March 23, 2004


Karl Rove's Moment: How "Bush's Brain" hijacked Washington, D.C. and politics-as-usual (Steve Perry, 3/24/04, City Pages)

To speak of Karl Rove's successes is to speak of the failures and corruptions of American politics and public life. They are two expressions of the same thing. Since January and the start of the Democratic presidential campaign, there has been some hint of life in the loyal opposition and the press; American newspapers, led by the big three (New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times), have turned notably more critical in their Bush coverage. Any one of numerous potential scandals still might return to haunt the administration. (One of the figures reportedly implicated in the criminal investigation of the Plame leak is Rove underling I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.) There are also signs that Democrats aren't the only ones in the Washington political establishment feeling anxious about Bush's brazenness and his reckless, sloppy management of economy and empire. This circle is not a great power in electoral politics, but it could lend fuel to a media feeding frenzy, if one arose.

The president could lose this election, as I'm guessing Rove surmised early on. In crafting a campaign that is half poison-pen note, half Hallmark card, he and George W. are wagering against a lot of things: real, and serious, competition from John Kerry and the Democrats; and sustained criticism of Bush in the media. These aren't bad bets. The news media has proven that it does consist mainly of deadline-driven trained seals, most of whom don't know much about the issues in question themselves. But they do know the rules of political theater, and that is what they write about. Rove and the Republicans understand this so much better than the Democrats that in terms of hand-to-hand political combat, it's a little like the Democratic National Committee beer-ball team against the New York Yankees.

John Kerry has been slowly dematerializing in the public imagination since his wrap-up of the nomination came into view. He has made some trenchant criticisms of Bush, but he hasn't made any of them stick. He doesn't know how. It's still possible that Kerry and the Dems could put the White House back on the defensive, force them off their game, but they've been losing that battle for a month now and can't afford to keep losing it much longer.

It doesn't mean Bush is home-free. No matter how well you do political campaigns, there is always the faint chance that too many people will already have seen through you. The amazing thing about 2004 is not that a radical, reckless president has the chance to be reelected; the amazing thing is that, in the face of a political establishment and a news media that rarely said boo to George W. Bush, millions and millions of people have his number anyway. Where the people are concerned, therefore, Karl and W are forced to make a dicier bet--against public memory, decency, and self-interest. It isn't clear yet whether terror fears and "wedge" issues like gay marriage, guns, and religion will once again divert sufficient numbers of people from more pressing matters, such as their own livelihoods. Maybe not.

On the other hand, Karl Rove has yet to lose a race by underestimating the integrity and rationality of American electoral politics.

It's always interesting to see someone totally Blue flail around trying to comprehend Red America. For instance, the idea that you are betraying your own self-interest if you oppose the party of gay marriage, gun control, anti-religion and appeasement of terror reflects a rather profound alienation from the basic values of most Americans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 23, 2004 10:26 PM

What a great article !

It's always a bit dicey, though, to assign various psychological motivations to someone based solely on their biography.

Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 24, 2004 4:12 AM

I'm surprised to hear that the USA has "a political establishment and a news media that rarely said boo to George W. Bush." I don't know about the "boo" part, but there has been a great deal from the media that is a good bit stronger than boo. Or have I been getting my political news from the wrong sources?

Posted by: Henry IX at March 24, 2004 10:15 AM

Precisely. Even if the Democrats better served my financial interests (a possiblity, as I live in an obsolete large city) , I am not so venal as to turh my country over to a bunch of gun-grabbing baby-kellers who think that America needs a permission slip to defend tis vital interests.

Posted by: Lou Gots at March 24, 2004 12:49 PM

No, Liberals in the press. A bunch of trained seals. Yup. That's the ticket. Trained Seals.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at March 24, 2004 11:38 PM