June 15, 2005


Study counters beliefs about illegal immigrants (Jessie Mangaliman, 6/15/05, San Jose Mercury News)

Jeffrey S. Passel, senior research associate for Pew and author of the report, found that one quarter of illegal immigrants in the U.S. have some college education and another quarter completed high school. [...]

The Pew report also found that an estimated 13.9 million people -- one-third are children -- live in households where one head of household or a spouse is undocumented. More than one-fourth are U.S. citizens. [...]

Passel's report dismantled another widely held assumption: Only 3 percent of the undocumented immigrants work in agriculture. The greatest numbers, 33 percent, work in the service industry.

The rest work in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business.

Their construction skills are more worthwhile to society than most college degrees.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 15, 2005 8:47 AM

If the GOP really was the Dark Side and truly did have complete control of all branches of government, we'd do a citizenship fast-track for all anti-Castro Cubans while turning back all immigrants from Michoacan and Guerrero at the border.

Instead, it's very nearly the other way around. The GOP is like Darth Vader with a squirtgun. It surely says something about Rick Perlstein that he's scared of us.

Posted by: Matt Murphy at June 15, 2005 12:55 PM
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