March 24, 2004
(via John Resnick):
Gee, look who's 'outsaucing'! (CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA, MARCH 20, 2004, Times of India)
John Kerry's financial fortunes may be linked to a ketchup empire, but in his political notebook, what's sauce for the goose isn't sauce for the gander. The Democratic Presidential nominee, who has been railing against outsourcing, is walking on a sticky wicket on the issue. There are outsourcing footprints all over Kerry's pristine all-American turf.
H J Heinz & Co, the family business of Kerry and his wife Teresa, has spread its ketchup operations across the world. Of the 79 factories that the food processor owns, 57 are overseas. Heinz makes ketchup, pizza crust, baby cereal and other edibles in such countries as Poland , Venezuela , Botswana , Thailand , and most of all, China and India .
That's not all. Campaign finance reports reviewed by the Congressional publication, The Hill, reveal that executives at 25 companies identified by CNN's Lou Dobbs as prime outsourcers have contributed more than $370,000 to Kerry's presidential campaign. Among them are executives of Citigroup (who contributed $68,250 to Kerry), Morgan Stanley (gave $38,000) and Goldman Sachs (gave $50,300).
Direct investments and trusts controlled by Kerry list assets of $124,026 to $636,000 in companies that outsource jobs, according to his financial disclosures. Trusts held by Teresa Heinz Kerry hold at least $8.5 million in outsourcing companies. Among them are General Electric, IBM and AIG which have big operations in India and China .
All this has led analysts to believe that Kerry's anti-outsourcing stand is just election season posturing.
They needed analysts to figure that out? Posted by Orrin Judd at March 24, 2004 10:54 PM
Hienz is going on the attack, they issued a press release saying that the Heinz Foundationa few years ago sold off enough stock not to be monitored by the gov.
They're distancing themselves.
Posted by: Sandy P. at March 25, 2004 12:29 AMWhether they're monitored or notis irrelvant. What's important is where they are producing.
Posted by: jd watson at March 25, 2004 3:35 AM"Election season posturing" is in the given. It's rather foolish to assume anything else, given the history of campaign promises, especially by Democrats. "We're Democrats, and we Have No Grand Plan, Just a Bunch of Special Interests!"
Posted by: Jeff Brokaw at March 25, 2004 7:33 AM