March 11, 2004
Madrid bombings carry al-Qaida hallmark (Claude Salhani, 3/11/2004, UPI)
[T]he Brussels-based World Observatory of Terrorism, an independent think tank affiliated with the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, points to five major reasons that cast doubt on the involvement of ETA.First, ETA generally warns Spanish authorities moments before launching their attacks in which civilians are likely to be harmed. This, obviously, was not the case on Thursday.
Second, ETA traditionally targets representatives of the government or the administration, such as policemen, the military, magistrates or even journalists who oppose them.
Third, ETA customarily selects "symbolic" targets, such as military barracks and administrative buildings. Although ETA's largest attack to date was in 1987 against a supermarket in Barcelona that killed 21 people, this was the exception rather than the norm.
Fourth, ETA always claims its attacks. Following any ETA bombing, ETA militants call in a claim to Spanish authorities. This failed to happen this time.
Fifth, ETA has never in the past carried out multiple attacks. According to some sources, at least 10 bombs were detonated almost simultaneously on Thursday.
On the other hand, these murderous attacks bear the traditional hallmark of al-Qaida: multiple bombs detonating a few seconds apart and programmed to cause the largest possible number of human casualties.
Again, according to the World Observatory of Terrorism, several elements seem to point to the "International Jihad Movement."
The "multiple targeting," reports the WOT, is the standard operating procedure of the fundamentalist Islamist movement.
Every bomb that al Qaeda sets off knits our side tighter against them. They really are just too stupid to live. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 11, 2004 2:29 PM
But you'll notice they went after Spain rather than France. They may be dumb but they're not dumb enough to bomb their own allies.
Posted by: ralph phelan at March 11, 2004 2:47 PMCNN is reports: Spanish Interior Minister announced find of a van with detonators and Arabic language tapes inside.
So, can we do a pool with a book going out to the winner. How long before the first published or boradcast reference (in something a cut above Democratic Underground), here or overseas, to the obvious fact that this was in fact a CIA operation, because.... well.... like 9/11, only Westerners and Jooos are capable of pulling this off?
I say.... 9:45pm EST, tonight.
Posted by: Andrew X at March 11, 2004 3:09 PMObviously the Arab press has already blamed Mossad, I'm sure.
I sure was overwhelmed by the comprehensive coverage on all the US networks this morning. Not.
If AQ simply changes their MO to "no attacks in America" they will certainly outlast any interest that we have in hunting them down, especially given that half the population already doesn't care. Of course, they (AQ) are unlikely to do so because they're idiots.
Posted by: brian at March 11, 2004 3:13 PMHeh.
Posted by: Andrew X at March 11, 2004 3:47 PMBTW... liberal??
And just a thought, but today, the day of these attacks, is the 11th. Could someone be trying to make a point over there?
Jes' wunnering.
Posted by: Andrew X at March 11, 2004 3:57 PMHow do you spell reconquista?
Posted by: Jason Johnson at March 11, 2004 4:12 PMActually, it's the half birthday. Hmmm.
Posted by: David Cohen at March 11, 2004 4:28 PMIsn't today the 911'th day since 9/11/01?
Posted by: ray at March 11, 2004 6:49 PMA good Muslim should not be doing their numerology using the incorrect, infidel Christian calendar when Allah has ordained the one true calendar.
(See Sura 9, 36-37, and consider whose calendar intercalates with a full month).
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at March 11, 2004 7:38 PMI wouldn't underestimate the reinforcing effect that this attack might have on the Euro-appeasers. To many it will drive them further into the anti-US, pro terrorist corner. Backbones don't grow overnight.
Posted by: Robert Duquette at March 11, 2004 9:16 PMBut live they will, if JFK is elected.
And live to kill again.
Posted by: jsmith at March 11, 2004 10:58 PM