December 10, 2003


Celebrated Journalist Robert Bartley Dies at 66 (Fox News, December 10, 2003)

Pulitzer Prize-winner Robert Bartley, the editorial voice of The Wall Street Journal for decades and one of the country's most influential journalists, died Wednesday at a New York hospital. He was 66.

Bartley spent nearly 40 years working at the Journal, including three decades as editorial page editor, becoming an enduring model for generations of reporters as he wrote on issues from Watergate to the World Trade Center.

His wife, Edith, and their three daughters were with Bartley when he died after a battle with cancer, Dow Jones spokeswoman Brigitte Trafford said. [...]

One week ago, Bartley was chosen by the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.

"Robert L. Bartley is one of the most influential journalists in American history," President Bush said. "He helped shape the times in which we live." [...]

Bartley was the author of a book on Reagan administration economic policy, The Seven Fat Years: And How to Do It Again.

-IN MEMORIAM: Robert L. Bartley: The Wall Street Journal's editor emeritus dies at 66. (DOW JONES NEWSWIRES, December 10, 2003)
-TRIBUTE: Robert Bartley: A model page, a model journalist (Bill Murchison, December 9, 2003, Townhall)

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 10, 2003 6:34 PM

I am not sure if the award was timed to the recipient's condition, but was it ever deserved, and was it ever marvelous that he was alive to see it. I wonder how many of us were "born-again" as a result of our exposure to the editorial board of the WSJ. May he rest in peace.

Posted by: MG at December 10, 2003 6:55 PM

I feel like a close relative died.

Posted by: Chris at December 10, 2003 7:19 PM

Under Bartley and many other colleagues, the Wall Street Journal has become the best newspaper in the United States.

Not the best business newspaper. The best newspaper.

Posted by: John J. Coupal at December 11, 2003 1:32 AM

Bartley was a valuable journalist, and he will be missed terribly, but he was profoundly wrong in his endorsement of the obliteration of American culture through mass illegal immigration.

"There shall be open borders," as the constitutional amendment was to read, could be translated as, "we shall commit suicide."

Posted by: Paul Cella at December 11, 2003 8:45 AM


Yes, the door should have been slammed shut the day after the Cella's and Judd's got in.

Posted by: oj at December 11, 2003 9:02 AM

Does OJ maintain that the fact of earlier periods of liberalized immigration (though not nearly as liberal as today) is a moral imperative for more immigration today? That is a strange logic you're peddling. Perhaps the fact of earlier periods of slavery mandate it again today; and we should enslave our descendents through eugenics and other biotech innovations as we enslaved our neighbors before.

Posted by: Paul Cella at December 11, 2003 9:43 AM

Believe it or not, there wasn't even an INS when the slaves got here, while slavery is an excellent example of the lengths to which we're willing to go to in order not to have to do hard labor ourselves. We've open immigration so that we don't have to pick fruit and mow our lawns.

Posted by: oj at December 11, 2003 9:51 AM

So Lord Acton really was onto something when he observed the strange, almost primordial link between democracy and slavery. Our slavery is illegal immigration, and OJ it one of its apologists.

Posted by: Paul Cella at December 11, 2003 9:58 AM

Yes, in a society where even idiots get to go to college, you have to import people to do scutwork.

Posted by: oj at December 11, 2003 10:02 AM

Look at it this way: instead of going to the four corners of the world to spread the word and bear the white man's burden, the US just invites the four corners to "come on over."

Much more convenient. And it does occasionally backfire. Still.

Posted by: Barry Meislin at December 11, 2003 10:14 AM

OJ has begun with a moral, one might even say self-righteous, justification for mass immigration; he has finished with a purely materialist, one might even say Marxist, justification. The wages of folly.


It will backfire. Mexican Christians we can probably assimilate (provided a dramatic reduction in immigration to allow it), but Muslims seems a mite more resistant to the intoxication of Western liberalism.

Posted by: Paul Cella at December 11, 2003 10:46 AM