June 27, 2005


GM Halts Stock Trading by Top Executives (Dee-Ann Durbin, 6/27/05, AP)

General Motors Corp. has forbidden senior executives and other employees with access to internal financial information from buying or selling company stock indefinitely, a spokeswoman for the automaker said Monday.

Bad form to have execs selling their stock just before you padlock the doors and go out of business.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 27, 2005 11:32 PM

Hmm. This is worrying. I was about to invest all my savings in GM stock, but maybe now I should give it to that nice Nigerian gentlemen who keeps e-mailing me. Seems safer...

Posted by: b at June 28, 2005 12:18 AM

They can sell the whole thing to the chinese.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at June 28, 2005 12:43 AM

Guess that "GM Employee Discount" sales promotion hasn't gone over like gangbusters with consumers (or with all the people miffed to find out they weren't paying the lowest prices offered when they bought their car a month or two ago...)

Posted by: John at June 28, 2005 1:12 AM

The UAW would just love negotiating with PRC generals, no?

Posted by: jim hamlen at June 28, 2005 1:44 AM

Apparently the latest promotion has upped their market share from 25% to 30%, but it has not helped their profit margin, obviously.

My current car is a 95 Contour and it has been terrible from day one (but, I love the car, nonetheless because it is so comfortable and handles so well). I bought it with a $6000 discount and cheap financing. With warranty work in the thousands, they lost their shirts.

But how likely am I to buy another Ford?

I don't think current GM cars are unreliable or poorly made. They are simply so plain they cannot convince people to take the chance. I mean, are you going to risk a Pontiac G6 over a Toyota Camry? If resale is considered, the Toyota is actually cheaper.

The solution is to face reality -- Toyota has replaced Buick and Honda has replaced Pontiac. Keep Chevrolet and Cadillac, Subaru and Saab. (Current Pontiac/Buick dealers get Cadillac, Subaru and Saab + GMC trucks). Spin Saturn off on its own.

Close all UAW plants that make cars and get Honda to make their drivelines and Toyota to make their interiors. Assemble the cars in non-union Alabama plants.

Posted by: Randall Voth at June 28, 2005 3:00 AM

I don't know which is worse, the fact that upper management of GM is dumping their stock or that they felt the need to publicize the matter. What type of inept management does it require to have 30% of the American market, in an economy with rock bottom interest rates, and lose money?

Randall is definitely on the right track here. There are simply too many similar products from GM. It confuses the customer. Saturn, my favorite, should be spun off as they seem to be well put together and should not be tarred with the GM name.

Also, as Click and Clack say, never buy a new car. You pay a premium. I buy 3 year old used Saturns and hold them for about 5-7 years, pay cash and come out way ahead.

Posted by: bart at June 28, 2005 6:29 AM

When you're poor, buy Japanese.

When you're comfortable, buy German.

Posted by: Ali Choudhury at June 28, 2005 7:40 AM

German cars aren't what they used to be.

Posted by: bart at June 28, 2005 8:02 AM

We had GM cars in the late 1970s. The experience was traumatic enough that I've not so much as looked at a GM product any time I've gone to buy a car. Wonder how many people like me there are out there.

Posted by: Mike Morley at June 28, 2005 8:28 AM


In 1976, my dad bought a new Chevy Malibu which was a horror show. From that point until his last car, he bought nothing but Japanese.

Posted by: bart at June 28, 2005 8:36 AM

gm cars/trucks have horribla quality, as is bourne out in their abysmal ratings.

Posted by: cjm at June 28, 2005 10:03 AM


You are telling me. I bought a 2003 MB E500 at the end of the model year. With only 25k miles, I've had the following repairs with several of these done in the last month:

motor mounts replaced
tranmission seal replaced
both rear differential seals replaced
right rear shock replaced
climate control sensor replaced
brake hydraulic control unit replaced
head unit replaced
audio gateway replaced twice

Additionally, software updates too numerous to count and heaven knows what else they did without telling me. Also, I am likely awaiting another recall or two. The dealer has charged back warranty work close to $20k to MB for all of this.

Posted by: Rick T. at June 28, 2005 10:55 AM

It was the 1986 Chevy Celebrity, that soured me on GM. Darn thing began rusting within 4 weeks after the time I bought it.

Like Randall, I owned a 1995 Contour, (albeit badged as a Mecury). I really liked driving it, and it was very well equipped, for a reasonable upfront price. After 7 years it was beginning to be a pain to maintain so I traded it on a 2002 Honda. I only got $2,500 for it. Ooooo, that hurt.

I still have a 1999 Contour (also Mercury baged), although the middle child is using it at college. The 1999 Countour had substantially few features than the 95, but it is still fun to drive. I am not going to get much when I unload it, but I will probably wind up giving it to one of my kids.

The 2002 Honda is terrific. I also bought a 2003, which is great fun to drive because it so powerful (40 hp more than the 2002) although I think the 2002 is better looking and better ergonomically than the 2003.

The next car will probably be an Accura (now that the kids will be out of the house). I don't care for the German Cars I have driven, because they have been very stiff and heavy to drive. I liked to say the Mercedes that my mother formerly owned had all of the negatives of a pick-up tuck without the cargo carrying capability.

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at June 28, 2005 4:09 PM