March 11, 2004
Author Batya Gur "not angry" with suicide bombers, but with Israeli leaders (Ellis Shuman March 10, 2004, Israeli Insider)
"I am not angry at Palestinian suicide bombers," Israeli mystery writer Batya Gur told the Belgian newspaper Le Soir. Gur, who was in Brussels this week participating in an event for International Women's Day, launched a strong attack against Israel in a speech at a Belgian university. "Israeli leaders don't make mistakes; they are just bad people," she said. Gur asked the audience, "Help us get rid of Ariel Sharon."According to a report today in Yediot Aharonot, Daniel Sa'ada from Israel's Embassy in Belgium reported to the Foreign Ministry on Gur's comments at the Brussels conference, which was organized by the left-wing Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region and the Belgian Socialist Party. Palestinian author Suad Amiry appeared alongside Gur at the event, the paper said.
"The suicide bombers sadden me and are destroying my heart," Gur said. But Gur expressed no anger at the bombers, but rather at Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers. "My anger is directed at settlers and soldiers like those I once saw in the middle of the night at the Erez Crossing, forcing Palestinians who wanted to come into Israel to stand in a line," she said.
According to information that reached the Israeli embassy in Belgium, Gur also told the audience at the Belgian university that "Sharon should be sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague." Gur reportedly said that Israel "was creating suicide bombers through its policies of oppression and humiliation" in the Palestinian territories.
First John Kerry goes to Europeans for help getting rid of President Bush, now her getting help to be rid of Ariel Sharon...maybe the Left really is becoming treasonous? Posted by Orrin Judd at March 11, 2004 8:06 PM
"My anger is directed at settlers and soldiers like those I once saw in the middle of the night at the Erez Crossing, forcing Palestinians who wanted to come into Israel to stand in a line,"
The Horror. The Horror...
Posted by: Karl at March 11, 2004 8:22 PMThe antiwar left? Treasonous? Surely not!
Err, okay, maybe.
Posted by: kevin whited at March 11, 2004 8:51 PMThat's why we have grown-ups, to take care of the Batya Gurs of the world.
Unfortunately, not all regions or societies produce grown-ups, or at least not ones up to 21st century standards.
The Palestinians fall into the latter catagory.
Posted by: Michael Herdegen at March 11, 2004 9:24 PMThe Israeli-Canadian intellectual axis.
Posted by: Peter B at March 11, 2004 9:54 PMkevin:
It's amazing how little it takes to get some people to expose themselves to the risk of decades in prison.
She got $ 10,000, including expenses...
I hope she claimed it on her tax forms.
Aldrich Ames got dunned by the IRS for $ 500,000 in back taxes on his spying income.
I recall reading about another woman who got paid $ 1,000 and a free ticket to smuggle a kilo of cocaine from Columbia.
The smugglers made up some cover story about smuggling gold, and she bought it...
She got nabbed on the first run, and, after turning down a plea offer of six months in prison in return for testifying against others, she served ten years.
"maybe the Left really is becoming treasonous? "
What do you mean "becoming"?
Two names off the top of my head - Julius Rosenberg and Jane Fonda.