June 2, 2005

WHY WOULD WE WANT THEM TO PLAY IT? (via David Hill, The Bronx):

National Anthem Snubbed At Meadowlands (1010 WINS, 6/02/05)

U.S. and international soccer officials are puzzled over the acting governor's outrage that the "Star-Spangled Banner" was not played before a match between England and Colombia.

Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey, who attended Tuesday's match at Giants Stadium, was steamed when he realized that the U.S. national anthem would not be played along with the anthems of the countries in the match.

He said he immediately asked game organizers why it wasn't played and was told, "Governor, we're really very sorry. The British people don't want to hear it," The Star-Ledger of Newark reported in Thursday's newspapers.

"When you have two countries you host so they can play each other, and have the anthems of both countries played but decide not to play the anthem of the host country, well that's about as absurd as it gets," Codey said Thursday. "What could they possibly be thinking?"

Aren't all matches just preceded by "Y.M.C.A."?

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 2, 2005 11:06 PM

Hey its at American sporting events that that particular song is played ad nauseam, with everyone dancing along -- often it would seem unaware about the song's subject matter.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at June 2, 2005 11:26 PM

You mean "The Star-Spangled Banner" or "YMCA"?

The latter is just an example of how a song can get away from it's writer (like "Born in the USA" or "Every Breath You Take") when he's overly subtle or sending mixed signals.

(And with hockey in the deep freeze and the advent of the Ex-Expos, we've heard a lot less of "O Canada" recently, too.)

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at June 2, 2005 11:34 PM

The British don't want to hear it?! Oh yeah, well I just flushed an entire copy of the English Constitution down the toilet, er, loo.

Posted by: Darryl at June 3, 2005 12:35 AM

Orin, if it gets to your neck of the woods, you might catch The Game of Their Lives, sort of a Miracle on Grass.

Posted by: Jorge Curioso at June 3, 2005 12:40 AM

I thought Y.M.C.A. was for the fifth inning grounds crew infield drag, though come to think of it, the former New Jersey governor probably would have supported playing it at the start of the game.

Posted by: John at June 3, 2005 12:48 AM

A movie about soccer. Finally something less exciting than the game itself.

Posted by: Bob at June 3, 2005 9:45 AM

I'd be offended if the SSB were played at a soccer game (wuss by association).

Posted by: Shelton at June 3, 2005 11:51 AM

So the hirelings and slaves don't like The Star Spangled Banner. What are they going to do about it, incite the Indians to start an uprising?

Posted by: Lou Gots at June 4, 2005 1:30 AM

So the hirelings and slaves don't like The Star Spangled Banner. What are they going to do about it, incite the Indians to start an uprising?

Posted by: Lou Gots at June 4, 2005 1:31 AM