March 22, 2004


Saddam, women's rights (Nat Hentoff, March 22, 2004, The Washington Times)

At the Brookings Institution in Washington on Feb. 25, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton charged that, with Saddam Hussein gone, there have been "pullbacks" in the rights Iraqi women enjoyed under his rule. Not even such bellicose critics of the war as Sen. Ted Kennedy have claimed that the regime change has cost women in Iraq the leading defender of their rights.

Mrs. Clinton did try to qualify her softening of the dictator's horrific image by noting that these women's rights were "on paper." However, she went on to give substance to the rights on paper: "They went to school; they participated in the professions. They participated in government and in business; as long as they stayed out of his way, they had considerable freedom of movement."

John Burns -- who reported for the New York Times from Iraq before, during the war and since -- wrote of a paramilitary group once led by Saddam's oldest (since forcibly deceased) son, Uday: "Masked and clad in black, (the men) make the women kneel in busy city squares, along crowded sidewalks, or in neighborhood plots, then behead them with swords." The women's crime, said their families, was having criticized Uday's benevolent father.

When the dictator's prisons were briefly opened before the war, Mr. Burns reported on the "raping of women in front of their husbands, from whom the torturers wanted to extract information."

Certainly looks like she wants on the Kerry ticket.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 22, 2004 11:07 PM

But would Kerry want her as veep?

Remember, when a President dies in office, the Vice-President gets the White House. Remember all the tales how those who stand between the Clintons and what they want seem to die suddenly of Natural Causes?

Have Hillary as Veep and there'll always be that nagging fear that you'll be saying Hi to Vince Foster while she ascends the throne...

Posted by: Ken at March 23, 2004 12:25 PM

I suppose that the trains ran on time as well.

Posted by: Robert Duquette at March 23, 2004 4:33 PM