December 6, 2003


The Porn Myth: In the end, porn doesn’t whet men’s appetites—it turns them off the real thing. (Naomi Wolf, New York)

I will never forget a visit I made to Ilana, an old friend who had become an Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem. When I saw her again, she had abandoned her jeans and T-shirts for long skirts and a head scarf. I could not get over it. Ilana has waist-length, wild and curly golden-blonde hair. “Can’t I even see your hair?” I asked, trying to find my old friend in there. “No,” she demurred quietly. “Only my husband,” she said with a calm sexual confidence, “ever gets to see my hair.”

When she showed me her little house in a settlement on a hill, and I saw the bedroom, draped in Middle Eastern embroideries, that she shares only with her husband—the kids are not allowed—the sexual intensity in the air was archaic, overwhelming. It was private. It was a feeling of erotic intensity deeper than any I have ever picked up between secular couples in the liberated West. And I thought: Our husbands see naked women all day—in Times Square if not on the Net. Her husband never even sees another woman’s hair.

She must feel, I thought, so hot.

Compare that steaminess with a conversation I had at Northwestern, after I had talked about the effect of porn on relationships. “Why have sex right away?” a boy with tousled hair and Bambi eyes was explaining. “Things are always a little tense and uncomfortable when you just start seeing someone,” he said. “I prefer to have sex right away just to get it over with. You know it’s going to happen anyway, and it gets rid of the tension.”

“Isn’t the tension kind of fun?” I asked. “Doesn’t that also get rid of the mystery?”

“Mystery?” He looked at me blankly. And then, without hesitating, he replied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sex has no mystery.”

Which is why Margaret Thatcher is infinitely more sexy than Madonna.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 6, 2003 8:30 AM

As titilating as it is to watch social conservatism become the very last word in eroticism (and just as I settle into middle age!!!), I think the point Naomi misses is how modesty is an expression of the connection between sex and other emotional and spiritual matters. Her description of the bedroom is perhaps a little fevered. I shudder to think of the dear rabbi I know having to watch millions of North Americans throw away their tantric sex manuals and dress up as orthodox Jews as a turn-on.

Posted by: Peter B at December 6, 2003 11:05 AM

I agree with the gist of the article, but as Peter mentioned, you can take it too far. Margarat Thatcher sexy? OJ, you really scare me sometimes!

Posted by: Robert D at December 6, 2003 1:35 PM


I know, I know. I agree with him far more often than you, but he still scares me.

Posted by: Peter B at December 7, 2003 11:39 AM