June 30, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:56 PM


Leading La. Democrats no-shows for Dean (ADAM NOSSITER, 6/30/05, Associated Press)

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean urged members of his party to "stand up for what you believe in" at a lightly-attended fundraiser Thursday night, but none of Louisiana's leading Democrats was there for the message - not Gov. Kathleen Blanco or Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, or even the chairman of the state party, Jim Bernhard.

Dean afterwards attributed the absences to "schedules"...

Yes, when they heard he was coming they suddenly scheduled root canal work instead.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:38 PM


G.O.P. Backs Blacks to Run to Lure Votes (JAMES DAO, 7/01/05, NY Times)

Lynn Swann, the Hall of Fame former wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers, stood before a nearly all-white Republican crowd at the Holiday Inn here recently and denounced Pennsylvania's Democratic governor, Edward G. Rendell, for failing to reduce property taxes. Then, without prompting, Mr. Swann suddenly turned the subject to race - his own.

"I'm not here to be the poster child for the Republican Party, to say they're being inclusive by running an African-American," said Mr. Swann, 54. "That's not why I'm here. I'm here to win."

Still, to many prominent Republicans, Mr. Swann, a commentator for ABC Sports, is much more than a potentially strong contender for governor in 2006. He is, they hope, part of a new crop of prominent black candidates who could help the Republicans crack, if not break, Democratic domination among black voters in several important states.

In Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, black Republicans - all of whom have been groomed by the national party - are expected to run for governor or the United States Senate next year. Several other up-and-coming black Republicans are expected to run for lower statewide offices in Missouri, Ohio, Texas and Vermont in 2006. [...]

"This is a very challenging moment for the Democrats," said Donna Brazile, chairwoman of the party's Voting Rights Institute and one of the Democrats' leading strategists on black voters. "For the first time in my history, they are in my community. And that's not a pleasant feeling." [...]

[M]s. Brazile also said several black Republicans could be formidable opponents because they could appeal not only to some black voters, but also to the party's conservative white base.

In Michigan, for example, Keith A. Butler, a former member of the Detroit City Council who is running for the United States Senate, is the founder of a 21,000-member church and is supported by many social conservatives. He also has the endorsement of the Republican attorney general, Mike Cox. Similarly, the Ohio secretary of state, J. Kenneth Blackwell, who is running for governor, is the most conservative candidate in the Republican field and has the backing of many of the state's most influential Christian conservatives.

"All of a sudden," Mr. Blackwell said in an interview, "you have folks who can move the Republican Party into being competitive in a community that has been a cornerstone of the Democratic house."

It's pretty rudimentary electoral politics that blacks will be better served if their votes are in play.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 PM


A President’s Promise (Manuel Miranda, Jun 30, 2005, Human Events)

On the left, liberals, mostly emasculated by the filibuster compromise, have laid the groundwork for their next line of attack--that the President must consult with Senators Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) and Teddy Kennedy (D.-Mass.) before he makes a Supreme Court nomination.

Some of us are old enough to remember back to the days when the Right thought the Left had won the filibuster compromise.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:48 PM


Senate approves trade agreement with six Latin American countries (AP, 6/30/05)

The Senate on Thursday endorsed a free trade agreement with six Latin American nations, handing a major win to President Bush, who has promoted the accord as a mark of U.S. commitment to democracy and prosperity in the hemisphere.

The vote was 54-45 in favor of the Central America Free Trade Agreement, setting the stage for a final battle in the House, where the agreement's many critics have vowed to defeat it.

Anyone seen the roll call vote posted anywhere? On C-SPAN it looked like every Democratic leader voted against it and Hillary and all the other '08 contenders. That might be explained by internal party politics, but guys like John Corzine voted against it. Can he explain that to any of his friends on Wall Street? Can anyone explain why any businessman would contribute to the Democratic Party?

The weird one on the GOP side was the two Maine Senators voted against--anyone know why?

Here's the roll call and it does look like not a single one of the Democrat leaders or their '08 hopefuls voted in favor of free trade. Amazing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 PM


Warmer air may cause more sea ice cover (June 30, 2005)

A new study says predicted increases in precipitation due to warmer air temperatures may actually increase sea ice volume in the Antarctic's Southern Ocean.

The findings on greenhouse effects point to asymmetry between the two poles and may be an indication that climate change processes may have varying impacts on different areas of the globe.

"Most people have heard of climate change and how rising air temperatures are melting glaciers and sea ice in the Arctic," said Dylan C. Powell, lead author of the study and a doctoral student at the University of Maryland.

"However, findings from our simulations suggest a counterintuitive phenomenon. Some of the melt in the Arctic may be balanced by increases in sea ice volume in the Antarctic."

What could be more quintessentially human than our routine overestimations of our impact on the planet?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:19 PM


The Bush Interview (Gerard Baker, 6/29/05, Times of London)

THERE has probably never been a president, there may not have been a human being, who observes punctuality with the sort of fanaticism that President George W. Bush brings to every aspect of his life.

If you are on time for a meeting with the President you are late, we were told as we prepared for our interview in the Oval Office yesterday to preview the G8 summit at Gleneagles next week.

Sure enough, a full nine minutes before the allotted time for our appointment, the door of the most famous room in the world opens and a genial President steps forward to greet us.

In person Mr Bush is so far removed from the caricature of the dim, war-mongering Texas cowboy of global popular repute that it shakes one’s faith in the reliability of the modern media. [...]

THE TIMES: On the other main G8 topic, climate change, do you believe the Earth is in fact getting warmer and, if so, do you believe that it is man who is making it warmer?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I believe that greenhouse gases are creating a problem, a long-term problem that we got to deal with. And step one of dealing with it is to fully understand the nature of the problem so that the solutions that follow make sense.

There’s an interesting confluence now between dependency upon fossil fuels from a national economic security perspective, as well as the consequences of burning fossil fuels for greenhouse gases. And that’s why it’s important for our country to do two things.

One is to diversify away from fossil fuels, which we’re trying to do. I think we’re spending more money than any collection of nations when it comes to not only research and development of new technologies, but of the science of global warming. You know, laid out an initiative for hydrogen fuel cells. We’re doing a lot of work on carbon sequestration. We hope to have zero emissions coal-fired electricity plants available for the United States as well as neighbours and friends and developing nations.

I’m a big believer that the newest generation of nuclear power ought to be a source of energy and we ought to be sharing these technologies with developing countries. [...]

THE TIMES: Tony Blair has taken great risks and shown great loyalty to you over the last four years, and on occasion at great cost to himself domestically. What have you done for him, and is it enough?

PRESIDENT BUSH: The decisions we have made have laid the foundation of peace for generations. His decision-making was based upon what he thought was best for the free world, for Great Britain and the free world.

What doesn’t happen in our relationship is we sit down here and calculate how best we can help each other personally. Our job is to represent something greater than that.

I admire Tony Blair because he’s a man of his word. I admire Tony Blair because he’s a leader with a vision, a vision that I happen to agree with. A vision that freedom is universal and freedom will lead to peace. I admire him because in the midst of political heat, he showed backbone. And you know, and so he’s been a good ally for America. [...]

THE TIMES: You said you want a strong Europe. What’s your vision of a strong and integrated Europe?

PRESIDENT BUSH: My vision is one that is economically strong, where the entrepreneurial spirit is vibrant.

And the reason I say that is because Europe’s our largest trading partner. We trade a trillion a year.

Secondly, a strong Europe is one where we can work in common cause to spread freedom and democracy.

His vision of Europe is nothing like Europe's.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 PM


Bye-bye macro economy (Max Fraad Wolff, 7/01/05, Asia Time)

[P]rofits remain strong notwithstanding serious risk of profit deceleration from a flattening yield curve, over-exposure to highly leveraged consumers and strengthening dollars. One might pause to note that leading American firms have worked ceaselessly over the last 30 years to diversify away from excessive reliance on what used to be called the US economy. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimates suggest that more than a quarter of American corporate profits were earned outside the US in 2004. There is consensus that this number will continue robust growth in the years ahead. This might suggest the dangers of conflating profits with domestic economic health.

The news on the other three fronts, representing over three-quarters of the American economy, is terrible! Our general public, larger by over 10 million since 2001, is just recovering the jobs lost across a short and steep recession followed by a protracted and painful "recovery". In May, we finally recovered the March 2001 employment numbers. The stunning growth in employment that has so many crowing is net 0.03% private sector employment growth over 50 months. Since World War II, it has taken an average of 23 months to regain pre-recession employment levels. This time it took 50.

Real median wage and salary growth have under-performed badly. Miraculously, consumer spending has risen by several percentage points as a gross domestic product (GDP) component while wages and salaries have fallen as a national income component. Consumer debt, particularly in the housing area, has grown at super-exponential rates. 2004 marked the all-time high-water mark for corporate profits as a percentage of national income and a 40-year low for wage compensation as a national income share. Before the "new economy", when macro economics referred to more than assets, bubbles and profits, this was called redistribution and viewed with some nervousness. Fortunately our leading lights are busy taking the dismal - and perhaps the science - out of the dismal science.

The federal budget, despite the recently ballyhooed excitement about a mere $350 billion projected shortfall, is dismally in the red. Long-term commitments like prescription drug coverage, $354 billion in underfunded insured pensions and changing population demographics beg for skepticism regarding these projections. In addition, the supplemental spending games and likely high future costs of foreign and domestic security operations mock rosy forecasts. Rapid growth in non-discretionary spending and proposed tax cut extensions render ebullience absurd. So goes another pillar of that strong macro economy.

Americans, even after their increased spending, enjoy record household net worth--a record that gets broken pretty much every quarter. As Mr. Wolff notes, we've gotten back to full employment despite (or because of) adding millions of immigrant laborers and being the only industrialized nation that reproduces at replacement level. The twenty-plus year epoch of economic growth we're in the midst of has been accompanied by debt, deficits, and trade imbalances.

Whatever pillars he's referring to are in as rough a shape as if Samson had a go at them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:43 PM

GAS, THE NEW BREAD (via Luciferous):

Democrats' own mood poll scares them (UPI, Jun. 29, 2005)

A poll on the political mood in the United States conducted by the Democratic Party has alarmed the party at its own loss of popularity.

Conducted by the party-affiliated Democracy Corps, the poll indicated 43 percent of voters favored the Republican Party, while 38 percent had positive feelings about Democrats.

"Republicans weakened in this poll ... but it shows Democrats weakening more," said Stanley Greenberg, who served as President Clinton's pollster.

Greenberg told the Christian Science Monitor he attributes the slippage to voters' perceptions that Democrats have "no core set of convictions or point of view."

We've got a book for the first reference to the predictable "this is the moment for a third party" essay.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:08 PM


Bush Words Reflect Public Opinion Strategy (Peter Baker and Dan Balz, June 30, 2005, Washington Post)

When President Bush confidently predicts victory in Iraq and admits no mistakes, admirers see steely resolve and critics see exasperating stubbornness. But the president's full-speed-ahead message articulated in this week's prime-time address also reflects a purposeful strategy based on extensive study of public opinion about how to maintain support for a costly and problem-plagued military mission.

The White House recently brought onto its staff one of the nation's top academic experts on public opinion during wartime, whose studies are now helpingBush craft his message two years into a war with no easy end in sight. Behind the president's speech is a conviction among White House officials that the battle for public opinion on Iraq hinges on their success in convincing Americans that, whatever their views of going to war in the first place, the conflict there must and can be won. [...]

In shaping their message, White House officials have drawn on the work of Duke University political scientists Peter D. Feaver and Christopher F. Gelpi, who have examined public opinion on Iraq and previous conflicts. Feaver, who served on the staff of the National Security Council in the early years of the Clinton administration, joined the Bush NSC staff about a month ago as special adviser for strategic planning and institutional reform.

Feaver and Gelpi categorized people on the basis of two questions: "Was the decision to go to war in Iraq right or wrong?" and "Can the United States ultimately win?" In their analysis, the key issue now is how people feel about the prospect of winning. They concluded that many of the questions asked in public opinion polls -- such as whether going to war was worth it and whether casualties are at an unacceptable level -- are far less relevant now in gauging public tolerance or patience for the road ahead than the question of whether people believe the war is winnable.

"The most important single factor in determining public support for a war is the perception that the mission will succeed," Gelpi said in an interview yesterday.

Key Bush advisers think the general public has considerable patience for keeping U.S. forces in Iraq, but they are mindful that opinion leaders, including members of Congress, high-profile analysts, editorial writers and columnists, are more pessimistic on that question. And they acknowledge that images of mayhem that people see from Iraq create doubt about the prospects for success.

In studying past wars, they have drawn lessons different from the conventional wisdom. Bush advisers challenge the widespread view that public opinion turned sour on the Vietnam War because of mounting casualties that were beamed into living rooms every night. Instead, Bush advisers have concluded that public opinion shifted after opinion leaders signaled that they no longer believed the United States could win in Vietnam.

Most devastating to public opinion, the advisers believe, are public signs of doubt or pessimism by a president, whether it was Ronald Reagan after 241 Marines, soldiers and sailors were killed in a barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983, forcing a U.S. retreat, or Bill Clinton in 1993 when 18 Americans were killed in a bloody battle in Somalia, which eventually led to the U.S. withdrawal there.

The more resolute a commander in chief, the Bush aides said, the more likely the public will see a difficult conflict through to the end. "We want people to understand the difficult work that's ahead," said a senior administration official who insisted on anonymity to speak more freely. "We want them to understand there's a political process to which the Iraqis are committed and there's a military process, a security process, to which we, our coalition partners and the Iraqis are committed. And that there is progress being made but progress in a time of war is tough."

They key is recognizing that you can--indeed have to--ignore elite opinion and appeal directly to ordinary Americans. In fact, if you make it us against the intellectuals you're home free.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:38 AM


Rove Crosses Line With Attack On Liberals: Bush Adviser Comes Close To Calling Democrats 'Appeasers' (Helen Thomas, June 30, 2005, Hearst Newspapers)

President George W. Bush has said he wants to change the tone in Washington.

Well, he can start right now by apologizing for the outrageous remarks to the Conservative Party of New York last week by Karl Rove...

He said that six years and googleplex Bush=Hitlers ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:26 AM


M for Fake — Welles, Moore and Other Tricksters (Edward Driscoll, 06.30.2005, New Partisan)

F For Fake, released in 1974, was Orson Welles’ last film to play in theaters during his lifetime. It was nominally a documentary on art forger Elmyr de Hory and Howard Hughes autobiography hoaxer Clifford Irving. The documentary footage of both de Hory and Irving was actually shot by others and purchased by Welles, who, in a masterwork of editing and narration, used the footage to launch into a long raconteur-like reflection on trickery and deception.

The movie has just been released onto DVD as part of the Criterion Collection, which has been assembling archival-quality versions of films both offbeat and important since the mid-1980s.

While Welles intended F For Fake to be a warning against the growing popularity of hucksters, I doubt that even he could have foreseen what a surprisingly bright future they would soon have. Since the film’s initial theatrical run in the mid-‘70s, the public has shown an increasing appetite for Hollywood fakers and charlatans who have launched careers with a serious bit of reality manipulation and then parlayed those early efforts into the big leagues of power and stardom.

In a way, that’s what Welles himself did. His 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast was an attempt to create an authentically realistic news radio broadcast to build verisimilitude before he set the Martians loose on New Jersey. The next day, his mouth seemingly melting butter, Welles “apologized” for his broadcast and the ensuing panic, in what must surely have been his best bit of acting ever. (There’s a clip of Welles’ apology on the DVD version of Citizen Kane.)

Welles’ stunt led directly to an offer to direct movies from RKO studios, the first of which was Citizen Kane. And it’s no coincidence that in Kane’s “News on the March” montage, Welles’ first line of dialogue was an emphatic “Don’t believe everything you hear on the radio!”

When he mentioned that the essay tied together Welles and Michael Moore I assumed he was going to write about how much the latter has come to resemble Hank Quinlan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 AM


Seriously Kinky: This Texas Jewboy wants to be the next governor of Texas, and if you think he's kidding, the joke may be on you (Robert Wilonsky, June 30, 2005, Dallas Observer)

Only when pushed, and then prodded and then finally pinned, will Richard Friedman explain why he's running as an independent candidate for Texas governor. Initially, he will offer only the glib, catchy one-liners that befit the songwriter nicknamed Kinky who once proclaimed, "They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore." He will say things like "I'm for the little fellers, not the Rockefellers." He will inform you that people are tired "of the choice between paper and plastic." He will explain that the Capitol building in Austin is seven feet taller than our nation's Capitol, but that ours "was built for giants, and instead it's inhabited by midgets." He has a million of them, and by the time November 2006 comes around--hell, by the time you finish reading this story--no doubt you will have heard many of them several times.

But Friedman, in spite of the punch lines, wants you to know his candidacy is no joke.

People who run such vanity candidacies always take themselves too seriously to be joking. Even William F. Buckley details, in hilarious fashion, how he fell victim to himself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 AM


The Silver Lining in Iran (ABBAS MILANI, 6/30/05, NY Times)

[C]ontrary to the common perception, this election is not so much a sign of the Iranian system's strength as of its weakness. Last week's presidential election is only the most recent example of the tactical wisdom and strategic foolishness of Iran's ruling mullahs. All the reformist candidates, particularly Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, as well as the approximately 70 percent of the electorate who voted for reformists or boycotted the election, sought above all to limit Ayatollah Khamenei's increasing despotism. Rather than accepting this possible outcome, Ayatollah Khamenei and his allies made a grab for absolute power. In the process they may have unwittingly opened the door for democracy - because their hardball tactics have created the most serious rift in the ranks of ruling mullahs since the inception of the Islamic Republic. The experience of emerging democracies elsewhere has shown that dissension within ruling circles has often presaged the fall of authoritarianism.

Mr. Ahmadinejad's presidency will force a crisis not only in Iran's political establishment but also, and even more important, in its economy. Only a huge infusion of capital and expertise, along with open markets, can even begin to address the country's economic problems, which include high unemployment, a rapidly increasing labor force, cronyism and endemic corruption.

Such an infusion requires, more than anything, security and the rule of law. It requires a fairly elected president who inspires the confidence of investors and governments around the world. Instead, through a dubious election, Iran's kingmakers propelled a man into the presidency who has publicly opined that the stock market is a form of gambling with no place in a genuine Islamic society.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Ahmadinejad's election brought about the single greatest plunge in the Iranian stock market's history. The day is already known as Black Saturday, and the president-elect has been scrambling to undo the damage since.

There is no Islamicist way to create a healthy economy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 AM


Guantánamo Thorny Issue for Democrats on Committee (NEIL A. LEWIS, 6/30/05, NY Times)

A hearing before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday provided a stark display of how Democrats and Republicans are reacting in different ways to accusations about abuse at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

For Republicans, the mission was simple and direct: defend the military's detention center at Guantánamo as humane and deserving of admiration throughout the world.

For some Democrats, the task was more complicated: to praise the patriotism and work of the vast majority of military personnel at Guantánamo, while raising questions about abuse of detainees. [...]

Representative Ike Skelton of Missouri, the panel's ranking Democrat, said that Guantánamo was in many ways better than state and federal penitentiaries and that he "applauds every American service member who serves honorably at that facility."

But, Mr. Skelton continued...

...as Americans stopped listening.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:53 AM


Senate Takes On Medicaid Loopholes: Middle-class maneuvers to avoid nursing home expenses are 'legal shenanigans,' some say. (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, June 30, 2005, LA Times)

Congress is considering a crackdown on financial planning strategies increasingly favored by middle-class families to shift the cost of nursing home care for elderly parents onto the federal government.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) denounced the practices Wednesday as "legal shenanigans" and vowed to help stop maneuvers he said were turning Medicaid into an asset protection program, instead of what it was supposed to be — an insurer of last resort for elderly people too poor to afford care.

Under present law, Medicaid, the federal program providing healthcare benefits to the poor, covers nursing home costs if residents can show that they do not have sufficient assets to pay for their own care — which experts say now averages $50,000 to $70,000 a year.

As costs have risen, it has become commonplace for families to transfer elderly relatives' assets to others — often to adult children or to grandchildren — through gifts or other legal devices, to keep the assets instead of letting them be used for nursing home care. So widespread is the practice that some estate planners hold seminars complete with video presentations, refreshments and spreadsheets.

Tightening the rules could save Medicaid $1 billion to $2 billion over five years, Grassley said, though Medicaid's long-term care bill is projected at $290 billion over the next five years.

Just stop paying for nursing homes. They're anti-family/anti-social anyway.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:50 AM


Cleveland population lowest since 1900 (Rich Exner, June 30, 2005, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo lost residents last year at a rate that was among the highest in the nation, according to census estimates being released today.

Worst among Ohio's big cities was Cincinnati, which lost 4,031 people, or 1.3 percent of its population. The Queen City's percentage loss trails only St. Paul, Detroit, St. Louis and Boston.

Cleveland's population fell to its lowest level since the 1900 census, dropping 1 percent. The loss of nearly 5,000 residents put the city's population at 458,684. Since 2000, Cleveland has lost nearly 20,000 residents, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

City's population falls for fourth straight year (ART GOLAB, 6/30/05, Chicago Sun-Times)
Chicago lost more than 13,000 residents between July 2003 and July 2004, a decline of nearly half a percent, according to population estimates to be released by the Census Bureau today.

The decline, roughly equal to the population of north suburban Winnetka, was the largest in four years of consecutive population downturns since the 2000 census.

During that period, Chicago lost nearly 38,000 people -- or 1.17 percent of its residents -- bringing the population down to 2.86 million.

No cities, no Blue States.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM

JUST DESSERTS (via M Ali Choudhury):

How 'Stella's' groove got away from her (MARY MITCHELL, 6/28/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

After convincing older women that they can find love with a man half their age, best-selling writer Terry McMillan's Tea Cake has run off -- with a man. Jonathan Plummer was 20 years old and McMillan was 43 when they met while she was staying at a Jamaican resort in 1995. [...]

Her widely read novel How Stella Got Her Groove Back is based, in part, on the steamy affair between McMillan and Plummer. McMillan is now 53. Plummer is 30 -- and he has come out of the closet. McMillan has filed for a divorce, claiming Plummer "lied about his sexual orientation" and that he married her "only to gain U.S. citizenship." [...]

Now, Plummer's calling McMillan "homophobic," and claims she cheated him out of royalties he was entitled to for "Stella."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:05 AM


US millionaire linked to looted relics: A top US businessman and an international network of smugglers and academics are making millions of dollars through their illegal dealings in looted Middle Eastern artefacts, according to a leading stolen antiquities activist. (David Hebditch and Lawrence Smallman, 26.06.2005, Indy Media)

Former self-confessed smuggler and police informant Michel Van Rijn told Aljazeera.net that multi-millionaire James Ferrell, the CEO of America's second largest propane gas company Ferrellgas, is running a London-based business that deals in smuggled relics.

Van Rijn says Ferrell established his network on 29 January 2000 with Hungarian-born antiquities dealer William Veres and academic Henry Kim of Oxford University's Ashmolean Museum.

After just eight months of dealing, a copy of Ferrell's own profit calcuations - provided to Aljazeera.net by Veres - show that the Texan-born tycoon had made a 400% profit on his initial $2.5m investment.

Neither Ferrell nor executive members of his staff have replied to repeated requests by telephone and e-mail for comment.

And even though Van Rijn invited the FBI to investigate evidence he supplied in 2003, the agency declined to investigate allegations of crimes that had not been committed in the US.

Mr. Brand has assured us that this is the big one, the scandal that will take down the Administration, because James Ferrell is a millionaire and one of the "most powerful" men in the country and John Negroponte has been protecting him despite a Hezbollah connection.

In a related story, Spy Czar Gains Clout: Bush gives intelligence chief Negroponte more control over U.S. agents at home and abroad by adopting a panel's recommendations. (Mark Mazzetti, Richard B. Schmitt and Warren Vieth, June 30, 2005, LA Times)

President Bush on Wednesday handed Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte broad authority over America's disparate and often-competing spy agencies, bringing U.S. domestic and foreign intelligence operations more closely under White House control.

Bush ordered the changes three months after a presidential commission issued a withering indictment of the intelligence failures that preceded the Iraq war. The commission said that a poorly coordinated intelligence community in the U.S. was producing work that was becoming "increasingly irrelevant."

The president adopted nearly all of the panel's 74 recommendations and took other steps toward completing the first overhaul of the U.S. intelligence apparatus since World War II.

In one of the most significant moves, Bush ordered the consolidation of the FBI's counterterrorism, intelligence and espionage operations into one National Security Service. The new office will be part of the FBI, but Negroponte will have authority over its budget and priorities — a move intended to reduce barriers between domestic and foreign intelligence-gathering.

Wednesday's changes further defined the post of director of national intelligence. The job was the centerpiece of an intelligence bill adopted by Congress in December, and Bush chose Negroponte for the post in February.

Serving as the president's principal intelligence advisor, Negroponte holds a new job that oversees all 15 intelligence agencies scattered throughout the government, putting him in a position to quickly communicate White House wishes to a wide network of spies.

Any more fallout from that scandal and Mr. Negroponte may replace Dick Cheney.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


Canada cracks down on bulk pharmaceutical sales to U.S. (Marguerite Higgins, June 30, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Canada's health minister yesterday announced plans to crack down on bulk sales of prescription drugs to the United States.

The initiative, which has been widely anticipated for the past few months, is meant to preserve Canada's prescription-drug supply for its citizens, Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh said.

"Canada cannot be the drugstore for the United States of America," Mr. Dosanjh said. Canadian prescription drugs are popular with U.S. patients, especially seniors, because they tend to be about 40 percent cheaper than their U.S. counterparts.

Can't be consistent with WTO rules, can it?

June 29, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:30 PM


Oswalt tosses seven scoreless innings vs. Rockies (AP, 6/29/05)

Craig Biggio's arm guard is headed to the Hall of Fame.

The way Houston Astros manager Phil Garner sees it, the player won't be far behind.

Biggio set the modern record for being hit by pitches and added a solo homer, helping Roy Oswalt win his fourth straight start in Houston's 7-1 victory over the Colorado Rockies on Wednesday.

"When you look at where he stands [with] offensive numbers, he's pretty impressive," Garner said. "The guys that are ahead of him are baseball icons that live forever. The guys that he's passed and he continues to pass are baseball icons too. So he's in high cotton he deserves to be there."

Biggio was hit on the left elbow in the fourth inning by Byung-Hyun Kim, breaking Don Baylor's post-1900 record of 267 times hit by pitches. Biggio calmly turned and trotted to first as he had so many other times, but this time he pointed to the ball and asked the ball boy to send it back to the Astros' dugout as a keepsake for his years of pain.

"Anybody that's been hit that many times, you have no understanding about how many times that is and how painful it is over the years," said Biggio, who had two hits to move into 52nd place with 2,718.

Many of the fans at Coors Field gave Biggio a standing ovation, and Cooperstown asked for his arm guard. As for the ball, it's headed home to his kids.

"My kids collect a bunch of stuff, it's amazing," Biggio said. "We have a rotation going on, I don't know if it's my daughter's or my oldest boy's -- somebody is going to get it. They treat everything with respect, they respect the game."

He actually could still get to 3000 fairly easily and has to be the only player who'll ever do so playing three of the four positions up the middle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:03 PM


Does dirty air cool the climate?: Study adds a factor to climate-change debate. (Peter N. Spotts, 6/30/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Over the past several decades, industrial countries have made major strides in cleaning up pollutants roiling from smokestacks.

But some researchers now say this progress could have a troubling side effect - accelerating the pace of global warming.

The reason: Tiny pollutant particles, once airborne, can reflect sunlight back into space, easing temperatures in what is known as aerosol cooling. By cleaning up industrial pollution, countries are reducing the effect of this cooling.

Nobody is recommending that nations halt efforts to curb pollution.

Still, when this factor is taken into account, global warming could outpace the level now forecast by climatologists, a team of European climate scientists reports in Thursday's edition of the journal Nature. Already, climate estimates sponsored by the United Nations foresee average temperatures rising by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.

Fortunately Carl Sagan offered us the solution to this dilemma--more frequent use of nuclear weapons would create a beneficial winterizing effect.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:24 PM


Senate minority chief offers his court picks (Margaret Talev, June 29, 2005, Sacramento Bee)

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he is recommending at least three Republican senators, all lawyers with anti-abortion records, as nominees in the event of a Supreme Court vacancy.

Reid's remarks to reporters at the Capitol seemed to catch a wide range of interests off guard, from liberal and conservative social activists preparing to campaign for or against potential nominees, to the senators themselves - Mel Martinez of Florida, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Mike Crapo of Idaho.

While Reid, D-Nev., opposes abortion, he represents a party that supports what it considers a woman's personal choice and aligns itself with activist organizations that have made the upholding of Roe v. Wade a rallying cry when it comes to court nominees.

"There are people who serve in the Senate now, who are Republicans, who I think would be outstanding Supreme Court members," Reid said. "If you want names, I'll give you names."

The Court desperately needs some justices who have real political experience. These are perfect fallbacks in case a first pick fails.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:19 PM


Senate panel narrowly endorses CAFTA (JIM ABRAMS, June 29, 2005, AP)

A Senate committee on Wednesday approved a trade agreement with Latin American nations, moving Congress a step closer to a decision on an accord that may have minimal effects on the U.S. economy but is of considerable political import to the Bush administration.

The Finance Committee approved the agreement by a voice vote, although it was closely divided on the issue. The bill now goes to the full Senate for a vote as early as this week. Passage in the Senate, traditionally more sympathetic to trade agreements, could give the measure some momentum in the House, where there is stiffer opposition.

The Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, would end trade barriers now encountered by U.S. goods in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. It also would ease investment rules, strengthen protections for intellectual property and, according to supporters, solidify economic and democratic stability in the region.

But the agreement has run into vigorous opposition from labor groups, and their Democratic allies, who say its provisions on labor rights are weak, and from the U.S. sugar industry, which claims that an increase in Central American imports, while small, could open the door to ruin.

Pity all the poor libertarians who could "never vote Republican again" because of the steel tariffs...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:13 PM


Blueberries get a boost from health studies (Candy Sagon, 6/29/05, Washington Post)

Pity the blueberry, always dwarfed in summer popularity by peaches and strawberries.

That, of course, was before researchers took a closer look and pronounced the magic words: high in antioxidants.

Now what many growers call the ``health halo'' is helping the U.S. blueberry business enjoy a tremendous surge including what government agriculture analysts say may be a record crop this year.

Thanks to studies showing that blueberries can help protect against some forms of cancer and heart disease, as well as offset some of the effects of aging, consumers have been rushing to add the fruit to their daily diets. Blueberries may still trail the mighty strawberry in consumption and production, but sales of blueberries in all forms -- fresh, frozen and dried -- have exploded in popularity in the past three years. [...]

The United States and Canada are the world's biggest blueberry producers. The United States produces more than half of the world's supply. Maine and Michigan lead the country, followed by New Jersey, Oregon, Georgia, North Carolina and Washington state, according to the USDA.

In 2002, for example, 105 million pounds of fresh blueberries were sold in the United States. Last year, the figure jumped to 166 million pounds, according to the Blueberry Council.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:10 PM


Nancy Pelosi's Style as Leader: Admirable but Doomed? (Norman J. Ornstein, June 29, 2005, Roll Call)

Pelosi, an assertive leader determined to get her party back in the majority, has experienced years of frustration, facing a Republican Party that displayed awesome unity on issues ranging from appropriations to tax cuts to energy, operating with more closed and restrictive rules than at any period in our lifetimes and operating almost like a parliamentary majority. Pelosi has often been unable to muster the kind of cohesive opposition that Gingrich achieved in 1993-94.

She is determined to follow the Gingrich model, creating a genuine minority party that opposes, looks for ways to split the majority, highlights its failings and especially its scandals, condemns regularly its arrogance and its excesses of power, and finds ways to make the Republicans’ potentially vulnerable Members more vulnerable.

She has certainly been helped by the overreaching of the majority, its obtuseness on matters of ethics, its penchant for gratuitous humiliation of the minority--witness House Judiciary Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)--and the emergence of cracks in its remarkable discipline, stemming from a second presidential term and a looming sixth-year midterm election.

Given the nature of our times, Pelosi is the kind of tough-minded and aggressive leader that an embattled minority needs. But such a leader must also show some perspective if the party is to offer any hope of winning seats that might be contestable and that could add up to a majority. That means picking battles carefully and showing sensitivity to the party’s image with voters.

Some issues require a party whip and strict discipline--prescription drugs was one, and the budget is another. Democrats who abandoned the party on these issues were remarkably obtuse. But bankruptcy reform, which is not a key bottom-line party priority, and one on which many Democrats differed from the leader, was not in the same league. Ostracizing Democrats who voted for that bill was not a wise way to build the party’s base. And I say this even though I think the bankruptcy bill was deeply flawed.

Balance also means erasing or at least ameliorating the Democrats’ weakness with voters on national security and homeland security issues. Like it or not, the American public does not see Democrats as sufficiently tough in the era after Sept. 11, 2001. In the vast bulk of potential swing seats that Democrats need to flip, including those once occupied by Blue Dogs, these larger security issues matter a lot.

But there is a real risk that Pelosi’s own instincts on these issues will serve more to reinforce the image of weakness for Democrats than reduce it, and indeed may reinforce a confrontational, partisan approach on the sensitive questions of America’s role in the world at a time when more Americans want Congress to come together to confront larger threats.

Mr. Ornstein, though a partisan Democrat, is one of those who prattles on endlessly about how the Hill is too politicized and rancorous these days. Notice though that he doesn't expect Ms Pelosi to actually help pass any legislation? Even as a minority leader Newt Gingrich was instrumental on issues like free trade, where neither NAFTA nor GATT would have passed without him. Is there no good that Democrats can do for the country by working with the Presiudent?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:59 PM


Bush critics call for more troops in Iraq (NEDRA PICKLER, 6/29/05, Associated Press)

Congressional critics of President Bush's stay-the-course commitment to the war in Iraq argued Wednesday that the administration lacks sufficient troops on the ground to mount a successful counterinsurgency.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:28 PM


Amputating normal limbs OK: philosophers (The Age, June 24, 2005)

Two Australian philosophers believe surgeons should be allowed to cut off the healthy limbs of some "amputee wannabes".

Neil Levy and Tim Bayne argue that patients obsessed with having a limb amputated should be able to have it safely removed by a surgeon, as long as they are deemed sane.

"As long as no other effective treatment for their disorder is available, surgeons ought to be allowed to accede to their requests," the pair wrote in the Journal of Applied Philosophy.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:50 AM


The Jews of New York (Jacob Riis, Review of Reviews 13, 1896: 58-62)

It is a pity that Herr Ahlwardt [a virulently anti-semitic German politician, not to be redundant], our latest German visitor, has made up his mind so firmly about the Jews, or the events in New York of the closing days of the year might have taught him something worth his learning. If it were his purpose to ascertain the true status of the Jews, whom he so hates, in the American community, he could not have arrived at a more opportune moment. The great Hebrew Fair in Madison Square Garden and the strike among the garment workers on the East Side combined to furnish an all round view of this truly peculiar people that to the observant mind was most instructive. On the one side the mayor of America's chief city opening the great fair with words of grateful appreciation of the civic virtues of a prosperous and happy people, wealth and fashion thronging to its doors and the whole community joining in the glad welcome. On the other, this suffering multitude in its teeming tenements, fettered in ignorance and bitter poverty, struggling undismayed to cast off its fetters and its reproach, and winning in the fight against tremendous odds by the exercise of the same stern qualities that won for their brothers prosperity and praise. Truly this is a spectacle well calculated to challenge every feeling of human and manly interest; alas! and of human prejudice as well.

For in the challenge there is no shuffling and no equivocation. New York's Judaism is uncompromising. It is significant that while the census of 1890, which found 130,496 members of Jewish congregations (heads of families) in the United States, records 72,899 as "Reformed Jews," and only 57,597 as orthodox, in New York City that proportion is reversed. Of an enrolled membership of 35,085, 24,435 are shown to be orthodox, and only 10,650 Reformed Jews. At the rate of 5.71 members to the average Jewish family, the census gives a total of 745,132 Jews as living in the country five years ago, and 200,335 in New York city. Allowing for the natural increase in five years (13,700) and for additions made by immigration, it is probable that the Jewish population of the metropolis reaches to-day very nearly a total of 250,000, in which the proportion of orthodox is practically as above, nearly 2 1/2 old school Jews to every 1 who has been swayed or affected by his Christian environment. The Jew-baiter has them at what he would call their worst.

Everyday observation suggests a relationship of orthodoxy and prosperity in this instance that is not one of dependence. Roughly put, the 2 1/2 are of the tenements - for the present - the 1 of the Avenue. Those of the strike, this one of the fair. Those the newcomers, struggling hand to hand with the dire realities of poverty which these, having won home and welcome, are attacking in the rear, faithful none the less, as their problem. Driven from the old world, received in the new, if sometimes with misgivings, less for what they are than for what they were made, it is worth casting up the account to see how it stands, what they have brought us for what they have received.

First, the tenement hordes. They perplex at times the most sanguine optimist. The poverty they have brought us is black and bitter; they crowd as do no other living beings to save space, which is rent, and where they go they make slums. Their customs are strange, their language unintelligible. They slave and starve to make money, for the tyranny of a thousand years from which freedom was bought only with gold has taught them the full value of it. It taught them, too, to stick together in good and evil report since all the world was against New York's ghetto; it is clannish.

As to the poverty, they brought us boundless energy and industry to overcome it. Their slums are offensive, but unlike those of other less energetic races, they are not hopeless unless walled in and made so on the old world plan. They do not rot in their slum, but rising pull it up after them. Nothing stagnates where the Jews are. The Charity Organization people in London said to me two years ago, "The Jews have fairly renovated Whitechapel." They did not refer to the model buildings of the Rothschilds and fellow philanthropists. They meant the resistless energy of the people, which will not rest content in poverty. It is so in New York. Their slums on the East Side are dark mainly because of the constant influx of a new population ever beginning the old struggle over. The second generation is the last found in those tenements, if indeed it is not already on its way uptown to the Avenue.

They brought temperate habits and a redeeming love of home. Their strange customs proved the strongest ally of the Gentile health officer in his warfare upon the slum. The laws Moses wrote in the desert operate to-day in New York's tenements as a check upon the mortality with which all the regulations of the Board of Health do not compare. The death-rate of poverty- stricken Jewtown, despite its crowding, is lower always than that of the homes of the rich. The Jew's rule of life is his faith and it regulates his minutest action. His clannishness, at all events, does not obstruct his citizenship. There is no more patriotic a people than these Jews, and with reason. They have no old allegiance to forget. They saw to that over yonder.

The economic troubles of the East Side, their sweat shops and their starvation wages, are the faithful companions of their dire poverty. They disturb the perspective occasionally with their urgent clamor, but with that restored Jewtown is seen marching on steadily to industrial independence. Trade organization conquers the sweat shop, and the school drills the child, thenceforth not to be enslaved. The very strike of to-day is an instance. It is waged over a broken contract, extorted from the sweaters, which guaranteed to tailors a ten-hour working day and a fixed wage. Under this compact in a few brief months the tenement sweat shop was practically swept from the trade. And it will not be restored. I verily believe these men would starve to death rather than bend their backs again under the yoke.

So it stands with the East Side, sometimes so perplexing: as to the Avenue, how does it appear in the footing? There was the great fair, so fresh in the public mind, at which a fortune was realized for the Jewish charities of the city. It is more than 240 years since the Jews were first admitted, by special license as it were, to the New Netherlands, on the express condition that "the poor among them should not become a burden to the company or to the community, but be supported by their own nation," and most loyally have they kept the compact that long since ceased to have force to bind. Their poor are not, and never were, a burden upon the community. The Jewish inmates of the workhouse and the almshouse can be counted on the fingers of one hand any day. They are not paupers. Of the thousands who received help through the dreadful winter of two years ago, scarce a half dozen remained to be aided when work was again to be had for wages. The Jewish charities are supported with a generosity and managed with a success which Christians have good cause to envy. They are not run by boards of directors who stretch their legs under the table in the board room while they leave the actual management of affairs to paid superintendents and officials. The Jew as a charity director directs. And he brings to the management of his trust the same qualities of business sagacity, of unerring judgment and practical common sense with which he runs his store on Broadway. Naturally the result is the same.

The system of Jewish charities is altogether admirable. There is no overlapping or waste of effort. Before charity organization had been accepted as a principle by Christian philanthropy the Jews had in their United Hebrew Charities the necessary clearing house for the speeding and simplifying of the business of helping the poor to help themselves. Their asylums, their nurseries and kindergartens are models of their kind. Their great hospital, the Mount Sinai, stands in the front rank in a city full of renowned asylums. Of the 3,000 patients it harbored last year 89 per cent were treated gratuitously. The Aguilar Free Library circulated last year 253,349 books, mainly on the East Side, and after ten years' existence has nearly 10,000 volumes. The managers of the Baron de Hirsch Fund have demonstrated the claim that he will not till the soil to be a libel on the immigrant Jew. Their great farm of 5,100 acres at Woodbine, N.J., is blossoming into a model village in which there are no idlers and no tramps. At the New York end of the line hundreds of children who come unable to understand any other language than their own jargon, are taught English daily, and men and women nightly, with the Declaration of Independence for their reader and the starry banner ever in their sight. In a marvelously short space of time they are delivered over to the public school, where they receive the heartiest welcome as among their best and brightest pupils.

Their technical schools prove every day that the boy will most gladly take to a trade, if given the chance, and that at this, as at everything he does, he excels. Eighty per cent of the pupils taught in the Hebrew Technical Institute earn their living at the trade they learned. These trade schools are the best in the land. Most thoroughly do these practical men know that the problem of poverty is the problem of the children. They are the to-morrow, and against it they are trying to provide with all their might. It was a Jew, Dr. Felix Adler, who first connected the workshop with the school in New York as a means of training and discipline. There is not now a Jewish institution or home for children in which the inmates are not trained to useful trades. The Educational Alliance which centres in the great Hebrew Institute, with its scope "Americanizing, educational, social and humanizing," is a vast net in which the youth of the dark East Side tenements are caught and made into patriots and useful citizens. And the work grows with the need of it. The funds are always forthcoming.

Our public schools are filled with devoted Jewish teachers, the ranks of the profession in New York overflow with eminent men professing Judaism. Their temples and synagogues are centres of a social energy that struggles manfully with half the perplexing problems of the day. There is no Committee of Seventy, no Tenement House Committee, no scheme of philanthropy or reform in which they are not represented. Was ever a sermon preached from Christian pulpit like that which stands to-day in Rutgers Square done in stone and bronze? Where the police clubbed the unoffending cloakmakers, gathered lawfully to assert their rights that meant home and life to them, a Jew built a beautiful fountain, the one bright spot in all the arid waste of tenements, "to the City of New York," and nowhere shall the seeker find the name of the giver graven in the stone. It remained for a "Christian" Board of Aldermen to wantonly insult a man whose very name is synonymous with gentleness and benevolence, by refusing through the hot summer to turn on the water because the member from the ward "had not been consulted" and so had suffered in dignity.

On the whole, Mayor Strong spoke fairly for the metropolis and its people when, in the spirit of the letter to the Newport Jews from George Washington, of which a part is here given in @i[fac-simile], and which was the most prized exhibit at the fair, he congratulated them upon their notable achievements and praised their public spirit. The facts bear him out, I think.

I spoke of the orthodoxy of the slum. In more than a physical, sanitary respect is it the salvation of the East Side. Jewish liberalism takes a different course in New York on the Avenue and in the tenement. With still its strong backing of the old faith morality, it runs uptown to philanthropy, to humanitarianism. The work of Dr. Felix Adler, the founder of the Ethical Society, whose congregation is very largely Jewish, is an outgrowth of Judaism. "Religion and humanity" is the watchword of the advanced Jew, sufficiently indicating his spirit. In the slum the loosening of the old ties lets in unbelief with the surrounding gloom and leads directly to immorality and crime. The danger besets especially the young. Whether it be the tenement that corrupts, the new freedom, or the contrast between the Talmud schools, to which the children are sent when young, and the public school, the fact appears to be that crime is cropping out to a dangerous degree among the Jewish children on the East Side. The school explanation was suggested to me by the fact that the Talmud schools, which are usually in dark and repulsive tenement rooms, become identified in the child's mind from babyhood with his faith. By contrast the public school appears so much more bright and beautiful. The child would be more than human did he fail to make a note of it. And these children are very human.

Whatever the explanation the danger is there, but their wise men are preparing to meet it upon its own ground. The Hebrew Free School Association gathers into its classes in the Hebrew Institute these children by thousands every day, while under the same roof the managers of the Baron de Hirsch Fund are giving their teachers instruction in English and fitting them for their task as religious instructors upon an American plan that shall by and by eliminate the slum tenement altogether.

The Jew in New York has his faults, no doubt, and sometimes he has to be considered in his historic aspect in order that the proper allowance may be made for him. It is a good deal better perspective, too, than the religious one to view him in, as a neighbor and a fellow citizen. I am a Christian and hold that in his belief the Jew is sadly in error. So that he may learn to respect mine, I insist on fair play for him all round. That he has received in New York, and no one has cause to regret it except those he left behind. I am very sure that our city has to-day no better and more loyal citizen than the Jew, be he poor or rich - and none she has less need to be ashamed of.

Given American history, nothing is more easily predictable than that the children of the wetbacks will campaign resolutely against the admission of refugees from China's collapse. They don't speak English, they're communists, they are poor and will be a burden on the taxpayer and are in all ways different from the hardworking Mexican immmigrants of yesteryear who wanted nothing more than to be Americans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 AM


Thomas Goes Home for Swearing In: Georgia's new chief justice, a liberal, stirs up civil rights activists by sharing the stage with a conservative from the U.S. Supreme Court. (Ellen Barry, June 29, 2005, LA Times)

When Leah Ward Sears was sworn in Tuesday as chief justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, at her side was an old friend and fellow Georgian: Clarence Thomas. [...]

Thomas' attendance at Tuesday's ceremony, Sears said, carried tremendous meaning. "Many Americans have the mistaken belief that if people don't agree with each other on every point, they can't be friends," she said. "I hope it sends a message about civil discourse."

The invitation upset some in Atlanta's civil rights community. Sears has gained wide support during her 13 years on the state Supreme Court bench for opinions that, among other things, overturned Georgia's antisodomy law, use of the electric chair and mandatory life sentences. She is the first black woman to serve as chief justice of any state Supreme Court. But when the Rev. Joseph Lowery, one of the elder statesmen of the civil rights movement, learned Monday that Thomas would be at the ceremony, he decided not to attend.

"We didn't want to be misunderstood as affirming what Clarence Thomas represented," said Lowery, a leader of the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples' Agenda, an association of civil rights groups. "Clarence Thomas has been one of the most destructive forces for civil rights and poor people on the court since his appointment." [...]

She got to know Thomas 12 years ago, after discovering that he had grown up in Pin Point.

Natives of the Savannah area, a friend said, have a sense of kinship, staying close even after they've scattered and made their way in their professions.

"Savannah folks do stick together," said Orion L. Douglas, a state court judge who is close to Thomas and Sears. "Wealthy, poor, middle class — if you were African American in those days, you were from the same spatial area. We had no gated communities, put it that way."

Young, who was a friend and ally of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., said that he recently met with Thomas for the first time, and felt certain that whether or not they disagreed, he and the high court justice would have an ongoing relationship.

"The alienation between him and our community has been unfortunate for all of us," Young said.

Why would he accept a nomination to be Chief when it would just be a vilification fest?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 AM


The New York Times Shafted My Father: Silence, from Melvin Barnet and then the paper he worked for, destroyed his career. (Michael Cross-Barnet, June 26, 2005, LA Times)

On July 13, 1955, in Room 135-A of the Senate Office Building in Washington, my father tersely recounted his past. He said he had not been a communist since 1942. But when asked about other people, his lips were sealed. Twenty times the committee's attorney provided a name and asked my father if he knew that person "as a communist." Twenty times, my father gave the same reply: "I assert my privilege, sir, under the 5th Amendment." He would identify no one. Not even the man who had informed on him. Not even a dead person. The committee, he believed, did not have the right to ask him.

After the hearing, he went to the Times' Washington bureau, where he was handed a note stating that his conduct "has caused the Times to lose confidence in you as a member of its news staff." His career in journalism was over — he was 40.

It is unfortunate that the Times fired my father for refusing to name names half a century ago. But the country was in the grip of fear and, as a new generation of Americans learned after 9/11, fear is a powerful emotion. What is more puzzling, and in a way more disturbing, is that 50 years later the New York Times won't admit its mistake.

We need only change the facts slightly to see how fatuous this line of argument is and always has been:
On July 13, 2005, in Room 135-A of the Senate Office Building in Washington, my father tersely recounted his past. He said he had not been an active member of al Qaeda since 2002. But when asked about other people, his lips were sealed. Twenty times the committee's attorney provided a name and asked my father if he knew that person "as an Islamicist." Twenty times, my father gave the same reply: "I assert my privilege, sir, under the 5th Amendment." He would identify no one. Not even the man who had informed on him. Not even a dead person. The committee, he believed, did not have the right to ask him.

After the hearing, he went to the Times' Washington bureau, where he was handed a note stating that his conduct "has caused the Times to lose confidence in you as a member of its news staff." His career in journalism was over — he was 40.

The only question is whether today's Times would fire such a person, not whether yesterday's was right to.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:06 AM


Economy's growth is better than expected (JEANNINE AVERSA, 6/29/05, Associated Press)

The economy logged a solid 3.8 percent growth rate in the first quarter of 2005, a performance that was better than previously thought and a fresh sign the expansion is on firm footing.

The new reading on gross domestic product, released by the Commerce Department on Wednesday, marked an improvement from the 3.5 percent annual rate estimated for the quarter just a month ago and matched the showing registered in the final quarter of 2004. [...]

"It was a solid quarter, particularly in the face of high and rising energy prices," said Mark Zandi, chief analyst at Economy.com. "It illustrates the resilience of the economy and the durability of the current economic expansion."
Yes, twenty-plus years of uninterrupted economic growth would seem to be telling us something...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 AM


Spain turns its helm in direction of Blair (John Vinocur, JUNE 28, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

To find out which way the European political wind is really blowing, look for the flag of the national leader who is not facing elections in the next 10 minutes. In Spain, a firm gust is pushing the standard of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, last year's anti-Blair and anti-Bush apasionado, toward a course-correction.

With no national voting on the horizon until March 2008 and good economic figures to steady his nerves, Zapatero can look into the future and change headings without excessive embarrassment. Since Tony Blair began his charge at European Union leadership and reform, the Spanish Socialist prime minister has started detaching himself - in what looks like a series of inconspicuous little surgeries - from the Gerhard Schröders and Jacques Chiracs that Spain judges no longer hold Europe in their grip.

For a political epiphany bracketing the changes aflicker in Europe, this is a fascinating one.

Roll back a little more than a year. Zapatero was elected in March 2004 through the combination of a murderous Qaeda train bombing in Madrid and its link in the mind of the Spansh voting public to the support of José Maria Aznar's government for the Iraq war.

Fleeing Blair and Bush, Zapatero quite literally threw himself into the arms of the French-German Righteous Brothers. For the next months, he talked of an us-and-them, Europeans vs. Anglo-Saxons world, a rigid construct of political corridors that stop, windows that look out on walls.

Now Zapatero has joined the Finns, Swedes and Dutch in voting no on the budget with the British at the failed EU summit meeting two weeks ago. His Spain has, with Italy, dodged embracing a German candidacy for a United Nations security council seat; or backing a proposal for another EU summit talkathon, favored by the French and Germans, and meant to slow the momentum of the British presidency that begins Friday

Now Zapatero has scheduled, a bit conspicuously, a meeting with Blair in London late in July.

Of course he can't get the meeting he wants most. Couldn't even get a phone call for quite awhile.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:47 AM


Canada approves same-sex marriage (Alexander Panetta, National Post, June 28th, 2005)

It was fought in courtrooms, in legislatures, in street protests, and one of the most turbulent debates in Canadian history was settled Tuesday with a vote in Parliament.

The House of Commons voted 158 to 133 to adopt controversial legislation that will make Canada the third country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

Several Liberals marked the occasion by invoking the memory of their party's philosopher king, Pierre Trudeau.

It was the late Liberal prime minister who decriminalized homosexuality in 1969, and whose Charter of Rights and Freedoms became the legal cudgel that smashed the traditional definition of marriage.

Barely two years ago the Liberal government was still fighting same-sex couples in courts across the land.

It changed its tune amid an onslaught of legal verdicts in eight provinces that found traditional marriage laws violated the charter's guarantee of equality for all Canadians.

"(This) is about the Charter of Rights," Prime Minister Paul Martin said earlier Tuesday.

"We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights.

"A right is a right and that is what this vote tonight is all about."

A bitter fight it was indeed, but it is striking how little headway opponents of gay marriage made over two years, despite respectably funded organization, a thorough vetting of the issue in the press and extensive public hearings. The slim majority that favoured this measure with varying degrees of enthusiasm held firm throughout and could not be swayed from the argument that the traditional definition of marriage was a huge oppression and an unacceptable violation of a fundamental human right. Few of them seem to have pondered why they would have scoffed at that very notion as recently as a few years ago and just what is was that changed their minds so quickly and dramatically. Equally hard to believe is that, as recently as ten years ago, a lead editorial in one of Vancouver’s gay publications thundered criticism of the movement to domesticate the gay lifestyle and asserted defiantly that it “was not about dental benefits.”

A few perceptive analysts have noted that there has been no stampede to the alter among gays. For many of them, the campaign seems to have been more about weddings than marriage, and most undoubtedly have enough foresight to see the burden beyond the blessing. But is that not now true of most of the heterosexual community? The notion that marriage is exclusively about celebrating erotic love and an ongoing (and cancellable) emotional “commitment”, with children just a by-product of choice, is now so throughly embedded in much of the culture that one suspects that the real reason this measure passed is that most folks were no longer able to verbalize any misgivings or articulate any reason to oppose it.

In the contemporary mind, a successful marriage is entirely a matter of interpersonal chemistry, and is measured by the fulfillment of emotional “needs”. Our ingrained rationalism resists and rejects any notion that its success or failure is connected to the goings-on of the society around it. Entirely a matter of personal choice, it neither requires nor merits any honour or support from the community, to which it contributes nothing in particular, or any preference over equally worthy “alternative” lifestyles. While the state now provides–even insists upon–more and more mediation and therapeutic resources to help divorcing couples weather their storm and spare us all that unseemly friction, it does little or nothing to try and save marriages in distress. If it tried to, many would object to an unwarranted public intrusion into the realm of the private. We have become so haunted by the spectre of being trapped in an unhappy or even tedious marriage, our very definition of the intolerable, we decline to gainsay even the most frivolous reasons for divorce. We tell ourselves it is all so personal and complicated and, as we are all Freudians now, we understand that marriage must rest on the ongoing psycho-sexual fulfillment to which everyone is entitled as a birthright.

Indeed, one could argue that we have not so much expanded the definition of marriage to include gays as simply acknowledged our acquiescence in their notion of what a marriage should be.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


The End of the Rainbow (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 6/29/05, NY Times)

Ireland's turnaround began in the late 1960's when the government made secondary education free, enabling a lot more working-class kids to get a high school or technical degree. As a result, when Ireland joined the E.U. in 1973, it was able to draw on a much more educated work force.

By the mid-1980's, though, Ireland had reaped the initial benefits of E.U. membership - subsidies to build better infrastructure and a big market to sell into. But it still did not have enough competitive products to sell, because of years of protectionism and fiscal mismanagement. The country was going broke, and most college grads were emigrating.

"We went on a borrowing, spending and taxing spree, and that nearly drove us under," said Deputy Prime Minister Mary Harney. "It was because we nearly went under that we got the courage to change."

And change Ireland did. In a quite unusual development, the government, the main trade unions, farmers and industrialists came together and agreed on a program of fiscal austerity, slashing corporate taxes to 12.5 percent, far below the rest of Europe, moderating wages and prices, and aggressively courting foreign investment. In 1996, Ireland made college education basically free, creating an even more educated work force.

The results have been phenomenal. Today, 9 out of 10 of the world's top pharmaceutical companies have operations here, as do 16 of the top 20 medical device companies and 7 out of the top 10 software designers. Last year, Ireland got more foreign direct investment from America than from China. And overall government tax receipts are way up.

"We set up in Ireland in 1990," Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computer, explained to me via e-mail. "What attracted us? [A] well-educated work force - and good universities close by. [Also,] Ireland has an industrial and tax policy which is consistently very supportive of businesses, independent of which political party is in power. I believe this is because there are enough people who remember the very bad times to de-politicize economic development. [Ireland also has] very good transportation and logistics and a good location - easy to move products to major markets in Europe quickly."

Finally, added Mr. Dell, "they're competitive, want to succeed, hungry and know how to win. ... Our factory is in Limerick, but we also have several thousand sales and technical people outside of Dublin. The talent in Ireland has proven to be a wonderful resource for us. ... Fun fact: We are Ireland's largest exporter."

As we've seen in Ireland, India, Africa, etc., it's common for political elites in former colonies to initially react against the Anglo-American system that was forced upon them, but if they can get that little petty phase over with quickly and recognize that their people have internalized the values of that system then they're primed for success.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


Gitmo's 'gourmet fare' (James Langton, June 29, 2005, LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH)

The prison is known more for the accusation that it's a gulag than for goulash, but a new cookbook aims to counter the reputation of the detention center at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Several hundred recipes prepared for the inmates at the camp are to be published next month in "The Gitmo Cookbook," including dishes such as mustard-and-dill baked fish and honey-and-ginger chicken breast.

The recipes -- most of which use fewer than eight ingredients and originally were created to feed up to 100 persons -- were developed by the U.S. Navy cooks in charge of the camp's kitchens.

They must serve food that meets the Islamic halal requirements of the 540 detainees, who mostly are from Afghanistan, Iraq and other Arab nations.

Not only do they live and eat better than we did at Summer Camp, we had to pay for it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


Marching in Cairo, because enough is enough (Mona Eltahawy, JUNE 29, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

I arrived in Cairo as another American was visiting. Condoleezza Rice was in town on her first trip as U.S. secretary of state. Saying that peaceful democracy supporters should be free from violence, Rice regretted the assaults of May 25, describing it as a "sad day."

Two days later, I was marching with Alaa, Manal and about 300 fellow Egyptians through the working-class neighborhood of Shubra, shouting "Down down with Hosni Mubarak." Riot police that had confined previous demonstrations to one spot were nowhere to be seen.

Emboldened, protesters who had begun the demonstration on a street corner pushed ahead and for the first time since the anti-Mubarak protests began, took their message to the street.

"You might have a point about Rice's speech," Alaa said, grinning and taking pictures.

I had asked him over lunch if he thought U.S. pressure would help Egypt's reformers. He said he was less concerned with simple regime change to replace Mubarak than with changing Egypt's political system from the bottom up. Only Egyptians could do that, Alaa said.

True, but that did not stop demonstrators from injecting their chants with the humor we Egyptians pride ourselves on: "Give Mubarak a visa and take him with you, Condoleezza."

About 100 Mubarak supporters marched in parallel to us. Only a thin white line of traffic police separated them from us. The police officer's only battle was to help buses full of stunned passengers snake their way through our march. I have never seen anything like it in Cairo.

It reminded me of a photograph of a demonstration in London that has earned a place in our family album. My parents took it when they first arrived in London. They had never seen police lining the streets to open roads for protesters.

But demonstrations and a thriving political culture are there in the collective memory of Egyptians. In returning to Cairo to march with Alaa, Manal and all the other Egyptians who weekly violate emergency laws that bar demonstrations, I was walking in the steps of my grandfather, who was arrested for protesting against the British occupation of Egypt more than 70 years ago.

The Mubarak supporters hurled taunts of "Traitors!" our way. But our shouting drowned out their tired regime line that we were any less Egyptian for calling for reform.

"We're here to help break the barrier of fear," a fellow protester said as he ushered us away from traffic.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 AM

BUT 40% AGREE WITH US! (via Kevin Whited):

Bush seeks to rally troops (in GOP, not the military) (CRAGG HINES, 6/28/05, Houston Chronicle)

Bush's decision to deliver the speech put in some context Rove's remarks last week at a Conservative Party gathering in New York, in which he belittled the reaction of liberals to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Rove carefully named only a few names but was probably not upset that he was interpreted with a broad brush to mean almost any Democrat you cared to finger.

Rove's comments were at least disingenuous and more likely scurrilous. Recall, please, it was Rove who first publicly called for Republicans to turn the war on terror to their partisan advantage, telling the Republican National Committee, at a January 2002 meeting, the party could "go to the country on this issue" — a refreshingly as well as disgustingly frank admission of what was afoot.

Democratic strategists recognize the repeated success of the technique as much as many of them abhor it.

"There is a very strong incentive for the president to play the same cards he did in 2002 and 2004," said Stanley Greenberg, a Democratic pollster not currently working for any candidate.

As Brother Whited points out, when a "technique" works over and over and over again and no "technique" of your own manages to counter it, maybe you should consider whether your party's problem is philosophical, rather than technical?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


India and US sign defence accord (BBC, 6/29/05)

India and US have signed a 10-year agreement to strengthen defence ties between the two countries.

The landmark agreement will help facilitate joint weapons production, co-operation on missile defence and the transfer of technology.

Indian Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee and US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld signed the agreement.

There has been a significant transformation in relations between the two countries in recent years.

It's George Bush's most significant foreign policy achievement.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Think before you flush - mayor's latest message to Londoners (Hugh Muir, June 29, 2005, The Guardian)

In this era of energy austerity, the mayor said responsible citizens will also eschew the wasteful tendency to bathe and will instead take showers, but that even then they will be expected to show moderation. People addicted to power showers will be expected to consider how this appears amid a climate of denial, as will those who brush their teeth or wash vegetables under streams of running water, or run the washing machine half full.

The mayor will also seek legal powers to make the capital more energy efficient. On Friday, when he meets the environment secretary, Margaret Beckett, he will ask for legislation to empower him to impose water metering for the first time. He will also seek an immediate hosepipe ban, a ban on "incredibly wasteful" sprinklers and the introduction of a drought order, which would make it easier to impose immediate restrictions.

He said that without a change in practices and attitudes, the only way London could cope with another dry winter would be to introduce standpipes as early as next year.

Mr Livingstone said a third of London's water was flushed down the toilet. "We are asking people to consider - and obviously it is a matter of personal choice - that if all you have done is take a pee, you don't need to flush the toilet every time."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:47 AM


Bill Clinton: Hillary is Republicans #1 Target (NewsMax, 6/29/05)

Ex-president Bill Clinton has begun actively campaigning for his wife's 2006 Senate reelection, warning supporters in a fundraising letter emailed yesterday that defeating Hillary has become the GOP's top priority.

"She has already been singled out as the Republicans' number one target for defeat next year," the ex-president claimed...

They're actually making no effort to beat her, having recruited no one to run against her.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:43 AM


Chisholm's Doc Graham: One-game flop, but lifetime hero (Larry Oakes, June 29, 2005, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

In the movie "Field of Dreams," the elderly Doc Graham asks a visitor to Chisholm named Ray if there could possibly be enough magic in the moonlight to make long-buried wishes come true.

In real life, that question has no verifiable answer. But this much is true, verifiable and pretty remarkable:

There is indeed enough magic to transform a small town's long-buried doctor into a famous literary and cinematic figure. There is enough magic to resurrect him simply for his poetic nickname and obscure moment in baseball, and then immortalize him for a lifetime of kindness that almost no one knew outside the little mining town he loved.

Today, busloads of Chisholm residents are descending from their home on the Iron Range to the Metrodome, to help the Minnesota Twins honor Archibald (Moonlight) Graham on the 100th anniversary of his single brief appearance in the major leagues.

The travelers will include Veda Ponikvar, the retired Chisholm newspaper editor who barely mentioned Graham's baseball career when she wrote his obituary in 1965 and a separate editorial titled: "His was a Life of Greatness."

"Long before the movie, I recognized that he was someone very special," said Ponikvar, 85, the inspiration for the newspaper editor-character in the movie.

In the past few weeks Ponikvar has fielded questions from television networks and other national media outlets calling about the centennial. She never gets tired of talking about Doc.

She may have said it best in her much-photocopied editorial: "There were times when children could not afford eyeglasses or milk or clothing because of the economic upheavals, strikes and depressions.

"Yet no child was ever denied these essentials because in the background there was a benevolent, understanding Doctor Graham. Without a word, without any fanfare or publicity, the glasses or the milk or the ticket to the ball game found their way into the child's pocket." [...]

The magic in Moonlight's case happened when his nickname intrigued W.P. Kinsella in the 1970s, as he thumbed through the Baseball Encyclopedia.

He was researching his book "Shoeless Joe," which became the movie "Field of Dreams." He later said he wondered what becomes of a man who finally grasps his dream, only to watch it slip away.

On a hot Friday afternoon in the mid-1970s, several years before the book came out, a 1930s-era rumble-seat Ford pulled up in front of the Chisholm Free Press.

The men who got out introduced themselves to Ponikvar as W.P. Kinsella and J.D. Salinger, whom she immediately recognized as the reclusive author of "Catcher in the Rye." They wanted help finding Doc Graham.

They seemed stunned to learn that he'd been dead for a decade.

They hung around for three days, Ponikvar recalled, filling notebooks with anecdotes, discovering that far from fading into embittered nothingness in Chisholm, Graham blossomed into greatness.

Kinsella later said there was no need to fictionalize Doc Graham's life; it was better than anything he could make up.

This is all getting way too meta.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:22 AM


Info Reassures Men Who Think Their Penis Is Small (Reuters Health Information, June 28, 2005)

Men worried about having a small penis are usually pretty average, but have a false idea of what the normal size is, according to a report in the medical journal Urology.

This best way to reassure men with penile concerns is to educate them, the author of the report says. Men should know that a normal-sized penis is 1.6 inches or more when flaccid or 2.76 inches when stretched out.

The findings are based on a study of 92 patients who went to the andrology department at Cairo University Hospital in Egypt over a 2-year period complaining of a small-sized penis. Each subject provided a sexual history and completed a standard erectile function questionnaire. [...]

Study author Dr. Rany Shamloul, at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, reports that all of the men met the thresholds for normal penis size and did not have erectile dysfunction.

However, on average, they estimated that the "normal" flaccid length should be to be 5.1 inches.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Ice Rink Zamboni Operator Charged With DUI (AP, 6/28/05)

Zamboni operator John Peragallo was charged with drunken driving after a fellow employee at the Mennen Sports Arena in Morristown called police and reported that the machine was speeding and nearly crashed into the boards. [...]

Police said Peragallo's blood alcohol level was 0.12 percent. Levels of 0.08 percent and above are considered legally drunk.

Zamboni privileges were revoked for Peragallo, 63, who has worked for the Morris County park system since 1994.

June 28, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:11 PM


PDF: Assuring Our Credibility: Bill Keller has responded to the Credibility Committee's report with a variety of measures. (Bill Keller, June 23, 2005, NY Times)

Even sophisticated readers of The New York Times sometimes find it hard to distinguish between news coverage and commentary in our pages. While The Times is and always will be a forum for opinion and argument as well as a source of impartial news coverage, we should make the distinction as clear as possible. [...]

Of course, diversifying the range of viewpoints reported — and understood — in our pages is not mainly a matter of hiring a more diverse work force. It calls for a concerted effort by all of us to stretch beyond our predominantly urban, culturally liberal orientation, to cover the full range of our national conversation. This is second nature for many of our reporters, especially on the national staff, and there have been some exceptional successes — the coverage of conservatives by David Kirkpatrick (including the splendid piece on evangelicals in the class series) and Jason DeParle, and a number of recent Magazine pieces. I intend to keep pushing us in this direction.

I also endorse the committee’s recommendation that we cover religion more extensively, but I think the key to that is not to add more reporters who will write about religion as a beat. I think the key is to be more alert to the role religion plays in many stories we cover, stories of politics and policy, national and local, stories of social trends and family life, stories of how we live. This is important to us not because we want to appease believers or pander to conservatives, but because good journalism entails understanding more than just the neighborhood you grew up in.

This is not the end of the conversation. But it is, you will be relieved to learn, the end of this manifesto.

Bill Keller

It's odd; Bill Keller has written most of the few insightful words the Times has run about George W. Bush -- especially Reagan's Son (BILL KELLER, January 26, 2003, NY Times) and God and George W. Bush (Bill Keller, NY Times, 5/17/2003) -- but seems to have no idea how to cover conservatism or religion generally. David Kirkpatrick's pieces lend themselves so easily to caricature that he's considered a joke.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:45 PM


In Search of Pro-Americanism: There has never been a more popular time to be anti–American. From Beijing to Berlin, from Sydney to São Paulo, America’s detractors have become legion. But not everyone has chosen to get on the anti–American bandwagon. Where—and among whom—is America still admired, and why? Meet the pro–Americans. (Anne Applebaum, July/August 2005, Foreign Policy)

Anecdotally, it isn’t hard to come up with examples of famous pro–Americans, even on the generally anti–American continents of Europe and Latin America. There are political reformers such as Vaclav Havel, who has spoken of how the U.S. Declaration of Independence inspired his own country’s founding fathers. There are economic reformers such as José Piñera, the man who created the Chilean pension system, who admire American economic liberty. There are thinkers, such as the Iraqi intellectual Kanan Makiya, who openly identify the United States with the spread of political freedom. At a recent event in his honor in Washington, Makiya publicly thanked the Americans who had helped his country defeat Saddam Hussein. (He received applause, which was made notably warmer by the palpable sense of relief: At least someone over there likes us.) All of these are people with very clear, liberal, democratic philosophies, people who either identify part of their ideology as somehow “American,” or who are grateful for American support at some point in their countries’ history.

There are also countries that contain not only individuals but whole groups of people with similar ideological or nostalgic attachments to the United States. I am thinking here of British Thatcherites—from whom Prime Minister Tony Blair is in some sense descended—and of former associates of the Polish Solidarity movement. Although Lady Thatcher (who was herself stridently pro–American) is no longer in office, her political heirs, and those who associate her with positive economic and political changes in Britain, are still likely to think well of the United States. Their influence is reflected in the fact that the British, on the whole, are more likely to think positively of the United States than other Europeans. Polish anticommunists, who still remember the support that President Ronald Reagan gave their movement in the 1980s, have the same impact in their country, which remains more pro–American than even the rest of Central Europe.

In some countries, even larger chunks of the population have such associations. In the Philippines, for example, the BBC poll shows that 88 percent of the population has a “mainly positive” view of the United States, an unusually high number anywhere. In India, that number is 54 percent, and in South Africa, it’s 56 percent, particularly high numbers for the developing world. In the case of the first two countries, geopolitics could be part of the explanation: India and the Philippines are both fighting Islamist terrorist insurgencies, and they see the United States as an ally in their struggles. (Perhaps for this reason, both of these countries are also among the few who perceived the reelection of U.S. President George W. Bush as “mainly positive” for the world as well.) But it is also true that all three of these countries have experienced, in the last 20 years, political or economic change that has made them richer, freer, or both. And in all three cases, it’s clear that people would have reasons to associate new prosperity and new freedom with the actions of the United States.

These associations are not just vague, general sentiments either. New polling data from the international polling firm GlobeScan and the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland break down pro– and anti–American sentiments by age, income, and gender. Looking closely at notably pro–American countries, it emerges that this pro–Americanism can sometimes be extraordinarily concrete. It turns out, for example, that in Poland, which is generally pro–American, people between the ages of 30 and 44 years old are even more likely to support America than their compatriots. In that age group, 58.5 percent say they feel the United States has a “mainly positive” influence in the world. But perhaps that is not surprising: This is the group whose lives would have been most directly affected by the experience of the Solidarity movement and martial law—events that occurred when they were in their teens and 20s—and they would have the clearest memories of American support for the Polish underground movement.

Younger Poles, by contrast, show significantly less support: In the 15–29–year–old group, only 45.3 percent say they feel the United States has a “mainly positive” influence in the world—a drop of more than 13 percent. But perhaps that is not surprising either. This generation has only narrow memories of communism, and no recollection of Reagan’s support for Solidarity. The United States, to them, is best known as a country for which it is difficult to get visas—and younger Poles have a very high refusal rate. Now that Poland is a member of the European Union, by contrast, they have greater opportunities to travel and study in Europe, where they no longer need visas at all. In their growing skepticism of the United States, young Poles may also be starting to follow the more general European pattern.

Looking at age patterns in other generally anti–American countries can be equally revealing. In Canada, Britain, Italy, and Australia, for example, all countries with generally high or very high anti–American sentiments, people older than 60 have relatively much more positive feelings about the United States than their children and grandchildren. When people older than 60 are surveyed, 63.5 percent of Britons, 59.6 percent of Italians, 50.2 percent of Australians, and 46.8 percent of Canadians feel that the United States is a “mainly positive” influence on the world. For those between the ages of 15 and 29, the numbers are far lower: 31.9 percent (Britain), 37.4 percent (Italy), 27 percent (Australia), and 19.9 percent (Canada). Again, that isn’t surprising: All of these countries had positive experiences of American cooperation during or after the Second World War. The British of that generation have direct memories, or share their parents’ memories, of Winston Churchill’s meetings with Franklin Roosevelt; the Canadians and Australians fought alongside American G.I.s; and many Italians remember that those same G.I.s evicted the Nazis from their country, too.

These differences in age groups are significant, not only in themselves, but because they carry a basic but easily forgotten lesson for American foreign policymakers: At least some of the time, U.S. foreign policy has a direct impact on foreigners’ perceptions of the United States. That may sound like a rather obvious principle, but in recent years it has frequently been questioned. Because anti–Americanism is so often described as if it were mere fashion, or some sort of unavoidable, contagious virus, some commentators have made it seem as if the phenomenon bore no relationship whatsoever to the United States’ actions abroad. But America’s behavior overseas, whether support for anticommunist movements or visa policy, does matter. Here, looking at the problem from the opposite perspective is proof: People feel more positive about the United States when their personal experience leads them to feel more positive. [...]

There is, finally, one other factor that is associated almost everywhere in the world with pro–Americanism: In Europe, Asia, and South America, men are far more likely than women to have positive feelings about the United States. In some cases, the numbers are quite striking. Asking men and women how they feel about the United States produces an 11 percent gender gap in India, a 17 percent gender gap in Poland, and even a 6 percent gap in the Philippines. This pattern probably requires more psychological analysis than I can muster, but it’s possible to guess at some explanations. Perhaps the United States is associated with armies and invasions, which historically appeal more to men. Perhaps it is because the United States is also associated with muscular foreign policy, and fewer women around the world are involved in, or interested in, foreign policy at all. Perhaps it’s because men are more attracted to the idea of power, entrepreneurship, or capitalism. Or it may just be that the United States appeals to men in greater numbers for the same intuitive reasons that President George W. Bush appeals to men in greater numbers, whatever those are.

Men are simply more likely to favor freedom, women to favor security.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:26 PM


Press Release (Freestar Media, June 28, 2005)

Could a hotel be built on the land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter? A new ruling by the Supreme Court which was supported by Justice Souter himself itself might allow it. A private developer is seeking to use this very law to build a hotel on Souter's land.

Justice Souter's vote in the "Kelo vs. City of New London" decision allows city governments to take land from one private owner and give it to another if the government will generate greater tax revenue or other economic benefits when the land is developed by the new owner.

On Monday June 27, Logan Darrow Clements, faxed a request to Chip Meany the code enforcement officer of the Towne of Weare, New Hampshire seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road. This is the present location of Mr. Souter's home.

Clements, CEO of Freestar Media, LLC, points out that the City of Weare will certainly gain greater tax revenue and economic benefits with a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road than allowing Mr. Souter to own the land.

The proposed development, called "The Lost Liberty Hotel" will feature the "Just Desserts Café" and include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America. Instead of a Gideon's Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged."

Don't take his house--he doesn't like being on the Court and it's easy to see him retiring to it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:00 PM


President Addresses Nation, Discusses Iraq, War on Terror (George W. Bush, 6/28/05, Fort Bragg, North Carolina)

Thank you. Please be seated. Good evening. I'm pleased to visit Fort Bragg, "Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces." It's an honor to speak before you tonight.

My greatest responsibility as President is to protect the American people. And that's your calling, as well. I thank you for your service, your courage and your sacrifice. I thank your families, who support you in your vital work. The soldiers and families of Fort Bragg have contributed mightily to our efforts to secure our country and promote peace. America is grateful, and so is your Commander-in-Chief.

The troops here and across the world are fighting a global war on terror. The war reached our shores on September the 11th, 2001. The terrorists who attacked us -- and the terrorists we face -- murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent. Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny and oppression -- by toppling governments, by driving us out of the region, and by exporting terror.

To achieve these aims, they have continued to kill -- in Madrid, Istanbul, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Bali, and elsewhere. The terrorists believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent, and with a few hard blows they can force us to retreat. They are mistaken. After September the 11th, I made a commitment to the American people: This nation will not wait to be attacked again. We will defend our freedom. We will take the fight to the enemy.

Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. Many terrorists who kill innocent men, women, and children on the streets of Baghdad are followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, in Washington, and Pennsylvania. There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home. The commander in charge of coalition operations in Iraq -- who is also senior commander at this base -- General John Vines, put it well the other day. He said: "We either deal with terrorism and this extremism abroad, or we deal with it when it comes to us."

Our mission in Iraq is clear. We're hunting down the terrorists. We're helping Iraqis build a free nation that is an ally in the war on terror. We're advancing freedom in the broader Middle East. We are removing a source of violence and instability, and laying the foundation of peace for our children and our grandchildren.

The work in Iraq is difficult and it is dangerous. Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed. Every picture is horrifying, and the suffering is real. Amid all this violence, I know Americans ask the question: Is the sacrifice worth it? It is worth it, and it is vital to the future security of our country. And tonight I will explain the reasons why.

Some of the violence you see in Iraq is being carried out by ruthless killers who are converging on Iraq to fight the advance of peace and freedom. Our military reports that we have killed or captured hundreds of foreign fighters in Iraq who have come from Saudi Arabia and Syria, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and others. They are making common cause with criminal elements, Iraqi insurgents, and remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime who want to restore the old order. They fight because they know that the survival of their hateful ideology is at stake. They know that as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions across the Middle East to claim their liberty, as well. And when the Middle East grows in democracy and prosperity and hope, the terrorists will lose their sponsors, lose their recruits, and lose their hopes for turning that region into a base for attacks on America and our allies around the world.

Some wonder whether Iraq is a central front in the war on terror. Among the terrorists, there is no debate. Hear the words of Osama Bin Laden: "This Third World War is raging" in Iraq. "The whole world is watching this war." He says it will end in "victory and glory, or misery and humiliation."

The terrorists know that the outcome will leave them emboldened, or defeated. So they are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to take.

We see the nature of the enemy in terrorists who exploded car bombs along a busy shopping street in Baghdad, including one outside a mosque. We see the nature of the enemy in terrorists who sent a suicide bomber to a teaching hospital in Mosul. We see the nature of the enemy in terrorists who behead civilian hostages and broadcast their atrocities for the world to see.

These are savage acts of violence, but they have not brought the terrorists any closer to achieving their strategic objectives. The terrorists -- both foreign and Iraqi -- failed to stop the transfer of sovereignty. They failed to break our Coalition and force a mass withdrawal by our allies. They failed to incite an Iraqi civil war. They failed to prevent free elections. They failed to stop the formation of a democratic Iraqi government that represents all of Iraq's diverse population. And they failed to stop Iraqis from signing up in large number with the police forces and the army to defend their new democracy.

The lesson of this experience is clear: The terrorists can kill the innocent, but they cannot stop the advance of freedom. The only way our enemies can succeed is if we forget the lessons of September the 11th, if we abandon the Iraqi people to men like Zarqawi, and if we yield the future of the Middle East to men like Bin Laden. For the sake of our nation's security, this will not happen on my watch.

A little over a year ago, I spoke to the nation and described our coalition's goals in Iraq. I said that America's mission in Iraq is to defeat an enemy and give strength to a friend -- a free, representative government that is an ally in the war on terror, and a beacon of hope in a part of the world that is desperate for reform. I outlined the steps we would take to achieve this goal: We would hand authority over to a sovereign Iraqi government. We would help Iraqis hold free elections by January 2005. We would continue helping Iraqis rebuild their nation's infrastructure and economy. We would encourage more international support for Iraq's democratic transition, and we would enable Iraqis to take increasing responsibility for their own security and stability.

In the past year, we have made significant progress. One year ago today, we restored sovereignty to the Iraqi people. In January 2005, more than 8 million Iraqi men and women voted in elections that were free and fair, and took time on -- and took place on time. We continued our efforts to help them rebuild their country. Rebuilding a country after three decades of tyranny is hard, and rebuilding while at war is even harder. Our progress has been uneven, but progress is being made.

We're improving roads and schools and health clinics. We're working to improve basic services like sanitation, electricity, and water. And together with our allies, we'll help the new Iraqi government deliver a better life for its citizens.

In the past year, the international community has stepped forward with vital assistance. Some 30 nations have troops in Iraq, and many others are contributing non-military assistance. The United Nations is in Iraq to help Iraqis write a constitution and conduct their next elections. Thus far, some 40 countries and three international organizations have pledged about $34 billion in assistance for Iraqi reconstruction. More than 80 countries and international organizations recently came together in Brussels to coordinate their efforts to help Iraqis provide for their security and rebuild their country. And next month, donor countries will meet in Jordan to support Iraqi reconstruction.

Whatever our differences in the past, the world understands that success in Iraq is critical to the security of our nations. As German Chancellor Gerhard Schr der said at the White House yesterday, "There can be no question a stable and democratic Iraq is in the vested interest of not just Germany, but also Europe." Finally, we have continued our efforts to equip and train Iraqi security forces. We made gains in both the number and quality of those forces. Today Iraq has more than 160,000 security forces trained and equipped for a variety of missions. Iraqi forces have fought bravely, helping to capture terrorists and insurgents in Najaf and Samarra, Fallujah and Mosul. And in the past month, Iraqi forces have led a major anti-terrorist campaign in Baghdad called Operation Lightning, which has led to the capture of hundreds of suspected insurgents. Like free people everywhere, Iraqis want to be defended by their own countrymen, and we are helping Iraqis assume those duties.

The progress in the past year has been significant, and we have a clear path forward. To complete the mission, we will continue to hunt down the terrorists and insurgents. To complete the mission, we will prevent al Qaeda and other foreign terrorists from turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban, a safe haven from which they could launch attacks on America and our friends. And the best way to complete the mission is to help Iraqis build a free nation that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.

So our strategy going forward has both a military track and a political track. The principal task of our military is to find and defeat the terrorists, and that is why we are on the offense. And as we pursue the terrorists, our military is helping to train Iraqi security forces so that they can defend their people and fight the enemy on their own. Our strategy can be summed up this way: As the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.

We've made progress, but we have a lot of -- a lot more work to do. Today Iraqi security forces are at different levels of readiness. Some are capable of taking on the terrorists and insurgents by themselves. A large number can plan and execute anti-terrorist operations with coalition support. The rest are forming and not yet ready to participate fully in security operations. Our task is to make the Iraqi units fully capable and independent. We're building up Iraqi security forces as quickly as possible, so they can assume the lead in defeating the terrorists and insurgents.

Our coalition is devoting considerable resources and manpower to this critical task. Thousands of coalition troops are involved in the training and equipping of Iraqi security forces. NATO is establishing a military academy near Baghdad to train the next generation of Iraqi military leaders, and 17 nations are contributing troops to the NATO training mission. Iraqi army and police are being trained by personnel from Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Today, dozens of nations are working toward a common objective: an Iraq that can defend itself, defeat its enemies, and secure its freedom.

To further prepare Iraqi forces to fight the enemy on their own, we are taking three new steps: First, we are partnering coalition units with Iraqi units. These coalition-Iraqi teams are conducting operations together in the field. These combined operations are giving Iraqis a chance to experience how the most professional armed forces in the world operate in combat.

Second, we are embedding coalition "transition teams" inside Iraqi units. These teams are made up of coalition officers and non-commissioned officers who live, work, and fight together with their Iraqi comrades. Under U.S. command, they are providing battlefield advice and assistance to Iraqi forces during combat operations. Between battles, they are assisting the Iraqis with important skills, such as urban combat, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance techniques.

Third, we're working with the Iraqi Ministries of Interior and Defense to improve their capabilities to coordinate anti-terrorist operations. We're helping them develop command and control structures. We're also providing them with civilian and military leadership training, so Iraq's new leaders can effectively manage their forces in the fight against terror.

The new Iraqi security forces are proving their courage every day. More than 2,000 members of Iraqi security forces have given their lives in the line of duty. Thousands more have stepped forward, and are now training to serve their nation. With each engagement, Iraqi soldiers grow more battle-hardened, and their officers grow more experienced. We've learned that Iraqis are courageous and that they need additional skills. And that is why a major part of our mission is to train them so they can do the fighting, and then our troops can come home.

I recognize that Americans want our troops to come home as quickly as possible. So do I. Some contend that we should set a deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces. Let me explain why that would be a serious mistake. Setting an artificial timetable would send the wrong message to the Iraqis, who need to know that America will not leave before the job is done. It would send the wrong message to our troops, who need to know that we are serious about completing the mission they are risking their lives to achieve. And it would send the wrong message to the enemy, who would know that all they have to do is to wait us out. We will stay in Iraq as long as we are needed, and not a day longer.

Some Americans ask me, if completing the mission is so important, why don't you send more troops? If our commanders on the ground say we need more troops, I will send them. But our commanders tell me they have the number of troops they need to do their job. Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq can defend itself and we can leave. As we determine the right force level, our troops can know that I will continue to be guided by the advice that matters: the sober judgment of our military leaders.

The other critical element of our strategy is to help ensure that the hopes Iraqis expressed at the polls in January are translated into a secure democracy. The Iraqi people are emerging from decades of tyranny and oppression. Under the regime of Saddam Hussein, the Shia and Kurds were brutally oppressed, and the vast majority of Sunni Arabs were also denied their basic rights, while senior regime officials enjoyed the privileges of unchecked power. The challenge facing Iraqis today is to put this past behind them, and come together to build a new Iraq that includes all of its people.

They're doing that by building the institutions of a free society, a society based on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and equal justice under law. The Iraqis have held free elections and established a Transitional National Assembly. The next step is to write a good constitution that enshrines these freedoms in permanent law. The Assembly plans to expand its constitutional drafting committee to include more Sunni Arabs. Many Sunnis who opposed the January elections are now taking part in the democratic process, and that is essential to Iraq's future.

After a constitution is written, the Iraqi people will have a chance to vote on it. If approved, Iraqis will go to the polls again, to elect a new government under their new, permanent constitution. By taking these critical steps and meeting their deadlines, Iraqis will bind their multiethnic society together in a democracy that respects the will of the majority and protects minority rights.

As Iraqis grow confident that the democratic progress they are making is real and permanent, more will join the political process. And as Iraqis see that their military can protect them, more will step forward with vital intelligence to help defeat the enemies of a free Iraq. The combination of political and military reform will lay a solid foundation for a free and stable Iraq.

As Iraqis make progress toward a free society, the effects are being felt beyond Iraq's borders. Before our coalition liberated Iraq, Libya was secretly pursuing nuclear weapons. Today the leader of Libya has given up his chemical and nuclear weapons programs. Across the broader Middle East, people are claiming their freedom. In the last few months, we've witnessed elections in the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon. These elections are inspiring democratic reformers in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Our strategy to defend ourselves and spread freedom is working. The rise of freedom in this vital region will eliminate the conditions that feed radicalism and ideologies of murder, and make our nation safer.

We have more work to do, and there will be tough moments that test America's resolve. We're fighting against men with blind hatred -- and armed with lethal weapons -- who are capable of any atrocity. They wear no uniform; they respect no laws of warfare or morality. They take innocent lives to create chaos for the cameras. They are trying to shake our will in Iraq, just as they tried to shake our will on September the 11th, 2001. They will fail. The terrorists do not understand America. The American people do not falter under threat, and we will not allow our future to be determined by car bombers and assassins.

America and our friends are in a conflict that demands much of us. It demands the courage of our fighting men and women, it demands the steadfastness of our allies, and it demands the perseverance of our citizens. We accept these burdens, because we know what is at stake. We fight today because Iraq now carries the hope of freedom in a vital region of the world, and the rise of democracy will be the ultimate triumph over radicalism and terror. And we fight today because terrorists want to attack our country and kill our citizens, and Iraq is where they are making their stand. So we'll fight them there, we'll fight them across the world, and we will stay in the fight until the fight is won. (Applause.)

America has done difficult work before. From our desperate fight for independence to the darkest days of a Civil War, to the hard-fought battles against tyranny in the 20th century, there were many chances to lose our heart, our nerve, or our way. But Americans have always held firm, because we have always believed in certain truths. We know that if evil is not confronted, it gains in strength and audacity, and returns to strike us again. We know that when the work is hard, the proper response is not retreat, it is courage. And we know that this great ideal of human freedom entrusted to us in a special way, and that the ideal of liberty is worth defending.

In this time of testing, our troops can know: The American people are behind you. Next week, our nation has an opportunity to make sure that support is felt by every soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guardsman, and Marine at every outpost across the world. This Fourth of July, I ask you to find a way to thank the men and women defending our freedom -- by flying the flag, sending a letter to our troops in the field, or helping the military family down the street. The Department of Defense has set up a website -- AmericaSupportsYou.mil. You can go there to learn about private efforts in your own community. At this time when we celebrate our freedom, let us stand with the men and women who defend us all.

To the soldiers in this hall, and our servicemen and women across the globe: I thank you for your courage under fire and your service to our nation. I thank our military families -- the burden of war falls especially hard on you. In this war, we have lost good men and women who left our shores to defend freedom and did not live to make the journey home. I've met with families grieving the loss of loved ones who were taken from us too soon. I've been inspired by their strength in the face of such great loss. We pray for the families. And the best way to honor the lives that have been given in this struggle is to complete the mission.

I thank those of you who have re-enlisted in an hour when your country needs you. And to those watching tonight who are considering a military career, there is no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces. We live in freedom because every generation has produced patriots willing to serve a cause greater than themselves. Those who serve today are taking their rightful place among the greatest generations that have worn our nation's uniform. When the history of this period is written, the liberation of Afghanistan and the liberation of Iraq will be remembered as great turning points in the story of freedom.

After September the 11th, 2001, I told the American people that the road ahead would be difficult, and that we would prevail. Well, it has been difficult -- and we are prevailing. Our enemies are brutal, but they are no match for the United States of America, and they are no match for the men and women of the United States military.

May God bless you all. (Applause.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:27 PM


Unions have blunted bids to curb political spending (Andy Furillo, June 27, 2005, sacramento Bee)

It's one thing for a state to pass a law forcing unions to get annual written consent before spending their members' dues money on politics.

But it's another thing entirely to make it work, as four of the five states with so-called "paycheck protection" laws on the books have learned.

With California voters poised to consider an employee-consent law for government workers on November's special election ballot, only Utah is seeing its effort to check union political spending change the public policy world.

In Washington, the unions have blunted employee-consent laws in the courts and are spending money on politics like never before. In Michigan, union political outlays still reach into the millions, while in Wyoming, labor spending increased after passage of employee-consent laws.

Idaho's voluntary contribution law has since been enjoined in federal courts. [...]

Only in Utah has "paycheck protection" reverberated as intended - with a significant impact on public policy, its advocates say.

Since the Utah Legislature sanctioned the "Voluntary Contributions Act" for public employees in 2001, public employee unions - the only ones targeted by the law - have seen their political contributions fall from $285,761 in 2000 to $232,211 in 2002. The total rose to $278,713 in 2004. But Utah's teachers union - the state's biggest - says its employee contributions are off this year by more than 70 percent.

With the teachers union on its heels financially, the Utah Legislature passed a bill this year that provides tuition tax credits for "special needs" students, which teachers opposed as a voucherlike move to undercut public education.

Royce Van Tassell, executive director of the pro-voucher group called Education xcellence in Utah, said the bill never would have become law without "paycheck protection."

"Not a chance," Van Tassell said. "The union just doesn't carry the stick that it used to."

The Utah Education Association said that since voluntary contributions became law, the percentage of union teachers donating money for politics has dropped from 68 percent to 6.8 percent, with its PAC contributions dropping from $143,000 a year to $40,000.

"No doubt the Republican majority is trying to silence opposition to their program," said UEA attorney Michael McCoy. "Not just through winning votes in the House and Senate, but by destroying people and groups who oppose their policies."

Utah's law segregates political contributions from general union dues and bars the state from collecting the political cash and passing it on to the unions. While fighting the state collection provision in court, the Utah teachers union in the meantime has set up an electronic transfer system for employees through their checking or credit card accounts, McCoy said.

Breaking the public sector unions is the key remaining battle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:46 PM


Ex-presidents Bush, Clinton play golf (JERRY HARKAVY, June 28, 2005, Associated Press)

Former Presidents Bush and Clinton teed off Tuesday for a round of golf on the second day of a get-together by the former political foes at Bush's summer home along the Maine coast.

Chatting briefly with reporters near the first tee at Cape Arundel Golf Club, Bush and Clinton said their friendly relationship should demonstrate to people at home and abroad that political rivalries need not stand in the way of personal friendship.

The two former presidents cemented their friendship earlier this year when the current President Bush appointed them to head up fund-raising to assist victims of the Asian tsunami.

"We found that when we traveled abroad, people said this couldn't have happened in their country. The equivalent of a Republican and a Democrat - this never would happen. Well, it doesn't have to be that way," the elder Bush said.

"You can feel strongly about your principles, and we do, and we differ on a lot of issues, but that's not what tsunami relief was about and it's not what life ought to be about," he added.

Clinton, who just returned from a tour of Latin America, recalled a skeptic there asking him, "Is this deal between you and Bush real?"

When the questioner found it hard to believe that the two really liked each other, Clinton said, the man's personal dislike of his political opponents was "completely dysfunctional."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:40 PM


Why the US and Iran love to hate each other: Despite harsh rhetoric, some say Iran may be the most pro-US nation in the region. (Scott Peterson, 6/29/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

[B]eneath the anti-US façade is a nation that has much in common with its stated nemesis - from an ambitious self-image and public reliance on the divine, to a habit of often defining itself in terms of its enemies.

In some ways, the duel is between two peoples who hold national pride and their own brand of manifest destiny above all else. The result is a clash over nuclear and national ambitions, which both might better understand if they held up a mirror.

The current leaders of Iran and the US have a "common mind-set," says Javad Vaeidi, editor of the conservative Diplomatic Hamshahri newspaper. "They look at the world in black and white; they think they have a duty from God and are on a mission ... and both think they are emperor of the world."

We'll kiss and make up once we all recognize that it's the same mission.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:35 PM


Diplomacy's new muscle under Rice: As secretary of State, she has bridged the divide between State and the White House. (Howard LaFranchi, 6/29/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

In these initial months, two features stand out: First, she has bridged the divide that separated the Bush White House from the State Department, remaining the president's top foreign-policy adviser - and sounding board - even after the transfer to Foggy Bottom.

Second, as she talks to the world about America's global mission of democratization and the spread of freedom as envisioned by her boss, she is deftly using a life story that rings true and genuine even to America's skeptics. For many students who heard her February speech in Paris, or Arab intellectuals who attended last week's talk in Cairo, the tale of an African-American girl from segregated Alabama who rose through a changing society is opening ears and casting the US in a different light.

What has struck foreign diplomats is how Rice has put herself in control of a new building and bureaucracy at the State Department, without giving up much of the power she wielded at the White House as the president's national security adviser.

"She has taken control of the State Department, and she is still in charge [of foreign policy] back at the White House. For her there is no border, no door between the State Department and the [National Security Council]," says a high-ranking European diplomat in Washington. "She is probably the most powerful secretary of State in decades."

At the same time, the Brussels meeting allowed a glimpse of another, tougher side - some say even stubbornly undiplomatic at times. In public remarks, she singled out Syria among neighboring countries that she said need to do more to help stabilize Iraq, then later pulled no punches at a televised press conference when again fingering Syria as responsible for failing to stop extremists from crossing its border into Iraq to kill innocent Iraqis - and American troops.

It was Condi the diplomat, accented by a little reminder of Condi the tough cookie. And it's a combination that is capturing the world's attention.

Isn't she the most powerful woman in history?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:27 PM

WALKER'S GOT COMPANY: (via M Ali Choudhury):

Historian, Novelist Shelby Foote Dies (WOODY BAIRD, June 28, 2005, Associated Press)

Novelist and historian Shelby Foote, whose Southern storyteller's touch inspired millions to read his multivolume work on the Civil War, has died. He was 88. [...]

Foote was born Nov. 7, 1916, in Greenville, a small Delta town with a literary bent. Walker Percy was a boyhood and lifelong friend, and Foote, as a young man, served as a "jackleg reporter" for Hodding Carter on The Delta Star. As a young man, he would also get to know William Faulkner.

During World War II, he was an Army captain of artillery until he lost his commission for using a military vehicle without authorization to visit a female friend and was discharged from the Army. He joined the Marines and was still stateside when the war ended.

"The Marines had a great time with me," he said. "They said if you used to be a captain, you might make a pretty good Marine."

He tried journalism again after World War II, signing on briefly with The Associated Press in its New York bureau.

"I think journalism is a good experience, having to turn in copy against deadline and everything else, but I don't think one should stay in it too long if what he wants to be is a serious writer," Foote said in a 1990 interview.

Early in his career, Foote took up the habit of writing by hand with an old-fashioned dipped pen, and he continued that practice throughout his life.

He kept bound volumes of his manuscripts, all written in a flowing hand, on a bookshelf in a homey bedroom-study overlooking a small garden at his Memphis residence.

Though facing a busy city street, the two-story house was almost hidden from view by trees and shrubs.

"If I were a wealthy man, I'd have someone on that gate," he said.

It's a curious thing--what Mr. Foote really wanted was to be a novelist, like Faulkner or Flaubert, but his fiction isn't very good and his Civil War Trilogy reads like a great epic novel. Indeed, if you're going on a Summer vacation you could do worse than bring the Trilogy along to read.

-ESSAY: Introduction to Anton Chekhov's short stories selections (Shelby Foote, Modern Library)
-INTERVIEW: Shelby Foote (The American Enterprise, January/February 2001)
-REVIEW: of The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy (Scott Walter, American Enterprise)
-OBIT & ARCHIVES: Shelby Foote (NY Times)
-ARCHIVES: "shelby foote" (Find Articles)
-OBIT: Civil War author Foote, 88, dies (Joyce Howard Price, June 29, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Mr. Foote worked on the Civil War history for 20 years, using his skills as a novelist with six books to his credit to write in a flowing, narrative style.

"I can't conceive of writing it any other way," Mr. Foote once said. "Narrative history is the kind that comes closest to telling the truth. You can never get to the truth, but that's your goal."

Civil War historian John M. Taylor praised Mr. Foote's "delightfully fluid writing style," adding, "No one exceeded his depth of knowledge on the Civil War."

"He had a gift for presenting vivid portraits of personalities, from privates in the ranks to generals and politicians. And he had a gift for character, for the apt quotation, for the dramatic event, for the story behind the story," said James M. McPherson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War historian. "He could also write a crackling good narrative of a campaign or a battle."

Though a native Southerner, Mr. Foote did not favor the South in his history or novels and was not counted among those Southern historians who regard the Civil War as the great Lost Cause. He publicly criticized segregationist politicians and was the principal speaker at a 1993 ceremony in Gettysburg, Pa., that commemorated the 130th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

"It is an awesome, indeed, a daunting thing to stand here, where, perhaps, the greatest American -- in or out of public office, high or low -- stood 130 years ago and delivered what he later called 'my little speech,' " Mr. Foote said.

In those remarks, Mr, Foote pointed out that he had been required to memorize the Gettysburg Address as a Mississippi schoolboy and was grateful. He described Mr. Lincoln's two-minute speech honoring those killed in the Battle of Gettysburg as an "imperishable page in the highest rank of American prose."

Gabor Boritt, director of the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College who arranged for Mr. Foote's appearance that day, called Mr. Foote "a beautiful writer ... a shy man who became a public figure."

Posted by Jim Siegel at 2:00 PM


Anti-Americanism & the New Anti-Semitism: The New War Against The Jews (HILLEL HALKIN, June 28, 2005, NY Sun)

The scary thing is that once again, 50 years after the Holocaust, the Jews have so many enemies. And make no mistake about it: They are dangerous.

Nor are all of them primitives out of the Middle Ages. Some are very suave, very cultivated gentlemen. They wear three-piece suits and they speak with Oxonian accents and they say things like "bloody nuisance" and "spot on." Some are even leaders of the Anglican Church.

You may have noticed it. The international advisory body of that church voted last Friday in London to urge its congregations, which have 75 million members worldwide, to disinvest in Israel because of its "oppression" of the Palestinians.

These are not benighted Slavophiles. They are sophisticated High Churchmen. With them one can argue. One can say: "Of all the world's 'oppressing' countries - China, which oppresses Tibet; India, which oppresses Kashmir; Russia, which oppresses Chechnya, et cetera, et cetera - the one you've decided to boycott as good Christians is the country of the Jewish people? The country of the same Jews whom you Christians have hounded throughout your history and whom you Anglicans and Englishmen watched as they were slaughtered by the millions in Europe while you did nothing to rescue them and barred the gates of Palestine and England to those of them who might have fled? Have you no shame? No honor? No awareness of your own appalling hypocrisy?"

No, they have no shame, no honor, no awareness of their own appalling hypocrisy. And they are anti-Semites no less than State Prosecutor Ustinov and his 500 imbeciles. In fact, they are State Prosecutor Ustinov's allies.

This cannot be said too often. In an age in which a Jewish state's right to exist is still not recognized by much of the world - in which tens of millions of Arabs and hundreds of millions of Muslims regularly clamor for its destruction - in which a Muslim country now in the process of arming itself with nuclear weapons openly refers to it as an outlaw creation that must be wiped from the face of the earth - anyone deliberately undermining this state's legitimacy, even if he wears a respectable English clergyman's collar, is contributing to another possible genocide of the Jews.

Criticism of Israel? By all means. This is perfectly legitimate. So is concern for the Palestinians. But disinvestment is not criticism. It is an attempt to turn Israel into a pariah state. And Jews, having been treated as pariahs by Christian civilization since the age of Constantine, know exactly what this means.

Half a century after the Holocaust, a new war against the Jews has been declared. We are only now - innocents that we have been, lulled by the world and our own wishful thinking into believing that widespread Jew-hatred is a thing of the past - waking up to its true dimensions.

It is not a war that we Jews will necessarily win, although it is not one that we can afford to lose.

Three ideologies are aligning to create a new strain of anti-Semitism that threatens Jews first in Israel, second in Europe, and third throughout the world:

1. Not only do the destruction of Israel and elimination of the Jewish people obsess Islamic extremists and terrorists, historian Paul Johnson notes in the June 2005 Commentary in his article “The Anti-Semitic Disease” that “over the last half-century, anti-Semitism has been the essential ideology of the Arab world.” This hatred is not limited to the extremist few on the fringe.

2. The Political Hard Left in the United States and Europe has adopted the Palestinians as their cause celebre with the support of allies in the media. It’s easy for articulate university professors to promote a picture of the Middle East conflict which lays all the blame on Israel, the Jews, and a claimed neoconservative (code word for Jewish) cabal that allegedly run United States foreign policy. Political Conservatives have tended to support Israel, as have Evangelical Christians, but well known is Pat Buchanan’s 1990 comment that support for Israel goes too far -- “"Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory. In addition, there are campaigns on approximately two dozen university campuses and by at least two mainstream Protestant denominations -- the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ -- that urge divestment of stock in corporations that do business with Israel. They incorrectly claim that the Middle East situation is similar to apartheid in South Africa.

Both 1 and 2 fail to understand (or intentionally manipulate for their own purposes) that the Arab power elite and Islamic extremists are using Israel and the Jews as a scapegoat for Arab social problems that are actually arising from the resistance to the momentum of modernity throughout the Third World.

3. Arabs and Islamic extremists are funding and supporting Neo-Nazis in United States and Europe

Accompanying this anti-Semitism is a powerful anti-Americanism. Paul Johnson explains: “Anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism have proceeded hand in hand in today’s Europe just as they once did in Hitler’s mind (as the unpublished second half of Mein Kampf decisively shows)….(Among) academics and intellectuals, where it … becoming more virulent, widespread, and intractable ever since the United States began to shoulder the duties of the war against international terrorism.”

I have not seen recent poll data about Americans’ perceptions about the terrorist threat. But I suspect that many Americans have become complacent as we approach the fourth anniversary of 9-11. These people hate us and they want to kill us or control us. Not just all Jews. All Americans. Concessions will not stop them. Hope that they would play by our rules if we only gave them a chance, if only we talked more, will fail. Who can argue that appeasement stopped Hitler? Why would it stop terrorists who rammed jets into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon? Or chop off heads? Or massacre hundreds of Russian school children? Weakness encourages them.

Stanford professor Russell A. Berman describes what he calls “the psychology of appeasement”:

“In her classic study The Origins of Totalitarianism, the political theorist Hannah Arendt explored a basic component in the psychology of appeasement. Why was it, she wondered, that much of the outside world was long reluctant to believe in the enormity of the crimes of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia? …. Her answer involves the recognition that the everyday life of democracies lacks the extraordinary violence of totalitarian settings. Because democratic political life assumes that individuals are treated with a modicum of respect within the context of the rule of law, it becomes difficult to imagine that regimes of terror prevail elsewhere. As she wrote, ‘The normality of the normal world is the most efficient protection against disclosure of totalitarian mass crimes.’… Accustomed to such democratic normalcy, the public tends not only to dismiss accounts of extraordinary atrocities but to believe that the totalitarian leaders act in good faith….

”Particularly in Europe, the argument is made that Islamic radicalism is simply about Israel, and if only the West would abandon its support for Israeli democracy—just as the West abandoned Czech democracy in 1938—the terrorists would promptly turn into trustworthy partners. Other elements enter into this European stance, especially a rapidly growing anti-Semitism. At its core, however, the psychology of appeasement involves the profound misjudgment that terrorists act in a rational and utilitarian manner to achieve specific and limited policy goals through compromise.

“Yet nothing indicates that Al Qaeda or associated terrorist groups are susceptible to rational argument or negotiation. It is characteristic that the September 11 attacks were not linked to any particular set of specific demands, hence the extensive and inconclusive speculation regarding the terrorists’ true goals. Eradication of Israel? Islamic rule in Kashmir? The very ambiguity indicates the absence of a rational political agenda. The only constant is a rhetoric of martyrdom: ‘You love life, but we love death,’ as the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Madrid bombing put it with horrifying clarity. Similarly, after the lynching of four American contractors in Fallujah, a militant declared, ‘We are not afraid of death. We are going to heaven’(presumably for mutilating corpses). This fanaticism is not interested in the normal give-and-take of politics. Still, the proponents of appeasement regularly proceed from a blind preference for negotiation and compromise. Arendt’s phrasing is again quite apt: because it is used to a well-mannered normalcy, democratic public opinion ‘indulges in wishful thinking and shirks reality in the face of real insanity.’

Appeasement is the political strategy of pursuing compromise with an uncompromising opponent. It involves a denial of the opponent’s fanatic character and is, therefore, precisely as Arendt put it, a matter of shirking reality. The only real alternative, however, entails subduing the opponent. Such a course of action presupposes the will to use force and to face the attendant costs. Appeasement is a way to avoid recognizing these costs, but only in the short term, until that time in the future when the costs of defeat become unmistakable.

Last year a friend forwarded a letter that a retired attorney wrote in May 2004 to his four grown sons to give them a longer term point of view that “fewer and fewer of (his) generation are left to speak to.” He says: “Our country is now facing the most serious threat to its existence, as we know it, that we have faced in your lifetime and mine (which includes WWII). The deadly seriousness is greatly compounded by the fact that there are very few of us who think we can possibly lose this war (on terrorism) and even fewer who realize what losing really means.” He adds:

“(Americans) have been criticized for many years as being 'arrogant'. That charge is valid in at least one respect. We are arrogant in that we believe that we are so good, powerful and smart, that we can win the hearts and minds of all those who attack us, and that with both hands tied behind our back, we can defeat anything bad in the world. We can't. If we don't recognize this, our nation as we know it will not survive, and no other free country in the World will survive if we are defeated. And finally, name any Muslim countries throughout the world that allow freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of the Press, equal rights for anyone - let alone everyone, equal status or any status for women, or that have been productive in one single way that contributes to the good of the World.

”If we don't win this war right now, keep a close eye on how the Muslims take over France in the next 5 years or less. They will continue to increase the Muslim population of France and continue to encroach little by little on the established French traditions. The French will be fighting among themselves over what should or should not be done, which will continue to weaken them and keep them from any united resolve. Doesn't that sound eerily familiar?

”Democracies don't have their freedoms taken away from them by some external military force. Instead, they give their freedoms away, politically correct piece by politically correct piece. And they are giving those freedoms away to those who have shown, worldwide, that they abhor freedom and will not apply it to you or even to themselves, once they are in power. They have universally shown that when they have taken over, they then start brutally killing each other over who will be the few who control the masses.”

Countries where people are free to choose their own constitution and leaders will not choose a dictator who will export terror that threatens the United States. I do not see this as imposing American-style democracy on another country. I see it helping a countries like Afghanistan or Iraq who had been ruled by despots gain the chance to create the form of democracy that fits their culture.

Creating a democratic society following decades of totalitarian rule is bound to be difficult. Stopping terrorists will require patience and perseverance for many years. Those who are dissatisfied that Iraq is not being rebuilt overnight forget the years it took to reconstruct Japan and Germany after World War II. Remember the Marshall Plan? We forget it took ten years for the United States to institute the Constitution with the Bill of Rights following Cornwallis’ surrender at Yorktown. The difficult path ran from the toothless Articles of Confederation which went into effect in 1781, to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, to the battle in the press between the Federalists (for the Constitution) and the anti-Federalists (against) to win ratification by the states in 1788, to the addition of the Bill of Rights and its ratification by the end of 1791. With the tensions, debates and negotiations that characterized the Constitutional Convention, George Washington and James Madison both described the Constitution’s passage as “The Miracle at Philadelphia.” Iraq had an interim constitution a year after the start of war.

The media focus on incidences of violence in Iraq and pretty much ignore a huge amount of tangible progress in terms of infrastructure and the like.

For the latest data on that, Australian blogger Arthur Chrenkoff every two weeks summarizes good news @ http://chrenkoff.blogspot.com/

Source for Paul Johnson quotes is http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article.asp?aid=11906035_1

Source for Russell Berman quote is http://www.hooverdigest.org/043/berman.html

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:48 PM


Senate OKs energy bill; House fight looms (H. JOSEF HEBERT, 6/28/05, Associated Press)

The Senate overwhelmingly approved energy legislation embraced by both Republicans and Democrats Tuesday, but hard bargaining looms with House GOP leaders who favor measures more favorable to industry.

After finishing most work on the bill late last week, the Senate approved the sweeping legislation 85-12. It includes a proposed $18 billion in energy tax breaks, an expansion of ethanol use and measures aimed at increasing natural gas imports to meet growing demand. [...]

President Bush praised the Senate for passing the measure, saying it would help U.S. economic growth by addressing the causes of high energy prices and the nation's dependence on foreign supplies of energy. "I urge the House and Senate to resolve their differences quickly and get a good bill to my desk before the August recess," he said.

Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman also applauded passage of the Senate bill and said he was prepared to try to help resolve the MTBE issue. But for now, he said, he views it as an issue to be resolved by the lawmakers. "We would hope there could be a compromise that could be agreed upon," said Bodman, although adding he didn't know what the solution might be.

When was the last significant energy bill? The 70s?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:37 AM


Tories to host homelessness summit (Matt Weaver, June 28, 2005, The Guardian)

The Conservative party today makes another attempt to ditch its "nasty" image, this time by hosting a summit on homelessness.

The event - which will be hosted by Caroline Spelman, the shadow secretary for local government and communities - will highlight the government's mixed record on the issue.

As Mark Helprin almost said: "If Tony Blair becomes P.M., the armies of the homeless, hundreds of thousands strong, will once again be used to illustrate the opposition's arguments about welfare, the economy, and taxation."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:32 AM


County Might Outsource Hospital: A critical King/Drew audit builds support for the idea. Also, the state could force its closure. (Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber, June 28, 2005, LA Times)

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors may hand over Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center to a private company after nearly two years of failed attempts to correct patient care lapses and mismanagement at the beleaguered public hospital.

County supervisors, who ordered a study of the idea last month, now are giving it new urgency after yet another federal government inspection found medical errors, misconduct and a troubling death at the 33-year-old hospital south of Watts. A vote could take place as early as August, and at least three of the five supervisors — Mike Antonovich, Don Knabe and Zev Yaroslavsky — express some support for the idea.

Antonovich said county health department leaders for months have assured the board that the millions spent to overhaul King/Drew were paying off.

"And then the [health] inspector comes in and tells the authorities that this is an illusion, you're delusionary," he said Monday. "The only way to save the facility is to outsource it."

Knabe said: "We need to have a Plan B. We've tried everything."

"The only way" to completely fix King/Drew, he added, "is to shut it down for a while, to get new people in there, and to change the culture of the entire hospital."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:27 AM


A right turn on the high court? (Jonathan Turley, 6/27/05, JewishWorldReview.com)

It is a true sign of desperate times when liberals are fretting over of the expected retirement of Chief Justice William Rehnquist. It is not that they have come to love Rehnquist — once called the "Lone Ranger" for his strident conservative dissents on the Warren Court. Yet, liberals have learned that there are actually judges to the right of Rehnquist, a number of whom are on the short list to replace him. It is like Luke Skywalker celebrating the demise of the Emperor only to learn that he was considered the mild-mannered runt of the litter.

Conventional wisdom holds that swapping a Rehnquist, 80, with another conservative simply preserves the current division of the court. This oversimplification ignores the fact that Rehnquist occasionally surprised people, as he did in his 2000 opinion upholding the 1966 Miranda decision and its requirement that police inform arrestees of their rights. Likewise, he joined his liberal colleagues in holding that states could be sued for violating women's rights on family and medical leave — a departure from his own states' rights cases.

Such surprises are not expected from the short-list judges — jurists viewed as the purest among the hard-right faithful. Some of the short-listers hold views rejected by Rehnquist as too extreme.

Even only Rehnquist's retirement might produce some significant changes. For example, Rehnquist voted in 2003 in a 5-4 ruling to reject First Amendment protections for cross burnings.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:12 AM


Democrats report no abuse at Gitmo (Stephen Dinan, June 28, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Two Democratic senators just back from reviewing U.S. detention facilities and interrogations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said they saw no signs of abuse and said it would actually be worse to close the facility and transfer the detainees elsewhere.

"I strongly prefer the improved practices and conditions at Camp Delta to the outsourcing of interrogation to countries with a far less significant commitment to human rights," said Sen. Ron Wyden, Oregon Democrat, who toured the U.S. facility along with Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska Democrat. [...]

Their characterization contrasts with critics, including Democratic Party leaders, who have called for the camp to be closed as a bruise on America's human rights record.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California called for a commission to document abuses at Guantanamo and worldwide, while the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, two weeks ago compared interrogation tactics at Guantanamo to those used during the Nazi and Soviet regimes.

Nothing makes a Democrat serious about national security faster than a competitive seat.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 AM


Blair poised to say Yes to more nuclear power (JAMES KIRKUP, 6/28/05, The Scotsman)

TONY Blair yesterday gave his clearest signal yet that he will authorise the controversial building of a new generation of nuclear reactors.

To the dismay of environmental campaigners, the Prime Minister answered a question about new nuclear stations by casting doubt on whether wind and wave farms or solar power were viable alternatives.

Mr Blair also tacitly criticised the Scottish Executive's plan to block any new nuclear power station in Scotland, saying it was not "responsible" to rule out a new wave of generators come what may.

The current generation of nuclear stations is due to be wound down over the coming years. Hunterston B, in Ayrshire, is scheduled to close in 2011; Torness, in East Lothian, is due to run until 2023.

Such closures mean Mr Blair, who has committed himself to cutting British emissions, will have to decide over the next year how to replace their energy output.

Nuclear plants generate about 23 per cent of the United Kingdom's electricity, and 40 per cent in Scotland. Renewables account for less than 3 per cent of all UK electricity, and about 11 per cent in Scotland.

The Prime Minister pointedly noted at his monthly Downing Street news conference yesterday that other countries were embracing nuclear power for their future energy needs.

"If you look at how much we are going to need to boost renewable energy by over the next ten to 15 years, it's a lot," Mr Blair said of the prospect that such sources could remove the need to build new reactors. "I'm not saying we can't do it, but I am saying it's a huge investment and it's going to be very tough to do, and there are other countries that are going to make a different choice on nuclear power."

That appeared to be a reference to the United States, which is moving towards much greater use of atomic energy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


On the streets of Tehran, 'we like America' (Michael Slackman, JUNE 28, 2005, The New York Times)

Outside the mosque where Iran's president-elect, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, went to vote Friday, a parade of cars, trucks and scooters rumbles by, day in and day out, right over a picture of an American flag painted on the blacktop road.

The message is unmistakable, that America is still the Great Satan, the enemy of the people of Iran, the nation vilified by the grandfather of this country's Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and to this day chided by today's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

But Hamid Reza Solimaai is embarrassed by that flag on the ground. So are Sayed Reza Mirsani, Manochek Janshidi and Mohsen Malek Mohammadi. All work in shops on Samanegan Street, the road in East Tehran where the flag is painted, and all said they see that flag in the road as a relic of an era that has passed.

"The government has imposed this on people's minds, painting flags on the road," said Solimaai, who was working Monday in a closet-sized storefront repairing tires. "Almost all the people hate this."

Mirsani labored over a blast furnace of an oven, baking bread.

"I can recall the good old days, before the revolution, when we had good relations with the United States," he said. "We all lived better. Now we live worse."

In the realm of international relations, the United States and Iran are enemies. American officials attacked Iran's presidential elections as undemocratic, while Khamenei said that the 60 percent turnout "humiliated" the United States. But on the streets of Tehran, from the gritty neighborhoods in the south, to retail areas in the center of town, to the posh northern neighborhoods, America is spoken of more like an estranged cousin, maybe an annoying cousin, but nevertheless one with whom people would like to reconcile.

Having unwittingly abetted it, the President needs to just ignore the election and go over the heads of Ahmadinejad and the mullahs to talk directly to Iranians the way Reagan did to Eastern Europeans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


The Wind from the South: Anti-White Populism (Steve Sailer, June 26, 2005)

Recently, the rest of the media has started to notice that something is going on down south.

In "Indian movement seeks 'to expel white invasion,'" Martin Arostegui wrote in the Washington Times (June 24):

"SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia -- A growing indigenous movement has helped topple successive governments in Bolivia and Ecuador and, angered by the destruction of Andean coca crops, now threatens the stability of other countries where Indians are in the majority. Drawing support from European leftists and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the long-marginalized Indians are tasting political influence for the first time since the Spanish conquest and beginning to wrest power from South America's white elites. The leader of Bolivia's Movement to Socialism party (MAS), Evo Morales, talks about 'uniting Latin America's 135 Indian nations to expel the white invasion, which began with the landing of Columbus in 1492.'"

This marks a significant change. Latin American politics was long dominated by imported ideologies, such as Marxism in the 1960s and 1970s and laissez-faire in the 1990s. While professing the latest thinking from France, Italy, the U.S., or the Soviet Union made Latin Americans feel au courant, they were largely irrelevant because none of them dealt directly with Latin America's essential political problem: the enduring racial conflict originating in the Conquest of a half millennium ago.

Traditionally, Latin America has had the worst economic disparities in the world. For example, the AP recently reported on a new study of millionaires around the world. In most regions, such as North America, the average millionaire has a little over three million dollars in assets, but in Latin America, the typical millionaire has over twelve million dollars.

In other words, while Latin America isn't very rich, the rich in Latin America have more money than God.

And, despite almost 500 years of intermarriage, the economic elite remains strikingly whiter-looking than the more Indian and/or black-looking people at the bottom. As Vicente Fox's former Foreign Secretary Jorge Castaneda admitted in 1995, Mexico's ruling elite has been getting whiter. Many powerful men in Mexico and throughout Latin America had recent ancestors who clawed their way up out of the darker masses. Over the generations, however, their descendents get whiter-looking as the rich men marry the fair-skinned and fair-haired women -- who are considered the first and last word in beauty in Latin America.

And it's not just skin color. The rich literally look down upon the poor. President Fox, for example, whose paternal grandfather was an Irish-American, is almost six and a half feet tall. He towers over George W. Bush. That makes Fox close to a foot taller than the average Mexican man.

Presumably, as the Indians take over and the "whiter-lookings" flee even the Minutemen will support immigration.

June 27, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:46 PM


Politics: Jeb Bush's Surprise Move (Arian Campo-Flores and Lynn Waddell, 7/04/05, Newsweek)

Jeb Bush's request (that a state attorney investigate alleged discrepancies in Michael Schiavo's statements about how long he took to call 911 after Terri's collapse) startled even his closest confidants. While critics accused Bush of trying to curry favor with cultural conservatives, "this wasn't a position taken for the purpose of pandering," says one political adviser who was surprised by Bush's intervention and who asked not to be named to avoid appearing disloyal. "It's based entirely on his strong personal bias for protecting life." Though some Bush advisers would have preferred he drop the subject, says another who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, his current circle avoided challenging him. "I think this was his impulse," says the adviser, "and the staff amplified it."

Ill-advised or not, Bush's maneuver only fueled speculation about a possible presidential run in 2008. Given a GOP field that lacks a standout contender, Bush "would automatically be the one to beat" were he to enter, says Mac Stipanovich, a former Bush campaign manager.

Especially if John McCain doesn't run, it's just such an easy nomination to grab you'd have to go for it if you've any thought of ever doing so.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:41 PM


Jewish woman is new president of National Rifle Association (Joshua Runyan, Chicago Jewish News)

As a Jewish woman and Harvard-educated lawyer, Sandra Froman admits that, at least on paper, she doesn't seem the natural choice to lead the National Rifle Association. But the Second Amendment, she points out, is all about empowerment.

"I've never met a gun I didn't like," says Froman, 55. "I wish I had more time to practice. My favorite gun is normally the one I was able to take out most recently, but I shoot pistols, rifles, black-powder rifles."

Froman, who became the newest president of the almost 4-million strong NRA in April, explains that she didn't always love the smell of gunpowder or a shotgun's recoil. She grew up in a Jewish home in San Fransisco, raised by parents who didn't own firearms.

"I didn't care about guns. I didn't know anything about them," she says. "The most I knew was from Westerns where the good guys had guns, and the bad guys had bows and arrows."

After attending Stanford University, she headed east for Harvard Law School, returning to the Golden State to practice law with the predominantly Jewish law firm of Loeb and Loeb. It was at her home there, 25 years ago, that someone attempted to break in while she slept.

"The noise woke me up. I came downstairs and saw this man trying to use a screwdriver to break through the lock on the door," she says. "I banged on the door. He stopped for a minute, and then kept trying to break in. I was scared to death. I didn't know what to do."

The would-be intruder left before police arrived, but life would never be the same.

A step down from Moses, but...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:32 PM


GM Halts Stock Trading by Top Executives (Dee-Ann Durbin, 6/27/05, AP)

General Motors Corp. has forbidden senior executives and other employees with access to internal financial information from buying or selling company stock indefinitely, a spokeswoman for the automaker said Monday.

Bad form to have execs selling their stock just before you padlock the doors and go out of business.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:22 PM


In the south, a bid to loosen Baghdad's grip (Steven Vincent, 6/28/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Crowded into a narrow room beneath an image of the Shiite icon Imam Ali, members of the Garamsha tribe drink tea and discuss current events with visiting journalists. Though reputedly behind most of the car thefts, hijackings, and kidnappings roiling this southern city, the tribesmen seem more interested in politics.

"Baghdad is so violent now, we are uncomfortable linking our fate with it," says Tariq Hamid, as his fellow clan leaders nod. "We support a decentralized form of government, where Basra controls its own affairs."

Like the Kurds to the north, the Shiites of Iraq's southern regions have long bristled under Baghdad's centralized and often brutal control. But with their security relatively stable and newly elected officials in office - particularly the increasingly independent provincial Governing Councils (GCs) - southern Iraqis are pressing the case for decentralization, or federalism.

Kurdistan was always going to be sovereign eventually--why not just cut to the chase and divvy up the place?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:20 PM

LES MISERABLESER (via Robert Schwartz):

My virility doesn't matter - the EU's does (Mark Steyn, 28/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

The subject under debate was poverty and social disintegration, and pondering the collapse of civility in modern Britain [Frank Field, at a Centre for Policy Studies seminar last week,] gave seven reasons. Number One, he said, was the decline of religion.

At that point, many Britons will simply have tuned out for the remaining six, and the more disapproving ones will be speculating darkly on whether, like yours truly and other uptight squares, he has "casual sex" issues. Religion is all but irrelevant to public discussion in the United Kingdom, and you'd have to search hard for an Anglican churchman prepared to argue in public, as Mr Field does, that material poverty derives from moral poverty.

But the point is: he's not wrong. There aren't many examples of successful post-religious societies. And, if one casts around the world today, one notices the two powers with the worst prospects are the ones most advanced in their post-religiosity. Russia will never recover from seven decades of Communism: its sickly menfolk have a lower life expectancy than Bangladeshis; its population shrinks by 100 every hour, and by 0.4 per cent every year, a rate certain to escalate as the smarter folks figure it's better to emigrate than get sucked down in the demographic death spiral.

And then, of course, there's the European Union. These last couple of weeks, Tony Blair has been giving off an even stronger whiff than usual of a man trembling on the brink of his rendezvous with destiny: why, he's now the EU's self-proclaimed reformer, the man who'll save the continent from a dreary obsolescent cadre of rigid Euro-apparatchiks. "We have to renew," he says. "And we can. But only if we remarry the European ideals we believe in with the modern world we live in."

But, reading the stirring Blairite blather alongside the gloomy news from Russia, it all begins to sound rather familiar. No doubt, in another week or two, the Prime Minister may even have invented some Euro-buzzwords to serve as equivalents to perestroika and glasnost. Mr Blair is attempting the same trick Gorbachev tried - "remarrying" (an odd choice of word) an inflexible ideology with reality. It's unlikely to be any more successful with the EU than with the Soviet Union.

Every day you get ever more poignant glimpses of the Euro-future, such as it is. In East Germany, whose rural communities are dying, village sewer systems are having a tough time adjusting to the lack of use. Populations have fallen so dramatically that there are too few people flushing to keep the flow of waste moving. Traditionally, government infrastructure expenditure arises from increased demand. In this case, the sewer lines are having to be narrowed at great cost in order to cope with dramatically decreased demand.

There's simply no precedent for managed decline in societies as advanced as Europe's, but the early indications are that it's going to be expensive: environmentally speaking, it's a question of sustainable lack of growth. Listen to the European political class defend the status quo on the Common Agricultural Policy, and then tell yourself these are the folks you want tackling the real crises just around the corner.

For Britain and Ireland, two relatively dynamic provinces of a moribund continent, there are only two options: share the pain and expense and societal upheaval, or decide that you're not that "European" after all and begin the process of detachment or at least semi-detachment. When the Continentals bemoan "Anglo-Saxon" capitalism, they have a point. Of the 20 economies with the biggest GDP per capita, no fewer than 11 are current or former realms of Her Britannic Majesty.

Admittedly, some of the wealthiest turf is the pinprick colonial tax havens - Bermuda, Guernsey, the Caymans. But, if you eliminate populations under 10 million, the GDP per capita Top Five are, in order, America, Canada, Australia, Belgium and the United Kingdom. And if you make it territories with over 20 million, the Top Four is an Anglosphere sweep. In other words, the ability to generate wealth among large populations does indeed seem to be an "Anglo-Saxon" thing. That being so, which is more likely? That Blair will transform a Europe antipathetic to Anglo-Saxon ways? Or that Europe will drag its Anglo-Saxons down with it?

So when the wolf pack comes you can't even hide in the sewer?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:13 PM


Eleventh-hour call for EU to halt its talks with Turkey (Anthony Browne, 6/28/05, Times of London)

NICOLAS SARKOZY, the French Interior Minister and a possible future president, has demanded that the European Union close its doors to Turkey, just three months before the entry talks with the Muslim country are due to start.

M Sarkozy called for the “suspension” of future EU enlargement while the union sorts out its internal political crisis by revamping its institutions.

The swipe at Turkey will heighten tensions between France and Britain, which has taken the lead in championing Turkish membership of the EU and which will host the start of the membership talks in October 3. The remarks also brought a swift retort from the German Government, which said that the EU must stick by its commitments.

Why would a nation that has a future hitch itself to a bunch that don't?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:11 PM


Become more macho or risk your extinction, men told (Chris Hastings and Beth Jones, 26/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

British men are being told to be alert to a condition that could "put them on the fast track to extinction".

Symptoms of the "illness" that has been dubbed "mantropy" include a penchant for pedicures, fruit smoothies and small dogs.

American Maxim, one of the biggest-selling men's magazines in the world, has defined mantropy as "a silent killer which strikes men in the prime of life".

The magazine has been urging American men to be macho rather than manicured and to indulge their passion for cars rather than clothes.

The campaign coincides with research that shows that men and women are being increasingly turned off by media images of well-groomed, feminine-looking men. [...]

This research reinforces the findings of a poll published in April which found that 90 per cent of women preferred a man who was "low-maintenance and easy-going".

Until they want something done around the house, then the Type-A down the street, who polishes his gutters every Saturday, is supposed to be your role model.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:18 PM


BTK killer waives trial, admits 10 slayings (Associated Press, June 27th, 2005)

In a surprise move, Dennis Rader pleaded guilty Monday to 10 counts of first-degree murder before delivering a chilling matter-of fact account of the BTK slayings that terrorized the city beginning in the 1970s.

Rader, 60, of Park City, entered the guilty pleas as his trial was scheduled to begin Monday.

Referring to his victims as “projects,” Rader laid out for the court how he would “troll” for victims on his off-time, then stalk them and kill them.

“I had never strangled anyone before, so I really didn’t know how much pressure you had to put on a person or how long it would take,” he told the court in describing his first killings in 1974, a couple and two children.

No point in getting our knickers in a knot. The cooperative gene may have skipped by him and we may need to dispose of him to keep the survival imperative going, but why else would we get lathered over this one, Dude?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:22 PM


Low Rates Could Be Around for Long Term (EDMUND L. ANDREWS, 6/27/05, NY Times)

Federal Reserve officials, who meet this week, are beginning to suspect that the perplexing decline in long-term interest rates is more than a temporary aberration.

The possibility has major implications for the economy, and it creates new puzzles for Fed officials on how they should respond. [...]

One school of thought holds that low bond yields are a harbinger of slowing economic growth, which would reduce demand for credit in the future. Another school holds that global investors have lower inflation expectations than in the past, which reduces the risk of holding long-term bonds. If either theory is correct, the Federal Reserve would have less need to fend off inflation and could stop raising short-term rates at a much lower level than in the past - perhaps below 4 percent.

But yet another theory holds that long-term interest rates may have been depressed by other factors, including a "savings glut" around the world and efforts by Asian central banks to keep the value of their currencies down by buying United States Treasury securities.

If that is true, the flood of foreign money into the country could be diluting the Fed's effort to prevent inflation. That would imply that the Fed needs to raise rates more than many investors are expecting.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:22 PM

OH, MY (via AWW):

Pooh Mourns Tigger, Piglet (Josh Grossberg, Jun 28, 2005, CNN)

'Twas a sad weekend in Hundred Acre Wood.

Paul Winchell, the early TV pioneer best remembered for creating a string of cartoon voices, most famously Winnie the Pooh's pal Tigger, died Friday. A day later, John Fiedler, the veteran stage and screen actor who voiced Piglet, passed away.

Supposedly, Winchell's last words were: "Piglet still survives..."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:04 PM


High Court Declines to Hear Appeal of Reporters in Plame Case (Richard B. Schmitt, June 27, 2005, LA Times)

The Supreme Court today cleared the way for the Justice Department to jail two reporters who refused to reveal confidential sources to a special prosecutor investigating how the name of an undercover CIA operative ended up in a newspaper column.

The high court declined to hear the appeal of reporters Judith Miller of the New York Times and Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, who had argued that the 1st Amendment protected them from having to identify their sources to prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in the politically charged case.

Miller and Cooper were held in contempt last year for refusing to cooperate in the investigation, and sentenced to prison, pending appeal. Today's ruling means that the government is now free to seek their incarceration, for up to 18 months.

The reporters have previously indicated that they would go to jail rather than reveal their sources. Fitzgerald has said their testimony is essential to completing his investigation.

Pursue the convictions but then have the President pardon them because this case is so trivial.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:57 PM


Breyer casts decisive vote on religious displays: Justice: Old monuments with Commandments are OK; new displays are not (Tom Curry, 6/27/0-5, MSNBC)

By the barest plurality, the court approved historical exhibits of the Ten Commandments on public property, displays that put the Decalogue in “a museum-like setting,” as Texas attorney general Greg Abbott repeatedly described it when the court heard oral arguments in Van Orden v. Perry on March 2.

Perhaps the best way to look at the cases is through the eyes of Justice Stephen Breyer, the swing vote in the Texas case, in which the court by a 5-4 vote allowed the state of Texas to continue displaying on the grounds of the state capitol in Austin a monument with the Ten Commandments engraved on it.
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As long as the display is pretty old and as long as almost no one has objected to it over the 40 years it has stood on the capitol grounds, then it passes muster, Breyer said.

He did not answer the question of “how old is old?” In other words, how long would a monument engraved with the Decalogue have to have been displayed — 10 years? 15 years? — in order to achieve protected status?

As a result of Monday’s ruling, religious displays will be allowed on state property under a "grandfather clause," as a respectful nod to the past.

A moral message is permissible, said Breyer, and a display of the Ten Commandments does send one.

But in Breyer’s view — and he is the rule-maker by default because he was the deciding vote in this case — the Texas display "conveys a predominantly secular message" and therefore is permissible.

One important factor for Breyer: The Austin Ten Commandments monument was in a park with other historical monuments around it. “The setting does not readily lend itself to meditation or any other religious activity,” Breyer decided.

Hinting at practical political consequences, Breyer also worried that if the court banned long-standing displays of the Ten Commandments, it might spark public outrage, “the very kind of religiously based divisiveness that the Establishment Clause seeks to avoid.”

The obvious question this raises is: exactly what year did the Constitution change? And, applying the same standard to Roe: shouldn't only women born after 1972 have been allowed to get abortions?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 AM

JIM DALE AGAIN (via The Mother Judd):

Sweatin' to the classics: Get off your beach blanket. These days, reading is an action-sport for manly multitaskers. (Leah Price, June 26, 2005, Boston Globe)

I used to wonder whether people who browsed Levenger's encyclopedia-sized catalog had time to read anything else, any more than homeowners who could afford incinerator-grade stoves ever have time to cook. Now Levenger's chief executive, Steve Leveen, is wondering that, too. His new book, The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life, says nothing about bookmarks, booklights, bookstands, Book Bungees, or even Booksuits (''the limber bookcover that stretches like a Speedo swimsuit"). Instead, it tells buyers how books themselves can change their life. Leveen writes with the fervor of a self-described ''born-again reader," an average Joe whose midlife crisis caused him to discover that reading makes life more ''electrified and zestful - like living in color rather than black and white."

Normally, a life-changing experience would require you to change your ways. Leveen dispels that fear: Far from being an eccentricity that will cut into your partying, your exercising, or your income, reading becomes the logical extension of the activities that you enjoy already. A library is a ''fueling station for your mind"; book groups are health clubs for, you guessed it, the mind; a good library works like a wine cellar; and like nobodies at a cocktail party, boring books should be quickly abandoned.

You test-drive a car before you buy it, so why not preview a book before you read it? In fact, if you replaced ''books" with ''men," Leveen's advice to ''take charge of your reading life and radically increase the quality of the books in the pool that you select from" could be lifted straight from Rachel Greenwald's bestseller ''Find a Husband After 35: Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School." Living down the road from South Beach, Leveen substitutes pages for calories: my mental spam filter flagged ''just three hours," ''no guilt," and ''transforming results."

So what's the secret? The answer is simple: audiobooks. ''Your Well-Read Life" encourages you to ''risten" while mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, or washing the car.

If you've never listened to audio books, your library likely has a bunch and they're on cd these days and unabridged. they're invaluable for car rides and cubicle jobs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:43 AM


Sonny Rollins: humble, classy, talented (ASHANTE INFANTRY, Jun. 19, 2005, Toronto Star)

[I]t's surprising to see the dedicated musician, a self-described "work in progress" who still practises two hours daily ("I'm trying to get to some unavailable place, I guess"), recently taken to task for his live performances by respected jazz critic Stanley Crouch in a recent issue of The New Yorker.

He writes: "Rollins works at extremes. He is either astounding or barely all right ... When he's on, which is seven or eight times out of ten, Rollins — known as `the saxophone colossus' — seems immense, summoning the entire history of jazz, capable of blowing a hole through the wall. On his off nights, though, he can seem no more than another guy with a saxophone and a band, creeping through a gig."


"It's hard for me to comment because I don't want to sound self-serving," responded Rollins, without a trace of enmity. "It's possible the type of music I'm trying to play is not always going to be where I would like it to be, but I think he may be being a little harsh.

"Stanley is a very conservative guy and he likes things from the '50s. I've had a long career and so he's got an opportunity to compare (newer material) to the things that he likes from the '50s and I think that's why he makes that kind of judgment.

"There's no doubt that I can sound better at times than others, because we're playing spontaneous music and that can happen. But I don't think it's quite as black and white as he said."

He was less diplomatic about Crouch's assertion that when he is faced with a young audience "he often resorts to banal calypso tunes."

"I completely reject that criticism and I think it was based on the fact that he denigrates that type of rhythm and I don't," said the Harlem-born Rollins, whose parents emigrated from the Virgin Islands.

"It's something that I enjoy playing and is a challenge to play, just as much as a lot of the music we play. It's not something I phone in."

The acclaimed improviser, whose collaborators have included Art Blakey, Thelonius Monk and the Rolling Stones, lists saxophonists Joshua Redman, Kenny Garrett and James Carter as favourites on the contemporary scene.

"I think the problem is that jazz itself isn't recognized, isn't promoted, so that these people have a chance to get their stuff heard by more people.

"Jazz has always been the stepchild and it has a lot to do with social issues. It's always been a black art form so therefore it's always been less promoted. I think it's a matter of social attitudes toward the music, which go back unfortunately to times in the past."

How then does he explain the phenomenal success of hip hop, which also began with blacks?

"While I think hip hop is valid music and very good, there are some elements in it which have been criticized — misogyny, elements which people can construe as demeaning to black people. I think that may be why hip hop has the tremendous popularity it has — it might be a way of maintaining a minstrely aspect around black culture."

It's those strong political views (echoed on recordings such as Global Warming), combined with his spiritual pursuits and a tendency to disappear, that cause many to view the yoga-practising, health-conscious country dweller as an enigma.

-Q&A: The Jazz Giant: This week in the magazine, Stanley Crouch writes about the jazz tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins, who, at seventy-four, is in the sixth decade of his remarkable career. Here, Crouch discusses Rollins, jazz, and improvisation with Ben Greenman. (The New Yorker, 2005-05-09)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:41 AM


On the Right Side of the Theater Aisle (JAMES ULMER, 6/26/05, NY Times)

In December, for instance, Walt Disney Studios and Walden Media, owned by the evangelical financier Philip Anschutz, are to release their $150 million "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," the first in a projected movie franchise based on C. S. Lewis's Christianity-inspired Narnia novels. Walden is also developing its political thriller, "Amazing Grace," about the British evangelical abolitionist William Wilberforce, and Sony Pictures is hoping that the next installment of the apocalyptic "Left Behind" series, "Left Behind: World War III," will usher in its own religiously inspired franchise.

What joins these independent and studio filmmakers, says the conservative author James Hirsen, is a shared sense of being political outsiders in a town in which the term "Hollywood conservative" can sometimes seem an oxymoron. "A lot of them," Mr. Hirsen says, "are feeling left out on the Left Coast."

That sense also binds conservatives who have had long careers in mainstream Hollywood and, like the newer activists, cut a broad political and religious swath, from "right-to-life" Christians and foreign-policy hawks to more middle-of-the-road "family-values" advocates. They include strongly identified Catholics like Mel Gibson and the manager-producer Doug Urbanski ("The Contender"), and evangelicals like Ralph Winter, who produced "X-Men" and "Fantastic Four." One of their leading voices has long been Lionel Chetwynd, a Jewish neo-conservative whose credits include the 1987 pro-Vietnam War feature "The Hanoi Hilton." A collection of what might loosely be styled conservative libertarians includes the actors Clint Eastwood, Drew Carey and Gary Oldman, along with the producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Gavin Polone.

The old guard has been joined by the so-called Sept. 12th Republicans. These include former liberals and centrists like the actors David Zucker, Dennis Miller, James Woods and Ron Silver - who all, in Mr. Bannon's words, "had a Road to Damascus experience" after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

More recently, these familiar faces have been bolstered by new players from both inside and outside the system, many intent on using the documentary form to promote their conservative message. One, Stephen McEveety, 50, who struck gold as a producer of "The Passion of the Christ," recently left Mr. Gibson's Icon Productions to start his own film company. According to two people who have worked with him and who spoke anonymously to protect their industry relationships, Mr. McEveety, who declined to be interviewed, controls a $100 million fund devoted to making and promoting family-oriented movies. (Mr. McEveety did note in an e-mail message that his criterion for making films is whether "my kids would be able to see them," not politics.) He is collaborating with Mr. Bannon, 51, on two new Catholic-themed documentaries, one on cloning, and another on Pope Benedict XVI, which is budgeted at about $1 million.

The two men have also participated in discreet, religiously based outreach and financing initiatives, including gatherings arranged by the Wilberforce Forum, the Virginia-based evangelical public policy group whose chairman is the former Watergate figure Chuck Colson and which has a mission to "shape culture from a biblical perspective," according to its Web site, wilberforce.org. Last September, Mr. McEveety and Mr. Bannon flew to Maryland to meet with top Christian powerbrokers on Capitol Hill in a forum co-sponsored by Wilberforce.

"The idea was to start tying money from Washington's right-to-life movement to key Hollywood players," said a participant who asked not to be named to protect his relationship with Wilberforce. A spokeswoman for Wilberforce confirmed that the organization, along with the Washington nonprofit group Faith and Law, were the hosts.

That was followed by a gathering three months later in Santa Monica in which a half-dozen Christians from the world of politics met with Mr. Gibson, Mr. McEveety, Mr. Bannon and others. "The idea was just to meet conservatives in Hollywood and find out what they're working on," said Mark Rodgers, staff director of the Senate Republican Conference, who attended the events along with Bill Wichterman, policy adviser to Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader.

A co-host for the Santa Monica gathering was Act One, a nonpolitical group of Christian screenwriters based in Los Angeles and led by Barbara Nicolosi, a Catholic activist and former nun. Ms. Nicolosi said one of the goals of the meeting was "for Wilberforce to find some intersection of policy and story ideas" for future Hollywood content.

Ms. Nicolosi added that while religiously motivated filmmakers can "obviously find it difficult enough" working in Hollywood, "some of us think we should stop calling ourselves Christians, it's become such a political liability here." Building political connections hasn't been easy, either. "The Christians in Washington just don't trust us, because we're part of the Great Satan called Hollywood," she said.

And some show business conservatives say they fear that overt political connections will turn off audiences. "It never works when politicians come to Hollywood to try to influence content," said Govindini Murty, a Hindu actress and right-wing advocate who appears frequently on conservative talk shows. "Democrat or Republican, they should just stay away."

Just make good movies and they'll be conservative--there's only one story.

MORE (via b):
NY TIMES CALLING... (Church of the Masses)

[This is a somewhat paraphrased and somewhat literal transcription of an interview I did Sunday night with a NY Times reporter named James. This was the follow-up interview to one he did with me a few weeks ago. That first interview started with the following exchange (after intro comments):

James: So, in the last six months, there have been 37 pairings in the Times of the word "Christian" with words like "scary", "frightening", "theocratic" and "intimidating". My question is, what is it about Christians that makes you so scary?

Barb: (loud, snorting and sneering laughter) Are you kidding me?

James: What?

Barb: I finally get interviewed by the New York Times, and you ask me a question like that?! (more snorting and laughing)

James: (sniffs) Are you laughing because you think it's funny that people find Christians frightening?

Barb: No. I'm laughing because you want me to tell you why you and your friends are scared of Christians -- and I think you should ask your therapist!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:05 AM


Climate Shock (NY Times, 6/27/05)

The Senate has now completed work on an energy bill that might actually do some good. But that was not the only surprising news from the Senate floor last week: despite ferocious White House opposition, the Senate went on record as favoring a program of mandatory controls of emissions of the gases that contribute to global warming.

It did so in a "sense of the Senate" resolution whose nonbinding nature allowed opponents of aggressive action to dismiss it as meaningless.

The resolution was anything but meaningless.

This is what the progressive movement in America is reduced to? Crowing about a non-binding resolution?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:47 AM


Court: No Ten Commandments in Courthouses (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 6/27/05)

In a narrowly drawn ruling, the Supreme Court struck down Ten Commandments displays in courthouses Monday, holding that two exhibits in Kentucky crossed the line between separation of church and state because they promoted a religious message.

The 5-4 decision, first of two seeking to mediate the bitter culture war over religion's place in public life, took a case-by-case approach to this vexing issue. In the decision, the court declined to prohibit all displays in court buildings or on government property.

The justices left themselves legal wiggle room on this issue, however, saying that some displays -- like their own courtroom frieze -- would be permissible if they're portrayed neutrally in order to honor the nation's legal history. [...]

Souter was joined in his opinion by other members of the liberal bloc -- Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer, as well as Reagan appointee Sandra Day O'Connor, who provided the swing vote.

Nothing quite so helpful as making it clear that your decision is unprincipled.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:34 AM


You ain't seen nothing yet: Christian America's political arm is more complex and more dynamic than it first appears. And it will be hard to stop (The Economist, Jun 23rd 2005)

Why is the religious right as powerful as it is? The question puzzles even Americans. Their country, as a whole, is not getting more religious. The gap between it and European countries has increased, but largely because of Europe's growing godlessness. Most Americans say that religion is very important (60%) or fairly important (26%) in their lives, but Karlyn Bowman, a polling analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, points out that the figures were 75% and 20% in 1952.

What has changed is, first, the make-up of Protestant America and, second, the realignment of religious America's politics. The generally liberal mainline churches have declined, while harder outfits like the Southern Baptists have spurted forward. White evangelicals, who see the Bible as the literal truth (or darned close to it), now make up 26% of the population.

It is not just a matter of numbers but of confidence. Born-again Christians are no longer rural hicks; they are richer and better educated than the average American. There are now 500 Christian colleges in America and evangelical chapters at the Ivy Leagues. Go to one of the 1,000 gleaming megachurches and the people stepping out of the four-wheel-drives in the Wal-Mart-sized car parks are software engineers, doctors and teachers.

Take, for instance, Mr Bush's friend Richard Land, who heads the Southern Baptists' public policy arm. He has stern views on moral issues; but this Princeton and Oxford-educated preacher can happily discuss the Indian economy and the flat tax. Mr Land claims that one in three of the baby-boomers now identify themselves as evangelical.

Nor, to lose another stereotype, are all the righteous white. There are some 25m black evangelicals, who seem to be moving slightly more to the right; and new immigrants, too, provide plenty of recruits. Larry Eskridge, of the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals at Wheaton College, guesses there may be 8m Latino evangelicals. A huge number of Asian-Americans are fervent Christians, too.

The religious right also represents more than just evangelicals. At the last election Mr Bush won the Catholic vote by snaring 72% of self-styled traditionalist Catholics. Private polls also suggest that he won significant numbers of Orthodox Jews. Rather than being split between the parties, religious people of all faiths are now pretty anchored in the Republican Party. A Zogby poll last November put the national figure for “religious traditionalists” at 29%, but they accounted for 58% of Republicans.

The power of organisation

Religious America's switch to the right is rooted in two things: liberal over-reach and conservative organisation. The consistent whinge from the Christian right about “liberal activist judges” exceeding their mandate contains a kernel of truth. In the 1960s and 1970s, judges changed America from a country where every school day began with a prayer, and abortion and pornography were frowned on, to a country where school prayer was banned and both abortion and pornography were protected by the constitution.

The fact that the courts were running so far ahead of public opinion in a generally religious country bolstered the religious right in two ways. It provoked white evangelicals to join the political fray. And it persuaded all religious types to bond together. Protestants and Catholics, who used to be at loggerheads, have now found common ground, especially on abortion.

But conservative organisations have also created their own momentum. Take Focus on the Family, a sprawling empire that employs 1,400 people in Colorado Springs and claims a global audience of 220m people for its TV and radio shows, books, mass e-mails and counselling. Its founder, Jim Dobson, a former child-psychology professor, points out that the focus of his ministry's considerable energy remains family life, but its public-policy arm is growing. Focus set up a political action committee last year that spent $9m on the election, and it hurled another $1.2m at the filibuster issue earlier this year.

Focus exemplifies two of the movement's hallmarks: innovation and competition. This sophistication also extends to politics. On abortion, social conservatives have had much more success now they have stopped screaming for the practice to be made illegal (which few Americans want) and tried to limit it (which most want). There are now laws in 34 states requiring parents to be notified when a minor applies for an abortion. And Congress is considering requiring doctors to tell any woman having an abortion after 20 weeks that it will cause the fetus pain.

“You eat an apple one bite at a time,” argues Mr Land, who points out that with both gay marriage and abortion the religious right's current position is to leave decisions to state legislatures, as they are left in Europe. Messrs Land and Dobson both personally oppose gay civil unions; but their planned federal marriage amendment does not ban them because, in Mr Land's words, “it could then become a civil-rights issue rather than a marriage issue.” Mr Land enjoys turning civil-rights language back on the left, accusing the American Civil Liberties Union, for instance, of “anti-religious bigotry”. [...]

Yet if the polling numbers on matters of faith carry some warnings for the Christian right, they carry many more for the Democrats. If the last election proved anything, it was that middle America found an overtly religious party much less weird than an overtly secular one. Few lines got Mr Bush a bigger cheer on the stump than jeering at Mr Kerry's “Hollywood values”.

Some liberal types now want to claim the mantle of the religious left. Hillary Clinton recently made a speech complaining about the number of abortions. The new Clintonite Centre for American Progress has a faith and progressive policy project. Jim Wallis, a chummy anti-war evangelical who wrote the best-seller, “God's Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left doesn't Get it”, points to the huge audiences he gets around the country as evidence that many Christians want a more varied version of moral politics than just abortion and gay marriage.

There is probably something in this, but it is hard to see the Democrats seizing it. The pro-life Mr Casey in Pennsylvania is a far less typical Democrat than Mr Dean, who casually located the Book of Job in the New Testament when he ran for president. If the Republicans are the party of the over-pious, an aggressive secularism pervades many of their rivals' policies.

It seems that the religious right cannot fail to win. Either the Democrats continue to get more secular, in which case middle America will continue to vote Republican, or they will embrace religion a little more fully, and then the religious right will get a little more of what it wants.

Add in the fact that the secular don't reproduce at replacement level while the religious do and you've got some really ugly trends for the Democrats.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


T-ball on White House lawn is a big hit with Chicago kids (LYNN SWEET, June 27, 2005, Chicago Sun-Times)

Wearing red shirts, the nine kids from Chicago scrambled around a makeshift White House baseball stadium, playing their counterparts in blue from the east.

The kids, their parents, other team members traveling with them who did not play Sunday and other team personnel went on a White House tour before the game.

The players and coaches are going back to Chicago with an individual picture with the president and a baseball signed by him.

Talk about a field of dreams. [...]

Since I write about President Bush and Mayor Daley all the time -- and they always have their names in the paper -- before I go on telling you about them being at the game, I want to give you the roster of the team from the South Side of Chicago, Taylor Paige Nevils; Joi Russell; Johnathan Watson; Christian Wright; Kamani Smith; Balieux Robinson; Terreon Hopkins; Jaylen Heard and Owen Johnson.

The coaches were Anthony Frazier and Daron White; manager Tisa Macklin; League president Mason Dorsey and district administrator Verba Kirksey.

Bush, a former managing general partner of the Texas Rangers, was in the temporary stands erected on a portion of the grassy South Lawn of the White House.

The T-ball league he started is in its fifth season. The teams playing Sunday are part of the "Little League Urban Initiative,'' a program to expose city kids at a young age to the game. The team names come from the old Negro Leagues.

Daley was invited to watch the South Side Little League Memphis Red Sox matchup with the Jackie Robinson South Ward Little League Black Yankees.

By the time Bush came to the game, near 3 p.m. Chicago time, to proclaim "Play ball,'' the president had been to church, come home, changed clothes and driven 41 minutes to the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va.

He stayed for almost two hours. Reporters were told the president went for a bike ride.

Bush appeared on the field wearing an open neck, short sleeve shirt and Dockers-like pleated front pants.

Daley was dressed in a white knit short sleeve shirt and beige pants.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


Fire in West, hire in East (Asia Times, 6/28/05)

As it proceeds with layoffs of 13,000 workers in Europe and the United States, IBM Corp plans to add about 14,000 positions in India this year, according to a confidential company document made public by a Seattle technology workers' union.

IBM has about 329,000 employees in 75 countries, including about 130,000 in the United States. The company announced last month that it would cut 10,000-13,000 jobs, about a quarter of them in the United States and the rest in Western Europe.

"IBM is really pushing this offshore outsourcing to relentlessly cut costs and to export skilled jobs abroad," said Marcus Courtney, president of the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, or WashTech, a group that seeks to unionize such workers. "The winners are the richest corporations in the world, and American workers lose." [...]

In an interview with the NYT, however, IBM senior vice president Robert Moffat explained that the buildup in India was attributable to both a surge in demand for technology services in the thriving Indian economy as well as the opportunity to tap skilled Indian software engineers for worldwide project deployment. A third of IBM's workers in India hold PhDs, and 60% of them are engineers. Lower trade barriers and cheaper telecommunications and computing ability allow a distant labor force to work on technology projects, Moffat said, adding that IBM was making the shift from a classic multinational corporation with separate businesses in many different countries to a truly worldwide company whose work can be divided and parceled out to the most efficient locations. Cost is part of the calculation, Moffat told the NYT, but not the most important consideration. "People who say this is simply labor arbitrage don't get it. It's mostly about skills."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:04 AM


June 27 is National HIV Testing Day (Health Central)

Experts at the CDC estimate that up to 280,000 Americans are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, but do not know it -- potentially threatening their own health while encouraging the spread of infection to others.

That's why every year the agency joins hands with the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) to sponsor National HIV Testing Day, slated this year for Monday, June 27.

How about "National No Buggery or Intravenous Drug Use Day" instead?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:59 AM


Parents' Summer Homework (ROSA BROOKS, June 22, 2005, LA Times)

Summer's here, and for most American children, school's out. But it's still appropriate to administer a painless little diagnostic quiz.

Here goes:

1. When I contemplate the prospect of a 10-week school vacation, I feel:

A. Joy.

B. Panic.

If you answered "A," chances are that you're a little kid. Give yourself 10 points for precocity (you're reading the newspaper!) and another 10 just for being a little kid.

If you answered "B," you're probably a parent. Deduct 10 points.

If that strikes you as unfair, you're right, but if you're a parent, you really ought to be used to unfairness by now. For parents, lengthy school "vacations" are no kind of vacation at all. That tenuous stability achieved during the rest of the year — when, barring the usual illnesses and "weather events," you had child care for the better part of each day — is gone, gone, gone.

Today, the overwhelming majority of parents work full time outside the home. That includes most mothers: Women with children are just about as likely to be in the labor force as women without children. As a result, school vacations send most American parents into a tailspin...

Imagine if we were as helpless as the Left thinks we are?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 AM


Going the Distance for Choice: For some families, the best schools are those far from home. Students and parents try to make the most of their time on the road. (Jean Merl, June 27, 2005, LA Times)

Early every morning that classes are in session, Laura Aguayo loads her three children into the family minivan and begins the commute to school. Palmdale to Topanga Canyon: 62 miles, four freeways, two twisting canyon roads.

"It's a sacrifice for me, but I don't care," Aguayo said recently before she began a summer hiatus in her trips to the private Calmont School. "I want the best for my children."

Aguayo is hardly alone, judging by the accounts of families who do not let long commutes deter them from enrolling their children in schools they deem best.

"This is one more variation on the growing movement for school choice," said Jennifer Jellison Holme, a researcher at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. "There might be a good school less than three hours away, but people are going to do what they think is best for their kids."

Students making long trips to private and some public schools is nothing new. The Los Angeles Unified School District's magnet program, for example, has for decades drawn students to distant campuses.

Irene Sumida, co-director of Fenton Avenue Charter School in Lake View Terrace, said she was stunned when the mother of two students commuted each day from Bakersfield — about 75 miles away — after the family moved midway through the school year.

About a dozen students live in Palmdale or Lancaster, and one Burbank family recently transferred their son from a private school, Sumida said. Dozens of other parents ride public buses to bring their youngsters to the northeast San Fernando Valley campus.

"When people commute, not for a job but for their children, that's really something," Sumida said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 AM


Rove speech exposes fundamental split (Michael Barone, June 27, 2005, Townhall)

Reading the initial press accounts of Rove's speech, I wished that he had been more specific about which liberals he was denouncing -- except that, as those press accounts failed to mention, he was. "I'm not joking," he went on immediately after the words quoted above. "Submitting a petition was precisely what Moveon.org, then known as 9-11peace.org did. You may have seen it in The New York Times or The Washington Post, the San Francisco Examiner or the L.A. Times. (Funny, I didn't see it in the Amarillo Globe News.) It was a petition that 'implored the powers that be' to 'use moderation and restraint in responding to the terrorist attacks against the United States.'"

One reason that the Democrats are squawking so much about Rove's attack on "liberals" is that he has put the focus on a fundamental split in the Democratic Party -- a split among its politicians and its voters.

On the one hand, there are those who believe that this is a fundamentally good country and want to see success in Iraq. On the other hand, there are those who believe this is a fundamentally bad country and want more than anything else to see George W. Bush fail.

Those who do not think this split is real should consult the responses to pollster Scott Rasmussen's question last year. About two-thirds of Americans agreed that the United States is a fair and decent country. Virtually all Bush voters agreed. Kerry voters were split down the middle.

This is a fundamental split. University and media elites, as Thomas Sowell writes in his forthcoming "Black Rednecks and White Liberals," promote a version of history in which all evils are perpetrated by the United States and the West and in which Third World tyrants are assumed to be the voice of virtuous victims. These elites fail to notice that slavery was a universal institution until opposed only by altruists in the West, in late 18th century Britain and 19th century America.

It comes naturally to those liberal politicians whose worldview is set by these elites to suppose that Saddam's Iraq was the land of happy kite-flyers portrayed in Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" and that, as Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said in a carefully prepared speech, American actions in Guantanamo are comparable to acts of the Nazis, Soviets and Khmer Rouge.

The Democrats' objections would be easier to take seriously if they hadn't handed over leadership of their party to the likes of Dean, Durbin, Pelosi, etc.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:30 AM


No, not Gonzales! (Robert Novak, June 27, 2005, Townhall)

[S]ources report Rehnquist is not ready to resign and that O'Connor is readying the way for a return to Arizona with her invalid husband. While Bush would consider replacing one of the court's two women with its first Hispanic justice, neither Roberts nor Luttig for O'Connor would be politically correct.

Accordingly, White House judge-hunters are looking for a woman. They have interviewed Appellate Judge Edith Brown Clement (5th Circuit, New Orleans), a conservative who flies under the radar. She was confirmed as a Louisiana district judge in 1991, seven weeks after her nomination by the first President Bush, and was confirmed as an appellate judge in 2001, two and a half months after George W. Bush named her.

Clement would be subject to far more scrutiny as a Supreme Court nominee. So would any other conservative named by Bush, though Democrats may have exhausted scrutinizing Gonzales. The president must choose between a fierce confirmation fight or the alienation of his political base.

Considering how hard the President has worked to avoid his father's mistakes, you have to assume he's asked Mr. Gonzales whether he'd vote to overturn Roe.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


Waiters say they were fired for being French (Reuters, 6/27/05)

Three former waiters at New York’s posh 21 Club, where a hamburger costs $30, have filed a $5 million discrimination lawsuit saying they were fired for being French.

In a civil suit made public on Monday at Manhattan Supreme Court, the three men, Rene Bordet, 68, Jean Claude Lesbre, 63 and Yves Thepault, 68, said the restaurant’s management falsely accused them of drinking wine on the job and “created and fostered an environment rife with anti-French sentiment.”

Only fired? They got off lightly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 AM


How will these bruises mend? (Judy Dempsey, JUNE 27, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

The decades-long special relationship between Washington and Berlin was punctured during the run-up to the U.S.-led attack on Iraq when Schröder used his opposition to American policy in his campaign to be re-elected in October 2002.

Even after his election victory, Schröder kept up the rhetoric. Together with France and Russia, Germany formed the antiwar camp in Europe, causing some of the sharpest tensions and disagreements inside Europe and in the trans-Atlantic relationship for many years.

"Schröder had put himself in a corner over Iraq," said Kamp. "Bush does not forget easily."

But one man who has spent years trying to redefine and rescue the relationship between Washington and Berlin, says the tensions between both countries go well beyond personalities. They are about a fundamental shift in how the two countries perceive each other.

"It is always easy to see the relationship in terms of personalities," Karsten Voigt, Germany's special U.S. envoy said in an interview. "But the reality is that the German-American relationship is today a relationship operating in a different strategic environment."

"What we are living through is the birth pains of a new type of Atlanticism. In the old one, Germany was at the center of a global crisis which was the Cold War. We would have always been part of the action. Now we are in the center of an area of stability. Early on, we were a consumer of security. Now we are asked to be an exporter of security. We have to decide. We have global values but limited interests and limited military capabilities."

As part of this changing definition of Atlanticism, Voigt says the United States cannot afford to take its allies for granted.

They don't matter anymore but can't be taken for granted?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:57 AM


Nationwide strike in South Africa (BBC, 6/27/05)

Many South Africans appear to be staying away from work in a nationwide strike over unemployment, but the overall response appears patchy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 AM


Scout's return to baseball eclipses his run as a player (CONTRA COSTA TIMES, 6/27/05)

Get Mack Babitt going on one of the favorite topics in his life -- the blessings that have come his way -- and you may never get a chance to speak.

He'll tell you about his three children -- daughter, Ashley, 18, and sons Zachary, 15, and Miles, 12 -- and how "they've made it easy for me as any parent can have it." He'll mention the one fledgling year he spent in the major leagues, even though it nearly killed his love for the "sport that's been so good to me."

He'll discuss the myriad individuals who have helped him become a major-league scout, part-time radio host and occasional guest television analyst.

Oh, and he'll also let you know about his father's favorite disc jockey.

"He'd come on the air, and one of his things was, 'Hey Rooty, Booty, Shooty, Doody,' or something like that," Babitt said. "My dad loved it."

Thus was born "Shooty" Babitt. Finding folks who refer to him by any other name would be only slightly less difficult than hitting a major-league fastball.

"Of all the blessings that have come my way, that's as big as any," he said.

Don't look now, but Babitt's profile in the Bay Area has never been bigger, and that's saying something considering he's been here all his life. A Richmond resident now, Babitt grew up in Berkeley and was a two-time prep All-American at Berkeley High School.

These days, Babitt often can be found milling about the batting cage before almost any Oakland A's game at McAfee Coliseum or sitting with a pack of fellow major-league scouts near home plate.

During the season, his voice fills the air waves on "Inside Baseball Saturday Night" along with co-host Marty Lurie, and he occasionally works as the lead analyst during pregame shows on Fox Sports Net.

Much of it, he said, can be traced back to the recognition that has come from having such an unusual moniker. But make no mistake, the success that Babitt, 46, has enjoyed evolved from an unmistakable trait.

"He is an extremely passionate guy," Lurie said. "When you have passion for baseball, and I mean this in a completely complimentary way, you don't think before you speak. People ask you a question, and you shoot from the hip, so to speak. You're going to be seen and heard for who you are. That's what we have here."

Indeed, baseball is one of the two great loves in Babitt's life. But it remains that way, he said, only because the other great love in his life -- his family -- gave him the strength to reconcile the bitterness he had toward the sport long after his playing career was finished.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:38 AM


Women Bring Love to March (Astrid Poei, Toronto Sun, June 26th, 2005)

Come hell, high water or a broken ankle, nothing could stop newlyweds Paula Kruse and Ann Hudson from proudly stomping in yesterday's Dyke March.

Same-sex marriage was on the minds of hundreds of women marching together on Church and Yonge Sts., as signs that blared "Just 'Legally' Married" and "If You Knew My Girlfriend, You'd Want To Marry Her Too" hovered above the heads of participants.[...]

Lisa Hayes, co-founder of the event, which started in 1996, explained the need for such a strong title as Dyke March.

"It's about reclaiming the word because the word has been used in the derogatory, demeaning way to describe lesbians so this is about us reclaiming the word and making it into something that we're proud of," Hayes, 37, said.

Being throughly modern and enlightened, we here at Brothersjudd recognize there is no rational connection whatsoever between this innocent, happy celebration and the snake. Neither homophobic nor ophidiophobic, we would reject any allegorical associations as being Biblical claptrap and an abject surrender of reason to the dark and dangerous forces of theocracy and priestly domination. Whether one chooses a hissing viper or Fluffy the poodle to take on a pleasant stroll downtown is entirely a matter of personal taste, and is completely unrelated to character. We see clearly that society’s longstanding prejudice against reptiles is cruel and unscientific. Be assured we understand fully that concrete symbols of objective right and wrong befit ignorant old peasant women, not the learned, critically-thinking characters that are we. We just thought it was one heck of a mind-blowing snake!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


In quark world, a strange discovery (Byron Spice, June 27, 2005, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Like a grocery shopper peering at a jar of spaghetti sauce in search of flecks of basil, physicists have taken a long look at the proton and have found an extra, if long-suspected, ingredient inside.

Physicists know that the positively charged protons in atomic nuclei are made primarily of two types of elementary particles, the so-called up and down quarks. But now an experiment called G-Zero at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Va., has confirmed the presence of a third type, or "flavor" of quark, the strange quark.

To find that protons contain strange quarks isn't a major surprise, said Brian Quinn, a Carnegie Mellon University physicist who is part of the international G-Zero collaboration. But what was somewhat startling was the degree to which strange quarks actually affect the structure and behavior of the proton, he added.

"We're showing that they could be a significant part of what makes up the proton," agreed Gregg Franklin, another Carnegie Mellon physicist among the 108 scientists on the G-Zero team.

Gotta admire the faith of folks who can miss an entire quark but still convince themselves the quark is indivisible.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Dressed for the Capitol kill (Stephanie Mansfield, June 27, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Bo Derek, actress, former sex symbol, activist and Kennedy Center trustee, was on a plane to Washington when she heard the wife of the Kuwaiti ambassador was giving a farewell party for the Swedish ambassador and his wife.

Rima Al-Sabah, the Lebanese-born blonde and glamorous haute hostess, was thrilled when Miss Derek decided to show.

But instead of a cocktail dress, she arrived in a corporate gray business suit.

It was the only thing she had packed to come to Washington besides her bluejeans, and she planned to wear it to Capitol Hill for a lobbying effort.

Funny thing was, no one batted a Maybelline'd eye.

"This is a town where women like to be taken seriously," said Mrs. Al-Sabah, a fashion-conscious wife and mother who gravitates more toward Dolce and Gabbana than Brooks Brothers. "They are feminine, but serious-minded at the same time."

Now comes Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

With her Oscar de la Renta scarlet silk gown, her knee-high boots and long jacket, her pastel Akris suits and jaunty flip, she's making women in Washington watch with a mixture of envy, awe and inspiration.

"I think she's amazing," said Mrs. Al-Sabah. "She is dressing feminine, yet she's serious-minded. I think she's got a lot of style."

Suddenly, people are asking: Why can't Washington women dress, well, more like women?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Italian anger over U.S. terror tactics deepens rift (Stephen Grey and Don Van Natta Jr., JUNE 27, 2005, The New York Times)

The extraordinary decision by an Italian judge to order the arrest of 13 people linked to the CIA on charges of kidnapping a terrorism suspect here dramatizes a growing rift between American counterterrorism officials and their counterparts in Europe.

European counterterrorism officials have pursued a policy of building criminal cases against terrorism suspects through surveillance, wiretaps, detective work and the criminal justice system. The United States, however, has frequently used other means since Sept. 11, 2001, including renditions - abducting terror suspects from foreign countries and transporting them for questioning to third countries, some of which are known to use torture.

The two approaches seem to have collided for an Egyptian cleric, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, or Abu Omar, accused of leading a militant mosque in Milan.

By early 2003, the Italian secret police were aggressively pursuing a criminal terrorism case against Nasr, with the help of American intelligence officials. Italian investigators said they had told the Americans they had strong evidence that he was trying to build a terror recruitment network, possibly aimed for Iraq if the United States went forward with plans to topple Saddam Hussein.

On Feb. 17, 2003, Nasr disappeared.

When the Italians began investigating, they said, they were startled to find evidence that some of the CIA officers who had helped them investigate Nasr were involved in his abduction.

"We do feel quite betrayed that this operation was carried out in our city," a senior Italian investigator said. "We supplied them information about Abu Omar, and then they used that information against us, undermining an entire operation against his terrorist network."

Do the same folks who are funding the insurgency in Iraq expect us to trust them to dispose of militants properly?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


The Young & the Sexless: A new generation of young men and women is embracing celibate life (Jeff Sharlet, 6/23/05, Rolling Stone)

What if the true face of the Christian right in America is not that of Dr. James Dobson or Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson; not that of an aging, comb-over preacher orange with pancake makeup, smiling orca rows of ungodly white teeth on The O'Reilly Factor or Hardball? Nor that of spittle-flecked Fred Phelps of Topeka, Kansas, roaring that God hates fags? What if the true face of the Christian right is, instead, that of a twenty-four-year-old religious-studies graduate student at New York University?

Matt Dunbar is a handsome young man, though his face is still ruddy with acne. He has rounded cheeks, a soul patch beneath his lips and soft eyes that hold yours like he trusts you. He's not a prude. He will say the word "f***," but he will never, not even in the wedding bed he hopes God has prepared for his future, embody it as a verb. He will make Christian love. What most of us call sex he calls communion, and he believes it can happen only within marriage.

Chastity is a new organizing principle of the Christian right, built on the notion that virgins are among God's last loyal defenders, knights and ladies of a forgotten kingdom. Sex outside of marriage is, in the words of D. James Kennedy, pastor of the influential Coral Ridge Ministries in Florida, "an uprising against God." But if sex is the perfect enemy of the blessed lifestyle, it is also the Holy Grail for those who wait: "A symphony of the soul for married couples," according to John Hagee, author of What Every Man Wants in a Woman.

"Abstinence," says Dunbar, "is countercultural," a kind of rebellion, he says, against materialism, consumerism and "the idea that anything can be bought and sold." It is a spiritual war against the world, against "sensuality," according to one virginity manual popular with men like Dunbar. This elevation of virginity -- especially for men -- as a way of understanding yourself and your place in the world is new. It's also very old. First-century Christians took the idea so seriously that many left their wives for "house monasteries," threatening the very structure of the family. The early church responded by institutionalizing virginity through a priestly caste set apart from the world, a condition that continues to this day within Roman Catholicism. Now, though, the Protestants of the Christian right are reclaiming that two-tiered system, only they're projecting it onto individual lives, making every young man and woman part of an elite virgin corps.

"The world hasn't yet seen what God can do with an army of young men free of sexual fevers," write the authors of Every Young Man's Battle, one volume in a hugely popular series of "purity" manuals. "You can remain pure so that you might qualify for such an army."

It's a never-ending war, and not one that can be fought alone. Which is why virgins like Dunbar tend to travel in packs, to church and to Bible studies but also to parties and even to bars. Dunbar and his friends help one another stay "pure," which they consider "authentic." He lives with three close friends in a warehouse apartment in Williamsburg, a Brooklyn hipster neighborhood of artists and slackers. Two of his roommates are virgins; the other, a Mormon named Edd Lewis, is a "recycled virgin." He's had sex but won't again until he's married.

Everybody's so organized nowadays.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Giant A380 falling short of big billing (David Greising, June 26, 2005, Chicago Tribune)

The A380, the superjumbo jet from Airbus SAS, was billed as "The Queen of the Paris Air Show" by the public address announcer as it promenaded down the tarmac en route to its slow-moving flyover of the Le Bourget airfield.

But on the sales floor, the A380 was the prom queen that couldn't get a date.

The only taker for the A380, a double-decked giant that seats at least 550 passsengers, was start-up carrier Kingfisher Airlines of India. Kingfisher joined the stampede of Indian carriers ordering airplanes in Paris. Its flamboyant chief executive, Vijay Mallya, inked an order for five A380s.

And that was it.

June 26, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 PM


The scandal of Christianity (Peter Sellick, June 22, 2005, Opinion Journal)

The scandal of Christianity, despite what the scientists turned theologians say, is that it does not posit a universal God who is detached from the world. Such a God would be quite acceptable because he would be infinitely distant. Thus the scandal at the centre of Christianity is that God has made Himself known to us through this friend of sinners, this man of sorrows from a disreputable corner of the Roman Empire. But what is worse is that this man suffers a criminal’s death abandoned by his friends and, it seems, by God. He is an outcast from proper society, dying shamefully outside the city walls. It is this man who is presented to us as truly God and truly human. It is no wonder that those who pride themselves on their righteousness are scandalised. [...]

[I]t is not only the violent power of Rome that is judged in the death of this innocent man, but also the religious authorities of the day. There is an internal critique of religion found not only in the New Testament but also in the earliest writings of Israel. Read correctly the bible tells us that Jesus is the end of religion as the world knows it and the restoration of the true worship of God that brings life and freedom. This is why Christians cannot just affirm anything that is religious in the way of political correctness. Christianity gives us a critique of religion far more potent than any secular tirade. [...]

The real reason for the offence of Jesus has its basis in the human psyche. The above arguments are just the outer appearance of a deeper fear. They act as intellectual protection for something much more serious - self preservation. For if we acknowledge that Jesus is the one with whom we have to deal, that he stands in our path demanding a response, then we are in real trouble. The fear is that we might have to give ourselves up - this must be the biggest fear of the modern age. When we think of how much we have invested in the concept of the individual, this is no surprise. The self-esteem movement is but the tip of the iceberg. [...]

While reason and doctrine are important we do not come to faith because of them. It is, in the end, not an intellectual decision. I have never won a theological argument with the result that my opponent has come to faith. Rather, it is a matter of coming to understand a story that sweeps all of our self-made stories aside. This displacement happens simply because the Christian story is the best, deepest and truest story around. It produces graceful human beings and truly free selves. In other words, it saves them from stunted and superficial lives informed by a stunted and superficial story.

But...if he's He, I'm not Me....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 PM


Boffins create zombie dogs (Nick Buchan, 27-06-2005, NEWS.com.au)

SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.

US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.

Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.

The animals are considered scientifically dead, as they stop breathing and have no heartbeat or brain activity.

But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:49 PM


Conundrum: how to get procrastinators to save (Randy Dotinga, 6/27/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Who'd pass up "free" money? More people than you might think. Nearly a third of American workers fail to take advantage of 401(k) plans.

Never mind that employers typically match a worker's contributions with hundreds or thousands of dollars a year. Never mind that employees don't have to do anything to qualify other than stash money away for retirement. For a variety of reasons, including inertia and ignorance, many workers don't take the perk.

Even of those who do sign up, about 1 in 5 doesn't contribute enough to meet their companies' full match, according to a new survey by the Hewitt Associates human resources firm. [...]

Young people are especially stubborn, with just 46 percent of workers under 30 contributing to 401(k)s, according to the Hewitt Associates survey, which examined the investing habits of more than 2.5 million Americans who have the investment option at work. The rest miss the opportunity to save money, tax-free, until the IRS comes calling during retirement.

...not giving them the initial one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:46 PM


Iraqi insurgency lacks ingredients for success (Max Boot, 6/27/05, CS Monitor)

The rebels lack a unifying organization, ideology, and leader. There is no Iraqi Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, or Mao Zedong. The top militant is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who has alienated most of the Iraqi population, even many Sunnis, with his indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

Support for the insurgency is confined to a minority within a minority - a small portion of Sunni Arabs, who make up less than 20 percent of the population. The only prominent non-Sunni rebel, Moqtada al-Sadr, has quietly joined the political process. The 80 percent of the population that is Shiite and Kurdish is implacably opposed to the rebellion, which is why most of the terrorism has been confined to four of 18 provinces.

Unlike in successful guerrilla wars, the rebels in Iraq have not been able to control large chunks of "liberated" territory. The best they could do was to hold Fallujah for six months last year. Nor have they been able to stage successful large-scale attacks as the Viet Cong did. A major offensive against Abu Ghraib prison on April 2 ended without a single US soldier killed or a single Iraqi prisoner freed, while an estimated 60 insurgents were slain.

The biggest weakness of the insurgency is that it is morphing from a war of national liberation into a revolutionary struggle against an elected government. That's a crucial difference.

Of course, so long as we leave 130,000 troops on the ground they never have to morph.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:38 PM


The Fundamentalist Attack on Separation of Church and State Defames America and Its Founders (Harvey Wasserman, History News Network)

The right-wing's multi-front war on American democracy now aims at our core belief in separation of church and state. It includes an attempt to say the founding fathers endorsed the idea that this is a "Christian nation," with an official religion.

Really? Which one do they say is the official religion?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:33 PM


Will South Korea's economy follow Japan's? (CHRISTOPHER LINGLE, 6/27/05, The Japan Times)

There are reasons to worry that the South Korean economy might emulate its Japanese counterpart and enter into a long slump. For example, South Koreans face heavy debt burdens related to the credit-card bubble that peaked in 2003 and a low rate of job creation. And there is the specter of rising consumer prices following the increase in commodity prices by 5.1 percent in April from a year earlier.

These problems are bad enough. But there are more. For example, China's attempts to rein in its overheated economy along with further expected increases in U.S. interest rates may cause South Korean export growth to falter. With its economic growth depending more heavily upon exports than Japan's, South Korea's domestic demand is even more sensitive to export income. This is all the worse given that many of South Korean exporters enjoy little pricing power.

South Korea's political leaders response to the disappointing economic growth figures have involved a series of ill-advised decisions that are likely to make matters worse. Instead of shaping policies that address structural deficiencies in the domestic economy, they have been focusing upon tweaking cyclical variables.

Recently, the government front-loaded its spending in the first half of the year, while the central bank froze its key interest rate at a record-low 3.25 percent. Such steps are misguided and likely to prove to be counterproductive. This is because the problems facing South Korea's economy are long-term and structural, and will require a considerable amount of restructuring.

While South Korea's central bank has introduced distortions into the real sector by holding interest rates down for a long time, increased government deficits have led to increased public-sector debts and a rising tax burden. Since deficit spending has such a poor record for inspiring corrective measures for cyclical downturns in economic growth, these decisions suggest that short-term political concerns are being placed ahead of long-term economic considerations.

Japan's economy faces the same structural dystopia as does South Korea's. And the application of conventional macroeconomic tools has failed spectacularly in both cases. Despite massive runups of massive public-sector deficits with an ultra-loose credit policy, Japan's economic growth remains feeble.

Completely ignoring the main problem.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:17 PM


Rumsfeld: U.S. Met With Iraq Insurgents (THOMAS WAGNER, 6/26/05, Associated Press)

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld acknowledged Sunday that U.S. officials met with insurgents in Iraq, after a British newspaper reported two such meetings took place recently at a villa north of Baghdad.

Insurgent commanders "apparently came face to face" with four American officials during meetings on June 3 and June 13 at a villa near Balad, some 25 miles north of Baghdad, The Sunday Times reported.

When asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" about the report of the two meetings, Rumsfeld said, "Oh, I would doubt it. I think there have probably been many more than that."

Three militant groups distanced themselves from the reports, denying that they had ever negotiated with U.S. or Iraqi officials to end the insurgency.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:59 PM


Rights Groups Fault White House for Jailing of Terror Suspects (ERIC LICHTBLAU, 6/26/05, NY Times)

Two leading civil rights groups charge in a new study that the Bush administration has twisted the American system of due process "beyond recognition" in jailing at least 70 terror suspects as "material witnesses" since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the groups are calling on Congress to impose tougher safeguards.

The report, which is to be released on Monday by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union, found that the 70 suspects, a quarter of them American citizens and all but one Muslim men, were jailed often for weeks or months at a time in American facilities without being charged with a crime. Ultimately, only seven men were charged with supporting terrorism, with four convicted so far, the report said. [...]

With Congress now locked in a fierce dispute over the government's counterterrorism powers under the Patriot Act, the new report reflects an effort by civil rights groups to expand the debate to a range of other legal tools that the Bush administration is using in its campaign against terrorism. Aides to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, ranking Democrat on the judiciary committee, said he would introduce legislation aimed at limiting the government's ability to detain a material witness indefinitely.

The material witness law, enacted by Congress in 1984, allows federal authorities to hold a person indefinitely if they suspect he has information about a crime and may be unwilling to cooperate or poses a risk of fleeing.

The law has been used for many years to compel the testimony of thousands of illegal immigrants whom authorities feared would flee the country rather than cooperate in investigations into border smuggling and other crimes.

Can even the Democrats be stupid enough to latch onto this dog of a non-issue?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 PM


Right-wing Swedes "happiest" (The Local, 6/24/05)

One in four Swedes professes to be "very happy", according to a new survey. The happiest people in Sweden have high incomes, are in good health, and pray to God.

The survey, carried out by researchers at Gothenburg University, showed that people who voted for the Christian Democrat or Moderate parties were more likely to think of themselves as happy. This despite seventy years of almost unbroken Social Democratic rule in Sweden.

Happy people were also most likely to be young and be living with a partner or be married. [...]

"Happiness in Sweden is to be healthy, to be married or cohabiting, to believe in a god, to earn good money and to be young," write report editors Sören Holmberg and Lennart Weibull.

Folk on the Left can't figure out why they're so humorless and unhappy as they wage war on marriage, Christianity, and wealth.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:46 PM


Va. Lawmakers to Bar Home Seizure for Private Uses (BOB LEWIS, 6/25/05, Associated Press)

Shocked at a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows cities to raze homes so developers can build private hotels, malls and office parks on the land, state lawmakers called for legislation to ban the practice Friday.

The high court split 5-4 in a Connecticut case Thursday that under the Fifth Amendment, municipalities could take private property for private development because the project in question met a public purpose: creating jobs and revenue.

But in an impassioned dissent, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote that the court majority had forsaken the middle class and gutted the American principle of individual property rights to further enrich the wealthy.

At least eight states already forbid local governments from using eminent domain to take private property for private development. The high court's majority opinion said states may adopt protections against the practice if they see fit.

Simple enough.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:50 PM


Into the Woods: Economics and declining birthrates are pushing large swaths of Europe back to their primeval state, with wolves taking the place of people. (Stefan Theil, 7/04/05, Newsweek International)

Germans are getting used to a new kind of immigrant. In 1998, a pack of wolves crossed the shallow Neisse River on the Polish-German border. In the empty landscape of Eastern Saxony, speckled with abandoned strip mines and declining villages, the wolves found plenty of deer and rarely encountered humans. They multiplied so quickly that a second pack has since split off, colonizing a second-growth pine forest 30 kilometers further west. Soon, says local wildlife biologist Gesa Kluth, a third pack will likely form, possibly heading northward in the direction of Berlin.

The reality of Europe is grimmer than the fairytales were.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:46 PM


The Good News and Bad News: This is the picture in Iraq: A conflict that the United States cannot easily lose, but also cannot easily win. (Fareed Zakaria, 7/04/05, Newsweek)

I don't see how Iraq's insurgency can win. It lacks the support of at least 80 percent of the country (Shiites and Kurds), and by all accounts lacks the support of the majority of the Sunni population as well. It has no positive agenda, no charismatic leader, virtually no territory of its own, and no great power suppliers. That's why parallels to Vietnam and Algeria don't make sense. But despite all these obstacles, the insurgents launched 700 attacks against U.S. forces last month, the highest number since the invasion.

Since when has the impossibility of winning ever limited an isms willingness to expend the lives of its adherents? The pace of attacks will slow when we leave. Until then we just keep kiling them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:57 AM


To Confirm Their Judge, Republicans Abandoned Their Ideas (Jonathan Rauch, June 24, 2005, National Journal)

Here arises a question for Republicans. If [Janice Rogers] Brown's views were defensible, why not defend them?

Two possibilities present themselves. One is expediency, or, to use the sort of strong language that Brown herself sometimes favors, cowardice. On this theory, Republicans agree with Brown but know her views are controversial, indeed unpopular, and prefer not to make a case for them.

If so, this would not be the first time expediency has won the day in politics, but Republicans should beware. Liberals learned the hard way, with court-approved or court-imposed policies like forced busing and racial quotas, how dangerous it is to put in place policies and nominees that they could not defend in public debate.

If Republicans hope to install small-government judges without publicly embracing small-government views, they are traveling the same road that led Democrats to political purgatory and made "liberal" a dirty word.

A second possibility is that Republicans ran from Brown's views because they regard them with ambivalence, or even embarrassment. On this theory, what Republicans support is not so much Brown's philosophy as her life story and the opportunity to put a conservative black woman on the federal bench. After all, Brown is a small-government ideologue in an age of Big Government conservatism. Republicans control the whole federal government and are not shy about using it. They want to be able to enact the sort of "economic, environmental, consumer, and labor regulations" that DeMint insisted Brown would uphold.

If so, Brown's nomination put Republicans in a bit of a pickle. Endorsing her philosophy would tie their hands; renouncing it would leave everyone wondering why they wanted her on the bench at all. Rather than confronting the tension between Big Government conservatism and small-government nominee, the Republicans pretended there was no tension. They maintained that Brown, like the Washington Republican Party itself, would denounce Big Government without actually doing anything about it.

Either way, Republicans have come a long way from Reagan, who would have spoken as proudly of Brown's ideas as of her childhood. Lott was almost right: The Brown debate was not a proud hour for principled Republicans.

Tell it to Justice Bork. Confirmation fights aren't about ideas, but about vote counts. And Ms Brown's was about her race and gender, not her conservatism. The place to defend the ideas is before the electorate, not the pols.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 AM


The strength of [Japan], the weakness of America (The New York Times, JUNE 27, [198]5)

If [Japan]'s attempt to buy an American...company does nothing else, it should, at long last, force the United States to decide how it plans to protect its economy, husband its resources and grow in a world where it is no longer the only economic powerhouse.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:39 AM


Salazar waves red flag at liberals (Mike Littwin, June 25, 2005, Rocky Mountain News)

Allow me a small confession. As a member of the liberal media elite, I actually know some liberals.

And about half of them called me Friday to say they wished there was some way they could take back their vote for Ken Salazar.

The other half just settled for saying they'd never vote for him again.

If you think this bothers Colorado's newest senator, you're not paying attention to Colorado politics.

The issue, this time, was the flag-burning amendment, or, I guess, the anti-flag-burning amendment.

In support of the amendment, which is heading to the Senate, Salazar wrapped himself in the flag, in family, in country - all in one quote. He needed a big quote if he was going to explain his vote and simultaneously announce his latest break with Democratic party regulars.

His brother, of course, had already voted for the amendment in the House. Now it's unanimous in the Salazar caucus.

"For me, what comes to mind very often . . . is a flag-draped coffin of my father and his love for this country," Ken Salazar said.

And what comes to mind when the Left thinks of the flag is burning it in the 60s and 70s.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:33 AM


It's time for the Democrats to embrace CAFTA (William M. Daley, June 26, 2005, Chicago Tribune)

Most Republicans and the business community extol the virtues of trade, depicting it as an engine of economic progress, while most Democrats and unions attack the exportation of American jobs, claiming that trade agreements are destroying our economy.

Washington is gearing up for another fight about global trade and it's looking like a movie we've seen before. Every trade agreement has triggered the same debate, yet all of them eventually passed. This time, however, the outcome could be different. Democrats are more united in opposition, and Republicans more divided, than ever before. The business community, seeing little in the way of serious economic benefit, is not pressing for approval of the Central America Free Trade Agreement the way it has done for previous agreements.

CAFTA's failure would be a tragic result. But it would largely be a product of the poison--and the paralysis--that infects our national politics today.

Democrats oppose free trade for ideological reasons but if they don't vote for free trade it will be because of the atmosphere on the Hill?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:21 AM


U.S. Supreme Court decision affirmed current laws on eminent domain, IU professor says (Indiana University Media Relations)

The recent Supreme Court decision on Kelo v. City of New London basically affirmed current laws pertaining to eminent domain, said Jeffrey Stake, a professor at the Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington. [...]

Although the decision reaffirms existing rules, there are several reasons, according to Stake, why this law should be of concern to property owners.

"The Constitution is supposed to protect the minority from the majority, but failed to do so here," he said. He also noted that the power of eminent domain in this case was exercised by a private nonprofit, rather than the government. "This is a problem because those who decide to take property are not elected. Another hidden problem is that there may be bribery of or corruption in the city government."

The taking of land for public use raises other issues beyond our federal constitution, Stake said, such as whether "in the interests of fairness, owners should get a cut of the profits when the new development is worth more than the sum of its parts ... People should get special compensation, more than market value, when their homes are taken."

Under the law, the owner is supposed to be paid the market value, although the compensation will likely be lower.

As the plaintiffs made a mistake in Brown v. Bd of Ed by arguing for integration instead of equal funding, so too the plaintiffs here made a mistake in arguing against takings, which is obviously and explicitly consistent with American concepts of liberty and justice, instead of for just compensation.

Hawaii leads way to ruling on property seizure (Stewart Yerton, 6/24/05, Honolulu Star Bulletin)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


Progress seen at Guantánamo (Liz Sidoti, 6/26/05, Associated Press)

From behind one-way mirrors, lawmakers watched interrogators grilling three individual terror suspects. None of the interrogators touched detainees.

In one session, they questioned a man who defense officials said was a Saudi national and admitted Al-Qaida member who was picked up in Afghanistan and knew nine of the Sept. 11 hijackers. In another, a female interrogator took an unusual approach to wear down a detainee, reading a Harry Potter book aloud for hours. He turned his back and put his hands over his ears.

Bearded detainees in white frocks, flip-flops and skullcaps quietly lingered nearby, although behind fences. At one communal camp for those given privileges because of good behavior, detainees played soccer.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, is one of many Democrats who have called for an independent commission to investigate abuse allegations and said the facility should close. She stopped short of changing her position after the visit, but acknowledged, ``What we've seen here is evidence that we've made progress.''

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:03 AM


Iran fears capital flight after ultra-conservative victory (Iran Focus, 26 Jun 2005)

Iran’s financial markets reacted negatively to the election of ultra-conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President, raising fears of capital flight and massive sell-off.

“We have faced a lot of uncertainty in the past few weeks”, Hossein Abdoh-Tabrizi, chairman of the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), said in a telephone interview. “The markets have reacted negatively, but we hope this is going to be a temporary phenomenon”.

The TSE index lost a record 126 points on Saturday in reaction to news of Ahmadinejad’s victory.

“The recent instability in the capital market is due to psychological factors”, Haidar Mostakhdemin Hosseini, Iran’s deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, said on Saturday.

Ahmadinejad sent shockwaves among investors when he said in a speech, “Stock market activities count as a form of gambling, and Islam has banned gambling”.

Harsh attacks by Ahmadinejad and his close allies on free-market economy, campaign speeches filled with references to “bloodsucking entrepreneurs” and “daylight robbery by profiteers”, and promises of a more ideological approach to foreign investment and relations with the West have frightened the indigenous business community and the dwindling ranks of foreign investors.

Which is why there's no alternative to liberalization.

Iran fears for future as hardline Islamic president takes over: Vote winner is hailed as a champion of the poor by some, but others feel uneasy (Robert Tait, 6/26/05, Sunday Herald)

“Ahmadinejad’s vote comes from two sections of the electorate,” said one Tehran-based analyst. “The first are the genuine hardcore religious voters who rallied behind him when they realised certain people were supporting him in the revolutionary guards. That mobilised hardcore comes partially from the basij and partly from the guards.

“The second part belonged to the forces of tradition, people who have difficulties coping with changes in society. They feel economically impoverished and want somebody to speak their language. They want somebody who appears modest and honest. Many voters didn’t know about Ahmadinejad’s political affiliation. They don’t care about that. They want someone who isn’t flashy and doesn’t spend much money.”

Ahmadinejad tapped into that second group by promising to tackle unemployment – estimated at around 25% – and to redistribute oil wealth, the most prized national asset.

Many voters voiced admiration for his ascetic style, citing his modest house and car. As mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad burnished his populist reputation by donning overalls and helping sweep the streets. [...]

Of more immediate concern to secular-minded, affluent Iranians will be his attitude to the modest, hard-won social freedoms granted by the outgoing reformist incumbent, president Mohammed Khatami.

Concerns were being voiced yesterday that Ahmadinejad’s presidency would herald a crackdown on a range of social activities, from mingling of the sexes to women’s dress code.

“I voted for Rafsanjani because I think Ahmadinejad will take our freedom away,” said 19-year-old Ali, a voter in the south Tehran district of Naziabad, an Ahmadinejad stronghold. “This system is terroristic. They have put women under pressure and don’t let us drink alcohol.”

Before Friday’s poll, Rafsanjani aides pointed to an Ahmadinejad statement describing the all-encompassing black chador as the official mode of dress for women.

He represents an Islamic radicalism that wants to take us backward,” said Amir Mohseni, deputy head of Rafsanjani’s campaign in Tehran province.

As mayor of Tehran, Ahmadinejad strictly enforced the Islamic dress code that forbids male municipal employees from wearing short-sleeved shirts, and made lifts gender segregated. There are also fears that, with the new president in control of the culture and guidance ministry, mass closures of liberal-minded newspapers and a crackdown on other artistic activities, such as public concerts, will ensue.

Last week, Ahmadinejad’s handlers attempted to neutralise such fears, insisting there would be no clampdown on private behaviour.

“We will never stop or prevent any movement which has taken Iran forward and we will never move back,” his media spokesman, Dr Nader Shariatmadari, on being asked about the possibility of reversing Khatami’s reforms: “We respect people’s freedoms in the political, cultural and social realms within the framework of the law.

“But we will try to pay more attention to those needs that have been forgotten, for example, the youth. We believe that the young people deeply believe in Islam. According to our beliefs, regulations and laws, people’s private behaviour, as long as it does not harm others, is acceptable.”

Rather than a return to the militant Islam of the revolution’s early days, Ahmadinejad’s team is promising a renewed emphasis on economic disparities and the corruption many see as endemic in Iran. “The main and essential demands of people lie in the economic framework,” added Shariatmadari. “We have problems with unemployment, inflation and social discrimination. A gap has emerged between the social classes which is concerning and we have to find a solution. People feel that opportunities and privileges are not fairly accessible. Those holding management positions get better and easier access to all kinds of opportunities.”

Sadly for the mullahs, there is no Islamicist way to grow an economy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 AM


Lack of hero leaves liberals languishing (J.P. Devine, 6/26/05, Kennebec Journal)

"When America was on its knees, he brought us to our feet." So goes the buzz line for Ron Howard's "Cinderella Man," a summer hit describing the 1935 bravura victory of New Jersey's "Irish" Jimmy Braddock over Max Baer.

What I want to know now, Mr. and Mrs. Democratic America, is where our "Cinderella Man or Woman" is when we need him or her.

The Democratic Party is truly on its knees. Who will be our Jimmy Braddock and bring us to our feet?

These are sad, dark days. Even people who truly like us are getting ready to take out the going-to-the-wake blue suit.

Even clear, liberal comics who are on our side, such as Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, are making fun of us.

They're saying the Democratic Party has no plan, no vision and, at this date, no credible candidate who can go up against the Rove Machine. I agree.

If Bush succeeds in loading the Supreme Court with Clarence Thomas clones, the prospect of seeing Democrats actually -- not metaphorically, you understand, but physically -- thrown to the lions in Madison Square Garden is next.

Why? They aren't Christian.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:50 AM


Follow the money: Forget Howard Dean's mouth. The real issue facing the Democrats is dollars. (Chris Suellentrop, June 26, 2005, Boston Globe)

The cliché is that political money is like water: If you try to block it, it will simply divert itself into another stream. But a study by Weissman and Ruth Hassan of the Campaign Finance Institute found that the analogy isn't quite right. They focused on 73 super-size donors, who had given $50 million in soft money to the two parties in 2000 and 2002. After soft money was banned by McCain-Feingold, these donors ended up giving $157 million to 527s in 2004 (mostly, but not exclusively, Democratic groups).

''Clearly what was happening was not only a shift in their soft money giving, from party to 527, but also a vast escalation in their total donations," Weissman and Hassan write.

What explains the phenomenon? One possibility is that 527 donors are getting more bang for their political buck. In 2004, George Soros exerted more influence over the strategy and tactics of America Coming Together than he ever could have over the Democratic Party proper.

''If you were allowed by law to give $20 million to the Democratic National Committee, of course you would get your phone calls returned," says York. ''But I think with a nonparty group like America Coming Together, you get even better service. Because they don't have to worry about keeping you at arm's length." (The same holds true, of course, for such conservative 527s as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Progress for America.)

In short, it looks as though McCain-Feingold actually increased the influence that big donors have over progressive politics, even though it diverted their money from the institution of the Democratic Party.

It's all well and good that CFR is anti-Democratic, but it's unacceptably anti-democratic as well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:33 AM


How the Left gets loonier (Andrew Bolt, 24jun05, Herald Sun)

FIRST they backed Saddam against his victims. Now our cultural elite backs terrorists against Douglas Wood, the Australian they kidnapped.

You say I exaggerate?

I reply: Andrew Jaspan.

Jaspan is editor-in-chief of The Age, Australia's most Left-wing daily newspaper, and on ABC radio on Wednesday said how "boorish" and "coarse" Wood was at his press conference this week when he called his captors "a---holes".

You might wonder whether Jaspan, the Englishman whose paper on that same day published a big picture on page one of naked girls from Big Brother, has the right to call anyone else "coarse".

But far more shocking was his apparent demand that Wood be more grateful to the men who'd snatched him, kicked him in the head, kept him blindfolded and bound for 47 days, shaved him bald, killed two of his colleagues, made him beg for his life, and -- says a fellow hostage from Sweden -- shot several other prisoners in front of him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:15 AM


Hospital nurses head public workers' sick list: Shock figures reveal level of absences costing the NHS £100m a year (Jo Revill, June 26, 2005, Observer)

Hospital nurses take far more days off sick than other public sector workers, leaving wards across Britain seriously understaffed.

A report out tomorrow from the Healthcare Commission, the NHS watchdog, reveals that on average nurses working on hospital wards take 16.8 days of sick leave each year.

But across seven other areas of the public sector workforce, including police and teachers, the average is 11.3 days a year - 48 per cent lower. Another survey, produced last month by the CBI, says the average rate across the public sector is 9.1 days, compared with 6.4 days per private sector employee.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:02 AM


Even math education is being politicized. (DIANE RAVITCH, June 26, 2005, Opinion Journal)

[M]athematics is being nudged into a specifically political direction by educators who call themselves "critical theorists." They advocate using mathematics as a tool to advance social justice. Social justice math relies on political and cultural relevance to guide math instruction. One of its precepts is "ethnomathematics," that is, the belief that different cultures have evolved different ways of using mathematics, and that students will learn best if taught in the ways that relate to their ancestral culture. From this perspective, traditional mathematics--the mathematics taught in universities around the world--is the property of Western civilization and is inexorably linked with the values of the oppressors and conquerors. The culturally attuned teacher will learn about the counting system of the ancient Mayans, ancient Africans, Papua New Guineans and other "nonmainstream" cultures.

Partisans of social-justice mathematics advocate an explicitly political agenda in the classroom. A new textbook, "Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers," shows how problem solving, ethnomathematics and political action can be merged. Among its topics are: "Sweatshop Accounting," with units on poverty, globalization and the unequal distribution of wealth. Another topic, drawn directly from ethnomathematics, is "Chicanos Have Math in Their Blood." Others include "The Transnational Capital Auction," "Multicultural Math," and "Home Buying While Brown or Black." Units of study include racial profiling, the war in Iraq, corporate control of the media and environmental racism. The theory behind the book is that "teaching math in a neutral manner is not possible." Teachers are supposed to vary the teaching of mathematics in relation to their students' race, sex, ethnicity and community.

This fusion of political correctness and relevance may be the next big thing to rock mathematics education, appealing as it does to political activists and to ethnic chauvinists.

Having grown up in the 'hood, the Brothers have some considerable experience of ethnomathematics--perhaps we can be of help.

Here's a sample problem:

Orrin and Stephen each have 15 cents for milk money. Tyrone has none. How much money will Tyrone spend at the candy store after school?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:55 AM


Easy call: Race is a runaway (Dan Shaughnessy, June 26, 2005, Boston Globe)

It's OK to say it. Don't worry about jinxing them. The 2005 Red Sox are going to win the American League East. By a landslide. Come late September, this is going to look like Secretariat at the Belmont in 1973.

After looking up at the Orioles for two frustrating months, the Sox moved into first place Friday night and they are there to stay. Stop worrying about the Yankees, Orioles, and Jays. It's not even going to be close.

Trade you my Literary Digest stock for your Boston Globe stock?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


The Armstrong Williams NewsHour (FRANK RICH, June 26, 2005, NY Times)

The intent is not to kill off PBS and NPR but to castrate them by quietly annexing their news and public affairs operations to the larger state propaganda machine that the Bush White House has been steadily constructing at taxpayers' expense.

Mr. Rich comes surprisingly close to a genuine insight here. The reality is that NPR and PBS are cogs in the statist propaganda machine. Republicans would be happy to either destroy or co-opt them, but would settle for just neutralizing them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


To Replace Oil, U.S. Experts See Amber Waves of Plastic: American crops could be used in place of many products' petroleum base, some scientists say. (Stephanie Simon, June 26, 2005, LA Times)

He operates 90,000 feet of hissing pipes and dozens of enormous churning vats — an industrial jungle with a single, remarkable purpose: "Essentially," plant manager Bill Suehr says, "we've got corn coming in at one end and plastic coming out the other."

In a hot, noisy factory that smells of Frosted Flakes, yeast and wet farm animals, agribusiness giant Cargill Inc. has set out to lead a new industrial revolution — one fed by the green fields of the Midwest rather than the oil fields of the Middle East.

Sprawled across a square mile of prairie, a series of automated assembly lines turns raw corn kernels first into sugary syrup and then into white pellets that can be spun into silky fabric or molded into clear, tough plastic.

The end products — which include T-shirts, forks and coffins — look, feel and perform like traditional polyester and plastic made from a petroleum base. But the manufacturing process consumes 50% less fossil fuel, even after accounting for the fuel needed to plant and harvest the corn.

With oil prices near $60 a barrel, goods made from grain also compare favorably on price. So chemists and engineers are racing to figure out how to substitute Iowa's bounty for Iraq's. The goal: to use crops, weeds and even animal waste in place of the petroleum that fuels much of American manufacturing.

The Energy Department is so enthusiastic that it is aiming to convert 25% of chemical manufacturing to an agricultural base by 2030.

We turn food into the utensils with which we eat food and the wrap with which we store leftovers, yet 13% of the population remains Malthusian, Lord love 'em...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM


Who May Succeed Rehnquist: If the ailing chief justice steps down, Bush will select a conservative. There are clear differences among a dozen likely candidates (David G. Savage and Richard B. Schmitt, June 26, 2005, LA Times)

[T]he kind of conservative the president selects could determine whether there is an epic, summerlong fight over the Supreme Court.

The White House counsel's office, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, has compiled a list of a dozen possible nominees to the high court — and all of them are considered conservative. Most are judges on the U.S. appeals courts.

All of them can expect to be opposed by liberal interest groups, which have spent the last four years gearing up to fight Bush's court nominees.

Several top candidates could look forward to a relatively easy confirmation in the Republican-controlled Senate. They include: Judges John G. Roberts Jr., 50, a cautious and highly regarded Bush appointee to the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.; J. Harvie Wilkinson III, 60, a scholarly veteran judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va.; and Michael W. McConnell, 50, a former University of Chicago law professor who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver.

If named by Bush, they would be likely to have the support of the Senate's 55 Republicans and stand a good chance of picking up Democratic votes.

The same is true of Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales, 49. A former Texas Supreme Court justice and White House counsel during Bush's first term, Gonzales would be the first Latino to serve on the high court.

But if the president chooses to set off a big fight, he may name a judge who has shown a more hard-edged ideology and a determination to push the law to the right. That could include Judge J. Michael Luttig, 51, an appellate judge in Virginia, or Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas — whom Bush has called his favorite justices.

The Democratic Party would actually seem to have become so deranged that they'll be forced to make a battle out of anyone he nominates, but Scalia and Thomas are probably the only ones they'd have to filibuster.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 AM


Revealed: secret talks to oust Mugabe (TREVOR GRUNDY AND BRIAN BRADY, 6/25/05, Scotland on Sunday)

BRITISH government diplomats have held secret talks in Zimbabwe aimed at persuading Robert Mugabe to hand over power and return his devastated nation to the Commonwealth, it was claimed last night.

Senior sources in London and Zimbabwe told Scotland on Sunday that the dictator's closest allies have been pressing the British government to relax its stance against Mugabe in advance of an attempted breakthrough in the stalemate at the G8 summit in Scotland this week.

And they claimed that Foreign Office diplomats have already travelled to Zimbabwe to begin clandestine negotiations with representatives of the hated dictator's regime, with a view to returning the nation to the Commonwealth, three years after it was suspended.

But the proposed 'peace plan' for Zimbabwe would require Mugabe to resign from the presidency and withdraw from the public eye - although he could retain an over-arching role as the 'Father of the Nation'.

Ah, Europe, where they want to send Augusto Pinochet to prison but let Robert Mugabe continue in power.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:45 AM


The forces of conservatism are on the march – say hello to the new Left

(Gerard Baker, The Times, June 24th, 2005)

The Left’s new rallying cry is to build a protective system that would impoverish Bulgarians, Romanians, Turks, Indians and Chinese and would, of course, as do all attempts to retreat from the realities of the global market, ill serve its own workers.

And it is not just the European Left. In America, too, anti-globalisation is the turf that many Democrats are eager to defend. As Governor Schwarzenegger has discovered — and as Europeans have long known — the Left is also reactionary in defending the interests of public-sector trade unions against genuine reform and progress.

Besides anti-globalisation, the other main current in the current stream of leftish theory and practice is visceral anti-Americanism, again on both sides of the Atlantic.

Nothing new there, of course. Except that what really rouses the animus today is not America’s supposed global mission to exploit the downtrodden worker, but its ambitious objective of spreading democracy.

In the Middle East the left finds it much easier to side with the mullahs and the jihadists, the persecutors of women and the torturers of dissidents. America’s flaws at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are viewed by the Left’s political and intellectual leaders as morally indistinguishable from (or perhaps worse than) anything the Islamists and Arab despots have got up to. To be fair, not all on the Left have taken their stand on the side of reaction. But the trends in political debate in the West are strikingly clear. We are well on the way to an inversion of the classic Left-Right divide.

These days if you’re in favour of policies designed to promote global economic integration, policies that have led hundreds of millions in Asia, Latin America, and Africa out of the misery of grinding poverty, and have significantly lifted the standard of living of workers in the West too; if you support change to topple tyrannical regimes and give some hope to people who have suffered in fledgling democracies, you’re now more likely to be considered a conservative. What, exactly, is Left?

Conservatives may have overtaken the Left on freedom, democracy, prosperity and human dignity, but bitter and reactionary as they may be, nobody can emote like they can.

June 25, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:24 PM


Basic Instinct: An anthropological debunking of the "housing bubble" (LIONEL TIGER, June 25, 2005, Opinion Journal)

Economists have an irrational enthusiasm for a rational model of human economic behavior, and therefore they can coolly confuse apples with prickly pears and conclude that all asset classes are the same. Owning a house in which one lives and owning a thousand shares of last season's aerated dot-com are supposed to involve comparable economic decisions. If dot-com shares plummet because their companies do nothing anyone is willing to pay for, then that is fairly a bubble. But it's supposed to be a bubble, too, if housing prices rise persistently.

There are good reasons. The world is ever more efficient and produces more assets nearly everywhere that people want to use. Immigrants come to countries like this and want a deck and a rec room and work like a Dickens character to acquire them--and house their relatives, too. [...]

In his lively study, "The Mystery of Capital," Hernando de Soto shows how seemingly disorganized slums in poor countries maintain a precisely gauged metric of rights and obligations. People know their ground, stand their ground, and enjoy their ground. Mr. de Soto also advises to listen "for where the dogs bark," because that's where the boundaries are. Basic territoriality and allegiance thrive. The cumbersome legalism involved in securing a search warrant to ruffle through your bedroom reflects the severity of a home's importance.

The emotionality of a dwelling is primordial, economically wholly different from ownership of a stash in a Bermuda hedge fund or a tranche of a leveraged buyout or an ormolu desk at which Napoleon or de Villepin wrote poetry. The most popular recreation in America is gardening. People surround their houses with frilly plants and especially with lawns--an astonishingly costly national extravagance. To an anthropologist's eye, lawns suggest a Paleolithic savannah-dweller eager to see fierce beasts and bad guys before they reach the front porch. And what else but emotionally nutritious satisfaction could induce an indolent and sanitized population to grub in mud for weeds and grin with pride at their perky thorny roses and their copious specimens of zucchini, the world's worst vegetable?

All assets are not the same.

When the tech bubble burst, you didn't fiddle about with Pets.com stock anymore. When the housing bubble bursts are you not going to live anywhere anymore?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 PM


Kinsella character actually played 100 years ago (Associated Press, 6/24/05)

[O]n June 29, 1905 -- exactly 100 years ago on Wednesday -- Archibald Wright Graham made his lone appearance in the majors.

He never got to hit. Instead, he was left on deck. A late substitute in a lopsided 11-1 win, he played only two innings and there's no proof he ever touched the ball.

"Graham went to right field for New York" was his only mention in the local Evening Telegram's play-by-play account. And, just that fast, the 28-year-old rookie described in the sporting press as being "quick as a flash of moonlight" was gone.

No wonder it took quite a while for his story to get around -- and for author W.P. Kinsella to make Graham such a part of the poetry and romance that celebrate the lore and lure of baseball.

More than a decade after Graham died in 1965, the prize-winning author was leafing through the Baseball Encyclopedia that his father-in-law had given him for Christmas a few days earlier. Among the listings for every player and their lifetime stats, Kinsella came across something that stopped him.

"I found this entry for Moonlight Graham. How could anyone come up with that nickname? He played one game but did not get to bat. I was intrigued, and I made a note that I intended to write something about him," he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:52 PM


Clinton Honors Graham at Last Revival (RACHEL ZOLL, 6/24/05, AP)

As his final American revival meeting continued Saturday, a fragile Billy Graham was met onstage by former President Clinton, who honored the evangelist, calling him "a man I love."

Clinton spoke briefly before Graham's sermon and recalled how the man known as America's pastor had refused to preach before a segregated audience in Arkansas decades ago when that state was in a bitter fight over school desegregation.

"I was just a little boy and I'll never forget it," said Clinton, who was joined by his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. "I've loved him ever since. God bless you, friend."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:45 PM


Liberals, Conservatives and Aid (DAVID BROOKS, 6/26/05, NY Times)

Karl Rove has his theories about what separates liberals from conservatives and I have mine. Mine include the differences between Jeffrey Sachs and George Bush. [...]

[S]achs is a child of the French Enlightenment. At the end of his new book, "The End of Poverty," he delivers an unreconstructed tribute to the 18th-century Enlightenment, when leading thinkers had an amazing confidence in their ability to refashion reality so that it would conform to reason.

Throughout the book, Sachs comes across as a philosophe for our times. He is, he writes, a "clinical economist," who diagnoses the maladies that affect nations the way a doctor diagnoses and holds life-or-death sway over a human organism. One of the striking features of his book is the absence of individual Africans. There is just the undifferentiated mass of the suffering poor, trapped in systems, and Sachs traveling around the globe prescribing treatments.

Sachs is also a materialist. He dismisses or downplays those who believe that human factors like corruption, greed, institutions, governance, conflict and traditions have contributed importantly to Africa's suffering. Instead, he emphasizes material causes: lack of natural resources, lack of technology, bad geography and poverty itself as a self-perpetuating trap.

This gives him an impressive confidence on the malleability of human societies.

The real difference isn't that between Mr. Sachs and George W. Bush, a Southern Christian conservative, but between Mr. Sachs and Mr. Brooks himself, a liberal Jewish neocon. The hostility Mr. Brooks demonstrates here towards intellectualism, materialism, Reason and the Enlightenment is what makes America generally and American conservatism in particular unique.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:46 PM


Tony Blair's son to work with US Republicans: report (AFP, 6/24/05)

Euan Blair is to spend three months unpaid with the Republican majority on the House of Representatives Committee on Rules, the Sunday Telegraph revealed.

He will reportedly be under the wing of Californian lawmaker David Dreier, the committee's chairman and a member of the lower House of Representatives for the Republican Party of US
President George W. Bush. [...]

Despite the warm relationship between centre-left Labour Party premier Blair and the rightwing Bush, the move astounded US opposition Democrats, traditionally closer to Labour.

"Working on the Rules Committee will be quite a learning process as it has always been one of the most partisan in the House," said Eric Burns, the communications director for congresswoman Louise Slaughter, the leading Democrat on the Rules Committee.

"It is extremely surprising that the son of a Labour prime minister would intern with the Republican majority staff on the committee," he told the paper.

Only if you don't pay a lick of attention to the world around you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:25 PM


A War of Diplomats (Ralf Beste, 6/26/05, Der Spiegel)

The German foreign minister was the first to bear the brunt of rejection for his country. Just over a week ago, with Joschka Fischer standing at her side at the US State Department building in Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice explained that the Americans had discussed "at length" Germany's wish for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. However, she added, "the only country that we clearly support is Japan."

A week later it was German Chancellor Schroeder's security and foreign affairs adviser Bernd Muetzelburg's turn. While touring the United States to promote Germany's cause at the UN, he opened up the paper in New York last Thursday morning to read that next to Japan the best the US government could do would be to support "a developing nation's" bid for a permanent seat. It was, as the New York Times wrote, "a harsh setback for Germany."

When German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder sits down with US President George W. Bush for lunch at the White House on Monday, he'll experience first-hand just how little support Germany can expect from its major ally in its efforts to land a permanent seat. US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns has already clarified the Bush administration's position on the matter, noting that more than two new permanent members "could be damaging."

The Americans' clear signaling of their plans to block Germany's nomination is the most serious consequence to date in a typically behind-the-scenes diplomatic battle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


How Can a House
Be a Home Without Space for Books?
(Rick Green, 6/24/05, The Hartford Courant)

It was a terrible thing to live with, like finding oneself the unwitting warden of a prison holding all of your best friends.

Most of Donald S. Connery's prized books -- more than six decades worth of collecting, from New York to Moscow and from to Japan to Connecticut -- were languishing in boxes, incarcerated in solitary cardboard confinement. Alas, it is the predicament of book lovers all over:

What to do with them all? Connery's solution was artful and extravagant, befitting a former foreign correspondent who since 1968 has lived at a mountaintop farm in Kent, Conn. Connery and his wife, Leslie, converted the silo attached to their 200-year-old barn into a most unusual home library.

“We had fence posts and rails stored in there, and the roof was leaking like crazy. I kept thinking, What a waste. What is it good for?” Connery recalled during a visit to his silo library. In the late 1980s, after 20 or so years of pondering, he hired a carpenter to rework the old round silo into a three-story cylindrical library. At last count, he and his wife had about 10,000 volumes in the silo, with a few thousand more in the house.

“I just felt they meant so much to me,” said Connery, whose specialty these days is writing about criminal justice and wrongful convictions. “You are with your friends, which is the way I think of books.”

In an age of palatial “media” rooms with nary a book in sight, it would be a stretch to say home libraries are making any kind of roaring comeback. But to the devotee, the home library is a vibrant, sacred space that can be as small as the corner of a room or as profligate as a mountaintop silo.

It's also a retro makeover that can transform a drab, lifeless space into a room of intrigue that reminds visitors that relaxing at home isn't necessarily always about the latest gargantuan flat-screen television.

“I can't imagine living without books. If I go out to dinner at someone else's home, and they don't have books visible, I wonder if I want them as friends,” said Barbara Farnsworth, an antiquarian bookseller in West Cornwall, Conn.

What kind of philistine would leave their own library to go visiting?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:51 AM

Freedom is the right to one's dignity as a man. Archibald MacLeish

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


Nigeria comes clean and shows the way for Africa (Daily Telegraph 25/06/2005)

President Olusegun Obasanjo served as military ruler of Nigeria during the period surveyed by the EFCC, but as a civilian head of state he has taken four important steps to tackle corruption. He has set up the commission, under Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, and given it teeth. He has appointed the extremely able Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as finance minister. He has sacked two members of his Cabinet and the national police chief, all of whom have been charged with malfeasance. And he has set up an excess crude earnings account, into which goes all the revenue earned from oil above the $25 a barrel on which Nigeria bases its budget. With the price over twice that sum, the account holds £4.6 billion. Previously, that excess would have disappeared without trace, the main reason for the country's egregious level of embezzlement; now it is open to public scrutiny.

Mr Obasanjo has made a start on rooting out a systemic evil. [...]

[I]t would be helpful if Nigeria could be rewarded with limited debt cancellation and increased aid by the creditor nations, to demonstrate to Africa south of the Sahara that good governance pays. Of greater practical, as opposed to symbolic, importance would be the opening of Western markets to local products.

Nigeria, with its long periods of military rule and the deeply corrupting effect of oil wealth, has been the despair of Africa. Under Mr Obasanjo, who oversaw the transition to an earlier period of civilian rule in 1979 and was twice democratically elected in 1999 and 2003, the country has begun to change for the better. If that continues, the potential is enormous. As a businessman told David Blair: "We are a volcano of opportunities waiting to erupt."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 AM


They Still Blame America First: The Democrats fall into the national security trap again. (Fred Barnes, 07/04/2005, Weekly Standard)

DEMOCRATS DON'T HAVE A DEATH wish. It just seems that way. What they actually have is a habit of falling into the national security trap. They did it in 1972. They did it in 1984. They did it in 1994. They did it in 2002. And they're doing it again this year as they prepare for the 2006 midterm elections, in which they hope to produce a breakthrough as sweeping and decisive as Republicans achieved in 1994.

The national security trap is simple. When faced with a choice between supporting or criticizing the use of military force along with a strong national security policy, Democrats often side with the critics. Which is how they fall into the trap, which leads to electoral defeat. When they back a vigorous defense of America's national security, however, the opposite happens. They usually win. Even when Democrats merely neutralize the national security issue--this happened in 1996 and 1998--or the issue is peripheral, they stand a good chance of winning.

Democrats could turn the issue to their favor if they had sense enough to argue that we've won and it's time to come home instead of running against the war and the military.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


Senate Approves Nominee to Tend America's Image (STEVEN R. WEISMAN, 6/25/05, NY Times)

The Senate on Friday approved the nomination of Dina Powell as deputy under secretary of state for public diplomacy, three days after a leading Democratic senator dropped his effort to block its approval in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [...]

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, the senior Democrat on the committee, had prevented her approval by the committee last week, charging that the White House was trying to remove a Democrat from the board that oversees the United States government's international broadcasting efforts, particularly its Arabic- and Persian-language radio and television networks.

Norman Kurz, a spokesman for Mr. Biden, said the senator remained concerned about the White House's refusal to reappoint the board member, Norman J. Pattiz, to the Broadcasting Board of Governors, but that he had not opposed Ms. Powell's nomination by itself.

The Democrats will let anyone through these days...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


Still wild about Harry?: Nearly 11 million copies of the sixth Potter book are coming, though spell may miss older teens. (Scott Martelle, June 25, 2005, LA Times)

When the first two Harry Potter novels came out in the late 1990s, Cinda Webb would sit in the upstairs hallway of her Irvine home and read aloud as her two sons drifted off to sleep, visions of wizards dancing in their heads.

Her younger son, Jon, now 14, quickly became entranced and devoured all five books. But her older son, James, now 17, lost interest around the third volume.

So Webb and Jon will join 200 other bleary-eyed Harry fans at Irvine's Whale of a Tale Children's Bookshoppe for the midnight July 16 release of the sixth book, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

James will likely be home, sound asleep.

"It's about a little wizard boy, and when you're a teenager you're just not caring what happens to the guy with the wand," says James, whose diet of nonfiction and the occasional mystery make Harry just so much kid stuff.

Of course, he'll read them again when he grows up and enjoy them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


Plugged-In Hybrid Tantalizes Car Buffs: A Southland company comes up with a system that lets Toyota's Prius burn even less gasoline by connecting it to a regular electrical socket. (John O'Dell, June 25, 2005, LA Times)

Toyota Motor Corp. boasts that its hot-selling Prius gasoline-electric hybrid doesn't have to be plugged in.

But a growing number of hybrid buffs interested in further boosting the car's fuel economy are asking, "Why not?"

By replacing the Prius' batteries with a more powerful array and recharging it using a standard electric outlet at home, engineers have enabled the hybrid to get more than 100 miles per gallon of gasoline.

"We want to get people thinking of [plug-ins] as a real alternative" in the country's long-term energy plan, said Felix Kramer, founder of CalCars.org, an advocacy group in Palo Alto.

The idea of plug-in hybrids is generating a lot of buzz in energy circles because of the work of a start-up Monrovia firm, Energy Control Systems Engineering. The firm bought a Prius and converted it with its own system.

Co-owner Greg Hanssen now tools around Southern California in the bright blue plug-in Prius prototype. The car can deliver 150 to 180 mpg for up to 35 miles of low-speed, around-town driving and can average 70 to 100 mpg on longer trips at higher speeds.

June 24, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:18 PM


‘US caused more deaths in Iraq than Saddam’ (AFP, 24 June 2005)

The World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI), a grouping of NGOs and intellectuals opposed to the war in Iraq, on Friday accused the United States of causing more deaths in Iraq than ousted president Saddam Hussein.

“With two wars and 13 years of criminal sanctions, the United States have been responsible for more deaths in Iraq than Saddam Hussein,” Larry Everest, a journalist, told hundreds of anti-war activists gathered in Istanbul.

Shouldn't George W. Bush, who removed Saddam and the sanctions, be their hero?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 PM


Washington wins 11th straight at home (AP, 6/24/05)

Tired of being victimized by poor run support, Esteban Loaiza took matters into his own hands.

Loaiza hit a two-run double and pitched six shutout innings, to lead the Washington Nationals, with President Bush in attendance, to a 3-0 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays on Friday night, their 11th straight win at home.

Loaiza (3-5) allowed six hits, walked one and struck out five, combining with three relievers on the Nationals' fourth shutout of the season. He was pitching for the first time since being scratched from a scheduled start against Texas on Sunday because of a sore neck.

"I'm glad we had his bat in the lineup tonight," Nationals manager Frank Robinson said. [...]

Bush took in the Nationals' first game at RFK Stadium after a nine-game road trip. He was joined by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, brother Marvin Bush and the president's nominee as U.S. ambassador to France, Craig Stapleton -- a Bush cousin by marriage. They sat in the front row of an open, mezzanine-level box along the third-base line.

"I didn't even know he was there until (catcher Brian) Schneider told me in the fourth inning. ... I looked up and he was up there. It's really exciting," Loaiza said.

It was the president's second visit to RFK Stadium for a baseball game this year. He threw out the ceremonial first pitch at the team's home opener April 14 and watched several innings of Washington's win over Arizona.

Bush had to be impressed with Loaiza, who staked himself to a 2-0 lead in the second, recording his first RBI since June 2, 1998 for Pittsburgh in an interleague game against Detroit.

Gotta break her football fetish if she's going to be president.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 PM


Hardline mayor wins Iran runoff (CNN, 6/24/05)

Tehran Mayor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- a hard-line conservative who has said Iran should embrace the principles of the 1979 Islamic Revolution -- was declared the winner of Iran's presidential election early Saturday, garnering more than 61 percent of the votes, according to Iranian television.

Al-Alam, a 24-hour news network in Iran, said that according to the Interior Ministry, Ahmadinejad defeated former two-term President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

The state-run IRNA news agency said Ahmadinejad -- a favorite of the working class -- captured more than 61 percent out of the 22 million ballots cast. Roughly 47 percent of the nearly 47 million eligible voters took part in the election, according to IRNA.

Reformists are right, of course, that so long as the Guardian Council can veto candidates and overrule legislation the nation isn't a liberal democracy, but the boycotts seem predictably counterproductive as they now have the worst of the three options in the presidency and no one to blame but themselves. On the other hand, a hard-liner does force the contradictions and delegitimize the regime even further.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 PM


Commencement Speeches on American Perspectives (C-SPAN Special Alert!)

This Saturday night, starting at 8 pm ET on C-SPAN, American Perspectives will show commencement speeches from colleges and universities across the country with speakers from the arts and entertainment fields.

8 pm - Tom Hanks - actor and activist for WWII veterans and other causes speaks at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York

8:20 pm - Tom Wolfe - author of many books including his latest, I Am Charlotte Simmons, an account of American college life, speaks at his alma mater, Washington & Lee University, in Lexington, Virginia

8:50 pm - Lonnie Bunch - the president-elect of the Smithsonian's new Museum of African American History speaks at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois

9:15 pm - Dana Gioia - the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts speaks to the graduates of Seton Hall University in East Orange, New Jersey

9:35 pm - Stephen King - the well-known fiction writer speaks at the University of Maine in Orono

9:55 pm - Judith McHale - the president of Discovery Communications speaks at American University in Washington, DC

10:15 pm - Dwight Tierney - the co-founder of MTV speaks at his alma mater, Monmouth College, in Monmouth, Illinois

Posted by Peter Burnet at 3:22 PM


The power of negative thinking (Roger Scruton, The Spectator, June 25th, 2005)

It is fair to say that Sartre’s anti-bourgeois rhetoric changed the language and the agenda of post-war French philosophy, and was the original inspiration for Barthes, Foucault and the phoney psychotherapies of Lacan and R.D. Laing. It was translated into street theatre in May 1968, and fired the revolutionary ambitions of students who had come to Paris from the former colonies. One of those students was later to return to his native Cambodia and put into practice the ‘totalising’ doctrine (expressed in Critique de la raison dialectique, 1960, and in Situations VIII and Situations IX, 1972) that has as its targets the ‘seriality’ and ‘otherness’ of the bourgeois class. And in the purifying rage of Pol Pot it is not unreasonable to see the contempt for the ordinary and the actual that is expressed in almost every line of Sartre’s demonic prose. ‘Ich bin der Geist, der stets verneint,’ says Mephistopheles — I am the spirit who always denies. The same can be said of Sartre, for whom l’enfer, c’est les autres — hell is other people (Huis clos, 1947). Like Milton’s Satan, Sartre saw the world transfigured by his own pride — a pride that caused him to refuse all tributes, from the Légion d’Honneur to the Nobel Prize, since they originated in the Other and not in the Self.

Having got that off my chest and given you a start on the bibliography, I can freely admit that Sartre was a genius who saw to the heart of the modern condition and who brought French romantic literature to a kind of self-conscious and also self-refuting climax. His masterpiece, L’Être et le néant, published in 1943 at the height of the second world war, is one of the great works of contemporary philosophy. Although he begins from the obscure and ultimately untenable ‘phenomenology’ of Edmund Husserl, Sartre unfolds an unforgettable portrait of the predicament in which we are placed by self-consciousness in the world of objects (the predicament of the pour-soi [for-itself] in relation to the en-soi [in-itself]). For the religious world-view, self-consciousness is a source of joy, proof of our apartness from nature, of our special relation to God and of our ultimate redemption, as we leap from the world into the arms of our creator. For Sartre, self-consciousness is a kind of all-dominating nothingness, a source of anxiety: proof of our apartness, certainly, but also of our loneliness, which is a loneliness without redemption, since all the doors on our inner walls have been painted there by ourselves and none of them will open.

Sartre was remarkably ugly, with a flaccid body and the face of a toad; yet he was highly successful with women, one of whom, Simone de Beauvoir, remained his lifelong mentor and companion. Their free arrangement enabled her to watch his many seductions and to enjoy her own, often lesbian, affairs, thereby experiencing, both as participant and observer, the ongoing proof that pour-soi can never unite with pour-soi, whatever the en-soi is up to or up. For Sartre all loves, and ultimately all human relations, are founded on contradiction. As a self-conscious being I necessarily find myself in the position of ‘being for others’. I am a free subject in my own eyes, but a determined object in the eyes of others. When another self-conscious being looks at me, I know that he or she searches in me not for the me-as-object but for the me-as-subject. Hence the gaze of a self-conscious creature has a peculiar capacity to penetrate: it looks into me, and not just at me. It thereby creates a demand: the demand that I reveal myself, so to speak, that I make my free subjectivity present in the world of objects. Unfortunately this is impossible, and when, in sexual desire, we both strive to conjure the pour-soi out of the en-soi, the result is — well, a mess. Sartre’s bleak description of this mess, and of sado-masochism as the last futile refuge of desire and the ‘reef upon which it founders’, is without compare in philosophical literature — a description that Mephistopheles might have whispered into the ear of Faust, as he ruined the innocent Gretchen. [...]

The French have not recovered from Sartre and perhaps never will. For they have had to live with an intellectual establishment that has consistently repudiated the two things that hold the country together: Christianity and the idea of France. The anti-bourgeois posture of the left-bank intellectual has entered the political process, and given rise to an elite for whom nothing is certain save the repudiation of the national idea. It is thanks to this elite that the mad project of European Union has become indelibly inscribed in the French political process, even though the people of France reject it. It is thanks to this elite that the mass immigration into France of unassimilable Muslim communities has been both encouraged and subsidised. It is thanks to this elite that socialism has been so firmly embedded in the French state that no one now can reform it. And it is thanks to this elite that, even today, when the ordinary French citizen has had the anti-bourgeois message up to the eyeballs — ras-le-bol — the intellectual agenda remains unchanged, with transgression as its dominating purpose.

Of course, there have been dissenters. Novelists like Louis Pauwels, philosophers like Alain Besançon and Luc Ferry, essayists like Alain Finkielkraut and André Glucksmann, have done their best to speak up for the French inheritance against its institutionalised detractors. Interestingly, however, it is the Sartrean legacy that is exported. The message that British and American academics wish to hear from France is not that of Louis Pauwels who, in Les orphelins, tells the inner story of 1968 and its moral bankruptcy, but that of Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida and Bourdieu — Sartreans in everything that matters, who have continued the master’s work of hunting down meanings and spearing them with their finely honed negation signs.

However, man cannot live by negation alone. Notwithstanding his heroic attempt to live in recoil from the world of others, Sartre envisaged an ideal community — a Kingdom of Ends in which he would be finally united with les ouvriers, and of which he was already in some mystical way a part. In his later writings, therefore, he comforted himself with the invocation of a new form of society whose only foundation would be authentic choice. In this groupe en fusion the intellectual and the proletarian would be united, without the mediating structures of custom, authority and law. Thus would the intellectual be redeemed, without paying the normal and intolerable price of redemption, which is obedience.

If you look at Sartre’s philosophy in that way, you will see through it to its ultimate origins in Rousseau. Moreover, Sartre’s invocation of the workers recalls Rousseau’s invocation of le peuple, to whom the intellectual is supposedly bound by a compassionate zeal. And just as Robespierre used Rousseau’s philosophy to justify the greatest attack on the people that the modern world had witnessed, so did Sartre use his philosophy to justify the totalitarian regimes that had done most to ruin the hopes of the working class. Whether Sartre was as great a writer or as ingenious a thinker as Rousseau I do not know. But he was certainly as pernicious an influence.

French intellectual history is complex and multi-faceted, but it seems clear that the betrayal of old liberal, Christian France by the establishment in the Dreyfus affair and two world wars ultimately drove the generation that now rules to worship this disgusting little man.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 PM

The tyranny of therapism: The authors of One Nation Under Therapy question the notion that uninhibited emotional openness is good for our mental health. (Christina Hoff Sommers and Sally Satel, 6/21/05, Spiked)

In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Jim Windolf, editor of the New York Observer, tallied the number of Americans allegedly suffering from some kind of emotional disorder. He sent away for the literature of dozens of advocacy agencies and mental health organisations. Then he did the math. Windolf reported, 'If you believe the statistics, 77 per cent of America's adult population is a mess.... And we haven't even thrown in alien abductees, road-ragers, and internet addicts.' If we factor in the drowning girls, diminished boys, despondent women, agonised men, and the all-around emotionally challenged, the country is, in Windolf's words, 'officially nuts'.

Our new book One Nation Under Therapy offers a more sanguine view of American society. It points out that there is no evidence that large segments of the population are in psychological freefall. On the contrary, researchers who abide by the protocols of genuine social science find most Americans - young and old - faring quite well.

Of course, we are not suggesting that everyone is perennially happy or possessed of an abiding sense of wellbeing. Many, if not most, human beings are mildly neurotic, at times self-defeating, anxious, or sad. These traits or behaviours are characteristic of the human condition, often emerging in different life circumstances - they are not pathological. And they are certainly not new. What we oppose is the view that Americans today are emotionally underdeveloped, psychically frail, and that they require the ministrations of mental health professionals to cope with life's vicissitudes. The crisis authors offer only anecdotes, misleading statistics, and dubious studies for their alarming findings. Yet they are taken very seriously.

These would-be healers of our purported woes dogmatically believe and promote the doctrine we call 'therapism'. Therapism extols openness, emotional self-absorption, and the sharing of feelings. It encompasses the assumption that vulnerability rather than strength characterises the American psyche and that suffering is a pathology in need of a cure. Therapism assumes that a diffident, anguished, and emotionally apprehensive public requires a vast array of therapists, self-esteem educators, grief counsellors, work-shoppers, healers, and traumatologists to lead it though the trials of everyday life. Children, more than any group, are targeted for therapeutic improvement. We roundly reject these assumptions.

Young people are not helped by being wrapped in cotton wool and deprived of the vigorous pastimes and intellectual challenges they need for healthy development. Nor are they improved when educators, obsessed with the mission of boosting children's self-esteem, tell them how 'wonderful' they are. A growing body of research suggests there is, in fact, no connection between high self-esteem and achievement, kindness, or good personal relationships. On the other hand, unmerited self-esteem is known to be associated with antisocial behaviour - even criminality.

Therapism tends to regard people as essentially weak, dependent, and never altogether responsible for what they do. Alan Wolfe, a Boston College sociologist and expert on national mores and attitudes, reports that for many Americans non-judgmentalism has become a cardinal virtue. Concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, are often regarded as anachronistic and intolerant. 'Thou shalt be nice' is the new categorical imperative.

Summarising his findings, Wolfe says: 'What the Victorians considered self-destructive behaviour requiring punishment we consider self-destructive behaviour requiring treatment.... America has most definitely entered a new era in which virtue and vice are redefined in terms of public health and addiction.'

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Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:36 AM


White House Stands Behind Rove Comments (JIM ABRAMS, 6/24/05, Associated Press)

A White House official said Friday the administration finds it "somewhat puzzling" that Democrats are demanding presidential adviser Karl Rove's apology or resignation for implying that liberals are soft on terrorism.

"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing out," communications director Dan Bartlett said. "It's touched a chord with these Democrats. I'm not sure why."

Congressional Republicans earlier joined the White House in standing solidly behind Rove, saying he shouldn't apologize and that he was outlining a philosophical divide between a president who sought to win the war on terrorism by taking the fight to the enemy and Democrats who questioned that approach.

Karl Rove more and more resembles Abe Saperstein.


Below are excerpts of a speech delivered by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove at the New York State Conservative Party dinner on Wednesday. Most of the talk focused on changes on the right that have led to the Republicans' recent national success. But it is these comments on the left that have generated controversy. — THE EDITORS [...]

[P]erhaps the most important difference between conservatives and liberals can be found in the area of national security. Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war. Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. In the wake of 9/11, conservatives believed it was time to unleash the might and power of the United States military against the Taliban.

In the wake of 9/11, the liberals believed it was time to submit a petition. I'm not joking. Submitting a petition was precisely what Moveon.org, then known as 9/11peace.org did. You may have seen it in The New York Times or The Washington Post, the San Francisco Examiner or the L.A. Times. (Funny, I didn't see it in the Amarillo Globe News.)

It was a petition that "implored the powers that be" to "use moderation and restraint in responding to the terrorist attacks against the United States. I don't know about you but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the Twin Towers crumble to the ground, the side of the Pentagon destroyed and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble.

Moveon.org and Michael Moore and Howard Dean may dominate the Democratic Party and liberalism — but their moderation and restraint is not what America felt needed to be done, and moderation and restraint was not what was called for. It was a time to summon our national will and to brandish steel.

Conservatives saw what happened to us on 9/11 and said we will defeat our enemies. Liberals saw what happened to us and said we must understand our enemies. Conservatives see the United States as a great nation involved in a noble cause of self-defense. Liberals are concerned with what our enemies will think of us and whether every government approves of our actions.

Has there ever been a more revealing moment than this year. when the Democratic senator, Democrat Richard Durbin, speaking on the Senate floor, compared what Americans have done to prisoners in our control in Guantanamo with what was done by Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot — three of the most brutal and malevolent figures of the 20th century?

Let me put in this in really simple terms. Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Sen. Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


The Liberal Project Now: Liberals need to remember their first principles, rebuild a majority, and connect to a new generation. (Paul Starr, 05.19.05, American Prospect)

Liberalism is at greater risk now than at any time in recent American history. The risk is of political marginality, even irrelevance. And the reason is not just a shift in partisan control of the federal government. There has been a radical change in the relationship of ideology and power in America. Only by renewing both the principled commitments to liberal ideals and the practical basis of liberal politics does liberalism have any chance of recovery.

Fifty years ago, the absence of ideological divisions was widely thought to be one of the distinguishing features of American politics. [...]

When historians and social scientists in the ’50s said American politics reflected an ideological consensus that was liberal at its foundations, it was the absence of any socialist challenge that they mainly had in mind. Conservatives weren’t offering a clear ideological alternative, and the two major parties seemed to have only minor differences. For decades, even as a conservative challenge emerged and partisan differences widened, liberals had a partnership with power, or at least access to it. Liberalism stood for reform, but it wasn’t oppositional: Liberals did not regard themselves as outsiders looking in on American politics from a hostile distance. As late as the 1990s, they had a friendly administration, a closely balanced Congress, and federal courts that offered a good chance of vindicating their claims.

Only in recent years -- as Republicans have gained control of Congress and the executive branch, sought to bring the courts into line, and taken the conservative movement and its intellectuals into a governing partnership -- have liberals faced the possibility of being totally excluded, not just from power but from any influence or access. And that loss threatens to make the enterprise of liberal reform, and even protest, seemingly irrelevant. For what point is there to reform or protest if power is not susceptible to persuasion, and perhaps not even to pressure?

The liberalism of the 1950s and ’60s, in contrast, was both a governing and a reforming philosophy. Liberals had helped to fashion the domestic order created during the New Deal, and after World War II they had shaped America’s internationalist commitments aimed at containing communist expansion and avoiding war. Liberals also aimed, however, to compel a government that espoused liberal principles to confront its own contradictions and limitations. That meant, among other things, dealing with the national shame of racial oppression, the persistence of poverty, the hidden problems of environmental degradation, and the threat of nuclear catastrophe.

The liberal project of the post–World War II era was to awaken the public to long-ignored problems, to make liberal government bolder, and to get its leaders to take political risks. In the public mind, liberalism was the innovative and outward-looking force in American politics; conservatism, the stodgy and parochial source of resistance. Under those circumstances, liberals had power to the extent that they could bring about change, while conservatives had power to the extent that they could stop it.

Now the relationships have been reversed, and liberalism risks getting defined, as conservatism once was, entirely in negative terms. Liberals certainly need to defend liberal accomplishments and oppose conservative measures, but they cannot allow themselves to become merely defensive and oppositional. That, of course, is how the right would like to cast them. The liberal challenge today is to avoid this trap, to make the case for liberalism’s first principles, and to renew the project of liberal innovation. And in that effort, magazines such as this one -- and intellectuals generally -- have a useful role to play.

Odd to pine for the unanimity of the McCarthy era, but he's right about liberalism's brain death. The notion though that the policies that led to the American 60s and 70s and the continuing collapse of Europe are defensible seems insane.

The Evangelical Conservatism of George W. Bush; Or, How the Republicans Became Red (Wilfred M. McClay, February 23, 2005, EPCC)

What I want to look at is, specifically, how the administration of George W. Bush seems to have marked a sea change in the evolution of Republican politics, in conservatism, in the present and future alignment of our political parties and ideologies, and the role of religion in our public discourse and public action. In addition, however, I want to talk about the ways that, taking a longer-range historical view, what looks like a sea change may in fact merely be the process of this administration and the political party it leads rejoining itself, consciously or not, to certain longer traditions of American political and social reform. And I will also want to ask, in the end, whether these changes or reorientations are entirely a good thing, or whether there are aspects of them that should give pause to Americans in general, and to conservative Americans and evangelical Americans in particular.


Let me ease into the subject with an anecdote, meant to illuminate the meaning of my subtitle. Toward the end of April in 2001, I found myself on a business trip to New York, and thought that I would use the occasion to have lunch with a friend, one of those people one deals with for years by phone and email without ever having met in the flesh. I should add, too that this was and is someone with her feet planted firmly and intransigently on the political Left, with the most dismissive and contemptuous attitude imaginable toward Republicans in general and George W. Bush in particular -- but an otherwise charming and intelligent person who tolerates me as a harmless eccentric. We arranged to meet for lunch at a little place off Union Square. After we’d firmed up the arrangements by phone, she concluded with the following instruction: “Now remember, it’ll be May Day, so be sure to wear a red tie.”

Not wishing to offend, I obliged. But I wondered at the request, which struck me as a bit absurd. I thought I detected in it the scent of nostalgia for a bygone era. It was as if we were still living in those heady days when a May Day visit to Union Square might mean an encounter with fiery labor organizers, or German-speaking radical anarchists, or a garment-workers’ rally -- or maybe an earnest, rousing speech by Eugene Debs or Emma Goldman or Norman Thomas -- instead of an encounter with a swarming beehive of commercial activity, around a Square which now offers the full array of franchise outlets that one would likely find anyplace else in America -- Staples, Barnes and Noble, CVS pharmacy, and so on -- all accompanied by the deafening noise of seemingly incessant construction. And I somehow doubt that “Red Emma,” were she to show up, would regard my red tie as a very impressive sign of my solidarity with the workers of the world.

I can understand a certain nostalgia for the Left’s glory days -- for a time when there was still a plausible sense that it was the Left that stood for the common man and the human prospect, over against the dehumanizing forces of industrialism and finance capitalism and murderous nation-state rivalries and militarism and racial subordination and class arrogance and massive economic inequality, and all the other evils in the long parade of human folly. I’m far from immune to the pull of such concerns myself, as I think many decent people find themselves. It seems to be an especially bitter experience for those who have experienced such glory days to realize that times change and one can’t draw on their moral and intellectual capital forever, which may explain why that realization has been so slow in coming to the aging leadership of the Civil Rights Movement, or the Vietnam-era boomers who currently dominate the major media and the universities.

But how, I wondered, could anyone who had just lived through the 2000 presidential election, and its endless maps of America by state and county, still associate the color “red” with the Left? Particularly when, nearly four years later, after another presidential election and after exposure to another endless succession of maps, the association of “red” and “Republican” seems to have become firmly rooted in our discourse, embraced by both parties. Now we are even treated to learned disquisitions by intrepid reporters from our major daily papers who have donned their pith helmets and ventured out into the far hinterlands, trying to find and comprehend the inner essence of that exotic thing, Red America.

Someday the precise story will be told, by a historian more patient than I, of how the Republican party came to be assigned the color “red” in the mapping of the 2000 electoral results. From what little I have been able to determine, the change seems to have happened gradually, and with no visible conscious intent, and considerable inconsistency along the way. As recently as the 1980 election, the late David Brinkley, then still an anchor at NBC News, was drolly comparing the map representing Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory to a suburban swimming pool -- solid blue, in other words. Time magazine somewhat more generously referred to the 1980 map as “Lake Reagan,” and stuck with a blue-Republican and red-Democratic scheme all through the 1990s. Other networks and news outlets used different color schemes during those years, sometimes replacing blue with white, and even reversing the coloration more or less at will. (I distinctly remember watching the 1980 returns on ABC, and hearing Frank Reynolds turn to Ted Koppel and say, “The country’s going Red, Ted!”)

How and why most of the major media outlets (with the exception of Time) fixed upon the red-Republican and blue-Democratic schema in 2000 remains somewhat mysterious. When a New York Times graphics editor was asked for his paper’s rationale, he responded simply that “both Republican and red start with the letter R.” So chalk one up for Sesame Street.

Of course, for anyone who knows even a smattering of modern European history, this is a truly an astonishing turn of events, whose significance is only barely hinted at by Frank Reynolds’s wisecrack. It’s amazing how willing the democratic Left has been to acquiesce in the loss of one of its most permanent, most universal, and most beloved symbols -- the color Red -- without serious protest. I am not talking here about yielding some of the more or less primordial symbolic meanings ascribed to Red, though those too would seem to be worth hanging on to. Red is the color of life, of love and fidelity, of warmth, of emotional intensity, of power and grandeur. Any political movement or party worth its salt would like to lay claim to such things. But I am thinking more specifically of the political meanings of Red, which may draw upon these more primordial meanings, but also link them to specific historical events and causes and traditions and aspirations. We Americans tend to think, in our own times, of Red in this sense referring exclusively to the history of Communism, but that is a vast oversimplification. Let me be clear in what I’m saying here. I don’t want to be associated with the view that Communism was merely “liberalism in a hurry.” But by the same token, I do want to insist that the range of historical referents to Red would be better described as different expressions of an energetic and idea-driven commitment to systemic progressive reform, expressions that can and do vary widely in the extent of their liberalism or illiberalism, but that have in common a commitment to the general cause of human freedom and human liberation.

Those political meanings of Red emerged fully in the French Revolution of 1848, when socialists and radical republicans adopted the red flag as a symbol of their cause, in contrast to the white flag of the Bourbon monarchists and the more moderate tricolor flag of the liberal Second Republic. From then on, the red flag became firmly associated in French political culture with the progressive socialist cause. Later the softer and more humane image of the red rose would be adopted as a symbol of the French Socialist Party, and was used to especially good public effect in recent memory by Francois Mitterrand. Its enduring power was manifest at Mitterrand’s funeral nine years ago, when throngs of mourners arrived at the Notre Dame Cathedral bearing red roses in their hands.

Similarly, the British Labor Party used a red flag, followed by a red rose, as its symbols. The party early on adopted as its anthem the song “The Red Flag,” which describes the “scarlet standard” as “the people’s flag,” “the hope of peace,” the banner and symbol of “human right and human gain.” Similarly, the color Red (and usually also the red rose) is strongly associated with the Australian Labor Party, the Canadian Liberal Party, the German Social Democratic Party, the Dutch Socialist Party, the Party of European Socialists (located in Brussels) and the Socialist International. Just out of curiosity, I paid a visit to the current websites of each of these organizations, and believe me, you have never seen so much red, and especially so many red roses, outside of the city of Pasadena on New Year’s Day.

So there is a strong and enduring historical association, at least within modern European political culture, between the color Red and the most strongly progressivist, activist, reformist movements in European political life. But, you may well be asking, so what? This is all very interesting, I suppose, but what earthly difference does it make, so far as the United States and the Republican Party are concerned? Isn’t it possible, for example, that American disregard for European color rules is precisely a sign of our superiority, and our exceptionalism?

A reasonable question. My answer would be this. The mutation in the political meaning assigned to the color Red in America seems to have come about largely by chance and careless inattention. Nobody -- not even the devious, all-knowing, and all-powerful Karl Rove -- sought to induce or manipulate this change. But I believe one can make a very strong and suggestive argument that, in fact, this shift in symbolic meaning, even if entirely unintended, is extraordinarily meaningful, and fits in utterly unexpected ways with the historical situation in which we find ourselves. Hegel spoke of the “cunning of reason” in history, a term that indicated the ways in which the concatenation of seeming coincidences and random irrational events in history ends up furthering the cause of great, consequential, and intelligible change. Just such cunning may in fact be in evidence in this instance.

What I am saying, then, is that there is a sense -- a limited sense, but a real sense -- in which the Republican Party of George W. Bush has indeed “become Red” -- if by “being Red” one means, rather than being the standard bearer for the specific agenda of socialism, instead standing for a grand commitment to the furtherance of certain high ideals and goals, an agenda of progressive reform meant not merely for the sake of the nation, but for the general good of humanity. Such are precisely the sort of larger causes that socialism nearly always has championed. But they can no longer be regarded as the exclusive property of socialism, or more generally of the Left. Bush’s administration may well represent the culmination of a change that has been in the works for a quarter-century or so -- perhaps dating back to the days of Reagan, who loved to quote one of the quintessential Red thinkers, Thomas Paine -- an effort to capture the mantle of progressive change for the benefit of the conservative party. These efforts have not been a notable success in the past, and even the most plausible of them, Newt Gingrich’s notion of a “conservative opportunity society,” foundered on the rocks of its creator’s problematic persona. Yet it may be clear to future historians that events of the past quarter-century have slowly been weaving a possible new guiding narrative for the Republican party.

As a result, it entirely plausible, I think, for Republicans to assert that the conservative party in America today is the party of progress, of human liberation, of national and international purpose. And Democrats who snicker at such an assertion do so at their own risk, for it is even more plausible to state that the liberal party is the party of opposition to change -- the party of entrenched interests, of public bureaucracies and public-employee unions and identity-politics lobbies, the party that opposes tax reform, opposes tort reform, opposes educational reform, opposes Social Security reform, opposes military reform, opposes the revisiting of Supreme Court rulings, opposes the projection of American power overseas, opposes the work of Christian missionaries, opposes public accountability for the work of the scientific research community, opposes anything that offends the sensibilities of the European Union and the United Nations, and so on. Indeed, there are times when it seems they are on the verge of adopting the National Review’s famous slogan, about standing athwart history and yelling “Stop.”

Now some of these things may be worth opposing, and I am not here this evening to endorse or condemn the whole slate of either party. But it seems clear that such a shift of party identities may now be upon us, and that the shift of the color Red to the Republican side may provide an interesting symbolic representation of it.

Turnabout is foul play (Charles Krauthammer, 6/24/05, NY Daily News)
What has happened to the Democrats over the past few decades is best captured by the phrase, coined by Kevin Phillips, "reactionary liberalism." Spent of new ideas, their only remaining idea is to hang on to the status quo at all costs.

This is true across the board. On Social Security, which is facing an impending demographic and fiscal crisis, they have put absolutely nothing on the table. On presidential appointments - first, judges, and now, ambassador to the United Nations - they resort to the classic weapon of Southern obstructionism: the filibuster. And on foreign policy, they have nothing to say on the war on terror, the war in Iraq or the burgeoning Arab Spring (except the refrain: "Guantanamo").

A quarter-century ago, Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-N.Y.) noted how it was the Republicans who had become a party of ideas, while the Democrats' philosophical foundation was "deeply eroded." But even Moynihan would be surprised by the bankruptcy in the Democrats' current intellectual account.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM

50-0 FILES:

McCain Would Trounce Hillary in ’08 Match-up, 54%-35% (Zogby.com, June 23, 2005)

Arizona Senator John McCain would overwhelmingly defeat New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in a theoretical 2008 presidential match-up, a new Zogby America poll reveals. [...]

The survey finds that both senators far outdistance their nearest competition for their parties’ nominations—but in a head-to-head match-up, the Arizona Republican bests the New York Democrat by 19 points, leading her 54% to 35%. McCain would also defeat Massachusetts Senator—and former Democratic presidential candidate—John Kerry by a full 20 points, 55% to 35%.

McCain has majority support in every single geographic region of the country. But more telling may be the fact that, even in the states carried by Kerry in 2004, McCain comes out comfortably on top—leading Clinton by 49 to 38% and Kerry by 50% to 40%. Among the states carried by President Bush, the margin is even wider, giving McCain a 58% to 33% lead over Clinton and 59% to 32% lead over Kerry.

McCain leads with most demographics, though Clinton would best him narrowly among Hispanic voters (45% to 38%) and would win African Americans by 80% to 19%. But that 19% would be the highest vote tally for a Republican with African Americans in decades. McCain leads Clinton with every age group except voters under 30, where the two are in a dead heat.

Which is why the nomination is his for the asking.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:40 AM


Somalia's Welcome Warlord: A desperate town invited a businessman to be its military chief. It is now an oasis of stability in the country, which he'd one day like to lead (Edmund Sanders, June 24, 2005, LA Times)

In the 14 years since the collapse of the government of Maj. Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre, Somalia has fractured into a patchwork of feuding fiefdoms, which, like Jawhar, are ruled by warlords and machine-gun-toting militias.

Mogadishu remains a no-go zone for even the interim president and interim prime minister, who serve in a provisional government formed last year in neighboring Kenya. When Interim Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi briefly visited Mogadishu last month, a grenade attack killed eight people during his speech. In October 1993, 18 U.S. troops were killed in the capital during an aborted mission to capture one of Mogadishu's most notorious warlords. It's little wonder that Somalian government leaders have spent most of their time this year in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital.

But for the people of Jawhar, the deal they made to install a warlord appears to be paying off. Today the town is an oasis of stability in war-torn south-central Somalia, and the region is seen by some as a possible model for rebuilding the collapsed state.

Unlike Mogadishu, where gunfire echoes regularly through abandoned downtown streets and bystanders are killed in the cross-fire of rival militias, residents in Jawhar are again free to stroll at night without fear. Illegal road checkpoints disappeared. The hospital director says he hasn't treated a local gunshot wound in two years, thanks to a ban on civilians carrying weapons.

"One of the most impressive things in Jawhar is the peace and humanitarianism," UNICEF's outgoing Somalia representative, Jasper Morch, recently told a gathering in the village. "It's precious. I hope the rest of the country does what you're doing right now."

The rest of Somalia has taken notice. Some leaders in the interim government are proposing Jawhar as a temporary capital. And Jawhar's new warlord is hoping to prove that even an unelected militia leader can transform into a respected politician.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM

SENECA FALLS (via Robert Schwartz):

Prophet of Decline: An interview with Oriana Fallaci. (TUNKU VARADARAJAN, June 23, 2005, Opinion Journal)

Oriana Fallaci faces jail. In her mid-70s, stricken with a cancer that, for the moment, permits only the consumption of liquids--so yes, we drank champagne in the course of a three-hour interview--one of the most renowned journalists of the modern era has been indicted by a judge in her native Italy under provisions of the Italian Penal Code which proscribe the "vilipendio," or "vilification," of "any religion admitted by the state."

In her case, the religion deemed vilified is Islam, and the vilification was perpetrated, apparently, in a book she wrote last year--and which has sold many more than a million copies all over Europe--called "The Force of Reason." Its astringent thesis is that the Old Continent is on the verge of becoming a dominion of Islam, and that the people of the West have surrendered themselves fecklessly to the "sons of Allah." So in a nutshell, Oriana Fallaci faces up to two years' imprisonment for her beliefs--which is one reason why she has chosen to stay put in New York. Let us give thanks for the First Amendment.

It is a shame, in so many ways, that "vilipend," the latinate word that is the pinpoint equivalent in English of the Italian offense in question, is scarcely ever used in the Anglo-American lexicon; for it captures beautifully the pomposity, as well as the anachronistic outlandishness, of the law in question. A "vilification," by contrast, sounds so sordid, so tabloid--hardly fitting for a grande dame. [...]

Ms. Fallaci speaks in a passionate growl: "Europe is no longer Europe, it is 'Eurabia,' a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. Servility to the invaders has poisoned democracy, with obvious consequences for the freedom of thought, and for the concept itself of liberty." Such words--"invaders," "invasion," "colony," "Eurabia"--are deeply, immensely, Politically Incorrect; and one is tempted to believe that it is her tone, her vocabulary, and not necessarily her substance or basic message, that has attracted the ire of the judge in Bergamo (and has made her so radioactive in the eyes of Europe's cultural elites).

"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder," the historian Arnold Toynbee wrote, and these words could certainly be Ms. Fallaci's. She is in a black gloom about Europe and its future: "The increased presence of Muslims in Italy, and in Europe, is directly proportional to our loss of freedom." There is about her a touch of Oswald Spengler, the German philosopher and prophet of decline, as well as a flavor of Samuel Huntington and his clash of civilizations. But above all there is pessimism, pure and unashamed. When I ask her what "solution" there might be to prevent the European collapse of which she speaks, Ms. Fallaci flares up like a lit match. "How do you dare to ask me for a solution? It's like asking Seneca for a solution. You remember what he did?" She then says "Phwah, phwah," and gestures at slashing her wrists. "He committed suicide!" Seneca was accused of being involved in a plot to murder the emperor Nero. Without a trial, he was ordered by Nero to kill himself. One senses that Ms. Fallaci sees in Islam the shadow of Nero. "What could Seneca do?" she asks, with a discernible shudder. "He knew it would end that way--with the fall of the Roman Empire. But he could do nothing."

no one minds her criticism of Islam--it's the indictment of Europe that is intolerable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


700 militants agree to play security role in Nablus (Greg Myre, JUNE 24, 2005, The New York Times)

About 700 Palestinian militants in the volatile West Bank city of Nablus have agreed in principle to join the Palestinian security forces as part of a campaign to transform the gunmen into government servants, Palestinians officials said Thursday.

The Palestinian leadership has been working on the program for months, and says more than 500 militants in other West Bank cities have already signed up to work in the security forces or take civilian jobs in government.

The deal in Nablus, a hotbed for militants, marks the most comprehensive agreement so far.

"This will be the test case," Samir Huleilah, chief of staff of the Palestinian cabinet, told Reuters.

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, initiated the campaign as part of his effort to persuade militants to halt attacks against Israel.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


At a glance: what they said: Extracts from their speeches show that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were speaking with a single voice on EU reform (Sam Knight, 6/23/05, Times of London)

On the need for change

Blair: "We have to renew. There is no shame in that. All institutions must do it. And we can. But only if we remarry the European ideals we believe in with the modern world we live in."

Of course, much of the problem in Europe traces back to things like British leaders insisting on the propriety of remarriage.

The Rise & Fall of Anne Boleyn<>/a>: She gambled and lost: a review of The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn: "The Most Happy" by Eric Ives (Brooke Allen

Anne Boleyn, claims her biographer Eric Ives, "was the most influential and important queen consort this country has ever had." This would seem a very strong statement when we consider that Anne spent a mere three years as queen. But it is hard to come up with any real alternatives. The most obvious competitor would be Eleanor of Aquitaine, but of course she was a very powerful woman in her own right, the sole owner of large portions of France; Anne was born a commoner. In recent centuries the most influential queen consort was probably the late Queen Mother, wife of George VI, but her influence, while beneficial, did not change the course of history. Anne, on the other hand, was the catalyst for a series of events that would spiritually and politically detach England from Europe and set the country onto the exceptionalist course it would pursue for the better part of five centuries.

Anne has certainly proved one of history's most consistently controversial figures. During her life many thought of her as the "great concubine." Conservatives and pious Catholics considered her marriage to Henry illegal and herself no better than a whore. After her execution she became, if not exactly a martyr, than at least a figurehead for the nascent Protestant movement, as her predecessor Katherine of Aragon had been for the Catholics. Her good looks, and the dignity with which she faced her gruesome and certainly unjust execution, won admiration even from her enemies. In death she became a potent symbol of what is destroyed when royal greed and lust go unrestrained by a legal and constitutional framework. Henry VIII was Leviathan run amok, Anne his tragic victim. [...]

Henry's push for a papal dispensation was doomed from the beginning, if only he had known it. In 1527 the armies of Charles V had sacked Rome, forcing the Medici pope, Clement VII, to cravenly lock himself up in the Castel Sant'Angelo. From then on Clement was more or less a creature of the emperor, who certainly had no wish to disgrace his aunt by allowing her to be cast aside by the upstart English king. Cardinal Campeggio, the papal legate in England, was under strict instructions to stall for time and produce no results.

Cardinal Wolsey, who in better days had ruled the country and seemed to rule the king (he was widely known as alter rex), found himself for the first time impotent. His power had seemed real enough when he had wielded it; now it was exposed for what it had always been, a gift proffered at the king's whim and as easily taken away. Anne, many said, had hated the cardinal since he had broken up her match with Henry Percy years before. Recognizing the force of his character and his ability to rule Henry, she blocked his access to the king. When he failed to produce the desired dispensation, he was done for. In Ives' opinion "the fall of Wolsey was first and foremost Anne's success," and it is certain that the vacuum left by his absence was filled by her own men: as the French ambassador Jean du Bellay wrote, "The duke of Norfolk is made chief of the council and in his absence the duke of Suffolk, and above everyone Mademoiselle Anne."

Ives says of Henry that "The drive to marry Anne was not only to satisfy emotion and desire; it became a campaign to vindicate his kingship." Henry was, in youth, the last medieval monarch of England; in middle age, he became the national avatar of the new age of divine right, a concept which would not be amended until 1688. His whole career can be seen as an exploration of the meaning and limits of kingship. What does it mean to be a king—how far do the monarch's rights extend? Is he, or is he not, appointed by God? If he is, then why should he be subservient to the Pope? "Henry knew absolutely," writes Ives, "that the law of Christ did give him headship of the Church."

With Anne's active prompting, he set about creating a legal framework for what he "knew." Anne read Willian Tyndale's The Obedience of the Christian Man and How Christian Rulers Ought to Govern and marked passages for Henry's edification: "The king is in the person of God and his law is God's law"; for the Church to rule over the princes of Europe is "a shame above all shames and a notorious thing." Thomas Cranmer, theologian at Jesus College, Cambridge, was pressed into service. He suggested that Europe's faculties of theology should be consulted, and helped fashion their response into an argument in favor of divorce. The aged lawyer Christopher St. German drafted legislation to make Henry, as king, the supreme head of the national Church. Thomas Cromwell, Henry's brilliant new "fixer," stage-managed the events.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


Predator Provides Close-Air Support To Embattled Marines In Iraq (1st Lt. Tiffany Payette, Jun 24, 2005, AFPN)

An MQ-1 Predator unmanned aerial vehicle destroyed an anti-Iraqi forces mortar launch site near Al Qaim on June 18 while assisting Marines under enemy fire.

The air strike occurred during Operation Spear in which U.S. and Iraqi security forces in Iraq's Anbar province called in air strikes on terrorist strong holds.

An Air Force joint terminal attack controller, whose unit on the ground was under mortar attack, saw imagery from a nearby Predator assigned to another mission and requested control of the unmanned aerial vehicle.

After positive identification of the launch site, the Predator received clearance to strike with its Hellfire missile against the target.

The controller was able to see the imagery via a remote video system, which is a new technology being used by troops involved with close-air support missions. The system allows battlefield Airmen to watch live video feeds from various sensors such as the Predator.

This capability provides the controller with better situational awareness of the battle space and the potential to save American and coalition troops' lives, officials said.

"(The system) allows us to see threats that may be around a corner, behind, or maybe even on top, of a building," said Marine Lt. Col. Scott Wedemeyer, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing battle captain.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Foreign investment drops sharply in France and Germany (Lisbeth Kirk, 24.06.2005, EU Observer)

Foreign investment in France and Germany, the two largest economies of the European continent, fell sharply in 2004, according to figures released yesterday (23 June) by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris.

In France, inward investment almost halved last year, falling from $43bn to $24 bn.

In the case of Germany, foreign investors actually withdrew about $39bn from the country, reversing the inflow of $27bn recorded in 2003, the OECD said in the report "Trends and recent developments in foreign direct investment".

On the other side of the Channel, foreign direct inflows into the UK more than tripled, coming up to $78.5bn in 2004, according to the report.

The figures adds further to the overall impression that Tony Blair’s Britain and George W. Bush are getting globalisation right, while Germany's chancellor Schroder and France's president Chirac are not.

The US has regained the role as the world’s principal destination for direct investment, said the report.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:53 AM


Spectre of populism hangs over Europe, Polish minister says (Andrew Rettman, 23.06.2005, EUOBSERVER)

The real threat to the EU is the rising tide of populism in key member states rather than the Franco-British clash between deeper political integration and a free trade Europe, according to Polish foreign minister Adam Rotfeld.

"I would say that the spectre that is hanging over Europe [today] is the spectre of populism", the minister told EUobserver on Wednesday (22 June), comparing the trend to the rise of communism in Europe in the 19th century.

He explained that the growth of anti-establishment feeling in countries such as France, Germany and Poland is the largest destabilising factor in Europe's new security environment, which has moved on from the risk of military aggression.

"The main threats are within us, within the countries and not between us", Mr Rotfeld stated.

The minister warned it would be a mistake to lay the blame on right-wing politicians such as Austria's Jorg Haider or the French National Front chief Jean-Marie Le Pen. The main problem is the behaviour of the political elite.

One assumes George Soros has cornered the Zyklon B concession.

Assimilation Nation (Charles Krauthammer, June 17, 2005, Washington Post)

One of the reasons for the success we've enjoyed in Afghanistan is that our viceroy -- pardon me, ambassador -- there, who saw the country through the founding of a democratic government, was not just a serious thinker and a skilled diplomat but also spoke the language and understood the culture. Why? Because Zalmay Khalilzad is an Afghan-born Afghan American.

It is not every country that can send to obscure faraway places envoys who are themselves children of that culture. Indeed, Americans are the only people who can do that for practically every country.

Being mankind's first-ever universal nation, to use Ben Wattenberg's felicitous phrase for our highly integrated polyglot country, carries enormous advantage. In the shrunken world of the information age, we have significant populations of every ethnicity capable of making instant and deep connections -- economic as well as diplomatic -- with just about every foreign trouble spot, hothouse and economic dynamo on the planet.

That is a priceless and unique asset. It is true that other countries, particularly in Europe, have in the past several decades opened themselves up to immigration. But the real problem is not immigration but assimilation. Anyone can do immigration. But if you don't assimilate the immigrants -- France, for example, has vast, isolated exurban immigrant slums with populations totally alienated from the polity and the general culture -- then immigration becomes not an asset but a liability.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


In Pitt study, adult stem cells show potential for therapeutic use (Anita Srikameswaran, June 24, 2005, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Stem cells obtained from adult muscle can multiply as often as stem cells from embryos, indicating that adult-derived cells could be cultivated for treatment purposes.

The findings challenge the notion that embryonic stem cells can be grown in the lab for longer periods than adult stem cells and thus have more therapeutic potential, said lead investigator Johnny Huard, a muscle stem cell expert at Children's Hospital.

"The embryonic stem cell is a very interesting topic of research, but the adult-derived stem cell is not so bad, either," he said. "You can do a lot of things with them."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:40 AM


Russia's population falling fast (Steven Eke, 6/24/05, BBC)

Russia's population decline is accelerating, according to the country's official statistics agency.

According to their calculations, the decline is equivalent to 100 people dying in Russia every hour.

The subject has received international attention, with the UN warning that Russia's population could fall by a third by the middle of the century.

Experts have suggested economic growth and better living standards would reverse the slump.

Russian statisticians say the improving economy is having no impact on the country's historically low birth-rate and declining population.

You'd think the experts would be especially embarrassed to argue that it's all about economics when talking about the failed results of a Marxist experiment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

Liberty Quote (6/24/05)

"Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by the law."
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Officials Say Drug Raids Found Clubs Were a Front (DEAN E. MURPHY, 6/24/05, NY Times)

Federal authorities said Thursday that they had cracked the biggest case ever involving the use of medical marijuana dispensaries in California as a cover for international drug dealing and money laundering, which they said extended to Canada and countries in Asia.

"This organization had been operating for over four years," Javier F. Peña, the special agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration in San Francisco, said at a news conference. "It is now dismantled."

In court documents unsealed here, the federal authorities accused a 33-year-old San Francisco man, Vince Ming Wan, of leading a multimillion-dollar operation in the trafficking of marijuana and Ecstasy that used three medical marijuana clubs in the city as a front.

United States Attorney Kevin V. Ryan said that an arrest warrant had been issued for Mr. Wan on charges of conspiracy to distribute more than 1,000 marijuana plants, but that he remained at large. Twenty other people, all from San Francisco and its suburbs, were charged with a variety of crimes, including conspiracy to grow and traffic in marijuana plants, conspiracy to distribute Ecstasy and conspiracy to engage in money laundering.

Mr. Ryan said the two-year investigation was continuing and could result in more arrests and charges. In addition to Mr. Wan, seven other suspects remained at large on Thursday.

"We're not talking about ill people who may be using marijuana," Mr. Ryan said. "We're talking about a criminal enterprise engaged in the widespread distribution of large amounts - millions of dollars, if you base it on historical evidence - of marijuana and other drugs, and money laundering their proceeds from these activities."

Even Claude Rains couldn't feign shock at this one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Did humans evolve in fits and starts? (Gaia Vince, 6/17/05, NewScientist.com)

Humans may have evolved during a few rapid bursts of genetic change, according to a new study of the human genome, which challenges the popular theory that evolution is a gradual process.

Researchers studying human chromosome 2 have discovered that the bulk of its DNA changes occurred in a relatively short period of time and, since then, only minor alterations have occurred.

This backs a theory called “punctuated equilibrium” which suggests that evolution actually occurred as a series of jumps with long static periods between them.

Evolutionary stages are marked by changes to the DNA sequences on chromosomes. One of the ways in which chromosomes are altered is through the duplications of sections of the chromosomes. These DNA fragments may be duplicated and inserted back into the chromosome, resulting in two copies of the section.

Evan Eichler, associate professor of genomic sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, US, and colleagues looked at duplicated DNA sequences on a specific section of chromosome 2, to compare them with ape genomes and Old World monkey genomes. They expected to find that duplications had occurred gradually over the last few million years.

Instead, they found that the big duplications had occurred in a short period of time, relatively speaking, after which only smaller rearrangements occurred.

You can't expect them to just keep tinkering.

June 23, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:36 PM


A handbagging (The Daily Sun, 6/23/05)

ALL Tony Blair lacked as he savaged EU leaders yesterday was a big handbag.

For his attack on them had all the ferocity of Maggie Thatcher’s some 20 years earlier.

Mr. Blair mimics their greatest leader on every issue and the Tories wonder why they can't win?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:28 PM


We Are All French Now? (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 6/24/05, NY Times)

Ah, those French. How silly can they be? The European Union wants to consolidate its integration and France, trying to protect its own 35-hour workweek and other welfare benefits, rejects the E.U. constitution. What a bunch of antiglobalist Gaullist Luddites! Yo, Jacques, what world do you think you're livin' in, pal? Get with the program! It's called Anglo-American capitalism, mon ami.

Lordy, it is fun poking fun at France. But wait ...wait ... what is that noise I hear coming from the U.S. Congress? Is that ... is that members of the U.S. Congress - many of them Democrats - threatening to reject Cafta, the Central American Free Trade Agreement?

One assumes the Democrats will demand that Mr. Friedman resign now that he's joined Karl Rove in accussing them of Frenchness.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:22 PM


A last crusade in a career that reshaped American religion (Harry Bruinius, 6/24/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

"Finally, the Big One," blared a headline in 1957, when a dashing young evangelist named Billy Graham was poised to launch his first crusade in the largest and, by reputation, most wicked city in the nation. "Save New York!"

The buzz surrounding this famous itinerant preacher's foray into Manhattan was at times more pulp than truly epic, but that crusade still stands as one of the most momentous events in American religious history. It not only marked the first time a preacher reached a significant audience through television, but it also helped establish him as the leading spiritual figure in the country, a pivotal player in the reemergence of US evangelical Protestantism.

Now, this weekend, as he prepares for his perhaps final crusade, the Rev. Billy Graham returns to "the big one," New York City, at the Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens.

The octogenarian evangelist, dealing with several ailments, has proclaimed it almost certain that he will not preach in such a public venue again. If true, this Sunday will mark the end of a career that, spanning six decades, has made Mr. Graham one of the best-respected public figures in the nation's history.

It's a fact not without irony, since Graham came of age when evangelists were seen more as Elmer Gantry figures - traveling hucksters, hypocrites out to make a buck. Evangelical Protestants, too, bruised after decades of battles with Darwinism, liberal Christianity, and academic critiques of the Bible, had mostly withdrawn from public life, retreating into a defensive "fundamentalism" that could only react to culture, not shape it.

Like Ronald Reagan and the Pope, he got to live in a world he helped remake for the better--a rare thing in the human experience.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 PM


In Paris, Romancing the Deal (DEBORAH BALDWIN, June 23, 2005, NY Times)

ROBYNN ROCKSTAD-REX had a large house in Seattle. But after her husband died two years ago she ached for a little piece of Paris. "It's the one city," she said, "where I could smile again." She found herself hunched over the computer scouring real estate listings until all hours. "It was an obsession for a while," she said.

A place of one's own in the city of light: it may sound like one of those impossible dreams, brought down to earth by the rude realities of doing business in a country where notoriously slow-moving bureaucracies can give apartment hunting a nightmarish hue. But this quest ended happily.

Working with a firm called Paris Real Estate Finders - one of several such services to have sprung up in recent years - Ms. Rockstad-Rex located a pied-à-terre near Montmartre within two weeks. Taking possession took several months, but Finders held her hand the whole time, and Ms. Rockstad-Rex suggested it was actually kind of fun.

Paris, that fantasy destination for so many expats and luxury goods connoisseurs, has become an unlikely destination for Americans hoping to acquire second homes. The prospective buyers are so plentiful, in fact, that they have spawned a cottage industry of local fixers who specialize in ushering Americans through the 7 percent transfer fee, codified inheritance rules, requisite "notaire" and other bewildering rituals of French real estate.

A strong euro has scared away some buyers, but others have clearly decided that it's a sign to buy in. Though the euro has sagged a bit in recent months, many economists see it bouncing back, indicating that now may be the time to buy.

Some buyers are also motivated by prices below those in New York and a conviction that they can only go up. "Let's say there are worse investments you can make," said Ms. Rockstad-Rex, asserting that her apartment has appreciated 50 percent since she bought it in 2003.

Of course, when the alternative is investing in municipal bonds, who wouldn't prefer a private hideaway stocked with French armoires and raw-milk Camembert?

Douglas C. Gaddis, and his partner, Dr. Gary Begin, found themselves lusting over photographs in real estate agency windows during regular trips to Paris. Last year, armed with listings from Paris Real Estate Finders' electronic database, they zeroed in on a one-bedroom in an 1890's building designed by Charles Plumet, and bought it based on photographs alone, like a mail-order bride.

The couple, who live outside Washington, flew to Paris to renovate, hiring a contractor "who came up the stairs with an air-powered jackhammer," Mr. Gaddis said with awe.

Shipping widowed and gay Blue Staters over isn't going to reverse the depopulation problem. The buildings will be filled with nothing but Algerian squatters in a few years.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 PM

...AND LOWER...:

Eurozone's growth 'is grinding to a halt' (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 24/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

The eurozone is sliding towards a Japanese-style "liquidity trap" and may have trouble holding monetary union together unless the EU authorities take prompt action, according to a report yesterday by HSBC.

The bank warned that eurozone GDP growth was likely to "grind to a halt" as exports weaken in the second half. "The dangers of a liquidity trap are rising in the region," it said.

"Germany is perilously close to deflation. We believe it is only a question of time before there are generalised price falls in the country. This will in turn raise more questions about the rules governing EMU and the sustainability of the single currency itself."

The bank said the Netherlands and Italy were also in danger.

Italy was in "dire straits" after a "collapse" in productivity and negative growth for five out of the past nine quarters. "Italy has completely failed to adapt to the rigours of the fixed exchange rate," it said

HSBC forecast 1.1pc eurozone growth in 2005, but warned that the bloc may tip into recession as the global trade cycle turns down.

So when you have fewer people and more goods available cheaper you get falling prices? Who'da thunk it...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:22 PM

HANNIBAL HAD A WALK IN THE PARK (via Robert Schwartz):

A New Alpine Melt Theory (Hilmar Schmundt, 5/23/05, Der Spiegel)

The Alpine glaciers are shrinking, that much we know. But new research suggests that in the time of the Roman Empire, they were smaller than today. And 7,000 years ago they probably weren't around at all. A group of climatologists have come up with a controversial new theory on how the Alps must have looked over the ages.

He may not look like a revolutionary, but Ulrich Joerin, a wiry Swiss scientist in his late twenties, is part of a small group of climatologists who are in the process of radically changing the image of the Swiss mountain world. He and a colleague are standing in front of the Tschierva Glacier in Engadin, Switzerland at 2,200 meters (7,217 feet). "A few thousand years ago, there were no glaciers here at all," he says. "Back then we would have been standing in the middle of a forest." He digs into the ground with his mountain boot until something dark appears: an old tree trunk, covered in ice, polished by water and almost black with humidity. "And here is the proof," says Joerin.

Radical new theory

The tree trunk in the ice is part of a huge climatic puzzle that Joerin is analyzing for his doctoral thesis for the Institute for Geological Science at the University of Bern. And he is coming to an astonishing conclusion. The fact that the Alpine glaciers are melting right now appears to be part of regular cycle in which snow and ice have been coming and going for thousands of years.

"The weather changes" is a radical theory?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:26 PM


VIDEO: "Wild Thing" (Republican National Committee)

The GOP wants you to hear what the Democrats said because it helps Republicans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:12 PM


Biden says Bolton deal now - or never (Joanne Kenen, June 23, 2005, Reuters)

The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden, said on Thursday the White House had to provide information Democrats seek on U.N. nominee John Bolton by the end of the day or the nomination would be dead.

"If they don't have (the documents) by the end of the day, it's finished," the Delaware Democrat said of the bitter dispute over President Bush's choice to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

When the President appoints Bolton next week he should lay the blame directly at Neil's door.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:46 PM


Anglicans 'expel' Canada
(Bob Harvey, National Post, June 23rd, 2005)

The fierce battle within the Anglican Church over homosexual clergy and same-sex marriage has brought the Canadian and American branches of the faith to the brink of banishment by the Church's ruling bodies meeting in England.

The controversy flared up at the Anglican Consultative Council session in Nottingham yesterday, pitting the liberal, pro-homosexual Canadian and American congregations against a hardline coalition of African and Asian wings that bitterly opposes homosexual involvement in Church affairs.

At the root of the dispute is the consecration of openly gay clergyman Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire and the decision by the diocese of New Westminster, B.C., to authorize the blessing of same-sex marriage.

The same-sex confrontation in the Church comes as the Parliament of Canada is locked in an equally bitter showdown over government legislation that would make Canada only the third nation in the world to legalize formal same-sex marriage.

Yesterday the Consultative Council rejected the North American rationale for homosexual participation in Church affairs and voted to banish both Canada and the U.S. from the council and its central finance and standing committees.

What trouble?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:21 PM


Dems say Rove should apologize or resign (JIM ABRAMS, 6/23/05, Associated Press)

Democrats said Thursday that White House adviser Karl Rove should either apologize or resign for accusing liberals of wanting "therapy and understanding" for the Sept. 11 attackers, escalating partisan rancor that threatens to consume Washington.

Rove's comments - and the response from the political opposition - mirrored earlier flaps over Democratic chairman Howard Dean's criticism of Republicans, a House Republican's statement that Democrats demonize Christians and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin's comparison of the Guantanamo prison to Nazi camps and Soviet gulags.

These poor saps, they just don't grasp politics at all anymore. While Democrats had to move quickly to get out from under saying the Republicans are the party of Christians and that the United States is like Nazi Germany, the GOP would like nothing better than to spend time talking about how pusilanimous the Democrats are.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:24 PM


Are Latinos the next Christian right? (Earl de Berge, 6/22/05, Arizona Republic)

mong Arizona Latinos under 25 years of age the Catholic preference falls to 54 percent while those who call themselves Christians rises to 24 and another 22 percent say they identify with no organized religion.

Another interesting fact is that Latinos in Arizona who have moved away from the Catholic religion also have a significantly greater proclivity to choose the GOP for their party affiliation.

It is perhaps ironic that while Democrats are the most likely to defend the benefits of open borders and lenient immigration policies and Republicans the most likely to oppose both, it is the Republican Party which may benefit most in the end, as the emerging Latino middle class gravitates more toward Christian sects and the GOP.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:15 PM


O'Connor, Not Rehnquist?: And Gonzales to replace O'Connor? (William Kristol, 06/22/2005, Weekly Standard)

Warning: THIS IS SPECULATION. Obviously, I think it's somewhat well-informed speculation, or else I wouldn't be writing this. But it is speculation.

(1) There will be a Supreme Court resignation within the next week. But it will be Justice O'Connor, not Chief Justice Rehnquist. There are several tea-leaf-like suggestions that O'Connor may be stepping down, including the fact that she has apparently arranged to spend much more time in Arizona beginning this fall. There are also recent intimations that Chief Justice Rehnquist may not resign. This would be consistent with Justice O'Connor having confided her plan to step down to the chief a while ago. Rehnquist probably believes that it wouldn't be good for the Court to have two resignations at once, so he would presumably stay on for as long as his health permits, and/or until after Justice O'Connor's replacement is confirmed.

(2) President Bush will appoint Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to replace O'Connor. Bush certainly wants to put Gonzales on the Supreme Court. Presidents usually find a way to do what they want to do.

Except that no one understands better than Mr. Rehnquist that it was under cover of the Scalia pick that he was able to sneak into the Chief's seat. Similarly, a truly conservative new Chief would have an easier time amidst the excitement occassioned by the first Latino justice or first black woman or first Asian or what have you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:10 PM


Still not loved. Now not envied: Anti-Americanism is becoming entrenched, and getting more personal (The Economist, Jun 23rd 2005)

Pew asked its respondents to give favourability ratings to five nations: America, France, Germany, Japan and China. America came bottom of everyone's list everywhere except in India, where it was top, Poland, where it was in the middle and China, where it came above Japan.

The regnant nation isn't popular among the dying ones? Shocker.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:03 PM


Some Politics May Be Etched in the Genes (BENEDICT CAREY, 6/21/05, NY Times)

Political scientists have long held that people's upbringing and experience determine their political views. A child raised on peace protests and Bush-loathing generally tracks left as an adult, unless derailed by some powerful life experience. One reared on tax protests and a hatred of Kennedys usually lists to the right.

But on the basis of a new study, a team of political scientists is arguing that people's gut-level reaction to issues like the death penalty, taxes and abortion is strongly influenced by genetic inheritance.

Well, political science is certainly as scientific as Darwinism, so they may as well take their shot at Just So stories too. Ponder for a moment the hilarity of the idea that some people might have developed an evolutionary predisposition to favoring the abortion of members of their own species.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:52 PM


A Case for Space (The American Enterprise, December 2004)

In popular culture, earthlings have both conquered Mars and been conquered by it. Even Robert Zubrin has taken up this beloved topic of books and films, with his Mars novel First Landing. But his contribution to America's fascination with the Red Planet goes far beyond that. In 1990, as a senior engineer for the Martin Marietta Company, Zubrin showed how to get there. His plan, a version of which has now been adopted by NASA, is described in detail in his book The Case for Mars. Zubrin is also president of The Mars Society, which promotes the importance of manned trips to Mars and engages in technical work to advance the likelihood of success. Zubrin now runs Pioneer Astronautics, a space exploration and research company in Colorado. He was interviewed for TAE by contributing writer David Isaac.

TAE: Why should we send humans to Mars?

ZUBRIN: First for the science, second for the challenge, and third for the future.

First, for science. Mars is the key to letting us know if life is a general phenomenon in the universe. Mars was once a warm and wet planet. We have found the shores of an ancient ocean, thus it was a place where life could have evolved. The question is: Did it? If we go to Mars and find fossils, we'll have shown that the development of life is a general phenomenon. If we go to Mars and drill down to the ground water, which is where life could persist, we'd find out if it has the same biochemical structure that all Earth life has. We all use the same amino acids, the same method of encoding information with RNA and DNA, and the question is: Is that just how we do it? And you're not going to be able to drill down a kilometer with little robotic rovers. You've got to send people.

Second is the challenge. Societies are like individuals. We grow when we're challenged. We stagnate when we're not. A humans-to-Mars program would be a tremendously productive challenge for our society to embrace.

Third, the future. What will people 500 years from now think about what we're doing today? Will they care who was in power in Iraq? What we did to create civilizations on hundreds of other planets, starting with Mars; what we did to transform the human future and open up vast possibilities that otherwise would not have been there--that's what's going to matter.

TAE: You grew up in the '60s and describe yourself as one of Apollo's children. The Apollo missions influenced you as a child, but you say you then fell away from those interests. What took you away?

ZUBRIN: It stopped. The Nixon administration said it's over. We did it. We're done. Goodbye. Here I was in college. And I said, "What do I want to be? Teaching is a noble profession. I'll be a science teacher." So that's what I was for eight years.

Around 1982, I was teaching in Brooklyn and living in northern Manhattan commuting on the A train, reading novels by Herman Melville about sailing the South Seas and wondering, "What am I doing here?"

I applied to graduate school and chose to go to the one that was furthest from New York, which was the University of Washington in Seattle. I enrolled in the nuclear engineering program because at that time the greatest hope for doing something really important in science was controlled fusion.

But the fusion program in the '80s was on a downward slope. This didn't look very good to me, especially as a kind of an inventor, an alternate-concepts type of guy. When you have a program that's in contraction, no one's interested in alternate concepts. They want to try and figure out how to make the single-name concept stay on track. At the same time, I heard about this group of people called the Mars Underground who were holding meetings over at the University of Colorado in Boulder. It was called Underground because it was totally unsanctioned by the space establishment. I went to one of their meetings in '87. People were presenting papers on propulsion technology, life-support technology, human factors, scientific objectives, terraforming, and so forth. I made some contacts at the conference, including a guy who was doing the man-Mars mission design for Martin Marietta, now part of Lockheed Martin, and got myself hired doing preliminary design of interplanetary missions. [...]

TAE: You are president of the Mars Society. What are its main achievements?

ZUBRIN: One is broad public outreach to spread the vision. Second is interacting with the political class to get them to embrace humans-to-Mars as a goal and also to support the robotic program and defend it against cuts. Third has been publication of technical and non-technical ideas that are relevant to the exploration and settlement of Mars.

Fourth has been the building of our own projects that relate to Mars exploration. There, the most important achievements have been the building of two exploration stations: one in the high Arctic, where there is a crew right now 100 miles from the North Pole; and one in the desert in southern Utah. We have a third station that has been built: the European Mars Arctic Station. It's supposed to go to Iceland. Human-Mars analog exploration is not a new idea. It's been around for decades, the idea that you'd build an Arctic or Antarctic station in preparation to learn how to explore on Mars.

Back in 1989 we worked on a design for an Antarctic station for NASA. But no one could ever get funding because Congress viewed it as the camel's nose in the tent. "Oh, this is just a few million dollars, but if you do this you're starting the humans-to-Mars program and we're not paying for it so get out of here."

We raised over a million dollars privately and we built the Arctic station. The paradrop failed. The construction workers left. That was an epic in itself, but since then the ninth crew is now in the station. We've had about 28 crews in the desert station.

TAE: What are your scientific findings?

ZUBRIN: Some of the stuff is so obvious you can ask, "Did you really have to go to the station to know that?" Maybe not, but it has driven home a number of points that make people look at these missions differently.

Observation No. 1: Three days in the station doing stuff and you realize this is a physical activity. You do not want to go to Mars in zero gravity.

Artificial gravity is a requirement for effective human-Mars exploration. What that means is that NASA's entire space medicine program is misdirected. NASA has been spending billions to look at ways to operate at zero gravity. They instead should be avoiding zero gravity through artificial gravity.

TAE: Why does NASA pursue zero gravity even though they know it weakens astronauts?

ZUBRIN: Zero gravity health researchers control NASA's space medicine program. In World War II, when the bombers started flying so high that you could get hypoxia, there were two schools of thought on how to deal with it. One was to supply oxygen to the crew through oxygen masks. The other was to try to cure people through drugs to make it possible for them to breathe less oxygen. There were all these people who insisted that with the right drugs we could alter human metabolism and make it possible for the pilots to make do with less oxygen and it would be so much simpler than to bring oxygen cans with you. Changing human physiology to use less oxygen is a lot more complicated than putting oxygen in a can and putting a mask on somebody. That seems obvious now. And it became obvious by 1943, but for a while these people were dominating things.

What you have here is people who think they can alter human physiology to not be negatively affected by zero gravity, a condition that we are not adapted to and have not been living in since we left the ocean 400 million years ago--as opposed to just rotating a spacecraft. Which is the more difficult scientific problem: spinning a rigid object or changing human physiology?

TAE: Where does the future of space exploration lie? In the private sector?

ZUBRIN: That depends on a number of factors. I believe the near future, in terms of actually getting people to the moon or Mars, will require government action. The government has the money. So, like Columbus and Lewis and Clark, the first to go to these new worlds will have to be government-sponsored.

I do think that the development of Mars will require increased takeover by the private sector. You just can't create a viable society out of a base composed of government employees. You'll probably have groups of people. The Puritans were largely self-funded. Many of them had to liquidate their entire net worth in order to pay for their transportation across the ocean. But they were able to do it. Similarly with the Mormons, or the Zionist settlement movement that sends Jews to Palestine. You get a group of people who collectively can put together resources that are beyond the reach of individuals.

TAE: What is terraforming?

ZUBRIN: Terraforming means transforming another planet into one that is liveable for life from Earth. You cannot make it another Earth. Mars has a gravity that is one third of Earth's. That's not within our capability to change. Changing the planet's atmosphere to make it breathable and raising the temperature to make it liveable is within our means in principle.

TAE: Should we terraform?

ZUBRIN: Mars was once a warm and wet planet and could be made so once again. If you set up factories on Mars for producing greenhouse gases, you'll start to warm the planet up. There are large parts of Mars where the soil is 60 percent water by weight. It's frozen mud. You'll get liquid water on the surface of Mars. You'll get rain. You'll get rivers. Plants will be able to grow in the open and spread. And if humans are spreading them, and perhaps genetically engineering them, you'll cover the planet with plants and you'll start putting large amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere. And eventually it will be breathable by people and other animals from Earth. You'll have a novel living world because of the low gravity. Animals and plants will evolve in new directions.

There are some people who call themselves environmentalists who think that this is wrong, that Mars should be left in its natural lifeless-desert state. It's simply reflexive anti-humanism and perhaps political correctness gone berserk.

TAE: You say terraforming Mars "can create the technological underpinnings for not only a new branch but a new type of human society."

ZUBRIN: I can elaborate by analogy. Human beings are not native to the Earth. We're native to East Africa. We're tropical animals. We have long, thin arms with no fur on them. No human could survive a single winter night here in Colorado without technology.

But then around 50,000 years ago, people started migrating from Africa to Europe and Asia, right into the teeth of the Ice Age. To survive in the winter you had to engage in ice fishing or big-game hunting, both of which are very complex activities. Humanity transformed itself radically from this East African being to homo technologicus, the creature who can cope with all sorts of novel environments through technological creation. That is the basis on which we became a global species.

We go to places like Mars, which are perhaps comparatively hostile to us in the way that Europe was to early tropical man. But we figure out how to address that. Ultimately it leads to the creation of a human story that is richer and vaster in its possibilities. Human societies on thousands of planets orbiting thousands of stars in this region of the galaxy. Innumerable social forms and vast arrays of technologies that are as yet unconceived. A profusion of artistic creation and literatures. So yes, a new type of human civilization. That's the stakes.

Mars is the critical test that will determine whether we become a spacefaring species or whether we continue to be limited to Earth. That's why humans-to-Mars is the most important thing that our society will do when viewed from the future. It's going to be risky when people go to Mars for the first time. But nothing great in human history has ever been accomplished without courage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 AM


Leading fugitive Saudi militant killed in Iraq (SALAH NASRAWI, 6/23/05, AP)

One of Saudi Arabia's most-wanted suspected terrorists was killed by an airstrike during fighting with U.S. and Iraqi forces in northwest Iraq, the leader of the al-Qaida in Iraq group said in a Web statement posted Thursday.

Abdullah Mohammed Rashid al-Roshoud had been No. 24 on a list of the 26 most-wanted terrorist leaders put out by Saudi Arabia two years ago and was one of only three militants on the list still at large.

The Web posting, the authenticity of which could not be confirmed, said he slipped into Iraq in April.

Al-Roshoud was killed in fighting near the town of Qaim, on the border with Syria, said the statement, signed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most notorious terror leader in Iraq. U.S. forces have launched a series of offensives near Qaim in past weeks against militants slipping into Iraq.

The Saudi militant "was participating in the battles of Qaim ... when the Crusader forces tried to descend on the area," the site said. Al-Roshoud and a group of mujahedeen fought back "and killed some of the Crusaders until the enemies of God had to withdraw."

"When the Crusaders could not enter the area, the only thing they could do was bombard the mujahedeen with warplanes," it said. "Our sheik (al-Roshoud) got what he wished"-- martyrdom.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM

IRREDUCIBLE (via Robert Schwartz):

'A Different Universe': You Are More Important Than a Quark (KEAY DAVIDSON, 6/19/05, NY Times)

EVERY child knows how to learn what makes a toy work: bust it open. In that sense, we're all born reductionists, whose philosophy holds that anything can be explained by breaking it into its component parts. By analyzing them, one discovers how the parts act together to produce larger phenomena. If you crack open a windup clock, you can examine its gears to see what makes it tick.

Some people resent reductionism because it sweeps away many mysteries. Behind spooky phenomena, reductionists have shown, are the ordinary ticktocks of nature's machinery, the concealed ropes and pulleys of cosmic-scale Penn and Teller tricks. Indeed, reductionism has reinforced the old philosophical suspicion that there is something vaguely unreal about ''reality'': as the Greek philosopher Democritus said, it's all just atoms and the void. To a hyper-reductionist, the invisibly small microworld is more ''real'' than everything else. Bigger objects -- cats, toasters, people, the sun, galactic superclusters -- are just second-order consequences. The atoms or quarks or leptons (or ''strings,'' if you follow the latest trendy theories) are what count, while you and I are just ephemera.

It's a disillusioning view, but so far it has yielded undeniable benefits. By breaking matter into atoms, subatomic particles and subatomic forces, and by disassembling living organisms into such discrete elements as cells, genes, enzymes and so forth, scientists have learned much about how nature works, and how we can make it do our bidding.

Inevitably, reductionism has been overused. Not everything can be reduced to cosmic nuts and bolts. In the emerging sciences of the 21st century, many researchers are dusting off an old saying: ''The whole is more than the sum of its parts.''

A recent example: many molecular biologists once thought the chemical information stored on DNA coded for the full complexity of living organisms. But a few years ago, the Human Genome Project revealed people have far too few genes (not many more than a roundworm) to account for the kaleidoscopic complexity of the human body. By itself, it appears, DNA cannot explain it any more than you can infer the United States Constitution from the traffic laws of Topeka. Somehow, biologists propose, higher-level ''organizational'' or ''emergent'' principles switch on at larger sizes, such as on the scale of proteins.

Even physicists, wizards of the nonliving realm, are talking about emergent properties. Their change of heart is not easy, though, as Robert B. Laughlin, who received a Nobel Prize in Physics, shows us in his important, brain-tickling new book, ''A Different Universe.'' [...]

Talk of emergence makes many scientists nervous. The word, after all, has been co-opted by all kinds of people who have bowdlerized it, along with once precise terms like ''holistic'' and ''paradigm,'' for trivial purposes. More pertinent, emergence seems to defy common sense, just as the notion of the sphericity of the earth once did. There are no emergent principles in money, for example: 100 million pennies equals $1 million, not an emergent $2 million. To our primate brains, the whole is the sum of its parts. But when I once griped about the counterintuitiveness of quantum physics, a scientist at the University of Illinois replied dryly, ''Common sense is a poor guide to the nature of reality.''

Laughlin's thesis is intriguing, if not completely persuasive. I can't help wondering if hard-core reductionists will eventually explain emergent phenomena in reductionist terms; they've pulled rabbits out of hats before. Still, his thesis reminds us of the great value of something most physicists assume they can live without: philosophy. Behind the seemingly concrete principles, practices and instruments of any laboratory, there are certain philosophical assumptions, often unexamined. In the 19th century physicists were hypnotized by the myth of the cosmic ether, an invisible medium through which light rippled, as waves ripple across a pond. In 1905, Albert Einstein, then a young patent clerk, awakened them. Likewise, Laughlin says, physicists face a philosophical ''crisis'' over emergence, ''a confrontation between reductionist and emergent principles that continues today.'' In the history of science, philosophical crises often precede scientific revolutions.

This year is the 100th anniversary of Einstein's revolution. In Laughlin's view, another physics revolution is coming. He mocks speculations in the 1990's about an imminent end of science: ''We live not at the end of discovery but at the end of Reductionism, a time in which the false ideology of human mastery of all things through microscopics is being swept away by events and reason.'' To invoke a familiar metaphor, physicists have fruitfully spent the last century trying to map every twig, acorn and bird's nest in the trees. Now it's time to step back and see the forest.

I've never understood how people could believe in an infinitely large universe/existence but also in a basic particle. Mustn't each particle we discover be made up of smaller ones ad infinitum?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 AM


More memos: Brits backed Sunni-led Iraq (KNUT ROYCE, June 23, 2005, Newsday)

The British government, in sharp disagreement with the United States' ultimate position, believed that post-invasion Iraq should be run by a Sunni-led government and not one controlled by the majority Shias.

One of the so-called Downing Street documents, secret internal British memos stirring controversy on both sides of the Atlantic, drafted March 8, 2002, recommended two possibilities for a post-Saddam Hussein government -- one run by a benevolent "Sunni military strongman," and the second, which it clearly preferred, for a "representative, broadly democratic government ... Sunni-led but within a federal structure."

The election process dictated by the United States resulted in the Shias, who represent 60 percent of the population, assuming a dominant role in the executive and legislative branches, as well as in drafting a new constitution.

As Kanan Makiya points out, the one big mistake we made in Iraq was undertaking the occupation and not handing over sovereignty to Iraqis immediately. Trying to keep the Sunni in control though would have delegitimized the war.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Public Broadcasters' Tightrope Over Funds (LORNE MANLY, 6/23/05, NY Times)

"The Brian Lehrer Show" decided to tackle a topic this week that could hardly be knottier for its radio station, devoting about an hour on Monday to the battle over a possible cut in federal funds for public broadcasters like its own station, WNYC.

About a quarter of the way through the program's coverage, Mr. Lehrer went to a break. On came a promotional spot with Laura Walker, the WNYC president and chief executive, explaining how a bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee could severely cut into the station's annual operating revenue and programming.

When he returned to the show, Mr. Lehrer seemed a bit surprised by the spot that had been broadcast. Chuckling a little, he told listeners, "It's just a coincidence it came up now, actually." Then he turned to the first of two station presidents to discuss how the financing cut could affect their operations - Ms. Walker of WNYC.

That jarring juxtaposition of news programming and self-interested promotion exemplifies the fine line that public broadcasters are walking as they mobilize to combat threats to their financing.

It's an odd notion the public radio folks have that running commercials would make them beholden to the business sector but that they can remain perfectly independent while suckling at the government teat.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:53 AM


Patrick upset, confused by comments from Formula One boss (Seattle Times, 6/23/05)

Patrick upset, confused by comments: Danica Patrick is upset at Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone and confused by his comments likening women to "domestic appliances."

Patrick received a telephone call from Ecclestone last week during which he congratulated the Indy Racing League rookie for her performance at the Indianapolis 500. But he also reiterated remarks he had made during an interview at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Among the comments Ecclestone made in the interview and to Patrick was: "Women should be all dressed in white like all other domestic appliances."

Everyone knows they should be dressed in tweed, like Margaret Thatcher...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


British may gain an ally in Merkel (Judy Dempsey, 6/23/05, International Herald Tribune)

he woman viewed as the likely next German chancellor will take Tony Blair's side in Europe's rancorous debate over how to finance the European Union, senior party officials said Wednesday.

Angela Merkel, the leader of the Christian Democrats and the challenger of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in elections expected this autumn, supports the British prime minister's call for changes to the EU budget, including a rethinking of agricultural subsidies, her aides said.

The farm subsidies are vociferously backed by France, Germany's traditional partner at the heart of Europe. A switch in direction by Berlin would be felt quite painfully in Paris, and could also augur a major realignment of loyalties within the Union.

"It is possible for Britain to accept a change in the rebate on the understanding that subsidies in agriculture be reduced over time," said Friedbert Pflüger, the foreign policy spokesman for the Christian Democrats. "There should be a debate about the budget as a whole."

The French thought the Germans safely at their feet...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 AM


Malaysia works to sell Islam on trade benefits (Wayne Arnold, 6/23/05, The New York Times)

Now run by [Mahathir bin Mohamad's] more diplomatic successor, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysia's government is pushing Mahathir's message through the Islamic conference itself by shifting the group's traditionally political focus to the promotion of trade and finance as a means of achieving prosperity for its 57 members. The OIC, as the conference is known, is the world's largest Islamic organization.

In the Malaysian capital, the government is using the 30th meeting of the OIC's Islamic Development Bank to push an agenda that would give the organization a more direct role in economic integration and development.

"It is economic strength which can give the OIC greater clout and secure for itself a more influential voice in international affairs," Abdullah told delegates to a two-day OIC trade forum.

Among Malaysia's proposals are the creation of an $11 billion infrastructure fund, a master plan for developing financial services in the Muslim world and the creation of a pan-Islamic trading bloc. If approved, Malaysia's initiatives could mark an important juncture in the life of the OIC, whose members, ranging from oil-rich Qatar to war-devastated Sierra Leone, have little in common but religious faith.

In some ways, Malaysia appears to want the OIC to make the same transition that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations made a generation ago, shifting from an organization based on shared diplomatic interests into an agent for promoting development through trade and investment.

"The OIC has really been quite a political organization, but more and more the feeling is that the emphasis should be more on economic issues and economic integration," said Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Malaysia's top finance ministry official after Abdullah, and who is also finance minister, in an interview.

Nothing would transform their politics like economic development.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:27 AM


Brown warns EU: 'You must follow Britain's example' (JAMES KIRKUP, 6/23/05, The Scotsman)

GORDON Brown last night delivered Britain's economic ultimatum to other European Union nations: reform or die.

The blunt call for more and faster moves to open up the moribund European economy came even as Tony Blair was trying to restore ties strained by his strident calls to overhaul the entire EU budget.

Economic reform would slow the pace at which they're dying, but unlessthey deal with their secularization problem they're still terminal.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November?: David Prior of the Parliamentary Archives explains why we should be thinking about the Gunpowder Plot unseasonably early, this year. (David Prior, July 2005, History Today)

About three years ago I, with colleagues at the Palace of Westminster, realized that we were approaching the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, when Guy Fawkes and a band of fellow conspirators tried to blow up the King as he attended the Houses of Parliament. To many English children, Bonfire Night, with its fireworks and Guy atop a blazing bonfire, used to be – and perhaps still is – one of the most exciting nights of the year, but the reason for it all is not always that obvious. Why did we take part in these strange rituals? What did the Plot mean in 1605, what does it mean now? All this seemed an ideal subject for investigation in an exhibition, staged on the very site of the planned atrocity.

The Plot stands on top of a major faultline that runs through British history since the Reformation, and is inevitably caught up in the events of the modern world in which we live. This becomes apparent on even a cursory glance at the state of England at the accession of James I in 1603. The Protestant Queen Elizabeth herself had been excommunicated by the Pope and her government had taken a hard line against Catholic recusants, seeing them as potential traitors; but with the arrival of the new dynasty Catholic hopes were high that James Stuart would usher in an age of religous toleration. It was not long, however, before disappointment with the King’s policies triggered talk of conspiracies, and moved some to consider that the only route to restoring England to the Catholic fold was to assassinate James and his ministers during the State Opening of Parliament, seize the young Princess Elizabeth and Prince Charles and establish a friendly government that would restore the Catholic faith.

Of the conspirators it is the former soldier Guy Fawkes who became the most notorious, and who has had, for four centuries, the kind of name-recognition a modern-day celebrity would die for (although it literally had to be wrung out of him, as he insisted for several days of interrogation that his name was John Johnson). Fawkes was the man caught in the act but the mastermind behind the conspiracy was in fact the disaffected Warwickshire Catholic gentleman Robert Catesby. The dramatic circumstances in which Fawkes was caught red-handed with almost a ton of gunpowder in an undercroft under the House of Lords, and the subsequent deaths of several key figures in a bloody confrontation in Staffordshire, have assisted Fawkes’ transformation into an icon of the Plot. That this is one of the best-known events in English history also owes much to the fact that an Act of Parliament in 1606 enshrined November 5th as a day of thanksgiving. In addition, the murky story of the affair, with a large cast of characters, and the mysterious appearance of an unsigned letter warning Lord Monteagle not to attend the State Opening of Parliament, is one with which conspiracy theorists can have a field day.

During the seventeenth century, November 5th became established as a popular day for sermons as well as bell-ringing and bonfires. Hostility towards Catholicism – a central part of the appeal of the commemorations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries – gradually became just one thread in a tapestry of general rowdiness and celebration; and it was the figure of Fawkes, rather than the Pope or the Devil, that was placed on top of bonfires. In 1859, in an atmosphere of growing religious toleration, the 1606 Act was abolished. By the 1870s there was increased emphasis on private bonfires and firework parties, and children would collect money in the street to finance them. The rhymes that accompanied these events, though, still left no doubt as to why this was happening: ‘Remember, Remember, the 5th of November/Gunpowder, Treason and Plot’. Bonfire Night private and public events continued through the twentieth century. Now, however, 400 years on, the historic English festival faces competition from the brash American import, Halloween, and the Hindu festival of Diwali, as a late-autumn celebration.

Four centuries on, the Plot remains a difficult subject to tackle, given that religious divides and terrorist violence against the state lie at its heart. Despite this, 2005 will see a range of events examining different aspects of November 1605 in the ‘Gunpowder Trail’, a series of activities staged by a range of institutions in and around London to mark ‘Gunpowder Plot 400’.

Why not launch a war with France on November 5th?

June 22, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:10 PM


Korea bans baseball cabbage pitch (BBC)

South Korea's baseball authorities have banned a star pitcher from wearing frozen cabbage leaves in his cap to keep cool during games.

The Korean Baseball Association met in special session after cabbage leaves twice fell from Park Myung-Hwan's cap live on television.

After two hours, the committee ruled that cabbage was a "foreign substance" and therefore banned from the field.

Players may now only wear cabbage by presenting a doctor's note in advance.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 PM


Romney eyes penalties for those lacking insurance (Scott S. Greenberger, June 22, 2005, Boston Globe)

Massachusetts residents who choose not to obtain health insurance would face tax penalties and even the garnishing of their wages under a proposal Governor Mitt Romney unveiled yesterday.

Romney says the ''individual mandate" he is proposing, part of his broader plan to cover the roughly 500,000 people who are uninsured, would not cost the state any money. But some healthcare specialists say the approach might cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than state taxpayers currently provide for government health coverage.

Romney's plan would require all residents in Massachusetts to have some form of health insurance or agree to pay their medical bills out of their own pockets. No other state has such a requirement, and if Romney manages to make it law, it would be a compelling accomplishment he could point to if he runs for president.

Currently, people without health insurance often go to hospitals and receive care they never pay for, because the hospital and the state pick up the tab. Under Romney's proposal, uninsured Massachusetts residents would be asked to enroll in a plan when they seek care.

If they refuse, the state could recoup the medical costs in several ways, Romney said yesterday: The state might cancel the personal tax exemption on their state income taxes, which is worth about $175. It could withhold some or all of their state income tax refund and deposit it in what Romney called a ''personal healthcare spending account." Or, it might take money out of the person's paycheck, as it does now to collect child support.

''No more 'free riding,' if you will, where an individual says: 'I'm not going to pay, even though I can afford it. I'm not going to get insurance, even though I can afford it. I'm instead going to just show up and make the taxpayers pay for me,' " Romney told reporters after a healthcare speech at the John F. Kennedy Library.

If you want care and can afford coverage, then pay for it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:14 PM


Lively politics worries China (HARVEY STOCKWIN, 6/23/05, Japan Times)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 PM


Doctors Say They're Spiritual (CBS News, June 22, 2005)

A survey examining religion in medicine found that most U.S. doctors believe in God and an afterlife - a surprising degree of spirituality in a science-based field, researchers say.

In the survey of 1,044 doctors nationwide, 76 percent said they believe in God, 59 percent said they believe in some sort of afterlife, and 55 percent said their religious beliefs influence how they practice medicine.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 PM


Kanan Makiya (Open Source, June 22nd, 2005)

Not sure if this interview is available on-line--the website stinks--but it was just hilarious listening to the host and every casller tell Mr. Makiya that he had to be wrong about his own country of Iraq because George Bush can't be right.

Iraq Appeals for Help to Build a Democracy Amid an Insurgency: Interim leaders set out their political and economic development goals at aid conference. (Tyler Marshall, June 23, 2005, LA Times)

Leaders of Iraq's transitional government appealed to a gathering of more than 80 nations and international organizations Wednesday for help to build a democratic state and defeat the virulent insurgency gripping the country.

Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jafari described battling the insurgency as "a struggle between the forces of good and evil."

"We must stand together against terrorism," Jafari told delegates to the session, which was co-sponsored by the United States and the European Union.

After a day of hearing Iraqi leaders set out their political and economic development goals, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said: "Today, Iraq and the international community have turned a page together. We've promised each other we will be full partners in supporting Iraq."

The War is Over, and We Won (Karl Zinsmeister, July 2005, American Enterprise)
Your editor returned to Iraq in April and May of 2005 for another embedded period of reporting. I could immediately see improvements compared to my earlier extended tours during 2003 and 2004. The Iraqi security forces, for example, are vastly more competent, and in some cases quite inspiring. Baghdad is now choked with traffic. Cell phones have spread like wildfire. And satellite TV dishes sprout from even the most humble mud hovels in the countryside.

Many of the soldiers I spent time with during this spring had also been deployed during the initial invasion back in 2003. Almost universally they talked to me about how much change they could see in the country. They noted progress in the attitudes of the people, in the condition of important infrastructure, in security.

I observed many examples of this myself. Take the two very different Baghdad neighborhoods of Haifa Street and Sadr City. The first is an upper-end commercial district in the heart of downtown. The second is one of Baghdad’s worst slums, on the city’s north edge.

I spent lots of time walking both neighborhoods this spring—something that would not have been possible a year earlier, when both were active war zones, where tanks poured shells into buildings on a regular basis. Today, the primary work of our soldiers in each area is rebuilding sewers, paving roads, getting buildings repaired and secured, supplying schools and hospitals, getting trash picked up, managing traffic, and encouraging honest local governance.

What the establishment media covering Iraq have utterly failed to make clear today is this central reality: With the exception of periodic flare-ups in isolated corners, our struggle in Iraq as warfare is over. Egregious acts of terror will continue—in Iraq as in many other parts of the world. But there is now no chance whatever of the U.S. losing this critical guerilla war.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 PM


Recess post unlikely for Bolton (TIMOTHY M. PHELPS, June 22, 2005, Newsday)

At midday yesterday, it seemed that John Bolton's nomination to become United Nations ambassador was doomed in the Senate.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist told the Associated Press there was nothing more he could do after the Senate failed to cut off debate on the nomination Monday.

At that point, speculation was intense here that President George W. Bush would flout the Senate by giving Bolton a temporary recess appointment that does not require confirmation.

An hour later, after lunching with Bush, an apparently embarrassed majority leader reversed himself, saying, "The president made it very clear that he expects an up or down vote." He said there was no talk at the lunch of a recess appointment.

The problem, according to diplomats at the State Department and the UN, is that Bolton may not be willing to accept a recess appointment.

The more you learn about Mr. Bolton the more filibuster-worthy he seems.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 PM


20%: Gitmo Prisoners Treated Unfairly (RasmussenReports.com, June 22, 2005)

A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 20% of Americans believe prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have been treated unfairly. Seven-out-of-ten adults believe the prisoners are being treated "better than they deserve" (36%) or "about right" (34%).

The survey also found that just 14% agree with people who say that prisoner treatment at Guantanamo Bay is similar to Nazi tactics. Sixty-nine percent disagree with that comparison.

As Brother Murphy points out, I was quite wrong about Howard Dean and the current Democratic leadership just trying to protect their core 40% of the electorate. They've apparently decided to halve that.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 PM


Democrats Call for Firing of Broadcast Chairman (STEPHEN LABATON, 6/22/05, NY Times)

Sixteen Democratic senators called on President Bush to remove Kenneth Y. Tomlinson as head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting because of their concerns that he is injecting partisan politics into public radio and television.

"We urge you to immediately replace Mr. Tomlinson with an executive who takes his or her responsibility to the public television system seriously, not one who so seriously undermines the credibility and mission of public television," wrote the senators.

They included Charles E. Schumer of New York, Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, Jon Corzine and Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey, Bill Nelson of Florida, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts and Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California.

Also on Tuesday, Democratic lawmakers joined other supporters of public broadcasting, including children and characters from PBS children's programs, to protest House Republicans' proposed cuts in financing for the corporation.

As Brother Turley points out, the picture makes the story. The characters shown are an indicator of just how bad the programming has gotten.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:59 AM


The wages of fundamentalism (Peter Watson, International Herald Tribune, June 22nd, 2005)

For decades, "big science" - indeed any kind of science - has been led by the United States. There are warning signs, however, that American science is losing its edge, and may even have peaked. One reason is that as religious and political fundamentalism tighten their grip, they are beginning to sap America's intellectual vitality.[...]

Yet history shows that fundamentalism leads only to stagnation and disaster.

Look back at the four great eras of fundamentalism in world history. Under the influence of the Israelite zealots in the centuries before Christ, ancient Israel dropped behind the surrounding civilizations both politically and materially, and provoked the Romans, who annihilated them, sparking a diaspora which lasted 2,000 years. Christianity in the Roman Empire led to half a millennium of dark ages, ending only with the rediscovery of Aristotle in the 12th century. Ascetic Buddhist fundamentalism in China from the fourth century to the ninth century resulted in 4,600 monasteries being destroyed, before the Song renaissance released the finest flowering of Chinese civilization. And Islamic fundamentalism beginning in Baghdad around 1067 led to a millennium of backwardness, which still afflicts the Islamic world.

By contrast, the very history of modern Europe - the scientific revolution, the Enlightenment, the modernist battles of the 19th century - may be characterized as the victory of rationalism and science over religious dogmatism. Europe is the birthplace of science. It was in the universities of Europe, in the 12th and 13th centuries, that the experiment was conceived and the testing of hypotheses became a rival form of authority to that of the church, creating the accuracy, efficiency and prosperity on which the modern world is founded.

Whatever Europe is, it is emphatically open-minded, especially about science, the most important activity yet invented.

Here in all their pithy, eloquent splendour are the articles of faith of the modern doctinaire rationalist. Never mind the artful sidestepping of twentieth century horrors, so swept up is Mr. Watson in the poetry of his anti-historical fable that he fails to ask himself why Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all thriving while Rome, “the finest flowering of Chinese civilization” and classical European culture are all dead. Still less why America thrives and Europe sputters. Presumably he does this because in the end it doesn’t really matter to him what havoc his beloved rationalism might unleash. The experiment is sweet and must proceed unfettered. If history must be rewritten to show that it was good as well, then rewritten it will be.

At a party the other evening, I met a thoroughly pleasant, British-born chap of mainstream liberal views. At one point the conversation turned to the States, as it always seems to do these days, and he allowed that he was terribly worried about the influence of American fundamentalists, that indigenous American species that strikes terror in the heart of many non-Americans despite their never having met one. Of course, religion generally was perfectly acceptable to him “for those who are into that kind of thing”, but he saw fundamentalism as akin to a black, menacing cloud spreading across the sky on a humid summer afternoon. We jousted guardedly and respectfully and spoke mainly in generalities, but he was completely unable to name one specific thing he feared from the influence of fundamentalism in the States, or anywhere in the West. As I was too polite to suggest he was worried that it might crimp his sex life, the matter was left vague and inconclusive. But, troubled as he may have been by his inability to be concrete, his underlying conviction still held very firm.

Whatever specific legitimate controversies arise about the role of religion in public life, a sweeping, unfocussed condemnation of fundamentalism is often just a cover for modern ideological anti-Americanism. Its irrationality is evidenced by the fact that the same people who express this view will usually then delight in condemning American society as hopelessly materialist and addicted to unrestrained consumption without even pausing to taking a breath. The sentiment is not personal–some of their best friends really are always Americans–and there are plenty of articulate, well-educated Americans only too happy to fuel the prejudice. But the fatuous and dangerous close-mindedness of the Peter Watsons of the world goes pretty much unchallenged in the rest of the West, a fact that leads one to wonder whether much of the burden of saving civilization isn’t currently being carried by revivalist churchgoers in rural Alabama.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


No back talk; this could save lives: California legislators propose banning young provisional drivers from using cellphones. (Jeanne Wright, June 22, 2005, LA Times)

When Nicole Arney, 17, was killed last month in a accident as she drove along Highway 36 near Eureka, the teenager had been talking on a cellphone, speeding and not wearing a seat belt, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Traveling 50 to 60 mph in a 20-mph zone, her minivan encountered a sharp curve, flipped over a guardrail and plummeted 300 feet down an embankment. Nicole, of nearby Carlotta, was ejected from the vehicle and died at the scene. The crash was so forceful, the vehicle was "flattened down to about 2 feet," said CHP Sgt. Tom Allen.

Excessive speed, using a cellphone while driving, inattention and her failure to buckle up all likely contributed to the fatal accident, Allen said. Shortly before the crash, the teenager told her friend on the cellphone that her foot was caught on something in the vehicle.

It's tragic accidents such as this that have recently prompted California legislators to propose banning teen provisional drivers from talking on cellphones — including hands-free devices — while on the road. Motor-vehicle crashes are the No. 1 cause of death and serious injury among young people nationwide. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that the number of U.S. motor-vehicle fatalities involving 16- to 20-year olds rose to 7,405 last year, up from 7,353 the previous year.

Legislators in California and a growing number of other states say something has to be done to curtail such tragedies. Proposed solutions include minor citations for young drivers and ticketing their parents.

M.A.D.D. did it backwards--we should raise the driving age to 21. And should ban cell phone use in moving vehicles.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


His graduate course in politics: Michael Davidson wants to lead the College Republicans. (Robin Abcarian, June 22, 2005, LA Times)

Michael Davidson, Republican of Berkeley, is standing in the circular, two-story foyer of a Mediterranean dream home in a gated neighborhood in Laguna Niguel, sounding every bit like a headliner at a political fundraiser — which he is.

Davidson, 25, is running for chairman of the College Republican National Committee, a powerful grass-roots organization with thousands of members and a multimillion-dollar budget. He's in the race partly because of a fundraising controversy that has threatened to tarnish the group's reputation. And he has taken on a young man from South Dakota who was, until Davidson declared in February, heir apparent to the chairmanship.

On Saturday, at its biannual convention in Virginia, College Republicans will elect a new leader after months of charges, countercharges, endorsement switches and a blogosphere gone wild.

On this night, however, at the home of GOP activists Wayne and Linda Lindholm, Davidson does not dwell on dirty laundry. He does not mention the infamous "lapel pin letter" that brought the fundraising controversy to the forefront last year. Instead, flanked by four American flags and hand-painted signs, Davidson confidently delivers — seemingly off the cuff — an anecdote-rich speech about his triumphs as a conservative on a liberal campus. In Orange County — where George Bush captured nearly 60% of the vote in 2004 — this theme resonates.

Add to that a dash of Sept. 11 patriotism and Davidson is mining rhetorical gold:

"On Berkeley's campus after 9/11, they told us, 'You can't have red, white and blue ribbons. The American flag is divisive.' So we flipped out to say the least." Dueling press conferences ensued. And then, "The wrath of an angry nation descends upon the chancellor at Berkeley and he blinks." The College Republicans ended up distributing about 5,000 ribbons on the campus.

"Just think what it would have been like if the College Republicans hadn't been there!" says Davidson, who clearly relishes his Daniel-in-the-lion's-den image. Davidson will raise at least $1,000 at this event, but it's barely a dent in the $200,000 he estimates his campaign will cost.

So far, no one has made the leap from College Republican chairman to the Oval Office, but whoever controls the College Republicans — and its 120,000 members on 1,148 campuses — wields clout in real-world races, makes sterling connections and earns a black belt in the art of political combat. Former College Republican bigwigs include party luminaries and operatives such as Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, Ralph Reed and lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Nice dig.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 AM


A good Scout returns — for now: Mary Badham, who earned an Oscar nomination for "To Kill a Mockingbird," is back on the screen, 39 years after her last movie. (Susan King, June 22, 2005, LA Times)

Mary Badham gave one of the greatest child performances as the tomboyish 6-year-old Scout in the classic 1962 adaptation of Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

It was one of those rare times when character and actor blended seamlessly together. Many film critics say her scenes with Oscar-winner Gregory Peck, who played her widowed father — the principled, honorable attorney Atticus Finch — are among the most tender ever put on screen.

Badham received an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress but lost to another juvenile performer, Patty Duke for "The Miracle Worker." Post-"Mockingbird," the Alabama-born Badham appeared in a 1964 episode of "The Twilight Zone" and two movies in 1966, "This Property Is Condemned" and "Let's Kill Uncle."

Not long after, she willingly retired from the spotlight. She later married, raised two children and had pretty much put the film business behind her — that is until writer/director Cameron Watson managed to coax her out of retirement.

Badham has a cameo in Watson's new family film, "Our Very Own," which premieres today at the Los Angeles Film Festival. The nostalgic drama, which doesn't have a distributor yet, is set in Shelbyville, Tenn., in 1978 and revolves around five star-struck teenagers who set out to meet actress Sondra Locke. Badham's character has a pivotal encounter with Keith Carradine, who plays the troubled father of one of the teenagers (Jason Ritter).

Watson says it was always his dream to entice Badham to come out of retirement. "As a child 'To Kill a Mockingbird' was an important film to me and I always thought ... she gave the greatest childhood performance ever."

One scene in To Kill a Mockingbird has always seemed to sum up America--the one where a rabid dog shows up on the Finch family's street. Scout and Jem run for the housekeeper, Calpurnia, and she summons Atticus, who arrives shortly, Sheriff Heck Tate in tow. The bloodthirsty kids watch eagerly, anticipating that Tate will shoot the dog, but to their bewilderment he asks Atticus to do it. Atticus, who in their eyes is a sort of effete intellectual, turns out to have been the best shot in the county, though he dislikes hunting. Atticus puts the dog down as his children stare at him, mouths agape, a newfound awe and respect evident in their adoring eyes. Humbly, Atticus hands back the gun and heads back to work, an unpleasant duty done.

Posted by Jim Siegel at 7:49 AM


Chronicling Jefferson, Bradbury (GARY SHAPIRO, June 21, 2005, NY Sun)

"He can look at anything and a story idea comes to him," said Sam Weller, speaking Tuesday about 84-year-old science-fiction author Ray Bradbury, whose biography The Bradbury Chronicles: The Life of Ray Bradbury", he has just written. He told the audience at Barnes & Noble in Greenwich Village that the book was not only about a life but also about the "birth of an imagination."

Mr. Bradbury's famous works "The Martian Chronicles" and "Fahrenheit 451" are part of our popular culture, Mr. Weller said. There have been operas and comic books based on Mr. Bradbury's works, and few writers can boast of having a crater on the moon named after one of their works. Mr. Bradbury also wrote scripts for John Huston films and Alfred Hitchcock's television series, and worked on the design of the U.S. pavilion in the World's Fair in 1964. Last November, President Bush presented Mr. Bradbury with the National Medal of Arts, and Mr. Weller accompanied the famed science-fiction author to the White House.

At the talk, Mr. Weller spoke of influences on Mr. Bradbury, including movies ("his visualization is very cinematic") and his Aunt Neva, an artist who was part of a Jazz Age, absinthe drinking set and who helped "usher him into the fantastic." Mr. Weller spoke of Mr. Bradbury's view that neither fear nor too much forethought should interfere with creativity. His mantra is "Jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down." [...]

The Knickerbocker asked what upcoming works of Ray Bradbury the public might see. Mr. Weller mentioned Mr. Bradbury's sequel to "Dandelion Wine," called "Farewell Summer," would eventually be published. [...]

In his remarks, Mr. Weller also described Mr. Bradbury's relationship with technology. The famed science-fiction author never learned to drive a car. He loves the fax machine and is beginning to enjoy e-mail "but is still opposed to the Internet." Mr. Bradbury did once receive a laptop computer from Arthur C. Clarke, Mr. Weller said, but he gave it away.

After sufficient urging from the Brothers I finally read Bradbury's Dandelion Wine. It was so good I did so with a pen to mark many passages that I would want to go back to again, such as:
“You can depend on me,” said Tom.

“It’s not you I worry about,” said Douglas. “It’s the way God runs the world.”

Tom thought about this for a moment.

“He’s all right, Doug,” said Tom. “He tries.”

And I would add, God needs us to try as well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 AM


Hard words from Schroder against Blair (Honor Mahony, 22.06.2005, EU Observer)

German chancellor Gerhard Schroder has put himself on confrontation course with prime minister Tony Blair following strong comments about his British counterpart on Tuesday (21 June).

While not referring to Mr Blair directly by name, the chancellor said that the EU's "values" were under threat since the collapse of the summit last week.

"There is a special European social model to protect that has developed on the continent," said Mr Schroder.

"Those who want to destroy this model due to national egotism or populist motives do a terrible disservice to the desires and rights of the next generation" the chancellor added.

The words were another reference to accusations levelled at Mr Blair directly after the summit that all London wants out of the EU is a free market zone. [...]

But despite the harsh words emanating from Germany and Luxembourg and supported by France, Mr Blair is holding tough.

In a guest comment for mass-selling German Bild newspaper on Wednesday, the British leader once again outlined why he believes the common agriculture policy is outdated and how more money needs to be spent in other innovative areas.

He also strongly rejected the accusation that he sees Europe just as a free trade zone.

But it is not an entirely lonely front, he has strong support from Sweden, another country that had threatened to veto the talks unless there was some movement on farm subsidies.

Swedish prime minister Goran Persson visited the British leader in London on Tuesday and emerged after the meeting full of praise.

According to Swedish papers, Mr Persson said "He is a world politician, no other European politician can speak to the people in the 25 countries like Blair can".

He also indicated that Stockholm is firmly on London’s side when it comes to the divison between British ideas and the "old ideas" about Europe.

At the point where you're accusing your enemy of playing to popular opinion you've lost.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:23 AM


FINDING MY RELIGION: Music leads pianist to a life of Catholicism (David Ian Miller, June 20, 2005, SF Gate)

Classical pianist Jacqueline Chew rebelled against her Christian upbringing and became an atheist while attending the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in the 1970s. But her love of music eventually led her back to a spiritual life.

Chew was so taken with the work of Olivier Messiaen, a pioneering French composer known for his sacred Catholic music, that after hearing his composition "Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jesus" ("Twenty Contemplations of the Infant Jesus"), she began questioning her belief that God does not exist. The more she learned about the music, the more religious she became. [...]

You told me that hearing Olivier Messiaen's 20-part work inspired you to pursue a spiritual path after becoming an atheist. How did you first hear the music?

Someone at the conservatory where I was studying was playing some of the pieces and asked me to turn pages. I had never heard of Messiaen, or any of his recordings. And there it was -- I was turning pages, and it was just so compelling that I literally couldn't breathe. I knew I had to play it. I think I learned about five pieces, and then I didn't know how to go any further, because, at that time, there wasn't anyone teaching Messiaen in school. That's when I went to [conductor] Kent Nagano. He was doing a survey of Messiaen's pieces with the Berkeley Symphony. Kent said that I should play the whole piece [all 20 parts]. At first, I laughed, because it's over two hours long! And then I went home and I said to myself, "Yeah, I should do that."

Eventually, Nagano invited you to Amsterdam to meet Messiaen and his wife. What was that like?

When I met him, he was already in his late 70s, and his health was beginning to decline. He was well known, but he certainly didn't act like that. He was very quiet and humble, and that made a big impression on me. I really believe that his focus was on his Catholic faith and his beliefs about God. It wasn't about how good he was as a composer or how important he would be in history. It was about what he was doing to give God glory. So I try to think about that when I play his music, too.

What about Messiaen's music moves you?

His music is very extreme. Some of it is very big and fast and just ecstatic, some of it is very slow, and so it covers a lot of ground. Initially, it was the big music that grabbed me. I felt like, "Wow, this is something that can't be contained -- it's too big." And that's what I wanted to be a part of. Then, later on, the slower, contemplative pieces spoke to me. When I played for the Camaldolese monks last Christmas, it was perfect, because they are so used to not moving. They just sat there in silence.

Lots of people listen to music and feel something powerful happen, but not everyone would call that a spiritual experience. What is it about Messiaen's music that you find spiritual?

It's spiritual because it brings me to a place where I can be close to God. Other people might have a different vocabulary for it, but that's the way I feel. His harmonies are very unusual. He imagines certain colors and puts the notes together to match those thoughts. When I hear those harmonies, I feel like I'm in heaven.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:05 AM


Pro Bono: The president and the singer make common cause on Africa. (Fred Barnes, 06/27/2005, Weekly Standard)

THE QUESTION ASKED OF THE president by a British reporter sounded like a setup, aimed at getting Bush to dismiss Bono and reject the U2 singer's pleas for aid to poor, debt-laden countries as mere "rhetoric from rock stars." And, at first, Bush seemed to take the bait. "Part of this world," he said, "we got a lot of big talkers." But Bono, in his view, wasn't one of them. "Bono has come to see me," he said. "I admire him. He is a man of depth and a great heart who cares deeply about the impoverished folks on the continent of Africa. And I admire his leadership on the issue." On top of that, the president took exception to the reporter's condescending reference to rock stars. "I can't remember how you characterized the rock stars," he said, "but I don't characterize them that way, having met the man."

Bush has twice invited Bono to the Oval Office to discuss Africa. The first meeting, in 2002, was joined by several White House aides and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the Catholic leader in Washington. Bono is a Catholic. The second, in 2003, involved only Bush, Bono, and Condoleezza Rice, Bush's then national security adviser. Bono and Michael Gerson, the president's counselor and speechwriter, have also struck up a friendship. They lunched together in Philadelphia in May, and Gerson and his wife Dawn attended the U2 concert there that evening. Bono dedicated a song to Gerson, who had never been to a rock concert before.

"It was loud," Gerson says.

The Bush-Bono relationship symbolizes the administration's emphasis on aiding sub-Saharan Africa. "It's fair to say the president views this as a major foreign policy focus," a senior Bush aide says.

If Democrats could see through the bile filling their eye sockets they might notice that George Bush is who they thought Bill Clinton was going to be.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 AM


White House interviews candidates for Rehnquist post, official says (JAN CRAWFORD GREENBURG, 6/21/05, Chicago Tribune)

Stepping up preparations for the possible retirement of Chief Justice William Rehnquist - perhaps as early as next week - the White House has narrowed its list to a handful of federal appeals court judges and has conducted interviews with leading contenders, a senior administration official said Tuesday.

Senior White House officials and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have interviewed top candidates and briefed President Bush, but the president has not made a decision, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

White House officials also consider Gonzales to be a possible nominee, according to the official and other sources close to the administration. But the focus has been on the other judges, leaving Gonzales in a separate category because of the president's longstanding familiarity with him, the official said.

Gonzales, 49, would meet fierce opposition from the conservative groups that see him as too moderate to replace the conservative Rehnquist. As a Texas Supreme Court justice, Gonzales voted to strike down some state abortion regulations, and as White House counsel, he opposed taking a hard line against affirmative action.

But Bush has long said he would like to name the first Hispanic to the Supreme Court and likes the idea of the "Gonzales Court," sources close to the White House said. The political calculation for Bush is whether he risks offending his conservative base to make Gonzales chief justice or holds off, gambling that a liberal or more moderate justice - such as John Paul Stevens or Sandra Day O'Connor - would also retire during his presidency.

Supposedly the buzz is that he retires Monday and they've got a nominee ready for Tuesday.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Doctors Doubt Darwinism (Drs. Michael A. Glueck & Robert J. Cihak, June 3, 2005, Jewish World Review)

A recent poll by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research suggests an answer. The poll finds that 60 percent of doctors reject the mechanistic Darwinian belief that "Humans evolved naturally with no supernatural involvement — no divinity played any role." Only 38 percent of the doctors polled agreed with this statement.

Given their "hands on" experience with individual human beings, doctors appreciate the intricate design implicit in every part of the body. For example, an eye surgeon knows the intricacies of human vision in detail; so vague evolutionary stories about how the eye appeared by a process of random variation and selection do not overawe him.

Darwin himself said, "if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."

Notice that Darwin shifts the burden of proof away from his theory.

That is still three times as many believers in Darwinism as in the general population, but then they're more thoroughly indoctrinated.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

Samuel Johnson's letter to Lord Chesterfield

To The Right Honourable The Earl Of Chesterfield

7th February, 1755.

My Lord,

I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of The World, that two papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended to the public, were written by your lordship. To be so distinguished is an honour which, being very little accustomed to favours from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge.

When, upon some slight encouragement, I first visited your lordship, I was overpowered, like the rest of mankind, by the enchantment of your address, and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre;—that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending; but I found my attendance so little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to continue it. When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess. I had done all that I could; and no man is well pleased to have his all neglected, be it ever so little.

Seven years, my lord, have now passed, since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties, of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a patron before.

The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks.

Is not a patrons my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help? The notice which you have been pleased to take of my labours, had it been early, had been kind; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it: till I am solitary, and cannot impart it; till I am known, and do not want it. I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me as owing that to a patron, which providence has enabled me to do for myself.

Having carried on my work thus far with so little obligation to any favourer of learning, I shall not be disappointed though I should conclude it, if less be possible, with less; for I have been long wakened from that dream of hope, in which I once boasted myself with so much exultation,

My Lord,
Your lordship's most humble,
most obedient servant,

June 21, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:13 PM


The Bell Tolls for Europe: Tide of Reform Needed to Salvage Euro (Desmond Lachman, June 21, 2005, Australian Financial Review)

From its very inception in January 1999, the single European currency made more sense as a political than an economic idea. As a political idea, the euro has brought certain benefits in its wake. Indeed, over the past five years, there can be little doubt that, the euro has helped build European institutions and deepen European political integration. Among those institutions, the European Central bank appears to be the one that functions most cohesively and that enjoys considerable prestige across the union

While the euro might have brought political benefits to the union, it has proved to be far from an ideal currency arrangement for its 12 existing members. This point is underlined by the increasingly divergent economic growth performance amongst its individual members, with all too many of Europe’s member countries now on the cusp of recession.

To many skeptics, Europe’s relatively poor economic performance should come as no surprise. For after all, how could a single monetary policy by the ECB, which a single currency necessarily dictates, be right for countries as economically diverse as Portugal, Greece, and Italy at one end of the spectrum and Germany at the other end?

Robert Mundell, the Nobel laureate, taught us in the 1960s that a successful currency union must satisfy a number of basic conditions. All too sadly, at present these conditions are notable by their absence in the European Monetary Union. These conditions include the requirement that member countries of the union be faced with similar external shocks and that they enjoy labor and product market flexibility that allow them to quickly adapt to differing cyclical conditions. In addition, a union is more likely to thrive if its individual economies are dynamic and if there is a shared identity embedded in common political institutions.

So the only condition it doesn't meet is any of them?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 PM


Durbin Apologizes for Nazi, Gulag, Pol Pot Remarks (Sharon Kehnemui Liss, 6/21/05, Fox News)

Sen. Dick Durbin went to the Senate floor late Tuesday to offer his apologies to anyone who may have been offended by his comparison of treatment of detainees at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Nazis, Soviet gulags and Cambodia's Pol Pot.

"More than most people, a senator lives by his words ... occasionally words fail us, occasionally we will fail words," Durbin, D-Ill., said.

"I am sorry if anything I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time. Nothing, nothing should ever be said to demean or diminish that moral tragedy.

"I am also sorry if anything I said cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military ... I never ever intended any disrespect for them. Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line to them I extend my heartfelt apology," Durbin said, choking on his words.

Always blame the "some", huh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 PM


One energy forecast: Oil supplies grow (Ron Scherer, 6/22/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

According to the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas, the end is near - when the earth's oil reserves start to run dry and scarce petroleum will go to the highest bidder. Seers have written books detailing that time, and websites such as EnergyShortage.com forecast a steady rise in prices - such as Tuesday's oil price of more than $59 a barrel.

Not so fast, maintains a new report issued Tuesday by the widely respected group Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA). Instead of the wells running dry, CERA says petroleum supplies will be expanding faster than demand over the next five years, according to an analysis oil field by oil field. In good news for the SUV set, the new oil will be light, sweet crude - ideal for making gasoline. And since supply will grow, CERA forecasts prices will fall, possibly below $40 a barrel.

"We expect supply to outpace demand growth in the next few years, which would take the pressure off prices around 2007-2008 or thereafter and even lead to a period of price weakness," says Peter Jackson, a coauthor of the report.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 PM


Rice's push for Arab reform resonates with activists: A growing number of groups in Egypt are advocating greater freedoms and speedier reform. (Sarah Gauch, 6/22/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

"For 60 years, my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East - and we achieved neither," Ms. Rice told the crowd at the American University in Cairo. "Now, we are taking a different course. We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people."

And those are words that may embolden Egypt's increasingly impatient - and vocal - democracy movement.

While the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and the secular Kifaya (or Enough) movement have been the most vocal and public groups demanding democratic reform in Egypt, a number of smaller groups have emerged to join the fray.

It's a sign that the stirrings for democratic reform are reaching beyond a few opposition groups and beginning to mobilize formerly apolitical professionals to demand many of the same reforms that Rice called for: fair elections, freedom of expression, and women's rights.

It seems that every day a new organization emerges. There are Writers for Change, Journalists for Change, and Workers for Change, among others.

An ex-prime minister, Aziz Sedki, even formed a group of former government officials, journalists, and academics earlier this month, denouncing the Egyptian regime's corruption and despotism.

Some analysts thank American pressure for the growth of this civil movement, saying that it was this pressure on the Egyptian government that encouraged these groups to demonstrate, to demand democracy and to refuse another term for Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak. Some also say that American pressure is helping to protect these organizations from Egypt's security forces.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 PM


Au Hasard Balthazar (Ron Reed, 06/21/05, Christianity Today)

When the Museum of Modern Art announced "The Hidden God," a major faith and film series featuring titles as diverse as Magnolia, Andrei Roublev and Groundhog Day, the curators said the one film which clearly had to be included was Robert Bresson's masterpiece, Au Hasard Balthazar. The New York Times recently proclaimed, "Forget the Sith, Tom and Katie, the big movie news this summer is the release on DVD of one of the greatest films in history: Au Hasard Balthazar."

Andrew Sarris of the New York Observer writes: "No film I have ever seen has come so close to convulsing my entire being. Bresson's Christian spirituality finds its most earthy, layered and life-giving expression. Grace has never been dramatized more lucidly, or more movingly, than it is here."

Not bad for a donkey movie. This unadorned 95-minute story follows the young colt Balthazar's adoption as a family pet, through the hands of many masters, to the moment of his eventual death. It is a fragmentary portrait of a French village in the mid-sixties, tracing the interwoven lives of eight characters. It's a study of human weakness and cruelty, it's a portrait of Christ the suffering servant, it's the heartbreaking story of a young girl's descent from innocence to despair. But above all, it's a movie about a donkey.

Bresson was a French Catholic who made his greatest and most deeply Christian films in the two decades following World War Two. Afficionados would be hard-pressed to choose his masterpiece—A Man Escaped, Diary of a Country Priest, The Trial of Joan of Arc and Pickpocket all have their advocates—but Au Hasard Balthazar may be his most resonant and profoundly spiritual work. It is certainly his most affecting.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:02 PM


Bush faces hard choices over Bolton: The president could push for a recess appointment if he can't boost Senate support. (Gail Russell Chaddock, 6/22/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

A second failed Senate vote to move the nomination of John Bolton as US ambassador to the United Nations this week leaves President Bush with three options, all costly.

One is to go for another vote. Republicans need 60 votes to end debate on the embattled nominee; by a leadership count, they are short three. Another option is for the president to make a controversial recess appointment, which could come as early as the July 4 break. A third - and the least likely - is to send Congress another nominee.

At the heart of that decision is a calculation that plays in all nomination battles: Is the dispute about the nominee or is it actually a proxy for a fight with the president over policy?

There's a spate of these "tough choice" analyses around, but how can it conceivably hurt the President to ram a recess appointment down the Democrats' throats after they filibustered his nominee?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:42 PM


Gagging Dr. Dean: Why does Howard Dean's own party consider him the most dangerous character in Washington? (Steve Perry, 6/22/05, City Pages)

Two things make Democratic Party powers lose sleep over Dean. The first and less distinct is his taste for the populist rhetorical style. He has a flair for articulating popular anger in popular terms, and he is very good at seeing where to strike. It doesn't matter much that he is sometimes inarticulate or in less than full command of his factual claims for the same reason it hasn't mattered in the far more egregious case of George W. Bush: Rank-and-file Democrats and independents who see Dean tend to like him. The unprecedented war chest he amassed from nickel-and-dime donors before the Iowa Massacre is ample proof of it.

If rank-and-file Democrats like him so much why did they vote against him so relentlessly? Kind of strange to sit inside the far Left bubble and criticize the Beltway bubble.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:22 PM

We can't ignore the Downing Street Memos (Molly Ivins, June 21, 2005, sacramento Bee)

Why not? Everyone else is.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:21 PM


First lady to travel to Africa (The Associated Press, June 21, 2005)

First lady Laura Bush will travel to Africa next month to talk about education, the battle against HIV/AIDS and women's rights, the White House announced Tuesday.

Wolfowitz's World Bank view (David Cook, 6/22/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Paul Wolfowitz, the new president of the World Bank, is a man of strong views, some of which he is willing to share.

In a breakfast meeting with reporters Tuesday, Mr. Wolfowitz said that "at the top of the list" of things he wants to accomplish is to enable the bank "to do as much as it possibly can to support development in Africa." He returned Sunday afternoon from a six-day visit to Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and South Africa, his first trip as president.,/blockquote>

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:20 PM


Dems raise $22.6M so far, lag behind GOP (The Associated Press, June 21, 2005)

The Democratic National Committee has raised $22.6 million this year through fundraisers, direct mail and online, but still trails the national GOP by a 2-1 margin, Democrats said Tuesday. [...]

The RNC reported it had $32.6 million on hand at the end of May. Democrats had $8.2 million.

Not exactly a snappy slogan for his 2008 presidential bid: "Howard Dean, he's half the man Ken Mehlman is!"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:08 PM


People power backfires for LA Times (Claire Cozens, June 21, 2005, LA Times)

It was, as the LA Times itself admitted, always a bit of a nutty idea. When the highly respected US newspaper announced last Friday that it was allowing readers to add their thoughts to online editorials, many in the media predicted disaster.

Sure enough, the paper has abandoned the experiment - dubbed "wikitorial" - within days of its launch after readers flooded the site with obscene language and pictures.

The trouble began on Friday, when the LA Times posted an editorial on its website urging a better-defined plan to withdraw troops from Iraq and invited readers to add their thoughts.

Within hours one user had managed to change the headline on several pages to read "F*** USA". Editors scrambled to remove the offensive headline, but lost some readers' comments at the same time.

But the number of "inappropriate" posts soon began to overwhelm the editors' ability to monitor the site and on Sunday they decided to remove the feature.

Yesterday the paper thanked readers who had logged on "in the right spirit" but said the feature would stay offline indefinitely while it looked at what happened and how to fix it.

That's a problem that we've managed -- for the most part -- to avoid here, for which the commenters themselves deserve the credit. We thank you all for trying to maintain a reasonably respectful dialogue, free of profanity and name calling.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:54 PM


Daley says Durbin should apologize for Guantanamo remarks (WQAD, 6/21/05)

CHICAGO Chicago Mayor Richard Daley says Senator Dick Durbin should apologize for comments comparing American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to Nazis.

Daley says Durbin -- a fellow Democrat -- is a good friend. But he says it's wrong to evoke comparisons to the horrors of the Holocaust or the millions of people killed in Russia under Stalin or in Cambodia under Pol Pot.

And Daley says it's a disgrace to accuse military men and women of such conduct.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:47 PM


The Almighty Dollar is Back: Now there is likely to be a totally different currency model—a world dominated by the dollar in ways not seen since the early 1950s. (Jeffrey E. Garten, 6/27/05, Newsweek International)

Until a few weeks ago, the dollar bull was a rare animal. Most currency watchers thought the dollar was in long-term decline, due to rising U.S. trade and budget deficits. The only question the majority seriously entertained was whether the decline could become a crash, if foreign financiers began to tire of supporting U.S. borrowing, and did so in a stampede.

Yet since January the dollar has risen 12 percent against the euro, and 7 percent against the yen. A growing number of dollar bears are turning bullish, and I'm one of them. This may be the start of something big. For three reasons, we may be seeing a fundamental shift with enormous implications for the United States and the world.

First, for global investors looking for long-term value and security, there is now no real alternative to the dollar. The euro used to be the key option, but after the recent French and Dutch vetoes of the proposed constitution for the European Union, there is talk among financial officials that the agreements that underlie the euro itself may be shaky. Neither the Japanese yen nor the Chinese renminbi is even close to being a major alternative to the dollar. The truth about these Asian giants is that their stock and bond markets are too weak to attract major funds from around the world.

Second, France, Germany and Italy have been stuck for years with anemic growth and double-digit unemployment. They have demonstrated no political will to restructure their economies for global competition, and there is a good chance that the European Central Bank will be strong-armed into lowering interest rates. This could occur at the same time as the U.S. Fed continues to increase American rates. The differential will make America much more attractive to foreign lenders.

Third, Asian governments are unlikely to give up their mercantilist policies, which rely on cheap currencies to stimulate exports. Asians use their enormous savings, denominated in their own currencies, to buy dollars. This drives down the value of the yen and the won, and holds up the greenback. They accumulate billions of dollars, which they then lend to the United States so Americans can buy Asian exports. It's increasingly clear that Asian lenders—particularly central banks that now account for about 70 percent of foreign loans to the United States—don't seem to mind holding U.S. debt as long as the American economy is expanding, which seems likely for the foreseeable future.

Nothing has changed but their perceptions.

Sweden cuts rates as economic growth falters (Rupini Bergström, June 21 2005, Financial Times)

Sweden's central bank on Tuesday cut its key interest rate to a national record low of 1.50 per cent, the first reduction within a major European country in the face of faltering economic growth.

The bank also slashed its 2005 economic growth forecast to 1.9 per cent from a 3.2 per cent and said it expected Swedish consumer prices to rise 0.3 per cent this year instead of the 0.1 per cent rise it had previously predicted.

While the Sveriges Riksbank's decision to cut rates had been well anticipated, many were surprised by the size of the move. Known for its gradualist policy, the Riksbank has only infrequently made 50-basis-point cuts to the cost of borrowing, preferring to move in steps half that size.

Posted by David Cohen at 3:24 PM


Inventor of IC Kilby Dies (Electronic News, 6/21/2005)

Jack St. Clair Kilby, a retired engineer with Texas Instruments who invented the integrated circuit (IC) passed away Monday in Dallas following a brief battle with cancer. He was 81.

Kilby invented the first monolithic IC, which served as the foundation for modern microelectronics and drove the industry into a world of miniaturization and integration that continues today. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 for his role in the invention of the IC.

“In my opinion, there are only a handful of people whose works have truly transformed the world and the way we live in it – Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and Jack Kilby,” said TI chairman Tom Engibous in a statement.

But we shouldn't hold that against him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:14 AM


The Right Conversation for America (Fred Hiatt, June 13, 2005, Washington Post)

[T]he Post has published more editorials criticizing Donald Rumsfeld than Abu Musab Zarqawi. That's partly because, to the extent that editorials are meant to educate or explain, there isn't all that much to say about Zarqawi's evil that isn't evident to most Post readers; and to the extent that editorials are meant to influence, there's no point in addressing messages to the beheaders of the world.

But there's more to it. The Post has criticized the administration for failing to give detainees hearings as called for under the Geneva Conventions; for writing memos that toyed with the definition of torture and undermined long-standing Army restraint in questioning prisoners; for prosecuting low-ranking soldiers while giving the brass a pass; for allowing the CIA to hold prisoners beyond the reach of the International Red Cross or any other monitor; and for refusing to empanel a truly independent commission to examine accountability for prison abuse up the chain of command, up to and including the White House.

Rumsfeld does not accept The Post's assessment of these events. But even if he did, as I understand his comment, he would point out that none of these offenses, even if accepted as true, is as heinous as filling a mass grave.

But just invoking such a comparison, even implicitly, amounts to a loss for the United States.

There's no point addressing the beheaders if you're us, but treat them like gentlemen if you're you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:30 AM


In New York, Billy Graham Will Find an Evangelical Force (MICHAEL LUO, 6/21/05, NY Times)

The change is evident every Sunday at the sprawling campus of the Christian Cultural Center in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, built in 2000 in the style of a suburban megachurch, with a restaurant, a coffee shop and an outdoor garden with ponds stocked with Japanese koi. More than 10,000 flock there every week to praise God. It is evident at a warehouse in Flushing occupied by Faith Bible Ministry, where six services are held every Sunday, in English and three dialects of Chinese, for more than 700 congregants.

And it is evident in any drive through Harlem and the Bronx, where large charismatic Latino churches, as well as their smaller storefront siblings, spring into view. Among them are La Sinagoga in East Harlem, a historic center of Pentecostalism in the city; John 3:16 in Longwood, the Bronx, a thriving congregation of several hundred; and Fountain of Salvation in Washington Heights, an influential church here as well as in Latin America.

"Even though we live in a city of darkness, within the darkness, there is light as well," said Esther Castro, a longtime member of La Sinagoga.

Mr. Graham, in a recent interview, said pastors in New York had been calling on him to come to the city, assuring him that his audience was eager and growing.

"They just felt after 9/11 there was a search on the part of many people for the purpose and meaning in their lives," he said. "And they felt that a crusade like this could be one thing that could speak to a lot of people. They said their churches are growing, and a thousand new churches have sprung up since I was in New York, especially in various ethnic groups." [...]

[I]t was armed with this portrait of the growing ranks of the faithful that Rev. Robert J. Johannson, of Evangel Church in Long Island City, Queens, and the Rev. Marcos Rivera, of Primitive Christian Church in Manhattan, went last year to Mr. Graham's mountaintop retreat in North Carolina to issue an official invitation.

"We went down and said, 'God is moving in New York,' " said Mr. Johannson. "The church is growing."

But evangelical leaders have been frustrated, he said. Despite what they sense are their growing numbers, evangelicals still can feel invisible in the city, Mr. Johannson said. They see Mr. Graham's visit as a chance to change that.

"He has the ability to give a city an awareness that something is happening," Mr. Johannson said.

The invitation this time contrasts markedly from when Mr. Graham came to New York in 1957 at the behest of a besieged and shrinking cadre of evangelical and main-line denominational leaders, pastors said.

Just think how many folks were certain he was fighting a losing battle in the late '50s...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 AM


Brothers 'Get wise, get to church' (DAVE NEWBART, June 21, 2005, Chicago Sun-Times)

In "The Blues Brothers,'' John Belushi's character was so inspired by "preacher'' James Brown he glowed -- radiating in a beam of light -- and then he flip-flopped down the center aisle of the Triple Rock Church.

In real life, on any given Sunday, arm-waving children, dressed in bright purples, blues, yellows and greens, dance enthusiastically at the Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago, where the movie was filmed. Colorful bonnets -- from turquoise to pink to white -- dot the pews.

The music is loud and powerful, and the Rev. Hillard Hudson, holding his hands in the air and wearing a coat laced with crosses, screams, "There is nothing wrong with celebrating for Jesus!'' Parishioners shout back, "Hallelujah!'' and "Praise the Lord!''

It's a scene only slightly less energetic than Brown's over-the-top rendition of "The Old Landmark'' in "The Blues Brothers.'' The scene pays homage to Chicago as the birthplace of gospel.

The 88-year-old Pilgrim Baptist church is still alive and well at 3235 E. 91st, although it has gone through changes since the Blues Brothers went to "get wise'' and "get to church,'' as Cab Calloway, in the role of their orphanage mentor Curtis, urged them to do.

I never understood the Reformation until I listened to the wretched tunes the Catholics have to sit through.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:09 AM


A hint of glasnost for Syria (Sami Moubayed , 6/22/05, Asia Times)

[M]any are starting to draw a parallel between the Ba'ath Party conference of 2005 and the Communist Party conference in the USSR in 1986. Syria must read the details of Mikhail Gorbachev's 1986 conference because they were the cornerstone that created the new Russia that exists today.

Gorbachev attacked the recent past, pointing out that mistakes had been made, but individuals were responsible for them, and not the Communist Party. The Soviet conference called for a more flexible system of economic management, the loosening of outdated bureaucratic laws, encouraging greater openness, less interaction between Soviet citizens and the secret police, and more publicity about the shortcomings of the regime. This was called glasnost. It unwillingly exposed the weakness of the Soviet system and the much-needed reforms in all sectors of life. Censorship eroded, taboos were lifted, banned works were published, and writers were permitted to explore forbidden themes. Through glasnost, Gorbachev attempted to mobilize the intelligentsia to his side, in addition to the Soviet youth, something that Assad has been trying to do since 2000.

The Soviet press became more transparent, and people were allowed to learn of the mistakes of the past. When the reality of failure became so clear to everyone, Gorbachev abolished high school exams in 1988. History books in the USSR had been used to glorify the Communist Party and its role in Russian history. It was pointless to maintain these exams in 1988, since so many of these myths had been challenged or destroyed completely by the openness and transparency of glasnost. Will this take place in Syria? [...]

As the press became more open in the USSR, the Soviets, just like the Syrians today, began to understand why the truth had been kept away from them for so long. The truth is that the USSR was in a mess, and for the first time since 1917, the people were demanding answers to the question: what went wrong, and why? The same mood prevails in Damascus today: Syria is in a mess, and the people want answers.

Recall how Gorbachev ended up...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 AM


'Infertility time bomb' warning (Michelle Roberts, 6/21/05, BBC News)

Infertility is set to double in Europe over the next decade, a leading UK fertility expert has warned.

One in seven couples now has trouble conceiving naturally, but Professor Bill Ledger from Sheffield University warned this could rise to one in three.

He told a European fertility conference that women should be offered career breaks so they could have children younger, when they are more fertile.

Obesity and sex infections were also increasing infertility, he said.

The incidence of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection which carries a risk of infertility, has doubled over the last decade - and 6% of girls under the age of 19 are currently classed as obese.

A potential rise in male infertility could also affect couples, Professor Ledger said. Both the quality and quantity of sperm appeared to be in decline.

Instead of 1984, schoolkids should be brought up on The Children of Men.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:57 AM


The thoughts of Saddam (Victoria Ward , The Scotsman, June 21st, 2005)

Saddam Hussein would like to be "friends" with George Bush, has no hard feelings towards him and would like to make peace, according to his American guards.

The former dictator told them he had never dealt with Osama bin Laden and claimed that the president of the United States knew he had no weapons of mass destruction. The guards also reported that Saddam is convinced that he is still the president and will return to power in Iraq.[...]

In the article, "Tuesdays with Saddam" by Lisa DePaulo, the guards reveal that the ruthless dictator is a "clean freak", who obsessively washes his hands, carefully wiping his plate and utensils with baby wipes before eating.

"He had germophobia, or whatever you call it," said Specialist Jesse Dawson, 25.

"He'd always tell us he was still the president. That's what he thinks, 100 per cent," said Mr Dawson.

In one remarkable exchange, the dictator even gave Mr O'Shea advice on how to handle women, telling him to find one who could cook and clean and who was "not too smart, not too dumb, not too old, not too young. In the middle."

He loved Doritos crisps and Raisin Bran Crunch cereal, but would not touch Kelloggs' Fruit Loops.

Every drink, whether milk, water or orange juice, had to be room temperature, and he would eat salad only if it came with an Italian dressing, they said. The guards were given strict orders to treat their captive with respect, but to be firm if necessary and not reveal anything about their private lives.

All five have now returned to the US. They were interviewed with permission from their Guard, having signed exit papers prohibiting them from revealing certain information.

"This is the opposite of Abu Ghraib," said Andy Ward, GQ's executive editor. "These young men showed Hussein a respect and courtesy that made possible an unusual bond between captors and captive.

"And because of this, they were able to see a very different side of one of the most controversial figures in modern history."

Ah yes, a multi-dimensional and “controversial” figure, whose affability and commitments to hygiene and sound nutrition are all-too-human counterpoints to his regrettable excesses. One hopes his judges will appreciate the existential complexity of his life and be sufficiently nuanced to grasp that none of us is truly innocent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:53 AM


Cheer Up, Conservatives!: You're still winning. (JOHN MICKLETHWAIT AND ADRIAN WOOLDRIDGE, June 21, 2005, Opinion Journal)

[I]t is time for conservatives to cheer up. Fixate on a snapshot of recent events and pessimism makes sense. Stand back and look at the grand sweep of things and the darkness soon lifts. There are two questions that really matter in assessing the current state of conservatism: What direction is America moving in? And how does the United States compare with the rest of the world? The answer to both questions should encourage the right.

The Republicans have by far the most powerful political machine in the country. Last November, the Democrats threw everything they had at George Bush, from the pent-up fury of a "stolen election" to the millions of George Soros. Liberals outspent and out-ranted conservatives, and pushed up Democratic turnout by 12%. But the Republicans increased their turnout by a fifth.

Crucially, George Bush won as a conservative: He did not "triangulate" or hide behind a fuzzy "Morning in America" message. Against the background of an unpopular war and an arguably dodgy economy, he positioned himself to the right, betting that conservative America was bigger than liberal America. And it was: The exit polls showed both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry won 85% of their base, but self-described "conservatives" accounted for nearly a third of the electorate while liberals were only a fifth. Mr. Bush could afford to lose "moderates" to Mr. Kerry by nine points--and still end up with 51% of the vote, more than any Democrat has got since 1964. [...]

The essential conservatism of Mr. Bush's approach is all the clearer if you compare it with the big-government liberalism of the 1960s--or with the big-government reality of European countries that American liberals are so keen to emulate. Mr. Bush is not using government to redistribute wealth (unless you own an oil company), to reward sloth or to coddle the poor. And government in America remains a shriveled thing by European standards. Some 40 years after the Great Society, America still has no national health service; it asks students to pay as much as $40,000 a year for a university education; it gives mothers only a few weeks of maternity leave.

What about values? Back in the 1960s, it was axiomatic amongst the elite that religion was doomed. In "The Secular City" (1965), Harvey Cox argued that Christianity had to come to terms with a secular culture. Now religion of the most basic sort is back with a vengeance. The president, his secretary of state, the House speaker and Senate majority leader are all evangelical Christians. Ted Haggard, the head of the 30-million strong National Association of Evangelicals, jokes that the only disagreement between himself and the leader of the Western world is automotive: Mr. Bush drives a Ford pickup, whereas he prefers a Chevy.

Rather than dying a slow death, evangelical Protestantism and hard-core Catholicism are bursting out all over the place. Who would have predicted, back in the 1960s, the success of "The Passion of the Christ," the "Left Behind" series or "The Purpose Driven Life"? To be sure, liberals still control universities, but, thanks to its rive droite of think tanks in Washington and many state capitals, the right has a firm control of the political-ideas business.

Indeed, the left has reached the same level of fury that the right reached in the 1960s--but with none of the intellectual inventiveness. [...]

The biggest advantage of all for conservatives is that they have a lock on the American dream. America is famously an idea more than a geographical expression, and that idea seems to be the province of the right. A recent Pew Research Center Survey, "Beyond Red Versus Blue," shows that the Republicans are more optimistic, convinced that the future will be better than the past and that they can determine their own futures. Democrats, on the other hand, have a European belief that "fate," or, in modern parlance, social circumstances, determines people's lot in life.

We're not the Stupid Party for nothing.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:41 AM


Thousands celebrate solstice at Stonehenge
(The Guardian, June 21st, 2005)

An estimated 21,000 people today gathered at Stonehenge to watch the sun rise above the ancient monument on the longest day of the year.[...]

Before dawn, King Arthur Pendragon, 51, the head battle chieftain of the British Council of Druids, led a troop of warriors - all anthropology students from the University of East London - in a dance honouring mother nature, whose effigy was held aloft and illuminated by fiery torches.

King Arthur said the summer solstice signified the mythical oak king, who rules the first half of the year, being beaten in battle by the holly king, the ruler of the second half of the year.

And you thought the Resurrection was a mind blower.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Nature must not be worshipped (Dennis Prager, June 21, 2005, Townhall)

It is almost impossible to overstate how radically different Old Testament thought was from the thought of the rest of its contemporary world. And it continues to be, given how few societies affirm Judeo-Christian values and how much opposition to them exists in American society, the society that has most incorporated these values.

Among the most radical of these differences was the incredible declaration that God is outside of nature and is its creator.

In every society on earth, people venerated nature and worshipped nature gods. There were gods of thunder and gods of rain. Mountains were worshipped, as were rivers, animals and every natural force known to man. In ancient Egypt, for example, gods included the Nile River, the frog, sun, wind, gazelle, bull, cow, serpent, moon and crocodile.

Then came Genesis, which announced that a supernatural God, i.e., a god who existed outside of nature, created nature. Nothing about nature was divine.

Professor Nahum Sarna, the author of what I consider one of the two most important commentaries on Genesis and Exodus, puts it this way: "The revolutionary Israelite concept of God entails His being wholly separate from the world of His creation and wholly other than what the human mind can conceive or the human imagination depict."

The other magisterial commentary on Genesis was written by the late Italian Jewish scholar Umberto Cassuto, professor of Bible at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Relative to the ideas prevailing among the peoples of the ancient East, we are confronted here with a basically new conception and a spiritual revolution . . . The basically new conception consists in the completely transcendental view of the Godhead . . . the God of Israel is outside and above nature, and the whole of nature, the sun, and the moon, and all the hosts of heaven, and the earth beneath, and the sea that is under the earth, and all that is in them -- they are all His creatures which He created according to His will."

This was extremely difficult for men to assimilate then. And as society drifts from Judeo-Christian values, it is becoming difficult to assimilate again today. [...]

It is quite understandable that people who rely on feelings more than reason to form their spiritual beliefs would deify nature. It is easier -- indeed more natural -- to worship natural beauty than an invisible and morally demanding God.

What is puzzling is that many people who claim to rely more on reason would do so. Nature is unworthy of worship. Nature, after all, is always amoral and usually cruel. Nature has no moral laws, only the amoral law of survival of the fittest.

Why would people who value compassion, kindness or justice venerate nature?[...]

If you care about good and evil, you cannot worship nature. And since that is what God most cares about, nature worship is antithetical to Judeo-Christian values.

There's the rub: they value only themselves so morality is inconvenient.

June 20, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:34 PM


Study: State immigrant count booming (JENNIFER FENN, 6/20/05, Lowell Sun)

If not for the tens of thousands of immigrants who have settled in Massachusetts over the past 15 years, the state's labor force would have shrunk up to 100,000 people and wreaked havoc on the economy, a new study reports.

The immigrant population in Massachusetts rose by 35 percent from 1990 to 2000, according to Census data analyzed by the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth. [...]

“People should be aware that we're in the midst of a major immigration boom in the state, and .... were it not for immigrants, our state's labor force would be shrinking quickly,” said Ian Bowles, president and CEO of MassINC, a public-policy think tank. “From an economic standpoint, statewide, we need this community.”

The data in the report come primarily from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing. While it includes both legal and undocumented immigrants, advocates argue immigrants are drastically undercounted in the government survey and play an even more significant role in keeping the state's economy moving.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 PM


Blair plans deal to scupper Chirac: Britain assumes the EU presidency next month; the French are already saying it should not be used divisively (Anthony Browne and Philip Webster, 6/21/05, Times of London)

BRITAIN is trying to turn the tables on President Chirac by drawing up plans to trade in its rebate from Brussels in return for guaranteed cuts in farm subsidies.

Tony Blair, who takes over the EU presidency in ten days, is confident that he can win enough allies to force the French President, his main adversary at last week’s Brussels summit, to accept fundamental reforms of Europe’s farming budget. [...]

Under the British plan the Government would agree to scale back its £3 billion-a-year rebate in return for a fundamental review of EU spending in 2008, leading two years later to substantial cuts in the annual €50 billion (£34 billion) Common Agricultural Policy.

The European Commission would be mandated by Britain to draw up reform proposals that would take effect before the end of the next seven-year budget in 2013.

The Government believes that José Manuel Barroso, the Commission president, and other key commissioners are generally supportive of the British campaign to refocus EU spending from agriculture to modern competitive industries and research and development.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 PM


Wood 'should pay for rescue' (Matthew Franklin, June 21, 2005, news.com.au)

THE Federal Opposition last night called on freed Australian hostage Douglas Wood to consider repaying taxpayers for his rescue mission from proceeds of the sale of his story to a television network.

No word on whether they think Elie Wiesel should cough up his profits...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 PM


Republican: Democrats Demonize Christians (ANDREW TAYLOR, 6/20/05, Associated Press)

A Republican congressman accused Democrats on Monday of "denigrating and demonizing Christians" by concluding there was religious intolerance at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

During debate on a proposal by Democrats that would put Congress on record against "coercive and abusive religious proselytizing" at the academy, Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., criticized Reps. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., and David Obey, D-Wis.

"Like a moth to a flame, Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to denigrating and demonizing Christians," Hostettler said.

Democrats leapt to their feet and demanded Hostettler be censured for his remarks. After a half-hour's worth of wrangling, Hostettler retracted his comments.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:10 PM


Geldof Defends Bush on Africa (Victoria Ward, PA, 6/20/05, The Scotsman)

Live 8 organiser Bob Geldof claims George Bush has done more for Africa than any other US president.

He said he had recently defended Bush on the issue in France.

“They refuse to accept, because of their political ideology, that he has actually done more than any American president for Africa,” Geldof told Time magazine.

“But it’s empirically so.”

Geldof and U2 singer Bono have teamed up to recreate the 1985 Live Aid event in a string of free concerts taking place around the world on July 2. [...]

The pair are aiming to appeal to the G8 leaders’ sense of legacy to include debt forgiveness, fair trade and increased aid in their Africa policies.

“The most important and toughest nut is still President Bush,” Bono told the magazine.

“He feels he’s already doubled and tripled aid to Africa, which he has. But he started from far too low a place.

“It’s hard for him because of the expense of the war and the debts. But I have a hunch that he will step forward with something. And it’ll take somebody like him.”

Well, they won't be asked to play Hillary's Inaugural....

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:56 PM


Have no fear, Big O is here
(Associated Press, June 20th, 2005)

New research indicates that parts of the brain governing fear and anxiety are switched off when a woman is having an orgasm but remain active if she is faking.

In the first study to map brain function during orgasm, scientists from the Netherlands also found that as a woman climaxes, an area of the brain governing emotional control is largely deactivated.

“The fact that there is no deactivation in faked orgasms means a basic part of a real orgasm is letting go. Women can imitate orgasm quite well, as we know, but there is nothing really happening in the brain,” neuroscientist Dr. Gert Holstege said, presenting his findings Monday to the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

In the study, Dr. Holstege and his colleagues at Groningen University recruited 11 men, 13 women and their partners.

The volunteers were injected with a dye that shows changes in brain function on a scan. For men, the scanner tracked activity at rest, during erection, during manual stimulation by their partner and during ejaculation brought on by the partner's hand.

For women, the scanner measured brain activity at rest, while they faked an orgasm, while their partners stimulated their clitoris and while they experienced orgasm.

You have to assume that if conservatives ever manage to rein in the pornmeisters, they’ll just all go underground in university science faculties.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:49 PM


Photo in the News: Ultra-Lifelike Robot Debuts in Japan (Ted Chamberlain, NationalGeographic.com, 06/20/05)

Picture: Lifelike robot in Japan

Repliee Q1 (at left in both pictures) appeared yesterday at the 2005 World Expo in Japan, where she gestured, blinked, spoke, and even appeared to breathe. Shown with co-creator Hiroshi Ishiguru of Osaka University, the android is partially covered in skinlike silicone. Q1 is powered by a nearby air compressor, and has 31 points of articulation in its upper body. . . .

Surrounded by machines that draw portraits, swat fast-moving balls, and snake through debris, Q1 is only one of the showstoppers at the expo's Prototype Robot Exposition, which aims to showcase Japan's growing role in the robotics industry.

Like many modern revolutionaries, she's kind of a hottie.

MORE: New Robot Reproduces on Its Own (James Owen, NationalGeographic.com, 5/11/05)

Scientists have created a robot that can replicate itself in minutes. The team behind the machine says the experiment shows that self- reproduction is not unique to living organisms.
When the last Japanese die, will we even notice?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:14 PM


Alberta is about to get wildly rich and powerful: What does that mean for Canada? (STEVE MAICH, June 13, 2005, MacLeans)

At Suncor Energy's Millennium oil sands project, just north of Fort McMurray, Alta., the unmistakable odour of black gold drifts up from the ground and hangs thick in the air. Everywhere around you, water pooled in footprints, tire ruts and potholes carries the telltale rainbow sheen of oil. "The smell of economic progress," jokes Brad Bellows, a spokesman for Suncor, playing host on a damp spring afternoon. But it's much more than that. It's the smell of raw power -- the kind that comes from having plenty of what the rest of the world can't live without. It's the smell of a resource locked in the ground for millions of years and which now has the potential to shape the future of a nation, for better or for worse.

Suncor's extraction plant on the bank of the Athabasca River looks like a science fiction movie set -- hundreds of kilometres of steel pipe twisted into incomprehensible knots around hulking industrial buildings, storage tanks and smokestacks. The whole scene is bathed in a constant haze of steam and exhaust. Two other such plants are now operating within an hour's drive of here, and several more are scheduled to commence operations over the next few years, all to exploit what may be the biggest petroleum deposit anywhere in the world, a sea of oil-saturated soil covering an area the size of New Brunswick.

Already, one million barrels of petroleum a day are being spun out of the sand and pumped south, and that number is projected to triple within the next decade. During that time, the oil sands will generate about 100,000 new jobs and billions of dollars in royalties and taxes to various levels of government, not to mention billions more in dividends to investors. But the significance of the oil sands beyond Canada's borders may be even greater.

Energy has become a central obsession of international politics in recent years, as exploding economic growth in Asia and America's ongoing love affair with gas-guzzling vehicles have accelerated the drain on world petroleum reserves. Terrorism, trade, the war in Iraq, nuclear diplomacy -- all of it, on some level, is related to the international preoccupation with energy, and access to affordable oil. So if Canada is to play a more significant global role in the years ahead, experts agree it will be due to the reeking, doughy black soil in northern Alberta, and the rest of the world's keen desire to share it. "The oil sands give Canada one of the single greatest advantages of any state in the Western world," says Paul Chastko, a University of Calgary historian who recently published a book called Developing Alberta's Oil Sands. "It gives Canada the ability to supply all of North America for the next 50 years without touching a drop of imported oil." It is, in short, an economic engine and political lever that any nation would desperately love to have.

Such strategic reserves are too important to be entrusted to an unreliable state like Canada.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:07 PM


Send Bolton to U.N. now - Bush (Reuters, 6/20/05)
President Bush demanded on Monday an immediate up-or-down Senate vote on John Bolton's nomination as U.N. ambassador, and top aides would not rule out Bush bypassing the Senate by issuing a "recess appointment" giving Bolton the post for 18 months.

"It's time for the Senate to give an up-or-down vote now," Bush said at a news conference with European Union leaders. "Well, put him in. If they're interested in reforming the United Nations, they ought to approve John Bolton."

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hinted on Sunday that Bush could install Bolton to the U.N. post by appointing him during a congressional recess, which would allow him to serve through January 2007 without confirmation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:59 PM


Biden to Seek Presidential Nomination: Senator Says He Plans to Run in 2008 Unless He Has Little Chance of Winning (Dan Balz, June 20, 2005, Washington Post)

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) said yesterday he plans to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 unless he decides later this year that he has little chance of winning.

"My intention is to seek the nomination," Biden said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "I know I'm supposed to be more coy with you. I know I'm supposed to tell you, you know, that I'm not sure. But if, in fact, I think that I have a clear shot at winning the nomination by this November or December, then I'm going to seek the nomination."

Biden said he plans to spend the year road-testing a message to see whether his views are compatible with a majority of Democrats while evaluating whether he can raise the money needed to compete in a race that is widely expected to include Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), a prodigious fundraiser.

"I've proceeded since last November as if I were going to run," he said. "I'm quite frankly going out, seeing whether I can gather the kind of support."

Which would explain the string of innovative policy speeches he's been giving on SS reform, health care, taxes, etc. and the legislation he's passed this year.

From the same story comes this bit on John McCain virtually declaring his candidacy as well:

[Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)] will turn 72 in 2008 and would be the oldest person ever elected if he became president that year. He also has been treated for melanoma, a skin cancer, but he indicated that he does not believe either issue presents a serious obstacle to running at this point.

"My health is excellent," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "You have had the pleasure of meeting my 93-year-old mother. So my genes, I think, are pretty good. But that would obviously be a factor in this decision-making process. There's no doubt about that."

McCain also sought to counter impressions that he has parted company frequently with Bush on key issues. "I strongly disagree with any assertion that I've been more at odds with the president of the United States than I have been in agreement with him."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:52 PM


Energy: Ignoring the Obvious Fix: Industry lobbying against higher fuel economy standards is fierce. Yet that remains the best way to cut U.S. dependence on foreign oil (Thane Peterson, 6/20/05, Business Week)

The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program -- requiring manufacturers to steadily increase the average fuel economy of new cars and trucks they sold -- was first introduced during the mid-1970s energy crisis. "An energy crisis is going to slap us in the face again if we don't do something," predicts John Heywood, director of MIT's Sloan Automotive Laboratory and Center of 21st Century Energy.

Granted, CAFE standards haven't worked as well as they might have. But that's largely because special interest groups succeeded in twisting the rules. For instance, foreign and domestically produced vehicles were treated differently to avoid excessive job losses. The standards were looser for trucks than cars, helping foster the boom in gas-guzzling SUVs. And regulators' ability to update tests and standards was severely limited, which is one reason official mileage estimates are up to 25% higher than what vehicles achieve in real use.

Worse, lawmakers didn't keep the pressure on. Federal mileage standards -- 20.7 mpg for light trucks and 27.5 mpg for cars last year -- are little changed since 1985 (though the light-truck standard is slated to rise to 22.2 mpg by 2008). As a result, the average mileage of U.S. passenger vehicles peaked in 1988 and has fallen slightly since. And because gasoline prices remained low until recently, some of the potential energy savings were eaten up because drivers simply drove more as vehicles got more efficient.

A broad consensus is developing in Washington that the nation must move faster. Indeed, prominent security hawks and neoconservatives such as former National Security Council Director Robert McFarland, former Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney, and ex-CIA director R. James Woolsey have joined together with conservative Christian leader Gary Bauer and the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to form a new coalition called Set America Free (www.setamericafree.org) to lobby for greater national energy independence.

SIMPLE SYSTEM. Unfortunately, the group plans to remain neutral on revising federal mileage standards. "It's a political hot potato. We need to get beyond the CAFE debate," says Anne Korin, Set America Free's co-chairperson. Instead the coalition is backing incentives to promote alternative, hybrid, and flexible-fuel vehicles that would be powered by everything from ethanol and methanol to biomass and electricity. The version of the energy bill passed by the House includes some similar provisions, such as consumer tax credits of up to $4,000 to promote sales of alternative-energy vehicles.

Raising federal mileage standards would be a far more effective -- and free-market-oriented -- approach. Conservative critics may deride CAFE standards as command-and-control big government. But the truth is that as long as the same mileage standard applies to every company, competition will flourish, and executives will have enormous latitude in deciding how to meet the goal. By contrast, using tax credits to favor certain alternative fuels smacks of the government trying to pick winners and losers among the technologies available.

It's ideal--just set a high standard but leave it up to the market how they meet it and start surcharging owners of older cars that stay on the road that don't meet it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:44 PM


Stalin's Blindness: He deceived himself about Hitler, and it cost millions of Russian lives; a review of What Stalin Knew: The Enigma of Barbarossa by David E. Murphy Andrew Nagorski, 06/27/2005, Weekly Standard)

Stalin's apologists have always maintained that he had no choice but to agree to the pact with Hitler, since he needed to buy time to prepare for war. Britain and France's appeasement at Munich a year earlier, and their lack of serious interest in forging an alliance with Russia, left Stalin with no choice, they claimed. In fact, Murphy points out, the Soviet leader was much more than Hitler's reluctant partner. He was enthusiastic about dividing the spoils of Poland, which he attacked from the east 16 days after Hitler's armies attacked from the west, and seizing control of the Baltic states. And, most tellingly, he slipped quite comfortably into the role of defending Germany and vilifying the British and the French.

So comfortably that the case can be made that Stalin may have wondered what kind of outcome he really wanted from the war he helped unleash. In the most controversial part of his book, Murphy offers the first English translation of a speech Stalin allegedly made on August 19, 1939, right before formalizing his agreement with Hitler. In it, he argued that if the West defeated Germany in a long war, that country would be ripe for Sovietization; but if Germany won in a long war, it would be too exhausted to threaten the Soviet Union, and a Communist takeover would be likely in France. Hence a win-win situation for the Soviet Union, and his conclusion that "one must do everything to ensure that the war lasts as long as possible in order to exhaust both sides." [...]

[S]talin let slip similar comments on September 7, 1939, in the presence of several of his top aides. Discussing the war "between two groups of capitalist countries," as he characterized the Western powers and Germany, he asserted: "We see nothing wrong in their having a good fight and weakening each other."

There's not much you can say in Stalin's favor, but he did understand that much better than FDR, who intervened when two totalitarians were weakening each other.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:27 PM


GOD AND COUNTRY: A college that trains young Christians to be politicians. (HANNA ROSIN, 2005-06-27, The New Yorker)

In the last days before the 2004 Presidential election, Patrick Henry College, in Purcellville, Virginia, excused all its students from classes, because so many of them were working on campaigns or wanted to go to the swing states to get out the vote for George W. Bush. Elisa Muench, a junior, was interning in the White House’s Office of Strategic Initiatives, which is overseen by Karl Rove. On Election Day, she stood on the South Lawn with the rest of the White House staff to greet the President and Mrs. Bush as they returned from casting their votes in Texas. Muench cheered along with everyone else, but she was worried. Her office was “keeping up contact with Karl,” and she knew that the early exit polls were worse than expected. Through the night, she watched the results, as Bush’s electoral-vote total began to rise. The next morning, after Kerry conceded, she stood in the crowd at the Bush campaign’s victory party, in clothes she’d been wearing all night, and “cried and screamed and laughed, it was so overwhelming.”

I found Muench in the Patrick Henry cafeteria at lunchtime one day a few months later. She is twenty-one years old and has clear, bright hazel eyes and sandy-brown hair that she straightens and then curls with an iron. Patrick Henry is a Christian college, though it is not affiliated with any denomination, and it gives students guidelines on “glorifying God with their appearance.” During class hours, the college enforces a “business casual” dress code designed to prepare the students for office life—especially for offices in Washington, D.C., fifty miles to the east, where almost all the students have internships, with Republican politicians or in conservative think tanks. When I met Muench, she was wearing a cardigan and a navy skirt. The boys in the cafeteria all had neatly trimmed hair, and wore suits or khakis and button-down shirts; girls wore slacks or skirts just below the knee, and sweaters or blouses. Most said grace before eating, though they did it silently and discreetly, with a quick bow of the head. [...]

Muench, like eighty-five per cent of the students at Patrick Henry, was homeschooled, in her case in rural Idaho. Homeschoolers are not the most obvious raw material for a college whose main mission, since its founding, five years ago, has been to train a new generation of Christian politicians. Politics, after all, is the most social of professions, and many students arrive at Patrick Henry having never shared a classroom with anyone other than their siblings. In conservative circles, however, homeschoolers are considered something of an élite, rough around the edges but pure—in their focus, capacity for work, and ideological clarity—a view that helps explain why the Republican establishment has placed its support behind Patrick Henry, and why so many conservative politicians are hiring its graduates.

Patrick Henry’s president, Michael Farris, is a lawyer and minister who has worked for Christian causes for decades. He founded the school after getting requests from two constituencies: homeschooling parents and conservative congressmen. The parents would ask him where they could find a Christian college with a “courtship” atmosphere, meaning one where dating is regulated and subject to parental approval. The congressmen asked him where they could find homeschoolers as interns and staffers, “which I took to be shorthand for ‘someone who shares my values,’ ” Farris said. “And I knew they didn’t want a fourteen-year-old kid.” So he set out to build what he calls the Evangelical Ivy League, and what the students call Harvard for Homeschoolers.

In fifty years Harvard will be calling itself Henry for Heathens.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:49 PM


Gile Kendall, A Man of Strafford, and His Own Time (Jodie Tillman, 6/20/05, Valley News)

Strafford -- Morning came, and his wife woke up alone. He was not in the kitchen. Not in the barn. Not in the fields.

Gile Kendall had not come home from his night of raccoon hunting.

Being that he was nearly 85 at the time, his wife, Margaret, panicked. She called her son. He knew where his father liked to go on his hunts, and so he drove up the nearby Taylor Valley Road.

“Sure enough,” recalled their son, Babe Kendall, “there he was.”

Sitting in his pick-up truck with his hunting dog, a dead raccoon and a battery that was just as dead. He had left the lights on while he trailed the dog in the dark, got his raccoon a good time later and then come back to a truck that would not go. So he settled in for a night in the woods.

“He was just as unconcerned as anything,” his son said, “like it was an everyday event.”

It was classic Gile Kendall, a lifelong Strafford resident who died in March at age 91: sticking to his way of doing things, unhurried by the world.

He was a constable who'd rather talk than ticket. He was a farmer who'd spend entire afternoons on his FarmAll tractor even into his 90s, chewing on a White Owl cigar and taking naps under shade trees when he felt like it. He was the quintessential old-timer who recognized the changes around his hometown but also remembered what most people either forgot or never knew: where you could find hidden springs and old property lines, when the raccoons were in the beech and when they were in the apple trees, who caught the big fish seen only in faded photographs.

“He had a tremendous amount of wisdom,” Babe Kendall said. “He'd be out in the field, and I'd wonder how he got anything done because there were always people out there talking to him.” [...]

On especially hot summer days, Kendall would get off his tractor and lie under a tree and nap. Because he was pushing 90 years old by then, the sight caused many passersby to stop and worry.

Grandson Gary Kendall said someone came rushing up to his house one time with terrible news that the old man had apparently collapsed and died while haying the field. Gary Kendall jumped in his car and drove out to see.

“I tooted the horn, and he lifted his head up,” Gary Kendall said. “He said … ‘I can't even take a nap?' ”

Kendall was deeply involved in public affairs, and he served as constable for decades, right up until his death.

“Young people used to get up and raise the devil and would run (their cars) into the fence,” said Babe Kendall. “Dad would pay for it, and they had to come up and work it off at the farm.”

Longtime resident Earl Silloway recalled being a teenager and driving around with some pals on Halloween night, dragging an old kitchen stove behind them “just to make some noise.”

All of a sudden, Kendall drove up behind them and put on his lights. He got out, a cigar in his mouth.

We're in trouble, aren't we? Silloway recalled asking.

“I don't know,” Kendall said. “If you don't hitch that thing closer so as you won't hit my truck with it, you will be.” And that was that.

“He seemed to understand that young people were going to sow their oats,” said Campbell. “People trusted Gile, and he trusted them.”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:42 PM


Conservatives do not have a party (Peter Hitchens, 6/18/05, The Spectator)

The Tories’ position is hopeless. No man living could conceivably unify the party’s contradictory wings. Europhile or Eurosceptic, pro- or anti-marriage, market enthusiast or moralist — each of these quarrels is fundamental and cannot be settled by compromise. To refuse to resolve them is to ask to be dragged, by events beyond our control, into places we never decided to go.

So David Davis, who is opposed to European integration if he means anything at all, is compelled to seek the support of federalists. This, the modified Molotov–Ribbentrop pact approach, has been tried before — but only by people who forget how that pact ended. Similarly, Kenneth Clarke is seriously put forward as the saviour of a party he plainly hates. While it is hard not to admire Mr Clarke’s lofty scorn for his parliamentary colleagues, the idea is absurd. The issue of the European Union pervades almost every major area of political choice. It is ridiculous to imagine that Mr Clarke’s reasoned support for the EU, which is entirely consistent with his generally Fabian Social Democratic approach to the world, will not swiftly bring him into conflict with those who are committed, just as consistently, to opposing the Union. As for the other compromise candidates being spoken of, they all offer another period of Majorism, neither one damned thing nor the other, yet encouraging bitter divisions by attempting to impose their opaque blandness on all.

It would also be helpful if people would stop referring to ‘Big Beasts in the Jungle’. The metaphor is ridiculous. What survives of the Tory party is more like a decayed municipal park than a jungle, and the little furry creatures that roam about in it may have sharp teeth and ready claws, but they are not big. To be big, they would at least have to have large ideas. But there are none of these. The only argument is, ultimately, about tactics. There is a total lack of original thought, principle or even instinct. Every debate is a pathetic variation on one parasitical theme — shall the Tory party regain its position by becoming more like New Labour, or less like New Labour?

Well, New Labour gained power by aping Thatcher, so turnabout seems fair play.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:19 PM


Bush may bypass Senate, appoint Bolton, Rice hints (Douglass K. Daniel, June 20, 2005, Associated Press)

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is keeping open the possibility that President Bush will bypass the Senate to get John R. Bolton installed as U.N. ambassador temporarily if Democrats persist in holding up a confirmation vote. [...]

Asked on "Fox News Sunday'' whether Bush would consider a recess appointment of Bolton — a temporary placement that does not require Senate approval — Rice said: "We'll see what happens this week.''

The Senate plans to take a July Fourth recess in two weeks. Under the Constitution, a president can make an appointment during a Senate recess without the chamber's approval of the nominee. That appointment lasts only through the next one-year session of Congress — which in this case would mean until January 2007.

It was unclear whether Rice's statement was an indication that the administration would seriously consider a recess appointment for Bolton or whether it was meant to increase leverage for White House bargaining with Senate Democrats.

"What we need to do is we need to get an up-or-down vote on John Bolton,'' Rice said on ABC's "This Week.'' "Let's find out whether, in fact, the Senate — in its whole, in its entirety — intends and wants to confirm him. That's all that we're asking.''

Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., predicted that Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., would fail in an effort late today to end the filibuster. He said Democrats are standing for principle by delaying the vote until the administration provides what they seek.

"Once we get it, we can have an up-and-down vote immediately,'' Biden said on CBS' "Face the Nation.'' "We're not going to let the administration tell us we're not entitled to exercise our oversight responsibility. If we give up on this, we might as well forget about oversight.''

Note that the principle involved is just forcing the executive to yield, not anything to do with what might be in the papers. Since that's the case the President may as well show them he's boss.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:13 PM


Facing the Music (Mark Steyn, 6/20/05, NY Sun)

Been following the latest horrifying stories from what Amnesty International calls the “gulag of our time”? John Kass of The Chicago Tribune was outraged by the news that records by Christina Aguilera had been played at Guantanamo at full volume in order to soften up detainees. He thought they should have used “Dance, Ballerina, Dance” by Vaughn Monroe, over and over and over.

Well, readers had plenty of suggestions of their own, and so the Tribune’s website put together a list of “Interro-Tunes” — the most effective songs for aural intimidation, mood music for jolting your jihadi. A lot were the usual suspects - like the Captain and Tennille’s blamelessly goofy “Muskrat Love”, which, as I recall, put the Queen to sleep at a White House gala, though the Duke of Edinburgh sat agog all the way to the end. Someone suggested Bob Dylan’s “Everybody Must Get Stoned”, which even on a single hearing sounds like it’s being played over and over. I don’t know what Mr Kass has against “Ballerina”, which is very pleasant in the Nat “King” Cole version. But he seems to think one burst of “Dance, ballerina, dance/And do your pirouette in rhythm with your aching heart” will have the Islamists howling for the off-switch and singing like canaries to the Feds. Who knows? I sang “Ballerina” myself once on the radio long ago, and, if it will discombobulate the inmates, I’m willing to dust off my arrangement and fly down to Guantanamo, if necessary dressed liked Christina Aguilera. If they want an encore, I’ll do my special culturally sensitive version of that Stevie Wonder classic, “My Sharia Amour”.

By now, one or two readers may be frothing indignantly, “That’s not funny! Bush’s torture camp at Guantanamo is the gulag of our time, if not of all time.” But that’s the point. The world divides into those who feel the atrocities at Gitmo “must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others” (in the widely quoted words of Senator Dick Durbin), and the rest of us, for whom the more we hear the specifics of the “atrocities” the funnier they are.

So long as they weren't submitted to The Song, it's hard to not find it funny...unless you're not conservative.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 AM


While National Treasure is by no stretch of the imagination a great movie and has plot holes you could drive a snowplow through--when the bad guys flee the scene of an explosion at the Arctic Circle without checking to see if they've killed Nicholas Cage, because "Someone might see the smoke and report it," even our 8 year old asked: "Who?"--there's an interesting theme to the film. Cage's character traces his duty to stop the bad guys to the Declaration of Independence and the line: "[W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." After reading that to his sidekick he says: "Men don't talk like that anymore." But to some considerable extent it's the premise that underlies George W Bush's notion that we are obligated to facilitate Liberty's Century.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:39 AM


A Better Idea Than Censure?: Shouldn't Democrats be asked to remove Dick Durbin from their Senate leadership? (William Kristol, 06/20/2005, Weekly Standard)

Newt Gingrich, my friend Hugh Hewitt, and others have suggested that Sen. Durbin should be censured by the Senate. His comments are, to be sure, deserving of censure. But is this the best action to push for? For one thing, Democrats can explain that resolutions of censure have typically been reserved for ethics violations, not for meretricious statements--thereby perhaps succeeding in confusing the debate and wriggling off the hook. And asking for passage of such a resolution puts the burden on the Republican majority to act--which raises the possibility, maybe a probability, that the attempt will seem partisan if pursued, and if Republicans at some point back off, will then make them look weak as well.

Why not put the burden on the Democrats? When Sen. Trent Lott made a far less damaging, but still deplorable, statement two and a half years ago, his fellow Republicans insisted

he step down as their leader. Shouldn't Democrats insist that Sen. Durbin step down as their whip, the number two man in their leadership? Shouldn't conservatives (and liberals) legitimately ask Democrats to hold their leader to account, especially given the precedent of Lott?

Why would the GOP want any of the Democratic "leaders" to step down?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:33 AM


U.S. nuclear power industry working on quiet comeback (Kathy Kiely, 6/19/05, USA TODAY)

More than 26 years after a near-meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, the Senate is considering an energy bill that includes financial incentives for construction of nuclear plants. It's the latest sign of the industry's quiet rehabilitation.

Sen. Pete Domenici, a New Mexico Republican who is the chief architect of the bill being debated, has long been an advocate of nuclear energy. And President Bush will repeat his call for boosting nuclear power when he visits the Calvert Cliffs plant in Lusby, Md., this week.

They have some unexpected company:

•Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said that although he has been "totally opposed to nuclear power" in the past, he's now willing to give it a second look. "You're going to see a move towards nuclear power," he predicted. "If it's done right, it will protect the environment."

•Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., includes incentives for nuclear power in a measure he plans to offer to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. McCain argues that nuclear power can help solve global warming. "I am a green and I entreat my friends in the movement to drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy," he said in a Senate speech.

•Another recent convert: Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a Democrat whose home state of New Jersey gets nearly 52% of its electricity from nuclear power. "Nuclear issues are being forced on us by the realities of life," he said. "We are being blackmailed by those who produce fossil fuels that we import, and more traditional domestic energy production poses risks to the environment."

Such construction gives the GOP a natural alliance with Labor.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:14 AM


They 'were on a mission from God' (DAVE NEWBART, June 20, 2005, Chicago Sun Times)

A quarter-century ago, "The Blues Brothers" embraced Chicago as no other film has, before or since. The movie tapped directly into the heart of the city, harnessing its energy and will to get things done on a scale bigger than anywhere else. It exploited its sense of humor and willingness to laugh at itself.

In turn, Chicago opened its arms to the film in a way that seems unlikely now. The end result is a movie that established itself in the minds of many as one of the classic comedies -- indeed movies -- of all time.

Even 25 years later, it plays on television hundreds of times a day, shown in any one of 45 countries, director John Landis said.

"It's really attained some kind of mythic stature," Landis said. It "has become part of the culture."

No one would suggest this musical comedy with cartoon-like characters was on par with "Citizen Kane'' or "Gone With The Wind.'' It's a simple story of a pair of orphaned, misfit brothers -- "Joliet'' Jake and Elwood Blues -- trying to reunite their band in an effort to save their orphanage.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 8:22 AM


The CWS from A to Z (RICH KAIPUST, 6/17/05, Omaha WORLD-HERALD)

A -Arizona State. So you're a Sun Devils fan. You'll be in the minority during a first-round game against Nebraska.

B -Big 12. When the super regional dust settled, the Big 12 had three teams going to Omaha (Nebraska, Baylor, Texas). The SEC and Pac-10 each accounted for two.

C -Cable television is a must if you're not at the ballpark. ESPN or ESPN2 carries every CWS game. The two also expanded their regional and super regional coverage this season. Anybody miss the Stanley Cup playoffs? [...]

W -Remember when George W. popped in a few years back? No presidential visits are scheduled for this weekend, as far as we know.

He'll show up next year. As a fan of America's pastime and a self-admitted follower of one of the greatest amateur baseball tournaments in America, Bush surely knows that we're coming up on the tenth anniversary of a sadly-overlooked Great Baseball Moment. To wit: LSU's Warren Morris, who couldn't swing a bat a week earlier and whose team was down to its final out and final strike in the '96 national championship game, blasting a two-run homer into the right field stands to strike down the evil, godless Miami Hurricanes in front of 24,000 delighted Nebraskans.

It was Morris's first home run of the season.

Posted by orrinj at 8:17 AM


WHAT'S DRIVING GAS PRICES: Ideas for Reformulating a Volatile Fuel Market: Taming pump prices will require curbing demand, boosting supply or changing the way the industry operates, experts say. (Gary Cohn and Elizabeth Douglass, June 20, 2005, LA Times)

Expensive gasoline is a national problem, reflecting the steep cost of crude oil. But the situation is particularly serious in California, which has some of the highest gas prices in the United States because of a series of actions by regulators, oil companies, community groups and others. Step by step over the last decade — starting with mandates for a special cleaner-burning fuel and adding in oil company mergers, community resistance to refinery expansions and unrestrained demand — the Golden State's fuel business has been transformed into a kind of dream market for oil refiners.

The strains on California's fuel sector won't be easily fixed, the experts stressed. Some ideas are likely to be painful and politically unpopular.

Take taxes, which currently add about 55 cents to California's per-gallon gasoline cost, with 18.4 cents going to the federal government and the rest to state and local governments.

"If we were smart about this, we would increase the gas tax substantially — that would reduce demand and get us back to a point at least for a while where we were able to supply our own needs for California," said Severin Borenstein, director of the University of California Energy Institute in Berkeley.

18 cents is a joke.

Posted by orrinj at 8:14 AM


Liberals don't know what to do with nondeferential minorities (Ruben Navarrete Jr., Seattle Times)

In the minds of many liberal Democrats, Hispanics and African Americans must seem to come in only two varieties: deferential or defective. And according to one angry caller — who was, from the sound of it, perfectly at home in a blue state — I fall into the second category. "I think you're deluded," he said, "and maybe insane."

I'm just guessing, but something tells me the caller would probably say the same thing about Janice Rogers Brown, who two years ago was nominated by President Bush to fill a vacancy on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Last week, Brown was finally confirmed but not before Senate Democrats and their accomplices in left-leaning advocacy groups such as People for the American Way did their best to try to paint this black conservative and California Supreme Court chief justice as an "extremist" whose views are outside the mainstream.

Translation: Brown doesn't defer to liberals. So she must be defective.

By the way, here's something I've noticed: When conservatives criticize a person of color, they often insult you. But liberals usually are condescending. They don't say they're upset as much as "disappointed" in you.

And so it was that the caller was disappointed in me. What fired him up was a column I'd written about Alberto Gonzales, the nation's first Latino attorney general. In it, I argued that liberal Democrats weren't really interested in promoting diversity unless they get the credit for it, and that this explained their lukewarm reaction to Gonzales — an American success story whose nomination by President Bush they can't claim credit for.

The Left wants to keep minorities as pets.

Posted by orrinj at 8:08 AM


Rival views on EU are out in the open (Judy Dempsey, 6/20/05, International Herald Tribune)

"There are two ideas of Europe, with some countries wanting to have just a European market with a big and free trade zone and others who want an integrated Europe," said Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg prime minister who led the summit meeting.

"There are those who believe a free trade area is sufficient but they do not realize it is more complicated. A politically integrated Europe would allow Europe to rise to the challenges facing it. I tried to deal with these two different views."

And in remarks clearly directed at Britain, which succeeds Luxembourg in the EU presidency on July 1, Juncker said, "Some countries were seeking failure."

Wolfgang Schüssel, chancellor of Austria, who will take over the presidency from Britain in January 2006, was just as explicit in his view over how Europe was becoming divided between two rival camps.

"It's about money. Some wanted to get more out or pay less in," Schüssel said on Germany's ARD public television. "And secondly, it's certainly the question of the concept. The British want a different Europe. They want a more market-oriented Europe, a large market but no deeper union."

However, one of the reasons many French voters voted against the EU constitution was their feeling that Europe was already becoming too oriented toward a free market in its economic policies. In Germany, those feelings are widely spread as well.

They might also be referred to as the idea that works, federalism and markets, and the one that doesn't, centralized statism.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:59 AM


Is Europe Dying? Notes on a Crisis of Civilizational Morale (George Weigel, Foreign Policy Research Institute, June, 2005)

Contemporary European culture is not bedeviled by atheistic humanism in its most raw forms; the Second World War and the Cold War settled that. Europe today is profoundly shaped, however, by a kinder, gentler cousin, what the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor has termed “exclusive humanism”[6]: a set of ideas that, in the name of democracy, human rights, tolerance, and civility, demands that all transcendent religious or spiritual reference points must be kept out of European public life—especially the life of the newly expanded European Union. This conviction led to two recent episodes that tell us a lot about Europe’s crisis of civilizational morale and where that crisis leads politically.[...]

The demographics are unmistakable: Europe is dying. The wasting disease that has beset this once greatest of civilizations is not physical, however. It is a disease in the realm of the human spirit. David Hart, another theological analyst of contemporary history, calls it the disease of “metaphysical boredom”— boredom with the mystery, passion, and adventure of life itself. Europe, in Hart’s image, is boring itself to death.

And in the process, it is allowing radicalized twenty-first century Muslims—who think of their forebears’ military defeats at Poitiers in 732, Lepanto in 1571, and Vienna in 1683 (as well as their expulsion from Spain in 1492), as temporary reversals en route to Islam’s final triumph in Europe-to imagine that the day of victory is not far off. Not because Europe will be conquered by an invading army marching under the Prophet’s banners, but because Europe, having depopulated itself out of boredom and culturally disarmed itself in the process, will have handed the future over to those Islamic immigrants who will create what some scholars call “Eurabia"-the European continent as a cultural and political extension of the Arab-Islamic world. Should that happen, the irony would be unmistakable: the drama of atheistic humanism, emptying Europe of its soul, would have played itself out in the triumph of a thoroughly nonhumanistic theism. Europe’s contemporary crisis of civilizational morale would reach its bitter conclusion when Notre-Dame becomes Hagia Sophia on the Seine-another great Christian church become an Islamic museum. At which point, we may be sure, the human rights proclaimed by those narrow secularists who insist that a culture’s spiritual aspirations have nothing to do with its politics would be in the gravest danger.

It need not happen: there are signs of spiritual and cultural renewal in Europe, especially among young people; the Buttiglione affair raised alarms about the new intolerance that masquerades in the name of “tolerance;” the brutal murder of Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh by a middle-class Moroccan-Dutch has reminded Europeans that “roots causes” do not really explain Islamist terrorism. The question on this side of the Atlantic, though, is why should Americans care about the European future? I can think of three very good reasons.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:25 AM


Northern League launch campaign to revive lira (Lisbeth Kirk, 20.06.2005, EU Observer)

The Italian Northern League party launched a campaign to revive the lira at an 85,000-strong rally of its supporters on Sunday (19 June)

The party, which holds minister posts in Silvio Berlusoni's government, called for a revival of the lira as a "parallel currency" to the euro, which would remain the currency of the state budget, tourism and foreign trade.

Only the Italians could come up with something worse than the euro itself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:20 AM


Guinea-Bissau votes in key poll (BBC, 6/19/05)

The people of Guinea-Bissau have voted to elect a president in an effort to restore stability to the impoverished, coup-prone west African state.

Among the 13 candidates are two former presidents, including Kumba Yala, who was deposed in a bloodless coup in September 2003.

His government was replaced by a civil administration headed by interim President Henrique Rosa.

Correspondents say campaigning for the election has been lively but orderly.

Long lines formed in several districts of the capital outside polling stations which opened at around 0730 GMT.

Sunday's vote aims to build on the March 2004 parliamentary elections, which were praised as "free, fair and transparent".

Rice urges Egypt to extend change (BBC, 6/20/05)
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has urged Egypt to press ahead with democratic reforms, following talks with President Hosni Mubarak.

She welcomed the recent constitutional amendment that allows for presidential elections with more than one candidate.

But she said the opposition must have access to the media and it is important to have "a sense of competition" in the poll planned for September.

Ms Rice is on a Middle East tour aimed at backing democratic change.

June 19, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


A Democratic House Divided: Big Labor has long been the Dems' best friend. But an internal rift could dilute their clout at a crucial juncture. (Howard Fineman, 6/19/05, Newsweek)

[T]he House of Labor is divided against itself, and it's not clear it can stand. For reasons of philosophy, money and ego—the Potomac power mix—the slice of America that used to be called "Big Labor" may soon collapse. A breakup would have broad implications in the workplace, pitting one set of unions, and one vision of unionism, against another. In politics, it would create competing spheres with one of them—the renegades—more willing to work with Republicans and more focused on organizing drives than on electoral politics. "In terms of Democratic politics, it's a disaster," says Rick Sloan, the Machinists communications director. "It would eviscerate our ground capabilities in ways Karl Rove and Tom DeLay will try to exploit."

The family feud has been building for years, and with good reason: the family is falling apart. When the American Federation of Labor and the Council of Industrial Organizations merged in 1955 to create the AFL-CIO, nearly one in three workers was a card-carrying union member. On the golden anniversary of the merger, that number is now less than 10 percent in the private sector, 13 percent if you count the public sector. To protect their clout during the generation-long rise of the conservatives, unions transformed themselves into turbo-charged fund-raising and turnout engines, dedicated (in fact if not by law) to Democrats. Members of union households were 19 percent of the vote in 1992 and rose to 26 percent last year—a tide of about 7 million votes, most of which went into the Democratic column. Yet unions have little to show for all that effort in terms of legislation—and nothing in terms of Democratic control of the Congress.

Posted by orrinj at 11:05 PM


Wood: Rescue shows policy working (CNN, 6/19/05)

The Australian hostage held captive for nearly seven weeks in Iraq before being freed last week has said his rescue by Iraqi troops is a sign that U.S. and Australian policies are working.

"I actually believe that I am proof positive that the current policy of training the Iraqi army -- of recruiting, training and buddying them worked -- because it was the Iraqis that got me out," Douglas Wood told reporters in Melbourne after returning to Australia Monday morning.

The 64-year-old engineer also apologized to U.S. President George W. Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard for statements he made at gunpoint in a DVD his captors released to the news media.

Maybe someone is holding a gun to Dick Durbin's head and that's why he doesn't have enough class to apologize?

McCain: Durbin Should Apologize (NewsMax, 6/19/05)

Sen. John McCain called on Sunday for Sen. Dick Durbin to apologize for comparing U.S. troops to the armies of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, confounding Durbin's claims that he's being targeted by a right-wing witch hunt.

"I think that Senator Durbin owes not only the Senate an apology ... but an apology because it does a great disservice to men and women who suffered in the gulag and in Pol Pot's killing fields," McCain told NBC's "Meet the Press."

Which is when Mr. McCain's supposed independence comes in handy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:02 PM


Why de Villepin, of all people? (Olivier Gutta, Jun. 19, 2005, THE JERUSALEM POST)

After the rejection of the European Constitution in France earlier this month, President Jacques Chirac could have either resigned or changed his government. Of course resigning was out of the question because Chirac would then have lost his immunity and most probably ended up in jail on corruption charges. Instead, he fired Premier Raffarin and replaced him with the most anti-American politician in his party: Dominique de Villepin.

In order to assess Chirac's choice, one has to closely study de Villepin's history. Indeed, his real name Dominique Marie Francois Ren Galouzeau de Villepin already defines for most people his main trait: obnoxiousness. [...]

Interestingly enough, de Villepin is almost unanimously hated in France, starting with France's First Lady. In fact, Bernadette Chirac has nicknamed him "Nero" after the infamous Roman emperor who murdered his own mother, ruled as an autocrat, estranged the upper classes by executing senators and loved poetry – which by the way de Villepin is famous for. He has even alienated his good friends, such as former premier Alain Juppe, who begged Chirac not to pick Villepin. [...]

[M]ore importantly, he is not popular among the French: A June 1 poll showed that only 36 percent approve of his nomination and 57% think he is not going to restore the confidence of the French people anytime soon. He is haughty and far from the people, and, as the very popular incoming Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy put it: "Villepin never traveled in second class."

So, with almost everyone from the trade unions to the business community disliking de Villepin and 51% of the French people saying Chirac did not get the message after his defeat in the referendum, why in hell did Chirac pick him?

CHIRAC DIDN'T listen to the French people or anyone in his close circle who advocated against de Villepin because, first and foremost, he considers him almost like the son he never had.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 PM


Rafsanjani, greying septuagenarian, positions himself as the 'new voice of Iranian youth' (Colin Freeman, 19/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

In one of the most audacious bids ever to capture a "youth" vote, the conservative Islamic revolutionary rebranded himself for Iran's bitterly-fought presidential election last Friday as a champion of the young, using a Western-style marketing campaign that owed more to Nike than the Koran.

Not only did the 70-year-old former president open a campaign office on Fereshteh's sunset strip, he also hired an army of hip, happening underlings to spread his message across the capital.

With half of Iran's 47 million eligible voters under the age of 25, none of the seven presidential candidates could afford to ignore their power.

Thanks to work by Mr Rafsanjani's supporters in recent weeks, his campaign stickers can be seen all over Teheran, wrapped around lamp-posts and plastered on pavements, cars and motorbikes, even adorning the headscarves of attractive young women.

Leading up to Friday's polls, crowds of young supporters held "spontaneous" rallies in his honour, and celebrated Iran's recent qualifying victory in football's World Cup by chanting his name.

Which, incidentally, is no longer "Mr Rafsanjani", "His Holiness', or "His Excellency". Instead, he now styles himself simply as "Hashemi" - his middle name, and a form of address usually reserved for intimate acquaintances.

Were Michael Howard to campaign as "Mick", cynical western youngsters would laugh him off the stump. In Iran's theocratic regime, however, the elderly, turbaned cleric hoped to make the young electorate, worried about Iran's shaky economy, with unemployment at 11 per cent and rising, and strained relations with the rest of the world, feel empowered rather than patronised.

As the election results came in yesterday, the signs were that the strategy of running on a liberal ticket, presenting himself as a steady leader in uneasy times, was working for Mr Rafsanjani.

He narrowly clinched top spot in the poll and must now contest an unprecedented two-man presidential "run-off" vote next Friday. To widespread amazement in Iran, his opponent will be the unfancied Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the mayor of Teheran and a staunch backer of the hardline religious leadership. Mr Ahmadinejad, whose success was such a shock that he had no podium from which to address his victorious campaign supporters, appeared to have won the votes of Iran's pious poor.

Having shot themselves in the foot--with an assist from George Bush--the reformers have to rally behind Hashemi.

Iran Reformers Weigh Options for Runoff Vote: With no presidential candidate of their own on the ballot, they can boycott, or back a centrist ex-leader whose record they criticize. (John Daniszewski, June 20, 2005, LA Times)

Iran's reformers considered Sunday how to respond to the strong showing of this city's conservative mayor in the first round of presidential voting, debating whether to boycott the runoff or unite behind an establishment candidate whom many of them dislike or distrust.

One human rights activist warned that the limited freedoms obtained in Iran during the last eight years were threatened unless reformers and the rest of society united behind ex-President Hashemi Rafsanjani to keep Tehran Mayor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from winning Friday's scheduled presidential runoff. [...]

By late Sunday, some reformists were moving toward Rafsanjani despite their previous differences. Two reform groups, the Islamic Iran Participation Front and the Islamic Revolution Mujahedin Organization, called on followers to vote for Rafsanjani to head off a hard-line presidency.

"The country faces a danger of direct involvement by military parties," the Participation Front said in a statement quoted by Reuters. [...]

Emad Baghi, an ex-political prisoner and director of the Organization for the Defense of Prisoners' Rights, said he was breaking his silence on political matters to underscore what he saw as an urgent threat caused by the reform movement's weak showing. He told reporters that the success of Ahmadinejad represented a serious bid for power by a fundamentalist wing based in Iran's Revolutionary Guards and pro-government militias known as the Basijis, who are notorious for beating up pro-democracy activists.

At a news conference held for foreign and Iranian journalists Sunday, Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi boasted about the "very large and exciting" election and the reported turnout of 29 million people, or 62% of voters. The final tally announced Saturday night showed Rafsanjani finishing with 21%, or about 6.2 million votes. Ahmadinejad had 19.5%, or 5.7 million. Kharrazi said sardonically that the remarks of President Bush, who had sharply criticized Iran's electoral system last week on the eve of voting, had actually galvanized voters.

"This proves that Americans are not good politicians and not good forecasters of events," he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 PM


War Rooms (and Chests) Ready for a Supreme Court Vacancy (ELISABETH BUMILLER, 6/20/05, NY Times)

Like hostile nations on the edge of apocalypse, Washington's political right and left are on code red over a Supreme Court vacancy that does not yet exist.

Conservative groups held a briefing last week at the National Press Club and promised to spend more than $20 million promoting whomever President Bush nominates to replace Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, should the ailing chief justice retire at the end of the court's term in June, as many expect. The liberal group People for the American Way countered with the threat of its 45-computer war room on M Street and a coalition of 70 other groups to fight back.

Caught in the middle was the White House, which had its own war plan but would not say so publicly for fear of looking ghoulish. After all, the intentions of the 80-year-old chief justice, who has undergone radiation and chemotherapy treatments for thyroid cancer, remain mysterious. [...]

At the White House, the plan is to run the campaign for Mr. Bush's Supreme Court nominee out of the office of Harriet Miers, the low-profile White House counsel, once described by Mr. Bush as "a pit bull in Size 6 shoes." Ms. Miers will get a heavy assist from the Office of Legal Policy at the Department of Justice, where the attorney general, Alberto R. Gonzales, has himself been widely mentioned as a candidate for the Supreme Court, although probably not for the first vacancy under Mr. Bush.

In the meantime, Republicans close to the preparations say that the White House has assembled research on some 20 Supreme Court candidates, with more intensive research on a handful of the most mentioned, all federal appellate judges and all conservative: J. Michael Luttig and J. Harvie Wilkinson III of Virginia, Michael W. McConnell of Colorado, John G. Roberts Jr. of the District of Columbia, Samuel A. Alito Jr. of New Jersey and Emilio M. Garza of Texas.The White House also plans mock hearings in which the nominee will field aggressive questions from a "murder board," or a phalanx of lawyers and administration officials playing senators on the Judiciary Committee. Such hearings were conducted for Mr. Thomas and have even been conducted for some of the current administration's appellate court nominees, like Mr. McConnell.

The White House plans to name a point person to manage the process and to create an additional war room on Capitol Hill, in the office of Vice President Dick Cheney, Mr. Specter or Senator John Cornyn, a member of the Judiciary Committee and a Texas Republican. Mr. Cornyn's name was recently floated by conservatives as a long-shot possibility for the court; last week he said that it might be better for Mr. Bush to announce his nominee in September and not leave the person "hanging out like a piñata for people to take a whack at during the month we're in recess."

Other Republicans discount that option and say that Mr. Bush will move swiftly to name a nominee once a vacancy is announced, when the White House will switch to all-out campaign mode.

The real fun comes if a Stevens or a Souter retires.

If High Court Vacancy Opens, Activists Are Poised for Battle: With past judicial fights in mind, interest groups have new tactics ready if Rehnquist retires soon. (Janet Hook, June 20, 2005, LA Times)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 PM


Church Leads Protest in Spain: The Catholic hierarchy takes on the Socialists in power as priests and nuns march with at least 200,000 against a bill to legalize gay marriage. (Tracy Wilkinson and Michael Moffett, June 19, 2005, LA Times)

Making an unusually forceful foray into Spanish politics, the Roman Catholic Church led an enormous march through the streets of Madrid on Saturday to protest legislation that would legalize marriage for gay couples.

Priests wearing their collars, nuns in gray habits and adults and children from all over the country converged on downtown Madrid. They waved placards declaring, "Marriage = Man and Woman," and applauded Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, the archbishop of Madrid, who walked near the front of the noisy crowd.

"This demonstration is not a reaction. It is not against anyone. We've come to say yes to the family unit as composed by man and woman," said Jesus Sanz, the bishop of Huesca, who traveled five hours by bus to reach the rally.

Right-wing politicians also joined the demonstration, which was organized by a coalition called the Forum for the Family. It was the most coordinated protest to date against the agenda of Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

The gay marriage measure is one of several social policies that have heightened tensions between the Catholic Church and Zapatero's government, which came to power a year ago in an upset electoral victory that ended eight years of conservative rule.

Zapatero also plans to relax restrictions on abortion, divorce and stem cell research. And he has focused on the church itself, which receives public funding in Spain. His government has proposed reducing the church's budget and extending financial benefits to other religions.

Individual priests and bishops in Spain have at times spoken out against violence by Basque separatists and on other issues, but Saturday marked the first time in more than two decades that the Catholic hierarchy mobilized people to take to the streets — and joined them. In 1983, the church similarly fought an earlier Socialist government's decision to legalize abortion.

Some on the left bemoaned what they saw as a flashback to the days of longtime dictator Francisco Franco, who outlawed homosexuality.

They stopped the Left from destroying Spain once, doubtful they can do it again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:16 PM


Booze, sex shame hits Aussies (Jon Pierik and Bruce Wilson, June 20, 2005, AAP)

AUSTRALIAN cricket has endured its darkest day, with two scandals hitting the national side a few hours after it suffered one of its worst defeats on record.
The world champion cricketers were left embarrassed and shocked after their stunning defeat at the hands of Bangladesh on Saturday.

Last night, Andrew Symonds was slapped with a two-match ban after being dumped for turning up to the match drunk following a night out with teammates.

And Shane Warne has yet again become embroiled in another sex scandal, with claims of a night of passion with a 25-year-old woman in London.

The Australians were still reeling from their five-wicket loss to Bangladesh, considered by many to be unworthy of international status, as they took on England last night.

...and lost.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:48 PM


US deficit shrinks: a vindication for tax cuts? (David R. Francis, 6/20/05, CS Monitor)

Perhaps the most interesting speculation revolves around whether long-term effects of tax cuts are beginning to kick in. Many supply-side enthusiasts certainly believe they are. The new tax revenue numbers are "an eye-popping vindication of the Laffer Curve and the Bush tax cut's real economic value," wrote a Wall Street Journal editorial writer.

The Laffer Curve, named after Arthur Laffer, a White House economic adviser during the Reagan administration, is getting renewed attention. Briefly, it says that the tax on the last dollars earned - the so-called marginal tax rate - has a huge impact on individual effort and enterprise. So, the theory goes, substantial cuts in the marginal tax rate will generate lots of new business and, thus, boost tax revenues. An extreme version of supply-side theory says the gain in revenues could fully offset the revenues lost from the tax cut.

This isn't a new observation. Muslim philosopher Ibn Khaldun wrote in the 14th century: "It should be known that at the beginning of the dynasty, taxation yields a large revenue from small assessments. At the end of the dynasty, taxation yields a small revenue from large assessments." Even President Kennedy in his 1963 economic report urged trimming the then 90 percent marginal tax rate, noting that "reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues."

Reagan's tax cuts in the 1980s were so large that they stimulated a decades-long debate over their economic and revenue impact. That debate was never fully resolved. The problem is that thousands of factors affect the nation's gross domestic product - its output of goods and services. Even the most sophisticated models of the economy have trouble sorting out what affects what.

Now the Bush tax cuts are stirring the same kind of debate. Is this spring's revenue surprise the start of a supply-side surge?

Start wrapping up the war at the end of this year and they keep shrinking.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:44 PM


Spending on pills moderates, easing healthcare costs: Generic brands and savvy buying practices have helped slow the rise in prescription-drug costs, aiding consumers. (Alexandra Marks, 6/20/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

According to the most recent data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, spending on prescription drugs in 2003 increased 10.7 percent - down from 14.9 percent in 2002. Other independent analysts say that the decelerating trend continues today.

A variety of factors are contributing to the decline. They include the insurance companies and corporations that now use pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) to negotiate steep discounts with drug companies and drugstores; the states that are implementing new legislation to rein in their Medicaid and pension costs; and consumers themselves, who are opting more often for less expensive generics.

"It's very significant: It shows a paradigm shift in healthcare spending," says Mark Merritt, president of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, which represents the nation's PBMs. "Now, neither the drugstores nor the drug companies can simply charge what they want as they did in the old days."

Twenty years ago, PBMs didn't exist. Now, they represent corporations, unions, and health insurers that are responsible for as much as 75 percent of prescription-drug purchases. By representing multiple buyers, the PBMs are able to win discounts of between 20 and 40 percent, according to Jeff Trewhitt of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. PBMs have also partnered with drugstores and basically told them that if they want business from customers of the PBMs, they have to give a discount.

Among other factors: In the past two years, several major drugs, like the indigestion drug Prilosec, have lost their patent protection, allowing for generic competitors. At the same time, fewer so-called groundbreaking drugs have now come onto the market.

Moreover, safety concerns arose with the expensive and widely promoted pain relievers known as the COX-2 inhibitors, such as Bextra and Vioxx. Several of them were pulled off the market. That prompted millions of consumers to go back to using less expensive alternatives that many physicians had long contended were just as effective.

If only the erectile dysfunction drugs would start killing people we'd have deflation in medical costs too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 PM


From exile to Lebanon's political dynamo: Michael Aoun has solidified his place in Lebanese politics as voters went to the polls for the final parliamentary round. (Nicholas Blanford, 6/20/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Once one of Syria's most ardent critics, General Aoun has struck electoral alliances with some of Lebanon's most pro-Syrian politicians. Furthermore, Aoun, who has long campaigned to abolish Lebanon's sectarian political system, has found himself the de facto leader of the Christian community.

The seeming contradictions have angered his opponents, who were hoping to form a unified anti-Syrian front in parliament. But his broad appeal has further solidified this 70-year-old former Army commander as a future contender for the country's presidency.

"[The Christians] accepted my nationalist speech," says Aoun in an interview with the Monitor. "They came to me, I didn't change my speech and I didn't make any appeal to them to vote for me because I am a Christian and a Maronite."

Operating from a heavily-guarded villa in the hills above Beirut, the 70-year-old general has mounted an intensive electioneering campaign, adopting the color orange and the Greek letter omega (the symbol of resistance in electrical terms), and publishing a 43-page manifesto outlining a comprehensive overhaul of Lebanon's political, judicial, and economic system, ridding it of 15 years of Syrian influence.

He delivered a stunning blow in the third electoral round on June 12 when his list of candidates routed the opposition alliance in the Christian heartland north of Beirut, raising the stakes considerably for the final stage in the north. Final results will be announced Monday.

"If Aoun wins [in the north] it's going to be the most interesting parliament we have had in a long time," says Timur Goksel, university lecturer in Beirut who served with the United Nations in south Lebanon from 1979 to 2003.

Having felt disenfranchised since the end of the 1975-90 war and the onset of Syrian hegemony, many Christians are looking to the former general to defend their interests in parliament.

"It's good General Aoun did well because now there is an equilibrium. The Christians have a strong leader to match the others," says Habib Abi Khater, a shopkeeper here. Those "others" include Saad Hariri, the son of slain former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who represents the Sunnis; and Nabih Berri, the parliamentary speaker, and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the militant Hizbullah organization, who together lead the Shiites.

Marriages of convenience are great at any given moment, but sooner or later the place has to devolve back into its constituent parts.

Anti-Syrian bloc wins landslide in N.Lebanon (Lin Noueihed and Alaa Shahine Sun Jun 19, 2005, Reuters)

An unofficial count for north Lebanon showed an alliance led by Saad al-Hariri sweeping all remaining 28 seats, while its rivals conceded they were heading for defeat. [...]

The victory means the 128-seat assembly has an anti-Syrian majority for the first time since the 1975-1990 civil war.

Pro-Syrian Christian former minister Suleiman Franjieh conceded he and his candidates were heading for defeat in the mainly Sunni Muslim north, though they had done well in Christian areas.

"What we feared is happening. I think the north has been divided along sectarian lines," Franjieh told LBC television station. "We have arrived at what we used to warn against."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:46 PM


Time to Toss The Textbook: Greenspan confessed again that he doesn't understand why rates on mortgages and long-term bonds keep falling. This is but one mystery. (Robert J. Samuelson, June 19, 2005, Newsweek)

If economics were a boat, it would be a leaky tub. The pumps would be straining, and the captain would be trying to prevent it from capsizing. Which is to say: our ideas for explaining trends in output, employment and living standards—what we call "macroeconomics"—are in a state of disarray. If you're confused, you're in good company. Only recently Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan confessed again that he doesn't understand why interest rates on long-term bonds and mortgages have dropped, just when the Fed is raising short-term rates. This is but one mystery. [...]

But here's an intriguing irony: the less we understand the economy, the better it does. In the 1960s and 1970s, many economists had confidence. They thought they understood spending patterns, could estimate "full employment" and propose policies to prevent recessions. What we got was high inflation and four recessions (1969-70, 1973-75, 1980 and 1981-82). Since then, we've had lower inflation, only two mild recessions (1990-91 and 2001) and faster productivity growth.

Economists' overconfidence—and the resulting policies—may have weakened the economy. But its improved performance could also have other explanations: lower inflation; the good judgment of two Fed chairmen—Paul Volcker and Greenspan; the economy's self-regulating characteristics, and new technologies. It could be all of the above or just dumb luck. We don't know.

Indeed, neither of those slowdowns ultimately qualifies as a recession. The policies initiated by Volcker and Reagan--deflation, globalization, deunionization, open immigration, and a reversal of tax creep--combined with computerization, pre-tax savings, and the American defiance of the global demographic implosion have put in place the conditions for what is know an economic boom of over twenty years that shows no sign of ending any time soon.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:44 PM


Rogan Stays Out of Race for Cox's Post: The ex-congressman says he doesn't intend to run. Analysts say the field of candidates may increase as election day nears, but not by many. (Jean O. Pasco, June 19, 2005, LA Times)

Just days after the Free Enterprise Fund, a conservative fundraising group in Washington, launched a campaign to draft James Rogan, the former congressman from Glendale said Friday that he was flattered but wasn't in the running.

"I don't anticipate being a candidate, barring some unforeseen event," said Rogan, who also served as undersecretary of commerce during Bush's first term and is best known for being the leading prosecutor on the House Judiciary Committee that impeached President Clinton.

Rogan joked that it would take a personal call from Bush or Cox asking him to run in the national interest to change his mind. "I'm not trying to be coy," said Rogan, now an attorney living in Yorba Linda. "I don't even live in the district. You can't say I'm out [of the race] because I was never in."

The leading Republican candidates remain state Sen. John Campbell of Irvine and former Assemblywoman Marilyn C. Brewer of Newport Beach. Democrat John Graham, a UC Irvine professor who has run against Cox three times, also has announced he'll run if Cox is confirmed as head of the SEC. The U.S. Senate confirmation hearing is expected this summer.

The 48th Congressional District is one of the most Republican in the state, with GOP voters outnumbering Democrats 2 to 1.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:55 PM


Special Election Rattles '06 Races: The governor's 'planned political earthquake' unsettles the budding campaigns of statewide candidates in the hunt for money, attention. (Michael Finnegan, June 19, 2005, LA Times)

The November special election ordered by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has muddled the nascent campaigns of several dozen contenders for statewide office just as the 2006 races are taking shape.

Measures on the November ballot will devour millions of dollars that might otherwise flow to the 2006 candidates. The special election — smack in the middle of their campaigns — is also likely to disrupt efforts by the wide field of early contestants to rouse public attention.

Most significantly, it could eclipse the Democrats vying in the June 2006 primary for a shot at challenging the Republican governor if he seeks a second term.

"It sucks a lot of the energy out of California politics that would naturally be focused on the gubernatorial election," said Jude Barry, manager of state Controller Steve Westly's campaign for governor. [...]

The special election, described by one Schwarzenegger strategist as a "planned political earthquake," only heightens the 2006 campaign's unpredictability.

Schwarzenegger's ballot measures face fierce opposition from Democrats and organized labor. They would give governors more budget power and limit school spending when tax collections waned, restrict teacher tenure and change who draws election district lines. Beyond the governor's agenda, several other ballot measures on subjects such as prescription drug discounts are likely to spur major ad campaigns.

Among the open questions: If voters pass Schwarzenegger's initiatives, will he emerge strong enough to virtually guarantee his reelection? If so, can he carry other Republicans into statewide office, reversing a decade of broad Democratic gains in California?

The GOP is so moribund in CA there's really no downside here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:49 PM


Refiners Maintain a Firm but Legal Grip on Supplies: Clean-gas mandates thinned the competition a decade ago. Companies that stayed 'take advantage of the crazy rules' and enjoy huge profits. (Elizabeth Douglass and Gary Cohn, June 18, 2005, LA Times)

Some consumer advocates and politicians believe that the state's higher prices stem from unlawful manipulation by California's small band of gasoline producers. Government investigations have questioned some industry practices but have found no proof of illegal activities.

A more likely explanation: California refiners are simply cashing in on a system that allows a handful of players to keep prices high by carefully controlling supplies. The result is a kind of miracle market in which profits abound, outsiders can't compete and a dwindling cadre of gas station operators has little choice but go along.

Indeed, the recent history of California's fuel industry is a textbook case of how a once-competitive business can become skewed to the advantage of a few, all with the federal government's blessing.

"They don't have to collude, they don't have to form a cartel, they don't have to be monopolists," said Stanford University economist Roger Noll. "All they have to do is take advantage of the crazy rules."

Little more than a decade ago, California was awash in relatively cheap fuel.

But in 1996, the California Air Resources Board began requiring a special gas that was the least polluting in the world. Although the change did wonders for California's dirty air, it also was a first crucial step toward permanently eliminating the state's gasoline cushion.

One-third of the state's refineries closed, largely because they couldn't afford to comply with the new fuel rules. In addition, most outside suppliers were shut out of California because they couldn't make the unique blend.

Today, the state's gasoline comes almost exclusively from refiners in California, a group that has grown smaller and more powerful through mergers.

What's more, the gap between gasoline prices in California and the rest of the nation, once about 5 to 10 cents a gallon, has swelled in recent years. At times, the price difference has been as wide as 40 or 50 cents a gallon. That price chasm extracted an extra $3 billion from Californians in 2004 and an additional $1.5 billion so far this year, compared with the U.S. average.

Gas should cost more, not less, but the government should be taking the extra dollars, not rigging the system to benefit the private sector.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:44 PM

TIN-ROOFED FUTURE (via Robert Schwartz):

In Africa, a thriving church: CHRISTIANITY’S mainstream changes course (Joshua Benton, June 17, 2005, THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS)

When the Rev. Humphrey Ani walks out on the poured concrete floor of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, he sees the future of Christianity stretched before him.

The pews are packed, even though the slowly turning fans do little to disperse the Sunday-morning heat. More than 2,000 worshippers are sitting under the church’s tin roof, and hundreds more gather outside in the dirt courtyard, eager to hear the four-hour service.

The women are all dressed in conservative, ankle-length dresses and ornate headscarves. The men look a bit scrappier; this is a poor town, but they show up for church.

For centuries, Christianity has been primarily a white, European and North American religion. But the explosive growth of Africa and Asia, combined with the success of evangelization there, will change that forever.

By 2050, it’s expected that only one in five Christians worldwide will be white. And places like St. Joseph’s — a regular parish in an unremarkable Nigerian town — will be the Christian mainstream.

‘‘I’m sure it will be an adjustment for Americans — they are used to being in charge," Ani said during a brief break between services, scarfing down bread before facing thousands more parishioners. ‘‘But I hope we can all realize we are one brotherhood before God."

There is, of course, a rich history of missionary efforts in Africa and Asia, and those efforts have been overwhelmingly successful. But even if missionaries had no further success — if not another soul were converted to Christianity — the high birth rates in the developing world would produce some startling numbers:

• In 1900, 82 percent of the world’s Christians were in Europe or North America. By 2025, that will drop below 30 percent.

• Nigeria had 50 million Christians in 2000; by 2050, it’s projected to have 123 million — more than Germany and France combined. The Congo’s Christian community is expected to more than triple, to 121 million. There will be more Christians in Ethiopia than England, more in India than Italy.

‘‘There is this very strong idea that Christianity is a Western religion that has been on loan to other parts of the world," said Philip Jenkins, a Penn State professor whose book, The Next Christendom, is the central text of those projecting the faith’s demographic future. ‘‘Of course, it’s a Near Eastern and North African religion that has been traveling for the last 2,000 years."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 AM


Dean Condemns 'Anti-Semitic Literature' (The Associated Press, June 17, 2005)

A handful of people at Democratic National Headquarters distributed material critical of Israel during a public forum questioning the Bush administration's Iraq policy, drawing an angry response and charges of anti-Semitism from party chairman Howard Dean on Friday.

"We disavow the anti-Semitic literature, and the Democratic National Committee stands in absolute disagreement with and condemns the allegations," Dean said in a statement posted on the DNC Web site.

Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, organized the forum on Thursday at the Capitol to publicize and discuss the so-called Downing Street memo.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:08 AM


Gitmo remark makes Durbin easy prey (LYNN SWEET, 6/19/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

Six months ago, Senate Democrats picked Durbin (D-Ill.) to be their No. 2 leader because he is one of the most articulate and informed senators on his side of the aisle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:33 AM


Human Dignity, Human Rights and Moral Responsibility (Cardinal George Pell, Paper presented to the John Cardinal Krol Chair of Moral Theology Symposium on Catholic Moral Teaching in the Pontificate of John Paul II, St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 4 October 2003)

Naturally I accept the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and Veritatis Splendor on the crucial role of conscience for us all. However for some years I have spoken and written against the so-called “doctrine of the primacy of conscience”, arguing that this is incompatible with traditional Catholic teaching. Not surprisingly this has in turn provoked a number of hostile public refutations and quite a number of letters from friends and acquaintances attempting to persuade me of the error of my ways.

My basic object is twofold: a) to explain that increasingly, even in Catholic circles, the appeal to the primacy of conscience is being used to justify what we would like to do rather than to discover what God wants us to do; and b) to claim that conscience does not have primacy. One should say that the word of God has primacy or that truth has primacy, and that a person uses his conscience to discern the truth in particular cases. Individual conscience cannot confer the right to reject or distort New Testament morality as affirmed or developed by the Church. To use the language of Veritatis Splendor, conscience is “the proximate norm of personal morality” whose authority in its voice and judgement “derives from the truth about moral good and evil”.

Whatever the pressures for conformity produced by public opinion and the mass media today, there is a healthy rhetoric about respect for the rights of the individual, including the right to private judgement, in the English-speaking democracies. Today we value our freedom of speech, however much it might have been constrained in the distant past. We take it for granted that all citizens have a freedom to choose their career, their home and all adults presume unreflectingly the right to choose a spouse – or now, increasingly in Australia, a temporary partner. Just as people have the right in a democracy to choose their religion so too some Catholics feel they should be able to choose the type of morality they follow and remain “good” Catholics.

Unless all kinds of implicit Christian assumptions are made explicit, the claim to the primacy of individual conscience easily becomes in our cultural context the same as a claim to personal moral autonomy. Indeed most Western moral philosophers since the eighteenth century, with the exceptions of the Marxists and the Christians, have followed Kant in advocating some form of moral self-legislation and government (autonomy), as distinct from heteronomy or rule by others. Even Kant would be appalled by contemporary autonomy liberalism. He believed in objective morality (“practical reason”) which autonomy gives us the means and opportunity to follow, never a self-made morality of private preference.

When a person is autonomous, or independent, or at liberty to follow his will in moral matters, this implies that other persons have some kind of obligation to respect this person’s freedom of judgement and action. What is the nature of the obligation of other people towards the agent? We might look at this from another perspective and ask: what is the extent of the agent’s freedom to follow his own will? In response one can usefully give two versions of moral autonomy. The first emphasises the person’s right to choose in the areas of life generally open to moral evaluation, leaving the limits outside which the agent might curtail his right generally unspecified.

John Rawls has defined the extreme of this version of autonomy with characteristic lucidity. It is “the complete freedom to form our moral opinions so that the conscientious judgement of every moral agent ought absolutely to be respected” . The realities of social life and public order constrain us into recognising the impracticalities of such a principle as a basis for our personal conduct. In any society the only two alternatives are unanimity or the exercise of authority. The second version of autonomy, the more practical version, always spells out in some way the constraints necessary for social life. The principle of autonomy which informs Rawls’ own work, his alternative and more practical meaning, defines acting autonomously as “acting from principles that we would consent to as free and equal rational beings”. I am not arguing this account is adequate; merely that it is one example of the limitations and precisions required.

Those Catholics who appeal to the primacy of conscience cite a number of classical references. The first comes from the Second Vatican Council’s “Declaration on Religious Freedom” (Dignitatis Humanae), which states that religious freedom “has to do with immunity from coercion in civil society”; “The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth”. However these advocates often leave unsaid the conciliar teaching from the same paragraph that religious freedom “leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men in society towards the true religion and towards the one Church of Christ”. So while the Declaration explains that in matters religious “no man is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs . . . within due limits”, it also goes on to say that all men are “bound by a moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth”.

The American Father John Courtney Murray, S.J., who had such a profound influence in the production of the Declaration wrote in his introduction to the English translation: “The conciliar affirmation of the principle of freedom was narrowly limited – in the text. But the text itself was flung into a pool whose shores are wide as the Universal Church. The ripples will run far. Inevitably, a great second argument will be set afoot – now on the theological meaning of Christian freedom”. In other words Dignitatis Humanae speaks of relationships between state and Church, and between the state and individual. It does not deal with the relationship between the magisterium and the baptised.

A second reference frequently quoted, and indeed cited by the Holy Father himself in Crossing the Threshold of Hope comes from St. Thomas Aquinas, who explains that if a man is admonished by his conscience, even when it is erroneous he must always listen to it and follow it. The supporters of primacy of conscience do not go on to explain, as Aquinas does and John Paul II has done over a life-time of writing, that the binding force of conscience, even mistaken conscience, comes from the person’s belief that the conscientious decision is in accord with the law of God. I also believe that a person following Aquinas’ advice might not only err in an objective sense, but could be guilty for his mistaken views. But more on this later.

A final passage, also frequently cited, is Cardinal Newman’s famous declaration at the end of his Letter to the Duke of Norfolk: “Certainly, if I am obliged to bring religion into after-dinner toasts (which indeed does not seem quite the thing) I shall drink – to the Pope, if you please – still, to Conscience first, and to the Pope afterwards”. Newman was concerned about the Ultramontane claims of extreme infallibilists, facetiously explaining that if the Pope told the English bishops to order their priests to work for teetotalism or to hold a lottery in each mission, they would not be obliged to do so. But there is no doubt also that his understanding of conscience is very specifically Christocentric and God-centred, within the Catholic tradition.

Conscience is not a long-sighted selfishness, nor a desire to be consistent with oneself; but it is a messenger from Him, who, both in nature and in grace, speaks to us behind a veil, and teaches and rules us by His representatives. Conscience is the aboriginal Vicar of Christ, a prophet in its informations, a monarch in its peremptoriness, a priest in its blessings and anathemas, and even though the eternal priesthood throughout the Church should cease to be, in it the sacerdotal principle would remain and would have a sway.

In all Newman’s examples, conscience is not left as an unfenced equivalent of secular autonomy but is closely defined and linked with a proper understanding of Christian and indeed Catholic teaching.

In strictly theological language the claim to primacy of conscience is a cliché, which only requires preliminary examination for us to conclude that it needs to be refined and developed to have any plausible meaning at all. I do not even favour the substitution of the primacy of informed conscience, because it is also possible that with good will and conscientious study a devout Catholic could fail to recognise some moral truth and act upon this failure. It is truth, or the word of God, which has primacy, and we have to use our personal capacity to reason practically, that is, exercise our conscience, to try to recognise these particular truths.

While occasionally at the theological level I feel that all I am doing is forcing my way through an open door, it is at the pastoral level that this espousal of the primacy of conscience has disastrous effect. Let me give you a crass but actual example, recounted to me by a friend who witnessed this encounter. A man asked this question; suppose I have been regularly “sleeping with my girlfriend”. Would it be wrong for me to be receiving Holy Communion? Without hesitation the theologian replied, “Vatican II has taught that in answering any moral question, you must obey your conscience. Just do that”. Such a teaching is insufficient and misleading. Does it mean there are no moral absolutes or authorities? Is it sufficient to follow one’s feelings? Or was Charlie Brown correct forty years ago to claim that “it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere”?

In many places, even in the Catholic world, the category of mortal or death-bearing sin is now an endangered species, because the unthinking presumption is that everyone is honestly doing his or her “own thing”. Obviously public opinion places limits to this world of easy options, often coterminous with the limits of political correctness, but many areas of sexual conduct and activities such as contraception, abortion, euthanasia, the number of children are “free go” areas, where one opinion is held to be as good as another.

This reflects the fact that there has been a dramatic shift in the tectonic plates of public moral discourse within the Catholic Church, and certainly within the ranks of the other Christian churches. The public disarray in the Anglican churches on the suitability of ordaining active homosexual men and women to the Anglican ministry is one spectacular example of this.

Once upon a time it was pastorally useful, sometimes necessary to explain the possibility of invincible ignorance among those who differed from us, because of the temptation to presume bad faith in opponents. Now for many, tolerance is the first and most important Commandment. Now it is necessary and important for us to argue for the possibility of culpable ignorance, indeed the possibility of culpable ignorance, that usually has been built up through years of sin and is psychologically invincible, short of a miracle. The idea of culpable moral blindness is discussed as infrequently as the pains of hell.

Jesus knew human nature very well and Veritatis Splendor quotes that marvellous saying of Our Lord from St. Matthews gospel: “the eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Christian writers at different times have expounded wonderfully on the concept of culpable moral blindness. St. Thomas More wrote his Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation in the final year of his imprisonment in the Tower, speaking there of conscience’s susceptibility to corruption whether by the cynicism and self-love of Father Renard (Father Fox) and Master Wolf, or by conscientious blindness through the stupidity of poor scrupulous Master Ass.

Even earlier, in 1377-78, St. Catherine of Sienna in her Dialogue spoke of the consequences of pride, sensuality, impatience and the consequent lack of discernment. These four chief vices constitute a tree of death. “Within these trees a worm of conscience nibbles. But as long as a person lives in deadly sin the worm is blinded and is so little felt”. [...]

The analogue to the primacy of conscience in the private domain is found in what might be called “the primacy of rights” in the public domain. Just as conscience is claimed to have primacy over truth, rights are claimed to have primacy over justice – in the full sense of that word as it understood in the Catholic tradition. In both cases there is an assertion of the self against truth and against other people, to the detriment of both conscience and rights. In Evangelium Vitae John Paul II warned that the threat posed by human rights turning against themselves in this way particularly endangers the rights of the weakest; and is capable “in the end, of jeopardizing the very meaning of democratic coexistence”. This concern is foreshadowed in Veritatis Splendor when the Holy Father reminds us that “only a morality which acknowledges certain norms as valid always and for everyone, with no exception, can guarantee the ethical foundation of social coexistence,” nationally and internationally. A culture of rights needs to be soundly based on justice. It is doubtful that the relativist and positivist concepts of justice that predominate today can provide this.

Veritatis Splendor emphasises “the risk of an alliance between democracy and ethical relativism, which would remove any sure moral reference point from political and social life, and on a deeper level, make the acknowledgement of truth impossible”. It repeats the words of Centesimus Annus (1991) tracing the violation of human rights to “the denial of the transcendent dignity of the human person” and warning against “a democracy without values” which easily becomes “open or thinly disguised totalitarianism”. The Pope observes that in the face of “fundamental human rights [being] trampled upon and held in contempt” there is a “widespread and acute sense of the need for a radical personal and social renewal capable of ensuring justice, solidarity, honesty and openness”. The basis for this renewal, and “the unshakeable foundation and essential condition of morality”, human rights, justice and “the personal dignity of man” can only be found in the truth: “the truth of God, the Creator and Redeemer, and the truth of man, created and redeemed by him”.

“What is truth?” Pilate’s derisive question to Our Lord was regarded by Nietzsche as the only insight of any value in the whole New Testament. In the post-modern world of the West which Nietzsche did so much to bring about, Pilate’s question is increasingly thrown in the face of the Church as well, sometimes searchingly but more often than not with cynicism and condescension. This incident in the Passion reflects our own situation too, where power sits in judgement on truth and finds it worthy only of condemnation. The arguments against truth take the form of a cascade designed to ensure that it is ruled out of consideration one way or another: there is no such thing as truth; or if there is, we cannot know it with certainty; or if we can, we cannot agree about it. Best then to forget about this problem. Our purported inability to know and live the truth places only one demand before us, that we be tolerant of the views of others. But in the absence of any genuine knowledge about what is intrinsically good or right, tolerance becomes merely one value among many, of equal dignity in fact with intolerance. This helps to explain why what is sometimes described as liberal tolerance so often serves as “a seminary of intolerance” (in Leo Strauss’s apt phrase), especially when it is confronted by values or claims which might impede “the uninhibited cultivation of individuality”.

In the absence of truth, on what basis do we give preference to upholding human rights over trampling them underfoot? There is no basis, of course. We simply have to make a decision one way or the other. For some theorists this is sufficient. At one extreme there is the German legal theorist Carl Schmitt who argued that the essential thing is the decision: it does not matter what you decide for, as long as a decision is made and adhered to resolutely until the end. At the other extreme there is the American philosopher Richard Rorty, who argues that not only is there no truth to guide us in the consideration of equally valid choices, but that the “truth” of a choice adds nothing to it. Truth is not needed, for once a decision has been made, we live it out in any case “as if” it were true. It is decision that animates action, not truth, and while Rorty would prefer that we make our decision in favour of his own secular liberal values, this applies irrespective of whether we decide to respect or violate human rights.

This idea of “decisionism” (as others have called it) is drawn upon in different guises as a way of showing how political and social action might be sustained in a situation of radical ethical relativism. In a democracy Rorty is likely to have greater appeal on this score than Schmitt with his particular historical associations, but Schmitt is perhaps the more instructive case for understanding where this approach can lead. The crucial question is whether a mere decision, even a deadly serious decision, in favour of human rights is sufficient to sustain the commitment and action necessary to ensure that rights are consistently respected. Leo Strauss, for one, suggests that a decision is not enough. “Once we realize that the principles of our actions have no other support than blind choice, we really do not believe in them any more. We cannot wholeheartedly act upon them any more. We cannot live any more as responsible beings. In order to live, we have to silence the easily silenced voice of reason, which tells us that our principles are in themselves as good or bad as any other principles.” If we are unable to find a foundation for the defence of conscience and human rights in reason and truth, our commitment to both can only be based on “fanatical obscurantism” - although obviously we are unlikely to call it by this name.

The denial of truth makes an enduring concept of justice that genuinely serves human life and love impossible. It makes, in short, for nihilism. The practical meaning of this can be seen in the contradiction the Holy Father identifies between a growing awareness of human rights and a repudiation of the fundamental rights of some of the most vulnerable members of the human family. We are so familiar with talk of the “right” to an abortion that it can be difficult for us to recall what a shocking and absurd debasement of the language of rights this is. And now, as medical science continually pushes back the age at which premature babies can be saved, including babies who have survived abortion, abortion activists are beginning to insist that abortion is not just the “right” to terminate a pregnancy, but the “right” to “the extinction of the foetus”. When upholding human rights entails the assertion of the self against others, the entire culture of rights central to democracy is, as the Pope says, directly threatened. And it strongly suggests that without a firm foundation in the transcendent dignity of the human person and the existence of moral absolutes which place limits on the human will, it becomes harder and harder for people to believe in, and maintain a wholehearted commitment to human rights in all their fullness.

To refuse to use the language of rights and conscience in a situation where the secular understanding of rights is beginning to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions, would only deny the Church an opportunity to claw back some ground for an authentic understanding of the person, human freedom and the common good. It is not too farfetched to suggest that the collapse of the secular understanding of human rights raises the prospect of the whole idea of rights disappearing, especially as ideas which are more and more frankly Nietzschean push liberal presuppositions aside.

For the Church to do nothing to salvage and redeem the language of rights, precisely when the assertion of the self against others is becoming more brutal and the confrontation between power and truth is becoming more clear, would not only be counter-productive. It would also be a betrayal of the transcendent dignity and destiny of the person which John Paul II has so powerfully recommitted the Church to defend.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:15 AM


Transhumanism: The World's Most Dangerous Ideas (Francis Fukuyama, September/October 2004, Foreign Policy)

For the last several decades, a strange liberation movement has grown within the developed world. Its crusaders aim much higher than civil rights campaigners, feminists, or gay-rights advocates. They want nothing less than to liberate the human race from its biological constraints. As “transhumanists” see it, humans must wrest their biological destiny from evolution’s blind process of random variation and adaptation and move to the next stage as a species.

It is tempting to dismiss transhumanists as some sort of odd cult, nothing more than science fiction taken too seriously: Witness their over-the-top Web sites and recent press releases (“Cyborg Thinkers to Address Humanity’s Future,” proclaims one). The plans of some transhumanists to freeze themselves cryogenically in hopes of being revived in a future age seem only to confirm the movement’s place on the intellectual fringe.

But is the fundamental tenet of transhumanism—that we will someday use biotechnology to make ourselves stronger, smarter, less prone to violence, and longer-lived—really so outlandish? Transhumanism of a sort is implicit in much of the research agenda of contemporary biomedicine. The new procedures and technologies emerging from research laboratories and hospitals—whether mood-altering drugs, substances to boost muscle mass or selectively erase memory, prenatal genetic screening, or gene therapy—can as easily be used to “enhance” the species as to ease or ameliorate illness.

Although the rapid advances in biotechnology often leave us vaguely uncomfortable, the intellectual or moral threat they represent is not always easy to identify. The human race, after all, is a pretty sorry mess, with our stubborn diseases, physical limitations, and short lives. Throw in humanity’s jealousies, violence, and constant anxieties, and the transhumanist project begins to look downright reasonable. If it were technologically possible, why wouldn’t we want to transcend our current species? The seeming reasonableness of the project, particularly when considered in small increments, is part of its danger. Society is unlikely to fall suddenly under the spell of the transhumanist worldview. But it is very possible that we will nibble at biotechnology’s tempting offerings without realizing that they come at a frightful moral cost.

The first victim of transhumanism might be equality. The U.S. Declaration of Independence says that “all men are created equal,” and the most serious political fights in the history of the United States have been over who qualifies as fully human. Women and blacks did not make the cut in 1776 when Thomas Jefferson penned the declaration. Slowly and painfully, advanced societies have realized that simply being human entitles a person to political and legal equality. In effect, we have drawn a red line around the human being and said that it is sacrosanct.

Underlying this idea of the equality of rights is the belief that we all possess a human essence that dwarfs manifest differences in skin color, beauty, and even intelligence. This essence, and the view that individuals therefore have inherent value, is at the heart of political liberalism. But modifying that essence is the core of the transhumanist project. If we start transforming ourselves into something superior, what rights will these enhanced creatures claim, and what rights will they possess when compared to those left behind? If some move ahead, can anyone afford not to follow? These questions are troubling enough within rich, developed societies. Add in the implications for citizens of the world’s poorest countries—for whom biotechnology’s marvels likely will be out of reach—and the threat to the idea of equality becomes even more menacing.

Transhumanism’s advocates think they understand what constitutes a good human being, and they are happy to leave behind the limited, mortal, natural beings they see around them in favor of something better. But do they really comprehend ultimate human goods? For all our obvious faults, we humans are miraculously complex products of a long evolutionary process—products whose whole is much more than the sum of our parts. Our good characteristics are intimately connected to our bad ones: If we weren’t violent and aggressive, we wouldn’t be able to defend ourselves; if we didn’t have feelings of exclusivity, we wouldn’t be loyal to those close to us; if we never felt jealousy, we would also never feel love. Even our mortality plays a critical function in allowing our species as a whole to survive and adapt (and transhumanists are just about the last group I’d like to see live forever). Modifying any one of our key characteristics inevitably entails modifying a complex, interlinked package of traits, and we will never be able to anticipate the ultimate outcome.

Nobody knows what technological possibilities will emerge for human self-modification. But we can already see the stirrings of Promethean desires in how we prescribe drugs to alter the behavior and personalities of our children. The environmental movement has taught us humility and respect for the integrity of nonhuman nature. We need a similar humility concerning our human nature. If we do not develop it soon, we may unwittingly invite the transhumanists to deface humanity with their genetic bulldozers and psychotropic shopping malls.

Before the war sidetracked him, Mr. Fukuyama was, along with William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer, leading the effort to tie neoconservatism more closely to the Religious Right by focussing on life issues like bioengineering.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Iran Moderate Says Hard-Liners Rigged Election (MICHAEL SLACKMAN, 6/19/05, NY Times)

The race for the presidency in Iran was thrown into turmoil on Saturday when the third-place finisher accused conservative hard-liners of rigging the election and cutting him out of the runoff vote next week, which will be between a former president and the conservative mayor of Tehran.

The accusation of voting irregularities came from Mehdi Karroubi, a cleric and former speaker of Parliament known as a conciliator, who said he would continue to press his case publicly unless the country's supreme religious leader ordered an independent investigation.

It was a bold move in a country that does not generally tolerate such forms of public dissent, and it threw an element of confusion and uncertainty into the race just as the authorities were finalizing the election results, planning for the runoff and pointing to the outcome as a validation of this country's religion-based system of government.

The Interior Ministry issued final figures Saturday night, saying the former two-term president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, would face off against the hard-line mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in a runoff it said would probably be held next Friday. It was unclear what, if any, effect the accusations of fraud would have on the planned vote.

Mr. Ahmadinejad's strong showing came as a shock to the political establishment here. He had hovered at the back of the field of candidates in pre-election opinion surveys and his political base was said to be limited to the capital city. An element of the bizarre in the events on Saturday came as Mr. Ahmadinejad announced that he would be in the runoff hours before the ministry issued its own results.

W should have kept his powder dry for this moment, but still needs to call into question the legitimacy of the results.

Rafsanjani allies seek unity for Iran run-off vote (Paul Hughes, 6/19/05, Reuters)

Iranian reformists urged their dejected supporters to rally behind pragmatic cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to prevent his surprise hard-line challenger Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from winning a presidential run-off.

"We should use our full force to defend Rafsanjani. We should form an anti-fascist front," said Hamid Reza Jalalipour, a leader of the reformist Islamic Iran Participation Front. [...]

A senior Rafsanjani aide urged reformists, secularists and moderate conservatives to unite behind the former president to maintain a political balance against "militarist" tendencies.

"We all can hear the footsteps of fascism," Mohammad Atrianfar told Reuters. "If we create a united front for a national coalition, we will win the Friday election."

He echoed accusations from Moin's camp that Ahmadinejad had used Basij religious militiamen to help get out the vote.

"Using a paramilitary organization to mobilize voters is a very dangerous move," Atrianfar said.

The daily Sharq, which Atrianfar controls, said voting for Rafsanjani was the only way to stop religious hard-liners from gaining a monopoly on Iran's ruling institutions.

"We can call him arrogant and criticize his preference for development over democracy," wrote columnist Mohammad Qouchani, but added: "Now we clearly see that Rafsanjani is the only choice left for preserving democracy in Iran."

Though Rafsanjani does not challenge clerical rule, he is seen as a counterweight to the hard-line anti-Western elite and has called for a "new chapter" in Iran-U.S. relations.

Iran’s reformists face an uneasy choice as conservatives dominate elections: A second ballot to decide Iran’s next president will have huge repercussions (Robert Tait, 6/19/05, Sunday Herald)
Casting their votes at a mosque in the Tehran district of Fereshteh, many young voters – universally accepted as the most important block in a country where around two-thirds of the 70 million population are under 30 – openly said they did not believe in the current system, in which the unelected Khamenei holds sway over the elected president on a range of crucial issues.

Many said they were voting to prevent Iran’s body politic being hijacked by hardliners who want to strengthen the Islamic nature of Iranian society.

“This is the last chance for change within the system,” says Sayed Mehdi Anwar, 23, a politics student at Tehran University, who voted for Rafsanjani in the hope that his status as a political insider would let him deliver change.

“The more the government opens up social freedoms, the more the youth will move away from Westernisation and accept their own culture.”

Those comments sit uneasily with the vaunted “Western” nature of the campaign, particularly given the pseudo-American techniques deployed by Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, a hardline former police chief and Revolutionary Guard air force commander.

A cynic might ask how many Western elections are marred by a series of bombings in the days before polling. Over three days last week, nine bomb blasts were reported in Iran, killing 10 people.

The regime blamed at least four of the bombings, in the southern city of Ahwaz, on separatists in the mainly Arab Khuzestan province. However, responsibility for others, including two in Tehran, has not been established.

Reformists hinted darkly that some of the bombings may have been the work of hardline elements close to the regime hoping to influence the election result.

Less than 24 hours before polls opened, the outgoing reformist president, Mohammed Khatami, in revealingly candid remarks, warned that the election was in danger of being undermined.

“It seems there is an organised movement to hurt the glorious process of the elections,” he said.

Complaining of “disruption of gatherings, beatings, illegal pamphlets and spreading lies to ruin candidates’ reputations”, Khatami called on intelligence and interior ministries to step up their investigations into the bombings and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The remarks, rather than bolster confidence in Iranian democracy, appeared to lend weight to eve-of-poll criticism by US President George Bush that the elections were unfair.

The petering out of Khatami’s once crusading reformist administration has been a primary cause of voter disillusionment and cynicism in Iran. Once hailed as a heroic agent of change, the liberal president and his reform-minded followers lost their credibility as the conservative clerical establishment repeatedly blocked plans to give a more open, less religious face to Iranian society.

Nevertheless, Khatami is credited with advancing social freedoms and bringing about a sea-change in the mentality of the younger generations of Iranians.

“I must say that Khatami’s period was remarkable. He gave some freedom to people but those freedoms have not been allowed to continue,” says Mohammed Hassan Ahmadi, 19, a worker in an arts and crafts shop in Isfahan.

That thirst for freedom was probably behind the scenes that unfolded in the streets late last Wednesday evening.

Amid blaring horns, thousands of young people brought traffic to a standstill as they drove all over the affluent northern part of the city, their cars festooned with election stickers and paraphernalia supporting their favoured candidates. It was an affirmation not so much of the election but of a widespread desire for a party in defiance of the social restrictions that have marked the 26 years of Iran’s Islamic leadership.

The same spirit had asserted itself a week earlier when tens of thousands took to the streets to celebrate Iran’s qualification for next year’s football World Cup in Germany.

In both cases, the authorities – notoriously suspicious of unauthorised public gatherings – did not dare intervene.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


Possible Court Nominees Pose a Quandary for Bush: A Conservative Anchor vs. an Ethnic First (Peter Baker, June 19, 2005, Washington Post)

President Bush's advisers are focusing their search for a new Supreme Court justice on a trio of candidates who could present the president with a choice that would help shape his legacy -- pick a reliable conservative to anchor the court for decades or go for history by naming the first Hispanic chief justice at the risk of alienating his base. [...]

Bush and his inner circle have had tightly held deliberations and no one can say for sure whom he might pick for chief justice, but outside advisers to the White House believe the main candidates are federal appeals Judges John G. Roberts and J. Michael Luttig and possibly Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

For a time, many officials and analysts in Washington assumed that Gonzales, a longtime Bush confidant and his first-term White House counsel, had been ruled out as a candidate because he took over the Justice Department in February. But in recent days, several advisers with close ties to the White House said Bush appears to be considering Gonzales, after all.

If so, it sets up a delicate conundrum for Bush. A Gonzales appointment would be a politically appealing "first" that could ease the confirmation process among Democrats and help expand the Republican base, according to some strategists. But many conservative leaders see him as too moderate on issues such as abortion and affirmative action, and a Gonzales-for-Rehnquist trade would effectively move the court somewhat to the left.

"He's clearly in the running," said one adviser who, like others, shared insights on the condition of anonymity to preserve relations with the White House. "And that's an easy confirmation -- that's the easy confirmation."

Miguel Estrada would kill both birds.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM

STILL JUNK (via The Mother Judd):

A Web Hoax, Transformed (AMY HARMON, 6/19/05, NY Times)

"SAVE NPR and PBS," reads an e-mail petition being circulated by MoveOn.org, a liberal advocacy group. "Really. Check the footnotes if you don't believe us."

The group was one of dozens to solicit signatures after a House committee voted to cut federal support of National Public Radio and television shows like "Sesame Street." But many found they had to first persuade a jaded Internet citizenry that their petitions were authentic.

That was necessary because, according to folklorists of the online world, two students at the University of Northern Colorado had sent out a similar "Save NPR/PBS" petition way back in 1995, shortly after Republican legislators began a push to eliminate public broadcasting.

What happened next was in some ways characteristic of what happens to information on the Internet: the students' e-mail campaign soon got out of hand. The petition kept circulating, this time as a hoax, long after the threat to public radio and television had disappeared.

Then, in a reminder of the slippery distinction between digital fact and fiction, current events turned the e-mail's oft-debunked but never killed message into reality. In a classically surreal Internet moment, the new e-mail was taken for the bogus old one, and the old one, for many years a hoax, suddenly became true.

How is the notion that the existence of NPR/PBS is threatened not still a hoax?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Gaza houses 'will be demolished' (BBC, 6/19/05)

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said Jewish homes in the Gaza Strip will be destroyed when Israel pulls out its troops and settlers.

Speaking after talks in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Ms Rice said the move had been agreed by Israel and the Palestinians.

Earlier, Ms Rice said the pull-out would be an "historic" step which could lead to a Palestinian state. [...]

She said it was an "historic step that can lead to the eventual resolution and the eventual ability to get to a two-state solution", as envisaged under the internationally-backed roadmap plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


Blair plans assault on 'out-of-date' EU leaders (EDDIE BARNES AND BRIAN BRADY, 6/19/05, The Scotsman)

TONY Blair will this week launch a dramatic offensive in the heart of the European Union, demanding the crisis-stricken EU deliver widespread reform.

After the most acrimonious week in the Union's history, the Prime Minister will enter the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday, provoking renewed hostility by insisting France and other European nations slash their bloated agricultural subsidies.

Bullish officials in Downing Street claim they have been "vindicated" following last week's EU summit when Britain was joined by four other nations in refusing to sign off its budget.

But despite their confidence, Foreign Office officials returning to London yesterday, warned that Blair's bid was unlikely to succeed, with France leading the group of "enemy" nations hungry for revenge.

At least they finally recognize that they are enemies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:50 AM


The master plan for party suicide (Wesley Pruden, June 17, 2005, Washington Times)

[T]he Democrats, in their desperate search for an alchemist who can turn Iraq into Vietnam, stumble into one soft cowpie after another. Harry Reid called the president "a loser," and that didn't work. Howard Dean mocked Christians for both race and faith, and fell over backwards. Dick Durbin thought he had the formula, telling how an FBI agent told him interrogators at Guantanamo chained an al Qaeda terrorist to the floor, turned up the air-conditioning, turned on a hip-hop recording and dialed up the decibels. Making someone, even a terrorist, listen to hip-hop may well be beyond the ordinary limits of civilized behavior, but what can Mr. Durbin and his colleagues expect ordinary Americans to make of this: "If I read this [e-mail] to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

His Democratic colleagues, despairing of buttoning the lip on the fattest mouth in the United States Senate, tried yesterday to avoid the senator and his firestorm, much like embarrassed parents whose four-year-old used the f-word in describing to dinner guests what daddy said to mommy. Harry Reid first hid between a bookcase and the Xerox machine and sent a female aide out to take the heat. She could tell reporters only that Mr. Durbin had "spotlighted" a problem and everyone ought to take "the FBI's concerns" seriously, although the FBI had said nothing at all about "the problem."

Hillary Clinton, having wrapped up the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination and eager not to offend allies before actual campaigning starts, insisted that she hadn't read "the senator's speech." When a reporter read the offending passage to her she could only say, primly, that she had nothing to say.

If true, the senator's revelations that American war crimes at Guantanamo, consisting mostly of irreverent attitudes toward the Koran, had caught up with the atrocities of the Holocaust (9 million dead, including 6 million Jews), Stalin's gulags (2.7 million dead) and Pol Pot's Cambodian attempt at genocide (1.7 million dead) were surely the story of the new century, but the party's friendly press organs tried to look the other way. Neither The Washington Post nor the New York Times found room in yesterday's editions to report the controversy. But there was no press lollygagging in the Islamic world. Al Jazeera, the Arab-language network that regularly broadcasts dispatches from Osama bin Laden's cave, quickly put up the Durbin remarks in fulsome detail.

...if you're going to play Russian Roulette at least empty a few chambers and improve your odds.

Durbin slanders his own country (MARK STEYN, 6/19/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

Throughout the last campaign season, senior Democrats had a standard line in their speeches, usually delivered with righteous anger, about how "nobody has a right to question my patriotism!" Given that nobody was questioning their patriotism, it seemed an odd thing to harp on about. But, aware of their touchiness on the subject, I hasten to add that in what follows I am not questioning Dick Durbin's patriotism, at least not for the first couple of paragraphs. Instead, I'll begin by questioning his sanity.

Last Tuesday, Senator Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, quoted a report of U.S. "atrocities" at Guantanamo and then added:

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings."

Er, well, your average low-wattage senator might. But I wouldn't. The "atrocities" he enumerated -- "Not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room" -- are not characteristic of the Nazis, the Soviets or Pol Pot, and, at the end, the body count in Gitmo was a lot lower. That's to say, it was zero, which would have been counted a poor day's work in Auschwitz or Siberia or the killing fields of Cambodia.

But give Durbin credit. Every third-rate hack on every European newspaper can do the Americans-are-Nazis schtick. Amnesty International has already declared Guantanamo the "gulag of our times." But I do believe the senator is the first to compare the U.S. armed forces with the blood-drenched thugs of Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. Way to go, senator! If you had a dime for every crackpot Web site that takes up your thoughtful historical comparison, you'd be able to retire to the Caribbean and spend the rest of your days torturing yourself with hot weather and loud music, as well as inappropriately provocative women and insufficient choice of hors d'oeuvres and all the other shameful atrocities committed at Guantanamo.

Just for the record, some 15 million to 30 million Soviets died in the gulag; some 6 million Jews died in the Nazi camps; some 2 million Cambodians -- one third of the population -- died in the killing fields. Nobody's died in Gitmo, not even from having Christina Aguilera played to them excessively loudly. The comparison is deranged, and deeply insulting not just to the U.S. military but to the millions of relatives of those dead Russians, Jews and Cambodians, who, unlike Durbin, know what real atrocities are.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 AM


Efforts to curb abortion proliferate at state level: Abortion foes try to chip away at Roe v. Wade, most recently through laws focusing on 'personhood' of a fetus. (Amanda Paulson, 6/13/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

"We've seen more bills [related to abortion] enacted in the first five months of this year [16] than in all of last year," says Elizabeth Nash, state monitor for the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-rights policy group. "It's hard to measure the impact. But every time we get one of these laws, we say it's just another way to chip away at Roe."

Among the recent efforts:

• Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed a law last week that requires minors wanting an abortion to get written parental consent (as opposed to parental notification, which was previously required). It also bans a woman from getting an abortion after 26 weeks of pregnancy, unless her life is threatened or the fetus is brain damaged.

• Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently signed legislation giving the state increased oversight of clinics that offer second-trimester abortions. While Governor Bush and others have stressed that it is only intended to ensure safety and quality care at clinics, abortion-rights groups see it as singling out facilities in hopes of closing them.

• A Georgia law approved last month requires a 24-hour waiting period and parental notification for minors. More unusual, it specifies that the doctor must inform the woman of the fetus's age, alternatives to abortion, and the likelihood that the fetus will feel pain during the abortion.

• In a similar focus on the fetus, Indiana now requires abortion doctors to notify patients that they can see an ultrasound image and listen to the fetus's heartbeat. The Michigan House recently passed a bill that requires an ultrasound be done before every abortion. [...]

[Peggy Romberg, CEO of the Women's Health and Family Planning Association of Texas,] says, "we see the erosion bit by bit.... I think the assaults have an overall effect I find disheartening."

Even abortion opponents admit that some of the restrictions have little real effect. But they still see them as important in keeping the issue public, establishing legal precedents that acknowledge a fetus as an individual, and raising awareness of the fetus's personhood for Americans who may be undecided about abortion.

"Even in cases where it may be more symbolic or less effectual in saving lives of unborn children, we have to recognize it has an effect in public relations and helping people to think these things through," says David Bereit, a program director for the American Life League.

Mr. Bereit acknowledges a flip side as well: Incremental gains - like parental consent - could jeopardize the long-term goal of outlawing all abortions. "If abortion is wrong and truly kills an unborn child, it shouldn't matter if a parent says yes or no," he says. "Could it give more legitimacy to abortion in the eyes of the law?"

One tactic gaining popularity is "informed consent" - laws that require abortion seekers to be notified about pain the fetus may experience and medical and psychological risks to the mother. Some tell doctors to cite an increased risk of breast cancer, even though most doctors say no such risk exists. Planned Parenthood recently filed suit against a South Dakota law that requires women to sign a statement saying, among other things, that the abortion will terminate the life of a "whole, separate, unique, living human being."

Critics of these laws aimed at getting women to think of the fetus as an individual - the latest of which is the ultrasound requirement - believe this amounts to legislating what should be the realm of medicine. "It's putting politicians' beliefs into a doctor's office," says Ted Miller, a spokesperson for NARAL Pro-Choice America. "These proposals are coming from people very hostile to individual privacy."

Abortion opponents counter that anything that gets women - and the law - to recognize a fetus as a person is a step in the right direction.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:37 AM


Arrogant Australia humbled in 'the biggest upset in the game's history': Bangladesh 250 for five bt Australia 249 for five by five wickets Remarkable result suggests Aussie juggernaut spluttering badly (Vic Marks, June 19, 2005, The Observer

At the start of the day we wondered whether the Aussie juggernaut was spluttering. By the end, it seemed to be missing several wheels. Australia's five-wicket defeat to Bangladesh is as stunning a result in a cricket match as any I can recall. A freak result, you might say - unless you were here.

The astonishing truth is that Australia, acknowledged as the best side in the world in all forms of the game - except perhaps Twenty20 - were clinically outplayed by the minnows of world cricket. Mashrafe Mortaza was the best bowler on view yesterday. Mohammad Ashraful, who sparkled in the evening sunshine, played the best innings, a brilliant century. Australia dropped more catches than Bangladesh, who, in contrast to their opponents, took all the right decisions - Ricky Ponting's preference to bat first was a mistake, based on the assumption that this match could not be lost.

The Australian bowlers could not bully the Bangladeshis as England's have this summer. The pitch was too slow for that and so is the Australian pace attack when Brett Lee is not playing. The lack of depth in the Australian bowling was also exposed as Ponting anxiously shuffled Brad Hogg, Michael Clarke and Mike Hussey. Where was Shane and some subtlety? Gobsmacked in some Hampshire haven, I guess.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:01 AM


Hot-hitting Young finds trouble inside (Dennis Manoloff, June 19, 2005, The Plain Dealer)

Buffalo Bisons outfielder Ernie Young is the classic “4-A” player — good enough to succeed, even thrive, in Class AAA, but not quite good enough to stick in the major leagues. Regardless, what Young has done with a bat as a professional is noteworthy.

Last Thursday at Indianapolis, Young grounded out to drive in his 1,000th career run as a minor- leaguer. A sizable chunk of them came on 289 homers. Young entered Friday at .306 with 16 homers and 52 RBI as a catalyst for the sizzling Bisons. The homers and RBI led the International League.

A 10th-round pick by Oakland in 1990, Young, 35, has played in more than 1,400 minor-league games but just 288 in the majors (.225 batting average). He appeared in three games for the Indians last season after batting .299 with 27 homers and 100 RBI in 115 games for Buffalo. No player in the storied history of the Bisons ever has posted back-to-back 100-RBI seasons. Incredibly, Young has cracked at least 14 home runs in eight consecutive seasons with a Class AAA club, dating to 1998 when he hit 22 for Omaha in the Kansas City system. Barring injury or recall, Young will make it seven of eight with 20-plus. He has appeared in at least 48 games at Class AAA in nine consecutive seasons.

As to why Young fails to solve major-league pitching, the answer is found in the inner half of the strike zone.

“Big-league pitchers can ride the fastball in on him and tie him up,” an International League scout said. “The bat speed is not sufficient there. Triple-A pitchers generally don’t have the command or the velocity to attack that area consistently, and he’s smart enough and strong enough to hammer mistakes.”

The scout said the ratio of doubles to homers often says a lot about the swing of a player (certain top-flight sluggers excluded). If he has more homers than doubles over a long stretch, a hole likely exists somewhere. Young had 252 minor-league doubles through Thursday.

There's an interesting corollary: a younger guy who hits a ton of doubles is often poised to start hitting the ball over the fence, as with Brian Roberts this year com ing off of an AL-leading 50 last year.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:09 AM


Best, brightest pushed into private schools (Peter A. Brown, May 13, 2005, Orlando Sentinel)

[Harvard President Larry] Summers spoke about schools at a reunion of Neiman Fellows, alumni of a Harvard program that selects 12 American and 12 non-American midcareer journalists for a paid year of study.

In his remarks, Summers explained why the national interest requires that more attention and resources be poured into public schools to improve learning, especially among historically lower-achieving groups.

Hooding Carter III, State Department spokesman during the Iranian hostage crisis, asked Summers to square that notion with the reality that most of those in the room, and a majority of Harvard faculty, send their kids to private schools.

Summers paused, then talked about how parents must do what is best for their children, which is both obvious and beside the point.

In fact, increasing numbers of parents are sending their children to private schools, according to a U.S. Department of Education study. A number choose home-schooling for reasons of finances or faith.

However, many top students attend academically rigorous private schools out of parental concerns that the public schools do not sufficiently challenge them, because of the attention rightly focused on poor learners.

Summers, a public-school product, is one of those parents. While Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, he sent his three children, two of whom are now in high school and the third in middle school, to a public school in D.C.'s suburbs. After he became president of Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., in 2001, however, he put them in a private school.

Summers said that when he used to attend meetings of senior Clinton aides, he was one of only two sending their kids to public schools. Clinton, you may remember, disappointed many supporters, who see private education as somehow un-American, when he chose to send his daughter, Chelsea, to a private school.

Summers said he recently talked to the other official, whom he did not identify, who had been sending his kids to public school. Summers said that man was reconsidering his decision, because the reading requirement in his son's honors English course had been cut in half to make it possible to triple the number of students able to take the course.

Some may wonder why the country should care if those with the financial means to afford private education do so.

Obviously, any child attending private school is one fewer to be educated on the taxpayer's dime.

Yet it is not just the wealthy who are sending their children to such private schools. I am among the many middle/upper-middle-class parents, some receiving financial aid, who are investing in their children, even though they would rather spend the money on a new car or nice vacation.

Why not pull everyone via vouchers?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 AM


Failed Summit Talks Expose Union Abyss (ELAINE SCIOLINO, 7/18/05, NY Times)

Something shattered in Europe on Friday night.

The leaders of the 25 European Union nations went home after a failed two-day summit meeting in anger and in shame, as domestic politics and national interests defeated lofty notions of sacrifice and solidarity for the benefit of all.

The battle over money and the shelving of the bloc's historic constitution, after the crushing no votes in France and the Netherlands, stripped away all pretense of an organization with a common vision and reflected the fears of many leaders in the face of rising popular opposition to the project called Europe.

Their attacks on one another after they failed to agree on a future budget - for 2007 through 2013 - seemed destructive and unnecessary, and it is not at all clear that they will be able to repair their relationships. Even if they do, the damage to the organization is done.

Most embarrassing for the European Union was a last-minute attempt by its 10 newest members to salvage the budget agreement late on Friday night. They offered to give up some of their own aid from the union so that the older and richer members could keep theirs.

For the new members, that offer was an opportunity to prove their worth. Criticizing the "egoism" of countries driven by national interests, Prime Minister Marek Belka of Poland said, "Nobody will be able to say that for Poland, the European Union is just a pile of money."

But for the older members, it was a humiliation.

Aren't they past the point where they can be humiliated?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


What's Bad for G.M. Is . . . (GREGG EASTERBROOK, 6/12/05, NY Times)

Many factors contributed to the General Motors decline - health care costs, corporate bureaucracy and detachment from the market. (Toyota, Honda and others have long focused their marketing research on California, to be close to the pulse of car culture. G.M. does its big thinking in Michigan, which is a little like studying fashion in Toledo.) Company executives bet heavily that gas prices and poor fuel economy would not dampen enthusiasm for G.M.'s S.U.V.'s and pickup trucks; now, that is happening. [...]

There is also great pressure to hold prices down, which is bad for companies like G.M. with vast amounts of overhead. According to the consumer price index, new cars and light trucks today cost less in real-dollar terms than in 1982, despite having air bags, antilock brakes, CD players, power windows and other features either unavailable or considered luxury options back then.

This means that during the very period that General Motors has declined, American car buyers have become better off. Competition can have the effect of "creative destruction," in the economist Joseph Schumpeter's famous term, harming workers in some places, while everyone else comes out ahead.

Nothing is more expensive today than it was yesterday...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Our Father Is No 'It' or Gal God (Dennis Prager, June 19, 2005, LA Times)

Father's Day provides a fine opportunity to talk about our Father in Heaven. Why do Judeo-Christian religions insist on God being a father and not a mother? Is it still important to use masculine images and vocabulary to describe God? Or is that all a vestige of sexist religion?

That is the charge of "progressives" within Christianity and Judaism. Because men and women are equal, their argument goes, describing God, the highest being, in male terms is pure sexism. It simply discriminates against women and places men in a superior position. These arguments have great appeal in an age that confuses equality with sameness. So it is worth briefly sketching some of the arguments for preserving male depictions of God. [...]

First, God is the source of moral rules. As the feminist thinker Carole Gilligan argued years ago, men think more in terms of rules, and women think more in terms of feelings/compassion/ intuition. There is a great human need for both. But, first and foremost, the Judeo-Christian God is a moral ruler (giver of moral rules and moral judge of humanity)...

That's the whole shooting match.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


What is science for?: The scientific method, in the words of its greatest practitioners. (Dr Simon Singh, spiked)

When spiked asked various folk which bit of science they would most like to teach the world, there was one response that was given over and over again: the scientific method. In other words, it seems that scientists wanted to explain the nature of science to non-scientists. So, what is science?

When I spoke at the spiked event at the Royal Institution that followed the survey, I tried to describe the scientific method by giving an example, which involved taking a historical look at the Big Bang model of the universe. I discussed how it had been developed through theory and experiment, through prediction and verification, through measurement and observation.

Hypothesis, predictions, experiments, and answers: the scientific method. But many sciences do not and can not work this way. As a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist, my trade is the reconstruction of history. History is unique and complex. It cannot be reproduced in a flask. Scientists who study history, particularly an ancient and unobservable history not recorded in human or geological chronicles, must use inferential rather than experimental methods.
-Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb

Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought: This article is based on the September 23, 1999, lecture that Mayr delivered in Stockholm on receiving the Crafoord Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (Ernst Mayr)
[D]arwin introduced historicity into science. Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain.

June 18, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:49 PM


Strayhorn announces candidacy for governor (R.G. RATCLIFFE, 6/17/05 Houston Chronicle)

With the Capitol as a backdrop and a scorching sun beating down, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn turned the political heat up on Gov. Rick Perry today, formally announcing as a challenger to his re-election.

Strayhorn, saying she will run against Perry in next year's Republican primary, wasted no time in attacking her new opponent.

"You know that Texans cannot afford another four years of a governor who promises tax relief and delivers nothing," she said.

"Now is time to replace this do-nothing drugstore cowboy with one tough grandma," Strayhorn told a cheering crowd. [...]

Strayhorn has been able to brag in her statewide elections in 1996 and 2002 that she was the top vote-getter among Republican candidates in the general election.

But both times Strayhorn has been on the Republican primary ballot at the same time as the governor, Perry has received more of the primary vote. When she was running for re-election in 2002 and Perry was seeking election as governor, Perry received 80,000 more GOP primary votes than Strayhorn.

The GOP primary race was clarified on Friday when U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison announced she would seek re-election rather than join the contest to unseat Perry.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:43 PM


The Merkel factor: Never mind the summit: wait for September’s victory on the German plains (Times of London, 6/17/05)

Angela Merkel, the leader of the German Christian Democrats, has become a useful ally of the British Government, even though her likely election as Chancellor is still some months away. By recognising that budget reform is necessary, and by conceding that she understands Britain’s concerns over the rebate, she has already shown more leadership than most of the prime ministers gathered around the table in Brussels last night. For too many of those leaders, the budget wrangle has been an excuse not to focus on broader economic and political issues, including the resounding defeat of the EU constitution in France and the Netherlands.

At a moment when they should be responding to the discontents and anxieties that those votes exposed — about political arrogance, remote institutions, stagnating economies and faltering social models — Europe’s leaders have taken refuge in old disputes about farm payments, the British rebate, or how much regional aid prosperous Spain is to continue to claw out of Brussels even though the needs of the Union’s new members are manifestly greater. It is for all the world as though nothing seismic had occurred.

The institutional EU has its own version of Cartesian logic: “I spend, therefore I exist.” President Chirac’s interests lie in demonstrating France’s power to resist any radical transformation of the EU’s spending priorities. Germany’s do not; and yet Gerhard Schröder seems to think the best final service he can do Europe as Chancellor is to pretend that Franco-German interests are indivisible and their influence is still paramount.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:17 PM


The new science of race
(CAROLYN ABRAHAM, June 18, 2005, Globe and Mail)

Henry Harpending is about to titillate the world's conspiracy theorists with one of the most politically incorrect academic papers of the new millennium.

Why, he and his colleagues at the University of Utah asked, have Jews of European descent won 27 per cent of the Nobel Prizes given to Americans in the past century, while making up only 3 per cent of the population? Why do they produce more than half the world's chess champions? And why do they have an average IQ higher than any other ethnic group for which there's reliable data, and nearly six times as many people scoring above 140 compared with Europeans?

Prof. Harpending suggests that the reason is in their bloodline — it's genetic.

The 61-year-old anthropologist's explanation is not easily dismissed, but it crosses into the territory scientists fear most.

His group's theory is that during 1,000 years of persecution, social isolation and employment restrictions in Europe that kept Ashkenazi Jews from farming, they were forced into (then disreputable) jobs such as trade and finance, which demanded mental agility. Success in these fields could lead to food, shelter and family. Under such pressures, the paper suggests, genetic traits related to intelligence became more prevalent among central and northern European Jews.

Two U.S. journals refused the paper, an unusual experience for this widely published scholar. “We finally had to send the paper to England, where they're not so obsessed with political correctness,” Prof. Harpending said.

The danger of bolstering bigots is what has scientists so nervous. If a complex trait such as intelligence can be inherited, for instance, and you say one ethnic or racial group tends to have more of it than others, does it follow that another group has less? [...]

It was not supposed to be this way.

When the Human Genome Project was completed in 2000, its most touted result was that it showed no genetic basis for race. In fact, some scientists went so far as to dub race a “biological fiction.”

The project was a 13-year international drive to map all of the three billion chemical bits, or nucleotides, that make up human DNA. Particular nucleotide sequences (represented by the letters A, C, G and T) combine to form the estimated 25,000 genes whose proteins help to produce human traits, from the way your heart beats to the wave in your hair.

The map indicated that humans as a species are 99.9 per cent genetically identical — that, in fact, there are greater differences between two frogs in a pond than between any two people who find themselves waiting for a bus.

A teeny 0.1 per cent, a mere genetic sliver, helps to account for all the profound diversity within the human race, with its freckles, dimples, afros and crimson tresses, its shy and bombastic types, its Donald Trumps and Dalai Lamas, Madonnas and Mr. Dressups, Bill Gates, Billie Holidays, George W. Bushes and Osama bin Ladens.

It was a message of harmony: Hardly a hair of code separates us.

But five years later, one of scientists' main preoccupations has become to chart the genetic variations between and within racial groups — to parse that 0.1 per cent.

Make them do math and they develop mathematical minds.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:10 PM


A Just-in-Case Short List of Solid Conservatives DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writers (Nancy Benac, 6/17/05, AP)

President Bush's best bets for filling a potential vacancy on the Supreme Court include six solidly conservative federal judges, each of whom has unique qualities that could make all the difference. [...]

One name that consistently pops up is J. Michael Luttig, a Texan who was named in 1991 by the first President Bush to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Richmond, Va.

Luttig, then 37, became the youngest federal appellate judge. At 51, he still has a boyish look and playful manner that belie his judicial experience on what is considered the most conservative of the appeals courts.

"I think the president would hit it off with him," Long said. "They are both from Texas, have a similar sense of humor and share the same judicial philosophy." [...]

J. Harvie Wilkinson III is one of Luttig's colleagues on the 4th Circuit. The 60-year-old also figures prominently in Supreme Court speculation, particularly if Bush were to fill a vacancy in the chief justice's seat with an outsider rather than elevating one of the associate justices, such as Thomas or Antonin Scalia. [...]

If Bush wants to make history by appointing the first Latino justice, Judge Emilio Garza of the 5th Circuit, based in New Orleans, is a leading candidate. Nearly 15 years ago, the first President Bush gave serious thought to appointing Garza, now 57, to the high court.

Strategists say the historic nature of such an appointment could be an important factor when Bush has a number of solid conservatives to choose among.

Garza would be sure to be questioned closely about his writings suggesting that the Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion should be overturned.

Three others circulating as candidates for the court are Judges John Roberts of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; Michael McConnell of the 10th Circuit; and Samuel Alito of the 3rd Circuit.

Roberts has been given more prominence of late. Low-key, staunchly conservative and with a relatively short paper trail, Roberts is very much considered the safe, establishment candidate in Washington. He has generally avoided weighing in on disputed social issues. Abortion rights groups, however, have maintained that he tried during his days as a lawyer in the first Bush administration to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Others seen as plausible picks by the president, especially given his penchant for picking a wild card, include:

-former Solicitor General Theodore Olson.

-former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson.

-Judge Edith Jones of the 5th Circuit.

-Judge Danny Boggs of the 6th Circuit.

-Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.

-Lawyer Miguel Estrada, who withdrew his nomination to the D.C. Circuit when he ran into a Democratic filibuster.

We just established the fact that Janice Rogers Brown is an ordinary nominee and not filibusterable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:42 PM


‘Living With Sheep' (6/17/05, Valley News)

Some people say that sheep are dumb as dirt piles, but on a recent scorcher of a summer day, Chuck Wooster's flock had it made in the shade.

In the greater Upper Valley, humans were bustling about and sizzling like fried eggs.

Wooster's sheep were watching the pasture grow. They lay serenely, woolly little Buddhas under cover of a shelter similar to a carport, meditating on the taste of grass and waiting for a cloud to block the sun.

When the cloud came, they'd go out for a bite.

Until the cloud came, they were cooling their heels, or hooves.

Now it's true that they weren't discussing globalization or the impending Michael Jackson verdict, or anything that humans would say constitutes higher intelligence.

But on that day, they were chewing grass and humans were mowing lawns. The latter risked heat stroke -- so who is it, really, who's dumb?

Wooster defends sheep smarts in his new book, Living With Sheep, which promises in its subtitle to reveal Everything You Need to Know to Raise Your Own Flock. A generous offering of color photographs, ranging from adorable to pastoral, are by Geoff Hansen of Tunbridge, who has done several books and is photo and graphics editor at the Valley News.

One of the first issues Wooster addresses is sheep-think. We are predators, he explains, and sheep are prey, and that affects everything about how we and they see the world. (And explains why we understand cat-and-dog behavior, that of our fellow predators, better.) “Their main deal is, they stick together,'' he said in a recent interview at his 100-acre farm in Hartford, where the flock currently includes 10 ewes, a ram and eight lambs.

That stick-to-itiveness makes a lone sheep look silly if it gets isolated from the flock and panics, Wooster said, and sheep don't take directions well. They move, en masse, “like a liquid,'’ said Wooster. “They’re amazingly good at it.’’

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:26 AM


Where's Waldo? (Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross, June 13, 2005, SF Chronicle)

Waldo the pill-dispensing robot apparently went berserk this past week at UCSF Medical Center, sending a doctor and patient running for cover.

Whacked-out Waldo is one of three battery-operated, rolling robots that dispense pills at the hospital. The other two are named Elvis and Lisa Marie.

All three are about the size of a large TV and are programmed to roam from floor to floor, distributing medications to nursing stations.

At the end of their rounds, the robots are supposed to roll into the basement pharmacy for refills.

But Tuesday, Waldo shot past the pharmacy and barged uninvited into the examination room in the radiation oncology department, where -- according to an anonymous caller -- a doctor was examining a cancer patient.

According to the caller, Waldo wouldn't leave, and the startled doctor and patient felt obliged to flee the room.

Can't you just see the last few elderly Japanese cowering in terror as their robot masters rampage?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:22 AM


Porn Industry Sues To Prevent New Child Porn Rules (Denver Channel, June 17, 2005)

A coalition representing the porn industry asked a federal court Thursday to block new regulations requiring pornographers and distributors to maintain records of their performers, arguing the rules could stop the distribution of material produced since 1992.

The regulations, which were approved by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in May, requires producers to keep detailed information that verify the identify and age of their performers, including their date of birth, legal name, and copy of a picture identification card. The rules were approved in an effort to stop child pornography and ensure the performers are not minors.

Producers have 30 days to comply with the changes, which take effect June 23, or face up to 5 years in prison for the first offense and 10 years for each subsequent violation.

The Free Speech Coalition, its chapter in Colorado, a pornography distributor, and adult film producer filed the lawsuit seeking an injunction in U.S. District Court.

Because, after all, if the First Amendment doesn't protect child pornography then what was the Revolution all about?

Posted by orrinj at 8:32 AM


Europe 1, American Right 0: Conservative pundits aghast at European voters’ EU snub don’t want to grapple with what those voters might be saying about unchecked capitalism. (Jim Sleeper, 06.16.05, American Prospect)

“Ranting like yours against capitalism is so over,” a vaguely neoconservative friend and writer of learned essays chided me last winter as I ranted, indeed, against proposals to privatize Social Security. Recently, another writer-acquaintance, David Brooks, chided French and Dutch voters for rebuffing “higher living standards” (more jobs and consumer goods) by refusing to ratify the European Union’s proposed constitution, in an effort to defend their outmoded social-welfare networks and their ineffable “quality of life.”

But if resistance to global capitalism isn’t as “over” over there as EU elites thought, couldn’t its cheerleaders be missing something over here, too? I don’t mean a demand for socialism, thank you, but, far more modestly, stirrings of a civic republicanism that has often had to save capitalism from itself, both here and abroad. Maybe the European majorities -- not just the French and Dutch but also the Danes and the Brits, who’ve kept out of the Euro currency -- are sending signals worth heeding. How can my opinion-maker friends tout “democracy” abroad but call it backward-looking whenever it rears its head? Yet they’re pouncing so defensively on every doubt about the global cornucopia of competitiveness that you begin to wonder if there’s something they’re trying to hide.

Actually, I think I know what that is. But first, consider the signals from abroad. Shouldn’t patriotic American conservatives, of all people, loathe the EU’s unelected, post-nationalist, corporatist bureaucracy, whose sway Brooks once mocked as “Belgian cultural hegemony”

Wha'happen? Is there anyone on the Right who isn't doing a victory dance over the corpse of Europe?

Posted by orrinj at 8:26 AM


JAMES WEINSTEIN, 79: Leftist adopted Chicago as home, started In These Times magazine (Stephen Franklin, June 17, 2005, Chicago Tribune)

In the 1970s James Weinstein had a dream for a socialist magazine unlike any other in the country, a magazine that would speak to average people. But he wasn't sure where to launch it.

New York was too tainted by the old and the New Left. And California was too California.

So, he came to Chicago, a place where he had no roots but which appealed to him because of its heartland nature, its rich social and populist history and people of all kinds who might heed his message.

Thus, In These Times magazine was born in Chicago in 1976 in a classic display of Mr. Weinstein's personal quest not to fit any mold.

A former member of Communist front groups in the 1950s, he preferred to call himself more of a Groucho Marxist influenced as much by "Duck Soup" as "Das Kapital," according to Miles Harvey, a former managing editor of In These Times.

Indeed, Mr. Weinstein thrived on humor, a gift that sometimes baffled his more intense colleagues, some of them said.

No word from its tens of millions of victims on whether they too thought Communism a lark.

Posted by orrinj at 8:19 AM


Sacrificing Herself for Her Cause: Myanmar's freedom fighter lives in forced isolation, refusing to yield. Her nation, ruled by a junta, suffers nearly the same fate. (Richard C. Paddock, June 18, 2005, LA Times)

She is known simply as The Lady. She lives in isolation in her old family home on a quiet lake in the northern part of the city. Armed guards make sure she doesn't leave. Her only known visitor is the doctor who checks on her monthly. She is said to spend her time meditating and reading.

The world's only imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi has spent nearly 10 of the last 16 years under house arrest or behind bars. There is no sign that Myanmar's brutal military regime plans to free her any time soon.

Sunday, the devout Buddhist, who received the prize in 1991 for her nonviolent struggle for democracy in Myanmar, will turn 60. Supporters around the globe will hold protests and concerts in more than a dozen cities, but no public celebration is planned here for fear of government retribution.

Myanmar, formerly called Burma, has been under military rule since a coup d'etat in 1962. In 1988, amid violent protests, the army massacred thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators in the capital Rangoon, now called Yangon, and other cities, leading to another coup.

The new military leaders held national assembly elections in 1990 in which the National League for Democracy, which Suu Kyi helped found, won 82% of the seats. But the junta refused to hand over power. A committee of generals has run the country ever since.

The United States and other nations imposed economic and political sanctions aimed at securing Suu Kyi's freedom. But they have helped cripple the economy, and the dictatorship headed by Sr. Gen. Than Shwe remains firmly in command. Once one of the wealthiest nations in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is now one of the poorest.

The country is mostly isolated from the outside world. There are none of the McDonald's, Starbucks or KFC outlets here that have become ubiquitous in Southeast Asian cities. Instead, workers crowd into dilapidated buses carrying shiny, metal cylinder lunch boxes with separate trays for their rice, curry and vegetables. Women commonly walk down the streets of central Yangon carrying goods on their heads.

Secret police and a network of informers watch over the populace. Listening to overseas radio broadcasts or watching foreign shows on satellite television can result in seven years in prison. Foreign journalists are rarely allowed to visit.

Dissidents are arrested in the middle of the night and vanish into the prison system. There are more than 1,300 political detainees, rights groups say, including other leaders of Suu Kyi's party. Members of the public interviewed for this article asked not to be identified out of fear for their safety.

Around the world, Suu Kyi (pronounced Sue Chee) is celebrated for her advocacy of nonviolence to achieve democracy. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday that instead of being under house arrest, she should be "out amongst the people and her supporters, pushing for stability and … democratization of her society."

If we're serious let's change the regime by force.

Posted by orrinj at 8:16 AM

"WHAT'S BEST FOR ME" (via Robert Schwartz):

School official’s son may transfer: Columbus board president braces for political fallout if teen goes to private school (Bill Bush, June 17, 2005, THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH)

Stephanie Hightower could be pulling her son out of the Columbus school district to send him to a private school, the school-board president confirmed yesterday. [...]

"I have to start thinking about what’s best for me," she said. Though she has been rumored to be a potential candidate for Columbus mayor, she said she has no current plans to seek any other office. Walter Cates, an East Side political activist and a 1960 graduate of East High, said he understands that Hightower is trying to prepare her son for his future, but "clearly it’s an indictment" of the district’s high schools.

"I know damn well it doesn’t look good from a political standpoint, it doesn’t look good from a community standpoint," Cates said.

If Hightower’s son goes to a private school, the move would follow a pattern of parents rejecting the district when it comes time for their children to go to high school, according to a recent study.

Only 7 percent of potential eighth-graders leave Columbus schools for charter schools, but that number jumps to 18 percent by the 10 th grade, said Mark Real, president of KidsOhio, a children’s advocacy group. Numbers weren’t available to show how many students leave Columbus for private schools.

"To me, the lesson . . . is there needs to be better choices inside Columbus schools," Real said.

Pull the kid and run for mayor on a platform of universal vouchers.

Columbus spends $6631 per pupil annually, which is substantially more than a superior parochial school education would cost.

Posted by orrinj at 7:52 AM


EU leaders and voters see paths diverge (Judy Dempsey and Katrin Bennhold, JUNE 18, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

When three European Union leaders announced that ratification of the EU constitution would be "postponed for a period of reflection," they blamed neither the document's architects nor themselves. They blamed the European public.

The French and Dutch voters who said no to the charter did not really reject the constitution, the EU officials said Thursday night, they just failed to understand it. The comments, after nearly three weeks of soul-searching about Europe's direction, spoke less of a crisis atmosphere than of a surreal disconnect between Europe's leadership and its voters.

The fact that none of the three officials had been elected by Europeans as a whole, but were appointed to their posts, only strengthened the sense of detachment between voters and EU institutions.

Yikes. Even the Times has figured it out.

Posted by orrinj at 7:49 AM


NO DALEY CALL (Robert Novak, June 18, 2005, Townhall)

Former Commerce Secretary William Daley supports President Bush's uphill fight for Congressional approval of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) but declined a request to phone Democratic members of Congress and solicit their votes.

Daley managed approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Chinese trade during the Clinton administration. But he said a call from a former Cabinet member could hardly counteract organized labor's pressure on Democrats to vote no. Daley agreed, however, to write an op-ed article supporting CAFTA.

A footnote: Daley believes that CAFTA is in trouble because of intense partisanship in Washington that he said is worse than the atmosphere during the Clinton impeachment.

Can anyone help us process this story? He supports a treaty that would benefit the country but won't help pass it. Oh, and he thinks the Hill is too partisan...

Posted by orrinj at 7:43 AM


Europe divided by two opposing philosophies (Honor Mahony, 18.06.2005, EUOBSERVER)

Following a bitter and failed summit on the future funding of the EU, veteran politician and current head of the EU Jean-Claude Juncker has concluded that Europe is divided into two opposing camps - a free trade camp and a political Europe camp.

Sounding an extremely pessimistic note after a meeting of EU leaders that left the constitution's future uncertain and no agreement on money, Mr Juncker said that some member states want a free trade Europe and nothing else while others want a "politically integrated Europe".

He added that only political integration would allow Europe to overcome the challenges facing it.

Speaking of the "two philosophies" Mr Juncker said "I knew the time would come when all of this would come out". [...]

[T]he opposing philosophies have been simmering for the last months - particularly in the run up to the French referendum on the constitution.

A large part of the reason that the French voted No was fears of a free-market Anglo-Saxon model of Europe, which they felt would cost jobs and social security.

Months? Try centuries.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:30 AM


President Attends National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast (George W. Bush, Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, Washington, D.C., 6/16/05)

We come from many faiths. In America, every religion is welcome. That's the great thing about our country: every faith is important. In America, people of faith have no corner on compassion, but people of faith need compassion to be true to the call to "Ame al projimo como a sí mismo," love your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself. That's a universal call.

For Hispanic Americans, a love of neighbor is more than a gospel command -- it's a way of life. We see the love of neighbor in the strong commitment of Hispanic Americans to family and the culture of life. For Hispanic Americans, families are a source of joy and the foundation of a hopeful society. We're working to support and defend the sanctity of marriage and to ensure that the most vulnerable Americans are welcomed in life and protected in love. (Applause.)

We see the love of neighbor in the tireless efforts of Hispanic American faith-based and community organizations that work daily to bring hope to harsh places. In Boston, the León de Judá Congregation mentors inner-city teens so they have a chance to realize the great dreams of America. In St. Louis, Acción Social Comunitaria helps immigrants and their children adapt to American life. In the archdiocese of Miami, Catholic Charities ministers to people with HIV/AIDS; inner-city Philadelphia, Cortés runs a fantastic program to help lift the spirits of every single child. (Applause.)

"In America, people of faith have no corner on compassion, but people of faith need compassion to be true to the call to "Ame al projimo como a sí mismo," love your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself. That's a universal call," said the President. White House photo by Eric DraperMany in the Hispanic community understand that by serving the least of -- nuestros hermanos y hermanas -- that we're serving a cause greater than ourselves. And by doing so, we're helping all citizens have an opportunity to realize their dreams here in America.

Finally, we see the love of neighbor in tens of thousands of Hispanics who serve America and the cause of freedom. One of these was an immigrant from Mexico named Rafael Peralta. The day after Rafael got his green card, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. Think about that. While serving in Iraq, this good sergeant wrote a letter to his younger brother. He said, "Be proud of being an American. Our father came to this country, became a citizen because it was the right place for our family to be." Shortly after writing that letter, Sergeant Peralta used his own body to cover a grenade an enemy soldier had rolled into a roomful of Marines.

This prayer breakfast, we remember the sacrifices of honorable and good folks like Sergeant Peralta, who have shown their love of neighbor by giving their life for freedom.

Hispanic Americans answer the call to service willingly, because you understand that freedom is a divine gift that carries with it serious responsibilities. And as you go about the work of repairing broken lives and bringing love into the pockets of hopelessness and despair, be strong, because you're sustained by prayer. Through prayer -- (applause.)

One of the most powerful aspects of being the President is to know that millions of people pray for me and Laura. People that I'll never have a chance -- (applause.) Think about a country where millions of people of all faiths, people whom I'll never have a chance to look face-to-face with and say, thank you, take time to pray. It really is the strength of America, isn't it? Through prayer we ask that our hearts be aligned with God's. Through prayer we ask that we may be given the strength to do what's right and to help those in need.

I want to thank you for the fine tradition you continue here today. This is an important tradition to continue right here in the heart of the nation's capital. I want to thank you for what you do for our nation. Que dios les bendiga, and may God continue to bless our country. Thank you very much.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Neo orthodox


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Roman Catholic








Classical Liberal


Modern Liberal


Reformed Evangelical


What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com

June 17, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:37 PM


Iran's Presidential Race Appears Headed for Run-Off (John Daniszewski, June 17, 2005, LA Times)

As polls closed four hours late Friday on Iran's most closely fought presidential election in the 26 years since the Islamic revolution, it appeared that none of the seven candidates would win a majority, resulting in an unprecedented run-off vote likely to pit pragmatic ex-President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani against reformist candidate Mostafa Moin.

Aides to Moin voiced confidence that his come-from-behind campaign had edged out the three main conservative contenders, in a major blow for hard-line factions that had hoped to keep all reformers off the ballot and to win back the presidency after eight years of President Mohammad Khatami, who had constantly battled for greater freedoms inside Iran.

No official returns were expected until late Saturday and there was no way to verify the Moin camp's optimism, reflected in a buoyant mood at its headquarters here, where smiling aides rushed back and forth beneath posters of the bald former education minister. Moin hopes to become the first non-clerical president of Iran since the early days of the revolution.

One of Moin's campaign supporters, Mohsen Safaee Farahani, former head of the Iranian soccer federation, read off numbers from a small slip of paper in his hand of returns he said he had obtained from a remote town in the Central Province where votes had already been counted. In one, he said, Moin had obtained 10,003 votes out of 15,030 votes cast; in another 218 of 340; in a third, 104 of 140.

"This is unbelievable for us," he said with a grin. "We did not advertise in this area because we could not afford it. It shows that our message has reached outside of Tehran."

"Some people boycotted because they have lost confidence that things will get better. But if Moin gets to the second round, I believe most of those who boycotted will come back to him."

Now they can turn the run-off into a real challenge to the mullahs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:33 PM


FOX Poll: Congress 'Out of Touch'; Majority Supports Renewing Patriot Act (Dana Blanton, June 16, 2005, FOX News)

Over half of voters think Congress is out of touch with the country, and fewer than one-in-five believe Congress has passed legislation this year that would improve the quality of life for Americans. Clear majorities think the Patriot Act is good for the country and support extending the legislation, which is set to expire at the end of the year. In addition, more than twice as many voters oppose closing the military prison at Guantanamo Bay as support closure. These are just some of the findings from the latest FOX News nationwide poll of voters.

Once again, Democrats staking their future on the 30% positions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:24 PM


EU Talks on Its Future Budget Collapse (BETH GARDINER, 6/17/05, ASSOCIATED PRESS) -

Talks on the European Union's budget collapsed in acrimony Friday, abruptly ending a summit that diplomats had hoped would pull the EU out of its constitutional dilemma. Top European leaders blamed each other for the breakdown but agreed the bloc was "in a deep crisis."

The failure to agree on a budget for 2007-2013 reinforced impressions that the 50-year process of EU integration has lost direction after the French and Dutch referendums in which voters rejected a proposed EU constitution. Leaders of the bloc's member states failed to resolve strident disputes over spending and did not present a clear plan to save the constitution.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said early Saturday that in coming weeks EU diplomats and others "will tell you that Europe is not in crisis. It is in a deep crisis," he said after the two-day summit. ,/blockquote>
Fortunately it doesn't matter and no one cares.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 PM


A cleric's journey: from Idi Amin's Uganda to York (Stephen Bates, June 18, 2005, The Guardian)

If racegoers catching a lunchtime train to the Royal Ascot races at York yesterday noticed a short, slight, clerical passenger squeezed into the last available second-class seat in a smoking compartment, they probably did not realise quite what a seismic event they were witnessing for the Church of England. John Sentamu, the church's first black archbishop, was on his way to visit his new province.

The Ugandan-born Sentamu, 56 - currently Bishop of Birmingham - was named yesterday by Downing Street, in the quaint tradition of senior appointments in the established church, as the new Archbishop of York. He will become Primate of England and Metropolitan, second ranking bishop in the Church of England and overseer of the 14 dioceses from Carlisle to the Midlands.

Yesterday, the new archbishop designate, in keeping with his evangelical roots, vowed nothing less than to re-energise the Church of England and convert the population to Christ. In remarks strikingly contrasting with those of the smooth white men who usually gain preferment, he said: "It is imperative that the Church regains her vision and confidence in mission, developing ways that will enable the Church of England to reconnect imaginatively with England." [...]

He fulfils the relatively recent tradition of having an evangelical in charge of York to complement a High Church Anglican at Canterbury and vice-versa and meets the stipulation of the York diocese that they wanted a theologically conservative figure.

Married with two grown-up children, he follows David Hope, the ascetic bachelor archbishop who announced his early retirement last year in order to return to being a parish priest in Ilkley.

Sentamu will move from the comfortable suburban villa of bishops of Birmingham into the partly medieval if somewhat scruffy splendour of Bishopthorpe Palace on the banks of the Ouse outside York, a stone's throw from the starting gates on the nearby racecourse.

More to the point as far as the Anglican communion, bitterly divided over homosexuality, is concerned, his appointment to balance the more liberal Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, may temporarily mollify African primates muttering grimly about setting up new structures of authority to bypass the more tolerant North American and British churches. The new archbishop takes a conservative, orthodox stance on the issue, and yesterday called on the fractious church not to split: "I hope the communion will rediscover holy conversation. It is not the Christian way to stand on the banks of the river shouting. I don't believe that is the way of Jesus."

The current Archbishop of Uganda, Henry Orombi - a hardliner on the gay issue - greeted the announcement saying: "We are jubilant at the news of our fellow countryman's appointment ... he was forced to go into exile. Like the biblical patriarch Joseph, what was meant for evil, God has now used for good."

The new archbishop said yesterday: "My late parents always said to me whenever you meet a group of people who may be interested in hearing what you have to say, always tell them how grateful we are for the missionaries who risked their lives to bring the good news of God's salvation to Uganda. It is because of that missionary endeavour that I am standing in front of you. A fruit of their risk-taking and love."

Only fair that the mission work flow the other way now that the Heart of Darkness has shifted North.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:39 PM


A new era for Iran’s democracy: Iran’s presidential election is a stage in the renewal of Iranian politics towards secularism, democracy, human rights and non-violence. Mehrdad Mashayekhi tells the story of an epoch-making shift. (Mehrdad Mashayekhi, 16 - 6 - 2005, OpenDemocracy)

Iranian society is in the midst of an epoch-making renaissance in its political culture and discourse. This transformation in political values, norms, symbols and everyday codes of behaviour is most evident in educated circles, especially amongst the opposition political elite.

Since the “Islamic” revolution of 1978-79, two distinct political models have assumed hegemonic positions in the opposition movement; first, the anti-imperialist/revolutionary paradigm, dominant in the 1970s and early 1980s, which I have elsewhere referred to as “the problematic of dependency”; and second, the Islamic-reformist paradigm, assuming prominence in 1997 and leading the challenge to the clerical establishment from within the system until 2003.

Since 2003, there are strong indications that a new political paradigm is emerging. The new model of political dissent is democratic, secular and characterised by republican values.

The purpose of this essay is to explain the political and intellectual context within which the new democratic framework is emerging in Iran. [...]

Iranian history since the mid-19th century has witnessed sporadic attempts by political elites, intellectuals and circles of activists to introduce the idea of jomhouriyat (republicanism). Although the 1979 revolution ended 2,500 years of monarchy and formally introduced an “Islamic republic,” the fundamentalist Islamist faction within the regime made incessant assaults against the “republican” dimension of the new system. Since 1997, its core idea of an “Islamic government” has circulated widely in Iran.

In response, the reformists tried to revive the system’s republicanism, but they failed to embody in practice what they promoted in public discourse. After eight years in office, Khatami sarcastically dubbed himself the system’s “office coordinator” (tadarokatchi) – a system that continues to operate around the supreme leader (vali-e faqih) and all the (parallel) clerical institutions tied to his office.

In this light, the recent emergence of secular and democratic republican ideas in opposition circles is highly significant. It derives broadly from six developments:

• the strengthening of the institution of velayat-e-faqih and the concomitant weakening of the system’s republicanism, symbolised by the ineffective role of the president and other elected officials in the political process.

• an explosion of secular trends in Iranian society and culture, most evident in arts, literature, gender relations, the media and intellectual discourses, entertainment and the decline of religious values and practices.

• the failure of the Islamic reformists’ project to democratise Iranian society and politics, which led to the search by young people, student activists, intellectuals and other civil society forces to seek political alternatives.

• the 2002 publication of ex-reformist Akbar Ganji’s Republican Manifesto represented a break with the reformists’ camp; he urged Iranians to fight for a democratic republican system by boycotting the political process and its elections.

• the impact of the post-9/11 international context on Iran was evident in a more aggressive American foreign policy that attempted to destabilise the Islamic republic. Iranian monarchist circles in the US, encouraged by the new American mood, intensified their efforts to exploit the new international climate. Their messages, regularly broadcast to Iran through satellite television programmes, also alarmed many republicans.

• the establishment in May 2003 of Ettehad-e Jomhorikhahan-e Iran (Unity for a Democratic and Secular Republic in Iran, EJI), the largest expatriate anti-regime Iranian political organization, represented an advance in the ideas of secular republicanism. These ideas have since gained more support on Iranian college campuses and among intellectuals.

The new secular republican paradigm is still in the making. It can be characterised as both “post-revolutionary” and “post-reformist”. In a sense, what has happened is that the failure of the earlier two paradigms in Iran has resulted in a new synthesis: non-violent and civil in its methods of creating social change, while seeking fundamental structural changes in the system’s economic, political and (some) cultural institutions.

The aim of this combination could be designated as “structural reform”, “velvet revolution”, or (in Timothy Garton Ash’s formulation) “refolution”. Whatever term is most apposite, it is evident that the new paradigm is attempting to define itself distinctly and overcome the intellectual and programmatic weaknesses of its predecessors.

Open Democracy has an Iran election blog too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:30 PM


Scream 2: The Sequel (Howard Fineman and Tamara Lipper, 6/17/05, Newsweek)

Something of a loner politically, he "doesn't have the Rolodex or the contacts that other people have," says Steve Grossman, a former DNC chairman and close ally. Dean is surrounded at the DNC with a new but rather small palace guard of people who believe in his vision and attitude—and who distrust the generation of Democrats that preceded them. [...]

But Dean's real problem may not be his mouth but his mind-set. He and his aides seemed genuinely mystified at the idea that his characterization of the GOP was a political mistake. But by labeling the other party a bastion of Christianity, he implied that his own was something else—something determinedly secular—at a time when Dean's stated aim is to win the hearts of middle-class white Southerners, many of whom are evangelicals. In a slide-show presentation at the DNC conference last weekend, polltaker Cornell Belcher focused on why those voters aren't responding to the Democrats' economic message. One reason, he said, is that too many of them see the Democrats as "anti-religion." And why was that? No one asked Dean, who wasn't taking questions from the press.

George W. Bush and Karl Rove are pretty savvy pols anyway, but they've been blessed by grotesquely incompetent opponents.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:47 PM


The Case for Impeaching George W. Bush (Walter C. Uhler, 6/15/05, BuzzFlash)

If intentionally deceiving the U.S. Congress is an impeachable offence, then President Bush deserves impeachment—because every time he assured congressmen that he hoped to avoid war, he deceived them. And if commencing war without receiving Congressional approval is an impeachable offense—which it certainly is—then President Bush merits impeachment. For, strictly speaking, Bush took America to war in May 2002 when he authorized the intense bombings designed to degrade Iraq defense capacity, if not provoke a response by Saddam.

Finally, as the August 2002 top secret National Security Presidential Directive proves, Bush had committed America to an invasion of Iraq before seeking Congressional approval.

The evidence presented above contains examples demonstrating "fixed" intelligence. Moreover, we know the following:

(1) Cheney had contempt for the intelligence establishment,

(2) Cheney abused intelligence,

(3) Cheney and his crew in the Office of the Vice President pressured intelligence analysts,

(4) Notwithstanding its obsession with Iraq, the Bush administration never requested the CIA to conduct a full blown National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq (the October NIE on Iraq's WMD was conducted at the request of three U.S. Senators),

(5) Although the secret October NIE was hastily crafted, it contained many caveats not found in the alarmist unclassified White Paper and

(6) When, on December 21, 2002, Bush was given "'The Case' on WMD as it might be presented to a jury with Top Secret security clearance," he turned to Tenet and said: "I've been told all this intelligence about having WMD and this is the best we've got?" Which compels two questions: "Why another intelligence briefing after the NIE?" and "What did Bush make of the NIE intelligence used to persuade Congress to agree to war?"

All six pieces of evidence indicate contempt for serious intelligence. And that contempt freed the "principals" to "fix" the intelligence according to their own preconceived biases. To the extent that such "fixed" intelligence influenced Congress to vote for war, Bush must be impeached.

The decision to go to war also was made before President Bush sought the approval of the United Nations. Absent an imminent threat or actual attack, going to war without UN approval is a war crime. Thus it's important to recall Lord Goldsmith's warning that "if the sponsors of the U.S.-UK draft resolution sought a vote at the [UN Security] council and failed to get it, serious doubts would be cast on the legality of military action against Iraq. This explained the joint decision of Blair, Bush and [Spain's] Aznar to withdraw their draft resolution from council." Better to be suspected of war crimes than branded a flagrant war criminal.

Given the information provided above, who can doubt that talk about the threat posed by Iraq's WMD was a smokescreen to disguise Bush and Cheney's long-held obsession to take Saddam out. Consequently, after his impeachment and removal from office, President Bush and his co-conspirators should be prosecuted for war crimes.

If misleading Congress, having contempt for the Intelligence agencies and ignoring the U.N. were impeachable offenses there would be no Federal officials.

Democrats Play House To Rally Against the War (Dana Milbank, June 17, 2005, Washington Post)

In the Capitol basement yesterday, long-suffering House Democrats took a trip to the land of make-believe.

They pretended a small conference room was the Judiciary Committee hearing room, draping white linens over folding tables to make them look like witness tables and bringing in cardboard name tags and extra flags to make the whole thing look official.

Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) banged a large wooden gavel and got the other lawmakers to call him "Mr. Chairman." He liked that so much that he started calling himself "the chairman" and spouted other chairmanly phrases, such as "unanimous consent" and "without objection so ordered." The dress-up game looked realistic enough on C-SPAN, so two dozen more Democrats came downstairs to play along.

The session was a mock impeachment inquiry over the Iraq war. As luck would have it, all four of the witnesses agreed that President Bush lied to the nation and was guilty of high crimes -- and that a British memo on "fixed" intelligence that surfaced last month was the smoking gun equivalent to the Watergate tapes. Conyers was having so much fun that he ignored aides' entreaties to end the session.

"At the next hearing," he told his colleagues, "we could use a little subpoena power." That brought the house down.

As Conyers and his hearty band of playmates know, subpoena power and other perks of a real committee are but a fantasy unless Democrats can regain the majority in the House. But that's only one of the obstacles they're up against as they try to convince America that the "Downing Street Memo" is important.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:28 PM


US spins the UN merry-go-round (Siddharth Srivastava, 6/17/05, Asia Times)

The prospects of UN reform have unexpectedly taken a new momentum, with the US administration saying it will support the addition of two new permanent members to the UN Security Council (UNSC). According to a senior official in the George W Bush administration, of the two new members Washington will back, one will be Japan and the other will be from the developing world - either Brazil or India, with the prospects of India considerably higher, given the criterion of selection.

Nicholas Burns, under secretary of state for political affairs, in making the announcement, also said that when the US introduced its proposal next week at the United Nations, it would oppose offering veto power to any new permanent members.

If the US does back India, it will be the first time, in the face of Pakistan's resistance against any such move. The situation further muddies the water for China, which has backed India in the past but is dead set against Japan entering the UNSC. Of the nations bidding for permanent membership on the council - Germany, Japan, India and Brazil - the US has endorsed Japan, emphasizing that the country gives more money to the world body than current members Britain, France, Russia and China put together. The US opposes Germany. Its refusal to back Berlin's bid is a rebuff to a major European ally.

It's not major, not an ally and won't be European in a couple decades.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:19 PM

OUTED (via Robert Schwartz):

Fed Official Moves Up and Into Politics (EDMUND L. ANDREWS, June 17, 2005, NY Times)

For years, some of his closest friends did not know that Ben S. Bernanke was a Republican. [...]

But now Mr. Bernanke (pronounced ber-NANK-ee) is moving directly into the political arena, taking over next week as chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers. He is also on the short list of potential candidates to succeed Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve. [...]

Mr. Bernanke built a sterling reputation while at Princeton, and has won widespread praise for his cogent analyses while at the Fed.

But he has studiously avoided partisan political issues, at least in public. He has said little about issues at the top of Mr. Bush's agenda, like Social Security and tax cuts, and his economic writing betrays few hints of political ideology.

"If you read anything he's written, you can't figure out which political party he's associated with," said Mark L. Gertler, a professor of economics at New York University who has written more than a dozen papers with Mr. Bernanke. Mr. Gertler, who said he did not know his close friend's political affiliation until relatively recently, added: "He's not ideological. I could imagine Ben working with economists in the Clinton administration."

Alan S. Blinder, a longtime colleague at Princeton who has advised numerous Democratic presidential candidates, also said he had worked alongside Mr. Bernanke for years without having any sense of his political views.

"We wrote articles together and sat at the same lunch table thousands of times before I knew he was a Republican," Mr. Blinder recalled. "We never talked politics."

As Bill Clinton noted, his administration was Eisenhower Republican on economics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:16 PM

JETS.COM (via Robert Schwartz):

Will Airbus Be the Next Lucent? (FLOYD NORRIS, 6/17/05, NY Times)

THE A380, Airbus's new megajet, is an amazing sight. It is even beautiful in a sense, with curved wings that seem almost birdlike when viewed from behind the plane. But while the A380 inspires awe, its eventual success is not assured.

That is not because Airbus lacks orders. It has plenty, even if no American or Japanese carriers have bought passenger versions. The risk Airbus is running is the same one that devastated two other industries: telecommunications and genetically altered food. In each case, companies' sales rose rapidly, only to plunge because the customers had their own business problems.

In telecommunications, the stock market bubble financed companies that ordered equipment based on business models that did not work. Lucent shares went from $64 to $1 as its customers defaulted and tried to unload what they had bought.

No airport in America will ever take the A380.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 PM


What Europe Really Needs: The Continent has turned its back on both the past and the future. (PAUL JOHNSON, June 17, 2005, Opinion Journal)

That Europe as an entity is sick and the European Union as an institution is in disorder cannot be denied. But no remedies currently being discussed can possibly remedy matters. What ought to depress partisans of European unity in the aftermath of the rejection of its proposed constitution by France and the Netherlands is not so much the foundering of this ridiculous document as the response of the leadership to the crisis, especially in France and Germany.

Jacques Chirac reacted by appointing as prime minister Dominque de Villepin, a frivolous playboy who has never been elected to anything and is best known for his view that Napoleon should have won the Battle of Waterloo and continued to rule Europe. Gerhard Schröder of Germany simply stepped up his anti-American rhetoric. What is notoriously evident among the EU elite is not just a lack of intellectual power but an obstinacy and blindness bordering on imbecility. As the great pan-European poet Schiller put it: "There is a kind of stupidity with which even the Gods struggle in vain." [...]

The rise of anti-Americanism, a form of irrationalism deliberately whipped up by Messrs. Schröder and Chirac, who believe it wins votes, is particularly tragic, for the early stages of the EU had their roots in admiration of the American way of doing things and gratitude for the manner in which the U.S. had saved Europe first from Nazism, then (under President Harry Truman) from the Soviet Empire--by the Marshall Plan in 1947 and the creation of NATO in 1949.

Europe's founding fathers--Monnet himself, Robert Schumann in France, Alcide de Gasperi in Italy and Konrad Adenauer in Germany--were all fervently pro-American and anxious to make it possible for European populations to enjoy U.S.-style living standards. Adenauer in particular, assisted by his brilliant economics minister Ludwig Erhardt, rebuilt Germany's industry and services, following the freest possible model. This was the origin of the German "economic miracle," in which U.S. ideas played a determining part. The German people flourished as never before in their history, and unemployment was at record low levels. The decline of German growth and the present stagnation date from the point at which her leaders turned away from America and followed the French "social market" model.

There is another still more fundamental factor in the EU malaise. Europe has turned its back not only on the U.S. and the future of capitalism, but also on its own historic past. Europe was essentially a creation of the marriage between Greco-Roman culture and Christianity. Brussels has, in effect, repudiated both.

And the gods have in turn repudiated Europe.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:13 AM


A lively contest—but will it matter?: Mostafa Moin, a leading reformist, is putting up a strong challenge to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the conservative front-runner in Iran’s presidential election. But whoever wins, it is unclear if Friday’s vote will change the way the Islamic Republic is run (The Economist, June 16th 2005)

Iran today is indeed a less stiflingly repressive place than it was in the early years following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, in which a pro-western monarchy was swept away by puritanical Shia Muslim clerics who despised America—“the Great Satan”. Young Iranians have rather more freedom in how they dress in public, in their contact with the opposite sex and in the music they enjoy.

However, it has seemed increasingly clear during the two terms in office of the current, moderately reformist president, Muhammad Khatami, that for all the outward signs of democracy, ultimate power continues to rest with the mullahs—in particular the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Time and again, President Khatami saw his liberalising laws passed by the elected parliament, only for them to be overruled by the unelected Council of Guardians, a hardline group of clerics and Islamic jurists.

So it is unclear how much will really change, whoever wins the presidency this time. [...]

As for the religious hardliners, they may now be regretting not uniting around one candidate, since none of the three remaining hardliners in the race has done well. The worst case for them would be a run-off between the liberal Mr Moin and the independent-minded Mr Rafsanjani, the candidate most able to challenge the ayatollahs. Some suspect that bombs in Tehran and elsewhere in the final days of the campaign, which killed several people, were the work of conservatives trying to scare voters from the polls; but the various attacks may in fact have unrelated causes.

In a country whose minimum voting age is 15 and where half of the 67m population is under 25, the main candidates have been keen to demonstrate that they understand young Iranians’ frustration at their lack of personal freedoms and gloomy job prospects. [...]

With growth faltering, unemployment officially at 11% (the true figure may be almost twice as high) and inflation at 14%, the economy is the issue that most concerns Iranians. Since the Islamic Revolution, statist Iran has been greatly overtaken by liberalising Turkey, its big rival to the north-west. Freeing Iranians’ entrepreneurial spirit and making it easier for foreign firms to invest in the country’s colossal oil reserves would do more to improve the lot of its citizens than building nuclear bombs. Mr Rafsanjani and Mr Ghalibaf have talked of privatising inefficient state firms but, once again, whoever wins the presidency would face fierce resistance from the clergy.

Some Iranians see signs of an unstoppable popular desire for liberty, and dream of a Ukrainian-style revolution to free their country from the mullahs’ grip. The more pessimistic fear a drift towards becoming the next North Korea—a regime that brandishes nuclear weapons at the outside world while its people slide into penury. For all the recent signs of liberalisation, the clerical regime is determined to hang on and can still crush its opponents with impunity.

The impunity has become doubtful.

A Not So Totalitarian Iran (Christopher de Bellaigue, June 15, 2005, LA Times)

[I]t is heartening that the lexicon of reform has been adopted by many of the candidates, including one heavily tipped conservative, Mohammed Baqer Qalibaf, and a prominent centrist, former President Hashemi Rafsanjani. Neither is a democrat by conviction, but both know which way the wind is blowing.

Clearly, Iran is no totalitarian regime, but what is it? Is it an "emerging democracy," as European officials liked to say during Khatami's hopeful early years, before his reform program was derailed by the conservative establishment? I would hesitate before attaching such a label to a regime whose longevity, now that Iranians' adherence to the official ideology has waned, depends on its ability to read and manipulate the public mood.

This ability was in evidence after Iran's soccer triumph against Bahrain on June 8, securing Iran's place in the 2006 World Cup finals. Reluctant to sour the preelection public mood, the authorities did not intervene to stop riotous celebrations that followed the match. Young men and women thronged the streets, dancing to Western music, with some young women throwing off the mandatory head covering.

A few days earlier, in another gesture to public opinion, the hard-line judiciary released Iran's most outspoken political prisoner, Akbar Ganji, ostensibly for medical treatment. But these are merely gestures. After the elections, official attitudes will again harden. There may be reports of a "crackdown" on un-Islamic dress. Ganji is already back in jail.

Nevertheless, the scenes of joy will not be easily forgotten. Ganji's call for Khamenei to present himself for election cannot be unsaid. Whoever wins, Iran will continue to evolve.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 AM


Moses's oily blessing: Two seekers for oil in Israel may be getting close to the prize (The Economist, Jun 16th 2005)

In the 1980s John Brown, a Catholic Texan cutting-tools executive, and Tovia Luskin, a Russian Jewish geophysicist and career oilman, both had religious epiphanies. Mr Brown became a born-again Christian, while Mr Luskin joined the orthodox Jewish Lubavitch movement. Soon after, each found inspiration in chapter 33 of the book of Deuteronomy , in which Moses, nearing death after guiding the tribes of Israel to the border of the promised land, leaves each tribe with a blessing.

The most lavish goes to Ephraim and Manasseh, the two tribes descended from Joseph (he of the technicolour coat). Their land, says Moses, will yield the “precious fruits” of “the deep lying beneath”, of the “ancient mountains” and of the “everlasting hills”. In this text Mr Luskin saw, says his company's lawyer, “a classic description of an oil trap”. Where geological sediments are bent into an arch, the boundary at the top between an older layer (the “ancient mountain”) and a newer one can trap oil—the “precious fruits”. Mr Luskin named his company Givot Olam—“everlasting hills”. Mr Brown had a more mystical revelation, but one that pointed to the same area: the biblical territories of Ephraim and Manasseh, between today's Tel Aviv and Haifa. He registered his firm as Zion Oil.

Both men spent the following years raising capital and grounding their visions in science. Seismic studies confirmed the arched rock layers that Mr Luskin was looking for. Mr Brown pinpointed an area with evidence of buried Triassic-era coral reefs, which are usually porous and store oil well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:05 AM


Nader's very unpleasant N-gagement (Lloyd Grove, June 17, 2005, NY Daily News)

If Ralph Nader doesn't stop dropping the N-bomb, Al Sharpton is going to wash out his mouth with soap.

"Nader is not a racist by any stretch of the imagination," Sharpton told me yesterday. "He has a good track record. But he ought to be sensitive that he does not sanitize that word."

Speaking Wednesday night at a Washington fund-raiser to retire the debt from his 2004 presidential campaign, Nader complained that Democratic Party powerbrokers had kept him off the ballot in such Southern states as Georgia and Virginia - which reminded him of the oppressive Jim Crow laws that denied African-Americans equal rights.

"I felt like a [n-word]," remarked the 70-year-old white multimillionaire graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School.

Washington gadfly Evan Gahr reported Nader's comments on his chimpstein.com Web site.

"If Ed Koch had said what Ralph Nader said, we'd be marching," Sharpton noted. "This [scolding] doesn't rise to the level of a march. It rises to the level of a wrist slap."

Yesterday, Nader told me he was using the word in the same spirit as the Black Panthers of the 1960s - "as a word of defiance."

But Sharpton retorted: "He's not a Black Panther."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:57 AM


Cosmic Struggles of Cultural Proportions (CARYN JAMES, 6/17/05, NY Times)

LIFE is complicated enough without having to keep track of "Star Wars" mythology, in its infinite nerdiness, or the history of Batman. (Now he's campy, now he's not.) But the darkly psychological "Batman Begins" is a summer fantasy film for people who don't like summer fantasy films, and "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" - well, what can you say except at least it has an idea in its head.

Both films concern how heroes and villains take shape, and they include astonishingly similar transformation scenes that hinge on a life-changing moral question: to behead or not to behead?

In "Batman Begins," Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) is urged by his mysterious mentor - part spiritual adviser, part ninja master - to behead an enemy who is at his mercy. When Bruce refuses, he is on his way to becoming the heroic Batman, complete with a black mask and cape.

In "Revenge of the Sith," Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) is urged by his mysterious mentor to chop off the head of his enemy, Count Chocula - sorry, that's Count Dooku - and does. That is his crucial turn toward the dark side, and soon he's the villainous Darth Vader, complete with a black mask and cape to call his own.

The films' conflicts are not simply about good guys and bad guys, or even good versus evil, always the elements of broadly framed fantasies. With spiritual overtones, and an emphasis on an eternal struggle between equally matched forces of darkness and light, the films suggest a kind of pop-culture Manichaeism. And as crowd-pleasing movies so often do, they reflect what's in the air, a climate in which the president speaks in terms of good and evil, and religion is increasingly part of the country's social and political conversation.

There are similar Manichaean echoes in lesser-known movies that have come and gone (the recent Keanu Reeves disaster "Constantine" ) or are coming up (an ambitious Russian fantasy trilogy that begins with "Night Watch"). But "Batman" and "Star Wars" reveal most clearly that the zeitgeist lurks in apparent summer fluff.

None of these quasi-spiritual films assume that some people are simply bad seeds. Their premise is that good and evil are warring in each of us, and that an individual must consciously choose darkness or light.

It is, of course, Christian rather than Manichean because good is always more powerful than evil. Indeed, the key to George Lucas's rather muddled theology comes when Obi Wan Kenobi tells Darth Vader--who turned to the Dark Side in search of power--that: "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


RNC Nets $52.9M in First 5 Months of Year (AP, 6/17/05)

The Republican National Committee has taken in $52.9 million from January through May, maintaining its strong fundraising despite a ban on six-figure donations.

The RNC raised $10.3 million last month alone, it said Friday. The committee started June with $32.6 million on hand.

Check out the photo accompanying the story.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


Syria's Baathists Fear Evolution and Extinction (Reza Aslan, June 17, 2005, LA Times)

Last week, when Syria's President-for-life, Bashar Assad, convened the 10th Baath Party congress in Damascus, he promised to loosen the party's monopoly on power to encourage greater political participation among the country's disaffected population. But Assad's concession was less a sign of noblesse oblige than a reflection of just how weak and isolated the nearly 60-year-old party has become.

Ever since the U.S. invasion of Iraq put an end to the only other Baathist regime in the region, Syria's Baath Party has been forced to cast aside what little remained of the quixotic, transnationalist ideals that gave birth to the movement seven decades ago in favor of a far more modest domestic agenda of political and economic reform. [...]

A new generation of Baath leaders has been struggling to redefine traditional Baathism as an ideology of nationalism, patriotism and even democracy. Many of these so-called neo-Baathists initially looked to Bashar Assad to lead the party reforms. But despite increasing international and domestic pressure, Assad has thus far taken few steps toward reform. Still, there are many Syrians who confidently predict an eventual voluntary "de-Baathification" of the country, one that would match the forced de-Baathification of Iraq. Whether this will happen under the younger Assad's rule, however, remains to be seen.

The problem is that de-Baathification would be followed by de-Alawitification, so Assad won't lead the process.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Reformists Are Optimistic as Iranians Vote for President: Polls show a former leader still favored, but one candidate's camp claims a surge of support. Large field is likely to lead to a runoff. (Nahid Siamdoust and John Daniszewski, June 17, 2005, LA Times)

With seven candidates in the race, it seemed likely that Iran would be forced to hold a runoff for the first time since the 1979 revolution. A second round will be held if no candidate wins 50%.

Hours before the balloting began at 7 a.m., President Bush sharply criticized the election, saying it fell short of democracy because candidates needed to be cleared by the Council of Guardians to get on the ballot.

"Power is in the hands of an unelected few who have retained power through an electoral process that ignores the basic requirements of democracy," Bush said in a statement. "The June 17th presidential elections are sadly consistent with this oppressive record."

Initially the Guardian Council, an unelected panel answerable only to the country's unelected supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had ruled that no reformers could run. But the ayatollah intervened, ordering the council to reverse its decision and put Moin and a less-known reformer on the ballot.

Samak Baqeri, an election supervisor at a school in northern Tehran, predicted this morning that Bush's comments would increase voter turnout.

But Dr. Mohsen Janati, the head of the school who also was serving as an election supervisor there, said that young people were yearning for more democracy. He said that was the main issue in the election, but that young people were discouraged. He predicted only half of them would vote.

Compared with those in other Mideast countries, an Iranian election is a brash and Western-style affair, with rallies, heavy advertising and imaginative campaign gimmicks. The hard-line clerics have a history of recognizing the democratic results even when they are unpalatable to them, such as the surprise victory of current President Mohammad Khatami, a reformist, in 1997. He was reelected in 2001.

When given the choice in recent years, voters have almost always sought reform and liberalization.

The key is just to get Moin into the runoff and then crank up turnout once folks see they can elect a real reformer. For whatever reason, Khamenei has made a reformist victory a real possibility.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


Immigration boom swells local ranks of Catholics (Gary Emerling and Matthew Cella, June 17, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

A population and immigration boom has flooded Northern Virginia with residents who are filled with the Holy Spirit, officials with the Catholic Diocese of Arlington said.

The diocese -- which encompasses 21 counties and seven cities in Northern Virginia -- has experienced a 42 percent increase in registered Catholics over the past decade. The increase has prompted the creation of a new parish and two new missions that would serve more than 2,500 Catholics in Prince William, Loudoun and Rappahannock counties. [...]

Officials said an influx of Hispanics and other immigrants also has increased the need for expansion in the diocese, which offers Mass in Spanish in more than 30 of its 67 parishes.

U.S. census figures show the population of Hispanics, who are predominately Catholic, more than doubled in Northern Virginia from 97,559 in 1990 to 198,535 in 2000.

"Our diocese has been immeasurably enriched by a vibrant and growing Hispanic presence," Bishop Loverde said.

Pat Buchanan must just be mad because he can't find a parking space at Mass.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:58 AM


Israel's Deadly Delusions a review of THE OSLO SYNDROME: Delusions of a People Under Siege By Kenneth Levin (Edward Alexander, June 13, 2005, NY Post)

In this massively researched, lucidly written and cogently argued narrative, Kenneth Levin tells the appalling story of what has been called the greatest self-inflicted wound of political history: Israel's embrace of Yasser Arafat and the PLO in the Oslo Accords of September 1993 and its dogged adherence to its obligations under them even as its "peace partner" was blatantly flouting its own.

The book is divided into two sections. The first recounts Jewish political failure in the Diaspora, where Jews lived with a constant burden of peril, as the background for the self-deluding rationales that engendered Oslo. The second traces the same self-delusions in the history of Israel itself.

Levin shows how a tiny nation, living under constant siege by neighbors who have declared its very existence an aggression, was induced by its intellectual classes to believe that its own misdeeds had incited Arab hatred and violence, and that what required reform was not Arab dictatorship and Islamicist anti-Semitism, but the Jews themselves.

That core idea is the most compelling feature of the book, that Jews have throughout their history fallen prey to the idea that they could escape the hatreds of their enemies by changing their own behaviors. In essence this requires them to treat themselves as enemies too.

The Oslo Syndrome (Jamie Glazov, November 25, 2005, FrontPageMagazine.com)

Frontpage Interview's guest today is Kenneth Levin, a clinical instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, a Princeton-trained historian, and a commentator on Israeli politics. He is the author of the new book The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege. [...]

FP: What inspired you to write this book?

Levin: It was obvious to me at the start, as it was to many others, that the Oslo agreements could only lead to disaster. I said as much in a Jerusalem Post op.ed. a few days before the 1993 signing of the first accords on the White House lawn. That there was something very deluded about the thinking of Israel's leaders and their pro-Oslo constituency became more evident as Oslo proceeded. Arafat and his Palestinian Authority immediately used their media, mosques and schools to promote hatred of Israel and violence against Jews and continued to make clear their objective remained Israel's destruction. The level of terrorism increased to unprecedented dimensions. Yet Israel responded with more concessions.

During this period, there were many cogent critiques of the Oslo process. But none addressed why Israel's leaders, supported by the nation's academic and cultural elites and much of the broader population, were pursuing a course that was demonstrably placing the nation, including their own families, at dire risk. It seemed to me then, as it does now, that, given the irrationality of Israel's course, the explanation had to lie in the realm of psychopathology.

Israel's Oslo diplomacy was also reminiscent of aspects of the political life of Diaspora Jewish communities that likewise reflected a self-destructiveness inexplicable except in psychiatric terms.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:49 AM


US Willing To Talk To India About Supplying Missile Defence (AFP, Jun 16, 2005)

A US official said Thursday his government was willing to talk to India about supplying missile defence systems, but urged New Delhi to spell out regulatory mechanisms for controlling exports of sensitive technologies. [...]

India was a Cold War ally of the Soviet Union and maintains close ties with Iran, which the United States accuses of developing nuclear weapons and supporting Middle Eastern extremist groups.

Traditionally, it has bought most of its military equipment from Russia, France and Britain, but recently has shown interest in the military hardware of US defence firms.

The United States and India signed a landmark agreement last January to share advanced technology, including in peaceful nuclear applications.

Indian navy on the crest of a wave (Sudha Ramachandran, 6/18/05, Asia Times)

India's naval power projection and maritime security have received a big boost with the commissioning of a giant new naval base - Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kadamba - on its Arabian Sea coast. INS Kadamba, which is India's third operational naval base after Mumbai and Vishakapatnam, is the first to be controlled exclusively by the Indian navy.

INS Kadamba is Phase I of the Indian navy's ambitious US$8.13 billion Project Seabird. Situated at Karwar, 100 kilometers south of Goa, in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, INS Kadamba is being described as the biggest base of its kind this side of the Suez.

When completed, it will be Asia's largest naval base, with the capacity to berth more than 22 ships, including the 44,000-ton aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov purchased from the Russians (and renamed INS Vikramaditya), as well as the indigenous nuclear-powered submarine, the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV). Spread over 11,200 acres, Project Seabird will include a naval base, an air force station, a naval armament depot, a ship-lift system, missile silos and a full-fledged ship repair yard.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:43 AM

WHAT IF YOUR 100 YARD DASH TAKES 6 MINUTES? (via Michael Herdegen):

Fitness in 6 Minutes a Week: A Few Intense Sprints as Good as an Hour of Jogging, Study Says (Daniel DeNoon, June 3, 2005, WebMD Medical News)

If you don't exercise because it takes too long, find another excuse.

Just six minutes of intense exercise a week can keep people as fit as three hour-long jogs, Canadian researchers report in the June issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Is there a catch? Of course. Those six minutes come from four 30-second bursts of all-out effort with four-minute rests in between each sprint. This "sprint interval training" adds up to three 20-minute sessions a week, says Martin J. Gibala, PhD, associate professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

"Interval-type training is effective for improving health and fitness in a relatively short period of time," Gibala tells WebMD. "Whether you are already active or just getting into it, you can benefit. People can choose whether they want to exercise faster or exercise longer."

If you're thinking of trying this, Gibala says, first check with your doctor. But he adds that with proper medical supervision, all kinds of people -- even those with heart disease -- can benefit from this approach.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:37 AM


Session to focus on 'gay agenda': Gathering aims to create a plan of action for sexual minorities in 21st century (ALLAN TURNER, 6/16/05 Houston Chronicle)

Formally known as The Conference of the Futures of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Intersexed, Questioning and Allied Residents of the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area, the three-hour session will consider resolutions dealing with key health, educational, domestic and legal issues facing the group.

"It even surprised me that we came up with something so comprehensive, sober, rational, caring and professional," longtime activist Phyllis Fry said of the proposed resolutions. "It's going to be great. ... The next time a bigot is drooling about the 'gay agenda,' we will have one."

Among resolutions on the table are ones calling for freedom to marry and divorce, affordable care for senior citizens, safe schools for sexual minority youths, secure shelters for homeless youth, more money for HIV/AIDS programs and protection from hate crimes.

So all they're really asking is that they be treated differently?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:19 AM


Was Enron Just a Dream? (Jonathan Chait, June 17, 2005, LA Times)

Remember Enron?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


The Decisive Day is Come: The Battle of Bunker Hill (Bernard Bailyn, Mass Historical Society)

"The story of Bunker Hill battle," Allen French wrote, "is a tale of great blunders heroically redeemed." The first blunder was the decision of the Massachusetts Committee of Safety to fortify Charlestown heights and attempt to hold it against the British, cooped up in Boston after their withdrawal from Lexington and Concord. The ultimate aim was, in the abstract at least, sensible enough: to tighten the encirclement of Boston by commanding the heights both north and south of the town—Dorchester as well as Charlestown—and to deny those commanding hills to the British. But in fact the Americans did not have guns capable of reaching Boston effectively from Bunker Hill. And in addition, forces installed there were almost certain to be cut off since the British warships controlled Boston harbor and its confluence with the Charles River, and could easily keep the slim neck that joined Charlestown to the mainland under heavy fire. Nor, once committed, did the American commanders choose their ground wisely. The high point of the mile-long Charlestown peninsula was Bunker Hill—it rose 110 feet, and adjoined the only route of retreat, the roadway back to Cambridge. But the spot chosen for fortification was not Bunker Hill but Breed's Hill, only 75 feet high and 600 yards farther from the neck, controllable from the higher ground at its rear and isolated from the sole route of retreat. And even in the best positions the ill-equipped, altogether untrained troops of the New England army could hardly be expected to hold out against sustained attacks by British regulars led by no less that four general officers experienced in warfare on two continents.

That for two and a half hours of intense battle, greatly outnumbered, they did just that—held out until, their powder gone and forced to fight with gun butts and rocks, they were bayoneted out of the stifling, dust-choked redoubt they had thrown up on Breed's Hill—was the result not only of great personal heroism but also of the blunders of the British. In complete control of the sea, they could have landed troops on the north side of Charlestown neck and struck the rebels in the rear while sending their main force against them face-on. But in an excess of caution they chose instead to land at the tip and march straight up against the fortified American lines. Such strategy as they had was confined to sending a single column along the thin strip of beach on the north shore of Charlestown peninsula hoping to reach the rear of the entrenchments by land and thus begin an overland encirclement. But this effort was doomed from the start. A delay in beginning the attack gave the Americans time to throw a barrier across the beach and to place behind it a company of New Hampshire riflemen capable of stopping the encircling column. The British attack therefore was altogether a frontal one, two ranks moving on a front almost half-a-mile long toward the set battle line, a line formed on the Boston Bay side by the deserted houses of Charlestown, the redoubt on Breed's Hill, its breastwork extension and a fortified rail fence, and completed on the far beach by the New Hampshiremen and their barricade.

No one of the thousands who crowded the housetops, church steeples, and shore batteries of Boston to watch the spectacle ever forgot the extraordinary scene they witnessed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Profound questions from the Schiavo case (Katherine Kersten, June 16, 2005, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

"Brother Michael Gaworski and I founded the Franciscan Brothers in 1982," says Brother Paul, a gentle, soft-spoken man, speaking in his friary's spartan, book-lined living room in St. Paul. "We wanted to work with the poor and vulnerable -- the homeless, the elderly, the unborn."

In 1991 Brother Michael was stricken with bacterial pneumonia at the age of 32. His fellow brothers cared for their beloved founder, in a condition similar to Schiavo's, for more than 12 years at the friary until he died in 2003.

Shortly after Brother Michael's death, Brother Paul met Bobby Schindler. "Bobby showed me a video of Terri," says Brother Paul, "and the similarities with Brother Michael were striking. We quickly became very close." When the Schindlers' court battles drew media attention, Brother Paul went to Florida to offer support and eventually became the family spokesman.

Schiavo's case was wrenchingly complex. Brother Paul said Wednesday that the autopsy report, indicating that Schiavo's brain damage was so severe no improvement in her condition was possible, makes no difference.

"She was not dying, she was not on life support," he said. Terri needed just food and water -- what anyone needs to live -- like thousands of other incapacitated people with no hope of improvement: among them, adults with advanced Alzheimer's and children with severe cerebral palsy. [...]

"People contemplate a seriously disabled person" -- like a quadriplegic --"and say, 'Who would want to live that way?' The answer, of course, is no one. But when people actually become disabled, they often discover a meaning in life that they never could have anticipated."

People of goodwill may disagree about Terri Schiavo's case. Yet as our society strays from its traditional belief in the essential dignity of every human life, we all must grapple with the implications of the notion that some lives are "not worth living."

Today, assisted suicide is lawful in Oregon. In the Netherlands, according to the New York Times, prosecutors no longer pursue cases against doctors who kill severely impaired babies after birth. The temptation to deal with the defective and incompetent by eliminating them is likely to grow as our society ages. Today, approximately 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. In coming decades, projections suggest that about 40 percent of us will spend roughly 10 years in an infirm, demented condition. The way we deal with this situation will say much about us as a society.

Currently, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., is staging an exhibit that offers food for thought on this issue. The exhibit is called "Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race." It examines the idea of "lebensunwertes Leben" -- lives not worthy of life --which the Nazis used to justify their elimination of thousands deemed unfit to live: the retarded, the defective and the seriously ill.

Wouldn''t want to get in the way of the march of Reason and Science.

June 16, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 PM


'Fetus eater' loses medical license (Jill Stanek, June 14, 2005, WorldNetDaily.com )

It is so hard to find a good abortionist these days. Most seem to meet with one of three professional demises: imprisonment for sexual assault; medical license revocation for malpractice; or death, alone in their beds, while watching porn flicks after overdosing on heroin.

On June 11, it was career end No. 2 for abortionist Krishna Rajanna, proprietor of the now defunct Affordable Medical and Surgical Services in Kansas City, Kan. [...]

Rajanna first got noticed publicly in September 2003 when he called police to investigate alleged employee theft. Detective William Howard of the Kansas City Police Department responded, and was so appalled by what he and his partner found ("I thought I had heard and seen every vile, disgusting crime scene, but was in for a new shock when I started this investigation.") that he contacted the local district attorney plus three state agencies.

Topping the list of horrors was an employee's account that she and others witnessed Rajanna "microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch," as Howard recalled earlier this year when testifying before a Kansas House committee.

If abortion doesn't take the life of a human being there's no coherent objection to consuming the healthy portion of protein left behind.

The overselling of stem cell research (Jonah Goldberg, June 17, 2005, Townhall)

The moral status of embryos - like the status of fetuses or teenagers - is ultimately a matter of faith, of first principles. Those who make utilitarian arguments for euthanasia, abortion or, for that matter, genocide can be perfectly "rational" in the sense that they can employ logic with the best of them. They simply start from different moral assumptions. Nazis and Communists killed millions and they could be very logical in their justifications - but logical in that whole evil genius sense. On the other side of the spectrum, pro-life, Buddhist vegans - who literally wouldn't hurt a fly - can be very logical, too. They just follow a different set of assumptions. One could say it's a sign of moral progress that we've at least shunted our debates over who has a right to life to murderers, the unborn and the very, very ill.

Or maybe not. Regardless, the moral debate often overshadows more practical arguments.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, John Kerry and his supporters complained that President Bush had "banned" embryonic stem cell research. John Kerry proclaimed, "Here in America we don't sacrifice science for ideology" - a deeply ideological point itself, when you think about it. Ronald Reagan Jr., a very liberal former dog show announcer and ballet dancer who happens to share the name of his late father, was proclaimed a walking profile in courage for exploiting his father's memory in order to support the Democrats on the issue of embryonic stem cell research. At the Democratic Convention, he suggested that if Democrats were in power, then perhaps in a decade or so you could have your very own "personal biological repair kit waiting for you at the hospital." People with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or various other calamitous and heartbreaking diseases could simply get an injection and be "cured." It's not "magic," Reagan promised, but simply the "medicine of the future."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:10 PM


The backstreet bruiser hoping to knock sense into the Tories: He lived in a slum, was adopted at 11 and married an invisible wife: David Davis's personal and political journey towards the leadership is chartered by our correspondent (Andrew Pierce, 6/17/05, Times of London))

An illegitimate child, he had been brought up in York in a prefabricated bungalow dominated by the politics of his grandfather, Walter Harrison, a Communist who led the 1936 Jarrow hunger march from York to Aldermaston.

His father had vanished within days of learning that his married mother, Betty Brown, was pregnant. After four years in York, he moved to London when his mother married Ronald Davis, a shop steward at Battersea power station, who adopted him at the age of 11. They lived in a flat in South London which Mr Davis describes as a “slum”. They later moved to a council house in Tooting which the boy thought was luxurious: it had an indoor bathroom and electricity.

At Bec School Mr Davis excelled at science, even managing to set the chemistry lab alight. He passed A levels in physics and chemistry but failed zoology the first time after walking out of the house the night after yet another confrontation with his stepfather. Barry Trowbridge, who used to walk to school with Mr Davis, said: “He was a tough kid who knew how to look after himself. He had a reputation for getting into scraps.” That label has followed him into the Commons where many Tory MPs resent his bombastic style.

Mr Davis, who had a boxer dog named Winston, was a popular figure at school. A scruff, whose tie was always crooked and whose hair looked like it had never seen a comb, he was outspoken in current affairs debates. In a survey of the classmate most likely to be Prime Minister by 25, he was top.

Freddie Hore, 89, who was Mr Davis’s headmaster until the sixth form, said: “The school recruited bright boys from underprivileged backgrounds. David Davis exemplified what we were trying to do. He was conscientious and an admirable scholar.” Mr Hore was a feared disciplinarian. “I had simple rules. If the boys broke them they were caned.” Mr Davis was caned once.

The school, whose old boys include the actor Art Malik and the former England rugby captain Bob Hiller, was amalgamated with a neighbouring comprehensive in 1970. In 1971 it was renamed Ernest Bevin after the socialist Foreign Secretary. Margaret Thatcher, the Education Secretary at the time, has not been forgiven by the Old Boys.

Mr Davis was a prop forward in the school rugby team. He broke his nose three times, the school magazine noting that the “2nd XV have pounded their way to victory, suicidally led by D.M. Davis”. He broke his nose twice more, once in an accident in a swimming pool and again in a fight on Clapham Common.

A further sign of the now carefully cultivated action man image came when he joined the Territorial Army SAS for two years. It was not just about derring-do antics but to finance his education at Warwick University. His parents had refused to help.

While at university between 1968 and 1971, he met Doreen, a fellow molecular science student. They married in July 1973. Their daughter Rebecca came the next year, Sarah in 1977, and son Alexander, who is still at home, in 1987.

Doreen Davis is a rare politician’s wife. She is never seen at Westminster or party conferences; there are few photographs of them together. A request for one was politely declined. Unlike Sandra Howard, there will be no interviews or solo television appearances.

Yet behind the scenes she is a huge influence. Mrs Davis, who gave up her career to look after the children, runs the constituency office in their Yorkshire farmhouse.

In 1971 he went to London Business School and, at a time of radical student activism, became chairman of the deeply unfashionable Conservative Association. At the London School of Economics, a left-wing hotbed, John Blundell, now the head of the Institute for Economic Affairs, the free-market think-tank, was elected to the same Tory post. They have been friends ever since. In 1973 Mr Blundell backed Mr Davis for the chairmanship of the Federation of Conservative Students. He won and his first act was to ally it to Amnesty International, a move he would be unlikely to repeat today.

His unexpected victory underlines the extent of his political journey. Mr Davis, the current standard-bearer of the Thatcherites, was the candidate of the Left against the rightwinger Neil Hamilton.

Mr Blundell said: “Then David was a Heathite managerial Tory but he won the vote of the free-marketeers because, having read Hayek and Friedman, he was open to ideas.”

When a delegation from the federation was booked in to see Mrs Thatcher about student grants, Mr Davis took no chances. Mr Blundell recalled: “We had a 30-minute slot but he made a dozen of us swot all weekend so we were fully briefed.” Another friend was Michael, now Lord, Forsyth, the former Scottish Secretary. Mr Blundell said: “We joked that I would become director-general of the IEA, Michael would be Scottish Secretary and David would be leader of the Conservative Party. So far it’s two out of three.”

How can he possibly get support from the wets?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 PM


Europe turns on France as Britain wins new allies (Philip Webster and Anthony Browne, 6/17/05, Times of London)

JACQUES CHIRAC suffered a double blow as the EU summit opened last night when he was forced to admit defeat over the European constitution, and Tony Blair won powerful allies for his campaign to cut French agricultural subsidies.

Mr Blair feared isolation in his battle over Britain’s £3 billion rebate unless there was a thorough overhaul of EU farm spending as well.

But Dutch and Swedish leaders backed the Prime Minister’s call for the £600 billion budget to be reduced, and Mr Blair received a surprise incentive to stall in negotiations when the conservative politician expected to be Germany’s next leader told France to cut back its agricultural subsidies.

Angela Merkel, favourite to replace Gerhard Schröder in September, said that it was unreasonable to expect Britain to surrender its rebate if France would not cut farm subsidies.

As one of the most momentous summits in years opened in Brussels, EU leaders agreed to put the constitutional treaty rejected by France and the Netherlands into deep freeze.

It runs deep in the German blood, the compulsion to smack down the French...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:33 PM


Government Hits One-Day Tax Revenue High (AP, Jun 16, 2005)

After totaling it all up, the Treasury Department announced Thursday that it had collected $61 billion on Wednesday. That surpassed the old one-day record of $56 billion set on Dec. 15, 2000.

The bulk of the revenue — $49 billion — came from corporate tax payments, also a one-day record for such receipts. The old mark was $46 billion set last Dec. 15. Wednesday's date, June 15, and Dec. 15 are both deadlines for corporations to make quarterly tax payments.

The government's coffers have been swelling this year as tax receipts from both individuals and corporations have been on the rise, reflecting an improving economy. Because of those increases, this year's federal deficit is expected to fall to around $350 billion, down from the $413 billion record in dollar terms set in 2004.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:20 PM


Boyle Nomination Sent to Senate for OK (JESSE J. HOLLAND, June 16, 2005, The Associated Press)

The GOP-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday sent North Carolina judge Terrence Boyle's nomination to the U.S. Appeals Court for confirmation on a party-line vote, leaving Boyle vulnerable to a possible Democratic filibuster.

Boyle, a U.S. District Court judge who wants a seat on the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., advances to the full Senate for confirmation on the 10-8 partisan vote in committee. [...]

Boyle has been trying to win an Appeals Court seat since 1991, when he was nominated by the first President Bush.

After Democrats killed the nomination, Helms blocked all of President Clinton's judicial nominations from North Carolina for eight years. In retaliation, former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., refused to let the Judiciary Committee consider the nomination of Boyle from 1998-2004.

Edwards's hold ended after he was replaced by freshman Sen. Republican Richard Burr.

Of course, when we did it we weren't filibustering...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:17 PM


Vermont Lt. Gov. Dubie eyes House, Senate races (Jonathan Singer, 6/14/05, The Hill)

Vermont Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie is being pulled in two directions — by House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), who would like him to run for the House, and by Senate Republicans urging him to seek the seat being vacated by Sen. Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.).

Hastert met earlier this month in Vermont with Dubie while the Speaker was attending a fundraiser for Republicans. Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is leaving the House to run for Jeffords’s seat.

Meanwhile, Dubie was expected to be in Washington yesterday attending a candidate school organized by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) also contacted Dubie, lobbying the Vermonter to run for the Senate seat. Brownback spokesman Aaron Groote did not return calls.

Dubie said in an interview that White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card had called him but did not say what race, if any, Card urged him to enter.

“There are opportunities in both the Senate and the Congress, and I don’t want to close any doors,” said Dubie, who is also a pilot for American Airlines and a colonel in the Air Force Reserve.

Strange how little the national party has done to exploit the wide cultural divide that has opened in Vermont.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


Factories cranking out the goods (Chicago Sun-Times, June 16, 2005)

Inflation remained docile in May while the pace of business activity at the factory level shifted into high gear, two new government reports showed Wedneday.

A third report, a nationwide survey of business conditions for the Federal Reserve, described the economy as expanding at a healthy pace.

Together the reports depict an economy shaking off the effects of an oil price surge in the early spring and resuming solid growth.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:15 AM


Romney oiling his presidential campaign machine (ROBERT NOVAK, June 16, 2005, Chicago SUN-TIMES)

Any real doubt that Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination should have been resolved by his performance Monday in suburban Oakland County, Mich. He did not merely drop into his native state for a political fund-raising speech. He spent a 12-hour candidate's day working a key presidential primary state.

Romney's public exposure was less than two hours at the Marriott Hotel in Pontiac for the 13th annual event sponsored by Rep. Joe Knollenberg. But in closed-door meetings starting at 8 a.m., he conferred with Republican politicians and donors. Although Romney sought no commitments and made no promises of his candidacy, the assumption by everybody here is that he will not seek re-election as governor in 2006.

Indeed, Romney's preparation for 2008 is more advanced than any of his potential GOP rivals. While he recently spoke in his neighboring state of New Hampshire, Romney's Commonwealth fund has raised and distributed $225,000, concentrated in three early primary states: Iowa, South Carolina and Michigan.

This early campaign is being put together by famed political consultant Mike Murphy, who is California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's closest political adviser and who worked for Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign in 2000.

Romney began his long day over breakfast with Ed Levy, a nationally known leader in the Jewish community. That was followed by meetings with Romney's older brother, Scott, a prominent Michigan Republican, and builder John Rakolta, a major party contributor. He met about 20 Republicans for lunch and in the afternoon, including Dick DeVos (of the Amway family), the probable Republican nominee for governor. Romney talked about the need to elect DeVos and Republican candidates for governor elsewhere in '06, and the Republicans expressed fear of Hillary Clinton in '08.

Michigan is central to Romney's presidential hopes

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 AM


As Brother Driscoll notes, SS Reform is just the warm-up act for the Big Show

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


Europe in search of a new rationale (Katrin Bennhold, JUNE 16, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

The European Union, whose foundations were laid after World War II with the principal aim of safeguarding peace and stability, needs a new raison d'être, they say, and can find it in the challenge of globalization.

"Today, Europeans don't have the perception of a common threat, just a diffuse concern about globalization and declining levels of welfare," Ana Palacio said.

The head of the Spanish Parliament's joint committee on European affairs added, "We need to market Europe as an answer to globalization." [...]

Beyond communication, a key question is how to make economic globalization work for Europe.

At the moment, there are two camps: Those, notably in Britain and the Nordic countries, who have lobbied for more deregulation in Europe and favor enlargement; and those, notably in France and Germany, who are pushing for more political integration and have traditionally taken a cooler view on the union's expansion.

It's the protestant North, favoring liberty, vs. the statist continent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:40 AM


Sabine, Herald of Liberty (Veronique de Rugy, 06/16/2005, Tech Central Station)

The European Union is becoming increasingly uncompetitive in the world economy. The average tax burden consumes almost 45 percent of GNP, and regulatory red tape makes it very difficult for the private sector to create jobs. With this track record, it is not surprising that per capita income in the EU is much lower than it is in the United States. To make matters worse, many European governments face huge unfunded liabilities for pensions, so it is likely that the burden of government will climb rather than fall. So should the European Union get an economic face lift?

That's the question asked to Sabine Herold at an American Enterprise Institute event earlier this week. Sabine is the spokeswoman for Liberte Cherie a French association founded in 2001 in reaction to unemployment rates, falling living standards, strikes, and the lack of free market ideas in the political debate in France. Two years ago, Sabine became famous for leading a demonstration in Paris against strikes by government workers. To the surprise of the organizers themselves, the event attracted more than 80,000 angry Parisians fed up with the almost daily government employees' strikes.

She explained to her Washington audience "I am here today to tell you about my experience as a French and European young woman. The problems you read about in your newspapers are my daily life. I put up with the strikes. I suffer from decreasing standards of living. So, yes, the European Union needs a face lift."

...it's their butts that are dragging.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:14 AM


Annihilating Terri Schiavo
(Paul McHugh, Commentary, June, 2005)

Terri Schiavo was examined by qualified neurologists. Most of them concluded that she fit into the rather amorphous group of severely brain-injured patients defined as being in a “persistent vegetative state” (PVS). This diagnostic category encompasses individuals with cerebral diseases of various kinds who, though only dimly wakeful, retain the life-sustaining functions of respiration, blood circulation, and metabolic integrity.

It is perhaps because such patients display so lowered a state of vigilance that, in striving to define their condition, neurologists lighted upon a metaphor contrasting vegetation with animation. I remember teasing the admirable clinician who first coined this term that I had seen many patients but few carrots sleeping, waking, grunting, or flinching from pain. Although the term “vegetative” does distinguish what is lost from what remains in such a patient’s capacities, it can also have the unfortunate effect of suggesting that there is something less worthy about those in this condition.

As for the adjective “persistent,” it is perfectly precise, and makes no prognostic claim (as would, say, the term “permanent”). It simply describes the patient’s history. What we know from experience is that, as with most neurological impairments, patients “persisting” in this state of blunted consciousness for more than eighteen months are generally unlikely to recover.

The neurologists who coined the diagnostic category PVS did so out of the best of clinical motives. In particular, they wanted to distinguish it from the “brain-dead” state, where no functional capacities—to breathe, to swallow, or to respond—remain. With “brain death,” a patient evinces no response to any stimulus. Brain monitors show no activity. Heart and viscera can carry on their automatic activity only with the aid of mechanical, ventilator-driven respiration, and will cease when it is discontinued.

By definition, then, PVS is not death hidden by machinery. It is human life under altered neurological circumstances. And this distinction makes all the difference in how doctors and nurses think about it and treat its sufferers. [...]

As soon as Terri Schiavo’s case moved into the law courts of Florida, the concept of “life under altered circumstances” went by the boards—and so, necessarily, did any consideration of how to serve such life. Both had been trumped by the concept of “life unworthy of life,” and how to end it.

I use the term “life unworthy of life” advisedly. The phrase first appeared a long time ago—as the title of a book published in Germany in 1920, co-authored by a lawyer and a psychiatrist. Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwertes Leben translates as “Lifting Constraint from the Annihilation of Life Unworthy of Life.” Terri Schiavo’s husband and his clinical and legal advisers, believing that hers was now a life unworthy of life, sought, and achieved, its annihilation. Claiming to respect her undocumented wish not to live dependently, they were willing to have her suffer pain and, by specific force of law, to block her caregivers from offering her oral feedings of the kind provided to all terminal patients in a hospice—even to the point of prohibiting mouth-soothing ice chips. Everything else flowed from there.

How could such a thing happen? This, after all, is not Nazi Germany, where the culture of death foreshadowed in the awful title of that book would reach such horrendous public proportions. But we in this country have our own, homegrown culture of death, whose face is legal and moral and benignly individualistic rather than authoritarian and pseudo-scientific. It has many roots, which would require a long historical treatise to unravel, with obligatory chapters considering such factors as the growth of life-sustaining and life-extending technologies and the dilemmas they bring, the increasingly assertive deprecation of medical expertise and understanding in favor of patients’ “autonomous” decision-making, the explosion in rights-related personal law and the associated explosion in medical-malpractice suits, and much else besides.

All this has resulted in a steady diminution in the bonds of implicit trust between patients and their doctors and its replacement, in some cases by suspicion or outright hostility, in many other cases by an almost reflexive unwillingness on the part of doctors to impose their own considered, prudential judgments—including their ethical judgments—on the course of treatment. In the meantime, a new discipline has stepped into the breach; its avowed purpose is to help doctors and patients alike reach decisions in difficult situations, and it is now a mandatory subject of study in medical and nursing schools.

I am speaking of course about bioethics, which came into being roughly contemporaneously with the other developments I have been describing. To the early leaders of this discipline, it was plain that doctors and nurses, hitherto guided by professional codes of conduct and ancient ideals of virtue embedded in the Hippocratic oath or in the career and writings of Florence Nightingale, were in need of better and more up-to-date instruction. But, being theorists rather than medical practitioners, most bioethicists proved to be uninterested in developing the characters of doctors and nurses. Rather, they were preoccupied with identifying perceived conflicts between the “aims” of doctors and the “rights” of patients, and with prescribing remedies for those conflicts.

Unlike in medicine itself, these remedies are untested and untestable. They have multiplied nevertheless, to the point where they have become fixtures in the lives of all of us, an unquestioned part of our vocabulary, subtly influencing our most basic attitudes toward sickness and health and, above all, our assumptions about how to prepare ourselves for death. The monuments to the bioethicists’ principles include Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, the euphemistically named Living Wills, and the legalization of physician-assisted suicide in the state of Oregon. These are not all the same thing, to be sure, and sophisticated arguments can be advanced for each of them; cumulatively, however, they are signposts of our own culture of death.

Hospital administrators are generally pleased with bioethicists and the rationalizations they provide for ceasing care of the helpless and the disabled. By the same token, their presence is generally shunned by doctors and nurses, whose medical and moral vocabulary draws from different sources, and whose training and experience have disposed them in a different direction. To most doctors and nurses, in any case, the idea that one can control the manner and pace of one’s dying is largely a fantasy. They have seen what they have seen, and what they know is that at the crucial moments in this process, no document on earth can substitute for the one-on-one judgment, fallible as it may ultimately be, of a sensible, humane, and experienced physician.

Contemporary bioethics has become a natural ally of the culture of death, but the culture of death itself is a perennial human temptation; for onlookers in particular, it offers a reassuring answer (“this is how X would have wanted it”) to otherwise excruciating dilemmas, and it can be rationalized every which way till Sunday. In Terri Schiavo’s case, it is what won out over the hospice’s culture of life, overwhelming by legal means, and by the force of advanced social opinion, the moral and medical command to choose life, to comfort the afflicted, and to teach others how to do the same. The more this culture continues to influence our thinking, the deeper are likely to become the divisions within our society and within our families, the more hardened our hatreds, and the more manifold our fears. More of us will die prematurely; some of us will even be persuaded that we want to.

One of the unfortunate results of our preoccupation with the modern lodestar of evil–Nazi Germany-is a difficulty in recognizing evils that do not conform to its stereotype. We have all been trained to keep our eyes well-peeled for psychopathic racist demagogues with funny moustaches and perhaps also thuggish commissars trying to wipe out demonized social classes. But the modern war on the dependent and inconvenient does not fit into these models and many have difficulty it understanding its source, which is not a hatred of class or race, but the increasingly closely-held and defiant conviction that we have an absolute right to enjoy our individual material freedom to the fullest and that there is something grossly unjust and hateful about anything or anyone that thwarts us.

This week’s release of Terri’s autopsy results is being heralded as a vindication of her former husband and proof she would not have recovered. Few ever held out much hope she would, which is why so many were praying for her. The horror felt by so many was that so many others thought that was the sole issue and could see nothing beyond it. And as Dr. McHugh so eloquently explains, that wasn’t the issue for those dwindling members of the medical profession who believe they are called to save and protect life as they find it, not to destroy it through pseudo-scientific, amoral bafflegab. The thought that we may ever live see the day when when such moral grounding and nobility of vocation is gone with the wind is almost too chilling and depressing to bear.

There were, of course, no mobs trashing the streets and howling for Terri’s death, no political jeremiads against the terminally ill and no sick jokes about omelettes and broken eggs. That isn’t the way the culture of death, which is a logical endpoint of our broader therapeutic culture, operates. Its cold-hearted, selfish rationalism always comes wrapped in ersatz empathy and compassion (certified professionally in courses and workshops) for those it seeks to destroy or marginalize. Its tools are not storm troopers and secret police, but the mis-use of scientific language to confuse the decent, open and scrupulously well-documented bureaucratic process, psychological manipulation through ceaseless counseling and dialogue and, ultimately, judicial fiat. Unlike with the totalitarian horrors, the victims of the culture of death can often take comfort in knowing their executioners will be there holding their hand and weeping at the final moment, assuring them everyone is praying for them and that theirs was indeed a tough and tragic case. But die they must, and die they will.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:44 AM


The left gets a memo (Michael Kinsley, 6/16/05, CS Monitor)

[E]ven on its face, the memo is not proof that Bush had decided on war. It states that war is "now seen as inevitable" by "Washington." That is, people other than Bush had concluded, based on observation, that he was determined to go to war. There is no claim of even fourth-hand knowledge that he had actually declared this intention. Even if "Washington" meant administration decisionmakers, rather than the usual freelance chatterboxes, C was only saying that these people believed that war was how events would play out.

Of course, if "intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy," rather than vice versa, that is pretty good evidence of Bush's intentions, as well as a scandal in its own right. And we know now that this was true. Fixing intelligence and facts to fit a desired policy is the Bush II governing style, especially concerning the Iraq war. But C offered no specifics, or none that made it into the memo. Nor does the memo assert that actual decisionmakers told him they were fixing the facts. Although the prose is not exactly crystalline, it seems to be saying only that "Washington" had reached that conclusion.

Of course, you don't need a secret memo to know this. Just look at what was in the newspapers on July 23, 2002, and the day before. [...]

Then there's poor Time magazine (cover date July 22 but actually published a week earlier), which had the whole story. "Sometime last spring the President ordered the Pentagon and the CIA to come up with a new plan to invade Iraq and topple its leader." Originally planned for the fall, the war was put off until "at least early next year" (which is when, in fact, it occurred).

Unfortunately, Time went on to speculate that because of a weak economy, the war "may have to wait - some think forever," and concluded that "Washington is engaged more in psy-war than in war itself."

There was never any chance that President Bush was going to leave oiffice before settling Saddam's hash--9-11 just gave him a pretext.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:38 AM


Castro's Black Prisoner: A follower of Martin Luther King and Gandhi in Fidel's custody for 22 more years (Nat Hentoff, June 9th, 2005, Village Voice)

Congressman Charles Rangel—a frequent, forthright defender of civil liberties on national television—has long been a paladin of black political and human rights in this country. He also worked to help remove South Africa's apartheid government, and he has been arrested at the Sudanese embassy in Washington for protesting the continuing genocide in Darfur.

Because of his record, I was surprised when—as nonviolent Cubans had the courage to gather in Havana on May 20 for the first public mass meeting for their freedom during Castro's 46-year dictatorship—Rangel was among the only 22 members of the House of Representatives who voted against a resolution (392 in favor) supporting this "historic meeting."

Then, as noted in last week's column, Rangel attacked American politicians who "refuse to give the [Castro] government the respect that it deserves." And he dismissed the Cubans defying the dictator—who, in 2003, locked up for long sentences more than 70 dissenters.

Said Rangel: "I don't think it helps to be supporting insurgents overthrowing the [Castro] government."

In view of this strange position for a passionate opponent of repressive governments, I asked several people who know Rangel if they could explain it. They were as surprised as I was, and couldn't.

But since Rangel also recommended reaching out to Fidel rather than "isolating" the people of Cuba, I have a suggestion as to how he himself can do just that. Surely Fidel would welcome this supportive, highly visible, anti-Bush-administration congressman if Charles Rangel were to go to Cuba to ask about one of the dissidents whom Amnesty International designates "a prisoner of conscience"—and who was named president of honor at the May 20 meeting of the Assembly to Promote Civil Society in Havana.

In its March 18, 2005 report on these prisoners, Amnesty cites "Oscar Elías Biscet González, 43. Sentence: 25 years . . . Prison: Combinado del Este Prison, Havana."

Best not to hold your breat waiting for the Left to oppose Castro.

Feeling the Heat in Havana (The Monitor's View, 6/16/05, CS Monitor)

Last month, some 150 dissidents in Cuba met openly to plan for a peaceful transition to a post-Castro era. It was the first large-scale meeting in 46 years not authorized by the communist dictator. Such courage signals Cuba's inevitable transition to a pluralistic democracy.

Yet the reaction in Europe to this political assemblage, unlike in the US which welcomed it, was striking. Last week, the European Union decided to continue barring opponents of Fidel Castro from visiting the embassies of EU members in Havana. And it did this despite the fact that Cuba expelled two EU politicians who came to Havana to address the May 20 pro-democracy assembly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 AM


Red China: Ultrasounds Used to Kill Girls (Gary Bauer, Jun 16, 2005, Human Events)

In the United States, ultrasound image technology has been instrumental in establishing the unborn child as a living, breathing, sensing person. [...]

In China, however ultrasound technology functions as the means to a much different end. There, because of the Communist government’s brutal 25-year one child policy, and since boys are considered more valuable than girls—as they carry on the family name and are expected to care for aging parents—ultrasound machines are employed to determine the sex of the baby. Then, if the baby is a girl, abort her.

How revealing that the very same technology—used in one nation to save lives—is exploited in another to snuff out the existence of those lives deemed unfit or less valuable.

The contrasting uses of ultrasound highlight the profound ideological cleft that separates America from China.

American democracy holds that every person possesses an inherent, God-given and inalienable dignity and value. While our legal and political institutions have sometimes failed to recognize these self-evident truths, the United States, because of its foundation in faith, usually ultimately overcomes the temptation to regard utility as the sole criterion for measuring anyone’s worth.

Chinese communism, on the other hand, values efficiency and utility.

There's nothing more chilling than hearing someone boast that their "morality" is utilitarian or pragmatic.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:31 AM


Church and state in Italy (International Herald Tribune , JUNE 16, 2005)

The failed referendum to ease Italy's restrictive assisted-fertility law was the first test of the new pope's willingness to inject himself into politics, and the results were discouraging. Italian law, which defines every union of egg and sperm as the beginning of a human life, places severe limits on the creation and use of embryos, not only in the field of stem cell research but also in standard treatments for infertile couples. Heeding a call from the Italian bishops' conference, supported by Pope Benedict XVI, enough voters boycotted the referendum to render it invalid. The Catholic Church has every right to create its own doctrine on such issues for the faithful, to enforce them within the church, and to make its views public. But using the power of the pulpit to urge people to stay away from the ballot box is not a religious act, but an antidemocratic one. It is unacceptable interference.

It'd be helpful if the same folks didn't then complain that the Church didn't do enough to stop the last Holocaust.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:27 AM


Heart Pill Intended Only for Blacks Sparks Debate (Denise Gellene, June 16, 2005, LA Times)

A tiny biotechnology company today will seek a crucial advisory panel endorsement for BiDil, a heart pill that could become the first drug approved for a single race.

The Food and Drug Administration panel will consider evidence from NitroMed Inc. that its pill — a combination of two old generic drugs — improves the life expectancy of African Americans, the only racial group included in the company's study.

NitroMed tested the cardiac drug in blacks after the FDA rejected BiDil for general use. The Lexington, Mass., firm said the study was warranted because early evidence suggested that African Americans might benefit from the pill.

But some scientists say it's doubtful that only African Americans will respond to BiDil.

"It is not like one group has all the bad genes," said Neil Risch, a UC San Francisco geneticist. "They are pretty well distributed."

Really? How many blacks have Tay-Sachs?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:24 AM


Senate Gives Ethanol an Added Boost: Farm-state lawmakers push through a measure to double the amount in the gas supply by 2012. The potential effect on prices is unclear. (Richard Simon and Warren Vieth, June 16, 2005, LA Times)

For years, Congress has showered tax breaks on ethanol, portraying the fuel that is derived mostly from corn as a homegrown alternative to oil imports.

But even the Corn Belt could not have imagined its good fortune Wednesday as the Senate voted to double the amount of ethanol, to 8 billion gallons, that must be added to the nation's gasoline supply by 2012.

"The Senate is poised to make ethanol a cornerstone of America's energy policy," said Sen. John Thune, a Republican from ethanol-producing South Dakota.

The provision was added on a 70-26 vote to a far-ranging energy bill moving through the Senate. It is widely regarded as critical to getting Congress to adopt a new national energy policy, a priority of President Bush's. [...]

Bush applauded efforts to boost the ethanol requirement, saying it was a key element of a broader strategy to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil. "We're pretty good about growing corn here in America, and we've got a lot of good corn growers," he told industry officials at an energy efficiency conference in Washington.

Bush said he looked forward to the day when a future president would say, "Show me the crop report," instead of asking, "How many barrels of crude oil are we importing?"

Although he did not endorse a specific amount, Bush said it was important for Congress to approve a renewable fuel standard requiring a minimum amount of ethanol and biodiesel, which can come from soybeans as well as recycled waste products such as cooking grease.

The president prodded the Senate to set aside partisan politics and pass an energy bill quickly, saying the public's patience, not to mention his own, was wearing thin.

"My advice is, they ought to keep this in mind: Summer is here, temperatures are rising, and tempers will really rise if Congress doesn't pass an energy bill," Bush said.

Bush's call for action reflected a more confrontational approach than his past public comments on presidential priorities that stalled in Congress.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) called the ethanol mandate something "we've been waiting for for a long time," and warned that if the provision was stripped out during House-Senate negotiations on a final bill, "there won't be an energy bill, period."

The energy bill passed by the House in April would require that 5 billion gallons of renewable fuel be added to gasoline by 2012, virtually assuring that an ethanol mandate of some amount would be in the final version of the legislation. [...]

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) also complained about additional government support for the ethanol industry. "How much is enough?" he asked after voting against the measure.

Looks like he'll skip the Iowa caucuses again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:19 AM


U.S. Puts U.N. Reform First, Official Says: Annan hopes the question of expanding the Security Council is resolved by September, but the White House focuses on five changes. (Maggie Farley, June 16, 2005, LA Times)

An official overseeing reform efforts, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns, said the administration embraces the majority of ideas put forth Wednesday by a bipartisan congressional task force on U.N. reform. The panel was led by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican, and former Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell, a Democrat, and included staunch critics and supporters of the U.N. [...]

Officials say the administration wants to focus on five specific reforms:

• Disband the Human Rights Commission, whose board members often include the very countries it is trying to condemn. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has proposed creating a smaller human rights council with a revamped selection system that would keep more violator countries out.

• Support a democracy fund and democracy initiatives.

• Change budgetary, management and administrative processes to make the Secretariat, which runs the U.N. bureaucracy, more accountable and transparent. The White House is particularly interested in changing the budget system to allow the U.S., the top contributor, to have more influence over how the U.N.'s money is spent. The administration also supports more extensive independent oversight to stem corruption and mismanagement.

• Create a peace-building commission. One of the most popular of Annan's proposals, such an agency would help post-conflict countries such as Iraq recover and build civil institutions.

• Adopt a comprehensive convention on terrorism that defines such actions as harming innocent civilians. A global treaty on terrorism has been stalled by disagreement over whether the definition should include actions taken by states as well as violent struggles against occupation.

The White House also said Wednesday that it opposed a bill by Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.) scheduled for a House vote today that would withhold half of the U.S. dues until the U.N. implements 39 specific changes.

"We are the founder, host country and leading contributor to the U.N. We don't want to put ourselves in a position where we are withholding 50% of American contributions to the U.N. system," Burns said. "We believe that it's possible to make progress and reform the U.N. without withdrawing financial support."

The White House stance appears likely to hinder Annan's goal for U.N. member states to decide how to reform the Security Council before a September summit that will help mark the world body's 60th anniversary.

When you can make John Bolton the good cop you've almost broken the suspect already.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:08 AM


Durbin won't apologize for Guantanamo comments (MEGAN REICHGOTT, 6/16/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

Sen. Dick Durbin refused to apologize Wednesday for comments he made on the Senate floor comparing the actions of American soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to Nazis, Soviet gulags and a ''mad regime'' like Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot's in Cambodia.

Durbin's comments created a buzz Wednesday on the Internet, fueled by sound bites of his speech on radio talk shows. By Wednesday afternoon, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna asked Durbin to apologize.

''Senator Durbin's comments come as a great disservice to our military personnel in Guantanamo,'' McKenna said in a statement. ''They are also a great disservice to all U.S. soldiers and veterans who have fought, and continue to fight, to overcome evil regimes and spread democracy around the world.''

Durbin did not plan to apologize for the comments, spokesman Joe Shoemaker said.

Does the Democratic Party have any adult supervision?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:00 AM


The 'devil' you know (Charles Recknagel, 6/17/05, Asia Times)

Polls in Iran have limited reliability but consistently have shown Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to be the front-runner. He is a high-ranking conservative cleric who is often termed a pragmatic politician and pro-business centrist.

Rafsanjani already has served two terms as Iran's president from 1989 to 1997 and is branding himself as the only one of the eight candidates with the stature to deliver on his campaign promises.

The former president, 70, heads Iran's top political arbitration body - the Expediency Council. He says he wants to integrate Iran into the global economy. And last month, he hinted that could include opening negotiations with the United States.

"We cannot ignore the US - the fact is that the US is a world superpower. Actually, we should act wisely with this superpower in a way that steers it away from adventurism. We should let the US understand that adventurism in the Middle East region cannot serve its interest," Rafsanjani said.

This week he said, "I am going for a policy of relaxation in tension and detente, and this is a policy that I will apply towards the United States as well." [...]

Among the reformists, the front-runner is Mustafa Moin, 54, a former minister for higher education. He is joined by running mate Mohammad Reza Khatami, the younger brother of outgoing President Mohammad Khatami.

Moin's platform emphasizes liberalizing the economy and easing tensions with Washington. He also champions greater intellectual freedom and cultural diversity and has said he would be prepared to give up uranium enrichment for a period of time if it were in Iran's national interest to do so.

Those are positions that should please the West. But some analysts say they may not be enough to make Moin, or another reformist candidate, the West's first choice as a new negotiating partner.

Faulks said the reformists now labor under the shadow of Khatami's inability to push through their initiatives during his two terms in office. For part of that time, reformists dominated both Iran's legislative and executive branches, yet were stymied by resistance from the conservative establishment, including crackdowns.

"It's a strange situation where you find that European governments and Western governments find themselves perhaps hoping that a pragmatic conservative triumphs over a reformist who espouses ideals such as democracy and human rights. But, of course it is difficult to see that Moin could be any more effective than Khatami was and would very probably be less effective. He is after all facing a reactionary, conservative majlis [parliament] and very probably you would see a kind of stasis in policymaking, much as you do under Khatami, probably worse, unfortunately," Faulks said.

It'd be interesting to see if a run-off between the two would re-energize the currently dispirited reform movement.

Bridging the gap (Maggie Mitchell Salem, 6/17/05, Asia Times)

During the past decade, Washington and Tehran have shown tantalizing signs that the vast void between them could indeed be bridged if both put their interests before ideology.

"Crisis communication" - from the USS Vincennes felling of an Iranian airbus to the September 11, 2001, terror attacks to stabilizing Afghanistan to the Bam earthquake - all were opportunities to bypass hardliners and sustain dialogue.

Former president Bill Clinton began his first term with "dual containment" and ended his second with an appearance at Khatami's UN speech. Khatami was not authorized to shake Clinton's hand.

The handshake came in November 2001, between former secretary of state Colin Powell and Iran's foreign minister.

After September 11, Iran provided substantial assistance to the US to defeat their common enemy - the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Then, in January 2002, Iran's international adventurism once again short-circuited constructive engagement. Israeli forces seized a ship loaded with 50 tons of arms bound for the Palestinian Authority. Both Washington and Tel Aviv accused Iran of funneling the weapons to Islamic militants.

Less than a month later, Bush identified Iran as part of the triple crown of evil. The relationship has failed to recover.

The slowly escalating conflict over Iran's nuclear program is just the latest installment in an unnecessarily tortuous relationship.

What's next? There is no reason to believe that Rafsanjani will shake off the hardliners. Some will be eager to hem him in.

The question remains: will Washington stop rewarding the hardliners' bad behavior by engaging in direct, if carefully calibrated dialogue with Tehran. Gary Sick, a former national security adviser who covered Iran during the revolution and hostage crisis, had this to say in January 2004: "I don't see any immediate or miraculous breakthrough, where Iran and the United States embrace or set up formal diplomatic relations. On the other hand, all it would really take for a very rapid movement in that direction would be an expression of will on the part of an Iranian or American leader. Up to now, that has not been present."

Unfortunately, the deficit of determined leadership remains more than 18 months later.

There are ample reasons to do better, roughly 34 million of them.

American values - not necessarily policies - are popular among Iran's under 35 set, a majority of the country. Bush is right to reach out to them. But phony broadcasting and White House entreaties are only tactics, and weak ones at that. He could start by formulating a strategy that pushes the right buttons in Tehran - and doesn't push likely allies into the arms of hardliners.

Rafsanjani, a seasoned veteran of infighting and related international intrigue, may be looking to take the revolution he helped install and sustain to the next level: Islamic Iran as a full member of the international community. He can't do that without Bush's consent. And both Bush and Rafsanjani may find good reason to come together to stabilize Iraq - most recently, the bombings in the neighboring, oil-rich Iranian province of Khuzestan.

Not Our Man in Iran (DANIELLE PLETKA, 6/16/05, NY Times)


One of Iran’s most influential ruling cleric called Friday on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only".

"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world", Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran.

Analysts said not only Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani’s speech was the strongest against Israel, but also this is the first time that a prominent leader of the Islamic Republic openly suggests the use of nuclear weapon against the Jewish State.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:54 AM


Chinese writer tests the power of his press (Chris Buckley, JUNE 16, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

When Chinese government officials confiscated 906 books that Wang Yi had privately printed to give to friends across the country, it seemed unremarkable in a country where censorship is pervasive and rarely challenged.

But for Wang, a law lecturer and writer with a reputation for trenchantly criticizing the government, the confiscation was the opening shot in a battle he plans to wage against what he calls China's increasingly harsh suppression of reports about corruption and social problems and of discussion of political reform.

In a rare show of defiance of China's censors, Wang is suing to have his books returned and to have the right to self-publish respected.

"We have a very pervasive censorship system, and it's becoming tighter and more sophisticated," he said in an interview in Beijing.

"The chances of victory aren't high, but even if the courts let us present our case, let us play the game; that will be a victory, because then we can speak out against this censorship in the public arena."

Hard to take seriously a regime that fears words.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


The Gioia of Jazz: The National Endowment for the Arts' head champions "one of the great American inventions." (NAT HENTOFF, June 15, 2005, Opinion Journal)

No one with government funds to dispense has done more to bring jazz to American audiences than Dana Gioia, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. [...]

The chairman is involved in expanding audiences for all the arts, but he is especially driven to "expand the country's awareness of jazz, to use it to combat the cultural impoverishment that threatens us." In an era of "reality" television, and a music scene where even Merle Haggard is hardly heard on commercial country music radio stations, Mr. Gioia doesn't consider it necessary to define "cultural impoverishment."

He has launched "NEA Jazz Masters on Tour," sending Jazz Masters across the U.S. to nonprofit organizations--from, the NEA declares, "the Maine Center for the Arts in Orono, Maine, to the Anchorage Concert Association in Anchorage, Alaska." The co-organizer is Arts Midwest, and the sponsor is Verizon with additional support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Verizon also sponsors other NEA jazz initiatives.

Also, the NEA was a partner in an hourlong television program, "Legends of Jazz," which will be shown on various PBS stations beginning Thursday and throughout July and August. (Check local listings.) The program is hosted by pianist Ramsey Lewis, a wide-ranging contributor to jazz history. Included are NEA Jazz Masters James Moody, Nancy Wilson, Jon Hendricks, Paquito D'Rivera and jazz impresario and pianist George Wein, designated a 2005 Jazz Master.

After this premiere showing, a 13-week series of "Legends in Jazz" will follow on PBS. The NEA will not be involved in that continuance, which is historic in that it will be the first national weekly jazz series in some 40 years. That absence may not have been "the wasteland" Newton Minow once called television, but it sure was a cultural deficit.

Mr. Gioia has also helped regenerate a valuable National Public Radio series, "Jazz Profiles," which was illuminatingly researched and set a standard for broadcast jazz biographies. New productions were halted by NPR in 2002 when it reduced cultural coverage in favor of higher ratings for news. In partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, NPR resurrected the series this year with one-hour profiles--both updated and new--of NEA Jazz Masters. While the series ends on June 29, there is hope that there will be yet more "Jazz Profiles" to come on NPR.

What may be the most long-lasting Gioia project for raising this nation's consciousness of its most original contribution to world culture is NEA Jazz in the Schools, which the chairman heralds as a way of enlivening "American history in exciting, soulful and insightful ways."

This Web-based curriculum and DVD toolkit are, says the NEA, "designed for high school teachers of social studies, history and music." Included will be "a teacher's guide of five curricular units with teacher tips, cross-curricular activities and assessment methods."

In each kit, along with a timeline poster and student materials, there will be "a CD, and a DVD featuring video and musical excerpts along with all print materials in digital form."

To get the first curricular unit, public, private and charter schools that are interested can download it from www.neajazzintheschools.org. The complete kit will be available at no charge this September. While designed for high schoolers, the Jazz in the Schools curriculum can bring educational pleasures to middle-school students as well. And after seeing strongly appreciative letters from elementary schools after jazz musicians quickened the rhythms of their classrooms, I would suggest that teachers of earlier grades should also click on to the swinging Web site.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


'Hoop Dreams' stars still living a dream (CAROL SLEZAK, 6/16/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

Before the documentary ''Hoop Dreams'' made them famous, Arthur Agee and William Gates were just a couple of kids who shared a friendship. They didn't know -- who would have guessed? -- that the story of their lives would hit the big screen and become a sensation. They didn't know -- who could have fathomed? -- that even now, 11 years after the film was released, people would still approach them on the street and ask them about each other.

''Hey, Will, how's Arthur doing?''

''Hey, Arthur, seen Will lately?''

Like Jordan and Pippen, like Butch and Sundance, like Abercrombie & Fitch, you can't say one without the other.

Agee and Gates, both now in their early 30s, have moved on in their lives. But they realize they will always be connected by ''Hoop Dreams.'' And that's just fine with them.

''When we see each other, no matter how much time has gone by, it's like we see each other every day,'' Agee said.

''We talk about every three to four months,'' Gates said. ''And at one point in a year we make sure to see each other. And when we do, it takes us, oh, about two minutes to catch up with each other. I don't think basketball or anything else would have been able to tie us together the way the movie did.''

Lately they've been seeing more of each other, because ''Hoop Dreams'' has been released on DVD (Criterion). They've been making appearances for the DVD, which includes an audio commentary by them. The film's director, Steve James, calls the Agee-Gates audio the highlight of the release.

''One thing that was heartening was listening to their commentary track,'' said James, who along with producers Frederick Marx and Peter Gilbert added an audio commentary of his own to the film. ''You get a sense of their closeness when they talk. One thing that comes out is the sense that this experience was for the most part really a positive experience for them.''

June 15, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 PM


REVOLT ON HIGH: The Indians of Bolivia's El Alto lead a drive for social change that has toppled two presidents. (Héctor Tobar, June 16, 2005, LA Times)

This Indian metropolis on the wind-swept plateau of the Bolivian Altiplano exports two things to the capital city in the rocky valley below: cheap labor and social revolution.

Most mornings, the streets in El Alto's downtown fill with men and boys in modern clothes and women in the bowler hats and wide, silk dresses of the Aymara people. They pass stubby brick office towers, Internet cafes and market stalls, and squeeze into minibuses for the short commute to La Paz.

Other days, at the edge of El Alto, in neighborhoods where children play around muddy pools of water and potato gardens grow between adobe brick homes, people gather to debate where they will build their barricades and bonfires. Within hours, they will have sealed off La Paz.

El Alto is the crucible of Bolivia's Indian uprising, a sometimes explosive, always simmering challenge to this Andean country's centuries-old social order. Last week, an Indian-led rebellion forced President Carlos Mesa to resign and prevented two of his would-be successors from taking office. Just 20 months earlier, Mesa's predecessor was ousted in similar fashion.

"We will triumph because the people of El Alto have willed it, because Bolivia has willed it," Abel Mamani, leader of the Federation of Neighborhood Assemblies of El Alto, told 400 activists at a meeting last week. "The people of El Alto began this mobilization, and they cannot lower their guard."

Democracy doesn't always improve a nation, but it always comes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 PM


Iran politicians woo the young: Presidential hopefuls reach out with music and rallies before Friday's vote to sway the under-30 majority. (Scott Peterson, 6/16/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Tapping into that widespread discontent, some youth leaders and prominent dissidents are calling for an election boycott, describing the reform project as a "failure" that proves the Islamic Republic can't be changed from within.

But the cheering, sometimes tearful, young supporters of Mr. Moin and other candidates - these days, a distinct minority who say they will vote - make clear that a strain of youth politics persists. And every campaign is targeting young people, recognizing the latent political power in the hands of the majority under 30 years old, who can vote from the age of 15.

"We are here for democracy, and Moin is just a tool to take us there," says Mohsen Pahlavizadeh, a student whose thick stubble and narrow face is the very image of a hard-line militiaman.

"We had many revolutions, and we don't want any more," says Mr. Pahlavadeh, referring to the violent revolution of 1979 that brought clerical rule to Iran. "We don't want any more violence. We want change from within."

"We want to continue the way of Khatami," adds Hamid Baharlou, another student with a headband painted with the party slogan: 'Again we make our country.' "But we want it to be more strong, and more precise."

Polls show that Moin is gaining ground on front-runner Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, which could lead to a second-round runoff if no candidate gets 50 percent of the vote.

To reach that threshold and boost his credentials with youths, Mr. Rafsanjani, a two-time former president, has even created a TV segment that shows him in a panel discussion with young people.

The septuagenarian cracks a joke about nudity, and says that people should follow their taste in clothes, according to reports. "In the Islam I know ... no one would feel limited in their instincts," said Rafsanjani, a supporter of the Shiite practice of temporary marriage.

The cleric drew laughs when he admitted to "doing things as a young man that I would not confess to."

Forget the boycott. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei handed them an opportunity when he forced the Guardian Council to let Moin run--carpe diem.

The Vote That Roared: In Iran’s surprisingly competitive election, the contest may be more important than the outcome. (Hadi Semati, June 2005, Foreign Policy)

[T]he upcoming presidential contest is producing surprises for even the most informed readers of Iranian politics. And, in the last few weeks, it appears that Iranian voters are tuning in as well.

For starters, cracks are appearing in the conservative establishment. The powerful Guardian Council misread the public mood when it disqualified reformist candidate Mostafa Moin, the former minister of higher education and a favorite of the intelligentsia and students. Facing public outrage, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei demanded that the Guardian Council approve Moin’s candidacy. His reappearance has energized the campaign and sparked a round of alliance building and elbow throwing. [...]

Rafsanjani, a self-styled pragmatic conservative, has given himself a modest makeover to accommodate a changing Iranian society and popular pressure for political openness and greater participation in the global community. More than any other candidate, his campaign plays up his resolve to tackle the tough foreign-policy issues that Iran faces, particularly tension with the Bush administration. In recent interviews and speeches, Rafsanjani has suggested he is ready to reach out to Washington—if he is extended a hand. He emphasizes respect for individual liberty and the sanctity of the private sphere in both foreign and domestic policies.

For his part, Moin focuses on political reform as the key to Iranian domestic and foreign policy. His campaign agenda includes a grandiose set of policies that are more aspirational than practical. During the race, he has radicalized significantly and has broken taboos on every front, including outright criticism of the conservative establishment. On foreign policy, he proposes the continuation of Khatami’s overall approach, but with more determination, resolve, and transparency to build trust between Iran and international community.

A reformist or a Rafsanjani victory would mark a hawkish shift and a deterioration of Iranian policy on key issues—U.S.–Iran relations, the Arab–Israeli peace process, and the nuclear program—less likely. But it is still doubtful, given the consensus-driven foreign-policy machinery of the Islamic Republic, that the election will produce a significant change in direction. Nevertheless, a victory for either Rafsanjani or Moin could give Washington an excuse to take a fresh look at Iran, which may be more receptive to dialogue than ever before.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:49 PM


A murder stirs Kurds in Syria: Syria's 1.7 million Kurds are impatient over their rights, and key to Syrian stability. (Nicholas Blanford, 6/16/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

A moderate Islamic cleric who once worked with the Syrian government to temper extremism, Sheikh Khaznawi was emerging as one of its most outspoken critics. He advocated Kurdish rights and democracy, galvanizing many of the 1.7 million Kurds against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. At the same time, Kurds were gaining political power in Iraq, Lebanon was casting Syrian troops out, and the US was criticizing Syria's government.

"[Syrian intelligence] wrote a report saying he ... should be stopped. They said he would start a revolution," says Sheikh Murad Khaznawi, the eldest of Sheikh Mohammed's eight sons.

On May 10, the cleric disappeared in Damascus. Three weeks later, he was found dead.

His murder sent shock waves through Syria's marginalized Kurdish community, sparking mass demonstrations earlier this month and mobilizing a community that represents the most potent domestic threat to President Assad.

"The sheikh was a symbol for the Kurdish people and he wanted all the people to unite and struggle peacefully," says Hassan Saleh, secretary-general of Yakiti Party, a banned Kurdish group.

The Syrian authorities deny involvement in Khaznawi's killing. But analysts and diplomats note that the cleric's death coincides with a crackdown by Damascus against internal political dissent.

"The stability of Syria is in the hands of the Kurds," says Ibrahim Hamidi, correspondent of the Arabic Al Hayat daily. "They have a unique position. They are organized, they have an Islamic identity, regional support through the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Iran, international support with some European countries lobbying for them, and political status because of [the Kurdish empowerment in] Iraq."

Syria's 1.7 million Kurds comprise the largest non-Arab group in Syria, making up about 9 percent of the population. [...]

Khaznawi's disappearance spurred some 10,000 Kurds to demonstrate in Qamishli on May 21, calling on the government to reveal his whereabouts. But the government denied any knowledge of the kidnapping.

On June 1, Khaznawi's family was informed that their father had been found dead in Deir ez-Zor. His body, which was buried in a cemetery on the edge of town, showed signs of torture. "The security told us he had been buried for 12 days," says Sheikh Morshed Khaznawi, another of Khaznawi's sons. "We didn't believe them because the depth of the grave was only 70 centimeters [two feet] and Deir ez-Zor is very hot. He should have decayed very badly."

The Syrian authorities blamed the cleric's murder on a "criminal gang." Two gang members were arrested and were shown confessing on television.

Tens of thousands of mourners attended Khaznawi's burial and some 10,000 (mostly Kurd) protesters took to the streets of Qamishli on June 5. The demonstration turned violent when police and Arab tribesmen beat the protesters, including women, then looted dozens of Kurdish-owned shops.

"We have exceeded the culture of fear that the regime planted in us," says Machal Tammo, of the Tayyar Mustaqbal, a Kurdish Party.

Time for W to meet with a Syrian Kurd.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 PM


How Buffett tripped over the dollar: The greenback's big rally against other currencies has proved Warren Buffett -- and other dollar bears -- wrong. Here's what Buffett missed. (Jon D. Markman, 6/15/05, MSn Money)

Six months ago, the value of the U.S. dollar was on the firing line as it plunged to a record low vs. the euro. Amid fears that a united Europe would surmount the spendthrift United States as a safe haven for financial assets in a tumultuous world, investors worldwide -- led by noted Nebraska sourpuss Warren Buffett -- heaped scorn on our currency and scolded U.S. lawmakers to get the federal deficit under control.

But a funny thing happened to all those dollar bears. Their contempt for U.S. economic freedoms hasn’t amounted to a hill of bill of beans, and their positions have been smoked. The dollar has rallied massively since the start of the year against all other currencies, reflecting a swift, stunning paradigm shift in the way that global political risks are priced.

Buffet, who reportedly lifted his bet against the buck to a position of $22 billion and counting in the first quarter this year, isn’t sounding quite so smug anymore. Normally an equity investor with liberal social views who rarely made forays into the foreign exchange markets, he has had his head handed to him by more experienced currency players. Although his anti-dollar attack worked from 2002 through 2004, since then he has been forced to pay for attempting to mix politics and money. [...]

Buffett has told shareholders that he took his original position based on a belief that Bush policies had led to unsustainable twin deficits in the federal budget and the balance of our trade with the world. But guess what? Due to improved tax collection, higher payroll earnings, a modest decline in overall government spending and better-than-expected corporate earnings, estimates of the U.S. budget deficit are steadily on the decline. The 12-month federal deficit has narrowed to $339 billion, or 2.8% of GDP, according to Ned Davis Research. Receipts have been growing twice as fast as spending over the past 12 months, as both corporate and individual tax contributions have been stronger than estimated. [...]

A country’s currency can be considered in a way to be analogous to a company’s stock. When central banks and trading partners are positive on a country and its ability to be an effective store of value, they simultaneously buy its currency and sell the currency of other countries. When they believe that a country’s ability to pay its debts is eroding, either due to loss of vitality or inflation, then they sell the currency.

The bottom line now is that, according to Bloomberg data, holdings of U.S. government debt by international investors and central banks rose by $93.2 billion, or nearly 5%, to $1.9 trillion last quarter. As the dollar has risen in value, it has helped foreign investors retain the value of their U.S. assets. The dollar’s strength has also kept inflation down -- further preserving the value of bonds’ coupon payments.

Our recent confluence of happy events -- stronger dollar, higher U.S. bond prices, lower bond yields and lower inflation -- has further widened the gap between our economy and that of the disorganized, disrupted and disturbed Europeans. [...]

What Buffett and his cohorts failed to understand as they thumbed their nose at the dollar was that it’s impossible for Europeans to sustain a single currency without a commitment to a single European political and economic policy.

On the one hand, you can admire him for putting his money where his moth is and betting on the future of socialism against that of capitalism. On the other, what the heck was he thinking?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 PM


Bush remains mum about potential political plans (Gary Fineout, 6/15/05, Tallahassee Democrat)

Gov. Jeb Bush, the Miami developer turned the most powerful governor in Florida history, said Tuesday that he does not know what he will do with his life once his second term in office ends in January 2007.

Bush has consistently ruled out running for president in 2008. He told a group of 300 high school girls gathered in the House chamber of the Capitol that while he remains unsure about his own future, he plans to return to his hometown of Miami.

His remarks come at a time that national publications continue to tout him as a potential Republican candidate for president, or even vice president.

"My plans are really up in the air," said Bush, who is barred from seeking a third consecutive term as governor. "I really take my job seriously. I love my job. It's like the greatest thing I ever had a chance to do, so I want to finish strong."

He added: "I happen to believe that God has a plan for all of us." [...]

When asked after the session about whether he would be willing to run for vice president in 2008, as suggested Tuesday by a columnist writing for the Washington Post, Bush sighed and then said, "I've got 565 days, and I intend to work as hard as I can to do my job."

When asked again about whether he would turn down a vice presidential spot, Bush then said, "Please, leave me alone. I'm not going to say anything more than what I've said, and I've said it pretty consistently."

They're a ticket.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:24 PM


Ford faces family trouble amid Senate bid (MATT GOURAS, June 15, 2005, AP)

Just a day after Rep. Harold Ford Jr. announced he was running for the Senate, the FBI arrested his lawmaker uncle back home in Tennessee on corruption charges.

Ford has spent much of his career trying to distinguish himself from his powerful - and occasionally scandalous - Memphis political family. Now many wonder how the congressman, a rising star among the Democrats, will deal with this latest embarrassment. [...]

Overcoming the Ford family reputation is not the only challenge facing the younger Ford, who is 35. A black candidate has never won a major statewide office in Tennessee. And no Southern state has elected a black senator since Reconstruction.

The Democrats saw Ford's potential five years ago when then-presidential candidate and fellow Tennessean Al Gore asked him to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. As always, the young, handsome, well-spoken Ford impressed.

He used to be Barack Obama, but he should have had sense enough to switch parties before running statewide.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:20 PM


Republican commissioner resigns from FEC (SHARON THEIMER, June 15, 2005, AP)

A Republican who drew frequent criticism from government watchdogs for opposing campaign finance restrictions announced Wednesday that he is resigning from the Federal Election Commission.

In a letter to President Bush, Commissioner Brad Smith said he views the commission as a "fairer, more efficient, more streamlined organization" that it was when he joined it five years ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:18 PM


Blue City Conservatives: Meet Seattle's biggest closet cases: the Republicans next door. (Matt Rosenberg, 6/15/05, Seattle Weekly)

Seattle's liberals and "progressives" need to grow up. Seattle's conservatives need to speak up. So far, the latter looks more likely. And what follows could prove worrisome for local Democrats. Their grip on Seattle politics might loosen considerably over the next decade. Especially if a low-key GOP marketing campaign now under way in Seattle helps more Republicans and others who vote for them to brave the tangible social risks of "coming out." [...]

Gradually, the political hooliganism of the Loud Left will become less intimidating to Seattle's quiet and mild middle, especially as Republicans continue to build their ground game. "The party will grow in the city," predicts ex-Texan Beeman over coffee at Starbucks on 12th Avenue, hard by Seattle University. "Not because we will convert Democrats, but because we will discover each other." Beeman helped organize a 37th District GOP election night party at Piecora's Pizza on Capitol Hill, in the belly of the Democratic beast. An encouraging crowd of 40 showed up to celebrate as Bush locked up a second term and, for the first time in 20 years, a Republican seemed on the verge of capturing the governor's mansion in Olympia. There were the old, the young, students, couples, party stalwarts, and newcomers. "There is a lot of opportunity here in the city for Republicans. You can do a little bit and shine," says Beeman. Peterson, the former state legislator, recounts a lot of positive feedback while waving signs for Bush in Seattle last fall, from "guys in plumbing trucks" and "folks bringing us coffee and pizza."

There have been other rays of hope in the recent past. Despite well-documented financial support from suburban Republican business interests, former city attorney and tough-talking law-and-order mayoral candidate Mark Sidran lost by only six-tenths of 1 percent in 2001 to regular Democrat Greg Nickels in the nonpartisan contest. Thanks to his reign as city attorney, conservative Democrat Sidran had been roundly reviled during the campaign by liberal Seattle interest groups as another Rudy Giuliani (read: heartless Republican). Yet Sidran, who spoke compellingly about Seattle's dangerous political isolation in Puget Sound, obviously struck a chord with local voters. Since last year, Republicans have been building organizational muscle in Seattle. At regular GOP meetings in Seattle's 34th, 36th, 37th, 43rd, and 46th state legislative districts, they're organizing right now around the candidacy of Irons.

More importantly for the long term, they're continuing to grow the ranks of the precinct committee officers (PCOs) who identify local R's as they come out of the woodwork or move in from other locations. Like counselors to gay and lesbian youth in red America, Seattle Republican PCOs tell stories of encountering "questioning" individuals, wondering if, in fact, despite discouraging social strictures, they might not actually be Republican. They are looking for more information and a local support group with which to discuss their concerns and perhaps affirm their identities.

It's also clear from the Seattle Republicans I've been meeting over the last several months that they'll draw energy and inspiration from the King County vote-counting debacle that they believe robbed Republican Dino Rossi of the governor's office. The Irons candidacy is especially important right now to Seattle Republicans, who, like their brethren elsewhere in the county, remain appalled at the sloppiness counting votes in the Christine Gregoire–Rossi nail-biter. Irons, currently in his second term as a County Council member, optimistically predicted to me in Magnolia that he'll pull close to vulnerable incumbent Democrat Ron Sims in fund-raising and take 50 percent of the Seattle vote while defeating the county executive this November. If anything, Rossi's loss—just confirmed in court—will heighten grassroots zeal for Irons-backing GOPers countywide.

Does Seattle have catacombs?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:46 PM


Magna Carta and Its American Legacy (National Archives)

Before penning the Declaration of Independence--the first of the American Charters of Freedom--in 1776, the Founding Fathers searched for a historical precedent for asserting their rightful liberties from King George III and the English Parliament. They found it in a gathering that took place 561 years earlier on the plains of Runnymede, not far from where Windsor Castle stands today. There, on June 15, 1215, an assembly of barons confronted a despotic and cash-strapped King John and demanded that traditional rights be recognized, written down, confirmed with the royal seal, and sent to each of the counties to be read to all freemen. The result was Magna Carta--a momentous achievement for the English barons and, nearly six centuries later, an inspiration for angry American colonists.

Magna Carta was the result of the Angevin king's disastrous foreign policy and overzealous financial administration. John had suffered a staggering blow the previous year, having lost an important battle to King Philip II at Bouvines and with it all hope of regaining the French lands he had inherited. When the defeated John returned from the Continent, he attempted to rebuild his coffers by demanding scutage (a fee paid in lieu of military service) from the barons who had not joined his war with Philip. The barons in question, predominantly lords of northern estates, protested, condemning John's policies and insisting on a reconfirmation of Henry I's Coronation Oath (1100), which would, in theory, limit the king's ability to obtain funds. (As even Henry ignored the provisions of this charter, however, a reconfirmation would not necessarily guarantee fewer taxes.) But John refused to withdraw his demands, and by spring most baronial families began to take sides. The rebelling barons soon faltered before John's superior resources, but with the unexpected capture of London, they earned a substantial bargaining chip. John agreed to grant a charter.

The document conceded by John and set with his seal in 1215, however, was not what we know today as Magna Carta but rather a set of baronial stipulations, now lost, known as the "Articles of the barons." After John and his barons agreed on the final provisions and additional wording changes, they issued a formal version on June 19, and it is this document that came to be known as Magna Carta. Of great significance to future generations was a minor wording change, the replacement of the term "any baron" with "any freeman" in stipulating to whom the provisions applied. Over time, it would help justify the application of the Charter's provisions to a greater part of the population. While freemen were a minority in 13th-century England, the term would eventually include all English, just as "We the People" would come to apply to all Americans in this century.

While Magna Carta would one day become a basic document of the British Constitution, democracy and universal protection of ancient liberties were not among the barons' goals. The Charter was a feudal document and meant to protect the rights and property of the few powerful families that topped the rigidly structured feudal system. In fact, the majority of the population, the thousands of unfree laborers, are only mentioned once, in a clause concerning the use of court-set fines to punish minor offenses. Magna Carta's primary purpose was restorative: to force King John to recognize the supremacy of ancient liberties, to limit his ability to raise funds, and to reassert the principle of "due process." Only a final clause, which created an enforcement council of tenants-in-chief and clergymen, would have severely limited the king's power and introduced something new to English law: the principle of "majority rule." But majority rule was an idea whose time had not yet come; in September, at John's urging, Pope Innocent II annulled the "shameful and demeaning agreement, forced upon the king by violence and fear." The civil war that followed ended only with John's death in October 1216.

To gain support for the new monarch--John's 9-year-old son, Henry III--the young king's regents reissued the charter in 1217. Neither this version nor that issued by Henry when he assumed personal control of the throne in 1225 were exact duplicates of John's charter; both lacked some provisions, including that providing for the enforcement council, found in the original. With the 1225 issuance, however, the evolution of the document ended. While English monarchs, including Henry, confirmed Magna Carta several times after this, each subsequent issue followed the form of this "final" version. With each confirmation, copies of the document were made and sent to the counties so that everyone would know their rights and obligations.

Once the principle was established that even the King was bound by the law, and that people had certain rights that he could not violate, the rest was easy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:30 PM


The End of Europe (Robert J. Samuelson, June 15, 2005, Washington Post)

Europe as we know it is slowly going out of business. Since French and Dutch voters rejected the proposed constitution of the European Union, we've heard countless theories as to why: the unreality of trying to forge 25 E.U. countries into a United States of Europe; fear of ceding excessive power to Brussels, the E.U. capital; and an irrational backlash against globalization. Whatever their truth, these theories miss a larger reality: Unless Europe reverses two trends -- low birthrates and meager economic growth -- it faces a bleak future of rising domestic discontent and falling global power. Actually, that future has already arrived. [...]

It's hard to be a great power if your population is shriveling. Europe's birthrates have dropped well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children for each woman of childbearing age. For Western Europe as a whole, the rate is 1.5. It's 1.4 in Germany and 1.3 in Italy. In a century -- if these rates continue -- there won't be many Germans in Germany or Italians in Italy. Even assuming some increase in birthrates and continued immigration, Western Europe's population grows dramatically grayer, projects the U.S. Census Bureau. Now about one-sixth of the population is 65 and older. By 2030 that would be one-fourth, and by 2050 almost one-third.

No one knows how well modern economies will perform with so many elderly people, heavily dependent on government benefits (read: higher taxes). But Europe's economy is already faltering. In the 1970s annual growth for the 12 countries now using the euro averaged almost 3 percent; from 2001 to 2004 the annual average was 1.2 percent. In 1974 those countries had unemployment of 2.4 percent; in 2004 the rate was 8.9 percent. [...]

Consider some contrasts with the United States, as reported by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. With high unemployment benefits, almost half of Western Europe's jobless have been out of work a year or more; the U.S. figure is about 12 percent. Or take early retirement. In 2003 about 60 percent of Americans ages 55 to 64 had jobs. The comparable figures for France, Italy and Germany were 37 percent, 30 percent and 39 percent. The truth is that Europeans like early retirement, high jobless benefits and long vacations.

The trouble is that so much benevolence requires a strong economy, while the sources of all this benevolence -- high taxes, stiff regulations -- weaken the economy. With aging populations, the contradictions will only thicken. Indeed, some scholarly research suggests that high old-age benefits partly explain low birthrates. With the state paying for old age, who needs children as caregivers? High taxes may also deter young couples from assuming the added costs of children. [...]

[E]urope is immobilized by its problems. This is the classic dilemma of democracy: Too many people benefit from the status quo to change it; but the status quo isn't sustainable. Even modest efforts in France and Germany to curb social benefits have triggered backlashes. Many Europeans -- maybe most -- live in a state of delusion.

And the difference between our two political parties is that the Democrats want to make us more like Europe while the GOP wants to make us more American. Doesn't seem a tough choice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:16 PM


Australian Rescued by Iraqi, U.S. Forces (PATRICK QUINN, 6/15/05, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Iraqi and U.S. forces, acting on a tip, raided a dangerous Sunni neighborhood Wednesday and freed an Australian hostage who was hidden beneath a blanket, officials said. Elsewhere, 38 people died in insurgent attacks, including 25 killed when a bomber dressed in Iraqi army uniform blew himself up in a mess hall.

Douglas Wood, a 64-year-old engineer who is a longtime resident of Alamo, Calif., said he was "extremely happy and relieved to be free again," according to a message read by Australia's counterterrorism chief Nick Warner. [...]

The raid took place as part of Operation Lightning - a broader counterinsurgency operation that began in Baghdad on May 29, Warner said. He added there "was specific intelligence and tips that provided a hint at what might be found at that location."

Wood was freed by the Iraqi army's 2nd battalion, 1st Armored Brigade, with assistance by U.S. forces in Ghazaliya - one of the most dangerous Sunni Arab neighborhood of Baghdad, Warner said. He added that "no ransom was paid" despite a request for a "very large" amount of money.

Posted by Bryan Francoeur at 4:03 PM


Giscard regrets constitution sent to French people (Lisbeth Kirk, 15.06.2005, EU Observer)

It was a crucial mistake to send out the entire constitution to every French voter, the architect of the EU's first constitution Valéry Giscard d'Estaing has said in an interview.

In an interview with the New York Times, his first since the French rejection of the constitution two weeks ago, the former French president apportions most of the blame to president Jacques Chirac for failure in the referendum campaign.

One crucial mistake was to send out the entire three-part, 448-article document to every French voter, said Mr Giscard.

Over the phone he had warned Mr Chirac already in March: "I said, 'Don't do it, don't do it'".

"It is not possible for anyone to understand the full text".

Mr Giscard d'Estaing also puts the blame on the present generation of political leaders.

Stupid public, how dare they take part in their future?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:15 PM


Bush Meets Dissidents In Campaign For Rights (Peter Baker and Glenn Kessler, June 15, 2005, Washington Post)

At the end of a private Oval Office meeting this week, President Bush asked a North Korean defector to autograph his book recounting a decade in a North Korean prison camp.

"If Kim Jong Il knew I met you," Bush then asked, referring to the North Korean leader, "don't you think he'd hate this?"

"The people in the concentration camps will applaud," the defector, Kang Chol Hwan, responded, according to two people in the room.

Bush lately has begun meeting personally with prominent dissidents to highlight human rights abuses in select countries, a powerfully symbolic yet potentially risky approach modeled on Ronald Reagan's sessions with Soviet dissidents during the Cold War. Besides Kang, Bush played host to a top government foe from Venezuela at the White House and met Russian human rights activists during a trip to Moscow last month. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met opposition leaders from the former Soviet republic of Belarus.

The sessions -- which come at a time when the Bush administration has itself come under international criticism for abuses at the prison facilities in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and elsewhere -- represent a personal follow-through on Bush's inaugural address in January, when he vowed to activists around the world that "we will stand with you" in battles against repression.

"He likes to talk to people who have experienced these things firsthand," said Michael J. Gerson, Bush's strategic policy adviser, who sat in on the Kang meeting Monday. "But there clearly is a signal here and a symbol that human rights is central to our approach, that there is a kind of moral concern."

As Bush himself acknowledged to Kang, such meetings, although heartening to activists, will surely aggravate the leaders of repressive countries.

And it wouldn't be surprising if the President is personally telling reporters about the meetings to make sure they get covered.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:48 PM


Special election win could shift power to GOP (Dion Nissenbaum, 6/15/05, Contra Costa TIMES)

[T]he new fight the Republican governor officially launched Tuesday has the potential to fundamentally change the balance of power in California.

If Schwarzenegger emerges victorious from the 153-day special election campaign ahead, he will not only give his re-election chances a major boost, he could cripple the state's Democratic power base for years to come. [...]

[T]he ballot measure that could have the most far-reaching impact is one Schwarzenegger has yet to endorse. It would compel public employee unions to get approval each year from members to use their dues for political purposes.

If approved, the proposal would undermine the strength of the powerful labor unions -- including prison guards, teachers and firefighters -- that have long provided the financial muscle and grassroots support for Democrats.

Schwarzenegger has voiced support for the idea in principle but has so far sought to use his potential endorsement of the measure as leverage to drive Democrats to the negotiating table.

Aides to the governor contend that the proposal won't have the money or momentum it needs to pass unless Schwarzenegger backs it.

But Grover Norquist, a leading conservative champion of the union dues check-off movement, said Tuesday that he is confident the initiative will have the money it needs to pass no matter what Schwarzenegger does.

"The resources will be there to win this fight," said Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform in Washington. "The California business community recognizes the importance of this and how completely doable it is."

Norquist and conservatives tried in 1998 to convince California voters to embrace a similar measure but were soundly rebuffed. But the tables could be turned if Schwarzenegger decides to throw his support behind the proposal.

Either way, Democrats and their union allies understand the stakes.

Break public employee unions and you break the Left.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:06 PM


Chinese Peasants Attacked in Land Dispute: At Least 6 Die as Armed Thugs Assault Villagers Opposed to Seizure of Property (Philip P. Pan, June 15, 2005, Washington Post)

SHENGYOU, China -- Hundreds of men armed with shotguns, clubs and pipes on Saturday attacked a group of farmers who were resisting official demands to surrender land to a state-owned power plant, witnesses said. Six farmers were killed and as many as 100 others were seriously injured in one of China's deadliest incidents of rural unrest in years.

The farmers, who had pitched tents and dug foxholes and trenches on the disputed land to prevent the authorities from seizing it, said they suspected the assailants were hired by corrupt local officials. They said scores of villagers were beaten or stabbed and several were shot in the back while fleeing.

Reached by telephone, a spokesman for the provincial government said he could not confirm or discuss the incident. "So far, we've been ordered not to issue any information about it," he said.

Large contingents of police have been posted around Shengyou, about 100 miles southwest of Beijing, but bruised and bandaged residents smuggled a reporter into the village Monday and led him to a vast field littered with abandoned weapons, spent shell casings and bloody rags. They also provided footage of the melee made with a digital video camera.

Despite the attack, the farmers remained defiant and in control of the disputed land. They also occupied the local headquarters of the ruling Communist Party, where they placed the bodies of six of their slain compatriots.

You bet, just a tweak here and there and they'll be a powerhouse for centuries to come...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:44 PM

BLUE VALUES (via Lisa Fleischman):

Mother of mauling victim feared family dog: Shut boy in basement while she ran errands (AP, June 13, 2005)

SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- The mother of a 12-year-old boy killed in his own home by one of the family's two pit bulls says she had been so concerned about one of the dogs that she shut her son in the basement to protect him.

Maureen Faibish said she ordered Nicholas to stay in the basement while she did errands on June 3, the day he was attacked by one or both of the dogs.

She said she was worried about the male dog, Rex, who was acting possessive because the female, Ella, was in heat.

"I put him down there, with a shovel on the door," Faibish said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle. "And I told him: 'Stay down there until I come back.' Typical Nicky, he wouldn't listen to me." [...]

Faibish found her son's body in a bedroom. He was covered in blood from several wounds, including a major head injury.

No charges have been filed.

"It's Nicky's time to go," she said in the interview. "When you're born you're destined to go and this was his time."

Ah, San Francisco, where Rex is king and stupid Nicky's time had come...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:24 PM

DICK DURBIN (via Reg Jones):

Senator Richard Durbin, June 14, 2005, Congressional Record

“…When you read some of the graphic descriptions of what has occurred here--I almost hesitate to put them in the RECORD, and yet they have to be added to this debate. Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report:

On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. ..... On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.

If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags , or some mad regime --Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

No air conditioning and loud music? It sounds more like a Jersey Shore beach house than the Killing Fields.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:03 PM


Abstinence programs alter kids' attitudes toward sex, study says (Regina McEnery, June 15, 2005, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Elementary and middle school students exposed to four different abstinence-until-marriage programs reported being less supportive of teen sex than youths who had no abstinence education at all, according to a large survey commissioned by the federal government.

But results of the survey, spread over 178 pages and released on Tuesday by the Department of Health and Human Services, did not examine behavioral outcomes, and critics of the abstinence movement doubt the programs, and others like them, will translate into reductions in sexual diseases or delayed sexual activity during teenage years.

Just getting them to make the moral judgement is a significant success.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 AM


McCain May Be Bush's Ticket (E. J. Dionne Jr., June 14, 2005, Washington Post)

McCain-Bush in 2008?

That would be John and Jeb, the most logical Republican ticket if the party remains in the polling doldrums. If President Bush and his political maestro, Karl Rove, decide that the only way to create a political legacy is to nod toward the Arizona senator with whom they have battled and feuded, they will go for the guy who can win.

This scenario was outlined to me recently by a shrewd and loyally Democratic political operative with personal ties to the McCain camp before Mark McKinnon, one of the president's top media advisers, publicly confirmed that he would help a McCain presidential run if it materialized. [...]

Courted hard by John Kerry as a potential running mate, McCain said no. He decided he wanted to be president and that it was unlikely he would ever get a Democratic nomination -- and implausible that he could win as an independent. His one shot was as a Republican.

Once this choice was made, everything else fell into place. McCain joined the Bush crowd. He gave a powerful speech endorsing the president at last year's Republican National Convention in New York. The address was perfect for both McCain and Bush. Unlike the speeches bashing Kerry and the Democrats by Zell Miller, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rudy Giuliani, McCain's stuck to policy and praised Bush for his decision to go to war in Iraq. [...]

Bush has been battling, with Rove's help, for a long-term political realignment in favor of the Republicans. The president could well come to see McCain as the only Republican with a chance to push a Republican era forward. McCain, in turn, knows that his only way around the Republican right is to run with Bush's open blessing, if not his outright endorsement.

And here is where Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the president's brother, could be the deal-closer. Jeb Bush has said he will not run in 2008. But that does not rule him out as a vice presidential candidate. If McCain won, Jeb would be the No. 2 to a president who will turn 72 on Aug. 29, 2008, and might well serve only a single term.

Only the most stubborn of folk still insist Senator McCain isn't running.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:11 AM


The Inside Story: How Fox's newest series, "The Inside," found its way to television and reinvented the crime drama along the way. (Jonathan V. Last, 06/14/2005, Weekly Standard)

Minear's version of The Inside bears virtually no resemblance to the original. Gone are the drugs, the cliques, the parents, and the high school. Peter Facinelli, who bears an uncanny resemblance to the young Tom Cruise, has been replaced by the 62-year-old Peter Coyote. And instead of being a show about G-men chasing the bad guys, The Inside is now about the battle for a young woman's soul.

In the new pilot, which aired last week, we are introduced to an FBI Violent Crimes Unit, which operates out of the Bureau's Los Angeles field office. The unit is lead by Supervisory Special Agent Virgil Webster (Coyote), a man from whom menace is projected in waves. When a member of his team turns up dead, Webster replaces her the next morning with Agent Rebecca Locke (Nichols), who is fresh from a stint as an analyst at the Department of Homeland Security. Locke is bright and self-contained, but she has a secret: As a child, she was abducted and held hostage for 18 months until she escaped from her captors. Webster observed her from afar and, without her knowledge, personally saw to it that she was accepted to the FBI Academy, even though her psychiatric evaluations should have kept her out.

Agent Locke is the pretty face of The Inside,

but the show is really about Webster. His subordinates despise him and suspect that he may be up to no good. His number two, the upright Paul Ryan (Jay Harrington), bitterly says that the unit tackles only the cases which Webster picks, and that they pursue them only to his satisfaction. "Which may or may not be to completion," Ryan explains. "He gets bored sometimes."

The Inside has many virtues, not the least of which is an embarrassment of acting riches in the cast. In addition to Coyote's cool devilry, there's Adam Baldwin's congenital malice as Danny Love (watch Baldwin masticate his chewing gum as if William Wrigley Jr. had murdered his father) and Katie Finneran's pitch-perfect Melody Sim rounding out the squad. But the show's most important virtue is its sense of off-kilter mystery--just a few episodes in we can tell that not everything is quite right with The Inside.

There is the vaguest hint of the supernatural hanging about the show. Not quite Lost, not quite Twin Peaks, not quite The X-Files, there are, nonetheless, larger forces at work in Virgil Webster's office. Let's hope The Inside survives so that we can find out what they are.

The Inside isn't just great TV--it might even be good enough to save the procedural crime genre from its own success.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


Study counters beliefs about illegal immigrants (Jessie Mangaliman, 6/15/05, San Jose Mercury News)

Jeffrey S. Passel, senior research associate for Pew and author of the report, found that one quarter of illegal immigrants in the U.S. have some college education and another quarter completed high school. [...]

The Pew report also found that an estimated 13.9 million people -- one-third are children -- live in households where one head of household or a spouse is undocumented. More than one-fourth are U.S. citizens. [...]

Passel's report dismantled another widely held assumption: Only 3 percent of the undocumented immigrants work in agriculture. The greatest numbers, 33 percent, work in the service industry.

The rest work in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business.

Their construction skills are more worthwhile to society than most college degrees.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM

THE 40% STRATEGY (via Kevin Whited):

Howard Dean's the man for a tough rebuilding job: Party chair telling it like it is, speaking for progressives (STAN MERRIMAN, 6/14/05, Houston Chronicle)

We Democrats failed to convey a belief system on key voter concerns such as security, an ill-conceived and unjustified war, an economic plan to fund basic citizen survival services and a clear differentiation from Republican social and economic policy. Last November, we were not an opposition party with a better idea for America.

Berg's suggestion that our 2004 campaign was injured by angry language was surprising. It was as if he and I were participating in two entirely different campaigns. The Kerry campaign was timid, unfocused and devoid of a passionate commitment to a belief system.

Concerning Howard Dean's rhetoric: His Democratic critics misunderstand Dean's strategy. Moderate Republicans and independents are not the target group Dean has in mind to rebuild and move our party to the winning column once again. Nor is that group the responsibility of an opposition party offering a better solution. In this period of renewal, our target is the 40 percent of the electorate who have opted out of the system because we Democrats are not speaking to and for them.

My math isn't so good, so I may have this wrong, but it would seem that remaining the Security Party -- which, as Mr. Merriman notes, attracts only 40% of the electorate in a nation that favors Liberty -- doesn't win you many elections.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:40 AM


The hype behind India's Japan ties (B Raman, 6/16/05, Asia Times)

Addressing an Asian Security conference at New Delhi in January, Indian Defense Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee said, [...] "...Indo-Japan relations, which plummeted after India's 1998 nuclear tests, are now positive and robust. The fillip to Indo-Japanese relations was provided by the August 2000 visit of prime minister Yoshiro Mori, the first by a Japanese prime minister to South Asia in a decade. In his speech he declared, 'Today Indo-Japanese relations also have a strategic importance, which is quite obvious when we glance at the world atlas'. Despite the geographical distance between the two, there is a growing acceptance that India and Japan share a certain affinity on a number of issues. India and Japan have a convergence on energy issues and have joint concerns about the security of sea lines of communications and vital choke points in the Indian Ocean. We also share similar concerns about WMD [weapons of mass destruction] proliferation. Concerns about WMD terrorism are also equally shared. India and Japan also have views about the restructuring of the UN and the Security Council in particular."

Mukherjee thus identified five areas of strategic convergence between India and Japan. These could be divided into the following three components:

Political: A common objective of securing the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

Economic: Cooperating instead of competing with each other in meeting each other's energy requirements to keep their economies sustained and growing.

Security-related: Shared concerns over maritime and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism and WMD proliferation. Mukherjee did not name any countries while talking of WMD proliferation, but it was apparent that he had Pakistan and North Korea in mind.

The Indo-Japanese common objective of securing permanent membership of the UN Security Council, for which they have been cooperating with each other as well as with the other two aspirants, Germany and Brazil, cannot really be described as a strategic objective with an enduring vision. Once their present exercise for this purpose culminates in success or failure in the coming months, this objective will cease to be a politically binding factor. Unless, in the meanwhile, they find or identify other, more enduring common objectives, the relationship will become bereft of any long-enduring political glue.

What could be such political glue? This question has not received much attention so far from the strategic analysts of the two countries - governmental and non-governmental. The search for it has to be started and intensified.

One doesn't like to be harsh, but that's the stupidest question we've read in some time. Flesh it out a little and it becomes: What political glue will hold together two U.S.-allied democracies on the Eastern and Western flanks of a crumbling xenophobic nuclear-armed dictatorship?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


How much is a hostage worth? (Pepe Escobar, 6/16/05, Asia Times)

Last Saturday, at 11am Baghdad time, the door of an underground cell was opened and "number 5 and number 6" were ordered to go the toilet - the same ritual they had been following since January 5. But only a few seconds later a guard muttered what they must have interpreted as a magic spell: "Today, Paris". Florence Aubenas, a seasoned correspondent for the French daily Liberation, and her fixer Hussein Hanoun, a Shi'ite from the Saadi tribe and former fighter pilot in Saddam Hussein's air force, were taken to an adjacent room. He was told to put on a white tunic, she was told to put on a black robe with a chador (veil) and was offered "two rings and a bottle of perfume". They drank tea and ate chicken kebab. A few hours later, after 157 days of captivity, they were both free. [...]

Unlike the tragic Giuliana Sgrena affair - which resulted in the killing of Italian agent Nicola Calipari - the French government took unlimited precautions to extract Aubenas from Iraq. (See They shoot journalists, don't they?, April 28.) The last instructions were personally phoned by French President Jacques Chirac. The French Embassy had even prepared a new passport so Aubenas could leave Iraq legally. Influential Muslim clerics like the Saudi sheikh Abdullah Ben Biyeha served as mediators. The strategy to dribble the American and Iraqi checkpoints was the stuff of Hollywood thrillers. Aubenas' role changed continuously - in the end she was "the driver's wife, if someone talks to you, you start crying". When she was finally transferred to a car bearing French diplomatic plates, the car had to weave around 80 kilometers of hardcore streets that Baghdad police wouldn't dream of cruising.

On Sunday morning, they still had to go to the airport, taking the most dangerous stretch of highway on the planet (not the one where Calipari was killed, which was a privileged American military road). The French ambassador had decided to do it in daytime - unlike Calipari - and provided the American Embassy with extensive details of his journey. But with a crucial omission (the Italians had done the same thing) ... he didn't tell the Americans he was carrying former hostage Aubenas. "They might get shot at," said a French diplomat.

Amid all her startling revelations, Aubenas was careful to highlight the geopolitical role of television, and how unprecedented French public opinion and media mobilization had a powerful effect on the kidnappers: "Every time there was something they would come to the cell, very excited, saying, 'It's working, they talked about you on TV'. That was the ultimate criteria. It didn't matter what was said." Once again this proves two things: first, hostages' spirits are always lifted when they see they are not left to rot and their plight is mobilizing a whole nation; second, their own price inevitably goes up in this post-modern form of the slave market.

Which raises the inevitable question: how much is a hostage in Iraq worth? [...]

An important point is that the Aubenas affair generated very few reactions and commentaries in Islamist websites. This would imply that hardcore jihadis - who make a lot of Internet noise - were not directly involved. And since there were no political demands, what is left is just a financial operation to generate easy cash

How can a people with so little pride be so arrogant?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


In the East, many EU work rules don't apply (Thomas Fuller, JUNE 15, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

At a time when the European Union is divided politically over its proposed constitution, there is a widening rift between the freewheeling and free-market Eastern European countries and Western European states where social benefits have become a way of life.

Countries like Poland, Slovakia and Estonia continue to evolve toward American-style economic systems of low taxes, low trade union membership and low social benefits.

Leading politicians in Poland, by far the largest new member of the EU, are proposing the introduction of a single rate for income, sales and corporate taxes, similar to what Slovakia has done. The rate has not been decided yet but it could be as low as 19 percent.

Janusz Grzyb, a deputy director in the European affairs department of the Polish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labor, speaks derisively about the "social models" of Western Europe.

"Europe needs more flexibility in its labor market," Grzyb said in an interview. "Our mentality is survival."

And survival means working harder than Western Europeans.

Workers in the 10 countries that joined the EU in May 2004 work on average almost three weeks more per year than workers in Western Europe, according to study released last month by the European Industrial Relations Observatory, a research body financed by the European Commission.

Before last year's expansion of the EU, bureaucrats in Brussels sought to mold the Eastern European candidates in a Western European model, with trade unions and employers associations engaged in "social dialogue."

Yet while unions were useful in bringing down Communism in Poland, today they are close to irrelevant, shedding members to the point where the percentage of unionized workers is generally closer to the 12 percent level in the United States than the 30 percent average in Western Europe.

Perhaps the most striking divergence between East and West in the EU today is the use of innovative working arrangements. In Poland, the number of employees who are technically independent contractors appears to have remained steady in recent years. But in other countries in the region, the use of this type of contract has increased sharply. For instance, in Estonia in the past four years, the number of self-employed people in the service sector has increased 62 percent, according to Eurostat; in Slovakia, the recorded rise is 40 percent.

Self-employed people can surpass the EU's weekly working limit of 48 hours because the labor code does not apply to them. (The EU's so-called working time directive, which dates to 1993 and is undergoing revision, also does not apply to managers and a few other categories of workers.)

Stéphane Portet, a visiting researcher at the University of Warsaw who has studied the self-employment trend, says surveys of companies suggest that 500,000 people work this way in Poland, a country of 38 million people, but that the number could be much higher.

Companies like the system, he said, because it provides them with the ultimate power over whether and when they want to hire and fire.

"The question of decent work or the quality of employment is not important in a country where 37 percent of those under 25 do not have a job," Portet said.

For Western Europeans, the easterners' creative ways of skirting EU law amount to "social dumping," a term used by trade unions and politicians in the West that implies the erosion of social benefits and labor codes through external competition.

"They are supposed to implement the same regulations, but if they circumvent them they gain competitiveness," said Vaughan-Whitehead, who recently published a report, financed by the European Commission and International Labor Organization, titled "Working and Employment conditions in the New EU Member States: Convergence or Diversity?"

Vaughan-Whitehead cites a survey of Hungarian employers in which 46 percent said they paid part of their wages to employees under the table to avoid taxes and social charges. "If this becomes a long-term problem it will create tensions within the EU," he said. "There could really be a race to the bottom."

The new EU members are hardly the only countries where companies seek ways around labor restrictions. Spanish firms use temporary work contracts to maintain flexibility, and Italy has a massive market for undeclared work.

The main difference appears to be that Eastern European countries are working harder and longer to bridge their income gap with the West.

Two hundred years into the war, is there any real need to wonder whether the Anglo or the Franco model wins?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:42 AM


State Budget Battle Fizzles: The spending plan could be approved on time today after Democrats postpone their fight for school funding to focus on the special election. (Evan Halper, June 15, 2005, LA Times)

The Democrats who control the Legislature have abandoned their effort to add billions of dollars in programs to the governor's proposed state budget, and are preparing to vote for a spending plan with no new taxes and no extra money for schools.

Shifting their focus to the coming special election fight, the lawmakers are surrendering to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the major spending issues that have separated the two sides for months. For the first time in years, they are rushing to meet their constitutional deadline for passing a budget today with a viable plan. Democrats fear that holding up the budget — even for what they argue is the noble cause of trying to restore $3 billion that schools say they are owed — would hurt them Nov. 8 and drive voters to approve spending controls the governor helped place on the ballot. They said they would try to secure the money by other means.

They say they will vote in favor of a budget that closely resembles the governor's latest spending plan, issued in May. The strategy shift is an indication of the extent to which the special election, ordered by Schwarzenegger on Monday, already has begun to dominate decision making in the Capitol.

It's not a good sign when you fear the voters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:31 AM


Physics genius plans to make 'Star Trek' replicator a reality (Kevin Maney, 6/14/05, USA Today)

"This machine makes every man self-sufficient. It takes the stickum right out of society."

That's a quote from a 1958 science-fiction story, Business as Usual, During Alterations, by Ralph Williams. It's about a machine called a duplicator, which aliens drop off on Earth as a test for humans. Put anything on the duplicator's tray and the machine makes an exact copy.

People go nuts, making duplicate duplicators, then making jewelry, clothes, food and money, rendering all products and cash virtually worthless. It's both a dream machine and a nightmare machine, giving everyone what they want but threatening to wreck the economy and the underpinnings of civilization.

So, of course somebody is really inventing one today.

And not some loony in a garage who thinks he's Dick Van Dyke in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. This is Neil Gershenfeld, director of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Bits and Atoms and a certifiable physics genius. He's got backing from the National Science Foundation. He's got interest from the Pentagon, venture capitalists and foreign governments. This week, he's in South Africa, where he's setting up one of his creations in Pretoria.

He calls his machines "fabs," and he's just published a book about his work, Fab: The Coming Revolution On Your Desktop — From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication.

Gershenfeld's ultimate goal is to invent home fabrication machines that will be as common as Hewlett-Packard ink-jet printers. They will be able to make anything: custom Barbie clothes, MP3 players, cow-shaped cream pitchers, Barry Bonds baseball cards from the 1980s when he looked skinny — you name it.

"We're aiming at making the Star Trek replicator," Gershenfeld says, referring to the machine on the USS Enterprise that could conjure up a cup of coffee or a toenail clipper on command.

How far along is Gershenfeld? Well, in one sense, not very.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:25 AM

THE SHARPENING (via Luciferous):

Bring on the Mud (Christopher Hitchens, Wilson Quarterly)

[I]s there any place “above politics”? Is there a subject that can avoid becoming “a political football” or a resource out of which “political capital” cannot be made? The banality of the automatic rhetoric is again suggestive here. Since every other electoral metaphor is sports oriented, from the top of the ninth to the 10-yard line to the playing of “offense” and “defense,” why should there not be a ball or two in play? (Surely, to move to a market image, it’s short-term dividends rather than actual capital that one hopes to accrue.)

Opinion polling shows how far cognitive dissonance on this point has progressed. When asked, millions of people will say that the two parties are (a) so much alike as to be virtually indistinguishable, and (b) too much occupied in partisan warfare. The two “perceptions” are not necessarily opposed: Party conflict could easily be more and more disagreement about less and less—what Sigmund Freud characterized in another context as “the narcissism of the small difference.” For a while, about a decade ago, the combination of those two large, vague impressions gave rise to the existence of a quasi-plausible third party, led by Ross Perot, which argued, in effect, that politics should be above politics, and that government should give way to management. That illusion, like the touching belief that one party is always better than the other, is compounded of near-equal parts naiveté and cynicism.

The current discourse becomes odder and emptier the more you examine it. We live in a culture that’s saturated with the cult of personality and with attention to the private life. So much is this the case that candidates compete to appear on talk shows hosted by near-therapists. In so doing, they admit that their “personalities” are under discussion and, to that extent, in contention. Even I, who don’t relish the Oprah world, say, “Why not?” There must be very few people who choose their friends or their lovers on the basis of their political outlook rather than their individual qualities. Yet just try to suggest that the psychopathic element in a politician, whether Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, is itself a consideration, and see how fast you’re accused of “personalizing” or “witch-hunting” or “mudslinging.” This charge will most often come from someone who makes his or her living as the subsidiary of a party machine and has an idealized or personalized photo or portrait of a mere human being or “personality” in a position of honor somewhere near the mantelpiece.

By definition, politics is, or ought to be, division. It expresses, or at least reflects, or at the very least emulates, the inevitable difference of worldview that originates, for modern purposes, with Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine. This difference can be muddied, especially in a highly disparate society, but it cannot be absolutely obscured. So given the inevitable tendency of the quotidian, the corrupt, and the self-interested to muddy differences and make sinuous appeals to all sides, might we not place a higher value on those who seek to make the differences plainer and sharper?

Mr. Hitchens has already switched from the Paine side to the Burke side on his way to the sharpest difference drawer: Catholicism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM


Medicare Officials Insisting on Wider Choices in Drug Benefits (ROBERT PEAR, 6/15/05, NY Times)

As companies devise insurance policies for the new Medicare drug program, federal officials are pressing them to offer a surprisingly generous array of prescription drug choices, according to industry executives.

As a result, experts say, the Medicare drug benefit, which begins in January, is shaping up to give beneficiaries access to a larger number and a wider variety of prescription drugs than are now available to many workers and retirees with private employer-sponsored health insurance.

Medicare will rely on private health plans to deliver drug benefits to the elderly and the disabled. Insurers worry that Medicare officials' insistence on a robust drug benefit will make it hard for them to control the costs of the program. But the officials say their policies will ensure that all 41 million beneficiaries have affordable access to the drugs they need.

"Medicare officials are flexing their muscles," said John K. Gorman, a former Medicare official who is now a consultant to many insurers. "They are requiring prescription drug plans to cover more drugs than anyone expected. They are establishing a gold standard for access to drugs in a number of therapeutic classes."

By the time they figure out that George Bush means what he says he'll be out of office.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM


Senate committee votes for CAFTA (Jeffrey Sparshott, June 15, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The Central American Free Trade Agreement cleared an important hurdle yesterday after the Bush administration pledged to discuss "any reasonable proposals" to allay sugar-industry concerns about the deal.

The Senate Finance Committee voted 11-9 in favor of CAFTA after an informal hearing.

Sen. Craig Thomas, Wyoming Republican, proved to be the crucial pro-CAFTA vote at the hearing.

The lawmaker consistently has opposed CAFTA provisions that would allow the six Latin American nations to increase their sugar exports to the United States. But yesterday, after reviewing a letter from Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns and talking with U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman, he said the administration and sugar producers now appear to be willing to sit down and talk about solutions.

"I don't know what the solution will be. ... I'll vote no if we don't come up with something," said Mr. Thomas, whose state is home to sugar-beet farmers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 AM


California Reins In Clinics Using Marijuana for Medical Purposes (DEAN E. MURPHY, 6/15, LA Times)

Even before the United States Supreme Court last week upheld federal authority over marijuana, even in states where its use for medical purposes is legal, city officials, dispensary owners and medical marijuana advocates in San Francisco had begun questioning how much of the drug was enough.

Last month, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors imposed a six-month moratorium on new dispensaries after health officials counted at least 43 unregulated facilities, including one in a building where formerly homeless people were receiving drug and alcohol abuse counseling. Even with the moratorium, there have been reports of new clubs setting up shop.

"The absence of laws has allowed adverse opportunities to emerge," said Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, who proposed the moratorium.

Capt. Rick Bruce of the San Francisco police said more marijuana was on the streets than at any other time in his 30 years with the department. Captain Bruce said that while there were many sick people who legitimately turned to the drug for treatment, countless dealers had used the dispensaries as a cover for illegal sales.

"It's a huge scam," said Captain Bruce, who heads the city's Bayview station, which covers some of the highest-crime neighborhoods.

Who'd have dreamt that "medical" marijuana was a mere cover for an assault on society?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:52 AM


Airbus thrown off stride by Boeing (Mark Landler and Elizabeth Becker, 6/15/05, The New York Times)

As the A380 traced swooping circles above the airfield on Monday, the Boeing delegation was plainly impressed.

But after it touched down with a thud, the spell was broken. "Look for the dent in the runway," said one of the executives, referring to the A380's chronic weight problems.

Boeing can afford a few wisecracks. After several years in which the company seemed in danger of being flattened by the Airbus juggernaut, it has stormed back into contention. Boeing's new midsized plane, the 787, is selling briskly, while the A380 has been dogged by production glitches.

Airbus says it will announce more than 110 orders this week for the A350, its response to the 787. But that plane, too, is being slowed because of changes in its design and doubts about how it will be financed.

Those questions have been fueled by a lawsuit the United States has filed against the European Union at the World Trade Organization, alleging that Europe has damaged Boeing by illegally financing the development of new planes like the A350 with low-cost government loans.

While the European Union insists it will fight the suit - and has filed one of its own alleging that Boeing also receives improper subsidies - there is mounting evidence that Washington's unbending stance has thrown Airbus off balance in one of the world's epic commercial rivalries.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


Fabulous fizz: Malty or hoppy, fruity or spicy, beer brings effervescent flavor to summer dishes. (Regina Schrambling, June 15, 2005, LA Times)

Usually I only contemplate cooking with beer when the weather is anything but sunny and warm. There's a reason it's mostly associated with beef stews, chili and other dishes that need long, slow braising or simmering, not to mention rich cheese sauces and bean or cabbage soup. Beer just seems to signify heartiness.

But I've found it actually rivals wine as an ingredient for all seasons. Whether you whisk it into a batter for fried fish or vegetable fritters or just pour it into a steamer for clams or mussels, it imparts a distinctively malted, slightly floral, almost salty-sweet undertone to food. Beers can be fruity, herbal, yeasty, hoppy and more, and those serious flavors harmonize with a surprising array of "real" ingredients.

As with wine, different styles of beer can work differently in different dishes. In some dishes, you can use any old brew, but more often you need to stop and think. While a dark and sturdy stout is superb in a beef or venison stew, it will overwhelm anything ethereally seasonal. The light magic of a Pilsener is perfect with seafood, but it can get swept away by too many herbs and aromatics.

With so many styles of beer out there, taste is the surest guide. A beer with depth and nuance will bring out those same qualities in a sauce or a marinade. The old "one for me, one for the recipe" is a foolproof formula — of course you have to sample to decide which might be the right one for every dish.

Every type works

Overall, beer works best as a complement rather than a counterpoint to other tastes. [...]

Jalapeño biscuits

Total time: 35 minutes

Servings: Makes 12 biscuits

2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon kosher salt

2 large fresh jalapeños, seeded and chopped

1/2 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into thin slices

About 1/2 cup cold California pale ale or amber ale

1 cup grated sharp Cheddar

Softened butter for serving

1. Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Lightly grease a large baking sheet.

2. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in mixing bowl. Stir in the jalapeños. Using a pastry blender or 2 knives, cut in the cold butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add the ale a few tablespoons at a time and stir the dough until it clings together in a ball. Dough should be slightly sticky but still easy to handle. Knead in the cheese. Don't over-mix.

3. Lightly dust a work surface with flour. Turn the dough out and knead a couple of times. Pat the dough out into a round about one-half inch thick. Using a cookie cutter or small glass, cut out into rounds about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Place on the baking sheet.

4. Pull together the dough scraps and pat out again, then cut more biscuits. Bake 14 to 15 minutes, or until risen and lightly browned. Serve hot with butter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Standing on the Mound: The Virtues of Baseball (Elizabeth Thecla Mauro, June 2005, Crisis)

Baseball is not only a reflection of America’s motto. With no clock, no fouls, no penalties, and the game’s heart-stopping ability to confound the most restless fan (“It ain’t over ’til it’s over,” said Yogi Berra), baseball is an expression of the nation’s cherished “can-do” spirit, its individualism, and its willingness to sometimes go it alone.

The essential dynamic of the game, after all, is that for nine innings, 18 men are engaged in a contest in which, ultimately, each and every player finds himself utterly alone—one man taking on a whole world that wants him to fail.

Perhaps nowhere was that dynamic, and the distinctly American character that embraces it, more perfectly demonstrated than at Yankee Stadium on two separate occasions during the 2001 World Championship games between the Bronx Bombers and the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Only weeks earlier, New York had lost 3,000 of its citizens, police, and firefighters in the deadliest attack made on American soil. The rubble in Manhattan was still smoldering, and the nation was still on its knees—uncertain, unsure, and afraid.

People went to Yankee Stadium wondering if they were safe. They worried that the same group that had flown airplanes into two office buildings, in the hope of killing thousands, might be tempted by another target. And yet, for all of their fears, the fans came.
October 2001, Yankee Stadium. Security is tight. President Bush is scheduled to throw out the first pitch. Everyone wonders about that, and worries. What if there’s an assassin in the stands? The president might wear a bulletproof vest, but that won’t protect his head. What if?

As President Bush moves to the pitcher’s mound, the Yankee shortstop delays him, calling out, “Mr. President, are you going to throw from the mound or from in front of it?” Bush replies, “I hadn’t thought about it.”

“Mr. President, this is New York,” Jeter says. “In New York, you throw from the mound!”
The American president walks out onto the field. Yankee Stadium is rocking and trembling with the emotional release of 55,000 people screaming in hope, and in pain, and in worried excitement. They’ve just begun to like this president. They liked what he said when he stood upon a pile of rubble and spoke through a bullhorn. They liked it when he addressed the joint houses of Congress, saying, “I will not forget this wound to our nation.” They want him to succeed.

Now, improbably, New York City, bluest of the blue communities, is rooting for George W. Bush, because there’s so much riding on this one pitch, so much symbolism, so much meaning. They want him to succeed, because it means that New York will succeed; America will succeed. It means they’ll get through this new and terrible reality together, no matter what it takes. Optimism. Childlike faith.

Bush gains the mound and gives the crowd a thumbs up. They roar. He stands motionless for a moment. And then, with a quick look at the Yankee catcher, Jorge Posada, the president throws.

A perfect strike! Yankee Stadium erupts. People from every political and economic persuasion—Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Rosie O’ Donnell—are jumping and screaming. The people in the stands are weeping, in sorrow and in hope.

It is only a strike, but it’s a perfect strike. And at that moment, it means everything.

Two nights later, in the same series, New Yorkers are attending the last hometown game of the 2001 season, and they’re losing. It is the ninth inning, and there’s a feeling of resignation in the stands. After this season, this particular championship team will be broken up and many will leave. It has been an astonishing few years for the team of Jeter, Chuck Knoblauch, Bernie Williams, Tino Martinez, Scott Brosius, and Paul O’Neill, but New York is going to lose this game, and the fans know it.

Adding to their gloom is the knowledge that O’Neill—their so-called warrior—has announced that this as his last season. New York loves him, but with all that has happened since September, there has been no opportunity to pay him homage. Until tonight. As O’Neill waits for work in right field, a murmur begins in the stands near him.

“Paul! Hey, Paul O’Neill! Paul O’Nei-ll!” And the murmur moves beyond right field—it becomes a chant and careens through the stadium until the entire crowd, even the Diamondback fans, are calling out to the warrior, in tribute and thanks.

And O’Neill, never one to put himself above his team, must finally acknowledge the crowd—even now, in the middle of the inning—for the game cannot continue until he does. He doffs his hat briefly, and then hangs his head to hide his tears. The crowd roars its appreciation and finally quiets down. The game continues.
Only baseball can do this. Only baseball repeatedly puts one man out into the field, against a whole team, or a whole stadium, or the whole world, and then cheers him, win or lose, for his courage and his humility—for the heroic virtues he has brought forth from himself and, it is hoped, inspired in the rest of us. Only baseball can combine drama and buoyancy and innocent awe into such a heady brew of human theater that you forget you are watching a mere sport.

I sometimes wonder how it will be for those two men, President Bush and Paul O’Neill, when they’re old and fading, when their lives have begun to echo back in their heads. In their last hours, will those teeming, vivacious baseball crowds—so generous, so big-hearted, so distinctly American—be the last thing they hear? The roar that followed the perfectly thrown strike? The sad goodbye of an appreciative crowd?

If you've never seen it, HBO's Nine Innings from Ground Zero is extraordinarily compelling.,

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

Innocence can only be wisdom in a world without evil. -John Patrick Shanley, Doubt, a Parable

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


A Bone to Pick in Indonesia: Discovery of remains in a cave that may be of a previously unknown species of tiny human has set off a full-sized row among scientists. (Richard C. Paddock, June 15, 2005, LA Times)

"On Flores, evolution has resulted in the most extreme morphological changes ever seen in hominids, including the smallest stature and brain size for any known hominid species," said professor Michael Morwood of Australia's University of New England, a co-leader of the excavation team.

Scientists say the pygmies and modern humans overlapped in the region for at least 40,000 years, but no evidence of contact between them has been found. The pygmy bones were uncovered beneath a layer of volcanic ash that is about 12,000 years old. All traces of Homo sapiens in the cave were found above the ash layer.

"There are still many problems to solve," said Thomas Sutikna, an Indonesian archeologist on the discovery team. "How did they survive in the same period with modern humans? Maybe they had contact with modern humans. We don't have information about that."

The phenomenon of large animal species "dwarfing" in isolated island habitats is well known to scientists, although it had not been seen in humans. In this process, scarce food supplies give the evolutionary edge to smaller creatures, resulting in the larger species' shrinkage over time. Stegodon, an elephant that also reached Flores more than 800,000 years ago, gradually shrank to the size of a water buffalo.

Even as larger species can dwarf in an island environment, the opposite can happen to smaller species. In the absence of predators on Flores, the rats evolved to become gigantic. Locals say the rats still exist and are sometimes caught and barbecued.

While evolving its short stature ...

Bet you didn't know the Japanese were a separate species until we boosted their caloric intake after WWII and their heights started catching up to ours.

June 14, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 PM


'Old Europe' must reform or crumble, Blair warns leaders (David Charter, Philip Webster and Charles Bremner, 6/15/05, Times of London)

“If we want to reconnect people in Europe with the idea of the EU then we have got to set a new political direction and reconnect the priorities which the people have with the way we spend money in Europe,” said Mr Blair, who admitted “sharp disagreement” with the French leader.

“It’s no longer possible to run Europe the way it used to be run, it’s got to be run on a different basis. We need a strong Europe, but it’s got to be a strong Europe of the right kind. The Franco-German relationship is very important but it cannot comprise all of what now drives Europe forward,” he said.

In a break with tradition that showed how cool relations have become, Mr Blair and M Chirac did not hold a joint press conference.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:30 PM


A Cold Florida: The Gov's "Drive to Excellence": A push to privatize/outsource state services? (Mike Mosedale, 6/14/05, City Pages)

On April 4, Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced the first component of a major structural reorganization of the state government--the creation of a cabinet-level agency called the Office of Enterprise Technology. The agency, Pawlenty promised, would help make government faster and more efficient. At face value, there seemed little to be skeptical about. After all, just about everyone agrees that a smarter use of technology can improve government services. What better way to accomplish that than by a technology czar?

But after reviewing the proposed legislation that accompanied the announcement, Jim Monroe, the executive director of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, started to have some doubts. Among other things, Monroe noticed language embedded in the bill stipulating that new hires at the Office of Enterprise Technology would be "non-classified" and therefore serve "at the pleasure" of the agency chief. Translation: The new agency's employees would not be afforded the usual civil service protections enjoyed by their union fellows.

Immediately, Monroe--along with his counterparts at the other big state workers' union, AFSCME Council 5--demanded that the anti-union language be removed from the bill. Facing the prospect of an ugly fight that could derail the legislation, sponsors removed the provision. According to Dana Badgerow, the commissioner of the Department of Administration, the anti-union language was "a mistake" which was inserted by a staffer unfamiliar with labor relations. Monroe says the episode left him increasingly concerned about the motivations behind the creation of the new agency, along with the rest of Pawlenty's ambitious "Drive to Excellence" government reform effort.

"We're going to be watching this very closely to see if this is going to be used as an excuse to outsource, because it appears that this is a precursor to some rather substantial layoffs," Monroe says. "There's clearly an agenda here. They do not hide the fact that they think there are services that they think they can subcontract out." Jo Pels, the state field director for AFSCME Council 5, agrees: "The bottom line is that we're going to lose state jobs and that's going to hurt customer service. As far as I can see, the Drive to Excellence is really a drive to exterminate state employees."

After hearing an official presentation on the Drive to Excellence, one private consultant who works on technology security for the state says he and his fellow vendors quickly came up with a different name for the project: the Drive to Outsourcing.

If Governor Pawlenty takes on public service unions and wins he'll be a hero in the Party.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:02 PM


Keene man pleads guilty to trespassing at airport (AP, 6/14/05)

A Libertarian from Keene (New Hampshire) who tried to board a flight carrying nothing but a Bible and a copy of the Declaration of Independence has pleaded guilty to criminal trespassing. . . .

Kanning went to Manchester Airport on Saturday, saying he was protesting mandatory identification checks and search methods that call for security personnel to pat down passengers.

He said the search methods are intrusive and harsh.

Supposedly, this protest, and a related protest in which a man performed an unlicensed, and thus illegal, manicure in front of the state licensing board's offices, are connected to the Free State Project. The purpose of the Free State Project is to move 20,000 libertarians to New Hampshire, where they will vote in a libertarian government and set up a libertarian paradise where manicurists are free of stultifying regulation and passengers can board airplanes without showing ID. Freedom for manicurists is libertarianism in a nutshell -- unarguably right and yet petty.

On the other hand, if you don't want to be patted down by TSA, don't fly. As it happens, I have boarded an airplane without ID in the post-9/11 world. It was no big deal. Thanks, TSA.

Posted by David Cohen at 3:40 PM


Jackson lawyer says pop star will no longer share his bed with young boys (Tim Molloy, AP, 6/14/05)

Michael Jackson's website trumpeted his courtroom vindication Tuesday, linking it with such historic events as the birth of Martin Luther King, while his lawyer vowed his client will stop sharing his bed with young boys.
My daugher asked me if Michael Jackson really exists, or was he just made up by adults to scare kids into behaving.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:17 PM


Vouchers Breathe New Life Into D.C. Catholic Schools: Tuition Rates, Morals Appeal to Parents (V. Dion Haynes, June 13, 2005, Washington Post)

Of the 983 students in the voucher program, which provides federal grants to District children to use toward tuition and fees at private or religious schools, 61 percent are attending Catholic schools -- a percentage that is expected to remain roughly the same when the program expands to about 1,600 students this fall.

Education analysts say it is no surprise that the Archdiocese of Washington schools are so heavily involved in the experiment. Their tuition rates are usually less than the $7,500 maximum that voucher students are allotted, while tuition at the city's elite private schools is much higher. And several of the Catholic schools are in poor neighborhoods where parents dissatisfied with public schools are most likely to reside.

The first comprehensive study of whether the new scholarships are boosting student achievement won't be issued for 18 months. But it is already clear that the program is a boon for the archdiocese. Its D.C. elementary school enrollment increased last fall after three decades of steady decline, and the influx of students has helped revive more than a dozen schools that at one point were candidates for closure.

The 43-year-old St. Benedict is one of them. A 1995 archdiocese study recommended that it and 15 other elementary schools in the District be closed or consolidated because of dwindling enrollment. At the insistence of then-Cardinal James A. Hickey, the schools remained open, and the archdiocese set up a new office to help many of them with such functions as fundraising and teacher training.

Now, the arrival of hundreds of voucher students has accelerated the schools' turnaround.

The voucher program "definitely has brought a whole new life" to St. Benedict, said the Rev. Michael Jones, the parish pastor. "It's brought energy, enthusiasm and 80 new students to our program."

You can see why the voucher fight is the most important cultural battle in America today. Universal vouchers will be a hammer blow for modern liberalism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:48 PM


Many Americans Call O'Reilly a Journalist (WILL LESTER, June 13, 2005, Associated Press)

About 40 percent of Americans say they consider talk show host Bill O'Reilly a journalist -- more than would define famed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward the same way, according to a poll conducted this spring.

O'Reilly is on the Fox News Channel, offering his often tart conservative opinions, while Woodward has spent a career writing news stories and books.

Only 30 percent of those polled said Woodward was a journalist, while 53 percent said they didn't know, despite the fact that Woodward and Carl Bernstein broke the Watergate story that ultimately led to President Nixon's resignation in 1974.

More than a quarter said talk show host Rush Limbaugh was one, while one in five said they considered newspaper columnist George Will to be a journalist.

Either the National Press Club has fireworks for Flag Day or that's the sound of heads exploding.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:21 PM

LIKE CLOCKWORK (via Earl Sutherland):

Senate Confirms Griffith for Appeals Court (JESSE J. HOLLAND, June 14, 2005, The Associated Press)

The Senate on Tuesday confirmed one of its former lawyers, Thomas S. Griffith, to sit on the U.S. Appeals Court, the sixth judge it has elevated to the federal appellate court in the last month.

With a 73-24 vote, Griffith becomes the newest judge on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia, taking a seat that the Bush administration originally wanted for filibustered Hispanic lawyer Miguel Estrada.

Estrada dropped out in September 2003 after being blocked by Democrats and President Bush replaced him in June 2004 with Griffith, who was the chamber's general counsel during President Clinton's impeachment before joining Brigham Young University as general counsel in 2003.

They'd confirm a ham sandwich these days.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:11 PM

...AND LOWER...:

Wholesale Prices Dip, Retail Sales Slip (MARTIN CRUTSINGER, June 14, 2005, The Associated Press)

Wholesale prices plunged 0.6 percent in May, the biggest decline in more than two years, as the cost of both energy and food retreated.

The Labor Department reported Tuesday that the decline in its Producer Price Index followed gains of 0.6 percent in April and 0.7 percent in March, hefty increases which had raised worries that inflation was threatening to break out of the moderate pattern of the past several years.

Three-fourths of the May decline reflected a big 3.5 percent drop in energy prices after three months of sizable gains in this area. But prices were contained in other areas as well with so-called "core" inflation, excluding energy and food. That number rose by just 0.1 percent in May, down from a 0.3 percent jump in April.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:09 AM


Largest, US Sexuality Survey In History Shows Gays Far More Likely To Engage In Criminal Activities (LifeSiteNews.com, June 13, 2005)

A forty-eight page study to be published two weeks from now in the peer-reviewed journal, Psychological Reports, compares extensive and newly released Center for Disease Control (CDC) data, concluding that homosexuals are far more likely to engage in illegal and socially dangerous behaviour than heterosexuals. In fact, according to the study, homosexuals are over 12% more likely to have been booked for illegal activity than heterosexuals.

Dr. James Cameron of the Family Research Institute led and penned the report, which is based upon data gathered in 1996 by the CDC.

The National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA) asked 12,381 respondents between the ages of 18 and 59, forty-six highly personal questions, spanning their age, race, and extensive details about their lifestyle and past history. In an interview with lifesitenews.com Dr. Cameron called the survey “the largest, most elegant sexuality survey in the history of the United states”. He estimated the cost of conducting the study at $13 million.

The most remarkable thing about the NHSDA with its huge price-tag and its resultant controversial data, says Dr. Cameron, is that it hasn’t become public until now. In fact, according to Cameron the CDC, by law, was supposed to release the results of the survey, but didn’t. When Cameron got wind of it and personally hunted down the data “The National Center for Health Statistics had been sitting on it for a year.” [...]

The CDC itself compiled the data so as to compare the activities of those who engaged in the so-called “four recreations” (homosexuality, prostitution, illegal drug use and smoking) and those who had not. The Family Research Institute then compared this data accordingly, concluding that “Those who engaged in homosexuality were similar to those who used illegal drugs, participated in prostitution, or regularly smoked in disturbances of public health and social order. That is, similar patterns in the differences were evident in criminality, dangerousness, use of illegal substances, problems with substance use, mental health, and health costs.”

The data for criminality indicated that 22.8% of homosexuals have been booked for committing a crime, compared to 11% of heterosexuals. This statistic held true for both gays and lesbians. “That’s noteworthy,” said Cameron, “It shows a rebellion, an unwillingness to go along with society.”

The study also indicated an increase in the use of illegal substances, driving while intoxicated, and dangerous sexual practices, including intercourse with multiple and HIV+ partners.

Speaking on the import of his research Cameron remarked that “The scripture of the realm of modernity is scientific literature. And we want the Christian community to understand that the science is really very consistent, and highly concordant with the historic Christian position on homosexuality.”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM


Gov wants legislators to cut taxes (Richard Borreca, 6/08/05, Honolulu Star-Bulletin)

As Hawaii's economy continues to soar, Gov. Linda Lingle and some legislative leaders are saying this summer is the time to cut taxes.

Lingle said at a news conference yesterday that if legislators are coming back this summer for a special session to override any of her expected vetoes, they should also come back to cut taxes.

"I would certainly hope that if there is a special session this summer -- and glancing over the vetoes that might occur, I think there would be a special session -- we would expect tax relief to be a critical part of the agenda for the Legislature," Lingle said.

According to the state Constitution, the Legislature would have to meet July 12 to override any vetoes. At the same time, lawmakers could call a special five-day session to introduce legislation to cut taxes or address other issues.

Senate President Robert Bunda, who opened the legislature in January with calls for middle-class tax cuts, said he agreed with Lingle.

"If we are talking special session, we should consider tax relief," Bunda said.

"We need to engage our constituents. Despite the good economy, a lot of people are still struggling. They are struggling on one pay check and they want to feel we are listening," Bunda (D, Kaena-Wahiawa-Pupukea) said.

But House Speaker Rep. Calvin Say said he doesn't think the state has enough extra money to absorb tax cuts that could cost the state up to $60 million a year.

"I would say be cautious," Say (D, St. Louis Heights-Wilhelmina Rise) said. "Yeah, we may have the resources here today to pay for a tax cut, but would you rather have a cut in taxes and not have the revenues to face fiscal problems in the future?

"If you are anticipating the growth in the economy, are you also anticipating federal cutbacks and collective bargaining?"

Rep. Lynn Finnegan, the House GOP leader, disagreed, saying the economy can support a tax reduction.

"If we come back in, we should be working on tax relief immediately," Finnegan (Mapunapuna-Foster Village) said.

A tax cutting platform is a useful device for growing the GOP, especially when Democrats fight it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 AM


The Madrassa Myth (PETER BERGEN and SWATI PANDEY, 6/14/05, NY Times)

While madrassas may breed fundamentalists who have learned to recite the Koran in Arabic by rote, such schools do not teach the technical or linguistic skills necessary to be an effective terrorist. Indeed, there is little or no evidence that madrassas produce terrorists capable of attacking the West. And as a matter of national security, the United States doesn't need to worry about Muslim fundamentalists with whom we may disagree, but about terrorists who want to attack us.

We examined the educational backgrounds of 75 terrorists behind some of the most significant recent terrorist attacks against Westerners. We found that a majority of them are college-educated, often in technical subjects like engineering. In the four attacks for which the most complete information about the perpetrators' educational levels is available - the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the attacks on the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, the 9/11 attacks, and the Bali bombings in 2002 - 53 percent of the terrorists had either attended college or had received a college degree. As a point of reference, only 52 percent of Americans have been to college. The terrorists in our study thus appear, on average, to be as well educated as many Americans.

The 1993 World Trade Center attack involved 12 men, all of whom had a college education. The 9/11 pilots, as well as the secondary planners identified by the 9/11 commission, all attended Western universities, a prestigious and elite endeavor for anyone from the Middle East. Indeed, the lead 9/11 pilot, Mohamed Atta, had a degree from a German university in, of all things, urban preservation, while the operational planner of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, studied engineering in North Carolina. We also found that two-thirds of the 25 hijackers and planners involved in 9/11 had attended college.

Of the 75 terrorists we investigated, only nine had attended madrassas, and all of those played a role in one attack - the Bali bombing. Even in this instance, however, five college-educated "masterminds" - including two university lecturers - helped to shape the Bali plot.

Like the view that poverty drives terrorism - a notion that countless studies have debunked - the idea that madrassas are incubating the next generation of terrorists offers the soothing illusion that desperate, ignorant automatons are attacking us rather than college graduates, as is often the case.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


'The Mother ... Was a Disaster' (Henry Weinstein and Maura Dolan, June 14, 2005, LA Times)

Eight months ago, defense attorney Thomas A. Mesereau Jr. made a strategic move that may have provided the key to Michael Jackson's court victory: He hired a new private investigator and told him to focus relentlessly on the accuser's mother.

Scott Ross had worked on the Robert Blake defense, digging up unsavory items about the actor's murdered wife. The information allowed defense lawyers to argue that someone other than Blake, who was charged with killing her, had a motive. Moreover, the details gave jurors a reason to dislike the dead woman.

Mesereau wanted a repeat performance, and he gave his investigator a simple, blunt instruction, Ross recalled Monday: "I want you to do to [the mother of the alleged victim] what you did to Bonny Lee Bakley."

Monday, as the Jackson jurors talked about their deliberations, they made clear how well Mesereau's strategy had succeeded.

"What mother in her right mind would … just freely volunteer your child to sleep with someone, and not so much just Michael Jackson but anyone, for that matter? That is something mothers are naturally concerned with," juror Pauline Coccoz of Santa Maria, a 45-year-old mother of three, said at a post-verdict news conference.

Juror Eleanor Cook, a 79-year-old grandmother, spoke of her distaste for the mother's demeanor. The juror "disliked it intensely when she snapped her fingers at us," she said. "I thought, 'Don't snap your fingers at me, lady.' "

Juror Susan Rentschler, 52, of Lompoc, said she was "very uncomfortable" with the way the mother kept staring at jurors as she testified.

Mesereau's strategy triumphed. But ironically, it was a decision by prosecutors that made it possible.

Rather than file a narrow case against Jackson that would have turned on only the testimony of Jackson's youthful accuser, Santa Barbara County Dist. Atty. Tom Sneddon gambled that a broader indictment would have a greater chance of success. The indictment included a conspiracy charge centering on accusations that Jackson's aides had conspired to kidnap the mother and keep her at Neverland, the star's ranch.

"The prosecutor went for every strategic advantage. He thought he could broaden the case with the conspiracy charge," said Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levenson. "By doing that, he made the mother the focus of the case, and it backfired on him."

All well and good to punish the mother who let her child be assaulted, but convict the pedophile too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:37 AM

OPPORTUNITIES (via Michael Herdegen):

Incentives enlisted in war on poverty (Hugh Dellios, 6/12/05, Chicago Tribune)

Celia Rojo, Manuel Mejia and their four children are the portrait of extreme poverty in Latin America. They may also be on the leading edge of efforts to combat it, according to the World Bank and others.

Rojo receives $15 each month from the Mexican government, as long as she continues visiting the health clinic, and $36 monthly as long as she keeps her 13-year-old daughter and 7-year-old twins in school. She would receive more, but her 17-year-old son dropped out.

The Mejia family reflects the successes and challenges of Opportunities, Mexico's $3 billion a year attempt to deal with the chronic poverty that plagues the region. At a time when parts of Latin America are suffering from instability and disillusionment with the free market and democratic systems, officials from Colombia and other nations have gone to Mexico to examine whether its anti-poverty program could help their struggling poor.

World Bank analysts and others cautiously praise Mexico's program, which puts cash "scholarships" in the hands of the neediest families if they comply with certain health and education requirements aimed at helping their children break the cycle of poverty that trapped their parents and grandparents.

The program began in 1997 but has been expanded by President Vicente Fox. While the president credits the program with lowering Mexico's poverty rate, others say the true impact will be judged over a longer term. But so far, there have been positive results in school attendance rates and health statistics, according to Mexican officials and independent researchers.

The program's directors say there also is evidence it is empowering women with their own cash, encouraging young women to start families later and at least delaying the migration of some young men to the U.S.

If it reduces immigration Americans will even help pay for it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:27 AM


Governor Puts Agenda on the Ballot: Three special-election initiatives would wrest power from legislators and public employee unions. The political battle will be costly, with a deal unlikely. (Jordan Rau, June 14, 2005, LA Times)

His ultimatums rebuffed by lawmakers, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday ordered a Nov. 8 special election that could trim the power of California's Legislature and dampen the influence of the public employee unions that help finance its Democratic majority.

Along with Schwarzenegger's agenda, the ballot is expected to include initiatives that, if approved, would change the way minors obtain abortions, electricity is sold and prescription drug prices are set.

But at its heart are three measures that Schwarzenegger hopes will alter — in his favor — the way Sacramento operates. The centerpiece initiative would give him much more power to cut state expenditures, a change he said was essential for California's fiscal health.

"Without reform, we are destined to relive the past all over again: $22-billion deficits, higher car taxes and the threat of bankruptcy," Schwarzenegger said in a 3 1/2 -minute address broadcast from his Capitol office. The speech was bypassed by many television stations consumed by the Michael Jackson acquittal.

Coming a year before he is up for reelection, the speech was a blunt acknowledgment of how much Schwarzenegger's relationships with state lawmakers and many groups have eroded in the 1 1/2 years since he took office.

Other initiatives he endorses would delay teachers from gaining tenure — a slap at one of Sacramento's most powerful interests — and stop legislators from designing districts that ease their reelections.

Hard to get too much done anyway when the other party controls the legislature, but in Steven Malanga's new book, The New New Left he lays out the damage done by public sector unions and their allies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:15 AM


Bush Meets Privately With Noted N. Korean Defector (Peter Baker and Glenn Kessler, June 14, 2005, Washington Post)

President Bush met privately yesterday with a well-known North Korean defector who spent 10 years in a prison camp and has since become an outspoken critic of his homeland's government, a move that could provoke Pyongyang just as it was reviving stalled nuclear talks.

Bush invited Kang Chol Hwan, a journalist and director of the Democracy Network Against North Korean Gulag, to visit with him in the Oval Office and recount his tale of suffering in North Korea, where he was arrested in 1977 at age 9 and had to eat rats, cockroaches and snakes to survive. The White House did not list the meeting on the president's public schedule, but a spokesman later confirmed it.

According to aides, Bush has been fascinated with Kang's story ever since he began reading the former prisoner's book, "The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in a North Korean Gulag," published in English in 2001. Bush has recommended the book to senior White House and Bush administration officials, who have been poring through it lately as well.

"He found the book compelling and wanted to talk to the author," said spokesman Frederick L. Jones II. "These are issues that are of great interest to the president -- freedom and democracy."

The timing of the meeting could fuel simmering tensions between Washington and Pyongyang a week after North Korea signaled that it was ready to resume six-party negotiations about the future of its nuclear weapons program.

Could? It's the purpose of the meeting.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Europe turmoil as treaty collapses (Philip Webster, David Charter and Anthony Browne, 6/14/05, Times of London)

TONY BLAIR and Jacques Chirac are set for an icy Paris showdown today after the Prime Minister accused the French President of living in the past and France lost its fight to save the ill-fated constitutional treaty.

As their dispute over Britain’s EU budget rebate and the constitution took relations to their lowest point for years, Mr Blair responded to M Chirac’s refusal to hold a joint press conference with him today by letting it be known that he would stage one on his own at the British Embassy in the French capital.

In a fresh twist last night, Mr Blair was told publicly by Peter Mandelson, his close ally, that he must be prepared to reform the British rebate as part of a deeper rethink about the EU budget.

In an intervention that some ministers described as unhelpful, the EU Trade Commissioner and fervent European pre-empted future negotiations by saying that it was wrong to ask the poorer accession states to pay for any part of the British rebate. He also admonished ministers for their “neo-Thatcherite” tone in dealing with Brussels, and said that it should change when Britain assumes the EU presidency next month if it wanted to make progress.

Mr. Blair could hardly ask for a better political position than having the pro-Euro Left accuse him of being Thatcheresque.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Next Generation of Conservatives (By the Dormful) (JASON DePARLE, 6/14/05, NY Times)

The summer interns of the Heritage Foundation have arrived, forming an elite corps inside the capital's premier conservative research group. The 64 interns are each paid a 10-week stipend of $2,500, and about half are housed in a subsidized dorm at the group's headquarters, complete with a fitness room.

Unusual in its size (and in its walk-in closets), the program, on which Heritage spends $570,000 a year, is both a coveted spot on the young conservative circuit and an example of the care the movement takes to cultivate its young.

Scott Hurff, a senior at Wake Forest University, wanted the internship so badly that he filed three applications. Rachael Seidenschnur had set her eyes on Heritage since her youth in Little Rock, Ark., where she revived the teenage Republicans club at Central High School.

Kenneth Cribb came with family ties and a book by the conservative author Russell Kirk, which he said "sends chills up my spine." Daren Stanaway and Brian Christiansen welcomed Heritage as an escape from the liberal orthodoxies they said they experienced at Harvard and Yale.

"In the face of derogation, many intelligent young conservatives have simply responded by hiding their beliefs or going with the crowd," Ms. Stanaway wrote in an application essay. "I refuse to be one of them."

Like all Heritage applicants, she also answered a 12-item questionnaire designed to ferret out latent liberalism with questions about guns, abortion, welfare and missile defense. (If you agree with the statement that "tax increases are the most appropriate way to balance the budget," this is probably not the internship for you.)

Sitting in his supersized office atop the organization he has spent three decades building, Edwin J. Feulner, the longtime president at Heritage, cited the sign over a Heritage auditorium - "Building for the Next Generation" - as evidence of how central to his mission leadership development is.

"If we can get young people involved, they will continue to support Heritage, our idea and our causes," Mr. Feulner said. "We almost think of ourselves as a college."

Arguing that liberals dominate most campuses, Mr. Feulner said, "We've had to cultivate our alternative."

It is an alternative with few rivals. The Brookings Institution, a centrist group more than 50 years older than Heritage, has no paid interns. Neither does the Progressive Policy Institute, which promotes a centrist version of liberalism. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a premier antipoverty group, has 10 paid interns. People for the American Way, a bulwark of Beltway liberalism, has 40 - but no dorm.

"There's no question that the right wing over the last 25 years did a much better job of creating a farm system," said Ralph G. Neas, the president of People for the American Way. Like many other liberal groups, his has recently expanded its campus outreach activities in an effort to keep pace with the right.

"They invested in young people," Mr. Neas said. "We're trying to catch up."

June 13, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 PM


How Deep Throat Fooled the FBI (David Corn & Jeff Goldberg, 6/13/05, The Nation)

The recent dramatic revelation about W. Mark Felt--the former top FBI man who has confessed to being Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's secret source during the Watergate scandal--has yielded what seems to be the final chapter in the Deep Throat saga, and thus the conclusion to a three-decade-long whodunit rich in detail, psychology and irony.

But Felt's role as the most famous anonymous source in US history was even more complex and intrigue-loaded than the newly revised public account suggests. According to originally confidential FBI documents--some written by Felt--that were obtained by The Nation from the FBI's archives, Felt played another heretofore unknown part in the Watergate tale: He was, at heated moments during the scandal, in charge of finding the source of Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate scoops. In a twist worthy of le Carré, Deep Throat was assigned the mission of unearthing--and stopping--Deep Throat.

This placed Felt, who as the FBI's associate director oversaw the bureau's Watergate probe, in an unusual position. He was essentially in charge of investigating himself. From this vantage point Felt, who had developed espionage skills running FBI counterintelligence operations against German spies in World War II, was able to watch his own back and protect his ability to guide the two reporters whose exposés would help topple the President he served.

we've had plenty of bad presidents but rather few who were complete losers. Nixon was one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:55 PM


Vatican View Is Victorious in Fertility Vote by Italians (IAN FISHER, 6/14/05, NY Times)

A law that imposes strict rules on assisted fertility will remain on the books, after the failure today of a hard-fought referendum that rubbed into one of Italy's sorest spots: the relationship between church and state.

The fight leading up to two days of voting Sunday and Monday mobilized the nation's political and religious establishments like few others, as the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church - including the new pope, Benedict XVI - urged Italians to boycott the referendum.

In the end, the result was not even close: Only 26 percent of eligible Italians cast their votes, meaning that the referendum automatically failed in its attempt to repeal four crucial sections of a restrictive fertility law passed here last year. For the referendum to be valid, 50 percent of eligible voters had to participate.

Sadly this was likely more a function of apathy than faith.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:02 PM


MIAs No Longer Haunt U.S. Warfare (DAVID WOOD, 6/10/05, Newhouse News Service)

Until now, the United States has fought its major wars haunted by the thousands of young Americans who have gone missing in battle.

From the Civil War onward, in this nation's wartime experience, families sent their loved ones off to serve -- and many simply vanished in the fog of war: vaporized in explosions, buried hastily in unmarked graves or trapped in remote crash sites or in underwater wreckage.

The bitter agony for the families, perhaps nourishing hope that one day the missing will turn up alive, runs like a livid scar down through generations.

But two years of conflict in Iraq and three years in Afghanistan have produced an unusual clarity: The fighting has left 1,875 Americans dead and 13,337 wounded, according to the Defense Department, but only one MIA. He is Army Sgt. Keith M. Maupin of Batavia, Ohio.

What's changed, strategists and historians say, is that in the current fighting with hit-and-run insurgents, U.S. forces control the terrain as they did not in World War II, Korea or even Vietnam, so that the dead can be recovered.

Nor are they likely to take anyone alive.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:48 PM


Northwest stock price tumbles on wave of bad news (Associated Press, June 13, 2005)

Northwest Airlines Corp. shares plunged more than 12 percent today as investors in the nation's fourth-largest carrier were buffeted by several pieces of bad news.

A $50 each-way fare increase aimed at business travelers failed when other carriers failed to match it. Regulatory filings show that Northwest chairman Gary L. Wilson has now sold nearly 60 percent of his stake in the company. And the Wall Street Journal highlighted Northwest's labor troubles in today's editions and reported the airline could be close to bankruptcy.

Northwest shares fell 80 cents, or 12.6 percent, to $5.53 in afternoon trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market, after as falling as low as $5.05 earlier in the day. The shares are off from a high of $11.83 in December.

Wilson has sold about 2.5 million shares since mid-May, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company has said Wilson remains the airline's largest single private investor.

The attempted fare increase was the largest of several attempts by a number of carriers to raise fares this year. Making it stick would have demonstrated that Northwest has some pricing power.

No one has pricing power and man wasn't meant to fly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:46 PM


President Discusses Democracy, AGOA with African Leaders (George W. Bush, Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Room 450, 6/13/05)

Thank you all for coming. Welcome to the White House. I want to thank the five Presidents who are with us today: President Mogae of Botswana, President Kufuor of Ghana, President Guebuza of Mozambique, President Pohamba of Namibia, and President Tandja of Niger. [...]

All the Presidents gathered here represent countries that have held democratic elections in the last year. What a strong statement that these leaders have made about democracy and the importance of democracy on the continent of Africa. All of us share a fundamental commitment to advancing democracy and opportunity on the continent of Africa. And all of us believe that one of the most effective ways to advance democracy and deliver hope to the people of Africa is through mutually beneficial trade.

That was certainly the idea behind the African Growth and Opportunity Act, a bipartisan act, an act of the United States Congress that recognized this fact. You see, AGOA is promoting democratic reform in Africa by providing incentives for these nations to extend freedom and opportunity to all of their citizens. Under this law, African nations can obtain greater access to our markets by showing their commitment to economic and political reform, by respecting human rights, tearing down trade barriers, and strengthening property rights and the rule of law, which is precisely what the leaders of these five nations are doing.

Because AGOA is producing results, I've twice signed into law provisions that build on its success and extend its benefits long into the future. My predecessor worked with the Congress to get the law passed, I have been honored to work with the Congress to extend the good law. And the reason why I feel confident in going to the Congress is because it has worked. It's a good piece of legislation that has made a difference in people's lives.

In 2004, we saw dramatic evidence of the results that this new engagement between the United States and Africa is helping produce. Last year, exports to the United States from AGOA nations were up 88 percent over the year before, and non-oil exports were up by 22 percent. In other words, we pledged to open our markets, we have opened our markets, and people are now making goods that the United States consumers want to buy. And that's helpful. That's how you spread wealth. That's how you encourage hope and opportunity.

Over the same period, interestingly enough, U.S. exports to sub-Sahara Africa were up 25 percent. In other words, this is a two-way street. Not only have folks in Africa benefited by selling products in the United States; American businesses, small and large, have benefited through the opening of the African market, as well. Across sub-Sahara Africa, economic growth increased to an eight-year high. Real per capita income increased by 2.7 percent, and this growth is expected to continue in 2005. By creating jobs and lowering prices and expanding opportunity, AGOA is today developing benefits for Americans and Africans alike, and that's important for our fellow citizens to understand. Trade is beneficial for the working people here in America, just like it's beneficial for people on the continent of Africa.

We will continue to work for policies that build on these impressive results. In December, I announced that 37 African countries are now eligible for AGOA benefits, and next month in Senegal, senior ministers from my administration will meet with government ministers from these 37 AGOA nations to build on this progress. These representatives will be joined by hundreds of American and African businesses and private organizations who will discuss ways to promote development and strengthen civil society.

As we expand our trade, the United States is committing to expanding our efforts to relieve hunger, reduce debt, fight disease on the African continent. One thing we discussed was the Millennium Challenge Account, and I assured the leaders we will work harder and faster to certify countries for the MCA, so that MCA countries, and the people in the MCA countries, can see the benefit of this really important piece of legislation and funding.

I also announced last week that the United States will provide about $674 million of additional resources to help alleviate humanitarian emergencies in African nations, especially the growing famine in parts of Africa. On Saturday, we also announced an agreement worked out through the Group of Eight Industrialized Nations that will cancel $40 billion in debt owed by 18 of the world's poorest nations, including 14 in Africa. The countries eligible for this relief are those that have put themselves on the path to reform. We believe that by removing a crippling debt burden, we'll help millions of Africans improve their lives and grow their economies.

Finally, one of the greatest causes of suffering in Africa is the spread of HIV/AIDS. I appreciate Randy Tobias being here. I made fighting this terrible disease a top priority of my administration by launching an emergency plan for AIDS relief. Working with our African partners, we have now delivered lifesaving treatment to more than 200,000 people in sub-Sahara Africa, and we're on our way to meeting an important goal -- an important five-year goal -- of providing treatment for nearly two million African adults and children.

The United States of America is firmly committed to working with government to help fight the pandemic of AIDS. It is -- this crisis is one that can -- that can be arrested. And I want you all to know that when America makes a commitment, we mean what we say, and this government means what it says, and this Congress means what it says, and we'll work together to fight HIV/AIDS.

These are just some of the initiatives that we're pursuing to help Africa's leaders bring democracy and prosperity and hope to their people. The reason I ask these Presidents to join us today is because I applaud their courage, I appreciate their wisdom, I appreciate them being such good friends that they're able to feel comfortable in coming to the White House to say, Mr. President, this is going well and this isn't -- how about working together to make this work better. That's how we solve problems. We solve problems by having a frank and open dialogue.

We believe Africa is a continent full of promise and talent and opportunity, and the United States will do our part to help the people of Africa realize the brighter future they deserve.

Again, I'm honored you all are here. Thank you all for coming. May God bless you all. (Applause.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:43 PM


Rethinking the Population Problem (Nicholas Eberstadt, Spring 2005, The Public Interest)

I first met Lord Péter Tamás Bauer (1917–2002) in October 1977, five years before the already eminent professor was made a life peer for his pioneering contributions to the field of development economics. For me, this was a fateful encounter, a milestone on an entirely unexpected intellectual journey.

At the time, I was 21--and, as anyone who knew me way back then can attest, I was very Left. One of my first courses at the London School of Economics that semester was “The Economic Analysis of Underdeveloped Areas,” co-taught by Bauer and Professor Hla Myint. To put the matter plainly: Bauer was an absolutely infuriating professor. At his lectures, he would deliver long and provocative presentations that I knew to be wrong: completely wrong, deeply wrong, obviously wrong.

The only problem was that I couldn’t figure out how to prove they were wrong. Bauer would typically end his lectures with an invitation of sorts: “Now I will entertain any question--no matter how hostile.” I used up my lifetime supply of those invitations in fairly short order. Then I was faced with a dilemma: Either I had to come up with new facts, or get new opinions. Unfortunately, I simply was not able to find the necessary new facts.

Bauer the professor, in short, set me up for my downfall. But my road to ruin was further paved by Bauer the man. Péter Bauer was blessed with an absolute and extraordinary generosity of spirit. In my particular case, he went far beyond the call of his official duties in his efforts to help a wrongheaded American student to think a little more clearly. [...]

In order to appreciate the significance of Bauer’s contribution to the population literature, it is first important to recall the climate of academic and public policy discourse on the population question at the time Bauer was writing. By the late 1970s and early 1980s, a worldwide network of activist anti-natal organizations--including private foundations, bilateral foreign aid agencies, multilateral institutions like the United Nations family and the World Bank, and a host of recipient groups the world over--were making the case that rapid population growth was having deleterious, or even disastrous, effects in low-income areas, and perhaps even on the world as a whole. Poverty, unemployment, hunger, and social strife were just some of the afflictions the “population explosion” was said to be visiting on a hapless planet.

Anti-natal policies had also been widely embraced--in principle or in practice--by rich and poor governments alike, and a great many eminent personages were warning of the risks of not pursuing even more aggressive policies for curbing planetary population growth. Paul Ehrlich--Stanford University biology professor, acknowledged authority on the population patterns of butterflies, and author of the best-seller The Population Bomb--flatly stated that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over,” meaning we had lost. Robert McNamara, then-president of the World Bank (and in an earlier incarnation the progenitor of the doctrine of “mutually assured destruction”), insisted that “the threat of unmanageable population pressures is very much like the threat of nuclear war,” and identified what he termed “rampant population growth” as “the greatest single obstacle to the economic and social advancement of the peoples in the underdeveloped world.”

It was not only sometime lepidopterists and practitioners of what we might today term “systems engineering for profit and victory” who held such views. Similar positions were embraced by respected and even eminent voices within the economics profession. Indeed, no less an authority than James E. Meade (1907–1995), the Cambridge don who would go on to win the 1977 Nobel Prize in Economics, had inspected the situation in Mauritius—the island nation off the coast of Africa—in 1961, and discovered there a Malthusian tragedy in the making. Surveying that country’s population profile and development prospects, Meade wrote that

for demographic reasons, it is going to be a great achievement if Mauritius can find productive employment for her greatly increased population [in the years ahead] without a serious reduction in the existing average standard of living (emphasis added).

A more detailed but no less gloomy elaboration of the same argument was offered by that esteemed Princeton economist and mathematical demographer, the late Ansley J. Coale--who, with his “Coale-Hoover model,” purported to show that higher birth rates almost necessarily slow the pace of material advance in low-income countries striving to escape from poverty. The acclaimed and highly influential Coale-Hoover model--taught to me and every other student of population economics back in the 1970s--carefully calculated how much wealth and productivity would be sacrificed (literally eaten up!) by societies where resources were thrown away on extra babies rather than husbanded for investment and growth.

Bauer, of course, would have none of this. He was a deeply educated man; unlike many in the population field, he was intimately familiar with history, literature, and culture from many diverse climes. Thanks to that grounding, he knew the doctrine of modern-day anti-natalism (or “neo-Malthusianism”) to be patently ahistorical.

Bauer’s essay in his 1981 book begins by reviewing some obvious, but often neglected, facts about poverty and development in the modern era. Many areas of the world--Western Europe and North America--had risen to prosperity despite rapid, or even exceptionally rapid, rates of population increase. Some of these newly affluent locales, moreover, had achieved their wealth despite not only dramatic increases in population, but a manifest scarcity of arable land and a lack of other “natural” resources (think of Japan or Hong Kong). Conversely, he reminded his readers, dreadful poverty could be seen today in many parts of the modern world where land and other resources have been abundant, and where population density has been and is quite low (large parts of Central Africa, among other places).

Bauer then moved on to his central critique of the modern anti-natalist doctrine. In his words:

The predictions of doom through population growth rest on the idea that economic achievement, progress and welfare all depend primarily on natural resources, supplemented by physical capital…. This neo-Malthusian notion is then supplemented by the very non-Malthusian idea that people in LDCs [less developed countries] have no will of their own and are simply passive victims of external forces: in the absence of Western-dictated pressures, people in the less developed world would procreate heedless of consequences.

With this thesis, Bauer scored a direct and devastating hit. Then, as often, he took his time strolling through the rest of his essay, dismantling at leisure those remaining or subsidiary objections that might be lodged against his argument. [...]

In retrospect, what can one say about Péter Bauer’s assessment of the population question? To begin, one can acknowledge that from an intellectual standpoint--here as in so many other once hotly contested areas of economic analysis--Bauer has largely won the argument, and is widely recognized as having done so.

In this particular struggle, of course, Bauer was not alone--nor was he obviously the most important voice. The signal contribution to clearer economic thinking from other luminaries must also be noted--among them, Simon S. Kuznets, Theodore W. Schultz, and Julian L. Simon. Academic and policy thought about the population question was also subtly but significantly influenced by a 1986 study from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences on population and development, which held that the negative effects of population growth on productivity and growth had been seriously exaggerated in much of the demographic and development literature.

The changing intellectual tide was also affected by political events, most notably the Reagan-Thatcher conjunction. With this alignment, the most important governments in the English-speaking world came to treat anti-natal Malthusianism, or neo-Malthusianism, for the doctrinaire nonsense it was. One should never underestimate the salutary impact that a government can have on public thinking simply by ceasing to spout nonsense on some given topic.

No less important, however, were the facts on the ground. Over the past two decades, brute empirics have forced a gradual recognition that considerable material progress was indeed occurring in most of the low-income expanse, often despite relatively high birth rates or rates of natural increase. Sub-Saharan Africa, to be sure, remains a tragic and terrible exception to that generalization, but it is just that: an exception.

Since Bauer wrote on the population question, a shift in anti-natal argumentation has been evident. Generally speaking, advocates have moved away from traditional Malthusianism or neo-Malthusianism, and have come instead to embrace what might be termed “environmental Malthusianism.” No longer is the argument that population growth will un-tether the Horsemen of the Apocalypse simplicatur, but instead that rising demands upon the planetary ecosystem will result in catastrophic overshoot and collapse of the natural global systems that sustain us all. By itself, this argument should be seen as at least inherently plausible, and thus should be taken seriously. But to be taken seriously, it must be investigated empirically—and this is self-evidently a more complex and demanding proposition than the erstwhile Malthusian task of calculating the per capita availability of, say, bread.

In retreating to the parapets of “eco-disaster,” anti-natal Malthusianism has adopted what Sir Karl Popper would have called defensive “immunizing tactics or stratagems” for protecting the cherished doctrine against testability--and thus against possible falsification.

That Malthusian castle is well stocked with cranks, eh?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 4:08 PM


The long march to Mao (Peter Wilson, The Australian, June 14, 2005)

Mao's portrait still hangs over Tiananmen Square in Beijing, where government leaders proudly present themselves as his heirs, and Western politicians, from Kissinger to former Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam, who were so thrilled to visit Mao, have still failed to understand his ghastly nature, she (Jung Chang) says.

"This is the greatest mass murderer in history, a man we calculate killed at least 70 million people and was prepared to let many, many more die if necessary to pursue his mad policies."

Halliday says Whitlam was one of many leaders delighted by their brush with history in meeting Mao, even though Australian ambassador Stephen FitzGerald was probably the best, most knowledgeable and informed ambassador any country had there.

"There was always an amazing desire among those Western leaders to say: 'I have a special relationship with Mao' or 'He spent more time with me than with others,"' he says.

"I would fault them for presenting him as some sort of moral voice or philosopher. There was a vanity on the part of [former US president Richard] Nixon and Whitlam and others that somehow they had broken open China [when] it was not true."

The Chinese Government has declared that Mao was 30 per cent wrong and 70 per cent right, and most foreign analysts -- including his high-profile Western visitors -- have cast him as a significant statesman, philosopher and military leader, but Chang and Halliday have produced an unremittingly negative portrait.

They present him as a coward and military incompetent who cared little for China's peasants or even his own family. They say his patriotic image was a facade, accusing him of doing little to fight Japan during World War II and even collaborating with Japanese intelligence. Chang and Halliday insist that Mao was brought to power by a foreign power: Joseph Stalin's Russia.

The Great Famine of 1959-61, which they estimate killed 38 million Chinese, occurred only because of Mao's determination to export food to Russia to buy military technology in the hope of dominating the world, Chang says.

"He was much worse morally than I expected. I always thought it was mismanagement, but after 10 years of work we can say it was worse than that; he knew that so many people were going to die because he was exporting food but he decided to do it anyway to buy nuclear technology for his own dream of becoming a military superpower. He just didn't care," she says. [...]

Philip Short, a British author and journalist who published a book on Mao in 1999, says that Chang and Halliday have come close to a hatchet job. Speaking by telephone from northeastern China, where he is lecturing and conducting further research on Mao, Short says it does nobody any good to exaggerate the obvious monstrosities of Mao.

"I fear this is a case of writing history to fit their own views; doing what the Chinese call cutting the feet to fit the shoes," Short says.

"Mao was ruthless and tyrannical enough in real life that there's no need to reduce him to a cardboard cut-out of Satan. Do we really gain in understanding by denying his complexity, his perversity, his genius and reducing him to a one-dimensional caricature?

"Mao was a tyrant, but [also] much more than that. He was the reverse of a one-dimensional man. He was a great poet, a visionary and, I would argue, a military strategist of genius. He had great skills and enormous failings. Let's not oversimplify and pretend he was just a monster. The handling of the Great Famine was atrocious but it was not just Mao who cooked it up; almost every other Chinese leader was enthusiastically involved in it. It was not just one man who caused all this pain."

Surely we can all agree that his poetry redeems him. Just like with Hitler’s paintings.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:48 PM


Pro-Trade Democrats Go AWOL (NY Times, 6/13/05)

Back in 1993, Vice President Al Gore went on prime-time television to debate Ross Perot, a foe of free trade, in a clash Mr. Gore is widely believed to have won. The debate helped propel supporters of the North American Free Trade Agreement to victory in a 234-to-200 cliffhanger in the House. Some 102 Democrats - representing the party traditionally more skeptical of liberalized trade - voted for the pact. Afterward, President Bill Clinton called Nafta a defining moment for America. He said the country had decided not to retreat in a world where "change is the only constant." Then he thanked lawmakers, particularly his fellow Democrats, for "voting their consciences."

Where are those Democrats now? Fast forward 12 years, and Mr. Clinton's wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, has yet to decide whether she's going to support the Central American Free Trade Agreement, or Cafta, which would open up trade, valued at $32 billion, between the United States and El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Only four Democrats have announced their support, while the list of Democrats against grows ever longer. Last month the influential, centrist New Democrat Coalition of House lawmakers, usually pro-trade, came out against the deal. [...]

Cafta would lower tariffs and help job growth in a needy region. It would encourage growth in the region's textile and apparel industries, a huge helping hand at a time when China is sucking up textile manufacturing jobs. The American Farm Bureau Federation estimates that Cafta would increase United States agricultural exports by $1.5 billion a year. The National Association of Manufacturers says the trade agreement would add $1 billion a year to United States exports of manufactured goods. And a study by the United States International Trade Commission estimates that Cafta, when fully implemented, would cut the trade deficit by $756 million.

"AWOL" seems unfair. It;'s not as if Democrats ever believed in free trade or owed it any kind of allegiance. They've just reverted to anti-capitalist type.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:40 PM


War on Terror Dominates Talks Given at Graduations (SAM DILLON, 6/12/05, NY Times)

James McBride, Writer, Composer, Pratt University:

If I were 21 I would walk the earth. I would go barefoot longer; I'd learn how to throw a Frisbee, I'd go braless if I were a woman and I would wear no underwear if I were a man. I'd play cards and wear the same pair of jeans until they were so stiff they could get up and strut around the room by themselves. ... So don't take the short road. Fool around. Have fun. ... You're not going to get this time back. Don't panic and go to graduate school and law school. This nation has enough frightened, dissatisfied yuppies living in gated communities, driving S.U.V.'s and wondering where their youth went.

We need you to walk the earth, so that other nations can see the beauty of American youth, rather than seeing our young in combat fatigues behind the barrel of an M-16.

Start in Aruba.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:25 PM


Once Shunned as Racist, Storybook Bestseller in Japan: 'Little Black Sambo' was pulled from stores in 1988 for its blackface- style drawings. Now, amid little protest, a reprint is a huge hit. (Bruce Wallace, June 12, 2005, LA Times)

A writer's death can do wonders for pushing that back catalog. Less drastically, a few books acquire cachet by being banned.

Which may help explain why a reissue of "Little Black Sambo," a turn-of-the-20th century illustrated children's book attacked as being racist, is on the bestseller lists in Japan this spring.

The Japanese edition of "Sambo" was a big favorite here, from the time it was introduced in 1953 until it was yanked from bookstores in 1988 after a swift and effective anti-racism campaign.

The rap against it in Japan echoed that heard in the West years earlier: Sambo was a racist term for American blacks and illustrator Frank Dobias' portrayal of the main character, with his bulging white eyes and exaggerated, thick lips, was tantamount to a boy drawn in blackface.

In April, Zuiunsha, a small Tokyo publisher specializing in reprints, bet that there was still a market for a book that had charmed generations of Japanese youngsters who, as adults, were unable to find the book to read to their own children.

The market proved him right. Zuiunsha reportedly has sold 95,000 copies in two months since bringing out "Chibikuro Sambo." Despite being a child's read at a thin 16 pages, "Sambo" sits among the top five adult fiction bestsellers at major Tokyo book chains.

"Some people buy it out of nostalgia," said Tomio Inoue, Zuiunsha's president, who gambled that he wouldn't face a backlash for breaking the informal ban when he picked up the rights to the book. "Many readers didn't know why it was out of print. They missed the book."

"Sambo" has returned to shelves with few objections in a country where blacks remain extremely rare. One complaint has been published in an English-language newspaper, written by an African American resident of Japan. An online petition against the publisher garnered 263 signatures by Saturday, most of them from non-Japanese, many from abroad.

That is a far cry from 1988, when a mainly American campaign drove the book off Japanese shelves. The undoing was triggered by a report in the Washington Post that noted the popularity of a book "that most Americans thought had died a well-deserved death years ago," as well as several Sambo-related doll items on sale in Tokyo department stores.

It's a great book and there's nothing the least bit racist about it.

When The Boy was about 18 months old we were flying to Disney and he got impatient about being cooped up on the plane. I took him for a walk up the aisle but he ran away from me, tripped, and banged his head on the edge of a seat. I carried him to the back of the plane sobbing and as we'd pass folks they'd gasp. Got him to his mother and it turned out he'd torn his ear and was bleeding like a stuck pig. We put some ice on it to numb it up and calmed him down by reading aloud to him from his favorite book: Little Black Sambo. They folks who didn't think I was irresponsible for van Goghing him seemed to assume I was some kind of Klansman.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:08 PM


An End To 'Everybody's Press'? (Nick Schulz, 06/13/2005, Tech Central Station)

Editor's note: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is currently under court order to consider extending regulation and restriction of political speech outlined by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA, also known as McCain-Feingold). The court order was the result of a lawsuit filed by advocates of regulated speech, including the architects of BCRA, Sens. John McCain and Russ Feingold. Users of the Internet, such as online publications and blogs, so far have enjoyed a broad exemption from the speech restrictions favored by reformers. But the court-ordered rule-making by the FEC could change that. The FEC has asked for comments from the public before a scheduled hearing on the matter that will take place June 28-29 in Washington, D.C.

TCS Editor Nick Schulz interviewed FEC Commissioner Brad Smith about regulation of speech on the Internet and what it might mean for blogs, websites and the future of technology and politics. [...]

SCHULZ: When I was preparing for this interview, a number of different website owners and bloggers wrote in to me to say that the law seems to exempt a publisher from speech restrictions, citing the joke that freedom of the press is freedom of the press as long as you own one. If that's not correct maybe you could set me straight on that. But if that is correct then it seems to me that bloggers should be home free, insofar as the blogger is the owner of his or her site. And if that's true, then a blogger should be as free to choose the content that's on his website as a magazine is to choose its editorial content. Would you agree?

SMITH: We are starting to turn the purpose of regulation on its head. Elihu Root argued that we had to prevent the great accumulations of wealth from taking over politics. That's the direction we are heading now. When we think about who is going to be exempt under the press exemption, I think almost everybody would agree that the big corporations are going to be exempt under press exemption. That is to say that the Washington Post website, well, that's probably exempt. What about Slate, which at one time was owned by Microsoft? Well that's going to be exempt. Why? Because Slate kind of looks and it feels like a newspaper. It comes off the web rather than delivered by paper to my door, but it just has that look and feel and has that kind of sense to it. And then people are going to say, what about maybe a blog such as that run by Glenn Reynolds of InstaPundit or something like that? Well maybe that gets the exemption. But after that it's less clear.

Therefore we are saying if you are a big powerful cooperation, we are going to give you a press exemption for your Internet activity, at least if you are a press operation. And as we work down the line we are not going to give you that exemption. As a result you are going to be stifling the activity of the most grassroots, casual type of political action, rather than that of the big press corporation.

It's particularly odd that we would do this in an era in which most of the mainstream press is owned by large corporations. I don't just mean CBS and NBC and so on being owned by other large corporations. Think about things like station ownership. This was a bit of an issue last fall when Sinclair Broadcasting wanted its stations to air a documentary that many considered a lengthy anti-Kerry commercial rather than a real documentary, whatever that is.

So we are going to say to those folks, well, if you had the power to own a press outlet you are okay and your website is probably going to be okay as well because you are a newspaper or a radio station or what have you. But we're going to say to the pajama-clad blogger in his basement that he doesn't get the press exemption? It seems to me that's exactly the person who we want to be encouraging to be more involved in politics, the person who should get the exemption there.

Some people will say, well, if you give the press exemption to all these Internet sites, what would stop corporations from putting up a website to take advantage of the press exemption? To which the answer is, what stops the corporation now from buying a news station or newspaper?

Airlines have magazines and sometimes they have political stories. Wal-Mart and BJs and some of the big wholesale houses publish magazines; lots of the big investment companies like Fidelity and many others publish newsletters and news magazines and these often include commentary that could be deemed supportive of or opposing to candidates and the candidate agendas.

And so is it really such a horrible thing that while those groups, those big corporations, get the press exemption for the kind of things that only a small number of corporations can afford, we would extend the press exemption to something that everybody can afford?

It seems again to have the purpose of the law turned upside out. [...]

SCHULZ: What is the qualitative difference if I e-mail 2,000 people and tell them to vote for candidate Smith in the election versus posting a passive message telling 2,000 viewers of my blog the same thing?

SMITH: I don't know how one will actually makes those types of distinctions. Even if it's an e-mail list that one has just compiled from their own correspondence of viewers, I think it takes us back to the question of what are we trying to regulate and why? And then why is it viewed as a problem?

The problem that these questions and answers point out is that this appears to be an attempt to silence just one format. It seems that you could set up a non-blog website and plaster it with political messages or send out unlimited emails without running afoul of these objections.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:34 PM


We bar the door, so Europe climbs in the back window (Daily Mail, 12th June 2005)

Here we are back again on the European misery-go-round that has dominated British politics since the distant days of Harold Macmillan.

First rejected in case we got in the way of France's plan to subsidise its farmers, we were grudgingly let in on condition that we handed over our fishing grounds and paid a cripplingly high membership subscription to the Brussels club.

Promises of a new economic wonderland faded rapidly. Somehow, while our EU partners found it easier to sell their goods in Britain, it was far harder to sell our services to them.

And the Heath government's dishonest pretence that the then Common Market was a purely economic affair has come back time and again to haunt British politicians.

This is why even the most pro-EU governments end up in angry megaphone confrontations with Paris and Berlin over power or money, and often over both. Margaret Thatcher got her rebate in 1984 but, ever since, Britain has had to shed blood to hang on to it.

The struggle for mastery never lets up. If it is not Maastricht it is Amsterdam, or Nice, and yet more demands for the abandonment of the veto. [...]

Our membership of the EU, an endless headache, is like having a hangover without even having been to a party the night before. It is tempting to wonder if there is any point in Britain belonging to this organisation any longer.

Not actually shed blood, but there's always hope...

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 12:13 PM


Jerked Around (The Prowler, American Spectator, 6/13/2005)

"[T]here are a lot of Democrats who think that Howard Dean is helping us, if only because it disguises the fact that our House and Senate guys have nothing to say and no ideas."

Howard Dean has ideas?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:53 AM


France refuses to explain hostage release (JAMEY KEATEN, 6/12/05, Associated Press)

France, which denied it paid a ransom to win the release of French journalist held in Iraq, refused Monday to give any details that led to winning freedom for the reporter and her Iraqi guide after five months of captivity.

Florence Aubenas and Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi, who were freed Sunday, had been missing since Jan. 5, when they were seen leaving Aubenas' hotel in Baghdad. French officials have never identified the kidnappers, although authorities in both France and Iraq suggested they were probably seeking money rather than pressing a political agenda.

Despite mounting calls for the government to explain how the releases were achieved, Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy refused to identify the captors, because he said they are still holding other people.

The only surprise is that they didn't trade Jews for them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:47 AM


Poll: 38 Percent Of French Men Wish They Could Be Pregnant (AP, June 12, 2005)

Forget sympathy pains -- nearly 40 percent of French men said they want to go through the real thing.

According to a poll published in the current issue of Children's Magazine, 38 percent of French men questioned said they wish they could be pregnant instead of their wives.

The remarkable number is that 76% of the French men who wish they were pregnant said that they'd want the fathers to be German soldiers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:53 AM


Who can stop the rise and rise of China? The communists, of course (Mark Steyn, 12/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

Seventy years ago, in the days of Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan, when the inscrutable Oriental had a powerful grip on Occidental culture, Erle Stanley Gardner wrote en passant in the course of a short story: "The Chinese of wealth always builds his house with a cunning simulation of external poverty. In the Orient one may look in vain for mansions, unless one has the entrée to private homes. The street entrances always give the impression of congestion and poverty, and the lines of architecture are carefully carried out so that no glimpse of the mansion itself is visible over the forbidding false front of what appears to be a squalid hovel."

Well, the mansion's pretty much out in the open now. Confucius say: If you got it, flaunt it, baby. China is the preferred vacation destination for middle-class Britons; western businessmen return cooing with admiration over the quality of the WiFi in the lobby Starbucks of their Guangzhou hotels; glittering skylines ascend ever higher from the coastal cities as fleets of BMWs cruise the upscale boutiques in the streets below.

The assumption that this will be the "Asian century" is so universal that Jacques Chirac (borrowing from Harold Macmillan vis-à-vis JFK) now promotes himself as Greece to Beijing's Rome, and the marginally less deranged of The Guardian's many Euro-fantasists excuse the EU's sclerosis on the grounds that no one could possibly compete with the unstoppable rise of a Chinese behemoth that by mid-century will have squashed America like the cockroach she is.

Even in the US, the cry is heard: Go east, young man! "If I were a young journalist today, figuring out where I should go to make my career, I would go to China," said Philip Bennett, the Washington Post's managing editor, in a fawning interview with the People's Daily in Beijing a few weeks back. "I think China is the best place in the world to be an American journalist right now."

Really? Tell it to Zhao Yan of the New York Times' Beijing bureau, who was arrested last September and has been held without trial ever since.

What we're seeing is an inversion of what Erle Stanley Gardner observed: a cunning simulation of external wealth and power that is, in fact, a forbidding false front for a state that remains a squalid hovel.

The Yellow Menace always looms large in the Western mind and small in reality. You'd think folks who have barely gotten over their terror of Japan would at least consider whether they're kidding themselves about China.

For Chinese, Peasant Revolt Is Rare Victory: Farmers Beat Back Police In Battle Over Pollution (Edward Cody, June 13, 2005, Washington Post)

By the time dawn broke, up to 20,000 peasants from the half-dozen villages that make up Huaxi township had responded to the alarm, participants recounted, and they were in no mood to bow to authority. For four years, they had been complaining that industrial pollution was poisoning the land, stunting the crops and fouling the water in their fertile valley surrounded by forested hills 120 miles south of Hangzhou. And now their protest -- blocking the entrance to an industrial park -- was being put down by force.

A pitched battle erupted that soggy morning between enraged farmers and badly outnumbered police. By the end of the day, high-ranking officials had fled in their black sedans and hundreds of policemen had scattered in panic while farmers destroyed their vehicles. It was a rare triumph for the peasants, rising up against the all-powerful Communist Party government.

The confrontation was also a glimpse of a gathering force that could help shape the future of China: the power of spontaneous mass protest. Peasants and workers left behind by China's economic boom increasingly have resorted to the kind of unrest that ignited in Huaxi. Their explosions of anger have become a potential source of instability and a threat to the party's monopoly on power that has leaders in Beijing worried. By some accounts, there have been thousands of such protests a year, often met with force.

The workers and peasants appear to have nowhere else to turn but the street. Their representatives in parliament do what the government says; independent organizations are banned in China's communist system; and party officials, focused on economic growth, have become partners of eager entrepreneurs rather than defenders of those abandoned by the boom. Most of the violent grass-roots eruptions have been put down, hard and fast. This report examines the origin and unfolding of one revolt that went the other way. "We won a big victory," declared a farmer who described the protest on condition that his name be withheld, lest police arrest him as a ringleader. "We protected our land. And anyway, the government should not have sent so many people to suppress us."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM


Cost of Moving Up Keeps Many From Selling Homes: Owners balk at paying higher prices and taxes for a new house. Supply stays low as they sit tight. (Annette Haddad, June 13, 2005, LA Times)

Steve Friedman knew it was time to bring in an architect.

For two years, Friedman and his wife, Eden, had been looking for a bigger house in their area, knowing they could sell their residence in Rancho Palos Verdes for close to double what they paid five years ago.

Yet after they did the math, Friedman said, moving up didn't pencil out, even with the expected windfall. Any gain would be quickly absorbed by the purchase of a larger home, he realized. And their property tax bill would nearly triple, saddling them with a five-figure payment every year.

So the Friedmans decided to add on to their house instead.

"To spend roughly 50% of a mortgage payment on taxes is unfathomable to me," said Friedman, an executive at a website marketing agency. "So now our decision is how to best maximize the space we have."

Friedman is like many Southern Californians who could make a bundle by selling their homes. But rather than cash in, they are staying put.

These decisions not to sell are a key reason local housing prices continue to climb through the roof. While buyer demand continues unabated, the supply of homes for sale remains tight.

"There are a million bubble theorists, but the bottom line is: If no one is interested in selling, you're not going to have a market going down," said Michael Davin, executive vice president of South Bay-based real estate brokerage CataList Homes Inc.

The inventory of properties for sale in Southern California is near record lows.

And there are more Americans coming.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


OUR ALLY DOWN UNDER: The strongest Anglosphere link. (Michael Rubin, June 7, 2005, National Review)

Bush's rhetoric may repulse many British elites, but it is a sincere reflection of belief: Without exception, terrorists and their supporters are evil. This might be a scary notion in sheltered London, but not so in New York and Washington or, after the bombing of a Bali discotheque, Australia.

Howard was in Washington when terrorists attacked the Pentagon. The Bali bombing a year later cemented meetings of the mind. It was no coincidence that Howard echoed Bush verbiage when he declared, "For the rest of Australian history, 12 October 2002 will be counted as a day on which evil struck."

The common experience has permeated down through the bureaucracy. When British officials visit their American counterparts, the atmosphere is professional and guarded. U.S. policymakers fear the inevitable leaks to British broadsheets. But when Australians visit Foggy Bottom and the Pentagon, staffers let down their guard. The ease of interaction between Americans and their Australian counterparts is also one of culture: Both countries have an immigrant culture; both eschew the class distinctions that so many Eton and Oxford-educated British officials embrace. While Britain perfects nanny-state political correctness and closed-circuit televisions on every street corner, Australians and Americans emphasize small government and liberty. Personal relationships have thrived. Outside the notice of the European elite, senior Australian and American officials annually meet to debate, discuss, and coordinate policy in the Australian-American Leader Dialogue.

London may feel that Washington does not appreciate its sacrifice. Labour lost several dozen seats because of Blair's embrace of Bush. Howard committed far fewer troops to Iraq, but he has put Australians in harms way. There have been at least four attacks on the Australian embassy in Baghdad.

Regardless, while Iraq may loom large for British policymakers, for their American counterparts it has never been the sum of relations. Too many other disputes interfere. While Iran is part of the "Axis of Evil" for Bush and an "outpost of tyranny" for Condoleezza Rice, it has become destination of choice for Jack Straw and Prince Charles. While British intellectuals ostracize Israel, both Americans and Australians support the Jewish state's intolerance for terror.

The Anglo-American gap has grown wider over Asia. British officials see commercial opportunity in China's rise; many support lifting the European Union arms embargo. American and Australian planners, meanwhile, worry increasingly that they will face a People's Liberation Army equipped with European weaponry. Such anxieties predate Bush. Howard supported former President Bill Clinton's decision to dispatch a carrier group to the Taiwan Strait in 1996 in response to Chinese provocations. Nor is China the only regional threat. A nuclear North Korea might be an abstract problem in Whitehall, but for both Australia and the United States its threat is direct.

European security is the result of a half-century of Anglo-American partnership. But ironically, its success is now driving the alliance apart. Ten Downing Street and the White House may trumpet partnership, but both countries have different agendas and goals. The Anglo-American partnership is alive and well — but America's closest ally? She's down under.

The reality is that the North Atlantic just doesn't matter much anymore, but the Pacific and Indian Oceans do.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


Man's new best friend could be Roth 401(k) (TERRY SAVAGE, 6/12/05, Chicago SUN-TIMES)

[W]hat do you get when you cross a Roth IRA with a 40l(k) plan? You get a Roth 40l(k) -- and it's no dog of an investment. It's a new opportunity that will face employees in January 2006.

Companies will be offering employees a choice: You can continue making a pre-tax contribution to your company 40l(k) retirement plan. That means you'll pay taxes on all the money you withdraw at retirement, with the amount of tax depending on your tax bracket at that time.

Or, your employer may offer you the chance to make an after-tax Roth contribution to your company retirement plan. In effect, you're contributing to a Roth 40l(k). And since you've paid taxes on the contribution, that money and all the growth of your investments over the years, will come out completely tax-free.

Complicated but worth it

Yes, it's complicated. Since employees will be allowed to split their contributions between traditional pre-tax IRAs and new Roth 40l(k) after-tax plans, the record-keeping will be challenging. But major plan custodians, such as Vanguard, are already gearing up to provide the computer systems to enable this new dual system, according to Steve Utkus, director of the Vanguard Center for Retirement Research.

Says Utkus, "The real challenge will be for employees to decide which type of contribution to make."

We've all been taught the importance of pre-tax savings, growing tax deferred in the traditional 40l(k) plan. The idea is to pay the taxes later, after retirement, when you'll surely be in a lower tax bracket.

But that's not necessarily the case. In fact, many people -- lower-income as well as higher-income workers -- might be far better off paying the taxes right now, and making an after-tax contribution to this new type of Roth 40l(k) plan.

Why not exempt them from taxes all together?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


Prices of Tech Items Seem to Keep Falling -- With a Few Exceptions (Lee Gomes, June 13, 2005, Wall Street Journal)

How low can they go? Over the past few weeks, personal computers reached a significant milestone: The price for an entry-level but fully loaded system fell below $300.

Dell -- which wasn't even the first PC maker to take the step -- last week was offering for $299 a Windows computer that had most of what a beginning user would want. That list includes a 17-inch monitor, a 2.4 gigahertz Celeron processor, 256 megabytes of RAM and a 40-gigabyte hard drive.

A nearly identical system a year ago cost $499, and while it had only half as much RAM, it did provide speakers. The newer, cheaper model doesn't have any, but you can add a pair for $20.

Besides reflecting a remarkable price decline of 40% in 12 months, the fact that computers can now be had for less than $300 means they have officially entered into the territory of "consumer electronics," at least under one set of industry rules.

Ten or so years ago, when PCs cost five or even 10 times what they do now, it was common for analysts to say that they would never become a staple in homes until they were priced the way consumer electronics were, usually defined as costing less than $300. In the days when PCs were $2,000 and even more, that target seemed to be something of a fantasy.

Shhhh, you might wake Mr. Greenspan....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:55 AM


A Young Defender of Democracy Faces Chávez's Wrath (Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Wall Street Journal)

Thirty-seven-year-old Maria Corina Machado doesn't seem to have planned on a career in public life. After studying engineering at Catholic University in Caracas she earned a post-graduate degree in finance from the Venezuelan business school IESA and went off to work for an auto parts manufacturer in the Venezuelan city of Valencia.

Today, facing charges of conspiracy against her government, she has become an international celebrity for her efforts to defend Venezuelan democracy.

Ms. Machado is one of the leaders of Súmate, a nongovernmental organization resisting efforts by President Hugo Chávez's to turn Venezuela into a dictatorship. Because of its vocal objections to the many steps Chávez has taken to consolidate his power, Súmate has become an "enemy of the people," in the traditional language of tyranny. The conspiracy charge stems from the $31,000 that Súmate took for non-partisan educational work from the U.S.'s National Endowment for Democracy, which promotes free and fair elections abroad.

Ms. Machado could go to jail for up to 16 years. Yet, after the past two weeks, in which she met personally with President Bush in Washington and attended the general assembly of the Organization of American States in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., persecuting her would carry a high price, turning the millions of dollars Chávez has spent on polishing his image abroad into a waste of money. Her case has been internationalized by Mr. Bush himself as a means of showing Venezuelans and the region that he is watching Chávez's misbehavior.

Chávez has known all along that as long as what happens in Venezuela stays in Venezuela, he has the resources to control it. Foot soldiers of his "Bolivarian revolution" spread and enforce his populist propaganda. A gag law keeps media criticism in check.

Managing his international reputation is equally important to him, but far more difficult. Any assessment from his Western Hemisphere neighbors that he has destroyed democracy in Venezuela and has become a potential aggressor would strip him of international legitimacy.

If this is going to be Liberty's Century the decade shouldn't end with Castro and Chavez in power in our own hemisphere.

Bush meets prominent opponent of Venezuela's Chavez (Tabassum Zakaria, May 31, 2005, Reuters)

President Bush met a prominent opponent of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the White House on Tuesday in a show of support that could anger the firebrand leader of a major U.S. oil supplier.

Maria Corina Machado, a founder of Sumate, a citizens rights organization, helped promote an August referendum against Chavez and still faces a possible jail term of up to 16 years along with her colleague Alejandro Plaz.

Called a "traitor" by Chavez, she was accused by a Venezuelan state prosecutor last year of conspiracy after her organization received a grant from the U.S. Congress-funded National Endowment for Democracy, which promotes democracy.

Her trial is still pending.

"He (Bush) said that he, as well as many other leaders around the world, is very worried about the information regarding the violations on the part of Venezuelan government to the democratic principles and to the Venezuelan constitution," Machado told reporters at the White House.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:43 AM


Why Sunnis blow themselves up (Spengler, 6/14/05, Asia Times)

The Mesopotamian Sunnis, like Hezbollah or Hamas, well may understand their position better than does the president of the United States. Minorities that have withstood a thousand years of invasions, oppression and massacres now face a new and deadlier threat. During the past century, 2,000 ethnic groups have gone extinct, but an equal or larger number will go extinct during the next decade, as two spoken languages disappear each week.

Hezbollah, after sweeping elections in the south of the country on June 5 in Lebanon's staggered polls, laughed at American demands that it disarm. Hamas holds the balance of power in Palestine after Mahmoud Abbas postponed parliamentary elections scheduled for July 17. Syria, meanwhile, went back to its usual business of intimidating local as well as Lebanese opponents. And on June 8, Iraq's Shi'ite and Kurdish leaders embraced the ethnic militias now engaged in a low-level civil war with the country's Sunni Arabs. [...]

Prosperity today comes at the price of leveling traditional relationships of all kinds, everywhere, that is, except for the oil-producing nations of the Middle East, where petrodollars have kept traditional society alive in a sort of iron lung. The oil producers did not have to send their young men to work in German factories, like Turkey, or their young women to work in German brothels, like Ukraine. The complex of tribal, religious and linguistic associations that divide the peoples of Iraq will not go out with a whimper, like cultures that the global marketplace slowly has eroded. Instead, they will go out with a bang.

Sudden impoverishment motivates men to fight to the death. In the modern era the most remarkable example is the American Civil War, in which died an astonishing two-fifths of Southern men of military age. The South fought for its "way of life", that is, for the fact or opportunity of membership in a leisure class supported by slave labor.

Gaming the odds on civil war in Iraq has blossomed into a minor industry during the past few months. I wrote in January 2004, "No one in the Bush administration wants to let slip the dogs of civil war. On the contrary, the White House still hopes that Iraq will set a precedent for democracy in the Muslim world. Yet civil war is the path of least resistance." This is tragedy, not malice or forethought, even if Bush comes across like an outtake from Aristophanes rather than a character in Aeschylus. Some in the Bush camp view the promotion of Arab democracy as an asymmetric bet. "Either it will be very good for us [if it works], or it will be very bad for them [if it doesn't]."

As Spengler's example of our own points out, civil war is hardly incompatible with democratization. The creation of a democratic Shi'a crescent stretching from Lebanon through Iran will provoke some wars with the Sunni, like the one going on in Iraq, but serves our own national interests if in no other way than tying Islamicists down in an existential battle within the Islamic world.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


County took retirement path less traveled: Galveston plan shuns market for security of bonds and annuities (BRUCE NICHOLS, 6/12/05, The Dallas Morning News)

The men who created a successful Texas alternative to Social Security say President Bush needs to drop investing in the stock market from his plan to privatize the system.

They speak from experience. When they put together a plan for Galveston County employees 25 years ago, then-County Judge Ray Holbrook and financial planners Don Kebodeaux and Rick Gornto started off suggesting that county employees hitch their retirement to the stock market.

"We tested it with a few groups, and they'd stand up and say, 'I'm not putting my money in the market,' " Mr. Kebodeaux said. "We knew then. Forget the market."

Employees considered it too risky, so the planners chose another path.

"We went strictly with bonds and annuity investment," Judge Holbrook said. "Safe as taking your money to the bank. We had that little slogan."

It meant slower growth than riding the market, but it also protected workers from steep declines in the value of their savings, he said. And it led employees to vote 2-to-1 in favor of leaving Social Security. The plan took effect in 1981, and it has operated since with few gripes, Judge Holbrook said.

Which is why you have to take the decision out of peoples' hands and require that such accounts include some percentage of stocks at least when they're young. 25 years ago the market was under 1,000. For the twenty years ending on December 31, 2003--which includes Black Thursday 1987 and the tech bubble bursting--the Dow averaged a 14% return

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:40 AM


Why Chunnel can't dig itself out of this hole (Murdo MacLeod , The Scotsman, June 12th, 2004)

Former Eurotunnel executives have admitted their early passenger estimates were "completely potty" and even a troubleshooter brought in to turn the company around believed the situation was hopeless.

Potential investors were told that 21 million people a year would use the service - three times higher than the actual number - and no allowance was made for increased competition from ferry companies.

These revelations are contained in a BBC documentary to be screened this week which explains why the Channel Tunnel has been a financial disaster despite being regarded as an engineering triumph.

The devastating film comes as Eurotunnel executives prepare for a make-or-break AGM this week, at which angry shareholders may try to oust them. The firm is £6.4bn in debt and has too little income to pay off loan interest. On Friday, its chief executive, Jean-Louis Raymond, quit.

The documentary, Britain's Biggest Black Hole, predicts that the Channel Tunnel operator will struggle to survive and neither the banks nor shareholders will recover much of their original investments.

David Freud, an investment expert at the securities firm Warburg, tells how he helped draw up forecasts for traffic numbers. He now admits they were far off the mark. Freud's report, which was published in 1987 in the run-up to the company being floated on the stock market, gave passenger and freight forecasts which were as much as 50% higher than previous studies.

The study was seen as key in persuading a deeply sceptical City that the Chunnel was a good investment.

At least when the Church was trying to raise money for all those medieval cathedrals, it didn’t stoop so low as to promise Europe’s princes and peoples they would recover their investments from the mead and relics concessions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 AM


Cunningham defends deal with defense firm's ownerM (Marcus Stern, June 12, 2005, COPLEY NEWS SERVICE)

A defense contractor with ties to Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham took a $700,000 loss on the purchase of the congressman's Del Mar house while the congressman, a member of the influential defense appropriations subcommittee, was supporting the contractor's efforts to get tens of millions of dollars in contracts from the Pentagon.

Mitchell Wade bought the San Diego Republican's house for $1,675,000 in November 2003 and put it back on the market almost immediately for roughly the same price. But the Del Mar house languished unsold and vacant for 261 days before selling for $975,000.

Isn't there a proviso in McCain-Feingold restricting deals like that to John Kerry?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


HSA's Changing The Face of Health Care (Michael Barone, 6/13/05, Real Clear Politics)

[E]mployers are offering and employees are choosing health savings accounts and high-deductible health insurance in greater numbers. HSAs were given a big boost in the Medicare prescription drug bill passed in November 2003; indeed that was the reason that most Republicans voted for a bill that also included the biggest new entitlement program since Medicare was passed in 1965.

HSAs seem to be gaining in popularity. A survey by Watson Wyatt and the National Business Group on Health found that 8 percent of employers are offering health savings accounts in 2005, and 18 percent plan to offer them in 2006. Large majorities of employers believe that HSAs will help lower overall health care costs and that they will expand options for employees.

The number of people covered by HSAs and high-deductible insurance policies increased from 438,000 in September 2004 to 1,031,000 in March 2005. Nearly half of these are people over 40 -- though some predicted that such policies would not be attractive to them.

One thing that HSAs and high-deductible health insurance help do is to make employees more cost-conscious when it comes to health care decisions. HSAs allow employees to keep money they don't spend on health care this year and to roll it over to next year, and on and on -- therefore, there is an incentive not to fritter it away. High-deductible health insurance operates the same way high-deductible auto insurance does: It does not pay for the equivalent of your oil change but does pay you when your car is totaled.

For many years, the World War II decision to make health insurance coverage tax-deductible for employers and non-taxable to employees has driven health insurance to a different model, one that pays for virtually every procedure but in a surprising number of cases does not cover catastrophic costs.

But increasingly that makes no sense.

As Wall Street Journal columnist Holman Jenkins points out, the tax subsidy to employees, while worth a lot to high-income earners, is worth very little to those whose income tax liability is low or, as in the case of Earned Income Tax Credit recipients, nonexistent. To them, it is hardly worthwhile to pay an insurance company to process their claims for predictable items like annual checkups and routine pediatric care, yet to be left with a policy that, to hold down employers' costs, doesn't provide catastrophic coverage.

The real savings will come when they're near universal.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:53 AM


After 111 Years, Postage Stamps Go Private: Bureau of Engraving Prints Its Last Rolls (Bill McAllister, June 13, 2005, The Washington Post)

The federal government printed its last postage stamps Friday.

The end to 111 years of stamp production by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) came without any public ceremony in the same 14th Street building where many of the nation's most famous stamps have been printed.

Workers pulled a final roll of 37-cent flag stamps from an aging, four-color Andreotti press on the fourth floor. That simple act terminated a once-thriving business that the Treasury Department agency had monopolized for decades.

Now, private printers will produce all the nation's stamps, a decision that U.S. Postal Service officials say will save tens of millions of dollars a year. [...]

Finances and what BEP Director Thomas A. Ferguson said was a decision to no longer treat stamps like currency led postal officials away from the hand-engraved stamps that were the bureau's hallmark and toward cheaper, lithographed stamps. In the end, the bureau, with its elaborate security system, unionized printers and large government payroll, declared it could not compete with private printers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:19 AM


Name That Civil Service Proposal: If It's Not 'Pay for Performance,' What Is It? (Stephen Barr, June 13, 2005, Washington Post)

The president's top adviser on federal management policy is not sure that he likes the buzz phrase "pay for performance."

In a recent interview, Clay Johnson III , deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget, said: "There is a tendency to view civil service modernization as pay for performance. That is a bad term."

Johnson said the phrase makes it sound as though government employees are part of a retail or sales staff rather than public servants who have taken on the difficult task of devising ways to measure the performance of their organization and link agency goals to the job performance of each employee.

"Pay for performance sounds like we are on the commission basis here. We're not," he said. "It suggests that the entire raise is going to be based on performance. It's not."

He added: "There is a tendency to view this as all about pay for performance, which means we are salesmen. We're not."

The Bush administration's plan calls for tossing out the 15-grade General Schedule and replacing it with broad salary ranges, called "pay bands." Salaries would be set according to occupation and local and national labor market rates. Job performance ratings would play a key role in raises. The idea, officials have said, is to get away from across-the-board raises for all employees, regardless of job performance, and give a bigger share of pay raises to the best workers.

Bringing market forces to bear on government sinecures is quintessentially Third Way.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:11 AM


What dad needs (Janet Simons, June 13, 2005, Rocky Mountain News)

"What does Dad need for Father's Day?"

It's one of those eternal questions, right up there with Freud's "What do women want?"

Dads notoriously don't offer much in the way of hints. A well meaning, "Oh, I've really got everything I need," is sweet, but not helpful.

Nothing says, "I love you" like a book gift certificate.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:11 AM


The Wisdom We Need to Fight AIDS (David Brooks, New York Times, June 12th, 2005)

There's a church in southern Mozambique that is about 10 yards long, with a tin roof and walls made of sticks. Women gather there to sing and pray and look after the orphans of AIDS victims. When you ask those women and their pastor what they tell people to prevent the spread of AIDS, the first thing they say is that it's important to use condoms.

They also talk about the consequences of unsafe sex. But after a while they slip out of the language of safety and into a different language. They say, "It is easier for those who have been touched by God to accept when a woman says no."[...]

The AIDS crisis is about evil. It's about the small gangs of predatory men who knowingly infect women by the score without a second thought in the world.

The AIDS crisis is about the sanctity of life. It's about people who have come to so undervalue their own life that ruinous behavior seems unimportant and death is accepted fatalistically.

It's about disproportionate suffering. It's about people who commit minor transgressions, or even no transgressions, and suffer consequences too horrible to contemplate. In America we read in the Book of Job; in sub-Saharan Africa they have 10 Jobs per acre.[...]

This week in Africa, I've been impressed by the level of medical expertise and depressed by the lack of moral, sociological, psychological and cultural expertise. The most subtle analysis of human nature I heard came in that church made of sticks.

If Pope Benedict is looking for a popular slogan to help convey his message, surely Mr. Brooks has just given it to him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


CAFTA in Peril on Capitol Hill: One Business Leader Gives Lawmakers an Ultimatum (Thomas B. Edsall, 6/12/05, Washington Post)

With the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in serious trouble, a prominent business leader recently laid it on the line: Business groups are prepared to cut off campaign contributions to House members who oppose the pact.

"If you [lawmakers] are going to vote against it, it's going to cost you," Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, warned recently during a meeting on Capitol Hill of leaders of a 500-plus business-trade association coalition with more than 500 members.

Let's see how many Republicans dislike Latinos more than they like money.

June 12, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:26 PM


Class of 2005 (Jessica T. Lee, 6/12/05, Valley News)

Growing up in the college town of Gainesville, Fla., Callie Thompson said she was accustomed to campus protests and unapologetic liberalism. But if she expected to find the same ferment around the Dartmouth Green -- particularly after U.S. forces invaded Iraq -- she was let down.

“It was really disappointing because Dartmouth students were really unaffected by it (the war in Iraq),” said Thompson, 22.

That didn't stop her and some other students from doing what they could. She and a small group of classmates protested the war in Iraq during a “die-in” in November of 2002. Clad in black clothing, Thompson and the other students wore signs numbering the potential casualties in the Iraq war, and fell down on floors and tables in the food court and the Collis Center. They lay there simulating death for about an hour, until a student called campus security and reported them as a fire hazard, Thompson said.

During the die-in, some students wrote messages on napkins, many of which were mocking, and left them on the protesters. Thompson recalled with disgust one lewd message a student had left on her.

“It was a very radical gesture and I don't think people were prepared for it,” Thompson said. “We wanted to shock people into feeling, even if they felt just 10 percent of what we felt.”

Going co-ed was a mistake.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:11 PM


Poet Richard Eberhart Dies at Age 101 (AP, 6/12/05)

HANOVER, N.H. - Richard Eberhart, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet admired for mentoring generations of aspiring writers, has died at the age of 101. Eberhart died at his home Thursday after a short illness.

He wrote more than a dozen books of poetry and verse during a career that spanned more than 60 years. He received nearly every major book award that a poet can win, including the Pulitzer, which he received in 1966 for "Selected Poems, 1930-1965."

"Poetry is a natural energy resource of our country," he said in his 1977 acceptance speech for a National Book Award. "It has no energy crisis, possessing a potential that will last as long as the country. Its power is equal to that of any country in the world."

Jay Parini, a former colleague who teaches English at Middlebury College, called Eberhart "one of the finest American poets."

"He left behind a dozen poems that I think will be part of the permanent treasury of American poetry," Parini said.

The Groundhog (Richard Eberhart)

In June, amid the golden fields,
I saw a groundhog lying dead.
Dead lay he; my senses shook,
And mind outshot our naked frailty.
There lowly in the vigorous summer
His form began its senseless change,
And made my senses waver dim
Seeing nature ferocious in him.
Inspecting close his maggots' might
And seething cauldron of his being,
Half with loathing, half with a strange love,
I poked him with an angry stick.
The fever rose, became a flame
And Vigor circumscribed the skies,
Immense energy in the sun,
And through my frame a sunless trembling.
My stick had done nor good nor harm.
Then stood I silent in the day
Watching the object, as before;
And kept my reverence for knowledge
Trying for control, to be still,
To quell the passion of the blood;
Until I had bent down on my knees
Praying for joy in the sight of decay.
And so I left: and I returned
In Autumn strict of eye, to see
The sap gone out of the groundhog,
But the bony sodden hulk remained.
But the year had lost its meaning,
And in intellectual chains
I lost both love and loathing,
Mured up in the wall of wisdom.
Another summer took the fields again
Massive and burning, full of life,
But when I chanced upon the spot
There was only a little hair left,
And bones bleaching in the sunlight
Beautiful as architecture;
I watched them like a geometer,
And cut a walking stick from a birch.
It has been three years, now.
There is no sign of the groundhog.
I stood there in the whirling summer,
My hand capped a withered heart,
And thought of China and Greece,
Of Alexander in his tent;
Of Montaigne in his tower,
Of Saint Theresa in her wild lament.

-Richard Eberhart (Academy of American Poets)
-INTERVIEW: An Interview with Richard Eberhart at Dartmouth College (Frank Anthony, Connecticut Review)
-ARTICLE: Dartmouth celebrates a great poet: Eberhart turns 100, College renames room in his honor (James Donnelly, April 5, 2004, Vox of Dartmouth)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 PM


Which of these is a greater danger?: A child is 100 times more likely to drown in a pool than be killed by a gun (Eric Swedlund, 6/12/05, ARIZONA DAILY STAR)

They're pulled from backyard pools and bathtubs each year, tiny limp bodies, blue and not breathing.

A young life can vanish quickly under water. A survivor can endure a lifetime of disabilities. Either way, families are torn apart by an almost always preventable tragedy.

Standard summer companions in our desert climate, swimming pools can be deadlier for children than guns. A child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming accident than in gunplay, writes Steven D. Levitt, University of Chicago economics professor and best-selling author.

Levitt analyzed child deaths from residential swimming pools and guns and found one child under 10 drowns annually for every 11,000 pools. By comparison, one child under 10 each year is killed by a gun for every 1 million guns, according to his research, outlined in a new book "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side to Everything," which he co-wrote with journalist Stephen J. Dubner.

In part because they are so familiar, swimming pools are less frightening than guns, Levitt writes.

But the danger is clear - drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children younger than 5 in Arizona and the second-leading cause of injury-related death nationally among children younger than 15.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:26 AM


The next confirmations (Robert Novak, 6/12/05, Chicago Sun-Times)

Michigan Appeals Court Judge Henry Saad, one of two judicial nominees sacrificed in the compromise agreement, may not even have the 50 votes needed for majority approval, much less the 60 senators needed for cloture.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


AFL-CIO Closer to Breaking Up: SEIU Board Authorizes Union Leaders to Quit Federation (Thomas B. Edsally, June 12, 2005, Washington Post)

The Service Employees International Union yesterday took the first concrete step toward breaking up the AFL-CIO, the nation's central labor federation.

The SEIU executive board, at a meeting in San Francisco, authorized union leaders to quit the federation. As many as four other unions -- the Teamsters, the United Food and Commercial Workers, Unite Here and the Laborers -- could follow suit, pulling out 5 million of the AFL-CIO's 13 million members.

The conflict could become a major battle at the AFL-CIO convention at the end of July in Chicago, with both camps so angry that prospects for a peaceful resolution appear unlikely.

Democratic Party officials have privately voiced deep concern over the struggles within the AFL-CIO, which has become a mainstay of the party both financially and in voter-turnout drives.

It's easy to envision the older industrial unions drifting into the GOP orbit.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 AM


A Shift to Green: Driven by profit and the opportunity to shape regulations, major corporations are backing stronger measures to reduce global warming (Miguel Bustillo, June 12, 2005, LA Times)

American corporations are increasingly calling for action on global warming, sensing a business opportunity in cutting greenhouse gases while hoping to shape regulations they believe are inevitable. [...]

Although their rhetoric is rife with references to protecting planet Earth, some of the corporations acknowledge that their newfound focus on global warming is driven by opportunity for profit. Duke Energy would like to build a new nuclear power plant, a type of electricity generation that does not emit greenhouse gases, for instance, while GE wants to expand sales of wind power turbines and pollution-control equipment.

"We believe we can help improve the environment and make money doing it," GE Chairman Jeffrey Immelt said last month in a speech at George Washington University that attracted widespread notice. "We see that green is green."

Many multinational companies, which already deal with carbon reduction regulations in other parts of the world, believe it's only a matter of time before they will be required in the U.S. Rather than resist the inevitable, they want to help shape new regulations in a way that will give them a competitive advantage.

In addition, some companies fear that in the absence of federal action, many cities and states, which already are proposing their own regulations, will create a hodgepodge of compliance standards across the country.

Those concerns were amplified this month, when California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order that pledges to reduce the state's emissions by more than 80% in the next half-century.

"We don't need a patchwork of inconsistent state or local regulations to complicate and increase the cost of compliance," Duke Energy Chairman Paul Anderson said in an April speech to Charlotte, N.C., business leaders in which he surprised the electric power industry by advocating a federal tax on the carbon content of fossil fuels. "Yet a patchwork is exactly what we are getting, due to federal inaction.

Maybe economic conservatives would feel better if they just thought of it as creative destruction.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

When France sneezes ... (Will Hutton, June 12, 2005, The Observer)

No one even says, God bless you?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Interrogating Ourselves (JOSEPH LELYVELD, 6/12/05, NY Times Magazine)

In order to get to the nub of the question of what we as citizens really expect and require of American interrogators facing supposed terrorists -- how far we're prepared to allow those asking the questions to venture into the dark realm of brutalization and coercion -- let's for argument's sake put aside the most horrific, shameful cases, those of detainees who died under interrogation: that of Manadel al-Jamadi, for instance, whose body was wrapped in plastic and packed in ice when it was carried out of an Abu Ghraib prison shower room a year and a half ago, where he'd been handcuffed to a wall; or Abed Hamed Mowhoush, who, elsewhere in Iraq, appears to have been thrust headfirst into a sleeping bag, manhandled there and then, finally, suffocated. By anyone's definition of torture -- even that of the Bush administration, which originally propounded (and later withdrew) a strikingly narrow definition holding that torture occurs only when the pain is ''of an intensity akin to that which accompanies serious physical injury such as death or organ failure'' -- these cases answer the question of whether torture has been committed by our side in what's called the global war on terror. No one steps forward to condone what's plainly illegal under United States and international law. And although we've seen no indication that blame will attach to any official or command officer at any level for these killings, there are small signs that conclusions have been drawn somewhere between the Pentagon and White House, signs of an overdue housecleaning, or maybe just a tidying up. By the coldest cost-benefit calculation, a dead detainee is a disaster: he cannot be a source of ''actionable intelligence,'' only fury. So there's now a new policy, ''Procedures for Investigations Into the Death of Detainees in the Custody of the Armed Forces of the U.S.,'' that was duly conveyed last month to the Committee Against Torture, a United Nations body, in a subsection of a longer report. The subsection's heading even carried a whiff of contrition. It was ''Lessons Learned and Policy Reforms.'' Also, the Pentagon has let it be known that it's preparing a new manual for interrogators that prohibits physical and psychological humiliation of detainees. What interrogation techniques it does allow are listed in a classified annex as, presumably, are any hints of what can happen when those techniques fail to produce the desired results. Can the detainee then be handed over to another agency, like the Central Intelligence Agency, that may not be constrained by the new directives? Or to units of a foreign government like the counterterrorism units now being financed and coordinated in Iraq by the United States?

In other words, if there has been a housecleaning, to how much of the shadowy counterterrorism edifice constructed since Sept. 11 does it now apply? The cases we know about, after all, are mostly old cases, even if we recently learned about them. We've been told little about what's now going on in interrogation rooms at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib -- what the limits are now supposed to be. While Defense Department investigators are still kept busy looking into detainees' complaints of abuse in Iraq, it has to be acknowledged that we've yet to hear of any fatalities under interrogation in 2004 or 2005.

It has been more than a year now since we (and, of course, the region in which we presume to be crusading for freedom) were shown a selection of snapshots from Abu Ghraib with their depraved staging of hooded figures, snarling dogs and stacked naked bodies. For all the genuine outrage in predictable places over what was soon being called a ''torture scandal'' -- in legal forums, editorial pages, letters columns -- the usual democratic cleansing cycle never really got going. However strong the outcry, it wasn't enough to yield political results in the form of a determined Congressional investigation, let alone an independent commission of inquiry; the Pentagon's own inquiries, which exonerated its civilian and political leadership, told us a good deal more than most Americans, so it would appear, felt they needed to know. Members of Congress say they receive a negligible number of letters and calls about the revelations that keep coming. ''You asked whether they want it clear or want it blurry,'' Senator Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, said to me about the reaction of her constituents to the torture allegations that alarm her. ''I think they want it blurry.''

One result is that we've insulated ourselves from the really pertinent, really difficult question: How do we feel about coercive techniques that are commonly, if somewhat cavalierly, held to fall short of torture?

Why wasn't our general acceptance of what's been going on precisely the democratic cleansing cycle? There just wasn't very much we thought particularly dirty other than problems with soldiers exceeding their orders.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


When it comes to Africa, Bush has more on his mind than aid (Torcuil Crichton, 6/12/05, Sunday Herald)

America will have nothing to do with the commitment to providing 0.7% of GDP (gross domestic product) for aid which the European powers have signed up to. The US will have nothing to do with Gordon Brown’s International Finance Facility (IFF) which would use the sale of gold reserves to speed up the rate of aid delivery. According to aid agencies, the Bush administration’s agreement on debt cancellation simply makes more economic sense than the European proposals for debt relief which would see the impoverished African nations picking up the repayment baton again halfway through the next decade.

In the same way as it blindly ignores the Kyoto targets on climate change, the US government is pursuing its own unilateral agenda on Africa and poverty reduction.

This, however, does not necessarily support the conclusions about American intentions most of Europe has already come to before George Bush steps foot on Scottish soil for the G8 summit at Gleneagles next month.

“Bush has a reputation in Europe, for grudgingly accepting that Africa has to be dealt with, but in practice he has a fairly benevolent policy in terms of aid,” says Martin Meredith, whose book, The State Of Africa, a study on the 50 years of post-colonial independence, was published this month.

It’s not as if Bush, who arrived in office as one of the least-travelled presidents, doesn’t know where Africa is. He toured part of the continent in 2003, emphasising the tough-love approach to poverty reduction, insisting on the entrenchment of democracy and on cleaning up state corruption.

Bill Clinton was the first US president to tour Africa while in office, and although he made large gestures about working with the continent, they amounted to very little in reality. Bush has actually delivered on promises – over the last three years the US aid to Africa has trebled.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Who's Mentally Ill? Deciding Is Often All in the Mind (BENEDICT CAREY, 6/12/05, NY Times)

THE release last week of a government-sponsored survey, the most comprehensive to date, suggests that more than half of Americans will develop a mental disorder in their lives.

The study was the third, beginning in 1984, to suggest a significant increase in mental illness since the middle of the 20th century, when estimates of lifetime prevalence ranged closer 20 or 30 percent.

But what does it mean when more than half of a society may suffer "mental illness"? Is it an indictment of modern life or a sign of greater willingness to deal openly with a once-taboo subject? Or is it another example of the American mania to give every problem a name, a set of symptoms and a treatment - a trend, medical historians say, accentuated by drug marketing to doctors and patients? [...]

[M]ore than anything, historians and medical anthropologists said, the rise in the incidence of mental illness in America over recent decades reflects cultural and political shifts. "People have not changed biologically in the past 100 years," Dr. Kirmayer said, "but the culture, our understanding of mental illness" has changed.

Isn't it most likely that we'd prefer to think ourselves ill than take responsibility for ourselves?

June 11, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 PM


Churches, groups look to faith as answer for school truancy (TOM HEINEN, June 10, 2005, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Several faith-based organizations and churches are pushing to improve school attendance and reduce violence by getting more pastors and volunteers to lead Bible study clubs and to form prayer groups inside Milwaukee Public Schools and charter schools.

Their efforts - which will include a stop-the-violence march and rally today- are based on the belief that faith and values are critically important parts of any solution.

"This rally is based on youth and on getting prayer back in the public school system, because what's shaping our youth is that they are doing things that are ungodly," said the Rev. George Nathaniel, pastor of Compassion Ministries International, 3410 W. Burleigh St.

Partly an outgrowth of their own missions, their strategy also represents the faith community's response to state school Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster's broad Alliance for Attendance initiative to increase school attendance in a system where 70% of the high school students are labeled as chronically truant in a typical year, said Nathaniel and the Rev. Arnold Brownstein, director of urban ministry services for BASICS in Milwaukee, or Brothers And Sisters In Christ Serving. [...]

Chased out of public schools by a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1962, faith-based prayer groups were allowed back in by a 2001 Supreme Court decision that is reflected in the U.S. Department of Education guidelines, Brownstein said.

This school year, various faith-based groups ran Bible study clubs in some 40 schools, prayer groups in at least five schools, and tutoring in at least 32 schools in the greater Milwaukee area, but the vast majority of those were in the suburbs, Brownstein said.

Because of that, a coalition of faith-based organizations - including Citizen Action of Milwaukee, MICAH (Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope), BASICS and the City of God Network - is making a push this summer to get Milwaukee pastors and churches to adopt a school in their neighborhood and get involved.

"Chased out" is a nice touch.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:43 PM


Rice takes to stage to aid ailing soprano (BARRY SCHWEID, 6/11/05, AP)

A musician long before she became an academic and then a world-famous diplomat, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took to the Kennedy Center concert stage Saturday to accompany a young soprano battling an often-fatal disease.

Rice's rare and unpublicized appearance at the piano marked a striking departure from her routine as America's No. 1 diplomat. A pianist from the age of 3 she played a half-dozen selections to accompany Charity Sunshine, a 21-year-old singer who was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension a little more than a year ago.

The soprano is a granddaughter of Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., and his wife Annette, who Rice has known for years. The Pulmonary Hypertension Association, formed in 1990, presented the concert to draw attention to the disease from which more than 100,000 people are known to suffer. [...]

Rice, whose first name is a variation on the Italian musical term "con dolcezza," which is a direction to play with sweetness, learned to read music at the age of 3.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:19 PM


The Scientific Contrarian: a review of SCIENCE FRICTION: Where the Known Meets the Unknown By Michael Shermer (George Scialabba, washington Post)

"Science," Michael Shermer writes, "is a great Baloney Detection Kit." Founder of the Skeptics Society, publisher of Skeptic magazine, columnist for Scientific American, editor of "The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience" and author of "Why People Believe Weird Things," Shermer is a veteran baloney detector. Fortunately, that is not all science is, or Shermer is.

Many Scientists Admit to Misconduct: Degrees of Deception Vary in Poll; Researchers Say Findings Could Hurt the Field (Rick Weiss, June 9, 2005, Washington Post)
Few scientists fabricate results from scratch or flatly plagiarize the work of others, but a surprising number engage in troubling degrees of fact-bending or deceit, according to the first large-scale survey of scientific misbehavior.

More than 5 percent of scientists answering a confidential questionnaire admitted to having tossed out data because the information contradicted their previous research or said they had circumvented some human research protections.

Ten percent admitted they had inappropriately included their names or those of others as authors on published research reports.

And more than 15 percent admitted they had changed a study's design or results to satisfy a sponsor, or ignored observations because they had a "gut feeling" they were inaccurate.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 PM


In Iran, presidential hopefuls talk of restoring relations with U.S. (EVAN OSNOS, 6/11/05, Chicago Tribune)

A generation after Iran's Islamic Revolution enshrined the United States as the "Great Satan," some top Iranian politicians have concluded that their best strategy for Friday's presidential election is not vilifying the West but embracing it. In speeches, posters and even Web logs, would-be presidents of Iran are jockeying not over who can speed up development of nuclear technology but who might restore relations with the United States.

"They know the will and the wishes of the people and they want to make a breakthrough with the United States," said former diplomat Davoud Hermidas Bavand, a professor of international law at Tehran University.

The prospect of restoring a quarter-century of broken ties contrasts sharply with the mounting tension between the United States and Iran over Tehran's nuclear efforts, which the U.S. suspects could be for military use. But the issue of normalizing relations with the United States highlights the widening gap between a young, reform-hungry population and Iran's regime.

Beyond the diplomatic wrangling, a large if uncertain number of Iranians say they would rather live with the United States than struggle against it.

Iranians routinely say they have a national right to develop nuclear technology. But when asked in interviews to make a choice between nuclear power and an economic and political relationship with the United States, many pick the latter.

"In the history of U.S. and Iranian relations, we once had a strong relationship. Iranian businessmen have done very well there," said Hussein Mohammadi, 44, a telecom worker. "The biggest mistake was saying, `Down with America, Down with America.'"

The Islamic Republic has sought quietly for several years to soften its image, buffing away the impression left by episodes such as the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Ordinary Iranians have long had a softer stance toward the West than their leaders; after the Sept. 11 attacks, Iranians held a spontaneous candlelight vigil in Tehran.

The difference today is that some aspiring leaders are changing their rhetoric as well.

With nearly two-thirds of the country's population born after the 1979 revolution, there is growing pressure for change. For many young Iranians, their financial and practical longing to join the world trumps their ideological conviction to stay isolated from it.

The old murals across Tehran denouncing the United States - renderings of the U.S. flag with skulls where stars should be - have all but disappeared, replaced with Calvin Klein ads and salutes to Shiite Muslim icons or Palestinian suicide bombers. Preachers still condemn America during their Friday sermons. But step away from the mosques and it's harder to find that sentiment. It is easier to dig up pirated DVDs of the last season of "Friends."

"The United States has interfered in some of Iran's internal affairs, but the hostility toward the U.S. government and people is not very deep and it could improve," said teacher Hassan Rajab, 39, who drove overnight from the western city of Hamadan to visit the sprawling shrine to the late revolutionary icon Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

We both have enough to be sorry about. Time to move on.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:33 PM


The pitiless universe of planet Warnock (Melanie Phillips, 9 June 2005, Daily Mail)

Now she tells us!

Our most eminent and influential public policy thinker, Baroness Warnock, is about to publish a report which calls for a fundamental re-thinking of the policy of inclusion, under which children with physical or emotional difficulties are taught in mainstream schools alongside everyone else. She describes the implementation of this policy and the consequent removal of such pupils from special schools as a ‘disastrous legacy’.

So it is. The problem, however, is that it is her own disastrous legacy. For it was Mary Warnock who, in the early 1980s, laid down the principle that all children, however disabled or emotionally damaged they might be, should be taught in mainstream schools.

It was a policy which created a classroom revolution — one which has caused chaos and misery for countless thousands of children and their teachers and made many schools all but ungovernable. Children with special problems require specialised teaching and attention. Yet the specialist help they once received has been all but destroyed, leaving these most vulnerable children all but abandoned and schools in general unable to cope.

So what does the architect of this catastrophe now have to say? ‘Governments must come to recognise that, even if inclusion is an ideal for society in general, it may not always be an ideal for school’, she says.

Spending 25% of our public school dollars on special education has made little sense.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:08 PM


Winning Ugly: Republicans are doing better than you think. (Fred Barnes, 06/20/2005, Weekly Standard)

WHO'S WINNING IN WASHINGTON RIGHT now? Republicans, President Bush included. But they are winning ugly, and just barely. Actually, if success on Social Security reform is the yardstick, Republicans aren't winning at all. What changes the score is success on judges. Thanks to the Gang of 14 deal to save the filibuster, a parade of relatively young and attractive conservatives are now being confirmed for the federal appeals courts, putting them in position to be nominated later for vacancies on the Supreme Court.

When the agreement on judicial nominations was struck in May by seven Republican and seven Democratic senators, many conservatives agreed with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid that it was a victory for Democrats. They were wrong. Since the agreement, the three prime targets of Democrats--Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown, William Pryor--have all been confirmed, plus two other less controversial nominees. And more conservatives are in the confirmation pipeline. So while Bush's chances of creating personal investment accounts have faded, his goal of shifting the ideological tilt of the federal judiciary is closer at hand.

Considerable credit goes to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Without his pressure to enact the so-called nuclear option barring filibusters of judicial nominees, the deal leading to the string of confirmations would not have occurred. Also, the showdown over filibustering helped place the very idea of filibustering judges in an unfavorable light. This is especially significant with the likelihood of a Supreme Court vacancy (or two) this summer. Another result was to declare, as the Gang of 14 senators did, that the filibuster may be used to block a judicial nominee only in "extraordinary circumstances."

Who decides when these circumstances occur? The answer is Republicans.

The surest indication that the GOP had won the filibuster fight was conservative hysteria over the deal.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 12:10 PM


The secret to a thriving city is not what you may think (Kim Campbell, Christian Science Monitor, June 8th, 2005)

When city officials contact urban expert Joel Kotkin for guidance on how to attract people to their locales, they often ask about things that make him cringe. Instead of improving schools or infrastructure, they want to construct performing arts centers and pump up cultural offerings to lure the artsy and the hip.

That's not the way to revitalize cities, argues Mr. Kotkin, author of "The City: A Global History." To him, attracting and keeping people in urban environments is less about projecting an image of "cool" and more about providing the basics that encourage and support a strong middle class: jobs, schools, churches.

Kotkin's skepticism about relying on cultural enticements - which is not shared by all urbanists - is informed in part by his latest work, which looks back at the evolution of cities.

"No urban civilization has flourished long without middle-class families," he says in a recent interview in New York. The key to keeping people interested in city living is the idea of upward mobility. "That aspiration is very critical to urban life, it's important to the social order that people feel they can go somewhere."

By looking at the history of the city, from its origins in the Middle East to today's metropolises, he's observed that as cities evolved, their health typically rested on three factors: "the sacredness of place, the ability to provide security and project power, and ... the animating role of commerce," he writes. He argues that to be successful, today's cities must still be places that are "sacred, safe, and busy."

Without the idea of sacred space, for example, it's unlikely cities anywhere could have existed, Kotkin suggests. Religious leaders not only set the calendars that organized life, they also helped groups of people who were not related learn how to get along together. In today's secular cities, it is financial and cultural buildings that dot skylines, and religion and moral cohesiveness are more muted, in part, he says, because families are increasingly less common in major cities. "Who's got time for babies?" he asks, arguing that the high cost of living and small apartments are contributing to low birthrates in some cities.

And then we move on to the family planners.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:39 AM


G8 agrees to debt relief for poor nations (ED JOHNSON, 6/11/05, Associated Press)

Finance ministers from the Group of Eight industrialized nations agreed Saturday to a historic deal canceling at least $40 billion worth of debt owed by the world's poorest nations, Britain Treasury chief said.

Gordon Brown said 18 countries, many in sub-Saharan Africa, will benefit immediately from the deal to scrap 100 percent of the debt they owe to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the African Development Bank.

As many as 20 other countries could be eligible if they meet strict targets for good governance and tackling corruption, leading to a total debt relief package of more than $55 billion. [...]

The package agreed to Saturday was put forward by the United States and Britain following talks in Washington last week between President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Britain originally wanted rich countries to assume the repayments for the poor countries but eventually agreed with the U.S. position that the debts be scrapped outright.

Bush also made a significant concession, agreeing that rich nations would provide extra money to the multilateral bodies to compensate for those assets being written off and would ensure that future aid packages would not be affected.

The agreement will initially cover 18 nations eligible for debt relief under the HIPC initiative, including Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guyana and Mali.

The basic idea is good, but the lending institutions should be stuck with the bill as a disincentive to future irresponsible lending. Not that it would stop them...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:30 AM


Religion Key in American Lives (WILL LESTER, 6/06/05, Associated Press)

Americans are far more likely to consider religion central to their lives and to support giving clergy a say in public policy than people in nine countries that are close allies, according to an AP-Ipsos poll. Yet, the U.S. embrace of faith has its limits. [...]

When politicians in this country try to blend religion and politics, they find a comparatively receptive climate.

Nearly all U.S. respondents said faith was important to them and only 2 percent said they did not believe in God, according to the polling conducted for the AP by Ipsos.

Yeah, but just mention that the peppered moths are a fraud and watch that 2% fill with a righteous fury that would do the Crusaders proud.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:43 AM


Bodies of Evidence: The Real Meaning of Sex Is Right in Front of Our Eyes (Frederica Mathewes-Green, June 2005, Touchstone)

[L]et’s set aside the idea that humans are different from or better than other animals and think of humans in their natural state. Whether we attribute extra meaning to humans or not, we are at least animals, sharing this planet with many other kinds of creatures.

From that perspective, the “meaning” of sex is pretty obvious. It’s reproduction. Every living creature has two primary drives: first, to sustain its own life (which includes seeking food, shelter, and safety), and second, to pass on that life to a new generation. Creatures reproduce in many different ways, but humans and other mammals do so by sexual reproduction.

It seems that the reason sex feels good is so we’ll want to do it, and be motivated to give birth to that new generation. It’s the same way with food: The reason our taste buds register some flavors as delicious and others as bitter is so we’ll eat things that are good for us and avoid others that might be poisonous.

These flavor preferences are something we’re born with; they’re not learned. Researchers have found that if they add a bit of sweetener to amniotic fluid, the unborn child will gulp it down more quickly. We’re designed to like sweets, I suppose so that our earliest ancestors would keep going back to those brightly colored, vitamin-filled fruits hanging so conveniently within reach.

It’s the same way with sex: It feels good so we’ll want to reproduce. But there are some interesting ways that humans are different from other mammals, even from other primates. For us, sex feels good at any time in the fertility cycle. Other mammals mate only during fertile periods.

What’s more, researchers suspect that only among humans is the female capable of orgasm. Of course, orgasm has nothing to do with conception; it’s not related to the reproduction process at all. So both men and women are motivated to have sex for reasons that other animals, and even other mammals and primates, don’t have. It looks like the “meaning of sex” for humans is something broader than simply reproduction.

You can see the same analogy with food. As far as I know, animals only eat what they need to, for the sake of nutrition. But humans eat for all kinds of reasons. We eat birthday cake, have a cup of coffee with a friend, munch popcorn during a movie. We eat for social reasons, or for comfort, or just out of habit. We don’t eat solely for nutrition. Likewise, we don’t have sex solely for reproduction.

Face to Face

This is shown by another way humans are unique. We’re one of the very, very few mammals able to have sex face-to-face. Seeing each other’s faces means something—not just during sex, but all the time. We are dependent on reading each other’s faces; in fact, we can’t resist looking at faces. We seem to be programmed that way.

Researchers have found that if a newborn baby is shown a set of different geometric shapes, his eyes will always go back to one that shows an oval with two dots toward the top—that is, a very rudimentary face with eyes. The baby will stare at those dots, those “eyes,” and ignore squares, triangles, and rectangles placed alongside it. Consider this: The baby has been in a womb all his life, and has never before seen a face. But the minute he comes out, he knows what to look at. We’re made that way.

There’s something about a human face that attracts the eyes of other humans irresistibly. In an audience, if one person turns around backwards and starts scanning the crowd, the other audience members find it hard not to look at his face. Advertisers know this, and in print ads will often cut off the faces of people, or cover or obscure their eyes, so that you’ll look at the product instead of staring at the faces.

Looking at faces meets a very deep human hunger. I think it’s significant that humans are one of the few animals capable of looking into each other’s faces during sex.

Sex is, if nothing else, about making a connection with another person, and that seems to be something that humans have trouble with. This seems to be the main way we’re different from other animals. All our lives we look at each other from the outside and have trouble figuring out what’s going on.

When a baby keeps his parents up all night crying, they’ll be frantic trying to figure out what he’s crying for. But animal parents don’t have any such difficulty; they understand their babies’ cries very well. When his girlfriend is crying, a young man may be totally baffled as to what’s going on inside her, or what he should do to help. This can be true even among people who love each other very much. We spend much of our time going through life looking at each other from the outside, making guesses, feeling confused, and feeling, basically, lonely.

Since sex is the most obvious, the most literal way we connect with each other, we have to think about what role it’s designed to play in this essential problem of loneliness. It’s not an external activity added on to the other things we do in life. It’s one of our most basic biological functions, and no matter how civilized humans get, it remains an activity that goes back to our most basic, animal selves.

From these clues, it looks like sex means something more to us than to most mammals, something that has to do with humans forging a deep connection with each other. The connection is not just physical or reproductive but involves the whole person. It seems that the “meaning of sex” is related to the profound human need to bond with another person in love, in trust, and to forge a relationship that will last for a lifetime.

What's especially revealing is to apply this analysis to homosexuality.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


Rangel in 'Holocaust' firestorm (Lloyd Grove, 6/10/05, NY Daily News)

Powerful lawmaker Charlie Rangel has provoked the ire of the Anti-Defamation League by likening U.S. military action in Iraq to the Holocaust of World War II.

The Iraq war "is the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of this country. ... This is just as bad as the 6 million Jews being killed," the 74-year-old Harlem Democrat insisted during a Monday radio appearance on the WWRL-AM morning show with Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter. "The whole world knew and they were quiet about it because it wasn't their ox being gored."

When interviewer Malzberg challenged Rangel's analogy, the congressman replied: "I am saying that people's silence when they know things terrible are happening is the same thing as the Holocaust."

Yesterday, after Malzberg sent me an audiotape of Rangel's appearance, ADL President Abraham Foxman responded: "It is so outrageous that a leader of Congress would compare one thing to the other. Sometimes we say it's ignorance. Charlie Rangel is not ignorant. Charlie Rangel has been there." [...]

Foxman retorted: "It is so outrageous that I think he owes an apology not only to the families of the victims of the Shoah, but he also owes an apology to the soldiers who are fighting for freedom.

"If the world had recognized the evil of Hitler early enough - just like we're confronting the evil of terrorism and fundamentalism now - then maybe the 6 million wouldn't have died."

During the filibuster debate Senator Santorum made a silly comparison to Nazi Germany. He promptly apologized. Democrats compare Republicans to Nazis, Islamicists, Klansmen, Bolsheviks, Confederates, etc., every week and they apparently don't even see anything wrong with it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:46 AM


Turks, Nervous About European Prospects, Turn to U.S. (CRAIG S. SMITH, 6/11/05, NY Times)

Zeynel Erdem, a leading Turkish businessman, came to Izmit, a seaside industrial town, to give 400 of his prominent peers a message.

"Don't count on the European Union," he told the crowd after a chicken dinner in a hotel ballroom here. "Look to the U.S.; they're our real friends."

That view is spreading in Turkey, a sprawling land of 70 million people who have yearned for decades to become a part of Europe. With the European Union in political disarray after the French and Dutch rejected a European constitution, and with opposition to Turkish membership gaining ground in Europe, many Turks are beginning to wonder whether their European dreams are worth the effort. They are reassessing instead their relationship with the United States, a relationship that has suffered since the start of the Iraq war. [...]

Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan's fence-mending trip to Washington this week played well here. He even won some support from Washington in ending the economic and political isolation of Turkish Cypriots.

In an interview at The New York Times on Friday, Mr. Erdogan demurred on the question of a shift away from Europe. "The E.U. and the U.S. are not mutually exclusive for Turkey," he said.

It must be strange for readers of the Times to open the paper and discover that things they were told just years ago were impossible have now become inevitable, and vice versa.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


Will Travel for Stadium (ROGER KAHN, 6/11/05, NY Times)

BLOOMBERG FIELD, the billion-dollar stadium that will not be appearing on the West Side of Manhattan, is the second super ballpark not to be built in New York City in modern times. The other, O'Malley Downs, would have housed the Brooklyn Dodgers under a dome at Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues. Had that scheme worked, most Brooklynites today would be rooting for their Dodgers. Californians meanwhile could well be trying to work up enthusiasm for an erratic baseball team called The Los Angeles Mets.

Walter O'Malley, the man who moved the Dodgers west, was a lawyer by trade but a buccaneer at heart. He grew up in New York and lived in Brooklyn for many years; when he wrested control of the Dodgers from Branch Rickey in 1950, he told the press, "I'm really just another fan."

Our paths crossed at a small Brooklyn prep school called Froebel Academy where I was a student and O'Malley was chairman of the board. This became a mixed blessing later when I started covering the Dodgers for The New York Herald Tribune. Because of the old-school tie, O'Malley often fed me exclusive information. But when he disliked one of my stories he growled in a Tammany basso that seemed to carry clear to Coney Island, "I'm surprised a Froebel boy would write something so negative."

In 1953, he told me, the Dodgers grossed $5.9 million for an operating profit of $2.2 million, very big baseball numbers at the time. (Jackie Robinson, the greatest drawing card in the game, never earned more than $43,000 a season.) But profits had to stay high, O'Malley said, to sustain a winning franchise. "I've studied the history," he said. "In Brooklyn the ball club is either in first place or in bankruptcy."

In 1955, a few days after the Brooklyn Dodgers won their only World Series, O'Malley summoned the press. He had commissioned "Buckminster Fuller of Princeton" to design a new Dodger Stadium as a geodesic dome. The basic idea, he said, came from ancient Rome. "I wondered about the Coliseum, did the Romans call off battles between gladiators when it rained?" he went on. "I did some research and found out they did not. The Romans developed a retractable canvas dome. When rain started, slaves cranked winches opening the canvas and Roman citizens did not get wet. Or overheated. A hole in the center of the canvas let warm air rush up and out, and that also blocked the rain. A dome worked in Rome. It will work in Brooklyn."

Another way he was ahead of his time, wanting to build an ugly 70s stadium in the 50s.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


Sir David Jason leads birthday honours list (KAREN MCVEIGH, 6/11/05, The Scotsman)

HIS role as the brash wheeler-dealer Del Boy Trotter in Only Fools and Horses ensured him a special place in the nation's hearts, and now his talents have been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours, published today.

David Jason, who has expressed a desire not to be remembered solely for his Del Boy role, said he feels "surprised, delighted and humbled" at being made a Sir.

The actor heads a host of stars from the world of showbusiness to grace the list, including Dame Judy Dench, the award-winning chat host Jonathan Ross and the veteran radio and television presenter, Terry Wogan, whose Irish nationality makes him the recipient of a special award.

Jason, 65, already an OBE, first became known playing the part of Granville, the put-upon shop assistant in Ronnie Barker's Open All Hours in the Seventies.

But he achieved legendary status as the dodgy geezer from Peckham whose delusions of grandeur in the face of adversity kept Only Fools and Horses on television for 22 years.

Another television hit series followed, in the shape of The Darling Buds of May, with the then budding Hollywood star Catherine Zeta-Jones, before yet another success, A Touch of Frost, in which he plays the maverick detective Jack Frost.

He's terrific as Frost.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


Many Scots pupils 'too stoned to study' (KEVIN SCHOFIELD, 6/11/05, The Scotsman)

SCOTLAND'S schools are being gripped by a growing "cannabis culture", with increasing numbers of pupils turning up for class under the influence of drugs, it was claimed yesterday.

Delegates at the annual conference of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), the country's main teaching union, heard how some youngsters even queue up at the school gates before the morning bell to buy marijuana.

The conference, being held in Perth, was told the problem was adding to the difficulties caused by growing classroom indiscipline and truancy.

Give them a chance and "medical marijuana" advocates will do the same for our schools.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:02 AM


The decline and fall of the European empire (Amotz Asa-El, Jerusalem Post, June 9th, 2005)

Surely, it would be futile to attribute the European Union's demise to one individual, even if he be the leader of the main country in the constitution saga.

By ceasing to reproduce, shunning hard work, indulging in luxuries and luring migrant workers only to consign them to the bottom of the social ladder, millions of people across the continent individually contributed to its degeneration. Just how they now think all this lethargy can produce a superpower that will rival America is difficult to understand. What's clear is that Europe, the very continent that gave rise to the Industrial Revolution and the Protestant work ethic, is gradually turning its back on basic work values while others, from Mexico to China, adopt them with enthusiasm.

Unless a new leadership emerges across Europe, one that will care less about rivaling America and more about restoring such basic values as working hard and raising children, future scholars will have to seek explanations for the Old Continent's decline. They may suggest that Europe emerged exhausted from its two world wars. They may argue that it could not cope with its loss of global prominence. They may suggest that it wasn't that Europe declined, but that other powers rose.

Some, at the same time, may also notice that the centuries in which Europe ruled the world were also the only time in history when most of the Jewish people lived there. They may also notice that Europe's decline began just after Europe killed most of its Jews. And they may also notice that the more Jew-less Europe declined, the more it indulged in bashing, and pandering to the enemies of, the Jewish state - a place where former Europeans still uphold the old-fashioned values of freedom, work and family, a place from which Europe's bankruptcy seems not only political, economic, and historic, but also moral.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Ballpark organists: They're out (Roy Rivenburg, June 11, 2005, LA Times)

Earlier this year, the L.A. Angels of Anaheim became the latest team to sack its keyboard player in favor of prerecorded organ music and rock songs.

Peggy Duquesnel, an accomplished jazz musician who had tickled the ivories for the Angels since 1998, was dismissed before the season started.

Ballpark organists have "kinda gone the way of the dodo bird," says Nancy Faust, who has been playing keyboard for the Chicago White Sox since 1970 and doesn't expect to be replaced when she retires.

Duquesnel, whose organ repertoire includes about 1,000 songs from various genres, says prerecorded music lacks spontaneity: "Times change, but I still think live music is valuable. There's a feeling that comes through that you can't get mechanically."

Baseball purists have decried the trend toward recorded music as another example of the sport abandoning its roots. But by that logic, ballparks never should have allowed organs in the first place. Although fans might assume the instruments have been a fixture since baseball's beginnings, that isn't the case.

Ballpark entertainment has taken a number of twists over the decades, from tightrope walkers and exploding scoreboards to giant chickens and outfield geysers. In the 1800s, brass bands strolled through the stands, says Tim Wiles, director of research at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y.

Organ music didn't debut until 1941 at Chicago's Wrigley Field.

Fine, bring back brass bands.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:50 AM


Region still rich with MRI machines (Christopher Snowbeck, June 11, 2005, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Despite a Highmark program that takes aim at the heightened use of diagnostic imaging exams in Western Pennsylvania, the number of MRI machines in the region still rivals the number found in all of Canada. [...]

The 29 counties where Highmark operates in Western Pennsylvania are thought to be home to about 140 MRI machines, whereas the 32 million people living in Canada share 151 MRIs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 AM


The Age of Autism: One in 15,000 Amish (Dan Olmsted, 6/08/05, UPI)

The autism rate for U.S. children is 1 in 166, according to the federal government. The autism rate for the Amish around Middlefield, Ohio, is 1 in 15,000, according to Dr. Heng Wang.

He means that literally: Of 15,000 Amish who live near Middlefield, Wang is aware of just one who has autism. If that figure is anywhere near correct, the autism rate in that community is astonishingly low.

Wang is the medical director, and a physician and researcher, at the DDC Clinic for Special Needs Children, created three years ago to treat the Amish in northeastern Ohio.

"I take care of all the children with special needs," he said, putting him in a unique position to observe autism. The one case Wang has identified is a 12-year-old boy.

Autism, like ADHD and a whole panoply of afflictions, will likely prove to be predominantly a social construct, though no less serious for that.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Trans-Atlantic Trade War: Boeing Has Airbus on the Ropes (Dinah Deckstein, 6/06/05, Der Speigel)

After years of losing market share to its European rival, Boeing is now quickly making up ground. Its new Dreamliner looks to be a hit and Airbus seems to prefer squabbling to strategizing. Delays in manufacturing their super-jumbo A380 could turn the prestige project into the company's biggest-ever flop. [...]

Despite positive signals in May, [Gustav] Humbert still hasn't been named the first German ever to head Europe's largest aircraft manufacturer, and ongoing squabbles between German and French executives make it unclear when and if the announcement will eventually be made. And instead of chatting excitedly about the technical features of his company's various aircraft models with assembled industry experts, he'll likely be faced with a barrage of tough questions:

How is it possible that his appointment has turned into an embarrassing stalemate that's lasted for weeks?

How will the subsidy dispute with the US government -- which the two sides formally took before the World Trade Organization early last week -- affect Airbus's planned A350 long-distance jet and new projects in the future?

And whose fault is it that the planned delivery of the A380 mega-transporter has been delayed by months?

Humbert, who is considered level-headed and thoughtful by colleagues within the company, will probably respond evasively to these kinds of questions. Otherwise he would find himself in the uncomfortable position of assigning the blame to a man who was his boss for years and has been partly responsible for the problems Airbus is now facing: current Airbus CEO Noël Forgeard.

In the next few days Forgeard, a Frenchman, is expected to join former DaimlerChrysler executive Thomas Enders in taking the helm at Airbus's parent company, EADS. But even that isn't a slam dunk. The majority shareholders DaimlerChrysler, media conglomerate Lagardére and the French government haven't exactly seen eye-to-eye recently and a last-minute change of plan remains a possibility.

In other words, just as the intense power struggle between rivals Airbus and Boeing is coming to a dramatic head, the management of the European aviation group seems more concerned with internal rivalry than with international supremacy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Avoiding Nostalgia In a Dangerous World (Richard Brookhiser, 6/11/05, NY Observer)

Nixon in the White House was secretive, and therefore paranoid—not only because he was Nixon, but because he and Henry Kissinger were pursuing a risky and complicated foreign policy. They wanted to get out of Vietnam, without throwing the South Vietnamese to the wolves. To do this, they needed the cooperation—or at least acquiescence—of China and the Soviet Union. To get that, they sought to play the Communist superpowers off against each other—in a nice way, of course. All this, they hoped, would lead to a more stable world.

Accomplishing this strategy involved secret approaches through Pakistan and the secret bypassing of the State Department. All of it might unravel if one, two, many Pentagon Papers came out; so could Nixon’s re-election. (He didn’t have faith in the Democratic Party, which would give him the gift of George McGovern.) Hence Nixon’s obsession with leaks, and hence the plumbers, who thought they had found a leak at the Watergate, then a dull, pompous apartment complex, not yet a place with a numinous aura, like Armageddon.

There were a number of problems with Nixon’s strategy. It despaired of the world situation, seeing the Communist powers as powerful and perdurable, forces to be dealt with, not (as Ronald Reagan would say) transcended. It was a leader-to-leader strategy, cutting out the degraded masses of the Soviet and Chinese empires, as well as the American public. It depended on Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy.

The Watergate crisis unraveled Nixon and his strategy, which led to the unraveling of Southeast Asia. This wasn’t a necessary consequence; conceivably, some Democrat might have stepped into the breach. After all, it was the Democrats who began the Vietnam War in earnest. But by the mid-70’s, the Democratic Party was a different animal. George Wallace was a racist, Henry Jackson was a corpse; the two relatively conservative Democrats who rose to national leadership were Jimmy Carter, who pardoned Vietnam draft dodgers, and, many years later, Bill Clinton, who was a sort of draft dodger.

Meanwhile, the South China Sea filled with boat people, and Arlington filled with Vietnamese restaurants. Lose a country, gain a restaurant. When I saw Mr. Felt giving his thumbs-up on the AOL start-up menu, I thought he should stroll into the nearest Saigon Palace and see what reception he got. No doubt, there would be no hard feelings. That was another country; the dead are gone. Now Vietnam wants American investment and tourism.

Now we are involved in new foreign wars, minus any scandal greater than John Bolton’s attitude. How do we avoid muzzy nostalgia 40 years later, and millions of dead along the way?

The hard left, and the anti-war right that is its ally—Pat Buchanan, Robert Novak, Taki—are much weaker than the left of the Vietnam era. The media, which made and broke Presidents, is weaker still; Leonardo di Caprio is not about to play Dan Rather. The main difference is that George W. Bush, unlike Richard Nixon, doesn’t care what his enemies, real or imagined, think.

Nixon and Kissinger deserved to be persecuted for their official policies, not prosecuted for some mild illegalities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

Present at the Transition: an interview with John Ehrman, author of The Eighties: America in the Age of Reagan (Orrin C. Judd, 6/10/05, Tech Central Station)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

Celebrating Small Town America: An Interview with Jim Black (Orrin C. Judd, June 2005, SouthernScribe.com)

June 10, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:34 PM


Location of Bill-Signing Is Seen as Grounds for Protest in Texas: Gov. Perry is to hold today's ceremony at a church-run school, riling advocates of the separation of church and state. (Scott Gold, June 5, 2005, LA Times)

Advocates of the separation of church and state are protesting Texas Gov. Rick Perry's plans to hold a bill-signing ceremony on the grounds of a conservative evangelical church. One bill restricts abortion; a second calls for a ban on same-sex marriage.

The event is scheduled for today at a Christian school run by Calvary Cathedral International, one of the largest churches in Fort Worth. The church's founder and pastor, Bob Nichols, is to attend, as are national leaders of the religious conservative movement, including Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, sent Perry a letter Thursday asking him "in the strongest terms possible" to change the venue. In an interview, Lynn, who is a United Church of Christ minister, called the event a "grotesque misuse of religion for a clear partisan political advantage."

Except that they are laws of the state of Texas that he signed, not just Republican proposals, so, by definition, not partisan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


Dean isn't the Problem (Joan Vennochi, June 9, 2005, Boston Globe)

Democrats are running against Howard Dean instead of George W. Bush and the GOP -- or, better yet, running for principles that matter to the country.

It makes little sense, unless the intent is to destroy what's left of their shell of a political party.

Dean, the head of the Democratic National Committee, is under attack by fellow Democrats who are allegedly upset at his partisan rhetoric. Critics such as Senators Joseph Biden of Delaware and former senator John Edwards of North Carolina are taking their shots at Dean, just as if they were sitting next to him during a debate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or Manchester, N.H. They sound like they are positioning themselves for a future presidential campaign rather than working together to rebuild a party with a message for the future.

How shocking: Dean said, ''I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for" and defined the political landscape as ''a struggle between good and evil." Is that any worse than the comment by Harry Reid, the Democrats' Senate leader, who said of Bush, ''I think this guy is a loser." (Reid later apologized.) Is it worse than Senator Hillary Clinton of New York saying: ''There has never been an administration, I don't believe, in our history more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda."

During the 2004 presidential campaign, Dean's predecessor, Terry McAuliffe, was famous for personal attacks against President Bush. He described Bush as being AWOL, or absent without leave, during his stint in the National Guard and declared that ''George Bush continually lies."

Did she really sit down at her typewriter to make the point that the rest of the Democratic leadership is just as braindead?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:18 PM


Extraordinarily Rancid Justice (Paul Rogat Loeb, June 10, 2005, CommonDreams.org)

As the Senate votes in Bush's long-filibustered nominees, the nuclear option compromise is looking more rancid than reasonable. The seven Democrats who helped broker the compromise pledged not to filibuster except in the most extraordinary circumstances. But given the track record of Priscilla Owens, Janice Rogers Brown, and William Pryor, I wonder how extreme a candidate has to be before these Democrats and their seven Republican colleagues would reject them.

Would a prospective nominee have to be caught wearing white Klan robes to Sunday church?

That would phase a gang led by Robert Byrd?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 PM


Dean takes licks for unleashing hot tongue (Anne E. Kornblut, June 10, 2005, New York Times News Service)

Just four months into his tenure as head of the Democratic Party, Howard Dean has found himself on unforgiving, if familiar, terrain. As he visited Capitol Hill on Thursday, he faced a growing number of critics and received a private scolding from leading members of his party for several derogatory remarks he has made about Republicans in recent weeks.

Republicans have attacked him with glee for those remarks, which they have described as "below the belt," while Democrats struggled to defend him yet quietly acknowledged that Dean was showing signs of being as polarizing as they once feared.

"I have always been very cautious and careful to deal with my Democratic friends, my independent friends, my enlightened Republican friends, so I'm very concerned about anything that is unnecessarily divisive," said Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a Democrat in a largely Republican state, after attending a closed-door lunch with Dean in the Senate.

Nelson was among those who admonished Dean in private, cautioning the former Vermont governor not to risk alienating Republicans with personal insults of the kind he delivered last week, when he said a "lot of them have not made an honest living in their lives."

C'mon, cut him some slack--it's not as if they were about to see a bunch of GOP crossover votes any time soon.

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 9:31 PM


Nick Cannon: Can I Live (music video; via The Anchoress)
A rapper celebrates his mom's love.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:50 PM


Cropper to Be Inducted in Songwriters Hall (NEKESA MUMBI MOODY, June 10, 2005, AP)

Steve Cropper knew "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" and "Knock On Wood" had the potential to be monster hits as soon as he penned them. But executives at the legendary Stax Records saw them as recording session outtakes. [...]

Besides Cropper, other inductees included John Fogerty, Isaac Hayes and David Porter, Richard and Robert Sherman, and Bill Withers. Smokey Robinson, a previous inductee, was picked to get the Johnny Mercer Award, while relative newcomer Alicia Keys was selected for the Starlight Award, given to accomplished young songwriters.

Les Paul, who celebrated his 90th birthday Thursday, was the choice for the Sammy Cahn Lifetime Achievement Award.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:02 PM


A New Syria? (David Ignatius, June 10, 2005, Washington Post)

Let's give President Bashar Assad the benefit of the doubt and imagine that he really does want to change Syria. The problem is that those hundreds of Baathists in their limos aren't about to give up the power that has made them rich, even as Syria itself has grown poorer. Assad has cautiously promoted reform. But he hasn't yet shown the toughness or political will to break the power of the Baathist apparatchiks and intelligence chiefs. Nobody has lost his Mercedes.

Back in town later that afternoon, I'm riding in a rickety yellow taxi. When I tell the driver I'm American, he looks me dead in the eye and says in broken English: "The Baath Party is dirty. They eat everything for themselves." He gestures with his hands, as if shoveling food into his mouth. The driver, a former Syrian soldier who served in Lebanon, says he likes Assad, whom he calls a "gentleman." But as for the ruling party, he says: "All Syrian people hate them."

I heard similar sentiments all week. This is a surprisingly open society for a police state. Social life and political discussion flourish out of sight of the Mukhabarat -- in private homes, cafes, offices. It's like mushrooms, sprouting in the dark. The regime is widely detested, but Assad himself is seen as a likable if ineffectual figure. And though people badly want change, they are also frightened of the disorder that might accompany it. That's why any uprising against the regime is unlikely, despite its unpopularity.

I visit with one of the country's reform advocates. He's dismissive of the party congress. "Assad is not a reformer," he insists. "Had he wanted change, he could have done it years ago." The regime can't survive unless it reforms, he argues. But a moment later, he admits that there's "no real opposition" and that "a majority of the country still believes in Assad." A Sunni from a prominent family sums up Assad's dilemma this way: "He wants change, but he also wants to keep power."

The prevailing mood in Damascus this week is confusion. "We don't know what's going on," laments a top Syrian businessman. Even senior members of the government don't seem sure of what will follow the congress. They say privately that they hope for a gradual process of change, but they can't be certain. And these are people at the top of the pyramid. It reminds me of the feel of Moscow 20 years ago -- a sense that the old regime can't last, and can't change, either.

And then it does.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:57 PM


Brown confirmation was a bitter pill for Democrats to swallow (Jules Witcover, June 10, 2005, Baltimore Sun)

[D]emocrats' assaults amounted to no more than letting off steam. The confirmation of Ms. Brown and two other Bush federal court nominees, Priscilla Owen of Texas and William H. Pryor Jr. of Alabama, had already been signaled in the compromise fashioned by seven Republican and seven Democratic moderates to ward off use of the "nuclear option" to end filibusters on judicial choices.

The 14 together gave Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who had threatened the nuclear option, what he needed to achieve the 60 votes required to shut off a filibuster. On Ms. Brown's confirmation, six of the seven Democrats who were party to the compromise cast meaningless votes against her; the seventh, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a chief architect of the compromise, was the only Democrat to vote for her.

As the Democrats futilely laid out their case against Ms. Brown, they may have wondered whether their earlier celebration over blunting the nuclear option had been premature. Putting her on what is considered the nation's second-most-important court for lifetime tenure was especially difficult.

One of the Democrats' rationales for making the compromise was that it preserved their right to filibuster a future Supreme Court nomination.

But one Republican participant in "the Gang of 14," Sen. Mike DeWine of Ohio, noted explicitly at the time that Republicans in the group felt free to support use of the nuclear option if the Democrats resorted to the judicial filibuster.

Democrats who complained so vociferously that Ms. Brown was out of the mainstream called on the president to confer with them on future judgeships to avoid such opposition. But the question is why he should do that when the compromise enables him to get the appointees he wants without such consultation.

In temporarily salvaging the judicial filibuster with the compromise, Democrats can fairly ask themselves another question: What was the point of preserving it if it can't be used to stop nominees they consider so far out of the mainstream?

It was the principle of the thing...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:23 PM


Patriot Act, Part II: The political tug of war intensifies: Bush calls for strengthening the antiterror law, while critics worry about greater potential for civil-rights abuses. (Linda Feldmann, 6/10/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

In seemingly short order, discussion around the Patriot Act has shifted from defense to offense.

Just two months ago, when Congress set out to consider renewal of the antiterrorism law, civil libertarians were hopeful they could rein in aspects that they felt went too far. Now, supporters of an enhanced Patriot Act appear to be making headway as they push to give the FBI new powers.

Thursday, President Bush weighed in on the side of a beefed-up Patriot Act, including making permanent the 16 provisions set to expire at the end of the year and giving FBI agents new powers. In a speech at the Ohio Patrol Training Academy in Columbus, he called on Congress to renew the act's temporary provisions.

"For the state of our national security, Congress must not rebuild a wall between law enforcement and intelligence," he said.

There's somethng about Republican presidents and walls...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:50 AM


A Different Timpanist (SHERYL GAY STOLBERG, 6/10/05, NY Times)

William H. Pryor Jr., now 43, grew up to become the straight-talking attorney general of Alabama, a man who once called the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision "the worst abomination of constitutional law in our history." On Thursday, the Senate voted 53 to 45 to confirm Judge Pryor to the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, covering Alabama, Florida and Georgia, 16 months after Mr. Bush installed him on the bench temporarily while Congress was in recess.

To his detractors, Judge Pryor, the last of three judges whose confirmations were assured by a bipartisan agreement, is "an ideological warrior," in the words of Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York. In a court brief, Judge Pryor once asserted that a right to same-sex relations would also confer a right to bestiality and necrophilia, views that critics say are extreme and make him unfit for a lifetime appointment.

But to his supporters, who include black civil rights leaders in his home state, Judge Pryor is a welcome departure from so many nominees who do the classic Washington two-step, dancing around controversy. When Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, asked Judge Pryor during his confirmation hearing if he regretted the abomination remark, he did not take the bait.

"No," the judge replied evenly, "I stand by that comment."

Senators appeared shocked. Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, said the room was so quiet "you could hear a pin drop." At that moment, Judge Pryor broke a barrier, daring to talk about what Mr. Schumer described as "fervent personal beliefs" - and clearing the way for future nominees to do so - while advancing the cause of religious conservatives, as he has done his entire adult life.

Of course, even legal scholars on the Left will usually concede that Roe is itself, at least in jurisprudential terms, pretty much of an abortion and no one ever bothers to try and explain how a free floating "right of privacy" could bar bestiality, incest, and the like.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:39 AM


Mideast poised for 'real advances,' Jordan's king says (MAUDLYNE IHEJIRIKA, June 10, 2005, Chicago Sun-Times)

In his second visit to Chicago in a year, Jordan's King Abdullah II Thursday heralded recent reforms in the Middle East, from the cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to January's landmark Iraqi elections. [...]

"In the past few years, the West has paid a great deal of attention to reform in the Middle East. Most Arabs agree that we must move forward. Our world is poised to make real advances," Abdullah said. "But to do so, we need to connect our policy goals to practical mechanisms. Change is not easy, especially when it upends decades of division." [...]

He told an audience of students and faculty there is no turning back from the move toward democracy in a region grappling with political change and instability -- from Lebanon, where widespread protests led to the resignation of the Syrian-backed government, to Saudi Arabia, which recently held its first nationwide elections for local councils, to Jordan, which he said is taking the lead in reforms in areas including education, human rights and press freedom. [...]

The king took only a handful of questions from the audience, asserting in his responses that while President Bush's democratization efforts in Iraq inspired regional reforms, those reforms must be led from within and not by America.

How about giving the same speech in each of your Arab neighbors?

Task Force: US Support for Arab Reform Critical to Winning War on Terror (Meredith Buel, 09 June 2005, VOA News)

A report from a task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations says U.S. support for democratic reform in the Arab world is critical to winning the war on terrorism and repairing America's image in the Middle East.

The task force report says the Middle East will be a central focus of U.S. foreign policy for the next generation and beyond, and that Washington has the opportunity to help shape a more democratic region.

A co-chair of the task force, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, says the group generally supports the Bush administration's efforts to persuade Arab governments to accept democratic reforms.

"Support for democracy is an important tool in counter-terrorism and working in that particular way," she said. "We also believe that the best stability is actually democratic stability. Finally, support for democracy, we believe, will help restore America's credibility in the Middle East region."

The task force says the United States should promote the development of democratic institutions over the long term, and that democracy cannot be imposed from the outside.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:30 AM


The Supreme Court decision that will change Canada (Mark Kennedy, The Ottawa Citizen, June 10th, 2005)

Canada's top court has looked into the eyes of the country's political leaders and called their bluff. For more than a decade, prime ministers and premiers have boasted about how medicare is the best health care system in the world. In election after election, they have pledged to make it even better.

But in a split decision yesterday, the justices of the Supreme Court of Canada exposed that rhetoric for what it plainly is: A lie, a shallow promise, a political tactic employed by the federal Liberals to gain, and retain, the keys to government.

The judgment is truly historic and will transform this country's health system in ways that we still do not comprehend. But this much is clear: Some of the judges were unwilling to let governments twiddle their thumbs any longer, while countless Canadians suffer and die while on lengthy wait lists for medical treatment.

Three of the judges wrote it was best for the court to stay out of a political debate that has been raging in this country for years. But four others clearly did not. Justice Marie Deschamps was the most blunt:

"This is not a case in which the court must show deference to the government's choice of measure," she wrote. "The courts have a duty to rise above political debate. ... Inertia cannot be used as an argument to justify deference.[...]

The case was brought to the high court by Dr. Jacques Chaoulli and George Zeliotis, a 74-year-old Montreal businessman who contended he waited too long for his hip surgery in the mid-'90s. They said the waiting lists in the publicly funded system have become so long that they violate the Charter of Rights' guarantee of life, liberty and security of the person. Instead, people should have the right to buy private health insurance and pay for private care rather than waiting in the public queue, they contended.

Others told the court a private insurance system would endanger the public system by draining medical talent and public support away from medicare. It was an argument three of the judges accepted.

But Judge Deschamps and three others -- Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, Justice John Major, and Justice Michel Bastarache -- concluded those fears are groundless. In their opinion, Chief Justice McLachlin, Judge Major and Judge Bastarache were biting in their criticism of the warning about private insurance that is repeatedly espoused by the federal government.

They wrote that other western democracies have private insurance systems without harming the public health systems.

"When we look to the evidence, rather than to assumptions, the connection between prohibiting private insurance and maintaining quality public health care vanishes."

It is hard to believe it was just a few months ago that the winner of a much publicized CBC contest to select the greatest Canadian ever was the socialist founder of medicare.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:28 AM


The cloud over the euro (David Champeau, 6/11/05, Asia Times)

With the effective end of the Growth and Stability Pact and the EU Constitution, we will see just what the euro is really made of. It has gone through one complete cycle, from introduction to bear market to bull market and global acceptance. This is a big boys' game, and the currency market can be a cruel place. With the current 8-9% growth of the money supply, 1% economic growth and 2% interest rates, compared to the US dollar's 4% money supply growth, 3-4% economic growth and 3%+ interest rate, the euro is looking weak. The ECB talks hawkish and it seems that it would like to raise rates and slow down the money supply growth. But with the economies of the euro zone growing ever more slowly, the ECB's hands are tied.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 AM


US looms large in Iran's elections (Kaveh Afrasiabi, 6/11/05, Asia Times)

While there is no official poll to indicate the front runners, one can safely assume that the liberal candidate Mostafa Moin and the centrist Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani are ahead of the pack - of eight candidates sanctioned following screening by the Guardians Council of a crowded field of more than 1,000. Both these candidates have prioritized the issue of future relations with the US, hoping to galvanize young voters interested in the normalization of relations with the Western superpower nowadays considered Iran's "new neighbor" in control of Iraq and Afghanistan.

In his first press interview after formally announcing his candidacy, Rafsanjani, a former president and current head of the Expediency Council, offered an olive branch toward the US and stated his desire to improve the climate between the two countries. He has said that if the US released Iran's frozen assets in the US, he would be ready for dialogue. Moin, on the other, hand has been even more blunt in stating his desire to end the diplomatic estrangement of the past quarter of century, irrespective of the stern opposition by the hardline candidates still beating the drum of anti-Americanism for their mass of constituency.

But the hardline, often referred to as the right wing, candidates are not united on this particular issue. With their disunity serving as a major handicap diminishing their individual chances, this faction suffers from a degree of disjunction between a militant anti-Americanism and the system-maintenance prerogative of a modus vivendi with the US power casting a large shadow on Iran's national security. One of those candidates, Ali Larijani, the former head of the state-owned, conservative-controlled Radio and Television Organization, is considered a pragmatic realist who favors dialogue with the US.

No matter what the outcome of the elections - and Rafsanjani may well turn out the winner as expected by most Iran watchers - the mere fact that the old taboo has been broken and the candidates freely ignore the official line of not talking about the US is welcome news portending the breaking of significant ice in the tumultuous US-Iran relations since 1979.

Later this month, US and Iranian diplomats will sit around the same table in Luxembourg discussing Iraq's reconstruction. Already, a quid pro quo for Iran's extension of its freeze on nuclear fuel activities, Washington has dropped its opposition to Iran's accession to the World Trade Organization. And in various policy circles in the US, one can discern a greater willingness than in the past to give credit to Iran for the strides it has taken in Afghanistan, Iraq, against narcotics traffic, etc.

If it's taken folks this long to figure out that our relationship with India is a key to the 21st century, imagine how long it will take them to figure out that Iran is an ally?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 AM


True Test of Senate Compromise Lies Ahead (CARL HULSE, 6/10/05, NY Times)

Democrats have stood practically powerless this week as Justice Brown and Judge Pryor were confirmed to lifetime appointments, leaving Republicans to revel in their new judicial successes.

"I think you are seeing the system work," a beaming Dr. Frist told Judge Pryor in a phone call staged for the benefit of Senate photographers about an hour before his confirmation on a 53-to-45 vote.

Two other nominees to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, David W. McKeague and Richard A. Griffin, were confirmed without opposition while another, Thomas B. Griffith, is expected to be cleared on Monday.

Democrats concede that the past few days have belonged to President Bush and the Republicans. But they say they will benefit in the long run by the compromise that preserved their ability to filibuster future nominees if they choose.

"These three judges were bitter medicine," said Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, referring to Judges Owen, Brown and Pryor, "but I believe the Senate and our caucus were better for it."

Mr. Durbin and other Democrats interpret the judicial pact to mean that they can block future nominees they find objectionable with assurances from the Republican signatories that they will not support a move to prohibit judicial filibusters. But Republicans, including some who are part of the compromise, disagree. They say that a judicial filibuster they view as unwarranted could quickly return the Senate to the brink of the procedural showdown that prompted the compromise in the first place.

The GOP got all its tough nominees up front, so has deflated the activist Left--think anyone can name any of the picks still to be confirmed? nevermind stir passionate opposition to them in a matter of days--and has W waiting in the wings to announce a whole new batch.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 AM

...AND LOWER...:

Long-Term Interest Rates Buck Conventional Wisdom (Tom Petruno, June 10, 2005, LA Times)

[T]o the shock of most investment pros as well as the Fed — and to the relief of home buyers — long-term rates have tumbled, even as the Fed has raised its key rate eight times over the last year, from 1% to 3%.

While the housing market celebrates the good news of 30-year mortgage rates under 5.6%, down from 6.3% a year ago, a lot of financial professionals have egg on their faces.

"Basically, 100% of economists have gotten the direction of long-term interest rates wrong," said Steven Permut, a money manager at American Century Investments in Mountain View, Calif.

Now, a new school of thought is developing among market analysts. Some believe long-term rates could hold at current levels for years, or even fall further to low single digits. In a world awash in savings, investors' urgency to lock in returns on fixed-rate, long-term IOUs like bonds will help keep a lid on rates in general, they say.

Bill Gross, chief investment officer at Newport Beach-based Pacific Investment Management Co. and one of the world's top authorities on interest rates, says it's conceivable that the rate on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note, a benchmark for mortgages and other long-term interest rates, could drop to 3% in the next three to five years. Currently it's just under 4%.

If he's right, that could mean that far lower mortgage rates lie ahead — which could provide a bailout for people who have purchased homes with huge, interest-only loans and are hoping to eventually refinance with more favorable terms.

Consider too the influx of money that would be provided by privatizing SS and by universal HSA's.

Meanwhile, Sherman better tell Mr. Peabody to return from 1974, Fed Chief Warns on Mortgages: Easy loan terms may be driving home prices up but the economy is healthy, Greenspan says. (Joel Havemann, June 10, 2005, LA Times)

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Thursday that new, more liberal kinds of mortgages were helping to drive up home prices and fueling the danger of a sharp price decline, but said the economy overall was on "reasonably firm footing."

Greenspan said interest-only mortgages in particular were contributing to what he termed "froth in some local markets." He said he continued to be bewildered by the decline in mortgage rates and other long-term interest rates even as the Fed was beginning the second year of its campaign to raise short-term rates.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:40 AM


U.S. and Britain Agree on Relief for Poor Nations (ELIZABETH BECKER and RICHARD W. STEVENSON, 6/10/05, NY Times)

The United States and Britain have reached an agreement on how the billions of dollars that the world's poorest nations owe to international lenders can be erased, removing the last impediment to an accord long sought by the richest nations, a senior official involved in the negotiations said Thursday.

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow and his British counterpart, Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer, will present their proposal to a meeting of the finance ministers of seven of the Group of 8 industrial nations on Friday in London, the official said.

The plan would free 18 countries, most of which are in Africa, from any obligation to repay the estimated $16.7 billion they owe the international lenders, said the official, who requested anonymity because a formal announcement of the agreement had not been made. The debts will be written off by the lenders in an effort to allow the debtor countries to start fresh, get their books in order and eventually be able to borrow again for economic development, health, education and social programs, rather than simply to repay existing loans.

Mr. Bush had signaled his willingness to go along with writing off the debts in principle, but the United States and Britain had very different approaches to how such a plan would work. The compromise they worked out in negotiations in Washington and London over the past several days gave the White House much of what it wanted, but also handed Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain a timely political lift four weeks before a scheduled summit meeting of leaders of the Group of 8 nations, of which Mr. Blair is the current chairman. [...]

The White House has also rebuffed Mr. Blair's efforts to persuade the United States to move closer to the position of the other industrial nations on how to fight global warming.

Hard to see the President agreeing to any global warming scheme that European leaders could take back to their legislatures.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:37 AM


Egyptian women are saying 'Enough!' (Michael Slackman, 6/10/05, The New York Times)

[A] recent attack on a small group of women, in which they were groped and assaulted by a crowd of men chanting support for the ruling National Democratic Party while the police stood by and watched, has helped to unify and motivate various groups that have been calling for a more open and democratic government.

The images of women being groped and beaten - particularly offensive in this conservative Islamic society - have helped unite groups as diverse as the religion-based Muslim Brotherhood and the left-leaning Center for Socialist Studies in their calls for change.

For a country where political life has atrophied after more than two decades of living under emergency laws, the attacks have also inspired many new people to become politically active, in general creating a backlash that has taken the government by surprise.

"At least now there is dialogue and meetings between us as Communists and the Muslim Brotherhood," said Kamal Khalil, director of the Center for Socialist Studies. "We share our visions and there is a kind of coordination - of course the event, assaults of Wednesday the 25th, helped - we can't deny this."

Those assaults last month also seem to have jump-started the women's movement here. It is not a Western-style feminist movement but one in which women have moved to take the lead in a political battle for empowerment.

"We are opening a real popular female movement," said Ghane El Halafawy, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, speaking Thursday night at a forum called "The Street is Ours," which was organized by women who were attacked.

It has been less than a year since the once unthinkable began to occur in Egypt's political life: Groups of people started taking to the streets criticizing President Hosni Mubarak, a line few had been willing to cross before. But the movement called itself "kifay," or "enough," and its goal was to stop Mubarak from a sixth term as president.

In February, Mubarak agreed to allow more than one candidate, himself, in the race for president. On May 25, on the day of a scheduled referendum to amend the Constitution, a small group of protesters met in central Cairo, insisting that the referendum was no more than a fig leaf. They were greeted by an army of riot policemen and undercover security agents and uniformed officers. Witnesses said groups of men who arrived in buses were allowed, with the police standing by, to attack and beat the protesters. Witnesses said that in some instances the police kept protesters cordoned in, while the men beat them.

While the violence made for national news here, the images and stories of women whose clothes were torn and bodies groped have caused the greatest backlash against the government.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:13 AM


Durbin blames 'right wing' (James G. Lakely, June 10, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate yesterday blamed "the right wing" and elements of the press "in service to it" for repeating Howard Dean's remarks about Republican...

You know you're a permanent minority when you think that your opponents repeating your ideas aloud is a dirty trick.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 AM


Whose Asian Century? (Jim Hoagland, June 9, 2005, Washington Post)

Fred Bergstrom said later. He's right: The Middle Kingdom serves as a platform to bring together capital, cheap labor and industrial technology from throughout the region and ultimately the world. China relies on this empire, but does not totally control it.

India, on the other hand, has set out to become "a global knowledge hub, with a central place in the transnational movement of knowledge and services," Nath said in a conversation here last week. He argued that India's comparative advantage lies in its large and relatively young educated population. Seventy percent of India's 1.1 billion people are literate -- many of them are fluent in English -- and about half are under 30.

Nath's argument intrigues because it incorporates global demographic trends often ignored or glossed over because of the social and political dilemmas they create. Prime among these is the galloping aging of the population of advanced industrial societies that will not accept greater immigration flows to renew their labor forces. Where do these countries turn when they have too few workers to meet demand for goods and services -- and to support retirees?

"The answer is to move information and services, rather than people, across borders," according to Nath. Shifting low-wage or knowledge-intensive jobs through new communications or other technology to areas where there are surpluses of educated and willing workers has been controversial, he acknowledges, but if outsourcing decisions make economic sense, the savings they create will provide new jobs at home.

You're right again: He would say that, wouldn't he? But what about these remarks by an influential American, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns? Speaking to a U.S.-European group in Brussels on May 26, Burns observed:

"The greatest change you will see in the next three or four years is a new American focus on South Asia, particularly in establishing a closer strategic partnership with India . . . If you look at all the trends -- population, economic growth, foreign policy trends -- there's no question that India is the rising power in the East. . . . I think you'll see this as a major focus of our president and our secretary of state, and it will be the area of greatest dynamic positive change in American foreign policy."

It was fashionable a few decades ago to bemoan the weakness of democracies in the bipolar conflict of the Cold War. Despite that pessimism, totalitarianism did not prevail in that long race -- just as the communists in China will not win the right to shape the Asian Century alone.

Makes for interesting comparison to Tom Friedman's piece yesterday.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:11 AM


A gay leader would be good for the party, says Duncan (Rachel Sylvester, The Telegraph, June 10th, 2005)

Alan Duncan will today become the first openly homosexual man to set out his stall to lead the Conservative Party.[...]

The Conservative Party would, he argued, benefit from having an openly gay leader because that would be a visible demonstration that it had become more tolerant.

"If it were me [who became leader] everyone would know the party had changed and I don't think anyone would have an excuse to vote Liberal Democrat," he said. Mr Duncan, who will give a speech on the future of the party to pupils at the City of London School today, is the second senior Tory to give a firm indication of his intentions.[...]

Mr Duncan, a social and economic liberal, warned that the Tory Party could die if it did not realise the scale of the transformation it required. "If we don't get this right we risk being in terminal decline," he said.

"Marks & Spencer was a fantastic brand in good times but if you have a lousy CEO and lousy knickers you don't do well. Like M & S we need both a good CEO and better frilly knickers."

It’s good to see the Tories reverting to traditional Conservative values.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Spirit of revolt in France touches Havas (Eric Pfanner, JUNE 10, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

The investor Vincent Bolloré won a showdown Thursday with the management of Havas, the French advertising company, as shareholders defied the company's leaders during a raucous annual meeting infused with the spirit of revolt that is running through French society.

Bolloré, who holds a 20.7 percent stake in Havas, was elected to the company's board, along with three other officials representing his investment firm. The Havas board, led by the chief executive, Alain de Pouzilhac, had urged shareholders to reject Bolloré's bid for board representation, saying he had consistently failed to express his intentions since he started buying Havas shares about a year ago.

While the vote, in an assembly hall in the 7th Arrondissement of Paris, was a far cry from the storming of the Bastille, Bolloré portrayed his victory as consistent with the populist impulse expressed by French voters two weeks ago, when they rocked the nation's political leaders by voting no on a referendum on the proposed European Union constitution.

Ah, populism in France, it's enough to get your knitting needles clicking...

June 9, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:25 PM


Funding shift aimed at Planned Parenthood (David Callender, June 9, 2005, The Capital Times)

In a move hailed by abortion rights foes, Republican lawmakers early today approved a measure that would shift state and federal family planning funds away from Planned Parenthood and other groups that support abortion rights.

On a 11-5 vote shortly after midnight, the Joint Finance Committee voted to give preference to local health departments - and not private agencies such as Planned Parenthood - in getting family planning funds that are administered by the state.

Only one Republican - Sen. Alberta Darling of River Hills - voted against the measure. All four Democrats on the committee - Reps. Mark Pocan of Madison and Pedro Colon of Milwaukee, and Sens. Russ Decker of Schofield and Lena Taylor of Milwaukee - voted against it.

Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, sponsored the measure, which still must be passed by the full Legislature as part of the new state budget. Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, an abortion rights advocate, has not indicated yet whether he would veto the amendment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:03 PM


The age of schadenfreude (Tony Blankley, June 8, 2005, Townhall)

Recently, I have noticed that I am increasingly hearing and reading "schadenfreude" from the lips and pens of people usually more comfortable with simpler and more wholesome words. Sure enough, when I googled the word, I got 425,000 hits in .06 seconds. It turns out there are websites dedicated to the word and various organizations, such as comedy troops named for it.

Upon brief reflection it seemed to me that perhaps we are living in a period in which schadenfreude tends to characterize people's thoughts more than it ought to.

Gaining pleasure from the suffering of others is, at best, a dark pleasure. One could make a case that it reflects a neurotic or even pathological personality trait akin to sadism. It is true that most of us tend to judge our condition relative to the conditions of most other people. We are naturally pleased if we are better than average in some category.

But it is a far healthier mentality if we have gained our advantage by having uplifted ourselves, rather than to be the mere beneficiaries of some other poor soul's degradation or failure.

So, if our current politics are generating larger quantities of schadenfreude, we would expect to be seeing more failure than success. There is no better example of this phenomenon than last week's French and Dutch votes on the E.U. constitution. Particularly the French.

I admit that one would have to have either a heart of stone or the soul of a saint not to have smiled at the comeuppance of Jacques Chirac. But even if one thinks, as I do, that defeating the E.U. constitution was the right decision, there is a difference between being intellectually gratified at good policy prevailing, and chortling.

It is bad news for us when almost the entire leadership class of our closest cultural and political allies -- Europe -- have led their nations to the edge of a cliff. While we are justifiably relieved that the people did not follow them over the edge, political and economic chaos in Europe is not good for America. So why are we so cheerful?

They're the enemy?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:27 PM


'Non' a strong 'oui' for Europe (Dimitris Yannopoulos, Athens News, June 3rd, 2005)

A surprisingly relaxed and composed French ambassador to Greece, Bruno Delaye, agreed to a face-to-face interview with the Athens News amidst a worldwide furore triggered by the outright rejection of the European Constitution by French voters in the May 29 referendum.

There is worldwide talk of European crisis, disaster and despair in the wake of the French 'non' to the proposed European constitution. Some say the 'mother of European integration has abandoned her child'. Others speak of a death sentence for a unified Europe. What is your reaction as a French citizen and diplomat?

I certainly don't share any of the doomsayers' pronouncements and slogans. My professional experience has taught me that every crisis is also an opportunity to ponder and confront old problems in creative new ways. In the case of the referendum, this was a unique opportunity for 40 million French citizens to form and express a clear opinion about the European constitution and the future of the European Union.

From the moment the date of the vote was set, President Jacques Chirac called for the text of the constitution to reach every French household, making it a matter of the utmost importance for every French voter. What actually happened has surpassed the expectations not only of the president but virtually the whole of the French establishment. Not only did the French read the 250-page text, but also discussed and debated it among themselves in an unprecedented variety of democratic fora and media of communication, which encouraged people to form their own opinions independently of the mainstream media and newspapers.

The people's debate soon bypassed that of their representatives in the national assembly, the parties or the media. From the outset, 90 percent of the French media was in favour of a 'yes' to the Euro-constitution as were the main political parties who represented 92 percent of the French parliament seats. But people created an incredible number of alternative media, what we call blogs, chat-room networks, email foras and independent websites - often of only one person - expressing, sharing and disseminating their own opinion with thousands of others every day.

What you're describing is an eruption of internet democracy?

Exactly! A new form of democracy, totally unconstrained, very idiosyncratic, both funny and serious, exciting and thoughtful at times. Then the internet discussions spilled over into the bars, the diners and the cafes, reverting back to the households in a continuous spiral of exchanging and clarifying fresh ideas or opinions about Europe and its future. And we should be grateful to President Chirac for initiating this process, even if he is not very comfortable with the outcome of the referendum.

Brothersjudd would like to thank President Chirac for the opportunity to help exchange and clarify new ideas and opinions about Europe and its future.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 PM


Senate Approves Pryor for Appeals Court (JESSE J. HOLLAND, 6/09/05, Associated Press)

The GOP-controlled Senate on Thursday approved former Alabama Attorney General William Pryor and Michigan nominees David McKeague and Richard Griffin for seats on the U.S. Appeals Court, completing an unprecedented run of long-delayed judicial confirmations. [...]

The Senate confirmed three of President Bush's most-wanted appellate nominees in less than three weeks after Senate centrists looking to avoid a partisan battle over judicial filibusters struck a deal.

Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown and Priscilla Owen all had been waiting at least two years for Senate confirmation. Democrats have blocked the nominations of judges they consider too conservative.

Democrats had blocked Griffin and McKeague because Michigan's senators were upset at Republicans for refusing to confirm President Clinton's nominees to that court. While the two were not part of the filibuster deal, Democrats decided to allow them through as a gesture of good will. [...]

Democrats had fought to keep Pryor from getting a permanent judgeship. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., sued to get Pryor removed because he felt Bush's recess appointment was illegal. The courts rejected Kennedy's argument.

"After the president didn't get his way with William Pryor, he took the truly extraordinary step of making a recess appointment," said Sen. Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y. "So while the renomination of rejected judges was a thumb in the eye, the recess appointment of Bill Pryor was a punch in the face." [...]

"This is truly the trifecta on civil rights here this week in Washington, to confirm Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor and to report Terrence Boyle from this committee," said Sen. Richard Durbin (news, bio, voting record) of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat. "When it comes to the issue of civil rights, it's a sad week."

Mr. Schumer needs to get with the times--there's nothing "extraordinary" about any of these judges.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:42 PM

WHERE'S THE YELLOWCAKE (via Luciferous):

Analysts missed Chinese buildup (Bill Gertz, June 9, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

A highly classified intelligence report produced for the new director of national intelligence concludes that U.S. spy agencies failed to recognize several key military developments in China in the past decade, The Washington Times has learned.

The report was created by several current and former intelligence officials and concludes that U.S. agencies missed more than a dozen Chinese military developments, according to officials familiar with the report.

The report blames excessive secrecy on China's part for the failures, but critics say intelligence specialists are to blame for playing down or dismissing evidence of growing Chinese military capabilities.

In reality the intelligence agencies likely overstate the threat by several orders of magnitude. But there's nothing wrong with manufacturing a pretext.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:33 PM


Democratic leaders stand up for Dean: Anti-GOP rhetoric brought criticism (Nina J. Easton and Rick Klein, June 9, 2005, Boston Globe)

Some leading Democrats and major donors are concerned that Dean is jeopardizing the party's ability to reach beyond its traditional base to win close elections, particularly for the White House. Dean has repeatedly said his goal is to build the party's ranks not only in Democratic-dominated states, but also in culturally conservative regions where Republicans usually prevail.

Most of the criticism of Dean has come from prospective presidential candidates in 2008, such as Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware, who said Dean does not speak for the majority of Democrats, and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who said Dean is not the spokesman for the Democratic Party. [...]

Meanwhile, some donors are upset that the DNC under Dean's stewardship is falling behind in fund-raising, failing to appeal to party high-rollers. In the first quarter of this year, the DNC raised $14.1 million, compared with $32.3 million by the Republican National Committee. One donor, who declined to be named, noted that a DNC fund-raiser in New York City in May was substantially downsized and moved from a facility in the Javits Convention Center to a room in the Essex House Hotel.

Federal Election Commission records indicate Republicans held a big edge in first-quarter fund-raising last year, too -- $50 million to $29 million. Yet by the end of the election year, the DNC, then under the chairmanship of Terry McAuliffe, had outraised the RNC.

The only Democrats who don't like him are the ones who aren't in safe Blue seats and those with national ambitions, Senator Obama Says Dean Using 'Religion to Divide' (CNSNews.com)
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) criticized Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean Wednesday night for using "religion to divide."

Obama told reporters gathered at the Rock the Vote awards dinner at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., that Dean needs to tone down his rhetoric. Dean said on Monday that the Republican Party was "pretty much a white, Christian party."

"As somebody who is a Christian myself, I don't like it when people use religion to divide, whether that is Republican or Democrat," Obama said. "I think in terms of his role as party spokesman, [Dean] probably needs to be a little more careful and I suspect that is a message he is going to be getting from a number of us," Obama explained.

Governor Dean is the perfect chairman for defending the hard core 30%.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:26 PM


The Cool War: a review of Satchmo Blows Up The World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War by Penny M. Von Eschen (Brian Morton, The Nation)

On August 1, 1956, the 84th Congress extended the terms of the President's Emergency Fund and ratified a pet project of the Eisenhower regime, the unrevealingly named Special International Program. A cold war dateline almost inevitably lends the words a sinister and clandestine aura. One can imagine the young CIA zealots who people Norman Mailer's Harlot's Ghost huddled in Berlin clubs or the crush bar at the opera, nursing steins of beer or glasses of sekt and making sophomoric puns about "SIP." The reality was both more innocent and odder, and clubs and concert halls were the appropriate setting.

In Satchmo Blows Up the World, Penny Von Eschen, a professor of history at the University of Michigan, describes a "can-do" bipartisan foreign policy culture in which postwar "policymakers exhibited extraordinary confidence in America's ability to shape the world in its image with whatever tools it had, be they covert operations, carpet bombing, or jazz musicians." The touch of bathos only underlines the ambiguity of American sponsorship of jazz as a propaganda instrument. Between 1956 and the late 1970s, the State Department dispatched jazz musicians to an array of Third World and Soviet bloc countries, including East Germany, Iraq and the Congo, visits that seemed to coincide with unnerving predictability with outbreaks of unrest or civil wars. The Dave Brubeck and Duke Ellington tours of 1958 and 1963, respectively, found themselves in the middle of Iraqi coups, while saxophonist Phil Woods, on a pioneering tour with the Dizzy Gillespie band, arrived in Abadan, Iran, to the smell of crude oil and the sound of gunfire over the border in what had once been a troubled corner of the British Empire.

Jazz is an art of improvisation. Even so, it's surprising to learn just how ad hoc the State Department packages apparently were. Jazz tours to the Balkans and Middle East--it's worth remembering that Ellington's Far East Suite was really a "Near to Middle East Suite," as the peerless Johnny Hodges solo on "Isfahan" bears out--were part of a Truman Doctrine commitment to take over anti-Communist activities from the British and to support a cordon sanitaire, or "perimeter defense," against Communist encroachment on a line from Turkey to Pakistan. But while the itineraries were carefully planned--and the whiff of crude detected by Woods nicely suggests the considerations involved--the exact propaganda content was not.

In her introductory chapter, "Ike Gets Dizzy," Von Eschen points to the irony of the Southerner Dwight Eisenhower, probably the last overt segregationist to occupy the White House, putting his weight behind a man whose family was driven from Cheraw, South Carolina, to Philadelphia by poverty and fear of the lynch mob.

What the...? Though born in Texas, Ike was raised from infancy in Kansas, which isn't generally considered the South, and though not a crusader for desegregation was demonstrably not pro-segregation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:17 PM


Syria's secular and Islamist opposition unite against Baathists: The country's ruling Baath Party Congress concluded Thursday without the reforms many Syrians anticipated. (Nicholas Blanford, 6/10/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

It's often said here that the secular activists represent the head of the opposition movement and the Islamists the heart. So long as the two stayed apart, they were little threat to the Syrian government.

But recent outcries for democracy have encouraged the weak and fractious secular opposition to reach out to their religious counterparts, potentially signalling trouble for President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

"The secularists and Islamists are talking to each other," says Ammar Abdulhamid, a Syrian analyst. "The whole discourse is about organizing ourselves and putting on more pressure."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:12 PM


Senate confirms Griffin, McKeague to 6th Circuit Court of Appeals (AP, June 9, 2005)

The Senate confirmed Richard Griffin and David McKeague of Michigan to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday, ending a nomination process that was mired in a lengthy fight over President Bush's judicial appointments.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:04 PM


Novel of taboos and twists wins Orange: The story of a teenage psychopath that may have persuaded its writer to remain childless takes women's fiction award (John Ezard, June 8, 2005, The Guardian)

When Lionel Shriver got the idea for her seventh novel - which triumphed last night as winner of this year's £30,000 Orange prize for fiction - she and her husband were talking of having their first child.

By the time she finished the book, which deals with an almost taboo subject in fiction, they had decided firmly against parenthood. The decision will surprise nobody who opens We Need to Talk About Kevin, a story potent enough to scare some readers into deciding the same.

Its leading character is a US high school serial killer who is so psychopathically unloving almost from the moment he is born that his only concerns when older are how efficiently and sadistically he can slaughter his victims.

The broadcaster Jenni Murray, who was chair of the judging panel, announced the award at a London ceremony, saying: "Kevin is a book that acknowledges what many women worry about but never express - the fear of becoming a mother and the terror of what kind of child one might bring into the world."

Kate Mosse, the founder and honorary director of the women-only prize, said: "It is such an enormous and important subject that it is surprising more books haven't been written on it. We were able to find very few."

Explain to me again why people still think we share a civilization with these antihuman monsters?

Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies: Racketeers pay Ukraine women to sell foetuses to quack clinics for £10,000 courses of 'anti-ageing' jabs (Tom Parfitt, April 17, 2005, The Observer)

Aborted foetuses from girls and young women are being exported from Ukraine for use in illegal beauty treatments costing thousands of pounds, The Observer can reveal.

The foetuses are cryogenically frozen and sold to clinics offering 'youth injections', claiming to rejuvenate skin and cure a raft of diseases.

It is thought that women in the former Soviet republic are being paid £100 a time to persuade them to have abortions and allow their foetuses to be used in treatments. Most of the foetuses are sold in Russia for up to £5,000 each. Some are paid extra to have abortions late in their pregnancy.

Border guards stopped a train entering Russia from Ukraine last week and arrested a 'mule' carrying 25 frozen foetuses hidden in two vacuum flasks. The man said he had bought them from a medical research centre.

Ukrainian law allows an aborted human foetus to be passed to research institutes if the woman involved consents and her anonymity is protected

As John Edwards said: "When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will have perfect skin."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:59 PM


Russert Draws Laughs, Dispenses Advice (VINITA M. ALEXANDER, 6/09/05, Harvard Crimson)

When [Tim] Russert gave a commencement address at Holy Cross last month, the Worcester Telegram & Gazette reported that he had delivered virtually the same speech at multiple commencement ceremonies over the past five years.

Keen ears at yesterday’s ceremonies perceived the occasional scattered proclamations of “Bingo!” from among the audience, as several students marked off cards etched with key phrases culled from transcripts of Russert’s canned addresses.

Max E.S. Brodsky ’05, who helped to organize the game of “Tim Russert Bingo,” said he felt the need to “rib Russert a little for his lack of spontaneity and the fact that most of his speech is totally recycled.”

Brodsky said the “prank wasn’t actually directed at Tim Russert” but rather was a “response to the conservative choice of Tim Russert for Class Day, which usually calls for a funny, more lighthearted speaker.”

“Russert came through with a great speech that did speak to the moment—just as it probably has for moments since 1986,” added David R. Ferris ’05, who helped Brodsky organize the game.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:55 PM


The Crystal Conundrum: Meth is the drug of the moment for gay men who thought they’d die young. So who can get them to stop? (TONY VALENZUELA, LA Weekly)

If I were to ask a psychologist why crystal methamphetamine has a stranglehold on scores of gay men, she might say that we battle a prevalence of depression 17 percent higher than the national average. A physician will tell me meth is the most addictive drug ever to hit the gay party tableau, and because it releases a flood of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical, its allure to our bacchanal tendencies is especially strong. A sociologist will say that gay men, being men, are conditioned by society to be sexual aggressors and that the introduction of a powerful “sex drug” has, not surprisingly, ejaculated through our neighborhoods like a hormonal teen. And a civil rights activist might shake his head, dismayed, worried that the bigoted Right will use the much touted link between meth use and the rise in HIV infections as fodder against us to take away AIDS funding and undo pro-gay legislation unpopular with Republican theocrats.

I, an HIV-positive gay man who has experienced both the bliss and the peril of crystal meth, am here to report that while each of those critiques is valid, none gets it exactly right. Our crystal problem is much larger than a drug, even one that measures the gay Zeitgeist as cynically as meth. “Tina” has, more precisely, emerged as a dark metaphor for all that gay men have been through and still struggle to overcome. [...]

For many years I lived contentedly and with unending curiosity in the underbelly cultures of gay men — a brief stint at porn, a bona fide career as call boy, an ebullient partaker of club and drug cultures — this with an inclination toward artists, activists, and anyone interested in fashioning a life of invention and un-convention. In this world there exists a startling honesty around sex, about its multitudes, its infinite psychologies, its private anatomies, and also how sex feels under which drugs, or combination of drugs. To earn a living in this world made it easy to feel whole and not compartmentalized like other queers, who lock up their ids and alter egos until weekends or special times of the year. It was a unique time in my life. I was a student of pleasure, of giving and receiving it. I learned to honor pleasure as fundamental to us all.

But I came to learn there was an additional category of pleasure, one contorted and glassy-eyed and, I think, relevant to the crystal-meth moment we find ourselves in. This pleasure, obtained through unfettered desire, ultimately inverts itself into a state of anesthetized routine, and slowly but definitely leads to the death of pleasure altogether. Too many of us, I began to think, were crossing this slippery pleasure divide, landing in our own “black, burnt-out forests.”

Yes, there are folk who believe in infinite variety and then, as Howard Dean so helpfully reminds, there are Republicans who "all behave the same." Take your pick.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 PM

BIOLOGY'S BELLARMINES (via Robert Schwartz):

Evolution debate re-emerges (Catherine Candisky, June 09, 2005, THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH)

A doctoral dissertation, of all things, is the latest lightning rod in the battle over teaching evolution in Ohio. Ohio State University is investigating the makeup of a committee set to review the graduate work of a Hilliard Davidson High School biology teacher. The panel is stacked with creationists and the research might be unethical, some OSU faculty members say.

The teacher, Bryan Leonard, helped draft Ohio’s plan calling for "critical analysis of evolution" in high-school science classes. More recently, he testified before the Kansas Board of Education, which is considering a similar proposal.

Leonard’s defense of his dissertation, required for his doctorate in science education, was postponed from Monday.

Play the man, Master Leonard...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:38 PM


The 'Third Tier' Years (Richard Cohen, June 7, 2005, Washington Post)

Not too long ago I went up to Harlem to see Bill Clinton. Our talk was off the record, so I cannot tell you what he said, but I can say -- can't I? -- that he was smart and encyclopedic and wise and knowledgeable. As always, I was impressed, but then, shortly afterward, I read "The Survivor," John Harris's smoothly readable new book about the Clinton presidency, and I could hear the air going out of a balloon and the soft, weary voice of Peggy Lee singing, "Is that all there is?" In Clinton's case the answer apparently is yes.

It's hard to describe the disconnect, the contrast, between Bill Clinton the man and Bill Clinton's two-term presidency. The charm, the brilliance, the sureness and all the rest somehow produced a presidency that never lived up to its potential. I say that with considerable reluctance, since to give Clinton no better than a grade of C is, somehow, to legitimize his critics. That is more than I intend -- and much more than they deserve.

But Harris has written a brief that is hard to ignore. It does not come this time from either a Clinton partisan or enemy but from a Post reporter who covered his presidency and whose fairness -- he has no dog in the fight about Clinton -- cannot be doubted. His, in fact, is the first book about the Clinton presidency that comes from an objective journalist or historian. As such, it is bound to set the standard for those that follow.

If so, the initial historical ranking of Clinton will be pretty much what Dick Morris said it would be back in 1996. In one of his routine phone calls to the president, Morris said he had been thinking about Clinton's place in history. Of the 40 men who had preceded Clinton, Morris said, only 18 had truly made history and only five of those -- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson and FDR -- qualified as "first tier." As for Clinton, Morris had to tell his friend he was "borderline third tier." Nothing that happened in the next four years moved Clinton up.

Wilson? Even Bill Clinton was a much better president than Wilson. Mr, Clinton was our era's Grover Cleveland--a moderate Democrat aberration in the midst of a Republican epoch.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:16 PM

HUTS? (via bboys):

German city builds 'sex huts' for World Cup (Reuters, June 8, 2005)

A German city is rushing to install a series of drive-in wooden “sex huts” in time for next year’s soccer World Cup and an expected boom in the local sex trade, a city official said on Wednesday.

They're soccer fans--pup tents will suffice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:14 PM

SO FALL THE GATES (via Robert Schwartz and Daniel Merriman):

Supreme Court ruling opens door to private health care, say experts (Dennis Bueckert, June 09, 2005, Canadian Press)

The country's top court has delivered a powerful blow to Canada's single-tier system of public health care, striking down a Quebec law that banned private insurance for medically necessary services. The federal government insisted there's nothing to worry about, but most experts predicted the decision will lead to a parallel private system.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled Thursday that the Quebec ban on private insurance violates Quebec's charter of rights.

The Canadian Medical Association called it a "historic" ruling that could "fundamentally change the health-care system in Canada as we now know it."

In Quebec City, interim Parti Quebecois Leader Louise Harel said Quebec's public health system is threatened and she urged Premier Jean Charest to defend it.

But Prime Minister Paul Martin downplayed such concerns.

"We're not going to have a two-tier health-care system in this country," he said.

Of course not, how would you restrict it to just two?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:08 PM


The remarkable hostility of George W. Bush towards Gordon Brown (Peter Oborne, 6/11/05, The Spectator)

George Bush did his best for Tony Blair this week in Washington. He is extremely fond of the British Prime Minister, and the real venom is felt towards Gordon Brown. The Chancellor badly upset the White House when he tried to railroad Condoleezza Rice over Africa at a meeting in the British Foreign Office on 4 February. According to well-placed sources, he treated Rice with the same contempt that he normally hands out to Cabinet colleagues. Afterwards the Americans briefed that Brown’s financing plan was poorly thought through and would ‘be forgotten within a year’.

Well-informed sources say that President Bush is proud of what he has done for Africa, and is ‘affronted by the way Gordon Brown is trying to get cheap publicity ahead of the G8’. The US President may well have spent a portion of his private meeting with Tony Blair this week urging the British Prime Minister to remain in power as long as possible. Meanwhile the volume of private briefing against the Chancellor from within the White House is remarkable by any standards.

It'd be helpful for Mr. Brown to recognize that even when he's PM he'll be less powerful than Condi.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:46 PM


One of seven in U.S. is Hispanic: Immigration and a higher birth rate account for record growth of the minority group (PAULINE JELINEK, 6/09/05, Associated Press)

One of every seven people in the United States is Hispanic, a record number that probably will keep rising because of immigration and a birth rate outstripping non-Hispanic blacks and whites.

The country's largest minority group accounted for one-half of the overall population growth of 2.9 million between July 2003 and July 2004, according to a Census Bureau report being released today.

The agency estimated there are 41.3 million Hispanics in the United States. The bureau does not ask people about their legal status; that number is intended to include both legal and other residents.

The population growth for Asians ran a close second.

Increases in both groups are the result largely to immigration, but also higher birth rates, said Lewis Goodman, an American University expert on U.S.-Latin American relations.

"If we didn't have those elements, we would be moving into a situation like Japan and Europe where the populations are graying in a way that is very alarming and endangering their productivity and endangering even their social security systems," he said.

Thus the housing shortage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:38 PM


US scientists admit to fudge research results (Rediff, June 09, 2005)

The first large-scale survey of scientific misbehaviour published on Thursday said scientists in the United States of America fudged their research results either to become famous, to suit their sponsors or for other reasons.

No problem--it's not like the faithful look at any of the nonsense they're fed too closely.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:33 PM


Dancing With the Dictator (JASPER BECKER, 6/09/05, NY Times)

Since South Korea's president at the time, Kim Dae Jung, met with North Korea's Kim Jong Il in 2000 (and pocketed a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts), Seoul has gone to remarkable lengths to gain the North's trust. Unsurprisingly, the only real changes under this Sunshine Policy have occurred in South Korea. And efforts by President Roh, who was elected in 2002, to engage Kim Jong Il have led him to plunge his own nation into North Korea's world of lies.

For example, Seoul no longer sees any evidence of North Korea's crimes: the government tries to keep South Korean newscasts from showing a smuggled tape of the public execution of "criminals" by the North that has been broadcast in Japan and elsewhere; reports that China is shipping refugees back to North Korea are denied by the Roh government; the North's testing of chemical weapons on live prisoners goes largely unmentioned; and even Pyongyang's apparent preparations for nuclear weapons tests are played down.

South Korea, a member of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, has abstained for the last three years from voting to condemn the North for its abuses. The South's latest national defense white paper even indicates that Seoul no longer considers the North to be its "main enemy" - which implies that the presence of American forces on the peninsula is no longer necessary.

Because Seoul chooses to regard the North as a friendly neighbor, it no longer wants to help North Koreans fleeing the regime - even though its Constitution declares that these refugees have the legal right to become citizens of South Korea. There have been press reports that Seoul has been pressuring China to prevent North Korean escapees from seeking asylum in South Korea's embassy and consulates in China (there are at least 100,000 North Koreans hiding in China).

Last year, when 468 North Korean refugees who had taken refuge in Vietnam were flown into South Korea, Seoul's minister in charge of reunification declared that "we disapprove of mass defections" and promised there would not be another large-scale movement of refugees. In December, the ministry cut the "resettlement" grant program for escaped Northerners by two-thirds and announced that henceforth there would be far greater scrutiny of asylum-seekers (on the questionable grounds that these refugees might be spies).

President Roh has defended this approach by more or less throwing up his hands. He refuses to give even moral support to dissidents in the North, claiming that Kim Jong Il would ruthlessly crush any protests. For Mr. Roh, there is no chance his "partner for peace" will fall from power; in fact, he makes clear that he would not wish the regime to crumble any time soon.

So, what has President Roh received for all this appeasement?

Presumably Mr. Roh has become the greatest guitar player since Robert Johnson?

U.S. defense official secretly visited S. Korea, reportedly threatened to pull U.S. troops (AP, 6/09/05)

A U.S. defense official paid a secret visit to Seoul this week and told his South Korean counterparts that Washington might withdraw its troops if the two sides continue to disagree on various bilateral issues, local media reported Thursday.

South Korea's Foreign Ministry acknowledged the visit by U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Richard Lawless, but refused to disclose what was discussed during his meetings Monday and Tuesday.

Local newspapers reported that Lawless said Washington might have to withdraw its troops if Seoul keeps disagreeing on a range of issues, including Pentagon plans for its forces to be more flexible and potentially operate across the region. The reports in the Hankyoreh and Munhwa dailies, along with various Internet media, cited South Korean defense officials and diplomats.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:28 PM


Rangel: Bush Iraq 'Fraud' as Bad as Holocaust (Newsmax, 6/08/05)

Top House Democrat Charles Rangel complained on Monday that the Bush administration's decision to concoct a "fraudulent" war in Iraq was as bad as "the Holocaust."

"It's the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of this country," Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter. "This is just as bad as six million Jews being killed. The whole world knew it and they were quiet about it, because it wasn't their ox that was being gored."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:22 PM


New Dems search for new ideas (Josephine Hearn, 6/09/05, The Hill)

The New Democrat Coalition huddled for three hours Tuesday to plot strategy, determine which issues it will champion and try to generate new ideas for the Democratic Party.

The gathering, which was billed as a retreat for the group of 42 centrist House Democrats, was part of an ongoing effort launched earlier this year to increase New Democrats’ clout in Congress and help them become a source of ideas for the party as a whole.

Until this year, the New Democrats’ influence had been waning and they had struggled to find their voice and relevancy after the like-minded Clinton administration ended.

This year, however, they have embarked on a broad effort to reinvent and reinvigorate themselves. They established membership criteria — requiring contributions to their political action committee and attendance at group meetings — and have held weekly meetings and been more active in advocating for and against policy positions.

Leaders of the group recently came out against the Central America Free Trade Agreement, a bold step for the traditionally pro-trade group that won them kudos from labor unions and fellow Democrats but garnered complaints from the technology industry.

What next, a demand that the Administration restart SALT talks?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:06 PM


Disputed judge gets confirmation (Detroit Free Press, 6/09/05)

Senators also voted to end the filibuster of William Pryor's nomination to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. He is the last of three nominees Democrats agreed to clear in exchange for Republicans not banning judicial filibusters.

Pryor is likely to be confirmed today, along with two Michigan nominees -- David McKeague and Richard Griffin, nominated to the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati.

Three more for the Gang.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:56 AM


Every British road may soon have its price per mile (Mark Rice-Oxley, 6/09/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Congestion on British roads has become so bad that government officials are proposing a dramatic measure to stave off what they call "L.A.-style gridlock."

Under the plan, drivers would pay for using every single road in the country. Sophisticated satellite and global positioning equipment would track vehicles, charging them according to the route they take.

Busy roads at busy times of day could cost as much as $2 per mile, according to preliminary proposals. Small rural routes would cost just a few cents a mile.

The idea, set to be formally unveiled Thursday in a speech by Transport Minister Alastair Darling, would be unprecedented. Several countries have talked about road pricing, or variable pricing, for decades, but nothing on this scale has ever been considered before.

And despite some grumbling that satellite tracking would breach privacy, it's an idea that may be spreading

Seems less intrusive to just tax the bejeebies out of gas and to charge tolls for entering highways and cities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:59 AM


Peña plays the hero in HR frenzy (John Fay, 6/09/05, Cincinnati Enquirer)

Wily Mo Peña hasn't checked with Reds chief operating officer John Allen yet, but he'd like tonight to be Wily Mo Bobblehead Night II.

It's hard to blame him. Peña hit two home runs, including a two-out, two-run walk-off shot, to lift the Reds to an 11-9 victory over the Tampa Bay Devil Rays before a crowd of 32,019 on - you guessed it - Wily Mo Peña Bobblehead Night at Great American Ball Park.

"I want another bobblehead night," Peña said. "I want to be a hero again."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


No to Hillary (Robert Novak, June 9, 2005, Townhall)

Back east, well-placed Democrats have agreed that the party's 2008 nomination is all wrapped up better than three years in advance. They say that the prize is Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's for the asking, and that she is sure to ask. But here on the left coast, I found surprising and substantial Democratic opposition to going with the former first lady.

Both the Hollywood glitterati and the more mundane politicians of Los Angeles are looking elsewhere. They have seen plenty of Sen. Clinton over the past dozen years, and they don't particularly like what they've seen. Two far less well-known Democrats -- Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh -- were hits on recent visits to California, mainly because they were not Hillary.

The concern here with Clinton is not borne in fear that she might fail to carry California. Almost any Democrat would be likely to win in the nation's most populous state, where the advent of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an exotic event that has not changed the GOP's minority status in California. Rather, the fear here is pronounced that Clinton cannot win in Red America, guaranteeing a third straight Republican term in the White House.

Party insiders in Washington and New York, including many who ran the last two losing Democratic presidential campaigns, say they have never before seen anything like the way Clinton has sewed up the nomination. In particular, they say, she has cornered Eastern money in a way nobody else ever has done at such an early date.

And John McCain could certainly beat her in CA.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:15 AM


NATO agrees to lend its help in Darfur (Judy Dempsey, 6/09/05, International Herald Tribune)

The U.S.-led military alliance, NATO, agreed Wednesday to provide military, logistical and planning support to the African Union as it prepares to assume a greater role in ending the violence in the Darfur region of Sudan.

The decision by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization opens the way for its first mission to Africa, and was approved despite initial resistance by France and Belgium. As former colonial powers in Africa, both countries had insisted that any support for the African Union should come from the European Union and not from NATO.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 AM


U.S. firm in rebuff of German bid at UN (Steven R. Weisman, 6/09/05, The New York Times)

The Bush administration, in a move that is straining relations with the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, has once again rebuffed Germany's bid to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, American and European officials said Wednesday.

The officials said that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice relayed the U.S. position anew to the German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, on Wednesday, suggesting that expansion of the Security Council was secondary in importance to other reforms, such as streamlining management at the United Nations.

There're already two European nations too many.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


Deficit Is Arriving Under Forecasts Good News for White House (JACKIE CALMES, 6/08/05, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL)

The White House, which hasn't had much good news since President Bush's second term began, is about to start spreading some: This year's deficit is coming in lower than anticipated, thanks to the economic recovery and higher-than-expected tax receipts.

While the administration and Congress won't officially revise their separate annual deficit projections until midsummer for fiscal 2005, which ends Sept. 30, government and private-sector analysts agree the shortfall is more likely to be about $350 billion, rather than the $427 billion the administration forecast in January. Treasury Secretary John Snow is expected to carry the tidings to London for this weekend's summit of finance ministers from the Group of Eight leading nations, who have harped on the growing American debt and foreign borrowing.

Administration officials say the improved fiscal picture suggests the president is on track to deliver more quickly on a campaign promise to cut the annual deficit in half as a share of the total U.S. economy, to 2.3% of gross domestic product. (By comparison, last year's $412 billion deficit was 3.6% of GDP.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:42 AM


Shavuos: A view from the mountain (Rabbi Yonason Goldson, 6/08/05, Jewish World Review)

On the sixth day of the Jewish month of Sivan, Jews around the world will celebrate the revelation at Sinai, 3,317 years ago, when the Almighty gave us the Torah. It was the Torah that provided the moral and legal foundation that has enabled the Jewish people to build a nation devoted to spiritual ideals, a nation that endured for nearly 1,500 years in its land and nearly two thousand years scattered across the globe. It was the Torah that introduced the concepts of peace, of charity, of justice, and of collective responsibility to a world that knew no value other than "might makes right." It was the Torah that formed the basis of Christianity and Islam, spreading monotheism throughout the world and fashioning the attitudes of modern progressivism.

It all began on that mountain called Sinai, and from that point on the Jewish people have labored to climb the mountain of morality and virtue, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, sometimes wondering whether our efforts are worthwhile, but always persevering in our mission to attain the summit of spiritual and moral perfection.

Had our mission demanded completion within a single generation we would never have held out hope of success. But every generation climbs a little higher, building on the accomplishments of their fathers and grandfathers, fighting for every handhold, struggling for every foothold, occasionally slipping back but never surrendering.

The mission that defines us as a people began 33 centuries ago, it continues today as we recommit ourselves to the study and observance of Torah, and we celebrate it this year as every year on the holiday of Shavuos.

Happy Shavous.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:38 AM


Latest Confirmed Nominee Sees Slavery in Liberalism (DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, 6/09/05, NY Times)

Janice Rogers Brown, the African-American daughter of Alabama sharecroppers who was confirmed Wednesday to the federal appeals court here, often invokes slavery in describing what she sees as the perils of liberalism.

"In the heyday of liberal democracy, all roads lead to slavery," she has warned in speeches. Society and the courts have turned away from the founders' emphasis on personal responsibility, she has argued, toward a culture of government regulation and dependency that threatens fundamental freedoms.

"We no longer find slavery abhorrent," she told the conservative Federalist Society a few years ago. "We embrace it." She explained in another speech, "If we can invoke no ultimate limits on the power of government, a democracy is inevitably transformed into a kleptocracy - a license to steal, a warrant for oppression."

To her critics, such remarks are evidence of extremism. This week, some Senate Democrats have even singled her out as the most objectionable of President Bush's more than 200 judicial nominees, citing her criticism of affirmative action and abortion rights but most of all her sweeping denunciations of New Deal legal precedents that enabled many federal regulations and social programs - developments she has called "the triumph of our socialist revolution."

But the Senate determined yesterday that the President's most extreme and objectionable nominee does bnot rise to the level of "extraordinary" that would make a filibuster legitimate.

Senate Approves Brown: The California justice is confirmed to the D.C. appeals court after nearly two years. Schwarzenegger will pick her replacement. (Maura Reynolds, June 9, 2005, LA Times)

The Senate voted Wednesday to confirm California jurist Janice Rogers Brown to a seat on the powerful U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a position that could place her on President Bush's short list of potential Supreme Court nominees. [...]

The confirmation process for Brown, a justice on the California Supreme Court, stretched over nearly two years and came to symbolize two fiercely opposing forces in Washington: the president's determination to curb what conservatives see as the federal judiciary's intrusion into social issues and the Democrats' determination to resist him.

Bush praised the Senate vote in a brief statement, describing Brown as "a brilliant and fair-minded jurist who is committed to the rule of law." Brown, the first African American woman to sit on the state Supreme Court, will become the second to sit on the D.C. circuit court.

California's two senators — Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both Democrats — opposed Brown's elevation to the federal bench. Before Bush came to office, the Senate traditionally considered opposition by home-state senators sufficient to block a nominee.

"This may be the first such Senate confirmation over the opposition of both home-state senators in the history of the United States Senate," said Sen. Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

When two "fiercely opposing forces" meet and one wins utterly you have to be a bitter-ender to see it as a loss.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 AM


Dr. Dean, the shrink is in (Larry Elder, June 9, 2005, Townhall)

"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for," said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, now chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Dean also blamed Republicans for the unhappy occasion when California voters recalled their Democratic governor: "The right wing of the Republican Party is deliberately undermining the Democratic underpinnings of this country," said Dean on Sept. 6, 2003. "I believe they do not care what Americans think and they do not accept the legitimacy of our elections and have now, for the fourth time in the fourth state, attempted to do what they can to remove democracy from America."

Dean considers Republicans a morally inferior species. In a speech in Kansas on Feb. 25, 2005, Dean said the contest between Democrats and Republicans was "a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." A couple of months later, Dean also called Republicans "corrupt," and said, "You can't trust them with your money, and you can't trust them with your votes."

Dean says Republicans have minimal mental capability, as when Dean called them "brain dead." The chairman says the "brain-dead" Republicans only won the 2004 election because they kept their message simple, while Democrats need "to explain every issue in half an hour of detail."

Dean calls Republicans racist: "The Republicans are all about suppressing votes. Two voting machines if you live in a black district, 10 voting machines if you live in a white district." Dean considers Republicans either lazy or parasitic trust-fund babies: "[T]he idea that you have to wait on line for eight hours to cast your ballot. . . . You think people can work all day, and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever, and get home and . . . still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well, Republicans, I guess," said Dean, "can do that, because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives." A Democratic Party spokeswoman -- and later, Dean himself -- said he was talking about Republican politicians and leadership, not hardworking American people. (Right.)

Congressman Harold Ford was on Imus this morning and just hung the Governor out to dry. He said he couldn't imagine having Mr. Dean come to Tennessee on his behalf, that he didn't think Mr. dean understands ordinary Americans and that he finds personally objectionable the suggestion that only Republicans or white men are Christians. Apparently Mr. Dean is in Washington the next couple days meeting with congressional Democrats and Mr. Ford said he planned to ask if the chairman could keep his mouth shut and if not they should think about replacing him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:31 AM


Fidel Is Afraid: Cubans daring to speak openly for freedom assemble in Havana: Castro feels a chill (Nat Hentoff, June 2nd, 2005, Village Voice)

[A]s Frank Calzón, director of the Center for a Free Cuba in Washington, D.C., told Clyne—after Castro staged a huge anti-Bush rally on May 17, rounding up many thousands of Cubans—the staging of that event showed Castro "feels threatened by this group [organizing the May 20 meeting]." After all, as Calzón's remarks were paraphrased in the Sun:

"A legitimate and freely elected leader doesn't need to rally hundreds of thousands of people to support him when confronted with hundreds of nonviolent dissenters."

While most of the American media were sleeping during the Cuban dissenters' preparation for May 20, Meghan Clyne reported that the House of Representatives had passed (392 to 22) a resolution, H.R. 193, expressing "support and solidarity to the organizers and participants of the historic meeting."

Among the 22 who voted against the resolution was New York's Charles Rangel because, he complained to the Sun, American politicians "refuse to give the government [of Cuba] the respect that it deserves." As for the imminent assembly on May 20, Rangel said, "I don't think it helps to be supporting insurgents overthrowing the government." It would be better, Rangel continued, to try "to reach out to the government to see what we can do to help both the government and people of Cuba, not just isolating them by dealing with dissidents."

Gee, what about such insurgents and dissidents as Samuel Adams, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King—and José Martí, the poet and journalist who led the Cuban Revolutionary Party and was killed during his insurgency to liberate Cuba from Spain? Havana's international airport is named for José Martí.

We can help the people of Cuba most by giving them a different government.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Decadent Europe: The EU crisis can be read as evidence of a declining civilisation. Let's stop neocons gloating (Timothy Garton Ash, June 9, 2005, The Guardian)

[I]n 1976, Raymond Aron wrote a book called Plaidoyer pour l'Europe Décadente, translated into English as In Defence of Decadent Europe. [...]

Thirty years ago Aron worried about a kind of hedonistic self-indulgence characteristic of decadent societies. At the risk of sounding like a cross between Mary Whitehouse and Lord Longford, the thought does occasionally occur when flicking through British and European TV channels, from Celebrity Love Island, through Big Brother, to the endless onanistic German chatshows. Aron also worried about Europe's low birth rates, which in the meantime have become still lower. "The civilisation of self-centred enjoyment," he dared to write, "condemns itself to death when it loses interest in the future."

Of course, looked at from another viewpoint, liberal in a different sense, the very low birth rates in countries such as Spain, Italy and Germany are an expression of increased liberty: namely a woman's right to choose. But it's common sense that welfare states then need someone else to support so many pensioners. That someone is to hand: a young, vigorous, growing population just across the Mediterranean, eager to come and work here. But Europe is proving very bad at making Muslim immigrants feel at home. The Dutch nee vote was in significant part a vote against Muslim immigration, and the French non was in part against Turkey joining the EU.

It may not have escaped your attention that this analysis of European decadence bears a startling resemblance to that of American neoconservatives and anti-Europeans, against whose crude caricatures I have so often fought. To this I would say two things. First, American neocons would be idiots to gloat. Europe and America are two parts of one larger civilisation. If the old Europe on this side of the Atlantic goes down, it may help the new Europe on the other side of the Atlantic in short-term power relations, but it will be enormously damaging to US interests in the longer term.

Second, it's up to us to prove them wrong.

Even when he's trying to face reality squarely, Mr. Ash just can't grasp that decadent Europe isn't any longer paret of the same civilization as America.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Reformers in Saudi Arabia: Seeking Rights, Paying a Price (NEIL MacFARQUHAR, 6/09/05, NY Times)

The Saudi writer Turki al-Hamad wants to shake the younger generation attracted by militant Islam. His new novel, a thinly disguised sketch of four Sept. 11 hijackers, seeks to warn those weighing suicide missions.

"Put your luggage aside and think," reads the opening page to the book, called "The Winds of Paradise" and just released in Arabic.

"I wrote the latest book just to say that the problem is not from outside, the problem is from ourselves - if we don't change ourselves, nothing will change," Mr. Hamad said over coffee in the green marbled lobby of a hotel near Dammam, the city along the Persian Gulf where he lives. His earlier books challenging sexual and political mores remain banned.

After Sept. 11, 2001, the push toward reform in the Middle East gained momentum with the recognition in some quarters that stifling political and economic conditions helped spawn extremism. Reform advocates like Mr. Hamad live under threat but have also gained some space to air grievances.

Hence, Mr. Hamad writes novels to try to jolt young Saudis into re-examining their own society. Fawaziah B. al-Bakr, a woman and a college professor, agitates for women to question their assigned roles. Hassan al-Maleky, a theologian, argues that no one sect - like the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia - holds a monopoly on interpreting Islam.

They are the first to say that meaningful change remains a distant prospect because the institutions opposing such change are so powerful. And because there is no real forum to even discuss change, the process of creating open, freer societies is more the sum of individuals chipping away at the traditional order, rather than any organized movement or national discussion.

The three barely know each other, and their lack of contact is emblematic of Saudi Arabia, which ranks among the most closed Arab countries.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Reflections from the Iraq War (Michael Fumento, June 9, 2005, Townhall)

I traveled to Iraq essentially for two reasons. First, I believed the mainstream media for whatever reason were missing many important stories. Second, I believed you had to see the war to truly understand it. I was fed up with the pompous pontificating pundits who can go to Iraq anytime but prefer the comfort and safety of home. I paid the price for my trip; a part of me will always remain in Iraq – literally. But I was right on both counts.

I observed that troop morale in even the most hostile areas was better than I would have believed. Unless I identified myself, nobody knew I was a reporter. Troops didn’t hold back antiwar feelings on my account. Yet I heard none. I also carefully fastidiously read the ubiquitous graffiti in the portable toilets and only once found a negative scrawling – a Bush bash. But three other scrawlings ambushed that first one.

The military has worked doggedly on morale. The food was delicious and varied. It was so hot outside you could barely eat; but don’t blame the chow. The vast majority of troops have hot showers. Toilet facilities were odor-free and fly-free. I was stunned to find living quarters are almost universally air-conditioned.

The ultimate stressor is something about which the military can do nothing; being 9,000 or more miles from home, family, and friends. I pitied the troops for this. But even this blow was softened with discount telephone cards in trailers filled with phones and with Internet cafes.

The only real complaints I’d heard were about “the kindler, gentler military.” Political sensitivity – enhanced by shenanigans such as Newsweek’s – are tying at least part of an arm behind our backs.

June 8, 2005

Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at 11:31 PM


Rain Forest Myth Goes Up in Smoke Over the Amazon (Henry Chu, June 8, 2005, LA Times)

The death of a myth begins with stinging eyes and heaving chests here on the edge of the Amazon rain forest.

Every year, fire envelops the jungle, throwing up inky billows of smoke that blot out the sun. Animals flee. Residents for miles around cry and wheeze, while the weak and unlucky develop serious respiratory problems.

When the burning season strikes, life and health in the Amazon falter, and color drains out of the riotous green landscape as great swaths of majestic trees, creeping vines, delicate bromeliads and hardy ferns are reduced to blackened stubble.

But more than just the land, these annual blazes also lay waste to a cherished notion that has roosted in the popular mind for decades: the idea of the rain forest as the "lungs of the world."

Ever since saving the Amazon became a fashionable cause in the 1980s, championed by Madonna, Sting and other celebrities, the jungle has consistently been likened to an enormous recycling plant that slurps up carbon dioxide and pumps out oxygen for us all to breathe, from Los Angeles to London to Lusaka.

Think again, scientists say.

Far from cleaning up the atmosphere, the Amazon is now a major source for pollution.

The Gipper was on to those trees twenty-five years ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:29 PM


Va. Gov. Warner to AP: Democratic Prez Candidate Must Buck Party Orthodoxy (AP, 6/08/05)

Democrats must stop forcing presidential candidates to "check every box in terms of Democratic orthodoxy" if the party is win back the White House, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner told The Associated Press.

"One of my critiques of Senator Kerry, and I campaigned hard for Senator Kerry, was I can't tell you where he ever broke with anything in Democratic orthodoxy," Warner said in an interview with the AP Tuesday. "We've got to rethink the way we talk to the American people, what we lay out as to where we're headed."

As Bill Clinton showed, you've got to run as a moderate Republican and hope your opponent runs as a liberal Republican.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 PM

SEXY BEACH (via Daniel Merriman):

Let's buy into the good things about Europe (Boris Johnson, 09/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

There are now 750,000 British properties in Spain and half a million in France, and it is well known that there are now some French villages where the English influx is so heavy as to provoke the kind of tensions not seen since the Napoleonic era. And I have to tell you that there came a point after lunch, staring out over that wine-dark sea, having drunk a certain amount of wine-dark wine, that I was filled with a Byronic romance, and thought yes, why not? Wouldn't it be wonderful to escape to the south, like swallows, and join these other Brits in their bliss?

The answer is that it would be wonderful, and I point all this out now because this right of abode is one of the unambiguous blessings that has come from Europe. Here we are, we Euro-sceptics, in a state of complete triumph. The European ideal has been overwhelmed with derision and disaster. The European constitution is dead, and of course it is a good thing that it is. There is no earthly point in this country going through the expensive charade of our own referendum, and queueing up to stab the corpse like the cast of Murder on the Orient Express, when the French have themselves had the honour of first extinguishing its vital functions; and nor do we want our own government furtively importing the text by means of intergovernmental agreement.

We don't need more qualified majority voting, which hollows out the democratic process at Westminster. We don't need a European defence policy or foreign policy, not when 16 out of 25 countries secretly or openly disagreed with the Franco-German position on the war in Iraq. You can't herd squirrels with some fancy new treaty. We don't want the European Union to be blessed with a new preposterous oxymoronic motto, "Unity in Diversity" (you might as well say Strength through Feebleness), or a new Euro-army or a new European foreign minister and European embassies all over the world; not when British businessmen trying to do deals in, say, Zambia, are already finding that there is no one left in the UK High Commission to help them on the trade desk, because the trade desk has been abolished in favour of joint representation with the EU.

We don't need a European policy on sport, together with qualified majority voting, or the mandatory celebration of "Europe Day" on May 9, or a European space programme. All of which is contained in this constitution and the constitution is - at least for the time being - dead, and of course it ought to be with joy that we Euro-sceptics place our feet on its mounded belly. And yet, as the Duke of Wellington said, there is only one thing more melancholy than a battle lost, and that is a battle won.

As we survey the carnage, it is vital for Euro-sceptics of all kinds that we are not petty. This is a time for bigness of soul, and for realising that it is precisely now, in our moment of triumph, that we must be most generous and creative. Yes, let us scrap the pretensions of the EU to statehood; let us congratulate ourselves (because no one else will) on being so resoundingly vindicated about the euro. Let us prepare to offer the Italians, when they eventually leave the single currency, the use of the pound sterling, provided they are willing to pay the seignorage. But let us also remember that some good things have come from Europe, and they include the basic four freedoms of movement - of goods, people, services and capital.

The problem is that he won't want to live in a France that's being run by the French.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 PM


Gallic genius will save France says Villepin (Jon Henley, June 9, 2005, The Guardian)

France's new prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, refused yesterday to push the country down the road towards free-market reform, saying "Gallic genius" would help put back on its feet a "suffering, impatient and angry" nation that has failed to adapt fully to a changing world.

You have to admire the guy for being able to use the phrase in public without pulling a Harvey Korman. Of course, the real test is whether you can say "Gallic military prowess"...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 PM

WHO LET THE BLIND GUY DRIVE? (via Luciferous):

Bangalore: Hot and Hotter (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 6/08/05, NY Times)

Every time I visit India, Indians always ask me to compare India with China. Lately, I have responded like this: If India and China were both highways, the Chinese highway would be a six-lane, perfectly paved road, but with a huge speed bump off in the distance labeled "Political reform: how in the world do we get from Communism to a more open society?" When 1.3 billion people going 80 miles an hour hit a speed bump, one of two things happens: Either the car flies into the air and slams down, and all the parts hold together and it keeps on moving - or the car flies into the air, slams down and all the wheels fall off. Which it will be with China, I don't know. India, by contrast, is like a highway full of potholes, with no sidewalks and half the streetlamps broken. But off in the distance, the road seems to smooth out, and if it does, this country will be a dynamo. The question is: Is that smoother road in the distance a mirage or the real thing?

Perhaps you have to be the Establishment voice on foreign policy to not grasp that at the moment the PRC goes over that bump all of the potholes open up ahead--population inplosion, gender imbalance, regional tensions, class tensions, separatist problems, etc..

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:23 PM


No Jokes, Please, We're Liberal: If Fox News were truly fair and balanced, would it be as much fun to watch? While the right enjoys a laugh, media liberals have become the new conservatives: a stodgy, humorless Ivy League elite (MICHAEL WOLFF, Vanity Fair)

Why aren't liberals funny? And how come conservative columnist David Brooks, formerly a stylish, witty, sharp-eyed writer, got to be such a plodding, stuffed-shirt prig when he went to work for a liberal publication?

Brooks's book Bobos in Paradise is an example of an old-fashioned, way-we-live-now sociology—drawing the great social caricature—that is hardly practiced anymore (sociology, which used to be aligned with journalism, is now a quantitative discipline). His subject was middle-class identity and particularly, even though he's a conservative, liberal-middle-class identity. As an observer of manners, Brooks was a little hyperbolic, a little reductive, and clever to a fault.

But then he went to the New York Times op-ed page. The Times, temperamentally resistant to the hyperbolic, the reductive, the too clever, took Brooks's style away. Sociology without style is pomposity.

The complicated condition for liberals, or, anyway, for liberal wits and stylists, is that so much of the liberal media—the constricting liberal media—has defaulted to a kind of consensus Times-ness. Hence, in defensive mode, and in a careful estimation of our market opportunities, we are all—we well-employed, Ivy League–ish, culturally engaged, upper-middle-class chattering types in the mainstream news media—self-serious, earnest, striving, humorless, correct people, seeking to become ever more earnest, faultless, evenhanded. We're Hillary (or we're her base, and she's courting us by becoming as worthy and flat as we are).

Not to put too fine a point on it, but liberals, in their desperate quest to be taken seriously, are the new conservatives.

Conservative opinionists in the burgeoning right-wing media—from Fox to talk radio to Rupert Murdoch's Weekly Standard to the Wall Street Journal editorial page—are, on the other hand, often facile, funny, irreverent, eccentric, jaunty, pithy, as well as aggressive and wrongheaded (that improbable creature Ann Coulter is all those things), as well as operatic (Terri Schiavo was an opera). As well as, on occasion, inebriated. (The character note of a liberal these days is sobriety—no drinks, no carbs, no jokes. The conservatives run amok while the liberals are corporatized.)

Obviously, conservatives have reason to enjoy themselves, while liberals do not. But then, too, it may reasonably be the conservatives' sense of verbal sport, of going too far, of showing off, that's helped get them into their catbird seat. And, conversely, the liberals' dullness and depressiveness—"little constipated souls," in the recent description by Ben Bradlee, who is from the liberal media's jaunty age—that's contributed to their fate.

So why no oomph? No joy? No jokes?

You used to at least get an argument when you made the point that all comedy is conservative.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:58 PM


There's No Place Like Home: What I learned from my wife's month in the British medical system. (DAVID ASMAN, June 8, 2005, Opinion Journal)

When I covered Latin America for The Wall Street Journal, I'd visit hospitals, prisons and schools as barometers of public services in the country. Based on my Latin American scale, Queen's Square would rate somewhere in the middle. It certainly wasn't as bad as public hospitals in El Salvador, where patients often share beds. But it wasn't as nice as some of the hospitals I've seen in Buenos Aires or southern Brazil. And compared with virtually any hospital ward in the U.S., Queen's Square would fall short by a mile.

The equipment wasn't ancient, but it was often quite old. On occasion my wife and I would giggle at heart and blood-pressure monitors that were literally taped together and would come apart as they were being moved into place. The nurses and hospital technicians had become expert at jerry-rigging temporary fixes for a lot of the damaged equipment. I pitched in as best as I could with simple things, like fixing the wiring for the one TV in the ward. And I'd make frequent trips to the local pharmacies to buy extra tissues and cleaning wipes, which were always in short supply.

In fact, cleaning was my main occupation for the month we were at Queen's Square. Infections in hospitals are, of course, a problem everywhere. But in Britain, hospital-borne infections are getting out of control. At least 100,000 British patients a year are hit by hospital-acquired infections, including the penicillin-resistant "superbug" MRSA. A new study carried out by the British Health Protection Agency says that MRSA plays a part in the deaths of up to 32,000 patients every year. But even at lower numbers, Britain has the worst MRSA infection rates in Europe. It's not hard to see why.

As far as we could tell in our month at Queen's Square, the only method of keeping the floors clean was an industrious worker from the Philippines named Marcello, equipped with a mop and pail. Marcello did the best that he could. But there's only so much a single worker can do with a mop and pail against a ward full of germ-laden filth. Only a constant cleaning by me kept our little corner of the ward relatively germ-free. When my wife and I walked into Cornell University Hospital in New York after a month in England, the first thing we noticed was the floors. They were not only clean. They were shining! We were giddy with the prospect of not constantly engaging in germ warfare.

As for the caliber of medicine practiced at Queen's Square, we were quite impressed at the collegiality of the doctors and the tendency to make medical judgments based on group consultations. There is much better teamwork among doctors, nurses and physical therapists in Britain. In fact, once a week at Queen's Square, all the hospital's health workers--from high to low--would assemble for an open forum on each patient in the ward. That way each level knows what the other level is up to, something glaringly absent from U.S. hospital management. Also, British nurses have far more direct managerial control over how the hospital wards are run. This may somewhat compensate for their meager wages--which averaged about £20,000 ($36,000) a year (in a city where almost everything costs twice as much as it does in Manhattan!).

There is also much less of a tendency in British medicine to make decisions on the basis of whether one will be sued for that decision. This can lead to a much healthier period of recuperation. For example, as soon as my wife was ambulatory, I was determined to get her out of the hospital as much as possible. Since a stroke is all about the brain, I wanted to clear her head of as much sickness as I could. We'd take off in a wheelchair for two-hour lunches in the lovely little park outside, and three-hour dinners at a nice Japanese restaurant located at a hotel down the street. I swear those long, leisurely dinners, after which we'd sit in the lobby where I'd smoke a cigar and we'd talk for another hour or so, actually helped in my wife's recovery. It made both of us feel, well, normal. It also helped restore a bit of fun in our relationship, which too often slips away when you just see your loved one in a hospital setting.

Now try leaving a hospital as an inpatient in the U.S. In fact, we did try and were frustrated at every step. You'd have better luck breaking out of prison. Forms, permission slips and guards at the gate all conspire to keep you in bounds. It was clear that what prevented us from getting out was the pressing fear on everyone's part of getting sued. Anything happens on the outside and folks naturally sue the hospital for not doing their job as the patient's nanny.

Why are the Brits so less concerned about being sued? I can only guess that Britain's practice of forcing losers in civil cases to pay for court costs has lessened the number of lawsuits, and thus the paranoia about lawsuits from which American medical services suffer.

British doctors, nurses and physical therapists also seem to put much more stock in the spiritual side of healing. Not to say that they bring religion into the ward. (In fact, they passed right over my wife's insistence that prayer played a part in what they had to admit was a miraculously quick return of movement to her left side.) Put simply, they invest a lot of effort at keeping one's spirits up. Sometimes it's a bit over the top, such as when the physical or occupational therapists compliment any tiny achievement with a "Brilliant!" or "Fantastic!" But better that than taking a chance of planting a negative suggestion that can grow quickly and dampen spirits for a long time.

Since we returned, we've actually had two American physical therapists who did just that--one who told my wife that she'd never use her hand again and another who said she'd never bend her ankle again. Both of these therapists were wrong, but they succeeded in depressing my wife's spirits and delaying her recovery for a considerable period. For the life of me, I can't understand how they could have been so insensitive, unless this again was an attempt to forestall a lawsuit: I never claimed you would walk again.

Having praised the caregivers, I'm forced to return to the inefficiencies of a health system devoid of incentives. One can tell that the edge has disappeared in treatment in Britain. For example, when we returned to the U.S. we discovered that treatment exists for thwarting the effects of blood clots in the brain if administered shortly after a stroke. Such treatment was never mentioned, even after we were admitted to the neurology hospital. Indeed, the only medication my wife was given for a severe stroke was a daily dose of aspirin. Now, treating stroke victims is tricky business. My wife had a low hemoglobin count, so with all the medications in the world, she still might have been better off with just aspirin. But consultations with doctors never brought up the possibilities of alternative drug therapies. (Of course, U.S. doctors tend to be pill pushers, but that's a different discussion.)

Then there was the condition of Queen's Square compared with the physical plant of the New York hospitals. As I mentioned, the cleanliness of U.S. hospitals is immediately apparent to all the senses. But Cornell and New York University hospitals (both of which my wife has been using since we returned) have ready access to technical equipment that is either hard to find or nonexistent in Britain. This includes both diagnostic equipment and state-of-the-art equipment used for physical therapy.

We did have one brief encounter with a more comprehensive type of British medical treatment--a day trip to one of the few remaining private hospitals in London.

Before she could travel back home, my wife needed to have the weak wall in her heart fortified with a metal clamp. The procedure is minimally invasive (a catheter is passed up to the heart from a small incision made in the groin), but it requires enormous skill. The cardiologist responsible for the procedure, Seamus Cullen, worked in both the public system and as a private clinician. He informed us that the waiting line to perform the procedure in a public hospital would take days if not weeks, but we could have the procedure done in a private hospital almost immediately. Since we'd already been separated from our 12-year-old daughter for almost a month, we opted to have the procedure done (with enormous assistance from my employer) at a private hospital.

Checking into the private hospital was like going from a rickety Third World hovel into a five-star hotel. There was clean carpeting, more than enough help, a private room (and a private bath!) in which to recover from the procedure, even a choice of wines offered with a wide variety of entrees. As we were feasting on our fancy new digs, Dr. Cullen came by, took my wife's hand, and quietly told us in detail about the procedure. He actually paused to ask us whether we understood him completely and had any questions. Only one, we both thought to ask: Is this a dream?

It wasn't long before the dream was over and we were back at Queen's Square.

Posted by David Cohen at 5:29 PM


Judge Brown was confirmed 56-43. Thanks, Senator McCain, you're my hero.

Liberals Rethinking Senate Filibuster Deal (Charles Babington June 8, 2005, Washington Post)

Democrats generally cheered, and Republicans groused, when a bipartisan group of senators crafted a compromise on judicial nominations last month. But with the Senate now confirming several conservative nominees whom Democrats had blocked for years, some liberals are questioning the wisdom of the deal and fretting about what comes next.

"Our problem with the compromise is the price that was paid," Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said yesterday. She and other Congressional Black Caucus members plan to march into the Senate today to protest the impending confirmation of Janice Rogers Brown. [...]

"It looks like in some ways Frist is seizing the initiative," said Carl W. Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond. Moreover, he said, liberals may be deluded in thinking the bipartisan deal will thwart another contentious nominee -- Brett M. Kavanaugh, the White House staff secretary -- who is not named in the two-page agreement. Two years ago, Bush nominated Kavanaugh, who helped independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr pursue the Monica S. Lewinsky case, to the D.C. Circuit appeals court.

"I think it's wishful thinking by the Democrats that he won't move forward," Tobias said. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said of Kavanaugh in an interview yesterday, "I intend to push him."

Yesterday, the Senate devoted itself entirely to Brown. Frist called her "a superb judge" who applies the law "without bias, without favor, with an even hand." Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), one of the 14 negotiators, called Brown "an extremely talented and qualified judge" who will "advance the cause of conservative judicial philosophy."

But Democrats recited a litany of Brown's controversial statements, including several from a 2000 speech titled "Fifty Ways to Lose Your Freedom." She said senior citizens "blithely cannibalize their grandchildren because they have a right to get as much 'free' stuff as the political system will permit them to extract." Elsewhere, Brown has said: "Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates. . . . When government advances . . . freedom is imperiled, civilization itself [is] jeopardized."

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) told reporters that Brown is "one of the most extreme nominees that has ever come before the United States Senate in the 32 years I've been a senator."

And the Gang made her a federal judge.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:32 PM


Less skin is back in for young Americans (Linda Thomas, Jun 8, 2005, Reuters)

Hip-hugging jeans and tight-fitting tiny tops are out. Less skin is back in for the young American.

U.S. fashion experts say a trend toward modesty is evident in new fall styles for clothing aimed at girls in their early teens, and will become more common with spring 2006 designs.

"We're seeing skirt hemlines that are at the knee and are very demure, very proper pants, prim tops and large pearl necklaces," said Gloria Baume, fashion market director for Teen Vogue. The magazine showcases fashion and photography much like its parent publication Vogue.

Baume, who said she looks to European fashion runways to spot what will be hot for American teens, said designers have been focusing on "ladylike and almost old-fashioned" styles that were inspired by the 1950s.

Why when the slutty look came into fashion did it have to coincide with the obesity epidemic?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:04 PM


Customs saw nothing wrong with suspect (Associated Press, June 8, 2005)

On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S.-Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood. U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres.

Then they let him into the United States.

The following day, a gruesome scene was discovered in Despres' hometown of Minto, New Brunswick: The decapitated body of a 74-year-old country musician named Frederick Fulton on Fulton's kitchen floor. His head was in a pillowcase under a kitchen table. His common-law wife was discovered stabbed to death in a bedroom.

Despres, 22, immediately became a suspect because of a history of violence between him and his neighbors, and he was arrested April 27 after police in Mattapoisett saw him wandering down a highway in a sweatshirt with red and brown stains. He is now in jail in Massachusetts on murder charges, awaiting an extradition hearing next month.

At a time when the United States is tightening its borders, how could a man toting what appeared to be a bloody chain saw be allowed into the country?

Tom Tancredo will get right on that Northern border, huh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:35 AM


Second Chinese Official Seeks Asylum In Australia (Phil Mercer, 08 June 2005, VOA News)

A second Chinese official is seeking political asylum in Australia. The former security agent has claimed he was a member of China's internal police force working to persecute dissidents. His bid for asylum follows a similar application by a senior Chinese diplomat in Sydney. Both men have claimed that Beijing has hundreds of spies in Australia. China has strongly denied the allegations.

Hao Feng Jun has said he worked as a police officer in a specialist security unit known as 610 in the port city of Tianjin in northern China. His primary responsibility was monitoring the activities of the Falun Gong meditation movement and Mr. Hao claims to have seen members of the group tortured. He insisted he has a catalogue of sensitive information about the way Beijing spies on its political opponents at home and overseas. He also has alleged that Beijing was sending businessmen and students to foreign countries to work as secret agents.

In February, while he was in Australia as a tourist, the 32-year-old former security official applied for political asylum. He is waiting to see if Canberra will grant him refugee status.

Mr. Hao is the second Chinese official to seek sanctuary in Australia in the past two weeks.

A senior diplomat, Chen Yonglin, is fighting to stay in the country after walking out from his job as the first secretary at the Chinese consulate-general in Sydney at the end of last month.

Mr. Chen claimed that 1,000 Chinese spies were operating in Australia and he is seeking to defect because of what he described as Beijing's "abusive treatment" of its political opponents. These allegations have been supported by Hao Feng Jun. He has told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that it is now far too dangerous for him to return to his homeland

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:35 AM


In Fiction, a Long History of Fixation on the Social Gap (CHARLES McGRATH, 6/08/05, NY Times)

On television and in the movies now, and even in the pages of novels, people tend to dwell in a classless, homogenized American Never-Never Land. This place is an upgrade, but not a drastic one, from the old neighborhood where Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet, and Donna Reed used to live; it's those yuppified city blocks where the friends on "Friends" and the "Seinfeld" gang had their apartments, or in the now more fashionable version, it's part of the same exurb as One Tree Hill and Wisteria Lane - those airbrushed suburbs where all the cool young people hang out and where the pecking order of sex and looks has replaced the old hierarchy of jobs and money.

This is progress of a sort, but it's also repression, since it means that pop culture has succeeded to a considerable extent in burying something that used to be right out in the open. In the old days, when we were more consumed by social class, we were also more honest about it.

There is an un-American secret at the heart of American culture: for a long time, it was preoccupied by class.

Did you think you'd live long enough to see the day when even the Gray Lady acknowledged that most 20th Century literature was unAmerican?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:35 AM


New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Laura Knoy, 2005-06-08, The Exchange)

It's never too early for presidential politics, Bill Richardson will join us as he explores his possibilities in the Granite State. The former US Secretary of Energy and Ambassador to the UN, Governor Richardson will talk with us about social security, the economy and the continuing war against terror.

Except for the President being a more orthodox Catholic, Mr. Richardson sounds like he's got the good sense to run as a Democrat version of George W. Bush 2000.

Gov. Richardson in NH speaks of unity (JOHN DiSTASO , 6/08/05, Manchester Union-Leader)

Richardson said national policy should begin in the states and that governors "actually can make a difference" because they "fix budgets, build schools" and "set the agenda."

"The main policy laboratories in America are in the states," he said. "Education, economic development, issues related to health care and renewable energy."

He described himself as a "tax-cutting governor" and a "new progressive Democrat," which, he explained, is someone who combines fiscal responsibility with action to help working families and promote economic growth.

"The issue is not being right or left or center," Richardson said. "It is whether we can solve problems." [...]

Richardson, who is Hispanic on his mother's side, received an enthusiastic welcome from about 300 people at a Latino Summit at Southern New Hampshire University.

He said Latinos are becoming increasingly involved in elections and influencing national policies.

Summit leaders said New Hampshire's Hispanic population increased by 80 percent, to about 25,000, between the 1990 census and 2000 census, and about 6,000 Latino Granite Staters are of voting age.

"Latinos in America don't just care immigration and civil rights," Richardson said. "Those are important. But we Latinos care about home ownership, education, economic development, starting a business, being part of the American dream. We don't like to be put in a box."

Addressing the summit, Richardson had fun with the English-only speaking journalists in the room regarding his Presidential ambitions. He said that to make his position clear, he would repeat it in English and Spanish.

"No, I will not run for President," he said in English, then adding in Spanish, "But yes, I am" — to loud applause and cheers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:46 AM


GM to Slash Payroll in U.S.: The slumping carmaker plans to cut 25,000 jobs and close several plants but still must figure out how to get more people to buy its vehicles. (John O'Dell, June 8, 2005, LA Times)

General Motors Corp. said Tuesday that it would eliminate 25,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs and close several factories over the next three years to revive its sagging North American auto operations.

But many Wall Street analysts offered only a tepid response to the plans, saying they were vague and did not go far enough to address a key problem: a lackluster lineup of cars that continues to lose sales to the offerings of Asian carmakers.

"These plans are not surprising given [GM's] market share losses and efficiency gains," said Goldman Sachs analyst Robert Barry. "If market share continues to fall over time, as we expect, then GM is really just treading water with such actions, not boosting profitability."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


A new villain emerges in Europe: the euro (Floyd Norris, JUNE 8, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

Is the euro in danger of dying before it reaches its sixth birthday?

A suggestion by Italian cabinet ministers that their country should hold a referendum on getting out of the common currency drew denunciations from much of Europe as finance ministers met in Luxembourg on Tuesday, but the fact they were discussing the issue at all highlighted the fact that the currency is taking some of the blame for the Continent's economic woes.

Few, if any, think that the euro will stop being the legal currency of much of Europe, but with French and Dutch voters having stunned the political establishment by voting against the proposed European constitution, those who are opposed to other European institutions have been emboldened.

"It is just inconceivable that a country could envisage dropping out of the euro," said Jean-Claude Juncker, prime minister of Luxembourg and the current president of the European Union. "The euro belongs to us all."

Hans Eichel, the German finance minister, said the very idea of a country withdrawing was "nonsense," and Pedro Solbes, the Spanish economy minister, called the common currency "irreversible."

In Strasbourg, the new French foreign minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy, called the euro "a plus for today's European economies" and recalled the days before the currencies were unified, when interest rates in much of Europe were considerably higher than they are now, raising the cost of borrowing for European companies and governments.

"Do not call into question monetary Europe," he said

Could they sound any more like cultists?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


Female orgasm all in the genes: As one study ponders evolutionary reasons for some women's difficulty reaching climax, another draws a map of modern romance (David Adam, June 8, 2005, The Guardian)

Scientists who have studied the ability of thousands of women to climax say it is largely written in their genes - the most compelling evidence so far that the female orgasm has a biological role.

The findings suggest the failure of some women to orgasm regularly is not a dysfunction, but a sophisticated mate-selection strategy that evolved during prehistoric times.

Tim Spector of St Thomas's hospital in London, who led the research, said: "The theory is that the orgasm is an evolutionary way of seeing if men can prove themselves to be likely good providers or dependable, patient and caring enough to look after the kids."

Women who orgasm very easily may be more likely to be satisfied with poor quality men.

"Perhaps women who had orgasms too easily weren't very good selectors," Professor Spector said. "It paid women to be more fussy and this is one way of doing it. The simple fact is that it takes women on average 12 minutes and men two and a half minutes to reach orgasm. Adjusting to that imbalance is a test." [...]

Thirty-two per cent of the women said they never or infrequently experienced an orgasm during sex, and 21% during masturbation. Only 14% said they always had an orgasm during sex.

Genetic comparisons showed that 34% of the variation during intercourse was inherited. In the case of masturbation, 45% of the difference was down to genes. The findings appear today in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters. [...]

The genes could work on a physical level, perhaps causing variations in the G-spot, the angle of the vagina, or the clitoris. They could work psychologically, to alter a woman's confidence or mood, or they might vary the activity of enzymes or hormones.

"It's likely to come from the mother's side but we can't say that it doesn't come from the father, if, for example, it's a psychological state rather than purely anatomical," he said.

When you stack nonsense this high it's almost unfair to pick out any one slice to deride, but let's all have a go (there could even be a book in it for someone). Here's one to get you started:

Note that Natural Selection, which we're assured has no teleological component, is here said to have weeded out "poor quality men." (That's even setting aside the fact that there seems to be no shortage of them around and fathering children.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:00 AM


Tropes of Wrath: Virtue, Markets, and the Family (James Morone, Spring 2005, Dissent)

The left lost the culture war on a sunny winter day in 1994-at least that's as good a day as any to mark the defeat. Donna Shalala, the secretary of Health and Human Services, met the press to explain the Clinton administration's progressive centerpiece, an ambitious universal health insurance plan. First question: "I have good health insurance, why should I pay more for someone else?" Oh, explained Shalala with the Democrats' cheerful B-School logic, thanks to our new efficiencies there is already (almost) enough money in the system to cover everyone. The administration offered the nation economic self-interest, technical wonkery, and a smidgen from the pork barrel. They did not serve the free lunch with moral arguments or family values.

Meanwhile, conservatives were screaming about the meltdown of the American family: broken homes, unwed mothers, a divorce pandemic, abortions, homosexuality, teenage predators, welfare queens, an underclass-the list went on. The right proffered a simple explanation for all the social troubles. The hedonistic culture of the 1960s had eroded the nation's morals. Conservatives managed to seize and reframe two great American canons: Virtue (which they called "family values") and Capitalism (celebrated as "the free market").

The great conservative narrative of American decline-a formidable Puritan jeremiad with all the trimmings-routed the Democrats, who promised only more efficient government and more expansive benefits. Conservatives smeared national health insurance as another big-government, something-for-nothing program aimed at the wrong people-the poor, the failed, and the lazy. Republicans soon converted the backlash into a "Contract with America" and seized control of government by winning the House, the Senate, both legislative chambers in eleven new states, and-over three years-fifteen new governors' offices. Conservatives have been tightening their grip on power ever since.

The left brims with helpful programs (such as national health insurance) and liberating values (like equality) but offers no overarching narrative for our times. It seeks to help working families but does not contest the conservative construction of either virtue or markets.

One of the main reasons that it seems possible that the Republicans will lock in a long term majority is because the Left demonstrates so little grasp of even its own ideas. Equality (or financial security) is the defining end of the Left, but it is and has always been at war with Liberty. Liberty is the idea that all men should be treated as equals. Equality is the idea that all men should be made to have the same status. If not quite opposites they are at least in a permanent state of tension.

Now, as Americans, we tend to come down on the side of Liberty. However, the goal of equality is not a bad thing in the abstract. Indeed, many nations prefer it to liberty. And even we leaned toward it from at least 1929-80.

Similarly, national health insurance is a staple of other countries' welfare systems and has been a goal of Democrats here for decades. The idea that everyone should have health care is certainly attractive. It suffers from only two drawbacks: first, that in its classical Leftist form it requires a massive expansion of government; and, second, it doesn't work out too well in practice, is not ultimately "helpful."

Though Mr. Morone is oblivious to it, when taken together the idea of equality and the policy of national health insurance fit perfectly into the historic narrative of the Left. It is not that the Democrats don't have a narrative anymore but that it isn't one that appeals to a majority of Americans and hasn't since the quite spectacular failures of American liberalism, European socialism, and East European/Asian/African communism in the 1970s. Using the state to impose equality of results just happens not to have worked very well. We were very fortunate that the project was resisted most fiercely here and abandoned most rapidly, but no one who lived through them would choose to go back to the LBJ/Nixon/Ford/Carter years, when the New Deal/Great Society achieved their apotheosis. And, if Western Europe isn't ugly enough, the glimpses we were afforded of what was going on behind the Iron Curtain were enough to scare the bejeebies out of most of us.

So when someone like Mr. Morone comes along, claiming that if only the Democrats would be more explicit and vocal about what they want to do they'd be back on the path to power, it seems fair to wonder if the Left isn't so disconnected from reality in general and from America in particular that they're going to be in the minority for quite some time.

The Roosevelt mystique (Jonah Goldberg, June 8, 2005, Townhall)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt has been having a good year. Inspired by George W. Bush's - alas, sputtering - Social Security reform proposals, liberals have sought to elevate FDR to a rank just a few hairs shy of divinity.

On another front, in response to the fight over Bush's judicial nominations, some liberal legal scholars have invented a movement to rally around what they call "the Constitution in exile." According to these frightened acolytes of the "living Constitution," a secretive band of Federalist Society types is hell-bent on restoring the pre-New Deal constitutional order.

Meanwhile, Cass Sunstein - a legal scholar who has never failed to find a pulse in our founding charter - has written a book urging the adoption of FDR's "Second Bill of Rights," arguing that Roosevelt's socialist - or "statist," if that word goes down easier - 1944 plea for sweeping new economic rights should be injected into the living constitution like a new stem cell therapy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:18 AM


Mixed day in court for Pinochet (BBC, 6/08/05)

Augusto Pinochet may be charged with tax evasion but not over human rights abuses committed when he was Chile's military ruler, a court has ruled.

It's an ideal decision because he deserves to be punished if he stole, but not for using force to save the country.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:18 AM


Male order: the rise of the metrosexual (The Telegraph, June 7th, 2005)

Last year, the research company Datamonitor found that British men now spend £1.3 billion a year on grooming products. The overwhelming majority of those purchases are being made by men under 40 who spend £111 a year each on personal beauty products - only £27 a year less than women in the same age bracket.

Scenting the growth in demand among younger men, cosmetics giants such as L'Oréal and Nivea have been rushing to stock the shelves of Boots with male hair and face care products.

But the grooming boom has also led to the growth of many smaller British companies such as Pur:phuel and King of Shaves, the second biggest selling 'shaving software' brand in the UK after Gillette. Founded 12 years ago in his bedroom by Will King, the company offers everything from moisturisers, cleansers and exfoliators to XCD, a 'male image enhancement regime for men' - otherwise known as make-up.

Recent years have also seen the growth of dedicated men's grooming salons such as Carnaby Street's G Room and the Refinery, a chain of male beauty parlours offering such treatment as back waxes and Botox injections.

According to Joanna Broughton of Truefitt & Hill, a men's salon in St James's, London, 'the perception of masculine good looks has undergone a tremendous transformation in the past few years. Men not only want to look their best, they now recognise the importance of being flawlessly groomed.

Men no longer consider that manicured fingernails or smooth skin detract from their masculinity. Awareness of appearance is becoming paramount in the psychology of the modern male.'

Quite what is prompting this change is open to question. Mark Hooper cites the popularity of makeover shows such as Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and style icons such as David Beckham.

He also points to the rising number of single men in Britain. Six in 10 men aged between 25 and 34 are not married, with 40 per cent of that figure completely single - double the amount of two decades ago. 'Men are in and out of relationships, and it forces them to work harder at their appearance because they have to be on the lookout for a partner.' [...]

Perhaps it's not surprising then that types of health problems traditionally ascribed to women are on the rise among young men. The Eating Disorders Association estimates that 10 per cent of Britain's 90,000 anorexics and bulimics are male.

Men are increasingly liable to fall prey to eating disorders and more exotic conditions such as dysmorphia, sometimes known as 'bigorexia', an obsessive-compulsive syndrome that leads sufferers to work out constantly in the gym, abusing steroids and developing hypertrophied bodies, in the delusion that they are puny and underweight.

Dr Roberto Olivardia is co-author of The Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of the Male Body. 'To a degree unprecedented in history,' he says, 'men are being made to feel more and more inadequate about how they look - while simultaneously being prohibited from talking about it or even admitting it to themselves.'

This is the bleak underside of men's new regard for their appearance. Far from a problem, most see the shift in attitudes as a positive sign. For Steve Beale of the men's fashion magazine Arena Homme Plus, the grooming boom is the belated expression of an age-old impulse. 'Ordinary men have always obsessed about their appearance, even if they haven't had all the moisturisers and hair gels they do now. Besides, good-looking people get the best jobs and the most women. What you're seeing now is the reproductive instinct writ large.'

Pity the modern woman. A girl is entitled to some fun after all, and how could any sexually liberated sister resist the temptation of wild and reckless passion with one (or more, or many more) of these sweet smelling, smooth-skinned, well-coiffed and sculpted Adonis’? Yet their mothers and that ticking biological clock keep warning them that family and security come, not from these feckless neurotics, but from good, solid, plain ‘ole sweaty and hairy conservative types who shower weekly whether they need it or not and view the regular use of antiperspirant as a gift they bestow out of love. Fortunately, our old pal natural selection is on the case and is taking steps to ensure the weaker vessel is not sidetracked by these frivolous narcissists and exercises its sexual selection prerogatives wisely and sensibly. But talk about trade-offs!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Somalis to leave Kenya next week (BBC, 6/08/05)

Kenya says it is providing planes to fly home members of Somalia's government in exile, who have been in Kenya for nearly three years.

Kenya's ambassador to Somalia told the BBC that final payments had been made to Somali MPs and they would be repatriated on Tuesday after a party.

If the Somalis do leave, it will be the first time their government has been based inside the country since 1991.

"Everything that begins has to end," said Mohammed Abdi Afey.

President Abdullahi Yusuf was elected last October by the transitional parliament based in Kenya after two years of talks aimed at ending 14 years of warfare and anarchy.

June 7, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:36 PM


French prepare themselves to resist all advances from perfidious Albion (Charles Bremner, 6/08/05, Times of London)

ANYTHING but the British might be the motto for Dominique de Villepin, the new French Prime Minister, when he announces today how he will fulfil his pledge to bring down France’s chronic high unemployment without recourse to the dreaded modèle Anglo-Saxon.

L’Albion Perfide has loomed large over France this week as M de Villepin has staked his name on his plan to restore confidence in 100 days, after the rejection of the European constitutional treaty in the referendum on May 29.

President Chirac’s appointed Prime Minister has promised to pull off what employers and foreign experts regard as the impossible: creating jobs but keeping the protective French social model that helps to generate the country’s chronic 10 per cent unemployment.

With characteristic bravado, the poet-Prime Minister has promised to try something new. Above all, he says, this will not be modelled on Britain, whose prosperity is depicted in France as the product of poverty-line wages, social injustice and medieval public services. Instead, M de Villepin wants to copy the Danish model, which has become the Paris fashion this early summer.

This is a system, called “flexicurity”, in which the workers accept very flexible hire-and-fire rules in return for extensive welfare benefits. It also requires a tax rate even higher than that in France. M de Villepin, a diplomat who has never held elected office, has run into a predictable hurdle before he unveils his scheme to Parliament. Trade union leaders told him on Monday that they would call strikes if he even hinted at touching the sacred French labour laws.

The Anglo-American model (liberal democracy, protestantism [small "p"], capitalism) has been reasonably well understood and largely effective for over 200 years now--with only the Great Depression causing an unfortunate fifty year deviation here in the States. The French, meanwhile, have spent that time in a steady decline, following their own statist egalitarian model, which has been applied with even more disastrous results from Germany to Russia to China and beyond. The idea that they'll be able to give their model a little tweak and it will suddenly work is truly insane.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:42 PM


In S.F., Dean calls GOP 'a white Christian party' (Carla Marinucci, June 7, 2005, SF Chronicle)

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's pretty much a white Christian party."

If you start with white Christians you're the majority party. Fold in Latino, black, Asia and Arab Christians and you're the permanent majority.


"[I] had a great meeting with [RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman] today. I was on my way over to see Howard Dean. I had so much fun with Ken that I never even got to meet Howard today."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:29 PM


Here's to you, Ms Bancroft, screen and stage superstar (James Bone, 6/08/05, Times of London)

THE show-business world united in a final “Here’s to you, Mrs Robinson” yesterday on the death of Anne Bancroft, who was immortalised on screen as the middle-aged seductress in The Graduate.

The Oscar-winning actress succumbed to uterine cancer on Monday night at the age of 73 at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital, according to a spokesman for her husband, the comedian and director Mel Brooks.

Bancroft won her Oscar for her performance as Annie Sullivan, the woman who taught the deaf, dumb and blind Helen Keller, in the 1962 film The Miracle Worker.

It was a role that she had originated on stage in the play by William Gibson in 1959, winning her second successive Tony Award. [...]

Born Anna Maria Louise Italiano in the Bronx in New York, she started acting on television as Anne Marno. Offered a choice of screen names by her Hollywood studio, she picked Bancroft “because it sounded dignified”.

After a string of B-movies, she escaped to Broadway in 1958 and won her first Tony opposite Henry Fonda in Two for the Seesaw.

Other Oscar nominations came for The Pumpkin Eater (1964), The Graduate (1967), The Turning Point (1977) and Agnes of God (1985).

Mel Brooks, who co-starred with Bancroft in To Be Or Not To Be, met her on the set of a television talk show. He found out which restaurant she aimed to dine in, walked in and “accidentally” met her again.

The couple married on August 5, 1964, and had one son Max, a screenwriter, in 1972.

By sheer coincidence--I wasn't aware she was that ill--The Wife and I watched the surprising good film Keeping the Faith last night, in which Ms Bancroft has a secondary role, but is, as always, one of the best things in the movie.

ANNE BANCROFT | 1931-2005: Versatile, but Forever 'Mrs. Robinson': She won an Oscar and a Tony for 'Miracle Worker,' among many laurels, but seductress in 'The Graduate' was her signature role. (Myrna Oliver, June 8, 2005, LA Times)

Anne Bancroft, the versatile, husky-voiced actress who won an Academy Award for portraying Helen Keller's teacher in "The Miracle Worker" but will forever be remembered as the coldly seductive Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate," has died. She was 73.

Bancroft died Monday night of uterine cancer at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, John Barlow, spokesman for Bancroft's husband, entertainer Mel Brooks, announced Tuesday.

An actress of uncommon versatility, Bancroft collected one Oscar, two Tonys, two Golden Globes, an Emmy and in 1996 a lifetime achievement comedy award in a career spanning more than half a century.

Bancroft earned a Tony and an Academy Award for best actress in "The Miracle Worker" as Annie Sullivan, the willful and determined half-blind teacher of Patty Duke's blind and deaf Keller. The Broadway and motion picture versions of William Gibson's play established Bancroft as a multifaceted actress with deep talent.

Duke, who was 12 when she began working with Bancroft, was in tears Tuesday as she told The Times: "I don't know if we'll ever see the particular likes of her again…. I am blessed to have ever been in her presence. I am devastated…. But she leaves us with that great, throaty rasp and that wicked sense of humor."

Arthur Penn, director of the stage and screen versions of "The Miracle Worker," called Bancroft "a magnificent actress, a woman of rich, rich emotion and great humor."

Dustin Hoffman, who played the callow post-collegiate youth to Bancroft's world-weary Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate," said Tuesday that he could not think of her in the past tense.

"She was one of the most alive people I ever met," he told The Times. "Such exuberance, and she had this laugh in her that filled her from head to toe. I can see her, see her laughing right now."

Mike Nichols, who directed "The Graduate," called Bancroft a masterful performer and said in a statement Tuesday, "Her combination of brains, humor, frankness and sense were unlike any other artist. Her beauty was constantly shifting with her roles, and because she was a consummate actress, she changed radically for every part."

Anne Bancroft dies; turned Mrs. Robinson into metaphor (ROGER EBERT, 6/08/05, Chicago Sun-Times)
Her long-running marriage with Brooks was a high-wire act between two quick-witted verbal acrobats. Brooks cast her in cameos in his "Blazing Saddles" (1974) and "Silent Movie" (1976); they co- starred in Alan Johnson's "To Be Or Not to Be" (1983), and Brooks cast her as a psychic seer in "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" (1995).

In "Silent Movie," her brief but scene-stealing moment comes when she crosses her eyes. In an interview with Brooks, I observed that she seemed able to cross either eye separately.

"How did you get that effect?" I asked. "Effect?" Brooks said. "That was no effect, that was Annie! She can really do that! That's why I married her. Twelve years ago, we're sitting in 21, I'm in love with her, I ask, 'Come on, how am I doin'?' And in reply, she crosses her eyes like that. Now I know it's love. For years, I've been searching for the right role for Annie. Not 'The Miracle Worker.' Not 'The Pumpkin Eater.' Not Mrs. Robinson. The right role, where she can cross her eyes!"

George Anthony, chief of entertainment programming for the CBC, remembers that Bancroft and Brooks were a "genuine bonafide love match, in the early years almost as famous for their public battles as Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Todd." He recalls one of their fights when he grabbed her arm and she pulled away from him. Anthony's story:

"'Don't you dare touch my instrument'!" she raged, in her highest Actors Studio dudgeon.

"'Oh, so this is your instrument?'

"'Yes. This is my instrument!'

"'Okay. Play 'Melancholy Baby'."

She was Italian, he was Jewish, together they were electric. In person, she was as funny as he was, but he was always on; she sometimes took a break. Their careers had ups and downs. Brooks had a box-office slump with such later films as "Spaceballs" (1987) and "Life Stinks" (1991), then came back with a musical version of his 1968 comedy "The Producers" that became one of the biggest hits in Broadway history.

She started in the movies, as she was fond of observing, at the bottom of the ladder, claiming to have played the title role in "Gorilla at Large" (1954). After more forgettable roles, she moved to Broadway for her two Tony-winning performances and other successes, and returned to Hollywood much further up the ladder. She appeared in some 65 films and made-for-TV movies and miniseries, notably as Jenny Churchill in "Young Winston" (1972), Greta Garbo's biggest fan in "Garbo Talks!" (1984), a book lover in "84 Charing Cross Road" (1987), the title role in "The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All" (1994), and a rich Italian princess in "Up at the Villa" (2000).

When the stage version of "The Producers" opened in Chicago before moving to Broadway, it was clear on opening night that the musical would be a huge hit. At the party afterward, I asked her what she was doing. "I keep retiring," she said. "Then I get offered something. Then I retire again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 PM


India party erupts over praise for a Muslim (Amelia Gentleman, JUNE 8, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

India's main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, faced ideological disarray Tuesday evening after its leader resigned amid growing tension with the hard-line wing of the party.

The direct trigger for Lal Krishna Advani's departure was a controversy caused by his decision last week to praise the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as a "secular" leader and to pay homage to Jinnah as a "rare individual" who wanted Hindus and Muslims to live in peace.

His comments, made during a visit to Pakistan, provoked fury among the hard-line fringe of the party, who would rather see their leader articulating the party's Hindu-nationalist message of "Hindutva" - or Hindu-ness.

Hindu groups responded with fury that Jinnah was a Muslim fundamentalist responsible for the partition of the subcontinent and demanded that Advani retract his comments.

The uproar has rekindled the dormant forces of extremist Hindu nationalism, bringing the voices of these groups once again to the forefront of Indian politics.

The leadership struggle now unleashed will determine whether these hard-liners can once again occupy a powerful position on the Indian political stage or whether moderate forces will prevail.

The crisis within the BJP comes as the party leadership was beginning to reinvent itself as a more mainstream force, particularly with regard to India's relations with Pakistan, with the peace process making significant advances.

Part of growing into its role as a great nation will be marginalizing nationalists.

When an Indian hawk turns dove (Siddharth Srivastava, 6/09/05, Asia Times)

The visit by Advani to Pakistan...has been marked by significant turnarounds - after a meeting with Musharraf, Advani said the general could be "trusted". He said that he regretted the demolition of the Babri masjid, calling the day the saddest in his life; he agreed that the Indo-Pak peace process must be made irreversible, discounted talk that he was a "hardliner", "hawk", or wore "horns".

Advani welcomed the visit of separatist leaders of Indian-administered Kashmir to Pakistan and informed Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz that lasting peace was contingent on a solution in Kashmir, and supported any talk with terrorists, provided that they gave up their arms. What is more, he described Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the father of Pakistan, as a "rare individual" who created history and espoused the cause of a secular Pakistan. Advani laid a wreath at Jinnah's mausoleum, which no Indian leader has done before. It was an extremely loaded gesture, aimed at delivering the message of a secular messiah, even if he never has been.

Showering praise on Jinnah, though, goes completely against the thought of the BJP and its affiliate parties, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the RSS, who together form the Sangh Parivar. These parties consider Jinnah to be the leader of a virulent anti-Hindu campaign in cahoots with the British that ultimately led to the partitioning of Muslim-majority Pakistan in 1947. Even the Congress Party, which the Muslims have traditionally backed, has desisted from praising Jinnah, due to his espousal of the "two-nation" theory based on religious majorities.

Advani himself is referred to as the Hindu Jinnah for his virulent pushing of pro-Hindu politics. Predictably, the VHP and the RSS, which was recently included in a list of terrorist organizations by a US think-tank, called for Advani's removal as head of the BJP.

The question, however, is whether Advani's statements and resignation provide a deeper insight into the direction the Indian polity is likely to take. Does the Advani visit represent a change of heart of the leader, or is it a charade? Given his political acumen, there has to be doubt.

The good news emerging from the Advani visit is that there is unanimity among the political parties, including the ruling Congress, that the peace process has to be persisted with. The BJP can always have a stake in it for having initiated the process when former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee met Musharraf last January.

The issue of the politics of the region taking an about-turn is more complex. Some observers have gone to the extent of saying that Advani has written his political epitaph in Pakistan. Other say the change is only skin deep and that Advani has gotten carried away by the emotion of his trip, as he was born in Karachi. He will soon be back to his old "hawkish" self, they say.

However, there is more to the resignation. Advani's utterances do address an existential question that has been plaguing his political career for long. Having led the Hindutva campaign and been directly responsible for the emergence of the BJP as a political force in the 1990s, he saw the mantle being passed on to Vajpayee, the moderate face acceptable to regional partners in government formation, as well as the people of India. Vajpayee, during his tenure, practically tossed aside his Hindutva roots and modeled himself on India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, a secular ideal. To keep the RSS happy, Vajpayee uttered a few pro-Hindutva statements every few months, in a way leaving the dirty work to such people as Modi to Advani.

Advani knows that any chance of being prime minister of India rests on a complete make-over, from a hardliner to a moderate, irrespective of his beliefs. The Pakistan visit provided the right forum for such expression.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:13 PM


AFL-CIO President Vows To Reach Out to the Republicans (JOSH GERSTEIN, June 7, 2005, NY Sun)

The president of America's national labor federation, the AFL-CIO, has won the support of a wavering union president by vowing to boost the labor movement's outreach to the Republican Party.

The AFL-CIO's president, John Sweeney, 71, who is up for re-election at a convention in Chicago next month, made the promise recently as he worked to beat back a challenge from dissenting unions that have charged Mr. Sweeney with moving too slowly to overhaul the labor federation.

The change in political strategy was disclosed yesterday by a labor leader who has long advocated a more bipartisan approach, Harold Schaitberger of the 250,000-member International Association of Fire Fighters.

"While the AFL-CIO will continue to support and maintain relationships with those Democrats who have historically and continuously supported the goals of our movement, it will also build bridges over party lines to Republicans who can be with us on selected issues," Mr. Schaitberger said in a statement announcing his endorsement of Mr. Sweeney's re-election bid.

...Democrats are in deep.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 PM


Blair and Bush near a deal to write off £20bn African debt (Rosemary Bennett and Roland Watson, 6/08/05, Times of London)

TONY BLAIR won crucial support from President Bush last night for a ground-breaking deal to wipe out the debts of the poorest African nations of up to $20 billion.

The pair also edged towards a breakthrough on aid at the G8 summit next month, despite British acceptance that the US would not sign up to one of its main funding ideas. “I am hopeful that we can get there,” Mr Blair said after a White House meeting.

Mr Bush committed himself to significant increases in US aid to Africa, raising hopes of a substantial deal when leaders arrive at Gleneagles on July 6 for the G8 summit of the world’s seven richest nations and Russia.

Mr Bush referred sceptics to the tripling of US aid to Africa since he came to office. “When I said we are going to help more, you can take that to the bank because of what we are doing,” he said.

New World Bank President Stresses Africa Development (Barry Wood, 07 June 2005, VOA News)

World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, in his first press conference since taking office June 1st, Tuesday stressed the importance of boosting development assistance to Africa. Mr. Wolfowitz is scheduled to visit four sub-Saharan African nations later this month.

He will arrive in Africa Sunday after attending a London meeting of the finance ministers of the world's seven leading industrial countries. The finance ministers will be planning this year's summit of the world's most industrial countries (July 6-8), hosted by Britain, which will focus on African issues. Mr. Wolfowitz says this will be the first of many trips to Africa.

"I'll be visiting four countries-Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Rwanda and South Africa. I think those countries reflect some of the diversity of sub-Saharan Africa but by no means all. I'm actually hoping to get back to Africa fairly frequently. There is a lot going on there. There is an enormous range of difference between countries," he said.

Mr. Wolfowitz, who for the past four years was the U.S. deputy secretary of defense, endorses British Prime Minister Tony Blair's call for a significant increase in development assistance for Africa.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 PM


Church admits cash shortage threatens one third of clergy (Ruth Gledhill, 6/08/05, Times of London)

A CASH crisis in the Church of England is forcing bishops to consider radical moves including cutting clergy numbers by up to a third and making worshippers meet in each other’s homes, The Times has learnt.

A report to the General Synod next month says the Church has allowed itself to “drift apart from society”, undermining its mission to the whole nation. Some parts of the Church are little more than a club for existing members, the authors say.

Spelling out a deep-seated need for change, the report proposes solutions such as cutting the existing clergy numbers of about 9,400 by more than 3,000, training more laity to work unpaid and closing churches.

One diocese is already considering a plan to persuade congregations to forsake traditional church buildings and worship God in the living rooms of fellow churchgoers instead.

The report suggests that wealthy dioceses and cathedrals could forgo the thousands of pounds they receive from central funds for paying bishop and clergy stipends. The money could then be redistributed to poor areas. The report even posits that ultimately, the Church’s national assets, worth more than £4 billion, could be dismantled and denationalised.

Time to give Benedict a call.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:47 PM


Katherine Harris to run for Senate in 2006 (BRENDAN FARRINGTON, June 7, 2005, AP)

Republican Rep. Katherine Harris, who as Florida's secretary of state was both praised and vilified for her part in the 2000 presidential recount, said Tuesday she will run for the Senate next year against Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson.

Her announcement brings a major name to the race, along with the potential to raise a lot of money.

"The time has come to launch a campaign for the U.S. Senate," Harris told The Associated Press.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


U.S. OKs sale of 40 missiles to Japan (The Associated Press, June 7, 2005)

The Bush administration has authorized the sale of 40 naval surface-to-air missiles to Japan, saying its ally needs the weapons to defend vital sea lanes.

The SM-2 Block IIIB missiles are carried on warships and can shoot down incoming missiles and aircraft.

The total value of the deal, which would include technical support and other associated parts, could be as high as $104 million, according to a statement from the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

The sale won't affect the basic military balance in the Western Pacific, the agency said in a press release. Japan's potential adversaries include North Korea and China, which have large militaries.

The size of your army won't matter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:13 PM


Spain's ex-PM to Israel: Ignore Europe (Herb Keinon, Jun. 6, 2005, THE JERUSALEM POST)

Israel need not pay much attention to Europe, which is using its Middle East policy to separate itself from the US, has a tendency toward appeasement and is largely pro-Palestinian, former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar told The Jerusalem Post Monday.

"Europe likes appeasement very much; this is one of the most important differences between us and the States," Aznar said in an interview on the Bar-Ilan University campus. "Europeans don't like any problems. They prefer appeasement."

The strongly pro-American Aznar, who bucked public sentiment in Spain and backed US President George W. Bush's war in Iraq, served as prime minister from 1996-2004. He is currently in the country for Bar-Ilan's jubilee celebration, at which he will receive an honorary doctorate on Tuesday.

Aznar said Europe had no chance of independently impacting on the situation in the Middle East and would be wise to work closely with the US.
"Do we Europeans have the capacity to change the situation and influence this area? The answer is no," he said.

Aznar said that European policy was "not favorable to Israel," and that different political leaders in Europe used the Middle East question as a way to establish a different identity from the US.

"In Europe, Israel is not very popular, not only this government, all governments," he said. "Most Europeans support the Palestinian cause. Europeans sincerely wish for a peace agreement and support the peace process, but the reality is that the peace process is closed. At this moment I think that Europe should work closely with the States, because that is the only opportunity to change the region."

Asked if Israel should, as a result, pay attention to the US, but not necessarily to Europe, Aznar succinctly replied: "Certainly."

Too bad he botched 3-11.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:02 PM


Study shows G-rated fare more profitable (Hollywood Reporter, 6/07/05)

A new study set to be released Tuesday shows that family-friendly movies are more profitable than R-rated films, throwing more fuel onto the fire of the long-running debate over sex and violence in entertainment -- and whether it sells.

The survey was commissioned by the Dove Foundation, a Grand Rapids, Mich.-based group that advocates wholesome family entertainment. According to its Web site, its advisory board includes radio talk show host Laura Schlessinger and "Touched By an Angel" executive producer Martha Williamson.

In a follow-up to a 10-year study commissioned by the foundation in 1999 -- which found that between 1988-97 the average G-rated film made eight times the profit of an R-rated picture -- an extension of that study found that trend continuing and expanding.

The new, expanded study examines the revenue and production costs for 3,000 Motion Picture Assn. of America-rated theatrical films released between Jan. 1, 1989, and Dec. 31, 2003, using the 200 most widely distributed films each year based on the number of theaters.

"While the movie industry produced nearly 12 times more R-rated films than G-rated films from 1989-2003, the average G-rated film produced 11 times greater profit than its R-rated counterpart," said Dick Rolfe, the group's founder and chairman.

No one will think you're cool if you make decent films.

Dumb Money: The madness of movie advertising. (Edward Jay Epstein, June 6, 2005, Slate)

Consider the perverse logic of Hollywood: In 2003, the six major studios—Disney, Warner Bros., Sony, 20th Century Fox, Universal, and Paramount—spent, on average, $34.8 million to advertise a movie and earned, on average, just $20.6 million per title. Even if the studios had made the movies for free—which, of course, they didn't—they would have lost $14.2 million per film on the theatrical run, or what the industry calls "current production." Given the fleeting attention span of the target audiences (mainly TV-watching teens) and the unmemorable nature of the ad copy, the studios believe they must show the same ad on the same programs at least eight times in order to draw an audience. As a result, the studios spend more to lure a teenager into a theater than they receive at the box office, which is reminiscent of the joke about the idiot in the garment business who "loses money on every sale but makes it up on volume."

The moguls who run New Hollywood are anything but idiots, however, so, after I was given access to studio budgets, I asked a very savvy executive at 20th Century Fox how the studios recover this huge advertising expenditure. He explained that big opening-weekend numbers, even if they are expensively acquired, may pay off in later markets—specifically video, pay-TV, and foreign release. At that time, the year 2000, he was right: Video chains like Blockbuster mechanically pegged their orders, which could range from 1,000 copies to 300,000 copies for a single title, on the results of the theatrical opening. So did pay-TV channels, such as HBO. And, since movies were typically released overseas many months after their American debuts, studios could use impressive U.S. box-office numbers to wrangle more advantageous play dates in foreign markets.

Since then, however, the digital revolution has radically changed the movie business. The video rental market, which had been the studios' cash cow as late as 2000, is rapidly disappearing. It's been replaced by the business of selling DVDs in which a handful of mass retailers, such as Wal-Mart, account for most of the studios' revenues. Unlike the video chains that rented videos, the big retailers don't simply peg their orders to a film's box-office results. Instead, they view DVDs as traffic-builders: The stores use them to lure in the relatively well-heeled, plasma-screen-purchasing customers—who are usually not the so-called LICs (or low-income consumers) who are recruited by ads for movie openings. As a rueful Sony marketing executive pointed out, "Unfortunately, our teens are not always who they want." [...]

Does Hollywood need to remain so out of synch with reality? At present, the studio marketing arms have become exceedingly efficient at stampeding weekly herds of teens to multiplexes and producing impressive numbers. But if that amazing trick turns out to be not worth its average $34.8 million price tag, studios will have to consider different strategies. The most obvious one would be to eliminate the long interval between a film's opening and its release on DVD. Also, if the studios aimed at the much larger and more profitable DVD audience, they would not need to spend so much on the teen herd. In this regard, Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner, who own the Landmark Theatres chain, the distributor Magnolia Films, and the high-definition cable channel HDNet, have announced just such a radical strategy. They will finance six movies directed by Steven Soderbergh and release each one simultaneously in movie theaters, pay-TV, and on DVD. To follow suit, the Hollywood studios might also need a different class of movies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:56 PM


Soros Group: Blackwell Is No. 1 Target for Democrats (NewsMax, 6/07/05)

Liberal forces – including a key group backed by George Soros - are saying their No. 1 political target is Ohio's secretary of state, Ken Blackwell.

An array of liberal groups is gearing up to derail Blackwell's candidacy for governor of Ohio in next year's election.

The Democrats fear that Blackwell, a staunch conservative, will play a key role in winning Ohio for the Republican presidential ticket in 2008 – just as he did in 2004.

They also worry that the conservative one-time football player could be a powerful addition to the GOP presidential ticket in 2008.

As folks complain that police make excessive stops for "driving while black," the Left has taken to opposing every Republican person of color for no other reason than their race.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:50 PM


Bolton approval by 'tiniest' margin - senator (Evelyn Leopold, Jun 7, 2005, Reuters) -

A senior Democratic senator said Monday John Bolton would be confirmed by the "tiniest" of margins as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, thereby sending a signal to the rest of the world that he lacked strong support at home.

The U.S. Senate this week will again examine Bolton's nomination, which has twice been delayed by Democrats amid accusations that he has a record of abusive, erratic behavior that should disqualify him for the sensitive diplomatic job.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, of Vermont, like other leading Democrats, predicted the Senate would approve Bolton, a strong critic of the United Nations, this week or next but said no previous American ambassador to the world body was approved by a small margin.

More importantly, it sends a message to Americans that the Democratic Party opposes reform of the UN.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:35 PM


U.S. Senate Clears Way for Confirmation of Judge Janice Brown (Bloomberg, 6/07/05)

The U.S. Senate voted to limit debate on the nomination of California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown to be a federal appellate judge, clearing the way for her confirmation tomorrow.

Senators voted 65-32 to limit debate on Brown, President George W. Bush's nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Washington.

``It's been nearly two years since President Bush first nominated Justice Brown as a federal judge,'' said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican. ``Why? Because of an orchestrated campaign of destruction that denied her that up-or-down vote until now.''

AP Analysis: Brown may leave "black seat" on state Supreme Court (DAVID KRAVETS, June 7, 2005, AP) --

Janice Rogers Brown's looming departure from the California Supreme Court is handing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger his biggest judicial appointment since taking office in an unprecedented recall election two years ago.

And even though the idea of a "black seat" runs counter to Brown's rulings against affirmative action and racial quotas, legal scholars say Schwarzenegger is probably seriously considering replacing the court's most conservative member, and only black, with another black judge.

While Brown would likely stay through September to resolve the cases she's already heard, Schwarzenegger doesn't have much time to make his decision known. The Senate on Tuesday ended a two-year filibuster of Brown, clearing the way for a final confirmation vote, likely Wednesday, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The stakes are high in terms of Schwarzenegger's legacy: His pick will join a court that is the final arbitrator over disputes involving California law, possibly including a looming lawsuit over same-sex marriage.

While judicial temperament and political background are sure to factor in the search, some legal scholars say race is also important.

Absent Brown, the court would be left with a white woman, an Asian woman, two white men, and an Asian man and an Hispanic man. The court consists of six Republicans, one Democrat and is moderately conservative under Chief Justice Ronald M. George, a white Republican.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:26 PM


Recklessness and Arrogance: E.J. Graff on Heda Kovaly's Under a Cruel Star and the need for more 'intimate political reportage'. (E.J. Graff, Columbia Journalism Review)

In 1986 my favorite bookseller handed me Under A Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968, telling me I must read it. I did, and I’ve since given copies of it to at least a dozen people and recommended it to dozens more. I can’t be alone in this. Originally published by Helen Epstein, who invented Plunkett Lake Press just to deliver this book, Under A Cruel Star became a word-of-mouth success, garnering praise from such luminaries as Anthony Lewis of The New York Times. In 1989, Penguin brought out an edition in the U.S. and U.K. The book has remained in print ever since.

In Under A Cruel Star, Heda Kovály tells of having escaped Auschwitz during a forced march at the age of fifteen; meeting and later marrying her childhood sweetheart, Rudolf Margolius; seeing him prosecuted and killed in Czechoslovakia’s first Stalinist show trial; and thus of living through two of the most barbaric episodes of a barbaric century. Kovály’s keenly observed, politically astute memoir offers intimate insight into how people behave under totalitarianism, how the human psyche can surrender to absolutism in the pursuit of beautiful ideals, how idealism can result in genuine evil (a noun I use advisedly) — and yet how civilization can restore itself, even after such horror. Under A Cruel Star has helped me think about the motivations and distortions of a vast range of political and social movements — McCarthyism, the Iranian revolution and its aftermath, Al Qaeda, any “radicalism” (left or right), and any movement that claims the word “liberation.” Strangely enough, it has even taught me about the virtues of both skepticism and optimism.

Hard to be more reckless than comparing anti-communism to Islamicism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student: His 4-year average on par with Bush's (Michael Kranish, June 7, 2005, Boston Globe)

During last year's presidential campaign, John F. Kerry was the candidate often portrayed as intellectual and complex, while George W. Bush was the populist who mangled his sentences.

But newly released records show that Bush and Kerry had a virtually identical grade average at Yale University four decades ago.

In 1999, The New Yorker published a transcript indicating that Bush had received a cumulative score of 77 for his first three years at Yale and a roughly similar average under a non-numerical rating system during his senior year.

Kerry, who graduated two years before Bush, got a cumulative 76 for his four years, according to a transcript that Kerry sent to the Navy when he was applying for officer training school. He received four D's in his freshman year out of 10 courses, but improved his average in later years.

The grade transcript, which Kerry has always declined to release, was included in his Navy record. During the campaign the Globe sought Kerry's naval records, but he refused to waive privacy restrictions for the full file. Late last month, Kerry gave the Navy permission to send the documents to the Globe.

It didn't matter in 2004, because he was running against an invcumbent, but it's wise of Mr. Kerry to play up his own scholastic mediocrity if he plans to run in '08. The candidate perceived as smarter has never won an open presidential race in at least modern times. Americans despise intellectuals.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM


Greenspan says markets signalling weakness (Andrew Balls, June 7 2005, Financial Times)

Mr Greenspan, in remarks prepared for delivery via satellite to a conference in China, pointed to the "unusual behaviour" of market-determined long-term interest rates. [...]

"The economic and financial world is changing in ways that we still do not fully comprehend," Mr Greenspan said.

Some analysts have suggested the market signal meant the Federal Reserve would soon end its interest rate tightening cycle. Mr Greenspan acknowledged that "policymakers need to be able to rely more on the markets' self-adjusting prices and less on officials' uncertain forecasting capabilities".

Mr Greenspan said: "One prominent hypothesis is that the markets are signalling economic weakness. This is certainly a credible notion."

But he added that there was no fully satisfying explanation for such low long-term rates, which are a worldwide phenomenon and which have been insensitive to signs of strength in the global economy.

Foreign central bank purchases of US Treasuries was part of the explanation, but the overall impact had probably been "modest", and could not explain the drop in long-term rates over the past year around the world, he said.

Similarly, global competition and the rise of China and India had contributed to lower inflation pressures, but could not account for the fall in rates.

Previously Mr Greenspan has referred to the "conundrum" of low long-term interest rates. Some analysts suggest that privately Mr Greenspan sees rates as too low at a time when the Fed sees the US economic fundamentals as healthy and inflation risks as the greatest concern.

Mr. Greenspan will go to his grave terrified of inflation because he and his profession couldn't figure out how to stop it in the 1970s. The realities of the subsequent thirty years can't ever change that. Similarly, the senior economists of the 1960s gave us that inflation because they were fighting the joblessness of the 1930s. This phenomenon yields one important lesson: no Fed member should be over thirty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:39 AM


A Chance to Escape (JOHN TIERNEY, 6/07/05, NY Times)

Students like Adrian Bushell have always posed an awkward political problem for opponents of school tuition vouchers. Like most students receiving vouchers in Florida, he is black and lives in a poor neighborhood with bad public schools. How can you claim the moral high ground when you're denying him a chance to escape to a better private school?

The traditional answer has been that his classmates would be left behind in a public school made worse by the loss of resources and students. But this argument is looking more dubious than ever, and you won't be hearing much of it when lawyers ask the Florida Supreme Court today to end Florida's voucher program.

This case is high noon for both sides of the school-choice issue, because Florida is the only state that offers a voucher to any student in a failing school. Its Opportunity Scholarship program has given researchers a chance to study what happens to schools faced with the threat of vouchers, like Edison, the public high school that Adrian was supposed to attend in the Little Haiti neighborhood of Miami.

Adrian lives with his grandmother Ramona Nickson, who wanted no part of Edison after he finished public middle school last year. For years Edison had been getting F's from the state (which uses an A-to-F rating system). As a result, Adrian was entitled to transfer to another public school or get a $4,400 voucher good at any private school willing to accept it as full tuition - which typically means a Catholic or other religious school. Adrian, an Episcopalian, used it at the Monsignor Edward Pace Catholic High School.

"It's a whole different environment from the public schools," Adrian said. "I was barely making a 2.0 in public school, but now it's 3.0. It's been great." His grandmother was just as pleased.

"There's been a complete turnaround in his grades, his focus, his discipline," she said. "This new school is the best thing that could have happened to him. Before Pace, he never thought he wanted to go to college. Now his mind is on college."

But has his success come at the expense of the public school he left behind? Well, the public system did lose $4,400, but that's actually $1,000 less than the cost of educating the average student and there was one pupil fewer to teach.

As enrollment has dropped at Edison, the student-to-teacher ratio has improved to about 22 from about 30. In the past two years, a new principal has revamped the administration and replaced half the teachers in the school. Under the new leadership, the average test score at the school last year rose dramatically - one of the largest increases of any high school in Florida.

Edison's improvement is not an isolated example, as three separate studies have found in Florida.

What NCLB did was put the structure for such a program in place. Testing will show nearly every public school to be failing and failing schools have to allow kids to escape using vouchers. Once the GOP has a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate you just amend the law to make the vouchers universal, instead of restricting them to public schools.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


Bush consultant meets with McCain about presidential bid (G. ROBERT HILLMAN, 6/07/05, The Dallas Morning News)

Mark McKinnon, the Austin political consultant who oversaw the advertising for President Bush in the 2000 and 2004 campaigns, has committed to help Sen. John McCain in a second presidential bid.

McKinnon - one of the president's closest friends and confidants and a frequent mountain biking companion - met with the Arizona Republican over lunch this spring in the Senate dining room to discuss his support, said a GOP activist familiar with the meeting.

At this point, McCain, who lost to Bush in a bitter 2000 Republican primary, is in the early but unmistakable stages of laying the groundwork for another campaign. And McKinnon has indicated he would review his options, should Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice or the president's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, run in 2008. [...]

"I like the senator a lot, but it is too early to speculate on his intentions, as he has said himself, not to mention mine," McKinnon said in an e-mailed statement. "My political focus right now is on a successful second-term agenda for President Bush."

Folks have been slow to process the fact that the President considers one key to a successful second term to be the GOP holding the White Hose in '08. If Jeb and Condi don't run that means Senator McCain.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:23 AM


Wife jailed for crying rape to hide infidelity (Nicole Martin, The Telegraph, June 7th, 2005)

An unfaithful wife who accused a man of rape to cover up a one night stand with him was jailed for 12 months yesterday.

Merete Underwood, 32, disappeared with the 34-year-old interior designer after chatting him up during an evening out with her husband and two-year-old son last February, Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court heard.

When she realised that her husband, Toby, had reported her missing, she claimed that she had been dragged off the street and raped.

She told police that she had left the pub for a breath of fresh air when a stranger bundled her into a car and drove her to a hotel room where he and another man raped her.

The man she had spent the night with was arrested and forced to spend 24 hours in a police cell after she identified him as one of the rapists. For three months he endured the prospect of court action despite protests of innocence.
Even after being charged with perverting the course of justice, Underwood stuck to her story, telling the truth only last May when the jury was to be sworn in.

Underwood, who is in the process of a divorce, wept as the judge told her that her last-minute confession would not save her from jail.

"Rape is an extremely serious offence and quite rightly any allegation of rape is dealt with very seriously by police, as indeed is your allegation," said Recorder Andrew McCooey. I have heard from the prosecution the impact this had on this innocent man, not to mention the many thousands of pounds that have been wasted, all brought about by your pack of lies.

"And you didn't have the decency to admit to it and put this man out of his misery. You have shown no remorse in any meaningful way."[...]

Mr Underwood described his wife as "vindictive and deceitful".

Asked about his feelings for the man falsely accused of rape, he said: "Nobody deserves to be put through what he has been put through. He has had a year of hell - it's appalling."

This is every man’s worst nightmare and few will object to this woman’s richly deserved punishment. But why is the victim described as “this innocent man”, as if the tryst was perfectly unobjectionable and no one’s business? It appears from the story that he met her when she was with her family, and therefore knew she was a married mother. Is such conduct now completely outside the limits of social censure?

In David Lean’s 1945 masterpiece, Brief Encounter, the story of an illicit and tormented passion between two typically middle-class Britishers who meet once a week over seven weeks, there is a climactic scene where the man, a married doctor (Trevor Howard), has convinced the besot and confused housewife and mother (Celia Johnson) to accompany him to a friend’s apartment, the key for which he has borrowed under false pretences. At the long-awaited moment of truth (will they consummate the affair?), the friend suddenly returns unexpectedly because of a cold. The panicked woman flees down the back stairs, but leaves her scarf behind, which enables the friend to put two and two together and leads to the following very British dialogue between Howard and him:

Stephen: You know, my dear Alec, you have hidden depths that I never even suspected.

Alec: Look here, Stephen...

Stephen: For heaven's sake, Alec, no explanations or apologies. I'm the one who should apologize for returning so inopportunely. It's quite obvious to me that you are interviewing a patient privately. Woman are frequently neurotic creatures and the hospital atmosphere is upsetting to them. By the rather undignified scuffling which I heard when I came into the hall, I gather that she beat a hasty retreat down the back stairs. I'm surprised at this farcical streak in your nature, Alec. Such carryings-on are quite unnecessary - after all, we've been friends for years and I am the most broad-minded of men.

Alec: I'm really very sorry, Stephen. I'm sure that the whole situation must seem inexpressably vulgar to you. Actually it isn't in the least. However, you're perfectly right. Explanations are unnecessary, particularly between old friends. I must go now.

After remaining gallant, Alec is asked to return Stephen's latch-key and he thinks his friend is "very angry." Stephen describes his own mood, however, as "just disappointed" rather than angry.

The point, of course, is that Howard’s conduct has cost him his friendship with Stephen, even though the latter has never met the woman and never will.

Brief Encounter is often described as a ”study of middle-class repression”. This is unsurprising in an age when most folks will decline to blame either party for a divorce and will instead mutter tired platitudes about how complex it all is, how one never knows what is going on in a marriage, (even in the face of blatant, egregious misconduct like an affair, cruelty or desertion), and how they are resolved to remain good friends with everybody. But if marriage and family are the plinth upon which successful children and socio-economic health and freedom are built, and if few marriages can survive adultery, do we not all have an interest in ensuring that extra-marital affairs are sanctioned in some way? Despite the undeserved hell he was put through, does this man not deserve to be scorned or humiliated rather then showered with the compassion we accord to innocent victims?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 AM


Dr. Frist's Operation: How the Senate majority leader played a game of filibuster chicken (BYRON YORK, JUNE 20, 2005, National Review)

On the morning after a group of 14 senators made a deal to end the standoff over Democratic filibusters of Bush judicial nominees, Senate majority leader Bill Frist found himself taking flak from all sides. Depending on who was speaking, Frist had wimped out, was unable to control his troops, or could not muster the support to trigger the "nuclear option" to put an end to the filibuster problem entirely.

And that was just from conservatives. Other commentators said Frist had lost the leadership of the Senate to John McCain. Still others argued that he could not do his job while entertaining hopes of becoming the GOP presidential nominee in 2008. The Los Angeles Times suggested he resign.

All in all, it was a tough period for the majority leader. But did he really deserve all the criticism? Republicans came out of the filibuster showdown with six previously filibustered nominees headed for confirmation, and, perhaps more important, in a strong position ultimately to break all the Democratic judicial filibusters, should it come to that. And much of the credit for that, according to interviews with several people closely involved in the fight, belongs to Bill Frist.

Frist's entire strategy rested on one key decision: his commitment to use the nuclear, or, as he prefers to call it, the constitutional option. Once Frist decided that, unless Democrats backed down from their filibusters, he would exercise the option--a parliamentary maneuver that would allow him to cut through the filibusters with a simple majority vote--every threat he made was a credible one. When he said he intended to act, he meant it, and his determination became the force that drove events.

Now he just needs to keep getting conirmations.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 AM


Everybody's All-American (Bob McManaman, Jun. 7, 2005, The Arizona Republic)

During pregame ceremonies to honor war veterans, in conjunction with a memorial monument unveiling across the street, a teenage boy holding the American flag was overcome by the heat and nearly passed out.

Diamondbacks left fielder Luis Gonzalez, who was stretching on the field just behind the youth, immediately rushed to his aid. He also grabbed Old Glory before the flag hit the ground, drawing a roar of applause from the crowd during and after the national anthem.

"All the military guys that were out there were talking to me afterward like I did something special," Gonzalez said, "but I just did something that I think anybody else would have done."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


Leave NPR alone (Anthony S. Brandon, June 6, 2005, Baltimore Sun)

It is important to note that a recent survey of the American public commissioned by the CPB, undertaken jointly by a Republican and a Democratic polling firm, found that "the majority of the U.S. adult population does not believe that the news and information programming on public broadcasting is biased." Specifically, 78 percent of the general respondents indicated that NPR did not have a liberal bias.

In another study, the NPR listening audience identified itself as one-third conservative, one-third independent and one-third liberal. And congressional support for public broadcasting is and always has been bipartisan in nature.

Now The New York Times reports, "An association of news ombudsmen has rejected an attempt by two ombudsmen from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to join their organization as full-fledged members, questioning their independence."

Ironically, the CPB's scrutiny of public radio has a minimal effect on NPR, as CPB funding to NPR is minimal. Rather, it's the individual stations across America that will suffer if the CPB withholds grants to them as a way of protesting perceived NPR biases. [...]

Government tampering with independent journalism is a very bad idea reserved for tyrannical governments. Attempting to inject balance into public broadcasting is an imprudent, and quite possibly dangerous, idea.

Anthony S. Brandon is president and general manager of WYPR-FM, a public radio station serving Maryland.

Because, after all, if the media were balanced conservatives would win.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Russia is now ripe for freedom revolution, warns Solzhenitsyn (Jeremy Page, 6/07/05, Times of London)

THE former dissident author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has emerged from three years in obscurity with a warning that Russia could face a Ukrainian-style revolution.

The 86-year-old Nobel laureate, who spent ten years in the Soviet gulag, said in his first television interview since 2002 that Russia was not backsliding on democracy because it had never been truly democratic.

“It is often said that democracy is being taken away from us and that there is a threat to our democracy. What democracy is threatened? Power of the people? We don’t have it,” he told Rossiya, the state-run channel.

“We have nothing that resembles democracy. We are trying to build democracy without self-governance. Before anything, we must begin to build a system so that the people can manage their own destinies.”

He said that the State Duma, dominated by the Kremlin’s supporters, was acting “as if it were drunk” and the country could face an upheaval similar to last year’s Orange Revolution in Ukraine if the Government did not change course.

Very nearly the anniversary of just about the only commencement address ever worth listening to, A World Split Apart (Alexander Solzhenitsyn at Harvard Class Day Afternoon Exercises, Thursday, June 8, 1978)
If I were today addressing an audience in my country, examining the overall pattern of the world's rifts I would have concentrated on the East's calamities. But since my forced exile in the West has now lasted four years and since my audience is a Western one, I think it may be of greater interest to concentrate on certain aspects of the West in our days, such as I see them.

A Decline in Courage [. . .]

may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party and of course in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite, causing an impression of loss of courage by the entire society. Of course there are many courageous individuals but they have no determining influence on public life. Political and intellectual bureaucrats show depression, passivity and perplexity in their actions and in their statements and even more so in theoretical reflections to explain how realistic, reasonable as well as intellectually and even morally warranted it is to base state policies on weakness and cowardice. And decline in courage is ironically emphasized by occasional explosions of anger and inflexibility on the part of the same bureaucrats when dealing with weak governments and weak countries, not supported by anyone, or with currents which cannot offer any resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists.

Should one point out that from ancient times decline in courage has been considered the beginning of the end?


When the modern Western States were created, the following principle was proclaimed: governments are meant to serve man, and man lives to be free to pursue happiness. (See, for example, the American Declaration). Now at last during past decades technical and social progress has permitted the realization of such aspirations: the welfare state. Every citizen has been granted the desired freedom and material goods in such quantity and of such quality as to guarantee in theory the achievement of happiness, in the morally inferior sense which has come into being during those same decades. In the process, however, one psychological detail has been overlooked: the constant desire to have still more things and a still better life and the struggle to obtain them imprints many Western faces with worry and even depression, though it is customary to conceal such feelings. Active and tense competition permeates all human thoughts without opening a way to free spiritual development. The individual's independence from many types of state pressure has been guaranteed; the majority of people have been granted well-being to an extent their fathers and grandfathers could not even dream about; it has become possible to raise young people according to these ideals, leading them to physical splendor, happiness, possession of material goods, money and leisure, to an almost unlimited freedom of enjoyment. So who should now renounce all this, why and for what should one risk one's precious life in defense of common values, and particularly in such nebulous cases when the security of one's nation must be defended in a distant country?

Even biology knows that habitual extreme safety and well-being are not advantageous for a living organism. Today, well-being in the life of Western society has begun to reveal its pernicious mask.

Legalistic Life

Western society has given itself the organization best suited to its purposes, based, I would say, on the letter of the law. The limits of human rights and righteousness are determined by a system of laws; such limits are very broad. People in the West have acquired considerable skill in using, interpreting and manipulating law, even though laws tend to be too complicated for an average person to understand without the help of an expert. Any conflict is solved according to the letter of the law and this is considered to be the supreme solution. If one is right from a legal point of view, nothing more is required, nobody may mention that one could still not be entirely right, and urge self-restraint, a willingness to renounce such legal rights, sacrifice and selfless risk: it would sound simply absurd. One almost never sees voluntary self-restraint. Everybody operates at the extreme limit of those legal frames. An oil company is legally blameless when it purchases an invention of a new type of energy in order to prevent its use. A food product manufacturer is legally blameless when he poisons his produce to make it last longer: after all, people are free not to buy it.

I have spent all my life under a communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either. A society which is based on the letter of the law and never reaches any higher is taking very scarce advantage of the high level of human possibilities. The letter of the law is too cold and formal to have a beneficial influence on society. Whenever the tissue of life is woven of legalistic relations, there is an atmosphere of moral mediocrity, paralyzing man's noblest impulses.

And it will be simply impossible to stand through the trials of this threatening century with only the support of a legalistic structure.

The Direction of Freedom

In today's Western society, the inequality has been revealed of freedom for good deeds and freedom for evil deeds. A statesman who wants to achieve something important and highly constructive for his country has to move cautiously and even timidly; there are thousands of hasty and irresponsible critics around him, parliament and the press keep rebuffing him. As he moves ahead, he has to prove that every single step of his is well-founded and absolutely flawless. Actually an outstanding and particularly gifted person who has unusual and unexpected initiatives in mind hardly gets a chance to assert himself; from the very beginning, dozens of traps will be set out for him. Thus mediocrity triumphs with the excuse of restrictions imposed by democracy.

It is feasible and easy everywhere to undermine administrative power and, in fact, it has been drastically weakened in all Western countries. The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless against certain individuals. It is time, in the West, to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.

Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example, misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime and horror. It is considered to be part of freedom and theoretically counter-balanced by the young people's right not to look or not to accept. Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil.

And what shall we say about the dark realm of criminality as such? Legal frames (especially in the United States) are broad enough to encourage not only individual freedom but also certain individual crimes. The culprit can go unpunished or obtain undeserved leniency with the support of thousands of public defenders. When a government starts an earnest fight against terrorism, public opinion immediately accuses it of violating the terrorists' civil rights. There are many such cases.

Such a tilt of freedom in the direction of evil has come about gradually but it was evidently born primarily out of a humanistic and benevolent concept according to which there is no evil inherent to human nature; the world belongs to mankind and all the defects of life are caused by wrong social systems which must be corrected. Strangely enough, though the best social conditions have been achieved in the West, there still is criminality and there even is considerably more of it than in the pauper and lawless Soviet society. (There is a huge number of prisoners in our camps which are termed criminals, but most of them never committed any crime; they merely tried to defend themselves against a lawless state resorting to means outside of a legal framework).

The Direction of the Press

The press too, of course, enjoys the widest freedom. (I shall be using the word press to include all media). But what sort of use does it make of this freedom?

Here again, the main concern is not to infringe the letter of the law. There is no moral responsibility for deformation or disproportion. What sort of responsibility does a journalist have to his readers, or to history? If they have misled public opinion or the government by inaccurate information or wrong conclusions, do we know of any cases of public recognition and rectification of such mistakes by the same journalist or the same newspaper? No, it does not happen, because it would damage sales. A nation may be the victim of such a mistake, but the journalist always gets away with it. One may safely assume that he will start writing the opposite with renewed self-assurance.

Because instant and credible information has to be given, it becomes necessary to resort to guesswork, rumors and suppositions to fill in the voids, and none of them will ever be rectified, they will stay on in the readers' memory. How many hasty, immature, superficial and misleading judgments are expressed every day, confusing readers, without any verification. The press can both simulate public opinion and miseducate it. Thus we may see terrorists heroized, or secret matters, pertaining to one's nation's defense, publicly revealed, or we may witness shameless intrusion on the privacy of well-known people under the slogan: "everyone is entitled to know everything." But this is a false slogan, characteristic of a false era: people also have the right not to know, and it is a much more valuable one. The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk. A person who works and leads a meaningful life does not need this excessive burdening flow of information.

Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press. In-depth analysis of a problem is anathema to the press. It stops at sensational formulas.

Such as it is, however, the press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. One would then like to ask: by what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible? In the communist East a journalist is frankly appointed as a state official. But who has granted Western journalists their power, for how long a time and with what prerogatives?

There is yet another surprise for someone coming from the East where the press is rigorously unified: one gradually discovers a common trend of preferences within the Western press as a whole. It is a fashion; there are generally accepted patterns of judgment and there may be common corporate interests, the sum effect being not competition but unification. Enormous freedom exists for the press, but not for the readership because newspapers mostly give enough stress and emphasis to those opinions which do not too openly contradict their own and the general trend.

A Fashion in Thinking

Without any censorship, in the West fashionable trends of thought and ideas are carefully separated from those which are not fashionable; nothing is forbidden, but what is not fashionable will hardly ever find its way into periodicals or books or be heard in colleges. Legally your researchers are free, but they are conditioned by the fashion of the day. There is no open violence such as in the East; however, a selection dictated by fashion and the need to match mass standards frequently prevent independent-minded people from giving their contribution to public life. There is a dangerous tendency to form a herd, shutting off successful development. I have received letters in America from highly intelligent persons, maybe a teacher in a faraway small college who could do much for the renewal and salvation of his country, but his country cannot hear him because the media are not interested in him. This gives birth to strong mass prejudices, blindness, which is most dangerous in our dynamic era. There is, for instance, a self-deluding interpretation of the contemporary world situation. It works as a sort of petrified armor around people's minds. Human voices from 17 countries of Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia cannot pierce it. It will only be broken by the pitiless crowbar of events.

I have mentioned a few trends of Western life which surprise and shock a new arrival to this world. The purpose and scope of this speech will not allow me to continue such a review, to look into the influence of these Western characteristics on important aspects on [the] nation's life, such as elementary education, advanced education in [?...]


It is almost universally recognized that the West shows all the world a way to successful economic development, even though in the past years it has been strongly disturbed by chaotic inflation. However, many people living in the West are dissatisfied with their own society. They despise it or accuse it of not being up to the level of maturity attained by mankind. A number of such critics turn to socialism, which is a false and dangerous current.

I hope that no one present will suspect me of offering my personal criticism of the Western system to present socialism as an alternative. Having experienced applied socialism in a country where the alternative has been realized, I certainly will not speak for it. The well-known Soviet mathematician Shafarevich, a member of the Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliant book under the title Socialism; it is a profound analysis showing that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death. Shafarevich's book was published in France almost two years ago and so far no one has been found to refute it. It will shortly be published in English in the United States.

Not a Model

But should someone ask me whether I would indicate the West such as it is today as a model to my country, frankly I would have to answer negatively. No, I could not recommend your society in its present state as an ideal for the transformation of ours. Through intense suffering our country has now achieved a spiritual development of such intensity that the Western system in its present state of spiritual exhaustion does not look attractive. Even those characteristics of your life which I have just mentioned are extremely saddening.

A fact which cannot be disputed is the weakening of human beings in the West while in the East they are becoming firmer and stronger. Six decades for our people and three decades for the people of Eastern Europe; during that time we have been through a spiritual training far in advance of Western experience. Life's complexity and mortal weight have produced stronger, deeper and more interesting characters than those produced by standardized Western well-being. Therefore if our society were to be transformed into yours, it would mean an improvement in certain aspects, but also a change for the worse on some particularly significant scores. It is true, no doubt, that a society cannot remain in an abyss of lawlessness, as is the case in our country. But it is also demeaning for it to elect such mechanical legalistic smoothness as you have. After the suffering of decades of violence and oppression, the human soul longs for things higher, warmer and purer than those offered by today's mass living habits, introduced by the revolting invasion of publicity, by TV stupor and by intolerable music.

All this is visible to observers from all the worlds of our planet. The Western way of life is less and less likely to become the leading model.

There are meaningful warnings that history gives a threatened or perishing society. Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen. There are open and evident warnings, too. The center of your democracy and of your culture is left without electric power for a few hours only, and all of a sudden crowds of American citizens start looting and creating havoc. The smooth surface film must be very thin, then, the social system quite unstable and unhealthy.

But the fight for our planet, physical and spiritual, a fight of cosmic proportions, is not a vague matter of the future; it has already started. The forces of Evil have begun their decisive offensive, you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses. What is the joy about?


Very well known representatives of your society, such as George Kennan, say: we cannot apply moral criteria to politics. Thus we mix good and evil, right and wrong and make space for the absolute triumph of absolute Evil in the world. On the contrary, only moral criteria can help the West against communism's well planned world strategy. There are no other criteria. Practical or occasional considerations of any kind will inevitably be swept away by strategy. After a certain level of the problem has been reached, legalistic thinking induces paralysis; it prevents one from seeing the size and meaning of events.

In spite of the abundance of information, or maybe because of it, the West has difficulties in understanding reality such as it is. There have been naive predictions by some American experts who believed that Angola would become the Soviet Union's Vietnam or that Cuban expeditions in Africa would best be stopped by special U.S. courtesy to Cuba. Kennan's advice to his own country -- to begin unilateral disarmament -- belongs to the same category. If you only knew how the youngest of the Moscow Old Square [1] officials laugh at your political wizards! As to Fidel Castro, he frankly scorns the United States, sending his troops to distant adventures from his country right next to yours.

However, the most cruel mistake occurred with the failure to understand the Vietnam war. Some people sincerely wanted all wars to stop just as soon as possible; others believed that there should be room for national, or communist, self-determination in Vietnam, or in Cambodia, as we see today with particular clarity. But members of the U.S. anti-war movement wound up being involved in the betrayal of Far Eastern nations, in a genocide and in the suffering today imposed on 30 million people there. Do those convinced pacifists hear the moans coming from there? Do they understand their responsibility today? Or do they prefer not to hear? The American Intelligentsia lost its [nerve] and as a consequence thereof danger has come much closer to the United States. But there is no awareness of this. Your shortsighted politicians who signed the hasty Vietnam capitulation seemingly gave America a carefree breathing pause; however, a hundredfold Vietnam now looms over you. That small Vietnam had been a warning and an occasion to mobilize the nation's courage. But if a full-fledged America suffered a real defeat from a small communist half-country, how can the West hope to stand firm in the future?

I have had occasion already to say that in the 20th century democracy has not won any major war without help and protection from a powerful continental ally whose philosophy and ideology it did not question. In World War II against Hitler, instead of winning that war with its own forces, which would certainly have been sufficient, Western democracy grew and cultivated another enemy who would prove worse and more powerful yet, as Hitler never had so many resources and so many people, nor did he offer any attractive ideas, or have such a large number of supporters in the West -- a potential fifth column -- as the Soviet Union. At present, some Western voices already have spoken of obtaining protection from a third power against aggression in the next world conflict, if there is one; in this case the shield would be China. But I would not wish such an outcome to any country in the world. First of all, it is again a doomed alliance with Evil; also, it would grant the United States a respite, but when at a later date China with its billion people would turn around armed with American weapons, America itself would fall prey to a genocide similar to the one perpetrated in Cambodia in our days.

Loss of Willpower

And yet -- no weapons, no matter how powerful, can help the West until it overcomes its loss of willpower. In a state of psychological weakness, weapons become a burden for the capitulating side. To defend oneself, one must also be ready to die; there is little such readiness in a society raised in the cult of material well-being. Nothing is left, then, but concessions, attempts to gain time and betrayal. Thus at the shameful Belgrade conference free Western diplomats in their weakness surrendered the line where enslaved members of Helsinki Watchgroups are sacrificing their lives.

Western thinking has become conservative: the world situation should stay as it is at any cost, there should be no changes. This debilitating dream of a status quo is the symptom of a society which has come to the end of its development. But one must be blind in order not to see that oceans no longer belong to the West, while land under its domination keeps shrinking. The two so-called world wars (they were by far not on a world scale, not yet) have meant internal self-destruction of the small, progressive West which has thus prepared its own end. The next war (which does not have to be an atomic one and I do not believe it will) may well bury Western civilization forever.

Facing such a danger, with such historical values in your past, at such a high level of realization of freedom and apparently of devotion to freedom, how is it possible to lose to such an extent the will to defend oneself?

Humanism and Its Consequences

How has this unfavorable relation of forces come about? How did the West decline from its triumphal march to its present sickness? Have there been fatal turns and losses of direction in its development? It does not seem so. The West kept advancing socially in accordance with its proclaimed intentions, with the help of brilliant technological progress. And all of a sudden it found itself in its present state of weakness.

This means that the mistake must be at the root, at the very basis of human thinking in the past centuries. I refer to the prevailing Western view of the world which was first born during the Renaissance and found its political expression from the period of the Enlightenment. It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. It could also be called anthropocentricity, with man seen as the center of everything that exists.

The turn introduced by the Renaissance evidently was inevitable historically. The Middle Ages had come to a natural end by exhaustion, becoming an intolerable despotic repression of man's physical nature in favor of the spiritual one. Then, however, we turned our backs upon the Spirit and embraced all that is material with excessive and unwarranted zeal. This new way of thinking, which had imposed on us its guidance, did not admit the existence of intrinsic evil in man nor did it see any higher task than the attainment of happiness on earth. It based modern Western civilization on the dangerous trend to worship man and his material needs. Everything beyond physical well-being and accumulation of material goods, all other human requirements and characteristics of a subtler and higher nature, were left outside the area of attention of state and social systems, as if human life did not have any superior sense. That provided access for evil, of which in our days there is a free and constant flow. Merely freedom does not in the least solve all the problems of human life and it even adds a number of new ones.

However, in early democracies, as in American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted because man is God's creature. That is, freedom was given to the individual conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility. Such was the heritage of the preceding thousand years. Two hundred or even fifty years ago, it would have seemed quite impossible, in America, that an individual could be granted boundless freedom simply for the satisfaction of his instincts or whims. Subsequently, however, all such limitations were discarded everywhere in the West; a total liberation occurred from the moral heritage of Christian centuries with their great reserves of mercy and sacrifice. State systems were becoming increasingly and totally materialistic. The West ended up by truly enforcing human rights, sometimes even excessively, but man's sense of responsibility to God and society grew dimmer and dimmer. In the past decades, the legalistically selfish aspect of Western approach and thinking has reached its final dimension and the world wound up in a harsh spiritual crisis and a political impasse. All the glorified technological achievements of Progress, including the conquest of outer space, do not redeem the Twentieth century's moral poverty which no one could imagine even as late as in the Nineteenth Century.

An Unexpected Kinship

As humanism in its development became more and more materialistic, it made itself increasingly accessible to speculation and manipulation at first by socialism and then by communism. So that Karl Marx was able to say in 1844 that "communism is naturalized humanism."

This statement turned out not to be entirely senseless. One does see the same stones in the foundations of a despiritualized humanism and of any type of socialism: endless materialism; freedom from religion and religious responsibility, which under communist regimes reach the stage of anti-religious dictatorship; concentration on social structures with a seemingly scientific approach. (This is typical of the Enlightenment in the Eighteenth Century and of Marxism). Not by coincidence all of communism's meaningless pledges and oaths are about Man, with a capital M, and his earthly happiness. At first glance it seems an ugly parallel: common traits in the thinking and way of life of today's West and today's East? But such is the logic of materialistic development.

The interrelationship is such, too, that the current of materialism which is most to the left always ends up by being stronger, more attractive and victorious, because it is more consistent. Humanism without its Christian heritage cannot resist such competition. We watch this process in the past centuries and especially in the past decades, on a world scale as the situation becomes increasingly dramatic. Liberalism was inevitably displaced by radicalism, radicalism had to surrender to socialism and socialism could never resist communism. The communist regime in the East could stand and grow due to the enthusiastic support from an enormous number of Western intellectuals who felt a kinship and refused to see communism's crimes. When they no longer could do so, they tried to justify them. In our Eastern countries, communism has suffered a complete ideological defeat; it is zero and less than zero. But Western intellectuals still look at it with interest and with empathy, and this is precisely what makes it so immensely difficult for the West to withstand the East.

Before the Turn

I am not examining here the case of a world war disaster and the changes which it would produce in society. As long as we wake up every morning under a peaceful sun, we have to lead an everyday life. There is a disaster, however, which has already been under way for quite some time. I am referring to the calamity of a despiritualized and irreligious humanistic consciousness.

To such consciousness, man is the touchstone in judging and evaluating everything on earth. Imperfect man, who is never free of pride, self-interest, envy, vanity, and dozens of other defects. We are now experiencing the consequences of mistakes which had not been noticed at the beginning of the journey. On the way from the Renaissance to our days we have enriched our experience, but we have lost the concept of a Supreme Complete Entity which used to restrain our passions and our irresponsibility. We have placed too much hope in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual life. In the East, it is destroyed by the dealings and machinations of the ruling party. In the West, commercial interests tend to suffocate it. This is the real crisis. The split in the world is less terrible than the similarity of the disease plaguing its main sections.

If humanism were right in declaring that man is born to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to die, his task on earth evidently must be of a more spiritual nature. It cannot unrestrained enjoyment of everyday life. It cannot be the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then cheerfully get the most out of them. It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one's life journey may become an experience of moral growth, so that one may leave life a better human being than one started it. It is imperative to review the table of widespread human values. Its present incorrectness is astounding. It is not possible that assessment of the President's performance be reduced to the question of how much money one makes or of unlimited availability of gasoline. Only voluntary, inspired self-restraint can raise man above the world stream of materialism.

It would be retrogression to attach oneself today to the ossified formulas of the Enlightenment. Social dogmatism leaves us completely helpless in front of the trials of our times.

Even if we are spared destruction by war, our lives will have to change if we want to save life from self-destruction. We cannot avoid revising the fundamental definitions of human life and human society. Is it true that man is above everything? Is there no Superior Spirit above him? Is it right that man's life and society's activities have to be determined by material expansion in the first place? Is it permissible to promote such expansion to the detriment of our spiritual integrity?

If the world has not come to its end, it has approached a major turn in history, equal in importance to the turn from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. It will exact from us a spiritual upsurge, we shall have to rise to a new height of vision, to a new level of life where our physical nature will not be cursed as in the Middle Ages, but, even more importantly, our spiritual being will not be trampled upon as in the Modern era.

This ascension will be similar to climbing onto the next anthropologic stage. No one on earth has any other way left but -- upward.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Judge Appears to Follow Own Conservative Path (Maura Dolan, June 7, 2005, LA Times)

During her college days, Janice Rogers Brown roamed campus as a single mother with her young son in tow, her hair in what some remembered as "the biggest 'fro there was" and her views so leftist that she later described them as almost Maoist.

Today, the California Supreme Court justice is President Bush's pick for a federal court that is considered a launching pad for the U.S. Supreme Court. Her conservative political views have so offended civil rights groups and Democrats that her nomination helped provoke an ugly confrontation in the Senate.

In her personal life, the 56-year-old Brown is private and soft-spoken, the least likely of the California justices to give media interviews.

But her court decisions and political views repeatedly have thrust her into the limelight, making her a target when Bush nominated her for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Senate opened debate on her nomination Monday, and is expected to vote to confirm her this week.

Brown, who has declined to be interviewed since her federal nomination, frequently is likened to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in her legal views and life story. They are both African American, politically conservative and from the South. But there are differences.

Whereas Thomas has been said to follow the lead of Justice Antonin Scalia, Brown appears to follow no one.

Former Gov. Pete Wilson named Brown, his onetime legal affairs secretary, to the court even though a state bar committee had twice rated her unqualified. The panel objected to Brown because, it said, she inserted her personal political views into court rulings and lacked judicial experience.

She had been a member of the state Court of Appeal in Sacramento for less than two years before moving to the state's highest court. Once there, Brown bruised the feelings of other justices by penning blistering dissents that belittled her more senior colleagues in ways they felt were personal.

In one decision, Brown defended electric "stun belts" for unruly criminal defendants in courtrooms. She zinged the majority ruling for restricting the jolt-releasing belts on the basis of research she said was so embarrassing that even a high school student would be expected to do better.

Despite a string of such withering dissents, legal scholars who closely follow the court eventually decided the state bar had been wrong about Brown. They praised her for a strong intellect, a lively writing style, independence and an impressive work ethic. Brown has been one of the top producers of opinions on the state high court.

She also has been less predictably conservative than expected. She occasionally rules for criminal defendants and chastises police for making what she views as illegal searches.

In one case, Brown objected to a ruling that permitted police to search bicyclists without identification. She said she did not know the race of the defendant in the case but suspected he was stopped because he did not look like he belonged in the neighborhood.

"That is the problem," she wrote. "And it matters." The cyclist was later identified as an African American.

Is there anyone in the legal community who thinks Thomas follows Scalia?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


The frog and the ox: Americans are finding it hard to understand what is going on in Europe (Lexington, Jun 2nd 2005, The Economist)

THERE is a nice variant of one of Aesop's Fables which goes like this. A tiny frog shares a field with a giant ox. The frog tries to get the ox's attention by puffing himself up. The ox fails to notice the frog. The frog puffs himself up some more. The ox continues not to notice him. The frog finally puffs himself up so much that he explodes. But the ox still doesn't notice him.

Something much like this happened last Sunday. Many of the supporters of the European constitution nourish dreams of creating a United States of Europe. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the constitution's leading light, frequently spoke of his admiration for the American constitution. But the American reaction to the French non vote was a giant yawn. The news networks gave as much priority to the simultaneous vote in Lebanon, and both elections seemed less important than the result of the Indy 500.

From the "life imitates" file:
One of the local rituals for children, reported Nicholas D. Kristof of Life in Midland, Texas, when George W. was a boy, were meetings with cookies and milk at the home of a nice old lady who represented the SPCA. The cookies were digested more thoroughly than the teachings.

`We were terrible to animals,' recalled [Bush pal Terry] Throckmorton, laughing. A dip behind the Bush borne turned into a small lake after a good rain, and thousands of frogs would come out. `Everybody would get BB guns and shoot them,' Throckmorton said. `Or we'd put firecrackers in the frogs and throw them and blow them up.'

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


British and French rivalry spills over on three fronts (Philip Webster, Anthony Browne and Peter Riddell, 6/07/05, Times of London)

Blair confronts Chirac on EU reform
Britain ignores French treaty plea
Paris and London contest Olympic race

BRITAIN faces six months of turmoil in charge of the European Union after suspending the referendum on the constitution yesterday, a move sharply criticised by France.

The Government threatened to veto a drive led by France and Germany to end its £3 billion annual rebate at next week’s Brussels summit.

It also provoked its EU partners on a third front by making the continuing enlargement of the bloc a priority for the British presidency, which begins next month. Turkey begins accession talks in October, but French and German public opinion has swung heavily against Turkish membership.

As if to emphasise the intense rivalry developing between Britain and France in particular, a report from the International Olympic Committee suggested yesterday that Paris and London were the strongest contenders to host the 2012 Olympic Games, but appeared to give Paris the edge.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, in effect abandoned the British referendum by suspending the necessary legislation, despite demands by President Chirac and Gerhard Schröder, the German Chancellor, that the ratification process continue.

British ministers now anticipate a slow and lingering death for the blueprint rejected by the French and Dutch electorates last week, although a Populus poll for The Times shows that half the British electorate would still like a vote.

W should threaten to boycott if the Olympics are in an Axis of Weasel nation.

June 6, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


Many foreign investors being booted out of Cuba: Foreign business partners are being squeezed out of Cuba, which is turning to countries such as Venezuela and China. (MARC FRANK, 6/07/05, Financial Times)

It has been more than a decade since Cuba, suffering from a post-Soviet economic collapse and jitters about the United States, opened its door to foreign businesses.

Now many investors -- mainly European -- who took the plunge are being asked to leave.

Only half the homes rented to expatriates by the state's real-estate monopoly are now occupied, and at the Havana International School enrollment is down about a third from two years ago and falling.

On average, one joint venture and two smaller cooperative production ventures have closed each week since 2002, when there were 700 in the country. [...]

Relations with the European Union and other Western nations remain tense because of President Fidel Castro's repression of dissent, and Cuba is increasingly turning toward countries like such as China and Venezuela, which it sees as being less influenced by the United States.

Yet the purge appears to be related less to these factors than to recentralizing finance and trade and eliminating the partial autonomy that state concerns were granted in the 1990s.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:35 PM


President Discusses Trade, CAFTA at Organization of American States (George W. Bush, Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 6/06/05)

The ties that bind the Americas are particularly vivid here in Florida. I mean, if you spend any time in this state, you'll find people from all over our hemisphere who live here. This state has benefited because immigrants from throughout the hemisphere have made their homes here. I know firsthand -- I'm pretty familiar with the state's Governor. (Laughter.) He keeps me abreast of what's taking place in this state.

You know, our ties are represented in different ways. Perhaps you know this, but my brother was lucky enough to marry a fantastic woman from Mexico; the First Lady of Florida is Mexican-born. A United States Senator from Florida, Mel Martinez, was born in Cuba. No, the ties in our hemisphere between America and our hemisphere are particularly strong in Florida. It's a perfect place to have the meeting. Thank you for choosing Florida.

As I look out at the distinguished foreign ministers, I find we have much in common. We're the children of the New World, founded in empire and fulfilled in independence. Our people are united by history and geography. And the United States shares a commitment with you to build an Americas that lives in liberty, trades in freedom, and grows in prosperity.

We come together at a great moment in history, when freedom is on the march around our world. In the last year-and-a-half -- think about this -- we've witnessed a Rose Revolution in Georgia, an Orange Revolution in Ukraine, a Purple Revolution in Iraq, a Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, a Cedar Revolution in Lebanon -- and these are just the beginnings. Across Central Asia, hope is stirring at the prospect of change -- and change will come. Across the broader Middle East, we are seeing the rise of a new generation whose hearts burn for freedom -- and they will have it.

This love of liberty has long roots in our own hemisphere. Not long after the United States won its independence from Britain, patriots throughout the Americas were inspired to take their own stand. One of them was an Argentine general named Jose de San Martin. During the struggle for independence from Spain, the general declared, "In the last corner of the earth that I might find myself, I will be ready to sacrifice my existence for liberty."

"The ties that bind the Americas are particularly vivid here in Florida," said the President, adding, "This state has benefited because immigrants from throughout the hemisphere have made their homes here." White House photo by Eric Draper San Martin's dream of liberty has found a home in the Organization of American States. This organization's founding documents calls the Americas to its "historic mission to offer to man a land of liberty, and a favorable environment for the realization of his just aspirations." That mission was given its clear direction in the Inter-American Democratic Charter declaring that "the peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote it and defend it." And today what was once a distant dream is now within our reach: an Americas wholly free and democratic and at peace with ourselves and our neighbors.

In the new Americas of the 21st century, democracy is now the rule, rather than the exception. Think of the dramatic changes we have seen in our lifetime. In 1974, the last time the OAS General Assembly met in the United States, fewer than half its members had democratically elected governments. Today, all 34 countries participating in this General Assembly have democratic, constitutional governments. Only one country in this hemisphere sits outside this society of democratic nations -- and one day the tide of freedom will reach Cuba's shores, as well. (Applause.) The great Cuban patriot Jose Marti said it best: La libertad no es negociable.

The dramatic gains for democracy we have witnessed in our hemisphere must not be taken for granted. Democratic change and free elections are exhilarating events. Yet we know from experience they can be followed by moments of uncertainty. When people risk everything to vote, it can raise expectations that their lives will improve immediately -- but history teaches us that the path to a free and prosperous society is long and not always smooth. Each nation must follow its own course, according to its own history. Yet the old and new democracies of the Americas share a common interest in showing every citizen of our hemisphere that freedom brings not just peace -- it brings a better life for themselves and their families.

In the new Americas of the 21st century, bringing a better life to our people requires choosing between two competing visions. One offers a vision of hope -- it is founded on representative government, integration into the world markets, and a faith in the transformative power of freedom in individual lives. The other seeks to roll back the democratic progress of the past two decades by playing to fear, pitting neighbor against neighbor, and blaming others for their own failures to provide for their people. The choices we make will determine which vision will define the Americas our children inherit -- we must make tough decisions today to ensure a better tomorrow.

To give our children a better tomorrow, our citizens must see that democracy delivers more than promises. They need to see in their daily lives that their hard work and enterprises are rewarded. They need to see that in a democratic society, people can walk in the streets in safety, corruption is punished, and all citizens are equal before the law. And when the people of the Americas see that opportunity and social mobility are real, they will know that in a free and democratic society, the only limit to how far they can go is the size of their dreams.

The United States believes it has an obligation to help build this better tomorrow for all the citizens. Working with our partners in the region, my government has helped the leaders of this hemisphere meet our goal of delivering treatment to 600,000 HIV sufferers across the region. In 2002, the United States launched the Millennium Challenge Account to help poor nations and to revolutionize the concept of development aid. My administration's approach is based on the common sense idea that development aid works best in countries that are proving their commitment to govern justly, to invest in their citizens, and to open up their economies. Under this program, aid will go to those who deliver results for their people.

Next week, Honduras will become the second country to sign a Millennium Challenge compact -- for a $215 million program that will help Honduran farmers grow better crops, as well as money to build highways that will open markets for them around the region and the world.

To advance economic development in the Americas, the U.S. government already makes about $5 billion in loans and grants to the region throughout [sic] the Ex-Im Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Trade and Development Agency. In preparation for the Summit of the Americas later this year in Argentina, my administration will be looking for new ways to prime the real engines of hope in the Americas: its small businesses and private enterprises and entrepreneurs. When people throughout the Americas see their lives improve and opportunity more abundant, their faith in democracy will grow and our hemisphere will be more secure.

In the new Americas of the 21st century, one of the surest ways to make opportunity real for all our citizens is by opening our doors to trade. My government is pursuing this goal at all levels: at the global level through the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization, at the regional level through Free Trade Area of the Americas, and at the bilateral level with Free Trade Agreements with individual countries like Chile and Mexico and Canada. And the United States Congress is now considering the Central American and Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, which offers an historic opportunity to bring prosperity to the citizens of our hemisphere who have not known it.

For the young democracies of Central America, CAFTA would bring new investment, and that means good jobs and higher labor standards for their workers. In these nations, wealthier citizens already enjoy access to goods and services produced abroad. By reducing tariffs on U.S. goods, all consumers in these countries will enjoy better goods at lower prices. These lower prices will also give Central American small businesses and farmers and entrepreneurs less costly access to U.S. machinery and equipment which will make them more competitive and help their economies grow. By bringing economic growth to Central America, CAFTA will contribute to the rise of a vibrant middle class. And that makes us reach -- a step closer to our goal, a goal of the Americas where the opportunities in San Jose, Costa Rica are as real as they are in San Jose, California.

For U.S. farmers and businesses and workers, CAFTA would expand opportunity by creating a more level playing field for our goods and services. Under existing rules, most of Central America's exports already enter the United States duty free -- but U.S. exports still face hefty tariffs. By passing CAFTA, the United States would open up a market of 44 million consumers for our farmers and small business people. CAFTA will replace a system that is often arbitrary with one that is fair and transparent and based on common rules.

For the Western Hemisphere, CAFTA would continue to advance the stability and security that come from freedom. An Americas linked by trade is less likely to be divided by resentment and false ideologies. An Americas where all our people live in prosperity will be more peaceful. And an Americas whose countries have reduced the barriers to trade among ourselves will be a more competitive region in a global economy.

CAFTA is more than just a trade agreement. It is a signal of the U.S. commitment to democracy and prosperity for our neighbors -- and I urge the United States Congress to pass it. (Applause.)

In the last half-century, the nations of the Americas have overcome enormous challenges: colonialism and communism and military dictatorship. At the start of this new century, these divisions have fallen away, and now we have it within our means to eliminate the scourge of poverty from our hemisphere. In this room we still represent many different countries with different traditions and different mother tongues -- but today we can say with pride that we all speak the common language of liberty. And by making the blessings of freedom real in our hemisphere, we will set a shining example for all the world. Thank you for letting me come by. Que Dios los bendiga, may God bless you all. (Applause.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 PM


Hot spots of US population growth (Christopher Leonard, 6/07/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

When Shannon Monteith got a promotion last year, she packed up her things, said goodbye to San Francisco, and headed to the big time - Benton County, Arkansas.

Ms. Monteith couldn't find Northwest Arkansas on a map before she moved here. But as a saleswoman for candymaker Hershey Foods Corp., she was familiar with her new client: Bentonville-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

"It's the biggest company in the world - if you're in sales you always want to be on the biggest customer," she says.

Benton County wasn't the backwater that Monteith feared it might be. She eventually bought a home in Shadow Valley, a gated community that hums with activity - from tennis games to roving golf carts to kids playing in newly landscaped yards.

Just a few years ago, Shadow Valley was Ozark pastureland and forest. But as thousands of people move to Benton County, drawn by an economic boom fueled by Wal-Mart, the region is being rapidly redrawn - with an influx that puts it among the nation's 70 fastest-growing counties, according to the most recent US Census Bureau report. [...]

[P]opulation growth isn't confined to suburban boomtowns or cities in the Sunbelt and Rocky Mountains. It's affecting far-flung spots as well, culminating what demographer Robert Lang calls the "triumph of the exurbs" - new communities so far outside of cities that they almost stand alone.

The suburbs built in the 1970s now act as "anchors," he says, projecting population growth even farther away from urban cores. Now, people are moving farther and farther afield to attain the American Dream - or at least buy their piece of a new American exurb.

"Your typical suburbanite still wants to live in the biggest lot they can buy for the least amount of money," says William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program. "The common thing about all these counties is that the most affordable land in all these areas is out in the periphery."

..they're too crowded.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 PM


Hurdles ahead for Syrian reform: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad opened a highly anticipated three-day Baath Party Congress Monday. (Nicholas Blanford, 6/07/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

When Bashar al-Assad in March vowed a "great leap forward" for Syria at the Baath Party Congress, many said the young president would finally display his reformist credentials.

Perhaps he would launch a market economy to the replace the moribund statist system. Or maybe he would free all political prisoners and allow exiles to return.

But after an address that lasted barely 10 minutes, reformers' hopes were dashed.

President Assad steered clear of specifying any broad and imminent reforms that could help lower international pressure and appease rising domestic frustration. He told some 1,250 delegates that they should reform the economy and tackle corruption, but he avoided typical rants against Israel and the United States.

"The economic situation and improving living standards represent a priority for us," he said.

For the six Syrian opposition activists - a group of middle-aged businessmen, engineers, and former Army officers - who had gathered in a smoke-filled office to watch the speech live on television, Assad's address was disappointing.

"The president has no vision ... and said nothing about the suffering of the Syrian people," says one man, who, like his peers, declined to be named. "I'm not optimistic that this Congress will produce anything."

Syrian vice-president steps down (BBC, 6/07/05)

Syrian Vice-President Abdul Halim Khaddam has resigned from the government and the ruling Baath party.

Mr Khaddam is said to have made his announcement during a meeting of the Baath party on the first day of a conference focusing on reform.

No reason has been given for his resignation and it is not known if the party has accepted it.

Mr Khaddam, a veteran hardliner, is seen as an architect of Syrian influence in neighbouring Lebanon.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:44 PM


The Mobility Myth (Bob Hebert, New York Times, June 6th, 2005)

The war that nobody talks about - the overwhelmingly one-sided class war - is being waged all across America. Guess who's winning.

A recent front-page article in The Los Angeles Times showed that teenagers are faring poorly in a tight job market because of the fierce competition they're getting from older workers and immigrants for entry-level positions.

On the same day, in the business section, the paper reported that the chief executives at California's largest 100 companies took home a collective $1.1 billion in 2004, an increase of nearly 20 percent over the previous year. The paper contrasted that with the 2.9 percent raise that the average California worker saw last year.

The gap between the rich and everybody else in this country is fast becoming an unbridgeable chasm. David Cay Johnston, in the latest installment of the New York Times series "Class Matters," wrote, "It's no secret that the gap between the rich and the poor has been growing, but the extent to which the richest are leaving everybody else behind is not widely known."

Consider, for example, two separate eras in the lifetime of the baby-boom generation. For every additional dollar earned by the bottom 90 percent of the population between 1950 and 1970, those in the top 0.01 percent earned an additional $162. That gap has since skyrocketed. For every additional dollar earned by the bottom 90 percent between 1990 and 2002, Mr. Johnston wrote, each taxpayer in that top bracket brought in an extra $18,000.

Surely even Marx would be embarrassed by this one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:18 PM


No Child Left Behind is starting to work (Stanley Crouch, 6/06/05, NY Daily News)

Dan Rose, a businessman and philanthropist, recently visited China and became aware of the fact that the Chinese are now graduating 10 million high school students a year who cannot speak English, but who can read and write English. His question was, "I wonder how long it will take the Chinese, at this rate, to end up with more people who can read and write English than we have in the United States?"

Those sorts of education "miracles" are fairly easy within totalitarian systems because an unambiguous decision at the top can lead to successful practice if the necessary components are in place. Those who are not attracted to totalitarian methods in order to achieve success should take heed of what is now happening in the world of American public education, where reform is taking place against the will of the teachers union.

The United Federation of Teachers has said that No Child Left Behind is a measure that has been misapplied since it was enacted. But the recent spike in math and reading scores for states including Delaware, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois and yes, New York, says otherwise.

The union is invaluable in terms of representing teachers as a labor group for collective bargaining. But the union also is the greatest enemy of public education.

No public employees ought be allowed to unionize, but letting teachers is especially harmful.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:23 PM


Lt. Gov. off to Senate candidate school (AP, June 3, 2005)

Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie is planning to attend a Republican seminar later this month for potential U.S. Senate candidates.

Dubie said he had not made up his mind about whether to seek the Senate seat being vacated by Vermont's independent Sen. James Jeffords, but he has been mentioned as a possible Republican candidate.

"I was invited and I said 'I love to go to school'," Dubie said.

It is a chance to learn about running a campaign for national office and to meet Senate candidates from all over the country, he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:18 PM


Supreme Court outlaws use of marijuana for medical reasons (GINA HOLLAND, June 6, 2005, AP)

Federal authorities may prosecute sick people who smoke pot on doctors' orders, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, concluding that state medical marijuana laws don't protect users from a federal ban on the drug.

The decision is a stinging defeat for marijuana advocates who had successfully pushed 10 states to allow the drug's use to treat various illnesses.

Justice John Paul Stevens, writing the 6-3 decision, said that Congress could change the law to allow medical use of marijuana. [...]

Stevens said there are other legal options for patients, "but perhaps even more important than these legal avenues is the democratic process, in which the voices of voters allied with these respondents may one day be heard in the halls of Congress."

There just isn't any medical necessity for marijuana.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:27 PM


Wash. Judge Upholds Gubernatorial Vote: Wash. Judge Upholds 2004 Gubernatorial Election, Rejects Republicans' Bid to Nullify Outcome (REBECCA COOK, 6/06/05, Associated Press)

A judge on Monday upheld Washington's 2004 gubernatorial election, rejecting Republicans' bid to nullify the 129-vote victory of Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire.

Chelan County Superior Court Judge John Bridges denied Republican claims that election errors, illegal voters and fraud stole the election from GOP candidate Dino Rossi.

"Unless an election is clearly invalid, when the people have spoken their verdict should not be disturbed by the courts," Bridges said as he announced the decision from his courtroom.

The judge agreed that the state's election system is flawed, but he said he was not the proper person to remedy those flaws.

"This court is not in the position to fix the deficiencies in the election process," Bridges said. "However, the voters are in a position to demand of their legislative and executive bodies that remedial measures be taken immediately."

Courts shouldn't even hear these cases.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:09 PM


The Future of Tradition (Lee Harris, June/July 2005, Policy Review)

America has been in the midst of a culture war for some time and will probably remain so for some time longer. But culture war is not peculiar to this country. Indeed, there have been at least three great culture wars fought in the course of Western history, including one contemporaneous with the rise of the Sophists in ancient Greece, the epoch identified with the French Enlightenment and the German Aufklärung, and our own current battle. The first two ended in disaster for the societies in which they occurred — the outcome of the third is still pending.

Each of these wars has its own particular antagonists, each its own weapons of combat, each its own battlefield. But the essential nature of a culture war is invariant: A set of traditional values comes under attack by those who, like the Greek Sophist, the French philosophe, and the American intellectual, make their living by their superior proficiency in handling abstract ideas, and promote a radically new and revolutionary set of values. This is precisely what one would expect from those who excel in dispute and argumentation.

In every culture war the existing customs and traditions of a society are called to the bar of reason and ruthlessly interrogated and cross-examined by an intellectual elite asking whether they can be rationally justified or are simply the products of superstition and thus unworthy of being taken seriously by enlightened men and women.

Indeed, there could be no better example of this disdainful attitude toward inherited tradition than that displayed by the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada in discussing her court’s legalization of gay marriage, clearly expressed by her summary dismissal of any opposition to the high court’s decision as arising from nothing more than “residual personal prejudice.” Against such opposition, it is no wonder that many conservatives — including many of those who call themselves neoconservatives — have attempted to combat the opponents of tradition with their opponents’ own weapon of enlightened rationality.

But is it possible to defend tradition with the help of reason? Can a particular tradition be justified by reason? And what if our traditional belief conflicts with reason — can we rationally justify keeping it? Suppose we have been raised in the belief that we must wash our hands before every meal in order to appease a local deity in our pantheon, say, the god of the harvest; and suppose again that we have come to learn of the hygienic benefits of washing our hands before every meal. Must we keep the absurd tradition once we have grasped its scientific rationale? In either case, whether tradition and reason conflict, or tradition is revealed to be reason disguised, reason wins and tradition loses.

Where reason shines forth, then, tradition is no longer necessary. Hence the question before us: In a world that is being more and more rationalized, does tradition have a future? Or will we one day look upon it as we now look upon the myths of the ancient world — quaint and amusing, but of no real relevance to our lives? [...]

The high solemnity of marriage has been transgenerationally wired into our visceral system. We must take it seriously and treat it solemnly, and this “must” must appear to us at the level of second nature; it must possess the quality of being ethically obvious. Marriage must not be mocked or ridiculed. But can marriage keep its solemnity now? Who will tell the rising generation that there are standards they must not fail to meet if they wish to live in a way that their grandfathers could respect?

This is how those fond of abstract reasoning can destroy the ethical foundations of a society without anyone’s noticing it. They throw up for debate that which no one before ever thought about debating. They take the collective visceral code that has bound parents to grandchildren from time immemorial, in every culture known to man, and make of it a topic for fashionable intellectual chatter.

Ask yourself what is so secure about the ethical baseline of our current level of civilization that it might not be opened up for question, or what deeply cherished way of doing things will suddenly be cast in the role of a “residual personal prejudice.”

We are witnessing the triumph of a Newspeak in which those who simply wish to preserve their own way of life, to pass their core values down to their grandchildren more or less intact, no longer even have a language in which they can address their grievances. In this essay I have tried to produce the roughest sketch of what such language might look like and how it could be used to defend those values that represent what Hegel called the substantive class of community — the class that represents the ethical baseline of the society and whose ethical solidity and unimaginativeness permit the high-spirited experimentation of the reflective class to go forward without the risk of complete societal collapse.

If the reflective class, represented by intellectuals in the media and the academic world, continues to undermine the ideological superstructure of the visceral code operative among the “culturally backward,” it may eventually succeed in subverting and even destroying the visceral code that has established the common high ethical baseline of the average American — and it will have done all of this out of the insane belief that abstract maxims concerning justice and tolerance can take the place of a visceral code that is the outcome of the accumulated cultural revolution of our long human past.

The intelligentsia have no idea of the consequences that would ensue if middle America lost its simple faith in God and its equally simple trust in its fellow men. Their plain virtues and homespun beliefs are the bedrock of decency and integrity in our nation and in the world. These are the people who give their sons and daughters to defend the good and to defeat the evil. If in their eyes this clear and simple distinction is blurred through the dissemination of moral relativism and an aesthetic of ethical frivolity, where else will human decency find such willing and able defenders?

Even the most sophisticated of us have something to learn from the fundamentalism of middle America. For stripped of its quaint and antiquated ideological superstructure, there is a hard and solid kernel of wisdom embodied in the visceral code by which fundamentalists raise their children, and many of us, including many gay men like myself, are thankful to have been raised by parents who were so unshakably committed to the values of decency, and honesty, and integrity, and all those other homespun and corny principles. Reject the theology if you wish, but respect the ethical fundamentalism by which these people live: It is not a weakness of intellect, but a strength of character.

Middle Americans have increasingly tolerated the experiments in living of people like myself not out of stupidity, but out of the trustful magnanimity that is one of the great gifts of the Protestant ethos to our country and to the world. It is time for us all to begin tolerating back. The first step would be a rapid retreat from even the slightest whisper that marriage ever was or ever could be anything other than the shining example that most Americans still hold so sacred within their hearts, as they have every right to do. They have let us imagine the world as we wish; it is time we begin to let them imagine it as they wish.

If gay men and women want to create their own shining examples, they must do this themselves, by their own actions and by their own imagination. They must construct for themselves, out of their own unique perspective on the world, an ethos that can be admired both by future gay men and women and perhaps, eventually, by the rest of society. But there can be no advantage to them if they insist on trying to co-opt the shining example of an ethical tradition that they themselves have abandoned in order to find their own way in the world. It will end only in self-delusion and bitter disappointment

One of the preconditions of a civilization is that there is a fundamental ethical baseline below which it cannot be allowed to fall. Unless there is a deep and massive and unthinking commitment on the part of most people to the well-being not merely of their children, but of their children’s children, then the essential transgenerational duty of preserving the ethical baseline of our civilization will become a matter of hit-and-miss. It may be performed, but there is no longer any guarantee that it will be. The guarantee comes from shining examples.

It won't be shining, but they can certainly create their own institution. Meanwhile though, this does explain the key weakness of Mr. Harris's book.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:28 PM


Stem Cell Advances May Make Moral Issue Moot (Rick Weiss, 6/06/05,
Washington Post)

If only human embryonic stem cells could sprout anew from something other than a human embryo. Researchers could harvest them and perhaps harness their great biomedical potential without destroying what some consider to be a budding human life.

But like a low-calorie banana split or the proverbial free lunch, there is no such thing as an embryo-free embryonic stem cell.

Or is there?

In recent months, a number of researchers have begun to assemble intriguing evidence that it is possible to generate embryonic stem cells without having to create or destroy new human embryos.

The research is still young and largely unpublished, and in some cases it is limited to animal cells. Scientists doing the work also emphasize their desire to have continued access to human embryos for now. It is largely by analyzing how nature makes stem cells, deep inside days-old embryos, that these researchers are learning how to make the cells themselves.

Yet the gathering consensus among biologists is that embryonic stem cells are made, not born -- and that embryos are not an essential ingredient. That means that today's heated debates over embryo rights could fade in the aftermath of technical advances allowing scientists to convert ordinary cells into embryonic stem cells.

"That would really get around all the moral and ethical concerns," said James F. Battey, chief of the stem cell task force at the National Institutes of Health.

At which point the Left will have degraded humanity and compromised their morals for nothing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:51 AM


Moonshine: Why the Peppered Moth Remains an Icon of Evolution (Matt Young, February 11, 2004, Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines)

What did Kettlewell do, and why does Hooper think he fudged his data? Beginning in the mid-1800's, successive generations of peppered moths (Biston betularia) in Britain gradually darkened in response to the air pollution in the industrialized parts of the country. Specifically, a genetically determined dark, or melanic, form of the moth replaced the lighter form as industrial pollution killed lichens on the barks of trees and also coated the bark with a layer of soot. [...]

I will discuss only the release-recapture experiments reported in (Kettlewell 1955), because these are the experiments that are under fire and because (unlike Kettlewell's critics) we can bring quantitative tools to bear. [...]

Hooper has noted that the number of recaptures increased sharply on 1 July, the same day that E. B. Ford sent a letter to Kettlewell. Ford's letter commiserated with Kettlewell for the low recapture rates but suggested that the data would be worthwhile anyway. The letter is unremarkable, and two facts militate against a finding of fraud. First, Kettlewell finished collecting data in the wee hours of the morning and therefore could not have received the letter before collecting his data on 1 July. He markedly increased the number of moths he released on 30 June, the day before the letter was mailed, not 1 July. Additionally, as Hooper admits, he continued to release more moths after 30 June. Not surprisingly, he also captured more moths: more moths released, more captured.

Make that: more captures reported.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


Ronald Reagan: Remarks at the U.S. Ranger Monument on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day (delivered 6 June 1984 in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, France)

We're here to mark that day in history when the Allied armies joined in battle to reclaim this continent to liberty. For four long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow. Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps, millions cried out for liberation. Europe was enslaved and the world prayed for its rescue. Here, in Normandy, the rescue began. Here, the Allies stood and fought against tyranny, in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.

We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but forty years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon. At dawn, on the morning of the 6th of June, 1944, two hundred and twenty-five Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs.

Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns. The Allies had been told that some of the mightiest of these guns were here, and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the Allied advance.

The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs, shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades. And the American Rangers began to climb. They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up. When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a Ranger would grab another and begin his climb again. They climbed, shot back, and held their footing. Soon, one by one, the Rangers pulled themselves over the top, and in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe. Two hundred and twenty-five came here. After two days of fighting, only ninety could still bear arms.

And behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. And before me are the men who put them there. These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. And these are the heroes who helped end a war. Gentlemen, I look at you and I think of the words of Stephen Spender's poem. You are men who in your "lives fought for life and left the vivid air signed with your honor."

I think I know what you may be thinking right now -- thinking "we were just part of a bigger effort; everyone was brave that day." Well everyone was. Do you remember the story of Bill Millin of the 51st Highlanders? Forty years ago today, British troops were pinned down near a bridge, waiting desperately for help. Suddenly, they heard the sound of bagpipes, and some thought they were dreaming. Well, they weren't. They looked up and saw Bill Millin with his bagpipes, leading the reinforcements and ignoring the smack of the bullets into the ground around him.

Lord Lovat was with him -- Lord Lovat of Scotland, who calmly announced when he got to the bridge, "Sorry, I'm a few minutes late," as if he'd been delayed by a traffic jam, when in truth he'd just come from the bloody fighting on Sword Beach, which he and his men had just taken.

There was the impossible valor of the Poles, who threw themselves between the enemy and the rest of Europe as the invasion took hold; and the unsurpassed courage of the Canadians who had already seen the horrors of war on this coast. They knew what awaited them there, but they would not be deterred. And once they hit Juno Beach, they never looked back.

All of these men were part of a roll call of honor with names that spoke of a pride as bright as the colors they bore; The Royal Winnipeg Rifles, Poland's 24th Lancers, the Royal Scots' Fusiliers, the Screaming Eagles, the Yeomen of England's armored divisions, the forces of Free France, the Coast Guard's "Matchbox Fleet," and you, the American Rangers.

Forty summers have passed since the battle that you fought here. You were young the day you took these cliffs; some of you were hardly more than boys, with the deepest joys of life before you. Yet you risked everything here. Why? Why did you do it? What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? What inspired all the men of the armies that met here? We look at you, and somehow we know the answer. It was faith and belief. It was loyalty and love.

The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead, or on the next. It was the deep knowledge -- and pray God we have not lost it -- that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause. And you were right not to doubt.

You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One's country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.

The Americans who fought here that morning knew word of the invasion was spreading through the darkness back home. They fought -- or felt in their hearts, though they couldn't know in fact, that in Georgia they were filling the churches at 4:00 am. In Kansas they were kneeling on their porches and praying. And in Philadelphia they were ringing the Liberty Bell.

Something else helped the men of D-day; their rock-hard belief that Providence would have a great hand in the events that would unfold here; that God was an ally in this great cause. And so, the night before the invasion, when Colonel Wolverton asked his parachute troops to kneel with him in prayer, he told them: "Do not bow your heads, but look up so you can see God and ask His blessing in what we're about to do." Also, that night, General Matthew Ridgway on his cot, listening in the darkness for the promise God made to Joshua: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee."

These are the things that impelled them; these are the things that shaped the unity of the Allies.

When the war was over, there were lives to be rebuilt and governments to be returned to the people. There were nations to be reborn. Above all, there was a new peace to be assured. These were huge and daunting tasks. But the Allies summoned strength from the faith, belief, loyalty, and love of those who fell here. They rebuilt a new Europe together. There was first a great reconciliation among those who had been enemies, all of whom had suffered so greatly. The United States did its part, creating the Marshall Plan to help rebuild our allies and our former enemies. The Marshall Plan led to the Atlantic alliance -- a great alliance that serves to this day as our shield for freedom, for prosperity, and for peace.

In spite of our great efforts and successes, not all that followed the end of the war was happy or planned. Some liberated countries were lost. The great sadness of this loss echoes down to our own time in the streets of Warsaw, Prague, and East Berlin. The Soviet troops that came to the center of this continent did not leave when peace came. They're still there, uninvited, unwanted, unyielding, almost forty years after the war. Because of this, allied forces still stand on this continent. Today, as forty years ago, our armies are here for only one purpose: to protect and defend democracy. The only territories we hold are memorials like this one and graveyards where our heroes rest.

We in America have learned bitter lessons from two world wars. It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. But we try always to be prepared for peace, prepared to deter aggression, prepared to negotiate the reduction of arms, and yes, prepared to reach out again in the spirit of reconciliation. In truth, there is no reconciliation we would welcome more than a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, so, together, we can lessen the risks of war, now and forever.

It's fitting to remember here the great losses also suffered by the Russian people during World War II. 20 million perished, a terrible price that testifies to all the world the necessity of ending war. I tell you from my heart that we in the United States do not want war. We want to wipe from the face of the earth the terrible weapons that man now has in his hands. And I tell you, we are ready to seize that beachhead. We look for some sign from the Soviet Union that they are willing to move forward, that they share our desire and love for peace, and that they will give up the ways of conquest. There must be a changing there that will allow us to turn our hope into action.

We will pray forever that someday that changing will come. But for now, particularly today, it is good and fitting to renew our commitment to each other, to our freedom, and to the alliance that protects it.

We're bound today by what bound us 40 years ago, the same loyalties, traditions, and beliefs. We're bound by reality. The strength of America's allies is vital to the United States, and the American security guarantee is essential to the continued freedom of Europe's democracies. We were with you then; we're with you now. Your hopes are our hopes, and your destiny is our destiny.

Here, in this place where the West held together, let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Let our actions say to them the words for which Matthew Ridgway listened: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee."

Strengthened by their courage and heartened by their value [valor] and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died.

Thank you very much, and God bless you all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:59 AM


Babies 'should not be saved' at 24 weeks (Sarah Womack, 06/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

Doctors and nurses in Britain are being consulted on whether to let the most premature babies - around 24 weeks or less, and weighing less than 1lb - die, with treatment offered only in exceptional cases.

The proposal is supported by Baroness Warnock, Britain's leading medical ethics expert, who said she believed Britain should follow Holland in setting an age limit below which babies should not be resuscitated. Her comments were backed in principle by senior figures at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

They said some babies were being kept alive for the "satisfaction of doctors" wanting to display their medical skills, because of parental pressure or because doctors were fearful of litigation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM


Clearing the Airwaves: Kenneth Tomlinson's attempt to save public broadcasting. (Andrew Ferguson, 06/13/2005, Weekly Standard)

EXTRAVAGANCE OF LANGUAGE, SWELLING sometimes to full-throated verbal hysteria, is a defining quality of today's politics. Even so, we confess to being surprised at the cascades of abuse that have recently fallen about the ears of Kenneth Tomlinson, the chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Tomlinson is a bit taken aback too, apparently--though so far he shows no signs of withering under the assault. Good for him.

President Clinton appointed Tomlinson to the CPB board in 2000, and President Bush lifted him to the chairmanship three years later. During his time on the board, which oversees and underwrites public television and radio, he's taken an interest in the issue of "objectivity and balance." He's supposed to--it's right there in Section 19 of the Public Telecommunications Act: "The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall . . . review, on a regular basis, national public broadcasting programming for quality, diversity, creativity, excellence, innovation, objectivity, and balance." This provision of the act, which was passed in 1992 by a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House of Representatives, is an elementary exercise in bureaucratic hygiene. Any government agency that touches on controversial subjects, as public broadcasting inevitably will, should cast a wide net, ideologically, if it is to count on the continued good will of the taxpayers and the lawmakers who allocate their money to pay for it.

So far, so normal, you might think. "How," Tomlinson asks, "could any segment of the American people be opposed to commonsense balance?"

Oh, but people do object, lots
of them, and in the overwrought terms typical of today's polemicists. A writer for the liberal magazine American Prospect called Tomlinson a "commissar of political correctness" bent on "Soviet-style partisan patronage, cronyism, and abuse." "The conservative attack on independent journalism has begun to spread," said a columnist for the Cox newspaper chain. Writing in the Boston Globe, a host of an NPR talk show also saw shadows of "Soviet-era Moscow" in Tomlinson's quest for balanced programming. The St. Petersburg Times editorialized against an "ideology-driven attempt to demonize and regulate one of the nation's most trusted news sources." The editorialists at the New York Times accused Tomlinson, who oversees a government program funded through the political process by 535 politicians, of "politicizing" his agency. Besides, the Times said, "there was a time when a passionate conservative might have looked at PBS programming and called it too liberal. But those days seem long past." Noted.

So if this is the Soviet Union and Gitmo is the gulag, can't we at least start shipping these folks there?

NHPR did an hour on this last week and host Laura Kinoy ended up having to defend her conservative callers points against her own boss, Public Broadcasting in the Spotlight (Laura Knoy, 2005-06-02, The Exchange)

Recently, the chair of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting put PBS and NPR in the spotlight by raising concerns over levels of objectivity and balance. We will talk with critics from both the left and the right about their reaction to the allegations, and ask them where they see instances of bias at NPR and PBS. Laura is joined by Mark Handley, president of New Hampshire Public Radio, Fergus Cullen, columnist for the New Hampshire Union Leader and Sunday News and Peter Hart, Activism Director at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:52 AM


Why Latinos Are Walking Out on the Democrats (Dan Schnur, June 6, 2005, LA Times)

Over the last three presidential election cycles, Latino American support for Democrats has steadily declined, from the 72% that voted for Bill Clinton in 1996 to the 53% that John Kerry received last year. [...]

Various theories try to explain this shift in voting behavior. Like most ethnic groups that immigrated to America during the 19th and 20th centuries, Latinos became more conservative economically as they achieved greater prosperity. Also, Latinos serve in the armed forces at much higher levels than any other ethnic or racial group, leading to higher support of the Republican agenda for national security and military preparedness. Finally, there are rising numbers of Latino voters, both Catholic and evangelical, who relate to the GOP's platform on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

In years past, the debate over illegal immigration allowed some Democrats to try to paint Republicans as racists and xenophobes. But President Bush has outlined a plan that would combine stiffer penalties for illegal immigrants with provisions for a legal guest-worker program that provides a path to citizenship. His former presidential primary rival, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, has introduced separate legislation that accomplishes many of the same goals.

Although most Americans support a crackdown on lawbreakers coming to the U.S., support for legal immigration remains high. By combining these two sentiments into one plan, Bush and McCain have taken the first steps toward making Democratic charges of immigrant-bashing a much harder sell to Latino voters.

The other brewing debate worth considering involves Supreme Court nominations. With Chief Justice William Rehnquist almost certain to retire at the end of the court's current session, and at least three other justices expected to follow his lead before 2008, Bush has an opportunity to dramatically reshape the court. Reports are that he is considering several Latino Americans as nominees, including Alberto Gonzalez, who was confirmed earlier this year as the first Latino U.S. attorney general in history

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:16 AM


Rice demands Latin America reform (BBC, 6/06/05)

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has called for greater intervention by the Organization of American States in promoting democracy in Latin America.

Opening an OAS summit in Florida, she highlighted concerns over political crises in Bolivia, Ecuador and Haiti.

Private groups and individuals should be able to raise concerns with the OAS to help monitor democracy, she said.

But Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused the United States of seeking to impose a "global dictatorship". [...]

The rhetorical clash with Venezuela was expected, but she will further rile President Chavez when she meets a fierce opponent of his government, Maria Corina Machado, on Monday.

The two countries are also expected to clash over the fate of the terror suspect Luis Posada Carriles.

Venezuela wants him extradited for alleged involvement in the bombing of a Cuban plane in 1976, in which 73 people died.

The US has so far only charged him with immigration offences.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:02 AM


So, What's Not to Like About Amiable Advisor?: Some worry Stephen J. Hadley is too deferential for a post that requires all sides to be heard. (Sonni Efron, June 6, 2005, LA Times)

President Bush's new national security advisor has made a career out of being the perfect right-hand man to a series of powerful Washington conservatives.

Now the self-effacing Stephen J. Hadley, often described as one of the nicest guys in Washington, is doing one of toughest jobs in the U.S. government.

Like John R. Bolton, Hadley is a Yale-trained lawyer known for his tremendous energy and hawkish credentials, and as a conservative loyalist with close ties to Vice President Dick Cheney. But unlike Bolton, whose nomination as U.N. ambassador prompted bitter opposition from officials who had worked with him inside the Bush administration, no one in Washington seems to have a nasty word to say about Hadley — even off the record.

Some even ask: Is Hadley too nice?

One of the hidden costs of Deep Throat is that when you read a profile like this you assume it's mostly a journalist paying back a source.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


Monster shark swallows diver in Jaws-style attack (FRED BRIDGLAND, 6/06/05, The Scotsman)

Conservationists are now expecting renewed calls for killer sharks to be hunted down following the death of medical student Henri Murray, 22 - the latest in a series of attacks. Great whites have been a protected species in South African waters since 1990, but calls for a cull have been growing following the deaths of several South African swimmers and surfers this year.

Two British surfers survived - although one needed 200 stitches to leg wounds and the other had to have 100 stitches to torn hips and buttocks. In yesterday's attack, Mr Murray's diving partner, 23-year-old Piet van Niekerk, shot the great white with his speargun in a desperate attempt to drive it away, but he did not see his friend again.

Dave Estment, a yachtsman, was sitting on the jetty at Simon's Town, near Cape Town, when he saw the great white breach the surface.

"It was incredibly fast. The two spear fishermen were not far from the beach. Suddenly a huge shark surged from under the water taking the one diver [from his legs upwards] to his arms in its jaws," he said.

"It must have been massive to have done that. Then the shark and the man just vanished." Other witnesses to the attack estimated the shark's length at 20 feet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Battle lines drawn up as leaders get ready for a war over EU (Anthony Browne in Brussels and David Charter, 6/06/05, Times of London)

A BATTLE for the leadership of the European Union is expected to burst into the open today when Britain defies France and Germany by suspending its referendum on the European constitution.

The struggle between the EU’s three biggest powers over the fate of the constitution, and the future direction of the Union, is likely to deepen the turmoil caused by the French and Dutch “no” votes last week. France and Germany are also expected to step up the pressure on Britain to be a “good European” by insisting that it surrender its budget rebate at a fin ance ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg tomorrow.

The meeting is supposed to agree the EU’s budget for the next seven years, and France and Germany will argue that reaching a deal is essential to prevent a second crisis. But Gordon Brown has insisted that the rebate must stay.

If they weren't such little people playing for such small stakes you could set the story to Wagner.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


New Model Tories call for radical surgery to keep their party alive (David Charter, 6/06/05, Times of London)

THE Tory party needs emergency treatment if it is to win power again, a wideranging group of rising Conservative stars will say today in an electric shock to their leadership. [...]

The group, as yet unnamed, met in secret to produce a pamphlet called Direct Democracy: An Agenda for a New Model Party. It aims to create a policy debate alongside the process of choosing Michael Howard’s successor and is not endorsed by any of the leadership candidates.

The title consciously echoes Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army because of its association with overthrowing a remote and centralised system to bring real power back to citizens. It is organised around three key principles: localism, decentralisation and devolution. There is a scathing analysis of mistakes during the election as well as policy proposals for education, health, policing, local government, planning and constitutional reform. Much of it is dedicated to reconnecting government to local people with ideas for school vouchers, elected police chiefs and scrutiny of judges. [...]

“There has been a deliberate effort to ensure this is not seen as right-wing or left-wing but a debate across the party about the Conservative brand or personality,” one said.

However, some of the key themes were taken up yesterday by David Davis, the Shadow Home Secretary and favourite to succeed Mr Howard. Declaring “the party must change”, he used an article in The Sunday Telegraph to emphasise the need to return power to people to choose schools or hospitals, and hold mayors and police chiefs to account.

What is it we Tories can do for Britain? (David Davis, 05/06/2005, Sunday Telegraph)
[W]e should not abandon timeless Tory principles that are universal in their appeal. Why should anyone believe us if we believe nothing ourselves?

It would be extraordinary if we appeared to abandon policies that have transformed Britain so successfully that even our political opponents pay lip service to them. The Conservative Party pioneered the approach of low taxes and free markets that has put this country at the head of Europe's economic league. To waver in our convictions or question our purpose in these respects would be to turn our backs on the future and to betray the nation's trust.

Modern Conservatism should embrace both approaches, where the party retains its integral values - a belief in the nation state, liberty and personal responsibility; a suspicion of big government - but focuses on helping people of every condition to break free of dependence, indignity and poverty.

Hope is missing from much of Britain at the moment. Too many people feel trapped in situations beyond their control with little chance of escape: parents, when they are unable to get their children into a good school; patients, when they have to endure the nightmare of waiting for hospital treatment; pensioners, trapped in their homes for fear of crime and disorder; decent people, dependent on means-tested benefits and discouraged from working and saving.

Many today feel powerless in the face of a system that seems to have forgotten them. Only the fortunate minority can buy their way to a better life. They pay more for their homes to move to a good school's catchment area or a better neighbourhood, or receive private medical insurance from their company. But most people have almost no control over vital areas of their lives - security in their neighbourhood, their own health, their children's education.

So much of today's political debate is utterly meaningless to people in this situation. The Government still talks as though millions of pounds more here, or extra government intervention there, will solve the nation's problems. It obviously hasn't. The cost to the taxpayer grows. The yield for the patient, the pupil and the citizen shrinks. We shouldn't be surprised.

That's the result of state monopolies. Our public services are now among the best funded in Europe, but we have far from the standards to match. And it is those least able to look after themselves who face the poorest healthcare, the worst schools and the highest levels of crime. What hope is there for these people? A modern political agenda must begin by recognising that ever more government is not the solution - it has become part of the problem.

People know better than politicians how to improve their own lives, if only they have the chance. We can give them that chance by reclaiming power from central government and placing it back in the hands of individuals and communities. That means allowing people to keep more of what they earn to save and spend as they see fit. A free economy underpins the free society, because it recognises that people not governments create wealth, and because it empowers individuals to say "no" to the busybodies and bureaucrats who think they know best.

But a Tory programme of empowerment has to go much, much further than that. So let's transfer to parents the state's power and resources to choose their own school, whether it's local authority or independently run. If socialist Sweden can fund parents to exercise school choice, why can't we? Let's fund and empower patients to choose where they are treated, irrespective of their means, whether it's in a hospital run by the NHS or the independent sector.

If Switzerland can guarantee the best healthcare for the least well off - with a radically decentralised system and a rich mix of private and public provision - why can't we? Let's give local communities control over their local police force through a system of elected commissioners. If the accountability of the mayor and police chief in New York can help to deliver big falls in crime, why can't it work here?

The growing divide between the people and political elites has clearly been demonstrated, first at home with the overwhelming rejection of the North East Regional Assembly, and most recently in the referendums on the EU constitution in France and the Netherlands. The results are a potent warning of the dangers of accruing power in institutions that are remote and unaccountable.

Building a stronger society means constraining the power of government and freeing people to make their own decisions. That is precisely the reverse direction to the path of bigger government and deeper integration that the EU has been pursuing. Britain must have the freedom to pursue a modern agenda in our own interests.

They may be dumb as a bag of hammers, but eventually even the Tories have to figure out that the historic successes of Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, John Howard and George W. Bush suggest a way out of the wilderness--a third way.

June 5, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM

THE FUTURE ISN'T CHINESE (via Robert Schwartz):

Why Is That Woman Reading Aloud in Heavy Traffic? (JIM YARDLEY, June 3, 2005, NY Times)

On most weekday mornings, as a honking swarm of suburban commuters merges onto the clotted beltway here known as the Third Ring Road, Ouyang Junying stands beside the rush hour traffic, opens a book and reads. Out loud.

It is one of the worst traffic snarls in the city, with exhaust and noise rising into the air, but Ms. Ouyang has been going there for almost five years. She is studying English and believes the distractions help her concentrate. It is a bit like practicing the flute beside the New Jersey Turnpike.

It is also the reason she has become an unlikely sort of celebrity, a mysterious siren of the morning rush hour in a city once better known for comrades than commuters. For tens of thousands of motorists arriving daily from the northeastern suburbs, she is The Girl Who Reads Aloud.

She reads. Beijing stares. And wonders: Who is this young woman? Why is she reading in such a terrible spot? Is reading her only reason for being there?

"It is like a stage," said Yin Yan, who drives past while taking her daughter to school. "Drivers like me have nothing to do but look at this girl. They, of course, will judge her."

Beijing has long tolerated, even celebrated, certain types of exhibitionists, with the city's many parks filled with people practicing tai chi or ballroom dancing or, in some cases, walking backward (supposedly good for the health). With 15 million people living in cramped quarters, the parks serve as the city's collective backyard out of necessity. But Ms. Ouyang does not like them.

"If I study in a park, people always watch me," she said. "They are so curious. I don't feel comfortable. But if cars pass me, I don't care."

The daughter of a farmer in rural Hebei Province, Ms. Ouyang, who is 29, came to Beijing in 1995. Without connections or wealth, she grabbed on to English for the same reasons that many other striving young Chinese do - the possibility of a job at a multinational corporation and with it a chance to make more money and to travel, or even live, abroad.

Like many others, she has taken an English name, Joy, and her cellphone rings with a ballad in English. Her first job in Beijing was as a hotel receptionist, where she studied English with other young workers or alone. "I often studied in the late night or the early morning," she recalled, speaking in English. "I studied in the locker room." [...]

She recently quit another hotel job and seems no closer to her ultimate goal of a position with an international company. But she did find a temporary job for which she is qualified. A Chinese architect asked her to help him improve a skill he hopes will improve his professional chances.

She is teaching him English.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 PM


Investor confidence shattered as China stock market goes from bad to worse (News Asia, 6/06/05)

The future of China's deeply troubled stock markets went from bad to worse this week, slumping to fresh eight-year lows as regulators' plans to solve the overhang of non-tradable government-owned shares heightened fears more losses lie ahead.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index, which covers both A- and B-shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, closed at a fresh eight-year low Friday, down 2.43 points, or 0.24 percent, at 1,013.64.

It was the lowest close since February 24, 1997 after three consecutive sessions of losses that saw the composite trim 3.8 percent of its value.

Dealers said they expect the index to fall through the key technical mark of 1,000 points soon unless Beijing steps in with strong medicine to cure broken investor confidence.

"The market has been falling for years and investors are numb," said Zhang Qi, analyst from Haitong Securities.

Posted by dcohen at 9:52 PM


Freakonomics: Monkey Businesss (Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt, NY Times, 6/5/05)

But these facts remain: When taught to use money, a group of capuchin monkeys responded quite rationally to simple incentives; responded irrationally to risky gambles; failed to save; stole when they could; used money for food and, on occasion, sex. In other words, they behaved a good bit like the creature that most of Chen's more traditional colleagues study: Homo sapiens.
OJ also comments on this article here.

About 12 years ago, when I was still young and foolish, I decided to give up coffee. I did pretty well for a while, but found that I missed the ritual of coffee drinking. So, for a about a week, I drank mugs of hot water. I was amazed at how much of what I thought of as the coffee drinking experience was actually the hot water drinking experience. I had neither the wit nor the nerve to add Half & Half to my hot water but, if I had, I'm sure that I would have found that at least 90% of coffee drinking is hot water and creamer drinking.

Similarly, we now see that, perhaps, a surprising porportion of what we think of as human economic activity has little to do with humans. The laws of supply and demand really are laws, and are inherent in the economy. This helps us be mindful of what capitalism is, and what it isn't.

Although he didn't coin the word, modern thinking about capitalism is based largely on the work of Marx. Needing a thesis for which socialism could be the antithesis, Marx created "capitalism" just to tear it down. It is no mistake that he focussed on the rights of capital, which is often resented by those without capital. But capitalism, as a theory of economic organization, doesn't exist. What exists is freedom.

The monkey experiment, along with the universal experience of mankind, shows that freedom and the protection of reasonable expectations (what we call the "rule of law") are the hot water and creamer of our economic life. If you allow people to control their own property, and they can be certain of reaping the benefits of their own decisions, then the universal rules of the market will express themselves.

The interesting question has to do with what happens when people can't control their own property, or if they must fear the arbitrary loss of the gains they have reaped. The economy becomes inefficient, and the people become miserable. But the laws of the market apply as fully as where the people are free. The "capitalist" economies used to be called market economies; with the implication that, under communism, the people weren't at the mercy of the market. But the market is everywhere. In free economies, the price mechanism works as a signal for the allocation of resources. Where people are not free, the price mechanism is not allowed to work and the market delivers misery: insufficient supply and shoddy quality bought only after standing in long queues. More to the point, freedom, it turns out, is indivisible. The freedom to invest cannot be separated from the freedom to protest. Whenever "capitalism" is attacked, it is attacked only as a proxy for freedom.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 PM


As Hamas makes gains, will Abbas's ruling party unravel?: On Saturday, the Palestinian president delayed a vote amid disarray in his party. (Joshua Mitnick, 6/06/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's decision over the weekend to postpone Palestinian parliamentary elections raised concern immediately about a confrontation with militant Hamas, poised to trounce Mr. Abbas's ruling Fatah party in a vote scheduled for next month.

But after months of promising to hold the elections on July 17, the Palestinian president's reversal actually highlights the deepening tensions within his own party, analysts and officials say. It's expected now that the vote will be held this fall.

"[The delay] is not out of fear for Hamas, as so many people say," says Fatah lawmaker Ghazi Hanineyeh. "We are afraid of ourselves."

Founded by the late Yasser Arafat as the umbrella political party that galvanized Palestinian resistance to Israel, Fatah has unraveled into a loose alliance of rival factions tainted by allegations of corruption and mismanagement. Delaying the vote could give Abbas enough time to reform the party and avert collapse when it faces Hamas in the legislative vote, analysts say.

Fatah has served its purpose, getting an independent state, but Hamas has been preparing to run that state for years now.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:05 PM


Monkey Business (STEPHEN J. DUBNER and STEVEN D. LEVITT, 6/05/05, NY Times Magazine)

Adam Smith, the founder of classical economics, was certain that humankind's knack for monetary exchange belonged to humankind alone. ''Nobody ever saw a dog make a fair and deliberate exchange of one bone for another with another dog,'' he wrote. ''Nobody ever saw one animal by its gestures and natural cries signify to another, this is mine, that yours; I am willing to give this for that.'' But in a clean and spacious laboratory at Yale-New Haven Hospital, seven capuchin monkeys have been taught to use money, and a comparison of capuchin behavior and human behavior will either surprise you very much or not at all, depending on your view of humans.

The capuchin is a New World monkey, brown and cute, the size of a scrawny year-old human baby plus a long tail. ''The capuchin has a small brain, and it's pretty much focused on food and sex,'' says Keith Chen, a Yale economist who, along with Laurie Santos, a psychologist, is exploiting these natural desires -- well, the desire for food at least -- to teach the capuchins to buy grapes, apples and Jell-O. ''You should really think of a capuchin as a bottomless stomach of want,'' Chen says. ''You can feed them marshmallows all day, they'll throw up and then come back for more.''

When most people think of economics, they probably conjure images of inflation charts or currency rates rather than monkeys and marshmallows. But economics is increasingly being recognized as a science whose statistical tools can be put to work on nearly any aspect of modern life. That's because economics is in essence the study of incentives, and how people -- perhaps even monkeys -- respond to those incentives. A quick scan of the current literature reveals that top economists are studying subjects like prostitution, rock 'n' roll, baseball cards and media bias.

Chen proudly calls himself a behavioral economist, a member of a growing subtribe whose research crosses over into psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology. He began his monkey work as a Harvard graduate student, in concert with Marc Hauser, a psychologist. The Harvard monkeys were cotton-top tamarins, and the experiments with them concerned altruism. Two monkeys faced each other in adjoining cages, each equipped with a lever that would release a marshmallow into the other monkey's cage. The only way for one monkey to get a marshmallow was for the other monkey to pull its lever. So pulling the lever was to some degree an act of altruism, or at least of strategic cooperation.

The tamarins were fairly cooperative but still showed a healthy amount of self-interest: over repeated encounters with fellow monkeys, the typical tamarin pulled the lever about 40 percent of the time. Then Hauser and Chen heightened the drama. They conditioned one tamarin to always pull the lever (thus creating an altruistic stooge) and another to never pull the lever (thus creating a selfish jerk). The stooge and the jerk were then sent to play the game with the other tamarins. The stooge blithely pulled her lever over and over, never failing to dump a marshmallow into the other monkey's cage. Initially, the other monkeys responded in kind, pulling their own levers 50 percent of the time. But once they figured out that their partner was a pushover (like a parent who buys her kid a toy on every outing whether the kid is a saint or a devil), their rate of reciprocation dropped to 30 percent -- lower than the original average rate.

Yet people thought they'd approve the EU Constitution?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:53 PM


Biden: Bolton Likely to Win Confirmation (SIOBHAN McDONOUGH, June 5, 2005, AP) --

The Democrats aren't likely to have enough votes to continue delaying confirmation of John R. Bolton as U.N. ambassador, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Sunday.

Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware told ABC's "This Week" that President Bush will "probably be able to win the vote, somewhere between 45 and 47 votes against, and he'll think it's a victory."

Because it is?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:47 PM


Western Democracy? Why Not? (Dr. Khaled Batarfi, 6/05/05, Arab News)

When Egyptian judiciary described US President George Bush’s call for international monitoring of Egypt’s referendum on the new presidential law as an outrageous intervention in their country’s internal affairs, I knew better. When governments protest international pressure to democratize and reform, because “reform must come from within” I know better. When state-run media call every criticism of some Arab leaders or governments a Zionist conspiracy, I know better. When some opposition groups and protesters are accused of being “fifth column,” stooges of foreign powers, I know better.

How is it that I always know better? Because I am an Arab citizen who understand something about how leadership works and am conversant with their political vocabulary. I could tell you before any question arise what the response would be ... exactly.

People’s demands are also predictable and simple. They want a say in how they are governed, in decisions affecting their lives, more freedom for the press, more openness and transparency and tighter accounting of public money and resources.

They need explanations, too. Why certain people are leaders for life? Why certain sects and ethnic groups are the chosen ones, even if they are in a minority? Why a great percentage of the population can’t have good education, decent jobs and accommodation, a social security net, or even a proper neighborhood?

Women are almost tired of asking questions about their voting rights, their participation in national affairs, and right to divorce, work, study, travel and trade.

Religious and ethnic minorities in some countries wonder if and when they would be treated as full citizens with equal rights.

They want equal treatment in schools, courts and workplace. They need protection, freedom of expression, and respect. They want to serve their country in the military, political and diplomatic services under the same rules and standards applied to the rest of us. They want to practice their religion, express their culture, speak their language and teach their kids their own history and culture. Why not, they wonder, why not?

Once the subjects start asking "Why not us?" it's all but over.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:35 PM


Toys Without Children: Demographic Suicide (BreakPoint with Charles Colson, March 14, 2005)

According to a recent Associated Press story, Japanese “toymakers are designing new dolls . . . not for the young but for the lonely elderly.” These dolls are “companions which can sleep next to them and offer caring words they may never hear otherwise.”

The dolls, called Yumel in Japanese, have a vocabulary of 1,200 phrases. The makers are marketing Yumel not as toys but as “healing partners” for elderly Japanese.

Since their limited introduction three months ago, more than 6,000 Yumel have been sold. Some of the customers are so taken with their dolls that it bothers them when they can’t answer the doll’s “questions,” such as, “Why do elephants have long noses?”

The elderly didn’t always need dolls for their loneliness. Once upon a time, they had children and grandchildren.

P. D. James’s novel The Children of Men is set twenty-six years after the last known birth on Earth. In a world without children, dolls have become the object of women’s maternal attention. City streets are filled with women taking their dolls on a stroll. And the anxiety and despair caused by knowing that theirs is likely the last generation of humans shapes the characters’ actions.

The reason for the lack of children in James’s novel is a mystery. But the same can’t be said about Japan. Japan has one of the world’s lowest birthrates, only 1.3 children per woman. (2.1 children is the replacement rate.) This year, Japan’s population may decline for the first time since 1950—and it is a decline that will continue.

It's an exceptionally
good novel--our time's 1984.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:50 PM


Civility in a Democracy: A Conversation with Miss Manners (Bruce Cole, Humanities)

NEH Chairman Bruce Cole talks with Judith Martin about how standards of behavior were adapted for an American democracy. Known to readers of her syndicated column as Miss Manners, Judith Martin is the author of twelve books, among them Star-Spangled Manners.

Bruce Cole: Have people always been interested in trying to improve their manners?

Judith Martin: No. Mid-twentieth century America had one of the cyclical attempts to overthrow etiquette. "It's artificial, it's snobbish," it's this, that, and the other. We go through that every once in a while. The French did that after the French Revolution.

There are times when etiquette can get so elaborate that it drives people crazy and interferes with their lives. Then they say, "Why don't we just throw the whole thing aside and act naturally? They act naturally, whatever that is--nobody knows what natural human behavior is--and they express themselves very freely. After the insults start flying, and then people can't stand it and they say, "Why don't we have some manners around here?" We're in that period now. But let us not forget there are periods when people disdain etiquette.

Cole: What I wanted to get at were your historic predecessors, people who wrote books--Castiglione with his Book of the Courtier and Lord Chesterfield's letters to his son. He was reviled, right? Samuel Johnson said Chesterfield had the manners of a dancing master and the morals of a whore. Have you heard that?

Martin: It's better than the other way around, right? Emerson said he'd rather dine with a scoundrel than someone who had no table manners.

Throughout history there has been the question: How should man live? How should we behave? How should we treat one another? The minute you have a community, you have to have some form of etiquette, of hierarchy, of recognition, just to keep people from killing one another.

Etiquette is older than law and even now divides the realm of regulating behavior with the legal system. There are a lot of problems with that these days because people keep trying to turn over matters of etiquette to the legal system, which doesn't handle them very well.

Miss Manners is a great underrated conservative.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:51 PM


Go Tell The Spartans: At Thermopylae a king and three hundred of his soldiers set the standard for battle to the death against overwhelming odds. (Barry Strauss, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History)

Stripped of its helmet, Leonidas' head is framed by his long hair. The lean skin of the warrior's face, its color gone, stands out all the more against a short and pointed beard. The dirt of battle is probably still upon Leonidas, and there is a dark purple bruise on his chin from the pooling of what little blood is left. Ragged bits of tissue and bone hang from his severed neck, and flies and beetles have landed on his skin. If the dead Spartan king's eyes could see, they might look 140 miles to the south -- all the way to Athens, the road to which now lies open for Persia.

The time is August 480 b.c.; the place, Thermopylae, Greece; the occasion, the aftermath of a great battle. A vast army of Persians was on the march to conquer Greece. A small force of Greeks had been all that stood in their way. And yet, in a pass that narrows to a space smaller than a baseball diamond, the impossible almost happened. For three days, just over seventy-one hundred Greeks, spearheaded by an elite unit of three hundred Spartans, gave a savage beating to a Persian army that outnumbered them by perhaps 20-to-1. About 150,000 men willing to die for the glory of Xerxes, the Persian Great King, came up against the most efficient killing machine in history.

Leonidas son of Anaxandrides, commander in chief of the Greek resistance to Persia at Thermopylae, died in a heroic last stand. After the battle, as Xerxes son of Darius toured the battlefield, he came upon Leonidas' body and ordered the beheading of the corpse and the impalement of the severed head on a pole. One of those who no doubt saw Leonidas' severed head was the former king of Sparta, Demaratus son of Ariston, a refugee who was now allied with the Persians.

In the slaughtering pen at Thermopylae -- as the narrow killing fields might be called -- a king died and a legend was born. Led by Leonidas, the three hundred Spartans stood and fell and took the pride of the Persian Empire down with them. Sparta the steadfast and self-sacrificing, Greece unflagging in its fight for freedom, Xerxes the flummoxed, Demaratus the traitorous: These are the images left in the summer heat. Thermopylae is the prototype of many a last stand, from Roncesvalles to the Alamo to Isandlhwana to Bastogne. [...]

Xerxes' men cleared the pass in the end, but the image of Leonidas' head loomed over it. In the pitiless Greek light of high summer it was a reminder of Persian weakness. Since the Persians normally took pride in treating their enemies with respect, they would not have insulted the body of a fallen foe like Leonidas unless he had enraged them by the force of his resistance. Leonidas' head was a reminder that the butcher's bill for the three days of killing four thousand Greeks (the others escaped) was twenty thousand Persians. Any more such victories and the Persians were ruined.

The naval battles at Artemisium, which took place around the same time as the land battles at Thermopylae, proved even costlier for Persia. A combination of Greek boldness and disastrous weather (the gods of the winds, it was said, favored Greece) reduced the Persian fleet by nearly half. The rump Persian navy of about 650 triremes still outnumbered the Greeks, who could not muster more than about 350 triremes. But the Greeks had the advantages of home water, short supply lines, and maritime expertise.

At Thermopylae, Xerxes had stayed close enough to the fighting to inspire the men but far enough away to limit his danger. Surrounded by royal guards, he sat on a high-backed throne, where he is said to have jumped to his feet three times in horror at the mauling inflicted on his troops. Not that Xerxes' position was risk free. The Greeks claimed afterward to have sent raiders into the Persian camp at night who penetrated even the royal tent before they were repelled. The story is so improbable that it might be true. In any case, it highlights the risks that real leaders take.

After the Battle of Thermopylae, a chastened Xerxes summoned Demaratus again. The Spartan had correctly predicted Sparta's tough stand, so Xerxes asked Demaratus for information and advice. How many more Spartans were there? And how might Persia defeat them?

Demaratus might have been thrilled at these questions because they opened the door for revenge on the Spartan homeland that had exiled him. He told Xerxes that Sparta had eight thousand soldiers, all as good as the men who had fought at Thermopylae. In order to beat them, he advised the Great King to change his strategy. Xerxes should force the Greeks to divide their armies by sending a seaborne force to attack Sparta's home territory and thereby compel the Spartan army to return home. This force would be carried by half the Persian fleet; the rest of the fleet would stay with the bulk of the Persian army in central Greece. These main Persian forces could defeat the rest of the Greeks.

It was a bold plan, but a bad one because it would have allowed the outnumbered Greeks to even the odds and attack a divided Persian fleet at will and in two stages. After furious debate, the plan was rejected. This was a key moment in the war. Like most military decisions, the choice was made not on military grounds alone but in the heat and dust of the political arena.

One Spartan king had died trying to stop Persia's march southward and another had put his life on the line in an endeavor to deflect it. Leonidas would be remembered as a Greek hero, Demaratus as a traitor, but neither won any more success in keeping Xerxes from his determined course. Whether it was the will of the gods or the stubbornness of the Great King, the Persians would not be denied their appointment in Athens.

One day after his men had finally broken through at Thermopylae and Artemisium, Xerxes gave the order. The mighty force began to march, sail, and row its way south. All eyes now turned toward Athens. But they never quite lost their focus on Thermopylae.

In the coming months of drudgery and blood, the sacrifices of the Greeks at the Middle Gate no doubt buoyed up the national spirit. Within less than a year, in great victories at sea at Salamis and on land at Plataea, the Greeks smashed the forces of the invader and drove out the surviving Persians. Afterward, memorials were set up at Thermopylae for the dead, none with an epigram more memorable than this, in John Dryden's translation:

Go tell the Spartans, thou who passeth by, That here, obedient to her laws, we lie.

Mr. Strauss's Battle of Salamis is a terrific read and Steve Pressfirld's Gates of Fire a wonderful novelization of Thermopylae.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:22 PM


The Cradle of War: The birthplace of civilization is also the home of culture's nemesis. (Ira Meistrich, Spring 2005, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History)

In early spring 2003, believing that Saddam Hussein not only had weapons of mass destruction but was about to use them, American and British troops (with some few other allies) attacked Iraq. Their declared intention was to head off the possibility of an ultimately catastrophic sort of warfare never before experienced. Their leaders reasoned that the only viable defense against this formidable new threat was an early and vigorous offense. And so war came again to the region where it has longest been known.

Iraq is a major part of the vast swath of land arcing from the Nile north and east to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that has long been called the cradle of civilization. Evidence of the oldest settled civilization on earth has been found there. So far as we now know, it is where humans first learned to break ground with tools in order to cultivate plants and grow crops, where they first coaxed metals from the earth and learned to fashion them into more-sophisticated tools, where they first settled into communities organized for survival, and first used papyrus or clay to record their thoughts, transactions, and prayers.

But in this cradle was a changeling that bore darker gifts. The same ground furrowed by the earliest plows was churned as well by the heavy wheels of the earliest fighting vehicles. The metals that made the sickle also made the sickle sword. Communal organizations that built irrigation systems and pyramids also organized armies and built walls against enemies, and the written word with which they wrote sublime psalms praising gods praised warriors, too, and administered far-flung empires won by those warriors wielding weapons made from the new metals.

The changeling in the cradle was war.

It is fitting that the cradle of civilization is also war's cradle: War requires the kind of mass resources and organization that only civilization can provide, and so the fertile ground from which men harvested civilization's first fruits also nurtured the dragon-tooth seeds of warfare. Conflict between and among humans at an early era in this region should come as no surprise. After all, humanity's first murder -- Cain killing his brother, Abel -- comes early in Genesis.

It is likely that the simple bow was in use here by 10,000 b.c., and not likely that animals were its only targets. At Jebel Sahaba in present-day southern Egypt, archaeologists unearthed one of the world's oldest cemeteries. Among the burial plots is the infamous Site 117, where the skeletons of fifty-nine souls were found who came to an unquestionably violent end some time around 10,000. Who the victims were and exactly how they died is not known, but historian Arther Ferrill thinks these bones may provide "the first extensive skeletal evidence for warfare in prehistoric times."

Tel es-Sultan on the west bank of the Jordan River is the site of ancient Jericho, where excavations in the early 1950s by British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon yielded another tantalizing glimpse of mankind's early experience of war. Often called the world's oldest city, the first Jericho was built by Neolithic people more than ten thousand years ago. Perhaps as early as 7000 b.c., an extensive fortification system defended the town, then home to about twenty-five hundred people. The world's oldest city was sheltered by the world's first fortress. A wall ten feet thick and thirteen feet high encircled the ten-acre town, and hewn from solid stone at its base was a moat thirty feet wide and ten feet deep. Within the wall stood a circular tower thirty feet high with an interior stone stairway. (The high wall and tower are elements of military architecture that would be used in the West until the widespread use of cannons led to the adoption of the low, thick-walled trace italienne during the Renaissance.)

These two intriguing glimpses reveal a Near East already familiar with organized, communal violence. Knowledge of conditions prevalent at the time may help flesh out the sparse archaeological evidence from sites like Tel es-Sultan and Jebel Sahaba. The cradle of civilization is also known as the Fertile Crescent, and that name provides an important clue. In that region first grew the wild einkorn and emmer, wheats that played a pivotal role in the Neolithic Revolution -- man's transition from hunter-gatherer to emergent agrarian. Stone agricultural tools found at Karim-Shehir in northern Iraq provide the first evidence of cultivation at about 7000 b.c. Those regions were generally grassy highlands bordered by arid plains, a frontier of drastically shifting conditions that turned it into the world's oldest battleground. For war begins over corn, not meat.

The frontier tension between the rapidly evolving agricultural societies springing up throughout the region and their wilderness-wandering counterparts, still dependent on hunting and gathering for their subsistence, may help provide the subtext for the ancient finds at Jebel Sahaba and Tel es-Sultan. We might consider those sites evidence of some of the earliest clashes of the "haves" and the "have-nots," always a fruitful source of contention, and one still fueling much of the region's deadly turbulence.

The pattern was established early: Nomads roving the marginal lands outside of the fertile areas would raid their more-settled neighbors. Initially, all the advantages were with the nomads. As John Keegan pointed out in his History of Warfare, these nomads had for centuries developed the skills that gave them mastery over the flocks on which they depended for life itself:

It was flock management, as much as slaughter and butchery, which made the pastoralists so cold-bloodedly adept at confronting the sedentary agriculturalists of the civilized lands in battle....[B]attle formations were likely to have been loose, discipline weak and battlefield behavior crowd- or herdlike. Working a herd however was the pastoralists' stock in trade. They knew how to break a flock up into manageable sections, how to cut off a line of retreat by circling to a flank, how to compress scattered beasts into a compact mass, how to isolate flock leaders, how to dominate superior numbers by threat and menace, how to kill the chosen few while leaving the mass inert and subject to control.

In addition to these skills, the ability of hunters to kill quickly and without any trace of sentiment contrasted with the agrarians' tendency to value domesticated animals as long-term investments and companions.

By the fourth millennium b.c., much that defines civilization's material culture existed in the Fertile Crescent. The cultivation of plants and domestication of animals were widespread. People smelted copper and tin, mixed them, and cast the resulting bronze into tools and weapons. Evidence of the earliest ox-drawn plows appeared in Sumer about 3000 b.c. The wheel quickly evolved from a potter's stationary tool to the device that allowed the ox cart to move easily. And although the role of writing in warfare was minimal before a.d. 1500, its invention was crucial to the administration of the large empires of the ancient world and the armies that ruled them. The earliest known pictographs are from Kish around 3500 b.c.

Behind these seemingly innocent, civilizing improvements also inexorably crept the advance of matters military.

Strange that folk have trouble understanding that Cain is the hero of the story.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM


The Case Against Coldplay (JON PARELES, 6/05/05, NY Times)

THERE'S nothing wrong with self-pity. As a spur to songwriting, it's right up there with lust, anger and greed, and probably better than the remaining deadly sins. There's nothing wrong, either, with striving for musical grandeur, using every bit of skill and studio illusion to create a sound large enough to get lost in. Male sensitivity, a quality that's under siege in a pop culture full of unrepentant bullying and machismo, shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, no matter how risible it can be in practice. And building a sound on the lessons of past bands is virtually unavoidable.

But put them all together and they add up to Coldplay, the most insufferable band of the decade.

This week Coldplay releases its painstakingly recorded third album, "X&Y" (Capitol), a virtually surefire blockbuster that has corporate fortunes riding on it. (The stock price plunged for EMI Group, Capitol's parent company, when Coldplay announced that the album's release date would be moved from February to June, as it continued to rework the songs.)

"X&Y" is the work of a band that's acutely conscious of the worldwide popularity it cemented with its 2002 album, "A Rush of Blood to the Head," which has sold three million copies in the United States alone. Along with its 2000 debut album, "Parachutes," Coldplay claims sales of 20 million albums worldwide. "X&Y" makes no secret of grand ambition.

Clearly, Coldplay is beloved: by moony high school girls and their solace-seeking parents, by hip-hop producers who sample its rich instrumental sounds and by emo rockers who admire Chris Martin's heart-on-sleeve lyrics. The band emanates good intentions, from Mr. Martin's political statements to lyrics insisting on its own benevolence. Coldplay is admired by everyone - everyone except me.

No band can be great that appeals to teen girls, because all great rock tunes are misogynistic.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:31 AM


That home-field edge: Dodger Stadium, a rarity amid retro cookie-cutters, stands as a venue that uniquely reflects its time and place. It's a model, in its way, for a bold next wave. (Christopher Hawthorne, June 5, 2005, LA Times)

There were two kinds of projects that modern architecture proved particularly ill-suited to take on during the height of its American influence in the decades after World War II. The first was design at the scale of the city: Modernism and urban planning turned out to be a terrible match, producing towers-in-the-park schemes, hulking expressways and other architectural disasters.

The second was the design of baseball stadiums. From the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, 17 major-league teams moved into new ballparks. With their strict symmetry and stripped concrete exteriors, the stadiums were full of disdain for the history of architecture — and of baseball. By the end of the 1980s most of them had become unloved white elephants, sitting forlornly in the middle of lake-sized parking lots.

They fell flat, in part, because they tried to impose Modernism's utopian formulas on the least utopian of American sports — a game whose biggest stars have usually been flawed eccentrics and in which failure at the plate two-thirds of the time, extended over the course of a career, will win you a place in the Hall of Fame.

The great exception was Dodger Stadium, which somehow managed to suggest that baseball and postwar architecture were made for each another. When it opened in spring 1962, it demonstrated — like all of the best midcentury architecture in Los Angeles — how much could be gained by treating the rigid rules of Modernism more like open-ended guidelines.

The park, designed by architect-engineer Emil Praeger — with plenty of detailed input from owner Walter O'Malley — was streamlined and forward-looking. But it also had an unshakable sense of place: Though it incorporated details from baseball's oldest parks — particularly the steeply pitched upper decks that keep fans in the cheap seats close to the action — it was loosely informal and extensively landscaped, taking advantage of its spacious hilltop site. It didn't take long for Praeger's stadium to earn a reputation as the best-designed ballpark in the major leagues.

Modernism is anti-human.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:28 AM


Silicon Valley Goes to Washington: A free-trade accord with Central America is the latest priority for a sector that once steered clear of Capitol Hill. (Jonathan Peterson, June 5, 2005, LA Times)

A traveling corps of Silicon Valley executives descended on Capitol Hill last week, touting the Central American Free Trade Agreement as vital for the success of U.S. technology products in a global economy.

In the eyes of some CAFTA supporters, the weight of that message was amplified considerably by the people relaying it.

"Members pay special attention to the high-tech community," said Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), a champion of the hotly contested trade deal that may reach the House floor in June. He added, hopefully: "They're key to the passage."

At least, they would like to be. The escalating struggle over trade is just the latest uphill fight for an industry that once steered clear of Washington but has now poured hundreds of millions of dollars into its goal of becoming a player in the capital.

High tech spends more than $80 million a year on lobbying — sixth among major industries and up from 17th in the late 1990s — according to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity.

Tech lobbyists even have their own name for Franklin Park, the downtown block surrounded by the Washington offices of Microsoft Corp., Dell Inc., EBay Inc. and others: Silicon Square.

It is the GOP's great fortune that Democrats did not understand a single lesson of the Clinton years.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:24 AM


Students Ignorant of Western Culture: Poll Shows Need for Core Curriculum (Dartmouth Review, June 2, 2005)

The Dartmouth Review’s culture survey of 242 students was conducted May 16-27 in Thayer Dining Hall. While not “scientific” per se, the results represent a disturbing trend in the knowledge base of the typical Dartmouth student. [...]

3. Q. Name five US Supreme Court justices.

A. William H. Rehnquist, John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer

Percent Correct: 15.7
Percent Incorrect: 84.3

4. Q. What English king signed the Magna Carta?

A. King John

Percent Correct: 18.6
Percent Incorrect: 81.4

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


Report Presses Easy Ways to Fix Airline Security (ERIC LIPTON, 6/05/05, NY Times)

Significant gaps in security at the nation's airports could be curtailed even at a time of rising passenger traffic by quickly making a wide range of relatively modest changes in screening people and bags, a confidential report by the Department of Homeland Security has concluded.

Fixing serious weaknesses in the nation's aviation security system is critical as passenger traffic rises beyond levels seen before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the report observed. This summer, passengers are expected to take about 200 million trips globally on the nation's airlines, up about 4 percent from last year.

The proposed fine-tuning of airport security includes expanding the use of devices that can detect trace amounts of explosives and stationing more armed guards in secure areas.

"There is increasing pressure to increase the flow of passengers and their property through security checkpoints," the report said. "Unfortunately, our analysis has shown there are significant security gaps at checkpoints as they currently exist."

How about ways to improve security but cause even greater delays, so you make flying even less desirable an option?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


Blair gives up his fight for Europe (EDDIE BARNES AND FRASER NELSON

TONY Blair has decided to give up on Europe and focus his premiership instead on campaigning against poverty in Africa, close allies have revealed.

In a U-turn that will infuriate the leaders of France and Germany, Blair has told senior aides that he no longer believes that putting Britain at the "heart" of Europe will be his legacy.

One said last night: "Africa is worth fighting for. Europe, in its present form, is not."

There was never any chance that Britain would accept being European.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


Bush's Foreign Policy Shifting
: Spreading democracy has become his top priority, at times trumping urgent issues. Some specialists dismiss his vision as unrealistic (Tyler Marshall, June 5, 2005, LA Times)

President Bush's ambitious vision of global democratic reform has begun to dominate the administration's foreign affairs agenda, in some cases pushing aside urgent international issues.

So far, the president's plan has been driven mainly by high-level rhetoric, symbolic gestures and a handful of modestly funded development programs. But collectively, this mix has started to shift the focus in relations with key nations.

In the four months since Bush unveiled the approach in his second inaugural address, nearly every meeting with foreign officials and many of the changes taking place within the Bush administration, including several key appointments, has reflected the priority of expanding the boundaries of democracy.

By now, the presidential vision even has its own buzz phrase: "practical idealism," a reference to the policy's underlying premise that in a post-Sept. 11 world, America's national security is tied directly to the spread of free and open societies everywhere, including the Middle East.

Although few foreign policy specialists interviewed for this article questioned the president's personal sincerity, some dismissed his plan as little more than fantasy. Others expressed doubt that the U.S. had the credibility to advance such ambitious reforms — especially in the Islamic world.

Whatever the eventual outcome, there is evidence of initial effects.

"People in the Middle East already see it as a very powerful initiative," said Walter Russell Mead, an expert on America's role in the world at the Council on Foreign Relations. "A lot of people are beginning to wonder if American foreign policy isn't in the midst of a fundamental change."

Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazief got a taste of this change during his weeklong visit to Washington last month. Egypt is an important player in the Middle East peace process and a vital, if quiet, ally in the struggle to create stability in Iraq. But Nazief repeatedly was put on the defensive by questions on one topic: Egypt's plans for democratic reform.

Nazief said two pressing regional issues were largely left out of his May 18 visit with Bush: the unfolding crisis just to Egypt's south in the Darfur region of Sudan, and Syria's involvement in Lebanon.

The president and first lady have alternately criticized and cheered the Egyptian regime. During a trip to Cairo, Laura Bush praised a controversial draft law to create multi-candidate presidential elections, while Bush condemned beatings of government opponents.

Despite the administration's aggressive new effort to promote reform, formidable hurdles litter the path toward Bush's goal.

In the Middle East, America's poor image and more urgent strategic concerns, such as assuring the welfare of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, diminish the administration's leverage to induce reform. Closer to home, bureaucratic resistance within parts of the U.S. government that are skeptical of the agenda threaten to blunt the effect of existing pro-democracy initiatives.

More significant, the new emphasis on promoting democracy has launched policymakers on a journey with no clear path to their goal.

"What we want is a world of democratic, market-oriented countries," said Stephen Krasner, whose job as head of policy planning at the State Department is to direct the search for future external challenges that the country might face. "The big challenge is how to get there."

Such daunting tasks nurture considerable skepticism about Bush's vision.

"The simplistic notion that you talk a great deal about democracy and twist a few arms and it will somehow come magically on its own is absurd," said Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was national security advisor to President Carter.

Is Zbigniew Brzezinski really Polish? How does he think his native country was liberated?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


EU woes raise global doubts (Jill McGivering, 6/05/05, BBC News)

Until now, the European Union had appeared robust and on a path of healthy expansion.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:53 AM


The Re-Skilling of the American Art Student (Ellen Lupton, March 29, 2005, Voice: AIGA Journal of Design)

The idea of skill has come to seem woefully outdated in an art world that emphasizes conceptual innovation, and making the right statement at the right time, with the right media. Gone are the days when life drawing was the backbone of any artists’ skill set. The term “skill” carries not only an academic connotation, but a working-class one. The skilled worker is one who knows something about a particular process (which puts him or her a step above the unskilled worker), but is not part of the professional class. Plumbers, auto mechanics and short-order cooks are skilled workers.

I’m arguing for the re-skilling of the American art student across the disciplines of fine and applied art, but working from our own design field as a model. Liberal arts education is based on the view that a certain body of knowledge is required to create a well-rounded person and an informed citizen of the world. The liberal arts ethos withdraws the pursuit of knowledge from the practical concerns of daily life; indeed, it views practical pressures as somehow tainting the purity of our educational goals.

That philosophy, of course, is under attack, and schools like New York University are actually encouraging liberal arts students to pursue professional internships during college (a practice unheard of a decade ago), and even to take “non-credit” workshops on such practical subjects as “graphic design.” The pressure for liberal arts programs to change comes from the customers: the students and their parents. Meanwhile, arts education offers a physically engaged, skill-based alternative to the liberal arts.

The shift from training to education has been a disaster. Rather few people are educable, but many jobs remain unfilled that skilled persons could do.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:41 AM


Frist Says He Will Prevail in the Long Run (CARL HULSE, 6/05/05, NY Times)

[I]n an interview, he said he believed his stewardship would be vindicated in the days ahead once he shepherded through a string of legislation and judicial nominees. That should begin this week, he added, with votes on Janice Rogers Brown and William H. Pryor Jr., two federal appeals court candidates whose nominations have been filibustered by Democrats.

"The short-term evaluations, I believe, will prove to be shortsighted and wrong after we get judge after judge after judge after judge through, plus at least one Supreme Court nominee and an energy bill," Dr. Frist said after a lecture at Harvard, where he received his own medical education. "And we will get Bolton."

The majority leader said the judicial impasse would have never been broken had he not forced the issue by threatening to prohibit filibusters and engaged in an extended buildup to the vote, creating pressure for a compromise.

"Without that sort of leadership, there is no deal to be cut, there are no brokers to deal, there is no deal to be brokered," he said.

Senator Mike DeWine of Ohio, who was one of the seven Republicans who worked with seven Democrats to fashion the compromise, agreed.

"You have to look at things from the long point of view," he said. "We couldn't have reached the compromise but for Bill Frist having the courage to set a date, saying we are going to use the constitutional option. He was clearly prepared to call the roll and roll the dice."

The 24 hour news cycle doesn't mean that a day matters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 AM


Paradox at the heart of the Mass: Communion is sign of unity, but often it leaves people feeling excluded, on the outside of the community of the faithful. In the fifth of our series, a Benedictine monk seeks a theological basis for a pastoral re-examination of the problem (Dominic Milroy, 3/12/05, The Tablet)

It is sad that the collective and individual experience of the central Christian act should be clouded by so many anomalies, by so much half-understanding and by so much personal pain and deprivation. It is clear from the New Testament and from the history of the early Christian communities that these tensions are not new.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


David and His 26 Roommates: They’ve traveled thousands of miles from Mexico, found jobs serving rich customers at Fairway and Citarella, and dealt with impossible rents by packing together in a tiny, illegal basement apartment. If only finding love were so easy. (Debbie Nathan, New York)

David has a recurring dream. “Mi sueño nuyorquino,” he calls it. His New York dream. He’s flying high above Manhattan—his arms outstretched, a cool wind in his face. Far below on the streets, people point up at him, their eyes wide. It’s his favorite dream. “I have it often when I’m sleeping,” he says. “Being up so high, a loneliness that actually feels good. And the americanos noticing me.”

David doesn’t attract much notice in his waking life. He’s short and soft-spoken, with a face the color and shape of a homemade cookie. He dresses in bargain jeans and a sensible sweatshirt and keeps his head down. He decorates dishes with artful streaks of sauce and careful radish rosettes at an upscale West Village restaurant that’s perennially praised in Zagat’s for its beautifully presented food. When, after a few margaritas and some pato en mole verde, diners ask to tour the kitchen and compliment the staff, he greets them with a courteous nod and labored English: “How are you? Have a nice day.”

His housemates work at similarly bright and airy places such as Fairway and Citarella, bustling about the frisée bins and sautéing the portobellos and packing up comfort foods for harried professionals. As a household, they do pretty well even by New York standards, pulling in six figures a year. But this household is different from most in Manhattan. For one thing, there are 27 people in it—all Mexicans, most of them undocumented. [...]

Reality hit on the first day in New York. “From the airport, I went to my brother’s place in Washington Heights,” David says. “He was living with his child and pregnant wife, along with another couple and their kid. Six people. I was the seventh. In one room.”

Over the next few days, David discovered that virtually every Mexican he met was in the same insanely cramped boat. He walked around in a state of low-grade shock, compounded by his inability to understand “the language, the street signs, the money, anything.” He planned to flee as soon as he’d saved enough for a flight or a Greyhound back to Mexico, plus $1,500 to buy another car back home. Within days, he’d found a minimum-wage job as a restaurant delivery boy. He figured it would take almost a year to save what he needed to get out of this mess.

To his surprise, it took him only three months. “It was so fast that I thought, Well, why not stay a little longer and save even more?” he says. Three months stretched into six months, then a year. Then another.

“I kept postponing my departure because, to tell the truth, I was starting to like it here,” he says. He liked riding the ferry to Staten Island. He especially liked Times Square, with its amazing variety of people “that you never see in Mexico City, though it’s much bigger than New York.” He was delighted one day on 42nd Street when a tourist about his age named Julie, from Albany, spoke to him in English, asking where he was from and noting that she loved Latino music—and he was able to carry on a rudimentary flirtation in the same language. He found himself invigorated by the sheer pace of things: New York’s ritmo, he calls it.

The city was exciting, but David’s place in it was fragile. After his brother’s marriage foundered—perhaps owing to the strain of living in one room with another family—he and David moved with the children into an $800 Washington Heights studio. The two men babysat in shifts so David’s brother could keep his job as a mechanic. They were barely holding on to the pricey apartment when David lost his job. The restaurant where he worked was so popular that Zagat’s started complaining it was too small. The owner closed for three months to remodel. David, of course, got no unemployment compensation.

He had just found a new minimum-wage job—at an upscale seafood market on Broadway in the Eighties—when David’s sister-in-law returned to her family, tried to reconcile with her husband, and ended up kicking him out, along with David. After knocking from bunk to bunk for three weeks, David decided it would be easier to live on the subways.

“I slept on the No. 1 sometimes but mostly on the A, because the trip is very long,” he remembers. “I made sure to wear clean clothes, and I never lay down—never took up two seats. I always slept sitting up so the police wouldn’t bother me. Mornings I would wash my face at work, and every few days I’d buy a bar of soap and go to a public swimming pool. I would take a shower, then a swim, then another shower.”

Meanwhile, he reported to the fish market every day to cut fancy fillets and smile at his Upper West Side customers, who, as he puts it in literally translated Spanish, were “people of category.” No one noticed anything amiss.

David thought about going home. “On the train all those nights, I’d see endless strange things and have endless thoughts—thoughts like, You should go back to Mexico! Then I’d think, No, one has to face one’s problems. Just be patient and eventually you’ll find a room.”

Co-workers eventually did help him find space in an apartment, a bedroom he had all to himself. But at $380, the monthly rent was steep, and the financial needs of his family on both sides of the border had left him almost broke. Then a friend told him about Gato’s place. He gave up his private room and moved into the illegal basement with the Yosemite Sam doll and the 26 other tenants. [...]

The manners of the tenants in the basement are much better. They listen to their music with headphones, wait patiently to use the bathroom, and no one fights. The apartment is peaceful, even conducive to study. Since free ESL classes at workingman’s hours are virtually impossible to find, David and José use their bilingual dictionaries to pore over old copies of Vogue retrieved from the trash. They also watch a Channel 13 show in which a schoolmarm explains the difference between cut and cute while the e bounces up and down. José doesn’t need too many words; he has a wife and five children back home and plans to leave in a couple of years. But David wants a larger vocabulary. “I’ve got to learn what my legal rights are, how to open a bank account, how to put away some savings,” he says. He’s thinking he might stick around for a while.

When they’re not studying, they lie in bed and listen to music. (David’s favorite songs: “Great Balls of Fire,” by Jerry Lee Lewis, and “Who’ll Stop the Rain” by Creedence Clearwater Revival.) “Or watch telenovelas,” he adds sheepishly, to José’s guffaws. These are the Spanish-language soap operas so popular among women in Latin America and so don’t-watch-or-you’ll-be-a-maricón for men.

“Okay, there’s this one I really like,” confesses Mateo, popping over from across the hall. “Rubí. It’s about a ruthless girl who’s poor but wants to have everything that her rich friend, Maribel, does. Rubí dumps her poor boyfriend and steals Maribel’s rich boyfriend, the architect. She marries him strictly for his money, so of course she’s not happy. Meanwhile, the poor ex has all the luck and gets rich.” He pauses and then jokes about the possible repercussions of talking to a reporter about such things. “I’m not worried about Immigration, but I don’t want my family in Mexico to know about me and the telenovelas.”

There’s not much to do in New York when you’re pinching pennies. “For us, it’s mainly work, come home, work, come home. That’s all,” says David. After sending half their wages to Mexico and paying rent, they’re each left with about $80 a week in pocket money. Much of it goes for takeout and restaurant food. For Mexican, there’s the Victoria, a little place on 160th and Broadway that makes passable enchiladas but superb tamales. Overwhelmingly, the Victoria’s customers are single men from the neighborhood who keep their heads in their plates except when they’re trying—usually fruitlessly—to chat up the waitresses. The menu’s not cheap for these guys—a burrito plate runs to $8, excluding beer.

More economical are Broadway’s grungy Chinese joints. “Beef with broccoli. It’s $4.50. And when I can’t afford that, I get the chicken wings with French fries for $3,” says José. “You have to respect the chinos,” he notes. “They’re different from americanos because they learn Spanish. They say ‘Papas fritas?’ ”

A Refugee's Journey: From Sudan to America (Faiza Elmasry, 05 June 2005, VOA News)

It's taken Malic Agobi, 38, a long time to reach his destination. The truck driver fled his home in Port Sudan with his wife and children 3 years ago, and arrived in Nashville, Tenessee in March. He never expected to become a refugee.

He was born in Southern Sudan and lived most of his adult years in the north. As a truck driver, he spent endless hours on the roads between Khartoum and Port Sudan. That's where he was picked up by government security agents in 2001. "I was arrested without any cause," he says. "They just suspected me to be helping the opposition parties because where I used to move with my truck to collect some goods is where opposition parties operate."

Mr. Agobi spent 41 days in prison. When he was released, however, he says he was still not a free man. "I was released under a condition that I don't leave my town and some people should not come to visit me," he says.

Mr. Agobi quickly realized that the only way to regain his freedom and live without fear was to leave Sudan. He decided to take his family north, to Egypt.

In Cairo, friends helped him find a place to live and a job at a store, but it didn't pay enough to support his family, he began to consider other options.

He decided to approach the United Nation's refugee agency for help coming to America. The Agobis finally reached Nashville, Tennessee, in March. Malic Agobi says their adjustment has been made easier by the Catholic Charities, a non-profit organization that provides social services to people in need.

Sarwar Hawez says he understands what the Agobis need because he was once a refugee himself, arriving in Nashville in 1997 from Northern Iraq. He visits the family twice a week. "I'm just coming to visit them to see them, how they're doing, what's going on with them," he says. [...]

Malic Agobi is optimistic about finding a job and building a good life for his wife and five children. "My plan is to educate my children because I failed to educate my self," he says. "I'd like very much to educate them so they become good men in the future."

His sons have started attending school, even though they don't speak English yet. Willson, 16, says that adds to the challenges they face in adapting to their new life. "When I went to the school for the fist time, I met a lot of kids," Willson says. "I could only communicate with those who were speaking Arabic. They came from Sudan like me." But the teenager says he expects to speak fluent English in just 2 months, and be able to talk with his classmates and teachers.

June 4, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


The White Stripes Change Their Spots (KELEFA SANNEH, 5/29/05, NY Times)

MAYBE it's time to retire the term "retro-rock." Not because it doesn't fit but because it fits too much too well - it's becoming redundant. These days, rock tends to be retro by default, whether on the pop charts or on MP3 blogs. The million-selling Las Vegas band the Killers became a mainstream sensation by reviving the sound of 1980's new wave, while the beloved Scottish cult band Bloc Party became an underground sensation by . . . well, by reviving a different strand of 1980's new wave. From Gap commercials (where you can find the 18-year-old Joss Stone belting out the half-century-old "Night Time Is the Right Time") to indie record shops, rock 'n' roll nostalgia is everywhere. A young listener might well wonder what other kind of rock 'n' roll there is, and an older one might find that a surprisingly difficult question to answer.

Only a few years ago, it was a mild shock to hear so many young bands sounding so old-fashioned. In 2001, when the Strokes released their galvanizing debut album, the garage-rock boom seemed like a sharp (and sometimes shrill) reaction to a mutating musical world. The Strokes' retro juggernaut was a strike against turntables and keyboards, rap-rock and electronica. And if the band sounded a bit like their favorite late-1970's punk forebears, that was part of the point: they were digging in their heels.

Of all the bands that emerged then, none dug in harder than the White Stripes, the Detroit duo that staked out a position on the extreme wing of retro. The guitarist Jack White and the drummer Meg White were rock 'n' roll refuseniks, determined to follow their own rigorous rules: no bass guitar, no clothes that weren't either red or white, no acknowledgment that they weren't really brother and sister. (As fans quickly discovered, they are a divorced couple.) Once the frantic garage-punk song "Fell in Love With a Girl" became a breakthrough hit, the White Stripes' image was set: they were rock 'n' roll's greatest primitivists, beloved (even, perhaps, by people who couldn't quite bring themselves to love the music) for their devotion to all things raw.

In 2003, the White Stripes left behind the Strokes and just about everyone else when they released "Elephant," a hit CD that even (or only) a Luddite could love.

It's great.

Little White truths: Inspired and determined, Jack White gets personal, crafting a White Stripes CD so surprising it recalls the Beatles' creative leap on "Rubber Soul." Here's how. (Robert Hilburn, June 5, 2005, LA Times)

The White Stripes' Jack White is ready for a break as he slips behind the wheel of his vintage four-seat Thunderbird and switches on the ignition. White has been working feverishly on a new album, and he is just days away from starting a grueling world tour.

The CD, "Get Behind Me Satan," is a a daring creative advance in which he and drummer Meg White have added layers of imagination and depth to what was an already thrilling sound.

Despite all the gloom surrounding the record industry about the way bottom-line consciousness at major labels is stifling creativity, White shows how a fiercely independent artist can still make music that is both cutting-edge and commercial. The Stripes' last album, 2003's "Elephant," sold 4 million copies worldwide and won an album of the year nomination in the Grammys.

In "Satan," which will be released Tuesday on Third Man/V2 Records, White sets aside his signature blistering guitar lines on most of the tracks. Marimbas dominate one song, grand piano and/or drums highlight others, and he mixes them in dazzlingly original ways.

The subject matter is more personal — anxious, even desperate looks at conflicts between innocence and morality on one side and compromise and betrayal on the other. Even in some of the album's gentlest moments, a guitar suddenly cuts through like a knife through a curtain. "It's probably the most cathartic record I've ever made," White says.

The creative leap in "Satan" is, in its way, reminiscent of the breakthrough the Beatles made in "Rubber Soul," the album that not only introduced more adult themes to the Beatles' compositions (the disarming vulnerability of "In My Life") but also new instrumental textures (mysterious sitar touches in the sophisticated "Norwegian Wood").

THE GIFT & THE CURSE: Jack White’s vexing brilliance. (SASHA FRERE-JONES, 2005-06-06, The New Yorker)
Jack White, the singer, guitarist, and songwriter of the White Stripes, started the duo, with Meg White on drums, in Detroit in 1997. The early albums were made with cheap gear on small budgets for Sympathy for the Record Industry, a respected indie label, and drew their inspiration from the blues, the most American of pop forms. While the group built an audience, White worked as an upholsterer, and the pair tinkered with their identities, teasing an increasingly adoring press with the myth of being siblings. (In fact, they were once married.) In 2001, the band signed with V2 Records, sold a sizable number of albums, and got its delightful, high-concept videos shown on MTV. (For “Fell in Love with a Girl,” the director Michel Gondry rendered the band entirely in Lego.) No longer re-covering couches, White played the celebrity as well as he had played the up-and-comer. He punched a singer whose records he had once produced, portrayed a travelling musician in the film “Cold Mountain,” and dated Renée Zellweger. Last year, he produced a comeback album of sorts for Loretta Lynn, a pretentious and well-meaning thing called “Van Lear Rose,” and when it won the award for Best Country Album he made a charmingly sheepish appearance with her at the Grammys. As they stood onstage, White remained respectfully behind Lynn, until she finally felt compelled to say, “Jack, come on here, baby!”

White is likable, and he’s genuinely and prodigiously talented. He sings in a high, warbling voice weighted with emotion and mysterious information, and he plays his red-and-white electric guitar as if he couldn’t control himself, making sounds that issue simultaneously from a noisy future and a long-gone American past—a time when pop music was learning how to walk and find its name. White’s songs are genetically purebred things, driven by simple words and a bouncy, conversational cadence that makes sense to casual listeners who couldn’t care less about the band’s coördinated red-and-white outfits, the self-imposed Constructivist Catholic-school uniforms. Even when a White Stripes song flirts with the recherché and abrasive, it sounds as if it had always been in the air, as if you knew how to sing it before you heard it—something an older brother must have shown you how to play one summer in the seventies, if you could just remember.

But White is as perverse as he is talented, and that keeps his albums, like the newest, “Get Behind Me Satan,” from being as fun as they are smart. For a taste of the sort of conceptual roadblocks Whiteis given to, look at how “Get Behind Me Satan” was created: most of the songs were written on piano, acoustic guitar, and marimba, even though the electric guitar is the instrument White truly understands; none of the songs were finished before the start of recording; and studio time was kept to a minimum (fourteen days for thirteen songs). The album’s press release notes that the single, “Blue Orchid,” was recorded only two weeks before it was released. These constraints are evidence that White thinks and reflects on his craft, and they certainly create a distinct White Stripes “brand,” but how much of this hokum helps the band make music or exploit White’s gifts? Is working fast necessarily a good thing? Is it as good for us as it is for him?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


Reid won't be returning lobbyist contributions: Spokeswoman says senator sees no reason to return funds (TONY BATT, June 04, 2005, Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid will not return campaign contributions he received during the past five years from lobbyists and clients associated with Jack Abramoff, a Reid spokeswoman said Friday.

Federal officials are investigating whether Abramoff, a lobbyist, bilked millions of dollars from Indian gaming tribes.

Reid, D-Nev., and other Democrats have been sharply critical of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, who has close ties to Abramoff.

About two-thirds of Abramoff-related campaign funds were given to Republicans. But The Washington Post reported that Abramoff also cultivated Democrats, including Reid.

Reid received $6,500 from Abramoff's associates at the Greenberg Traurig law and lobbying firm from 1999 through 2004, The Washington Post reported Friday.

During the same period, Reid received $40,500 from Indian tribes that were Abramoff clients, the paper reported based on research of federal records.

Reid does not know Abramoff, Reid spokeswoman Tessa Hafen said.

But Abramoff hired Eddie Ayoob, who was Reid's legislative counsel until 2002 and was assistant finance director on Reid's 1998 Senate campaign.

Ayoob held a fund-raising reception for Reid at the offices of Greenberg Traurig, according to The Washington Post.

This wasn't how the scandalmongering was supposed to go...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 PM


Schröder and Chirac ponder years of decline (David Rennie, 03/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

It is one of the grandest traditions of the European project: on the eve of any EU summit, the leaders of France and Germany meet to thrash out a joint approach, before descending, like gods from Olympus, to tell the other nations what they have agreed.

Tomorrow Jacques Chirac of France and Gerhard Schröder will meet in Berlin, to discuss the current crisis gripping the EU after France and Holland's No votes. But this time, there will be a distinct stench of mortality in the air, as the two men ponder the straits in which they, and their nations, find themselves.

Shouldn't they be meeting in a bunker?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:23 PM


U.S. Uncovers Vast Hide-Out of Iraqi Rebels (EDWARD WONG, 6/05/05, NY Times)

American marines have discovered an elaborate series of underground bunkers used recently by insurgents in central Iraq, with heavy weapons, a kitchen and fresh food, furnished living quarters, showers and even a working air-conditioner, the military said Saturday.

The bunkers were built into an old rock quarry north of the town of Karma, an insurgent stronghold in Anbar Province that lies near the city of Falluja. The bunker system is 558 feet by 902 feet, nearly equal to a quarter of the Empire State Building's office space, making it the largest underground insurgent hide-out to be discovered in at least the past year, if not during the entire war, said Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool, a spokesman for the Second Marine Division.

The military said the bunkers were discovered Thursday around 5 p.m. as part of continuing anti-insurgency operations being conducted in Anbar, a center of the Sunni Arab resistance and an arid province that stretches to Iraq's western border. In the past three days, troops with the Second Marine Division found more than 50 caches of weapons and ammunition in the province. Twelve were discovered in the immediate area of the rock quarry, Captain Pool said in an e-mail interview.

"Marines were out patrolling and looking for weapons caches, when out in the middle of the desert they see a lone building," he said. "They went to go and check it out. In one room there was a large, chest-style electric freezer. The marines moved it and found the hidden entrance to the underground quarry system."

"I can tell you that it is the largest underground system discovered in at least the last year," he added.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:32 PM


'The Sound of Music': 40 years of unstoppable success (Todd S. Purdum, WEDNESDAY, 5/31/05, The New York Times)

Its director was the editor of "Citizen Kane." Its screenwriter was the author of "North by Northwest." Its composers were the most successful songwriting team in American theater history. And "The Sound of Music" was the movie that everybody hated but the people.

Christopher Plummer, Captain von Trapp himself, is said to have called it "The Sound of Mucus." Robert Wise, the director, worried with Julie Andrews, the eternal Mary Poppins, about what they could do to remove a spoonful (or two) of the schmaltz. Pauline Kael, who would become the reigning film critic of her era, denounced it as "the sugar-coated lie that people seem to want to eat."

And yet 40 years ago, "The Sound of Music" was not just the summer movie of 1965. It was the spring, fall and winter one, too, and in inflation-adjusted dollars, it remains the third-biggest-grossing film of all time at the domestic box office, according to Box Office Mojo.

It hit the Billboard Top 40 video sales chart shortly after it became one of the first movies ever released on home video in 1979 and still holds the chart's longevity record, of more than 300 weeks and counting.

Twentieth Century Fox plans to release a special 40th-anniversary two-DVD edition in November, with new documentary material (including interviews with Andrews, other cast members and creators) prepared by Michael Kantor, who directed the PBS series "Broadway: The American Musical" last year.

What explains such colossal success? "It's mainly the script," said Wise, who will turn 91 in September and once estimated that he had been asked that question an average of twice a week since the film's premiere on March 2, 1965. "It's a family film; nothing more universal."

When Ernest Lehman, the highly regarded screenwriter of movies like "Somebody Up There Likes Me" and "Sweet Smell of Success," told his friend Burt Lancaster that he was working on "The Sound of Music," Lancaster responded that he must have needed the money.

But, in hindsight, a compelling case can be made for "The Sound of Music," as the last picture show of its kind, a triumph of craftsmanship and the apogee of the studio system that produced the kind of entertainment that dominated mid-20th-century mass culture.

How else would we all know the words of the Austrian national anthem?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:03 PM


German right vows improved U.S. relations (Nicholas Kralev and Tom Goeller, June 4, 2005, THE WASHINGTON TIMES

The conservative Christian Democrats and their Free Democratic partners will restore Germany's alliance with the United States and downgrade Berlin's ties with Russia if they win elections in September, leaders from both parties say.

In a series of interviews, they also said that they would review their alliance with France, which they intend to keep strong, but warn Paris not to challenge Berlin to choose between the United States and France, as was the case with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. [...]

Wolfgang Gerhardt, chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, said Mr. Schroeder had built an "axis" with Paris and Moscow, which was "neither in the interest of Europe, nor of Germany."

"We are convinced that this is a mistake," he said. "European integration will not work against the trans-Atlantic partnership, but together with it, since we share the same values."

German officials rejected the accusations that Mr. Schroeder has become close with Mr. Putin at the expense of ties with Washington. They said the chancellor has been working well with President Bush since their bitter rift over Iraq.

Last week, Mr. Schaeuble agreed with Mr. Schroeder that the alliance with France is "key" for Germany, but noted that a CDU government would bring back a tradition that he said Mr. Schroeder abandoned.

"We always told France, 'Don't make us choose between you and the United States, because we probably won't choose you,' " Mr. Schaeuble told a group of young American leaders on a visit to Berlin organized by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and Germany's Draeger Foundation.

You mean the problem was them, not us? Someone better break it to Cabana Boy and company.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:57 AM


HARKIN HOLLERING (Robert Novak, 6/04/05, Townhall)

On the day before Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen was confirmed by the Senate as part of a negotiated compromise, Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin called her "wacko."

Harkin, appearing on liberal Randi Rhodes's national radio talk show, became animated as he said of Owen: "This is not a person to put on the bench for a lifetime appointment. This person is wacko! She's wacko!"

On the same program, Harkin said Christian broadcasters are "sort of our home-grown Taliban." He added: "They have a direct line to God. And if you don't tune into their line, you're obviously on Satan's line."

Thanks to the Gang of 14, "wacko" isn't "extraordinary."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:51 AM


Monkey bone fuels British town's curious simian myth (AFP, 6/03/05)

A bone found on a British beach has sparked renewed interest in one of the country's most curious myths -- that a monkey washed ashore during the Napoleonic Wars was executed by suspicious locals for being a French spy.

Police in Hartlepool, on the northeast coast of England, confirmed Friday that the one-foot (30 centimetre) long bone found on a beach last month was not human, but came instead from a monkey or gorilla.

The discovery has intrigued locals, given the town's curious folklore from the Anglo-French Napoleonic conflict, which lasted from 1793 to 1815.

According to popular legend, a monkey dressed in a French uniform was washed ashore at Hartlepool and tried by local magistrates on suspicion of being a French spy.

Because it did not answer questions they presumed the animal was guilty, and it was hanged from a lamppost.

Although the tale's authenticity is unknown, Hartlepool's football team has long used a man dressed in a monkey suit -- dubbed "H'Angus" -- as its mascot.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:47 AM


US Democrats Seek to Sharpen Message (Jim Malone, 03 June 2005, VOA News)

Liberal activists met in Washington this past week to try to find ways to unify the opposition Democratic Party, and provide new alternatives to the policies put forward by President Bush and his Republican supporters in Congress.

After two straight narrow losses in presidential elections, liberal activists are trying to find ways to make opposition Democrats more effective in countering President Bush and the Republican majority in Congress.

Among those who came to share ideas was the new head of the Democratic Party, former Vermont Governor and presidential contender Howard Dean.

Mr. Dean was a favorite among liberal activists during the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries.

"We have suffered a couple of serious defeats,” Mr. Dean said. “But we are energized, because we know that our vision for America is much better than the dark, difficult and dishonest vision that the Republican Party offers America."

That message didn't even energize the Party's primary voters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:43 AM


Can You Say, 'Chief Justice Scalia'? (Paul Bedard, 6/06/05, US News))

It looks like the White House is considering only one sitting U.S. Supreme Court judge as a replacement for ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist , who's expected to step down this summer. Insiders tell us that Justice Antonin Scalia , not Justice Clarence Thomas , is the one President Bush is most likely to tap. The thinking: How could the Senate reject a judge they OK'd for the court 98 to 0?

It's an effective way to separate Democrats from Catholic voters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:09 AM


Oberweis launches campaign on tax-cut, growth platform (THOMAS ROESER, June 4, 2005, Chicago Sun-Times)

Jim Oberweis, the conservatives' sentimental favorite for governor, has begun his campaign for the GOP nomination by pledging to cut income taxes and grow the economy on the supply-side model pioneered by Ronald Reagan. [...]

Oberweis trades on a grudge conservatives have with the Illinois GOP establishment. He has run twice for the U.S. Senate and lost, once talking about illegal immigration in language that brought charges that he is anti-Hispanic -- which he denies. Although he placed second in the 2004 Senate race, Oberweis was denied the nomination after front-runner Jack Ryan was forced to withdraw -- the word being that the White House disapproved of Oberweis' immigration stance.

But his political career resembles that of Wisconsin's William Proxmire. A Democrat, Proxmire ran for governor unsuccessfully in 1952, 1954 and 1956 in what then was a solidly Republican state. He never became governor, but won a special election in 1957 to succeed the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. Once in office, Proxmire so endeared himself to voters with a blend of progressive and conservative themes that he handily won re-election, slowly turning the state Democratic.

Oberweis believes that in Democrat-controlled Illinois, his beliefs must be stated unceasingly. In essence, he told me, he intends to lead a three-pronged electoral revolution.

Note that nativism isn't one of the three.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:51 AM


Ag. Commissioner Lester Spell switches to Republican party (Associated Press, 6/03/05)

Agriculture Commissioner Lester Spell has switched to the Republican Party after nine years in office as a Democrat, saying his work within his department is more in line with the principals of the GOP.

Spell announced his decision late Friday in a written release.

"I think over the years I have made a lot of changes in my department...increased efficiency and downsizing government," Spell said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "This is very much in line with the principals of the Republican Party."

Spell, a former mayor of Richland, said the switch to the GOP has been an "evolution."

How about just a sign of intelligence?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:03 AM

SNOW JOB (via Monsalvat):

Israel Epstein, Prominent Chinese Communist, Dies at 90 (DOUGLAS MARTIN, 6/02/05, NY Times)

Israel Epstein, a journalist, author and propagandist for China whose passion for Communism was fueled in long interviews with Mao in the 1940's and was not dimmed by imprisonment during the Cultural Revolution, died last Thursday at a hospital in Beijing. He was 90.

His death was announced by the official New China News Agency.

Mr. Epstein edited China Today, an English-language Chinese newsmagazine, translated the sayings and writings of Mao and Deng Xiaoping and advised the Chinese government on how to polish its overseas image. He became a Chinese citizen, joined the Communist Party and served on official government and party committees.

He and perhaps a dozen other aging foreign-born residents of Beijing were sometimes seen as the last true believers in a revolution that has sometimes seemed blurred by time's passage and China's embrace of free markets and consumerism.

In 1996, The Observer, the London newspaper, said, "Perhaps the most loyal Communists in the country today are foreigners, veteran fellow travelers from a vanished era of idealism." [...]

Mr. Epstein became acquainted with [the American journalist Edgar Snow] after his editor assigned him to review one of Mr. Snow's books, and Mr. Snow showed him his classic "Red Star Over China" before it was published. Mr. Snow reciprocated by reading Mr. Epstein's unpublished works.

Anyone recall whether the Times obituary for George Lincoln Rockwell referred to him as the last survivor of an era of German idealism?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 AM

BETTER JONG IL (David Hill, The Bronx):

CSI graduation: Pomp and circumstance, boos and hisses: Author Erica Jong alienates some with the tone, length of her commencement speech (MICHELLE MASKALY, June 03, 2005, STATEN ISLAND ADVANCE)

Best-selling author Erica Jong was booed and told to "Shut up!" and "Go Home!" during her 40-minute speech yesterday at the College of Staten Island's commencement exercises.

As Ms. Jong, best known for her 1973 novel "Fear of Flying," talked about everything from truth in advertising to truth in politics and the shallowness of public relations -- but said precious little about graduation -- some of the thousands in attendance on the great lawn at the college's Willowbrook campus stood up and began to object loudly.

A little less than halfway through her speech, some graduates began tossing around an inflatable beach volleyball. Some even got up from their chairs, just yards from her podium, to go chat with friends and family who were seated behind them.

Ms. Jong, however, was unfazed.

She continued to speak as though everyone were listening attentively.

"I'm a writer," said the author of eight novels. "I spend days and nights playing with words, trying to make sense of them. Telling the truth has never been easy. It's gotten harder."

She complained that getting to the truth is tougher than ever because "words have been corrupted."

One day someone this self-absorbed will actually collpase into themself like a black hole.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


GOP, Democrats Rest Their Cases in Washington Governor Dispute: A judge will decide whether to uphold the election of Christine Gregoire, challenged by the Republicans, or order a new vote. (Sam Howe Verhovek, June 4, 2005, LA Times)

Christine Gregoire was elected governor in November. Or Dino Rossi was. It depends on what the definition of "elected" is.

Nobody knows who really won — so do it over.

Those were among the arguments thrown around in the last two weeks before state Judge John E. Bridges, who listened Friday to closing arguments in a challenge by state Republicans to the official certification of Democrat Gregoire's 129-vote margin out of 2.9 million ballots cast.

Bridges, who said he would issue his verdict Monday, has presided over a trial that has had moments of hard-core legal combat by some of the state's top litigators, but also moments of such sheer wackiness that both sides have been left laughing.

"Has election day ended in this case?" a lawyer for the Democrats' Jenny Durkan asked Friday of the state deputy election director, John Pearson, whose retirement is being delayed by the trial.

"No, it has not," said Pearson, sounding a bit weary.

"Is it fair to say the election community are humans?" Pearson asked, pressing the Democrats' argument that no election of such scale could be perfectly counted.

"I believe they all are," said Pearson, as the courtroom erupted in laughter. "Yes!"

Stability and finality are more important than precision.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 AM


China diplomat makes asylum plea (BBC, 6/04/05)

A senior Chinese diplomat who left his job at his country's consulate-general in Sydney has addressed a rally to commemorate the Tiananmen events.

"I feel very unsafe," he told a crowd of several hundred people in Sydney.

"In 16 years, the Chinese government has done nothing for political reform. People have no political freedom, no human rights," he added.

Mr Chen, 37, has been refused political asylum, but Australian authorities might issue a protection visa.

In his surprise appearance, the former diplomat spoke at length explaining he had left the consulate because he opposes the persecution of dissidents.

He also gave examples of kidnappings, life imprisonments and executions carried out by the Chinese government.

Invite him to come here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


No easy escape for nations facing financial crises (JAMES KIRKUP, 6/04/05, The Scotsman)

FOR all the hard work of its founding fathers, there are two ways the young currency could falter and die. One is quick and painful. The other slow and possibly even more agonising.

The most dramatic outcome of a euro crisis would be for one member of the currency union to leave. This would be far more difficult and damaging than Britain's expulsion from the Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1990.

The ties that bind the dozen euro economies would be vastly harder to break. Since 1999, they have intertwined their economies, and especially their government borrowing. Any country leaving the euro area would still have to honour euro-priced debts, but using its new, independent and devalued currency. In effect, the debt burden would get heavier, quickly.

And yet some are starting to ask if a euro country could indeed leave the currency. And that country is Italy.

Italy's economy is in trouble. Unemployment remains high, wage demands are increasing and the government is plunging ever deeper into the red.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development predicts the Italian economy will shrink 0.6 per cent this year. Even sluggish Germany will probably grow by 0.8 per cent, and Ireland, the star of the eurozone, will expand by 5 per cent.

Of course, the answer for Italy would be to emulate Ireland, but, beyond economic reforms, they'd have to close a significant gap in values.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


SLIDESHOW: WHEN MAMMALS MIX: Ligers, camas and wholphins: The spectacular, surprising and sometimes scary world of hybrid animals. (Photo Gallery narrated by animal expert Marc Morrone, Newsweek)


Posted by David Cohen at 12:01 AM


Patrick O’Brian’s naval mastery (Robert Messenger, New Criterion, 5/05)

The Royal Navy stumbled badly on the outbreak of war against America in 1812. In August, the USS Constitution sank the HMS Guerrière. In October, the USS United States captured the HMS Macedonian, and in December the Constitution sank the HMS Java off the coast of Brazil. The tiny American navy—six frigates were all the capital ships it mustered on the outbreak of war—was managing what the much larger and more experienced fleets of Napoleonic France, Spain, and Holland had failed to do: beat the British in a straight fight. . . . But, honor was restored on June 1 when Captain Philip Broke and HMS Shannon captured the USS Chesapeake, one of the U.S. Navy’s frigates, in a short violent ship-to-ship action just outside of Boston harbor. Shannon’s disciplined gunnery killed so many of the Chesapeake’s officers and crew that the British were able to board and easily capture a ship that carried many more men.

It has never been established why the American captain, James Lawrence, took his ship out of safe harbor and into action that June day. He may have wanted to test his youthful crew and take them away from the temptations of port or perhaps he simply underestimated the professionalism of the Royal Navy after the string of U.S. victories.

While history doesn’t answer the question, fiction can. In his novel The Fortune of War—the sixth in the Aubrey/Maturin series—Patrick O’Brian created impetus for Lawrence’s impetuousness. He goes into battle to recapture Dr. Stephen Maturin who has escaped from Boston with papers that describe the whole of the French-American intelligence operations in England and Europe. Lawrence’s failure becomes, in O’Brian, a double victory for the British— in the naval and the clandestine war. . . .

Over the course of twenty books, we follow these two through great victories and shattering defeats, through wealth, poverty, success and failure in love, and family. We grow to love them because of the delight the author himself takes in their adventures. The books are more reminiscent of Jane Austen—especially her most naval novel, Persuasion—than of C. S. Forester. It is almost a cliché to compare O’Brian and Austen. (O’Brian enthusiasts like to point out the similarity between the names JAne AUsten and JAck AUbrey.) It is easy to imagine the Bennet girls turning up for a dance, and a chance to meet eligible naval officers, at Aubrey’s residences at Melbury Lodge or Ashgrove Cottage, just as it is easy to imagine Maturin visiting an old friend at Lyme Regis and meeting the families from Uppercross Cottage, or Admiral Croft or Captain Wentworth or William Price appearing at one of Aubrey’s ports of call. O’Brian wrote up as history what Austen wrote up as life.

It is now de rigeur to compare O'Brian with Austen, and far be it from me to complain. As much as I love the O'Brian books, though, I notice that no one ever introduces Jane Austen by comparing her to Patrick O'Brian. In the end, O'Brian is done in by the demands of genre. Aubrey cannot be promoted, nor can he be allowed to keep a fortune. Maturin may never grow to disgusted of spying for the hated British Empire, nor wholly succumb to one of his many addictions. Stung by criticism, O'Brian towards the end starts killing off important characters, and some minor characters sail off never to be seen again, but relatively early in the series we see that we have reached equilibrium. The characters are who and what they are, fated to grow in some ways, contract in others, but never to suffer essential change.

This is, oddly enough, one of a number of similarities between the Aubrey/Maturin books, and Star Trek, which was loosely based on the Horatio Hornblower books. Genre demands that Aubrey be kept in frigates just as Kirk must be kept on the Enterprise. The familiar members of both crews must be preserved, though red coats and red shirts can both be killed off promiscuously. The technologies are similarly arcane. O'Brian, of course, has a leg up on understanding the nuances and implications of his technology, but if suddenly transported into one of these fictional worlds, we would be more likely able to operate the USS Enterprise than HMS Surprise. Even the characterisations are similar, Aubrey and Maturin between them splitting up the roles given to Kirk, McCoy and Spock. As I've noted here before, O'Brian's great novel -- legitimately mentioned with Austen's great novels -- is the first four books, through The Mauritius Command. The other sixteen are simply extraordinarily well-written genre novels.

More pertinently, Austen inspired O’Brian’s artfully simple writing. Each had a great gift for characterization and for drawing the reader into another world:
“I never was a great reader,” said Jack. His friends looked down at their wine and smiled. “I mean I never could get along with your novels and tales. Admiral Burney—Captain Burney then—lent me one wrote by his sister when we were coming back with a slow convoy from the West Indies; but I could not get through with it—sad stuff, I thought. Though I dare say the fault was in me, just as some people cannot relish music; for Burney thought the world of it, and he was as fine a seaman as any in the service. He sailed with Cook, and you cannot say fairer than that.”

“That is the best qualification for a literary critic I ever heard of,” said Yorke. “What was the name of the book?”

“There you have me,” said Jack. “But it was a small book, in three volumes, I think; and it was all about love. Every novel I have ever looked into is all about love; and I have looked into a good many, because Sophie loves them, and I read aloud to her while she knits, in the evening. All about love.”

“Of course they are,” said Yorke. “What else raises your blood, your spirits, your whole being, to the highest pitch, so that life is triumphant, or tragic, as the case may be, and so that every day is worth a year of common life? When you sit trembling for a letter? When the whole of life is filled with meaning, double-shotted? To be sure, when you actually come to what some have called the right true end, you may find the position ridiculous, and the pleasure momentary; but novels, upon the whole, are concerned with getting there. And for that matter, what else makes the world go round?”

“Why as to that,” said Jack, “I have nothing against the world’s going round: indeed, I am rather in favour of it. But as for raising your spirits to the highest pitch, what do you say about hunting, or playing for high stakes? What do you say about war, about going into action?”

“Come, Aubrey, you must have observed that love is a kind of war; you must have seen the analogy.”

Aubreyana is coming to be as immersive a fictional world as Star Trek. There are sites in which O'Brian fans discuss the books (and everything else) at great length; fan books that collect recipes for the meals served throughout the books (including those involving rats); cds of the music played by Aubrey and Maturin; and any number of websites collecting favorite passages from the books (including my favorite "Aubreyism": Autres pays, autre merde (other countries, other s***)). Mr. Messenger lists some of the many references that have sprung up to help the reader navigate the books, but misses my personal favorite, Anthony Gary Brown's Persons, Animals, Ships and Cannon in the Aubrey-Maturin Sea Novels of Patrick O'Brian. This book delivers exactly what the title promises: a list and explanation of every person, animal, ship and cannon named in the Aubrey/Maturin, you should excuse the expression, canon.

Looking into the passage Mr. Messenger quotes above, we learn the following about Admiral Burney:

Burney, Admiral
A Captain under whom Jack Aubrey had once served, and who had himself sailed with Captain Cook. His sister was a novelist (FW 2).
James Burney (1745?-1821), a son of the composer Charles Burney (1726-1814), sailed under *Cook, as Midshipman and, from 1773, Lieutenant. Made Post in 1782, he was placed on the retired list in 1804 and not promoted Reear Admiral-still on the retired list-until 1821. His sister, Fanny Burney (1752-1840), spent her youth in the glittering literary societry cultivated by her father and published her own first novel Evelina in 1778, then going on to enjoy success with Cecilia (1782) and Camilla (1796), all about the entry of beautiful young women into the world of social experience. Fanny, also a prodigious essayist and letter-writer, in 1793 had married an exiled French Royalist General, d'Arblay; during the Peace of Amiens of 1802, they visited France but were arrested and interned until 1812. Brown at 65.
Not only is there a Captain Burney, but he really had a sister and she was really a novelist. More to the point, it turns out the Fanny Burney, whose novel Aubrey considered sad stuff, is a important novelist called, by Virginia Woolf, the mother of English fiction. The joke within the joke within the joke is that being as fine a seaman as any in the service is good qualification for being a literary critic.

O'Brian's life was likely not a happy one. O'Brian spends a surprising amount of space, for sea novels, bemoaning the lot of the writer. Publishers and book-sellers are dismissed, again and again, as descritable cheats who look only to mulct the poor writer of his fruits of his labor. (In the best of these, a sea officer-poet is complaining about publishing delays: "I was about to say they were the most hellish procrastinators--:" "Oh how dreadful," cried Fanny. "Do they go to--to special houses, or do they...") Given that a second minor theme running through the books from beginning to end is the uselessness of the aristocracy, it is somewhat ironic that the forturne O'Brian finally won with his pen ended up with his stepson, Count Nikolai Tolstoy.

At the end of his life, his writing also brought him infamy. A biographer discovered that he had abandoned his first family, including his desperately ill daughter, in order to run off with another man's wife (the erstwhile Countess Tolstoy). I am deconstructionist enough to let the books speak for themselves. Knowing that Jack Aubrey would dismiss O'Brian as a mere scrub does not, I find, much effect my enjoyment of his work. It does render parts (as when, for example, Stephen's wife abandons their seemingly autistic daughter or Stephen brushes asise another character's confession to infancticide as of no moment) retrospectively troubling.

I don't hesitate, though, to give O'Brian the last word:

'As for Gibbon, now,' said Stephen when they were settled by the fire again, 'I do remember the first lines. They ran "It is dangerous to entrust the conduct of nations to men who have learned from their profession to consider reason as the instrument of dispute, and to interpret the laws according to the dictates of private interest; and the mischief has been felt, even in countries where the practice of the bar may deserve to be considered as a liberal occupation." He thought — and he was a very intelligent man, of prodigious reading - that the fall of the Empire was caused at least in part by the prevalence of lawyers. Men who are accustomed over a long series of years to supposing that whatever can somehow be squared with the law is right - or if not right then allowable - are not useful members of society; and when they reach positions of power in the state they are noxious. They are people for whom ethics can be summed up by the collected statutes. Tully, for example, thought himself a good man, though he openly boasted of having deceived the jury in the case of Cluentius; and he was quite as willing to defend Catiline in the first place as he was to attack him in the second. It is all of a piece throughout: they are men who tend to resign their own conscience to another's keeping, or to disregard it entirely. To the question "What are your sentiments when you are asked to defend a man you know to be guilty?" many will reply "I do not know him to be guilty until the judge, who has heard both sides, states that he is guilty." This miserable sophistry, which disregards not only epistemology but also the intuitive perception that informs all daily intercourse, is sometimes merely formular, yet I have known men who have so prostituted their intelligence that they believe it.'

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


GOP courting O.C. Hispanics: And in turn, they are flattered to be wooed by chairman of party's national committee. (CINDY ARORA, 6/03/05, The Orange County Register )

The quickest route to the American dream is through the GOP, the chairman of the Republican National Committee told Hispanic community and business leaders Thursday.

"We want to make sure the American dream touches every willing heart," said Ken Mehlman. "This party is the American party."

Mehlman said the GOP's encouragement of home and business ownership, personal accountability and hard work vs. social service handouts are the American values that appeal to many Hispanics. [...]

"I think many Latinos don't know how to reach out to the Republican Party," said Helen Ramirez, coordinator for Women Helping Women in Costa Mesa. "But I think Latinos do see that this party is what America is all about."

San Clemente restaurant owner Carlos Kepler thinks the Hispanic community is finally learning about the GOP.

"It's great time for the Hispanic community to move ahead and see this," he said.

Miryam Mora, a teacher from El Monte, said she came to help prepare for her first vote as a citizen, which she expects to get in two years.

"I'm still trying to decide what party to go with," said Mora, 23.

"But it's good that now both parties are sending messages to the Latinos."

...Ken Mehlman builds.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

YOU'RE ALL IT (via Patrick O'Hannigan):

This has been bouncing around but I'd managed to avoid it until Mr. O'Hannigan sent it. At any rate, we're interested in what y'all will pick:

Total number of films I own on DVD and video: about 150.

Last film I bought: Kiki's Delivery Service

Last film I watched: Crimson Rivers II: Angels of the Apocalypse

Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:


Cool Hand Luke


Strictly Ballroom

Grand Illusion

N.B. And to add our own category: Recent addition to our frequent viewing rotation: Master and Commander

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


There's a tendency when folks put together lists of suggested summer reading to assume that readers don't want to have to think. So such lists usually have a lot of mindless thrillers and the like. It seems to me that a book can be mentally challenging but still be reasonably easy to read, in fact most of the best books are. So here's a list that won't strain your brain too much but that won't waste your time either.

These are the rough guidelines for the choices :

(1) It should be big. Five-hundred-pages-or-better big. You should be able to only take two books from the list and still have enough reading to get you through a week.

(2) It should be readable. No note-taking needed. Not a whole lot of names to remember. You should be able to pick it up and put it down again without having to reorient yourself. Most of all, you should enjoy it.

(3) Ideally it should be a book that you've been meaning to read but you've put off, probably because of its size. But now, when it's the only one, or one of the only ones, you have with you, you'll be "forced" to read it. At the same time, it should be good enough that you won't regret having brought it. No experiments.

So here are a few suggestions (with links to our reviews where applicable)(please add your own suggestions in the comments section) :

What it Takes : The Way to the White House (1992) (Richard Ben Cramer)
[A whopping 1051 pages, but you won't even notice. Available in a nice paperback edition.]
Mr. Cramer's account of the 1988 presidential campaign is an amalgam of both The Right Stuff and Moby Dick. It may be the quintessential book about America.

The Power Broker : Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974) (Robert Caro)
[1246 pages. Available in hardcover]
Mr. Caro writes biography in order to understand political power. He's in the middle of his acclaimed four volume Lyndon Johnson series, but for a
one volume masterpiece this one can't be bettered. Along with Mr. Cramer's book and All the King's Men it forms my personal triumvirate of great American political books.

Memoirs of a Superfluous Man (1943) (Albert Jay Nock? 1872-1945)
[Not 500 pages, but I never miss a chance to plug it. Hard to find, but looks to be available in paperback.]
An idiosyncratic thoroughly charming book by a conservative writing at a time when conservatism appeared dead.

The Last Hero (1990) (Peter Forbath)
[729 pages. Hard to find (though I have four copies and might be convinced to
send you one.)]
Maybe the best historical novel ever written, based on Henry Morton Stanley's expedition up the Congo to relieve the embattled Emin Pasha.

Sweet Soul Music : Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Dream of Freedom () (Peter Guralnick)
[448 pages (Close enough). Available in paperback.]
There's no better music writer in America and no better book about American music. If you take this one, you'd better bring some Solomon Burke cds too. His Elvis bio is excellent too.

All the King's Men (1946) (Robert Penn Warren 1905-1989)
[531 pages. Available in a fairly cheap hardcover.]
You might have had to read it for a class and thus ended up hating it. But it is an amazing political fable of good intentions corrupted by political power.

The Pity of War : Explaining World War I (1998) (Niall Ferguson) (Grade: A+)
[608 pages. Available in Paperback.]
I'm especially partial to authors who argue against the conventional wisdom. Mr. Ferguson takes on nearly everything you think you know about WWI.

Falls the Shadow (1989) (Sharon Kay Penman)
[580 pages. Available in paperback.]
Churchill mentions Simon de Montfort as an early hero of democracy in his History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Ms Penman takes the ball and runs with it. Went to Spring Training one year with married friends. Players went on strike. The couple fought over who got to read the book all week.

The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963 (Michael R. Beschloss)
[Looks to be out of print.]
Though Mr. Beschloss is more impressed by the handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis than I, this is a terrific, nearly novelistic, account of the utter hash that a drug-addled and sexually compromised JFK made of American Soviet relations.

The Conservative Mind : from Burke to Eliot (1953) (Russell Kirk 1918-94)
[Clocks in at 535 pages. Nice paperback edition available.]
Kirk is such a good writer that though the topic may appear dry you'll be captivated. Written in sections so if you find you're not particularly interested in one of the authors he's discussing, you can easily skip without losing anything.

Witness (1952) (Whittaker Chambers 1901-61)
[Roughly 800 pages. I'm not familiar with the edition that's available.]
Lost in the controversy between Hiss and Chambers, an understanding of which is central to comprehending mid-Century America, is the fact that Mr. Chambers was a great writer. This book is a psychodrama, a spy thriller, a courtroom story, and a testimony of faith all rolled into one.

Parting the Waters : America in the King Years (1989) (Taylor Branch)
[1064 pages. Available in paperback.]
America has no greater tale to tell than that of the successful and largely peaceful struggle for civil rights in the 1950s and 60s. Mr. Branch tells it well.

A Man In Full (1998) (Tom Wolfe 1931-)
[727 pages. Available in Hardcover.]
One assumes everyone has read The Right Stuff and Bonfire of the Vanities, but the mixed reviews on this one seem to have turned many folks off. Don't be one of them. It's a terrific satirical social novel that offers a sweeping panorama of America in the 90s.

Coming of Age in the Milky Way (1988) (Timothy Ferris)
[495 pages (so sue me). Available in a nice paperback.]
Mr. Ferris is one of the best popular science writers going--take it from someone who hates science. His history of Cosmology is a thrilling intellectual adventure.

Tai-Pan (James Clavell)
[730 pages. Available in a mass market paperback that might not be ideal for older eyes.
King Rat, Shogun and Noble House are excellent also, but Tai-pan is my favorite. A great anti-anti-colonial novel.

The Russian Revolution (1991) (Richard Pipes)
[944 pages. Available in paperback.]
As Daniel Pipes is to the war on terror, so his Dad was to the Cold War. He was the scourge of fuzzy thinking about the Soviet Union and this great history of the Revolution--from showing why it was not necessary to showing Lenin to be the father of the Terror--is unparalleled.

How Green Was My Valley (1939)(Richard Llewellyn 1906-1983)
[512 pages. Available in paperback.]
Heartbreaking look back at life in a dying Welsh mining village. You won't want it to end and won't ever forget it.

Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus (2001) (Rick Perlstein 1969-)
[671 pages. Available in Hardcover]
The book's worth buying just for the cover. Mr. Perlstein, though a self described "European-style Social Democrat", gives a fair and wonderfully readable account of the rise of grassroots conservatism, culminating in the 1964 nomination of Barry Goldwater.

Lindbergh (1998) (A. Scott Berg)
[628 pages. Available in paperback.]
All any of us remember is that he flew, he lost a child and he was a Nazi. The last is untrue. The first is far more remarkable than we realize any more. The second is heartbreaking.

And the Band Played On (1987) (Randy Shilts)
[672 pages. Available in paperback.]
Fairly even-handed history of the early years of the AIDs crisis, by one of its victims.

Modern Times : The World from the Twenties to the Nineties (Paul Johnson)
[880 pages. Available in paperback.]
Takes on the convential wisdom decade by decade.

Up in the Old Hotel and Other Stories (1992)(Joseph Mitchell? 1908-96)
[716 pages. Available in paperback.]
Mr. Mitchell was later to become a staple of fiction himself, as the writer's-blocked old fellow wandering the halls of the New Yorker, but before his pen went dry he wrote some of the best essays--mostly about New York City and its characters--that you'll ever read.

The New Dealers' War: FDR and the War Within World War II (2001) (Thomas Fleming) (624 pages) (available in paperback) Mr. Fleming offers a devastating portrayal of FDR's mishandling of the war, from underestimating the capacity of the Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor to impulsively demanding unconditional surrender from Germany to completely misapprehending the nature of Stalin.

A Better War : The Unexamined Victories and the Final Tragedy of America's Last Years in Vietnam (1999) (Lewis Sorley 1934-)
[528 pages. Available in Hardcover.]
It's a major rethinking of whether even if we weren't going to "win the Vietnam War we might have at least salvaged South Vietnam and our honor.

The Great Bridge : The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge (1972)(David McCullough 1933-)? (Grade: A+)
[640 pages. Available in a very nice Hardcover edition.]
Remarkable story about the building of an engineering marvel that the rest of the skyline eventually dwarfed, but never diminished.

Dune? (1965)(Frank Herbert? 1920-1986)?? (Grade: A+)
[528 pages.
Available in Hardcover.]
An intensely political science fiction novel. I never liked any of the sequels, but this first is terrific and stands alone quite nicely.

Ulysses S. Grant : Soldier & President (1997) (Geoffrey Perret)
[560 pages. Available in paperback.]
Mr. Perret, who writes wonderfully, challenges the caricatures of Grant and refurbishes his tarnished reputation.

Independent People (1946)(Halldor Laxness 1902-98) (Grade: A+)
[480 pages. Available in Hardcover in an excellent translation.]
If you pick this one, take two more. But if you're willing to trust me, it's just an amazing book, in which an Icelandic sheepherder becomes an "epic" hero.

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1994) (Gerald Posner)
[600 pages. Available in paperback.]
One of the great feats of debunking as Mr. Posner just shreds every last bit of the JFK conspiracy theories.

And a few more for the slightly more adventuresome palate :
Don Quijote (Part 1--1605, Part 2--1615)(Miquel de Cervantes?1547-1616)(translated by Burton Raffel)? (Grade: A+)
[Available in a Norton Critical edition paperback.]
For years, you'd start this book with every intention of reading it but be defeated by the translation. That all changed with Burton Raffel's masterful work. It's now very accessible and quite wonderful.

Possession: A Romance (1990)(A.S. [Antonia Susan] Byatt? 1936-) (Grade: A+)
[608 pages. Available in a nice Modern Library hardcover.]
A seeming chick book that none of the women I've recommended it to have much liked--just a good literary mystery.

With Fire and Sword (1899) (Henryk Sienkiewicz 1846-1916)
[1135 pages. Hard to find and it's imperative to get the Kuniczak translation (not Curtin)]
The Polish names can make for tough sledding, but once you get into it you'll fly. Sienkiewicz won the Nobel prize and richly deserved it. You might want to start with Quo Vadis?? (1896)(Grade: A+) instead.

And, for teens, see :
Mr. Doggett's Suggested Summer Reading for Students

N.B. : Wild Weasel says he's had uniformly good experiences shopping for used copies of books at ABE.

June 3, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:51 PM


Banking in accordance with the Koran (Donald Greenlees, JUNE 2, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

In Asia, Europe and North America, bankers, fund managers, business consultants, accountants and lawyers are showing a growing interest in the potential of the Islamic market.

As of mid-2004, the Islamic financial market comprised 265 banks with assets of more than $262 billion and investments of more than $400 billion, according to a report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions.

The report estimated that Islamic banking, insurance and capital markets, although still only a small part of the global industry, had been growing at 10 percent to 20 percent a year for a decade. Within 8 to 10 years, the report estimated, as much as half the savings of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims would be in Islamic banks.

Moreover, leading bankers and analysts say the development of Islamic finance has recently surged as more Muslims seek to place money in Islamic investments and the sophistication and the range of their investment choices grow. [...]

Bankers and analysts attribute the upsurge to a number of factors: historically high oil prices, leaving the Middle East awash in money; the wider choice of products now available that comply with Shariah; and greater consciousness of religious duty among wealthy Muslim investors.

"We have looked at numbers on the growth of Islamic wealth," said Ng Nam Sin, executive director of the Financial Center Development Department at the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the nation's central bank. "A large proportion is being generated from the Middle East, arising from the oil money, in addition to wealth from this region. The momentum is there for further growth and demand for Islamic finance as an alternative to conventional finance."

Shariah, which is drawn from the Islamic holy book, the Koran, and the example of the life of the prophet Muhammad, governs all aspects of a follower's life, including financial affairs.

Forbidden commercial activities include production and sale of alcohol and tobacco and investments in casinos and hotels where alcohol is sold.

One of the most basic rules of Islamic finance is the prohibition of paying interest on loans or deposits. Islam also forbids certain kinds of risk-taking, especially financial activity akin to gambling, and it encourages the linking of income to productivity, profit-sharing and equitable contracts.

In the simplest Shariah contracts, known as musharakah or mudarabah, banks avoid charging or paying interest by sharing profit and risk with the customer, effectively playing the role of equity partner.

"You should not expect huge returns for doing nothing, is basically what Islam is saying," said Vicary, a 33-year veteran of banking in Britain and the United States who converted to Islam a decade ago.

The faster they figure out how to grow their economies consistent with Islam the better.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:49 PM


The manliness of Theodore Roosevelt (Harvey Mansfield, March 2005, New Criterion)

The most obvious feature of Theodore Roosevelt’s life and thought is the one least celebrated today, his manliness. Somehow America in the twentieth century went from the explosion of assertive manliness that was TR to the sensitive males of our time who shall be and deserve to be nameless.

TR appeals to some conservatives today for his espousal of big government and national greatness, and all conservatives rather relish his political incorrectness. As a reforming progressive he used to appeal to liberals, but nowadays liberals are put off by the political incorrectness that conservatives rather sneakily enjoy. Conservatives keep their admiration under wraps because they fear the reaction of women should they celebrate his manliness. Liberals have delivered themselves, in some cases with discernible reluctance (I am thinking of President Clinton), to the feminists. Yet they too are concealing an embarrassment. Nothing was more obvious than Roosevelt’s manliness because he made such a point of it not only in his own case but also as necessary for human progress. It was being a progressive that made him so eager to be manly. Here is gristle to chew for liberals and conservatives, both of whom—except for the feminists—have abandoned manliness mostly out of policy rather than abhorrence. With the Library of America’s publication of his Letters and Speeches and The Rough Riders, An Autobiography, let’s see how Roosevelt’s manliness was at the center of his politics.

We can begin from the pragmatism of William James, who was one of Roosevelt’s professors at Harvard. Pragmatism too is favored by both conservatives and liberals today, particularly those conservatives like President Bush the First because they distrust “the vision thing,” and liberals like Richard Rorty because they believe in the vision thing but do not want to defend it with reasons. But pragmatism as James presented it was very much a philosophy for the tough-minded, the manly, as opposed to optimistic rationalists with tender temperaments. Roosevelt and James did not get on together. When Roosevelt praised the “strenuous life,” James said that he was “still mentally in the Sturm und Drang period of early adolescence.” And though Roosevelt took James’s course at Harvard, he was not a disciple of James, who might have fallen into the category of “educated men of weak fibre” whom Roosevelt was pleased to excoriate. The point of James’s criticism was his distaste for the Spanish-American war, which Roosevelt liked so much. Yet the two agreed on manliness. Roosevelt, had he taken note of pragmatism, would have been happy to begin from James’s notion of “tough-minded.”

Roosevelt’s first thought would have been to make James’s tough-minded philosophers tougher by emphasizing determination and will-power over opinions about the universe. “In this life we get nothing save by effort,” he said, dismissing God and nature by which we have the faculties that make possible our kind of effort. Roosevelt was a sickly, asthmatic child who, by the advice of his father and with constant exercise, made himself fit not only for survival but for feats of manly aggression. His father’s advice had been to lengthen the reach of his mind by strengthening his body, using sheer will-power. Roosevelt did just that. He went in for boxing, a skill that enabled him to knock people around, that must have fed his love of rivalry, and that could easily have encouraged him to exaggerate the power of will-power. He spoke frequently of “character,” but by this he meant just one character, the energetic character—forgetting other forms of determination to set one’s own course in life. He concentrated not so much on the mind as on the instrument of the mind.

Today, following James and TR, we are in the habit of calling someone tough-minded if he looks at things empirically—meaning not wishing them to be better than they are—and weak-minded if he reasons or rationalizes things as he wants them to be. Of course, if temperament controls the mind (as James argued), you are more in control when you are tough rather than tender or weak or wishful or wistful; so under that condition the advantage goes to manliness. And it also goes to men rather than women, because will-power in this view requires a stronger, more athletic body.

Thus, according to TR, manliness is in the main a construction, an individual construction of one’s own will-power. To make the construction, a man should engage in “the manly art of self-defense” against other men, but he should also seek encounters with nature in the form of dangerous animals. He must hunt. “Teddy” got his nickname from all the bears he shot, all the cubs he made orphans. A New Yorker by birth, he went to the Wild West, and became a Westerner by deliberate intent, or sheer will-power. He became a cowboy by impressing the other cowboys, a loner among loners certified with their stamp of approval. In this way the individual construction becomes social: after you have proved yourself. The theorists today who say masculinity is a social construction often give the impression that there’s nothing to it; society waves a wand and a nerd is made manly. No, it takes effort to become manly, as Teddy Roosevelt says. The more manliness is constructed, the more effort it takes. The more we admire effort like TR’s rather than the beautiful nature and noble ease of Homer’s Achilles, the more we admire will-power manliness and the more we depend on it.

Will-power manliness can also appear to have an air of desperation or can be said to be desperate underneath despite an air of confidence on the surface.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:40 PM


A Little Americanization Can Fix Europe's Economic Misery (John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, May 16, 2005, LA Times)

So what is the Continent's problem? Too many labor regulations and moribund capital markets. France and Germany have high minimum wages and rigid rules governing who you can hire and fire. (Blair was right to call the working-time directive "a hammer blow" to Britain's economy.) And the Continent's capital markets are sluggish, restricted by a "stakeholder" corporate culture — executives wedded to the status quo and not to competition. Germany had only three IPOs last year.

In a sense, the Continent is a quarter-century behind the U.S. In the mid-1970s, behemoths such as GM, GE and IBM created elaborate hierarchies of "company men" who spent their lives scheming to get bigger offices and accumulating growing commitments to their employees, in the form of pension and healthcare rights.

Two things changed this: The arrival of the Japanese, who woke up most of American manufacturing, and a new approach to using capital markets. Barbarian takeover artists such as Henry Kravis broke up giants that included RJR Nabisco. This created carnage but it also sponsored a surge in competitiveness. Smaller entrepreneurial firms were unleashed, and the big companies that survived — such as Jack Welch's General Electric — did so only by turning themselves into much more inventive organizations.

Rather, the problem is that it is far "ahead"--its post-Christianity makes its other problems unsolvable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


Cleric convicted over false rape claim (Helen Carter, May 28, 2005, The Guardian)

A minister who falsely claimed to have been raped and knocked unconscious by a mystery attacker was convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice yesterday.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:14 PM


The (Culture) War of the Word (Dennis Prager, May 29, 2005, LA Times)

A number of years ago I discovered a root cause of America's culture war. It came to me as I debated professor Alan Dershowitz about issues of Jewish concern before a 1,000 Jews at the 92nd Street "Y" in New York City. With the exception of support for Israel, Dershowitz, a Harvard liberal, and I agreed on nothing, political or religious. Toward the end of the evening I came to understand why.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I announced, "the major difference between Alan Dershowitz and me is this: When professor Dershowitz differs with the Torah, he assumes that he is right and the Torah is wrong. When I differ with the Torah, I assume that I am wrong and the Torah is right." Dershowitz responded that for the first time that evening he agreed with me.

That realization was an epiphany for me. I have come to realize that the great divide in values is not between those who believe in God and those who do not but between those who believe in a divine text and those who do not.

The quintessential modern objection to God is that: "I could do a better job than He has."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:59 PM


Japan's age 90 and older crowd now tops 1 million (Japan Times, 6/04/05)

The number of people aged 90 or older topped 1 million for the first time in 2004, according to a government white paper released Friday.

The 2005 white paper on the elderly says the number of people aged 90 or older totaled 1,016,000, including about 23,000 centenarians.

The report says the number of people aged 65 and older totaled 24.88 million as of Oct. 1, accounting for a record 19.5 percent of the nation's population, up 0.5 percentage point from a previous percentage-share record registered in 2003.

The graying population and low birthrate threaten to leave the world's second-largest economy with a labor shortage, erode the tax base and strain the pension system as fewer taxpayers try to support the expanding elderly population.

The white paper says the population will probably shrink due to the falling birthrate. Earlier this week, the government said the birthrate remained at a record low, with women giving birth to an average of 1.29 children.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 PM


EU leaders forced to calm jitters over euro (Anthony Browne, 6/04/05, Times of London)

THE political crisis that has engulfed the European Union since France and the Netherlands rejected its proposed constitution yesterday threatened to spill over and damage the euro.

Embattled EU financial leaders spent the day defending the currency, dismissing talk of its break-up as “absurd”. One senior EU official said: “Euro notes and coins are for ever, like the euro.”

They'll be mulch anon.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:58 PM


Researchers Say Intelligence and Diseases May Be Linked in Ashkenazic Genes (Nicholas Wade, NY Times, 6/3/05)

A team of scientists at the University of Utah has proposed that the unusual pattern of genetic diseases seen among Jews of central or northern European origin, or Ashkenazim, is the result of natural selection for enhanced intellectual ability.

The selective force was the restriction of Ashkenazim in medieval Europe to occupations that required more than usual mental agility, the researchers say in a paper that has been accepted by the Journal of Biosocial Science, published by Cambridge University Press in England.

The hypothesis advanced by the Utah researchers has drawn a mixed reaction among scientists, some of whom dismissed it as extremely implausible, while others said they had made an interesting case, although one liable to raise many hackles.

"It would be hard to overstate how politically incorrect this paper is," said Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard, noting that it argues for an inherited difference in intelligence between groups. Still, he said, "it's certainly a thorough and well-argued paper, not one that can easily be dismissed outright."

"Absolutely anything in human biology that is interesting is going to be controversial," said one of the report's authors, Dr. Henry Harpending, an anthropologist and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

He and two colleagues at the University of Utah, Gregory Cochran and Jason Hardy, see the pattern of genetic disease among the Ashkenazi Jewish population as reminiscent of blood disorders like sickle cell anemia that occur in populations exposed to malaria, a disease that is only 5,000 years old.

In both cases, the Utah researchers argue, evolution has had to counter a sudden threat by favoring any mutation that protected against it, whatever the side effects. Ashkenazic diseases like Tay-Sachs, they say, are a side effect of genes that promote intelligence. [Emphasis added]

Smart guy, that evolution.

My wife brought this to my attention, and is up in arms. Somehow, a scientific study suggesting that Jews are crafty, in-bred, money-lending genetic freaks doesn't thrill her. I'll simply note that this whole paper is teleological: these genetic diseases must have a purpose, we've got to figure out what it is. Ironically, those of you who believe in natural selection now have no choice but to defer to me when I tell you that it's all bunk. My intellect was naturally selected, after all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:57 PM


Diplomat wants to defect (Simon Kearney and Cameron Stewart, June 04, 2005, news.com.au)

A SENIOR Chinese diplomat is on the run with his family after abandoning his post and seeking political asylum in Australia.

Claiming he fears persecution if he returns to Beijing, Chen Yonglin, 37, the consul for political affairs at the Chinese consulate-general in Sydney, said last night consulate security staff were looking for him after he walked out of the mission seven days ago.

"They are searching for me. I heard they are looking for me everywhere, especially in the Chinese community," Mr Chen told The Weekend Australian.

"I feel very unsafe, so I seek protection."

A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesman confirmed last night that "an official from the Chinese consulate had applied to the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs for a protection visa".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 PM


Iran on rough road to WTO membership: Islamic Republic faces potentially turbulent period of crucial economic reform (Agence France Presse, 6/03/05)

[G]iven the challenges of adapting a heavily protected economy - of which an estimated two-thirds is under state control - Iranian officials acknowledge the WTO negotiation process will be a long one.

"We can and should give time to those sectors of industry or the economy that will need a few years to adjust to the WTO obligations," said Esfandiar Omidbakhsh, an Iranian Commerce Ministry official charged with the WTO issue.

"Tariffs and nontariff barriers will undoubtedly have to be decreased, and it will take three or four years to start the negotiations on WTO member access to Iran's goods and services market," he told AFP.

"We cannot look at our current economic situation as a basis for joining the WTO. We should consider what our situation could be in a 10-year period." Omidbakhsh asserted that "the WTO will not be a hell for us, contrary to what some people believe.

"It is a development opportunity, it waves an encouraging signal to foreign investors. The WTO is an obligation for us, whether we want it or not. It is inevitable." Economic change is a campaign pledge of presidential frontrunner Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, but the problem is that not everyone in the Islamic Republic agrees.

A major barrier to WTO membership, and the element of liberalization that it entails, are the powerful hardliners who have blurred the boundaries between mercantilism and politics.

To the hard-line camp, WTO membership and giving in to the forces of globalization that are beyond their control are two sides of the coin.

Got that right.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:59 PM


Romney adviser recants quote on abortion (STEVE LeBLANC, June 3, 2005, AP)

An adviser to Gov. Mitt Romney who was quoted in a political magazine as saying his boss is "faking it as a pro-choice friendly" on abortion said the phrase was taken out of context.

Political adviser Michael Murphy said the quotation in the latest National Review magazine was made as he was "discussing a characterization the governor's critics use."

"I regret the quote and any confusion it might have caused," Murphy said in a statement Thursday.

The magazine quoted him as saying of Romney, "He's been a pro-life Mormon faking it as a pro-choice friendly."

Very deft way to begin re-establishing his bona fides for the 2008 primaries.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 PM


Edwards says fighting for freedom not new (WILL LESTER, June 3, 2005, Associated Press)

John Edwards told liberal activists Thursday that despite President Bush's frequent speeches about fighting for freedom they should remember that "freedom does not belong to one political party."

President Sworn-In to Second Term (George W. Bush)
On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate the durable wisdom of our Constitution, and recall the deep commitments that unite our country. I am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.

At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history we have seen together. For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical - and then there came a day of fire.

We have seen our vulnerability - and we have seen its deepest source. For as long as whole regions of the world simmer in resentment and tyranny - prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder - violence will gather, and multiply in destructive power, and cross the most defended borders, and raise a mortal threat. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.

We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.

America's vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one. From the day of our Founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of Heaven and earth. Across the generations we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government, because no one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave. Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our Nation. It is the honorable achievement of our fathers. Now it is the urgent requirement of our nation's security, and the calling of our time.

So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.

This is not primarily the task of arms, though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary. Freedom, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of minorities. And when the soul of a nation finally speaks, the institutions that arise may reflect customs and traditions very different from our own. America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way.

The great objective of ending tyranny is the concentrated work of generations. The difficulty of the task is no excuse for avoiding it. America's influence is not unlimited, but fortunately for the oppressed, America's influence is considerable, and we will use it confidently in freedom's cause.

My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people against further attacks and emerging threats. Some have unwisely chosen to test America's resolve, and have found it firm.

We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies.

We will encourage reform in other governments by making clear that success in our relations will require the decent treatment of their own people. America's belief in human dignity will guide our policies, yet rights must be more than the grudging concessions of dictators; they are secured by free dissent and the participation of the governed. In the long run, there is no justice without freedom, and there can be no human rights without human liberty.

Some, I know, have questioned the global appeal of liberty - though this time in history, four decades defined by the swiftest advance of freedom ever seen, is an odd time for doubt. Americans, of all people, should never be surprised by the power of our ideals. Eventually, the call of freedom comes to every mind and every soul. We do not accept the existence of permanent tyranny because we do not accept the possibility of permanent slavery. Liberty will come to those who love it.

Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world:

All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.

Democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile can know: America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country.

The rulers of outlaw regimes can know that we still believe as Abraham Lincoln did: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it."

The leaders of governments with long habits of control need to know: To serve your people you must learn to trust them. Start on this journey of progress and justice, and America will walk at your side.

And all the allies of the United States can know: we honor your friendship, we rely on your counsel, and we depend on your help. Division among free nations is a primary goal of freedom's enemies. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies' defeat.

Today, I also speak anew to my fellow citizens:

From all of you, I have asked patience in the hard task of securing America, which you have granted in good measure. Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill, and would be dishonorable to abandon. Yet because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom. And as hope kindles hope, millions more will find it. By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well - a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.

A few Americans have accepted the hardest duties in this cause - in the quiet work of intelligence and diplomacy ... the idealistic work of helping raise up free governments ... the dangerous and necessary work of fighting our enemies. Some have shown their devotion to our country in deaths that honored their whole lives - and we will always honor their names and their sacrifice.

All Americans have witnessed this idealism, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes. You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself - and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.

America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home - the unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty.

In America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. This is the broader definition of liberty that motivated the Homestead Act, the Social Security Act, and the G.I. Bill of Rights. And now we will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the needs of our time. To give every American a stake in the promise and future of our country, we will bring the highest standards to our schools, and build an ownership society. We will widen the ownership of homes and businesses, retirement savings and health insurance - preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society. By making every citizen an agent of his or her own destiny, we will give our fellow Americans greater freedom from want and fear, and make our society more prosperous and just and equal.

In America's ideal of freedom, the public interest depends on private character - on integrity, and tolerance toward others, and the rule of conscience in our own lives. Self-government relies, in the end, on the governing of the self. That edifice of character is built in families, supported by communities with standards, and sustained in our national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people. Americans move forward in every generation by reaffirming all that is good and true that came before - ideals of justice and conduct that are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In America's ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak. Liberty for all does not mean independence from one another. Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbor and surround the lost with love. Americans, at our best, value the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even the unwanted have worth. And our country must abandon all the habits of racism, because we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time.

From the perspective of a single day, including this day of dedication, the issues and questions before our country are many. From the viewpoint of centuries, the questions that come to us are narrowed and few. Did our generation advance the cause of freedom? And did our character bring credit to that cause?

These questions that judge us also unite us, because Americans of every party and background, Americans by choice and by birth, are bound to one another in the cause of freedom. We have known divisions, which must be healed to move forward in great purposes - and I will strive in good faith to heal them. Yet those divisions do not define America. We felt the unity and fellowship of our nation when freedom came under attack, and our response came like a single hand over a single heart. And we can feel that same unity and pride whenever America acts for good, and the victims of disaster are given hope, and the unjust encounter justice, and the captives are set free.

We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom. Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation; God moves and chooses as He wills. We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind, the hunger in dark places, the longing of the soul. When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on liberty; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner "Freedom Now" - they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the Author of Liberty.

When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration, a witness said, "It rang as if it meant something." In our time it means something still. America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength - tested, but not weary - we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom.

May God bless you, and may He watch over the United States of America.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:32 PM


European civilisation has sown the seeds of its own decline and fall (Gerard Baker, 6/03/05, Times of London)

These twin threats — the economic challenge of fiercely competitive globalisation and a political challenge to the culturally deracinated, splintering societies — are driving Europe into debilitating turmoil.

Interestingly, these threats converge again today in modern Turkey, an economically dynamic nation of 70 million Muslims, whose hopes of ending centuries of geographical ambivalence and joining the European club were dealt a final shattering blow this week. More important, though, it was these two forces, which lay directly behind respectively the French and Dutch “no” votes, that have intensified the mood of crisis.

In their different ways, the two referendums were surely symbolic events, marking the culmination of a decade or more of European disintegration and decline.

It is probably no accident that this process began just as Europe reached the pinnacle of its achievements. Forty-five years after the Second World War, continental Western Europe could plausibly claim to have created a kind of postmodern nirvana — a half-continent-wide zone of unparalleled prosperity, cushioned by an apparently permanent peace among some of the most historically murderous peoples on Earth.

Under its expensive welfare programmes, paid for by a high level of productivity in traditional manufacturing industries, Europeans enjoyed a pampered life. With the Soviet threat gone, this accelerating prosperity further encouraged them to renounce the idea of war and military coercion, and they settled down to enjoy an assured future ascendancy.

By the beginning of the 1990s, with America in apparent decline, it seemed a reasonable bet that this extraordinary model of economic and political success would become an example to the world. But external and internal forces were already undermining this paradise.

In economics, the forces of globalisation unleashed by an emergent Asia and an information technology revolution were reviving the American eco-nomy and giving birth to new, dynamic competitors. This speed-of-light competitive world of the microchip and flexible capital markets would require nimbleness, and an end to the protections that seemed to have helped Europe to become the success story of the 1980s. The Anglo-Saxon economies, in response to their own economic crises of the 1970s, had prepared themselves for this new world with painful but necessary reforms.

But Europe looked inward, not outward. Instead of focusing on what was needed – American and British-style labour reforms, tax cuts and deregulation — Europe embarked on a quix- otic exercise. It sought to weld a dozen or more disparate countries into an unbreakable economic union, all settled snug and warm under the fraying comfort blanket of expensive welfare systems.

In the political field too, even at its zenith, Europe had been surrendering the tools that had given it peace and harmony. It owed its years of peace not to some solemn intra-European comity but to the hard steel of US firepower, primed to defend Europe from the Soviet Union. But by the early 1990s, having shed its bloody past, Europe had lost the moral will as well as the capacity to face down new threats at home and abroad to the freedoms it cherished. [...]

At home, the same moral relativism, bred by years of pampered prosperity, was creating its own destructive forces. Again, egged on by intellectual elites, Europeans were encouraged to despise the civilisation that had nurtured them. The nation state was pronounced a hateful anachronism that had to be replaced by a pan-European superstate. The West’s defining values of enlightened tolerance and freedom were not superior to anyone else’s. Crime was the fault of its own unfair societies.

Immigrants who came to its countries were not to be forced to live by its own rules but by theirs, even if that meant “honour” killings and jihad. The effort to produce tolerant, multicultural societies resulted in the paradox of radical liberal democracies such as the Netherlands enthusiastically nurturing forces at home that sought to destroy the freedoms in which they were being incubated.

So, the only things Europe lacks are the church, culture, children, competitiveness, and courage?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:24 PM


Shaq says arrangements are made for Mikan's funeral expenses (AP, June 3, 2005)

The family of George Mikan accepted Shaquille O'Neal's offer to pay for the late center's funeral expenses.

O'Neal said arrangements were finalized Friday. ``Everything's going to be handled,'' O'Neal said.

Mikan, the NBA's first dominant big man, died Wednesday night at a rehabilitation center in Scottsdale, Ariz., following a long fight with diabetes and kidney ailments. He was 80.

O'Neal said he greatly enjoyed getting to know and speak with Mikan on several occasions. Shortly after the Heat beat Detroit 88-76 in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals on Thursday night, O'Neal said he would like to handle the funeral costs.

``I heard they were having some trouble, some problems, so if you contact the Heat office, I would like to pay for the funeral,'' O'Neal said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:21 PM


Byrd, Capito race
too close to call
(Therese Smith Cox, June 03, 2005, Charleston Daily Mail)

A new poll shows Sen. Robert Byrd and Rep. Shelley Moore Capito would run neck and neck in a possible campaign for the Senate seat now held by Byrd.

An RMS Strategies Poll released today reports that 46 percent of 401 registered voters in West Virginia would vote for Byrd if the election were held now.

A total of 43 percent picked Capito, R-W.Va., though she has not announced her intention to run.

This one won't even be an upset.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:15 PM


Dean hits GOP on 'honest living' (Stephen Dinan and Amy Fagan, 6/03/05, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean yesterday said many Republicans don't make an "honest living" — the sharpest barb in a campaign-style speech to a conference of liberal activists. [...]

"Well, Republicans, I guess, can do that, because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives," Mr. Dean said. "But for ordinary working people, who have to work eight hours a day, they have kids, they got to get home to those kids, the idea of making them stand for eight hours to cast their ballot for democracy is wrong." [...]

Mr. Dean's remarks stand in contrast to a report released Tuesday by Third Way, a centrist Democratic advocacy group, that said Democrats are facing a crisis among middle-class voters and found that Republicans — at both the presidential and congressional levels — have a commanding lead among white middle-class households.

The GOP should pay for a Howard Dean infomercial where he gets to speak his mind for a half-hour every week.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:20 PM

(via Federalist Patriot):

In the supposed state of nature, all men are equally bound by the laws of nature, or to speak more properly, the laws of the Creator. --Samuel Adams

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:51 PM


Bush Poised to Nominate Dozens For Judgeships, GOP Insiders Say (Peter Baker, June 3, 2005, Washington Post)

The White House is preparing to send a raft of new judicial nominations to the Senate in the next few weeks, according to Republican strategists inside and outside the administration -- a move that could challenge the durability of last week's bipartisan filibuster deal and reignite the political warfare it was intended to halt.

The Bush administration has been vetting candidates for 30 more federal district and appeals court vacancies that have been left open for months while the Senate battled over previous nominations stalled by Democrats. Now that Democrats have agreed not to filibuster any new candidates except in "extraordinary circumstances," Republicans are eager to test the proposition.

"Republicans feel this is a good moment to move forward with judicial nominations," said Sean Rushton, executive director of the Committee for Justice, a group formed by C. Boyden Gray, who was White House counsel under President Bush's father, to support the current president's judicial appointments. [...]

No names have been publicly floated, but officials familiar with the process said they believe the nominees will be consistent with Bush's previous choices, some of whom have stirred considerable controversy among Democrats. The Bush team indicated that it plans no changes in its selection process in the wake of the Senate deal. Senate Democrats said they have not been consulted on any new nominations. [...]

The Senate confirmed one of the three Bush nominees, Priscilla R. Owen of Texas, last week and plans to open debate on another, Janice Rogers Brown of California, on Monday to be followed by a vote to close off debate on Tuesday. Republicans plan to bring the third, William H. Pryor Jr. of Alabama, to the floor later in the week.

After that, Republican leaders are considering whether to try to force votes on one of the other four not covered by the deal, William G. Myers III of Idaho, to test Democratic resolve. Democrats said they believe they have a united caucus -- excepting Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.) -- to block the other judges, meaning they would have enough votes to maintain a filibuster.

Any fresh nominations would come after that, Republican strategists said. Of 45 federal court vacancies, Bush has named nominees for 14. Except in one case, he has sent no new names all year, instead resubmitting nominations that had been blocked in the previous congressional session.

Administration officials attributed the delay in submitting nominees for the other vacancies to the transition between first and second terms in the White House counsel's office and Justice Department. But after months of examining candidates, officials said privately they are nearly ready to send up names for many if not most of those seats.

June just got more entertaining.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:42 PM


Rumsfeld warns China on lack of democracy (Carol Giacomo, 6/03/05, Reuters)

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned on Friday that China's failure to match economic freedoms with democratic reforms could raise tensions and undermine its growing influence in the world.

On way to a regional security conference that is expected to focus on China and North Korea, Rumsfeld drew a stark contrast between China and India, the world's largest democracy, which America is courting as a counter-weight to the communist nation.

"We anticipate that the relationship with India will continue to be strengthened. With respect to China, it's not completely clear which way they are going because you have the tension I characterised between the nature of their political system and the nature of their economic system," he told reporters.

Has any cabinet secretary ever had more fun?

Posted by John Resnick at 12:15 PM


False alarm in flight to New York - En route from London, jet lands in Canada as precaution (NBC News and AP, June 3, 2005)

WASHINGTON - Canadian fighter jets intercepted a Virgin Atlantic jet over the Atlantic on Friday after the aircraft emitted a signal indicating a hijacking was in progress. The pilots later said there was no hijacking, and Virgin Atlantic described the incident as a false alarm.

Homeland Security Department spokeswoman Katie Montgomery said that Virgin Atlantic Flight 45 was en route from London’s Heathrow Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, when the aircraft began emitting code 7500, which indicates a hijacking is in progress.

“Communications have been made with the pilots,” Montgomery said. “The pilots are indicating there is no hijack.”

Homeland Security is checking other indicators to confirm the pilots’ information, she said.

As a precaution, the plane landed in Halifax, Canada, and Virgin gave an "all clear" signal. A press conference was expected shortly there.

The jet is carrying 271 passengers and 17 crew.

Who could argue with that decision? All questionable or unidentifiable inbound flying objects get automatically diverted to Canada as a matter of standard operating procedure -- better security for us and it'll give the Canuks a chance to feel strategically important for a few hours.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:38 AM


Mortgage rates are puzzling; some fear quick rise (NELL HENDERSON, 6/03/05, Washington Post)

Mortgage rates were supposed to be rising by now, helping to gradually cool the nation's red-hot housing market.

The Federal Reserve has been raising short-term interest rates steadily for nearly a year. The economy is growing at a healthy pace. Energy costs are up. If history were a guide, long-term rates would be rising, too.

But they are not. Even Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has called this a ``conundrum.''

Defying predictions, U.S. mortgage rates are lower than they were a year ago and are falling. That's a large part of why home sales and prices are at record highs and are fanning worries of a real-estate investment bubble.

The rate on the average 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage nationally fell to 5.62 percent this week, the lowest rate since mid-February and below the 6.32 percent level of a year ago, according to mortgage financier Freddie Mac. The average 30-year rate in Florida fell to 5.367 percent Thursday.

''The housing market is going to be robust if rates stay where they are,'' said Freddie Mac's chief economist, Frank Nothaft. ``But it's hard for me to fathom why they would stay this low for long.''

Robust growth, deflation and a savings glut will do that.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


Black caucus retreats on 527s (Brian DeBose, 6/02/05, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Some members of the Congressional Black Caucus are teaming up with conservative Republicans to push for the first major changes in the 2002 campaign-finance reform bill, most admitting that they made a mistake in voting for the bill three years ago.

"If I had the chance to vote again, I wouldn't vote the way I voted," said Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, New York Democrat, who along with most of the CBC supported the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act after they were promised by Democratic leaders that the bill would not harm their constituents or funding bases in order to garner their support.

Three years and a failed presidential election later, black politicians saw their political grass-roots organizations starved for funds under the new rules, as so-called "527s," private political groups so named for the Internal Revenue Service code provision under which they are organized were able to raise unlimited amounts of money for partisan purposes, subsequently siphoning off the cash. [...]

In the 2004 presidential election, many of the black civic groups were supplanted by 527s, which attempted to turn out the black vote on their own, a strategy that Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, said had proven to be inadequate.

Who'd have dreamt that George Soros doesn't exactly have his finger on the pulse of black America?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


He's Not Walking Like a Lame Duck (Janet Hook, June 3, 2005, LA Times)

When President Bush first latched onto mountain biking as his favored form of exercise, he plowed over rough terrain with a distinctive technique: Even when he pedaled uphill, he refused to shift to a lower gear.

That is an apt metaphor for the way Bush is making his way through the second term of his presidency: No matter how steep the climb to his goals — to revamp Social Security, to win confirmation for his choice for United Nations ambassador, to bring stability to Iraq — Bush is pushing on, as if heedless of the enormous obstacles he faces in Congress, around the country and across the globe.

Bush's doggedness is one of many assets he has retained in his second term, and he has needed it of late as his top priorities have run into heavy weather in Congress. Democratic critics see Bush's recent troubles as evidence that he has become a lame duck who has lost leverage with lawmakers.

But many analysts — including foes of the White House — say it is premature to write off a president who holds a formidable array of political and institutional tools — and who is determined to use them.

"I don't think he is a lame duck," said Nelson Polsby, a political scientist at UC Berkeley and a Bush critic. "A lame duck is harmless, someone who people disregard because they think he can't be harmful. He still has plenty of potentiality to make trouble."

Bush's ability to influence U.S. foreign policy remains largely unchallenged. He is poised to leave a decisive imprint on the Supreme Court. Among Republicans, he is even more popular than was the icon of American conservatism, Ronald Reagan, at this point in his second term.

And despite tensions with the Republican-led Congress, Bush still enjoys a deep reservoir of goodwill among fellow Republicans for having led the party to strong congressional gains in the 2002 and 2004 elections.

"That's an incredibly powerful base to be standing on to negotiate and work with Congress," said GOP pollster Bill McInturff.

The last thing Congress did before it adjourned was give him the three most extreme judges in the history of humankind.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:13 AM


Builders See Overblown Bubble Talk (Annette Haddad, June 3, 2005, LA Times)

What housing bubble?

California home builders said this week that conditions were in place to ease the risk of a flameout in the state's sizzling housing market. Don't expect a crash, just a slowing in the rate of home price appreciation, they said.

In fact, the only B-word heard here at this week's annual West Coast convention of home builders was "build."

California builders are convinced that if they can construct more homes at a faster pace, any distortion in the real estate market will work itself out. Prices in this cycle have escalated — fueling fears of a bubble — largely because there is not enough housing to meet demand, they said. They estimate that the state needs to add 240,000 housing units a year to keep pace with population growth. They complain that regulatory and other constraints prevent them from constructing what's needed.

"Demand is strong, and supply isn't keeping up with demand," said Steve Doyle, president of the California Building Industry Assn. and the regional head of Del Mar, Calif.-based Brookfield Homes Corp

So, all that's required for folks like Paul Krugman to believe there's a bubble is to deny the most basic law of economics?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:15 AM


Village cracks down on foul-mouthed Dutch (MSNBC, June 2nd , 2005)

The name of the Lord may no longer be taken in vain in the Dutch village of Staphorst.

Staphorst, in the so-called Dutch “bible belt” of eastern towns where religion holds sway, approved a ban on swearing by 13-4 council votes.

But the caveat that swearing is not banned when it is an expression of the constitutional freedom of speech may make it difficult to punish offenders.

“A ban on swearing can be seen as a signal,” the council’s proposal said, adding a change in moral values was needed to address the underlying problem.

Past swearing bans in bible-belt villages were declared in violation of the right to free expression in 1986. One other town has such a ban -- Reimerswaal, in the southwestern province of Zeeland.

The Dutch association against swearing (www.bondtegenhetvloeken.nl), which runs national billboard campaigns to admonish the bad-mouthed Dutch, says the Bible outlaws swearing.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain,” it quotes Exodus 20:7.

One proof of how deeply social liberal orthodoxy has become embedded in much of the Western popular mind (and at the same time a reason for hope it is on its last legs) is how almost all modern struggles for freedom of speech involve fighting for the right to be obscene, to give offence and to be indecent. It’s a long descent from championing the right to criticize king and church to crossing swords over the right to curse publically, burn flags and access kiddiepo#n. That so many ordinary folks will support or acquiesce in campaigns to permit behaviours they spend years trying to ensure their kids avoid is a sign, not of tolerance and enlightenment, but of a collective psychological enslavement.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:48 AM


Heading for exciting times
(Rob Greene, Radio Netherlands, June 4th, 2005)

If the massive 'no' votes in France and the Netherlands prove anything at all it is that real democracy - government run for the people by the people - is not a system that favours politicians. That is why we have been fed, for many years, a thing that sounds and smells like democracy, but isn't. It's all an illusion. Granted, even that illusion is better than some of the other forms of government we see around the world, but it's far from ideal.

In this country, voters go to the polls on average once every five years, to elect 150 members of Parliament. Once that's done they have no say in anything (Europe, the guilder, the future of the welfare state, marching off to war in Iraq) until the next polling day. The elected politicians work out between them who shall form a government (hardly ever a government anybody wholeheartedly supports) and once the backroom deals have been done a band of worthies steps up, calls itself "the Netherlands" and proceeds to do exactly as it likes, without any further consultation with the people who put them there, who pay them and have a right to demand results.

The instinctive reaction of the politicians to the 'no' votes was, as always, to rubbish the electorate. In France, they said on the morning of 30 May, it had been horrible extremists on the left and right who'd outvoted the intelligent, responsible part of the nation. In the Netherlands, three days later, the suggestion was raised that 'the people hadn't understood what the constitution was all about'. "Perhaps we've not explained it properly", one MP suggested. Not explained it properly?! Not explained it at all, and we now know why. Never ever having given us a say, they must have thought that we'd happily swallowed all the guff they've been ramming down our throats for years.. An obedient 'yes' vote was what Jan Peter Balkenende fully expected……until two weeks before polling day. Unaware of the seething discontent at ground level and of his own deep unpopularity he handed the Dutch a referendum and boy, did they use it!

But when it comes to cynical manipulation, even the Dutch government has nothing on the unelected bunch in Brussels. Consider this: it would have seemed reasonable, wouldn't it, to put this constitution to the vote in every country of the EU……on the same day. "Europe Votes" the headlines would have read on the day itself and very likely "Europe Votes No" the following day. For, given that even a single rejection would render the project a failure, a British 'no' would have killed the constitution stone dead.

Far too risky, and that's why Brussels opted for a staggered process of ratification (and, in true undemocratic tradition, by a mere parliamentary vote in a whole raft of countries). The order was carefully chosen: first the main beneficiary Spain, then europhile France, followed by the eurodocile Dutch. Three big 'yesses' in a row right off; who was going to vote 'no' after that? And, after seeing everyone else embrace the constitution, the smart money was on the British coming round in the end. Oops!

Kudos to Mr. Greene for challenging the popular wisdom we’ve been hearing all week about how the “No” votes reflected the irrational fears of ignorant droolers and menacing extremists. For over a generation Europe’s elites have convinced themselves that democracy is a charming but ultimately irksome frill and that love of one’s country and distinct culture is irrational and dangerous. Now, they are reeling and terrified, not so much of the masses, but of their own inability to understand what has happened and figure out how their dreamy, abstract mindset can possibly be molded to the popular will. We recommend therapy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:36 AM


Italy minister says should study leaving euro-paper (Reuters, 6/03/05)

Italy should consider leaving the single currency and reintroducing the lira, Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni said in a newspaper interview on Friday.

Maroni, a member of the euro-skeptical Northern League party, told the Repubblica daily Italy should hold a referendum to decide whether to return to the lira, at least temporarily.

He also said European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet was one of those chiefly responsible for the "disaster of the euro."

The euro "has proved inadequate in the face of the economic slowdown, the loss of competitiveness and the job crisis," Maroni said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:05 AM


A shaky filibuster deal (Mike Rosen, June 3, 2005, Rocky Mountain News)

It's no surprise that these wavering Republicans were lauded in the dominant liberal media as great compromisers. Media liberals don't want conservative justices on the federal bench any more than Senate Democrats do. Personally, I suspect their celebration is premature. If Senate Democrats honor the spirit of the compromise, they won't block reasonable nominees with a filibuster. (Since they've now agreed to allow a vote on Judges Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown, these must be reasonable nominees. If that's the standard, Senate Democrats will be hard pressed to declare other nominees "extraordinary" simply because they're conservative.) In that case, there won't be any Democratic filibusters, which will be fine with Senate Republicans.

I'm not holding my breath on that outcome. The greater likelihood is that the deal won't hold up. That it'll only postpone the inevitable showdown. For Senate Democrats, the battle over circuit court nominees is the under card. The main event is the Supreme Court. The last Supreme Court justice confirmed under a Republican president was Clarence Thomas (who wasn't filibustered, by the way.) Democrats don't want something like that to happen again. The prospect of someone like Judge Janice Rogers Brown, a black conservative woman, making her way to the Supreme Court petrifies them as a threat to their coalition, peeling off traditional Democratic voters to Republicans.

Of the Republican defectors, Sens. Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Lincoln Chafee are liberals. John McCain is a free agent with his own agenda who relishes his role as the favorite Republican of media liberals. These were never reliable votes to break the Democratic logjam.

That leaves John Warner, Mike DeWine and Lindsey Graham, who are nominally conservative. If Senate Democrats renege on their deal and invoke the "extraordinary circumstances" option cavalierly to filibuster reasonable nominees, Warner, DeWine and Graham have intimated that the compromise will be void and that they'll be free to support the revision of Rule XXII.

We'll see how it turns out.

Nothing lost, much gained.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:00 AM


Immaculate Destruction (FRANCES FITZGERALD, 6/03/05, NY Times)

[T]he idea of putting weapons in space has its roots in American national mythology and in a strain of 19th-century strategic thinking that, curiously enough, seems quite close to that of the Bush administration. [...]

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Midwestern Republicans, among them Senator Albert Beveridge of Indiana and Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, promoted similar strategies. They were isolationists in regard to Europe, which they considered the corrupt Old World, but they rivaled Theodore Roosevelt in their enthusiasm for American imperial adventures to the south and the west. They therefore became advocates of a powerful navy, for it could defend American shores against European powers and extend American reach through the Caribbean and into the Pacific. Later they resisted plans for enlarging the Army because the only function of a large army, as they saw it, would be to intervene in European conflicts. With the advent of the airplane, they championed the air force as a substitute for boots on the ground.

In effect their strategy was to project power while remaining isolated: in terms of the national mythology, they wanted America to pursue its God-given mission abroad while remaining the virgin land. While the Democrats would fight land wars, compromise and negotiate, Midwestern Republicans would preach the American way of life and command the world from the heights of the air and the distances of the sea. Their ideal would surely have been space weaponry.

The tragedy of the 20th Century is that Democrats did indeed drag us into wasteful and futile land wars. Even Iraq demonstrates the danger that if you have a large standing army you'll use it, no matter how inappropriate to the task at hand.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:00 AM


Cracking the Nest-Egg Problem: A fundamental question colors the debate over Bush's personal-account plan: Is Social Security intended more for savings or for insurance? (Warren Vieth and Joel Havemann, June 3, 2005, LA Times)

[I]n the view of Bush's political opponents, his sales pitch is based on a false comparison between social insurance programs and retirement savings accounts, as well as assumptions about future investment returns that may prove unrealistic.

"The sort of support provided by Social Security is really hard to replace in the private sector," said Kenneth Apfel, Social Security commissioner during President Clinton's second term.

Nevertheless, the nest-egg anecdotes have become a staple of Bush's roadshow remarks.

"If you're a 20-year-old making $8 an hour … you'll end up with a nest egg of $100,000 when you're 63," Bush said Thursday. "If you're a police officer and a nurse … when you retire, both of you will have a combined nest egg of $669,000."

Bush wants Congress to let workers born in 1950 or later divert a third of their Social Security payroll taxes into investment accounts they would control. These accounts would be part of a broader plan to ensure Social Security's solvency by reducing the future growth of government-provided benefits for upper-income and medium-wage workers.

Although the accounts by themselves would do nothing to close Social Security's long-term funding gap, Bush contends that their bigger investment returns would help future retirees recoup the benefit reductions needed to shore up the system.

Bush's argument is based on his assertion that Social Security returns 1.8% on the investment of average workers who contribute payroll taxes to the system over a lifetime.

By contrast, the White House says, a personal account containing a conservative mix of stocks and bonds would earn an average return of 4.6% a year, assuming the nation's financial markets perform as well in the future as they have in the past.

But the president's critics don't buy that argument. When Bush contrasts the 1.8% rate of return on traditional Social Security with the 4.6% projected return on stocks and bonds, they say he might as well be comparing apples and aardvarks.

If you want to make an omelette you've got to crack a few apples.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:39 AM


Europa: 50 years of rationality interrupted in France (Richard Bernstein, International Herald Tribune, June 3rd, 2005)

Now French thinkers are among the last to recognize something else: that economic liberalism and free-market economics are the best ways to ensure that countries will be, as Fabius put it, "social" and "human." French thinkers have been caught many times in the past having ideas more or less independent of any empirical basis - preferring lofty Cartesian speculation to fact-finding, or expecting reality to conform to concept rather than the other way around.

And so, the steady bashing of the "Anglo-Saxon model" was largely unaccompanied by any serious examination of the Anglo-Saxon world.

Never mind that France has suffered 10 percent unemployment for a quarter of a century and that British levels are currently about half of that, even as British social services at least rival those of France. As the French lawyer and commentator Nicolas Baverez pointed out, in the 1970s the British GNP was 25 percent less than that of France; now it is 10 percent higher. Ireland, once the poor man of Europe, has a higher per capita income than France.

But the French chattering classes hardly examined those facts, burying them under the comforting conviction that the French "social" and "human" system was superior and had to be defended.

This is an idea that both Chirac and Fabius reiterated ad nauseam from their opposite sides of the constitution debate, never bothering to define terms or to refer to any concrete circumstances. Examination turned into catechism. Ditto for the concept of globalization, which was denounced repeatedly, demonized, presented as an unmitigated scourge, but never explained.

As Le Monde's Alain Frachon put it: "There was a new ritual: you had first to declare yourself against liberalism in order to gain the right to speak in the public arena."

Or, as the much reviled former EU commissioner for the internal market, Frits Bolkestein, put it in The Financial Times: "How social is an economic model that throws up 12 percent unemployment as in Germany, or 10 percent as in France?"

The French, as always, thought they were defending what they call "les acquis," the things earned over the decades of struggle for social justice. And, as the political philosopher Pierre Hassner reminded me, citing Aron, the French have always put more stock in égalité than in liberté.

"The tendency, when the going gets bad," Hassner said, "is to close the doors and try to find scapegoats" - the latter in the latest instance being Brussels, or ultraliberalism, or the Anglo-Saxon model, with nary a suggestion that there might be some French fault at work as well.

The big difference with past behavior is that the French have spent the last 50 years building Europe as part of an entirely rational and reasonable effort to defend their national interest. Why they have departed from that tradition seems to have to do with what Serge July, editor of Libération, called "delirium." It has little to do with French tradition.

We all have to hope, for the sake of la gloire, la patrie, and the rest of us, that they will come to their senses. As we "Anglo-Saxon" ultraliberals used to say years ago, watching the French sing "La Marseillaise" at that critical moment in "Casablanca": Vive la France.

The French always come to their senses in American movies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 AM


A Race to the Top (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 6/03/05, NY Times)

It was extremely revealing traveling from Europe to India as French voters (and now Dutch ones) were rejecting the E.U. constitution - in one giant snub to President Jacques Chirac, European integration, immigration, Turkish membership in the E.U. and all the forces of globalization eating away at Europe's welfare states. It is interesting because French voters are trying to preserve a 35-hour work week in a world where Indian engineers are ready to work a 35-hour day. Good luck.

Voters in "old Europe" - France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy - seem to be saying to their leaders: stop the world, we want to get off; while voters in India have been telling their leaders: stop the world and build us a stepstool, we want to get on. I feel sorry for Western European blue collar workers. A world of benefits they have known for 50 years is coming apart, and their governments don't seem to have a strategy for coping.

If he really cares about Frenchmen anbd Germans, which would be inexplicable, he should feel guilty--it was the Marshall Plan and NATO that rescued their secular social welfare systems and doomed their nations in the first place.

Brussels is burning (Jonah Goldberg, June 3, 2005, Townhall)

One of the fascinating factors in the French referendum was that anti-Americanism of one kind or another motivated both yes and no voters. The yes voters were interested in, among other things, creating the sort of European superstate the French have envisioned for decades. The no voters were concerned that the EU Constitution would usher in American-style "ultraliberalism" (one thing the Europeans do have going for them is they still use the word "liberal" correctly).

The French have absurdly lavish social welfare policies, particularly for the middle class and for workers. Opening France to more economic competition threatens their cushy perks.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


Syria Test-Fires 3 Scud Missiles, Israelis Say (STEVEN ERLANGER, 6/03/05, NY Times)

Syria test-fired three Scud missiles last Friday, including one that broke up over Turkish territory and showered missile parts down onto unsuspecting Turkish farmers, Israeli military officials revealed Thursday.

These were the first such Syrian missile tests since 2001, the Israelis said, and were part of a Syrian missile development project using North Korean technology and designed, the Israelis contend, to deliver air-burst chemical weapons. The missiles included one older Scud B, with a range of about 185 miles, and two Scud D's, the Israelis say they believe, with a range of about 435 miles.

Little was especially startling about the tests, Israeli officials said, except the embarrassment to Turkey - a member of NATO - and the timing, during the Lebanese elections.

The Israeli military officials said they interpreted the launchings as a gesture of defiance to the United States and the United Nations by the Syrian president, Bashir al-Assad, who has been pushed in a humiliating fashion to remove Syrian troops from Lebanon since the assassination of the anti-Syrian politician, Rafik Hariri.

Saves cooking up WMD myths.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


German rightists plan to seize day (Carter Dougherty, JUNE 3, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

With the prospect of taking power after national elections in September all but certain, Germany's center-right parties are coalescing around plans for a sweeping collection of economic changes covering health care, taxation and labor policy that would at once knock government finances into shape and improve conditions for business.

Opposition parties, keenly aware of the nearly five million jobless whose distress accelerated the political slide of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, are also looking at measures advocated by most economists to reduce the cost and risk of hiring new workers.

Angela Merkel, who was unanimously nominated Monday as the opposition candidate for Schröder's job, and an incipient center-right coalition is laying the groundwork for a campaign emphasizing the need to make painful choices on economic policies, even as it fights among itself over details.
But the overall willingness to tackle unpopular measures distinguishes this German electoral season from nearly every one in the past decade, analysts said.

It they're Rightists shouldn't it be the "political slide of [Leftist] Chancellor Gerhard Schröder"?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


DUTCH RUB FOR EU CONSTITUTION: Europe's Existential Crisis (Charles Hawley, 6/02/05, Der Spiegel)

Whereas European politicians are embracing the idea of a super state, European citizens are unwilling to let go of the nation state. And the people now, finally, have been given a voice to raise their concerns.

That, at least, was the tune Dutch constitution opponents were singing on Wednesday. "When two-thirds of the parliament are for the constitution and two out of three people in this country are against it," said constitution opponent and parliamentarian Geert Wilders, "then that is a sign that a lot is going wrong." The refrain was taken up by Socialist Party politician Gerrie Elfrink. "We in Holland, we feel Dutch," he said. "We want to work together with France, Germany and England. But we want to be Dutch. Europe exists only in the minds of politicians in Brussels."

Opponents of the constitution weren't alone in driving that point home. "Once again, the vote has shown how deep the divide is between the citizens and the (parliament) is," wrote the Dutch daily de Volkskrant.

This, of course, is the populist lesson delivered by the vote: It's now the people's turn to rise up against leaders who many feel have fallen out of step with their citizens. It's a lesson which should be taken to heart.

There's also another to be learned here. Namely, that politicians elected to represent the populace often have an entirely different set of concerns than the voters themselves. Whereas Europe's politicians continue evoking the EU as a bulwark of peace and stability (witness the Dutch government's ill-conceived television advertisements prior to the vote which threatened that a No vote was a vote for war), citizens of the EU's founding members see dangers coming at them from all sides -- be it the possibility of eventual Turkish membership or the much-maligned "Polish plumber." Representative democracy focuses on issues of regional stability and macro-economics. But direct democracy is more concerned with national sovereignty and the pocket book.

Members and supporters of the Socialist Party celebrated the No vote on Wednesday night.
Members and supporters of the Socialist Party celebrated the No vote on Wednesday night.
And make no mistake, the referenda in both Holland and France were not about the constitution itself so much as they were -- in large part -- votes of fear. The French, as Timothy Garton Ash pointed out in a column in the Guardian this week, are afraid of losing their jobs to cheaper workers coming from the new Eastern European member states. They are afraid of immigration from Poland, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and other new and potential club members. Generally, they are afraid of change. The Dutch fear losing control of their socially liberal policies on euthanasia and marijuana. In immigration and integration, they now see a vexing problem. And like the French, they are concerned about the exodus of jobs to countries with lower wages.

With the populist cat now out of the bag, however, Europe must now figure out where to go next. It faces a profoundly existential set of questions. Has the EU gone too far in passing an ever-lengthening list of regulations controlling more and more aspects of Europeans' lives? Has it over-extended itself by a massive enlargement that grew from 15 to 25 in 2004 and will jump to 27 in two years, with even more on the horizon? Is "peace in Europe" still enough of a motivation for European integration on a continent where many countries now take that concept for granted?

Forget Europe's existential crisis, what about the question of whether Europeans are going to exist?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Completing the Watergate picture (Pat Buchanan, June 3, 2005, Townhall)

And so it turns out that the two most famous investigative reporters of all time were a pair of stenographers for an FBI hack who was ratting out President Nixon for passing him over as director.

That corrupt cop, Mark Felt, should be named co-winner of the 1973 Pulitzer Prize given to The Washington Post. For it appears Felt swiped the research for the Post's Watergate stories from FBI files, while Woodward did rewrite and Bernstein was on the coffee-and-Danish run.

The Post was scooped on the outing of "Deep Throat" by Felt's family. Understandably. The Felts resent that Woodward and Bernstein got rich and famous, while 91-year-old Mark, who did the dirty work, is feeding pigeons at the nursing home. The Felts now want their cut of the swag. Deep Throat was right, "Follow the money!"

Richard Nixon was a personally corrupt sleaze whose liberal domestic policies and apopeaement of Communism did terrible damage to the nation and the world--he deserved far worse than he got. But the honorable thing for Mr. Felt to do would have been to resign and tell everything he knew in public. It was his civic duty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Howard Dean's Raised Voice Isn't Raising Cash (Eamon Javers and Richard S. Dunham, 6/06/05, Business Week)

Dean wowed the faithful in '04 with his Web-based fund-raising magic. But major business donors still count, and in his new role as party honcho, the feisty doctor seems to be struggling to connect. After achieving money parity with the GOP in 2004, Democrats have fallen far behind. According to the Federal Election Commission, the DNC raised $14.1 million in the first quarter of 2005, vs. the Republican National Committee's $32.3 million. Dean drew about 20,000 new donors, while his rivals picked up 68,200. The bottom line: Republicans have $26.2 million in the bank vs. $7.2 million for the Dems.

Why the yawning gap? For starters, Dean is not a natural fit for the "stroke and joke" style that traditional party chiefs use to extract cash from well-heeled contributors. "It appears that the chairman has come to the conclusion that he doesn't need major donors," sniffs one fat cat. "He hasn't made any effort to reach out."

Personality factors aside, Dean's business-bashing '04 campaign makes him a hard sell in corporate circles. "There's a wait-and-see attitude from business and major contributors," says Nathan Landow, a Maryland developer and big-time donor. "This guy has some work to do to get the comfort level up." William W. Batoff, a Philadelphia real estate developer and longtime Democratic fund-raiser who backed President Bush in 2000 and 2004, is less diplomatic. "Howard Dean is the wrong person to be chair," says Batoff, who claims he will help fund the Dems' congressional efforts but will boycott the national committee while Dean reigns.

They brought him in to do for the national party what he did for his own campaign--kind of pointless then to complain that he's strangling it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Bush S.E.C. Pick Is Seen as Friend to Corporations (STEPHEN LABATON, 6/03/05, NY Times)

[U]nlike the Supreme Court, where Justice Souter has a lifetime appointment, the S.E.C. provides the White House with an immediate opportunity to tip the balance of the five-person commission in a more favorable direction.

Mr. Cox - a devoted student of Ayn Rand, the high priestess of unfettered capitalism - has a long record in the House of promoting the agenda of business interests that are a cornerstone of the Republican Party's political and financial support.

A major recipient of contributions from business groups, the accounting profession and Silicon Valley, he has fought against accounting rules that would give less favorable treatment to corporate mergers and executive stock options. He opposes taxes on dividends and capital gains. And he helped to steer through the House a bill making investor lawsuits more difficult.

That measure, which Congress adopted over President Bill Clinton's veto, was hailed by business groups, which say it has reduced costly and frivolous cases.

Presumably he's the Secretary of the Treasury in waiting.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


UK rejects 48-hour working limit (JAMES KIRKUP, 6/03/05, The Scotsman)

THE government yesterday flatly opposed a European Union attempt to impose a maximum 48-hour working week on British workers.

The defence of the British opt-out from the working time directive drew praise from industry groups and condemnation from trade unions.

Alan Johnson, the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, had been forced to defend the opt-out amid opposition by his own Labour colleagues.

Last month, Labour MEPs defied instructions from the party in London and voted to impose the 48-hour cap on British workers.

At a Luxembourg summit yesterday, Mr Johnson mounted a strong defence of the current arrangement, pointing out that Britain's flexible labour laws have delivered an unemployment rate much lower than that in other European economies.

"We strongly support the freedom for companies to have the flexibility to offer additional hours where necessary, and for workers to have the freedom to choose to work longer hours, without coercion, where it suits them to do so," Mr Johnson said.

Tony Blair is neither Labor nor European.

June 2, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:45 PM


Anurag Kashyap Wins National Spelling Bee (Associated Press, June 02, 2005)

"Appoggiatura" was music to 13-year-old Anurag Kashyap's ears. Correctly spelling the word that means melodic tone, he clinched the 2005 national spelling bee championship.

An eighth-grader in Poway, Calif., Anurag ran into his father's arms and burst into tears. He said he felt "just pure happiness." [...]

Anurag, a straight-A student at Meadowbrook Middle School — his favorite subject is science — tied for 47th in last year's spelling bee. That experience "helped me to know what I should study to ... like, win this thing," he said, repeatedly hiding his face behind his cardboard number.

Tied for second place were 11-year-old Samir Patel, who is home-schooled in Colleyville, Texas, and Aliya Deri, 13, of Pleasanton, Calif.

Dang immigrants, they come here and take all the positions that require intelligence, dedication, familial support, hard work...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:39 PM


Can the rich, famous save Social Security? (Dennis Cauchon, 5/31/05, USA TODAY)

Can Tiger Woods save Social Security?

The question is not as far-fetched as it sounds. President Bush broke political orthodoxy April 28 when he proposed that Social Security benefits grow more slowly for "better off" workers than low-income workers.

The president's proposal raised the tantalizing question: Can Social Security be fixed on the backs of the wealthy — leaving most Americans unscathed?

The populist theme of targeting the affluent has become one of the most talked-about approaches for solving the retirement system's financial problems. Like his call for individual investment accounts, the president's willingness to discuss treating the rich and poor differently has opened a new chapter in the Social Security debate.

Taxing all income and capping benefits would fix Social Security — mathematically, at least. The program would run a permanent surplus if all income — including the millions earned by athletes, movie stars and corporate tycoons — were subject to the 12.4% Social Security tax and if benefits for the affluent were capped at current levels, according to the Social Security Administration.

Americans say they like the idea of making the rich pay more and get less. More than two-thirds support cutting benefits for the affluent and applying the Social Security tax to all income, not just the first $90,000 earned, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll in February. [...]

Call it the Tiger Woods effect. The nation's highest-paid athlete — $80 million last year, Forbes magazine estimates — illustrates how Social Security tax hikes and benefit cuts would work:

•Cut Woods' benefits: The golfer's benefit would be reduced by about $3,500 a year starting in 2042 when Woods turns 67, under the plan mentioned by Bush.

•Tax Woods' first $140,000 of income: The golfer would pay an extra $6,200 a year if the amount of income covered by the Social Security tax were raised from $90,000 to $140,000, a figure on the high end of recent proposals.

•Tax all of Woods' earnings: The golfer would pay $10 million in Social Security taxes a year, up from $11,160.

Social Security's long-term deficit — $3.7 trillion over 75 years — is so severe that little short of $10 million a year from Tiger Woods and comparable amounts from other rich people will bring the system into balance.

If the wealthy paid 12.4% payroll taxes on all their income but kept their current benefits, Social Security's deficit immediately would become a projected $540 million surplus, the Social Security Administration estimates. [...]

Social Security is well known for helping reduce the number of elderly living in poverty from 35% in 1960 to 10% today. Less well known is the program's payoff for the affluent.

The program's biggest benefit checks go to retirees living in the 1.5 million households that enjoy $100,000 or more in annual income. These households receive an average of about $19,781 a year in Social Security benefits, according to the Internal Revenue Service. That's about $6,000 a year more than households earning less than $100,000. Dole, 81, says he gets $2,120 a month.

The key is to reduce the benefits far more drastically and starting at a much lower level of post-retirement wealth and to combine all this with private accounts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:38 PM


Bush's Term II: a slow road: Despite setbacks, the president carefully keeps options open on the key issue of Social Security. (Linda Feldmann, 6/03/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

When asked at this week's press conference whether he was losing momentum, he replied first with some successes - bankruptcy legislation, class-action lawsuit reform, and the long-delayed confirmation of a federal judge. But the bulk of his answer focused on initiatives that are stalled in Congress - energy legislation, Central American free trade, and Social Security. And he sought to put the onus for success on the legislators, speaking of "the standard by which Congress should be judged."

Ultimately, say presidential scholars, no one should count Bush out. He is a seasoned political operator, going back to his father's presidency, and it is clear from the way he speaks that he knows how Washington works. On Social Security, he has not repeated President Clinton's fatal error of laying down an ultimatum on healthcare reform. And Bush says he won't put forth draft legislation on Social Security, because "the first bill on the Hill is always dead on arrival." He has left himself wiggle room for a deal.

"I would be astonished if something does not emerge from the Hill on Social Security which he declares success on," says Fred Greenstein, an emeritus professor of political science at Princeton University. It may not contain precisely the kind of personal accounts that he wants, Dr. Greenstein surmises, but given Bush's longstanding personal devotion to the concept, it will probably have "some token in the direction of private accounts."

As the generally awful prescription drug bill showed, Washington is the kind of place where if you keep the pressure on long enough something gets done. It is the nature of the SS reform fight that when that moment comes it will be seen as a presidential victory. If there are any kind of personal accounts and/or means-testing included in the reform it will be a victory in fact, as well as in perception.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


Indian oil minister to push for proposed Iran-India gas pipeline via Pakistan: Talks between Mumbai and Islamabad to start this weekend (Agence France Presse, June 03, 2005)

Indian Oil Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar is hopeful upcoming talks with Pakistan on a proposed route for a gas pipeline from Iran will lead to an agreement that attracts companies and finance for the multi-billion-dollar project.

Aiyar will travel to Islamabad at the weekend to meet his counterpart Amanullah Khan Jadoon to discuss a proposed 2,775-kilometer energy corridor in Pakistan to deliver gas from Iran's South Pars field to the Indian border.

"If security and other issues are resolved with Pakistan, I would say construction could begin with all deliberate speed in three years," Aiyar told AFP.

"This could be an international consortium or other entity. We are only a customer right now, but security and other agreements will make this project viable for investors." Aiyar said from India's side, the actual construction of the pipeline would be the job of Iran and Pakistan. India's role would be to negotiate a price for the gas if the pipeline reaches its border.

Sometimes it takes a story like this--unimaginable pre-9-11--to show you how fast the world is changing for the better.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 PM

WHY WOULD WE WANT THEM TO PLAY IT? (via David Hill, The Bronx):

National Anthem Snubbed At Meadowlands (1010 WINS, 6/02/05)

U.S. and international soccer officials are puzzled over the acting governor's outrage that the "Star-Spangled Banner" was not played before a match between England and Colombia.

Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey, who attended Tuesday's match at Giants Stadium, was steamed when he realized that the U.S. national anthem would not be played along with the anthems of the countries in the match.

He said he immediately asked game organizers why it wasn't played and was told, "Governor, we're really very sorry. The British people don't want to hear it," The Star-Ledger of Newark reported in Thursday's newspapers.

"When you have two countries you host so they can play each other, and have the anthems of both countries played but decide not to play the anthem of the host country, well that's about as absurd as it gets," Codey said Thursday. "What could they possibly be thinking?"

Aren't all matches just preceded by "Y.M.C.A."?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 PM


British move to suspend vote deepens European rift (Rosemary Bennett and Anthony Browne, 6/03/05, Times of London)

BRITAIN is leading moves to shelve the European constitution until EU leaders agree a way forward after the emphatic “no” vote in France and the Netherlands.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, is expected to tell MPs on Monday that legislation paving the way for a British referendum will be suspended until there is “clarity” from EU leaders.

Officials in Brussels fear that suspending the ratification process is tantamount to killing it, and European leaders have demanded that the process continue despite the defeats.

But other countries facing tough referendum battles signalled that they may follow Britain’s lead, deepening the rifts within the Union.

At Downing Street next week Tony Blair will meet Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish Prime Minister, who is said to be “sympathetic” to calls for a postponement.

Denmark is due to hold a referendum in September, but a poll last night showed that the “yes” camp’s eight-point lead has suddenly turned into a nine-point deficit.

The funny thing is that they know it will keep losing, the French just don't want to be the only ones with bloody hands.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


Bush presses fair elections for Mideast (JENNIFER LOVEN, 6/02/05, Associated Press)

President Bush prodded Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday to provide a model for other Mideast nations to follow by holding genuinely democratic and contested presidential elections.

On another international subject, Bush resurrected a legal term that raises the prospect of U.S. actions in response to atrocities in the conflict-ridden Darfur region of western Sudan. He noted that last year his secretary of state at the time, Colin Powell, had "with my concurrence, declared the situation a genocide." [...]

After a 10-minute phone call with Mubarak, Bush said he pressed the Egyptian leader to hold "as free and fair elections as possible."

"Now is the time for him to show the world that his great country can set an example for others," Bush told reporters from the Oval Office following a meeting with South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Bush said Mubarak assured him "that's just exactly what he wants to do." He also appeared pleased that Mubarak has asked his attorney general to investigate the beating of protesters voting last week on a referendum that cleared the way for Egypt's first contested presidential election.

Bush has promised to make the spread of democracy the primary focus of his second-term foreign policy. That pledge meets a key test in Egypt, the world's largest Arab country and a key U.S. ally in the war on terror.

Impossible, the pundits keep assuring us he won't pressure allies and doesn't care about Darfur. I deny that this happened.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:42 PM


U.S. student population at highest level (BEN FELLER, June 2, 2005, AP)

Leave it to today's school kids to trump their baby boomer parents. A total of 49.6 million children attended public and private school in 2003, beating the previous high mark of 48.7 million - set in 1970 when the baby boom generation was in school.

The growth is largely due to all the children born in the late 1940s to early 1960s, who have since become parents themselves, the Census Bureau said Wednesday. Rising immigration played a part, too.

"You could have predicted this back in 1970 when we had all those kids," said Mark Mather, a demographer for the Population Reference Bureau, which assesses population trends. "We knew they were going to have kids of their own. We have this classic echo effect going on."

The point, obviously, is that no other Western nation still enjoys the classic echo.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:35 PM


Bid to let gays marry fails: Assembly bill falls short by six votes, but backers will seek reconsideration today. (Jim Sanders, 6/02/05, Sacramento Bee)

Legislation to make California the second state to permit gay marriage was rejected by the Assembly early today, marking the latest twist in a fiercely contested national movement.

The bill failed passage by six votes on its second roll call, shortly after midnight.

The final tally came nearly five hours after an initial vote that sparked a flurry of behind-the-scenes lobbying and arm-twisting but didn't change anyone's mind.

Assemblyman Mark Leno, a San Francisco Democrat who wrote the measure, AB 19, said it will be reconsidered today.

"I'd have loved to see it happen tonight – but it's not over until it's over," Leno said. The Assembly faces a Friday deadline for either rejecting or approving, then sending to the Senate, any bill written by its members.

Leno said the vote on AB 19 marked the first time a gay marriage bill has reached the floor of any state legislature without court action. Massachusetts legalized gay marriage last year but did so only after its Supreme Judicial Court ruled that failure to do so would violate state constitutional rights to equal protection.

Leno's hopes for passing AB 19 lie with Democrats who abstained from voting on the roll calls Wednesday and early today.

"It's a tenuous network of undecideds who need to simultaneously cast a vote," Leno said. "I think after a good night's sleep and further encouragements, I'm still hopeful that we can prevail."

The final tally on the gay marriage bill was 35 yes and 37 no. The bill needs six additional votes for passage.

Democrats, who control the Assembly, were split on the measure. Five Democrats voted against the bill, while one other Democrat was absent and seven did not cast ballots.

Republicans were united in opposing AB 19, arguing that state voters rejected gay marriage five years ago by passing Proposition 22, which said that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

Why does the Left hate democracy so much?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:22 PM


Civil Rights Group Plans Bush Judge Attack (DAVID ESPO, 6/02/05, (AP)

Renewing the struggle over President Bush's judicial picks, a civil rights group intends to launch a limited ad campaign this week attacking Janice Rogers Brown as a "radical judge" unworthy of confirmation to the appeals court.

If they include an image of her--undoctored--in the ad we'll put a soccer team's emblem on this page for a week.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:08 PM


Student Scores Climb Strongly Across the City (DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, 6/02/05, NY Times)

New York City public school students achieved strong gains on the citywide reading and math tests this year. They were led by fifth graders, who posted extraordinary increases in the face of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's blunt threat to make them repeat the grade if they did poorly on either exam.

Mr. Bloomberg said the results proved that his decision to hold failing fifth graders back, ending the practice of social promotion, had been effective, raising achievement.

The mayor proclaimed the new scores, coming just two weeks after strong results on statewide reading tests for fourth graders, another testament to his stewardship of the school system - a three-year period that he hailed as "a new era of hope for our city's public schools."

The scores showed a steep drop in the number of fifth graders who scored too low to earn automatic promotion, to 5,636, or 8.9 percent of eligible pupils, from 14,695, or 22.4 percent, last year.

Officials said that struggling fifth graders had benefited from Saturday classes offered for the first time this school year. Pupils needing extra help and who did not attend the classes were almost twice as likely to fail to earn promotion as similar pupils who attended 21 or more Saturday sessions. [...]

"Our reforms are working," Mr. Bloomberg declared, as he announced the results yesterday at the Education Department headquarters. "We have made more headway in improving students' classroom performance than at any time in the city's recent history."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:03 PM


Minneapolis Lakers great George Mikan dies (Dan Barreiro, June 3, 2005, Star Tribune)

George Mikan, professional basketball's first dominant big man, who led the Minneapolis Lakers to five NBA championships, has died, family members said Thursday. He was 80.

He was considered the Babe Ruth of basketball's first half-century, and was the heart and soul of the Minneapolis Lakers, the game's first true dynasty.

As the 10-year-old marbles champion of Will County, Ill., Mikan was given the opportunity to travel to Comiskey Park in 1934 to meet Babe Ruth before a White Sox-Yankees game.

Mikan asked Ruth to hit a home run. Ruth agreed, and later stepped up to the plate and delivered. "For a moment," Mikan later wrote, "I thought he could perform on command."

The basketball world would come to think no less of the Will County, Ill., marbles champion.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:05 PM


N.Korea calls U.S.'s Cheney a 'bloodthirsty beast' (Jon Herskovitz, 6/02/05, Reuters)

North Korea called Vice President Dick Cheney a "bloodthirsty beast" on Thursday, in response to Cheney saying the North's leader Kim Jong-il was irresponsible and ran a police state.

"Cheney is hated as the most cruel monster and bloodthirsty beast, as he has drenched various parts of the world in blood," a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by Pyongyang's official KCNA news agency.

What wouldn't you give to have the Norks say that about you?

Got to love an administration where when John Bolton gets kicked upstairs the VP takes over the cage-rattling.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:00 PM


Math Doesn't Add Up for a Democrat-Run Senate: The party needs to win seats in Bush territory for any realistic chance to retake the chamber. (Ronald Brownstein, May 31, 2005, LA Times)

Growing Republican dominance of Senate seats in states where George W. Bush has run best looms as the principal obstacle for Democrats hoping to retake the chamber in 2006 or beyond.

With the recent struggle over judicial nominations underscoring the stakes, the battle for Senate control could attract unprecedented levels of money and energy next year.

Democrats are optimistic about their chances of ousting GOP senators in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, states that voted for Democratic presidential candidates John F. Kerry in 2004 and Al Gore in 2000. But the Democrats are unlikely to regain a Senate majority — in 2006 or soon thereafter — unless they can reverse the GOP consolidation of Senate seats in states that have supported Bush. [...]

Twenty-nine states voted for Bush in 2000 and in 2004. Republicans now hold 44 of the 58 Senate seats in those so-called red states. That's a much higher percentage of in-party Senate seats than Presidents Reagan and Clinton were able to claim in states they carried twice.

More important, on the strength of those states alone, the GOP is on the brink of a majority in the 100-member Senate.

Democrats are just as strong in the states that voted for Kerry and Gore. But there are only 18 of those so-called blue states; Democrats hold 28 of those 36 Senate seats.

Republicans also hold four of the Senate seats in the three states that switched parties from 2000 to 2004 — New Mexico, New Hampshire and Iowa.

This distribution makes it virtually impossible for Democrats to regain a majority simply by defeating GOP senators from blue states, such as their two top targets for 2006 — Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania and Lincoln Chafee in Rhode Island.

The brutal reality for Democrats is that the natural breakdown of the Senate is roughly 60-40.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:03 PM


Border Volunteers Not So Welcomed in Texas (LYNN BREZOSKY, June 2, 2005, The Associated Press)

The controversial civilian patrol group that helped capture hundreds of illegal immigrants along the Mexico-Arizona border and won praise from California's governor is getting a pre-emptive cold shoulder in Texas.

Minuteman Project organizer Chris Simcox warned that if Congress didn't buttress the U.S. Border Patrol with National Guard or other military troops this summer, the patrol would deploy to California in August and Texas in October.

But although Minuteman organizers said nearly 1,000 volunteers from around the country were ready, Texas civil rights groups, clergy, newspaper editorial boards and politicians are folding up the welcome mats. [...]

The Minuteman Project drew international attention in April when volunteers showed up in Arizona to prove the border could be secured simply by putting more personnel there. While they didn't apprehend immigrants, Simcox said the group alerted the Border Patrol to suspicious behavior and helped catch 335 immigrants.

Yet the Texas border differs from the Arizona border in key ways.

Most of the Texas land is privately owned, so Minutemen would need landowners' permission to be there. The border also is overwhelmingly Hispanic and more urban, and Minutemen opponents wonder how the volunteers will distinguish illegal immigrants.

Opponents also fear the movement is fomenting racial hatred.

"I don't think that there's any doubt that there's a tinge of racism beneath the surface in their attempt to try to stop immigrants from Mexico," Hinojosa said. "Why don't they do that in Canada?" [...]

After protesters in California threw rocks and unopened soda cans at police and attendees at a speech by Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, Simcox called the protesters "brown supremacists."

When we worked on geoseismic crews in Texas many of our co-workers were illegals. When we'd get a rare day off folks would head to Mexican whorehouses if the crew was close enough to the border. The you'd have to smuggle the illegals back in. How are these guys going to stop stuff like that?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:54 AM


A Town's Struggle in the Culture War (BRUCE WEBER, 6/02/05, NY Times)

In April, at an otherwise mundane meeting of the school board here, Brittany Hunsicker, a 16-year-old student at the local high school, stood up and addressed the assembled board members.

"How would you like if your son and daughter had to read this?" Miss Hunsicker asked.

Then she began to recite from "The Buffalo Tree," a novel set in a juvenile detention center and narrated by a tough, 12-year-old boy incarcerated there. What she read was a scene set in a communal shower, where another adolescent boy is sexually aroused.

"I am in the 11th grade," Miss Hunsicker said. "I had to read this junk."

Less than an hour later, by a unanimous vote of the board (two of its nine members were absent) "The Buffalo Tree" was banned, officially excised from the Muhlenberg High School curriculum. By 8:30 the next morning all classroom copies of the book had been collected and stored in a vault in the principal's office. Thus began a still unresolved battle here over the fate of "The Buffalo Tree," a young adult novel by Adam Rapp that was published eight years ago by HarperCollins and has been on the 11th-grade reading list at Muhlenberg High since 2000. Pitting teachers, students and others who say the context of the novel's language makes it appropriate for the classroom against those parents and board members who say context be damned, it is a dispute illustrative of the so-called culture war, which, in spite of its national implications, is fought in almost exclusively local skirmishes. The board was set to meet the evening of June 1 to reconsider its decision.

"We're absolutely middle-American," said Joseph Yarworth, the schools' superintendent for the last nine years. "And we're having an argument over our values." [...]

Muhlenberg is a township of modest homes and 10,000 people or so, a bedroom community for the city of Reading, in the southeastern quadrant of the state. It is conservative politically and almost entirely white, and there are a growing number of evangelical Christians. Miss Hunsicker had just returned from a two-week church mission in Honduras when, encouraged by her mother, she made her public complaint.

But the town is not militantly right wing. It is significant that even the more vociferous opponents of the book did not insist it come off the school library shelves (though thieves apparently took care of that). In fact, on April 14, as soon as Dr. Yarworth discovered that an overzealous underling had had copies of the novel stored in the school vault, he ordered them returned to storage in classrooms so it could still be read by students who sought it out.

"I wanted us to comply with the narrowest possible interpretation of the board's decision," Dr. Yarworth said.

Dr. Yarworth should run a European nation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:42 AM

2005 I.D.:

MIDEAST'S SPRINGTIME OF DEMOCRACY (Saad Eddin Ibrahim, May 26, 2005, The Jordan Times )

Election results around the Middle East mark a new trend: Islamist political parties — those that base their platforms on Islamic law — are highly popular. Where elections are held, Islamists do well: Hamas among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza; the religiously-oriented Shiite coalition in Iraq; a parliamentary faction in Morocco and, most significantly, the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey.

Democracy movements in Lebanon, Egypt, and elsewhere in the region must face the challenge of incorporating Islamist parties into democratic systems. But can the Islamists be trusted? If they rise to power, will they respect the rights of minorities and women and leave office when voted out? Will they tolerate dissent? Or will such elections be based on "one man, one vote, one time?"

As a sociologist, I have been studying these issues for 30 years. As an inmate of an Egyptian prison, I discussed them with my fellow prisoners, many of whom were imprisoned as supporters of Egypt's Islamic movement. My conclusion? Islamist parties are changing.

These parties understand the social transformations under way in the Middle East that are leading towards democracy, and they want to take part. In my view, we may be witnessing the emergence of Muslim democratic parties, much like the rise of Christian Democratic parties in Europe in the years after World War II.

Hopefully the Islamic Democratic parties can avoid the pitfalls that their Western doppelgangers fell into, emphasizing the latter at the expense of the former.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:34 AM


Striking out inflation (Larry Kudlow, June 1, 2005, Townhall)

Dick Fisher is the spanking new president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and a voting member of the Fed’s open market committee policy arm. A terribly bright guy, he is somebody who reads the research memos and looks at the data. He may be a Democrat -- he served as deputy trade representative in the Clinton administration -- but he’s my kind of Democrat. In short, he’s a pro-market, pro-business free-trader who doesn’t think profit is a dirty word.

So when Fisher told CNBC that “We’re clearly in the eighth inning of a tightening cycle,” he wasn’t just tossing any old baseball analogy at the economy. He was saying he believes Fed monetary policy has done a good job at containing core inflation. [...]

To be sure, Fisher is hardly speaking from left field. The indicators soundly back him up.

The oil-price shock has not spilled over into non-oil or non-energy price increases. The core consumer spending deflator (excluding food and oil) -- Alan Greenspan’s favorite price measure -- has been steady at only 1.6 percent growth over the past eight months.

What’s more, sensitive commodity and market-price indicators that tend to lead inflation have turned down with a vengeance. This includes gold, raw materials, and Treasury-bond rates. Meanwhile, the difference between long- and short-term interest rates, known as the slope of the Treasury yield curve, has narrowed substantially, though it still remains positive and normal. These are all signs that inflation is contained and well within the Fed’s target range.

Similarly, The Wife hung garlic around the house and it has kept us absolutely free of vampires.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 AM


Western liberalism proving to be only idea left standing (Victor Davis Hanson, 6/02/05, Jewish World Review)

[2]005 is a culmination of dying ideas. Despite the boasts and threats, almost every political alternative to Western liberalism over the last quarter-century is crashing or already in flames.

China's red-hot economy — something like America's of 1870, before unionization, environmentalism and federal regulation — shows just how dead communism is. Will Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba go out with a bang or a whimper? If North Korea's nutty communiqués, Hugo Chavez's shouting about oil boycotts and Castro's harangues sound desperate, it's because they all are.

Fascism has long vacated its birthplace in Europe. The fragments of the former Soviet autocracy are democratizing. The caudillos are gone from Latin America. The last enclave of dictators is the Middle East. Yet after Saddam's capture in a cesspool, their hold is slipping, too. There will probably not be an Assad III or a second Mubarak.

The real suspense is whether the Gulf royals can make good on their promises of reform and elections. Will they end up like pampered Windsors or go the ignominious way of the Shah? In desperation, the apparatchik journalists in the state-controlled Arab press are damming the United States, the avatar of change. Syria breaks all relations with America, even as it leaves Lebanon and is terrified of the Iraqi experiment.

Then there is bankrupt Islamic fundamentalism. The zealots can always tape a beheading or turn out a few thousand to burn an American flag. But the Taliban are gone from power. Iran is facing popular disgust at home, while its desperate nuclear plots are waking up even a comatose Europe. And the promise of a return to the 8th century has always had an appeal limited to a few thousand pampered elites, like bin Laden, Dr. Zawahiri or Zarqawi. These losers figured they might become Saladins if they convinced an Arab populace that the Jews and America, not their own corrupt regimes, kept them poor. Now they are reduced to ranting about the evils of freedom and democracy.

Oil, terror, anti-Semitism and hating America gave the fundamentalists some resonance, but there were never any ideas. The Islamicists offered nothing to galvanize the Arab masses other than nihilism. That doctrine feeds or employs no one. Instead, we witness the creepy threats and the pyrotechnics of a lunatic ideology going the way of bushido and the kamikazes.

Why all these upheavals?

Global communications now reveal hourly to people abroad how much better life is in Europe than in the Middle East and Asia — and how in America, Australia and Britain the standard of living is even better than in most of Europe.

Of course, we knew all this two centuries ago, but it takes a lot of proving.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:52 AM


A social and fiscal conservative (Marvin Olasky, June 2, 2005, Townhall)

In the early '90s, Newt Gingrich called him "the most exciting Republican in the country." Jack Kemp said he was "the gold standard when it comes to political leadership in America today." Can anyone guess his name?

The name is Bret Schundler, now 46, and he's trying to win a second New Jersey gubernatorial nomination in next Tuesday's GOP primary. This race and the November finale, if his candidacy survives, are significant outside this capital city of a tiny state because few northeastern Republicans are willing to be identified publicly as conservative, evangelical and pro-life.

The youngest of nine children, Schundler graduated from Harvard in 1981, helping to pay his way by washing dishes and cleaning bathrooms. He worked for a liberal congressman and on Gary Hart's campaign in 1984, and those experiences helped him to see that, in general, "Democrats care more about the constituencies making money from social programs than about the people supposedly being helped." He saw government programs typically hurting rather than helping: "The government was making people homeless." [...]

[N]ow Schundler is trying again with "one simple message": Binding annual caps on state, county, municipal and school spending, with those caps to be exceeded only if voters approve. This would result in lower property taxes. It's essential in New Jersey to keep it simple, because the state has no major television stations: Candidates have to buy expensive ads on New York City and Philadelphia stations, which give almost no coverage to New Jersey politics.

Polls have shown Schundler in a tight race with pro-choice-on-abortion Doug Forrester; other conservatives are far behind. Schundler could (if moderates truly tolerated conservatives) bring together the fiscal and social conservative wings of the GOP by saying no to high taxes, abortion and same-sex marriage, but he needs a breakthrough.

He's not going to beat John Corzine so why not wait and run for his Senate seat?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM


Just Say 'Non' (Anne Applebaum, June 1, 2005, Washington Post)

[O]ne of the most remarkable characteristics of the European Union is the ability of its leaders to keep building their institutions and expanding their power, not only ignoring but self-righteously ignoring European voters. In the months before its adoption, when opinion polls showed that most Germans were also opposed to a single European currency, I asked a German politician whether this bothered him. No, he said: The job of a politician is to explain to the people what is good for them, not the other way around.

But the democratic deficit was built into the European project from the beginning, and it has grown along with Europe's institutions. For Europe is not, in fact, a nation; the European Commission is not, in fact, a sovereign government; and the European parliament actually has rather narrow powers and limited legitimacy. Nevertheless, the European Union writes more European law every year and influences a wider range of policies, from environmental regulation to arts subsidies to the length of the workweek. As a result, Europe's national parliaments are less important than they used to be, and national debates matter less too. Why argue about something you can't influence?

So far, the popular response to this erosion of democracy -- which has coincided with an economic slowdown in much of Europe, as well as a wave of North African and Eastern European immigration -- has been an anguished and inchoate series of "anti-establishment" protest votes. In no particular order, I would count among these the surprise second-place showing of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the last French presidential election; the success of the maverick Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, before his assassination; the unexpected support for the Austrian anti-immigration politician Joerg Haider; the growing numbers of Belgians who vote for a Flemish nationalist party that could theoretically divide their country; and of course, the anti-constitutional campaigners in France and the Netherlands.

Although all of these politicians have had different agendas, they shared a common Euro-skepticism, as well as a common nationalism -- or a common patriotism, if you want to be more positive about it.

No, nationalism and statism cover it.

2 'No' Votes in Europe: The Anger Spreads (RICHARD BERNSTEIN, 6/02/05, NY Times)

Some are calling it a divorce; others, a disenchantment. Whatever you call it, the French "non" on Sunday and the Dutch "nee" on Wednesday have clearly left the European Union's proposed constitution a dead letter for now, frustrating the efforts of Europe's leaders to move to the next stage of integration.

The impasse could stall efforts to develop common foreign policies and push the euro, a potent symbol of unification, into a downward spiral.

But there is something at stake here far broader than the constitution itself, which the Dutch rejected emphatically on Wednesday, 61.6 percent to 38.4 percent, according to unofficial results.

There is a disaffection, perhaps even a rebellion, against the political elites in France, Germany and Italy.

The governing parties of the left and the right are saying the same things to their people: that painful, free-market economic reforms are the only path toward rejuvenation, more jobs, better futures. And the people, who have come to equate the idea of an expanded Europe with a challenge to cradle-to-grave social protections, are giving the same answer: We don't believe you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


How Mark Felt Became 'Deep Throat': As a Friendship -- and the Watergate Story -- Developed, Source's Motives Remained a Mystery to Woodward (Bob Woodward, June 2, 2005, Washington Post)

In 1970, when I was serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and assigned to Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, the chief of naval operations, I sometimes acted as a courier, taking documents to the White House.

One evening I was dispatched with a package to the lower level of the West Wing of the White House, where there was a little waiting area near the Situation Room. It could be a long wait for the right person to come out and sign for the material, sometimes an hour or more, and after I had been waiting for a while a tall man with perfectly combed gray hair came in and sat down near me. His suit was dark, his shirt white and his necktie subdued. He was probably 25 to 30 years older than I and was carrying what looked like a file case or briefcase. He was very distinguished-looking and had a studied air of confidence, the posture and calm of someone used to giving orders and having them obeyed instantly.

I could tell he was watching the situation very carefully. There was nothing overbearing in his attentiveness, but his eyes were darting about in a kind of gentlemanly surveillance. After several minutes, I introduced myself. "Lieutenant Bob Woodward," I said, carefully appending a deferential "sir."

"Mark Felt," he said.

I began telling him about myself, that this was my last year in the Navy and I was bringing documents from Adm. Moorer's office. Felt was in no hurry to explain anything about himself or why he was there.

This was a time in my life of considerable anxiety, even consternation, about my future. I had graduated in 1965 from Yale, where I had a Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps scholarship that required that I go into the Navy after getting my degree. After four years of service, I had been involuntarily extended an additional year because of the Vietnam War.

During that year in Washington, I expended a great deal of energy trying to find things or people who were interesting. I had a college classmate who was going to clerk for Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, and I made an effort to develop a friendship with that classmate. To quell my angst and sense of drift, I was taking graduate courses at George Washington University. One course was in Shakespeare, another in international relations.

When I mentioned the graduate work to Felt, he perked up immediately, saying he had gone to night law school at GW in the 1930s before joining -- and this is the first time he mentioned it -- the FBI. While in law school, he said, he had worked full time for a senator -- his home-state senator from Idaho. I said that I had been doing some volunteer work at the office of my congressman, John Erlenborn, a Republican from the district in Wheaton, Ill., where I had been raised.

So we had two connections -- graduate work at GW and work with elected representatives from our home states.

Felt and I were like two passengers sitting next to each other on a long airline flight with nowhere to go and nothing really to do but resign ourselves to the dead time. He showed no interest in striking up a long conversation, but I was intent on it. I finally extracted from him the information that he was an assistant director of the FBI in charge of the inspection division, an important post under Director J. Edgar Hoover. That meant he led teams of agents who went around to FBI field offices to make sure they were adhering to procedures and carrying out Hoover's orders. I later learned that this was called the "goon squad."

Here was someone at the center of the secret world I was only glimpsing in my Navy assignment, so I peppered him with questions about his job and his world. As I think back on this accidental but crucial encounter -- one of the most important in my life -- I see that my patter probably verged on the adolescent. Since he wasn't saying much about himself, I turned it into a career-counseling session.

I was deferential, but I must have seemed very needy. He was friendly, and his interest in me seemed somehow paternal. Still the most vivid impression I have is that of his distant but formal manner, in most ways a product of Hoover's FBI. I asked Felt for his phone number, and he gave me the direct line to his office.

I believe I encountered him only one more time at the White House. But I had set the hook.

Enchanting profession.

In the Prelude to Publication, Intrigue Worthy of Deep Throat (TODD S. PURDUM and JIM RUTENBERG, 6/02/05, NY Times)

This was not the way that Bob Woodward expected to tell the last chapter of the Watergate story that he and The Washington Post had owned for more than 30 years.

Mr. Woodward, a one-man Washington media machine, has long soared high above normal journalistic rivalries. But this week, in the wake of Vanity Fair magazine's disclosure that W. Mark Felt was his secret source Deep Throat, it became clear that Mr. Woodward had been facing months, and even years, of competitive pressure from an unlikely source, the Felt family itself.

On Wednesday, word came that the family of Mr. Felt, the ailing, 91-year-old former No. 2 official of the F.B.I., had sought payment in vain for his story after failing to reach a collaborative agreement with Mr. Woodward - not only from Vanity Fair, but also from People magazine and HarperCollins Books. They are apparently still determined to claim their share of the story that helped make Mr. Woodward a famous millionaire.

"It's doing me good," Mr. Felt told reporters outside his home in Santa Rosa, Calif., when asked how he was reacting to the publicity. "I'll arrange to write a book or something, and collect all the money I can."

Mr. Woodward's longtime book publisher, Simon & Schuster, now plans to rush his own, long-planned book on his relationship with Mr. Felt into print this summer, as early as July, according to a senior publishing executive who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Time to cash in.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 AM


Debate must continue, European leaders say (Graham Bowley, JUNE 2, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

The ratification of the European Union constitutional treaty must go on, Europe's leaders declared on Wednesday even after the Netherlands followed France and overwhelmingly rejected the treaty in a national referendum.

Seeking to play down the sense of crisis, the European Union refused to pronounce the constitution dead.

"The debate must continue," said Jean-Claude Juncker, prime minister of Luxembourg and the current holder of the rotating EU presidency.

And so the EU enters its L. Ron Hubbard phase...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:42 AM


Blair faces a struggle to avoid referendum (FRASER NELSON, 6/02/05, The Scotsman)

TONY Blair was last night facing a concerted campaign from European Union leaders to keep the ratification process alive - and force Britain to pass its official judgment.

Jose Manuel Barroso, the head of the European Commission, implored the 13 EU countries which have not yet ratified the process to "avoid any unilateral initiatives" by declaring it dead before they meet in a fortnight’s time.

Germany, Ireland, Greece, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have all called for the ratification process to keep going until every country has had its say.

Legally, the Prime Minister can only be released from his pledge to ratify the constitution by a unanimous vote of the 25-member European Council. Last night, the chances of this seemed slim

Legally? Who's going to make him?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:07 AM


Reach out, America (Mortimer Sellers, JUNE 2, 2005, International Herald Tribune)

[W]hat many Americans do not yet understand is that rejection of the European constitution also poses a serious threat to the interests of the United States and to the American project of human rights and democracy that has brought so many benefits to Europeans and to the rest of the world since the end of World War II.

I spent the two weeks leading up to the referendums speaking about the probable results with lawyers and professors of constitutional law in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. Their nearly universal consensus was that although the no vote would be bad for Europe, it would be worse for trans-Atlantic relations. Unless the United States acts quickly to strengthen its ties with Europe, the Western alliance will begin to break down, recreating the conditions that led to the two world wars last century.

Many of the Europeans I spoke with seem poised on the edge of two possible new attitudes. The "old" Europe, led by France and Germany, can turn inward, in opposition to America and the less wealthy Eastern European states. Or all of Europe can join the United States in a broader, looser coalition built on the values of democracy, human rights and economic development for all.

We've saved them too enough, time to put them out of our misery.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM

E UNIQUE (via Robert Schwartz):

Euro sinks further after ‘break up’ talk (Steve Johnson, June 1 2005, Financial Times)

The under-fire euro fell further on Wednesday, slumping to an eight-month low against the US dollar amid rumblings over the long-term future of the eurozone.

The fresh selling was prompted by a report claiming that Hans Eichel, the German finance minister, and Axel Weber, the president of the Bundesbank, were present at a meeting at which the possible break-up of European Monetary Union was discussed.

The German Bundestag is also said to have commissioned a report on the legal repercussions of a country wishing to leave the EMU.

Germany’s finance ministry labelled the talk “absurd”, while Mr Eichel and Mr Weber issued a statement saying the euro was a “unique success story”. But the damage had been done.

Abject failure is certainly a unique kind of "success."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Why Europe will self-destruct just like the Soviet Union (Garth George, 02.06.05, NZ Herald)

That the breach happened in France comes as no surprise, for the French are probably the most nationalistic, insular and xenophobic of all Europeans.

The court action to suppress courtroom videotapes by the undercover Rainbow Warrior killers, Mafart and Prieur, is simply further evidence - although none is needed - of the selfishness and arrogance of this insufferable race.

It would have been interesting if Germany had held a referendum instead of deciding the constitution issue in the Bundestag. But Gerhard Schroeder wasn't as silly as the doddering Jacques Chirac. He probably knew that a referendum would be doomed to failure in a country in which neo-Nazism flourishes mainly as a result of European Union racial liberalism.

And I wonder, too, what the results might have been had Austria and Italy asked their populations to decide. Greece, too, with Turkey knocking on the EU's door.

In Britain, which to its credit has remained more at arm's length from the EU than most, Tony Blair seems sure to think twice about the referendum planned for next year because there is nothing surer than that the Brits would deliver an even stronger "no" than the French.

How anyone can believe that this assortment of nations can form such an intimate relationship and make it last is beyond me, although I'm sure it makes perfect sense to the post-modernist utopianists who devised it and built it.

They seem to think that history can be ignored, that nationhood, race, ethnicity and culture developed and nurtured over thousands of years can suddenly be subsumed to a perceived "good".

They seem to think that in this New Age of political correctness, ancient rivalries - often virulent hatreds - can be overcome and forgotten as if they had never happened. The whole of European history says bollocks to that.

But, once again, the post-modernists hold sway, the multiculturalists who believe that all cultures are equivalent and thus can live together in harmony. World history says bollocks to that, too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Europe's balancing act: The 'social model' is fraying, but the Continent is wary of raw capitalism. So now what? (Peter Ford, 6/02/05, The Christian Science Monitor)

For decades, European leaders have proudly offered their "social model" as a beacon to the world, marrying free markets with strong welfare systems to guarantee their citizens both prosperity and security.

But as the Continent ponders its future in the wake of voters' rejection of a European Constitution that sought to balance those two goals, the European model is fraying at the edges. Profound disagreement exists over how to make it meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. [...]

One constitutional phrase, guaranteeing "free and unfettered competition" across the EU economy, generated especially strong hostility in France.

Jeremy Rifkin, author of "The European Dream" and adviser to European Social Democratic governments, worries that the debate has been limited to a contest between unfettered market capitalism and democratic socialism. "Europe has lost sight of the need for a model that stimulates the market and understands its failure to distribute wealth fairly," he argues.

That was exactly what the "social market model" was meant to do. But under the pressure of global competition, it is under fire from both right and left, for being either too social, or too market oriented.

The core human conflict is, has been, and will always be, between security and freedom, but the notion that the modern Anglo-American model involves some kind of raw Social Darwinism, with the economically unfit left for dead, is simply deranged.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Bush picks Cox to head SEC - report (Jennifer Inez Ward, June 1, 2005, MarketWatch)

President George Bush plans to nominate Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., to replace William Donaldson as chairman the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a published report Wednesday night. [...]

The 52-year-old Cox, an ally of business groups, has represented conservative Orange County, Calif., since 1988. Cox left the Reagan administration, where he was a member of the White House counsel's staff, to run for Congress.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers gave Cox an approval rating of 95% in 2004, while the National Federation of Independent Businesses gave him a perfect 100%.

Mr. Cox is almost always rumored for bigger and better jobs, but this seems like an odd one to take unless he's on-deck for Secretary of the Treasury. Still, he's yet another great pick by the President.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


Minorities support 'racist' tests (Jonathan Zimmerman, 6/02/05, CS Monitor)

Last week, a group called the New York Collective of Radical Educators staged a protest against standardized testing.

Responding to recent reports about substantial gains for fourth-graders on citywide reading and writing examinations, the group argued that the improved scores reflect "drill-and-kill" test-preparation activities rather than real learning. Worst of all, protesters maintained, the entire testing enterprise discriminates against racial minorities. For blacks and Hispanics especially, they said, standardized tests inhibit academic achievement and increase the dropout rate.

The only problem is, blacks and Hispanics don't see it that way.

Over the past decade, public opinion surveys have demonstrated overwhelming support among racial minorities for high-stakes testing. In a 2003 study by the Pew Hispanic Center, for example, three-quarters of Latinos said that standardized tests "should be used to determine whether students are promoted or can graduate." Two-thirds agreed that the federal government "should require states to set strict performance standards for public schools," as mandated under President Bush's No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.

Likewise, African-Americans favor high-stakes tests by large margins. To be sure, activist groups like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People have criticized NCLB and state graduation exams. But the black rank and file tell another story.

According to a 1998 survey by Public Agenda, nearly 8 of 10 African-American parents want schools to test children and publicize black-white achievement differences, just as NCLB requires.Only 28 percent say that standardized tests are "culturally biased" against black children, as critics often maintain. Many of these critics work at schools of education, where the standardized test serves as a symbol of everything that's wrong with American teaching.

Public education is an issue upon which the GOP can break the Democratic coalition. The interests of the unions and cultural elites are antithetical to those of black and Hispanic parents and their school age kids.

June 1, 2005

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:26 PM


Viewpoints on String Theory: Sheldon Glashow (The Elegant Universe, NOVA)

NOVA: When you first heard of string theory, what did you think of it?

Glashow: String theory has had a long and wonderful history. It originated as a technique to try to understand the strong force. It was a calculational mechanism, a way of approaching a mathematical problem that was too difficult, and it was a promising way, but it was only a technique. It was a mathematical technique rather than a theory in itself. Later on this primitive string theory that existed in the 1970s became combined with the theory of supersymmetry—which is another development in particle physics, a very interesting development that may have experimental consequences or not—to form superstring theory, which is very elaborate and very mathematical and founded on the principle that we must form a quantum theory that describes all of the forces of nature, including the force of gravity.

Now, the force of gravity is known to be very weak, and that means that it involves a parameter of distance that is many, many powers of ten smaller than the size of the proton or the smallest sizes that we can or will investigate in the laboratory. Conversely, it means that quantum gravity becomes apparent at energies that are simply far beyond the reach of any particle accelerator that exists or any accelerator that is ever likely to exist.

“The string theorists have a theory that appears to be consistent and is very beautiful, and I don’t understand it.”

So the nature of the quest to form a theory of all of the forces of nature, including gravity, drives on to a domain of energies and distances that is inaccessible to the experiment. No experiment can ever check up what's going on at the distances that are being studied. No observation can relate to these tiny distances or high energies. All we can do is look at the distant consequences, 10 or 20 orders of magnitude removed from these effects.

The string theorists have a theory that appears to be consistent and is very beautiful, very complex, and I don't understand it. It gives a quantum theory of gravity that appears to be consistent but doesn't make any other predictions. That is to say, there ain't no experiment that could be done nor is there any observation that could be made that would say, "You guys are wrong." The theory is safe, permanently safe. I ask you, is that a theory of physics or a philosophy?

NOVA: Is it science then, if it's not testable?

Glashow: What the string theorists do is arguably physics. It deals with the physical world. They're attempting to make a consistent theory that explains the interactions we see among particles and gravity as well. That's certainly physics, but it's a kind of physics that is not yet testable. It does not make predictions that have anything to do with experiments that can be done in the laboratory or with observations that could be made in space or from telescopes.

NOVA: If it's not testable, how useful is it?

Glashow: It leads to many interesting ideas. It is important in mathematics. String theory has had an impact on modern mathematics. They may even have a practical impact some day, these things that string theorists do. One never knows, just as number theory, the most useless of the mathematical sciences, has given us cryptography and has given us a secure way to encode information. The string theorist may also produce something equally useful. May. So it is science, it is physics, it is mathematics. It does stimulate ideas in related fields.

But in and of itself, it has failed in its primary goal, which is to incorporate what we already know into a consistent theory that explains gravity as well. The new theory must incorporate the old theory and say something more. String theory has not succeeded in this fashion. String theory has said something more, but it does not incorporate the details of the structure that preceded it, that is to say the standard theory of elementary particles. Until it does that, it is not yet physics in a conventional form. It is a perhaps promising corner of physics that may some day say things about the world. But today they're saying things about string theory to one another.

NOVA: Is there any danger in this for physics in general?

Glashow: There is today a disconnect in the world of physics. Let me put it bluntly. There are physicists, and there are string theorists. Of course the string theorists are physicists, but the string theorists in general will not attend lectures on experimental physics. They will not be terribly concerned about the results of experiments. They will talk to one another.

“We don’t listen to them, and they don’t listen to us.”

At Harvard today there's a very strong group of string theorists upstairs on the fourth floor of the Jefferson Laboratory. Each week there are visitors from around the world giving lectures. I've occasionally attempted to attend these lectures. I can't understand the titles, and I can't understand the lectures, and it's not just me. I think most theoretical physicists who are not themselves string theorists could not possibly follow these lectures. In other words, we don't listen to them, and they don't listen to us. We can't understand them, and what we do is not of any direct interest to them.

It is a new discipline. Unfortunately, many of us have nothing in common with them, and many of them have nothing in common with us, except intellectually. Just as there's a biology department that I respect and understand a little bit, there's a philosophy department that I respect and understand a little bit, so there's a string theory structure. That's a problem, I think, in physics.

NOVA: Why is it a problem?

Glashow: The physics and astronomy enterprises in this country spend a great deal of money to do experiments on Earth and in the heavens. There are orbiting observatories, there are laboratories deep underground, there are accelerators in many countries, and these guys produce a lot of data in order to lead us to construct a better and more useful theory of nature. And it turns out that the best and the brightest young theorists, instead of being concerned about the experimental enterprise, are going off among themselves and doing their thing with the doors closed. Because no one else is interested in coming, they're all making these secret signs to one another and putting incomprehensible formulas together that to them are, of course, central and simple and predictive and whatnot but to us are a little bit irrelevant.

Now, what happens if there are suddenly some major experimental discoveries? There is a big accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, which is scheduled to be completed in another five years or so. That should make lots of discoveries. Who will be interested in trying to fit these discoveries into the theory? It will be people like me, except we may be dead by then or if not we'll be rather old. Or it will be the young theoretical physicists, but the young theoretical physicists are doing string theory, and they ain't interested in the results of the experiments. Not now, and not then. So who's going to be there to continue the role of building a better theory of particle physics? That's why it's a problem.

NOVA: What would string theory need to do to make a believer out of you?

Glashow: Well, you must understand that I don't understand string theory, so I can't describe its inner nature to any extent. But I could imagine that string theory would succeed in encompassing the standard model. It might then answer any number of outstanding questions. Why is the muon, some dumb particle, 200 times heavier than the electron? Why is the proton about 2,000 times heavier than the electron? Why is the electric charge of the electron what it is? Why are there six quarks in nature? Why not seven or eleven or five? There are many, many "why" questions. Also a number of 'how' questions. What is the mechanism that causes the weak interactions to be weak and the electromagnetic interactions not weak?

All kinds of questions remain. Many have to do with cosmology. How did the universe originate? How did the galaxies become distributed in space like the suds in the kitchen sink, as one of my colleagues has described it? Why is the cosmological constant apparently very tiny but non-zero and has a peculiar value that leads the universe to expand more rapidly?

These are some of the questions. I can give you a list of 30 or 40 questions. If they answer three or four of them, I get interested in string theory. They're answering a bunch of questions, but their questions lie completely within string theory, which has nothing to do with experiment.

Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought: This article is based on the September 23, 1999, lecture that Mayr delivered in Stockholm on receiving the Crafoord Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (Ernst Mayr)
Darwin founded a new branch of life science, evolutionary biology. Four of his contributions to evolutionary biology are especially important, as they held considerable sway beyond that discipline. The first is the non-constancy of species, or the modern conception of evolution itself. The second is the notion of branching evolution, implying the common descent of all species of living things on earth from a single unique origin. Up until 1859, all evolutionary proposals, such as that of naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, instead endorsed linear evolution, a teleological march toward greater perfection that had been in vogue since Aristotle's concept of Scala Naturae, the chain of being. Darwin further noted that evolution must be gradual, with no major breaks or discontinuities. Finally, he reasoned that the mechanism of evolution was natural selection.

These four insights served as the foundation for Darwin's founding of a new branch of the philosophy of science, a philosophy of biology. Despite the passing of a century before this new branch of philosophy fully developed, its eventual form is based on Darwinian concepts. For example, Darwin introduced historicity into science. Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain.

-ERNST MAYR: WHAT EVOLUTION IS: Introduction by Jared Diamond (Edge, 10.31.01)
EDGE: To what extent has the study of evolutionary biology been the study of ideas about evolutionary biology? Is evolution the evolution of ideas, or is it a fact?

ERNST MAYR: That's a very good question. Because of the historically entrenched resistance to the thought of evolution, documented by modern-day creationism, evolutionists have been forced into defending evolution and trying to prove that it is a fact and not a theory. Certainly the explanation of evolution and the search for its underlying ideas has been somewhat neglected, and my new book, the title of which is What Evolution Is, is precisely attempting to rectify that situation. It attempts to explain evolution. As I say in the first section of the book, I don't need to prove it again, evolution is so clearly a fact that you need to be committed to something like a belief in the supernatural if you are at all in disagreement with evolution. It is a fact and we don't need to prove it anymore. Nonetheless we must explain why it happened and how it happens.

One of the surprising things that I discovered in my work on the philosophy of biology is that when it comes to the physical sciences, any new theory is based on a law, on a natural law. Yet as several leading philosophers have stated, and I agree with them, there are no laws in biology like those of physics. Biologists often use the word law, but for something to be a law, it has to have no exceptions. A law must be beyond space and time, and therefore it cannot be specific. Every general truth in biology though is specific. Biological "laws" are restricted to certain parts of the living world, or certain localized situations, and they are restricted in time. So we can say that their are no laws in biology, except in functional biology which, as I claim, is much closer to the physical sciences, than the historical science of evolution.

EDGE: Let's call this Mayr's Law.

MAYR: Well in that case, I've produced a number of them. Anyhow the question is, if scientific theories are based on laws and there aren't any laws in biology, well then how can you say you have theories, and how do you know that your theories are any good? That's a perfectly legitimate question. Of course our theories are based on something solid, which are concepts. If you go through the theories of evolutionary biology you find that they are all based on concepts such as natural selection, competition, the struggle for existence, female choice, male dominance, etc. There are hundreds of such concepts. In fact, ecology consists almost entirely of such basic concepts. Once again you can ask, how do you know they're true? The answer is that you can know this only provisionally by continuous testing and you have to go back to historical narratives and other non-physicalist methods to determine whether your concept and the consequences that arise from it can be confirmed.

EDGE: Is biology a narrative based of our times and how we look at the world?

MAYR: It depends entirely on when in the given age of the intellectual world you ask these questions.

The Evolution of Ernst: Interview with Ernst Mayr: The preeminent biologist, who just turned 100, reflects on his prolific career and the history, philosophy and future of his field On July 5, renowned evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr celebrated his 100th birthday. He also recently finished writing his 25th book, What Makes Biology Unique?: Considerations on the Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline [Cambridge University Press, in press]. A symposium in Mayr's honor was held at Harvard University on May 10. Scientific American editor and columnist Steve Mirsky attended the symposium and wrote about it for the upcoming August issue. On May 15, Mirsky, Brazilian journalist Claudio Angelo and Angelo's colleague Marcelo Leite visited Mayr at his apartment in Bedford, Mass. (Scientific American, 7/06/04)
Claudio Angelo: What is the book about?

Ernst Mayr: What the book is about. (Laughs.) Primarily to show, and you will think that this doesn't need showing, but lots of people would disagree with you. To show that biology is an autonomous science and should not be mixed up with physics. That's my message. And I show it in about 12 chapters. And, as another fact, when people ask me what is really your field, and 50 years or 60 years ago, without hesitation I would have said I'm an ornithologist. Forty years ago I would have said, I'm an evolutionist. And a little later I would still say I'm an evolutionist, but I would also say I'm an historian of biology. And the last 20 years, I love to answer, I'm a philosopher of biology. And, as a matter of fact, and that is perhaps something I can brag about, I have gotten honorary degrees for my work in ornithology from two universities, in evolution, in systematics, in history of biology and in philosophy of biology. Two honorary degrees from philosophy departments.

Steve Mirsky: And the philosophical basis for physics versus biology is what you examine in the book?

EM: I show first in the first chapter and in some chapters that follow later on, I show that biology is as serious, honest, legitimate a science as the physical sciences. All the occult stuff that used to be mixed in with philosophy of biology, like vitalism and teleology-Kant after all, when he wanted to describe biology, he put it all on teleology, just to give an example-all this sort of funny business I show is out. Biology has exactly the same hard-nosed basis as the physical sciences, consisting of the natural laws. The natural laws apply to biology just as much as they do to the physical sciences. But the people who compare the two, or who, like some philosophers, put in biology with physical sciences, they leave out a lot of things. And the minute you include those, you can see clearly that biology is not the same sort of thing as the physical sciences. And I cannot give a long lecture now on that subject, that's what the book is for.

I'll give you an example. In principle, biology differs from the physical sciences in that in the physical sciences, all theories, I don't know exceptions so I think it's probably a safe statement, all theories are based somehow or other on natural laws. In biology, as several other people have shown, and I totally agree with them, there are no natural laws in biology corresponding to the natural laws of the physical sciences.

Now then you can say, how can you have theories in biology if you don't have laws on which to base them? Well, in biology your theories are based on something else. They're based on concepts. Like the concept of natural selection forms the basis of, practically the most important basis of, evolutionary biology. You go to ecology and you get concepts like competition or resources, ecology is just full of concepts. And those concepts are the basis of all the theories in ecology. Not the physical laws, they're not the basis. They are of course ultimately the basis, but not directly, of ecology. And so on and so forth. And so that's what I do in this book. I show that the theoretical basis, you might call it, or I prefer to call it the philosophy of biology, has a totally different basis than the theories of physics.

If I say so myself, I think this is going to be an important book. The philosophers of course will ignore it, it's bothersome, it doesn't fit into their thinking. And so the best way is to just forget it, put it under the rug. But those who take it seriously will say, well, gee, that's not something I know how to deal with. But this fellow Mayr seems to have something here, nobody else has made that so clear, nobody else has shown that, really, biology, even though it has all the other legitimate properties of a science, still is not a science like the physical sciences. And somehow or other, the somewhat more enlightened philosophers will say we really ought to deal with that. But so far they haven't.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 PM

WELL, WE'VE DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE FOR NOW... (via Michael Herdegen):

Fed nearing end of tightening cycle — Fed's Fisher (Reuters, 6/02/05)

The Federal Reserve has room to raise interest rates further but is getting close to the end of its tightening cycle, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher told CNBC TV Wednesday.

"I think we've room to tighten a little bit further," Fisher said, but, using a baseball analogy, added that the U.S. central bank is in the eighth inning of its tightening cycle and entering the ninth, and usually final, inning this month. Fisher became president of the Dallas Fed bank April 4. [...]

Fisher said the puzzling fall in long-term interest rates, despite the Fed's steady, year-long program of raising short-term rates, reflects the market's confidence that the Fed will do its job in keeping inflation under control.

Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has called that phenomenon a "conundrum," but Fisher said he anticipates "less of a conundrum as we go through time." (Related: Demand keeps long-term yields low).

On the economy, Fisher said "we're going fine."

He played down concerns in financial markets about the country's wide current account gap, which includes the enormous trade deficit. He said the deficit reflects robust U.S. consumption, which is a key factor driving export growth in the rest of the world.

"Where would the world be if Americans did not live out their proclivity to consume everything that looks good, feels good, sounds good, tastes good?" he said.

"We provide a service for the rest of the world. If we were running a current account surplus or trade surplus, what would happen to economic growth worldwide and what would be the economic consequences? So I think we are doing our duty there," he said.

Let old men run the Fed and they'll fight old fights. The '70s are over.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:11 PM


King Abdullah II: "Iraq is the Battleground - the West against Iran": On January 11, 2005, Robert Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, interviewed King Abdullah II at his private office in a secluded compound outside of Amman. (Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2005)

Middle East Quarterly: How do you identify and energize the "silent majority" of Muslims that opposes Islamist extremism?

Abdullah: It's just not good enough to say, "Fine, we are God-fearing Muslims, this is what we believe in and this is the line that we draw in the sand." The real question for us is how do we take the battle to the street and start winning the street war. It's not just inside the Muslim world. It's also a battle for our friends in Europe and in the West.

MEQ: What is the best way to fight against the extremist ideology that motivates Islamist terrorism?

Abdullah: One of our top priorities for addressing the "hearts and minds" question is to tackle the issue of extremist clergy and how they operate inside Muslim communities. We are currently working on setting up pilot projects with our friends, the British, to get Muslim clergy from our part of the world to give the clergy in British society the ammunition to start winning back the street. This is not something that happens overnight; this will take five, ten years. If we can get the mechanism working in England, we can then duplicate it in Europe and other countries. We're starting our work in England. If we can succeed there, then we can multiply the effort and apply it to the United States. I've talked to the president about this; I just had a long talk with John Kerry about this, too. This is different than the work of interreligious organizations. Our challenge is how to get these ideas down to the average Muslim. [...]

MEQ: Do your neighbors have the same approach?

Abdullah: In private, they do. At the time of the Beslan school massacre in Russia, all of us were disgusted. But it's just not good enough to sit in the privacy of one's home and say how awful this is and condemn these people who are defaming Islam. This was a crime against humanity, and we have to be much more vocal, in public. In my view, Islam is going in a direction that's very scary, and as the Hashemite Kingdom, we have a moral obligation to stand up. Yes, there are a lot of other things that are happening inside the Muslim world, but we have to draw the line. If we don't, then these people are going to win.

Even the Saudis have started talking more openly. They were supportive of the conference that we had here in Jordan for Iraq's neighboring states where we issued a clear and unambiguous call against extremism.[1] They were vocal in Amman. They are more vocal in their own country, now. But there are still some in Saudi Arabia who think that the problem of these bin Ladin supporters is a passing threat and that six months from now the extremists won't have a leg to stand on. That's just not the case and to think so is to sugarcoat the problem. It doesn't solve the problem that they have inside the country, nor does it solve the problem that we in the Muslim world have.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:00 PM


Birthrate yet again falls to record (Japan Times, 6/02/05)

Japan's total fertility rate sank to 1.28 in calendar 2004, marking an all-time low for the fourth straight year, with the number of babies born in the year also falling to a record low 1.11 million, the government said Wednesday. [...]

The figure is roughly interpreted as the average number of children born to one woman in her lifetime.

It is calculated by taking the average number of kids a woman would bear in each of her childbearing years -- ages 15 to 49 -- and then taking the average of those figures to get an overall number.

According to the report, the number of babies born in Japan in 2004 came to a record-low 1,110,835, down from 1,123,610 in the previous year.

The number of people who died last year topped 1 million for the second straight year, totaling 1,028,708, up from 1,014,951 in the year before.

As a result, the natural increase in population, which is births minus deaths, was 82,127, falling below 100,000 for the first time. The number of natural increase in 2003 was 108,659.

Deaths surpassed births in 25 prefectures.

Subtract emigrants and folks working out of the country and their population actually fell. So the end begins...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:54 PM


Dutch deliver a huge 'no' on EU constitution (Marlise Simons, JUNE 2, 2005, The New York Times)

Dutch voters on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected a constitution for Europe, following France in undermining the region's ambitions to play a stronger role on the world scene and deepening a crisis for the 25-member European Union.

Initial exit polls showed that 63 percent voted against the constitution, a stronger rejection even than in France, where 55 percent said no to the treaty on Sunday. Thirty-seven percent of voters approved. The double blow could prove fatal to the European charter, which was drafted in an attempt to streamline decision-making in an expanded union. [...]

Voter turnout was extremely strong at 62 percent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:51 PM


Federal Judge Richard Enslen to go on senior status (KATHY BARKS HOFFMAN, 6/01/05, The Associated Press)

U.S. District Judge Richard Enslen, who during his quarter-century on the federal bench has presided over cases involving tribal fishing rights, conditions in Michigan prisons and gender equity in high school sports, plans to go on senior status at the end of 2005.

Enslen, in a letter dated May 26, advised President Bush of his intention to go on senior status. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter on Wednesday.

The longtime judge, based in Kalamazoo, could still hear cases once he goes on senior status. But the change will create a vacancy for President Bush to fill later this year. Bush is also expected to name another new judge to the federal court in Lansing if current Judge David McKeague is confirmed for a seat on the 6th U.S. District Court of Appeals in Cincinnati.

The President could put on a pretty little dog and pony show by inviting in the Judiciary Committe, the Gang of 14 and Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow to discuss potential nominees. Muddying the water that much would allow him to pick whoever he wants and say the Senate was consulted first.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:15 PM


Twist and Shout: a review of What Lincoln Believed: The Values and Convictions of America's Greatest President
by Michael Lind (James M. McPherson, The Nation)

The title of this book is incomplete. It should be What Michael Lind Believes Abraham Lincoln Believed. And what Lind believes suffers from a strange case of literary schizophrenia. In the first and last chapters, the author develops the theme that Lincoln was "the champion of liberal democracy" who "continues to inspire people throughout the world." But in the six interior chapters, this Dr. Jekyll Lincoln becomes a Mr. Hyde white supremacist and "lifelong segregationist" who wanted to create a racially homogeneous America by settling blacks in Africa or Haiti and who inspired the ethnic cleansing fantasies of such twentieth-century bigots as Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi. For good measure, Lind also brands President Lincoln as a "profoundly illiberal" executive who justified his wartime suspension of certain civil liberties with "sophistical reasoning and deliberate lies" and whose 1864 re-election was abetted by "massive electoral cheating."

Puzzled readers may be forgiven if they come away from this book convinced that Lincoln's beliefs were closer to those of the Ku Klux Klan than to those of the NAACP--for that is precisely Lind's argument in most of the book. Or perhaps they will conclude that Lind does not know what he is talking about when he maintains that there was no inconsistency between Lincoln the liberal democrat and Lincoln the racist despot.

It's hardly news that Michael Lind is a cretin.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 AM


Airbus delays deliveries of A380 superjet (Reuters, 6/01/05)

Airbus said on Wednesday deliveries of its 21st-century flagship, the double-decker A380 superjumbo, would be delayed by up to six months, taking the flourish off one of the most trumpeted aviation launches in decades.

Disgruntled airlines, at least one of which intends to seek compensation, announced the delay in delivering the largest passenger jet ever built just weeks after its maiden flight.

Try asking the next couple folks you talk to if they're willing to trust their lives to the French work ethic...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:58 AM


Senior Bush plugs Jeb for president 'someday' (June 1, 2005, CNN)

"He'd be awfully good," the elder Bush said. "This guy's smart, big and strong. Makes the decisions. And you know, not without controversy, but he's led that state."

But the former president, who turns 81 this month, said, "The timing's wrong. The main thing is, he doesn't want to do it."

But he added, "Nobody believes that."

He should certainly wait three years before running.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM


Beyond Viagra Politics (MATT MILLER, 6/01/05, NY Times)

What if leaders in each party actually did tell their supporters some truths they needed to hear - and thereby exposed the charades each side relies on to wangle the support of half of the half of Americans who bother to vote? Take a dose of truth serum and fantasize with me.

Our Republican truth-teller would start by admitting what President Bush was still denying in his press conference yesterday: that the G.O.P.'s perennial attack on "big government" is a con. Republicans know that just seven programs make up 75 percent of federal spending: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, military pensions, civil service pensions, defense and interest on the debt. That's "big government." Republicans aren't cutting a dime of it. [...]

The "big government" hoax would become even clearer if Republicans admitted a related truth: today's epic budget deficits are caused mostly by Bush's tax cuts, not, as the president insisted again yesterday, by some spending binge. Here's how we know. Federal spending under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush averaged 22 percent of G.D.P. Under Bill Clinton it averaged 20 percent. Bush's plan (despite his spending increases) would keep spending around 20 percent in the years ahead.

As you may have noticed, 20 is less than 22. Bush is operating government at a smaller level than did previous Republican presidents. Today's historic red ink is due to the fact that revenues have dropped from over 20 percent of G.D.P. when Bush took office to under 17 percent today.

Want to know why we scare the bejeebies out of people? We've managed to wage a global war and change a series of regimes without even increasing our federal spending. In all the declinist models that the Left jabbers about we are at a point of imperial overreach. In reality we're doing all this on the cheap.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:01 AM


New World Bank Chief Says Aiding Africa Is His Top Goal (ELIZABETH BECKER, 6/01/05, NY Times)

When he becomes president of the World Bank on Wednesday, Paul D. Wolfowitz says, Africa will be his top priority.

"Nothing would be more satisfying than to feel at the end of however long a term I serve here that we played a role in changing Africa from a continent of despair to a continent of hope," he said Tuesday at his first news conference.

To underline that commitment, he will travel to Africa in June.

Remind us again why blacks are required to hate conservatives?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:45 AM


‘The Oslo Syndrome’: The West has some VERY serious problems, folks (Frank J. Gaffney, June 1, 2005, Jewish World Review)

Call it "the Oslo Syndrome."

This is the title of an important new book by Dr. Kenneth Levin, a psychiatrist and historian who is a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. As the subtitle — "Delusions of a People Under Siege" — makes clear, Dr. Levin is concerned with a pathology that has prompted the Jews of Israel to embrace the false promise of peace ostensibly on offer first from Arafat, now from his former right-hand man. A similar malady appears to be afflicting official Washington, as well.

Dr. Levin describes the roots of this pathology as follows: "[It] lies in psychological responses common among chronically besieged populations, whether minorities subjected to defamation, discrimination and assault or small nations under persistent attack by their neighbors. People living under such stressful conditions often choose to accept at face value the indictments of their accusers in the hope of thereby escaping their predicament."

"The Oslo Syndrome" chronicles the delusions of successive groups within the Jewish world, with a particular focus on the most prominent and contemporary of the phenomena — that of politicians and organizations associated with "the Peace Movement." Dr. Levin explains: "The Peace Movement's stance in fact was as divorced from reality as had been German Jews' blaming of Polish Jews for anti-Semitism, or secular European Jews' blaming of the religious, or socialist Jews' blaming of the Jewish bourgeoisie. But proponents of the Movement, cowed by the persistence of the siege and desperate to see its end, chose to delude themselves. They grasped at any seemingly positive statement coming from an Arab political figure and ignored all the countervailing evidence."

For example, the self-deluded chose to ignore unwelcome statements by Faisal al-Husseini, an Arafat and Abbas crony who was for years the Palestine Liberation Organization's proxy representative in Jerusalem. Al-Husseini declared in 2001 that the Oslo "peace" accords of 1992 between Israel and Arafat were but a "Trojan Horse," designed to advance the Palestinians' abiding goal of liberating their "country," whose boundaries would be "from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea." In other words: No Israel.

Al-Husseini's ambitions were of a piece with those long espoused by his relative, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, whose complicity with Adolf Hitler helped advance the Fuhrer's "Final Solution" for the Jews and deny the latter refuge in their historic homeland. Incredibly, even the Holocaust Museum in Washington — a magnificent institution designed to serve as a conscience for all time — is in denial and contributing to the Oslo Syndrome: It refuses to include in its permanent exhibition anything about the Mufti's role in past Arab anti-Semitism, or to address manifestations of this form of systemic racism so evident in the Muslim world today.

Dr. Levin notes in an article published at www.JewishPress.com that, "The ongoing Arab siege does cast a shadow over the lives of Israelis. At the same time, they have created a free, vibrant, extraordinarily successful society. It remains to be seen whether they are prepared to go on nurturing what they have built as they await changes in the Arab world that will open it to genuine peace, or they will instead, in their eagerness for 'normalcy' and an end to the siege, once more delude themselves into pursuing fantasies of peace that will threaten everything they have created." Or, he might have added, whether the U.S. government will, in its own act of self-delusion, encourage or compel Israel to do the latter?

Mr. Levin and I share a publisher and I made some editorial comments (which he couldn't have been less interested in accepting) on an early draft of the book that had some fairly significant structural problems. But his basic concept--of Jewry falling prey throughout its history to a lassitude-inducing siege mentality--is quite compelling and his history of the Oslo process is an invaluable resource.

-ESSAY: Not Oslo again: pursuing fantasies of peace threatens all (Dr. Kenneth Levin, March 17, 2005, Jewish Tribune)
-REVIEW: of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege
By Kenneth Levin
(P. DAVID HORNIK, Jerusalem Post)
-REVIEW: of Oslo Syndrome (Atlas Shrugs)

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:45 AM


Man 'not to blame' for extinction of giant wombat (Roger Highfield, The Telegraph, May 31st, 2005)

Humans may have been unjustly accused of wiping out the giant kangaroos, wombats and other massive marsupials that roamed Australia 40,000 years ago, new research suggests.

One study by British and Australian scientists reveals today that humans co-existed with megafauna - large native animals such as the Diprotodon, a three-ton, wombat-like creature, a ferocious, marsupial "lion" and the world's all-time biggest lizard - for at least 15,000 years.

Another, by a Queensland team, suggests it was climate change, rather than early Australian aborigines, that killed off the "megafauna".

Large animals suffered extinctions on all continents except Africa and Antarctica between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago. The cause has been hotly debated.

Experts have been divided over the fate of megafauna in Australia, which evolved in isolation for millions of years to give rise to the giant marsupials. Many have pointed the finger of blame at early humans.

But in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team led by Clive Trueman, of the University of Portsmouth, and Judith Field, of the University of Sydney, used new chemical tests to establish that at least some Australian megafauna, including the largest animals, persisted until 30,000 years ago, co-existing with humans for at least 15,000 years.

By 30,000 years ago the world was in the grip of a major Ice Age. "While these findings do not free humans of all blame for the extinctions, they demonstrate that extinction was a gradual process, strongly implicating climate change as the driving mechanism," said Ms Field.

It’s funny how darwinists are always supremely confident they can explain the development of each and every aspect of unfathomably complex life, but profess to be puzzled by extinction, the only logical place their theory actually takes them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM

KONNI'S FOLK (via Tom Morin):

A Point of View: In his weekly opinion column, Brian Walden considers the expression "the West" and if it will soon be politically meaningless. (Brian Walden, BBC Magazine)

There are deep-seated economic, political and cultural factors that are pushing Europe and America apart. The first is romantic anti-capitalism. That socialism was, for some people, a great romance, tends to be forgotten these days.

But I recall an extraordinary character named Konni Zilliacus. He was always being expelled, or about to be expelled, from the Labour Party. For a time he was the MP for Gorton in Manchester and, though I didn't share his views, I liked him.

He'd met Lenin and was forever wedded to a Socialist Utopia. One evening tears trickled down his cheeks as he explained to me the beautiful vision that American capitalism had destroyed.

"Nobody should want possessions," he said. "Whatever their faults, Lenin and Stalin never had any money. The Socialist dream was to produce a new man who loved society and was loved by society.

"Capitalism, in general, was no threat. It worked badly. But this Yankee capitalism has corrupted everybody. People want cars, clothes and gadgets. America has destroyed mankind's future."

There can't be many socialist visionaries like Konni Zilliacus left. But there are millions of Europeans who morally reject American materialism and blame it for the faults in their society. That's divisive enough, but there's a second group that doesn't want to belong to any West that includes America.

These are old-fashioned right-wingers who bear an ancient grudge. The reason for their hostility to America is that traditionally the US has disapproved of European imperialism. This was a great problem for Winston Churchill in President Roosevelt's later years, particularly at the Yalta conference with Stalin.

In the 1950's both France and Britain felt they had reason to be aggrieved by lack of American support as they struggled with the last of their imperial problems. The Suez adventure, which was a reckless attempt to combat the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, by a temporary alliance between Britain, France and Israel was wrecked by the active disapproval of the USA.

The damage this did to relations with America was hastily covered up and a myth was invented to explain the breach. It was said that poor Anthony Eden was physically ill and wasn't thinking straight. The implication was that few other people fully supported the operation. This version of history is most unjust to Eden. Many notables were strongly opposed to Nasser, including Churchill and Labour's former foreign secretary, Herbert Morrison.

America's lack of sympathy towards the imperial problems of its allies has been swept under the carpet as if everybody is somewhat ashamed of the subject. But it's extremely important. Many people on the political right have never forgiven America.

While the Soviet Union was powerful, mostly they kept silent - though of course President de Gaulle didn't. With the Soviet Union gone these right-wing critics see no reason to support America in anything it does. They are, for instance, virulently opposed to the current campaign in Iraq.

Americans aren't noted for their ability to turn the other cheek. Angry at European criticism and, as they see it, ingratitude, they've been hitting back sharply. A friend of mine, a former Senator - and by the way a Democrat, not a Republican supporter of President Bush - said to me "I don't ever again expect to see the French or the Germans pointing their guns in the same direction we're pointing ours. They're petty, they're envious and in their guts they hate us."

This disturbing indication that "the West" is breaking-up is reinforced by a growing cultural difference between America and Europe. Some American commentators note, with something close to contempt, that Western Europeans aren't replenishing themselves because of their low birth-rates. They fasten on to predictions that Holland will become a majority Muslim country within a few decades and they tie this to the general disapproval of American policy in the Middle East.

Then another cultural factor is thrown into the mix. Europe is secular and lacking in Christian religious faith compared to the American heartlands. A picture is painted of decadent European societies without religious belief and without purpose. According to some American pundits these societies are selfish pessimistic and cowardly, with most of the dirty jobs being done by vigorous Islamic immigrants, who despise their hosts as much as their hosts secretly fear them.

I don't believe "the West" of the Cold War can be reconstituted. Too much has changed. So I can see that some loosening of the more irksome ties, for instance within NATO, between America and what Mr Rumsfeld calls "old" Europe might be in the best interests of both.

It's harder to see the logic of an open breach.

So they're Christophic, anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-American, anti-Western and so self-obsessed that they're useless to us in foreign affairs, but he can't see why the breach will come? He's just described an enemy, not a friend.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


Dutch have own reasons to balk (Marlise Simons, JUNE 1, 2005, The New York Times)

Among the main complaints, reflected in opinion polls, is that the Dutch feel pushed around by the big countries and that the heavy machinery of the Union lacks transparency and democracy. They see no reason why they should be the largest net per capita contributor to a union in which they are not the richest member and in which the new constitution would make them lose political weight.

The Dutch were furious when, after seriously tightening their belts over the last two years to respect union rules for budget deficits, France and Germany highhandedly ignored those same rules. They were equally angry more recently when Italy and Greece admitted they had provided false budget information.

But the Dutch are disgruntled about more than just the neighbors. Opinion polls point to a broader disenchantment with life in the Netherlands today, reflecting a state of mind that seems driven by fear - fear of lower living standards, but also fear of losing national identity.

These fears are triggered by the expanding union and by the large and rapid influx of immigrants in recent years

At last life begins to becomes too ugly for even Europeans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:37 AM


Thousands held in Zimbabwe blitz (BBC, 6/01/05)

More than 22,000 people have been arrested in the recent crackdown on Zimbabwe's shantytowns, a police spokesman has told state media.

He said some of those made homeless when their shacks were demolished in the capital, Harare, were being sent back to their rural homes.

Residents and riot police clashed overnight in the second city, Bulawayo.

Meanwhile, the head of the World Food Programme has discussed Zimbabwe's food needs with President Robert Mugabe.