March 22, 2004

JOHN WHO? (via mc):

Kerry unveils message ad, touts 'a new direction' (AP, 3/22/04)

John Kerry introduces himself to voters in a television ad unveiled Monday, promising "a new direction for America" from a war-tested Democrat.

Titled "Fought for America," the 30-second ad airing in 17 states beginning Tuesday says Kerry has "the military experience to defend America" and the policies to improve health care and the economy.

"We need to get some things done in this country: affordable health care, rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy, really investing in our kids. That's why I'm running for president," Kerry says in the commercial, which includes footage of him emerging from the jungles of Vietnam more than 30 years ago.

The four-term Massachusetts senator and decorated Vietnam veteran is trying to define himself before President Bush and his GOP allies do. The president is spending more than $6 million on broadcast TV alone to label Kerry a soft-on-terrorism, tax-raising, flip-flopping liberal. Kerry spent less than a third of that amount on his first commercial, accusing Bush of "misleading America" with negative ads. [...]

Kerry's latest commercial, his second, contains no direct criticism of Bush. His advisers, confined to a budget of more than $2 million for the new ad, are hoping that voters will reject the White House's negative spots and learn more about the Democratic challenger who came out of the primaries ill-defined and underfunded.

That doesn't mean Kerry or his staff have sworn off negative campaigning.

"This is our chance to say Americans have a real choice, and we don't have to define the president because the people have been living through his real and meaningful failures every day," campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill told The Associated Press.

Right general idea but way too half-measure. The entire ad needs to be just an introduction to a guy who most voters don't know. They seem to be assuming that folks are aware of his military background and just need a reminder. Likewise, they aren't spending enough on this ad buy to make a dent in the public perception. If this is all they do biography-wise and then go on the attack they're toast.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 22, 2004 1:07 PM

Kerry won the nomination by being the Democrat Who Wasn't Howard Dean, and it seems his team thinks they can win the election simply by being the Candidate Who Isn't GWB, judging from that quote.

The last thing they want to do is bring up how he modeled his military service on JFK-I with an eye on politics, married two heiress and divorced one, voted for years to cut defense and intelligence spending, and give Rove even more openings to work over his record.

Kerry needs to remain a blank screen onto which undecided voters project their image of the ideal president if he is to have any hope of winning.

Posted by: Chris B at March 22, 2004 1:21 PM

Karl Rove is working the projector though.

Posted by: oj at March 22, 2004 1:26 PM

When I read this, I keep thinking "The New Nixon."

And the National Lampoon Radio Hour show on the New Nixon...

Posted by: William Sulik at March 22, 2004 8:48 PM

Would someone--anyone--please explain to me why spending a few months in combat, as thousands upon thousands of Americans have, qualifies anyone to be President?

Posted by: jsmith at March 22, 2004 10:03 PM


Been there and done more than that and it doesn't ... beyond understanding the concepts:

1. You don't sacrifice Americans through unpreparedness.
2. You don't engage without bringing overwhelming force to bear.
3. You don't commit without winning as an objective.

So far, in my experience, only the Republicans seem to understand that and to assume the responsibility off defending the nation as it's primary mission.

Posted by: genecis at March 22, 2004 11:30 PM

There is a fourth:

4. You don't wait until everything is perfect and victory is assured.

Posted by: David Cohen at March 23, 2004 9:05 AM

All we know about Kerry so far is that He Served In Vietnam, and that He Served In Vietnam, and that He Served In Vietnam (and did we mention that He Served In Vietnam...)

Posted by: Ken at March 23, 2004 4:46 PM