June 4, 2005


Schröder and Chirac ponder years of decline (David Rennie, 03/06/2005, Daily Telegraph)

It is one of the grandest traditions of the European project: on the eve of any EU summit, the leaders of France and Germany meet to thrash out a joint approach, before descending, like gods from Olympus, to tell the other nations what they have agreed.

Tomorrow Jacques Chirac of France and Gerhard Schröder will meet in Berlin, to discuss the current crisis gripping the EU after France and Holland's No votes. But this time, there will be a distinct stench of mortality in the air, as the two men ponder the straits in which they, and their nations, find themselves.

Shouldn't they be meeting in a bunker?

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 4, 2005 7:41 PM
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