December 4, 2003
Jones will run for GOP nomination to take on Boxer (BETH FOUHY, December 4, 2003, Associated Press)
Former Secretary of State Bill Jones will become a candidate for the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer next year, aides said Thursday.His imminent entrance into the race ends the speculation about Jones' intentions and appears to set a four-person campaign for the Republican nomination between Jones, former Los Altos Hills Mayor Toni Casey, Ventura County Assemblyman Tony Strickland, and former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin, who announced her candidacy earlier this week. [...]
Many Republicans would like nothing more than to topple the outspoken and proudly liberal Boxer, and polling has showed that she is vulnerable. A Field Poll conducted in October showed only a small plurality of voters - 45 percent to 40 percent - inclined to re-elect Boxer. [...]
Jones is a conservative on social issues including abortion rights but has sought to downplay those issues during past campaigns, stressing economic issues instead.
While acknowledging that defeating Boxer will be no small task, California Republicans, buoyed by the election of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in the October recall election, are hoping to translate that success to the Senate contest.
"The conventional wisdom, which I share, is that Bill Jones goes into the primary with the biggest advantage simply because of name recognition," said Republican strategist Allan Hoffenblum. "But the general election is a different matter, and the question is whether the money is going to be there to have a competitive race next November."
A re-elect number as low as Ms Boxer's makes you very vulnerable. Posted by Orrin Judd at December 4, 2003 10:55 PM
It will be interesting to see if Boxer tries to pull a Gray Davis and help "select" her November opponent, the same way Davis helped defeat Riordan in the 2002 GOP primary (though none of the current Republican candidates is as high-profile as Riordan was, coming off a successful stint as Los Angeles mayor).
Posted by: John at December 5, 2003 3:19 PMIt will be interesting to see who the White House gets behind - Jones the one who has been elected statewide or Marin the hispanic woman. The GOP needs to choose wisely in order to knock off Boxer.
Posted by: AWW at December 5, 2003 11:56 PM