December 31, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 PM


Killer was hired as Air France guard (Paul Webster, December 31, 2003, The Guardian)

The company put in charge of security for Air France flights employed a convicted murderer and a number of others with serious criminal records, it emerged yesterday.

The background of the guards was disclosed in a Paris court during a hearing to wind up the company, Pretory, which had been operating security on the French airline for more than two years but went into bankruptcy after tax fraud allegations.

The revelation of its lax recruiting methods coincided with the disclosure that armed French police have been flying with Air France to the US since December 23. [...]

Four days after the terror attacks in the US on September 11 2001 Air France was one of the first networks to announce that passengers would be accompanied by "specially trained agents".

But the tribunal which ordered the company's liquidation heard that, in a rush to recruit guards, it had taken on disco bouncers, dog handlers, nightwatchmen, and other staff with little or no experience of arms or safety procedures.

At one time 200 guards were employed on flights.

An investigation was eventually started last April, when the police looked into the background of 140 agents, the most qualified of whom were former soldiers.

As a result of a search of criminal records more than 30 agents were grounded as a potential security risk.

The police also looked into the record of Pretory's sub-contractors.

This led to unconfirmed reports that some guards had been sent for arms training courses in Middle Eastern countries suspected of harbouring terrorists.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 PM


American Diplomacy And the New Shape of the World: Critics who accuse the United States of a strident new unilateralism often have an agenda of their own: to keep America's power in check. (Clive Crook, 12/31/03, Atlantic Monthly)

The past year has seen a momentous change in the way the world is ordered—a change very much for the worse, according to a good deal of supposedly informed opinion in the United States and the great majority of commentators everywhere else. To assert and advance its own interests, America has repudiated the institutions and the very principle of lawful cooperation among nations, it is argued. This would be immoral, the charge continues, even if it were not directly counterproductive—but it is that as well. America's new posture, the critics agree, has made the world a more dangerous place, not least for America itself.

The destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime was the most forthright demonstration of this new thinking. The Bush administration explicitly rationalized the war in terms of a new security doctrine that calls for pre-emptive action against emerging threats. This is a policy that, to put it mildly, is difficult to square with current understanding of international law. [...]

Some of the administration's critics are willing to admit that the U.N. has its faults, and even to acknowledge that America's government owes its first duty to America's citizens. Nonetheless, they argue that the United States, in its own interests, should lead efforts to reform the U.N.—and to breathe life into multilateralism more generally. With American goodwill, and not without, a global order based on law and international cooperation could be built. That is the claim. By the same logic, the Kyoto accord may be flawed, but America should strive to fix it rather than merely walk away. And again, despite safeguards already built in, some supporters of the International Criminal Court concede that it may leave Americans unfairly exposed to unwarranted or malicious prosecution; so strengthen the safeguards, they insist, rather than trying to wreck the whole process.

This kind of argument is based on two very serious mistakes. The first is a delusion about goals. The premise here is that the United States and its putative U.N. partners have the same priorities, or at any rate that the goals they have in common matter more to them than the aims that divide them. After September 11, in fact, one might have hoped that this were true: The whole civilized world, it is clear, really does face a terrible common foe. Yet many countries still see the main purpose of the U.N. and its satellites as not to meet such threats but to contain the power of the United States. French diplomacy before the Iraq war made it plain that France sees untrammeled American power as a greater threat to its interests than Saddam Hussein ever was. France is not alone in this. [...]

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that intelligence and good faith prevailed around the world, and that different countries' goals and priorities were sufficiently well aligned to make formal and institutionalized multilateral approaches at least feasible. Would that clinch the argument? Not at all, because the multilateralists' second fatal error is to suppose that structured multilateralism is intrinsically superior to the unilateralist alternative of ad hoc "coalitions of the willing."

Why is this a mistake? Because the kind of institutionalized multilateralism that the U.N.'s champions dream of is inescapably undemocratic. America's government can be ultimately accountable to the American people or ultimately accountable to the U.N.; it cannot be accountable to both.

Mr. Crook here captures quite nicely the two great challenges to traditional sovereignty, that by the Left--transnationalism--which seeks to bypass democracy and impose a global elites' agenda; and that by the Center/Right, which holds any regime that does not meet liberal democratic standards to be illegitimate. Each new vision is revolutionary to a degree we don't yet seem to realize.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 PM


Adjusting the Focus: Iraq may not be the best issue for the Democrats, but they may not be able to avoid it. (William Schneider, 12/31/03, Atlantic Monthly)

With the capture of Saddam Hussein, Democrats are beginning to realize that Iraq may not be their best campaign issue. But they may not be able to avoid it. It's the issue that their primary voters are most passionate about.

Republicans welcome the focus on Iraq. "I look forward to making my case to the American people about why America is more secure today based upon the decisions that I've made," President Bush said at his December 15 news conference.

And why not? Until Saddam's capture on December 14, the American public had supported the war in Iraq but was critical of the U.S. handling of the situation in Iraq since the major fighting ended. Now there's been a huge jump in public approval of the occupation—from 42 percent in the November Gallup Poll to 65 percent in mid-December. [...]

Democrats say that Bush has isolated the United States. "He needs to go to the U.N. He needs to build a consensus. He needs to collaborate. He needs to communicate," Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., complained at the Democratic presidential candidates' debate in Phoenix on October 9. "He doesn't do any of those things."

Bush's response? "I don't agree that [the war in Iraq] is a dividing line," he said at the press conference. "I think this is a disagreement on this particular issue. And I know we can work together on a variety of other issues. I'll cite one example: Iran."

Dean and other Democrats say that Iraq has damaged U.S. security. Bush's response? "A free and peaceful Iraq is part of protecting America."

If the Iraq issue doesn't work for the Democrats, what else have they got?

60 years in the wilderness?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 PM


A path opens to elections in Iraq: With key Shiite cleric's change of heart, the roadblock to elections could disappear. (Dan Murphy, 1/02/04, CS Monitor)

In November, spurred on by a stubborn insurgency and Iraqi frustration with the US occupation, the US created a road map that hinges on the selection of a broad group of leaders by July. They would then shepherd Iraq to real elections in 2005 and the creation of a new constitution.

But the plan, which is backed by Iraq's major political groups, has been threatened by Ayotallah Ali al-Sistani, probably the most revered of Iraq's Shiite clerics. He has demanded full democratic elections by June, and leaders of the Shiite community - about 60 percent of Iraq's population - have said they won't defy his wishes.

But this week, in a key shift, Mr. Sistani said he could live with the US approach if the UN were involved in verifying the US position that holding fair elections by June isn't possible. [...]

The Governing Council is set to approve a "fundamental law," essentially an interim constitution, by Feb. 28, and Kurdish political parties are pushing for special rights, including a veto over the presence of federal troops in their area. The transitional constitution will set the ground rules for the government that the US hopes to hand sovereignty to on July 1.

Looks like we may not miss the gone by Memorial Day goal by much.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 PM


Crime rates, slated to rise, fell in 2003: Overall US crime lowers slightly over 2002, but pattern is uneven. (Alexandra Marks, 01/02/04, CS Monitor)

Despite predictions that crime was sure to shoot up, 2003 was not a bad year for shop owner Frank Avdou or for the country as a whole. [...]

In some cities, like New York, constant police vigilance in high-crime areas has caused the rates of urban violence to continue to plummet to levels not seen since 1968, making the Big Apple the safest big city in the country for the second year in a row. But in other urban areas, murder and mayhem are definitely on the rise. Dallas, for instance, saw a 51 percent hike in overall crime, as scandal rocked the local police department and increased drug trafficking got a tighter grip on struggling neighborhoods.

Enforce laws and crime goes down...shocking, eh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 PM


The Four Musketeers: Ideology and demeanor distinguish a new generation of Republican leaders (George Howland Jr., 12/31/03, Seattle Weekly)

What to call them? Republican soccer dads? Metrosexual conservatives? Reagan babies? The labels don't quite fit, but their presence is undeniable. As the Jan. 12 convening of the Legislature in Olympia draws near, a new generation of standard bearers has arisen in the state Republican Party: former state Sen. Dino Rossi, 44, is running for governor; King County Council member Rob McKenna, 41, is campaigning for attorney general; state Sen. Bill Finkbeiner, 34, was just elected Senate Majority Leader; and Luke Esser, 42, is the state Senate's new floor leader.

Besides their relative youth, they have at least four other things in common: their residence (the Eastside suburbs of King County), their demeanor (nice guys), their physical appearance (good looks), and their political philosophy (Republicans should focus on pocketbook issues—the business climate and controlling government growth —not social issues).

"We are starting to build a team again," says state Republican Party chair Chris Vance. He likens the emergence of these four to the generation of Republican leaders that emerged in the 1960s—Dan Evans, Slade Gorton, and Joel Pritchard. Vance adds, "This sort of thing needs to happen to invigorate the party."

Vance says the four also share an ideology that is ascendant within the GOP. "It's not enough to pretend that the free market can solve every problem, but we reject the liberals' point of view: 'Government can fix everything.' It's a third way, between government should not be involved and government should solve it all."

Is there any state in America where the Democrats are as excited about the future of their party as the Republicans are everywhere?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 PM


The Man Who Knew Too Much: a review of Interviews with Dwight Macdonald, Michael Wreszin, ed., (R.J. Stove, December 15, 2003, The American Conservative)

For a dead man, Dwight Macdonald (1906-1982) now looks pretty healthy. All too often during his old age, he found himself dismissed as a self-destructive dilettante. Nowadays, by contrast, he occupies a secure place as America’s best-known “unknown” man of letters (notwithstanding recent ad hominem diatribes, optimistically packaged as literary critiques, in the Washington Times and the Dartmouth Review). We owe this Macdonald revival wholly to Michael Wreszin, Professor Emeritus at Queens College in New York, who has turned himself with Stakhanovite dedication—how the Soviet-hating Macdonald would have shuddered at that adjective—into a one-man Macdonald industry. Wreszin’s aptly titled 1994 book A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald displayed astonishing diligence, and great shrewdness, in chronicling the life of Macdonald’s mind. (Macdonald seems to have had precious little life outside his mind.) Seven years afterwards appeared a Wreszin-edited collection of Macdonald’s letters, A Moral Temper. Neither volume received adequate press coverage, a fact that inspired the fear that public indifference had made Wreszin give up. Happily, here comes the third panel in Wreszin’s Macdonald triptych.

Historian John Lukacs called Macdonald “the American Orwell,” and certainly Macdonald resembled Orwell in several respects. Both men wrote invariably readable prose. Both men grasped, with cold fury, the causal linkage of linguistic corruption and ethical corruption. (Lukacs’s description of Macdonald’s writing process suits Orwell equally: “Every word was not only an aesthetic but a moral choice.”) Both men remain gratifyingly unclassifiable. Orwell the grimy materialist coexisted uneasily with Orwell the crypto-High-Tory romantic who on his deathbed craved Anglican hymns. Macdonald the self-proclaimed leftist loathed proletarian and industrial culture with a passion recalling Action Français leader Charles Maurras’s invective. For proof of his idiom’s Maurrasian elements, see his principal essay collection, Against the American Grain. Like T.S. Eliot—a lifelong hero of his—and like all other civilized people, Macdonald considered “elitist” to be not a swearword but a badge of honor. [...]

He arrived at his cultural conservatism (a phrase he may have coined; he undoubtedly took the credit for being the first to write of “mass culture”) via a circuitous route. A rich, apolitical, WASP Yale alumnus whom the Depression radicalized, he initially sought salvation in Moscow, only to lose his Stalinist faith once the show trials occurred. He reacted, as did other “Partisanskies”—his colleagues at the newborn Partisan Review—by embracing Trotskyism. Yet from 1941 he found the Trot temperament to be almost indistinguishable from the Stalinist one and fled that totalitarianism also.

The mid-1940s to the mid-1960s saw Macdonald at the height of his powers. He edited (1944-1949) his own heterodox little magazine, Politics, an object lesson in how to save the world when almost no one reads you. Politics made no money, its payments to contributors were laughable—he charmed Mary McCarthy into writing for free—and it never had more than 5,000 subscribers; but it published Orwell, Camus, C. Wright Mills, and Simone Weil, as well as The Group’s future author. After Politics, he gave us his most devastating literary articles, originally printed in Partisan Review, Commentary, and the New Yorker but afterwards assembled in Against the American Grain and Discriminations. In 1958, Commentary ran Macdonald’s hatchet job on the once fashionable novelist James Gould Cozzens: “By Cozzens Possessed,” probably the most murderous book review 20th-century America ever produced. From this period, in addition, dates much of Macdonald’s best political analysis, such as Memoirs of a Revolutionist contains; and patchier, though always scintillating, film criticism for Esquire, later republished as Dwight Macdonald on Movies. Once anti-Vietnam campus ferment began, Macdonald returned to leftist activism, his main practical contribution characteristically consisting of public fights with nearly every other leftist activist. This campaigning ended almost as suddenly as it started; during his last decade he drank too much, wrote too little, and became a peripatetic humanities lecturer, in which role he reached a special rapport with trainee policemen at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

As Christopher Hitchens has learned, and the career of Dwight MacDonald demonstrated, there's a danger to combining credulousness and contrarianism because it means that when folks look back over your career they'll discover that you for too long attacked those who were in the right.

-BOOK SITE: Interviews with Dwight Macdonald, Edited by Michael Wreszin (University Press of Mississippi)
-ESSAY: "The Book-of-the-Millennium Club" (Dwight Macdonald, November 29, 1952, The New Yorker)
-ESSAY: A Critique of The Warren Report (Dwight Macdonald, March 1965, Esquire)

-ARCHIVES: Dwight Macdonald writes about writing
-ARCHIVES: Dwight MacDonald (NY Review of Books)
-ARCHIVES: "Dwight MacDonald" (Find Articles)

-REVIEW: of Against the American Grain by Dwight MacDonald (David Montgomery)
-REVIEW: of Against the American Grain: Essays on the Effects of Mass Culture; Discriminations: Essays & Afterthoughts; On Movies; and Parodies: An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm...and After by Dwight Macdonald (John Gabree, New York Newsday)

-REVIEW: of INTERVIEWS WITH DWIGHT MACDONALD, Edited by Michael Wrezin (JEFFREY HART, Washington Times)

Macdonald liked the stance of an aristocratic bohemian and man of taste. What one remembers of him perhaps is his once famous distinction between Masscult, Midcult, and High Culture. There's no mystery about Hugh Culture: Yeats, Matisse. Masscult comes out of a juke box. But Midcult is the enemy: a spurious imitation of High Culture, like, say, Thornton Wilder's "Our Town."

Possibly these distinctions are worth starting with.

In his one-man magazine Politics Macdonald did a surgical destruction of the 1948 Henry Wallace presidential campaign, the destruction lots of fun at the time. In Commentary he performed a hit job on a wildly overrated novel by James Gould Cozzens, "By Love Possessed." The novel was not good, but in "Guard of Honor" Cozzens had written what might be a great novel, and Macdonald would have done well to register his awareness of this, if, indeed, he was aware of it.

Macdonald survived as a writer on his fluency, but he had no consistent aesthetic, political, or moral standards. He imagined Norman Mailer to be a great writer. Coleridge admired the kind of mind that could entertain contradictory ideas and be energized by them. Macdonald could certainly entertain contradictory ideas but he seems to have been entirely unaware that they were contradictory, so they could hardly be energizing. To say the least, he did not have anything approaching a first-rate mind. Irresponsible would be to put it mildly.

-REVIEW: Dwight Macdonald: sunburned by ideas: a review of A Moral Temper: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald, edited by Michael Wreszin (Joseph Epstein, New Criterion)
Macdonald had been drifting leftward. “Marx goes to the heart of the problem,” he wrote to a college classmate in 1936. To the same man he wrote: “I’m growing more and more intolerant of those who stand—or rather squat—in the way of radical progress, the more I learn about the conservative businesses that run this country and the more I see of the injustices done people under this horrible capitalist system.” Earlier he had noted that “my greatest vice is my easily aroused indignation—also, I suppose, one of my greatest strengths. I can work up a moral indignation quicker than a fat tennis player can work up a sweat.” Over the years his similes would improve, if not his temperament.

By the time he was thirty, Macdonald was fully formed, intellectually and emotionally. Politically, he was anti-Stalinist and anti-statist yet also anti-capitalist. In the 1936 presidential election, he voted for Earl Browder, the Communist candidate. For a few years he was a member of the Trotskyite Worker Party. But he had only to join a group to find it objectionable and thus left the Workers Party in 1941. Trotsky himself had referred to him as a “Macdonaldist.” (In an article left in his dictaphone machine before his death, he described a Macdonald piece as “very muddled and stupid.”) Macdonald always took the high road—that “moral indignation” again—preferring clarity over complexity in politics and keeping a palette restricted to two colors, black and white, with very little interest in gray shadings or texture of any sort. His unwillingness to grant America the least virtue led him to make some impressively idiotic statements, notable among them: “Europe has its Hitlers, but we have our Rotarians.”

-REVIEW: of A Moral Temper: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald, edited by Michael Wreszin(Robert Fulford, National Post)
One reason he argued so much was that he kept changing political sides -- and no matter what side he was on, he always knew it was the right one. A friend of the Communist Party in the early 1930s, he soon joined a Trotskyist (therefore anti-Moscow) party, then defected to another Trotskyist party, then withdrew from all parties to become a pacifist, a position he held with dogged passion during the Second World War. In the Cold War he at first considered both sides abhorrent but reluctantly backed the U.S. -- though he never came to like his fellow Americans ("an unhappy people ... without style, without a sense of what is humanly satisfying"). In the 1960s, enraged by the Vietnam War, he joined the student rebels, calling them "the best generation I have known in this country, the cleverest and the most serious and decent," though he wished they would occasionally read a book.

Through it all he desperately protected his intellectual purity. In 1942 Mary McCarthy satirized him in a story, Portrait of the Intellectual as Yale Man: "His mind and character appeared to him as a kind of sacred trust ... It was as if he were the standard gold dollar against which the currency is measured."

-REVIEW: of A MORAL TEMPER: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald, Edited by Michael Wreszin (Dwight Garner , NY Times Book Review)

-REVIEW: of A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald by Michael Wreszin (John Elson, TIME)
-REVIEW: of A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald by Michael Wreszin (Gampo Mellichampe, Social Anarchism)
-REVIEW: of A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald by Michael Wreszin (Henry Gonshak, Montana Tech-UM)
-REVIEW: of A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald by Michael Wreszin (Harold Orlans, Change)
-ESSAY: A Nine-Hour Resurrection: Alexander Herzen, Marx's rival and Tolstoy's nonfiction counterpart, enjoys a well-deserved return to center stage in Tom Stoppard's The Coast of Utopia (Christopher Hitchens, December 2002, Atlantic Monthly)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:34 PM


State budgets gain some wiggle room (Dennis Cauchon, 12/31/03, USA TODAY)

State spending rose 4.6% in 2002 while revenue increased only 3%; that forced states to borrow billions of dollars to balance their budgets. But legislators clamped down in 2003. Spending rose only 1.3% in the first nine months of the year while revenue increased 1.5%.

The fiscal restraint is paying dividends. For the first time in three years, most legislatures won't have to plug holes in existing budgets this year. Instead, they will focus on next year's budgets, which take effect July 1 in 46 states.

You'll recall that at the beginning of the year it was claimed that the only way to prevent catastrophe was for the Federal government to shovel money to the states. Turns out that if you just don't spend so much money those deficits pretty much take care of themselves. We could use a constitutional amendment to force the Congress to accept the same discipline.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:13 PM


God behind Kenya’s progress, says Kibaki (The Standard, December 29, 2003)

President Mwai Kibaki yesterday urged Christians to thank God for the achievements they had realised in life.

He said any progress made by the people was the work of God and it was important to thank Him.

President Kibaki was speaking at Mombasa's Wesley Methodist Church during a Sunday service conducted by the Pwani Methodist Synod Bishop, Ferdinand Mkare.

The Head of State cautioned the congregation against forgetting what God had done for them. He thanked God for enabling Kenyans win last year's General Election after they prayed for it.

Kenya is one of those African nations that there's some hope for, not least because of the predominance of Christianity, the English language, and literacy in the nation. It's the kind of place we ought to focus our efforts in Africa, chiefly to raise living standards, which are currently so low as to make enduring liberal democratic reform unlikely to take hold.

A continent at peace: five African hot spots cool down: Motivated by antiterror fears and a need for oil, Africans are demanding warriors to beat their swords into plowshares. (Abraham McLaughlin, 1/02/04, CS Monitor)

For the first time in five years, no major wars are roiling the continent, even if low-level conflicts still smolder. A deal to end Sudan's civil war - Africa's longest - could be struck this month. And peace processes are pushing ahead in Liberia, Burundi, Ivory Coast, and Congo.

Perhaps it's just a lull between storms. Yet observers see fundamental shifts that may create an era of relative calm for Africa's 800 million people.

The biggest new force is Africans themselves. Led by South Africa, there's growing desire to arm-twist warriors into laying down their weapons. Also, outside powers, including the United States, are more engaged. They may be motivated by antiterror fears, need for oil, or guilt for inaction during Rwanda's 1994 genocide, but they're increasingly supporting Africa's peaceful impulses.

"The continent as a whole has asserted a good bit more activism about putting conflicts to rest - and has turned down the flames of its active wars," says Ross Herbert, Africa Research Fellow at the South African Institute of International Affairs in Johannesburg. [...]

Outside powers are key as well. "There is a longer-term trend of the West reengaging in Africa," says Mr. Herbert. The US sent a small contingent to Liberia earlier this year to help separate rebels and the government, who had been fighting for years. When Sierra Leone exploded in 2000, British troops intervened successfully. And French soldiers are still in the volatile Ivory Coast.

There's also clearly a self-interested agenda. In the post-9/11 world, the US sees chaotic African countries as potential terrorism incubators. It's also eyeing Africa's growing oil exports. Sudan symbolizes the many reasons for America's new engagement in Africa.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:59 PM


How three threats interlock: A mission for moderates (Amin Saikal, December 29, 2003, IHT)

Three minority extremist groups - the militant fundamentalist Islamists exemplified at the far edge by Al Qaeda, certain activist elements among America's reborn Christians and neoconservatives, and the most inflexible hard-line Zionists from Israel - have emerged as dangerously destabilizing actors in world politics. Working perversely to reinforce each other's ideological excesses, they have managed to drown out mainstream voices from all sides. Each has the aim of changing the world according to its own individual vision. [...]

On another side are groups of internationalist activists among American fundamentalist Christians and neoconservatives who have found it opportune since Sept. 11, 2001, to pursue their agendas more aggressively. They wish to reshape the Middle East and defiant political Islam according to their ideological and geopolitical preferences.

The extremists of these groups seek to "civilize" or "democratize" the Arab world in particular, and the Muslim world in general, in their own images, and they have particular influence through key appointees in the Bush administration. The fact that democracy can neither be imposed nor be expected to mushroom overnight does not appear to resonate with them. [...]

It takes a few to make war but many to make peace. In pursuit of peace, not only should Al Qaeda and its associates be marginalized, but the radical international agendas of some reborn Christians, neoconservatives and hard-line Zionists should be completely discredited. Doing away with one and not the others is not an option for our future.

This was roughly the thesis of Karen Armstrong's heinous book--Battle for God--that (I'm not kidding) the televangelist scandals and Oklahoma City can be equated to the terrorism of radical Islam. Mr. Saikal carries this idiocy even further in equating the American (for the fundamentalist Christians and neocons of his rhetoric are in fact the majority of the American people, not a radical minority) desire to bring peace, freedom, and economic development to the Islamic world with al Qaeda's nihilism and totalitarianism. It is obviously culturally insensitive of us to think this way, but it seems certain that the overwhelming majority of us would consider anyone and idiot who uses scare quotes around the words "civilize" and "democratize". The future is one of civilization, in the very much Western sense of that word, and of liberal democracy and to seek to discredit them is to place oneself in opposition to America and Americanism.

Posted by David Cohen at 3:45 PM


Jobless Claims Fall to Nearly 3-Year Low (Reuters, 12/31/03)

New applications for state jobless benefits hit the lowest level in nearly three years last week, the government said on Wednesday, boosting hopes that employment is finally beginning to show sustained growth.

The Labor Department said 339,000 idled workers filed for unemployment insurance at state offices throughout the country in the week ended Dec. 27, down from a revised 354,000 a week earlier.

The level of new claims was the lowest since President Bush's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2001.

The next time someone claims that the sky is falling because some major employer has announced massive layoffs of 5000, or 10,000, or 20,000 workers over the next year, remember that a week in which only 340,000 people lost their jobs is a very good week.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 AM


No Democrats have filed yet for state elections in 2004 (John Moritz, 12/31/03, DFW Star-Telegram)

The head of the Texas Democrats on Tuesday vowed that his party would field "scores" of candidates to challenge incumbent Republicans in the 2004 elections, but with filing for the March primaries ending Friday, no Democrat has stepped forward in any of the statewide races.

This is the party that thinks they should have the bulk of the Texas congressional delegation?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:03 AM


Decision 2004: ABD vs. ABBA (Don Hazen, December 30, 2003 , AlterNet)

The Democratic candidates, the media and perhaps the Bush people seem to be ignoring what seems inarguable: Dean has been the candidate of change from the onset, and their attacks add emphasis to that status. He staked out clear positions where the voters were most angry: the rush to war, a tin-eared imperial presidency, a faltering economy, corrupt cronyism and an overall feeling of powerlessness. He stood up for something. In a climate of powerful models of voter frustration -- most notably Arnold Schwarzenegger's election as governor of California -- Dean captured the mantle of change, and he's just tightened his grip since then.

Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi suggests that the broadsides against Dean do not appear to be sticking so far. Trippi reminded the Times that the attacks on Dean supposedly planned by the Bush team may backfire. He notes that they haven't worked so well for Dean's Democratic rivals: "Where have we gone? From zero to 31 percent in the latest ABC poll." Dean himself said in late December that the attacks won't help in the long run, since Bush will eventually use the criticisms in his ads. "But in the short run I think it makes them (the other candidates) look smaller."

What the Dean supporters seem to ignore is just how minimal and marginal his support is. By comparison, George W. Bush, even with an outstanding opponent, polled around 50% and ran ahead of Al Gore (John McCain ran ahead of Gore by even more in fact) at this time in the last cycle. Dr. Dean's numbers range from the teens to an only very occasional blip past 30%.

Being the candidate of change may win him the 30% of people who are dissatisfied with a booming economy and winning the war on terror, and he can certainly add another 10-14% just from Democrats too loyal to vote Republican, but how does he get past that 40% mark? His is an inherently limited appeal.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:49 AM


Former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix wins Olof Palme Prize (Canadian Press, 29/12/03)

Former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix was named the winner of the $50,000 US Olof Palme Prize on Monday for his work in trying to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

"He has under circumstances of strong external pressure demonstrated an independence and a commitment to principle which have inspired respect and admiration throughout the world," the Olof Palme Memorial Fund for International Understanding and Common Security said.

The award is endowed by the family of the slain Swedish prime minister and the governing Social Democratic party. The memorial fund board, which chooses recipients, said Blix "worked throughout his life for the benefit of international law, peace and the United Nations."

Blix is a former Swedish foreign minister who led the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1981 to 1997 and retired from the United Nations in June.

In other news, The Canadian Liberal Party’s Award for International Courage and Virtue went to Jean Chretien.

December 30, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:35 PM


Forging One Nation From Three Agendas: What's the best way to bring Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds together under a cohesive democracy? (Stanley Reed, 12/29/03, Business Week)

Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator who left a legacy of mass graves and damaged survivors. He did, however, manage to hold together a fractious country through the force of his personality -- and some of the most violent repression the world has ever witnessed. Even before his capture on Dec. 13, his removal from power had unleashed a wave of chaos and criminality. Now the greatest challenge facing the U.S. and the Iraqis is to craft a new, democratic government that can bind Iraq's long-divided religious and ethnic groups together. The U.S. has agreed to turn over power to an Iraqi authority by July. But forging a consensus among Iraq's disparate communities could prove far more difficult than rounding up the cagey Saddam.

Post-Saddam Iraq is a country without a defining national identity, and over the long term that's a situation potentially more dangerous than the threat currently posed by the insurgents. Cobbled together by the British in the 1920s, Iraq resembles three countries more than one; it was kept together by strongmen rulers even before Saddam. The Kurds in the north, the Sunni Arabs north and west of Baghdad, and the Shiite Arabs of the south and center inhabit vast swaths of territory. There has long been tension where the communities overlap, such as in Kirkuk and Mosul. As if all that weren't enough, the various groups are far from united themselves. Many secular Shiites want no part of bans on alcohol and other strictures favored by their more observant coreligionists. Likewise, the Sunni community ranges from the educated elite of academics and former bureaucrats to the thugs who served as Saddam's spies and enforcers.

Why try to make it one country? Why not Kurdistan, Shi'astan and the Sunni minority in the latter can stay or go?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 PM


Assault on the established order (The Japan Times, Dec. 31, 2003)

The concluding year will be remembered for the many ways it undermined the building blocks of the world as we know it. Globally, regionally and even here at home, the events of 2003 posed a direct challenge to the most basic ways in which states and societies act. While change is inevitable, it is by no means clear that this assault on the established order will open the door to a better future. That will depend on whether our governments have the courage and the wisdom to seize the opportunities presented by a world in flux.

Globally, the big story of 2003 was the invasion of Iraq. While Washington mustered an international coalition to overthrow Saddam Hussein, the attack was most notable for its blatant disregard of the United Nations. The decision to proceed without U.N. approval was not unprecedented -- NATO action in Yugoslavia in the 1990s did not enjoy U.N. legitimacy. But rarely had a government -- and an architect of the international order at that -- so flagrantly dismissed international opinion.

This is somewhat the premise of the book I'm working on too: that the paradigm of state sovereignty--which has prevailed since the Peace of Westphalia--is under attack from Left, where transnational progressivism would discard the authority of the nation-state altogether, and from the Center/Right, where America's Jacksonian unilateralism and humanitarian concerns seem to have converged to add a requirement that the sovereign be legitimate, meet the standards of the end of history, or else be considered fair game. Regardless of which side prevails--and it would be catastrophic if the Left does--the sovereignty paradigm will have shifted in a revolutionary way, but like the proverbial frog in the pot of water set to boil, we seem hardly aware of what's underway.

N.B.--If anyone is aware of any essays pertinent to these topics, please send them on.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:33 PM


The Accidental Populist: Howard Dean vs. the democratic establishment (Steve Perry, 12/31/03, City Pages)

[T]here are many in and around the national Democratic fold who really do believe that Gore and Dean have it in mind to take the party away from the DLC once and for all. It's far too early to tell whether this is true in any meaningful sense (it's one thing to really mean it in December, another to stake your future on it in July), but a couple of observations may be safely made from here.

First, a serious run at taking over the party machine would oblige Dean to keep running against his own party not just through primary season but the general election as well. In that sense it would be very much like McGovern and '72 all over again--remember "Democrats for Nixon" and the more sub rosa means the Democrats used to undermine McGovern? To have any hope at all of winning such a race, Dean would have to take his Columbia speech on economic justice for all and make it the holy writ of his campaign. He would have to break the first covenant of our dysfunctional political family, which is never to involve outsiders in family business. The dirty little secret of the me-too Democrats is that they are really no more keen on appealing to "nontraditional voters" (traditional nonvoters, that is) than Republicans. And according to the Washington Post, Republican functionaries are beginning to grow scared of Dean's capacity to do just that.

Second, you can probably forget nearly everything in the foregoing paragraph, because the chances that Dean will pick such an audacious course and stick to it are surpassingly slim. The presumptive philosopher king of Dean's epic confrontation with the DLC, after all, is Albert Gore Jr. It's not hard to believe that Gore would like to seize the party apparatus from Clinton & Friends, but why should anyone get excited about the prospect of what he might do with it?

A few eternally masochistic Democrats are trying to make out that they finally have the new Al Gore they were promised for so long. One of the smartest consultants I know recently told me that Gore finally seems to have come into his own. "He seems to be at his best when he's had a chance to go away and just think," the politico said hopefully. "Like when he wrote his book." But the mirage of a bearded, far-seeing Gore foraging for nuts and berries with Tipper at his side faded after a mere few seconds.

We'd not wish such a fate on anyone, including those held in Guantanamo, but you really have to have read the wretched book to appreciate just how deranged that comment is.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:09 PM


In Britain, a nation of 55 million, which consumed 900,000+ cows with heavy BSE contamination, 145 people became ill.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 PM


Nuclear materials found in Libya (Daniel Williams, Dec. 30, 2003, WASHINGTON POST)

Now, government officials say, Gadhafi wants to lead his country of 5.5 million people into the global economy and increase production and marketing of Libya's large oil reserves and attract investment and trade.

"We can't afford guns and butter," Prime Minister Shokri Ghanem said.

Nonetheless, by setting up the clandestine program and importing equipment, the Libyans were in breach of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Gadhafi's government had long ago signed. "There were some imports and some activities they should have reported," ElBaradei said.

In the veteran inspector's eyes, the findings highlighted the inadequacy of international inspections. IAEA teams have been visiting Libya for years and knew nothing about the equipment they saw Sunday. One location stood in urban neighborhoods along dirt alleys.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:44 PM


Bush-Hatred: Fearful Loathing . . . (Robert J. Samuelson, December 30, 2003, Washington Post)

Genuine political hatred is usually reserved for true tyrants, whose unspeakable acts of brutality justify nothing less.

More than the language is butchered. Once disagreement turns into self-proclaimed hate, it becomes blinding. You can see only one all-encompassing truth, which is your villain's deceit, stupidity, selfishness or evil. This was true of Clinton haters, and it's increasingly true of Bush haters. A small army of pundits and talking heads has now devoted itself to one story: the sins of Bush, Cheney and their supporters. They ruined the economy with massive tax cuts and budget deficits; the Iraq war was an excuse for corporate profiteering; their arrogance alienated foreign allies.

All ambiguity vanishes. For example: The economy is recovering, stimulated in part by huge budget deficits; and many traditional allies of the United States like having Bush as a political foil to excuse them from costly and unpopular commitments.

In the end, Bush hating says more about the haters than the hated -- and here, too, the parallels with Clinton are strong. This hatred embodies much fear and insecurity. The anti-Clinton fanatics hated him not simply because he occasionally lied, committed adultery or exhibited an air of intellectual superiority. What really infuriated them was that he kept succeeding -- he won reelection, his approval ratings stayed high -- and that diminished their standing. If Clinton was approved, they must be disapproved.

Ditto for Bush. If he succeeded less, he'd be hated less.

All well and good, except for this part: "anti-Clinton fanatics hated him not simply because he occasionally lied, committed adultery or exhibited an air of intellectual superiority". Let's concede that folk can justify their hatred of Bush on the basis of his displayed intellectual inferiority; where though are the public immoral acts to match Clinton's?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:36 PM


Iran thanks America for earthquake relief; Powell sees `new attitude' in Tehran (MATTHEW PENNINGTON, December 30, 2003, Associated Press)

As survivors of Iran's earthquake scavenged for clothes and jostled for handouts Tuesday, President Mohammad Khatami thanked the United States for aid but played down talk that Washington's contribution would thaw frosty relations.

Khatami's remarks came after Secretary of State Colin Powell said he sees a "new attitude" in Iran that could lead to a restoration of ties between the United States and the Islamic republic that President Bush has called part of an "axis of evil."

"There are things happening, and therefore we should keep open the possibility of dialogue at an appropriate point in the future," Powell was quoted as saying in Tuesday's Washington Post.

Iranian leaders have agreed to permit unannounced inspections of the country's nuclear energy program and made overtures to moderate Arab governments. They also accepted an offer of U.S. humanitarian aid after last week's devastating magnitude-6.6 earthquake. [...]

In the latest U.S. shipment, an American military plane carrying 80 personnel and medical supplies landed early Tuesday in the provincial capital of Kerman. The team reached Bam, 120 miles to the southeast, by midday.

Seven U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo planes have already delivered 150,000 pounds of relief supplies -- including blankets, medical supplies and water -- making the United States one of the largest international donors.

Nothing like a disaster to drive home the point that your system doesn't work.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:48 PM


The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams by Lester J. Cappon (Editor)

Adams to Jefferson (Montezillo, May 12th. 1820.)

The question between spirit and matter appears to me nugatory because we have neither evidence nor idea of either. All that we certainly know is that some substance exists, which must be the cause of all the qualitys and Attributes which we perceive: Extension, Solidity, Perception, memory, and Reason, for all these are Attributes, or adjectives, and not Essences or substantives.

Sixty years ago, at College, I read Berkley, and from that time to this I have been fully persuaded that we know nothing of Essences, that some Essence does exist, which causes our minds with all their ideas, and this visible World with all its wonders. I am certain that this Cause is wise, Benevolent and powerful, beyond all conception; I cannot doubt, but what it is, I cannot conjecture.

Suppose we dwell a little on this matter. The Infinite divisibility of it had long ago been demonstrated by Mathematicians--When the Marquis De L'Hospital arose and demonstrated that there were quantities and not infinitely little, but others infinitely less than those infinitely littles, and he might have gone on, for what I know, to all Eternity demonstrating that there are quantities infinitely littles, and he might have gone on, for what I know, to all Eternity demonstrating that there are quantities infinitely less than the last infinitely littles; and the Phenomena of nature seems to coincide with De L'Hospitals demonstrations. For example, Astronomers inform us that the Star draconis is distant from the Earth 38. 000, 000. 000. 000. miles. The Light that proceeds from that Star, therefore, must fill a Sphere of 78. 000, 000, 000, 000, miles in diameter, and every part of that Sphere equal to the size of the pupil of the human Eye. Light is Matter, and every ray, every pencil of that light is made up of particles very little indeed, if not infinitely little, or infinitely less than infinitely little. If this Matter is not fine enough and subtle enough to perceive, to feel and to think, it is too subtle for any human intellect or imagination to conceive, for I defy any human mind to form any idea of anything so small. However, after all, Matter is but Matter; if it is infinitely less than infinitely little, it is incapable of memory, judgement, or feeling, or pleasure or pain, as far as I can conceive. Yet for anything I know, it may be as capable of Sensation and reflection as Spirit, for I confess I know not how Spirit can think, feel or act, any more than Matter. In truth, I cannot conceive how either can move or think, so that I must repose upon your pillow of ignorance, which I find very soft and consoleing, for it absolves my conscience from all culpability in this respect. But I insist upon it that the Saint has as good a right to groan at the Philosopher for asserting that there is nothing but matter in the Universe, As the Philosopher has to laugh at the Saint for saying that there are both Matter and Spirit, Or as the Infidel has to despise Berckley for saying that we cannot prove that there is anything in the Universe but Spirit and Idea--for this indeed is all he asserted, for he never denied the Existence of Matter. After all, I agree that both the groan and the Smile is impertinent, for neither knows what he says, or what he affirms, and I will say of both, as Turgot says of Berkley in his Article of Existence in the Encyclopedia: it is easier to despise than to answer them.


Oh delightful Ignorance! When I arrive at a certainty that I am Ignorant, and that I always must be ignorant, while I live I am happy, for I know I can no longer be responsible.

We shall meet hereafter and laugh at our present botherations. So believes your old Friend,


Jefferson to Adams (Monticello. Aug. 15. 20.)

[L]et me turn to your puzzling letter of May 12. on matter, spirit, motion, etc. It's croud of scepticisms kept me from sleep. I read it, and laid it down: read it, and laid it down, again and again: and to give rest to my mind, I was obliged to recur ultimately to my habitual anodyne, 'I feel: therefore I exist.' I feel bodies which are not myself: there are other existencies then. I call them matter. I feel them changing place. This gives me motion. Where there is an absence of matter, I call it void, or nothing, or immaterial space. On the basis of sensation, of matter and motion, we may erect the fabric of all the certainties we can have or need. I can conceive thought to be an action of a particular organisation of matter, formed for that purpose by it's creator, as well as that attraction is an action of matter, or magnetism of loadstone. When he who denies to the Creator the power of endowing matter with the mode of action called thinking shall shew how he could endow the Sun with the mode of action called attraction, which reins the planets in the tracts of their orbits, or how an absence of matter can have a will, and, by that will, put matter into motion, then the materialist may be lawfully required to explain the process by which matter exercises the faculty of thinking. When once we quit the basis of sensation, all is in the wind. To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise: but I believe I am supported in my creed of materialism by Locke, Tracy, and Stewart. At what age of the Christian church this heresy of immaterialism, this masked atheism, crept in, I do not know. But a heresy it certainly is. Jesus taught nothing of it. He told us indeed that 'God is spirit,' but he has not defined what a spirit is, nor said that it is not matter. And the antient fathers generally, if not universally, held it to be matter: light and thin indeed, an etherial gas; but still matter. [...] All heresies being now done away with us, these schismatics are merely atheists, differing from the material Atheists only in their belief that 'nothing made something,' and from the material deist who believes that matter alone can operate on matter.

Rejecting all organs of information therefore but my senses, I rid myself of Pyrrhonisms with which an indulgence in speculations hyperphysical and antiphysical so uselessly occupy and disquiet the mind. A single sense may indeed be sometimes deceived, but rarely: and never all our senses together, with the faculty of reasoning. They evidence realities; and there are enough of these for the purposes of life, without plunging into the fathomless abyss of dreams and phantasms. I am satisfied, and sufficiently occupied with the things which are, without tormenting or troubling myself about those which may indeed be, but of which I have no evidence. I am sure that I really know many, many, things, and none more surely than that I love you with all my heart, and pray for the continuance of your life until you shall be tired of it yourself.


Though Adams' skepticism is quite obviously right, it is Jefferson's closing lines that are the kicker, for no man will deny that he loves and is loved and that this love is something quite real and independent of the world of mere material. That's not a reasoned argument, just an assertion (an expression of faith) but it is sufficient and just as sufficient now as it was then. And so, ultimately, we all groan with the Saint and deny materialism and rationalism in practice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:33 PM


The Top Science Stories of 2003 (Scientific American, 12/24/03)

For some, this year in science may be remembered more for its disasters than its successes. On January 16 the space shuttle Columbia launched to great fanfare, only to fail tragically on re-entry 16 days later. Then came news of the mysterious and lethal disease known as SARS, which sparked worldwide panic. And a midsummer blackout stretching from Ontario to New York served as a vivid reminder of how dependent we are on a fragile power grid.

Amid these calamities, however, a number of noteworthy achievements unfolded. China became the third nation to send people into space; paleontologists working in Ethiopia unearthed the oldest known members of our species; researchers applied virtual reality to colonoscopies and autopsies with stunning results. In addition, the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA and the centennial of powered flight served as springboards for reflection on the bigger picture of scientific progress.

Below, and in no particular order, are 25 of the stories that most impressed us here at Scientific Some are included on the basis of their significance, others for sheer fun. --The Editors

For straight aging men, this was the best story of all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:05 PM


Abu Sayyaf gunmen captured in southern Philippines (Agence France Presse, 29 December 2003)

Two men believed to be field commanders of the Muslim Abu Sayyaf kidnap gang have been captured following military raids in the southern Philippines at the weekend.

Troops arrested Alih Malabon, also known as Abu Nidal, and Mohammad Said, alias Commander Kaiser, in operations Saturday near the southern port city of Zamboanga, the military southern command said. [...]

Malabon and Said are implicated in the murders of Americans Guillermo Sobero and Martin Burnham, two of three US hostages kidnapped by the group from a beach resort in May 2001. [...]

The gunmen earlier this warned they would launch retaliatory attacks after the military captured Galib Andang, known also as Commander Robot, one of the group's top lieutenants who engineered a daring kidnapping raid on Malaysian resorts in 2000.

Is there anywhere the terrorists aren't back on their heels?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 PM


Moral Ambiguities and the Crime Novels of P.D. James (Patricia A Ward, May 16, 1984, Christian Century)

The classic detective story cannot exist apart from the principles of the existence of good and evil and of poetic justice. The crime is usually a murder; with the discovery of the identity of the murderer, the criminal experiences a kind of Aristotelian reversal. The reader closes the book knowing that justice will be carried out. Some literary critics have trouble with the conventionality of the principle of good and evil in the detective story; its focal point has been the cleverness of the investigator of the crime, not the psychology of the characters caught up in the drama of the crime.

In an article in Crime Writers, edited by H. R. F. Keating (1978), P. D. James defended Dorothy Sayers against that charge, pointing out that Sayers had begun to include the details of ordinary life in the detective story, placing events in a real world. Margery Allingham and Ngaio Marsh, too, “are novelists, not merely fabricators of ingenious puzzles. Both seek, not always successfully, to reconcile the conventions of the classical detective story with the novel of social realism.’’

On more fundamental grounds. James defends the crime novel in the hands of these writers because they never trivialize crime:

"A genre which rests on the fundamental belief that willful killing is wrong and that every human being, no matter how unpleasant, inconvenient or worthless his life may be, has a right to live it to the last natural moment, needs no particular apology in an age in which gratuitous violence and arbitrary death have become common." [...]

Adam Dalgleish, the investigator in this first group of novels, is relentless, clever and intuitive, but he is no stereotype. A cool professional, he is also painfully aware of the dilemmas of his work and the fallibility of human nature. The writer of two books of poetry, he suffers because his self-knowledge permits him truly to understand the motives of the characters of each murder drama. When he questions a striking and intelligent woman about her past and her relationship with a very ordinary, but safe, friend and confidante, he is told that he could never understand. “But he did understand,” writes James. “There had been a boy in his prep school like that, so ordinary, so safe, that he was a kind of talisman against death and disaster.”

Adam is strangely detached and uncommitted. He has suffered the tragedy of the deaths of his wife and infant son. Although the threads of a romance are introduced in the early novels, Dalgleish does not remarry. In A Mind to Murder, he visits a Catholic church to light a candle on the 14th anniversary of his wife’s death, but he is not a believer. “He thought of this most private action in his detached and secretive life, not as superstition or piety, but as a habit which he could not break even if he wished.”

Dalgleish is perhaps a modern Everyman; aware of the great existential issues of life, he takes no stand on them. Although he is the son of an Anglican clergyman, he is alone and self-sufficient in a world of ambiguity and violence where love often is a possessive passion which is easily transformed into hate. In Shroud, Adam passes through the outpatient department of the hospital and is reminded of his own mortality. It is not that he fears death. “But he did grievously fear old age, mortal illness and disablement. He dreaded the loss of independence, the indignities of senility. . . . He was not arrogant enough to suppose himself secure from the lot of other men. But in the meantime, he preferred not to be reminded.”

Adam refuses to discuss the motivation to murder in terms of sin or wickedness. He agrees with Dr. Etherege in A Mind to Murder when asked about the unknown murderer: “Wicked? I’m not competent to discuss this in theological terms.” There are no clear-cut theological answers which explain the moral ambiguities of human action. James has commented:

"Dalgleish’s failing as a human being . . . is that he is very careful to avoid commitment; detecting is in a sense an ideal job for him, because although he is constantly interfering with other people, finding things out about them and coming into their lives in a very dramatic way, he must remain detached -- he’d be an unsatisfactory policeman otherwise."

The modern secular rationalist wears this inability to commit like a badge of honor, the inability to determine what is good and what evil and to acknowledge the superiority of their own civilization. Tolerance is their mantra, no matter how vile the things they're required to tolerate. A quintessential moment came last week when Dr. Dean found himself unable to judge Osama bin Laden. In effect, such people ally themselves with evil even as the congratuulate themselves on doing good.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:57 AM


THE RING AND THE RINGS: Wagner vs. Tolkien (ALEX ROSS, 2003-12-15, The New Yorker)

It is probably heretical to suggest that the “Lord of the Rings” films surpass the books on which they are based. (Correspondence on this subject may be addressed to Alex Ross, The North Pole.) The books tell a fantastic story in a familiar style, but the movies transcend the apparent limitations of their medium in the same way that Wagner transcended the limitations of opera. They revive the art of Romantic wonder; they manufacture the sublime. I hope that at least a small fraction of the huge worldwide audiences for these films will one day be tempted into Wagner’s world, which offers something else again. For Tolkien, myth is a window on an ideal world, both brighter and blacker than our own. For Wagner, it is a magnifying mirror for the average, desperate modern soul.

There is a widespread conception of Wagner’s cycle as a bombastic nationalistic saga in which blond-haired heroes triumph over dwarfish, vaguely Jewish enemies. Wagner unquestionably left himself open to this interpretation, but the “Ring” is not at all what it seems. It is in fact a prolonged assault on the very idea of worldly power, the cult of the monumental—everything that we think of as “Wagnerian.” At the beginning, the god Wotan is looking to expand his realm. But every step he takes to assert himself over the affairs of others, to make his will reality, leads inexorably to his downfall. He is marked from the outset, and the ring becomes a symbol of the corruption of his authority. Tolkien believes in the forces of good, in might for right. Wagner dismisses all that—he had an anarchist streak early on—and sees redemption only in love.

When Tolkien stole Wagner’s ring, he discarded its most significant property—that it can be forged only by one who has forsworn love. (Presumably, Sauron gave up carnal pleasures when he became an all-seeing eye at the top of a tower, but it’s hard to say for certain. Maybe he gets a kick out of the all-seeing bit.) The sexual opacity of Tolkien’s saga has often been noted, and the films faithfully replicate it. Desirable people appear onscreen, and one is given to understand that at some point they have had or will have had relations, but their entanglements are incidental to the plot. It is the little ring that brings out the lust in men and in hobbits. And what, honestly, do people want in it? Are they envious of Sauron’s bling-bling life style up on top of Barad-dûr? Tolkien mutes the romance of medieval stories and puts us out in self-abnegating, Anglican-modernist, T. S. Eliot territory. The ring is a never-ending nightmare to which people are drawn for no obvious reason. It generates lust and yet gives no satisfaction.

Wagner, by contrast, uses the ring to shine a light on various intense, confused, all-too-human relationships. Alberich forges the ring only after the Rhine maidens turn away his advances. Wotan becomes obsessed with it as a consequence of his loveless marriage; he buries himself in his work. Even after he sees through his delusions, and achieves a quasi-Buddhist acceptance of his powerlessness, he has nothing else to lean on, not even his Gandalfian staff, and wanders off into the night. Siegfried and Brünnhilde, lost in their love for each other, succeed in remaking the ring as an ordinary trinket, a symbol of their devotion. They assert their earthbound passion against Wotan’s godly world, and thus bring it down. The apparatus of myth itself—the belief in higher and lower powers, hierarchies, orders—crumbles with the walls of Valhalla. Perhaps what angered Tolkien most was that Wagner wrote a sixteen-hour mythic opera and then, at the end, blew up the foundations of myth.

Admittedly, the notion of the “Ring” cycle as some sort of sexual hothouse can seem far-fetched when the operas are seen in performance. People like to think of Wagner as a lot of large people standing around and singing loudly, and they are not mistaken. The Met lacks a Heldentenor who looks even a little bit like Viggo Mortensen. But if in the opera house you sometimes notice a discrepancy between what you hear in the libretto and music and what you see onstage it is no less distracting than what moviegoers are asked to believe on a routine basis. You don’t ask whether an elf could kill an oliphaunt, or even what an oliphaunt is; you go along with the premise. It is the same in opera. The premise is that performers trained as opera singers are going to assume action-hero roles. Squint a little and it’s all fine.

Having been introduced to the story, improbably enough, by an adaptation in the Thor comic book, I saw the Seattle Opera do the Ring Cycle in Summer 1981. At the intermissions, little old ladies would elbow their ways past you to get to the bar and then bitterly complain about how much better it was in Bayreuth in '38, when the Fuhrer attended. Meanwhile, the Seventh Day Adventists were in town for some kind of convocation, but the church had declared the imminent end of days and folks were selling their homes and giving the proceeds to the church, so protestors, afraid of recriminations, were marching with black hoods over their heads, that they might not be recognized by other church members. All in all it was like being trapped in a scene from Cabaret.

Posted by David Cohen at 11:21 AM


. . Or a Rational Response? (E. J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post, 12/30/03)

In the 2000 election, Bush had an advantage over Al Gore because Republican rank-and-filers so hated Bill Clinton -- and so wanted to win -- that they gave Bush ample room to sound as moderate as John Breaux or Olympia Snowe. Bush's 2000 Republican National Convention hid the base behind the appealing face of inclusiveness and outreach. Gore, in the meantime, had to claw back the votes of liberals and lefties who had strayed to Ralph Nader.

This time the Democrats will have most of the election year to appeal to swing voters. Democrats are so hungry to beat Bush that they will let their nominee do just about anything, even be pragmatic and shrewd.

That's why 2004 will be very different from 2003. Democrats who loved Dean's attacks on Bush this year now want Dean to prove he can beat him. Dean's opponents know this, which is why their core case is that Dean can't win. And watch for the appearance of the new, pragmatic Howard Dean, the doctor with an unerring sense of his party's pulse.

If Howard Dean leads the Democratic Party into an electoral debacle next year, losing not only the Presidency, but widening the GOP's majorities in the House and Senate, how will Democrats respond? They will blame Dean for the mistakes he made. They will blame Terry McAuliffe for front-loading the Democratic primaries. They will say that a President enjoying an artificially goosed economy during a time of war can not be beaten. They will say that Karl Rove is an evil genius whose ruthlessness they are too pure to match. They will say that Hilary would have wiped the floor with W.

To be sure, there is a kernal of truth in all these excuses but the last. No Democrat, though, is likely to get to the heart of the problem. Except for the DLC, no Democrat is likely to say in public any of the following three things: George Bush is an accomplished politician, no idiot and dedicated to building his party like no President in modern times; the American people don't trust the Democrats on national security, and haven't for more than thirty years; and the Democrats' core policies are increasingly unpopular.

The danger, though, is that the Republicans will make the opposite error. We will congratulate President Bush on his brilliant strategy, we will note that Americans never voluntarily change Presidents mid-war, and we will -- as we always do -- claim that our ideas are much more popular than they are. We will ignore the fact that, by nominating Howard Dean, the Democrats conceded the election.

All this is preface to my confession that I do not understand what is going on in the Democratic Party. It is true that the early primary system, designed to select a nominee early who can then concentrate on the President, is backfiring, saddling the party with a nominee who might not be able to stay on top for a long slog. But that is somewhat backwards. Dr. Dean is playing by the rules the party set. As President Bush said about losing the popular vote: if the rules had been different, we would have run a different campaign. We must at least consider the possibility that the same is true of the rest of Dr. Dean's campaign; that it was consciously designed to succeed under the rules set down by the party. Dr. Dean is a loose cannon, but is he loose like a fox, convincing the base that his ad libs are a peek into his unspoken thoughts, which are as mad as they are? In the primaries, the fittest candidate survives, but the Democrats seem to have ended up with a system in which the fittest candidate for the nomination is unfit for the general election.

And yet here is EJ Dionne defending that system. Dr. Dean has consolidated the base, he has convinced them he is one of them, the base is hungry for victory and so will tolerate his coming break to the right. I think that a tiger is being ridden here, but I don't yet know whether the tiger is the base, or Dr. Dean.

MORE: Dean Labels Bush 'Reckless': Candidate Launches Broad Criticisms Tied to U.S. Security (Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, 12/30/03)

From Iraq to homeland security to public health, President Bush's "reckless" habit of placing "ideology over facts" has resulted in "the most dangerous administration in my lifetime," Democrat Howard Dean charged over the past two days.

In Midwest campaign stops and an interview, the former Vermont governor said developments both abroad and at home give credence to his assertion two weeks ago that the United States is "no safer" with the capture of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

"If we are safer, how come we lost 10 more troops and raised the safety alert" to the orange level, Dean said Sunday night in Ankeny, Iowa.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:13 AM


Banned Arms Flowed Into Iraq Through Syrian Firm: Files found in Baghdad describe deals violating U.N. sanctions and offer a glimpse into the murky world of weapons smuggling and the ties between 'rogue states.' (Bob Drogin and Jeffrey Fleishman, December 30, 2003, LA Times)

A Syrian trading company with close ties to the ruling regime smuggled weapons and military hardware to Saddam Hussein between 2000 and 2003, helping Syria become the main channel for illicit arms transfers to Iraq despite a stringent U.N. embargo, documents recovered in Iraq show.

The private company, called SES International Corp., is headed by a cousin of Syria's autocratic leader, Bashar Assad, and is controlled by other members of Assad's Baath Party and Alawite clan. Syria's government assisted SES in importing at least one shipment destined for Iraq's military, the Iraqi documents indicate, and Western intelligence reports allege that senior Syrian officials were involved in other illicit transfers.

Iraqi records show that SES signed more than 50 contracts to supply tens of millions of dollars' worth of arms and equipment to Iraq's military shortly before the U.S.-led invasion in March. They reveal Iraq's increasingly desperate search in at least a dozen countries for ballistic missiles, antiaircraft missiles, artillery, spare parts for MIG fighter jets and battle tanks, gunpowder, radar systems, nerve agent antidotes and more.

Pretty much all the dwarves are on record as saying sanctions should have been given more time to "work".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:02 AM

WHAT DREAMS MAY COME (via Kevin Whited):

Back Peddling (Jacob T. Levy, 12/26/03, New Republic)

It is a foul political season for those of us with sympathies for the New Democratic agenda. Joe Lieberman's campaign is showing a few signs of life, but they are far too little, far too late. Clintonistas have mostly gravitated toward Wesley Clark, still a blank slate on domestic
policy, or John Edwards, in many ways an Old Democrat who happens to have youthful good looks and enough of a drawl to remind them of the good ole days. And presumptive nominee Howard Dean is calling for a rollback of deregulation and explicitly distancing himself from Bill Clinton's Democratic Party. On the other side we face a GOP that is determined to buy its way to electoral dominance, abandoning its free-market and small-government principles in all but rhetoric. Among other things, the administration seems convinced it can impose protectionist measures while still triumphantly concluding a hemispheric free trade agreement, several smaller trade deals, and the Doha round of WTO negotiations. Unsurprisingly, it hasn't worked; the protectionist measures have torpedoed most of the trade talks.

In retrospect, it appears that the New Democratic moment was a fragile one, and its highlights more than a bit accidental. Welfare reform, NAFTA, and the WTO were all essentially products of the interaction between Clinton, a small minority of moderate Democrats, and a majority (but not an overwhelming majority) of congressional Republicans.

Pity the poor New Democrats, who have seen the failure of Clintonism lead to the co-opting of their movement by George W. Bush. Mr. Levy's post-mortem is nonsensical, as his complaint about trade amply demonstrates. Bill Clinton signed a couple treaties that Republicans initiated and passed, but couldn't get authority to negotiate further; while Mr. Bush won that authority and is cranking out new agreements quite rapidly. Meanwhile, the spirit of Welfare Reform lives on in the voucherization that lies at the heart of the No Child Left Behind Act, the MSAs in Medicare Reform and the pending privatization of Social Security.

You can hardly blame the poor guy for covering his eyes and ears and denying reality, but that's what he's doing. George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism/ownership society is the realization of Third Way dreams, but in those dreams it was Democrats not Republicans who led the way.

MSAs Unleashed! (Greg Scandlen, 01/01/2004, The Heartland Institute)

The Medicare reform measure passed by Congress in November included a Health Savings Account (HSA) provision that renames--and dramatically expands and improves--the Medical Savings Account (Archer MSA) pilot program launched in 1996.

Unlike some other provisions of the new bill, MSA expansion will go into effect quickly. On January 1, 2004, all 250 million non-elderly Americans will be permitted to choose a Health Savings Account. By contrast, MSA participation was limited to small businesses and self-employed persons, and the number of MSAs was capped at 750,000.

For America’s senior citizens, Medicare MSAs were reauthorized by the measure and appear to be permanent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM


After Complaint, Dean Explains Himself to Party Chairman (DIANE CARDWELL and JODI WILGOREN, 12/30/03, NY Times)

Howard Dean reached out to the Democratic national chairman on Monday, a day after rebuking him as failing to stop attacks by Mr. Dean's rivals for the Democratic nomination, even as those candidates seized on the episode as grist for new criticism.

The call to Mr. McAuliffe came less than two weeks after Dr. Dean, a former Vermont governor, called former President Bill Clinton to clear the air a day after seeming to repudiate Mr. Clinton's statement that the "era of big government is over." [...]

In a conference call with reporters, Mr. Lieberman said that he was stunned that Dr. Dean wanted Mr. McAuliffe to "protect him from criticisms from other Democratic candidates" and that he had threatened "to take his supporters and go home if he doesn't get the nomination."

"What does Howard do now that he is being substantively challenged about his policies and his judgments and various misstatements and retractions?" Mr. Lieberman asked. "He goes to the Democratic Party leadership and complains we're being mean to him."

Let us pause for a moment and consider what Mr. Dean has achieved here: he actually put himself in a position where Joe Lieberman can plausibly imply he's a wimp.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:38 AM


Al Qaeda Links Seen in Attacks on Top Saudi Security Officials (DOUGLAS JEHL, 12/30/03, NY Times)

Islamic militants in Saudi Arabia with links to Al Qaeda appear to be making a concerted new effort to destabilize the Saudi government by assassinating top security officials, according to senior American officials.

A series of assassination attempts in the last month, including a failed car bombing in the Saudi capital on Monday, have also included a previously undisclosed shooting in early December of Maj. Gen. Abdelaziz al-Huweirini. As the No. 3 official in Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry, he is the kingdom's top counterterrorism official. [...]

The Saudi royal government has long been the principal target of Osama bin Laden and his followers, but the extent of the Qaeda network inside the kingdom that has become evident in recent months has surprised many Saudi and American officials. American officials say analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency have warned that the crackdown might well provoke Qaeda militants in Saudi Arabia to step up their attacks, an assessment that was first reported by Knight Ridder newspapers.

On Sunday, the British government warned that a terrorist attack could be in the final stages of preparation in Saudi Arabia. That warning amplified others issued this month by the United States, which on Dec. 17 authorized the voluntary withdrawal of family members and nonemergency personnel from the American Embassy and consulates in the kingdom.

That al Qaeda has decided to leap ahead to their final battle while they're losing all the intermediary ones suggests a certain desperation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:14 AM


Europe and the US: Lost in translation (Bret Stephens, Dec. 26, 2003, Jerusalem Post)

Across the Straits of Gibraltar, along every side of the Italian boot, the Middle East literally laps on Europe's shores. In America, Muslims constitute fewer than one percent of the population, according to a 2001 survey. In much of Europe, the figure exceeds 12%, and growing fast. For America, the Middle East is a place that generates oil and terrorists, both of which pose potential strategic threats. For Europe, the Middle East is a place that generates hordes of destitute people, who pose an existential one.

No wonder, then, that Europe looks with skepticism on US efforts to bring democracy to Iraq: It remembers what democracy almost brought Algeria in 1992. No wonder Europe was willing to countenance Saddam Hussein: Who else could have held that fractious country together? No wonder Europe wants to give the Palestinians a state, and quickly: What else so inflames Muslim sentiments on their own streets? No wonder no French government was ever going to go along with an unpopular American war on an Arab country: Even Bush might have thought twice if Arab-Americans were as numerous in Florida as they are in Michigan.

None of this is to say that Europeans are necessarily right on the issues. It is to say that European motives aren't so pleasingly divorced from the realities of the Hobbesian world as many observers, particularly in Israel and the US, seem to believe. The truth is that Europe generally operates according to a fairly hardboiled view of the world and its place within it; the course it has pursued for decades has been steady and consistent.

Here too we see that demographics determines policy and national futures.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:51 AM


Useful Idiot: A Review of Bruce Cumings' North Korea: Another Country (Anders Lewis, Front Page)

Cumings believes that North Korea is a misunderstood land. Its leaders are not dangerous megalomaniacs. Rather, DPRK leaders have always been pragmatic and nationalistic. During the Cold War, they avoided dependence on the Soviet Union, created a productive economy, and improved living standards. The society they created is impressive. North Korea’s streets are clean, its people humble, and crime is almost non-existent. Kim Il Sung, the father of North Korean communism, was a "a classic Robin Hood figure" who cared deeply for his people. North Korea’s current leader, Kim Jong Il, is "not the playboy, womanizer, drunk, and mentally deranged fanatic ‘Dr. Evil’ of our press." Instead he is a "homebody who doesn’t socialize much, doesn’t drink much, and works at home in his pajamas." The Dear Leader also loves to tinker with music boxes, watch James Bond movies, and play Super Mario video games. The cover of Cumings’s book neatly summarizes his views. On it is a photograph of a group of uniformed women performing some type of dramatic production for North Korean soldiers. With smoke in the background, one woman stands tall and points a gun to the horizon. Coming out of the gun is a red flag. Everyone looks on in awe. The image implies that under communism, North Korea’s future - though not without struggle - is bright.

Of course it's bright--thermonuclear explosions are brilliant.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Putin adds impetus to banking reform (Arkady Ostrovsky, December 30 2003, Financial Times)

Russia's slow-moving banking reform received a boost yesterday when President Vladimir Putin signed into law a long-awaited deposit insurance bill crucial to restoring consumer confidence in private banks.

The bill is one of the most important pieces of banking reform, which has been lagging behind Russia's economic progress since the 1998 financial crisis.

While political correctness requires us to moan about Putin's anti-democratic methods, he continues to restore the foundations of real democracy in Russia for the first time in 85 years.

December 29, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


The Problem of Evil (Benjamin D. Wiker, December 2003, Crisis)

If God does not exist, then there is no evil in the world. We can illustrate this seeming paradox by watching how quickly the cri de coeur is undermined in the most thorough and powerful denial of design: Darwinism.

Charles Darwin himself famously complained in a letter to Asa Gray, “I own that I cannot see as plainly as others do, and as I should wish to do, evidence of design and beneficence on all sides of us. There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [parasitic insects] with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.” Rather than such apparent natural cruelties being the result of divine intention, Darwin chose to hang them on the vagaries of natural selection. As a result, the presence of evil was rendered unproblematic because we could only expect a mixture of good and bad results from evolution’s ongoing natural lottery.

Witness, however, the jaws of defeat already devouring the victory: If the universe and all things in it are the unintended result of the purposeless ebb and flow, expansion and collapse, explosion and fusion of matter and energy, then we have lost the grounds for complaint about all the evil in the world. The dust cannot complain to the cosmic wind that blows it recklessly hither and thither.

The irony, then, is that, while the “misery in the world” helped to confirm Darwin’s belief in a world without design, consigning the cause of the misery to evolution meant, ultimately, giving up the existence of evil. As the Voltaire of contemporary Darwinism, zoologist Richard Dawkins, has rightly noted, from the perspective of evolution, while such parasitism as Darwin complained about may seem “savagely cruel,” the truth of the matter is that “nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent.” For Dawkins, this is “one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn.” In a cosmos in which a creator is absent, things are “neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous—indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose.”

Paradoxically, then, eliminating God because of the existence of evil means embracing an impersonal, que será será cosmos utterly indifferent not only to our complaints but even to the distinction between good and evil itself.

What's strange is that so many who know in their hearts that good and evil exist insist in their heads that they do not.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:26 PM


Demographics Drive Likud's Shifting Agenda (ORI NIR, DECEMBER 26, 2003, The Forward)

Driving the Likud's metamorphosis from "Greater Israel" dogmatism to separation pragmatism are not constraints of geography but of demography.

"Above all hovers the cloud of demographics," Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Israeli columnist Nahum Barnea of Yediot Aharonot last week, explaining his dramatic decision to come out in favor of unilateral Israeli withdrawal from most of the territories. "It will come down on us not in the end of days, but in just another few years," Olmert said, explaining that if Israel does not disengage from the West Bank and Gaza, the growth rate of Arabs in the territories and inside Israel — which is much higher than that of Jews — will sooner rather than later force Israel to choose between being a Jewish state and being a democratic one.

Olmert, the most outspoken of Likud's leaders on the need for separation, said: "We are approaching a point where more and more Palestinians will say: 'There is no place for two states between the Jordan and the sea. All we want is the right to vote.' The day they get it, we will lose everything." He added: "I shudder to think that liberal Jewish organizations that shouldered the burden of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa will lead the struggle against us."

The demographic forecasts that Olmert alluded to are not new. Israeli demographers have been warning for years that by 2020, Jews will no longer be a majority of the population living in the region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the state of Israel proper as well as the disputed West Bank and Gaza. Israel's political left has been using these forecasts to advocate speeding up the peace process to bring an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza.

But only recently have demographics come to fully reverberate in Israel's political echo-chamber and begun pushing the political agenda of the ruling party.

Folk are found of saying that demographics just show trends, which are entirely plastic in their view and need not be forecasts of the future. But no matter how deep in the sand you bury your head, those numbers change the future, don't they?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:09 PM


Canadian conservatism needs relationship rescue: "How's that working for ya?" Canadian conservative agenda? (J.L. Jackson, December 22, 2003, Enter Stage Right)

To avoid positions on difficult subjects like traditional marriage vs. same sex marriage, limits on late term abortion vs. abortion on demand, free speech vs. hate law legislation, fighting organised crime vs. marijuana decriminalization and many other issues; has become counter-productive. The agenda only appears hidden because no one knows what it is. Well researched facts, talking points and even practised sound bites are the pragmatic solution to help all Members of Parliament deal with cultural areas that have been let slip off the Canadian conservative radar screen in the last decade or more.

Many of those who excitedly endorse the urge to merge oversimplify Canada's "Grit-lock," (characterized by the book with the same title written by Adam Daifallah and Peter White) by claiming the key to beating Paul Martin is in the number game (read Daifallah's recent National Review editorial on Canadian conservatism). Hopeful optimism holds many back from realising uniting conservatives is much more than a mathematical equation.

Conservatives in Canada don't lose because the numbers don't add up, they lose because a cohesive conservative agenda currently does not exist. It is time for a cultural conservative shift.

What Canadian conservatives need is a multi-lateral, "never give in" Canadian conservative infrastructure to thwack down the dark and dangerously deep weeds proliferating out of the swamp of Liberalism that is strangling free thought and new ideas in Canada.

Where is the Canadian conservative alternative press to boldly advance new ideas? Now that the lone Canadian conservative magazine – the Alberta Report has bit the dust where do we turn to find an empathetic and yet analytical voice? True, there are a handful of mostly economic-conservative think tanks populated by old men. And a sprinkling of other conservative non-government organisations, do in fact exist. But, considering the airplay any or all of them receive, an average Canadian (including an average conservative) would be hard pressed to name a single one. These days you can count a handful of Canadian conservative websites such as Freedom Institute and Enter Stage Right, the world of the blog and a few what might qualify as conservatish radio talk show hosts. And truth be told radio and the internet are the least expensive method of reaching the most people. It is a beginning, but deeper penetration, on a national scale, is needed to distribute the conservative message directly to the Canadian people. .

Canadian conservatives desperately need these tools to cut through the nefariously nihilistic Liberal agenda that permeates our mainstream media, our academic institutions, our Parliament, and our Liberal appointed courts. More dangerously, Liberalism has even sunk its tentacles into how Canadian conservatives think about conservatism.

At a similar time in America, we were fortunate enough to have a Russell Kirk come along and establish that there was indeed a vital and coherent conservative tradition running through our history and a Bill Buckley come along to enunciate and defend a conservative agenda. The resulting conservative revival was a decidely counter-cultural project, and proudly so. Has Canada no such men--willing, eager even, to fight the zeitgeist?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 PM


A Democrat breaks with tradition: Bush's strong leadership on terror war trumps my other objections. (P. Amy MacKinnon, 12/30/03, CS Monitor)

When I was growing up, the family dinner was a tradition. Above the clatter of plates, my parents discussed the world around us from their perspectives at either end of the great oak table. Together, we'd review the news of the day put into context by the events of yesterday, and always we'd think about tomorrow. Politics was a main course, and being a working-class family from Massachusetts, we were fed a healthy serving of Democratic Party principles.

I carried those beliefs along with me when I worked for Democrats in both the US House of Representatives and the Massachusetts state legislature. More important, I've always carried them with me into the voting booth.

But I expect to break with that tradition. Come November, I'll be casting my vote for George Bush.

When Mr. Bush first ran for president in 2000, I found both his politics and his campaign methods anathema to the American concept of justice. I was with the many who questioned whether his intellect, interest, and experience were commensurate with the demands of being the leader of the free world. I didn't approve of his so-called middle-class tax cuts, nor his incorporating nuclear power into his energy plan, nor his judgment in appointing an attorney general inclined to sheathe immodest works of art.

But then Sept. 11 happened. Our nation needed the strength of a leader, and I wondered where we'd find one.

It wasn't until the president stood with firefighters and rescue workers at ground zero that I began to wonder if perhaps I'd misjudged him. Previously wooden while delivering prepared speeches, the man who shouted into the bullhorn from where the World Trade Center had stood demanded to be heard. And I listened - the whole world listened.

I began to hope that our country finally had a leader who'd have the moral fortitude to say to our enemies around the world: Enough. [...]

So in November, I'll break with tradition and vote for a Republican. I'll place my trust, fears, and future in the hands of a man who has shown the world what it means to lead a nation. It's a tradition of leadership that began with Washington and Lincoln, continued with FDR, and has been resurrected by Bush.

Meanwhile, the Democrats appear poised to place their future in the hands of a man who can't even bring himself to blame Osama bin Laden for 9-11.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:43 PM


Serbian Radical Party surge may complicate reform (Peter Ford, 12/30/03, CS Monitor)

Serbia has stumbled again in its bumpy climb out of a bloody past, as the country's most aggressively nationalist party took the most votes in Sunday's parliamentary elections.

The Serbian Radical Party, an ultra- nationalist grouping allied with former Yugoslav president and indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, won almost one-third of the votes, according to unofficial results.

Though not strong enough to form a government, the Radicals are well placed to complicate efforts by the coalition of reformist parties that is expected to try to rule, Serb analysts predict. [...]

Western governments, keen to establish a stable, democratic, and reformist government in Belgrade, are not popular in Serbia, where memories of NATO bombing during the Kosovo war are still fresh. Nor does the prospect of economic prosperity as a member of the European Union hold much appeal. [...]

"I am counting on international pressure to force (the reformists) to try something," says Mr. Stepanovic. "And I am counting on the leaders to be aware that if they fail, new elections could bring a new radicalization of the electorate."

That, say several Serb political analysts, appears to be the Radicals' plan, since they would be hard pressed to take power now and carry out campaign promises such as sharply reducing the price of bread or recovering "Serb lands" from neighboring states.

Instead they seem ready to bide their time, hoping a fragile reformist coalition would soon collapse and then call elections that would give the Radicals a chance to emerge victorious. "If that happened," says Stepanovic, "I dare not think of the consequences. Serbia would be stuck as a second-class country for the next 30 years."

Thirty years from now Old Europe will be begging the Serbs to cleanse ethnics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:25 PM


Japan set to waive most of Iraq's debt, Koizumi tells U.S. (KANAKO TAKAHARA, Dec. 30, 2003, The Japan Times)

In a significant policy shift, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi signaled Monday that Japan is prepared to waive a "vast majority" of Iraq's foreign debt. [...]

Japan has been reluctant to waive the debt, most of which is in the form of trade insurance, because during a donors' meeting in October in Madrid, it pledged $5 billion in financial assistance to Iraq over a four-year period until the end of 2007.

Government sources also suggested that Iraq's ability to pay with oil revenues should be considered part of the discussion about whether its debt should be forgiven.

But Monday's decision by Koizumi reflects his readiness to keep in step with other countries. Earlier this month, major creditors nations, including Germany and France, agreed on debt reduction in what is viewed as a reconciliatory overture toward the United States following a deep rift over the invasion of Iraq.

With only a few days left in 2003, it seems safe to say that no essay will be written this year that's more wrong than this one was, although every other one they've written together since 9-11 has been equally mistaken.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 PM


A scholarly soldier steps inside the world of Iraq's potent tribes: American officer addresses sheikhs with verses from the Koran. (Annia Ciezadlo, 12/30/03, CS Monitor)

In the battle for Iraqi hearts and minds, Lt. Col. Alan King has two secret weapons: his Palm Pilot and his Koran. [...]

Today, Iraq has more than 150 tribes and 2,000 clans, with countless sheikhs and subsheikhs, some real, some fakes. King indexes them in his Palm Pilot, neatly subdivided into tribe, subtribe, clan, sub-clan, branch, and family. Every week, he meets with a sheikh who is also a tribal scholar. In a battered binder, they're slowly amassing a guide to all of the tribes in Iraq.

His studies paid off when he met Mr. Shaalan. A Shiite sheikh from the southern town of Diwaniya, Shaalan was the perfect US ally. He fled Iraq after the 1991 uprising against Hussein and got political asylum in Britain. He had a good relationship with the US State Department. But when he offered his counsel, and the loyalty of his 200,000-member tribe, American military commanders didn't take him seriously.

"I noticed something among the officers: They have this arrogance, and this arrogance really hurts them a lot," says Shaalan, who studied law and political science in Baghdad and London. "Everyone, even a small officer, thinks he's a big man. They don't come and ask for opinion or advice - they just do what they please, and this antagonizes the people."

Except King. When they met, King told Shaalan a complicated tribal tale about a tribe crossing a river many centuries ago. "I noticed that he was talking about the history of some clans," says Shaalan approvingly. "This shows that he is doing his duty."

Shaalan has wide-ranging influence, and not just in Iraq. His clan, the Khazzal, has branches in Syria, Jordan, southern Iran, Yemen, Palestine, and even Egypt. Like most tribes, its members are Sunni in some areas and Shiite in others.

Because their influence cuts across national and sectarian boundaries, the sheikhs can help find foreign fighters who are filtering into Iraq to fight Americans. King has asked them for help in finding insurgents and former Baathist bigwigs. So far, tips from sheikhs have helped King capture numbers 23, 62, 85, 91, 97, and 99 on the US military's Most Wanted list, as well as other miscellaneous evildoers.

We could use several hundred more like him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:44 PM


U.S. Soldiers Kill 3 Suspected Militants (CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, 12/29/03, AP)

American soldiers killed three suspected members of an al-Qaida linked Islamic militant group during a firefight in the northern city of Mosul, the U.S. military said Monday. Two U.S. soldiers were wounded.

The interrogation of Saddam Hussein yielded more information with the deposed leader acknowledging sending $40 billion abroad, a member of the Iraqi Governing Council said in published remarks. The Iraqi official said Saddam had provided the names of people who know where the money is.

The operation against the suspected Ansar al-Islam militants was carried out by soldiers of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division who came under small arms fire while searching homes on Sunday. The house harboring the assailants caught fire during the shootout, and Iraqi firefighters extinguished the blaze.

After the fight, U.S. troops seized two rocket-propelled grenade launchers, eight grenades and two assault rifles, the military said in a statement. The injured soldiers were in stable condition. [...]

In other developments:

- Japan pledged to forgive "the vast majority" of Iraq's nearly $8 billion debt if others do the same, a critical boost to the U.S. campaign for debt relief. China said it would consider the idea, boosting the U.S. campaign to ease Baghdad's financial burden.

Even sillier than the argument about Saddam and WMD--is there a statute of limitations or something?--is that over his link to terrorism--never mind whether he was directly linked to al Qaeda, just consider his funding of Palestinian suicide bombers and that Ansar al-Islam operated with impunity in the North of the country.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:24 PM


Kerry disputes Dean's resolve: Senator still No. 2 with key primary only a month away (David M. Halbfinger, December 28, 2003, New York Times)

"We need more than simple answers and the slip of the tongue," Kerry said. "Our world is complicated, and the challenges we face demand a president who knows what he's saying and knows where America needs to go."

He reminded an avid crowd in Manchester that Dean had commended the capture of Saddam Hussein one day, then on the next asserted that it did not make America any safer. "It raises serious doubts about both his realism and resolve," Kerry said.

"When he spreads unfounded rumors about the administration having prior warnings of Sept. 11 and then passes it off because someone had posted it on the Internet, it leaves Americans questioning judgment and sense of responsibility," Kerry added. [...]

"What kind of muddled thinking is it if you can't instantly say that in your heart you know Osama bin Laden is guilty, should be tried in the U.S. and given the maximum punishment?" Kerry said.

"I tell you, you don't have to listen too carefully to hear the sound of Champagne corks popping in Karl Rove's office."

You can't hear the popping over the laughter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:53 PM


Halliburton Contracts in Iraq: The Struggle to Manage Costs (JEFF GERTH and DON VAN NATTA Jr., December 29, 2003, NY Times)

The Qarmat Ali water treatment plant in southern Iraq is crucial to keeping the oil flowing from the region's petroleum-rich fields. So when American engineers found the antiquated plant barely operating earlier this year, there was no question that repairing it was important to the rebuilding of Iraq. Setting the price for the repairs was another matter.

In July, the Halliburton Company estimated that the overhaul would cost $75.7 million, according to confidential documents that the company submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers. But in early September, the Bush administration asked Congress for $125 million to do the job — a 40 percent price increase in just six weeks.

The initial price was based on "drive-by estimating," said Richard V. Dowling, a spokesman for the corps, which oversees the contract. The second was a result of a more complete assessment. "The best I can lamely fall back on is to say that estimates change," said Mr. Dowling, who is based in Baghdad. "This is not business as usual."

The rebuilding of Iraq's oil industry has been characterized in the months since by increasing costs and scant public explanation. An examination of what has grown into a multibillion-dollar contract to restore Iraq's oil infrastructure shows no evidence of profiteering by Halliburton, the Houston-based oil services company, but it does demonstrate a struggle between price controls and the uncertainties of war, with price controls frequently losing.

Imagine the disappointment of the Timesmen when even Jeff Gerth couldn't find a scandal at Halliburton.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:44 PM


Poland, Israel Sign Missile Deal (MONIKA SCISLOWSKA, December 29, 2003, Associated Press Writer)

Poland and Israel on Monday signed a deal worth some $350 million over the next 10 years to provide the Polish army with some 2,700 state-of-the-art Israeli anti-tank missiles.

The "Spike'' missiles, to be delivered between 2004 and 2013, will be produced under license from the state-owned Israeli Rafael arms corporation by Mesko, a Polish firm. Mesko will use components from Rafael, which will supply an initial batch of Israeli-made missiles next year.

The Spike is optically guided, can be shoulder-fired or mounted on vehicles or helicopters, and has a range of 4,000 yards, according to Rafael's Web site.

It will replace the Soviet-era missiles still in use by the Polish military.

The new missile program is part of a wider effort to bring the country's armed forces up to the standards of NATO, which Poland joined in 1999.

Monday's signing ceremony in Skarzysko Kamienna, 90 miles south of Warsaw, was attended by Polish Defense Minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski and Israeli Defense Ministry director Amos Yaron.

Israel gets it.

Posted by John Resnick at 5:34 PM


Clark's New TV Ad Features Bill Clinton(Liz Sidoti, December 29, 2003, AP)

Clark's rivals were quick to complain that he was using an image of Clinton when he did not become a registered Democrat until after he entered the race in September and when he has praised Republican presidents.

[...]Jay Carson, a Dean spokesman, said the ad "doesn't make up for a lifetime of voting Republican. We're looking forward to seeing the Nixon-Reagan-Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney ad."

Carson said Dean isn't concerned that voters will take the image of Clinton as an endorsement of Clark.

"Voters in America are very smart," he said. "They're not going to read a couple seconds of footage in an ad as anything more than a couple seconds of footage in the ad."

So, by Mr. Carson's clairvoyance, either we won't be seeing any Dean TV ads because Americans are too smart to be swayed by them? Or they'll just be aimed at the "dumb" Americans who'll read them for more than what they are? Still baffled . . . . I guess I'll be seeing the ads.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:34 PM

FOLLOW THE MONEY (via Tom Corcoran):

The Politics of Autism: Lawsuits and emotion vs. science and childhood vaccines. (Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2003)

None of this is to deny that the incidence of autism may be rising, though there is a dispute about why. The definition of the disease has broadened in recent years, encompassing even mild learning disabilities, and doctors have become better at diagnosing it. Some statistics show that as autism diagnoses rise, those for mental retardation fall--suggesting children were previously misdiagnosed. Parents are also more keen to have a proper diagnosis, because many schools now offer more extensive educational services for autism than they do for other disorders.

The good news is that research is beginning to reveal autism's causes and signs, in particular evidence of a genetic link. Studies have found that if one identical twin has autism the other has a very high chance of having severe social impairment. Scientists are already focusing on a handful of genes that may play a role.

In a important study this year, researchers found that a small head circumference at birth, followed by a sudden growth spurt of the head before the end of the first year, is a reliable early warning sign. (Brain growth that early can't be triggered by vaccines.)

Finding a genetic link would be helpful because one suspects the growing number of diagnoses (especially of the related ADHD and Asperger's syndrome) are more a social/political matter than a medical one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


For a cool 8.8 trillion dollars, all Britain can be yours... (AFP, 12/29/03)

Want to buy a largish island off France? Slightly used, with annex. Rains a bit. Trains often late. Nice gardens. Food dubious, but lots of places to drink.

Yours for under five trillion pounds. Or 7.1 trillion euros. Or 8.8 trillion dollars.

If the 58,789,194 occupants ever care to sell, that is.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) whipped up a price tag for the United Kingdom -- that's Britain, comprising England, Wales, Scotland, plus Northern Ireland -- in a year-end tally of the nation's capital assets.

In other words, we could buy the second greatest nation on Earth for about 80% of one year's GDP.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 AM


Back to the drawing board? (Lexington, Dec 18th 2003, The Economist)

PERHAPS Al Gore really is cursed. Last week this column argued that his endorsement made Howard Dean look unstoppable. Then a diabolus ex machina appeared to throw a weighty obstacle in the good doctor's path. The unearthing of Saddam Hussein has not only left Dr Dean looking visibly discombobulated; it has also relaunched the search for an alternative Democrat to take on George Bush. It may be hard to overhaul the former Vermont governor so late in the day, but that has not stopped the Anyone But Dean lot marching into action again.

Saddam's discovery solidified the party establishment's swirling fears about Dr Dean's anti-war insurgency. What happens if the Baathist “dead-enders” really do come to a dead end? Or if Mr Hussein's trial fixes the spotlight on his crimes against humanity rather than those missing weapons Dr Dean bangs on about? The White House will paint Dr Dean as the man who would have left a monster in power. Many Democrats worry that this could spell doom not just in the presidential fight but also in the battles for the Senate and the House.

For one man, the resumption of the search for an ABD candidate could not have come at a better time: Dick Gephardt.

Anyone who's read What it Takes or just observed Mr. Gephardt's futile attempts to retake the House for ten years, will find the notion of him as Democratic Party savior mind-boggling.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM


The internet in a cup: Coffee fuelled the information exchanges of the 17th and 18th centuries (The Economist, Dec 18th 2003)

WHERE do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, keep up with political gossip, find out what others think of a new book, or stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer was just as easy: you went to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you could read the latest pamphlets, catch up on news and gossip, attend scientific lectures, strike business deals, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics.

The coffee-houses that sprang up across Europe, starting around 1650, functioned as information exchanges for writers, politicians, businessmen and scientists. Like today's websites, weblogs and discussion boards, coffee-houses were lively and often unreliable sources of information that typically specialised in a particular topic or political viewpoint. They were outlets for a stream of newsletters, pamphlets, advertising free-sheets and broadsides. Depending on the interests of their customers, some coffee-houses displayed commodity prices, share prices and shipping lists, whereas others provided foreign newsletters filled with coffee-house gossip from abroad.

Rumours, news and gossip were also carried between coffee-houses by their patrons, and sometimes runners would flit from one coffee-house to another within a particular city to report major events such as the outbreak of a war or the death of a head of state. Coffee-houses were centres of scientific education, literary and philosophical speculation, commercial innovation and, sometimes, political fermentation. Collectively, Europe's interconnected web of coffee-houses formed the internet of the Enlightenment era.

For all the greater ease of access, volume of info available and self-correcting possibilities of the net, the coffee-house was superior by virtue of human contact.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:32 AM


TERRORISM: The Unexpected Peace Dividend (Austin Bay, December 29, 2003, Strategy Page)

The War on Terror has had an unintended, and welcome, side effect; world peace. Since September 11, 2001, and the aggressive American operations against terrorist organizations, several long time wars have ended, or moved sharply in that direction. Many of these wars get little attention in American media, but have killed hundreds of thousands of people over the last decade. These include conflicts in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Chad, Congo, Kashmir, Israel, Kurdistan, Philippines, Burundi, Somalia and Sudan. Some of these conflicts diminished because they had been going on for a while and, as is usually the case with wars, eventually the participants are worn down and make peace. But in all these sudden outbreaks of peace there was another factor; an American crackdown on terrorist activities around the world. The rebels in most of these wars depended on money raised outside their country to keep the fighting going, and on gun runners able to get weapons in. American anti-terrorism operations, energized by the shock of the September 11, 2001 attacks, now included cooperation from many nations, especially in Europe, that had tolerated, on their territory, fund raising, recruiting and public relations efforts by various rebel groups. No more. Most of these rebel organizations had already been declared "terrorist groups" (which they were, as most rebellions use terror, the American Revolution included). Once the U.S. and other nations began to crack down on the fund raising and other activities, it became difficult to keep many wars going. [...]

All of a sudden, rebels in many conflicts around the world discovered that negotiation offered better prospects than did continued fighting. And so it came to pass that in the wake of September 11, 2001, peace broke out in many odd parts of the world. And hardly anyone noticed.

One of the most striking aspects of all this is that, while it is we who are considered ignorant of the rest of the world, anyone who understood America and its history even a little would have known that if they just didn't attack us we'd not have paid any attention to what they were doing in the Middle East. Al Qaeda's doomed its own project on 9-11, and those of many other terror regimes and groups.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 AM


Tough pill for the Democrats (George Will, December 28, 2003, Townhall)

Arthur Goldberg was a fine public servant -- secretary of labor, Supreme Court justice, ambassador to the United Nations -- but a dreadful candidate for governor of New York in 1970, when it was said that if he gave one more speech he would lose Canada, too. Howard Dean is becoming Goldbergean.

Regarding foreign policy, Dean recently said not only that America is no safer because Saddam is captured, but that America is ``no safer today than the day the planes struck the World Trade Center.'' Well. He says he supported the war to remove the Taliban in Afghanistan, although he thinks it made us no safer. And even though he says the war in Iraq made us no safer, he says he would ``not have hesitated'' to attack Iraq if the U.N. had given us "permission.''

Because Dean's foreign policy pronouncements have been curiouser and curiouser, his recent domestic policy speech did not get the attention it deserved for its assertion that America is boiling with "anger and despair.'' Republicans are, Dean says, trying to ``dismantle'' the welfare state -- presumably when they are not enriching Medicare's entitlement menu -- and they aim ``to end public education.''

If Mr. Will understood the achievements embodied in the major legislation that Mr. Bush has passed, he'd recognize that Mr. Dean is right on domestic policy. Eight years of Bushism will radically transform the welfare state--into an opportunity society--and voucherize public education.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


THE FORMER GOVERNOR: Dean Wants Party Leader to Slow Rivals' Attacks (JODI WILGOREN, 12/29/03, NY Times)

Complaining about the torrent of attacks raining down on him from his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, Howard Dean on Sunday criticized his party's national chairman, Terry McAuliffe, for not intervening to tone down the debate.

It's practically a zen koan.

Battling the Bush advantage in campaign finance (GEORGE SOROS, 12/29/03, Straits Times)

I and a number of other wealthy Americans are contributing millions of dollars to grassroots organisations engaged in the 2004 presidential election.

Here we get not only an oxymoron--a grassroots movement funded by a few billionaires--but a palindrome.

December 28, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:52 PM


US sees tide turn on Iraq insurgents: The resistance, though fractured, still tests coalition. By Dan Murphy, 12/29/03, CS Monitor)

Surveying Tikrit from their compound on a bluff high above the Tigris River, a short distance from where Saddam Hussein was captured two weeks ago, America's military commanders are convinced they've finally turned the corner against the insurgency in the former dictator's home base.

Attacks on soldiers have dropped steeply in the Tikrit area over the past month. After more than six months of intensive raids, foot patrols, and intelligence gathering, commanders believe they have tapped into the rhythm of the insurgency. "We're making steady, [unstoppable] progress,'' says Lt. Col. Steve Russell, who commands the 1st Battalion of the 22nd Infantry. [...]

[T]though attacks on coalition forces have fallen across the country, to about 15 a day from more than 30 a day in early November, Iraqis are still wary of violence. "We feel like we're in a ring of fire,'' says Abu Junaidi, a security guard at an apartment building that was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade last week. "We're no closer to peace."

To be sure, the methods used in Tikrit may yield fruit in other parts of the country. In Tikrit, US forces have been able to hopscotch from one captured insurgent to the next as Hussein loyalists have cracked under interrogation, a painstaking process that led to key Hussein aides and less well-known financiers who were using local businesses around Tikrit as fronts for attacks on US forces.

Troops say Hussein's capture deprived local insurgents of their motivation. "Their sails may have been full, but with Saddam captured, the wind dropped,'' says Russell.

Of the 55 officials and Hussein aides on the original "deck of cards" most-wanted list, only 13 are still at large. On Saturday, the US announced $1 million rewards for information leading to the arrest of 12 of the remaining fugitives.

The most senior official still at large, Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, has a $10 million price on his head. Mr. Duri has been described by some US officials as a key figure in the insurgency, though most Iraqis find this hard to believe. Even under Hussein, when jokes about the president were dangerous, his No. 2 was a frequent figure of fun to Iraqis. Most people here saw him as a bumbling sycophant.

But one man whose importance to the insurgency is beyond doubt was No. 4 on the list, Abid Hamid Mahmoud al-Tikriti, a Hussein cousin who ran the Special Security Organization, the top-tier in Hussein's sprawling security apparatus dedicated both to protecting to Baath leaders and to spying on them.

Mr. Tikriti's arrest last June was, in hindsight, the beginning of the end for the network of insurgents in and around Tikrit, says Russell. "When we captured No. 4 it gave us some key documents and information,'' he says.

As with the economy, by the moment at which Democratic criticism of the Administration became most heated, the situation had already turned.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 PM


Asian forces in Iraq signal global shift (Christopher Lingle, 12/29/03, CS Monitor)

[W]hile editorial writers and politicians anguished over the Bush administration's insensitivities toward the French and the Germans, US allies in Asia were stepping up to the plate.

In particular, the democratically elected governments of both Japan and South Korea have been generally supportive of US policy in Iraq and have pledged materiel and manpower to join coalition forces. Indeed, Japan pledged active involvement in the Paris Club, the informal group of official creditors studying ways to reduce Iraq's debt, before Mr. Baker even left on his trip last week. In another sign of solidarity, Japan is likely to forgive up to two-thirds of the $4 billion Iraq owes Japan. And Tokyo has offered $5 billion for reconstruction in Iraq.

In the cases of Japan and Korea, their decisions to support US efforts in Iraq came despite the fact that several Japanese diplomats and South Korean reconstruction engineers were gunned down this fall by Iraqi guerrilla forces in separate attacks. The two countries remained firm in their commitment of support in the face of considerable pressure from protestors urging their governments to avoid further entanglement in Iraq.

From an economic standpoint, Japan contributes significantly more than either Germany or France respectively. But even when the GDP of the two European powerhouses is combined ($3.7 trillion), it is only a smidgen more than is Japan ($3.55 trillion). Adding South Korea's GDP ($931 billion) to Japan's means that together they are significantly more important as economic forces than the European counterparts.

It is also true that Japan's population (127 million) is larger than either France's (60 million) or Germany's (82 million). The combined population of Korea and Japan represents a larger mass of humanity than the total of France and Germany.

Which is a problem for the Democrats, who are an Atlanticist (Europeanized) party.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:33 PM


Red Dawn’s New Day: An interview with John Milius. (Johnny Dwyer, 12/28/03, NY Press)

When I watched the film recently, it seemed like the Wolverines were sort of a mujahideen, at least in a strategic sense, the attacks on convoys–this is stuff we’re seeing now. Were you addressing the Soviets in Afghanistan?

Yeah. The movie was made because the Soviets were in Afghanistan. Actually, the Soviets had invaded Afghanistan the year before. Remember, we wouldn’t let them go to the Olympics or they withdrew from the Olympics, and that’s when the movie was made; that’s when the people at MGM decided we’re going to make this patriotic movie that’s mirroring the situation in Afghanistan, and we’ll release it during the Olympics.

And the movie was very successful. It was just roundly hated by the liberal community and critics. I was vilified and excoriated to a degree–and I was one who was used to being vilified and excoriated for my movies–but that movie really got their dander up.

I think the movie is a very complicated look at what war does to people. I don’t think any of the characters are resolved as to their role in the whole thing; it seems like a bunch of them want to be children rather than fighting.

Yeah, and you see the tremendous cost of everything. Nobody comes out of it whole or unscarred. The ones that in the end, when they get away, they’re looking down on this vast plain and say, "We’re free now." And he says, "Free to do what?"

In Iraq the tables have turned; the United States is in a situation where we’re occupying a country and we have to make ourselves open to the attacks that the Wolverines were perpetrating in Red Dawn.

I think that’s a whole other thing. We’re doing what we said we’re going to do. Bush was very clear after 9/11 about what he was going to do, and he hasn’t really deviated from that, even though people haven’t liked it or anything else. He’s been fairly resolute in saying, "You’re either for us or against us." And where we find people against us, we’re going to go get ’em and we’re not going to tolerate blowing apart our cities and killing tens of thousands of Americans. We’re not going to roll over.

It’s very interesting. Again, it’s one of these cases where, when people are not involved directly, they don’t seem to care. We have a more [divided] nation now than we did in Vietnam.

The simple fact is that while we've had little trouble pacifying the nations we've conquered, no one could pacify a resistant America.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:11 PM


The T-Shirt That Launched 1,000 Quips (Dana Milbank, December 28, 2003, Washington Post)

As if things weren't going badly enough for John F. Kerry, the senator from Massachusetts has been bitten by a Psycho Chihuahua.

The attack occurred 10 days ago in Hopkinton, N.H., when Kerry went to speak to a class at Hopkinton High. This appearance resulted in a most unhelpful photo for the onetime front-runner for the Democratic nomination, snapped by Concord Monitor photo editor Dan Habib. The image is of Kerry making an earnest point to student Mark LaGuardia, who, unbeknownst to the candidate, is wearing a T-shirt that proclaims on the back: "Your mouth keeps moving but all I hear is 'BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.' "

The student told the Monitor that he did not mean to make a political statement with the shirt, which features the likeness of "Psycho Chihuahua," a talking Mexican dog whose appearance in Taco Bell commercials is the subject of recent litigation. "I completely forgot that he" -- Kerry, not the Chihuahua -- "was coming," LaGuardia, 17, told the Monitor. "I asked, 'Do I have time to ride home to change?' But I didn't."

One finds this explanation suspect; LaGuardia admitted that he is a Republican.

If you're a dwarf, even a chihuahua is an attack dog.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:01 PM


Dean criticizes Cheney task force, but had own secret energy group (JOHN SOLOMON, December 28, 2003, Associated Press)

Democratic presidential contender Howard Dean has demanded release of secret deliberations of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force. But as Vermont governor, Dean had an energy task force that met in secret and angered state lawmakers.

Dean's group held one public hearing and after-the-fact volunteered the names of industry executives and liberal advocates it consulted in private, but the Vermont governor refused to open the task force's closed-door deliberations.

In 1999, Dean offered the same argument the Bush administration uses today for keeping deliberations of a policy task force secret.

"The governor needs to receive advice from time to time in closed session. As every person in government knows, sometimes you get more open discussion when it's not public," Dean was quoted as saying.

Dean's own dispute over the secrecy of a Vermont task force that devised a policy for restructuring the state's near-bankrupt electric utilities has escaped national attention, even though he has attacked a similar arrangement used by President Bush.

Even Karl "Boy Genius" Rove isn't smart enough to have designed this creature.

Dean predicts backers may stay home if he doesn't win the nomination (MIKE GLOVER, December 28, 2003, Associated Press)

Howard Dean said Sunday that the hundreds of thousands of people drawn to politics by his campaign may stay home if he doesn't win the Democratic presidential nomination, dooming the Democratic Party in the fall campaign against President Bush.

"If I don't win the nomination, where do you think those million and a half people, half a million on the Internet, where do you think they're going to go?" he said during a meeting with reporters. "I don't know where they're going to go. They're certainly not going to vote for a conventional Washington politician."

From his lips to Gaia's ears.

Posted by David Cohen at 3:52 PM


From Patrician Roots, Dean Set Path of Prickly Independence (Rick Lyman, New York Times, 12/28/03)

The Park Avenue building where Howard Dean grew up has a neurologist's office on the ground floor and a church just behind. His mother, Andree Maitland Dean, is eager to emphasize that the family's three-bedroom apartment there is not luxurious.

"Look around," Mrs. Dean said in a recent interview, gesturing at the quarters where her boys grew up. "Howard didn't have the least bit of a glamorous upbringing."

Explaining that every time she had a baby, the dining room would serve as a bedroom for the newborn and his nurse, she concluded, "I don't think we could even keep up with the Bushes."

Like her son, Mrs. Dean chafes at the notion that the family lived the kind of privileged existence that many associate with America's current first family — despite the striking similarities between the two families that even a cursory look reveals.

George Walker Bush and Howard Brush Dean III are from opposite sides of the nation's political fault line. Yet besides energizing the left wing of his party, Dr. Dean has some Republicans worried that the characteristics he shares with President Bush could appeal to swing voters, especially when Dr. Dean's current image as a Vermont liberal is leavened with details of the fiscally conservative way he governed Vermont for 11 years. . . .

Other, deeper similarities are apparent only to those who have spent significant time with each man: temperaments prone to irritation; political skills that play better in small groups than on television; rock-solid confidence in their own decisions.

In addition, each man is seen as being his own worst enemy on the campaign trail, President Bush for mangling his English and fumbling answers, Dr. Dean for creating unnecessary crises by speaking his mind too swiftly.

Too much can be made of these similarities, of course. Certainly Dr. Dean, 55, and his family feel it is misleading to tag them as Bushlike bluebloods, despite the fact that they own a Park Avenue apartment and an East Hampton country house.

"I don't hide who I am," Dr. Dean said. "I am not in the least bit embarrassed about how I grew up. But, now, it wasn't quite as opulent as everybody might think." . . .

All told, for instance, Dr. Dean's parents have given him and his family nearly $1 million in cash gifts over the last two decades, including a single gift of $200,000 in the early 1980's. And his wife's parents gave the couple $60,000 in 1985 to help them pay $161,700 in cash for the family's house on Burlington's south side, freeing the couple from monthly mortgage payments. . . .

Mrs. Dean sees her son's unpretentiousness as something he learned at home, pointing out that her own parents taught her to treat people in an egalitarian way.

"When I was growing up," she said, "we didn't even treat the servants like servants."

This is, over all, a positive profile of Dr. Dean. You can see signs that the Times wants to do a hit piece (it's always a sign of journalistic mischief when they go interview the candidate's mother), that it planned to make Dr. Dean look pampered and spoiled and delusional, but that it just can't do it.

Once a politician's story gells for a campaign, journalists are powerless before it. Dr. Dean's story going into the primaries is set, and it is one that the Times can't help loving. He is the son of privilege, a product, like so many of the Times' beloveds, of Park Avenue, the Hamptons and prep school. He is a trust-fund baby whose inherited financial security has allowed him the freedom to despise the source of his good luck.

Thus, while elite, he is not snobby. Thus, he turns up the chance to follow his father to Wall Street. Thus, he is exposed to anti-Americanism for the first time in England and turns away from the Republican Party. Thus, his parents are mildly prejudiced, but he asks for a generic black roomate. Thus, he chooses to be a doctor to help people. Thus, he moves to bucolic Vermont and gives himself up to politics. No wonder the Times must love him. God help them, they love him so.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:32 PM


Whisky odyssey: Novelist Iain Banks waxes lyrical about the appeal of following your nose and how it led to his first non-fiction book and whisky travelogue Raw Spirit: In Search Of The Perfect Dram (Graeme Virtue, 28 December 2003, Sunday Herald)

BOOZE is close to the heart of novelist Iain Banks, even when it’s not actually glugging down his throat. From his journalist anti-hero raging against the process of chill-filtering whisky in Complicity, to a sci-fi mercenary forcing up the last couple of pints as a diversionary tactic in Consider Phlebas, alcohol percolates through almost all his output, whether it’s set in space or Speyside. His latest – a non-fiction tome that filled out many a Christmas stocking this year – is brimming over with the stuff. Raw Spirit is a rambling, pleasingly unrefined whisky travelogue subtitled In Search Of The Perfect Dram, which sees Banks criss-crossing his native Scotland in various modes of transport sniffing out the best nips.

So, who better to discuss swally than a man who’s spent six months of this year sampling whisky and calling it work? That’s the plan: get him in the pub, ply him with drink and then set the world to rights. It’s perfect, apart from one detail: today, Iain Banks – famed curry-eater, petrolhead, creator of worlds and all-round grande patron – is hungover.

You can’t begrudge him. Last night was the launch party for Raw Spirit, so he took plenty of the stuff on board. And, while he’s not one of those wimps who wince at the sound of their own voice when they’ve over-indulged the night before, he politely declines a dram of his beloved Lagavulin.

Even hungover, though, he’s good company; witty and engaging, if a little preoccupied. His amiable, brushy appearance – slightly chaotic hair, tamed beard, understatedly stylish specs – doesn’t appear to have changed all that much in the 20 years since the publication of his cult debut The Wasp Factory.

The whisky book, he explains, was a complete no-brainer. “When I was asked to do it, I felt like smacking my forehead in a Homer-ish kind of way, wondering why I hadn’t thought of it myself. Scotland. Driving. Whisky. All my buttons had been punched at the same time.”

Phlebas appears to be out of print, but Player of Games is available and is likewise part of Mr. Banks's terrific series about "The Culture"--fine, thoughtful science fiction.

-ESSAY: A Few Notes On The Culture (Iain M Banks)
-IAIN BANKS (1954-) (Guardian)
-Iain (M.) Banks Resource Page
-Iain M. Banks (Ex Libris)
-INTERVIEW: Getting Used To Being God: Chris Mitchell meets the relentlessly imaginative Iain (M.) Banks (Spike, September 1996)
-INTERVIEW: Iain M. Banks (Nick Gevers, Science Fiction Weekly)
-ESSAY: THE CULTURE AS AN IDEAL SOCIETY (Thomas Gramstad, June 5, 2000, Laissez Faire City Times)
-ESSAY: Analysis of The Bridge (Richard Puchalsky)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:57 PM


The Final Freedom: Suicide and the New Prohibitionists (Tom Flynn, Free Inquiry)

This issue's special section on physician-assisted suicide puts me in mind of a larger issue: suicide, period. While suicide has never been exactly popular, a new assault on our right to suicide is brewing. It's something secular humanists ought to resist.

If they wanted to show us all that they are a serious resistance movement they'd take a page from the Jews atop Masada. As is, they're all talk, no action.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:50 AM


The two-nation trap: A divide-and-conquer strategy may be tempting. But a Democratic presidential candidate must speak to all of the people. (Alan Wolfe, 12/28/2003, Boston Globe)

FACING A BITTERLY DIVIDED country, the Republican candidate decided that the only way to win was to secure his base. The math, he knew, worked in his favor. The opposition was divided, and the presence of more than two candidates in the race meant he could still be elected even if he won a minority of the popular vote. By capturing all of the states in the region where he had the most support, moreover, he would win in the electoral college - no matter how much he ignored the region where he was most disliked. Victory achieved in this fashion would no doubt make governing difficult, since the losers would view him as illegitimate and would resist his policies. But victory was the first priority; without it, none of his ambitious plans for the country could take effect.

The scenario, as any historian of 19th-century America will immediately recognize, is the one that resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln. America was so bitterly divided in 1860 that none of the four candidates who ran for president that year could speak for the country as a whole. The only alternative was to unify one particular region and hope for the best. Lincoln did precisely that, winning every Northern state except New Jersey (which was divided between him and Stephen A. Douglas) and losing every Southern and border state. He obtained less than 40 percent of the popular vote. And even though Lincoln won a significant electoral college majority, his victory failed to stop the onset of the Civil War.

Given the political realities of the 19th century, Lincoln had no choice but to follow a ''two nation'' political strategy. This is no longer the case. Throughout much of the 20th century, protecting Americans against economic depression and securing our way of life against totalitarianism encouraged politicians to follow a ''one nation'' ideal and insist on what we all had in common. FDR might have railed against businessmen for their undue influence, but the New Deal was broadly supported by Northeastern liberals, Midwestern union members, and others, and it dispensed its largesse to the South and the West. Military mobilization in both World War II and the Cold War drafted young people from all over the country, spurred industrial production across the heartland, and brought new generations of Southern military officers to prominence.

Because policies became national in scope during the 20th century, so did politics. Whatever differences existed over race or economic regulation, both parties tried to build inclusive coalitions. Democrats combined in one party urban African Americans and Southern segregationists. Republicans appealed to the upwardly mobile in the Northeastern suburbs as well as the newly rich in the Southwest. There were exceptions to this search for inclusion, but even they proved the rule. When Senator Joseph McCarthy accused others of being ''un-American,'' his divide-and-rule tactics were - eventually - brought to an end by a bipartisan establishment that valued moderation over extremism.

The New Deal and the Cold War are, as they say, history, and because they are, there is much talk of how we are once again becoming two nations divided by race, region, ideology, culture, and religion. Such claims are often exaggerated. While Americans may have real differences on subjects like gay marriage, stem cells, and the war in Iraq, none of our divisions come close to those that faced Lincoln - or, for that matter, Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon. There is no compelling reason for politicians to repudiate the one-nation politics of the 20th century in favor of the two-nation strategies of the 19th. Yet that is exactly what is happening. We are having Civil War politics without having a civil war.

It's always strange when someone sets up an analogy themself and then argues against it. You'd think the obvious point is that when no great moral issues divide the country it is possible to unify across regions, cohorts, etc., but that when moral issues are at stake there are definite geographic, socio-economic, etc., divides that can't be papered over. On a variety of issues like abortion, homosexuality, evolution and prayer in schools, and the like, a majority of Americans, especially those in the Red states are diametrically opposed to the progressive ideology of the coastal elites (Blue Staters in NY, LA, Boston, Washington, etc.). This doesn't necessarily mean civil war is coming, but you do have to wonder if the majority won't eventually tire of having the nation's morality debased by the minority and force a retrenchment by any means necessary.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 AM


Where U.S. Translates as Freedom (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 12/28/03, NY Times)

I found the cure.

I found the cure to anti-Americanism: Come to Poland.

After two years of traveling almost exclusively to Western Europe and the Middle East, Poland feels like a geopolitical spa. I visited here for just three days and got two years of anti-American bruises massaged out of me. Get this: people here actually tell you they like America — without whispering. What has gotten into these people? Have all their subscriptions to Le Monde Diplomatique expired? Haven't they gotten the word from Berlin and Paris? No, they haven't. In fact, Poland is the antidote to European anti-Americanism. Poland is to France what Advil is to a pain in the neck. Or as Michael Mandelbaum, the Johns Hopkins foreign affairs specialist, remarked after visiting Poland: "Poland is the most pro-American country in the world — including the United States."

What's this all about? It starts with history and geography. There's nothing like living between Germany and Russia — which at different times have trampled Poland off the map — to make Poles the biggest advocates of a permanent U.S. military presence in Europe. Said Ewa Swiderska, 25, a Warsaw University student: "We are the small kid in school who is really happy to have the big guy be his friend — it's a nice feeling."

Even the nicest big kids though have a tendency to blow off the little kids when they're inconvenient. So we should formalize the Polish alliance with a bilateral trade agreement and defense pact.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 AM


Saddam’s captured, Gaddafi’s given up … so why are we still on orange alert?: The war on terror changed last week, and things finally looked set to improve. But then alerts were issued, flights cancelled and it was back to business as usual. What now? (Trevor Royle, 12/28/03, Sunday Herald)

The rehabilitation of Libya has been a marked success and a sign that the war against terrorism will be fought not just with precision weapons but also with diplomacy and economic muscle. Iraq was bombed into submission and its leader Saddam Hussein deposed. Libya escaped that fate, as did Gaddafi, who will stay in power as long as he keeps on the right side of the US. Ahead lies a campaign to deal with the other countries who top the State Department’s list of potential enemies – Iran, Syria and North Korea. Other lesser rogue states also require attention, notably Sudan and Cuba, and there is pressure to deal with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, but these are the big three as far as those leading the war against terrorism are concerned.

North Korea poses the clearest threat. Not only is the country unstable and economically bankrupt but its leader Kim Jong-il has gone out of his way to defy the world over the production of nuclear weapons. If the US had not been distracted by the need to deal with Iraq first there is little doubt Kim would have been put at the top of the list. Not only was he was in the process of developing nuclear weapons but his belligerent stance meant the Korean peninsula was always on the brink of war. On the diplomatic front he was usually one step ahead of Washington’s attempts to bring him to heel during the run-up to the war in Iraq when US attention was diverted. First he insisted on bilateral talks with the US, then he insisted these should take place in China, a demand to which the US secretary of state, Colin Powell, was forced to concede.

However, in the wake of the Libyan deal the US is keen to re-engage with North Korea and force it back to the negotiating table to begin the process of decommissioning its potential for making nuclear weapons. A military attack remains a possibility. The Pentagon has drawn up plans for a precision strike on the suspected nuclear facility at Pyongyang, similar to Israel’s destruction of Iraq’s Osirak plant in 1981, but that could prompt Kim into attacking his southern neighbour and starting a regional war. The knowledge that North Korea already has a nuclear weapon has also concentrated minds in Washington.

According to the Sunday Herald’s diplomatic source, this is what makes Kim different from Saddam – he actually has weapons of mass destruction and would be prepared to use them. “By the end of the decade, North Korea will have developed a ballistic missile capable of hitting California. If they are armed with nuclear weapons the threat is obvious and no President could tolerate such a situation. Kim has every reason to spin out the negotiations and to fight hard for concessions.”

Bombing the facilities would set an example and establish the principle that we will not tolerate nuclear and missile programs in unfriendly states.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM


'I couldn't have looked my friends in the face if I had opposed the war': She's the firebrand left-wing MP who stunned the Commons into silence when she backed Tony Blair over Iraq. Many said she saved the Prime Minister's skin. After a momentous year, Ann Clwyd talks to Kamal Ahmed (Kamal Ahmed, December 28, 2003, The Observer)

Earlier this year Clwyd was sitting in her office in one of the more obscure corridors of the House of Commons when she received an email with a Pentagon address on it. Opening it up, she saw at the bottom that it was from Paul Wolfowitz, the American Deputy Defence Secretary, leading Republican, neo-conservative and backer of the American 'new world order', including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power.

Now, any self-respecting left-wing Labour MP - as Clwyd is - might be expected to tut a little, maybe point out to one of her staff that she had received something 'from that warmonger Wolfowitz' and consign it to the trash icon on her desktop.

Not Clwyd. Indeed, she agreed with most of what Wolfowitz was saying on the issue. 'I wrote this piece about these plastic shredders, and the disgusting barbarity of Saddam's regime,' Clwyd said. 'They were used as an instrument of torture. If you were put in head first you died quickly, if you were put in feet first you died more slowly. 'One of the emails I got after that piece, and I got a lot, was from Wolfowitz. It said that he totally agreed with my reasons for supporting the war.'

In May, following an invitation from Wolfowitz, the two met in the Pentagon.

Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, and as far as many in the anti-war coalition are concerned the man most to blame for events in Iraq, put his head around the door. 'You're the man with the brains,' he said cheerily, gesturing to his deputy. 'I'm just the office boy.'

For Clwyd, it completed a journey. The woman who had once demonstrated with the women of Greenham Common to remove American bases from British soil was breaking bread with someone many of her colleagues consider to be the enemy. 'It was too good an opportunity to miss,' she said. 'He was a very charming man, an intellectual. We joked, and I told him I dreaded to think what my colleagues would think, me sitting here speaking to a neo-conservative in the Pentagon. For me, it was bizarre, talking to someone who had the reputation of Wolfowitz.'

Wow! The necons got to her too?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


-For 2004, Bush Has Strength in the White Male Numbers: His wide advantage in that right-leaning group may trump Democrats' edge elsewhere. (Ronald Brownstein, December 27, 2003, LA Times)

White men compose just under 40% of the electorate, with white women just over 40%, and minorities composing the rest.

White men have given Democrats problems in presidential elections for decades. Since the 1970s, Democrats have won when they keep the Republican advantage within sight and lose when they can't.

"It's a damage minimization strategy," Teixeira said. "If it's too much of a landslide with white men, it just creates a hole you have to dig out of."

But just reaching that minimal standard of support hasn't been easy for Democratic nominees. Republican incumbents Richard Nixon in 1972 and Ronald Reagan in 1984 carried white men by 35 percentage points en route to landslide reelections, according to network exit polls.

In 1988, George H.W. Bush beat Democrat Michael S. Dukakis by 27 percentage points among white men, the same advantage Reagan enjoyed over Jimmy Carter in 1980.

During the 1990s, Bill Clinton significantly reduced those margins, losing white men by just 3 percentage points in 1992 and 11 points in 1996, according to exit polls. But Clinton didn't win a much higher percentage of the white male vote than Carter, Mondale and Dukakis did; the GOP margins fell in the 1990s because independent candidate Ross Perot siphoned away so many white men from Bush in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996.

With Perot off the ballot in 2000, the Republican advantage among white men ballooned again, as Bush carried them by 24 percentage points over Al Gore. That margin was just small enough to allow Gore to narrowly edge Bush in the popular vote by running strongly with other groups.

But now leading strategists in both parties say Bush has the potential to run even better with white men in 2004 — which could create a deficit too great for Democrats to overcome.

"I don't know if it can get back to the [Reagan] level, but he does have the potential of widening the margin from 2000," said Matthew Dowd, the polling director for Bush's campaign.

Stanley B. Greenberg, the pollster for Gore in 2000 and Clinton in 1992, agreed. "Younger, married white men are disastrously, overwhelmingly Republican," he said. "They are trending more Republican over time. Everything about George Bush speaks to them."

Recent polls underscore the challenge for Democrats with white men. In an ABC/Washington Post survey released last week, white men preferred Bush over an unnamed Democrat in 2004 by 62% to 29%, a head-turning 33-point margin; by contrast, white women gave Bush just a 10-point lead.

"just a 10-point lead"?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 6:42 AM


A Young German’s Broadside. He questions pensions and becomes a celebrity (Mark Landler, International Herald Tribune, 27/12/03)

Five months after he heaved a big rock into the murky water of German politics, Philipp Missfelder still professes not to understand why it set off such waves of protest. "I didn't say anything racist. I didn't say anything unfriendly to people from other countries," said Missfelder, a husky 24-year-old in a V-neck sweater who looks like anything but a rock-thrower. "I was only talking about things that are important to people in my generation."

What Missfelder said, in an interview published in the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel, was that old people were soaking up Germany's financial resources with lavish pensions and gold-plated health care plans. Such largess, he said, came at the expense of young Germans, who he warned would be strangled by the burden of supporting an ever-larger population of retirees. The other day, as he sat in a café near the Technical University of Berlin, where he studies history, Missfelder described what he regards as the systemic abuse of Germany's welfare system.

"In every town in Germany, old people go to the doctor to socialize or talk about the weather," he said. "If every appointment cost E10, they would say, 'It's not so bad, I'll stay home.'"

In Tagesspiegel he was even less polite, complaining about 85-year-olds getting costly hip replacements. Why, he mused, couldn't they just make do with crutches, like in old times? For a well-spoken, disciplined college student who runs the youth organization of Germany's largest conservative party, the Christian Democrats, it was a conspicuously intemperate debut. Elderly voters are a powerful force here, not to mention the bedrock constituency of his party.

Herr Missfelder has joined the issue with the compassion and sensitivity young Germans have always been famous for. An aging population expecting early retirement and generous state pensions and healthcare will eventually be insupportable. The cause of euthanasia appears to have a bright future in Germany.

But this story also shows how stark and selfish individualism and free-enterprise can be when they are not buttressed by commitments to faith and family. One might well forgive those elderly Germans who spit scorn on their grandchildren for not raising large enough families to support them. More delightful is the thought that one day the German government will tell Herr Missfelder it intends to implement all his suggestions gratefully and that his grandparents will be moving in with him shortly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:33 AM


Tragedy overwhelms quake city (Jason Burke, Kamal Ahmed and Neda Ghasemi in Tehran, December 28, 2003, The Observer)

'The disaster is far too huge for us to meet all of our needs,' said Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, declaring three days of mourning. He has opened Iranian airspace to all planes carrying aid or relief workers and waived visas for foreign relief personnel.

But the death toll keeps rising. The leader of one local relief team, Ahmad Najafi, said that 200 bodies had been pulled from the rubble in one street in just an hour.

The Iranian regime is already being criticised for the chaotic rescue effort. Until the arrival of Western teams, the authorities had only a few drug-sniffing dogs to look for survivors. One local man interrupted Interior Minister Mousavi Lari Abdolvahed as he spoke to reporters in Bam yesterday. 'My father is under the rubble,' the man said. 'I've been asking for help since yesterday, but nobody has come to help me. Please help me. I want my father alive.'

Lari stressed to reporters that the death toll issued by his ministry was 'only an estimate'. 'There is not a standing building in the city. Bam has turned into a wasteland,' he said.

With hospitals destroyed, military transport planes have had to evacuate many wounded for treatment to the provincial capital, Kerman, and even to the Iranian capital, Tehran, 630 miles to the northwest, where stunned families, still covered in mud, wander the airport.

Tempers flare in battered backstreets of Bam (AFP, December 27, 2003)
In Bam, the grim priority now appears to be finding dead bodies, loading them into pick-up trucks and driving them out of town for quick burial.

But the Iranian government's refusal to publicly acknowledge any need for foreign search teams has also fueled anger in a region that is one of Iran's poorest.

The leagues of volunteers also appear to be lacking in organisation. After all, organising the work of various government ministries, the army, air force, Revolutionary Guards and Basij volunteer militia is no simple task, even if the Islamic republic has been working on it for near-on 25 years.

That was highlighted earlier Saturday, when Iranian Health Minister Massoud Pezeshkian called on international donors not to send volunteer workers, but send drugs and equipment.

"We don't really need them (foreign volunteers). We have a lot of volunteers coming in from all over Iran, in fact so many that we are having difficulties coordinating," Pezeshkian said.

Hassan Salehi, a 32-year-old computer engineer who sped down from Tehran in his beat-up old car, wondered what was holding the aid effort up.

"The Red Crescent are slow. Even I beat them in getting here," he complained, saying relief teams only began to appear on the streets around where his parents and sister lived hours after he completed his 15-hour drive from the capital to the other end of the country.

We should obviously be helping as much as we can just because it's the right thing to do, but also because we recall that the failure of the Somoza regime to respond effectively and responsibly to Nicaragua's big quake in 1972 helped spell the doom of the regime. There is an opportunity for future freedom in Iran even amidst this horrific rubble.

US sending medicine, food to Iran: Boston team to join relief bid as toll hits 20,000 (Charlie Savage, 12/28/2003, Boston Globe)

The United States will send search-and-rescue teams, food, and medical supplies to its longtime adversary Iran, the White House announced yesterday, as the death toll climbed to at least 20,000 from Friday's massive earthquake that devastated the ancient city of Bam.

More than 200 civilian disaster response specialists are being flown into Iran, while the US military is delivering more than 150,000 pounds of medical supplies from bases in Kuwait. The assistance could be on the ground as early as midafternoon today. [...]

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage personally offered the aid along with US condolences on Friday night to Iran's UN ambassador, Mohammad Zarif. The call was a rare moment of direct official contact with the Iranian government, with which the United States had not had diplomatic relations since revolutionaries overthrew the US-backed Shah in 1979 and took American Embassy workers hostage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:01 AM


As Pre-Primary Season Closes, Questions Cling to Dean's Gains (Dan Balz, December 28, 2003, Washington Post)

[T]here is general agreement that the party establishment is not capable of mounting a stop-Dean movement. "What establishment?" one Democrat said sarcastically. "The only thing that could have an impact is if Bill Clinton came out and said, I don't appreciate a repudiation of my administration. The only people capable of doing it [a stop-Dean movement] are the unions, and they're pretty well split." [...]

"Democratic Party activists, whatever their ideological perspective, have a view that their leaders have been completely ineffective in combating President Bush," one Democratic strategist said. "The leaders have a view that either they're doing the best they can or that more clever centrism is better or they need someone with a military background at the head of the party."

Al From, who heads the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, credited Dean with running a successful campaign but questioned whether he can effectively lead the party as nominee. "We need to lay out a reason to replace Bush," From said. "We can't just depend on the fact that the activists in our party are angry at him and like Dean. There aren't enough of them."

But another centrist leader, Simon B. Rosenberg of the New Democratic Network, said party leaders here should recognize what Dean has done. "The Washington party is a failed party, and Dean's criticism of the Washington party is incredibly accurate," he said. "We're completely out of power and heading for permanent minority status if we don't start modernizing the party. Dean has been a modernizer and innovator, and should be embraced for it. Instead he's being attacked for doing it differently."

Those fault lines will animate the coming 60-day battle for the nomination. With the race as it now stands, the issue facing Democrats is whether anybody can stop Dean but Dean himself.

All those vulnerable congressional Democrats should have a fun time with their own nominee attacking them.

-Dean denounces Democratic Leadership Council, stuns centrists (RONALD BROWNSTEIN, 12/25/03, Los Angeles Times)

During a campaign stop Tuesday in Seabrook, N.H., where he received an endorsement from the 1,000-member New Hampshire chapter of United Auto Workers, Dean said he stood by his remarks about the DLC. On Monday, he called the DLC, "sort of the Republican part of the Democratic Party ... the Republican wing of the Democratic Party." [...]

Tension between Dean and the DLC first seriously emerged early this year when Dean began identifying himself as the representative of "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party."

That was a designation liberals sometimes used during the Clinton years to distinguish themselves from centrist "New Democrats" who pushed ideas such as welfare reform, balancing the federal budget, and completing the North American Free Trade Agreement -- all ideas staunchly opposed on the left.

Dean's declaration Monday was more than rhetorical positioning; it also reflected his political strategy.

All year he has argued that Democrats' first priority should be to mobilize their core supporters, such as women's groups, blacks, union members and gay rights activists.

That directly inverts the argument from Clinton, first advanced by the DLC in a 1989 study titled The Politics of Evasion, that Democrats could only win the White House by reconnecting with moderate swing voters because their base no longer constituted a national majority on its own.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:01 AM


For Your Information . . . (TOM ZELLER, December 28, 2003, NY Times Magazine)

Of the many cultural by-products borne of the Internet, perhaps the most ubiquitous (after spam) is the forwarded e-mail. Quirky Web sites, tiresome chain mail, odd photos - all of these seem to fulfill the near reflexive need among late-night Web surfers and idle office desk jockeys to say, with a click or two, "get a load of this." keeps track of these urges when they are inspired by the newspaper's online offerings. As with many news sites, each story offers users the option to "E-mail This Article," and the top 25 most e-mailed articles are tracked and listed on the site every day. [...]

In the slide shows at right is a look at some of the top 100 most e-mailed stories of 2003 from The New York Times on the Web.

Kind of interesting--unfortunately, the frequency with which he's forwarded explains why they let Krugman keep it up.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:13 AM


Presidential Campaign Was Cited During Talks to Seal Dean's Papers as Governor (RICK LYMAN, 12/27/03, NY Times)

Last January, as his presidential campaign was stirring to life, Howard Dean was asked why he had decided to keep nearly half of his records as governor of Vermont under seal until 2013.

"Well, there are future political considerations," Dr. Dean told statehouse reporters. "We didn't want anything embarrassing appearing in the papers at a critical time in any future endeavor."

Dr. Dean now says he was joking about why he invoked executive privilege to keep 145 boxes of his official records — about 47 percent of them — under a 10-year seal. But there is ample evidence in the letters and e-mail correspondence between the former Vermont governor's counsel, David M. Rocchio, and the state archivist, D. Gregory Sanford, that a possible presidential race was indeed part of the discussions concerning how long to keep the records private.

Given the Doctor's willingness to repeat many of his own foolish statements, like that we're no safer with Ba'athism gone from Iraq, one can only wonder at what kinds of prior statements and writings even he thinks would be too embarrassing to risk revealing to the American people.

December 27, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:11 PM


What causes cancer? (Or, Merry Christmas!) Part I (Charles Murtaugh, 12/23/03)

[W]here do mutations come from, and what do they have to do with chemicals? This question was recently raised by (not-at-all-unbalanced) MIT professor William Thilly, in a Nature Genetics article entitled, "Have environmental mutagens caused oncomutations in people?". In this magisterial review, which I would rank as my favorite scientific paper of the year, Thilly surveys decades of work by his lab and others on the mechanisms of gene mutation, and points out a critical missing link in the literature:

"Cigarette use and sun exposure serve as clear examples [of environmental/chemical agents causing] lung and skin cancers. It was reasonable, therefore, to seriously consider the hypothesis that known and unknown environmental factors were acting as mutagens in the tissues at risk. A wide variety of nonhuman experimental systems, including human cells, were used to show that thousands of chemicals and forms of radiation had mutagenic activity. These mutagens were thus designated 'potential carcinogens'. But whether any of these potential carcinogens, save sunlight, had actually caused genetic change in humans was not experimentally tested.

. . [much literature review omitted]

The various observations cited above are consistent with the hypothesis that ordinary environmental mutagens contribute to point mutagenesis in humans to a negligible extent. Therefore, such mutagens (save for sunlight), acting as mutagens, may have little, if any, effect on human cancer risk."

For be it from us to drag a Harvard doctoral candidate like Brother Murtaugh down to our level, but does not the near immutability of the genome, at least as a function of environmental factors, have obvious implications for Darwinists?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:00 PM


JOHNNY PAYCHECK B. 1941: Too Bad to Be Forgotten (ANN PATCHETT, 12/28/03, NY Times Magazine)

It has been said that Mother Teresa's greatest act of humility was to die in the wake of grief that belonged to Princess Diana, and so slipped away with relatively little fanfare. Anyone who hoped for recognition in death in Nashville should know that 2003 was the sole property of Johnny Cash. Even though Johnny Paycheck beat the Man in Black off the stage by half a year, his passing, like so much of his music, will most likely be remembered as a footnote to another, greater singer.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:58 PM


JOSEPH COORS SR., B. 1917: Potent Brew (JAMES TRAUB, 12/28/03, NY Times Magazine)

Coors was born into a Colorado brewing family that shared the don't-tread-on-me philosophy common in the West, especially among family-owned businesses. Coors himself was just a garden-variety conservative until 1953, when he happened across the book that converted so many merely disgruntled right-wingers into active members of a movement: Russell Kirk's ''Conservative Mind.'' In the 1960's, he became an important supporter of Ronald Reagan and served a cantankerous term as regent of the University of Colorado, then boiling with student agitation. He came to the attention of Paul Weyrich, another movement figure who dreamed of establishing a policy institute that could germinate conservative thought as groups like Brookings had long done for liberals. In 1973, Coors gave the organization $250,000, plus another $300,000 for a building. And so the Heritage Foundation was born.

In 1977, he financed another institution, the Mountain States Legal Foundation. When Reagan was elected president, Coors was identified as a member of his kitchen cabinet; Mountain States' president, James Watt, became secretary of the interior and set off on what environmentalists deemed a reign of terror. As if all that weren't enough, Coors and his brother Bill waged a bitter struggle with workers that ended with the ousting of the company's unions. Joseph Coors was an easy guy to boycott. Bill once described his brother's politics to The Rocky Mountain News, not admiringly, as ''far right to Attila the Hun.''

It is time, however, to give the Hun his due.

Who even knew it was possible to say that in a not admiring way?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


What Made Sammy Run? (GARY GIDDINS, December 28, 2003, NY Times Book Review)

Is it possible for an entertainer who achieved the pinnacles of success -- wealth, fame, power, a critical and collegial regard verging on awe, at least during the long climb to the top -- to be remembered primarily as a cultural martyr? In the case of Sammy Davis Jr., a qualified ''yes'' seems reasonable. Unlike Frank Sinatra, whose music will ultimately obliterate the man's boorish qualities, Davis has virtually disappeared from the cultural landscape while his immense, long-lived celebrity clouds the minds of those who endured it. To many of us born in the 1940's and 1950's, he has become a joke: a bejeweled, Nehru jacket-wearing, women-and-stimulants-pursuing, faux-hipster caricature who cackled at racially stupid jokes that were designed to show how progressively good-natured the tellers and their victim-buddy were.

Yet Davis had once been renowned as a performer of spectacular gifts who could do everything. Sadly, ''everything'' usually proves to be the most evanescent of talents. His early appearances were virtuoso displays of dancing, singing and mimicry that defied indifference; he would stop at nothing until he brought the entire audience into his fold. There weren't many holdouts in the 1950's, beyond the kind of bigots who barraged Eddie Cantor with hate mail because he had mopped Davis's brow after presenting him on the ''Colgate Comedy Hour'' in 1952. Sammy was the dazzling kid (actually 26 years old) in a troupe called the Will Mastin Trio featuring Sammy Davis Jr. The unbilled partner was Sammy Davis Sr., his father. Mastin, 72 when he made his national debut, was said to be an uncle, though he was unrelated.

It was a strange, unforgettable act. The two older men, natty and understated, offered precision soft-shoe with some winging and spins thrown in, before stepping back to give the spotlight to the prodigal man-boy whose energy and autonomy made you wonder why the others were there at all. Davis had performed with them since the age of 4 -- he never attended school, never knew any other life, never bonded with his mother, who had once appeared in a Mastin revue. Now he was carrying his mentors.

Yet when he died in 1990, the man who had been so generous, so profligate with his talent was largely derided or ignored. Where had he gone wrong?

Here's our interview with Davis's friend, biographer, and ghost writer, Burt Boyar.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


Mr. Hitchens's Revisionism of His Own History (Sean Wilentz, History News Network)

In his interview with the right-wing web magazine, re-posted on HNN, Christopher Hitchens claims that his moment of truth about Islamic fascism arrived in 1989, and that by September 11, 2001, he had fully come to "[t]he realization that American power could and should be used for the defense of pluralism." He then says that after seeing the World Trade Center atrocities on television, he was exhilarated: "Here we are then, I was thinking, in a war to the finish between everything I love and everything I hate. Fine. We will win and they will lose."

Mr. Hitchens was thinking nothing of the sort, and he knows it. He was thinking, in standard, knee-jerk anti-American terms, that America was largely to blame for bringing on the attacks. And he said so, in a particularly sickening column for the Guardian published on September 13, 2001:

With cellphones still bleeping piteously from under the rubble, it probably seems indecent to most people to ask if the United States has ever done anything to attract such awful hatred. Indeed, the very thought, for the present, is taboo. Some senators and congressmen have spoken of the loathing felt by certain unnamed and sinister elements for the freedom and prosperity of America, as if it were only natural that such a happy and successful country should inspire envy and jealousy. But that is the limit of permissible thought.

In general, the motive and character of the perpetrators is shrouded by rhetoric about their "cowardice" and their "shadowy" character, almost as if they had not volunteered to immolate themselves in the broadest of broad blue daylight. On the campus where I am writing this, there are a few students and professors willing to venture points about United States foreign policy. But they do so very guardedly, and it would sound like profane apologetics if transmitted live. So the analytical moment, if there is to be one, has been indefinitely postponed.

We're firmly of the opinion that when Leftists fight among themselves we all win, and Mr. Hitchens's inability to disavow his pro-Soviet past makes him an at best problematic ally--he deserves most of what he gets. But the essay cited here, while terribly silly, is somewhat less cut and dried than the quoted passage suggest, So is this war? (Christopher Hitchens, September 13, 2001, The Guardian). And Mr. Hitchens did come around to a full-throated, even if self-contradictory, defense of Western civilization pretty quickly,   Let's not get too liberal (Christopher Hitchens, September 21, 2001, The Guardian). More importantly, the grudge Mr. Wilentz carries has little to do, in all likelihood, with his sensibilities being offended on September 13th, and much to do with with his sycophantic defense of Bill Clinton, who Mr. Hitchens always took great relish in fileting. That being the probable source of the current brawl, we've a rooting interest in Mr. Hitchens.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 AM


The Best Books of 2003 (Steven Martinovich, December 22, 2003, Enter Stage Right)

If you aren't a regular ESR reader, you should be, and Brother Martinovich's book picks and reviews are an excellent intro.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


Arguing With Oakeshott (DAVID BROOKS, December 27, 2003, NY Times)

We can't know how Oakeshott would have judged the decision to go to war in Iraq, but it is impossible not to see the warnings entailed in his writings. Be aware of what you do not know. Do not go charging off to remake a society when you don't understand its moral traditions, when you do not even understand yourself. Do not imagine that if you conquer a nation and impose something you call democracy that the results will be in any way predictable. Do not try to administer a country from behind a security bunker.

I try to reply to these warnings. I concede that government should be limited, prudent and conservative, but only when there is something decent to conserve. Saddam sent Iraqi society spinning off so violently, prudence became imprudent. The Middle East could not continue down its former course.

I remind Oakeshott that he was ambivalent about the American Revolution, and dubious about a people who had made a sharp break with the past in the name of inalienable rights and other abstractions. But ours is the one revolution that worked, and it did precisely because our founders were epistemologically modest too, and didn't pretend to know what is the good life, only that people should be free to figure it out for themselves.

It comes as no surprise that Oakeshott gets the better of Mr. Brooks--the Revolution was a mistake, even if a noble one. Had America remained a part of the empire the Civil War and WWI would both have been avoided in all likelihood; reason enough to regret we parted ways.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


US has to seek its elusive 'most wanted' everywhere (Mohsen Asgari and Mark Huband, December 27 2003, Financial Times)

Earlier this month, General Richard Myers, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, vowed that he "will be captured some day, just like we captured Saddam Hussein".

But Gen. Myers went on to say that the al-Qaeda leader was likely to be hiding out "where he has some support, where he can buy support, and probably in very difficult terrain".

The common belief is that this terrain lies somewhere on the 1,500-mile frontier between Pakistan and Afghanistan, a wild and lonely place. The terrorist chief and a handful of his followers could be anywhere in the high mountain passes or the tribal lands where neither the writ of Islamabad or Kabul counts for much.

But sporadic and un-confirmed sightings of have also begun to crop up further afield, including in Kashmir, Pakistan's tribal areas and Baluchistan on the border with Iran.

Even if these do not amount to a reliable guide to his whereabouts, they are a tribute to his elusiveness. In one recent account, a man with links to Iran's intelligence services and hard-line Revolutionary Guard Corps (RGC) has told the Financial Times that he saw the al-Qaeda leader in Iran two months ago. He saw him arrive at an RGC guest house close to the small town of Najmabad, west of Tehran, on 23 October.

It's just hard to believe the Iranians could be that foolish.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:50 AM


The Second Coming of Philip K. Dick: The inside-out story of how a hyper-paranoid, pulp-fiction hack conquered the movie world 20 years after his death. (Frank Rose, December 2003, Wired)

Dick's anxious surrealism all but defines contemporary Hollywood science fiction and spills over into other kinds of movies as well. His influence is pervasive in The Matrix and its sequels, which present the world we know as nothing more than an information grid; Dick articulated the concept in a 1977 speech in which he posited the existence of multiple realities overlapping the "matrix world" that most of us experience. Vanilla Sky, with its dizzying shifts between fantasy and fact, likewise ventures into a Dickian warp zone, as does Dark City, The Thirteenth Floor, and David Cronenberg's eXistenZ. Memento reprises Dick's memory obsession by focusing on a man whose attempts to avenge his wife's murder are complicated by his inability to remember anything. In The Truman Show, Jim Carrey discovers the life he's living is an illusion, an idea Dick developed in his 1959 novel Time Out of Joint. Next year, Carrey and Kate Winslet will play a couple who have their memories of each other erased in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Memory, paranoia, alternate realities: Dick's themes are everywhere.

At a time when most 20th-century science fiction writers seem hopelessly dated, Dick gives us a vision of the future that captures the feel of our time. He didn't really care about robots or space travel, though they sometimes turn up in his stories. He wrote about ordinary Joes caught in a web of corporate domination and ubiquitous electronic media, of memory implants and mood dispensers and counterfeit worlds. This strikes a nerve. "People cannot put their finger anymore on what is real and what is not real," observes Paul Verhoeven, the one-time Dutch mathematician who directed Total Recall. "What we find in Dick is an absence of truth and an ambiguous interpretation of reality. Dreams that turn out to be reality, reality that turns out to be a dream. This can only sell when people recognize it, and they can only recognize it when they see it in their own lives."

Like the babbling psychics who predict future crimes in Minority Report, Dick was a precog. Lurking within his amphetamine-fueled fictions are truths that have only to be found and decoded. In a 1978 essay he wrote: "We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudorealities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives. I distrust their power. It is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing."

Viewed in this context, Dick's emergence in Hollywood seems oddly inevitable. His career itself is a tale of alternate realities.

We've several reviews posted of various of his books and stories. One of the best Philip K. Dick stories though is true, and concerns him "informing" on fellow science fiction writer Thomas Disch to the FBI.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 AM


The Truth About the Catholic Church and Slavery: The problem wasn't that the leadership was silent. It was that almost nobody listened. (Rodney Stark, 07/18/2003, Christianity Today)

As early as the seventh century, Saint Bathilde (wife of King Clovis II) became famous for her campaign to stop slave-trading and free all slaves; in 851 Saint Anskar began his efforts to halt the Viking slave trade. That the Church willingly baptized slaves was claimed as proof that they had souls, and soon both kings and bishops—including William the Conqueror (1027-1087) and Saints Wulfstan (1009-1095) and Anselm (1033-1109)—forbade the enslavement of Christians.

Since, except for small settlements of Jews, and the Vikings in the north, everyone was at least nominally a Christian, that effectively abolished slavery in medieval Europe, except at the southern and eastern interfaces with Islam where both sides enslaved one another's prisoners. But even this was sometimes condemned: in the tenth century, bishops in Venice did public penance for past involvement in the Moorish slave trade and sought to prevent all Venetians from involvement in slavery. Then, in the thirteenth century, Saint Thomas Aquinas deduced that slavery was a sin, and a series of popes upheld his position, beginning in 1435 and culminating in three major pronouncements against slavery by Pope Paul III in 1537.

It is significant that in Aquinas's day, slavery was a thing of the past or of distant lands. Consequently, he gave very little attention to the subject per se, paying more attention to serfdom, which he held to be repugnant.

However, in his overall analysis of morality in human relationships, Aquinas placed slavery in opposition to natural law, deducing that all "rational creatures" are entitled to justice. Hence he found no natural basis for the enslavement of one person rather than another, "thus removing any possible justification for slavery based on race or religion." Right reason, not coercion, is the moral basis of authority, for "one man is not by nature ordained to another as an end."

Here Aquinas distinguished two forms of "subjection" or authority, just and unjust. The former exists when leaders work for the advantage and benefit of their subjects. The unjust form of subjection "is that of slavery, in which the ruler manages the subject for his own [the ruler's] advantage." Based on the immense authority vested in Aquinas by the Church, the official view came to be that slavery is sinful.

This may well overstate the moral case against slavery, but is nonetheless enlightening.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:00 AM


Path led from science to faith The design is apparent to many (Bob Dewaay, December 27, 2003, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

I read with interest Gregory Korgeski's Dec. 13 counterpoint decrying creationism and fundamentalism. After learning that no "reputable" scientists endorse creationism, I learned that fundamentalists who take their sacred texts literally are dangerous to the well-being of society.

These arguments are self-serving in that they admit no evidence to the contrary. In Korgeski's thought, being a creationist makes you disreputable and being a fundamentalist makes you a likely menace to society.

I was raised in a church that taught that the Bible was mostly mythology, that there were no miracles, and that evolution was true. Seeing no need for religion, I left the church and took up the study of science.

As a chemical engineering student at Iowa State University I was required to study organic chemistry. I studied the complexity of molecules in the body that made life possible. That study convinced me that evolution was impossible and that life had to come from an intelligent designer.

The church led me away from belief in God and science led me to it. I became a Christian and began to study the Bible for myself. Now I am a "fundamentalist" preacher. [...]

Back to Korgeski's article -- I wonder, given the lack of any authoritative text, the lack of a supreme "law giver," and the lack of any rational explanation of how moral guidance "evolved" from random processes, how Korgeski can take it upon himself to give his readers moral guidance. At least we fundamentalists have a source of moral guidance outside of the fickle "self."

That's the curious thing about the scientific religion, is that it was supposed to lead us all away from God, but has brought us full circle.

Does Science Point to God?: The Intelligent Design Revolution (Benjamin D. Wiker, Crisis)

The ID movement directly contradicts the modern secularist intellectual trend that has so thoroughly dominated Western culture for the last two centuries (even though this trend began 500 years ago, in the early Renaissance). Although this secularization has reached nearly every aspect of our culture, its source of authority has always been in a kind of philosophic and scientific alliance.

In philosophy, the secularized intellect denies the existence of any truth beyond what is humanly contrived, and this denial (a kind of intellectual non serviam) manifests itself in the wild, manic-depressive intellectual swings so characteristic of modernity, between self-congratulatory claims of omniscience and self-pitying lamentations of complete skepticism. The secularization of science manifests itself in the belief that nature has no need for an intelligent designer but is self-caused and self-contained. Secularized science has as its aim the reduction of apparent design, whether cosmological or biological, to the unintelligent interplay of chance and brute necessity (either the necessity of law or of the physical constituents). Since nature itself has no intrinsic order, then (by default) the human intellect is the only source of intellectual order. Secularized science thus supports secularized philosophy, and secularized philosophy functions as the articulate mouthpiece of the alliance.

The ID movement seeks to restore sanity to science, philosophy, and hence culture by investigating the possibility that nature, rather than being the result of unintelligent, purposeless forces, can only be understood as the effect of an Intelligent Designer. But again, to say that the ID revolution contradicts the claims of secularized science does not mean that the contradiction arises from some contrariety or conspiracy on the part of ID proponents. It arises from the evidence of nature itself, and the ID movement is merely pointing to the evidence nature has provided (even while, as an active mode of scientific inquiry, it seeks to uncover more). In science, it points to the growing evidence of intelligent fine tuning, both cosmological and biological, and to the various failures of secularized science to make good its claims that the order of nature can be completely reduced to unintelligent causes. As more and more evidence is gathered, secularized philosophy will be forced to confront the scientific evidence that truth is not, after all, a mere human artifact, because a designing intellect has provided the amazingly intricate beings and laws to which the scientific intellect must conform if it is truly to have scientia—a knowledge of nature. Soon enough, secularized culture will be compelled to realign.

That is not, however, the story you will hear from the critics of ID, who seek to declaw it by denying that it is, at heart, a scientific revolution. According to its most acerbic adversaries, ID is merely a religious ruse wearing a scientific facade. For philosopher Barbara Forrest, “The intelligent design movement as a whole…really has nothing to do with science,” but is rather “religious to its core…merely the newest ‘evolution’ of good old-fashioned American creationism Zoologists Matthew Brauer and Daniel Brumbaugh charge that the ID movement “is not motivated by new scientific discoveries” but “entirely by the religion and politics of a small group of academics who seek to defeat secular ‘modernist naturalism’ by updating previously discredited creationist approaches.” The most outspoken critic of ID theory, philosopher Robert Pennock (who has published two anti-ID books), likewise asserts in Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics that ID is merely a “theological movement” with a “game plan…little different than that of the ‘creation scientists’” and suspects that at the heart of the ID urge is a regrettable and benighted “tendency to anthropomorphize the world,” to see design in nature only because we are designers ourselves. [...]

Allow me to point out to Pennock that the “tendency to anthropomorphize the world” is coming from the world itself, or more accurately, from the entire cosmos. In fact, in physics it is called the anthropic principle. In short form, it is the discovery that the universe appears rigged, astoundingly fine-tuned, suspiciously calibrated as part of some kind of a conspiracy of order to produce life—indeed intelligent life. This fine-tuned conspiracy occurs on all levels, from the fundamental constants governing the formation of all the elements in the cosmos, to the extraordinarily precise relationship of planets in our solar system, to the delicate balances on our own planet.

If, for example, the strong nuclear force that holds together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms were a tad weaker, elements other than hydrogen would either be unlikely or impossible; if a tad stronger, you wouldn’t have hydrogen. Change the ratio of the mass of the electron to the proton just a mite and molecules cannot form. If gravity were made just a bit weaker, stars large enough to produce the heavier elements necessary for biological life would not exist; a bit stronger, and stars would be too massive, producing the necessary elements but burning too rapidly and unevenly to support life. Fiddle a smidgeon with the expansion rate of the universe, and you either cause it to collapse or exceed the ideal rate at which galaxies, and hence solar systems, can form.

Or to focus on our own home in the Milky Way, it has become increasingly clear that the conditions of our solar system are wonderfully intricate. For example, our sun is not a typical star but is one of the 9 percent most massive stars in our galaxy, and it is also very stable. Further, the sun hits the Goldilocks mean for life—neither too hot (like a blue or white star) nor too cold (like a red star)—and its peak emission is right at the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum—the very, very thin band where not only vision is possible but also photosynthesis. Earth just “happens” to have the right combination of atmospheric gases to block out almost all the harmful radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum but, strangely enough, opens like a window for visible light. Jupiter is deftly placed and sized so that it not only helps to balance Earth’s orbit but also acts as a kind of debris magnet keeping Earth from being pummeled. Our moon is just the right size and distance to stabilize Earth’s axial tilt so that we have seasonal variations but not wildly swinging temperature changes.

This article is too short to summarize the already vast but continually growing literature on such cosmic fine- tuning. I have given just a taste so that I could return to an earlier point and make it more explicit: The ID movement, understood in its proper and widest context, is cosmological in scope, looking for evidence of design in all of nature, and biology is just one aspect of nature where it seeks evidence of fine-tuning. Against those who would so jealously guard biology from ID, one must ask: How could the fundamental physical constants be fine-tuned, our solar system be fined-tuned, the atmospheric and geological features of our planet be fine-tuned, but all biological beings and processes be the result of unintelligent, purposeless forces?

In addition, the ID approach is both quite natural and scientifically fruitful. The discovery of such exceedingly precise fine-tuning not only draws one to the conclusion that a designer is behind it all but also leads to further scientific discovery. As a famous instance of the first, astronomer and mathematician Fred Hoyle was so astonished at the remarkable chain of “coincidences” necessary for the production of oxygen and carbon in the universe, he concluded that “a commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature.” That statement was uttered mid–20th century as a result of Hoyle discovering the wildly improbable presence of just the right nuclear resonance levels in carbon and oxygen to allow for the formation of these most necessary elements for life. For Hoyle, such wonderful calibration could not be an accident: “I do not believe that any scientist who examined the evidence would fail to draw the inference that the laws of nuclear physics have been deliberately designed with regard to the consequences they produce inside the stars.”

-Does Science Point to God? Part II: The Christian Critics Benjamin D. Wiker answers criticism of the Intelligent Design movement...this time from Christians themselves. (Benjamin Wiker, July/August 2003, Crisis)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:59 AM


Ox and Ass (Giovanni Papini)

It was not by chance that Christ was born in a stable. What is the world but an immense stable where men produce filth and wallow in it? Do they not daily change the most beautiful, the purest, the most divine things into excrement? Then, stretching themselves at full length on the piles of manure, they say they are “enjoying life.” Upon this earthly pig-sty, where no decorations or perfumes can hide the odor of filth, Jesus appeared one night, born of a stainless Virgin armed only with innocence…

First to worship Jesus were animals, not men. Among men he sought out the simple-hearted: among the simple-hearted he sought out children. Simpler than children, and milder, the beasts of burden welcomed him.

Though humble, though servants of beings weaker and fiercer than they, the ass and the ox had seen multitudes kneeling before them. Christ’s own people, the people of Jehovah, the chosen people whom Jehovah had freed from Egyptian slavery, when their leader left them alone in the desert to go up and talk with the Eternal, did they not force Aaron to make them a golden calf to worship? In Greece the ass was sacred to Ares, to Dionysius, to Hyperborean Apollo. Balaam’s ass, wiser than the prophet, saved him by speaking. Oxus, King of Persia, put an ass in the temple of Ptha, and had it worshiped. And Augustus, Christ’s temporal sovereign, had set up in the temple the brazen statue of an ass, to commemorate the good omen of his meeting on the eve of Actium an ass named “the Victorious.”

Up to that time the kings of the earth and the populace craving material things had bowed before oxen and asses. But Jesus did not come into the world to reign over the earth, nor to love material things. He was to bring to an end the bowing down before beasts, the weakness of Aaron, the superstition of Augustus. The beasts of Jerusalem will murder him, but in the meantime the beasts of Bethlehem warm him with their breath. In later years, when Jesus went up to the city of death for the Feast of the Passover, he was mounted on an ass. But he was a greater prophet than Balaam, coming not to save the Jews alone but all men: and he did not turn back from his path, no, not though all the mules of Jerusalem brayed against him.

Hard to find a preacher who'll mix it up like that these days.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:05 AM


Commerce or Commissar? (Paul Cantor, December 24, 2003,

The best way to approach the historic city of Yalta is from the sea, the Black Sea to be precise. Seen up close the city looks a bit rundown, but viewed from a ship, Yalta is an impressive sight, nestled up against the Crimean Mountains, just the way the Russian Czars wanted it when they chose this spot for their summer getaways. But the tourist seeking out the old Czarist playground has a surprise in store as he draws near Yalta. Looming up just behind the docks is a monumental statue of a familiar figure, but it is not one of the Romanovs˜instead it is the man who brought their dynasty to an end--Vladimir Lenin. I hardly expected to see a monument to Lenin when I traveled to post-Soviet Yalta.

But my shock was cushioned by the appearance of an even more familiar shape right next to Lenin as viewed from the sea. The monument to the Communist leader of the Russian Revolution is now partially eclipsed by one of the grand international symbols of capitalism--two large McDonald's banners. Lenin famously said that, come the revolution, capitalists would be found willing to sell the rope by which they would be hanged. He did not foresee that, when the communists were at the end of their rope, the capitalists would be back to sell burgers, fries, and a shake, right under his stony eyes. I took pleasure in the fact that Lenin now casts a rather lonely figure in the harbor of Yalta, whereas the McDonald's seems to be filled with satisfied customers at all times, day and night.

The juxtaposition of Lenin and McDonald's is curiously symbolic of the whole history of the Black Sea region. For over two thousand years, two forces have contended with each other in this strategically located area. On the one hand have been would-be conquerors like Lenin or Suleiman the Magnificent, men who wanted to impose a single way of life on the whole region, whether a political ideology like Communism or a religion like Islam. On the other hand have been the commercial forces like McDonald's, merchants and businessmen who have taken advantage of the fact that people live differently in the region and therefore want to trade with each other.

This contrast became evident to me in the course of a two-week cruise I took on the Black Sea last summer, a trip that included three ports in Turkey, three in Ukraine, one in Romania, and one in Bulgaria. With visits to one historic or archaeological site after another, and plenty of deck time to read up on the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, I began to see a pattern unfold.

Even FDR couldn't put Yalta under permanent bondage.

December 26, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:20 PM


Dean not ready to sentence bin Laden (The Associated Press, 12/26/2003)

Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean says it's premature to recommend what penalty Osama bin Laden should face before he's been legally determined to be guilty of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Asked whether bin Laden should be tried in the United States and put to death, Dean told the Concord Monitor: "I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Osama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials."

In an interview with the New Hampshire newspaper for Friday editions, Dean added: "I'm sure that is the correct sentiment of most Americans, but I do think if you're running for president, or if you are president, it's best to say that the full range of penalties should be available. But it's not so great to prejudge the judicial system."

Let's take his point seriously for a second, before we marvel at his capacity to fire rounds into his own melon, shouldn't we have had this evidentiary proceeding before we toppled a sovereign government in pursuit of the suspect (a war, Afghanistan, which he claims to have supported)?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:38 PM

AXIS OF GOOD FILES (via Mike Daley):

Science Pact Signed With Israel (Shebonti Ray Dadwal, 12/25/03, Financial Express)

Taking their fast-growing ties a step further, India and Israel on Tuesday signed a statement on co-operation in science and technology. Following talks between minister of state for science and technology Bachi Singh Rawat and his Israeli counterpart Eleizer Sandberg, several areas of co-operation were identified, including joint development and upgradation of science and technology projects as well as joint projects in space. The minister reviewed the nine ongoing projects signed between the two countries besides exploring new areas of co-operation, mostly in the field of genomes. [...]

Due to the acutely-felt need for security, Israel has ensured that its space programme is almost completely indigenous. Despite co-operating with several countries including the US, Canada and some Latin American states on projects, it has consciously retained its independence regarding space-based research and development, specialising particularly in satellite miniaturisation. Yet, Israel chose to use an Indian vehicle to launch the Tauvex telescope.

One of the inescapable facts that makes the imagined victory of Islamicism impossible is that the Middle East is book-ended by nuclear-armed Jewish and Hindu states.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:42 AM


Best of 2003 (Brothers Judd)

-Jonathan Edwards: A Life (George M. Marsden)

-A Question of Honor: The Kosciuszko Squadron: Forgotten Heroes of World War II (Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud)

-The Teammates: A Portrait of a Friendship (David Halberstam)

-The Long Truce: How Toleration Made the World Safe for Power and Profit (A. J. Conyers)

-The Other Side of Russia: A Slice of Life in Siberia and the Russian Far East (Sharon Hudgins)

-The Greatest Game Ever Played: Harry Vardon, Francis Ouimet, and the Birth of Modern Golf (Mark Frost)

-Brain Storm (Richard Dooling)

-What We Can't Not Know: A Guide (J. Budziszewski)

-A New Kind of Science (Stephen Wolfram)

-In, But Not Of : A Guide to Christian Ambition (Hugh Hewitt)

-Forced Exit: The Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder (Wesley J. Smith)

-An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 (Rick Atkinson)

-The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad (Fareed Zakaria)

-The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America (Erik Larson)

-Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism (Paul C. Vitz)

-Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross (Richard John Neuhaus)

-Feminist Fantasies (Phyllis Schlafly)

BOOK LIST (Foreign Affairs, December 2003)

Each month a different member of our distinguished panel of book reviewers recommends the best books discussed in Foreign Affairs in the past year. This month, Walter Russell Mead gives his picks for the best books on the United States.

Benjamin Franklin by Edmund S. Morgan

Being America: Liberty, Commerce, and Violence in an American World by Jedidiah Purdy

To Begin the World Anew: the Genuis and Ambiguities of the American Founders by Bernard Bailyn

The Passions of Andrew Jackson by Andrew Brustein

Wheels for the World: Henry Ford, His Company, and a Century of Progress, 1903-2003 by Douglas Brinkley

William McKinley by Kevin Phillips

A Grand Strategy for America by Robert J. Art

The page includes links to Foreign Affairs' reviews of each book.

-Books & Culture Corner: The Top Ten Books of 2003: The Worst Book of the Year, more good reading, digital books, and a little Christmas music. (John Wilson, 12/22/2003, Christianity Today)
-Mystery Paperbacks Make for a Perfect Stocking Stuffer -- Here Are Some Favorites. (Alafair Burke)

Samantha Kincaid, the formidable heroine of Alafair Burke's legal thriller, Judgment Calls, offers her expert suggestions for the mystery lover this holiday season.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:35 AM


Pinning down Howard Dean (JONATHAN S. TOBIN, Dec. 25, 2003, Jerusalem Post)

[E]ven if we stick with Dean's official policy statements on Israel, some serious questions remain.

Dean claims that on the Israel issue, he will model his presidency on that of Bill Clinton, and thinks Bush has erred at times by allowing the parties to negotiate without US involvement. That would mean a Dean presidency might repeat many of the same mistakes that helped bring about the latest Palestinian terror war and left Israel stranded.

Would Dean, as Clinton did, invite Yasser Arafat to the White House more times than any other foreign leader? Others might ask why he thinks it's so important to use the power of the presidency to create a Palestinian state when he was so reluctant to use US power against Saddam Hussein.

Why did he name as one of his foreign-policy advisers Clyde Prestowitz, an author who advocates ending all US aid to Israel to pressure it to make concessions?

And, most importantly, how will a candidate whose base of support is on the left wing of the political spectrum - where hostility to Israel is now commonplace - deal with the anti-Israel sentiments expressed by many of his supporters?

The truth is that there are a lot of reasons, other than a few stray remarks, to question the direction a Dean presidency might take on the Middle East. And voters who care about Israel - Jews and non-Jews alike - have the responsibility to try and make him answer these questions.

Howard Dean seems to be playing a bizarre form of solo Russian Roulette in which all six chambers are loaded.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:12 AM

BE NOT AFRAID (via Real Clear Politics):

Bush Should Cool Democracy Sell (James P. Pinkerton, December 26, 2003, Newsday)

[T]o the extent that Jordan's king counts as a dictator, I wonder if such a democratizing move would help Bush foreign policy objectives. The Jordan Times, an English-language daily, offered a sobering account of a recent parliamentary debate. One deputy, Nidal Abbadi, described as an "Islamist," derided the king's government as so Westernized that it was ignorant of the country it speaks for. "These ministers not only cannot recount the names of three villages in Jordan, they are also unfamiliar with Amman, especially the eastern part" - the poor section.

Abbadi added that government ministers don't know the prices of basic commodities, don't carry Jordanian currency and might even lack proficiency in Arabic.

The press here is free to report on Abbadi's diatribe. But, of course, Jordan is not so free that anti-government words can be followed up by anti-government deeds.

In normal democratic politics, leaders found to be that out of touch with popular concerns - the Times offered no rebuttal to Abbadi's allegations - would be voted out of power. Yet the Islamic Action Front holds just 17 seats in the 110-member parliament. However, few observers here, speaking in private, doubt that the Islamists - plus maybe other pro-Palestinian radicals - would win a solid nationwide majority in a truly free election.
And what would the Islamists do if they were in power? In his speech in parliament, Abbadi demanded the mandatory veiling of women - observation tells me that at least 80 percent of women here already wear at least a hejab, or scarf over their hair - as well as the closure of all night clubs, unisex swimming pools and male-run hair salons for women.

In other words, Islamist rule in Jordan would put the country well on the path toward an Iran-style government.

'Our Guy' for Iraq Leader May End Up Biting Us: When the British anointed a ruler in the 1920s, they got more than they bargained for. Read your history, Washington. (David Fromkin, 12/26/03, LA Times)
Believing that Faisal would be open-minded in considering Britain's objectives, and the values of the Western world, the British proceeded to stage-manage the nomination of Faisal as Iraq's monarch, in a process that concluded with a referendum and then the scheduling of the coronation.

U.S. policymakers today, to the extent that they push leadership claims of those whom they see as open-minded and reasonable about issues important to Washington, might well consider the case of Faisal.

No sooner had his coronation been scheduled — and the British more or less irrevocably committed to the cause of his monarchy — than he announced that he had changed his mind. He would not accept a League of Nations mandate. He would not be a puppet king. He wanted to negotiate a treaty, not a trusteeship agreement. Indeed, in the course of his 10-year reign he succeeded in winning not only full independence but membership in the League of Nations as a free and equal country.

The British were aghast. "Crooked and insincere," was one high official's view of Faisal. "Faisal is playing a very low and treacherous game with us," Churchill told Lloyd George.

What the episode suggests is that if and when the United States throws its weight behind a candidate for leadership in Iraq, believing that person to be favorable to Washington's agenda, there is a good chance that the candidate, in order to survive Iraqi domestic politics, will turn against us. Even so, the candidate might be preferable to any other. Churchill may have regarded Faisal as treacherous, but during his reign, and even those of his son and grandson, Britain was able to hold a privileged position in Iraq. For Britain, the Faisal candidacy was an essential step on the road out of the Iraqi quagmire.

Arab democracy must come from Arab states (Trudy Rubin, 12/26/03, Philadelphia Inquirer)
For "Most Important Book of the Year," I nominate the Arab Human Development Report 2003 issued by the United Nations Development Program.

Written by a group of 26 Arab scholars, this volume takes a candid look at why Arab countries have fallen so far behind in key areas of human development. This question is crucial, at a time when the United States is trying to remake Iraq into a democratic model for the region.

The authors of this book argue that the impetus for real Mideast change must come from inside their own society. "Such reform from within, based on rigorous self-criticism, is a far more proper and sustainable alternative," they write, "in contrast to efforts to restructure the region from outside." But "rigorous self-criticism" is rare in a region where leaders and publics tend to blame their troubles on outsiders, especially "the West."

The authors of the Arab Human Development Report (AHDR) are trying to provoke just such an internal Arab debate.

"The report looks at the issues we were reluctant to discuss in the past," says Rima Khalaf Hunaidi, the director of UNDP's regional bureau for Arab States, and the moving force behind the volume. Its aim, she says, is "to change the attitudes of people and governments."

The basic thesis: The Mideast's problems are due to regional "deficits" in three critical areas: freedom, knowledge, and the status of women.

All three of these raise, each in their own way, an interesting question: would it necessarily be a bad thing for Iraq to undergo its own Islamic Revolution, a la Iran?

The prospect obviously terrifies Mr. Pinkerton and most libertarian and Leftist opponents of the war on terror. For them a Shi'ite Republic would be an unconditional defeat.

Mr. Fromkin, a foreign policy "realist", recognizes the futility of our trying to dictate the final form of the Iraq we leave behind and the potentially helpful effect of a government that may even be outwardly hostile to us. Unfortunately, there's not likely to be a royal restoration, of the kind he's writing about, so what about an Islamic state?

Meanwhile, Ms Rubin, whatever her views on Iraq, suggests that the most important insight of 2003 was that the movement towards democracy will have to be internal and will require "rigorous self-criticism". Where, as we look around the Islamic world, is the most fearsome self-criticism going on and where is the most vibrant internal democracy movement? By no coincidence: Iran.

There's still some tough slogging ahead, but Iran looks very much like a nation where the people recognize that the Revolution has failed to produce the promised utopia and are now prepared to accept, even willing to demand, that their leaders accept some variation on the end of history. This kind of capacity to evolve politically in the Western direction may be peculiar to the Shi'ites--they at least seem to have certain doctrinal advantages in this regard--but since Iraq is predominantly Shi'ite there seems an opportunity here even in what might at first seem an unfavorable development: let the Shi'ites of Iraq undertake their own Islamic experiment, secure in the knowledge that it won't survive even a generation (as Iran's has not), and that they'll develop in the direction we want, even if not as quickly as we'd hope.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:03 AM


Bush's 'Ownership' Scam (Robert Kuttner, December 24, 2003, Boston Globe)

How does Bush propose to create this "ownership society?" Mainly through more tax credits. If people lack reliable health care, there are tax-favored savings accounts to buy health insurance. If corporations are abandoning good pensions, there are new tax incentives to set aside retirement savings. If jobs are precarious, there are tax credits to purchase retraining when your job moves to China. [...]

Interestingly, there is a very different version of an ownership society that actually works. It is called asset development. Tony Blair in Britain has already made a start on this approach, by giving every child a subsidized savings account at birth that grows and compounds and can be used in adulthood to subsidize everything from education to first-time homeownership and ultimately to supplement retirement.

In the United States, Al Gore proposed a variant of this. I've been working with Larry Brown, one of the pioneers of this approach at the Asset Development Institute at Brandeis University, on an even bolder version.

The difference is that genuine asset development gives people genuine opportunities using real public outlays, the way the GI Bill did. Bush's approach relies mainly on the funny money of tax credits, which are often useless to the very people who need them most.

Here's an instance of where Democrats' are inhibited from true social/political breakthroughs by their fealty to New Dealism. Mr. Kuttner has a valid point, but he can't get past his wasteful welfare state entitlement thinking to make it.

Such accounts should indeed start at birth--perhaps with an initial contribution from the government--and the government should certainly subsidize such accounts for the poor, but there's no reason the rest of us can't fund them ourselves, just as we do 401k's--with some mixture of personal and employee contributions, and this offers an opportunity to expand the pool, so that, for instance, grandparents or charities or whomever could contribute too.

The dichotomy he sets up--of "real public outlays" vs. "the funny money of tax credits"--is merely hysterical. The former approach would have government tax us and then hand us back the money--the latter shelters it from taxation in the first place and so is both more direct and more personal. The former is based on the idea that we are all dependent on government--the latter encourages us to look at such accounts as taking responsibility for ourselves. The differences go not just to the efficiency of the program, but to the mindset. Why not encourage people's sense of "ownership", the very ownership he scoffs at, instead of setting up a system where they are "owned" by the government.

If Democrats were truly interested in the constituents they are supposedly elected to serve--the underprivileged among us--instead of just in assuaging the special interests who keep them afloat, they'd take up President Bush on the ownership accounts idea, but insist that the program include these additional reforms too. Such a Democratic Party would be serving not just the people who need this kind of "asset development" the most, but the nation as a whole.

For all Mr. Kuttner's talk of a "bolder intiative", this kind of compromise would require real boldness in three ways: (1) the accounts would replace virtually the entire panoply of New Deal/Great Society programs--from home loans to medical care to retirement--and be an implicit admission that there's a better way to go than the direction the Democrats took us for 70 years; (2) it would be a genuinely bipartisan accomplishment--Third Way even--occurring on the hated George W. Bush's watch; and (3) because the initiative is such a good idea and because of #2, it could end up being a huge boon to the Republicans for a very long time. The kind of boldness that could accept all three of those things is a very rare thing in the species, requiring a selflessness that we're barely capable of, but if Mr. Kuttner and like-minded folk could be so bold they would be real American heroes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:05 AM


Washington's Resignation Address to the Continental Congress (Annapolis, Maryland, 23 December 1783)

Mr President

The great events on which my resignation depended having at length taken place; I have now the honor of offering my sincere Congratulations to Congress & of presenting myself before them to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the Service of my Country.

Happy in the confirmation of our Independence and Sovereignty, and pleased with the oppertunity afforded the United States of becoming a respectable Nation, I resign with satisfaction the Appointment I accepted with diffidence--A diffidence in my abilities to accomplish so arduous a task, which however was superseded by a confidence in the rectitude of our Cause, the support of the Supreme Power of the Union, and the patronage of Heaven.

The Successful termination of the War has verified the more sanguine expectations--and my gratitude for the interposition of Providence, and the assistance I have received from my Countrymen encreases with every review of the momentous Contest.

While I repeat my obligations to the Army in general, I should do injustice to my own feelings not to acknowledge in this place the peculiar Services and distinguished merits of the Gentlemen who have been attached to my person during the War. It was impossible the choice of confidential Officers to compose my family should have been more fortunate. Permit me Sir, to recommend in particular those, who have continued in Service to the present moment, as worthy of the favorable notice & patronage of Congress.

I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my Official life, by commanding the Interests of our dearest Country to the protection of Almighty God, and those Who have the superintendence of them, to his holy keeping.

Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of Action--and bidding an Affectionate farewell to this August body under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my Commission, and take my leave of all the employments of public life.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


Iran quake may leave 10,000 dead (AP, 12/26/03)

A severe earthquake devastated the historic city of Bam in southeast Iran on Friday, and a preliminary estimate said the death toll could reach 10,000. [...]

The United Nations disaster management team in Tehran has asked the Iranian government if it needs help and was to meet later Friday to assess the situation, said Elizabeth Byrs, Geneva spokeswoman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

She said there had been no request from Tehran so far.

Roy Probert, spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said the umbrella group also has had no requests. Probert said the Iranian Red Crescent is well-prepared for earthquakes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences over the earthquake.

In a telegram to Iranian President Mohamed Khatami, Putin said he was "deeply shocked by an earthquake in Iran that brought numerous victims and destruction" and offered his "sincere condolences to the leadership and people of Iran."

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Marina Ryklina said that two Il-76 transport aircraft with rescue workers and equipment were to leave for Iran later Friday.

We should provide any assistance we can--and that they're willing to accept--too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 AM


How is it possible to ignore the Iraqi war's most blindingly obvious collateral benefits? (Charles Krauthammer, Dec. 26, 2003, Jewish World Review)

Yeah, sure. After 18 years of American sanctions, Moammar Gaddafi randomly picks Dec. 19, 2003, as the day for his surrender. By amazing coincidence, Gaddafi's first message to Britain — principal U.S. war ally and conduit to White House war councils — occurs just days before the invasion of Iraq. And his final capitulation to U.S.-British terms occurs just five days after Saddam Hussein is fished out of a rathole. [...]

The Democrats seem congenitally incapable of understanding that force has not just the effect of disarming the immediate enemy but a deterrent effect on others similarly situated. Iraq was not attacked randomly. It was attacked as part of a clearly enunciated policy — now known as the Bush Doctrine — of targeting, by preemptive war if necessary, hostile regimes engaged in terror and/or refusing to come clean on WMDs.

Mullah Omar did not get the message and is now hiding in a cave somewhere. Saddam Hussein did not get the message and ended up in a hole. Gaddafi got the message.

Diplomacy is fine. But we are dealing not with Canada but with gangster regimes. In rogue states, the only diplomacy that ever works is diplomacy at the point of a bayonet. Why, even the hapless Hans Blix went out on a limb to speculate that "I would imagine that Gaddafi could have been scared by what he saw in Iraq."

Ashton Carter, co-director of the Harvard-Stanford Preventive Defense Project, agreed that "what we did in Iraq put countries like Libya on notice that we're really serious about countering proliferation." To be sure, Carter prefaced this obvious truth with the Blixian phrase "one certainly hopes that." But that is to be expected from an adviser to Howard Dean.

Gotta remember, Democrats still think Gorbachev won the Cold War.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


2003: The year in jazz (Ken Franckling, 12/25/2003, United Press International)

In a year of continuing record industry instability and jazz division shakeups, and the continuing search for more artists who might catch the public's crossover fancy, as multi-Grammy winning singer Norah Jones has done with Blue Note, most of the interesting moments and trends didn't involve recordings.

The jazz community staged a top-draw concert at Toronto's Massey Hall on May 15. It was 50 years to the night since a legendary quintet -- saxophonist Charlie Parker, pianist Bud Powell, trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie, bassist Charles Mingus and drummer Max Roach -- performed at Massey Hall in what became the most storied all-star concert in the young history of bebop. It also resulted in a self-financed essential recording called "The Quintet."

Roach, the sole survivor of that 1953 all-star grouping, returned despite poor health for a "Mr. Hi-Hat" cameo solo prior to a flawless performance by five modern day all-stars: pianist Herbie Hancock, trumpeter Roy Hargrove, saxophonist Kenny Garrett, drummer Roy Haynes and bassist Dave Holland. [...]

Multi-instrumentalist and composer Benny Carter, percussionist Mongo Santamaria, cornetist Ruby Braff, singer-pianists Hadda Brooks and Nina Simone, saxophonist Teddy Edwards, trombonist Jimmy Knepper, pianist Mal Waldron, clarinetist Peanuts Hucko, flutist Herbie Mann and singer Celia Cruz were among the many jazz artists who died during 2003.

The great surprise was the re-emergence of Henry Grimes, a bass player who vanished from the scene in the late 1960s -- after working with leaders including Benny Goodman, Charles Mingus, Cecil Taylor, Miles Davis, Albert Ayler, Coleman Hawkins and Sonny Rollins. He was reported to have died in 1984. But last fall, Marshall Marrotte, a jazz fan and social worker from Georgia, found Grimes living in a single-room occupancy hotel in downtown Los Angeles. He'd been living there for some 20 years, doing odd jobs and surviving on Social Security. He'd sold his bass years ago to make ends meet.

When word got out that he was indeed alive and wanted to get back into music, New York avant-garde bassist William Parker had one of his own basses repaired and shipped to Grimes, who resumed practicing and soon began performing in the Los Angeles area. As a support network developed, Grimes returned to the New York jazz scene May 26 with a special appearance at the Vision Festival. He's been performing with increased frequency.

Glenn Dryfoos wrote a tribute to Celia Cruz and about Benny Carter on his last birthday.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 AM


Putin: “Small-scaled business could help eliminate poverty in Russia”
(The Russia Journal, December 23, 2003)

Stressing the urgent need to develop and support the SMEs, [small- and medium-sized enterprises] Putin noted that small- and medium-sized businesses have the potential to help eliminate poverty in the country. “The business community has not only an economic potential today, but a creative and expert potential as well. It is time to forward this potential into such spheres as education, health and ecology”.

Russia to have one-window policy for business registration (The Russia Journal, December 24, 2003)
President Vladimir Putin signed a bill on one-window concept for registering businesses into law on Dec. 23 in a move expected to ease the often time-, energy- and money-consuming bureaucratic gridlock faced by entrepreneurs while registering businesses in the country. [...]

With the new policy, potential entrepreneurs will now only have to register their businesses with the Tax and Revenues Ministry, which will complete the process within five working days, unlike before, when the process used to take months, Mishustin said.

If this is how Mr. Putin plans to use his new power, the dubiosity surrounding its acquisition is a small price to pay.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


Changing one gene launches new fly species: Study also ties sex appeal to cold tolerance (John Easton, December 2003, University of Chicago Medical Center)

In what has been described as the "perfect experiment," evolutionary biologists at the University of Chicago replaced a single gene in fruit flies and discovered a mechanism by which two different "races" begin to become different species, with one group adapted to life in the tropics and the other suited to cooler climates. The tropical group was more tolerant of starvation but less tolerant of cold. The temperate group was less able to resist starvation but better adapted to cool weather.

The altered gene also changed the flies' pheromones, chemical signals that influence mating behavior. As a result, the researchers show in the Dec. 5 issue of Science, the two groups of flies are not only fit for different environments but may also be on their way to sexual isolation, a crucial divide in the emergence of a new species.

"This study directly connects genetics with evolution," said Chung-I Wu, Ph.D., professor and chairman of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago and director of the study. "For the first time, we were able to demonstrate the vast importance in an evolutionary context of a small genetic change that has already occurred in nature."

"We had the luxury," added co-author Tony Greenberg, Ph.D., a postdoctoral student in Wu's laboratory, "of watching the essential event in Darwinian evolution, the first step in the origin of a new species. We were quite impressed, that this simple alteration played such a dramatic role, both adapting flies to a new environment and changing their sex appeal. Once two groups become sexually isolated, there's no turning back."

This is hilarious on a couple levels: first, the description of an obvious example of intelligent design as a "perfect" evolution experiment; second, that rather than any kind of real speciation they end up with mere sexual isolation, the default definition Darwinists have had to fall back on because, for example, fruit flies stubbornly remain fruit flies, just as the different dogs we'bve bred remain dogs, though some can't breed together.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


Vancouver facing worst outbreak of syphilis in the developed world (AFP, Dec 24, 2003)

Vancouver is facing the worst outbreak of syphilis per capita in the developed world, with city health officials fearful of a looming epidemic of the sexually transmitted disease once thought almost wiped out in North America.  

Some 254 new cases have been diagnosed locally this year authorities said early this week -- more than the total for North America in two decades, with more expected, said Dr. Michael Rekart of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control.

"There's a lot of unsafe sex going on in Vancouver and the disease has simply taken hold," Rekart said. "Our outbreak is primarily among sex trade workers now, but we're worried about it jumping to the gay community and beyond and creating a bigger epidemic," he said.

Until 1997, syphilis was almost non-existent on the North American continent, with only one or two cases reported per year in British Columbia. Then suddenly it took off, with the strain affecting most Canadians traced to developing countries in Asia and Central America, said Rekart.

'Liberal' cardinal fears Britons are obsessed with sex (Auslan Cramb, 22/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)
Cardinal Keith O'Brien said he was concerned that the country was in danger of descending into a "bacchanalian state" in which everyone was obsessed with their own sexual pleasure.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, who has made a concerted effort to shake off the "liberal" tag since his elevation two months ago, is planning a campaign to "re-Christianise" Scotland.

His comments follow a recent claim by the Pope that Britain was becoming a "secular nation" in which the message of Christ was no longer listened to.

Cardinal O'Brien said: "It is not Christ's teaching that if you happen to be homosexual then you can have a partner. It is not Christ's teaching that if your marriage breaks up, you can go and live with somebody else.

"Gay unions and these sorts of things are becoming commonplace. Where is society going at all? Is there nobody going to take a stand?

"We've had Christianity here for more than one and a half thousand years and our standards have plummeted in recent years.

"I think people in general do realise there has been a dramatic fall in standards.

"What are we going to do? Are we just going to progressively decline into a bacchanalian state where everyone is just concerned with their own pleasures and to sleep with whoever they want? The future at times does look quite bleak on this."

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:17 AM


Parents risk £100 fine for holiday 'truants' (Liz Lightfoot, The Telegraph, 26/12/03)

An unprecedented clampdown on parents who take their children on holiday during term-time has been ordered by Charles Clarke, the Education Secretary.

He is being backed by head teachers' leaders, who are telling schools to review the policy of authorising breaks of up to two weeks, which are viewed by some parents as an entitlement.

David Hart, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: "Most head teachers are strongly opposed to authorising term-time absences and in the current climate I think they will be allowed only in exceptional circumstances."

Thousands of families take children off school every year to take advantage of cheaper off-peak holiday deals but in future they may face fines of up to £100 on their return.

Ivan Lewis, the junior education minister, will confirm next week that penalty notices being introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act will apply to holidays not authorised by head teachers.

Imagine how fast society would crumble if everybody took their families on Christmas vacations.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


US in row with France over terror operation (David Rennie, 26/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

American and French officials yesterday traded mutual recriminations over the failure to snare any terrorists in the security operation that grounded six Air France flights in and out of Los Angeles.

Bush administration officials expressed frustration that al-Qa'eda operatives might have escaped capture after word leaked, early this week, of American concerns about flights from France to the United States over the Christmas period.

One official said Washington had been hoping to keep the US-French negotiations confidential, adding that the hope was that "we would be able to lure some of these people in".

However, a French interior ministry spokesman said little evidence of a terrorist plot had been found.

French authorities released seven men - one French, one American and several Algerians - whose names were found to be on US watch-lists.

The seven men were all due to board a flight on Wednesday and had been briefly questioned. French authorities found nothing to suggest the men had terrorist links. [...]

US sources hit back at French scepticism, saying American intelligence agencies had intercepted e-mails from the al-Qa'eda terrorist group suggesting another September 11-style attack was being plotted for the Christmas holiday.

The al-Qa'eda messages referred specifically to Air France and even gave a flight number, officials said. Other warnings have been issued about flights by the Mexican carrier, Aeromexico, it was reported.

US officials said they fear Air France has been infiltrated by Islamic extremists and have criticised French co-operation in providing details of passengers on US-bound flights.

December 25, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 PM


Bush Advisers, With Eye on Dean, Formulate '04 Plans (ADAM NAGOURNEY and RICHARD W. STEVENSON, 12/26/03, NY Times)

As a Bush strategist put it, Dr. Dean's rivals are "doing a great job for us" with their increasingly tough attacks on him.

"Voters don't normally vote for an angry, pessimistic person to be president of the country," Matthew Dowd, a senior Bush adviser, said as he pressed the anti-Dean theme this week in an interview at Mr. Bush's re-election campaign headquarters. "They want somebody, even if times are not great, to be forward looking and optimistic." [...]

In discussing what they described as preliminary strategic decisions, Mr. Bush's advisers said they were prepared to adjust to any changes in what has already proved to be a most unusual presidential election campaign. Although they said that most of their planning was now based on the supposition that Dr. Dean would win the nomination, Mr. Bush's campaign officials said they did not consider that certain.

The president's political team, led by Karl Rove, his senior adviser, is working on policy initiatives that would help build support among specific blocs of voters. For the so-called investor class, the team is planning a push for private investment accounts in Social Security and expanded tax-free savings accounts. Mr. Bush is also developing an immigration proposal, expected to be announced early next year, that would make it easier for workers from Latin America to move to the United States legally. That step could help Mr. Bush appeal to Hispanics, a fast-growing segment of the electorate and one that Mr. Bush and Mr. Rove have worked hard to win over. [...]

But Mr. Bush, some of his own strategists and advisers said, has a long way to go if he wants to avoid being portrayed as a divisive figure who motivates Democrats to vote against him. As a result, the White House is considering using the State of the Union address to propose a big new national goal that would not be partisan or ideological and would help rally the country behind Mr. Bush's leadership, an outside adviser to the administration said. The possibilities floated by the White House include a major initiative for the space program or an ambitious health care goal like increasing life expectancies.

"They want to have the president talk about an important national goal that is big and a unifying theme," the adviser said.

The main problem with the talk of being non-partisan is that it has the potential to become a justification for not pushing as hard as they should in the Senate races. 60 seats in the Senate are worth more than a couple extra points on the President's victory margin.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:45 PM


Hunting Hussein Led U.S. to Insurgent Hub: Five Families Believed to Direct Attacks (Alan Sipress, December 26, 2003, The Washington Post)

As U.S. forces tracked Saddam Hussein to his subterranean hiding place, they unearthed a trove of intelligence about five families running the Iraqi insurgency, according to U.S. military commanders, who said the information is being used to uproot remaining resistance forces.

Senior U.S. officers said they were surprised to discover -- clue by clue over six months -- that the upper and middle ranks of the resistance were filled by members of five extended families from a few villages within a 12-mile radius of the volatile city of Tikrit along the Tigris River. Top operatives drawn from these families organized the resistance network, dispatching information to individual cells and supervising financial channels, the officers said. They also protected Hussein and passed information to and from the former president while he was on the run.

At the heart of this tightly woven network is Auja, Hussein's birthplace, which U.S. commanders say is the intelligence and communications hub of the insurgency. The village is where many of the former president's key confidants have their most lavish homes and their favorite wives.

When U.S. forces sealed off Auja in late October, they separated the leaders of the insurgency from their guerrilla forces, dealing the anti-occupation campaign a major blow, said Lt. Col. Steve Russell of the Army's 4th Infantry Division, which is responsible for the Tikrit area.

"It's amazing that all roads lead to this region," Russell said. "It's amazing who lives in that town. It's a who's who of families and a who's who of Saddam's former staff."

Of course, we figured out the five who ran the Cosa Nostra fifty years ago but they're still around.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 PM


Pope, in Christmas Message, Pleads for End to Terrorism and War (FRANK BRUNI, 12/26/03, NY Times)

It's a deal--they stop the terror and then we'll stop the war on terror.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:44 PM


Jihoward: Howard Dean, suicide bomber (William Saletan, Dec. 22, 2003, Slate)

Either all this stuff from the Dean campaign about the establishment is an attack on the Clintonian center, or it's the usual meaningless blather that politicians toss to crowds to make themselves look nonpolitical. Either way, it's fake. I think it's blather, but the more Dean talks about it and applies it to various issues, the more it looks like an attack on the center. And if that's the mission Dean has in mind, Democrats would be well-advised to jump off his truck before he blows it up.

Dean often says Democrats can't win by running as "Bush lite." Thursday, he accused "Washington Democrats" of failing to oppose President Bush more diametrically on Iraq, tax cuts, and education. "The Democratic Party has to offer a clear alternative," he argued. Toward that end, Dean rejects nearly every proposition or policy put forward by Bush. "We are no safer today than we were the day the planes struck at the World Trade Center," Dean said Thursday, adding that the capture of Saddam Hussein "does not mean that this president—or the Washington Democrats—can declare victory in the war on terror."

Picture that debate next year: On one side, Bush, the Washington Democrats, support for some tax cuts, relief at Saddam's capture, and the belief that by toppling the Taliban, if not Saddam, we're safer today than we were on 9/11. On the other side, Howard Dean.

There's a revealing dynamic at work here--what we might call the moderate Left, maybe even the Clintonian Center (if we give them the benefit of the doubt) has come together, perhaps too late, to try and squelch the insurgent candidacy of Howard Dean, a candidate too far out of the American mainstream to win. Compare this to four years ago, when the neocons and others on the moderate Right backed the insurgency of John McCain, a candidate perceived to be more squarely in the American mainstream than George W. Bush, the religious/social conservative. The problem in both cases? Nominations go to those in the mainstream of their party, not of the nation.

The revealing part? Though it seems absolutely certain that John McCain would have done so more easily, the more conservative George W. Bush did still beat a sitting vice-president in a time of peace and prosperity, even after having to campaign to the Right to win the nomination. Meanwhile, Governor Dean is already having to try and reposition himself to the "Center", before a single primary vote has been cast, and there's no chance he can win the general.

What does it all mean? It would seem to indicate that the mainstream of the GOP is far closer to, if not convergent with, the broad American mainstream than is the Democrat. If true, this has obvious implications not just in the presidential race this coming November but for the future of the Democratic party and its ideology.

For fifty (or sixty or seventy, depending how you measure) years, Republican ideology diverged from that of most Americans, and during that time the GOP was consistently the minority party. Twice, when the Democrats got us bogged down in wars in Asia, moderate Republicans were able to win the presidency, but then governed in ways little-distinguished from Democrats. It was only with the coming of Ronald Reagan in 1980 that a winning Republican truly stepped out of the mainstream--that after the New Deal and Great Society had so polluted the mainstream as to make folks start looking for a way out. Since then, in fits and starts to be sure, Republicans have slowly but surely become the majority--in Congress, in the states, etc.. And here we come to the point that will explain why I've been belaboring that "mainstream" metaphor to the limits of your patience--Edmund Morris writes the following in his book Dutch;

For whatever reason, there was born here, far from the mattering world, an ambition as huge as it was inexorable.  Out of Tampico's ice there grew, crystal by crystal, the glacier that is Ronald Reagan: an ever-thrusting, ever-deepening mass of chill purpose.  Possessed of no inner warmth, with no apparent interest save in its own growth, it directed itself toward whatever declivities lay in its path.  Inevitably, as the glacier grew, it collected rocks before it, and used them to flatten obstructions; when the rocks were worn smooth they rode up onto the glacier's back, briefly enjoying high sunny views, then tumbled off to become part of the surrounding countryside.  The lie where they fell, some cracked, some crumbled: Dutch's lateral moraine.  And the glacier sped slowly on.

In that sense, I suppose, one could say that the story of Reagan's life is a
study in American topography.  Thirteen hundred miles southeast of Tampico this winter day, the glacier has at last stopped growing. The nation's climate is changing; so is that of the world.  New suns, new seasons, are due. Yet when all the ice is gone, when fresh green covers the last raw earth and some future skylark sings heedlessly over the Ronald Reagan National Monument, men will still ponder Dutch's improbable progress, and write on their cards, How big he was!  How far he came!  And how deep the valley he carved!

The possibility exists, though we won't know definitely for decades, that Ronald Reagan carved so deeply as to divert the American mainstream into a channel it will follow for quite some time. As Lincoln made this a Republican country and FDR a Democratic one--each for roughly seventy year periods--so might we one day understand these years to have been the early days of a Republican epoch. In this regard, we'd note that George W. Bush, though the son of a Republican president, is rightly considered Reagan's Son. Indeed, he seems nearly the ideal figure to complete what Reagan started, the mainstreaming of conservatism.

-Diary of a Dean-o-phobe

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:10 PM


Lying Along the Potomac: 10 fibs by our president (David Corn, 12/24/03, LA Weekly)

[A]s he enters the home stretch of his first (or final) term, let’s review — in loose chronological order — 10 significant falsehoods that Bush wielded this year. [...]

2 Months after his January State of the Union address, Bush received flak
for having maintained in that speech that Saddam Hussein had been shopping
for uranium in Africa. And the White House conceded it should not have
permitted that line to stay in the speech. But Bush had told a more
important whopper in that address. He noted that the International Atomic
Energy Agency “confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced
nuclear weapons development program.” This was lying by omission, for he
left out the fact that the IAEA had also reported that it had dismantled
this nuclear program. [...]

5 On May 1, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush stood beneath a “Mission
Accomplished” banner and declared that “major combat operations in Iraq have
ended.” That was more wishful thinking than a lie. But he also said, “No
terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi
regime, because the regime is no more.” That was a disingenuous remark. [...]

8 In early August, before departing for a monthlong “working” vacation, Bush
said, “We’re doing everything we can to protect the homeland.” That was a
reassuring statement, but not an accurate one. [...]

10 In a November speech, Bush credited President Ronald Reagan for having
energized a worldwide movement for democracy that led to “new democracies in
Latin America” and to the South Africa government’s 1990 release of Nelson
Mandela. While Reagan had pushed for democracy in the Soviet bloc, he did
the opposite elsewhere. His administration cozied up to the fascistic junta
of Argentina and an El Salvador military that massacred peasants. It also
normalized relations with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Okay, so they're mostly of the nature of differences of opinion, omissions, and inaccuracies, rather than lies, but it's the last that is truly outrageous. Ronald Reagan and his administration, after all, directly liberated Grenada; helped the Contras liberate Nicaragua; aided El Salvador in its war against Marxist rebels; sided with Britain against the Argentine generals over the Falklands; and our support helped General Pinochet to democratize Chile. In fact, the only black mark against President Reagan in Latin America is that he left office without removing Fidel Castro. But even after you shear away all these direct truths, the broader point that President Bush made is obviously true: it was Ronald Reagan facing down the Soviets that triggered the fantastic growth in democracies across the globe, including Latin America. Meanwhile, the only reason we could afford a democratic South Africa was because with our victory in the Cold War it was no longer strategically important.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:40 PM


GOP Makes 'Top Priority' Of Converting Black Voters: Party Hopes Bush Focus on Minorities Can Win 25% (Darryl Fears, December 25, 2003, Washington Post)

[A]s the 2004 presidential election unfolds, Republicans want to convert that focus on black appointees into black votes. Their goal, they say, is to win 25 percent of the black vote, which the party has not come close to doing in nearly 30 years.

"If we get African American votes, [the Democrats] are in deep trouble," Gingrich said in a recent interview. In presidential elections, roughly nine of every 10 black votes are cast for Democrats.

To win hearts and minds, the GOP is planning a campaign featuring television and radio ads touting President Bush's reaching out to the African American community and elements of the Republican message that appeal to a wide swath of black voters, such as support for school vouchers.

"We have to make our case in media that African Americans listen to," Gingrich said. "It will be a much more intense effort . . . to reach out in advertising and education and systematic outreach. We have to realize the reality of [Black Entertainment Television] and radio stations that we are not used to being on."

Ed Gillespie, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said increasing his party's share of the black vote is "a top, top priority."

The party is looking into establishing chapters at historically black colleges and universities, he said. Gillespie recalled Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele (R) telling him that the GOP should target black voters between 18 and 35 "because they are most likely to not identify as Democrats."

During a trip to Pittsburgh in July, Gillespie said, he met with Marc H. Morial, the new president of the National Urban League. While in Detroit last month, Gillespie said, he talked for two hours with editors at the Michigan Chronicle, one of the nation's few black daily newspapers. The party has arranged with American Urban Radio to broadcast a weekly message to the huge African American audience the network reaches.

Gillespie declined to specify how much the party will spend, saying he did not want the Democratic leadership to know. "But we're budgeting for it," he said.

Vice-President Rice and Chief Justice Brown have a nice ring to them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:24 PM


Dean's 50-state strategy (Jules Witcover, Dec 24, 2003, Baltimore Sun)

The significance of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's decision to finance his campaign without federal money is emerging in a 50-state strategy designed to outgun the rest of the 2004 Democratic presidential field.

While the eight other Democratic candidates focus on next month's kickoff Iowa precinct caucuses and New Hampshire primary, Dr. Dean's self-financed campaign is already staffing and planning heavy spending in many states beyond the opening round of delegate-selecting contests.

The ambitious initiative is patterned after the successful 50-state strategy of another small-state governor and early Democratic long shot, Jimmy Carter of Georgia in 1976. Mr. Carter scored a breakthrough in Iowa and New Hampshire and was never caught afterward.

Can one be forgiven for assuming, based just on the headline, that Mr. Witcover was going to be writing about how Howard Dean is trying to lose all 50?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:25 PM


Arab states warm to Iraqi council: An Arab League delegation visited Iraq for the first time, signaling improving relations. (Dan Murphy, 12/26/03, CS Monitor)

For many months, it appeared the Arab League wouldn't work with the Governing Council, dismissed by many in the Arab world as US stooges. But a confluence of factors, ranging from US military successes against insurgents to a growing reputation for independence among the council has changed that tune. The shift appears to go beyond the Arab world.

On Tuesday, the European Union contributed $9.9 million to an internationally managed trust fund for Iraqi reconstruction. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly told visiting members of the Governing Council that Moscow would write off 65 percent of the $8 billion that Baghdad owes its largest creditor.

Closer relations with key neighbors won't guarantee Iraqi stability or a faster American withdrawal, something that was brought home by a roadside bomb that killed three American soldiers north of Baghdad on Wednesday afternoon. But analysts say it will make the job easier.

"The Governing Council have managed to prove themselves to most of the Arab states - each step towards transferring authority to Iraqis has increased the confidence of our neighbors,'' says Saad Hawki Tawfik, an expert in international relations at Baghdad University. "For the US, there's been slow progress on security, on the one hand, and pressure for cooperation, on the other."

Some of the fruits of better relations are already being seen. Acting Governing Council head Abdel Aziz al-Hakim told reporters on Sunday after meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad that he'd won Syria's agreement to do more to prevent militants from crossing into Iraq from that country.

The US has repeatedly asserted that Islamist fighters have been entering Iraq over the Syrian border. But now, Syria "is cooperating with us to stop the terrorism [and] the terrorist groups," Mr. Hakim said.

To be sure, the rhetoric of the Arab states remains critical of the US occupation and they're avoiding as much as they can the appearance of working with the American occupiers. Initially, they refused to give the Governing Council a seat at the league's table.

But their deeds indicate a growing awareness that their best interests are served by engaging in a process that's going to go on, with or without them.

It's almost as if when the world's only superpower does the right thing unilaterally the rest of the world has to follow along, eh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:13 PM


A Most Partial Historian: a review of Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England Volume III: Accommodations. By Maurice Cowling (David B. Hart, December 2003, First Things)

With Volume II, subtitled Assaults, Cowling’s project comes into focus, even as the number of subjects expands: Newman, Keble, Pusey, Gladstone, Manning, Ruskin, and Mill; George Eliot, Herbert Spencer, T. H. Huxley, and Leslie Stephen; Gilbert Murray, James Frazer, H. G. Wells, Belloc, Chesterton, and Shaw; W. H. Mallock, Winwood Read, Havelock Ellis, D. H. Lawrence, and Bertrand Russell. (I could go on.) It is in this volume that the case is most strikingly made that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries’ struggle between Christian and anti-Christian thinkers for the moral and social future of England was not—as might be supposed—a struggle between religious and post-religious thought, but a war of creeds. The story begins with the Christian attack—by high-church Tractarians and reflective Protestants—upon the post-Christian mythologies of the eighteenth century, and its occasionally confused attempt to turn back the tide of unbelief. But the plot becomes most engrossing where Cowling turns to the tradition he calls “ethical earnestness”: that is, the “progressive” assault on Christianity from the time of Mill, Eliot, and Spencer to that of Russell and Lawrence. It is here that Cowling begins, in scrupulous detail, to identify the sources of the religious consciousness of post-Christian England. “Ethical earnestness,” as he recounts its development, consisted in a profound, often inchoate, but semi-mystical devotion to social improvement and rational morality as alternatives to the superstition, obscurantism, and tyranny of the old faith.

It was not, however, in any meaningful sense “post-religious,” as it demanded of its votaries absolute and fervent devotion to a principle—social cohesion, human development, “Life”—that was itself not susceptible of doubt. In a sense, it was a new cosmology allied to a new moral metaphysics, constantly in ferment, producing movements and sects and new beginnings, but never straying beyond the boundaries of the world in which it believed: a universe of Darwinian struggle that, precisely in its savage economy of “nature red in tooth and claw,” demanded of conscience that it assist evolution in its ascent towards higher ethical realizations of the human essence. In Cowling’s account, one comes to see not only the broad unity of the school of “ethical earnestness,” but the final incoherence of its ethos: the closed order of nature is at once merciless chaos and the source of our ethics; morality is both obedience to nature and rebellion against nature’s implacable decrees; progress demands at once universal brotherhood and (especially among socialists) a ruthless eugenic purification of the race. What unifies this farrago into something like a moral vision is its most obviously religious element: complete devotion to the future as an absolute imperative, requiring in consequence a renunciation of all faith in and charity towards the past—or, for that matter, the present.

This is both the most substantial and most diverting section of Religion and Public Doctrine, thronged as it is with sharply drawn portraits and bedizened with flashes of mordant wit. Cowling is extremely good at showing how, say, George Eliot’s anti-Christian misunderstanding of Ruskin could so easily ally itself to her Feuerbachian ethical humanism, emanating its pale Dorotheas and paler creeds. But more enjoyable, and at the same time chilling, are the accounts of figures like Read (with his Malthusian, Darwinian, Comtean ideology and quaint utopianism of electricity, synthetic nutrition, and obedience to nature) or Ellis (with his worship of Art and Life, and his Nietzschean, Freudian, Frazerian dogmatism). Cowling’s account of the turn of “ethical earnestness,” in thinkers like Wells, Shaw, or Lawrence, towards a grimmer social and sexual vision—less hospitable to liberal optimism, more marked by the influences of Schopenhauer, Wagner, Nietzsche, Ibsen, and Freud—reminds one that a certain cold, pervasive fanaticism in this tradition might have carried “ethical earnestness” towards a politics considerably less fond and feckless than the wan, sincere, liberal secularism of post-Christian Britain. (Indeed, one finds oneself wondering whether the failure of English progressivism to produce some suitably demonic thinker who could have caused the tradition to precipitate into conscious nihilism can be attributed to anything other than the habitual British aversion to bombast and the cautionary example of Nazi Germany.)

In any event, Volume II concludes with an examination of those Christian apologists who applied themselves to the task of thwarting the march of secularization to ultimate victory: Mallock, Coventry Patmore, Chesterton, Belloc, Christopher Dawson, etc. Sadly, however, Cowling finds little here to encourage or detain him; however sympathetic he may be to one or all of these figures, none of them to his mind provides a very substantial riposte to the forces of modernity. Chesterton, for instance, quickly exhausts Cowling’s patience with his jollity, paradox, and alternating appeals to common sense and to fairyland irrationality. Of the much-revered The Everlasting Man, Cowling concludes that its attempts at a philosophy failed through its author’s incapacity, and that all its virtues taken together “did not stop the structure of the book cracking under the strain of its own weightlessness.”

Thus, if Volume II chronicles the war waged for the future between Christian and post-Christian intellectuals, Volume III, subtitled Accommodations, is a somber survey of the aftermath, and tells of one side’s resigned retreat from the field of battle and of the other’s consequent relaxation from a posture of arrogant triumphalism to one of mere contemptuous complacency. It is an immense volume, which takes a huge variety of figures into its capacious embrace—Carlyle, Kingsley, Burke, Disraeli, Darwin, Matthew Arnold, Dickens, Tennyson, Browning, Pater, Wilde, Macaulay, Acton, Inge, Shaftesbury, Tawney, Gore, Figgis, C. S. Lewis, Alasdair MacIntyre, Aldous Huxley, Elgar, Parry, Keynes, Hayek, Eagleton, Koestler, and George Steiner (to name a few)—but its form is fairly elementary: it addresses, in order, the accommodationism of English Christian latitudinarians, attempting to adjust themselves to the supremacy of secularist public doctrine; the reaction of more traditional Christian thinkers against the innumerable little apostasies and capitulations latitudinarianism entails; and the final victory of the public orthodoxy that now nourishes the imperturbable sanctimony, hectoring moralism, tender authoritarianism, and infinite dreariness of post-Christian Britain.

The final paragraph of another review makes Mr. Cowling sound even more appealing, -REVIEW: of Maurice Cowling. Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England Volume 3: Accomodations (D. L. Le Mahieu, American Historical Review):
 Underlying the malice and professed cynicism lurks a curious naïveté. Cowling believes that Anglicanism remains the default position of intellectual life in England. Christianity, it seems, buttresses even the most secularized discourses. Socialists enunciate a vision of the future that remains profoundly religious. Revisionist Liberals such as John Maynard Keynes may be brilliant economic technicians, but in their allegiance to the power of ideas they express a "compelling and pervasive" religiosity (p. 492). Cowling claims to accept the intellectual hegemony of the "post-Christian consensus," but the tone and prodigious scope of his three-volume project suggest otherwise. By showing how things went wrong, he implicitly seeks to make them right and to arouse what he calls "the Christianity which is latent in English life" (p. xi). In this nostalgia Cowling is not really a Conservative in the mould of Edmund Burke but a reactionary. Like a beached eighteenth-century Tory washed ashore at the millennium, he judges the past two hundred years of English intellectual history from a fixed standard that refuses to be relativized. An immense spiritual labor, this book is an act of faith from an angry man born out of his time.

One wonders what sensible Briton would choose to be of this time.

-ESSAY: The Case Against Going to War (Maurice Cowling, Finest Hour)

In the light of Powellism and Thatcherism it is easy to see that the equality of sacrifice and state-mobilisation of resources necessary for conducting the war lent patriotic respectability to punitive taxation and state economic con-trol. It is even easier to see that the war was debilitating politically and intellectually, and that it took the British a very long time to recover from it.

A thinking Conservative may draw two sets of conclu-sions. First, that moral indignation in virtuous causes was a dangerous luxury for a precarious Empire and that patience and prudence could hardly have been less successful than moral indignation. Though the balance is a fine one, Russian (and American) domination of Europe after a long war, the destruction of Germany and the emasculation of the British Empire, were probably worse for Britain than German domination of Europe might have been if that had been ef-fected without war or the emasculation of the Empire. Is it inconceivable, moreover, that patience with Nazi Germany might have been rewarded in the long run by military takeover, economic breakdown or a Gorbachev coming to power there?

The second conclusion a thinking Conservative may come to is that British politics since 1939 divide themselves into two phases — up to the mid-1960s, when collectivism and socialism came to be in the ascendant, and since the mid-1960s, when they have come to be in recession — and that Mrs. Thatcher’s achievement was a necessary and pain-ful reversal of almost every domestic assumption that the Churchill-Attlee coalition stood for.

In matters like this, dogmatism is demeaning. It is equally demeaning, in the decade of Thatcherite realism, to present defeat as victory long after it has become clear that it was defeat.

-ESSAY: Joseph Needham & the history of Chinese science (Maurice Cowling, February 1993, New Criterion)
-ESSAY: Raymond Williams in retrospect (Maurice Cowling, February 1990, New Criterion)
-THINK TANKS: Politeia (The Guardian)
-EXCERPT: Chapter Nine: Mill and Liberty -- Introduction (Chin Liew Ten, Professor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore)
The great interest shown in Mill's moral and political philosophy in recent years has produced some illuminating results. In moral philosophy he has been rescued from some of the crude mistakes attributed to him. In political philosophy the results have been less clear, but there is an increasing belief that the essay On Liberty is a more complex piece of work than is generally supposed. Until very recently, however, both critics and admirers of the essay have never doubted that it is a defence of individual liberty. They disagreed, about its value, but not about its liberal intentions. But even this unanimity has now been broken with the publication of Maurice Cowling's Mill and Liberalism, a fierce repudiation of Mill, who is accused of "more than a touch of something resembling moral totalitarianism", and of intellectual "jealousy, and a carefully disguised intolerance". In his comprehensive attack, Cowling does not spare the essay On Liberty, which is, according to him, only superficially a sustained plea for individual liberty. The individuality Mill defends is a selective one: it is the individuality of the elevated, and Mill's doctrine is really designed to detract from human freedom, and not to maximize it. The evidence Cowling accumulates to support his interpretation of Mill stretches over a very long period of Mill's life, from the early essays of 1831 on The Spirit of the Age to his Inaugural Address to the University of St. Andrews, delivered in 1867, and the posthumously published Three Essays on Religion.

-DISCUSSION: Has Christianity been vanquished in Britain? (Radio National, 17/10/01)
-ARCHIVES: "maurice cowling" (Find Articles)
-ARCHIVES: Maurice Cowling (NY Review of Books)
-REVIEW: of Maurice Cowling. Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England Volume 3: Accomodations (D. L. Le Mahieu, American Historical Review)
-REVIEW: of Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England, volume III: Accommodations (Church Times)
-REVIEW: of Mill and Liberalism by Maurice Cowling (Gertrude Himmelfarb, NY Review of Books)
-REVIEW: of The Impact of Hitler: British Politics and British Policy, 1933-1940. Maurice Cowling (Fritz Stern, Foreign Affairs)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:16 AM


Peru's latest tool in the war on drugs: land ownership: Some coca growers pull up illicit crops in favor of palm-oil trees and pineapples. (Lucien O. Chauvin, 12/26/03, CS Monitor)

The Peruvian government and US Embassy officials hope that ownership in the land and the equity that comes with it will help solidify recent gains in the decades-long war on drugs.

"We are trying to formalize the economy in these areas to increase investment and production, which is the only answer to combat drug trafficking," says a US Embassy official in Lima.

Hernando de Soto, author of The Other Path, the 1986 bible on the importance of formalizing the economy, says the process is a major step toward changing the entire illicit economy on which drug trafficking is based.

"Property changes the rules of the game. It gives farmers something tangible they can use as collateral. It is a bargaining chip they never had before," he says.

With land titles, farmers can enroll individually or as communities in a number of government programs, like housing services or agricultural assistance.

USAID has earmarked $1.3 million to title 4,300 plots of land, most averaging about 30 acres. The Peruvian government's Special Land Titling Program (PETT) is carrying out the program, which involves 15 eight-person brigades. The value of the plots being titled in Shambillo is approximately $5 million.

Omar Valderrama, a PETT director, says the program shows people that the state is interested in improving the livelihoods of farmers and not simply eliminating the illegal drug industry.

" We have found a successful formula to combat the drug economy that will allow us to transform this region and begin to create new levels of prosperity," he says.

Though he's expressed his regrets about running, one can't help thinking that Peruvians and the rest of us might have been saved much agony had Maria Vargas Llosa succeeded in his 1990 presidential campaign, which was very much in keeping with the ideas of Mr. de Soto.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:32 AM


Arnold off to 'good start,' but toughest test ahead (Martin Kasindorf, 12/23/03, USA TODAY)

Conservative radio talk-show hosts are grumbling about betrayal on spending issues. But Schwarzenegger is beginning to hammer out two-party solutions to the problems of the nation's most populous state. Though he bypassed the Legislature last week in bailing out local governments, he was careful to get the approval of State Controller Steve Westly, an elected Democrat.

As California TV stations reopened bureaus in the state capital to cover the first newsworthy governor since Jerry Brown's 1975-83 tenure, Schwarzenegger drew bravura notices for what he and political analysts termed a major budget victory Dec. 12.

That day, the state Senate approved a compromise version of the governor's "California recovery plan." If voters OK the plan's twin proposals March 2, California would borrow $15 billion by selling bonds to cover the shortfalls of the past three years. A budget-balancing amendment to the state Constitution would forbid spending in excess of revenue starting in 2006. That proposal contains loopholes that could allow more spending than Schwarzenegger was willing to accept at first.

"I give him credit," Davis says. In getting this far toward braking future overspending, "he got done something I couldn't do. It's not perfect, but it's something." [...]

[Maria] Shriver, 47, who has returned to work part time as an NBC journalist, stepped in. She and her husband were attending a conference in Palm Springs with the California congressional delegation when she encountered Leon Panetta, who was former president Clinton's chief of staff. Panetta encouraged Shriver, a Democrat and part of the Kennedy family, to coax Schwarzenegger to reopen talks with Democrats.

Former secretary of State George Shultz, a Republican, gave the governor the same advice. Legislators from both parties persuaded election officials to extend the deadline to get measures on the March ballot.

Shriver told friends that it was vital to demonstrate early in her husband's administration that the regular government processes could work. In a speech to a Sacramento women's group Dec. 9, California's first lady urged legislators to meet her husband halfway. "If some of these legislators were children, we'd give them a timeout," she said. "We would teach them that with every person, you can find common ground; that you should play nicely with them, work to a common goal and work it out."

The result was the Dec. 12 compromise. The bonds, if approved by the voters, would be paid off over nine to 13 years. The modified spending limit, without a rigid cap, pleased Democrats. It roared through the Assembly, 80-0. The Senate passed it 27-12, but only two of the 15 Republicans voted for it. [...]

Next year's deficit may be even tougher to fix unless Schwarzenegger goes along with raising taxes, which he's been unwilling to do. Any tax increase needs approval by two-thirds of the Legislature. That would require Republican votes that may be hard to get even if Schwarzenegger asks for them.

The alternative to raising taxes is to cut spending from $86 billion to $72 billion, mostly by slashing health and welfare programs. Protesters have already picketed in Sacramento about the $1.9 billion in current-year cuts that Schwarzenegger proposed in higher education and aid for the developmentally disabled. [...]

Many politicians in both parties cringe at the potential outcry over $14 billion in cuts for 2004-05. "The hard part comes next year," Davis says.

"Maybe he'll agree to a temporary tax increase and can talk the Republicans into it. With heavy cuts alone, the news media will have a field day. Let's wait and see how he looks in March, April, after the budget comes out," Davis says.

And Democrats, of course, aren't pleased that Schwarzenegger acted on his own last week by declaring a public-safety emergency and ordering cash sent to local authorities to handle the problem until June.

Democratic lawmakers were miffed that Schwarzenegger hadn't consulted them. But at a news conference Thursday, he basked in the gratitude of local officials.

Brown, the former governor who is now Oakland's mayor, said Schwarzenegger's use of obscure executive powers "to the max" is "the only way you get anything done around here."

Any conservative would obviously prefer a Governor McClintock with unlimited power to pass his agenda, but given the reality of a Democratic legislature, Arnold was more likely to succeed in governing and is off to as good a start as could be hoped for. Now it's up to conservatives to help change the legislature.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


Seeking a new emphasis, Dean touts his Christianity: Southern campaign plans to increase religious references (Sarah Schweitzer, 12/25/2003, Boston Globe)

Presidential contender Howard B. Dean, who has said little about religion while campaigning except to emphasize the separation of church and state, described himself in an interview with the Globe as a committed believer in Jesus Christ and said he expects to increasingly include references to Jesus and God in his speeches as he stumps in the South.

Dean, 55, who practices Congregationalism but does not often attend church and whose wife and children are Jewish, explained the move as a desire to share his beliefs with audiences willing to listen. His comments came as a rival, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, chastised other Democrats for forgetting ''that faith was central to our founding and remains central to our national purpose.''

The move is striking for a man who has steadfastly kept his personal life out of the campaign, rarely offering biographical information, much less his religious beliefs. But in the Globe interview, Dean said that Jesus was an important influence in his life and that he would probably share with some voters the model Jesus has served for him.

''Christ was someone who sought out people who were disenfranchised, people who were left behind,'' Dean said. ''He fought against self-righteousness of people who had everything . . . He was a person who set an extraordinary example that has lasted 2000 years, which is pretty inspiring when you think about it.''

Far be it from us to judge someone else's personal faith, but, suffice it to say, describing Christ as a kind of social worker seems merely odd, while referring to the Son of God as your role model is more than a bit hubristic. If this is how he plans to go about connecting with the religious, he doesn't seem likely to fare too well.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


Assassination Attempt on Musharraf Kills 7 in Paskistan (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 12/25/03)

A suicide bomb exploded moments after President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's motorcade passed Thursday, the second assassination attempt against him in less than two weeks, officials said. Musharraf was unhurt but at least seven people were killed.

The bombing in Rawalpindi, outside the capital, occurred near where a huge bomb exploded on Dec. 14 shortly after a convoy with Musharraf drove by. He was unhurt in that attempt as well, and officials said high-tech jamming devices in the president's motorcade had delayed the device and saved his life.

Thursday's blast happened when a suicide bomber rammed a pickup truck into a police vehicle. Eyewitnesses reported seeing body parts, shattered cars and broken glass along the route.

The brutal truth is that these attempts, even if successful, serve American purposes. Either the General will be motivated to crack down on Islamicists himself or, if he were to be killed and his government topple, we'd have the perfect pretext to go after the Islamicists ourselves, especially in the region bordering Afghanistan, and to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

Appeasement is Musharraf's worst enemy (Ahmed Rashid, 26/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

In recent weeks the extremists have been infuriated by Islamabad's rapprochement with India. After intense American pressure, a major summit next week between Gen Musharraf and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Indian prime minister, was expected to lead to serious negotiations on resolving the Kashmir dispute.

The extremists, and the fundamentalist nuclear scientists who dominate Pakistan's nuclear programme, are also furious at Gen Musharraf for accepting demands by the US and the International Atomic Energy Agency to investigate the sale of Pakistani nuclear technology to Iran and North Korea.

Fundamentalism is also growing in the army. After a tip-off by the CIA, at least five army officers were arrested in October for helping al-Qa'eda members in Pakistan's border regions with Afghanistan.

Despite all these threats, Gen Musharraf has always tried to appease the Islamic parties and his half-hearted crackdowns on extremist groups have only been carried out because of inordinate pressure from the Americans.

Until recently the army has allowed extremist groups to continue crossing into Indian Kashmir to battle Indian troops, while the intelligence agencies are turning a blind eye to the resurgent Taliban.

Gen Musharraf has refused to talk to the mainstream non-religious parties, who would be his natural allies in any genuine battle against the Islamic extremists. These parties are demanding that the army give up power and return to the barracks, which Gen Musharraf has refused to do.

The result is that he is seriously isolated, trusted by none of the political forces in the country - secular or religious - and increasingly disliked by a public frustrated by his fluctuating policies and the lack of economic development and investment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:10 AM


Dean, Under Attack, Revives Feisty Style (JODI WILGOREN, 12/25/03, NY Times)

Swatting away attacks from all corners in the 10 days since the capture of Saddam Hussein, Howard Dean has returned to the combative posture that propelled his insurgent candidacy to the front of the field this fall. Denunciations of "Washington Democrats" once again dominate his speeches, even as he complains that negativity has taken over the primary campaign.

It is a clear contrast from just two weeks ago when Dr. Dean, buoyed by the backing of several major unions, former Vice President Al Gore and a swelling crowd of elected officials, was beginning to change his style. Smiling more than finger-thrusting, he fancied himself a frontrunner above the fray, experimenting — briefly — with a more moderate tone, as he kept one eye on the general electorate.

But the relentless battering has stymied his effort to look long range, forcing him to hunker down in the final month before the first votes.

"Ultimately, if I'm going to be the nominee, I have to broaden the message," Dr. Dean, the former governor of Vermont, said recently in an interview as his van shuttled between town-hall-style meetings on the snowy streets of New Hampshire. "I know that, and I was starting to do it. But you can't do it if every day you know Joe Lieberman is calling you incompetent and John Kerry is whining about something else. There's not much sense in broadening the message if I'm not the nominee."

No one in the modern history of the presidency has ever changed the image of himself that people took away from the primaries. In fact, the brilliance of the Gore strategy in 2000 was that having been pushed Left by the Bradley challenge he just stayed there, instead of trying to get back to the Right, where his boss had run. If Dean is to mount a serious challenge it will be by turning out the base as well as Gore did, not by placating moderates.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:59 AM

In The Bleak Midwinter (Christina Georgina Rossetti)

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Our God, heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.
In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, Whom cherubim, worship night and day,
Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, Whom angels fall before,
The ox and ass and camel which adore.

Angels and archangels may have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;
But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,
Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.

What can I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;
Yet what I can give Him: give my heart.

December 24, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 PM


De-Zionification: U.S. Jews rethink the state of Israel. (Mark D. Fefer, 12/24/03, Seattle Weekly)

I GUESS I GOT MY TERMS confused. I imagined "progressive" referred to the sort of activists behind, say, the new alternative Geneva peace plan, people looking to move beyond the shrill polarities of the Israel-Palestine debate to some fair-minded middle ground. But most of the "progressives" in Wrestling With Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, edited by playwright Tony Kushner and Village Voice theater critic Alisa Solomon, are instead far-lefties, intent on rebutting the perceived one- sidedness of Jewish establishment opinion with an equally one-sided, and familiar, anti-Zionist slant: Israel is roughly equivalent to the Third Reich, and the only thing standing in the way of Palestinians fully realizing their deepest aspirations is Israeli cruelty and intransigence (never Arab crimes, failures, and corruption). In that respect, Zion wrestles its way to a predictable rout.

Yet this anthology of some 50 essays (plus poetry and a roundtable) is still a gripping, ambitious, valuable rout, arousing contempt, admiration, anger, wonder, and all the responses strong writing provokes. I'm not equipped to engage every point of interpretation or fact (though if, as Naomi Klein contends, "children all over the occupied territories are being named Rachel"—after bulldozed activist Rachel Corrie from Evergreen State College—I will eat my skullcap); but I was pleased to find them widening my perspectives, however dubiously.

When Adrienne Rich writes that American Jews "have paid an intellectual and spiritual price for the narrowing of sight demanded by conformity and reliance on Israel as surrogate identity" and that "part of this price has been estrangement of many Jews from any Jewish affiliation," I'm not sure the situation isn't exactly the reverse; but it's an important idea to consider. Similarly, you can't help but pause to reflect when longtime Village Voice essayist Richard Goldstein compares Israel to the phallus—"I hate it, I want it; I have it, I don't. I attack it, yet I'm afraid to live without it."

Mr. Goldstein has some "issues", eh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:17 PM


Alarming Terror Talk on Web Surfaces (Fox News, December 24, 2003)

Counterterrorism expert Rita Katz, director of the SITE Institute, said her organization has recently found and translated statements on Al Qaeda Web site Al-Lewa - Arabic for "The Banner" - that are promising new attacks on U.S. soil in the coming weeks.

Katz said a posting two weeks ago quoted an Al Qaeda spokesman identified as Abu Issam al-Yamani as saying, "The next Al Qaeda attacks will be most violent and will target the U.S." and urged Muslims "to leave the country if they don't wish to die as a result of a Jihadist operation."

A second message was posted on the same Web site last Thursday, from a group calling itself the Islamic Bayan Movement.

"Our Muslim brothers in America, this is our final warning. We ask you, as fast as you can, to leave the following cities immediately: Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles," the message said.

Katz said she noticed Al Qaeda's stepped-up cyber propaganda began Nov. 15 after the terror bombings in Istanbul, Turkey when a known Al Qaeda group warned in a communiqué that the "death cars will not stop."

Katz said the electronic vitriol has continued almost daily, and just last night a message was published in which Al Qaeda's mouthpiece, the Global Islamic Media Society, took delight that Americans are now "living in a state of anxiety and constant fear."

It's strange that they haven't used car bombings on U.S. soil yet.

France halts six U.S.-bound flights (UPI, 12/24/03)

French officials, responding to an urgent appeal by the United States, cancelled six U.S.-bound flights Wednesday because of fears of terrorism.

One of the flights, a Paris-to-Los Angeles route, had been scheduled to leave Wednesday, the BBC reported.

The U.S. request, conveyed by the U.S. embassy in Paris, followed "specific information" that al-Qaida was planning to use one of the French flights to attack U.S. targets.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:16 PM


Diary Of A Dean-o-phobe (Jonathan Chait,, 12/23/03).

Now, today the Democrats have a somewhat different set of political vulnerabilities. The old one about raising taxes on the middle class remains. But the September 11 attacks, and Bush's political fortune in having held office when they occurred, have reopened the national security divide. And the Clinton sex scandals, combined with Bush's skill in passing himself off as a regular, God-fearing country boy, have opened a large cultural gap between the parties. In order to win the White House, Democrats have to show they're tough on terror and not allow themselves be typecast as arrogant or morally permissive, which is how Republicans painted Gore. This requires them to put some emotional distance between their nominee and the hard-core socially liberal, antiwar base. The concessions it requires are less substantive than symbolic.
Diary of a Dean-o-phobe is must reading for conservatives. Not only is it well-written and devastating analysis of Howard Dean by the king of the haters, Jonathan Chait, which will come in handy in the future, but how often do we get to see our adversaries form a circular firing squad? Because Chait is a talented analyst and because he is caught firmly between his fear of Dean and his hatred of Bush, he is giving birth today to the future of the Democratic party.

What Chait brings home is that a complete house cleaning of the Democratic party is way overdue. It should have had one after 1972, but Watergate intervened and Democrats mistook disgust with Nixon as love of themselves. After the 1988 debacle, the party did get serious about nominating a more nearly centrist presidential candidate who was able to win with a plurality of the vote. Again this qualified success allowed the party to forestall the necessary reorganization the presidential level, despite its terrible record in Congress and the states during the '90s. When Al Gore felt that left-centrism wasn't quite working for him, his natural instinct to curry immediate applause led him left at the nominating convention. Now, with all the appropriate caveats, the party is facing the possibility of a blowout in presidential and congressional races. (Barring disaster, the Democrats have no chance of retaking the House this decade.) As luck would have it, Jonathan Chait is blazing today the road the party as a whole will have to travel in a year.

If this is right, then things are looking good for the Republicans. Chait's answer seems to be that Dean is a predictable and avoidable dissaster, not because his policies are wrong but because the way he presents them and his own failings make him unelectable. That's fine as far as it goes, but it is no rallying call for remaking the Democratic party. Even worse (or better, from my point of view), his explanation of W's success is that any idiot, being President on 9/11, would be all but unbeatable. No need there for Democratic soulsearching.

The Democratic party is a car speeding towards a cliff while the wheels are falling off. The driver counts himself lucky, because the wheels falling off will probably stop the car before it reaches the cliff. One guy in the back, ignored by everyone else, is suggesting they might want to consider stepping on the brake, just in case, but, still, he's pretty sure that's not really a cliff.

(Not that Chait's dismissal of W isn't annoying in the same way it's annoying when a favorite artist, who's artistry is so practiced as to look natural, is undervalued because of that very fluency. Here is a president who has at least three times staked his presidency on succeeding where success was not assured, and who has won each time.)

MORE (from OJ):
Washington Goes to War (with Howard Dean) (Eric Alterman, January 12, 2004, The Nation)

[T]he question of the Democratic nomination has come down to this: Will this election be about turning out your base, or winning over swing voters? Gore did the latter but not the former. He won the election, but, thanks to Ralph Nader's megalomania (with an assist from the SCLM--So-Called Liberal Media--and Gore's own crappy campaign), not by enough to prevent the Supreme Court from handing it to Bush. Today, the nation remains no less divided than four years ago, with about 20 percent of the vote up for grabs. The punditocracy has chosen its side. Perhaps it's time the rest of us choose ours.

Hard to imagine that you could fit more delusions into one paragraph, but far the most dangerous one for Democrats is that this remains an evenly divided nation and an election up for grabs. In fact, "the question of the Democratic nomination has come down to this", as David suggests above: do they go with Dean and just destroy the Party, then start over again? or if they pick someone safer like Gephardt do they get crushed and destroy the party anyway--because the Deaniacs take a walk. There is no choice where they keep the race competitive, but is there a way to preserve the Democratic Party as a viable option? Probably the only one who could do so is Herself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:57 PM


John Howland -- Public-Spirited Vermonter (John P. Gregg, 12/24/03, Valley News)

They lit the Christmas candles at St. Francis of Assisi Church yesterday morning, and a festive wreath hung on the wall behind the altar.

For a funeral Mass.

More than 100 people were in the church, celebrating the life of John Hudson Howland, a native Vermonter who encouraged families to play in the snow on Mount Ascutney, put the down-and-out to work in the machine shops of Windsor and spoke his mind in Montpelier.

Howland, who died Friday evening at age 88 in his West Windsor home, is survived by his wife of 62 years, five children, two siblings, a dozen grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and a multitude of memories of how he helped Windsor County.

“We celebrate this full life, full not only in the number of years, but in his achievements,” the Rev. Paul Belhumeur said in his homily.

The son of a municipal court judge in a family with roots that run 200 years deep in Windsor County, Howland worked his way through boarding school and Harvard College, fought in the Pacific as a Navy officer in World War II, and was active in a number of fields, ranging from real estate development to insurance to manufacturing.

He also represented Windsor County in the state Senate from 1975 to 1985 and served on a number of state and civic boards, including service as chairman of the District 9 Environmental Commission.

And as a civic-minded businessman -- one who famously spoke out against the nuclear power industry -- he demonstrated how an establishment Republican could also be a man with heart and soul.

The local paper, which manages to be both an excellent regional daily and a notorious left-wing rag, has been running long obituaries of more interesting citizens on the front page for awhile now. It's a lovely tribute to the deceased and a nice opportunity for readers to see how outstanding individuals help keep the community knit together. The one cited here actually appears above the fold today, Christmas Eve day. That gratuitous shot at Republicans is a perfect example of how liberal bias inevitably creeps off of the editorial page and contaminates the rest of a paper.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 AM


Why I'm voting for Bush (Edward I. Koch, 12/24/03, Jewish World Review)

Last week I served as moderator of a forum on the contributions to America's intellectual life made by Eric Breindel who died in 1998 at the age of 42. At the time of his death, Eric was editorial page editor of the New York Post.

In its report on the forum, The New York Sun stated: "Mr. Koch told the crowd Wednesday night that he would vote for President Bush, entirely on the basis of his concern for embattled Israel."

I don't believe that is what I said. To the best of my recollection, my impromptu remarks mirrored what I have been saying for over a year.

I intend to vote for President George W. Bush in the next election, because in my view he is best able to wage the war against international terrorism. There is no greater threat to the United States than that posed by Al-Qaeda and similar groups. President Bush has confronted that threat head on. [...]

I do not believe the major contenders for the presidential nomination in the Democratic primaries have the stomach to confront the terrorist scourge comparable to President Bush. This is especially true of the current Democratic frontrunner, Howard Dean, whose stated reason for entering the race is his opposition to the war. Most of the other candidates who were in Congress and voted for the war resolution are now tacking to the wind to satisfy the left-wing constituency, hoping if they win to move to the center before the general election. The exception is Joe Lieberman, whom most observers believe has no chance of winning the nomination.

On the issue of my "concern for embattled Israel," I believe all of the major Democratic candidates, with the exception of Howard Dean, have records of support for that country as our steadfast ally in the Middle East.

Mr. Dean's comments about Israel do indeed suggest that he is not just not a supporter but is in some measure hostile to it. If that becomes a topic of political conversation, even Mr. Bush's evangelicalism may not be enough to stop Jews from voting for him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:53 AM


Aliens Cause Global Warming (Michael Crichton, January 17, 2003, Caltech Michelin Lecture)

My topic today sounds humorous but unfortunately I am serious. I am going to argue that extraterrestrials lie behind global warming. Or to speak more precisely, I will argue that a belief in extraterrestrials has paved the way, in a progression of steps, to a belief in global warming. Charting this progression of belief will be my task today.

Let me say at once that I have no desire to discourage anyone from believing in either extraterrestrials or global warming. That would be quite impossible to do. Rather, I want to discuss the history of several widely-publicized beliefs and to point to what I consider an emerging crisis in the whole enterprise of science-namely the increasingly uneasy relationship between hard science and public policy.

[L]et's look at how it came to pass.

Cast your minds back to 1960. John F. Kennedy is president, commercial jet airplanes are just appearing, the biggest university mainframes have 12K of memory. And in Green Bank, West Virginia at the new National Radio Astronomy Observatory, a young astrophysicist named Frank Drake runs a two-week project called Ozma, to search for extraterrestrial signals. A signal is received, to great excitement. It turns out to be false, but the excitement remains. In 1960, Drake organizes the first SETI conference, and came up with the now-famous Drake equation:

N=N*fp ne fl fi fc fL

[where N is the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy; fp is the fraction with planets; ne is the number of planets per star capable of supporting life; fl is the fraction of planets where life evolves; fi is the fraction where intelligent life evolves; and fc is the fraction that communicates;
and fL is the fraction of the planet's life during which the communicating civilizations live.]

This serious-looking equation gave SETI a serious footing as a legitimate intellectual inquiry. The problem, of course, is that none of the terms can be known, and most cannot even be estimated. The only way to work the equation is to fill in with guesses. And guesses-just so we're clear-are
merely expressions of prejudice. Nor can there be "informed guesses." If you need to state how many planets with life choose to communicate, there is simply no way to make an informed guess. It's simply prejudice.

As a result, the Drake equation can have any value from "billions and billions" to zero. An expression that can mean anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is literally meaningless, and has nothing to do with science. I take the hard view that science involves the creation of testable hypotheses. The Drake equation cannot be tested and
therefore SETI is not science. SETI is unquestionably a religion. Faith is defined as the firm belief in something for which there is no proof. The belief that the Koran is the word of God is a matter of faith. The belief that God created the universe in seven days is a matter of faith. The belief
that there are other life forms in the universe is a matter of faith. There is not a single shred of evidence for any other life forms, and in forty years of searching, none has been discovered. There is absolutely no evidentiary reason to maintain this belief. SETI is a religion.

Mr. Crichton, not surprisingly, does not trace back far enough the divergence of science into separate camps of hard science and faith. Were he to do so he might look to the words of Ernst Mayr:
[D]arwin introduced historicity into science. Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes.

Obviously Darwinism too is a religion, but one that is so universally adhered to in scientific circles that its deleterious effect spread far beyond the realm of evolution--whose study it has stunted--to all of the sciences, where faith in practically any "scientific" alternative to religion has come to be accepted for that reason alone, that it is not "religious".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 AM


The beatitude excuse.: Judge Not, All Ye Faithful (Dave Shiflett, December 23, 2003, National Review)

Religious folk looking for a way to get out of jury duty may have been handed one by an unlikely ally in civic sloth: trial lawyers. According to a new guidebook for the plaintiff's bar, trial lawyers are advised to be wary of potential jurors with "extreme attitudes about personal responsibility." These jurors, the guidebook counsels, often reveal themselves by chatting up "traditional family values" - values that reflect "strong religious beliefs." If you want to get off the hook, chant a beatitude or two. That may well do the trick.

The scoop comes from journalist Jeff Johnson, who reports that legendary attorney David Wenner penned the warning for Litigating Tort Cases - known by some as the Shakedown Artist's Bible.

"It is helpful to divide the jurors into two groups: the personal responsibility group and compassion-altruistic group," Wenner writes in the guidebook. "Jurors who are extreme on the personal responsibility bias, or who have a high need for personal responsibility, will strongly
favor the defendant. In contrast, jurors who are extreme on the compassionate-altruistic bias, or who have a high need for compassion, will strongly favor the plaintiff."

One doesn't often find deep philosophical insight among trial lawyers, but here their insight is profound, even if accidental.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:23 AM


Once Skeptical, Briton Sees Iraqi Success (JOHN F. BURNS, 12/24/03, NY Times)

When Maj. Gen. Graeme Lamb, a 50-year-old Briton, arrived in June to lead the mainly European force controlling southeastern Iraq, he was skeptical, he said. He felt that "this is going to be a lot more difficult than we realized."

But as General Lamb prepared to hand his command to another British general, he said at a news conference here on Tuesday that Saddam Hussein's capture and other changes, including progress in restoring oil installations, power stations and running water, as well as the Iraqis' fast-rising prosperity, had fostered a new confidence that the American-led occupation force can eventually hand a politically stable Iraq back to its people.

"Is this do-able?" he said. "You'd better believe it."

The British officer described himself as neither optimist nor pessimist but "a hard-boiled realist," then offered an upbeat assessment that matched that of American generals: "I think we're in great shape."

He took a jab at the press. Western reporters, he implied, had come to an early conclusion that the allied undertaking in Iraq would not succeed, and had failed to adjust. He compared this with criticism that greeted allied forces in the first stages of the spring invasion, when resistance stalled the drive to Baghdad.

The plan provided for 125 days to take Baghdad, and it was accomplished in 23 days, he noted. But, he told reporters, "you had us dead and buried in seven days."

Mr. Burns continues to take every opportunity to chastise his own profession.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 AM


Has France shot itself in the foot? (Amir Taheri, December 24, 2003, Townhall)

France's passionate campaign to keep Saddam in power won no plaudits from the Arabs.

Many Arab leaders regard France as a maverick power that could get them involved in an unnecessary, and ultimately self-defeating, conflict with the United States.

"I cannot imagine what Chirac was thinking," says a senior Saudi official on condition of anonymity. "How could he expect us to join him in preventing the Americans from solving our biggest problem which was the presence of Saddam Hussein in power in Baghdad?"

Another senior Arab diplomat, from Egypt, echoes the sentiment.

"The French did not understand that the Arabs desired the end of Saddam, although they had to pretend that this was not the case," he says.

In Africa, the recent Libyan accord with Britain and the US deals a severe blow to French prestige. Libya is the most active member of the African Union and its exclusion of France, also from talks on compensation for victims of Libyan terrorism, sets an example for other African nations.

Dear Santa:

Please do not leave me the Velvet Margaret Thatcher painting tomorrow. Having already received the self-destruction of the Democratic Partyy and France, I already feel greedy.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 AM


Jesus Rules in the Sequel: Santa, the Eastern Temple Worms and the Dragons of Destruction may make for a good story, but in the end they pale by comparison (Paul Park, 12/22/03, LA Times)

My son, Lucius, is bored with bedtime stories. He's sick of the sequels, Rumplestiltskin II, etc. So he sketches an alternative: Jesus and his best friend, Santa Claus, travel to Asia to fight their enemy — the Eastern Temple Worms.

He's already figured out the plot, and there's a lot that's good, especially a scene about halfway through in which Jesus lays down his own life for a tactical advantage. Santa, regaining consciousness after being knocked out, kneels in the snow in his red pants, weeping over the body of his friend. Then he struggles on alone, overweight, out of breath, lugging his huge sack of toys, to confront the worms.

I'm surprised by my son's grasp of Jesus' role in the drama — something he has not gotten from me. It has been a long time since I have tempted fate by bringing him inside a church.

It is obvious, however, that the character of Santa Claus is larger in his mind, a cult figure to be propitiated at all costs. Santa's got all the accessories: the reindeer, the sleigh, the leather belt, the belly. But as the old elf slogs through burning buildings and over butchered carcasses, you have to be a little worried: Will his celebrated merriness be enough to see him through?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:54 AM


State Republican party flush with candidates, cash heading into campaign year (Steve Leblanc, 12/23/2003, AP)

State Republican leaders say their party is swimming in candidates and cash as it heads into a new campaign year.

The GOP has already recruited about 95 candidates to run for the Senate and House next year the highest number in a decade and has about $400,000 cash on hand to help fund the campaigns, GOP officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

To boost that total, top Republican leaders are dipping into their own wallets to support candidates, many of whom hope to use Gov. Mitt Romney's political coattails to ride into office.

Romney, his wife, Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey and her husband have already begun sending out $250 checks to the candidates, according to Dominick Ianno, executive director of the state Republican Party.

Romney said his goal is simple: Chipping away at the Democrat's overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate.

Romney said he would like to capture at least a third of the seats in either chamber enough to sustain his vetoes but conceded that's unlikely, given that it would require doubling the number of Republican lawmakers in either chamber.

While the Democrats have to write off huge swaths of the country, the GOP is on the attack everywhere.

December 23, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:59 PM


Christmas eve (David Warren, 12/24/03, Ottawa Citizen)

Throughout the world, on this Christmas eve, there is good news. The American and allied victory in Iraq is suddenly shown to push freedom forward, and throw tyrants back, on many other fronts.

Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's unspeakable dictator, has himself acknowledged that the fate of Saddam Hussein in Iraq influenced his decision to abandon Libya' s programmes for weapons of mass destruction, and throw his country open to international arms inspectors. According to my information, he is also impressing the Bush and Blair administrations by turning tables on the intelligence front, and shopping some of his links and assets in the terror networks. Indeed, I believe the Orange Alert now signalled in the United States owes something to information transferred through British contacts from the Libyan intelligence services.

As well as to many other government sources in the Arab and Muslim world, not always friendly to the West. [...]

The whole power matrix of the Middle East seems thus to be getting it, from Rabat to Islamabad: rulers understanding that the U.S., Britain, and their allies are no longer the "paper tigers" described in Jihadist propaganda. The message of President Bush from his first state of the union speech after 9/11, "you're either with us or against us", is being driven home by diplomatic means that could only succeed after the Afghan and Iraqi demonstrations of military power. In one country after another, tyrants are deciding that they do not wish to share in the fate of Saddam, and will even begin to open their societies to avoid or postpone that fate. And even in France and Germany, attempts to undercut the U.S. effort are being publicly abandoned.

Definitely a glass half-full assessment, but one that drives home why the Islamicists would be feeling some urgency to pull off a strike ASAP.

Al Qaida debates its targets (Martin Walker, 12/23/2003, UPI)

A fierce debate is raging within the ranks of al-Qaida whether to attack the Saudi Arabian regime directly, or to concentrate their attacks on Americans. One result of the argument is that a new organization, the Al-Haramayn (Two Holy Places) Brigades, has spun off from al-Qaida to attack Saudi targets.

The debate, which is conducted semi-openly by al-Qaida theorists and Islamic intellectuals on the website "The Voice of Jihad," has now drawn in a senior al-Qaida member Abd Al-Aziz bin Issa bin Abd Al-Mohsen, also known as Abu Hajer, who is on Saudi Arabia's most-wanted list. He argues that Saudi Arabia should be handled with kid gloves, as the major source of al-Qaida funding.

Bush has thrown open Pandora's box in a paradise for international terrorists: 2003 has been a crucial year for the Middle East, with war in Iraq and the continuing intifada in Israel. The Guardian's acclaimed commentator on the region assesses what happened, what it
means, and where it might lead next year (David Hirst, December 23, 2003, The Guardian)

This new Iraqi order would be sovereign and democratic, but the first thing it would do would be to ask American troops to stay on to preserve that sovereignty and democracy.

With this subterfuge, Mr Bush might just, as he apparently plans, manage to declare "mission accomplished" on the eve of the presidential election. But it would be remarkable if such an essentially US-installed government, presiding over a hastily reconstructed army and police, was able for long to master the maelstrom of colliding passions and political interests which the removal of the tyranny has unleashed.

An Iraq at loggerheads with itself, and a paradise for international terrorists, would spare none of the principal actors in this geopolitical drama. Not the US, confronted as it then would be with the classical colonial dilemma of whether to pull back or plunge yet further in. Not the Arab world, whose regimes in their people's eyes only differ from Saddam's in the degree of their degeneracy, nor Israel.

The danger is what Arab commentators habitually call "Lebanonisation" - first of Iraq and then, by an inevitable contagion, the rest of the eastern Arab world. Hizbullah, that most successful of anti-Israeli insurgencies, grew out of a single failed and fratricidal state. What might an entire failed region throw up?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:12 PM


Immigration Reform on Bush Agenda (Mike Allen, December 24, 2003, The Washington Post)

White House aides would not provide details of the proposal, but the Republican officials said it draws on a bill introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that would create a Web-based job registry, to be run by the Labor Department. Employers would post job opportunities that would be available first to U.S. workers and then to prospective immigrants, who would be allowed to come under a new visa for temporary workers.

The other half of the program would be what Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge referred to earlier this month as "some kind of legal status" for undocumented workers in this country. The sources said White House officials were more skeptical about this idea than about the temporary-worker program, but they concluded that they needed a response to the large population of undocumented workers for the plan to be credible and for Bush to get credit from Hispanic voters.

The blueprint is the most ambitious of its kind since a bill signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 that offered legal status to millions of illegal immigrants who had moved to the United States before 1982 and imposed sanctions on employers who knowingly hired illegal immigrants.

The White House plan is being designed by Bush's senior adviser, Karl Rove, in consultation with the domestic policy staff. Sources said the White House's biggest concern is that the new mechanism not penalize people who had followed the law and reward those who had not. McCain's plan, which was introduced in the House by Reps. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), tries to mitigate that problem by creating a new type of visa for previously undocumented workers who would be allowed to live in the United States legally for three years. Then the workers could apply for the temporary worker visa, which would be the path to a green card, or legal permanent residency. That would amount to a three-year advantage for those who entered legally.

Now there'll be no shutting the Buchananeers up.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 PM


Conservatives and Neoconservatives (Adam Wolfson, Winter 2003, Public Interest)

The basic contours of neoconservatism most readily emerge against the backdrop of its two main conservative rivals: libertarianism and traditionalism. (I will have little to say of religious conservatives and Straussians, since they are frequently allied with neocons and have moreover helped shape the neocon impulse.) These three conservative approaches - traditionalism, libertarianism, and neoconservatism - have distinct historical and philosophic roots. Generally speaking, traditionalists look to Edmund Burke, libertarians to Friedrich Hayek, and neocons to Alexis de Tocqueville. However, each finds its origins in something more elemental. Anyone of us can’t help but have a gut feeling about modern American life - its possibilities and limits, whether it is humane and decent or alienating and corrupting. Those of us who regret much of modern American life and find solace in old, inherited ways will cling to traditionalism. Others, who celebrate the new freedoms and new technologies, will turn to libertarianism. As for those who see in modernity admirable principles but also worrisome tendencies, their persuasion will be neoconservatism.

In the post-World War II period, a number of exceptional thinkers sought to adapt a traditionalist, Burkean conservatism to American public life. They became known as the “new conservatives.” The most prominent of them was Russell Kirk, who authored in 1953 the best-seller The Conservative Mind. An overly simple but for our purposes accurate enough way of characterizing Kirk’s achievement would be to say that he initiated a turn among American conservatives away from a bourgeois Lockean philosophy and toward a mildly aristocratic Burkean one. A typical American “conservative” in the pre-World War II period was in fact a nineteenth-century liberal - a believer in laissez-faire, scientific improvements, and progress more generally. The Burke revival that Kirk helped spark in the 1950s lent to American conservatism a very different voice. No longer would it settle for being the party of “big business” or an apologist for bourgeois society. The traditionalists joined Burke in his lament that “the age of chivalry is gone,” and concurred in his denunciations of the “new conquering empire of light and reason.” [...]

Kirk’s project was less about public policy than philosophic definition and cultural recovery. With Burke as his touchstone, Kirk aimed at explaining to an American audience what it meant to be conservative and to think conservatively. In The Conservative Mind, he surveyed a kaleidoscope of conservative thinkers, from John Adams to Tocqueville, and from Disraeli to Henry Adams. It had been a long time since Americans had been taught to take these thinkers seriously, and Kirk’s prolific writings changed the face of American conservatism. In its early years, the National Review was heavily influenced by traditionalist modes of thought, and for a while Kirk wrote a column for the magazine. The magazine’s opening statement of purpose, authored by William F. Buckley in 1955, was a neo-Burkean call-to-arms in which it was declared that the National Review “stands athwart history, yelling Stop.”

The desire to stop, reflect, reconsider, and perhaps go back remains alive within conservative circles. It can be seen in the conservative defense of the traditional family, and in its cultivation of the older virtues and a religious sensibility. Most practically it is evident in the traditionalist view that the federal government has usurped the prerogatives of localities. Such conservatives look back wistfully to an America of small towns and close-knit communities, and they have become increasingly critical of what they view as President Bush’s “big government conservatism.” [...]

My brief overview of traditionalism and libertarianism hardly does justice to the complexity and richness of each, or to the profound impact they have had on American public life. Yet even so the puzzle of their political alliance over the years should be readily apparent. Of course, they are both opposed to much government regulation and spending, but beyond this they might seem to share little in common. Their fundamental outlooks are quite at odds, and indeed it was the great project of conservatives in the 1950s and 1960s to find a way of reconciling the two - National Review writer Frank Meyer had called his solution “fusionism.” However, at a deeper level traditionalism and libertarianism do find common cause, and it is here where their differences from neoconservatism first emerge. For both the traditionalist and the libertarian, and in contrast to the neoconservative, politics is of secondary significance. The traditionalist believes that culture or history is the primary factor in human affairs; for the libertarian it is economics. And thus not surprisingly, they can oftentimes seem to have little affinity for modern democratic life. It is in neoconservatism’s appreciation for politics generally and the politics of democracy in particular that its unique characteristics can be seen.

Nostalgia for a pre-industrial, pre-Enlightenment past, as found in traditionalism, is largely absent from neoconservatism. It is not that neoconservatives are proponents of the unregulated market or are without appreciation for our moral and spiritual inheritance as are libertarians. Instead, the neoconservative faults Kirk’s neo-Burkean project for its sheer futility. Appeals to tradition as an authoritative guide in American life or as a brake on change and innovation are more than likely to fall on deaf ears. True enough, we have our traditions in America, but these tend to be liberal-democratic ones, such as our reverence for individual rights or our veneration of health and well-being. One need not have lived through our recent cultural upheavals to glean this truth about American democracy. From his visit to America in the 1830s, Tocqueville observed that Americans “treat tradition as valuable for information only.”

Not from such American materials is a Burkean politics made of. Recognizing this fact about American life - that almost everything is up for grabs and in continual flux - neoconservatives believe, to paraphrase Tocqueville, that we should aim at educating and directing democracy, rather than seeking to overcome it, or just as inadvisably, as some more literary conservatives in fact do, scorning it. It was a political axiom of Burke’s that “when ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment we have no compass to govern us.” This goes too far for the neoconservative. Without siding with the Enlightenment’s faith in reason as our only true compass, the neocon recognizes that in democratic times ancient opinions cannot rely on their own authority but must defend themselves in open debate, and that old rules must find some other basis than what is known as prescription if they are to flourish. The loss is, of course, considerable, but rather than retreating in defeat or condemning democracy outright, neoconservatives seek democratic substitutes for these older modes of living. Neoconservatives understand that tradition and custom, in themselves, can have little hold on a democratic people, and thus they look to other means to restrain democracy from its worst instincts.

At least here if nowhere else neocons and paleos are in partial agreement: Both share in opposition to traditionalists a sense that much of the past is irretrievable. The question is, where does one go from here? The lamentation for a lost tradition leads paleoconservatives in search of new gods, new heroes, and new myths. Full of disdain for what they consider the democratic idols of equality and commodious living, they seek not to rescue democracy from itself but to expedite its collapse, to make way for a postmodern, postdemocratic age. In contrast, neocons seek to refurbish America’s founding principles and its democratic way of life. They are aware of democracy’s shortcomings - its frequently low aspirations and dehumanizing tendencies - but they also recognize the fundamental justice of democratic equality. Neoconservatives seek to secure a genuine human freedom and dignity in the age in which we live now, the democratic age, rather than in some futurist utopia. [...]

Neoconservatives object not only to the libertarian critique of Big Government but also to its cramped understanding of liberty. Libertarians rise to the defense of every conceivable freedom but that of self-government; they typically tend to be pro-abortion, pro-drug legalization, pro-human cloning, and so on. Their goal, also ardently advanced by the postmodern Left, is the expansion of individual choice. But the “right to choose” has generally been secured in contemporary America only by enacting a judicial prohibition, one that forbids individuals from acting together to determine what laws they shall live under.

Now, neoconservatives are hardly a moralistic lot. On some of these contentious cultural issues, they are as likely to be on the “pro” as on the “anti” side. Moreover, their analysis tends toward the urbane - perhaps too urbane given what is morally at stake. Religious conservatives not infrequently become impatient with what they see as the softness of many neoconservatives on these vital issues. However, dispassion should not be mistaken for approval or naïveté about what is on the line. Neoconservatism, after all, came into its own in reaction against the Left’s nihilistic revolt against conventional morality and religion. Moreover, neoconservatives are in agreement in their condemnation of the high-handed manner in which the libertarian agenda is enacted. Democratic discussion is circumvented, and “we the people,” as the phrase would have it, are disenfranchised. To the neoconservative, the true road to serfdom lies in the efforts of libertarian and left-wing elites to mandate an anti-democratic social policy all in the name of liberty. But it is a narrow, privatized liberty that is secured. An active and lively interest in public affairs is discouraged as a result. Everything is permitted - except a say in the shaping of the public ethos. Libertarian ideology would turn citizens into foreigners who live happily, if indifferently, in their country

Maybe it's just the case that these concepts are too amorphous for us ever to reach general agreement about what neocons, paleocons, theocons, etc., even are, but there's a theme here in the contrasting of neoconservatism to traditional conservatism that it seems most of us could agree on: neoconservatism is rather urbane, in fact, rather urban--it is the kind of conservatism that one can feel most comfortable espousing in front of one's rich liberal peers in a cosmopolitan setting. Thus the "dispassion", the acceptance or even advocacy of progressivism, or at least an unwillingness to go backwards, etc.. It is precisely here though, if we accept the notion that neoconservatives are truly conservative, that we see it is a tragic flawed politics. Grant Mr. Wolfson his argument that neoconservatism "came into its own in reaction against the Left’s nihilistic revolt against conventional morality and religion" and then consider his statement that neoconservatism and libertarianism "share in opposition to traditionalists a sense that much of the past is irretrievable" and you find a paltry sort of "reaction". It seems to say: sure, the Left's assault on morality has caused sufficient damage to give rise to neoconservatism, but that's water under the bridge, let's be realistic and move on from here. No doubt that's the sort of attitude that goes down well at cocktail parties in Manhattan and Washington, but it makes it difficult to take such folk seriously.

Take three issues that seemed relatively settled in the '70s, the social acceptance and legalization of sexual "liberation", drug use, and abortion. The acquiescent, go-along-to-get-along, neoconservatism on offer here would have accepted these as fait accompli's (accomplii?). Traditionalists (it's obvious here that religious conservatives are traditionalists, not neocons) instead fought against them and the tide has been turned on all three issues. Similarly, the neocons are basically uninterested in the issue of gay marriage, but it seems quite possible that the traditionalists will prevail on this issue too. At some point, it seems fair to say that a movement that sits out the central fights on the morality of the age can not be considered conservative at all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:51 PM


Report: Palestinian state in 2004, no matter what (Jerusalem Newswire, December 22, 2003)

The Middle East News Line (MENL) reported Sunday Israel has acceded to a Bush administration demand that an interim Palestinian state be established in the entire Gaza Strip and most of Judea and Samaria during 2004.

This state will come into being whether or not Palestinian terrorism continues and whether or not the Palestinian Authority cracks down on the terror groups, according to the MENL.

It is believed that the establishment of Palestine will have a powerfully positive effect on President George W. Bush's aspirations for re-election later in the year.

The US proposal for Israel to recognize an interim Palestinian state in the coming year was reportedly predicated on the Washington-sponsored Road Map plan, which calls for a de facto Palestinian state to be established in 2003, and its final borders to be determined by 2005.

But whereas the Road Map stipulated that there first be an end to terrorism and the disarming and dismantling of the terrorist infrastructure in the PA areas - something the PA simply refused to do - this new proposal apparently will award the Palestinians a state without demanding any Palestinian action.

The MENL report states that, "Sharon has accepted a US proposal for an interim Palestinian state in 2004 regardless of Palestinian Authority agreement to end the more than three-year-old war and dismantle Palestinian insurgency groups."

It's been disturbing this week to read folks who should have figured this out by now--Daniel Pipes, Zev Chafets, etc.--try to convince themselves that Sharon isn't serious.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 PM


Oy, Yo Mama (Armond White, December 19, 2003,

Blaxploitation movies are both saluted and bitten in The Hebrew Hammer, a satire that applies the conventions of '70s black stud detective movies like Shaft, Hammer, Slaughter, Truck Turner to contemporary Jewish American culture. It begins with a flashback to the title character's childhood in which little Mordecai is teased by his non-Jewish schoolmates because the spinning-top dreidel he got as a Hanukkah present doesn't match up with their own, plentiful Christmas gifts. As an adult, Mordecai Jefferson Carver (played by Adam Goldberg) becomes a hipster, righteous defender of bullied Jewish kids while also making a career as a private eye. (He's called "a certified circumcised dick" to a tune that resembles Isaac Hayes' "Theme from Shaft.")

Jonathan Hesselman wrote and directed The Hebrew Hammer with a fan's knowledge of the Blaxploitation genre and with a frank and sometimes-funny tone of commiseration. Many of the film's jokes convey Hesselman's awareness of the need for aggression and revenge – the need for heroes – that made Blaxploitation movies such a draw for urban youth. What makes the film noteworthy is that Hesselman's comic perspective on ethnic identity spreads the need for role models and saviors across American's ethnic rainbow.

The analogy made here between black movie fantasy and white Jewish movie fantasy is sometimes awkward.

It seems unlikely that there's anything in the movie funnier than someone writing that last line with a straight face.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 PM

60-40 FILES:

GOP SENATE HOPES (Dick Morris, December 23, 2003, NY Post)

LOST among the focus on the Democratic presidential race is the likelihood of a huge Republican gain in the U.S. Senate in the 2004 elections. Even without a landslide victory for Bush (quite possible if Howard Dean wins the Democratic nod), the way races are shaping up, the Republicans have a lot to gloat about. [...]

The most likely result would be a Republican gain of three or four, knocking the Democrats down to only 44 or 45 seats, barely enough to sustain a filibuster. If Bush wipes out Dean in a landslide, the Democrats could fall even lower, although it seems unlikely that they would drop below the magic number of 40 needed to oppose closure on Democratic filibusters.

Mr. Morris, for once, is over cautious.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 PM


GOP's Frist hones Senate operating skills: After a rocky start, the Senate's majority leader refines his understated style to score a major win on Medicare (Gail Russell Chaddock, 12/24/03, CS Monitor)

"He got Medicare reform passed, and that's the high point of the whole Congress right now," says Eric Uslaner, a political scientist at the University of Maryland. [...]

While House GOP leaders have powerful rules to limit debate and enforce party discipline, the Senate works on consensus. Frist learned that lesson well. "He seemed every inch the amateur for the first few months as leader. But he's catching on and demonstrating expertise in that post," says Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist. "That quiet air of confidence that doctors project seems increasingly to fit well within the atmosphere of the Senate."

Frist has promised to quit the Senate by 2006. Insiders note that exit date leaves time to campaign for the White House in 2008. "A third of the Senate will probably think about running. He has the most credibility of all the senators," says Mr. Sabato.

The betting line at this point would have to be:

(1) Jeb Bush

(2) Condi Rice

(3) Bill Frist

(4) John Ashcroft

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 PM


In China, pews are packed: Beijing is wary as Christianity counts up to 90 million adherents. (Robert Marquand, 12/24/03, CS Monitor)

Christianity - in both the official and unofficial churches - is again gaining momentum in China, and is a source of some consternation for the party leadership. "Being Christian" is fashionable, with young people sporting crosses as a mild form of dissent, and others feeling the faith has a certain international cachet. But something more is at work. In many interviews, congregants say the deity they worship communicates, and has power in their lives, especially now when China is going through immense, jarring economic changes that upset older social contracts.

"People in China have a spiritual hunger, very much so," says an official church pastor in Xiamen, "and there is a need for that to be filled. I think this is the main reason why we continue to have larger services." [...]

Along the easy-going southeast coast, Protestant worshipers pay little attention to China's Shanghai-based official church hierarchy. They hold Bible study groups, have choir rehearsals, and gather in volunteer groups. "We have to join the [official] church, but then we do and say what we want," says a local pastor. "We preach the living God."

And so are the days of the dictatorship numbered.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:30 PM


Beyond Belief: Howard Dean's religion problem. (Franklin Foer, 12.22.03, New Republic)

[B]ecause Clinton hailed from the relatively conservative Baptist Church (as opposed to the liberal Congregationalists), he understood how to paper over differences with voters who disliked his positions on social issues, especially abortion. "With Clinton, evangelical voters no longer felt like they were locked in a battle against a secular Democratic Party," says the University of Virginia's Hunter. By the end of the campaign, Clinton and Gore seemed sincere enough that the Associated Baptist Press trumpeted them as "the first all-Baptist ticket for the nation's two highest offices." George H.W. Bush's share of the evangelical vote fell from 77 percent in 1988 to 56 percent in 1992. As a result, Clinton nearly swept the border states and made important inroads in the South.

Indeed, a case can be made that the Democrats' recent presidential success with Southern candidates is only secondarily connected to their geographic roots. Candidates who grow up in the South come from a world steeped in Jesus. Even if they don't buy the theology themselves, they intuitively understand the role that faith plays in people's lives; they have absorbed enough of the lingo to plausibly pass for religious or at least avoid offending the faithful.

Dean, on the other hand, utterly lacks this gift. In a CNN interview last week, Judy Woodruff asked him about his bike-path conversion. She seemed bemused over the story. "Was it just over a bike path that you left the Episcopal Church?" Dean told her, "Yes, as a matter of fact, it was." He explained how the diocese had resisted handing over the land for the trail. "One thing I feel about religion, you have to be very careful not to be a hypocrite if you're a religious person. It is really tough to preach one thing and do something else. And I don't think you can do that." As the discussion continued, Woodruff asked, "And you don't believe, governor, the Republicans are going to have a field day with comments like these?" Dean replied with unwitting clarity: "The Republicans always have a field day with things like this." Yes, they do.

The real story here--which the press seems unable to wrap its collective mnind around, just because he's "winning"--is that Howard Dean has thus far shown himself to be one of the most inept major party candidates we've ever seen. There's a huge difference between being personally irreligious and actually alienating religious voters--a candidate who persistently does the latter is incompetent as a matter of politics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:13 PM


Lieberman Furious as Dean Calls Clintonoid Group 'Republican' (NewsMax, Dec. 23, 2003)

Democratic Leadership Council, a Clintonoid group described by the media establishment as centrist, is "Republican," according to Democrat front-runner Howard Dean. And rival Sen. Joe Lieberman is furious.

"Does he realize when he's saying that he's pushing Bill Clinton, a hundred members of Congress, countless governors and mayors around America, state officials, who are members of the DLC and the new Democratic movement out of the Democratic Party?" Lieberman told reporters today in Manchester, N.H.

Mr. Dean is right on this one: to be a DLCer is to be a Republican in all but name and registration. May as well just go ahead and change those, eh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:26 PM


Gadhafi: North Korea and Iran Should Follow My Lead (Chosun Ilbo, 12/23/03)

In an interview with CNN on Monday, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, who recently announced that he would end his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, advised North Korea, Iran, and Syria to give up their WMD programs as well. Gadhafi said that by following in his footsteps, those nations can escape from their current difficulties.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:20 PM


Latest Scare Shows Need For Better Gun Program, Pilots Say (Adrian Schofield, December 23, 2003, Aviation Daily)

U.S. pilot groups believe the latest security alert highlights the fact that not enough pilots have been trained to carry firearms in the cockpit, and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needs to accelerate the training process.

The Airline Pilots Security Alliance said only 500-1,000 pilots have been trained in the Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program, which is "rife with roadblocks" that discourage pilots from signing up. TSA "needs to fix the [FFDO] program before the next orange alert," APSA said, including lifting the training rate, improving screening process, and eliminating the requirement for guns to be carried in lock boxes.

Except, of course, that the latest scare was something quite different, a scare which demonstrates the point that guns in cockpits would be a greater threat to safety than terrorists are. The argument over guns has little to do with safety and much to do with Second Amendment ideology.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:22 PM


News Release: Personal Income and Outlays (BEA News, 12/23/03)

Personal income increased $44.0 billion, or 0.5 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $39.2 billion, or 0.5 percent, in November, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $31.1 billion, or 0.4 percent.

Sooner or later, George "Herbert Hoover" Bush's lies about the "worst economy since the Great Depression" will catch up to him and Howard "Honest Abe" Dean will coast to victory....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:42 AM

O HARP, WHERE ART THOU? (via The Mother Judd):

For a Timeless Song Style, a Chance at the Big Time (RANDY KENNEDY, 12/23/03, NY Times)

The Mount Pleasant Home Primitive Baptist Church on the outskirts of Birmingham is a long way from Hollywood, literally and figuratively.

So it was a little strange one Sunday to hear a group of people in the tiny bare-walled church swapping stories about Anthony Minghella, the Oscar-winning director of "The English Patient," who was pronounced by one elderly Alabamian that day to be "a pretty decent guy." [...]

When this Civil War drama [Cold Mountain] opens nationwide on Christmas, the hope among these singers is that it will accomplish something more meaningful than a glamorous trip to Hollywood. They hope it will introduce their kind of music — a powerful and beautiful but relatively obscure form of a cappella choral singing known as Sacred Harp — to a broader audience.

The music, also known as shape-note or fasola singing, has been waiting a long time for that attention. The style of singing, whose rudiments stretch back at least to Elizabethan England, flourished in Colonial New England and in its present form took deep root in the rural South, where it is still sung today in four-part harmony. But many of its practitioners — whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents sang it in little churches and town squares throughout the South — fear it could die out. So they are waiting eagerly to see whether the use of Sacred Harp music on the movie's soundtrack, released on Dec. 16, could do for their music what the soundtrack for "O Brother, Where Art Thou?," the Coen brothers comedy, did for rural blues and bluegrass. (The "O Brother" album unexpectedly sold more than five million copies and won the album-of-the-year Grammy in 2002.)

The film, despite the talented Mr. Minghella, promises to be just brutal, but the tunes look awesome.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:22 AM


Shafting the Poles (Ralph Peters, December 23, 2003, New York Post)

Poland did have one request - a humble one, in the great scheme of things. Warsaw asked for $47 million to modernize six used, American-built C-130 transport aircraft and to purchase American-built HMMWV all-terrain vehicles so elite Polish units could better integrate operations with American forces. Much of the money would go right back to U.S. factories and workers.

Our response? We stiffed them.

For once, the Pentagon and the State Department agree: No can do. Impossible. Our pocket are empty. Got to FedEx every penny to our favorite dictators.

It's a mistake to over-idealize any nation. But if there's a land of heroes anywhere between the English Channel and the coast of California, it's Poland. Our Polish allies have taken a brave, costly, principled stand for freedom and democracy in Iraq. They desperately want to be seen by Washington as reliable friends in this treacherous world.

The least we could do is to treat them with respect.

There seems no end to the shame we're willing to inflict on ourselves where Poland is concerned.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:50 AM


Dean left speechless on Libya arms move (Bill Sammon, December 23, 2003, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

"Look, the agreement with the Libyans is good news and an important step forward in the effort to combat weapons of mass destruction," conceded Dean spokesman Jay Carson.

"But the agreement is the result of years of diplomacy and sanctions, conducted in concert with the international community, which Governor Dean believes is the most effective means of pursuing that goal," he added.

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made it clear that his decision to disarm was prompted by Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"I will do whatever the Americans want because I saw what happened in Iraq, and I was afraid," Mr. Gadhafi told Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, according to a Berlusconi spokesman who was quoted in yesterday's Telegraph of London.

Unlike the contest between Mr. Dean and General Clark over which is lying, this seems an easy call: after all, what advantage could Colonel Gadhafi hope to gain by admitting to the world he's terrified of George W. Bush?

Posted by David Cohen at 10:31 AM


Dean Rebuked for Statement Implying Brother Served in Military (Jodi Wilgoren, New York Times, 12/22/03)

Howard Dean came under criticism from an Iowa newspaper last weekend for an answer to a questionnaire in which he implied that his brother was serving in the military when he disappeared in Laos 29 years ago. His brother had been traveling in Southeast Asia as a tourist.

Asked by The Quad-City Times, which is based in Davenport, Iowa, to complete the sentence "My closest living relative in the armed services is," Dr. Dean wrote in August, "My brother is a POW/MIA in Laos, but is almost certainly dead." . . .

"The way I read the question was that they wanted to know if I knew anything about the armed services from a personal level," he said. "I don't think it was inaccurate or misleading if anybody knew what the history was, and I assumed that most people knew what the history was. Anybody who wanted to write about this could have looked through the 23-year history to see that I've always acknowledged my brother's a civilian, was a civilian."

I think all politicians should adopt the position that a statement is not a lie if independent research would have proved it false.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:10 AM


As Went Alf Landon, So Did McGovern- But How About Dean? (Ron Rosenbaum, Dec. 23, 2003, Jewish World Review)

Give George McGovern credit: He stuck to his anti-war message, he tried to make people care about Watergate, he stuck to his principles. The final crushing blow: Henry Kissinger's deceptive proclamation that, as a result of his secret diplomacy, "peace is at hand." Bye-bye, peace issue. It wasn't until after the election that it turned out peace was not really at hand at all. In fact, many more Americans and Vietnamese would die before the end. One can disagree with him on principle (and some of my thinking has changed). But was McGovern wrong to run a principled campaign on this issue? If you think so, you don't believe in the American democratic process.

Anyway, I was there for McGovern's final desperate cross-country dash, whose final leg— from Long Beach to a post-midnight landing in Sioux Falls— was a memorable debauch fueled by (among other things) wild delusory hope and the intimations of the landslide about to hit.

And then, less than two years later, I was there in Washington for the Nixon impeachment hearings, when the full truth about what was going on behind the scenes in that campaign from beginning (the phony letter that led to the demise of Ed Muskie's campaign) to end (the bagmen and the blackmail) finally emerged.

And I was there in the East Room of the White House as a weeping Richard Nixon left by the back door, disgraced.

That was the real end of the McGovern campaign. In some ways, you could say that ultimately he won. His opponent certainly lost. But even if McGovern was the Big Loser who eclipsed Alf Landon, he won my respect because he didn't lose his soul. He demonstrated that it was possible to run a campaign that focused the electorate's attention on the real issue of the day— Vietnam. I may disagree with Dean's supporters, but they have the right to have a candidate who expresses their views faithfully. Howard Dean won't break his supporters' hearts by losing the election; he'll break their hearts if he abandons his principles. Comparing Howard Dean to George McGovern shouldn't be an insult; it's something to live up to.

One can hardly condemn someone for clinging to the delusions of their youth, but need not take them seriously. What Mr. Rosenbaum is unable to face up to is that the real end of the McGovern campaign has not come yet for millions of people in Southeast Asia and that the principle he ran on was: Screw 'em.

Whatever else opposition to the Vietnam War entailed, its most obvious implication was that we should desert our South Vietnamese allies and leave them to be conquered by the Communist North. Removing Richard Nixon from office did indeed enable the McGovernites to do just that and the dictatorship and oppression and boat people that followed are all the bitter fruit of his "principles".

Now, it can be argued that he honestly didn't envision these results, that his principles were wrong, rather than genuinely evil. His obviously idiotic prediction about Cambodia's sunny future under the Khmer Rouge lend weight to this ignorance theory:

The growing hysteria of the administration's posture on Cambodia seems to me to reflect a determined refusal to consider what the fall of the existing government in Phnom Penh would actually mean.... We should be able to see that the kind of government which would succeed Lon Nol's forces would most likely be a government ... run by some of the best-educated, most able intellectuals in Cambodia.

But even if the truth of the matter is just that Mr. McGovern, Mr. Rosenbaum, and their ilk were shockingly naive about the nature of Communism, it seems cold comfort to the American nation they tore apart or to the Vietnamese and Cambodians they sentenced to death and misery that Mr. McGovern "didn't lose his soul." South Vietnam was too high a price to pay for the Senator's soul.

The Dean comparison then seems all too apt, because we can easily imagine him and his supporters cutting and running in the Middle East, preserving their own souls no matter the consequences for others.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:26 AM


PETA to cannibals: Don't let them eat steak (Wesley J. Smith, December 21, 2003, San Francisco Chronicle)

When Ingrid Newkirk, the founder of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals infamously asserted in 1986, "There is no rational basis for asserting that a human being has special rights: A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy," few believed that she meant it literally. Surely, people thought, Newkirk and PETA understand that humans have far greater moral worth than animals.

Actually, they don't. In fact, it now appears that PETA's moral views have become so distorted and misanthropic that the organization sees little difference between eating a steak and cannibalizing a human being.

Here's the story: Armin Meiwes, the "German cannibal," shocked the world when he admitted to slaughtering, butchering and eating a man he met over the Internet. PETA's reaction to this sickening event?` It sent Meiwes a vegetarian cookbook and a hamper full of veggie burgers in the hope of converting him to vegetarianism.

"What this man did to a German computer expert is done to other creatures every day," a PETA spokesman explained. "The cruel scenario of slaughtering, cutting up, portioning, freezing and eating of body parts," the actions taken by Meiwes against his human victim, "is the grim reality for more than 450 million sentient individuals (animals) that are killed in (Germany) every year."

In other words, according to PETA, when you enjoy a lamb chop or eat a hamburger, you are acting no differently than the cannibal who butchered a man and ate his flesh.

The conversion to vegetarianism did wonders for another German.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:20 AM


HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (GREG SCANDLEN, December 17, 2003, Galen Institute)

This essay raises a question for conservative critics of Medicare reform: are they ignorant of what's in the bill or do they not truly believe their own rhetoric about choice and market forces?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Lighting our way to the palace of the king (Rabbi Yonason Goldson, Dec. 23, 2003, Jewish World Review)

Today, 2,168 years later, we too live in an age of spiritual darkness, when the loudest and most persistent voices in our surrounding culture cry out to expunge every mention of the divine, to condemn every moral judgment, to sanctify every perversion in the name of "tolerance." We live in an era of unprecedented material comfort and convenience, tranquilizing our bodies and our minds so that we can easily stifle the yearning of our souls.

But when the days are shortest and the nights are coldest, just then can a little light shine forth and dispel much darkness. Like a lighthouse guiding a ship home, the lights of the Chanukah menorah can draw us back from the abyss of spiritual oblivion. And as we add candle upon candle and light upon light, the growing radiance of the menorah reminds us of the divine flame that has guided us through the darkness of exile and saved us from the darkness of assimilation for generation after generation.

If we, like the Hellenist Jews, allow the material values of contemporary culture to shape our thinking and guide our actions, then we have truly forgotten who we are. Like the prince whose soul longed for nothing but a little hut to protect him from the sun and the rain, we will be destined to live out our days in futility.

But if we cling to all that which is noble within us, if the values of Jewish culture drive us to perform acts of kindness and charity, to devote a few moments each day to heartfelt and meditative prayer, to treat neighbors and strangers alike with respect, to set an example of morality and character for our children — then we will have rekindled the spark of divinity inside us, and we will have earned the privilege to have our Father, the King, bring us home.

Which is what makes the secularist movement in Israel so tragic--why preserve an Israel which does not vindicate the values of Jewish culture?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


href=,0,6112425.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions>The Senate Super Bowl of '06: Rudy vs. Hillary (John Ellis, December 21, 2003, LA Times)

The word around New York is that our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani, has decided to challenge Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton when she seeks reelection in 2006 - a matchup we almost saw in 2002 before he withdrew for personal reasons. Giuliani won't confirm or deny it (as recently as Friday he told radio host Don Imus he hadn't made up his mind), but two well-placed GOP insiders say it's "basically a done deal."

This would be the Super Bowl of Senate races and a dramatic "wild card" lead-in to the 2008 presidential election. Only one of the principals could advance to the next level.

For Giuliani, challenging Clinton is a necessary step if he hopes to be a national GOP player. He could, if he chose, run for governor in 2006, but that wouldn't do him much good on the national stage. He would still be a pro-gay, pro-choice "Rockefeller Republican."

But Senator Giuliani would be a different matter. He would have slain the dragon, and slaying the dragon would bestow upon him exalted status. Major points of difference with the GOP's core constituencies - like the sanctity of life (abortion) and the evolution of mankind (stem cell research) - would become much less disqualifying.

Red State Republicans - those from the GOP stronghold states - could learn to love Rudy in a New York minute if he beat Hillary.

That's just silly. It would be great if he beat her but he's going nowhere in national Party politics unless he moves well to the Right on social issues.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM

INSUFFICIENT (via Mike Daley):

Europe's problem is that it's barren (Mark Steyn, 23/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

To those of us watching from afar the ructions over the European constitution - a 1970s solution to a 1940s problem - it seems amazing that no Continental politician is willing to get to grips with the real crisis facing Europe in the 21st century: the lack of Europeans. If America believes in the separation of church and state, in radically secularist Europe the state is the church, as Jacques Chirac's edict on headscarves, crucifixes and skull caps made plain. Alas, it's an insufficient faith.

By contrast, if Christianity is merely a "myth", it's a perfectly constructed one, beginning with the decision to establish Christ's divinity in the miracle of His birth. The obligation to have children may be a lot of repressive Catholic mumbo-jumbo, but it's also highly rational. What's irrational is modern EUtopia's indifference to new life.

I recently had a conversation with an EU official who, apropos a controversial proposal to tout the Continent's religious heritage in the new constitution, kept using the phrase "Europe's post-Christian future". The evidence suggests that, once you reach the post-Christian stage, you don't have much of a future.

What's most interesting is that their decision to voluntarily die out seems to contradict one of their dearest rationalist myths: Darwinism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:43 AM


HARD-WIRED FOR GOD: Only something extraordinary could entice the Carmelite nuns of Montreal to break their vow of silence and venture out of the cloister. They have joined forces with science to look for a concrete sign from God -- inside the human brain (ANNE McILROY, Dec. 6, 2003, Globe & Mail)

When Dr. Beauregard and Mr. Paquette, his doctoral student, first approached Sister Diane about using three of the most powerful brain-imaging tools available to learn more about unio mystica, she was intrigued. She had heard about other experiments investigating the biological basis of religious experience.

The researchers were hoping the nuns would have a mystical experience right in the lab. Sister Diane told them that this would be impossible -- God can't be summoned at will. "You can't search for it. The harder you search, the longer you will wait," she says.

So the scientists came back with an alternative: Would the nuns be able to remember what it felt like? Dr. Beauregard is certain that when they recall such an intense experience, their brains will operate the same way as when the nuns actually felt God's physical presence.

He says there is plenty of evidence that this is likely. When we think about doing something physical, such as hitting a forehand in tennis, the same parts of the brain are active as when we are actually make the shot.

Similarly, he has conducted experiments with actors and found that dramatizing a sad experience causes intense activity in the parts of the brain that process emotion.

This approach pleased the nuns, and so far six have agreed to participate in the experiments, which will take two years to complete. [...]

Sister Diane says she is certain that Dr. Beauregard will discover a biological basis for the Carmelites' spiritual experience, one she says is shared by all human beings. God equipped people with the brains they need for a spiritual life, she insists. "Our body has a spiritual component. To be a human being is to be a spiritual being. I'm convinced this will show in the results."

Sister Teresa seems less sure. "It will be up to God," she says.

Dr. Beauregard's certainty would appear to presume that the experience is totally internal, a perfectly sound position rationally but hardly objective scientifically.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:39 AM


More Teenagers Say No to Sex, but Experts Aren't Sure Why (LINDA VILLAROSA, December 23, 2003, NY Times)

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in its annual tally of birth statistics, announced that the teenage birthrate had declined 30 percent over 10 years to a historic low of 43 births per 1,000. African-American teenagers showed the sharpest declines, down more than 40 percent since 1991. For young black teenagers, from 15 to 17, the rate was half, to 40 births per 1,000 in 2002 from 83.6 per 1,000 in 1991 .

These declines, combined with a decrease in abortions among teenagers, points to a promising trend: fewer teenagers are becoming pregnant. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, in women 15 to 19, the pregnancy rate dropped from 11.5 per 1,000 in 1991 to 8.5 in 1999, the latest year with available statistics.

"When you see the abortion rate decline in tandem with birthrate, this essentially means that teenagers are being more successful in avoiding pregnancy, both that end in abortion and end in birth," said David Landry, senior research associate at the institute. It estimates that in women 15 to 19, the abortion rate declined, from 40 per 1,000 in 1990 to 24 in 1999.

Experts in the field agree that educational efforts have been crucial to reducing the numbers.

"Since 1991, when teen birthrates peaked, there's been a tremendous amount of attention focused on preventing teen pregnancy, and it has paid off," said Stephanie Ventura, the chief of the reproductive statistics branch of the National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Md., who is a co-author of the new report. "Initiatives at the state and local levels, including school-based programs, church-run, private and community have been ongoing and have really caught teenagers' attention."

It's staggering sometimes just how much different we are than our fellow Western nations.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 AM

IS NAZISM WINNING TOO? (via Harry Eagar):

Why al-Qa’eda is winning: the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq serve as object lessons in how not to conduct an anti-terrorist campaign (Correlli Barnett, 12/13. 03, The Spectator)

[W]e have to clear our minds of moralising political cant and media clichés. Thus it is misleading to talk of a ‘war on terrorism’, let alone a ‘war on global terrorism’. ‘Terrorism’ is a phenomenon, just as is war in the conventional sense. But you cannot in logic wage war against a phenomenon, only against a specific enemy. It is therefore as meaningless to speak of ‘a war on terrorism’ as it would be to speak of a ‘war on war’. Today, then, America is combating not ‘terrorism’ but a specific terrorist network, al-Qa’eda.

Here's an interesting exercise, word swap:
[W]e have to clear our minds of moralising political cant and media clichés. Thus it is misleading to talk of a ‘war on [fasc]ism’, let alone a ‘war on global [fasc]ism’. ‘[Fasc]ism’ is a phenomenon, just as is war in the conventional sense. But you cannot in logic wage war against a phenomenon, only against a specific enemy. It is therefore as meaningless to speak of ‘a war on [fasc]ism’ as it would be to speak of a ‘war on war’. Today, then, America is combating not ‘[fasc]ism’ but a specific [fascist] network, the [Nazis, Italians, and Japanse].

[W]e have to clear our minds of moralising political cant and media clichés. Thus it is misleading to talk of a ‘war on [commun]ism’, let alone a ‘war on global [commun]ism’. ‘[Commun]ism’ is a phenomenon, just as is war in the conventional sense. But you cannot in logic wage war against a phenomenon, only against a specific enemy. It is therefore as meaningless to speak of ‘a war on [commun]ism’ as it would be to speak of a ‘war on war’. Today, then, America is combating not ‘[commun]ism’ but a specific [communist] network, the [Soviet Union and its allies].

in doing so we recognize that the original paragraph needs a word swap too, because the phenomenon in question isn't terrorism, but Islamicism:
[W]e have to clear our minds of moralising political cant and media clichés. Thus it is misleading to talk of a ‘war on terrorism’, let alone a ‘war on global terrorism’. ‘Terrorism’ is a phenomenon, just as is war in the conventional sense. But you cannot in logic wage war against a phenomenon, only against a specific enemy. It is therefore as meaningless to speak of ‘a war on terrorism’ as it would be to speak of a ‘war on war’. Today, then, America is combating not ‘terrorism’ but [Islamicism].

It's not apparent why you wouldn't fight Islamicism in exactly the same why you fought its fellow isms--National Socialsm and Communism--by destroying the countries where belief in the phenomenon exists--as in the case of Nazism and Italian and Japanese fascism--or by making the cost of clinging to the belief intolerable--as with Communism. Of course, such belief systems are so inherently flawed that there's no need to fight them--left alone they'll collapse on their own. But as human beings we like wars and in the wake of 9-11 we particularly want to wage this one.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:32 AM


Church 'terminated' in same-sex battle: B.C. congregation defied bishop, would not marry gays (Michael Higgens, National Post, 23/12/03)

An Anglican church defying its bishop by refusing to support same-sex unions has been "terminated" only days before Christmas.

The decision by Bishop Michael Ingham to close Holy Cross in Abbotsford, B.C., is the latest action in a dispute that is threatening to split the Anglican church worldwide.

Despite the closure, the priest at Holy Cross, the Rev. James Wagner, vowed yesterday to celebrate mass on Christmas Day with parishioners.

"As far as the diocese is concerned we do not exist. We are a non-entity," Mr. Wagner said yesterday. "But I will not abandon these people. I will continue to pastor and pray for them in the midst of this crisis."

He said the decision by Bishop Ingham to close the church was a surprise because "it's so close to Christmas."...

Some conservatives are trying to juggle morality with pluralism by proposing the state establish and regulate civil unions and leave marriage to religion. Behind this fair-minded idea is the assumption that faith can be counted upon to preserve and guard tradition. That may prove naive in an era when many mainstream churches preach that the Kyoto accord was divinely crafted while the Ten Commandments are just helpful suggestions. The liberal impulse always starts with openness and compassion, and always ends with jackboots crushing dissent.

But perhaps it is just as well the bishop put them out of their misery quickly. If he hadn’t, some supreme court somewhere would have undoubtedly done so.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:06 AM


Onward (un)Christian Soldiers: The time has come to fight back. (Matt Taibbi, NY Press)

Which brings us to Billy and Franklin Graham. These fifth-rate shysters, both close personal friends of the president, have spent decades engaged on a relentless quest to turn the United States into the world’s revenge on smart people. Not only are they succeeding–have succeeded–but no one is doing anything about it. When the Sleestack herd themselves into football stadiums to organize and engage in elaborate shows of public self-debasement, the rest of us sit around in our houses, chuckle to ourselves and say, "Man, that’s scary"–and then go right back to fucking up the Times Thursday crossword.

What we ought to be doing is asserting our Darwinian prerogative: saturate their habitats with lizard repellent, then laugh all the way to the bank as they scatter in all directions, hissing and gasping and bumping brainlessly into walls and each other in a doomed search for safe ground.

In any fight, you must meet force with force. Evangelism is naturally expansive. Atheism is defensive. That is why they are growing, and we’re sitting around like idiots watching as pious troglodytes occupy the White House and send us hurtling hundreds of years back in time, to the age of the Crusades.

If you believe in Natural Selection, aren't you forced (just by looking at Europe) to conclude that Nature has selected against atheism and (just by looking at America) in favor of evangelicalism?

Hope Amid the Ruins: Anglican bishop in Sudan sees massive church growth. (Interview by Stan Guthrie, 12/18/2003, Christianity Today)

Sudan's Muslim north has been attempting to impose Islamic law on the country's Christian and animist south. Some 2 million people have died and more than 4 million have been displaced in the civil war, which began in 1983. However, both sides are negotiating a peace settlement that could be signed this month. Daniel Bul, 53, bishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan for the Diocese of Renk, spoke with CT's associate news editor, Stan Guthrie.

What can you report about church growth in Sudan?

Well the church is growing, especially the Anglicans now. [The church had] over 500,000 [adherents] when the British left Sudan in 1955. The independence of Sudan came in 1956. The number of Sudanese priests was at that time about 5 or 6.

But the priests in the Sudan now for Anglicans are 3,500. And the number of Christians is 5 million Anglicans. And there is big growth going on in other churches like the Catholics, like the Presbyterians and Pentecostals. Other smaller churches are growing. The growth of the church is really tremendous. And we hope … in the southern Sudan … everybody is going to be a Christian.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:26 AM

58-42 NATION:

Poll shows Dean's growing strength against Democrats; and his vulnerability against Bush (WILL LESTER, December 22, 2003, Associated Press)

The ABC News-Washington Post poll found Dean, a former governor of Vermont, backed by 31 percent of Democrats and those who lean Democratic. All other candidates were in the single digits. [...]

When all respondents were asked who they would trust more with national security, 67 percent said Bush and 21 percent said Dean. When asked who they would trust more to handle domestic issues like Social Security, health care and education, they picked Bush by 50 percent to 39 percent.

In a head-to-head matchup, Bush led Dean by 55 percent to 37 percent.

A surprising number of people seem satisfied with another Vietnam and the worst economy since the Great Depression.

December 22, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 PM

LET THEM BE THE LAB RATS (via Charles Murtaugh):

Biotech Ends and Means (Arnold Kling, 12/18/2003, Tech Central Station)

The Bioethics Council's report has been widely praised, at the symposium and elsewhere, for raising the critical issues and moving the debate forward. I do not see it that way. By concentrating on ends and ignoring means, the Council has ducked what I see as the most fundamental ethical issue of all, which is whether concerns over biotechnology scenarios warrant a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. If, as I would argue, such a dictatorship would be more dystopian than any of the scenarios that technology might create, then the report is really a cop-out.

Some of the toughest issues in bioethics involve means as well as ends. Will we curb freedom at the level of research, the level of development and marketing, at the level of consumption, or at all three?

Under decentralized decision-making, we are going to continue in the direction of conscious genetic selection, new techniques for physical and mental enhancement, artificial mood creation, and greater health and longevity. We have been doing these things for thousands of years by cruder means, and we are not going to stop now in the absence of a complete social redesign. Such a social redesign strikes me as more frightening than the dangers that it proposes to avoid.

My guess is that people who live through the middle of this century will feel sharp pangs of sadness from the discontinuity that will develop between life as it is lived today and life as it is lived in future decades. This troubles me. However, as concerned as I am about where biotech is taking us, I would rather take my chances on muddling through those issues than endure the heavy-handed centralized control that I believe would be needed to slow the biotech revolution.

If I am wrong, and there are ways to alter the shape of the biotech future without destroying the freedom in our society, then the ideas for those alternative mechanisms should be brought to the fore. Instead, discussing ends without means is almost meaningless.

Mr. Kling never explains why we need a worldwide solution. After all, it's of little concern to us if others wish to degrade their cultures by making them not merely post-Christian but post-human--our concern is properly the quality of our culture. In fact, why should we despoil our own society if we can allow others to pursue the research, wait for the results, and then pick and choose among them those that don't trouble our consciences too much?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:44 PM


For Oil Contracts, Russia Will Waive Most of Iraq's $8 Billion Debt (ERIN E. ARVEDLUND, December 23, 2003, NY Times)

Russia has offered to forgive more than half of Iraq's $8 billion debt to Russia, officials of Iraq's interim government said here on Monday, after the Iraqis signaled that Russia would have the chance to revive oil contracts signed during the Saddam Hussein era.

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the current president of the American-backed Iraqi Governing Council, said President Vladimir V. Putin proposed in talks with the Iraqis to wipe out 65 percent of Iraq's Soviet-era debts to Russia in return for favorable treatment of Russian oil and other companies.

"We received a generous promise to write off the debt, or at least a part of it," Mr. Hakim said after meeting with Mr. Putin in the Kremlin. In return, "we will be open to all Russian companies," he added.

"Russia said it is willing to consider the write-off of the rest of the debt if it received beneficial treatment in terms of oil contracts," added Jalal Talabani, a member of the Iraqi delegation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:20 PM


We were kept in the dark over deal with Libya, says France (Henry Samuel, 23/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

"We were not kept informed," M de Villepin said. His disclosure underlined the continuing mistrust in relations between the English-speaking powers and France, which made much of its opposition to war in Iraq.

M de Villepin sought to gloss over the differences, describing the relationship as one of "extremely active and fertile co-operation".

His words contradicted those of Michele Alliot-Marie, defence minister, who claimed on Sunday that France was "perfectly informed of the negotiations" several months ago.

Bizarrely, Mme Alliot-Marie denied there was any discrepancy between the two accounts, suggesting the foreign ministry was not as involved as her department. [...]

Even the normally pro-government Le Figaro described the Libyan deal as a "semi-failure" for France, which has been against tough action against rogue states.

Annick Lepetit, the Socialist party spokesman, said it signified "the isolation of France and French diplomacy in an area where it is traditionally influential".


Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 PM


-REVIEW: of GREEK GODS, HUMAN LIVES: What We Can Learn From Myths by Mary Lefkowitz (Oliver Taplin, NY Times Book Review)

Web rumor has it that ''Troy,'' Wolfgang Petersen's big-budget Hollywood version of the ''Iliad,'' will be godless. The screenwriter David Benioff has apparently decided to jettison Zeus and the whole Olympian apparatus. And he has a point, surely. How can you transplant that part awesome, part trivial extended family of self-centered hedonists into a realistic movie? Some may recall the gods in ''Clash of the Titans'': Laurence Olivier and a cluster of stars looked like World War I generals at a toga party as they petulantly shoved armies and fleets around a map of the world. Or suppose you turn the gods into eerie special effects: they would seem like extraterrestrial psychic forces from ''Star Trek.'' In our day the Greek gods make humans look like either pawns or robots.

Benioff is quoted as saying, ''The classicists are not going to like it.'' That is to turn classicists into a much more unanimous bunch than they are in reality. But there is at least one distinguished professor who will not like a godless ''Iliad'' at all -- Mary Lefkowitz of Wellesley College. Her thought-provoking new book, Greek Gods, Human Lives, is precisely an attempt to write the gods back into Greek myths. She maintains that modern accounts concentrate on the human dimension of these extraordinarily resilient tales, with a distorting playing down of the divine. Joseph Campbell -- whose highly influential hero (''The Hero With a Thousand Faces'') is presumably still waiting for the lights to change on the corner of 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue -- is perhaps her central target.

Considering how badly she brutalized her last target--Afrocentrism--perhaps it's for the best that Mr. Campbell has passed on.

-EXCERPT: First Chapter of GREEK GODS, HUMAN LIVES: What We Can Learn From Myths by Mary Lefkowitz

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 PM

RIGHT & GOOD (via Matt Scofield):

Tiananmen in London (Frederick Turner, 12/19/2003, Tech Central Station)

[L]et us take a look at history, especially the history of our most fundamental intuitions about the nature of law. Laws seem, as many philosophers have opined, to be based on one of two foundations: what is good, and what is right. Very roughly, the distinction can be found in the difference between our own two traditions, of Roman law, and English common law; further back, between the ancient Hebrew ritual law, and the code of Hammurabi. Legal experts will, I hope, forgive the many exceptions to these generalizations for their usefulness as an analytic tool of thought.

The distinction, even more generally, is between what is commanded of us by the gods or God (or, in later ages, by Humanity, by Nature, by Reason, or by Popular Will) on one hand; and what is required of us in the honest fulfillment of a contract, on the other. The former, which finds its Western origins in ancient Israel (and can be found also in the Confucian legal system of ancient China), sees law as a way to enforce the good -- the good as a transcendent endowment of human society that we can partly intuit, especially if we are talented, trained, learned, and morally upright. The latter, which can be identified roughly with the Hammurabic, Solonic, and English Common Law traditions, sees laws as the way to make sure the humble contracts that human beings make with each other have the support they need over and above the natural sanctions built into our families, our markets, and our practical agreed systems of mutual trust. The first emphasizes the good, the second, the right. [...]

Let it be said at once that this essay is not an attack on the law of good, nor simply a paean to the law of right. The laws of good apply still more strongly to the individual conscience as the secular enforcement of them diminishes. They apply also to the free institutions of civil society (protected from each other, as they must be, by the law of right). The absolute claims of the law of good that make it so dangerous when armed with secular power are precisely what generate the decent conduct without which a good society is impossible. If the enthusiasts of the religious right were to abjure any claim to govern by legal coercion the conscience of the citizen, I would be in agreement with almost the whole of their cultural program for our country.

But goodness is, in my view and that of almost all ethicists, essentially bound up with freedom. We cannot praise a coerced virtue, nor blame an enforced crime. The very core of morality, enjoined by God himself in almost all religions, is the spontaneous assent to divine grace. Paradoxically, to enforce the law of good is to destroy it. Paradoxically, the freedom to do evil -- as long as it does not violate the right -- is required for the freedom to do good. The law of right is at its center the law of freedom, and is thus, paradoxically again, the only thing for which one can rightly resort to coercion and war. All of this is not to say that the law of good must bottle itself up within the individual and the closed community, and render itself impotent. Instead it means that the law of good must win the world the hard way, by the noncoercive means of persuasion, gifts, and the marketplace -- must win the population one by one by one. And it can only do so under the wing of the law of right.

Certainly, the laws of right do not make a perfect world. Adam Smith's Invisible Hand, the miraculous pricing mechanism praised by Mises and Hayek, that directs resources to where they are most needed, does indeed work, in the large statistical aggregate, when it is protected by the law of right. But it cannot deal with local tragedies, and it cannot by itself create the social and cultural capital that renders people capable of exercising political freedom in a responsible and objective way. And it cannot per se engender the marvelous overplus of heroism, sanctity, generosity and scientific and artistic integrity that society needs to advance. But neither can the law of good do so when enforced by coercion, for these things are free gifts and cannot of their nature be coerced.

This is all well and good in so far as the analysis is carried, but that's not quite far enough. For the order of the regimes matters--those states that transitioned from the law of the good to the law of the right were able to do so precisely because their citizens' consciences were so saturated in notions of what was and was not good. Additionally, the enforcement of the good, while no longer strictly enforced by the state, was deeply interwoven in the law of the right and the society (non-governmental institutions) was well-equipped and willing to use social pressures to fill the gaps. As the law of the right was coerced by the state, the law of the good was effectively coerced by society. A balance was attempted.

But it is the way of human affairs that such balancing acts are dicey things and the idea that the state should have no role in dictating the good easily deteriorates into the idea that society should have no role either and thence into the idea that there is no good and thence into the idea that such vestiges of the law of the good as remain in the law of the right must be torn out by the roots and so on and so forth until we reach the point where the state coerces those who seek to follow the law of the good to accept the anti-good or be punished themselves. The state, which began by making common cause with the good becomes its de facto enemy--arguably, its quite conscious enemy, because it can not tolerate any alternate source of authority and power.

Once this situation prevails the state must lose its legitimacy, or some considerable portion thereof, in the eyes those who seek the good. For example, whatever you may think of the laws themselves, it must be conceded that there is a considerable difference between the state saying that it will not seek to enforce sexual behavioral norms and the state saying that no other institution or individual may discriminate on the basis of departure from those norms. The former might arguably be said to be consistent with getting the state out of the business of coercing the good--the latter, inarguably, puts the state into the business of coercing a radically new version of the good and thereby brings us full circle. To this, the adherents of the good need not acquiesce.

-The Best Introduction to the Mountains (Gene Wolfe, December 2001, INTERZONE magazine)

There is one very real sense in which the Dark Ages were the brightest of times, and it is this: that they were times of defined and definite duties and freedoms. The king might rule badly, but everyone agreed as to what good rule was. Not only every earl and baron but every carl and churl knew what an ideal king would say and do. The peasant might behave badly; but the peasant did not expect praise for it, even his own praise. These assertions can be quibbled over endlessly, of course; there are always exceptional persons and exceptional circumstances. Nevertheless they represent a broad truth about Christianized barbarian society as a whole, and arguments that focus on exceptions provide a picture that is fundamentally false, even when the instances on which they are based are real and honestly presented. At a time when few others knew this, and very few others understood its implications, J. R. R. Tolkien both knew and understood, and was able to express that understanding in art, and in time in great art.

That, I believe, was what drew me to him so strongly when I first encountered The Lord of the Rings. [...]

It is said with some truth that there is no progress without loss; and it is always said, by those who wish to destroy good things, that progress requires it. No great insight or experience of the world is necessary to see that such people really care nothing for progress. They wish to destroy for their profit, and they, being clever, try to persuade us that progress and change are synonymous.

They are not; and it is not just my own belief but a well-established scientific fact that most change is for the worse: any change increases entropy (unavailable energy). Therefore, any change that produces no net positive good is invariably harmful. Progress, then, does not consist of destroying good things in the mere hope that the things that will replace them will be better (they will not be) but in retaining good things while adding more. Here is a practical illustration. This paper is good and the forest is good as well. If the manufacture of this paper results in the destruction of the forest, the result will be a net loss. That is mere change; we have changed the forest into paper, a change that may benefit some clever men who own a paper mill but hurts the mass of Earth's people. If, on the other hand, we manufacture the paper without destroying the forest (harvesting mature trees and planting new ones) we all benefit. We engineers will tell you that there has been an increase in entropy just the same; but it is an increase that would take place anyway, and so does us no added harm. It is also a much smaller increase than would result from the destruction of the forest.

I have approached this scientifically because Tolkien's own approach was historical, and it is a mark of truth that the same truth can be approached by many roads. Philology led him to the study of the largely illiterate societies of Northern Europe between the fall of Rome and the beginning of the true Middle Ages (roughly AD 400 to 1000). There he found a quality -- let us call it Folk Law -- that has almost disappeared from his world and ours. It is the neighbour-love and settled customary goodness of the Shire. [...]

Earlier I asked what Tolkien did and how he came to do it; we have reached the point at which the first question can be answered. He uncovered a forgotten wisdom among the barbarian tribes who had proved (against all expectation) strong enough to overpower the glorious civilizations of Greece and Rome; and he had not only uncovered but understood it. He understood that their strength -- the irresistible strength that had smashed the legions -- had been the product of that wisdom, which has now been ebbing away bit by bit for a thousand years.

Having learned that, he created in Middle-earth a means of displaying it in the clearest and most favourable possible light. Its reintroduction would be small -- just three books among the overwhelming flood of books published every year -- but as large as he could make it; and he was very conscious (no man has been more conscious of it than he) that an entire forest might spring from a handful of seed. What he did, then, was to plant in my consciousness and yours the truth that society need not be as we see it around us.

-Debates about primacy of conscience show the need for truth and freedom (Andrew Hamilton, 30/10/2003, Online Opinion)
Conscience is usually identified with the process by which we make decisions about right and wrong. When we follow our conscience, we weigh the arguments and do what we recognise to be right. Conscience engages the hunger for truth and goodness that are the core of humanity.

When we speak of the primacy of conscience we imply it must take precedence over some other things. In spelling out where conscience has precedence, Archbishop Pell and his critics agree, for example, that conscience has primacy over the claim of the state to dictate the religious faith and practice of its citizens. Archbishop Pell explicitly acknowledges this in endorsing the Declaration of Vatican II on Religious Freedom, which insists that the search for religious truth is central to human beings, and that assent to it must be freely given.

They agree also that conscience has primacy over our convenience or our comfort. The stories of martyrs are remembered in order to show that human dignity never shines more brightly than when people brave threats to their life and security in following their conscience.

This common insistence on the importance of conscience is significant, because in Australian national life today religious freedom and the lonely conscientious voice need all the support they can find. When so many people find government policies and their execution morally repugnant, we need a moral framework that expects and honours conscientious dissent and the religious freedom of minorities.

If conscience has primacy over religious coercion and over comfort, the aphorism “conscience has no primacy; truth has primacy” needs to be qualified; for the commitment to religious freedom could be interpreted that a true faith must yield to conscience inspired by false beliefs.

It is not helpful to see truth and conscience as rivals for precedence. When placed within the play of conscience truth does have primacy. When we ask what we should do, we affirm the value of truth. When forming our conscience, we enquire about the truth. After we recognise the truth, we choose to follow it but remain open to changing our way of acting if what we believed to be true turns out to be false. So truth does have primacy within conscience over self-interest and arbitrary choice. Our decisions are well made when they follow our recognition of truth.

This helps address Archbishop Pell’s major concern: the relation between the conscience of Catholics and the church to which they give allegiance. The archbishop claims that in committing themselves to the Catholic Church it is unreasonable to accept that God’s guidance is given through church teaching and simultaneously to appeal to the primacy of conscience to dismiss that teaching.

He cites those who dismiss the teaching of the Catholic Church about doctrines like the divinity of Christ, about moral issues like contraception, and about pastoral regulations that forbid offering the Eucharist to non-Catholics or to the divorced. He also instances those who, on the basis of conscience, justify remaining in the church while working to overturn such authoritative church teaching as the prohibition of homosexual practice or euthanasia. This kind of appeal to conscience leads him to argue that the principle of the primacy of conscience should be publicly rejected. He claims that because Catholics recognise that truth is to be found within the teaching of the church, they should give precedence to that truth in forming their conscience.

The Archbishop’s argument depicts a church that has been corrupted by a culture hostile to faith. I respect his judgment, but do not recognise in it the Australian church with which I am familiar. Although there is a crisis of authority within the Catholic Church, as in society, I believe that it touches a relatively small area of faith and life, and has more to do with the style of formal teaching than with its content.

-Conservatism and Classical Liberalism: A Rapproachment (Sam Roggeveen, Winter 1999, Policy)
If [F.A.] Hayek (1992) had been right about conservatism I would not be one either. But there are good reasons to be conservative, and in this essay I will attempt to examine what it is classical liberals dislike about conservatism, ask whether or not such criticisms are justified, and see if a reconciliation is possible. I believe on many points it is, and that the work of the British philosopher [Michael] Oakeshott is a useful means to achieve it. First though, speaking as a conservative, and in a spirit of reconciliation, I offer a concession to classical liberalism.

My concession is this: the professed conservative disposition of aversion to change is in reality not confined to conservatives at all. Conservatives will often warn that change ought not to be embarked upon ‘for its own sake’, but when is this ever the case? It would surely constitute a certain form of mental illness to prefer change for its own sake rather than for the perceived benefits that this change is likely to bring (One interesting exception to this which Oakeshott himself identifies is the fashion industry. Here change is indeed indulged in for its own sake, to the extent that annual or even seasonal change has itself become a tradition. This raises the question of whether tradition and innovation are opposites, or whether innovation can become a tradition). This scepticism is something common to all people of right mind. The real difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives have not been infected with the spirit of improvement. They are much more content with what they have rather than constantly striving for something better.

The other difference is that liberals feel the need for reasons to retain a thing. A conservative is happy to keep this same thing unquestioningly, all the time with a vague feeling that the wisdom of the ages is in any case superior to his own, and that there is therefore little profit in questioning such matters. For liberals, the status quo needs to be defended just as change does - on rational grounds. Appeal to tradition (‘Because we have always done it this way.’) is to the liberal as impoverished and miserable a response as one could find, but is the source of great nourishment for the conservative.

Classical liberals also consider conservatives anti-individualist, or at least not individualist enough. As I hinted at above, the work of Michael Oakeshott could be said to provide a middle ground here, in that although he makes a strong case for individuality, he distinguishes this from individualism, the latter being a rather crude ideological construct which is to classical liberals what ‘traditionalism’ is to conservatives. For Oakeshott the emergence of the individual as a free moral agent is the defining event of modern history, but contrary to much French Enlightenment thought, which argued that the shackles of tradition needed to be thrown off for man to be truly free, he is at pains to point out that the individual can only flourish within an established framework of tradition.

Oakeshott can also help us to meet some of Hayek’s objections to conservatism, as at some points Hayek is too far off the mark on conservatism for reconciliation to be possible. In particular his depiction of conservatism as nationalist is wildly at odds with most conservative sentiment on the subject. A cursory reading of Burke’s views on European affairs (such as his Letters on a Regicide Peace, for instance, in which he describes a common European society) would have been enough to put Hayek right here. However the main point of departure for a conservative, particularly one familiar with Oakeshott, comes very much earlier in Hayek’s essay. In the opening paragraphs Hayek puts what he takes to be a ‘decisive objection’ to conservatism, namely that although it is useful in putting the brakes on change, it can itself offer no alternative to change. ‘It may succeed by its resistance to current tendencies in slowing down undesirable developments,’ he says, ‘but since it does not indicate another direction, it cannot prevent their continuance.’ For a liberal, on the other hand, the pace of change is not as important as the direction of movement.

For an Oakeshottian the substance of this objection would meet with immediate and vigorous agreement, except of course that rather than seeing it as an objection they would count this seeming poverty of ideas as a strength of the conservative disposition. For Oakeshott there ought to be no single ‘direction of movement’, rather (and this should appeal to classical liberals), the state should be so constituted as to allow individuals to pursue their own purposes, with the role of the state being to simply allow this to occur as smoothly and peacefully as possible without imposing a higher purpose of its own. Oakeshott’s great enemy throughout his intellectual life was the Rationalist planner, the one who sought to impose an abstract blueprint on society without thought of historical or local circumstance. On the face of it Hayek would seem to be an obvious ally in this cause, but in a famous passage in his essay Rationalism in Politics, Oakeshott says of Hayek’s Road to Serfdom that ‘although a plan to resist all planning may be better than its belongs to the same style of politics’.

Later Hayek restates his case against conservatism in slightly different terms, arguing that by its distrust of theory, conservatism deprives itself of weapons in the battle of ideas. A number of things strike the Oakeshottian about this line of argument. One concerns the use of the word ‘ideas’, by which Hayek presumably means ideologies. Oakeshott’s concern in much of his writing is that the world of ideas is in fact abused by the bogus assumption that better theory can lead to better practice. For Oakeshott the two are entirely separate realms, and the world of ideas is corrupted into ideology when one attempts to apply it to the ‘real world’. Another notable aspect of Hayek’s case is the imagery of ‘battle’, which tends to jar with one more used to Oakeshott’s metaphor of ‘conversation’. The rather beautiful image of civilisation defined as a conversation between all those (be they alive or dead) schooled in the ‘language’ of a particular discourse is one of the most appealing facets of Oakeshott’s thought. Whereas a ‘battle of ideas’ implies steadfast commitment, violent confrontation and eventual victory or defeat, Oakeshott’s conversation metaphor begets images of accommodation, compromise and inconclusiveness.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:17 PM


Paul Wolfowitz: The godfather of the Iraq war (Mark Thompson, December 21, 2003, TIME)

As tag teams go, Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, could not be more unlikely. Rumsfeld is a Cook County, Ill., politician, while Wolfowitz would be more at home at the University of Chicago, where he earned his doctorate. That makes them the most interesting one-two combination this side of Bush-Cheney. If Rumsfeld is the face, mouth and strong right arm of the war in Iraq, Wolfowitz—the intellectual godfather of the war—is its heart and soul. Whereas Rumsfeld talks about Iraq like a technician, Wolfowitz sounds more like a prophet. Says a close associate of the deputy's: "Paul asks himself every day how he can limit suffering by toppling another dictator or by helping people to govern themselves."

Rumsfeld offered Wolfowitz his current post with an invitation to serve as his intellectual alter ego, a senior aide says. Their offices are a short walk apart along the Pentagon's E-Ring. Wolfowitz frequently slips down a back hallway, peers through a peephole into his boss's suite and, if Rumsfeld is alone, walks right in. "He's got great power of concentration," says Wolfowitz, "so you can open the door—it doesn't disturb him—until he pauses, and I ask, 'Can you take a minute?'" They talk half a dozen times a day, on matters small and large. Rumsfeld likes to chaff his deputy. "If there's a grammatical error in something I've written," Wolfowitz says, "he loves to correct it and say, 'And he has a Ph.D.!'"

Most Pentagons feature a top guy who's a big thinker and a No. 2 who's the day-to-day manager. Rummy and Wolfie (as the President calls them) have it reversed: Wolfowitz is more ideological than Rumsfeld, which has suited both men for different reasons. Wolfowitz often ventured way ahead of the rest of the Administration on foreign policy matters over the past two years, and Rumsfeld frequently let him go. That allowed Wolfowitz to push the whole Bush team to the right, which also let Rumsfeld align himself with that crowd when it served his purpose to do so. "Rumsfeld's a big-enough maestro to understand that Wolfowitz was the leading edge and that someone had to do it," a Pentagon associate says.

For whatever reason it's still not done too often, but when you analyze the extraordinary success of the Administration, the starting point should be the unequalled business/bureaucracy savvy that the folks at its top ranks--Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Andy Card, Tommy Thompson, John Ashcroft, Christie Todd Whitman, etc.--brought to the job.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:43 PM


Democracy and the Enemies Of Freedom (Bernard Lewis, December 22, 2003, The Wall Street Journal)

The kind of dictatorship that exists in the Middle East today has to no small extent been the result of modernization, more specifically of European influence and example. This included the only European political model that really worked in the Middle East -- that of the one-party state, either in the Nazi or the communist version, which did not differ greatly from one another. In these systems, the party is not, as in the West, an organization for attracting votes and winning elections. It is part of the apparatus of government, particularly concerned with indoctrination and enforcement. The Baath Party has a double ancestry, both fascist and communist, and still represents both trends very well.

But beyond these there are older traditions, well represented in both the political literature and political experience of the Islamic Middle East: traditions of government under law, by consent, even by contract.

Changes in the spirit of these traditions would offer an opportunity to other versions of Islam besides the fanatical and intolerant creed of the terrorists. Though at present widely held and richly endowed, this version is far from representative of mainstream Islam through the centuries. The traditions of command and obedience are indeed deep-rooted, but there are other elements in Islamic tradition that could contribute to a more open and freer form of government: the rejection by the traditional jurists of despotic and arbitrary rule in favor of contract in the formation and consensus in the conduct of government; and their insistence that the mightiest of rulers, no less than the humblest of his servants, is bound by the law.

Another element is the acceptance, indeed, the requirement of tolerance, embodied in such dicta as the Quranic verse "there is no compulsion in religion," and the early tradition "diversity in my community is God's mercy." This is carried a step further in the Sufi ideal of dialogue between faiths in a common search for the fulfillment of shared aspirations. [...]

The study of Islamic history and of the vast and rich Islamic political literature encourages the belief that it may well be possible to develop democratic institutions -- not necessarily in our Western definition of that much misused term, but in one deriving from their own history and culture, and ensuring, in their way, limited government under law, consultation and openness, in a civilized and humane society. There is enough in the traditional culture of Islam on the one hand and the modern experience of the Muslim peoples on the other to provide the basis for an advance towards freedom in the true sense of that word.

The hard part of building democracy is creating traditions, but if we can change the spirit in which they consider their own, there's hope.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:43 PM


Egypt's foreign minister attacked in Jerusalem (Harvey Morris, December 22 2003, Financial Times)

Ahmed Maher, the Egyptian foreign minister, was taken to an Israeli hospital on Monday night after being attacked by Palestinians during a visit to Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque. Eyewitnesses said he had been praying at Islam's third holiest site after holding talks with Ariel Sharon, prime minister.

He's lucky he wasn't attacked by Israelis.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:36 PM


Dictators R Us (Noam Chomsky, December 21, 2003, AlterNet)

All people who have any concern for human rights, justice and integrity should be overjoyed by the capture of Saddam Hussein, and should be awaiting a fair trial for him by an international tribunal.

An indictment of Saddam's atrocities would include not only his slaughter and gassing of Kurds in 1988 but also, rather crucially, his massacre of the Shiite rebels who might have overthrown him in 1991.

At the time, Washington and its allies held the "strikingly unanimous view (that) whatever the sins of the Iraqi leader, he offered the West and the region a better hope for his country's stability than did those who have suffered his repression," reported Alan Cowell in the New York Times.

Let's accept for the sake of argument that every single death Saddam Hussein is accused of was a function of US policy and our support for him. Okay, we came to our moral senses and now we've stopped him from killing anyone else. Wasn't that our responsibility, if the Chomskyian view is correct? Did he, therefore, support regime change? He says himself that we should be "overjoyed", so why isn't he?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:52 AM

A HANGING OFFENSE (via Kevin Patrick):

Gen. Wesley Clark (Hardball: Battle for the White House, Dec. 8, 2003)

MATTHEWS: First question, up top.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: General Clark, you’ve criticized Bush for his unilateral actions in dealing with Iraq.

CLARK: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: However, if you were in Bush’s shoes right now, what would you be doing differently to rebuild those international bridges you believe have been compromised?

CLARK: Well, if I were president right now, I would be doing things that George Bush can’t do right now, because he’s already compromised those international bridges. I would go to Europe and I would build a new Atlantic charter. I would say to the Europeans, you know, we’ve had our differences over the years, but we need you. The real foundation for peace and stability in the world is the transatlantic alliance. And I would say to the Europeans, I pledge to you as the American president that we’ll consult with you first. You get the right of first refusal on the security concerns that we have.

Not to put too fine a point on it but, that's treasonous.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:42 AM


Two GIs Killed in Iraq; Ex-General Nabbed (AP, December 22, 2003)

[M]onday, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski paid an unannounced visit to the headquarters of Polish-led peacekeepers in Iraq, the PAP news agency reported.

Kwasniewski, accompanied by Defense Minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski and presidential defense aide Marek Siwiec, landed at the Camp Babylon Base on Monday afternoon, the Polish news agency said.

On Sunday night, U.S. troops detained ex-army Gen. Mumtaz al-Taji at a house in Baqouba, about 30 miles north of Baghdad.

"Tonight, we were on a mission to capture a former Iraqi intelligence service general who we believe is recruiting former military members of the Iraqi army to conduct attacks against U.S. forces," Maj. Paul Owen of the 588th Engineer Battalion told Associated Press Television News.

"He runs a very active cell in our sector, and hopefully, what we have done tonight is to stall some of his efforts," Owen said. [...]

Bremer said information gleaned from Saddam's capture has led to the arrests of insurgents like the ex-general.

"We have been arresting quite a number of his cronies and colleagues, including one last night," Bremer said. "We are getting some very useful opportunities in the last week or 10 days now to try to wrap up the leaders of the troops that are attacking our soldiers."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:59 AM


On Familiar Ground, Kerry Labors to Win Over Voters (R. W. APPLE Jr., December 22, 2003, NY Times)

There is something plaintive, something almost wistful about Mr. Kerry these days, as if he finds it inconceivable that he is having so much trouble convincing his fellow New Englanders that he and not Dr. Dean has the experience needed for the presidency. Like Hubert H. Humphrey in 1968, Mr. Kerry seems astonished that though he paid his dues, the nomination may go to a man who has not done so, at least in his eyes. He hopes that he will prevail in the end, against expectations, as Mr. Humphrey did.

A Democrat elected lieutenant governor of Massachusetts in 1982, then to the Senate two years later, Mr. Kerry has been in the public eye for more than 20 years, and for that entire time his face has constantly been on Boston television stations, which are heavily watched here in populous southern New Hampshire.

Yet he is doing far worse in this state, where the primary is set for Jan. 27, than in Iowa, where caucuses are scheduled for Jan. 19, or so the polls say. One recent New Hampshire survey has him 25 percentage points behind Dr. Dean, another has him 29 points back and a third has him 30 points down.

The potentially good news for the Kerry camp has been a suggestion that Dr. Dean is starting to turn off some voters.

How hurt are you when the best news you have is that folks are starting to dislike your rival as much as they dislike you?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 AM


Will Iraq survive the Iraqi resistance?
(SPENGLER, 12/22/03, Asia Times)

If well-planned and executed strikes against coalition forces continue at November's pace, Washington's moment of triumph will fade into a crisis of policy.

"Crisis of policy" is the appropriate term, rather than "strategic crisis". This is not Vietnam, where the Vietnamese communists enjoyed the protection of a nuclear superpower. Iraq has no such friends. The concept of Iraq as such - a nation protected by a superpower - may be the eventual victim of the success of the Iraqi resistance. That would imply a revolution in American policy towards the Middle East. [...]

Angelo Codevilla began the article cited above with the following observation: "Iraq was not a good idea in the first place. American and British Wilsonians decided to recreate something like the Babylon empire: Sunni Mesopotamian Arabs from the Baghdad area would rule over vastly more numerous southern Shi'ite Arabs, and Arabophobe Kurds. Why the ruled should accept such an arrangement was never made clear." To frustrate the Iraqi resistance, eliminate Iraq itself, Codevilla implies.

That is the logical response of American policy to the unexpected success of Iraqi resistance. Plans have been floating about for years to create a separate Shi'ite state in the south, hand the west of Iraq over to the Hashemites of Jordan, maintain a semi-autonomous Kurdish zone and leave a rump state around Baghdad to become a killing zone for counterinsurgency.

Setting aside for the moment the question of whether those strikes have been effective, why should the Shi'a--who are more numerous even in Baghdad--cede the central region to their Sunni oppressors rather than get rid of them?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


Reagan's Legacy, Where 'Angels' Dares to Tread (Philip Kennicott, December 21, 2003, Washington Post)

Now come witnesses for the devil's advocate, to say uncomfortable things in the case of Ronald Reagan and the contest for how he will settle into the cultural memory. Even as those who hold up the 40th president as a political colossus the equivalent of Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt forge ahead with canonization -- there are efforts to name some piece of infrastructure for him in all of the nation's more than 3,000 counties, and to get his picture on the dime -- art is resistant. As two recent dramatizations of the Reagan years suggest, memories embedded in art remain raw even as the guns of partisan rancor turn to other targets.

Tony Kushner's "Angels in America," a two-part, six-hour history play about AIDS and gay life in America, is more than a decade old. Watching it, in a starry new film version on HBO, is a time warp, a return to a world where, for pockets of American society, hating Ronald Reagan was as elemental as hating August without air conditioning. The play has become dated in some ways, but none of them particularly damning. Kushner's language of gay life, the campy asides, has been absorbed into the American vernacular, as familiar from today's "Will and Grace" as it was exotic to audiences unfamiliar with gay society a decade ago. The millennial gloom of his characters, their sense that the world is falling apart, strange apparitions are in the air and nuclear holocaust is nigh, feels dated not so much because the world didn't end on schedule, but because it has been supplanted by a new, terror-infused nervousness.

But it is the Reagan-rancor that feels most strange and bracing in Kushner's play. Almost 15 years after he left office, and almost 10 years after Alzheimer's disease forced Reagan to leave public life, the ex-president is hailed by his supporters as the father of the current conservative movement. But those who resist his canonization cite his blunders in office, his disengagement with critical affairs of state and the damage done by the Iran-contra scandal.

Damage done? The Contras won, demonstrating that the U.S. could utilize guerilla war just as effectively as it had been used against us in Vietnam and that no communist state can ever afford to hold an election. What damage?

Meanwhile, the disengagement from matters of state toppled the USSR and the blunders gave us twenty years of economic growth, so far.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


Tories, Even With a New Leader, See Little to Hope For (SARAH LYALL, 12/22/03, NY Times)

On a national level, Mr. Howard is trying to carve out policies that will distinguish his party from the government. But Mr. Blair's Labor Party has cleverly shifted right, usurping many traditional Conservative positions on issues like crime, social welfare, and immigration, and forcing the Tories to attack policies they once espoused.

There, but for the disgrace of the Clintons, go the Republicans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


Year in review (David Warren, December 21, 2003, SUNDAY SPECTATOR)

The obvious "big event" of 2003 -- the events leading to and through the invasion of Iraq, capped with the capture of Saddam -- was probably not the most consequential. And the image of the year -- the fall of the dictator's statue in Baghdad -- is unlikely to have pointed the moral. My own extremely fallible intuition is that, if anything, this war and this image concealed the main event.

To my mind, the real story was in the opposition to this war, and how it persisted and developed in Europe and North America even after Iraq had been liberated from its tyrant. That will be the "developing story" in 2004 and years to come -- how the West has turned against its own ideals, and grows increasingly ashamed, even of its own most obvious accomplishments.

For all we know, what we witnessed in 2003 was not the defeat of an Arab tyrant, but the last prop snapping in the edifice of the West.

There is a somewhat different take on this, which, though not clairvoyant ourselves, seems more plausible: in large part as a function of globalization--or the End of History or whatever you want to call the universalization of the liberal democratic capitalist protestant state--this may be the moment at which we recognized most clearly that the West is not a geographic location but a set of ideas. In keeping with that realization, we can see that parts of the old West (France, Germany, Canada) have fallen prey to the internal weaknesses of democracy (egalitarianism, statism, and enervation) and merely await euthanasia, while a variety of nations--India, Turkey, Taiwan, the Philippines, Morocco, Uganda, Colombia, etc.--are moving on one or all levels towards the kinds of reforms that will make them truly "Western". The edifice is certainly changing, with portions having been condemned and new wings being added on, but it's really just a long overdue renovation project.

December 21, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:31 PM


I Remember Muammar (WILLIAM SAFIRE, 12/22/03, NY Times)

As American tanks began to roll through Iraq to overthrow Saddam, Libya's longtime terrorist, Muammar Qaddafi, came up with a strategy to avoid being next on the regime-change list: pre-emptive surrender.

Nobody calls it that, of course. Diplomats and doves want to treat the dictator's epiphany as the result of patient negotiation stretching back for decades.

What's not to like about a week when Saddam Hussein, the French, the Germans, and Qaddafi all surrendered without a shot?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


Fatter Profits -- And Job Growth -- Will Send The Recovery Into High Gear (James C. Cooper & Kathleen Madigan, 12/29/03, Business Week)

To hear economic forecasters tell it, the trip from 2003 to 2004 will be like going to sleep in Kansas and waking up in Oz. And it won't be a dream. [...]

One big reason is that in 2004 the benefits of the economy's long-run trend of faster productivity growth will shine through. Even as demand sputtered over the past three years of recession and mock recovery, productivity gains were lifting profit margins and the real wages of workers who kept their jobs. Now, amid stronger and more widely based demand, every addition to revenue will create even more profits. And with payrolls rising, each new worker will generate even more purchasing power. "This is the virtuous cycle," says Gail Fosler at the Conference Board Inc.

The business economists in BusinessWeek's survey, on average, expect the economy to grow 4.1% in 2004. That's fast enough to spur enough job growth to cut the jobless rate to 5.6% by yearend from its peak of 6.4%. They expect almost no change in inflation, which will be 1.9% for the year. They also look for the Federal Reserve to be patient in lifting interest rates, most likely not until midyear. [...]

A sharp plunge in the dollar could bring a retreat in foreign capital so crucial to U.S. growth, along with higher inflation and interest rates. Mounting federal deficits also raise concerns about interest rates.

But that risk goes beyond 2004, and strong growth has a way of lessening other worries, including those over the dollar. For the coming year, forecasters see an economy ready to skip down a yellow brick road of rising demand, fatter profits, and solid job growth.

So, given that no one takes them seriously on national security, what exactly is whichever Democrat's presidential campaign going to argue in the face of a booming economy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:48 PM


The South: Will The Last Dem Turn Out The Lights? (Richard S. Dunham, 12/29/03, Business Week)

Many conservative whites see the Democrats as the party of minorities and urban elites who favor gay marriage, gun control, affirmative action, and abortion rights. That's why a good ol' Republican like Haley Barbour was able to win 80% of the white vote and oust Democratic Governor Ronnie Musgrove of Mississippi in November.

The leftward tilt of the Democratic Presidential field could hasten a second Southern sweep by President Bush. Because the South gained Electoral College clout as a result of the 2000 census, Bush can now count on 128 solid Southern electoral votes -- forcing the Democratic nominee to capture 66% of electors in the rest of the country to prevail. Without the South and Rocky Mountain West, a Democrat must "pull an inside straight" to reach the magic number of 270, says Catholic University political scientist John Kenneth White. [...]

In the Presidential race, even Democratic optimists say that among the states of the Old Confederacy, only Arkansas and Florida may be competitive. "The Democrats have to remake themselves in the South," concedes party strategist Donna Brazile. But that won't happen until the dust settles from the likely debacle of '04. With more setbacks inevitable, there's scant hope for centrists to overcome the take-no-prisoners partisanship that drove Breaux to the sidelines.

It's more likely the Democrats will lose a sitting Senator in AR than that they'll make the presidential race competitive there, even if General Clark accepts Governor Dean's "offer".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:29 PM


Journey from Taliban to democrat: One man builds a future in the new Afghanistan (Scott Baldauf, 12/22/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

Before he leaves his village for Kabul, Abdul Hakeem Muneeb is given strict instructions by his constituents.

"The first thing is Islam," they whisper to him. He agrees: "If we follow Islam, all the rest, development and security, will follow naturally."

A delegate to the loya jirga, a grand council that will produce Afghanistan's new constitution, Mr. Muneeb makes an unlikely founding father. A former deputy minister in the ousted Taliban government, he still wears the black turban favored by Taliban leaders. Without it, he says, his head feels naked.

While some Afghans consider him a representative of the past, the Karzai government sees former Taliban like Muneeb as windows into the volatile countryside, where the vast majority of Afghanistan's 21 million citizens live. Making men like Muneeb feel like citizens, with rights and responsibilities, may be a crucial first step in undercutting Taliban support and giving disaffected Pashtun tribesmen an option other than the gun. [...]

On Sunday morning, Muneeb listens to Karzai's introductory speech with mild amusement, but fervent support.

"The terrorists are the enemy of a better life for Afghanistan," Karzai tells the delegates. "But this nation will never give up. This nation will gain the victory against the terrorists, God willing."

The crowd applauds, and Muneeb joins them enthusiastically.

In the pocket of his sport coat, Muneeb carries a copy of the draft constitution - a 160-article document compiled by a handpicked team of intellectuals, religious scholars, and legal experts. He approves of most of the provisions, but he has qualms about issues of justice. The decision to forgive or punish a murderer, for instance, should belong to the victim's family - as it was during the Prophet's time - and not to the president, he says.

But there will be plenty of time for substance. First comes the symbolism. The former King Zahir Shah gives a short speech urging unity. A blind cleric chants verses from the Koran. Then a group of kindergarten students, dressed in various ethnic garbs, sing songs of Afghan unity.

"This is our great land,
this is our beautiful land,
this land is our life,
this is our Afghanistan."

The nationalist messages are not subtle, and they carry a powerful effect. On a large video screen at the front of the tent, a delegate wipes her eyes with a handkerchief. Muneeb also wipes his eyes. Afghanistan was beautiful once,he recalls, before drought and war and bombs turned the mountains around Kabul to dust.

Muneeb thinks of his children back in Zormat. His oldest daughter is 3; his youngest son is 2 months old. Will they have a school in Zormat? Will they grow up thinking of themselves as Afghans or as Pashtuns? Everything starts here.

Throughout his time as a Taliban official, Muneeb saw himself as a moderate among hard-liners. While commanders pressed for stricter rules on the lives of Afghanistan's urban population, Muneeb looked for ways to retain the true spirit of Islam. Taliban rules - unlike the Koran - specifically forbade women from attending school, for instance, but Muneeb and his moderate colleagues quietly arranged to keep a medical institute open for young women throughout the five-year Taliban regime.

But while the loya jirga organizers have worked hard on creating a spirit of unity, it's difficult to undo decades of animosity and suspicion. Within minutes of the children's song, an argument breaks out over procedures. Farsi-speaking candidates from religious parties complain that the system chosen by Karzai is unfair. Muneeb springs to his feet. He is the first speaker to back Karzai's voting system.

"At the last loya jirga, Karzai was elected president, so he has the authority to choose the system he wants," Muneeb says in Pashto. "We all have a big responsibility, to adopt a constitution and to act in accordance with Islam. We must not be distracted from our main task."

The only rational stance towards Afghanistan's experiment in nation building is skeptical hopfulness.

Uphill pursuit for Afghan warlord: US troops hunt for a guerrilla group with ties to Al Qaeda and Taliban. (Ann Scott Tyson, 12/22/03, CS Monitor)

For three days, US soldiers trekked along goat trails, forded waist-deep rivers, and scrambled up steep, rocky ridges of the Hindu Kush to reach a suspected mountain hideout of the group led by renegade Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

There, near the remote hamlet of Tazagul Kala in Nuristan Province, they came upon devastation left by multiple precision-guided bombs - at least two cottages in rubble and another partially destroyed by a US air strike targeting Mr. Hekmatyar and his radical Hizb-i Islami, or Party of Islam.

The shepherds' dwellings perched on high terraces had been stocked for the winter with bags of corn and wheat, as well as machine-gun ammunition, bombmaking components, and antigovernment propaganda, say 10th Mountain Division soldiers who searched the site Nov. 9.

But who, if anyone, died in the late October strike remains a matter of controversy - with some local Afghans charging that six civilians lost their lives and US officers saying that anyone killed was probably an enemy. What is clear, however, is that Hekmatyar and his close associates evaded the attack.

Derided as a "warlord without a portfolio" by some Bush administration officials, Hekmatyar has emerged as a primary target since he declared a "holy war" against US-led forces in Afghanistan and denounced President Hamid Karzai as a puppet. The State Department this year labeled Hekmatyar a terrorist with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and he is believed to be responsible for deadly attacks on both foreigners and Afghans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 PM

DR. DEATH (via Mike Daley):

Lieberman Asks Santa's Aid in N.H. Primary (The Associated Press, December 21, 2003)

Dean staffers said Sunday he is going national with Doctors for Dean, which had previously been just a New Hampshire group. A new Web link will allow doctors across the country to sign up.

Dean told members of the group that studies indicate 50 to 60 percent of Medicare dollars are spent in the last six months of life, but some of that spending may not be in the patients' best interest. [...]

"I don't advocate assisted suicide," he said. "I think what we really need very badly in this country is to restore the doctor-patient relationship so private decisions can remain private and out of the political realm."

So, is he arguing that we reprivatize health care? or that we make it easier to kill expensive patients in order to save the government money?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:27 PM


Mondale on thin ice in criticizing this administration's foreign policy (Scott W. Johnson, December 21, 2003, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Those of us who lived as adults through the four years of the Carter administration in which Walter Mondale last served as an important public official may find Mondale's statements especially strange. We recall how President Jimmy Carter proudly announced that the United States had overcome its "inordinate fear of communism," famously planted a kiss on the cheek of Leonid Brezhnev, and then reacted with shock when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

We also recall how followers of Ayatollah Khomeni took 67 Americans hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Over the succeeding 444 days, the Carter administration tried idle threats, vain pleas and ineffectual military action to resolve the hostage crisis. Only the landslide election and subsequent inauguration of Ronald Reagan ultimately freed the hostages and ended the protracted national humiliation.

Henry Kissinger observed that the Carter administration had managed the extraordinary feat of having achieved, at one and the same time, "the worst relations with our allies, the worst relations with our adversaries, and the most serious upheavals in the developing world since the end of the Second World War."

These are the foreign policy credentials that Mondale brings to his assessment of the Bush administration. With these credentials, a reasonable person would conclude that discretion is the better part of valor and bite his tongue.

Mondale, however, seems to believe that the foreign policy of the Carter administration should serve as a benchmark against which to judge the foreign policy of other administrations.

One does feel some pity for a Party whose elder statemen are Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:17 PM


Decision on nuclear fusion site put off (The Japan Times, Dec. 22, 2003)

Six parties involved in a $12 billion, 30-year energy project failed Saturday to reach an accord on the venue for the world's first prototype nuclear fusion reactor due to a sharp division over the two rival sites in Japan and France.

Representatives from China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United States and the European Union instead agreed to work out a compromise by the end of January and try to hold a fence-mending meeting in early February. [...]

Japan has proposed hosting the project in the village of Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture, while the EU has selected the southern French town of Cadarache as its candidate.

Announcing the joint communique, Werner Burkart, deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said, "I hope that a few months from now there will be the final decision on the implementation of ITER."

Burkart said the venue for the February meeting will be determined by the six parties, but he signaled the IAEA's readiness to host the meeting in Vienna, where the agency's headquarters is located.

The IAEA participated in the meeting as a facilitator.

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda, who represented Japan at the meeting, said, "The six parties were divided into equal halves."

While avoiding citing specific countries, Hosoda, who was formerly state minister in charge of science and technology, said two supported Japan and two threw their support behind the EU bid.

According to conference participants, South Korea and the U.S. expressed support for Japan's bid, while China and Russia rallied behind France.

Why not just cut the French, Chinese and Russians out of the deal?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:13 PM


Dean Aide Denies Clark Claim (NewsMax, Dec. 22, 2003)

Appearing on ABC News This Week General Wesley Clark told host George Stephanopoulos that before he entered the Democratic primary race Dean had offered him the VP spot on his ticket should he win the nomination.

Clark said that during a meeting with Dean last September Dean "dangled" the VP spot on his ticket but that he had declined, noting he was "really not interested in even talking about it."

Minutes later Joe Trippi, Dean's campaign manager who was present at the meeting told Stephanopoulos the offer was never made. Calling Clark's statement "interesting" he said, adding that the matter of the Vice Presidential nomination "never came up," at the meeting.

One of them is lying. If you're a Republican it doesn't matter which--you just sit back and enjoy the carnage.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 4:56 PM


The Gift of Life: Study Says Giving Makes You Happier, Healthier (David Stonehouse, Ottawa Citizen, 21/12/03)

The old adage that it is better to give than to receive is more than just biblical wisdom or a mother's chasten to her child -- science is proving it to be the key to a healthier, happier, even longer life.

A flurry of research is showing that giving has a whole range of health benefits, including fewer aches and pains, better mental health, lower stress levels and improved protection against illness.

And if one study has it right, the best gift you can give is yourself. Benevolence, it found, can be better than not smoking or exercising four times a week if it is long life you seek.

Stephen Post, an American bioethicist examining the growing body of evidence linking altruism to improved health, says people have always understood that giving has benefits. But no one has quite figured out exactly why that is...

Scientists can be so cute sometimes. Not only does the pomposity of “proving” what the reverent have always known elude them, they don’t get it even when they get it. If Americans all spent their lives buying gifts and doing charitable works, they probably wouldn’t be healthier or live any longer if improving personal health was the only goal.

Giving to others is a symbolic expression of an outward-looking, self-abnegating life, one that renounces self and commits to others. It is through trying to see our needs and even our lives as unimportant that we may--no guarantees– be given the richest, longest lives of all. For most people, this is achieved through family. To care for those who care for you is true bliss. For others, it is attained through vocations of service like religious orders, the military and teaching. But it will never be achieved by those who see their sacrifices and good deeds as a kind of exercise regime, the main purpose of which is to earn them health payoffs and an extended life.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:55 PM


The Harder Hunt for Bin Laden Still searching: The terror chief's allies say that Saddam's capture is good for the Iraqi jihad. But they also have cause for worry (Sami Yousafzai and Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, 12/29/03)

U.S. intelligence officials agree that trapping the Qaeda leader, who has eluded pursuers for more than a decade, will be much more difficult than getting Saddam. But U.S. manhunting teams in Afghanistan, recently united with similar teams in Iraq under the umbrella of Task Force 121, have actually come close to nailing their quarries on several occasions, sources say. They are also using, in some cases, similar techniques. NEWSWEEK has learned that software used to track wanted Iraqis is also being used to piece together and identify weaknesses in the ethnic, family and tribal links of bin Laden's network, according to intelligence analysts and company officials. . . .

Even Zabihullah says that bin Laden had a close call not long ago. He says the terror chieftain and his protective entourage scurried into the bushes when a U.S. aircraft streaked overhead as they were walking along a mountain trail. The plane did not see them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:19 PM


The Democrats' Own Quagmire: Dean says he thought the war was a terrible blunder, but now that we're there, we should stay and see it through. This makes no sense (Fareed Zakaria, Dec. 29/Jan. 5, Newsweek)

[I]f the situation in Iraq is scary, if instability is spreading across the country, America will be more fully and deeply engaged in a war with some very nasty enemies. In such a situation, will the average American—in, say, Pennsylvania or Michigan, states Democrats must win—look to Howard Dean to get them through the dangerous times, or to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell?

There is, of course, the possibility that things in Iraq will not look so bad six months from now. It's possible that the American armed forces will get better at handling the insurgency, that the rare spectacle of Middle Eastern caucuses and elections will be underway, that Iraqis will be having a spirited debate about what an Islamic democracy means and that Iraq will be seeing the stirring of genuine free-market activity. And what will be the Democratic Party's response to this reality? Will it still be explaining that the war was a "catastrophic mistake"?

Mr. Dean, meet your petard.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:44 AM


The 'Bush Doctrine' Experiences Shining Moments (Dana Milbank, December 21, 2003, Washington Post)

It has been a week of sweet vindication for those who promulgated what they call the Bush Doctrine. [...]

To foreign policy hard-liners inside and outside the administration, the gestures by Libya, Iran and Syria, and the softening by France and Germany, all have the same cause: a show of American might.

Those who developed the Bush Doctrine -- a policy of taking preemptive, unprovoked action against emerging threats -- predicted that an impressive U.S. victory in Iraq would intimidate allies and foes alike, making them yield to U.S. interests in other areas. Though that notion floundered with the occupation in Iraq, the capture of Hussein may have served as the decisive blow needed to make others respect U.S. wishes, they say.

"It's always been at the heart of the Bush Doctrine that a more robust policy would permit us to elicit greater cooperation from adversaries than we'd had in the past when we acquiesced," said Richard Perle, an influential adviser to the administration. "With the capture of Saddam, the sense that momentum may be with us is very important."

Which makes the following from Senator Kerry unintelligible, Kerry rips Bush policy (Rick Klein, 12/21/2003, Boston Globe):
While applauding Libya's announcement, the Massachusetts senator said in a statement that it "makes clear the shortcomings of George Bush's go-it-alone unilateralism." Kerry said the United Nations and NATO could be used to help end weapons programs in North Korea and Iran.

"An administration that scorns multilateralism and boasts about a rigid doctrine of military preemption has almost in spite of themselves demonstrated the enormous potential for advances in the war on terror through cooperation," Kerry said.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:13 AM


Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home by Matthew Pinsker (C-SPAN, 12/21/03, 8 & 11pm)

Lincoln and his family fled the gloom that hung over the White House, moving into a small cottage in Washington, D.C., on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home, a residence for disabled military veterans. In Lincoln's Sanctuary, historian Matthew Pinsker offers a fascinating portrait of Lincoln's stay in this cottage and tells the story of the president's remarkable growth as a national leader and a private man. Lincoln lived at the Soldiers' Home for a quarter of his presidency, and for nearly half of the critical year of 1862, but most Americans (including many scholars) have not heard of the place. Indeed, this is the first volume to specifically connect this early "summer White House" to key wartime developments, including the Emancipation Proclamation, the firing of McClellan, the evolution of Lincoln's "Father Abraham" image, the election of 1864, and the assassination conspiracy.

-EXCERPT: Chapter One (Oxford University Press)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:04 AM


The Great Library of Amazonia: 120,000 fully searchable texts and counting … Jeff Bezos is building the world's biggest digital book archive. It's an info-age dream come true - and the best way to sell books ever. (Gary Wolf, December 2003, Wired)

The fondest dream of the information age is to create an archive of all knowledge. You might call it the Alexandrian fantasy, after the great library founded by Ptolemy I in 286 BC. Through centuries of aggressive acquisition, the librarians of Alexandria, Egypt, collected hundreds of thousands of texts. None survives. During a final wave of destruction, in AD 641, invaders fed the bound volumes and papyrus scrolls into the furnaces of the public baths, where they are said to have burned for six months. "The lesson," says Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, "is to keep more than one copy."

Kahle recently gave a copy of his digital archive of 10 billion Web pages to a new library in Alexandria. On a visit to the city last year, he sat down with Suzanne Mubarak, the wife of Egypt's president, and discussed his gift, which has all the advantages of a modern electronic resource: It can be instantly updated, easily searched, and endlessly replicated. Mubarak, with diplomatic politeness, allowed that she was impressed. Still, she ventured a protest: "But I love books!"

Therein lies a problem. Books are an ancient and proven medium. Their physical form inspires passion. But their very physicality makes books inaccessible to the multi-terabyte databases of modern Alexandrian projects. Books take time to transport. Their text vanishes and their pages yellow in a rash of foxing. Most important, it's still shockingly difficult to find information buried in books. Even as the Internet has revived hope of a universal library and Google seems to promise an answer to every query, books have remained a dark region in the universe of information. We want books to be as accessible and searchable as the Web. On the other hand, we still want them to be books.

An ingenious attempt to illuminate the dark region of books is under way at Over the past spring and summer, the company created an unrivaled digital archive of more than 120,000 books. The goal is to quickly add most of Amazon's multimillion-title catalog. The entire collection, which went live Oct. 23, is searchable, and every page is viewable.

To build the archive, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has had to unravel a tangle of technological and copyright problems. His solution promises to remake the publishing business and give Amazon a powerful new weapon in its battle against online competitors such as Yahoo, Google, and eBay. But the most interesting thing about the archive is the way it resolves the paradox of the book, respecting its physical form while transcending its limits.

Like all the best aspects of the Internet, it's easier to see how this will be useful than how it will generate any revenues in the long run.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:59 AM



Bring back the real men! New York women are sick of competing with - and dating - men who fuss over their hair, skin, nails, teeth, clothes and cuisine.

"I can't stand metrosexuals!" cries 23-year-old saleswoman Lauren Levin, who has written "metrosexuals need not apply" on her profile. "I want to get manicures with my girlfriends, not my boyfriend."

If there was a buzzword of 2003, it was "metrosexual" - used to describe the alarming amount of straight men who delight in traditionally female pursuits like yoga, pedicures, facials and sample sales.

The backlash has begun.

Levin recently went on a date with Alexander Vorgias, a chiseled 23-year-old commercial real estate agent. Within minutes she knew that he was not for her.

"First," she begins, "he ordered plum wine. He wore so much gel in his hair. His tan was perfect. His suit was Armani."

After he asked about her breasts ("Are they real or fake?" is how Levin recalls it) he confessed he was surprised she went out with him, since, when they first met, he wasn't immaculately dressed.

"You're such a metrosexual!" she blurted.

"I haven't been tanning in three weeks!" he shot back. He did, however, admit to using concealer to cover a bruise he got while playing paintball.

She ordered two more sakes.

Vorgias, a born-and-raised New Yorker, is still confused by Levin's reaction. "Maybe it's a byproduct of urban Manhattan life, but suddenly I'm being called a metrosexual," he says. "I care about how I look. I tan every few weeks. I buy Aramis creams and under-eye lotions. But the word 'metrosexual' is not manly."

Under-eye lotion?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:36 AM


A New Pathway to the Stars (TIMOTHY FERRIS, 12/21/03, NY Times)

Talk has been that President Bush is preparing a bold new mission plan for NASA, much as John F. Kennedy did in 1961 when he committed the nation to putting a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. Some space enthusiasts are urging Mr. Bush to aim for Mars, but the long time lines involved suggest that he would wind up, as his father did, with nothing to show for it but a few NASA reports with soaring price tags attached and a nagging sense that he'd been had. Others talk of building yet another space station, higher up — perhaps at the "L 1 point," between Earth and the Moon — but to say that you are exploring space by orbiting inside a tin can is like claiming to have explored the Atlantic because you made an ocean-liner crossing in a cabin below the waterline.

A better target would be the Moon. I know, I know: at first blush it sounds like a case of "Been there, done that." But a new lunar campaign could reinvigorate the manned space program and open up the solar system to future exploration — if we do it right. That doesn't mean another Apollo-style "flags and footprints" bash that briefly doubles the NASA budget and then shrinks it back again, leaving everyone with indelible memories and a crippling hangover.

Rather, it means establishing a permanent lunar base, where explorers can refine the technology and techniques required to colonize Mars, in cooperation with other nations and with private entrepreneurs, all without irresponsibly increasing NASA's budget or shortchanging its admirable robotic space-probe programs. That may be a tall order, but — à la the Wright brothers — the venture's success depends less on money than on dedication, ingenuity and innovation.

Wny not do both--a permanent base on the Moon and manned trips to Mars with the goal of putting a permanent base there too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:30 AM


Easing Iraq's Debt Burdens (NY Times, 12/21/03)

James Baker III is quickly showing how old-fashioned diplomacy can advance Washington's policy objectives. In his first trip as President Bush's Iraqi debt negotiator, Mr. Baker met with five European leaders and emerged with declarations endorsing a substantial write-off of the $40 billion in old loans and accrued interest that Baghdad owes major developed countries. The five countries Mr. Baker visited, together with the United States, account for roughly $25 billion of those obligations. That's only a start — Iraq's overall debt amounts to $120 billion — but it's an important one.

Mr. Baker's itinerary included France, Germany and Russia, the most prominent European critics of the American-led invasion of Iraq, as well as Britain and Italy. His successful meetings in Paris and Berlin led to the most unified declaration on Iraq since last winter's damaging split in the Security Council. The Moscow session was less rewarding, with President Vladimir Putin linking support for debt relief to compensation for Russian companies that had contracts with Saddam Hussein.

The leaders of France and Germany were already looking for politically feasible ways to work with Washington on Iraq. Mr. Baker also benefited from the good reputation he enjoys in both countries, dating back to his role as secretary of state in the first Bush administration, when deft and sensitive American diplomacy helped manage the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union. That record stands in painful contrast to the current administration's gratuitous alienation of much of Europe, most recently through a Pentagon memo excluding France, Germany, Russia and other opponents of the war from Iraqi reconstruction contracts financed by American tax dollars. Releasing that memo on the eve of Mr. Baker's European trip was inept. Fortunately, it did not prevent French and German cooperation on debt relief for Iraq.

Let's give the Timesmen the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're only playing stupid here, when they pretend that these results are a contrast to, not a function of, American unilateralism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:23 AM


UK in secret talks with pariahs (BRIAN BRADY, 12/21/03, Soctland on Sunday)

BRITAIN is in secret negotiations with at least two more ‘pariah states’ believed to harbour weapons of mass destruction, in a bid to encourage them to give up their arsenals peacefully or face the wrath of the international community.

Amid the fallout from the dramatic announcement that Libya is to abandon its illicit weapons programme, it has emerged that British officials are already in ‘back-channel’ negotiations with Syria and Iran, as part of a wider campaign to defuse the tinderbox situation in the Middle East.

Scotland on Sunday has learned that officials have met counterparts in both countries - labelled part of the "Axis of Evil" by President George Bush - for preliminary discussions.

The softly-softly strategy, which produced the developments in Libya after nine months of secret negotiations, was last night backed up by a veiled threat from Bush, who said he hoped other leaders would follow the example of Colonel Gaddafi. [...]

It emerged last night that Gaddafi was capable of firing a missile into the heart of Europe or Israel, according to defence analysts.

British officials confirmed privately that the arsenal included the feared Nodong missiles, capable of firing a devastating warhead up to 1,700 km. Their potential target range is almost 10 times the limit Gaddafi has now agreed to observe under the deal.

Libyan officials last night arrived in Vienna to come clean about Tripoli’s nuclear programme in a meeting with United Nations atomic watchdog the IAEA.

But in the aftermath of the agreement, Straw said the former pariah state had confirmed long-term fears that they had collaborated with the North Koreans in developing a deadly weapons programme that threatened enemies far beyond its borders.

Several points stand out here: first, looks like a standard good cop/bad cop act, with Britain as good cop; second, that Libya has such missiles is a far more catastrophic failure of intelligence than the lack of some predicted WMD in Iraq; third, even Howard Dean seems not to be claiming that getting rid of this nuclear missile program won't make the world a safer place.

-Libya’s fatal blow to axis of evil: Gaddafi deal signals end to secret nuclear weapon programme with Iran and North Korea (David Pratt and Trevor Royle, 12/21/03, Sunday Herald)

THE end of the threat posed to world peace and secure oil supplies by the “axis of evil” is emerging this weekend as the real prize that Tony Blair and George Bush have secured for Christmas.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi took the decision to renounce all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) on Friday night, but while at first it was thought this only had implications for Libya it is now clear that his decision has scuppered a secret partnership between Libya, Iran and North Korea formed with the intention of developing an independent nuclear weapon.

New documents revealed yesterday show that the three were working on the nuclear weapons programme at a top-secret underground site near the Kufra Oasis of the Sahara in southeastern Libya. The team was made up of North Korean scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as some Iranian and Libyan nuclear scientists.

North Korea and Iran, originally dubbed by Bush as the axis of evil along with Iraq, avoided detection by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) inspectors by each member farming out vital sections of its projects to its fellow members.

Iran, which is now in the final stages of uranium enrichment for its program, is badly hit, having counted on fitting into place key parts of its WMD project made in Libya. North Korea may also be forced to scale back the production of nuclear devices as well as counting the loss of a lucrative source of income for its Scuds and nuclear technology.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


Napster Runs for President in '04: The political establishment was blindsided by the Dean campaign because it was blindsided by the Internet's power as a political tool. (Frank Rich, 12/21/03, NY Times)

I am not a partisan of Dr. Dean or any other Democratic candidate. I don't know what will happen on Election Day 2004. But I do know this: the rise of Howard Dean is not your typical political Cinderella story. The constant comparisons made between him and George McGovern and Barry Goldwater — each of whom rode a wave of anger within his party to his doomed nomination — are facile. Yes, Dr. Dean's followers are angry about his signature issue, the war. Dr. Dean is marginalized in other ways as well: a heretofore obscure governor from a tiny state best known for its left-wing ice cream and gay civil unions, a flip-flopper on some pivotal issues and something of a hothead. This litany of flaws has been repeated at every juncture of the campaign this far, just as it is now. And yet the guy keeps coming back, surprising those in Washington and his own party who misunderstand the phenomenon and dismiss him.

The elusive piece of this phenomenon is cultural: the Internet. Rather than compare Dr. Dean to McGovern or Goldwater, it may make more sense to recall Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. It was not until F.D.R.'s fireside chats on radio in 1933 that a medium in mass use for years became a political force. J.F.K. did the same for television, not only by vanquishing the camera-challenged Richard Nixon during the 1960 debates but by replacing the Eisenhower White House's prerecorded TV news conferences (which could be cleaned up with editing) with live broadcasts. Until Kennedy proved otherwise, most of Washington's wise men thought, as The New York Times columnist James Reston wrote in 1961, that a spontaneous televised press conference was "the goofiest idea since the Hula Hoop."

Such has been much of the reaction to the Dean campaign's breakthrough use of its chosen medium. In Washington, the Internet is still seen mainly as a high-velocity disseminator of gossip (Drudge) and rabidly partisan sharpshooting by self-publishing excoriators of the left and right. When used by campaigns, the Internet becomes a synonym for "the young," "geeks," "small contributors" and "upper middle class," as if it were an eccentric electronic cousin to direct-mail fund-raising run by the acne-prone members of a suburban high school's computer club. In other words, the political establishment has been blindsided by the Internet's growing sophistication as a political tool — and therefore blindsided by the Dean campaign — much as the music industry establishment was by file sharing and the major movie studios were by "The Blair Witch Project," the amateurish under-$100,000 movie that turned viral marketing on the Web into a financial mother lode.

Unsurprisingly, the campaign that learned the most from John McCain's use of the web has effected the most remarkable use of Internet power, signing up some ten million folks and sending out updates several times a day. It's also no surprise that the Frank Rich's of the world haven't figured that out yet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:58 AM


Strong Support Is Found for Ban on Gay Marriage: The latest New York Times/CBS News poll also found unease about homosexual relations in general, making the issue a potentially divisive one in the 2004 election. (KATHARINE Q. SEELYE and JANET ELDER, 12/21/03, NY Times)

The latest New York Times/CBS News poll has found widespread support for an amendment to the United States Constitution to ban gay marriage. It also found unease about homosexual relations in general, making the issue a potentially divisive one for the Democrats and an opportunity for the Republicans in the 2004 election.

Support for a constitutional amendment extends across a wide swath of the public and includes a majority of people traditionally viewed as supportive of gay rights, including Democrats, women and people who live on the East Coast.

Attitudes on the subject seem to be inextricably linked to how people view marriage itself. For a majority of Americans — 53 percent — marriage is largely a religious matter. Seventy-one percent of those people oppose gay marriage. Similarly, 33 percent of Americans say marriage is largely a legal matter and a majority of those people — 55 percent — say they support gay marriage.

The most positive feelings toward gay people were registered among respondents under 30, and among those who knew gay people.

The nationwide poll found that 55 percent of Americans favored an amendment to the constitution that would allow marriage only between a man and a woman, while 40 percent opposed the idea. [...]

The poll also found that by a 61-34 margin, Americans oppose gay marriage. They are slightly more accepting of civil unions to give gays some of the same legal rights as married couples, with 54 percent opposed to civil unions and 39 percent supportive.

The gay lobby has badly overplayed what was a weak hand to begin with. Folks have little stomach for arresting and prosecuting homosexuals, willing to avert their gaze from private behavior no matter how depraved. But their equally unwilling to have such behavior come out of its dark corners and start to impact public policy and their own lives, which permitting (never mind requiring) states to afford gay marriage would do. It would be wise to beat a hasty retreat, appeal to Americans basic sense of fairness, and ask for just some generic legal/contractual institution, rather than continue the attack on marriage. But, then again, the fight isn't about providing legal protections to gays, but about forcing the rest of society to endorse homosexuality, which seems certain to fail.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 AM


Jalapeno Cornbread from Treebeards in Houston (Texas Monthly, August 1992)

2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
5 cups grated cheddar cheese (about 1 pound)
5 cups yellow cornmeal
1 1/2 cups creamed corn
1/2 cup chopped white onion
1/3 cup sliced jalapeno peppers
6 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
2 1/3 cups milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In large mixing bowl, combine baking powder and salt, and add vegetable oil. Add remaining ingredients in order given. Mix thoroughly, but do not overmix or cornbread will be tough.

Pour mixture into greased 9- by 13-inch baking pan. Bake approximately 1 hour, but start checking at 45 minutes. Bread is done when knife blade inserted in center comes out clean.

To prepare ahead, mix all ingredients except baking powder. Cover and refrigerate. Next day, add baking powder and bake. Serves 10.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:33 AM


The other North Korea: A historian's alternate view of Kim Jong Il's shadowy kingdom (Drake Bennett, 12/21/2003, Boston Globe)

WHEN AMERICANS THINK of North Korea at all, it's as a psychotic little menace of a nation and a nightmarish, otherworldly place. Historian Bruce Cumings has devoted his career to painting a different picture. In his 1,400-page, two-volume "The Origins of the Korean War," published in 1981 and 1990, he argued that the Korean War was not a Soviet provocation but a civil war -- one that the United States, by splitting the peninsula in 1945, had made inevitable.  

In his latest book, "North Korea: Another Country" (New Press), Cumings sets out to show, among other things, that the United States visited a "holocaust" on North Korea during the Korean War, that the rebuilt country came much closer to being a socialist paradise than we give it credit for, and that it is the Bush administration, not the Kim regime, that is to blame for the current tensions.

Ideas reached Cumings by phone at his office at the University of Chicago.

IDEAS: In your new book you quote journalist Bernard Krisher, who described North Korea in 1991 as "one big kibbutz." Is that how you would describe the place?

CUMINGS: It's important to realize that in the early `80s, North Korea's per capita output, their infant mortality, life expectancy, all of that, were either at South Korea's level or higher. They had something like double the per capita energy usage of South Korea in the `70s.

But the country's energy regime collapsed and that rippled through everything, including the agricultural sector. Then the Russians cut off all aid with the end of the Soviet Union. And in `95 and `96 the worst floods of the century affected something like 40 percent of the arable land. After Kim Il Sung died in `94, the regime itself became internally stymied in handling its problems. North Korea's tragedy is that it was one of the better Third World developing states in terms of feeding, clothing, housing, and educating its own population -- only to reach a level of degradation in the late `90s that is as low as you can go.

I think it's inexcusable that North Korea, which is a highly centralized state, allowed at least half a million of its citizens to starve to death and an entire generation to be malnourished and stunted. This is not a state, like several in Africa, that is incapable of mobilizing its population. North Korea can mobilize everybody.

IDEAS: How seriously should we take recent reforms in North Korea?

CUMINGS: Particularly since 2000, they have done dramatic things they didn't do before. They normalized relations with the European Union, as well as Australia and Canada, and they sought to normalize relations with Japan. They have allowed market forces to operate in their economy since the mid-'90s -- when their system of delivering goods and services through the state essentially broke down. And then, in July of 2002, they drastically revalued their currency, which had always been grossly overvalued.

Stalin and the USSR have never lacked for apologists in America, but, with the exception of the folks at ANSWR, it's far rarer to find folks who think that North Korea was a socialist garden spot that we destroyed. Leave it though to the Globe to find one and present him to their readers as if he were a serious person.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 AM


What is Chanukah? (Paul Greenberg, December 21, 2003, Townhall)

Chanukah isn't mentioned in the Old Testament. The story of battles and victories has been relegated to the Apocrypha. A mere military victory rates only a secondary place in the canon. It is not celebrated for its own sake but for what it reveals.

A violent confrontation is lifted out of history, and enters the realm of the sacred. A messy little guerrilla war in the dim past of a forgotten empire has become something else, something that partakes of the eternal. For only the spiritual victories last.

The central metaphor of all religious belief - revealing light - now blots out all the imperial intrigues and internecine warfare. And that may be the greatest miracle of Chanukah: the transformation of that oldest and darkest of human activities, war, into a feast of illumination. [...]

But if there is one constant message associated with this holiday, it can be found in the weekly portion of the Prophets chosen to be read on the Jewish Sabbath. And over the centuries, the scripture for the Sabbath of Chanukah has remained unchanged: Zechariah 4:1-7, with its penultimate verse:

Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:25 AM


Talmud confirms an early Gospel of Matthew (NEIL ALTMAN AND DAVID CROWDER, Dec. 13, 2003, Toronto Star)

For more than a century, liberal scholars have contended that the Christian gospels are unreliable, second-hand accounts of Jesus' ministry that weren't put on paper until 70 to 135 A.D. or later — generations after those who witnessed the events of Jesus' ministry were dead.

Today's more liberal scholars say the Gospel of Matthew may have been aimed at Jews but it was written in Greek, not Hebrew.

They also believe that the Book of Mark, written in Greek, was the original gospel, despite the traditional order of the gospels in the Bible, putting Matthew first.

But a literary tale dated by some scholars at 72 A.D. or earlier, which comes from an ancient collection of Jewish writings known as the Talmud, quotes brief passages that appear only in the Gospel of Matthew. In his 1999 book, Passover And Easter: Origin And History To Modern Times, Israel Yuval of Jerusalem's Hebrew University says that Rabban Gamaliel, a leader of rabbinical scholars in about 70 A.D., is "considered to have authored a sophisticated parody of the Gospel according to Matthew."

The Talmud, a text not often touched by New Testament scholars, also contains a number of obvious references to Jesus and his family.

Jesus is called a Nazarene, one of the names given him. Another dubs him Yeshua Ben Pandira, which means Jesus born-of-a-virgin in a combination of Hebrew and Greek. His father was a carpenter, his mother was a hairdresser and Jesus, the Talmud says, was a magician who "led astray Israel."

And, it says, he was "hanged" on the eve of Passover. Gamaliel's tale, which happens to portray a Christian judge as corrupt, may be less valuable for its instruction than for casting doubt on the long-held theory that Matthew, though longer than Mark, was written years later by someone after the apostle Matthew had died.

December 20, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


Bush wants Saddam to hang, but we must resist: The US president is reflecting his own brutish view of the world (Max Hastings, December 20, 2003, The Guardian)

We can agree, perhaps, that Saddam Hussein does not deserve to live. It is a pity that he made no show of resistance when American soldiers found him, to justify tossing a grenade into his spider hole. But he did not fight, and was captured alive. Next year, some sort of tribunal will find him guilty of unspeakable crimes. Thereafter it will be inconvenient and expensive to guard him through a long captivity.

Yet those of us who reject judicial killing can support no sentence other than life imprisonment. [...]

My wife, whose liberal instincts are normally much more reliable than mine, is bemused by my scruples. She believes the case is unanswerable for the dictator's cheap, permanent removal. But I cannot swallow either the principled or pragmatic arguments for yet another act of government-directed violence.

The allies rightly executed the leading Nazi and Japanese war criminals in 1945 and 1946. That was in another age, after the victors had fought the greatest war of national survival the world has seen. Bush's intervention in Iraq, by contrast, represented a war of choice, with the limited purpose of changing the nation's government.

If it is now to become US policy to execute former dictators who have committed terrible crimes against their own people, then many past and some current American clients will need to form an orderly queue to the gallows.

In reality, Bush's eagerness to see Saddam swing reflects not an overarching objection to murderous dictators, but an ad hominem desire to complete the liberation of Iraq with a gesture that fits his own brutish view of the world. The least Blair can do, on Britain's behalf, is to say that we can no more endorse the sponsorship of a hanging carried out by Iraqi stooges of the coalition, than fly out Geoff Hoon to do the job personally.

How precious are Mr. Hastings's scruples: had Saddam fired a round it would have been just great to blow him to bits in a hole, but decency forbids that he hang after a proper trial for killing one million Iraqis. Even better, the very same decency somehow allows for the hanging of Nazis, who, not coincidentally, made war against Britain. The principle involved seems clear: to so much as shoot at an Anglo calls for death, but no amount of Arab blood can justify capital punishment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 PM


Dean Assails 'Washington Democrats' on Iraq (Paul Farhi and Jim VandeHei, December 19, 2003, Washington Post)

In a pointed blast at his presidential rivals Thursday, Howard Dean criticized "Washington Democrats" who "want to declare victory in the war on terror" after Saturday's capture of Saddam Hussein.

The former Vermont governor expanded on his earlier assertion that the arrest did not make the nation safer, saying Americans are no safer now than they were before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"For the past four days, the Washington Politics as Usual Club has taken every opportunity for attacks on me and my campaign that go far beyond questioning my position on the war," Dean said in a campaign stop. "The capture of one very bad man does not mean this president and the Washington Democrats can declare victory in the war on terror."

Saying "the soul of the Democratic Party is at stake," he added: "The Washington Democrats fell meekly into line" with President Bush and "failed to ask the tough questions" last fall during the run-up to the war.

Dean appeals for halt to attack politics among Democrats (MIKE GLOVER, December 20, 2003, Associated Press)
Howard Dean appealed to fellow Democratic presidential candidates Saturday to stop the bitter attack politics that have come to dominate the race for the party's nomination. The race needs "a little character transplant," he said.

"It's not necessary to tear down the other opponents," said Dean, whose front-running campaign has come increasingly under fire from Democratic rivals.

One needn't be as cynical as we to believe that on December 19th, Mr. Dean's pollsters told him that the attacks by other candidates were hurting him worse than his attacks on fellow Democrats were helping him. Thus, the Doctor wants to play nice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 PM


Saddam fooled me, too (Con Coughlin, 21/12/2003, Sunday Telegraph))

I never expected it to end like this. Saddam Hussein, the Anointed One, the Glorious Leader, direct descendant of the Prophet, president of Iraq, chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, field marshall of its armies, doctor of its laws, and great uncle to all its peoples, surrendering himself to American soldiers from the confines of the fetid hole that had become his final refuge.

After Saddam praised the "martyrdom" of his two sons Uday and Qusay, who died in a hail of bullets following a six-hour gun battle with US troops last summer, I assumed that, were he to find himself in a similar predicament, Saddam would fulfil his promise to use the "last bullet" on himself.

On reflection, I should have known better. Saddam has always been better at portraying himself as the great heroic leader than playing out the role in real life. During his rule Iraq's propaganda machine made much of the fact that Saddam had been seriously injured during a failed assassination attempt on the then president in the late 1950s, when in fact he had suffered nothing more than a light graze.

In the same way, we're always disappointed when serial killers or asssassins are caught and turn out to be such schlubs. We desperately want the personalities of such men to measure up to the evil that they commit, because the idea that complete losers can wreak such havoc is somehow even more terrifying. This reaction is natural and human enough and relatively harmless, but it has a terrible corollary: in our imaginations we also conflate the regimes of men like Saddam, Hitler, Stalin, etc. into towering threats, when in fact they truly aren't. The source of much of their power lies just in our fear of confronting them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 PM


Now I'm a believer (Jemima Hunt, December 19 2003, Financial Times)

[D]espite rumours to the contrary, religion is not collapsing in the modern world. What has radically altered in the past 50 years is the religious map of Britain, due to the implosion of the Empire and new patterns of immigration. As [William] Dalrymple reports, today in Britain there are plenty of people with religious affiliations. The largest religious minority in the country are Muslims. Catholics account for a significant chunk of British church-goers. Black Pentecostal churches are flourishing, and at least half of London church-goers are now non-white. The secularity found among the generation whose parents would have traditionally followed the Church of England is unlikely to be reversed. Instead, according to Dalrymple, Christianity will survive in a more specialist form, involving smaller groups of people. "Whether this makes Britain a secular country, at least as far as Christians are concerned, is still a matter of debate," he says. [...]

We crave certainty. In America, over 90 per cent of people say that they believe in God and 40 per cent that they go to church every Sunday. But such is the deep insecurity of American society that religious loyalty, along with flag-waving, is part of national pride. British culture is, by
comparison, proudly individualistic and discrete. Nevertheless, it could be argued that the way in which we have devised our own individuated belief systems is a sign of true faith. With the collapse of state religion, we no longer have to conform. We are free to make it up as we go along. Our beliefs are the result of individual choice and effort. We believe properly. But believe in what? is the question. A universal consciousness? The right to be happy? Or having a few existential thoughts on a Thursday night?

This is, of course, utter nonsense. No belief requires greater and more repressive conformity than that every individual is entitled to their own faith. The reasons for this are twofold and rather obvious: first, any manifestation of an organized and popular belief system must be attacked, lest those who differ be made to feel so much as uncomfortable--this is variously referred to as multiculturalism, tolerance, or political correctness; second, because there are no longer any socially imposed shared behavioral standards, the State must step in and dictate and enforce its own standards. So does Ms Hunt's imagined freedom lead inevitably to its opposite. Brits and other Europeans are no less conformist than Americans, they just conform to a belief which is so indivualistic as to make society untenable and to make statism necessary.

-In Europe, 'Secular' Doesn't Quite Translate (CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL, 12/21/03, NY Times)

[F]rance will be a test case for Europe. It has both the highest percentage of Muslims in Europe and an uncompromisingly secular constitution. In 1905 laws were passed to discipline the Catholic church, which controlled primary schools, influenced politics through its assets and played a role in exposing France to the disgrace of the Dreyfus affair, in which a Jewish army captain was framed on espionage charges.

Church and state were separated by means of "laïcité," which is difficult to translate. It differs from the American tradition in that it seeks less to neutralize public authorities in matters of religion than to neutralize religions in matters of public life. A paradox results: Since the Iraq war, much of the world views France as the symbol of Western reluctance to provoke a civilizational clash with Islam. The United States has been assailed for willingness to run that risk. Yet France aims to curtail the religious expression of its Muslims in ways no prominent American has ever suggested.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:12 PM


A crisis in Europe (Japan Times, 12/21/03)

The European Union's failure last week to agree on a new constitution raises crucial questions about the future of the union. Negotiations will resume next year, but the odds of success then are not likely to be much better. Although the consequences of failure may be the best incentive for a deal, that proved to be insufficient motivation this time around. A more intriguing question is whether failure actually suits some countries: It could liberate the EU and allow like-minded governments to move ahead at their own speed. While that holds out the promise of deepening integration for the willing, it could create a "two-tier" Europe that undermines the hopes of the union's founders.

Yes, well, there are at least two Europes: the Old Europe, which is generally more comfortable with statism, and the Europe which is traditionally more closely associated with the United States and the belief in liberty--led by Poland and Britain. Why shouldn't groups that differ so widely in their core values break into separate alliances?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:05 PM


Iraqis Exact Revenge on Baathists: Police Shrug Off Killings of 50 Hussein Loyalists by Unknown Gunmen (Alan Sipress, December 20, 2003, Washington Post)

Iraqi sources with contacts among former and current security officials estimate that about 50 senior figures in Hussein's intelligence, military intelligence and internal security organizations have been gunned down in recent months. There has been an even larger toll among neighborhood party officials, such as Taee, who are blamed for having informed on the local community during Hussein's rule, these sources said.

Neither the morgue nor officers in Iraq's new police force -- who concede they have little interest in probing these deaths -- have tallied the figures. But the phenomenon is citywide, according to a survey of police stations, with numbers varying widely from one district to another.

In the Shiite holy city of Najaf on Friday, officials said an angry crowd attacked and killed Ali Zalimi, a former Baath Party official. Zalimi was believed to have played a role in crushing the Shiite uprising in 1991 after the Persian Gulf War.

The massive settling of scores that some U.S. and Iraqi officials had predicted did not initially materialize after Hussein's government fell in April. Sporadic killings occurred during the following months, notably in the southern city of Basra. But only in recent weeks did the tempo of attacks accelerate as Iraqis, frustrated with the slow progress of the court system and fearing that Baathists may be seeking to reorganize, have increasingly taken justice into their own hands, according to Iraqi security and political sources.

"We are an Eastern, tribal society with the principle of vengeance. Revenge will be exacted," said Maj. Abbas Abed Ali of the Baya police station in southwest Baghdad. He said at least six Baathists have been murdered in his district since late November. [...]

The killings of Baath security officials have revealed fissures in Iraqi society, not only between supporters and opponents of the Hussein government but also between some Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Most of the security chiefs were Sunnis like Hussein; the suspected killers are Shiites.

50 is a start, but a rather meager one. Even the French, who willingly collaborated with the Nazis, indulged in some 2500 post-war reprisal killings.

-Why the capture could make things worse: The arrest of Saddam has left the Arab world more divided than ever (Yasir Suleiman, 12/21/03, Sunday Herald)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:51 PM


Taking Exception: Out of the Mainstream? Hardly (Howard Dean, December 21, 2003, Washington Post)

The Post's Dec. 18 editorial discussing my recent foreign policy speech ["Beyond the Mainstream"] badly misrepresents both my position and the central argument in the coming election on how best to strengthen America's security.

To start: The Post repeatedly misstates my views. For example, I support missile defense efforts that make us more secure; I oppose deployment of any system not yet proven to work. I favor active talks with North Korea, backed by the threat of force, rather than a stubborn refusal to engage that has allowed the situation to become more dangerous by the day. And the role I support for the National Guard is hardly "radical"; it was endorsed by the bipartisan Hart-Rudman commission and in fact is enshrined in our Constitution (Section 8, Clause 15).

More important, The Post's editorial comes close to equating the Bush administration's foreign policy -- including its signature doctrine of "preemptive war" -- with the American foreign policy mainstream. In fact, the Bush agenda represents a radical departure from decades of bipartisan consensus on the appropriate use of U.S. power and our leadership in the world community.

From its derisive treatment of allies to its rejection of important global agreements, this administration has favored a go-it-alone approach and a determination to use force as its weapon of first resort. Its approach has alienated friends and bolstered foes. Its agenda isolates the United States, placing responsibility for all the world's problems in our hands, and runs counter to America's traditions as a republic.

By contrast, my national security policy reflects the best of our mainstream tradition. I believe the United States must exercise leadership by working with allies and partners to advance common interests, rather than advancing our power unilaterally.

The Governor's got them here. His transnationalist views are entirely in keeping with the mainstream of American post-WWII tradition and with nearly the entire foreign policy establishment, including the Posts's editorial pages. It's the American people and their time-tested Jacksonian unilateralism he's out of touch with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:42 PM


Martin off to bad start with George Bush (PAUL STANWAY, December 20, 2003, Edmonton Sun)

So, the first time Paul Martin chats with U.S. President George Bush, the new PM bugs him about Iraqi reconstruction contracts for Canadian companies and then lectures him on how to deal with Saddam Hussein.

I don't know about you, but if I were Bush I'd be thinking twice about calling back. The holier-than-thou pomposity evidenced by Martin during his 15-minute telephone call to the White House has, sadly, become ingrained in the world view of many Canadians.

The Americans have provided the bulk of our defence for 40 years. The U.S. is our largest trading partner by a mile and the source of much of our prosperity. We consume American culture with as much gusto as we consume American products, and because of this self-inflicted inferiority we feel the need to define ourselves, mostly, by an alleged superiority to the Americans!

Call back? One doubts he'll think once about it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:38 PM


Not neo-con, just plain greed: The U.S. campaign to have Iraq's debts forgiven shows how the Bush administration backs any market distortion that enriches its friends (NAOMI KLEIN, Dec. 20, 2003, Globe and Mail)

Contrary to all predictions, the heavy doors of Old Europe weren't slammed in James Baker's face as he asked forgiveness for Iraq's foreign debt. France and Germany appear to have signed on, and Russia is softening its line.

Just last week, there was virtual consensus that Mr. Baker's Drop the Debt Tour had been maliciously sabotaged by deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz, whose move to shut out non-coalition partners from $18.6-billion (U.S.) in Iraq reconstruction contracts seemed designed to make Mr. Baker look like a hypocrite.

Only now it turns out that Mr. Wolfowitz may not have been undermining Mr. Baker at all, but rather acting as his enforcer. He showed up with a big stick -- the threat of economic exclusion from Iraq's potential $500-billion reconstruction -- just when Mr. Baker was about to speak softly.

Mr. Baker hardly needed Mr. Wolfowitz to make his mission look hypocritical; one can scarcely imagine an act more rife with historical ironies than James Baker impersonating Bono on Iraq's debt. The Iraqi people "should not be saddled with the debt of a brutal regime that was more interested in using funds to build palaces and build torture chambers and brutalize the Iraqi people," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

This is a nearly pluperfect--though unintelligible--example of a column that's become a staple of the pundits during the George W. Bush years: "I didn't think he was serious. He was. I didn't think his strategy made sense. It worked. This all goes to show how treacherous he is and that no matter how wrong I now seem, I was really right."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:26 PM


The Case for Putin: Don't write off Russia's president. (Lewis E. Lehrman, 12/22/2003, Weekly Standard)

[T]here is another possible interpretation of the controversial arrest: that Putin acted not against democracy but against corruption; that he played the part of a prudent constitutional chief executive in enforcing the laws of the Russian Federation; and that the Russian people sense this, which is one reason they gave Putin's party and its allied parties a landslide victory in the Duma elections held on December 7. [...]

[C]onsider only a few of Putin's achievements since the total collapse of Russia's economy in 1998 and 1999. Today, Russia is in the early stages of building a civil society after 1,000 years of tyranny at the hands of Mongols, czars, boyars, and Communists. Perestroika, then Boris Yeltsin, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, opened the way for a decade of colossal corruption characterized by incompetence and official self-dealing. Putin has led a vital, four-year drive, first as prime minister, then as president, to contain these corrosive forces. As he said in September, "If by democracy one means the dissolution of the state, then we do not need such democracy."

A reading of Russia's financial performance will show that central bank reserves are over $70 billion, up from national bankruptcy in 1998--with an extraordinary rise in reserves of over 25 percent since January 2003. The flight of capital predicted at the time of Khodorkovsky's arrest has not materialized. The fiscal budget is in surplus. The current account surplus continues to add to these resources; some government debt has been repaid, some refunded. Russia's credit rating has risen from bankruptcy to Moody's investment grade. Reports on manufacturing growth are exceptional. President Putin's first term has been, in a word, a financial triumph.

The Yeltsin model of selling out the Russian people's assets, for almost nothing, to the "family" and the oligarchs will forever be deeply regretted in Russia. But privatization will persist, despite warnings to the contrary from Khodorkovsky's apologists. True, some Yukos shares will remain frozen until the criminal trial is over (a not uncommon practice under both U.S. and Russian law), but this period will be associated with continued growth and stability in the Russian economy, to the increasing benefit of middle-income and working people. Over the next five years, the European Union, China, and other countries will vigorously compete to invest in Russia.

The fact is, the positive economic trends set in motion during the presidency of Vladimir Putin are every bit as significant as those in China, India, and Brazil. [...]

Above all, future historians will appraise the immediate past and the developments of the next five years in light of the disorder of the decade 1989-99. An overwrought media, curiously infatuated with Khodorkovsky--and before him, with the oligarchs Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky--will gradually come round to acknowledging Putin's achievements.

Don't bet on it. If there's one consistent global media bias, it is that no regime of the Left ever had bad motives for the damage it caused and no regime of the Right had good motives when it saved a nation.

The Khodorkovsky Affair (John C.K. Daly, Dec. 16, 2003 , Insight)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:49 PM


Iraqi Shiites Enter New Era of Inclusion, Not Exclusion (SUSAN SACHS, 12/21/03, NY Times)

Iraq's Shiites, long the underclass in a nation where they are the majority, stand on the verge of their first real chance at political power in Iraq.

After the Shiites were sidelined for centuries by successive Sunni and foreign rulers, their political and religious leaders have become the dominant players in the American-led process of shaping a new, more representative government for Iraq.

"Our tragedy will not occur again," vowed Muhammad Hussein al-Hakim, a spokesman for his father, Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Said al-Hakim, one of the four most senior Shiite clerics in Iraq. "There is no turning back the tide." [...]

The country's Shiite leaders have taken pains to avoid openly antagonizing the American occupiers, the Sunnis or the Iraqi Kurds. The Shiites have said they do not seek a theocratic form of government like that in neighboring Iran, the next-largest Shiite nation. They have said they do not seek to oppress other groups.

But the Shiite leadership has also made it clear that its modesty should not be mistaken for meekness. The Shiites are believed to make up as much as 70 percent of Iraq's population of 25 million, and Mr. Hakim, whose family has produced a long line of senior clerics, said they would not accept less than the presidency of an independent Iraq.

"We don't want a dictatorship of the majority to dominate," said Mr. Hakim. "But we do want to preserve the rights of the majority, which is the Shia, and the simplest right is to have the head of state come from the majority. Isn't that correct?"

Mr. Hakim seems to understand democratic theory better than those Westerners who are more conncerned about minority rights than majority governance.

A Break at Last: Is That Hissing Sound the Last Gasp of Iraqi Insurgency? (Hiwa Osman, December 21, 2003, Washington Post)

Saddam Hussein's humiliating capture freed him from a fugitive's gloomy life of rat holes and battered taxis. For thousands of his victims, his arrest meant release from their own silent isolation, and they took to the streets in wild celebration. Friends in Iraq with access to e-mail sent me messages saying: "Happy Capture Day," like joyful Merry Christmas greetings in the West. [...]

Some foreign observers and journalists have expressed doubts about the importance of Hussein's capture, and whether it will weaken the violent Iraqi campaign against U.S. forces and all other supporters of a new Iraq. Such doubts are misplaced. Saddam's role in the "resistance" was both symbolic and practical. His arrest should result in the collapse of the insurgency, even if the impact is not felt immediately. The insurgents may not lay down their weapons. When the head of a snake is cut off, the body twitches for some time. With Saddam sitting in jail -- and soon in a courtroom -- his loyalists will eventually get the message that the head is gone. [...]

Saddam's loyalists have provided the backbone of the insurgency. They are experienced security and intelligence officers with established networks, intimate knowledge of Iraqi geography (especially in the central region) and an understanding of the infrastructure of major cities. Operating with large sums of disposable cash from their hideouts in the Sunni triangle, they have been able to exploit the disgruntled and unemployed by offering money in exchange for conventional attacks on U.S. military targets. A pattern has emerged where reported sightings of former senior Baath officials in a given area have been followed by an increase in attacks on U.S. military and civilian targets. At the same time, this loyalist Baathist backbone has been providing the intelligence, local knowledge and guidance to foreign Islamic militants seeking to carry out suicide attacks.

The elusiveness of Saddam was an important symbol of America's ineptitude. Until now, those who suffered at his hands were too afraid to openly support the new American-led system, lest the dictator would somehow return. But more significantly, they were rapidly losing faith in American ability to deliver, which exacerbated fear. [...]

The capture of Saddam redeems the U.S. occupation and renews a marginalized, victimized people's hope that they can be part of the new national project of building a free, secure and democratic Iraq. It is important that the United States recognize this opportunity. The arrest of Saddam has flushed out his supporters, who are less followers of the man than Sunni Arabs who fear the loss of their minority rule to the Shia majority. Their open street demonstrations of support for Saddam should be welcomed, not feared, because it means their activities have ceased to be clandestine.

Those who were backing Saddam and believed he would one day return now feel that they are on their own. What do they fight for, if not his return? They will have to move into the political arena and fight for a place at the table alongside their fellow Iraqis.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:40 PM


Colgate's Bid for Perfection Hits Wall (PETE THAMEL, December 20, 2003. NY Times)

Colgate's charmed football season ended with a thud Friday night.

Overmatched in size and speed by a Delaware team that has thrived in the playoffs, the Raiders fell, 40-0, in the Division I-AA national championship game at Finley Stadium.

A season of records, firsts and indelible moments sputtered because the Raiders (15-1) made uncharacteristic mistakes, failed to establish the running game of tailback Jamaal Branch and could notstop Blue Hens quarterback Andy Hall.

Two first-quarter Colgate blunders — a poor punt after a one-hop snap and a fumble by quarterback Chris Brown — helped Delaware take a 20-0 lead that Colgate never threatened. "We got down and stayed down," Colgate safety Sean McCune said.

The weather was even a fitting omen for Colgate; five minutes before kickoff, snow flurries turned into snow squalls. That excited Colgate's 3,500 fans. The snow, however, dissipated by kickoff, and Colgate soon followed.

The author doesn't come right out and say it, but, if you read between the lines, it seems obvious he's saying that Delaware cheated, not least by tampering with the weather.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:31 AM


Spain's Aznar pays surprise visit to Iraq (Associated Press, , December 20, 2003)

Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar paid a surprise visit to Spanish troops in Iraq on Saturday, his office said.

In a trip reminiscent of President Bush's Thanksgiving Day visit to U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq, Aznar left Friday night with a 16-member delegation to meet with member of the 1,300-strong Spanish contingent in Iraq, based in the southern town of Diwaniyah.

"He is there now. He will have lunch and come home," an official at Aznar's Moncloa Palace office in Madrid said.

Opposition leaders lashed out at Mr. Aznar, saying the Christmas tree in photos was made of plastic.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:14 AM


Fewer Teens Report They Abuse Drugs: Decline Is Attributed to Ads and Crackdowns (Ceci Connolly, December 20, 2003, Washington Post)

The number of American teenagers using illegal drugs fell markedly over the past two years, the first noteworthy decline in more than a decade, according to government data released yesterday.

The percentage of high school students who reported they had used an illicit drug in the past month fell to 17.3 percent this year, down from 19.4 percent in 2001, according to the comprehensive "Monitoring the Future" survey. That translates into 400,000 fewer high school students using drugs.

Although they cannot be certain, Bush administration officials attributed the decline to more aggressive and targeted anti-drug advertising, additional money for treatment and a drop in supply caused by law enforcement crackdowns.

"This survey shows that when we push back against the drug problem, it gets smaller," said John P. Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. "Fewer teens are using drugs because of the deliberate and serious messages they have received about the dangers of drugs." [...]

Since researchers began surveying eighth-, 10th- and 12th-graders in 1975, teenage drug use has followed a roller coaster path. After climbing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, usage slowly fell to 10.5 percent in 1992. The rate rose again to a high of 20.6 percent in 1996 and persistently hovered in that range until 2002.

1980-92--Reagan/Bush >> 1993--Clinton >> 2001--George W. Bush.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


Dean Lays Out a Domestic Plan to Wake Up His Party (DAVID M. HALBFINGER and DIANE CARDWELL, 12/19/03, NY Times)

Howard Dean sketched out an expansive "new social compact for working families" on Thursday but did so in a way that immediately put him at odds with the moderate wing of his party over domestic issues.

Making explicit reference to Bill Clinton's politically groundbreaking declaration in 1996 that the "era of big government is over," Dr. Dean, the former governor of Vermont, called for a new era for Democrats — "not one where we join Republicans and aim simply to limit the damage they inflict on working families." [...]

Dr. Dean proposed a "social contract" built on affordable health insurance and child care; a savings plan to help families prepare for retirement; and a "College Commitment," guaranteeing $10,000 in student financial assistance through a mix of grants and loans, depending on family finances.

But the reference to Mr. Clinton by Dr. Dean escalated the tensions between him and the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party.

Called for comment, Bruce Reed, a former Clinton adviser who is now president of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, said, "He took a cheap shot at Clintonism which wasn't appreciated." Mr. Reed added: "You know it just doesn't make any sense. One day Dean says Americans are no better off with Saddam out of power, now he seems to be saying Democrats are better off with Bill Clinton out of power."

Dean: I'm not criticizing, snubbing Bill Clinton (JOHN DiSTASO, 12/20/03, Manchester Union-Leader)
[A]t the Manchester City Library on Thursday, Dean unveiled a new “social contract” on domestic policy in a speech that contained the key line:

“While Bill Clinton has said that the era of big government is over, I believe we must enter a new era for the Democratic Party — not one where we join Republicans and aim simply to limit the damage they inflict on working families.”

An earlier draft of the speech, released to the media on Wednesday night, did not mention Clinton and appeared to more accurately reflect what Dean’s campaign is now saying that he meant.

Reportedly, the distributed draft of the foreign policy speech did not include the line about the capture of Saddam not making us any safer either. If the media were capable of analyzing Governor Dean objectively, here's what stands out about the week where he gave his two major addresses on foreign and domestic policy:

(1) By attacking the Bush Administration he buried the foreign policy speech and by attacking President Clinton he buried the domestic speech. These efforts to appear more moderate instead made him look even more extremist.

(2) Both wounds seem to have been inflicted by the candidate himself--ad-libbing or at least acting impulsively--not by staff.

Never mind the question of whether the country would be safe with him as president, these errors have to raise serious doubts for Democrats about whether he's even competent to run a national campaign.

The Era of Bill Clinton Is Over: Howard Dean triangulates the triangulator. (William Saletan, Dec. 18, 2003, Slate)

[W]hat's the difference between Dean and Clinton?

I see two differences. One is that Clinton ran for president promising tax cuts for the middle class. Dean is running for president promising to repeal tax cuts for the middle class and everyone else. Dean says the rich got most of Bush's tax cuts, and he's right. He says the tax cuts came with a hidden price tag—state budget crises, higher property taxes, higher state college tuition, higher national debt—and he's right again. But the first point solves the second. If the rich got most of the money, then the government can get that money back—and alleviate the hikes in tuition, debt, and property taxes—by repealing the tax cuts that went to the rich, while preserving the tax cuts that went to the middle class. That's the position taken by Wesley Clark, John Edwards, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, and even Dennis Kucinich. But not Howard Dean.

In his speech, Dean concedes, "The average wage earner did get a few hundred dollars back" in Bush's tax cuts. He says he'll "get rid of the Bush tax program"—notice the absence of the word cut—"and repeal the 'Bush Tax.' " But don't fret about losing the few hundred bucks you got from Bush: Dean says his "New Social Contract … will include fundamental tax reform to ensure that every wealthy American individual and corporation is paying their fair share of taxes—and that the tax burden on working families is reduced." He says he'll crack down on companies that use offshore shelters to avoid "$70 billion a year in taxes—enough money to bring a real tax cut to every family." It sounds like Dean is going to offer you a tax cut in exchange for taking away the one Bush gave you. But he never does.

The other difference is that Clinton got elected.

There's a third difference too: Mr. Clinton ran--though didn't often govern--well to the Right on social issues, from abortion to Welfare.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


Two Decades of Sanctions, Isolation Wore Down Gaddafi (Robin Wright and Glenn Kessler, December 20, 2003, Washington Post)

Libya's stunning decision yesterday to surrender its weapons of mass destruction followed two decades of international isolation and some of the world's most punishing economic sanctions. In the end, Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gaddafi was under so much pressure that he was forced to seek an end to the economic and political isolation threatening his government -- and his own survival, according to U.S. and British officials and outside experts.

The turning point in Gaddafi's undoing may have been the U.S. intelligence investigation that eventually tracked a tiny piece of the bomb that blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people, back to two Libyan intelligence agents, U.S. and British officials say. The evidence mobilized the world and produced an international effort that may now peacefully disarm Libya.

"What forced Gaddafi to act was a combination of things -- U.N. sanctions after the Lockerbie bombing, his international isolation after the Soviet Union's collapse . . . and internal economic problems that led to domestic unrest by Islamists and forces within the military," said Ray Takeyh, a Libya expert at the National Defense University.

Whether by coincidence or fear that Libya might be targeted, Gaddafi's envoys approached Britain on the eve of the Iraq war to discuss a deal, U.S. officials said.

"The invasion of Iraq sent a strong message to governments around the world that if the United States feels threatened by weapons of mass destruction, we are prepared to act against regimes not prepared to change their behavior," said a senior State Department official who requested anonymity.

So unilateral action by the United States and the near complete isolation of a rogue regime succeeded in ending the Libyan WMD threat without war, while ending the Iraqi threat via war. Meanwhile, Governor Dean proposes ending such unilateral actions, eschewing war, and ending the isolation of North Korea. One is reminded of the sage advice of Bert Lance: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Fulfilling the Promise of America: Meeting The Security Challenges of the New Century (Governor Howard Dean, M.D., Los Angeles, California, December 15, 2003, The Pacific Council on International Policy)

We can advance the battle against terrorism and strengthen our national security by reclaiming our rightful place as a leader in global institutions. The current administration has made it almost a point of pride to dismiss and ridicule these bodies. That's a mistake.

Like our country's "Greatest Generation," I see international institutions like the United Nations as a way to leverage U.S. power, to summon warriors and peacekeepers, relief workers and democracy builders, to causes that advance America's national interests. As President, I will work to make these institutions more accountable and more effective. That's the only realistic approach. Throwing up our hands and assuming that nothing good can come from international cooperation is not leadership. It's abdication. It's foolish. It does not serve the American people.

Working more effectively with the UN, other institutions, and our friends and allies would have been a far better approach to the situation in Iraq.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:59 AM


What if we stopped being so fixated on death, and gave life a chance? (The Rev Dr. Giles Fraser, The Guardian, 20/12/03)

Why are we so obsessed with what other people think of us? Why are we so concerned to fit in? Why do we submit so readily to the tyranny of the "they"? Heidegger's famous answer is that social conformity is a function of the fear of death. Standing alone is to face the full force of our own mortality. The crowd, on the other hand, is impersonal and immortal. The crowd is beyond the reach of death. Heidegger concludes that we hide from the unwelcome prospect of death by submerging our identity in the "they". The crowd anesthetises us from the thought of our own mortality. [...]

Heidegger's thought suggests that a culture obsessed with death will place ultimate value upon self-sufficiency and subjectivity. Replacing cultural necrophilia with a celebration of birth would transform our social and political paradigms. "Whereas mortality is the condition that leads the self to withdraw from the world into a fundamental concern with a fate that can only be its own, natality is the condition through which we immerse ourselves into the world through the goodwill and solidarity of those who nurture us," writes Seyla Benhabib, professor of government at Yale.[...]

A faith premised upon natality would have little place for an indifference to the physical. The thought that human beings are souls trapped beneath a veil of flesh makes no sense to a mother caring for her child. Likewise Plato's conception of love as an abstract intellectual virtue - that the "beauty in souls is more honourable than that in the body" - could never have been dreamt up by someone who had given birth or spent time cuddling, kissing or tickling their kids. The love inherent within nativity is inescapably physical: beginning in the womb and continuing in the physical intimacy of feeding and cleaning.

Most important of all, a culture of natality would be inscribed with a permanent sense of hope. Too much Christian theology has immediately displaced this hope into the beyond, effectively denying its applicability to the world in which we live. Hence the importance of the Christian Aid strapline: We believe in life before death. Often Christianity is imagined as transcending the human, in favour of some other realm, thereby betraying the constitutive elements of our humanity. But again it is Plato that is the real villain, insisting, as he does, upon transcending humanity to reach a perspective "unalloyed, pure, unmixed, not stuffed full of human flesh and colours and lots of other mortal rubbish". The nativity of Christ tells a very different story, returning Christians to a concern for the human in all its vulnerability and glory. In this way, a culture of natality provides a secure theological footing for an insistence upon social justice and the significance of the environment. [...]

The western cultural imagination has been obsessed with death. No doubt, a version of Christianity that has wedded itself to Platonism is partly responsible for this unhealthy fixation. Salvation is achieved through the death of Christ. Death is the pathway to life. Properly speaking, even here it is the resurrection, the affirmation of the triumph of life over death that is being celebrated. None the less, without the corrective of natality, a certain unhealthy morbidity can easily attach itself to the Christian vision. Even the modern rite of baptism is surprisingly heavy on the death imagery, perversely preferring a theology of death and rebirth to the miracle of birth itself. The feminist theologian Grace Jantzen, who has done most to develop a theology of natality, has suggested that the evangelical emphasis on being born again is a way in which men have wrested the power of birth away from women...

That this confused mishmash of trendy, secular-inspired drivel would undoubtedly resonate with many Christians is evidence of why the faith is in such trouble in the West. The objections are so numerous. Firstly, isn’t it a tad tasteless to champion a discredited crypto-Nazi over Plato? Secondly...

Oh, never mind. Let’s just thank the vicar for giving the culture of death such a good name.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 AM


Reason and Faith, Eternally Bound (EDWARD ROTHSTEIN, 12/20/03, NY Times)

One might have expected the forces of Reason to be a bit weary after a generation of battling postmodernism and having its power and authority under constant scrutiny. Reason's battles, though, continue unabated. Only now it finds its opposition in the more unyielding claims of religious faith. This latest conflict is over seemingly incompatible ways of knowing the world. It is a conflict between competing certainties: between followers of Faith, who know because they believe, and followers of Reason, who believe because they know. [...]

Isaiah Berlin argued that the Enlightenment led to the belief that human beings could be reshaped according to reason's dictates. And out of that science of human society, he argued, came such totalitarian dystopias as the Soviet Union.

Reason then, has its limits. The philosopher Robert Fogelin's new book, Walking the Tightrope of Reason is subtitled "The Precarious Life of a Rational Animal" because, he argues, reason's own processes negotiate a precipice. Mr. Fogelin quotes Kant, who described a dove who "cleaving the air in her free flight, and feeling its resistance, might imagine that its flight would be still easier in empty space."

Failing to understand what keeps her aloft and taking a leap of faith, the dove might set off in "empty space" — a vacuum — and plummet. But reason might lead to the same end: if something offers resistance then logically can't one proceed more easily if it is eliminated? So why not try?

The problem is that the bird can never fully comprehend the medium through which it experiences the world. In many ways, Kant argued, neither could the mind. Reason is still the only tool available for certain knowledge, but it also presents questions it is unable to answer fully.

Some of those questions may remain even after contemporary battles cease: how much faith is involved in the workings of reason and how much reason lies in the assertions of faith?

"Certain knowledge"?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 AM


The Ownership Society (DAVID BROOKS, 12/20/03, NY Times)

In his State of the Union address, the president will announce measures to foster job creation. In the meantime, he is talking about what he calls the Ownership Society.

This is a bundle of proposals that treat workers as self-reliant pioneers who rise through several employers and careers. To thrive, these pioneers need survival tools. They need to own their own capital reserves, their own retraining programs, their own pensions and their own health insurance.

Administration officials are talking about giving unemployed workers personal re-employment accounts, which they could spend on training, child care, a car, a move to a place with more jobs, or whatever else they think would benefit them.

President Bush has a proposal to combine and simplify the confusing morass of government savings programs and give individuals greater control over how they want to spend their tax-sheltered savings. Administration officials hope, in a second term, to let individuals control part of their Social Security pensions and perhaps even their medical savings accounts.

The Ownership Society idea allows Bush to be centrist and conservative at the same time.

Think of it as the conservative iteration of the Third Way.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:37 AM


The Optimist (MARSHALL SELLA, December 21, 2003, NY Times Magazine)

Orange County is ostensibly Reagan Country, but there are 325 non-Republicans who turn out to hear the fiery congressman give his eight-minute stump speech. It's hard to tell what has unified them. Since Kucinich resides at the left of his party (to the point where Ralph Nader has threatened to run in 2004 if anyone but Kucinich is the Democratic nominee), it seems that every faction of the left has come out and tossed up an information stand of some sort. You can stroll by a rackety table marked ISRAEL HOLOCAUST AGAINST PALESTINE; another pleading with you to FREE THE CUBAN FIVE; and don't forget the COLOMBIA PEACE PROJECT. There are Greens, Socialists and New Agers of every stripe. To judge from the fashion tastes of the crowd, someone would be wise to set up a table selling muumuus.

Candidate Kucinich emerges to the expected fanfare. As he takes the stage and begins to speak, he lists ''the real weapons of mass destruction.'' While he does, children march out with cardboard cutouts in the shapes of bombs, but with the actual culprits scrawled on the cardboard: poverty, poor health care, poor education and so forth. Kucinich stands, absorbing the love in his rolled-up blue shirt sleeves. The crowd is treated to ''We Are the World''; kids holding the bomb shapes sway along with the music, as if poverty and its friends have joined Hands Across America.

Unlike the unpolished speakers who have gone before, Kucinich is a firebrand. He jabs the air at all the right moments; he rails against the administration's failure to find W.M.D., at its hideous lies, at the fact that it ''led this nation into a war under a pretense.''

''Bring our troops home,'' the candidate shouts. ''Louder!'' And the crowd replies in kind, 10 times over, each time louder than the last.

Dennis Kucinich is easy to like.

Like? We love 'im. Hopefully he and the Reverend Al will still in the race until the bitter end.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:10 AM


Soros Doubts (Robert Novak, December 20, 2003, Townhall)

Left-wing billionaire investor George Soros, who appeared to support Howard Dean for president, now is privately expressing doubts about the Democratic Party's front-runner.

In conversations with political friends, Soros confided he has become alarmed by Dean's recent performance and wonders whether the former Vermont governor is capable of defeating George W. Bush. In one such chat, Soros suggested he is interested in retired Gen. Wesley Clark.

Who pays the piper calls the tunes...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 AM


A Mary for all: Christianity's Jewish roots: New evidence on links between Judaism, Christianity and Islam (The Economist, Dec 18th 2003)

Like several other religions, the Jewish tradition was torn between its emphasis on the unbridgeable gap between God and human beings and its belief that, in certain circumstances, it is possible for man and the divine to come face to face.

For the Jews, the unique place of encounter between man and God was the temple. Before that, it was the Tabernacle, or tent, constructed by Moses. Mrs Barker's point is that only in the light of the temple or tabernacle tradition can many features of early Christianity be understood. She also believes that the reverse applies: in the light of early Christian practices and ritual, it becomes easier to reenter the world of the Jewish temple. As an example of this, she takes the central Christian rite of the Eucharist, in which bread and wine are offered to God, consecrated and then consumed by worshippers who believe the sanctified gifts enable them, in some mysterious but primordially important sense, to take part in the divine life of Christ.

As many a religious historian has noted, there are two temple practices that foreshadow the Eucharist. One was the weekly ceremony in which 12 loaves of bread were brought into the temple, consecrated and then consumed by the high priests. The other was the annual rite that marks the high-point of the Jewish calendar: the Day of Atonement, the only time when the priest entered the holy of holies, the most sacred part of the temple.

Before doing so, the priest would select two almost identical goats. One would be slaughtered, and its blood was taken into the holy of holies before being sprinkled in various parts of the temple. The other was sent out into the desert, a “scapegoat” bearing the sins of the people.

As one standard translation puts it, the priest would sacrifice one goat for the Lord, the other to a demonic force called Azazel. But Mrs Barker, drawing in part on Christian sources, argues for a different reading of the Hebrew: one goat was sacrificed as, rather than for, Azazel, whereas the other was sacrificed as the Lord. If she is right, then the paradoxical Christian teaching that God the Son, being crucified, is both “victim and priest” in an act of supreme sacrifice becomes easier to understand. And it is clear that the links between the Eucharist and the Atonement rite are closer than previously realised.

If, as has been said, Christianity is "Judaism for Gentiles", we should expect many such overlaps, no?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 AM


The Democrats' Dean Dilemma: Will the Democratic center speak out? (David Tell, 12/29/2003, Weekly Standard)

[D]uring the Q&A session that followed his carefully scripted Los Angeles pronouncement, Dean wasted little time stripping himself bare of precisely that "moderate" image it had been intended to win him. There he was, in his force-averse, neo-isolationist skivvies, advancing a semi-coherent and alarmingly stingy "Dean Doctrine" that would circumscribe the exercise of U.S. military power abroad. The engagement of American arms should be "confined," Dean said, to three sets of circumstances only: One, if we've already been attacked, as with Afghanistan. Two, if we know we're about to be attacked. ("I hope we would have done something," Dean mused aloud, vaguely echoing the bizarre-o conspiracy theory he'd floated a week before, "had we known Osama bin Laden was going to run planes into the World Trade Center.") And three, though only "in some instances, when other world bodies fail," it's okay for the United States to intervene militarily in order "to stop genocide."

Saddam Hussein, of course, would not have qualified for American attention under the "Dean Doctrine." Not this year, anyway: "I would have supported intervention during the Shiite massacres," the doctrinaire Dr. Dean casually allowed, "but those occurred 11 years ago." Nor, it seems, would Saddam's associations with terrorism and determination to acquire weapons of mass destruction have prompted President Dean to take action, even had the evidence been contemporaneous and undebatable. North Korea, after all, "may or may not possess nuclear weapons, but surely, at least at this time, is not an imminent threat."

Nevertheless, "I would not have hesitated to go into Iraq," Dean concluded, despite having just ruled it out as a matter of principle, "had the United Nations given us permission."

You can drag a man to the foreign-policy center with a big, subtle, ghostwritten speech. But you can't make him think from the center if he really doesn't want to.

At the risk of being accused of using the Reductio ad Hitlerium, or whatever it's called: why does the Left believe there should have been a statute of limitations on Saddam's mass murder and use of WMD? If Hitler had sued for peace and stopped the Holocaust in 1944 and survived in power until 1955, would it have been illegitimate for us to execute regime change?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:40 AM


In Revival Of Najaf, Lessons for A New Iraq: Shiite Clergy Build A Spiritual Capital (Anthony Shadid, December 10, 2003, Washington Post)

"What was forbidden is beloved," [Heidar Moammar, a gaunt, 25-year-old cleric in a white turban] said, smiling as he glanced at the signs of the city's reawakening.

Across a thousand-year history as a seat of Shiite Islam, Najaf has weathered pillaging by puritanical tribes from the desert, the tyranny of Sunni Muslim rulers in Baghdad and the ascent of rival seminaries in Iraq and Iran. But in the wake of the fall of former president Saddam Hussein, a rebirth is underway in a city that, by virtue of its religious stature, looks to Baghdad as its equal. Long-dormant Shiite seminaries are proliferating, hotels are being built to cope with tens of thousands of pilgrims, and the bazaars of Najaf are boasting of profits that have doubled, even tripled, despite growing frustration with a lack of basic services.

More than just a city's renaissance, Najaf's revival is a story of shifting fortunes and unintended consequences in the tumult of postwar Iraq. The U.S. invasion dismantled one system, the construction of another is lagging, and a vacuum of leadership has ensued. With renewed confidence, the clergy have begun fashioning their headquarters into the spiritual capital of the country, and their leaders as the guardians of Iraq's Shiite majority. Few endorse Iran's Islamic government and perhaps even fewer support the U.S. goal of a secular state. But in between are vigorous debates -- over law and religion, Islam and state -- that could resonate throughout the Shiite world, where Iran and its revolution have long held sway as the unchallenged model.

Moammar -- a religious student by age 13, a prisoner in Hussein's jails by 16 -- sees himself as a soldier in that struggle.

As the call to Friday's prayers floated along the Prophet's Street, he walked toward the shrine of Imam Ali, the gold-domed resting place that gives Najaf its sanctity. The melancholy call clashed with the city's vibrant sounds. Iranian pilgrims chattered in Persian. Television blared footage of a Shiite ceremony from Iran and the training of a Shiite militia. Vendors hawked cassettes of ritual chants of grief, near piles of yellow brick for construction. Along one wall, scrawled in red, was a slogan that declared, "Saddam is a criminal."

"This is the freedom that is available to the Shiites," Moammar said. "In the time of the tyrant Saddam, no one could let even a prayer fall from his tongue."

That the Shi'ites aren't going to do with their newly won freedom what we would have them do with it does not make it not worth winning.

-The Iraqi Shiites: On the history of America’s would-be allies (Juan Cole, Fall 2003, Boston Review)
Rebuilding Iraq Is ... Nothing a Few Middle-Class Guys Couldn't Solve (JOHN TIERNEY, December 21, 2003, NY Times Magazine)

Before getting into the many reasons freedom is doomed in Iraq, consider a cheery counterexample. If you believe the political-science dictum that the bourgeoisie is the essential first ingredient for democracy, then there is at least one bit of good news in Baghdad today. Nader Hindo has come back to do business.

Never mind the car bombs, the missile attacks, the kidnappings, the blackouts, the ransacked buildings and bombed-out phone system. To Hindo these are minor obstacles compared with what he saw growing up in Baghdad under Saddam Hussein. His mother, Nidhal, the owner of a document-translation service, was regularly harassed and shaken down by the ''economic security'' police. His father, Wathiq, who tried importing liquor and cigarettes, was muscled out of business by Uday Hussein and nearly executed for being ''an economic saboteur.'' When Hindo finished high school in 1992, he left his family in Baghdad for the University of Illinois with no intention of returning. After studying computer science, he became a partner in a dot-com selling mortgage software to banks. When American troops entered Baghdad, he was 29 years old and living in a Miami condo with a swimming pool and a view of the ocean -- bourgeois bliss in South Beach.

Now Hindo is back in Baghdad, which starts to look like capitalism's promised land when he takes you around in his S.U.V. to show his projects. He is running an Internet service, supplying computers and satellite telephone service to three dozen hotels and businesses, plus he's negotiating to rebuild part of the national phone system. These are just his sideline businesses. He has got several bigger ventures going with his father. Together they're selling power generators to the United States Army, building materials to contractors and drilling equipment to the oil industry. They're overseeing 250 workers busy on the reconstruction of a dozen mansions, ministries and other buildings. On weekends, they scout the mountains and lakes of Kurdistan, where they're planning to build resort hotels.

Yes, resort hotels in Iraq.

A soldier's side: How diplomacy will turn Iraq around (MARA SHALHOUP, Creative Loafing)
U.S. Army Capt. Hunter Hill, a West Point graduate and Atlanta native, is taking a rare two-week break from Iraq, where he's been stationed for the past nine months with the 101st Airborne Division. At the moment, two days before the capture of Saddam Hussein, he's sipping coffee at a Buckhead Starbucks. More typically, Hill, 26, is found alongside his boss, the assistant division commander for operations in northern Iraq. [...]

Creative Loafing: It seems like there are these both lofty and concrete principles, of building democracy and rebuilding infrastructure. But beyond that, it seems like the most important thing is to rebuild the character and self-respect of the people who've been so pummeled. Your division's motto kind of speaks to that. But how do you reach the hearts and minds of these people?

Hunter Hill: It's definitely different. I had no idea that I'd be getting unbelievable lessons in diplomacy and political wranglings.

We had millions of dollars of Iraqi-seized assets, and we've spent over $15 million on building up offices and fixing the aqueduct so that the farmers can get water. [The Iraqi people] see the results. That's the bottom line. They see that their kids are back in school. They see banks working. What they don't see, and what's making some of them angry, is that the security situation is still not good. They're just concerned about the security issue, and I don't blame them.

This [city-building] isn't exactly what you were trained to do at Fort Campbell.

You're exactly right. But the thing is, we'll give an Iraqi engineer money [to] do the work we're not trained for. We are indeed the very people who need to be there doing this. We are making things happen. We don't know how to do everything, like you said, because we don't have the expertise. But we go and find the person that does.

How long do you think your work in this particular area will take until it's done to your satisfaction?

It's going to take 10 to 12, 20 years, maybe. If somebody comes in here and tries to be all hard-ass and forgets the people and just focuses on the security thing, it's going to ruin everything that's been done.

It's a very difficult balance, and I'm not smart enough to understand it. Because when [one of us] gets hurt or killed, the natural intent of the soldier, myself included, is to go out and kill. But [Maj. Gen. Petraeus] takes a very sober judgment to it. We try to create operations to find these people and kill them. But at the same time, we do not pull away from the locals. We try to get them to help us.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:23 AM


Chanukah, classical and pops: Like the Maccabees of old coming down from the Judean hills to reclaim the Temple, Chanukah CDs are coming from the most unexpected of places to rededicate the holiday musical landscape. (Paul Wieder, Dec. 4, 2002, Jewish World Review)

Shelley Olson uses classical music traditions to inform her Chanukah Cantata. And Shirley Braha, a.k.a. Little Shirley Beans, collected a dozen bands you've never heard of (unless you are a fan of the Casino Ashtrays, Chariots of Tuna, or Gumdrop Alley) and charged them with writing all-new Chanukah songs for the anthology I Made It out of Clay.

[T]he wildly eclectic I Made It out of Clay [is] billed as the first "Chanukah Indie-pop compilation." "Indie" is short for "independent," as in independent film. The two media also share an do-it-yourself, hey-why-not ethos. However, there is a "tight sense of community that builds around it," that is lacking in the film world, Shirley Braha, the album's producer, notes.

The performers on Clay are based in a dozen states, plus Canada and Finland, where they know something about winter. Kisswhistle remakes Elvis Costello's "Veronica" into "Verhannukah," and Mesopotamia harmonically laments the passing of a tail-chasing dog named Dreydel. The tones range from meditative to raucous, and encompass sounds from samba (Jumprope's "Hanukkah in Brazil") to nursery rhyme (the Boyish Charms "Theme for a Defiled Temple"); DJs will probably find "Hanukkah Girl" by Metronome the most radio-friendly cut. Many of the tracks feature muted vocals, but the full lyrics to all 20 tracks are enclosed.

We unfortunately have this one. "Unfortunately" because the kids like it but it makes adults want to set themselves on fire.

December 19, 2003

Posted by David Cohen at 9:15 PM


Voelz is remembered as a tomboy and a daredevil (Erica Walsh, The News-Enterprise, 12/17/03)

Floyd Fahnestock's Pennsylvania home is filled with floral bouquets. For two days now, Floyd and his wife, Carol, have seen florist after florist ring the doorbell.

Each one usually has a condolence card attached with kind words and fond memories of their daughter, Kimberley.

"Everyone loved her," Floyd Fahnestock said.

Staff Sgt. Kimberley A. Voelz — "Kim" to her friends and "Kimmy" to her father — died Sunday in Iraq after an explosive device she was attempting to disarm detonated. The Fort Knox-based soldier was 27.

Posted by David Cohen at 8:55 PM


Libya to give up WMD (BBC, 12/20/03)

Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has admitted his country was developing weapons of mass destruction, but will dismantle its secret programme.

He told the official Libyan news agency he was ready to play its role in building a world free from all forms of terrorism, after months of negotiations with the West.

The process of dismantling the programme would be "transparent and verifiable" and the range of all Libya's missiles would be restricted to 300km, he said.

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair revealed the unexpected decision and called it "an historic one and a courageous one and I applaud it". . . .

The US and its allies have long suspected that Libya had secret chemical and bio-weapons programmes, however Libya always denied such allegations saying it had only facilities for pharmaceutical or agricultural research.

In 1995 the country reopened its Rabta pharmaceutical plant, at Qabilat az Zaribah, which prior to its 1990 closure had produced up to 100 tons of chemical weapons, according to the US.

But chemical weapon production at Libya's underground Tarhuna facility is thought to have been suspended following intense public scrutiny.

UK officials believe Libya was close to obtaining a nuclear weapons capability before the deal.

Gosh, you'd think Gaddafi was afraid that actions have consequences.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:19 PM


White House 'very pleased' with Sharon's speech (ASSOCIATED PRESS, Dec. 19, 2003)

President George W. Bush's spokesman reacted warmly Friday to much of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's latest prescription for dealing with the Palestinians.

"We were very pleased with the overall speech," spokesman Scott McClellan said in an apparent effort to offset published accounts that focused on his admonition Thursday that Sharon should not try to impose a settlement without negotiations.

In an exchange Friday with reporters the White House spokesman offered no criticism of Sharon's speech Thursday in Herzliya in which the prime minister offered to remove some settlements on the West Bank and make other concessions.

Posted by John Resnick at 1:45 PM


Twisting Skyscraper to Replace NY's WTC (December 19, 2003, Grant McCool)

The building dubbed the "Freedom Tower" will be the world's tallest at 1,776 feet when it is completed by the end of 2008 and is intended to reclaim part of Manhattan's famous skyline shattered in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

"We will build it to show the world that freedom will always triumph over terror and that we will face the 21st century with confidence," said New York Gov. George Pataki, who has final authority over what is built on the 16-acre (6.4 hectare) site in lower Manhattan's financial district.

Right after 9.11.01, a group of colleagues and I were heatedly debating whether they'd ever re-build the WTC. Some insisted that it would be such sacred ground that nothing would ever replace it. I've always believed the most symbolic memorial for those 3000+ souls could never be found at ground level - surely it would stretch to the heavens. The American Spirit of Freedom demands that we would rebuild something taller, stronger, more technologically equipped. This is not arrogance or extravagance. It is evidence of what we aspire to be.

And, dear God forbid, should this one too be razed by the evils of terror, we must rebuild again and again.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:23 PM


U.S. Navy seizes boat with drugs linked to al-Qaida (MATT KELLEY, December 19, 2003, Associated Press)

The U.S. Navy has seized a boat in the Persian Gulf carrying two tons of hashish and four people tied to the al-Qaida terrorist network, the military said Friday.

The guided missile destroyer USS Decatur intercepted the boat on Monday, U.S. Central Command said in a statement. On board were two tons of drugs worth an estimated $8 million to $10 million and 12 people, four of whom have suspected ties to al-Qaida, the statement said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 AM


What is the ultimate gift we can give our children on Chanukah?: Re-thinking priorities during the Festival of Lights. Hype aside, there really IS a "gift that keeps on giving" (Rabbi Daniel Cohen, 12/19/03, Jewish World Review)

What is the ultimate gift we can give our children on Chanukah? What gift will nurture their Jewish identity, give them joy, and strengthen their character and family bonds? It is not a computer, even with a Chanukah program. The greatest gift is Shabbes (Sabbath).

This year, the first and last nights of Chanukah coincide with Shabbes. The secret of our ability to light Chanukah candles despite efforts to squelch the flame of Judaism throughout Jewish history is the observance of Sabbath.

Material gifts have a limited shelf life. Sabbath — a spiritual gift — lives on. Sabbath affords the Jew the tools to spiritual fulfillment and meaning. Sabbath enriches our lives with infinite everlasting value.

Deep down, our children do not want our gifts — they want us. They want our time, attention and love. Sabbath is an oasis in time. Rather than lighting the Chanukah candles on Friday night and going out, light the Shabbat candles as well and stay home.

Spend Friday evening and Saturday talking with your family about the why of Jewish identity. Go to synagogue. Sing Sabbath and Chanukah songs. Identify how each member of the family brings light to your life. The Israeli writer Ahad Ha'am reflects: "More than the Jew has kept Sabbath, Sabbath has kept the Jew." It is the key to Jewish Renaissance.

The question is not have we been through another Chanukah, but has Chanukah been through us?

We wish all our brothers and sisters in Abraham the very best Chanukah.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 AM


Telling It Right (PAUL KRUGMAN, 12/19/03, NY Times)

[T]he war came at a heavy cost, even before the fighting began: to prepare for the Iraq campaign, the administration diverted resources away from Afghanistan before the job was done, giving Al Qaeda a chance to get away and the Taliban a chance to regroup. [...]

To top it all off, the ongoing disorder in Iraq is a clear and present danger to our own national security. A large part of the U.S. military's combat strength is tied down in occupation duties, leaving us ill prepared for crises elsewhere. Meanwhile, overstretch is undermining the readiness of the military as a whole. [...]

While the world celebrated the capture of Saddam, a federal appeals court ruled that Jose Padilla must be released from military custody. Mr. Padilla is a U.S. citizen, arrested on American soil, who has been held for 18 months without charges as an "enemy combatant." The ruling was a stark reminder that the Bush administration, which talks so much about promoting democracy abroad, doesn't seem very concerned about following democratic rules at home.

One can't help noticing that while the critics of the administration are fond of saying that it isn't doing enough to fight al Qaeda, they seem overjoyed that al Qaeda has won a round in our Court's that could make it harder to fight them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:37 AM


Who needs WMD when you've got Saddam? Jim Lobe, 12/20/03, Asia Times)

In a nationally televised interview earlier this week, Bush appeared to dismiss the relevance of whether Iraq actually had WMD and the possibility that Saddam might eventually have moved to acquire them. "So what's the difference?" asked Bush, who later added that he was persuaded Saddam constituted "a gathering threat, after 9/11 [September 11] ... that needed to be dealt with. "And so we got rid of him, and there's no doubt the world is a safer, freer place as a result of Saddam being gone," he went on. [...]

"In my many years on [Capitol Hill]," one veteran congressional staffer told IPS, "I don't know that I've seen anything quite as cynical as this. They're clearly hoping that Congress and the American public will just forget that they waged war because of a threat that never existed but that they hyped to kingdom come."

Even Mr. Lobe does not try to rebut the President's unanswerable argument, that the world is safer and freer with Saddam gone.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:31 AM


No Trespassing: When teens vow not to have sex, the moral to their story isn't always clear (LEAH GERCHARIO AND MICHELLE MARTINEZ, Dec 18, 2003, Dallas Observer)

[M]any of these teenagers are distinctive in one unseen way: They are card-carrying pledgers of True Love Waits, a Christian-based abstinence program. To join, teens must sign a card reading, "Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate and my future children to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship."

In fact, these kids are not that unusual. According to True Love Waits, some 1.2 million teens have made the pledge since the group's beginning in 1993. Programs like TLW, abstinence advocates say, are at least partly responsible for a drop in the number of high school students having intercourse: down to 46 percent in 2001 from 54 percent a decade earlier, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Richard Ross, the professor of student ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, spearheaded the True Love Waits program a decade ago and is now a TLW spokesman. He dislikes the term "founder," saying that God is the founder and the True Love Waits team merely God's instrument "for protecting the hearts of kids." He says True Love Waits is still a grassroots movement, although more than 90 Christian and secular organizations are listed as cooperating ministries, including Protestant and Catholic groups.

Many students commit to True Love Waits while they're in middle school or early high school and are urged to recommit every year. Ross says most of them do so because TLW articulates a goal to which many teens desperately aspire. "What many of them say on this issue is, 'I love God so much, I am choosing to obey what he has asked of me.'"

The Dallas Observer interviewed some 15 TLW teens and young adults, and indeed most of them speak highly of the program. Some, like Kenneth Sewell, have even married other TLW members. "I don't think kids even understand, until they get into a marriage relationship, the kind of trust that's needed in a marriage," Sewell says. "And when that is hanging over your head, you know, those past girlfriends, those past boyfriends, that really makes trusting in a marriage difficult. I guess I didn't understand the real importance of True Love Waits until I got married."

Others with whom the Observer spoke say what sounded like a simple commitment in their younger years became harder to stick with once they hit high school or college. Matthew (who asked that his last name not be used) signed the card as a junior in high school, before he'd had any sexual experiences.

"I got to college, and I realized there's a lot more out in the world than Killeen, Texas," Matthew says. "I started to realize that this whole 'waiting till marriage' thing wasn't necessarily the be-all, end-all of the way relationships should go." The woman to whom he lost his virginity is now his wife. "In a sense, you could say I fulfilled the promise of the pledge," he says. "Maybe not the wording, but certainly the spirit of it, since she's the only woman I ever had sex with and she's now my wife." [...]

TLW's Ross says that detractors and "adults who are just consumed with sexual expression" don't dissuade teenagers from abstinence--quite the opposite, he says. In the current "tsunami wave of sexuality" in America, he says, True Love Waits becomes a countercultural movement that naturally attracts young followers.

"I think teenagers today are standing up to adults," Ross says. "[They're] saying, 'You don't think we're capable of controlling ourselves. You think we are all going to live like barnyard animals...The only thing you can say to us is, "Here, take a condom. Protect yourself if you can."'

"I think there is a spirit within teenagers that causes some to say, 'We're not going to do what you think we're going to do. We are perfectly capable of making promises. We are perfectly capable of keeping those promises. So we're going to be different from you.'"

That choice, though, doesn't guarantee an adolescence free from emotional scarring and sexual temptation.

This represents a vacuous but all too common misconception about morality: recognizing the existence of moral laws does not inoculate you against breaking them or from the temptation to break them and following them won't necessarily make you happy. You try to follow them because that's the objectively right thing to do, not for your own personal gain, and you have to anticipate that you'll not be able to follow them consistently. Morality makes life harder, not easier. License is the easy way out.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


Peace doesn't require a plan (Mitchell G. Bard, December 16, 2003, Israeli Insider)

I'm thinking of redecorating my house and wall papering the entire thing with Yossi Beilin's peace plans. Beilin is a good man, a tireless advocate of peace, but shares the delusion of many that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict has eluded everyone simply because no one has devised a brilliant enough plan. Nothing could be further from the truth. [...]

Ironically, the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute will inevitably resemble one of the very first plans proposed nearly 70 years ago. In 1937, Lord Peel figured out the only conceivable way the two peoples could live together was to create two states. If the Palestinians had been willing to accept that plan, or almost any of the dozens of others offered since that time, they would have long ago had an independent state larger than the one they will ultimately establish.

No choice but a unilateral solution (Ted Belman, December 18, 2003, Israel National News)
Given that the Palestinians are against a two-state solution, no matter what they say, Israel must develop a separate vision; one that they can impose unilaterally. To be able to do so, Israel will have to destroy the terror infrastructure, expel the terrorists, and jail or expel all Palestinians who continue to incite in schools or mosques.

Let the debate begin. But it must involve a unilateral solution.

There's another chapter for Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point here, as the unthinkable becomes the conventional wisdom in near record time.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:24 AM


Netanyahu: Israel's demographic problem is with its Arab minority (Ellis Shuman, December 18, 2003, Israeli Insider)

Netanyahu's speech, his first diplomatic address since becoming finance minister, attacked Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's call for a withdrawal from most of the territories due to the concern that Israel could not remain a Jewish democratic state if it didn't ensure a 80% Jewish majority. "For a diplomatic deal you need a partner and you need to get something back in return," Netanyahu said, rejecting any possibility of unilateral moves.

"We do have a demographic problem but it is with the Arab Israelis, not the Palestinians," Netanyahu said. "The declaration of independence depicts Israel as both Jewish and democratic. To stop democracy from wiping out the Jewish nature of the country we must insure the Jewish majority. Incorporating the Arab Israelis fully into Israeli society should be done hand in hand with protecting the Jewish nature of that society," he said.

"Luckily we no longer control the larger part of the Palestinian population. I do not see any possible solution that will somehow bring these people back under Israeli rule, as citizens or in any other form. We are not interested in controlling the Palestinians," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu warned that if the Arab minority would reach 40% of the population, Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish democratic state. Of Israel's 6.6 million citizens, about 1.3 million (20%) are Arabs, Haaretz reported.

Mr. Netanyahu is correct that all this does is buy Israel time, but wrong about who's the problem. Jews need to have more children.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:01 AM

60-40 NATION:

Can you like George Bush and not vote for him? (Mark Shields, December 15, 2003, CNN)

If Democrats are serious about involuntarily retiring President George W. Bush in next November's election, then they had better pay special attention to the most recent Los Angeles Times poll and the answers to this good question: Which one of the following statements come closest to the way you feel about President Bush? [...]

The good news for the Democrats is that a plurality, approaching a majority, of voters mostly dislike the incumbent president's policies and therefore might reasonably be expected to vote in 2004 for the challenger.

But the bad news is that better than two out of three of the likely voters like Bush as a person. And for most Americans, our choice for president -- quite unlike our less reflective pick for lieutenant governor or county recorder --is the most personal vote we cast.

Two out of three men like Bush as a person. So, too, do two out of three women. Three out of five self-identified Democrats personally like Bush. More than a majority -- 52 percent -- of liberals like the conservative chief executive personally.

These numbers mean that the Democratic nominee' s difficult mission will be to persuade voters who like George W. Bush personally that they can vote against his policies, next November, and still like Bush.

To pull that off, that Democratic candidate must reject the appeals and the advice of the zealous anti-Bushies, that fierce 20 percent of the electorate, who are convinced that the route to victory lies in just one more recital of the incumbent's mispronunciations, missteps or mistakes.

But to win the nomination they have to play to the 20%, which means that in the general the Democratic nominee will be closer to 40% than to 50%.

Some Democrats Uneasy About Dean as Nominee (KATHARINE Q. SEELYE and ROBIN TONER, 12/19/03, NY Times)

Many leading Democrats say they are uneasy about Howard Dean's candidacy for president and are reluctant to cede him the nomination for fear that his combative style and antiwar stance will leave Democrats vulnerable in November.

They acknowledge that Dr. Dean has run a strategically savvy campaign that has made him the candidate to beat. But their worry has been heightened anew, they say, by Dr. Dean's statement this week that the capture of Saddam Hussein "did not make America safer" and by his suggestion that Saudi Arabia warned President Bush about Sept. 11 even though "I did not believe the theory I was putting out."

Senator John B. Breaux of Louisiana, who has long sought to push the Democratic Party to the center, said Dr. Dean's remark about Mr. Hussein's capture was "not the smartest thing to say." Mr. Breaux added, "Most people in my part of the country think the world is indeed safer without a ruthless dictator."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:49 AM


The Soros Threat (James K. Glassman, January/February 2004, American Enterprise)

In early November, Soros and a partner donated $5 million to the liberal, anti-Bush He also gave $10 million to a similar organization, America Coming Together, which aims to mobilize voters in 17 battleground states. And he has promised $3 million to the Center for American Progress, a new Democratic think tank started by former Clinton aide John Podesta.

Soros has always fancied himself an intellectual as well as a moneymaker, and he wants desperately to be taken seriously. His first attempt came in 1997 with a weird, discursive article in the Atlantic Monthly called "The Capitalist Threat." He argued that "the spread of market values into all areas of life" is now the main threat to "open and democratic society."

The man-bites-dog nature of the anticapitalist article from the capitalist mogul brought it attention, but it was so appallingly stupid that it provoked the ire of even the typically mild-mannered, centrist journalist Robert Samuelson of Newsweek. He called Soros "a crackpot" and his essay "gibberish" akin to the "Unabomber's manifesto in its sweeping, unsupported, and disconnected generalizations."

Now Soros is back in the Atlantic with a piece called "The Bubble of American Supremacy." Here the problem is not so much incoherence as hysteria: "The Bush administration proceeded to exploit the terrorist attack for its own purposes," he writes of the 9/11 terrorist murder of innocents. "It fostered the fear that has gripped the country…and it used the war on terrorism to execute an agenda of American supremacy."

What does Soros propose? Not military action, but "preventive action of a constructive and affirmative nature. Increased foreign aid or better or fairer trade rules," and, of course, "international cooperation."

All of this would be harmless if Soros didn't have billions to spend and the intention to manipulate our politics with them. In the past, it was enough for him to lavish money on leftish causes like drug legalization through the Soros Foundations Network. But a more strident, ideological tone has now become evident.

It does at least provide some clarity when the Democrats hop in bed with someone who is openly opposed to capitalism and American supremacy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:35 AM


No choice but a unilateral solution (Ted Belman, December 18, 2003, Israel National News)

Given that the Palestinians are against a two-state solution, no matter what they say, Israel must develop a separate vision; one that they can impose unilaterally. To be able to do so, Israel will have to destroy the terror infrastructure, expel the terrorists, and jail or expel all Palestinians who continue to incite in schools or mosques.

Let the debate begin. But it must involve a unilateral solution.

Peace doesn't require a plan (Mitchell G. Bard, December 16, 2003, Israeli Insider)
I'm thinking of redecorating my house and wall papering the entire thing with Yossi Beilin's peace plans. Beilin is a good man, a tireless advocate of peace, but shares the delusion of many that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict has eluded everyone simply because no one has devised a brilliant enough plan. Nothing could be further from the truth. [...]

Ironically, the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute will inevitably resemble one of the very first plans proposed nearly 70 years ago. In 1937, Lord Peel figured out the only conceivable way the two peoples could live together was to create two states. If the Palestinians had been willing to accept that plan, or almost any of the dozens of others offered since that time, they would have long ago had an independent state larger than the one they will ultimately establish.

There's another chapter for Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point here, as the unthinkable becomes the conventional wisdom in near record time, even if 70 years late.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


the mind for battle (The Baltimore Sun, Dec 18, 2003)

On the theory that preparing the mind for battle is as important as preparing the body, the top officer in each service provides a reading list of recommended books for enlisted personnel to commissioned officers. The Marine Corps, which for many Americans has the image of being the toughest of the tough, offers the most extensive reading list, with about 175 books divided among each rank. [...]

Following is a sampling of books from the list of recommendations by Marine Corps rank, compiled by Tom Bowman, The Sun's military affairs reporter.

Private, private first class, lance corporal

Starship Troopers, by Robert A. Heinlein. A recruit of the future goes through the toughest boot camp in the universe - and into battle with the Terran Mobile Infantry against mankind's most frightening enemy.

The Bridge at Dong Ha, by John Grider Miller. On Easter morning 1972, Marine Capt. John Ripley, the sole U.S. adviser to the tough 3rd Battalion of the South Vietnamese marines, braved intense enemy fire to blow up a bridge and stop a major invasion from the north. [...]

Brigadier general through general

The Best and the Brightest, by David Halberstam. The story of how the U.S. got involved in Vietnam through the "best and brightest" policymakers appointed by John F. Kennedy.

Maverick Marine: General Smedley Butler and the Contradictions of American Military History, by Hans Schmidt. A two-time Medal of Honor recipient, Butler, beginning in 1898, served on American foreign military expeditions from Cuba to the Philippines, China, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, France and China. After a rescinded court-martial and premature retirement in 1931, he renounced war and devoted his energies to causes ranging from labor unions to the anti-war movement of the 1930s.

What exactly are they trying to tell the Generals?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


Good-News Dilemma (Michael Kinsley, December 19, 2003, Washington Post)

[D]ean won points in my book for another bit of straight talk. After calling Hussein's capture "a great day" for the military, for Iraqis and for Americans generally, he added that it was "frankly, a great day for the administration." This is a rare example of a politician saying "frankly" and then saying something actually frank. It comes close to admitting the obvious: that this development helps Bush's chance of winning next year's election and therefore hurts Dean's.

With that anyone who values the English language must agree.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:57 AM


Martin differs with U.S. on Iraq; Disagrees on death penalty for Saddam; Reconstruction contracts also at issue (Susan Delacourt, Toronto Star, 19/12/03)

Prime Minister Paul Martin has made clear he is at odds with U.S. President George W. Bush on capital punishment for Saddam Hussein and on his handling of the war and reconstruction in Iraq.

But despite these "principled" differences, Martin maintained in a round of media interviews yesterday that he has embarked on a course of constructive new Canada-U.S. relations.

"I personally don't believe in the death penalty," Martin told CHUM Television yesterday when asked whether the former leader of Iraq, captured by U.S. forces a week ago, should face capital punishment, as Bush has said he favours. Martin had earlier skated around the question of Saddam's fate, saying it should be left to the courts, but he was clearer yesterday in voicing his opposition to the death penalty for the jailed dictator.

Martin said international law leans in favour of his own view in theory, if not in practice.

"The fact is that international law right now would not permit the death penalty, but neither the United States nor Iraq have signed on to those particular covenants," Martin said. "What's most important is that whatever decision comes down, we want it to be seen to be internationally credible." [...]

The Prime Minister said he does not agree with the Americans' decision to give reconstruction contracts only to firms from countries that supported the war. Former prime minister Jean Chrétien was justified and right to keep Canada out of the Iraq war, Martin said in several interviews yesterday, and the U.S. is only hurting the Iraqi people if it erects more obstacles to reconstruction efforts.

In our more treasonous moments, my wife and I fantasize about what the U.S. should do to slap around a few faces up here. It seems withholding invitations to the ranch isn’t enough. It is a tougher challenge than one would think. There isn’t a lot that can be done to punish Canadians that wouldn’t punish Americans equally. And, in the end, we’re really no threat and have no desire to be one. Is it worth the effort?

Seen through Canadian eyes, this tired prattle is more a product of cowardice and anti-intellectualism than any desire to challenge or even disagree with the U.S. The problem is not anti-Americanism, which is actually pretty mild compared to in Europe or Latin America or even some current allies, but a neurotic parochialism hidden under a self-deluding cloak of internationalism. Only among conservatives is there any sense that Canada is behaving shamefully if she does not accept she is part of something bigger and more precious than herself, to which she owes duties. This is why the concept of the Anglosphere is, at bottom, so scary. It implies having the courage to defer to leaders and to make sacrifices to defend something. It’s much safer to claim one is equal and run off to play rhetorical games at the UN. More fun, too.

Those who claim Canada is falling apart are wrong. The problem is as much that she is not. We work hard and have built a very agreeable place to live and raise a family. But we have also had many, many years of peaceful comfort and American protection, with the right to mouth off thrown in. It may be humans can simply not bear such blessings for so long before losing any sense of reality and self-respect.

But whatever contempt this earns Canada from the American right, the responsibility is not all up here. Canadians are big consumers of the American media. If you were an ordinary Canadian treated to a nightly spectacle of Democrats, media types, academics, activists and Hollywood icons saying it was all America’s fault and that the U.S. should work much harder to please great people like us, what would you think?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Saddam Hussein, like Adolf Hitler, will live on for millions of people (ROBERT FISK, 12/17/03, Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

In the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq this year, we journalists -- and all praise to Paul Wood of the BBC for his part in this -- got our hands on videos of some of the most pornographic violence any of us would be able to stomach. For 45 minutes, Saddam's security police whipped and beat half-naked Shiite prisoners in the courtyard of their "Mukhabarat" headquarters.

They are covered in blood, screaming and whimpering. They are kicked and their testicles crushed and pieces of wood forced between their teeth as they are pushed into sewers and clubbed on the face.

The videos show that there were spectators, uniformed Baathists, even a Mercedes parked in the background under the shade of a silver birch tree.

I showed a few seconds of these films at lectures in Ireland and the United States this summer and some members of the audience left, nauseated by the evidence of Saddam's perverted nature. Who, after all, were these videos made for? For Saddam? Or for the victims' families to watch, so that they may suffer again the torture of their loved ones?

It's easy, looking at these images of Saddam's sadism, to have expected Iraqis to be grateful to us this week. We have captured Saddam. We have destroyed the beast. The nightmare years are over. If only we could have got rid of this man 15 years ago -- 20 years ago -- how warm would be our welcome in Iraq today. But we didn't. And that is why his capture will not save U.S. soldiers. He lives on. Just as Hitler lives on today in the memories and fears of millions. It is in the nature of such terrible regimes to replicate themselves in the mind.

Which U.S. soldiers are at risk from this imagined living Hitler and who fears him today? Even when Mr. Fisks makes a bit of sense he's nuts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:30 AM


Poland Takes Pride in Assertive Stance Toward Neighbors (MARK LANDLER, 12/19/03, NY Times)

Despite a population of 39 million and by far the largest economy in Central Europe, many here fear that Poland will not be treated as a full partner in a greater Europe.

"We keep seeing ourselves as a small country," Danuta Hübner, the minister for European affairs, said in an interview. "In fact, Poland is a big country. We are half of what is joining Europe in terms of population. We should have the responsibilities that come with being a big country."

Such talk is heard more and more often these days. Five months before it adds 10 new countries with 75 million people, the European Union seems to be cleaving into two camps — one centered on France and Germany, the other encompassing an assortment of bantam and middleweight countries.

This latest crisis erupted two weeks after Germany and France effectively vitiated the fiscal rules that govern the countries using the euro as their common currency, refusing to bring their budget deficits under a mandated ceiling.

For Europe's smaller countries — as well as would-be members, who are dutifully bringing their finances into line with European standards — the impunity with which France and Germany acted suggests that the union keeps a different rulebook for its biggest members.

In Poland's case, the frictions with Germany and France have been aggravated by Warsaw's staunch support of the American-led war on Iraq, which Berlin and Paris just as staunchly opposed. [...]

Not everybody here applauds Poland's intransigence. Marek Ostrowski, a leading foreign affairs commentator, said it was less a principled stand than a display of Poland's insecurities and pathologies.

Rather than defer to Poland, Mr. Ostrowski predicted, Germany and France will find a way to bypass it. He also questioned why Poland was so intent on cultivating an "exotic alliance" with Spain instead of working to close the gap with its natural partner, Germany.

Germany? They're Poland's natural enemy. Britain and America are it's natural allies, even if not always trustworthy ones.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 AM


No scholarships? No problem for Colgate ( Gary Mihoces, 12/18/03, USA TODAY)

Mark Murphy remembers when Colgate and the rest of the Patriot League faced a stigma: No football scholarships, no football credibility. The Colgate alum and former school athletics director was on the NCAA Division I-AA Football Committee in the mid-1990s. One debate topic: Should the Patriot League champ get an automatic berth in the playoffs?

"It was such a hard fight," says Murphy, who became Northwestern's athletics director in June. "There was just a sense that they don't take their football seriously. Non-scholarship?"

The Patriot League, which got the berth, still doesn't give football scholarships. But Friday night, Patriot champ Colgate (15-0) meets Delaware (14-1) in Chattanooga, Tenn., for the national title in I-AA, the second-highest rung in the NCAA ladder. [...]

Colgate, a 2,800-student school in rural Hamilton, N.Y., has a high academic reputation. Average SAT score of this year's incoming students: 1,378. But this isn't Revenge of the Nerds.

Colgate takes football seriously. It gives players aid based on financial need. If that need is grave, the aid can offset Colgate's annual tuition, room and board of about $37,500. And the school finds quality players.

Fullback Jamaal Branch ran for 2,271 yards and 29 touchdowns this season, both I-AA records. Quarterback Chris Brown threw for a school-record 22 TDs.

"People are really excited. Our phones have been ringing with alumni right and left," school President Rebecca Chopp says. "We're having lots and lots of people get tickets and make plans for Chattanooga."

Patriot League teams have won at least one playoff game in five of the last six seasons. Colgate became the first to reach the semifinals — and now the final.

It won playoff games in blizzards at home against Massachusetts and Western Illinois. It won last weekend in Fort Lauderdale against Florida Atlantic.

"We've had them in snow. We've had them in heat. We're ready for anything," Chopp says.

Go 'gate.

a-headlines-sports>Class-First Program: Despite a 15-0 record and a berth in the Division I-AA title game, Colgate football players put textbooks over playbooks. (LA Times, 12/19/03)

December 18, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 PM


THE RETURN OF THE KING: TOLKIEN AND THE NEW MEDIEVALISM: The obsession with power, will and hierarchy in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic The Lord of the Rings fuels its dangerous topicality: a vindication and veneration of empire. (K.A. DILDAY, OpenDemocracy)

The relationship between politics and art began to trouble me anew when I walked out of the The Fellowship of the Ring, the first instalment of the Lord of the Ring film trilogy in December 2001. It was just three months since the apocalyptic attacks and New York was still reeling. The tension of worldwide anticipation was palpable, something was coming, but what?

By the time the second part of the saga, The Two Towers was released last year, the invasions had begun and the nascent 21st century had become eerily similar to Middle Earth. Now, The Return of the King opens around the world at the same time that global news media display images of a defeated enemy undergoing public, intimate, physical inspection as a symbol of his complete submission and degradation.

We are living in times when the public rhetoric is medieval. Politicians and pundits invoke the words good and evil casually, as if the age of reason never happened.

You'd be hard pressed to improve on this for an argument of why the medieval understanding of the world is superior to that of the Age of Reason.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 PM


Science breakthrough of the year: proof of our exploding universe (Tim Radford, December 19, 2003, The Guardian)

The findings settle a number of arguments about the universe, its age, its expansion rate, and its composition, all at once. Thanks to the two studies, astronomers now believe the age of the universe is 13.7bn years, plus or minus a few hundred thousand. And its rate of expansion is a bewildering 71km per second per megaparsec. One megaparsec is an astronomical measure, totting up to 3.26m light years. Something latent in space itself is acting as a form of antigravity, exerting a push on the universe, rather than a pull.

Dark matter was proposed more than 20 years ago when it became clear that all the galaxies behaved as if they were far more massive than they seemed to be. All sorts of explanations - black holes, brown dwarfs and undetectable particles that are very different from atoms - have been suggested. None has been confirmed.

But dark matter exists, all the same. The dark energy story began in 1998 when astronomers reported that the most distant galaxies seemed to be receding far faster than calculations predicted. A study of a certain kind of supernova confirmed that they had not been misled: the universe was indeed expanding ever faster, rather than decelerating.

The discovery that some unexpected and undetectable force was pushing the fabric of space apart seemed to confirm a famous observation decades ago by the British scientist JBS Haldane: "The universe is not only queerer than we suppose. It is queerer than we can suppose." It once again raised profound questions about the nature of the universe: about space, and time, and energy, and matter. And it set the theorists on the hunt first for an explanation, and then for an experiment that would confirm their hypothesis.

So they turned once again to the original evidence for the Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background radiation. This is the original blaze of creation, cooled to minus 270 C - just about 3 C above absolute zero. Several lines of research, including experiments in the Antarctic and from high-flying balloons, began to provide a clearer picture: the universe simply had to consist of something more than just atoms and so-called dark matter.

"But WMAP, with superbly precise data beamed back from a little spacecraft a million miles away, has made the evidence more precise," said Sir Martin, of the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge.

"The dark energy is spread uniformly through the universe, latent in empty space. Its nature is a mystery. Whereas there's a real chance of learning what the dark matter is within the next five to 10 years, I'd hold out less hope of understanding the dark energy unless or until there's a unified theory that takes us closer to the 'bedrock' of space and time."

It may just be hubris, but does any of us truly doubt that there is such a unified theory and that it is discoverable? And does not that in itself implicate the idea of Creation, regardless of your concept of Creator?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:53 PM


Give Them a Chance (Dr. Mohammad T. Al-Rasheed, 18, December, 2003, Arab News)

The jubilation in Baghdad put the Arab media to shame. America, for this brief moment at least if not for longer, is a liberator and not an occupier. I can’t help being smug, since what I saw gave me back some confidence in the possibility of justice in this world. I had almost lost hope. It took George Bush to give me that back. I don’t agree with him on many things, and while many Americans share my stand, I’ll give the man his due. He will go down in Arab history as the liberator of Baghdad, even if the whole mission in Iraq comes to nothing more than this.

On a more sober note, the reality we have to face is the fact that it took Americans to relieve Baghdad of its dictator. Arab impotence recorded a new low. I might sound naive but I would like to ask where the “freedom fighters”, “the resistance”, “the strugglers for the freedom of Iraq” were when that man ran amok. Having delivered Saddam, the Americans will have to deliver Iraq. Shouldn’t we now be wise enough to give them at least a chance, if not a real helping hand?

We started this business of post-Sept. 11 by jousting with the American loudly and virulently. We could not believe that any of our sort would behave in such barbaric ways. The truth became clearer with time. Regardless of the reason for the American intervention in Iraq, the end result couldn’t have been happier for the Iraqis or more loaded with hope for other Arabs. Dare we say Carpe Diem and actually seize the day? Do we have the intellectual honesty to sit back, ponder, and then act, or are we going to start spinning more conspiracy theories to explain the obvious?

At some point we have to stop asking where the voices like this are in the Middle East and take note of the fact that they do seem to be multiplying.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:47 PM


Has the CIA Unmasked Daniel Pearl’s Killer?: Once again, the U.S. is covering up for Pakistan’s mistakes (Bernard-Henri Lévy, 12/18/03, LA Weekly)

I don’t believe that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, as the American government recently declared, first to Pearl’s widow, Marian Pearl, and then to the press. [...]

So then, the question becomes, as it always does in these cases, why? What interest or purpose is served by this bizarre revelation, fallen as if from the sky, and, making things stranger still, presented to us as coming from anonymous sources? I do not doubt the good faith of the investigators, who are doing their best, even when going astray, in their search for the truth. But I do not doubt either, alas, the possibility that this “Operation Mohammed” functions as a protective smoke screen.

For my Pakistani friends, for all who struggle for democracy in that country and consider discovering the truth about the Pearl affair as a test, the matter is very clear: To stress the responsibility of Mohammed inevitably means blurring the guilt of Omar Sheikh, the mastermind of Pearl’s abduction, who is now condemned to death in Pakistan. And casting a spotlight on al Qaeda and its former third in command also means, deliberately or not, turning the same light away from Pakistan’s ISI intelligence services, of which there is ample evidence to show that Omar is an agent.

It could well be that this sudden placement of blame on one of the chiefs of this cold, stateless monster that is bin Laden’s organization comes at this appointed moment to turn our attention away from the Pakistani scene, where many analysts have lingered with an insistence that has become embarrassing to both the U.S. and Pakistani governments.

There's no point though in helping destabilize or isolate the current military government until we're ready to clean out the Islamicists there.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:27 PM


Lieberman Unbound: Willing to try anything to save his candidacy, Joe decides to detonate his own Democratic Party (Harold Meyerson, 12/18/03, LA Weekly)

Clearly, Lieberman has gone on the attack because he has nothing to lose. The New Hampshire primary is just six weeks away; and Saddam’s arrest, he’s calculated, gives him probably his last opportunity to reshape the race. Problem is, what Lieberman needs to reshape is his party. [...]

Dean is no George McGovern — he’s far too pugnacious — but the parallels between Lieberman and McGovern’s chief rival in the 1972 primaries, Washington Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, are striking. Jackson ran as the one Democratic candidate who still supported the war in Vietnam, a position that ensured he would fail to win the nomination just as surely as Lieberman’s pro-war adamance condemns Joe to finishing out of the money this year. But as the campaign season progressed, Jackson increasingly saw his mission as bringing down McGovern no matter what. It was Jackson who termed McGovern – a middle-American Methodist if ever there was one – the candidate of “acid, abortion and amnesty.” By the time Scoop and his ilk were done with McGovern, the Nixon re-election campaign hardly needed to take the field.

Joe Lieberman is Scoop Redux, willing to blow apart his party in a last-gasp attempt to resurrect his own failed candidacy.

You'd think it would be worth noting that, since 1972 (inclusive), every presidential election has been won by the GOP or a born-again Southerner. Maybe the party needs to be blown apart.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 PM


Albert Camus: Camus has overtaken Sartre to become the popular hero of existentialism. Now even his views on Algeria have outgrown Sartre (Paul Barker, December 2003, The Prospect)

Camus's first and best-known novel, L'Étranger, written in his twenties, is a short moral tale, in the tradition of Voltairean contes, about a meaningless ("absurd") murder. Its flat short sentences have a permanent appeal to adolescent angst. It was first published by Gallimard in 1942, in a Paris under German occupation. L'Étranger is Gallimard's all-time bestseller; the revenue helps them continue to dominate French literary publishing. Far more people read the novels of Camus than those of his contemporaries - friends, rivals and eventual enemies - Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. One grubby piece of evidence is Plateforme, a novel by France's pornographer-in-chief Michel Houellebecq. This tale of sex tourism opens with a parody of L'Étranger's plot and its deadpan, much-quoted first sentences: "Today my mother died. Or perhaps it was yesterday, I'm not sure." Houellebecq's anti-hero is called Renault; Camus's outsider was "Meursault." The clunky automobile cross-reference is intended to show, I suppose, how robotic western man has become since Camus became known, to his annoyance, as "existentialism's No 2 man," tagging along behind Sartre. [...]

Camus's taste for moral fables means he is often compared with Orwell. They admired each other's work and had friends like Koestler in common. The comparison with Orwell became closer after Camus published La Peste in 1947. He began work on this novel during the war, but broke off to edit the resistance newspaper Combat. The spread of plague through Oran, and the betrayals and compromises it brings, parallel French behaviour under the Germans. As the plague ebbs, Dr Rieux notes that this is no tale of "final victory" against "terror and its relentless onslaughts." Watching the celebrations, "he knew what those jubilant crowds did not know but could have learned from books: that the plague bacillus never dies or disappears for good." It only bides its time, as the first years of the 21st century have demonstrated.

In his long-running postwar battle with the French Communist party and its innumerable fellow travellers, Camus said, "It's better to be wrong by killing no one than to be right with mass graves."

I confess never having understood how The Stranger can be read as a moral fable when it effectively argues against the existentialism that Camus espoused.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 PM


Remember 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'?: For Bush, They Are a Nonissue (RICHARD W. STEVENSON, 12/18/03, NY Times)

In the debate over the necessity for the war in Iraq, few issues have been more contentious than whether Saddam Hussein possessed arsenals of banned weapons, as the Bush administration repeatedly said, or instead was pursuing weapons programs that might one day constitute a threat.

On Tuesday, with Mr. Hussein in American custody and polls showing support for the White House's Iraq policy rebounding, Mr. Bush suggested that he no longer saw much distinction between the possibilities.

"So what's the difference?" he responded at one point as he was pressed on the topic during an interview by Diane Sawyer of ABC News.

To critics of the war, there is a big difference.

Here's one more of the beneficial effects of pulling a living Saddam (or his look-alike) out of that hole: Howard Dean and the other anti-war folks ask us to believe that squirrely dude was trustworthy and sane enough that we could accept his assurances he wouldn't use WMD anymore.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 PM


The tide is turning and we are unprepared (Kevin Myers, 14/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

The local council in High Wycombe has banned an advertisement on a library notice-board for a carol service in the neighbouring All Saints church, on the grounds that Buckinghamshire now has "a multi-faith community and passions could be inflamed by religious issues". In France, a government committee has advocated the banning of Muslim headscarves in schools.

Each affair confirms that something irreversible has occurred in Europe: Islam has taken root in what for the best part of 1,500 years was the evangelical heart and administrative home of Christianity.

The British response has been the typified by the Buckinghamshire approach, which is to make the majority conform with rules which in practice had been devised to deal specifically with a minority. The French attitude is characteristically centrist, and one which would have been recognised by the Sun King or by Napoleon: government by edict. [...]

The worst consequence of Enoch Powell's "rivers of blood" speech was that it prevented all reasoned debate about immigration. Anyone who questioned immigration was promptly locked up in an intellectual box called "racism", to be reviled, mocked and ignored. Immigration thus became a standard feature of British and European life, and within my lifetime, millions and millions of non-Christian Asians and Africans poured into the traditionally white, Christian cities of a dozen countries.

Islam is much like Christianity: its spectrum is very broad, and many forms of it encourage moderation and toleration. But there are extremes which have no parallel in Christianity, nor even in communism or Nazism: the suicide bomber who believes that paradise awaits those who die in the act of the killing the infidel is a creature for whom the European mind, and European institutions have been wholly unprepared. And at a less extreme level, though the experience of communism has prepared them intellectually for the idea of national disloyalty, Europeans are hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with an abiding mass loyalty to foreign entities by their fellow citizens.

It's not like they can say they haven't been warned.

Posted by David Cohen at 8:10 PM


‘Gold Mine’: Saddam Hussein’s Loyalists Infiltrated U.S. Operations in Iraq (Martha Raddatz, ABC News, 12/18/03)

Agents for deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein have penetrated the U.S. command in Iraq, ABCNEWS has learned. As a result, they have the potential to undermine U.S. authority.

Among the documents found in Saddam's briefcase when he was captured last weekend was a list of names of Iraqis who have been working with the United States — either in the Iraqi security forces or the Coalition Provisional Authority — and are feeding information to the insurgents, a U.S. official told ABCNEWS.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 PM


Skeptical Environmentalist Vindicated! (James K. Glassman, 12/17/2003, Tech Central Station)

The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation today severely repudiated a board which, a year ago, had judged The Skeptical Environmentalist, the best-selling book by Bjorn Lomborg, "objectively dishonest" and "clearly contrary to the standards of good scientific practice."

Lomborg's book -- with 2,930 footnotes, 1,800 bibliographical references, 173 figures and nine tables -- powerfully challenged the conventional wisdom that the world's environment was going to hell. When it was published in English in 2001, the book, published by the distinguished Cambridge University Press, was praised in The Washington Post, The Economist and elsewhere.

That reception provoked panic among radical greens. In early 2002, The Economist reported that "Mr. Lomborg is being called a liar, a fraud and worse. People are refusing to share a platform with him. He turns up in Oxford to talk about this book, and the author… of a forthcoming study on climate change throws a pie in his face." [...]

[I]n January, came what enviros figured would be the coup de grace: a report by the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (DCSC). The report was, to be charitable, a piece of junk, but its conclusions, coming from an official body, were nonetheless given prominent display in world media. The New York Times headlined its page 7 story by Andrew Revkin, "Environment and Science: Danes Rebuke a 'Skeptic.'"

Now, the Danes have issued a well-deserved rebuke to the rebukers.

Yet it moves.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 PM


The twilight of the tyrants: Dictatorship is fading, but democracy doesn't always replace it. (Peter Ford, 12/19/03, CS Monitor)

Unseating the autocrats who remain, however, from Cuba to North Korea, from Saudi Arabia to Burma, poses policy challenges that the United States and other democracies are only beginning to face, say diplomats, human rights activists, and analysts.

Terrorized by secret police and paralyzed by fear, subject peoples often find it hard - if not impossible - to shake off their burden. "But if people were allowed to voice their views, the dictators would not stay, and in that sense they are very fragile," points out Mark Palmer, a former US ambassador who advocates a more activist Western policy to oust tyrants.

"The last 30 years of history shows that they go fairly easily when people start to get organized," he adds, pointing to leaders such as Slobodan Milosevic, who stepped down as President of Yugoslavia in 2000 without a shot being fired.

One quarter of the world's 192 nations are today "not free," down from 43 per cent of countries in 1973, according to a report released yesterday by Freedom House, a New York-based human rights group that has been measuring political rights worldwide for 30 years.

"Absolute dictatorship is becoming less and less common," says Adrian Karatnycky, author of the report. "Over the last 30 years, 45 [more] free countries have appeared on the global map."

Significantly, he adds, today when new countries are created, as in East Timor, or when nation builders step in, as in Bosnia, "the model everyone turns to is democracy. There is no question of forming a one-party state" as was the fashion in newly independent countries four decades ago.

On the other hand, the conditions that feed autocracy persist in many parts of the world. "Apart from residual communism," argues Bernard Kouchner, the former United Nations administrator in Kosovo, "there are two sources of dictatorship: extreme poverty and oil."

Almost all the energy-rich nations in the Middle East and Central Asia figure on Freedom House's list as among the least free in the world. At the same time, 37 of the 49 "not free" countries have an average per capita income of less than $1,500 a year. The group makes its list on the basis of characteristics such as the vibrancy of civil society, the independence of the media, and the fairness of elections.

Galling for conservatives to acknowledge, but obvious once you look at the American Revolution: taxes make us free. That is to say, the need for government to ask for our tax dollars allows us to discipline and hold accountable that government.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:19 PM

60-40 FILES:

Four Republicans who want to challenge Boxer (Daniel Weintraub, December 18, 2003, Sacramento Bee)

[T]he prize -- the right to face off against two-term Democrat Barbara Boxer next November -- is looking a little bit more attractive to Republican candidates these days. While formidable, Boxer has never been as popular as the state's other senator, Dianne Feinstein. And with a Republican suddenly in the governor's office and President Bush looking stronger on the national scene, the potential Boxer challengers are beginning to think they might just catch a wave and knock her off. [...]

[T]he early favorite figures to be the man who finished third in that race, former Secretary of State Bill Jones. With the highest name identification, the biggest endorsements and, probably, access to the most money, this would seem to be Jones' race to lose. He is expected to have the backing of former Republican Govs. Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian and will try to establish an early lead to give his nomination the feel of inevitability. [...]

The others on the ballot include Howard Kaloogian, Rosario Marin and Toni Casey.

Kaloogian, a former financial planner and assemblyman from San Diego County, is the conservative insurgent in the race. An early backer of the Davis recall, Kaloogian was chairman of the Recall Gray Davis Committee, a position from which he used the Internet and talk radio to generate support in conservative ranks for a campaign that many establishment Republicans thought was a waste of time and money. [...]

Marin, a former Wilson aide and mayor of Huntington Park who served as U.S. Treasurer under George W. Bush, is another wild card in the race. A Mexican immigrant, a moderate on social issues but a fiscal conservative, Marin is the sort of new Republican who many party activists believe will be crucial to building the party's future in California. [...]

Casey, another former Bush appointee, at the Small Business Administration, is trying to position herself as the high-tech candidate. She boasts two advanced degrees from Stanford University, is the former mayor of Los Altos Hills and for 10 years served as a lobbyist for the biotech industry.

Governor Schwarzenegger has an obvious interest in getting a more accomodating state legislature elected, so he has an interest in pumping up the GOP statewide. If he and the Bush team put maximum resources and effort into it, California could be the Democrats' Ground Zero in November 2004.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:37 PM


Russia to Ease Iraqi Debt: Agreement to Negotiate $8B Owed Brings Moscow in Line With Other Europeans (Peter Baker, December 18, 2003, Washington Post)

Russia agreed on Thursday to negotiate debt relief for Iraq, reversing course after months of refusing to forgive any of $8 billion in obligations run up by Saddam Hussein's government. The shift brings Russia in line with other European powers.

President Vladimir Putin told visiting U.S. special envoy James A. Baker III that he was prepared to discuss ways to restructure the Iraqi debt within the framework of the Paris Club, an international organization of creditor nations, as France and Germany agreed earlier in the week.

The move came a week after Putin's defense minister rejected any discussion of debt relief for Iraq, which owes Russia more than any other European nation.

The next time American unilateralism doesn't work will be the first.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:24 PM


THE RAT TRAP: Part 1: How Saddam may still nail Bush (Pepe Escobar, 12/18/03, Asia Times)

The Christmas blockbuster from the Pentagon studios was a dream. This was the new Roman Empire at its peak - better than Ridleys Scott's Gladiator: a real, captive barbarian emperor, paraded on the Circus Maximus of world television. The barbarian was not a valiant warrior - but a bum. He was not hiding in a nuclear-proof bunker armed to his teeth - he was caught like "a rat" in a "spider hole". He was nothing but a pathetic ghost taking a medical for the world to see. What the bluish pictures did not show, though, is that former US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) asset Saddam Hussein is a reader of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. An Arabic copy of Crime and Punishment was found in a shack near the "spider hole" where he was captured.

Saddam surely now know very well what he needs to do. He won't be consumed with remorse like Dostoevsky's character Raskolnikov, who committed murder. For the moment Saddam may be "taking the Fifth" - in the words of an American interrogator, referring the the fifth amendment of the US constitution under which a person has the right to remain silent until charged in court. But Saddam will wait until he gets some rest, a very good lawyer, and then he will start talking.

The capture of Saddam was the best Christmas gift that President George W Bush could expect from his foreign policy adviser - God. Or was it? AlJazeera television has quoted Egyptian writer Sayyid Nassar saying that "by shaving his beard, a symbol of virility in Iraq and in the Arab world, the Americans committed an act that symbolizes humiliation in our region". Revenge could be imminent - and it will pour in avalanches, not from Saddam of course, but from wounded Iraqi and Arab pride.

Unfortunately for them, the radical nature of the reformation that needs to occur in the Arab world requires such humiliation. They need to grapple with the fact that their civilization has failed and that their future lies in liberalization and democratization. This, for example, seems a more sensible take on events, A Tigris Chronicle: The Arab world grapples with Saddam's captivity. (FOUAD AJAMI, December 18, 2003, Wall Street Journal)
[T]he dictator's capture lends the process of "Iraqification" greater legitimacy. With Saddam on the loose, our options were limited. We had full possession of Iraq, and we were responsible for everything under the sun. We now have room for maneuver, and the Bush administration has the warrant to grant Iraqis more power over their own destiny. We have given the best of ourselves in Iraq. We are not miracle workers, though. We can't wish for Iraqis more national unity than they wish for themselves, nor can we impose it on them. It is their country that is in the balance. It is they who must put behind them the age-old tyranny of the Sunni Arabs, and their pan-Arabism which was but a cover for sectarian hegemony, while keeping in check those who would want to replace it with a Shiite dominion.

Iraq, we must admit, has tested our resolve. We have not found weapons of mass destruction, and we may never do so. We found a measure of gratitude, but not quite enough. What we found was a country envenomed by a dictatorship perhaps unique in its brutality in the post-World War II world. We can't be sure that our labor in that land will be vindicated. There is sectarianism, and there are undemocratic habits, and a good measure of impatience. But the abject surrender of a tyrant who had mocked our will and our staying power, and whose very political survival stood as proof of our irresolution a dozen years earlier, can only strengthen our position in the Arab-Islamic world. In those unsettled lands, preachers and plotters tell about America all sorts of unflattering tales. The tales snake their way through Beirut and Mogadishu, and other place-names of our heartbreak and our abdication. It is different this time. The spectacle has played out under Arab and Muslim (to say nothing of French and German) eyes. We saw the matter of Saddam Hussein to its rightful end. We leave it to the storytellers to make their way through this American chronicle by the Tigris.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:16 PM


Dean defends opposition to war (ROSS SNEYD, December 18, 2003, Associated Press)

Presidential hopeful Howard Dean on Thursday defended his claim that the United States is no safer with Saddam Hussein in custody, contending that the "capture of one bad man" doesn't allow President Bush or Democrats to declare victory in the war on terrorism.

Dean, whose foreign policy statement Monday earned criticism from Democratic rivals for the party's nomination, said those in his party who supported the war "backed away from what was right."

"I think the Democratic Party has to offer a clear alternative to the American people. The capture of one bad man doesn't mean the president and Washington Democrats can declare victory in the war on terrorism," he said. "The question is what is right, not what is popular."

As Joe Lieberman said, and Mr. Dean apparently agrees, the capture of Saddam does illuminate the alternatives--if Howard Dean were president, Saddam would still be oppressing Iraq.

Where the public's mood is shifting (The Associated Press, December 18, 2003)

COUNTRY'S DIRECTION: The discussion about Saddam's capture apparently does alter public perception of the country's overall direction. When people were asked at the start of the AP-Ipsos poll if the country was headed in the right direction or was off on the wrong track, they were about evenly divided. But those asked that question after a discussion of Iraq, terrorism and the capture of Saddam were more likely to say the country was headed in the right direction. Among that group, two-thirds said the country was headed in the right direction.

SIGNIFICANT SHIFT: One group in particular -- a group crucial for Democrats, women with less education, said they feel better about how Bush is handling foreign policy in the wake of Saddam's capture and they also feel better about Bush's handling of the economy. They are more likely to support his re-election than they were a couple of weeks ago.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:01 PM


For Bush, Saddam is icing on the cake: President has many advantages in his bid for re-election (Howard Fineman, Dec. 17, 2003, Newsweek)

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I have never seen a president more popular with his own party base. Even Ronald Reagan had to deal, from time to time, with the remnants of older iterations of the Republican Party. Bush doesn’t have to bother. They’re gone, and he’s united the new GOP. That means he won’t face an intra-party primary in ’04. Presidents who have to deal with one — Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush come to mind — lose re-election bids. [...]

Yes Howard Dean is a Net-based money machine, but he’s still a mom-and-pop operation compared with Bush-Cheney ’04, which has raised $110 million since June, and has no primary opponent. Dean has some 550,000 names on its email list. “BC04” has 10 million. [...]

It’s a simple fact, but true: If you’re an incumbent, you have a better than 2-1 chance of winning re-election. You have the whole machinery of government at your disposal. You have inertia on your side. The late Lee Atwater, the enfant terrible of the GOP, once told me that an incumbent president is like the guy in the rowboat with a paddle. His main aim is to use that paddle to clobber anyone who tries to climb in. They usually (though not always) can do so. Of course, this president knows full well who one of the exceptions is: his own father.

The only interesting question left is can W carry D.C..

Posted by David Cohen at 4:17 PM


Kerry camp pins hopes on Iowa, N.H. success (Patrick Healy, Boston Globe, 12/18/03)

Presidential candidate John F. Kerry has sharply curtailed campaign visits to states beyond Iowa and New Hampshire, betting virtually all of his political chips on success in one short month: January.
Either he's just trying to get this over with as soon as possible, or he fundamentally misunderstands the problem with his campaign. Would you want to be the aide that has to go tell him that letting the people in Iowa get to know him better might not his best strategy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:20 PM


PM Sharon: "Outposts Will Be Dismantled, Period!" (Israel National News, Dec 18, '03)

Unauthorized outposts will be dismantled, period.” So said Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in his much anticipated address tonight (Thursday) at the Herzliya Conference.

There was great tension in the political and defense establishments in Israel and abroad as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon delivered his speech at the Herzliya Conference this evening. The speech was aired live on television across the world - even on the Arab Al-Jazeera network.

Prime Minister Sharon began by saying that Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) is central to the state of Israel's existence. PM Sharon then turned his attention to the issue of unauthorized Jewish communities in Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza).

“Israel will fulfill its commitments,” said Sharon. “I made a commitment to US President Bush and I will fulfill that commitment. We will try to dismantle the outposts in the least painful possible way. There will be no new settlements and no incentives or tax breaks for residents of Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza).”

The Prime Minister went on to unveil what he called his “disengagement plan,” to be implemented in the event that the PA does not fulfill its obligations under the Road Map. “We will not wait for them [the Palestinian Authority] indefinitely,” said Sharon. “The IDF will disengage from many Palestinian Authority towns. We will change the location of some settlements to reduce the amount of Jews living in the heart of Palestinian areas.”

Sharon introduced a new term to replace the term “dismantling settlements.” Instead, the Prime Minister referred to the “relocation of settlements” throughout his speech.

The Road Map can only end in one place and the Palestinians need not have any say in it--that was always its genius.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:11 PM



Brother Driscoll on Tina Brown and the "more metrosexual approach to foreign relations", seriously, she said it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:06 PM


The sad bicentennial of a once fabulous sugar colony: The opposition is trying yet again to get rid of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in a long-misgoverned country (The Economist, Dec 18th 2003)

ON JANUARY 1st 1804, Haiti became the world's first independent black republic, after a successful 12-year revolt by slaves, inspired by Jacobin principles...

Do you really even need to read any further?

Posted by David Cohen at 2:35 PM


Bush Should Have Found Bin Laden, Clark Says Democratic Candidate Calls Terrorist Leader a Far Greater Threat Than Hussein (Dan Balz, Washington Post, 12/18/03)

Retired Gen. Wesley K. Clark said yesterday that President Bush should have tracked down and captured Osama bin Laden rather than waging war in Iraq, arguing that while the arrest of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was "good news" for the world, bin Laden's al Qaeda network represents a far greater threat to the security of the country. . . .

Bush, he said, should immediately refocus intelligence and military resources on the hunt for bin Laden. Clark said that, if he were president, bin Laden would be in custody already. "I would have kept the focus on Osama bin Laden," Clark said. "I would have gotten him. . . . I would like to think I would have had Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein by this time."

So, he would have gone after Saddam after all?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:28 PM

MORE LIES (via John Resnick):

Treasuries Mixed After Jobless Drop (Ellen Freilich, 12/18/03, Reuters)

U.S. Treasuries were mixed on Thursday after a surprising drop in U.S. jobless claims in the latest week suggested an improvement in the labor market.

Jade Zelnik, chief economist at RBS Greenwich Capital Markets, said the level of claims, now in line with the lower trend of early November suggested that layoffs have slowed enough to support payroll gains of over 100,000 per month.

The Labor Department said first-time claims for state unemployment aid, a rough guide to the pace of layoffs, plunged 22,000 to 353,000 in the week ended Dec. 13 from a revised 375,000 in the prior week. Wall Street economists had expected claims to drop to 365,000.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 PM


Secularism gone mad: Chirac's determination to ban Muslim headscarves from schools will cause years of confrontation (Madeleine Bunting, December 18, 2003, The Guardian)

It seems preposterous: how can the clothing of schoolgirls become an issue of such enormous symbolic weight that for 14 years it has been the touchstone of a debate about the French constitution, about what it is to be French and how France should "integrate" its 3.7 million Muslims - the largest Muslim minority in Europe? (Significantly, France talks of integration, not multi-culturalism.) It is not just schoolgirls who will be affected but also public servants; a juror was even dismissed during a trial because she was wearing a headscarf. The French state must be seen to be entirely neutral in all its dealings, and Chirac yesterday endorsed the findings of an official commission and asked parliament to pass a law banning all "ostentatious religious symbols".

From this side of the Channel, one can easily pour scorn on Gallic arrogance. What lies ahead is many more years of confrontation between the French state and Muslims, and a dangerous reinforcement in the Muslim community of the perception of Islamophobia, of exclusion and persecution. One can reasonably ask, as David Drake at Middlesex University does after studying this issue, why so much political, intellectual and emotional energy has been spent on this subject rather than on far more pressing issues of integration such as the high rates of unemployment and deprivation in the Muslim community.

But any smug sense of British superiority is misplaced. The themes that underlie this vexed issue in France are as evident here: this is the latest chapter in a long and troubled history of how liberalism interacts with religion in Europe.

You know things have run amok when the Guardian is worried about secularism, but this the truth that secularists have to face: in elevating politics, the State, and the Law above religion, society, and morality they create a situation in which their chosen authority must act to quash other sources of authority. That's simply how power works.

It was inevitable that this clash come first in France, where the French Revolution long ago created a culture that centers around the State--as the means of delivering equality--and which, having stamped out Catholic influence, was certainly not going to brook a challenge from Islam. But we can also be fairly certain how this clash ends--sooner or later the Muslims will outnumber the "French" and then the State will be easily transformed into a tool of the faith.

England is a more muddled case. It has for some time been able to cover over how completely authority has been concentrated in just one institution: the party in charge of the House of Commons. The danger inherent in a parliamentary system--that the head of the dominant parliamentary party is automatically the Head of State--has now though been unleashed in full. The Church was subsumed in the state long ago, the king followed in short order, and the House of Lords fell early in the 20th Century, with any remaining possibility of reasserting itself disappearing in recent "reforms" which effectively allow the Prime Minister to name its members. The gravity of the situation became obvious in the recent Iraq War, which was opposed by the Church, the Crown, the people, the Lords, etc., etc., etc., but supported by Tony Blair, who was supported (albeit narrowly) by his party--and so it was waged.

Whether you think the war was a good thing or not, it seems apparent that this was the last moment in British life in which it could be said that there is any check at all on the party in power in the Commons. There seems no possibility of it happening, but were any institution, church or state, in Britain to challenge the authority of the Commons, it too would be crushed.

Which brings us to America, unusual in so many ways and no less so here. To begin with, we can easily see the genius of the divided government that the Founders set up and of the separation of powers. Executive, judiciary, and legislative are certainly interdependent to some degree, but in the broadest sense independent. There are thus three (four if we divide the Congress in two) centers of power vying against each other at all times. Scratch that. Thanks to federalism--considerably weakened now, but a factor nonetheless--the individual states too are claimants to authority. One or the other of these contestants will sometimes gain primacy, but not often for long duration and never unchallenged and undiluted.

More important, we see the true value of the separation of Church and State. Modern secularists misinterpret the chief function of this separation to be keeping religious values out of government. Instead, what it does (when functioning properly) is cordon off an entire segment of life into which the State is not to intrude, building limitations of State authority into the system. America has therefore generally had a more vibrant society than other modern nations, the associations and organizations with which de Tocqueville was so taken being a replacement for government in a country where government was rather limited.

This has changed of course, and quite rapidly, since Herbert Hoover and the New Deal came along in the Depression. The State has expanded not just terms of its raw size but, more dangerously, in terms of what areas of life it is considered mete that government become involved. The most obvious examples involve things like the Courts intervening to stop school prayer, legalize abortion, and now legalize and even require sanction of homosexuality. Each is an instance of traditional social morality being trampled and replaced by arbitrary state legality. It must be apparent that a system which has been so altered as to allow the State to intrude at will upon society in matters which it had never been considered to have any say in is headed in the direction of a dangerously centralized authority.

However, here's where the genius of the Founders comes into play. Right now it is the Courts--long recognized as the "most dangerous branch"--which are trying to aggrandize authority. This means that we can use the jealousy of the other branches, Congress and the president, and of the forgotten competitor, the states, to reign in the Courts and restore power to society. The easiest way to do this would be through constitutional amendments on discrete or general issues. Both gay marriage and abortion, for example, might be taken care of by an Amendment making it clear that nothing in the text of the constitution and its amendments may be interpreted to create a free floating right of privacy and all such issues are to be left to the discretion of the citizens of the individual states. At any rate, the very struggle for power between the three branches and their unwilingness to see one gain too much authority could be used to lessen the authority of all and refurbish that of the states and the church (which still wields great power in society). So might we avoid confrontations like the one going on in France or like Roe v. Wade, where the quest for power and authority leads the State or, in our case, a part of the State to overreach what should be its bounds.

Posted by David Cohen at 10:26 AM


Poll: Dean Pulls Away In Dem Race (CBS News, 12/17/03)

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean has pulled away from the field in the Democratic Presidential nomination race: his support among Democratic primary voters nationwide has risen in the past month, and held steady after the news of Saddam Hussein's capture. But the race remains open: more than half of Democratic voters still have no opinion of Dean, most have not made up their minds for sure, and large numbers remain undecided.

Dean has been a vociferous critic of the Iraq war. Most voters believe, as Dean does, that the U.S. is no safer from terror in the wake of the arrest of Saddam Hussein. And while Dean’s rise may have been helped along by former Vice-President Al Gore’s recent endorsement, most primary voters say Gore’s nod makes no difference to them.

Dean has the backing of 23 percent of likely primary voters, the same as he did in the days just prior to Saddam's capture, and up from 14 percent in November. His nearest rivals today are Wesley Clark and Joe Lieberman, both at 10 percent.

Sane people can assimilate new information and change their behavior accordingly. The Democrats may no longer be able to do that. If capturing Saddam makes no difference to the race for the nomination, then the Democrats have gone insane. This poll doesn't quite prove that, because of the high level of undecideds. But undecided voters tend to break in more or less the same proportions as decided voters, so that may not make much of a difference. The question that's not asked is the decided voter's second choice. This may be the key fact now. My sense is that most Democrats can live with Dean as the nominee, something that is not true of, say, Joe Lieberman. Two-thirds of Democrats say they would consider voting for Dean if he were the nominee.

The real proof that the Democrats are insane is buried deep in the poll:

Democratic primary voters are not necessarily looking for a candidate who opposed the war in Iraq -- in fact, many say the nominee's stance on the war would not matter to them. 31 percent want the party’s nominee -- whoever he or she might be -- to have opposed the action in Iraq. 27 percent want a candidate who supported it, while more than one in three -- 37 percent -- say the candidate's war stance doesn't matter to them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:36 AM


Poll: Dean Pulls Away In Dem Race (CBS News, Dec. 17, 2003)

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean has pulled away from the field in the Democratic Presidential nomination race: his support among Democratic primary voters nationwide has risen in the past month, and held steady after the news of Saddam Hussein's capture. But the race remains open: more than half of Democratic voters still have no opinion of Dean, most have not made up their minds for sure, and large numbers remain undecided.

The great thing though is to check out Al Sharption's numbers as compared to Gephardt, Kerry & Edwards.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:31 AM


Dean's Remarks Give Rivals Talking Points: His Readiness to Lead Is Questioned (Jim VandeHei and Jonathan Finer, December 18, 2003, Washington Post)

Howard Dean's penchant for flippant and sometimes false statements is generating increased criticism from his Democratic presidential rivals and raising new questions about his ability to emerge as a nominee who can withstand intense, sustained scrutiny and defeat President Bush.

How's that for the first paragraph of the first story every politico will read in the Post tomorrow?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:24 AM


Bush's gay-marriage tack risks clash with his base (Susan Page, 12/17/03, USA TODAY)

President Bush is trying to walk a fine line on the question of gay marriage, which is supplanting abortion as the most volatile social issue in next year's presidential election.

A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll conducted Monday and Tuesday underscored the perils of Bush's approach. It showed the intensity of feeling among those who oppose same-sex unions.

On Tuesday, Bush said for the first time that he would, "if necessary," support a constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. But he said he wouldn't prohibit "whatever legal arrangements people want to make" that are "embraced" by states. [...]

In the poll, Americans opposed recognizing same-sex marriage by more than 2-to-1. That is a slightly higher level of opposition than earlier this year. Analysts say there has been some backlash to recent court decisions regarding gay men and lesbians. Last month, Massachusetts' top court in effect recognized a right for same-sex couples to marry.

The divide on the issue is wider among those who feel strongly about their position. By more than 3-to-1, strong opponents outweighed strong supporters.

Not only does that seem like the position we'll all eventually arrive at--if we're going to tolerate homosexuals let them have some arrangement, but certainly not marriage--it also illustrates just how little real political distance there is between even the "extremes" in America. This is, after all, pretty much the solution that progressive Howard Dean arrived at as Governor of Vermont, though he now pitches civil unions as a pro-gay measure. President Bush and his fellow social conservatives will arrive at the identical spot but pitching it as pro-straight marriage. As on so many issues we all conform to a quite narrow view and then fight like tigers over how we justify it. It's more a matter of why you believe than what you believe.

December 17, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:28 PM


Anger Management 101: How the partnership between Dean and Gore is remaking the Democrats (JOE KLEIN, , Dec. 22, 2003, TIME)

Democratic factions tend to be sedimentary. The oldest Old Democrats are blue-collar economic populists like Dick Gephardt, who also tend to be pro-military, churchgoing and socially conservative. In the 1970s they were supplanted by radical-liberal activists, refugees from the 1960s protest marches who tended to be antiwar, antipoverty, passionate about civil rights and civil liberties and more secular than the lunch-pail crowd. Bill Clinton's New Democrat movement was an information-age reaction against the two previous generations — a free-trade, business-friendly revision of traditional Democratic economics and a socially conservative reaction to the excesses of 1960s liberalism (especially when it came to law enforcement and welfare reform).

The New-News borrow from all three factions, but they most resemble the radical liberals. They are defined by their opposition to the war. They are militant on most civil rights and civil-liberties issues, especially support for gay rights and opposition to the Patriot Act. They are overwhelmingly secular. Indeed, they seem to have replaced religion with cybercommunity; the monthly Meetup is their church. One of the strangest but most telling passages in Dean's recent stump speeches comes when he indulges in a romantic vision of 1968--a terrible year when America seemed to be falling apart but a time he remembers fondly as a moment of misty social communion. That, he says, is the America he seeks to re-create.

Unlike the original radical libs, who clashed with the blue-collar Dems, Dean has cleverly embraced Gephardt's lunch-pail populism. To do so, he had to delete Howard Dean 2.0, who was a militant New Democrat. He abandoned his support for free trade. He now opposes the New Democrat impulse to reform traditional liberal programs like old-age entitlements, public education (Dean is even skeptical about charter schools, a New Dem staple) and affirmative action. Indeed, about the only Clintonian remnant that Dean supports is fiscal conservatism. [...]

There is, however, another statistic that may put the Dean phenomenon in perspective. On Sept. 30, Dean had approximately 452,000 Internet supporters. Trippi said the goal was a million by the end of the year. Last week they had only 515,000. The New-New movement may have reached a plateau.

It would be rather shocking if more than 500,000 people recall 1968 fondly and want to recreate it. Even stranger though is the seemingly conscious decision of the Dean Democrats to base the race on those 500,000 secular cybernauts in a nation that's so unsecular.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 PM


The Grounds for Celebration (Harold Meyerson, December 17, 2003, Washington Post)

[T]he case against the war was necessarily a complex one. If the only factor had been ridding Iraq of its Baathist thugocracy, why, of course, the war merited support. But supporting the war also meant supporting a new national doctrine in favor of preventive -- that is, discretionary -- wars. It meant the shredding of the United Nations and NATO and the very idea of international institutions, the rejection of long-term alliances, the normalization of unilateral and discretionary wars in what was already a dangerous world. It meant acquiescing to the idea that the president can lie this nation into war. It meant an overextension of our armed forces that emboldened North Korea in threatening its neighbors and China in threatening Taiwan. It meant the transformation of the United States from a land admired throughout the world into a nation, by the evidence of all available polling, almost universally feared. Call those externalities if you will, but they sure do add up.

War is tragedy, and either supporting or opposing it involves tragic trade-offs. Most of the movement that emerged to oppose the war in Vietnam, for instance, did not welcome the prospect of a communist takeover of the South. The movement included such dedicated anti-communists as Robert Kennedy and Mitch Cohen's predecessor as editor of Dissent, Irving Howe. These were people with no illusions about communist regimes; indeed, Howe, a lifelong democratic socialist, was as trenchant a critic of those regimes as you could find anywhere on the U.S. political landscape.

During the Vietnam War, he continually condemned that portion of the antiwar left that glorified the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong. But he opposed the war withal: The immensely bloody means required to win it, he believed, finally eclipsed, indeed subverted, the end.

And so it is for those of us who had no illusions about Hussein, and believed that if the United States went to war, it could surely overthrow him -- but opposed the war anyway.

This is an exceedingly curious argument, one which has been disatisfying since they made it during Vietnam: even if we accept the concern about tearing apart Vietnam or Iraq, literally, or about tearing apart the international community, figuratively, why are they so willing to tear America apart with their anti-war demonstrations and heinous talk about our own government and the majorities who support these wars?

If you acknowledge that, taken in isolation, it's worthwhile defeating a North Vietnam or a Saddam then you're left with a simple equation: what's more important the social fabric of America or the viability of intenational institutions? Indeed, this seems to be the divide in America, as it was throughout at least the 20th Century--the Left deems the health of internationalism the highest consideration while the Right cares most about effects on American society.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:17 PM


Still no mass weapons, no ties to 9/11, no truth (Derrick Z. Jackson, 12/17/2003, Boston Globe)

With no weapons, no ties, and no truth, the capture of Saddam was merely the most massive and irresponsible police raid in modern times. We broke in without a search warrant. Civilian deaths constituted justifiable homicide. America was again above the law. We have taught the next generation that many wrongs equal a right. In arrogance, we boasted, "We got him!" The shame is that we feel none for how we got him. The capture of this dictator, driven by the poison of lies, turned America itself into a dictator.

It may come as a surprise to Mr. Jackson, but in warfare there is no doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree". If you capture a mass-murdering dictator and it turns out that he has no WMD you can still try him for starting two wars, using WMD repeatedly, killing hundreds of thousands (as many as a million?) of his own people, and maintaining a brutally repressive dictatorship for decades.

Of course, under Supreme Court jurisprudence you might indeed have to let him go, but luckily the Justices don't have votes on this one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 PM


John Burns on Covering Iraq: Then and Now: Wolper's Exclusive Interview With 'NY Times' Scribe (Allan Wolper, 12/17/03, Editor & Publisher)

John F. Burns sat back in a chair in a corner of the Algonquin Hotel dining room in midtown Manhattan, thousands of miles from his New York Times outpost in Baghdad -- his hand curled around a morning cup of coffee -- and spoke publicly for the first time about the ethical remonstrations he created via a taped interview published in the recent book, Embedded: The Media At War in Iraq (The Lyons Press). That oral history was first excerpted at E&P Online on Sept. 15, drawing extraordinary attention and praise, and criticism as well.

"I said some very edgy things about that period of time," said Burns, the 59-year-old senior foreign correspondent for the Times, who was in the U.S. for just a few days before heading back to Baghdad. "I had become known as the most dangerous man in Iraq. It was not a joke. And it put me under tremendous stress. So when I spoke harshly in the book, I had some very raw feelings about this."

The "this" was his contention that American journalists in Iraq often ignored the terror of Saddam Hussein's regime to avoid losing their visas, and plied his ministers with expensive gifts and hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to stay on their good side.

"Yeah, it was an absolutely disgraceful performance," he told Embedded editors Bill Katovsky and Timothy Carlson. Burns also told them that a journalist he won't identify "from a major American newspaper" took his clips and those of his competitors to the Iraqi Ministry of Information to prove he was softer on Saddam than Burns and others were.

Burns sat down with E&P on Nov. 26, the day after receiving The Burton Benjamin Memorial Award for lifetime achievement from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at a Waldorf-Astoria black-tie dinner attended by representatives of the very news organizations he accused of paying off Saddam's deputies. [...]

[H]e warned American journalists against setting unethical precedents. "If we are going to hold our government accountable we'd better be pretty sure we don't make expedient compromises ourselves, which is a very hard thing to do -- very hard," he said. "You better get into these places to report on them. You have to get your visas extended to continue to report on them. It is not easy. It's a question of where you strike the balance. I don't think the balance was struck in the right way when Saddam was in power." [...]

Q. Can you tell me the name of the reporter from the major American newspaper who brought your articles to Saddam's ministry of information?

I am not going to say anything about that. I have not said anything more about that since that last time. And I think it is better for me not to say anything.

Q. Why haven't you identified the television journalists who paid off the Iraqi officials? By not naming them, you wound up implicating the entire press corps.

That was an unfortunate consequence ... The points I had to make were not personal ones. The points were broader. They were matters of principle ... It's an impossible dilemma. I am not going to talk about individuals. What I found out to my enormous pleasure was that I struck a chord in my profession. Many of my colleagues from Baghdad have written to me, had dinner with me, and approached me at news conferences to say they appreciated what I said.

Someone smarter than me will have to explain why what he knows about his fellow journalists doesn't require him to hold them accountable in the same way he would the government? Why doesn't he have an ethical obligation to publish damning information about his fellow pressmen?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 PM


Paranoia Politics: Some Democrats are nuttier than a tin of Almond Roca. (Mossback, 12/17/03, Seattle Weekly)

BEATING GEORGE W. Bush in 2004 will be an uphill battle. While the campaign will require blood, toil, tears, and sweat, I think it's safe to say that it will not be successful if the opposition runs on the paranoia platform.

I loathe Bush like the next liberal, but I'm afraid I have to partially agree with the diagnosis of neocon columnist Charles Krauthammer, a former shrink, who earlier this month said he had identified a new psychological syndrome: Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS), described as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush."

Now there are a lot of conservatives out there who are trying to pathologize liberalism—people who think, for example, that world-class economist Paul Krugman has somehow gone off his nut because in his column in The New York Times he consistently maintains that the Bush administration's policies are a menace. Krauthammer suggests Krugman is a BDS sufferer. He also tags Bill Moyers and Barbra Streisand, among others.

I disagree. Krugman, certainly, is one of the sanest men in the country. But I would also say this: Yes, there are those who occasionally become unhinged at the very idea of the Bush presidency, Mossback among them. A stolen election will do that.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:14 PM


U.S. TO WARN PREGNANT WOMEN ABOUT TOXINS IN TUNA (Joseph Brean, National Post, 13/12/03)

The United States plans to warn that expectant mothers and young children should limit their tuna consumption to avoid damaging their nervous systems with mercury, a potent toxin.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency are working on a draft document that for the first time says even canned light tuna, traditionally the safest form of the fish, should be approached with caution. An official announcement is expected in the spring. [...]

Canada has no plans to follow suit, but stands by its current advice that pregnant woman, women of childbearing age and young children should eat no more than one meal a month of shark, swordfish or tuna, either fresh or frozen. This does not apply to canned tuna, the agency says.

"We monitor what [the United States does] and we're interested, [...] It could well be that we will go the route of the United States, but at the moment, we don't know that."

Sure we despised Chretien and are furious we didn’t go to war with you in Iraq, but don’t ever get the idea we Canadian conservatives are just a bunch of yes-men. This is our idea of an independent foreign policy. You guys want to fight about tuna? Boy, have you taken on the wrong country.

Umm, does anyone know how to approach a can of light tuna with caution?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 PM


U.S. flooded with post-Saddam tips from 'Sunni Triangle' (WORLD TRIBUNE.COM, December 16, 2003)

The U.S. military has detected an increase in Iraqi Sunni cooperation in wake of the capture of Saddam Hussein.

U.S. officials said military units in central and northern Iraq have been flooded by tips from Iraqis on Saddam loyalists and insurgency operatives. They said Iraqis have also been responsive to U.S. patrols in towns and cities in the Sunni Triangle.

On Monday, the U.S. Army's 1st Armored Division captured an Iraqi described as a high-ranking official from the Saddam regime. Several other unidentified regime figures were said to have been captured and interrogated.

As much as one would like to believe that capturing Saddam would produce results like this, Mr. Dean and various pundits assure us it won't.

What US has learned from Hussein: Papers found at his hideout reveal key details about guerrilla cells. (Peter Grier, 12/18/03, CS Monitor)

circumstantial evidence, including boats pulled up on the shore of the nearby Tigris River, pointed at courier activity and some sort of rudimentary network of command and control.

"He was clearly the symbolic figure, and these networks reported to him," said Army Brig. Gen. Martin Dempsey, commander of the 1st Armored Division, in a meeting with reporters on Tuesday.

Troops under General Dempsey's command have captured three high-ranking former members of the Iraqi military who are believed to be paymasters of the insurgency, the general indicated, according to accounts of his interview.

And on Tuesday US troops crashed what appeared to be a meeting of insurgents run by a mid-level leader near Samarra, which has been a hotbed of anti-US feeling. Seventy-three people were arrested.

The emerging picture, say some experts, is of an organization where Hussein provided some sort of strategic oversight, perhaps just through exhortation. He may even have ordered some attacks.

In Washington this week, interim Iraqi health minister Khudair Abbas said he believes Hussein communicated with followers via code in his tape-recorded messages.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:41 PM


Prayer and the polls: Americans with strong religious beliefs have faith in Republicans (David M. Shribman, December 17, 2003, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Three years ago, when the country was divided narrowly over whether to elect Gov. George W. Bush of Texas or Vice President Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee, one of the biggest gaps was over religion. In the 2000 election, Bush swept more religiously observant voters by large percentages -- and, in the case of white evangelical Protestants, by a margin of more than five to one.

This would matter in any nation at any era; much of British and French history, for example, is the story of religious struggle, and the role that religion has played in the politics of the Middle and Far East, in Africa and in Latin America is well known. Though we commonly argue that we live in a secular age, the United States today is engaged in a bitter national-security struggle with strong religious overtones -- even as the nation itself is moving toward stronger religious belief.

Today 81 percent of Americans say that prayer is an important part of their daily lives, an increase of 5 percentage points in the past 16 years, according to a national survey undertaken by the Pew Research Center. But a more important finding may be that 51 percent completely agree that prayer is an important part of their daily lives -- an increase of 10 percentage points in that period. Some 87 percent of the public says it never doubts the existence of God.

This has critical social and cultural implications. In the past decade and a half, political and religious viewpoints have become increasingly interconnected and increasingly important. Indeed, the connections between political conservatism and religiosity have grown ever more robust in recent years. A telling finding: The Democrats had an 18-percentage-point advantage among white Catholics who said in the late 1980s that they attended Mass daily; today the Republicans have a 2-point advantage over voters who say the same thing.

The flight of white evangelical Protestants and religious Catholics from the Democrats to the Republicans is one of the signal political events of our time...

That seems like a sizable voting bloc that Mr. Dean walks away from when he says he doesn't think we should discuss God in politics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:15 PM


John Cleese may run for mayor of Santa Barbara (Knight Ridder Newspapers, Dec. 16, 2003)

Actor John Cleese might follow in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gary Coleman by making a run for California public office, reports the New York Post.

Cleese's Monty Python co-star Michael Palin told London's Daily Telegraph that Cleese is "very involved with his local community" in Santa Barbara, Calif., and is thinking of running for mayor.

Basil Fawlty would be a Republican, but one doubts Mr. Cleese is.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:11 PM


Vitter building a $5M war chest for Senate race (Peter Savodnik, 12/17/03, The Hill)

Rep. David Vitter (R-La.) is assembling an extensive Washington-based fundraising operation to reel in more than $5 million for his still-unofficial Senate bid. [...]

Vitter’s campaign team includes former Speaker-designate Bob Livingston, who is heading up Vitter’s fundraising effort and who held the same congressional seat, in the New Orleans suburbs, now occupied by Vitter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:33 PM


A talk with the stars of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: John Rhys-Davies (Jeffrey Overstreet, Looking Closer)

John Rhys-Davies (Gimli): [...] I'm burying my career so substantially in these interviews that it's painful. But I think that there are some questions that demand honest answers.

I think that Tolkien says that some generations will be challenged. And if they do not rise to meet that challenge, they will lose their civilization. That does have a real resonance with me.

I have had the ideal background for being an actor. I have always been an outsider. I grew up in colonial Africa. And I remember in 1955, it would have to be somewhere between July the 25th when the school holiday started and September the 18th when the holidays ended. My father took me down to the quayside in Dar-Es-Salaam harbor. And he pointed out a dhow in the harbor and he said, "You see that dhow there? Twice a year it comes down from Aden. It stops here and goes down [South]. On the way down it's got boxes of machinery and goods. On the way back up it's got two or three little black boys on it. Now, those boys are slaves. And the United Nations will not let me do anything about it."

The conversation went on. "Look, boy. There is not going to be a World War between Russia and the United. The next World War will be between Islam and the West."

This is 1955! I said to him, "Dad, you're nuts! The Crusades have been over for hundreds of years!"

And he said, "Well, I know, but militant Islam is on the rise again. And you will see it in your lifetime."

He's been dead some years now. But there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and think, 'God, I wish you were here, just so I could tell you that you were right.'

What is unconscionable is that too many of your fellow journalists do not understand how precarious Western civilization is and what a jewel it is.

How did we get the sort of real democracy, how did we get the level of tolerance that allows me to propound something that may be completely alien to you around this table, and yet you will take it and you will think about it and you'll say no you're wrong because of this and this and this. And I'll listen and I'll say, 'Well, actually, maybe I am wrong because of this and this.'

[He points at a female reporter and adopts an authoritarian voice, to play a militant-Islam character:] "You should not be in this room. Because your husband or your father is not hear to guide you. You could only be here in this room with these strange men for immoral purposes."

I mean--the abolition of slavery comes from Western democracy. True Democracy comes form our Greco-Judeo-Christian-Western experience. If we lose these things, then this is a catastrophe for the world.

And there is a demographic catastrophe happening in Europe that nobody wants to talk about, that we daren't bring up because we are so cagey about not offending people racially. And rightly we should be. But there is a cultural thing as well.

By 2020, 50% of the children in Holland under the age of 18 will be of Muslim descent. You look and see what your founding fathers thought of the Dutch. They are constantly looking at the rise of democracy and Dutch values as being the very foundation of American Democracy. If by the mid-century the bulk of Holland is Muslim--and don't forget, coupled with this there is this collapse of numbers ... Western Europeans are not having any babies. The population of Germany at the end of the century is going to be 56% of what it is now. The populations of France, 52% of what it is now. The population of Italy is going to be down 7 million people. There is a change happening in the very complexion of Western civilization in Europe that we should think about at least and argue about. If it just means the replacement of one genetic stock with another genetic stock, that doesn't matter too much. But if it involves the replacement of Western civilization with a different civilization with different cultural values, then it is something we really ought to discuss--because, g**dammit, I am for dead white male culture.

We saw the shorter version last week, but in its entirety this interview is even better. It goes well with the story from below and reminds us that the expansion of access to our culture has not just afforded opportunities to those who were denied them--sometimes unjustly--in the past, but has unleashed secularists, feminists, multiculturalists, etc., who not only aren't thankful for the opportunity but who hate the culture precisely because it is the product, in the main, of dead white men of faith. They seem to labor under the delusion that they can continue to enjoy the benefits of this unique culture even if they deny, or hopefully destroy, its foundations. The time is long since past to stop letting such squander our patrimony.

MORE (via Jeff Guinn):
Wimps and Barbarians: The Sons of Murphy Brown (Terrence O. Moore, December 8, 2003,

More than a decade ago the nation was in a stir over the birth of a fictional boy. The boy was Avery, son of Murphy Brown. Television's Murphy Brown, played by Candice Bergen, was a successful news commentator who, after an unsuccessful relationship with a man that left her alone and pregnant, bore a son out of wedlock. The event, popular enough in its own right, became the center of political controversy when then Vice President Dan Quayle in a speech to the Commonwealth Club of California lamented that the show was "mocking the importance of a father." Suddenly the nation polarized over this question of "family values." But the controversy over Murphy Brown's childbearing soon died down. The characters on the show became more interested in Murphy's hairstyle than her baby, as did perhaps Murphy, who eventually found a suitable nanny in her painter so she could pursue her career without abatement. The show was off the air before Murphy's son would have been seven. Vice President Quayle was not reelected. Eleven years later, it is worth pondering what might have happened to Avery had this story not been just a television show. More to the point, what is happening today to our boys and young men who come from "families" not unlike Murphy's and who find the nation as divided now as it was then over the "values" by which we ought to raise them?

For more than a decade I have been in a position to see young men in the making. As a Marine, college professor, and now principal of a K-12 charter school, I have deliberately tried to figure out whether the nation through its most important institutions of moral instruction—its families and schools—is turning boys into responsible young men. Young women, always the natural judges of the male character, say emphatically "No." In my experience, many young women are upset, but not about an elusive Prince Charming or even the shortage of "cute guys" around. Rather, they have very specific complaints against how they have been treated in shopping malls or on college campuses by immature and uncouth males, and even more pointed complaints against their boyfriends or other male acquaintances who fail to protect them. At times, they appear desperately hopeless. They say matter-of-factly that the males around them do not know how to act like either men or gentlemen. It appears to them that, except for a few lucky members of their sex, most women today must choose between males who are whiny, incapable of making decisions, and in general of "acting like men," or those who treat women roughly and are unreliable, unmannerly, and usually stupid.

The young men, for their part, are not a little embarrassed when they hear these charges but can't wholly deny them. Indeed, when asked the simple question, "When have you ever been taught what it means to be a man?" they are typically speechless and somewhat ashamed.

The question for teachers, professors, and others in positions of moral influence is what to do about young women's growing dissatisfaction and young men's increasing confusion and embarrassment. Teachers cannot become their students' parents, but they can give direction to those who have ears to hear. Two lessons are essential. First, a clear challenge must be issued to young males urging them to become the men their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were. This challenge must be clear, uncompromising, engaging, somewhat humorous, and inspiring. It cannot seem like a tired, fusty, chicken-little lament on the part of the old and boring, but must be seen as the truly revolutionary and cutting-edge effort to recover authentic manliness. Second, a new generation of scholars must tell the tale of how men used to become men and act manfully, and how we as a nation have lost our sense of true manliness. The spirit of this inquiry cannot be that of an autopsy but rather that of the Renaissance humanists, who sought to recover and to borrow the wisdom of the past in order to ennoble their own lives.

-REVIEW: of The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity By Leon J. Podles (Loredana Vuoto, Townhall)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:51 PM


The battle between heart and politics: a review of FOR YOUR FREEDOM AND OURS: THE KOSCIUSKO SQUADRON: FORGOTTEN HEROES OF WORLD WAR TWO By Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud (Montagu Curzon, The Spectator)

The Kosciusko squadron had the highest kill total in the Battle of Britain and well-placed RAF officers reckoned it and its fellow Polish squadron may well have swung the very fine balance of the battle. It was named after the 18th-century Polish patriot whose first fight for independence was with the American colonists against the British; he then returned to die in an early bout of the long-running Polish struggle to get free of Russia. His memory inspired American airmen to volunteer in the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-20, when the squadron was formed. Their feats made a significant contribution to Polish victories and so to the formidable, if woefully ill-equipped, Polish air force of 1939. Far from absurdly charging tanks with cavalry, as Nazi propaganda put out and the Western media swallowed whole, the Poles fought like tigers; their pilots shot down 126 German aircraft, would not accept the inevitable defeat but, by desperate means, made their way to France (hopeless) and to England (scornful) and back into the air.

At length the RAF twigged that these were superb pilots, crucially with combat experience, with phenomenal eyesight and every reason to wreak revenge on the Luftwaffe. They chafed at the language and the regulations and the English throttles that pushed forward to go fast not backwards like Polish ones. The English clenched their jaws at Polish wildness and improper dress and tendency to fly off as opportunity beckoned and not keep formation. But when serious business began each saw the point of the other and a deep, even passionate, bond was formed, of real brothers in arms. [...]

Churchill had made heartfelt promises to the Poles, knew well their history, their suffering and how they had fought back. Roosevelt made high-sounding declarations, with at least half an eye to the seven million Polish-American voters, and only really cared about his delusory personal understanding with Stalin. Both were caught between the closing pincers of these promises and the perceived imperative of preserving the huge lie of Big Three unity and common purpose. Thus Stalin, well known to be a monster, was dressed up as Uncle Joe, the Katyn massacre was hushed up, and vast amounts of aid sent. [...]

From underhand agreements at Teheran in November 1943 to outright betrayal at Yalta in 1945 the slope to infamy got steeper, the promises thinner, the Poles’ despair deeper. Finally General Anders asked for his Polish II Corps to be withdrawn from the 8th Army and pilots questioned the point of taking off. They had seen the Warsaw uprising left to be destroyed, with derisory help from the Allies, while Stalin stopped his advance to look on, content that the SS was saving him some bullets. The Polish Parachute Brigade, formed specifically to drop into Poland, clamoured to go, were refused, then dropped into Arnhem and massacred, all because the Russians would not allow Western aircraft to land and refuel (until far too late). Churchill wanted to send aircraft regardless and call Stalin’s bluff, but the Americans would not hear of it.

Nevertheless, Anders and the pilots fought on for the sake of their honour, this being all they had left. Even this was derided at the end of the war when the Attlee government would not allow them to march in the Victory Parade for fear of annoying the Russians.

Quite the most infuriating book you'll read this year as you realize how profoundly and carelessly we betrayed Eastern Europe in general but the Poles in particular. Demolishes the notion that WWII was worth fighting if we were going to wimp out as badly as we did.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:50 PM


State OK's removal of Sagamore rotary (Beth Daley, Boston Globe, 12/17/03)

The Sagamore Rotary, long the most grueling hurdle for thousands of travelers who flock to Cape Cod on summer weekends, will be dismantled beginning as early as this spring and replaced by a road that sends Route 3 traffic straight onto the Sagamore Bridge.

State Environmental Affairs Secretary Ellen Roy Herzfelder gave her final approval yesterday of the $35 million project, which was opposed by environmentalists and some residents who worried that easier access to the Cape would increase development.

"To everyone who has had to endure that broken intersection, we are on our way to fixing it," said Daniel A. Grabauskas, state secretary of transportation. "It is a great milestone."

I love rotaries, and this rotary in particular. They're worth all the trouble they cause just for the chance to see out-of-staters drive 'round and 'round trying to figure out how to exit and they are the best way to deal with two traffic flows converging at a heavy intersection. I'm skeptical that this solution will greatly decrease the wait on the heaviest days, as narrowing Route 6 down to one lane is going to cause its own troubles. On light traffic days, the rotary causes no trouble at all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:33 PM


Spare a thought for us -- first: Ebadi's wasted opportunity? (Ardavan Bahrami, December 15, 2003, The Iranian)

A few days ago I received an email from a friend whom I have never met in person but have been chatting and exchanging views with on Iranian current affairs.  The email contained a note from an Iranian gentleman/lady who had commented on Shirin Ebadi's Nobel Peace prize speech.

The note was most refreshing and above all extremely courageous.  Consequently, my journalistic conscience told me that such a fresh viewpoint should not be ignored. As I do not know this person nor does my friend, I have taken the liberty to use the note and expand it further, hoping many others could enjoy the comments.

To make it easier I shall call this person Hope!  Hope's note starts by saying,

"Shirin Ebadi's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance ceremony was a huge opportunity missed for all the Iranians who have suffered human rights abuses in the last 24 years of the Islamic dictatorship in Iran. The reason for this is non-other than what seems to be a genetic disease seen in a large number of older generation Iranians who forget the plight of their own people but prefer to take up the cause of others."

This is most distressing.  In the past years and particularly in recent events I have witnessed many Iranians who by large are indifferent and not involved in political issues have suddenly shown concerns on US war against terrorism by taking actions against the American administration's policies or even have had the audacity of joining groups or demonstrations in support of Palestinians!

Was it Moshe Dayan who said of the Palestinians that they never waste an opportunity to waste an opportunity? It seems a Middle Eastern affliction sometimes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:19 PM


Agreement: Nomar would be dealt for Ordonez (, 12/17/03)

Contingent upon a completion of the Alex Rodriguez-for-Manny Ramirez megadeal between Texas and Boston, the Red Sox have conditionally agreed to trade shortstop Nomar Garciaparra to the White Sox for outfielder Magglio Ordonez, ESPN's Peter Gammons has confirmed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:32 PM


I feel sorry for Saddam, says Pope's aide (John Hooper, December 17, 2003, The Guardian)

In a move that seems certain to outrage the US administration, one of the Pope's most senior officials yesterday expressed "pity" and "compassion" for Saddam Hussein, and warned that his capture might do more harm than good.

Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the pontifical council for justice and peace and the equivalent of a minister in the Catholic church's "government", was speaking at the presentation in Rome of a message from the Pope in which, among other things, he included a coded reminder to the world that the invasion of Iraq had been carried out without UN backing.

Cardinal Martino, whose department deals with a wide range of international issues, said he was pleased with the capture of Saddam and hoped it would bring peace and democracy. But he added: "I felt pity to see this man destroyed, [the military] looking at his teeth as if he were a cow. They could have spared us these pictures ... Seeing him like this, a man in his tragedy, despite all the heavy blame he bears, I had a sense of compassion for him."

Compassion for even your enemies is a wonderful Christian sentiment, but one does wish the Vatican gave any sense that it felt similar compassion for the people of Iraqi.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:26 PM


Dubya's ace in the hole (Geov Parrish, 12.17.03,

[D]ean is hardly the most radical voice in his own party -- Rep. Jim McDermott, for instance, has publicly questioned the political convenience for the White House of Saddam's capture now rather than months ago.

That's a tad cynical for my tastes. And unnecessary. There are plenty of other reasons to be concerned by What Happens Next -- both to Saddam Hussein and to his American captors.

First, Saddam. The man is a war criminal -- that much is clear. But the Bush Administration is planning to turn Hussein over to the "Iraqi people" for a show trial. What else could it be, when every decision of "the Iraqi people," thus far, has been made by the same Americans who for a dozen years, even and especially post 9-11, have turned Saddam into Public Evildoer #1; the same Americans whose unilateral invasion and occupation has included seizing complete military control of Iraq's judicial system; whose limited nods toward self-government have allowed only carefully vetted Iraqi exiles and the like?

When concerning the fate of political leaders who have allegedly killed hundreds of thousands of their own (or anyone's) people -- crimes properly called "crimes against humanity" -- the global community now has a procedure in place for international trials. The United States, under Clinton and now Bush, has refused to honor it, concerned that a truly impartial process could reflect poorly on American foreign policy and its leaders.

Wow, it was sad enough when the Left convinced itself that Saddam wasn't a WMD threat, but now they aren't sure he was one of the most murderous dictators in the world?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:15 PM


Dean's Foreign Policy: I Am No George Bush (John Tirman, December 16, 2003, AlterNet)

In his speech, he emphasized three criticisms of Bush that are bound to become the pillars of his own foreign-policy agenda during the campaign. First, the cardinal threat to American security is terrorism, and that Bush has done far too little to protect Americans and much of it, clumsily. Among such threats, Dean pointed to weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists several times in the course of his speech. The second critique points the damage to the alliances and multilateral cooperation due to Bush administration's emphasis on unilateralism. Third is Bush's refusal to address social and economic calamities -- HIV/AIDS and global poverty -- that in turn give rise to the conditions of desperation and political violence.

Huh? Mr. Dean is going to go before the American people and say:

(1) he'd be tougher on terrorists and WMD, but not attack anyone,

(2) the UN and EU would have veto power over our national security and foreign policy,

(3) and he'd boost foreign aid.

He might not even carry Manhattan Island.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:05 PM


U.S., Central American Nations Reach Trade Deal (Martin Crutsinger, December 17, 2003, AP)

Negotiators reached agreement in all areas, including textiles and agriculture, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick announced at a news conference with the trade ministers of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras.

"Negotiations began last January, and today we have fulfilled that vision with a cutting-edge, modern free-trade agreement to tear down the tariff walls that block trade between the United States and Central America, between friends and neighbors," Zoellick said.

A fifth nation, Costa Rica, abruptly left the talks on Tuesday complaining about excessive demands being made by the United States for the nation to open up its market to foreign competition in telecommunications and insurance.

However, U.S. officials expressed hope that the differences with Costa Rica can be resolved in coming weeks so that it will be included when the administration submits the Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA, to Congress early next year. [...]

The deal, which will phase out virtually all trade barriers among the participating countries over the next decade, represents the sixth free trade deal the United States has achieved.

The North American Free Trade Agreement covers Canada and Mexico and the United States has individual free trade agreements with Israel, Jordan, Chile and Singapore.

Two-thirds of the Earth is covered with water, by the end of '08 the rest may be covered by George W. Bush's individualized free trade agreements. Poland, Spain, Britain, Australia, the Philippines, Iraq, Morocco, Afghanistan, Eritrea, etc.--the key nations in the fight against Islamicism--should be next.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:38 PM


World's most mysterious book may be a hoax: The Voynich manuscript may be elegant gibberish. (JOHN WHITFIELD, 17 December 2003, Nature)

A strange sixteenth-century book may be cunningly crafted nonsense, says a computer scientist. Gordon Rugg has used the techniques of Elizabethan espionage to recreate the Voynich manuscript, which has stumped code-breakers and linguists for nearly a century.

"I've shown that a hoax is a feasible explanation," says Rugg, who works at Keele University, UK. "Now it's up to believers in a code to produce evidence to support their ideas." He suspects that English adventurer Edward Kelley produced the Voynich to con Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor and collector of antiquities, out of a fortune in gold. [...]

The Voynich manuscript is often described as the world's most mysterious book. It is hand-written in a unique alphabet, about 250 pages long, and contains pictures of unrecognizable flowers, naked nymphs and astrological symbols.

The manuscript first appeared in the late 1500s, when Rudolph II bought it in Prague from an unknown seller for 600 ducats - about 3.5 kilograms of gold, worth more than US$50,000 today. The book passed from Rudolph to noblemen and scholars, before disappearing in the late 1600s.

It surfaced again around 1912, when US book dealer Wilfrid Voynich bought it. The manuscript was donated to Yale University after Voynich's death.

No one has worked out whether Voynichese is a code, an idiosyncratic translation of a known tongue, or gibberish. The text contains some features that are not seen in any language. The most common words are often repeated two or three times, for example - the equivalent of English using 'and and and' - giving weight to the hoax theory.

On the other hand, some aspects, such as the pattern of word lengths and the ways in which characters and syllables occur with each other, are similar to real languages. "Many people have believed that it is too complicated to be a hoax - that it would have taken some mad alchemist years to get such regularity," says Rugg.

James Joyce used the same code for his novels.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:30 PM


Is America sick? (Sydney Morning Herald, December 15, 2003)

In "Stupid White Men" and "Bowling For Colombine", Michael Moore introduced millions of readers and moviegoers worldwide to some of America's ills: guns, corrupt politicians, fearful citizens, unchecked corporations, crumbling social services. These are big problems for a nation that plays such a dominating international role.

Understanding them is one thing, but what can be done to fix them?

In his unpublished manuscript, The IHO Syndrome, Julien Ninio suggests the best way to understand America's ailments is to study their symptoms, in the same way a doctor examines a patient - and that the diagnosis is of a disease that can be cured by both Americans and non-Americans.

In the five excerpts here, Ninio examines America's self-image: the "cradle of democracy", the "land of plenty", the "beacon of justice", the "best way of life", the "land of the free". He finds gaps between the self-image and the reality, which he calls the "symptoms" of the disease. He argues that the symptoms can be traced to a powerful cocktail of ignorance, hypocrisy and obedience - the "IHO syndrome". As a cure for this disease, Ninio proposes that people replace ignorance with knowledge, hypocrisy with sincerity and obedience with resistance.

As globalization demonstrates, the disease has no cure. Americanism (liberal democratic capitalist protestantism) has infected the whole planet, some of the victims will survive and be better for it, others will succumb. Deal with it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:22 PM


Campaign Finance Casualties (David S. Broder, December 17, 2003, Washington Post)

[T]he practical effect of McCain-Feingold is likely to be, as Mann says, to "rearrange the flows" of money, not to reduce it. You can see that effect already, because parties and candidates have been operating under the terms of McCain-Feingold for the past 13 months while the legal challenge was being heard.

In this new "golden era," President Bush is on his way to breaking the all-time record by raising almost $200 million for his preconvention campaign, while two Democrats for the first time have rejected the public financing system that limits spending for the nomination. Meanwhile, millionaires such as George Soros and major interest groups are pouring money into supposedly independent political organizations, which will replace party "soft money" spending on voter registration and turnout programs.

The question, then, is whether the limited purifying effects are worth the restrictions on political activity embodied in the act, or whether Justice Antonin Scalia is right in contending that "the juice is not worth the squeeze."

Unlike Scalia and the other dissenters, I think the court got it right in upholding the ban on the unlimited, frequently six-figure "soft money" contributions to the parties from business, labor and wealthy individuals. Corporations and unions have been barred from contributing to federal candidates for decades, and the courts have long sustained the constitutionality of limits on the size of individual contributions. The "soft money" loophole was created by administrative action and was then ruthlessly exploited by both political parties. Shutting it down was an overdue step.

Boy, you really have to have drunk the Kool-Aid to think that a political system where George Soros will influence the Democrats by giving them several tens of millions of dollars through the back door instead of millions through the front is even a little bit "purified".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:47 AM


W. Is a Helium Balloon (Ben Smith, 12/17/03, NY Observer)

The President's head, portrayed by a small yellow helium balloon, was greeted with great joy by television producers and technicians, who took their sitings from the skyboxes during a "media walk-through" of the convention site staged by Republican officials Dec. 16.

The day was a demonstration of the precision of Mr. Bush's Republican machine: Convention planners know where the Presidentís head will be, where the cameras that photograph that head will be, and where the bathrooms will be when a crowd of Republicans and reporters numbering about 50,000 comes to town next Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 for the first Republican National Convention held in New York in the history of the United States.

The Bush bunch is one well-organized team. And that was the thrust of a preview of the 2004 Republican convention that will dominate New York City next summer: a mountain of technical details for a convention that will launch the final stage of the Presidentís drive for re-election next year.

The New York event struck a sharp contrast to the vague preview that Democrats offered reporters in Boston, the site of their 2004 convention, two weeks earlier.

"This blows Boston out of the water," said Peter Barnes, the Washington bureau chief for Hearst-Argyle Television. "If the Republicans are this organized for their convention, imagine the campaign."

Here's what the Republicans have: incumbency, money and a setting that will inevitably remind Americans of the President's performance in the same city the week after Sept. 11, 2001. And in the shadow contest between each party's convention planners, the G.O.P. is using those advantages to full effect, slotting the pieces of their gala into place as the Democrats do the usual Democratic struggle, searching for a nominee, a message and a plan.

That the Democrats blew having their convention in NYC continues to boggle the mind.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:41 AM


Baseball star: P.E.I. catcher to be sentenced today for underage sex (Richard Foot, CanWest News Service(17/12/03)

A 19-year-old baseball star whose sensational trial on charges of inciting oral sex from two adolescent girls shocked Prince Edward Island will find out today whether he will be sent to prison.

In his first interview since his conviction, Cass Rhynes told CanWest News Service he is not the sex-obsessed predator many consider him to be. "I'm not some kind of sexual predator," he said this week. "I'm a virgin. Sex is not on my priority list. I've got way too much else going on." [...]

However, he also suggested the girls were not simply unwitting victims. Why, he asks, would adolescent girls know anything about oral sex in the first place, let alone be interested in it? He says that is a question the girls' families, and society, need to ask themselves.

"What happened was that I made a mistake. We all make mistakes. It just happens that this one was pretty big," he said. "I was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- and morally, I made a mistake, but legally, I didn't." [...]

She(the judge) said when Rhynes received oral sex early this year from two girls, aged 12 and 13, he failed to "take all reasonable steps" to find out if the girls were over the legal age of 14. She also said Rhynes knew he would be getting sex from the girls when he agreed to meet them, and was not simply "a passive recipient of sexual advances by an aggressive child."

Rhynes has filed an appeal, to be heard in March. A decision to uphold his conviction could irreparably harm any chance he has of playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers, who drafted him this spring. A criminal record would make it almost impossible to travel to the United State

A very funny mimic of Nixon during the Watergate scandal had him insisting he took full responsibility for his actions, but not the blame. The difference, he said, was that one who took the blame lost his job, while one who took responsibility did not. So it is with the Kobe Bryants and Cass Rhynes of this world, who rush to admit they are moral trash all the while insisting there should be no consequences and that the women and girls they exploit and assault are really to blame.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:36 AM


Economic reports show expansion without inflation: Consumer prices dip, industrial production surges and housing construction soars (Jeannine Aversa, December 17, 2003, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Consumer prices slid, industrial production surged and housing construction sizzled in November, signs that the economic recovery is powering ahead without unwanted inflation.

The latest batch of economic news Tuesday raised hopes that the recovery will be lasting and that businesses may feel more inclined to boost hiring, analysts said.

"We have no inflation, once-idle factories are pumping out goods, and houses are being erected at a breakneck pace. This is a perfect recipe for economic strength," said Richard Yamarone, an economist at Argus Research Corp.

After twenty-plus years of virtually uninterrupted economic growth with falling or no inflation, you'd think even economists would notice a trend.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


Capture boosts Bush in Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll (John Harwood and Jacob M. Schlesinger, 12/16/03, The Wall Street Journal)

[T]he Wall Street Journal/NBC poll showed no evidence that Democratic voters view Dean's background and positions as a liability, even after Saddam's capture. In the surveys taken both before and after the dramatic arrest, Dean was favored for the 2004 nomination by at least 25 percent of Democrats. That was more than double the number that favored either retired Gen. Clark or Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri, his two closest competitors.

In each survey, Dean ran slightly closer to Bush than did Clark. Following the Iraqi dictator's capture, Bush led Dean by 52 percent to 31 percent, compared with his 53-percent-to-28-percent lead over Clark. Matched against a generic Democratic opponent, the president held a less imposing 44-percent-to-33-percent lead among those surveyed Sunday.

The most remarkable aspect of Mr. Dean's strength continues to be his weakness. At a comparable time in 1999 George W. Bush was favored by half his party and polled well against Al Gore--that enabled him to survive the McCain challenge and upset a sitting VP in a time of peace and prosperity. Mr. Dean is supported by only a quarter of his party for the nomination and gets slaughtered in a match-up with the President.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:25 AM


The Face of Scare Politics (NY Times, 12/17/03)

Let's hope that this week will mark both the beginning and the end of the use of Osama bin Laden as a prop in political campaign commercials. The current TV ad starring the most infamous face in terrorism is part of a "stop Howard Dean" movement from his fellow Democrats. Perhaps the true originators — whose identities are as murky as Qaeda operatives' — can be persuaded to cease and desist as a holiday present to the people of New Hampshire and South Carolina.

That ad's message — that Dr. Dean, the former Vermont governor, lacks foreign policy experience — is fair enough. But it is delivered with low-blow stealth as the ad's graphics dwell entirely on the sociopathic bin Laden stare. The screen shows floating scraps of scare phrases, "Dangerous World . . . Destroy Us . . .," and finally the tag-line bodkin alleging that Dr. Dean "just cannot compete with George Bush on foreign policy." [...]

The Osama ad was concocted with labor figures and politicians who have supported Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts and Representative Richard Gephardt of Missouri, Dr. Dean's primary rivals, who disown any connection. It's always risky to ask how dumb the ad makers think voters are. But Grand Guignol attack ads underwritten by generic-sounding committees unconnected to any particular candidate are bad politics at any season.

The Times runs a couple columns a month--by Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, Tom Friedman when he's off his meds, and guests--arguing that George W. Bush's policies are helping al Qaeda, but one ad by an independent group linking Governor Dean to Osama and we've a political crisis on our hands. Why is it the press wants to limit our speech but theirs should be held sacrosanct?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:00 AM


Analyze this! (Tony Blankley, 12/17/03, Jewish World Review)

The other useful idea that Saddam's arrest has presented the world is that America cannot be stopped. By our sheer magnitude and organized persistence, we will eventually find all enemies and accomplish all objectives. The Romans sometimes were opposed by better generals and equally courageous warriors. The odd legion might even be massacred. But they maintained a Roman Peace for half a millennium by the perceived certainty of their ultimate success. Finding one rat in a hole in the ground in the middle of a vast land cannot help but be a vastly dispiriting fact to many of our current enemies.

Thus Saddam's arrest discloses to the world that America is both an instrument for exemplary human justice and a remorseless, inevitably successful enemy if we are opposed. That's not a bad day's work for the Fourth Armored Infantry Division.

Which is why it would be helpful to engage in the next regime change as quickly as practical--it hardly matters where, though Syria, Libya, Cuba, and North Korea seem good choices--in order to demonstrate that a minor resistance in the Sunni triangle won't deflect us from our purposes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:28 AM


An interview with Stephen Unwin (Kevin Holtsberry, 15 December 2003, A Nickel's Worth of Free Advice)

Stephen Unwin was born in Manchester, U.K. He attended Chetham's Hospital School and obtained his bachelor's degree in physics from Imperial College, University of London. For his research in the field of quantum gravity, he received his doctorate in theoretical physics from the University of Manchester. He has held the post of British technical attache to the United States Department of Energy, and is currently the president of his own consulting firm, specializing in risk analysis and risk management for Fortune 100 clients. He lives in Ohio.

To top all this off, he decided to write a book that would calculate the probability of God's existence. [...]

[Q:] At the beginning you take a moment to think about other ways to approach the probability of God’s existence. You discuss intelligent design and reject that option. Yet, the Bible seems to suggest nature as a way to God or at least a way people become aware of God. And certainly this has historically been used as a way to point to God’s existence. Why tackle Intelligent Design and why is that not a useful way to God’s existence?

[A:] Well for the reasons you state, it is often viewed as a crucial and central argument for God’s existence and that if he does exist he designed the world the way it is. I guess the conclusion I reached in the book, based on thinking through the facts, is that certainly we do live in a very structured world and things do give the appearance of design – whatever that word design means – but I really don’t believe that one needs to rely on a theistic view of the world to explain to the satisfaction of our own intellects why the world is the way it is. Now that is not to say that if God does exist that he wouldn’t be playing an absolutely crucial role in the way the world is. For example, people often argue, “do you believe in creation or in evolution?” Well, I think that is a false conflict because I strongly believe in evolution. To my mind it is one the most successful natural theories in the history of the human intellect. Yet in my mind it is not at the expense of belief in God, I mean one can believe that those complex mechanisms were set up in some way. So if one has to concede design it is in the design of those mechanisms not in the more naïve engineering sense of someone sitting there with a blueprint of a human eye and building it that way.

[Q:] Can you give a simple explanation of the anthropic principle and what you mean by it?

[A:] There are various types of descriptions of that principle put out there. There is the so-called strong anthropic principle and the weak anthropic principle. The strong anthropic principle is the one I do not discuss because it is very philosophically unsatisfying in my mind, says that somehow that the laws of nature were specifically tuned and created to result ultimately in the conditions that would be conducive to life, perhaps even human life. The weak anthropic principle, which to me is a very valid principle, is that the universe we would see around us is inevitably the universe that would be conducive to life. In other words, for there to be a perceiver of the things around us the world had to be just right to allow that perceiver to exist. A perceived universe, one that we can see and detect, really always would need to be conducive to life and the person doing the perceiving. I kind of joke in the book, in no universe would the comment be overheard “Just as I thought, no life here.” It is a logical paradox

I also use the device of the little sign in the shopping mall. If you walk up to a sign in a shopping mall it has that little arrow that says, “you are here.” Would you be surprised that the sign is exactly right? I mean it is kind of a miraculous manipulation that the sign was exactly right. It could have anything but it said just the right thing that you are here. Well, the answer is that it is your attributes that make it right. If you were standing somewhere else it wouldn’t be right but you wouldn’t be reading it in that case. So kind of in-built into it is its correctness. So the analogy is that the world is such that the person looking at it would always come into being. So you are always looking at a world conducive to life and structure.

[Q:] Do you have in your mind a relationship between faith and science?

[A:] Well yes, faith is a word that can be used in many different contexts. The specific context and the way in which I talk about in the book and the way I envision it – I go through this process of calculating the probability of God and what I mean by that is based on the evidence and rational analysis using the same sort of process you might use in a scientific analysis here is the probability of or likelihood of God based purely on reason. And I come up with a number that is 67% but then I say if you ask me off the top of my head – more intuitively – what’s the probability that God exists I wouldn’t say 67% I would probably give you a number that is far closer to 100%. What I say in the book is that that discrepancy, the discrepancy between 67% and 100%, that is explicitly the role that faith plays. It is a bit audacious I know but what I do is basically model the number of what the faith factor is so that it is something that accounts for the discrepancy between what is rational belief and what is the full belief. So in that sense the faith factor is really disconnected from the rational analysis by definition. But the situation isn’t all that simple because you ask in a more general sense what faith can be. And in that sense scientists have faith. The faith of a scientist is that reason or rationality is going to help him understand the natural world. We think and we look at the world around us and we take these tools of human reason like say mathematics and it proves to be a remarkably successful way to model the way the natural world works. I mean that is what physics is, it is modeling the way the world works in the language of math. Well you ask yourself did it have to be that way? Can we imagine a world where we come up with all these clever mathematical devices and yet it sheds no light on the physical workings of the world? I think scientists have faith in the fact that they can in principle uncover the way the physical world works by applying human reason and mathematics. So faith can be a very subtle thing. It insinuates itself even into atheistic beliefs. An atheist scientist at core has faith that reason can describe the way the world works.

He concedes more ground than he ought, but interesting nonetheless.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


The Perils of Republics (Lucy Sullivan, Autumn 1998, Policy)

Why did democracy, when enacted in its purest form as the will of the people untrammelled by traditional power and authority, degenerate so readily into demagogy? Two intertwining lines of explanation are offered by the most interesting of this new group of philosophers, and they hinge on the source of political authority and the problem of unanimity in the people’s will.

Marcel Gauchet, Bernard Manin and Pierre Manent explore the problem of the ‘empty seat’ of power created in the modern world by the removal of the authority of monarch and religion. Gauchet develops the idea that traditional societies were given stability by the role of religion, as an authority outside the disputable affairs of men, which was deferred to as unquestionable. In late eighteenth century France, with the overthrow of both religion and its surrogate, the monarchy, and the advent of the republic, the state replaced religion as the exogenous (external, overarching) power, deriving its authority from beliefs in the autonomy of the individual. But because, in a republic, the state is seen to represent the people’s will, and is therefore sovereign, it can be concluded that no individual has the right to defect from its authority. This is why the modern nation has tended to totalitarianism as well as to democracy.

Manin arrives at a similar conclusion by a different route. The democratic ideal of the will of the people as the only legitimate source of power creates immediate problems of political practice, if each individual is to exercise personal freedom. Manin diagnoses eighteenth and nineteenth century liberal theories of justice as attempting to answer the question: How can we establish a political and social order based on the free will of the individual? The answer was a presupposition of unanimity of will in the political sphere. In practice this does not occur, and the practicalities of government require its relinquishment, again making the reach of authority problematic, and requiring the acceptance of compromise. But as a principle, the belief in unanimity is a powerful tool of totalitarianism which allows dissidence to be seen as disrupting the unity of ‘the people’ and their rightful rule. [...]

Let us now look at the position of the United States, a stable republic, in this development. Unlike the French republic, the American republic did not overthrow religion as a source of authority in the conduct of its citizens’ lives. De Tocqueville, in the nineteenth century, argued that religion, although unattached to monarchy, was an essential feature of democracy in America. Thus the religious fundamentalism of America, deplored for its personal restrictiveness when viewed from within the tolerance of constitutional monarchies, has provided for the United States the exogenous dimension which defends republics from totalitarianism.

The American Bill of Rights and its separation of powers, devised as defences against dictatorial law-making, may have been less important in this respect than has been supposed. With the secularisation of the ruling classes, a judiciary has appeared which feels free to remake the Bill of Rights in its own image, promoting levels of individual choice in transiently fashionable directions previously debarred by religion, which disrupt the stability of tradition. Its innovative judgements are delivered as representing the will of the people when, free as judges are of the constraints of deliberative representative assembly, they have no real claim to even this authority. The Bill of Rights exacerbates rather than protects against this new sovereignty of individual rights.

Thus we will have to go back, seizing power usurped by the judiciary and restoring the authority of religion, if we are to forward a free nation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


The God of Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad: The author of God: A Biography says that, yes, of course Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God. (Jack Miles, BeliefNet)

A week ago, President Bush scandalized some of his evangelical fans by innocently asserting, during his trip to England, that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Richard Land, speaking for the scandalized, has now rebuked the President for what Land calls playing "theologian-in-chief."

Land writes: "When President Bush concludes that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, he is simply mistaken." In my view, Bush is, at least on this point, a better theologian than his evangelical critic.

Though Land neither confirms nor denies that Jews and Christians worship the same God, surely he would concede that the first Christians, Jews all, did not understand Christian discipleship to entail switching to a new God. But what of the first Muslims? If they, too, understood themselves to be worshipping the God of the Jews, then were they not necessarily worshipping the God of the Christians as well?

The Qur'an identifies Allah as none other than the God to whom Abraham offered "submission" (islam) in the episode Jews and Christians know so well from Genesis 22, the story of the binding of Isaac. As the paradigmatic Muslim or "submitter," Abraham then made the original, paradigmatic pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims believe, accompanied by the very son, Ishmael, whom Allah had rescued so dramatically.

Jews and Christians have always believed that Muhammad got this story wrong. It was Isaac, not Ishmael, who was bound, they believe, and Abraham made no such pilgrimage to Mecca. But have Jews and Christians also believed, historically, that Muhammad had the divine protagonist wrong as well--to the point that he was referring to another deity altogether?

This, it seems, is Land's assumption when he writes: "There is only one true God, and His name is Jehovah, not Allah." As it happens, centuries of Jewish and Christian thinkers have assumed just the opposite.

Wow, is there any field where the President isn't smarter than his critics?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


Arrest raises fears in Saddam's tribe (Ferry Biedermann, 12/18/03, Asia Times)

Sheikh Mahmoud Nidda, who heads Saddam Hussein's al-Nasseri tribe, has reasons to be upset. United States forces make his life difficult because he is a relative of the deposed leader. And now, Saddam himself is no longer a source of pride and prestige. He has become reason for embarrassment.

"We are a tribe of brave men," the sheikh, 60, asserts in his large reception hall in Ouja, the village near Tikrit where Saddam was born. "Saddam should have fought. He should have killed a couple of American soldiers and then he should have let them kill him, just like his sons Uday and Qusay did."

In Iraq, as indeed in the wider Arab world, people are shocked by the meek surrender of the once feared leader. "Maybe the people who took him his food drugged him," the sheikh speculates. But he acknowledges he is disappointed.

To Sheikh Mahmoud, that kind of surrender is a personal affront. It may also have repercussions for his tribe. When the deposed dictator stands trial, the role that his family played may come out. "It is obvious that the tribe profited from its connection with the leader of the country," he says. The sheikh lives in a palatial villa on the edge of Ouja. The house and the reception hall exude power and money.

The tribe should fair no better than the Nazi Party did, hopefully worse.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


Cowboy Cool: Lyle Lovett returns to songwriting--and town--with My Baby Don't Tolerate (ROB PATTERSON, December 11, 2003, Dallas Observer)

With the exception of two of his gospel-flavored numbers, My Baby Don't Tolerate is probably Lovett's most country recording since his eponymous debut nearly 18 years ago. That is, "if you call what I do country. Most of these arrangements are kind of country. I think my stuff's a lot more country than country stuff these days," he notes.

It's an observation rather than a bitch point when Lovett talks about what Nashville calls country. After all, he's hardly been shut out by the industry, as some off-brand country artists feel they have. Rather, Lovett has coaxed together his own audience from the peripheries of country, folk, softer rock, jazz and more. If he is country music, he's the Williams-Sonoma or NPR of country--upscale fare for discerning, intelligent consumers--and not the NASCAR or CMT.

Yet Lovett's not afraid to get his boots--though probably not his collection of hand-tooled treasures--down in the mud and manure of real life on the farm. The place he lives in the world is Klein, a town outside Houston founded by his mother's family in the late 1840s. With suburbia sprawling its way in during recent decades, the family spread was broken up. "Most of the place was sold out of the family in 1980. And I wasn't able to buy it back until 1995," he explains. "So I really feel like my life's work has been just trying to keep as much of my grandpa's place together as I can.

"My family is very important to me. And our home place is important to me," says Lovett, who warned going into the phone interview that a call may come in about the flowers he is sending to his mother, who will turn 74 the next day. "My uncle still works the place. [His name is Calvin Klein, and his jeans are not designer.] Our place is the home base for his cattle operation." Lovett also started a breeding operation for quarter horses for the track he has overseen since his father's passing. And, of course, he keeps riding horses.

Yes, Lovett was once tabloid fodder during his romance with Julia Roberts, a.k.a. America's Sweetheart. And yes, he records in Los Angeles and rubs shoulders and appears in movies with Hollywood hotshots. But when asked if being back home in Texas is a respite from show business, he hesitates a bit and ponders the notion. "Well...yeah! I guess. Not that you need relief from it. I love playing music. I love sitting around in my house playing the guitar trying to make up songs. That's what I always did for fun."

Then Lovett reaches for a feeling. "It still doesn't seem like a real job to me. What seems like a real job is making sure you've got the winter grass planted and the fertilizer out. Making sure the animals are taken care of. That's a responsibility that you have to look after constantly. And that's the kind of stuff I grew up around that was considered to be a real job. This deal--I'm not sure it'll ever feel like a real job. I feel really privileged to do it. It's fun."

That whole Roberts romance is still deeply disturbing, but his music's terrific.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:20 AM


'If I had to do it over again, I'd let rip': Al Gore's backing of Howard Dean gives Democrats back their voice (Sidney Blumenthal, December 11, 2003, The Guardian)

Above all, Democrats are consumed with a rising sense of injustice. They believe that democracy was undermined when the votes were not counted in Florida and the supreme court made George Bush president; that the social contract in place since the New Deal is being shredded; that internationalist alliances are being shattered; that the president lied about the reasons for war; that the Bush administration acts with authoritarian impunity (refusing, for example, to make public even the members of the vice-president's energy policy panel); and that the media is being overwhelmed by the din of a rightwing echo chamber that masks itself as journalism.

In the face of constant provocation, Democrats see their own party as hesitant, compromised, if not complicit, and cowardly. "You're either with us or the terrorists," Bush has repeated many times. The Democrats supported the war in Afghanistan. Most Democrats in the House and Senate backed the war resolution on Iraq. Yet none of this prevents Republicans from challenging their patriotism. [...]

Gore's endorsement of Dean is the most important since grainy film was shown at the 1992 Democratic convention depicting President Kennedy shaking hands with a teenage Bill Clinton. Gore's endorsement is not the passing of the torch to a new generation, but another conferring of legitimacy. For Democrats, he personifies the infamy of the last election. He is not another politician, but the rightfully elected president, by a popular majority of 539,895 votes. [...]

Gore now calls the rightwing media a "fifth column" within journalism, and he's raising millions to build a TV network of his own as an alternative. In his own way, he's absorbed the lessons of the past three years and become a representative Democrat. His endorsement of Dean is his commentary on his campaign and the conduct of his party since.

Republicans are unjustly impuning their patriotism, but are a "fifth column" undermining democracy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:15 AM


-REVIEW: of INTELLIGENCE IN WAR: Knowledge of the Enemy From Napoleon to Al-Qaeda By John Keegan (Joseph E. Persico, NY Times Book Review)

Keegan takes a hard look at the role of intelligence in the Battle of the Atlantic during World War II, beginning with an observation from Prime Minister Winston Churchill that ''the only thing that really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril.'' Was Churchill's concern justified? In the conventional telling, Allied intelligence, particularly code breakers, located German U-boat wolf packs, which Allied ships and planes then sank. This, it is said, saved Britain from strangulation. But Keegan is quite ready to sacrifice the heroic legend to the duller truth. Yes, the Allies did defeat the German U-boat fleet in the Atlantic. And yes, intelligence did play an instrumental role. But, he points out, even in 1943, the year of the biggest convoy battles, 9,097 Allied ships made it safely across the ocean, while only 139 were lost. He concludes that ''the Battle of the Atlantic could have been won without the assistance of the code breakers.'' [...]

Even the storied resistance fighters in occupied Europe working with Allied secret agents to harass the Nazis are not spared Keegan's relentless rationality. Granting the extraordinary courage of these men and women -- courage that nourished hope and revived the honor of conquered peoples -- their efforts provoked such brutal retaliation by the Germans, Keegan concludes, that they ''brought nothing but suffering'' to the resisters and their innocent compatriots. As for the military value of the resistance, it ''harmed the German occupiers scarcely at all.'' [...]

In this latest work, Keegan has not set out to debunk intelligence. Rather he has sought to place the clandestine underbelly of war in perspective, to wrest it from the popular imagination as some sort of entertaining shortcut to victory. In the end, as he puts it, ''It is force, not fraud or forethought, that counts.'' Whatever its truth, the roots of this conviction are not hard to divine. Keegan came to military history well before he came to military intelligence, and he understands all too well the barbarous physical reality of war as contrasted to the largely cerebral battlefields of intelligence warriors. To John Keegan, warfare has always been far more blood and guts than cloak and dagger.

You can't begrudge folks the absurd notion that WWII was a close run thing--every nation needs its myths.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:09 AM


Leftists Attack Borders: Leftists, Islamists and minority racists team up to help criminal aliens and terrorists come to America. (Steve Brown and Chris Coon, 12/13/03, Front Page)

Under the auspices of the National Security Entry-Exit Registry System (NSEERS) which was implemented to track all newcomers to the country, BICE (formally INS now under the Homeland Security Department) began the Special Registration Program in November 2002. Special Registration required not only new arrivals but those from the selected countries of origin already present in the States to register with their local immigration office. When reporting they were photographed, fingerprinted and were subject to questioning under oath. If the investigation revealed discrepancies in their immigration status or ties with criminal activity including terrorist links, registrants faced arrest, detention or deportation.

The program targeted those from 25 nations: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. As of May 2003 approximately 80,000 people had registered under the program, with another 94,000 from as many as 150 countries who registered as they entered the country.

According to BICE's website “Most of the foreign visitors registered are students, individuals in the U.S. on extended business travel, or individuals visiting family members for lengthy periods. The requirement to register does not apply to U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (green card holders), refugees, asylum applicants, asylum grantees, and diplomats or others admitted under 'A' or 'G' visas.”

The program was fairly successful, netting 35,000 found to have overstayed their visas triggering 13,800 deportation hearings. Another 2,870 have been detained with 23 in federal custody and over 140 criminals uncovered including a reported 11 suspected of having terrorist ties. In addition the DHS reported that several questionable persons have been denied entry.

However, on December 2, Asa Hutchinson, the undersecretary of Homeland Security's Border and Transportation Security Department announced that the program would be terminated in order to implement a broader program to target all those who enter the country regardless of nation of origin, age or sex. This month the original program begins a re-registration process which is still required for previous registrants, however under the new program re-registration would be on a case by case basis. [...]

But fierce opposition to any kind of registration program or secure entry/exit system remains widespread with no indication of subsiding. Left-wing radical activists such as Refuse and Resist, an online group of radicals that has compared Ronald Reagan to Hitler and have made it their stated goal to prevent a "Resurgent America" and LaResistencia, who are, according to their website ”an organization building a mass movement of opposition and resistance to all the attacks on immigrants by the government and their racist point-men,” (and who's motto is ”¡Todos somos ilegales! We are all illegal!") haven been some of the most vocal opponents of the Special Registration program. They have compared the detention and deportation of those found in violation of immigration law with the “disappeared,” the political enemies of the state who vanish in totalitarian banana republics never to be seen again. They are members of the so-called Blue Triangle Network, a front for radical extremists, including Not in Our Name, the National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU and the American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee who have fought tooth and nail against any attempt by immigration officials to weed out criminal aliens in our midst and to improve our nation's security. They cite sympathetic examples of men who had gone to register and were not heard from again until they called their families in America from the nation they were deported to.

The emotional comparisons make for red meat to the ACLU and others already decrying stringent Homeland Security measures and the attendant “loss of liberties” they see behind every move of the Department of Homeland Security. The loss of the freedoms of a relative handful of criminal aliens who flaunt immigration law is an unfortunate necessity given the dangers facing our nation in this war on terror. It is again incumbent to point out that criminal aliens have no rights or guarantees to freedoms of any kind, despite the repeated and disingenuous distortions of fact, stark reality and history spewed by the radical left and aped by the mainstream press in their unending campaign to abolish the bedrock ideals and system of government embodied in our constitution

One of the strongest arguments for regularizing the entry of immigrants into the country is precisely to be able to do background checks and register them, so that we know who's here and can deny entry to those we don't want for reasons of their legal, moral, and political backgrounds. Though we'd let many more do so, no one has a right to come here and a program that boosts immigration but is more careful about it seems entirely fair and far safer than the current debacle.

December 16, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:37 PM


A New Backbone? (Mugger, 12/16/03, NY Press)

I don’t care much for the writing of David Brooks–his Bobos in Paradise was an abomination–and so I was disappointed, if hardly stunned, when he was anointed the heir apparent to the 73-year-old William Safire as the New York Times’ token conservative op-ed columnist. (If publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. had a real desire to balance the idiocy of Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman, he’d have hired the Boston Globe’s Jeff Jacoby or the Weekly Standard’s David Tell.) Safire told the New York Observer’s George Gurley that he has no intention of retiring soon, but given the rude walking-the-plank exit of Russell Baker, I’m skeptical the ex-Nixon speechwriter will still have a Times slot a year from now.

Brooks is a squishy conservative, the kind that liberals will deign to break bread with. He supported John McCain in 2000, told Gurley he’s not a supporter of Bush’s tax cuts and believes the president is "intellectually insecure." I wouldn’t be surprised if, when the 2008 election nears, Brooks completes his conversion and favors a moderate Democrat like Sen. Evan Bayh for president.

Brooks: Bubeleh in Paradise (George Gurley, NY Observer)
In May of this year, The New York Times was in full meltdown over the Jayson Blair scandal. By June, executive editor Howell Raines and managing editor Gerald Boyd had been pushed out and a new executive editor, longtime Timesman Bill Keller, was given a mission to smack some good old boring news sense into the paper.

Around this time, David Brooks got a phone call. He was in his ninth year writing for the conservative Weekly Standard, was appearing every Friday on PBS’s Newshour with Jim Lehrer, and his book, Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There, had been a New York Times best-seller. He’d also written for The Times’ Sunday magazine, Book Review and Week in Review section. After a few lunches with Times editorial-page editor Gail Collins and publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Mr. Brooks was asked if he’d be interested in becoming a twice-a-week columnist on the Op-Ed page.

"Has anybody ever said no to that question?" he replied.

The subtext behind the question? According to a Times insider, it’s "no secret" that the search for a successor to the paper’s big-gun conservative columnist, William Safire, began "two or three years ago." Mr. Safire, who is 73, has been a columnist since 1973. "I don’t think there’s been a date set, but you can just look at his age and when columnists typically and reasonably have retired," said the source. "There’s not forced retirement for writers at The Times, only for editors, but I think it’s been on their mind for some time who would succeed him. And I think that they’ve actually found the best possible person, in that he’s a lovely guy and he’s a good writer." (Asked about his plans to retire, Mr. Safire said, "Some day, but not soon.") [...]

"He’s every liberal’s favorite conservative," said Michael Kinsley, founding editor of Slate. "He may have no enemies, but that will change: If he still has no enemies writing a column for The New York Times for a couple years, he’s failed."

"People were always stopping me, saying that they liked his stuff," said The Times’ Ms. Collins. "There is something about him—he’s like the conservative guy who can talk to liberals."

"Obviously he’s a post-Raines hire, and a very, very smart one," said Andrew Sullivan, the conservative blogger and occasional Times contributor. "He’s every liberal’s idea of a sane conservative, and he’s every conservative’s idea of what a liberal’s idea of a sane conservative is. He’s not a fire-breather. My boyfriend much prefers his stuff to mine. But I can deal with that." [...]

Mr. Brooks said he’s against the death penalty, "incredibly mushy-headed" on whether a second-trimester abortion should be legal (he thinks it’s O.K. in the first, not in the third), and believes in gay marriage and gays in the military. "It’s from personal observation that gay people don’t have a choice in being gay," he said.

Although he’s not enamored of the Bush tax cuts, he’s upbeat about the economy ("The numbers speak for themselves," he said), but the big domestic issue for him is polarization. "We’re increasingly dividing—geographically, culturally, religiously, commercially—into totally different segments," he said. "People don’t even talk to each other."

And don’t call him a neocon. [...]

Could Mr. Brooks ever become a leftist again?

"Sometimes I do think that," he said. "If I was with the Nation left, I’d be depressed. If I was with the centrist–Joe Lieberman left, I’d be happy."

Of course, Mr. Safire is no prize. He broke the dam when he announced he was voting for Bill Clinton, giving all kinds of wifty Republicans just the cover they were looking for to bolt George H. W. Bush. It does make one wonder if the Timesmen are so insecure that they fear adding a genuinely conservative voice to their pages.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 PM


Documents Found With Saddam Point to Regime Network (Jim Garamone, Dec. 16, 2003, American Forces Press Service)

Intelligence from the capture of Saddam Hussein already is making Baghdad a safer place.

Army Brig. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, commander of the 1st Armored Division here, said documents found with Saddam have allowed his forces to attack cells of former regime figures and make significant inroads against the financial network supporting the groups.

"What the capture of Saddam Hussein revealed is the structure that existed above the local cellular structure – call it a network," Dempsey said during an interview with press traveling with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers. "We now know how the cells are financed and how they are given broad general guidance."

Dempsey said Saddam did not exercise control of the cells as Americans would define it. Rather, the cells were provided funds and given a broad mission. "We still believe their actions against us are conducted locally, and with very little guidance from above other than 'impede progress,'" he said.

The general said 10 to 14 of these cells have operated in Baghdad, and that the 1st Armored Division has been successful against six. "The remaining challenge is about eight cells and that network that sits above them," Dempsey said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:10 PM


NEW DEAN ADVISER SAYS: ISRAEL AID SHOULD HINGE ON WITHDRAWAL: Prestowitz Appointment Raises Some Eyebrows (ELI LAKE, 12/16/03, NY Sun)

Howard Dean’s presidential campaign yesterday named a group of foreign policy advisers - including an author who calls for making America’s aid to Israel contingent on an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza and concludes that America’s Jewish lobby has prevented successive presidents from properly pressuring Israel to make peace with the Palestinian Arabs.

The appointment of Clyde Prestowitz, author of “Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions,” released by Basic Books earlier this year, has drawn sharp criticism from Jewish leaders and Democrats alike, including Senator Lieberman, a Democrat of Connecticut, who said the former Vermont governor should reject his new adviser’s advice.

Mr. Prestowitz writes that America’s intervention in Iraq should coincide with renewed pressure on Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate. “This should include making aid to Israel conditional on withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza, a freeze on all settlement development, and closing of all settlements except those tentatively agreed on at Camp David and Taba.” He goes on to write, “In no way should any deal be conditioned on an end to all violence, a condition that simply gives veto power to extremists on both sides.”

The opening paragraph of the chapter Mr. Prestowitz devotes to America’s relationship with Israel and Taiwan (titled “Wagging the Dog: Two Tales”) ends with this line: “I have often felt America’s differences with the world could be largely explained in four words: Israel, Taiwan, religion, and lobby.” Writing of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, he says, “In demanding all or nothing, they are the mirror image of the Israeli hawks who favor Eretz Israel.” In a section on the pro-Israel lobby, the Dean adviser writes, “A major factor in the collapse of the peace efforts has been these lobbies’ ability to prevent U.S. pressure on Israel.”

In isolation this might not matter much, but Mr. Dean continues to take actions and make statements that suggest a really unusual lack of support for Israel.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:33 PM


We have to tear it up and start again: The constitution would have been a disaster - and I helped to write it! (Gisela Stuart, December 17, 2003, The Guardian)

I have bad news for Max Hastings, who said on these pages on Monday that, after reading my Fabian pamphlet, he was "no longer a European". Max, neither you nor I can change geography. You are British by birth and I was born in Germany - we are both Europeans whether we like it or not.

I have bad news for the Tories too. My criticisms of the constitution do not mean I have joined their ranks of sterile "Eurosceptics". They were the ones who signed up to every single significant treaty that shaped the EU as it is today; and they now denounce it. They offer no alternative other than the mantra of the Little Englander who sticks to the firm belief that "nothing good has ever come from the east" - and it does not seem to matter whether they are led by John Major, William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith or Michael Howard.

But something has gone wrong with the Europe defined by the blue flag and the 12 golden stars which goes beyond the simplistic divide of Europhile and Europhobe. There is more to the failure of the weekend's intergovernmental conference than a spat between Poland and Spain and the rest over voting weights. If it had been just that, a committed pro-European like myself - I spent 16 months of my life helping draft the constitution - would have been deeply disappointed. And yet I am not. I think it was a narrow escape for the European Union.

First Step: We admitted we were powerless over the Euro-bureaucrats -- that our lives had become unmanageable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:23 PM


The long road for the Canadian right (Mark Wegierski, December 15, 2003, Enter Stage Right)

It should be pointed out that Canada today may be seen as combining the most liberal aspects of America and Europe -- indeed, it may be the world's most liberal society. Like some European countries such as the Netherlands, it is extremely socially-liberal, as demonstrated by the Canadian federal government's recent acceptance of "same-sex marriage." Although a vote on the issue will eventually take place in the Federal Parliament, it will be with direct referral to the Canadian Supreme Court. What conservative critics call "judicial activism" is in Canada a comparatively late but now flourishing development, which only really got underway with the introduction of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) into the Canadian Constitution. The Charter, clearly a left-liberal rather than classical liberal document, essentially enshrined virtually the entire agenda of Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Canada's left-leaning Liberal Prime Minister from 1968-1984, except for nine months in 1979-1980) as the highest law of the land. After Brian Mulroney's huge Progressive Conservative majorities of 1984 and 1988 -- whose record in regard to social and cultural conservatism was indeed abysmal -- Canada's federal Liberal Party (headed by Jean Chretien) comfortably won the elections of 1993, 1997, and 2000.

On the other hand, unlike some European countries, Canada is characterized by very high rates of immigration, and it has whole-heartedly embraced multiculturalism, affirmative action (called "employment equity" in Canada), and diversity with a startling degree of unidirectional intensity. Canada's official immigration numbers are more than twice as large as those of the United States -- per capita -- and are probably among the highest in the world. With a population of about 30 million persons, Canada receives every year about a quarter-million immigrants, most of whom end up in large cities, especially Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal.

At the same time, Canada has now embraced some of the more negative aspects of American society -- such as the excesses of pop-culture, the trend to political-correctness, and growing litigiousness. However, it lacks many aspects of America that may temper the aforementioned trends.

In Canada, for example, the government accounts for about half of the GDP. (In contrast to about a third in the United States.) Taxes are very high, relative to the United States. The Canadian medical system is stringently socialized to an extent unheard of in the United States. Canada's gun control laws are also extremely strict. Unlike the United States, fundamentalist Christianity plays virtually no role in Canada. The debate about abortion and many other social issues is considered effectively closed.

In another extreme contrast to the United States, Canada has virtually no military (the entire armed forces, including army, navy, air force, and reserves, number about 58,000 men and women) and there is major disdain throughout much of Canadian society (and especially in elite opinion) towards the military. [...]

The current-day Canadian situation -- of near-total left-liberal intellectual hegemony, of very little authentic academic or journalistic debate, and of little hope that a centre-right party will ever unseat the Liberals at the federal level -- cannot be described as offering prospects for a truly humane future for Canada. There is certainly no intellectual balancing of Left and Right, and very little possibility of alternation at the federal level between left-leaning and conservative parties, in Canada today.

It can't go Asian fast enough to suit.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 PM


Heinlein novel imagines a future America patterned on Alberta (Robin Rowland, December 9, 2003, CBC News Online)

The American science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein is known for such classic novels as Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress.

A new book reveals that Heinlein, at least early in his life, was a Socred, a believer in the Social Credit movement that came to power in Alberta in 1935.

Heinlein's long-lost first novel, For Us, the Living: A Comedy of Customs, is scheduled for publication in January. It imagines a future America patterned on 1930s Alberta. [...]

In Heinlein's America of 2086, the country did not enter the Second World War, remaining isolated. (Hitler commits suicide after the collapse of the German economy, Mussolini just retires and the Duke of Windsor becomes king of a united Europe).

In the novel, in the 1950s, Fiorella LaGuardia (mayor of New York when Heinlein was writing) begins a series of economic reforms, starting with a banking system based on the Social Credit theories of Socred thinker Clifford Hugh Douglas. In the novel, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds these changes. In reality, in Canada, the Supreme Court rejected them.

In For Us, the Living, later presidents complete the reforms. These reforms then give people a basic income that bridges the gap between production and consumption, which then allows the Americans of 2086 to do what they really want, free of economic fear. [...]

[Robert James, who is writing a biography of Heinlein] quotes Heinlein as telling another science-fiction writer about the later changes in his political philosophy: "I've simply changed from a soft-headed radical to hard-headed radical, a pragmatic libertarian."

Well, that's sort of progress.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 PM


Inflation falls short of Brown's target: Pundits rethink their forecasts on interest rates as new prices index reflects widespread retail discounting (Larry Elliott, December 17, 2003, The Guardian

The City was last night hedging its bets over the timing of the next rise in interest rates from the Bank of England after the government's new measure of inflation fell last month to its lowest level since the summer.

Price discounts forced on clothing and footwear shops by the sluggish start to Christmas cut the annual rise in the consumer prices index to 1.3% in November, well below the target of 2% set by Gordon Brown in last week's pre-budget report.

Analysts said the fall in the cost of living coupled with the presentational difficulty the Bank would have in raising borrowing costs at a time when inflation was undershooting could stay the hand of the monetary policy committee for the time being.

They should be cutting, not hiking rates.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 PM

60-40 FILES:

Breaux Resignation Makes Dem Majority Harder (Fox News, December 16, 2003)

On top of the vacancies, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota is potentially facing a formidable challenge in 2004 against former Republican Rep. John Thune.

Thune lost the Senate race against Democrat Tim Johnson in 2002 by 524 votes. On Tuesday, he announced he was not going to seek the House seat being vacated by convicted Rep. Bill Janklow. Republican sources told Fox News that Thune is recruiting staff for a campaign against Daschle next year.

"Tom Daschle may have been hurt somewhat by becoming more closely identified with the national Democratic Party rather than being a senator who is serving South Dakota and tending to local issues. I think that could be seriously contested," Barone said.

Given the certainty that the GOP will hold the Senate, eighty year old Senator Inouye of Hawaii seems likely to be the next to announce his retirement.

-Dems fret over Dean coattails (Hans Nichols, 10/21/03, The Hill)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:25 PM


How to deal with irritatingly good news (Janet Daley, 17/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

[B]eing as resourceful as it clearly is, the anti-war (which is to say, the anti-American) party may not need any help at all. But, in the seasonal spirit of good will, I offer a guide to Guardian comment writers, BBC interviewers and Labour backbenchers on how to deal with any foreseeable circumstance that may arise from the current state of emergency.

What To Say If:

Saddam refuses to co-operate with his interrogators.

The arrest of this man is a sideshow. He clearly knows nothing about the current state of resistance and has played no role in the planning of insurgency. His trial will simply be an exercise in vengeance with no constructive outcome for Iraq.

Saddam sings like a canary, identifying the perpetrators of insurgency.

Saddam is obviously being tortured by his American captors. Or else, they are lying about his testimony and justifying their own persecution of innocent Iraqis on the basis of his alleged "confession". (Note to broadcasters: these hypotheses need not be stated baldly. They can simply be hinted at or implied by leading questions and incredulous facial expressions.) [...]

If the arrest, trial and possible execution of Saddam results in a free and democratic Iraq.

This is irrelevant to the War on Terror. Iraq had no links with al-Qa'eda. Bush and Blair will never defeat terrorism until they catch Osama bin Laden.

Hopefully someone is working on their spin for OBL.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:13 PM


Iraqi Minister Scolds U.N. for Inaction Regarding Hussein (WARREN HOGE, Dec. 16, 2003, NY Times)

Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, accused the United Nations Security Council today of having failed to help rescue his country from Saddam Hussein, and he chided member states for bickering over his beleaguered country's future.

"Settling scores with the United States-led coalition should not be at the cost of helping to bring stability to the Iraqi people," Mr. Zebari said in language unusually scolding for an occupant of the guest seat at the end of the curving Security Council table.

"Squabbling over political differences takes a back seat to the daily struggle for security, jobs, basic freedoms and all the rights the U.N. is chartered to uphold," he said.

Taking a harsh view of the inability of quarreling members of the Security Council to endorse military action in Iraq, Mr. Zebari said, "One year ago, the Security Council was divided between those who wanted to appease Saddam Hussein and those who wanted to hold him accountable.

"The United Nations as an organization failed to help rescue the Iraqi people from a murderous tyranny that lasted over 35 years, and today we are unearthing thousands of victims in horrifying testament to that failure."

He declared, "The U.N. must not fail the Iraqi people again."

That would be the same UN that Democrats insist be brought in to lend our efforts in Iraq legitimacy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 PM


Fallen Giant: What does Saddam's capture mean for Iraq? (Fred Kaplan, Dec. 14, 2003, Slate)

Whoever the insurgents are, whatever their goals or allegiances, they have been abetted by the fear of ordinary Iraqis that the Americans might be driven out, that Saddam might return to power, and that he would punish those who helped the occupiers in his absence.

They have been completely reasonable in this fear. Saddam has been the dominating force in their lives for 30 years, surviving every assault.

Now he is definitively gone. The foundation of fear is shattered.

The fear of the Iraqis was the hope of the French and Germans, who've already conceded the debt issue with his fall. That'll be an enormous boost to Shi'ite Iraq.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 PM


Politics in a Nation of Hawks (James Pinkerton, 12/16/2003, TCS)

The headline in Sunday's New York Times reads, "Dean Formulates a Nuanced Approach to Foreign Policy"; one can't buy advertising like that. In the article, readers are assured that that the Vermonter "shows a fluency in discussing the world that is certainly beyond where Mr. Bush was four years ago." Even under the new McCain-Feingold law, such contributions don't have to be reported to the Federal Election Commission.

Yet while Dean has his strengths for the nomination, he is losing ground in the general election match-ups. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll taken before the Saddam capture showed Dean trailing Bush by 12 percentage points, 39-51. But a second poll taken on Sunday, after the news broke, showed Dean losing by 21 points, 31-52.

And 'twas ever thus. This is a mostly hawkish country. Dovish candidates of both major parties -- George McClellan in 1864, William Jennings Bryan in 1900, Wendell Willkie in 1940, McGovern in '72 -- have all gone down to severe defeat. It's fair to say that in wartime American history, no anti-war candidate has ever won.

One is touched by the sincerity of the first argument, you read it often these days, that Mr. Dean hasn't really pinned himself in the Left hand corner, because of his nuances. But this gives the American press and people a credit for caring about nuances that they have never demonstrated. Al Gore wasn't actually a pathological; liar nor George W. Bush an idiot in 2000, yet those were the roles they were cast in, without relent.

The second point is actually true--surprising for Mr. Pinkerton these days, but perhaps he's simply accepting why no one is buying the isolationism he's been espousing. Someone will have to help me with the source and wording of the quote, but America has been referred to as having the ethos of an army on the march. Of course, marching armies aren't known for spending much time pondering nuance, are they?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 PM


Iraq: women join Shia revival: The collapse of the Ba'athist regime has given Shia women a chance to learn about their once-suppressed faith. (Usama Hashem Rida, 6 Dec 2003, The Institute for War & Peace Reporting)

For Abd al-Sattar Lafta, the head of the Association to Commemorate Religious Rituals, the courses do not just teach women about the faith but also inoculates them against extremist ideas.

"Terrorists would not be able to recruit young people if their mothers were politically and religiously aware," he said. "It is the mothers who spend most of the time with their children and not the fathers."

Shia Islam, for example, places many more restrictions on the declaration of holy war than Sunnism. The course's organisers hope the students will learn to be sceptical of declarations of jihad from radical preachers.

The lessons also deal with contemporary politics and practical matters - discussing systems by which residents of a neighborhood can organise waste disposal, or the importance of telling children not to pick up suspicious objects from the streets, in case they're bombs.

College graduates, students and even illiterate women attend Talaqani's classes. "The illiterate ones are the most eager," she said. They are allowed to take their exams orally, though some insist on trying to write. [...]

Like the classes, the sermons have a strong political dimension. "We are against everyone who wants to harm this country," Talaqani told the audience in her inaugural talk two weeks ago. She spelled out who she considers as the main enemy of the new Iraq, "We will fight the Ba'athists and the Wahabis."

She condemned the recent suicide attacks against the police stations in Baghdad, and ridiculed the perpetrators for considering themselves martyrs after killing themselves and innocent Iraqis.

The sermon closed with chants of "God is Great" and "Death to Saddam".

Well, that last chant worked, let's hope the rest does too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:48 PM


Apparently, on Special Report with Brit Hume tonight, Mort Kondracke reported that Madeleine Albright told him that she believed the Administration had already captured Osama bin Laden but is waiting until next October to produce him when it will achieve maximum political effect.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 PM


Unprecedented public ferment among once-silent Saudis: Islamic extremism, education, and women's rights are under scrutiny in Saudi Arabia. (Faye Bowers, 12/17/03, CS Monitor)

There is a dialogue in society," says Khaled al-Maeena, editor in chief of Arab News, an English-language daily in Saudi Arabia. "Newspapers are flourishing. Papers are talking about accountability, corruption, leaders not being up to the mark, women, children, and empowerment."

A leading indicator, says Mr. Maeena, was a Nov. 28 commentary by Mansour al-Nogaidan, a reformed militant Muslim and Saudi columnist, published in The New York Times. The article bluntly questioned the Saudi government-sanctioned extremist religious culture - and was widely reproduced here. "I think the whole of Saudi Arabia read it and is talking about it," Maeena says.

The kingdom has been steadily - albeit slowly - evolving for the past 60 years, Saudi and Western officials say. But the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the US, along with the May and November suicide bombings this year in Riyadh, have galvanized Saudis and enabled the press to discuss reforms and societal problems more than ever before. Prior to the May bombing, says a Western diplomat, the government denied that Islamic extremism was a problem. The attack was a major turning point.

"The ironic thing is that at 11 p.m. on the evening of the May 12 bombing, television featured a scholar - a professor of Islam at Imam Muhammed Bin Saud Islamic University here. He spoke about extremism within society. That opened a lively debate here," the diplomat says. "To my surprise and astonishment, there is [now] a very lively debate within a fairly free press here."

Remember all the petulance about how we weren't being mean enough to the Saudis? Here's a reminder that solutions in the war on Islamicism are not one size fits all.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:58 PM


The Kabul Express: In the sixties and seventies it was the hippie trail that brought foreigners to Afghanistan. Two decades of war and terror later, Kabul is a nonstop rave of C-130s, NGOs, soldiers, and spooky nation-builders. The freaks are back on Chicken Street—where everything old is new again. (Patrick Symmes, December 2003, Outside Magazine)

WAY BACK IN THAT ERA OF NAIVE JOY known as the 1960s, Afghanistan was a symbol of something other than war. It was the luminous mystery at the center of Asia, a kingdom of infinite skies and peerless peaks. Kabul was the antique capital of a romantic nation, and Chicken Street, the city's enclave of hotels and restaurants, was a ghetto of global hippies and seekers. By the late 1970s, Afghanistan had become perhaps the most storied name on the trekkers' road less traveled, the famous "overland route" where strangers banded together in VW vans, sharing love affairs and mimeographed tip sheets en route to the "Three K's"—Kabul, India's Kullu Valley, and finally Kathmandu. Islam was musical, mystical, and embracing, the prices cheap, the dope wicked. Afghanistan was, in the idiom of the age, mellow.

And it will be so again.

Yes, Afghanistan. After 25 years of war and civil war, the people and politics are beginning to come full circle. In the sixties it was the hippie trail that brought change; this time it was B-52s, dropping loads of modernization, leaving foreign troops and civil schemes in their wake. Since the American overthrow of the Taliban, in late 2001, the UN and its acronymic camp of followers have parachuted into Kabul, pursued closely by the shock troops of low-rent globalization: entrepreneurs and actual tourists. The future—however tentative and fragile—is back.

"There are a lot of cultural similarities between then and now," one of the veterans of both eras, Nancy Hatch Dupree, said. "They're trying to open it up again." In 1977, Dupree, an American expat, published the definitive—and, for the time being, last—guidebook to the country, An Historical Guide to Afghanistan, a 492-page odyssey down every bumpy road of delights. A friend to prime ministers, rebel commanders, and even the Taliban, Dupree now lives in Peshawar, Pakistan, but returns often, at age 76, to oversee various organizations she has founded—like SPACH, the Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage—and to advise the Ministry of Information and Culture.

"Travel today is about like it was in the 1960s," said Dupree. This was partly a promise, and partly a warning—the highways are in shambles, the land is still scattered with up to ten million land mines. In many ways, I'd picked a terrible moment to venture into the provinces: The country is littered with unexploded ordnance; attacks by Taliban holdouts, mostly in southeast Afghanistan, have been increasing; and even the pro-government warlords ruling the "safe" provinces have their own armies. In early October, the White House formed a "stabilization group" for Iraq and Afghanistan, a tacit acknowledgment of the "deteriorating security conditions" cited in a June 2003 joint report on Afghanistan by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Asia Society. President Hamid Karzai's government has international clout but neither the money nor the troops to back it up in the provinces. At the current rate of training, there will be only 9,000 soldiers in the Afghan National Army by mid-2004, compared with 100,000 militiamen for the various warlo— I mean "local leaders."

According to the World Bank, Afghanistan will need $15 billion in reconstruction money in the next five years, above and beyond relief aid. Meanwhile, opium has been reborn as a $2.5 billion shadow economy, twice the amount of foreign aid received in 2002 and more than the government's entire $2.25 billion budget. Last year, according to the report, one warlord, Ismail Khan, of the western city of Herat, reportedly levied $100 million in customs duties; the central government took in $80 million nationwide.

But as one veteran of the UN's de-mining program reminded me, it used to be so much worse. Just over a year ago, Taliban rockets were still hitting close to Kabul. The memory of chaos is so fresh that, in one of those undiplomatically honest comments made only on background, she said, simply, "Warlord is good." Afghans want order, and are slowly getting it. "It's too early to talk about success or failure," said David Haeri, special assistant to Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN envoy to Afghanistan. "Whether the glass is half full or half empty, there is water in it."

For many critics of America this will not be enough, but even if Afghanistan descends back into chaos--which when has it not?--there's something to be said for bringing water to a dying man.

'A Road to Afghanistan's Future': Upbeat Ceremony for Kabul-Kandahar Highway Reopening (Pamela Constable, December 17, 2003, Washington Post)

Attack helicopters circled overhead, snipers peeked from rooftops, a trench had been dug alongside the reception tent and all traffic was halted for several miles in each direction.

But despite the intensive counterterrorist precautions, the mood and message of Tuesday's ceremony to mark the rebuilding of 310 miles of highway between the cities of Kabul and Kandahar followed a determinedly upbeat script.

"We are standing on the road to Afghanistan's future -- a road to national unity, prosperity and peace," U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told several hundred Afghan officials and guests gathered at a windy roadside spot about 30 miles south of Kabul, the capital, where construction began on the mostly U.S.-funded project in late 2002.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:58 PM


Former inmate rejailed when picking up belongings (CNN, December 16, 2003)

Released from prison, Ronald A. Mahner's first mistake was driving back to get his stuff.

Mahner returned to the Seminole County Jail to reclaim his personal property four days after being released. He had served a sentence for drunken driving, auto theft and habitually driving with a suspended or revoked license.

But when asked to provide identification, Mahner handed a sheriff's deputy his license, which after routine computer check was found to have been revoked for life.

Deputy Teri Cresswell couldn't prove Mahner was doing anything illegal without seeing him behind the wheel, so she told him to drive to the back parking lot.

Mahner took the car around back, parked in a fire lane and went inside to claim his clothing, shampoo, dart board and battery charger.

Removing him would certainly help the gene pool.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:41 PM


Democrats must decide: Is Dean still viable? (DAVID YEPSEN, 12/16/2003, Des Moines Register)

The post-Saddam phase of the 2004 Democratic presidential campaign began Monday. Democrats must now decide a simple question: Do they want to nominate a candidate who voted to go to war to oust Saddam Hussein, or do they want one who opposed the idea? All other issues and differences seem much smaller in comparison to this issue.

It's been simmering on the Democratic burner for months, and Saddam's capture just caused it to boil up again. The Democratic Party ripped itself up over war and peace issues during Vietnam, and seems poised to do it again. No candidate seems to have found a middle ground that is acceptable to all factions.

Candidates who voted for the war in Congress are unacceptable to the many anti-war activists backing Howard Dean. Some threaten to stay home in November if Dean isn't the nominee. Yet supporters of the pro-war candidates are suggesting that Dean's opposition to the conflict reflects his inexperience and that his anti-war position will lead the party to a crashing defeat next year.

How can anybody not love politics? Here's a guy who was on top of the world last Friday, having won the endorsement of his Party's fallen martyr. Today he has the dean of Iowa journalism asking if his candidacy is viable...

Dean vs. Bush: Would it be close?: Former Vermont governor tries to recast himself on foreign policy, but is he too liberal to win? (Linda Feldmann and Liz Marlantes, 12/17/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

[I]f Dean was hoping to portray himself as the moderate in foreign policy, compared with what the Dean team calls Bush's radical policy of preemptive warfare, the news headlines didn't cooperate. Dean, in fact, could find himself boxed in by his position on the Iraq war, with opponents largely seizing on one quote - "the capture of Saddam Hussein has not made America safer" - to attack him. The central point of the so-called "Dean doctrine," an emphasis on multilateral action in international affairs, got less attention.

-The New Electable Howard Dean: Evolution of a Not-So-Radical Contender (Kareem Fahim, December 17 - 23, 2003, Village Voice)
This month, Dean's campaign has moved past the single issue that his critics said made him unelectable—his anti-war rhetoric. While his innovative and successful fundraising strategy and his healthy poll numbers have been tracked for some time, his policy proposals have been somehow obscured by the very passion that first attracted the crowds.

Officially, his campaign maintains it was never concerned that Dean was becoming too closely identified with his opposition to the invasion of Iraq. The war, said Jay Carson, a Dean spokesperson,"is just a metaphor for standing up for what you believe in."


Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:15 PM


Efficient Boeing 7E7 expected to take wing (Byron Acohido, 12/16/2003, USA TODAY)

Boeing (BA) announced late Tuesday that its board of directors approved moving forward with its first new model in 13 years, the 7E7. [...]

The company's board of directors has given the Commercial Airplanes unit clearance to begin offering the new 7E7 Dreamliner to airlines. Responses will determine whether the project goes forward.

The 7E7, dubbed the Dreamliner, stands out as a case study in risk-aversion. The E literally stands for efficiency. The 7E7's technological advances: wider use of lighter parts and more efficient engines to make it cheaper to operate and thus a less-risky purchase for airlines.

Key partners in Japan, Italy and Texas will assume the financial risk of designing and delivering most of the jet's structure in ready-to-connect modular sections, something Boeing has never tried before. Japan will supply the wings, heretofore considered Boeing's crown-jewel expertise.

By deflecting 50% of the 7E7's estimated $6 billion-to-$10 billion development costs to key suppliers, Boeing aims to break even on the 7E7 faster than any model in history. [...]

Boeing is not expected to announce buyers until sometime next year. Airlines are still struggling to operate profitably. Officials from Germany's Lufthansa and All Nippon Airways of Japan have said they've taken a close look at acquiring the 7E7 as more-efficient replacements for aging midsized jets.

Boeing 7E7: If it flies, will airlines even buy it? (David Bowermaster, 12/14/03, Seattle Times)
Boeing's business case for the 7E7 is to make a plane so efficient that it would nudge airlines to retire their Boeing 767s, Airbus A300s and A310s and replace them with 7E7s rather than A330s.

Airlines today operate 1,439 jets in the 7E7's size category — referred to as the "middle of the market." That market, split with Airbus, probably wouldn't be enough to justify a new jet. So Boeing is counting on hefty growth.

Randy Baseler, Boeing's vice president of marketing, said the company expects the world's airlines to purchase 2,520 small widebodies over the next 20 years.

Boeing could capture the bulk of those sales if cost-obsessed airlines embrace a plane that can burn 20 percent less fuel than the A330-200, currently the best-selling small widebody.

"It depends on what Airbus does," Baseler said. "If they stay with the A330-200, we think we'll have a significant share. But we don't think they'll sit on the A330-200."

Heard some analysts saying today that the thing is so cost efficient it makes the much ballyhooed new Airbus obsolete already.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:46 PM


Clark testifies at Milosevic trial (Reuters, 12/15/03)

"It's closure with a man who caused the deaths ... or is alleged to have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the homelessness and refugee burden throughout Europe," Clark told reporters.

"There were murders and rapes and thousands expelled and people imprisoned and bludgeoned and murdered, including the slaughter at Srebrenica. This is the sense of judicial closure, that the world community cares, that it took action, that it brought to justice the alleged perpetrator," Clark said.

Best of the Web cites this article to take a well-deserved poke at Clark for being so mealy mouthed. It also makes clear that the difference between Kosovo and Iraq, in Clark's mind, is that Kosovo is in Europe and the Kosovars are European. Can't let them be murdered in the thousands.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:24 PM


Miller lauded by Poland's political leaders (Stefan Wagstyl, December 14 2003, Financial Times)

Leszek Miller, the Polish prime minister, was not short of critics in Brussels, ready to blame him for the summit's collapse.

But in Warsaw he was met with a chorus of approval. In a show of unanimity - as rare in Poland as a winter heatwave - politicians of the left and right praised Mr Miller for his defence of Poland's position on the Nice treaty voting rights.

President Aleksander Kwasniewski personally thanked him for arguing Poland's case in spite of the injuries he suffered in a recent helicopter crash. The two men, both former Communists who became social democrats, are fierce political rivals. But on this occasion Mr Kwasniewski avoided any hint of criticism.

Jan Rokita, leader of the Civic Platform, a centre-right opposition grouping, who earlier coined the slogan "Nice or death" said: "This is a good debut in the European Union."

Roman Giertych, leader of the far-right League of Polish Families, said: "I think this is the best Christmas present divine providence could have given Poland - that we will not lose the sovereignty of the Polish state."

"Divine" is right.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:13 PM


Stand-off over repayment of Iraqi debts resolved (Robert Graham, December 16 2003, Financial Times)

A stand-off between opponents of the US-lead invasion of Iraq and the Bush administration over how to ease the burden of debts accumulated by the Saddam Hussein regime was resolved at a meeting on Tuesday between President Jacques Chirac and James Baker, the special envoy of George W. Bush.

In a later meeting with chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Germany agreed to a restructuring and "substantial debt forgiveness" through the Paris Club of leading creditor nations.

The aim is to settle the debt next year according to the rules of the Paris Club of leading creditor nations. "I think we were all agreed on the fact that it was important to alleviate the debt within the Paris Club, if possible during 2004; and I believe we are basically in agreement on the parameters," said Mr Baker.

If every politician and pundit who claimed that the reconstruction contract limits were going to make agreement on the debt impossible were to do the right thing, there'd be one hell of a lot of scarecrows lookin' for work.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:55 PM


Amid the Cheers, Sobering Facts (James Carroll, December 16, 2003, The Boston Globe) 

I had spent Saturday in Washington at a conference organized to protest the Smithsonian's new National Air and Space Museum exhibit that opened yesterday. A centerpiece is the Enola Gay, the B-29 bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. In 1995, a previous exhibit drew fire from veterans groups and the Air Force Association because curators had provided "context" which suggested that President Truman's decision to use the weapon was not uncontroversial, even at the time. (Eisenhower's opposition was noted.) That exhibit was abruptly canceled.

The exhibit that opened yesterday provides no context for the display of the Enola Gay. Not even the casualties it caused (more than 140,000 deaths) are noted. The bomber is being displayed, the current museum director said, "in all of its glory as a magnificent technological achievement." A group of historians protested "such a celebratory exhibit" with a statement that drew hundreds of supporting signatures from scholars, and on Saturday more than a dozen of them, together with numerous Japanese survivors of the atomic bombings, came together. The issue is the construction and reconstruction of history, a question not only of the past, but of the present and the future. If America remembers its first use of nuclear weapons as morally uncomplicated -- or worse, as an event to be celebrated -- its present commitment to a huge nuclear arsenal, and its future readiness, under Bush policies, to build "usable" nukes will seem acceptable.

At issue in how the capture of Saddam Hussein is understood, also, is the construction and reconstruction of history. The melodrama of the seizure should not be allowed to obscure the fact that Saddam Hussein, by this point in the war, had long since stopped being the crucial issue. Hussein was a bloody tyrant whose crimes should be adjudicated, but to assess the meaning of America's war in Iraq with that as the key justification would be like remembering Aug. 6, 1945, only with reference to the atrocities committed by the Japanese imperial army. The United States did not attack Iraq because of Hussein's wickedness (The world is rife with wicked tyrants). It did so because Hussein posed an imminent threat to his neighbors and America, and there was no other way to stop that threat.

Mr. Carroll is well known for his hatred of America and Christianity, but even by his standards this seems asinine. Who cares why we deposed Saddam? Isn't the point, for anyone who actually does believe him "a bloody tyrant whose crimes should be adjudicated" that now they will be? That the world is rife with wicked tyrants is an argument to go get the rest, not that we should have left this one in place.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:36 PM


Congresswoman Invites a Terrorist (NewsMax, 12/16/03)

We're giving Saddam ally Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee exactly what she wanted, but will she thank us?

She recently visited Syria although even the State Department admits it is a state sponsor of terrorism, and she says she was so impressed with dictator Bashar Assad that she invited him to her home state of Texas.

"I'm sure someone will write a headline, 'Congresswoman invites a terrorist'," the Democrat is quoted as saying in today's Houston Chronicle. "But that's not what I'm trying to do."

McDermott questions timing of arrest (Alex Fryer, 12/16/03, Seattle Times)
On Seattle radio yesterday, Rep. Jim McDermott questioned the timing of Saddam Hussein's capture, saying, "I'm sure they
could have found him a long time ago if they wanted to."

His comments came during an interview on "The Dave Ross Show" on KIRO-FM.

"I've been surprised they waited, but then I thought, well, politically, it probably doesn't make much sense to find him just yet," he said.

"There's too much by happenstance for it to be just a coincidental thing that it happened on this particular day," he continued.

Later yesterday, the Seattle Democrat said he did not know whether the Pentagon had manufactured the arrest of the Iraqi leader. "I think the fact is that the administration has been desperate to find something (positive), and this came up.

Exactly whose side are the Democrats on?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:28 PM


U.S. Troops Capture Iraqi Rebel Leader (SLOBODAN LEKIC, 12/16/03, Associated Press)

U.S. troops arrested an Iraqi rebel leader and 78 others in a raid Tuesday near a town north of Baghdad where hours earlier guerrillas ambushed a U.S. patrol and sparked a gunbattle that killed 11 of the attackers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:23 PM


Hillary Praises Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (NewsMax, 12/16/03)

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, praising the former Soviet Union yesterday for its 1979 invasion of Afghanistan, said that the attack helped bring women's rights to the fundamentalist Muslim country.

"The Soviets tried to provide more opportunities for women," Clinton told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, in a speech billed by her office as "her first major foreign policy address as a U.S. senator."

And the trains ran on time...

Posted by David Cohen at 11:55 AM


Nucor Announces Raw Materials Surcharge (Nucor Corp., 12/16/03)

Nucor Corporation (NYSE: NUE) states that beginning with shipments on January 1, 2004, all Nucor Steel divisions are instituting a $20/ton raw materials surcharge on all steel mill products. The surcharge has become necessary due to rapid and unprecedented raw materials price increases. The rapid escalation of raw materials cost has outpaced our ability to appropriately react through normal price changes. The surcharge will be adjusted on the third Monday of each month, based on raw material cost changes from the previous month, and applied to shipments on the first day of the following month.

The unprecedented increase in the cost of raw materials used by the world's steel producers (scrap, coke, iron ore, freight, alloys and energy) can no longer be absorbed through normal price increases.

The cost of steel, and in particular of certain specialty steels, has increased as much as 50% over the last few years. In part this was due to the tariffs, but it was also due to issues that had nothing to do with the tariffs. Demand has grown along with the economy and the dollar is now much weaker against the Euro. Steel suppliers (who are not unbiased, but who are also knowledgeable) say that it will be six months or more before steel users see any relief from the pulling of the tariffs. In the short term, it is more likely that the price of steel products will increase, than decrease. (It is worth noting, however, that this notice was sent to us by a Nucor competitor.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:45 AM


A Brief History of the Resistance> (JAY WINIK, 12/16/03, NY Times)

As L. Paul Bremer III, America's administrator for Iraq, said last week, there is likely to be an increase in attacks in coming months. So amid the euphoria over the news of Mr. Hussein's capture looms a larger question: what does history tell us about the prospects for success against a guerrilla insurgency committed to fighting until the bitter end? Here, the evidence is sobering.

At its essence, guerrilla warfare is how the weak make war against the strong. Insurrectionist, subversive and chaotic, its application is classic and surprisingly simple: concentrate strength against vulnerability. As most Americans know from the Vietnam experience, guerrilla warfare can work with frightening success.

Well, other than the fact that the Viet Cong had ceased to exist as an effective fighting force by 1972 and operations in South Vietnam had to be taken over by the North Vietnamese, an entirely conventional enemy who we mistakenly failed to consistently treat like one....

The Campaign of Hate and Fear: Some of my fellow Democrats are unpatriotic. (ORSON SCOTT CARD, December 16, 2003, Wall Street Journal)

Vietnam was a quagmire only because we fought it that way. If we had closed North Vietnam's ports and carried the war to the enemy, victory could have been relatively quick. However, the risk of Chinese involvement was too great. Memories of Korea were fresh in everyone's minds, and so Vietnam was fought in such a way as to avoid "another Korea." That's why Vietnam became, well, Vietnam.

But Iraq is not Vietnam. Nor is the Iraq campaign even the whole war. Of course there's still fighting going on. Our war is against terrorist-sponsoring states, and just because we toppled the governments of two of them doesn't mean that the others aren't still sponsoring terrorism. Also, there is a substantial region in Iraq where Saddam's forces are still finding support for a diehard guerrilla campaign.

In other words, the Iraq campaign isn't over--and President Bush has explicitly said so all along. So the continuation of combat and casualties isn't a "failure" or a "quagmire," it's a "war." And during a war, patriotic Americans don't blame the deaths on our government. We blame them on the enemy that persists in trying to kill our soldiers. [...]

I can think of many, many reasons why the Republicans should not control both houses of Congress and the White House. But right now, if the alternative is the Democratic Party as led in Congress and as exemplified by the current candidates for the Democratic nomination, then I can't be the only Democrat who will, with great reluctance, vote not just for George W. Bush, but also for every other candidate of the only party that seems committed to fighting abroad to destroy the enemies that seek to kill us and our friends at home.

And if we elect a government that subverts or weakens or ends our war against terrorism, we can count on this: We will soon face enemies that will make 9/11 look like stubbing our toe, and they will attack us with the confidence and determination that come from knowing that we don't have the will to sustain a war all the way to the end.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:26 AM


Dreams and Glory: In his foreign policy speech in Beverly Hills, Howard Dean
tried to seem serious and pragmatic but came across clueless. (David Brooks, 12/16/03, NY Times)

George Bush fundamentally sees the war on terror as a moral and ideological confrontation between the forces of democracy and the forces of tyranny. Howard Dean fundamentally sees the war on terror as a law and order issue. At the end of his press conference, Bush uttered a most un-Deanlike sentiment:

"I believe, firmly believe — and you've heard me say this a lot, and I say it a lot because I truly believe it — that freedom is the almighty God's gift to every person — every man and woman who lives in this world. That's what I believe. And the arrest of Saddam Hussein changed the equation in Iraq. Justice was being delivered to a man who defied that gift from the Almighty to the people of Iraq."

Bush believes that God has endowed all human beings with certain inalienable rights, the most important of which is liberty. Every time he is called upon to utter an unrehearsed thought, he speaks of the war on terror as a conflict between those who seek to advance liberty to realize justice, and those who oppose the advance of liberty: radical Islamists who fear religious liberty, dictators who fear political liberty and reactionaries who fear liberty for women.

Furthermore, Bush believes the U.S. has a unique role to play in this struggle to complete democracy's triumph over tyranny and so drain the swamp of terror.

Judging by his speech yesterday, Dean does not believe the U.S. has an exceptional role to play in world history. Dean did not argue that the U.S. should aggressively promote democracy in the Middle East and around the world. [...]

The world Dean described is largely devoid of grand conflicts or moral, cultural and ideological divides. It is a world without passionate nationalism, a world in which Europe and the United States are not riven by any serious cultural differences, in which sensible people from around the globe would find common solutions, if only Bush weren't so unilateral.

This is another example of how religious faith has become the dividing line within America and across the West, which does make it odd that the Buchananeers are so opposed to the Bush view.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 AM


Canada raises Iraq contracts with Bush, no results (David Ljunggren, 15 Dec 2003, Reuters)

New Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin said on Monday he had tried to persuade U.S. President George W. Bush to let Canadian firms bid for lucrative Iraq reconstruction contracts but had not managed to get a firm commitment.

Martin, who took over last week from Jean Chretien, said he would raise the question again with Bush when they hold a bilateral meeting next month on the sidelines of a summit in Monterrey, Mexico.

Mr. Bush's antipathy towards Jacques Chretien was notorious, but it was interesting that in his first press conference as PM, on Friday, Mr. Martin was asked if he'd spoken to the President and responded that he wasn't penciled in until Monday. This suggests that Mr. Bush is not just carrying a personal grudge but recognizes that Canada is not a reliable national security ally any longer.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


The return of Al-Qaeda: Bush and Blair thought they’d beaten bin Laden. They were wrong. He remains determined to wreak havoc on the world (Jane Corbin, 14 December 2003, S unday Herald)

It is true that following the rout of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the winter of 2001, al-Qaeda’s forces were scattered and many of them killed. But they had planned for this, as I discovered in the mountains of southern Afghanistan in the spring of last year when local warlords told me that most of al-Qaeda’s hardened fighters had melted away across the border to the wild no man’s land of Pakistan’s tribal territories. From there they made their way back to where they had originated from – the Gulf, North Africa, Indonesia, Chechnya and the Sudan. Their orders, from bin Laden, were to form links with local Islamic militants and to “hit the infidel wherever you can”. We are now reaping the bitter fruits of that migration from Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden himself and his deputy, Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, the ideological brains behind the organisation, relinquished much of the day-to-day control of al-Qaeda’s terror network. They had to, for they were on the run … although I believe that bin Laden has never left the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sightings of him continue to be reported by various security forces, the latest apparently in the border area of Chitral. [...]

While al-Qaeda is again stirring and proving its resilience, so too are bin Laden’s former hosts in Afghanistan – the Taliban. This week has seen the launch of the biggest ground attack yet by US Special Forces into the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Optimistically entitled “Operation Avalanche”, it involves 2000 of the 10,000 US troops stationed in the country and its aim is to smoke out the enemy before the winter makes the area impassable. It proves how successful the Taliban has been at re-grouping and re-organising in Afghanistan whilst American forces are overstretched by the war in Iraq.

The Pentagon say their soldiers have been attacked more times in the past three months than in the previous year, a reflection of the growing boldness of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the shadowy border area. US forces killed 400 Taliban in September alone but still the attacks continue. Air strikes have begun again – and so too have civilian casualties. Fifteen children have been killed in the past two weeks and local anger in an area traditionally loyal to bin Laden will win yet more followers for the Taliban and the smaller al-Qaeda cadres still operating in this region.

This seems a fairly sensible strategy on our part, first denying them the nation-states from which they could operate with impunity (Afghanistan & Iraq), and driving them into the wilds of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region, where they are terribly isolated. Eventually, when the larger tasks are taken care of, we can return to the region with a genuine Anaconda plan, encircle them and squeeze.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:33 AM


U.S. Nov. Consumer Prices Fall 0.2%; Core Falls 0.1% (Dec. 16, 2003, Bloomberg)

The U.S. consumer price index fell 0.2 percent in November, a government report showed. Excluding food and energy, prices fell 0.1 percent, the biggest drop in 21 years.

The unexpected decline in the price index, reflecting cheaper energy costs, followed no change in October, the Labor Department said in Washington. The so-called core index, which excludes food and energy prices because they tend to be volatile, fell 0.1 percent, the biggest decline since 0.2 percent in November 1982.

Surplus industrial capacity, gains in worker productivity, and global competition have held prices in check even after the U.S. economy grew in the third quarter at the fastest pace in 20 years, making it easier for customers of General Motors Corp., Procter & Gamble Co. and other companies to find bargains. Federal Reserve policy makers last week indicated that they see little immediate threat of inflation.

A figure below expectations "would be a reminder that even with the pickup in growth there's no pricing power," said Ethan Harris, chief U.S. economist at Lehman Brothers Inc. in New York, before the report. "We need to see a sustained healing in the economy before we can talk about inflation, and we're only at the very beginning of that now."

Economists had expected a 0.1 percent increase in the consumer price index, based on the median of 64 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey. Estimates ranged from a decline of 0.1 percent to a rise of 0.4 percent. Core prices were also forecast to rise 0.1 percent.

Consumer prices for all goods and services rose 1.8 percent for the 12 months that ended last month, compared with a 2 percent increase October. Core prices rose 1.1 percent from a year earlier, the smallest gain since January 1966.

Add in the fact that even Alan Greenspan has testified that the inflation rate is overstated by at least 1%, because of problems with the way it's measured, and you have an economic environment with not just no inflation but no chance of any. You just can't raise your prices in the globalized economy because others won't follow suit. Yet the Fed continues to keep interests rates artificially elevated and is making noises about raising them in the not too distant future. Didn't they do enough damage when they caused the economic slowdown of 2000-01?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:19 AM


Dean's Speech on Iraq Brings Rebuttals From Rivals (JODI WILGOREN and RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD, 12/16/03, USA Today)

"The difficulties and tragedies which we have faced in Iraq show the administration launched the war in the wrong way, at the wrong time, with inadequate planning, insufficient help, and at the extraordinary cost, so far, of $166 billion," he said. "The capture of Saddam does not end our difficulties from the aftermath of the administration's war to oust him."

Dr. Dean's Democratic opponents immediately seized on the speech to raise new questions about his viability in a general election during a flurry of hastily scheduled conference calls as well as in their own planned campaign events. At the same time, a group of Democrats known informally as a "stop Dean" coalition began running a television advertisement in New Hampshire and South Carolina that shows a photograph of Osama bin Laden with the warning, "It's time for Democrats to start thinking about Dean's inexperience."

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, who supported the war, spent a second day in row hammering Dr. Dean on the Iraq issue, and scheduled a speech for Tuesday in New Hampshire to highlight their differences on national security.

"If he truly believes the capture of this evil man has not made America safer, then Howard Dean has put himself in his own spider hole of denial," Mr. Lieberman said. "I fear that the American people will wonder if they will be safer with him as president." [...]

Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, whom Dr. Dean has criticized during the presidential campaign for voting for the resolution on using force against Iraq, on Monday accused his opponent of shuffling to the center to bolster credibility for a general election.

"We can't beat George Bush by playing politics with foreign policy," Mr. Gephardt told reporters in a campaign swing in Ecorse, Mich. "We've got to stand up for what we think is right. That's what I've always done and that's what I'll always do."

Mr. Kerry, who has been among the fiercest critics of Dr. Dean's statements on the Iraq war, renewed his argument that his military credentials and foreign-policy portfolio make him a better candidate to face President Bush, saying Democrats "deserve more than" a "foreign policy speech written by someone else."

"In a world where terrorist threats loom large, and they do, our fellow Americans are looking for real leadership," Mr. Kerry said. "To earn your trust, we have to show through our own actions, and our own experiences, that our approach to national security and foreign policy is credible, legitimate, and the best way to defend our nation."

The ad mentioned here is just brutal--it opens on on Osama bin Laden's face and then zooms into his eyes while the voice over tells us that Mr. Dean has no foreign policy experience, etc., etc., and basically says that Democrats need to ask themselves whether the country would be safe with him as president. Ouch.

Activist says no rival behind anti-Dean ad (Jim Drinkard, 12/08/03, USA TODAY)

Two political activists with ties to Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, are behind new political attack ads against Howard Dean airing this week in Iowa.

The two, former Gephardt fundraiser David Jones and former Harkin aide Timothy Raftis, raised $230,000 through a non-profit political group to buy a week's worth of ads on television in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids.

Raftis said that he and Jones formed the group, Americans for Jobs & Healthcare, in mid-November because of "how passionately I feel about progressive issues ... and how critical I see the next election, and the selection of our party's nominee." [...]

Raftis denied that he was doing the bidding of any other candidate in trying to undermine Dean's support. "We are not connected to any candidate, period," said Raftis, who is now a consultant in Florida.

The new political group was set up under section 527 of the tax law. It can accept unlimited contributions but can't coordinate its activities with any campaign and must disclose its donors. Raftis declined to say who had given to the group, or even to talk about the number of contributors, until the deadline for disclosure at the end of January, after Iowa's caucuses.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:33 AM


Whopper: Howard Dean: Oh, that bizarre and irresponsible remark! (Timothy Noah, Dec. 13, 2003, Slate)

Scott Spradling, WMUR-TV: Governor Dean, you had once stated that you thought it was possible that the president of the United States had been forewarned about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. You later said that you didn't really know.

A statement like that, don't you see the possibility of some Democrats being nervous about statements like that leading them to the conclusion that you are not right for being the next commander in chief?

Howard Dean: Well, in all due respect, I did not exactly state that.
—Exchange at the Democratic presidential debate in Durham, N.H., Dec. 9.

Julie from Traverse City,* Mich.: [O]nce we get you in the White House, would you please make sure that there is a thorough investigation of 9/11, and not—

Dean: Yes.

Julie: —stonewall it?

Dean: There is a report which the president is suppressing evidence for which is a thorough investigation of 9/11.

Diane Rehm, WAMU (public) radio: Why do you think he's suppressing that report?

Dean: I don't know. There are many theories about it. The most interesting theory that I've heard so far, which is nothing more than a theory, I can't—think it can't be proved, is that he was warned ahead of time by the Saudis. Now, who knows what the real situation is, but the trouble is that by suppressing that kind of information, you lead to those kinds of theories, whether they have any truth to them or not, and then eventually they get repeated as fact. So I think the president is taking a great risk by suppressing the clear, the key information that needs to go to the Kean commission.

—Exchange on The Diane Rehm Show, on WAMU in Washington, Dec. 1.

Discussion. In answering Spradling at the New Hampshire debate, Dean failed to acknowledge his Diane Rehm Show appearance, in which he introduced the bizarre and irresponsible accusation that Bush got advance warning about 9/11 (ostensibly as an example of the kind of speculation Bush lends credence to by not cooperating with the Kean commission). Dean's denial that he said what Spradling said he said is false and dishonest if you take the Diane Rehm appearance into account.

Now that Mr. Dean has become a stalking horse for Al Gore, you'd think the first thing he'd learn is the importance of not being seen to be a stranger to the truth.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:39 AM


Try Saddam in an International Court (Kenneth Roth, International Herald Tribune, 15/12/03)

To do these victims justice, their plight should be recorded in a court of law and their perpetrators properly judged and punished. But the Iraqi Governing Council, taking its lead from Washington, last week established a tribunal that is to be dominated by Iraqi jurists. Despite the superficial appeal of allowing Iraqis to try their own persecutors, this approach is unlikely to produce sound prosecutions or fair trials. It reflects less a determination to see justice done than a fear of bucking Washington's ideological jihad against any further enhancement of the international system of justice. As we know from Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, prosecutions of genocide or crimes against humanity can be enormously complex, demanding jurists of exceptional skill and sophistication. They require amassing volumes of official documents, collecting sensitive forensic evidence from mass graves, presenting hundreds of witnesses from among victims and accomplices, and paying scrupulous attention to the requirements of due process. To avoid being perceived as show trials or "victor's justice," they call for highly experienced jurists of unquestioned integrity. .Saddam's brutal and arbitrary justice system can hardly be expected to have produced such jurists. Prosecutions were typically based on confessions, often induced by torture. Serious criminal investigations, let alone complex trials, were virtually unheard of.

The Iraqi Governing Council hopes to solve this problem by looking to Iraqi exiles as well as Iraqis from communities historically repressed by the Baath Party who remained in the country. But even among these it will be difficult to find jurists with the right combination of skills and emotional distance from the former dictatorship to produce trials that are fair - and seen as fair. An internationally led tribunal would be a far better option, whether a fully international tribunal or, more likely, an internationally run tribunal with significant domestic participation, such as the special court set up for Sierra Leone. Because its personnel would be selected by the United Nations rather than by Washington's surrogates, an internationally led tribunal is more likely to be seen as legitimate. And because it can draw from a global pool of talent, it would be better able to secure the experienced and fair-minded jurists than a court that must look only to Iraqis. An internationally led tribunal could still conduct trials in Baghdad and involve Iraqis as much as possible, but it would be run by international jurists with proven records of overseeing complex prosecutions and scrupulously respecting international fair-trial standards. .Despite the obvious merits of an internationally led tribunal, Washington is adamantly opposed, which largely explains the path chosen by the Iraqi Governing Council. But Washington's opposition reflects its ideology, not concern for the Iraqi people.

Mr. Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch in New York, has some interesting points. While it is certainly not their fault, Iraqis are little more than crazed, vengeful wogs and those American cowboys have no end of nasty ulterior motives. Besides, who ever heard of a competent American judge? No, we need international jurists. Never mind who they are or where they come from. In real life, they could be political hacks from Latvia or intellectually challenged Portuguese, but describe them as “international” and they become descendants of Solomon. Only they can provide the erudition and dispassionate justice that can guarantee that nice Mr. Hussein gets a fair trial. Only they have the patience and experience to sift through the thousands of documents we must digest before deciding whether he did anything wrong. Only they can decide the thorny question of whether being invaded “illegally” is a defense to genocide and mass torture.

And only they could orchestrate it into anti-American political theatre and actually let the scumbag off.

Buried in this specious and near libelous argument is the real reason–legitimacy. Legitimacy of what, you may ask. Don’t bother. It is the all-purpose abstract concept the left hauls out desperately to oppose American actions when it finds itself on the wrong side of the popular will and has run out of other reasons.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:07 AM


Plan to Shift Bases Shakes Up Allies (Jamie Dettmer, Dec. 15, 2003, Insight)

The Bush team plans to put U.S. military assets in better position to take on threats. The Kremlin was quick off the mark. Within hours of Washington acknowledging in late November that it had begun formal negotiations to take over several Polish military bases, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov warned during a trip to Warsaw that any reconfiguration of the U.S. military presence in Europe must consider his country's national-security interests.

According to a Russian official, "The Kremlin is not concealing from the Americans or the Poles its negative attitude toward Polish-American discussions about relocating bases in Germany." But in the weeks to come the Russians won't be the only ones jittery about a long-touted repositioning of U.S. forces and bases. For different reasons allies and foes across the globe are exercised about ambitious Bush administration plans to shift and reshuffle tens of thousands of GIs posted around the world. [...]

But even before the Iraq War, Rumsfeld and his top aides were sketching out plans for realignment. For them too much of the U.S. global military posture was outdated and designed to fight an adversary that no longer was on the battlefield - namely, the Soviet Union. They wanted more forward, but smaller, bases and lighter and more mobile forces that could react quickly, be deployed fast against enemies and project power. Rumsfeld and his aides thought advanced U.S. military technology and air power would reduce the need for the kind of expensive and large foreign outposts required during the Cold War.

Since 9/11 the Pentagon hasn't confined itself to planning. Away from the public gaze, the United States has been securing air bases and landing rights and signing military agreements with a series of countries located in what military planners call the "arc of instability" - namely, troubled and failing nations in parts of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and Central Asia. Military bases have been upgraded or established in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bulgaria, Romania, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Georgia, Djibouti and the Philippines. [...]

Some experts, though, worry that pulling U.S. assets out of "old Europe" might make the Germans and the French even more reluctant to agree to U.S. requests. On the other hand, say Pentagon hard-liners, what does it matter?

Compare this to the speeches Howard Dean and Hillary Clinton gave today, which envision allowing France, Germany, and the UN to more or less determine American foreign policy.

December 15, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:44 PM


Saddam's end a lesson to others who oppose American policy (SAM F. GHATTAS, 12/15/03, Associated Press)

Never mind which Arabs feel joy or disappointment - the real message in Saddam Hussein's capture should not be lost on Middle East leaders who might think to challenge American interests, say experts and analysts who also see in Saddam's dramatic end an opportunity to redraw the politics of the region.

Saddam was a leader who once terrified - and shocked - his fellow Iraqis and neighbors with his violent politics and opulent lifestyle. That he looked a broken man when pulled from his underground hiding place was noted both by ordinary Arab citizens and their leaders.

"The sight of Saddam's capture on television was terrifying to his colleagues, the Arab rulers," said Sateh Noureddine, managing editor of the Lebanese daily As-Safir. "It could make them reconsider their calculations, the way they deal with America, the way they confront it and the way they reject its demands." [...]

Lebanon's English-language newspaper, The Daily Star, noted that America would not hesitate to intervene directly to safeguard its interests in the region and said it is time for Arabs to deal with the changes and use them to their benefit.

"Like a force of nature, an emboldened America is now bearing down on a Middle East, whose habitual status is somnolence. If the countries of the region continue to let others decide the pace and direction of events, the storm will be a highly destructive one," wrote the Star in an editorial Monday.

By taking initiatives toward democracy, the editorial said, Arabs can turn the American effect into a "cleansing rain, washing away the stains left behind by decades of failed statecraft and illegitimate leadership ... It is our actions and intentions, not America's, that will decide the issue."

Who'll stop the rain?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:39 PM


A Difficult Marriage: How Iraqi Shiites could save the presidency of George W. Bush. (Reuel Marc Gerecht, 12/22/2003, Weely Standard)

EVER SINCE 1979, Shiite Muslim clerics have scared Americans. The trepidation is, of course, understandable. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini energized a generation of Islamic radicals. His theocratic revolution in Iran held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. His disciples directed and incited lethal attacks against the United States. The slaughter of U.S. soldiers in Beirut in 1983 and at Khobar in Saudi Arabia in 1996 were inspirational for Osama bin Laden and other Sunni holy warriors who have promised victory through terrorism.

Far more often than their Sunni Muslim counterparts, Shiite clerics are charismatic. Their long, arduous legal education, which builds a self-confident, serious elite, and their historic position between ruler and ruled have often earned them the respect of common man and king. Shiite clerics have been powers to be reckoned with--complimented, appeased, or squashed--in great part because their authority has been popularly based. In an autocratic Muslim world, they have, more often than not, been defenders of decency. The greatest strength of the Muslim community has always been its secure and ordered home, and the clergy has been its redoubtable guardian. Even the most irreligious Shiites can revere these men because they are vivid, stubborn repositories of the wisdom, vicissitudes, and pride of an often abused and maligned community.

Shiism teaches that individual men, through their determination, sacrifice, and suffering, shape history. The Prophet Muhammad's grandson Hussein, the father of all Muslim martyrs, did not flee certain death on the plains of Karbala in southern Iraq because his cause was just. His end, even more than the unlucky life of his father, the Caliph Ali, has become the baptismal font of the Shiite identity. Like Christians, Shiites are pretty sure that redemption will not come in this life. Their clerics often see themselves in a continuing passion play of good versus evil. They have stood between tyrants and the oppressed, between domineering Sunnis and belittled Shiites, and, not infrequently, between threatening foreigners and besieged Muslims. Though in modern times the Shiite clergy have become a diverse lot--progressives, traditionalists, revolutionaries, and reactionaries--they are similar in their continuing firm belief that the clergy has a historic duty to defend the flock. Guided by the Holy Law, nationalism, Marx, or John Locke, they see themselves as a vanguard for and against change. [...]

Hand-picked provincial officials and self-selecting local "notables" can't possibly have the traction of would-be politicians constantly pressing the flesh. Don't we want the Iraqis to get excited about determining their own destiny? Don't we want this sooner, not later? Shouldn't we find out sooner, not later, whether the Arab Sunnis as a group want to participate in a democratic process? Ditto for the Kurds? Does the administration really think that six months down the road the violence in the Sunni belt is going to diminish? That holding peaceful elections will indeed be any easier then than now? Are we going to allow Sunni reactionaries and foreign jihadists to hold hostage national elections?

And suppose the Sunni insurgents take the war south into the Shiite zone. Remember the bombs of August when Washington and Baghdad panicked, fearing the two-front nightmare scenario had arrived? Isn't it a better idea to have the Shiites fully on board, committed to participatory democracy? Do we want to see bombs going off in Najaf, Karbala, or Hilla and an increasing number of Shiites arguing that the Americans, who deny them democracy, also deny them security? Shouldn't we assume a worst-case scenario, that we've got an incipient Sunni insurrection on our hands? Don't we want to see whether the Sunnis will go to the ballot booth? If they do, won't they be more inclined to join us in the arduous and ugly counterinsurgency campaign to root out the guerrillas-cum-terrorists? Don't we want the Shiites and the Kurds to back us and themselves morally through the ballot box for the difficult and bloody campaign that may lie ahead?

At present, we still have Ali Sistani on our side. The old man is a product of the most politically skeptical and cautious grand ayatollahs of the last 50 years, Sayyid Abu'l-Qasim Kho'i and Hajj Hosayn Borujerdi. Sistani's fatwas on elections and his pithy commentary on the role of Islam in society have been consistently moderate. The absence of Islamically loaded language in his political commentary is indeed striking. And grand ayatollahs are as they appear: They are not masters of deception (as are others in the Shiite tradition). Their minds and manners evolve openly over decades.

Does this moderation mean that Sistani believes in a secular society, with a firm wall between religion and state? Certainly not. But he and his clerical lieutenants clearly understand how combustible Iraq is. They know that Shiites, let alone Arab Sunnis and Kurds, are a variegated lot. Sistani's followers have been explicit in their disapproval of the clerical dictatorship in neighboring Iran. They don't like clerics intertwined with politics. Sistani and his men have so far made it clear that they believe the commonweal, not a cleric interpreting the holy law, holds ultimate political power. The Sistani crowd is certainly more moderate than the Shiites of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and the Dawa party, whom the Coalition Provisional Authority has grown too fond of. (That SCIRI and Dawa representatives serve as important channels for the CPA to Sistani is bizarre.) And the grand ayatollah has so far shown great sensitivity toward Sunni fears of Shiite predominance. He has not allowed his dispossessed followers to take back the mosques that were stolen from them after the '91 rebellion. To put it succinctly: We are enormously lucky to have Sistani in post-Saddam Iraq. If the old cleric were to die, our position among the Shiites might collapse overnight. Our objective with the grand ayatollah thus ought to be to cooperate (and preempt), not confront.

If the Bush administration is wise, it will change its provisional-government plans and allow for direct elections as soon as feasible. If it refuses to change, and Sistani and the Shiites force it to abort the plan later, we will be left weaker than if we change now. We ought not dissipate our strength so profligately. There will undoubtedly be moments where we will need to intimidate. Dealing with Muslim clerics has, understandably, never been an American strong suit. Though many in the CPA and the administration may want to wish Sistani away, fortunately they can't. He is America's most powerful democratic weapon in Iraq, even if we don't know how to wield him. If President Bush is reelected in 2004, however, Grand Ayatollah Sistani will have certainly done his part.

This is a perfectly sensible essay, pointing out that the Shi'ite iteration of Islam seems rather well suited to eventual democracy of some variety or another. In fact, looking at Iran, Mr. Gerecht might go further and argue that even an authoritarian Islamic republic would not last long, because it's antithetical to Shi'ism. But where'd the sub-head come from? "save the presidency of George W. Bush"? Bill Kristol really needs to get out more.

In Iraq's south, democracy buds: US administrator Paul Bremer wants to spread the 'Muthanna model.' (Nicholas Blanford, 12/16/03, CS Monitor)

With a provincial council and four city councils already formed in the province of Muthanna, this is the first of seven town council selections to be held over the next three weeks. It is an anxious moment for the CPA representatives and the team from the Research Triangle Institute (RTI), a US-based nonprofit, who organized the selection process. They are aware that CPA headquarters in Baghdad will be closely watching the selection process, the first practical demonstration of the new democracy being ushered into the rural heartland of Iraq.

While the weekend capture of Saddam Hussein has received worldwide attention, it is here in Muthanna that a true success story is in the making.

Muthanna is the second-largest province in Iraq and almost certainly the poorest. Its predominantly Shiite inhabitants were brutally repressed under Mr. Hussein's regime, its infrastructure underfunded, its economy based on low-scale agriculture.

During the war to oust Hussein, American troops were warmly welcomed by the Shiite population when they advanced into Samawa, Muthanna's capital. The province remains calm, with no attacks against coalition troops and almost no support for the mainly Sunni guerrillas operating further north.

"We have a seven-month timetable and we would like to keep them friendly until we turn off the lights and go home," says one foreign official, referring to July 1, when the US has said it will turn the country over to Iraqi control.

The peaceful atmosphere has helped the coalition press ahead with establishing local administrations, outstripping other provinces and winning praise from the CPA in Baghdad.

Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at 7:20 PM


Flee as a Bird: Envoi; Aloha, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen; Adiós Amigos; I'm Checkin' Out, Goombye (Gary Giddins, 12/15/03, Village Voice)

As Groucho Marx used to sing, "Hello, I must be going." It's time to move on when you begin to calculate a job's duration the way children identify their ages. Whereas I used to think in round numbers, lately I found myself muttering, "29 and a half years," "30 years and two
months," "30 years, seven months, two weeks, five days"‹which is correct as of my pub date. Or am I confusing children with convicts? This was the hardest decision I've ever made, and like Artie Shaw, who has a different answer every time he's asked about quitting clarinet, I'm not sure
why‹except that I want to focus on books, I don't like writing short, and it's time. In jazz, time is all.

Gary Giddins is the best jazz critic writing today; and, based on his Bing Crosby biography and other writings, he might be the best critic of popular culture (movies; books; rock, jazz, blues and folk music) period. His knowledge is truly encyclopedic, but what sets Giddins apart are 2 things.
First, in a field (jazz criticism) which is either overly technical (discussing substituted chords or the inticacies of African rhythms), Giddins can explain musical concepts in a manner which doesn't require formal education: all you need to follow his analysis is the recording he's writing about and a set of ears. Second, whether he's writing about Sonny Rollins or Raymond Chandler, he transmits a sense of his enthusiasm for the topic and the joy he received from listening or reading or watching. We'll miss his regular columns, but eagerly await his books.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:57 PM


France Pledges to Help Reduce Iraq Debt (JAMEY KEATEN, 12/15/03, Associated Press)

Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin of France, one of the most persuasive and persistent critics of the U.S. decision to wage war in Iraq, said he hopes the capture will allow the international community to "regain its unity."

France's commitment toward reducing the outstanding debt came a day before U.S. special envoy James A. Baker was to arrive in Paris, one of five European capitals he will visit this week as part of an effort to encourage such moves. [...]

Mending relations with Washington and persuading the Bush administration to hand decision-making power over to the Iraqis could also bolster France's ability to influence Iraq's future — and its chances of participating in the lucrative reconstruction of Iraq.

France, in the most concrete gesture to Washington, will join other members of the Paris Club of creditor nations to look for ways of restructuring or forgiving huge debts Iraq owes them, de Villepin said.

"France could envisage the cancellation of appropriate debts," he said at a news conference after meeting a delegation of visiting Iraqi ministers. He did not provide any figures.

Even we didn't think France would fold that fast, but when the client goes down, the patron looks to deal, eh?

Hussein's capture may help bridge US-Europe divide: Envoy Baker seeks Iraqi debt relief from allies bitter about being barred from contracts. (Howard LaFranchi, 12/16/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:26 PM


Chapter V - On the Development of the Intellectual and Moral Faculties (Charles Darwin, Descent of Man [1871])

With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilised men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilised societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man himself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.

Sadly, such ideas have consequences.

The Culture of Death: Who Will Decide When You Should Die? (Nat Hentoff, December 1st, 2003, Village Voice)

I have debated bioethicists who are true believers in the "duty to die" when care is "futile." These exchanges have been on college campuses, radio, and television. When I bring up the history of "futile care" in pre-Hitler Germany (as I did in last week's column), the "duty to die" advocates become deeply offended. Nonetheless, they are sincerely continuing a lethal legacy.

Nancy Valko continues: "Just a generation ago, doctors and nurses were ethically prohibited from hastening or causing death. Family disputes and ethically gray situations occurred, but certain actions such as withdrawing medically assisted food and water from a severely brain-damaged but non-dying person were considered illegitimate no matter who was making the decision.

"But," Nancy Valko emphasizes, "with the rise of the modern bioethics movement, life is no longer assumed to have the intrinsic value it once did, and 'quality of life' has become the overriding consideration. Over time, the ethical question, 'what is right?' became 'who decides?--which now has devolved into 'what is legally allowed?' "

In the aforementioned November 4 Philadelphia Inquirer story, Stacey Burling reported what physicians and bioethicists consider a worrisome obstacle to expanding "what is legally allowed."

"Hospital leaders [around the country] fear they would lose a lawsuit if they denied care demanded by a family." These officials and bioethicists want more case law to enable them to end lives they consider "futile."

Until the media spend more space and care on who decides whether--and how--certain disabled Americans should die, I recommend your remembering that, as disability rights activists say, many of us are only temporarily able.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:58 PM


Harold, in the wings: Political stage could someday see a very new President Ford, observers say (James W. Brosnan, December 14, 2003, Memphis Commercial Appeal)

In two years, when Ford reaches the qualifying age of 35 "his name, I think, will automatically go into the hopper, permanently," University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato said.

"If you could look into a crystal ball and say, over the next 25 years, who would be the first African-American president and all you knew is who is there now, you would have to say Harold Ford Jr. and Jesse Jackson Jr.," said Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar at the Brookings Institution.

Former president Clinton said at the recent awards dinner at the National Civil Rights Museum, "I hope I live long enough to vote for him myself."

Heady stuff for a four-term congressman who has yet to chair a committee hearing, yet to shepherd a controversial piece of legislation to passage, and yet to fulfill some personal goals: getting married, starting a family, passing the Tennessee bar exam.

"I'm flattered," Ford said in response to the presidential speculation. But: "It's not something I wake up thinking about. It's not something I go to bed thinking about."

Observers say Ford has stepped into the spotlight through a combination of innate talent, politics and drive that surfaced early in his life. [...]

In 1996, running his first campaign for public office, Ford was elected to succeed his father.

Arnold Perl, chairman of the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, said the younger Ford learned from his father's emphasis on constituent service. Harold Ford Jr.'s efforts his rookie year to win $66 million in federal aid for their two-mile runway, Perl said, was "the most effective case of representation I had ever seen."

But Ford also signaled that his interests would go far beyond the district.

"I saw the same thing in Harold that I saw with Bill Clinton when he was 26 years old, in a positive way," Rep. Marion Berry, D-Ark., said. "He is really smart. He has a sixth sense about politics that is unmatched in my generation and in his." [...]

Ford Jr. also joined the moderate "Blue Dog" coalition and has amassed a more conservative voting record than his father or current African-American congressmen. He was one of only four members of the Congressional Black Caucus to support the war with Iraq.

Ford bristles at comparisons to other black officials.

"Why do you keep putting me in that box?" he said. "Why can't it be, 'One of those Democrats, or one of those Blue Dogs, in support of it?' "

But Ford also acknowledges that some of his frequent appearances on cable television talk shows can be attributed to the fact he is an African-American moderate whose views run counter to stereotype.

"I think my thinking closely parallels where people my age think, be they black or white," Ford said. [...]

Becoming the first African-American senator from the South since the post-Civil War era would be a huge boost to Ford's White House hopes. But if he loses, he could be tagged, like one of his mentors, former vice president Al Gore, with the label "Can't Carry His Home State."

"It's a big risk," Sabato said. "But in politics, everything is a risk if you want to be president. You can't play it safe."

Of course, the biggest question involving Ford or any other black presidential candidate is when or whether Americans will ever elect an African-American president.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 92 percent of Americans would consider voting for an African-American as president, compared to 37 percent in 1958.

That's just measuring social acceptance, said David Bositis, senior political analyst at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, the leading black think tank.

Polls show that Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, is the only black American who could be elected president now, Bositis said. Ford's best chance is to be selected as the vice presidential nominee first, he said.

When you have a young man on the make, clear some room for him to make it with you and he'll take it. Mr. Ford's path to the top lies in the GOP, not the Democratic Party--woo him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:41 PM


Disorganization And Doughnuts
(JOHN TIERNEY, 12/14/03, NY Times)

Democrats have always been known for chaotic conventions, but this year they are outdoing themselves. Officials in the host city, Boston, have been feuding with national party officials over who makes which decisions and who comes up with what money.

The resulting disorganization and lack of money became embarrassingly clear this month when the Democrats held what was billed as a "walk-through" of the convention facilities. Some 200 television, radio and print journalists journeyed to the Fleet Center hoping to plan their convention coverage.

Instead, they were treated to glazed and jelly doughnuts, speeches about the virtues of grass-roots Democrats and the evils of Republicans, and an amateur ice show. And that was about it.

Party officials offered the audience basic diagrams of the inside of the arena. But rather than a walk-through, officials provided a talk-through of the possible press facilities, since Democrats still were not sure whether it would be in an office building a block or two away, in tents outside the hall or, most glorious of all, down in the bowels of the parking garage.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:30 PM


Altercation (Eric Alterman, MSNBC)

In the meantime, let’s all hope for a speedy recovery for Colin Powell.

 Speaking of whom, last night at the 137th anniversary dinner for the Nation—watching a moving, poetic and deeply patriotic speech by Robert Byrd followed by a belligerently moronic one by Aaron McGruder--I sat between this incredible guy who had been on death row for eighteen years before being freed by the Innocence Project at Medill Journalism school (the winner of this year’s $100K Puffin/Nation prize) and Joe Wilson, winner of this year’s Ron Ridenhour prize. I asked Joe why Powell had turned out to be such a wimp—failing to use any of his prized credibility to put the breaks on his lying colleagues, and instead telling all those falsehoods at the UN and convincing a boatload of gullible reporters of a whole mess of stuff that just ain’t so. Wilson—whose speech repeatedly termed the members of the administration to be "f****ing a**holes and thugs" said he had no idea.

Imagine being so desperate for attention that for your two minutes of fame you had to defend the honor of Saddam Hussein?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:12 PM


President Bush Holds Press Conference (Press Conference of the President, Room 450, Eisenhower Executive Office Building)

I believe, firmly believe -- and you've heard me say this a lot -- and I say it a lot because I truly believe it -- that freedom is the almighty God's gift to every person, every man and woman who lives in this world. That's what I believe. And the arrest of Saddam Hussein changed the equation in Iraq. Justice was being delivered to a man who defied that gift from the Almighty to the people of Iraq.

The whole conference was pretty amusing--very reminiscent of the one after the 2002 mid-term, when he was likewise coming off a huge personal vindication--with the President relaxed, tossing nicknames, chiding questioners, etc. It was one of those deals where if you hate him he seemed a stumblebum--if you like him he seemed a man sublimely comfortable with himself and the hand fate has dealt.

The most interesting moment came with the answer above, which should lay to rest any doubt that this war is a Crusade. The President expressed, with only sleight hesitation, the idea that America punished Saddam Hussein for violating God's laws. The Buchananeers, libertarians, and the Left will surely get the vapors over that one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:02 PM


Sen. Breaux Will Retire: La. Democrat Is 5th Southerner to Step Down This Year (David Espo, December 15, 2003, The Associated Press)

Louisiana Sen. John Breaux, a leading Democratic centrist during three terms in office, has told fellow lawmakers he intends to retire next year rather than seek re-election, officials said Monday.

Breaux's retirement would make him the fifth southern Democrat to step down in 2004, further compounding the party's difficulties in its struggle to gain a Senate majority.

Breaux, 59, scheduled an announcement in Baton Rouge. Several officials speaking on condition of anonymity said he informed several fellow lawmakers of his intentions. [...]

His departure is expected to prompt two members of the state's House delegation to jump into the 2004 Senate race, Reps. Chris John, a Democrat, and David Vitter, a Republican.

Republicans have never won a Louisiana Senate seat since Reconstruction.

Unfortunately, to win his campaign slogan needs to be: "A dark-complected Aryan, not black".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:22 PM


Pro-Saddam rally in Tikrit turns into brawl (AP, 12/15/03)

A brawl has erupted in Saddam Hussein's hometown -- after hundreds of people took to the streets in support of the former dictator.

Some 700 people in Tikrit cheered and rallied in favor of Saddam, following his weekend capture by U-S forces.

At one point, security forces waded into the crowd to arrest the protest leader. That's when a widespread fight broke out. The man was eventually handed over to Iraqi police. [...]

Protestors had been chanting "Saddam is in our hearts, Saddam is in our blood." U-S troops and Iraqi police responded with cheers of "Saddam is in our jail."

Kind of unanswerable, eh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:56 AM


With Endorsement of Dean, Gore Steers Democrats Away From Clintonism (Ronald Brownstein, December 15, 2003, LA Times)

As a political movement, Clintonism arguably was born on May 6, 1991, when Bill Clinton delivered a seminal speech on his "New Democratic" vision to a conference of the Democratic Leadership Council in Cleveland.

Political historians may conclude that Clintonism was eclipsed as the dominant set of ideas in the Democratic Party on Tuesday, when Al Gore, Clinton's vice president, endorsed Howard Dean in the 2004 presidential race.

Dean has demonstrated many assets in his bid for the Democratic nomination. He's run a groundbreaking campaign that has changed forever the way candidates look at the Internet. He's shown the capacity to inspire great passion among Democratic activists. He speaks the way a boxer jabs, with sharp thrusts that strike many voters as heartfelt and uninfected by political calculation.

But whatever his other virtues, it's difficult to argue that Dean upholds the political philosophy that Clinton advanced. Indeed, Dean is probably the Democratic contender who most directly rejects Clinton's vision.

By endorsing Dean, Gore has continued the journey away from Clinton that began in Gore's own 2000 presidential campaign. More important, the former vice president's endorsement suggests that just three years after Clinton left office, key portions of the Democratic establishment most associated with him are willing to acquiesce, if not to help, as Dean moves to redirect the party. [...]

[A]ll of Dean's arguments about the best approach for Democrats echo the left's complaints about Clinton; Dean's signature line that he intends to represent the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" is the description that liberals used to distinguish themselves from centrist "New Democrats" associated with Clinton. "That was the anti-Clinton line," says Al From, founder of the DLC, a centrist party group.

The distance between Dean and Clinton is measured partly in policy. Dean shares Clinton's commitment to fiscal discipline (though Dean has offered a health-care plan much more expensive than anything Clinton proposed after his initial proposal collapsed).

But Dean has rejected Clinton's emphasis on lowering trade barriers, his push to use the federal government as a lever to force greater accountability in the schools and his effort to balance tax increases on the wealthy with tax cuts for the middle class.

In conflicts such as Bosnia and Kosovo, Clinton worked to erase the post-Vietnam suspicion that Democrats flinched at using military force. Dean has insisted he is not reflexively opposed to using force. But by centering his campaign on opposition to the war in Iraq, Dean is steering the Democrats back toward their pre-Clinton identity as the party most dubious about committing troops abroad.

As important as the difference on issues is the contrast in tone. Though his personal problems threw sand in the gears, Clinton relentlessly sought to reconnect Democrats with swing voters through themes such as personal responsibility, government reform, national strength and bipartisan cooperation; he often said he intended to transcend "brain-dead politics in both parties."

Dean, by contrast, offers a biting, sometimes red-faced, partisanship that presents issues from abortion and civil rights for gay and lesbian Americans to taxes as an unambiguous conflict between right (liberals) and wrong (conservatives); in contrast to Clinton's call for a new synthesis between left and right, Dean says the Democratic Party's principal problem is that it has blurred too many differences with the Republican Party.

Now, even if you're a Democrat it must be relatively easy to convince yourself that Bill Clinton is such a contemptible man that failing to follow him should be seen a virtue, not a political sin. But substitute Tony Blair for Bill Clinton in the analysis and it becomes clear that what the Dean/Gore wing is steering the Party away from is the opportunity--which Bill Clinton too failed to take advantage of because he had to jag Left in order to get liberals to oppose his impeachment--to move the institution radically to the Right and thereby capture the middle ground.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:32 AM

President Bush will hold a news conference at 11:15 a.m. ET

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 AM


Powell to Undergo Prostate Cancer Surgery (Fox News, December 15, 2003)

Secretary of State Colin Powell will undergo surgery for prostate cancer Monday at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the State Department said.

Spokesman Adam Ereli said the surgery had been scheduled for some time and he described it as "routine intervention."

Ereli said Powell is expected to be hospitalized for several days, then go home to recuperate. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage will be in charge in his absence, Ereli said.

President Bush was informed of the surgery two weeks ago, Ereli said.

In a statement, the State Department said that Powell "is undergoing surgery this morning for prostate cancer," and that after he returned home from the surgery would be on a "reduced schedule."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


Candidates Celebrate First and Worry Second (ADAM NAGOURNEY, 12/15/03, NY Times)

The news about Saddam Hussein fulfills what many Americans have long viewed as a crucial test for measuring success in the war in Iraq and thus could rob Democrats of an issue they have increasingly challenged President Bush on, Democrats said on Sunday.

But its impact could fall particularly heavily on the candidacy of Howard Dean, the Democrat who most party leaders view as the leading contender for the nomination. It could force Dr. Dean, Democrats said, to deal with a stronger incumbent in next year's general election, should the capture prove the turning point Mr. Bush has sought in the war. It could also lead to challenges from newly emboldened Democratic candidates who supported the war, who see an opportunity to attack Dr. Dean on his antiwar stance, the issue on which he has built his candidacy. [...]

"If Howard Dean had his way, Saddam Hussein would be in power today, not in prison, and the world would be a much more dangerous place," Mr. Lieberman said. "The American people would have a lot more to fear." [...]

Even though it had been anticipated to some extent, the early morning news from Iraq seemed to shock the candidates and their aides, and left several expressing grudging admiration at what one described as Mr. Bush's continued good luck. They spent the day trying to applaud the capture while trying not to abandon their criticism of Mr. Bush's management of the war in Iraq as well as their attacks upon one another.

Lucky? Did they think our military wouldn't hunt him down eventually? Mr. Bush is most lucky in the low quality of his critics.

Mohammed Atta's Iraqi Connection (Con Coughlin, December 15, 2003, London Telegraph)

Certainly the memo's detail concerning Mohammed Atta and Abu Nidal fits in with the known movements of the two terrorists in the summer of 2001. Abu Nidal, the renegade Palestinian terrorist responsible for a wave of outrages in the 1980s, such as the 1985 bomb attacks on Rome and Vienna airports, was based in Baghdad, under Saddam's personal protection, for most of his career.

Having briefly relocated to Libya, Abu Nidal returned to Baghdad at some point in early 2001. At the time it was assumed that Saddam had lured the Palestinian terrorist back to help the Iraqi leader plan a number of terrorist attacks aimed at destabilising American plans to remove him.

In particular, Saddam wanted Abu Nidal to revive his network of "sleeper cells" in Europe and the Middle East to carry out a new wave of attacks. During 2001 Abu Nidal lived in a number of houses in the Baghdad area, including a spacious home in the al-Dora district where he is reported to have met Atta.

The relationship between Abu Nidal and Saddam, however, quickly turned sour, mainly because - as the Telegraph reported at the time - the ageing Palestinian leader was reluctant to accede to Saddam's request to train al-Qaeda fighters in sophisticated terrorist techniques.

Abu Nidal was murdered in August 2001, although the Iraqis tried to claim that he had committed suicide. Habbush appeared at a hastily arranged press conference in Baghdad in an attempt to persuade the sceptical Arab media that Abu Nidal had taken his own life after Iraqi investigators had uncovered a plot to assassinate Saddam.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


Why I am no longer a European: It is galling to be driven by logic into the 'no' camp (Max Hastings, December 15, 2003, The Guardian)

Faith in Britain's destiny in Europe has been at the core of my own convictions all my adult life. Yet, suddenly, I find myself hitting the buffers. I can no longer support the government's case for signing up to the European constitution. This week, I join the referendum campaigners. [...]

Signing up to the foreign policy provisions of the European constitution is a mockery. In defence, the field about which I am best informed, Europe shows a boundless appetite for creating common structures and bureaucracies, yet lacks the slightest willingness to provide forces to give them substance. Optimists, most of them in Downing Street, suggest that if the bureaucracies are formed, the substance will follow. There are no grounds to believe this.

Unlike the Eurosceptics, I feel no principled fear about losing national sovereignty, which has become an almost meaningless concept. If, over half a century or so, it becomes plain that Europe's institutions - above all, its parliament - have evolved to a point at which they can take the strain, well and good.

Yet today, it is not remotely credible that the European parliament can provide a democratic check upon the doings of the European executive, or that it is progressing towards doing so. Between 1979 and 1999, voting in European elections fell from 63% to 49%, despite compulsory participation in three countries. Against such a background, how can any society sensibly continue a march to closer integration, endorsing the accretion of new powers to Brussels? [...]

For me, the last straw was the publication last week of Gisela Stuart's Fabian pamphlet, about her experience as the Labour party's representative at the European convention. "Not once," she wrote in a seminal passage of her brave and deeply impressive piece, "in the 16 months I spent on the convention did representatives question whether deeper integration is what the people of Europe want, whether it serves their best interests or whether it provides the best basis for a sustainable structure for an expanding union."

These are damning words. This weekend's EU summit was frustrated by a mere tactical dispute about voting weights. Yet more and more of us feel, like Stuart, that emotional faith in the concept of Europe can no longer blind us to the rational objections to the European constitution.

Europe conducts its affairs in an increasingly fantastic spirit that would be admired by Lewis Carroll, but which becomes frightening when transferred from Wonderland to the political destinies of hundreds of millions of people. Some of us swallowed reservations about the Maastricht treaty because we accepted the assurances of British ministers,that its integrationist provisions would never be enacted.

Today, when those optimistic Tory "wets" have been proved so wrong, it is far harder to accept the European constitution merely by cherishing hopes that it will collapse under the weight of its own follies, together with wilful breaches by the usual suspects, led by France and Italy.

It is always painful to switch political course. It is especially so in the case of Europe, because it puts us in some rotten political company. Yet it no longer seems possible to support the European constitution - as Blair still seems willing to do - merely as an act of faith in a "tidying-up process".

Hard to imagine you could be any less gracious in admitting your foes were right for fifty years. (Margaret Thatcher, for instance, seems completely vindicated.) The mention of Maastricht though calls to mind a poem by Geoffrey Hill:

Wherein Wesley stood
up from his father's grave,
summoned familiar dust
for strange salvation:

whereto England rous'd,
ignorant, her inane
Midas-like hunger: smoke
engrossed, cloud-encumbered,

a spectral people
raking among the ash;
its freedom a lost haul
of entailed riches.

Let enough more join Mr. Hastings in repenting, even so sullenly, and perhaps England's freedom won't end up entailed after all.

Less than half show support for EU (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 09/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

Britain was by far the most negative state, with positive feelings tumbling to 28 per cent, but even the French were below half for the first time after months of battles with Brussels over tax cuts and illegal aid to ailing firms. [...]

Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP and Britain's sole voice on the 13-strong drafting "Praesidium", raised the pressure on Downing Street to stand firm on Britain's "red lines".

She said it was under no moral obligation to accept a text "riddled with imperfections" and rigged by "a self-selected group of the European political elite".

In a blistering pamphlet for the Fabian Society, German-born Mrs Stuart exposed the pretence that the wordy text is needed to tidy up the treaties or pave the way for EU expansion, saying "the real reason for the constitution - and its main impact - is the political deepening of the union".

She added: "Not once in the 16 months I spent on the convention did representatives question whether deeper integration is what the people of Europe want.

"The debates focused solely on where we could do more at EU level. Any representative who took issue with the fundamental goal of deeper integration was sidelined."

She said the secretive body chaired by Valery Giscard d'Estaing slipped through radical changes that had never been agreed, insisting on French documents to create confusion.

When the sole East European member dared to raise a dissenting voice he was told his vote "didn't count".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:22 AM


Israel's 'cloud of demographics': A dovish politician is forcing even hawkish Israelis to consider ceding land to the growing population of Palestinians. (Cameron W. Barr, 12/15/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

Even now, nearly four months after it was first published, an article by a dovish Israeli politician continues to irritate and appall his ideological opponents. But its main point - the need for Israel to cede land - is now being voiced by more hawkish Israelis as well.

Avraham Burg, a former Speaker of the Israeli parliament and a leading defender of the idea that Israel and a Palestinian state can coexist in peace, wrote in an Israeli newspaper in August that the "Jewish people did not survive for two millennia in order to pioneer new weaponry, computer-security programs, or antimissile missiles. We were supposed to be a light unto the nations. In this we have failed." [...]

The impetus for this discussion - and the core of Burg's article - is the growing realization that Israel is losing the demographic war with the Palestinians, even as it emerges more or less triumphant from the battles of recent years.

Israelis have long ruminated over the paradox of their situation: If they maintain control over the Palestinian territories in the service of the idea that Jews should govern the entire "land of Israel," they will need to figure what to do with the Palestinians. Israeli hard-liners argue for expulsion or "transfer," but that step would be internationally unpopular. Another option is to deprive the Palestinians of political rights, but this "apartheid" approach would also draw international opprobrium. A third option is to make the Palestinians citizens - something Israel has already done with Palestinians who did not flee their lands in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war - a step in keeping with the desire of the majority of Israelis to maintain a full-fledged democracy.

The problem is that there so many Palestinians. As it is, Burg argued in an interview this month, "Between the Jordan [River] and the Mediterranean [Sea], somewhere between next year and two years' time, there will be born the first Palestinian ... [of] the Palestinian majority."

"What do you give up - assuming you can't have them all - land, system, or majority?" asks Burg, a balding, blue-eyed, and fit man who speaks English with an accent that has often been likened to Arnold Schwarzenegger's. Burg's answer: "I'll never give up democracy, I'll never give up the Jewish majority. With difficulties and pain, I compromise the land."

Even more hawkish Israelis, such as [Ehud] Olmert, are now willing to voice this view in public.

While folk continue to dream of demographics as naturally self-regulating, they continue to shape the destiny of peoples.

December 14, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:35 PM


Dean mounts foreign policy challenge with pledges on Israel and Korea (David Usborne, 15 December 2003, The Independent)

Howard Dean, who is leading the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, is to spell out starkly different approaches to those of President George Bush on foreign policy, including a willingness to address swiftly border issues between Palestine and Israel and enter bilateral talks with North Korea. [...]

In Los Angeles today, the candidate is due to disclose that Tony Lake, the former national security adviser to President Bill Clinton, is among those he has assembled to advise him on foreign policy. He is also expected to give details of plans to create a multi-billion-dollar international fund to combat terrorism around the world.

Let's imagine the scene at Dean HQ: "We're doing so well with the pro-Ba'athist stuff, how about siding with Arafat and Kim Jong-Il? And, while we're at it, even though folks think I'm an Islamicist dupe, let's bring on board notorious Communist dupe Tony Lake. Wait though, here's the topper, I'll announce all this on the day after we capture Saddam and it's revealed that Abu Nidal trained Mohammed Atta in Iraq at Saddam's behest."

One begins to believe that Karl Rove created Governor Dean in a laboratory under the West Wing.

The Politics of Saddam: What Saddam's capture means for the 2004 race and the Democratic contenders. Hint: It's bad for Howard Dean.
(Fred Barnes, 12/14/2003, Weekly Standard)

The big loser is Howard Dean--potentially. Dean has embarked on an image-altering effort so he'll be seen as a centrist on foreign affairs. In interviews with the Washington Post and New York Times, he insisted the differences between himself and Bush are not great, mainly about style, not substance. He offered this amazing statement to the Times: "It's all about nuance." In truth, there's rarely been a presidential candidate with a less nuanced approach to foreign affairs.

Dean demonstrated this once again in his response to Saddam's capture. He praised the capture, then claimed that it had created "an enormous opportunity" to adopt what amounts to the Iraq policy of France. First, do "everything possible" to bring the United Nations, NATO, and others into the effort in Iraq. In other words, turn the Iraq situation over to those who not only favored keeping Saddam in power, but also sought to undermine the American policy of regime change in Iraq from the moment it was first announced by President Clinton in 1998. And second, speed up the turnover of power to Iraqis. There's nothing nuanced about that advice. And by the way, Dean claimed last week that he had never called Saddam a "danger" to the United States. [...]

All the Democratic candidates passed up the opportunity to advocate debt relief for Iraq. We're talking about some $120 billion in debts amassed by Saddam. Why not demand that France, Germany, and Russia forgive the debts and give the Iraqi government that takes over next year a running start? After all, the new government won't be able to pay the debts anyway. They've left the debt relief issue to Bush. Not smart.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 PM


Here's how badly the Democrats have positioned themselves: Dean's statements about Saddam today are being referred to as doing "damage control". When the capture of a mass murdering dictator by your own nation is damaging to your political prospects, it's time to ask yourself what the heck you're doing.

Notes from Saddam in Custody: Saddam is talking, but he isn't cooperative. New details on his capture and his first interrogation (BRIAN BENNETT, Dec. 14, 2003, TIME)

Saddam Hussein was captured on Sunday without a fight. But since then, according to a U.S. intelligence official in Iraq, the fallen dictator has been defiant. "He's not been very cooperative," said the official, who read the transcript of the initial interrogation report taken during the first questioning session.

After his capture, Saddam was taken to a holding cell at the Baghdad Airport. He didn't answer any of the initial questions directly, the official said, and at times seemed less than fully coherent. The transcript was full of "Saddam rhetoric type stuff," said the official who paraphrased Saddam's answers to some of the questions. When asked "How are you?" said the official, Saddam responded, "I am sad because my people are in bondage." When offered a glass of water by his interrogators, Saddam replied, "If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage?"

Geez, even Moses didn't hold it in the whole time he was confronting Pharoah.

-Anatomy of Hussein's capture: The cellar floor didn't look quite right ... (Peter Grier, 12/14/03, CS Monitor)

... at least, not in one spot. Bricks and dirt were spread about in a studied way, as if someone were trying to conceal something beneath. So US troops taking part in the early evening "Red Dawn" sweep shoveled the debris away. They discovered a hole, which led to a modest hiding chamber, complete with ventilation fan. The chamber was quite small, considering that it held not just a man but in some ways decades of Iraqi national history. [...]

For the troops that took part in the capture - a total of some 600, from the US 4th Infantry Division, and Special Forces - the raid was not exactly business as usual. They didn't know that Mr. Hussein was their target, exactly. But the operation was clearly a search for an HVT, in military parlance, "High Value Target."

They established a perimeter first, cordoning off an area of about 1.2 miles square in Ad Dawr, near Hussein's birthplace of Tikrit in northern Iraq. After surveillance they become suspicious of a small walled compound between a field and a sheep pen. There were two buildings there: a metal lean-to and a farmhouse, a hut really, just a two-room adobe structure not even nice enough to be described as "humble."

As they approached the compound, at about 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, two armed guards saw them. Undoubtedly hardened insurgents, aware of who was inside the compound, these men saw what was coming - and ran. They were quickly taken into custody.

Inside was a bedroom strewn with clothes that were newish, if not new. A box contained $750,000 in US $100 bills. There was also the suspicious debris, and a rug just outside the structure, which US troops removed. There was not a trapdoor, but a plug, a light styrofoam plank. They pulled it up, and there was HVT 1, Saddam Hussein himself, bearded and tired and looking more likely to ask for a quarter than order a strike of chemical weapons. "He was a little disoriented, obviously, as he came up," said Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno, 4th infantry division commander, on Sunday.

The hut was close to the Tigris. Across the river stood some of the ornate homes Hussein had constructed for himself, friends, and relatives in an area that had always been a stronghold of Baathist Party support. "He was in a hole in the ground across from these great palaces that he had built," said Gen. Odierno.

Breakthrough Capped a Renewed Effort to Ferret Out Leads (ERIC SCHMITT, 12/14/03, NY Times)
The hunt for Saddam Hussein ended late Saturday with information from a member of his tribal clan.

Seizing Mr. Hussein, a man who one senior general said had 20 to 30 hide-outs and moved as often as every three to four hours, had become a maddening challenge. Eleven previous times in the last several months, a brigade combat team from the Army's Fourth Infantry Division thought it had a bead on Mr. Hussein and began raids to kill or capture him, only to come up empty, sometimes missing its man by only a matter of hours, military officials here said.

But at 8:26 p.m. Saturday, less than 11 hours after receiving the decisive tip, 600 American soldiers and Special Operations forces backed by tanks, artillery and Apache helicopter gunships surrounded two farmhouses, and near one of them found Mr. Hussein hiding alone at the bottom of an eight-foot hole.

He surrendered without a shot.

"He was just caught like a rat," Maj. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the commander of the Fourth Infantry Division, told reporters at his headquarters in Tikrit on Sunday. "He could have been hiding in a hundred different places, a thousand different places like this all around Iraq. It just takes finding the right person who will give you a good idea

-Hussein's Capture Could Leave Followers Disillusioned (John Daniszewski, December 14, 2003)
The gasps that arose when Iraqis first saw Saddam Hussein filthy, ragged and in American hands could be the sound of the air leaving the insurgent movement.

The former soldiers and intelligence officers who were the backbone of the guerrillas in Iraq have suffered a stunning blow. People who have been sitting on the fence may now be less likely to join the resistance, and some may be emboldened to commit themselves to the U.S. vision for a new Iraqi state. [...]

Meanwhile, the capture should be a boost to President Bush's prestige in the region. He accomplished his goal to capture or kill Saddam in a region that admires strong leaders. He should be able to use that capital to influence events inside Iraq and compel Iraq's neighbors and even European countries to become more supportive of the transition to elections and Iraqi sovereignty, now targeted to take place in mid-2004.

Bearing Questions, 4 New Iraqi Leaders Pay Hussein a Visit (IAN FISHER, 12/15/03, NY Times)
The wild gray beard was gone, and he sat on a metal army cot, just awake from a nap, in socks and black slippers. He was not handcuffed. He did not recognize all his visitors, but they recognized him. That was the purpose of the visit: to help confirm that he was, in fact, Saddam Hussein.

What came next in the Sunday afternoon meeting, according to people in the room, was an extraordinary 30 minutes, in which four new leaders of Iraq pointedly questioned the nation's deposed and now captured leader about his tyrannical rule. Mr. Hussein, they said, was defiant and unrepentant but very much defeated.

"The world is crazy," said Mowaffak al-Rubaie, a Governing Council member in the room on Sunday after Mr. Hussein was captured near his hometown, Tikrit. "I was in his torture chamber in 1979, and now he was sitting there, powerless in front of me without anybody stopping me from doing anything to him. Just imagine. We were arguing, and he was using very foul language."

The carefully managed event gave the four men who had spent decades opposing the ruler they regard as an oppressor of their country a rare chance to confront him. Though he spoke forcefully, the haggard Mr. Hussein was now the prisoner, and his opponents seemed to gain some legitimacy as leaders through the meeting in which they said they had called him to task on behalf of their nation. [...]

"I was so angry because this guy has caused so much damage," Mr. Rubaie added. "He has ruined the whole country. He has ruined 25 million people."

"And I have to confess that the last word was for me," he continued. "I was the last to leave the room and I said, `May God curse you. Tell me, when are you going to be accountable to God and the day of judgment? What are you going to tell him about Halabja and the mass graves, the Iran-Iraq war, thousands and thousands executed? What are you going to tell God?' He was exercising his French language."

The final ignominy, reduced to French.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:06 PM


Saddam an Important Symbol in the Arab World (Joyce M. Davis, December 14, 2003, Knight-Ridder)

When American troops invaded Baghdad last spring, Iraqis rushed to topple statues of Saddam. It was a pivotal, yet for some Arabs humiliating, moment in the region's history.

The rampaging Iraqi men didn't rid themselves of Saddam's evil; they needed American Marines to do that for them. Other Arab leaders didn't send armies to liberate the Iraqi people; President Bush did. And even the feared Islamic jihadees (holy warriors), for all their threats of suicide bombs and terrorism, proved too weak to defeat the Arab leader they hated most.

The fact that it was hated Israel's friend and protector that toppled Saddam wasn't lost on millions of Arabs.

As a result, according to Suleiman Nyang, a political scientist at Howard University in Washington, although Saddam wasn't beloved in the Arab world, his demise is seen in the Middle East and beyond as another sign of Arab weakness and degradation at the hands of the West.

"If it is a humiliation for the Arab people, it is one that Arabs themselves are accountable for," he said. "It is unfortunate that a guy like Saddam Hussein should have remained in power for so long. The Arab people don't fight for their freedom the way other people fight for freedom."

And any gratitude for what the United States did expired quickly, as attacks against American troops picked up speed amid popular discontent at the sight of U.S. soldiers patrolling Iraqi streets and neighborhoods.

"It is a very painful experience that the Arabs are undertaking," said Clovis Maksoud, a former Arab League ambassador to the United States and the United Nations. "There will be a lot of soul searching, a period of ferment. Profound changes are going to take place." [...]

Yet with Saddam's regime relegated to history, the danger is that Iraqis and other Arabs will see a common enemy in the Americans who destroyed him, and keep fighting to end their occupation of Iraq.

We are the enemy; that's what even our own neo-isolationists don't seem to get. Because of the globalization of American values we are a constant threat to every totalitarian system of thought. You'd think the Buchananeers and the ANSWERs and the Dean supporters would at least be troubled by the realization that 9-11 came at the end of a decade of relative American withdrawal from the world, a period which--except for minor dust-ups like Somalia and Kosovo--saw us slash defense budgets, ignore threats abroad, and wallow in the resulting prosperity. It's all well and good to have discovered the End of History and to beam it nightly intoevery yurt, wikiup, and chateau on Earth, but we have to expect folks to take the news that the end is our system and not theirs with more than a little anger.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:29 PM


Saddam's wife helped locate him (DPA, December 15, 2003)

Well-informed Lebanese sources said today that former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's second wife supplied the US with "some information" about where her husband was hiding in Iraq.

Samira Shahbandar, who lives with the ousted Iraqi leader's only surviving son Ali, "is believed to have given the Americans and their allies some information about the area where Saddam was hiding in," the sources said.

Saddam was captured based on information from a member of a family "close to him", Major General Raymond Odierno said.

Odierno, the commander of the 4th Infantry Division that captured Saddam, said that over the last 10 days soldiers had questioned "five to 10 members" of families "close to Saddam".

"Finally we got the ultimate information from one of these individuals," he said.

"[She] set me up"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:24 PM


Saddam 'should have killed himself' (Nasser Abu Bakr, December 15, 2003,

Saddam's support and financial aid to the tune of thousands of dollars for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers during the three-year intifada made the former Iraqi strongman a popular figure in the occupied territories. [...]

But today many were quick to draw a contrast between Saddam's meek surrender and their own leader Yasser Arafat, who has been confined to his headquarters in the West Bank town of Ramallah by the Israeli army for more than two years.

According to Adeeb Berakat, a 35-year-old from the traditionally militant Palestinian stronghold, Arafat would never have allowed himself to be taken alive.

Boy, they just don't get it do they? Their leaders think it's dandy for these folks to go out and kill themselves, but have no intention of following suit.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:26 PM


Pakistani president narrowly misses blast (AP, The Associated Press, 12/14/03)

A bomb exploded minutes after a motorcade carrying the Pakistani president passed a road near the capital on Sunday, but no one was hurt, officials said.

The blast damaged a bridge in Rawalpindi, about 10 miles from the capital, Islamabad, but President Gen. Pervez Musharraf was not harmed, state television PTV reported. [...]

There have been at least two past attempts to assassinate the Pakistani leader.

Both attacks failed, one when a car packed with explosives failed to detonate as Musharraf passed on a congested road in the southern port city of Karachi. Five militants were arrested for involvement in that attack.

Musharraf earned the wrath of hard-line Islamic groups after he choose to abandon the Taliban regime of neighboring Afghanistan and back the U.S.-led war against Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda regime.

Our best ally in the war on terror continues to be the terrorists themselves, here doing their best to give the most important world leader, in terms of exterminating extremists in his own nation, a very personal stake in the fight.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:20 PM


Cultural gulf may divide the country (TED BYFIELD, 12/14/03, Edmonton Sun)

Why are Americans and Canadians becoming so different?

I think both have changed. Americans, after all, have taken the leadership of the free world. Countries that assume the role of leadership must face realities other countries need not face. They must be more disciplined, less given to frivolity and whim, more ready to face financial facts, and always prepared to back up what they say with physical force. People who live in such countries develop a certain pragmatic realism, and that realism makes them far more ready to serve and to pray.

Europeans no longer carry this burden. They easily forget that without the Americans they would certainly be part of the Soviet slave state today. The U.S. rescued them from this, and their lofty "independence of mind" dates from the fall of the Soviet system. Canada has changed too. Where we once at least modestly shared this role with the Americans, we have now exempted ourselves from it. We can take a far more leisurely view, airily looking down upon them, offering advice and criticism on how they might better do the job. We don't pray much anymore because, unlike them, we are not dependent on God. We're dependent on the United States.

Canadian resistance to this new ultra-liberal Canada is not confined to the "old" and the "rural." Far more, it is a geographic gulf. Its political manifestation was the Reform and Alliance parties which fairly well swept the prairies and British Columbia outside the Vancouver area. This means the cultural gulf is also a geographic gulf. Therefore, if it became serious - and this kind of thing can become very serious indeed - it could break the country in two. The people who matter in Canada - meaning those who live and rule in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal - do not consider such an eventuality remotely possible. Very soon the West will fall into line, they say.
That's one possibility. Another is that as the West discovers it has more in common with the Americans than it has with Ontario and Quebec, its true allegiance will lean far more southward than eastward. To me, this seems altogether probable, particularly as we find out that our true economic interest lies much more southward as well.

We're always willing to welcome new Red States.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:54 PM

A thought--triggered by Walter Russell Mead on NPR--now that they can't count on a triumphant Saddam to repay their loans, Old Europe will have to be more forthcoming on the odious debt they hold.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:33 PM


Giving Thomas Jefferson the Business: The Jefferson-Hemings Hoax (Nicholas Stix, December 2003, A Different Drummer)

In July, the New York Times published articles by Jefferson descendant, Lucian Truscott IV, and Times staffers James Dao and Brent Staples, insisting that “ most everyone knows” (Truscott) that Jefferson had fathered some or all of Hemings’ children. Dao alleged that “compelling” DNA evidence existed, while Staples spoke of a “new reality” that vindicated the claims made for generations by “the black oral tradition.”

Truscott, Dao, and Staples all left out of their tales, that there is no evidence that Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings ever were lovers, that based on genetic evidence, any one of at least 25 men on Jefferson’s side of the family may have fathered one or more of Hemings’ children (Jefferson family historian Herbert Barger argues persuasively that Jefferson’s brother, Randolph, was Hemings’ lover.), and that the Jefferson paternity story was born as the fabrication of a disappointed office seeker (James Thomson Callender) with a history of libeling the Founding Fathers. Truscott and Staples resorted instead to insinuating that only a racist would deny the story. [...]

The modern turning point in the hoax came with black law professor Annette Gordon-Reed’s 1997 book, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. Gordon-Reed uncritically accepted certain black oral traditions, heaped abuse on leading Jefferson biographers, and misrepresented the contents of an 1858 letter by Jefferson’s granddaughter, Ellen Randolph Coolidge, to her husband, in which Coolidge had denied the possibility of a Jefferson-Hemings liaison.

Bryan Craig, research librarian at the Jefferson Library, at Monticello, Jefferson’s estate, faxed this reporter a photocopy of the original Coolidge letter.

The letter actually said, "His [Jefferson’s] apartments had no private entrance not perfectly accessible and visible to all the household. No female domestic ever entered his chambers except at hours when he was known not to be there and none could have entered without being exposed to the public gaze."

In Prof. Gordon-Reed’s hands, the second sentence changed, as if by magic, to "No female domestic ever entered his chambers except at hours when he was known not to be in the public gaze." Gordon-Reed’s changes turned the letter’s meaning on its head, supporting claims that Jefferson could have had secret trysts with Hemings. Either Gordon-Reed committed one of the most dramatic copying errors in the annals of academia, or one of the most egregious acts of academic fraud of the past generation.

Ironically, it was Prof. Gordon-Reed, who politely, promptly, directed me to the Jefferson Library, where I obtained a copy of the original Coolidge letter. After I e-mailed her three times about the discrepancy, Prof. Gordon-Reed finally responded, “As to the discrepancy, there was an error in
transcription in my book. It was corrected for future printings.”

In January, 2000, a panel of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation (TJMF, since renamed the Thomas Jefferson Foundation), which owns Jefferson’s Monticello home, released its Monticello report claiming there was a “strong likelihood” that Jefferson had fathered ALL of Hemings’ children. The “scholars” who prepared the tendentious, 2000 Monticello report, led by
Prof. Gordon-Reed’s reported friends, Dianne Swann-Wright and Lucia Stanton, could not be bothered to study the original Coolidge letter, and instead cited the false version published in Gordon-Reed’s book. Likewise, in 2000, Boston PBS station, WGBH, presented a “documentary,” Jefferson’s Blood, which perpetuated the hoax. The Monticello Report still cites the altered Coolidge letter (on p. 6, under "Primary Sources", and the PBS/WGBH web site for Jefferson’s Blood still has the phony version posted, in its entirety,
three years after it was proven to be false, a practice typical of the Jefferson-Hemings hoax industry as a whole.

The Jefferson/Hemmings issue fascinates because if they did have a relationship it would force us to cast judgment on Jefferson in a way that his support for slavery does not. American slavery, premised on the inferiority of blacks, may be repellant to us moderns but is coherent morally. If blacks truly were inferior, were sub-human and not full moral beings with God-given dignity, then their enslavement was justifiable, though pretty clearly self-destructive for the slave masters and their society. (Think of it in these terms: two hundred years from now, the current sharp divide over abortion will likely be viewed, almost universally, as a dark moment in the history of the West. But we have no way of knowing now whether Judeo-Christianity will prevail and the darkness will be seen to come from the destruction of hundreds of millions of fellow humans, or whether secular rationalism will prevail and the darkness will be seen as stemming from the oppression of women who wanted to obtain a mere medical procedure. Regardless of who wins, some considerable portion of the American populace in this age will be seen as moral monsters by the next.) Mind, when we recognize American slavery as having been wrong it is not the details of slavery itself--we have no similar quarrel with having draft animals or tractors work the fields--but the fact of having treated human beings as though they were inhuman.

What would make Thomas Jefferson's possible sexual relationship with Sally Hemmings troubling then--or that of anyone who believed slavery to be morally justified--would be precisely that it could not, by definition, be a relationship between equals, if he viewed blacks as not fully human. It would be the moral equivalent of practicing bestiality. Where Jefferson's voews on slavery can be put down to a tragic misunderstanding about blacks, to have then used a black woman for sexual pleasure would be immoral even by those mistaken standards. We'd like to think Jefferson was merely wrong, not truly immoral.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:16 AM


'Ladies and gentlemen: we got him!' (UPI, 12/14/03)

U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein without firing a shot after learning he was hiding at a farm house near Tikrit, Iraq, officials said.

Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said members of the Fourth Infantry Division found Saddam hiding in a "spider hole" about six to eight feet deep. Troops also recovered various small arms, a taxicab nearby and $750,000 in cash, just south of Tikrit.

There were no injuries, and Sanchez described Saddam as "talkative and cooperative." [...]

Iraqis and Americans broke out in applause and cheers at the news of his capture. Outside the building, celebratory gunfire filled the air, said United Press International's Beth Potter.

"This is a great day in Iraq's history," Bremer said. "For decades hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have suffered at the hands of this cruel man. For decades he has threatened and attacked your neighbors. Those days are over forever. Now is the time to look to a future of hope and reconciliation. Iraq's future has never been more full of hope. The tyrant is history. The economy is growing."

Iraq Council Confirms Saddam Caught Alive (HAMZA HENDAWI, December 14, 2003, The Associated Press)

U.S. military captured Saddam Hussein alive in his hometown of Tikrit on Sunday, eight months after the fall of Baghdad, the Iraqi Governing Council said. Celebratory gunfire erupted in Baghdad.

The statement said Saddam was captured in a joint operation by troops from the U.S.-led coalition and Kurdish Iraqi forces.

"He was wearing a fake beard and laboratory tests have proven his identity beyond any doubt," said the statement. [...]

Saddam was trapped in a cellar, dug a hole and buried himself as U.S. soldiers moved into the house where he was hiding, an Iraqi official said Sunday.

"The American soldiers had to use shovels to dig him out," Entifadh Qanbar, spokesman for Governing Council member Ahmad Chalabi, told The Associated Press.

Hiding in a hole?
Official: Saddam dug hole to hide himself (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 12/14/03)
Saddam Hussein, trapped in a cellar, dug a hole and buried himself as U.S. soldiers moved into the house where he was hiding, an Iraqi official said Sunday.

"The American soldiers had to use shovels to dig him out," Entifadh Qanbar, spokesman for Governing Council member Ahmad Chalabi, told The Associated Press.

They don't make martyrs like they used to...
Thank God He's Alive (Lee Harris, 12/14/2003, Tech Central Station)
I say this, not because I have a soft spot in my heart for ruthless tyrants, but because only a living, breathing Saddam Hussein has the power to destroy the illusionary Saddam Hussein that, like The Wizard of Oz, seemed so vastly greater than life size to those whom he had so long terrorized. Just as Dorothy and her friends needed to see the small and insignificant little man feverishly manipulating the switches and pulleys behind curtain, in order to free their minds once and for all of the image of the omnipotent and angry Oz, so the Iraqi people needed to see the small and insignificant little man who had haunted their collective psyche, and who would have continued to haunt it for as long as it was possible for the Iraqis to imagine that, one day, he would return. That fantasy is now dead, once and for all.

But there is another reason to be thankful that Saddam Hussein is alive. The man who called upon his countrymen and fellow Muslims to sacrifice their own lives in suicide attacks, to blow themselves to bits in order to glorify his name, failed to follow his own instructions. He refused the grand opportunity of a martyr's death, or even that of the hardened Hollywood gangster, determined that the cops would never take him alive. Instead, Saddam Hussein surrendered meekly and was, according to the reports, even cooperative.

We took Saddam Hussein alive, and, in doing this, we have done a great deal more than simply knock down a statue of a dictator -- we have vanquished a collective nightmare. We have turned the light on a bogey-man, and revealed him to be a broken old man, hiding fearfully in a six by eight hole.

President Bush Addresses Nation on the Capture of Saddam Hussein (Remarks by the President on the Capture of Saddam Hussein, The Cabinet Room, 12/14/03)
12:15 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Yesterday, December the 13th, at around 8:30 p.m. Baghdad time, United States military forces captured Saddam Hussein alive. He was found near a farmhouse outside the city of Tikrit, in a swift raid conducted without casualties. And now the former dictator of Iraq will face the justice he denied to millions.

President George W. Bush addresses the nation on the capture of Saddam Hussein from the Cabinet Room, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003. White House photo by Eric Draper. The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq. It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name. For the Baathist holdouts largely responsible for the current violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held. For the vast majority of Iraqi citizens who wish to live as free men and women, this event brings further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever.

And this afternoon, I have a message for the Iraqi people: You will not have to fear the rule of Saddam Hussein ever again. All Iraqis who take the side of freedom have taken the winning side. The goals of our coalition are the same as your goals -- sovereignty for your country, dignity for your great culture, and for every Iraqi citizen, the opportunity for a better life.

In the history of Iraq, a dark and painful era is over. A hopeful day has arrived. All Iraqis can now come together and reject violence and build a new Iraq.

The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq. The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate them.

I also have a message for all Americans: The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq. We still face terrorists who would rather go on killing the innocent than accept the rise of liberty in the heart of the Middle East. Such men are a direct threat to the American people, and they will be defeated.

We've come to this moment through patience and resolve and focused action. And that is our strategy moving forward. The war on terror is a different kind of war, waged capture by capture, cell by cell, and victory by victory. Our security is assured by our perseverance and by our sure belief in the success of liberty. And the United States of America will not relent until this war is won.

May God bless the people of Iraq, and may God bless America. Thank you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:00 AM


Mutual Admiration and a Few Jokes: The Correspondence of Harry Truman with Groucho and Harpo Marx (Raymond H. Geselbracht, Spring 2001, Prologue)

President Harry S. Truman's improbable relationship with the zany Marx Brothers of vaudeville and movie fame began as a young man in Kansas City and extended into Truman's tenure in the White House and afterward. But it was not all jokes and laughs— by either the brothers or the thirty-third President— as correspondence in the files of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, reveal.

Harry Truman's association with the Marx Brothers began at some unrecorded time fairly early in Truman's life. From the time he was a young man in his teens, Truman loved vaudeville. He loved almost every kind of live theater, but his favorite was vaudeville. That meant that he went often to the Orpheum Theatre and the Grand Opera House in Kansas City. "Between the time I was about 16 to 20," Truman said when he was President, "I used to go to every vaudeville show that came to Kansas City at the old Orpheum, and at the Grand." He even ushered for a time at the Orpheum so he could get into the show for free. After he started courting Bess Wallace in 1910, he took her to the vaudeville shows.

The Marx Brothers started coming to Kansas City shortly after they moved to Chicago from New York in about 1910. Truman probably came in from the Grandview farm as often as he could to see them. He remembered many years later, when vaudeville was long gone and he was an old man, that he almost never missed a chance to see the Marx Brothers when they were in town.

When Truman became President in the spring of 1945, one of the first problems that came to him was what to do about the survivors of the Holocaust who were living in displaced persons camps in Europe. He had great sympathy with the displaced persons, and he issued a directive in late 1945 intended to allow some of them to immigrate to the United States. Among the many Americans who were concerned about the displaced persons and were following Truman's actions with regard to them was a former vaudevillian whom Truman certainly remembered. On October 8, 1946, Groucho Marx sent Truman a clipping of a Life magazine editorial, "Send Them Here! Europe's Refugees Need a Place to Go and America Needs to Set a World Example." The article claimed that Truman's attempt to help displaced persons to immigrate to the United States had failed. "In God's name[,]" the editorial concluded, "can we go on doing nothing about these DPs?" Groucho asked Truman to consider the article. "I am sure that you are deluged with mail of this sort," he wrote, "but even a president at times can be confused." He added a PS: "Despite all this I propose voting for you in 1948."

Truman responded by sending Groucho a copy of a letter he had recently sent to Senator Walter George of Georgia. "I sincerely wish that every member of the Congress could visit the displaced persons camps in Germany and Austria," Truman wrote, "and see just what is happening to Five Hundred Thousand human beings through no fault of their own." Truman thought if the members of Congress did witness the misery of the displaced persons, they might help him bring some of these people to the United States and find other homes for them. "Your ancestors and mine," Truman concluded, "came to this country to escape just such conditions. There is no place for people to go now unless we can arrange it." [...]

Truman felt the allure of the Marx Brother's zany view of life from the time he was a young man, and he never forgot or renounced it. His memories of the Marx Brothers' riotously irreverent attitude to authority and to all the people and institutions that embodied it might well have contributed to the remarkable humility that he maintained during all the time he held high office. His youthful encounter with the Marx Brothers certainly encouraged him to recognize, as he always did, that life, among its other mysteries, is fundamentally humorous.

For the Marx Brothers, on the other hand, Truman was the President whose heart was rightly positioned on the refugee issue after World War II and who recognized and supported Israel. Though it is not recorded in the correspondence in the Truman Library's holdings, they must have recognized that Truman felt strongly the need to bring social justice to all Americans and to bring what was best in American life to people all over the world. In any event, Groucho voted for Truman the only time he could, in 1948, and would have voted for him again; one thinks the same is true of Harpo.

Truman was obviously a terrible president, but, unlike some other terrible presidents (Wilson, LBJ, Nixon, etc.), one doesn't doubt that his heart was rightly positioned.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 AM

HARMLESS (via Kevin Whited):

Contradictions at the Heart of Rubinomics
: a review of In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington By Robert E. Rubin and Jacob Weisberg (R. Glenn Hubbard, November 18, 2003, Financial Times)

Rubin's argument has two steps. The first is that an increase in the federal budget surplus, credited to Clinton's 1993 tax increase, reduced US real interest rates, affecting investment decisions. There is something to this story: a decline in government borrowing by a large open economy like the US should exert modest downward pressure on the world's real interest rate. The key word is "modest". Calculations by the Clinton Council of Economic Advisers suggest an effect that is an order of magnitude smaller than Rubin argues. But here he asserts that the current real interest rate on 10-year Treasury bonds would be 90 per cent lower without the recent deficits. There is no sign the author questions the plausibility of this outcome.

Moreover, as even Rubin acknowledges, surplus-enhancing measures signed by George Bush Sr, a decline in defence spending, and congressional spending restraint played a leading role in deficit reduction. According to 1996 numbers from the Congressional Budget Office, only Dollars 26bn of deficit reduction between 1992 and 1995 was the result of Clinton policies (and even this was after the "stimulus package" and healthcare plan had died in Congress).

More troubling is the second step in Rubin's explanation of the 1990s boom--the effect of interest rates on investment and growth--which exposes internal contradictions in the argument. Investment is importantly affected by the cost of capital, which depends on tax factors, the cost of financing and depreciation. But Rubin dismisses effects of changes in tax rates on behaviour and stresses the effects of interest rates: companies respond if interest rates drop and lower their cost of capital, but they do not respond if taxes drop. This view is unusual, to say the least. Most economic research suggests that both interest rates and taxes should matter, a few papers suggest that neither should, but no analysis documents Rubin's hypothesised asymmetric response. Such is the foundation of Rubinomics.

To the extent that Bill Clinton and his economic team deserve credit for the boom of the '90s that credit largely consists of not screwing up what they were handed. The most important thing they inherited from Reagan/Bush was the post-Cold War peace dividend--a halving of the defense budget that (along with economic growth itself) accounted for nearly the entire shift from deficit to surplus. In this regard, they were lucky that the tax hike they passed was so small as to be overwhelmed by the far more massive megatrends with which they had little to do. Secondly, they had the good sense to buck the Democratic party, signing the two trade agreements initiated by Ronald Reagan and passed by congressional Republicans. Not screwing up is a genuine accomplishment for any government, but the least we should ask for.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 AM


Want to Build a Bridge? (DAVID MACAULAY, 12/14/03, NY Times)

This Friday, on Dec. 19, New York's Williamsburg Bridge will turn 100. Leffert L. Buck, the chief engineer, finished his plans for the bridge in 1896. At the time, the Brooklyn Bridge, then only 13 years old, was already carrying considerably more people and vehicles than its builders had predicted. To accommodate the expected heavy commuter traffic between the Lower East Side and the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, Buck envisioned a bridge approximately half again as wide as its more famous neighbor, with 10 rather than six lanes for trains, trolleys and carriages. There would also be two paths for pedestrians. (The Brooklyn Bridge has only one.)

While the Williamsburg Bridge would never rival John and Washington Roebling's creation in the hearts of New Yorkers, it did find other ways to distinguish itself. At 1,600 feet, its main span is four and a half feet longer than that of the Brooklyn Bridge. For 20 years, in fact, it held the title of the world's longest suspension bridge.

Even if it were shorter, though, the Williamsburg Bridge would still be worthy of celebration. [...]

[Y]ou can honor the bridge by building your own model of it. Click on the link above right, under "Multimedia," for instructions for cutting up the Op-Ed page (not something that's generally encouraged) and constructing a smaller version of Leffert Buck's creation. It won't be easy. You'll need a copying machine, some heavy paper (I used cover stock), glue, tape, an X-Acto knife and patience. But think of it this way. It took seven years to build a bridge that's lasted a century. You can have your own version in only a few hours — and who knows how long the pleasure will last.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:34 AM


Humanity? Maybe It's in the Wiring (SANDRA BLAKESLEE, 12/09/03, NY Times)

Neuroscientists have given up looking for the seat of the soul, but they are still seeking what may be special about human brains, what it is that provides the basis for a level of self-awareness and complex emotions unlike those of other animals.

Most recently they have been investigating circuitry rather than specific locations, looking at pathways and connections that are central in creating social emotions, a moral sense, even the feeling of free will.

There are specialized neurons at work, as well — large, cigar-shaped cells called spindle cells.

The only other animals known to have such cells are the great apes. These neurons are exceptionally rich in filaments. And they appear to broadcast socially relevant signals all over the brain. [...]

In humans, the experience of any intense emotion — love, anger, lust — activates the anterior cingulate. It is active during demanding tasks and when people make errors. The harder the task, the more activation.

Spindle cells probably first appeared 10 million to 15 million years ago in a common ancestor of apes, hominids and humans, Dr. Allman said. Today these rare neurons are 5 to 40 times as abundant in humans as in apes. Spindle cells may help people register the general appropriateness of transactions or events, he said. They are a teaching system that takes output from social emotion circuits — I feel good about this, I don't feel good about that — and sends it all over the cortex for further action to occur.

Spindle cells are not present at birth. They appear around age 4 months and gradually increase during the second and third year of life, the same time that guilt and embarrassment appear. As children develop a sense of moral judgment, the frontal lobes and spindle cell system continue to expand.

No neuroscientist would make a leap to say that this is where the conscience or sense of free will is lodged. But if one imagined a single location for these fundamental aspects of human nature, this would be the place.

Which would suggest that Peter Singer is about one/third right, and infanticide should be allowed for the first four months of life, though not the full year he's argued for.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:13 AM


Union vs. Union on Iowa Campaign Battleground: Iowa has become the epicenter of a fierce labor battle between supporters of Richard A. Gephardt and Howard Dean. (RACHEL L. SWARNS, 12/14/03, NY Times)

A coalition of unions, including steelworkers, machinists and others, has already broadcast two television advertisements and started mobilizing its 95,000 members to try to slow Dr. Dean's momentum. And with unions vowing to flood the state with volunteers, Iowa has become the epicenter of one of the fiercest labor battles in more than a decade.

Twenty-one unions are backing Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri while three others — including two of the nation's largest unions — are supporting Dr. Dean, the former governor of Vermont. The two men are locked in a struggle for primacy in next month's Iowa caucus, and the stakes are high because many labor officials believe that the caucus, the first of the Democratic nominating contests, may determine who will ultimately face President Bush in next year's general election.

The decision by Al Gore, the 2000 Democratic presidential candidate, to endorse Dr. Dean this week has only lent a sense of urgency to the struggle, leaving Mr. Gephardt's backers increasingly convinced that it will be nearly impossible to slow Dr. Dean's momentum unless Mr. Gephardt can stop him here.

"It's trench warfare now," said Larry Scanlon, political director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, who moved here last week from Washington to help coordinate his union's efforts on behalf of Dr. Dean. "It's hand-to-hand combat."

It seems hardly a coincidence that the decline of the Democratic Party tracks so closely with the decline of industrial unions and the rise of civil service unions. There's something appealing about a party that fights for factory workers--something repulsive about the party of bureaucrats.

Posted by David Cohen at 8:23 AM


Terrorist behind September 11 strike was trained by Saddam (Con Coughlin, The Telegraph, 12/14/03)

Iraq's coalition government claims that it has uncovered documentary proof that Mohammed Atta, the al-Qaeda mastermind of the September 11 attacks against the US, was trained in Baghdad by Abu Nidal, the notorious Palestinian terrorist.

Details of Atta's visit to the Iraqi capital in the summer of 2001, just weeks before he launched the most devastating terrorist attack in US history, are contained in a top secret memo written to Saddam Hussein, the then Iraqi president, by Tahir Jalil Habbush al-Tikriti, the former head of the Iraqi Intelligence Service. . . .

The second part of the memo, which is headed "Niger Shipment", contains a report about an unspecified shipment - believed to be uranium - that it says has been transported to Iraq via Libya and Syria.

The memo also contained information leading to Saddam's capture, and had a detailed recount of the Florida vote confirming George Bush's decisive victory despite an Iraqi operation to throw the vote to Al Gore.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:43 AM


In Archimedes' Puzzle, a New Eureka Moment (GINA KOLATA, 12/14/03, NY Times)

Twenty-two hundred years ago, the great Greek mathematician Archimedes wrote a treatise called the Stomachion. Unlike his other writings, it soon fell into obscurity. Little of it survived, and no one knew what to make of it.

But now a historian of mathematics at Stanford, sifting through ancient parchment overwritten by monks and nearly ruined by mold, appears to have solved the mystery of what the treatise was about. In the process, he has opened a surprising new window on the work of the genius best remembered (perhaps apocryphally) for his cry of "Eureka!" when he discovered a clever way to determine whether a king's crown was pure gold.

The Stomachion, concludes the historian, Dr. Reviel Netz, was far ahead of its time: a treatise on combinatorics, a field that did not come into its own until the rise of computer science.

The goal of combinatorics is to determine how many ways a given problem can be solved. And finding the number of ways that the problem posed in the Stomachion (pronounced sto-MOCK-yon) can be solved is so difficult that when Dr. Netz asked a team of four combinatorics experts to do it, it took them six weeks.

Now if someone would just get cracking on Zeno's Paradox...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 AM


Democrats & culture issues (Bruce Reed & Ed Kilgore, 12/13/2003, UPI)

Since every move the Bush White House makes -- on the war, late-term abortion, taxes -- is designed to drive new wedges into the electorate, every Democrat had better have a survival plan for Wedgie World.

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean recently went to South Carolina to explain his plan for dealing with divisive cultural issues: change the subject. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Dean was asked by Chris Wallace about the meaning of his stock-speech line: "I am tired of coming to the South and fighting elections on guns, God and gays. We're going to fight this election on our turf, which is going to be jobs, education and healthcare."

The heart of Dean's reply was: "Why can't we talk about jobs, healthcare and education, which is what we all have in common, instead of allowing the Republicans to consistently divide us by talking about guns, God, gays, abortion and all this controversial social stuff that we're not going to come to an agreement on?"

We're not sure which is more doomed to fail -- the naïve hope that if we just change the subject, divisive issues will go away, or the condescending idea that Americans who care passionately about "all this controversial social stuff" should move on and care about something else.

As Clinton showed time and again, the way to deal with divisive issues is to actually deal with them.

One of the things that's going unnoticed as Mr. Dean claws his way to the top of the dwarfpile is what a lightweight he is. Even setting aside how far his campaign is out of the mainstream of middle America, Democrats have to be worried about how badly he's handled himself each time one of these dustups has occurred.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:24 AM


Religion: For Dummies: Scientist Richard Dawkins on Darwin, the Sistine Chapel, and why the world would be better off without religion. (Interview by Laura Sheahen, BeliefNet)

[Q:] You say religion is so ingrained in society that it's like a computer virus. Can it really be eradicated?

[A:] Only by education and reason. If people realize that it might be a virus, and saw its resemblance to a virus, they might say, "That's right. That's the way it feels." It's teaching people to think for themselves, rather than just believe and take things on faith.

The parochialism of such people is just appalling. Were he not so wedded to his speciesism, anthropomorphism and moralism, Mr. Dawkins would be able to more clearly consider the beauty of the virus, the way in which it has evolved perfectly. As he says in his book, The Selfish Gene: "We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment." Viruses are, of course, just as much survival machines, and this one has created a host population which has allowed it to massively extend its numbers. That's a truth which should fill him with astonishment, no?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:23 AM


Americans are latest crusaders (James P. Pinkerton, December 12, 2003, Newsday)

The West is no longer "Christendom," but we, as first cousins to the Europeans, retain the old faith and bring new kinds of idealism, such as democracy and human rights. But the Crusader spirit is still there; it's still about bringing civilization and salvation of a backward people. As the born-again George W. Bush says, "This is about good vs. evil."

Of course, the Bush administration has made other arguments, too: that the war against Iraq was, in fact, defensive. And that's the way many regarded the earlier Crusades: as a pre-emptive war against evil. Here's the same Catholic Encyclopedia: "From the outset the Crusades were defensive wars and checked the advance of the Mohammedans who, for two centuries, concentrated their forces in a struggle against the Christian settlements in Syria."

Syria. That country was ancient when the upstart Muslims conquered Damascus in 636. It's seen more wars than almost any other place, and yet many believe that peace in the Middle East depends on political decisions made by the Syrians - or imposed on the Syrians. So I need to make my own trek to Damascus, armed with nothing more than a little knowledge about its history and a lot of curiosity about its future. Because I have the feeling that, back in America, the 13th Crusade is being planned.

Mr. Pinkerton has never quite gotten over the fact that the paradigm shift he predicted never materialized and the country's shifting back towards Christendom instead, so you can see why the war upsets him so.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:09 AM


The Truth About the Spanish Inquisition: Because it was both professional and efficient, the Spanish Inquisition kept very good records. Vast archives are filled with them. These documents are a goldmine for modern historians who have plunged greedily into them. Thus far, the fruits of that research have made one thing abundantly clear - the myth of the Spanish Inquisition has nothing at all to do with the real thing. (Thomas F. Madden, October 2003, Crisis)

The inescapable conclusion is that, by the standards of its time, the Spanish Inquisition was positively enlightened. That was the assessment of most Europeans until 1530. It was then that the Spanish Inquisition turned its attention away from the conversos and toward the new Protestant Reformation. The people of Spain and their monarchs were determined that Protestantism would not infiltrate their country as it had Germany and France. The Inquisition's methods did not change. Executions and torture remained rare. But its new target would forever change its image.

By the mid-16th century, Spain was the wealthiest and most powerful country in Europe. King Philip II saw himself and his countrymen as faithful defenders of the Catholic Church. Less wealthy and less powerful were Europe's Protestant areas, including the Netherlands, northern Germany, and England. But they did have a potent new weapon: the printing press. Although the Spanish defeated Protestants on the battlefield, they would lose the propaganda war. These were the years when the famous "Black Legend" of Spain was forged. Innumerable books and pamphlets poured from northern presses accusing the Spanish Empire of inhuman depravity and horrible atrocities in the New World. Opulent Spain was cast as a place of darkness, ignorance, and evil. Although modern scholars have long ago discarded the Black Legend, it still remains very much alive today. Quick: Think of a good conquistador.

Protestant propaganda that took aim at the Spanish Inquisition drew liberally from the Black Legend. But it had other sources as well. From the beginning of the Reformation, Protestants had difficulty explaining the 15-century gap between Christ's institution of His Church and the founding of the Protestant churches. Catholics naturally pointed out this problem, accusing Protestants of having created a new church separate from that of Christ. Protestants countered that their church was the one created by Christ but that it had been forced underground by the Catholic Church. Thus, just as the Roman Empire had persecuted Christians, so its successor, the Roman Catholic Church, continued to persecute them throughout the Middle Ages. Inconveniently, there were no Protestants in the Middle Ages, yet Protestant authors found them anyway in the guise of various medieval heresies. (They were underground, after all.) In this light, the medieval Inquisition was nothing more than an attempt to crush the hidden, true church. The Spanish Inquisition, still active and extremely efficient at keeping Protestants out of Spain, was for Protestant writers merely the latest version of this persecution. Mix liberally with the Black Legend, and you have everything you need to produce tract after tract about the hideous and cruel Spanish Inquisition. And so they did.

The Spanish people loved their Inquisition. That is why it lasted for so long. It stood guard against error and heresy, protecting the faith of Spain and ensuring the favor of God. But the world was changing. In time, Spain's empire faded away. Wealth and power shifted to the north, in particular to France and England. By the late 17th century, new ideas of religious tolerance were bubbling across the coffeehouses and salons of Europe. Inquisitions, both Catholic and Protestant, withered. The Spanish stubbornly held on to theirs, and for that, they were ridiculed. French philosophers like Voltaire saw in Spain a model of the Middle Ages: weak, barbaric, superstitious. The Spanish Inquisition, already established as a bloodthirsty tool of religious persecution, was derided by Enlightenment thinkers as a brutal weapon of intolerance and ignorance. A new, fictional Spanish Inquisition had been constructed, designed by the enemies of Spain and the Catholic Church.

Because it was both professional and efficient, the Spanish Inquisition kept very good records. Vast archives are filled with them. These documents were kept secret, so there was no reason for scribes to do anything but accurately record every action of the Inquisition. They are a goldmine for modern historians who have plunged greedily into them. Thus far, the fruits of that research have made one thing abundantly clear - the myth of the Spanish Inquisition has nothing at all to do with the real thing.

Those who hate religion are certainly entitled to their myths too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:03 AM


Gore's Hands of Stone (Washington Post, December 14, 2003)

Al Gore, to paraphrase Abba Eban, never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. There he was last week, throwing his considerable weight behind Howard Dean and giving the former Vermont governor a potentially decisive edge in the Democratic presidential competition.

But in doing so, he neglected to alert his former running mate, Joe Lieberman (Conn.), who loyally promised that he would not run if Gore did. And the manner in which he handled Lieberman also antagonized a great many of his former aides -- not a few of whom are distributed among the other presidential campaigns.

Many former Gore staffers and aides sent e-mails to Gore and left phone messages for him to express their dismay. The complaints, according to one member of the former Gore staffers' peanut gallery, ranged from "disappointed" to lamenting that he had "hurt his legacy and stature in the Democratic Party." And there was a biting voice mail from a 2000 campaign worker asking: "Haven't you done enough harm to the party already?"

One prominent Gore aide from the 2000 campaign said the Lieberman slight reminded him of a nickname aides secretly gave the candidate four years ago. Playing off of his Secret Service code name, Robert Stone, they dubbed him "Los Manos de Piedras," or "hands of stone" -- a reverse-Midas knack of touching potential political gold and somehow turning it to stone. "It is the unique skill of being able to engender the greatest amount of enmity from the largest number of people," the former aide said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:55 AM


Ideological Opposition to Darwin's Five Theories (Ernst Mayr, One Long Argument)

I consider it necessary to dissect Darwin's conceptual framework of evolution into a number of major theories that formed the basis of his evolutionary thinking. For the sake of convenience, I have partitioned Darwin's evolutionary paradigm into five theories, but of course others might prefer a different division. The selected theories are by no means all of Darwin's evolutionary theories; others were, for instance, sexual selection, pangenesis, effect of use and disuse, and character divergence. However when later authors referred to Darwin's theory thay invariably had a combination of some of the following five theories in mind:

1. Evolution as such. This is the theory that the world is not constant or recently created nor perpetually cycling, but rather is steadily changing, and that organisms are transformed in time.

2. Common descent. This is the theory that every group of organisms descended from a common ancestor, and that all groups of organisms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms, ultimately go back to a single origin of life on earth.

3. Multiplication of species. This theory explains the origin of the enormous organic diversity. It postulates that species multiply, either by splitting into daughter species or by "budding", that is, by the establishment of geographically isloated founder populations that evolve into new species.

4. Gradualism. According to this theory, evolutionary change takes place through the gradual change of populations and not by the sudden (saltational) production of new individuals that represent a new type.

5. Natural selection. According to this theory, evolutionary change comes about throught the abundant production of genetic variation in every generation. The relatively few individuals who survive, owing to a particularly well-adapted combination of inheritable characters, give rise to the next generation.

After sufficient prodding, we decided to take a look at Ernst Mayr's supposedly more scientific version (more so than Richard Dawkins) of the modern theory of Darwinism. As you can see from the above, it's not much different than Dawkins's-- "the minimal theory that evolution is guided in adaptively nonrandom directions by the nonrandom survival of small random hereditary changes."--though certainly more verbose. What's startling though is the degree to which it's anti-scientific.

The first two subtheories are fairly uncontroversial. Everyone accepts that evolution has occurred, that species today are different than those which preceded them, and that even within a species change occurs over time. The middle subtheory, that geography influences species, seems confirmed, in part, by observation--which is to say that penguins seem better adapted to cold than emus--though it concludes with a mere assertion that this is sufficient to cause new species to arise too. The fourth seems somewhat Jesuitical--a rebuke to Stephen Jay Gould's punctuated equilibrium thinking--though neither is based on evidence. Finally, the last is simply false. We see no evidence that there is significant genetic variation in every generation of any species, while the notion that few individuals survive from each generation, never mind so few that we can say they are better adapted than their less mutated brethren, is risible. The problem for Darwinism is that the last subtheory--natural selection--is the thread by which the whole project hangs and it is wrong on its face.

So, what's going on here? If Ernst Mayr is the avatar of neo-Darwinism, how can his version of the theory be so weak as to not withstand basic scrutiny? Well, Mr. Mayr gives up the game easily when he disavows the idea of Darwinism as a physical science and describes it instead as a philosophy or a historical narrative, Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought: This article is based on the September 23, 1999, lecture that Mayr delivered in Stockholm on receiving the Crafoord Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (Ernst Mayr)

Darwin founded a new branch of life science, evolutionary biology. Four of his contributions to evolutionary biology are especially important, as they held considerable sway beyond that discipline. The first is the non-constancy of species, or the modern conception of evolution itself. The second is the notion of branching evolution, implying the common descent of all species of living things on earth from a single unique origin. Up until 1859, all evolutionary proposals, such as that of naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, instead endorsed linear evolution, a teleological march toward greater perfection that had been in vogue since Aristotle's concept of Scala Naturae, the chain of being. Darwin further noted that evolution must be gradual, with no major breaks or discontinuities. Finally, he reasoned that the mechanism of evolution was natural selection.

These four insights served as the foundation for Darwin's founding of a new branch of the philosophy of science, a philosophy of biology. Despite the passing of a century before this new branch of philosophy fully developed, its eventual form is based on Darwinian concepts. For example, Darwin introduced historicity into science. Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain.

-ERNST MAYR: WHAT EVOLUTION IS: Introduction by Jared Diamond (Edge, 10.31.01)
EDGE: To what extent has the study of evolutionary biology been the study of ideas about evolutionary biology? Is evolution the evolution of ideas, or is it a fact?

ERNST MAYR: That's a very good question. Because of the historically entrenched resistance to the thought of evolution, documented by modern-day creationism, evolutionists have been forced into defending evolution and trying to prove that it is a fact and not a theory. Certainly the explanation of evolution and the search for its underlying ideas has been somewhat neglected, and my new book, the title of which is What Evolution Is, is precisely attempting to rectify that situation. It attempts to explain evolution. As I say in the first section of the book, I don't need to prove it again, evolution is so clearly a fact that you need to be committed to something like a belief in the supernatural if you are at all in disagreement with evolution. It is a fact and we don't need to prove it anymore. Nonetheless we must explain why it happened and how it happens.

One of the surprising things that I discovered in my work on the philosophy of biology is that when it comes to the physical sciences, any new theory is based on a law, on a natural law. Yet as several leading philosophers have stated, and I agree with them, there are no laws in biology like those of physics. Biologists often use the word law, but for something to be a law, it has to have no exceptions. A law must be beyond space and time, and therefore it cannot be specific. Every general truth in biology though is specific. Biological "laws" are restricted to certain parts of the living world, or certain localized situations, and they are restricted in time. So we can say that their are no laws in biology, except in functional biology which, as I claim, is much closer to the physical sciences, than the historical science of evolution.

EDGE: Let's call this Mayr's Law.

MAYR: Well in that case, I've produced a number of them. Anyhow the question is, if scientific theories are based on laws and there aren't any laws in biology, well then how can you say you have theories, and how do you know that your theories are any good? That's a perfectly legitimate question. Of course our theories are based on something solid, which are concepts. If you go through the theories of evolutionary biology you find that they are all based on concepts such as natural selection, competition, the struggle for existence, female choice, male dominance, etc. There are hundreds of such concepts. In fact, ecology consists almost entirely of such basic concepts. Once again you can ask, how do you know they're true? The answer is that you can know this only provisionally by continuous testing and you have to go back to historical narratives and other non-physicalist methods to determine whether your concept and the consequences that arise from it can be confirmed.

EDGE: Is biology a narrative based of our times and how we look at the world?

MAYR: It depends entirely on when in the given age of the intellectual world you ask these questions. For instance when Darwin published The Origin of Species, the leading Cambridge University geologist was Sedgwick, and Sedgwick wrote a critique of Darwin's Origin that asked how Darwin could be so unscientific as to use chance in some of his arguments, when everyone knew that God controlled the world? Now who was more scientific, Darwin or Sedgwick? This was in 1860 and now, 140 years later, we recognize how much this critique was colored by the beliefs of that time. The choice of historical narratives is also very time-bound. Once you recognize this, you cease to question their usefulness. There are a number of such narratives that are as ordinary as proverbs and yet still work.

EDGE: Darwin is bigger than ever. Why?

MAYR: One of my themes is that Darwin changed the foundations of Western thought. He challenged certain ideas that had been accepted by everyone, and we now agree that he was right and his contemporaries were wrong. Let me just illuminate some of them. One such idea goes back to Plato who claimed that there were a limited number of classes of objects and each class of objects had a fixed definition. Any variation between entities in the same class was only accidental and the reality was an underlying realm of absolutes.

EDGE: How does that pertain to Darwin?

MAYR: Well Darwin showed that such essentialist typology was absolutely wrong. Darwin, though he didn't realize it at the time, invented the concept of biopopulation, which is the idea that the living organisms in any assemblage are populations in which every individual is uniquely different, which is the exact opposite of such a typological concept as racism. Darwin applied this populational idea quite consistently in the discovery of new adaptations though not when explaining the origin of new species.

Another idea that Darwin refuted was that of teleology, which goes back to Aristotle. During Darwin's lifetime, the concept of teleology, or the use of ultimate purpose as a means of explaining natural phenomena, was prevalent. In his Critique of Pure Reason, Kant based his philosophy on Newton's laws. When he tried the same approach in a philosophy of living nature, he was totally unsuccessful. Newtonian laws didn't help him explain biological phenomena. So he invoked Aristotle's final cause in his Critique of Judgement. However, explaining evolution and biological phenomena with the idea of teleology was a total failure.

To make a long story short, Darwin showed very clearly that you don't need Aristotle's teleology because natural selection applied to bio-populations of unique phenomena can explain all the puzzling phenomena for which previously the mysterious process of teleology had been invoked.

Out of all that, the comparison to Aristotle and Plato, etc., we might extract just this: "Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science - the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain." In other words, Darwinism is really just a replacement Creation myth, one that tries to displace God and substitute Nature in explaining how the world around us came into being.

Mr. Mayr states this himself, in no uncertain terms:

"There is indeed one belief that all true original Darwinians held in common, and that was their rejection of creationism, their rejection of special creation. This was the flag around which they assembled and under which they marched. When Hull claimed that "the Darwinians did not totally agree with each other, even over essentials", he overlooked one essential on which all these Darwinians agreed. Nothing was more essential for them than to decide whether evolution is a natural phenomenon or something controlled by God. The conviction that the diversity of the natural world was the result of natural processes and not the work of God was the idea that brought all the so-called Darwinians together in spite of their disagreements on other of Darwin's theories..." (One Long Argument: Charles Darwin and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionary Thought)

It's inappropriate then to even look to Darwinism to offer scientific justifications for itself--it is in no sense a science. Rather, it is an alternative religion and like all religions depends for its validity on the faith of its adherents. So, yes, Mr. Mayr does ultimately offer a more coherent case for Darwinism than does Mr. Dawkins, but it is a less not a more scientific case. It is an argument from faith.

-ESSAY: The concerns of science (Ernst Mayr, July-August 1999, Skeptical Inquirer)
-CV: Ernst Mayr
-Ernst Mayr Library
-PROFILE: Ernst Mayr, Darwin's Disciple (Christine Bahls, Nov. 17, 2003, The Scientist
-PROFILE: The Big Picture: Ernst Mayr: Evolutionary biologist (Beth Potier, Harvard Gazette)
-EXCERPTS: from Ernst Mayr's "Toward a New Philosophy of Biology"
-Ernst Mayr and the Evolutionary Synthesis (
-ESSAY: Nature, Freedom, and Responsibility: Ernst Mayr and Isaiah Berlin (Strachan Donnelley, Winter, 2000, Social Research)
-ARCHIVES: "ernst mayr" (Find Articles)
-REVIEW: of The Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology, Ernst Mayr + William B. Provine (editors) (Danny Yee)
Fred Hoyle, Mathematics of Evolution

"The ability of species to adapt by changing one base pair at a time on any gene, and to do so with comparative rapidity if selective advantages are reasonably large, explains the fine details of the matching of many species to their environment. It was from the careful observation of such matchings by naturalists in the mid-nineteenth century that the Darwinian theory arose. Because the observations were made with extreme care, it was highly probable that immediate inferences drawn from them would prove to be correct, as the work of Chapters 3 to 6 shows to be the case. What was in no way guaranteed by the evidence, however, was that evolutionary inferences correctly made in the small for species and their varieties could be extrapolated to broader taxonomic categories, to kingdoms, divisions, classes, and orders. Yet this is what the Darwinian theory did, and it was by going far outside its guaranteed range of validity that the theory ran into controversies and difficulties which have never been cleared up over more than a century."

December 13, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:25 PM


Colson's List of 50 Insightful Films (BreakPoint Online)

This list was compiled in 1997. Not all films are suitable for all audiences; see the notes with each for disclaimers. [...]

13. Repentance [Monanieba] (1987, PG). This film was banned in the Soviet Union. Ted Baehr's MovieGuide says: "Repentance is the movie that destroyed Communism. This ... magnificent movie exposes the evils of communism ... while lifting up the suffering Church and the triumphant, eternal Church of Christ Jesus." (In Russian with English subtitles.) (directed by Tenghiz Abuladze)

This one is unfamiliar--anyone seen it?

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:06 PM


French Panel Favours Ban on Muslim Head Scarves in Public Schools (Elaine Ganley, 12/10/03, National Post)

A French presidential commission on Thursday backed a ban on Islamic head scarves in public schools - stepping into the wrenching debate over how to preserve the country's secular identity while integrating France's Muslim population, the largest in western Europe.

If it becomes law, the measure would also bar other conspicuous religious symbols, including Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses. The commission spent six months studying the issue and held 120 hearings, collecting testimony from experts across Europe. [...]

For nearly 15 years, France has debated the issue, but it has taken on new life during the past two years with the expulsion of dozens of girls from school for refusing to remove their scarves.

Bernard Stasi, who headed the commission, said the proposed law was aimed at keeping France's strict secular underpinnings intact and at countering "forces that are trying to destabilize the country," a reference to Islamic fundamentalists.”

Secular progressives pride themselves on preaching tolerance, individual freedom and personal choice. Most will hotly deny any desire to interfere with freedom of religion or hold faith up to ridicule. They are fond of reducing symbols and traditions to the charmingly meaningless and of denying transcendental connections to faith, family, community or nation. They usually oppose the proposition that citizens should be restrained for the good of the community, unless a palpable threat of physical harm can be proven. The argument that communities have shared traditional practices and beliefs they should strive to preserve commonly evokes impatience or disdain.

Now, suddenly, we are introduced to something called a “secular underpinning”, apparently so shaky that schoolgirls must be hassled and forced to betray their deepest beliefs to prop it up. A scarf is no longer just a scarf--it is now a totem that, when placed over the head, magically transforms the wearer from giggling high school student to menacing, irrational subversive. This matter of state is so grave that other, completely unthreatening, faiths must be similarly restricted, presumably to avoid having to go to all this trouble again when they start agitating for a theocracy or dabbling in treason.

Thank goodness we’ve put the era of religious prejudice behind us.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:05 PM


Colgate 36, Florida Atlantic 24 (Associated Press, 12/13/03)

Chris Brown threw for 207 yards and three touchdowns and running back Jamaal Branch set three NCAA season records, leading Colgate to a 36-24 victory over Florida Atlantic on Saturday in a Division I-AA semifinal game.

Brown also ran for a score and accounted for 285 of Colgate's 412 yards of total offense, helping the Raiders (15-0) extend their winning streak to 21 games.

Branch rushed 45 times for 130 yards and one touchdown. He eclipsed NCAA records for carries in a season (430), touchdowns (29) and I-AA rushing yards in a season (2,271).

Colgate will face Delaware on Friday in Chattanooga, Tenn., in the title game.

The Red Raiders move on despite the shenanigans of the college football powers, which, having not invited the best team in history to a bowl game, sent Colgate on the road despite their higher seed in the Tournament.

Colgate's Tight End Also Catches A's (PETE THAMEL, 12/13/03, NY Times)

John Frieser's Colgate teammates call him Clark Kent because of his studious glasses, focused classroom demeanor and collection of Superman memorabilia.

The likening to Superman's alter ego fits because Frieser has two distinct identities at Colgate. One is as a sociology and anthropology major with a 3.69 grade-point average who always sits in the front of the class. The other is as a dominating all-Patriot League tight end who is likely to get a shot at playing in the N.F.L. next season.

"If there's a clone for what you want the student-athlete to be, it's him," Colgate Coach Dick Biddle said.

Frieser epitomizes the balance between academics and athletics that has made Colgate (14-0) a surprising participant in the semifinals of the Division I-AA playoffs. Colgate, which plays at Florida Atlantic on Saturday, is the first university from the nonscholarship Patriot League to reach the semifinals of the 16-team tournament.

Colgate's players must be able to compete academically on a campus where the average freshman SAT score is 1,336.

That places a premium on someone like Frieser, a 6-foot-5, 260-pound tight end who also flourishes in the classroom.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:03 PM


Republicans Turn Efforts to the Uninsured (ROBERT PEAR, 12/14/03, NY Times)

Fresh from their victory on Medicare, Congressional Republicans and the Bush administration say they are planning a new initiative to help provide health insurance to people under 65 who have no coverage.

The Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, is developing legislation and said it would be high on his agenda next year.

Just minutes after President Bush signed the Medicare bill on Monday, Dr. Frist said he was turning his attention to the uninsured.

"For my next three years," he said, "that will be the overriding issue. That's the next big challenge."

Details of the package have not been decided. But members of Congress and administration officials said they were considering several proposals: tax credits to help individuals and families buy health insurance; expanded eligibility for existing health programs; and new tools to help small businesses band together and buy insurance.

Democrats are sure to emphasize the issue in the 2004 elections. The Census Bureau recently reported that the number of people without health insurance shot up last year by 2.4 million, the largest increase in a decade, to 43.6 million. From 2000 to 2002, the number of uninsured rose 9.5 percent, as health costs surged and many workers lost coverage provided by employers.

President Bush fulfilled a campaign promise by adding a drug benefit to Medicare, and Republican pollsters say that with a proposal on the uninsured, he could cement his leadership role in an area of policy long claimed by Democrats.

Universal Medical Savings Accounts, starting from birth, with the states and the Feds making the annual contribution for those in poverty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:56 PM


Ex-POW Shoshana Johnson Discharged (Fox News, December 13, 2003)

Shoshana Johnson, who spent 22 days as a prisoner of war in Iraq after being shot during an ambush, was discharged from the Army on Friday.

"Although I am now leaving the Army, I in no way regret my time in the military," Johnson said in a statement.

Johnson was a cook for the 507th Maintenance Company when it was ambushed in March. She was shot in both ankles and captured with five other soldiers, including Jessica Lynch. Nine soldiers died in the ambush.

"To my fallen comrades and their families, my utmost respect, and gratitude for their sacrifices," Johnson said. "Their memory has made me a better person and they will not be forgotten." [...]

Johnson was awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and the Prisoner of War Medal for her service in Iraq.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:24 PM


There Is No Crash Course in Democracy (JOHN F. BURNS, December 14, 2003, NY Times)

Finding ways to mitigate the effects of handing Iraq over to a Shiite-dominated government that might mistreat the Sunnis or simply dominate them is at the heart of the debate among the Americans and Britons who are working on a schedule for a constitution and elections.

At its core, this involves keeping promises made before the invasion that tyrannical centralism would be replaced by a federal system, with a bill of rights protecting minorities and other features to shape a working political relationship among the rival Sunnis, Shiites and Christians, as between Arabs, Kurds and Assyrians.

Nothing like this has ever been tried in Iraq before, and nothing like it, at least on more than paper, has been seen elsewhere in the Arab world. Still, the Americans are betting that Mr. Hussein's ultimate legacy will be, in effect, that past nightmares will draw Iraqis on a path of entrenched individual and group rights, of a firewall separation between church and state, of independence for the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and above all, of tolerance for minorities. In other words, the core of a civil society as understood in the West. [...]

Something closer to a bottom line emerged when they were asked if it wasn't presumptuous to teach basic political principles to the citizens of a land long hailed as the cradle of civilization. Several men said Mr. Mayfield had said nothing new to Iraqis, because it was all written in the Koran anyway. Saddam Hussein, like Iraqi leaders for centuries, they said, was an aberration from Koranic principles, but that didn't mean Islam was at fault, only that it hadn't been properly applied since the Caliphs ruled in Baghdad nearly 1,000 years ago.

To travelers in the Muslim world, this sealed argument, attractive as it is, is unconvincing. The democratic possibilities in the Koran are most intensively studied at Islamic studies centers in Europe and the United States, not in the many Arab states where the propagation of democratic ideas can lead swiftly to prison. If Iraq can prove the exception, against all odds, the American venture here may yet be the landmark its backers have hoped it will be.

One thing seems curious about the contempt of the Left and Buchanaeering Right towards this experiment in Iraq: are their hearts not quickened just a bit by the nobility of the attempt to spread democracy to this benighted region, even if it is ultimately more than a little quixotic?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:12 PM


European Union Cannot Reach Deal on Constitution (JOHN TAGLIABUE, 12/13/03, NY Times)

The leaders of 25 current and imminent members of the European Union failed to reach agreement on Saturday on a draft constitution, stumbling on a problem familiar to Americans: how to apportion power among large and small states.

At issue was a proposal to discard a voting system agreed upon three years ago that gave Spain, a member of the union, and Poland, which joins next year, almost as much voting weight each as Germany, which has more than twice the population of either. Spain and Poland insisted on retaining the expanded rights.

Germany's chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, called the summit "largely a failure," and said, "We don't have a consensus on a constitution here because one or another country put the European ideal behind national interest."

The European ideal? Being dominated by France and Germany?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:37 PM


Corrections (LA Times)

Activist — An article in Monday's Section A included incorrect information about animal rights activist Virgil Butler. It said that Butler took part in the U.S. invasion of Panama, where he recalled killing enemy soldiers, but the Army has no record of his service. The article stated that Butler shot a man to death in the parking lot of a bar and went to prison for manslaughter. In fact, he was convicted of felony burglary, and the shooting could not be confirmed. The article said Butler killed 80,000 birds a shift at a Tyson poultry plant. He did not slaughter every chicken personally but was part of a nine-person team.

It's worthwhile noting that these things are not incidental to the story, but the very hook upon which the author hangs it, A Killing Floor Chronicle: A down-and-out former poultry worker's online memoirs of his gruesome job have electrified animal-rights activists worldwide. (Stephanie Simon, December 8, 2003, LA Times)
PINE RIDGE, Ark. — In his dim trailer in the pines, Virgil Butler writes of killing.

He once shot a man to death in the parking lot of a bar. He served in the American invasion of Panama and recalled killing enemy soldiers at close range. That is not the violence that drives him to his keyboard.

He is haunted, instead, by the nine years he made his way in the world by slaughtering chickens.
In the chilled dark of a Tyson processing plant, Butler killed 80,000 birds a shift. He snapped their legs into shackles so they hung upside down. He slit their throats. Every two seconds, another chicken came at him down the line, squawking and flapping. It was not possible, then, to think much.

But Tyson fired Butler last fall, for reasons the company won't specify. He has time now to think. The man he shot at the bar — that was self-defense. The soldiers he killed — that was war. It's the birds that shadow his sleep. He sits cross-legged on his sagging bed and pulls the keyboard to his lap. "There is blood everywhere…. It's just you and the dying chickens…. You are ashamed to tell others what you do at night while they are asleep in their beds."

Butler writes for hours each day. His words have electrified animal-rights activists around the globe.

Remove the lies and insert the truth and what's left? Dead chickens and very strange dude.

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 1:01 PM


Unused Audio Commentary by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, recorded Summer 2002, for the Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition DVD (Jeff Alexander and Tom Bissell,, 4/22/2003; via Professor Bainbridge)

Chomsky: We should examine carefully what's being established here in the prologue. For one, the point is clearly made that the "master ring," the so-called "one ring to rule them all," is actually a rather elaborate justification for preemptive war on Mordor.

Zinn: I think that's correct. Tolkien makes no attempt to hide the fact that rings are wielded by every other ethnic enclave in Middle Earth. The Dwarves have seven rings, the Elves have three. The race of Man has nine rings, for God's sake. There are at least 19 rings floating around out there in Middle Earth, and yet Sauron's ring is supposedly so terrible that no one can be allowed to wield it. Why?

Chomsky: Notice too that the "war" being waged here is, evidently, in the land of Mordor itself — at the very base of Mount Doom. These terrible armies of Sauron, these dreadful demonized Orcs, have not proved very successful at conquering the neighboring realms — if that is even what Sauron was seeking to do. It seems fairly far-fetched.

The first time was farce too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:50 PM


Refurbishing Bad Ideas (Paul J. Cella, 12/12/2003, Tech Central Station)

Last July, the writer A. N. Wilson reported a particularly ridiculous example of the modern world's insanity.
The British Medical Journal is calling for certain films to be X-rated. Why? Is it because they contain scenes of battle, murder and sudden death? Is it because they are blasphemous or contain explicit bestialism? No, it is because they contain scenes of explicit smoking.
Apparently he was serious. Not long ago New York City outlawed smoking in restaurants, and Florida has followed suit, so it is not so very hard to believe.
I have often thought that the contrast between our public attitude toward smoking (authoritarian) and toward sex (laissez-faire) typifies the special sort of madness that thrives in this decaying civilization. It is a madness of shouting repetition, well intentioned, but sightless: Men begin to refurbish old and despised ideas and apply them ignorantly to new circumstances.
It is as though the extremisms of the past, which in their place were only excesses, have risen from the grave in strange and shadowy forms. So it is that we see Puritanism, with all its blaring contradictions, directing its fierce piety not against a real problem like the problem of sin, but against puny things like tobacco smoke. Some men of the early Modern Age, confronted as we all are by the poison of sin, developed a narrow, momentarily vital, and finally unsustainable system to address it: the Puritan ideal. Infinitely more brassbound, some men of the very late Modern Age have developed a similar system to address the annoyance of hygiene. In colonial Massachusetts adulterous women wore scarlet letters of shame; in postmodern New York dirty smokers are cast out into the street like lepers. I do not say that smoking is an admirable habit; I simply say that the febrile energy with which we undertake to eradicate so minor a thing is evidence of a certain cultural imbalance, a deep-seated misconstrual of reality.

Loathe as we are to disagree with Brother Cella, there's never a bad time to be puritanical and because smoking so disgusting a habit and so discourteous to others, it's a particularly fit subject for Puritans. A couple decades ago conservatives rose up in high dudgeon against MADD and its campaign to stop drunk driving. Up until the early 80s, no one thought twice about hopping in their car to drive home after a night on the town and, dammit, that's the way things were going to stay. Today, thanks to the Puritans, there's been a radical change in social attitudes and it is no longer acceptable to drink and drive. That's a very good thing. Similarly, while it's certainly been helpful to have folks smoke and die before they could collect their Social Security during the period when it was an entitlement paid out of general taxes, as we switch to a privatized plan it seems an ideal time to make smoking socially unacceptable and reap the accompanying improvements in peoples' health, while ridding ourselves of the stench that has accompanied them for far too long.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:24 AM


"Step aside, I'll show thee a president": George W as Henry V?: Political commentators have been claiming Dubya as a modern-day Prince Hal since the 1990s, eager to ascribe a kingly divine right to a ruler who, from his assumption of the throne to his current crusade, lacks justification (Scott Newstrom, PopPolitics)

Some readers of the play ("we happy few," as Henry would say) have pointed out the numerous weaknesses, and disturbing echoes, in the Right-wing version of this analogy, even going so far as to call it claptrap. Major elements of the story glossed over include: the fact that the newly crowned Henry overtly rejects his cronies from his ne'er-do-well youth; the fact that Henry rather awkwardly effaces his responsibility for civilian deaths; the fact that the momentary triumph over France soon resulted in a generation's worth of making "England bleed," with carnage abroad as well as at home in civil wars; the fact that Hal informs us early in Henry IV, part I that he is deliberately misbehaving (few would claim Dubya's youthful hijinks to be part of a visionary plan of redemption -- although, as Mark Crispin Miller has argued, "it suits a politician to have everybody thinking he's a dunce") . . .

But no bother. The audience for this supposedly self-evident connection, I would argue, is not someone who has read the play; rather, it is someone who hasn't, but trusts the cultural authority of Shakespeare. We are thus lulled into recognizing Bush's supposed nobility. Moreover, the precise moment of George/Hal's maturation is usefully malleable, as it has been played and replayed incessantly for half a decade; its most recent occasions include the war in Afghanistan, the announcement of a new preemptive military doctrine, and Bush's address to the United Nations. Even stage directors seem eager to reinforce the reciprocal dynamic between Bush and Henry, with more than one theater company producing Henry V in response to current events. Analogies between Iraq and 'Agincourt' have, inevitably, resulted from Bush's current foreign quarrels. (They might not be so far off the mark, with Republican bumper stickers and buttons proclaiming the slogan "First Iraq, Then France.")

What remains most galling about the loaded way in which the right insists upon the W/V connection is how deeply reactionary it is. The reductive reading of Shakespeare and the reductive reading of history are both lamentable, but perhaps inevitable in a sound-bite world. What isn't inevitable is the conclusion of these readings: that we should celebrate the Bush presidency on account of some rather tenuous (and by no means unproblematic) similarities to a fictionalized king. This is using a cultural authority (Shakespeare) to bolster a political authority (the Bush regime) which, from its inception, has been short on, and even defiant of, the authority necessary to lead a democracy: the consent of the majority of the people.

There's another, simpler, possibility to consider here--the Right encourages the comparison in order to justify war with France.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:13 AM


'Baptized imagination': The creative men and women behind the Lord of the Rings trilogy didn't always accept or understand Tolkien's themes, but his worldview still comes through powerfully in the films. The result is a profoundly Christian vision for the postmodern world (Andrew Coffin, 12/20/03, World)

Mr. Jackson himself isn't sure that he buys all of Tolkien's ideas. "I don't know whether evil exists," he said. "You see stuff happening around the world, and you believe it truly does ... I think evil exists within people. I don't know whether it exists as a force outside of humanity."

Writers Philippa Boyens and Fran Walsh made similar comments on the DVD commentary track for the second film in the series, The Two Towers, addressing the question of what these films were really "about." "It's about our need to feel that there are universal values of good. Whether or not that's true in the real world, who can say?" suggested Ms. Walsh. [...]

[J]ohn Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli the dwarf, seemed to reveal a deeper understanding of at least some of Tolkien's themes. He related the Middle Earth myth to the rise of Islam in the modern world: "I think that Tolkien says that some generations will be challenged and if they do not rise to meet that challenge they will lose their civilization. That does have a real resonance with me.... What is unconscionable is that too many of your fellow journalists do not understand how precarious Western civilization is.... The abolition of slavery comes from Western democracy. True Democracy comes from our Greco-Judeo-Christian-Western experience. If we lose these things, then this is a catastrophe for the world.

"And if it just means replacement of one genetic stock with another genetic stock, I don't think that matters too much. But if it involves the replacement of Western civilization with different cultural values then it's something we really ought to discuss because ... I am for dead white male culture! If Tolkien's got a message, it's that sometimes you've got to stand up and fight for what you believe in."

One could argue that Tolkien's myth puts his ideas at a safe enough distance from real life as to be palatable to those who don't share his faith. The orderliness and hope found in his concept of providence, for instance, can prompt a sort of wistful admiration.

Ms. Walsh acknowledged that Tolkien "took from his own profound Christian beliefs" and that the filmmakers "attempted, as much as you can in film, [to] base them in the story. Certainly the values in them give you a sense of hope that [life] isn't chaos, and it isn't up a tree, and isn't without a point in the end. I love storytelling for those reasons; because so many things fall away as we charge forward in this new century-there's so much cynicism and such a lack of ritual and a kind of bleak belief system governing things. I like stories for that, because they still offer it."

Tolkien's myth is a forceful answer to such yearning. C.S. Lewis, Tolkien's great friend and admirer, spoke of a "baptized imagination" as one important step in his journey toward Christianity, allowing him to begin to accept the potential for truth in the One Myth.

One is always perplexed at how folks can recognize our need to believe in universal values yet resist their existence.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


Reasons to be cheerful: on the joy of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary — in gooseberries, for example, even in human beings (Theodore Dalrymple, 12/10/03, The Spectator)

Thanks to the fact that I write, my life is satisfactory: I can inhabit gloom and live in joy. When something unpleasant happens to me, provided only that is potentially of literary use, my first thought is ‘How best can I describe this?’ I thereby distance myself from my own displeasure or irritation. As I tell my patients, much to their surprise — for it is not a fashionable view — it is far more important to be able to lose yourself than to find yourself. I feel an inexpressible joy when patients use the English language creatively, if not always correctly according to the strictest canons. For all that it has changed, England is still the land of Dickens, and our people are still capable of the verbal inventiveness and felicities of Mrs Gamp or Mrs Gummidge. Only the other day, for example, a patient complained to me that there was a financial crisis, though, like Mrs Gradgrind and the pain somewhere in the room, he could not positively say that he had got it. He was able to add that a lot of money had been spent, until it could be spent no more; but more than that he could not say.

Then again, a man who came to interview me for a publication the other day pointed out that I was never bored. I hadn’t thought of that before, but it’s true: I’m never bored. I’m appalled, horrified, angered, but never bored. The world appears to me so infinite in its variety that many lifetimes could not exhaust its interest. So long as you can still be surprised, you have something to be thankful for (that is one of the reasons why the false knowingness of street credibility is so destructive of true happiness).

If I promise not to make a habit of it, may I share two things the kids said this week?

Our daughter used an indelible marker after being told not to, marking up the kitchen table, and, on being asked why she hadn't listened, said: "My ears must have been blindfolded."

Meanwhile, our older son explained the life of Christ with a succintness and profundity that borders on the sublime: "He kept telling everyone what to do so they killed him."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:38 AM


Bush Economic Aide Says Government Lacks Vision (Jonathan Weisman, December 13, 2003, Washington Post)

A senior member of President Bush's economic team told manufacturers this summer that it is difficult for the balkanized federal government to develop vision on any policy issue and that, in particular, the Commerce Department has scant political or financial authority to influence government policy on behalf of the nation's ailing manufacturers.

The comments by Deputy Commerce Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, revealed in a transcript of a day-long manufacturing symposium in June, offer a rare dose of candor about the way Washington works and the limits of the government's power. They also surfaced just as the administration is trying to boost the visibility of its manufacturing policies, and as Bodman awaits Senate confirmation to assume the No. 2 post at the Treasury Department.

Responding to a comment on the government's vision for manufacturing, Bodman told the gathering, "I will tell you, it is very hard for this government to have a vision on anything. We are totally stove-piped, and we live within these compartments. This is not by way of a complaint. This is not by way of an excuse. It is by way of a fact.

"Congress likes it this way, and making organizational changes in the federal government is, as many of you know, a massive undertaking, a several-year job. It is not a several-month job. It is a several-year job, and so you don't do it very often, because it's certainly not worth it," he said.

Getting rid of Commerce, which in the general scheme of things is seen as a Republican cabinet department, would be an excellent first step towards trimming the Executive branch down to a more manageable size.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:29 AM


U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics (CNN, December 13, 2003)

The commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division on Friday accepted a U.S. military investigator's recommendation and ordered administrative action against Lt. Col. Allen West, who was accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee.

Following a military hearing, West was fined $5,000 over two months, according to West's civillian attorney, Neal Puckett.

The punishment does not affect West's eligibility for retirement and pension, Puckett said in a statement. [...]

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.

In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.

Apparently not knowing where West's gun was aimed, Hamoody cracked and gave information about the planned ambush on West's convoy, thwarting the attack.

Why not sell opportunities to interrogate Ba'athists and al Qaeda for $5,000 a pop?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 AM


No guarantees: Postwar Iraqis are struggling to light their homes and fuel their cars, but few would trade today's hardships for yesterday's dictator (Mindy Belz, 12/20/03, World)

Eight months after coalition forces took Baghdad and the lights went out, generators persist as a high-demand item. Mr. Yacoub returned to Baghdad from Jordan only a month ago with his wife and two young daughters. They have lived in this walkup only 10 days, but already the frustrations with power outages prompted him to pay $225 for a household generator. At home he discovered that the box had already been opened, and the generator wouldn't start.

He returned to the store. "It's yours now," the owner said. He would give Mr. Yacoub only $100 on return, then Mr. Yacoub had to buy another generator at full price. Back home, its engine sputtered and caught, only for Mr. Yacoub to discover he didn't have the right cable to connect his new power supply to the fuse box. Back to the store he went. And the late night retrofitting began. The cable finished, he yanked the engine to life, flicked a switch inside, and—lights at last.

Like his electricity, Mr. Yacoub and his family are back in Baghdad with fits and starts. Each new day in what U.S. administrator Paul Bremer likes to call "new Iraq" is a surprise, they say, and holds no guarantees. [...]

[R]esidents here believe they are safer than they were a few months ago, and certainly than they were under Saddam. "In the small towns there is already more control. Baghdad is bigger and has more immigrants, it is more insecure," said Mr. Almashmos. Like most Iraqis WORLD interviewed, he believes bombings are coming from foreigners with ties to al-Qaeda. "Iraqis don't kill other Iraqis like this," he said. He and others support the aggressive efforts of U.S. forces to go after terror cells.

"Every day you see people going to school and going to the store. They are fighting for their way of life. They are wanting to be normal," said Ghada.

Try as one might, it's hard to see how offering the Yacoubs this opportunity is a bad thing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 AM


Think Canada's the place to be? Think again (Jennifer Meeks, Seattle Times)

It has been said that Seattle mirrors Canada in its tolerant attitudes, but there is a dark side to this utopia across the border.

My husband and I left Canada six years ago to start a new life in the United States. Tens of thousands of university-educated, middle-class Canadians leave Canada for the U.S. every year. The Canadian government even has a name for us — "The Brain Drain."

Why do we leave? [...]

Living in Canada made me feel like a barn animal in George Orwell's "Animal Farm." My only worry is that someday the United States will resemble Canada. Sort of like one giant Seattle. That would be my nightmare.

The place to be?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM

ME & LEO (via Mike Daley)

A Brush With Leo Strauss (LAURIE FENDRICH, December 12, 2003, Chronicle of Higher Education)

The popular press has lately discovered Leo Strauss (1899-1973), a political philosopher relatively unknown outside the academic world. Strauss's critique of liberal democracy turns out to have greatly influenced not only a number of conservative scholars in political philosophy, but also many powerful figures in the resurgent conservative media (William Kristol, for example) and the current Bush administration (most conspicuously, Paul Wolfowitz). How odd, then, that Strauss, the alleged granddaddy of neoconservatism, would also have touched an abstract painter who is a passionate, voting, liberal Democrat. But he did.

My encounter with Strauss began when I was an undergraduate at Mount Holyoke College in the late 1960s. A semi-square, bookish girl in high school, I arrived on campus only to run smack into the political convulsions of the Vietnam War, the rise of militant civil-rights activism, the beginnings of the "do your own thing" culture, and a smorgasborg of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. An arty sort in spite of my studiousness, I started taking painting and drawing classes right from the start -- not knowing, of course, that silk-screeny Pop Art had just finished rendering those activities irrelevant. My actual major, however, was political science, and I became engrossed with political philosophy. It was while writing a paper on Rousseau that I encountered Strauss's seminal work, Natural Right and History. It shocked me. Like almost every girl back then who wore granny glasses and miniskirts, I had Marx's critique of bourgeois society down cold. But until I read Strauss, I'd never encountered a put-down of modern life channeled from the ancient Greeks.

What most people now think of as the result of historical cause and effect, Strauss saw more in terms of "human nature." This is the most misunderstood part of Strauss's teaching, because the mention of "human nature" triggers in us a reflexive fear of a fixed, probably unfair order, and a gut skepticism. But Strauss used the term to find an alternative to what he understood to be the enervating and misleading attempts by social science to model the political realm of human beings on the mechanistic schema of the natural sciences. Strauss didn't question the validity of science, the way postmodern philosophy does, as just another "social construct" dangerously malleable by the ruling classes. Rather, he thought that human endeavors are guided by distinctly human aspirations, beyond understanding gained from watching animals in the wild or conducting laboratory experiments. In particular, the desire on the part of great men to be great is one of those aspirations. Strauss believed that modern liberalism's horrific failure was demonstrated by the carnage of Verdun and the evil of Hitler, and necessitated a radical solution. For that, he turned back to the ancient Greeks. There he found the language he needed -- "soul," "virtue," "greatness," and yes, that loaded word "regime" -- to fashion his critique of modern liberalism.

My encounter with Strauss continued when, a year or so after graduation and unclear about what I wanted to do with my life, I got a job in academic publishing in a small town near New Haven. I also began to entertain ideas of being a painter, and so I set up a little studio.

A charming personal story undercut by her final paragraph

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


The Real Man's Wiffle Ball (JOEL LOVELL, 12/14/03, NY Times Magazine)

One day about eight years ago, a former minor-league pitcher named Chris Mackie had a vision of a ''plastic ball that played like a real baseball,'' one that, unlike a Wiffle ball, wouldn't curve all willy-nilly when thrown or be irreparably dented the first time a batter made contact. So Mackie started tinkering, and after several tries, he came up with the Quickball, a plastic sphere that is a half-inch smaller in diameter than a Wiffle ball but twice as thick. Whereas the Wiffle has elongated holes on only one hemisphere (and therefore unpredictably rises or dips or curves), the Quickball has holes on both sides, arranged symmetrically for balanced air flow, and raised seams that allow for control over a variety of pitches.

The Times Magazine has their Third Annual Year in Ideas issue this week. But here's far and away the best idea of 2003.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 AM


A Notion at War (DAVID RIEFF, 12/14/03, NY Times Magazine)

President George H.W. Bush's big idea about Iraq, rolling back Saddam Hussein, gave way to President Clinton's big idea about Iraq, containment, which gave way to President George W. Bush's big idea about Iraq, Iraqi liberation. But as events have shown, the liberation of Iraq alone hasn't solved the problems there, so as is often the case in Washington, one reigning idea has gradually transformed into another reigning big idea: Iraqification, the notion that what is needed to improve the situation there (and bring American troops home) is a quick transfer of control over security and the political process to the Iraqis.

For many Americans old enough to remember the Vietnam War, the term Iraqification carries the same baggage of defeat and withdrawal that Vietnamization did a generation ago. For others, it simply seems like a sensible response to the difficulties the United States has encountered in Iraq in the aftermath of the ousting of Saddam Hussein -- a sensible midterm correction or readjustment of America's original postwar plan. Still others, notably within the Bush administration, insist that Iraqification was at the heart of the U.S. government's planning for a postwar Iraq from the start, even if the public emphasis had been elsewhere.

But if opinions are mixed about what, if anything, the recent enthusiasm in Washington for Iraqification tells us about America's success or failure in Iraq, there is little question that it has become the reigning idea about how Iraq's future will be organized. It is an idea, however, with a contradiction at its core.

The problem is less that different people use Iraqification to pass different judgments on the war but that the idea means so many different things to so many different people.

First the Left convinced themselves that George W. Bush was some kind of King Leopold, seeking permanent colonies, now they've convinced themselves that letting the colonials run their own countries is a reversal of policy. The alternative to these notions is the belief that the President wanted Saddam gone so that Iraqis could govern themselves. One view comports with exactly what he's said all along. The other requires you to disbelieve everything he's said even though he went ahead and did it. That seems not a problem with him, but with them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


Pension Gap Is Closing, G.M. Reports (MARY WILLIAMS WALSH, 12/13/03, NY Times)

General Motors said yesterday that it stood a good chance of ending 2003 with its pension plans for American employees fully funded, after beginning the year with the biggest deficit of any company.

While the rising stock market helped G.M.'s pension funds, the company accomplished this feat mostly by taking extraordinary measures to raise cash for the funds. It is contributing much of the $17.5 billion raised in an unusual bond offering earlier in the year. In addition, G.M. is infusing $4.1 billion from the sale of its Hughes Electronics unit to the News Corporation, a deal it expects to complete soon.

Many other large companies continue to cope with pension deficits. Because several years of data are used in pension fund calculations, some companies will probably have to make big cash contributions in the coming year. Even if stock prices continue to rise, they will still be incorporating the effects of adverse market conditions over the last few years.

But John Devine, G.M.'s vice chairman and chief financial officer, said yesterday that he believed that G.M.'s experience showed that most companies could find ways to keep their pension obligations under control, and would do so voluntarily. Congress and the Bush administration should therefore abstain from far-reaching changes in the pension laws, he said.

Changes need not be far-reaching, but you should have to fund your pension plans fully, if you have them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


Likud Debates a Palestinian State to Save Israel (JAMES BENNET, December 13, 2003, NY Times)

Within the Likud, the dominant right-wing party, leaders who once advocated holding every inch of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and who for three years argued that Israel could make no concessions because it lacked a Palestinian peace partner, are now debating how quickly to concede how much of that territory.

The Likud is publicly grappling with a prospect long raised by Israel's left: that within a few years Arabs are likely to be the majority in Israel and its occupied territories, and that they may switch from demanding their own state to demanding the right to vote in Israel, threatening its Jewish identity.

The result is a breathtaking inversion: Though the Likud's platform opposes a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River as a threat to Israel, some members of the party say they have concluded that only the creation of such a state can save Israel as a Jewish democracy.

The debate within Likud is the most surprising development in a fall that has brought a two-month lull in the violence here and, with it, a series of official and unofficial initiatives for peace. [...]

Mr. Sharon's advisers say he is committed to the road map, the peace initiative promoted by the Bush administration. They say he is formulating possible unilateral steps to take if, in six months or so, that initiative fails.

It's hardly surprising, since this has always been the only possible solution.
Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:52 AM


A Fetish of Candor (DAVID BROOKS, 12/13/03, NY Times)

I think we are all disgusted by the way George W. Bush's administration has allowed honesty and candor to seep into the genteel world of international affairs.

Until the Bush team came to power, foreign relations were conducted with a certain gentlemanly decorum. The first Bush administration urged regime change in Iraq, without sullying itself with the Iraqi peasants actually trying to do it. The Clinton administration pretended to fight terrorism without committing the sin of unilateralism by trying very hard.

The United Nations passed resolution after resolution condemning the government of Iraq, without committing the faux pas of actually enforcing them. The leaders of France and Germany announced their abhorrence of Saddam's regime, and expressed this abhorrence by doing as much business with Saddam as possible.

Then came George W. Bush, the cowboy out of the West, and all good manners were discarded. The first sign of trouble came when the Bush administration declared its opposition to the Kyoto treaty. Up until that time, all decent governments had remained platonically in love with the treaty. They praised it, but gave no thought to actually enacting it.

Bush said he would scuttle it and did.

Then Bush scandalized the world by announcing his desire to enforce the U.N.'s resolutions on Iraq. And he gave a speech announcing his doctrine of pre-emptive war. Instead of merely taking out Saddam while pretending to abide by the inherited rules of conduct, he actually announced what he was going to do before doing it. This was honesty taken to a reckless extreme.

Now his administration has taken to honesty like a drunken sailor. It has made a fetish of candor and forthrightness. Things are wildly out of control.

Of how many presidents can it be said that the best way to discern what they're going to do is to listen to them?

The pragmatist and the partisans: How Bush has positioned himself to face a referendum on his incumbency (David M. Shribman, December 10, 2003, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

The 2004 election is, like almost every election in which a president runs for re-election, a referendum on the incumbent. And so, with the election year about three weeks away, it's useful to look at the landscape President Bush has painted for the election and at the ways in which he -- and events that have occurred in his first term -- have changed the presidency:

The ascendancy of compassionate conservatism. This is one of the most telling phrases of the Bush years. The emphasis on compassion derives from the president's religious foundation, which developed with the guidance of his wife in a Midland Methodist mega-church, and his social standing, which he inherited from a patrician grandfather who served in the Senate and a patrician father who preceded him in the White House. The emphasis on conservatism comes from political beliefs that came of age when he did politically, during the Ronald Reagan years. "He's kind of like a baked Alaska," says Fred I. Greenstein, the Princeton expert on the presidency, "a bit of Barry Goldwater with maybe a frosting of Nelson Rockefeller." [...]

The president's flexibility and resilience. The president has been in politics for a period far shorter than that of several of his rivals, particularly Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts and Rep. Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri. In Texas, Bush worked comfortably with a Democratic lieutenant governor, Bob Bullock. In Washington, he came to believe that a partisan approach was necessary. Same guy, different circumstances.

All that leads to the conclusion that the president may be the greatest pragmatist on the political scene today. Former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont may score points in the Democratic nomination contest by speaking derisively of the purity of the president's conservatism, but the general election will be about the effectiveness of the president's pragmatism.

The new era in global affairs and the Bush foreign policy. Foreign commentators and domestic critics have complained from the start about the president's inexperience in world affairs and his insistence on unilateralism. (They also complained about his skepticism about nation-building, an exercise he has taken on not in one place, but two -- Afghanistan and Iraq.) Now, however, Bush is a war president with more experience than his father and, as last week's decision on steel tariffs showed, with a sharper ear for the court of world opinion and the prerogatives of global organizations than he might have had before. Both Bush and the Democrats recognize that foreign policy will be a bigger part of this election than any since 1968 -- a fact that presents Bush with great challenges but also great opportunities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:40 AM


Kuwait’s economic outlook brighter since Saddam’s ouster (V. M. Sathish, 12/08/03, The Daily Star)

KUWAIT: A new report issued here contends that the economic prospects for Kuwait and other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council have improved considerably in the wake of Saddam Hussain’s ouster in Iraq.

Global Investment House said in its report, Kuwait Economic and Strategic Outlook, that “investor confidence toward and within Kuwait has increased manifoldly as the window of opportunity in both Iraq and the neighboring GCC countries has opened up.”

The report lauded the fact that Kuwait’s government will introduce an income tax on capital and commercial activities without considering owners’ nationality and also allow 100 percent foreign ownership in certain sectors. The finance minister has offered legislation that would place a tax on income from commercial, industrial, real estate and certain other noncommercial activities regardless of the nationality of the owner.

Increased consumer spending, better bank performance, surplus budget, surging real estate prices and soaring capital market index are potentially some aspects of a booming Kuwait economy, says the report.

It also discloses that the Kuwait Investment Authority will divest ownership in companies listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange, thereby enhancing the prospects of public offerings in those companies.

The report also praises the Kuwait government for placing priority on solving unemployment, expediting privatization, promoting northern oil field development and inviting more foreign investment.

It adds that the recent Cabinet decision to allow establishing new low-fare passenger, freight and cargo airlines ­ thereby ending the monopoly of the state-owned Kuwait Airlines ­ is a positive direction in economic reforms.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:27 AM


Gore alone (Robert Novak, December 13, 2003, Townhall)

Veterans of Al Gore's 2000 campaign see a clear resemblance between his decision-making process in the Howard Dean endorsement and the way he prepared for his first presidential debate with George W. Bush.

In each case, Gore kept his own counsel and did not inform advisers (with the probable exception of his daughter Karenna). Critical 2000 campaign veterans contend that this isolation led to faulty tactics in the debate and to a questionable decision in the recent endorsement.

Gore's seclusion and desire for complete secrecy led to the aspect of Dean's endorsement that produced the most criticism in Democratic Party circles: failure to give advance notice to Sen. Joseph Lieberman, Gore's 2000 running mate, as well as Rep. Richard Gephardt and Sen. John Kerry, both of whom had vigorously supported Gore's contested presidential nomination.

C'mon, it ain't easy beaing Al[pha].

Gore, Dean Form 'Anti-Clinton' Party, Well Left of Center (Mort Kondracke, December 12, 2003, Real Clear Politics)

Dean was not only different from other major 2004 candidates in opposing the war - he also differed from Sen. Clinton, who voted to authorize President Bush to go to war and then voted for the $87 billion to finance occupation and reconstruction operations in the aftermath.

Sen. Clinton appears to be setting herself up as a presidential candidate - like her husband - who can appeal to both the Democratic base that comprises 30-odd percent of the electorate and to the Independent 40 percent that it takes to win general elections.

Following Gore on the Harlem program, Dean made it clear that he's mainly about solidifying the base, not reaching out to Independents.

"In 2002, we lost a lot of races in the Democratic party because we decided that we were going to go to the swing votes and we were going to try to get them and our base was going to come along later on," Dean said.

"I think it's important in this campaign that we recognize those people who were with us all along," he said. "And so we made a conscious decision to start with women, to start with the African-American community, to start with the trade union movement," as opposed to following what he said was the losing strategy of voting 85 percent of the time with President Bush.

Ba'athism, Buggery & Big Government.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:52 AM


Popular Sarkozy challenges Chirac (Caroline Wyatt, 12/12/03, BBC)

In France, a bloody political battle is taking place between the ageing President Jacques Chirac and his younger protege, the Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.

His omnipresence in the media has led to calls for a Sarkozy-free day

Forty-eight-year old Mr Sarkozy has dared to suggest in public that Mr Chirac should not seek a third term in office, but retire to make way for a younger man.

Mr Sarkozy clearly has someone in mind for the top job - himself.

As the minister, nicknamed Sarko, is currently more popular in the polls in France than his boss, Mr Chirac, that is creating trouble at the top.

So omnipresent is Mr Sarkozy on France's screens and in its newspapers that left-wing journalists have proposed having a "Sarkozy-free day".

But that's unlikely to happen anytime soon. The dynamic young minister and his photogenic wife, Cecilia, have no intention of lowering their profile.

Since coming to office, Mr Sarkozy has put more policemen on the streets than ever before, cracked down on drugs, crime and terrorism, and two thirds of the voters say they think he is great. [...]

And now, he is saying the unsayable - calling for the ageing Mr Chirac to stand down after his current term in office.

That is tantamount to regicide, especially as it was Jacques Chirac who had long been Mr Sarkozy's mentor.

Regicide seems a tad tough in a country that's had a real one.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 AM


Afghan Leader Asserts Taliban Insurgency Will Fail (CARLOTTA GALL and DAVID ROHDE, 12/13/03, NY Times)

When Mr. Karzai took charge two years ago after the fall of the Taliban, the country was riven by ethnic and factional divisions, and heavily militarized after 20 years of war. He has held the government together and kept the peace by co-opting the powerful warlords and including members of all factions in the decision-making process.

Yet parts of the country have become so insecure because of the Taliban insurgency that the United Nations special representative in Afghanistan, Lakhdar Brahimi, said on Friday that the organization might have to withdraw staff members. Human Rights Watch, meanwhile, criticized the loya jirga, citing reported cases of intimidation and buying of delegates so that the assembly will be dominated by the armed factional leaders and their proxies.

Mr. Karzai, who brushed aside the criticism, is pushing a draft constitution that would provide for a strong presidency and a parliament whose powers would be limited mainly to approving the budget. Judges would be appointed by the president.

Mr. Karzai said he wanted to avoid the instability of a parliamentary system and what he described as "coalition governments built by armed gangs." If adopted, the constitution would pave the way for elections in June, and Mr. Karzai has already said he will run.

In an unusual example of political brinkmanship, Mr. Karzai said he would not run for president if the convention adopted a parliamentary system with a prime minister as well as a president, as some delegates have said they want.

"How can I be president for a system that I have said I don't believe in?" he said Friday.

Mr. Karzai and his senior aides appeared confident that the draft constitution he is expected to present to the loya jirga this weekend will be passed without extensive alterations. Mr. Karzai described it as combination of democracy and Islam that was "suitable for the conditions in Afghanistan today."

It remained unclear how the debate would go.

It would be appropriate for Parliament to have more power than seems contemplated here, but systems that contain both a president and a prime minister make no sense.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 AM


Stop Dean: Al Gore's endorsement signaled an pivotal moment for the Democratic party. Who can stop Dean now? (Fred Barnes, 12/22/2003, Weekly Standard)

Chances are, Gore's endorsement didn't sway many voters. But it did signify a pivotal moment for the Democratic party. The party has shifted. The antiwar, Bush-loathing, culturally liberal left now has the upper hand. Its dominance will likely culminate in Dean's nomination.

This is an event to be feared. Why? Because it will harm the Democratic party and lead to a general election campaign brimming with bitter assaults on the very idea of an assertive, morality-based American role in the world. And all this will play out as the war on terrorism, and the outcome in Iraq, hang in the balance. Gore's lurch to the left and Dean's likely nomination mean trouble.

Can Dean be stopped? A stop-Dean movement may appear quixotic, but it's not. Dean has no lock on Iowa, and a lead even as large as Dean's in New Hampshire is always precarious. Many Democrats are terrified that a nominee who vehemently opposes the war, likens the Bush administration to the Taliban, and plans to raise taxes on the middle class can't be elected. But they've been scared into silence by Dean's tough talk and momentum.

The worst offenders on this score are Dean's Democratic opponents. Dean is vulnerable on at least two issues, taxes and the war. But his rivals have confronted him effectively on neither. At the Democratic debate in New Hampshire last week, Kerry was asked by ABC's Ted Koppel why he hadn't raised his hand to show he thinks Dean could defeat Bush. What an opening! Kerry was free to insist, before the largest New Hampshire audience he'll ever have, that Bush would crucify Dean on the tax issue. But he lamely explained the reason he didn't raise his hand was his belief "in my vision for the country." Only when interviewed after the debate did Kerry attack Dean's tax hike proposal, declaring taxes the chief difference between himself and Dean. It was too late. No one was watching.

Thirty-five years of opposing war and twenty-five years of opposing tax cuts would seem to have taken their toll.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:18 AM


The Problem of Evil (Benjamin D. Wiker, December 2003, Crisis)

[I]f we were all suddenly given the power to eliminate evil and make the universe right again, each in accordance with his or her own list, we would very quickly end up in a chaotic and destructive free-for-all far worse than the condition we were trying to escape. The only way to avoid such chaos would be to lay aside all our differing opinions and figure out exactly what things are evil.

But here we run into yet another problem. Not only are we confused about what is evil. We are also unaware of how much of a problem evil is; that is, we don’t truly see how deep and pervasive are the evils that actually afflict us.

Imagine the following: We, bemoaning all the evil in the world, cry out that we cannot believe God exists. No sooner has the conclusion escaped our lips than God abruptly appears. Of course, being God, He is not only all-powerful and so can remove all the evils, but He is all-knowing and so can see all the evils.

“Do you wish me to remove all the evil from the world?” God asks.

“Yes! Yes! Please do!” we cry.

“ALL the evil?” He asks again, leaning forward and looking straight through our eyes and into our hidden depths.

Well, we don’t really know about all the evil, do we? We begin rummaging around nervously within. Oh dear! Unkind words, unfulfilled promises, nagging resentments, and a thousand other failures in everyday charity. Sins of our youth, sins yet to be committed, sins of omission. The new clothes, new car, theater tickets, baubles, and toys we bought even while we knew that the money could have saved a thousand lives or made the poverty of a thousand more lives bearable. Even more frightening, what of the sins hidden even from us?

“ALL the evil?” He repeats yet a third time.

Under the omniscient gaze, we are made rather keenly aware that somehow all the evil in the world is not out there, and that we hadn’t really considered, in our cry of the heart, the evil within the very heart that cries. The problem with suddenly getting rid of all evil is that (at least in this imaginative exercise) we are making such a request to an all-powerful, all-knowing Being, and hence we’re likely to be caught in the very dragnet that we bid God to cast. This is all the more frightening given that we are often oblivious to the faults in ourselves that others find so painfully obvious.

In attending to omniscience, we’ve stumbled upon an oft-neglected aspect of the problem of evil. We generally focus on the problem of evil as if it were merely a problem of power. That is, we look to the heavens and cry, “Why don’t you do something?” or we look dejectedly down at the earth, shake our heads, and mutter, “If there were a God, he would have done something about this. And you wonder why I’m an atheist!”

But the problem of evil is not one that could be solved by power alone. Power exercised in the elimination of evil devoid of the penetrating knowledge that can accurately identify evil, root and branch, is either chaotic or ineffective. It is chaotic if it is governed by confusion about what is evil; it is ineffective if it does not get to the hidden roots of evil.

Again, we see the necessity of God insofar as we have discovered the necessity for divine wisdom. As we have seen, our disagreements about evil can only be settled by determining what things actually are evil. But that would take a divine-like mind, a mind that adheres unerringly to truth by its very nature and is not swayed by the passion-driven storms of human partiality. Further, we must admit that evil must be eliminated at the very roots, and for this, once again, we will need an omniscient being who won’t let us hide the evils within us, evils that would have to be eliminated if the world is to receive more than an ineffective whitewashing.

Why is there Evil in the world? Because we are in the world.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:08 AM


Iraqing Their Brains: How can the Democratic candidates escape the trap they set for themselves? (Michael Kinsley, Dec. 11, 2003, Slate)

The slow souring of the American adventure in Iraq is a promising and legitimate issue for the Democrats. And they will benefit from it no matter what they say. But what they say about Iraq is a problem for the contenders who supported Bush's decision to go to war. Do they now think that support was a mistake?

If they say yes, supporting the war was a mistake, they are declaring that in a test case of the most important decision a president must make—when to go to war—they got it wrong. And if they try to explain their way out of this by talking about how the Bush administration "deceived the American people," they sound like George Romney, who was laughed out of the 1968 presidential race for saying he had been "brainwashed" into supporting the war in Vietnam.

On the other hand, if they say no, I don't regret my support for this war, the question naturally arises: Well, if everything you're complaining about doesn't change your mind about the war itself, why are you making such an unholy fuss? Apparently, if you had been president, we'd be in the same mess.

Like mice frustrated in a maze, the candidates seek escape routes out of this logical trap. [...]

A year ago, everyone was saying: Let's get practical. Only a Democrat who supports the war against Iraq will have any hope of defeating Bush. The idea was: Get Iraq off the table, and make room for domestic issues. Maybe this is still the right idea. But many Democrats now want Iraq as an issue. And the only Democratic candidate who can use it effectively is the one who decided not to be practical.

Except that 6 in 10 Americans--in what is supposedly a 50-50 country--support the war, even after months of negative coverage. As we start to hand over control to the Iraqis is that number really going to go down considerably? Does it make sense to stake your party's future on the chance that it might?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:09 AM


History in the Remaking: Bush's comparison of Iraq with postwar Japan ignores the facts (John W. Dower, December 8, 2003, LA Times)

In a recent speech in London, President Bush declared that not only were we making "substantial progress" in Iraq but that "much of it has proceeded faster than similar efforts in Germany and Japan after World War II."

What are we to make of this murky use of history? The truth is that what is happening in Iraq presents a stunning and fundamental contrast to what took place in occupied Japan and Germany over half a century ago — and not a positive one. [...]

Until the end of the occupation in April 1952...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


This President Spoke for the People of the World (Nicholas von Hoffman, December 9, 2003, Newsday)

For whatever reasons, no comparison between these two state visits was made, one by the least and one by the most popular American president, Woodrow Wilson. If Bush is the despair of most of the world, Wilson was its hope.

Wilson's bodyguard was the common people. "Everywhere he went he was the idol of the masses," wrote journalist Mark Sullivan. "Never since Peter the Hermit had Europe so blindly, so eagerly followed one leader. It was frequently said during late December 1918 that Wilson could overturn any government in Europe by an appeal to the people against their rulers." Millions turned out for him. Historian E. Dodd wrote, "The masses of European peasantry, shopkeepers and day laborers looked forward to his arrival as men looked in medieval times to the Second Coming of Christ."

Wilson, as no other president in our history, had the ability to talk to the people of the world in language that expressed their prayers for liberty, independence and dignity. As popular as Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy were with the humble people of the Earth, it was nothing compared to Wilson's. When President Wilson spoke, he reached the world.

Of course, the government he actually did overturn was America's, as he lost control of Congress in a stunning personal rebuke. He died a broken and despised man--in America at least. Maybe the rest of the world still loved him as much as Mr. von Hoffman.

December 12, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 PM


The Limits of Shock and Awe (Michael Bellesiles, November 11, 2003, History New Service)

The United States began its war against Iraq with a campaign of "shock and awe." An overwhelming demonstration of American airpower was designed to persuade the Iraqis to throw down their arms and surrender even while rising in revolt against Saddam Hussein. Sadly, that expectation has been thwarted, as the war drags on and Americans and Iraqis continue to die.

The term "shock and awe" is in keeping with a long-standing Anglo-American faith in technological quick fixes. Military techno-hype has frequently fed expectations of a "clean" victory. But we have found that the latest technology does not always shorten wars.

This doesn't seem an auspicious way to begin rehabilitating a career you sank by making up history. There's ample reason to be dubious about the doctrine of using airpower to score a decisive early victory, but in this case we forewent Shock and Awe in favor of the decapitation strike at Saddam and the war was over in three weeks, or something like that, anyway as the Iraqi military crumbled into nonexistence. How much shorter would the only partial application of Shock and Awe have had to have made the war before you could say it worked fairly well?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:32 PM


Kerry’s Last Stand: Coming to you live from New Hampshire. (Mugger, 12/10/03, NY Press)

Kerry’s freefall is so pronounced–the latest Zogby poll has Dean leading Kerry in New Hampshire by 30 points–that even Dana Milbank, the Washington Post nudnik who specializes in needling President Bush on the most picayune details, has tossed Kerry overboard. It’s just another indication that the Democratic establishment, which includes the Post and New York Times, is looking to the goofy Wesley Clark, Dick Gephardt or even John Edwards to square off with Dean in the expected two-man contest for the nomination. These newspapers, like many a scared-silly Democratic congressman, dread having Dean atop the ticket in November, fearful that not only Bush would win convincingly but that he’d have long coattails as well.

In any case, Milbank last Sunday tweaked Kerry for fibbing about his primary chances. He writes: "The polls have not been kind to erstwhile front-runner John Kerry, so the Democratic presidential candidate has settled on a novel solution: make ’em up." He then catches Kerry saying on a CBS talk show that at this point four years ago "John McCain [who trounced Bush in New Hampshire] was 30 points behind Bush in New Hampshire." Milbank, obviously not worrying about covering a President Kerry, points out that in reality McCain was ahead of Bush–by seven points in an American Research poll; by 15 in a Franklin Pierce College survey–and suggests that Massachusetts’ junior senator invest in a better research team.

It always seemed that Joe Lieberman was the most likely to bail--he isn't even really running as far as one can tell--but now that Al Gore has back-stabbed him and apparently woken Mr. Lieberman up, Senator Kerry looks like the new favorite to be the first to quit the race.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 PM


Shut Up, They Explained (Paul J. Cella III, 12/12/2003, American Spectator)

An interesting and horrifying thing happened this Wednesday. The United States Supreme Court modified key portions of the First Amendment to the Constitution, and few citizens took notice. Admittedly, those portions include such minor and ambiguous clauses as "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" and "Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." According to the Court, Congress may indeed abridge these freedoms, even in the context that the authors of the Constitution specifically had in mind when the Amendment was passed: namely, politics. [...]

[C]all me crazy but I maintain that legislation so brazenly in violation of the clear intent of the Constitution is grounds for the impeachment of a judge or executive, and the censure and democratic removal of a legislator. Were this a healthy republic of men jealous of their liberty, these would be our tools to rebuke that creeping despotism which is peculiar to democracies, and which the great French diagnostician of politics Alexis de Tocqueville described with astonishing prescience:

It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.

The justification for this law's passage by the Legislature, and acceptance by Executive and Judiciary is so thin, and the outcry against it so muted and mild, that one is inclined to conclude that Tocqueville's nightmare is becoming our reality.

It's a really interesting phenomenon going on right now, in the area of political ads, spam, phone solicitations, we're basically willing to gut the First Amendment just to get rid of a few annoyances.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:34 PM


Sovereignty and Democracy (Marc F. Plattner, December 2003, Policy Review)

A “european convention” chaired by former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing recently finished drafting a new constitution for the European Union, but the parallels with the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 that this inevitably conjures up for American observers are extremely misleading. Anyone who expects the current debate over European unification to mirror the historic contest in the United States between Federalists and Anti-Federalists is quickly disabused. That was an argument about the proper locus of sovereignty and the appropriate scale of the state. Politicians can sometimes be heard voicing such concerns in Europe today, but in scholarly and intellectual circles the predominant tendency is not to argue about where sovereignty should be lodged, but to call into question the concept of sovereignty; not to argue about how big the state should be, but to wonder about whether the era of the modern state is coming to an end.

This may seem odd at a time when the modern state seems to be enjoying the hour of its greatest triumph. Virtually the entire world now consists of independent states, their number greater than ever before. And the most important global institutions, beginning with the United Nations itself, are intergovernmental organizations whose members are states, represented by the delegates of their governments. Yet there is no denying the fact that in many quarters, especially in some of the advanced democracies, there is a widespread feeling that the modern state is becoming obsolete, that it is increasingly incapable of responding to the problems of the contemporary world, and above all to the challenges posed by globalization. It is this feeling that shapes the moral and political context in which European unification is unfolding. In one sense, of course, the eu is merely a regional organization, but the debate over its future is intimately bound up with the issue of globalization.

Globalization is a subject on everyone’s lips today, not just in Europe but around the world. I am inclined to believe that recent advances in telecommunications technology and in the internationalization of markets have created a greater degree of mutual interpenetration among societies worldwide than ever existed before. But the trends that are summed up by the term “globalization” are not new. Following the rise of multinational corporations and the oil price shocks of the 1970s, many observers called attention to the idea of international “interdependence.” And some scholars have plausibly argued that there was greater international openness and mobility during the period prior to World War i than there is today. In my view, what is distinctive about the current discourse on globalization is the jaundiced view that it takes of the modern state. After having long been regarded as the culmination of political evolution and the indispensable framework for freedom and democracy, the state is now often seen as a historically contingent institution built on shaky moral foundations. [...]

What, then, is the attitude toward democracy of those who proclaim the obsolescence of the nation-state and welcome the erosion of the “Westphalian” notion of sovereignty? While there are some who ignore or are indifferent to this question, it would be inaccurate and unfair to claim that this is the general view of the champions of transnationalism. There is, for example, a lively and intense debate about the eu’s “democracy deficit” or “legitimacy deficit” and how to repair it. This concern even appears prominently in the eu’s Laeken Declaration, the official document that initiated the process leading to the new draft constitution. A cynic might say that this is the defensive response of European elites, worried that disillusionment among European publics with the remote and opaque decision making of the eu may derail the entire project of “ever closer union.” But I believe that it also reflects the fact that the global prestige of the democratic principle is perhaps higher than it has ever been — notwithstanding the growing tendency to question the legitimacy of the modern state.

As a result, many students and proponents of the eu seem to be groping toward the view that the eu can become a democratic non-state. They refuse to accept the dichotomy according to which the eu must be either 1) an essentially intergovernmental organization that derives its democratic legitimacy through the national parliaments of its member states or 2) a genuine federal state that derives its democratic legitmacy through governing institutions directly responsible to the European electorate. They say, with more than a little justification, that the eu already has gone well beyond being a merely intergovernmental institution yet falls far short of being a federal state. At the same time, their argument is not that the eu has found some “middle way” between intergovernmentalism and traditional federalism but rather that its organizing principles must be understood as existing on a different plane from the continuum that runs from intergovernmentalism to federalism. Thus, they define the eu as a non-state, non-nation polity (or entity).

It may be true that so far this is largely the language of academics rather than politicians or publics, but the argument has a considerable attraction for the latter as well. First, this non-state conception appeals to a strong antipolitical disposition that is seen today in many parts of the world but is especially powerful in Europe. This disposition is reflected in the enormous prestige enjoyed by “civil society” and by “nongovernmental organizations,” as compared to political parties or to governments. One way of viewing the non-state vision of the eu is that it promises to provide governance without the need for government. Indeed, some Europeans, far from wishing to build a new kind of polity, seem to aspire to the creation of a new nongovernmental organization — the eu as the world’s largest and most influential ngo. Second, the non-state conception seems to offer a means of what is frequently referred to as “squaring the circle” — that is, building an ever closer European Union without taking away the sovereignty of member states that many Europeans continue to hold dear.

According to the classic modern doctrine of sovereignty, of course, it was regarded as impossible to maintain sovereignty in both a political union and its constituent parts. In contemporary language, one might say that the lodging of sovereignty was regarded as a kind of “zero-sum game.” Here is how Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist 15, characterizes the opponents of the Constitution drafted by the Philadelphia convention: They aim, he charges, “at things repugnant and irreconcilable; at an augmentation of federal authority without a diminution of State authority; at sovereignty in the Union and complete independence in the members. They still, in fine, seem to cherish with blind devotion the political monster of an imperium in imperio.”

A bit further on, Hamilton elaborates on what he calls “the characteristic difference between a league and a government” — namely, that only the latter can extend its authority to individuals, while the authority of the former reaches no further than to member governments. Government, according to Hamilton, involves the power not only of making laws, but of enforcing them. For if they are without sanctions, “resolutions or commands which pretend to be laws will, in fact, amount to nothing more than advice or recommendation.” While governments may deal with recalcitrant individuals through the “courts and ministers of justice,” there is no way a league can enforce its decisions against one of the sovereign entities that compose it without resorting to military force. Thus, in a league “every breach of the laws must involve a state of war; and military execution must become the only instrument of civil obedience.”

The Federalist goes on to support this reasoning by appeals both to the nature of man and to the experience of previous confederations. Because men love power, those who exercise sovereignty are likely to resist attempts to constrain or direct them. Thus, in confederations that attempt to unite sovereign bodies, there is inevitably a centrifugal tendency for the parts to free themselves from the center. The subsequent numbers of the Federalist then explore the experience of confederations both ancient and modern. The conclusion drawn from this examination of the historical record is emphatically stated at the end of Federalist 20 (a paper sometimes attributed jointly to Hamilton and James Madison) — namely, “that a sovereignty over sovereigns, a government over governments, a legislation for communities, as contradistinguished from individuals, as it is a solecism in theory, so in practice it is subversive of the order and ends of civil polity, by substituting violence in place of the mild and salutary coercion of the magistracy.”

Hamilton justifies this sweeping conclusion by appealing to “experience [which] is the oracle of truth.” Yet proponents of the new views put forward by theorists of the European Union would point precisely to the experience of European integration to contradict Hamilton’s conclusions. First of all, though in many respects it seems closer to a league than to a government in Hamilton’s terms, the eu, thanks to various rulings of the European Court and their acceptance by national courts, does have authority that in important respects reaches to individuals as well as collectivities. Second, in spite of the lack of a mechanism to enforce compliance, the decisions of the eu are largely accepted by member states — and this without resort to the sword.

In fact, the eu seems to present the spectacle of constituent units obeying the dictates of the center not only without violence but even without visible coercion. In trying to understand this unprecedented phenomenon, I have found particularly helpful a formulation offered by J.H.H. Weiler, one of the most distinguished scholars of European law. Weiler argues that the eu has evolved a federal constitutional or legal structure alongside a largely “confederal” or intergovernmental political structure. In other words, Europe has accepted the “constitutional discipline” characteristic of federalism without becoming a federal state. In effect, it has become a federal non-state whose decisions are accepted voluntarily by its constituent units rather than backed up by the modes of hierarchical coercion classically employed by the modern state. In fact, the eu combines a “top-to-bottom hierarchy of norms” with “a bottom-to-top hierarchy of . . . real power.” It achieves what Hamilton would have regarded as either disastrous or impossible — the separation of law from the power to enforce it.

However accurate Weiler’s analysis may be in describing the current state of the eu, it surely raises a couple of larger questions: First, what conditions have enabled this structure to work so far, and can it continue to do so? Second, presuming that the federal non-state can continue to maintain itself, what would be the ultimate consequences for democracy?

We've already begun to see the breakdown of this illusion, with the refusal of France and Germany to bring their budget deficits into compliance with EU rules. There is no sovereign body that can impose budget cuts and taxes and if there were, and it tried to, it's all too easy to imagine the Germans and French taking to the streets to defend their welfare states.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 PM


Analysis: Calif. revenue recovery in 2005? (Hil Anderson, 12/12/2003, UPI)

The budget crisis in California that swept Arnold Schwarzenegger into the governor's office and led to Friday's legislative agreement on spending limits may be eased greatly if new predictions of an economic recovery in 2005 pan out.

Schwarzenegger backed away from a proposed hard cap on state spending in order to get his proposed $15 billion debt-reduction bond proposal past the Legislature, however the perceived retreat from his vow of fiscal conservativeness may become moot after the coming year.

"By 2005, the budget should be self-financing," Tom Lieser, a senior economist at the Anderson School at UCLA, told United Press International.

During the Recall numerous who should have known better suggested that the governorship wasn't worth having because times were too tough. In fact, Mr. Schwarzenegger may be the luckiest politician since Bill Clinton inherited the Reagan/Bush peace dividend.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 PM


Crucial talks fail to break EU summit deadlock (Ian Black and Michael White, December 13, 2003, The Guardian)

Gloom settled on the summit after various carrots and sticks had been proffered to Poland. It was awarded 27 council votes in the 2000 Nice treaty, and objects to losing them in 2009 under the new accord.

Germany is warning that next year's budget talks could cut regional and farm aid to Madrid and Warsaw. It is rejecting suggestions that the votes issue be parked until 2008 or later. Nor does it like Spain's compromise suggestion that the new "double majority" formula for decisions (the votes of 13 countries and 60% of the EU's total population to secure a decision) be stretched to 66% of the population.

That adjustment would help Spain and Poland form a "blocking minority" to protect their generous EU regional and farm funds. Mr Blair has shown sympathy for both countries - who are Iraq war allies - because he wants to protect Britain's own "red lines" in the negotiations, including national vetoes.

This time, Poland may actually save Europe from itself. Meanwhile, had the Tories listened to Margaret Thatcher, instead of tossing her overboard, they could be pounding the EU like a bass drum.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 PM


Carter: Hillary Needs to Separate from Bill (Carl Limbaucher, 12/12/03, Newsmax)

"I don't have any doubt that she has thoughts about the White House in her mind for the future," [Jimmy] Carter told CNN. "I haven't talked to her about it, but I think that's common knowledge.

Carter said that Mrs. Clinton has done a "good job" as Senator. But he advised her "to separate herself from her husband" before she runs for president in 2008.

The 39th president said the former first lady needs to "let the general public know that she can stand on her own feet [before she seeks the White House] and that she has her own agenda and she's a good political player on her own."

If they separate any further they'll look like Laren Hutton's smile.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:31 PM


HUD Deputy Nominated to Top Housing Post (Fox News, December 12, 2003)

President Bush on Friday tapped Alphonso Jackson, the No. 2 official at the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the last three years, to lead the agency.

If confirmed by the Senate, Jackson will succeed Mel Martinez, who has resigned to run for a U.S. Senate seat from Florida.

Bush announced Jackson's selection at a mid-afternoon ceremony in the White House's Roosevelt Room, before a small audience of aides and family.

"He's an experienced executive, in the public and private sector, a man who knows the issues facing HUD and knows how to get things done," Bush said.

Jackson is a longtime Bush friend from their days together in Dallas and often accompanies the president on golf outings in Washington.

Senate Democrats pledge to fight nomination of Allen: Bush to decide whether to resubmit Virginian for 4th Circuit judgeship (David L. Greene and Julie Hirschfeld Davis, December 11, 2003, Baltimore Sun)
The Democratic leadership in the Senate vowed yesterday to fight President Bush's nomination of Claude A. Allen, a conservative Virginian whose selection for a federal appeals court seat is vehemently opposed by Maryland's two Democratic senators.

The move heightens the resistance to the Allen nomination and could lead to another bruising battle in Congress over Bush's drive to reshape the federal judiciary.

To underscore his opposition to Allen, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota negotiated with Republicans to ensure that when the Senate recessed Monday for the holiday season, Allen's nomination was sent back to Bush. This will force the president, if he chooses, to renominate Allen.

Last night, the White House left open the possibility that Bush might drop the nomination and consider another person who might have a better chance for confirmation. Claire Buchan, a White House spokeswoman, called Allen "an outstanding nominee" and said it is "regretful the Senate did not act on his nomination." [...]

Allen, an African-American who is the Bush administration's deputy secretary of health and human services, is a fierce opponent of abortion rights who once served as an aide to former Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, one of the Republican Party's most combative conservatives.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:56 PM


Contracts for Iraq: Reverse the Pentagon's Decision (William Kristol and Robert Kagan, 12/11/2003, Weekly Standard)

President Bush, we suspect, is going to overrule the Pentagon's attempt to exclude from the bidding for Iraq reconstruction contracts certain countries that have opposed U.S. policy in Iraq. He might as well do it sooner rather than later, so as to minimize the diplomatic damage done by the Pentagon's heavy-handed and counterproductive action.

We hold no brief for the Chirac, Schroeder, or Putin governments. We are also very much in favor of finding ways to work more closely with other governments -- such as those of Britain, Spain and Poland -- who have courageously stood with us, and who hold the promise of continuing to be more helpful to us. We have even been critical of the Bush Administration for a certain lack of imagination in finding ways to work constructively with these friendly governments. But this particular effort by the Pentagon to reward friends and punish enemies is stupid, and should be abandoned.

Boy, these two aren't ready in any way, shape, or form for the odious debt decision, are they?

Saudi envoy praises U.S. terror fight (The Associated Press, 12/12/2003)

Countries that opposed the U.S. decision to invade Iraq have no right to protest U.S. initiatives restricting reconstruction contracts to allies, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States, said Friday.

Bandar said he thought it was "amazing" that war opponents now "feel they have a right to share in the pie" of reconstruction contracts.

He said even more dangerous than terrorists themselves are those who say they condemn terrorism but don't actively fight it. Bandar repeatedly praised Bush's decisions to fight terrorism, invade Iraq and send troops to Afghanistan to oust the Taliban.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:19 PM


Unbeloved Bush Aide Baker Reemerges in Mideast Thicket (E.J. KESSLER, 12/11/03, FORWARD)

Last week, President Bush tapped James Baker III, a Texas oil man, longtime family friend and political fixer who helped secure Bush's hold on the 2000 election in Florida, to be his "personal envoy" for sorting out the question of Iraq's debt. Coincidently, in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations on December 3, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts mentioned Baker, along with President Carter, President Clinton and the elder President Bush, as someone whom he might send as an envoy to negotiate Israeli-Palestinian peace if he were elected president. Coincidently, too, Baker's reemergence comes on the heels of the administration's decision to deduct $300 million in loan guarantees to the Sharon government on account of Israeli settlement activity — a linkage that Baker originated during his days as secretary of state during the first Bush presidency.

Baker's tenure as secretary of state from 1989 to 1992 is remembered as a time of truculent relations between Washington and Jerusalem, when the top pro-Israel lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and the senior Bush were at loggerheads over a number of issues, especially settlements.

At one point in 1991, American relations with Israel's Likud-led government were so strained that Baker declared Ariel Sharon, who was then Israel's housing minister, persona non grata in Washington. Despite his denials, Baker also is famous for allegedly remarking, in a private conversation on Middle East policy, "F*** the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway."

Baker's appointment, especially coming after the Bush administration quietly cut the loan guarantees on the eve of Thanksgiving, conjured fraught memories for some in the Jewish community — with both a prominent pro-Israel activist and a Jewish Democratic activist issuing warnings.

"The influence of James Baker is a factor in [George W.] Bush's pressure on Israel to reduce its military response to terror, in Bush's refusal to move the embassy to Jerusalem despite his campaign promise to do so, in his complaining about Israel's security fence, in his public demand for a Palestinian state and his public praise for the Geneva Accords," said the president of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein. A frequent critic of the Bush administration who opposes Israeli concessions to the Palestinians, Klein added: "You can be sure that his conversations with George Bush will not be limited to Iraq."

Coming soon from Morton Klein, "Protocols of Jim Baker".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:13 PM


Africa isn’t dying of Aids: The headline figures are horrible: almost 30 million Africans have HIV/Aids. But, says Rian Malan, the figures are computer-generated estimates and they appear grotesquely exaggerated when set against population statistics (Rian Malan, , 12/13/03, The Spectator)

It was an article from The Spectator describing the bizarre sex practices that contribute to HIV’s rampage across the continent. ‘One in five of us here in Zambia is HIV positive,’ said the report. ‘In 1993 our neighbour Botswana had an estimated population of 1.4 million. Today that figure is under a million and heading downwards. Doom merchants predict that Botswana may soon become the first nation in modern times literally to die out. This is Aids in Africa.’

Really? Botswana has just concluded a census that shows population growing at about 2.7 per cent a year, in spite of what is usually described as the worst Aids problem on the planet. Total population has risen to 1.7 million in just a decade. If anything, Botswana is experiencing a minor population explosion.

There is similar bad news for the doomsayers in Tanzania’s new census, which shows population growing at 2.9 per cent a year. Professional pessimists will be particularly discomforted by developments in the swamplands west of Lake Victoria, where HIV first emerged, and where the depopulated villages of popular mythology are supposedly located. Here, in the district of Kagera, population grew at 2.7 per cent a year before 1988, only to accelerate to 3.1 per cent even as the Aids epidemic was supposedly peaking. Uganda’s latest census tells a broadly similar story, as does South Africa’s.

Some might think it good news that the impact of Aids is less devastating than most laymen imagine, but they are wrong. In Africa, the only good news about Aids is bad news, and anyone who tells you otherwise is branded a moral leper, bent on sowing confusion and derailing 100,000 worthy fundraising drives. I know this, because several years ago I acquired what was generally regarded as a leprous obsession with the dumbfounding Aids numbers in my daily papers. They told me that Aids had claimed 250,000 South African lives in 1999, and I kept saying, this can’t possibly be true. What followed was very ugly — ruined dinner parties, broken friendships, ridicule from those who knew better, bitter fights with my wife. After a year or so, she put her foot down. Choose, she said. Aids or me. So I dropped the subject, put my papers in the garage, and kept my mouth shut.

As I write, madam is standing behind me with hands on hips, hugely irked by this reversion to bad habits. But looking around, it seems to me that Aids fever is nearing the danger level, and that some calming thoughts are called for. Bear with me while I explain.

This much is certain, since we know that men don't get AIDs from women the numbers for Africa either have to be vastly inflated or else the means of transmission not yet understood--needle reuse, subterranean homosexuality, whatever, or some combination of both. Overstatement of the problem is ably argued here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:12 PM


The New Hampshire Debate: The Democrats split between Clinton and Gore. (William Saletan, Dec. 10, 2003, Slate)

Notes from Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate in Durham, N.H.: [...]

Clinton/Lieberman/Clark vs. Gore/Dean. The campaign is beginning to clarify the Democratic Party's fault lines. Tonight, Joe Lieberman embraced the "Clinton transformation," which he defined as military strength, fiscal responsibility, values, middle-class tax cuts, and collaboration with business to create jobs. Then Lieberman delivered the most important line of the evening: "Howard Dean—and now Al Gore, I guess—are on the wrong side of each of those issues." Boom! Just like that, Gore-Lieberman is splitsville, and Lieberman is trying to take Bill Clinton with him.

And Dean is helping. Dean said of Gore, "We both believe that the Bush tax cuts are grossly irresponsible, and they ought to be reversed. We both believe the war in Iraq was put forward on the American people unjustly." Indeed, Gore has repudiated the war far more emphatically than Clinton has. Do Gore and Clinton agree with Dean that all the Bush tax cuts should be repealed, including the parts that went to the middle class? I haven't checked it out yet, but I'm betting that Gore agrees and Clinton doesn't.

Clark, the candidate widely regarded as Clinton's favorite, chimed in on Lieberman's side of the military question: "The time has passed in America when this party can be the party of compassion and let the executive branch run foreign policy. It won't work. We have to be the party that can stand toe to toe with George W. Bush on national security."

This was the big story of the night. Dean can't afford to have Gore's endorsement of him become more evidence that he's a left-winger. He has to patch up the Clinton-Gore rift. If he wins the nomination, he'll almost certainly have to name a running mate from the Clinton wing.

Anti-war, pro-tax? It's not the Gore wing; it's the McGovern wing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:42 PM



A stunning new poll shows President Bush would clobber Democratic front-runner Howard Dean by nearly 2-1 in politically potent New Hampshire - even though Dean has a giant lead over Democratic rivals in the state.

Bush gets 57 percent to Dean's 30 percent among registered voters in the American Research Group poll. In fact, Dean, from neighboring Vermont, does worse in the Granite State than a generic "Democratic Party nominee" who loses to Bush by 51 to 34 percent.

Even a tall dwarf is still a little man.

Bush refuses to wallow in mud (Bill Sammon, 12/11/03, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

President Bush will try to remain above the political fray for longer than usual leading up to next year's election because of what his handlers see as a significant "stature gap" between Mr. Bush and his challengers.

"If he gets down ... with the Lilliputians, he is going to look like another one of them," said a White House source close to the president.

While it is traditional for an incumbent president to cling to the political high road for as long as possible, the imperative is even greater for Mr. Bush, whose war on terrorism has made him a larger-than-life figure to both supporters and detractors.

The president is especially wary of wading into a political discourse that many observers regard as unusually strident and even vulgar this election cycle. For example, Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, used an obscenity to describe the president's foreign policy to Rolling Stone magazine.

"No sense having President Bush dive into a cesspool that has most recently been clouded by the f-word," said the Bush source.

"People might not always agree with the president, but they see him as a strong, principled leader and they respect him for that," the source added. "Having him — or his official spokesmen or even his campaign — responding to, you know, Howard Dean, would reduce that stature."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:20 PM


Forget USC, The Team That Should Be Playing In The Sugar Bowl Is……Colgate (Jason Foster, 12/11/03, College Football News)

The Colgate Red Raiders, led by coach Dick Biddle, are riding a 20-game winning streak and have advanced to the semi-finals of the 1-AA playoffs.  Last Saturday, they defeated Western Illinois in weather conditions that would have made the 1967 Green Bay Packers  shudder.  If you did not happen to see the highlights on ESPN, picture a blank sheet of 8 ½ x 11” copy paper. Expand that to the size of a football field.  Now play football on it.   They are the lone undefeated team in 1-AA.  So it stands to reason that Colgate would be better than any team in Division II, Division III or any other team from a lower level of competition that winds up on the Minnesota out-of-conference schedule. 

But how is Colgate more deserving than Oklahoma, LSU or USC?  Simple.  Look at it this way.

Oklahoma lost to Kansas State.
Kansas State lost to Marshall.
Marshall lost to Toledo.
Toledo lost to Ball State.
Ball State lost to Western Michigan.
Western Michigan lost to Michigan State.
Michigan State lost to Louisiana Tech.
Louisiana Tech lost to Rice.
Rice lost to Navy.
Navy lost to Delaware.
Delaware lost to Northeastern.
Northeastern lost to Harvard.
Harvard lost to Columbia.
Columbia lost to Fordham.
Fordham lost to Lehigh.
Lehigh lost to Colgate.
Colgate has not lost a game in over a year.

This is nothing new for Colgate, which even when it had the best team in the history of college football was not invited to a bowl game.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:02 PM


A Deliberate Debacle (PAUL KRUGMAN, 12/12/03, NY Times)

These are tough times for the architects of the "Bush doctrine" of unilateralism and preventive war. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their fellow Project for a New American Century alumni viewed Iraq as a pilot project, one that would validate their views and clear the way for further regime changes. (Hence Mr. Wolfowitz's line about "future efforts.")

Instead, the venture has turned sour — and many insiders see Mr. Baker's mission as part of an effort by veterans of the first Bush administration to extricate George W. Bush from the hard-liners' clutches. If the mission collapses amid acrimony over contracts, that's a good thing from the hard-liners' point of view.

Bear in mind that there is plenty of evidence of policy freebooting by administration hawks, such as the clandestine meetings last summer between Pentagon officials working for Douglas Feith, under secretary of defense for policy and planning — and a key player in the misrepresentation of the Iraqi threat — and Iranians of dubious repute. Remember also that blowups by the hard-liners, just when the conciliators seem to be getting somewhere, have been a pattern.

There was a striking example in August. It seemed that Colin Powell had finally convinced President Bush that if we aren't planning a war with North Korea, it makes sense to negotiate. But then John Bolton, the under secretary of state for arms control, whose role is more accurately described as "the neocons' man at State," gave a speech about Kim Jong Il, declaring: "To give in to his extortionist demands would only encourage him and, perhaps more ominously, other would-be tyrants."

It's amazing that Mr. Krugman has expended so much ink and pulp on President Bush without learning anything about him. Consider the premise of the above, that the President wants to placate France and Germany and get them their money from Iraq, that he wants to cut a deal with Kim Jong-il, and that he no longer wants to pursue regime change, but that "hard-liners" oppose him. Today Jacques Chretien, who said some unflattering things about the Elder Mr. Bush over a decade ago, leaves office without ever having been invited to the Bush White House, but Mr. Krugman thinks this is a President who forgives and forgets?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:47 AM


How Profiling Saved My Life: Reflections on Crime and Black Supremacy (Nicholas Stix, December 14, 2003, Toogood Reports)

It never occurred to us to sue the Long Beach Police Department for abuse of authority and profiling. Maybe that was because when Kevan & Co. jumped out of their cars, we were just about to commit a felony or three, breaking into cars in that parking lot. Maybe because we hadn’t been taught to scream bloody murder, when we got caught doing wrong. Maybe because we were white.

And what if Kevan & Co. had left us alone? We would have broken into cars, and stolen stereos and such, as planned, sold our booty for a couple of dollars, and eventually shifted about to steal bigger and more expensive objects - like entire cars. Between the law of averages and our natural stupidity, we all would have ended up arrested multiple times.

And Dennis did, in fact, end up in the Berkshire School for Boys, a reform school in upstate New York, for an early experiment in multiculturalism. He went on a mugging spree one night with two slightly older sociopaths - a Jew named David Kaiser and a black drug addict named Tyrone Huffman. (One night, for no particular reason, Tyrone decided to stomp me to death, but was interrupted by a righteous, black Christian woman whom I remember only as “Darnell’s mother.”)

I know that Mike spent some time in Nassau County Jail as a teenager, because he bragged about it (“Nassau County’s eggs suck!”). And since Steve was unable or unwilling to go to school, show up for even a security guard job, stay off the booze or hold his booze, I’m going to presume that he spent at least some time inside. (I didn’t hang around to find out.)

Eventually, I realized that I was unable to stay cool enough to avoid getting caught when the police were chasing me, had no talent for the violence that is inevitable even in a con man’s life, and didn’t want to get raped. And so, I changed my ways. Otherwise, I doubt I would still be alive.

That was 1971, this is now.

Now, when a group of teenage boys hangs out on the street at night, they think they have a right to be left alone by the police. At least they do, if they are black or Hispanic. And where do they get such notions? And why are they routinely out on the street - not at 9 p.m., but at 10, 11, midnight and later - on school nights?

These reflections were inspired by the New York City government’s recent settlement of a lawsuit, in which it agreed to pay a total of $167,500 to ten plaintiffs who alleged they had been targeted by police, merely because they were black.

The tragedy is that it's law abiding minorities who pay the price of our not profiling--because it's their neighborhoods that bear the brunt of crime.

December 11, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:47 PM

IGNORANCE IS BLISS (via Mike Daley):

Crowded field cripples Democratic debates: With nine candidates on stage, all have to rely on sound bites (Dick Polman, 12/11/03, Philadelphia Inquirer)

Ever since the first buds of spring, Democratic candidates have trekked in tandem to party debates and special-interest forums across the land - 25, at last count - each hoping that a quip, a sound bite, a telling anecdote, or a killer salvo fired at President Bush might seize the public's fancy and put that lucky Democrat on the fast track to power.

But despite the attention from C-Span, CNN, ABC and MSNBC, and all the auditions with the likes of AFSCME, AARP and the NAACP, one national poll now reports that 45 percent of likely Democratic primary voters still cannot name a single candidate.

How we envy them.

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 5:35 PM


An officially licensed euro-nut (Guardian, 11/24/2003; via Fainting in Coyles)

This morning Tony Blair meets President Chirac for their latest summit, which takes place after a fairly grim period in Anglo-French relations. MacShane says: "I would liken it to a marriage in which two partners often think of killing each other, aren't quite sure of the meaning of the word 'fidelity', but never contemplate divorce."

Ah, those post-Christian Euro-marriages. You have to feel for Tony, he hardly deserves marriage to a Frenchman.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:35 PM


2004 Will Be the U.S.'S Best Year Economically in Last 20 Years, The Conference Board Reports in a Revised Forecast (12/11/03)

Revising its year-end economic forecast sharply upward, The Conference Board today projected that real GDP growth will hit 5.7% next year, making 2004 the best year economically in the last 20 years.

The forecast, by Conference Board Chief Economist Gail Fosler, expects worker productivity, which set a 20-year record in the third quarter, to rise at a healthy 3.6% next year. That would follow a gain of 4.3% this year. . . .

Real capital spending, which will rise by only 2.7% this year, will climb 11.7% next year and another 8.6% in 2005. Pre-tax corporate operating profits will top $1 trillion next year, up from a projected $928 billion this year. Another trillion-dollar-plus gain in profits is expected in 2005.

The future is the perfect democracy: nobody knows nothin'.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:38 PM


Bush asks Europe to forgive Iraq debt (David Sanger, Douglas Jehl, December 12, 2003, NY Times)

US President George Bush yesterday called the leaders of France, Germany and Russia to ask them to forgive Iraq's debts - just a day after the Pentagon excluded them from bidding for Iraqi reconstruction projects.

Well, they can't say they weren't warned.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:07 PM

6 to 4 MARGIN:

Beyond Red and Blue: Painting America in just two colors makes US politics seem too black-and-white. In reality, the national electorate divides into 10 regions that cut across state borders. How they come together will determine the presidential election. (Robert David Sullivan, Mass Inc.)

One of the most awful prospects of the next presidential election is the return of…that damn map. Depicting the results of the 2000 election, the reigning graphic of American politics divides the United States into two colors, red for Republican and blue for Democratic. It's also the basis of a lot of simplistic political analysis. "The 2000 election map highlighted a deep cultural tension between the cities (the blue states) and the sticks (the red states)," as Matt Bai put it in the New York Times Magazine earlier this year. David Brooks described this schism in more acerbic tones in the Atlantic Monthly in 2001: "In Red America churches are everywhere. In Blue America Thai restaurants are everywhere."

But this primary-color collage resonates only because it turns up the contrast. Given that more than 40 percent of voters in the blue states backed Bush and more than 40 percent of voters in the red states backed Gore, doesn't the red vs. blue model seem, well, a bit black-and-white?

So CommonWealth decided to make a map of our own. Aiming somewhere between the reductionist red-and-blue model and the most accurate (but least useful) subdivision of the United States into infinity, we split the county into 10 regions, each with a distinct political character. Our regions are based on voting returns from both national and state elections, demographic data from the US Census, and certain geographic features such as mountain ranges and coastlines. (See "The 10 Regions of US Politics" for detailed descriptions.) Each region represents about one-tenth of the national electorate, casting between 10.4 million and 10.8 million votes in the 2000 presidential election.

Some states fall entirely within a region, but many are split between two or more. Electoral votes follow state boundaries, but populations don't, and the social characteristics that influence politics spill over jurisdictional lines. Rural sections of adjacent states often have more in common, culturally and politically, with each other than with the urban and suburban population centers of their states. If political campaigns can translate media markets into electoral votes, why not regional identities that cross state lines? Furthermore, upstate-downstate divisions are well-established dynamics in elections for statewide offices, such as governor and US senator. Why should it be a surprise that they play a role in the Electoral College tally for president?

That role becomes clear in CommonWealth's analysis of recent national elections (See "Continental Divides"): No winner of a presidential election has carried fewer than five regions in at least three decades. But it's especially clear in the razor's edge closeness of the 2000 presidential election: George W. Bush and Al Gore each won five regions, but it was Bush's hair's-breadth victory in Southern Lowlands that carried the day.

Although the purpose of our framework is not prediction, the explanatory power of CommonWealth's analysis is evident: If either Bush or the eventual Democratic nominee in 2004 can carry a sixth region, as Bill Clinton did in both 1992 and 1996, he is virtually assured to win in November. As political campaigns pull out their maps and sharpen their pencils, setting a course for November 2, 2004, they should consult our cartography - if only to determine where their opportunities lie, and where they're wasting their time.

Three of our regions have voted Republican in every election since 1964. SAGEBRUSH, which includes most of the Rocky Mountain states and a piece of northern New England; SOUTHERN COMFORT, which follows the Gulf Coast and reaches up to the Ozarks; and the FARM BELT, which stretches from Ohio to Nebraska but leapfrogs the Mississippi River. Two others lean Republican, but have boosted Democrats from time to time. APPALACHIA, which follows the mountain range from Pennsylvania to Mississippi, supported Jimmy Carter in 1976 but abandoned him in 1980 and backed the GOP ever since. SOUTHERN LOWLANDS, which stretches from Washington, DC, to New Orleans, stayed with Carter in 1980 and supported Clinton twice in the 1990s but rejected northerners Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis, not to mention Gore in 2000.

Three regions have flip-flopped in a dramatic way, voting for Carter in 1976, switching to Reagan in 1980 and 1984, then going Democratic in the past four elections: UPPER COASTS, which includes most of New England and the Pacific Northwest; GREAT LAKES, which takes in such cities as Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo; and BIG RIVER, which follows the Mississippi from Duluth to Memphis. NORTHEAST CORRIDOR, which runs from Bridgeport to Bethesda, followed the same course except that it snubbed Dukakis and waited until 1992 to switch back to the Democrats - and stayed there. Finally, EL NORTE, which stretches from Los Angeles to Brownsville, Texas, and also includes the Miami area, backed Republican candidates from 1968 through 1988 but more recently supported Clinton and Gore.

Of course, CommonWealth's 10-region model is not the only way to analyze national politics. Many others now dominate the talk among the pundit class. (See "Dominators and Bloc-heads.") But in comparison to the others, our model has certain advantages.

What's frightening for Democrats is that while Bill Clinton had to carry six, George W. Bush won with just five and that the region most up for grabs is one Gore carried (Big River).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:29 PM


Johnson: Impressions inside Baghdad (Bill Johnson, December 11, 2003, Rocky Mountain News)

BAGHDAD, Iraq - I expected none of this.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:28 PM


An Act in Addition to the Act, Entitled "An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That if any persons shall unlawfully combine or conspire together, with intent to oppose any measure or measures of the government of the United States, which are or shall be directed by proper authority, or to impede the operation of any law of the United States, or to intimidate or prevent any person holding a place or office in or under the government of the United States, from undertaking, performing or executing his trust or duty, and if any person or persons, with intent as aforesaid, shall counsel, advise or attempt to procure any insurrection, riot, unlawful assembly, or combination, whether such conspiracy, threatening, counsel, advice, or attempt shall have the proposed effect or not, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction, before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and by imprisonment during a term not less than six months nor exceeding five years; and further, at the discretion of the court may be ho]den to find sureties for his good behaviour in such sum, and for such time, as the said court may direct.

SEC. 2. And be it farther enacted, That if any person shall write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said Congress, or the said President, or to bring them, or either of them, into contempt or disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States, or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the President of the United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the constitution of the United States, or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act, or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against United States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted and declared, That if any person shall be prosecuted under this act, for the writing or publishing any libel aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the defendant, upon the trial of the cause, to give in evidence in his defence, the truth of the matter contained in Republication charged as a libel. And the jury who shall try the cause, shall have a right to determine the law and the fact, under the direction of the court, as in other cases.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and one, and no longer: Provided, that the expiration of the act shall not prevent or defeat a prosecution and punishment of any offence against the law, during the time it shall be in force.

APPROVED, July 14, 1798.

Imagine my surprise in rereading the Sedition Act and discovering that it is more clearly constitutional than McCain-Feingold. It is, in fact, probably constitutional under the Supreme Court's current free speech jurisprudence. It requires a finding of malice, it does not provide for prior restraint, it is tied to libel law and truth is an absolute defence.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:22 PM


Carter: Miller's Senate appointment was 'mistake' (The Associated Press, 12/11/03)

Former President Jimmy Carter says the appointment of Georgia's Zell Miller to the Senate was a mistake because his fellow ex-governor "betrayed all the basic principles that I thought he and I and others shared."

The comments, which Carter made Wednesday on the radio program FOX News Live with Alan Colmes, are the latest in a string of attacks prominent Democrats have made lately concerning the maverick senator who has endorsed President Bush's re-election and penned a new book arguing his party is out of touch with the South.

When Colmes asked Carter about Miller, the former president first said, "I would rather not even comment about Zell Miller on the radio," then proceeded to call the appointment "one of the worst mistakes" then-Democratic Gov. Roy Barnes made in his final four years in office.

Of course, unlike Mr. Carter, when Mr. Miller went back before the people in the subsequent election he won. So it can't have been too big a mistake, unlike the election of Mr. Carter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


Gore's Puzzling Intervention (David S. Broder, December 11, 2003, Washington Post)

Some, however, may wonder how much confidence to place in Gore's political judgment. This is the man, after all, who lost the White House in a time of peace and prosperity, a strategist who refused to permit President Clinton even to campaign for him in New Hampshire, West Virginia or Florida -- all Clinton states, any one of which would have given Democrats the victory.

Gore said he had been impressed by Dean's grass-roots support, and indeed the campaign has been brilliant in mobilizing volunteers and contributors on a scale no one else has come close to matching. But Kohut's survey shows that support is based on a very well-defined constituency.

As he put it, "Dean's advantage is bolstered by his strong appeal to the well-educated liberal wing of the party in Iowa and New Hampshire. Nearly half of Dean's Iowa supporters are college graduates and far more describe themselves as liberals (38 percent) than conservatives (17 percent)." The Dean supporters are notable not just for the vehemence of their opposition to the Iraq war but also for their support of gay marriage and for their variance from national norms of religious belief. Forty percent of the Dean supporters in New Hampshire, his strongest state, say they seldom or never attend church.

As Gore knows well, one of the great divides in 2000 was between regular churchgoers, who went heavily for Bush, and the less-churched, who voted Democratic. And Gore was a candidate, unlike Dean, who spoke openly and often about the role of religion in his own life.

Thus far, despite his glowing notices, Dean has failed to dominate any of the Democratic candidate debates. On Tuesday, while basking in the Gore endorsement, he virtually disappeared for long periods, while long shots such as Dennis Kucinich made their rhetorical points.

The problem for the Democratic activists is that Dean's limited appeal is limited to them. From inside the echo chamber it seems resounding support.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 AM


Iraqis for the "Occupation" (Dr. Walid Phares, December 11, 2003,

[T]wo others ironies were also hanging over Baghdad last night. One was the link between President Bush's drive to push for democracy in Iraq and the region, and the other was the silence of those who were supposed to drive that wagon around the world. Observers drew my attention to the fact that yesterday's march came after another smaller one, which took place the day after the U.S. President visited their city. They also noted that many of the banners were pasted from Bush's speeches to the Arab world last month. I was invited to make a link. Eventually I saw it. The workers, women and students in Iraq didn't mention the name of the Presidential visitor, but they heavily quoted his words. What's the message here? You can read it on the mushrooming underground websites in the region. People want freedom and democracy, even at the hands of aliens (what the Left calls "occupation" and the Iraqis call "liberation").

This leads us to the second irony. While the underdogs are barking freely in the streets of Baghdad, challenging the Ba'athist shadows and the jihadist terrorists, human rights and democracy groups in the West lack the courage to come to the rescue of their fellow progressive forces in the Middle East. As a group of Iraqi students told me, "Isn't it terrible to see that Western elites came here to demonstrate in support of Saddam against the Coalition, and when we took the streets to demonstrate against the Saddam war crimes, they didn't show up?"

Yesterday was a benchmark in Iraq. Maybe a small step in the long journey toward human dignity, but all genuine marches for freedom are of eternal value.

Can't remember which talking head said it, but someone on NPR the other day opined that the French, Germans, etc. were right not to participate in Iraqi peace-keeping and reconstruction because it's dangerous and their soldiers might be killed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:37 AM


Labor's safety net may help Sharon "move" some settlements (Ellis Shuman, December 10, 2003, Israeli Insider)

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday that as part of the "unilateral steps" he would take if the Palestinians caused the "road map" peace initiative to fail, he would "move" some settlements. Last night Sharon met with opposition leader MK Shimon Peres; media analysts suggested that Sharon was preparing the groundwork for Labor's support of his unilateral plans.

We are months, not years, away from achieving the Road Map.

Olmert: plan includes dismantling many settlements (Aluf Benn and Gideon Alon, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and Agencies, 11/12/2003)

Israel's Deputy Prime Minister said Thursday Israel would have to dismantle "a considerable amount of settlements" under his plan for a unilateral withdrawal from some areas of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Ehud Olmert said he would soon reveal precise details of his plans for an Israeli pullback from some areas and the annexation of others.

Israel had to be prepared to take action on its own if peace talks with the Palestinians fail, something he regards as inevitable. [...]

Olmert would not name which settlements were to be uprooted under his plan, but "a considerable amount of settlements and a considerable number of people will have to move into different areas."

However, Olmert said that Israel would not pull back to its borders before the 1967 War or relinquish all of East Jerusalem.

"This will not be identical to the 1967 borders. Definitely not. It will include on the Israeli side the united city of Jerusalem. But it will be a lot different from the reality that exists today," Olmert said. [...]

"Unilateral separation will reduce the chances of fighting to a minimum because it will be an entirely new reality. That's precisely what scares the Palestinians," Olmert said, adding that the fate of the peace process was in the hands of the Palestinians.

"If they are unable to go ahead and unwilling to fight terror organizations, then there will be a unilateral, comprehensive step taken by the state of Israel, and I think that may indeed change fundamentally the situation in the Middle East," Olmert said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:33 AM


Shrillary Strikes Again: Is George W. Bush trying to "undo the New Deal"? (Larry Elder, Front Page)

Undoing the New Deal? Does she not see the steam blasting from the ears of principled conservatives flatly astonished by President George W. Bush's and his Republican colleagues' willingness to spend, spend and spend? During Bush's term in office, excluding defense and homeland security, non-war government expenditures increased at a rate faster than under former President Bill Clinton. By this time in his term, Reagan vetoed over 20 bills, President George W. Bush, none.

Hillary Clinton, not surprisingly, is right and the Stupid Party wrong on this one. The New Deal stood for the proposition that the government will take on the responsibility of providing for your every need. President Bush--though the process actually began with the Republican Congresses paradigm-shifting Welfare reform--is moving the country in a radically different direction, towards a system where the individual will resume the responsible, to the maximum degree feasible, of providing for his own social services--health care, unemployment insurance, education, mortgage, retirement, etc. (The operating title for this new system is apparently the "Ownership Society", ownership evoking yesterday's bit of de Tocqueville.) Now, conservatives, not known for their intellects, are terribly confused about all this, because the Welfare State which took 70 years to build wasn't reconstructed yesterday, which is apparently their test of someone's bona fides.

However, the Ted Kennedy's and Hillary Clinton's, far smarter and more sensitive to even tiny shifts in the zeitgeist than we Neanderthals, are well aware of what's going on. Mr. Kennedy actually figured it out after helping pass the wolf in sheep's clothing that is the No Child Left Behind Act. Nothing better illustrates the lag in Conservatives' comprehension than their continued belief that the NCLBA represented a Republican defeat. More recently, the Medicare reform--which included means-testing, MSA's and a series of other measures that Republicans have been pushing futiley for a quarter century--has been greeted as some kind of secret socialist coup by the Right, but Democrats fought it because they recognize that little reforms and the executive rule-making powers have a tendency to lead to sweeping change over time. And, at this point, time is on the GOP's side--whether they recognize it or not.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:17 AM


'Prehistoric man began global warming' (12/11/03)

Measurements of ancient air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice offers evidence that humans have been changing the global climate since thousands of years before the industrial revolution. . . .

Leading the change was the revolutionary adoption, across both Europe and Asia, of agriculture and animal husbandry, Professor Ruddiman said.

Analysis of air trapped in ice cores drilled from the Antarctic ice sheet show anomalous increases in carbon dioxide levels beginning 8000 years ago - just as crop lands began to replace previously forested regions across Asia and Europe. . . .

The prehistoric practices apparently overrode a build-up of ice that models predict should have occurred from 5000 years ago.

So, we owe civilization to global warming?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:59 AM


The Ethics of Belief: a review of A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love by Richard Dawkins (Simon Blackburn, The New Republic)

[O]ne essay in particular, "Darwin Triumphant," is a marvelous statement of the methodology and the status of current evolutionary theory. Indeed, it is the best such introduction I know, and it ought to be the first port of call for know- nothings and saloon-bar skeptics about the nature and the power of Darwinian theory. In it Dawkins shows his uncanny ability to combine what might seem light and introductory material with heavyweight contributions to theory. He moves seamlessly from introducing "core Darwinism" to answering a professional question left open by Francis Crick. The clarity of his writing is astonishing. This is his description of core Darwinism: "the minimal theory that evolution is guided in adaptively nonrandom directions by the nonrandom survival of small random hereditary changes." Every word counts; none could
be omitted, and for the purposes of definition no more are needed.

That definition also states the case for nearly all skepticism about Darwinism. Start with the use of the words "guided" and "nonrandom directions", continue on to the survival of hereditary changes being "nonrandom" (thus the criticism of Dawkins by his peers for determinism) and wrap it up in the evolutionary corollary to Fermi's Paradox: "where are the changes?"

December 10, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:41 PM


Selling Out the Democratic Party (Christopher Scheer, December 10, 2003, AlterNet)

How many times must the public send the message before the Democratic Party decides to stop shooting the messenger? The Gore-Bush contest of 2000, the 2002 mid-term elections, the California recall, and now the astonishing near-defeat of Gavin Newsom in San Francisco's mayor's race, each contain the same crystal-clear message: choosing Republican Lite-weights to represent the Democratic Party makes a lousy political strategy.

But the Democratic establishment would rather blame Nader and the Florida freaks. Blame Arnold and the Recall Repubs. Blame last-second progressive S.F. mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez and his hipster horde. Blame "Mean" Dean and his Internet machine. Blame 9/11, late-night GOP roll-call votes ... anybody, in fact, but itself.

The sad, mostly unacknowledged fact is that in the shadow of Bill Clinton's enormous charisma and political brilliance, the Democratic Party has been steadily receding in influence across this country for more than a decade. Congress, gubernatorial races, city elections -- you name it, and they've lost it.

Apparently the lens through which we should now view the Democrats is that there's the Clinton (electability) wing vs. the Dean/Gore (authenticity) wing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 PM


Breaking and Entering (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, December 11, 2003, NY Times)

Whenever I think of President Bush's invasion of Iraq, the image that comes to mind is that famous scene in the movie "The Shining" where Jack Nicholson, playing a crazed author, tries to kill his wife, played by Shelley Duvall, who's hiding in the bathroom. As Ms. Duvall cowers behind the locked bathroom door, Mr. Nicholson takes an ax, smashes it through the door, and with a look of cheery madness peers through the splintered wood and announces, "Heeeere's Johnny."

That's the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In a region where the combination of oil wealth, culture and the cold war has ossified politics for so long, in a region that has been barricaded from history for so many years, in a region where the U.S. has always been a status quo power, never a revolutionary power — the U.S. just crashed right through the locked door: "Heeeere's Dubya."

Well, sure, what patriotic American doesn't think of his country as an axe-wielding psychopath...

Posted by David Cohen at 10:23 PM


The First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech." Nevertheless, the Court today upholds what can only be described as the most significant abridgment of the freedoms of speech and association since the Civil War. With breathtaking scope, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), directly targets and constricts core political speech, the "primary object of First Amendment protection." Because "the First Amendment" has its fullest and most urgent application "to speech uttered during a campaign for political office," our duty is to approach these restrictions "with the utmost skepticism" and subject them to the "strictest scrutiny."

In response to this assault on the free exchange of ideas and with only the slightest consideration of the appropriate standard of review or of the Court's traditional role of protecting First Amendment freedoms, the Court has placed its imprimatur on these unprecedented restrictions. The very "purpose of the First Amendment [is] to preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas in which truth will ultimately prevail." Yet today the fundamental principle that "the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market," is cast aside in the purported service of preventing "corruption," or the mere "appearance of corruption." Apparently, the marketplace of ideas is to be fully open only to defamers, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U. S. 254 (1964); nude dancers, Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U. S. 560 (1991) (plurality opinion); pornographers, Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 535 U. S. 234 (2002); flag burners, United States v. Eichman, 496 U. S. 310 (1990); and cross burners, Virginia v. Black, 538 U. S. ___ (2003).

Because I cannot agree with the treatment given by JUSTICE STEVEN'S and JUSTICE O'CONNOR's opinion (hereinafter joint opinion) to speech that is "indispensable to the effective and intelligent use of the processes of popular government to shape the destiny of modern industrial society," I respectfully dissent. [Citations omitted.]

It is one of my pet theories here that Justice Thomas is the best of the current justices -- and, in case that seems to be damning with faint praise -- one of the great justices in our history. In this opinion, he shows again why that is so. I am particularly taken with this following paragraph, which presages the undeniable truth that this statute, as destructive as it is to free speech and free elections, only sets the stage for the next "reform":
It is not difficult to see where this leads. Every law has limits, and there will always be behavior not covered by the law but at its edges; behavior easily characterized as "circumventing" the law's prohibition. Hence, speech regulation will again expand to cover new forms of "circumvention," only to spur supposed circumvention of the new regulations, and so forth. Rather than permit this neverending and self-justifying process, I would require that the Government explain why proposed speech restrictions are needed in light of actual Government interests, and, in particular, why the bribery laws are not sufficient.
Justice Thomas' point that the government should be forced to use the least restictive means possible when interfering with our core political rights and that its interest can be entirely protected by well-drafted bribery statutes, is unanswerable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 PM


Invasion of the entryists: How did a cultish political network become the public face of the scientific establishment? (George Monbiot, December 9, 2003, The Guardian)

The organisation began in the late 1970s as a Trotskyist splinter called the Revolutionary Communist party. It immediately set out to destroy competing oppositionist movements. When nurses and cleaners marched for better pay, it picketed their demonstrations. It moved into the gay rights group Outrage and sought to shut it down. It tried to disrupt the miners' strike, undermined the Anti-Nazi League and nearly destroyed the radical Polytechnic of North London. On at least two occasions RCP activists physically attacked members of opposing factions.

In 1988, it set up a magazine called Living Marxism, later LM. By this time, the organisation, led by the academic Frank Furedi, the journalist Mick Hume and the teacher Claire Fox, had moved overtly to the far right. LM described its mission as promoting a "confident individualism" without social constraint. It campaigned against gun control, against banning tobacco advertising and child pornography, and in favour of global warming, human cloning and freedom for corporations. It defended the Tory MP Neil Hamilton and the Bosnian Serb ethnic cleansers. It provided a platform for writers from the corporate thinktanks the Institute for Economic Affairs and the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise. Frank Furedi started writing for the Centre for Policy Studies (founded by Keith Joseph and Margaret Thatcher) and contacting the supermarket chains, offering, for £7,500, to educate their customers "about complex scientific issues".

In the late 1990s, the group began infiltrating the media, with remarkable success. For a while, it seemed to dominate scientific and environmental broadcasting on Channel 4 and the BBC. It used these platforms (Equinox, Against Nature, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Counterblast, Zeitgeist) to argue that environmentalists were Nazi sympathisers who were preventing human beings from fulfilling their potential. In 2000, LM magazine was sued by ITN, after falsely claiming that the news organisation's journalists had fabricated evidence of Serb atrocities against Bosnian Muslims. LM closed, and was resurrected as the web magazine Spiked and the thinktank the Institute of Ideas.

All this is already in the public domain. But now, thanks to the work of the researcher and activist Jonathan Matthews (published today on his database, what seems to be a new front in this group's campaign for individuation has come to light. Its participants have taken on key roles in the formal infrastructure of public communication used by the science and medical establishment.

Frontpage Interview: Christopher Hitchens: Hitchens on Iraq, the War on Terror, the Left. . .and his own intellectual journey. (Jamie Glazov, FrontPage)
Frontpage Magazine: Thank you for joining Frontpage Interview Mr. Hitchens. I’d like to begin with your intellectual journey. You were, at one time, a man of the Left and, if I am correct, a Trotskyist. What led you to this political disposition? It is often said that a lot of our personal psychology and character lead us to our political outlooks. When you look back, does this apply to you in any way? Tell us a bit about your attraction to the Left, Trotskyism, Isaac Deutscher, etc.

Hitchens: A the time and place when I came to political awareness, which was in the early mid-1960s in England, the governing Establishment was that of the Labour Party in its most corrupt and opportunist form (and in Washington, which we all understood as the real capital) it was that of the Democratic machine of LBJ. The charm and appeal of the “social democratic” project was thus very slight. And, coming from a generation which had read Darkness and Noon and Nineteen Eighty Four before being exposed to any Marxist influence, the option of illusions in orthodox Communism did not seriously exist. I think it is this formative background that meant that, in Western Europe at least, the radical and insurgent spirit was attracted to one form or another of “Trotskyism”.

In 1968 - I of course like to think of myself as having been a “Sixty Eighter” or even soixante-huitard rather than merely a “Sixties person” - there seemed the chance not only of contesting the atrocious imperial war in Vietnam but of ending the dictatorial regimes of De Gaulle, Franco, Salazar and Papadopoulos, and of extending this movement across the Berlin Wall. And we have some successes to boast of: the battering that the old order received in that year was to prove terminal in the short run, both East and West.

One is in danger of sounding like an old-fart veteran if one goes on too long about this, but to have been involved in street-arguments in Havana while Chicago was erupting and Prague being subjugated was to feel oneself part of a revolutionary moment. What I didn’t understand then was that this was the very end of something - the revolutionary Marxist tradition - rather than a new beginning of it. But it had its aspect of honor and of glory. Its greatest culmination turned out to be in 1989, when the delayed or postponed effects of 1968 helped bring down the Berlin Wall altogether. It’s not very well understood by the mainstream, but many Czechs and Poles and East Germans of my acquaintance, with more or less “Trotskyist” politics, played a seminal part in those events. And I did my best to stay on their side through those years.

The figure of Trotsky himself, as leader of the “Left Opposition” to Stalin, has many deformities. But I still think he comes out of the twentieth century as a great figure of courageous and engaged dissent, and of the fusion of intellect and action. In my writing, I try to pay respect to the literary and intellectual figures associated with this tradition, from CLR James to Victor Serge. The best-known of this group is of course George Orwell, though he is often not celebrated for that reason.

I am anticipating your next question, but there is in fact a “red thread” that still connects my past to my present views. In discussing things with my Iraqi and Kurdish comrades over the past decade or so, for example, I was quite struck by how many of them came to the struggle against Saddam Hussein by means of some of the same memories, books and traditions that I did. The best of the Iraqi dissident authors, Kanan Makiya, whose books everyone simply has to read if they want to be part of the argument, is the foremost example.

A Troubling Influence (Frank J. Gaffney Jr., December 9, 2003, FrontPage)
At a black-tie dinner on November 5th, nearly 300 conservative activists and politicians gathered at Washington’s Mayflower Hotel to recognize a prominent fixture in their community: tax-advocate and conservative coalition-builder Grover Norquist.

The talk that evening was of the honoree’s tireless efforts to advance his libertarian objective of down-sizing federal, state and local governments by reducing their revenues. He was toasted for organizing nationwide initiatives to memorialize Ronald Reagan, notably with the renaming of the capital’s National Airport after the former President.

Most in the audience were surely unaware that the effect of their tribute – if not its organizers’ intended purpose – was to provide urgently needed political cover for a man who has been active on another, far less laudable and, in fact, deeply problematic front: Enabling a political influence operation to advance the causes of radical Islamists, and targeted most particularly at the Bush Administration. The growing influence of this operation – and the larger Islamist enterprise principally funded by Saudia Arabia – has created a strategic vulnerability for the nation, and a political liability for its President.

The association between Grover Norquist and Islamists appears to have started about five years ago, in 1998, when he became the founding chairman of an organization called the Islamic Free Market Institute, better known as the Islamic Institute.

All in the Neocon Family (Jim Lobe, March 26, 2003, AlterNet)
What do William Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Elliot Abrams, and Robert Kagan have in common? Yes, they are all die-hard hawks who have gained control of U.S. foreign policy since the 9/11 attacks. But they are also part of one big neoconservative family -- an extended clan of spouses, children, and friends who have known each other for generations.

Neoconservatives are former liberals (which explains the "neo" prefix) who advocate an aggressive unilateralist vision of U.S. global supremacy, which includes a close strategic alliance with Israel. Let's start with one of the founding fathers of the extended neocon clan: Irving Kristol. His extensive resume includes waging culture wars for the CIA against the Soviet Union in the early years of the Cold War and calling for an American "imperial" role during the Vietnam War. Papa Kristol, who has been credited with defining the major themes of neoconservative thought, is married to Gertrude Himmelfarb, a neoconservative powerhouse on her own. Her studies of the Victorian era in Britain helped inspire the men who sold Bush on the idea of "compassionate conservatism."

The son of this proud couple is none other that William Kristol, the crown prince of the neoconservative clique and editor of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard. In 1997, he founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a front group which cemented the powerful alliance between right-wing Republicans like Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, Christian and Catholic Right leaders like Gary Bauer and William Bennett, and the neocons behind a platform of global U.S. military dominance. [...]

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tighly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

Meanwhile, the Left thinks President Bush staged the Thanksgiving landing at Area 51 with a plastic turkey and the commemorations of the JFK assassination showed that even many outwardly stable people are convinced it was a conspiracy, though no two of them agree on how or why it was done. Misanthropy has never seemed a more fitting response to humankind.

Gray's Anatomy: a review of Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals
by John Gray and Al Qaeda And What It Means To Be Modern by John Gray (DANNY POSTEL, December 22, 2003, The Nation)

Among the most interesting of the postideological pilgrims is the British writer John Gray, a professor of European thought at the London School of Economics. Gray's journey has taken him from championing the Thatcher revolution to becoming one of globalization's most savage critics; from writing Hayek on Liberty, a 1984 paean to the Austrian sage of free-market economics, to penning False Dawn, a 1998 jeremiad about the "delusions of global capitalism"; from frequenting Washington's right-wing think tanks to frequenting the pages of the Guardian and the New Statesman.

Straw Dogs represents yet another twist in Gray's journey. He is now a convert to the worldview of "deep" ecology. No longer is it the excesses of the free market or corporate globalization that exercises Gray. He's had it with the human race itself. "The destruction of the natural world is not the result of global capitalism, industrialisation, 'Western civilisation' or any flaw in human institutions." Rather, he explains, it is "a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate."

This will come as altogether welcome news to the captains of industry and the architects of the global economy; the ecological devastation they leave in their wake, according to Gray, has nothing to do with their exploits. And it will come as terribly disheartening news to anyone attempting to curb the more ferocious forms of environmental degradation. Kyoto Protocol--what's the point? Alternative energy--why bother?

Gray has had it not only with humans but with their self-aggrandizing self-image, with the pernicious intellectual scheme that he sees as the animating force behind their ecocidal rampages: humanism. Humanism, for Gray, commits two unforgivable intellectual sins: It claims that humans possess the capacity to shape their own destinies and that humans are above other animals.

This second claim rests on a peculiar distortion of humanism, one Gray compounds by idiosyncratically positing an antagonism between humanism and science. While Darwin "showed that humans are like other animals," humanists, he asserts, "claim they are not." An odd reading of modern intellectual history, to be sure. The Darwinian revolution was, on the contrary, hailed by humanists from the beginning as one of the high-water marks in humanism's struggle against religious irrationalism and superstition. Yet, in an odd reversal, Gray has turned humanists into enemies of science and evolution. Provided are no explanation, no argument, no reference to any specific humanists--just blanket assertion. This, I'm afraid, is all too characteristic of the method employed in Straw Dogs.

Even more consequential for Gray is the matter of shaping our destiny. Indeed, the essential conflict today, he maintains, is being "waged between humanists and the few who understand that humans can no more be masters of their destiny than any other animal." It is paramount for Gray that we junk the voluntarist fantasy of controlling our fate. "Epidemiology and microbiology are better guides to our future," he writes, "than any of our hopes or plans." Gray is referring here to new patterns of disease that promise, in his words, to "trim the human population." From the point of view of Gray's newfound antihumanism, the specter of calamitous epidemics spreading across the planet is nothing alarming. On the contrary, the disappearance of vast numbers of "homo rapiens" (his term of endearment for the species) would be a healthy purge of the "plague of people" that has afflicted the overburdened earth, an act of self-equilibrating eco-cleansing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 PM


THE HABIT OF DEMOCRACY: Alexis de Tocqueville and the pleasures of citizenship. (ADAM GOPNIK, 2001-10-15, The New Yorker)

Although much of Tocqueville's time and many of his pages were spent trying to find out about what was already the basic issue in American life, North and South (he guessed wrong, as nearly everybody did, thinking that the hold of the federal government was weakening, and that the Union might simply break apart), his essential and recurrent question was "What is to keep this from turning into a mob with a head-cutter?" The answer his matrix gave him was that it was partly church-going and partly club-joining and partly shopping.

In retrospect, his vision of religion and civil association appears somewhat distorted-or, anyway, limited-by the particular nine months he passed here. It was a time of unusual religious revival-the end of the Second Great Awakening-and of special civic agitation over the tariff, and he therefore had an exaggerated view of the role played by religion and by civic associations. Yet Tocqueville's point about piety wasn't simply that democratic Americans had more religious feeling than debauched Europeans. It was that Americans had figured out how to keep religion in a box. "Priests keep their distance from public affairs," he wrote. "In America religion is a world apart."

By "associations" he meant such familiar bits of Americana as the New England town meeting, the young men's debating society, and so on. It wasn't just that small clubs are the training ground for good citizens. For Tocqueville, it was the capacity of American private associations to, in effect, secede from politics which made them special, and made them unlike European associations, which see themselves as governments about to happen; every French political club is a coup d'état waiting in a café.

Tocqueville's idea of the association and its role in civil society can sometimes seem diffuse. At times, his heroic "associations" seem to be our hated "interest groups": "The association gathers the efforts of divergent minds in a cluster and drives them vigorously toward a single goal." Yet his emphasis is on the way the association protects people who feel that they are being driven too rigorously by the majority toward a goal they don't much want to get to-its purpose is "to weaken the moral empire of the majority." (Nor is this association necessarily wholesome. If we were searching for the perfect contemporary Tocquevillian "association"-which both drives a minority toward a goal and protects its members from the tyranny of the majority-a good candidate would be the National Rifle Association.)

Tocqueville treads a delicate balance: while he believes that the pure springs of American town-meeting democracy can be polluted by materialism, he also believes that materialism is one of the things that keep the springwater of American democracy from being stained with blood. He feared a kind of mindless, dependent American, and he feared the invisible despotism of a managed state. There is an astonishing chapter in "Democracy" called "What Kind of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear," where he struggles to define a paternal, invisible despotism of entertainments: "Above these citizens an immense tutelary power is elevated, which alone takes charge of assuring their enjoyments . . . but seeks only to keep them fixed irrevocably in childhood." It sounds like a day at Disneyworld.

Yet shopping trumps killing: "The taste for well-being forms the salient and indelible feature of democratic ages." It is the constant pursuit of small pleasures which keeps Americans from disorder and mob rule, which is their life-affirming passion:

The love of well-being shows itself to be a tenacious, exclusive, universal, but contained passion. It is not a question of building vast palaces, of vanquishing and outwitting nature, of depleting the universe in order better to satiate the passions of a man; it is about adding a few toises to one's fields, planting an orchard, enlarging a residence, making life easier and more comfortable at each instant. . . . These objects are small, but the soul clings to them.

Tocqueville saw that, in a democratic society, the classical division between political engagement and the cultivation of private serenity need not be absolute. The good American was not just cultivating his garden instead of politicking in the city; he was building a patio extension right around the garden wall, and his desire to do this, and to have all the things that make patio extensions possible-property laws, long-term security, commercial expansion-meant that he was playing a political role in any case. Democracies withdraw civil life from the hold of government; but they reinvigorate private life with civil purpose.

That last helps explain Fareed Zakaria's point about democracy requiring a certain GDP per capita and Richard Pipes's concern with the protection of private property rights. Maybe you need to own a part of your society before you truly care about its overall state.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 PM


Abortion test case goes to Europe: The case centres on the unborn baby's right to life (BBC, 12/10/03)

A woman whose pregnancy was wrongly terminated wants the European Court to accept a foetus' right to life.

The mix-up occurred in France, but campaigners fear the judgement could have implications for abortion rights across Europe.

French courts said the doctor could not be prosecuted for homicide as the foetus did not have the right to life.

But Mrs Thi-Nho Vo will argue that an "unborn child" has that right under the European Convention on Human Rights. [...]

Mrs Vo will argue that the foetus is protected by article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees a right to life.

Her lawyer, Bruno Le Griel, told the BBC's Today programme: "I will be asking the court to recognise reality, that is to say the human life, a human being, begins at the moment of conception.

"Who would dare tell my client to her face that what she was carrying, what she lost as a result of a mistake in the hospital, was nothing more than a cluster of cells and was not a human child - her child?"

You'd be surprised.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:26 PM


The Ten Commandments Controversy (MICHAEL NOVAK)

[T]he main point in this case was the unique character of the Jewish and Christian God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus is unlike any other God known to the ancient religions of Greece, Rome or the Middle East, or any other religion known to our Founders. Uniquely, this God wishes to be worshiped in spirit and truth, in whatsoever manner conscience directs, without coercion of any sort. This God reads hearts, and is satisfied only with purity of conscience and conviction. Those who belong to any other religion or tradition, or who count themselves among agnostics or atheists, are thereby given by this God equal freedom. They, too, must follow their individual consciences. This God wishes to be worshiped by men and women who are free, not under duress. Arising from His sovereignty, the rights He endows cannot be abrogated by a tyrannical majority among the people, or by the actions of the state in any of its branches.

This conception of religious liberty is spelled out directly in the founding-era documents mentioned above. For example, the Virginia Declaration of Rights affirms that religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.

This summarizes the classic American definition of religion and the foundation for religious liberty. To this definition, some make one or more objections. For instance, some point out that Christians (and Jews) have not always respected this principle, and thus try to discredit its Jewish and Christian origins. But human failure is no argument against the principle; human weakness is measured by it.

Second, one can say (as did Judge Thompson) that among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and others there have been examples of generations of “tolerance.” But tolerance is a different (and less profound) concept than the right to religious liberty. Tolerance may arise merely from a temporary lack of power to enforce conformity; it does not by itself invoke a natural right. The concept of religious liberty, on the other hand, depends upon a particular conception of God, a particular conception of the human person, and a particular conception of liberty. Reaching these conceptions took Jews and Christians many centuries. They had to be learned through failure and sin and error, and at great cost. But they were eventually learned.

Scholars today can easily point to texts in the American tradition for definitions of these concepts, but they would find it difficult to locate analogous texts in other traditions. Rightly did the authors of Federalist 14 call attention to their own originality, even as they exerted themselves to pay due respect to the opinions of past ages. For this reason, calling the attention of the public to the Jewish and Christian conception of God’s sovereignty, which grounds the principle of religious liberty, is not necessarily the same as “establishing” the Jewish or Christian religions.

In the first place, this conception is by its very nature public, not private, and has historically been invoked in the practice of existing public institutions in countless forms. The public life of our nation has been and is still remarkably religious, as is visible on public occasions such as the inaugural speeches of presidents, the swearing-in of judges, Thanksgiving Day, Independence Day and Memorial Day. The notion that the foundation of our rights lies in God’s work has been officially deployed in many congressional and presidential decrees and proclamations, which recommend religious observances such as fasting, prayers, thanksgiving and imploring pardon for the nation’s sins.

In the second place, the principle of religious liberty (as witnessed to in countless founding documents and in the public practices of the founding era) requires two courses of action: First, one must enunciate the principle clearly, understand it fully, and express it publicly for public guidance. Second, one must not coerce the conscience nor obstruct the free exercise of religion of any.

The specifically American principle of religious liberty, in and of itself, demands that each person’s decision about how (if at all) to worship God is inalienable, for it belongs to each alone in his or her own conscience. Everyone must be free in conscience and in public exercise to accept, or to reject, the Judeo-Christian God. Even if unbelievers choose not to recognize this conception of God, conscience and liberty, but rather to concentrate upon abuses of the principle committed by Christians or others, this particular conception guarantees their freedom of conscience. It is also precious for believers, who are obliged by it to grant to all others exactly the same right to religious liberty that they claim for themselves. [...]

It is the special virtue of the Jewish and Christian conception of God that it allows us to make a twofold claim: to recognize in public the beliefs on which our rights are founded, and to refuse to mandate for others that they must hold the same beliefs. Thus we should be counted free to call public attention to the moral foundation of our rights, without by the same deed trying to force Jewish or Christian belief upon Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, or anyone else.

Which would appear to be the point at which practice has run up against ideology, as some misuse those rights to insist that the beliefs not be recognized as the basis for the rights, thereby putting them and the entire moral foundation at risk.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 PM

AMAZING (via John Resnick):

Anger over Iraq contracts list (CNN, December 10, 2003)

A decision by the U.S. to bar some of its major trading partners from bidding for Iraqi reconstruction contracts has been greeted around the world with amazement. [...]

While officials from some of the excluded countries speculated that the memo was not official U.S. policy, the White House put such notions to rest Wednesday, when spokesman Scott McClellan said decision to limit the list was "totally appropriate." [...]

In Ottawa, incoming Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin said the decision was difficult to understand because Canada had already spent $300 million to support Iraq and also had troops in Afghanistan.

"I find it really very difficult to fathom," said Martin, who will take the helm of Canada's government Friday from outgoing Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

"There's a huge amount of suffering going on there, and I think it is the responsibility of every country to participate in developing [Iraq.]

"This shouldn't be just about who gets contracts, who gets business. It ought to be [about] what is the best thing for the people of Iraq."

It was about the best interests of the Iraqi people when we removed Saddam--where were you?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:39 PM


Stock in Africa going up: The flight of domestic money to foreign markets is one of Africa's most persistent problems. By Abraham McLaughlin, 12/11/03, CS Monitor)

A tiny tea-service bell rings delicately in a glass-walled conference room here in Botswana's capital. It's the small but significant sound of the country's stock and bond market springing to life - and of Africa's growing emergence into the globalized world of stocks, bonds, foreign investment, and, perhaps, into an era of less dependence on foreign-aid handouts.

This is hardly Goldman Sachs's bustling New York trading floor. But in a concrete-and-glass office park that's straight out of suburban America, three or four brokers meet twice a day to trade stocks and bonds. In doing so, they're also helping to tackle one of Africa's most persistent problems: the flight of domestic money to foreign markets.

An estimated 70 percent of Botswana's pension-fund investments - and roughly 40 percent of Africans' personal savings - go overseas. The United Nations estimates sub-Saharan Africa lost $187 billion in capital between 1976 and 2003. One reason: Investments in the US, Britain, and elsewhere are safe and profitable. But another big reason has been a lack of things to invest in here.

Yet with more and more stocks and bonds becoming available, Africa's money may increasingly stay home - and help jump-start everything from banks to airlines to manufacturing firms. All of which could lead to greater self-sufficiency - and to fighting poverty more often with economic growth than with foreign aid.

"The biggest problem in Africa is that people here don't reinvest in their own countries," says Rob Walker of Andisa Capital, a firm based in Gaborone. "But that's starting to change."

Does anything better demonstrate the self-destruction of the Middle East than that it's in danger of falling behind Africa?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:30 PM


Religious strife flares in Baghdad: Thousands of Sunnis mark the deaths of 3 people killed Tuesday, some blaming Shiite militias. (Nicholas Blanford, 12/11/03, CS Monitor)

The Sunni and Shiite residents of western Baghdad's Hurriyeh neighborhood have lived in harmony for years. Their families intermarry. They attend each other's weddings and funerals and pray in each other's mosques. It is a calm area too, with not a single attack reported against the coalition forces since April.

That coexistence, however, came to an abrupt end early Tuesday morning. An explosion beside a Sunni mosque killed three people and ripped the fabric of communal unity that bound Shiites and Sunnis, exposing the deep-rooted sectarian divisions within Iraqi society.

The Sunnis blame the explosion on militant Shiites belonging to the Al Dawa party and the Badr Brigades, the military wing of the Iran-backed Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). The Shiites accuse Sunnis from the extremist Wahhabi sect of stirring up tensions between the two communities. [...]

Claims differ over the circumstances of the deadly explosion at 6:45 a.m. Tuesday in the courtyard of the Ahbab al-Mustafa mosque. The regular Sunni worshipers at the mosque say that two rocket-propelled grenades were fired from the roof of a neighboring school, no more than 20 yards away. The first rocket struck the ground in the courtyard, digging a small crater and punching a hole in one wall of the mosque. The second rocket hit a parked car in the courtyard. The vehicle blew up, igniting several jerrycans of fuel beside a generator, which augmented the force of the blast.

One of the victims was in the car when it was hit. The blast hurled the other two over a wall into the street.

"Two of them had their bodies torn," says Sheikh Batawy, speaking in a dimly lit room beside the mosque filled with somber-looking Sunni clerics and supporters. "I knew all three of them. They prayed regularly at the mosque."

He says that the explosion was the latest in a number of attacks against Sunnis in Baghdad.

"The relations with the Shiites have always been very good here. Only the Shiites who have come from outside Iraq want to cause problems, he says, referring to the Iran-trained Badr Brigades.

But local Shiite residents have a very different take on what happened.

"The people that died were Wahhabis, and they were putting a bomb in the car," says Abu Hussein, declining to give his full name. "No one fired RPGs at them. We had nothing to do with what happened."

The Shiites say that there have always been some Wahhabis living in the area, but they have grown more assertive since Saddam Hussein's downfall in April.

The Iraqi police are investigating the causes of the explosion, but the Shiite view that Islamic militants accidentally blew themselves up has some credence, according to Lt. Col. Frank Sherman of Boston, the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 13th Armor Brigade.

"The explosion was not caused by a fired RPG," he says. "The school roof is too close; the rockets would not have had time to arm."

Nonetheless, RPG fragments were recovered by the police, he adds, suggesting that it may have been a bomb of jerry-built RPG rounds of the type regularly used by militants against coalition troops.

Move our guys out and let the Shi'ites settle it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:30 PM


A Boy and His Dogma: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate the Left (Mark Gauvreau Judge, 7/15/98, Baltimore City Paper)

In his 1979 book The Culture of Narcissism, Lasch summed up the atmosphere in post-1960s America this way: "The contemporary climate is therapeutic, not religious. People today hunger not for personal salvation, let alone for the restoration of an earlier golden age, but for the feeling, the momentary illusion, of personal well-being, health, and psychic security. Even the radicalism of the '60s served, for many of those who embraced it for personal rather than political reasons, not as a substitute religion but as a form of therapy. Radical politics filled empty lives, provided a sense of meaning and purpose." Lasch cites the radical '60s group the Weathermen as an example, noting, "The atmosphere in which the Weathermen lived--an atmosphere of violence, danger, drugs, sexual promiscuity, moral and psychic chaos--derived not so much from an older revolutionary tradition as from the turmoil and narcissistic anguish of contemporary America."

That narcissistic anguish is now the property of a new generation of rebels. Down in Washington the day after the concert, I happened upon the "Free Tibet" rally at the Capitol. I couldn't help but feel like I was confronting myself 10 years ago, at least psychologically. The kids had the same imprecise "rage against the machine," the same obsession with being hip while trying to act aloof, the same hypocritical hatred of middle-class values while hailing from the suburbs of America. Their every public comment, whether mouthed on MTV or quoted in The Washington Post, revealed the same half-baked activism: Uh, I read some pamphlets and it's really bogus what's going on in Tibet. It should stop. When's the next band come on?

The kids also have the same distrust of capitalism I did. Because capitalism became the enemy of the Left in the '60s and these kids are that decade's imitators, they instinctively look for solutions without consulting the market. This is a shame, because if the Left became interested in money it could really make some concrete change.

Imagine that instead of "Save Tibet" they held a series of "Save Our Cities" stadium concerts. The millions of dollars would go toward megaentertainment centers in the downtowns of our most needy cities, and the centers would boast shopping, grand ballrooms, ornate movie theaters, maybe Starbucks. These centers would hire people from the surrounding neighborhoods, offering Michael Moore's minimum-wage recommendation of $10 an hour as well as full benefits and a chance to move up the ladder.The government could give the developers huge tax breaks.

Injecting the inner city with a couple hundred cc's of raw capitalism could draw the middle class, both black and white, into the cities, give the people already living there jobs, and transform crummy neighborhoods into safe ones. Of course it wouldn't be as exotic or psychologically uplifting as trying to save a country on the other side of the planet, nor would it offer the puff of self-righteousness that comes from that. But it could perform a miracle here at home. Maybe I'll write a letter to The Nation about it.

Perhaps no one should have to face what they were like when young.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:09 PM


Where Taliban go to find warm beds and recruits: Many come to Pakistan's sprawling Balochistan Province for R&R and to recruit new blood. (Scott Baldauf and Owais Tohid, 12/11/03, CS Monitor)

While Islamabad says it is doing everything it can to rein in the Taliban movement, a coalition of extremist religious parties controls the provincial government and around 300,000 Afghan refugees still live here. That makes it simple for the resurgent militia to blend in and difficult for the Army to crack down.

"Balochistan has always been, and is still, a second home to the Taliban," says a Pakistan-based Western diplomat. "It has served as second headquarters after Kandahar during the Taliban's rule and now it is providing a new lease on life to its guerrilla warfare against the US and its western allies."

"The more they gain ground in Balochistan, the more their movement will get strengthened," the diplomat adds. "They can easily channel their financial support and regain their ideological support."

Encompassing 43 percent of Pakistan's territory, Balochistan's expanse and location make it an ideal place for the Taliban to regroup. The province is a gateway to southern Afghanistan provinces like Kandahar and the opium-producing province of Helmand.

Sooner or later, it's Western Pakistan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 PM


Celebrated Journalist Robert Bartley Dies at 66 (Fox News, December 10, 2003)

Pulitzer Prize-winner Robert Bartley, the editorial voice of The Wall Street Journal for decades and one of the country's most influential journalists, died Wednesday at a New York hospital. He was 66.

Bartley spent nearly 40 years working at the Journal, including three decades as editorial page editor, becoming an enduring model for generations of reporters as he wrote on issues from Watergate to the World Trade Center.

His wife, Edith, and their three daughters were with Bartley when he died after a battle with cancer, Dow Jones spokeswoman Brigitte Trafford said. [...]

One week ago, Bartley was chosen by the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.

"Robert L. Bartley is one of the most influential journalists in American history," President Bush said. "He helped shape the times in which we live." [...]

Bartley was the author of a book on Reagan administration economic policy, The Seven Fat Years: And How to Do It Again.

-IN MEMORIAM: Robert L. Bartley: The Wall Street Journal's editor emeritus dies at 66. (DOW JONES NEWSWIRES, December 10, 2003)
-TRIBUTE: Robert Bartley: A model page, a model journalist (Bill Murchison, December 9, 2003, Townhall)

Posted by David Cohen at 6:27 PM


The entire Declaration is well worth reading. Though uneven, it is not nearly as laughable as one might think. In light of recent events, I was particularly struck by the following rights:

Article 16.
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17.
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

When Justice O'Connor said that we should pay more attention to international legal norms, I never guessed that I would so soon regret that she didn't really mean it.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:15 PM

Susan Dey is 51 today.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:38 PM


Why the US should stick with the Shi'ites (Erich Marquardt, 12/11/03, Asia Times)

Much to the dismay of US officials, al-Sistani's demand for democratic elections to decide who will sit on the national assembly is an effort to give more power to Iraq's large Shi'ite Muslim community and less power to the US-led coalition. Iraqi Shi'ites make up 60 percent of the country's population, yet they have always been marginalized by Iraq's Sunni population who have functioned historically as the ruling class.

Al-Sistani is certainly aware that the best possible outcome for Iraq's Shi'ite majority would be if general elections were held to decide major political issues, such as the makeup of the national assembly; this would ensure significant Shi'ite influence over substantive content of Iraq's constitution. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, a Shi'ite cleric and member of the IGC, agreed with al-Sistani's concerns, arguing that current US plans diminish "the role of the Iraqi people in the process of transferring authority to Iraqis".

Al-Sistani's disagreement over US plans is causing a serious dilemma for Bush administration policymakers. The difficulty with complying with al-Sistani's demands is that if Iraq were allowed to follow a thoroughly democratic path, it is likely that the new government would run counter to US interests. On the other hand, al-Sistani is too influential of a figure to ignore. Since he is the religious leader of most of Iraq's 15 million Shi'ites, he has the ability to completely disrupt civil society by simply calling his religious community to action.

Al-Sistani also has the support of other influential Shi'ite leaders in Iraq; in addition to al-Hakim, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Taqi al-Modaresi, who is based in Karbala, argued on Tuesday that the national assembly should be elected through national elections rather than through regional caucuses. Al-Modaresi gave a strong message to the US-led coalition: "I am concerned about increasing frustration among Iraqis and I am telling everyone that they are a peaceful people. But it will be a different story if they run out of patience. I fear sedition."

Al-Modaresi's warning should be heeded. Iraqi Shi'ites have largely accepted the US-led occupation thus far. Their acceptance stems from the fact that if Iraq were to have democratic elections, Shi'ite leaders would take power simply because of their majority status. If US officials try to avoid this outcome - such as by rejecting al-Sistani and other Shi'ite leaders' recent demands - the Shi'ite community could quickly resort to violence, fearing a return to political disenfranchisement. Needless to say, if the huge Iraqi Shi'ite population were to revolt, it would cause the situation on the ground to deteriorate rapidly for US-led forces.

It's their country--let them run it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:33 PM



TO: Ballantine for Governor
FROM: Ed Goeas; B.J. Martino
The Tarrance Group
DATE: December 5, 2003
RE: Easley's Vulnerability Compared to Recent Defeated Democratic Incumbents

From our experience in Gubernatorial elections, the indications are clear that Governor Easley is vulnerable in 2004. We compared the results from a recent survey of North Carolina voter attitudes with those from surveys conducted in gubernatorial elections in Georgia (February 2002) and Mississippi (February 2003). Our analysis of the data suggests that Easley's vulnerability lies somewhere between that of Democrats Roy Barnes of Georgia in 2002 and Ronnie Musgrove of Mississippi in 2003. Both were soundly defeated.

First, it should be noted that the Georgia and Mississippi surveys were conducted in February of the election year, while the recent North Carolina survey was conducted in November of the year prior to the election year. Therefore, it should be taken into account that the Georgia and Mississippi races were three months further into the cycle than is the North Carolina race at this point. What this shows is that Governor Easley is more vulnerable at this point in the campaign than were either incumbent in Georgia or Mississippi.

Using the responses to several of the vulnerability indicators, we create an Incumbent Vulnerability Index [IVI] score. The score is equal to the "net right direction of the state" (right direction minus wrong track), plus the Democratic "generic ballot advantage" (the generic ballot asking voters if they would vote for the Republican or the Democrat for Governor), plus each incumbent's ballot score over or under 50%, plus the "net soft re-elect score" (deserves re-elect minus new person), plus the incumbent's "hard re-elect" score over under 30%.

A net negative score indicates some level of vulnerability, clearly showing Easley (with an IVI rating of negative twenty) falling between Barnes (who showed slight vulnerability) and Musgrove (who showed considerable vulnerability).

Meanwhile, John Edwards's numbers were so bad he's not even running for re-election.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:16 PM

Paging Steve McGarrett

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 3:57 PM


McConnell, U.S. Senator et al., against Federal Election Commission, et al. (U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Stevens and Justice O'Connor, 12/10/2003; via Rick Hasen)

Opinion of the Court

We have repeatedly sustained legislation aimed at "the corrosive and distorting effects of immense aggregations of wealth that are accumulated with the help of the corporate form and that have little or no correlation to the public's support for the corporation's political ideas." Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 U.S. (1990), at 660...

In light of our precedents, plaintiffs do not contest that the Government has a compelling interest in regulating advertisements that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for federal office. Nor do they contend that the speech involved in so-called issue advocacy is any more core political speech than are words of express advocacy....

In short: a previous law banning express advocacy of a candidate was upheld, and therefore we must uphold a ban on issue advocacy, because banning issue advocacy is no more offensive than banning express advocacy.

Even shorter: Once we slip, we have an obligation to slip all the way to the bottom of the slope.

Even if we assumed that BCRA will inhibit some constitutionally protected corporate and union speech, that assumption would not "justify prohibiting all enforcement" of the law unless its application to protected speech is substantial, "not only in an absolute sense, but also relative to the scope of the law's plainly legitimate applications.” Virginia v. Hicks, 539 U. S. (2003)

In short: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" means that Congress may pass no law abridging freedom of "protected" speech, unless it simultaneously bans enough "non-protected" speech to inoculate the whole law from judicial scrutiny.

Even shorter: If we picked 9 names randomly from the Boston phone book, we'd get better judging than this.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:35 PM


The Proposed European Constitution:


Our Constitution ... is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the greatest number.

Thucydides II, 37

Conscious that Europe is a continent that has brought forth civilisation; that its inhabitants, arriving in successive waves from earliest times, have gradually developed the values underlying humanism: equality of persons, freedom, respect for reason,

Drawing inspiration from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, the values of which, still present in its heritage, have embedded within the life of society the central role of the human person and his or her inviolable and inalienable rights, and respect for law,

Believing that reunited Europe intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a continent open to culture, learning and social progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice and solidarity throughout the world,

Convinced that, while remaining proud of their own national identities and history, the peoples of Europe are determined to transcend their ancient divisions and, united ever more closely, to forge a common destiny,

Convinced that, thus "united in its diversity", Europe offers them the best chance of pursuing, with due regard for the rights of each individual and in awareness of their responsibilities towards future generations and the Earth, the great venture which makes of it a special area of human hope,

Grateful to the members of the European Convention for having prepared this Constitution on behalf of the citizens and States of Europe,

[Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:]

Prompted by this post by AOG, I thought I'd read the new European constitution. I still intend to do it, but I couldn't get past the preamble. Leaving aside the leaden language and the resolute turning away from actual European history ("reunite" the continent? Are they nostalgic for Hitler or Napolean?), I was most struck by this paragraph: "Grateful to the members of the European Convention for having prepared this Constitution on behalf of the citizens and States of Europe". The European Convention is the body, chaired by Valery Giscard d'Estaing, that drafted the convention. On behalf of the population of Europe, they have not only thanked themselves, but actually made it a part of the actual constitution.

Posted by David Cohen at 2:09 PM


Meet the Greedy Grandparents. Why America's elderly are so spoiled (Steve Chapman, Slate, 12/10/03).

America's elderly have never had it so good. They enjoy better health than any previous generation of old people, high incomes and ample assets, access to a host of medical treatments that not only keep them alive but let them enjoy their extra years, and a riotous multitude of ways to spoil their grandchildren. Still they are not content. From gratefully accepting a basic level of assistance back in the early decades of Social Security, America's elderly have come to expect everything their durable little hearts desire.

They often get their way, as they did recently when years of complaints finally induced Congress and the president to agree to bear much of the cost of their prescription drugs. From the tenor of the debate, you would think these medications were a terrible burden inflicted by an uncaring fate. In fact, past generations of old people didn't have to make room in their budgets for pharmaceuticals because there weren't many to buy. If you suffered from high cholesterol, chronic heartburn, or depression, you were left to primitive remedies, or none. Today, there are pills and potions for just about any complaint—except the chronic complaint that many of them are pricey. It's not enough to be blessed with medical miracles. Modern seniors also want them cheap, if not free.

Mr. Chapman's basic point -- that the boomers will not bust the government because their love of "get[ting] all they can will sooner or later collide with . . . [their] insatiable desire to furnish our kids with every advantage known to humanity" -- is too optimistic. Boomers believe that their kids are so special that everyone else should kowtow to them, but only because they are their kids. Boomers aren't known for either scrimping self-denial to send their kids to college or for their clear-eyed self-scrutiny. Nothing will make them realize that they can't have it all. But still, good sense from Slate should always be encouraged.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 AM



Antiwar comedians raising campaign cash for Democrat Howard Dean last night blasted President Bush as a "piece of living, breathing s - - -"at an angry X-rated fund-raiser in New York.

"We have to get this piece of living, breathing s - - - out of the office," said comedian Judy Gold whose performance - like those of Janeane Garofalo and David Cross - was liberally larded with the F-word. [...]

Garofalo last night described the Medicare prescription-drug bill that Bush signed yesterday as the " 'you can go-f- - - yourself, Grandma' bill."

Gold ridiculed Democrat Joseph Lieberman for being unable to campaign on Jewish holidays.

Comedian Kate Lloyd pointed to Michael Jackson, now facing new child sex charges, and said, "Frankly, I'm far more frightened of Condoleezza Rice" - Bush's national security adviser - and referred to Cheney's wife, Lynne, as "Lon Chaney," a star of horror flicks.

When Dean came out after the comics, he made a vague reference to "some language that was used - I think it's wrong."

One is tempted to wish that Great White had been the opening act...

Posted by David Cohen at 11:19 AM


Supreme Court Upholds Political Money Law (Anne Gearan, AP, 12/10/03).

A sharply divided Supreme Court upheld key features of the nation's new law intended to lessen the influence of money in politics, ruling Wednesday that the government may ban unlimited donations to political parties.

Those donations, called "soft money," had become a mainstay of modern political campaigns, used to rally voters to the polls and to pay for sharply worded television ads. . . .

The court also upheld restrictions on political ads in the weeks before an election. The television and radio ads often feature harsh attacks by one politician against another or by groups running commercials against candidates. . . .

Justices John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer signed the main opinion barring candidates for federal office, including incumbent members of Congress or an incumbent president, from raising soft money.

The entirely predictable result of reading "Congress" out of the First Amendment is that eventually "no" will be struck out as well.

What would otherwise be my, um, dissappointment at this latest attack on constitutional government is mitigated by two thoughts: unlike the Gay marriage decision, this decision, for better or worse, defers to Congress and the President; and this is yet another nail in the coffin of the Democratic party.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:01 AM


TMQ (Gregg Easterbrook, 12/09/03,

Colgate 28, Western Illinois 27 (Division I-AA) -- Colgate advances in a game played in a blinding snowstorm; spectators had difficulty seeing the field. Located in pastoral Hamilton, N.Y., Colgate has a picture-perfect hillside campus that is among the prettiest in American higher education. If you want to feel you're going to college on a movie set, Colgate is the school for you.

I may have spoken too soon in saying that since the Colgate undefeated, untied, unscored-upon team was the best football squad ever that this year's team could hardly be Colgate's best ever. That ignored the fact that this team would be 16-0 if they win the championship--likely more wins than any college team has ever had previously. Meanwhile, Mr. Easterbrook understates the beauty of the campus, which is easily the loveliest in Creation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:42 AM


Circles for Space: German "Stonehenge" marks oldest observatory (Madhusree Mukerjee, 12/09/03, Scientific American)

A vast, shadowy circle sits in a flat wheat field near Goseck, Germany. No, it is not a pattern made by tipsy graduate students. The circle represents the remains of the world's oldest observatory, dating back 7,000 years. Coupled with an etched disk recovered last year, the observatory suggests that Neolithic and Bronze Age people measured the heavens far earlier and more accurately than scientists had imagined.

Archaeologists reported the Goseck circle's identity and age this past August. First spotted by airplane, the circle is 75 meters wide. Originally, it consisted of four concentric circles--a mound, a ditch and two wooden palisades about the height of a person--in which stood three sets of gates facing southeast, southwest and north, respectively. On the winter solstice, someone at the center of the circles would see the sun rise and set through the southern gates.

Although aerial surveys have demarcated 200-odd similar circles scattered across Europe, the Goseck structure is the oldest and best preserved of the 20 excavated thus far, and it is the first circle whose function is evident. Though called the German Stonehenge, it precedes Stonehenge by at least two millennia. The linear designs on pottery shards found within the compound suggest that the observatory was built in 4900 B.C.

One of the necessary myths of multiculturalism, is that Western Europe must have been mankind's most backwards culture for some protracted period of time, this so that its eventual superiority can be dismissed as lucky or temporary or whatever. How many times have you heard the phrase: "The so-and-so people were engaging in rather advanced agriculture/mathematics/science/philosophy/architecture/whatever while Europeans were still savages in loincloths..."?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


Taking the Intifada to the Football Field (GOBy William Lobdell, 12/07/03, LA Times)

What could be more American? Dozens of young men in Orange County have planned a football tournament for the New Year's weekend in Irvine.

But this gathering of Muslim American athletes on the gridiron — they say a first for Southern California — is being flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct by religious leaders dismayed by some of the team's names.   
Monikers for the flag-football teams include Mujahideen, Intifada and Soldiers of Allah and are accompanied on the league's Web site, by logos of masked men, some with daggers or swords.

An organizer of the Jan. 4 event, geared for American Muslims in their teens and 20s, said the names are a sign of football bravado and a show of support for Muslims in the Middle East.

"A lot of the kids on our team are from Palestinian origin," said Tarek Shawky, Intifada's 29-year-old captain and quarterback. "We are in solidarity with people in the uprising. It's about human rights and basic freedoms."

The games are apparently entertaining because they just throw bombs every down.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 AM


Crime, terror flourish in 'liberated' Kosovo: Ethnic cleansing, smuggling rampant under UN's aegis (Isabel Vincent, December 10, 2003, National Post)

Four years after it was "liberated" by a NATO bombing campaign, Kosovo has deteriorated into a hotbed of organized crime, anti-Serb violence and al-Qaeda sympathizers, say security officials and Balkan experts.

Though nominally still under UN control, the southern province of Serbia is today dominated by a triumvirate of Albanian paramilitaries, mafiosi and terrorists. They control a host of smuggling operations and are implementing what many observers call their own brutal ethnic cleansing of minority groups, such as Serbs, Roma and Jews.

In acting against the Serbs the West acted against its own best interests. We sided with the wrong thugs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


Gore acting on principle? (Jack Kelly, Dec. 10, 2003, Jewish World Review)

The Gore endorsement also suggests that real power in the Democratic Party today lies not with the party's regulars, but with left-wing special interest groups whose deep pockets compensate for the harm Democrats did to themselves when they embraced the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. [...]

Gore isn't as smart as he imagines himself to be, but he's no dummy. He's no doubt noticed that real power in the Democratic Party has shifted to left-liberal special interest groups like MoveOn. Org, which can accept the big buck donations from fat cats like George Soros that the McCain-Feingold law forbids the Democratic party from taking.

These organizations are flush with cash, while the Democratic National Committee scratches for bucks to finance its national convention in Boston, and South Carolina Democrats wonder how they can pay for what could be a pivotal primary. With organizations like these behind him, Gore could counter the prodigious fund-raising abilities of the Clintons.

Listening to John Kerry plead at the debate last night that the campaign isn't over yet--before a single vote has been cast--made it clear that the main effect of CFR on the Democrats has indeed been to hand control of their party to the special interests. They hate Bush so they demand the most hate-filled candidate--electability be damned.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:29 AM


The People Who Gave the Soviet Union a Pass (Arnold Beichman , 12/08/03, History News Network)

In my opinion, the seventy-four years during which the Bolsheviks ruled were the dark ages of democratic journalism for which the world paid heavily. Had the truth been forthcoming in the daily press, the magazines, radio and latterly television, the Kremlin might never have conquered half of Europe and turned sectors of the Western half into silent or enthusiastic allies. As late as 1986, Stuart H. Loory, onetime Moscow CNN bureau chief, in a letter to the Wall Street Journal (February 3, 1986) wrote:

I can say without reservation that if the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were to submit itself to the kind of free elections held in South Vietnam in the 1960s or El Salvador in the 1980s, it would win an overwhelming mandate. . . . Except for small pockets of resistance to the Communist regime, the people have been truly converted in the past 68 years.

In his book about the Cold War, Martin Walker, then Washington correspondent of the British daily the Guardian, and earlier its Moscow correspondent, wrote:

The similarities between Moscow in the early 1980s and Washington in the early 1990s became eerily acute to one who had lived through both. The contrast between the former Soviet Union’s release of its prisoners and the way that the USA had over one million of its citizens incarcerated, summoned the bizarre, dismaying thought of an American Gulag.

Reading this passage brought up this memory: In 1949, David Dallin and Boris Nicolaevsky, Russian émigré social democrats, began publishing articles and finally a book on forced labor in the Soviet Union. During a visit to the Long Island home of a New York Times correspondent covering the United Nations I met the then Times Moscow correspondent. I told them about the Dallin-Nicolaevsky revelations and the map the authors had prepared showing where the concentration camps were located.

Both correspondents waved me away with the smug assurance that you shouldn’t take emigre propaganda seriously.

If you're too young to remember when such attitudes were common on the Left and in the press, just consider the continuing willingness of folks to believe that Elian Gonzalez's father wanted him returned to Castro's Cuba.

December 9, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 PM


Remarks to the Commonwealth Club (Michael Crichton, San Francisco, September 15, 2003)

There are two reasons why I think we all need to get rid of the religion of environmentalism.

First, we need an environmental movement, and such a movement is not very effective if it is conducted as a religion. We know from history that religions tend to kill people, and environmentalism has already killed somewhere between 10-30 million people since the 1970s. It's not a good record. Environmentalism needs to be absolutely based in objective and verifiable science, it needs to be rational, and it needs to be flexible. And it needs to be apolitical. To mix environmental concerns with the frantic fantasies that people have about one political party or another is to miss the cold truth---that there is very little difference between the parties, except a difference in pandering rhetoric. The effort to promote effective legislation for the environment is not helped by thinking that the Democrats will save us and the Republicans won't. Political history is more complicated than that. Never forget which president started the EPA: Richard Nixon. And never forget which president sold federal oil leases, allowing oil drilling in Santa Barbara: Lyndon Johnson. So get politics out of your thinking about the environment.

The second reason to abandon environmental religion is more pressing. Religions think they know it all, but the unhappy truth of the environment is that we are dealing with incredibly complex, evolving systems, and we usually are not certain how best to proceed. Those who are certain are demonstrating their personality type, or their belief system, not the state of their knowledge. Our record in the past, for example managing national parks, is humiliating. Our fifty-year effort at forest-fire suppression is a well-intentioned disaster from which our forests will never recover. We need to be humble, deeply humble, in the face of what we are trying to accomplish. We need to be trying various methods of accomplishing things. We need to be open-minded about assessing results of our efforts, and we need to be flexible about balancing needs. Religions are good at none of these things.

How will we manage to get environmentalism out of the clutches of religion, and back to a scientific discipline? There's a simple answer: we must institute far more stringent requirements for what constitutes knowledge in the environmental realm. I am thoroughly sick of politicized so-called facts that simply aren't true. It isn't that these "facts" are exaggerations of an underlying truth. Nor is it that certain organizations are spinning their case to present it in the strongest way. Not at all---what more and more groups are doing is putting out is lies, pure and simple. Falsehoods that they know to be false.

This trend began with the DDT campaign, and it persists to this day. At this moment, the EPA is hopelessly politicized. In the wake of Carol Browner, it is probably better to shut it down and start over. What we need is a new organization much closer to the FDA. We need an organization that will be ruthless about acquiring verifiable results, that will fund identical research projects to more than one group, and that will make everybody in this field get honest fast.

Because in the end, science offers us the only way out of politics. And if we allow science to become politicized, then we are lost. We will enter the Internet version of the dark ages, an era of shifting fears and wild prejudices, transmitted to people who don't know any better. That's not a good future for the human race. That's our past. So it's time to abandon the religion of environmentalism, and return to the science of environmentalism, and base our public policy decisions firmly on that.

Suppose science could demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that burning the entire Amazon rain forest would not only have no negative effects on the planet, but be beneficial to the ozone layer or some such. Should we burn it? Is science really more important than politics and religion? If all we have is an aesthetic and spiritual sense that we'd like to preserve some bit of nature, need we dismiss it because it's not scientific? Mr. Crichton seems more fanatic here than anyone he attacks.

Posted by David Cohen at 10:44 PM


Tony Willoughby of Willoughby & Partners, a firm of solicitors, sent the following letter to The Times of London in May 2003.

The head of IT at our law firm is a Muslim. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word. His fanaticism, if he has any, is restricted to cricket. Last Sunday he went on a business trip to California. On arrival at Los Angeles he was detained and interrogated on suspicion of being a terrorist.... "For the first 12 hours he was refused access to a telephone. After 16 hours, not having been given any food, he asked if he could have some. He was given ham sandwiches and, when he explained that he could not eat pork, was told: 'You eat what you are given.' He did not eat. He was eventually escorted back to the airport in handcuffs and deported.

In the December 8, 2003 edition of National Review, Mark Steyn, in his Happy Warrior column, told the following story:

The other week, a reader of Britain's Sunday Telegraph recounted a story. He's a British army veteran, now a helicopter pilot, who fell in love with an American. He married her, and they chose to live in the United States. He applied for a green card, but -- because of the length of time the government takes to process that application--was issued in the interim an "advance parole" that ould allow thim to move about and conduct his business.

In October, this gentlemen's wife had business at a trade fair in guangshou in soutehrn China, and he decided to accompany her. On their return to LAX, he was informed that his "advance parole" had just expired, was handcuffed, fignerprinted, tossed in jail for 24 hours, and then told that he would be put on the first plane back to Guangzhou. . . .

After some pleading, he was allowed to buy a $1,000 one-way ticket to London, where he is at present.

The first of these stories has become a cause celebre on the lunatic left (see here and here and here). Apparently, the left can't imagine any legitimate reason for stopping a British gentleman of Muslim heritage from entering the US ("Welcome to the country, Mr. Reid. Enjoy your stay") and considers it the ne plus ultra of barbarity to offer said gentleman a ham sandwich. The second story you'll probably never hear of again. (By the way, did you know that Anthony Lewis, erstwhile columnist for the New York Times, is the husband of Chief Justice Margaret Marshall currently of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, formerly chief counsel at Harvard University and the author of the SJC's recent gay marriage opinion?)

The similarities between the two stories, when added to the one evident difference -- the absense, that is, in the second story of the one fact upon which the left bases its conviction, in the first story, that a great injustice was done -- illustrates a basic truth about government. If the government seems to be acting more than usually malicious, and won't explain why, there is a good chance that it is using the appearance of malice to hide it's incompetence. For some reason, governments from Saddam Hussein's Iraq to the United States would much rather seem oppressive than dumb, not that they can't be both.

More to the point, why do people seem to assume that the government has some duty to allow people into the country just because they want to enter? I've no doubt that his being barred from entry was an annoyance to the first gentelman, and I'm sure his separation from his family is causing the second gentleman some pain. Nonetheless, there is no right to enter the country, particularly if, as appears to be the case in the latter story, the terms of your earlier admission have expired. Nor is control of our borders a minor issue. I've asked this question before, but have we really reached the point where some Americans consider it unconstitutional for their government to be mean?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:02 PM


GOP divided over nominee to replace Rep. Janklow (Peter Savodnik, 12/09/03, The Hill)

Republicans who have voiced interest in the House race include state Sen. Larry Diedrich, former state Sen. Barb Everist, former Sioux Falls Mayor Gary Hanson, former Thune aide Larry Russell, and Bob Sahr, chairman of the state Public Utilities Commission.

While some GOP officials called Diedrich a strong candidate, others said Russell is the best positioned to win the endorsement given that he has possibly the most extensive network of supporters inside the party.

Unlike a traditional primary, the special House election primary in South Dakota will be decided by the central committee, meaning that the best on-the-stump candidate may not be the candidate who snags the party endorsement.

Attorney Mark Mickelson and state House Majority Leader Bill Peterson, both of whom had been mentioned as possible congressional candidates, have ruled out candidacies. Former Sen. Larry Pressler’s (R-S.D.) name also has been bandied about.

All the possible Republican candidates have said they will not run if Thune runs.

Hopefully John Thune won't take this as an easy out, instead of running against Daschle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:46 PM


Canada barred from Iraq contracts (Associated Press, 12/09/03)

The Pentagon has formally barred companies from countries opposed to the Iraq war from bidding on $18.6-billion (U.S.) worth of reconstruction contracts.

A directive from Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz limits bidders on those 26 contracts to firms from the United States, Iraq, their coalition partners and other countries which have sent troops to Iraq.

The ruling bars companies from U.S. allies such as France, Germany and Canada from bidding on the contracts because their governments opposed the American-led war that ousted Saddam Hussein's regime.

The Wolfowitz memo, dated Friday and posted on a Pentagon web site Tuesday, says restricting contract bids "is necessary for the protection of the essential security interests of the United States."

Wanna act like our enemy--be prepared to be treated like an enemy.

U.S. Bars Iraq Contracts for Nations That Opposed War (DOUGLAS JEHL, 12/09/03, NY Times)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:40 PM


Gore v. Clinton (John Ellis, 12/09/2003, Tech Central Station)

Today's endorsement is a transformational event in two respects; (1) it will make Gov. Dean the prohibitive favorite to win the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination and, (2) it will make you think differently about Al Gore.

From Gore's point of view, the latter piece is what matters. He's doing something no one expected him to do. He's throwing down the gauntlet in front of Hillary and her husband's hired hacks at the Democratic National Committee. And he's picking a fight with all the conventional wisdom ("Gore's finished") in the world.

It's a very shrewd move. Start with the least likely outcome. If Governor Dean defeats President Bush in 2004, Al Gore becomes Secretary of State or a Supreme Court Justice or whatever he wants, the day after the election is over. That's how much Dean will owe him.

If Dean loses, Gore will be the rightful heir to the Dean apparatus; the single most impressive fund-raising and organizing operation in Democratic Party politics. He'll inherit the only network that is capable of competing with and defeating the Clinton network, which it has by proxy in the Dean v. Clark competition. If politics is finally a matter of real estate, as Norman Mailer argued in his classic study of the 1968 conventions, then title to the Dean property is without question the single most valuable asset of the 2004 experience. It will be Gore's and Gore's alone on "the day after Dean goes down."

More important, by playing the role of uber-mentor to Dean's 2004 campaign, Gore can begin the process of reinventing himself and his candidacy for the 2008 campaign.

One wonders if perhaps Mr. Gore wants to be head of the DNC.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:28 PM


Religious upsurge brings culture clash to college campuses: Religion on campus thrives, but it doesn't always find an easy home in higher ed. (Amanda Paulson, 12/10/03, CS Monitor)

The notion of the university as developer of the whole person - the life of the spirit as well as the life of the mind - has faded since the days of mandatory chapel attendance. Even colleges with religious ties are often reluctant to step into the highly sensitive terrain of spirituality. But as students express more interest in questions of values and faith - and a frustration with how little those ideas are explored in the classroom - it's clear that college culture, at least for students, isn't quite as secular as some assume.

"Higher education is kind of founded on that maxim of 'Know thyself,' " says Jennifer Lindholm, director for a recent survey on spirituality at UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute (HERI). "It's nice to see that students are so ... interested in these intangible aspects of themselves."

The survey she directed is the first step in a multi-year study of spirituality in higher education. And its findings are surprising. Of 3,700 college juniors surveyed, 77 percent say they pray, 71 percent consider religion personally helpful, and 73 percent say religious or spiritual beliefs have helped develop their identity.

Fewer - just 55 percent - said they were satisfied with how their college experience provided "opportunities for religious/spiritual development," and 62 percent say their professors never encourage discussions of spiritual issues.

The survey is more a snapshot than a measure of change, but those on campuses say the trend is noticeable. "The pendulum continues to swing up," says the Rev. Alison Boden at the University of Chicago. "It was a very different scene in 1991."

It was even more different in 1979--our mandatory Philosophy & Religion course was taught by a Marxist.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 PM

QARI (via John Resnick):

Iraq behind the cameras: a different reality (TARA COPP, December 05, 2003, Scripps Howard News Service)

It's a little-known footnote in postwar Iraq that an unassuming Army Civil Affairs captain named Kent Lindner has a bevy of blushing female fans.

Every time Lindner checks in on the group of young, deaf Iraqi seamstresses at their factory here, the women swarm him with admiration. "I love you!" one of them writes in the dust on Lindner's SUV.

Such small-time adoration is not the stuff of headlines against the backdrop of a country painfully and often violently evolving from war. So on this day, when Lindner and his fellow soldiers are cheered as they fire the deaf workers' boss, a woman who has been locking the seamstresses in closets, holding their pay and beating them, the lack of TV cameras on hand is no surprise.

But later that night, mortars hit nearby. Cameras are rolling, and 15 minutes later folks back home instead see another news clip of Baghdad's latest violence. It's a soda-straw view that frustrates soldiers, like those in Lindner's Civil Affairs unit, who are slowly trying to stitch together the peace while the final stages of the war play out on television.

"We've got a lot of good things going on, but when I went home (on leave), people were just like 'We never hear that stuff,' " said Civil Affairs Pvt. Amy Schroeder. "That's what makes the families worry."

What Iraq looks like on TV, and what Iraq is like for the 130,000 troops living here, sometimes feels like two different realities.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:52 PM


Basra revenge killings increase (Dumeetha Luthra, 12/09/03, BBC)

The southern province has seen a sharp rise in the number of former Baath Party members being gunned down.

Basra coalition forces have not been targeted to the same extent as in central Iraq, but the crime rate is high with murder a daily occurrence.

It seems the killings are targeting anyone from the previous regime, and not only senior figures connected with ousted leader Saddam Hussein.

While day to day life in Basra continues unhindered there is an undercurrent of fear with the daily news that another person has been killed or kidnapped.

Hard to see this as other than progress.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:00 PM


The Mysterious Stranger (DAVID BROOKS, 12/09/03, NY Times)

My moment of illumination about Howard Dean came one day in Iowa when I saw him lean into a crowd and begin a sentence with, "Us rural people. . . ."

Dean grew up on Park Avenue and in East Hampton. If he's a rural person, I'm the Queen of Sheba. Yet he said it with conviction. He said it uninhibited by any fear that someone might laugh at or contradict him.

It was then that I saw how Dean had liberated himself from his past, liberated himself from his record and liberated himself from the restraints that bind conventional politicians. He has freed himself to say anything, to be anybody. [...]

The philosopher George Santayana once observed that Americans don't bother to refute ideas — they just leave them behind. Dean shed his upper-crust WASP self, then his centrist governor self, bursting onto the national scene as a mysterious stranger who comes out of nowhere to battle corruption. [...]

The only problem is that us rural folk distrust people who reinvent themselves. Many of us rural folk are nervous about putting the power of the presidency in the hands of a man who could be anyone.

The really spooky thing is that the personal anger he's tapping into for his stump speeches must be equally unattached. In other words, he could be that angry at anyone or anything that opposed whichever position he'd adopted at the moment.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:33 PM


Dow Briefly Passes 10,000 (HOPE YEN, 12/09/03, AP)

Wall Street reached one of the most significant milestones of its recovery from the bear market Tuesday, as the Dow Jones industrials crossed 10,000 for the first time in 18 months.

Stocks moved higher as upbeat investors picked up shares on bets the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates low for some time.

The index of 30 blue chip stocks moved past the milestone shortly after trading began. It was the first time since May 31, 2002 that the Dow had been above 10,000, and marked a solid comeback from the five-year low of 7,286.27 the Dow fell to on Oct. 9, 2002.

A cheer went up on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to greet the Dow's achievement Tuesday, an expression of traders' relief that Wall Street has maintained its upward path. Last week, the Nasdaq composite index crossed 2,000 for the first time in nearly two years.

When the BBC does their nightly business wrap they do this obnoxious bit where they compare the price of a stock index fund today to what it was at the height of the tech bubble. But last night it was at 86% and one tends to doubt they'll keep mentioning it as it goes over 100%.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:25 PM

P.C. vs. A.D.:

Shut Up and Embrace Diversity: Some find "tolerance" intolerable. (Compiled by Rob Moll, 12/09/2003, Christianity Today: Weblog)

When Elizabeth Hansen asked Ann Arbor, Michigan's Pioneer High School administrator if her views could be included in the school's Diversity Week forum on "Homosexuality and Religion," school officials said "no" because she wanted to include a "negative" message based on her Roman Catholic faith.

The forum included "two Episcopalian ministers, a Presbyterian minister, a Presbyterian deacon, a rabbi and a pastor of the United Church of Christ," according to the Associated Press. The school's Gay/Straight alliance handpicked everyone on the forum, said the Detroit Free Press. "At one point, officials decided to cancel the panel discussion after one official said excluding an opposing viewpoint was illegal. But the Gay/Straight Alliance persuaded officials to relent and exclude anyone with an opposing point of view to sit on the panel."

Hansen was allowed to give a speech on "What Diversity Means to Me," but school officials eliminated one paragraph in which Hansen expressed her view that homosexuality was wrong. Hansen, who was a senior at the time, filed suit with the help of the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, alleging the school acted to "prevent the expression of the traditional Christian view toward homosexuality at this panel discussion and throughout the '2002 Diversity Week' events," according to The Detroit News. [...]

The judge ruled last week against the school, saying,

"This case presents the ironic, and unfortunate, paradox of a public high school celebrating 'diversity' by refusing to permit the presentation to students of an 'unwelcomed' viewpoint on the topic of homosexuality and religion, while actively promoting the competing view. This practice of 'one-way diversity,' unsettling in itself, was rendered still more troubling—both constitutionally and ethically—by the fact that the approved viewpoint was, in one manifestation, presented to students as religious doctrine by six clerics (some in full garb) quoting from religious scripture. In its other manifestation, it resulted in the censorship by school administrators of a student's speech about 'what diversity means to me,' removing that portion of the speech in which the student described the unapproved viewpoint."

"All of this, of course, raises the question, among others presented here, of what 'diversity' means and whether a school may promote one view of 'diversity' over another. Even accepting that the term 'diversity' has evolved in recent years to mean, at least colloquially, something more than the dictionary definition, the notion of sponsorship of one viewpoint to the exclusion of another hardly seems to further the school's purported objective of 'celebrating diversity.'

Diversity apparently means divergence.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:15 PM


Liberalism's obituary (Dennis Prager, December 9, 2003, Townhall)

On Dec. 1, 2003, this obituary headline appeared in the New York Times: "Sylvia Bernstein, 88, Civil Rights Activist, Dies."

Though the passing of Mrs. Bernstein was reported in almost every major newspaper in the country, there is a good chance you missed it.

Too bad. Because the headline and the obituary tell you a great deal about the moral compass of mainstream American (and world) journalism.

For, if you read through the entire piece (almost always either a verbatim or edited Associated Press report), you will come across this one line: "Members of the Communist Party in the 1940s, the Bernsteins were targets of government scrutiny." [...]

According to every one of the seven major newspapers I checked, Mrs. Bernstein was described as essentially a wonderful, idealistic lady. So what if she was a member of the Communist Party at a time when Joseph Stalin was murdering and enslaving more human beings than anyone else had in history? So what if she was a member of the party that supported those who wished to destroy America, the land that her parents had fled to in order to be free people? So what if she remained in the Communist Party even after it supported the Soviet peace pact with Hitler's Nazi Germany?

None of this matters to mainstream journalists. For these people, the fact that a person was a member of the American Communist Party when it obeyed Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Communist Party is as irrelevant to a moral assessment of that person as if she had been a member of a stamp club. In fact, the only time her membership was even mentioned in the AP obituary printed in the New York Times, the Washington Post and elsewhere, was to invoke Mrs. Bernstein's victimhood.

As Mark Steyn recently asked [in the context of Dalton Trumbo]: "How do you feel about getting one of the great moral questions of the century wrong?"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:57 AM


Religious Freedom and Foreign Policy (Jack Miles, Fall 2003, NPQ)

Al Qaeda is a Muslim power but not a nation. That point can scarcely be stated too often or too emphatically. Its key support comes not from Arab governments, which fear it for good reason, but from a thin but widespread stratum in Muslim society. Perhaps the differences among terrorism as practiced by a militant sect like Al Qaeda, by a criminal cartel like the Mafia and by a nationalist movement like the Basque ETA do not matter in the end. But the working assumption of our consultation is that such differences do indeed matter. In A Peace to End All Peace, David Fromkin blames much of the instability of the modern Middle East on British and French overestimation of Arab nationalism and underestimation of Muslim religiosity. The comparable error in our day would be to assume that there are, there must be, government sponsors of Al Qaeda such that to eliminate the one is to eliminate the other. That assumption reflects an a priori disbelief that a religion, relying only on its own social resources, can ever generate a grave challenge to a world power.

The sweet dream of American political thought -- reborn in each generation, it seems -- is that cultural factors will shrink into insignificance as blessed pragmatism finally comes into its own. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many were eager to go beyond religion and announce that even secular ideology had now become that about which no war would ever again be fought. But something close to the polar opposite has now occurred. The West is confronted with an extra-national, religiously self-defined entity with something ominously like a nation's power to make war.

Al Qaeda is a novelty because it is a throwback. It is not that the West has never faced anything like it before. It is just that the West has not faced such a thing for a very long time -- not, in fact, since before the US came into political existence. Novelties sometimes fade quickly, but we cannot yet know whether this one will do so. One French observer of Islamism has spoken of a hundred years' war. All we know at this point is that the end is not in sight.

Given a virulent challenge of potentially long duration, how is the US to respond? If religion constitutes all or much of Al Qaeda's reason for attacking the US, should the US advert to this religious motive in framing its continuing campaign against Al Qaeda? How much, if anything at all, should the US say about Al Qaeda's claim to be, in effect, the only true form of Islam? Need we care how many just now accept that claim? Is a dismissive phrase enough, or will a more extended refutation and a counter-campaign eventually prove necessary? Just as important, how much, at such a juncture, should the US say to the world about its own religious polity and the relation thereto of its own dominant religious traditions?

The formulation I used a moment ago for Al Qaeda -- "extensive, transnational terrorist network" -- is Samuel P. Huntington's in a 2002 interview in NPQ. Before speaking that nicely balanced phrase, Huntington had pointedly observed to the interviewer, Nathan Gardels, that Osama bin Laden is an outlaw expelled from his own country, Saudi Arabia, and later Sudan. The Taliban, which supports him, was recognized by only three of 53 Muslim countries in the world. All Muslim governments except Iraq -- but including Sudan and Iran -- condemned his terrorist attack. Most Muslim governments have at least been acquiescent in the US strategy to respond militarily in Afghanistan.

Huntington went on, however, to note that despite widespread official condemnation, Bin Laden had extensive popular support in the Muslim and, especially, the Arab world and that "just as he sought to rally Muslims by declaring war on the West, he gave back to the West its sense of common identity in defending itself."

I believe that Huntington was quite right in this assertion. Paradoxically, 9/11 was a stroke that simultaneously split apart the Muslim umma and knit together the Western international community, weakening the one and strengthening the other, much against the intentions of the suicidal hijackers themselves. Eighteen months later, alas, the invasion and occupation of Iraq have functioned as an anti-9/11, splitting apart the West and knitting together the umma, at least temporarily. Yet rather than linger over that matter, let me instead draw attention to Huntington's reluctance to be drawn into the deep theological or philosophical waters to which Gardels, quoting Octavio Paz and Jean Baudrillard on the spiritual condition of modern man, clearly sought to lure him. Huntington declined to linger over such larger questions and tacked sharply back toward the practical issue of intolerance. "Appropriately," he said to Gardels, "the US thinks of its response not as war on Islam, but as a war between an extensive, transnational terrorist network and the civilized world." In that endorsement of the Bush administration's conception of the threat posed by Al Qaeda, one detects no appetite whatsoever for any deeper engagement with religion as a policy issue. Religiously motivated terrorism in such a view is simply intolerance intensified, and there the matter may safely rest. In this I believe Huntington is altogether typical of his profession.

Saying this, I do not mean to fault either the man or the profession for deliberately restricting engagement with religion in policy formulation. On the contrary, I want to underline the intellectual coherence of this stance and to concede in so doing the same coherence to the core of the Bush administration's response to 9/11. The administration's response to that event, like Huntington's to Gardels, is much in the American grain. Americans, by and large, would surely have been made exceedingly uncomfortable by a president who saw fit to take sides in a Muslim debate, sorting out the ideological underpinnings of Islam as differently understood by mainstream Islam and by Al Qaeda. This is simply not the sort of thing that American presidents do, this one least of all.

And yet if the outcome of a contest between contending Muslim ideologies or theologies bears heavily on whether or not there will be continuing traumatically violent attacks on the US, then does this contest not merit a good deal of American attention, even at the level of policy? At a comparable moment in the struggle with militant communism, the American foreign policy establishment certainly did not hesitate to engage its opponent intellectually. It was judged crucial in the 1950s to distinguish carefully and publicly between democratic socialism as practiced by several of America's most important allies and undemocratic socialism as practiced by the Soviet Union. Had that distinction not been made, some of our friends might have thought themselves our enemies, and our enemy would not have understood the basis for our enmity. Numbing as the Cold War debate may seem in retrospect, it had much to do at the time with winning an international battle for hearts and minds. In our day the rallying of Muslim allies and the isolation of the Islamist enemy would seem to call for an analogous effort, particularly so if the enemy can only be isolated by close police cooperation with Muslim countries. Granting that the making of theological distinctions is not a task that falls exclusively or even principally to the president, it may nonetheless be an urgent task and properly part of any American diplomatic response to the Islamist threat.

Mr. Miles is right on two front> First, Western Civilization is a religious civilization, so it's silly to pretend this isn't a religious war. Second, Islam will have to be reformed before the war can end. But he's wrong in one important way. As Richard Pipes said on Booknotes this week, it was only Ronald Reagan who challenged the socialism of the USSR and it made a decisive difference:
LAMB: And how much impact did you have during the time when the communists were in control in Russia, how much did they read what you said and how often were you able to tell them exactly in person what you thought was the truth?

PIPES: Well, in person, this was not really possible in Soviet days, that is, you couldn`t, because that just endangered the people you talked to. But my books were read. In fact, some of them were translated by the government. Particularly my -- when I entered the government, they started translating my writings, so they could know what my views were, and I know, I heard from some Russians that I became some enemy number one.

And that was especially true after I contributed to president`s speech, the so-called Westminster speech, which delivered in `82 in London, where he said Marx was right when he said that when the political system and the economic and social system are out of step, the country is in a revolutionary situation. But that applies to Soviet Union, not to us. And when they read that, they knew that I contributed to that, they climbed up the wall, because it`s the first time that an American president criticized the system. Traditionally our presidents criticized Soviet behavior, and our policy was, we don`t really care what your system is. You have whatever you like. If that`s what you like, OK. But don`t become aggressive. And we acted on the kind of premise of behaviorist psychology, that if you slap them long enough and often enough for their misbehavior, they will start behaving. And my argument was, no, that`s not so.

Up until then, the West and its own more or less socialist leaders had shared the delusion that socialism could work. It was Reagan who exposed the lie.

Similarly, to save the Middle East it will be necessary to force upon the Moslem world the realization that Islamicism can no more be the foundation of a successful society than could any other totalitarianism. Perhaps this is why the multiculturalist Left finds this war so objectionable (the split in the West that Mr. Miles refers to): it does indeed require a chauvanistic--but accurate-- assertion that our culture is superior to others.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:44 AM


Iraq Could Produce Another Enron (Nomi Prins, 02 December 2003, Newsday)

Scrounging up money for anything Iraq-related has been the Bush administration's most consistent economic policy. And it's been ridiculously easy ever since Congress blessed the first "emergency package" defense budget addendum in April.

Fast forward eight months, and the latest $87-billion injection that went predominantly into the Iraq black hole puts the total sum of "liberation and reconstruction" funds at more than a quarter- trillion dollars, roughly the combined annual revenue of IBM and General Electric.

this raises, though unintentionally, a serious question: if we have achieved levels of power where we can liberate and rebuild two nations--one a major military state--with practically no casualties and at a cost of only what two corporations make a year, might we be under some increased moral obligation to use such power in such a manner? Is it possible any longer to justify leaving the Castros, Mugabes, Chavezs, and Kim Jong-ils of the world in place when they are so easily and cheaply dealt with?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


Steve Martinovich says the terrific columnist David Warren has either quit the Ottawa Citizen or been fired over an essay that seems entirely reasonable.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:00 AM


Tocqueville and the cultural basis of American democracy (Daniel J. Elazar, June 1999, PS: Political Science & Politics)

Tocqueville had the distinction of not falling into what seems to have been the most common nineteenth-century intellectual trap, that of searching for the automatic society. This search for the automatic society was the common denominator of the ideologies popular in the nineteenth century, whose major premise was that if humans could simply find the right formula and implement it, government would no longer be necessary. Instead, human society would be able to function automatically on the basis of those right principles. This was true whether the argument was made on behalf of the free market as a set of automatic principles (laissez faire), the classless society as the automatic mechanism (Marxism), the goodness of the human soul (anarchism), the workings of the laws of sociology (Comte), or whatever.

Each of these recipes for utopian achievement, if tried, failed disastrously in the past century. So, at least since World War II, humans, sadder but wiser, have returned to earlier ideas of civil society: namely that there are no automatic arrangements. Instead, a consensus has developed around the ideas that all members of a society must work at such arrangements and that the maintenance of democratic republics requires governmental, private, and voluntary associations to work together to constantly rebalance political and social forces as circumstances demand.

In this respect, unlike present fashion in discussion of the idea of civil society, Tocqueville does not distinguish between civil society and the state. In manner and spirit, he follows the American tradition of understanding government as part of civil society, as its most comprehensive association (so well and succinctly described in the Preamble of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, written by John Adams). Civil society is not just that segment of voluntary public space between the reified state and the private realm, as Europeans see it. Tocqueville equates civil society with all of open public space and does not distinguish between the two. Indeed, it has been argued that not only does he not distinguish between them with regard to the United States, whose theory of government and the sovereignty of the people he clearly recognizes for what it is, but not even with regard to France, where conventional theory views the state as a reified entity completely separated from civil society.

This reading is vitally important for understanding Tocqueville's theory of associations, which he sees as culturally rooted in the United States. In other words, the American penchant and ability to form voluntary associations for every purpose has had a dual impact. It has enabled the people to remain sovereign and it has also enabled them to establish comprehensive associations, mainly democratic.

Indeed, it may very well be that Tocqueville's discussion of voluntary associations (II, 2: chaps. 4-8) is his bridge between culture and institutions, especially the institutions of government. It may be more accurate to say that it is one bridge he used to sharpen the argument that is implicit in his earlier discussion of the township and its governance (I, 1: chap. 5). In that earlier bridging discussion, he takes what he defines as the "natural cell of free government" and shows how it has been improved upon by the Americans, who turned it into a free association, comprehensive for the locality it serves.

The third bridge Tocqueville builds is between ideas, culture, institutions, and behavior. It is to be found in his contrast between (American) individualism and (French) egoism. In making that distinction, he emphasizes the way in which American individualism combines the spirit of religion with the spirit of liberty and leads to the establishment of free associations to provide a corrective to the kind of individualism that knows no bonds, which Tocqueville refers to as "egoism."

It is especially useful for contemporaries to examine this third bridge. Following Tocqueville, the change in American individualism as a result of the revolutionary events of the 1960s is its shift to egoism, namely to individualism strictly as self-concern, with a concomitant erosion of American institutions and all that this erosion means for the future of American democracy.

What chance does Tocequeville's obviously correect view--that we all have to work very hard to preserve a free and decent society--have in the long run against ideologies that promise a given structure will obviate the need for any effort on our part?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 AM


World population to level off (Elizabeth Weise, 12/09/03, USA TODAY)

The United Nations' latest forecast of the world's population in 2050 is half a billion people lower than the U.N. estimated just two years ago, a result of women having fewer children and the worldwide toll of AIDS, a report says.

U.N. estimates for 2050 are down from 9.4 billion to 8.9 billion. The population is expected to stabilize at 9 billion by 2300. The long-range report marks the first time the U.N. has issued projections for years as distant as 2300, 150 years further out than earlier estimates.

Though it's hard to be accurate in long-term forecasts, the U.N. reports are widely considered the "gold standard" by demographers.

"The bright news is that people are choosing small families, so we're likely to stabilize well below 10 billion, mostly likely at 9. But the next 3 billion are coming in the next 50 years, so we need to continue our work to help women and families have the number of children they want — which they tell us is two," says Joseph Chamie, the U.N. Population Division director.

What a crock. It's elites lie Mr. Chamie who insist they have no more than two, for purely ideological reasons.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 AM


Statesmanship and its Betrayal (Mark Helprin, April 1998, Imprimis)

They say, as we are still standing, and a chicken is in the pot, what does it matter if I break the links between action and consequence, work and reward, crime and punishment, merit and advancement? I myself cannot imagine a military threat (and never could), so what does it matter if I shut the silo hatches on our ballistic missile submarines? What does it matter if I weld shut my eyes to weapons of mass destruction in the hands of lunatics who are building long-range missiles? Our jurisprudence is the envy of the world, so what does it matter if, now and then, I perjure myself, a little? What is an oath? What is a pledge? What is a sacred trust? Are not these things the province of the kinds of people who were foolish enough to do without all their lives, to wear the ruts into the Oregon Trail, to brave the seas, to die on the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima and on the battlefields of Shiloh and Vietnam, for me, so that I can draw from America's great accounts, and look good, and be presidential, and have fun, in all kinds of ways?

That is what they say, if not in words then, indelibly, in actions. They who, in robbing Peter to pay Paul, present themselves as payers and forget that they are also robbers. They who, with studied compassion, minister to some of us at the expense of others. They who make goodness and charity a public profession, depending for their election upon a well-manured embrace of these things and the power to move them not from within themselves or by their own sacrifices but, by compulsion, from others. They who, knowing very little or next to nothing, take pride in eagerly telling everyone else what to do. They who believe absolutely in their recitation of pieties not because they believe in the pieties but because they believe in themselves.

Nearly four hundred years of America's hard-earned accounts-the principles we established, the battles we fought, the morals we upheld for century after century, our very humility before God-now flow promiscuously through our hands, like blood onto sand, squandered and laid waste by a generation that imagines history to have been but a prelude for what it would accomplish. More than a pity, more than a shame, it is despicable. And yet, this parlous condition, this agony of weak men, this betrayal and this disgusting show are not the end of things.

Principles are eternal. They stem not from our resolution or lack of it but from elsewhere where, in patient and infinite ranks, they simply wait to be called. They can be read in history. They arise as if of their own accord when in the face of danger natural courage comes into play and honor and defiance are born. Things such as courage and honor are the mortal equivalent of certain laws written throughout the universe. The rules of symmetry and proportion, the laws of physics, the perfection of mathematics, even the principle of uncertainty, are encouragement, entirely independent of the vagaries of human will, that not only natural law but our own best aspirations have a life of their own. They have lasted through far greater abuse than abuses them now. They can be neglected, but they cannot be lost. They can be thrown down, but they cannot be broken.

Each of them is a different expression of a single quality, from which each arises in its hour of need. Some come to the fore as others stay back, and then, with changing circumstance, those that have gone unnoticed rise to the occasion.

Rise to the occasion. The principle suggests itself from a phrase, and such principles suggest easily and flow generously. You can grab them out of the air, from phrases, from memories, from images.

A statesman must rise to the occasion. [...]

The statesman, who is different from everyone else, will, in the midst of common despair, see the end of war, just as during the peace he was alive to the inevitability of war, and saw it coming in the far distance, as if it were a gray wave moving quietly across a dark sea.

The politician will revel with his people and enjoy their enjoyments. The statesman, in continual stress of soul, will think of destruction. As others move in the light, he will move in darkness, so that as others move in darkness be may move in the light. This tenacity, that is given to those of long and insistent vision, is what saves nations.

A statesman must have a temperament that is suited for the Medal of Honor, in a soul that is unafraid to die. Electorates rightly favor those who have endured combat, not as a matter of reward for service, as is commonly believed, but because the willingness of a soldier to give his life is a strong sign of his correct priorities, and that in future he will truly understand that statesmen are not rulers but servants. It seems clear even in these years of squalid degradation that having risked death for the sake of honor is better than having risked dishonor for the sake of life.

No matter what you are told by the sophisticated classes that see virtue in every form of corruption and corruption in every form of virtue, I think you know as I do, that the American people hunger for acts of integrity and courage. The American people hunger for a statesman magnetized by the truth, unwilling to give up his good name, uninterested in calculation only for the sake of victory, unable to put his interests before those of the nation. What this means in practical terms is no focus groups, no polls, no triangulation, no evasion, no broken promises, and no lies. These are the tools of the chameleon. They are employed to cheat the American people of honest answers to direct questions. If the average politician, for fear that be may lose something, is incapable of even a genuine yes or no, how is be supposed to rise to the great occasions of state? How is he supposed to face a destructive and implacable enemy? How is he supposed to understand the rightful destiny of his country, and lead it there?

One of the things that Mr. Helprin mentions is that which separates great leaders--Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, George W. Bush--from mediocre: it is the capacity to envision the world after trhe war. Mediocre men, like FDR, just want to defeat a given enemy--in his case the Nazis. Their lack of vision blinds them to the ultimate failure this may represent--in his case saving and expanding the USSR.

Herein lies the importance of Mr. Bush's call for the democratization of the Islamic world. While many are obsessed with the rather minor details of the post-war in Iraq, his sights are set on the bigger picture.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:05 AM


Mansfield Decries Harvard's Sex Scene (JOSHUA P. ROGERS, 12/04/03, Harvard Crimson)

Students in Eliot House said they were offended when Kenan Professor of Government Harvey C. Mansfield ’53 critiqued sex at Harvard during a keynote speech at a faculty dinner Tuesday.

Many students, who had been expecting a talk on student-faculty relations, were shocked when Mansfield said that he wanted to speak about something “very uncontroversial”—sex among undergraduates—according to House Committee (HoCo) secretary Anna R. Himmelrich ’05.

“I don’t think anyone was expecting to hear anything so opinionated,” Himmelrich said.

Students said they were offended when Mansfield said the only gentlemen left were either gay or conservative.

“If I was a gay man I’d be offended,” said Rebecca Goetz, a fourth year graduate student in history who attended the speech as a guest of an Eliot undergraduate.

Why is that offensive to gay men? It seems a compliment.

December 8, 2003

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:11 PM

RACE TO THE RIGHT (via Mike Daley):

Britain's business is to rival America's entrepreneurial dash (Gordon Brown, 09/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

In my Pre-Budget Report tomorrow, I will set out the next steps we will take to build a Britain of enterprise and flexibility. In six years, Britain has
moved from being one of the world's stop-go economies to one of the world's more stable ones.

And we have established a consensus stretching across all parties and all social groups, which supports Bank of England independence and values our new and hard-won monetary and fiscal stability.

Now we must build an even stronger and deeper national consensus: a shared national economic purpose that the Britain of the Industrial Revolution should become the Britain of a 21st-century enterprise renaissance.

And, mirroring America, that new consensus for enterprise should embrace not only commerce, finance and science, but all schools, all social groups and all local authorities. There should be no no-go areas and it should include even the poorest inner-city areas, where enterprise is the best solution to deprivation.

So I want business to seize the opportunities of the upturn in the world economy. The Pre-Budget Report will lock in the stability that is the foundation for growth, sweep aside old rules and regulations, and set out a plan to lead Europe in fighting Brussels red tape.

Interesting that Mr. Brown, considered Tony Blair's main rival, is running to his Right, not his Left. The vow to make Britain more like America has to be particularly bitter to Labour.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 PM


Communists crushed in Putin's iron grip: Sunday's election saw the squeezing of dissent, great or small, amid the Russian president's desire for total power (Nick Paton Walsh, December 9, 2003, The Guardian)

After nearly a century of dominating Russia, raising the Soviet Union to the status of a world power, the hammer and sickle finally faded into political obsolescence last night. [...]

Oksana Gaman-Golutina, professor of the Academy of State Management, said: "The communists were only occasionally voting against the Kremlin's bills, but in the strictly centralised regime being built by President Putin, even such innocent behaviour caused strong irritation. So the Kremlin staged the operation 'End the Communist Party'."

The result of the Kremlin operation was the creation of the overtly nationalist Rodina, or Motherland, party, which took a large part of the communists' agenda. It pledged to raise company taxation and return to the people the fortunes made by the hyper-rich oligarchs in the privatisation deals of the 1990s.

Rodina was founded four months ago by the experienced economist and former communist, Sergei Glazyev, and the Kremlin's rising star, Dmitri Rogozin.

Mr Rogozin, the president's personal envoy to the troublesome former military enclave of Kaliningrad, also headed the international affairs committee in parliament and vociferously defended the need to protect Russian interests abroad, particularly during the Iraq crisis.

Mr Glazyev maintained a heavy presence on state-run television during the final three weeks of the election campaign. The TV rejoiced in telling the electorate how many big businessmen were running for parliament on a communist ticket, juxtaposing this with Rodina's plans for the redistribution of wealth. It brought Rodina 9% of Sunday's vote, mostly taken from the communists.

Mr Glazyev and Mr Rogozin provided a dynamic alternative for voters who were sick of the communists' tired, discredited stance and bored with the crazed nationalist rhetoric of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the misleadingly named Liberal Democratic party.

The rest is up to Mr. Putin, he can use his fascist powers for good--as Generals Franco and Pinochet did--or for ill, as is all too common in such regimes. If he seeks to establish order, the rule opf law, property rights and the like, a period of authoritarianism could be quite beneficial for Russia.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 PM


Steve Martinovich is asking for nominations for Enter Stage Right's Eighth Annual Person of the Year.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 PM


Olmert's realization (Ha'aretz, 12/08/03)

The new position on the Palestinian question expounded by Minister Ehud Olmert is quite significant. In a series of well-calculated statements, climaxing in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth on Friday, Olmert revealed a revolutionary change in his perspective on the future of the territories. Departing from devout adherence to the Likud's traditional ideology of maintaining control of the territories, Olmert now calls for disengagement from most of these territories. We must say, "Better late than never" - but we must also add, "Too little, too late." [...]

A person who finally accepts the sober conclusion that Israel cannot realize its dream of a Greater Land of Israel, must then follow this realization to its logical conclusion - Israel should return to the Green Line and leave the lands it conquered in the Six Day War to the Palestinians, so that they can establish a state there. There may be border revisions based on agreements with the Palestinian side. Moreover, in order to avoid the type of faulty thinking that has led the State of Israel to its current multi-faceted crisis, Olmert should jettison the idea of taking unilateral steps.

The painful concession of part of the biblical homeland must be done in a framework of an agreement with the Palestinian people. A unilateral withdrawal from part of the territory will not win the State of Israel the quiet it longs to achieve. Arbitrary decisions by the government on the type of arrangements to be implemented in regard to the Palestinians will not bring peace.

Mr. Olmert's realization is inevitable and the editorialists view naive. Complete disengagement should mean just that. All unilateral with no negotiations to borders determined by Israel. If it's taken a a peace-loving and prosperous Israel this long to accept that it won't win all the territory it wants, just imagine how long it will take the destitute and demoralized Palestinians to arrive at the same point. In such a situation, to keep negotiating is not just futile but dangerous, because it maintains Palestinians hopes for more.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 PM


Euro in big political trouble (DAVID HOWELL, 12/09/03, Japan Times)

British exporters, who used to complain endlessly about the high pound vs. the cheap euro, have now changed their tune. Some of the big Japanese carmakers in Britain were the loudest complainers, but they, too, have fallen silent. It is the high euro, not the high pound that is the challenge. Even the complaint that being outside the euro zone means greater currency volatility no longer applies as the pound sterling has shown far more stability than the euro, which has risen by no less that 50 percent against the dollar over the past two years. And who knows where it will go next?

The stage is thus set for further disarray and currency instability. The British increasingly are congratulating themselves on staying clear of the euro during these troubled times. The euro currency will probably not disintegrate, at least not for a while. New budgetary rules, which require yet another European treaty, will have to be drawn up and enforced to steady the situation.

But the whole episode is a sharp reminder that building a single currency zone, based on monetary union, to cover huge and diverse areas like Europe is full of risks and that there is nothing inevitable about the expansion and onward march of the currency.

On the contrary, the architects of the euro will now have their hands full ensuring its survival. A project that was supposed to unite Europe further has created divisions and sourness all round.

One can hardly wait to see how their joint military functions.

Less than half show support for EU (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 09/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

Britain was by far the most negative state, with positive feelings tumbling to 28 per cent, but even the French were below half for the first time after months of battles with Brussels over tax cuts and illegal aid to ailing firms. [...]

Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP and Britain's sole voice on the 13-strong drafting "Praesidium", raised the pressure on Downing Street to stand firm on Britain's "red lines".

She said it was under no moral obligation to accept a text "riddled with imperfections" and rigged by "a self-selected group of the European political elite".

In a blistering pamphlet for the Fabian Society, German-born Mrs Stuart exposed the pretence that the wordy text is needed to tidy up the treaties or pave the way for EU expansion, saying "the real reason for the constitution - and its main impact - is the political deepening of the union".

She added: "Not once in the 16 months I spent on the convention did representatives question whether deeper integration is what the people of Europe want.

"The debates focused solely on where we could do more at EU level. Any representative who took issue with the fundamental goal of deeper integration was sidelined."

She said the secretive body chaired by Valery Giscard d'Estaing slipped through radical changes that had never been agreed, insisting on French documents to create confusion.

When the sole East European member dared to raise a dissenting voice he was told his vote "didn't count".

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 PM


Either-Or: "The international crisis is a moral crisis." (THOMAS F. WOODLOCK, Editor's note: This column appeared in The Wall Street Journal, June 9, 1939.)

"Above all, they emphasize that the international crisis is a moral crisis, and that the foundations of the world will be shaky until the moral props are restored."--Anne O'Hare McCormick in The New York Times, June 3, 1939. [...]

"There is no separate body of moral rules; no separate subject-matter of moral knowledge and hence no such thing as an isolated ethical science. If the business of morals is not to speculate upon an ultimate standard of right, it is to utilize physiology, anthropology and psychology to discover all that can be discovered of man, his organic powers and potentialities."--John Dewey, Creative Intelligence, 1917, pp. 65-69.

The foregoing remarks join the issues pretty well. And the interesting thing is that the issues boil down to a very simple one, whether man is or is not a "moral" being. Professor Dewey thinks he is not. Nazism also plumps for the negative, and acts upon it. (So does Sovietism.) Dr. Butler is unequivocably in the affirmative. That uncannily clairvoyant lady, Mrs. McCormick, sees an apostasy from morals as the root of all the world's present troubles, and makes a powerful case in support of her thesis. [...]

Now leaving open for the moment the question whether man is a moral being or not, we are confronted by the obvious fact that the Western civilization is founded on the assumption that he is, and by the equally obvious fact that our American social structure is in a very special sense formally created on the same base. On this base have rested all the traditions, the mores, and the conventions of both. That base is now attacked in principle and in practice. If it goes the traditions and the mores go with it. What kind of social order can we expect to arise upon its ruins?

A hundred years later and pragmatists are still peddling the same utilitarian nonsense, about flexible morality.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 PM


Iraq's students say, 'Welcome back, professor': Iraq's brain drain is beginning to reverse as professors return from abroad. (Christina Asquith, 12/09/03, CS Monitor)

In recent months, university presidents report that dozens of professors have returned from exile and are looking to get their jobs back. At the US-led Ministry of Higher Education, staffed by expatriate professors, hundreds more have e-mailed from England, the US, and the Netherlands to inquire about returning. They also want to offer donations and scholarships, and to start partnerships.

Just as lost professors were symptomatic of universities' slump under Saddam Hussein, their reemergence offers a thread of promise for the future, particularly to colleagues struggling to piece back campuses suffering from academic repression, sanctions, looting, and now terrorism.

What does it say that Iraq has reversed its brain drain but France hasn't?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:17 PM


Gore To Back Dean (CBS, Dec. 8, 2003)

CBS News has confirmed that former Vice President Al Gore plans to endorse former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination.

The announcement is expected Tuesday during a joint appearance in Harlem.

Say what you will about the Clintons, but they seem concerned about the Party, while Mr. Gore would seem to have picked the most anti-Bush candidate for that reason alone.

Gore endorsing Dean, not Lieberman (NBC, MSNBC AND NEWS SERVICES, 12/08/03)

The endorsement has advantages and disadvantages for Gore, sources close to the former vice president told NBC News Andrea Mitchell.

The sources described the endorsement as a way for Gore to maneuver himself to challenge former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, for supremacy within the Democratic Party. Sources close to the Clintons said Monday that they would not make endorsements in the primary race.

It will also make Gore a behind-the-scenes power broker in the Dean campaign, the Gore sources said, and could position him to challenge Hillary Clinton for the 2008 nomination should Dean lose the general election next year.

But the sources acknowledged that the endorsement could be viewed as disloyal to Lieberman, who waited until after Gore made his decision last December not to run before embarking on his own candidacy. It also was seen as a slap at Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who gave Gore a significant boost when he endorsed Gore in New Hampshire in 2000.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:29 PM


Kerry camp lowers N.H. expectations. Behind in polls, senator now seeks spot in `top two' (Patrick Healy, Boston Globe, 12/8/2003)

Facing harsh political terrain in New Hampshire, Senator John F. Kerry and his presidential campaign advisers have begun bracing for the possibility of a loss in the state's Jan. 27 primary, which the campaign had previously labeled a "must win" to sustain his presidential bid.

With two recent New Hampshire polls suggesting that Kerry is 30 percentage points behind Democratic rival Howard Dean, Kerry and his advisers are moving to lower expectations of his primary performance there. The campaign issued a memo Saturday night saying for the first time that Kerry is competing for "the top two" spots in the primary, not just for an all-out victory.

"Clearly, Senator Kerry is trailing in New Hampshire, by any reasonable measure, but there are a lot of people who went on to be president who didn't win New Hampshire," campaign spokesman Michael Meehan said yesterday. "We have definite plans to win states after New Hampshire."

Source: Gore To Endorse Howard Dean (AP, 12/08/2003)

Democrat Howard Dean is apparently going to pick up a big endorsement Tuesday.

Sources said former Vice President Al Gore plans to endorse Dean for the Democratic presidential nomination.

It’s a dramatic move that could help firm up Dean’s role as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Barring some implosion, which is by no means impossible, Howard Dean is the Democratic nominee and will have wrapped up the nomination by the end of February. Before too long, only he, John Kerry and Al Sharpton will be campaigning. (Kerry is dedicated to beating Sharpton in the delegate totals).

(Also, if Al Gore was a secret Republican, wouldn't that explain a lot that's happened over the last 12 years?)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:57 PM


Bush, Nixon & LBJ (Patrick J. Buchanan, December 8, 2003, WND)

Re-election year is shaping up as positively for George W. Bush as it did for LBJ in 1964 and Richard Nixon in 1972.

Recall: Both LBJ and Nixon had engineered surging economies for the election year. Both held the face cards in foreign policy in wartime, with electorates wary of the perceived radicalism of their rivals. Both were facing opponents, Barry Goldwater and George McGovern, who had been luridly painted as outside the mainstream. And both benefited from an opposition party polarized over its nominee.

So, if one had to bet the 401K, bet on "W." But the LBJ and Nixon analogies, unfortunately, go deeper than that. [...]

What has George W. Bush wagered his presidency on? Bringing democracy to Iraq and denying rogue regimes nuclear weapons. That is the Bush Doctrine.

But if, in a second Bush term, America finds, after years of bloody endless guerrilla war, we must leave Iraq and let Baghdad fall to chaos and civil war, or into the hands of anti-American radicals, America will suffer a defeat greater than Vietnam. Should that happen, George W. Bush will be seen as a failed president, convicted of a hubristic march of folly for sending an army into Mesopotamia, ignorant of history and the almost-certain consequences.

If Pakistan, with its nuclear weapons, falls to an Islamic coup, the president's Afghan project will collapse. If Iran or North Korea acquires nuclear weapons – and President Bush appears to have taken the military option off the table – the Bush Doctrine will be the Maginot Line of the 21st Century.

In short, entering his re-election year, George W. Bush seems, like LBJ and Nixon, to have embarked on ambitious policies that to prudent men seem not simply bold, but rash and fraught with long-term peril.

Actually, Mr. Buchanan is quite wrong on at least one point: the fall of Pakistan's military regime would not be bad thing at all for the Bush Doctrine because it would offer the pretext for removing its nuclear weapons and turn the Western tribal region--which al Qaeda and the Taliban fled to--into a freefire zone.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


Dean's Planned Parenthood Ties Raise Questions About Abortion (Marc Morano, December 08, 2003,

As the current frontrunner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor and the only physician in the field of candidates, has been clear about his support for abortion rights, but adamant that he never performed an abortion himself.

"I did not perform abortions. I'm a medical doctor. Nor did my wife," Dean told a Boston television station in July. Dean's wife Judith also is a physician.

Yet, Dean's extensive ties to the Northern New England chapter of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., including his internship and work as a contract obstetrician/gynecologist at one of the group's Vermont clinics in the late 1970s and early 1980s, are producing more questions about the nature of that involvement at a time when Planned Parenthood was cementing its role as America's largest abortion provider.

While Dean may not find his Planned Parenthood connections too politically damaging in Iowa and New Hampshire, site of the nation's first two major political contests, he could face some fallout in the crucial Feb. 3 Democratic primary in South Carolina, where voters are more culturally conservative.

Dean has been one of the Democratic field's most vocal supporters of legalized abortion, including the procedure known as partial birth abortion, which Congress and President Bush moved to ban this year until three federal judges blocked the ban from taking effect.

On Nov. 6, the day the president signed the ban, Dean called it a "dark day for American women, who are seeing their reproductive freedoms restricted by a President acting in concert with a right wing congress.

"As this controversy moves to the judicial system," Dean's statement continued, "we are reminded anew of the importance of electing a pro-choice president next year."

No wonder he wants his personal records hidden.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:54 PM


The Tories should support Tony Blair’s magnificent defiance of his own party (Peter Oborne, 12/06/03, The Spectator)

The intelligent case for voting for Tony Blair in 1997 and 2001 was simple and very compelling. Only New Labour could bring about deep-seated reform of British public services. The argument went as follows: the Tories would never be trusted to tamper with the NHS or the social security system. Their motives were suspect. The voters were easily convinced that their real agenda was privatisation. Just as Richard Nixon, a Republican president, was the only political leader who could restore relations with communist China, so Labour’s Tony Blair was the only man who could take on the public-sector workers.

All the brightest and best people around the Prime Minister — Geoff Mulgan, Frank Field, David Simon, Andrew Adonis, Peter Mandelson, Roy Jenkins, David Miliband — passionately believed this. So did Tony Blair himself. The bitterest disappointment of the last seven years has been the slow, agonising discovery that this belief was unfounded. The modern Labour party may no longer represent the old industrial working class. It is made up instead of state employees of one kind or another: teachers, council workers, civil servants. With a few heartwarming exceptions, these are churlishly protective of their narrow self-interest, and as sentimentally attached to Spanish practices as any Coventry car-worker in the 1970s. Through the unions, the constituency parties and, to a steadily increasing extent, Labour MPs, public-sector workers represent a formidable power bloc for any ambitious politician on the make, and are eager to do damage to the Prime Minister. [...]

[T]here is something admirable, splendid, even magnificent about the Prime Minister’s determination to press this flagship measure through in defiance of his own party. The Higher Education Bill, as currently structured, fits precisely with the original, thrilling philosophy of radical reform which made New Labour such an attractive proposition seven years ago. The Prime Minister will earn great credit, and find his domestic position hugely strengthened, if he has the courage to go with it. The Tory position is contemptible: Michael Howard is wrong to lead the Tories against a measure which fits so comfortably with the overwhelming Conservative belief in freedom for our great public institutions. Sordid party advantage is his only motive, and he should be above that.

The deep battle over tuition fees, however, is between Blair and his own party. On Tuesday the Chancellor made an interesting speech in which he expressed guarded general support for the measure. The background to this latest intervention is still mysterious. There is well-informed talk in Whitehall that things have recently got easier between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. If true, it is a development of the keenest importance with consequences that go far beyond the argument over university education. But the Chancellor remained tellingly silent on variable fees. If Tony Blair gives way on that vital issue of principle in order to secure the passage of the legislation, he will have on his hands a fiasco as shameful as foundation hospitals — a fine idea killed by the Labour party. If the Prime Minister gives way, he might as well give up. If he wins, he will have done something to redeem his premiership.

Mr. Blair, we might say, faces a choice of being Bill Clinton or George W. Bush.

Posted by Paul Jaminet at 11:35 AM


"The international crisis is a moral crisis." (Thomas Woodlock, WSJ, 6/9/1939)

"[T]he international crisis is a moral crisis, and that the foundations of the world will be shaky until the moral props are restored."--Anne O'Hare McCormick in The New York Times, June 3, 1939....

"Right is what serves the interests of the German nation and wrong is what harms the German people."--Reich Minister Frick at the Conference of German Lawyers at Leipzig in 1933....

"There is no separate body of moral rules; no separate subject-matter of moral knowledge and hence no such thing as an isolated ethical science. If the business of morals is not to speculate upon an ultimate standard of right, it is to utilize physiology, anthropology and psychology to discover all that can be discovered of man, his organic powers and potentialities."--John Dewey, Creative Intelligence, 1917, pp. 65-69....

One thing we can safely predict of any social order that is erected upon a theory of human amoralism. It must, if it is to be "order," take the ant heap or the hive as its model. It cannot stop short of that; the dichotomy is absolute. There can be no "liberty" for anyone in an amoral social order, any more than there is liberty for an ant or a bee.

It is interesting to note that the meaning of "liberal" has changed much over the last 200 years, but American conservatism has changed little. We may not shrink at changing anti-conservative institutions and laws, but we have surely conserved our ideas!

Conservatism sees freedom and morality as the twin means to human fulfillment. Human fulfillment depends upon social order, social order meaning simply that the plans of nearly everyone in society are coordinated with each other so that people can live out their lives without being continually frustrated by blocking actions from others. Three mechanisms for achieving social order have been tried:

  • Coercive Authority. Coercion by an authority may work adequately at limiting the violence from the 1% of the population disposed to crime, but every attempt to use it to coordinate the plans and actions of ordinary persons has been a catastrophe. And as Mises and Hayek argued in the socialist calculation debate, coercion cannot, in fact, produce a proper social order, because the coercing authority itself inevitably blocks people from achieving their plans.
  • Bargaining. People can bargain together over their plans, and their self-interest leads them to avoid frustration by agreeing on mutually compatible plans. Bargaining depends on freedom -- without freedom to make choices, to accept or reject bargains, there is no true negotiation. The difficulty is that bargaining is costly. A society of 300 million people can hardly hope to avoid frustration through bargaining alone.
  • Morality. Morality constrains behavior. A shared morality reduces the action-set which decision-makers consider, and enables others to form plausible expectations as to how a decision-maker will act. Thus, it greatly enhances social ordering and reduces the "transaction costs" involved in social bargaining.

    The claim of authoritarians has always been that in the absence of authority, a loss of social order leading to frustration and poverty will result. In the absence of a shared morality, they may be right, and this tells strongly against the libertarians and liberals who argue that a shared morality is unnecessary, that bargaining can bring about social order by itself. This liberal argument neglects the significance of transaction costs and abundant evidence that hundreds of millions of people cannot effectively bargain their way to social order. As Edmund Burke noted, "Men are qualified for liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites." Moral rules that engender respect for others' plans help bring about social order.

    Thus the conclusion of American conservatism: freedom works only if supported by a shared morality. America's founders relied on Christianity to supply moral conviction:

    • "[W]here is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deserts the oaths...?" --George Washington
    • "Religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness." --Samuel Adams
    • "Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe." --James Madison
    • "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!" -- Patrick Henry (1736-1799)

    Thus conservatism is a religious, not just a secular project. The Judeo-Christian God commanded both freedom and morality, and promised material rewards and the benefits of social order to societies obeying His command; thus Christians are in some measure compelled to be conservatives. At the same time, it is doubtful that an irreligious society could forge a shared morality; so conservatives are compelled to support religion. Religious faith and conservatism are likely to live or die together. The conservative project has been to demonstrate their unity. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote:
    What most and always amazes me ... is to see ranged on the one side men who value morality, religion, and order, and upon the other those who love liberty and the equality of men before the law. This spectacle strikes me as the most extraordinary and deplorable ever offered to the eyes of man; for all the things thus separated are, I am certain, indissolubly united in the sight of God. They are holy things, if I may so express myself, because the greatness and the happiness of man in this world can only result from their simultaneous union. It seems to me, therefore, that one of the finest enterprises of our time would be to demonstrate that these things are not incompatible; that, on the contrary, they are bound up together in such a fashion that each of them is weakened by separation from the rest. (Letter to Eugene Stoffels, July 24, 1839)

    Morality, religion, and liberty remain bound up together. We shed any one at our peril.

  • Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 AM


    Will the counter-insurgency plan in Iraq repeat the mistakes of Vietnam?
    (SEYMOUR M. HERSH, 2003-12-08, The New Yorker)

    In Washington, there is now widespread agreement on one point: the need for a new American approach to Iraq. There is also uniform criticism of the military’s current response to the growing American casualty lists. One former Pentagon official who worked extensively with the Special Forces command, and who favors the new military initiative, said, “We’ve got this large conventional force sitting there, and getting their ass shot off, and what we’re doing is counterproductive. We’re sending mixed signals.” The problem with the way the U.S. has been fighting the Baathist leadership, he said, is “(a) we’ve got no intelligence, and (b) we’re too squeamish to operate in this part of the world.” Referring to the American retaliation against a suspected mortar site, the former official said, “Instead of destroying an empty soccer field, why not impress me by sneaking in a sniper team and killing them while they’re setting up a mortar? We do need a more unconventional response, but it’s going to be messy.”

    Inside the Pentagon, it is now understood that simply bringing in or killing Saddam Hussein and his immediate circle—those who appeared in the Bush Administration’s famed “deck of cards”—will not stop the insurgency. The new Special Forces operation is aimed instead at the broad middle of the Baathist underground. But many of the officials I spoke to were skeptical of the Administration’s plans. Many of them fear that the proposed operation—called “preëmptive manhunting” by one Pentagon adviser—has the potential to turn into another Phoenix Program. Phoenix was the code name for a counter-insurgency program that the U.S. adopted during the Vietnam War, in which Special Forces teams were sent out to capture or assassinate Vietnamese believed to be working with or sympathetic to the Vietcong. In choosing targets, the Americans relied on information supplied by South Vietnamese Army officers and village chiefs. The operation got out of control. According to official South Vietnamese statistics, Phoenix claimed nearly forty-one thousand victims between 1968 and 1972; the U.S. counted more than twenty thousand in the same time span. Some of those assassinated had nothing to do with the war against America but were targeted because of private grievances. William E. Colby, the C.I.A. officer who took charge of the Phoenix Program in 1968 (he eventually became C.I.A. director), later acknowledged to Congress that “a lot of things were done that should not have been done.”

    The former Special Forces official warned that the problem with head-hunting is that you have to be sure “you’re hunting the right heads.” Speaking of the now coöperative former Iraqi intelligence officials, he said, “These guys have their own agenda. Will we be doing hits on grudges? When you set up host-nation elements”—units composed of Iraqis, rather than Americans—“it’s hard not to have them going off to do what they want to do. You have to keep them on a short leash.”

    The former official says that the Baathist leadership apparently relies on “face-to-face communications” in planning terrorist attacks. This makes the insurgents less vulnerable to one of the Army’s most secret Special Forces units, known as Grey Fox, which has particular expertise in interception and other technical means of intelligence-gathering. “These guys are too smart to touch cell phones or radio,” the former official said. “It’s all going to succeed or fail spectacularly based on human intelligence.”

    A former C.I.A. official with extensive Middle East experience identified one of the key players on the new American-Iraqi intelligence team as Farouq Hijazi, a Saddam loyalist who served for many years as the director of external operations for the Mukhabarat, the Iraqi intelligence service. He has been in custody since late April. The C.I.A. man said that over the past few months Hijazi “has cut a deal,” and American officials “are using him to reactivate the old Iraqi intelligence network.” He added, “My Iraqi friends say he will honor the deal—but only to the letter, and not to the spirit.” He said that although the Mukhabarat was a good security service, capable, in particular, of protecting Saddam Hussein from overthrow or assassination, it was “a lousy intelligence service.”

    The official went on, “It’s not the way we usually play ball, but if you see a couple of your guys get blown away it changes things. We did the American things—and we’ve been the nice guy. Now we’re going to be the bad guy, and being the bad guy works.”

    Told of such comments, the Pentagon adviser, who is an expert on unconventional war, expressed dismay. “There are people saying all sorts of wild things about Manhunts,” he said. “But they aren’t at the policy level. It’s not a no-holds policy, and it shouldn’t be. I’m as tough as anybody, but we’re also a democratic society, and we don’t fight terror with terror. There will be a lot of close controls—do’s and don’ts and rules of engagement.” The adviser added, “The problem is that we’ve not penetrated the bad guys. The Baath Party is run like a cell system. It’s like penetrating the Vietcong—we never could do it.”

    Who cares if we didn't penetrate the Viet Cong, since we destroyed it. The enduring lesson of Vietnam is that despite having won the war we had so dominated South Vietnam's politics and the waging of the war that the state we left behind--disgracefully left behind--was not strong enough or popular enough to maintain control and fend off the North on its own. The way to put that teaching into effect is to shift responsibility for the political situation to the Iraqis as quickly as possible, so that, with our considerable help, they learn how to wage the counter-insurgency themselves and create an Iraqi secured Iraq.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


    Social Security Reform: Saving the system, saving grace (Andrew Grossman, December 8, 2003, Townhall)

    After years of talking about it, the Bush administration looks to be gearing up for a push on Social Security, telling reporters that "it shouldn't surprise anyone" for the issue to move to the fore in coming months. Their timing couldn't be better. [...]

    Last Monday, Steve Goss, the Social Security Administration's Chief Actuary released a memorandum estimating the financial effects of a reform plan developed by Peter Ferrara, a senior staff member of the Reagan and first Bush administrations. Goss's numbers show a complete elimination of the Social Security deficit over time, as benefit obligations shift to beneficiaries' own personal accounts, and an elimination of the current system's fiscal imbalance. Still, the Ferrara proposal has big accounts: 6.4 percent of wages--more than half the current Social Security tax--on average.

    Ferrara's proposes that, during the transition period, current obligations be covered by four factors: the current trust fund (now merely a temporary surplus), a one percent reduction in the growth rate of federal spending for eight years, increased revenues from higher corporate investment, and the sale of bonds through around 2029. Goss estimates that these factors would put the system into permanent surplus in that year and that any bonds issued could be paid back within 15 years. Thereafter, the payroll tax could be reduced by 2.5 percentage points, leaving it at its bare minimum to finance remaining non-account benefits.

    To woo liberals, Ferrara has added several sweeteners: progressivity and a benefit guarantee. While workers can contribute 5 percent of their wages to their personal accounts, they are able to contribute 10 percent of their first $10,000 in income, giving lower-income workers a greater opportunity to invest. And while workers would be free to invest their account assets in any of a number of stock and bond funds meeting Treasury Department standards, they would enjoy a safety net, set at the current level of Social Security benefits.

    Though Ferrara's plan has received much attention this week (especially in the Wall Street Journal), interest is picking up in others'. Rep. Jim DeMint quietly released a plan earlier this year that features big accounts (from 3 to 8 percentage points of income) and that has been scored even more favorably than Ferrara's in terms of the temporary debt that it would impose and its risk to the government's finances. DeMint's is also progressive, like Ferrara's, and features a benefit guarantee. The Cato Institute is said to be in the final stages of crafting its own proposal, which will likely be attractive to those seeking big accounts. And just last month, Sen. Lindsay Graham released a plan with smaller accounts (4 percentage points of income) and an option for workers to stay in the current system.

    Has a president ever run for re-election on a more radical program than Mr. Bush seems set on propounding?

    Choice and accountability (Michael Barone, Dec. 8, 2003, Jewish World Review)

    Many conservatives are complaining that George W. Bush is a big-government conservative--or not a conservative at all. They complain about the Medicare prescription drug law he and the House and Senate Republican leadership pushed through, the first major expansion of Medicare since 1965. They call him a big spender, noting that discretionary spending has been rising more rapidly than under Bill Clinton. They complain that he pushed through the first education bill giving the federal government a role in setting standards. They complain about the farm bill he signed in 2002 and the energy bill he championed this year.

    All those complaints have some substance. But for the most part Bush did not really campaign as a small-government conservative. A different theme runs through the major policies he advocated in the campaign and the major policy changes he has pushed through as president, a theme that can be summed up in two words: choice and accountability. The Bush tax cuts let you have the choice of how to spend more of your money, and you are, as always, accountable for the results. The education law forces the states to hold students and teachers accountable and gives them some choice in deciding how to do so. The Medicare prescription drug bill contains health savings accounts and competition experiments in 2010, which are attempts at providing more choice and more accountability. [...]

    What is next on Bush's list? Social Security. In the past quarter century the private sector has moved from defined-benefit pensions to defined-contribution pensions. Defined-benefit pensions gave you little choice and no accountability: If the LTV Steel pension fund or the United Mine Workers hospital fund went belly up, you were out of luck (or lobbying Congress for a federal bailout). With defined-contribution pensions, you make the choice of how to invest the money in your 401(k), and you are accountable for the results.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:44 AM


    Robert Reich's War on Evangelicals (Don Feder, 12/08/03, FrontPage)

    Writing in the liberal periodical The American Prospect (The Religious Wars) on December 1, Reich starts the season of good will toward men on a benevolent note. Since the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas (overturning the anti-sodomy laws of 14 states), “evangelicals have grown louder” in their demands to legislate their morality, Reich cautions. [...]

    Reich argues that America’s only hope to defeat the coming theocracy is a Democratic Party willing to stand up to the zealots. “Democrats should call all this for what it is – a clear and present danger to religious liberty in America,” Reich writes. “For more than 300 years, the liberal tradition has sought to free people from the tyranny of religious doctrines that would otherwise be imposed on them. Today’s evangelical right detests that tradition and seeks nothing short of a state-sponsored religion. But maintaining the separation of church and state is a necessary precondition of liberty.” [...]

    Like Robert Reich, the architect of the Third Reich understood the necessity of purging that Old Time Religion before his secular vision could be achieved.

    Hitler reportedly told his friend Hermann Rauschning: “We are fighting the perversion of our healthiest instincts…That devilish: Thou shalt! Thou shalt! And that stupid: Thou shalt not…We commence hostilities against the so-called Ten Commandments; the tablets from Sinai are no longer in force. Conscience, like circumcision, is a mutilation of man.” (Quoted by Hannes Stein in, Return of the Gods, First Things, November, 1999).

    Well, at least Der Fuhrer didn’t do it in the name of preserving liberty and religious pluralism.

    Reich wants an intellectual battle over whether a Judeo-Christian or New Age pagan worldview will dominate our laws and institutions? I say: Bring it on!

    The Blue States might want to repeal their gun laws before they provoke a war.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


    Restoration Weekend: How the GOP Will Attract Black Voters The Republican Party's ideas are good for America, and great for African-Americans. (Lindsey Graham, 11/08/03, FrontPage)

    I stand up before you as a new Senator from South Carolina, and I consider myself a failure having connected with only 31 percent of my state. I believe that my ideas are better than that, and I've got a problem. And if we don't turn this problem around, not just in the South but in the nation, somebody will be writing a book, The Republican Party: A National Party No More.

    Now, how do you do that? You don't reinvent yourself about what you believe.  Nobody likes that. You come up with a way to better convey what you believe. What I've found so astonishing is that when you list down what we believe, in African-American communities, there's a lot of checks by "yeah," until you get to the part that it was a Republican-brought idea. That's the problem.  School choice -- who are we talking about when you give a choice to get out of failing school?  We're talking about minority kids in rural and poor parts of this country.  So the biggest beneficiary of school choice is people who are trapped in poor schools who are disproportionately minorities. Social security reform -- how many people here, if you could, would invest your social security on your own, parts of it?  Everybody.  You know why? You're not stupid.  The reason you would do that is you're getting less than 2-percent return rate.  How many people have the federal government managing your estate?  Nobody. 

    Why would you give to the federal government more power than they already have to get you less than 2 percent? If you're an African-American working in South Carolina, the biggest tax you pay is social security tax. If you're an African-American male born after 1980, do you know what your rate of return on social security is? Negative 0.9. So if we can reform Social Security, the beneficiaries of it are not you; it's working people. It's hourly-wage earners. It's people out there who are working in the middle class, in the lower middle class. It's African-American families that are the biggest beneficiary of social security reform. Just look at the numbers.  

    Why? Because African-American males don't live as long as white women. The biggest transfer of wealth in the nation is from Social Security taxes paid into the system by African-American males because they never live long enough as a group to get the benefit of their investment. And their money doesn't stay in their family.  It goes into the pot, and the pot rewards white women, because they live longer than everybody else. If you sold that policy in the private sector, they would put you in jail.  It's discriminatory.  If you went down through the communities of America offering this policy in the private sector, somebody would sue you because it's discriminatorily designed. And nobody would buy it. "I'm here to take 6 percent of your wages for the rest of your working life, and I can promise you negative 0.9-percent return."  Would you buy it?  

    Interesting to think that it's the very conservative Southern senators who have the greatest stake in attracting black voters to the GOP.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 AM


    Twenty Years Late, But Better Late Than Never (David Horowitz, December 8, 2003,

    The Community Manifesto issued by gay activists in Seattle and calling on gay men to accept their responsibility for the spread of AIDS and for doing something about it is the first statement of its kind to come out of the gay community. It recognizes that the AIDS epidemic is entirely the result of irresponsible behavior, which if corrected would halt the epidemic in its tracks. Instead of holding irresponsible ideologues who have promoted “sexual liberation” -- and thus self-destruction -- accountable,  politically correct individuals in the gay community, the public health system and the Democratic Party have blamed inadequate funding and “homophobia” for the tragedy. It is twenty years too late for the hundreds of thousands of dead gay men who have been the victims of misinformation put out by gay leaders, the government and the liberal media. This misinformation is still the word of the day, most recently in the CBS miniseries “The Reagans,” which blames Ronald Reagan for deaths that should properly be attributed to gay activists, the principal AIDS organizations, former Surgeon General, Dr. Everett Koop, and writers like Tony Kushner and NY Times columnist Frank Rich who have put out false information, and conducted witch-hunts of anyone who spoke the truth about this terrible and avoidable scourge.

    From the beginning of the AIDS epidemic there has been only one way to combat the epidemic and that is behavioral change. Behavioral change can only be accomplished by holding people accountable for the consequences of their acts. For twenty years the progressive culture has labeled “homophobic” anyone who has tried to point this out and save gay lives. Now a group of gay activists has finally said, “Enough of us are dead. Let’s stop the lies, and begin the task of saving others.” This is why we are posting the Community Manifesto on this site.

    Mr. Horowitz is unfortunately wrong about the behavioral changes enumerated here stopping the spread of AIDs--in fact, he endorses the same big lie as General Koop did, about condom use--but they would help. And he's right that this manifesto was needed twenty years ago.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


    Examining the U.S.-Europe Cultural Gap (JULIE SALAMON, December 6, 2003, NY Times)

    [J]ane Kramer, who writes about Europe for The New Yorker, spoke wistfully of the seriousness with which she perceives her colleagues abroad are taken, in comparison to the indifference or even gentle disdain with which most Americans regard their intellectuals. When Europeans write an essay that is strongly political, she said, it becomes a political force. By contrast, in the United States, she said, "I don't' think we make much of a difference in what we write here."

    If you were going to pick one reason--besides the persistence of religious belief, but related to it--that America avoided the self-destructive forces that annihilated Europe in the 20th Century, it would be our salutary anti-intellectualism. Maybe the Europeans and intellectuals should learn from it rather than bemoan it?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 AM


    Cruel to be kind: In the twilight of his career, a late-term-abortion doctor tells all (REBECCA PALEY, 12/05/03, Boston Phoenix)

    Technical difficulty, however, is not why many doctors don't want to do second-trimester abortions. What troubles them is that as a pregnancy progresses, the fetus increasingly resembles a baby. This is also what troubled Congress, which passed a ban on "partial-birth" abortions (a term left purposefully vague but that could be interpreted to comprise all D&Es, including the rarely used dilation-and-extraction method, in which the skull is collapsed in utero and the fetus removed intact). [DR. WILLIAM RASHBAUM, a New York City gynecologist and one of the pre-eminent and longest-practicing providers of second-trimester abortions in the United States], like many in his field, is furious about the law. "It is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of, outlawing a safe operation," he says. "The passage of this bill reflects the ridiculous extreme of conservatism as represented by our current administration and president." Since President Bush signed the legislation in early November, marking the first federal prohibition on abortion practice since Roe v. Wade legalized the procedure in 1973, three lawsuits filed by pro-choice organizations and physicians in San Francisco, New York City, and Nebraska have cropped up challenging the ban. All three courts granted temporary restraining orders to stop the enforcement of the law, but the Department of Justice is seeking to put it into effect as quickly as possible. Trials are expected to begin in all three cases next spring.

    The procedure is gruesome, as anyone who has seen it, including Rashbaum, will attest. One of his former interns remembers watching Rashbaum do a D&E on well-developed twins one hot summer day. He intently leaned in closely and methodically pulled piece after piece of the fetuses out of the mother's uterus, ignoring the attending staff's whispers of horror -- "It's twins. Itís twins" -- to each other. The intern reacted violently, running home, throwing up, and asking herself, "Is this right?" Rashbaum pisses people off with his cranky, despotic ways, but the other doctors are relieved he's around to do a job they don't want. "A person who is more concerned with what people think of him than of doing the right thing wouldn't last," says a second-trimester-abortion provider who trained under Rashbaum. "He cares more about doing the right thing than what people think of his personality." [...]

    In the beginning, Rashbaum had problems performing abortions. First, there were his father's objections. "Growing up, the worst thing my dad could say about another doctor was he did abortions," he says. Like the other board-certified doctors who were suddenly doing procedures previously relegated to back alleys, Rashbaum lacked training in the necessary medical techniques. "None of us knew what we were doing," he says. "The only people who knew how to do abortions were the criminals." Rashbaum and his colleagues practically taught themselves how to perform abortions and were limited by the crude instruments of those days -- Dixie cups attached to the suction machine by rubber bands. And although Rashbaum felt he was performing a necessary service, it weighed heavily on his conscience. He was troubled by a recurring dream of a fetus trying to hold onto the walls of a uterus by its tiny fingernails. Raised to believe that abortion was wrong, he reasons, "What kind of dreams do you think you are going to have?"

    But in what began as a way to support two households, Rashbaum discovered a purpose and a mission. In the late 1970s, bored with his routine, he began doing second-trimester abortions and has since performed roughly 21,000. His work in late abortions has filled an important need, not only by providing services to desperate women, but also by training other physicians. He has trained close to 100 doctors to do D&Es, some of whom have gone on to train others.

    Nice to know you can shut your conscience up if you just keep violating it often enough.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:00 AM


    Hats off to Senator Frist (Paul M. Weyrich, December 8, 2003, Enter Stage Right)

    Over the past week I've done a half dozen interviews on the performance of Bill Frist in his first year as Majority Leader. No doubt I was called by major news organizations because their Google search revealed that when Frist was first elected I made some statements that were skeptical of his likely performance.

    I don't know if I'll get quoted this time because I told the reporters I have come to like and trust Frist. He has been the most effective Republican leader since Everett Dirksen, and I have known them all.

    Frist's office has just issued a two-page report entitled "Senate Conservative Highlights 2003". That, in and of itself, is unique. Previous Senate leaders never wanted to admit that they had accomplished some of the conservative agenda. [...]

    If Frist had another three or four conservative Senators I am confident that that his list would be as impressive as the House list. I have been a student of the Senate for 45 years. I think what Frist has done with a one-vote majority and with only a couple of conservative Democrats is nothing short of remarkable. Has he made mistakes? Sure. Could he learn more? Absolutely. But I think he has done about as well as is humanely possible with the cards he has been dealt. Conservatives ought to thank Bill Frist for a remarkable first year.

    The 1% The American Conservative and the 1% Reason speak for may be disgusted, but the 40% who are social/religious conservatives are on board, which is why the President has such high approval among Republicans. That was the Bush-Rove strategy all along and the key to avoiding George Bush Sr's fate. You can risk alienating the marginal folk, but don't mess with the base.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:47 AM


    Kerry's Profanity Gets Bush's Attention (RON FOURNIER, 12/07/03, AP)

    When asked in the interview about the success of rival candidate Howard Dean, whose anti-war message has resounded with supporters, Kerry responded: "When I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, `I'm against everything?' Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f--- it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."

    The expletive drew a rebuke from White House, which suggested an apology might be in order.

    "That's beneath John Kerry," the president's chief of staff, Andrew Card, said on CNN's "Late Edition."

    "I'm very disappointed that he would use that kind of language," Card said. "I'm hoping that he's apologizing at least to himself, because that's not the John Kerry that I know."

    That's some pretty dubious reporting. Mr. Card is after all from MA and is known to want to run for one of the big offices there--Mitt Romney scooped up the Governor's seat first, so it'll have to be a Senate seat. Hardly surprising he'd stir the pot on the self-destructing Senator Kerry, whose seat comes up in '08.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:36 AM


    Greens to revive flower power in San Francisco: The west coast city, long a refuge for fringe politics, is likely to reclaim its hippy heritage (Oliver Poole, 08/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

    The latest independent polls show that the Green candidate, Matt Gonzalez, 38, a former bassist in a punk rock band who does not own a watch or car, is leading his millionaire rival by 52 to 45 per cent, though the Democrats claim their internal research shows the gap is far closer. [...]

    The Democrat candidate, Gavin Newsom, 36, has been cast by his opponents as a socialite "Republocrat", one who names the billionaire Gordon Getty among his friends. He made his own fortune in a chain of restaurants, lives in a mansion in exclusive Pacific Heights, and married a former lingerie model. [...]

    Among his policies are vast investment in cheap housing and the raising of the minimum wage to the highest in the country. If he wins he has promised to make the city a "laboratory" for the party's policies.

    It is a platform which has resonated with the 2003 incarnation of San Francisco, despite only three per cent of the electorate describing itself as Green.

    With so many hi-tech businesses folding or leaving the city, office rents have halved since the late 1990s boom and at one time in 2000 there were more removal vans leaving the city than any other in the United States.

    Those who remained reclaimed its counter-culture heritage. The election of President George W Bush and then the war on terror further radicalised the city.

    It became the centre of protest against the war in Iraq and started to draw activists from across the country.

    This would seem to be the danger for Democrats in not returning to their roots on the Left, leaving the door open for a truly Left-wing party to replace them as they try to shade their differences with the GOP in pursuit of the presidency.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:25 AM


    Japan refuses to fly Airbus superjumbo (Andrew Clark, December 8, 2003, The Guardian)

    Japan's two international airlines, which are the world's biggest carriers outside America, have snubbed the new A380 superjumbo in a crushing blow to the European manufacturer Airbus.

    All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines (JAL) are the leading users of the Boeing 747 jumbo jet, which the A380 is intended to replace, and are regarded as a make-or-break market for the new aircraft.

    As recently as last week, senior Airbus executives were saying they expected to sell the A380 to Japan, claiming that the plane could be packed with 900 seats on busy domestic routes between Tokyo and Kyoto or Sapporo.

    But the two airlines have resisted intense pressure from Airbus to sign up for the A380. ANA's chief executive, Yoji Ohashi, this weekend ruled out a purchase before 2010, saying he intended to stick to the company's existing long-haul fleet of Boeing 747s and 777s.

    Keisuke Okada, ANA's corporate planning director, criticised the design of the superjumbo, saying larger aircraft created too many problems at airports: "Already, when I take a ride on a 747, I have to wait a long time to board - it's a crazy stress." He said baggage handling was frequently "chaos" when jumbo jets, which carry more than 560 people on domestic routes in Japan, arrived en masse.

    Experts said failure in Japan leaves the Toulouse-based manufacturer with an uphill struggle to break even on the A380 - to the dismay of the British government, which provided £500m of "soft loans" for the project which are only repayable if the plane makes a profit.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:16 AM


    'Drunk' senator in assault claim (BBC, 12/07/03)

    An Australian politician is considering his future after allegations he drunkenly assaulted a female senator.

    Andrew Bartlett, leader of Australia's opposition Democrats party, allegedly shouted obscenities at Liberal Party senator Jeannie Ferris and grabbed her.

    The incident took place on the Senate floor in Canberra while it was in session and was partially televised.

    Mr Bartlett has since apologised for his actions and has taken indefinite leave to consider his political future.

    The argument is said to have begun after Ms Ferris accused Mr Bartlett of stealing several bottles of wine from a Liberal Party Christmas barbecue held in Canberra's Parliament House.

    You see the headline and just assume there's a Kennedy involved.

    December 7, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 PM


    Richard Pipes, Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (C-SPAN, 12/07/03, 8 & 11pm)

    A distinguished historian, Harvard professor, and White House adviser looks
    back on his own life and on the tumultuous twentieth century

    Sixteen-year-old Richard Pipes escaped from Nazi-occupied Warsaw with his family in October 1939. Their flight took them to the United States by way of Italy, and Pipes went on to earn a college degree, join the U.S. Air Corps, serve as professor of Russian history at Harvard for nearly forty years, and become adviser to President Reagan on Soviet and Eastern European affairs. In this engrossing book, the eminent historian remembers the events of his own remarkable life as well as the unfolding of some of the twentieth century’s most extraordinary political events.

    From his youthful memories of bombs falling on Warsaw to his recollections of the conflicts inside the Reagan administration over American policies toward the USSR, Pipes offers penetrating observations as well as fascinating portraits of such cultural and political figures as Isaiah Berlin, Ronald Reagan, and Alexander Haig. Perhaps most interesting of all, Pipes depicts his evolution as a historian and his understanding of how history is witnessed and how it is recorded.

    “Mr. Pipes has had a long and distinguished life and career, and he has made distinctive and important contributions to both scholarship and public policy. He has much of interest to tell, particularly concerning his often contentious involvement with American policy toward the Soviet Union.”--Mark Raeff, Columbia University

    It is not possible to fully understand the 20th Century without reading Mr. Pipes's brilliant history of the Russian Revolution. Like all of the very greatest conservative, his analysis of the situation (in his case the Soviet Union) was so prescient and so contrary to that of the mainstream intellectuals that, even though it was contemporary, folks are forced to dismiss it as hindsight. This is the very highest compliment that the Left pays the Right.

    -BUY IT: Vixi by Richard Pipes (
    -BOOK SITE: Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (Yale University Press)
    -PROFILE: The hard-liner: Harvard historian Richard Pipes shaped the Reagan administration's aggressive approach to the Soviet Union. His support for confrontation over containment prefigured the Bush foreign policy of today. (Sam Tanenhaus, 11/2/2003, Boston Globe)

    In his historical writings, Pipes contends that the 1917 revolution, though the central event of its time, simply replaced one elite with another. The Kremlin nomenklatura, like the royal despots before them, appropriated the nation to themselves. "You look at a picture of [Lev] Kamenev at Brest-Litovsk in March 1918," Pipes says of an early Bolshevik hero. "He's slender. Two years later he's fat, obese. It is a Russian story." The great mass of people, whether subjects or comrades, understood that order and continuity flowed only from above. The country had no enduring secular institutions, no legitimate rule of law, no private property. Pipes's views were confirmed in visits to Russia and China, where he discovered, as he writes in "Vixi," that "culture is more important than ideology: that ideas accommodate to the cultural soil on which they fall."

    Initially, Pipes's work was received respectfully. "I was not considered to be a hardliner or a cold warrior," he says. But then, in the 1960s, "things began to split" in the ranks of Sovietologists, owing in large part to the Vietnam War. "Guilt-ridden" establishment figures like George F. Kennan drifted leftward "and became more tolerant of the Soviet Union." Meanwhile, a younger academic cohort, some of its members tutored in the antiwar movement, insisted that capitalism and communism were not really so different and that the two enemy superpowers might be headed toward "convergence."

    Pipes, as a staunch anticommunist, came under attack and responded in kind. "He was courageous to write at the time when the dominant school was revisionism," says Walter Laqueur, a historian of modern Europe and a recent biographer of Stalin. "He thought that the Soviet experiment was a disaster, and of course this was vindicated."

    Stephen Sestanovich, a Russian expert in the Clinton Administration who now teaches at Columbia, agrees. "Revisionist views don't look so good [today] in the sense that Soviet Communism collapsed in a miserable heap." Vladimir Putin himself, Sestanovich adds, "uses the word `totalitarian' even though American scholars spent a generation squirming at the word."

    But if Pipes's politics alienated many in the academy, they won him an attentive audience in Washington, particularly among those convinced, as he was, that the USSR was at once a menacing regime and a vulnerable one. It should not be merely "deterred" or "contained" but defeated in a war of attrition that would pit America's flexible democracy against what Pipes deemed "a rigidly conservative regime that had more in common with the absolutism of a Nicholas I than with the utopian fantasies of 19th-century radicals." The United States should strike where the enemy was weakest -- Russia's decrepit economy, its flagging national morale, its submerged dissident culture.

    -ESSAY: Where Sovietologists Went Wrong RICHARD PIPES
    -ESSAY: Private Property, Freedom, and the Rule of Law: Juxtapose the history of England with that of Russia. What emerges? The importance of private property. (Richard Pipes, Spring 2001, Hoover Digest)
    -ESSAY: Life, Liberty, Property (Richard Pipes, March 1999, Commentary)
    -PROFILE: A Hardliner's Life (Kenneth Silber, 11/20/2003, Tech Central Station)
    -REVIEW: of Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (Mark Falcoff, FrontPage)

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 PM


    Seeking leadership, Britain puts foreigners in top jobs: Experts attribute the shift to a grudging respect for the way other
    societies do things. (Mark Rice-Oxley, 12/08/03, CS Monitor)

    Foreigners run the biggest two phone companies (Vodafone and BT) and one of the largest banks (Barclays); media groups are full of non-British bosses, while overseas coaches run three major soccer teams (Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool) and several rugby clubs. There is even a foreign-born member of Parliament (Gisela Stuart), an American running London transport (Bob Kiley), and another spearheading Britain's bid to stage the 2012 Olympics (Barbara Cassani).

    "This is a comparatively recent trend that has been growing over the past few years," says Patricia Peter, corporate governance executive at the Institute of Directors, a British association for top management. "British companies are saying we will look for the best person and we won't have a national bias."

    "In a way it does reflect an openness in the UK that isn't there in other parts of the world," she adds. "We are not hidebound. There are things we can learn from other people."

    By comparison, continental Europe has all kinds of obstacles that make it harder for foreigners to get ahead, says Prof. Peter Buckley of Leeds University Business School. Ownership has historically been concentrated around families who retain a large measure of executive control. Language can, moreover, be a barrier to all but the most polyglot.

    The colonies paying the Motherland back.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:41 PM


    The New Old-Time Religion: Evangelicals defy easy labels. Here's why--and why their numbers are growing (Jay Tolson, 12/8/03, US News)

    [M]any outside the tradition still tend to reduce evangelicals, and particularly prominent leaders and televangelists, to a conveniently dismissible stereotype: Bible-thumping, intolerant know-nothings. But when researchers focus on ordinary evangelicals, as University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill sociologist Christian Smith does in his book Christian America? What Evangelicals Really Want, they find "more diversity, complexity, and ambivalence than conventional wisdom would lead us to expect." Take Laura Camp, a 26-year-old aspiring opera singer in Cherry Hill, N.J. Strongly opposed to abortion and gay marriage, Camp doesn't think the Gospel should be twisted to suit contemporary mores. Still, says the evangelical, who recently moved from a United Methodist to a Baptist church: "It's not my job to condemn--the Holy Spirit will take care of that. My job is to have a growing relationship with God."

    Which is very close to what Jonathan Edwards wanted, too. Yet what exactly does an 18th-century New England Puritan have to do with a phenomenon that transcends denominational lines and emphasizes born-again conversion, Christ's redemptive role, the unerring authority of the Bible, and a commitment to taking the Gospel to others? The answer, quite simply, is a lot. George Marsden, a University of Notre Dame historian and author of Jonathan Edwards: A Life, put the matter squarely at a recent Library of Congress symposium: American history "recounted without its religious history or Edwards is like Moby Dick without the whale." [...]

    Adaptable and improvisatory, emotionally engaging and sustaining, American evangelical religion has provided a most accessible spiritual home for a highly individualistic, egalitarian, and mobile people. But that doesn't mean that the kinds of things that worried Edwards in his day don't continue to present real and present dangers to the spiritual health of evangelicalism.

    Evangelical scholars and intellectuals especially lament the decline of the evangelical mind since the generation of Edwards. During the last century in particular, says Wheaton College's [Mark] Noll, "Christian reasoning as a whole, through use of the Bible, theology, and doctrine, simply hasn't measured up. The scandal of the evangelical thinking is that there is not enough of it, and that which exists is not up to the standards that Edwards established."

    The fundamentalist turn in evangelicalism, in Noll's view, is a well-intentioned but inadequate response to challenges Edwards would have met more thoughtfully, with intelligence and religious conviction. In fact, if evangelicals had heeded Edwards's criticism of Enlightenment science and philosophy, they would have been less frightened by later scientific theories, like Darwinian evolutionary theory. More theologically informed readings of Scripture might also have discouraged the fundamentalists' use of biblical prophecy as what Noll calls "a complete and detailed preview of the end of the world"--often for dubious political purposes. Most evangelicals, for instance, have sensible reasons for their support of Israel, including respect for its democratic institutions. But fundamentalist zealots who base their uncritical support on end-times scenarios are so mechanistic in their use of Scripture that they view even President Bush's effort to negotiate a peace settlement as a betrayal of prophecy.

    A little more Edwards-style caution might also temper the view of America as a redeemer nation with a special mission in the world, says Yale historian Harry Stout. Edwards believed that Christians worldwide, and not just Americans, had a unique place in the unfolding history of humankind's redemption. To the extent that Edwards acknowledged America's collective covenant with God, says Sang Hyun Lee of Princeton Theological Seminary, he believed that it was contingent upon the nation's actions--and particularly upon whether they were godly or not. Edwards did believe in evil and would have understood why Bush uses the word to describe terrorists. But any attempt to ascribe high moral purpose to all of America's actions would have invited the theologian's cautioning words.

    For all the faults that Edwards might have found in them, however, contemporary evangelical Christians continue to exhibit a quality that he would have considered paramount: They are serious about their religion and seriously concerned about the authenticity of their faith.

    One of the things that makes Edwards so attractive is that he was beguiled by Nature and studied it intensely, secure in the faith that scientific knowledge would only enhance the awe of God's Creation. But in that earlier era, science was really just observation of the natural world--few of its secrets were penetrated. So, one suspects--though it's obviously futile to spend overmuch time on such an insoluble question--that if he were able to observe the modern world, in which science reaches down into the atomic level and renders applications from space flight to biotechnology, that he'd be heartened that even with such knowledge--which would have seemed almost divine to him and his contemporaries--American faith in an actual Divinity remains so strong. Of course, it helps that science has tended to confirm rather than refute the theological worldview.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:22 PM


    Sovereignty and Democracy (Marc F. Plattner, December 2003, Policy Review)

    One of the scholars who appears to have been especially influential in shaping current thinking about the modern state is John Ruggie. Fittingly enough, Ruggie not only is a distinguished professor of international relations, but has recently served as assistant secretary-general of the United Nations. His writings, and especially his International Organization article “Territoriality and Beyond: Problematizing Modernity in International Relations” (Winter 1993), are widely cited not only in the academic literature but also in more policy-oriented discussions regarding the future of the European Union. What Ruggie “problematizes” in his essay is not just modernity, but the modern state and the concept of sovereignty.

    The discipline of international relations tends to take for granted the “modern system of states,” Ruggie argues. Thus, while it is adept at understanding changes in the balance of power among states, it is poorly equipped to understand the more momentous kind of transformation that may result in “fundamental institutional discontinuity in the system of states.” Yet there are signs that such a period of “epochal” change may now be upon us. This is seen both in the transformation of the global economy due to ever more extensive transnational links and in the rise of the European Union, which “may constitute nothing less than the emergence of the first postmodern international political form.”

    Ruggie’s essay includes a brief account of the debate about postmodernism in the humanities, but for the purposes of international relations he distinguishes the modern from the postmodern in terms of their different “forms of configuring political space.” The modern system of rule is based upon “territorially defined, fixed and mutually exclusive enclaves of legitimate domination. As such, it appears to be unique in human history.” How else has political space been configured in the past? Ruggie refers briefly to primitive kin-based systems and to the conception of property rights held by nomadic peoples, but by far the greatest part of his analysis is devoted to the “nonexclusive territorial rule” that characterized medieval Europe, with its complex patterns of multiple allegiances and overlapping jurisdictions.

    It is by analyzing the earlier transformation of the feudal order into the modern world of states claiming absolute and exclusive sovereignty over their territories that we can gain insight into the new transformation that may now be under way. The modern state has been invented or “socially constructed,” and thus its persistence cannot be taken for granted. In fact, the European Union, where “the process of unbundling of territoriality has gone further than anywhere else,” may point the way toward a postmodern future that will in important respects resemble the medieval past.

    The general orientation of Ruggie’s analysis is reflected in a great deal of contemporary writing about sovereignty, the nation-state, and the European Union. (To be sure, Ruggie draws upon a body of prior academic studies, most notably the work on the formation of the modern state prominently associated with Charles Tilly.) One encounters in this literature surprisingly frequent references to the fleeting and historically contingent character of the modern nation-state. And the European Union is most often described not as the germ of some larger form of the nation-state (often disparagingly referred to as a “superstate”) but as a new kind of postmodern or “neomedieval” structure that transcends the “Westphalian” framework.

    Yet while Ruggie’s argument incorporates a number of useful insights, I believe that it is misguided in several crucial respects.

    I hope you won't mind if I beg your indulgence, but having just signed a contract to edit an anthology on this very topic--the threat that new transnationalist visions of sovereignty pose to democracy and self-governance--I'd greatly appreciate it if folks would send suggestions for and links to any essays that touch on the topic with which they're familiar or which they happen to spot. Many thanks.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:03 PM


    Hearts and Minds? First, Just Win (Wayne Downing, December 7, 2003, Washington Post)

    The recent U.S. crackdown in the Sunni Triangle of Iraq is more than a change in tactics. It appears that the American commanders have devised a daring and risky campaign based on a new reality: that winning the hearts and minds of the Sunni Arab population is less important than winning a decisive victory over a growing insurgency that threatens the larger U.S. strategy in Iraq.

    The American intent has been clear from the start. The military must establish a degree of security that will allow the coalition to achieve the three key goals of establishing a stable, representative government, restoring basic services to a deprived population and building a free-market economy from a failed socialist state. The problem is that an anti-coalition insurgency has gotten out of hand and has created serious security problems, especially in the triangle region around Baghdad.

    Conventional wisdom asserts that winning the hearts and minds of the people is absolutely essential to success in an insurgency. Certainly U.S. counterinsurgency doctrine based on our experience in Vietnam and even as far back as the Philippine insurrection at the turn of the last century validates this dictum. U.S. forces clearly pursued this objective when they started their counterinsurgency campaign this past summer -- but with mixed success.

    Until early October, U.S. and coalition forces attempted to treat the entire civilian population (Shiites, Kurds, Sunnis, Turkomen, Assyrians) with kid gloves throughout the country. As the violence escalated -- helicopters shot down, fixed sites bombed, patrols and convoys ambushed, police and political leaders targeted -- it became clear that U.S. forces would have to be more aggressive in the insurgent strongholds in the Sunni Arab region. Reviewing progress in pacifying the Sunni Triangle, I believe that American military leaders finally concluded that their restrained tactics were not dampening the insurgency and were never going to win the hearts and minds of the Sunnis as long as the people were dominated by former regime loyalists and the insurgents. So why try? It was time to take off the gloves.

    Has it not seemed likely from the beginning that the fewer Sunni hearts left beating, the easier it would be to change the rest of their minds?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:48 PM

    PAPA DON'T PREACH (via Tom Morin):

    Motherhood lessens teen delinquency, study shows (Esther I. Wilder, Center for the Advancement of Health )

    Unmarried adolescent mothers who keep their babies have lower rates of juvenile delinquency than girls who have abortions or give up their babies for adoption, according to new research.

    "The transition to parenthood, unlike other types of pregnancy resolution, encourages adolescent females to assume a more responsible adult role that is ultimately incongruent with delinquent activity," says Esther I. Wilder, Ph.D., of Lehman College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and two colleagues writing in the journal The Sociological Quarterly.

    Wilder and Trina Hope, Ph.D., of the University of Oklahoma and Toni Terling Watt, Ph.D., of Texas State University drew their information from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a nationwide survey of 19,000 teenagers in grades seven through 12. Previous research showed that girls who get pregnant have higher levels of juvenile delinquency than girls who never get pregnant.

    About 9 percent of the subset of 6,877 girls studied had gotten pregnant. The highest rates of juvenile delinquency were found among girls who had abortions or gave babies up for adoption, Wilder says.

    However, they noticed that girls who kept their babies were no more delinquent than girls who had never gotten pregnant. The most common types of delinquency involved alcohol consumption or petty criminal activity, Wilder adds.

    It's the 21st Century and we need studies to tell us that taking responsibility for your own actions has a civilizing effect?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:44 PM


    On the Ground, Straight From the Top ( , December 7, 2003)

    U.S. military commanders throughout Iraq have been saying for months -- almost unequivocally -- that they are winning the war against Iraqi insurgents, religious extremists and foreign terrorists in their sectors. This, even as attacks against U.S. forces increased across the country and a series of high-profile bombings and helicopter shoot-downs helped create the impression in the world media that the insurgents were gaining ground. Vernon Loeb, defense correspondent for The Post, asked commanders from the four major U.S. Army divisions in Iraq why they thought they were winning, and what they used as measures of success. Responding via e-mail, they had plenty to say. Excerpts:

    Bah, whadda they know.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:20 PM


    PRESIDENT BOTH: Bush Can Have Both Guns and Butter, at Least for Now (NIALL FERGUSON, 12/07/03, NY Times)

    An interesting question is why this fiscal black hole is not causing more alarm for financial markets, because history suggests that a government with debts on this scale sooner or later either defaults or resorts to printing money, thus re-igniting inflation. Long-term interest rates have indeed ticked up slightly since their nadir last spring, in anticipation of higher inflation. But this will not be the kind of inflation experienced in the 1970's and 1980's. So powerful are the deflationary forces today (notably in the second and third biggest economies, Japan and Germany) that Washington can splurge on its military and social services with only a modest impact on expectations of inflation.

    It helps that the United States has a unique advantage over all other sovereign borrowers: central banks and other institutions around the world need to hold dollars as the currency most frequently used in international transactions. While this is true, America can count on selling large amounts of dollar assets, like 10-year Treasury bonds, to foreigners — very large amounts. In the last three years, the share of federal debt in foreign hands has risen from just over a third to almost a half. In particular, China has invested heavily in the dollar. Since 2001 Chinese international reserves have roughly doubled, from $200 billion to $400 billion.

    The only imminent danger is that the dollar could slide sharply against Asian currencies, as it has against the euro. But the chief losers then would be the Asians.

    Part of President Bush's appeal to many Americans is that he combines a moral certainty about ends with a ruthlessness about means. To achieve these ends, the president has no compunction about exploiting the nation's fiscal and monetary strengths — to the max.

    No question, the policy of having both guns and butter postpones difficult decisions about the future of the welfare system, principally Medicare and Social Security. But it also ensures the continuation of the nation's "full spectrum dominance" in warfare.

    Yes, all that military spending may not be enough to stabilize Iraq or prevent terrorism. All those tax cuts may not generate a sustained recovery. Still, if President Bush had turned out to be President Bust, his chances of re-election would have been much lower than they currently are as President Both.

    Mr. Ferguson's recognition of the effects of deflationary pressure are welcome, but he may underestimate two other points he makes. The ruthlessness not just of Mr. Bush but of democracies generally and the fact that the debt is being sold abroad rather than held internally creates a situation in which it is appropriate to consider the possibility that it will eventually just be repudiated, in whole or in part. China could thereby be destroyed without a shot being fired.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 AM


    Hillary's road to Boston (Dateline D.C., 12/7/03, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)

    The strength in Hillary's campaign comes from a very political lady, Ellen R. Malcolm, who was the founder, in 1985, of the aptly named EMILY's List. This acronym tells us what we need to know: "Early Money is Like Yeast." Malcolm cheerfully explains, "It makes the dough rise!"

    In its 18 years of life, EMILY-supported women candidates have won 42 seats in the House of Representatives, six U.S. Senate seats and three governor's mansions. EMILY claims U.S. Sens. Barbara Mikulski, Dianne Feinstein, Patty Murray, Mary Landrieu and a score of congressional people. The list has about 73,000 members and in 2003 raised $23 million. But don't be surprised to find that every one of these ladies is of the Democrat persuasion; after all, Ellen Malcolm is one of the grande dames of that party.

    In the early 1970s, Ellen, too young then to know better, worked at Common Cause and was later rewarded by President Jimmy Carter with a job in the White House in its consumer-affairs office. When Jimmy went back to his peanuts, EMILY took over Ms. Malcolm, who coined the phrase "Don't get mad! Get elected!"

    Which brings us to a new pro-Hillary group that is doing just what she wants -- attacking George Bush, and attempting to diminish his lead in the polls. This new group, America Coming Together, or ACT, is led by the one and only Ellen Malcolm. And she has help beyond the expectations of a political fund-raiser. Rallying around the Anyone but Bush cause is billionaire financier George Soros and his good friend Peter Lewis, chairman of the board of the Progressive Corporation. They each gave $10 million. Other contributions in the millions of dollars came from liberal and Left groupies, such as Lewis and Dorothy Cullman; Robbie McKay, a big name in the "motor-voter" campaigns; and Patricia Bauman, who is still hankering after a job in the environmental protection world.

    ACT is well on its way to filling a $75 million campaign chest when it will begin to use the money in 17 states in the largest field operation that has ever been seen in America. It's a Democrat's dream campaign, stirring up voters on what they claim to be bread-and-butter issues that voters care about.

    ACT's planners are almost as interesting as their money people, with many of them coming from the AFL-CIO and the Clinton White House. The manager of their political program and chief executive officer is Steve Rosenthal, who managed the political programs of the AFL-CIO for the past seven years. He is joined by the Sierra Club Director, Carl Pope; Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union; and Gina Glanz, who was once a campaign manager for Bill Bradley.

    Then, to top off this array of talent, we have Bill Clinton, Hillary, and their legal genius, Harold Ickes.

    But money is all important and these Democrats appear to have cornered the market. There is a new tax-exempt foundation in the District of Columbia, the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation. It has been busy creating an infrastructure for the treatment of HIV/AIDS cases, has just consummated a major deal with drug companies in India, and has received a $3 million grant from George Soros, plus undisclosed sums from computer king Bill Gates.

    Next on the hand-out list is Clinton's former chief of staff John Podesta, who now is running a Washington public affairs company, teaching at Georgetown University Law Center and running a vicious anti-Bush Internet lobbying group, MoveOn.Org, which has a membership list of 1.8 million people. Despite these clowns being able to raise some $7 million in a few days from his own many financial connections, Podesta was happy to receive $2.5 million and change from Soros.

    An interesting thing has happened this week, as Ms Clinton, who had been playing nice, started criticizing the President in such a personal and partisan way as to make it appear she doesn't really care about being an effective Senator and working with the GOP any more. This suggests that the Clinonistas may well have determined that the Democrats can not withstand the kind of party crushing loss that Howard Dean is leading them towards and that their stalking horse, Wesley Clark, has shown himself incompetent to stave off. This brings into play an odd dynamic.

    You'd think someone as politically astute as Bill Clinton would caution his wife that she can't win in '04, that he's serve as the sensible brake on her ambition and stop up the honeyed words that others are pouring in her ears. However, there's ample reason to believe that their politics are sufficiently divergent that he doesn't view her as his heir anyway, and would be perfectly willing to sacrifice her career this time around, on the assumption she'd at least keep the Party viable, so that a true successor has a realistic shot in '08--maybe Bill Richardson?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:40 AM


    NHS in crisis? Patients in France also wait on trolleys (Paul Webster, December 7, 2003, The Observer)

    France's public hospital system, often cited as a model for Britain, is on the brink of paralysis, according to medical staff, who blame a lack of funding and personnel. [...]

    A crisis has been evident since the deaths of 15,000 elderly people during the August heatwave. But this has been followed by a new scare in which Parisian and provincial hospitals have been overwhelmed by three winter epidemics: infant bronchitis, gastroenteritis and 'flu.

    While tiny patients were kept waiting in corridors for hours and anxious parents advised to go to private clinics, doctors warned that the worst was yet to come.

    Emmanuel Grimpel, head of emergencies at Paris's Armand-Trousseau hospital, said the 'flu epidemic had struck early and underlined a serious lack of medical staff and beds nationwide. He predicted that the crisis would last until mid-January.

    Medical staff at his hospital spoke of inadequate equipment and poor morale. They quoted cases at other Paris hospitals where patients had been sent home early because of a lack of beds and nurses, and where waiting lists to see specialists were running into months.

    Nurses smiled wryly when told of the high praise of British NHS patients sent to France. 'The wool has been pulled over your eyes,' a senior pediatric nurse said. 'France has one or two show hospitals, like anywhere in the world. Go and see the new Pompidou hospital in Paris - it looks like a Hollywood set. As for the rest... '

    Show trials, show hospitals, why not? The Left'll believe anything.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:25 AM


    Colgate advances to I-AA semifinals (Darryl Slater, December 07, 2003, Syracuse Post-Standard)

    As dusk approached late Saturday afternoon, snow flurries still fell on the Colgate University campus, where a pair of metal field goal posts settled to the bottom of Taylor Lake.

    The game that preceded their removal from Andy Kerr Stadium will go down as the most significant in the 113-year history of Colgate football. Beneath steady snowfall, the Raiders defeated Western Illinois 28-27 to advance to the semifinals of the NCAA Division I-AA playoffs for the first time in school history. [...]

    "This is one of the greatest things to ever happen to this school," Colgate head coach Dick Biddle said. "This will never happen again, probably."

    The crowd of 5,287 celebrated accordingly. As time expired, students rushed the field and tore down the south end zone’s goal posts in 45 seconds. The students carried the posts across the field and down College Street, stopping after two blocks to toss them into Taylor Lake. It is believed to be Colgate’s first ever goal-post removal.

    Some fans remained on the field and mobbed the Raiders.

    "They said it was the greatest game they’d seen in a long time," Colgate quarterback Chris Brown said. "And I think it is."

    Again, Brown, now 17-0 as a starter, led the Raiders to victory.

    With seven minutes, four seconds left in the game, Western Illinois took a 27-21 lead on quarterback Russ Michna's 1-yard touchdown dive. Colgate's next drive stalled, but the Raiders then forced the Leathernecks to punt after three plays.

    With 3:09, J.B. Gerald returned that punt 28 yards to the Leathernecks' 25-yard line, and Brown promptly completed a 24-yard pass to Luke Graham — a yard away from the go-ahead score. Western Illinois stuffed running back Jamaal Branch on the next two plays. Before lining up for third down, Brown turned to his teammates in the huddle.

    "Let's go win it right now," they all said.

    Moments later, with 1:50 remaining, Branch stumbled into the endzone for the touchdown. [...]

    On Friday, the NCAA decided Colgate, now winners of 20 consecutive games, would play on the road for the semifinals. Concerns about Andy Kerr Stadium's field conditions played a part in the decision.

    "I'm just glad we're in the final four," Biddle said.

    Said Branch: "We deserve to play at home because we won. But I understand it."

    As he spoke, Branch stood in the Colgate locker room. Rap music thumped in the background. Players mulled over the evening's celebration plans.

    "Holy (cow)!" shrieked one Raider. "Twenty in a row!"

    Moments earlier, Biddle had addressed his players in the locker room.

    "You're the best Colgate team in history," he told team. "No one can take that away from you."

    Given that the best team in football history was a Colgate squad, Coach seems a bit hyperbolic, though justifiably so.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 AM


    Pamela Anderson is a Sunday school teacher (Ananova, 11/24/03)

    Speaking on BBC1's The Hand Of God, to be screened on December 2, she said: "I'm teaching at my sons' Sunday school. It's reading the Bible, getting out jelly beans and setting the kids a good example."

    She added: "There have been bad times and good times and I have had religion to get me through. I think it's important as I've always believed in God. It's just I've joined a new church and my kids are at Sunday school."

    Somehow it seems fitting that in the church of Pamela Anderson communion should consist of something gelatinous.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:01 AM


    Backward Christian Soldiers: Our civilisation is in grave danger. But the threat is not terrorism, eugenics or GM crops. The West’s future is being undermined by leaders whose guiding light is exactly what modern, rational politics was supposed to have blown out long ago: religion (Iain Macwhirter, 07 December 2003, Sunday Herald)

    [W]hy does religion remain so influential? Why do Christians, apparently, make such successful politicians? Could it be that having faith gives them some kind of ‘edge’ in the political race – something that gives religious politicians the resilience and fortitude to put up with the rough treatment routinely meted out to people in public life?

    Our own moral double standards may have something to do with it. Divorce, adultery, promiscuity and cohabitation are the defining features of modern moral life. Yet somehow, especially in America, we expect our leaders to be immune from it all. It is increasingly difficult for most people to enter public life at all because of the relentless intrusion into their private lives. We require our leaders to be ‘hyper-normal’ – that is, conforming to a stereotype of moral rectitude which has little to do with how we lead our own lives.

    But that’s not the only political benefit of God-bothering. There is evidence that faith can be an effective bulwark against stress. When you walk with God, you never walk alone. If you see your life as a realisation on earth of the will of a supreme deity, it makes temporal decision-making that much easier. Suddenly, it’s not just your own responsibility, it’s your calling.

    It is also the case that, even in this Godless age, a lot of people still believe in God. Seven in 10 Britons declared themselves to be Christian in the last census. Three out of four adults in Britain say they believe in some sort of deity – a higher power, beyond human comprehension, which influences their lives.

    Empty pews may merely indicate that people have become religious in a different way. Certainly, the proliferation of new age cults since the 1960s, from Scientology to the Kabbalah, suggests there is a latent spirituality in many of us – a propensity to the divine – which seeks expression. It may be that voters respond well to someone, like Tony Blair, who has the courage to believe.

    This is something left-wing intellectuals find difficult. They tend to be atheist, and are inclined to disparage all faith as superstition. This is why many Labour party members find the PM’s religiosity – as lampooned in Private Eye’s “St Albion’s Parish News” – to be cringe-making. Most on the left believed God expired sometime during the 20th century, under the sustained assault of modernism, materialism and marxism. Which makes it all the more remarkable that the most successful Labour leader in history should be a Christian.

    The left’s hostility to the cloth goes back at least to the days of the first world war, when Bishops told soldiers in the trenches that it was God’s will that they fight for king and country. My own grandfather, a church elder, was thrown out of the Kirk during that war for being a pacifist, something that is hard to imagine happening today.

    The marxist claim that religion was an essentially reactionary force – “the opium of the masses” – influenced many on the left who were never card-carrying communists. But God has proved to be rather more enduring than Marx. The Church is back stronger than ever in Eastern Europe since the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Indeed, in many former Warsaw Pact countries, such as Poland, the Church was key to the overthrow of communism.

    Humanism, which seemed to be the natural successor to religion in the 20th century, has not managed to break Christianity’s monopoly on the spiritual. The Church still seems to hold sway over the ‘rites of passage’ ceremonies – like marriage and funerals. For all the frenetic eclecticism of new age spiritual movements, no single ‘alternative’ religion has emerged to challenge Christianity. The nearest is probably Zen Buddhism, which was brought to the West in the 1950s and 60s by writers like Alan Watts and Christmas Humphries, and has remained the religion of Bohemians ever since.

    It takes a willful blindness to write both that Christianity was the key to toppling the humanist rationalist totalitarianisms like Marxist-Communism and that it is Christianity which threatens our civilization. Meanwhile, it's just ignorant to write of Buddhism as if it was a serious alternative in the West, when, in fact, Christianity is replacing Buddhism in the East.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:50 AM


    Is Zimbabwe the new South Africa? It depends what colour you are: Analysis: Plans to further ostracise President Mugabe have dominated the summit, and risk dividing the community in a way not seen since apartheid. (Trevor Royle, 07 December 2003, Sunday Herald)

    How ironic it is...that the main proponent of re-admitting Zimbabwe is President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. Together with the leaders of Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Mozambique he preferred a southern African solution which would use carrot and stick to persuade Mugabe to mend his ways. Quiet diplomacy and not strident political point-scoring is their motto and it was not without its takers, especially among older members who still value the idea of belonging to an exclusive club. Far better to keep Mugabe inside the fold where he might be persuaded to mend his ways than keeping him outside where, unchecked, he could do even more damage without fear of retribution.

    Against that, Australia and New Zealand came up with a more drastic solution. Once the period of suspension had ended, Zimbabwe should be drummed out completely until such time as it reforms itself from within. That meant no more corruption, no more vote-rigging, no more breaches of human rights and no more trousering dosh from the national exchequer.

    To a lesser extent Britain went along with that proposal, but Tony Blair has always fought shy of appearing to be too hard on Zimbabwe for fear of being accused as a colonial oppressor.

    You won't hear this in your post-Colonial Studies class, but the reason the West is so paternalistic is because the rest of the world needs adult supervision.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:42 AM


    An Advocate for Times Readers Introduces Himself (DANIEL OKRENT, 12/07/03, NY Times)

    Let me acknowledge a theological principle of my own: I believe The Times is a great newspaper, but a profoundly fallible one. Deadline pressure, the competition for scoops, the effort at impartiality that can sometimes make you lean over so far backward that you lose your balance altogether — these are inescapably part of the journalism business. So is the boiling resentment toward men and women in power that can arise in a trade that requires, as Russell Baker once wrote, "sitting in marble corridors waiting for important people to lie" to you.

    Journalistic misfeasance that results from what one might broadly consider working conditions may be explainable, but it isn't excusable. And misfeasance becomes felony when the presentation of news is corrupted by bias, willful manipulation of evidence, unacknowledged conflict of interest — or by a self-protective unwillingness to admit error. That's where you and I come in. As public editor, I plan on doing what I've done for 37 years, reading the paper every day as if I, like you, were asking it to be my primary source of news and commentary (and ruefully expecting it to enrage me every so often as only a loved one can). But to enable me to represent you effectively when you have a complaint about The Times's integrity, the top editors are granting me open access to the entire staff, and space right here, every other week (more often if I think it's necessary), to comment on its work.

    My copy will not be edited, except for grammar, spelling, and the like. Staff members are not required to answer my questions about coverage, presentation or other aspects of journalistic practice, but if they choose not to, I'll say so. In the interest of open communication with my fellow readers, I will try very hard not to speak to anyone at The Times off the record, on background, not for attribution, or under the cover of any of the other obfuscating cloud formations that befog modern journalism. I want to be able to let you know what I know — to remain a reader, even if a reader with an all-access backstage pass. I never want to be in the position of saying, "I know they did this right, but I'm not allowed to tell you why." The paper's operations may not always be transparent, but I hope my own arguments, assertions and, as necessary, indictments will be.

    If I were running for re-election, you'd have every reason to doubt my independence; consequently, on May 29, 2005, by mutual agreement with executive editor Bill Keller, my name will disappear from the head of this column and from The Times's payroll ledger. Until then, I'll let my fellow readers decide if I'm doing my job honestly. Here's wishing good luck, and good will, to us all. See you in two weeks.

    The public editor, who serves as the readers' representative, may be reached by e-mail: Telephone messages: (212) 556-7652. His column will appear at least twice monthly in this section.

    If it's the same Daniel Okrent who invented Rotisserie Baseball and wrote the great book Nine Innings, we're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt...for now.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 AM


    WHAT IS AN "UNLAWFUL COMBATANT," AND WHY IT MATTERS: The Status Of Detained Al Qaeda And Taliban Fighters (MICHAEL C. DORF, Jan. 23, 2002, FindLaw)

    The Administration's objection to affording al Qaeda and Taliban captives prisoner-of-war status probably has less to do with the conditions in which the captives are held than with what the Administration plans to do with them in the long term.

    Under President Bush's military order of November 13, al Qaeda members and those who harbored them can be tried by military tribunals. The Supreme Court approved the use of such tribunals for unlawful combatants in the 1942 case of Ex Parte Quirin.

    Most of the public discussion of the President's order and the Quirin case has centered on the question of when a defendant can be subject to the jurisdiction of a military tribunal rather than a civilian court. But whatever the answer to that question, Quirin takes for granted that only unlawful combatants can be tried by the sort of irregular tribunals at issue in that case and contemplated by the President's order.

    Lawful combatants - that is, prisoners of war - are entitled to substantive and procedural protections not contemplated by Bush's order. Accordingly, the question of whether al Qaeda and Taliban fighters are prisoners of war or unlawful combatants turns out to matter a great deal, at least potentially.

    Does the Guantanamo Detention Moot the Issue?

    To be sure, American courts might not have occasion to decide the question whether al Qaeda and Taliban captives are in fact unlawful combatants. That is because another Supreme Court decision - the 1950 ruling in Johnson v. Eisentrager - holds that enemy aliens who have not entered the United States are not entitled to access to our courts.

    Accordingly, so long as the al Qaeda and Taliban fighters are held at Guantanamo Bay and thus not deemed to have entered the U.S., their only route of appeal would appear to be within the Executive Branch. Put more bluntly, they will have only the procedural recourse the Administration allows them. [...]

    As we have seen, the contention that these fighters are unlawful combatants is based upon a plausible reading of the Geneva Convention. Indeed, it would be difficult to come to any other conclusion when applying the Geneva Convention's four-part test to al Qaeda fighters.

    Nevertheless, treating the al Qaeda and Taliban captives as prisoners of war, whether or not they are legally entitled to the status, would be less risky than it may at first appear. So long as al Qaeda and its deadly ideology exists, we cannot say that there has been, in the words of the Geneva Convention, a "cessation of active hostilities," entitling the captives to be released. In that respect, as in others, this is a different type of war indeed.

    We should treat them with the same care and respect they showed when they captured our CIA guys in Afghanistan and Daniel Pearl in Pakistan.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 AM


    An Intelligent Democrat . . .: on the Senate Intelligence Committee. (Stephen F. Hayes, 12/15/2003, Weekly Standard)

    A LEADING DEMOCRAT on the Senate Intelligence Committee has reiterated his support for the war in Iraq and encouraged the Bush administration to be more aggressive in its preemptive measures to protect Americans. Evan Bayh, a Democrat from Indiana and a leader of moderates in the Senate, responded to questions last week on the war in Iraq and a memo detailing links between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden sent to the committee in late October by Undersecretary of Defense Douglas J. Feith and later excerpted in these pages.

    "Even if there's only a 10 percent chance that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden would cooperate, the question is whether that's an acceptable level of risk," Bayh told me. "My answer to that would be an unequivocal 'no.' We need to be much more pro-active on eliminating threats before they're imminent."

    Asked about the growing evidence of a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda, Bayh said: "The relationship seemed to have its roots in mutual exploitation. Saddam Hussein used terrorism for his own ends, and Osama bin Laden used a nation-state for the things that only a nation-state can provide. Some of the intelligence is strong, and some of it is murky. But that's the nature of intelligence on a relationship like this--lots of it is going to be speculation and conjecture. Following 9/11, we await certainty at our peril."

    The comments came days before several Democratic presidential candidates intensified their caustic attacks on the Bush administration's foreign and defense policies. Senator John Kerry, in a speech last week to the Council on Foreign Relations, said that "the Bush administration has pursued the most arrogant, inept, reckless, and ideological foreign policy in modern history. . . . The global war on terrorism has actually been set back."

    Democratic frontrunner Howard Dean went further, even giving credence to a conspiracy theory that Bush was forewarned of the September 11 attacks by the Saudis. In an interview on National Public Radio, Dean allowed that this was "nothing more than a theory, it can't be proved." Nonetheless, he called it the "most interesting theory" he has heard as to why the Bush administration isn't cooperating more fully with the commission looking into the September 11 attacks.

    [B]ayh rejects the conventional wisdom that cooperation between Hussein and bin Laden was implausible because of religious and ideological differences. "They were certainly moving toward the philosophy that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Both were hostile to us, and while they historically had reasons not to like each other, that historical skepticism is overridden by the enmity and mutual hostility toward us. These are not illogical ties from their perspective."

    The thing to remember about Mr. Bayh is that his Dad was one of those long-term incumbents who lost to a widely dismissed challenger (Dan Quayle) in the Reagan landslide of 1980. Given the conservative nature of the Indiana electorate and the fact he's up for re-election next year, expect Mr. Bayh to play all kinds of kissy-face with the GOP.

    December 6, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:25 PM

    RAW DEAL, BUT UNIVERSAL (via Tom Corcoran):

    Why Did FDR's New Deal Harm Blacks? (Jim Powell, 12/03/03, Cato)

    Good intentions are over-rated. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal, for instance, has been hailed for its lofty goals of reforming the American economy and helping the under-privileged. Yet mounting evidence, developed by dozens of economists across the country, shows that the New Deal prolonged joblessness for millions, and black people were especially hard hit.

    The flagship of the New Deal was the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in June 1933. It authorized the president to issue executive orders establishing some 700 industrial cartels, which restricted output and forced wages and prices above market levels. The minimum wage regulations made it illegal for employers to hire people who weren't worth the minimum because they lacked skills. As a result, some 500,000 blacks, particularly in the South, were estimated to have lost their jobs.

    Marginal workers, like unskilled blacks, desperately needed an expanding economy to create more jobs. Yet New Deal policies made it harder for employers to hire people. FDR tripled federal taxes between 1933 and 1940. Social Security excise taxes on payrolls discouraged employers from hiring. New Deal securities laws made it harder for employers to raise capital. New Deal antitrust lawsuits harassed some 150 employers and whole industries. Whatever the merits of such policies might have been, it was bizarre to disrupt private sector employment when the median unemployment rate was 17 percent. [...]

    What about New Deal spending programs? They were channeled away from the poorest people, including millions of blacks, who lived in the South. These people were already on FDR's side, so, from a political standpoint, there wasn't anything for FDR, as an incumbent, to gain by giving them money. The bulk of New Deal spending went to western states and eastern states where previous election returns had been relatively close, because FDR was focused on winning the next election. Moreover, getting congressional funding required giving states the power to administer programs like the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Indiana Democratic county chairman V.G. Coplen told FDR's 1932 and 1936 campaign manager James Farley, "use these Democratic projects to make votes for the Democratic party."

    It seems unfair to even hint that an ideology and programs that damaged the entire country had a racist component.

    Posted by M Ali Choudhury at 3:42 PM

    The More Things Change....

    Cut From The Same Cloth(27th Nov 2003, Lexington, The Economist)

    Dr Dean is an unusually interesting candidate: a no-hoper who turned himself into a front-runner by tapping into a rich vein of anger in the body politic. But he shares a remarkable similarity to George Bush.

    The most obvious likenesses are draft-dodging and drink. Both men avoided the Vietnam war: Dr Dean failed his army medical with a bad back, but then spent ten months skiing. Both were drinkers: Mr Bush woke up with such a hangover on his 40th birthday that he decided to give up alcohol forever. It turns out that the same is true of Dr Dean. “When I drank, I would drink a lot and do outrageous things, and then I wouldn't drink again for a while. I realised that what was very funny when you're 18 is not very funny when you're 30.” He woke up with such a hangover after his bachelor party that he too decided just to stop drinking.

    The deeper similarity has to do with social background. Both Howard Brush Dean III and George Walker Bush hail from the same White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (Wasp) establishment: a world of blue blood and old money, of private schools and deb balls, of family connections and inherited first names. Their fathers and grandfathers were educated at the same Ivy League university, Yale. One of Mr Bush's grandmothers was a bridesmaid for one of Dr Dean's (they had been at finishing school together). Dr Dean's father worked as a stockbroker at Dean Witter Reynolds, and the young Howard grew up on Hook Pond in East Hampton and on Park Avenue. He was educated at St George's in Newport, a posh boarding school, and then at Yale, where he overlapped for a year with Mr Bush, who had been to Andover.

    So why do people with such similar backgrounds have such different political views? Fifty years ago America's Wasps saw eye-to-eye on politics just as much as they did on trust funds and Ivy League universities. Most of them were relatively relaxed Republicans: high-minded and fiscally responsible at home, Atlanticist and Anglophile abroad. The Bushes and Deans were both rooted in this tradition. Mr Bush's grandfather, Prescott (who, incidentally, also went to St George's), was a senator for Connecticut who believed in progressive taxation, internationalism and birth control. Dr Dean's father, “Big Howard”, managed the campaigns of a Republican congressman, Stuyvesant Wainwright II. His mother wore a dress emblazoned with the word “Ike” during Eisenhower's re-election bid in 1956.

    These moderate Republicans began to lose their grip on the party in the mid-1960s when the debates that followed over the Vietnam war and civil rights polarised the country, pushing the Republican Party to the right.

    The current President Bush's ideology, especially on social issues, is by many measures to the right of Goldwater's. Until recently, Dr Dean might have been cited as a Rockefeller Republican himself, masquerading as a moderate Democratic governor of Vermont. But he has become a national figure only by jumping to the left, espousing campus liberalism, denouncing NAFTA and calling for a wholesale re-regulation of business.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:38 PM


    Second Day of Storm to Deal Heavier Blow: Northeast Storm Gets Heavier, With Accumulation Expected Up to 2 Feet; 5 Traffic Deaths Reported (The Associated Press, 12/06/03)

    The first major snowstorm to plow through the Northeast this season was threatening near whiteout conditions from New Jersey to Maine on Saturday after burying Pittsburgh under 7 inches of snow, delaying flights from Boston to Washington, D.C., and creating hazardous driving conditions blamed for at least five deaths.

    As much as 2 feet of snow was forecast for Massachusetts by the end of the weekend, and northern Pennsylvania was bracing for as much as 20 inches.

    "We're hoping the forecasters are wrong, but if they're not, we're trusting that people will be staying home with their families and off the road so we can get our job done," said Anna Farneski, spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

    The existentialism is inane, but the poem seems apt:
    The Snow Man (Wallace Stevens)

    One must have a mind of winter
    To regard the frost and the boughs
    Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; [...]

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:26 PM


    Unhappy Birthday and Merry Christmas, Elian (Scott Holleran, December 6, 2003, Capitalism)

    Elian Gonzalez, who floated in Florida's waters four years ago on Thanksgiving, is ten years old on Saturday. The media spectacle that surrounded his arrival and departure has given way to obscurity; the world has forgotten Elian.

    Those who ignore Elian's legacy may be driven by guilt: most Americans opposed granting him asylum in America and their complete repudiation of the the Statue of Liberty's Emma Lazarus poem was accompanied by unrelenting assurances that he would live like he owned a sugar plantation (if ownership were allowed in communist Cuba) or that he would become a media celebrity (if media were allowed). Elian, for anyone bothering to account for the child whose mother died coming to America, has disappeared, though he occasionally appears on state-run television in his communist uniform. The public won and moved on. Elian lost his freedom -- and America lost its way.

    Each branch of government rejected Elian's right to live in liberty. The legislative branch refused to consider making Elian a citizen, though exceptions had been made for Vietnam's Boat People, for Cuba's Mariel boatlift, for Cuba's Operation Peter Pan, and for generations of Mexicans, all of which included children. Congress granted no such exclusion to arbitrary immigration laws for the smallest minority: the individual.

    The Supreme Court rejected Elian's plea for asylum, made on his behalf by Elian's Uncle Lazaro, an auto mechanic who fed, clothed and housed the child at his two-bedroom home in Little Havana. Though Elian's defenders failed to make the case for his asylum on principle, his Miami family stood against a judicial system which had fundamentally betrayed its founding principle: individual rights.

    The nation's most powerful official approved the initiation of force. On April 22, 2000, President Clinton, backed by the public and by each branch of government -- executive, judicial, legislative -- dispatched gun-toting agents to seize Elian, marking the first time America's government forced a child from a free society and returned him to a dictatorship. The conviction that it is better to live in the land of the free than to live under tyranny had been abandoned.

    One of the few times I've ever been truly ashamed of our nation.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:22 PM


    DNC wary of gay marriage issue: Stance sought to limit impact on convention (Rick Klein, 12/4/2003, Boston Globe)

    National Democrats planning to launch their presidential nominee from the home state of the historic gay marriage decision either want to recast the issue as one of basic civil rights or to ignore gay marriage entirely during next summer's convention.

    In interviews this week, top Democrats were struggling with how to handle the gay marriage decision at next year's convention, with the party's chairman saying he would like to avoid what he called "wedge issues" and to remain focused on the Democrats' traditional message of the economy, jobs, and health care.

    "This convention will not be about those issues. It's not going to happen," Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe told the Globe yesterday. "George Bush wants us to talk about those other issues, because he can't talk about jobs, he can't talk about health care, he can't talk about education. This election is not going to be about these wedge issues that the Republicans and George Bush want us to talk about." [...]

    The court decision from the state that is hosting the convention could make it easier for Republicans to paint the eventual nominee as an out-of-the-mainstream liberal. As the home of US Senator Edward M. Kennedy and former governor Michael S. Dukakis, that was going to be an issue anyway; shortly after Boston won the convention last year, retiring House Republican leader Dick Armey quipped, "If I were a Democrat, I suspect I would feel a heck of a lot more comfortable in Boston than, say, in America."

    It's really amazing watching the Democrats morph into the post-Depression Republicans. From 1932 to 1976, Republicans--with rare exceptions like Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater--were terrified of being associated with conservative ideas. It was believed, perhaps correctly given what became of Taft and Goldwater, that such notions were so far beyond the mainstream as to make their mere mention suicidal. It was only with Ronald Reagan's near successful primary campaign against Gerald Ford that the Party returned to its philosophical core and it took another twenty-plus years after that for it to become the predominant political philosophy again. The question for Democrats then is whether, just as the GOP was willing to settle for a Nixon in order to win, they are willing to settle for the occassional Clinton. In retrospect, it seems to have hardly been worth it for either party in those specific cases. So do you boldly run on what you actually believe, or do you do things like shove gays back in the closet and hope no one hears the rattling?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:01 PM


    The titanic struggles of Tolkien and Pullman put pantomime in the shade (Sam Leith, 06/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

    On December 17, people will queue in their thousands outside cinemas to see The Return of the King, the third part in Peter Jackson's enormous adaption of J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. And, from this week, the National Theatre is previewing the first part of Nicholas Hytner's two-part production of His Dark Materials, based on Philip Pullman's trilogy of children's books.

    It will be a titanic struggle of titanic struggles. That is: one titanic struggle of good against evil, versus another titanic struggle of good against evil, struggling titanically for the Christmas family entertainment market. Both number among the most ambitious projects in the history of their respective forms: and both cater to what seems to be an unprecedented revival in the public appetite for grand narrative. Taking the kids to a panto at the Yvonne Arnaud theatre, this year, may not cut it. Epic is back.

    [E]ach trilogy offers an account of worlds in which good and evil, though clearly intelligible, stand in a far more complicated relation to religion than, say, the Christian Narnia fantasies of C S Lewis (or even the rather quaint theology of The Matrix). One is the work of a devout Catholic university don; the other that of a former schoolteacher seen by many as having written what amounts to an "atheist polemic".

    The Lord of the Rings, as any GCSE English student would tell you, is an allegory about power. That shiny McGuffin - the one that rules them all - has turned Gollum into what he is and given the evil Sauron his strength. Getting to the Crack of Doom and chucking in the ring is the key objective. This is forbidden fruit which wants composting, not eating.

    Tolkien tends to mystify, to leave irreducible the origins of Sauron's evil, and mysterious the nature and purpose of the place beyond the Grey Havens, to which Frodo finally travels to rest. Pullman's instinct is the opposite. Tolkien writes primarily about the corrupting effect of power; Pullman primarily about the liberating effect of knowledge.

    In His Dark Materials, the struggle of good against evil is not so much metaphysical as to do with the control of understanding. "Dust," writes Pullman of the apparently magical particles in his universe, "is only a name for what happens when matter begins to understand itself. The first angels condensed out of Dust, and the Authority was the first of all. He told those who came after them that he had created them, but it was a lie." The enemy, then, is a mendacious God, bolstered by a church that uses obscurantism and menace. "Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."

    Michael Oakeshott may as well have been describing Mr. Pullman
    There are some minds which give us the sense that they have passed through an elaborate education which was designed to initiate them into the traditions and achievements of their civilization; the immediate impression we have of them is an impression of cultivation, of the enjoyment of an inheritance. But this is not so with the mind of the Rationalist, which impresses us as, at best, a finely tempered, neutral instrument, as a well-trained rather than as an educated mind. Intellectually, his ambition is not so much to share the experience of the race as to be demonstrably a self-made man. And this gives to his intellectual and practical activities an almost preternatural deliberateness and self-consciousness, depriving them of any element of passivity, removing from them all sense of rhythm and continuity and dissolving them into a succession of climacterics, each to be surmounted by a tour de raison. His mind has no atmosphere, no changes of season and temperature; his intellectual processes, so far as possible, are insulated from all external influence and go on in the void. And having cut himself off from the traditional knowledge of his society, and denied the value of any education more extensive than a training in a technique of analysis, he is apt to attribute to mankind a necessary inexperience in all the critical moments of life, and if he were more self-critical he might begin to wonder how the race had ever succeeded in surviving. With an almost poetic fancy, he strives to live each day as if it were his first, and he believes that to form a habit is to fail. And if, with as yet no thought of analysis, we glance below the surface, we may, perhaps, see in the temperament, if not in the character, of the Rationalist, a deep distrust of time, an impatient hunger for eternity and an irritable nervousness in the face of everything topical and transitory.

    Now, of all worlds, the world of politics might seem the least amenable to rationalist treatment--politics, always so deeply veined with both the traditional, the circumstantial and the transitory. And, indeed, some convinced Rationalists have admitted defeat here: Clemenceau, intellectually a child of the modern Rationalist tradition (in his treatment of morals and religion, for example), was anything but a Rationalist in politics. But not all have admitted defeat. If we except religion, the greatest apparent victories of Rationalism have been in politics: it is not to be expected that whoever is prepared to carry his rationalism into the conduct of life will hesitate to carry it into the conduct of public affairs.

    But what is important to observe in such a man (for it is characteristic) is not the decisions and actions he is inspired to make, but the source of his inspiration, his idea (and with him it will be a deliberate and conscious idea) of political activity. He believes, of course, in the open mind, the mind free from prejudice and its relic, habit. He believes that the unhindered human 'reason' (if only it can be brought to bear) is an infallible guide in political activity. Further, he believes in argument as the technique and operation of reason'; the truth of an opinion and the 'rational' ground (not the use) of an institution is all that matters to him. Consequently, much of his political activity consists in bringing the social, political, legal and institutional inheritance of his society before the tribunal of his intellect; and the rest is rational administration, 'reason' exercising an uncontrolled jurisdiction over the circumstances of the case. To the Rationalist, nothing is of value merely because it exists (and certainly not because it has existed for many generations), familiarity has no worth, and nothing is to be left standing for want of scrutiny. And his disposition makes both destruction and creation easier for him to understand and engage in, than acceptance or reform. To patch up, to repair (that is, to do anything which requires a patient knowledge of the material), he regards as waste of time: and he always prefers the invention of a new device to making use of a current and well-tried expedient. He does not recognize change unless it is a self-consciously induced change, and consequently he falls easily into the error of identifying the customary and the traditional with the changeless. This is aptly illustrated by the rationalist attitude towards a tradition of ideas. There is, of course, no question either of retaining or improving such a tradition, for both these involve an attitude of submission. It must be destroyed. And to fill its place the Rationalist puts something of his own making--an ideology, the formalized abridgment of the supposed substratum of rational truth contained in the tradition.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:40 PM


    Strategy and the Idea of Freedom (Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, November 24, 2003, Heritage Lecture)

    That was a time when we neo-cons, of which I was a junior member, and the folks we called the paleo-cons, made common cause:

    To support beleaguered democracies,
    To beleaguer the Soviet Empire, and
    To advocate a US foreign policy of peace through strength.

    The Heritage Foundation helped create the alliance of the neo-cons, those of us who started our political lives as Democrats, and the old-fashioned conservatives. It was an alliance of the profoundest type, anchored in philosophical principles. It was not tactical, not a political marriage of convenience.

    The realignment of US politics that joined William Buckley with Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz – that bound together supporters of Barry Goldwater with supporters of Scoop Jackson and Hubert Humphrey – has helped change our country and the world. At home, it made the conservative slice of the political spectrum a lively place, intellectually scintillating, creative, ambitious to transform government, attractive to young people, and decidedly non-stodgy.

    Abroad, the makers of the Reagan Revolution – with the Heritage Foundation as a key node in the network – elevated the status of ideas as weapons in the arsenal of democracy. The Reaganites understood Realpolitik; they grasped the importance of guns and money and the other “hard” realities of world affairs. But they appreciated also the potency of the human desire of freedom.

    They saw the Cold War not as a balance-of-power exercise between two “superpowers” – much less an arms race between “two apes on a treadmill” – but as a noble fight of western liberal democracy against Soviet communist tyranny. They abraded conventional sensibilities by speaking of an “evil empire” and insisting that the truly representative voices in that empire were those of Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Andrei Sakharov, Anatoly Sharansky and their fellow dissidents.

    This engagement in philosophical warfare, I need hardly remind folks at the Heritage Foundation, created no small controversy in the politics and diplomacy of the western world. President Reagan’s talk of democracy and good-versus-evil and his exhortation to tear down the Berlin Wall were widely criticized, even ridiculed, as unsophisticated and de-stabilizing. But it’s now widely understood as having contributed importantly to the greatest victory in world history: the collapse of Soviet communism and the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe without a war.

    Which is why it's so disturbing to see the palecons (Pat Buchanan and his Buchananeers in particular) on the opposite side of history at this time.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:30 PM


    Iran forces quell massive uprising: Protesters gunned down as people resist Revolutionary Guard assault (, December 5, 2003)

    Iranian Supreme Revolutionary Guard forces under the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly killed a 10-year-old boy in the country's minority Baloch region yesterday, touching off a massive uprising against the Islamic regime countered by a deadly crackdown and imposition of martial law, according to sources on the scene.

    Amid burning banks, stores and government offices, at least 30 Baloch protesters are dead and 80 injured in the southeastern city of Saravan near the Pakistani border, said Malek Meerdora, who immigrated to Canada from the city in 1993.

    Meerdora told WorldNetDaily the Iranian government has attempted to shut off communication from the city, but he has been in contact with sources there via satellite telephone and the Internet.

    He said soldiers approached the 10-year-old, Haroun Balochzahi, and grabbed his bike from him, insisting on a bribe. The boy did not speak Persian, the majority language, and responded by biting a soldier and running. The youth was shelled with bullets in front of people on the streets and died on the spot, Meerdora said, prompting an immediate reaction.

    In an unusual display of resistance to the hard-line, cleric-led regime, a crowd set a military jeep on fire and began beating the soldiers, Meerdora said.

    Later, at about 1:30 p.m., thousands of Balochs, including many from surrounding cities, began to congregate on the streets in protest.

    Revolutionary Guard soldiers opened fire on the crowd, hitting up to 80 people, witnesses claimed.

    The entire city and surrounding area is raised up against the Tehran government, Meerdora said, burning down symbols of the regime and attacking Iranian officials. [...]

    "I mark this as a day of revolution," Meerdora said. "I think the Iranian government will face more problems." [...]

    Politically the Baloch identify as Muslims, but most do not practice Islam, Meerdora said.

    Some analysts say Iran's theocratic regime is unraveling, as resistance movements, including one led by students, grow stronger.

    "This theocratic regime is in shambles, coming to the end of its rope," according to Fereydoun Hoveyda, senior fellow at the National Committee on American Foreign Policy in New York City. "People are not afraid of it anymore."

    With much nonsense being written about how the President's recent sppech on democratizing the Middle East marked some kind of supposed conversion, the unrest in Iran serves as a helpful reminder that it was a year and a half ago that he boldly plunked usdown on the side of democratic revolution in Iran, at a time when most in the West still mistakenly believed the government there to be "reformist", Statement by the President (White House, 7/12/02):
    We have seen throughout history the power of one simple idea: when given a choice, people will choose freedom. As we have witnessed over the past few days, the people of Iran want the same freedoms, human rights, and opportunities as people around the world. Their government should listen to their hopes.

    In the last two Iranian presidential elections and in nearly a dozen parliamentary and local elections, the vast majority of the Iranian people voted for political and economic reform. Yet their voices are not being listened to by the unelected people who are the real rulers of Iran. Uncompromising, destructive policies have persisted, and far too little has changed in the daily lives of the Iranian people. Iranian students, journalists and Parliamentarians are still arrested, intimidated, and abused for advocating reform or criticizing the ruling regime. Independent publications are suppressed. And talented students and professionals, faced with the dual specter of too few jobs and too many restrictions on their freedom, continue to seek opportunities abroad rather than help build Iran's future at home. Meanwhile, members of the ruling regime and their families continue to obstruct reform while reaping unfair benefits.

    Iran is an ancient land, home to a proud culture with a rich heritage of learning and progress. The future of Iran will be decided by the people of Iran. Right now, the Iranian people are struggling with difficult questions about how to build a modern 21st century society that is at once Muslim, prosperous, and free. There is a long history of friendship between the American people and the people of Iran. As Iran's people move towards a future defined by greater freedom, greater tolerance, they will have no better friend than the United States of America.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:04 PM


    A Community Manifesto: A New Response to HIV and STDs (MSM HIV/STD Prevention Task Force)

    In the face of alarming increases in HIV and STD infection rates among Gay, Bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, we--the MSM HIV/STD Prevention Task Force--issue this Manifesto calling for desperately needed community norms and actions.

    Gay, Bisexual, and other men who have sex with men must act against the behaviors and attitudes responsible for the increased spread of these diseases. Today, one in seven Gay, Bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are infected with HIV. Among Gay men in King County, syphilis rates are 100 times higher than in the general heterosexual population, and are estimated to be 1000 times higher among HIV positive Gay men than among the general heterosexual population. These rates show we have stopped doing the things that protect us and our sex partners from needless infection.

    Every Gay, Bisexual, or other man who has sex with men is responsible for the health and well-being of the community. Our sexual relationships should be passionate, healthy, consensual, honest, and respectful. We are accountable for our behavior-to ourselves, our sex partners, and our community:

    -Knowingly transmitting HIV is avoidable; its transmission is unacceptable.

    -Disclosing HIV/STD status does not negate the necessity to practice safe sex.

    -Bare-backing is unacceptable high-risk behavior except in committed monogamous relationships between partners of the same HIV status.

    -Transmitting HIV knowingly is an act of violence.

    It comes twenty years late, but hopefully not too late.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:54 AM


    Hillary attacks 'extremist' Bush (The Age, December 6, 2003)

    Hillary Clinton launched a withering attack on US president George Bush accusing him of pursuing an "extremist agenda".

    The New York Democratic Senator and wife of former president Bill Clinton accused Bush of "making America less free, fair, strong, smart than it deserves to be in a dangerous world".

    In an interview with the Houston Chronicle she called the Bush administration "radical".

    She said that under Bush's rule there was a threat to the "central pillars of progress in our country during the 20th century".

    Since his election Bush had taken a "hard-right turn to pursue an extremist agenda," Clinton said.

    She went on: "I don't know where it came from, but the fact is that this President Bush has not only been radical and extreme in terms of Democratic presidents but in terms of Republican presidents, including his own father.

    "We have to change direction before irreparable harm is done."

    You have to say this for her, she's closer to the truth than the Buchananeers and the Libertarians, who think he's a socialist.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:50 AM


    God and Politics: The Controversial Faith of George W. Bush (Melissa Charbonneau, 12/06/2003, CBN News)

    White House insiders say, despite his public professions, the President's convictions are intensely personal. "He's not someone who wears his religion on his sleeve," said Jim Towey, the President's handpicked director of the Office of Faith Based Initiatives.

    "He may talk about the importance of God and the primacy God has in his life, but beyond that you're not going to see him, I think, sharing personal thoughts about his own journey," Towey said. "And I think that's because he sees himself as unworthy of God's favor, and grateful for it. And that's why, I think, there's a real humility to how he accepts the graces and favors God has conferred upon him."

    The President's openness about his faith makes him both the subject of praise and the target of ridicule. On the religious Left, some call Bush's religious rhetoric reprehensible, saying his framing the war on terror as a "fight between good and evil" stirs anti-American sentiments.

    In his 2002 State of the Union speech, Bush said, "...we've been called to a unique role in human events." And critics say such statements reveal Bush's belief that he is chosen by God to combat the forces of terror, and they claim it is proof of a "Messiah complex."

    Well, as the Left is fond of telling us, he certainly wasn't chosen by the American people...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:37 AM


    The Tory monster has been tamed, not transformed: Michael Howard has made an excellent start to an impossible job (Hywel Williams, December 6, 2003, The Guardian)

    Having lived through a recent, and rather sordid, past, Tory MPs feel guilty. And, as new converts tend to do, they want to suppress the memory of the way they were. Few of them truly believe there will be a Conservative government in 2005 or 2006. They do not expect to win outright and, if Howard reduces the size of the Labour majority substantially, they see a danger of Labour resurrecting a "progressive" coalition with the Lib Dems designed to keep the Tories in perpetual opposition. But like a newly decolonised country which has collapsed into anarchy, the Tory parliamentary party has decided that enough is enough: trains should run on time, electricity supplies have to be reconnected and a healthy system of dictatorial control will be in charge until such time as the normal expression of internal dissent can be allowed to return.

    Michael Howard suits them well enough. The quality of his Euroscepticism is that of the Tory establishment and always has been. In government he was officially sceptic, but the Eurosceptic outfit of ministerial guerrillas always thought he was Major's nark and distrusted him. Tory MPs find Howard scary in a way that Major could never hope to be and that Hague never succeeded in being, while the scariness of their late leader - as he talked of knowing what to do with revolvers if anybody tried to come and get him - had a quality of pathos. [...]

    At the moment, Howard can do anything he wants with his party. The 14-year Tory leadership crisis which started with Anthony Meyer's challenge to Mrs Thatcher in November 1989 is over. It ended with the monster deciding that it would just cause too much damage to itself to run wild any more. And so it asked to be tied up. The Dracula analogy is surely very wide of the mark. This leader is Dr Frankenstein - back in charge of the beast.

    Opposite him stands an equally histrionic character. The constitutional position of Tony Blair is that of beater-up of the Labour party - an electorally profitable line of business which transferred from the Tories to Blair in 1994. There's no sign yet that he is ready to abandon that role, so Howard can now do what Blair used to do - taunt him with party divisions.

    However, the belief that electorates dislike divided parties is only partly true: for they reward effective leadership far more than they penalise division, as the early Thatcher years show. For the moment, Michael Howard has shut up most of his Tories - and made some of them feel better about being Tories. But the question of Tory identity remains an enigma shrouded in a mystery. Disraeli, with all his poetry, his cynicism and his ringlets, was 70 by the time true prime ministerial glory came to him. At 62, Michael Howard has more than eight years' work ahead of him to solve the question of Tory identity, for the narrative of what a modern Tory is has not yet been invented. That decade on a nihilistic spree has left its mark.

    For the Tory Party to make any sense it has to stand for something you'd think would be obvious, conservatism. This means:

    (1) Opposition to the EU

    (2) Privatization of the Welfare State

    (3) Closer alliance with the rest of the Anglosphere

    (4) Law and order

    (5) Traditional morality and a strengthening of societal institutions, especially religious

    (6) Increasing British birthrates or/and limitations on immigration

    Until they embrace such things wholeheartedly, Tony Blair will remain to their Right, making them superfluous.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 AM


    "Annotations on an Implicit Text": the work of Nicolas Gomez-Davila (Nikos A. Salingaros)

    Many persons of letters today consider the Colombian philosopher Nicolas Gomez-Davila (1913-1994) as one of the foremost intellectuals of our time. His work consists exclusively of brief comments, or aphorisms, which he called "Notes on the margins of an implicit text". Gomez-Davila published three different books (a total of five volumes) of aphorisms in Spanish. To the best of my knowledge, none of his work is available in English. My own interest in this comes from the extraordinary comments on artistic, architectural, and urban matters that Gomez-Davila's work contains, mixed in with observations about politics, religion, tradition, culture, and society.

    Until the literary world turns its long-overdue attention to the aphorisms of Gomez-Davila, I would like to make a few of his comments available to a general readership. Admitting at once that I am by no means qualified to present a scholarly translation of one of our age's great literary and philosophical figures, I have tried to do the best job possible. My selection of which texts to translate is motivated by questions of contemporary architecture and urbanism, and their underlying philosophical underpinnings.

    I need to warn the reader that Nicolas Gomez-Davila was unashamedly conservative, even reactionary. His political views do not concern me, but they do color his opinions on architecture and urbanism. They also go hand-in-hand with his deep religious convictions. Admirers of his writings have suggested that his political leanings were responsible for the neglect that his work received during his lifetime. I am presenting his work not for its political value, but for the insights it offers into humankind, society, and history. [...]

    • A properly civilizing task is to revisit old commonplace things.

    • The difference between "organic" and "mechanical" in social matters is a moral one: the "organic" is the result of innumerable humble acts; the "mechanical" is the result of one decisive act of arrogance.

    • "Taste is relative" is the excuse adopted by those eras that have bad taste. [...]

    • Replacing the concrete sensory perception of an object with its abstract intellectual construction gains the world for man, but loses his soul. [...]

    • Whoever says that he "belongs to his time" is only saying that he agrees with the largest number of fools at that moment.

    • The most notorious aspect of all modern undertakings is the discrepancy between the immensity and complexity of the technical apparatus, and the insignificance of the final product. [...]

    • Truths are not relative. What are relative are opinions about truth.

    It means something that all the great aphorists are conservatives, perhaps that truths can be presented quite simply?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 AM


    Horatio Hornblower (A&E)

    They're rebroadcasting on Sunday morning/afternoon:

    10-12pm Horatio Hornblower: Loyalty

    12-2pm Horatio Hornblower: Duty

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:59 AM


    Bush Sending Baker to Iraq to Deal With Its Debt Problem (MARIA NEWMAN, 12/05/03, NY Times)

    President Bush named James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, as his personal envoy to Iraq today to help the country grapple with its debt problem.

    "Secretary Baker will report directly to me," Mr. Bush said in a statement, "and will lead an effort to work with the world's governments at the highest levels, with international organizations and with the Iraqis, in seeking the restructuring and reduction of Iraq's official debt."

    The White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said the president made the appointment in response to a request by the Iraqi Governing Council.

    In his statement, Mr. Bush said that "the future of the Iraqi people should not be mortgaged to the enormous burden of debt incurred to enrich Saddam Hussein's regime."

    "This debt endangers Iraq's long-term prospects for political health and economic prosperity," Mr. Bush said. "The issue of Iraq's debt must be resolved in a manner that is fair and does not unjustly burden a struggling nation at its moment of hope and promise."
    The debt is odious by definition and should be entirely repudiated, not just for the good of the Iraqi people, but so that folks stop lending to such regimes.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:51 AM


    Willing victim was eaten while still alive: Self-confessed cannibal advertised online for a victim and a man showed up, ready to be mutilated and eaten before death (Reuters, 12/05/03)

    The advertisement on the Internet read: 'Seeking well-built man, 18-30 years old for slaughter.'

    The man who answered it was killed and eaten by German computer expert Armin Meiwes, 42, described by his lawyer as a 'gentleman of the old school'.

    Yesterday, Meiwes went on trial in a case of sexually inspired cannibalism so perplexing it could make legal history. He has confessed to the gruesome episode, and is charged with 'murder for sexual satisfaction'.

    It is the first case of its kind in Germany. The problem is whether such consensual killing is really murder, as cannibalism is not a crime there.

    As long as it's consensual, who cares what people do, right?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 AM


    Winter of our Sox content (Bill Simmons, 12/05/03,

    One day after Thanksgiving, the Red Sox officially acquired Curt Schilling. The trade happened six weeks after the defining Sox collapse for this generation: Game 7, Yankee Stadium, the night of Grady's Boner.

    (Please note: I'm calling it "Grady's Boner" because it sounds more dramatic than "Game 7," less pretentious than "The Night Grady Blew The Biggest Non-World Series Game In 52 Years," less wordy than "The Night Grady Hung Pedro Out To Dry," and less offensive than "The Night Grady F***ed Up." Besides, it's always enjoyable to hear the word "boner" used for baseball purposes, isn't it? I thought so. Back to the column.)

    Unlike winters past, this offseason Red Sox Nation has been busy livin'.

    At the time, I went through the same grieving process as everyone else. You know how it goes. The first few days are miserable. Your friends can't maintain eye contact without helplessly shaking their head. You go days and days without shaving. You wear the same pair of jeans for a solid week. You can't stop thinking about the game, so you watch it again ... and that only makes it worse. You end up with that glazed, weathered look of Andy Dufresne after the Warden lets him out of the hole. Finally, you glimpse yourself in the mirror and think, "My God, it's only a game, this can't possibly be worth it."

    And you feel better after that. I took solace in minor diversions -- the Yanks losing the Series at home, an improbable Patriots winning streak, frequent trips to the Neverland Ranch -- but the Sox hovered over everything. Only in a positive way. Because here's the thing: We were damn close.

    Poor Fred Merkle, even the distinction of his infamous boner is threatened.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


    Pakistan Is ... (BARRY BEARAK, December 7, 2003, NY Times Magazine)

    To be honest, Pakistan frightens me. Not the being there, despite recent attacks on foreigners, despite what happened to Daniel Pearl. I have visited Pakistan a few dozen times since 1998, most recently for five weeks this fall. Almost always I've found the people warm and generous and protective. Rather, what greatly alarms me is Pakistan as a potential meltdown, a nuclear power with too many combustibles in the national mix.

    I am hardly alone in my fears -- and yet this nation rarely finds itself under the American magnifying glass. ''Pakistan is an incredibly important country, but I don't think there's an awareness of that in the United States,'' Richard Haass told me. He had recently left the Bush administration as director of policy planning in the State Department and assumed the presidency of the Council on Foreign Relations. ''If you'd ask most people what are the biggest issues in the world, they'd say the Middle East, Iraq, North Korea, perhaps Afghanistan, a long list. But not a lot of people would say Pakistan.'' He, too, has pondered the dangerous skein of possibilities. ''Sure to be a nightmare is a breakdown in order. They haven't institutionalized succession in any meaningful way. At worst, you could have a loss of control over their nuclear weapons.''

    Pakistan has a population (150 million) larger than all but five nations and more nuclear warheads (perhaps 50) than all but six or seven. Since its establishment, it has been in want of a coherent national identity: some there sarcastically call it less a nation than a crowd. Born in 1947, it was awkwardly excised from the British Empire in two separate pieces, an east and a west that happened to be 800 miles apart, with the largely Hindu behemoth of India situated in between. This new nation was meant to be the Muslim homeland of the subcontinent, but the formal role of Islam was left ambiguous and has ever remained an issue. Religion alone proved insufficient glue. In 1971, Pakistan's eastern half went its own way after Bengali Muslims -- with India's assistance -- broke loose and created Bangladesh. Four contiguous provinces remain: Baluchistan, Punjab, the Northwest Frontier and Sindh. Significant numbers of the present citizenry feel their greater bond is to ethnicity -- be it Pashtun or Baluchi or Sindhi -- and would rather not be part of Pakistan at all. Also under Islamabad's control is Azad (''Free'') Kashmir, one-third of a lovely Himalayan territory claimed by both the Indians and Pakistanis. The dispute is the main reason these neighbors continue to kill one another.

    Though the British are long gone, the Pakistanis themselves remain colonized by privation. About two-thirds of the population survives on less than $2 a day. Nearly two of every five children are undernourished. Only 44 percent of all adults can read (only 29 percent of the women). The mosques, rather than the government, provide what frayed social safety net there is. Perhaps that is because Pakistan is habitually broke. Barely 1 percent of the population pays income tax. More than half of the central budget goes toward the military and repayment of the national debt.

    Politically, Pakistan has been reliably unsteady, with democracy only a sporadic presence. The military has controlled the country for about half its 56 years. No elected government has ever completed a full term, and even when one is in place, it stays there only at the pleasure of the generals. The army -- some 500,000 strong -- is commonly thought to be Pakistan's elite institution. The military doesn't just dominate civilian affairs; its various ''welfare trusts'' are among the nation's largest industrial conglomerates. The Fauji Foundation, linked to the army, has substantial ventures in gas fields, sugar mills, a fertilizer plant, an oil terminal and an overseas employment service. Its corn flakes and other breakfast cereals control 80 percent of the market. Profits supply ex-servicemen and their families the quality schools and health care that most Pakistanis so badly lack.

    The great murkiness of Pakistan is largely the fault of this formidable army and the skulking I.S.I., which have pursued furtive alliances with many of the nation's most violent Islamic extremists. For more than a decade, the military has trained and financed civilian jihadis who cross into the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir to create havoc. This guerrilla combat was once an entirely indigenous Kashmiri rebellion against New Delhi, but the Pakistanis quickly hijacked it. Radical groups supplied much of the manpower, often enlisting students eager to enter paradise through the golden door of a martyr's death. The relentless havoc has time and again nudged the two new nuclear powers close to war. The alliance between the army and I.S.I. on one hand and extremists on the other has also led to a contorted set of cross-dependencies. Loyalties are now confused, and many Pakistanis wonder whether fundamentalist elements in the army's officer corps are more sympathetic to the jihadis than to their own superiors.

    The first order of business in Pakistan should be for us and the Indians to secure and remove its nuclear weapons. The final order of business is going to be depopulating the Western tribal regions that border Afghanistan.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:34 AM


    Europeans Plan to Press for Tariffs Against U.S. (ALAN COWELL, 12/06/03, NY Times)

    One day after President Bush abandoned American protective tariffs on imported steel to avert a trade war with Europe, Pascal Lamy, the European trade commissioner, said he would use the same tactics again in another long-running trade dispute with the United States.

    Mr. Lamy said the European Union would press ahead with punitive tariffs on some $4 billion worth of goods from politically pivotal regions of the United States if Washington did not end tax breaks for American corporations' offshore operations. The tax breaks have already been found by the World Trade Organization to be an illegal export subsidy.

    Mr. Lamy's remarks reflected assessments by some European trade experts that after the American retreat on steel, the power balance of global trade had shifted in Europe's favor.

    Time for the U.S. to get out of the WTO and really on unilateral removal of our own tariffs and bilateral agreements. Trade is not more important than self-government.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:28 AM


    Rumsfeld Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq (AP, 12/06/03)

    Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld made an unannounced visit to this northern Iraqi city [Kirkuk] Saturday to gauge the pace of progress toward stabilizing the country and defeating the insurgency.

    It was Rumsfeld's second trip to Iraq in four months, reflecting the Bush administration's push for faster progress toward improving security and speeding the political transition to Iraqi control, as well as an effort by the Pentagon to boost U.S. troop morale. The trip also marked the first time Rumsfeld has visited Kirkuk, the center of Iraq's northern oil fields.

    The trip was kept secret in advance to minimize the risk of attack on his entourage, which flew here on an Air Force C-17 cargo plane from Tblisi in the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

    Rumsfeld began his day in Kirkuk by having breakfast with a group of soldiers who participated in recent raids in the area and with Air Force personnel who helped destroy captured Iraqi explosives.

    Afterward, he received a detailed briefing on military operations in the area from Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno, commander of the Army's 4th Infantry Division, which is responsible for security operations in much of the area north and west of Baghdad known as the Sunni Triangle, where anti-occupation violence has been the greatest.

    With reporters looking on, Odierno said attacks have declined significantly in the last three weeks, averaging six per day compared with 21 daily before that.

    At the same time, he said, acceptance of American troops by the Iraqi populace is increasing. "It improves, every month it gets better,'' the general said.

    In October of 2004, it will be Republican ads, not Democrat, that feature Iraq.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:23 AM


    Democrats Try to Regain Ground on Moral Issues (RACHEL L. SWARNS and DIANE CARDWELL, 12/06/03, NY Times)

    When Representative Richard A. Gephardt accused President Bush this week of condoning a culture of corporate greed, he cast his criticism in distinctly moral tones. "We've lost ethics," he told voters at a pizzeria in Independence, Iowa. "We've lost a sense of right and wrong."

    One day later, Gen. Wesley K. Clark told Democrats at a crowded synagogue in Florida that he would never allow Republicans to claim a monopoly on faith.

    And all week long in New Hampshire, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut cast an array of policy proposals, like expanded access to health insurance and child care, as proof of his dedication to family values. "It's a basic commitment," he said, "a moral commitment that we should make to all of our families."

    While much of the presidential campaign so far has focused on the economy or the war in Iraq, a different refrain is being heard from many quarters as Democratic candidates seek to distinguish themselves by discussing values and also try to reclaim ground increasingly dominated by the Republican Party over the last decade.

    Mr. Lieberman and Mr. Gephardt both voted in favor of Bill Clinton during impeachment.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 AM


    Picture Profile: Bowden Book Defends Columbus": The Enemies of Christopher Columbus by Thomas A. Bowden (Stephen Goode, Insight)

    "The chief purpose of this book is to warn that the enemies of Christopher Columbus are serious," Bowden writes early on in Enemies, "and that the ideas they endorse, if not refuted and rejected, will end in the death of science, the destruction of the cities and the impoverishment of the human race."

    Insight: What made you decide to write The Enemies of Christopher Columbus?

    Thomas A. Bowden: The news reports of the protests in the months before the 1992 celebration of the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America. The enemies of Columbus made it very clear that for them Columbus represented everything they hated about America.

    I wrote a pamphlet defending him and distributed it to campus Ayn Rand clubs. It got to them barely in time for the anniversary and I had in mind to expand the pamphlet. I knew the information to do so was out there and wanted to take a sabbatical to work on it. That was a pipe dream. But then came the Internet and online selling and publishing, and with that technology the project became much more feasible.

    The attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, gave new urgency to the book in my mind. Those attacks on New York City and Washington were attacks on our civilization and our way of life. It became necessary once more to examine and to understand why our civilization is great and worth defending.

    It was Western values and achievements that the enemies of Columbus denounced and attacked relentlessly. But it also is those achievements - natural law, self-responsibility, property rights, the scientific method and reason - that have made life so much better for everyone.

    Those are ideas that Columbus brought West. Somehow we've lost the ability to celebrate the coming of Western civilization to America, and to be thankful for it. In fact the enemies of Columbus have been getting away with saying that it is a very bad thing that he came along. And certainly if we don't understand why Western civilization is worth fighting for and preserving, how are we to deal with the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists who share the same contempt and hatred for America and the West that the enemies of Columbus express?

    One of the surest indicators that the Left has moved on from 9-11 was the spate of Thanksgiving stories about how Native Americans have no reason to be thankful that the Pilgrims made it here. Apparently, they think we're ready to get back to bashing Western values, after a too brief period when they had sense enough to keep quiet.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM

    FREE NOT TO SPEAK (via Mike Daley):

    Establishing Free Exercise (Vincent Phillip Muñoz, December 2003, First Things)

    Given the public and political outcry, it is not surprising that the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on appeal. It may be more difficult than it seems, however, to save the amended Pledge. For starters, the Ninth Circuit’s decision is remarkably cogent, follows established Supreme Court precedents, and does not possess any of the characteristics typically associated with judicial mischievousness. The carefully crafted opinion demonstrates that under any and all of the Supreme Court’s three leading Establishment Clause precedents—“Endorsement,” “Lemon,” and “Coercion”—the 1954 Pledge violates the Constitution.

    The Ninth Circuit began with the “Endorsement” test, a doctrine championed by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and most recently employed in 2002 by Chief Justice William Rehnquist to uphold the use of school vouchers at private religious schools. As its name suggests, the test prohibits the state from “endorsing” religion over irreligion. The Ninth Circuit concluded that “under God” implicitly endorses a particular religious concept, the existence of a singular deity. The facts in Newdow, moreover, closely parallel those in Wallace v. Jaffree (1985), one of the first and most seminal “endorsement” precedents. In that case, the Supreme Court struck down an Alabama moment of silence law because the state legislature added the words “for prayer or meditation” to the original statute, which said only that the public school day should begin with a “moment of silence.” The Ninth Circuit reasoned that if adding words suggesting that students may pray impermissibly advances religion, then adding explicitly religious words to a teacher-led recital clearly constitutes an endorsement.

    The Ninth Circuit then moved to analysis under the first prong of the “Lemon” test, a three-part test originally set forth by Justice Warren Burger in the 1971 case Lemon v. Kurtzman. Justice O’Connor’s “Endorsement” doctrine was designed to replace “Lemon,” but Burger’s framework has shown remarkable staying power despite being frequently ignored. The test’s first prong requires legislation to have a valid secular purpose—that is, the state must be able to offer a nonreligious rationale for its action. Because the words “under God” were not a part of the original text, the Ninth Circuit examined the reasons for the addition instead of looking at the Pledge as a whole. The legislative history of the 1954 Act, they found, clearly indicates that Congress intended to acknowledge America’s dependence on God and to distinguish American republicanism from atheistic communism. Such intentions patently violate “Lemon’s” secular-purpose prong.

    The Ninth Circuit concluded with analysis under the “Coercion” test, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s proposal for establishment jurisprudence. Teacher-led recitations of the Pledge coerce religious practice, the Ninth Circuit explained, because they place students in the untenable position of choosing between protesting or participating in an exercise with religious content. Given that students did not have to recite the Pledge, the Ninth Circuit seems to be taking an extremely expansive view of coercion, interpreting it to include actions that could make a student feel psychologically uncomfortable. Yet this is the exact interpretation set forth by Justice Kennedy in his precedent-setting Lee v. Weisman (1992) opinion. In that case, the Supreme Court held that exposing a junior high student to an officially approved nondenominational graduation prayer constitutes undue psychological coercion of religious practice. The Ninth Circuit reasoned that if merely being present while others pray at a single, non-mandatory, end-of-the-year school function is coercive, so too is listening to a daily recital containing religious language.

    Given the rules that the Supreme Court has laid down and how they have been applied, the Ninth Circuit’s decision is not outlandish. A candid evaluation must admit that it lies within a fair reading of Establishment Clause precedents. Therein lies the problem and the opportunity for the 2003-2004 Supreme Court.

    The Pledge case reveals that something has gone drastically wrong with Establishment Clause jurisprudence. If the Pledge is unconstitutional, so too are teacher-led recitations of the Gettysburg Address. Lincoln claimed “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” Teaching public school students that the Declaration of Independence is true—that our rights are, in fact, “endowed by our Creator” and that the American Revolution was just according to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”—would violate the Constitution. Even an invited performer signing “God Bless America” at a government-sponsored event, like a local county fair, would be constitutionally suspect. Newdow confirms what critics have long claimed: that pushed to its logical conclusion, the various “wall of separation” constructions of the Establishment Clause are hostile toward religious sentiment and drive religion out of the public square. The case demonstrates that the current interpretations of the Establishment Clause are not neutral and are unworkable and thus fit the criteria for being overturned.

    If the Supreme Court does rethink its establishment jurisprudence, it should do so with an eye toward religious free exercise. In the past, the First Amendment’s two religious provisions (note, there is only one clause) have been read independently of one another. If the First Amendment is internally consistent, however, any plausible interpretation of establishment ought to be consistent with free exercise. Free exercise, in fact, is the more fundamental value. Too often it is forgotten that the reason why Congress and the states (since incorporation) are prohibited from making an establishment is that religious establishments tend to abridge religious liberty.

    Religious free exercise, including the right not to exercise a religion, is the end; no-establishment is a means toward fulfilling that end.

    The Court should really discard all of its absurd superstructure of Establishment law, but can get around this case by just having a more realistic coercion test. Let the kids who don't want to say the Pledge leave the room. Sure, some kids might make fun of them, but freedom of speech and conscience isn't supposed to be cost free. If it is it isn't worth much.

    MORE (via Mike Daley):
    Religious Liberty: The Most Precious of Our Liberties (J. Kenneth Blackwell, December 2003, On Principle)

    Over the last decade one of the great shames of Africa is the Sudan. In Africa's largest country, over a million people have died, and millions of others have been displaced due to the violent repression of Sudanese Christians by the National Islamic Front. To call this a civil war, as much of the Western media does, is not accurate. It is a reign of aggression and conquest by the Muslim majority against Christians and other non-Muslims.

    Since the fundamentalist revolution in Iran, that country has established a repressive theocracy and engaged in a policy of oppression against members of the Bahai faith. Throughout Africa and the Middle East, radical Muslims today not only repress Christians and other non-adherents, but have also persecuted moderate Muslims. Many say that this conflict is nothing less than a battle for the soul of Islam.

    North Korea had been called "Asia's Jerusalem" because of its strong Christian influence. But Kim Il Sung replaced Christianity with a cult of personality. All church buildings were closed and every Bible destroyed. Ministers and other religious leaders were murdered or sent to concentration camps.

    Vietnam continues to repress both Buddhists and Christians.

    In terms of sheer numbers, China has been the worst violator of religious freedom. There are as many as 100 million Christians in China. And, there are more Christians in prison for their religious beliefs and activities than anywhere else in the world. Religious believers of all faiths are branded "counter-revolutionaries" and sentenced to prison or labor camps.

    In all of these tragedies we see the danger of melding the church and state, especially when the state is the church, as it is in communist countries. Our Founders, inspired by Enlightenment teaching and Christian faith, wisely separated the two. In part because of that, we remain a nation of believers. Yet we, in the United States, are not immune to religious intolerance.

    Our dominant indigenous form of persecution is perversely legalistic. America was founded on the principles of religious freedom. The First Amendment to our Constitution protects freedom of expression, and it was the Founders' belief that the most important and protected expression was that of religious faith. However, the First Amendment has now become an instrument of religious intolerance. Through what Harvard Professor Mary Ann Glendon calls, "a judicial pincer movement," courts have decided: 1) that government bodies, particularly schools, must be rigorously secular; and, 2) that people and organizations that are not rigorously secular will be denied aid and assistance from the government.

    Let us remember the First Amendment contains not one but two limits on congressional power over religion—the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. When the First Amendment was ratified in 1791, the establishment clause prevented a national church, but it also protected states' rights.

    That changed. The 14th Amendment allowed the Supreme Court to scrutinize how states protected "due process." What Jefferson once casually in a letter called a "wall of separation" became, mistakenly, a constitutional principle. The establishment clause became hostile to religion rather than to establishment.

    I saw the terrible effects of this narrowly secular reading of the First Amendment in the early 1970s while I was an urban policy academic at Xavier University, and later as a city council member and mayor of Cincinnati.

    In my city, some alcoholics and drug addicts received federal supplemental Social Security payments that they then could have sent to a trustee. I found some of them were using bar owners as their trustees, and the trustees would allow them to run up tabs until their Social Security checks came.

    These people needed help. They needed treatment for their addiction. They needed to change their lives. Many of them were not going to get clean or sober without a profound spiritual change. Local churches and other faith-based organizations were the best source of treatment for these people, whether they eventually joined the church as worshipers, or whether they used the church as a social service. The treatment programs of faith-based organizations had much better recovery rates and cost one fourth to one half as much as less-effective government rehabilitation programs.

    However, because these faith-based organizations were religious institutions, they could not receive federal funding. It wasn't until some twenty years later when, after a long series of court battles, faith-based organizations were able to receive federal money and expand their treatment facilities.

    If we root out our transcendent beliefs from our politics, we will weaken, if not destroy, the moral foundation of our democracy. A politics devoid of morality does not meet the essential human needs. A purely secular politics does not address people's deepest concerns, nor does it offer any vision beyond the short-term goals of comfort and expediency.

    In his excellent book, Father Richard Neuhaus calls the result of a politics of aggressive secularization, The Naked Public Square. Father Neuhaus understands, and I wholeheartedly agree with him, that our political values are informed by our spiritual values. Americaís founders understood the importance of faith and morality in politics.

    In his farewell address to his troops, George Washington said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports." And, Dr. King called the church the conscience of the state.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


    Ordered Liberty: Remembering Russell Kirk (BreakPoint with Charles Colson, October 24, 2003)

    Kirk’s social vision, like that of our founders, depends on a critical mass of virtuous citizens who govern themselves. Instead of a policeman on every corner, a society must imbue each citizen with law-abiding inner disciplines.

    But government, you see, can’t do that. What can are other institutions: families, churches, synagogues, schools, and community organizations—what Kirk, quoting Edmund Burke, liked to call the “little platoons” of society.

    Russell Kirk identified three pillars of conservatism: order, tradition, and religion, the moral regulator of a society. These pillars are the things we most need to strengthen today.

    Ideologues on both the left and the right tell us that they can come up with great utopian schemes for poverty, terrorism, and a host of other problems. Russell Kirk, however, helps us put such foolishness in perspective.

    The key here is that the regulation of behavior must be internal and must precede the State. If you, instead, seek to arrive at a kind of group definition of what's allowed and what isn't then you don't actually have moral standards, but transient political standards, dependent on the State and prey to manipulation by the power of the State. There is no right and wrong, only lawful and unlawful.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:30 AM


    The Porn Myth: In the end, porn doesn’t whet men’s appetites—it turns them off the real thing. (Naomi Wolf, New York)

    I will never forget a visit I made to Ilana, an old friend who had become an Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem. When I saw her again, she had abandoned her jeans and T-shirts for long skirts and a head scarf. I could not get over it. Ilana has waist-length, wild and curly golden-blonde hair. “Can’t I even see your hair?” I asked, trying to find my old friend in there. “No,” she demurred quietly. “Only my husband,” she said with a calm sexual confidence, “ever gets to see my hair.”

    When she showed me her little house in a settlement on a hill, and I saw the bedroom, draped in Middle Eastern embroideries, that she shares only with her husband—the kids are not allowed—the sexual intensity in the air was archaic, overwhelming. It was private. It was a feeling of erotic intensity deeper than any I have ever picked up between secular couples in the liberated West. And I thought: Our husbands see naked women all day—in Times Square if not on the Net. Her husband never even sees another woman’s hair.

    She must feel, I thought, so hot.

    Compare that steaminess with a conversation I had at Northwestern, after I had talked about the effect of porn on relationships. “Why have sex right away?” a boy with tousled hair and Bambi eyes was explaining. “Things are always a little tense and uncomfortable when you just start seeing someone,” he said. “I prefer to have sex right away just to get it over with. You know it’s going to happen anyway, and it gets rid of the tension.”

    “Isn’t the tension kind of fun?” I asked. “Doesn’t that also get rid of the mystery?”

    “Mystery?” He looked at me blankly. And then, without hesitating, he replied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sex has no mystery.”

    Which is why Margaret Thatcher is infinitely more sexy than Madonna.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


    -SHORT STORY: Diary of an Immortal Man (Richard Dooling, May 1999, Esquire)


    March 30: Today I turn forty. I am officially protected by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. If I had an employer, I could now sue him if he discriminated against me because of my, ulp, age. Until now, I've half believed in one of Vladimir Nabokov's elegant syllogisms: Other men die, but I am not other men; therefore, I'll not die. Nabokov died in 1977. Every time I look in the bathroom mirror, I see Death, the Eternal Footman (looking quite proud), standing in the shadows behind me, holding my coat, snickering. I live with my family in my hometown of Omaha. My selfish genes have managed an immortality of sorts by getting themselves into four delightful children, who are still too young to turn on me. My wife and I have enjoyed nine years of marriage, what Robert Louis Stevenson called "a friendship recognized by the police." I'm Catholic, so as mortality looms on the far side of the middle-age horizon, I seek consolation in my Christian faith and one of its central tenets: belief in the immortality of my soul. But the lawyer in me also highlights the usual caveats and provisos. According to the Scriptures, my quality of life after death may depend on my ability to love my fellow man. This is a big problem. I forgot to mention that in addition to being a practicing Catholic, I'm also a practicing misanthrope. As I see it, my only chance of avoiding eternal damnation is to stay alive until I learn to love other people. Or until some future pope issues an encyclical providing spiritual guidance for misanthropic Catholics. November 16: My second novel, White Man's Grave, is a finalist for the National Book Award. For at least a day or two, I wonder if I might be able to achieve immortality by writing great literature. My wife and I fly to the awards ceremony in New York City, where William Gaddis wins the National Book Award in Fiction for A Frolic of His Own.

    We return to Omaha, where, instead of reading the Scriptures or A Frolic of His Own, I read Woody Allen, who said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."


    February 23: I am in the Sheep's Head Tavern in east London, banging my flagon, bending my elbow, when the evening news comes on the telly over the bar and I learn that Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute in Scotland has cloned a sheep named Dolly. I am not personally acquainted with or fond of any sheep that I would like to see multiplied like loaves and fishes. Most of what I know about sheep I learned in crowded taverns like this one, banging my flagon, bending my elbow, and listening to off-color bestiality jokes. I fail to appreciate the significance of Dolly for my own personal immortality. Flagon. Elbow.

    March 30: Birthdays seem to be coming every other month or so. I'm now forty-three years old. Still in Omaha; still a novelist. At my back, I hear the AARP's silver-chariot specials drawing near.

    August 4: My wife and I reform our diets and take up a fitness regimen to shed pounds and replenish our dwindling reserves of vim and vigor.

    We hire a sitter for the kids, then jog for almost an hour, and we eat nothing but kale and soybeans for dinner. We are starving and sore, stretched out in bed and watching the news, when we learn that the world's oldest living person, Jeanne Louise Calment of Arles, France, died today at 122 years of age. Jeanne reportedly soaked her food in olive oil at every meal and also rubbed olive oil on her skin every day; she loved port wine and ate two pounds of chocolate per week; she smoked cigarettes until she was 120 years old. August 5: We have quit jogging. The cupboards of our modest Omaha home are lined with bottles of Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil, and UPS brings Godiva chocolates twice a week. My wife and I begin to experiment with tobacco products. [...]


    February 3: I receive a letter, rather, a communique, from my son, who is dying, simply because he will not accept telomerase or organ transplants. I didn't raise him to be mortal, but he just won't listen to me. Instead, he wants me to stop taking telo-merase and rejoin the "natural human race." My daughter and my son are both "older," relatively speaking, than my wife and I, and they have all the crotchets and personality disorders that come with natural aging. What pains in the ass!

    My daughter travels around the country giving speeches to activists and neo-Luddite groups who forswear telomerase and artificial-implant technologies and boycott all artworks created with the aid of artificial intelligence. Her political party, Natural Way, espouses the belief that mortality is the true human condition and that carbon-based thoughts are better than thoughts created or augmented by electronic or photonic implants. Global resources are rapidly vanishing, even though Con Archer is successfully creating and marketing artificial foods consisting of nano-engineered proteins. Darwin's Army and the Sons of Ted K. now have members in the House of Representatives, and several senators, when pressed, confess they used to belong to these organizations, but only to fight for the nutritional rights of the oppressed. Youth rallies are all over the media channels. Young people claim to have heightened awareness and ecstatic visions inspired by the natural condition of mortality.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 AM


    THE UNLOVED AMERICAN: Two centuries of alienating Europe. (SIMON SCHAMA, 2003-03-10, The New Yorker)

    By the end of the nineteenth century, the stereotype of the ugly American—voracious, preachy, mercenary, and bombastically chauvinist—was firmly in place in Europe. Even the claim that the United States was built on a foundation stone of liberty was seen as a fraud. America had grown rich on slavery. In 1776, the English radical Thomas Day had written, “If there be an object truly ridiculous in nature, it is an American patriot, signing resolutions of independency with the one hand, and with the other brandishing a whip over his affrighted slaves.” After the Civil War, European critics pointed to the unprotected laborers in mines and factories as industrial helots. Just as obnoxious as the fraud of liberty was the fraud of Christian piety, a finger-jabbing rectitude incapable of asserting a policy without invoking the Deity as a co-sponsor. This hallelujah Republic was a bedlam of hymns and hosannas, but the only true church was the church of the Dollar Almighty. And how could the cult of individualism be taken seriously when it had produced a society that set such great store by conformity?

    The face of the unloved American did not, of course, come into focus all at once. Different generations of European critics added features to the sketch depending on their own aversions and fears. In the early nineteenth century, with Enlightenment optimism soured by years of war and revolution, critics were skeptical of America’s naïve faith that it had reinvented politics. Later in the century, American economic power was the enemy, Yankee industrialism the behemoth against which the champions of social justice needed to take up arms. A third generation, itself imperialist, grumbled about the unfairness of a nation’s rising to both continental and maritime ascendancy. And in the twentieth century, though the United States came to the rescue of Britain and France in two world wars, many Europeans were suspicious of its motives. A constant refrain throughout this long literature of complaint, and what European intellectuals even now find most repugnant, is American sanctimoniousness, the habit of dressing the business of power in the garb of piety.

    Too often, the moral rhetoric of American diplomacy has seemed to Europe a cover for self-interest. The French saw the Jay Treaty, of 1794, which regularized relations with Britain (with which republican France was then at war), as a cynical violation of the Treaty of Alliance with France, of 1778, without which, they reasonably believed, there would have been no United States. In 1811, it was the British who felt betrayed by the Americans, when Madison gave in to Napoleon’s demands for a trade embargo while the “mother country” was fighting for survival. But the gap between principles and practices in American foreign policy was as nothing compared with the discrepancy between the ideal and the reality of a working democracy. Although nineteenth-century writers paid lip service to the benevolent intelligence of the Founding Fathers, contemporary American politics suggested that there had been a shocking fall from grace. At one end was a cult of republican simplicity, so dogmatic that John Quincy Adams’s installation of a billiard table in the White House was taken as evidence of his patrician leanings; at the other was a parade of the lowest vices, featuring, according to Charles Dickens, “despicable trickery at elections, under-handed tampering with public officers . . . shameless truckling to mercenary knaves.” [...]

    When the American republic failed to break up, the European angst about its economic transformation and territorial expansion became a neurosis. For some time, the British government, worried about the growing imperial rivalry of the new Germany and the French Republic, had complacently assumed that American expansionism could be manipulated to keep its rivals at bay. If the American fleet would, for its own purposes, prevent European undesirables from straying into the Pacific at no cost to the British taxpayer, jolly good for the Stars and Stripes. The Spanish-American War of 1898, which the French treated as the unmasking of Yankee imperialism, was looked at in London with relaxed tolerance. Rudyard Kipling’s lines on “the White Man’s burden” were written not in praise of some triumph of the Union Jack beneath far-flung palm and pine but to celebrate the fall of Manila. [...]

    Modern anti-Americanism was born of the multiple insecurities of the first decade of the twentieth century. Just as the European empires were reaching their apogee, they were beset by reminders of their own mortality. At Adowa in 1896, the Ethiopians inflicted a crushing defeat on the Italians; in 1905, the Russian Empire was humiliated in war by the Japanese. Britain may have ruled a quarter of the world’s population and geographical space, but it failed to impose its will decisively on the South African Boers. And Wilhelm II’s Germany, though it was beginning to brandish its own imperial sword, remained fretful about “encirclement.” The unstoppability of America’s economy and its immigrant-fuelled demographic explosion worried the rulers of these empires, even as they staggered into the fratricidal slaughter that would insure exactly that future. [...]

    But of all the character flaws that Europeans have ascribed to Americans, nothing has contributed more to widening the Atlantic than national egocentricity (a bit rich, admittedly, coming from the French). Knut Hamsun put the emphatic celebration of separateness down to a lack of education about other places and cultures and commented, perhaps waspishly, “It is almost incredible how hard America works at being a world of its own in the world.” Virtuous isolation, of course, wasn’t a problem so long as the United States saw the exercise of its power primarily in terms of the defensive policing of its own continental space. But now that policing has gone irreversibly global, the imperious insistence on the American way, or else, has only a limited usefulness in a long-term pacification strategy. Like it or not, help will be needed, given America’s notoriously short attention span, intolerance of casualties, and grievously wounded prosperity. Serving the United Nations with notice of redundancy should its policies not replicate those of the United States and the United Kingdom might turn out to be shortsighted, since in Europe, even in countries whose governments have aligned themselves with America, there is almost no support for a war without U.N. sanction. Perhaps Mrs. Trollope put it best after all: “If the citizens of the United States were indeed the devoted patriots they call themselves, they would surely not thus encrust themselves in the hard, dry, stubborn persuasion, that they are the first and best of the human race, that nothing is to be learnt, but what they are able to teach, and that nothing is worth having, which they do not possess.”

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


    Leaving Board, a Disney Heir Assails Eisner (LAURA M. HOLSON, 12/01/03, NY Times)

    Roy E. Disney, a nephew of Walt Disney, said on Sunday that he was leaving the Disney board of directors and called for the resignation of the chairman and chief executive, Michael D. Eisner.

    In a three-page letter that was hand-delivered to Mr. Eisner's Manhattan apartment, where the executive was spending the weekend, Mr. Disney complained that Mr. Eisner had done little to revive the Walt Disney Company over the last seven years and still had not decided who would be his successor. Mr. Eisner, who took over Disney in 1984, has been under increasing pressure over the company's sagging fortunes.

    "Michael, it is my sincere belief that it is you who should be leaving and not me," Mr. Disney wrote. "Accordingly, I once again call for your resignation or retirement." [...]

    The complaints in Mr. Disney's letter are not new although rarely has he stated them so vociferously. He wrote that Mr. Eisner had depressed shareholder value by micromanaging his employees and not stemming the ratings loss at ABC quickly enough. Mr. Eisner's management style, Mr. Disney wrote, resulted in a "loss of morale throughout this company." He also accused Mr. Eisner of forcing colleagues who worked with Mr. Disney in the feature animation division (where Mr. Disney is chairman) to spy on him. "For whatever reason, you have driven a wedge between me and those I work with even to the extent of requiring some of my associates to report my conversations and activities back to you," Mr. Disney wrote. "I find this intolerable."

    The next year will be very important for Mr. Eisner, Disney's board and shareholders alike. The company has shown promising results recently with its ABC network, although a full turnaround is not expected for another year or two. Travelers are beginning to return to the theme parks after fears about airline safety and a recession kept many away. Disney's movie division, unlike many of its peers, has scored one hit after another this year, including "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" and "Finding Nemo," the animated film created by a Disney partner, Pixar Animation Studios. "Haunted Mansion," based on the theme-park attraction of the same name, was the top film in the United States during the five-day Thanksgiving holiday weekend, with ticket sales of $35 million.

    But the company, whose stock price has outperformed major indexes this year, has significant challenges. In his letter, Mr. Disney challenged the "timidity" of Mr. Eisner's investment in the parks, which are central to the company's profitability and image. Just last week, safety officials in California ruled that a crash on a Disneyland roller coaster was the result of workers failing to properly maintain the ride. And Disney has yet to resolve its relationship with Pixar, which wants a bigger stake of future movie profits and could walk away from its joint venture if the two cannot agree on terms of a new deal.

    Purely anecdotal, but we were disconcerted by how badly Disney World needed some sprucing up and by the unprecedented site of seeing managers instructing employees in front of customers.

    December 5, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:19 PM


    Religion and Science Revisited: a review of Modern Physics and Ancient Faith by Stephen M. Barr (Robin Collins, November 2003, First Things)

    Barr begins his book by pointing out that the methods and discoveries of modern physics can and must be separated from the philosophical doctrine of materialism, which so often serves as a dogmatic and, as Barr goes on to show with great power and effectiveness, unsubstantiated faith among physicists. According to Barr, it was never obvious that physics implied or presupposed a materialistic view of the universe, but the existence of such a connection has been rendered downright implausible by a series of developments in twentieth-century physics. In a series of lucid chapters, Barr addresses the question of whether the universe had a beginning, looks at the issue of whether the universe exhibits any evidence of design or purpose, and examines what contemporary physics (and mathematics) has to say about the nature of human beings—specifically on the question of whether our behavior is determined by physical laws and whether we have an immaterial nature. At each point, Barr shows that “recent discoveries have begun to confound the materialist’s expectations and confirm those of the believer in God.”

    Understanding Barr’s main contention is key to judging the cogency of his arguments. If the reader approaches Barr’s book in the hopes that it will provide a scientifically defensible proof of the central claims of biblical religion—such as, at a minimum, that God exists—he will be disappointed. As Barr repeats at several points throughout the book, he seeks merely to demonstrate that numerous discoveries in science confirm the expectations of the believer more than they do those of the materialist. For instance, Barr prefaces his discussion of so-called anthropic coincidences—that is, the fact that many of the laws that govern the universe seem to be fine-tuned for life to exist and thrive—by noting that this evidence has not “succeeded in ending the old debate between religion and materialism.” Nonetheless, he also notes that it has “dramatically changed the terms of the debate. It is no longer a question of whether one can find any evidence in nature that we were built in. Such evidence abounds. It is now a question of whether that evidence should be taken at face value, whether it really means what it seems to mean.” Throughout the book, Barr seeks above all to counter one of the main arguments materialists have offered for their position—namely, that science confirms a materialist worldview rather than a religious one.

    Many of Barr’s analyses are incisive and exceptionally well-argued. He also displays a sophisticated understanding of Christian theology, especially in the Roman Catholic tradition, often citing such historically important theologians/philosophers as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas in support of his arguments. In his chapter on cosmology, for example, Barr is careful to point out that the claim that God created the universe simply means that the universe depends for its existence on God’s free will; as Aquinas pointed out, this could be the case even if the universe always existed. Nonetheless, Barr argues that because big bang cosmology—including recent variants such as inflationary cosmology—hypothesizes a beginning, it fits better with the expectations of traditional theism than with atheism, which has historically posited an eternal universe. Although we cannot be sure that future cosmological discoveries will not overturn this conclusion, Barr claims that “the trend is clear: everything we have ever studied has proven to have a beginning.”

    Barr is at his best in confronting the arguments—and, just as often, the rhetoric—of materialism. As he points out, since theists believe that the world was created by a supremely intelligent being, we would expect it to be at least partially intelligible by human reason, which traditional Christian theology has held to be a uniquely human gift of God. Such intelligibility is a puzzle for materialists, however. As Albert Einstein famously remarked, “The most unintelligible thing about the universe is that it is intelligible at all.”

    Barr also correctly points out the circularity of some of the most common arguments in favor of materialism. Materialists, for instance, claim that to deny that everything in the natural world can be reduced to physics or mathematics is nothing more than “mystery-mongering” and thus a rejection of rational explanation. As Barr notes, however, this assumes, without rational justification, that all rational explanation must be rendered in terms of equations and quantities, an assumption that theists reject.

    Then there is Barr’s powerful argument against materialism as such: “If ideas are just patterns of nerve impulses, then how can one say that any idea (including the idea of materialism itself) is superior to any other? One pattern of nerve impulses cannot be truer or less true than another pattern, any more than a toothache can be truer or less true than another toothache.” In other words, human judgment and evaluation, which are necessary to determine truth and error (including the truth or error of materialism), presuppose a world of moral meaning that transcends the merely material. The very effort to demonstrate the truth of materialism thus refutes materialism.

    It's almost as if the point of the Universe is for us to figure it out.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:47 PM


    Stuffed by a plastic turkey: Bush's gesture politics suggest a man seriously worried about his career (Mark Lawson, December 6, 2003, The Guardian)

    If anyone makes a similar film about the attack on Iraq, the title would now have to be The Plastic Turkey. In a revelation certain to be taught at schools of democracy and journalism for years to come, it has been revealed that the apparently appetising turkey that President Bush carried towards beaming troops last week in Baghdad had been genetically modified to a degree that would lead even the most profit-hungry farmers to protest. The bird was the kind of model used by butchers and Hollywood set-dressers.

    Following this disclosure, the president is, unlike his political prop, stuffed: with a gap in the storyboards for his re-election commercials. A picture intended to say to viewers "The Eagle Has Landed", in fact spelled out: "This Bird Never Flew."

    The fakery went further. The hoax roast in the president's hands cannot even be claimed as a symbolic stand-in for the steaming birds that were actually served. Reports say that the US troops were given airline-style meals of pre-packaged meat. And the pretend chef had flown to Baghdad in an Air Force One that filed a fake flight-plan, pretending to be a small corporate jet.

    The latter act - though embarrassing for a politician who promised to end the easy lying of the Clinton years - can probably just about be excused as security. But the affair of the plastic turkey can only be attributed to insecurity.

    Although the image of George Bush, until recently, was of a man who could do whatever he wanted in both America and the world, recent events have suggested a man seriously worried about both his image and his career. The president seems to have entered a phase of gesture politics, and the gestures are those of a man who, while still swimming vigorously, has suddenly come to accept the possibility of drowning.

    It's just not possible to demonstrate less comprehension of the political situation in America than does Mr. Lawson. The President he thinks worried about drowning is instead deciding what his agenda should be in the 2nd term, so he can run on it and have a mandate to pass it.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:35 PM

    60-40 VISIONS:

    60 Proof: Senator John Cornyn on limited government, how the Senate works, and the pursuit of a filibuster-proof majority. (Terry Eastland, 12/04/2003, Weekly Standard)

    Cornyn...has played a prominent role in arguing for President Bush's judicial nominees--and therefore against the unprecedented filibuster strategy employed by the Democratic minority. Because of that strategy, 60 votes now may be needed to confirm a nominee--60, because it takes 60 votes to break a filibuster and permit an up-or-down vote.

    Cornyn reflects a new Republican realism about the Democrats' filibustering. He knows that it can't be stopped by a change in Senate rules, since that would require 67 votes. He also knows that it can't be stopped by a parliamentary move requiring only 51 votes, since there are eight to ten (nameless) Republican senators unwilling to go along with that. Cornyn alludes to the "next election." It will occur after the first two years of his six, and his hope is that it will produce a Republican Senate that finally is filibuster-proof.

    Interesting how casually Mr. Eastland mentions the idea of 60 and Mr. Cornyn's seeming belief it's a possibility--you'd think that would be the main point to come out of the piece.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:23 PM


    Anti-Americanism Is Older Than You May Think (Andrew Ferguson, Nov. 25, 2003, Bloomberg)

    Two centuries ago, right-wing European intellectuals believed the U.S. embodied the threats that Enlightenment rationality posed to tradition, custom and hierarchical social arrangements based on class and wealth. A century later, European racial theorists, who had briefly extolled the U.S. as the last great hope of Aryans, turned on the new country for its heedless race mixing.

    Anti-Americanism has continued to evolve with the times, though its essence remains unchanged. Nowadays, for European thinkers of both right and left, the U.S. stands for modernity -- and especially for modernity's terrifying spawn, global capitalism. Indeed, [James] Ceaser points out, "Americanization'' is a near-perfect synonym for "globalization.''

    Though he doesn't say so explicitly, Ceaser tries to understand anti-Americanism in order to refute it -- exposing its unsavory intellectual pedigree as a way of calling into question its legitimacy. But this may be harder than it looks.

    For one thing, the original theorists of anti-Americanism, the racists and the royalists, were right: The influence of the U.S. was, by their lights, disastrous, even fatal, as it eventually helped undo what they most prized. Today's European intellectuals may likewise be correct to see in Americanization a threat to their own cultural status as well.

    More important, as Ceaser himself notes, anti-Americanism has become so deep-rooted that it now resembles a religious faith -- too well-developed to be a mere prejudice but too reflexive and slippery to be a testable theory.

    Watching the statue of Bush pulled down in London last week, perhaps even Ceaser would agree: Anti-Americanism is no longer a proposition that will be susceptible to reasoned debate.

    That's the reason that the neo-isolationism of both Left and Right would not secure us from attacks by terrorists nor damp down the hatred of us around the globe--we are the End of History and McWorld has won/will win the Clash of Civilizations. If you believe in any of the various isms--communism, socialism, Islamicism, etc.--we are your doom.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:53 PM


    Could Saddam Hussein's Smell Lead U.S. to His Lair? (Bijal P. Trivedi, December 5, 2003, National Geographic)

    A posse of body doubles has long blurred the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein. But while it is easy to mimic the dictator by donning a uniform and a mustache, finding a "smell double" is a much tougher act.

    With this in mind, the research arm of the U.S. Defense Department wants to develop technology that can identify individuals on the basis of a so-called smell signature.

    Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center believe that human sweat may contain a collection of chemicals that could serve as a unique chemical fingerprint, or "odortype."

    One just assumes he smells like a scene from Equus.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 PM

    MYSTERIOUS WAYS INDEED (via Mike Daley):

    The Triumphs and Travails of Phillis Wheatley (Lucas E. Morel, December 05, 2003,

    The Trials of Phillis Wheatley: America's First Black Poet and Her Encounters with the Founding Fathers offers an engaging account of the triumphs and travails of Phillis Wheatley, an African slave girl who quickly mastered the English language upon arriving in the United States at the age of eight. Within a few years, she not only taught herself to write but to compose poetry that begged the credulity of New England's powers that be. So much so, she could not solicit enough subscribers to purchase her book of poems because few thought an African could have written them. A trial of sorts was set up to determine the veracity of the teenager's claims, which Gates uses to explore this and later controversies surrounding the young poet's life.

    To see why her poetry remains so controversial, one need only read "On Being Brought from Africa to America," which Wheatley penned in 1773 at the age of 14:

    'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land,
    Taught my benighted soul to understand
    That there's a God, that there's a Saviour too:
    Once I redemption neither sought nor knew.
    Some view our sable race with scornful eye,
    "Their colour is a diabolic die,"
    Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain,
    May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train.

    The poem focuses on Providence and salvation: specifically, the poet's conversion to Christianity as a consequence of her surviving the infamous middle passage from Africa to America. She was later criticized for defending the slave trade as a means of civilizing Africans brought to America. But to this reader's lights, further reflection upon the poem suggests that its true intention is to move the reader to think more soberly, candidly, and conscientiously about the supposed benefits of the notorious middle passage. In sum, how is "being brought from Africa to America" (note the passive voice) a betterment of the African's condition?

    Wheatley's poem raises several important questions: In what way is being brought from Africa to America an act of God's "mercy"? If Africa is really "Pagan," what makes America a land of "Christians" who offer a "Saviour" to the African slave? If Wheatley's "benighted soul" can be "taught" to "understand" the truths of Christianity, does this not establish her equal humanity, thereby refuting claims that Africans are not moral, rational beings? In short, do Americans really believe in America? Read this way, the poem becomes rife with irony. It gets the reader to agree almost too quickly with its premises in order to move them to conclusions they have yet to act fully upon. To agree with the poem is to leave one to reconcile American principles-religious and political-with American practice toward the African.

    Remeniscent of the jarring passage in Keith Richburg's Out of America:
    Sometime, maybe four hundred years ago, one of my ancestors was taken from his village, probably by a local chieftain. He was shackled in leg irons, kept in a holding pen or a dark pit, possibly at Goree Island off the coast of Senegal. And then he was put in the crowded, filthy, hold of a ship for the long and treacherous voyage across the Atlantic to the New World.

    Many slaves died on that voyage. But not my ancestor. Maybe it was because he was strong, maybe just stubborn, or maybe he had an irrepressible will to live. But he survived, and ended up in forced slavery working on plantations in the Caribbean. Generations on down the line, one of his descendants was taken to South Carolina. Finally, a more recent descendant, my father, moved to Detroit to find a job in an auto plant during the Second World War.

    And so it was that I came to be born in Detroit and that 35 years later, a black man born in white America, I was in Africa, birthplace of my ancestors, standing at the edge of a river not as an African but as an American journalist - a mere spectator - watching the bloated bodies of black Africans cascading over a waterfall. And that's when I thought about how, if things had been different, I might have been one of them -or might have met some similarly anonymous fate in one of the countless ongoing civil wars or tribal clashes on this brutal continent. And so I thank God my ancestor survived that voyage.


    Thank God my ancestor got out, because, now, I am not one of them.

    In short, thank God that I am an American.

    Thank goodness we are finally worthy of such folk.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:22 PM


    Magic mushroom: A fungus could solve the world's greenhouse gas problems (Canadian Business, December 2003)

    Forget about those exotic hydrogen fuel-cell cars, and those hybrid engine systems, as well. An Ottawa-based biotech company, Iogen Corp., thinks it has found the answer to the world's greenhouse-gas problems: a fungus once known for its ability to rot U.S. army tents.

    That may seem bizarre, but Iogen is just one of a growing army touting ethanol in gas tanks as the answer for meeting emission reductions under the Kyoto Accord. Right now, most ethanol is made pretty much the way Hiram Walker made booze: producers start with a grain, usually corn, then ferment and distil it. Iogen, however, says it has found a way to turn agricultural waste such as wheat straw into fuel. There are some details still to be worked out. But technological bugs may be only the beginning of Iogen's struggle.

    Ethanol in the gas tank is hardly a radical idea. It's long been added in small amounts to gasoline to act as, among other things, an antifreeze. Newer cars can burn a mixture of gasoline that contains up to 10% ethanol. What the fuel's advocates dream of, however, is a world where that ethanol level is bumped up to 85%. But its clean-burning properties are offset to a considerable extent by all the oil that's consumed to plant corn, make the fertilizer, and then to harvest and haul the crop around. Rather than transforming oil into crops that are transformed into fuel, Iogen's system starts with stuff like wheat straw that has been burned or plowed under. Using an enzyme derived from the fungus that ate the army's tents during the Second World War, Iogen breaks out the sugars in the straw that can be fermented and distilled into ethanol. Iogen says the reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions with their ethanol is about 90%, compared to 30% for the conventional product.


    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 PM


    Democrats' state meeting shows party in bad shape (FLORIDA TODAY, 12/04/03)

    Florida Democrats are starting their three-day state convention today in Orlando, the focus of which will be the appearance of the nine Democrats running for the White House.

    The event will draw the national news media eager to recall the 2000 presidential debacle, and there will be lots of optimistic talk by party leaders about prospects for the coming election year.

    But the Democrats' few days in the sunshine will mask a Florida organization in woeful shape.

    Even the most gung-ho stalwarts know the party is barely hanging on, a situation that will deteriorate even further unless Democrats read and take to heart the highly successful playbook of Florida Republicans. [...]

    The party's impotence is evident in Brevard County, where it once was dominant but is now on life support. In six state legislative races here in 2002 -- two for the Senate, four for the House -- the party could field only two credible candidates.

    Many Republicans had no Democratic opposition, and two who did faced Democrats with arrest records -- one for selling LSD, and the other for writing bad checks.

    Currently, only two Democrats in Brevard hold major elective office. They are County Commissioners Nancy Higgs and Jackie Colon. Statewide, the outlook is not one to cause Democrats to start singing "Happy days are here again."

    The GOP controls the governor's mansion and all constitutional offices. It also has a large majority in the Legislature, where Republicans outnumber Democrats 81-39 in the House and 26-14 in the Senate.

    W's defense need go no further South than Maryland--which, by the way, just elected a Republican governor--that's pretty ugly.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:50 PM


    1.2 million Arabs in U.S., census states (Joyce Howard Price, 12/03/03, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    Census Bureau data for 2000 found 1.2 million people who claimed Arab ancestry, nearly double the number counted in 1980.

    Leaders of the Arab-American community say the new total is too low, reflecting underreporting.

    Although only 23 percent of Arab-Americans are Muslim, according to a 2000 Zogby survey, the census report released yesterday adds fuel to an ongoing debate about the size of the U.S. Muslim population.

    In 1992, the American Muslim Council estimated there were more than 5 million followers of Islam in the country, of whom 12 percent were Arabs. Other Arab and Muslim groups say the number is closer to 6 million Muslims, a population that would make them more numerous than Jews.

    "That's way too high. I say it's more like 3 or 4 million [Muslims]," said Steve Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonpartisan group that studies the impact of immigration.

    He and others stressed that Arabs do not account for most Muslims in this country. Forty-two percent of Arabs are Catholic, 23 percent Orthodox Christian and 12 percent Protestant, according to the Zogby survey.

    Which makes Howard Dean's anti-Israel/pro-Ba'ath rhetoric seem even more ill-advised.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 PM


    The Return of the Wild: Suburbanites must learn to kill again. (GEOFFREY NORMAN, December 5, 2003, Wall Street Journal)

    [A]nimals have made a remarkable comeback, and they are not likely to quit breeding. There is no way to negotiate with them, and they cannot be regulated. Deer will devour the expensive landscaping and bears will get into birdfeeders, kill pets, and pull off the occasional breaking and entering. It's their nature. There may be technological fixes out there in the future, but for now the solution to the problem of too many animals seems simply to be--killing them.

    Ah, there is the rub, if not the rub-out. People seem to love nature and want to get close to it. But they don't want to share it, and when it comes to control, they don't want to get their hands dirty. They are unwilling to look nature in its brutal and uncompromising face. Some communities have hired "sharpshooters" to thin deer herds. The idea seems to be that it isn't the killing that is the problem. It is that it is being done by amateurs. One recalls Dr. Johnson's crack about the people who opposed bear baiting not because it gave pain to the animal but because it gave pleasure to the people. A deer that is assassinated by a "sharpshooter" is just as dead as one shot by a hunter. Who, by the way, paid a license fee and tax on his gun and ammunition.

    The thrill of the hunt is, of course, not for everyone. And attitudes about hunting can be complex. I wondered for a long time if I could kill a bear. This was back when I had never seen one and didn't expect to. I have seen many in recent years. The first was no more than 30 steps away, looking at me with curious and intelligent eyes. Its pelt was deep and rich, and its movements were graceful and fluid. I could have raised my bow and easily put an arrow through its heart. But I merely watched while the animal took a few steps and then seemed to vanish, like smoke, in the woods.

    I couldn't kill that bear, but I don't have a problem with the New Jersey hunt. The many people who do may well possess an ethical refinement that simply escapes me, but I fear that some may possess instead a de-natured sense of nature. They build into nature, they live nearby it, they thrill at its beauty and diversity and consider themselves sensitive environmentalists who want to shield nature from the harm that humans do. But they do not know it. They have only a distanced, sentimentalized sense of nature, very much the product of city-centered, suburban modern life, so far from rural realities that earlier generations knew so well. There was a time that you'd be considered a complete fool not to kill the bears that are invading your backyard. Maybe you still are.

    All it takes is one time seeing the deer you just hit coming at you through your windshield, or one enormous moose in the middle of the highway, and they start to seem like vermin. It's estimated that there are more deer in places like NH now than there were when we got to the New World. That's too many.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:47 PM


    Democrats' choice (Jennifer Harper, December 5, 2003, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    With Republicans controlling the White House, both houses of Congress and a majority of governorships, Democrats are languishing. Mary Meehan thinks she knows why.

    "In the 1970s, there was major opposition to abortion within the Democratic Party -- even after the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. In 1977, for example, the right-to-life movement could count on 10-20 Democratic votes in the Senate and over 100 in the House," Miss Meehan writes in Human Life Review.

    "It is a great irony that Democrats supported the killing of scores of unborn children who would have grown up to be Democrats," she continued. "This may explain some of the difficulty Democrats are having in winning elections today."

    This is particularly applicable in the case of gender selection abortions. As Mr. Cleaver says, it would be funny if it weren't tragic.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:31 PM

    WHAT GOES UP (via Tom Morin):

    Brussels considers imposing currency controls (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 04/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

    The European Commission is examining the legal basis for 1970s-style exchange controls to stop the euro surging to destructive levels.

    A team working for Pedro Solbes, economics commissioner, claims Brussels may lawfully impose "quantitative restrictions" on capital inflows, clearing the way for a crisis response if the dollar continues to fall.

    The document, drafted last month on the orders of Mr Solbes's director-general, Klaus Regling, concludes: "Should extremely disturbing capital movements endanger the operation of economic and monetary union, Article 59 EC provides for the possibility to adopt restrictive measures for a period not exceeding six months."

    Any decision would be taken by EU finance ministers under qualified majority voting, leaving Britain with no veto.

    The move came as the euro hit highs against the US dollar, touching 1.2125 yesterday before closing at 1.2109. It has gained 42pc in less than two years.

    The euro-zone has borne the brunt of the global realignment. The Chinese yuan is pegged to the dollar, while Japan has capped the yen by buying US bonds.

    Industry leaders in Germany and France say the euro has crossed the "pain threshold" and risks aborting the euro-zone's fragile recovery. The latest survey data shows a renewed fall in confidence among French consumers and German retailers.

    Jean-Philippe Cotis, the OECD's chief economist, said further appreciation posed a "great danger" to the euro-zone.

    What exactly did they think was going to happen when they kept the Euro artificially high against the dollar in order to prove a political point?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:17 PM


    Where Sovietologists Went Wrong (Richard Pipes, History News Network)

    To understand the attitudes-and failures-of the Sovietological community in the United States one must bear in mind the conditions under which the study of the Soviet Union had gotten underway in this country. It first emerged at the start of the Cold War in the 1950s and took off, as it were, in 1957, after the Russians had launched the Sputnik, a potential weapon system which (for the first time in U.S. history) directly threatened its security and even survival. It is commonly believed that the circumstance of its origin infused Sovietology with irreconcilable hostility toward communism and the USSR, breeding a Cold War mentality. In fact, it had the very opposite effect. In Europe, where communist ideology had a history going back at least to the middle of the nineteenth century and communist parties had come into being in the early 1920s, scholars and publicists had analyzed communism on its own merits for a century before it attracted the attention of the United States. Some of them -- notably the Poles -- had predicted with astonishing accuracy the nature of a communist regime, anticipating its political despotism and economic failures.

    In the United States, such analysis was impeded by the fact that the phenomenon of communism came to be inextricably linked with the dread of nuclear war. Largely ignorant of Marxist theory and the history of both Russia and the Soviet Union, Americans tended to see the problem exclusively in foreign policy terms: that is, how to avoid the conflict between the two camps leading to a nuclear holocaust. It made them conciliatory and this meant that they stressed positive developments in the Communist bloc and interpreted them in the best possible light. Quite unconsciously they minimized differences and emphasized similarities. However well intentioned the sentiments behind this attitude, they misconstrued reality, as inevitably happens when truth is subordinated to politics. The Sovietological community was first and foremost committed to bringing the the adversaries together and in so doing ignored or downplayed whatever ran counter to this objective. As a result, it grossly misunderstood the nature of communist regimes and the forces that animated them.

    This approach enjoyed popularity because it carried a comforting message. It appealed to those who had no sympathy for communism but were frightened of nuclear war and liked to think that patience and understanding would persuade the Russians to adopt a more friendly stance. Evidence to the contrary was rationalized. [...]

    The misunderstanding of Russian motives and intentions had also deeper cultural causes. For most Americans the axiom that all people are equal leads more or less inadvertently to the belief that they are the same by which they mean that they are at heart like themselves so that given a chance, they would behave like themselves. If a nation behaves aggressively toward the United States, it is because it is justly aggrieved: by extrapolation, the blame for aggression falls not on the aggressor but on his victim. The logic is quite flawed but psychologically understandable. Throughout the years of the Cold War, a high proportion of educated, affluent Americans felt guilty of provoking the Russians and pressed for concessions to them to make them feel more "secure."

    The Russians exploited such American perceptions with admirable skill.

    This phenomenon is obvious today too, among those who wish to believe that if we' were only nicer to Islamicists they'd leave us alone.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:12 PM


    Palestinian "miracle baby" draws crowds to Bethlehem (Ellis Shuman, December 3, 2003, Israeli Insider)

    A two-week-old baby was born with a birthmark spelling out the name of a Hamas terrorist. The baby's family believes it's a divine sign.

    "It is a gift from God," declared Aysha Ayyad, after her grandson was born with a large birthmark across his cheek that roughly spells out in Arabic the name of his uncle, a Hamas terrorist killed by Israeli troops several months ago. The two-week-old baby is attracting crowds to his Bethlehem home; the devout Muslim family believes the mark is a divine message of support for the Palestinians in their struggle against Israel.

    When the infant was born two weeks ago, the family planned to name him for his father. But noting that the birthmark roughly formed the Arabic letters spelling "Ala," the family took it as a divine sign that he should be named after his dead uncle.

    Ala Ayyad, 25, was killed by Israeli troops on March 25, 2003, in an ambush prepared by a special undercover Border Police unit waiting to arrest the Hamas terrorists. Ayyad was suspected of involvement in the November 2002 suicide bombing attack on a bus in Jerusalem's Kiryat Menachem neighborhood, in which 12 Israelis were murdered. In the ambush that killed Ayyad, a Palestinian civilian and Christine Sa'ada, a ten-year-old girl, were also killed.

    According to Ala's grandfather, the baby was born on the 27th day of the holy month of Ramadan - revered as the night the Koran was revealed to the prophet Mohammad. "I went to the Imam of the mosque and asked him about the birthmark," said Abu-Imad, the grandfather. "He said it was a gift from God."

    Spooky. By some strange coincidence, one of the pumpkins we bought for the kids this Halloween was the spitting image of Charles Martel.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


    Bad idea: Mocking unionist statue outside union's HQ (Graeme Hamilton, December 05, 2003, National Post)

    Upset that a satirical television show was likening their former leader to Saddam Hussein -- the Iraqi leader not known for his tolerance of dissenting views -- members of Montreal's blue-collar union allegedly attacked the video crew yesterday and smashed their camera.

    Actors taping a skit for the popular Radio-Canada program Infoman were using sandals to slap an imposing bronze bust of Jean Lapierre, who stepped down as the union's president last February.

    The mock assault outside the union's headquarters was inspired by scenes of Iraqi civilians hitting statues of Saddam with their shoes after he was toppled from power. In Arab culture, hitting someone with a shoe is the ultimate expression of contempt.

    Union members ordered the Infoman crew to stop filming, then threw the cameraman to the ground and wrestled his camera from him, according to the show's executive producer, Vincent Leduc.

    So, let's see if we have this straight: in order to demonstrate they're nothing like Ba'athists, they beat the tar out of someone?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:28 AM


    Why Atheism is a Faith (Nathan L.K. Bierma)

    We usually think of the question of belief in terms of sentimentalism and cynicism, and set up an unhelpful dichotomy: either I will succumb to (or embrace) abstract stirrings of the soul or I will live with a more reliable disaffection and distrust of any moral or political authority. But this is naive. To declare that the deity does not exist, that life is purposeless and random, that religious wisdom is invalid, that Truth is a farce, and that heaven is a silly dream, is to articulate a belief system about the contours of human existence. Which is impossible without faith. The sales pitch for atheism is that it’s sensible and level-headed, but in truth it requires an emaciating tug on the imagination, and a diligence in the face of life’s withering persecution of the human will to believe.

    To not believe in God is as hard for a finite, meager mortal to think and declare as to believe in God. As Christians must wrestle with the vexing question of how there can be a God if there is pain and suffering in the world, so atheists must struggle with the question of how there cannot be a God with joy and pleasure in the world. There is no logical, scientific answer for why sex is enjoyable or chocolate tastes good—reproduction and sustenance could be unremarkably functional in order for life to go on.

    As a Christian I would argue that the two—belief in God, belief in no God—are not equal in degree of difficulty; the latter is more difficult, since it must be done without the aid of inspiration in the face of natural wonder, the resonance of the Logos or word of God, the solidarity of a throng of believers past and present, and the stark fact that the potentially intolerable chaos of social order is at times, even often, livable and enjoyable. Take each of these segments by themselves, and they may not be all that convincing (or they may). But when taken as an inspiring whole, the sum is greater than the parts.

    For me, the most inescapable view of God is that of artist and designer. Someone has to answer for the profound fact that the pageant of natural and social life plays out day to day, century to century, without imploding on itself—much less that this pageant can at times bring joy and peace. “Whoever is responsible,” writes Philip Yancey, “is a fierce and imcomparable artist beside whom all human achievement and creativity dwindle as child's play.”

    To view a Monet painting and believe that the form and beauty of the work could not come from a random splattering of meaninglessly projected paint droplets is to understand the logic of believing in intelligent design, and the illogic of denying it. To view nature and society, more amazing than a million Monets, is to see it as a work of both imaginative art and practical engineering, and to then trace it back to the author. “There [is] something personal in the world, as in a work of art,” said G.K Chesterton. “Magic must have a meaning, and meaning must have someone to mean it." On the other hand, it takes faith to belittle the splendor of a sunrise. Or, as Chesterton said, "The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has no one to thank."

    Of course, for the atheist, the belief that everything he has to be thankful for comes solely from himself is terribly empowering and self-justifying.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:16 AM


    A Fossil, Decidedly Male, and Old as the Hills (JAMES GORMAN, 12/05/03, NY Times)

    A 425-million-year-old fossil found in Herefordshire, England, may be the oldest record of an animal that is unarguably male. [...]

    The new fossil, of calcite found in volcanic ash, has modern descendants that are almost exactly the same, down to two hairs on the end of its swimming appendages.

    It also offers a striking example of evolution almost standing still. "This," Dr. Siveter said, "is an animal whose basic ground plan hasn't changed in 425 million years." It has evolved hardly at all.

    Hardly evolved in 425 million years? Shocking...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM

    ALL WRONG (via Charles Murtaugh):

    Hatchet Jobs: A CRITIC'S LIFE IN A WORLD OF STEPFORD NOVELS. (Dale Peck, 11.26.03, New Republic)

    I will say it once and for all, straight out: it all went wrong with James Joyce. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is less a bildungsroman than the chapter-by-chapter unraveling of a talent that, if "The Dead" is any indication, could have been formidable, while Ulysses is nothing more than a hoax upon literature, a joint shenanigan of the writer and the critical establishment predicated on two admirable, even beautiful fallacies that were hopelessly contingent upon the historical circumstances that produced them: William James's late Victorian metaphor of the stream of consciousness, which seems at this point closer to phrenology than modern notions of psychology and neurology; and T.S. Eliot's early modern fantasy of a textual stockpile of intellectual history that would form an allusive network of bridges to the cultural triumphs of the ages, a Venice without the smell of sewage, or mustard gas. [...]

    If you are not a novelist, you cannot imagine what it feels like to write such heresy. Though I normally write in the morning, I am writing this in the middle of the night, like a fugitive; and my hands are shaking as I type. The excision from the canon, or at least the demotion in status, of most of Joyce, half of Faulkner and Nabokov, nearly all of Gaddis, Pynchon, and DeLillo, not to mention the general dumping of their contemporary heirs? The enormity of my presumptuousness cows even me. And then there's that other strain, which I can hardly bear to slog through, the realists and the realists and the realists, too many to name, too many to contemplate, their rational, utilitarian platitudes rolling out endlessly like toilet paper off a spindle. Who am I to say these brutal things? But a piecemeal approach won't do anymore. The problem is too widespread within the insular literary and publishing world merely to pick at its edges: the entire scab must be ripped off.  

    Learning to like experimental literature was, for most readers, a monumental task, and unlearning it is positively Sisyphean. It's not hard for me to find people who agree with me about certain writers: this person dislikes Moody, that person can't stand Wallace, another just doesn't get Whitehead. But dissing them all? And the people who produced them? Eyes glaze over; tongues get tangled. Yet almost anyone will admit that literature is an inherited form, that each new generation learns from its predecessors. If we can accept that we build on our predecessors' strengths, then why can't we accept that we might build on their mistakes as well?

    Since we started Brothers Judd in 1998, nothing has excited more hostile comment than our dismissal of Joyce, Woolf, and company. But, on the other hand, we frequently get comments and e-mail from people--especially college English majors--expressing their relief that they aren't alone in loathing the Modernists. It is with no false humility, though some considerable regret at the necessary self-reference, that I say we've here explained why things went wrong.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 AM


    Stem Cell News That Isn't Fit For Print: The mainstream media is ignoring promising news about adult stem cell research. (Wesley J. Smith, 12/03/2003, Weekly Standard)

    Adult stem cell therapy would be almost magical. (A good analogy might be the common practice of donating your own blood for later use in your own surgery.) Instead of taking drugs to treat degenerative ailments such as Parkinson's disease or undergoing organ transplant surgery, if adult stem cell therapy works the way researchers hope, doctors would be able to harness the patient's own cells as potent medicine to rebuild damaged organs and body tissues. For example, a heart attack patient's bone marrow stem cells might be extracted, proliferated in culture, and then injected back into the patient resulting in the heart restoring health to damaged tissue.

    EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS are another potential source for regenerative treatments. But, we pointed out, unlike adult stem cell treatments, ES cells cannot be used in human studies because of two fundamental safety issues. First, they cause tumors in animal studies. For example, in one recent experiment, ES cells were injected into a mouse in the hope they would rebuild the animal's damaged knee. Instead, the cells obliterated the knee by stimulating tumor growth. (More recently, an adult stem cell animal study successfully rebuilt joints without causing tumors.)

    Second, using embryonic stem cells as a regenerative treatment--unlike adult stem cells--would introduce foreign tissues into the patient, perhaps stimulating the immune system to reject the tissues. "Therapeutic cloning" is supposed to get around this problem. The complicated procedure would involve the manufacture of cloned embryos of the patient who is to receive the stem cell treatment. The cloned embryos would be developed for one week to the blastocyst stage. At that point, they would be destroyed, and their embryonic stem cells harvested. (To date, researchers have been unable to successfully create cloned human embryos to the blastocyst stage.) These would then be proliferated in culture and eventually injected into the patient, the hope being that the tissues would not be rejected because the DNA from the cloned embryo and that of the patient would be nearly identical.

    THE SEMINAR in which we addressed these and other issues was covered by the Louisville Courier-Journal. The resulting story ("Cloning Opponents to Make Major Push to Ban Research," November 23, 2003) never reported the actual content of our respective presentations. Instead, in a curious journalistic approach, cloning supporters from the Universities of Kentucky and Louisville were quoted extensively rebutting our wholly unreported remarks.

    Most egregiously, despite our having emphasized adult stem cell therapies as an efficacious and less expensive alternative to therapeutic cloning, despite extensive citations referenced by Dr. Prentice from the voluminous successful adult stem cell experiments that have been published in the world's most prestigious peer-reviewed science journals, the Courier-Journal story contained not one word about adult stem cell research. Instead, readers were told that therapeutic cloning is the potential source of "treatments for diseases that afflict more than 100 million Americans," including "replacing malfunctioning neurons in the brain of a Parkinson's patient, adding insulin replacing pancreatic cells in diabetics and infusing muscle cells into the heart damaged by heart attack."

    SADLY, this experience is typical of the establishment media's general approach of either not reporting or under emphasizing adult stem cell research successes.

    The problem being doctrinal--abortion advocates can accept no limitations on the killing of incipient human life.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:53 AM


    How Well Is Bush Doing With His Base Supporters? (Frank Newport, December 5, 2003, Gallup News Service

    This 87% Republican job approval rating for Bush is quite positive compared to the job approval among incumbent presidents' party identifiers in the 10 other elections in which an incumbent was seeking re-election and for which we have party data. It is also positive in comparison to the situations, Harry Truman in 1951 and Lyndon Johnson in 1967, in which the incumbent could have legally sought re-election but chose not to. [...]

    Several things are apparent from an examination of these data:

    -The current president Bush has the highest job approval rating among the members of his party of any of the 12 situations reviewed above, with two exceptions: Dwight Eisenhower in 1955, and Ronald Reagan in 1983. Both of these incumbent Republican presidents had 91% job approval ratings among Republicans in the late fall before their re-election bids. Both of these presidents, of course, went on to win re-election quite handily.

    -Bush's job approval rating among Republicans is clearly higher than the partisan job approval rating for the three presidents who ran and lost in their bids for re-election: 1) Gerald Ford in 1975 (whose job approval rating among Republicans in late 1975 was 60%), 2) Jimmy Carter in 1979 (whose job approval rating in late 1979 among Democrats was 47%), and 3) Bush the elder in 1991 (whose job approval rating among Republicans in late 1991 was 78%).

    -There were several reasons why Truman and Johnson decided not to run for re-election, but the data here make it clear they would have had a difficult time winning re-election had they decided to make the effort; both had job approval ratings among the members of their own party only in the 50% to 60% range.

    -The current President Bush has higher partisan job approval ratings at this point than did four incumbents who managed to win anyway: Bill Clinton in 1995 had 78% approval among Democrats, Richard Nixon in 1971 had 75% among Republicans, Truman in 1947 had 71% among Democrats, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had job approval ratings among Democrats of 84% and 81% in 1939 and 1943, respectively.

    What these numbers show most definitively is that the Buchanacons and libertarians are completely delusional when they imagine any significant defection from the President within the Party.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:37 AM


    US calls for tariff-free world: US Trade Representative Zoellick pushed for the plan (BBC, 26 November, 2002)

    The US government has called for the elimination of all tariffs on manufactured goods under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules.

    The plan would lead to the elimination of all tariffs on industrial and consumer goods by 2015 in an attempt to jump-start global trade talks.

    The proposal, unveiled on Tuesday by US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, would eliminate tariffs on $6 trillion (£3,870bn) worth of non-farm goods.

    It was hilarious today to listen to reports about how George W. Bush had surprised people by revoking the steel tariffs. Did people really think the most pro-free trade president we've ever had was going to start a trade war with fellow democracies?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:26 AM


    Controversial fence proves its worth (Joshua Brilliant, 12/05/03, United Press International)

    Aliza Hazan was thrilled. Three times that afternoon she had walked up and down Netanya's main street from the outdoor cafes by the seashore to a shopping mall near the main entrance to town. They are more than a mile apart.

    Both had been targets of deadly terrorist attacks and Hazan marveled at the city's signs of recovery. "You see more people in the streets! ... All the shops are open! ... People are eating in restaurants!" she said.

    Netanya, a city of 185,000 people north of Tel Aviv, was badly hit during the intifada. There were 14 attacks, a municipal spokesman said. According to a Foreign Ministry casualty list, 43 people were killed and more than 400 were wounded.

    "It was frightening. After every attack, people locked themselves up in their homes," Hazan said. [...]

    The atmosphere changed after Israel built a formidable security barrier, at the edge of the West Bank, 10 miles east of Netanya. [...]

    In Netanya this week, elderly people were relaxing on the benches in the pedestrian mall watching water flow from a lily-shaped fountain. A woman confined to a wheelchair rested her head on the shoulder of a younger woman who brought her there. Cafes were empty but shopkeepers were busy attending customers. A young girl violinist played the tune of a Hebrew song: "Thank you for all you created. ... Because of that I exist."

    The wall is the easy part--the dictating of the borders of the new nation of Palestine. The hard part is to let go and walk away, leaving the Palestinians to determine the direction of that state. But the time is long past to do so.

    December 4, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:55 PM


    Jones will run for GOP nomination to take on Boxer (BETH FOUHY, December 4, 2003, Associated Press)

    Former Secretary of State Bill Jones will become a candidate for the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer next year, aides said Thursday.

    His imminent entrance into the race ends the speculation about Jones' intentions and appears to set a four-person campaign for the Republican nomination between Jones, former Los Altos Hills Mayor Toni Casey, Ventura County Assemblyman Tony Strickland, and former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin, who announced her candidacy earlier this week. [...]

    Many Republicans would like nothing more than to topple the outspoken and proudly liberal Boxer, and polling has showed that she is vulnerable. A Field Poll conducted in October showed only a small plurality of voters - 45 percent to 40 percent - inclined to re-elect Boxer. [...]

    Jones is a conservative on social issues including abortion rights but has sought to downplay those issues during past campaigns, stressing economic issues instead.

    While acknowledging that defeating Boxer will be no small task, California Republicans, buoyed by the election of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in the October recall election, are hoping to translate that success to the Senate contest.

    "The conventional wisdom, which I share, is that Bill Jones goes into the primary with the biggest advantage simply because of name recognition," said Republican strategist Allan Hoffenblum. "But the general election is a different matter, and the question is whether the money is going to be there to have a competitive race next November."

    A re-elect number as low as Ms Boxer's makes you very vulnerable.

    Posted by Paul Jaminet at 10:47 PM


    Just Case, Bad Trend (E.J. Dionne, Washington Post, 12/4/2003)

    We would all be better off if the state of Washington had given Joshua Davey his state scholarship to study theology at an evangelical college.

    Because Davey was denied his scholarship, he sued. Because Davey sued, the U.S. Supreme Court may be forced to make a ruling that unsettles more than it settles in our national argument about religious liberty....

    The Supreme Court ruled last year that the Constitution does not forbid state aid to religious schools through vouchers. But the various state Blaine amendments almost certainly forbid such assistance. The court could use Davey's case to overturn all the Blaine amendments and establish, in effect, a right for all Americans to get government help to attend religious schools.

    Justice Stephen G. Breyer was not exaggerating on Tuesday when he said: "The implications of this case are breathtaking."

    And that's why I wish this case had never arisen. I dislike the Blaine amendments because of their roots in anti-Catholic bigotry. But it seems strange that so many conservatives who revere states' rights would, on this issue, use a federal court to overturn them. If vouchers are to be the order of the day, shouldn't voucher advocates win their battles state by state? And should those who strongly oppose the Supreme Court's overturning of the states' authority to pass laws on abortion in Roe v. Wade turn around and use the same court to impose their view on vouchers?

    E.J. Dionne's opinion as to where this case may lead seems to me quite exaggerated: no "right" to government help will come out of the case, no voucher programs will be forced upon the states because of this case, and the case implicates religious liberty only indirectly. It's really an equal protection case, one of a long train of cases deriving from Brown v. Board of Education. If the free exercise clause of the First Amendment is invoked, it will be because of the application of a principle of nondiscrimination, as with the free speech clause in Rosenberger v Univ of Virginia. Davey is asking the court to declare a person's religious faith, like his skin color, an inappropriate basis for discrimination by the law.

    Conservatives are not being inconsistent to urge the court to apply its "constitutional law" consistently. One can debate whether equal protection and nondiscrimination should be enforced as forcibly as the Court has; but having adopted an expansive approach, the court should apply it consistently, not expansively when this is to the benefit of liberals and narrowly when an expansive approach would benefit conservatives.

    What's interesting to me about Dionne's complaint, though, is that it used to be conservatives who feared where small cases might lead; now liberals are starting to fear a slide down a slippery slope. Conservatives may be doing better in the ideological war than we realize.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 PM


    'A Day Without Yesterday': Georges Lemaitre & the Big Bang (Mark Midbon, March 24, 2000, Commonweal)

    In the winter of 1998, two separate teams of astronomers in Berkeley, California, made a similar, startling discovery. They were both observing supernovae — exploding stars visible over great distances — to see how fast the universe is expanding. In accordance with prevailing scientific wisdom, the astronomers expected to find the rate of expansion to be decreasing, Instead they found it to be increasing — a discovery which has since “shaken astronomy to its core” (Astronomy, October 1999).

    This discovery would have come as no surprise to Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966), a Belgian mathematician and Catholic priest who developed the theory of the Big Bang. Lemaitre described the beginning of the universe as a burst of fireworks, comparing galaxies to the burning embers spreading out in a growing sphere from the center of the burst. He believed this burst of fireworks was the beginning of time, taking place on “a day without yesterday.”

    After decades of struggle, other scientists came to accept the Big Bang as fact. But while most scientists — including the mathematician Stephen Hawking — predicted that gravity would eventually slow down the expansion of the universe and make the universe fall back toward its center, Lemaitre believed that the universe would keep expanding. He argued that the Big Bang was a unique event, while other scientists believed that the universe would shrink to the point of another Big Bang, and so on. The observations made in Berkeley supported Lemaitre’s contention that the Big Bang was in fact “a day without yesterday.” [...]

    If the world has begun with a single quantum, the notions of space and time would altogether fail to have any meaning at the beginning; they would only begin to have a sensible meaning when the original quantum had been divided into a sufficient number of quanta. If this suggestion is correct, the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning of space and time.

    In January 1933, both Lemaitre and Einstein traveled to California for a series of seminars. After the Belgian detailed his theory, Einstein stood up, applauded, and said, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened.”

    Thus, Alpha.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:07 PM


    Democracy's "Friendly Critics" (Paul J. Cella II, 12/4/2003, American Prospect)

    [D]emocracy, historically, has been linked to five things which Nietzsche disdained with a witty unrelenting scorn that was popularized in America by his admirer H.L. Mencken: (1) progress, (2) compassion, (3) equality, (4) Christianity, and (5) peace. Nietzsche's attitude toward the last, Dannhauser said, was rendered by George C. Scott's portrayal of Gen. George Patton in the famous film of the same name, in which Patton exclaims of war: "God help me, I love it!"

    Nietzsche's great value was not his ideals but his candor. To rely on an anachronism, we might say he was endearingly politically incorrect. This age of cant and preening priggishness could prosper by a strong dose of straight talk, and Dannhauser recommended Nietzsche as potent medicine. But the patient could well choke on such a bitter pill. Modern democracy, several panelists agreed, often functions as a program or method of attempting to assimilate irreconcilables. All the cant and catch phrases
    represent a real effort to paper over the failure to accomplish the impossible. For example, many modern democrats imagine that we can simultaneously have prefect personal autonomy -- Prof. Patrick Deneen spoke of an earlier conference at Princeton dedicated to the defense of "voluntary amputation" of "oppressive limbs" -- and thriving community.

    OF COURSE, such a social condition is impossible. If men are perfectly autonomous, they must be empowered to obliterate community by means of their unconstrained choices. If real community is to exist, it must hold real power, whether legal, moral, or merely conventional, to command the assent of its members. The society of perfect individual autonomy is the ideal of the Open Society, in which all questions are open questions. But this is a dreary contradiction. What it really means is that all questions are open questions, except the question of whether all questions are open.

    No society can suffer its very legitimacy to be questioned brazenly and indefinitely, and, in this basic sense, all societies are closed. Even the classical liberal Thomas Babington Macaulay took a sarcastic shot at Socrates, philosophy's hero of the open society: "The more I read him, the less I wonder that they poisoned him."

    Which reminds us of one of the strangest books you'd ever want to read: I. F. Stone's
    Trial of Socrates. In it, Mr. Stone, as near as one can reckon, expresses his regret that he exploited the openness of Cold War America and suggests we'd have been better served by putting him and his ilk to death.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:49 PM


    Middle-class families flee Massachusetts, study finds: High costs, especially housing, could create wide income gap (Jay Fitzgerald, December 4, 2003, Boston Herald)

    "The middle-class flight is a disturbing trend,'' said Ian Bowles executive director of MassINC, a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank that commissioned the study, which was released yesterday.

    "You can certainly see an erosion of competitiveness'' if the middle-class migration continues, said Michael Goodman, the study's co-author and an economist at the University of Massachusetts' Donahue Institute.

    Middle-class families are the "bedrock of community life'' with strong roots here, the report says. "We let these vital contributors to our communities and our economy slip away at the Commonwealth's peril.''

    Over the past 12 years, the study found, there was a net "domestic migration'' from Massachusetts of 213,191 residents, many of them Bay State natives moving to sunny climates or lower-cost New England states. [...]

    New Hampshire was the No. 2 destination, with a net 78,201 heading there during the same time period. The migration pace to New Hampshire has dramatically increased in the past few years, the report said. [...]

    Goodman said people fleeing the state tend to be middle-class families with children, with workers less likely to be managers or professionals. They're well-educated, but usually don't have the advanced graduate degrees held by more mobile professionals coming into the state, the report said.

    Once we teach them some manners--like not using their car horns--they're actually decent folk.

    Posted by David Cohen at 9:44 PM


    Utah Polygamist Invokes Ruling on Gay Sex (Mark Thiessen, AP, 12/1/03)

    The nation's high court in June struck down a Texas sodomy law, ruling that what gay men and women do in the privacy of their homes is no business of government.

    It's no different for polygamists, argued Tom Green's attorney, John Bucher, to the Utah Supreme Court.

    "It doesn't bother anyone, (and with) no compelling state interest in what you do in your own home with consenting adults, you should be allowed to do so," Bucher said. . . .

    Besides his five-year sentence, he faces up to life in prison after being convicted of child rape for having sex with one of his five wives when she was 13.

    I see his point.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:43 PM

    IT ENDED IN 1914 (via Mike Daley):

    The end of the west: Europe is no longer the centre of the world - the future belongs to the might of Asia (Martin Jacques, December 4, 2003, The Guardian)

    Throughout the cold war, Europe was the centre of the world. The global fault line ran through the heart of Europe. In the face of the Soviet threat, the world's most powerful country, the United States, felt that it must act in concert with western Europe, in an organic alliance, the western alliance, that gave rise to the modern notion of "the west". The communist threat persuaded the US to subordinate, at least in part, its own identity and interests to that of "the west". The revolutions of 1989, which brought the cold war to an end and transformed the physiognomy of global politics, were exclusively European events. In reality, though, the cold war served to exaggerate Europe's true position in the world and mask its underlying decline; 1989 was the last time that Europe was the centre of global affairs. Ever since, its star has been on the wane. That fact alone is a portent of the world that is now slowly taking shape.

    Let's not get carried away here--during the Cold War we thought Europe would make a nice battlefield. It was hardly a vital partner.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 PM


    A Piece of Chalk (G.K. Chesterton, November 4, 1905, Daily News)

    I remember one splendid morning, all blue and silver, in the summer holidays when I reluctantly tore myself away from the task of doing nothing in particular, and put on a hat of some sort and picked up a walking stick, and put six very bright coloured chalks in my pocket. I then went into the kitchen (which, along with the rest of the house, belonged to a very square and sensible old woman in a Sussex village), and asked the owner and occupant of the kitchen if she had any brown paper. She had a great deal; in fact, she had too much; and she mistook the purpose and the rationale of the existence of brown paper. She seemed to have an idea that if a person wanted brown paper he must be wanting to tie up parcels; which was the last thing I wanted to do; indeed, it is a thing which I have found to be beyond my mental capacity. Hence she dwelt very much on the varying qualities of toughness and endurance in the material. I explained to her that I only wanted to draw pictures on it, and that I did not want them to endure in the least; and that from my point of view, therefore, it was a question, not of tough consistency, but of responsive surface, a thing comparatively irrelevant in a parcel. When she understood that I wanted to draw she offered to overwhelm me with note paper.

    I then tried to explain the rather delicate logical shade, that I not only liked brown paper, but liked the quality of brownness in paper, just as I like the quality of brownness in October woods, or in beer. Brown paper represents the primal twilight of the first toil of creation, and with a bright coloured chalk or two you can pick out points of fire in it, sparks of gold, and blood red, and sea green, like the first fierce stars that sprang out of divine darkness. All this I said (in an off hand way) to the old woman; and I put the brown paper in my pocket along with the chalks, and possibly other things. I suppose every one must have reflected how primeval and how poetical are the things that one carries in one's pocket; the pocket knife, for instance, the type of all human tools, the infant of the sword. Once I planned to write a book of poems entirely about things in my pockets. But I found it would be too long; and the age of the great epics is past.

    With my stick and my knife, my chalks and my brown paper, I went out on to the great downs. . .

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:53 PM


    Democracy from scratch:
    One Baghdad neighborhood's halting steps toward self-rule (Howard LaFranchi, 12/05/03, The Christian Science Monitor )

    "The good Lord knows we've screwed this thing up from the get-go, but He also knows every one of us has our heart in the right place, and I think the Iraqis feel that, too," says Maj. Paul Gass, a tireless liaison between the Sadr district council and the American authorities. "We all want to help the Iraqis build something better than what they're coming out of, that's why it can be so upsetting when there's a setback. Sometimes it can seem so slow going."

    In Baghdad, American authorities created nine district councils like Sadr City's, with representatives sent by 88 neighborhood advisory councils. The district councils, in turn, sent representatives to the Baghdad City Advisory Council to work with the American administration, under US administrator Paul Bremer, on everything from creating a new Baghdad police force to refurbishing schools and collecting trash. Similar advisory councils have been set up across the country.

    But the underlying idea behind a pyramidic local-governance system - in Baghdad's case, one involving more than 800 Iraqi representatives - is to instill the principles of representative democracy in a country accustomed to dictatorship.

    "The point of these councils is to move the country from a top-down system where everything was ordered and based on oppression to one where ordinary Iraqis take on the task of representing citizens, not controlling them," says Imad Jonaby, an Iraqi-American assigned by the Research Triangle Institute (RTI), contracted by the Pentagon, to work on governance issues in Sadr City. "It's a test for democracy. Can it work here?" he asks.

    In Sadr City, the district council is beginning to tackle some key local issues, like price gouging by propane cooking-gas distributors, sewage service, and school security. But at the meeting last week to elect a new chairman, progress seems slow. After a moment of silence for the fallen chairman, council members hear a long apology for Kaabi's death.

    Calling the killing a "tragic event," Maj. George Sarabia tells the council that Kaabi's death "represents a great loss for the family, the community, and the people of Iraq." The director of community relations and psychological operations for the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment camped at Sadr City goes on to say that, while an investigation into the death is ongoing, "I can assure you the coalition is moving toward a fair settlement."

    Then Major Sarabia, a gentle Texan from Houston, reminds the council members - who range from tribal leaders in robes and headdress to shop owners and teachers - that even while the investigation continues, they have work to do. "The welfare of more than 2 million people depends on the leadership in this room," he says. "It's very important [that your] voice represents the needs of Sadr City."

    Before the election of a new chairman, Major Gass reads from a new citywide procedural manual that gives the steps of the nomination and election processes. The University of Houston teacher and resident of Humble, Texas, pauses frequently to allow an interpreter to repeat in Arabic the rules of order he is explaining. By the end of the session, a new chairman has been elected, and the council chamber - a stark room with plastic patio chairs - has been named in honor of the fallen Kaabi.

    Yet despite the small steps, some see progress. Farhan Gabbar is one member who finds the council system "a good experience for the Iraqi people." Uncomplaining as he sits in a sliver of an office poring over job applications with only a small window behind him for light, Mr. Gabbar says, "It's a new kind of democracy, something unknown but exciting for us."

    Perhaps your view of the war ultimately depends on whether you think it will have been worthwhile to provide these folks the opportunity to build a democratic society, even if they fail.

    Meanwhile, if critics are right and it was all about the oil, we won already.

    Posted by Paul Jaminet at 6:49 PM


    Europe and America: A Cultural Divide? (Russell A. Berman, Hoover Digest, Fall 2003)

    [W]hen asked to choose between the freedom to pursue one’s goals without state interference and, alternatively, the power of the state to guarantee that nobody is in need, 58 percent of Americans opted for freedom. The results in Europe are very different. In no European country was there majority support for individual freedom as opposed to the power of the state. In Great Britain, only 33 percent chose freedom, in France 36 percent, in Italy 24 percent, and in Germany 39 percent. Interestingly, the importance of individual freedom attracts greater approval in parts of the developing world than in Western Europe: Guatemala is at 61 percent, Ghana at 63 percent, Nigeria at 61 percent, India at 53 percent, and Pakistan at 61 percent—levels of support for freedom that put Europe to shame. On this issue so crucial to the relationship between state and economy, American individualist attitudes are closer to the rest of the world than is the European trust in the role of the state.

    I'm helping my niece prepare for the SAT's, and this suggests a reading comprehension question. Supplement the above information with the fact that the 9/11 terrorists spent much of their lives in Europe. The author is suggesting that Europe is to wickedness as:
    (A) An African swamp in the rainy season is to malaria.
    (B) Happy hour in a college dorm on the last day of finals is to vomit in rest rooms.
    (C) The wicked witch of the west is to flying monkeys.
    (D) Ted Kennedy is to the death of chivalry.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:17 PM


    Black voters divided on candidates (Brian DeBose, 12/03/03, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

    With the primary season less than two months away, black voters have yet to unite behind a single Democratic challenger to President Bush — something that hasn't happened in 20 years.

    The mass indecision of black voters at this point in the campaign season hasn't occurred since 1984, when the Rev. Jesse Jackson ran a strong campaign in the Democratic primary, political analysts say. The expectation that the Congressional Black Caucus would set the tone for which Democratic candidate to support is waning, with the 39 caucus members equally fractured.

    More than half the members of the caucus have withheld their endorsements; another 16 have dispersed them among eight of the nine candidates in the field. Usually at this time in the election cycle a majority swell of support is evident among black voters.

    The point being that it's awfully hard to see how a Howard Dean or a Dick Gephardt energizes black voters for the general election in the way that a Bill Clinton did.

    Posted by John Resnick at 5:01 PM


    That Kyoto Is A Fraud - (Owen McShane, 12/4/2003, Centre For Resource Mngmnt. Studies)

    You might think that a policy issue which puts at stake hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of global output would arouse at least the casual interest of the world's economics and finance ministries. You would be wrong. Global warming and the actions contemplated to mitigate it could well involve costs of that order. Assessing the possible scale of future greenhouse-gas emissions, and hence of man-made global warming, involves economic forecasts and economic calculations. Those forecasts and calculations will in turn provide the basis for policy on the issue. Yet governments have been content to leave these questions to a body - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - which appears to lack the necessary expertise. The result is all too likely to be bad policy, at potentially heavy cost to the world economy.

    Mr. McShane handles what he calls the "14 Frauds of the Kyoto Protocol" so deftly that even us "non-science" majors can get it.

    Posted by David Cohen at 11:59 AM


    I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.
    Thomas Jefferson, as quoted by James Pinkerton in Tech Central Station. Thanks to Paul Cella for the pointer.

    This quote, apparently inscribed into the Jefferson Memorial, is the glory and the tragedy of the United States rolled into one. The whole American project is the world's most (only?) successful radical revolution. Almost the entirety of our history as a nation, from colonization through revolution through industrialization through the civil war through manifest destiny through the World Wars through the civil rights movement, has cemented in our souls a theory of inevitable Progress and a belief that Inevitable Progress is Good.

    And progress has been good, as who can deny. (Hi, Orrin)

    Nevertheless, the theory of Inevitable Progress is pernicious and we are, right now, suffering from it. One cannot read Goodridge, the Massachusetts gay marriage case, without coming away with the sense that the Court believes that this change is inevitable. In the past marriage was closed and in the future it will be open, and Progress requires that we move it along, doing our small part in a vast historical enterprise.

    Once we recognize this thought, we see it every where. How many changes are urged upon us on the grounds that some institution has been changed in the past and Progress demands that we continue the process? We must open up marriage, we must further reduce discrimination, we must widen the scope of our civil rights, we must broaden Medicaid to include prescription drugs, etc. Much of our politics has now come down to "our parents did X and our children will do Z, so we are obliged to do Y." Doesn't this explain the relatively muted reaction to Goodridge? We all knew it was inevitable, so why not get it over with.

    More recently, we've started to work the theory backward. If some trend can be seen to have increased over time, we call it Progress. The seemingly inevitable loosening of television standards, to take a miner example, is Progress, with each new televised transgression applauded by the critics as "cutting edge" entertainment. Increasing sexual promiscuity is Progress. The increasing number of instances in which human life can be taken, is Progress. Swing is progress from Jazz; Rock is progress from Swing; and Rap is progress from Rock. (The process does have its limits. No one thinks that Disco was Progress.)

    We hear this theory propounded all the time. Whenever a President says that our greatness is just beginning, he is speaking of Inevitable Progress. When people speak about the coming American century, both now and 100 years ago, they are speaking of Inevitable Progress. When people speak of lifespans of 140 years, or living on the Moon, or transferring our consciousness to computers, they are really saying that our ancesters lived 35 years if they were lucky, our parents will live 70 years unless they're unlucky and so our kids should live for ever.

    In some ways, our belief in Inevitable Progress is human. Humans always believe that a trend, once identified, will continue undisturbed. We're always drawing lines through past events and projecting them confidently into the future. People in stagnant societies draw their line and assume nothing will change. Americans are among the few that can look at their entire history and say, "things have always gotten better, so they will always get better."

    We have now taken this human trait, however, and made it uniquely American. Because our government is more thought experiment than historical tradition, we feel free to change the thought behind it. We have now taken our observation of improvement over time (a debatable observation, but one common to both conservatives and liberals), developed a theory of Inevitable Progress and made it our governing principle. What else does it mean to say that our centuries old founding document is a "living Constitution"?

    And thus the definition of an American conservative as someone who stands athwart History yelling stop. The very definition embodies the idea of doomed opposition to Inevitable Progress and by doing so implies that true conservatism is unAmerican. And yet, I still believe. Not all movement is progress. Trends don't continue on forever, life without measure. We are not simply a bridge between the glorious past and an even more glorious future. The future is not always better than the past. If a little is good, it doesn't follow that more is better. Americans can no more foresee the future than could the Romans or the Greeks or the Goths.

    I see the train a'comin, but all I can do is stand on the tracks yelling stop.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:58 AM


    Democracy Cannot Coexist with Bush's Failed Doctrine of Preventive War (Benjamin R. Barber, December 3, 2003, Los Angeles Times)

    The problem for the administration, already clear from the cries of "hypocrisy!" with which his "freedom strategy" is being met in some quarters, is that there is a startling gap between the president's welcome rhetoric about democracy and a policy that allows for unilateral
    invasion of other countries when the U.S. feels threatened, whether or not it has actually been attacked. It is this tension between democratization and preventive war that is at issue in Iraq.

    Bush noted in his speech that democracy spread in the late 20th century because dictatorships collapsed from within or were overthrown by people demanding their liberty, just as the United States seized its freedom from the British in the 18th century. Yet in Iraq, the U.S. is trying to
    impose democracy at the barrel of a gun. But we cannot logically be an ardent advocate of the internal struggle for democracy and at the same time assert our unilateral right to invade enemies of our own choosing.

    Why? Are we threatening to invade democracies? If not, if we're threatening to invade tyrannies and give them the opportunity to recreate their states as democracies, then where's the conflict? How is what we're doing now any different from what we did to Japan, Germany, France, Grenada, Nicaragua, Panama, etc.?

    At a time when many people are saying terribly silly things, this might be the silliest so far.

    Preemption, democracy and liberty -- the ultimate cause (Ross Mackenzie, December 4, 2003, Townhall)

    Many have derided President Bush as a stupid, aimless rich boy. Whether that critique is true, this is: Sept. 11 left him a man transformed. His administration is driven by two doctrines revolutionary in intellectually arthritic Washington: preemptive war and the expansion of democracy's realm. Both doctrines serve America's long-term interests, but principally to the extent that they serve liberty.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:35 AM


    DeGaulle and the new anti-Semitism (Jonathan Eric Lewis, November 28, 2003, Israeli Insider)

    [O]ne only needs to look to Paris thirty-six years ago to begin to understand the fact that the 'new anti-Semitism' has been around for quite some time and may have its origins in the ill-chosen words of one of Europe's best-known statesmen.

    Following the stunning Israeli in the Six Day War and the inability of France to influence events in the region, French President Charles DeGaulle deliberately ushered in a new era of anti-Semitism on November 28, 1967, when he asserted in a press conference that Jews, through the ages had been, "an elite people, self-confident, and domineering" and alleged that the Jewish people had been responsible for "provoking ill-will in certain countries and at certain times." This, of course, was a political ploy designed to gain France the sympathy of an Arab world seething with anger and disbelief at stunning Israeli military victories that cost them east Jerusalem, the Sinai, Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. It was not the first time in twentieth-century French history that anti-Semitism would be exploited for political gain. Given DeGaulle's first-hand knowledge of Vichy France, he should have known better. But, in an attempt to win friends in the Arab world, he chose expediency over principle. [...]

    France, of course, once again finds itself increasingly isolated in the world and unable to influence events in the Middle East to its liking. Despite the bluster of French diplomats, Paris was neither able to prevent the American/British liberation of Iraq, nor was it able to shape a post-war strategy for the international community. More to the point, France no longer has a friend in Iraq in the guise of Saddam Hussein and will not likely be looked at favorably by the Shi'a and Kurdish dominated government that is likely to emerge in mid-2004. France is losing influence and support in both the Ivory Coast and Mauritania, two Francophone countries that may shift their foreign policies closer to the United States in the years ahead. As French influence fades, anti-Semitism resurfaces.

    The 'new' anti-Semitism, particularly in France, thus must not be seen merely as an imported ideology from North African Muslim immigrants, but also as a product of both the French Left's anti-Zionism and the political repercussions of DeGaulle's fateful speech. In 1967 as in 2000, French anti-Semitism was a response to the inability of French diplomacy to influence the Middle East.

    Pity the poor French, with their delusions of grandeur, forced to recognize that a young, tiny, and embattled nation like Israel is their military superior.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:24 AM


    Japan a step closer to Southeast Asia (Suvendrini Kakuchi, 12/05/03, Asia Times)

    A landmark agreement that Japan will sign with Southeast Asian countries next week paves the way for wider free trade and cooperation, marking what analysts say is a significant step toward East Asian unity.

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Japan Commemorative Summit, to be held on December 11-12, is expected to lead to a "Tokyo Declaration" that will focus on the idea of an East Asian community and an East Asia Free Trade Area. The agreement would mark the culmination of years of discussion toward a multilateral free trade agreement (FTA) that would extend a legal framework to the already deep economic ties between Japan and Southeast Asia.

    "The upcoming agreement is definitely a plus for Japan, the leading investor in Asia," says Mamoru Kobayashi, an expert on Southeast Asia at the prestigious Mitsubishi Research Institute. While the broad-based action plan to be discussed during the summit includes key sectors such as financial market integration, economic stability, education, technical training and security, much of the focus has been on an ASEAN plan to forge a free trade pact with Japan by 2012.

    ASEAN, Southeast Asia's key diplomatic grouping, comprises Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

    We should try to get an agreement between NAFTA and them, with Australia, Russia, and India thrown into the mix too.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:55 AM


    Deflating inflation (Alan Reynolds, December 4, 2003, Townhall)

    "Some Fear Inflation Is Ready for a Comeback," or so says the headline of a Wall Street Journal story by Ken Brown. Only six months ago, I felt obliged to debunk deflation scares that were in vogue at the time. Now we are suddenly being urged to worry about inflation. Do things really change that quickly, or do journalists just have to keep discovering something new for us to worry about?

    As with the deflation scare earlier this year, the inflation stories in the popular press don't hold up too well on close examination.

    In a pretty much globalized economy, why isn't it this simple: if you raise your prices people will switch from buying what you sell to one of your rivals who hasn't raised their prices?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


    Judicial Tyranny? (Ann Coulter, December 4, 2003,

    It would be nice to return to our federalist system of government with three equal branches of government and 50 states, but one branch refuses to live within that system. How about taking our chances with a president and the Congress? Two branches are better than one.

    There may be practical difficulties with the president and the states ignoring the court's abortion rulings -- though there's nothing unlawful about following the Constitution and I for one would love to see it. But there is absolutely no excuse for the Massachusetts legislature jumping when Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall says "jump."

    Marshall, immigrant and wife of New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis, has recently proclaimed a right to gay marriage for all of Massachusetts. She has further demanded that the legislature rewrite the law in accordance with her wishes. One imagines Marshall leaping off the boat at Ellis Island and announcing: "I know just what this country needs! Anthony! Stop defending Pol Pot for five minutes and get me on a court!"

    Granted, one can imagine how a woman married to the likes of Anthony Lewis might long for the sanctuary of a same-sex union. But that's no reason to foist it on Massachusetts.

    Ms. Marshall has as much right to proclaim a right to gay marriage from the Massachusetts Supreme Court as I do to proclaim it from my column. The Massachusetts legislature ought to ignore the court's frivolous ruling -- and cut the justices' salaries if they try it again.

    Hard to find a button unpushed here.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


    Before the Deluge: All of us have a sexual orientation that bends toward the self. (Andy Crouch, December 2003, Christianity Today)

    [W]hat is the meaning of sexuality? Is it, like so much in consumer culture, an opportunity to define my identity by carefully excavating, and duly satisfying, my individual preferences? (The ostensibly heterosexual plot lines of Sex and the City, which has several gay writers on its staff, are pristine expressions of this view of sex. It is no coincidence that the
    series is ending now that its star has had a child.) Or is sexuality, whether expressed in intimacy or reserved in chastity, less a matter of finding myself than offering myself, less about satisfaction than servanthood?

    Second, what are human beings? Are we fundamentally good creatures whose desires are implicitly to be trusted? Or are we both victims and perpetrators of rebellion against our own good, persistently deceived and deceiving?

    Beneath these questions hides the third and ultimate question of our time, the goodness (not the existence) of God. Is God for us? Is God distant, cruel, or both, leaving us to do the best we can to provide for ourselves? Or does God suffer with us in our passions, longings, and yearnings--even and especially those that come from the most fragile reaches of our hearts?

    I have accompanied many friends through these questions. Some of these friends would usually be described as "homosexual." But the more I have faced these questions, and the more deeply I come to know my friends and myself, the less I believe that "homosexual" is the right word. Humankind is not divided into "heterosexuals" and "homosexuals." Rather, we are "sexuals," people created for union with another, in the image of a relational God. And all of us have a sexual orientation that bends toward
    self, that tends toward self-justification, and that hides from a God we fear is not good enough to satisfy us.

    So much has always been true--and relatively few people care (or have ever cared) what you do in privacy, so long as you have the sense of shame to keep it hidden from God and the rest of us. But now we have the strange phenomenon of folk insisting that society sanction their own selfish predilections.

    Cosmo Says No to Sex: A cheerleader of the sexual revolution has second thoughts. (Julia Magnet, 27 October 2003, City Journal)

    British Cosmo, purveyors of weekly sex “confessions” and such articles as HAVING SEX AT THE CIRCUS WAS SUCH A THRILL, has launched a campaign against “soulless” sex—a campaign that seems not to apply to the rest of the magazine, however. Lamenting “McSex” in her October editor’s letter, Lorraine Candy worries: “But what about your emotions, self-esteem and, most importantly, your orgasms?” Modern sex, after all—its purpose and its meaning—is about nothing more than you and your quest for the good orgasm. Cosmo’s three pieces on soulless sex continue in this clueless vein. They resolutely refuse to discuss the sexual revolution as part of the problem—except to insist lamely that they don’t want to return to the “prejudiced” and oppressive environment in which “our mothers” lived. They seem oblivious to the role that such cheerleaders of the sexual revolution as Cosmo, with features like THE SECRET SEX FETISH YOU DIDN’T KNOW YOU HAD, played in creating the perpetual one-night stand. Each article treats soul-less sex simply as a recent trend that came out of nowhere, like a fashion craze. Candy’s editor’s letter, for example, equates the “new and worrying trend of soulless sex” with wearing stiletto heels that are fashionable but uncomfortable.

    But these adamantly non-judgmental pieces draw a bleak vision of British girls’ lives. One 27-year-old announces from a club, “I’ve never had an orgasm and I’m on a mission to get one. . . . I’m not sure how many men I’ve had sex with; perhaps about forty.” Another wonders, the morning after, “maybe sex would be better in a relationship?” And a 22-year-old looks back on her catalogue of one night stands and sighs, “I’ve only had an orgasm with about a third of the men I had sex with; and sometimes it was actively unpleasant.”

    The author opines that every Friday night, “women will be having sex, and perhaps not getting the orgasms the deserve.” This is the sum of her insight. On the next page, Cosmo’s advice columnist rightly worries about the emotional consequences of impersonal sex but balks any cultural or moral judgment. The final article in the package, by a woman who runs a fashionable internet sex/porn site dedicated to allowing women to “express their sexuality as freely as men,” opines that one night stands can only work if you don’t expect a relationship and know how to “demand” to be fulfilled. Throughout the articles, Cosmo revels in its role in allowing women to “explore their sexuality,” its centrality to women’s liberation—as if the magazine that produces how-to articles on oral sex or on toning muscles and burning more calories while having sex wouldn’t produce a society that divorces sex from love and commitment.

    But it is significant that even Cosmo has second thoughts about where we’ve arrived in the sexual revolution. And no wonder. The UK, where I live, is, to American eyes, a remarkably debauched society.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


    Europe's Vision of Unity Meets Headwinds (RICHARD BERNSTEIN, 12/03/03, NY Times)

    [T]he European Union, which started with just six countries, will become a 25-member club bringing most of the former East Bloc states, including Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Hungary, into its democratic, free-trade embrace. Still, as the enlargement approaches, the group has been enmeshed in a host of arguments, small and large, stemming from one common root, experts say.

    "The basic, central conflict has to do with the distribution of power between the big and the small states," said William Drozdiak, director of the Trans-Atlantic Center of the German Marshall Fund, a research organization.

    "The danger is that what you'll end up with after enlargement is a glorified customs union," he added. "All the pretense of a common European defense and security policy would fall apart, and you'll see more and more the big countries just getting together to create coalitions of the willing to do things on their own. That's where we're heading."

    Why be concerned? That's the best possible option.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:29 AM


    God and Man in Baghdad (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, 12/04/03, NY Times)

    Are you sitting down?

    We've encountered many surprises since we invaded Iraq, but now that the political process is under way the biggest surprise may be just around the corner, and it's this: The first post-Saddam democratic government that the U.S. gives birth to in Iraq may be called the Islamic Republic of Iraq — and that's not necessarily a bad thing. I told you to sit down.

    Mr. Friedman is ostensibly the pre-eminent voice of elite America on foreign affairs, but he's just now figuring out that a Shi'ite Republic is coming to Iraq? That it's a good thing? And he thinks the rest of us didn't figure that out some time last year?

    December 3, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 PM


    How the White House Fooled NPR (Jeffrey A. Dvorkin/Ombudsman, December 3, 2003 , National Public Radio)

    [Don] Gonyea and other journalists have said that they recognize that secrecy and deception may have been the only way to safely pull this trip to Baghdad off, but, he notes:

    There are legitimate questions to be raised as to whether or not this is an appropriate reason for such a deception. This was not about national security, or keeping a military operation a secret.

    Ron Elving is NPR’s senior Washington editor. He agrees with Gonyea that this was a highly political and partisan event:

    My own feeling is that it raises a fundamental question when the president and his staff can lie about his whereabouts. If it's supposed to be okay under special circumstances... who's to say which circumstances? This was not a matter of national security, of defending the nation or of defending the president himself. It was done to make possible a photo op. Great as PR. Sketchy as stewardship of the office. [...]

    Exactly what the media was told may have gone relatively unnoticed in the United States, but a number of overseas journalists contacted me to ask how the American media could allow this to happen without a more vigorous protest.

    Typical was an e-mail from Joao Baptista Natali, a reporter with the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paolo:

    For journalists outside the U.S., it seems that this fact was just an extra stone in a solid consensus wall that government and media have been building together after Sept. 11.

    That consensus wall seems unconscionably high to many journalists, both inside and outside the United States. But many domestic commentators disagree. One opined that this "was the only way the president could fulfill a great presidential tradition (of) serving food to troops under the present circumstances, so the deception was justified."

    More worrisome is that it also seems to evoke another less venerable but longstanding presidential tradition -- that of deceiving the press. NPR and other media need to make sure we won’t get fooled again.

    When the Constitution refers to a free press, does it say that the subjects the media covers are required to hand them stories for free? If NPR did a lousy job covering the President, not even realizing he'd left the country, they should look at their own performance not try and shift blame.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 PM


    CIA 'Jane Bond' breaks cover (Alec Russell, 04/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

    The CIA spy at the centre of a row over allegations that the White House endangered national security by leaking her identity appears to have undermined her supporters' case by appearing in Vanity Fair.

    Valerie Plame and her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador, are pictured in next month's edition looking glamorous in their Jaguar car.

    Sunglasses and a headscarf provide the only disguise for the woman the celebrity magazine calls "the most famous female spy in America".

    Just two months ago Mr Wilson said his wife had authorised him to say that she would "rather chop off her right hand than say anything to the press and she will not allow herself to be photographed".

    The Palmes desperately bid for a 16th minute...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 PM


    US doubles Morocco military aid: The US wants North African nations to be firm against terrorism (BBC, 12/03/03)

    US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said the US is to double military aid to Morocco, on a visit to the kingdom.

    US economic aid will be boosted four-fold over the coming years - a reward for Morocco's support in the US-led war against terror. [...]

    Earlier, Mr Powell congratulated Moroccan King Mohammed VI on what he called bold political reforms.

    He thanked the Muslim leader for his support of US policy in Iraq and efforts to solve the conflict in the Middle East.

    Mr Powell said Morocco and the US shared the same vision of Israeli and Palestinian states coexisting peacefully.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 PM


    You Can Bet on Idea Markets: Forget the brouhaha over the Pentagon's futures market on terrorism. By gathering collective wisdom, idea markets can improve your forecasting, knowledge management, and decision making. (Ajit Kambil, December 1, 2003, Harvard Business School Weekly)

    In July 2003, idea markets made an unexpected appearance in the headlines as the Pentagon was taken to task for its plan to use one to help pinpoint potential terrorism targets. The market would have allowed participants to trade opinions on where terrorists were most likely to strike in much the same way as one trades securities or commodities in other markets. Officials believed they could learn something worthwhile from the relative value that traders placed on different targets.

    Unfortunately, these plans did not sit well with many lawmakers, who saw a market built around terrorist strikes as highly unseemly and a means to provide ideas to terrorists. And so the project was scrapped. Nevertheless, the Pentagon's plans show just how prominent idea markets are becoming in real-world applications. [...]

    Idea markets have been used effectively outside the corporate world for more than fifteen years. Since 1988, the Iowa Electronic Markets have predicted presidential election outcomes more accurately than traditional polls 75 percent of the time. Similarly, the Hollywood Stock Exchange has forecast Oscar winners more effectively than even the most seasoned media critics seven years running.

    Today, more and more companies are taking note of these results. [...]

    Here are three steps that managers need to take to put an idea market into organizational practice:

    Step 1: Tap into strategically important but difficult-to-measure customer behaviors [...]

    Step 2: Unlock knowledge to tackle organization-wide challenges [...]

    Step 3: Exploit markets to gain buy-in from customers and managers

    Admiral Poindexter was right about the Contras too.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:48 AM


    From Biology to Biography (William Hurlbut, Fall 2003, New Atlantis)

    Nearly sixty years ago the eminent geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky noted that “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” Today, it is becoming increasingly evident that what is true of biology in general is also true of the science of human life. With the sequencing of the human genome and recent advances in our understanding of developmental biology, we are gaining a greater appreciation of the unbroken lineage and intricate interrelation of the whole of living nature. Yet as evolutionary theory has become the unifying principle of interpretation of the organic world, it has raised difficult questions about the source and significance of human life, questions that challenge our traditional concepts of the human person. [...]

    In its fullest expression, evolutionary psychology is a theory about the origins of the human mind. It assumes that all human behavior, like that of animals, is directed toward competitive advantage in the evolutionary struggle of life. Just as evolution has shaped our anatomy and physiology for optimal performance, natural selection has shaped our behavior. The crucial filter for preservation is not mere survival but “inclusive fitness”: success in getting our genes into the next generation and beyond. Evolutionary psychology claims that a wide array of adaptive psychological mechanisms have been preserved, ranging from specifics of social interaction to inclinations in mate choice. These adaptations extend beyond the realm of survival and reproduction into the most subtle manifestations of aesthetic preference, religious practice, and moral judgment.

    As a statement about human nature, evolutionary psychology challenges our most fundamental concepts of freedom, morality, and spiritual purpose. The individual is subsumed within a larger impersonal process of genetic proliferation; reproduction is the “sole goal for which human beings are designed, everything else is a means to that end.” This concept reaches its most extreme expression in Richard Dawkins’ idea of the “Selfish Gene,” where an organism is simply a “robot vehicle,” the gene’s way of making another gene. Genes are our true masters and human beings are at best unwitting accomplices or, indeed, victims in a process without purpose. Although such ideas are an exaggerated form of determinism, their practical effect is, like moral relativism, the justification of any type of behavior. Behavior that seems altruistic is only slightly veiled genetic self-interest—whether “kinship selection” (helping your genetic relatives) or “reciprocal altruism” (hoping to get something in return). As the author Robert Wright starkly puts it: “the question may be whether, after the new Darwinism takes root, the word moral can be anything but a joke.”

    The extensions of evolutionary theory expressed in these perspectives represent an extreme form of naturalism. The practical effect of this approach is to reduce all human behaviors to value-neutral adaptations and to deny the personal significance of mind and moral culture. Categories of good and evil are seen as functional fictions generated for social cohesion, and human freedom is considered an illusion useful to justify the legislation and enforcement of responsible behavior. Motivations are opaque to any introspective or intellectual inquiry, and reason is recognized as a tool of adaptation, not a rational calculator or moral guide. Individual crimes, though socially unacceptable, are from the perspective of evolutionary goals fully understandable; so are broader social crimes like genocide or eugenics. All of life is seen as a dynamic of power and self-promotion, a ruthless competition without mercy or moral meaning. Nietzsche had warned us: “To be natural is to dare to be as immoral as nature is.”

    Although proponents of evolutionary psychology often disclaim the deeper implications of their ideas and call on us to rise above the process of our origins, their theory leaves little room for either the freedom or the motivation to do so. [...]

    Although evolutionary accounts often stress the contingency of development, it is more likely that the earliest phases of life were highly determined by specific conditions and constraints. Only certain combinations of chemicals with particular properties could form the structural and functional elements necessary for the continuity of life. These few, highly constrained, specific molecular elements in turn became the foundation on which all further complexity had to develop in coordinated and complementary integration. Looking back over nearly four billion years of evolution, it is astonishing to realize that these early life forms set the platform for an increasing flexibility and freedom within the phenomenon of life.

    At its primary level, freedom within nature is prefigured as a widening range of possibilities. The most basic way this capacity for freedom expresses itself biologically is at the level of mutation. These variations within the coding sequence of DNA create a diversity of potentially adaptive phenotypes that are essentially biological experiments. This strategy works very well in rapidly reproducing organisms. A single bacterium, which has a limited ability to adjust to a changing environment, can produce tens of thousands of varied offspring within a few hours. This allows an adaptive radiation of new forms in response to circumstances of adversity. Such a capability does not just ensure stability and continuity; it creates an exploratory edge that extends the realm of life into a greater range of environmental conditions.

    While early life forms adapted through mutation and reproduction, more complex systems soon evolved that allowed individual organisms to adjust to changing environmental conditions. At the most basic level, this “freedom” originated with an increasing range of vital powers of awareness and action. With the earliest emergence of brains more than 500 million years ago, the limited capacities of selective perception and locomotion in simple organisms were transcended by new programs of integrated organismal response, innate reflex arcs of nerves and muscles triggered by external stimuli. These in turn allowed the extension of life into more varied and challenging environments. Whereas the oceans had provided a more or less stable chemical context and constant temperature, the ascent to dry land required more complex regulation of body water and temperature, but in the process opened a vast new range of opportunities for the extension of life. It also led to the refinement of integrated motor and endocrine systems—a transformation that formed the biological basis of the emotions.

    The emergence of affective life aided survival but also pointed beyond it. Emotions had their evolutionary origins in the physiological processes of body regulation: the postural and visceral changes that place the organism in a condition of readiness of response. Emotion means, literally, “to move away.” But within this rising scale of feeling and self-awareness, sensory perception and action became more complex; the organism developed a more integrated “inner” sense of subjective feelings and appetites. The philosopher of biology Hans Jonas considers this the essence of animal life: “[The animal] emancipates itself from its immersion in blind organic function and takes over an office of its own: its functions are the emotions. Animal being is thus essentially passionate being.” The unconscious process of plant life becomes the inner awareness and purposeful desire of animal life.

    This legacy of our animal ancestors is preserved in human beings while transcended by voluntary intentional actions, guided by new powers of associative memory, analytic reason, and conscious aspiration. These capacities further extend the trajectory of freedom within the phenomenon of life. What began in the earliest life forms as chance mutation played out against the constraints of chemical properties has, through the course of evolution, progressed to adaptive indeterminacy and integrated purposeful being.

    This entire evolutionary process of creative extension, stretching forth to ever increasing degrees of freedom, reflects the interplay of possibilities and potencies within living matter. Freedom emerges in response to the opportunities of nature, reflecting an ever more complex complementarity between organisms and environment. Although chance may generate the multitude of mutations and recombinations tossed up to the filter of natural selection, their preservation is not random or arbitrary. This is the insight expressed by Leon Kass when he writes:

    Ought we to be surprised, should we regard it as an accident, that, in a visible, odorous, and sounding world, the powers of sight, or smell, or hearing, once they appeared should have been preserved, magnified, perfected? Likewise with intellect. However accidentally intellect first appeared, is it surprising that it should have been preserved in a world of cause and effect, past and future, means and ends, all of which can be brought into consciousness and used to advantage in a being endowed with memory, a sense of time, self-awareness, and the ability to order means to ends in securing the future?

    This increasing freedom and self-awareness within the individual organism is extended by the extraordinary adaptive benefit of the creative imagination. Here mutations of matter are transcended by permutations of mind, by the self-generated production of possibilities independent of the constraints of immediate reality. The symbolic mind is capable of detaching image from object; recombining images in new ways; envisioning scenarios and sequences detached from time and space; and anticipating their implications and outcomes . This is yet another powerful form of freedom in which the organism can imagine possibilities and try them out (in a kind of dress rehearsal) without the expense of time and risk of resources in the process.

    The human capacity for imagination, however, goes far beyond adaptive anticipation; imagination is not mere memory or imitation, but envisioned creation. Forming mental images, maintaining them in the mind, and achieving their realization signify intention, planning and implementation of ideals. The first recorded moment of true creativity occurred in our pre-human ancestors one-and-a-half million years ago. There, in the fossil record, the simple chipped tools representing a million years of hominid history are suddenly transcended by an artifact that bespeaks a cognitive leap: the production of the hand axe. As paleontologist Ian Tattersal explains: “These symmetrical implements, shaped from large stone cores, were the first to conform to a ‘mental template’ that existed in the toolmaker’s mind.” This is perhaps the first intentional innovation: the bringing into being of an imagined ideal. What began as the visualization of an axe within a stone would become, in another million and a half years, the capacity to generate the images and ideals of a complex technological and moral culture.

    This imagining and realizing of ideals is the fullest manifestation of human freedom. Whereas most creatures exist in an unbroken immediacy of life, humans are able to draw both the past and the future into the present: from learning stored as memory and through the creative imagination. The immediacy of animal existence becomes the mediated flexibility of human consciousness. Together with the ceaseless drive to organize the unexplained (the “cognitive imperative”), the capacities to calculate, extrapolate and recombine are used to reconfigure that which is into that which could be.

    While most creatures are pushed by biological and ecological circumstances, we are pulled into the future by our images of fullest flourishing.

    Evolutionary psychologists at least have the advantage of rational consistency, in their argument that evolution is deterministic--that is to say that all of life has been determined by evolutionary forces. Mr. Hurlbut is stuck making the argument that, on the one hand, evolution is the single unifying principle in all of science, but, on the other, was only deterministic up until a certain level of complexity gave creatures the ability to change their environment--though it's unclear why their subsequent behavior is not determined too--and then, failed at the moment when Man, uniquely, acquired "creative imagination" and broke free of reality, space, and time, determining his own form from that moment onward. That's an awfully nonsensical way to try to preserve both evolution and freedom.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:39 AM


    A Ruling for Democratic Principles (NY Times, 12/03/03)

    The Colorado Supreme Court took a stand for electoral fairness this week when it struck down a partisan redrawing of the state's Congressional district lines. It held that districts should be drawn once after the census, not whenever a party sees a chance to pick up seats. The alternative would mean constant redistricting, and interference with state Congressional delegations, whenever one party got the upper hand at the state level.

    Colorado adopted Congressional district lines after the 2000 census that were used in the 2002 elections. The boundaries, chosen by a state court...

    Who but the Left would argue that it's a victory for democratic principles having judges instead of the elected legislature apportion voting districts?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:34 AM


    Productivity jumps to 9.4% rate in Q3, best since 1983 (Reuters, 12/03/03)

    The productivity report, which showed output climbing at a 10.3% rate but hours worked up just 0.8%, offered confirmation the sizzling pace of growth, the strongest quarterly expansion in gross domestic product in nearly 20 years, primarily reflected the ability of businesses to squeeze more out of their existing workforce. [...]

    Most economists believe the third quarter's stellar productivity performance is unlikely to be sustained, although some believe the productivity trend, which accelerated to around a 3.5% annual rate in the mid-1990s, may have picked up further.

    Over the last four quarters, productivity has risen 5%.

    In the longer term, strong productivity growth will help boost standards of living, although in the short run it may prove a hurdle to stronger hiring.

    Four quarters of 5% productivity growth--from my limited understanding of math and economics--means $500 billion was added to our GDP just by folks working harder, smarter, and more efficiently. This during a time when businesses were not investing in new equipment, which should enhance such growth even further.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:25 AM


    Anarchy reigns in South Korea (David Scofield, 12/04/03, Asia Times)

    Violence has increased markedly since the inauguration of President Roh, whose rise to power was expedited by promising concessions to nearly every sector. Roh eventually reneged on many of his promises and was quickly taken to task by the most militant. Unions staged illegal and sometimes violent walk-outs and demonstrations challenging Rohís presidency almost immediately. But rather than demonstrating his resolve to enforce the nation's laws or encouraging peaceful protests, Roh vacillated and ultimately acquiesced to various demands. Although Roh initially talked tough, often those who instigated violence and took illegal actions were not punished. The Korean Ministry of Labor has reported that the number of strikes and demonstrations has increased 6 percent from last year, while the number of workers involved has increased over 50 percent year on year.

    All this violence is having a profound effect on the nation's economy. On November 12 the London-based World Market Research Center raised Korea's risk rating from 2.25 to 2.5 (1 being least risky, 5 being most) in recognition of militant and violent demonstrations. Samsung Economic Research Institute estimates that foreign direct investment for this year will be only US$1.2 billion, one tenth of the US$10.6 billion the country attracted in 1999. Roh's government, while displaying steely resolve in its dealings with North Korea, is long on rhetoric and short on action when it comes to dealing with disgruntled citizens who are now emerging from virtually every sector of society.

    But beyond the sharpened steel, slingshots and incendiaries, these demonstrators pose the greatest danger not to police officers or to the economy, but to South Korea's institutions, especially legal institutions. In the past, the authorities could be challenged only so far. Once protesters had crossed a certain line, government repression - often brutal - left no doubt as to where power ultimately rested. But there has been a marked change in South Korean society. Apart from large protests and demonstrations, individuals are becoming more brazen in their defiance of the law. Corruption, graft and general malfeasance, both within and outside the nationís judiciary, has become commonplace. And with so many law breakers, including the lawmakers themselves, the efficacy of the law is now in doubt.

    This phenomenon manifests itself almost every day, as motorists jostle and challenge police officers over traffic citations - something that can be quite a shock to people coming from countries where such actions would undoubtedly lead to immediate arrest. Indeed, South Koreans are openly challenging authority in nearly every sector of society. South Korea's limited experience with democracy has left the country with a fragile democratic foundation. Lately it seems that if you want to bring about social change, forget about using legal or peacefully avenues of appeal, but rather challenge the government head on. With recent events in South Korea showing that violence works, and that by protesting there is little to lose and potentially everything to gain, direct challenges to democratic authority are likely to increase in the near future.

    Particularly in those countries that lack the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of liberal democracy, it is vital to have at least a strong and certain system of law and order, else freedom quickly becomes license.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:13 AM

    60-40 FILES:

    Ex-U.S. treasurer touts immigrant roots in launching Senate bid (John Marelius, December 3, 2003, San Diego UNION-TRIBUNE)

    Former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin set out yesterday to write a sequel to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's immigrant political success story by launching her candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

    Marin, who spoke no English when she moved with her family to the United States from Mexico at age 14, announced her bid for the Republican nomination to face Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer outside Huntington Park City Hall, where she served on the City Council for seven years.

    Like Austrian immigrant Schwarzenegger, Marin portrayed herself as the embodiment of the American dream when the Republican Party is seeking to make strong inroads with minorities, particularly Latinos.

    "My parents were poor immigrants," she said. "In most countries of the world, my family would have remained just that, poor immigrants, and we would have had to struggle just to survive. But not in America.

    "My dad, a janitor, and my mother, a seamstress, were able to see their daughter being sworn in as the 41st treasurer of the United States of America and see her signature, which they helped her practice as a child, validate the most powerful currency on Earth."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:50 AM


    href=>A Dangerous New Policy Toward Taiwan?: Two proposed policy changes make a military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait more, not less, likely. (William Kristol & Gary Schmitt, 12/02/2003, Weekly Standard)

    [A]ccording to numerous government sources, the senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council, James Moriarty, and Doug Paal, the de facto U.S. ambassador to Taiwan, are urging President Bush to declare, privately and perhaps publicly, that the United States opposes Taiwan's independence. This would be a significant change in America's so-called "One-China Policy," a change very much in Beijing's favor.

    Until now, the American position on Taiwan's independence has been agnostic. American presidents have said they do not support independence but have also insisted that the cross-Strait issue be settled peacefully and by common agreement of the two sides. The point was that no solution should be imposed on either side. It was also to leave open the possibility that both sides might agree on independence, as indeed might occur were mainland China ever to become democratic (just as Moscow let go of Ukraine after the fall of communism in Russia). If the Bush administration changes its policy, it will place the United States in opposition to Taiwanese independence even under that scenario. Above all, however, if the administration makes this change, it will strike a severe blow against the vibrant Taiwanese democracy in a kow-tow to Beijing. After the president's recent stirring remarks in favor of democracy worldwide, this pcore principle in foreign policy.

    Moriarty's second proposal is even more worrying. He proposes the United States declare that it will not defend Taiwan if Beijing launches a military attack on the island in response to a "provocation," i.e., some action or statement by Taiwan that Beijing determines moves in the direction of independence. This proposal, if adopted by the administration, could prove disastrous on several grounds. First of all, it would appear to run counter to the Taiwan Relations Act passed by Congress in 1979. Indeed, it may constitute an effort by the Bush administration in effect to repeal that law by executive fiat. The Act makes it U.S. policy that there should be a peaceful resolution of the dispute between China and Taiwan. But, by suggesting that there may be "legitimate" grounds for China to take offense, this new declaration would condone the very action the law intends to prevent. This would be all the more remarkable given that less than two years ago President Bush reaffirmed the American commitment to Taiwan by declaring that the United States would do "whatever it took" to defend Taiwan.

    Second, this proposed policy shift would make war in the Strait more likely, not less. If the United States tells Beijing that it will not defend Taiwan in the event of a "provocation," this can only serve as an inducement to Beijing to threaten to use force, or perhaps actually to use force, on any occasion that Beijing deems Taiwan's behavior "provocative." After all, what constitutes a "provocation"? Beijing believes Taiwan's current status of de facto independence is already unacceptable.

    Here's another case of Mr. Kristol's very savvy effort to align neoconservatism more closely with the Christian Right, for whom China/Taiwan remains a burning issue. However, the idea that George W. Bush would approve such a change in policy is dubious for several reasons:

    (1) Unless you're Mr. Bush (or Karl Rove) it may be easy to forget that one of the issues where Bill Clinton was able to get to George H. W. Bush's Right, and which stifled Republican turnout, in 1992 was the Administration's despicable acquiescence in the face of China's Tiananmen Square crackdown. But these guys haven't forgotten and have done the opposite of everything the first President Bush did on such matters. They aren't about to infuriate the Christian Right by selling out Taiwan.

    (2) Bush the Younger is notoriously competitive with Bush the Elder and since China is considered one of the Old Man's areas of expertise, one where he pursued detente, the Son should be expected to pursue a more aggressive, not less aggressive policy.

    (3) The President was personally humiliated early in his term when the Chinese forced down a U.S. surveillance plane and held its crew. A notorious score settler, Mr. Bush is hardly likely to be accommodating to Chinese imperial ambitions. Between the business interests in the Party and free trade ideologues, who may honestly believe that economic development will bring democratization to China, the President has been convinced to make some concessions to keep opening the Chinese market, but he's also officially declared them a strategic competitor, rather than a virtual ally, as he considers Putin's Russia.

    (4) Without China as a potential enemy it is impossible to justify current military spending and the missile defense shield.

    (5) Taiwan's a democracy and an ally and--surprise, surprise--President Bush is serious about all that freedom and liberty guff he keeps talking about.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 AM


    GAY MARRIAGE ISN'T AN ISSUE FOR THE COURTS TO DECIDE: It's a stretch to claim that state marriage laws flout fundamental human rights. (Stuart Taylor Jr., December 2003, The Atlantic)

    a decent respect for government by the people should lead courts to defer to popularly enacted laws that embody deeply felt values—including laws that make no sense to the judges—unless the laws violate clear constitutional commands or fundamental rights. It is frivolous to claim that the marriage laws of every state and every civilization in the history of the world violate any clear constitutional command. And it is a stretch to claim that they flout fundamental rights.

    The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court gave no deference to popular government in its November 18 decision, in a 4-3 vote, to legalize gay marriage. The court's wording suggests that it is prepared to go even to the point of ordering the state to call same-sex unions "marriage" rather than, say, "domestic partnerships" endowed with the same legal benefits.

    Nor was there much prudence in this decision, which will take effect next May. The backlash it has provoked could conceivably prove powerful enough to set back the gay-rights movement for decades. In addition to energizing a push in Massachusetts to overrule the decision by amending the state constitution, the court has given new impetus to the proposed "Marriage Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution, a blunderbuss so broadly worded that it might block even state legislatures from legalizing gay marriage.

    Recent history suggests the power of the backlash. After the Hawaii Supreme Court and an Alaska court had signaled their intentions to legalize gay marriage, the citizens of both states overruled their courts in 1998, by 2-1 ratios amending their constitutions to ban same-sex marriage; 35 other states passed laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman; the federal Defense of Marriage Act decreed that federal law would not recognize any state's same-sex marriage and that no other state need recognize such a marriage. Just this year, national polls showed a sudden drop in support for gay civil unions—from 49 percent in May to 37 percent in August—after the U.S. Supreme Court's June 26 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which used unnecessarily grandiose language to strike down an oppressive Texas law criminalizing gay sex acts. And while gay marriage has more support in liberal Massachusetts than in most places, a national poll by the Pew Research Center last month showed respondents opposing gay marriage by 59 to 32 percent.

    Gay-marriage advocates have brought their cases under state constitutions because they fear that the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn any decision using the U.S. Constitution to legalize gay marriage. The justices have no jurisdiction to second-guess state courts' interpretations of their own constitutions.

    In fairness to the Massachusetts court, its well-crafted opinion was a legally plausible extension of judicial precedents interpreting the Massachusetts Constitution and the U.S. Constitution alike, especially Lawrence. But those precedents had already gone too far down the road of ramming judges' personal policy preferences down the throats of the voters, in the guise of constitutional interpretation.

    The always sensible Stuart Taylor.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:01 AM


    Gallup: 72% of teens say abortion wrong: 'The young people are more conservative than their parents' (, November 24, 2003)

    A new Gallup survey of teens finds 72 percent believe abortion is morally wrong.

    "We're winning the struggle for hearts and minds," Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, told Baptist Press. "The young people are more conservative than their parents."

    The survey of youth, aged 13 to 17, indicated just 19 percent believe abortion should be legal in all circumstances, compared to 26 percent for adults. About 47 percent of teens said it should be legal under some circumstances, while 55 percent of adults agreed.

    About 32 percent of teens thought abortion should never be permitted, while only 17 percent of adults said the same.

    The poll showed teens who do not attend church are more likely to believe abortion is morally acceptable, about 38 percent, compared to 12 percent among churchgoers.

    Of course, if you're thirteen, you're not far past the age when your parents could have killed you on a whim, so the issue has special resonance.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:55 AM


    Lynne's Super Supper French Toast (Lynne Rossetto Kasper, December 2, 2003, The Splendid Table)

    Serves 4 to 5

    1 cup half-and-half
    4 large eggs
    3 tablespoons brown sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
    1 teaspoon grated orange zest
    1/2 teaspoon allspice
    1/8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    2 to 3 tablespoons butter
    6 slices (up to 1-inch thick) English muffin, egg, or multi-grain bread (could be stale)
    Maple syrup, honey, or powdered sugar

    1. In a large shallow bowl beat together the half-and-half, eggs, sugar,
    vanilla, zest, allspice, pepper and salt.

    2. Heat butter in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Meanwhile, turn several bread slices in the egg mixture until thoroughly saturated. Cook over medium heat until golden brown (2 to 3 minutes), turn and finish cooking. Keep slices warm in a low oven.

    3. Repeat until all the bread is sautéed.

    4. Serve hot with maple syrup.

    December 2, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:13 PM


    Me too, pal,’ says Bush, hanging up (Jonathan E. Kaplan, 12/03/03, The Hill)

    Well-placed sources said Bush hung up on freshman Rep. Tom Feeney after Feeney said he couldn’t support the Medicare bill. The House passed it by only two votes after Hastert kept the roll-call vote open for an unprecedented stretch of nearly three hours in the middle of the night.

    Feeney, a former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives whom many see as a rising star in the party, reportedly told Bush: “I came here to cut entitlements, not grow them.”

    Sources said Bush shot back, “Me too, pal,” and hung up the phone. [...]

    Republican aides said conservatives who voted against the bill, including Reps. Mike Pence (Ind.), John Culberson (Texas), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Roscoe Bartlett (Md.) and Jim Ryun (Kan.), would suffer for their votes against the Medicare bill.

    Leadership aides said those members “can expect to remain on the back bench” in the months ahead.

    “Health savings accounts are the most dramatic reform of health care in 30 years,” [Hastert spokesman] Feehery said. “Conservatives said they all loved it, but once in the bill they forgot about it.”

    Why not throw the wahoos some red meat, in the form of a balanced budget/line-item veto amendment?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 PM

    PC UK:

    Prison officer sacked for bin Laden 'insult' (David Sapsted, 03/12/2003, Daily Telegraph)

    A prison officer was sacked for making an allegedly insulting remark about Osama bin Laden two months after the September 11 attacks, an employment tribunal heard yesterday.

    Colin Rose, 53, was told he had to go because, although he did not know it, three Muslim visitors could have heard his "insensitive" comment about the world's most reviled terrorist.

    The assistant governor at Blundeston Prison, near Lowestoft, Suffolk, gave him a ticking off at the time. But he was sacked after a six-month investigation.

    Mr Rose, a former Coldstream Guardsman with a 21-year unblemished record in the Prison Service, is claiming unfair dismissal. [...]

    When he returned after a fortnight, Jerry Knight, the prison governor, suspended him pending a formal inquiry.

    He was sacked in May last year after a disciplinary hearing.

    Mr Knight told the tribunal that the prison had a large Asian population, including many Muslims.

    "On Sept 25, 2001, a staff notice was issued regarding the terrorist bombing of America, asking for staff to have continued sensitivity.

    "I asked them to avoid inflaming the situation."

    Inflame? You mean like fly a plane loaded with fuel into a building?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 PM


    Frontpage Interview: In Denial: Professors John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr discuss their new book In Denial -- and why academic elites are desperately suppressing post-Cold War revelations. (Jamie Glazov, FrontPage)

    Klehr: [...]

    Among historians of the Soviet Union there was a small but influential group of revisionists who attempted to "normalize" the Soviet regime. This involved a number of different tacks- some of them minimized the number of victims of Stalinism and Leninism or denied that there was any mass terror. Others deflected responsibility for terror away from Stalin and onto a bureaucratic process that spun out of control. And others apologized for the mass murders by claiming that they were necessary accompaniments to a process of modernization.

    While we discuss this trend in our book, our major focus is on historians of American communism who have attempted to rehabilitate the CPUSA as an admirable and heroic band of democrats unjustly persecuted by a reactionary American state and society. Lots of these historians are veterans of the New Left, people who were active in attempting to transform American society in a radical direction in the 1960s and 1970s. Their effort having failed, they have attempted to rehabilitate an earlier American radical movement. Some of them are themselves red-diaper babies- they are the children or grandchildren of people who were in the CPUSA, so in some way they are writing not only history but their family history as well.

    Why does it all matter? Why should people care about arguments among historians about American communists or whether spies like the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss and Lauchlin Currie and Harry White were innocent or guilty? Because this concerns the history that gets taught in the high schools and colleges and the view that American students have of their country's past. Take Joe McCarthy. He's the poster boy for the view that anticommunism led to horrible persecution in post WWII America. A few years ago the proposed National History Standards for High School mentioned him more times than any other American in that era. He was a demagogue. But how many students understand that hundreds of American communists did spy for the Soviet Union? That there was a serious problem of subversion?

    And these issues are not "merely" historical. Many of the historians we discuss in our book make very clear that their goal is to indoctrinate a new generation of students in order to build a new radical movement.

    Look at the denunciations of the war on terror as some kind of McCarthyite plot. Historical analogies can be weapons in a contemporary ideological battle.

    All that being said, I think you are right, Jamie, when you bring up psychiatry. For some of the historians we discuss there is a disconnect with reality. They are unwilling to deal with evidence; they are unwilling to employ logic. Instead they retreat into a fantasy world.

    The real world is too unpleasant- after all, the Soviet Union lost the Cold War, the political system they admired collapsed, documents proving some of their heroes were spies and so they pretend that the documents must be forgeries. It's like that old line about a defender of Alger Hiss being asked what evidence it would take to convince him that Hiss was guilty. He answered, "If Alger Hiss himself told me he was a spy, I wouldn't believe him."

    It was Tony Lake who conclusively proved this point, while demonstrating that for all their Third Way rhetoric, the Clintonistas were fundamentally creatures of the Second Way.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 PM


    Sharpton in the Rainbow's Shadow: nd Al slips and slides as political landscape shifts (-Nehisi Coates, cember 3 - 9, 2003, Village Voice)

    [Eric Easter, who worked on both of Jackson's campaigns and is now a senior adviser for Howard Dean] says a broad-spectrum appeal to progressives, from labor to environmentalists, is also harder than when Jackson ran. "Twenty years ago, people were returning checks from Arab Americans who donated to their campaign. Jackson set up an Arab American desk for his campaign," he says. "This time around you have the Green Party; they have a growing sophistication. You have Kucinich as a progressive candidate. Women have a candidate in Carol Moseley Braun. Even Dean is considered a sort of progressive candidate."

    Tugging at the Rainbow's mantle, Dean has gotten the support of labor leaders and drawn major black supporters like Elijah Cummings, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

    "Those coalitions who Sharpton thought he would tap into are those who are workers or who listen to the Grateful Dead, and they are interested in a Dean candidate," says Mike Paul, former PR man for Jesse Jackson. "Dean was very smart to use the Internet. Ironically, the person who needed the Internet the most was Sharpton. He has less money, less staff, and less sophistication among the people working for him."

    And while Sharpton talked of using the hip-hop generation as a source of untapped votes, it's actually Dean who's gotten the mileage out of the Jay-Z set. That's because the majority of hip-hop's audience is not black. "Anybody that's truly in the business of hip-hop understands that there is a decent percentage of blacks and Latinos who are buying rap albums," says Paul. "But the majority of records are being bought by people who live in suburbs."

    This was always the problem with the idea of the Emerging Democratic Majority--the interests of the various groups required to cobble together a majority coalition are too divergent. Each one ultimately wants their own agenda enacted and has little interest in that of the other member groups.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 PM


    Attention, Wal-Mart Voters: Lost Jobs and Military Funerals Haunt Bush in the Heartland (Rick Perlstein, December 3 - 9, 2003, Village Voice)

    Intriguing cracks are opening in the Republican firmament. Take the factory owners I meet in the Rock River Valley's population center, the city of Rockford, who are ready to burn George Bush in effigy.

    "I'm very conservative," Eric Anderberg of Dial Machine says, in the boardroom of the machine-parts factory his family built in 1966. "Always voted Republican. But I'm extremely concerned with what I hear from this current administration." Eric is 32, fiercely political, and articulate. He's called over two of his older industrial-park neighbors, Don Metz of Metz Tool and Judy Pike of Acme Grinding. Family manufacturers like these were the foundation of the modern conservative movement, reacting against the moderate Republicanism of Dwight Eisenhower in the '50s. Now they are a wedge in the Republican coalition. I ask if they could imagine supporting, for president, a Democrat. Don Metz, who in his golf shirt looks like he just came back from a midday round, doesn't hesitate: "No problem. Somebody steps forward and says we're going to make manufacturing a priority in this country." They would even donate the legal maximum of $2,000.

    The reason is economic near-devastation. Unemployment around here has increased by half in the last three years. In Rockford, it approaches 12 percent. Factories are closing as production is shipped off overseas. (The mantra of "high tech" is unlikely to impress Rockford; one of the most wrenching recent production shutdowns was at the plant that produced a motor for the Segway scooter.) "Service jobs" have replaced some of the work. But where they materialize, with rotten hours, pay, and benefits, they end up destroying families instead of saving them. And it makes these people livid, because it all seems so stupid and unavoidable.

    It would sound like socialism if it weren't coming out of the mouths of Republicans. "The generation of people that are running corporations today," Eric explains, "all they give a damn about is what happens in the next 90 days to their stock price and when that window is going to be when they're going to jump out and pull that parachute—who cares what happens five years from now?" He's not talking about protectionism. He's talking about creating an economy that can survive the next generation. "Running a company based on shareholder wealth is a collapsible scheme! It's a short-term scheme! It's not a sustainable scheme."

    Don offers an example: "What happened to the tax rebates? Everyone went to Wal-Mart and got a DVD that was made in China, which created no jobs. Thus: a jobless recovery."

    He has mentioned a bogeyman. And now the conversation turns headlong.

    Eric: "Wal-Mart and the rest, they love the way the trade situation is right now. They're forcing their suppliers to basically shut down and move overseas to produce."

    Judy—whose company will probably have to shut down next year—moves the critique to the terrain of family values: "The moms that used to have a factory job with me and who go home at the end of eight hours and 10 hours and take care of their children and have decent day care, now they're working two jobs at Wal-Mart with no health benefits."

    Eric takes this all home to politics: "At some point the Republican Party has to realize that, yeah, they need the money today to get elected"—the big, multinational, corporate money—"but it's not the General Electrics or all these large corporations that are putting them in office. It's the people who work for these corporations."

    Perhaps one of the reasons these successful people are entertaining the thought of supporting Democrats is that they feel like they're abandoning a sinking ship—a party that stakes its future on unsustainability, on the "efficiency" of shutting down every factory in sight because it makes for a better-looking quarterly balance sheet.

    Don notes that an employee at his plant, non-union, starts at $16 an hour and makes as much as $100,000 a year: "sends his kids to private school, he drives a nice car—does that sound like a Democrat to you? . . . Our people, in the past, didn't want government interfering with their life. . . . What happens to these people is that they find out they can't become a Wal-Mart associate . . . at $7.50 an hour without completely undermining their lives."

    Given the deterioration of manufacturing in the United States over the last twenty years, might we not say instead that it is paying people $100k to work in a plant that has, by definition,proved unsustainable?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 PM


    Social Security reform breakthrough (Jack Kemp, December 1, 2003, Townhall)

    SSA's official score shows that because so much of Social Security's benefit obligations eventually are shifted to personal accounts, the long-term Social Security deficit is eliminated completely without benefit cuts or tax increases. And even though the proposal temporarily borrows money to pay some of the transition costs (i.e., those current benefits left uncovered when part of the payroll tax is dedicated to personal accounts), it also produces the largest-ever permanent reduction in government debt. Over time the system completely eliminates the $10.5 trillion unfunded liability of Social Security.

    The short-term transition deficits, created by workers shifting just over half of total payroll taxes into the accounts, is covered by four factors: 1) the short-term Social Security surpluses until 2018; 2) the funds obtained by reducing the rate of growth of federal spending by 1 percentage point a year for just eight years; 3) the increased revenues that would result from higher corporate investment and earnings utilizing the increased savings in the accounts; and 4) the temporary sale of Social Security trust-fund bonds during the transition to cover any remaining annual net deficit.

    With this transition financing, Social Security achieves permanent surplus by 2029, and then within the next 15 years, all of the trust-fund bonds can be completely paid off. The Social Security trust funds would never fall below $1.38 trillion, or 145 percent of one year's expenditures, with the official standard of solvency being 100 percent. [...]

    Publication of the Social Security Administration report makes it official: We can create a shareholder democracy for the 21st century in which every working man and woman not only has a vote but also owns property, where each citizen can look forward not just to retirement security but retirement prosperity. A new, personal-accounts-based Social Security system that doesn't skimp on how much of their payroll taxes workers can invest would promote individual wealth creation and ownership, and it would allow each American - especially women, the poor and minorities - to participate in America's economic success.

    It;'s one of those things that makes so much sense you can hardly imagine Congress doing it.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 PM


    A Shiite challenge divides Iraqis: US backs elections by March 2005; a key Shiite wants them by July 2004. (Nicholas Blanford, 12/03/03, CS Monitor)

    The pace - and nature - of a democratic reform plan announced just two weeks ago is being challenged by arguably the most powerful figure in Iraq today.

    Ayatollah Ali Sistani, a key leader of the country's Muslim Shiite community, wants direct national elections to create a provisional government. [...]

    "You can shoot holes in the idea," says Mowafak al-Rubaie, a British educated former member of the Shiite Dawa party, "but it's better to have an election, even if its quick and dirty, than to have no election at all. If we have another body, this time the Transitional National Assembly, and it does not have the legitimacy of public support, then we might as well continue with the Governing Council." [...]

    More than three decades of brutal Baathist rule destroyed Iraq's political diversity, although the Shiite religious structure remained in place, vastly weakened by Saddam Hussein's rule. The downfall of Hussein's regime has provided an opportunity for the Shiites to flex their political muscles for the first time.

    While that has led to the emergence of firebrand clerics, notably Moqtada al-Sadr, son of Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr, a cleric murdered by the old regime, it has also allowed more moderate Shiite authorities, primarily Sistani, to play an influential role in helping shape the country's future.

    "The problem for the US at the moment is that it cannot afford to alienate the Shiite majority, since many Sunni Arabs are already so alienated," says Juan Cole, professor of history at the University of Michigan and an authority on Shiism. "At some point the CPA and the Governing Council will have to decide whether they can meet Sistani's demands, or risk going against him." Mr. Jafaari says he will meet Sistani in the next three days to assess the cleric's flexibility.

    "I think he will stick to the principle of elections," he says. "I am not sure he will accept a compromise and I am not sure what compromise there can be. Either you have elections or you don't."

    It's their country; let them take responsibility for it.

    Posted by David Cohen at 7:54 PM


    La Marseillaise

    Let us go, children of the fatherland
    Our day of Glory has arrived.
    Against us stands tyranny,
    The bloody flag is raised,
    The bloody flag is raised.
    Do you hear in the countryside
    The roar of these savage soldiers
    They come right into our arms
    To cut the throats of your sons,
    your country.

    To arms, citizens!
    Form up your battalions
    Let us march, Let us march!
    That their impure blood
    Should water our fields

    The action in Casablanca takes place on December 2, 3 and 4, 1941. Although I probably watch the movie a couple of times a year, I always make a point of watching it the first week of December. Thus, there I was on the treadmill this morning, tearing up to La Marseillaise, as I do at least once a year, thinking again that only great art could cause that reaction.

    That Casablanca is great art I have no doubt. Although Michael Curtiz' direction is most often dismissed as workmanlike, his instructions to Ingrid Bergman -- that it wasn't sure who Ilsa would end up with so she should play it down the middle between Rick and Laszlo -- results in a great performance in a key role. A great movie is so fragile a concoction that, had Bergman played up to one or the other, the whole edifice might have come crashing down. The fact that Curtiz was most likely lying (there was no chance that Ilsa would stay with Rick) only adds to the credit due him. The context does, however, increase my enjoyment of Rick's line, to Ilsa when she returns to the Cafe the first night and asks to tell him a story the ending to which she does not know, that she should just start in and maybe an ending will come to her. That he then calls her a whore, about as subtly as it can be done, only emphasizes that the script, too, is unusually good.

    The usual question asked about Casablanca is who does Isla love. She loves Rick (as does everyone in the movie except Major Strasser), but that's irrelevant. She is devoted to Laszlo. The key to understanding the major plot is the minor plot involving the Bulgarian couple. Once you start looking for them, you realize that they pop up all over the movie. They are in the line at the beginning looking at the Major Strasser's plane, they are in the prefect's office when Victor and Ilsa come in, she is the "visa problem" that interrupts Louis' meeting with Strasser and they are meeting with S. Ferrari when Rick comes in to the Blue Parrot to get his cigarettes. When the wife asks Rick's permission to sleep with Renault in order to get an exit visa, something she would do only out of her love of her husband, she presents Ilsa's dilemma in a lower key. When Rick intervenes and lets the husband win at Roulette, the end of the movie is cast in stone. He will not let Ilsa make her sacrifice -- staying with him to save Laszlo and his work -- any more than he would let the Bulgarian woman sleep with Renault.

    This also deals with one of the more common criticisms of the movie; Ilsa's supposed passivity. She does tell Rick to do the thinking for both of them, a line almost as jarring to modern ears as her references to Sam as "boy". But this is anything but passivity. She is determined to save Laszlo, as he would save her if he could. (Everytime I watch the movie, I see something new. This morning I realized just how pivotal is the private talk between Ilsa and Laszlo in the Blue Parrot, which makes clear that Laszlo has risked his life for her and that the two of them accept that turn about is fair play.)

    Ilsa actively seeks to get the letters of transit to save Laszlo. She does not passively turn over all the decisions to Rick. Rather, she runs through a number of ways to convince Rick to give them over. Appeals to idealism, greed and their past love fail. Her threat to shoot him fails. Finally, she agrees to pay for the letters of transit with the only coin she has: herself. It is unclear if she understands the subtle deal she is making. By allowing Rick to choose her future, she is putting herself under his protection and Rick, being Rick, can not then betray one he is duty bound to protect. What Ilsa gives to Rick is not her body, but her future and, consciously or not, this saves them both.

    Part of the beauty of the script, though, is that it can be understood on many levels. It is the story of three little people. It is also an allegory about America's entry into WWII. Rick is America. Weary, cynical, with an idealistic past but unwilling to get involved. Rick says that he sticks his neck out for noone. Ferrari tells him that isolationism is no longer a viable foreign policy. Ilsa, Laszlo, Strasser and Renault are the various faces of Europe. Old enemies, old allies and new victims, all eager to know what American will do. Will America act selfishly or will it act idealistically? Of course, by 1943, when the film was released, that ending was already known. Casablanca was rushed out to coincide with the American landing in North Africa and the fighting for Casablanca, which is what led to its initial success. It is, of course, no accident that the movie is set during the first week of December, 1941. [As Mike Morley reminds me in the comments, the nicest bit of allegory is Rick's statement that "they're asleep in New York. I'll bet they're asleep all over America."]

    Finally, the script has one of the great McGuffins in movie history. The McGuffin, which I'll define as what the characters think the movie is about, in Casablanca is the letters of transit. The plot opens with the murder of the German couriers to get the letters and is driven, throughout, by Laszlo's need for them in order to escape the Germans. The whole idea is, of course, entirely absurd. I always like to imagine the scene in which Laszlo, having obtained the letters, presents them to Major Strasser, introduced as one of the reasons the Third Reich enjoys the reputation that it does.

    Strasser: You are an enemy of the Reich. You cannot leave.
    Laszlo: But I have these letters of transit. They cannot be rescinded, or
    even questioned.
    Strasser: Oh, excuse me, sir. Let me show you to your seat.

    Casablanca is about everything and nothing, and makes me misty eyed at the playing of La Marseillaise. No wonder Roger Ebert calls it "the movie."

    MORE: I forgot to mention the following:

    There is a theory out there that what distinguishes great American literature from other literatures is a homoerotic subtext. This argument is made, most famously, in Leslie Fiedler's infamous article, "Come Back to the Raft Ag'in Huck Honey!" Casablanca is great American literature in at least this respect, having not one but two homoerotic subplots. There is, of course, Renault's puzzling line, made only seconds after being introduced to Ilsa, that Rick is the kind of man that, "if I were a woman and I weren't around, I should be in love with Rick." He then says to Rick that the way Ilsa was speaking about Rick "made me extremely jealous." This is generally understood to mean jealous of Ilsa, though they had just met and their relationship was bound to be hostile. It is more easily understood as meaning jealous of Rick. Finally, there is Rick's famous closing line.

    Equally odd is the relationship between Rick and Ugarti. In this relationship, Rick is dominant and Ugarte is desperate for Rick's admiration even though Rick despises him. Was Ugarte's motivation the money he would get from selling the letters of transit, or was it to impress Rick? He certainly mentions the latter more than the former. It is also a little odd that, having escaped from and shot at the officers arresting him, Ugarte runs directly to Rick and grovels to him, pleading to be saved. But oddest of all is what Rick says as he sits up waiting for Ilsa that first night: "They grab Ugarte and she walks in. Well, that's the way it goes. One in, one out." Given what we know about the relationship between Rick and Ilsa, what the heck can he be talking about?

    Another nice touch in the script is some parallel dialogue that, upon repeated viewings, gives us insight into Rick and Ilsa. For example, in the Paris cafe, just before the German occupation, Rick suggests to Ilsa that they get married in Marseilles. She knows that Laszlo is injured in Paris and that she is going to have to abandon Rick, but also that she must get him out of Paris. She responds "That's too far ahead to plan." Rick then jokes that they can be married by the conductor on the train. Ilsa says: "I love you so much and I hate this war so much. Oh, it's a crazy world. Anything can happen. If you don't get away, I mean, if, if something should keep us apart, whereever they put you and whereever I'll be, I want you to know . . ." She can't go on.

    Later in Casablanca, though earlier in the movie, Yvonne asks if she will see Rick that night. He responds, "I never make plans that far ahead." This makes perfectly clear the extent to which Ilsa scarred him. Similarly, when Ilsa decides that she is Rick's price for the letters of transit, she says the following in response to Laszlo's declaration of love: "Yes, yes I know. Victor, whatever I do, will you believe that I, that --". Laszlo stops her, "-- You don't even have to say it. I'll believe." Here, we see again the constant mirroring, but with a difference. In Paris, Ilsa stays with Laszlo, but pretends that she will go with Rick to save him by getting him out of Paris. In Casablanca, Ilsa agrees to stay with Rick in order to save Laszlo.

    In this way, what happens in Casablanca is redemption for Ilsa. She needs redemption because in Paris she betrayed her love for Rick. Her betrayal was not leaving Rick. She left Rick for her husband, to whose important work she is critical. She could not do otherwise. Her betrayal was manipulating Rick by not telling him about Laszlo and giving him the chance to choose noble sacrifice. It is by finally telling Rick to think for both of them, by allowing Rick to make the choice he should have been allowed to make in Paris, that Ilsa is redeemed and Rick is reborn.

    MORE MORE: I've got to stop, but only after I add one more thing. When Ilsa threatens to shoot Rick to get the letters, he tells her to go ahead, she'd be doing him a favor. I'm tempted to say that this is Bogart's best line reading of his career, but it's probably closer to the truth to say it's the best line ever written for him. His trademark classic Hollywood "stand and deliver" method is so flat, so bleak, that the line is not at all bravado, but a simple statement of fact. This might explain why Rick's plan to get Laszlo and Ilsa out of Casablanca is suicidal, calculated to leave him standing there watching the plane with one very annoyed Prefect of Police. That Louis throws in with him, rather than arresting him, is just luck. Of course, gaining Louis' wonderful friendship just as he loses Ilsa proves him right once again: "Well, that's the way it goes. One in, one out."

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:48 PM


    Fourth Time’s The Charm? (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester and Clothilde Ewing, 12/02/03, CBS News)

    It looks like Ralph Nader may be running for president for the fourth time. Although the Gore nemesis has not made a public statement, reports that – his official 2000 presidential website - has been recently registered and paid for by the "Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee, Inc."

    Although the exploratory committee is not yet registered with the FEC, it is not required to do so until it has raised or spent $5,000. And lest that cast doubt on Nader’s intentions, an e-mailer to says that she/he received a message from the new site implying that Nader will run again. The e-mailer also says that Nader would run as an independent and not a Green. In 2000, despite being a registered independent, Nader ran as the Green Party’s nominee.

    Howard Dean seems to have positioned himself far enough beyond the mainstream for this not to hurt him much in the general, but a stop-Dean candidate--Gephardt, Gore, whoever--would certainly alienate the types enough that Nader would benefit. His one or two percent might get the Democrats down close to 40% nationwide.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:29 PM


    Poll: President's approval on the rise after Thanksgiving (WILL LESTER, December 2, 2003, Associated Press)

    President Bush's standing with the public has improved since his surprise Thanksgiving trip to Iraq amid signs of a stronger economy and following congressional passage of a prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

    Bush's job approval was at 61 percent in the National Annenberg Election Survey conducted the four days after the holiday, up from 56 percent during the four days before Thanksgiving. Disapproval of the president dropped from 41 percent to 36 percent, according to the poll released Tuesday.

    Bush visited the troops in Baghdad on Thanksgiving -- a move that even won praise from political opponents.

    Public opinion about Bush personally also improved during the four-day, post-holiday span, with an increase in the number who view him favorably from 65 percent to 72 percent. Republicans shifted from 83 percent with a favorable view of Bush personally to 94 percent. Democrats moved from 46 percent to 55 percent.

    Has any first term President ever had numbers that high at the end of his third year?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:19 PM


    LaHood: Hussein's capture imminent (Pantagraph, December 2, 2003)

    U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood held his thumb and forefinger slightly apart and said, "We're this close" to catching Saddam Hussein.

    Once that's accomplished, Iraqi resistance will fall apart, said the five-term Republican congressman from Peoria who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

    A member of The Pantagraph editorial board -- not really expecting an answer -- asked LaHood for more details, saying, "Do you know something we don't?"

    "Yes I do," replied LaHood.

    It certainly wasn't helpful for the Iraqi Governing Council to announce we'd killed or captured his deputy-- Izzat Ibrahim--today, which we were then forced to deny, though likely true. How about waiting until we develop some leads, fellas.

    U.S. Leads Massive Series of Raids (John Hendren, December 2, 2003, LA Times)

    Iraqi security forces backed by more than 2,000 U.S. troops carried out a massive series of raids near the northern city of Kirkuk today as the search for alleged resistance leader Izzat Ibrahim continued despite tantalizing reports that the ex-general had been caught, defense officials said.

    Two dozen suspected guerrilla fighters were apprehended in the sweeps that began about 4 a.m. and lasted into nightfall. An unusually large force from the 173rd Airborne Brigade accompanied an undisclosed number of Iraqi police and members of the nation's new civil defense corps on the raids, said Master Sgt. Robert Cargie, a spokesman for Task Force Iron Horse, led by the 4th Infantry Division.

    Military officials said the raids were based on intelligence reports suggesting that Fedayeen Saddam paramilitaries loyal to ousted President Saddam Hussein had gathered in Kirkuk. U.S. anti-resistance efforts, which until recently had been focused in the so-called Sunni Triangle near Baghdad, have now expanded northward to Kirkuk and Mosul.

    Initial reports from the Iraqi Governing Council said that Ibrahim, one of Hussein's closest aides, had been captured or killed in today's operations. But Task Force Iron Horse officials later said Ibrahim was not among those arrested.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:57 PM


    U.S. expects Japan to send SDF to Iraq (The Japan Times, Dec. 3, 2003)

    The U.S. hopes Japan will honor its pledges to dispatch troops to Iraq despite the killing of two Japanese diplomats in northern Iraq, senior U.S. officials said Monday.

    That it's even a question makes you wonder about the seriousness of the Japanese.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:38 PM


    Church, State and Education (NY Times, 12/02/03)

    The Supreme Court hears arguments today in an important church-state case, one that will decide how much leeway states have in declining to finance religion. Washington, whose State Constitution is emphatic on separating government from religion, does not let its college scholarship funds be used for theology degrees. A student who was training to become a Christian cleric has charged that his First Amendment rights were violated. His claim should be rejected.

    Washington's State Constitution goes beyond the First Amendment's general language prohibiting the "establishment of religion" and expressly bars public money from being "appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction." To conform with this constitutional mandate, the state prohibited the use of funds for theology degrees when it established its Promise Scholarship program for low- and middle-income college students in 1999. [...]

    Washington State is not depriving anyone of the free exercise of religion. It is merely drawing a line, which the Supreme Court has recognized, between religious and secular education, and directing its funds to secular education. There is no right to taxpayer financing for religious studies. To hold otherwise, the court would have to contradict its own abortion-financing cases, which say that a "legislature's decision not to subsidize the exercise of a fundamental right does not infringe the right."

    Obviously school aid which a student can use for whatever course of study he chooses can in no wise be said to establish religion. But suppose the Justices were to uphold Washington's discriminatory system: you have a situation where a student who majors in English with a minor in Religion gets the aid, but if in his Junior year he switches to majoring in Religion he loses the aid and, having used the prior aid towards what is now a religion degree, could presumably be required to return the money. This evinces a hostility to religion that seems to fly in the face of all the Left's pretty words about government remaining neutral.

    Supreme Court Weighs Case on State Spending and Religion (LINDA GREENHOUSE, 12/02/03, NY Times)

    Throughout the argument, both Justice O'Connor and Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, another justice who seeks to accommodate religious interests, worried aloud that a ruling in Mr. Davey's favor would have the effect of compelling any state that offered tuition vouchers as part of a "school choice" program to include religious schools, regardless of whether the state wanted to create such an inclusive program.

    "Can they refrain from making that program available for use in religious schools?" Justice O'Connor asked Mr. Davey's lawyer, Jay A. Sekulow.

    "I would think not," replied Mr. Sekulow, the chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, a legal organization founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson.

    "So what you are urging here would have a major impact then, would it not, on voucher programs," Justice O'Connor said in a tone of alarm.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:11 PM

    ARE THEY EVER ON THE RIGHT SIDE? (via Brian Hoffman):

    German Leader Vows One-China Policy (MICHAEL FISCHER, 12/02/03, Associated Press)

    Citing his country's own turbulent history, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder affirmed his support Tuesday for the Beijing leadership's most frequently touted diplomatic principle - the "one-China policy" that insists Taiwan is part of the mainland.

    To paraphrase Edmund Burke, all that it takes for evil to triumph is Germany.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:41 AM


    Shifts in States May Give Bush Electoral Edge (KATHARINE Q. SEELYE, Dec. 1, 2003, NY Times)

    Beyond issues like Iraq and the economy is one political reality that both the White House and Democrats say is already shaping next year's presidential race: If President Bush carries the same states in 2004 that he won in 2000, he will win seven more electoral votes.

    That change, a result of a population shift to Republican-friendly states in the South and West in the last several years, means the Republicans have a slight margin of error in 2004 while the Democrats will have to scramble just to pull even.

    In 2000, after Florida's 25 electoral votes were awarded to Mr. Bush, he won the presidency with 271 — 5 more than Al Gore's 266. Since then 18 states have either won or lost electoral votes, with 7 states that Mr. Bush won last time gaining a total of 11 electoral votes: Florida picked up 2, as did Texas, Georgia and Arizona. North Carolina, Nevada and Colorado each gained 1.

    The gain of 11 electoral votes was offset by a loss of 4 from four other Bush states, leaving Mr. Bush with a net gain of 7. The Democrats lost eight electoral votes in six states that went for Mr. Gore and gained one in another, for their net loss of seven.

    The shift in the electoral map means that the Republicans have a crucial cushion going into the 2004 presidential campaign. Mr. Bush could hold all the states he won in 2000 except for, say, West Virginia and its five electoral votes, and still win in 2004. The Democrats have no such room for error. They must hold all the states Mr. Gore won and add to them to make up the difference.

    Realistically, is there any state he carried in 2000--other than FL--where the President even needs to campaign much? The battleground is blue...for now...

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:38 AM


    Khadr trained at key terrorist base: 'Everybody went': Khaldun Camp was fount of terror plots (Stewart Bell, December 02, 2003, National Post)

    A Canadian recently released from Guantanamo Bay admitted at a news conference yesterday he had undergone weapons training at Khaldun Camp, a notorious al-Qaeda terrorist base in Afghanistan.

    Speaking at his lawyer's office a day after returning to Canada, Abdurahman Khadr said he spent three months training under Ibn Shaykh al-Libi, a Libyan known to intelligence agencies as a top al-Qaeda trainer.

    "It was an al-Qaeda-related training camp," said Mr. Khadr, 20, adding he attended the camp in 1998 at the behest of his father, Ahmed Said Khadr, wanted by the United States for his suspected ties to Osama bin Laden.

    He said he learned how to use Russian assault rifles and that his older brother Abdullah had also trained, but he said that was "a very normal thing" and that many young men trained to fight the Northern Alliance rebels then at war with the Taliban.

    "Everybody went to training camp in Afghanistan," he said. [...]

    Khaldun Camp has been described by intelligence agencies and captured terrorists such as Ahmed Ressam of Montreal as an important terrorist training base for radical Arabs and Muslims from around the world.

    Foreign recruits went there to learn how to build bombs and how to use them to blow up civilian targets such as airports, gas plants and hotels, Ressam testified. Plots to attack the U.S. and Israel were hatched at the camp, he said.

    Professor Martin Rudner, director of the Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies, said Mr. Khadr's description of a camp that hosted foreign trainees is "exactly the problem isn't it? That's exactly what terrorists did.

    "First, to train for a foreign military is not consistent with Canadian citizenship," said Prof. Rudner, who teaches at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University.

    "We don't have Canadians sign up in other people's armies and other people's wars, and receive military training.

    "Secondly, isn't that precisely what terrorism is about -- taking people from various countries and training them on tactics, methods, explosives and techniques which are tantamount to terrorism?"

    Why'd we release him? We should have shot him.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 AM


    The Bush Betrayal (David Boaz, November 30, 2003, Washington Post)

    Bush and his aides should be worrying about the possibility that libertarians, economic conservatives and fed-up taxpayers won't be in his corner in 2004 in the same numbers as 2000.

    Republican strategists are likely to say that libertarians and economic conservatives have nowhere else to go. Many of the disappointed will indeed sigh a deep sigh and vote for Bush as a lesser evil.

    But Karl Rove, who is fascinated by the role Mark Hanna played in building the post-1896 Republican majority, should remember one aspect of that era: In the late 19th century, the Democratic Party of Jefferson, Jackson and Cleveland was known as "the party of personal liberty." More so than the Republicans, it was committed to economic and cultural laissez-faire and opposed to Prohibition, protectionism and inflation.

    When the big-government populist William Jennings Bryan claimed the Democratic nomination in 1896, many assumed he would draw industrial workers from the Republicans and bring new voters to the polls. Instead, Bryan lost in a landslide, and turnout declined for the next few elections. As the more libertarian Democrats found less reason to go to the polls, the Republicans dominated national politics for the next 36 years.

    One can't help but admire the candor with which Mr. Boaz notes that social libertarians are actually Democrats, not conservatives, and have historically been on the losing side of the American political equation, opposite the moralists. You seldom hear anyone threaten to show their anger by sentencing themself to oblivion, but it is refreshing.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:54 AM


    No use preaching to the converted (Phar Kim Beng, 12/03/03, Asia Times)

    [A]sking preachers to denounce Islamic extremism will not be successful, in either the short or the long term. In fact, it may only amount to a strategy of false reassurance that at least something is being done. One reason this approach will fail is because in modern times, the link between Muslims and their preachers has not been as strong as in the past. As a mosque may often accommodate literally thousands of worshippers, not all worshippers know the preacher who makes the traditional sermon on Friday; not even the worshippers in the front row of prayer. Lacking any intimate link to a their preachers, the personal appeal is therefore lost.

    Nor are these worshippers even obliged to know the iman, or the leader of prayer, as the identity of the preacher is not crucial to the performance of the obligatory Friday prayer. On other occasions, there are also no public sermons, known as khutbah, in mosques. So, the critical impact a preacher's speech could have is blunted. In fact, many worshipers' anger and their tenacity to challenge the authorities are gained outside a mosque, rather than in it.

    Research done by Patrick Gaffney, an anthropologist at the University of Notre Dame, has shown that while fiery preachers in Egypt, for instance, do inflame the feelings of Muslims, there is no indication that they possess the moral authority to douse their seething anger with the West or repressive regimes. Thus, while preachers can go on record to denounce terrorism and declare it an aberration of Islam, their actions have no strategic deterrent value. Nor can they decisively alter the behavior of those Muslims who are already sympathetic to the causes of radical Islamic groups; or those on the verge of contemplating suicide attacks.

    It's a curious sort of argument that the nature of Islam itself doesn't influence people, except to incite them to violence. If Islam serves nothing but negative purposes then the only reasonable Western course of action is to make war against the faith and replace it with a more productive theology. One doubts that's what's meant here.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 AM


    Canada's View on Social Issues Is Opening Rifts With the U.S. (CLIFFORD KRAUSS, 12/02/03, NY Times)

    Canadians and Americans still dress alike, talk alike, like the same books, television shows and movies, and trade more goods and services than ever before. But from gay marriage to drug use to church attendance, a chasm has opened up on social issues that go to the heart of fundamental values.

    A more distinctive Canadian identity — one far more in line with European sensibilities — is emerging and generating new frictions with the United States. [...]

    The nations remain like-minded in pockets, but the center of gravity in each has changed. French-speaking Quebec, with nearly a quarter of the population and its open social attitudes, pulls Canada to the left, just as the South and Bible Belt increasingly pull the United States in the opposite direction, particularly on issues like abortion, gay marriage and capital punishment.

    So, you're Canada, and you look across the entire globe for a country to emulate and you choose...France?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:08 AM


    Liberal Hangover: Why they hate Bush so.
    (Adam Wolfson, December 01, 2003, National Review)

    [T]here is more to their hatred than is generally understood -- something more fundamental is at work. Almost all modern liberal thought begins with the bedrock assumption that humans are basically good. Within this moral horizon something such as terrorism cannot really exist, except as a manifestation of injustice, or unfairness, or lack of decent social services. Whether knowingly or not Bush has directly challenged this core liberal belief -- and for this he is not easily forgiven. [...]

    The utopian Left believes that the wolf can be made to dwell with the lamb. Their preferred method of dealing with wolfish dictators is to "dialogue" with them. Surely, they say, dictators want (well, more or less,) what we want: peace and good will towards all men. It is this sort of blindness that allowed Arafat to win the Nobel Peace prize. It is this sort of wishful thinking that led liberals to believe that Hussein could be contained by U.N. resolutions alone. The Left almost as a matter of ideology shuns all such unpleasant realities. The Clinton administration, after all, proposed calling rogue states * nations who starve and torture their own citizens and threaten their neighbors * "states of concern." Bush simply calls them "evil."

    The Left vilifies Bush because he insists on calling a spade a spade, and in so doing threatens to bring down their entire intellectual edifice. Even after the horrors of the 20th century, the Left has yet to recover from its Rousseau-induced hangover. Liberals still insist on seeing human nature as basically good. Nothing is more offensive to such a mentality, not Hussein's torture chambers, not al Qaeda's wanton killing of innocent life, than one who dares to speak so plainly of "evildoers."

    This analysis is sound, but should really be extended, because it applies just as much to domestic politics -- as well as explaining why libertarians hate him so much too. Libertarians share with liberals the utopian delusion that Man in the state of Nature is essentially a peaceful creature and that only the rise of governance--of some men having authority over others--causes the disfigurements of this essentially pastoral human nature. Thus, the Left assumes that but for kings, the aristocracy, corporations, or whoever, we'd all sit around singing Kumbaya and share whatever each of us has. Libertarians, on the other hand, assume we'd all be content to leave one another alone and behave our own selves.

    Christianity in general and Christian conservatism in particular finds such notions utter hogwash--and, the Founders being both conservative and Christian based trhe Republic on a far dimmer view of mankind. The question that arises then is can you maintain the American experiment if you radically alter its premises and try to rest it on the ideas of the Left and libertarians?

    Here's a thoughtful essay from several years aho which suggests not, Can We Be Good Without God?: On the political meaning of Christianity (Glenn Tinder, December 1989, The Atlantic)

    WE are so used to thinking of spirituality as withdrawal from the world and human affairs that it is hard to think of it as political. Spirituality is personal and private, we assume, while politics is public. But such a dichotomy drastically diminishes spirituality construing it as a relationship to God without implications for one's relationship to the surrounding world. The God of Christian faith (I shall focus on Christianity although the God of the New Testament is also the God of the Old Testament) created the world and is deeply engaged in the affairs of the world. The notion that we can be related to God and not to the world--that we can practice a spirituality that is not political--is in conflict with the Christian understanding of God.

    And if spirituality is properly political, the converse also is true, however distant it may be from prevailing assumptions: politics is properly spiritual. The spirituality of politics was affirmed by Plato at the very beginnings of Western political philosophy and was a commonplace of medieval political thought. Only in modern times has it come to be taken for granted that politics is entirely secular. The inevitable result is the demoralization of politics. Politics loses its moral structure and purpose, and turns into an affair of group interest and personal ambition. Government comes to the aid of only the well organized and influential, and it is limited only where it is checked by countervailing forces. Politics ceases to be understood as a pre-eminently human activity and is left to those who find it profitable, pleasurable, or in some other way useful to themselves. Political action thus comes to be carried out purely for the sake of power and privilege.

    It will be my purpose in this essay to try to connect the severed realms of the spiritual and the political. In view of the fervent secularism of many Americans today, some will assume this to be the opening salvo of a fundamentalist attack on "pluralism." Ironically, as I will argue, many of the undoubted virtues of pluralism--respect for the individual and a belief in the essential equality of all human beings, to cite just two--have strong roots in the union of the spiritual and the political achieved in the vision of Christianity. The question that secularists have to answer is whether these values can survive without these particular roots. In short, can we be good without God? Can we affirm the dignity and equality of individual persons--values we ordinarily regard as secular--without giving them transcendental backing? Today these values are honored more in the breach than in the observance; Manhattan Island alone, with its extremes of sybaritic wealth on the one hand and Calcuttan poverty on the other, is testimony to how little equality really counts for in contemporary America. To renew these indispensable values, I shall argue, we must rediscover their primal spiritual grounds. [...]

    THE fallen individual is not someone other than the exalted individual. Every human being is fallen and exalted both. This paradox is familiar to all informed Christians. Yet it is continually forgotten--partly, perhaps, because it so greatly complicates the task of dealing with evil in the world, and no doubt partly because we hate to apply it to ourselves; although glad to recall our exaltation, we are reluctant to remember our fallenness. It is vital to political understanding, however, to do both. If the concept of the exalted individual defines the highest value under God, the concept of the fallen individual defines the situation in which that value must be sought and defended.

    The principle that a human being is sacred yet morally degraded is hard for common sense to grasp. It is apparent to most of us that some people are morally degraded. It is ordinarily assumed, however, that other people are morally upright and that these alone possess dignity. From this point of view all is simple and logical. The human race is divided roughly between good people, who possess the infinite worth we attribute to individuals, and bad people, who do not. The basic problem of life is for the good people to gain supremacy over, and perhaps eradicate, the bad people. This view appears in varied forms: in Marxism, where the human race is divided between a world-redeeming class and a class that is exploitative and condemned; in some expressions of American nationalism, where the division--at least, until recently--has been between "the free world" and demonic communism; in Western films, where virtuous heroes kill bandits and lawless Indians.

    This common model of life's meaning is drastically irreligious, because it places reliance on good human beings and not on God. It has no room for the double insight that the evil are not beyond the reach of divine mercy nor the good beyond the need for it. It is thus antithetical to Christianity which maintains that human beings are justified by God alone, and that all are sacred and none are good.

    The proposition that none are good does not mean merely that none are perfect. It means that all are persistently and deeply inclined toward evil. All are sinful. In a few sin is so effectively suppressed that it seems to have been destroyed. But this is owing to God's grace, Christian principles imply, not to human goodness, and those in whom it has happened testify emphatically that this is so. Saints claim little credit for themselves.

    Nothing in Christian doctrine so offends people today as the stress on sin. It is morbid and self-destructive, supposedly, to depreciate ourselves in this way. Yet the Christian view is not implausible. The twentieth century not to speak of earlier ages (often assumed to be more barbaric), has displayed human evil in extravagant forms. Wars and massacres, systematic torture and internment in concentration camps, have become everyday occurrences in the decades since 1914. Even in the most civilized societies subtle forms of callousness and cruelty prevail through capitalist and bureaucratic institutions. Thus our own experience indicates that we should not casually dismiss the Christian concept of sin.

    According to that concept, the inclination toward evil is primarily an inclination to exalt ourselves rather than allowing ourselves to be exalted by God. We exalt ourselves in a variety of ways: for example, by power, trying to control all the things and people around us; by greed, accumulating an inequitable portion of the material goods of the world; by self-righteousness, claiming to be wholly virtuous; and so forth. Self exaltation is carried out sometimes by individuals, sometimes by groups. It is often referred to, in all of its various forms, as "pride."

    THE Christian concept of sin is not adequately described, however, merely by saying that people frequently engage in evil actions. Our predisposition toward such actions is so powerful and so unyielding that it holds us captive. As Paul said, "I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." This does not imply, of course, that I am entirely depraved. If I disapprove of my evil acts, then I am partly good. However, if I persist in evil in the face of my own disapproval, then I am not only partly evil but also incapable of destroying the evil in my nature and enthroning the good. I am, that is to say, a prisoner of evil, even if I am not wholly evil. This imprisonment is sometimes called "original sin," and the phrase is useful, not because one must take the story of Adam's disobedience literally but because it points to the mysterious truth that our captivity by evil originates in a primal and iniquitous choice on the part of every person. I persistently fail to attain goodness because I have turned away from goodness and set my face toward evil.

    The political value of the doctrine of original sin lies in its recognition that our evil tendencies are not in the nature of a problem that we can rationally comprehend and deliberately solve. To say that the source of sin is sin is to say that sin is underivable and inexplicable. A sinful society is not like a malfunctioning machine, something to be checked and quickly repaired.

    Sin is ironic. Its intention is self-exaltation, its result is self debasement. In trying to ascend, we fall. The reason for this is not hard to understand. We are exalted by God; in declaring our independence from God, we cast ourselves down. In other words, sin concerns not just our actions and our nature but also the setting of our lives. By sin we cast ourselves into a degraded sphere of existence, a sphere Christians often call "the world." Human beings belong to the world through sin. They look at one another as objects; they manipulate, mutilate, and kill one another. In diverse ways, some subtle and some shocking, some relatively innocuous and some devastating, they continually depersonalize themselves and others. They behave as inhabitants of the world they have sinfully formed rather than of the earth created by God. Original sin is the quiet determination, deep in everyone, to stay inside the world. Every sinful act is a violation of the personal being that continually, in freedom, vision, and love, threatens the world. The archetype of sin is the reduction of a person to the thing we call a corpse.

    WHEN the paradox of simultaneous exaltation and fallenness collapses, it is replaced by either cynicism or (to use a term that is accurate but masks the destructive character of the attitude it refers to) idealism.

    Cynicism measures the value of human beings by their manifest qualities and thus esteems them very slightly. It concludes, in effect, that individuals are not exalted, because they are fallen. Idealism refuses this conclusion. It insists that the value of human beings, or of some of them, is very great. It is not so simplistic, however, as to deny the incongruity of their essential value and their manifest qualities. Rather, it asserts that this incongruity can be resolved by human beings on their own, perhaps through political revolution or psychotherapy. Human beings can exalt themselves.

    We shall dwell in this discussion on idealism, partly because idealism is much more tempting and therefore much more common than cynicism. Idealism is exhilarating, whereas cynicism, as anything more than a youthful experiment, is grim and discouraging. We shall dwell on idealism also because it is so much more dangerous than it looks. The dangers of cynicism are evident; that a general contempt for human beings is apt to be socially and politically destructive scarcely needs to be argued. But idealism looks benign. It is important to understand why its appearance is misleading.

    Idealism in our time is commonly a form of collective pride. Human beings exalt themselves by exalting a group. Each one of course exalts the singular and separate self in some manner. In most people, however, personal pride needs reinforcement through a common ideal or emotion, such as nationalism. Hence the rise of collective pride. To exalt ourselves, we exalt a nation, a class, or even the whole of humanity in some particular manifestation like science. Such pride is alluring. It assumes grandiose and enthralling proportions yet it seems selfless, because not one person alone but a class or nation or some other collectivity is exalted. It can be at once more extreme and less offensive than personal pride.

    To represent the uncompromising and worldly character of modern idealism we may appropriately use the image of the man-god. This image is a reversal of the Christian concept of the God-man, Christ. The order of the terms obviously is crucial. In the case of the God-man, it indicates the source of Christ's divinity as understood in Christian faith. God took the initiative. To reverse the order of the terms and affirm the man-god is to say that human beings become divine on their own initiative. Here pride reaches its most extreme development. The dignity bestowed on human beings by God, in Christian faith, is now claimed as a quality that human beings can acquire through their own self-creating acts.

    In using the concept of the man-god, I do not mean to suggest that divinity is explicitly attributed to certain human beings. Even propagandists, to say nothing of philosophers, are more subtle than that. What happens is simply that qualities traditionally attributed to God are shifted to a human group or type. The qualities thus assigned are various--perfect understanding, perhaps, or unfailing fairness. Illustrative are the views of three great intellectual figures, familiar to everyone, yet so diversely interpreted that the fundamental character of their thought--and their deep similarity--is sometimes forgotten. [...]

    Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud represent a movement by no means restricted to those who consciously follow any one of them or even to those familiar with their writings. Not only are we "all Marxists now"; it could be said with nearly equal justification that we are all Nietzscheans and Freudians. Most of us have come to assume that we ourselves are the authors of human destiny. The term "man-god" may seem extreme, but I believe that our situation is extreme. Christianity poses sweeping alternatives--destiny and fate, redemption and eternal loss, the Kingdom of God and the void of Hell. From centuries of Christian culture and education we have come habitually to think of life as structured by such extremes. Hence Christian faith may fade, but we still want to live a destiny rather than a mere life, to transform the conditions of human existence and not merely to effect improvements, to establish a perfect community and not simply a better society. Losing faith in the God-man, we inevitably begin to dream of the man-god, even though we often think of the object of our new faith as something impersonal and innocuous, like science, thus concealing from ourselves the radical nature of our dreams.

    THE political repercussions are profound. Most important is that all logical grounds for attributing an ultimate and immeasurable dignity to every person, regardless of outward character, disappear. Some people may gain dignity from their achievements in art, literature, or politics, but the notion that all people without exception--the most base, the most destructive, the most repellent--have equal claims on our respect becomes as absurd as would be the claim that all automobiles or all horses are of equal excellence. The standard of agape collapses. It becomes explicable only on Nietzsche's terms: as a device by which the weak and failing exact from the strong and distinguished a deference they do not deserve. Thus the spiritual center of Western politics fades and vanishes. If the principle of personal dignity disappears, the kind of political order we are used to--one structured by standards such as liberty for all human beings and equality under the law--becomes indefensible. [...]

    When disrespect for individuals is combined with political idolatry, the results can be atrocious. Both the logical and the emotional foundations of political decency are destroyed. Equality becomes nonsensical and breaks down under attack from one or another human god. Consider Lenin: as a Marxist, and like Marx an exponent of equality, under the pressures of revolution he denied equality in principle--except as an ultimate goal- and so systematically nullified it in practice as to become the founder of modern totalitarianism. When equality falls, universality is likely also to fall. Nationalism or some other form of collective pride becomes virulent, and war unrestrained. Liberty, too, is likely to vanish; it becomes a heavy personal and social burden when no God justifies and sanctifies the individual in spite of all personal deficiencies and failures.

    The idealism of the man-god does not, of course, bring as an immediate and obvious consequence a collapse into unrestrained nihilism. We all know many people who do not believe in God and yet are decent and admirable. Western societies, as highly secularized as they are, retain many humane features. Not even tacitly has our sole governing maxim become the one Dostoevsky thought was bound to follow the denial of the God-man: "Everything is permitted."

    This may be, however, because customs and habits formed during Christian ages keep people from professing and acting on such a maxim even though it would be logical for them to do so. If that is the case, our position is precarious, for good customs and habits need spiritual grounds, and if those are lacking, they will gradually, or perhaps suddenly in some crisis, crumble.

    To what extent are we now living on moral savings accumulated over many centuries but no longer being replenished? To what extent are those savings already severely depleted? Again and again we are told by advertisers, counselors, and other purveyors of popular wisdom that we have a right to buy the things we want and to live as we please. We should be prudent and farsighted, perhaps (although even those modest virtues are not greatly emphasized), but we are subject ultimately to no standard but self-interest. If nihilism is most obvious in the lives of wanton destroyers like Hitler, it is nevertheless present also in the lives of people who live purely as pleasure and convenience dictate.

    And aside from intentions, there is a question concerning consequences. Even idealists whose good intentions for the human race are pure and strong are still vulnerable to fate because of the pride that causes them to act ambitiously and recklessly in history. Initiating chains of unforeseen and destructive consequences, they are often overwhelmed by results drastically at variance with their humane intentions. Modern revolutionaries have willed liberty and equality for everyone, not the terror and despotism they have actually created. Social reformers in the United States were never aiming at the great federal bureaucracy or at the pervasive dedication to entertainment and pleasure that characterizes the welfare state they brought into existence. There must always be a gap between intentions and results, but for those who forget that they are finite and morally flawed the gap may become a chasm. Not only Christians but almost everyone today feels the fear that we live under the sway of forces that we have set in motion--perhaps in the very process of industrialization, perhaps only at certain stages of that process, as in the creation of nuclear power--and that threaten our lives and are beyond our control.

    There is much room for argument about these matters. But there is no greater error in the modern mind than the assumption that the God-man can be repudiated with impunity. The man-god may take his place and become the author of deeds wholly unintended and the victim of terrors starkly in contrast with the benign intentions lying at their source. The irony of sin is in this way reproduced in the irony of idealism: exalting human beings in their supposed virtues and powers, idealism undermines them. Exciting fervent expectations, it leads toward despair.

    Somehow, in the past few years, irony has become something of a dirty word. But irony is fundamental to the conservative/Christian worldview. It lies at the core of the knowledge that even when we act out of the best intentions, our own human limitations will often lead to disaster. This is the reason that conservatives view life as a comedy, while liberals--who don't even comprehend the limitations--see it as a tragedy. Because conservatives are immunized in this way against despair, they are also less prone to the fits of desparation in which liberals find themselves ready to destroy the traditions and institutions which they come to believe have let them down, when, in fact, it is our own nature that inevitably leads us awry. Expecting imperfection, conservatives are never surprised and are endlessly amused (when not horrified) by those who are unable to learn from repeated experimentation in search of perfection. But mightn't it be about time for the utopians to learn the error of their ways?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


    My Brush with the Campus Thought Police: Why is it conservatives are inviting a liberal Democratic feminist to speak on campus, and Democrats aren't? A report from two campuses. (Tammy Bruce, 12/02/03, Front Page)

    One of the many benefits of my work is that I get to go speak directly to the Stepford Undergraduates who arrive at college as eager and excited freshman and walk out cynical, brainwashed leftists. They embrace the multiculturalism, moral relativism and hatred of America that their Marxist and Socialist professors have instilled in them for years.
    As a Democrat and a feminist, you would think it would be the women’s groups, or the feminist club, or the College Democrats that would be inviting me to speak. But of course not.
    No, the young people supposedly keeping the flame for freedom of expression, new ideas, and obsessed with “diversity” are far too busy clamping down on the people who exhibit that pesky intellectual freedom let alone be expected to actually bring one of “them” (i.e., someone who dares to challenge them) to campus.
    I should not have been surprised, but in my effort to be able to be heard on campuses it became the conservative wing of Americans politics that exhibited a true commitment to intellectual diversity and freedom of expression. The College Republicans and the Young America’s Foundation, America’s largest campus outreach program for the conservative movement, have been the sponsors of my most recent speaking engagements—at Roger Williams College and at Mt Holyoke.
    The bright lights out there on our campuses are indeed the conservative students who are truly committed to principles and values. Because of this, they are willing to face the risk, punishment, name-calling, and even threats to their personal safety because they dare to be different. They dare to stand up for what is right. They dare to be College Republicans.

    Of course, Ms Bruce is being more than a tad disingenuous, as her politics are fairly conservative, even if putatively Democratic, and young people enjoy nothing more than being provocative, especially conservatives, who have no ethos of hypersensitivity to the political correctness of others. Had a friend at Colgate who used to wear orange on St. Patrick's day--drove folks nuts, but it was damned amusing.

    Posted by orrinj at 7:55 AM


    Decline of France
    : And the rise of an Islamist-leftist alliance. (Christopher Caldwell, 12/08/2003, Weekly Standard)

    If the 2002 elections were a wake-up call, then France has slept through it. Today, Chirac's popularity is plummeting and Raffarin's job hangs by a thread. On the day the United States launched its war in Iraq last March, Chirac had a 74 percent approval rating, while Raffarin's stood at 58. Today, Chirac is at 47 and falling, while Raffarin is at 33. Their problem is partly that they knuckled under to union protests last spring during a halting and overdue attempt to restrain public employees' privileges. It is partly that they mishandled last summer's heat wave, which saw 15,000 more deaths than would be expected according to actuarial tables. (Most were old people, ditched by their families over summer vacations prolonged absurdly by generous social legislation. The great indignity of the heat wave was thus that it reminded the French what a non-familial, consumerist, rootless, "American" society they have become.) It is partly that Chirac and Raffarin have squandered their mandate on nugatory issues, from their campaign against reckless driving to a "war on tobacco." (The latter is causing problems of public order, too, as smokers, incredulous at the near-doubled price of cigarettes, assault tobacconists and steal merchandise.) [...]

    WHEN FRANCE'S OWN PROBLEMS are mentioned in public, the reaction is electric. The hot book in France just now is "La France qui tombe" ("France Falling") by the lawyer and political scientist Nicolas Baverez (which was first published as an essay in the prestigious quarterly Commentaire last spring). Baverez--who opposed the American invasion of Iraq in a clear-eyed way--blames France's current predicament on the country's preference for stabilizing its institutions over adjusting to the world as it is. This is not a momentary loss of will but a tendency that has been entrenched in French culture since the Industrial Revolution, and it leaves France in "undeniable decline, even in the context of a Europe that is itself decadent."

    Wasn't France in decline by the start of the Industrial Revolution?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:30 AM


    The situation in Iraq has improved and will continue to get better. (Donald Walter, December 01, 2003, Online Opinion)

    Let me begin with a disclaimer, I was in Iraq for fewer than 40 days, I was in Baghdad for a little over three weeks and in the three provinces of the far south for two weeks. I am limited in what I saw and heard. Needless to say, the opinions are my own. I want to make it clear that, initially, I vehemently opposed the war.

    The team of 12 that went to Iraq was to assess the judiciary and to make recommendations for the future. We were sent too soon and without sufficient planning and forethought. Accordingly, we were forced to play our part by ear. Ultimately, we were successful. No thanks to the civil authorities in Washington or Iraq.

    We were divided into 4 teams. We were the southern team: Mike Farhang, an AUSA from Los Angeles, Harvard Summa Undergraduate, Harvard Law Review, Linguist, 5 languages including Arabic; Rich Coughlin, Federal Public Defender from New Jersey, who abandoned his wife and 23-month-old daughter to volunteer for this; and me. We were accompanied by an interpreter and protected by what I called our "minders," four Iraqis well-armed with 9mm hand guns and AK47s.

    During the first two weeks, we talked to a few hundred Iraqis and interviewed about 60 judges. Our help came from our Danish colleagues and the First Armored Division (UK) - not from the civil! authorities - OPCA, Office of the Provisional Coalition Authority, (formerly ORHA), Ambassador Brenner's group.

    Despite my initial opposition to the war, I am now convinced, whether we find any weapons of mass destruction or prove Saddam sheltered and financed terrorists, absolutely, we should have overthrown the Ba'athists, indeed, we should have done it sooner. [...]

    Upon returning to Baghdad, I went to the Ministry of Justice to review the situation in the south. I took advantage of the situation and said the following: "I have read a little of your history. I know you are a proud people who have risen from the ashes in the past, so I must tell you that I am saddened and disappointed; I have talked to hundreds of you over the past five weeks, almost everyone educated and privileged. What I have heard is what you want from us, how the Americans have to fix this and give you money and equipment, protect you from you own. The only adults planning on the future were those law students in Basra who had lost everything - their books, their desks, their records, their school. And they were doing something about it on their own. You need to do some of these things for yourselves. If you are depending on us to do everything, you are going to be sadly disappointed."

    I got a few nods from the judges, but the translator said to me: "Thank you. I have been waiting for someone to tell them that."

    Our soldiers, God love them and keep them; they smiled every time I got a chance to talk to them. They want to come home but I did not hear one word of complaint nor a question as to why they were there. This is boring, HOT, dirty, and dangerous work. They stand in 120-plus degrees in full body armor. They are amazing. Their entertainment was largely self-generated; boredom doesn't stop when they stand down. Write a letter, send a note or email; send a book, CD, tape, or magazine; do something.

    Why is it that, while the media is relentlessly pessimistic, seemingly every non-press person who goes over comes back guardedly optimistic?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM


    A growing political force to be reckoned with: black Republicans (Rod Thomson, Dec 1, 2003, Sarasota Herald-Tribune)

    The ballroom of the Hyatt in downtown Sarasota was filled to capacity with 200 people at a $75-per-plate dinner. Typical Republican shindig, except for one thing: Most of the attendees were black. The occasion was the first inaugural banquet of the SaraMana Black Republican Club.

    There is the sound of distant thunder in the two-party political alignment that is as real in Sarasota as anywhere in the country. Black voters, in small but growing numbers, are beginning to consider the Republican Party.
    It sounds laughable at first blush. The Democratic Party has relied on about 90 percent, unquestioning black support for decades. But it is quite real, and could have stunning consequences for the balance of political power in the country. [...]

    A study from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies last year found that in the previous two years, black support for Democrats dropped 11 percentage points, resulting in less than two-thirds calling themselves Democrats. Meanwhile, support for Republicans more than doubled among black voters, from 4 percent to 10 percent.

    That is still a small percentage, but it does represent a 150 percent increase. Further, the largest Republican support comes from the youngest segment of black voters – the future.

    If Sarasota is any indication, this trickle one day could turn into a dam-break.

    Even if it pays no immediate dividends, George W. Bush should just relentlessly court those constituencies and states that are considered the core of the Democratic Party. Make them defend their base and they'll never get to go on offense in this election--meanwhile there's at least a potential payoff down the road. After all, the GOP doesn't need to be competitive among blacks, Jews, etc., to win, but if it can boost its percentages just a bit among them (say, getting into the mid to high teens of the black vote) it becomes nigh unbeatable.

    December 1, 2003

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 PM


    Does The New York Times Wish The President Dead? (
    Nicholas Stix, 12/01/03, Too Good Reports)

    The New York Times is outraged that President Bush failed to breach his own heavy security, and inform its reporters and editors in advance of his secret Thanksgiving trip to visit with American G.I.s in Baghdad.

    The President also failed to inform the al Qaeda and Baathist leaderships, respectively, of his trip.

    Security was so tight for the trip, since otherwise Saddam-loyalists and terrorists active in Iraq would surely have attempted to assassinate the President. On November 22, enemy fighters armed with shoulder-fired missiles hit an A-300 DHL Express freight plane in the left wing, as it took off from Baghdad Airport. Had they known that the President was expected, a battalion of such snipers would have assembled to kill the President of the United States, who would be arriving on Air Force One, likely the only 747 in the skies over Baghdad. Hence, the President decided that were security compromised at any point of the trip, he would order his pilot, Col. Mark Tillman, to immediately turn the plane around, and return to the U.S.

    In order to maintain the ruse, in presidential spokeswoman Claire Buchan’s Thanksgiving Day briefing at the President’s Crawford ranch, she informed reporters the President would be spending the holiday on the ranch. Only five reporters were permitted to accompany the president on Air Force One, none of whom works for the Times. They were Fox’s Jim Angle, Steve Holland of Reuters, Richard Keil of Bloomberg Business News, Terence Hunt of the Associated Press, the Washington Post’s Mike Allen, one TV producer, two TV photographers and five still photographers. (Although many Reuters stories on the visit carried Larry Downing’s byline, a Reuters staffer told Toogood Reports that Steve Holland was on the plane. Terence Hunt was confirmed by an AP staffer. The other names came from news accounts.)

    In Friday’s New York Times, Jacques Steinberg and Jim Rutenberg reported that, “To Philip Taubman, the Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, that briefing appeared to constitute ‘deliberate deception.’” [...]

    After working so hard to impress upon the President that they cannot be trusted with the nation's security, Taubman and his comrades now complain, when the President merely shows that he has taken them seriously. This reminds me of ‘60s student radicals who would take over campus buildings, and then complain on the rare occasion that a school president took their threat seriously enough to call in the police to clear the buildings. You can't have it both ways.

    Note that some journalists from an older generation did not expect the President to put himself and others in harm’s way. CBS’ chief Washington correspondent, Bob Schieffer, contended, "In this case, it's justified. It was extremely important for the president to demonstrate that he's willing to go where those young men and women he sent over there have gone." If they "were going with a military operation in Baghdad, they'd keep it off the record." In order to avoid attracting the notice of skimming readers, Howard Kurtz placed his criticism of Schieffer (that this was “a major presidential trip overseas,” and not a military operation) a few paragraphs after the Schieffer quote.

    Time was, it was unheard of for a commander-in-chief to have to assume that, if given the chance, the nation’s most influential newspaper would compromise national security and risk his life.

    At times like this it's helpful to recall just how little interest the media expresses in the security of American men at war. Here's an account of an infamous exchange which features two of America's leading journalists disgracing themselves and their "profession" on PBS fourteen years ago:
    In a future war involving U.S. soldiers what would a TV reporter do if he learned the enemy troops with which he was traveling were about to launch a surprise attack on an American unit? That's just the question Harvard University professor Charles Ogletree Jr, as moderator of PBS' Ethics in America series, posed to ABC anchor PeterJennings and 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace. Both agreed getting ambush footage for the evening news would come before warning the U.S. troops.

    For the March 7 installment on battlefield ethics Ogletree set up a theoretical war between the North Kosanese and the U.S.-supported South Kosanese. At first Jennings responded: "If I was with a North Kosanese unit that came upon Americans, I think I personally would do what I could to warn the Americans."

    Wallace countered that other reporters, including himself, "would regard it simply as another story that they are there to cover." Jennings' position bewildered Wallace: "I'm a little bit of a loss to understand why, because you are an American, you would not have covered that story."

    "Don't you have a higher duty as an American citizen to do all you can to save the lives of soldiers rather than this journalistic ethic of reporting fact?" Ogletree asked. Without hesitating Wallace responded: "No, you don't have higher duty... you're a reporter." This convinces Jennings, who concedes, "I think he's right too, I chickened out."

    Ogletree turns to Brent Scowcroft, now the National Security Adviser, who argues "you're Americans first, and you're journalists second." Wallace is mystified by the concept, wondering "what in the world is wrong with photographing this attack by North Kosanese on American soldiers?" Retired General William Westmoreland then points out that "it would be repugnant to the American listening public to see on film an ambush of an American platoon by our national enemy."

    A few minutes later Ogletree notes the "venomous reaction" from George Connell, a Marine Corps Colonel. "I feel utter contempt. Two days later they're both walking off my hilltop, they're two hundred yards away and they get ambushed. And they're lying there wounded. And they're going to expect I'm going to send Marines up there to get them. They're just journalists, they're not Americans."

    Wallace and Jennings agree, "it's a fair reaction." The discussion concludes as Connell says: "But I'll do it. And that's what makes me so contemptuous of them. And Marines will die, going to get a couple of journalists."

    Imagine the photos Mr. Wallace could have gotten of a dead president.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:05 PM


    States out of the red but still seeing red: Budgets nationwide are improving after three years of shortfalls. Yet the long-term climate grows harsher. ( Daniel B. Wood, 12/02/03, The Christian Science Monitor)

    States are finally bottoming out from a wrenching three-year dip in tax revenues - a shock made even more jarring by comparison to their 10-year run of record black ink in the 1990s.

    Dozens of states report deficits of zero this month, as lawmakers have closed gaps that reached $80 billion last year and $200 billion since 2001. The improvement comes on the back of the country's recent leap in economic expansion. More-conservative spending plans have also helped.

    But even as they begin to catch their breath, states are hunkering down for a whole new era of long-term needs, which could prompt continued tax overhauls, spending constraints, and efforts to "reinvent" government.

    Chastened by tenacious catfights over taxation and programs, and eyeing major battles ahead over healthcare costs, education, and other issues, the bold and conservative alike aren't declaring budget victory just yet.

    "States are [beginning] to look at what problems they have encountered because of tax structures and program outlays that are no longer tenable," says Arturo Perez, an analyst for the National Conference of State Legislatures. "Many have shifted away from the kinds of economies they had when current programs and taxation laws were put in place. And they are chastened by the scope of issues on the horizon that could come along and make their lives miserable."

    Remember during the tax cut negotiations, liberals were demanding billions of dollars to "save the states from bankruptcy" and conservatives said to forget it, they just needed to get over the bad habits they developed in the 90s? Here's a perfect example of how a balanced budget amendment would help to discipline the Federal government.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:53 PM


    Eureka, Big Personal Social Security Accounts Work (Peter Ferrara, 12/01/2003, Wall Street Journal)

    President Bush put the idea of a personal account option for Social Security on the national agenda in his 2000 campaign. Such reform would allow workers the freedom to choose to shift a portion of their Social Security payroll taxes into their own personal investment account, which would then finance a proportionate share of future Social Security retirement benefits. Administration officials have said such reform will be a focus of next year’s campaign, and a second Bush term.

    But up until now, establishment Washington has assumed that at most an option for only 2 percentage points of the 12.4% Social Security payroll tax would be feasible. That assumption has done more to dampen enthusiasm for the reform than any of the weak criticisms of the idea.

    The Social Security Administration (SSA), however, is releasing today an official score for a proposal for much larger personal accounts, averaging 6.4 percentage points. That score shows that such large personal accounts would achieve permanent solvency for Social Security, without benefit cuts or tax increases. Moreover, it shows that the transition financing burdens of such reform would be quite manageable.

    It may not be possible to overstate what's at stake in the Election of 2004.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:45 PM

    SPECIAL INTEREST (via Kevin Whited):

    Rumsfeld in Denial: We won't win in Iraq unless we face reality. (BARRY R. MCCAFFREY, November 30, 2003, Wall Street Journal)

    Iraq is a military and political mess, and it's not getting better. The insurgency by Sunni Baathist cadres backed up by a presence of foreign terrorists is going to grow more violent. Our casualties will continue to increase. Baghdad and other cities are wracked by small arms and remote bomb ambushes and by mortar and rocket attacks, and are closed to commercial air traffic. The mayhem has driven much of the international aid and political community out of the contested zones. Assassins stalk the emerging Iraqi leadership to separate collaborators from the Coalition. Saddam Hussein remains a fugitive and therefore a terror in the minds of all Iraqis, and our allies shrink back from supporting us with serious levels of resources or troops.

    Our Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is in denial of reality. He publicly states the situation on the ground in Iraq is being distorted by the media and characterizes the violence as comparable to Washington, D.C., crime levels. He has denied there is a "guerrilla war" and insisted that the only opposition is a handful of "dead enders." He points with increasing defensiveness to the small number of coalition forces (besides the courageous Brits) and the increasing hours of electricity per day as evidence that his policies are working.

    Some argue that Mr. Rumsfeld has ill served the president. We claimed victory in the initial war intervention. Our adversaries, however, haven't seen themselves as defeated. Mr. Rumsfeld's critics feel that he dug in his heels and inadequately resourced the campaign's opening phase. In my judgment, the manner in which we intervened, and ended the regime, has been a major source of our subsequent problems. It's not enough to achieve victory--which we did; you've got to achieve a situation in which your adversary recognizes that he's been defeated, and that violent resistance is futile--which we didn't. We went in with a small force that, while unstoppable militarily, was incapable of the sort of "takedown" of an entrenched opposition that our troops now face. We should have front-loaded our military power and withdrawn forces as things got better; instead, we went in light, and augmented power after the regime's fall.

    The inadequate resourcing of the campaign's first phase is linked to a broader problem: The U.S. Army is stretched to the breaking point.

    We may like the fellas making the argument better than their peers, but it's worth keeping in mind that such is really just special interest pleading. If General McCaffrey had been in the Air Force he'd be arguing we needed more planes and pilots, if in the Navy, more boats. Here's a more disinterested look at the same situation, There is good news in Iraq: if you just look for it (Michael O'Hanlon, 11/30/03, The Baltimore Sun):
    Things could still get worse in Iraq. But, at the risk of speculating, it seems more likely that they will start getting better. We are already witnessing improvements in the Iraqi quality of life; we may soon start to see improvements in the security situation.

    The reasons are twofold. First, Baathist holdouts and foreign jihadists have now used most of the plausible weapons and tactics available to them. Escalation will be increasingly difficult. Second, anyone in Iraq associated with the United States must realize he is a possible target. While tragic, it also means that more are likely to protect themselves robustly.

    While the Iraqi resistance has shown increasing competence and coordination, all of its tactics are taken from the standard insurgent and terrorist textbooks of the last decade. Use of roadside bombs is reminiscent of attacks by Hezbollah on Israeli forces in Lebanon. Ambushes on vehicle convoys smack of mujahedeen resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Truck bombs and suicide bombers follow patterns established by Hamas, al-Qaida and others.

    There are few standard, simple new tactics left to exploit. Of course, insurgents could keep hurting us by using the same tactics repeatedly or escalating their frequency. They have worked in the past. Indeed, to date, coalition forces have developed relatively poor defenses against such methods. For example, we still are not very good at countering improvised explosive devices.

    But there is some good news.

    Now that we know what tactics are being used, we can take at least some limited steps. We can clear roads of debris where bombs are often hidden, hasten to deploy electronic jammers to make it harder to detonate such devices remotely, place armored meshes around vehicles to intercept rocket-propelled grenades and avoid flying helicopters at predictable altitudes over predictable sites, especially in daylight.

    Indeed, the latest news from Iraq suggests the inherent limitations of the resistance and the strengths of an Allied military that's figured out what they're doing, Thwarted Ambush Was Highly Coordinated, U.S. Officials Say (EDWARD WONG, 12/01/03, NY Times)
    American military officials said today that a pair of ambushes of American forces in central Iraq on Sunday reflected a level of planning, scale and coordination not seen among guerrilla forces since the regime of Saddam Hussein was ousted last spring.

    "Are we looking at this one closely? Yes." Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said today. "Is this something larger than we have seen over the past couple of months? Yes. Are we concerned about it? Yeah, we will look at it and we will take the appropriate measures."

    American forces killed 54 people in the intense firefight in the town of Samarra after soldiers delivering Iraqi currency to two banks were bombarded with small-arms and antitank-grenade fire, General Kimmitt, a senior military spokesman, said. He added that 22 attackers had been wounded and that one had been detained. On Sunday, the military put the number of Iraqis killed at 46.

    A military statement said that "many of the dead attackers were found wearing fedayeen uniforms," a reference to the militias loyal to Mr. Hussein that put up some of the fiercest resistance to the American-led invasion last spring.

    What use is co-ordination when engagement is suicidal? Let them all co-ordinate and we can kill them in one fell swoop.

    Posted by David Cohen at 3:21 PM


    FDNY WIVES GET BURNED (Jeane MacIntosh, New York Post, 12/1/03)

    It's the FDNY's "dirty little secret."

    At least a dozen of New York's Bravest - some of them assigned to look after Sept. 11 widows - have left their wives for the spouses of their comrades killed in the terror attacks, sources told The Post.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:43 PM


    Sleeping With The Enemy (David Corn, November 28, 2003,

    "This is what's happening right now at the White House," [a Republican operative who is no fan of the president] said. "As soon as Karl Rove pops open the champagne, he picks up the phone and calls Ralph Reed"—the former Christian Coalition whiz kid who now heads the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign in the Southeast—"and says, 'Ralph, make it happen.' That's all he has to say. Ralph knows what that means. He and the campaign have already ID'ed the congressional districts where people will be enraged by the prospect of gay marriage. They have lists of the churches, of the pastors, of the people in the pew. They have contacts with the Christian radio stations, with the newsletters. Whether Bush says much about gay marriage or not, there will be a full-force effort on this front. It won't be visibly tied to the Bush campaign. The mainstream media might not be able to see it. But it will be there. And it might win the election for Bush. But, then, Bush might not even need this. Isn't he the luckiest man in the world? It makes you wonder what the hell God is doing." [...]

    My father used to tell me that it is always smarter to be lucky than it is lucky to be smart. But Bush's luck also has something to do with Democrats. The Medicare bill, which was passed with the backing of the influential AARP, was made possible by two Senate Democrats: Max Baucus of Montana, the senior Democrat on the Senate finance committee, and John Breaux of Louisiana, the senior Democrat on the special committee on aging. They were key negotiators—or enablers, providing the GOPers bipartisan cover for a bill that delivered more to drug companies than the elderly. (In a scathing column, The Wall Street Journal's Al Hunt blasted Baucus: "A fraudulent Medicare bill... is a testament to the skills and resourcefulness of Republican congressional leaders and to the lack of skills—and backbone—of a top Democrat, Max Baucus.") [...]

    Here was a familiar scene: the Republicans united and disciplined, the Democrats debating among themselves. It happened with Bush's first, tilted-to-the-rich tax cuts package. That legislation passed with the support of a dozen Senate Democrats. (Baucus played an instrumental role in that debacle, too.) It happened with the war in Iraq. Twenty-nine Democrats in the Senate and 81 in the House voted to grant Bush the authority to go to war against Iraq whenever he deemed appropriate; the majority of House Democrats did not. With the Medicare bill, the White House persuaded (or muscled) enough of the conservative House Republicans, who gagged at the thought of expanding an entitlement, to win passage in an unprecedented legislative tussle that entailed keeping a 15-minute vote open for three hours. The Democrats in the Senate could not fashion a unified position.

    The Democrats had a similar problem with the energy bill. Most opposed it, but not Daschle. "He's drunk the Kool-Aid," one Senate Democrat against the bill complained to me. "That is, the ethanol."

    The Kool-Aid analogy is especially apt given that the Democratic caucuses are going to look like Jonestown come November.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:32 AM


    Grain price hikes ring alarm bells in China (Antoaneta Bezlova, 12/02/03, Asia Times)

    For the first time in six years, China has seen grain prices soar, setting off alarm bells across the country. China has had a long history of famines resulting from wars, natural disasters and misguided political campaigns. Many people in China can still painfully recall the Great Leap Forward famine from 1959-1961, a disastrous period in which historians have estimated anywhere from 10-30 million people starved to death. And in the early 1990s, a grain supply shortage and surging grain prices triggered a round of inflation, driving up consumer prices.

    The government is now searching for ways to reassure its anxious citizens that a grain shortage will not severely affect prices or the overall economy.

    According to state media sources, wheat prices in the northeast - China's breadbasket - have risen by 32 percent since early autumn. In addition, corn prices have shot up by 50 percent and rice and rape seed prices have risen by as much as 15 percent.

    The rise in grain prices has also driven up the prices of edible oil, forage and other finished products, according to official reports.

    China's grain output fell from a peak of 512 million tonnes in 1998 to 457 million tonnes last year. This year the harvest is expected to fall even further to 440 million tonnes, according to Li Jingmo, an industry expert and general manager of Zhengzhou Wholesale Marketplace.

    Since 2000, China's grain demand has ranged between 480 and 490 million tonnes a year. In other words, the gap between demand and China's actual grain output is between 25 and 35 million tonnes, says Li.

    Without China, toys and electronics might cost us a little bit more. Without us they'll starve. Yet people still think they're an emerging power?

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


    The State of Health Care, in One Easy Number (Rexford Santerre, December 1, 2003, NY Times)

    I have compiled a misery index for health care, going back to 1960. As the measure, I took the percentage of Americans without health insurance and added to it the "excess" health care inflation rate — that is, the percentage by which annual increases in medical costs have exceeded general price inflation. As with combined inflation and unemployment, when both of these health care evils simultaneously increase, people are collectively made worse off. [...]

    The resulting chart shows the fluctuations in health care misery over the last 43 years, and helps us put today's figures in historical perspective. Clearly, in the early 1960's the index was excessively high. While costs of medical care were largely contained in those days, the problem was that many poor and elderly Americans lacked health insurance (Medicaid and Medicare had yet to be enacted).

    From the mid-60's through the 70's the index consistently declined, and for several reasons. In addition to the new government entitlement programs, the percentage of Americans with private insurance rose. This was largely because, as personal income tax rates increased, tax-exempt, employer-sponsored health insurance became more attractive to workers. Also, many commercial insurers that had shunned health insurance markets entered them. They were enticed by a relatively new innovation called "experience rating" — which allowed them to calculate an individualized per-person rate for a company or a small group rather than basing each person's rates on society as a whole. Experience rating allowed these companies to offer consumers lower premiums than the historically dominant carrier, Blue Cross.

    The health care misery index bottomed out in 1979 at 5.6 percent. Stagflation may have cost Jimmy Carter the presidency, but it did have one useful byproduct: declining real prices for medical care at a time when a relatively small number of people lacked insurance.

    Throughout the Reagan boom, however, the health care misery index rose continually. First, the costs of medical care were rising more rapidly than general price inflation. Second, private enrollment in health insurance plans declined relative to population, in part because President Ronald Reagan slashed marginal tax rates, giving employees and employers less incentive to participate in tax-exempt, employer-sponsored insurance. People began to take on themselves the risks of high medical costs. By 1986, the misery index stood at its highest level since 1969.

    Since 1988 the index has become less volatile, ranging from 15 percent to 19 percent annually. The number of Americans lacking insurance has stayed at 13 percent to 16 percent, and the "excess" costs of medical care, while high in most people's estimation, have stayed stable. [...]

    Still, I think most people would agree that today's misery index is still too high, especially when compared to the late 1970's. How do we make health insurance more accessible without significantly fueling medical price inflation? I think the Bush administration proposal to offer people and families a tax credit for purchasing private health insurance appears to be a step in the right direction, as it would give a fairer shake to those without employer-sponsored insurance.

    Even better than tax credits, alllow every American to open a Medical Savings Account--makling them mandatory for anyone who gets their health coverage via the federal government. This would not only provide universal coverage but return market forces to medicine.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


    American spirit far from sagging, survey reveals (Jennifer Harper, December 1, 2003, The Washington Times)

    According to a Gallup poll, 87 percent of the nation -- nine out of 10 Americans -- deem their mental health and emotional well-being either excellent or good. Two-thirds of the respondents said they had not experienced a single day of melancholy in the past month. [...]

    Meanwhile, things are not too shabby in the annual "Feel Good Index," a survey of 1,017 adults released Nov. 19 by Harris Polls to reflect our attitudes about everyday life.

    Ninety-two percent of those surveyed said they felt good about their family and home, 89 percent approved of their quality of life overall, 86 percent enjoyed their social life, 85 percent were upbeat about their health and 84 percent about their standard of living.

    Seventy-eight percent felt good about their town of residence, 70 percent approved of the morals and values in their community, and 64 percent were pleased with their job. [...]

    Half felt good about "the state of the nation," and 47 percent approved of the morals and values of the country.

    That figure has risen 13 points since the poll was taken in 1998 during the Clinton administration.

    All of which raises the question of who the media and the Democrats are talking to when they portray this as a time of inordinate angst.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:07 AM


    . . . And Mischief (Norman J. Ornstein, November 26, 2003, Washington Post )

    One of the most disgraceful moments in American sports came in the 1972 Olympics, when officials gave the Soviet Union's basketball team three chances to shoot the ball after the clock had apparently run out--allowing it to defeat the U.S. team.

    American politics now has its own version of that infamous game. Early last Sunday, starting at about 3 a.m., the House of Representatives began its roll call on the Medicare prescription drug plan--the most significant vote of the year. The House votes by electronic device, with each vote normally taking 15 minutes. After the allotted time, the bill, supported by the president and the Republican leadership, was losing. The vote stayed open. Before long it became clear that an absolute majority of the House--218 of the 435 members--had voted no, with only 216 in favor. But the vote stayed open until Republicans were able to bludgeon two of their members to switch sides. It took two hours and 51 minutes, the longest roll call in modern House history.

    This was not, technically speaking, against the rules. House Rule XX, clause 2 (a) says that there is a 15-minute minimum for most votes by electronic device. There is no formal maximum. A vote is not final until the vote numbers have been read by the speaker and the result declared. But since electronic voting began in January 1973, the norm has been long established and clear: Fifteen minutes is the voting time.

    What makes these gripes so hilarious is that if LBJ had used such a tactic to pass an entitlement program it would be considered a legendary pinnacle in the annals of the Left. Put the shoe on the other foot and the Republic is in danger.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:57 AM

    60-40 FILES:

    Humphreys leads in Okla. Senate race (UPI, 11/28/03)

    A new poll of 500 registered Oklahoma voters shows ex-Oklahoma City Mayor Kirk Humphreys with a slim, 3-point lead in next year's Senate race.

    Humphreys, the Republican, leads Democrat Brad Carson, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, by 41 to 38 percent statewide.

    The survey shows Humphreys running strongly in Tulsa and Oklahoma City while Carson leads, 40 to 38 percent, in the rural parts of the state.

    Meanwhile, President Bush will carry Oklahoma by at least twenty points, which should easily carry in any evenly mildly competitive GOP candidate.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


    Oil on the flames of civilizational war (Spengler, 12/02/03, Asia Times)

    "The coming millennium will go down in world history as a struggle between Orient and Occident, between the church and Islam, between the Germanic peoples and the Arabs," proclaimed Franz Rosenzweig in 1920. These ominous words appear in a collection of the German-Jewish theologian's writings about Islam, published in Berlin earlier this year. It is the most dangerous book I have read in a generation, for Rosenzweig (1886-1929) considered Islam a pagan "parody", "caricature" and "plagiarism" of Christianity and Judaism.

    "Why publish a book of Rosenzweig's writings on Islam now? Doesn't that pour oil onto the fire in which the Western world sees the lands of Islam as a feared and despised enemy?" asks the book's co-editor Gesine Palmer, a theologian associated with the German Evangelical Church. A fair question: for good or ill, the Rosenzweig revival is a hallmark of civilizational war.
    By coincidence, the neo-conservative icon Leo Strauss was a Rosenzweig protege, having spent 1922-1925 at the latter's Frankfurt Lehrhaus for Jewish education. Later Strauss rejected Rosenzweig in favor of what he called classical political rationalism. In so doing, I argued previously, (Neo-cons in a religious bind, June 5), Strauss became "irrelevant to what neo-conservatives call World War IV because it is a civilizational war, that is to say, a religious war". [...]

    Palmer and co-editor Yossef Schwartz of Hebrew University view the text as if it were an unexploded shell left over from World War I, and set out to defuse it. To make a long story short, they reduce Rosenzweig's critique of Islam to a mere philosophical construct, claiming that his philosophical system needed a pigeonhole for a pagan alternative to Judeo-Christian thought, and he found Islam handy. "To belittle Islam implied belittling idealism, such that Rosenzweig used the foreign religious doctrine in order to dismiss a near-to-hand philosophical belief," writes Schwartz. Contrary to the editors' stated intentions, the book will in fact pour oil on the fire. Rosenzweig's critique of Islam resonates with other movements in the present world conflict.

    It's essays like this one that make Spengler so well worth reading. It does seem foolish to pretend that this is anything but a religious war, with the only real issue to be decided whether Islam can be reformed radically enough to form the basis for liberal democracy or whether it will wind up a historical footnote. One interesting development that he's missed though is the degree to which neocons have begun to allign themselves with the Christian Right. This is most evident on the issues surrounding bioengineering, where Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, Francis Fukuyama and others have made themselves leading voices of the opposition. The convergence of several factors--their devotion to Israel; their casting the war on terror as a war of the West; and their need for allies--seems certain to drive the neocons ever further to the Right, even on social issues, so that they will end their long strange trip from Trotskyism looking pretty indistinguishable from traditional conservatives.

    -The Franz Rosenzweig Research Centre
    -Franz Rosenzweig Essay and Exhibit (Arnold Betz, Divinity Library)
    -Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) (Rodiger Lux, Jewish Virtual Library) - History & Community: Franz Rosenzweig

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 AM


    White House Signals Reverse of Steel Tariffs (DAVID E. SANGER, 12/01/03, NY Times)

    President Bush is expected to announce this week that he will immediately lift most of the tariffs he placed on foreign steel in an effort to protect American industry, bowing to a ruling by the World Trade Organization that his administration had violated global trading rules, industry officials who have been in negotiations with the White House said on Sunday.

    The steel tariffs were nearly the perfect policy--winning political points where needed, securing the President the Free Trade Authority that had been denied his predecessor, and carrying a built-in sunset provision.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:47 AM


    Panetta Warning Reveals Widening Dean-Clinton Rift (NewsMax, 11/30/03)

    Yet another Clinton insider is openly criticizing his party's presidential front-runner, Howard Dean, warning Democrats that the ex-Vermont governor is far too liberal to defeat President Bush in next year's election.

    "There clearly are concerns about Dean's ability to appeal to the entire country, particularly on national security issues," former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta told the Washington Times on Friday. [...]

    The deepening opposition within the Clinton camp to the candidate least likely to beat Bush has confounded those who say the former first couple actually want Democrats to lose in 2004 in order to give Mrs. Clinton a better chance to win the White House herself by running for an open seat in 2008.

    The question is no longer 2004, but whether the Democratic Party will represent a viable alternative to the GOP on the national level in '08 and beyond. Ms Clinton doesn't want to be Alf Landon.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 AM


    US moves - quietly - toward a flat tax (CS Monitor, 12/01/03)

    Without much public debate or even awareness, the United States is heading toward an almost flat tax.

    That means the middle class will pour nearly as large a share of its income into tax coffers as millionaires and billionaires do. Throw in another tax cut along the lines of the two successfully supported by President Bush, and the middle class could actually pay a little more.

    That change would reverse decades of US policy and constitute a major victory for some conservatives who have long advocated a flat tax.

    "Another significant tax cut could be enough to eliminate progressivity from the US tax system," says Brian Roach, an economist at Tufts University in Medford, Mass., and author of a new analysis on what citizens really pay to all levels of government - federal, state, and local.

    It's a start, but even better would be to switch to taxing consumption, instead of income.

    Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:13 AM


    Change in Consumer Confidence and Thus the Presidency (DANIEL AKST, 12/01/03, NY Times)

    The Conference Board, a business research group, started conducting regular surveys of consumer confidence in the late 1960's, and since then, the data are clear: when the board's Consumer Confidence Index in the September before a presidential election is at 100 or above, the incumbent party wins the popular vote. That held true for Al Gore in 2000, even though he lost to George W. Bush in the Electoral College vote. The only year the connection did not hold up was in 1968, when the confidence level, then tallied bimonthly, exceeded 100 in both August and October, and Richard M. Nixon defeated the candidate of the incumbent party, Hubert H. Humphrey.

    For those who cannot wait until next fall's Conference Board figures for a sense of who will win the presidential election, there is an even more intriguing metric. [...]

    When the board surveys consumers, it measures both their perception of how things are and their expectations for the future. Determine which is higher, and you get some sense of how optimistic people are. In 1970, for instance, the "present" score was 61.8 in the survey closest to the midterm elections, but expectations were measured at 97.5. In that case, the future looked brighter than the present by 35.7 points, and two years later Nixon was re-elected.

    In 1978, however, expectations stood at 82.4, while the present weighed in at 117.7. The difference, a negative 35.3, implied substantial pessimism and was followed two years later by Ronald Reagan's defeat of Jimmy Carter. In 1998, dizzyingly high levels of consumer confidence swamped relatively less high expectations, and in 2000 the Democrats lost the White House.

    The exception was the re-election of President Clinton in 1996. Two years earlier, expectations minus current confidence was slightly negative. As to the current president, the midterm figures, from November last year, suggest he will win next year.

    Posted by Paul Jaminet at 5:01 AM


    Sacrifice on altar of war (Paul Campos, Rocky Mountain News, 11/18/2003)

    According to the Bush administration, [Rayshawn] Johnson died ... so that democracy might be brought to the Middle East.

    Even if we forced ourselves to believe this incredible claim, it would still be the case that the cause of bringing democracy to the Middle East is not worth the life of one American soldier.

    As these photos from the Iraqi mass graves remind us, Saddam's regime killed tens of thousands of Iraqis every year. Whether the U.S. will bring a lasting democracy to Iraq remains to be seen, but we will certainly bring a temporary one, and will certainly have saved the lives of many tens of thousands.

    Professor Campos asserts that liberating Iraqis from torture and murder "is not worth the life of one American soldier." St. Paul called the crucifixion "folly to Gentiles"; and Rayshawn Johnson's death is folly to Professor Campos. But it is not so to Christians. We were instructed in Christ's last command to love one another as he loved us -- by laying down our lives for our friends. To the Christian mind, for an American soldier to sacrifice his life for Iraqis is the essence of that love which Christ commanded. And it is worthy of the highest honor -- honor that Rayshawn Johnson deserves and, in part, received.

    Professor Campos is right to describe Mr. Johnson's death as a sacrifice on an altar; but it was an altar of love, not war. It was Saddam's regime that waged war on the Iraqi people. It was Mr. Johnson and his colleagues who lovingly ended Saddam's war. May they gather an eternal reward.