December 17, 2003


'If I had to do it over again, I'd let rip': Al Gore's backing of Howard Dean gives Democrats back their voice (Sidney Blumenthal, December 11, 2003, The Guardian)

Above all, Democrats are consumed with a rising sense of injustice. They believe that democracy was undermined when the votes were not counted in Florida and the supreme court made George Bush president; that the social contract in place since the New Deal is being shredded; that internationalist alliances are being shattered; that the president lied about the reasons for war; that the Bush administration acts with authoritarian impunity (refusing, for example, to make public even the members of the vice-president's energy policy panel); and that the media is being overwhelmed by the din of a rightwing echo chamber that masks itself as journalism.

In the face of constant provocation, Democrats see their own party as hesitant, compromised, if not complicit, and cowardly. "You're either with us or the terrorists," Bush has repeated many times. The Democrats supported the war in Afghanistan. Most Democrats in the House and Senate backed the war resolution on Iraq. Yet none of this prevents Republicans from challenging their patriotism. [...]

Gore's endorsement of Dean is the most important since grainy film was shown at the 1992 Democratic convention depicting President Kennedy shaking hands with a teenage Bill Clinton. Gore's endorsement is not the passing of the torch to a new generation, but another conferring of legitimacy. For Democrats, he personifies the infamy of the last election. He is not another politician, but the rightfully elected president, by a popular majority of 539,895 votes. [...]

Gore now calls the rightwing media a "fifth column" within journalism, and he's raising millions to build a TV network of his own as an alternative. In his own way, he's absorbed the lessons of the past three years and become a representative Democrat. His endorsement of Dean is his commentary on his campaign and the conduct of his party since.

Republicans are unjustly impuning their patriotism, but are a "fifth column" undermining democracy?

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 17, 2003 7:20 AM

Sid's off his meds.

Man, is this gonna be a fun election, or what?

Posted by: Chris at December 17, 2003 9:38 AM

No, that's Sid's natural state. In the 70s, he was coe-editor with KGB/DGI front man Phillip
Agee of a tome called 'Government by GunPlay'
which floated in Howard Dean's words, "some
interesting theories' on the assassination in
the 60s. In the intro, he speculated on the
prospect of nationalizing the oil companies,
and the LAPD's preparations for dealing with
the upcoming food riots

Posted by: narciso at December 17, 2003 10:37 AM

Is there not humor in the idea of algore "letting it rip?"

Posted by: Robert Schwartz at December 17, 2003 11:11 AM

Evidently, what he meant by that was ripping open the Twinkies bags.

Posted by: jim hamlen at December 17, 2003 1:18 PM