March 31, 2004
In Britain, one in five pregnancies ends in abortion (Sarah Womack, 31/03/2004, Daily Telegraph)
More than one in five pregnancies in Britain ends in abortion while the number of childless women over 40 "increases substantially", according to new figures.For the general population, parenthood has largely become a matter of choice as opposed to chance, says the Office for National Statistics.
Its report said 36 per cent of all pregnancies in women under 20 were terminated, a figure that has continued to rise despite the widespread availability of contraception and the "morning after" pill.
Among women of all ages, 23 per cent of pregnancies were terminated in 2000.
Sadly the loop feeds on itself, because who would bring a child into a self-loathing culture like Europe's. Islam can't take over fast enough. Posted by Orrin Judd at March 31, 2004 2:23 PM
I can't find more recent stats on the CDC's website (and this report was published in January 2000), but in 1996 in the US, "an estimated 6.24 million pregnancies resulted in 3.89 million live births, 1.37 million induced abortions and 0.98 million fetal losses [i.e., miscarriages]." 1.37 million is a bit under 22% of 6.24 million.
Posted by: Random Lawyer at March 31, 2004 2:44 PMFound some more recent stats (published last summer): In 1999 in the US, 6.23 million pregnancies, 3.96 million live births, 1.31 million induced abortions, 1.0 million fetal losses. (And no, I don't know why those numbers don't quite add up correctly.) Or a little over 21% of pregnancies in America ended in induced abortion.
Posted by: Random Lawyer at March 31, 2004 2:56 PMI was just going to say: Are we so far behind the Europeans? No, we are not.
Posted by: Paul Cella at March 31, 2004 3:17 PMI do not know if Europeans really loathe themselves. The French seem pretty full of themselves.
Be that as it may, which is worse, self-loathing or loathing everybody else.
Islam is more suicidal than the Euros.
Posted by: Harry Eagar at March 31, 2004 3:32 PMOJ, can you please explain how you can write pro-Islam taking over Europe material while at the same time stating that we helped our enemies (Muslim Bosnian/Kosovars) against our true friends (Serbs)?
How do you cut the Gordian knot? Or are you being subtly sarcastic and I am too dense?
Posted by: Chris Durnell at March 31, 2004 3:36 PMIsn't about 25% of the french on tranquilizers? Wasn't there an article w/in the last month the Chiraq wants to cut prescription drugs and didn't want them to be able to dr. shop to get said happy pills?
Posted by: Sandy P. at March 31, 2004 4:18 PMChris:
We should have stayed out of Serb business. But the future of Europe is Islamic no matter how many the Serbs kill.
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 4:40 PMHarry:
Self loathing is obviously worse, especially when justified as in the case of secular Europe.
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 4:43 PMRandom:
The difference being that well over half the country wants those numbers changed, whereas few in Europe even seem to care.
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 4:49 PMOJ
You don't factor in the self-loathing nature of Islam. I don't know the reasons of their rage entirely, but pride in their culture doesn't isn't the first thing that I would think of.
Enough from me about psycology, but I want to second the lament of Paul Cella above since every foible you chronicle on this site about Europe seems to be duplicated in our culture also. (But maybe I'm too pessimistic)
Posted by: h-man at March 31, 2004 4:57 PMAny racial breakdown on that stat?
Posted by: J.H. at March 31, 2004 5:11 PMBased on 7 years living in England (last in 1992) I can only say the English struck me as being as likable, and funny, a group of people you would ever want to meet.
Including Americans.
The Brits loathe themselves every bit as much as we do.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at March 31, 2004 5:18 PMJ.H.,
Yes, racial breakdown is in the reports cited above, but marital status offers much more striking correlations to abortion rates than race. Unmarried pregnant women of all races are somewhat more likely to have a live birth than an abortion -- 43 live births per 1000 women aged 15-44, compared to 35 induced abortions per 1000 women. Among married women the ratio is 85 live births per 1000 women to 8 abortions per 1000 women. Among unmarried black women who get pregnant, abortion is actually a more likely outcome than live birth.
And a truly disturbing fact: Pregnancies among married women outnumber pregnancies among unmarried women by a ratio of only 4:3.
Posted by: Random Lawyer at March 31, 2004 5:23 PMh:
Yes, I'd agree that we'll likely have to have a civil war here eventually if we want to preserve a decent culture.
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 5:25 PMConcur with O.J. Democracy destroyed America.
Posted by: J.H. at March 31, 2004 5:32 PM"The Brits loathe themselves every bit as much as we do."
Yes, Jeff, but since they are not as religious OJ must find fault with them. Everything is redeemed by religiosity, it seems.
Posted by: Robert Duquette at March 31, 2004 7:33 PMRobert:
The problem is, as you correctly point out, there is no Red there--all is Blue.
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 8:26 PMWe left 400 years ago cause it sucked--and it's been all downhill...
Posted by: oj at March 31, 2004 9:37 PMOJ/Jeff
That's the problem with actually visiting places and meeting people.
It has a terrible habit of undermining your prejudices.
The first time I visited America I was shocked to discover that you lot DO actually understand irony.
Posted by: Brit at April 1, 2004 11:05 AMBrit:
Well, in case it wasn't already obvious, I loved the time I spent there, and look forward to visiting again.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 1, 2004 12:00 PMVisit Montreal and you'll hate the French even more.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 12:10 PMI loved Montreal. Stay at Hotel de l'Institute, by the university. 5 stars at 2 star prices.
Posted by: Harry Eagar at April 1, 2004 1:03 PMHarry:
Yes, but you, like Jeff, are basically European in outlook.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 1:11 PMOJ:
You are basically wrong.
I visited France--did a bike tour there. I'm never going back. BTW, while I was in Europe, I read that the French were the lowest per capita users of soap and toothpaste.
One summer day on the Paris metro was all it took to confirm that factoid.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 1, 2004 4:56 PMIt may smell, but is shares your amorality.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 5:08 PMWhat you mistake for amorality is an aversion to busy bodies and tyrants.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 1, 2004 6:58 PMand 40 million dead babies and killing the disabled/elderly and the inability to judge sexual aberrance, etc., etc., etc.... You're European.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 8:11 PMHow's the line go? "Judge not, lest you be judged." Perhaps something like that.
Better all those than the hell on Earth that would come from being run by busybodies and tyrants.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 1, 2004 9:11 PMThere's no difference for Hitler's dead and your's.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 9:18 PMFine--tell that to the murderesses in their millions.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 1, 2004 10:01 PMYour unwillingness to take moral responsibility for your own beliefs is your least becoming quality, though it reveals volumes.
Posted by: oj at April 1, 2004 10:50 PMI liked the croissants, the friendly people and the gardens.
Posted by: Harry Eagar at April 2, 2004 12:51 AMI have taken responsibility. I know that, in most cases, abortion is wrong. I believe, though, that the results of imposing governmental power--particularly when that imposition is sectarian--inside a woman's body is worse.
Now you may disagree with my belief. But the track record of unbridled government power, compared to the evil people get up to when left to their own devices, is pretty ugly.
As for the rest, your willingness to claim possession of absolute Truth is your least becoming quality. And it speaks volumes.
BTW, "Judge not, lest you be judged."
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 2, 2004 7:31 AMOkay, so if most are wrong you've only got 20+ million on your side of the ledger--more than Hitler, less than Stalin or Mao.
You are right, I have to live with that.
The alternative, though, is imposing a particular version of Absolute Truth upon eveyone that doesn't agree.
The desire to do so puts you on the same team as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Torquemada, etc.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at April 2, 2004 6:23 PMJust Torguemada.
Posted by: oj at April 2, 2004 7:14 PM