December 19, 2003


No choice but a unilateral solution (Ted Belman, December 18, 2003, Israel National News)

Given that the Palestinians are against a two-state solution, no matter what they say, Israel must develop a separate vision; one that they can impose unilaterally. To be able to do so, Israel will have to destroy the terror infrastructure, expel the terrorists, and jail or expel all Palestinians who continue to incite in schools or mosques.

Let the debate begin. But it must involve a unilateral solution.

Peace doesn't require a plan (Mitchell G. Bard, December 16, 2003, Israeli Insider)
I'm thinking of redecorating my house and wall papering the entire thing with Yossi Beilin's peace plans. Beilin is a good man, a tireless advocate of peace, but shares the delusion of many that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict has eluded everyone simply because no one has devised a brilliant enough plan. Nothing could be further from the truth. [...]

Ironically, the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute will inevitably resemble one of the very first plans proposed nearly 70 years ago. In 1937, Lord Peel figured out the only conceivable way the two peoples could live together was to create two states. If the Palestinians had been willing to accept that plan, or almost any of the dozens of others offered since that time, they would have long ago had an independent state larger than the one they will ultimately establish.

There's another chapter for Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point here, as the unthinkable becomes the conventional wisdom in near record time, even if 70 years late.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 19, 2003 9:35 AM

Israel has 3 choices:

Wait for the Palis to outnumber them(which would lead to genocide)

Ethnic cleansing,which the world would never accept.

Seperation,which the world doesn't like but will accept in practice,and may save Isreal.

"Greater Isreal" was never more than a fantasy and a bloody one at that.

Posted by: M. at December 19, 2003 10:36 AM