March 11, 2004


WWJK: Who Would Jesus Kill? (Ann Coulter, March 11, 2004,

William Safire, the New York Times' in-house "conservative" -- who endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992, like so many conservatives -- was sure Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" would incite anti-Semitic violence. Thus far, the pogroms have failed to materialize. [...]

Despite repeated suggestions from liberals -- including the in-house "conservative" and Clinton-supporter at the Times -- Hitler is not what happens when you gin up Christians. Like Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine killers and the editorial board of the New York Times, Hitler detested Christians.

Indeed, Hitler denounced Christianity as an "invention of the Jew" and vowed that the "organized lie (of Christianity) must be smashed" so that the state would "remain the absolute master." Interestingly, this was the approach of all the great mass murderers of the last century -- all of whom were atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

In the United States, more than 30 million babies have been killed by abortion since Roe v. Wade, vs. seven abortion providers killed. Yeah -- keep your eye on those Christians!

But according to liberals, it's Christianity that causes murder. (And don't get them started on Zionism.) Like their Muslim friends still harping about the Crusades, liberals won't "move on" from the Spanish Inquisition. In the entire 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition, about 30,000 people were killed. That's an average of less than 100 a year. Stalin knocked off that many kulaks before breakfast.

But Safire argues that viewers of "The Passion" will see the Jewish mob and think: "Who was responsible for this cruel humiliation? What villain deserves to be punished?"

Let's see: It was a Roman who ordered Christ's execution, and Romans who did all the flaying, taunting and crucifying. Perhaps Safire is indulging in his own negative stereotyping about Jews by assuming they simply viewed Romans as "the help."

The end result of The Passion, entirely predictably, has been to whip up anti-Christian hatred.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 11, 2004 1:01 PM

Yes, the flames of anti-Christian persecution are sweeping across the land. I think that it could get as bad as the anti-Jewish pogroms resulting from the movie.

Posted by: Robert Duquette at March 11, 2004 1:39 PM


Pogroms aren't much in style these days--it seems sufficient that major papers are running hysterical anti-Christian crap, which if the authors were saying the same of Jews would get them fired.

Posted by: oj at March 11, 2004 2:34 PM

If not whip up, certainly expose.

Posted by: genecis at March 11, 2004 2:43 PM