March 24, 2004
Did 311 = 911?: Spain’s Surrender, and the Destiny of Europe (Nicholas Stix, March 21, 2004, Men's News Daily)
By the early 20th century, Europeans tended to speak synonymously of “Europe,” “Christianity,” and “the West.” But Christianity was born in the same place as Judaism – the Middle East. Christianity may have achieved its greatest political power in Europe, but its greatest religious passion had peaked long before it arrived on the Continent. By the mid-19th century, at the height of European power, Christianity was a decadent, empty shell. And the ideas associated with “the West” were already moving … west.Until the past generation, the notion of being a “European,” as opposed to the national of a particular country, was an oddity. There were no “Europeans,” there were only Frenchmen, Germans, etc. Today, since “Europeans” refuse to identify themselves in opposition to Asia and Africa (and South America isn’t a part of their consciousness), the only reason I can see for their identification with the Continent, is in unified opposition to America. (No, not “North America”; Europeans are indifferent to Mexico and Canada. The term “North America” functions merely as a petty insult to Americans.)
The official story today, is that nationalism destroyed Europe. As is so often the case, the official story is nonsense. Nineteenth century European history is largely split between wars pitting nation-states and alliances against each other, and the rise of revolutionary, transnational movements (communism, pan-Germanism). Those two trajectories converged and exploded, in the first half of the 20th century. In each case, a transnational movement (communism, national socialism) bonded with a national base and nationalistic passion (Russia, Germany, Austria). The irony, is that one of the reasons that Europe failed to stop Nazism, was due to the interwar influence of a bureaucratic, pacifist humanitarianism. After the war, that pacifist humanitarianism was left standing, unchallenged, in Western Europe, where it still saps the Continent’s strength. Today, corrupt, supranational bureaucracies (the UN, EU) are manipulated by nationalist interests (France, Germany, Russia) in the name of “internationalism.”
And as Europeans permit their nations to be swamped with their Muslim enemies, one wonders if the nations of the Old World will go down with a bang or a whimper.
By the time the Europeans decide to ship the Muslims to the East they'll be too old to herd them on the cattle cars. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 24, 2004 11:32 PM
Some European countries might never decide to ship Muslims out, but those that decide to do so, will accomplish it.
Even if half the country is 65+, only a relative handful of youngsters, in the police and military, would be necessary to rout any Muslim resistance.
Picture the Palestinian rock-throwing youth vs the IDF's M1 Abrams and helo's.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 25, 2004 2:10 AMMichael:
If your premise is that the aged French will hire Israelis to do it for them, then maybe you have a point.
Posted by: oj at March 25, 2004 8:18 AM