December 28, 2003


The T-Shirt That Launched 1,000 Quips (Dana Milbank, December 28, 2003, Washington Post)

As if things weren't going badly enough for John F. Kerry, the senator from Massachusetts has been bitten by a Psycho Chihuahua.

The attack occurred 10 days ago in Hopkinton, N.H., when Kerry went to speak to a class at Hopkinton High. This appearance resulted in a most unhelpful photo for the onetime front-runner for the Democratic nomination, snapped by Concord Monitor photo editor Dan Habib. The image is of Kerry making an earnest point to student Mark LaGuardia, who, unbeknownst to the candidate, is wearing a T-shirt that proclaims on the back: "Your mouth keeps moving but all I hear is 'BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.' "

The student told the Monitor that he did not mean to make a political statement with the shirt, which features the likeness of "Psycho Chihuahua," a talking Mexican dog whose appearance in Taco Bell commercials is the subject of recent litigation. "I completely forgot that he" -- Kerry, not the Chihuahua -- "was coming," LaGuardia, 17, told the Monitor. "I asked, 'Do I have time to ride home to change?' But I didn't."

One finds this explanation suspect; LaGuardia admitted that he is a Republican.

If you're a dwarf, even a chihuahua is an attack dog.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 28, 2003 5:11 PM

Well,it's better than a bunny rabbit.

Posted by: M. at December 28, 2003 6:15 PM

My browser thinks that image link is text and displays random characters...

Posted by: mike earl at December 28, 2003 6:49 PM

Mike, go to the first link and click on the image for an enlargement.

Posted by: PapayaSF at December 28, 2003 7:33 PM

BTW -- The ad exec who came up with the Taco Bell chihuahua series of commericals is donating his services to the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign. If the confrotation with the teen in the T-shirt had involved Howard Dean instead of Kerrey, the MoveOn and DemocraticUnderground message boards would be going wild about conspiracies right about now...

Posted by: John at December 28, 2003 11:09 PM

The Concord Monitor is a Democrat Rag and listening to the choir they probably published this photo in support of Dean.

I wish I had the time to come up with one of those "priceless" Joke adds for the photo e.g.;

T shirt $12.50
Film $6.50
Shaheen's face reading the Monitor ... priceless.

I'm sure someone could easily better this attempt and if so, please post it here!

Posted by: genecis at December 29, 2003 10:29 AM