December 26, 2003
Parents risk £100 fine for holiday 'truants' (Liz Lightfoot, The Telegraph, 26/12/03)
An unprecedented clampdown on parents who take their children on holiday during term-time has been ordered by Charles Clarke, the Education Secretary.He is being backed by head teachers' leaders, who are telling schools to review the policy of authorising breaks of up to two weeks, which are viewed by some parents as an entitlement.
David Hart, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: "Most head teachers are strongly opposed to authorising term-time absences and in the current climate I think they will be allowed only in exceptional circumstances."
Thousands of families take children off school every year to take advantage of cheaper off-peak holiday deals but in future they may face fines of up to £100 on their return.
Ivan Lewis, the junior education minister, will confirm next week that penalty notices being introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act will apply to holidays not authorised by head teachers.
Imagine how fast society would crumble if everybody took their families on Christmas vacations.
And, of course, every good socialist knows that children are the property of the state, with parents only allowed supervised custody, if any at all.
Posted by: jd watson at December 26, 2003 9:52 AM