December 30, 2003


Abu Sayyaf gunmen captured in southern Philippines (Agence France Presse, 29 December 2003)

Two men believed to be field commanders of the Muslim Abu Sayyaf kidnap gang have been captured following military raids in the southern Philippines at the weekend.

Troops arrested Alih Malabon, also known as Abu Nidal, and Mohammad Said, alias Commander Kaiser, in operations Saturday near the southern port city of Zamboanga, the military southern command said. [...]

Malabon and Said are implicated in the murders of Americans Guillermo Sobero and Martin Burnham, two of three US hostages kidnapped by the group from a beach resort in May 2001. [...]

The gunmen earlier this warned they would launch retaliatory attacks after the military captured Galib Andang, known also as Commander Robot, one of the group's top lieutenants who engineered a daring kidnapping raid on Malaysian resorts in 2000.

Is there anywhere the terrorists aren't back on their heels?

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 30, 2003 1:05 PM

Commander Kaiser and Commander Robot?

Are we facing Islamofascism or Decepticons?

Posted by: mike earl at December 30, 2003 1:29 PM

Yes. In the hearts and minds of Howard Dean and (most of) the DNC...

Posted by: MG at December 30, 2003 1:52 PM

What would you qualify as back on their heels? Depending on your answer I would still have to say Iran, Saudia Arabia (please do not tell me you are believing on a so-called crack down. Anything that comes out of there as news should be looked as though Baghdad Bob said it), Pakistan, and Columbia.

Posted by: BJW at December 30, 2003 1:57 PM

The regime's years are numbered in Iran. The Sa'uds are cracking down--and forgiving Iraqi debt. Colombia has a serious pro-American president. Pakistan you're right about. The war ends there.

Posted by: oj at December 30, 2003 2:10 PM

Any regime that can measure its life by years I would not say is back on its heels. It can cause a lot damage in that amount of time. The Saudi's are cracking down only to turn the heat down on themsleves, again I would say the terror elements there are far from back on their heels. Matter of fact I have been reading that the funding from that country is once again reaching levels not seen since 9/11. Columbia might have a pro-American president but the terror there continues even though you rarely hear about it in the news. My wife is from Peru and we just returned from there. That area of our hemisphere is deeply troubled. She and her parents say the situation there has not been this bad in over 20 years.
All I am saying is no war in the history of mankind has ever been won the way we are fighting this one. I will give Bush the benefit of the doubt for now, but as soon as another attack happens here (and one will) he must re-think the war plan. I know most people in the red states feel the same way.

Posted by: BJW at December 30, 2003 2:51 PM

If you aren't willing to wait a couple years for change to take place even when it's headed your way you may as well kill 'em all and let God sort the dead.

Posted by: oj at December 30, 2003 4:21 PM

Let God sort the killers, too.

Posted by: Jeff Guinn at December 31, 2003 6:05 AM