leaders who favored the war.
Gerald Nicosia’s 2001 book “Home To War” reports that one of the key leaders of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Scott Camil, “proposed the assassination of the most hard-core conservative members of Congress, as well as any other powerful, intractable opponents of the antiwar movement.” The book reports on the Kansas City meeting at which Mr.Camil’s plan was debated and then voted down.
Mr. Nicosia’s book was widely praised by reviewers as varied as General Harold Moore, author of “We Were Soldiers”; Gloria Emerson, who had been a New York Times reporter during the Vietnam War, and leftist Howard Zinn. Mr. Kerry himself stated in a blurb on the cover that the book “ties together the many threads of a difficult period.” Mr. Kerry hosted a party for the book in the Hart Senate Office Building that was televised on C-SPAN.
Another source is an October 20,1992, oral history interview of Scott Camil on file at the University of Florida Oral History Archive. In it, Mr.Camil speaks of his plan for an alternative to Mr. Kerry’s idea of symbolically throwing veterans’ medals over the fence onto the steps of the Capitol during the Dewey Canyon III demonstration in Washington in April of 1971.
“My plan was that, on the last day we would go into the [congressional] offices we would schedule the most hardcore hawks for last — and we would shoot them all,” Mr. Camil told the Oral History interviewer. “I was serious.”
In a phone interview with the Sun this week, Mr. Camil did not dispute either the account in the Nicosia book or in the oral history. He said he plans to accept an offer by the Florida Kerry organization to become active in Mr. Kerry’s presidential campaign.
REVIVING MIDDLE EASTERN LIBERALISM (Saad Eddin Ibrahim, 15 May 2003, National Endowment for Democracy)
Democracy is the way forward. It is the only sure way to keep the Middle East from going to the brink of war every few years. In an article recently published in the Washington Post, I counted the number of times that the United States or other Western powers have had to form military coalitions or use large-scale armed force in the region to avert or resolve a problem. From 1958, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent U.S. Marines to Lebanon, up through the Iraq War of 2003, the rate of military interventions has averaged one every seven years. God knows when the next one will be, but without democracy they are sure to continue, and that is no light matter. It is time for us as Arabs to put our own houses in order.There are a thousand and one difficulties facing us as we work to institute democracy in the Arab world and the larger Middle East. And yet what choice do we have except to try once, twice, or as often as we must? Government by consent, respect for human rights, and support for the rule of law are the only things that can finally and securely protect our countries, our region, and the world against the threats of terrorism and of crises that compel outsiders to come and use military force on our shores.
How do I rate the prospects for democracy in the Middle East? I think that they are surprisingly good. I am well aware of those who marshal evidence to show that instituting democracies and open societies in the region, or perhaps even in the larger Muslim world, is difficult or impossible. The difficulties are well known and undeniable. But they can all be overcome. In previous decades, authoritative voices said that Germany, Japan, Slavic countries, and even the Catholic societies would never, could never, be democratic. I am not speaking of popular prejudices here, but of high-level scholarship and expert consensus. Batteries of learned naysayers honestly believed that there was something about German, Japanese, or Slavic culture, or about Catholicism, that was fundamentally and unchangeably hostile to democracy and democratic values.
Experience, of course, proved that these doubts were not as well founded as they seemed. At the Ibn Khaldun Center, we are convinced that similar doubts about the potential for democracy in Arab cultures, the Middle East, and the Muslim world will ultimately prove just as feebly grounded. Indeed, I am heartened by the instances of modest progress toward greater political openness that we are already seeing. The successes are limited, but real. The most prominent has come in Turkey, which recently witnessed an alternation in power following a free and vigorously contested election-with a party of self-avowed "Muslim democrats" now running the government. Less dramatic examples of increasing political competition can be found in Morocco, Bahrain, Jordan, and Kuwait. Movement forward has so far been tenuous and uneven, but these countries-and also Yemen-do appear to be making some headway, at least.
From this I take a renewed measure of hope and determination, as do the many people throughout the region who think like me. And make no mistake, there are quite a few of them. They are not all famous or high- 8 Journal of Democracy profile, but there are plenty of people who are interested in democracy and its possibilities. Those of us who have made a public and systematic commitment to open politics and free societies have an obligation to reach out to these people. We need to engage them and make them partners in the cause of liberty and self-government.
In this project, civil society is crucial. That is the title that we have given to the Ibn Khaldun Center's major periodical publication. We define civil society as a free space within which people can assemble, work together, express themselves, organize, and pursue shared interests in an open and peaceful manner. This is the sort of thing that the Center was founded to encourage. The space available for the work may vary-at times it may shrink to the dimensions of a tiny prison cell, as it did in my case for a while. But even while I was locked in that cell, I felt freer than my oppressors, and that is what gave me strength for all of those three years.
Near the end of my time in prison, I heard about Professor Hashem Aghajari in Iran, a fellow intellectual who was arrested, tried, and condemned to death for blasphemy because he dared to criticize the rule of the mullahs over his country and to tell his fellow Iranians that they should not be blind followers. I had never heard of him or read any of his writings-he is a historian who publishes in Persian-but I felt an instant bond with him and sensed that we had something deeply in common. Prisons are seldom comfortable places, but I understand that he had a particularly hard time of it: He is an amputee, having lost one of his legs fighting in Iran's war with Iraq in the 1980s, and in jail his stump became infected.
In the Middle Ages there used to be something called the Silk Road, which was an overland trade route that ran from the Atlantic shores of Morocco to the Great Wall of China. It was a famous path, steeped in lore and plied by picturesque caravans. When I heard of Professor Aghajari and then of dissidents in Tunisia also languishing in jail, another picture popped into my head: The romantic Silk Road of yesteryear has in our time become a kind of Despots' Alley or Tyrants' Row, with various sorts of unfree governments lying end-to-end on the map from Beijing right on through to North Africa.
But then I reflected some more and thought, in all these storied lands there are people who are working for the same things that I am working for. Whatever might happen-whether prison or even death might await us-we could all feel that we were part of a larger freedom struggle whose value and significance humbled us even while they lifted us up. I've never believed anything more strongly in my life. This is not just about Egypt, or the Middle East, or the Arab peoples-this is a global struggle, a battle for the world. Those who are carrying it on in countries and regions such as mine need the help of citizens in mature democracies. Reach out to us, engage us in dialogue, give us a hand if and when you can, and let our message be heard in the West so our culture and our religion will not be unjustly condemned as intrinsically against freedom and democracy, because they are not.
People everywhere aspire to freedom and democracy. They might not always articulate their hopes in a lucid manner that would find a fair hearing here in the West, but they are there, believe me. They need opportunities to organize and to do the work that needs to be done. In Egypt, despite all our ups and downs, we have had a civil society sector for more than a century and a half. In 1840, Greek émigrés who had settled in Egypt founded the first group that you might call a modern nongovernmental organization; by 1900, there were more than two hundred such local groups. Great hospitals, relief organizations, and our first secular university all began as the works of civil society organizations. Likewise, Egypt could boast a vibrant multiparty parliamentary democracy, an independent judiciary, and one of the earliest movements for female emancipation anywhere in the world.
For about a century, then, from around 1850 until about the time of the Free Officers' coup that toppled the monarchy and brought Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser to power in 1952, there flourished in Egypt a Liberal Age that is all too often unjustly forgotten in discussions of Arab politics today. Leading thinkers and writers such as Taha Hussein and the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Naghib Mahfouz period, but there were literally hundreds of others. This was also a time of relative sectarian peace and tolerance. The great Oxford historian Albert Hourani's History of the Arab Peoples is a good primer on this and other aspects of political development in that period.
The Liberal Age came to an end after the Arab defeat at the hands of Israel in the 1948 war and the subsequent rise of military regimes across the Arab world. With ideological roots in populist nationalism, these governments soon became entrenched autocracies. Civil society groups, political parties, trade unions, and the independent judiciary were among their early victims.
Faces of Globalization: A dilemma in India (Indrajit Basu, March 12, 2004 , UPI)
It's good for the economy; it creates employment, lots of it, and working nights at India's back offices is pleasing and financially rewarding for a huge number of young Indians.However, India's money-spinning industry of taking service jobs from overseas is turning out to be a source of discomfort for U.S. and European politicians. And also the subcontinent is now fast realizing that its famed success in so-called Business Process Outsourcing may have come at the cost of a generation's mental well-being.
Owing to the 10 1/2 hour time difference between the Western Hemisphere, particularly the United States, which sends more service jobs abroad than anyone else, almost all Indian back office operations have to work at shifts typically running from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m. local time to coincide with the daytime office hours in the United States.
And it's this working at nights that requires adjusting the biological clock and social practices to a different time, which is turning out to be a major cause for health-related and social problems. [...]
Indeed, the high degree of dissatisfaction that is fast dawning on Indian back office employees is getting to be a major cause for worry in India's back office sector, which is billed as one of the country's most important sectors for economic growth.
In a recent survey of employee satisfaction in what the industry calls Business Process Outsourcing, a staggering 35 percent of respondents said they are likely to leave because they cannot handle the schedule. The survey also showed something else: Money remains the biggest reason why most people join call centers. Forty-five percent of all respondents across the industry said they joined up for the money, with another 42 percent adding that they would most likely leave for better opportunities, i.e. read money, elsewhere.
And 27 percent said they would leave either because of work stress or the sheer physical strain that was too much to handle.
Even work related ailments are reality. Sleeping disorders, digestive system disorders and eyesight problems are prevalent.
We Are All Spaniards: On 3/11, Madrid suffered the deadliest terrorist attack the Continent has seen in years. Spanish authorities are probing al-Qaeda links. And Europe is wondering who'll be next (JOSH TYRANGIEL, March 14, 2004, TIME)
Spaniards today made democratic elections more likely targets of terrorism.
A Red Planet Forever in the Orbit of Science and Dreams (KIM STANLEY ROBINSON, 3/13/04, NY Times)
Mars and science fiction came of age together in the 1890's, and ever since they have had a tight relationship, a feedback loop that has made both famous.It began with the American astronomer Percival Lowell, who built a technically advanced telescope and through it saw straight lines on the surface of the red planet. He explained that these had to be the canals of an alien race whose planet was drying out, forcing them to convey water from the polar caps, also visible.
Of course Lowell's elaborately postulated Martian culture was a kind of self-hypnosis, in effect a science-fiction novel already. But his speculative leap from limited evidence was not that different in method from the archaeology of Schliemann at Troy, or Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos. And so his Mars was widely accepted as a possibility based on real data.
The news galvanized the world. Other writers immediately recognized that if there really were a civilization on Mars, it could be anything; Lowell's version was only one guess. Quickly other Martian fictions appeared in all the leading industrial nations, and many had a major impact. In Germany Kurd Lasswitz's "Two Planets" (1897) sold several hundred thousand copies, and clubs formed to discuss it. Lasswitz described a Martian technological utopia, enjoying great domestic comfort through advances in food production, transport, urban planning and space travel. Young men like Wernher von Braun and Willy Ley were greatly impressed, so much so that they later became rocket scientists. It could even be said that it was Lowell's imagination that got us to the moon by 1969.
In Russia the book was "Red Star," by Aleksandr Bogdanov. Here the utopia is political, though also technically advanced. Mars's socialist civilization has been living in peace for five centuries, but when it sends emissaries to Earth, terrible problems arise. Can social progress be imposed on a less developed culture?
This very impressive novel, written in 1908, considers this and other questions while offhandedly predicting much of 20th-century history. It, too, inspired clubs, debates, professional and amateur sequels, and a generation of young scientists, including engineers in the Soviet space program.
A decade earlier in England, H. G. Wells considered what might happen if this advanced Martian civilization decided to come here and take our water, which would be as valuable to Martians as oil is to us. Wells intended "War of the Worlds" to remind British readers of the recent massacre of the Tasmanian aborigines — while putting them at the wrong end of the gun.
In the United States, on the other hand, the pulp-action adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs's John Carter series abjured any heavy political message, except perhaps the idea that it would be fun to live in a fantasy Wild West forever, especially if you could leap much higher than the bad guys.
Thus from the turn of the 20th century through the 1920's, many scientifically literate people considered a Martian civilization quite possible, and fiction speculating about it was widespread and influential. By the end of the 1930's, however, the scientists were shaking their heads. Radio telescopes were revealing that the Martian atmosphere was extremely thin, and had neither oxygen nor water. Not only was civilization unlikely, but life itself looked as if it would have a hard time as well. And then Orson Welles's radio dramatization of "War of the Worlds" scared people and was declared a hoax, and this somehow debunked the whole idea.
Pavarotti Dies a Final Time at the Met (ALLAN KOZINN, 3/14/04, NY Times)
Luciano Pavarotti offered his farewell to the opera stage with a performance of Puccini's "Tosca'' last night at the Metropolitan Opera, and when the curtain fell on the third act, the packed house gave him a 15-minute standing ovation, including several minutes of insistent rhythmic clapping when it appeared that he would not return to the stage.There was, surprisingly, neither the tossing of bouquets or the rain of program-book confetti that often occurs on such occasions. But after the third of 10 curtain calls, a large red and white banner on the second tier was unfurled and spotlighted. It read, ``We Love You Luciano,'' with a heart-shaped "o'' in "Love.'' The banner was from the Met.
The performance was the 68-year old tenor's 379th at the Met since his debut in 1968. Of those, 357 were in full-fledged opera productions; the rest were in galas (which often include operatic scenes and arias), special concerts and recitals. Of his operatic appearances, 61 were of the doomed painter Mario Cavaradossi, the hero of "Tosca.'' He also sang the role at the Met last Saturday and on Wednesday.
To paraphrase Richard Nixon: You won't have Pavarotti to orbit around anymore.
Inside The Dems' Shadow Party: How they're using soft money and private groups to combat the GOP money machine (Business Week, 3/22/04)
In 2002, as campaign-finance reform was about to become law, a few savvy Democratic activists saw the future -- and it was potentially devastating. The problem: While the Democratic Party raised $520 million in the 2000 election cycle, nearly half of it came in big-buck "soft-money" donations that the McCain-Feingold Act would all but eliminate. In the upcoming Presidential election, the Dems would be even more badly outgunned by the GOP, which in 2000 pulled in $712 million -- but only $246 million of it in soft money. To make an end run around the new campaign law, these behind-the-scenes players rushed to set up political committees that can legally collect soft money, pay for issue ads, and encourage voter turnout.The downside: They cannot give to candidates or be directly connected to a political party. Known as 527s after a provision of the federal code that grants them tax-exempt status, the committees have been spectacularly successful since they got under way last year, having already raised almost $100 million in soft money. More important than the dollars, though, is the highly sophisticated political machine under construction -- a web of interlocking, like-minded organizations that could at once save and partly supplant the Democratic Party. And if the 527s don't give presumptive nominee Senator John Kerry an edge against George W. Bush, they will at least help level the playing field.
This strategy is largely the brainchild of Steve Rosenthal, former political director of the AFL-CIO. His group, America Coming Together (ACT), hopes to raise $95 million to build an elab- orate operation that will spur Democratic voters to the polls in 17 battleground states. ACT is working closely with the Media Fund, set up by former Clinton aide Harold Ickes, which hopes to raise an additional $50 million to target the same voters with issue ads.
These two big committees are coordinating with smaller 527s, as well as with more than two dozen left-leaning organizations such as the Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood (table). The two groups even have jointly hired their own pollsters, opposition research, and public-relations team. "We're a lot like a campaign, but without a candidate," says Ickes.
Moroccan arrested in Madrid was watched (NICOLAS MARMIE, 3/14/04, ASSOCIATED PRESS)
One of three Moroccans arrested in connection with the Madrid train bombings was already being closely watched by authorities in his homeland, where he was suspected of ties to an al-Qaida-linked group, a Moroccan official said Sunday.Jamal Zougam, 30, was one of thousands of Moroccans put under surveillance by authorities after May terrorist bombings in the coastal city of Casablanca, a high-level official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity. There were no formal accusations against him.
The other two suspects, Mohamed Bekkali, 31, and Mohamed Chaoui, 34, had no police record at home, the official said.
Spanish authorities arrested the three Saturday, along with two Indians, in connection with Thursday bombings in Madrid, which killed 200 people and injured 1,500.
All were taken into custody in connection with a cell phone and prepaid card in an explosives-filled gym bag found on one of the four trains bombed, Spanish Interior Minister Angel Acebes has said. Acebes also said one of the Moroccans may be linked to extremist groups but did not say which one.
Pensions sink with workforce: Parliament passes legislation that will radically change state retirement fund (Elise Kissling, 3/12/04, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
In the future, the level of retirement benefits will depend on the size of the workforce in relationship to the number of retirees. Pensions will automatically decline as the German population shrinks over the next 25 years.The government hopes the legislation will keep payments into the pay-as-you-go national pension system below 22 percent of gross wages in 25 years when there will be just over two workers to support each retired person.
Today, the working population is still four times as large as the number of retirees. But a very low fertility rate of 1.3 children per woman and a rapid rise in life expectancy mean that Germany will experience a particularly dramatic change in the age structure over the next 30 years.
Employees pay 19.5 percent of their gross salary into the system, which costs almost 12 percent of gross domestic product. That is 2.5 times as much as the U.S. Social Security system. But in contrast to other state pension plans, Germany's system offers a high level of retirement income based on a person's earnings history.
A last-minute concession made to the left-wing of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's Social Democratic Party has put the goal of keeping pension pay-outs in line with contributions to the system out of reach. It would prevent the government from reducing the average pension rate for a person with 45 years in the labor force to below 46 percent of net wages.
“It's nonsense. In all likelihood, we know that 46 percent of net income will be incompatible with a rate of 22 percent,“ said Axel Börsch-Supan, the director of MEA research institute, who played a key role in working out the new calculation method. “It would work if you increased the retirement age by two-and-a-half years. But the crew of people that wants to keep benefits at 46 percent is also against increasing the retirement age.“
It's not raining, Madrid is crying (JEREMY WATSON, 3/14/04, Scotland on Sunday)
AFTER the mass displays of collective anger came the shattering images of deeply personal grief.Under a grey drizzle, the traumatised citizens of Madrid and its surrounding towns turned out in their thousands yesterday to bury their dead.
There was nine-year-old Marcos Gonzales, who should have been playing football in the park with his friends. Instead, he was bravely trying to wipe away the tears as he stood at the side of his father’s coffin.
There was the distraught but proud family of Federico Miguel Sierra who gathered in a rain-sodden cemetery to say goodbye to their army officer son.
They were scenes gruesomely replicated across the Spanish capital, awash with black mourning sashes, as the relatives of the first 60 of the 200 dead did what they had to do.
The first funeral masses took place in the sports pavilion of Alcala de Hanares, best-known up to now as the birthplace of Don Quixote writer Migel de Cervantes. Forever more it will be known as the place where three of the four ill-fated trains set off on Thursday.
Yesterday, the local sports hall should have been echoing to the sounds of youngsters taking part in their favourite sports. Instead, hundreds of mourners crammed into plastic seats for a mass for Felix Gonzales, an air force lieutenant, and Pilar Cabrejas.
It was left to Bishop Jesus Catala to put into words what many felt. "There is a divine justice that nobody can escape from," he said. "They will never escape from this justice." [...]
Grief blanketed the national pastime, football, last night. Players at Real Madrid’s home match against Real Zaragoza wore black armbands and observed a minute’s silence before kick-off, a mark of respect to be repeated at all Primera Liga games this weekend.
"It is not raining. Madrid is crying," said Jorge Mendez, a 20-year-old communications student.
Yesterday’s funerals were the first of many more that will take place over the next few days, spanning the generations and all walks of Spanish life. They will include an eight-month-old Polish baby, Patricia, found clinging to life on a station platform after being blown across the track from a bombed train. She died from serious blast injuries in the Baby Jesus Children’s Hospital despite frantic attempts to save her.
Her mother is still in hospital recovering from serious injuries. The whereabouts of her father are unknown. More than 41 people still remain to be accounted for after Thursday’s devastation.
An aunt told how Patricia’s parents had brought their baby to Spain for a better future. "They all felt very Spanish," she said.
What's there to choose? (Ayaz Amir, 3/05/04, Dawn)
Three weeks ago I gleefully suggested that Bush might slip on the way to November. This was the price he'd have to pay for taking America into a war justified by outright lies and cheap propaganda.Behind that prediction was not love for the Democratic frontrunner, John Kerry, or the rest of the weasel pack in the Democratic race. It was subjectivity, pure and simple.
George Bush and the neo-con gang around him had concocted the reasons for the invasion of Iraq. Since hubris should take a fall, he had no business being re-elected. And the American electorate would have to be dumber than usual to vote him into the White House again.
But as the presidential race gets into high gear, an uncomfortable truth is becoming clearer: that on the Iraq war there is really nothing to choose between Bush and Kerry.
Kerry supported the war all the way, voicing not the slightest doubts about its wisdom. Even now, about the only criticism of the war he allows himself is that Bush went ahead without taking America's allies along.
In the run-up to the war Kerry was a card-carrying member of the war party. "Iraq," he said, "has chemical and biological weapons" and even claimed it was "attempting to develop nuclear weapons."
On October 11 2002 he voted for the resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq. When the war started he co-sponsored a Senate resolution stating that the invasion was "lawful and fully authorized by the Congress" and that he "commends and supports the efforts and leadership of the the conflict with Iraq."
Any backtracking or apology for the stand he took then? Not the least bit. The Democrats are not touching the Iraq war or facing up to it. Nor is Kerry. There seems to be a bipartisan consensus to simply fudge the issue and get on with other things.
The only person who had fire in his belly was Howard Dean. And look how he was squeezed out of the race, his views too radical for what is dubbed as "the American mainstream". Strange country, the U.S.: if you oppose the thuggery visited on Iraq, as Dean did, you are a radical.
Kerry's stances on Cuba open to attack (PETER WALLSTEN, 3/14.04, Miami Herald)
''I'm pretty tough on Castro, because I think he's running one of the last vestiges of a Stalinist secret police government in the world,'' Kerry told WPLG-ABC 10 reporter Michael Putney in an interview to be aired at 11:30 this morning.Then, reaching back eight years to one of the more significant efforts to toughen sanctions on the communist island, Kerry volunteered: ``And I voted for the Helms-Burton legislation to be tough on companies that deal with him.''
It seemed the correct answer in a year in which Democratic strategists think they can make a play for at least a portion of the important Cuban-American vote -- as they did in 1996 when more than three in 10 backed President Clinton's reelection after he signed the sanctions measure written by Sen. Jesse Helms and Rep. Dan Burton.
There is only one problem: Kerry voted against it.
Kerry Calls for Rhetorical Cease-Fire (Matea Gold, March 14, 2004, LA Times)
After a week of increasingly shrill partisan sniping, presumed Democratic nominee John F. Kerry on Saturday called on President Bush to help him elevate the tone of the presidential campaign, urging his opponent to join him for monthly forums in the spirit of the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates.
Insider trading: It's a good thing (Jascha Hoffman, 3/14/2004, Boston Globe)
Insider trading, defined by the SEC as the use of "material, nonpublic information" in stock sales, was first outlawed in the United States in the wake of the stock market crash of 1929. The rule went unchallenged -- and unenforced -- for decades. But soon after the first insider-trading conviction in 1961, economist Henry Manne stunned the corporate law crowd by arguing that insider trading, though harmful to some investors, should be legal nonetheless.First, Manne argued, insider trades would make a company's stock more quickly reflect the company's actual value, making the market more efficient. The canonical example is Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., whose managers gobbled up the company's stock in 1963 and `64 before announcing they had struck ore in Canada, inflating their share price with their own demand -- and enriching fellow stockholders -- well before the good news was released.
More importantly, Manne saw insider trading as a form of incentive compensation, a way to turn rule-bound managers into "corporate entrepreneurs" who would want to create more good news for their companies so they could trade on it.
Don Boudreaux, chairman of the economics department at George Mason University, takes Manne's argument a step farther, claiming that insider trading can actually fight corporate crime by serving as a silent form of whistleblowing. If insiders who knew about malfeasance were free to sell their company's stock short, Boudreaux claimed in a recent interview, the resulting decline in share value would serve as a distress signal to investors, and might eventually encourage a takeover.
The democrat: Iran's leading reformist intellectual tries to reconcile religious duties and human rights (Laura Secor, 3/14/2004, Boston Globe)
IF IRAN'S DEMOCRATIC REFORM movement has a house intellectual, it's Abdolkarim Soroush. A small, soft-spoken philosopher with fiercely expressive eyebrows, Soroush specializes in mysticism, Sufi poetry, Islamic theology, chemistry, pharmacology, and the philosophy of science. Although he once worked for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's revolutionary government, he now advances a powerful argument for democracy and human rights -- and he does so drawing not only on John Stuart Mill and John Rawls, but also on the deepest intellectual traditions of Shi'ite Islam. Religion must remain aloof from governance, he is fond of saying, not because religion is false and would corrupt politics, but because religion is true and politics corrupts it.Soroush's work is heady, abstract stuff. And yet, its hold on throngs of young Iranians -- hundreds of students show up to the typical Soroush lecture -- is so strong that Iran's ruling mullahs consider him a threat, and pro-clerical militias regularly harass and beat him when he speaks in his native land. That's why these days, he makes his home at Princeton University, where he teaches a seminar of fewer than 10 graduate students and passes all but unnoticed through the halls of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy. [...]
Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution seemed to herald a new era for the Muslim world. In place of the secular, corrupt, repressive government of the American-backed Shah, Iranians imagined they would create something entirely new: a regime that would promote social justice and spiritual fulfillment, and one that would draw on indigenous cultural traditions and the theory of the state embedded in the country's overwhelmingly dominant faith, Islam.
The charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini, who had suffered prison and exile under the Shah, would replace a crass, alien capitalism with a dignified, indigenous spiritualism that rejected worldly motives. As Khomeini admonished the people, the purpose of the revolution was not "to have less expensive melons" but to lead a more elevated life.
In the end, however, Khomeini saddled Iran with something not all his supporters bargained for: the doctrine of velayat-i-faqi, or the rule of the jurist. This doctrine effectively delivered autocratic executive powers to Iran's clerics, and particularly to the ayatollah deemed wisest by his peers -- in the first instance, Khomeini himself. [...]
[W]hile Soroush makes a business of separating the rational from the divine, he is everywhere clear that his aim is not to diminish the divine but to protect it. In his seminal Kiyan essay, "The Expansion and Contraction of Religious Knowledge," Soroush argued that the essence of religion, which is immutable, eternal, and sacred, can be separated from religious knowledge, which is mutable, relative, and historical. The implications of this simple theory were far-reaching. The interpretive work of the clergy, therefore, was not itself divine; rather, the pursuit of religious knowledge was human and historically situated. Religious ideology, like religious knowledge, also stood apart from religion itself as something ephemeral and, in Soroush's view, dispensable.
As Daniel Brumberg writes in "Reinventing Khomeini: The Struggle for Reform in Iran," it is precisely in separating religious knowledge from the core of religion that Soroush makes it possible to engage with Western ideas without invoking the Muslim bugbears of "cultural surrender, cultural superiority, or mechanistic `borrowing.' " Rather, one can apprehend justice, say, through reason, and reason can wield tools of worldly -- even of Western -- provenance. In any case, Soroush argues, contemporary Iran draws on three cultural wellsprings: Persian, Islamic, and Western.
Soroush believes that religious institutions and political ones should be kept separate. Doing so will allow religious life to truly flourish, because it will be chosen rather than imposed. But if this sounds like Western-style liberal secularism, it isn't. Rather, Soroush envisions what he calls a democratic religious society. Its goal is the freedom of believers to practice and live by their faith without compulsion -- but also without the "profanity" that pervades Western secular life.
Shari'ah law provides the Islamic framework for moral living, and Soroush does not seem prepared to do away with it, although he is clear that scripture should never form the sole basis of legislation. Indeed, Soroush sees Shari'ah as a form of religious knowledge rather than an article of religious faith. And so, in his view, it should be subject to rational discussion and adjustment.
It is here that my discussion with Soroush becomes most tangled and most intriguing. Shari'ah law is flexible, he tells me. It can be reinterpreted by religious scholars who may not feel that its actual provisions -- the stoning of adulterers, say -- still perform the functions God intended.
But is this not antidemocratic? Unelected, unaccountable jurists are left to make political decisions based on their interpretation of the divine intent, and the social expediency, of Qu'ranic injunctions. And what about human rights? I ask Soroush. The idea of human rights is still alien to Iranian jurists, he tells me, but when they are better educated that will change: "I am 100 percent sure that if our clerics become familiar with the ideas of human rights, not superficially but deeply, philosophically, that definitely this will influence their interpretation of Shari'ah."
What Soroush would like, then, is for Islamic thought to engage and adapt secular notions of rights. What he doesn't want, however, is for rights claims to take precedence over traditional religious morality. He certainly doesn't wish to see Iranian society become as permissive as American society, where he believes that human rights claims have unduly silenced religious believers. He says, "Like even the omnipotent god whose actions are conditioned by the concept of justice, human rights, though they are universal, must be conditioned by the idea of morality. I think human rights nowadays has been carried away." While those who advocate human rights may favor gay rights, for instance, Soroush believes homosexuality is simply immoral.
These guys want to kill us anyway (Mark Steyn, 15mar04, The Australian)
"THE bombs dropped on Baghdad exploded in Madrid!" declared one "peace" protester in Spain. Or as Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty put it, somewhat less vividly: "If this turns out to be Islamic extremists . . . it is more likely to be linked to the position that Spain and other allies took on issues such as Iraq."By "other allies", he means you – yes, you, reading this on the bus to work in Australia. You may not have supported the war, or ever voted for John Howard, but you're now a target. In other words, this is "blowback". This is what you get when you side with the swaggering Texas gunslinger and his neocon Zionist sidekicks.
Across a Great Divide (PETER SCHNEIDER, March 13, 2004, NY Times)
The war in Iraq has made the Atlantic seem wider. But really it has had the effect of a magnifying glass, bringing older and more fundamental differences between Europe and the United States into focus.These growing divisions — over war, peace, religion, sex, life and death — amount to a philosophical dispute about the common origins of European and American civilization. Both children of the Enlightenment, the United States and Europe clearly differ about the nature of this inheritance and about who is its better custodian.
Start with religion. The United States is experiencing a revival of the Christian faith in many areas of civic and political life, while in Europe the process of secularization continues unabated. Today the United States is the most religious-minded society of the Western democracies. In a 2003 Harris poll 79 percent of Americans said they believed in God, and more than a third said they attended a religious service once a month or more. Numerous polls have shown that these figures are much lower in Western Europe. In the United States a majority of respondents in recent years told pollsters that they believed in angels, while in Europe the issue was apparently considered so preposterous that no one even asked the question.
When American commentators warn about a new fundamentalism, they generally mention only the Islamic one. European intellectuals include two other kinds: the Jewish and Christian variants.
Terms that President Bush has used, like "crusade" and "axis of evil," and Manichaean exclusions like his observation that anyone who is not on our side is on the side of the terrorists, reveal the assumption of a religious mantle by a secular power, which in Europe has become unthinkable. Was it not, perhaps, this same sense of religious infallibility that seduced senior members of the Bush administration into leading their country into a war with Iraq on the basis of information that has turned out to be false? [...]
What arouses European suspicion, though, is the doctrine of just, preemptive wars President Bush has outlined. Anyone who claims to be waging a preventive war in the cause of justice is confusing either a particular or a partisan interest with the interests of humanity.
If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Run for President (ELISABETH BUMILLER, 3/14/04, NY Times)
[T]he 20th century had its low moments, too, like the 1948 race between Thomas E. Dewey and the incumbent Harry S. Truman. An Oct. 26 headline in The New York Times captures the campaign's tenor: "President Likens Dewey to Hitler as Fascists' Tool."Truman's victory gave credence to successive generations of political consultants who say negative campaigning, as much as voters malign it, works.
"There's generally a very small group of undecided voters, and many of them tend to have murky party loyalties, and they respond to negative advertising," said Bill Carrick, a Democratic strategist who advised Representative Richard A. Gephardt before he dropped out of this year's presidential race. "A lot of times voters are undecided because they're not paying a lot of attention. They're cynical by nature, and they're more likely to believe negative information than positive information."
Madison Avenue tends to agree. "People want something emotional and dramatic," said Jerry Della Femina, the adman. "You can say, 'I'm a nice person' just so many times. After a while you turn and say, 'The other guy's a louse.' People would like to think that they are thoughtful and not swayed by negative advertising, but the fact is, they are. We're verbally aggressive. It's the American way. If it wasn't this way, we wouldn't have hockey."
While other countries have negative political races, none are remotely as long as those in the United States, the birthplace of Bill Clinton and the permanent campaign. These marathons, along with modern communications, tend to make the campaigns seem even nastier than they are, particularly to masochists willing to subject themselves to the 24-hour invective available on cable television and the Internet.
Ides of March Marked Murder of Julius Caesar (Jennifer Vernon, March 12, 2004, National Geographic News)
By the time of Caesar, Rome had a long-established republican government headed by two consuls with joint powers. Praetors were one step below consuls in the power chain and handled judicial matters. A body of citizens forming the Senate proposed legislation, which general people's assemblies then approved by vote. A special temporary office, that of dictator, was established for use only during times of extreme civil unrest.The Romans had no love for kings. According to legend, they expelled their last one in 509 B.C. While Caesar had made pointed and public displays of turning down offers of kingship, he showed no reluctance to accept the office of "dictator for life" in February 44 B.C. According to Osgood, this action may have sealed his fate in the minds of his enemies. "We can see [now] that that was enough to get him killed," Osgood said.
Caesar had pushed the envelope for some time before his death. "Caesar was the first living Roman ever to appear on the coinage," Osgood said. Normally, the honor was reserved for deities. He notes that some historians suspect that Caesar might have been attempting to establish a cult in his honor in a move towards deification. [...]
Brutus, however, was torn in his allegiance to Caesar, Osgood noted. Brutus's family had a tradition of rejecting authoritarian powers. Ancestor Junius Brutus was credited with throwing out the last king of Rome, Tarquin Superbus, in 509 B.C. Ahala, An ancestor of Marcus Brutus's mother, had killed another tyrant, Spurius Maelius. This lineage, coupled with a strong interest in the Greek idea of tyranicide, disposed Brutus to have little patience with perceived power grabbers.
The final blow came when his uncle Cato, a father figure to Brutus, killed himself after losing in a battle against Caesar in 46 B.C. Brutus may have felt shame over accepting Caesar's clemency and obligation to do Cato honor by continuing his quest to "save" the republic from Caesar, Osgood speculated.
It is this moral dilemma that has caused debate over whether or not Brutus should be branded a villain. [...]
Scholars disagree on just who was the on the side of "good." McNelis believes neither side is entirely in the clear. "We need to realize that we're dealing with very brutal and ruthless men on both sides."
In the end, the legacy of power Caesar established lived on through his heir Octavian, who later became Rome's first emperor, also known as Imperator Caesar Augustus. The Ides of March remained a pithy reminder to future rulers, according to McNelis. "Octavian seems to have been aware of the problems of presenting himself as Caesar had. … The Ides became a lesson in political self-presentation," he said.
Revealed: the full story of the Guantanamo Britons: The Observer's David Rose hears the Tipton Three give a harrowing account of their captivity in Cuba (David Rose, March 14, 2004, The Observer)
Among other disclosures, the three men revealed:· How early in their ordeal they survived a massacre perpetrated by Afghanistan's Northern Alliance troops who herded hundreds of prisoners into lorry containers and locked them in, so that people started to suffocate. Iqbal described how only 20 of 300 prisoners in each container lived, and then only because someone made holes in its side with a machine gun - an action which killed yet more prisoners;
· The existence of a secret super-maximum security facility outside the main part of Guantanamo's Camp Delta known as Camp Echo, where prisoners are held in tiny cells in solitary confinement 24-hours a day, with a military police officer permanently stationed outside each cell door. The handful of inmates of Camp Echo include two of the four remaining British detainees, Moazzem Begg and Feroz Abbasi, and the Australian, David Hicks;
· That they endured three months of solitary confinement in Camp Delta's isolation block last summer after they were wrongly identified by the Americans as having been pictured in a video tape of a meeting in Afghanistan between Osama bin Laden and the leader of the 11 September hijackers Mohamed Atta. Ignoring their protests that they were in Britain at the time, the Americans interrogated them so relentlessly that eventually all three falsely confessed. They were finally saved - at least on this occasion - by MI5, which came up with documentary evidence to show they had not left the UK;
· That their first interrogations by British investigators - from both MI5 and the SAS - took place in December 2001 and January 2002 when they were still being held at a detention camp in Afghanistan. Guns were held to their heads during their questioning in Afghanistan by American soldiers, and physical abuse and beatings were rife. At this point, after weeks of near starvation as prisoners of the Northern Alliance, all three men were close to death.
Asadullah strives to make his point, switching to English lest there be any mistaking him. "I am lucky I went there, and now I miss it. Cuba was great," said the 14-year-old, knotting his brow in the effort to make sure he is understood.Not that Asadullah saw much of the Caribbean island. During his 14-month stay, he went to the beach only a couple of times - a shame, as he loved to snorkel. And though he learned a few words of Spanish, Asadullah had zero contact with the locals.
He spent a typical day watching movies, going to class and playing football. He was fascinated to learn about the solar system, and now enjoys reciting the names of the planets, starting with Earth. Less diverting were the twice-monthly interrogations about his knowledge of al-Qaida and the Taliban. But, as Asadullah's answer was always the same - "I don't know anything about these people" - these sessions were merely a bore: an inevitably tedious consequence, Asadullah suggests with a shrug, of being held captive in Guantanamo Bay.
On January 29, Asadullah and two other juvenile prisoners were returned home to Afghanistan. The three boys are not sure of their ages. But, according to the estimate of the Red Cross, Asadullah is the youngest, aged 12 at the time of his arrest. The second youngest, Naqibullah, was arrested with him, aged perhaps 13, while the third boy, Mohammed Ismail, was a child at the time of his separate arrest, but probably isn't now.
Tracked down to his remote village in south-eastern Afghanistan, Naqibullah has memories of Guantanamo that are almost identical to Asadullah's. Prison life was good, he said shyly, nervous to be receiving a foreigner to his family's mud-fortress home.
The food in the camp was delicious, the teaching was excellent, and his warders were kind. "Americans are good people, they were always friendly, I don't have anything against them," he said. "If my father didn't need me, I would want to live in America."
Asadullah is even more sure of this. "Americans are great people, better than anyone else," he said, when found at his elder brother's tiny fruit and nut shop in a muddy backstreet of Kabul. "Americans are polite and friendly when you speak to them. They are not rude like Afghans. If I could be anywhere, I would be in America. I would like to be a doctor, an engineer -- or an American soldier."
A Kurosawa Epic Turned Video Game (ROBERT LEVINE, 3/14/04, NY Times)
In the case of Akira Kurosawa's three-and-a-half-hour masterpiece, "Seven Samurai,"...a game isn't exactly obvious. Released in 1954, the film has a stately pace and an artful composition that would seem ill suited to a medium associated with twitchy action and lightning-quick shifts in perspective. But Seven Samurai 20XX, a PlayStation 2 game made with the cooperation of the filmmaker's son, Hisao, will be released March 23, which would have been his 94th birthday.The project grew out of a conversation between the younger Kurosawa, who runs a foundation dedicated to preserving his father's work, and his friend Hajime Satomi, president and chairman of the Sammy Corporation, a Japanese game manufacturer. The company was intrigued by the plot of "Seven Samurai," about a group of warriors who agree to defend a small village from roving marauders. But the film's 16th-century feudal setting limited the graphic possibilities, and Sammy executives feared that Kurosawa's extended buildup to the action would strain 18-to-24-year-old attention spans. "We had to put more action in there," said Brian Glazebrook, the game's producer.
Most of that action consists of hacking up enemies with a sword, and game designers added fighting to the beginning of the story, when players must recruit six more samurai. The company also shifted the setting from medieval Japan to a futuristic landscape filled with a dizzying variety of robotic-looking foes designed by the French comics artist Jean Giraud, who works under the name Moebius.
Arabs See Danger, not Hope, in Iraq: Most think the war heightened instability in the region. Even allies mistrust the United States' intentions. (Shibley Telhami, March 14, 2004, LA Times)
On the eve of the Iraq war a year ago, I conducted a public opinion survey in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates. It was no surprise that the vast majority of Arabs, like many around the world, opposed the war. Most striking was their profound mistrust of American foreign policy and of the stated U.S. objectives in Iraq. Unlike American predictions, the large majority of people in the region anticipated that the Middle East would be less democratic, that terrorism would increase and that the prospects of Arab-Israeli peace would diminish as a result of the war. One year later, this view has grown stronger.
Woman, 96, Charged With Selling Crack (LA Times, March 14, 2004)
A 96-year-old woman said she does not know how the crack cocaine that deputies found on her got into her wheelchair.Julia Roberts of Kings Mountain was charged with possession of crack with intent to sell and deliver, and with possessing a crack pipe, sheriff's officials said.
Russia's Democratic Despot (SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE, March 14, 2004, NY Times)
Vladimir Putin, who will be handily re-elected president of Russia today, is never going to become a Western-style, liberal-democratic politician, no matter how much we wish it. He is a quintessentially Russian leader, with very traditional aspirations and interests, and until the West gets used to it, he will continue to be a tantalizing source of frustration and disappointment.When Mr. Putin diverges from the democratic path — as when he abruptly dismissed his prime minister and entire cabinet last month — Western observers tend to either criticize his authoritarianism or simply declare him "an enigma" (the traditional cop-out for pundits when they do not understand Russian leaders). And we pose the familiar questions: is Mr. Putin a reformer or a hard-liner? Is he his own man or is he controlled by the dreaded siloviki, the former security officials who have become the powers in the Kremlin? Was it the president or the siloviki who arrested the oil mogul Mikhail Khodorkovsky, seized control of the news media from private owners, purged and re-purged the benighted dystopia of Chechnya?
A reforming liberal leader in Russia is the Holy Grail of Kremlinology, but the search for one is as misguided and hopeless as that for the relic of the Last Supper. Believe it or not, some Western analysts in the 1930's insisted that Stalin was a "moderate," controlled by extremists like the secret police chief Nikolai Yezhov. Khrushchev became the next great hope after he denounced Stalin and ended the Terror in the 50's, but his real interests were personal power, state consolidation and Marxist-Leninism. Mikhail Gorbachev was a reformer, but not a liberal — his real wish was to reform, not end, Marxism-Leninism.
Newcomers Provide Fuel for Bush Money Machine (GLEN JUSTICE, 3/14/04, NY Times)
When President Bush came to town this week, the line to exchange a few words and pose for a picture with him was thick with heavyweights. There, at a private reception, was Gordon Bethune, the chief executive of Continental Airlines, and Drayton McLane, the owner of the Houston Astros. And there was Paul Dickerson.Mr. Dickerson is not well known, but he is highly valuable to the Bush campaign, one of 187 "Rangers" who have each raised at least $200,000. Only 33, he is one of many fresh faces behind Mr. Bush's financial operation, which has minted scores of new fund-raisers and molded them into the most effective money machine in presidential campaign history.
Mr. Bush as of this week has raised more than $159 million — an average of more than $590,000 a day — since June, breaking his own record of roughly $100 million from the 2000 campaign and establishing a vast financial advantage over Senator John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee. The bankroll is a driving force in this year's election, shaping strategy and tactics as Democrats struggle to compete.
While fund-raisers have long fueled Washington politics, the new McCain-Feingold campaign finance law changed the game when it limited individual contributions to $2,000 for candidates and banned the unlimited "soft money" donations to political parties that used to help drive presidential campaigns. Now, the campaigns turn less to established wealthy donors and more to people like Mr. Dickerson, who can collect large numbers of small checks.
Mr. Dickerson's odyssey through the elite world of presidential financing offers a window into the laborious process of gathering money and the benefits for both the fund-raisers and the campaign.
Europe Knows Fear, but This Time It's Different (ALAN RIDING, 3/14/04, NY Times)
After the murderous bombings in Madrid on Thursday, Spanish newspapers immediately compared 11-M - March 11 - to 9/11. But there was a flaw in the analogy. On Sept. 11, 2001, the United States was caught off guard. In contrast, Spain and several other European countries have experienced terrorism for more than three decades. And lately they had been bracing for a big terrorist action somewhere in the region.Despite this, many Europeans, although not all governments, have so far resisted the American call for an all-out "war on terrorism." To some, that looks like the overreaction of a nation unaccustomed to terrorism on its own territory. For the critics, the slogan has been misused - to alienate the Islamic world, to undermine civil liberties, to justify invading Iraq and to promote President Bush's re-election campaign.
Now, after the murder of close to 200 people and the injuring of 1,400 more in Madrid's train bombings, fresh questions are being asked: Will European attitudes toward terrorism harden? Will Europe recognize that its cities are as vulnerable as New York and Washington were on 9/11 and Madrid was on 11-M? Will it too start reorganizing its security services to confront a new enlarged threat?
The quick answer, many European security experts say, is "perhaps"...
The terrorists who attacked the United States last Tuesday have made the gravest blunder any human being possibly could commit. They have trampled out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; they soon will find that they have loosed the fateful lightning of a terrible, swift sword.
It hasn't lately been fashionable to say so, but when their blood is up, Americans are the fiercest warriors on earth.
Mass graves testify to Saddam's atrocities (John Powers, 3/12/2004, UPI)
Allied forces driving toward Berlin at the end of World War II discovered the Nazi death camps that contained the corpses and barely living remains of Jews and other enemies of national socialism. When the scale of brutality and murder carefully was laid bare, filmed and documented, a deeply shocked world promised, "Never again!"But within only a few years the Chinese communists killed millions of "small landlords." In the 1970s, Pol Pot succeeded in killing two-thirds of the Cambodian population. Countless dead filled the countryside of the former Yugoslavia, and in 1994 militant Hutus killed as many as a million Tutsis and Hutu moderates within only three months, supposedly protected by the French government -- which, in fact, withdrew its troops -- and ignored by the United States and the United Nations.
Now another pandemic of mass killings is being documented, recorded and widely ignored. This time the perpetrator is Saddam Hussein, whose Baathist Party was said to be based on that of the Nazis, and accounts of its killing efficiency continue to flow to the Coalition Provisional Authority. The U.S. Agency for International Development reports that since Saddam was ousted, 270 sites of mass graves have been reported. These contain an unknown number of Iraqis, Iranian prisoners of war, Iraqi Kurds and Kuwaiti prisoners among the long list of those Saddam tortured and killed. British Prime Minister Tony Blair puts the remains in mass graves at 400,000 so far.
Judge Orders Release of Abortion Records (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, March 12, 2004)
A federal judge ordered the University of Michigan Health System on Friday to turn over edited abortion records for possible inclusion in a case about a law that bans a particular abortion procedure.All identifying information is to be removed. The university's lawyers said they were satisfied that patient privacy would be safeguarded.
Democrats in decline (Washington Times, 3/14/04)
Over the past two years, the Maryland Democratic Party has managed to do what once seemed impossible: make the state Republican Party competitive for the first time in decades. Much of the credit goes to KKT — Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, whose poorly run gubernatorial campaign in 2002 made it possible for Robert Ehrlich to become the state's first Republican elected governor in 36 years. But the Democrats remain very much in control of the General Assembly, outnumbering Republicans 98-43 in the House of Delegates and 33-14 in the state Senate. Although the political environment has become somewhat more conservative in recent years, making Mr. Ehrlich's election possible, Democratic lawmakers are moving in the opposite direction.In 2002, Republican candidates defeated relatively moderate Democrats like House of Delegates Speaker Casper Taylor and Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Chairman Walter Baker. Democratic legislators chose two orthodox liberals to replace them: Anne Arundel County Delegate Michael Busch became speaker of the House; and Montgomery County Sen. Brian Frosh became chairman of the Judicial Proceedings panel. During this year's session of the General Assembly, Democrats seem determined to give Republicans the opportunity to define them as the party that favors higher taxes, and seeks to take guns away from law-abiding citizens while granting undeserved privileges to illegal immigrants.
Indo-Israel deal on terror soon (MOHUA CHATTERJEE, MARCH 12, 2004, India Times)
India is on the verge of finalising a counter-terror collaboration deal with Israel in what will mark yet another step-up in the burgeoning bilateral ties.An Israeli security team will soon visit India to train the security forces and intelligence teams for anti-insurgency operations in Kashmir . The deal will also include an agreement on intelligence sharing between the two countries.
Videotape Claims Al Qaeda Behind Madrid Attacks (FoxNews, March 13, 2004)
Spain's interior minister said Sunday a videotape has been discovered claiming Al Qaeda carried out the Madrid terrorist attacks and threatening more, but that he could not verify the veracity of the claim.Interior Minister Angel Acebes said a man identifying himself as the military spokesman of Al Qaeda in Europe claimed the group was responsible for the attacks Thursday that killed 200 people and wounded 1,500.
"We declare our responsibility for what happened in Madrid exactly 21/2 years after the attacks on New York and Washington," said the man, according to a government translation of the tape, which was recorded in Arabic. "It is a response to your collaboration with the criminals Bush and his allies."
Mexican worker deaths rise as overall U.S. job safety improves (JUSTIN PRITCHARD, 3/13/04, Associated Press
The jobs that lure Mexican workers to the United States are killing them in a worsening epidemic that is now claiming a victim a day, an Associated Press investigation has found.Though Mexicans often take the most hazardous jobs, they are more likely than others to be killed even when doing similarly risky work.
The death rates are greatest in several Southern and Western states, where a Mexican worker is four times more likely to die than the average U.S.-born worker. In Florida, deaths have risen with the Mexican population, tripling from 10 in 1996 to 30 in 2002, the last year of complete federal data.
These accidental deaths are almost always preventable and often gruesome: Workers are impaled, shredded in machinery, buried alive. Some are as young as 15.
Farmers snub GM-free policy: Scottish Executive request to keep Scotland a GM-free zone likely to be ignored by ‘nine out of 10 farmers’ (Rob Edwards, 3/14/04, Sunday Herald)
An investigation by the Sunday Herald has discovered that farmers want to try out GM maize. This is the crop that was given a conditional go-ahead by the UK government last week, but which Scottish ministers want to prevent being grown north of the Border.According to the First Minister, Jack McConnell, Scotland now has “as restrictive a regime as possible” on GM crops. As revealed in last week’s Sunday Herald, the Executive plans to ask Scotland’s maize farmers to form GM-free zones.
The policy, however, has been attacked by the Greens and the Scottish National Party (SNP) as an unworkable “cave-in” to Westminster. Both promise to step up their attacks in a parliamentary debate on GM being staged by the SNP on Thursday.
The Executive says there are 30 farmers growing 315 hectares of maize in southwest Scotland and parts of the central belt. The Sunday Herald has spoken to 14 of them, 11 of whom said they would consider growing GM maize.
“I would want to try it,” said Archie Hamilton, who farms near Blair Drummond. “I would be quite willing to give it a go even though public opinion is against it.”
Spanish police arrest five Muslims as crowds accuse Aznar of cover-up: Furious protesters chant: ‘Our dead, your war’ (Neil Mackay, Marion McKeone, and James Cusick, 3/13/04, Sunday Herald)
THREE Moroccans and two Indians have been arrested in Spain for the Madrid train bombings on Thursday. All five are thought to be linked to two militant Islamic groups which were named as the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group and Salafia Jihadi.The arrests came as 5000 angry demonstrators picketed the offices of the ruling Popular Party shouting “lies” and other slogans claiming that Prime Minister José María Aznar had covered up the truth about the atrocity by blaming the Basque separatist group ETA ahead of today’s general election.
The arrests were confirmed by the interior minister, Angel Acebes, who said the five were arrested in connection with pay-as-you-go mobile phone cards found in a “backpack bomb” that the police recovered from one of the bombed trains. Acebes, who had blamed ETA within hours of the atrocity, said last night: “Sixty hours after the brutal attack, we now have five detentions.”
American intelligence agencies believed all along that al-Qaeda was behind the Madrid bombings but deferred to the Spanish government’s claims that ETA was responsible, pending the general election. Both FBI and CIA agents are in Madrid assisting the authorities.
Spain’s National Intelligence Centre (CNI) is also said to be “99% certain” that Muslim extremists and not ETA were responsible for the attacks, according to a left-wing Spanish radio station. Aznar’s party faces an angry backlash today with many voters now convinced he lied about al-Qaeda’s involvement fearing that the Spanish public would blame him for the loss of life. Nearly 90% of all Spaniards had been against Aznar supporting the war in Iraq and many now see the Madrid bombings as pay-back.
Aznar is seen in the Arab world as the third most significant player in the so-called “coalition of the willing”. Spain has sent 1300 troops to Iraq.
Today many Basques support the idea of independence, but ETA remains a fringe group that wins headlines—but little sympathy—with every strike, says Joseba Zulaika, director of the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada in Reno. Despite enjoying a good deal of autonomy within Spain, Basque separatists have attempted to assassinate Spain's King Juan Carlos as well as Jose Maria Aznar, then leader of the conservative Popular Party, now Spain's outgoing prime minister. On September 16, 1998, ETA declared a "unilateral and indefinite" cease-fire, and engaged in the first direct talks with the Spanish government in 10 years. The talks quickly failed, however, and the ceasefire was called off a year later. Violence once again became their means of negotiation.Zulaika spoke with NEWSWEEK’s Brian Braiker about Thursday’s tragic bombing. Himself a native of Spain’s Basque country, Zulaika says he harbors no sympathy for the ETA. But, he adds, this week’s attack was on a scale so unprecedented even in the ETA’s own blood-soaked history that he is not convinced the group is responsible. But if they are in any way connected to this week’s terrorist attack, he predicts the “death” of the fringe nationalist group.
NEWSWEEK: Based on what you’ve seen do you think that this is the work of the ETA?
Joseba Zulaika: Well, I am split. On the one hand this is like nothing ETA has done in the past for several reasons. When they have [placed] a bomb, they use that essentially to make news and to let everyone know, “We are a threat.” But then they would call the police and the media so people would know and people would empty the place. Except in Barcelona [where a Basque bomb killed 21 in a supermarket in 1987], where they alleged they called the police who did not transmit that message to the media. They apologized profusely for that. That was a black eye for ETA, something that their own public did not approve.
What is the response of the general Basque community to this?
Their own leader, Arnold Otegi said yesterday they are totally opposed to this. ETA could not have done this. In a way it goes against the grain of ETA. If ETA has done this, it is ETA’s death among their own supporters. Obviously there is my own wish that this not ETA—it would be so shameful and so infamous for every Basque. Yet you cannot rule out that in that kind of organization: They are like cornered animals where they are constantly pursued, they feel relentlessly beaten by the Spanish police. I don’t know, maybe a group of them went to this extreme. I want to believe that it’s not the case, but you never know. [...]
And if Al Qaeda is responsible?
If it is Al Qaeda, it is a totally different story. More than 90 percent of the Spaniards were opposed to the war on Iraq. Still, Aznar, who had a political upper hand and absolute majority, just went with Bush. He didn’t care about public opinion. This will be a reminder to all of those 90 percent who didn’t want [war in] Iraq who will say, “Look, here is one more offshoot of that war that we didn’t have to fight.” So that would be negative for the government in this election.
Religious, Anti-Abortion Groups Among the Winners as Abstinence-Only Funding Increases (David Crary, 3/13/04, The Associated Press)
As President Bush seeks to double funding for abstinence-only education, skeptics are urging closer scrutiny of the grant recipients - many of them religious and anti-abortion groups which in the past did not operate extensively in public schools.
Instructors from such groups already have been appearing at hundreds of schools across the nation, supported by state and federal funds. They teach a curriculum that excludes information about "safe sex" and exhorts young people to be chaste until marriage.Bush, while trying to cut spending on many other domestic programs, has proposed doubling abstinence-education funding to $270 million for the coming fiscal year. "Abstinence for young people is the only certain way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases," he said in his State of the Union speech.
Supporters of the program are elated at the growing opportunities to spread the abstinence message, and counter societal trends that they believe are encouraging teenage promiscuity.
Bush Takes Back The Lead As 'Primary Effect' Wanes (INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY, 3/15/04)
President Bush has regained the lead from Sen. John Kerry in the latest IBD/TIPP Poll as the boost the challenger got from the Democratic primaries wears off and the incumbent starts his own campaign in earnest.The nationwide poll of 863 adults taken last Monday through Thursday showed that, among 743 registered voters, Bush leads Kerry 45% to 40%, with 6% going to Independent Ralph Nader.
In a two-way race Bush leads Kerry 46% to 43%.
A week earlier, Bush trailed Kerry in IBD/TIPP polling by a 44%-41% margin. But the president reclaimed support in his traditional strongholds.
Bush now leads Kerry 56% to 33% in Republican-loyal, or "red," states, 51% to 38% in the South and 49% to 40% in the Midwest.
Bush's lead in swing states, however, has narrowed to 1 point from 4. But Kerry's lead in Democrat-loyal (blue) states has shrunk to 9 points from 12, and his advantage in urban areas has narrowed to 10 points from 18. In suburban areas, Bush's lead widened to 18 points from 13.
In rural America, a traditional Bush stronghold, Kerry ran even in the week-earlier survey. But now Bush is back up by 14 points.
Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class (Thom Hartmann, March 12, 2004,
[T]here is no such thing as a "free market." Markets are the creation of government.Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.
And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without rules won't work.
Tripe a la Mode (Charles Krauthammer, March 12, 2004, Townhall)
Look. I know it is shooting French in a barrel. But when yet another insufferable penseur -- first Chirac, then de Villepin, now the editor of Le Monde -- starts lecturing Americans on how they ought to conduct themselves in the world, the rules of decorum are suspended.In an article in The Wall Street Journal, Jean-Marie Colombani, who wrote the famous Sept. 12, 2001, Le Monde editorial titled ``We are all Americans,'' gives us the usual more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger lament about America's sins: We loved you on Sept. 11. We were all with you in Afghanistan. But, oh, what have you done in Iraq?
This requires some parsing. We loved you on Sept. 11 means: We like Americans when they are victims, on their knees and bleeding. We just don't like it when they get off the floor -- without checking with us first.
Colombani glories in Europe's post-Sept. 11 ``solidarity'' with America: "Let us remember here the involvement of French and German soldiers, among other European nationalities, in the operations launched in Afghanistan to ... free the Afghans.''
Come again? The French arrived in Mazar-e Sharif after it fell -- or as military analyst Jay Leno put it, ``to serve as advisers to the Taliban on how to surrender properly.'' Afghanistan was liberated by America acting practically unilaterally, with an even smaller coalition than that in Iraq -- Britain and Australia, with the rest of the world holding America's coat.
But then came Iraq. "The problem was not so much the war itself, but the fact that it was launched without U.N. approval,'' Colombani explains.
If we are not yet estranged, we owe it to two men, two concepts that have allowed the United States and Europe, whatever the misfortunes, to remain, all-in-all, bound together for 50 years. They are Lord Keynes and George Kennan. One inspired the West's development policies, the other its "containment" strategy. The first policy allowed progress and wealth; the second finally triumphed over the Soviet empire.Today, "containment" has given way to "pre-emptive" war; and the logic of development and free-trade threatens to be replaced by a return of protectionism. In our interdependent and already multipolar world, the two main axes being wielded by Mr. Bush (as opposed to his father) are therefore a threat to the very foundation of the historical alliance between the U.S. and Europe. This is why John Kerry is, a priori, perceived with so much sympathy. He personifies the promise of an America that will get back on track--more just, more cohesive, more generous. In brief, less "unilateral." So that we can still all remain "American" in years to come.
Europe's candidate for president: Why Europeans are rooting for John Kerry (Charlemagne, Mar 4th 2004, The Economist)
AS JOHN KERRY girds himself for the presidential fight, he is being cheered on from over the water. A picture of the junior senator from Massachusetts recently adorned the cover of Le Nouvel Observateur, a left-wing French magazine, under the title “The man who can beat Bush”. Since, according to a recent poll, only 6% of Europeans strongly approve of George Bush's handling of foreign policy, that is recommendation enough.But Mr Kerry also has family ties that make him so beguiling to Europeans. His grandfather, it transpires, came from a tiny Czech village. His first cousin, Brice Lalonde, served as environment minister in a French Socialist government in 1988-92. Mr Lalonde told the French press that he recently saw his cousin, and talked fondly of shared childhood holidays in Brittany. He commented in Libération that “our mothers were sisters. But I don't want to damage him, because you know that at the moment it is better not to appear too French in the United States.”
Quite so. At a recent Washington breakfast, Tom DeLay, the Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, greeted guests with the words: “Good morning, or bonjour as John Kerry would say.” The senator is indeed reportedly fluent in French, and is even said to have chatted up Teresa Heinz, now his wife, in the language. He can also trot out phrases in other European languages. The correspondent for Stern, a German magazine, noted approvingly that Mr Kerry had not only expressed deep concern to him about the state of American-European relations, but done it in German, saying: “I am really concerned. Seien Sie sicher.”
The flattering effect that this has on Europeans should not be underestimated. It grates deeply that Mr Bush appears neither to know nor to care much about the old continent. By contrast Mr Kerry, who went to a Swiss boarding-school while his father was a diplomat in Berlin, is seen as a throwback to a more sophisticated, Europhile era in which the American elite naturally looked across the Atlantic. As Stern rhapsodised to its readers, “Bush quotes the Bible, Kerry Pablo Neruda. Bush likes local novels, Kerry loves Shakespeare. While Bush doesn't read the newspaper and is proud of it, Kerry reads Le Monde.”
Asked, "Who do you think the terrorists would prefer to have as president," the independent poll found that 60 percent said Kerry while 25 percent said Bush.The poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, also found that 51 percent of those surveyed thought Bush would win the 2004 election against 39 percent who said Kerry.
Homosexual "Marriage" and Civilization (Orson Scott Card, February 15, 2004, The Rhinoceros Times)
A little dialogue from Lewis Carroll:"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."
The Massachusetts Supreme Court has not yet declared that "day" shall now be construed to include that which was formerly known as "night," but it might as well.
By declaring that homosexual couples are denied their constitutional rights by being forbidden to "marry," it is treading on the same ground. [...]
In the first place, no law in any state in the United States now or ever has forbidden homosexuals to marry. The law has never asked that a man prove his heterosexuality in order to marry a woman, or a woman hers in order to marry a man.
Any homosexual man who can persuade a woman to take him as her husband can avail himself of all the rights of husbandhood under the law. And, in fact, many homosexual men have done precisely that, without any legal prejudice at all.
Ditto with lesbian women. Many have married men and borne children. And while a fair number of such marriages in recent years have ended in divorce, there are many that have not.
So it is a flat lie to say that homosexuals are deprived of any civil right pertaining to marriage. To get those civil rights, all homosexuals have to do is find someone of the opposite sex willing to join them in marriage.
In order to claim that they are deprived, you have to change the meaning of "marriage" to include a relationship that it has never included before this generation, anywhere on earth.
Just because homosexual partners wish to be called "married" and wish to force everyone else around them to regard them as "married," does not mean that their Humpty-Dumpty-ish wish should be granted at the expense of the common language, democratic process, and the facts of human social organization.
However emotionally bonded a pair of homosexual lovers may feel themselves to be, what they are doing is not marriage. Nor does society benefit in any way from treating it as if it were. [...]
Supporters of homosexual "marriage" dismiss warnings like mine as the predictable ranting of people who hate progress. But the Massachusetts Supreme Court has made its decision without even a cursory attempt to ascertain the social costs. The judges have taken it on faith that it will do no harm.
You can't add a runway to an airport in America without years of carefully researched environmental impact statements. But you can radically reorder the fundamental social unit of society without political process or serious research.
Let me put it another way. The sex life of the people around me is none of my business; the homosexuality of some of my friends and associates has made no barrier between us, and as far as I know, my heterosexuality hasn't bothered them. That's what tolerance looks like.
But homosexual "marriage" is an act of intolerance. It is an attempt to eliminate any special preference for marriage in society -- to erase the protected status of marriage in the constant balancing act between civilization and individual reproduction.
So if my friends insist on calling what they do "marriage," they are not turning their relationship into what my wife and I have created, because no court has the power to change what their relationship actually is.
Instead they are attempting to strike a death blow against the well-earned protected status of our, and every other, real marriage.
They steal from me what I treasure most, and gain for themselves nothing at all. They won't be married. They'll just be playing dress-up in their parents' clothes. [...]
The politically correct elite think they have the power to make these changes, because they control the courts.
They don't have to consult the people, because the courts nowadays have usurped the power to make new law.
Democracy? What a joke. These people hate putting questions like this to a vote. Like any good totalitarians, they know what's best for the people, and they'll force it down our throats any way they can.
That's what the Democratic filibuster in the Senate to block Bush's judicial appointments is all about -- to keep the anti-family values of the Massachusetts Supreme Court in control of our government.
And when you add this insult onto the already deep injuries to marriage caused by the widespread acceptance of nonmonogamous behavior, will there be anything left at all?
Vietnam in Retrospect: Could We Have Won? (Jeffrey Record, Winter 1996-97, Parameters)
Any fruitful discussion of whether the United States could have won the war in Vietnam requires an agreeable definition of winning. What were declared US war aims? The most immediate and enduring was the preservation of a noncommunist South Vietnam. Satisfaction of this objective, policymakers believed, would not only save yet another people from the yoke of communism, but also serve such broader and more abstract war aims as demonstrating resolve and the credibility of US commitments, thwarting the fall of other Asian dominoes to communism, containing Chinese expansionism, and meeting the challenge posed by communist-inspired wars of national liberation.The Johnson and Nixon administrations sought at the very least to avoid defeat and its perceived attendant humiliation, loss of prestige, and orgy of domestic political recrimination. Indeed, as early as 1966 defeat-avoidance was becoming, for an increasing number of civilian officials, the central US war aim in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara is known to have harbored serious doubts about the war's winnability as early as late 1965. In that same year, his close and trusted aide John McNaughton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, declared in a memo that "70 percent" of the US purpose in Vietnam was "to avoid a humiliating defeat"; in early 1966 he further concluded that "We . . . have in Vietnam the ingredients of an enormous miscalculation. . . . The reasons we went into Vietnam to the present depth are varied; but largely academic.
In the end, the United States failed either to avert a communist takeover of South Vietnam, or to avoid humiliation, loss of prestige, and domestic recrimination. To be sure, the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and southern National Liberation Front (NLF) did not directly evict US forces from Vietnam, nor even inflict upon them a major set-piece battlefield defeat like the Viet Minh did on the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. General William C. Westmoreland proudly notes that fully two years separated the departure of the last US combat troops from Vietnam in 1973 and the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. But if US forces were not defeated, neither did they inflict a strategically decisive defeat on the communist side. Years of bombing North Vietnam and "attriting" communist forces in South Vietnam neither broke Hanoi's will nor crippled its capacity to fight. [...]
The Tet Offensive appeared to be an American defeat not so much because it was inaccurately reported by the press, but rather because it was launched in the wake of an intense official public relations campaign to convince Americans that the communist tide in Vietnam was receding for good and that victory was within reach.
To be sure, in the post-Tet years of the war the communist side's increasing reliance on conventional, territory-oriented military operations as a substitute for population control exposed the NVA directly to US firepower with exactly the kind of disastrous results that befell Hanoi's Easter offensive of 1972. But prospects for a decisive US conventional win depended on the combination of a North Vietnam incapable of learning from its mistakes and a US Congress infinitely patient and generous. Neither materialized. After 1972 Hanoi simply postponed a final reckoning with Saigon until it was certain the United States would not reenter the war under any circumstances...
However, the lessons of Vietnam did eventually win us the Cold War because we realized that the Soviets had the exact same containment-trap problem. By backing guerillas in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Angola, etc., and freedom movements in places like Poland, we demonstrated that the Soviets weren't capable of propping up their satellites either and once the dominoes started tumbling they all came down.
The Boston Fog Machine (DAVID BROOKS, 3/13/04, NY Times)
In a characteristic sentence, which admittedly sounds better in the original French, Kerry exclaimed: "We know from our largely unsuccessful attempts to enlist the cooperation of other nations, especially industrialized trading nations, in efforts to impose and enforce somewhat more ambitious standards on nations such as Iran, China, Burma and Syria, that the willingness of most other nations — including a number who are joined in the sanctions to isolate Iraq — is neither wide nor deep to join in imposing sanctions on a sovereign nation to spur it to `clean up its act' and comport its actions with accepted international norms."Can anyone say Churchillian?
Kerry has made clear that if he is elected president, the nation will never face a caveat shortage. He has established the foragainst method, which has enabled him to be foragainst the war in Iraq, foragainst the Patriot Act and foragainst No Child Left Behind. If you decide to vote for him this year, there would be a correctness in that judgment, but if you decide to vote for George Bush, that would also be correct.
Comes the Thaw, the Gulag's Bones Tell Their Dark Tale (STEVEN LEE MYERS, 2/24/04, NY Times)
The bones appear each June, when the hard Arctic winter breaks at last and the melting snows wash them from the site of what some people here — but certainly not many — call this city's Golgotha.The bones are the remains of thousands of prisoners sent to the camps in this frozen island of the Gulag Archipelago. To this day, no one knows exactly how many labored here in penal servitude. To this day, no one knows exactly how many died.
The bones are an uncomfortable reminder of a dark past that most would rather forget.
"Here it is generally thought that the history of the camps is an awful secret in the family," said Vladislav A. Tolstov, a journalist and historian who has lived in Norilsk all his life. "We all know about it, but we try not to think about it."
Norilsk is inseparable from its grim history, but people here remain deeply ambivalent about that. [...]
From 1935 to 1956 tens of thousands of prisoners, political enemies of a paranoid state, labored here. They extracted the precious metal ores beneath the harsh tundra and built their own prison camps and eventually the city itself.
Vasily F. Romashkin arrived in 1939 aboard a prison barge on the Yenisei River, two years after being arrested for belonging to a subversive organization that as far as he knows never existed. When he was arrested he had been married for seven days.
He recalled having to dig trenches in permafrost, 6 feet by 6 feet, for the foundations of Norilsk's metal plants. For much of the year prisoners worked in unbearable cold, dressed in padded cotton uniforms, their hands and feet wrapped in rags. On the coldest days they received 3.5 ounces of pure alcohol and a piece of ham.
"You were fed just enough so that you could stay alive and work," said Mr. Romashkin, now 89. [...]
In 1990 the first memorial appeared on the scarred, wind-swept hillside where the prisoners had been buried in mass anonymity. It was a small chapel, financed with private money. Later a small cross was raised above a marble slab inscribed in honor of those who died.
For many here, that is recognition enough.
"Maybe old people associate it with the gulag," said Yuri M. Filatov, the director of Norilsk Nickel's copper factory, when asked about the prisoners who built it. "Not the young people, of course."
The hillside's most prominent memorials were built not by Russians, but by countries now free of the Soviet bloc whose citizens died in the Soviet gulag: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland.
College for the Home-Schooled Is Shaping Leaders for the Right (DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, 3/08/04, NY Times)
As one of 12 siblings taught at home by their parents in St. Croix Falls, Wis., Abram Olmstead knew he would fit right in at Patrick Henry College, the first college primarily for evangelical Christian home-schoolers. But what really sold him was the school's pipeline into conservative politics.Of the nearly 100 interns working in the White House this semester, 7 are from the roughly 240 students enrolled in the four-year-old Patrick Henry College, in Purcellville. An eighth intern works for the president's re-election campaign. A former Patrick Henry intern now works on the paid staff of the president's top political adviser, Karl Rove. Over the last four years, 22 conservative members of Congress have employed one or more Patrick Henry interns in their offices or on their campaigns, according to the school's records.
"I would definitely like to be active in the government of our country and stuff," Mr. Olmstead, 19, said as he sat in a Christian coffeehouse near the campus, looking up from a copy of Plato's "Republic." "I would love to be able to be a foreign ambassador, and I would really like to move into the Senate later in my career."
The college's knack for political job placement testifies to the increasing influence that Christian home-schooling families are building within the conservative movement. Only about half a million families around the country home-school their children and only about two-thirds identify themselves as evangelical Christians, home-schooling advocates say. But they have passionate political views, a close-knit grass-roots network and the financial support of a handful of wealthy patrons. For all those reasons, home-schoolers have captured the attention of a wide swath of conservative politicians, many of whom are eager to hire Patrick Henry students.
When President Bush signed legislation last fall banning the procedure it calls partial-birth abortion, Michael Farris, the founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association and the president of Patrick Henry, was one of just five prominent Christian conservatives invited to the Oval Office for the occasion.
Patrick Henry College is the centerpiece of an effort to extend the home-schooling movement's influence beyond education to a broad range of conservative Christian issues like opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage and obscenity in the media. The legal defense association, located on the Patrick Henry campus, established the college as a forward base camp in the culture war, with the stated goal of training home-schooled Christian men and women "who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values." [...]
Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Patrick Henry operates with no debt, eschews federal financial support and charges about $15,000 per student a year for tuition, about $10,000 less than some comparable small colleges. The average SAT score is about 1320, roughly comparable to Notre Dame or the University of Virginia.
Standardized Testing: The General Patton of the Testing Wars (Nicholas Stix, 3/10/04, Mens News Daily)
For years, the American public has been force-fed a diet of test-bashing by the establishment media, the teachers’ unions, professors of teacher education and well-financed anti-testing organizations, in which test-bashers have twisted existing data, ignored contrary data, and fabricated data outright. So reports Richard Phelps in his brilliant, new book, Kill the Messenger: The War on Standardized Testing.As Phelps tells it, Kill the Messenger “is as much about censorship and
professional arrogance as it is about testing.” The author contends that the
teachers and administrators who control the public education monopoly, and the teacher education professors who monopolize teacher credentialing, oppose standardized testing in order to shield themselves from public scrutiny and accountability. “… it is disturbing, because school administrators and education professors represent a group of public servants who should serve as models to our children. We pay them high salaries and give them very secure jobs. Then, we give them our children. Is just a little bit of external, objective evaluation of what they do with our money and our children really asking so much?”Influential test-bashers include Walter Haney, Linda McNeil of Rice
University, Harvard’s Howard Gardner, University of California president Richard Atkinson, writers Alfie Kohn and Nicholas Lemann, the privately funded organization, Fair Test, and the taxpayer-funded organizations, CRESST at UCLA, and Boston College’s CSTEEP. (CRESST stands for “National Center for Research on Evaluations, Standards, and Student Testing”; CSTEEP stands for “the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy.”)Phelps argues persuasively that objective, external, standardized,
high-stakes testing is the best measure we have of how much students have learned, and how well teachers, curricula, and textbooks have done their respective jobs. The tests give us a tremendous amount of information on children’s academic strengths and weaknesses, so that we may help them improve. “Objective” is in contrast to classroom grades, which are increasingly subjective, politicized, and inflated. “External” means that school officials with a stake in the results do not control examination grading. “Standardized” means that a test “is given in identical form and at the same time to students in more than one school, and all the results are marked in the same way.” And “high stakes” means that test scores have consequences, so that the test serves as a powerful motivational tool. Alternatives such as classroom grades and “portfolios” of work lack the advantages of standardized testing, while being much more vulnerable to manipulation and cheating.
The Word Made Flesh: Stoicism and the Incarnation (Steven Garber, February 25, 2004, BreakPoint)
In his novel [A Man in Full] [Tom] Wolfe tells a tale of a wealthy entrepreneur who is largely responsible for reshaping the Atlanta skyline over the course of his career. This is the Atlanta of the biggest airport in the world, of the 1996 Olympics, of the New South and the New America. “The last great white football player at Georgia Tech,” Charlie Croker at 60 has a far-flung business empire, spanning the continent. But in his greed he overreaches, and his accountant suggests he lop off a venture in California that involves huge frozen food warehouses. To Croker and his accountant, it is only a line item in a very complex budget.To Conrad Hensley, the last man hired at one of the warehouses, it is his job—and he has a wife and two small children, and no other marketable skills. Going into downtown Oakland in an attempt to address his situation he gets a parking ticket. Protesting his innocence all the way into court, the judge tells him to either pay the fine or go to jail. Believing himself wrongly accused, he takes imprisonment—leaving his family to fend for themselves.
Preparing for the months of his confinement, he chooses a book from the prison library. But the wrong book comes! Rather than his choice, he is given the Stoic philosopher Epictetus. Very bright but unschooled, Conrad begins to read, surprising himself with the interest he has in the Greek philosopher’s meditations. In particular he is intrigued with the call for “detachment,” to be someone who knows about the sorrows and pains of the world, but finds within himself the ability to stand clear of them, maintaining his happiness and humanity—which is the goal of life. Apatheia allows one to live in the world without being overwhelmed by it.
It is not a cheap answer. To look unblinkingly at the complex corruptions in the world—in our own hearts and rippling out into the farthest reaches of the universe–and not be crushed by them is very hard. Who wants to take on the wounds of the world?
And so Conrad takes up the Stoicism of Epictetus, whose words ring true, giving light to his path in a very dark place. He finds that through the Stoic virtue of apatheia he can hold onto his humanity in a very inhumane setting, the county jail.
“When you see anyone weeping in sorrow… take care not to be overcome by the apparent evil; but discriminate, and be ready to say, ‘What hurts this man is not this occurrence itself—for another man might not be hurt by it –but the view he chooses to take of it.’ As far as conversation goes, however, do not hesitate to sympathize with him, and if need be, to groan with him. Take heed, however, not to groan inwardly too.” (The Enchiridion, 16)
It is not a cheap answer.
A year or so ago I had lunch with Wolfe on Capitol Hill. Several of us who had honest interest in the thoughtfulness of his essays and novels sat and talked about wide-ranging topics. At one point I told him that I had read most of his work, enjoyed it very much, and regularly assigned it to my students. And then I told him of the week I spent reading Man in Full. It is a long story, wonderfully imagined, setting forth a vision of what it means to be a complete human being, fully alive, a man in full.
But then I paused, telling him that I loved it all the way through—until the last 15 pages…. There was an ellipsis in the conversation. He looked across the table, and with remarkable candor said, “I don’t finish my novels very well, do I?”
What could I say? One of best writers we have, one of the best-selling novelists in history; he doesn’t finish his stories well? But he was right. He had not finished it well; while showing the fundamental flaw of Stoicism at the point of greatest tension in the story, in the end he offers it as an honest answer. Wolfe then continued, “I thought of a Christian conversion, but that’s been done.” Against Epictetus, I groaned inwardly, and thought about Crime and Punishment, Les Miserables, and what might have been.
The Arab World's Scientific Desert: Once a leader in research, the region now struggles to keep up (DANIEL DEL CASTILLO, 3/05/04, Chronicle of Higher Education)
Eleven centuries ago an Islamic renaissance occurred in Baghdad, attracting the best scholars throughout the Muslim world. For the next five hundred years, Arabic was the lingua franca of science. Cutting-edge research was conducted in cities such as Cairo, Damascus, and Tunis. In the ninth century, algebra (al-jabr) was invented by a Muslim mathematician in Baghdad under the auspices of an imperial Arab court dedicated to scientific enrichment and discovery. Ibn Sina's monumental Canon of Medicine was translated into Latin in the 12th century and dominated the teaching of the subject in Europe for four centuries.Today, no one looks to the Arab world for breakthroughs in scientific research, and for good reason. [...]
Many of the most promising and successful Arab scientists and researchers end up in the West. Khaled Bouri, a Syrian, has been a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health since 1996, where he has been searching for genes that cause neurodegenerative diseases like muscular dystrophy.
Mr. Bouri received his bachelor's degree in biochemistry at the University of Damascus. A lack of graduate programs in his field in Syria led him to Louis Pasteur University, in Strasbourg, France, where he finished his Ph.D. in pharmacology. "Those who are lucky try to leave Syria and go abroad, but most stay home frustrated trying to find other jobs," he says.
Mr. Bouri chose biochemistry only because he was rejected by the University of Damascus's program in architecture. "The only opportunity after graduation for science majors is teaching in schools, and that is not the best thing a young person would look for as a career," he says.
He laments the state of science education in Syrian universities. His textbooks were almost a decade old, the labs were underequipped, teaching was solely by rote, and there were not even basic research opportunities.
On top of that, everything was taught in Arabic. "It was a nightmare for two years learning a whole new vocabulary in French and then English," he says. "The Syrian education system doesn't put a lot of emphasis on foreign languages -- definitely not enough to read a textbook in a foreign language."
Mr. Bouri says he was so academically underprepared when he got to France that he had to spend a remedial year learning basic life sciences to enter at the graduate level. "There was a huge gap between what I learned as an undergraduate and what I needed to know," he says. "There were technologies in my field that I had never heard of until I moved to France."
Most countries in the region use English or French when teaching science, often supplementing them with Arabic. Syria is one of just a few that have experimented with an intensive policy of Arabization, using only Arabic for teaching and instruction. But most scientific literature is written in English, and universities rarely have the money to spend on translation.
"There are serious difficulties in teaching in Arabic because of a lack of a system that would enable universities to have access to up-to-date information in Arabic," says Victor Billeh, who is director of the Regional Office for Education in the Arab States at Unesco and has a Ph.D. in science education.
The Arab world has found itself in a Catch-22. Without top-notch scientists, it cannot produce the research necessary to develop a strong private sector. But without a dynamic private sector, there is little money to invest in scientific research. Even at the best institutions in the region, like the Jordan University of Science and Technology, with 16,000 students and 650 faculty members, money for research is a pittance. [...]
In the meantime, Mr. Bouri, the postdoctoral fellow, continues his research projects at the National Institutes of Health, knowing he is too highly educated to ever return to Damascus. "There is absolutely no place in Syria I could do the kind of research I am doing now," he says. "Research doesn't exist at all in academic institutions."
A thousand years ago in Baghdad or Damascus, Mr. Bouri would probably have been treated as a great scholar, given access to the most comprehensive libraries of the time, and provided with lavish endowments to think, create, and discover among a vast coterie of polymaths.
"When I think of Ibn Sina in the 10th century it provokes great frustration, especially for those of us who are conscious of our history," he says. "It pains me to think of where we were and where we are now."
The Perpetual Adolescent: And the triumph of the youth culture. (Joseph Epstein, 03/15/2004, Weekly Standard)
Time for the perpetual adolescents is curiously static. They are in no great hurry: to succeed, to get work, to lay down achievements. Perhaps this is partly because longevity has increased in recent decades--if one doesn't make it to 90 nowadays, one feels slightly cheated--but more likely it is that time doesn't seem to the perpetual adolescent the excruciatingly finite matter, the precious commodity, it indubitably is. For the perpetual adolescent, time is almost endlessly expandable. Why not go to law school in one's late thirties, or take the premed requirements in one's early forties, or wait even later than that to have children? Time enough to toss away one's twenties, maybe even one's thirties; 40 is soon enough to get serious about life; maybe 50, when you think about it, is the best time really to get going in earnest.The old hunger for life, the eagerness to get into the fray, has been replaced by an odd patience that often looks more like passivity. In the 1950s, people commonly married in their twenties, which may or may not have been a good thing, but marriage did prove a forcing house into adulthood, for men and women, especially where children issued from the marriage, which they usually did fairly quickly. I had two sons by the time I was 26, which, among other things, made it impossible, either physically or spiritually, for me to join the general youth movement of the 1960s, even though I still qualified by age. It also required me to find a vocation. By 30, one was supposed to be settled in life: wife, children, house, job--"the full catastrophe," as Zorba the Greek liked to say. But it was also a useful catastrophe. Today most people feel that they can wait to get serious about life. Until then one is feeling one's way, still deciding, shopping around, contributing to the formation of a new psychological type: the passive-nonaggressive.
Not everywhere is nonaggression the psychological mode of choice. One hears about the young men and women working the 14-hour days at low six-figure jobs in front-line law firms; others sacrificing to get into MBA programs, for the single purpose of an early financial score. But even here one senses an adolescent spirit to the proceedings. The old model for ambition was solid hard work that paid off over time. One began at a low wage, worked one's way up through genuine accomplishment, grew wealthier as one grew older, and, with luck, retired with a sense of financial security and pleasure in one's achievement. But the new American ambition model features the kid multimillionaire--the young man or woman who breaks the bank not long out of college. An element of adolescent impatience enters in here--I want it, now!--and also an element of continued youthfulness.
The model of the type may be the professional athlete. "The growth of professional basketball over the past twenty-odd years, from a relatively minor spectator sport to a mass-cultural phenomenon," notes Rebecca Mead, in the New Yorker, "is an example of the way in which all of American culture is increasingly geared to the tastes of teenage boys." Mead writes this in an article about Shaquille O'Neal, the 32-year-old center for the Los Angeles Lakers, who earns, with endorsements, 30-odd million dollars a year and lives the life of the most privileged possible junior high school boy: enjoying food fights, go-carts, motorcycles, the run of high rides at amusement parks. It may be a wonderful, but it's also a strange life.
AND YET what is so wrong about any of this? If one wants to dress like a kid, spin around the office on a scooter, not make up one's mind about what work one wants to do until one is 40, be noncommittal in one's relationships--what, really, are the consequences? I happen to think that the consequences are genuine, and fairly serious.
"Obviously it is normal to think of oneself as younger than one is," W.H. Auden, a younger son, told Robert Craft, "but fatal to want to be younger." I'm not sure about fatal, but it is at a minimum degrading for a culture at large to want to be younger. The tone of national life is lowered, made less rich. The first thing lowered is expectations, intellectual and otherwise. To begin with education, one wonders if the dumbing down of culture one used to hear so much about and which continues isn't connected to the rise of the perpetual adolescent. [...]
The greatest sins, Santayana thought, are those that set out to strangle human nature. This is of course what is being done in cultivating perpetual adolescence, while putting off maturity for as long as possible. Maturity provides a more articulated sense of the ebb and flow, the ups and downs, of life, a more subtly reticulated graph of human possibility. Above all, it values a clear and fit conception of reality. Maturity is ever cognizant that the clock is running, life is finite, and among the greatest mistakes is to believe otherwise. Maturity doesn't exclude playfulness or high humor. Far from it. The mature understand that the bitterest joke of all is that the quickest way to grow old lies in the hopeless attempt to stay forever young.
Canada's Liberals May Be Learning How the West Is Lost (CLIFFORD KRAUSS, 3/13/04, NY Times)
Ottawa is three time zones away and well beyond the Rockies, but for the loggers who work here, Canada's Liberal Party government might as well govern from another planet.The list of complaints is taller than a cedar in a region that can sometimes resemble the United States more than the rest of Canada in its conservatism. The gun registry Ottawa established several years ago penalizes law-abiding hunters, westerners complain.
The Liberals have soured relations with the Bush administration, people here say, but it is western Canada that pays in the form of the high tariffs that Washington has slapped on softwood lumber.
"We've always been alienated, for years and years," said Brad McKay, 39, an independent timber operator. "It's almost like we are a separate country. The Liberals are only interested in keeping Quebec and Ontario happy."
But perhaps nothing recently has done more to deepen western anger and expose the fault lines that divide Canada than a kickback scandal involving the Liberal Party that was exposed last month.
In it, the Liberals are alleged to have handed out $75 million in public money to advertising firms in Quebec Province that were big contributors to the party.
The scandal almost certainly buried any hope that Prime Minister Paul Martin had of making inroads in elections expected in May in the four western provinces, home to almost one in three Canadians.
Love's Donation to Georgia Church Is Well Above Par (Washington Post, March 12, 2004)
Davis Love III found a way to erase contentious memories from the Match Play Championship, donating his $700,000 from finishing second to his local church on St. Simons Island, Ga."It hits you that there are more important things than golf," Love said yesterday.
Love lost to Tiger Woods in the final match at La Costa two weeks ago, a Sunday that turned sour when he was heckled by a fan during a pivotal stretch of the 36-hole match. [...]
"It was a good week, and that took all the fun out of it," Love said. "I went to David Duval's wedding, and the pastor said some things that made me think. Then our pastor said some things Sunday . . . and it just seemed like the right thing to do."
What Makes An American: "To become an American is a process which resembles a conversion. It is not so much a new country that one adopts as a new creed" (Raoul de Roussy de Sales, March 1939, The Atlantic Monthly)
he truth is that the growth of the American sense of nationality has followed a course inverse to that of older countries. The European first becomes conscious of himself because he lives in a definite place where his forefathers lived before him, because he speaks a language which has always been spoken there, and because he feels a general sense of physical fixity in his surroundings. The political consequences of being a Frenchman, an Englishman, or an Italian are, in a sense, secondary manifestations of his nationality. They are superimposed.But the Americans began to be politically conscious of being a nation before they felt that the land under their feet was really their homeland. It was only after they had broken off their allegiance to the British that they started—very slowly—to realize that America was the particular section of the planet to which they belonged, where their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren would be born and would die. They began to grow roots after they were already in full bloom as an organized nation.
This—among others—is one of the important reasons why the Declaration of Independence is a certificate of birth not only for the whole American nation but for each American, even today; and why also the Constitution has always had a sacred character, for which there is no counterpart in any other country. It may be a wise political document, but it is even more important as the most genuine and most truly mystical source from which every American derives the consciousness of being himself. If the improbable choice were given to Americans by some great jokester, "Would you prefer to go on living in your country and be deprived of your Constitution and everything that it stands for, or would you prefer to take it with you to some new wilderness?" I am not quite sure what the results of the referendum would be.
Most of the native Americans with three or four generations behind them forget that those who have come after them undergo a process of adaptation. It does not matter whether those who have crossed the seas are conscious of what takes place within themselves when they decide to be naturalized. It does not matter, either, whether they become Americans merely because they are tempted by better opportunities or because they were thrown out of their native land by persecution of one kind or another. The important fact is this: all those who are coming today and those who will come tomorrow are required first of all to accept a certain outlook on life and certain moral and political principles which will make them Americans. These things must take place in their minds and in their souls. Whether they adapt themselves to the landscape, to the architecture of the towns, to the food and drinks of their new country, is secondary. Whether they can speak its language is also not very important. The main thing is that they should be won over to Americanism, which is a set of moral and political doctrines.
Curiously enough, in a country where material changes are extraordinarily rapid, this moral and political frame has the stability of a dogma. For instance, America is the only country in the world which pretends to listen to the teaching of its founders as if they were still alive. Political battles of today are fought with arguments based on the speeches or writings of men dead over a century ago. Most Americans behave, in fact, as if men like Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, and many others could be called up on the phone for advice. Their wisdom is considered as eternal as that of the Biblical prophets. To show how distinctively American this conception is, one has only to imagine what would happen if Mr. Chamberlain justified his present policy by quoting William Pitt, or if M. Daladier evoked the authority of Danton as a guide.
In fact, to become an American is a process which resembles a conversion. It is not so much a new country that one adopts as a new creed. And in all Americans can be discerned some of the traits of those who have, at one time or another, abandoned an ancient faith for a new one.
This explains, perhaps, the importance of the factor mentioned at the beginning of this article: that, in the make-up of an American, his defiance of the rest of the world, and particularly Europe, is fundamental and unavoidable. [...]
If the interpretation I have tried to give of what makes an American is not wholly wrong, it explains why the American is in a peculiar position in relation to the rest of the world. His conception of nationality makes him, in a way, better equipped to resist the degrading forces which are now at work in the world than the citizen of any other country. On the other hand, if these forces (which I call degrading because such is my belief) triumph, they will cease to be considered evil. Quite the contrary. They will be glorified as representing the true course of civilization for the twentieth century, and the American will find himself in the curious position of being isolated, not because he wants to be, but because he will be the last representative of a backward type of humanity that will appear completely out of step with this adventurous Europe that may be emerging under our eyes now. America, which we see clinging so passionately to the political and moral concepts of the nineteenth and even of the eighteenth century, will find itself in an even stronger opposition to Europe than it is now.
What will the American do then? Will he carry on the fight single-handed? Or will he try to cultivate within his own soul a sense of nationality less abstract and less doctrinary, as a compensation for the defeat of his ideals?
For the moment the general tendency is to rely on the possibility of maintaining an unchanged course. In fact, there is no question about that, but it is interesting to note that the "Thank God for the Atlantic Ocean" attitude is not as self-assured as it used to be. Doubt is creeping in very fast, and, as always happens when faith is shaken, the natural instinct is to shout even louder that the reasons to doubt are nonexistent. The affirmation that America has been set apart from the rest of the world, that it can and will fulfill its mission, and that it has been chosen, is proclaimed with such eloquence and energy that one has sometimes the impression that it was not God who made the Atlantic Ocean, but the genius of the American people.
In the Progressive Party's platform published last April, for instance, one finds the following statement:
We believe that this hemisphere—all of it—was set aside by our Creator for the ultimate destiny of man. Here a vast continent was kept virgin for centuries. Here it was ordained that man should work out the final act in the greatest drama of life. From the Arctic to Cape Horn, let no foreign power trespass. Our hemisphere was divinely destined to evolve peace, security, and plenty. It shall remain inviolate for that sacred purpose.
This is a lofty conception, and the immigrant, the pioneer, the refugee, or the oppressed, whether he arrived here a century ago or last week, cannot help being heartened by such words. The question is, however, how much longer can the American maintain the posture of a man who stands on tiptoe on the ground because he feels it is his destiny to keep his head above the clouds?
Plot to overthrow 'cannibal' president (AFP, 12mar04)
A conspiracy to abduct the long-serving president of the small oil-rich west African nation of Equatorial Guinea was revealed on national television yesterday by the alleged leader of a group of mercenaries."It wasn't a question of taking the life of the head of state, but of spiriting him away, taking him to Spain and forcing him into exile and then of immediately installing the government-in-exile of Severo Moto Nsa," said the man, named as South African Nick du Toit, 48.
President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who came to power in a 1979 coup in which he had his uncle, former president Francisco Macias Nguema, executed, announced the arrest of 15 mercenaries on Tuesday, saying they were plotting to overthrow him. [...]
Mr Moto denied any involvement in the plot and claimed on Spanish radio that Mr Obiang was an "authentic cannibal" who "systematically eats his political rivals".
"A while back he paid millions to those they call marabou (sorcerers) to tell him if his power-base was safe. They told him that to keep his grip on power he had to kill people close to him," Mr Moto said. "Obiang wants me to go back to Guinea and eat my testicles. That's clear."
The obstruction to Sri Lanka's evolution (GEORGE SIORIS, 3/13/04, The Japan Times)
The continuous conflict between Sri Lanka's two main leaders has been covered from nearly every angle. What have been largely ignored, though, are the complications and contradictions arising on that beautiful island from a political system of "cohabitation." At present, public opinion is divided between adherents of the president and the prime minister. Arguments and counter-arguments abound on both sides. [...]When I first met the former late President Junius Jayawardene, the architect of the island's Constitution, in Colombo way back in the 1980s, I was struck by his political acumen and the powerful figure he cut as a consummate, clever, able, experienced and shrewd politician. Maybe his reasons for placing immense power in the hands of the nation's president were valid in those years, but they have long exhausted their purpose.
Under Jayawardene's political philosophy, a strong presidential system had to prevail over the previous Westminster style of governance, and he reserved for himself a monopoly of power similar to that enjoyed by an American president. While the opposition party was torn apart by factionalism, he was virtually unopposed as the country's top symbol and the top executive.
Armed with all key powers, Jayawardene managed to score some points on the perennial Tamil problem by offering concessions for the Tamil language, abrogating the "standardization" policy of the previous government -- which largely prevented young Tamils from studying at university -- and opening top positions to Tamil civil servants. But it should not be forgotten that the author of the 1978 constitution greatly benefited from the leadership vacuum around him.
In political terms, cohabitation is rather dangerous, often presenting the image of a "trap" rather than harmony and balance. If the prime minister and president come from the same political party, cohabitation can eventually yield positive results. But if they are from different political groups, cohabitation can be a recipe for imbalance, strife and turmoil. This is, unfortunately, the case today in Sri Lanka, even more exacerbated by the fact that both the president and prime minister are dynamic, stubborn and charismatic.
Up Next for Mel: The passion of St. Patrick. (MICHAEL JUDGE, March 12, 2004, Wall Street Journal)
In St. Patrick: A Biography, just published by Simon & Schuster, Philip Freeman skillfully weaves together the threads of Patrick's life, at least those that we have. It's fairly certain that Patrick was born around 390, in the reign of Emperor Theodosius, and died in the 460s, in the declining years of the Roman Empire. The details of his life come mainly from two of his letters written late in life. The first, Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus, chastises the soldiers of a British tyrant for slaughtering and enslaving Patrick's converts. "Notice I don't call you my fellow Romans--no, your crimes have made you citizens of Hell!"The second, Confession, is a long and impassioned plea from Patrick to his British bishops asking that he be allowed to fulfill his mission in Ireland despite their accusations of incompetence and pilfering. "So listen to me well, all of you, great and small, everyone who has any fear of God--especially you wealthy landowners so proud of your education--listen and consider this carefully: God chose foolish little me from among all of you . . . to serve the Irish faithfully."
Using these documents, and his knowledge of Roman and Celtic culture, Mr. Freeman fleshes out the life of Patrick and the world he inhabited. We learn that it was in Ireland, when Patrick was a slave, that "God first opened [his] heart." We learn that after six years of enslavement he escaped and found passage back to Britain. We learn that he turned his back on the aristocratic life of his family, trained as a priest and returned to Ireland to spread the word of God.
Mr. Freeman's book succeeds where others have failed by giving us a wholly human portrait of Patrick the boy, the slave and the missionary. He juxtaposes vivid descriptions of cultured Roman life with the barmy traditions of Irish kings and Druid priests, thereby revealing all that Patrick left behind on his mission "to the end of the earth."
One passage describes how Irish kings--really village chieftains--were crowned. It is, one might say, particularly revealing: "A white female horse was led into the crowd. . . . The royal candidate then had sexual intercourse with the horse in full view of the people while proclaiming that he too was a beast." Unlike Shakespeare's Richard III, an Irish king had both his kingdom and his horse.
The EU Is Choking Off Its New Blood: Barring workers from new member states will only prolong economic stagnation (John Rossant, 3/15/04, Business Week)
When George W. Bush recently proposed legalizing the status of up to 9 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S., it reminded some Europeans of just how differently Americans approach the idea of pumping fresh blood into the workforce. "If any Prime Minister in Europe stood up in Parliament and announced something like that today," says Denis MacShane, Britain's Europe Minister, "he'd be dead in the water."That sense of political expediency, paradoxically, is leading Europe's political leaders to shoot themselves in the foot, an area where they have few equals. Immigration fear is driving the region to miss out on its biggest chance for an energy infusion in years.
It's glaringly obvious that Europe's top priority is reversing its dismal economic record. Over the past decade, the euro zone's average annual growth rate has clocked in at an anemic 2.1%. So the idea of eight raring-to-go nations of ex-communist Eastern Europe entering the EU as full members on May 1 ought to be great news for growth. All those youthful, well-trained Czechs, Poles, and Latvians -- what better way to turbocharge Europe's aging, cosseted workforce?
Not if European politicians can help it. One by one, the Old Europe countries of the EU are slamming the door on the workers of the New Europe.
A Greater Challenge? (Lee Harris, 03/12/2004, Tech Central Station)
As of this writing we do not yet know who planted the bombs that killed over two hundred people in Madrid yesterday. It may have been the Basque terrorists, or it may have been Al Qaeda. Or it may have been some other agent of radical Islam.If the terrorists turn out to be Basque, then the problem is clearly Spain's, and not ours. But if it was Al Qaeda, or one of its allies or competitors, then we may be on the verge of a frightening new development -- the emergence of catastrophic terror as a deliberate tool for manipulating, or even subverting, the democratic process in European nations, and potentially in our own as well. [...]
The terror incident in Madrid occurred only three days before the Spanish national elections -- well within the period of time when the Spanish people's nerves will still be on edge from the experience of catastrophic terror. The explosions on Thursday will still be echoing on Sunday.Perhaps this was a sheer coincidence, and the terrorists had no intention of causing people to change their minds about which candidates to vote for. But if it wasn't a coincidence, then this would compel us to recognize a potentially horrendous new development, namely, the use of catastrophic terror to "persuade" the Spanish people vote against the pro-America policy of Prime Minister Aznar's party.
If this is the case, then the Spanish election Sunday will carry a significance that will transcend the borders of Spain, and which could make it one of the most decisive elections in the short history of modern democracy. For if the Spanish people vote against Aznar's party, then it will appear to the terrorists that they have succeeded in manipulating the domestic policy of an independent nation through an act of catastrophic terror. They will have succeeded in making a nation change its mind about who is to lead them -- and that would be a setback from which our world might never recover.
A Million Austins (Shawn Macomber, 3/12/2004, American Spectator)
It all began when Chris Danze, a 48-year-old concrete foundation contractor, decided to oppose a massive 10,000-square-foot, $6.2 million Planned Parenthood abortion mill being built in Austin. Planned Parenthood dubbed it "The Choice Project," and anticipated little protest. They expected a procession of signs and bullhorns, and then a return to business as usual. To get an idea of usual, consider that the franchise's more than 1,000 clinics performed almost 230,000 abortions in 2002 alone.Determined to give them a fight, Danze organized a letter-writing campaign which promised contractors who helped build the complex that they'd never find work in this town again. By November 2003, hundreds of subcontractors had agreed to the boycott, starving the project of lumber, cement, plumbing, portatoilets, windows, roofing, insulation, you name it. Planned Parenthood officials, after initially scoffing at the boycott, were stunned to see construction of the facility grind to a halt.
Eventually concrete supplier Ramon Carrasquillo broke the picket line and poured the foundation this January, mostly because his company, Rainbow Materials, Inc. was drowning under $17 million of debt. Other subcontractors signed on, but only on the condition that Planned Parenthood conceal their identities. Trucks now pull up to the site with black tape over their logos. Planned Parenthood heralded this as a great victory for choice, even posting pictures of "beautiful concrete" on the website.
Tragic as this may be, it is no longer socially acceptable to get in bed with Planned Parenthood in Austin. Contractors have to slink in, hiding their identities like businessmen on a seedy fling. And Danze & Co. may not be finished yet. If scouts uncover the identities of the contractors, they add them to a mailing list of over 60,000 locals, who have promised never to employ them again.
IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH, last July, the Bluebonnet Council of the Girl Scouts in Waco decided to co-sponsor a Planned Parenthood sex education conference entitled, "Nobody's Fool." The "educators" passed out a book to young girls with chapters on masturbation and homosexuality. The book, which was graced with the Girl Scouts logo, included images of couples having sex and a boy properly wearing a condom. The council went on to name Texas Planned Parenthood Executive Director Pam Smallwood their 2003 "Woman of Distinction." They planned to co-sponsor the conference again this year.
None of this sat very well with John Pisciotta, a Baylor University economics professor, who took ads out on a local Christian radio station urging a boycott of Girl Scout cookies. He cited Danze's Austin boycott as his inspiration.
Before he knew it, the national media picked up the story. Horrified parents began pulling their children out of the Scouts. Several troops collapsed completely for want of recruits. Finally, despite early defiance, local Girl Scouts Director Beth Vivio announced that the group would not sponsor such a conference again, ever.
When Harry A. Blackmun was named to the Supreme Court, his mother warned that the appointment would change his relationship with Warren E. Burger, his friend since boyhood who had become chief justice the previous year.Justice Blackmun, in an oral history, described his response: "Mother, it just can't. We've been friends for a long time."
" `Well, you wait and see,' " his mother replied.
"Of course, she knew Warren intimately," he told his interviewer, adding, "and she was wiser than I was."
For most of their lives, the two men from St. Paul had shared confidences, swapped advice and supported each other's ambitions. The dozens of letters that Justice Blackmun saved document a relationship of sometimes startling intimacy.
But, as his mother predicted, serving together on the nation's highest court did affect the friendship. In fact, their 16 years as Supreme Court colleagues left it shattered.
The private lives of Supreme Court justices are often hidden from public view. But Justice Blackmun's voluminous files, opened by the Library of Congress on Thursday, provide an inside look at the personal ties and tensions behind the bench.
During their last years on the court, it appears that Justice Blackmun and Chief Justice Burger barely spoke, communicating mostly through memos. Justice Blackmun's notes to himself, and his annotations on memos and draft opinions from the chief justice, show annoyance, even disdain. The best man at the Burgers' wedding six decades earlier, he did not attend Elvera Burger's funeral in 1994. By the end of their long lives, the two men had become strangers. [...]
The camaraderie between the two continued through the mid-1970's. In the memos he circulated within the court, Justice Blackmun addressed his old friend as "Chief." But letters to "Dear Warren" still went to the Burger home in Arlington, Va. Justice Burger sent birthday greetings in November 1974 with the notation: "I'd hate to think about being here if we weren't both here."
"These have been great years," the chief justice wrote in June 1976 to mark the sixth anniversary of Justice Blackmun's arrival. "I'm glad you've been here. And anyway, there is no peace and quiet & if we must be in the storms & turmoil, it's more fun to be in the Big Storms! Many more."
From Friend to Adversary
But soon, the friendship was in peril. [...]
Certainly the two diverged in their judicial views: in Justice Blackmun's first four years on the court, he voted with Chief Justice Burger 87.5 percent of the time in closely divided cases, but only 32.4 percent in the chief justice's last four years. But justices often maintain friendships across ideological lines. Mutually unrealistic expectations, perhaps, were more to blame for the rupture than differences over legal doctrine. While serving their country at the height of their careers, the two old friends painfully discovered that each was no longer the man he once had been.
Justice Blackmun suggested this in a brief memoir he left in his files. It was a brief tribute he wrote the year after Chief Justice Burger's death at the request of the law review of the William Mitchell College of Law, as the chief justice's alma mater had been renamed.
"I do not know what he expected, but surely he could not have anticipated that I would be an ideological clone," Justice Blackmun wrote. "He knew me better than that. But when disagreement came, his disappointment was evident and not concealed."
It was no wonder that he could disregard the Constitution so easily; he had disregarded an even more ancient document, the Hippocratic oath, before it. Historians of Roe v. Wade note that Blackmun holed up in the Mayo Clinic's library so as to determine to his tendentious satisfaction that ancient doctors ignored the Hippocratic oath and performed abortions. Hippocrates was wrong, concluded Blackmun. Why, Blackmun asked, did his oath not "dissuade abortion practice in his time and that of Rome?" Blackmun found some source that dismissed Hippocrates as an extremist of his time, having written an oath that came from "a group representing only a small segment of Greek opinion and that it certainly was not accepted by all ancient physicians."Blackmun referred to the Hippocratic oath's "apparent rigidity." "The Oath was not uncontested even in Hippocrates' day," he wrote in Roe v. Wade, and if Christianity hadn't come along it would never have gained currency. "The Oath came to be popular. The emerging teachings of Christianity were in agreement with the Pythagorean ethic. The Oath 'became the nucleus of all medical ethics' and 'was applauded as the embodiment of truth.' Thus, suggests Dr. [Ludwig] Edelstein, it is 'a Pythagorean manifesto and not the expression of an absolute standard of medical conduct.'"
The irony of Blackmun's pompous pronouncement about the death penalty -- "From this day forward, I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death" -- was lost on him. He had set a real machinery of death, the abortion industry, in motion -- and made sure to find a few deluded disciples like Anthony Kennedy to keep it going.
The Heart of the New West: All Canadian, All-Conservative, All the Time (J.L. Jackson, Mar 12, 2004, Human Events)
Because Canada's population is so comparatively small to the United States (our entire population and then some fits into the state of California) it is easy not to notice Canada's seemingly invisible and so very fractured conservative movement. Why would Americans notice there are conservatives in Canada, when Canadians have not noticed them at the polls (except for the Brian Mulroney blip) for nigh unto thirty years?But finally, at last, a seemingly new kid on the block has taken the bull by the horns in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
A new coalition of Canadian conservative intellectuals is gravitating towards Ezra Levant, constitutional lawyer and author of Fight Kyoto and Youthquake, and now publisher of the Western Standard. Levant has recruited such notables as binational and international conservative pundits like Mark Steyn and David Frum.
911 Days Later (Eric Bovim, 03/12/2004, Tech Central Station)
If indeed this turns out to be ETA terrorism, then that suggests an alarming radicalization of what has so far been a beleaguered, provincial resistance movement. Are the professional terrorists tutoring the tyros? For many years, ETA was known to be trained by the IRA; now are Islamic terrorists, working with ETA, trying to unsettle a vital ally by proxy?But far deeper and more profound questions abound if Al Qaeda is responsible for the Madrid attacks. Still aware of the Moorish occupation, Spaniards can be fiercely bigoted towards Arabs. But, still fresh out of the Franco era, they are also fiercely pacifist. In that competition of histories, who will become the enemy to everyday Spaniards: Osama bin Laden or George W. Bush?
Last night in Barcelona, hundreds gathered to beat pots and pans to protest Aznar's support of the Iraq war, giving a glimpse at what may signal the widespread outcome of these bombings. Unlike Americans, who channeled their grief towards eradicating the Taliban after September 11, Spaniards may well find their grief leads them to lay blame on the U.S. and Aznar for invading Iraq.
A galvanizing terrorist event in Europe may well be what awakens the old continent to the realities of the bin Laden century. Sadly, this may not be it.
The Texas vote fallout roils Dems (Hans Nichols, 3/11/04, The Hill)
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) call for a “mandatory meeting” on the Democrats’ get-out-the-vote (GOTV) plan sowed confusion among lawmakers at yesterday’s caucus meeting.Several lawmakers said they felt Pelosi was asking the caucus to iron out hard feelings about the contentious primary victory of African-American attorney Al Green over Rep. Chris Bell (D-Texas), whose old district was bisected by GOP cartographers.
Green’s endorsement by a handful of Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members angered many of Bell’s colleagues, creating friction within the Texas delegation and the caucus at large.
After Madrid: a strange sort of solidarity (Mick Hume, 12 March 2004, Spiked)
If people are uncertain as to who they are uniting against, they seem even less sure of what they are standing up for. The big rally planned for Madrid on Friday night was promoted by the Spanish government (in itself an unusual idea for a political protest) under the slogans 'For the victims, For the constitution, For the defeat of terrorism'. These slogans say nothing - exactly who in Spain is against the victims and for the victory of terrorism? The expressions of solidarity look less like a political response to Eta or al-Qaeda than an incoherent outburst of empathy and anger. The pictures of protesters all holding their hands in the air conjure up an image, not so much of resistance as of resignation. [...][I]f the terrorists' actions reveal their brutal vacuity, perhaps our confused reactions betray the hole at the heart of our own societies. Solidarity with the victims is not enough to provide a sense of purpose. Instead of becoming fixated with the threat from a relative handful of terrorists, we would do better to focus on sorting out what ideas and values the rest of us wish to uphold. The more certain we are of what we stand for, the better equipped society will be to cope with bombs and bombers.
The New Labour government is now pointing to Madrid as 'proof' that those of us who protest about governments exaggerating the threat from terrorism are wrong. Of course terrorists can always stage a spectacular attack. Where Blair and co exaggerate the threat is in describing these attacks as a threat to the British and Western way of life - part of a final 'Armageddon'-scale battle between Good and Evil, as the prime minister put it last week. But while bombers can blow up trains, they cannot bring down civilisations - those tend to crumble from within.
Understanding Poverty in America (Robert E. Rector and Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D., January 5, 2004, Heritage)
Last year, the Census Bureau released its annual report on poverty in the United States declaring that there were nearly 35 million poor persons living in this country in 2002, a small increase from the preceding year. To understand poverty in America, it is important to look behind these numbers--to look at the actual living conditions of the individuals the government deems to be poor.For most Americans, the word "poverty" suggests destitution: an inability to provide a family with nutritious food, clothing, and reasonable shelter. But only a small number of the 35 million persons classified as "poor" by the Census Bureau fit that description. While real material hardship certainly does occur, it is limited in scope and severity. Most of America's "poor" live in material conditions that would be judged as comfortable or well-off just a few generations ago. Today, the expenditures per person of the lowest-income one-fifth (or quintile) of households equal those of the median American household in the early 1970s, after adjusting for inflation.
The following are facts about persons defined as "poor" by the Census Bureau, taken from various government reports:
* Forty-six percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.
* Seventy-six percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, 30 years ago, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
* Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.
* The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)
* Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 30 percent own two or more cars.
* Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.
* Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.
* Seventy-three percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and a third have an automatic dishwasher.
As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier that the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
We should not delude ourselves. Let us look calmly and quietly on the future of modern society. We must not be intoxicated by the spectacle of its greatness; let us not be discouraged by the sight of its miseries. As long as the present movement of civilization continues, the standard of living of the greatest number will rise; society will become more perfected, better informed; existence will be easier, milder, more embellished, and longer. But at the same time we must look forward to an increase of those who will resort to the support of all their fellow men to obtain a small part of these benefits. It will be possible to moderate this double movement; special national circumstances will precipitate or suspend its course; but no one can stop it. We must discover the means of attenuating those inevitable evils that are already apparent.
Utah Woman Charged With Murdering Fetus (ALEXANDRIA SAGE, 3/11/04, Associated Press)
As Melissa Ann Rowland's unborn twins got closer to birth, doctors repeatedly told her they would likely die if she did not have a Caesarean section. She refused, and one later was stillborn.Authorities charged 28-year-old Rowland with murder on Thursday, saying she exhibited "depraved indifference to human life," according to court documents. Prosecutors said Rowland didn't want to be scarred, and one nurse told police that Rowland said she would rather "lose one of the babies than be cut like that."
The case could affect abortion rights and open the door to the prosecution of mothers who smoke or don't follow their obstetrician's diet, said Marguerite Driessen, a law professor at Brigham Young University.
"It's very troubling to have somebody come in and say we're going to charge this mother for murder because we don't like the choices she made," she said.
House Votes, 391-22, to Raise Broadcasters' Fines for Indecency (CARL HULSE, 3/12/04, NY Times)
Saying much of the public is fed up with indecent television and radio programming, members of the House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to increase penalties on broadcasters and performers who violate federal standards.Spurred by a racy Super Bowl halftime show, the House voted, 391 to 22, to raise fines to $500,000 for the holders of broadcast licenses and for entertainers, from $27,500 and $11,000, respectively. The measure would also force the Federal Communications Commission to act more quickly on complaints and move to revoke the licenses of repeat offenders.
"For too long, we have told the entertainment industry that the federal government is unwilling to hold them accountable for their actions," Representative Joe Pitts, Republican of Pennsylvania, said. "Today, we are saying, Enough is enough."
The bill, covering just content broadcast over the public airwaves and not cable or satellite programs, was strongly backed by the White House.
"This legislation," the White House said in a statement, "will make broadcast television and radio more suitable for family viewing."
Court Orders San Francisco Officials to Halt Gay Marriages (DEAN E. MURPHY, March 11, 2003, NY Times)
The California Supreme Court on Thursday ordered city officials here to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, bringing at least a temporary end to a monthlong experiment that had thrust San Francisco to the forefront of a national debate on gay marriage."Effective immediately, we are stopping the issuance and recordation of same-sex marriage licenses," the city's assessor-recorder, Mabel S. Teng, announced at a news conference after receiving word of the court's unanimous decision. [...]
The ruling came as Massachusetts legislators moved a step closer to amending the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage but allow civil unions.
Opponents of the marriages, stymied in several efforts to block them in the lower courts, declared a long-awaited victory.
"It is an overdue day, but a good day," said State Senator William J. Knight, a Palmdale Republican who was the author of a successful ballot measure in 2000 opposing same-sex marriages. "Finally the courts have taken action to put an end to the anarchy in San Francisco."
The ruling came as a shock to city officials and groups who support same-sex marriages despite a state ban in state law. The advocacy group Marriage Equality California organized a march from the Castro District to the Supreme Court building for a rally. [...]
Erwin Chemerinsky, professor of public interest law at the University of Southern California, said the court's ruling amounted to "a freezing of the status quo," as it existed before the first license was issued to a same-sex couple on Feb. 12.
Professor Chemerinsky, who had predicted that the court would not get involved in the matter, described the ruling as "extraordinary" and said it offered hints about the justices' thinking about the legality of the marriages.
"I think what we know at this stage is it means they are troubled with what San Francisco is doing," he said.
Put up or shut up (Mona Charen, March 12, 2004, Jewish World Review)
Medical records are used every day in litigation around the country. When the safety of particular drugs or medical devices is litigated, or a company is accused of polluting a stream, or someone sues tobacco companies over "second hand smoke," medical records are key evidence. They are provided all the time, with identifying information expunged.But the plaintiffs who are suing to have the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 declared unconstitutional are making an interesting demand. The National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood are arguing that the law is unconstitutional because it does not contain a "health exception" (the law does have a "life of the mother" exception). Doctors sympathetic to their side will argue that the procedure is sometimes medically necessary and that they have performed such abortions on women in order to preserve their health.
If this is true, it is news, because Congress held hearings for several years considering this ban and specifically found that "a moral, medical and ethical consensus exists that the practice of performing a partial-birth abortion ... is a gruesome and inhumane procedure that is never medically necessary and should be prohibited." If Planned Parenthood's doctors are going to testify as experts that the procedure is medically necessary, then they ought to provide the medical records to substantiate their case. [...]
Laymen may wonder why the procedure is done at all. Consult Dr. Martin Haskell's paper presented to a meeting of the National Abortion Federation in 1992. Haskell was the originator of the procedure. It was designed, he said, because it could be done in a doctor's office under local anesthesia, rather than in a hospital (and many hospitals do not permit second- or third-term abortions). Second, it was quicker (for the doctor) than dismemberment abortions, which sometimes took "45 minutes." Third, "most surgeons find dismemberment at 20 weeks and beyond to be difficult due to the toughness of fetal tissues at this stage of development."
We know they don't want to talk about what really happens in an abortion. But refusing to provide redacted medical records to the court is chutzpah on stilts.
Gibson could make $200 mil off 'Passion': Filmmaker financed film himself, reaps profits (Hollywood Reporter, 3/11/04)
Before Mel Gibson launched "The Passion of the Christ" in movie theaters across North America, insiders speculated that the controversial film might hurt the filmmaker's acting career.The real question is whether Gibson will ever need to work again given "Passion's" divine profits. Not only has "Passion" managed to turn around what was a decidedly lackluster year at the box office, it's also impacted on Hollywood in ways that are likely to alter how the film industry does business for years to come. [...]
In the U.K., where "Passion" doesn't kick off until March 26, it's likely to perform very well, driven again by the country's large core audience of Christians.
In fact, in the U.K. the arrival of "Passion" is apparently being seen as a way to attract new parishioners. News reports Monday said four churches in England's southeastern county of Kent have block-booked some $37,000 worth of tickets that they plan to give away at no cost in an effort to add people to their congregations. Reuters quoted an official of one of those churches, Russ Hughes, the director of worship and prophecy at St. Luke's, as saying, "This is the greatest opportunity for the Church in the last 30 years and if we did not use it we may not get such an opportunity again."
In any event, Icon's international profits should be very considerable. If we're looking at $100 million in domestic profits, it's not unreasonable to figure $200-250 million (and possibly more) in international profits.
While "Passion" is still a long way away from its DVD and home video release, it's clear that home entertainment revenues will represent yet another major profits stream for Gibson and Icon. At this point, it's hard to calculate what those profits will be since we don't know when the DVD will be released, what bonus features it will have or how it will be priced.
Nonetheless, the film clearly has a built-in audience that can be expected to want to own a copy of it. If we're looking at $400 million in domestic theatrical grosses, we could be looking at $400 million more in DVD and home video sales. [...]
After the Christian Right immediately put it on the blockbuster charts, "Passion" began to attract whoever else was left.
This was not what anyone anticipated, especially not the distributors who turned Gibson down when he was trying to put a domestic deal together for the film. While no one is saying precisely who those distributors were, they clearly know who they are and they're likely to be kicking themselves for a long time to come. It's hard to fault them, of course, because nothing about this film should have convinced them to do anything but try to distance themselves from the controversy it was generating from the get-go.
They had to have had in mind the TV news images of angry pickets protesting in front of then-MCA chairman Lew Wasserman's home when Universal Pictures released Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" in 1988. To the global media moguls who rule Hollywood today, the upside-downside considerations here were clearly weighted in favor of protecting the downside from the effects of religious controversy when there was apparently so little upside potential at the box office. After all, religious theme films aren't known -- correction, weren't known -- for doing big business.
Now it's quite another ballgame. With an upside as mouthwatering as the one Gibson's enjoying from "Passion," Hollywood isn't likely to stay on the sidelines for long. As literary material goes, the Bible is attractive to Hollywood because not only does it feature well developed storylines and colorful characters, but it's a brand name book that's in the public domain. Studios looking to develop franchises could undoubtedly get a few good ones going here.
While it's true that many of the Bible's most familiar stories have been mined by Hollywood in the past, producers who now address the same material the way Gibson's done in his R rated "Passion" could find themselves satisfying the moviegoing appetite of this newly emerging audience.
When Silence Isn't Golden: Martha Stewart's failure to testify holds a lesson for other celebrity defendants (Jonathan Turley, March 12, 2004, Jewish World Review)
The decision not to have Stewart testify in her own defense followed a conventional strategy. Defense lawyers are risk-averse; they usually prefer to play the cards they have rather than risk giving the government a better hand. Silence is a strategy that is normally adopted when you are more concerned about losing rather than gaining ground.In this case, however, they held a bad hand. The trial was not going well. The defense had failed to significantly rebut the testimony or the credibility of key prosecution witnesses, and, by the time the government closed its case, the odds of a conviction were high without a dramatic change — a witness who could reshuffle the deck. There was only one possibility, and that was Stewart herself.
Having Stewart testify would clearly have been a high-risk move, the ultimate legal Hail Mary pass; it might have yielded a hung jury, with one or two jurors willing to hold out against conviction.
Spain's 9/11 (Walid Phares, March 12, 2004,
In February of 2003, an audiotape allegedly of the voice of Osama Bin Laden, said the Saddam regime will succumb. It called on all fighters in the name Allah to converge into Iraq to fight the upcoming Crusader march. In fact, the leader of the international holy war had planned to meet the "Kuffars" (unbelievers) in Mesopotamia. In subsequent declarations by the organization, just before, during and after the invasion of Iraq, Spain was declared as a full partner of the Jihad's axis of enemies. Bush, Blair and Aznar were portrayed by all Islamist movements as the "leaders of the world Crusade against Islam." Al-Jazeera's commentators, for months, reminded all good militants around the Arab and Muslim world that Spain was an infidel power, with enclaves in North Africa, i.e., the two cities enclaves of Ceuta and Melila. To put it in terms of geopolitics, the ally of my enemy is my enemy.Even without sending its troops to fight with the Anglo-Americans, Aznar sinned in the eyes of the Caliphate-to-come. Since the final meeting in the Azores, days before the military advance against the Ba'ath Party of Saddam, the three men who sealed the fate of Iraq became the strategic targets of Bin Laden. Spain later on sent troops to symbolically participate in the stabilization. Al-Qaeda retaliation, carried out by Ansar al-Islam, came quickly. As of the early Fall, Spanish diplomats and officers were assassinated. In October, Osama issued a state of jihad address -- delivered via audiotape -- in which he classified Spain as an infidel state and called for attacks against it. Ayman al Thawahiri, his deputy, turned executive leader of the network, further threatened Spain, among others. By the end of 2003, the Iberian country was clearly a target for the men of 9/11. [...]
If the Aznar Cabinet aligned itself with the Bush Administration and the Blair Government against the Saddam regime, the Spanish authorities have engaged al-Qaeda and its affiliates almost immediately after September 11. In the secret war against terrorism, Madrid has a first class seat. Reasons for this abound. Geographically, the country is the door into Western Europe for many immigrants and other travelers from the greater Maghreb, including Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. And it is precisely through the streams of migrants, that the Jihadists infiltrate the Euro-democracies all the way to France, the Netherlands and Scandinavia.
In the 1990s, waves of Salafi militants reached Spain. In the preceding decade, these extremely radical groups had profited from the Saudi funding of religious sites in the southern part of Spain and were able to find refuge and get organized. When the civil war exploded in Algeria, Spanish Jihadist based groups acted as logistical groups to the Salafi terrorists in North Africa. Their objective wasn't Spain yet. When New York got hit, Madrid stood by its ally, learning from the American experience. Its intelligence services moved to shut down the networks within the country. In 2002-2003, Spanish police and security services broke a number of cells. Last year, on September 5, the authorities arrested an al-Jazeera reporter Tayseer al Allouni, on the charge of "collaboration with al-Qaeda." The Qatar-based TV opened fire with a week’s long campaign demonizing the Spanish government. Clerics and other fundamentalist figures accused Madrid of re-playing the infidel crusade. All indicated by last fall that the Andalousian jihad was on. With the Salafist doctrine, it was bound to happen. Madrid’s position on Iraq and its action against the terrorist cells were only to trigger a war that had been declared longtime ago in the mind of the madrassa teachers. [...]
Al-Qaeda has declared and has been conducting a global war against the "infidels." It has threatened Spain repeatedly in recent months. It has developed cells in the Mediterranean country and has already conducted training activities. Finally, strikes have taken place in the capital, with all the techniques of the Bin Laden tactical manuals. And furthermore, a statement was released via a publication which has been pioneering in breaking similar material in the past. With all that hub of facts, there is little space for doubt, unless proven otherwise: al-Qaeda, its subcontractors, or both combined, have executed the first major jihad strike in Europe.
What the world has seen today may well have been the 9/11 of Spain. Spain now has its own infamous date: 3/11.
Is Russia Heading Back to the USSR? (Clifford D. May, March 11, 2004, Townhall)
When the Soviet Union collapsed, most Russians looked forward to joining the Free World as quickly as possible. Having been a student and a reporter in the USSR, I soon found myself attending conferences with enthusiastic Russian reformers. At one point, I complimented my colleagues on having chosen a difficult path. I noted that in any library there were dozens of scholarly books on the transition from capitalism to socialism.But a serious discussion on how to transition from socialism to democratic capitalism? That was as unlikely as a cookbook explaining how to make eggs out of omelets.
That got a little laugh. So I added how in Africa, where I also had worked for a number of years, democratic institutions and free markets have mostly failed. The lessons of those failures, I suggested, were worth examining.
An uncomfortable silence ensued. It was clear I had caused offense. Then, in tense tones, I was instructed that we were discussing Russia now. We were talking about sophisticated people who had been kept in chains by Communism, among the most oppressive ideologies ever conceived. Now that Russians were finally free, they would know how to defend their freedom. Soon, they would be living like their neighbors in Western Europe.
I should have nodded and shut up. Instead I said: “But Russia's neighbors are not all in Europe. Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, China – those are your neighbors, too.”
This was not the first conference at which I made myself unpopular. It probably won't be the last. But I've been reminded of it in recent days as I've watched with dismay what appears to be Russia's drift from democracy.
With terrorism and the conflicts in the Middle East dominating the news, this trend has hardly captured the public's attention. But its significance is enormous. Because if Russia – with all its vast natural and human resources – were to slip back into authoritarianism, what would that imply about the chances for other formerly oppressed nations to become free, democratic and prosperous?
Saving private savings (Cesar Conda and Eric V. Schlecht, March 11, 2004, UPI)
While most of Washington has focused on President George W. Bush's proposal to extend the expiring portions of his 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, a budget provision of similar value has gone largely unnoticed.The proposal for three new kinds of savings accounts combines the equally important issues of tax reform and retirement security that, if enacted, will simplify and expand savings opportunities for all Americans.
The president's budget calls for the creation of Retirement Savings Accounts, Lifetime Savings Accounts and the consolidation of numerous employer-sponsored retirement instruments into simplified Employer Retirement Savings Accounts. Together, these programs would allow all Americans to save for their retirement, their children's education, medical expenses and other significant needs while increasing the national savings rate and expanding economic growth through an increased capital stock.
Because these accounts don't tax savings twice, they provide the added bonus of creating significant momentum for real tax reform.
Princeton’s Passion: A campus event (Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky, 3/10/04, National Review)
That Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ should spark debate at Princeton University, as it has throughout the country, is no surprise. At a university-sponsored panel, "Princeton discusses the Passion," the film achieved much more than that, exposing the cultural gulf dividing many of America's academic elite from their students on questions of faith. Seemingly unbeknownst to many of the faculty, a religious revival is taking place at one of America's top-ranked universities. [...]If most of the panel wanted to dismiss The Passion of the Christ as bigoted plebeian trash, many students held a radically different view. According to Brad Flora '04, president of Princeton's Agape Christian Fellowship, "It was problematic for many of us that most of the professors on the panel didn't seem to get the main point. They weren't interested in discussing what had brought us to the event that afternoon — the undeniable and powerful impact the film had on us."
Unlike those of their professors' generation, today's students are increasingly willing to give faith a chance in the marketplace of ideas. After The Passion's release on Ash Wednesday, nearly two hundred Princeton undergraduates attended a mass viewing organized by religious student groups. Residential-college officers organized further pilgrimages. The Rev. Tom Breidenthal, Princeton's dean of religious life, estimates that out of a student body of 4,600, roughly 500 Princetonians attend weekly religious services and that the number who do so is rising. Student leaders offer even higher estimates. The number is probably higher, because many evangelical students prefer student-led prayer to formal services, and because a heavy workload keeps many away from religious services except on holidays.
Set against the rest of the United States, or denominationally Christian colleges, these numbers are of course insignificant. Yet compared to any Western European country, or to the likely levels of church attendance among the humanities faculty, they are impressive indeed.
How to explain these currents in university life? According to Duncan Sahner '06, a leader of Princeton's Catholic Aquinas Institute, students are rejecting the academy's 1960's-era relativism. "Today's generation," he says, "is rejecting a perpetual journey in search of truth" for "the absolute nature of truth." Yet many more of the students with whom I spoke do not necessarily see themselves as particularly religious. Rather they want to make up their own minds about faith's place in their lives, just as they want to see the movie for themselves. It is not so much that students are adopting a religious worldview — though some are — as that they refuse to dismiss one out of hand. Princetonians want to explore religion, in the same way they explore the variety of approaches and "isms" — from leftism to hedonism, and the countless others available in college.
Wake Up Europe, A Tidal Wave Is Coming Your Way (EuroSoc, 26 February, 2004)
The US driven, hi-tech backed restructuring of the world's economies could be too much for Europe’s rigid, high cost, no-growth countries. As economic reality bites it could even mean premature death for the 1960’s built and unreformed EU.Timid cost drives, tinkering and lip-services to reform are so much part of the European scene that we no longer take any notice of the kind of declaration from last week's ‘directorate’ meeting. But even if the Europeans were serious about reform, on current trends, they are likely to be swamped before they can act.
Fresh from an agreement to push through restructuring with his European ‘Big Three’ colleagues, Tony Blair today announced a shake up of the British civil service to meet the challenges of the future.
“The Civil Service will be slimmed down, procurement will be tightened, and value gains will be expected across the board”, Blair said.
“The UK population has expectations of Government services that are rising remorselessly. People no longer take what is given to them and are grateful. (They) see the revolutionary effect of IT and want it applied across the public sector too.”
Translation: Blair’s New-Labour Government has lost control of spending, built a massive bureaucratic mess in place of reforming the public sector and is squeezing the taxpayer to pay for it. (He wonders if maybe the errr… “IT” ‘thing’ can get us out of it).
Moscow and Madrid: Myles Kantor discusses the Spanish Civil War with honored historian Stanley Payne (Myles Kantor, 3/11/04, FrontPage)
[Q:] You referred to the war as "the contest between a semi-pluralist Left-collectivist revolutionary regime (not a democracy and increasingly under Communist hegemony) and a rightist authoritarian regime." When and how did the former's undemocratic character manifest itself?
[A:] Amnesty and impunity for leftist violence and terrorism; punishment of police who repressed; falsification of electoral results (March 1936) and of elections (May 1936); illegalization of legitimate opposition organizations, such as Catholic trade unions (May 1936); closing of Catholic schools, seizure of their property; manifold property confiscations and destruction; use of political militias as deputy police.[Q:] To what extent were the Nationalists under fascist hegemony or control?
[A:] Here one must distinguish with regard to the native Spanish fascism that developed under Franco, though he always kept it under his personal control and saw to it that there was never a radical or revolutionary fascism in Spain. Italy and Germany had no direct influence in his government in terms of being able to control or manipulate anything, only an external indirect influence that Franco could generally manage as he pleased, though he certainly tilted in their direction. It was quite different from the situation with Negrín, who in most things simply followed the Communist line, though he was never a mere puppet.[Q:] One often finds the civil war described as "a dress rehearsal for World War II." What is the significance of this claim, and is it accurate?
[A:] This claim was soon developed by the defeated Republicans, and Negrín did indeed hope to prolong the struggle until a broader war might somehow rescue the Republic. Other Republican leaders sometimes thought that reckless and immoral. Moreover, even had the civil war continued, French military policy was so timid it might have made little difference.
The Spanish war was a contest between Right and Left. Hitler and Stalin were on opposite sides. But the European war could only begin after Hitler and Stalin joined forces, so what began in September 1939 was quite a different war.
From December 1941, the World War got to be more like the Spanish war, but even so the democracies were sometimes led by Conservatives like Churchill who, had they been Spaniards, would have been fighting against the revolutionary Republic, as indeed was Churchill’s position for part of the Spanish war.
Minn. Seeks Food Stamp Ban on Junk Food (PATRICK HOWE, 3/11/04, AP)
The state of Minnesota is asking federal permission to bar people from using food stamps to buy candy bars, soda and other junk food.If the U.S. Department of Agriculture approves, Minnesota would be the first state to impose such restrictions.
The change would still need the approval of the Legislature, where some anti-poverty activists call it a mean-spirited intrusion into the cupboards of the poor.
Author Batya Gur "not angry" with suicide bombers, but with Israeli leaders (Ellis Shuman March 10, 2004, Israeli Insider)
"I am not angry at Palestinian suicide bombers," Israeli mystery writer Batya Gur told the Belgian newspaper Le Soir. Gur, who was in Brussels this week participating in an event for International Women's Day, launched a strong attack against Israel in a speech at a Belgian university. "Israeli leaders don't make mistakes; they are just bad people," she said. Gur asked the audience, "Help us get rid of Ariel Sharon."According to a report today in Yediot Aharonot, Daniel Sa'ada from Israel's Embassy in Belgium reported to the Foreign Ministry on Gur's comments at the Brussels conference, which was organized by the left-wing Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region and the Belgian Socialist Party. Palestinian author Suad Amiry appeared alongside Gur at the event, the paper said.
"The suicide bombers sadden me and are destroying my heart," Gur said. But Gur expressed no anger at the bombers, but rather at Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers. "My anger is directed at settlers and soldiers like those I once saw in the middle of the night at the Erez Crossing, forcing Palestinians who wanted to come into Israel to stand in a line," she said.
According to information that reached the Israeli embassy in Belgium, Gur also told the audience at the Belgian university that "Sharon should be sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague." Gur reportedly said that Israel "was creating suicide bombers through its policies of oppression and humiliation" in the Palestinian territories.
Bush highlights 'compassionate conservative' agenda for evangelical Christians (SCOTT LINDLAW, March 11, 2004, AP)
Bush opened his address via satellite to the National Association of Evangelicals Convention in Colorado by lavishing praise on the group: "You're doing God's work with conviction and kindness," Bush said.Bush placed special emphasis on his efforts to curtail abortion - a goal fervently pursued by conservative Christians.
"We're working to build a culture of life," he said, noting that he had taken "an important step" last November when he signed legislation outlawing certain late-term abortions. [...]
On another abortion issue, the president heralded the legislation he signed last year, which amends the legal definitions of "person," "human being," "child" and "individual" to include any fetus that survives an abortion procedure.
Bush reiterated that he opposed the use of federal funds for the "destruction of human embryos for stem-cell research," and said he would pursue legislation for a "comprehensive and effective ban on human cloning."
He reiterated his intention to get a constitutional ban on gay marriage, and said he would continue pressing to allow religious charities a greater hand in delivering social services.
The president pushed another hot-button issue for conservatives when he said he would continue to nominate to the courts like minded-judges who "will interpret the law, and not legislate from the bench."
The Ownership Answer: How to put social Social Security back on solid ground. (Ed Feulner, 3/11/04, National Review)
The problem with Social Security — for now — isn't a lack of income. There's more money coming in today in taxes than is going out in benefits. The problem is that in the near future — about 2018, only four presidential elections from today — we'll owe more in benefits than we collect in taxes. And there's nothing in the so-called Social Security trust fund except IOUs.The answer is to provide a better return on our investment in Social Security. That means doing what President Bush has talked about — making the program a source of ownership for Americans.
This does not mean letting the federal government buy stocks. Imagine Washington as the majority stockholder in IBM, Microsoft, or General Electric. We'd kill off the very innovation we need to encourage and damage the very companies we're counting on to provide 21st century jobs.
This does mean allowing individuals to make decisions about their own money. Everyone should have the ability to invest at least a portion of his or her Social Security taxes, in order to build a secure retirement fund. That's what PRAs do.
Americans are comfortable with this concept. Most of us already have IRAs or 401(k) accounts. We set aside real money and invest it in stocks. And we understand that, over the long haul, the market will go up, providing a good return on investment. There's no reason not to allow us to direct a portion of our Social Security taxes into a similar Personal Retirement Account.
However, we should also respect the wishes of those who are nervous about investing. That means providing individuals the chance to opt out and stay with the current Social Security system.
The Republicans’ Passion Play: GOP knows Mel’s movie is la bomba for Latinos (Nikki Finke, 3/12/04, LA Weekly)
L.A. Weekly has learned that, according to research exit polls, The Passion of the Christ is attracting a gargantuan 40 percent Latino audience in the cities tested. Until now, there has been only anecdotal evidence that Latinos, as well as Asians and African-Americans, are flocking to the film. The research shows that Latinos are rating Passion higher than does any other ethnic group, and 76 percent say they’re inclined to pay to see the movie again. Not only do 86 percent of Latinos say the film is excellent, but 80 percent say the movie is better than they expected. And while a whopping percentage of the overall audience say they would definitely recommend it, that figure among Latinos is a startling 91 percent.For too long now, Hollywood moviemakers, who have forced on us countless casts of blond and blue-eyed bimbos and himbos, have been stumped on how to appeal to Latinos, the largest ethnic minority in the country. Is Hollywood idiotic or what? Here, television empires have been built on the gazillion dollars flowing from Latino viewers. G.E. even bought Telemundo because of this. Yet it’s been eons since La Bamba and Selena were big hits, and Jennifer Lopez is the first genuine Latina movie superstar (though probably not for long, post-Gigli), even if Salma Hayek and Rosie Perez are far more talented. But Chasing Papi, released a year ago, was a surprise bomb for 20th Century Fox despite high hopes for the low-budget, high-concept comedy. And Latino-themed small films, like Empire and Real Women Have Curves, barely registered a blip at the box office. There is, however, hype for Columbia’s Spanglish coming later this from James Brooks and starring Adam Sandler and a Latina newcomer. This, at a time when African-American movies are making major crossover numbers.
So here’s Mel, not just pulling in Latinos but even Latino families. He did what no one else has been able to. Frankly, it never occurred to the godless Hollywood liberals — as the folks at Fox News Network and wacko right-wing Web sites refer to us — to use religion as bait for Latinos. And it never occurred to the Democratic Party, pal of most Hollywood filmmakers, to embrace Gibson or his movie. Big mistake. Huge! Because in the 2004 presidential race for Latino votes, any advantage at all could be the difference between winning and losing.
Instead, the conservative propaganda machine is embracing Gibson and The Passion with, well, passion, and it’s become a cornerstone of the Republicans’ strategy to divide this country culturally between the supposed elites they’re so fond of criticizing (tell us, are the rich who get all of Bush’s tax breaks not also the elite?) and just regular Americans, whom they presume to be on their side along with God. GOPers who never found anyone in Hollywood they liked besides Ronald Reagan (and, barely, Ah-nuld) are fawning over Mel and his movie because they smelled a hit in the making. They smelled right: You can’t argue with a box office that will hit $250 mil this weekend.
In one fell swoop, Republicans established a strong bond with the most religious members of those ethnic groups who are supposed to vote Democratic (even if right-wing Republicanism is overwhelmingly anti-immigration). Is that enough for Bible-thumping Latinos, African-Americans and Asians to change political sides? It may not matter: Just having made such a significant inroad could be enough for conservatives to build on in the future since Latinos are expected to grow to 14 percent of the nation’s population in 2010, and half of that population is younger than age 26, and 40 percent is under 18.
Would FDR Run Those 9/11 Ads? (David S. Broder, March 11, 2004, Washington Post)
[I]s it, as supporters of John Kerry and other critics suggest, wrong for Republicans to convert the emotions of that national tragedy into grist for a political campaign?To answer that question, I went back, with help from Washington Post researcher Brian Faler, to 1944, when Franklin D. Roosevelt, almost three years after Pearl Harbor, was running for reelection. What you learn from such an exercise is that Bush is a piker compared with FDR when it comes to wrapping himself in the mantle of commander in chief.
Item: FDR did not go to the Democratic convention in Chicago where he was nominated for a fourth term. A few days before it opened, he sent a letter to the chairman of the Democratic Party explaining his availability for the nomination. And what an explanation!
"All that is within me cries out to go back to my home on the Hudson River, to avoid public responsibilities and to avoid also the publicity which in our democracy follows every step of the nation's chief executive."
But, he wrote, "every one of our sons serving in this war has officers from whom he takes his orders. Such officers have superior officers. The President is the Commander in Chief, and he, too, has his superior officer -- the people of the United States. . . . If the people command me to continue in this office and in this war, I have as little right to withdraw as the soldier has to leave his post in the line."
Item: Roosevelt delivered his acceptance speech to the convention by radio from where? From the San Diego Naval Station, because, he said, "The war waits for no elections. Decisions must be made, plans must be laid, strategy must be carried out."
Arab Paper Gets Spain Bombing Claim (MAAMOUN YOUSSEF, 3/11/04, AP)
The Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi said Thursday it had received a claim of responsibility for the Madrid train bombings issued in the name of al-Qaida.The five-page e-mail claim, signed by the shadowy Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri, was received at the paper's London offices. It said the brigade's "death squad" had penetrated "one of the pillars of the crusade alliance, Spain."
"This is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader, and America's ally in its war against Islam," the claim said.
Referring to Spain's Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, the statement asked: "Aznar, where is America? Who will protect you, Britain, Japan, Italy and others from us?"
Welcome to Iraqifornia (James Pinkerton, 3/11/04, Tech Central Station)
[I]f the afternoon at Tiefort was an exercise, it was no joke. I am telling you, at the time I was out there, watching the "Iraqis" confront the Americans, it felt real. Dramatists speak of the "the suspension of disbelief" as the key to making a play or movie succeed; the audience must lose track of its true environment and choose to live, at least for a couple hours, in the make-believe world of the show. And it works; that's why audiences cry and cringe. And it's the same way at Fort Irwin; when you're out there, running around in a place that looks like Iraq, in the company of people who look and sound like Iraqis, one gets the feeling that one is in Iraq. And while that was instructive for me, as a visiting journalist, that's potentially life-saving for GI's.Because if one is "killed" at Tiefort, well, that's OK, because one can get up again. But the whole point is that to live and "die" in California makes it more likely that one will survive in Iraq. The power of the training is obvious to anyone who comes here for a visit. But hey, you needn't take my word for it -- you might think I'm still mesmerized by the Tiefort experience. So instead, take the word of, a great site for wargeeks:
"There's a war going on in Iraq. Who's winning? Hardly anyone noticed, but U.S. troops aren't losing. American casualties have been steadily declining since they peaked last November (414, including 82 dead). The casualties went down to 306 in December, 234 in January and 167 last month. In February there were twenty American soldiers killed in action, or .79 per day. This was the first month, since the war began, that the troops killed fell to less than one a day.
"The reasons for the decline in casualties are numerous. Probably the most important one has been the improvements in tactics and training. American troops have developed the habit of carefully studying actual operations, and quickly brainstorming possible solutions for problems encountered. Pretty much anything goes, and officers and troops are encouraged to use their imagination and initiative to come up with new ways of doing things."
This approach, Strategypage continues, has "produced dozens of new tactics and techniques for dealing with roadside bombs and ambushes. Even though the Iraqi resistance was quickly changing their tactics, the troops have been faster, and more effective." In other words, almost a year after the fall of Baghdad, the military is busy adapting to an ever-changing military environment in Iraq.
Not all the training occurs at Fort Irwin, although just about every Army man or woman in Iraq has probably been through this facility. (The Marines have a similar operation in nearby Barstow.) And the point of all this training, wherever it occurs, is to the improve the effectiveness of America's armed forces--and to save lives by any and all means.
Film Forum: Gibson's Passion Outraces Hidalgo at Box Office (Jeffrey Overstreet, 03/11/04, Christianity Today)
Once again, The Passion of The Christ topped the box office, bringing its 12-day total to $212 million dollars.This success continued to astound and bewilder mainstream critics of the film, many of whom continued launching uncharacteristically reactionary and angry protests.
"I can't recall a movie that has depicted torture in such lavish, fetishistic and excruciating detail as … The Passion," says Brian D. Johnson (Maclean's). "What's most astonishing about [the movie] is that it's so luridly secular. Gibson has made a movie about flesh, not spirit—flesh that's kicked, beaten, flayed, punctured and lacerated for what seems like an eternity. I'm not sure Jews ought to feel offended … but Christians should. Anyone stepping into this movie from another planet, knowing nothing about Christianity, would assume it's a barbaric cult of blood sacrifice."
(Note: Brian D. Johnson is the same critic who described David Cronenberg's Crash, an explicit and shocking film about people who like to have sex in the midst of car crashes, as "exquisitely composed but emotionally impenetrable … brilliant and severely beautiful. It works on the mind and the eye, leaving the viewer shocked, haunted and bewildered—wondering what on earth to feel, which is perhaps the whole point of the exercise." When offended by The Passion, his put-down is to call it "luridly secular"?)
Similarly, Jonathan Rosenbaum (Chicago Reader) writes, "Gibson stresses only cruelty and suffering, complete with slow motion and masochistic point-of-view shots. The charges of anti-Semitism and homophobia being hurled at the movie seem too narrow; its general disgust for humanity is so unrelenting that the military-sounding drums at the end seem to be welcoming the apocalypse. If I were a Christian, I'd be appalled to have this primitive and pornographic bloodbath presume to speak for me."
In The Washington Post, Tom Shales refers to anti-Semitism as "the Big Lie." Indeed, using Christ's death as an excuse to be hateful and violent toward the Jews is indeed a grievous sin. But Shales then accuses Gibson of "recycling" the Lie and making money off of it. (Since when has making a profit from your work become a sin?) Shales concludes with his most presumptuous and revealing remark yet: "Surely [Gibson's] parking space in Hell has already been reserved."
Lawmaker Threatens to Take Fun Out of Australian Politics (AP, 3/10/04)
Instead of engaging in sober debate, politicians in Australia's oldest legislature have been accused of drinking too much and drafting laws with slurred speech and red noses.Lee Rhiannon of the minority Greens Party says some members of the New South Wales state Parliament are obviously under the influence of alcohol when they return to its debating chamber after taking breaks.
"After dinner ... things get a bit raucous," The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday quoted Rhiannon as saying.
The august institution, set up in Sydney in 1822, has two restaurants and a bar as well as its own liquor store.
Md. Woman Accused of Acting as Iraqi Agent (William Branigin, Washington Post, 3/11/04)
Federal agents today arrested a Maryland woman at her home on charges of acting as an agent for the Iraqi government of former president Saddam Hussein and plotting to aid resistance groups in Iraq after Hussein was ousted by U.S. forces.Lockerbie Trial Document: Susan Lindauer Deposition, 4 December 1998
Susan Lindauer, 40, a former journalist and congressional aide in Washington, was taken into custody by the FBI at her home in Takoma Park after federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment against her and two Iraqis, the sons of a former diplomat, who were charged with similar offenses.
Last month, MEIB reported that Dr. Richard Fuisz, a major CIA operative in Syria during the 1980s, met with a congressional staffer by the name of Susan Lindauer in 1994 and told her that that the perpetrators of the December 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland were based in Syria [see "The Lockerbie Bombing Trial: Is Libya Being Framed?" Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, June 2000]. One month after their meeting, the Clinton administration, which holds Libya responsible for the bombing, placed a gag order on Dr. Fuisz to prevent him from publicly discussing the issue.Senator to speak at SIUC (Donita Polly, SIUC Daily Egyption)While Dr. Fuisz is still unable to comment on this matter because of the gag order, MEIB has obtained a copy of a formal deposition filed by Lindauer in 1998 in which she recounts this conversation in detail. This deposition (see below) has been submitted to the court in which two Libyan suspects are currently on trial and to U.N. officials, who have attempted to persuade the Clinton administration to lift the gag order on Dr. Fuisz.
Lindauer says that she has been subject to intense surveillance, threats, and attacks since she began meeting with Libyan officials in 1995 to discuss her knowledge of the Lockerbie bombing. "Someone put acid on the steering wheel of my car on a day I was supposed to drive to NYC for a meeting at the Libya House. I scrubbed my hands with a toilet brush, but my face was burned so badly that 3 weeks later friends worried I might be badly scarred," Lindauer told MEIB. "Also, my house was bugged with listening devices and cameras -- little red laser lights in the shower vent. And I survived several assassination attempts."
She has agreed to publish her email address,, along with this deposition so that journalists, researchers and others interested in learning more about this issue can contact her.
Defending civil rights and protecting affirmative action policies are important because these issues affect the country's future, a spokeswoman for Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, D-Illinois, says.Revolving Door (September 1993 MediaWatch)"Civil Rights Under Fire" is the topic for a speech to be given by Moseley-Braun on campus tonight. The speech will focus on affirmative action as a way for people to fulfill their job potentials, Susan Lindauer, spokeswoman for Moseley-Braun, said
Three West Coast Democrats have tapped media veterans to fill Press Secretary slots in their Capitol Hill offices, Roll Call reported. Oregon's Peter DeFazio chose Susan Lindauer, a reporter for U.S. News & World Report in 1990-91.Signers of the PEACE PLEDGE: TO STOP SPREAD OF ANTI-TERRORIST WAR TO IRAQ
Susan Lindauer, Takoma Park, MD, USFrom: "Susan Lindauer" [slindauer40 at]
Subject: Fwd: US Troops Decide to Charge Money for Water to Penniless Iraqis In Um QasrComing Soon: Fed TV (Brian Friel,, 2/2/98)
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 15:57:34 -0500
The legislative branch has C-SPAN. The judicial branch has Court TV. But the executive branch has no home on the television airwaves.Until now. Coming soon to a television near you (if you're in the Washington area), channel 28, the "Information Super Station," will broadcast live feeds of federal news events across the capital city to government managers and government junkies alike. . . .
"We're bringing down the walls of government," says Susan Lindauer, the station's executive producer for political affairs, who is in charge of getting agencies on the program schedule. "Government executives will be able to watch the president, watch other agencies, and watch themselves." . . .
"We expect to be a positive force," she says. "We will encourage the public to claim ownership of the federal government."
Madrid bombings carry al-Qaida hallmark (Claude Salhani, 3/11/2004, UPI)
[T]he Brussels-based World Observatory of Terrorism, an independent think tank affiliated with the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, points to five major reasons that cast doubt on the involvement of ETA.First, ETA generally warns Spanish authorities moments before launching their attacks in which civilians are likely to be harmed. This, obviously, was not the case on Thursday.
Second, ETA traditionally targets representatives of the government or the administration, such as policemen, the military, magistrates or even journalists who oppose them.
Third, ETA customarily selects "symbolic" targets, such as military barracks and administrative buildings. Although ETA's largest attack to date was in 1987 against a supermarket in Barcelona that killed 21 people, this was the exception rather than the norm.
Fourth, ETA always claims its attacks. Following any ETA bombing, ETA militants call in a claim to Spanish authorities. This failed to happen this time.
Fifth, ETA has never in the past carried out multiple attacks. According to some sources, at least 10 bombs were detonated almost simultaneously on Thursday.
On the other hand, these murderous attacks bear the traditional hallmark of al-Qaida: multiple bombs detonating a few seconds apart and programmed to cause the largest possible number of human casualties.
Again, according to the World Observatory of Terrorism, several elements seem to point to the "International Jihad Movement."
The "multiple targeting," reports the WOT, is the standard operating procedure of the fundamentalist Islamist movement.
(via Glenn Dryfoos):
Devious Plot (Lawrence F. Kaplan, 03.10.04, New Republic)
One of my colleagues and I have a running bet: Who can find the dumbest reference to "neoconservatism"? Until last week, the honor was Tina Brown's. In a Washington Post piece last year, she recalled "the New Deal for which neocons of the '30s bitterly reviled FDR as 'that man'"--the problem, of course, being that "neocons" did not emerge until 30 years after FDR's death, and the movement's founders vigorously supported the New Deal. But, in a new play, Embedded (opening later this week at New York's Public Theater), film star and director Tim Robbins outdoes even Tina Brown. Embedded, moreover, is not only dumb. It is poisonous, a production-length conspiracy theory guilty of the very sins it attributes to the "cabal" that it claims to expose.Embedded, written and directed by Robbins, tells the story of the war in Iraq ("Gomorrah") from three vantage points. The first belongs to a character named Private Jen-Jen (clearly modeled on Jessica Lynch) and her fellow soldiers on the ground, whom Robbins beatifies as victims of the cabal. The second belongs to the journalists covering the war, whom Robbins depicts, with few exceptions, as a craven bunch deferring to military censors at nearly every turn. The third, and most interesting series of scenes, belongs to the cabal itself--the cynical architects of the war, who, from behind their Greek masks, plot the invasion of Gomorrah on their calendars. "Woof" (Paul Wolfowitz, presumably), "Pearly White" (Richard Perle, definitely), and the other cabalists reason that a war will distract the public from the crumbling economy. More important, it will prove once and for all the hypotheses of the late University of Chicago professor Leo Strauss, the cabal's hero and the production's villain, whose hapless visage is projected in the background.
What exactly are those theories? The cabal, despite its repeated shouts of "hail Leo Strauss!" (this, to a Jewish refugee from Nazism), doesn't give us much insight. Fortunately, the program for Embedded, which contains an essay by someone named Kitty Clark, does. (For the New York production at least, someone in Robbins's orbit had the good sense to expunge from the original essay, which I found on the Internet, several pointed references to the Jewishness of Strauss and his supposed adherents.) In the program's telling, Strauss believed that democracy "was best defended by an ignorant public pumped up on nationalism and religion. Only a militantly nationalist state could deter human aggression." As for Robbins himself, in an NPR interview earlier this week he explained that he could only figure out why the neoconservatives supported war in Iraq by looking to their association with "a philosopher named Leo Strauss that a lot of them studied with, who actually conceptually believes in a noble lie for a greater good, coming from Plato." Bull Durham, meet the New School for Social Research.
Leaving aside for a moment Hollywood's reading of Straussian political theory, there is the small matter that the principal architects of the war--Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the president himself--had in all likelihood barely even heard of Leo Strauss before James Atlas penned a piece in The New York Times last year explaining who he was (the piece clearly made an impression on Robbins, who quotes from it). As for the neoconservatives themselves, despite Robbins's assertion that Irving Kristol studied under Strauss--Robbins appears to be confusing Irving, who is well into his 80's and in any case attended City College, with his son Bill--what, if any, debt they owe him remains questionable at best. Nor, if they do owe such a debt, is it at all clear that it is a pernicious one. Strauss's experience as a Jew who escaped the pogroms of his youth and the Holocaust that engulfed his contemporaries made him uniquely sensitive to the dangers of tyranny. Which, in turn, made him ... a liberal. He believed deeply that, as Atlas points out, "to make the world safe for the Western democracies, one must make the whole globe democratic, each country in itself as well as the society of nations." If this is the stuff of conspiracy, then American presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Bill Clinton clearly couldn't keep a secret.
Playing the Basque card (Jonathan Power, March 11, 2004, International Herald Tribune)
As with its counterpart, the Northern Ireland conflict, the Basque nationalist terrorism in Spain is also fueled by historical sentiment and myth on one side and by narrow-minded authoritarianism on the other for easy settlement.Nevertheless, Northern Ireland has found a peace of sorts and the lion is lying down with the lamb, at least to the extent that the truce of 1998 is prevailing. But Basque militancy, in the form of the ETA guerrillas army, continues with its ferocious policy of assassination and intimidation, albeit at a slower pace than before -- out of step not only with the rest of Europe, not just with the majority mood of the rest of the country, but also with the predominant majority mood of the Basque country itself.
This is the clear reading not just of what is said and done today but also of the regional elections two and a half years ago, the last time the militants had a legitimate party to vote for. [...]
The clear winner was the moderate Basque Nationalist Party with 42 percent of the vote. While the party eschews violence, it has adopted the ETA goal of breaking away from Spain, or at least some status very close to that. The region is almost the antithesis of Northern Ireland. While Northern Ireland has been depressed economically and divided by ancient religious hatreds, the Basque people share the same religion with Spaniards; they have won a great degree of autonomy, including control of their own police force, and they are now at the heart of one of the more bustling parts of Europe with a marvelous art museum, the Guggenheim Bilbao, helping trigger the urban renewal of its largest city.
In the simple light of day there is no contest. Northern Ireland should be the difficult one and the Basque cause should have been blown away long ago by the winds of post-Franco democratic change. It has not happened, and shows little sign of happening, despite the repudiation at the polls of the pro-ETA party. Its appeal even to middle class young recruits remains strong. This is why Juan Jose Ibarretxe, leader of the Basque Nationalist Party regional government, says the central gov ernment has to re-engage in dialogue with Basque nationalism. "Dialogue to achieve what?" Aznar replies. "I have nothing to say on the question of self-determination." It is this absolutism, this arrogance of power, common to both the government and its predecessor, the Socialists of former Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, that has helped make ETA the formidable and dangerous force it has become.
WWJK: Who Would Jesus Kill? (Ann Coulter, March 11, 2004,
William Safire, the New York Times' in-house "conservative" -- who endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992, like so many conservatives -- was sure Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" would incite anti-Semitic violence. Thus far, the pogroms have failed to materialize. [...]Despite repeated suggestions from liberals -- including the in-house "conservative" and Clinton-supporter at the Times -- Hitler is not what happens when you gin up Christians. Like Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine killers and the editorial board of the New York Times, Hitler detested Christians.
Indeed, Hitler denounced Christianity as an "invention of the Jew" and vowed that the "organized lie (of Christianity) must be smashed" so that the state would "remain the absolute master." Interestingly, this was the approach of all the great mass murderers of the last century -- all of whom were atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
In the United States, more than 30 million babies have been killed by abortion since Roe v. Wade, vs. seven abortion providers killed. Yeah -- keep your eye on those Christians!
But according to liberals, it's Christianity that causes murder. (And don't get them started on Zionism.) Like their Muslim friends still harping about the Crusades, liberals won't "move on" from the Spanish Inquisition. In the entire 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition, about 30,000 people were killed. That's an average of less than 100 a year. Stalin knocked off that many kulaks before breakfast.
But Safire argues that viewers of "The Passion" will see the Jewish mob and think: "Who was responsible for this cruel humiliation? What villain deserves to be punished?"
Let's see: It was a Roman who ordered Christ's execution, and Romans who did all the flaying, taunting and crucifying. Perhaps Safire is indulging in his own negative stereotyping about Jews by assuming they simply viewed Romans as "the help."
McDonald's salad fattier than burger (Reuters, 3/9/04)
LONDON -- Global hamburger giant McDonald's latest line in healthy looking salads may contain more fat than its hamburgers, according to the company's Web site.. . . .The next obese person to walk into a McDonalds and eat nothing but one hamburger will be the first.[C]onsumers hoping to lose weight by switching from burgers to salads may be disappointed, according to the Interactive Nutrition Counter on the McDonald's Web site.
For example, on the new menu to be launched at the end of this month, a "Caesar salad with Chicken Premiere" contains 18.4 grams of fat compared with 11.5 grams of fat in a standard cheeseburger.
Weekly U.S. jobless claims dip First-time applications fall 6,000 to 341,000 (, 3/11/04)
The number of Americans filing initial claims for jobless aid dipped last week while the ranks of workers drawing benefits fell to a 2-1/2 year low, the government said on Thursday.Whenever you see headlines or John Kerry complaining about a 10,000 job layoff (which is almost always actually a RIF, a much different thing) or that 20,000 high-tech jobs are moving to India, remember that a very good week consists of only 341,000 Americans losing their jobs. [Or, for Charlie Murtaugh's sake, we can remember that in a really, really, really good week during a booming economy, more than 200,000 Americans filed initial unemployment insurance claims, and employers were still announcing 10,000 employee RIFs and moving overseas. The rule of thumb is that if less than 400,000 claims are filed, unemployment is decreasing.]
First-time claims for state unemployment insurance fell 6,000 to 341,000 in the week ended March 6 versus a revised 347,000 claims the prior week, the Labor Department said.
We must use the courts to change marriage law (Ron Sims, Seattle Times, 11/03/04)
On Monday, March 8, at 8:30 a.m., I opened the doors at the King County licensing counter to six loving same-sex couples courageously seeking marriage equality. Although I could not issue them licenses, I worked with these couples, the Northwest Women's Law Center and Lambda Legal Defense to file suit in King County Superior Court for the marriage rights denied to them.Why did I choose the judicial path to equality? Because we must use the law to change the law. [...]
The Book of Common Prayer says matrimony is a holy and honorable estate, and "therefore not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God."
We must discuss the definition of marriage with the same reverence, discretion, sober thought and prayer. [...]
Last month, I visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. As I stood at Lincoln's feet, in the quiet of that hushed marble chamber, I reflected on the greatness of this man and his immortal words.
Lincoln fought to protect the ideals of "a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." The echo of Lincoln's words reverberates through time as every generation answers each new call for justice and equality.
Lincoln struggled to keep the Union from falling apart, while we struggle today with how a different kind of union will come together. [...]
In 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "The time is always right to do what is right."
Even the crustiest of conservatives can be grateful for some of history’s great liberal victories. Civil rights, the legal equality of women and the American Revolution were all triumphs of individual liberty over privilege and tradition, and few today would claim we are not better off for them. But the classical argument that underlay these triumphs has become a template that people with huge senses of entitlement and petty grievance impose unthinkingly on just about any issue that strikes their fancy. Although they may have mastered the words of Locke and Lincoln, they actually resemble Ortega Y Gasset’s menacing masses.
Rev. Sims calls for a reverent, sober discussion of marriage, but that is really the last thing he wants. What he wants is to appropriate the rhetoric of history’s great liberators without further ado, declare as self-evident that he is following their paths and then dare anyone to challenge him as he attempts to sidestep the democratic process. Gay marriage need not be debated. Why debate with the political heirs of slave holders? Just invoke Lincoln, shout them down as ugly homophobes and move on to...wherever.
Midge Dector wrote a few years ago that our secular, atomistic society is slowly driving us all insane. Evidence of this is how the widespread rage against tradition and religious influence is growing, not waning, as they recede from public life. It is weird to witness the mundane causes modern liberals will latch onto passionately and how easily they can be convinced that a struggle for immediate sensual and emotional gratification is akin to the abolition of slavery. One can only imagine King’s and Lincoln’s ghosts looking on with bewilderment at seeing their names invoked in the glorious struggles for unrestrained sexual pleasure and fast food restaurants that never close.
White House urges Beauprez to run for Senate; House GOP says stay put (Peter Savodnik, 3/10/04, The Hill)
Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-Colo.) is in the middle of a classic political dilemma: The White House is urging him to run for the seat held by Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.) while House Republican leaders are pressing him to hold on to the seat he narrowly won in 2002.Beauprez indicated late Tuesday that Karl Rove, the president’s senior political adviser, had called him Tuesday to persuade him to get into the race. Rove’s call came the same day Colorado Gov. Bill Owens (R) announced he would not seek the Senate seat. [...]
House Republicans have argued that they spent a lot of money to win the 7th District seat and that it would be hard to hold it if Beauprez steps down. Cantor added that most of the House Republican leadership has visited Beauprez’s district since he took office.
“That’s a legitimate concern,” Beauprez said, referring to Republican fears that the party could lose the seat if he runs for the Senate. The congressman spent more than $1.8 million to eke out a 121-vote victory.
The Hunt Heats Up (Michael Hirsh and John Barry, 3/15/04, Newsweek)
Today [William H. McRaven] is a rear admiral, and his new job is one that could not rank higher on President George W. Bush's to-do list in election year 2004: nailing Osama bin Laden. It is a job that will require much ruthlessness—a good deal more of that, perhaps, than personal honor. NEWSWEEK has learned that McRaven is heading up Task Force 121, a covert, miniature strike force with a command structure so secretive that McRaven's role hasn't even been reported until now.Task Force 121, which also helped to capture Saddam Hussein under McRaven's command, represents something brand-new in warfare, a pure hybrid of civilian intelligence and military striking power. It is the most ambitious melding yet of CIA assets, Special Forces (mainly the Army's Delta Force) and the Air Force. Formed late last year as part of Joint Special Operations Command—the secret "black ops" under Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who until recently was deputy operations director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—it is designed to produce a lightning-fast reaction should intel locate bin Laden or any other "high-value targets" anywhere for a few hours. It's a work in progress: CIA Director George Tenet meets frequently with Gen. John Abizaid, the head of Central Command, to nurture the marriage.
McRaven has managed to bridge both the civilian and military worlds. While working at the National Security Council after 9/11, he was principal author of the White House strategy for combating terrorism. McRaven also literally wrote the book on Special Ops, a 1995 history of surgical strike teams from the Nazi rescue of Mussolini in 1943 to the 1976 Israeli raid on Entebbe. And his thesis at naval postgrad school is now mandatory reading for Special Ops commanders. "Bill is reputed to be the smartest SEAL that ever lived," says a former commander who knows McRaven well. "He is physically tough, compassionate and can drive a knife through your ribs in a nanosecond." According to his former boss at the White House, Gen. Wayne Downing, "if anybody is smart and cunning enough to get [bin Laden], McRaven and the Delta and SEAL Team Six guys he now commands will do it." [...]
If the hunters are getting closer to their prey, it's also thanks to a renewed effort by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to infiltrate the border regions sympathetic to Al Qaeda. On Saturday, the BBC reported that bin Laden narrowly escaped one such Pakistani raid, and NEWSWEEK confirmed that such an incident occurred. Within the past few weeks, some intelligence sources say, a U.S. Predator also spotted a suspect believed to be Al-Zawahiri somewhere in the border area. [...]
McRaven could be using psyop to flush bin Laden and others out of their hiding places. But the real key to success, the Task Force 121 commander knows, may be the "hammer and anvil" of converging U.S. Special Forces teams in Afghanistan and some 70,000 Pakistani forces in the border areas. In one recent operation in Waziristan, Pakistani security forces arrested several women married to foreign fighters, hoping for a lead on bin Laden. Similarly, they have destroyed the houses of tribesmen suspected of sheltering Qaeda fugitives. Pakistani officials said the tactic has worked, providing valuable information while apparently helping to drive Qaeda and Taliban fighters back across the Afghan border—into the hands, they hope, of Task Force 121. The standing U.S. offer of $25 million for bin Laden's head provides an extra incentive. "We now have all the ingredients in place for more effective operations in the days to come," says a senior Pakistani official. The man who's been tasked with blending those ingredients together, Bill McRaven, is betting on it.
Bush Allies, Falling Down on the Jobs (Robert J. Samuelson, March 10, 2004, Washington Post)
Since peaking in March 2001, the number of payroll jobs has dropped 1.8 percent (that's 2.35 million jobs). Production, incomes and employment are all rising, even if job increases are tiny (61,000 a month since August). People are still spending stupendous sums; in 2003 they bought 7.2 million homes and 16.7 million cars and light trucks. The only intellectual justification for the overblown rhetoric is that if the situation were reversed the White House would be making equally bombastic claims for unexpectedly large employment gains.Few economists predicted the poor job growth. Theories abound. It's said that companies have become more productive by mastering new technologies. Chief executives won't hire until they're convinced a strong recovery will continue. Efficient firms displace the inefficient (if Company A, with 10 workers, goes bankrupt and its customers shift to Company B, which hires five workers, there's still a net job loss).
Offshoring is the latest villain. Hordes of high-paying software and service jobs have supposedly left for India. The news coverage of this has been a bit on the sensational side. Time decided it merited a cover story, though estimating that offshoring caused no more than 10 percent of job loss. That's 235,000 jobs out of payroll employment exceeding 130 million. A New York Times "teaser" headline warned: "No job is safe, unless it's at the nursing station." (The story didn't justify the headline.) The truth is that no one knows how many service jobs have gone offshore. There are no reliable surveys. But the number -- so far -- seems small and is overshadowed by domestic job losses stemming from the bursting of the stock and tech bubbles. Since early 2001 the telecommunications industry alone has lost 275,000 jobs, about 20 percent of its total. Here's a simple question to measure offshoring: How many white-collar workers do you know whose jobs have moved to India? For most Americans, the answer is probably "none."
Politically, little of this matters.
Florida county orders recount in primary: Election outcome unaffected as Kerry easily carries state (CNN, March 10, 2004)
Election officials in Bay County, Florida, plan to recount all of the almost 20,000 ballots cast in Tuesday's presidential primary because of vote-counting irregularities, election Supervisor Mark Andersen said Wednesday. [...]Andersen did not release the initial results, but The Associated Press reported that Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri held a 2-to-1 lead over Kerry in the county, with more than 60 percent of precincts tallied.
Defying Psychiatric Wisdom, These Skeptics Say 'Prove It' (ERICA GOODE, 3/09/04, NY Times)
In journal articles and public presentations,...psychologists, from Emory, Harvard, the University of Texas and other institutions, have challenged the validity of widely used diagnostic tools like the Rorschach inkblot test. They have questioned the existence of repressed memories of child sexual abuse and of multiple personality disorder. They have attacked the wide use of labels like codependency and sexual addiction.The challengers have also criticized a number of fashionable therapies, including "critical incident" psychological debriefing for trauma victims, eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing, or E.M.D.R., and other techniques.
"These guys are sort of the Ralph Naders of psychology," said Dr. David Barlow, director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University.
Yet the psychologists are hardly cranks. Their criticisms reflect a widening divide in the field between researchers, who rely on controlled trials and other statistical methods of determining whether a therapeutic technique works, and practitioners, who are often guided by clinical experience and intuition rather than scientific evidence.
"I started to become very concerned by the practices that I was seeing our field tolerating and, in some cases, actively embracing," said Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, a professor of psychology who has emerged as a de facto leader of the group.
In 1988, a group of researchers, concerned that the American Psychological Association, the dominant professional organization, was not placing enough emphasis on science, split off and formed the American Psychological Society. The society now counts close to 15,000 members, its executive director, Dr. Alan Kraut, said. The association has 155,000 members. [...]
"Many practitioners, because they don't keep up with the scientific literature, may be using suboptimal and, in some cases, even dangerous treatments," Dr. Lilienfeld said.
Two years ago, he founded The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, a journal whose stated goal is to present "objective investigations of controversial and unorthodox claims in clinical psychiatry, psychology and social work." [...]
Like medicine, these experts contend, psychology should have clinical practice guidelines, and psychotherapists should favor treatments that are backed by evidence from controlled clinical trials over treatment whose effectiveness is supported by anecdotes and case histories only. [...]
Dr. Ronald Levant, president-elect of the American Psychological Association, said Dr. Lilienfeld and others had gone overboard in their enthusiasm for scientific vetting of therapeutic techniques.
"Their fervor about science borders on the irrational," Dr. Levant, a professor of psychology at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, said. "The problem in clinical psychology is that we don't have science to cover everything we do, and that's true for medicine, as well."
COLORADO STIRRINGS (The Prowler, 3/09/04, American Spectator)
According to National Republican Senatorial Committee staffers, President Bush placed a call to U.S. Rep. Scott McInnis of Colorado, encouraging him to run for the Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell.Gov. Bill Owens was thought to be the first choice of the White House, but as a sitting governor with national political aspirations and a fresh marital separation to clean up, Owens is now telling associates he would prefer not to step into the Senate race.
McInnis, who regardless was retiring from the House, wasn't planning on a Senate try in part because Campbell, until his surprise announcement last week, had sad he was running. Now McInnis, with $1.3 million in the bank, is the Republican Party's best chance of holding the critical seat.
Russian Lesson (Anne Applebaum, March 10, 2004, Washington Post)
[W]hat is really missing in Russia is not just a political opposition but the machinery needed to create one: yes, free media, but also politically independent businessmen willing to provide the finance, politically savvy people willing to work for the president's defeat without fear of reprisal, and politically educated voters who feel they have a reason -- other than a desire for cheap groceries -- to turn up at a polling booth. Not all these elements are equally abundant in every mature democracy, including ours. But they are sufficient to ensure that elections are, most of the time, genuine contests between at least two plausible political parties.The difficulty with these missing elements, of course, is that if they aren't there to begin with, they are very difficult to create from scratch. Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria has pointed out that the most successful developing countries -- Taiwan, say, or South Korea -- are usually those that are first ruled by "liberal autocracies" for several decades before becoming actual democracies. But in the case of Russia, there wasn't time to set up a liberal autocracy before the collapse of the Soviet Union. There won't be time in Iraq, either.
Our ability to foster the growth of a Russian or Iraqi political culture, complete with independent businessmen, independent journalists, independent election officials and, above all, voters who do not still retain some fear of independent voting, is extremely limited. Nevertheless, there are minor ways we can influence the process, as our experience with Russia should tell us. Clearly the selling of democracy -- through the provision of scholarships for journalists, seminars for judges, textbooks for lawyers -- shouldn't stop once a new democracy begins to hold elections. The tools of "democracy promotion" and education aren't powerful but they are, by foreign policy standards, quite cheap. It will cost a lot less to teach Iraqi schoolchildren about their new bill of rights than it would to send in the Army and Marines again 10 years from now.
A Thug’s Leftist Groupies (Michael Radu, 3/10/04,
According to Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) in an interview on CNN, the administration is responsible for the overthrow of Haiti’s former president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide; Aristide was “a democratically elected,” albeit “not perfect” figure. The opposition is comprised of “thugs,” although Dodd does not know anything about their leader, Guy Philippe. According to Dodd, the administration weakened democratic legitimacy in Latin America by not supporting Aristide, because it did not like him. Of course, the fact that two presidents of Ecuador, one of Argentina and, more recently, the very pro-US president of Bolivia, Sanchez de Lozada, all democratically elected, were overthrown during the past few years, with no US intervention, conveniently escapes Senator Dodd’s memory. That, considering Mr. Dodd’s well-established romance with the unsavory Left in Latin America, is no surprise; the fact that such statements make him a moderate among Democrats, is one. [...]As Garry Pierre-Pierre, publisher and editor-in-chief of New York's Haitian Times, put it in The Wall Street Journal, “[Aristide’s] detractors included the intellectual left, instrumental in forming the Lavalas popular movement which swept him into power 14 years ago; and they also included women's groups, church groups, and the labor unions, which, all taken together, made clear that there was no part of his original radical base that was not against him. (Only the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus, far removed from Haiti and from reality, stood by its man.).”
Aristide, always the Orwellian, told state radio in Bangui, "By toppling me, they have cut down the tree of peace, but it will grow again." Indeed, peace is not exactly the word one would immediately associate with Aristide--after his first, and only legitimate election in 1990, this former man of the cloth was openly encouraging the mobs of Port au Prince to enjoy themselves with “Pére Lebrun” – the creole term for “necklacing” (burning people with gasoline filled tires around their neck) made famous by the other famous racialist “progressive”--convicted thief and kidnapper Winnie Mandela. That was then--after regaining power on the backs of the Marines, the now defrocked ex-priest took more than a page from the Duvalier regime he helped overthrow--the new pro-regime mobs were renamed--from Tontons Macoutes into chimères. When the CIA accurately predicted all this, its analyst was criticized, implicitly--or not so implicitly--accused of racism.
Haiti's government, while controlled by President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his party, spent $7.3 million between 1997 and 2002 lobbying the U.S. government as more than 80 percent of the country was impoverished.During this time, U.S. funding to Haiti — a typical measure of lobbying success — declined, and its economy foundered, fueling his opposition's successful effort to depose Mr. Aristide last week for the second time in 15 years. [...]
"What he got for that money is for [Democratic U.S. Reps.] Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel to speak out for him," said Garry Pierre-Pierre, founder and publisher of Haiti Times. "Otherwise, I'm not sure what he got. There was some money that was disbursed through this effort. But most of the money even then went for nongovernmental projects." [...]
Most of the lobbying money, $5.38 million in that period, went to the Florida law firm of Kurzban, Kurzban, Weinger & Tetzeli, which served as Haiti's general counsel in the United States.
The lobbying firm headed by Ron Dellums, former California congressman and one-time leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, received $571,326 in 2001 and 2002. Its efforts included discussing "legislation involving Haitian refugees with a member of Congress and congressional staff members," according to a report filed in 1998.
Another firm, headed by Hazel Ross-Robinson, wife of Randall Robinson, founder of the black activist TransAfrica Forum and a longtime advocate for Mr. Aristide, received $367,967.
In 1999, Mrs. Ross-Robinson was paid $46,117 for "publiciz[ing] developments pertaining to the foreign principal's attempts to achieve and maintain political and economic stability."
How ‘flip-flop’ kills Kerry (Dick Morris, March 10, 2004, Jewish World Review)
The obvious goal of the Bush attack is to discredit Kerry and make it hard for anyone to believe in him or anything he says. But this round of flip-flop attacks is just the precursor of the main Bush offensive. Attacking Kerry for reversing himself on many key issues will weaken the Democrat, but the real point is to soften him up for two more deadly attacks likely to follow.First, the flip-flop ads are designed to make Kerry appear too weak to lead America through the tough challenges of terrorism at home and abroad. Attacking a candidate for reversing himself on key political issues is the best way to make him appear weak, indecisive and vacillating. [...]
Bush wants to show that Kerry is too weak to lead the nation as a wartime president. It is no accident that Bush is opening his paid media campaign by reminding voters of his strong stance in the months after 9/11. He wants to raise the saliency of terrorism as an issue and to up the ante for the strength required of a chief executive. The flip-flop ads are his way of doing it.
By showing the Democrat as a man who can be pushed first one way and then the other by political winds, he shows him to be far from the strong, decisive leader America needs.
The flip-flop attack is also designed to prevent Kerry from responding to the other key line of Bush attack - that Kerry is too liberal for mainstream America.
By criticizing Kerry for changing his position constantly, the Bush campaign hopes to stop their opponent from wriggling out of his previous liberal votes and views. Once the public is alert to the chance that Kerry will change his mind, it becomes harder for the Democrat to explain away his votes and to move to the center under Bush's fire. [...]
Conventional wisdom says that this election is going to be close, a replay of 2000. It need not be so. If Bush runs aggressive national advertisements, hammering at these themes, he can put this race away by the end of the spring.
DEEP THOUGHTS (The Rat (don't blame me, it's what she calls herself) via Eve)
If you're ever on an airplane that's crashing, see if you can't organize a quick thing of group sex, because come on, you squares.Except, I'm not convinced we're crashing, just that it's very turbulent and the pilots, who might be better using their time, are organizing the group sex. Also, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, there's a certain plane crash quality to Eve's blog that keeps me coming back (and the fiction's pretty good, too).
One life or two? (Paul Greenberg, March 10, 2004, Jewish World Review)
"The possibility of a pregnant woman surviving an attack and losing her unborn child, only to have the law tell her no one was killed is unthinkable."That was Marion Berry, a congressman from Arkansas, explaining - simply, undeniably - why he voted for the bill that would recognize a woman's unborn child as a victim when she is attacked. [...]
Those opposed to the bill understand very well the general message it's sending - that human life is to be protected even in the womb. They know a bill can specifically exempt abortion from criminal penalties but still raise moral qualms about it. [...]
So defenders of abortion offered a compromise: an amendment that would punish an offender who "interrupted" a pregnancy, but without recognizing the unborn child as a separate victim.
Recognition must not be accorded the unborn child in his - or her - own right, not if the unthinkable is to remain the law of the land.
John F. Kerry understands. The senator from Massachusetts - and presidential nominee presumptive - has the most logical of reasons for opposing legislation like the Unborn Victims of Violence Act:
"The law cannot simultaneously provide that a fetus is a human being and protect the right of the mother to terminate her pregnancy."
Precisely. I think he's got it.
A stone not rejected: With Detroit public schools failing, large local corporations have backed something they would normally avoid: Christ-centered Cornerstone schools (Susan Olasky, 3/13/04, World)
Cornerstone School has become a model school nationwide because it has garnered support from Detroit-area corporations, including the Big Three automakers, even though the school has a Christ-centered vision. Traditionally corporations are reluctant to support Christian schools, but Cornerstone has managed to attract wide and generous support because corporate managers see the need to support an academically excellent alternative to Detroit's failing schools. Ernestine Sanders, president of Cornerstone, says executives "see the value of what's going to happen with kids getting an excellent education."The seeds that grew into Cornerstone were planted in 1990, when a group of community leaders agreed that the city's schools were failing and a generation had been lost. The group didn't want to start another parochial school affiliated with a particular church but an independent "Christ-centered" school that could be supported by lots of different churches, businesses, community groups, and individuals. Ten months later, Cornerstone opened with 167 students.
Twelve years later that seed had grown into the Cornerstone School Association, with three campuses in three different Detroit neighborhoods, providing an education to more than 800 students, most of whom are black, and many of whom are from low-income, single-parent families. [...]
Before coming to Cornerstone in 1995, Ms. Sanders had taught English in an affluent, all-white high school, a Friends school, and a school for gifted students, so she knew what excellent suburban education looked like. She brought the same expectations for excellence to Cornerstone, and it is reflected in the building's immaculate appearance and the first-rate materials she solicits for her students.
For instance, she didn't beg for used violins, violas, and cellos for the school's music programs, but raised money for new instruments. "We need the same resources that you would give to any place where you expect excellence," she says.
That desire for excellence requires a challenging curriculum that includes Spanish (beginning in kindergarten), art and music (beginning in pre-K), and instrumental music (beginning in 3rd grade). Cornerstone graduates are sought-after by the city's several good magnet high schools and other parochial high schools.
Since the school doesn't have admissions testing and is open to all kinds of students, it offers individualized curriculum at both ends of the academic spectrum, for both slow and gifted learners. To make sure kids have enough exposure to the material, the school runs 11 months a year and gives four nights of homework per week. The school chooses curriculum based on its objectives, and then tests annually to make sure the curriculum is actually teaching what it's supposed to.
Partnerships are central to Cornerstone. The school has two kinds of "community partners," attending and supporting (one of each kind for each student), who agree to donate $2,000 per student. Attending partners also agree to come to Cornerstone four times a year to meet with their students and work together on a project. Some partners sponsor one child, some five, and one sponsored an entire class for $50,000.
Although the true cost per child is $8,400, the sponsorships and other fund-raising enabled Cornerstone to set tuition this year at $2,750 for an 11-month school year. Many students receive scholarships to help cover part of that cost, but all families pay something.
The Trouble With Germany (NY Times, 3/10/04)
Germany is in the grip of a profound malaise. The economy contracted by 0.1 percent last year and is headed for growth of only 1.5 percent this year. Unemployment stands at 10.3 percent. Huge public deficits are running afoul of the pact that Germany itself forced on euro-zone members. Consumers and investors lack confidence. The reasons for the problems are no mystery: a lavish welfare system, which the state can no longer afford, and high labor costs, which send businesses elsewhere. The Germans know all that full well, just as they know that they need to make deep and painful changes if they are to turn things around and resume that economic miracle of which they used to be so proud. The trouble is that they are not willing to accept the consequences. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has had to pay a heavy political price even for the meek and woefully inadequate welfare, labor and tax reforms he has attempted. A quarterly charge of 10 euros for health care was enough to create a major furor. Social Democrats got a drubbing in local elections in Hamburg on Sunday, and Mr. Schröder's own standing in the party is so low that he had to give up the party leadership.The chancellor plans to make a major speech to the nation on March 25. It's a good opportunity for him to try to persuade his countrymen of the immediate and urgent need for a thorough overhaul of the entire economic apparatus, including the antiquated system of centralized wage-bargaining, the byzantine tax system and the bloated budget. A bold wave of reform would remind Germans that they have not lost the capacity for the hard work, innovation and sacrifice that created the postwar miracle.
Images Reveal Deepest Glance Into Universe (DENNIS OVERBYE, March 10, 2004 , NY Times)
Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope said Tuesday that they had reached far enough out in space and back in time to be within "a stone's throw" of the Big Bang itself.In a ceremony that was part science workshop, part political rally and part starting gun for an astronomical gold rush, astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute on the Johns Hopkins University campus unveiled what they said was the deepest telescopic view into the universe ever obtained.
Along with detecting roughly 10,000 galaxies, the million-second exposure of a small patch of dark sky in the constellation Fornax captured objects a quarter as bright as previous surveys.
Several dozen faint reddish spots, the astronomers said, could even be infant galaxies just emerging from the "dark ages" that prevailed in the first half billion years after the Big Bang when stars were just beginning to form.
"We might have seen the end of the beginning," said Dr. Anton Koekemoer of the institute, who was part of the project. [...]
The ultra deep survey surpasses two earlier surveys, known as the Hubble Deep Fields, which revealed thousands of new galaxies dating back as far as when the universe was only a billion years old. Because light travels at a finite speed, the farther away a detected object is, the longer it has taken the light to get here.
Last week, astronomers using the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile said they had discovered a galaxy from when the galaxy was just 470 million years old. Its incredibly faint light had been amplified by the curvature of space around a giant cluster of galaxies. If confirmed, that would be the record.
But the ultra deep field has the sensitivity to reach back to galaxies when the universe was only 300 million years old, without the aid of any gravitational amplification. The Hubble thus opens to exploration the period of time from 300 million to 700 million years of age, when, theorists suggest, the first galaxies were burning themselves out of the murk that descended when the fires of the Big Bang cooled. Dr. Massimo Stiavelli, of the institute, called those years a crucial period in the early life, "a teething for the universe." He added, "Hubble takes us to within a stone's throw of the Big Bang itself."
Does Kerry Have A Better Idea?: Mistakes were made going into Iraq, he says. He'd undo them (NANCY GIBBS, March 7, 2004, TIME)
Some questions seem so very simple. Senator Kerry, was the war in Iraq a mistake? Was it worth the cost? And now that we're in so deep, how do we get out? Like any good politician, John Kerry knows the value of simple answers. And like any other careful student of history, he knows the risks too, for some issues just won't let you get away with a yes or a no that you can live with forever.And so he is an uncomfortable man right now—hoarse, tired, relieved, drinking something pink from a water bottle ("energy and vitamin C stuff," he says) and talking to TIME as he flies down to Florida, fresh off his Super Tuesday triumph. [...]
As for the gritty details—how many U.S. troops are needed in Iraq and for how long—Kerry tells TIME that he "almost certainly" will send a team to Iraq "within the next few weeks or months" to help him formulate the more detailed answers that will be demanded of a nominee. "I may ask some Democratic colleagues and experts to go to Iraq and make this assessment so I have a strong basis on which to proceed." He mentions Senate colleague Joseph Biden, chief campaign foreign-policy adviser Rand Beers and longtime Kerry Senate aide Nancy Stetson. Says White House communications director Dan Bartlett, Kerry's "mission to finally understand what is happening in Iraq reveals once again that [his] attacks are based on politics, not facts."
Whatever approach he embraces will have a better chance of success, Kerry argues, because he knows how to play well with others. In that he has much in common with President Bush—the first one, who in many ways he resembles: two war heroes of patrician bearing, solicitous of allies, multilateral by instinct, well wired through the world of international institutions. Kerry is offering a return to the Atlanticist foreign policy of the father instead of that of the son, who has charted a course that is more muscular, more unilateral, content to rely on coalitions of only "the willing." [...]
Kerry's lament is not that Bush puts too much faith in the military's hard power but that he puts too little in diplomacy's soft power. Kerry would expand the U.S. Army by 40,000 troops to put some give into a military stretched thin by its commitments worldwide. But the Senator's approach to the war on terrorism involves strengthening all the tools available. He says he would create a single chief of national intelligence to end the days of multiple watch lists and computers that don't talk to one another. He would come down harder on Saudi Arabia for propagating extremism and would "name and shame" countries and corporations that in any way help finance terrorists or launder their money. He would step up the war of ideas, the kind of public diplomacy that is meant to win hearts and minds in the parts of the world where anti-Americanism flourishes, but does not lay out a specific plan for doing so beyond more money on outreach.
As for the use of force, Kerry talks about exhausting all the alternatives first. That is what he says Bush failed to do in the weeks leading up to Iraq, at great cost. This is a source of particular anger because, Kerry says, he voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq to give Bush diplomatic leverage against Saddam Hussein, not a blank check. He says his decision was based on a clear promise from Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell that they would use force as a last resort and only with a broad coalition supporting it and that if they went to war, there would be a plan for what to do with Iraq once U.S. troops got to Baghdad. "This President broke every single promise that he made," Kerry charges, "and I'm going to hold him accountable for that."
Kerry also implies that one alternative was leaving Saddam in power. "I never doubted Saddam Hussein's untrustworthiness and willingness to try to dupe the world," he says. "But we did have a no-fly zone over two-thirds of the country, and we had the ongoing inspections. If we could contain Russia through the cold war, certainly we could have dealt more effectively with Saddam Hussein through the international community." Kerry does acknowledge that the U.S. and the world are better off with Saddam in prison. But he argues that the ends do not justify the means, and while he refuses to call the war a mistake, he certainly implies as much when he talks at length about the ways in which America is now "weaker." Bush's "arrogant, inept, reckless and ideological" foreign policy, he says, has cost the U.S. valuable friends and business abroad, inflamed Muslim radicals, distracted attention and resources from the hunt for al-Qaeda, and established a precedent we would not want to see other countries invoke.
Kerry sometimes presses his case too hard. He criticizes Bush for failing to get countries like Saudi Arabia to share the financial burden of the Iraq war, the way Bush's father did in Gulf War I, and suggests that their refusal calls into question the second war's legitimacy—even though the Saudis helped out back in 1991 because Saddam was threatening their oil fields. In December, Kerry asked why countries like Germany and France would cooperate in the war on terrorism "after having been publicly castigated and even ridiculed for disagreeing over Iraq." In fact, American counterterrorism officials say those two countries are among the U.S.'s most valuable allies, often better about cooperating than even the British, whose concern about civil liberties sometimes trumps security worries. Pressed on the point, Kerry folds. He says the lack of cooperation is elsewhere but is hard pressed to cite countries, finally mentioning "South Asia and the Middle East."
The Senator asserts that Bush's "foreign policy of triumphalism fuels the fire of jihadists." That's a difficult proposition to prove or disprove, since jihadists don't register their numbers or motivations. Asked to back his argument with proof, Kerry struggles, citing "people who brief us." Plainly dissatisfied with his answer, Kerry, half an hour after the interview, finds TIME's correspondents in the back of the campaign plane. To beef up his response, he cites the national intelligence estimate "in terms of the increasing strength and organizational structure" of al-Qaeda. He smiles and adds, "I just didn't want you to think I was ..." He gestures with his hand, as if plucking something from the air. But he doesn't say how anyone can definitively link al-Qaeda's strength to the war in Iraq.
In Michigan, the Ripoff That Wasn't (Ed Offley, March 8, 2004, DefenseWatch)
I have great news to report: Barry Bernhardt did not get ripped off.The story appeared on the AP wire the other day, got picked up by the Drudge Report, and was the buzz of military and veterans' communities all across the nation: A public school teacher called up for active-duty training with the Navy had been forced by his employer to pay out of his own pocket for a substitute teacher to replace him while he was serving overseas.
The gist of the coverage was this Michigan public school administration telling Bernhardt, "Going off to defend the country? Here's the bill - pay up."
When I read the AP article I could feel my blood pressure spike. I'm sure every veteran, reservist, Guardsman and active-duty military person who saw the story had the same response: Who are those idiots in that @#$#% school district and what do they think they are doing?"
Deep breath: Here's what really happened.
Kerry reaches out to a world where support for Bush is ebbing away: Challenger claims president's 'allies' have told him they are cheering him on (Ewen MacAskill, and Luke Harding, March 10, 2004, The Guardian)
This week Mr Kerry claimed that foreign leaders had told him they could not publicly offer him their support but added: "You've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy."Hostility towards a second Bush term is generally assumed to be widespread throughout the world because of the Iraq war, the concept of pre-emptive strikes and bullying of small countries. On issues from the Kyoto agreement and the international criminal court to antipathy towards the UN, President Bush has alienated countries Washington would normally classify as allies. [...]
How the world lines up
How foreign leaders are believed to view the rivals:
For Kerry
Entire Arab world
Most of Latin AmericaNeutral/unknown
IraqFor Bush
Police Tell Fetishist to Move Upmarket (Reuters, 2/20/2004; via The Rat)
A German bondage fetishist got so chained up he had to call police to remove his cuffs ...Police received no answer from the house until the man appeared at a window and flung out the door keys with his teeth.
On entering, they were confronted by the sight of a heavily-chained man shuffling toward them on his knees with his head bowed, dressed only in shiny black leather and white socks.
"To visualize the appearance of the afflicted party, one would have to imagine a penguin of waist-height waddling with slightly protruding wings," Aachen police said in a statement.
Built to Fail: The federal No Child Left Behind law is threatening to wreck public education in Minnesota and elsewhere. That's what it was designed to do. (Britt Robson, 3/15/04, City Pages)
Under the terms of NCLB, which President Bush has called "the cornerstone of my administration," all of the nation's public school students must be tested in reading and math every year in grades three through eight, and at least once in grades ten through twelve. Any school receiving federal Title I money (ostensibly earmarked to improve the performance of disadvantaged students) faces increasingly harsh sanctions if its test scores fail to meet state-defined standards for making adequate yearly progress. After two years of AYP failure, the school must offer students the option of transferring to another public school in the district and bear the cost of transportation. After three years, the school must also offer low-income students tutorial services through a public or private agency approved by the state. After four years, the school district must take corrective actions such as removing personnel or changing the curriculum in the school. And after five years, the district is obliged to blow up, or "restructure," the school by replacing most or all of its staff or by turning over operations, as the U.S. Department of Education puts it, "to either the state or to a private company with a demonstrated record of effectiveness."With reasonable guidelines and adequate funding, this timetable might have been a prudent course of education reform. But as the first sanctions are just now begininng to kick in, people across the country are belatedly discovering that NCLB is being structured and implemented as a punitive assault on public education, designed to throw the system into turmoil and open the door to privatization.
Minnesota is a prime example of the carnage NCLB is likely to create. For decades, the state's education system has earned a sterling reputation by producing some of the nation's highest test scores and lowest drop-out rates. Yet in its evaluation of NCLB, the scrupulously thorough and nonpartisan Office of the Legislative Auditor estimates that, even if Minnesota students showed a modest improvement in test scores and educational proficiency, 99 percent of the state's elementary schools would fail to make AYP 10 years from now, and 65 percent of the elementary schools receiving Title I funding would have to be "restructured." Under its most optimistic scenario for student improvement--which assumes, among other things, that the state's percentage of special education and immigrant students won't continue to grow, and that brand-new immigrants can boost their test scores just as rapidly as native-born Minnesotans--the auditor's office estimates an 82 percent failure rate on AYP for elementary schools in 2014, and the restructuring of 35 percent of the schools funded by Title I.
The closer one looks at the details of NCLB, the more ludicrous it appears. How do you create a chaotic situation in which nearly every school is destined to be labeled a failure? [...]
For those schools lucky enough not to have enrolled a measurable amount of students in at-risk subgroups, or through Herculean effort somehow manage to otherwise avoid being put on the list of failing systems, NCLB simply cranks up its testing standards. The required proficiency rates for math and reading will inexorably climb over the next decade until, in 2014, we arrive at the theoretical endgame, where the only options are failure and perfection.
That's right: Every student in every subgroup must be proficient on every assessment in order for schools and districts to be in compliance with NCLB. [...]
As might be expected, creating an education system that does not allow a single one of our nation's students to be left behind is going to be expensive. A raft of new tests are being developed, administered, and assessed. As more and more schools inevitably land on the AYP failure list for longer periods of time, the cost of providing tutorial services, transporting students to other schools, changing the curriculum, replacing the staff, and eventually restructuring the entire school or district will steadily mount.
Now that NCLB is at a stage where schools and districts across the country are beginning to contend with the law's first remedial sanctions, many state legislators, researchers, and education officials are growing nervous that they will be saddled with huge costs from an unfunded federal mandate, as they already are in the case of special education. In January, the Ohio Department of Education released a study estimating that it will cost about $1.5 billion a year--twice the amount the state now receives from the federal government--to implement NCLB.
William Mathis, a superintendent of a Vermont school district near Rutland and a senior fellow of the Vermont Society for the Study of Education, has analyzed studies from 18 different states, which project the costs of raising test scores to meet either the requirements of NCLB or their own state standards. Nearly all of them reveal that, even with the assistance of federal Title I money, states would need to raise their education budgets more than 20 percent to raise student performance across the board. As needs outpace means and delineations of bureaucratic turf become thoroughly scrambled in this new NCLB environment, tensions have occasionally run high. There's been talk of local schools and districts suing the state for funds to implement the law, and states doing the same thing in turn at the federal level. And late last month, Paige made headlines with his comparison of the National Education Association to a "terrorist organization" for opposing NCLB.
California lawmakers propose lowering voting age to 14 for state elections (JIM WASSERMAN, March 8, 2004 , Associated Press)
A proposed amendment to California's constitution would give 16-year-olds a half-vote and 14-year-olds a quarter-vote in state elections.State Sen. John Vasconcellos, among four lawmakers to propose the idea on Monday, said the Internet, cellular phones, multichannel television and a diverse society makes today's teens better informed than their predecessors.
The idea requires two-thirds approval by the Legislature to appear on the November ballot.
"When we gave the vote to those who didn't own property, then to women, then to persons of all colors, we added to the richness of our democratic dialogue and our own nation's integrity and its model for the world," Vasconcellos said, calling it time to further extend the vote.
"'The administration is extremely concerned' about the near-record gasoline prices, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said." So read the lead story of USA Today on Friday. Over on CBS News, Dan Rather intoned that gasoline prices "could hit a record." Many other news organizations said about the same. In fact, gas prices are nowhere near a record level.Last week the national average for regular unleaded was $1.71, while "the record," USA Today declared, was $1.74 in August 2003. But all that matters to consumers is inflation-adjusted cost, and in this real-dollar calculation, gasoline prices remain about where they have been for most of the postwar era. This chart shows that the actual U.S. record price for gasoline occurred in 1981, when regular unleaded cost $2.80 in today's money. (The chart is in 2002 dollars; add 2 percent for current dollars.) The current gas-price level that Spencer Abraham, Dan Rather, and others are hyping as close to "the record" is actually 39 percent lower than the true price peak.
Another comparison: The average price of gasoline during the 1950s was about $1.80 in today's money--meaning that during the period enshrined in our collective political nostalgia as Energy Heaven, gasoline cost slightly more in real dollars than the amount now being theatrically bemoaned as a "record" price. But wait; in the 1950s, per-capita real income was less than half what it is today. That means that for the typical American in the 1950s, gasoline cost twice as much, in terms of buying power, as today's gasoline. Adjusted for inflation and for buying power, the purported "record"-priced gasoline at your pumps now is substantially cheaper than the gasoline your parents bought.
No easy answers to immigration issues (Hugh Cortazzi, March 10, 2004, The Japan Times)
On the whole I think that, although the situation is far from satisfactory, Britain has tried to maintain a fair regime for dealing with asylum seekers and that its record is better than that of some other European countries. Britain has also been generally more open to migrants coming to Britain to work, mainly because Britain has recognized its need for skilled workers especially in health services and information technology. But the change in the composition of the British workforce over the last half century has not been achieved without strains and stresses. Racism remains a problem in the police force and in some other sectors of society. In some parts of London and other large cities, immigrants seem to be in a majority.Big problems remain in integrating immigrants into British life. One small step taken recently has been to require those granted British citizenship to attend ceremonies where they swear an oath of loyalty, but much more needs to be done to educate immigrants not only in the English language but also in the fundamental principles of British law and democracy including respect for the rights of women, which seem to be ignored in some sections of the immigrant community. [...]
Japan also has problems with illegal immigrants and foreign workers, but foreigners represent a tiny proportion of the population (1.4 percent as of December 2001). Japan's rapidly declining population will require significant increases in immigration, if only to help look after the aged.
One estimate I saw in an article in Japan Spotlight (January/February 2004) suggests that the average annual immigration in recent years of some 50,000 would need to go up more than 10-fold to 640,000 a year to offset the rapid decline in the productive age population. It would require a revolution in Japanese attitudes to accept such an increase, and it could not be achieved without serious social strains.
Japan could cope with a smaller population as it did in the past. More labor-saving devices can be used and people can go on working in perhaps less demanding jobs until they are literally unable to work any longer. Even so the Japanese net reproduction rate of 1.32 has very serious implications for Japanese society in this century, and much more attention needs to be given to expanding immigration in addition to the emphasis on inward investment.
Fertility's closed Italian frontier: A law takes effect Wednesday that curtails options in a former hotbed of reproductive treatments. (Sophie Arie, 3/10/04, The Christian Science Monitor)
Determined to end its reputation as the 'Wild West" of fertility treatment, Italy is severely curtailing the ability of couples who cannot conceive to seek alternative routes to becoming biological parents.The Medically Assisted Reproduction Law, which takes effect Wednesday, gives embryos the same rights as their would-be parents and makes it illegal for sterile or gay couples, as well as single adults, to use donors or surrogate mothers. It also bans all forms of embryo research and limits the treatments that "stable" couples - married or living together - can resort to for assistance in conceiving.
The move reverses what critics charge are lawless, market-driven practices in a country where doctors have in the past helped a 63-year-old woman become pregnant. After more than 20 years of debate, the law is seen as a victory for traditional Catholics who argue against all forms of technological assistance - or "playing God" - for infertile or sterile adults.
Health Minister Girolamo Sirchia has called the law "a good starting point" for protecting the embryo. "Research should be carried out on animals, not Christians," he told Corriere della Sera when the law was approved last month.
But opponents warn that the ban's restrictions could simply drive those trying desperately to have children - in a country where family life revolves around bambini - to take unnecessary risks. It could also, they say, be a first step toward banning abortion, which is legal in Italy.
Tribes recruited in bin Laden hunt: Pakistan gives local clans a last chance to expel Al Qaeda. (Owais Tohid, 3/10/04, CS Monitor)
Hundreds of colorful turbans dot the vista as tribesmen dance to the beat of drums, heralding an agreement to form a 600-strong tribal force to hunt "foreign terrorists" in this remote corner of Pakistan.The semiautonomous region of Waziristan is the focus of a push by Pakistani forces, in coordination with US troops across the border in Afghanistan, to round up or kill suspected Al Qaeda and Taliban guerrillas, including Osama bin Laden, who is believed to be in the area.
The new tribal posse represents a last ditch effort by local chiefs to save face and preserve their long-held autonomy by preempting further Pakistani military and paramilitary operations in the region. If successful, the strategy could diffuse the potentially explosive resentment among tribesmen unused to the government's deployments. But giving the lead to a tribal force may subject the increasingly urgent US and Pakistani dragnet to new delays.
"This is the last chance for the tribesmen," says Rehmatullah Wazir, a senior government official in South Waziristan. "The tribal elders pleaded with us to give them an opportunity. And we have told them to produce results within the next few days, otherwise be ready to face consequences."
In exchange, the tribesmen are demanding that the government release arrested elders unconditionally, as well as expel thousands of Afghan refugee families. Chiefs say the refugees are a root cause of the problem as "foreign terrorists take refuge with them."
The jirga, or tribal gathering, will continue in the coming days after elders said they needed more time for further consultations with tribesmen living along the border with Afghanistan before the final formation of the lashkar, or armed force of tribal volunteers.
"We want to act within days, but the process takes time because according to tribal traditions we need to consult everybody, and that is a big challenge," says tribal elder Malik Khadeen.
Local doctors dump health plans: Frustration spurs unusual decision. (CHRISTI NIES, November 11, 2003, Columbia Tribune)
Two Columbia doctors believe the health insurance industry is chronically sick, and now they’re taking the treatment into their own hands.George and Hana Solomon have canceled their contracts with all health insurance companies, effective Dec. 1.
"After 13 years of trying to work within the current insurance-driven health care system, we have come to believe that it is so deeply flawed that incremental improvements cannot possibly save it," they told patients in an open letter that ran as a paid advertisement in the Sunday Tribune.
Although their services will no longer be covered by any insurance plans, they said their patients will benefit from the change. "Half the day I see patients, half the day I chase insurance companies," George Solomon said. "The system doesn’t work."
Now Solomon, a board-certified family physician, and his wife, Hana, a board-certified pediatrician, say they will have twice as much time to invest in their patients. [...]
For patients who can’t afford the pay-as-you-go health-care method, the Solomons propose an alternative: Cancel your standard health insurance, buy a catastrophic health-insurance policy and pay for day-to-day medical care out of pocket, at a discount.
Bill Kasmann, vice president of Kasmann Insurance Agency Inc., 116 N. Garth Ave., said catastrophic policies have deductibles anywhere from less than $1,000 to $10,000. The monthly premiums usually range from $100 to $200, depending on a wide number of variables.
With major medical events covered by a catastrophic policy, patients can then put money into a medical savings account or similar tax-advantaged account. Patients use these funds to pay for day-to-day health-care.
"This is America, a free-market society, and the only way to make it work is to put the power in the hands of the patient," George Solomon said. The Solomons are offering patients a 20 percent discount on services paid for at the time of the visit.
Columbia physician Laurel Walter also is canceling her insurance contracts. "I don’t think people realize how bad it is," Walter said. "I think this is the only approach that can make a difference."
Two of her three contracts will end Jan. 1. Walter, who runs a birth center and attends home births, is keeping coverage for maternity care.
After years of struggling with insurance claims - at one point she employed three full-time billing specialists - Walter said the final straw was an insurance contract that restricted "almost everything I do as a physician."
Now four employees at Walter’s clinic, Whole Health Family Practice and Birth Center at 1511 Chapel Hill Road, share the billing load on top of other duties.
"I didn’t go to medical school to be a pawn of the insurance industry at the expense of my patients," she said. "I would rather give away health care than be exploited by a health-insurance industry that’s also exploiting my patients."
Like the Solomons, Walter is encouraging patients to buy catastrophic coverage and cancel their regular policies.
Some of her patients have already done so. Several found catastrophic policies at Collin McCarty Insurance & Investment, 1000 W. Nifong Blvd.
"This is pretty radical," McCarty said. "You really can save in some cases a substantial amount of money."
Repressing 9-11 (Lee Harris, 03/08/2004, Tech Central Station)
To insist that your enemy is not your enemy when he insists on being one is to rob him of his humanity, and to endanger your own existence -- and all for the sake of preserving an unsustainable illusion. To recognize an enemy, and to treat him as one, is not to dehumanize him -- on the contrary, it is to treat him as your equal. It is to take him seriously. It is to meet him on his own terms.But that is just what liberal Democrats cannot bring themselves to do. They insist on pretending that 9/11 was just a kind of glitch, instead of seeing it as an act of devotion carried out by men who were motivated by the highest ethical purpose that they could comprehend.
This is the terrible truth revealed by 9/11. It was not an act of crazed loonies, unlikely to reoccur; it was the symbolic gesture of an entire culture -- a culture that looked upon those who died in carrying out their mission as heroic martyrs who triumphed over a vastly more powerful enemy. That is why so much of the Arab world celebrated the great victory accordingly, by dancing in the streets and cheering the collapse of the Twin Towers -- another set of images that liberals are forced to repress, since to acknowledge such behavior is to acknowledge the concept of the enemy that is embodied in such wild rejoicing at the annihilation of men and women whom you had never met.
It is almost as if we, as a nation, are entering into what psychologists call denial. Instead of making the necessary adjustments to reality in response to 9/11, we are engaged in a process of denying it, both by outright repression of all public memory of the event and by making it a subject of incomprehensibly stupid political controversy, dividing us as a people into warring factions over absolutely nothing -- and often it would seem for no better reason than to have something to bicker about on radio talk shows.
Indeed, the reason that tv ads are being made the issue is because Senator Kerry simply has no way of responding to substantive charges such as these, Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon (The Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas, 3/08/04):
September the 11th, 2001 taught a lesson I will never forget: America must confront threats before they fully materialize. In Iraq, my administration looked at the intelligence information and we saw a threat. The Congress looked at the intelligence and they saw a threat. The United Nations Security Council looked at the intelligence and it saw a threat. The previous administration and Congress looked at the intelligence and made regime change in Iraq the policy of our country.In 2002 the United Nations Security Council yet again demanded a full accounting of Saddam Hussein's weapons programs. As he had for over a decade, Saddam Hussein refused to comply. So we had a choice to make -- I had a choice to make -- either to take the word of a madman, or take action to defend our country. Faced with that choice, I will defend America every time.
My opponent admits that Saddam Hussein was a threat, he just didn't support my decision to remove Saddam from power. Maybe he was hoping Saddam would lose the next Iraqi election. We showed the dictator and a watching world that America means what it says. Because our coalition acted, Saddam's torture chambers are closed. Because we acted, Iraq's weapons programs are ended forever. Because we acted, nations like Libya have gotten the message and renounced their own weapons programs. Because we acted, an example of democracy is rising in the very heart of the Middle East. Because we acted, the world is more safe and America is more secure.
We still face thugs and terrorists in Iraq who would rather go on killing the innocent than accept the advance of liberty. They know that a free Iraq will be a major defeat for the cause of terror. A collection of killers is trying to shake our will. They don't understand America. America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins.
We are aggressively striking the terrorists in Iraq, defeating them there so we will not have to face them in our own country. We're calling on other nations to help Iraq to build a free society, which will make the world more secure. We're standing with the Iraqi people as they assume more of their own defense and move towards self-government. These aren't easy tasks, but they are essential tasks. We will finish what we have begun, and we will win this essential victory in the war on terror.
On national security, Americans have the clearest possible choice. My opponent says he approves of bold action in the world, but only if other countries don't object. I'm for all -- I'm all for united action, and so are the 34 coalition partners we have in Iraq right now. America must never outsource America's national security decisions to the leaders of other countries.
Some are skeptical that the war on terror is really a war at all. Just days ago my opponent indicated he's not comfortable using the word, "war," to describe the struggle we're in. He said, "I don't want to use that terminology." He also said the war on terror is far less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence-gathering, law enforcement operation. I disagree. Our nation followed that approach after the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993. The matter was handled in the courts, and thought by some to be settled. But the terrorists were still training in Afghanistan, plotting in other nations and drawing up more ambitious plans. And after the chaos and carnage of September the 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States of America, and war is what they got.
One very important part of this war is intelligence-gathering, as Senator Kerry noted. Yet, in 1995, two years after the attack on the World Trade Center, my opponent introduced a bill to cut the overall intelligence budget by one-and-a-half billion dollars. His bill was so deeply irresponsible that he didn't have a single co-sponsor in the United States Senate. Once again, Senator Kerry is trying to have it both ways. He's for good intelligence, yet he was willing to gut the intelligence services. And that is no way to lead a nation in a time of war.
Syrian authorities break up rare human rights protest, several arrested (ZEINA KARAM, March 8, 2004, Associated Press)
In a capital awash with Syrian flags, posters supporting President Bashar Assad and pamphlets declaring his party's achievements on its 41st anniversary, a paper banner raised Monday urging freedom for political prisoners did not fit in.Syrian authorities quickly tore it up, broke up the rare demonstration and arrested the small group of activists -- who knew that was the most likely outcome of their call for change.
A U.S. diplomat observing the demonstration was also briefly detained, prompting a protest from the U.S. government and an apology from the Syrians, according to State Department spokesman Richard Boucher.
The activists were released after a few hours of interrogation, but their detentions highlighted tensions between the Syrian government and pro-democracy reformists.
"Breaking up a peaceful protest and arresting people for expressing their opinion is a mistake that the authorities bear responsibility for," said Hassan Abdul-Azim, who heads the independent Syrian National Democratic Gathering, a pro-democracy group.
Had it been allowed to continue, the protest outside Parliament -- organized by the Committees for the Defense of Democratic Liberties and Human Rights in Syria -- would have been the first of its kind in a country where political activity is tightly controlled.
Gimme That New-Time Religion -- a Play-Doh Jesus: Want a squishy savior? Don't look to 'The Passion.' (David Kuo, March 8, 2004, LA Times)
I don't want to read anything else, hear anything else or feel anything else about "The Passion of the Christ." There are just so many things not to like. First there is the violence. The relentless phlomp! pholomp! of bullets bashing bodies in "The Matrix" or on prime-time "Alias" is so much more appealing than watching a bleeding, brutalized man for almost two hours.Mel Gibson's is violence you actually have to confront and feel as opposed to the hither-thither of rapid-edit, thrill-sized THX digital with CGI enhancements. I hate that. It is so much more appealing when scores of nameless, soulless, faceless forms are being splattered everywhere. That makes the violence so much less personal and more entertaining. Slaughter, after all, should be lighthearted.
The biggest problem I have with "The Passion," however, isn't the violence. It is with the protagonist. The guy on the screen is nothing like that insipid, tunic-wearing, lamb-carrying, two-dimensional, felt-faced Jesus from Sunday school. That Jesus was easy. He could be molded and crafted like Play-Doh into anything I — or anyone else — wanted from him. That Jesus, for instance, would certainly support faith-based charities partnering with the government. He would happily support a balanced budget amendment, increased defense spending and welfare reform. He would definitely be against gay marriage because heterosexual marriage was his top priority — it says so right there … in, well, somewhere. It has been easy for a lot of us to make our own personalized Jesus because he — the Play-Doh one — had no soul and certainly posed no threat. [...]
"The Passion's" Jesus, however, isn't convenient. In fact, he makes me very, very uncomfortable. That Jesus isn't moldable, pliable, malleable — not even huggable. He's determined. He knows who he is and why he's doing what he's doing. He rebukes Peter, silently mocks Pilate, defies his captors and never whimpers. Forget William Wallace; this guy is tough. Maybe, just maybe, Jesus the movie is closer to Jesus the book. Maybe he doesn't give a flip about balanced budgets, trade imbalances and interest rates. Maybe he took the lashes of hell for a reason that wasn't material in any way. Maybe he meant what he said about caring for the poor — that loving him requires it. Or about wealth — that it is really, really, really hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Or about profiteering in his Father's house — that it is a remarkably bad idea with suboptimal long-term outcomes. Or even about himself — that he is "the way, the truth and the life."
"The Passion" is so hard because it presents Jesus as we've never seen him and reveals a truth: Come face to face with Jesus in any way and prepare to squirm, or maybe even to hate him.
Iraq & President Bush: On behalf of the dead (Olavo de Carvalho, 23 February 2004 , BrookesNews.Com)
In the last days of the war...when the clandestine cemeteries in Iraqi prisons were opened and the corpses started to be counted, I could not avoid noticing — and writing — that the decision taken by George W. Bush had been morally correct and even obligatory: any country that kills 300 thousand political prisoners must be invaded and immediately subdued, even if it does not constitute any danger to neighboring nations or to the supposed “international order”.National sovereignties must be respected, but not beyond the point where they arrogate to themselves the right to genocide. I wrote it back then and I repeat it: each procrastination by the UN cost, in average, the death of 30 Iraqis a day, more than 20 thousand during the two years of pacifistic babble.
Considering that period alone, the number of those killed amounts to five times more than the total victims of the war. For having stanched this flow of innocent blood — with a reduced number of casualties in both sides, and with the smallest rate of civil casualties than any war of the XX century — the American president, whatever mistakes he may have made, deserves the gratitude and respect of all conscious humankind.
The intrinsic moral correction of the American action is so evident and undeniable that every discussion that followed, in the international and Brazilian media, had to systematically eschew this aspect of the question, so that public attention could be focused at the problem of knowing whether Saddam Hussein did or did not have weapons of mass destruction, and therefore whether George W. Bush was right or not by invoking that reason in particular, among many others.
Now, a government that kills 300 thousand of its subjects does not need to have high-tech means of mass destruction, because with rudimentary means it has already started the mass destruction in its own territory, and it must be stopped at once by whoever has the means of doing so. The US had the means and did the right thing. The UN had the means and didn’t do anything. Between the two, who is the criminal?
Idea of 'gay' animals not far-fetched (RICHARD HALICKS, 03/05/04, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Some scientists assert that nearly 450 species of animals exhibit homosexual behavior. Others hesitate to use the word "homosexual" because they find it anthropomorphic. But there is no dispute that animals do engage, freely and frankly, in same-sex contact.Kim Wallen has studied nonhuman primates and other creatures for more than three decades; he is the Samuel Candler Dobbs professor of psychology and behavioral neuroendocrinology at Emory University and a research professor of psychobiology at Yerkes National Primate
Research Center. Wallen, 56, has been at Emory/Yerkes for nearly 25 years.Sexual contact between two males or two females of a species is not only common, says Wallen. He suspects that in some species it has an as-yet-unexplained social purpose. Wallen spoke last week with the Journal-Constitution about sexuality in animals. Here is an edited
transcript of his remarks. [...]Q: Is this a new phenomenon in the field?
A: Not at all. It's been known for many, many years that this is an extremely common pattern in the animal kingdom. A study published in 1975 documented the occurrence of bisexuality across species, and essentially found that there seems to be a general rule which is that, within any given species, one sex will be bisexual or show bisexual potential, and the other sex, speaking loosely, will be straight - will only show heterosexual behavior.
So it's not just that it's common. It looks like it may actually be part of the whole process by which mammals sexually differentiate. In some species, like the hamster, for example, male hamsters will show both female behavior and male sexual behavior, naturally, whereas female hamsters, no matter how they're experimentally treated, essentially only show female behavior. So that's a case where you actually have a naturally occurring spontaneous bisexuality in a rodent species.
Q: But if I understand you, that's a trait common to all species?
A: Yes, and it varies from species to species which sex has the bisexual potential. So in one strain of guinea pigs it's the female who shows the bisexual behavior. In another strain of guinea pigs, it's the male. The only principle seems to be that, so far as we know, only one sex has been shown to have this characteristic.
Q: Your conclusion [in a 1997 paper] was that among nonhuman primates there's nothing like human homosexuality at work?
A: As far as I can see, no, there isn't. Probably the very strongest case is the case that Paul Vasey has been talking about - Japanese macaques - where the females show complete consortship behaviors, females with females. These seem to be quite intense and enduring.
But with one exception, in all of the females who have been studied, these females mate with males, they get pregnant, they raise kids. So it's actually a much stronger example of female bisexuality than it is homosexuality.Q: There have been suggestions that sexual behavior among animals in captivity is different from what it would be among free-ranging animals of the same species.
A: I think you have to make a distinction between the long-term effects of rearing and the current context. There is some evidence from the laboratory literature that some same-sex sexual behavior in animals simply results from members of the opposite sex being unavailable.
Q: And you say that is analogous, for example, to prison populations in humans.
A: Yes.
In Martha case, justice was served, but it wasn't exactly fair (Dan Abrams, 3/09/04, Jewish World Review)
Last Friday on "Hardball with Chris Matthews," Chris asked me, "Was justice done in the Martha Stewart case?"It's a complicated question for me, so I kind of waffled. On the one hand, I said she was likely guilty of the charges she faced. And yet I wondered whether the charges should have been filed at all.
It's a troubling case: Based on the testimony, it's clear Stewart and her broker lied about why she sold her Imclone stock. They conspired to concoct a story. And she did it in effort to throw investigators off. So Justice was served and justice was done.
But there's something about not charging Martha Stewart with the crime of "insider trading," but charging Stewart for lying during investigation, which never went anywhere criminally.
In death, son finally matches baseball legend (Jewish World Review, 3/09/04)
John Henry Williams died at 35 Saturday night in Los Angeles. He was the son of Ted Williams, a baseball player superior, perhaps, to the likes of Babe Ruth or Henry Aaron, while his own life was like something out of O. Henry or Edgar Allen Poe, fraught with bitter irony and macabre twists.His father was "my mentor, my best friend and the greatest hitter who ever lived," John Henry told me last Feb. 17, when he came here for a tryout with the Schaumburg Flyers of minor-league baseball's Northern League.
A day later, the newspaper ran a color photo of J.H. Williams in his dark Schaumburg cap with the red bill . . . the spitting image of a young Ted.
"That's something we all noticed when that picture ran, the really striking resemblance to his father," Matt McLaughlin, an executive and broadcaster for the Flyers, recalled Monday of the team's get-acquainted period with John Henry. [...]
Little was known of John Henry before that, other than what had become common knowledge from a worldwide publicity barrage - including a supermarket tabloid frenzy - that the "Vanilla Sky"-style cryogenic freezing of Ted Williams' corpse had generated in the summer of 2002.
Did he mind discussing it?
"Would you mind if we didn't?" John Henry asked me, voice quavering a bit. "There's been so much said already, and it's such a sensitive subject in our family, I would really rather not get into it again." [...]
To die himself at so tender an age, to will his own DNA to be frozen in a lab, is either a cruel fate or a bizarrely apt one. What a way to catch up to one's father.
In "Field of Dreams," a young man and his father's ghost get to have one last game of catch near a homemade diamond. John Henry Williams told me that he grew up on his father's 100-acre Vermont farm, where "I used to mow our fields into the shapes of baseball diamonds."
Others are frozen, but I am the one today who feels chills.
Hooked on Heaven Lite (DAVID BROOKS, 3/09/04, NY Times)
Who worries you most, Mel Gibson or Mitch Albom? Do you fear Gibson, the religious zealot, the man accused of narrow sectarianism and anti-Semitism, or Albom, the guy who writes sweet best sellers like "Tuesdays With Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven?"I worry about Albom more, because while religious dogmatism is always a danger, it is less of a problem for us today than the soft-core spirituality that is its opposite. As any tour around the TV dial will make abundantly clear, we do not live in Mel Gibson's fire-and-brimstone universe. Instead, we live in a psychobabble nation. We've got more to fear from the easygoing narcissism that is so much part of the atmosphere nobody even thinks to protest or get angry about it.
Albom is far from the worst of the schmaltzy shamans, but his fable "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" happens to sit at No. 3 on the Times best-seller list and pretty much exemplifies the zeitgeist. It's about an 83-year-old man who feels lonely, adrift and unimportant, and who dies while trying to save a little girl from a broken carnival ride.
He goes to heaven and meets five people who tell him that he is not alone and that his life was not unimportant. They reconcile him with his father, who had been cruel to him. They remind him of what a good person he was. He gets to spend time with his wife, whom he'd neglected and who died young. He is forgiven for the hurts he accidentally committed while alive.
All societies construct their own images of heaven. Most imagine a wondrous city or a verdant garden where human beings come face to face with God. But the heaven that is apparently popular with readers these days is nothing more than an excellent therapy session. In Albom's book, God, to the extent that he exists there, is sort of a genial Dr. Phil. When you go to his heaven, friends and helpers come and tell you how innately wonderful you are. They help you reach closure.
In this heaven, God and his glory are not the center of attention. It's all about you.
The Long, Blinding Road to War: Unexpected Challenges Tested Petraeus in Iraq (Rick Atkinson, March 7, 2004, Washington Post)
After taking command of the 101st during the summer of 2002, [Maj. Gen. David H.] Petraeus had been preoccupied with 1003 Victor, code name for the U.S. military's secret plan for conquering Iraq. But because of the political and diplomatic byplay in Washington over the winter, the 101st did not receive a formal deployment order until Feb. 6, 2003.The commander's immediate challenge was not the conquest of Baghdad, but rather how to get 5,000 vehicles, 1,500 shipping containers, 17,000 soldiers and more than 200 helicopters to Kuwait by mid-March, in time for any attack on Iraq. Deployment occurred in three immensely complex phases: from Fort Campbell to Jacksonville, Fla.; Jacksonville to Kuwait City; and Kuwait City to a battle assembly area. Army logisticians called the phases fort to port, then port to port, then port to foxhole.
In one conversation in early March, as the 101st began to flood into Kuwait, Petraeus had rattled through the events of the past few weeks. To haul equipment from Fort Campbell to Jacksonville required 1,400 rail cars. The CSX rail-freight company had promised four 30-car trains each day, but as the deployment began, only three a day, on average, had arrived. "I had a conference call with the president of CSX at 11 one night," Petraeus said. "He was on the phone with some of his executives and I was trying to explain to him why it was absolutely critical that we get to the port as quickly as possible. The ships were going to be there on certain dates. There was no margin for error. As I was telling him this, he interrupted me, twice."
"Did you lose your temper?" I asked.
"No, but I told him he was contributing to the diminished combat effectiveness of my division. There was a long silence on the other end. He fixed it."
(A spokesman for CSX noted last week that the company ultimately moved 1,900 rail cars out of Fort Campbell during a two-week period in February 2003, and was applauded by Army officials for "timely assistance.")
One challenge led to others. Several hundred stevedores hired in Jacksonville insisted on long lunch breaks and hourly pauses. The military, never tolerant of goldbricking, fired them and used soldiers and nonunion supervisors to load the ships. When Washington delayed the deployment order, which among other things provided the authorization needed to pay for moving the division, Petraeus concocted an elaborate training exercise that happened to take 112 helicopters to Jacksonville; mechanics there removed the rotor blades and shrink-wrapped the fuselages in protective plastic for eventual loading onto the ships. "As an infantryman, I used to be no more interested in logistics than what you could stuff in a rucksack," he told me. "Now I know that, although the tactics aren't easy, they're relatively simple when compared to the logistics."
Petraeus had described these events with an intriguing blend of urgency and irony. Clearly he was entranced by the problem-solving nature of high command. "I find this as intellectually challenging as anything I've ever done, including graduate school and working for the chairman," he told me at Camp New Jersey in north-central Kuwait, the division command post before the war began. "It's keenly interesting and complex, and trying to understand it is usually a lot of fun. A division is a system of systems, and pulling it together is hugely complicated."
Now those cerebral musings would be tested by fire. In the days after the war began on March 20, with an effort to kill Hussein through a barrage of cruise missiles and smart bombs, the 101st had finally amassed enough combat power in Kuwait to follow the 3rd Infantry Division up the western flank of the Euphrates valley.
Petraeus's first task was to build at least two forward refueling bases so that the division's 72 AH-64 Apache helicopters could attack Iraqi defenses on the southern and western approaches to Baghdad, helping clear a path for the 3rd ID and then the rest of the 101st. A pair of Apache battalions could drink more than 60,000 gallons of fuel in a single night's attack; the Army calculated that it would burn 40 million gallons in three weeks of combat, an amount equivalent to the gasoline consumed by all Allied armies combined during the four years of World War I.
As the hour drew nearer for lunging into Iraq, I wondered what the world looked like through the commanding general's eyes. Trying to parse his moods and actions had become an intriguing exercise, although he sometimes signaled his moods by tilting his extended hand up or down.
"Everyone has the full range of emotions," he once noted. "It's just a question of how fast you get there." He was cautious and private, and his formal statements to reporters or television cameras had a stilted, calculated tone. Off-stage, he could be tart, funny and occasionally cynical, suggesting at one point that the expatriate Iraqi resistance in London was "trying to fax Saddam to death."
Occasionally he ruminated on how to strike the balance between oversight and meddling. "You think you're being inspirational," he mused after we visited his 3rd Brigade as it coiled near the border on March 21, "but most of the time you're just getting in their way." Clearly he retained a visceral awareness that 17,000 lives were in his hands, and that no occasion could be more solemn or profound for a commander than ordering young soldiers into harm's way.
"What will be required right now is a little bit of tactical patience, particularly on my part," he told me.
I knew that Petraeus, by virtue of his intellect and long experience at the elbow of senior generals, was a nuanced thinker. "A certain degree of intellectual humility is a good thing," he said. "There aren't always a helluva lot of absolutely right answers out there."
What had struck me more forcefully than Petraeus's subtle mind, however, was his description of a recent electronic war game in which an exceptionally robust "enemy" had inflicted substantial casualties on U.S. forces. "Yet at the end of the day the board is swept clean. You start over and send the electrons into battle again," Petraeus said. "In this" -- and he gestured to the little world we were about to leave behind in Kuwait -- "it's real, and real people will die."
-THE MAKING OF A COMBAT GENERAL : 'A Very Tough Place': Shifting Sands and Shifting Plans: Commander of 101st Finds Rhythm of Battle (Rick Atkinson, March 8, 2004, Washington Post)
- THE MAKING OF A COMBAT GENERAL : 'Now Comes the Hard Part': After Chaos in the Capital, Losses Climbed (Rick Atkinson, March 9, 2004, Washington Post)
Introducing the Kerry Doctrine (James Lileks, March 8, 2004, Jewish World Review)
"President Kerry would never have allowed that to get where it is," Kerry said, speaking in that odd third-person style used by popes, kings and rap stars. A Kerry administration would have presented the rebels with a 48-hour ultimatum: Make nice, "otherwise, we're coming in," he said.There you have the Kerry Doctrine. Wherever people struggle against a corrupt and unjust kleptocracy, President Kerry will give them two days to knock it off, or he's sending in American soldiers to shoot them. [...]
Keep in mind that Kerry voted against the use of force to dislodge Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. When a dictator invades a neighbor, seizes strategic oil fields and consolidates his position as the region's No. 1 flaming carbuncle, Kerry rejects a multilateral response. Ragtag rebels in a perpetually dysfunctional state threaten a U.S.-installed incompetent, and Kerry sends in the Marines.
Perhaps there's a reason not many senators make the leap to the presidency. As we're constantly reminded, that august body is collegial, respectful, suffused with history and utterly besotted with self-importance. That leads to Senatitis, a disease in which otherwise rational men believe that the rest of the country doesn't see through equivocating bloviation in a second. There is no cure.
Medicare Nominee Backs Drug Imports (ROBERT PEAR, 3/09/04, NY Times)
President Bush's nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid, Dr. Mark B. McClellan, said Monday that he would work with Congress on bipartisan legislation to assure the safety of prescription drugs imported from Canada.The way to do that is by giving the Food and Drug Administration more money, more personnel and more power to police imports, Dr. McClellan said at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.
"I absolutely am committed to doing that," so Americans can safely import lower-cost medicines, he said.
Spalding Gray, 62, Actor and Monologuist, Is Confirmed Dead (SHAILA K. DEWAN and JESSE McKINLEY, 3/09/04, NY Times)
A body that surfaced in the East River on Sunday was identified by the city medical examiner yesterday as that of Spalding Gray, the confessional monologuist and actor who disappeared two months ago.The cause of death had not yet been determined, but the police were investigating reports that Mr. Gray, who had a history of depression, had committed suicide by jumping off the Staten Island ferry, said Paul J. Browne, the chief spokesman for the Police Department.
Mr. Gray, 62, practiced the art of storytelling with a quiet mania, transforming his travels, fascinations and traumas into such acclaimed works as "Swimming to Cambodia" and "Monster in a Box." He almost always appeared seated behind a simple desk, with a glass of water and some notes.
The news of his death ended a painful limbo for Mr. Gray's friends and family, during which they answered calls from fans and followed up on reported sightings, including one at a diner in New Jersey. There seemed to be little hope: the police had traced one of Mr. Gray's final calls to a pay phone at the ferry terminal, and he had previously threatened to jump off a ferry. But for his wife, Kathleen Russo, their two young sons and Mr. Gray's stepdaughter, there had been no final answer.
The suspense grew more agonizing in its final hours, when the family received a call on Sunday night from an Associated Press reporter who told her a body had washed up near Greenpoint in Brooklyn wearing black corduroy pants. That was what Mr. Gray had been wearing when he was last seen on Jan. 10. At that point, Ms. Russo had not yet heard from the police, a friend of the family said.
Spalding Gray's older brother, Rockwell Gray, said he had been holding out hope that his brother would be found alive until he talked with Ms. Russo early yesterday, before the medical examiner's findings were announced. "She told me it seemed almost certain it was his body they had found," said Mr. Gray, an English professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
Many knew that Spalding Gray, who spoke publicly of infidelity, depression and a sometimes pained conscience, had his fair share of emotional turmoil. But by the late 1990's, it seemed he had begun wanting to put that behind him. He had safely passed the age, 52, at which his mother had killed herself. He had told countless audiences of surviving near-drowning, "psychic surgery," claustrophobic attacks and what he described as the inescapable letdown of real life. But as he eventually settled into a domestic bliss he had once resisted — fatherhood, a home on Long Island, daily yoga — darkness and cynicism had retreated, at least somewhat, from his performances.
While he was on vacation in Ireland in 2001, though, a devastating car accident fractured his skull and crushed his hip, sending Mr. Gray into a profound depression.
Mathematician explains parting of Red Sea (TOM PARFITT, 2/22/04, The Scotsman)
Naum Voltsinger used differential equations to show that strong winds and a hidden underwater reef would have allowed more than half a million Jews to flee to the Promised Land - without getting their feet wet.Scholars have long speculated that natural causes were responsible for the Old Testament story.
"This shows that God rules the world through the laws of physics," he told Scotland on Sunday. [...]
Voltsinger and his colleague Alexei Androsov based their research on earlier meteorological studies that concentrate on one of the most likely spots for the crossing of the Red Sea, a narrow stretch in the Gulf of Suez.
Titled ‘Modelling of the hydrodynamic situation during the Exodus’, their study has been published in an official bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scientists found that certain tidal conditions combined with a steady wind speed of 30 metres per second could have exposed the hidden reef under the sea for about four hours, allowing hundreds of thousands of frightened Jews to march to safety across the tongue of raised seabed.
Besides the miraculous escape, the theory also accounts for the waters flowing back to destroy the Pharaoh’s army that chased Moses and the Jews.
"The returning wave would have been so powerful and swift as to instantly capsize and sink the pursuing Egyptian chariots," said Voltsinger, a senior researcher at the St Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Oceanology.
The mathematician, a Christian, stressed that his discovery was not incompatible with religious faith.
"Science does not contradict religion," he said. "The situation itself is physically explainable, and it happened. God simply influenced the course of history. The divine miracle is that the Jews arrived at the water at the moment they did."
NAATO: Blueprint for Asian security (Jayanthi Iyengar, 3/09/04, Asia Times)
One of the most intriguing and controversial ideas - critics call it a non-starter and supporters are subdued while praising some aspects - has been put forward by M D Nalapat, professor of geopolitics and the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Peace Chair at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education in Karnataka state. The academy is India's elite private university, independent of government or government-sponsored agencies.This formula broadly deals with the creation of a US-led North America Asia Treaty Organization (NAATO) to counter the non-democratic forces in Asia, including China, Pakistan and the fundamentalist Arab world. What is significant about this formula is that unlike many other academic concepts, this one has generated some interest and small steps. [...]
Unlike NATO, which was set up to help contain the former Soviet Union, NAATO would not have any country as its target, unless that state attacked one of the NAATO members. Central to this theme is the linking of democracies in North America and Asia in a security relationship.
This definition automatically includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar in the Middle East; Australia, India, the Philippines, Singapore in South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific; Japan and South Korea in East Asia; and the US and Canada in North America. It excludes China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Nalapat argues that those three countries could be included when they become democracies. "I have included Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, as they are on the road to democracy. Iraq too will probably be in this list soon. There has to be a common world view, and this is possible only if all the members of Asian NAATO are either full democracies or getting there," he said.
He added that in Kuwait, for example, the emir has decreed that women should be given the vote, thus putting that country far ahead of Saudi Arabia in terms of personal freedom. "As for Pakistan, the army needs to get prised loose from civilian institutions if that country is to qualify. As for the PRC, that will take a while," he said.
Nalapat believes that this alliance would dampen rather that heighten tensions in an already volatile Asia. Taiwan, for instance, figures on his list of Asian NAATO members, since it is a democracy. An attack on Taiwan would be met by action against the aggressor by the whole of Asian NAATO.
IRAN’S CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: BUILD “AN ISLAMIC JAPAN” (Banafsheh Keynoush, 3/03/04, EurasiaNet)
Conservatives have largely shrugged off the outside criticism. In the domestic arena, conservatives are hoping that widespread public apathy towards politics, evident prior to the election, will hold, thus diminishing questions about the new parliament’s legitimacy.Conservative leaders have made it clear that they do not believe political pluralism is conducive to overcoming Iran’s myriad social and economic challenges. Accordingly, they will likely seek to place firm limits on basic democratic rights, including freedom of speech and an independent press. In general, conservatives will seek to expand the state’s authority over civic and religious institutions. At the same time, conservatives may aim to relieve some of the building discontent among Iran’s vast under-30 population with well-targeted, yet largely token moves that ease some social and political restrictions.
To a large extent, the conservatives’ political fortunes will be tied to their ability to solve the country’s deep economic dilemmas. According to some estimates, conservatives will have to create 800,000 jobs a year to ease the country’s chronic unemployment problem. The next parliament is thus expected to push through economic reforms designed to create jobs and satisfy rising demand for consumer goods. Ali Haddad Adel -- whose conservative Abadgaran (Renovators) Party won almost all the seats in Tehran, and who stands to become the next parliament speaker -- has already announced that he intends to turn Iran into “an Islamic Japan.”
KABUL EXPERIENCING A CONSTRUCTION BOOM: A EurasiaNet Photo Essay (Ed Grazda, 3/05/04)
Since November 2002, Kabul has been transformed. Construction cranes are everywhere. A huge new US Embassy is being built – with construction going on around the clock. High-rise office towers and hotels financed by Iranian, Turkish, Chinese and Afghan investors have drastically altered the once low-rise Kabul skyline.In late 2002 there was one internet cafe, now there is one on almost every downtown block and the World Wide Web now extends into virtually every Kabul neighborhood. There is even an internet kiosk at Kabul airport. The old Kabul Hotel, scene of the February 1979 assassination of then US Ambassador Adolph Dubs, is being transformed into a five-star hotel by the Aga Khan’s Serena Hotel Chain.
Diners - those who can afford it - mostly foreign workers - can now choose from Chinese, Indian, German, Iranian, Thai and Italian restaurants. Satellite phones have been replaced by cell phones - some people carrying two - one from each of the two phone service providers in the capital - since it is almost impossible to call from one carrier to the other. In every neighborhood, Afghans are working on their own to rebuild their bombed out homes.
Two new private airlines - Kam Air and Pamir have started internal air routes competing with the national Ariana Air lines. Traffic and pollution are only getting worse. While Kabul is not like most areas of Afghanistan, where security concerns are still very real, the construction and entrepreneurial activity offer a sign of hope for a better future.
As the trial of alleged pedophile and murderer Marc Dutroux stretches into its second week, attention has focused on the Belgian's claim that he was merely one cog in a network of highly placed child molesters who have been protected by a police cover-up.It is an allegation that echoes loudly in a number of other European countries, where investigators have recently turned up evidence that pedophilia is a wider and deeper problem than the authorities have been willing to admit.
In Portugal, 10 people, including a former cabinet minister and a former ambassador, are awaiting trial on pedophilia charges linked to a children's home scandal that appears to have been swept under the carpet for decades.
In the Czech Republic, a recent report by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) revealed that children as young as 6 are openly selling sexual services to tourists who pick them up at shopping malls and gas stations near the German border.
And 10 days ago, police across northern Europe launched dawn raids on nearly 50 homes and businesses, smashing a number of Internet child pornography networks that had escaped similar operations in 2002 and 2003.
Ending the Agent Orange Myth (Michael Fumento, 3/05/04, Outlook)
Agent Orange is every bit as bad as environmentalists, anti-war activists and veterans victim groups have always claimed.Or so sayeth the media, with headlines like "Study Finds Sharply Increased Risk of Cancer among Dioxin-Exposed Vietnam Veterans" (Agence-Presse France) and "Study: Agent Orange Linked to Cancer Risk" (Associated Press Online).
These and myriad similar stories are based on a study of veterans of Operation Ranch Hand published in the February Journal of Occupational Medicine. Ranch Handers were the ones who sprayed the Agent Orange herbicide and thus are the only group of vets known to have exposure to it and its infamous trace ingredient, dioxin. They've been tracked for twenty-two years and an evaluation is published every three.
This time researchers found over twice as many cases of malignant melanoma (an often-fatal skin cancer) as among the national population, with about 50 percent more prostate cancers.
Both findings were statistically significant, meaning there was only a 5 percent probability they occurred just by chance. That sounds pretty convincing, unless you bothered to actually read the study.
You'd first notice that a control group of vets in the evaluation that never sprayed herbicides in Vietnam had similarly high prostate-cancer levels. That leaves only the high melanoma rate as unique to the Ranch Handers.
Further, for all cancers combined there was no significant excesses of disease or death for Ranch Handers compared either to the general population or the control vets. Indeed, they had only about half the stomach-cancer rate compared to both groups.
If you believe Agent Orange or dioxin caused the excess prostate and skin cancers, you must also accept that it prevented stomach tumors. But nobody will say that; certainly nobody in the media mentioned the stomach cancers.
Hispanic Nation: Hispanics are an immigrant group like no other. Their huge numbers are challenging old assumptions about assimilation. Is America ready? (Business Week, 3/15/04)
It boils down to this: How much will Hispanics change America, and how much will America change them? Throughout the country's history, successive waves of immigrants eventually surrendered their native languages and cultures and melted into the middle class. It didn't always happen right away. During the great European migrations of the 1800s, Germans settled in an area stretching from Pennsylvania to Minnesota. They had their own schools, newspapers, and businesses, and spoke German, says Demetrios G. Papademetriou, co-founder of the Migration Policy Institute in Washington. But in a few generations, their kids spoke only English and embraced American aspirations and habits.Hispanics may be different, and not just because many are nonwhites. True, Maria Velazquez worries that her boys may lose their Spanish and urges them to speak it more. Even so, Hispanics today may have more choice than other immigrant groups to remain within their culture. With national TV networks such as Univision Communications Inc. (UVN ) and hundreds of mostly Spanish-speaking enclaves like Cicero, Hispanics may find it practical to remain bilingual. Today, 78% of U.S. Latinos speak Spanish, even if they also know English, according to the Census Bureau.
The 21 million Mexicans among them also have something else no other immigrant group has had: They're a car ride away from their home country. Many routinely journey back and forth, allowing them to maintain ties that Europeans never could. The dual identities are reinforced by the constant influx of new Latino immigrants -- roughly 400,000 a year, the highest flow in U.S. history. The steady stream of newcomers will likely keep the foreign-born, who typically speak mostly or only Spanish, at one-third of the U.S. Hispanic population for several decades. Their presence means that "Spanish is constantly refreshed, which is one of the key contrasts with what people think of as the melting pot," says Roberto Suro, director of the Pew Hispanic Center, a Latino research group in Washington.
A slow pace of assimilation is likely to hurt Hispanics themselves the most, especially poor immigrants who show up with no English and few skills. Latinos have long lagged in U.S. schools, in part because many families remain cloistered in Spanish-speaking neighborhoods. Their strong work ethic can compound the problem by propelling many young Latinos into the workforce before they finish high school. So while the Hispanic high-school-graduation rate has climbed 12 percentage points since 1980, to 57%, that's still woefully short of the 88% for non-Hispanic whites and 80% for African Americans.
The failure to develop skills leaves many Hispanics trapped in low-wage service jobs that offer few avenues for advancement. Incomes may not catch up anytime soon, either, certainly not for the millions of undocumented Hispanics. Most of these, from Mexican street-corner day laborers in Los Angeles to Guatemalan poultry-plant workers in North Carolina, toil in the underbelly of the U.S. economy. Many low-wage Hispanics would fare better economically if they moved out of the barrios and assimilated into U.S. society. Most probably face less racism than African Americans, since Latinos are a diverse ethnic and linguistic group comprising every nationality from Argentinians, who have a strong European heritage, to Dominicans, with their large black population. Even so, the pull of a common language may keep many in a country apart.
Certainly immigrants often head for a place where they can get support from fellow citizens, or even former neighbors. Some 90% of immigrants from Tonatico, a small town 100 miles south of Mexico City, head for Waukegan, Ill., joining 5,000 Tonaticans already there. In Miami, of course, Cubans dominate. "Miami has Hispanic banks, Hispanic law firms, Hispanic hospitals, so you can more or less conduct your entire life in Spanish here," says Leopoldo E. Guzman, 57. He came to the U.S. from Cuba at 15 and turned a Columbia University degree into a job at Lazard Frères & Co. before founding investment bank Guzman & Co.
Or take the Velazquezes' home of Cicero, a gritty factory town that once claimed fame as Al Capone's headquarters. Originally populated mostly by Czechs, Poles, and Slovaks, the Chicago suburb started decaying in the 1970s as factories closed and residents fled in search of jobs. Then a wave of young Mexican immigrants drove the population to its current Hispanic dominance, up from 1% in 1970. Today, the town president, equivalent to a mayor, is a Mexican immigrant, Ramiro Gonzalez, and Hispanics have replaced whites in the surviving factories and local schools. It's still possible that Cicero's Latino children will follow the path of so many other immigrants and move out into non-Hispanic neighborhoods. If they do, they, or at least their children, will likely all but abandon Spanish, gradually marry non-Hispanics, and meld into the mainstream.
But many researchers and academics say that's not likely for many Hispanics. In fact, a study of assimilation and other factors shows that while the number of Hispanics who prefer to speak mostly Spanish has dipped in recent years as the children of immigrants grow up with English, there has been no increase in those who prefer only English. Instead, the HispanTelligence study found that the group speaking both languages has climbed six percentage points since 1995, to 63%, and is likely to jump to 67% by 2010.
The trend to acculturate rather than assimilate is even more stark among Latino youth. Today, 97% of Mexican kids whose parents are immigrants and 76% of other Hispanic immigrant children know Spanish, even as nearly 90% also speak English very well, according to a decade-long study by University of California at Irvine sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut. More striking, those Latino kids keep their native language at four times the rate of Filipino, Vietnamese, or Chinese children of immigrants. "Before, immigrants tried to become Americans as soon as possible," says Sergio Bendixen, founder of Bendixen & Associates, a polling firm in Coral Gables, Fla., that specializes in Hispanics. "Now, it's the opposite." [...]
For more than 200 years, the nation has succeeded in weaving the foreign-born into the fabric of U.S. society, incorporating strands of new cultures along the way. With their huge numbers, Hispanics are adding all kinds of new influences. Cinco de Mayo has joined St. Patrick's Day as a public celebration in some neighborhoods, and burritos are everyday fare. More and more, Americans hablan Español. Will Hispanics be absorbed just as other waves of immigrants were? It's possible, but more likely they will continue to straddle two worlds, figuring out ways to remain Hispanic even as they become Americans.
Leo Strauss puts the matter well in his Introduction to The City and Man, though he was then focussed on external dangers more than internal:
However much the power of the West may have declined, however great the dangers to the West may be, that decline, that danger, nay, the defeat, even the destruction of the West would not necessarily prove that the West is in a crisis: the West could go down in honor, certain of its purpose. The crisis of the West consists in the West's having become uncertain of its purpose. The West was once certain of its purpose--of a purpose in which all men could be united, and hence it had a clear vision of its future as the future of mankind. We do no longer have that certainty and that clarity. Some among us even despair of the future, and this despair explains many forms of contemporary Western degradation.
China opens door to Christianity - of a patriotic sort: Beijing more or less publically admits to the popularity and benefits of spirituality. (Robert Marquand, 3/08/04, CS Monitor)
Yao Chun works for an upscale private firm, has a polished "corporate" persona, and loves China. But as an evangelical Christian he also loves the Gospels, which he encountered as a student in the US, describing them as "a light I never experienced before." In China, his strong faith makes for life in a gray zone of semilegality.He visits the largest official church in Beijing, but the crowds on Sunday often force him into the basement with a closed circuit screen. "We feel strange praying to a TV," he quips. Mostly, Yao attends an illegal "home church." The small group rents an apartment for Sunday services and weekday study. The Bible study is most frowned upon since officials feel such gatherings can incubate dissent, Yao says. So he and friends sing and pray in low voices.
Yet despite the challenges of practicing Christianity in China, there are signs that the once near pariah faith is being given more latitude. Most striking is what appears to be a public admittance by Beijing that Christianity is not only on the rise but is growing rapidly - and that the church is benefiting a spiritually hungry population that is growing more "individualistic."
The change is part of a new official formula that is fitfully taking shape here: a basic and perhaps grudging acceptance of faith, including low-level experiments with religious exchange abroad - so long as Chinese believers profess loyalty and patriotism to the state.
"Christianity is growing quickly here, faster maybe than in any other part of the world," says Gao Ying, vice president of the Beijing Christian Council. "Individualism is growing, and people need to feel love and community."
The Absurdity of It All Is Unrivaled (Thomas Boswell, March 8, 2004, NY Times)
As heaven is a witness, they were selling commemorative pins to Sunday's spring training game between the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. They looked just like the collectibles you see for the World Series, Final Four or Olympics. There were the official team logos, MLB authentication and, right under City of Palms Park, Spring Training and Ft. Myers, FL., was the date: March 7, 2004."God, that's sick," said Yankees Manager Joe Torre.
"There's no such thing. I don't believe it," said Reggie Jackson until he was shown.
"Wow," said Yankees coach Mel Stottlemyre. "How far does it go and when does it stop?"
"I just hope this was thought up by somebody in New York," said Red Sox President Larry Lucchino.
At this point, there's no ceiling on how high this biggest of all sports rivalries can go -- both in the sublime and the ridiculous. Fans stood in line all night for a couple of hundred standing room only tickets. Parking lots were half full three hours before game time, before attendants even arrived. A pair of tickets was going for $500 on eBay, though actual "I Need One" prices outside the park seemed lower.
"They stood in line since 10 p.m. [for a 1 p.m. game]," said Jackson, summarizing the pro ballplayer view of Fanaticus Americanus, "but they'll all be driving home by 2 o'clock after Jeter and A-Rod leave the game." [...]
This whole day was almost too rich in anecdote to believe. Red Sox GM Theo Epstein, saber-metric theorist, said a statistical simulation had been done of the entire '04 season. "It came out 100.6 wins to 100.7 wins."
So, who had the 100.7?
"They did, I think," said Epstein.
Oh, you think.
During batting practice at a Yankee Stadium game in 1978, when he was very much "The straw that stirs the drink", a couple of young men were standing along the railing, one trying to lure his beloved baseball hero over for an autograph. Instead, Reggie Jackson came over to hit on the pretty woman alongside of them. When he finished asking her to come up and see his etchings, the intrepid fellow asked him if he could please get his idol to come over. Upon hearing the name of the player in question, a dumbfounded Reggie spluttered a bit and then asked indignantly: "You've got Reggie Freakin' Jackson standing an inch away from you and you want fred Freakin' Chicken Stanley instead?!? What are you some kind of homo, kid?"
If you've ever been in a car accident and seen horrific events slow to a crawl you'll know the sensation we bystanders shared as this lad reached into his wallet, pulled out a tattered Fred Stanley baseball card and said: "No, I just want him to sign this--he's my favorite player."
Well, by now Reggie was laughing so hard he happily took the little pulpy rectangle and ran for the clubhouse, hooting and hollering the whole way. Soon Yankee players were atop the dugout steps, pointing and laughing, as Reggie and Fred Stanley himself walked up the foul line to the by now much-embarrassed fan, who Stanley promptly greeted with the question" "What are you, kid? Some kind of homo?"
Hero worship never seemed like such hard work.
Kerry Predicts Character Attacks, Foreign Support (Patricia Wilson, Reuters, 3/8/04)
Without naming anybody, Kerry said he had received words of encouragement from leaders abroad who were eager to see him defeat Bush on Nov. 2.I know he's got other things on his mind, but if he's been meeting with Osama, shouldn't Senator Kerry let the army know where he is?"I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy,' things like that," he said.
JFK Disease (Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, 3/4/04)
I have been wondering how much of Mr. Kerry's career is an essentially unreflective meditation upon the life of John F. Kennedy. Or to put it more directly, how much of his professional life has been a case of JFK disease.I have no problem with current presidents and presidential candidates trying to emulate great presidents of the past, or even mostly competent presidents with good pr. George Bush, after all, is self-consciously modeling his presidency after Ronald Reagan's.The murdered president dominated the imaginations of more than a generation of Democratic politicians, and continues as their most formative role model. President Clinton had a famous JFK complex. No one who was there will ever forget the moment at the 1992 Democratic Convention when the famous picture of teenage Bill Clinton pushing himself forward to reach out to shake hands with President Kennedy flashed across the screens that loomed over the convention floor. I was there in Madison Square Garden, and the impact on the crowd was electric, as if Michelangelo's painting had come alive and they were actually seeing God touch Adam. . . .
Sen. Kerry has had his JFK moments too. The other day I watched a clip of Mr. Kerry's famous testimony to Congress on Vietnam 30 years ago. Have you ever heard it? It was a total JFK impersonation--"hoff" for half, etc. In the pictures that exist of Lt. Kerry in Vietnam he seems startlingly similar in pose, squint and physical attitude to pictures of John Kennedy with his crew in World War II. PT boats, Swift boats; "Mahs-CHEW-sitts," the initials JFK . . .
There is, however, a key distinction between Mr. Bush's homage to Mr. Reagan and Mr. Kerry's essentially creepy aping of Mr. Kennedy. Bush is echoing those things about the Reagan presidency that actually contributed to its success: Reagan's tax policies, his economic policies, his immigration policies, his rhetorical support of the religious right and his image as an amiable dunce. Kerry is doing something else. He has chosen not to emulate the policies of a successful president but the hairstyle and accent (and initials?!) of a president who, at best, didn't have enough time in office to succeed.
Even odder, he completely ignores Kennedy's policies -- particularly his foreign policy. A few weeks ago, I was reading Kennedy's inaugural address. Today, it could only be given by a conservative Republican, and the media would immediately jump on him for unilateralism, bellicosity and injecting G-d into the public sphere. Our new JFK is not our fathers' JFK, and more's the pity.
Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge—and more.
To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge—to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course—both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.
Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms—and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah—to "undo the heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free."
And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
Fuel Cell Reaches Milestone (Space Daily, Mar 04, 2004)
A five-kilowatt solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) undergoing testing in Fairbanks has reached the 5,000-hour milestone since its start-up eight months ago. During each hour of operation the fuel cell produces approximately four kilowatts of electricity totaling 20,000 kilowatt hours for the duration, enough to power two average houses for a full year."Since the biggest questions surrounding fuel cells have been longevity and reliability, this is an exciting achievement in fuel cell technology and testing," said Dennis Witmer, director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Arctic Energy Technology Development Laboratory which is conducting the tests.
How Bush can destroy Kerry fast (Dick Morris, 3/08/04, Jewish World Review)
In opting for Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and turning down Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, Democrats have broken from the pragmatism and moderation that dominated their party's profile under Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the 1990s.Their party has now moved back to the liberal extremism of Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis that characterized the 1980s — with the same predictable result.
It is now up to President Bush to take advantage of this by implementing a three-part strategy in the coming campaign.
First, his paid media must attack Kerry's voting record to define him as an ultraliberal. There are likely those in the White House who are urging Bush to run positive ads. That won't work. Even if positive ads produce a small, short-term bounce for Bush, events soon will come to dominate, and the impact of those ads likely will evaporate.
But if Bush uses the next eight months to educate voters on Kerry's opposition to the death penalty, his vote against the 1991 Iraq war, his poor attendance record in the past year and his opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act, he could put this election away by defining Kerry right now.
Science Project of a Lifetime: A NASA-funded space probe tackles Einstein's relativity theory. But after four decades and $700 million, the craft has yet to launch. (Peter Pae, February 24, 2004, LA Times)
In 1962, Francis Everitt, a restless young physics researcher from England, signed up at Stanford University for what he thought would be a "few years of entertaining work" on a space project.The goal was to put a satellite in orbit 400 miles above Earth to validate or disprove, once and for all, Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Four decades and $700 million later, Everitt is still working on Gravity Probe B.
In the meantime, NASA has landed a man on the moon, built the international space station and sent probes to Mars. Two of the three Stanford professors who came up with the idea for the gravity probe while skinny-dipping at the campus pool in 1959 have died.
"They were telling me about this far-out idea, and I thought I would work on it for a few years before going back to England," said Everitt, now 69 and an Einstein look-alike with his mustache and graying, frizzy hair. "I didn't realize how far out it was going to be."
Gravity Probe B, about the size of a van, was originally expected to lift off into space in 1975 at a cost of about $35 million. NASA has pulled the plug on the project seven times over the years. Each time, it was resurrected, thanks to Everitt's unrelenting lobbying of Congress.
More than 400 physicists, 2,100 engineers and countless Stanford students have worked on the project. Nearly 100 professors earned their doctorates developing, evaluating, analyzing and building it. Research papers on the probe fill entire sections of Stanford's engineering and physics libraries.
Stanford even built a three-story building for the project, the only facility on campus dedicated to a single mission. Today, about 55 full-time staffers work on the probe, with more than 100 students, visiting scholars and engineers involved at any given time.For 42 years, Everitt has worked on nothing else. A tenured professor of physics at Stanford, he has never taught a class.
But he has been busy. As principal investigator for the gravity probe, he has written or co-written more than 100 research papers on the project. He also helped develop ground-breaking technologies that will be key to the probe's success — if it ever makes it into space.
Though the project has produced some dazzling, technologically advanced instruments and could yield enormous benefits for physics, it arguably has had more delays, cost overruns and cancellations than any other NASA scientific endeavor.
"There has been nothing like it in NASA's history," said Rex Geveden, deputy director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., who has overseen the project for nearly a decade. "It's hard to believe that the idea came about at the dawn of the Space Age."
In December, Everitt and his team came tantalizingly close to launching the trumpet-nosed satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base after half a dozen attempts over the years. But a technical glitch prompted NASA to postpone the launch once again, this time until April, while the probe undergoes repairs.
"We've waited 40 years. What's another few months?" Everitt said. "It's nothing like what the medieval cathedral builders had to go through."
Move that big red state into the blue column (Gary LaMoshi, 3/09/04, Asia Times)
The returns are in from China, and the Democrats have won. That's the United States Democrats, the ones the US Republicans have suspected of being communists all along.The policies and programs revealed at the Chinese National People's Congress (NPC), the first under the fourth-generation leadership of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao, have a decidedly Democratic flavor, starting with the slogan, "Putting people first". (They might have picked that up cheap from any number of failed US Democratic presidential campaigns.) Beyond the headline of endorsing the right to private property, the economic presentations to this NPC session represent a left turn.
Gone are the days of growth at any price, in favor of more directed economic expansion. Indiscriminate tax breaks for industry are out, tax cuts for family farmers are in.
Beyond left-right: Nader coalition's possible appeal to traditionalist conservatives (Mark Wegierski, March 8, 2004, Enter Stage Right)
Although independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is conventionally said to attract left-wing Democrats, he may also appeal to some traditionalist conservatives, and thus weaken Bush's support in the "Red" heartland and among some eclectic urban subsectors. [...]In its self-understanding, traditionalist philosophy shares with ecology a profound disgust with the late modern world, a critique of current-day capitalism, and an embrace of healthy and thrifty living -- rejecting what it sees as the current-day, ad-driven, consumption culture of brand fetishism and profligate waste. The possible commonalities and convergences of traditionalism and ecology have been pointed out by, among others, British political theorist John Gray (formerly at Oxford, now at LSE) in his essay "An Agenda for Green Conservatism" (in Beyond the New Right: Markets, Government and the Common Environment (Routledge, 1993)). John Gray has also written, among other works: False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (Granta, 1998), which has been described by conservative commentator John O'Sullivan as " attack on globalization written with the dash and recklessness of a Polish cavalryman" ("Gray Dawn: The new tack of an ur-conservative." National Review, March 5, 2001, pp. 39-41).
The broadly centrist criticisms of traditionalist conservatism and the ecological Left are manifest: regardless of the traditionalist conservative claim to social and political realism, and ecology's claim of scientific justification -- they are both today nothing more than wildly utopian ideologies, endeavoring to force people into an idealized straight-jacket of what amounts to virtually the same type of materially immiserated existence -- whether for "cultural-moral" or "ecological-conservationist" reasons. Neither traditionalist conservatism nor the ecological Left appear to understand the essence of the processes of wealth-creation in a free economy.
From the center perspective, the supporters of figures like Nader and Buchanan are indeed highly similar, and deservedly on the fringes of American politics.
Pentagon Plans Major Weapons Trade-Offs (Pamela Hess, Mar 05, 2004, UPI)
The Pentagon is changing the way it does business, again. But this time they mean it. Senior defense officials Friday unveiled a new process for determining military strategy and investment priorities, a complicated and bureaucratic process that -- if carried out to the full extent -- could bust so-called sacred cows all over the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill.The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan proved the long-talked about value of "joint war fighting" -- forces from different services fighting in concert, sometimes attacking the same targets at the same time. [...]
Under the new process, each weapon system will be judged not just on its own merits but on the value it provides relative to everything else in the military's inventory, and the cost it exacts to do so. The question will no longer be whether the $250 million F/A-22 Raptor is better than its predecessor, the F-15E.
It is whether the F/A-22's ability to evade enemy air defense radar and bomb targets inside denied territory is that much more valuable than all the other weapon systems that do similar things. It could be compared to a submarine that carries cruise missiles, or an aircraft carrier with a deck full of lower-cost fighters, or even a B-2 bomber.
North Koreans 'ready to revolt' (JULIAN RYALL, 3/07/04, The Scotsman)
ORDINARY people in North Korea are ready to revolt against dictator Kim Jong Il, according to three fishermen who risked their lives to flee the country three decades after being abducted by its agents.Few escapees ever publicly speak out for fear of endangering the lives of wives, children and friends left behind in North Korea.
But the three men now in South Korea said it was their duty to tell the world what was happening inside the world’s most secretive state.
With a nuclear weapons programme and an unpredictable and volatile leadership, North Korea is also thought to be the most dangerous nation in the world.
Lee Jae Keyn, whose trawler was seized by a gunboat in April 1970 and who was forced to spend the next 30 years in the north, said: "The top ranks of the military believe very strongly in Kim and will protect the regime, but the ordinary people are saying things about him behind his back.
"They’re very dissatisfied with the regime and, if the leadership believes its grip on power is beginning to slip and starts to turn on the people, they will definitely rise up and attack the military at the local level.
"There are 1.2 million people in the North Korean armed forces who will fight for Kim Jong Il, but the people won’t."
Aristide's Final Hours: As Aristide left, the US marines moved in … and revealed the true power behind the Haitian ‘revolt’. (David Pratt, 3/07/04, Sunday Herald)
It is not only by bombing and invasion that the neoconservative side of the Bush administration is able to get rid of governments it doesn’t like. Economic sanctions, political coercion and outright subversion can also be the order of the day.“At least twice I was present when the president [Aristide] hung up the phone on some US official, making demands during these last days,” said one of Aristide’s personal Haitian security guards, who asked to remain anonymous .
As Aristide himself stepped from his plane into exile in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic, he made a remark that cannot fail to have resonance with many ordinary Haitians.
“In overthrowing me, they cut down the tree of peace, but it will grow again, because its roots are well planted,” he said, alluding to a famous statement by the fabled leader of Haiti’s revolution, former slave and stable boy Toussaint L’Ouverture, who was entrapped by the French, bound, and hustled away from Haiti on a ship never to see his country again.
“They have felled only the trunk of the tree. Branches will sprout again, for its roots are numerous and deep,” Toussaint had similarly once said.
But the fact is that the roots of peace have been well and truly ripped up in the latest crisis in Haiti. In comparing himself with Toussaint, Aristide was making a connection between the French betrayal of the great revolutionary and the Americans’ betrayal of his own presidency.The US, after all, has form in the Caribbean and Latin America, and just as the neocons around President Bush have long viewed Aristide as another potential Castro they were probably equally adamant in their appreciation of rebel leader Philippe, who lists as his heroes the former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet and ex-US president Ronald Reagan. But for many ordinary Haitians, Philippe’s arrival is perceived as little more than the return of military rule.
“When Philippe was police chief, he bumped off loads of gang members. Who do you think is responsible for many of the fresh bodies lying on our streets since he came to Port-au-Prince?” said one former policeman, who like many Haitians prefers anonymity when expressing such views.
“I used to play ping pong with Philippe. Did you know he was a champion? He was as ruthless in that game as he is in dealing with his political enemies.”
Certainly, as paramilitary leaders go, Philippe has all the formal credentials. Having been trained by US Special Forces in Ecuador in the early 1990s, Philippe would no doubt have sanctioned and understood the role of the mysterious non-Haitians bristling with state-of-the-art weaponry who mingled with his ramshackle rebel group. Mercenaries? US Special Forces? Or that strange hybrid of both, that enables official US government spokesmen to deny the existence of such operatives should they ever overstep the mark?
The Bush administration, of course, has gone to great lengths to avoid direct complicity in a coup, with defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, secretary of state Colin Powell and White House press secretary Scott McClellan all calling that claim “absurd” and “nonsense”.
Most coups – as the French word suggests - means a sudden cut or blow. The coup against Aristide, and by extension against the Haitian people, was by contrast prolonged and cynically finessed. However, for Aristide to say he was abducted as he alleged is probably disingenuous.
One man who knows what happened is Jim Refinger. A former Jacksonville police sniper and retired marine, Refinger was part of the San Francisco-based private security team, the Steele Foundation, hired to protect Aristide.
“Everything was done with the full knowledge and co-operation of the president. There was no forcing the president to go anywhere. We protected our principal without a shot fired and he is safe.”
Only the type of government that we install in Haiti will determine who's running this show. If Mr. Philippe could be installed, after being coated with some light patina of legitimacy, that looks like the best option.
On the other hand, Mr. Pratt gets it right when he says Aristide is full of bunk as regards how he left the island.
U.S. SNIPERS FINISH 9 TALIBAN (NY Post, March 7, 2004)
U.S. Special Operations snipers killed nine suspected Taliban militants in the Afghan mountains bordering Pakistan, the military said yesterday, marking one of American forces' deadliest engagements in months.The military would not say if the clash marked the start of a promised spring offensive to capture Osama bin Laden, although a spokesman said the fighting began when as many as 40 suspected Taliban tried to flank the position held by the Americans and their Afghan army allies.
Kerry Dots Deliberation With Decision (Laura Blumenfeld, March 7, 2004, Washington Post)
John Kerry cliché No. 1: The single-engine plane plunged toward the Nevada desert. The pilot had tried a barrel roll and miscalculated. Ten thousand feet, six thousand feet, two thousand feet and falling. Young Kerry, sitting next to the pilot, reached for the controls. "Give it to me," Kerry said over the scream of the engine. He pulled the airplane out of the dive.Kerry cliché No. 2: About 30 years later, in his office at 2 a.m., Sen. Kerry hovered over a dictionary, torn between two words: "Is it 'venal'? Or 'venial'?" Hours before he would deliver his Senate floor statement on President Bill Clinton's impeachment, Kerry was stuck in the V's, trying to decide.
Both stories, though cartoonish, actually happened. They are part of the lore that paints Kerry as alternately too rash or too cautious. Conventional wisdom has tried to reconcile the apparent contradiction with words such as "complex." But a closer examination of his style, based on dozens of interviews, shows that he makes decisions with simple consistency. He researches and analyzes aggressively before choosing. He always deliberates, even if only for a second. What differs in each case is how close he is to the ground.
"It's the deadline thing," said Cameron Kerry, his brother. "He's not going to act when he doesn't need to. He's incredibly decisive when he needs to be."
Kerry's decision-making has drawn both criticism and praise. Republicans and Democratic detractors have portrayed him as a chronic wobbler. In a recent speech, President Bush described a would-be Kerry administration as "uncertain in the face of danger," in contrast to the current administration's "strength and confidence."
Now that Kerry has effectively won the Democratic presidential nomination, strategists say, his executive skills will come under scrutiny in a campaign against an opponent whose seemingly snap decision-making has been noted.
Kerry's supporters say his approach is nuanced and thorough, better for tackling complicated issues such as the economy and the war on terrorism. Far from paralyzing, they say, it is what makes his argument compelling.
"George Bush is, 'I know what's right, and I know what's wrong,' regardless of the nature of reality," said Jonathan Winer, Kerry's counsel from 1983 to 1994. "John takes the opposite approach: 'Don't assume you know where I am. Don't assume I know what I think. We'll talk it through.' It's a deliberate suspension."
Kerry is a man who studies the menu at restaurants, even when he knows what he's going to order. Entering a room, he pauses and looks around, as if to weigh his options. He is so fond of the phrase "tough choices" that Senate staffers routinely inserted it in his speeches because they knew he would say it anyway.
A study of three tough choices -- one military, one political, one personal -- offers a glimpse into Kerry's deciding mind.
There's a Reason Your Mother Told You Not to Lie (ALEX BERENSON, 3/076/04, NY Times)
IN the end, the case turned out to be a slam dunk.After months of debate about whether prosecutors made Martha Stewart a target because of her fame and after an apparently serious setback to the government's case only a few days earlier, jurors on Friday convicted Ms. Stewart of four counts of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. They had begun deliberating only two days earlier.
The quick conviction may not settle the public debate over whether Ms. Stewart was treated fairly. But defense lawyers for white-collar criminal cases say the focus on Ms. Stewart's celebrity misses the point. The real lesson of the case, they say, is that it once again proves the potency of a little-known federal law that has become a crucial weapon for prosecutors.
The law, which lawyers usually call 1001, for the section of the federal code that contains it, prohibits lying to any federal agent, even by a person who is not under oath and even by a person who has committed no other crime. Ms. Stewart's case illustrates the breadth of the law, legal experts say.
Ms. Stewart was convicted of obstruction of justice and making false statements to F.B.I. agents and investigators from the Securities and Exchange Commission who were investigating her for insider trading. (Her former broker, Peter E. Bacanovic, was convicted of four out of five counts of conspiracy and obstruction of justice.)
But Ms. Stewart was never charged with criminal insider trading, suggesting that if she had simply told investigators the truth she would not have faced criminal charges. The only counts the jury considered related to her behavior during the investigation.
"This was a classic case of the cover-up being worse than the crime," said Seth Taube, a white-collar defense lawyer at McCarter & English, a law firm in Newark. "It's an easy case to prove a lie."
The Dunciad: Book IV (Alexander Pope 1688-1744)
"O! would the sons of men once think their eyes
And reason given them but to study flies !
See Nature in some partial narrow shape,
And let the Author of the Whole escape:
Learn but to trifle; or, who most observe,
To wonder at their Maker, not to serve.""Be that my task" (replies a gloomy clerk,
Sworn foe to Myst'ry, yet divinely dark;
Whose pious hope aspires to see the day
When Moral Evidence shall quite decay,
And damns implicit faith, and holy lies,
Prompt to impose, and fond to dogmatize:)
"Let others creep by timid steps, and slow,
On plain experience lay foundations low,
By common sense to common knowledge bred,
And last, to Nature's Cause through Nature led.
All-seeing in thy mists, we want no guide,
Mother of Arrogance, and Source of Pride!
We nobly take the high Priori Road,
And reason downward, till we doubt of God:
Make Nature still encroach upon his plan;
And shove him off as far as e'er we can:
Thrust some Mechanic Cause into his place;
Or bind in matter, or diffuse in space.
Or, at one bound o'erleaping all his laws,
Make God man's image, man the final Cause,
Find virtue local, all relation scorn
See all in self , and but for self be born:
Of naught so certain as our reason still,
Of naught so doubtful as of soul and will .
Oh hide the God still more! and make us see
Such as Lucretius drew, a god like thee:
Wrapp'd up in self, a god without a thought,
Regardless of our merit or default.
Or that bright image to our fancy draw,
Which Theocles in raptur'd vision saw,
While through poetic scenes the Genius roves,
Or wanders wild in academic groves;
That Nature our society adores,
Where Tindal dictates, and Silenus snores."
Success Story in Latin America: Chile is a model for economic growth, free trade, and political stability, but Chileans still wrestle over the 1973 U.S._backed coup and the military dictatorship that followed. (Mark Holston, March 2004, World & I)
What is often overlooked in the Salvador Allende saga is that he was not supported by a majority of Chileans. He attracted only 36 percent of the 1970 presidential vote. (He was then elected president by the nation's Congress, which wasn't obliged to install him but wished to respect his plurality.) Also ignored are the undemocratic actions Allende pursued once in power, actions that quickly alienated broad sectors of the Chilean populace. He and his administration:* Disregarded the law in order to seize land and nationalize industries.
* Ignored court decisions and legislation in pursuit of their own agenda.
* Pursued policies that undercut the business community, estranged international investors, and hobbled the economy. By September 1973, famine was impending, consumer products of all kinds were in short supply, and turmoil was prevalent in the streets.
* Started smuggling in arms for workers groups, alienating Ben. Augusto Pinochet, the armed forces chief of staff appointed by Allende. Even some socialists recently admitted that Allende had been trying to carry out a revolution without significant support or legislative backing.
* Rejected an August 1973 congressional censure that should have caused him to resign.
Once Allende was removed, Pinochet turned his attention to rebuilding the economy (which he did in short order) and fighting an aggressive, Soviet-backed communist insurgency, which had started in 1965. Battling this uprising earned the Pinochet government the reputation of a human-rights abuser. [...]
Tomas Chuaqui, director of the Institute of Political Science at the Catholic University of Chile, believes that although Chile is today charting an independent course in international relations, it is a country the United States can count on in a somewhat unsettled part of the globe. "The relationship is quite strong," he comments, "and not likely to change in the immediate future. And it's not based only on trade; it's also political. Chile is a very stable country politically in the region, so the United States looks at Chile as a good ally to have in this part of Latin America. There's a lot more uncertainty in many countries in the region than there is in Chile. One of the reasons for the relationship is that Chile has demonstrated stability and economic strength."
Although the national interests of Chile and the United States are increasingly aligned, noted differences of opinion remain. In its role as a member of the UN Security Council, Chile voiced strong opposition to U.S. plans to invade Iraq. The war in Iraq remains very unpopular in Chile, and there are lingering concerns about Washington's long-term commitment to Latin American issues. "There's a very cynical attitude toward what the United States has been doing in the international arena," says Chuaqui.
"The main problem with the United States really doesn't have anything to do with Chile in particular," he adds. "It has more to do with the United States as a hegemonic power in general and [the perception of] its unwillingness to become an equal partner with anyone in the international arena."
Like many of his countrymen, Chuaqui believed the terrorist attack on the United States would produce a change of heart in Washington. "When the other September 11 [Chile's 1973 coup also happened on the same date] happened," he says, "one of the impressions I and many other Chileans had was that this finally signified that there can be no hegemonic power in the world any longer. The weakest power can harm the most powerful. That means that even the most powerful entity requires the assistance of the weaker powers around the world. The first impression we had was that the United States was going to move in that direction. That seems not to have happened."
The recently signed trade agreement, however, is widely perceived in Chile to be a high-water mark in relations between the two countries. Building on the pact's potential for improved economic ties should bring the national interests of the two nations closer together and may help pave the way for improved understanding and cooperation on other issues of mutual concern.
Nanny state cannot fill this spiritual void (George Kerevan, 3/01/04, The Scorsmam)
The contrast between the state of organised religion here and, say, the United States, is extraordinary. In the US, where the state is less powerful than in Europe, the churches have retained a civic, inclusive role that accounts for part of their popularity. I have a liberal friend in New York who recently joined a local congregation, despite being a polite but devout sceptic. For him, the church is an important community organisation which he feels obligated to be a part of. He was not being in the least cynical. He packed his bags and abandoned his native South back in the segregationist Fifties, because of what his fellow whites were doing to the blacks - a distinctly minority view at the time. Today, my friend still wants to know his neighbours better and share fellowship. God is just an added extra he can take in his stride. Of course, there is a degree of religious fanaticism in the US, but its political influence is often exaggerated over here.I’m not being so crude as to say religion equals community. But I think much of the hunger for spiritual fulfilment in the UK stems from a period where the socialist state destroyed collective institutions. Simultaneously, affluence allowed individual men and (especially) women to escape unhappy marriages to which previously they had been bound by economic necessity. The latter is a gain, but it comes with the cost of human loneliness. Add the cornucopia of political and moral choices that our multicultural media provide, and you have a recipe for spiritual confusion. The danger, I think, is in filling this human void with quackery or fanaticism.
In my own spiritual wanderings, I’ve arrived at a happy compromise between the Stoic intellectual rigor of Marcus Aurelius and some good Epicurean hell-raising. But I’m still polishing up my Aramaic just in case.
California Vote Is a Red Flag for Kerry (Robert E. Grady, March 5, 2004, LA Times)
One of the major reasons voters booted then-Gov. Gray Davis was that he increased spending by a whopping 50% in five years and raised taxes. Republicans Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock captured 49% and 13% of the vote, respectively. Memo to Kerry strategists: Republicans got 62% of the vote in this "heavily Democratic" state.Schwarzenegger's magic is still working, as the two initiatives he put his credibility on the line to support — Proposition 57, which refinanced the state debt, and Proposition 58, which mandated a balanced budget in each fiscal year going forward — passed with 63% and 71%, respectively. So Proposition 56 didn't just founder because California voters weren't in the mood for ballot measures.
The lesson here provides a clear guide to victory for Bush and a clear warning for Kerry. Given the choice between people who will reduce their taxes, as Bush has with two tax cuts, and candidates who will raise them, as the senator from Massachusetts proposes to do, voters will opt for the cutters every time.
Confidence Man: The case for Bush is the case against him. (William Saletan, March 4, 2004, Slate)
How can Kerry persuade moderates to throw out Bush? By turning the president's message against him. Bush is steady and principled. He believes money is better spent by individuals than by the government. He believes the United States should assert its strength in the world. He believes public policy should respect religious faith. Most Americans share these principles and think Bush is sincere about them. The problem Bush has demonstrated in office is that he has no idea how to apply his principles in a changing world. He's a big-picture guy who can't do the job.From foreign to economic to social policy, Bush's record is a lesson in the limits and perils of conviction. He's too confident to consult a map. He's too strong to heed warnings and too steady to turn the wheel when the road bends. He's too certain to admit error, even after plowing through ditches and telephone poles. He's too preoccupied with principle to understand that principle isn't enough. Watching the stars instead of the road, he has wrecked the budget and the war on terror. Now he's heading for the Constitution. It's time to pull him over and take away the keys. [...]
Bush was right to go to war against the terrorists who struck us on 9/11. He was right to demand the overdue use of force against the scofflaw Iraqi regime. But he couldn't tell the difference between the two threats. He figured that since both Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were evil, they had to be connected. Saddam must have helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks. He must have built weapons of mass destruction to sell to al-Qaida. [...]
Bush was right to propose tax cuts in 1999. The economy was booming. The surplus was ballooning. Liberals were itching to spend the money on new programs, despite Bill Clinton's promises to pay down the national debt. Bush wanted to get the money out of Washington before that happened. That's why, under his plan, the size of the tax cut was to grow from year to year. The point was to keep the surplus from piling up, refunding more and more money as it poured in from a growing economy. That's also why Bush cut taxes across the board instead of targeting middle-class families who would spend the money immediately. He wasn't trying to stimulate the economy. He was trying to give the money back to the people who had paid it in, which meant largely the rich.
Then everything changed. [...]
When Bush banned federal funding of research on new embryonic stem cell lines, he said sufficient research could proceed because "more than 60 genetically diverse stem cell lines already exist." Bush's HHS secretary, Tommy Thompson, said of the 60 lines, "They're diverse, they're robust, they're viable for research." In truth, nobody knew whether the cell lines were diverse, robust, or viable. To date, only 15 have been made available, and no one knows how many more will turn out to be usable. But Bush hasn't budged. [...]
Now, to save the family, Bush proposes to monkey with the Constitution. Why is this necessary? Because conservative states might be forced to honor gay marriages performed in liberal states, says Bush. [...]
President Bush. Strength and confidence. Steady leadership in times of change. He knows exactly where he wants to lead this country. And he won't let facts, circumstances, or the Constitution get in his way.
Revealed: how 'war hero' Kerry tried to put off Vietnam military duty (Charles Laurence, 07/03/2004, Sunday Telegraph)
Senator John Kerry, the presumed Democratic presidential candidate who is trading on his Vietnam war record to campaign against President George W Bush, tried to defer his military service for a year, according to a newly rediscovered article in a Harvard University newspaper.He wrote to his local recruitment board seeking permission to spend a further 12 months studying in Paris, after completing his degree course at Yale University in the mid-1960s.
The revelation appears to undercut Sen Kerry's carefully-cultivated image as a man who willingly served his country in a dangerous war - in supposed contrast to President Bush, who served in the Texas National Guard and thus avoided being sent to Vietnam.
The Harvard Crimson newspaper followed a youthful Mr Kerry in Boston as he campaigned for Congress for the first time in 1970. In the course of a lengthy article, "John Kerry: A Navy Dove Runs for Congress", published on February 18, the paper reported: "When he approached his draft board for permission to study for a year in Paris, the draft board refused and Kerry decided to enlist in the Navy.
Kerry unrepentant for pro-Hanoi activism:Local paper described him as 'closest thing to a male Jane Fonda' (J. Michael Waller , March 6, 2004, WorldNetDaily)
As a lieutenant junior grade, Kerry skippered a CTF-115 swift boat, a light, aluminum patrol vessel that bore a passing resemblance to PT-109. He thought he'd arranged to avoid combat."I didn't really want to get involved in the war," he later would tell the Boston Globe. "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling, and that's what I thought I was going to do."
EU's false trilateral dreams (DAVID HOWELL, March 7, 2004, The Japan Times)
Today it is still held in leadership circles in certain European capitals, as well as by some commentators outside Europe, in America or Japan, that the Europeans only need to get together as a single entity, on the lines of the United States, and all will be well. [...]In practice, a new and different model is now coming within reach, making the EU a much more open and comfortable kind of arrangement that will give the newer and smaller countries plenty of elbowroom and breathing space, and yet combine them gently in a commonwealth of interests and endeavor.
To make this work, a new and simplified treaty envelope is probably required, allowing for a looser and less centralized union in which the smaller states have a full say.
The question is who will have the confidence and vision to set Europe on this different path from the past. The obvious candidate ought to be the British. But if Britain lacks the nerve and courage to give that lead, then others will have to step forward. Spain and Poland have already shown that they are ready to break ranks with the traditional European elite and with Franco-German supremacy, when they blocked the proposed constitution at the end of last year.
Perhaps it is now their turn to take the helm of reform. They will find many willing voices throughout Europe to support them.
The Apex DVD Player (ROB WALKER, 3/07/04, NY Times Magazine)
When we talk about ''aspirational'' shopping, we tend to mean the process of buying slightly above our true stations in life -- using consumption to get a little piece of luxury or pleasure. But these are not the only values that motivate us as shoppers. For instance, everybody loves a bargain. Bargain culture, says Sharon Zukin, a sociology professor and the author of ''Point of Purchase,'' a book about shopping and America, is based on ''a kind of aspirational shopping for the lowest price, rather than the highest status.''To understand how powerful that urge can be, don't think about multipacks of paper towels or huge jars of mayonnaise. Think about DVD players -- specifically, Apex DVD players. Of the 31.1 million DVD players sold last year, roughly 10 percent were Apex models, according to the NPD Group, the retail tracker. That puts the brand in second place, just behind Sony, but the two companies could not be more different. Sony is a storied innovator, a name familiar to consumer-electronics buyers for decades as a technological leader. The Apex name -- for those who even notice it -- has been around for about five years and basically means ''bargain.'' [...]
A big chunk of Apex's 2003 sales (about $1 billion) came during the run-up to Christmas -- when a kind of extreme thriftiness has come to manifest itself in virtual scrums as bargain hunters throng at low-price retailers for while-supplies-last deals. Last Christmas the Deal was often a DVD player marked down to an absurdly cheap $29, and that DVD player was often an Apex model. Marietta Schoenherz, director of public relations for Apex, explains that these actually tend to be ''customized'' versions of its lowest-end offering: ''Some partners -- and Wal-Mart might be an example -- are going to want what we call a door-buster,'' she says. ''So we're going to give them a sort of scaled-back version'' -- one, for instance, without the progressive-scan feature, which can improve picture quality -- ''and sell that to Wal-Mart. It's a loss leader to get people in the store.''
Perhaps, then, the ''bargain'' is as slippery a concept as ''luxury,'' one that is ultimately defined in the mind of the consumer. The Apex consumer seems to trust not a famous name or a chatty salesman or corporate advertising (Apex does none), but rather other consumers: the hive mind, or the will of the mob, depending on how you look at it. ''It's kind of like the stock market, or the primary campaigns -- the issue of electability,'' Zukin says. ''You're betting on other people's responses.'' The more people buy Apex players (and jostle one another at stores to get at them), the more it seems downright unthrifty to buy anything else.
More Teenagers Are Striving for Restraint (NINA BERNSTEIN, 3/07/04, NY Times)
The teenage pregnancy rate in America, which rose sharply between 1986 and 1991 to huge public alarm, has fallen steadily for a decade with little fanfare, to below any level previously recorded in the United States. And though pregnancy prevention efforts have long focused almost exclusively on girls, it is boys whose behavior shows the most startling changes.More than half of all male high school students reported in 2001 that they were virgins, up from 39 percent in 1990. Among the sexually active, condom use has soared to 65 percent, and nearly 73 percent among black male students. The trends are similar, if less pronounced, for female students, who remain slightly less likely than boys to report that they have had sex. Nowhere are the changes more surprising than in poor minority neighborhoods in Harlem and the Bronx, which a decade ago were seen as centers of a national epidemic of teenage pregnancy.
Researchers often sum up the findings in one tidy phrase: "less sex, more contraception." But there is nothing simple about their puzzlement over the reasons. [...]
Experts can rattle off a litany of possible reasons for the turnaround: the fear of AIDS, and the impact of AIDS-prevention education; the introduction of injectable forms of birth control; changes in welfare policy and crackdowns on fathers for child support; the rise of a more religious and conservative generation of teenagers; an economic boom with more opportunities; and an array of new youth programs, especially those stressing both abstinence and contraception.
Even advocates of these developments agree that they cannot account for the shift, or predict how long it will last. Yet the cultural changes now at work are quite astonishing when viewed up close, in the lives of teenagers themselves. In their topsy-turvy world of explicit sex and elusive intimacy, young people yearning for human contact are distilling new codes of conduct from a volatile blend of sex education, popular culture and family experience. [...]
It is hard to overestimate the influence of AIDS, but its effects are not as simple as one might think. While the epidemic led to a fear of sex and increased education about its risks, it also touched off a barrage of explicit sexual discussion and imagery that reverberates 24 hours a day in television, movies, music and on the Internet.
Doug Kirby is one of many researchers on teenage pregnancy who are somewhat mystified by the result. "There's so much more sex in the media," he said. "But the percent of young people who have sex is going down. I wonder, is there just simple saturation? Is sex not quite so off limits, so titillating?"
Peter Bearman, a sociologist at Columbia University, has another explanation, culled from one of his controlled research studies on teenage pregnancy: Forming any opinion at all about sex and pregnancy makes teenagers better at contraception. And "culturally, kids are thinking about sex more, developing attitudes about it," he said.
Toby and Manuel's classmate Ali A., a basketball shooting guard who lost his virginity at 14, says he is tired of thinking about sex. Of sex on TV, he said, "It's all hyped." Shaking his cornrow braids, he declared: "It's not about sex no more. We try to enjoy our lives now. Not to have the stress."
The stress for this generation comes not just from the risks of sex in the age of AIDS and child support, but also from the challenge of maintaining relationships, said Susan Wilson, director of the Network for Family Life Education, an academic group. It sponsors a national newsletter, Sex Etc., written for and by teenagers, who show remarkable agreement across lines of race and class.
"They want to get away from the clinical aspect of sexuality," she said. "They all want to learn more about relationships, intimacy, talking to your partners, love."
Kerry Criticizes Bush for Failing to Back Aristide (DAVID E. SANGER and DAVID M. HALBFINGER, 3/07/04, NY Times)
Had he been sitting in the Oval Office last weekend as rebel forces were threatening to enter Port-au-Prince, Senator John Kerry says he would have sent an international force to protect Haiti's widely disliked elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Opposition to President Clinton's boldest foreign policy initiative -- U.S. military intervention in Haiti last year with 21,000 troops at a cost of $3 billion -- has now come full circle. With the defection of former president Jimmy Carter as an uncritical supporter of the administration's effort to "restore" democracy to the Caribbean island, the White House's touting of Haiti as its greatest foreign policy "success" is sounding pretty silly.The former president, who provided crucial political cover last year for Clinton's decision to dispatch U.S. forces to Haiti, recently issued a devastating critique of the political process imposed under the lethal protection of U.S. guns by Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
The report, issued by the Atlanta-based Carter Center, exposes Aristide's one-party "Lavalas" rule, with its widespread corruption, mismanagement and ballot manipulating, particularly in the June 25 election. Aristide's allies swept local and parliamentary seats in that balloting.
President Carter's critique of Aristide is especially startling, considering the long political association between the two. When Aristide won Haiti's 1990 presidential election, the Carter Center was at the forefront of groups supporting the results.
But relations began to sour within months after Carter personally helped pave the way for Aristide's triumphant return in October 1994. By year's end, it was apparent to all but the most ideologically driven that Aristide was personally turning Haiti into yet another one-man dictatorship -- his own. This should surprise no one, considering Aristide's political personality and his Marxist beliefs.
A critical part of Aristide's plan for seizing total power in Haiti has been his illegal and authoritarian command of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) that conducted the fraudulent June election. Sensing trouble in March, Carter visited Haiti and was formally rebuffed by Aristide. Unofficially, he was greeted by hostile crowds and vicious graffiti, all engineered by Lavalas street gangs intent on embarrassing the former U.S. chief executive.
The Carter Center report on the ensuing election -- written by Carter confidant and former National Security Council advisor Robert Pastor -- documents the disgraceful conduct of the Aristide government and his Lavalas party. "Of the 13 elections I have observed, the June 25 Haitian elections were the most disastrous technically, with the most insecure count," Pastor said in the report.
International law meets the 21st century (YEHEZKEL DROR, Jerusalem Post, 04/03/04)
Therefore, radical innovations in international law are imperative. "Atrocious terrorism" should be defined as mass killing of civilians, included within crimes against humanity and subjected to universal jurisdiction. An unconditional duty should be imposed on states to act against atrocious terrorism, however "justified" in the view of some regimes. Concomitantly, the right of self-defense should be enlarged to include multiple measures, including preemption, taken by endangered countries to stop atrocious terrorism against their citizens. [...]To move to individuals, the notion of human rights should be supplemented with a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities and Duties (as proposed several times), foremost of which is avoidance of any act of atrocious terrorism and its support. This stipulation should be enforced first of all against senior decision-makers. [...]
Finally, it is necessary to establish a Global Security Tribunal with universal jurisdiction to try atrocious terrorists, their supporters, and proliferaters of instruments of mass killing. The composition of that tribunal should be based on major anti-terrorism powers; and its rules of evidence should enable conviction of the guilty while protecting the innocent, taking into account the special circumstances of sensitive security issues.
The needed international law innovations are far beyond the political capacity of the United Nations as now constituted. But they are essential for humanity to thrive over the long term. Therefore, as already proposed by Emmanuel Kant in The Eternal Peace, until the United Nations is restructured, a coalition of major powers - led by the United States, together with the European Union, China, and additional select countries reflecting main civilizations - will have to serve as pioneers of new international law norms, imposing them when diplomatic persuasion will not work. [...]
Given that such basic concepts and institutions of international law have become outmoded, Israel has no choice but to unwillingly pioneer new norms, paying the price for showing the way humanity will have to take in the face of rapidly escalating threats. This is not the ideal form for Judaism to fulfill the mission of "mending the world" and being "a light unto the nations" but an existential necessity dictated by the obsolescence of much of contemporary international law.
Oh goody, exciting new norms for abstract multilateralism. Could Professor Dror please explain why the ancient norms Israel pioneered shouldn't suffice?
Adieu to U.S. Unilateralism?: For over two years, transatlantic relations on the political and military front have been on a helter-skelter path. Could that period of confrontation — and mutual frustration — have come to a rapid end? Have the neoconservatives fallen out of favor in Washington? (Martin Walker, March 05, 2004, The Globalist)
The phone lines between officials in Washington and Paris are busy with cooperative talks and plans for a United Nations-backed peacekeeping mission in Haiti.Meanwhile on another floor of the White House, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is being hailed by President George Bush as "a person that can make me laugh, a person who is easy to be with. And a person who is easy to be with means I've got a comfortable relationship with him."
President Bush’s pursuit of unilateralism is dead. The neo-cons are out of favor. The Germans are back in the White House. The French are worthy allies.
We have all come a long way since those bitter and heated exchanges over Iraq at the United Nations a year ago, when the rows with the French and Germans threatened to tear the Atlantic alliance apart.
You Want Christ With That?: Chick-fil-A sticks God in the deep fryer (Rich Kane, 3/05/04, OC Register)
A particular brand of cheery, glassy-eyed Christianity infiltrates everyone and everything at Chick-fil-A in Irvine, more overt than the Bible-verse references hidden on drink-cup bottoms and food wrappers you eventually discover at In-N-Out Burger. All Chick-fil-A restaurants close down for Sundays, the Sabbath Day, in accordance with the Fourth Commandment. The toys given away in the kid’s combo meals have included Book of Virtues cassette tapes from the Bill Bennett Gambling Empire, as well as materials from Adventures in Odyssey, a God-centric cartoon series produced by far-right Christian fundies Focus on the Family. Christian music pipes in over your heads while you eat: the nauseating, squishy, marshmallow-y, Michael W. Smith kind. And, in a truly Ned Flanders moment, we’re sitting there eating one day when a manager loudly barks out over the dining area, "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY!!?"—to which all the employees respond with "YES, WE ARE! H-A-P-P-Y!" Even the Moonies aren’t this well-organized.Chick-fil-A is the latest outpost of an Atlanta-based fast-food chain with more than 1,100 outlets limited primarily to the Bible Belt. Saturated fat, grease, cholesterol, sugar and sodium—the new USDA food pyramid—is on the menu, delivered in the form of fried chicken sandwiches, chicken strips, chicken nuggets, waffle fries, soups, chicken salads, sodas, cheesecake and breakfast biscuits. They also weirdly claim to have invented the chicken sandwich—as if no one had ever thought of putting a bird between two slices of bread before.
Most items cost less than $5, but the side of Jesus is on the house courtesy of founder S. Truett Cathy, an 82-year-old Southern Baptist praised throughout evangelical circles as a born-again Kroc. In a self-help guide for Christian businessmen, Cathy was once asked how many restaurants he owns, to which he replied, "I don’t own any. I manage them for God. He gives me them to take care of. I give him 10 percent, and He gives me 90 percent of the profits." Judging by the cuisine, God wants to see His flock in person, pretty damn quick.
Why can't a public scholarship fund a theology education? (TERRY EASTLAND, 3/03/04, Dallas Morning News)
The majority opinion is defensible – but only to a point. What makes the ruling hard to accept is that in past cases the court has said that when government makes a public benefit generally available, it can't withhold the benefit from some individuals solely on the basis of religion but must treat everyone equally. Had the court stuck to that principle, it would have ruled for Mr. Davey.The court described the burden imposed on Mr. Davey as "relatively minor" and declined to "venture further into this difficult area." But the court might be forced to venture further; what if Washington now decides to prohibit Promise Scholars who aren't theology majors from taking theology courses? Or if it decides to prohibit Promise Scholars from even attending a religiously affiliated school like Northwest?
And what if other states decide to craft scholarship policies based on "less stringent" line-drawing that treats religion differently? Or if – to consider another area of policy – states begin to exclude otherwise qualified religious charities from competing for social service grants?
When would the burden on free exercise rights cease to be so minor? When would the court feel compelled to enforce the First Amendment principle of neutrality and equal treatment?
Joshua Davey isn't on track to be a church pastor. He's in his first year at the Harvard Law School. Maybe someday Counselor Davey will find himself in the Supreme Court, arguing against efforts to extend the logic of Locke vs. Davey.
Holy Discrimination!: The Supreme Court approves religious discrimination. (Douglas W. Kmiec, 3/01/04, National Review)
The state of Washington's Promise Scholarship was a general benefit program available to everyone meeting academic merit standards, except, as it turns out, Joshua Davey, and others like him, who wanted to study both secular and religious subjects. In Joshua's case, he sought to combine business and pastoral ministry.That a public law in 2004 discriminates on its face against religious believers is extraordinary enough. That seven justices thought this was perfectly fine is disheartening. The Supreme Court admitted that including religious students would not offend the "no establishment" clause. This is obvious since including religious students on evenhanded terms with everyone else could not reasonably be construed as an establishment of a church or an endorsement of a student's particular faith choice.
In dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia cogently lacerated the history and reasoning of the majority. During the Founding years of the nation, worries abounded that religious strife might be sparked by specific government funding of ministers of various Christian sects. Exemplary was James Madison's Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments. It assailed a Virginia bill which provided: "[F]or the support of Christian teachers ... [a] sum payable for tax on the property within this Commonwealth, is hereby assessed." But not a syllable was said against extending to religion public benefits that were available generally, such as roads, firefighting or police services, or a municipal water supply.In these circumstances, government neither appears nor intends to promote religion. It is scrupulously neutral between believers and nonbelievers. That would be the case if the PSP was evenhandedly opened to all applicants who satisfied its academic, income and attendance requirements. Any use of state scholarship monies that was directed to religious vocations would be a matter of private choice, neither encouraged nor discouraged by government.
That neutrality would avoid the type of political scheming or factions that would aggravate religious fault lines. Thus, the Supreme Court sermonized in Everson vs. Board of Education of Ewing (1947) in upholding New Jersey's free public transportation to pupils generally, including enrollees at sectarian institutions: "New Jersey cannot hamper its citizens in the free exercise of their own religion. Consequently, it cannot exclude individual Catholics, Lutherans, Mohammedans, Baptists, Jews, Methodists, nonbelievers, Presbyterians, or members of any other faith, because of their faith, or lack of it, from receiving the benefits of public welfare legislation."
If the free exercise clause means anything, it means preventing government from handicapping citizens in public life because of their faith.
The Nader Interview: Stop Building 'an American Sparta' (James Ridgeway, March 3 - 9, 2004, Village Voice)
As for the state of America, said Nader, it's in the "advanced stages of corporatization of the whole political economy.""It's amazing," he added. "The militarization of the economy, an American Sparta, is hardly being chronicled--a huge drain of scientific, technological, entrepreneurial talents going into weapons systems, service systems, snooping dogs, and surveillance this and snooping that." [...]
[Q:] Gay marriage?
[A:] "Equal rights. . . . The use of the word 'marriage' is a real stickler for a lot of people, but the reason they have to use it is because it's embedded in law. They can't file joint tax returns unless they have that word attached to their union. As a woman in The New York Times said last week, it's not a matter of labels. It's a matter of equal rights."
The Scientist and the Poet (Paul A. Cantor, Winter 2004, New Atlantis)
Above all, Mary Shelley concentrates on presenting the story of Frankenstein’s attempt to create a living being as a human drama. She dwells on Frankenstein’s motives as a creator and the consequences of his mode of creation on the creature he brings to life. In terms of Frankenstein’s goals in creation, Shelley actually presents him as a kind of artist: “I doubted at first whether I should attempt the creation of a being like myself, or one of simpler organization; but my imagination was too exalted by my first success to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man.” With his “exalted” “imagination,” Frankenstein sounds like a Romantic poet, trying to translate an ideal vision into material terms. We begin to see the problem with Frankenstein’s creative activity when Shelley reveals how much Frankenstein is concerned with his own glory: “Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.” In his imagery of pouring light into a dark world, Frankenstein reveals himself to be a child of the Enlightenment, and Shelley brings out the connection between modern science and modern technology—the Baconian desire to conquer nature “for the relief of man’s estate.” Frankenstein thinks of himself as a kind of god, and his motivation for bringing a new species into being is to enjoy their worship of him as their creator.Why does he go on to claim: “No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs”? Hitherto, every father has had to share the glory of human creation with a mother, whose role in bringing the child into existence was at least as great, if not greater. One can see Shelley thinking as a woman in this passage, and calling into question the masculine pride of the scientific creator. Frankenstein acts out a kind of male fantasy—to skip over any natural means of reproduction, to be solely responsible for the creation of his offspring, and thus to be able to claim its total gratitude. In her deepest insight into scientific creativity, Shelley sees its link to a will to power, and a desire to go beyond all conventional and natural limits on human aspiration.
Frankenstein’s obsession with his own glory has disastrous consequences for the being he creates. He is in a hurry to achieve his goal, and worries only about how quickly he can reach it, not about whether he can do the job right: “As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to my first intention, to make the being of a gigantic stature, that is to say, about eight feet in height, and proportionably large.” Notice how quick Frankenstein is to revise his original plan, and solely in order to speed up his ability to get results. He does not pause to consider the consequences for his creature of the “gigantic stature” with which he endows it. In fact, all the misery the creature is forced to endure can be traced to its inability to fit in to society, and being eight feet tall is its primary problem in being accepted as normal by the human beings it encounters. Ultimately Frankenstein’s failure as a creator is a failure of imagination—he does not think through in advance what it will feel like to be a giant among ordinary men. Shelley identifies the purely technical nature of scientific thinking as its chief defect. For Frankenstein creation is simply a matter of technique. He has the parts and his only concern is how to assemble them quickly into a whole. He does not think about the nature of the whole he is creating—how the way it is being brought into being will affect the character of that whole. The result of Frankenstein’s lack of foresight and imagination is to bring tragedy on his creature and ultimately on himself.
Mary Shelley was of course an amateur when it comes to science, but in many ways her understanding of the larger context of science was well in advance of the thinking of the greatest scientists of her day. Notice that she is not skeptical about the power of science; she is not the sort of know-nothing who doubts the claims of scientists to be able to change the world. On the contrary, at the very beginning of what was to become the science of biochemistry, Shelley foresaw how potent a tool it would be in the hands of scientists. When scientists were priding themselves on merely getting the legs of a dead frog to jump, Shelley could already imagine the creation of a live human being through science. Indeed, we can now say in retrospect that Frankenstein is one of the most prophetic books ever written, and it is difficult to think about the disturbing questions raised by contemporary possibilities in biotechnology without invoking the warnings of Mary Shelley. The basic lesson Frankenstein can teach us is this: science can tell us how to do something, but it cannot tell us whether we should do it. To explore that question, we must step outside the narrow range of science’s purely technical questions, and look at the full human context and consequences of what we are doing. To fill in our sense of that context and those consequences, literature can come to the aid of science. No matter how imaginative science itself can be—and recall that Shelley does see Frankenstein as fired up by his imagination—literature is better at imagining the human things. As we have seen, Shelley can do what Frankenstein fails to do—to imagine what it would feel like to be a being created by science. And Shelley also usefully reminds us that science itself is a human activity, and that scientists may sometimes be impelled by human, all-too-human motives. Frankenstein presents his great experiment in creating life as a form of pure research, but Shelley makes us understand the dubious personal motives that are driving him, motives that in the end lock Frankenstein and his creature into a mutually self-destructive struggle.
Hickory-Smoked-Chicken Chile Relleno (Texas Monthly, October 1993)
Chile Relleno6 large whole poblano chiles
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 2 1/2-pound hickory-smoked chicken
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
1/2 cup pecan pieces
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
2 small pears, thinly sliced
1/4 cup Riesling wine
Mango-fig chutney (see recipe, below), 2 tablespoons per servingRub chiles with oil, then roast over coals or open flame until blistered. Peel skin off under running water. Cut off tops (reserve) and clean out seeds. Keep chiles warm. Discard bones, skin, and fat from chicken. Shred meat.
Saute celery, onions, and pecans in butter for 3 minutes. Add pears and wine. Reduce heat and cook until pears are tender. Add chicken and heat through.
Spoon mixture into chiles, place each on bed of warm mango-fig chutney, and replace tops. Serve with plantain chips. Serves 6.
Armies of Consumers: 1776's Secret Weapon? (EMILY EAKIN, 2/28/04, NY Times)
In February 1766, taken aback by the violent reaction to the Stamp Act, its latest attempt to impose taxes on the restive American colonies, Britain summoned Benjamin Franklin to Parliament in London. The interview, which lasted several hours, was less than friendly. The Americans, Franklin reminded his interrogators, were voracious consumers of British goods, buying them at a rate that far exceeded the colonies' staggering population growth. But this lucrative spending habit, he warned, should not be taken for granted.The colonists could either produce necessities themselves or do without, he testified. As for "mere articles of fashion," he said, they "will now be detested and rejected."
A month later the Stamp Act was repealed. And American trade in British goods — valued at more than a million pounds a year — continued at a galloping pace. But Franklin's words represented a turning point in the struggle for independence, says T. H. Breen, the William Smith Mason professor of American history at Northwestern. Americans, he argues, had discovered a political weapon without which the Revolution might not have been successful: consumerism.
Is it possible that a signature attribute of contemporary America — and a trait for which it is frequently criticized — lay at the heart of its most inspiring foundational achievement? This is the startling implication of Mr. Breen's new book, The Marketplace of Revolution: How Consumer Politics Shaped American Independence, published earlier this month by Oxford University Press. In his account, the self-sufficient yeoman farmer of Jeffersonian lore is nowhere to be found. Even before America was a nation, Mr. Breen insists, it was a society of consumers.
Deceptively simple, his argument goes like this: two and a half million strong and scattered along 1,800 miles of coastline, the colonists had little in common besides a weakness for what Samuel Adams derisively termed "the Baubles of Britain." When Britain imposed stiff taxes on this appetite for stuff — without granting any political representation — Americans responded with an ingenious invention with instant and widespread appeal: the consumer boycott. By the time the First Continental Congress was convened in September 1774, transforming mass consumer mobilization into a successful political rebellion was a relatively straightforward task.
Analysis of Roman epitaphs alters concept of 'family' (U Calgary, February 11, 2004)
If ancient Romans observed Family Day, their celebrations would have included wet nurses, slaves and possibly many others who had no blood relationship, according to new University of Calgary research.A landmark analysis by classicist Dr. Hanne Sigismund Nielsen of more than 4,500 inscriptions on Roman tombstones shows that our concept of the Roman family needs to be broadened to include much more than just parents, grandparents and children.
"Roman families did not at all look like our family structure today," says Nielsen, who spent more than 10 years examining the Latin inscriptions. "Quite a few family relationships existed by choice and were not at all contained in the biological family." For example, slaves were often related to their masters by choice, families frequently included foster parents or children, and wet nurses were especially honoured.
"Whereas we might say, 'He has a face only a mother could love,' the Romans would have said, 'He has a face only his wet nurse could love'," Nielsen says. The bond was so strong with wet nurses because mothers surrendered their children to them for the first three years of a child's life.
Nielsen has written a book about her research titled Roman Relationships: The Evidence of the Epitaphs, which is currently under review for publication. Although the epitaphs have been documented and compiled in reference books, until now nobody has comprehensively described and analyzed them. Nielsen assembled a database of 4,500 complete inscriptions out of a total of 40,000 epitaphs, many of which are only fragmentary.
"It's not just accidental that you put up a tombstone for someone," she points out. "These people weren't millionaires and the stonecutter charged for each letter. I think it reflects real emotions and real attachment."
Clash of Titans (DAVID BROOKS, March 6, 2004, NY Times)
We're so full of it. We pretend to be a middle-class, democratic nation, but in reality we love our blue bloods. We love our Roosevelts, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Bushes, Deans and Gores. We love the prep school manners, the aristocratic calm, the Skull and Bones mystery, the dappled lawns stretching before the New England summer homes. How else can you explain the Bush vs. Kerry matchup that confronts us this year?In Britain neither of these guys could lead a major party. Their upper-crust pedigrees would be disqualifying. But here in the land of Ralph Lauren wannabes, one all-scion campaign follows another. Here in the land of middle-class self-loathing, we want to make sure that the guy we elect to the White House has lived a life nothing like our own.
So you have one party, the Republican Party, the so-called party of the heartland, which won't nominate a guy unless he has a ranch the size of Oklahoma. Republicans don't think you're fit to govern unless you're on the north 40 every summer clearing brush. And then you have the Democrats, the so-called party of the people, who won't nominate a guy unless his family had an upper-deck berth on the Mayflower.
The Battle of the Biographies: Bush v. Kerry. (Noemie Emery, 03/15/2004, Weekly Standard)
BRING IT ON! And there they stand, thumbs in their belts, snorting at each other from opposite corners--the Vietnam vet with three Purple Hearts and numerous medals, and the commander in chief, architect of two wars, with one bad guy's scalp on his belt. Are they tough? Are you kidding? But wait. Alter the slant of the light, and things appear more complex. In this corner is the decorated Vietnam vet who risked his life on the battlefield but turned into the ultimate risk-averse politician, carefully tending his political interests and force-averse when it comes to security issues. And in that one is the man whose service when young was adequate but not glorious, but who as president has taken one huge risk after another.The first test of manhood for both of them came in the late 1960s near the playing fields of New Haven.
He Harms/She Harms: A Distinction With Real Difference (DINITIA SMITH, 3/06/04, NY Times)
When David Williams, a psychologist at the University of Westminster in London, was deciding how to construct a pain machine, he realized a kitchen scale would do the trick. He attached a guillotinelike device to it, though he hastens to point out that the edge was "really blunt, not as sharp as a razor." It was designed to hit at the fingernail's half moon, where one can inflict pain without doing serious bodily harm.He was trying to figure out what influences the perception of pain. What he discovered was that both men and women were willing to take more pain from a woman than from a man.
This recovery's not broken (Larry Kudlow, March 6, 2004, Townhall)
[T]he Labor Department's household survey -- which counts the number of all Americans who are actually working -- now stands at 138.3 million, an all-time high. The previous peak came way back in January 2001 at 137.8 million. Since the end of 2002, 1.8 million more people have gone back to work. Another impressive number.There continues to be much debate and confusion about the importance of this household survey, from which the unemployment rate is determined, and the corporate payroll survey, which is rising, but at a slower-than-hoped-for pace. Economists have traditionally focused on the unemployment rate as a measure of economic health. But in this political season, the softer payroll survey has received the lion's share of coverage.
Virtually no one cites the increase in the entrepreneurial army of self-employed and independent contractors who have gone to work at lower tax rates, enabling them to keep more of what they earn. This is why the unemployment rate quickly fell from 6.3 percent when the Bush tax cuts were implemented last spring to 5.6 percent today. The media are trying to discredit this drop as it is scored in the more promising household survey, rather than the more pessimistic payroll tally.
But what matters is the vast 94.4 percent of the working population who are laboring and prospering. Prospering. Family net worth, according to latest Federal Reserve release, has soared to a record high of $44.4 trillion, driven mainly by rising stock market and home prices. This, of course, represents the investor class -- today's most powerful electoral voting bloc.
One thing's for sure: The U.S. economy is booming. Outsized profit gains at lower investment tax rates have produced a boom in business-capital spending. Consumers are also keeping spending at a relatively steady 3 percent to 4 percent pace. A variety of job-linked variables, such as manufacturing factory orders, work weeks and delivery times are all rising rapidly. All these suggest that new job creation is on the way.
New 9th District stokes old tensions: Bell, Green trade allegations in racially charged Dem primary (JOHN WILLIAMS, March 5, 2004 Houston Chronicle)
The new district lines have created tension among Democrats in Texas and across the nation. Bell and Green both have support from black congressional leaders -- U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Dallas, for Bell and U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., for Green.Bell supporters worry that Texas will have only one or two white Democratic House members after the 2004 elections. They complain that Republicans purposefully created the district to establish a wedge between whites and blacks.
"We can't just be party of minorities," said state Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston.
Green supporters argue that the Democratic Party has long ignored the efforts of blacks, who now deserve a shot at sending a third black to Congress from Texas. Incumbent black U.S. Reps. Johnson of Dallas and Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston are unopposed for re-election.
"We've propped up white Democrats for long enough," said state Rep. Ron Wilson, D-Houston. "When we get a chance to elect one of our own, we should."
Coleman and Wilson are black.
Whatever the result of Tuesday's vote, Birnberg worries that the wounds from the bitter campaign could scar his party at the same time Republicans have been trying to make inroads with African-Americans by raising money for black Democrats including Wilson and state Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston.
"The worst-case scenario is that there is sufficient alienation and antagonism between the African-American community and the Anglo community to undermine the way the Democratic Party comes together," Birnberg said.
Prizes for Everyone (Notes and Comments, The New Criterion, March, 2004)
Remember the Caucus Race in Alice in Wonderland? The creatures “began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over.” “But who has won?” the contestants asked when everyone stopped moving. At last the Dodo said, “Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.” We thought of the Dodo’s approach to competition recently when reading about the decision of the Nashville, Tennessee school system to abolish its honor roll because it had become “an apparent source of embarrassment for some underachievers.” As The Washington Post reported, “after a few parents complained that their children might be ridiculed for not making the list, lawyers [it’s always the lawyers, isn’t it?] for the Nashville school system warned that state privacy laws forbid releasing any academic information, good or bad, without permission.” [...]
This complements the post below. Parents who object to homework and academic rigour are often not simply trying to protect their own sensitive, over-burdened or dull children. It is the very idea of success and failure they object to. Their determination that their child not fail is matched by a resolve that other children not succeed, and a resentment when they do..
A lot of modern parents have only the vaguest sense of what they want their children to learn, but unlike previous generations, they refuse to defer to professionals and delight in challenging the system in abstract psycho-babble. In our hyper-democratic world of endless choice and psyches as fragile as fresh egg-shell, no one, certainly not a modern educational bureaucracy, can set high, concrete standards without risking the dreaded charges of elitism and abuse. The levellers have captured the rhetoric and left many serious parents dissatisfied but unable to say exactly why. The result is that good teachers and demanding parents must subvert, not lead, the public school system.
The Pomo Primary: Postmodern candidates talk like handlers, and voters talk like pundits. (Andrew Ferguson, 03/15/2004, Weekly Standard)
THE NEW SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS did serve the salutary (and long overdue) goal of breaking down the division between journalist and voter; people who pay attention to pundits suddenly realized that anybody can be a pundit. Maureen Dowd is a pundit. Twenty years ago the futurist Alvin Toffler, a herald of postmodernism, predicted that pretty soon producers would become indistinguishable from consumers: Everybody, Toffler said, would be a "prosumer." And sure enough, in the hermetic world of politics, everybody--voter, pundit, reporter, consultant, politician, news junkie--has become a prosumer, consumer and producer all in one. [...]It was even more obvious when the pundits of "Late Edition" took themselves as the subject of their own commentary. Of course, this year the echo chamber was enlarged to include bloggers, whose primary purpose seems to be self-reference, opinions about opinions, with Instapundit linking to a nugget from, who's riffing off a comment posted 40 minutes ago by the Bloviator in response to an insight posted 45 minutes ago on, which had been quoting Instapundit's thoughts on Bloviator's earlier post. The inbreeding has become so commonplace that even bloggers have stopped commenting on each other's comments about it.
In the pomo primary everybody was thinking like a pundit, especially voters. How else to account for the instant cliché of the season, "electability"? Since the first seeds of self-government sprouted in the Agora, this is surely the strangest rationale yet devised for choosing one candidate over another. Voters voted for someone because they thought voters would vote for him. It is second-order reasoning, a meta-rationale, a judgment about a judgment about a judgment. It will make your head hurt if you think about it too long.
Kerry's Shifts: Nuanced Ideas or Flip-Flops? (DAVID M. HALBFINGER, March 5, 2004, NY Times)
When Senator John Kerry was speaking to Jewish leaders a few days ago, he said Israel's construction of a barrier between it and Palestinian territories was a legitimate act of self-defense. But in October, he told an Arab-American group that it was "provocative and counterproductive" and a "barrier to peace."On Feb. 5, Mr. Kerry reacted to Massachusetts' highest court's decision legalizing same-sex marriages by saying, "I personally believe the court is dead wrong." But when asked on Feb. 24 why he believed the decision was not correct, he shot back, "I didn't say it wasn't."
Throughout his campaign, Mr. Kerry has shown a knack for espousing both sides of divisive issues. Earlier in the race he struggled to square his vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq with his loud criticism of the war and his eventual vote against $87 billion for military operations and reconstruction. [...]
In fact, this trait, perhaps a natural one for a diplomat's son, seems to have been ingrained in Mr. Kerry's personality as far back as when he volunteered for duty in Vietnam after expressing doubts about the war as a college student — and then returned home and helped lead the opposition to the war.
Some aides and close associates say Mr. Kerry's fluidity is the mark of an intellectual who grasps the subtleties of issues, inhabits their nuances and revels in the deliberative process. They call him a free-thinker who defies stereotypes. Others close to him say his often-public agonizing — over whether to opt out of the system of spending caps and matching money in this campaign, or whether to run against Al Gore in 2000 — can be exasperating.
Bush Signals Patience on North Korea Is Waning: Directive Sent to Team At Talks in Beijing (Glenn Kessler, March 4, 2004, The Washington Post)
After a Chinese request for greater flexibility during last week's six-nation talks on the North Korean nuclear crisis, President Bush instructed the U.S. delegation to make it clear that the administration's patience in diplomatically seeking North Korea's dismantling of its weapons program could run out, U.S. officials said.The instructions, delivered as a third day of talks began last Friday in Beijing, came as the negotiators at the talks struggled to draft a detailed, two-page statement laying out the steps for resolving the crisis. Bush, after consultation with Vice President Cheney and other senior aides, sent the curt directive after China sought to include in the statement a reference to North Korea's demand that the United States change its "hostile policy."
Bush's answer, once it was submitted by the U.S. delegation, essentially halted the discussions on the detailed statement, U.S. officials said.
Poll finds continuing death-penalty support (Alexa H. Bluth, March 5, 2004, Sacramento Bee)
With the dramatic, last-minute reprieve for condemned killer Kevin Cooper fresh in their minds, more than two-thirds of California voters said they support the death penalty in a new statewide Field Poll.
North Korea warms to Kerry presidency bid (Andrew Ward and James Harding, March 4 2004, Financial Times)
North Korea's state-controlled media are well known for reverential reporting about Kim Jong-il, the country's dictatorial leader.But the Dear Leader is not the only one getting deferential treatment from the communist state's propaganda machine: John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate, is also getting good play in Pyongyang.
In the past few weeks, speeches by the Massachusetts senator have been broadcast on Radio Pyongyang and reported in glowing terms by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), the official mouthpiece of Mr Kim's communist regime.
Bush, Kerry neck and neck in latest Associated Press pollAssociated Press, March 5, 2004)
John Kerry and President Bush are starting the general election campaign tied, according to an Associated Press poll, while independent Ralph Nader is drawing enough support to make Democrats squirm.The Republican incumbent had 46 percent support, Democrat Kerry had 45 percent and Nader, the 2000 Green Party candidate who entered the race last month, was at 6 percent in the survey conducted for the AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs.
N.B.--the poll is of registered voters--rather than likely--so Mr. Bush is likely up 5%+ in the real race.
Co-Defendant Bacanovic Is Convicted on 4 of 5 Counts (CHRISTINE HAUSER and IAN URBINA, 3/05/04, NY Times)
Martha Stewart, the creator of a media empire based on domestic arts, was convicted today of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and making false statements in connection with the sale of her shares of ImClone Systems in 2001.The jury in Federal District Court in Manhattan also found Ms. Stewart's stockbroker and co-defendant, Peter E. Bacanovic, guilty of the same charges and an additional charge of perjury. He was acquitted of making false statements.
House member may quit Demos: Alexander of Quitman says Kerry too liberal (Bruce Alpert, March 05, 2004, Times-Picayune)
First-term Rep. Rodney Alexander, D-Quitman, is "seriously considering" leaving the Democratic Party because he says the party's likely presidential candidate is too liberal, and that he might be able to better represent his constituents as a Republican.Alexander said Thursday that he has talked with Republican leaders about a possible switch and wants to make up his mind quickly, perhaps this weekend.
The major argument for staying put, he said, is that some leading Democrats, including Sen. John Breaux, worked hard to help him gain his narrow upset victory in 2002 over Republican Lee Fletcher.
"I'd be letting some people down who worked very hard for me and I would hate to let anybody down," Alexander said.
But he said a major reason he is thinking about making the move now is that the likely Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, is too liberal for him and his constituents. He previously said he is backing President Bush, who in 2000 won the 4th Congressional District by 57 percent to 40 percent over Democrat Al Gore.
Stop Teaching My Kid (Elise Vogler, March 4, 2004, The Irascible Professor)
The vast majority of Americans would be shocked to learn of one potent force that keeps the quality of public education low. Budget problems, you ask? No. I'm talking about parents.Why would parents want anything but a rigorous curriculum for their children? I honestly don't know. In my experience, however, most parents want an easy pass (in some cases, an easy A) rather than a course in which their children acquire real knowledge and skills.
I know that I was shocked when this truth first became apparent to me. Nothing in my teacher education courses had prepared me to deal with parents who would object that I assign homework, or who would take their objections not just to me, but to the principal, the superintendent, and the school board. It's not just the existence of homework that raises the ire of these parents; it's anything that provides an academic challenge to their children. It's as if the self-esteem movement has found full realization in the generation that is now parenting. All these parents want is that which is safe and comfortable for their children. This includes a curriculum where there are no real expectations of the students.
Obama, Ryan lead Senate races (ANDREW HERRMANN AND SCOTT FORNEK, March 5, 2004, Chicago Sun-Times)
Barack Obama has pulled ahead of M. Blair Hull in the Democratic bid for U.S. Senate, while on the Republican side, Jack Ryan has widened his lead, according to a new poll.While recent news coverage of Hull has centered on claims by his ex-wife that Hull hit her when they were married, some 46 percent of likely Democratic voters polled had not heard of his contentious divorce.
The poll of 1,500 likely voters, by the Chicago Sun-Times' sister paper, the Daily Southtown, put Obama, a state senator from Hyde Park, in the driver's seat with 28 percent, followed by Hull, an Old Town trader, at 23 percent and Illinois comptroller Dan Hynes, of North Center at 22 percent.
A similar Southtown poll two weeks ago, had Hull leading Obama 27 percent to 17 percent.
For the GOP, the latest poll of Republican votes, taken Wednesday, shows Wilmette banker Ryan had 44 percent, followed by Aurora dairy magnate Jim Oberweis at 18 percent and Glenview businessman Andy McKenna at 10 percent -- about the same as two weeks ago.
If you're headed to the video store this afternoon and looking for a suggestion, allow us to recommend Spellbound, a film sure to drive the anti-immigrationists in the crowd insane. It's a documentary about the 1999 National Spelling Bee, which follows a handful of the regional victors as they make their way to Washington, DC and compete against one another. The cast of true life characters is its own Rainbow Coalition, including a couple of Indians--whose parents express a fierce appreciation for, and love of, America--and, Angela Arenivar, whose father came here from Mexico just so that his kids could be educated in America. He doesn't speak a word of English himself, yet here's his daughter joining the elite spellers in the country.
Meanwhile, lest that seem too politically correct, there's one deeply disturbing member of the ensemble: the mother of Ashley White, the only black contestant we follow. A single mother in Washington, DC, she consistently demonstrates an attitude of entitlement and resentment that contrasts sharply with all of the other parents.
In the end the film is a bit overlong, but there's genuine drama not just in the human stories but in the contest itself. You're pretty much guaranteed to play along and try spelling the words yourself--in all likelihood competing against your spouse, even if only clandestinely. The real reason to watch though is too see the nation through the eyes of the immigrant families, a view that will make even the most jaundiced realize what America means to those who come here from countries largely devoid of like opportunity.
BUY IT: Spellbound (DVD) (
-REVIEW ARCHIVE: Spellbound (2002) (
Social Security Scares (Paul Krugman, 3/05/04, NY Times)
The biggest risk now facing Social Security is political. Will those who hate the system use scare tactics and fuzzy math to bring it down?After Alan Greenspan's call for cuts in Social Security benefits, Republican members of Congress declared that the answer is to create private retirement accounts. It's amazing that they are still peddling this snake oil; it's even more amazing that journalists continue to let them get away with it. Yesterday in The Wall Street Journal, a writer judiciously declared that "personal accounts alone won't cure Social Security's ills." I guess that's true; similarly, eating doughnuts alone won't cause you to lose weight. Why is it so hard to say clearly that privatization would worsen, not improve, Social Security's finances?
Should we consider modest reforms that reduce the expenses or widen the revenue base of Social Security? Sure. But beware of those who claim that we must destroy the system in order to save it.
-04-bush-ads-criticism_x.htm> Bush accused of exploiting 9/11> (Mark Memmott and Judy Keen, 3/05/04, USA TODAY)
"Bush is calling on the biggest disaster in our country's history, and indeed in the history of the fire service, to win sympathy for his campaign," said Harold Schaitberger, general president of the International Association of Fire Fighters. His union has endorsed Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic candidate.
The good ship US Economy ... and why it won't sink (Marc Erikson, 3/05/04, Asia Times)
At an average 6 percent GDP growth rate in the second half of 2003, the US economy grew at a rate 30 (!) times the eurozone's. Without such fast US growth, which Europeans can only dream about (most likely forever) and which drew in huge exports from the eurozone and Asia, eurozone growth would have been negative, much-admired Chinese growth zero, and recently picking up Japanese growth 1.3 percent instead of the reported 2.7 percent. A few simple calculations prove the point: The eurozone's 2003 trade surplus with the US was $75 billion or 0.85 percent of GDP, more than double the eurozone's 0.4 percent GDP growth. China's trade surplus with the US was $124 billion or 10.4 percent of GDP - slightly higher than GDP growth. Japan's trade surplus with the US was $66 billion or 1.4 percent of GDP - about half of GDP growth. [...]What makes me most confident that the US economy has entered a sustainable expansion phase is the extraordinary increase in productivity experienced in this recovery. Productivity, labor and capital are the three factors that define an economy's growth potential. Capital and labor have generally been in ample supply in the US economy at reasonable cost. But profits and reinvestment, which delimit growth, rise with productivity. The much-maligned information-technology revolution and a labor force well prepared to make the most of the new-fangled tools at its disposal have boosted productivity to levels never seen before over an extended period. Between 1995 and 2001, annual US productivity growth averaged 2.7 percent. From 2001 to date, it has jumped to an astonishing 5.6 percent. [...]
Current account deficits? Budget deficits? Low savings? One nation's current account deficit is another's capital account surplus. As things stand, Asian exporters and public and private investors are demonstrably prepared and eager to invest their surpluses where they find the best markets and best risk rewards - the United States. Capital inflows to the US well exceed, and increasingly so, the trade and current account deficits.
The budget deficit, like any debt, is more easily financed and built down in a fast-growing economy. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that this year's deficit will come in at $477 billion. Were GDP to grow by 5 percent to $11.815 trillion in 2004, the deficit would be about 4 percent of GDP, roughly in line with the deficits of the major eurozone economies. The CBO also estimates that the deficit will be nearly cut in half in three years' time to $242 billion. With continuing moderate economic growth, the deficit will be below 2 percent of GDP by 2007 - another number Europeans can only dream about.
Last, low savings: Americans don't save much, but they invest. Fifty percent of households own stock; as of the fourth quarter of 2003, 68.6 percent of US families were homeowners. In a growing economy, such assets grow in value and usually grow a whole lot faster than money in savings accounts. It's riskier to own such assets rather than cash under the mattress, but risk-taking is precisely what's made the US economy the dynamic one it is.
Gay rights dominate Nunavut campaign (Jill Mahoney,
The Globe and Mail, 05/03/04)
The vote to select Nunavut's premier today is expected to boil down to an issue that has long been decided in Southern Canada: granting equality rights to gays and lesbians.In the country's newest territory, observers predict the bitterly fought race will be tight. [...]
In an effort to bring Nunavut in line with the secular Canadian mainstream, Mr. Okalik, an Ottawa-trained lawyer, shepherded through the territory's new Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination against homosexuals.
When the law was passed in November, Mr. Curley, a veteran Inuit leader and evangelical Christian, was so incensed that he decided to re-enter politics to work against it.
"We're giving a special category, apparently, of certain rights that are not defined, that are very ... discrete. You don't know what it means," he told the Nunatsiaq News earlier this year.
"But if you believe in your Creator, in your God, what does he say about those things? Is that acceptable to God?"In recent years, a burgeoning evangelical Christian movement has swept through Nunavut. In the process, said Jim Bell, editor-in-chief of the Nunatsiaq News and a veteran observer of the Eastern Arctic, it has become closely intertwined with the traditional Inuit way of life.
For thirty years, the Inuit relied heavily on the guidance of southern political and social advisors who were well-versed in modern secular ways and the sixties-style rhetoric of self-determination. Alcoholism, suicide, child and spousal abuse and just about every other pathology you can name soared despite an endless stream of cash and benefits from Ottawa. When the Inuit were given their own territorial government in 1999, national elites from coast to coast celebrated this high-water mark of enlightened progress and tolerance. Heh, heh.
Report Finds Republican Aides Spied on Democrats (NEIL A. LEWIS, 3/05/04, NY Times)
For 18 months, at least two Republican Senate staff aides engaged in unauthorized and possibly illegal spying by reading Democratic strategy memorandums on a Senate computer system, according to a report released on Thursday by the Senate sergeant-at-arms.The 65-page report concluded that the two Republican staff aides, both of whom have since departed, improperly read, downloaded and printed as many as 4,670 files concerning the Democrats' tactics in opposing many of President Bush's judicial nominees. The report, the result of an investigation undertaken at the request of the Senate Judiciary Committee, suggested that many other Republican staff aides may have been involved in trafficking in the stolen documents. [...]
In a statement issued Thursday night, Mr. Miranda, who had been a senior counsel to Mr. Hatch and to Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, the majority leader, said, "The report draws conclusions or observations that are ludicrous and easily placed into context."
He said that it was fundamentally wrong to consider the Democratic strategy documents as confidential, because they were easily accessible.
In an interview, Mr. Miranda said that the report did, however, confirm his contention that there was no "hacking," by which he meant that no security walls that needed passwords had been breached.
Mr. Lundell was described in the report as a young and curious clerk who was eager to impress his superiors. The report said that he freely admitted to Senator Hatch and investigators his role in the matter and had left Washington to attend graduate school in accounting in Texas. His whereabouts could not be determined.
German Court Orders New Trial for 9/11 Suspect (John Burgess, March 5, 2004, Washington Post)
A German appeals court on Thursday ordered a new trial for the only person to be convicted for a role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, saying the proceeding had been compromised by a U.S. refusal to provide access to a key witness.Defense attorneys for Mounir Motassadeq, a Moroccan citizen, had repeatedly asked for testimony from Ramzi Binalshibh, who is in secret U.S. custody. U.S. officials have called Binalshibh a central conspirator in the attacks but declined to produce him for the trial, citing national security concerns.
The appeals decision Thursday was a new setback for German prosecutors as they try to convict what they have said are remnants of an al Qaeda cell that was based in the port city of Hamburg. One month ago, a court there acquitted another Moroccan, Abdelghani Mzoudi, on charges of aiding the hijackers. In that case, the chief judge also cited the lack of access to witnesses being held by the United States. [...]
The appeals court concluded that it "will not make any decision whether the United States has the right to withhold the witness or not," an attorney for Motassadeq, Josef Graessle-Muenscher, said after the ruling. "If the United States does not deliver the witness, they have to bear the consequences." [...]
Andreas Schulz, a German lawyer who has represented the families of Sept. 11 victims, said many of his clients were very upset with the ruling. He said he had told them Thursday that the decision stemmed from the two countries' contrasting approaches to terrorism -- the United States is waging war on it, while Germany is sticking with a courtroom approach.
Eco-Traitor: Three decades ago, Patrick Moore helped found Greenpeace. Today he promotes nuclear energy and genetically modified foods - and swears he's still fighting to save the planet. (Drake Bennett, March 2004, Wired)
Patrick Moore has been called a sellout, traitor, parasite, and prostitute - and that's by critics exercising self-restraint. It's not hard to see why they're angry. Moore helped found Greenpeace and devoted 15 years to waging the organization's flamboyant brand of environmental warfare. He campaigned against nuclear testing, whaling, seal hunting, pesticides, supertankers, uranium mining, and toxic waste dumping. As the nonprofit's scientific spokesperson, he was widely quoted and frequently photographed, often while being taken into custody.Then, in 1986, the PhD ecologist abruptly turned his back on the environmental movement. He didn't just retire; he joined the other side. Today, he's a mouthpiece for some of the very interests Greenpeace was founded to counter, notably the timber and plastics industries. He argues that the Amazon rain forest is doing fine, that the Three Gorges Dam is the smartest thing China could do for its energy supply, and that opposition to genetically modified foods is tantamount to mass murder. [...]
[A]lthough his critique of latter-day environmentalism strains in a few places, it does have a larger coherence. The unifying principle is simple: "There's no getting around the fact that 6 billion people wake up every morning with a real need for food, energy, and material." It is this fact, he charges, that environmentalists fail to grasp. "Their idea is that all human activity is negative, while trees are by nature good," he says. "That's a religious interpretation, not a scientific or logical interpretation."
Moore's accusation may read like a caricature, but its outlines are readily apparent in environmentalist thinking. Bill McKibben, one of the movement's preeminent intellectuals, warned in his 1989 book The End of Nature that human beings, not through any particular action but simply by becoming the dominant force on the planet, were destroying nature, a "separate and wild province, the world apart from man to which he adapted." In effect, McKibben's argument blurs the line between man changing the planet and destroying it.
Perhaps the best evidence of Moore's integrity is his enthusiasm for genetically modified foods. He's not on the payroll of any biotech companies, yet he has become an outspoken GM advocate.
"This is where the environmental movement is dangerous," he says. "Environmentalists are against golden rice, which could prevent half a million kids from going blind every year. Taking a daffodil gene and putting it into a rice plant: Is this Armageddon?"
Even if the benefits of golden rice have been oversold - something Moore doubts - the limitations of one particular and still-experimental crop shouldn't discredit the possibilities of the entire technology. For all GM's risks, he argues, there are greater risks in failing to develop it. [...]
While describing his childhood, Moore says something telling. His hometown was "a pristine environment, but it was an industrial environment. People were catching fish and cutting trees." This is what separates him from most environmentalists (and all linguists): the belief that there's no necessary contradiction between pristine and industrial, that development is not despoliation.
One of Moore's favorite metaphors is "gardening the earth." He's all for setting aside land as wilderness, but the rest we should not be afraid to use.
From Russia With Terror (Jamie Glazov, March 1, 2004,
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage service. [...]Frontpage Magazine: Welcome to Frontpage Interview, Mr. Pacepa. Let’s begin. As a former Romanian spy chief who used to take direct orders from the Soviet KGB, you are obviously armed with a wealth of information. You have written about how the Soviets armed Hussein with WMDs, and also taught him how to eliminate any trace of them. Can you talk a bit about this and tell us its connection to the “missing WMDs” in Iraq today?
Pacepa: Contemporary political memory seems to be conveniently afflicted with some kind of Alzheimer's disease. Not long ago, every Western leader, starting with President Clinton, fumed against Saddam’s WMD. Now almost no one remembers that after General Hussein Kamel, Saddam’s son-in-law, defected to Jordan in 1995, he helped us find “more than one hundred metal trunks and boxes” containing documentation “dealing with all categories of weapons, including nuclear.” He also aided UNSCOM to fish out of the Tigris River high-grade missile components prohibited to Iraq. That was exactly what my old Soviet-made “Sãrindar” plan stated he should do in case of emergency: destroy the weapons, hide the equipment, and preserve the documentation. No wonder Saddam hastened to lure Kamel back to Iraq, where three days later he was killed together with over 40 of his relatives in what the Baghdad official press described as a “spontaneous administration of tribal justice.” Once that was done, Saddam slammed the door shut to any UNSCOM inspection.
FP: So was any Sãrindar plan activated?Pacepa: Certainly. The minimal version of the Sãrindar plan I made for Libya’s Gaddafi. Soon after I was granted political asylum in the US, Gaddafi staged a fire at the secret chemical weapons facility I knew about (the cellar underneath the Rabta chemical complex). To be sure the CIA satellites would notice that fire and cross that target off its list, he created a huge cloud of black smoke by burning truckloads of tires and painting scorch marks on the facility. That was written in the Sãrindar plan. To be on the safe side, Gaddafi also built a second production facility, this time placed some 100 feet underground in the hollowed-out Tarhunah Mountain, south of Tripoli. That was not in the Sãrindar plan.
Do You Recognize This Jesus? (Kenneth L. Woodward, 2/25/04, NY Times)
Unlike Mr. Gibson's film, evangelical Protestantism is inherently non-visual. As spiritual descendants of the left wing of the Reformation, evangelicals are heirs to an iconoclastic tradition that produced the "stripping of the altars," as the historian Eamon Duffy nicely put it. That began in the late 16th century, when radical Protestants removed Christ's body from the cross. To the Puritans, displays of the body of Jesus represented what they considered the idol worship of the Papists. To this day, evangelical sanctuaries can be identified by their lack of visual stimulation; it is rare to see statues or stained-glass windows with human figures. For evangelicals, the symbols are all in sermon and song: verbal icons. It's a different sensibility.For this reason, I think, evangelical audiences will be shocked by what they see. And, as Mr. Gibson has said repeatedly, he means to shock. Catholics will find themselves on familiar ground: they, at least, have retained the ritual of praying "the stations of the cross" — a Lenten practice that, like Mr. Gibson's movie, focuses on the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus. By contrast, Southern Baptists and other mostly fundamentalist churches do not observe Lent, and even Catholics have muted the ancient tradition of fast and abstinence that commemorated the Passion of Jesus.
Indeed, Mr. Gibson's film leaves out most of the elements of the Jesus story that contemporary Christianity now emphasizes. His Jesus does not demand a "born again" experience, as most evangelists do, in order to gain salvation. He does not heal the sick or exorcise demons, as Pentecostals emphasize. He doesn't promote social causes, as liberal denominations do. He certainly doesn't crusade against gender discrimination, as some feminists believe he did, nor does he teach that we all possess an inner divinity, as today's nouveau Gnostics believe. One cannot imagine this Jesus joining a New Age sunrise Easter service overlooking the Pacific.
Like Jeremiah, Jesus is a Jewish prophet rejected by the leaders of his own people, and abandoned by his handpicked disciples. Besides taking an awful beating, he is cruelly tempted to despair by a Satan whom millions of church-going Christians no longer believe in, and dies in obedience to a heavenly Father who, by today's standards, would stand convicted of child abuse. In short, this Jesus carries a cross that not many Christians are ready to share.
Newspaper Morals: "I know of no subject, save perhaps baseball, on which the average American newspaper, even in the larger cities, discourses with unfailing sense and understanding" (H.L. Mencken, March 1914, The Atlantic Monthly)
Aspiring, toward the end of my nonage, to the black robes of a dramatic critic, I took counsel with an ancient whose service went back to the days of Our American Cousin, asking him what qualities were chiefly demanded by the craft.'The main idea,' he told me frankly, 'is to be interesting, to write a good story. All else is dross. Of course, I am not against accuracy, fairness, information, learning. If you want to read Lessing and Freytag, Hazlitt and Brunetière, go read them: they will do you no harm. It is also useful to know something about Shakespeare. But unless you can make people read your criticisms, you may as well shut up your shop. And the only way to make them read you is to give them something exciting.'
'You suggest, then,' I ventured, 'a certain—ferocity?'
'I do,' replied my venerable friend. 'Read George Henry Lewes, and see how he did it—sometimes with a bladder on a string, usually with a meat-axe. Knock somebody in the head every day—if not an actor, then the author, and if not the author, then the manager. And if the play and the performance are perfect, then excoriate someone who doesn't think so—a fellow critic, a rival manager, the unappreciative public. But make it hearty; make it hot! The public would rather be the butt itself than have no butt in the ring. That is Rule No. 1 of American psychology—and of English, too, but more especially of American. You must give a good show to get a crowd, and a good show means one with slaughter in it.'
Destiny soon robbed me of my critical shroud, and I fell into a long succession of less esthetic newspaper berths, from that of police reporter to that of managing editor, but always the advice of my ancient counselor kept turning over and over in my memory, and as chance offered I began to act upon it, and whenever I acted upon it I found that it worked. What is more, I found that other newspaper men acted upon it too, some of them quite consciously and frankly, and others through a veil of self-deception, more or less diaphanous. The primary aim of all of them, no less when they played the secular Iokanaan than when they played the mere newsmonger, was to please the crowd, to give a good show; and the way they set about giving that good show was by first selecting a deserving victim, and then putting him magnificently to the torture. This was their method when they were performing for their own profit only, when their one motive was to make the public read their paper; but it was still their method when they were battling bravely and unselfishly for the public good, and so discharging the highest duty of their profession. They lightened the dull days of midsummer by pursuing recreant aldermen with bloodhounds and artillery, by muckraking unsanitary milk-dealers, or by denouncing Sunday liquor-selling in suburban parks—and they fought constructive campaigns for good government in exactly the same gothic, melodramatic way. Always their first aim was to find a concrete target, to visualize their cause in some definite and defiant opponent. And always their second aim was to shell that opponent until he dropped his arms and took to ignominious flight. It was not enough to maintain and to prove; it was necessary also to pursue and overcome, to lay a specific somebody low, to give the good show aforesaid.
Does this confession of newspaper practice involve a libel upon the American people? Perhaps it does—on the theory, let us say, that the greater the truth, the greater the libel. But I doubt if any reflective newspaper man, however lofty his professional ideals, will ever deny any essential part of that truth. He knows very well that a definite limit is set, not only upon the people's capacity for grasping intellectual concepts, but also upon their capacity for grasping moral concepts. He knows that it is necessary, if he would catch and inflame them, to state his ethical syllogism in the homely terms of their habitual ethical thinking. And he knows that this is best done by dramatizing and vulgarizing it, by filling it with dynamic and emotional significance, by translating all argument for a principle into rage against a man.
In brief, he knows that it is hard for the plain people to think about a thing, but easy for them to feel.
Mismatch of the Day (Paul Collins, Spring 2003, Cabinet)
There was the usual flurry of press coverage last summer when a 37-year old theater producer strode into a London gallery and smashed the head off a statue of Margaret Thatcher. "Should Lady Thatcher's head be replaced?" the Guardian asked its readers—a question they surely would have responded "yes" to even before the attack. But lost amid all the excitement was the real symbolism of the attack: not who was attacked, but how. The assailant, you see, had used a cricket bat. It was as if the very embodiment of Britishness had knocked Maggie's block off.Drawings of cricket games in Britain date back to the 13th century, though it took some time for the sport to overcome its unsavory association with gambling and ruffians. But by 1748 cricket was declared legal—it was "a very manly game" the Court of the King's Bench insisted. From then on, it was firmly entrenched, even after the fatal beaning in 1751 of the Prince of Wales by an errant ball.
But not all traumatic player injuries occurred on the field. Some actually preceded the game. "Yesterday a curious match was played at Montpelier Gardens," noted the Times on 10 August 1796, "between 11 of the Greenwich [sailor] pensioners, wanting an arm each, against the same number of their fellow-sufferers with each a wooden leg."
A one-armed team versus a one-legged team. It has the perverse genius of a plan hatched very late at night in a pub, which indeed it probably was.
Castro convertible (Jennifer Harper, March 4, 2004, Washington Times)
A poll released by the Miami Herald yesterday found that President Bush leads Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry among Hispanic voters in South Florida by a margin of 64 percent to 25 percent.Among Cuban Americans, more than 75 percent backed Mr. Bush, compared with 15 percent for Mr. Kerry.
Not enough Cookes: Britain's best-known radio voice hangs up his headphones (The Economist, Mar 4th 2004)
ALISTAIR COOKE delighted listeners just as he frustrated his BBC bosses, who thought his weekly 15-minute talks were well past their prime in both form and content. But now his fans and critics will have to turn their attention elsewhere. After 2,869 editions of “Letter from America”, on every important subject in post-war history, Mr Cooke, aged 95, says he is too old to continue. [...]Mr Cooke's talks, which began in 1946 by describing his return to America by sea with 2,000 GI brides, exemplified the trinity of journalistic virtues: factually correct, well thought-out and elegantly expressed. They were a blast of nostalgic thoughtfulness from a more leisurely age. Admittedly, they became patchy towards the end. The reporting zeal that had enabled him to witness such events as Robert Kennedy's assassination was shackled by age. There were too many anecdotes, usually but not always interesting. His views on race and sex seemed gratingly old-fashioned to some.
To both British and American fans, he represented what was best about the BBC, but not much of that is left. The days of unhurried radio talks and graceful prose are, sadly, gone. Replacing him is unlikely to work. Mr Cooke survived into the era of the sound bite because of his stature. Any lesser figure trying to do what he did would stick out more like a sore thumb than a broadcasting giant.
Freedom and the Soldier (ALISTAIR COOKE, Summer 1995, Parameters)
If there is one thing I learned from 30 years as a correspondent--roaming around every corner of this country and talking one day with a senator and then with a trucker, with a hospital orderly or a Mafia chieftain, with an oil expert in Oklahoma, a tattooist in San Diego, a sheep-sluicer in west Texas--I learned at first hand that no profession is as simple as it seems to an outsider and that a free society is a great deal harder to run than an authoritarian one, if only because of the great range of citizen opinion, prejudice, and self-interest, and the difficulty of disciplining these lively feelings in the general interest.Time and again in our government, we see the votes in Congress decided not by a free judgment of the majority, but by the successful pressure of a minority interest: that is, by the self-interest of a powerful lobby, which is yielded to because every congressman hopes that next time he can get a majority vote for his favorite lobby. Some people deplore this as a new and dangerous tyranny, a tyranny of factions, of special interests. But James Madison, even before political parties were invented in this country, looked on the conflict of factions as a healthy sign, as indeed the essence of representative government. He insisted only that there be plenty of different factions attached to the interests of different parts of the country. "In government," he said, "ambition must be made to counter ambition."
The most effective way to cut through the babel of competing voices and interests is to get strong leadership, of course. And we hear a great deal today, and always in an election year, of the need, the hunger, for a strong leader. It is a mischievous longing. For it is one of the permanent contradictions of a democratic society that strong personal leadership is only possible during a war, when many democratic liberties (the First Amendment, for example) have to be suspended.
Of course, one might question the notion that democratic liberties have practical application to the soldier. After all, he lives in a closed society and has chosen at the start to abide by a system of rules and taboos that are not required on the outside, that, in fact, millions of Americans might regard as denials of freedom itself. But such a question arises only because we are living in a time when "freedom" is given a definition so boundless that a whole generation wallows in the notion that the First Amendment gives Americans a license to do anything they want, at any time, in any place. This generation seems to echo the words of a famous English political leader: "Real freedom means good wages, short hours, security in employment, good homes, opportunity for leisure, and recreation with family and friends." That sounds like a universal prescription. It is what every politician--whether Republican, Communist, Liberal, Democrat, Socialist, or Conservative--is offering us, what, indeed, television advertising is all about. I wonder if the applause for that sentence would continue if we reveal its author. He was Oswald Mosley, announcing the true faith as leader of the British Fascist Party! These promises have nothing to do with freedom. One can have "good wages, short hours, security in employment, good homes, opportunity for leisure, and recreation with family and friends" in a nation in which a personal opinion, a dissenting speech, a disturbing scientific discovery, the booing of a public speaker, is a passport to exile, a labor camp, a prison, a psychiatric hospital, or a firing squad.
Freedom is a good deal more than general comfort, and much more demanding. It may be news to some people to hear that liberty demands anything. But, for one thing, it demands voluntary acceptance of limits on freedom itself. Many people today, however, have adopted the maxim: "I can do what I like provided it doesn't seem to hurt other people." Over 80 years ago, the greatest of American jurists, Mr. Justice Holmes, commented aptly on such people. "The liberty of the citizen," he wrote, "to do as he likes so long as he does not interfere with the liberty of others to do the same has [become] a shibboleth. . . . [But] it is interfered with by school laws, by the Post Office, by every state or municipal institution which takes his money for purposes thought desirable whether he likes it or not."
Mr. Justice Holmes wrote this opinion at a time when nobody seriously questioned the sense or necessity of school laws, or Post Office regulations, or the need to be taxed to maintain state or municipal institutions. But there was then, as now, a popular rhetoric of freedom which blinds otherwise intelligent people to the parts of life that have to do with freedom and the parts that do not. Well into this century it was taken for granted that a doctor, or a policeman, or a fireman would always be on hand. When the police of Boston, in 1919, following the example of the police of London and Liverpool, organized in a union to press as a body for decent wages, they astounded the nation by going on strike. After an ugly 24-hour bout of looting, the Army was called in. Calvin Coolidge, the Governor of Massachusetts, made an announcement which to the rest of the country had the force of Holy Writ: "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time." This recital of the obvious, and it was obvious in those days, brought him a wire of congratulations from President Wilson; the next year, the vice-presidential nomination of his party; and two years later (by the grace of God's disposal of Warren Harding) the presidency.
I do not think today it would bring him anything but defiance and uproar. In Coolidge's time, society had the positive restraints of institutional religion, and the negative restraints of the general unthinkability of many forms of outrageous behavior. Together, these checks disciplined, or at worst cowed, the vast majority of people into socially acceptable behavior. Today, religion has lost its restraining power, even in predominantly religious nations; obedience to constituted authority is widely confused with authoritarianism; and almost anything is thinkable, including frequent assertions of the rights of citizenship which implicitly deny that citizenship carries any duties at all (such as being counted in the census or submitting to registration for military service).
Some time ago, there was a parade in Princeton of young protesters against the idea of draft registration. One sign carried the slogan: "There is Nothing Worth Dying For." That seems to me to be the witless end of Know-Nothingism. If enough Americans felt that way, this nation would long ago have succumbed to dictatorship.
But this feeling, too, is nothing new. It is a feeling that disrupts most societies in the exhaustion of a long war. We had our draft riots during the Civil War, race riots during the Second World War, and an unprecedented outcry against the war in Vietnam. In the middle 1930s, the memory of the enormous slaughter of the First World War was still so green that, when Hitler went on the rampage, the prospect of war actually stimulated, in millions of Europeans, a longing for peace at any price. This disillusion suppressed the recognition that some things have to be fought for. So much so, that there was a powerful and popular slogan that helped Britain put its head in the sand. It was "Against War and Fascism," a cry about as sensible as "Against Hospitals and Disease." It was chanted most fervently by people who were willing to do absolutely anything to get rid of Hitler, except fight him. This muddled thinking persisted until it was almost too late. The Munich agreement may have been, as Churchill said at the time, "a total and unmitigated defeat," but, because the popular mood had impressed itself on the Conservative Government in the form of believing that if you do not re-arm you will not have to fight, Munich became an essential, a very necessary, surrender. Britain did not have the power to protect the freedom of Czechoslovakia, or its own. London had two antiaircraftguns.
It will be no news to soldiers that their profession is not popular. It rarely has been in the United States. Today it is a profession especially despised by morally superior people, whose sense of moral superiority is, in fact, made possible by the soldier's existence. Of 55 nations that can lay claim to being "free," many of them allied to us, the United States is one of the few that have no system of military conscription. And yet, the volunteer Army is not working because there are not enough high-quality volunteers. The Chief of Naval Operations recently announced that the poor pay of skilled petty officers is stripping the Navy of enough men to run its ships.
I am not advocating military conscription. I am saying that it is not a sign of our superior freedom that we do not have it, only of our superior optimism. Perhaps it is a sign of our general feeling that, in view of the Soviet and American possession of the thermonuclear bomb and the well-publicized stalemate of a "balance of terror," a conventional war is impossible (in spite of the glaring fact that, precisely because the use of the bomb is unthinkable, there have been more conventional wars in the past quarter century than in all the 19th century).
I think, too, that our strong resistance to any compulsory service proposed by the national government is a sharp reflection of what I believe to be our striking preference for equality over liberty; if all men are created equal, then I'm just as good as you, whoever you are, and probably better. At any rate, I should not like to see the results of a national survey of honest opinion about whether we cherish liberty more than equality, or comfort more than either. It was a very comfortable, self-indulgent, and wealthy author, Somerset Maugham, who saw the French refugees in 1940, rich as well as poor, trudging the roads in flight from the oncoming Nazis on their way, no doubt, to Maugham's own luxurious villa in the south of France. He found himself saying something that most of his readers would not have expected from his lips: "If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose those too."
In our time, then, when we see comfort, and anarchy, and even violence, being claimed as expressions of freedom, and when many peaceable and well-meaning people seem unaware that individual liberty has its limits, what is the effective form of social discipline? Plainly, it is no longer church or even appeals to the sanctity of the law. The only safeguard, as I see it, is the safeguard of what most people feel they ought not to do, a voluntary belief in what I might call a code of accepted taboos.
Justice Harry Blackmun's Papers: Documents, Oral History Reveal Supreme Court's Inner Workings (NPR, March 2004)
Five years after his death, the accumulated papers of Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, author of the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights opinion, become public. NPR's Nina Totenberg was the only broadcast journalist granted advance access to the papers, which are housed in 1,576 boxes at the Library of Congress. In a series of reports, Totenberg reports on the inner workings of the court as revealed in the mountain of files and 38 hours of oral history recorded by Blackmun.
At any rate, Ms Totenberg finishes her first report--about how Mr. Blackmun got Anthony Kennedy to switch his vote in Casey and preserve Roe v. Wade, which the Chief was on the tantalizing verge of eviscerating--with a little vignette about how proud the Justice was of Roe and that it was the perfect example of the Court protecting individual rights against the tyranny of the majority. That's an interesting way of framing a ruling that has allowed the majority (women) to kill over 40 million individuals, no?
Bush talks up economic leadership in California (AP, March 4, 2004)
President Bush talked up his economic leadership Thursday, rounding out a California tour that gathered $5 million for his and other Republicans' campaigns and marked the start of bare-knuckled attacks on presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry. [...]"He spent two decades in Congress; he's built up quite a record," Bush told the crowd of 600 that added $800,000 to his campaign coffers. "In fact, Senator Kerry has been in Washington long enough to take both sides on just about every issue."
Although Bush lost California's 55 electoral votes by a wide margin in 2000, the election of GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who attended a swanky Bel Air fund-raiser Wednesday night, has the White House hoping for a better result in November.
"With Arnold in the game it's a totally different ballgame," Bush's California campaign chair Gerald Parsky said.
The Dawn of McScience: a review of Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research? by Sheldon Krimsky (Richard Horton, March 11, 2004, NY Review of Books)
In Science in the Private Interest, a strongly argued polemic against the commercial conditions in which scientific research currently operates, he shows how universities have become little more than instruments of wealth. This shift in the mission of academia, Krimsky claims, works against the public interest. Universities have sacrificed their larger social responsibilities to accommodate a new purpose—the privatization of know- ledge—by engaging in multimillion-dollar contracts with industries that demand the rights to negotiate licenses from any subsequent discovery (as Novartis did, Krimsky reports, in a $25 million deal with the University of California at Berkeley). Science has long been ripe for industrial colonization. The traditional norms of disinterested inquiry and free expression of opinion have been given up in order to harvest new and much-needed revenues. When the well-known physician David Healy raised concerns about the risks of suicide among those taking one type of antidepressant, his new appointment as clinical director of the University of Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health was immediately revoked. Universities have reinvented themselves as corporations. Scientists are coming to accept, and in many cases enjoy, their enhanced status as entrepreneurs. But these subtle yet insidious changes to the rules of engagement between science and commerce are causing, in Krimsky's view, incalculable injury to society, as well as to science.This escalating corrosion of values derives from a sharp change in the political climate during the 1970s. University administrators came to see their faculties as an undervalued resource. To counter what was seen as a culture of financial passivity, the Patent and Trademark Amendments (Bayh-Dole) Act of 1980 enabled universities to claim entitlement to inventions made with the support of federal funds. Suddenly university deans found themselves sitting on a mountain of unrealized income. Scientists took to their new commercial calling with relish. Surveys reveal that a high proportion of researchers have ties to the industries whose products they are investigating. Many have argued and some no doubt believe that money could never influence their scientific independence. But Krimsky makes a telling comparison of journalists and public officials, two groups for whom monetary conflicts of interest, now endemic in science, are anathema to their professional ethics. Instead, and this is surely a remarkable double standard, scientists absolve themselves from the dangers of often deep financial conflicts (such as company directorships, equity ownership, research grants, honoraria, and travel costs) by the simple means of disclosure. Reporting a payment, a gift, or other interest has become a panacea, especially in medical journals, allowing scientists to wash their hands of criticism.
This situation cannot be justified. Krimsky writes that "the relationship between conflicts of interest and bias has been downplayed within the scientific community to protect the entrepreneurial ethos in academia." But the damage inflicted by the influence of profit on the purpose of science has spread far beyond the university. The federal advisory committees that dispense funds now give private interests priority over public ones. If committee members receive substantial payments from industries, this should in principle disqualify them from decisions affecting those industries. In the case of vaccine policy, for example, Krimsky quotes a 1999 US House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, which concluded that conflict of interest rules on FDA and CDC advisory committees had "been weak, enforcement has been lax, and committee members with substantial ties to pharmaceutical companies have been given waivers to participate in committee proceedings."
Even scientific journals, supposedly the neutral arbiters of quality by virtue of their much-vaunted process of critical peer review, are owned by publishers and scientific societies that derive and demand huge earnings from advertising by drug companies and from the sale of commercially valuable content. The pressure on editors to adopt positions that favor these industries is yet another example of the bias that has infiltrated academic exchange. As editor of The Lancet I have attended medical conferences at which I have been urged to publish more favorable views of the pharmaceutical industry. For Krimsky, "the idea that public risk (that is, publicly supported research) should be turned into private wealth is a perversion of the capitalist ethic."
A question of identity: Despite new arguments to the contrary, the relentless Latino influx is still good for America (The Economist, Mar 4th 2004)
Mr Huntington produces anecdotes about Latinos booing the American side when the United States played Mexico at soccer in Los Angeles in 1998. But much systematic evidence points in the opposite direction. Latinos are not only making slow but steady progress in terms of home-ownership, business formation and education. They are at least as enthusiastic about American institutions as non-Latinos.A large opinion poll co-ordinated in 2000 by the Washington Post found that 90% of new arrivals from Latin America believe that it is important for them to change in order to fit in with their adopted country. Only one in ten of second-generation Latinos relies mainly on speaking Spanish. Latinos do not see themselves as a monolithic ethnic group. Nor do they necessarily agree with the politics of their countrymen back home. The New America Foundation's Gregory Rodriguez points out that a significant proportion of the American troops being killed in Iraq are Latinos—and that the commander of the allied liberation forces there, Lieutenant-General Ricardo Sanchez, grew up in a Texan county that is 98% Mexican-American.
Mr Huntington is right to point out that absorbing large numbers of people from a next-door country poses unusual problems. The United States needs to heed George Bush's call to bring immigrants out of the shadow economy where millions of them now work. It needs to scrap the failed experiment with bilingual education which has left so many immigrants unable to speak English. And it needs to stop pandering to ethnic demagogues with special programmes for ethnic minorities.
The Politics of the Gang (Lee Harris, 03/02/2004, Tech Central Station)
Perhaps the most startling thesis of my book is the decisive historical role that I assigned to the boys' gang in the origins of civilization. Most people, if they give any thought about boys' gang, tend to think about them as a social plight affecting our impoverished inner cities -- it is the result of poverty or a lack of education, and perhaps even a pathology of modern capitalism. Too many jobless teenage dropouts, and you will soon have trouble.
On my reading, the boys' gang is both the first form that political power takes and the form that political power again assumes whenever there has been a complete breakdown of established authority.
Mao-tse Tung, the father of the Chinese Revolution, wrote in his once famous little red book that all power comes from the barrel of a gun; and most people who have read this remark have been shocked and outraged by this brutal characterization of the origin of power. Sadly enough, Mao was displaying that typical naiveté of the Marxist intellectual, locating the ultimate source of power in a piece of technology -- in this case, the gun. But, as the NRA slogan reminds us, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people," in which case the true source of power is not in the gun, but in the trigger finger of the gunman. [...]
The willingness to take risks, to act ruthlessly, to obey unthinkingly the general will of the gang -- all of these make the boys' gang by far the most formidable source of power in a world in which anarchy is the rule; and the reason for this is not hard to see. [...]
Haiti should be a sobering lesson to those who entertain the fantasy of libertarianism. If the state is the ultimate source of evil, then what is turning all these boys into butchers? It should also be an equally sobering lesson to those intellectuals who urge us to pledge our allegiance to the community of all the men and women on the planet -- does this community include the roving teenage gangs of Haiti or of Liberia? And if not, what do you do with them? Do you force them to attend seminars on political ethics presided over by Martha Nussbaum and Noam Chomsky?
If you wish to grasp the origin of power, do not look to find it in the social contract so beloved of liberals, or in the rational self-interest of conservatives, or in the lullaby of natural rights or moral principles. It is over there, not very far from our shores, rioting and pillaging through the streets and shanties and isolated villages.
That is the world out of which our civilization somehow managed to emerge; and it is the harsh baseline to which all collapsing civilizations eventually return.
It seems unlikely though that we could arouse much support for that position, any more than for the idea that the warlordism in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, etc., is advancing civilization. Better a hunter-gatherer culture than what these benighted places have endured.
Indeed, if a world of boys' gangs is the baseline to which we default when civilization collapses, then can we also say that the boys' gang stage is a step towards civilization? Can it be both the bottom of the pit and a step up?
Mr. Harris would appear to strike closer to truth when he begins his discussion of the Spartans (from whom he derives his theory) in the book, when he says:
To begin with, the Spartans claimed that their institutions were the conscious and deliberate creation of a single man, the lawgiver named Lycurgus. Whether or not such a person actually existed matters less than the fact that he was believed to have existed, for this meant that the Spartans, unlike the bulk of the human race, believed that their community was the product of human reflection and deliberation and not the result of the eternal cycle of nature.
The import of this would be that the organizing principles of the gang-become-civilization and the limitations placed upon all members of that society would no longer be merely a function of who is running the gang, who happens to be the most brutal boy of the moment, but would be eternal and universal. One wonders if it may not be impossible to overstate the importance of this step in the creation and maintenance of at least Western Civilization. Certainly, its importance is dramatically underscored when we examine our own foundation myth and the manner in which our lawgiver anchored our society in just such divine authority:
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
At any rate, considering that the Haitian Revolution was based on nothing more than who got to lead the gang, while the American Revolution was explicitly driven by Judeo-Christian ideals, their respective fates were likely determined from the outset.
Man, being the strongest of all animals, differs from the rest; he was obliged to be his own domesticator; he had to tame himself. And the way in which it happened was, that the most obedient, the tamest tribes are, at the first stage in the real struggle of life, the strongest and the conquerors. All are very wild then; the animal vigour, the savage virtue of the race has died out in none, and all have enough of it. But what makes one tribe--one incipient tribe, one bit of a tribe--to differ from another is their relative faculty of coherence. The slightest symptom of legal development, the least indication of a military bond, is then enough to turn the scale. The compact tribes win, and the compact tribes are the tamest. Civilisation begins, because the beginning of civilisation is a military advantage.Probably if we had historic records of the ante- historic ages--if some superhuman power had set down the thoughts and actions of men ages before they could set them down for themselves--we should know that this first step in civilisation was the hardest step. But when we come to history as it is, we are more struck with the difficulty of the next step. All the absolutely incoherent men--all the 'Cyclopes'--have been cleared away long before there was an authentic account of them. And the least coherent only remain in the 'protected' parts of the world, as we may call them. Ordinary civilisation begins near the Mediterranean Sea; the best, doubtless, of the ante-historic civilisations were not far off. From this centre the conquering SWARM--for such it is-- has grown and grown; has widened its subject territories steadily, though not equably, age by age. But geography long defied it. An Atlantic Ocean, a Pacific Ocean, an Australian Ocean, an unapproachable interior Africa, an inaccessible and undesirable hill India, were beyond its range. In such remote places there was no real competition, and on them inferior, half-combined men continued to exist. But in the regions of rivalry--the regions where the better man pressed upon the worse man--such half-made associations could not last. They died out and history did not begin till after they were gone. The great difficulty which history records is not that of the first step, but that of the second step. What is most evident is not the difficulty of getting a fixed law, but getting out of a fixed law; not of cementing (as upon a former occasion I phrased it) a cake of custom, but of breaking the cake of custom; not of making the first preservative habit, but of breaking through it, and reaching something better.
The Book of Esther: The Story of Human Importance: In life, it's the DIVINE who's in the details (Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo, 3/04/04, Jewish World Review)
[W]hat shall man do? And to what extent is man responsible for his deeds? He is not able to know the ultimate effects of his actions, so where is the distinction between responsibility and pure fate?There can only be one answer to this question: Man is only responsible for those consequences he could clearly have seen in advance. He can only be taken to task for those matters that he can see as the direct outcome of his actions. He is not responsible when unexpected external matters creep into the picture, which he could not have foreseen. More than anything else, it is his intention that counts and not so much the effect.
This is the deeper meaning of the Book of Esther. Looking carefully into the story, one realizes that matters of cause and effect are turned around in a web of surprises that nobody could have predicted. Speaking in terms of pure logic, the story should have ended in the total extermination of the Jewish people. That it did not, was solely dependent on circumstances which were beyond responsible human action and prediction.
It's for this reason the sages remarked that "Esther" symbolizes the "hESTER panim," the hiding of the Divine's "face", which means nothing else than that His direct providence is only noticeable after the event.
What may be perceived by man as an infinite amount of arbitrary incidents, a confusing web of coincidence, is, after all, the result of G-d's active role in history.
The Hizbullah factor (Olivier Guitta March 4, 2004, Israeli Insider)
Hizbullah, which literally means the Party of God, is a Lebanese Shia terrorist network created in 1982 with the unconditional support of Iran and Syria. Its sole goals were to defeat Israel and kick foreign forces out of Lebanon. It got very soon into the limelight by orchestrating deadly suicide attacks in Beirut in 1983 against the U.S. Embassy - 63 dead - the U.S. Marines Barracks - 241 dead - and the French Marines barracks - 58 dead. Before September 11, Hizbullah was the terrorist organization that had killed the most Americans in the world. That is why Richard Armitage, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, called Hizbullah the "A-Team of terrorists" while Al Qaeda might be the "B-team."What is going to be the impact of the latest prisoner exchange for Lebanon?
Let's not forget that the Lebanese government, which is just a puppet in the hands of Syria, since the latter is the de-facto ruler of Lebanon with an occupying army of 25,000 men, has been totally absent and played no role whatsoever in this exchange: it left the field open for Hizbullah.
Hizbullah came out as the clear winner in these negotiations. It is the new symbol of Arab pride: this victory feels good for the Arab street. Hizbullah remains in most minds as the only Arab victor on Israel because of the Israel Defense Forces withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000.
In light of the recent prisoner exchange, Hizbullah, already with 12 representatives in the Lebanese Congress, can become the major surprise in the forthcoming Lebanese elections. With its popularity rising, it is then not too crazy to envision Hizbullah turning into a major political force. [...]Most Lebanese journalists affirm that Hizbullah has no other choice than to become a regular political party and give up the "armed resistance," i.e. terrorism. This might be especially true if under U.S. pressure, Iran and Syria stop their support to Hizbullah. Nevertheless, Nasrallah keeps on repeating that nothing has changed in his organization's goals and that the "military" (aka terrorist) activity is the essence of his movement. In light of its success, he adds that his team is going to kidnap other Israeli soldiers in the near future to gain leverage over Israel.
Hizbullah in one way or another is far from dead. After the IDF withdrawal from Lebanon and now the release of prisoners, Hizbullah as a terrorist entity is irrelevant and has no raison d'etre. It is at a crossroads: will it capitalize its victory on a political front or just remain a terrorist organization, or do both?
Fernando Poe Jr: A natural-born candidateMarco Garrido, 3/05/04, Asia Times)
The question of whether popular film star Fernando Poe Jr is in fact a Filipino and can run for president has been decided in his favor, freeing up the campaign to get down to business and forestalling the violence that could have erupted if the decision had gone the other way. [...]With the decision made, the electoral landscape seems clearer. "Now that the roadblock is gone, it will be full speed ahead for the KNP [Koalisyon ng Nagkakaisang Pilipino, Poe's party] ticket," claimed Poe spokesman Francis Escudero. Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP), the opposition party, remains split between Poe and Ping Lacson. Lacson had publicly urged Poe's supporters to rally to him should their candidate be disqualified, but now it seems he must resign himself to a candidacy in Poe's shadow.
Since the controversy over Poe's citizenship began, Arroyo has inched forward in popularity, even edging past Poe in recent surveys, such that the two candidates are running in a virtual dead heat. Arroyo's gains probably have less to do with herself than with Poe. He continues to wage his candidacy on his terms - that is, relying more on star power and sound bites than on any coherent platform of ideas. Recently, he begged off participating in a presidential debate because he was "a man of action, not words" and chose instead to air his ideas on MTV, through 30-60-second shorts directed by a character from the defunct local sitcom Mongolian Barbecue.
Another God That Failed (Tom Bethell, 3/4/2004, The American Spectator)
HUMAN DNA IS A GREAT STRING of four nucleotides, three billion letters long.
Some of these sequences -- the "coding regions" -- are called genes. They control the construction of proteins in the body. But far greater stretches of the same DNA are "non coding regions," and for many years they were called "junk." That was the word scientists used. Junk DNA had no function and could be ignored. These enormous sequences, amounting to 98.5 percent of the whole genome, were dismissed as the accumulated rubbish and detritus left behind by the constant trial and error of evolution.Now the white-coats are beginning to suspect that they made a mistake. Wayt Gibbs reported in November's Scientific American that "journals and conferences have been buzzing with new evidence," contradicting the old idea that genes "are the sole mainspring of heredity and the complete blueprint of life." Included in this "unseen genome" is the 98.5 percent that had been
"written off as irrelevant." Some scientists now suspect that the key to understanding what makes one person different from the next is, precisely, "hidden within our 'junk' DNA."Sooner or later this will make its way to the front pages, and we will realize that the genome project was based on a misconception. Some scientists are already arguing that the gene must be rethought and may have to be abandoned in favor of something more fluid. [...]
THE GENE MANIA OF THE LAST generation has had serious consequences. Above all it has led to what is surely the most serious error of modern medical science -- the unproductive 25-year pursuit of the theory that mutations or "spelling errors" in the genome turn normal cells into cancer cells. (Wayt Gibbs also discusses this matter -- more tactfully and politely than I have
here -- in an earlier [July] issue of Scientific American.)I believe the underlying problem is that government funding, which increasingly dominates medical research, demands that a "political" consensus be substituted for the exploration of rival theories by the normal trial and error of scientific method. Government agencies won't fund rival
theories.A year ago, the writer Michael Crichton gave a lecture at Caltech in which he explored the harmful transition from science to consensus. His argument was fascinating. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence somehow morphed into nuclear winter, and from there, from "second hand smoke to
global warming." Science and policy have become inextricably mixed, he said. We have seen this most strikingly with AIDS -- turned now into a grossly politicized rationale for the expansion of foreign aid. We have seen it with cancer -- over 100 "oncogenes" have been catalogued, not one of which has been shown to cause cancer. And we have only begun to see it with the Human Genome Project.
[T]wo related indicators ––the multiple unexplored functions of the DNA sequences that constitute “the gene” and the definition of the gene itself–– may demand that the United States Patent and Trademark Office examine more closely the “utility” requirement when reviewing gene patents (Ed. Note: see Warren Kaplan’s companion article). In other words, it is hard to award a patent to an inventor who appears to have very little idea of what their invention is or how it functions.Already, some predict that the number of lawsuits between companies that own patents on specific genes and those that try to conduct further research or explore new uses for those genes will be on the increase. 40,000 genes are not a lot to work with and the patent system does not facilitate sharing of research materials. The outcome of these lawsuits may yet find that general patents on specific genes are too broad and unsupportable in courts of law.
More likely, however, even broader monopolies may be given to those who have already patented genes or will do so soon. The human genome project has made clear that corporations that have already claimed genes as their own have, in fact, laid claim to a higher percentage of the entire human genome than they at first realized. Looking at the four leading private companies who patent genes, about 750 human genes have been patented by them so far and applications for about 20,000 more are pending. In the case that the pending patents are all awarded (which is unlikely, as many will prove to be redundant), those four private companies could own half of the human genome.
Furthermore, as Craig Venter has already indicated, the new fish to catch with patents may be the proteins. The reductionism that we have seen with the now antiquated idea of a single-function gene may simply be reconcentrated on the proteins. Proteomics, the analysis of complete complements of proteins, will take over where genomics has proven inadequate: giving simplistic genetic determinants for human health and behavior.
In order for the biotech industry to survive at all ––at the very least it has yet to break even financially–– the reductionist and determinist ideals must be maintained in their marketing. Easily definable, single-function units of biological material are necessary for making any real money. It is hard to market genes and proteins if molecular biology is continually described as a hornets’ nest of undecipherable relationships.
In the end, the results of sequencing the human genome may not affect gene patenting one way or another. Gene patenting will continue to depend on the lawyers, the biotech industry’s public relations, and the economic powers that be, who will all put their own spin on research data. Scientific results – no matter how humbling -- can never be politically neutral.
[A]s Lewontin's books make clear, with the success of the Human Genome Project, the era of naive reductionism—the very perspective that promoted an almost exclusive emphasis on genome sequencing over the past decade—may take its final bow.For the past three decades, molecular biology has been a phenomenally productive branch of the natural sciences. Successes have come in part from a commitment to the notion that complex organisms can best be understood by examining their parts. The advent of DNA sequencing promised to reduce life to its simplest components, the units of inherited information. Decoding the sequence of DNA (soon rechristened "the master molecule") seemed to promise the resolution of the most recalcitrant problems in biology. Yet as soon as significant amounts of sequence began to accumulate, it became obvious that things were not as simple as we might have hoped. My molecular biologist colleagues have voiced their frustration and bewilderment at discovering just how unintuitive, disorganized and plain inefficient genomes have turned out to be (an outcome less surprising to evolutionary biologists). Nonetheless, despite this messiness, molecular biologists have kept the faith—at least in public—by arguing that the sequence was incomplete, with key bits missing, or was the wrong kind of sequence. Those excuses no longer hold.
The completion of the Human Genome Project means we will soon have to confront the fact that, fascinating and useful as the complete genome of a complex eukaryote is, sheer information will not resolve the central questions in human biology. Personally, I find it comforting to think that our mission as biologists goes beyond the tedious accumulation of sequence (sequencing being one of the more numbing activities in our profession). After all, it confirms that the difficult problems in our field are conceptual—more data are always welcome, but not in lieu of thought.
For some time now, Lewontin has been warning that the pieces of the human puzzle will not all simply fall into place when the sequencing is done. The Triple Helix and It Ain't Necessarily So take clear and direct aim at the way much of biology is now being done. Lewontin's claim is radical and convincingly argued: The world is complicated, and the current way we approach that world is in subtle ways defective. These essays make clear that the problem has never been insufficient data, but rather insufficient understanding of that data, and specifically of the relationship between parts and whole in living systems.
Much has been written about the tension in biology between holistic and atomistic perspectives. Unfortunately, critiques of reductionism have often suffered from a certain romantic longing for a more mysterious, less explainable world. Lewontin will have none of it. From the outset, these books make clear that a commitment to material explanation is not negotiable, nor is it automatically a vote for the reductionist approach. Lewontin makes a riveting case for the interactionist perspective, based on the notion that living systems arise at the intersection of multiple weak forces. That postulate carries with it profound ontological implications: No single force, factor or source of data is likely to explain fully the world as we see it. Equally important, if the interaction of many weak forces dominates outcomes in living systems, we cannot learn much by isolating a single factor and studying it intensively, since in so doing we obscure the very interactions that we wish to understand. Lewontin's version of the uncertainty principle is that the emphasis of reductionist biology on parts, on holding everything constant while we tweak a single variable, destroys precisely what we need to examine.
PULVIS ET UMBRA (Robert Louis Stevenson, Collected Essays)
What a monstrous spectre is this man, the disease of the agglutinated dust, lifting alternate feet or lying drugged with slumber; killing, feeding, growing, bringing forth small copies of himself; grown upon with hair like grass, fitted with eyes that move and glitter in his face; a thing to set children screaming; — and yet looked at nearlier, known as his fellows know him, how surprising are his attributes! Poor soul, here for so little, cast among so many hardships, filled with desires so incommensurate and so inconsistent, savagely surrounded, savagely descended, irremediably condemned to prey upon his fellow lives: who should have blamed him had he been of a piece with his destiny and a being merely barbarous? And we look and behold him instead filled with imperfect virtues: infinitely childish, often admirably valiant, often touchingly kind; sitting down, amidst his momentary life, to debate of right and wrong and the attributes of the deity; rising up to do battle for an egg or die for an idea; singling out his friends and his mate with cordial affection; bringing forth in pain, rearing with long-suffering solicitude, his young. To touch the heart of his mystery, we find, in him one thought, strange to the point of lunacy: the thought of duty; the thought of something owing to himself, to his neighbour, to his God: an ideal of decency, to which he would rise if it were possible; a limit of shame, below which, if it be possible, he will not stoop. The design in most men is one of conformity; here and there, in picked natures, it transcends itself and soars on the other side, arming martyrs with independence; but in all, in their degrees, it is a bosom thought: — Not in man alone, for we trace it in dogs and cats whom we know fairly well, and doubtless some similar point of honour sways the elephant, the oyster, and the louse, of whom we know so little: — But in man, at least, it sways with so complete an empire that merely selfish things come second, even with the selfish: that appetites are starved, fears are conquered, pains supported; that almost the dullest shrinks from the reproof of a glance, although it were a child’s; and all but the most cowardly stand amid the risks of war; and the more noble, having strongly conceived an act as due to their ideal, affront and embrace death. Strange enough if, with their singular origin and perverted practice, they think they are to be rewarded in some future life: stranger still, if they are persuaded of the contrary, and think this blow, which they solicit, will strike them senseless for eternity. I shall be reminded what a tragedy of misconception and misconduct man at large presents: of organised injustice, cowardly violence and treacherous crime; and of the damning imperfections of the best. They cannot be too darkly drawn. Man is indeed marked for failure in his efforts to do right. But where the best consistently miscarry, how tenfold more remarkable that all should continue to strive; and surely we should find it both touching and inspiriting, that in a field from which success is banished, our race should not cease to labour.If the first view of this creature, stalking in his rotatory isle, be a thing to shake the courage of the stoutest, on this nearer sight, he startles us with an admiring wonder. It matters not where we look, under what climate we observe him, in what stage of society, in what depth of ignorance, burthened with what erroneous morality; by camp-fires in Assiniboia, the snow powdering his shoulders, the wind plucking his blanket, as he sits, passing the ceremonial calumet and uttering his grave opinions like a Roman senator; in ships at sea, a man inured to hardship and vile pleasures, his brightest hope a fiddle in a tavern and a bedizened trull who sells herself to rob him, and he for all that simple, innocent, cheerful, kindly like a child, constant to toil, brave to drown, for others; in the slums of cities, moving among indifferent millions to mechanical employments, without hope of change in the future, with scarce a pleasure in the present, and yet true to his virtues, honest up to his lights, kind to his neighbours, tempted perhaps in vain by the bright gin-palace, perhaps long-suffering with the drunken wife that ruins him; in India (a woman this time) kneeling with broken cries and streaming tears, as she drowns her child in the sacred river; in the brothel, the discard of society, living mainly on strong drink, fed with affronts, a fool, a thief, the comrade of thieves, and even here keeping the point of honour and the touch of pity, often repaying the world’s scorn with service, often standing firm upon a scruple, and at a certain cost, rejecting riches: — everywhere some virtue cherished or affected, everywhere some decency of thought and carriage, everywhere the ensign of man’s ineffectual goodness: — ah! if I could show you this! if I could show you these men and women, all the world over, in every stage of history, under every abuse of error, under every circumstance of failure, without hope, without help, without thanks, still obscurely fighting the lost fight of virtue, still clinging, in the brothel or on the scaffold, to some rag of honour, the poor jewel of their souls! They may seek to escape, and yet they cannot; it is not alone their privilege and glory, but their doom; they are condemned to some nobility; all their lives long, the desire of good is at their heels, the implacable hunter.
Of all earth’s meteors, here at least is the most strange and consoling: that this ennobled lemur, this hair-crowned bubble of the dust, this inheritor of a few years and sorrows, should yet deny himself his rare delights, and add to his frequent pains, and live for an ideal, however misconceived.
Stewart jurors request records (Greg Farrell, 3/4/2004, USA TODAY)
Shortly after receiving final instructions from U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, jurors asked to see records and testimony pertaining to Stewart's sale of ImClone stock on Dec. 27, 2001, a day before negative news sent the share price plummeting.Later in the afternoon, they asked for testimony regarding statements Stewart and Bacanovic made to government investigators, and phone records of both defendants during that period when they were under investigation.
"Sounds like the jury is focusing on the government's case and is marching through it," says attorney David Gourevitch, a former Manhattan prosecutor.
"The defense cannot be happy with these requests," says Jacob Frenkel, a former federal prosecutor now with the law firm Smith Gambrell & Russell.
Noting that the requests focus on testimony made by the government's cooperating witness, Douglas Faneuil, Frenkel said the jury seems to be looking for testimony "that supports Faneuil's position."
Jurors also asked to see evidence that is the foundation of one criminal count against Bacanovic: a worksheet listing Stewart's stocks, including ImClone, that prosecutors maintain was altered to aid an alleged conspiracy.
Disney's Eisner Loses Chairman Role (Peter Henderson, Mar 3, 2004, Reuters)
Embattled Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Michael Eisner on Wednesday was stripped of his role as chairman, but kept his position as chief executive even after 43 percent of shareholders voted against him in an unprecedented protest.Convening in Philadelphia after a stormy annual meeting, Disney's board said it had elected former U.S. Senator George Mitchell as the company's chairman. [...]
Analysts had expected Disney would strip the chairmanship from Eisner, but many doubted that step would be enough to placate investors now.
"No, no, no. That to me would be just a cosmetic or technical response. This in my mind goes much deeper," said Charles Elson, director of the Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware. "It's got to be a management change one way or the other."
Alan Hevesi, the New York State Comptroller who had called for Eisner to leave, said in a statement that the vote marked a "wake-up call" for Disney management.
Pat McGurn, spokesman for Institutional Shareholder Services, the influential adviser which stoked opposition to Eisner, said splitting the CEO and chairman roles at Disney would only mark a first step toward reform.
"If they think that is going to be the end, they are kidding themselves," he said.
John Kerry: The hope of the world (The Guardian, March 4, 2004)
The free world has never had a stronger interest in the result of a US election than it has in the defeat of Mr Bush. Senator Kerry carries the hopes not just of millions of Americans but of millions of British well-wishers, not to mention those of nations throughout Europe and the world.
THE DEAL: Why is Washington going easy on Pakistan’s nuclear black marketers? (SEYMOUR M. HERSH, 2004-03-01, The New Yorker)
A Bush Administration intelligence officer with years of experience in nonproliferation issues told me last month, “One thing we do know is that this was not a rogue operation. Suppose Edward Teller had suddenly decided to spread nuclear technology and equipment around the world. Do you really think he could do that without the government knowing? How do you get missiles from North Korea to Pakistan? Do you think A.Q. shipped all the centrifuges by Federal Express? The military has to be involved, at high levels.” The intelligence officer went on, “We had every opportunity to put a stop to the A. Q. Khan network fifteen years ago. Some of those involved today in the smuggling are the children of those we knew about in the eighties. It’s the second generation now.”In public, the Bush Administration accepted the pardon at face value. Within hours of Musharraf’s television appearance, Richard Armitage, the Deputy Secretary of State, praised him as “the right man at the right time.” Armitage added that Pakistan had been “very forthright in the last several years with us about proliferation.” A White House spokesman said that the Administration valued Musharraf’s assurances that “Pakistan was not involved in any of the proliferation activity.” A State Department spokesman said that how to deal with Khan was “a matter for Pakistan to decide.”
Musharraf, who seized power in a coup d’état in 1999, has been a major ally of the Bush Administration in the war on terrorism. According to past and present military and intelligence officials, however, Washington’s support for the pardon of Khan was predicated on what Musharraf has agreed to do next: look the other way as the U.S. hunts for Osama bin Laden in a tribal area of northwest Pakistan dominated by the forbidding Hindu Kush mountain range, where he is believed to be operating. American commanders have been eager for permission to conduct major sweeps in the Hindu Kush for some time, and Musharraf has repeatedly refused them. Now, with Musharraf’s agreement, the Administration has authorized a major spring offensive that will involve the movement of thousands of American troops.
Musharraf has proffered other help as well. A former senior intelligence official said to me, “Musharraf told us, ‘We’ve got guys inside. The people who provide fresh fruits and vegetables and herd the goats’” for bin Laden and his Al Qaeda followers. “It’s a quid pro quo: we’re going to get our troops inside Pakistan in return for not forcing Musharraf to deal with Khan.
Libya Makes Overtures to U.S. (Kenneth R. Timmerman, March 3, 2004, Insight)
In a stunning departure from 35 years of hostility with the West, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi told delegates at the opening of the Libyan People's National Congress in the seaside resort town of Sirte on Tuesday that his government had renounced terrorism and weapons of mass destruction and declared that "a new era has started" of openness and cooperation with the United States.In an address to the nation's top elected leaders as well as seven members of the United States House of Representatives, the Libyan leader gave the first detailed public account of the reasons behind his surprise announcement on Dec. 19 that Libya was prepared to abandon its previously secret nuclear-weapons program. [...]
In a brutally self-critical account of Libya's past support for radical movements around the world, Qaddafi concluded that Libya had paid a high price for its adventures. "Libya helped African nations" as they were breaking away from former colonial powers, "and we made other countries view Libya as an enemy," he said.
Libya helped the Palestinians, and now "the Palestinian president enters the White House. And we tell [Yasser] Arafat we oppose America because of you? How can [Arafat] enter the White House and we not improve our relations with the United States?"
Because of the changing circumstances in the world, where former enemies have become partners, if not friends, Qaddafi said, "We decided to review our decisions, and concluded that we had isolated ourselves from the rest of the world."
"If the Palestinians can recognize Israel, how can we not recognize that country?" he asked. "We cannot be more Palestinian than the Palestinians themselves." The liberation struggles that Libya had supported "are finished, the battle is finished. ... Now people are shaking hands. So should only we stay enemies?"
Turning to his previously secret nuclear-weapons program, he noted that Libya, like many developing nations, sought to acquire nuclear weapons "without really thinking against whom we would use it. But today ... it becomes a problem to have a nuclear bomb. At the time, it was maybe the fashion to have a nuclear bomb. Today, you have no enemy. Who's the enemy?" he asked. [...]
In his colorful presentation, Qaddafi frequently sounded the theme that nuclear weapons and terrorism were no longer a guarantor of security, but a security risk. Having publicly abandoned its weapons and opened its nuclear sites to international inspections, Libya had enhanced its security, not diminished it.
Do Gun Control Activists Pad Gun Death Statistics? (Wendy McElroy, March 03, 2004, Fox News)
Take...the issue of how many children die each year in gun-related incidents. That question has been prompted not just by the new Columbine evidence, but by the impending Million Mom March on Washington, D.C., planned for Mother’s Day.The first anti-gun MMM in 2000 attempted to redirect the focus of Mother’s Day from flowers and card giving to the gun deaths of children. The 2004 event continues this focus as its press release reminds us, "[W]ith memories of the horrible events at Columbine High School … people gathered [in 2000] on the Mall in Washington, D.C., to demand saner gun policies." The release quotes Mary Leigh Blek, the "president emeritus" of MMM, as saying that almost 14,000 children "have died from gun violence" since "our last march."
Where does that figure come from?
To begin with, Blek is probably referring to the 2000 MMM event. (In 2001, only about 100 people participated and the event is now virtually ignored.) This means she is stating that almost 14,000 children died from gun violence between 2000 and 2004. The figure is almost certainly an extrapolation from prior data.
The definitive source for data on injury-death in America, including gun deaths, is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Taking relevant data for 2001, the latest year available, and multiplying the results by four should provide a figure close to 14,000.
During 2001, the CDC reported a total of 157,078 injury-deaths. On their interactive Web site, if you click "Firearm" under "Cause of Injury," the figure becomes 29,573. For deaths in children, click on <1 as the lowest in the age range and 17 as the highest. Also select the "No Age-Adjusting Requested" option. The figure becomes 1,433. Multiplied by four, this is 5,732, or roughly 40 percent of what MMM asserts.
Campbell quits Senate race (Judith Kohler, March 3, 2004, Associated Press)
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, beset by health problems and an office scandal involving a longtime aide, announced today he will not seek a third term this fall."After a great deal of soul searching and reflection I have decided not to seek re-election," the Republican said in a statement. "I feel the time has come to pass that duty on to another and return to my ranch with my family that I love."
Campbell, 70, has faced questions about his health since last year, when he acknowledged undergoing treatments for prostate cancer. Last week, he was examined in a Washington hospital after experiencing mild chest pains that turned out to be heartburn.
"After spending another night in the hospital, I realize the deteriorating health may hamper my ability to serve," Campbell said. "Doctors have assured me that after treatment for prostate cancer, the recovery rate is 98 percent. But I believe Coloradans deserve a 100 percent guarantee of service." [...]
Former Sen. Gary Hart and Rep. Mark Udall had declined to run, leaving the party with wealthy think-tank founder Rutt Bridges, little-known attorneys Brad Freedberg and Larry Johnson, and educator Mike Miles.
U.S. Sees No Rebel Role in New Haiti Government (CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS, 3/03/04, NY Times)
A day after armed rebel leaders swept into Haiti's capital in triumph, the Bush administration declared Tuesday that the paramilitaries would not play a role in the country's political reconstruction and urged them to lay down their arms and go home.Administration officials said they would seek to reach an understanding with the Haitian political opposition and leaders loyal to former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who left for exile on Sunday morning. There is no room in that effort, officials said, for gun-toting bands of former army and police officers who deposed Mr. Aristide.
"The rebels do not have a role in the political process," said Richard A. Boucher, the State Department spokesman. "The rebels need to disband and go back to their homes. And I want to be quite clear that that's our position." [...]
One of the most prominent rebels, Guy Philippe, declared himself head of the new Haitian Army, a reincarnation of a much feared institution that Mr. Aristide abolished in 1995.
Cajoled or abducted? Mystery of Aristide's final hours: American officials and the exiled Haitian leader give conflicting accounts of events leading up to his dramatic flight from Port-au-Prince (Gary Younge and Sibylla Brodzinsky, March 3, 2004, The Guardian)
Jean-Bertrand Aristide was sitting in his car on the tarmac at Port-au-Prince airport early on Sunday morning waiting for the plane to take him to exile when the US diplomat Luis Moreno tapped on his window."Mr President, with all due respect, the plane is 20 minutes away, I really need the letter," Mr Moreno said, meaning Mr Aristide's letter of resignation. Mr Aristide then pulled an envelope from his wife's purse, as she sat stonily by his side.
Once its contents were confirmed, Mr Moreno apologised to Mr Aristide and his wife. "I said I was very sorry to see things end this way," he said.
Mr Aristide replied in English: "Well, that's life."
About an hour later he was gone, zig-zagging the skies in search of asylum and finally landing in the Central African Republic.
This, at least, is the United States' official version of Mr Aristide's last hours as told by Mr Moreno, a career diplomat who has been in Haiti for the past two and a half years.
Mr Aristide's account could not be more different. He says he was abducted, forced by the US to leave his own country at gunpoint.
Governor wins his state battle of the bonds (Clea Benson, March 3, 2004, Sacrament Bee)
Proposition 57, the governor's bond measure, was leading 62 percent to 38 percent. Proposition 58, the balanced budget proposal, was ahead 71 percent to 29 percent. Proposition 56 was being soundly rejected, with 65 percent opposed and 35 percent in favor. [...]Schwarzenegger took office vowing to fix the state's finances without raising taxes, and Propositions 57 and 58 were part of his proposed solution. Getting the Legislature to put the measures on the ballot soon after he took office was the first big test of the governor's political strength.
At first, it seemed he might fail. Lawmakers in early December rejected his first proposal, which included a cap on state spending. But Schwarzenegger returned to the bargaining table and brokered a late-night compromise with Democrats. He didn't get the spending cap he wanted, but he got the balanced-budget provision instead.
That was just the first hurdle.
Schwarzenegger began campaigning throughout the state for the measures he dubbed the California Economic Recovery Act. Soon, Democratic leaders such as state Controller Steve Westly and U.S. Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein were also publicly supporting the bond measure.
At the start, polls showed voters opposed the $15 billion bond. But at the same time that he was trying to persuade Californians to approve his initiatives, Schwarzenegger also was raising millions of dollars to get his message out in television ads. That fund-raising included a controversial bigticket event in New York.
Soon after ads for Propositions 57 and 58 began airing in February, the polls showed a dramatic turnaround, almost unprecedented in a state where historically most ballot measures that started out with little public support have failed.
By taking the bond issue directly to the voters, Schwarzenegger sought to avoid legal challenges that have stopped past state borrowing attempts. The bonds from Proposition 57 will replace a $10.7 billion bond issue proposed as part of the current budget that is being disputed in court because it was not approved by voters.
GOP's Jones is picked to battle Boxer (Alexa H. Bluth, March 3, 2004, Sacrament Bee)
Former Secretary of State Bill Jones captured the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, sailing past lesser-known challengers in a low-profile race that never grabbed voters' attention.The Fresno rancher, who lost a 2002 bid for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, collected 48 percent of the vote with the others trailing by double digits with about two-thirds of the vote counted. [...]
Jones said he believes help from Schwarzenegger and the length of the eight-month campaign will help him raise the money needed to challenge the well-funded Democrat. Jones also said he plans to try to draw Republican voters to the polls to help President Bush in California in November.
But it remains to be seen how much public and fund-raising support Jones receives from Bush, whom he angered when he shifted his support to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the 2000 presidential primary.
Bush Congratulates Kerry (Dan Froomkin, Washington Post, 3/3/04)
Reuters reports that Bush called Kerry to congratulate him for clinching the Democratic nomination, and said he was looking forward to a "spirited" race.Here are three not-mutually exclusive possible states of the world. I am delusional. The President and/or his advisers are competent politicians. National political reporters are incompetent even at reporting the process stories they love so much."We had a very nice conversation," Kerry said of the call.
Maria L. La Ganga of the Los Angeles Times speculates those were "perhaps the last cordial words the two will have for months to come."
NBC News's Norah O'Donnell told "Imus in the Morning" today that "when we first heard that it might have happened, I wanted to make sure we had several sources because it did seem sort of unusual that the president was calling him, but he did." O'Donnell said "it clearly was a surprising call. I think that, you know, the president was perhaps trying to reach across the aisle at a time when his campaign is about to sort of hammer the senator."
I have heard or read about this call, usually presented with affectionate bemusement, on NPR and Imus, many weblogs and in newspaper stories from all the major outlets, inserted into almost every story about Senator Kerry's great victory on Super Tuesday. On Senator Kerry's big day, I keep hearing about the President acting like a decent human being. Political commentators are constantly mentioning the President and his five minute phone call when reporting on Senator Kerry securing the Democratic nomination.
And they're all wondering why he did it?
In Quebec town, rewards of parenting are tangible (Clifford Kraus, International Herald Tribune, 03/03/04)
The stork has become an endangered species throughout Quebec except maybe in this quaint French-Canadian town near the Vermont border, where it lands from time to time with things like cheap cotton diapers and subsidized piano lessons. Quebecers were fervently Roman Catholic, until they went through their wrenching "Quiet Revolution" in the 1960s and '70s. Church attendance and marriage rates plunged at that time of intense political upheaval, while abortion and divorce rates soared to among the highest in Canada.As a result, the fertility rate is now one of the lowest in the Western world. As recently as 1960, Quebec families averaged nearly four children, but Quebec couples today produce only 1.4 children - a rate well below the rest of North America and comparable to those of Italy and Spain, Catholic countries that also lag far behind the replacement fertility rate of 2.1.
But this town, once known mostly for its fine lakes stocked with perch and trout and the beautiful pedestrian suspension bridge that spans a deep ravine cut by the Coaticook River, is bucking the trends. Its population of 9,000 is stable without the benefit of the Haitian, Vietnamese, Chinese and North African immigration that fills nearby Montreal, and there are plenty of young families here who brag about having four or even more children.
The principal architect of Coaticook's quiet counterrevolution is Mayor Andrée Langevin, a 66-year-old social conservative who is not too busy to take time off to baby-sit for his grandchildren during the day. In 20 years as mayor, he has instituted an ambitious set of subsidies for young couples willing to conceive again and again - ranging from $750 in prizes for bedroom sets to generous government spending for ice hockey uniforms. ."Family stability, fidelity, lots of children," Langevin mused in his office the other day. "Those are values I would like to preserve."
Under his leadership, the town writes a $75 check to every couple for the birth of their first child, $150 for the second and $750 for every child after that. Coaticook offers to reimburse families with three or more children 50 percent of their costs for music lessons and other cultural activities as well as for fees and equipment for sporting activities. Meanwhile, the town offers hefty allowances for diapers - as long as they are cotton, to promote a cleaner environment. [...]
There is no way to establish a direct link between the mayor's policies and population stability. The town's healthy economy, undergirded by trade with the United States, is undoubtedly important as well. However, parents say that the subsidies for sports and cultural activities help create an exciting atmosphere that encourages young families to stay. Even the mayor concedes that the impact of his policies is hard to quantify, given that they compensate for only a fraction of the cost of bringing up children. But local businessmen say that his nurturing of family values has made a difference for them in keeping young workers, and that happier, more stable family lives contribute to more productive workers.
What makes this story so inspiring is that it is happening at the community level and has an organic basis that goes well beyond “rational” economics. This is much preferable to national demographic policies, which have a disturbing social engineering quality and are subject to bureaucratic whim and madness. People will have more children in response to a supportive community ethos, not to demonstrate patriotism or pay larger old age pensions.
This is a beautiful example of conservatism in action. The music lessons alone are pure poetry. And if it catches on, just think what it could mean for tourism in New Hampshire.
Reworking The Union: Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schröder misjudged the mood in Europe by using their alliance to dominate the EU. Now they're paying the price - diplomatically and electorally. (Collin May, 02 March, 2004, EURSOC)
Sunday’s regional election in Hamburg was a disaster for Gerhard Schröder’s Social Democrats. The SPD, which once dominated the city, had its worst result since World War 2. The main reason for the party’s bad showing, at least according to many pundits, is Schröder’s national program to reform Germany’s extensive and rather cumbersome social welfare coverage.There is, however, a larger picture, one which includes Germany’s moribund economic performance and has made Gerhard Schröder an exceedingly unpopular politician. Other elements of this larger picture were played out, in part, over the last two weeks during a summit in Berlin and during a visit by Mr. Schröder to the White House in Washington.
Now, to set the context here, we have to remember that it was not all that long ago that Gerhard Schröder was engaged in an election campaign leading up to a vote he was all but certain to lose. The Audi Chancellor (so-named because he’s had as many marriages as Audi has rings on its trademark) had led Germany into a rather mucky economic bog.
But fate smiled on Schröder, delivering him an issue that would stave off disaster and return the Social Democrats to power by a narrow margin. That issue was good ole anti-Americanism. During the 2002 campaign, with a war in Iraq a looming possibility, Schröder decided to play to the worst in the post-war German mindset. And he did so in the most blatant and childish manner. Rather than simply stating that he would not support a US-led war, he chose to ratchet up the rhetoric, referring to “American adventurism.” But it was his hot-headed Justice Minister who took the mud-slinging to extremes when she compared Bush to Hitler, saying that Bush was attempting to distract attention from America’s ailing economy, just as Hitler had done, by stirring up international crises. Of course no one was supposed to notice the obvious factual inaccuracies in this claim. Hitler’s economy was not ailing when he began his drive to dominate Europe. But even more telling was the fact that it was not George Bush but Gerhard Schröder who was using international affairs to turn attention away from his own inept economic governance. And after all, one would think that 911 could hardly be dismissed as irrelevant to the international affairs of the day.
In any case, Schröder’s buffoonery, had it been limited to Germany and the German election, would have been nothing but a blip on the radar screen, especially as the Justice Minister in question was fired. Unfortunately it began to snowball when France’s Jacques Chirac took the ball and ran with it. Sensing that Schröder might be a useful pawn in his eternal efforts at self-promotion, Chirac used the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Elysee Treaty between France and Germany to express their unified opposition to war in Iraq while waxing poetic about the need for a new form of globalization, one that was gentler and kinder to the developing world.
Chirac now had his ally and the rest would be history. At each stage of the build-up to the Iraq war, the Franco-German lovebirds would seek to undo America’s intentions while carving out a greater space for themselves on the international stage, a space often occupied by Chirac and an assortment of the world’s most notorious dictators shaking hands at the Elysee Palace.
But sadly for the duplicitous duo, they were too clever by half. Chirac, like many in France, thought the world actually was as the anti-globalization crowd was portraying it. They bought into the rhetoric that said that the big bad American hyper-power (along with Israel) was to blame for the sundry problems of the developing world. I suspect that neither Schröder nor Chirac completely believed this at first, but this was the rhetoric they used to justify their opposition to action in Iraq. Eventually, I think they forgot that it was rhetoric and they began to act as if they could build foreign policy on the basis of this specious global portrait.
The faults in the anti-globalization assessment were numerous but they tend to settle around one theme: the passing of the nation-state.
The Why of Buy: Theory says we are rational about money. But brain-probing scientists are discovering otherwise (ERIC ROSTON, 3/08/04, TIME)
Pioneer "neuroeconomists" around the country are ready to knock out the centuries-old model of Homo economicus, or "economic man," the perfectly reasonable, largely imaginary being who day in and day out maximizes his utility and gains and always clearly seeks the right thing to do. It's the foundation for Wall Street's "efficient market," which holds that every trade neatly reflects all available information. In theory, the saying goes, practice and theory are the same. But in practice, they are different.The trouble with Homo economicus is that he has really very little to do with his emotional, dim-witted half brother Homo sapiens, who bought on a hunch. It's difficult to imagine Homo economicus upset and off to the mall for some "retail therapy." He doesn't make impulse buys. And he doesn't always know or care what he wants, let alone what he can afford. "The bursting of the Internet bubble may have been the final nail in the coffin of the efficient-market hypothesis," says Richard Thaler, a professor at the University of Chicago.
Research from fMRIs and other machines bears all this out. Gerald Zaltman, a professor at Harvard University, says 95% of consumer decision making occurs subconsciously. Read Montague, a professor at the Baylor College of Medicine, gave subjects the "Pepsi Challenge" in an fMRI scanner. Result: people found Pepsi more pleasing to the palate — their reward center lit up — but Coke's branding hit literally at the core of their sense of self, a much stronger bond. This affirms what we all suspected: brands are so powerful that we are sometimes more likely to buy something we identify with than something we like better or that is better for us.
In money race, Bush carries big advantage (Glen Johnson,, 3/3/2004, Boston Globe)
As Democrats turn their gaze from their primary campaign to the general election, the outlook -- financially, at least -- appears bleak.The most recent official figures show that President Bush had $104.4 million in his campaign treasury as of Jan. 31, while the Democratic nominee-apparent, John F. Kerry, had a mere $2.1 million.
Making matters worse, during the primary race the Massachusetts senator threw his campaign a lifeline with a $6.4 million loan from a mortgage on his Beacon Hill townhouse. It helped him win the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, but it also left his campaign with a total debt of $7.3 million. [...]
Democrats fear the Federal Election Commission, which has three Democratic members and three Republican members but is led by a Republican member, will shut down the 527s, including groups such as and the Media Fund. Both are readying pro-Democrat ads as part of an estimated $40 million to $70 million in advertising expected by such groups this spring.
Republicans have asked the FEC to examine the legality of the spending, arguing it violates soft-money restrictions under the campaign finance law, which the Democrats supported in 2002.
Republicans also fret that Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, will find ways to use her $500 million fortune to shape the race. Party officials say there is a pattern of Heinz Kerry bailing out her husband at politically sensitive times since they married in 1995. They say they are concerned she could funnel philanthropic money from the foundations she heads to advocacy groups that support her husband or oppose Bush.
Mr. Uptown And Mr. Downtown : They're miles ahead of the competition, and the hip thing should be to dig both of them (Francis Davis, March 3 - 9, 2004, Village Voice)
A year ago I played Dave Douglas's 2001 The Infinite for two friends, an avant-garde percussionist and a West Coast composer and performance artist, both of whom prefer boundary-stretching jazz to the likes of Wynton Marsalis, at whose name they practically sneered. Though they liked it, they professed to hear nothing experimental in Douglas, who sounded to them as conventional as Marsalis —just semi-electric and a touch edgier.Douglas and Marsalis are usually seen as epitomizing not just opposing temperaments, as Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie once were, but irreconcilable philosophies of jazz. Although Douglas has succeeded in staying above the fray, the two have been waging a grotesque parody of a trumpet battle, through surrogates in print rather than on the bandstand. But maybe my friends were noticing something insiders have missed—without kissing electronica and Balkan polyrhythms goodbye, Douglas has been flirting with the mainstream since forming his quintet with Chris Potter on saxophones and Uri Caine on keyboards. [...]
As for Marsalis, his canon-keeping duties at Lincoln Center occasionally tempt him into interpreting music at odds with his own sensibility. Ornette Coleman was overdue for a tribute, but when his turn finally arrived at Alice Tully Hall last month, there could have been a banner above Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra reading, "This is not our music." The arrangements of Coleman classics from the early 1960s, most of them by Marsalis or saxophonist Ted Nash, tethered harmolodics to a metronome and a tuning fork. Coleman was in the audience, but audible in the music only whenever Herlin Riley resourcefully evoked Ed Blackwell's tom-toms and on the few numbers where guest soloist Dewey Redman offered a bit of Ornette-like keening.
What makes Coleman all wrong for Marsalis is that his own music has no dark corners or slippery edges; how could it, given his dogmatic insistence that the essence of jazz is celebration? Fortunately, his reputation is unlikely to rest on misadventures like the Coleman tribute. You'll have to visit Brooks Brothers to purchase the full-length promotional CD Plays the Music of Duke Ellington, but the repertoire alone makes the humiliation worth it—the focus is on underperformed Ellingtonia such as "Almost Cried," from his score for Anatomy of a Murder, and "The Shepherd (Who Watches Over the Night Flock)," from his Second Sacred Concert. Marsalis solos only on two of the 13 tracks, even leaving growling honors to Ryan Kizor on "Concerto for Cootie." But nobody else active today knows this material as intimately as Marsalis, and the band's performances are infused with his spirit.
Art lives only on the constraints it imposes on itself; it dies of all others. Conversely, if it does not constrain itself, it indulges in ravings and becomes a slave to mere shadows. The freest art and the most rebellious will, therefore, be the most classical
Culture Of Discontent: As a society we have access to more wealth and material goods than at any time in history, so why are we so miserable? Author Alain de Botton investigates the modern phenomenon he calls ‘status anxiety’ (Alain de Botton , 29 February 2004, Sunday Herald)
In so far as the modern world has created anguish for its citizens, it is because of an extraordinary new ideal (found in almost every newspaper, magazine and TV programme one cares to look at) around which it is founded: a practical belief in the unlimited power of anyone to achieve anything. For most of history, an opposite assumption had held sway: low expectations had been viewed as both normal and wise. Only a very few had ever aspired to wealth and fulfilment. The majority knew well enough that they were condemned to exploitation and resignation.The rigid hierarchical system that had held in place in almost every Western society until the 18th century, and had denied all hope of social movement except in rare cases, was unjust in a thousand all too obvious ways, but it offered those on the lowest rungs one notable freedom: the freedom not to have to take the achievements of quite so many people in society as reference points – and so find themselves severely wanting in status and importance as a result.
It was a freedom because, of course, it remains highly unlikely that one will ever reach the pinnacle of society. It is perhaps as unlikely that we could today become as successful as Bill Gates as that we could, in the 17th century, have become as powerful as Louis XIV. Unfortunately though, it no longer feels unlikely – depending on the magazines one reads, it can in fact seem absurd that one hasn’t already managed to find a business idea to revolutionise global trade.
It was Alexis de Tocqueville who first and best understood that societies which promise much to their citizens will also torture them with expectations. Travelling around the young United States in the 1830s, the French lawyer and historian discerned that Americans were, quite literally, dying of envy. They had much, but this affluence did not stop them from wanting ever more and from suffering whenever they saw someone else with assets they lacked.
In a chapter of Democracy In America (1835) entitled Why The Americans Are Often So Restless In The Midst Of Their Prosperity, he observed: “In America, a land of so-called equals, I never met a citizen too poor to cast a glance of hope and envy toward the pleasures of the rich.”
A firm belief in the necessary misery of life was for centuries one of mankind’s most important assets, a bulwark against bitterness, one cruelly undermined by the expectations incubated by the modern world-view.
'The Passion' could be a hard act to follow (Marco R. della Cava and Scott Bowles, 3/02/04, USA TODAY)
According to early tracking numbers from industry polling firm ReelSource, more than three-fourths of moviegoers say they will highly recommend the film to friends, while a third say they plan to see it at least once more.While those numbers aren't unheard of, they are rare for a film that is so violent, let alone subtitled and lacking big stars.
"It's nearly two hours of non-stop violence, and the audience doesn't seem to mind," says ReelSource president Robert Bucksbaum. "The only other R-rated movie we've seen this kind of response to is The Matrix Reloaded."
While The Passion has proven itself a box office force to date, this coming weekend will signal whether the film has staying power. Bucksbaum forecasts continued growth for Passion, which should do well during the run up to Easter.
Passion audiences were split between men and women, but it drew older moviegoers than most films, Bucksbaum says. Nearly 40% of the audience was 32 and older. About 7% of the audience were children ages 10 to 17.
"We're polling people who never set foot into a theater before this," he says.
The film played well in heartland cities such as Oklahoma City and Dallas. In Kansas City, Kan., theaters report being sold out through Thursday. According to ReelSource's statistics, almost half the audience in the middle of the country said they went to the film for its religious message. In larger cities such as New York and Los Angeles, most attended because of the controversy.
"I think everyone has underestimated the appeal of non-Hollywood, religious-themed movies," says Bob Berney, president of Newmarket Films, which distributed The Passion. "I doubt they will now."
A telling example of just how deeply the film seems to have touched the public: Yahoo Search reports that on Oscar night, the most searched movie was not the statuette-grabbing Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, but rather The Passion, by a 4-1 margin.
A constitution drenched in blood (Pepe Escobar. 3/03/04, Asia Times)
A united Iraqi nation resisting the massive presence of US and other foreign troops in its territory, even after the transfer of sovereignty on June 30, would be a troublesome prospect. So no wonder articles have already popped up in the New York Times and the French daily Le Figaro calling for a partition of Iraq. The argument is that the unity of the Iraqi nation is a mirage: the country can only be governed by brute force (Saddam Hussein-style, but without the massacres). Over the years, Washington figures from many sides of the political spectrum have consistently voiced the same opinion.According to the British imperial maxim of "divide and rule", three small states - Kurd, Sunni and Shi'ite - would be much easier to control than the Iraq construct put together by the British themselves. The operation would also fulfill neo-conservative dreams of deporting Palestinians from the West Bank to a putative Sunni mini-Iraq. Defenders of the idea mention Yugoslavia as a successful example of a modern partition. [...]
Iraqi Kurdistan will remain autonomous until an elected parliament and a legitimate government are able to decide its future. Shi'ites and Sunnis also anticipate the possibility that three regions anywhere in the country may decide to form a federation. Among the 18 Iraqi regions, three have a Kurdish majority, three have a Sunni majority, nine have a Shi'ite majority and three are an ethnic patchwork.
Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse (Matthew Arnold 1822-1888, Fraser's Magazine 1855)
[...]Look! through the showery twilight grey
What pointed roofs are these advance?--
A palace of the Kings of France?Approach, for what we seek is here!
Alight, and sparely sup, and wait
For rest in this outbuilding near;
Then cross the sward and reach that gate.
Knock; pass the wicket! Thou art come
To the Carthusians' world-famed home.The silent courts, where night and day
Into their stone-carved basins cold
The splashing icy fountains play--
The humid corridors behold!
Where, ghostlike in the deepening night,
Cowl'd forms brush by in gleaming white.The chapel, where no organ's peal
Invests the stern and naked prayer--
With penitential cries they kneel
And wrestle; rising then, with bare
And white uplifted faces stand,
Passing the Host from hand to hand;Each takes, and then his visage wan
Is buried in his cowl once more.
The cells!--the suffering Son of Man
Upon the wall--the knee-worn floor--
And where they sleep, that wooden bed,
Which shall their coffin be, when dead!The library, where tract and tome
Not to feed priestly pride are there,
To hymn the conquering march of Rome,
Nor yet to amuse, as ours are!
They paint of souls the inner strife,
Their drops of blood, their death in life.The garden, overgrown--yet mild,
See, fragrant herbs are flowering there!
Strong children of the Alpine wild
Whose culture is the brethren's care;
Of human tasks their only one,
And cheerful works beneath the sun.Those halls, too, destined to contain
Each its own pilgrim-host of old,
From England, Germany, or Spain--
All are before me! I behold
The House, the Brotherhood austere!
--And what am I, that I am here?For rigorous teachers seized my youth,
And purged its faith, and trimm'd its fire,
Show'd me the high, white star of Truth,
There bade me gaze, and there aspire.Even now their whispers pierce the gloom:
What dost thou in this living tomb?Forgive me, masters of the mind!
At whose behest I long ago
So much unlearnt, so much resign'd--
I come not here to be your foe!
I seek these anchorites, not in ruth,
To curse and to deny your truth;Not as their friend, or child, I speak!
But as, on some far northern strand,
Thinking of his own Gods, a Greek
In pity and mournful awe might stand
Before some fallen Runic stone--
For both were faiths, and both are gone.Wandering between two worlds, one dead,
The other powerless to be born,
With nowhere yet to rest my head,
Like these, on earth I wait forlorn.
Their faith, my tears, the world deride--
I come to shed them at their side.Oh, hide me in your gloom profound,
Ye solemn seats of holy pain!
Take me, cowl'd forms, and fence me round,
Till I possess my soul again;
Till free my thoughts before me roll,
Not chafed by hourly false control!For the world cries your faith is now
But a dead time's exploded dream;
My melancholy, sciolists say,
Is a pass'd mode, an outworn theme--
As if the world had ever had
A faith, or sciolists been sad!Ah, if it be pass'd, take away,
At least, the restlessness, the pain;
Be man henceforth no more a prey
To these out-dated stings again!
The nobleness of grief is gone
Ah, leave us not the fret alone!But--if you cannot give us ease--
Last of the race of them who grieve
Here leave us to die out with these
Last of the people who believe!
Silent, while years engrave the brow;
Silent--the best are silent now.[...]
Bush ads target base, Hispanics (The Associated Press, March 01, 2004)
The campaign also has made courting Hispanics a major part of its ad strategy. Ads will start next week on Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo in markets in New Mexico, Florida, Nevada and Arizona, advisers say.“President Bush feels that it’s very important to reach out to citizens throughout this country who may not have English as their native tongue,” said Scott Stanzel, a campaign spokesman. “Our media and advertising campaign will reflect that effort.”
Hispanics traditionally have favored the Democratic Party in presidential elections, but support has dropped in recent years. In 1996, 72 percent of Hispanics voted to re-elect President Clinton, versus just 21 percent for Republican Bob Dole. Four years later, Democrat Al Gore won 62 percent of the Hispanic vote compared to 35 percent for Bush.
States with large Hispanic populations, such as Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Florida, were competitive in 2000, with contests being decided by 6 percentage points or fewer. They are considered in play again in 2004.
“If the Republicans take 5 (percent) to 10 percent of the Hispanic vote, they’re going to kill the Democrats in those key states,” said Joe Velasquez, a Democratic consultant with Moving America Forward, a group trying to mobilize Hispanic voters.
John Kerry is all tied up in nuances (Mark Steyn, 02/03/2004, Daily Telegraph)
The Tory benches may have what Boris calls "a certain snobbish resistance to his syntax", but I love Bush-speak. "Misunderestimate" encapsulates brilliantly what his opponents keep doing.Senator Joe Biden - a man so rhetorically insecure that he's the only presidential candidate ever to plagiarise Neil Kinnock - was bending Bush's ear about the need to take a more "nuanced" approach to Afghanistan, and Bush replied: "I don't do nuance." Beautiful, and pithy, and a lot funnier than anything in the Bush parodies. [...]
It is in trying to reconcile both of his strong, clear positions that Senator Kerry winds up tying himself up in nuances. He was at it again this weekend. "This President always makes decisions late," he huffed apropos Haiti. Hang on. He's just spent the past year complaining that Bush makes decisions too early, rushing in when he could have spent another year or so chit-chatting with the French.
I'm sure there are millions of Kerry supporters who'd like to take a tough Kerry-like stand this November. The best way to do that, in the spirit of his war votes, is to vote for Bush and then spend the next 10 years solemnly explaining that that was your bold courageous way of expressing your opposition to Bush.
N.B. During the NPR coverage they were going over some GA exit polls that showed Kerry had lost to Edwards by a wide margin among men and whites of both genders, but had trounced Edwards in the black vote. In a moment of sublime wit, whoever was reading the poll results then noted that 60+% voted for Kerry because of his "electabilty." Is he running for president of the WNBA?
Killington Residents Endorse Plan To Join New Hampshire: Town Wants To Secede Over Property Taxes (WMUR, March 2, 2004)
Residents of Killington, frustrated by high property taxes, voted Tuesday to try to become a part of New Hampshire.Killington Must Seek New Hampshire's Approval After years of what residents call unfair tax rates and lost legal battles with the state, the resort community took an extraordinary step, voting to secede from Vermont in the hopes of joining New Hampshire, 25 miles away.
The town of 1,100 said switching state affiliations could save taxpayers $10 million a year.
White House Urges Focus on Democracy in Venezuela (Jeff Gannon, March 2, 2004, Talon News)
Chavez sent ripples through the oil markets when he threatened to cut off oil shipments to the United States in retaliation for what he believes to be American support for his ouster. In a speech Sunday, he said that President Bush and his "henchmen" are promoting and financing the crisis in Venezuela.The White House dismissed the Venezuelan leader's remarks.
Press Secretary Scott McClellan told Talon News, "There is a democratic constitutional process underway in Venezuela. And that's where the focus should be. The focus should remain on the efforts by the Venezuelan people to exercise their constitutional and democratic rights, and on the efforts to try to resolve the political polarization through a transparent and internationally monitored presidential recall referendum." [...]
McClellan rejected a comparison between the events that precipitated the resignation of Haiti's President Jean Bertrand Aristede and the civil disobedience taking place in Venezuela.
Better than Clinton?: Putting Bush's economic record to the reelection test. (J. Edward Carter, 2/26/04, National Review)
Nine months prior to the 1996 presidential election, Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers cheerfully reported that the "American economy has performed exceptionally well over the past 3 years." While that may not surprise you, you may however be surprised to learn that President George W. Bush's economic record is, in many ways, better than the record Clinton ran on for reelection.Compared with the "exceptional" years of 1993, 1994, and 1995, the first three years of George W. Bush's presidency featured:
* lower inflation
* lower unemployment
* faster productivity growth
* faster labor compensation growth (i.e., wages and benefits)
* 29.4 percent ($6.9 trillion) more economic output
* 45 percent ($960 billion) more exports; and
* an economic growth rate 81.2 percent as fast as that under ClintonConsidering the circumstances under which the U.S. economy has labored for the past few years, President Bush's record is all the more impressive. When George W. Bush moved into the White House, the economy was on the verge of recession. The largest stock market bubble in U.S. history had recently burst, exports were declining, manufacturing employment had been falling for half a year, and people were finding it harder and harder to find work. And that was before 9/11, the war on terror, and the revelations of the corporate-governance scandals that grew out of the late 1990s.
Bountiful Nonsense (Gene Callahan, Lew Rockwell)
One of the most dangerous intellectual currents of the last several centuries has been the project to deny any importance to consciousness in scientific and philosophical thought, through a relentless insistence on materialist, reductionist explanations for all human activities. To the extent it succeeds, the project both drains individuals' lives of meaning, and encourages the view that human society is merely a collection of mechanical devices, along the lines of an enormous factory, the output of which should be planned and optimized through the systematic control of the machines' behavior. (Coincidentally, the reductionists often seem to discover that, for some reason, they happen to be best suited for the role of one of the planning machines at the top of the heap.) The success of the project depends on reducing – this is the "reductionist" part – any explanations of human action involving the ideas or states of mind of the actors involved to physical cause and effect relationships in which consciousness plays no part.Rejecting materialist reductionism does not imply the acceptance of any other single doctrine or worldview. It is rejected by Christians and by Buddhists, by Objectivists and by "New Age" spiritualists, by scientists pursuing research into complex phenomena and by semioticians, and by philosophical dualists and philosophical idealists. If there is a common thread running through such diverse groups, it might be the view that regarding humans as mechanical devices is both damaging to people and a poor scientific explanation for social phenomena. However much Objectivists criticize Christianity and Christians are put off by Objectivists' atheism, their views of human nature are much closer to each other's than either's are to that of a hard-core reductionist.
I recently came across a particularly egregious example of reductionism in the February, 2004 issue of Scientific American. It is worth discussing because it makes plain the reliance of the reductionist project on what we might call an "anti-faith": the devout belief that consciousness is an accidental phenomenon, perhaps even an "illusion," that must be eliminated from any scientific explanation. The article also unintentionally lays bare the unscientific nature of reductionism and its disregard for empirical evidence.
The article is "A Bounty of Science," written by Michael Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic magazine. It appeared in his regular Scientific American column, "Skeptic." (Are you detecting a theme running through Shermer's work?) It opens by briefly describing a new book by Caroline Alexander, The Bounty, which offers a revisionist version of the events involving the famed British ship, its captain, William Bligh, and the successful mutiny of some of the crew.
I will immediately confess that I have only a passing familiarity with the history of the Bounty. I have no knowledge of or opinion about whether Alexander succeeds in defending her central thesis, which is that Bligh was really the hero of the story while Fletcher Christian, the leader of the mutiny, was a coward. Nevertheless, I can confidently assert that the alternate explanation proposed by Shermer is utter rubbish. It is not the least bit "scientific," and it utterly fails to grasp the fact that biology and history are different disciplines, requiring different modes of explanation in dealing with their different subject matters.
Toss Out the Toss-Up: Bias in heads-or-tails (Erica Klarreich, 2/28/04, Science News)
If you want to decide which football team takes the ball first or who gets the larger piece of cake, the fairest thing is to toss a coin, right? Not necessarily.A new mathematical analysis suggests that coin tossing is inherently biased: A coin is more likely to land on the same face it started out on.
"I don't care how vigorously you throw it, you can't toss a coin fairly," says Persi Diaconis, a statistician at Stanford University who performed the study with Susan Holmes of Stanford and Richard Montgomery of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
In 1986, mathematician Joseph Keller, now an emeritus professor at Stanford, proved that one fair way to toss a coin is to throw it so that it spins perfectly around a horizontal axis through the coin's center.
Such a perfect toss would require superhuman precision. Every other possible toss is biased, according to an analysis described on Feb. 14 in Seattle at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kerry's Dirty Diplomacy (George Neumayr, 3/2/2004, American Spectator)
To most sentient observers, Aristide is an obvious Marxist crook and thug. To John Kerry, he is "Father Aristide." That's what Kerry quaintly called the brutal strongman in a 1994 New York Times op-ed, even though Aristide had been sacked from the Salesian order several years earlier after the Vatican grew weary of his preaching in favor of Marxist violence.In that 1994 op-ed, Kerry played the apologist for Aristide. "Father Aristide may not be perfect (what elected leader is?), but we have never discarded whole democracies because of an individual leader," Kerry wrote. "Moreover, he has already demonstrated his willingness to compromise, agreeing to share power with a broad-based coalition with safeguards for everyone's rights."
Here Kerry was trying to pass off a thug as a conciliatory priest. Aristide was a known inciter of "necklacing," the practice of throwing flaming tires around opponents' heads. He had compiled a voluminous record as an abuser of human rights. Kerry, nevertheless, had a weakness for the defrocked priest.
A dissenting Catholic himself, Kerry sympathized with Aristide's attempts to turn Catholicism into communism under the guise of "liberation theology." Which explains why Kerry even to this day whines about conservative criticism of Aristide's liberation theology. Last week Kerry accused the Bush administration of "a theological and ideological hatred" of Aristide. "It goes back to the liberation theology that he preached earlier in his career," Kerry said. "It's part of the right's attitude about Aristide."
The Trouble With Kerry : Your one-stop center for doubts about JFK2 (Mickey Kaus, March 1, 2004, Slate)
As a Democrat, I have two big fears about John Kerry. The first is that he'll lose. The second is that he'll win. [...]Sometimes a president's initial rapport with the public disappears--as Jimmy Carter's arguably had by the time of his "malaise" speech, or certainly by the end of his term. But Kerry would, I think, be in the uniquely precarious position of starting his term with no particular rapport. (Contrast with John Edwards--now there's a guy who could talk his way back from a 40 percent approval rating.)
I admit, I'm allergic to Kerry. Something in the vibration of that deep, pompous tone he adopts--the lugubrious, narcissistic fake gravity--grates on me. Others, bizarrely, say they don't have this problem. But few would argue that Kerry has formed a special bond with any large group of voters other than veterans. If he wins it's likely to be because voters see him as an acceptable alternative to an unacceptable incumbent, not because he's inspired them. It doesn't help that Kerry has a tendency to play the voters for fools--letting them think he's Irish (when he's not) or letting them think he's cleaner, in the campaign contribution department, than he really is (e.g., saying he takes no PAC money but accepting unlimited "soft money" contributions to his Citizen Soldier Fund).
Or letting them think he gave up his own medals. ....
All this means is that when President Kerry gets into trouble--when his first big proposals stall in Congress, when malaise or scandal arrives--he won't necessarily have the ability to go to the public and dig himself out. He'll be through, over.
Anti-violence group says Hull should drop out of Senate race (FRANK MAIN AND DAVE MCKINNEY, March 2, 2004, Chicago Sun-Times)
M. Blair Hull should withdraw from the Democratic Senate race because of allegations that he verbally and physically abused his wife in 1998, a statewide anti-violence group said Monday."You can't abuse women with one hand and ask for their vote with the other," said Polly Poskin, executive director of the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
The allegations against Hull were made public last week after he and former wife Brenda Sexton asked a judge to unseal their divorce file.
Hull continued Monday to dodge questions about whether he struck or threatened Sexton, saying he does not want to "re-litigate" his divorce.
To substitute a condom for virtue is to perpetuate the practice of depersonalizing sex: Human sexuality and the need for virtue (Donald DeMarco, June 1996, Homelitic)
In 1930, the Spanish existentialist, José Ortega y Gasset, wrote a rather provocative book called The Revolt of the Masses (La Rebelión de las Masas) in which he distinguished two classes of men: "those who made great demands on themselves, piling up difficulties and duties; and those who demand nothing special of themselves, but for whom to live is to be every moment what they already are, without imposing on themselves any effort towards perfection; mere buoys that float on the waves." The great danger Ortega alluded to at this time was the emergence and domination in society of this latter type, mass-man, who was producing a grotesque inversion of the social order through what Ortega termed the "sovereignty of the unqualified." The masses, according to Ortega, were beginning to usurp the leadership of better qualified, more responsible individuals. As a result of this refusal to improve himself as a human being, mass-man was becoming more and more alienated from his better self. "Lord of all things," Ortega wrote, "he is not lord of himself.... Hence the strange combination of a sense of power and a sense of insecurity which has taken up its abode in the soul of modern man."The distinction Ortega makes between the two classes of men ultimately plays itself out on the social stage as a clash between two antithetic tendencies-civilization and barbarism. On the one hand, civilization affirms individual life, noble standards, justice, and reason, while barbarism, on the other hand, in Ortega's words, "crushes beneath it everything that is excellent, individual, qualified, and select."
Sixty-five years later, in 1995, Pope John Paul II produced The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) which, in effect, corroborated the main outline of Ortega's thesis. The Holy Father distinguished between a culture of death and a culture of life. He criticized the widespread and exclusive preoccupation with man's material well-being to the neglect of the more profound dimensions of human existence-the interpersonal, spiritual, and religious. He pointed out that in this context of "practical materialism," suffering, which is not only an inescapable burden of human existence but also a factor in personal growth, is "censored," deemed useless, and regarded, even, as an evil that must always and in every way be avoided. For both Ortega and John Paul, mass-man was producing a culture of death largely because he rejected difficulty and suffering as indispensable factors in the equation of human, and consequently, cultural improvement.
The Pope also pointed out that in the present highly restricted atmosphere of materialism and consumerism, sexuality, too, has become depersonalized and exploited, "from being the sign, place and language of love, that is, of the gift of self and acceptance of another, in all the other's richness as a person, it increasingly becomes the occasion and instrument for self-assertion and the selfish satisfaction of personal desires and instincts."
Moving toward annihilation
In the sixty-five years that separated The Revolt of the Masses from The Gospel of Life, innumerable social critics have written about the rise of mass-man and its accompanying culture of death. Psychoanalytic humanist Erich Fromm has written extensively on the subject, reiterating that "there is no life of 'the masses.'" Perhaps no one has expressed modern man's proclivities to cultural annihilation more strikingly and imaginatively than American literary critic Leslie Fiedler: "... it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that Western man has decided to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brings the walls of his own city tumbling down. Having convinced himself that he is too numerous, he labors with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer, thereby delivering himself the sooner into the hands of his enemies. At last, having educated himself into imbecility and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keels over, a weary, battered old brontosaurus, and becomes extinct."
In order to conform to the masses, mass-man has had to reject his unique, personal destiny. At the same time, he has had to reject those specific character traits which would have enabled him to achieve that destiny. In other words, mass-man has rejected the moral virtue needed in order to make the transformation from an undifferentiated member of mass culture to an authentic and unique person. Nowhere is this rejection more evident than in the area of human sexuality. Chastity, the virtue that binds sexuality to reason and order, is routinely dismissed as either unrealistic, impractical, or unnatural. As Anatole France has remarked, "Of all sexual aberrations, chastity is the strangest."
What does a conservative beat mean for The New York Times? (Terry Eastland, March 2, 2004, Jewish World Review)
For more than a month, one of our national papers of record, The New York Times, has been examining "conservative forces in religion, politics, law, business and the media." No, that isn't made up. The quoted material comes from Times national editor Jim Roberts, announcing last month that David D. Kirkpatrick, the former media correspondent, would patrol the new beat.As with any press release, it deserves a question or two, beginning with why The Times thinks it can cover all of those conservative forces with only one reporter. The task would seem to require a legion of correspondents, but somehow, with just one, The Times will manage.
The "job," Mr. Roberts said, "will take [Mr. Kirkpatrick] across the country and make him a frequent presence in Washington." It will thrust him into "the political campaigns," and yet "we expect that much of what he does will transcend the race itself and delve into the issues and personalities that drive - and sometimes divide - conservatives."
In fact, division turns out to be the dominant narrative of the journalism so far. Consider the headlines of the first three stories: "Bush's push for marriage falls short for conservatives," "Conservative groups differ on Bush words on marriage," and "A concerned bloc of Republicans wonders whether Bush is conservative enough."
Prominent evangelical Christians in Washington have been warning the Bush administration for months that conservative Christians may not have enough motivation to vote this November if the president failed to vigorously support their effort to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage.But down in the pews of Western Michigan, a major center of evangelical Protestantism, not everyone is sure that the proposed amendment matters so much.
New Purim party music! (Paul Wieder, 3/02/04, Jewish World Review)
The main theme of Purim, says the Megillah, is "v'nahapachu," or "turnabout." And the main activity of Purim is… making noise! So what better time to explore some of the new Jewish music that is turning the (turn)tables and standing music's Hamans on their triangular ears:The Rabbinical School Dropouts ear-popping CD, Cosmic Tree. The standout track is its irrepressible opener, "Dung Gate." The Arabic-tinged big-band sound is made by, well, a big band: 10 musicians on 18 instruments, ranging from a trombone to a tabla to a toy piano. Fun is the objective, as evidenced by the titles themselves: the swinging-in-the-shuk "Mosquito from Megiddo," the lounge jazz of "Nuclear Jet Set," and spacey tango "Warp to Level Three." [...]
Purim is a time when, as a great Jewish poet has said, "The first one now/ Will later be last… For the loser now/ Will be later to win." It is a day of masks, surprise endings and turnabout. So this Purim, surprise yourself and your guests with some of the endless supply of innovative Jewish music. You just may end up enjoying the whole megillah.
Canada admits:
We're terror haven: 22-page intelligence report says 'most notorious' groups still flock to nation (March 2, 2004,
The world's "most notorious" terrorist groups continue to operate in Canada, says a classified intelligence report written two years after Parliament gave police new powers and money to dismantle the country's deadly terror networks, reports the National Post.In a 22-page assessment of the security threats facing the nation, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service said international terrorists are still using the country as a base for waging worldwide political and religious violence.
"Terrorism of foreign origin continues to be a major concern in regard to the safety of Canadians at home and abroad," says the Oct. 10, 2003, report, titled "Threats to Canada's National Security." "Canada is viewed by some terrorist groups as a place to try to seek refuge, raise funds, procure materials and/or conduct other support activities. ... Virtually all of the most notorious international terrorist organizations are known to maintain a network presence in Canada."
SELECT ALL: Can you have too many choices? (CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL, 2004-02-23, The New Yorker)
A radio producer in Washington, D.C., got a promotion a few years ago on the grounds that he was a “good decision-maker.” Self-deprecating to a fault, he reminded his bosses that many of the decisions he’d made since joining the station hadn’t exactly worked out. They didn’t care. “Being a good decision-maker means you’re good at making decisions,” one executive cheerily told him. “It doesn’t mean you make good decisions.”This boss figured that the station had less to fear from periodic screwups than from the day-in, day-out paralysis of someone too cowed by choice to choose at all. He had a point. A few decades of research has made it clear that most people are terrible choosers—they don’t know what they want, and the prospect of deciding often causes not just jitters but something like anguish. The evidence is all around us, from restaurant-goers’ complaints that “the menu is too long” to Michael Jackson’s face. [...]
Researchers of cognitive dissonance in the nineteen-fifties found that consumers would continue to read ads for a new car after they’d bought it but would avoid information about other brands, fearing post-purchase misgivings. And in the early eighties the social thinker Albert O. Hirschman, in Shifting Involvements, sought to introduce the concept of “disappointment” into mainstream economic theory. “The world I am trying to understand,”he wrote (and the desperate italics are in the original), “is one in which men think they want one thing and then upon getting it, find out to their dismay that they don’t want it nearly as much as they thought or don’t want it at all and that something else, of which they were hardly aware, is what they really want.”
Mischoosing of this kind is what Barry Schwartz, a social scientist at Swarthmore, has in mind in his new book, The Paradox of Choice. In his view, “unlimited choice” can “produce genuine suffering.” Schwartz makes his case mostly through research in psychology and behavioral economics—research that shows how far real people are from the perfectly rational “utility maximizers” posited by classical economists. [...]
Given that we’re so bad at choosing what will make us happy, we seem to be faced with two options: mending the way we choose, or limiting our choices. Schwartz, in an effort to help us mend our ways, applies to individual shoppers Simon’s distinction between maximizing and satisficing. A maximizer is someone who “can’t be certain that she has found the best sweater unless she’s looked at all the sweaters,” Schwartz writes. “She can’t know that she is getting the best price until she’s checked out all the prices.” Instead, he says, one should become a satisficer, “content with the merely excellent as opposed to the absolute best.” It’s not obvious that you can simply decide to convert from maximizing to satisficing. But Schwartz, though he distrusts American abundance, has a deeply American faith in our ability to refashion ourselves.
What about the other approach—trying to choose less? In some measure, we all do this, using a strategy that the Columbia social theorist Jon Elster calls “self-binding.” Like Ulysses lashing himself to the mast of his ship in order to prevent himself from succumbing to the Sirens’ song, people make the choice of limiting their choices. [...]
All the abstract arguments against choice become harder to make when they are translated into concrete terms. When Schwartz notes that young Americans are unduly troubled by their choice of career, because they are “remarkably unconstrained by what their parents did before them,” he sounds kindhearted and sincerely concerned. But he also sounds a bit like an English nob defending the class system while he sits in a leather armchair in Boodle’s in about 1926. And if Schwartz’s book is really about the anguish of choice in general—and not merely about choice as a facet of shopping—there is no reason for any such argument to stop before it reaches, say, “a woman’s right to choose.”
It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
-Alfred North Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics
The perils of living in a consumer paradise: With so many things to choose from, why aren't Americans happier than ever? (Jonathon Keats, 1/06/04, CS Monitor)
Time is only one of many hidden costs of abundance to our society, according to Swarthmore social psychologist Barry Schwartz in his intermittently brilliant sixth book, "The Paradox of Choice.""As a culture, we are enamored of freedom, self-determination, and variety, and we are reluctant to give up any of our options," he writes with characteristic directness. "But clinging tenaciously to all the choices available to us contributes to bad decisions, to anxiety, stress, and dissatisfaction - even to clinical depression."
Were life limited to shopping for chocolate chip cookies and Cheerios, such a claim might seem exaggerated, if not absurd. But, as Schwartz ably documents, we enter an equivalent supermarket of options when deciding where we want to live, for whom we want to work, and even how we want to look. While few have complete autonomy, a combination of technological efficiency and laissez-faire morality have opened more choices to more Americans than ever before.
The report that more Americans are also more unhappy than ever before might simply be a perverse coincidence. We may even question the statistics: As the social stigma associated with depression decreases, people may be more open about their listlessness. They may even feel encouraged to consider themselves depressed as the subject receives so much attention in the media.
Yet, the case Schwartz makes for a correlation between our emotional state and what he calls the "tyranny of choice" is compelling, the implications disturbing. From unmet expectations to regret over the road not taken, the perils of living in a multiple-choice society rival in number the variety of snacks in the largest grocery store.
Driving this malaise is the problem that "everything suffers from comparison." Schwartz describes a simple experiment in which people are asked whether they'd rather be given $100 outright, or gamble on winning $200 at the toss of a coin. That the vast majority would prefer the $100 may seem strange at first: A 50 percent chance of earning $200 is mathematically equivalent to a 100 percent chance of earning $100. Half the people asked ought to opt for the coin toss. However, the alternatives are not psychologically equivalent: Getting twice the money is not twice as pleasurable. The distance between zero and 100 is subjectively greater than the distance between 100 and 200.
Economists capture this phenomenon in the law of diminishing marginal utility (and provide us the formulae to calculate that, psychologically, we'd need winnings of $240 to be equally tempted by the coin toss). How, though, does this asymmetry relate to real-life choices? If losses subjectively weigh more heavily than gains, the advantages of any chocolate chip cookie or career path we select will count for less than those of the options we pass up.
"Ultimately, the quality of choices that matters to people is the subjective experience that the choices afford," Schwartz points out. "And if, beyond a certain point, adding options diminishes our subjective experience, we are worse off for it."
Daniel Boorstin Dies at 89: Historian Led Museum and Library of Congress (Bart Barnes, February 29, 2004, Washington Post)
Boorstin was born in Atlanta and grew up in Tulsa. He entered Harvard University at the age of 15, and he wrote his senior honors thesis there on Edward Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Gibbon, he would say later, became a model for his work as a writer of history.He attended Oxford University's Balliol College as a Rhodes scholar, then returned to the United States, where he received a doctorate in law at Yale Law School. He was teaching at Harvard Law School in 1940 when he met his future wife, Ruth Frankel, who was the sister of a legal assistant working for him.
They met on Christmas. "When he came through the door, I knew this was it. This was the man I was going to marry," she said yesterday. They were married in April 1941, and she would become one of his primary editors over the course of his career.
"Without her, I think my works would have been twice as long and half as readable," Boorstin was quoted as saying in the introduction to "The Daniel J. Boorstin Reader" in 1995.
"He was a joy to edit, and he welcomed it," Ruth Boorstin said. "He welcomed suggestions, and he followed them."
For a period in the 1930s, Boorstin was a member of the Communist Party. This was an act of youthful folly, he told members of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1953, and he gave them the names of fellow party members. [...]
He became librarian of Congress in 1975 over the opposition of the Congressional Black Caucus, which opposed his stands against affirmative action and attacks on student radicals during the 1960s. As librarian, he directed a $200 million-a-year operation and a staff of 5,800 in three buildings that held 20 million books and millions more maps, motion pictures, photographs, prints, recordings, videocassettes, presidential papers and such treasures as rare manuscripts and a Stradivarius violin.
He wanted to make the library a "serious but not solemn place," and he ordered the installation of picnic tables around a plaza and instituted midday concerts. Over some objections, he ordered the bronze doors of the Jefferson Building opened, declaring, "They said it would make a draft, and I say that's just what we needed." [...]
During his years at the library, Boorstin habitually rose at 4:30 or 5 a.m., went downstairs to his study and wrote on a manual typewriter for two or three hours before breakfast, then went off to work. He continued to write in retirement, including "The Seekers," which was published in 1998. That was the third volume in his world history trilogy, the other two being "The Discoverers," in 1983, and "The Creators," in 1992.
U.S. Readies Push for Mideast Democracy Plan (Robin Wright, February 28, 2004, Washington Post)
The United States will launch a diplomatic drive next week to win support for its new democracy initiative in the Arab world, officials said yesterday, sending a senior diplomat on a regionwide tour to convince regimes that have expressed skepticism of the emerging U.S. campaign.The Bush administration's Greater Middle East Initiative, the most ambitious U.S. democracy effort since the end of the Cold War, encompasses a wide range of diplomatic, cultural and economic measures, according to a draft of the plan. [...]
An eight-page draft of the plan -- a version of which was first published on the Web site of the London newspaper Al Hayat -- calls for the G-8 to forge a long-term partnership with the region's "reform leaders" to launch a "coordinated response" to promote democratic change. It outlines a wide range of actions the West would foster.
On elections, the working draft calls for assistance in civic education, the creation of independent election commissions, and voter registration, particularly of women. To press judicial reforms, the West could create or fund legal defense centers to provide advice on civil, criminal or Islamic law and access to defense lawyers.
To generate new independent interest groups, the United States and its European allies could increase funding of democracy, human rights, media, women's and other groups, as well as train groups in defining agendas, lobbying governments and developing strategies.
On education, the goal should be to complement the U.N. program aimed at cutting the illiteracy rate in half by 2010, the report said, with special emphasis on providing computer technology to schools and on teacher-training institutes to target women. The goal would be to train a "literacy corps" of about 100,000 female teachers by 2008.
The preliminary draft also lays out wide-ranging economic goals, including G-8 funding for a Greater Middle East Finance Corp., modeled on the International Finance Corp., to foster new medium-size and large businesses. It also suggests that providing $500 million in micro-loans -- of about $400 each -- would spur 1.2 million small entrepreneurs out of poverty.
"Closing the Greater Middle East region's prosperity gap will require an economic transformation similar in magnitude to that undertaken by the formerly communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe," the draft says.
A Revival for Iraq's Oil Industry as Output Nears Prewar Levels (NEELA BANERJEE, Feb. 29, 2003, NY Times)
Iraq's oil industry has undergone a remarkable turnaround and is now producing and exporting almost as much crude oil as it did before the war, according to officials with the American-led occupation and the Iraqi oil ministry.A month before the April 1 deadline set by Iraq and American officials for restoring the industry to prewar levels, the country is producing 2.3 million to 2.5 million barrels a day, compared with 2.8 million barrels a day before the war. [...]
In the north, exports have been stymied by attacks on the pipeline leading to an export terminal in Turkey. But the Northern Oil Company recently tested the pipeline and shipped a few million barrels of oil to Turkey.
Attacks on the pipeline dropped to 8 in January and February from 47 in the last three months of 2003, according to coalition officials — a sign, they said, of the success of a new Iraqi oil police trained under an American contract. [...]
What American experts discovered on arriving here was an industry frozen in the 1960's. An American oil expert said that one measure of the inefficiencies that must be addressed is the performance of Iraqi refineries. They can only convert about 50 percent of the crude oil they process into marketable fuel and lubricants; refineries in the United States convert 75 percent to 80 percent.
American officials said it would take five years at a minimum for the industry to reach a reasonable level of efficiency and 10 to 15 years for Iraq to have a modern industry, at a cost that could reach $30 billion.
REVIEW: of Men at Arms by Evelyn Waugh (Penelope Lively, The Atlantic Monthly)
This use of social comedy to make succinct points about morality or about a particular climate of opinion gives Waugh's writing its edge. When Waugh served up a character like Ritchie-Hook, who has the mental outlook of an aggressive schoolboy, a penchant for practical jokes, and a single-minded devotion to violence ("I'd like to hear less about denying things to the enemy and more about biffing him"), he was also pointing up the way in which the artificial community that is an army allows such exaggerated figures to break cover.The concept of honor is not labored but subtly wound into the apposition of characters and conduct. The sword in question is the Sword of Stalingrad, made by order of King George VI as a gift to "the steel-hearted people of Stalingrad" and solemnly displayed in Westminster Abbey in 1943; but Waugh, of course, presented this public celebration of "the triumphs of 'Joe' Stalin" with cynicism. For his purposes honor resided in moral integrity and was epitomized by Guy's elderly father, a deeply committed Catholic whose quiet decency serves as a foil to the self-serving opportunism displayed by others. The scheming of two hotel proprietors, a couple seizing on the money-making possibilities offered by the wartime shortage of accommodations, is contrasted with Mr. Crouchback's self-denial and generosity: "Somehow his mind seems to work different than yours and mine," the husband remarks, oblivious to the irony.
Mr. Crouchback's conservatism is the old-fashioned ethic of noblesse oblige. Guy's brother-in-law, Arthur Box Bender, symbolizes the new Tory: he is unlikely to oblige anyone unless it serves a useful purpose or is politically expedient. The subject of politics is not addressed, per se, in the trilogy, but the political changes of the day inform Waugh's story. Waugh wrote these novels after the Labour election victory of 1945. It was perhaps because the votes of ex-servicemen were instrumental in sweeping Labour into power that he focused on the socially upending nature of the army. To Waugh's jaundiced eye, a legion of Trimmers was on the move in postwar Britain. The opening up of British society -- by way of educational opportunity, above all -- meant that a cast-iron system of privilege was now dismayingly porous. Anyone could become anything, and soon would.
The practical effects of socialism, and the horrors thereof, were a favored middle-class topic of discussion in the late 1940s. I was growing up then, and as a child of the times, Iwondered why everyone behaved as though having to wash our own dishes were equivalent to a sentence of penal servitude. But Waugh's disgruntled perception of postwar Britain went beyond outrage at domestic inconvenience. The welfare state and equality of opportunity seem to have represented for Waugh the death blow to all that he considered sacred: the certainties of hierarchy, the entrenchment of certain standards. Waugh's was a perverse vision, and to anyone of liberal tendencies -- indeed, to any democratically minded person -- distinctly off-putting, but his genius lay in making this vision beguiling.
Fifty years ago British society was polarized in a way that is hard to conceive of now: there were two nations, in terms of how people lived and of how they perceived one another. Waugh evoked that vanishing world and nailed its assumptions, its prejudices, its mysterious fault lines, with everything that his characters say and do.
Russia invaded Poland. Guy found no sympathy among these old soldiers for his own hot indignation.'My dear fellow, we've quite enough on our hands as it is. We can't go to war with the whole world.'
'Then why go to war at all? If all we want is prosperity, the hardest bargain Hitler made would be preferable to victory. If we are concerned with justice the Russians are as guilty as the Germans.'
'Justice?' said the old soldiers. 'Justice?'
'Besides,' said Box-Bender when Guy spoke to him of the matter which seemed in no one's mind but his, 'the country would never stand for it. The socialists have been crying blue murder against the Nazis for five years but they are still pacifists at heart. So far as they have any feeling of patriotism it's for Russia. You'd have a general strike and the whole country in collapse if you set up to be just.'
'Then what are we fighting for?'
'Oh we had to do that, you know. The socialists always thought we were pro-Hitler. God knows why. It was quite a job keeping neutral over Spain. [...] It was quite ticklish, I assure you. If we sat tight now there'd be chaos. What we have to do now is to limit and localize the war, not extend it.'
Laughter's Perennial at the Doctor's Seussentennial (DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, 3/02/04, NY Times)
To make money during the Depression, [Theodore] Geisel signed on as the advertising cartoonist for Standard Oil of New Jersey and other companies. His moment of creative epiphany came in 1936 when crossing the Atlantic aboard the Kungsholm. Annoyed by the ship's engine's anapestic rhythm, he decided to embrace it, using its incessant beat to help him compose his first children's book, "And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street" (1937).Although this tall tale of a boy named Marco was rejected by 27 publishers, it was eventually bought by Vanguard Press, a division of Houghton Mifflin. Beatrix Potter, the creator of Peter Rabbit, praised it as near-perfect art. Geisel, using the pseudonym Dr. Seuss — his mother's maiden name — was on his way to becoming America's most popular children's book author.
Today Dr. Seuss's 44 books have been translated into 21 languages, selling more than 500 million copies. "We're even in Braille," Ms. Geisel said from her home here, an old observation tower overlooking the Pacific, where her husband did his illustrations. A private man, during his lifetime Geisel never sold his art; he was a pack rat who hoarded everything. "No house could hold all of Ted's stuff," Ms. Geisel said. "So I'm happy it's all found the perfect home."
The home she is referring to is the postmodern Geisel Library at the university, where the Dr. Seuss Collection is now open to scholars. There are more than 8,000 archived items on file, including a 1921 program from a minstrel show written by a precocious 17-year-old Geisel, "Chicopee Surprised," and the original sketches of "The Cat in the Hat."
Anyone interested in the evolution of Geisel's art can study his notebooks, begun while an Oxford student. During World War II he served in the United States Army Signal Corps and Information and Educational Division, under Frank Capra; his hundreds of propaganda cartoons from that period are still riveting to see. "What has me most excited is that the Seussean papers are right next to those of Jonas Salk" in the Geisel library archives, Ms. Geisel said with a laugh. "Unlike Salk's papers, the Seussean files are all out of order. The archivists are perplexed why things keep jumping out of place. It makes perfect sense to me."
Ms. Geisel, a former nurse who today oversees Dr. Seuss Enterprises, is quick to point out that if you cannot make it to La Jolla — or Springfield for that matter, where the museum is currently exhibiting "The Art of Dr. Seuss" — you can follow the centennial happenings on the Seussville Web site (, maintained by his publisher, Random House, and which receives some 100,000 hits daily.
Why we love Dr. Seuss (in a few words) (Maria Puente, Craig Wilson and Mary Cadden, 3/01/04, USA TODAY)
Lobbing a Grenade at Women's Magazines (DAVID CARR, 3/02/04, NY Times)
When Myrna Blyth, the former editor of Ladies' Home Journal and the author of a new book excoriating women's magazines, walks through Michael's restaurant in Midtown Manhattan, all eyes in that gathering spot for the media elite seem to follow her. She appears not to notice, but when she takes a seat, she sits with her back against a wall.Not to worry. In the air-kissing environs of Michael's and the magazine world, no one would be so bold as to confront Ms. Blyth about her new book, Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America. But after her decision to throw a grenade over her shoulder upon leaving an industry she was very much a part of for more than three decades, many in her former cohort see her as traitorous and self-interested.
In the book Ms. Blyth indicts a whole category of magazines as politically tendentious and editorially alarmist. "Deep down, most of our Spin Sisters are just good old-fashioned left-wingers, wired for a liberal response to every issue," she writes. Ms. Blyth suggests that this reflexively liberal bent stems from the conceit that women are victims. "Do we spend our days worrying whether antiperspirants cause breast cancer or wondering if a long airline ride will cause a fatal blood clot?" she writes. "Or are we just observing today's favorite media technique to paint women's lives to women audiences as a picture of accumulated woes?" [...]
Ms. Blyth, 64, was editor of Ladies' Home Journal for more than two decades, arriving in 1981 from Family Circle to turn around a foundering magazine. In 1998 she helped conceive More, a magazine for women over 40, one of the most successful new magazines in recent years. She retired last July from the Meredith Corporation, which also publishes Better Homes and Gardens and other women's magazines.
Ms. Blyth said she had written "Spin Sisters" both as a corrective and a penance. "I was a Spin Sister," she said during a recent lunch. "I used the female fear factor to sell magazines."
San Francisco and Islamists: Fighting the same enemy (Dennis Prager, March 2, 2004, Townhall)
America is engaged in two wars for the survival of its civilization. The war over same-sex marriage and the war against Islamic totalitarianism are actually two fronts in the same war -- a war for the preservation of the unique American creation known as Judeo-Christian civilization.One enemy is religious extremism. The other is secular extremism.
One enemy is led from abroad. The other is directed from home. [...]
America leads the battle against both religious and secular nihilism and is hated by both because it rejects both equally. American values preclude embracing either religious extremism or radical secularism. As Alexis de Tocqueville, probably the greatest observer of our society, wrote almost 200 years ago, America is a unique combination of secular government and religious (Judeo-Christian) society.
Not only has this combination been unique, it has been uniquely successful. America, therefore, poses as mortal a threat to radical secularism as it does to Islamic totalitarianism. Each understands that America's success means its demise. [...]
This civilization is now fighting for its life -- as much here as abroad. Join the fight, or it will be gone as fast as you can say "Democrat."
Israel Gets a Taste of Friedman: Bibi is leading a charge for tax cuts, deregulation and economic liberty. (KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL, March 1, 2004, Wall Street Journal)
Addressing foreign journalists in a Knesset conference room last fall, Ehud Rassabi began his talk with the following statement: "I am a fan of Milton Friedman." As the parliamentarian went on to detail his plans to cut Israel's public sector, slash taxes, draw down entitlements and privatize state assets, several reporters looked around in confusion, wondering if they were still in the land of the kibbutz.But it definitely was Israel, and even as the world has focused more attention on the Palestinian issue, it has overlooked a significant story. The land once labeled the "last remaining socialist state in Eastern Europe," has seen its governing coalition embark on what could be the most important economic reform in the country's history. The impetus for change has come via a popular mandate that helped propel reformers like Mr. Rassabi to the Knesset in the last elections. The will to see it through comes via Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, the firebrand former prime minister who surprised everyone a year ago in agreeing to become finance minister. The next few months will decide whether he and his fellow free-marketers have the political wherewithal to succeed.
A Form of Infidelity of the Day: Its Sentiments (Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman)
I look out, then, into the enemy's camp, and I try to trace the outlines of the hostile movements and the preparations for assault which are there in agitation against us. The arming and the manœuvring, the earth-works and the mines, go on incessantly; and one cannot of course tell, without the gift of prophecy, which of his projects will be carried into effect and attain its purpose, and which will eventually fail or be abandoned. Threatening demonstrations may come to nothing; and those who are to be our most formidable foes, may before the attack elude our observation. All these uncertainties, we know, are the lot of the soldier in the field: and they are parallel to those which befall the warriors of the Temple. Fully feeling the force of such considerations, and under their correction, nevertheless I make my anticipations according to the signs of the times; and such must be my proviso, when I proceed to describe some characteristics of one particular form of infidelity, which is coming into existence and activity over against us, in the intellectual citadels of England.It must not be supposed that I attribute, what I am going to speak of as a form of infidelity of the day, to any given individual or individuals; nor is it necessary to my purpose to suppose that any one man as yet consciously holds, or sees the drift, of that portion of the theory to which he has given assent. I am to describe a set of opinions which may be considered as the true explanation of many floating views, and the converging point of a multitude of separate and independent minds; and, as of old Arius or Nestorius not only was spoken of in his own person, but was viewed as the abstract and typical teacher of the heresy which he introduced, and thus his name denoted a heretic more complete and explicit, even though not more formal, than the heresiarch himself, so here too, in like manner, I may be describing a school of thought in its fully developed proportions, which at present every one, to whom membership with it is imputed, will at once begin to disown, and I may be pointing to teachers whom no one will be able to descry. Still, it is not less true that I may be speaking of tendencies and elements which exist; and he may come in person at last, who comes at first to us merely in his spirit and in his power.
The teacher, then, whom I speak of, will discourse thus in his secret heart:—He will begin, as many so far have done before him, by laying it down as if a position which approves itself to the reason, immediately that it is fairly examined, which is of so axiomatic a character as to have a claim to be treated as a first principle, and is firm and steady enough to bear a large superstructure upon it,—that Religion is not the subject-matter of a science. "You may have opinions in religion, you may have theories, you may have arguments, you may have probabilities; you may have anything but demonstration, and therefore you cannot have science. In mechanics you advance from sure premisses to sure conclusions; in optics you form your undeniable facts into system, arrive at general principles, and then again infallibly apply them: here you have Science. On the other hand, there is at present no real science of the weather, because you cannot get hold of facts and truths on which it depends; there is no science of the coming and going of epidemics; no science of the breaking out and the cessation of wars; no science of popular likings and dislikings, or of the fashions. It is not that these subject-matters are themselves incapable of science, but that, under existing circumstances, we are incapable of subjecting them to it. And so, in like manner," says the philosopher in question, "without denying that in the matter of religion some things are true and some things false, still we certainly are not in a position to determine the one or the other. And, as it would be absurd to dogmatize about the weather, and say that 1860 will be a wet season or a dry season, a time of peace or war, so it is absurd for men in our present state to teach anything positively about the next world, that there is a heaven, or a hell, or a last judgment, or that the soul is immortal, or that there is a God. It is not that you have not a right to your own opinion, as you have a right to place implicit trust in your own banker, or in your own physician; but undeniably such persuasions are not knowledge, they are not scientific, they cannot become public property, they are consistent with your allowing your friend to entertain the opposite opinion; and, if you are tempted to be violent in the defence of your own view of the case in this matter of religion, then it is well to lay seriously to heart whether sensitiveness on the subject of your banker or your doctor, when he is handled sceptically by another, would not be taken to argue a secret misgiving in your mind about him, in spite of your confident profession, an absence of clear, unruffled certainty in his honesty or in his skill."
Such is our philosopher's primary position. He does not prove it; he does but distinctly state it; but he thinks it self-evident when it is distinctly stated. And there he leaves it.
Taking his primary position henceforth for granted, he will proceed as follows:—"Well, then, if Religion is just one of those subjects about which we can know nothing, what can be so absurd as to spend time upon it? what so absurd as to quarrel with others about it? Let us all keep to our own religious opinions respectively, and be content; but so far from it, upon no subject whatever has the intellect of man been fastened so intensely as upon Religion. And the misery is, that, if once we allow it to engage our attention, we are in a circle from which we never shall be able to extricate ourselves. Our mistake reproduces and corroborates itself. A small insect, a wasp or a fly, is unable to make his way through the pane of glass; and his very failure is the occasion of greater violence in his struggle than before. He is as heroically obstinate in his resolution to succeed as the assailant or defender of some critical battlefield; he is unflagging and fierce in an effort which cannot lead to anything beyond itself. When, then, in like manner, you have once resolved that certain religious doctrines shall be indisputably true, and that all men ought to perceive their truth, you have engaged in an undertaking which, though continued on to eternity, will never reach its aim; and, since you are convinced it ought to do so, the more you have failed hitherto, the more violent and pertinacious will be your attempt in time to come. And further still, since you are not the only man in the world who is in this error, but one of ten thousand, all holding the general principle that Religion is scientific, and yet all differing as to the truths and facts and conclusions of this science, it follows that the misery of social disputation and disunion is added to the misery of a hopeless investigation, and life is not only wasted in fruitless speculation, but embittered by bigotted sectarianism.
"Such is the state in which the world has lain," it will be said, "ever since the introduction of Christianity. Christianity has been the bane of true knowledge, for it has turned the intellect away from what it can know, and occupied it in what it cannot. Differences of opinion crop up and multiply themselves, in proportion to the difficulty of deciding them; and the unfruitfulness of Theology has been, in matter of fact, the very reason, not for seeking better food, but for feeding on nothing else. Truth has been sought in the wrong direction, and the attainable has been put aside for the visionary."
Now, there is no call on me here to refute these arguments, but merely to state them. I need not refute what has not yet been proved. It is sufficient for me to repeat what I have already said, that they are founded upon a mere assumption. Supposing, indeed, religious truth cannot be ascertained, then, of course, it is not only idle, but mischievous, to attempt to do so; then, of course, argument does but increase the mistake of attempting it. But surely both Catholics and Protestants have written solid defences of Revelation, of Christianity, and of dogma, as such, and these are not simply to be put aside without saying why. It has not yet been shown by our philosophers to be self-evident that religious truth is really incapable of attainment; on the other hand, it has at least been powerfully argued by a number of profound minds that it can be attained; and the onus probandi plainly lies with those who are introducing into the world what the whole world feels to be a paradox.
However, where men really are persuaded of all this, however unreasonable, what will follow? A feeling, not merely of contempt, but of absolute hatred, towards the Catholic theologian and the dogmatic teacher. The patriot abhors and loathes the partizans who have degraded and injured his country; and the citizen of the world, the advocate of the human race, feels bitter indignation at those whom he holds to have been its misleaders and tyrants for two thousand years. "The world has lost two thousand years. It is pretty much where it was in the days of Augustus. This is what has come of priests." There are those who are actuated by a benevolent liberalism, and condescend to say that Catholics are not worse than other maintainers of dogmatic theology. There are those, again, who are good enough to grant that the Catholic Church fostered knowledge and science up to the days of Galileo, and that she has only retrograded for the last several centuries. But the new teacher, whom I am contemplating in the light of that nebula out of which he will be concentrated, echoes the words of the early persecutor of Christians, that they are the "enemies of the human race." "But for Athanasius, but for Augustine, but for Aquinas, the world would have had its Bacons and its Newtons, its Lavoisiers, its Cuviers, its Watts, and its Adam Smiths, centuries upon centuries ago. And now, when at length the true philosophy has struggled into existence, and is making its way, what is left for its champion but to make an eager desperate attack upon Christian theology, the scabbard flung away, and no quarter given? and what will be the issue but the triumph of the stronger,—the overthrow of an old error and an odious tyranny, and a reign of the beautiful Truth?" Thus he thinks, and he sits dreaming over the inspiring thought, and longs for that approaching, that inevitable day.
There let us leave him for the present, dreaming and longing in his impotent hatred of a Power which Julian and Frederic, Shaftesbury and Voltaire, and a thousand other great sovereigns and subtle thinkers, have assailed in vain.
Serious Times, Serious Choice (David S. Broder, February 29, 2004, Washington Post)
Two factors have merged to make this election consequential -- much more so than most second-term decisions usually entail. One is the emergence of genuinely new forces in the world and at home, demanding tough policy decisions. The other is the way Bush has responded -- or failed to respond -- to these changes.The threat of terrorism, rooted in radical Islamic movements, challenges the entire structure of international relations and the stability of the worldwide balance of power. At the same time, the rapid spread of advanced technology into previously backward countries -- notably China and India -- has accelerated the pace of globalization and upset the economic stability of the industrial world.
Confronted with these unprecedented challenges, Bush has chosen a path of boldness and risk in one instance and of great caution -- almost inaction -- in the other. He has been as innovative in dealing with the security threat as he has been passive on the economic front. And in both areas, the Democrats are prepared to question his policy and leadership.
On the military-diplomatic front, Bush has declared a policy of preemptive action against any movement or government that he judges a threat to America. He has asserted -- and in Iraq has demonstrated -- a willingness to go it alone, arguing in his speech that "America must never outsource America's national security decisions to the leaders of other governments."
Although they initially voted to back his policy in Iraq, Kerry and Edwards have denounced its execution and have made it clear they do not accept it as a model for future actions. They want to return the United States to its traditional international status, as a leading figure in NATO and the United Nations, bound to and substantially influenced by other countries.
On the challenges presented by the new international economy, however, Bush's basic response has been to accelerate the liberal trade policies of the previous two decades. He has continued to reduce the main federal revenue resource, the income tax, while trusting that resulting growth will produce the needed jobs and finance what he hopes will be the declining domestic responsibilities of government.
After some initial hesitation, the leading Democrats now are in full cry against this policy. They would roll back some of the tax cuts, stiffen trade policy against foreign competition and greatly expand the federal role in providing health care, education benefits and retirement security.
As regards the economy they want to raise taxes, erect trade barriers, and return to New Deal welfare?
It's like they've combined the worst of Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover and want to give us some horrific combo of 1929 and 1979. This is a serious political platform?
Libya's Disclosures Put Weapons in New Light: Programs for Unconventional Arms Were Ambitious, but Plagued With Problems (Joby Warrick and Peter Slevin, March 2, 2004, Washington Post)
The small desert ranch near Tripoli was described as a turkey farm, but there were no birds in sight when a group of U.S. weapons experts visited six weeks ago. Guided by Libyan officials, the Americans entered a plain metal barn to discover the farm's true purpose: a hiding place for hundreds of chemical bombs.
Inside the barn were stacks upon stacks of wooden boxes, each containing a single torpedo-shaped shell. The olive-green weapons were specially designed to spread deadly mustard gas and nerve agents that were stored separately, said two senior U.S. officials familiar with the surprise disclosure. "The Libyans took us right to them," said one of the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It was not a place where we would have looked."
GOP Plans Votes to Put Democrats On the Spot (Jim VandeHei and Charles Babington, March 2, 2004,
Washington Post)
Republicans plan to use Congress to pull Sen. John F. Kerry and vulnerable Democrats into the cultural wars over gay rights, abortion and guns, envisioning a series of debates and votes that will highlight the candidates' positions on divisive issues, according to congressional aides and GOP officials.The strategy will be on full display today, as Kerry (Mass.) and Sen. John Edwards (N.C.), the leading Democratic presidential candidates, plan to interrupt their Super Tuesday campaigning to fly to Washington for half a dozen votes on gun legislation, including liability protections for gun manufacturers. Both men oppose the liability bill, placing them in their party's majority even though some prominent Democrats -- including Senate Minority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) -- support the bill.
A top Edwards aide said the senator is "not thrilled" to be voting on gun control one week before southern states such as Texas hold their primaries. Kerry, who has missed every Senate vote this year -- plus several key votes last year -- canceled a Florida campaign event tonight to be on hand for the gun votes, several of which are expected to be close.
The Free-Lunch Bunch: The Bush team's secret plan to "reform" Social Security. (Ron Suskind, Feb. 27, 2004, Slate)
During the 2000 campaign, candidate George W. Bush seemed particularly confident about his ability to pay for Social Security reform. Despite independent estimates that creating the kind of "voluntarily" private accounts he envisioned could cost more than $1 trillion, Bush consistently took the position that he could reform Social Security for free, without undermining promises to baby boomers anticipating retirement over the next several decades.Why was Bush so sure of himself? According to documents unearthed yesterday from the trove of 19,000 files given to me by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and a bit of additional probing, candidate Bush and later President Bush believed in the "Lindsey Plan." These documents show us what the president thought about Social Security reform at the only moment over the past three years—the fall of 2001—when he was fully engaged with this issue.
Are our efforts controlling corruption or creating an ethics industry? (Sharon Hayes, 27/2/2004, Online Opinion)
[T]he more one reads the corruption research in Australia, the more it seems to indicate that, far from reducing corruption, current programs are more concerned with encouraging the rapid development of an ethics industry that is fast becoming both self-determining and self-perpetuating. Considerations of efficacy are part of the rhetoric of public-sector ethics but there is little evidence of it in either the academic or government literature.Such charges have already been laid against other governments in recent times. For example, United States legal academics Peter Morgan and Glenn Reynolds in their research into the implementation of ethics in United States government over the past three decades, conclude that such a self-perpetuating “ethics establishment” has already taken hold in the United States, giving rise to a culture of “appearance ethics” that focuses on the simple manipulation of appearances rather than on substantive ethical analyses of current practices. They conclude even further that appearance ethics is pernicious because it “gives the illusion of control and precision” based on ever more constricting rules and regulations that offer simplicity at the expense of substance.
[L]ike some Carmen Electra of the Executive Branch, the [President's Council on Bioethics] seems to be getting more stacked all the time. Here's how the Washington Post summarizes the latest events:
President Bush yesterday dismissed two members of his handpicked Council on Bioethics -- a scientist and a moral philosopher who had been among the more outspoken advocates for research on human embryo cells.In their places he appointed three new members, including a doctor who has called for more religion in public life, a political scientist who has spoken out precisely against the research that the dismissed members supported, and another who has written about the immorality of abortion and the "threats of biotechnology."
One of the dismissed members, Elizabeth Blackburn, is a renowned biologist at the University of California at San Francisco. She said she received a call yesterday morning from someone in the White House personnel office. [...]The other dismissed member, William May, an emeritus professor of ethics at Southern Methodist University, is a highly respected scholar whose views on embryo research and other topics had also run counter to those of conservative council members. Efforts to reach him last night were unsuccessful. [...]
The three new appointees are Benjamin Carson, the high-profile director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University; Diana Schaub, chairman of the department of political science at Loyola College in Maryland; and Peter Lawler, a professor of government at Berry College in Georgia. All are respected members of their fields. And their writings suggest their tenures will be less contentious than their predecessors'.
President Mikheil Saakashvili is facing resistance to his fast-paced attempt at implementing far-reaching political and economic reforms in Georgia. Critics of the president complain that Saakashvili is embracing anti-democratic methods in order to promote democracy.
It's official: even to Steven Hawking, there will always be a little mystery.
(Paul Davies, 1/3/2004, Online Opinion)
The world about us looks so bewilderingly complex, it seems impossible that human beings could ever understand it completely. But dig deeper, and the richness and variety of nature are found to stem from just a handful of underlying mathematical principles. So rapid has been the advance of science in elucidating this hidden subtext of nature that many scientists, especially theoretical physicists, believe we are on the verge of formulating a “theory of everything”.When Stephen Hawking accepted the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University in 1980 he chose as the title of his inaugural lecture “Is the end in sight for theoretical physics?”. What he meant was that physicists could glimpse the outlines of a final theory, in which all the laws of nature would be melded into a single, elegant mathematical scheme, perhaps so simple and compact it could be emblazoned on your T shirt. Now Hawking has done something of a U-turn by claiming in a lecture that we will never be able to grasp in totality how the universe is put together. [...]
Then there is a deeper question of whether a finite mind can ever fully grasp all of reality. By common consent, the most secure branch of human knowledge is mathematics. It rests on rational foundations, and its results flow seamlessly from sequences of precise definitions and logical deductions. Who could doubt that 1 + 1 = 2, for example? But in the 1930s the Austrian philosopher Kurt Gödel stunned mathematicians by proving beyond doubt that the grand and elaborate edifice of mathematics was built on sand. It turns out that mathematical systems rich enough to contain arithmetic are shot through with logical contradictions. Any given mathematical statement (e.g. 11 is a prime number) must either be true or false, right? Wrong! Gödel showed that however elaborate mathematics becomes, there will always exist some statements (not the above ones though) that can never be proved true or false. They are fundamentally undecidable. Hence mathematics will always be incomplete and in a sense uncertain.
Because physical theories are cast in the language of mathematics, they are also subject to the limitations of Gödel’s theorem. Many physicists have remarked over the years that this will preclude a truly complete theory of everything. Now it seems that Stephen Hawking has joined their ranks.
Is Music Sacred? (Robert R. Reilly, September 1999, Crisis)
Music's self-destruction became logically imperative once it undermined its own foundation. In the 1920s, Arnold Schoenberg unleashed the centrifugal forces of disintegration in music through his denial of tonality. He contended that tonality does not exist in Nature as the very property of sound itself, as Pythagoras claimed, but was simply an arbitrary construct of man, a convention. This assertion was not the result of a new scientific discovery about the acoustical character of sound, but of a desire to demote the metaphysical status of Nature. Schoenberg was irritated that “tonality does not serve, [but rather] must be served.” He preferred to command. As he said, “I can provide rules for almost anything.”Schoenberg took the twelve equal semi-tones from the chromatic scale and commanded that music be written in such a way that each of these twelve semi-tones is used before any one of them is repeated. If one of the semi-tones is repeated before all eleven others are sounded, it might create an anchor for the ear, which could then recognize what was going on in the music harmonically. The twelve-tone system guarantees the listener’s disorientation.
Schoenberg proposed to erase the distinction between tonality and atonality by immersing man in atonal music until, through habituation, it became the new convention. Then discords would be heard as concords. As he wrote: “The emancipation of dissonance is at present accomplished and twelve-tone music in the near future will no longer be rejected because of discords.” Of his achievement, Schoenberg said, “I am conscious of having removed all traces of a past aesthetic.” This is nowhere more true than when he declared himself “cured of the delusion that the artist’s aim is to create beauty.” This statement represents a total rupture with Western musical tradition and is terrifying in its implications when one considers what is at stake in beauty. Simone Weil wrote: “We love the beauty of the world because we sense behind it the presence of something akin to that wisdom we should like to possess to slake our thirst for good.” All beauty is reflected beauty. Block out the reflection and not only is the mirror useless, but the path to the source of beauty is barred. Ugliness, the aesthetic analogue to evil, becomes the new norm.
The loss of tonality was also devastating at the practical level of composition because tonality is the key structure of music. Tonality is what allows music to express movement away from or toward a state of tension or relaxation, a sense of motion through a series of crises and conflicts, which can then come to resolution. Without tonality, music loses harmony and melody. Its structural force collapses. Gutting music of tonality, as Schoenberg did, is like removing grapes from wine. You can go through all the motions of making wine without grapes, but there will be no wine at the end of the process. Similarly, if you deliberately and systematically remove all audible overtone relationships from music, you can go though the process of composition, but the end product will not be comprehensible as music. This is not a change in technique; it is the replacement of art by an ideology of organized noise.
Schoenberg’s disciples applauded the emancipation of dissonance, but soon preferred to follow the logic of the centrifugal forces that he had unleashed. Pierre Boulez thought that it was not enough to systematize dissonance in twelve-tone rows. If you have a system, why not systematize everything? He applied the same principle of the tone-row to pitch, duration, tone production, intensity and timber — every element of music. In 1952, Boulez announced: “Every musician who has not felt — we do not say understood but felt — the necessity of the serial language is USELESS.” He also proclaimed, “once the past has been got out of the way, one need think only of oneself.”
Paedophile warned he would attack again (Rosie Cowan, March 2, 2004, The Guardian)
Thomas Titley, 46, admitted subjecting the two seven-year-olds to an appalling catalogue of sexual abuse in a 6ft pit underneath his bedroom floor.Titley lured the boys to his ground floor flat in Walsall, in the West Midlands, with promises of cigarettes and alcohol. He even forced one boy to help him dig the pit, similar to one used by the serial killer character Buffalo Bill in the 1991 horror film Silence of the Lambs to imprison his victims.
On one occasion, Titley terrified the boy by covering the hole with carpet with him inside it. Police discovered the pit when they raided the flat after a tip-off from a neighbour last April.
They found one boy in a dog kennel and the offences against the other boy only came to light in July when he "freaked out" after his mother lifted carpet to redecorate.
Titley was sentenced to life at Wolverhampton crown court yesterday for 15 sample charges of abuse which took place in 2001 and 2002.
But the court also heard Titley had asked to be jailed for as long as possible when he was previously convicted of abusing 14- and 15-year-old boys.
John Evans, Titley's defence counsel, said Titley acknowledged the danger he posed to children when he was first arrested in 1996. He wanted to live in sheltered accommodation on his release in 1999, but spent just 12 months in a probation hostel before he was given a flat in May 2000 in Walsall, where he abused the seven-year-olds.
Mr Evans said this time Titley had made it clear he wanted to be in prison for between 10 years and life.
White House denies Aristide was kidnapped (DEB RIECHMANN, March 1, 2004, Associated Press)
The White House and Pentagon on Monday dismissed allegations that Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was kidnapped by U.S. forces eager for him to resign and flee into exile.
What impact the Stewart trial will have on Wall Street: A guilty verdict would signal that even the mighty will be prosecuted, while an acquittal may discourage certain cases. (Ron Scherer, 3/01/04 The Christian Science Monitor)
guilty finding might send a message that no matter how well you're known, the government will pursue wrongdoing. "This is an enormously significant case for the government given the corporate devastation in the post-Enron era," says D. Lloyd Macdonald, a former federal prosecutor.If the government wins the case, it might also have a spillover effect on the way justice is perceived. Rightly or wrongly, many Americans feel the rich are treated differently. "If the government wins, it will serve as a means of showing the common working person that the government does not treat the upper crust of society with kid gloves," says Chris Bebel, a Houston lawyer who has worked for both the SEC and the Department of Justice. [...]
"I would think the very publicity of the evidence will make people more cautious about overtly covering their tracks," says Mr. Macdonald, a partner at the Boston law firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart. [...]
One surprise in the trial was the decision by Robert Morvillo, Stewart's lawyer, not to put her on the witness stand. Many lawyers felt the jury would need to hear her explanation.
The kindness of strangers?: Diversity makes people anti-social. That is not as catastrophic as it sounds (The Economist, Feb 26th 2004)
The 2000 General Household Survey found that the three most mixed areas (London, the West Midlands and the South East) had the lowest proportion of neighbourly people, while the four most lily-white areas (Scotland, Wales, the North East and the South West) had the highest. But that may be because the most diverse regions are also the most urbanised.There is better evidence for a link between immigration and attitudes to welfare. A recent MORI poll found that half of all people who felt hard done by reckoned that immigrants and ethnic minorities were getting priority over them. Only 8% pointed a finger at single mothers, the former scapegoats of the benefits system. Such sentiments may make people stingy: Canadian researchers have shown that xenophile nations have seen the smallest increases in welfare spending over the past 30 years. If the pattern holds true, Britain will become less like Scandinavia and more like America, with its racial diversity and frayed social safety net.
New questions in UK about war's legality: Reports: Army chiefs concerned, so Attorney General redrafted legal advice. (Tom Regan, 3/01/04,
"Everybody spies on everybody," said Inocencio Arias, Spain's ambassador to the UN. "And when there's a big crisis, big countries spy a lot. If your mission is not bugged, then you're really worth nothing."
In the steps of JQA and FDR (Michael Barone, March 1, 2004, Jewish World Review)
George W. Bush has made as bold a transformation in American foreign policy as John Quincy Adams and Franklin D. Roosevelt did in their times. That is the thesis of Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis's just-published Surprise, Security, and the American Experience.Each leader responded to an attack on American soil with an utterly changed foreign policy, which in the first two cases remained operative for decades. After the British attacked Washington in 1814, Adams as secretary of state built a foreign policy based on pre-emption (against failing colonial powers and adjacent Indians), unilateralism (no foreign alliances), and hegemony (in the Western Hemisphere: the Monroe Doctrine). After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, Roosevelt and his successors built a foreign policy based on multilateralism (others did most of the fighting), legalism (the United Nations), and deterrence (of the Soviet Union).
After the September 11 attacks, Bush responded much as Adams had, with pre-emption (fanatic nonstate enemies can't be deterred), unilateralism (or at least a willingness to go it alone when necessary), and hegemony (worldwide this time). In Gaddis's view, it was a rational response, seriously explained in the 2002 National Security Strategy, though not always carried out flawlessly. [...]Walter Russell Mead of the Council on Foreign Relations has argued that any Democratic president would find himself obliged to follow much the same foreign policy as Bush, despite campaign rhetoric. There may be something to that. And Bush's policy is not as unilateral as Kerry says. The National Security Statement is full of statements about the desirability of acting multilaterally when possible, and, as Bush pointed out in his State of the Union address, we have 34 allies working with us in Iraq.
But Kerry's council speech does show an inclination to tie down the United States. And the perceptions of hostile foreign leaders of an American president's determination do make a difference. Muammar Qadhafi decided to give up his nuclear weapons program lest Bush pursue him to a spider hole in the desert. Would he have made the same decision if John Kerry were about to take the oath of office? Bush's determination to act against threats is not in doubt. Kerry's is.
(Q) Who's he considering for VP?
(A) He hasn't given it any thought yet.
Yeah, right.
(Q) He criticized the Bush policy on Haiti yesterday--what would he have done differently?
(A) Intervened sooner. Backed Aristide because he was an elected leader. Mediated a settlement between Aristide & insurgents.
One would first note that he doesn't even mention Haiti on his website, but, propping up a government against insurgents? Did he learn anything in Vietnam?
(Q) Iraq just adopted a constitution, but he voted against the supplemental, does he support Iraq?
(A) He offered an amendment that would have raised taxes by $87 billion to pay for the supplemental, but couldn't support increasing the deficit.
Tax hikes? We thought he was a disciiple of Michael Dukakis, not Walter Mondale.
(Q) Can he explain his personal opposition to gay marriage?
(A) His personal faith requires that marriage be only between a man and a woman, but he supports all spousal rights for gay couples. Besides, marriage is just a term and it doesn't matter what we call couples.
Then why not call it marriage?
Voters See a More Belligerent Edwards (ADAM NAGOURNEY, 3/01/04, NY Times)
After a frustrating year in which his high-tone campaign won him precisely one Democratic primary, John Edwards took what perhaps was the biggest gamble of his candidacy at the New York debate yesterday. For 60 lively minutes, he strained to highlight differences with John Kerry, growing so exercised that he even sent a mug of soda spilling across the table. [...]To a certain extent, Mr. Edwards has found himself in a box of his own making as Mr. Kerry has rolled up victories week after week. He got where he is today — or at least, where he was when he won South Carolina nearly one month ago — by running a campaign in which he presented himself as the only Democrat in the race who was not attacking his opponents.
While Mr. Edwards was certainly tougher on Mr. Kerry yesterday than he had been before, it was by a matter of inches, rather than yards. And by the time Mr. Edwards escaped New York City and made it up to Albany for an airport rally, it seemed that the old Mr. Edwards was back.
"If you've been watching the presidential campaign one thing you've seen is some Democratic candidates attacking each other," Mr. Edwards said. "If you are looking for the candidate who is good attacking the other candidates, that is not me."
Army chiefs feared Iraq war illegal just days before start (Martin Bright, Antony Barnett and Gaby Hinsliff, The Observer, 29/02/04)
Britain's Army chiefs refused to go to war in Iraq amid fears over its legality just days before the British and American bombing campaign was launched, The Observer can today reveal.The explosive new details about military doubts over the legality of the invasion are detailed in unpublished legal documents in the case of Katharine Gun, the intelligence officer dramatically freed last week after Lord Goldsmith, the Attorney-General, dropped charges against her of breaking the Official Secrets Act.
The disclosure came as it also emerged that Goldsmith was forced hastily to redraft his legal advice to Tony Blair to give an 'unequivocal' assurance to the armed forces that the conflict would not be illegal.
Refusing to commit troops already stationed in Kuwait, senior military leaders were adamant that war could not begin until they were satisfied that neither they nor their men could be tried. Some 10 days later, Britain and America began the campaign...
The leftist spin, of course, is that the High Command knew it was doing something illegal. More likely they were simply trying to cover themselves and their troops from the consequences of obeying the orders of political masters who had foolishly surrendered jurisdiction over them to an international legal system controlled by their adversaries.
Kyoto and the refusal of the U. S. to submit to the ICC enrage the international left more than any other issues, including the war on terror and the invasion of Iraq. Such obstreperous behaviour directly challenges the brave new world with which they are trying to replace Western civilization. It is pathetic to see the principles that underlay Nuremberg descend into a farce where the personnel files of troops fighting against genocidal madmen must be padded with legal opinions to protect them from the new barbarians.
Cubs fans get solemn seventh inning song (Thomas Boswell, 10/17/03, The Washington Post)
Perhaps two moments on this Wednesday evening, both involving Wood, captured the potential for elation and the reality of ultimate Cubs dejection.In the second inning, Wood hit a huge two-run homer that landed in almost the exact spot as the three-run blast he'd allowed to Cabrera the previous inning. That tied the score. At ballparks, fans always cheer and clap, sometimes they scream. But when Wood's ball reached the top of the left field bleachers, hopes of the first Cubs visit to the Series since 1945 were reawakened in a blink. When pitchers hit home runs to win pennants, anything is possible, right? Everywhere you looked, people jumped, danced, waved their arms and seemed to hover in midair with elation, like Snoopy on a joy jag in "Peanuts.''
In a couple of dozen other cities, such moments are a precursor to victory. Here, they merely set the stage for some scene that is the complete opposite in mood. Four innings later, when Wood shuffled despondently off the mound in the sixth after being tattooed for four singles, a double, a triple, a home run, four walks and seven stunning earned runs, he kicked at the grass like a dispirited little boy lost in despondent thoughts as he approached the Chicago dugout. All the dejection of 95 years of Cubness since that last World Series win in 1908 was written in his demeanor, though he has worn the luckless uniform for only six seasons.
As Wood, the symbol of the Cubs' young power pitching, disappeared into the dugout, he flipped his glove disgustedly into the crowd, even though his team trailed by only one run and still might easily have won the National League pennant before the night was done. If body language could speak, that disgusted flip said, "Cubs Curse. We're dead meat. If I can't do it, then who will?''
Within seconds, though no one requested it, the crowd tossed Wood's glove right back onto the field.
For Cubs fans, that's how deep the disgust and depression now cut. For the faithful of Wrigleyville who have been jilted for so long, these are the dark hours when love fades, even love passed from generation to generation like a community heirloom. Perhaps spring training will revive the romance. Winter, especially in Chicago, is so long and April so sweet. But now, at the moment when the pain is deepest, if Wood--or for that matter perhaps Mark Prior or Sammy Sosa --throws his glove into a Cubs fan's lap, that person would never put it on his hand.
After all, whatever the Cubs have could be contagious.
'Passion' Dominates Box Office (EVELYN NUSSENBAUM, March 1, 2004, NY Times)
"The Passion of the Christ," Mel Gibson's new film about the Crucifixion, continued its strong box-office run over the weekend. It took in an estimated $76.2 million over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, for a total of $117.5 million since it opened Wednesday.That is the second-highest five-day total ever for a Wednesday opening, behind only "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," which made $124.1 million in its first five days in December. "Passion" had the highest opening-day ticket sales of any February film in Hollywood history.
"This is posting numbers as if it's a big summer movie," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Exhibitor Relations, which tracks ticket sales. "It stacks up against `Harry Potter.' It's in the realm of `Star Wars 2.' We've never seen anything like it."
Iraqi Governing Council Agrees on Constitution (Reuters, Feb 29, 2004)
Iraq's Governing Council agreed on an interim constitution on Monday, a council spokesman was quoted as saying by the BBC.The spokesman said the deal would be signed at a ceremony on Wednesday.