March 7, 2004


The Dunciad: Book IV (Alexander Pope 1688-1744)

"O! would the sons of men once think their eyes
And reason given them but to study flies !
See Nature in some partial narrow shape,
And let the Author of the Whole escape:
Learn but to trifle; or, who most observe,
To wonder at their Maker, not to serve."

"Be that my task" (replies a gloomy clerk,
Sworn foe to Myst'ry, yet divinely dark;
Whose pious hope aspires to see the day
When Moral Evidence shall quite decay,
And damns implicit faith, and holy lies,
Prompt to impose, and fond to dogmatize:)
"Let others creep by timid steps, and slow,
On plain experience lay foundations low,
By common sense to common knowledge bred,
And last, to Nature's Cause through Nature led.
All-seeing in thy mists, we want no guide,
Mother of Arrogance, and Source of Pride!
We nobly take the high Priori Road,
And reason downward, till we doubt of God:
Make Nature still encroach upon his plan;
And shove him off as far as e'er we can:
Thrust some Mechanic Cause into his place;
Or bind in matter, or diffuse in space.
Or, at one bound o'erleaping all his laws,
Make God man's image, man the final Cause,
Find virtue local, all relation scorn
See all in self , and but for self be born:
Of naught so certain as our reason still,
Of naught so doubtful as of soul and will .
Oh hide the God still more! and make us see
Such as Lucretius drew, a god like thee:
Wrapp'd up in self, a god without a thought,
Regardless of our merit or default.
Or that bright image to our fancy draw,
Which Theocles in raptur'd vision saw,
While through poetic scenes the Genius roves,
Or wanders wild in academic groves;
That Nature our society adores,
Where Tindal dictates, and Silenus snores."

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 7, 2004 8:05 AM

"Make God man's image, man the final Cause"

Humans DO imagine God to be human-like, in the shape of a man, and capable of interacting with humans.
However, all of the above seem unlikely.
We are told that humans have been created "in God's image", but that could simply mean creative and curious, not that we're cookie-cutter images of God.

For one thing, if God did create the Universe, and string theory is correct, God operates in 11 dimensions.
If humans truly are literally the children of God, (which Mormons believe, I don't know about other faiths and sects), then our souls also can perceive and operate in 11 dimensions, although our carnal beings cannot.
Thus, even our perceived "selves" are not in our own true image.

As to "man the final Cause", if one is a Christian, the Earth was created for humans, (or possibly what humans will become), and thus, on Earth, humans ARE the final cause.

God did say that there were "worlds without end", which does raise the possibility that humans are not the central point of the Universe.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 7, 2004 2:58 PM

But string theory is wrong.

Posted by: oj at March 7, 2004 4:09 PM

OK, then in four dimensions.
Same thing, unless you can, in your current form, manipulate time.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 8, 2004 5:22 PM

He's beyond time.

Posted by: oj at March 8, 2004 6:18 PM

Not beyond it, just not bound by it.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 9, 2004 3:36 AM

too zen

Posted by: oj at March 9, 2004 8:05 AM