March 15, 2004


Stumping Kerry Sidesteps Blasts and Election in Spain (DAVID E. ROSENBAUM and JODI WILGOREN, March 16, 2004, NY Times)

Senator John Kerry has conspicuously avoided speaking out on the terrorist attacks in Spain and the fall of the government there, a departure from his practice of trying to use the events of the day to bolster his case against President Bush.

All year, Mr. Kerry has argued that the war in Iraq has diverted resources and attention away from what should have been devoted to a more pernicious target, terrorist groups, and he has accused the president of squandering alliances that previous administrations carefully cultivated.

Yet in a 25-minute speech on Monday about terrorism and domestic security to the International Association of Firefighters, the senator mentioned the events in Spain only in passing. He accused the president of being "short on action" in protecting Americans against terrorism and added, "As we saw again last week in Spain, real action is what we need."

Democrats inside and outside Mr. Kerry's campaign said on Monday that the situation in Spain now was too uncertain and delicate to use politically.

The Kerry campaign said the senator had no plans to delve into Spain, even though he planned to make a big speech on national security on Wednesday.

Mr. Kerry for once heeds the old adage: "Tis better to be thought the fool and remain silent, than speak and remove all doubt." All he'd need to do now is crow about Spain deserting the war on terror and he'd be picked over like roadkill in the press for the next week.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 15, 2004 11:46 PM

You said a mouthful there, Orrin. He's already getting raked over the coals for not 'fessing up as to the identities of the mysterious "foreign leaders" who he claims want him to win, and that Dean-like encounter he had the other day isn't helping him very much either.

Posted by: Joe at March 16, 2004 5:17 AM