December 2, 2003


Fourth Time’s The Charm? (Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Beth Lester and Clothilde Ewing, 12/02/03, CBS News)

It looks like Ralph Nader may be running for president for the fourth time. Although the Gore nemesis has not made a public statement, reports that – his official 2000 presidential website - has been recently registered and paid for by the "Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee, Inc."

Although the exploratory committee is not yet registered with the FEC, it is not required to do so until it has raised or spent $5,000. And lest that cast doubt on Nader’s intentions, an e-mailer to says that she/he received a message from the new site implying that Nader will run again. The e-mailer also says that Nader would run as an independent and not a Green. In 2000, despite being a registered independent, Nader ran as the Green Party’s nominee.

Howard Dean seems to have positioned himself far enough beyond the mainstream for this not to hurt him much in the general, but a stop-Dean candidate--Gephardt, Gore, whoever--would certainly alienate the types enough that Nader would benefit. His one or two percent might get the Democrats down close to 40% nationwide.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 2, 2003 7:48 PM

The term William Jennings Nader comes to mind.

Posted by: Fred Jacobsen at December 2, 2003 8:16 PM

Nader peaked in 2000. He will not have the energy or the opening ('no difference between them') he had four years ago. Plus, the Dems will attack him this time. Hard. Remember, Perot went from 19% in '92 to what, 5% in '96. And he had money. Nader will be lucky to get 0.5% this time.

Posted by: jim hamlen at December 2, 2003 8:56 PM


Unless HGephardt's the nominee, then just being anti-war gets Nader to 1% or 2%

Posted by: oj at December 2, 2003 10:16 PM

"William Jennings Nader"

More like Harold Stassen or Gus Hall.

Posted by: Raoul Ortega at December 3, 2003 1:43 AM

The only states where Nader will get over 1% of the vote will be OR and maybe WI (maybe VT if Dean isn't the nominee). I doubt if he can even do it in CA this time. Raoul is right. Plus, Nader gets more cadaverous-looking every year. that can't help, and with each passing election, fewer young people even know who he is.

Posted by: jim hamlen at December 3, 2003 7:43 AM