June 16, 2005


Sabine, Herald of Liberty (Veronique de Rugy, 06/16/2005, Tech Central Station)

The European Union is becoming increasingly uncompetitive in the world economy. The average tax burden consumes almost 45 percent of GNP, and regulatory red tape makes it very difficult for the private sector to create jobs. With this track record, it is not surprising that per capita income in the EU is much lower than it is in the United States. To make matters worse, many European governments face huge unfunded liabilities for pensions, so it is likely that the burden of government will climb rather than fall. So should the European Union get an economic face lift?

That's the question asked to Sabine Herold at an American Enterprise Institute event earlier this week. Sabine is the spokeswoman for Liberte Cherie a French association founded in 2001 in reaction to unemployment rates, falling living standards, strikes, and the lack of free market ideas in the political debate in France. Two years ago, Sabine became famous for leading a demonstration in Paris against strikes by government workers. To the surprise of the organizers themselves, the event attracted more than 80,000 angry Parisians fed up with the almost daily government employees' strikes.

She explained to her Washington audience "I am here today to tell you about my experience as a French and European young woman. The problems you read about in your newspapers are my daily life. I put up with the strikes. I suffer from decreasing standards of living. So, yes, the European Union needs a face lift."

...it's their butts that are dragging.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 16, 2005 8:40 AM

Jeanne d'Arc is reborn.

You go, girl!

Posted by: Andrew X at June 16, 2005 10:52 AM

It needs a heart transplant.

Posted by: Luciferous at June 16, 2005 11:04 AM

it needs redemption, but knows not how to reach a state of grace. so much bad karma coming down.

Posted by: cjm at June 16, 2005 12:11 PM

Hers is nice and perky.

Posted by: joe shropshire at June 16, 2005 3:18 PM