March 8, 2004


How Bush can destroy Kerry fast (Dick Morris, 3/08/04, Jewish World Review)

In opting for Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and turning down Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, Democrats have broken from the pragmatism and moderation that dominated their party's profile under Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the 1990s.

Their party has now moved back to the liberal extremism of Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis that characterized the 1980s — with the same predictable result.

It is now up to President Bush to take advantage of this by implementing a three-part strategy in the coming campaign.

First, his paid media must attack Kerry's voting record to define him as an ultraliberal. There are likely those in the White House who are urging Bush to run positive ads. That won't work. Even if positive ads produce a small, short-term bounce for Bush, events soon will come to dominate, and the impact of those ads likely will evaporate.

But if Bush uses the next eight months to educate voters on Kerry's opposition to the death penalty, his vote against the 1991 Iraq war, his poor attendance record in the past year and his opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act, he could put this election away by defining Kerry right now.

Karl Rove still hasn't called but we've got their slogan: Ted Kennedy with a fresh liver.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 8, 2004 11:39 AM

The three issues that Morris mentioned are in fact issues. Therefore when calling this a negative campaign strategy, at least it's not about personal attributes of the candidate, although they would be effective also. (cabana boy, never had regular job, cheats on wife)

Posted by: h-man at March 8, 2004 12:03 PM

Bush should run on his achievements, his goals, and his vision. And why he should be the one to continue leading America.

Besmirching Kerry, while perhaps inviting, is not going to impress the voters.

(This doesn't mean he shouldn't ask the Democratic contender pointed questions on policy.)

Posted by: Barry Meislin at March 8, 2004 12:47 PM

I agree with you.
Sometimes I read my on post and can't make heads or tails of it.

Posted by: h-man at March 8, 2004 2:16 PM

I understand the need to define Kerry early but the call for negative ads by Morris and others seems a bit premature. With the Dem race over Kerry's coverage should drop off significantly. Bush burnishing his own image first through positive ads and then going to anti-Kerry ads by summer seems the right approach.

Posted by: AWW at March 8, 2004 3:10 PM

I agree with all above except for the Cabana Boy approach. AWW states the logical agenda. As far as Kerry's media coverage dropping off; don't count on it. If it doesn't, it will work against him when the public gets sick of it. They will ... and I have already.

Posted by: genecis at March 8, 2004 3:56 PM

Theoretically, if the press did its job properly, candidates should run a positive campaign on their achievements, qualities and aspirations, leaving the media to dig out the skeletons and highlight each candidate's weaknesses.

Unfortunately this doesn't happen - leaving especially the right-wing parties to have to do the research and highlight the problems with the other candidate for themselves.

Posted by: A at March 8, 2004 6:33 PM

Add in the fact that the press has already set up the situation that for Bush to smiply ask questions or make statements about Kerry's record, as he did today in Dallas, is constituted as "negative campaigning."

That doesn't mean he can't do it later on, but to actually do a negative ad at this point in time would result in weeks and weeks of having to answer questions and defend yourself. While the media can whine about today's remarks, or about the 2.3 seconds of 9-11 footage in the two Bush campaign ads, when the press and the Democrats go ballistic there, it becomes obvious in a hurry that there's no there there and the general public can see the transparency of the outrage involved.

Posted by: John at March 8, 2004 8:27 PM

"Ted Kennedy with a fresh liver??" I wouldn't be too sure of that... I"m sure he's hoisted a few in his Navy days... not that there's anything wrong with that of course... and Teddy's working much too hard to elect Kerry for him not to be a drinking buddy.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Clinton on slimfast" or "Carter effectiveness and Clinton Integrity."

Posted by: MarkD at March 8, 2004 8:36 PM