December 19, 2003


What is the ultimate gift we can give our children on Chanukah?: Re-thinking priorities during the Festival of Lights. Hype aside, there really IS a "gift that keeps on giving" (Rabbi Daniel Cohen, 12/19/03, Jewish World Review)

What is the ultimate gift we can give our children on Chanukah? What gift will nurture their Jewish identity, give them joy, and strengthen their character and family bonds? It is not a computer, even with a Chanukah program. The greatest gift is Shabbes (Sabbath).

This year, the first and last nights of Chanukah coincide with Shabbes. The secret of our ability to light Chanukah candles despite efforts to squelch the flame of Judaism throughout Jewish history is the observance of Sabbath.

Material gifts have a limited shelf life. Sabbath — a spiritual gift — lives on. Sabbath affords the Jew the tools to spiritual fulfillment and meaning. Sabbath enriches our lives with infinite everlasting value.

Deep down, our children do not want our gifts — they want us. They want our time, attention and love. Sabbath is an oasis in time. Rather than lighting the Chanukah candles on Friday night and going out, light the Shabbat candles as well and stay home.

Spend Friday evening and Saturday talking with your family about the why of Jewish identity. Go to synagogue. Sing Sabbath and Chanukah songs. Identify how each member of the family brings light to your life. The Israeli writer Ahad Ha'am reflects: "More than the Jew has kept Sabbath, Sabbath has kept the Jew." It is the key to Jewish Renaissance.

The question is not have we been through another Chanukah, but has Chanukah been through us?

We wish all our brothers and sisters in Abraham the very best Chanukah.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 19, 2003 11:08 AM

"We wish all our brothers and sisters in Abraham the very best Chanukah".


Posted by: Baised Observer at December 19, 2003 8:46 PM

And be well, all of you and your families.

Posted by: Peter B at December 19, 2003 10:30 PM

Thanks much. And Happy Holidays to all of you....

(Brother and sisters in Abraham?...)

Posted by: Barry Meislin at December 20, 2003 7:45 PM