December 11, 2003
2004 Will Be the U.S.'S Best Year Economically in Last 20 Years, The Conference Board Reports in a Revised Forecast (12/11/03)
Revising its year-end economic forecast sharply upward, The Conference Board today projected that real GDP growth will hit 5.7% next year, making 2004 the best year economically in the last 20 years.The future is the perfect democracy: nobody knows nothin'. Posted by David Cohen at December 11, 2003 4:35 PMThe forecast, by Conference Board Chief Economist Gail Fosler, expects worker productivity, which set a 20-year record in the third quarter, to rise at a healthy 3.6% next year. That would follow a gain of 4.3% this year. . . .
Real capital spending, which will rise by only 2.7% this year, will climb 11.7% next year and another 8.6% in 2005. Pre-tax corporate operating profits will top $1 trillion next year, up from a projected $928 billion this year. Another trillion-dollar-plus gain in profits is expected in 2005.
The steel advisor says it's all an illusion...
Posted by: oj at December 11, 2003 6:32 PMBut that's an allusion.
Posted by: David Cohen at December 11, 2003 6:43 PMWhere is Harry to put this unjustified optimism into perspective?
Posted by: jd watson at December 11, 2003 8:59 PMHarry is an economist. They take a secret oath forswearing optimism and embracing gloom. C'mon, guys, we have to respect his faith.
Posted by: Peter B at December 12, 2003 5:43 AM