December 10, 2003
Selling Out the Democratic Party (Christopher Scheer, December 10, 2003, AlterNet)
How many times must the public send the message before the Democratic Party decides to stop shooting the messenger? The Gore-Bush contest of 2000, the 2002 mid-term elections, the California recall, and now the astonishing near-defeat of Gavin Newsom in San Francisco's mayor's race, each contain the same crystal-clear message: choosing Republican Lite-weights to represent the Democratic Party makes a lousy political strategy.But the Democratic establishment would rather blame Nader and the Florida freaks. Blame Arnold and the Recall Repubs. Blame last-second progressive S.F. mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez and his hipster horde. Blame "Mean" Dean and his Internet machine. Blame 9/11, late-night GOP roll-call votes ... anybody, in fact, but itself.
The sad, mostly unacknowledged fact is that in the shadow of Bill Clinton's enormous charisma and political brilliance, the Democratic Party has been steadily receding in influence across this country for more than a decade. Congress, gubernatorial races, city elections -- you name it, and they've lost it.
Apparently the lens through which we should now view the Democrats is that there's the Clinton (electability) wing vs. the Dean/Gore (authenticity) wing. Posted by Orrin Judd at December 10, 2003 11:41 PM
That Scheer thinks Gore was "Republican Lite" shows you how broad the spectrum of views in the Democratic Party. They range from liberalism to outright fascism/communism, and I don't see how the party can reconcile everyone without the rewards of power to dish out. Each one of them has a view of the world like the joke US maps that have Manhattan taking up 80% of the space, California a little dot.
Posted by: pj at December 11, 2003 8:50 AMAl Qaida is doing its best to help the liberal end of the spectrum make up its mind.
Not altogether successfully, mind you, but, they're trying.
(Keeping in mind, as we were reminded in an earlier post, that once the soccer moms have been persuaded, the battle is for all intents and purposes over.)
Posted by: Barry Meislin at December 11, 2003 8:55 AMThe Democratic party got where it is (or got
where it once was) by distributed spoils broadly
and thus after the "democratization" of America
that took place late 19th early 20th century it
had electoral dominance.
The fact that it could distribute spoils so
broadly meant that its coalition could therefore
be "eclectic". On the other hands the Republicans
spent much of this time in the wilderness because
a) their spoils system was not affective from a
"democratic" standpoint (couldn't mobilize the
mob [only the elites]).
b) when they appealed to (r)epublican principles
it fell on deaf ears because everybody had come
to see the government as a way to "get theirs".
Recently the Republican party has fairly successfully espoused the notion that the free market (despite
its volatility) is where one "gets theirs" and
that government is a parasite.
This is not a trivial shift in electoral attitudes and it seems likely that no democrat
to the left of Bill Clinton could get elected
in this climate.
Dean is the last best hope for the "feel good/do good/we know what's best" wing of the Dem party.
If he is crushed like Mondale, that wing will be
put to bed for at least another 20 years.
Dreamers like Scheer will never understand that Clinton is the reason their party has declined - just look at the numbers since November 1992. And the Clinton's absolute lack of absolutes has brought the party to the place where Howard Dean is now the putative nominee. Just as McGovern emerged from the wreckage of 1968, Dean is emerging from the wreckage that is Clinton and Al Gore (and don't forget George Mitchell).
Can anyone imagine a Senator like John Kerry turning into such a twisted wacko 20 or 25 years ago?
Perhaps all the Democrats are so full of Clinton envy that each will find an intern to boff, just to prove that they can follow the man. At least they know Hillary would defend them.
Posted by: jim hamlen at December 11, 2003 9:54 AM