March 13, 2004


Bush Takes Back The Lead As 'Primary Effect' Wanes (INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY, 3/15/04)

President Bush has regained the lead from Sen. John Kerry in the latest IBD/TIPP Poll as the boost the challenger got from the Democratic primaries wears off and the incumbent starts his own campaign in earnest.

The nationwide poll of 863 adults taken last Monday through Thursday showed that, among 743 registered voters, Bush leads Kerry 45% to 40%, with 6% going to Independent Ralph Nader.

In a two-way race Bush leads Kerry 46% to 43%.

A week earlier, Bush trailed Kerry in IBD/TIPP polling by a 44%-41% margin. But the president reclaimed support in his traditional strongholds.

Bush now leads Kerry 56% to 33% in Republican-loyal, or "red," states, 51% to 38% in the South and 49% to 40% in the Midwest.

Bush's lead in swing states, however, has narrowed to 1 point from 4. But Kerry's lead in Democrat-loyal (blue) states has shrunk to 9 points from 12, and his advantage in urban areas has narrowed to 10 points from 18. In suburban areas, Bush's lead widened to 18 points from 13.

In rural America, a traditional Bush stronghold, Kerry ran even in the week-earlier survey. But now Bush is back up by 14 points.

It's all downhill from here for Cabana Boy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 13, 2004 5:33 PM

The notion that John Kerry could have ever been even with Bush in rural areas is laughable -- or the survey was exclusively conducted in Indian Reservations and some odd clusters along the Mississipi River...

Posted by: MG at March 13, 2004 5:53 PM

Essentially all of this poll was done before the events in Spain reminded everyone that, yes, this is a war.

Except John Kerry, who apparently prefers the term "global battle."

Posted by: Timothy at March 13, 2004 8:07 PM

Even worse for Kerry: the Democratic turnout in the primaries has been pretty much pathetic, except for a couple of states. Where is the angry base? The unions collapsed in Iowa, the college vote never materialized anywhere, and the sophisticated suburbanites stayed home.

When people are calling for Kerry to pick John Glenn as V-P because it might help him win Ohio, things are in sad shape. Glenn is even older than Mondale.

Watch for the media frenzy if Kerry picks Tom Brokaw (see John Fund's latest). At that point, all barriers would be gone. But Tom Daschle would approve.

Posted by: jim hamlen at March 13, 2004 8:48 PM

Momentum and image are important in politics. The past week or so nervous nellie GOPers (who should know better) started to distance themselves from Bush based on the polls. The stronger Bush looks the less likely they will be to stray.
Timothy's point is a good one - the attack in Spain should have reminded everyone that there is a WOT and be a benefit to Bush.
And to Jim's point it is possible the next action by Kerry to generate some media attention will probably be his VP pick.

Posted by: AWW at March 13, 2004 9:40 PM

AWW: I don't disagree with you about the VP pick. But July in Boston is a long time to wait for a popularity bump (which will likely follow the Dem convention regardless of VP pick). What does the French-looking gentleman do in the meantime while watching his popularity drift into the high-30's?

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen (San Fran) at March 13, 2004 10:13 PM

The first thing he has to do is stop changing accents and inflections - the press may not hound him about his flipping/flopping, but they will not let go of his snarls on the fly, especially when he tries to sound like a union local.

Posted by: ratbert at March 13, 2004 10:16 PM

I would suspect that from now through November Kerry's face-time of TV will be almost equal to that of Bush's. If he spends all that time playing the dour scold even if positive reports come in about the economy and/or the war on terror, it's hard to see how that type of personality is going to play well with the American public (especially if he goes to the Fleet Center and gives something like Carter's malaise speech during the DNC convention).

Posted by: John at March 14, 2004 2:08 AM

Resignation from the Senate first, then a woman vp.

Posted by: oj at March 14, 2004 8:08 AM