July 31, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 8:22 PM


New York Cops: Still the Finest (Heather Mac Donald, Summer 2006, City Journal)

New York City has shattered criminology’s central myth, but criminologists remain in denial. Policing, they still insist, can do little to lower crime. Economic inequality, demographic trends, changing drug-use patterns—these determine crime levels, they say, not police tactics. Nevertheless, since 1994, New York City has enjoyed a crime drop unmatched in the rest of the country—indeed, unparalleled in history—and only Gotham’s revolutionary style of policing can explain it. Yet rather than flooding the city to study this paradigm-breaking phenomenon, most criminologists are busy looking the other way.
The dimensions of New York’s crime rout are breathtaking. From 1990 to 2000, four of the seven major felonies—homicide, robbery, burglary, and auto theft—dropped over 70 percent. Crime fell across the country during this period, but in New York it plummeted at twice the national average. By 2000, New York’s crime profile looked more like that of a small suburb than a big city, notes University of California sociologist Frank Zimring, whose forthcoming The Great American Crime Decline is the only major study so far that acknowledges the significance of the city’s crime turnaround. Gotham’s homicide rate in 2000 was half that of the big-city average; its robbery rate, which started out 50 percent higher than that of other big cities in 1990, was 10 percent below the average.
The national crime decline flattened out as the new century began. Some cities that were darlings of the media and the criminologists in the nineties have seen sharp increases in murder. Boston, lauded by the New York Times and others as the kinder, gentler corrective to New York’s allegedly overaggressive policing approach, has suffered its highest murder rate in a decade this year. Milwaukee and Memphis had double-digit homicide spikes in 2005. Philadelphia, Houston, San Francisco, and Kansas City are also seeing their nineties crime gains erode.
Not New York. From 2000 to 2005, the city’s crime rate fell another 30 percent. New York’s twenty-first-century experience is distinctive in the breadth and the depth of the continued decline. Even San Diego, the other favorite un–New York policing success story of the nineties, has not kept up with New York. While Gotham’s crime rate clocked in at 71 percent below its 1990 level in 2004, San Diego mustered a 55 percent decline. “Something qualitatively different is going on in New York,” says Zimring.

Posted by Glenn Dryfoos at 7:56 PM


The great jazz pianist, Hank Jones, turns 88 today...a fitting number for a piano player. Hank was the older brother of renowned jazzmen Thad (trumpet) and Elvin (drums), both of who predeceased their less-famous, but no less talented, big brother.

Jones was born in Pontiac, Michigan, and came out of a Detroit jazz scene than within a few years spawned such other influential players as Tommy Flanagan, Kenny Burrell, Milt Jackson and Pepper Adams. I heard Hank play on New Years Eve a few years ago, and he was still at the top of his game.

A few albums I recommend are Joe Lovano's recent Joyous Encounter, Live at Maybeck Recital Hall and Legends with Benny Carter. ( Of course, anything by his long-time working trio, The Great Jazz Trio (with Elvin on drums and Richard Davis on bass), is worth checking out.

He has a new album, Hank and Frank with Frank Wess, but I haven't heard it yet.

Posted by Pepys at 7:48 PM


When the devil dislikes the stink of brimstone (Spengler, 1 August 2006, Asia Times)

It's a bit like the devil disliking the stench of sulfur, but Iran's leaders now complain that the United States has thrown the Middle East into chaos in order to reshape the region. That is a man-bites-camel story. With the exception of the late Yasser Arafat, no one has wielded the weapon of instability with greater skill than Iran. Israel's disproportionate response to the July 12 Hezbollah provocation changed the rules of the game in the region. Whether the players have the presence of mind to exploit the new rules remains an open question...
Israel's strongest move on the chessboard would be a massive armored incursion into Lebanon to crush Hezbollah combined with limited strikes against Syria...
Washington's best move would be an ultimatum to Tehran with a deadline for dismantling its nuclear-weapons program, followed by aerial attacks in the event of non-compliance. Rather than engage the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Washington should take the opportunity to destabilize it. Rather than attempt to hold together its Frankenstein monster in Iraq, it should partition the country...

Chaos equals opportunity.

Posted by Pepys at 6:22 PM


RUDY, THE FRONT-RUNNER Cruising ahead of McCain (Ryan Sager, 25 July 2006, NY Post)

It's early in the game yet, but it's becoming undeniable: Rudy Giuliani will run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 - as the clear front-runner...
But McCain would trounce Rudy in those states if people knew about his positions on abortion and gay rights (and his marital history), right? Wrong again. Strategic Vision CEO David Johnson told me of some "push polling" in Florida and Georgia - where his firm told voters about Rudy's positions and marital problems and about McCain's support for campaign-finance reform and working with Democrats against President Bush.
The effect on Rudy's numbers, Johnson said, "underwhelmed" his expectations significantly, merely putting the two candidates into a statistical dead heat - not launching the more conventionally conservative (at least on issues like abortion) McCain into the lead. "Some people who identify themselves as strong conservatives, even when we did do the push-poll questions in Georgia and Florida, were still more willing to go with Giuliani," Johnson said. "Strong, Christian conservatives."...
What about McCain's "crossover appeal"? Isn't he a better shot against Hillary? Nope. Pretty much every poll taken on the matter shows Rudy beating Sen. Clinton by a much bigger margin than McCain would. In May, a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll showed Rudy with a nationwide nine-point lead over her; McCain, only a statistically insignificant 4 points. (And, in "blue" New York, where both Rudy and Hillary are known best, McCain loses to Hillary, as expected, while Rudy beats her in one of the most liberal states in the country - a state with 31 electoral votes.)...
"A lot of people don't particularly like McCain," Dr. Eddie Floyd, finance co-chairman of Bush's 2000 and '04 campaigns in South Carolina, told me the other day. He and other South Carolina GOP activists met with Giuliani recently. "We were very, very impressed with the mayor," he said. "When he explained his positions, they were not as far off as you would think."
"A lot of people"? Try nobody.

Posted by Pepys at 6:19 PM


Silence in the Court! Why are liberals urging that the Supreme Court do next to nothing? (Dahlia Lithwick, 24 July 2006, Slate)

It has become something of a vogue among liberal legal academics to draw an intellectual Maginot line between themselves and the landmark Supreme Court decisions of the 1960s and '70s. There is a deep sense of something—is it shame?—informing their views of those reckless Warren Court do-gooders and their well-meaning, slobbering efforts to protect women, minorities, and criminal defendants...
There is no sharper critic of the Supreme Court than the New Republic's Jeffrey Rosen, and there is no finer ambassador between the planet of legal academia and that of the popular media. That's why Rosen's newest offering, The Most Democratic Branch, is so radical. Following in the wake of Radicals in Robes, a call to judicial "minimalism" by University of Chicago Law School's brilliant Cass Sunstein, it gives both a body and a voice to all this progressive uneasiness. First, Rosen channels some of the most agonized liberal legal scholarship (Roe v. Wade was both badly decided and terrible for progressives; Brown v. Board of Education wasn't really all that central to the project of desegregation). Then he ties it all up with this neat prescriptive bow: Supreme Court justices, in order to do justice, should do almost nothing at all...
Rosen rejects the "romantic myth" of "antidemocratic courts protecting vulnerable minorities against tyrannical majorities." He contends that "the least effective decisions have been those in which courts unilaterally try to strike down laws in the name of a constitutional principle that is being actively and intensely contested by a majority of the American people." And then he urges that if the courts want to maintain "democratic legitimacy" they must become safe, cautious; forever lagging one step behind Congress and the public-opinion polls...

MORE (via Eugene Volokh):

ANTI-HERO (Richard A. Posner, 24 February 2003, The New Republic)

I met justice William Douglas, the longest-serving member of the Supreme Court, when I was clerking for Justice William Brennan. Douglas struck me as cold and brusque but charismatic--the most charismatic judge (well, the only charismatic judge) on the Court. Little did I know that this elderly gentleman (he was sixty-four when I was a law clerk) was having sex with his soon-to-be third wife in his Supreme Court office, that he was being stalked by his justifiably suspicious soon-to-be ex-wife, and that on one occasion he had to hide the wife-to-be in his closet in order to prevent the current wife from discovering her. This is just one of the gamy bits in Bruce Allen Murphy's riveting biography of one of the most unwholesome figures in modern American political history, a field with many contenders. Murphy explains that he had expected the biography to take six years to complete but that it actually took almost fifteen. For Douglas turned out to be a liar to rival Baron Munchausen, and a great deal o0f patient digging was required to reconstruct his true life story. One of his typical lies, not only repeated in a judicial opinion but inscribed on his tombstone in Arlington National Cemetery, was that he had been a soldier in World War I. Douglas was never in the Armed Forces. The lie metastasized: a book about Arlington National Cemetery, published in 1986, reports: "Refusing to allow his polio to keep him from fighting for his nation during World War I, Douglas enlisted in the United States Army and fought in Europe." He never had polio, either...
From my account, Murphy's book may seem a hatchet job, with its mountain of often prurient detail about Douglas's personal life and character. Not so. Murphy displays no animus toward Douglas. He does not try to extenuate Douglas's failings as a human being, or to excuse them, or even to explain them, but he greatly admires Douglas's civil liberties decisions, and (without his actually saying so) this admiration leads him to forgive Douglas's flaws of character. The only time his realism regarding Douglas's character falters is when he is discussing Felix Frankfurter. His portrayal of Frankfurter is relentlessly and excessively critical; he sees Frankfurter exclusively through Douglas's hostile eyes...
Murphy is right to separate the personal from the judicial. One can be a bad person and a good judge, just as one can be a good person and a bad judge. With biography and reportage becoming ever more candid and penetrating, we now know that a high percentage of successful and creative people are psychologically warped and morally challenged; and anyway, as Machiavelli recognized long ago, personal morality and political morality are not the same thing. Douglas was not a good judge (I will come back to this point), but this was not because he was a woman-chaser, a heavy drinker, a liar, and so on. It was because he did not like the job.
Justice Douglas never met a decision he didn't want to make.

Posted by Pepys at 6:16 PM


Simmering Rage Within the GOP (David S. Broder, 27 July 2006, The Washington Post)

My weekend visitor was one of the founders of the postwar Republican Party in the South, one of those stubborn men who challenged the Democratic rule in his one-party state. He was conservative enough that in the great struggle for the 1952 nomination, his sympathies were with Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio, not Dwight D. Eisenhower.
He has lived long enough to see Republicans elected as senator and governor of his state and to see a Republican from the Sun Belt behemoth of Texas capture the White House. His profession won't let him speak with his name attached, but he is sadly disillusioned...
Whew, that's the next best thing to Dionne calling it for the Dems.

Posted by Pepys at 6:13 PM


The tall story we Europeans now tell ourselves about Israel (Charles Moore, 29 July 2006, UK Daily Telegraph)

You could criticise Israel's recent attack for many things. Some argue that it is disproportionate, or too indiscriminate. Others think that it is ill-planned militarily. Others hold that it will give more power to extremists in the Arab world, and will hamper a wider peace settlement. These are all reasonable, though not necessarily correct positions to hold. But European discourse on the subject seems to have been overwhelmed by something else - a narrative, told most powerfully by the way television pictures are selected, that makes Israel out as a senseless, imperialist, mass-murdering, racist bully.
Not only is this analysis wrong - if the Israelis are such imperialists, why did they withdraw from Lebanon for six years, only returning when threatened once again? How many genocidal regimes do you know that have a free press and free elections? - it is also morally imbecilic...
It is as if, having relinquished power, we Europeans now wish our own powerlessness upon the rest of the world.

Posted by Pepys at 6:11 PM


Pause Celebre (Trevor Butterworth, 17 September 2005, Financial Times)

"You're kidding," said Ann Keatings, an applied linguist, as she absorbed the news I had brought from the US, where I have lived for the past 12 years: Americans see the semicolon as punctuation's axis of evil. Or at least many of them do. "But I like semicolons," she protested, "they allow a writer to go further." Trevor McGuinness, a business manager, was equally incredulous. "Hazlitt," he said, smacking the table indignantly, "look at Hazlitt!" Had midnight been closer and the bottle emptier, we might have taken him literally; but the point still floated within the grasp of sober minds: if so great a prose stylist as William Hazlitt had embraced the semicolon, then surely we could too?...
Big deal or not, there is really only one use of the semicolon that is "more or less mandated", says Ben Yagoda, professor of English at the University of Delaware and author of About Town, a monumental account of The New Yorker magazine (whose history is marked by fractious debates over the placement of commas). And that is to separate series elements containing commas (for example, "The cities represented were Albany, New York; Wilmington, Delaware; and Selma, Alabama). The other principal uses, says Yagoda, are discretionary: "That is I might, with total grammatical correctness and without changing my meaning in the slightest, choose any one of the following: 1. 'The book under review is utter hogwash; and that is why it is worth examining.' 2. 'The book under review is utter hogwash, and that is why it is worth examining.' 3. 'The book under review is utter hogwash; that is why it is worth examining.' 4. 'The book under review is utter hogwash. That is why it is worth examining.'" Deciding which of the four to choose is strictly a matter of sound and rhythm, says Yagoda - that is to say, personal style. "Writers who like (consciously or unconsciously) to stop and pause, and/or who are under the influence of Hemingway, choose 4. Those who like balanced rhythms might choose 3. Those aiming for a 'transparent' style might choose 2. And those who are a little bit enamoured with the sound of their own voice might choose 1."...
Style, as F.L. Lucas observed through pages larded with semicolons, "is a means by which a human being gains contact with others; it is personality clothed in words, character embodied in speech." And surely there is something brutish in being assaulted by wave after wave of fact through prose that has the unyielding rhythm and cadence of a machine gun. That, in the end, is what rattled everyone in Termon House on New Year's Eve: the storm rolling in from the west was figurative; the hyperpower at the gate was full of passionate intensity, and it did not do nuance.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:53 AM


'The Putting of First Things First': The revival of the romance of the antiwar left is a potential disaster for the Democrats. It's what gave the world Richard Nixon in 1968. (Jonathan Alter, 8/07/06, Newsweek)

The same Democrats who are justifiably angry with Lieberman for not holding Bush accountable are harming efforts to, well, hold Bush accountable.

Lieberman's problems began long before he was kissed by President Bush at last year's State of the Union. With his Senate seat safe, he didn't have to fight in 2000. He went easier on Dick Cheney in their vice presidential debate than he did a few weeks back against fellow Democrat Lamont. During the Florida recount, he made a point of favoring military absentee ballots likely to be Republican. Lieberman has voted 90 percent of the time with the Democrats—but his first impulse is often to find fault with them. His 2004 run for the White House was better known for its attacks on fellow Democrats than on the incumbent. He approved of Washington intervention in the Terri Schiavo case. On Iraq, he buys the GOP argument that equates criticism of the commander in chief with hurting the troops, which means no real oversight. (Has he forgotten the Truman Committee during World War II?) The duty of the opposition is to oppose. [...]

The bloggers who have noisily intervened deny they're interested in ideological purity. They point to their support in Senate races for pro-life candidates. But on Iraq, the liberal blogs brook no dissent. Not that it matters in Connecticut. If Lamont wins, only the laziest analysts can attribute it to the Netroots. Daily Kos is not exactly Topic A in the diners and union halls of the Nutmeg State.

But if the blogs aren't a force on the ground, they are becoming a powerful factor in directing the passions (and pocketbooks) of far-flung Democratic activists. They're helping fuel a collective version of what shrinks call "projection," where the anger of Democrats at Bush is projected on a handy target, in this case Lieberman. But in doing so, they have neglected what FDR called "the putting of first things first." Job one for Democrats is identifying which Republican House incumbents are vulnerable in their own states and directing all available energy against them. Savaging fellow Democrats (except those who cannot win) should come after taking control, not before.

Note that the trangressions that Mr. Alter says justify the anger towards the Sentor are pretty much the ones that got Susie shunned by the cool girls on your playground in 7th grade.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:00 AM


Somalia Has 1st Commercial Flight in Years: Somalia Has First Commercial Flight in Decade; Prime Minister Survives No-Confidence Vote (MOHAMED SHEIKH, 7/31/06, The Associated Press)

The first commercial flight in a decade departed Mogadishu's newly reopened international airport Sunday, demonstrating how Islamic militants have pacified the once-anarchic capital and much of southern Somalia.

Local airlines had been operating from private airstrips outside the capital.

Now, Islamic militiamen are guarding the airport for commercial passengers, said Sheik Muqtar Robow, deputy defense chief for the Islamic group.

"This is a historic flight for me," passenger Hawa Abdi Hussein said before boarding the Somalia-based Jubba Airways plane to the United Arab Emirates. "I think we at last gained peace and security."

Security has to precede Freedom.

Posted by David Cohen at 8:25 AM


Romney apologizes for use of expression: To some, `tar baby' is racial pejorative (David Abel, Boston Globe, 7/31/06)

Governor Mitt Romney yesterday apologized for using the expression "tar baby" -- a phrase some consider a racial epithet -- among comments he made at a political gathering in Iowa over the weekend.

"The governor was describing a sticky situation," said Eric Fehrnstrom, the governor's spokesman. ``He was unaware that some people find the term objectionable, and he's sorry if anyone was offended."...

"The best thing for me to do politically is stay away from the Big Dig -- just get as far away from that tar baby as I possibly can," he said in answer to a question from the audience.

The expression "tar baby" has had different meanings over the years.

A definition from Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary traces the expression to the tar baby that trapped Br'er Rabbit in an Uncle Remus story by Joel Chandler Harris, which became popular in the 19th century. The dictionary now defines the expression as "something from which it is nearly impossible to extricate oneself."

But it also has been used as a pejorative term for dark-skinned blacks....

As for Romney's use of the expression, Pastor William E. Dickerson of the Greater Love Tabernacle in Dorchester called it ``a poor choice of words."

"There are some words that we should eradicate from our vocabulary, so we don't use them inappropriately," he said. "Saying someone is a 'tar baby' is like calling them the black sheep of the family. Kids with darker skin were often teased, and they would cringe at hearing it. That's why we should avoid it, especially a public servant."

I have to admit to avoiding the wonderfully expressive term "tar baby" out of an excess of caution, but "black sheep?"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 AM


America: a democracy and an empire (HIROAKI SATO, 7/31/06, Japan Times)

In April 1789, Washington became president of the U.S. in New York City, the first capital of the newly formed union, but evidently he wasn't happy with the place. So, "was I to commence my career of life anew," he wrote, he would propose a tract of land on the Potomac River as the site for "the seat of the Empire."

When you think of it, the concept of the new land as empire may not really have been a conceit. The U.S. was born of the final phase of the Seven Years' War, the clash for global hegemony between the greatest European powers of the day, Britain and France. Washington fought in it on the British side, naturally.

As soon as the republic got its act together, it started territorial expansion. One bit of irony in this regard is that John Quincy Adams, who in 1821 famously proclaimed his nation would not go overseas to spread the gospel of democracy ("She goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy"), helped create two years later the Monroe Doctrine, which would lead to some of the more destructive interventions in the belief that South America was the backyard of the U.S.

In 1845, journalist John O'Sullivan declared it was "the common duty of Patriotism" to strive for "the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent." He did this to support the annexation of Texas even as he lined up California for the next step in his overspreading plan for America. The American-initiated war with Mexico had started a year before.

Only eight years later, Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry would be sent to Japan to pry the country open under the threat of guns. Little wonder that Edgar Allan Poe, in one of his last stories, "The Domain of Arnheim," casually called the U.S. "the empire."

In 1935, the editors of Fortune magazine took it upon themselves to tell their readers what the U.S. has been all about. "It is generally supposed that the American military ideal is peace," they wrote. "But for this high-school classic, the U.S. Army, since 1776, has filched more square miles of the earth by sheer military conquest than any army in the world, except only that of Great Britain. And as between Great Britain and the U.S. it has been a close race, Britain having conquered something over 3,500,000 square miles (9 million square km) since that date, and the U.S. (if one includes wresting the Louisiana Purchase from the Indians) something over 3,100,000."

This observation necessarily reminds me of the American writer Helen Mears' 1948 book, "Mirror for Americans." Mears, who was briefly in Japan on the U.S. commission to advise the Japanese government on labor issues after the war, was as clear-eyed as the Fortune editors. The central pretext for the Occupation was the proposition that the Japanese were "inherently militaristic and expansionist," but the West's postwar condemnation of Japan as a warmonger nonpareil was, Mears wrote, "a perfect illustration of respectable people smashing their own glass houses."

Yeah, but the other guys always throw the first stone.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 AM


Schools told it's no longer necessary to teach right from wrong (David Charter, 7/31/06, Times of London)

SCHOOLS would no longer be required to teach children the difference between right and wrong under plans to revise the core aims of the National Curriculum.

Instead, under a new wording that reflects a world of relative rather than absolute values, teachers would be asked to encourage pupils to develop “secure values and beliefs”.

The draft also purges references to promoting leadership skills and deletes the requirement to teach children about Britain’s cultural heritage.

Ministers have asked for the curriculum’s aims to be slimmed down to give schools more flexibility in the way they teach pupils aged 11 to 14.

...when you're doing such a good job destroying your own culture.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:36 AM


A baffling ballot paper is the only hitch in first free election (Jonathan Clayton in Kinshasa and Tristan McConnell in Bukavu, 7/31/06, Times of London)

In scenes repeated across this huge, impoverished country, millions of people waited patiently to vote in the first free elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo in more than forty years, an event organised by the United Nations and monitored by thousands of international observers.

In the far eastern province of South Kivu, the scene of some of the latest war’s worst fighting, eager voters braved the morning chill to join queues outside rural polling stations. About four million people died in the 1998-2003 civil war, making it the world’s costliest conflict since the Second World War.

At Tubimbi primary school the sun rising over the surrounding hills illuminated hundreds of villagers standing in neat lines, the women wrapped in brightly coloured printed fabric, babies strapped to their backs. Pascalina Faida, 18, had queued since 4am. She said: “I want my country to be better and to be peaceful so I will vote.”

July 30, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:16 AM


First Saudi tabloid survives closure and arrest (Andrew Hammond, July 24, 2006, Reuters)

The fact that he still has a newspaper to edit is proof enough to Khalaf Alharbi that the ceiling of freedom in ultraconservative Saudi Arabia is rising.

His mischievous tabloid Shams, Arabic for Sun, has endured suspension, the arrest of one of its journalists and the carping of Islamist hard-liners who say it embodies the Westernized future they fear Saudi Arabia will face if liberals get their way.

But with a daily print-run of nearly 70,000, and recent permission to print inside the oil-producing kingdom instead of in neighboring Bahrain, Alharbi says the paper for young people aims to set a new standard after its first turbulent six months. [...]

Saudi Arabia is one of the world's most conservative societies, an absolute monarchy which governs through a strict interpretation of sharia, Islamic law. When King Abdullah came to power last year, he promised progress on a range of political, social and economic reforms.

The appearance of Saudi Arabia's first tabloid last December has been seen as another sign of slow, but inevitable, change.

The paper has published sensational features about forced marriage for young girls, premarital relationships, unemployment among women, an official ban on school sports for girls and arbitrary detention by police.

And it managed to survive its most daring act of all -- publishing some of the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad that provoked a global outcry among Muslims earlier this year.

The paper was shut down after running the caricatures, but the Ministry of Information, seen as a progressive force in Saudi Arabia under Minister Iyad Madani, allowed it to return a few weeks later, under its new editor Alharbi, a short-story author who had previously written in Gulf newspapers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:12 AM


‘Bingo’ is special to Jones: Actor thinks movie about black ballplayers was misunderstood. (RAYMOND DOSWELL, Jul. 30, 2006, The Kansas City Star)

[T[he role that started [James Earl Jones's] run of baseball films was Leon Carter — the intellectual, nonconformist, power-hitting catcher in “The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings,” which debuted 30 years ago.

In a phone interview from an office near his upstate New York home, Jones, 75, reflected on the irony of acting in films such as “Bingo Long” and “The Great White Hope,” where he plays a prizefighter.

“I’m 6-1 and know nothing about sports,” Jones said. “I’m flat-footed. I couldn’t hit a ball. I had to fake hitting a ball.”

As a child, his exposure to baseball came from listening to a radio connected to a car battery. His grandfather was a fan of Kansas City Monarchs pitcher Satchel Paige.

“(Paige) was an icon in our family,” Jones said. “It had something to do with style, I think, too, which I think we tried to capture in ‘Bingo Long.’ ”

“Bingo Long” came to the screen when young Hollywood producer Rob Cohen convinced Motown Records founder Barry Gordy to invest in rights and writers fees to turn author William Brashler’s gritty baseball novel, of the same title, into a feature film. Brashler fictionalized segregated America in 1939 through the lens of a rebellious black exhibition baseball team. They work through various misadventures — battling bad luck and racism with athletic skill and humor — while barnstorming the country to escape an oppressive owner from the Negro Leagues.

Since the late 1800s, there had been a tradition of players or teams who added vaudevillelike antics to their performances. The All-Stars on screen were patterned more after the Indianapolis Clowns of the later Negro Leagues than the Kansas City Monarchs or the Homestead Grays, who played straight baseball. The cast of “Bingo Long” even featured some old Clowns players.

“They took the game of baseball seriously, but they took life lightly and they would entertain people,” Jones said about the All-Stars. “They’d use midgets, they’d use one-armed players. They would do anything to draw a crowd.”

But the film wasn’t a big box-office draw, and later that summer it had to compete against another baseball movie, “The Bad News Bears.” The negative critiques of “Bingo Long” were disappointing to Jones.

“Even the liberal press was upset because Cohen and his group of actors spent all their time and money making a ‘comedy’ when you had a great tragedy you could tell about the Negro players,” Jones said. “Well, we didn’t set out to make a tragedy, but that’s what they wanted in that year.”

The '70s were our liberal decade--nothing was supposed to be funny.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


The Insanity Defense Goes Back on Trial (MORRIS B. HOFFMAN and STEPHEN J. MORSE, 7/30/06, NY Times)

For centuries we have had a rough idea of the categories of people whom we should not hold criminally responsible. Early cases labeled them “the juvenile, possessed or insane.” The idea was that only people capable of understanding and abiding by the rules of the social contract may justly be declared criminally responsible for their breaches. Someone who genuinely believes he has heard God’s voice command him to kill another does not deserve blame and punishment, because he lacks the ability to reason about the moral quality of his action. [...]

Once we agree that there may be some small percentage of people whose moral cognition is seriously disordered, how can the law identify those people in a way that will not allow the materialism of science to expand the definitions of excusing conditions to include all criminals? That is, if paranoid schizophrenia can provide part of the basis to excuse some criminal acts, why not bipolar disorder, or being angry, or having a bad day, or just being a jerk? After all, a large number of factors over which we have no rational control cause each of us to be the way we are.

The short answer is that we should recognize that the criteria for responsibility — intentionality and moral capacity — are social and legal concepts, not scientific, medical or psychiatric ones. Neither behavioral science nor neuroscience has demonstrated that we are automatons who lack the capacity for rational moral evaluation, even though we sometimes don’t use it. Some people suffer from mental disorder and some do not; some people form intentions and some do not. Most people are responsible, but some are not.

Punishing the deserving wrongdoers among us — those who intentionally violate the criminal law and are cognitively unimpaired — takes people seriously as moral agents and lies at the heart of what being civilized is all about. But being civilized also means not punishing those whom we deem morally impaired by mental disorder. Convicting and punishing a defendant who genuinely believed that God commanded him to kill is not unscientific, it is immoral and unjust.

We should be skeptical about claims of non-responsibility. But, if insanity-defense tests are interpreted sensibly to excuse people who genuinely lacked the ability to reason morally at the time of the crime, and expert testimony is treated with appropriate caution, the criminal justice system can reasonably decide whom to blame and punish.

It's crazy to punish people who aren't responsible actors.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


Lieberman's Eroding Base: Many Democratic Faithful Support a Political Newcomer Rather Than the Senator Who Has Not Toed Party Line (Shailagh Murray, 7/30/06, Washington Post)

[A]n insurgency fueled by liberal anger over the senator's support for the Iraq war, coupled with an agile, well-financed campaign by Lamont that capitalizes on that discontent, is threatening to topple Lieberman in the Aug. 8 Connecticut Democratic primary. If he loses, Lieberman is likely to run as an independent in November, drawing on his popularity with Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Yet the stunning turnabout is a cautionary tale of how quickly a political career can unravel. [...]

In an editorial published today, the New York Times endorsed Lamont over Lieberman, arguing that the senator had offered the nation a "warped version of bipartisanship" by supporting Bush on national security.

Lieberman is accustomed to the rough and tumble of politics, and can be combative in his own defense, as he showed during a recent debate. But he said he has been jarred by the intensity of Democratic anger toward Bush -- and, by extension, toward him. Liberal bloggers have called Lieberman a "liar" and a "weasel."

"It's not just opposition to Bush," he said. "The hatred is so deep."

As the story suggests, those who are furious aren't [and weren't] the Senator's base.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:53 AM


Hezbollah fight shifts spotlight from Gaza (Joshua Mitnick, 7/30/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

To the chagrin of many Palestinians, a resolution to the Gaza clashes often is linked to a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hezbollah.

"The Palestinians have to prove that they are not in the same basket and that they should not be punished for the Lebanese cause," said Omar Shaban, a Gaza-based political analyst.

"We have our own political agenda. We need a political solution. What is going on in Lebanon is different. Hezbollah has no political agenda. Lebanon is not occupied by Israel."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


The life of a talent-spotter who left his mark on both jazz and rock-and-roll. (Jonathan Yardley, July 30, 2006, Washington Post)

Late in the evening of July 7, 1957, Count Basie and his orchestra took the stage to wrap up that year's Newport Jazz Festival. The all-black band was introduced by a tall, skinny, crew-cut white guy with a voice so plummy as to border on unintentional self-parody. I was there and remember it vividly, but anybody can hear it on the album "Basie at Newport," and to this day almost everybody is likely to agree that the contrast between the Manhattanite voice and the down-home Kansas City band is just about too exquisitely hilarious to be true.

But it was, and is, no joke. The speaker was John Hammond, and he deserved to be there. Though little-known beyond the innermost circles of American popular music, Hammond was a man of almost incalculable influence on that music. Twenty years earlier, after hearing the Basie band on the radio -- the band was celebrated in Kansas City but otherwise obscure -- Hammond had driven to Missouri from New York specifically to offer his services as producer, booker and just about everything else, not for the money it might make for him but because he believed Basie and his band deserved and must be presented to a larger audience. For this Basie remained grateful ever after, which is why he was no doubt delighted to be led onstage in Newport by his old benefactor and friend.

It could be said that Hammond spent almost his entire life leading musicians onstage. Born in December 1910 into a wealthy New York family -- his mother was a Vanderbilt -- Hammond rarely had more than fleeting financial worries throughout his 76-year life and was free to concentrate his very considerable energies on the two causes with which he was obsessed: American popular music, jazz most particularly, and civil rights for African Americans. As a boy he was steered toward classical music by his mother, but he was far more interested in the music sung and played by the servants, many of whom were black. Dunstan Prial writes:

"As Hammond observed in his memoirs, as well as in numerous interviews, he sensed from an early age that there was a reason this music was as deeply passionate as it was. It was uniquely American music, written by and played for people who had known the harsher realities of life firsthand. In particular, it was music by and for people whose skin color kept them perpetually at the bottom rung of American society. Listening to this music helped awaken Hammond to the vast class differences that separated him from the servants in the basement."

Hammond was barely out of knee-pants before he started venturing to Harlem, where musicians and nightclub operators seem to have adopted him as an odd but agreeable mascot.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:49 AM


Fridays with Florence: Gay Marriage — a Dead Cert (Florence King, National Review, 6/3/96) (reprinted at NRO, 3/26/04)

The major brainwashing, soon to begin, will proceed as follows.

Magazines will run cover stories that thinking Americans — all 17 of us — recognize as that brand of persuasion called "nibbled to death by a duck." Time does "Debating Same-Sex Marriage" and Newsweek does "Rethinking Gay Marriage." Lofty opinion journals weigh in with "A Symposium on," "In Defense of," and "Voices from," while Parade does "If They Say 'I Do' . . . Will We Say 'You Can't?'" Cover art consists of a pair of wedding rings sporting identical biological signs: two arrow-shooting circles for men, two mirror-handle circles for women. We will start seeing these logos in our sleep.

Next, the pundits. Molly Ivins writes "Bubba, Hold Yore Peace." Ellen Goodman waxes earnest about tradition versus change in "Something Old, Something New," Ruth Shalit writes something borrowed, and Richard Cohen, Victim America's identifier-in-chief, does a column called "We're All Single." Arianna Huffington will figure out a compassionate way to be against gay marriage, but most conservatives stand to fare badly in this debate. Will Durant wrote, "When religion submits to reason it begins to die." In a media-saturated society teeming with talk-show producers casting dragnets over think tanks, proponents of gay marriage win merely by being scheduled. By contrast, the conservative instinctively recoils from analyzing eternal verities. He may know the words to legal arguments such as "the need to show a compelling state interest, etc." but he doesn't know the tune. In the final analysis he believes in the sanctity of marriage "just because."

OJ's link to a Florence King column below prompted me to reread some of her greatest hits on NRO. None are better than this column. What an ear Ms. King has for the pomposities and stale rhetoric of the liberal media. How many times over the last few years have we seen those linked wedding rings she predicted in 1996?

In the end, though, she is too pessimistic, as misanthropes tend to be when making predictions about America. Not that she is wrong about conservatives' inability to argue with liberals on the liberals' terms. But, where ever Americans get to vote on their inchoate understanding of the world, gay marriage is stymied. Naturally, the left wants these decisions taken away from the forum in which they lose -- the voting booth -- and sent to the forum in which they win -- the media and the courts. Voting, however, is slowly but surely making the even the courts uncongenial. The liberals have been reduced to seeking victory in a handful of state courts, and even there they have lost. It is likely no coincidence that judges never face the electorate in the only state where the left has won on gay marriage and that, in that state, the left is trying its best to make sure that gay marriage never makes the ballot.

So the left is, more and more, turning to a new tactic. We are all agreed Americans must be free from any governmental compulsion to belong to a specific religion, or even to believe in any god at all. Now the left argues that no policy is legitimate if it is supported by a religious impulse. This is a complete break from the past, when all the great campaigns for American progress -- independence, abolition, robust militarism, temperance and civil rights -- were expressly and unabashedly religious.

This nonsense has already made in-roads. In its Lawrence decision striking down anti-sodomy laws and in the Goodridge decision requiring gay marriage, the Supreme Court and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court have held that morality is not, in and of itself, a rational basis for any law. On the one hand, this might seem clearly true -- morality makes no pretense of rationality. On the other hand, "rational" is in this instance a term of art and no law is within the power of the state unless rationally related to a legitimate state end. In other words, it is beyond the scope of the legislature or, at least at the state level, the people to adopt a law simply because it is moral. The law is now expressly amoral.

That rationality requires the law to be amoral is, to the conservative, non-sense. Taken as a whole, only the moral society is rational. An amoral society would be an impoverished dictatorship; if no person could trust another and neither the citizen nor the government could rely on the other, civil society would be dead. The best we could hope for would be tribalism or sectarianism such as we've seen in Lebanon and Somalia. The same result would come if the legislature weren't prohibited, by the people, from passing immoral laws. In a successful society, morality is both a necessary and sufficient basis for law. That is the only rational conclusion that can be drawn, regardless of whether every jot and tittle of our moral code can be justified rationally.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:43 AM


Secrets & lies: The case of Brooke Astor highlights concerns of elder abuse in the city (GINA SALAMONE, 7/30/06, NY Daily News)

Accusations that Brooke Astor is being mistreated by her son, acting as her caretaker, have shocked New Yorkers, but the beloved philanthropist's situation is far from unique.

Up to 50,000 seniors in the city are believed to be suffering through some form of abuse each year, according to the Department for the Aging. And most of these cases are never brought to light.

One woman, who we'll call Beth to protect her identity, was physically attacked for two years and psychologically abused for five years by a live-in family member. It was only after he put her in the hospital that she decided it had to stop.

He punched her all over her body on that occasion, and she nearly passed out from the blows.

"Up until that time I hadn't told anybody," Beth says. "Then I realized either I did something about it or he was going to kill me - by mistake. And I don't want to die."

Yet the Left believes he should be allowed to kill her. After all, her quality of life is terrible. Who'd want to live that way.....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM

THE GOSPEL OF ST. PEAT (via Tom Corcoran):

Ancient Book of Psalms Unearthed in Irish Bog (Shawn Pogatchnik, July 26, 2006, Associated Press)

Irish archaeologists Tuesday heralded the discovery of an ancient book of psalms by a construction worker who spotted something while working in a bog.

The approximately 20-page book has been dated to 800-1000 A.D. Trinity College manuscripts expert Bernard Meehan said it was the first discovery of an Irish early medieval document in two centuries.

"This is really a miracle find," said Pat Wallace, director of the National Museum of Ireland.

"There's two sets of odds that make this discovery really way out. First of all, it's unlikely that something this fragile could survive being buried in a bog at all, and then for it to be unearthed and spotted before it was destroyed is incalculably more amazing."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 AM


So Big and Healthy Grandpa Wouldn’t Even Know You (GINA KOLATA, 7/30/06, NY Times)

The Keller family illustrates what may prove to be one of the most striking shifts in human existence — a change from small, relatively weak and sickly people to humans who are so big and robust that their ancestors seem almost unrecognizable.

New research from around the world has begun to reveal a picture of humans today that is so different from what it was in the past that scientists say they are startled. Over the past 100 years, says one researcher, Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago, humans in the industrialized world have undergone “a form of evolution that is unique not only to humankind, but unique among the 7,000 or so generations of humans who have ever inhabited the earth.”

The difference does not involve changes in genes, as far as is known, but changes in the human form. It shows up in several ways, from those that are well known and almost taken for granted, like greater heights and longer lives, to ones that are emerging only from comparisons of health records.

The biggest surprise emerging from the new studies is that many chronic ailments like heart disease, lung disease and arthritis are occurring an average of 10 to 25 years later than they used to. There is also less disability among older people today, according to a federal study that directly measures it. And that is not just because medical treatments like cataract surgery keep people functioning. Human bodies are simply not breaking down the way they did before.

Even the human mind seems improved. The average I.Q. has been increasing for decades, and at least one study found that a person’s chances of having dementia in old age appeared to have fallen in recent years.

The proposed reasons are as unexpected as the changes themselves. Improved medical care is only part of the explanation; studies suggest that the effects seem to have been set in motion by events early in life, even in the womb, that show up in middle and old age.

“What happens before the age of 2 has a permanent, lasting effect on your health, and that includes aging,” said Dr. David J. P. Barker, a professor of medicine at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland and a professor of epidemiology at the University of Southampton in England.

Each event can touch off others. Less cardiovascular disease, for example, can mean less dementia in old age. The reason is that cardiovascular disease can precipitate mini-strokes, which can cause dementia. Cardiovascular disease is also a suspected risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.

The effects are not just in the United States. Large and careful studies from Finland, Britain, France, Sweden and the Netherlands all confirm that the same things have happened there; they are also beginning to show up in the underdeveloped world.

Of course, there were people in previous generations who lived long and healthy lives, and there are people today whose lives are cut short by disease or who suffer for years with chronic ailments. But on average, the changes, researchers say, are huge.

Even more obvious differences surprise scientists by the extent of the change.

If we were finches on the Galapagos the Darwinists would claim we were a different species than our grandparents. But the Applied Darwinism of the Holocaust caused them such shame that they never mention humans anymore.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


Gay-marriage advocates grapple with their next course of action (Lornet Turnbull, 7/30/06, Seattle Times)

Like civil-rights crusaders of the 1960s, champions of gay rights have long looked to the courts to grant them what they believed they couldn't get elsewhere.

Judges, they believed, are charged with righting historic wrongs and delivering pure justice in a way voters with their own biases and the lawmakers beholden to them often would not.

And, indeed, the landmark civil-rights rulings of the past century bear them out: Brown v. Board of Education, which ordered school desegregation, and Loving v. Virginia, which later struck down laws banning interracial marriages.

But a string of recent court decisions, including last week's 5-4 Washington Supreme Court ruling that upheld the state's ban on same-sex marriages, suggests the judicial path may have failed them and that justices who have found themselves pilloried as activists will not deliver full salvation for gays after all.

Taken together, the decisions represent a body of case law that might make following Massachusetts' lead in allowing same-sex marriage that much more difficult for the handful of states still weighing the question.

Blacks based their case on the country's religious beliefs and made a moral claim on the national conscience. They only required that America live up to its own ideals.

Gays are demanding that we violate those religious tenets, privilege immorality and forget about our ideals.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:15 AM


The Iranian elephant in the room: Whether or not Tehran actually ordered its Hezbollah allies to attack Israel, the Shiite regime is a major player in the conflict. Too bad Washington refuses to negotiate. (OLIVIA WARD, Jul. 30, 2006, Toronto Star)

Whatever the nature of Iran's involvement in the current crisis, says Ali Ansari, an associate professor at University of St. Andrews in Scotland, the major questions are whether it will be the winner or loser when the crisis is over and whether the shaky balance of power in the Middle East will be disturbed.

"Hezbollah was always Iran's deterrent force against Israel," says Ansari, author of Confronting Iran: The Failure of American Foreign Policy and the Next Great Conflict in the Middle East.

"If Hezbollah is strengthened by the conflict, Iran will come out of it better and the Sunnis in the region will be terrified. But if Israel weakens Hezbollah, Iran could also be strategically weakened."

In spite of its public belligerence, Ansari says, Tehran wants to present itself as a peacemaker.

Holding talks with Washington might help defuse both the Lebanon crisis and the nuclear standoff, but the Bush administration has declared Iran part of the "axis of evil" and refuses all contact with its government.

"The problem with Iran goes much deeper than the current crises," says Ansari.

"It has to do with decades of suspicion and misconceptions between Washington and Tehran.

"Now, there is an absurd situation with senior diplomats saying Iran and Syria are responsible for the conflict in Lebanon, but refusing to talk to either of them.

Ansari argues that Iran's image in the region has been inflated by Western blunders rather than by Tehran's shrewdness.

"Iran's successes are the result of our incompetence," he says. " It is the elephant in the room, but not for the reasons we think."

Hezbollah can't lose this fight--it will remain the repository of Lebanese Shi'ite political aspirations. But Israel and America can still win if Syria's regime is changed and the Iranian nuclear program decimated.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:09 AM


THE FALL, RISE & FALL OF BEIRUT: The latest bombing of Beirut comes at a time when the ancient city has finally emerged from the rubble of a 15-year civil war. The regeneration has been a stunning success, guided by a certainty, clarity and almost poetic sensibility (CHRISTOPHER HUME, 7/30/06, TORONTO STAR)

That conflict, which lasted from 1975 to 1990, was a time of astounding self-destruction. But the reconstruction that followed is widely regarded as one of the great examples of urban regeneration. It is familiar to planners and planning students around the world as a process that worked wonders, a model for the rest of the world.

It was often referred to in these parts when the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corp. was being set up; experts said it offered many lessons for this city.

One of its most ardent admirers is Toronto urban designer Tony Coombes. He spent several years in Beirut during the mid- to late-1990s as an adviser to Solidere, the corporation created in 1994 by the Lebanese government to oversee the rebuilding of central Beirut.

The mandate and structure of Solidere — which is still in operation, or was until the Israeli onslaught — has been much studied. It was the key to the success of Beirut's revival.

As Coombes explains it, Solidere acquired the land in the central district of Beirut and issued shares to owners and tenants on the basis of their property holdings. Three tribunals were created to ensure that those involved received what to which they were rightfully entitled. Another stipulation was that no one person or business could own more than 10 per cent of Solidere shares.

The intention was to enable Solidere to set rules, makes business deals, establish design guidelines and work directly with developers. Shareholder dividends were paid from funds raised selling land to developers.

As Coombes recalls, the time he spent in Beirut was one of uncertainty: "The electricity could go off at any time and the phones didn't necessarily work. The central district had been destroyed. No one was living there but squatters."

"Solidere was an extraordinary response to an extreme situation," he says. "It was essentially an invention of the great prime minister, Rafik Hariri, who himself put money into the company."

A self-made billionaire who twice served as prime minister of Lebanon, Hariri was assassinated on Feb. 14, 2005. His death, for which many held Syria responsible, inspired a grassroots democratic movement that toppled the government and saw Syrian forces leaving Lebanon after 26 years of occupation.

The reconstruction of Beirut continued throughout those anxious days. According to Coombes, the process itself created a small army of administrators, architects, designers, builders and artisans to carry on the work.

Says Coombes: "It became one of the great urban reconstruction companies in the world. It was a tour de force, a heroic act, one of the most astonishing examples of city-building of the last 50 years."

Solidere even managed to transform the vast landfill site in the old harbour into a new public space.

July 29, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:06 PM


Roberts and Alito Misled Us (Edward M. Kennedy, July 30, 2006, Washington Post)

[T]he careful, bipartisan process of years past -- like so many checks and balances rooted in our Constitution -- has been badly broken by the current Bush administration. The result has been the confirmation of two justices, John G. Roberts Jr. and Samuel A. Alito Jr., whose voting record on the court reflects not the neutral, modest judicial philosophy they promised the Judiciary Committee, but an activist's embrace of the administration's political and ideological agenda.

Now that the votes are in from their first term, we can see plainly the agenda that Roberts and Alito sought to conceal from the committee. Our new justices consistently voted to erode civil liberties, decrease the rights of minorities and limit environmental protections. At the same time, they voted to expand the power of the president, reduce restrictions on abusive police tactics and approve federal intrusion into issues traditionally governed by state law.

The confirmation process became broken because the Bush administration learned the wrong lesson from the failed Bork nomination and decided it could still nominate extremists as long as their views were hidden.

Since it did so successfully oughtn't we say the Administration learned the right lesson?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 PM


N. Korea missile didn't go as far as Japan estimated (Japan Times, 7/29/06)

The United States has told Japan that the Taepodong-2 missile fired July 5 by North Korea exploded in midair within 1.5 km of the launchpad, not 400 to 600 km away as the Japanese government had initially estimated, sources said Saturday.

Japan had earlier estimated the missile reached well into the Sea of Japan.

According to the sources, U.S. satellite information suggests the Taepodong-2 exploded in midair above a northeastern region of North Korea...

Only the far Left and far Right can still be surprised that a communist military is only a threat to itself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 PM


Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness (Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner)

Try summarizing the implications of quantum theory, and what you get sounds mystical.

Let's try a rough summary anyway. To account for the demonstrated facts, quantum theory tells us that an observation of one object can instantaneously influence the behavior of another greatly distant object--even if no physical force connects the two. Einstein rejected such influences as "spooky interactions," but they have now been demonstrated to exist. Quantum theory also tells us that observing an object to be someplace causes it to be there. For example, according to quantum theory, an object can be in two, or many, places at once--even far distant places. Its existence at the particular place it happens to be found becomes an actuality only upon its (conscious) observation.

This seems to deny the existence of a physically real world independent of our observation of it. You can see why Einstein was troubled.

Erwin Schrodinger, a founder of modern quantum theory, told his now famous cat story to illustrate that since the quantum theory applies to the large as well as the small, the theory is saying something absurd. Schrodinger's cat, according to quantum theory, could be simultaneously dead and alive--until your observation causes it to be either dead or alive. Moreover, finding the cat dead would create a history of it developing rigor mortis; finding it alive would create a history of its developing hunger--backward in time.

Anyone who takes the implications of quantum theory seriously would presumably agree that you can't accept it with equanimity. Niels Bohr, the theory's principal interpreter, tells us: "Anyone not shocked by quantum mechanics has not understood it."

The funny thing is, only the Brights are shocked by this truism.

Posted by David Cohen at 6:01 PM


The McCains and War: Like Father, Like Son (Massimo Calabresi, Time.com, 7/29/06)

Exclusive: Vietnam hero and Senator John McCain has unyieldingly backed the Iraq war. Now son Jimmy is heading to boot camp and, maybe, to battle

This September, Senator John McCain's youngest son, Jimmy, 18, will report to a U.S. Marine Corps depot near Camp Pendleton in San Diego. After three months of boot camp and a month of specialized training, he will be ready to deploy. Depending on the unit he joins, he could be in Iraq as early as this time next year, and his chances of seeing combat at some point are high.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:28 PM


Why don't you just have Carrasco walk Ortiz & pitch to Manny?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:33 PM


We've often recommended the excellent Commissario Guido Brunetti series by Donna Leon and there's an especially good passage in Death in a Strange Country. Despite a somewhat anti-American tone and a plot that tries
to compare the U.S. Military to the Mafia and the corrupt Italian bureaucracy, Ms Leon eventually has Guido approach his father-in-law, a powerful Count, and ask his help in getting an illegal toxic waste site dealt with. The Count agrees, but reluctantly:

"Don't you care about any of this?" he asked, unable to keep the passion from his voice. [...]

"Yes, I care about it, Guido, but not in the same way you do. You have managed to retain remnants of optimism, even in the midst of the work you do. I have none. Not for myself, nor for my future, and not for this country or its future. [...]

We are a nation of egoists. It is our glory, but it will be our destruction, for none of us can be made to concern ourselves about something as abstract as 'the common good.' The best of us can rise to feeling concern for our families, but as a nation we are incapable of more."

And, of course, the birth rates in Europe demonstrate that they don't care about family in the abstract either, just the self.

The Egotism; or Bosom Serpent (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

All persons chronically diseased are egotists, whether the disease be of the mind or body; whether it be sin, sorrow, or merely the more tolerable calamity of some endless pain, or mischief among the cords of mortal life. Such individuals are made acutely conscious of a self, by the torture in which it dwells. Self, therefore, grows to be so prominent an object with them that they cannot but present it to the face of every casual passer-by.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:19 PM


U.S. Economy Cools As Consumers Pull Back (Nell Henderson, 7/29/06, Washington Post)

Despite higher prices and slower growth, "there are no clear signs that the economy is close to a recession," said Eugenio J. Alemán, senior economist for Wells Fargo Economics, noting low unemployment and evidence that "the real estate market is slowing down but not collapsing."

Stocks and bonds rallied yesterday on hopes that slower economic growth will encourage Federal Reserve policymakers to stop raising interest rates soon, after two years of steady hikes aimed at keeping a lid on prices.

After the GDP report was released yesterday, traders in futures contracts bet that Fed policymakers will leave their benchmark short-term interest rate unchanged at 5.25 percent at their next meeting, Aug. 8, which would mark the first meeting since June 2004 without a hike. On Thursday, the markets saw the outcome of the next meeting as roughly a tossup.

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke indicated to Congress last week that he and his colleagues are counting on a cooler economy to weaken price pressures over the next 18 months -- a sign that they don't plan to raise interest rates high enough to cause a sharper slowdown this year. Their report to Congress showed that they expect the economy to grow at about a 2.5 percent annual rate for the rest of the year and then rebound to a pace around 3.2 percent next year.

Chairman Greenspan always went the extra cuts too far--hopefully Mr. Bernanke has stopped sooner.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:09 PM


Watch Ann Go Whoosh!: Analyzing La Coulter (FLORENCE KING, 8/07/06, National Review)

Wondering what life in America would be like if Coulter used a stiletto instead of a sledgehammer is a tempting but futile excursion into dreamland. Suppose, for example, she was confronted, like Jennie Churchill, with a pompous young man who boasted that his financйe’s virtue was “priced above rubies.” Without missing a beat, Jennie said, “Try diamonds.” But if the young man said the same thing to Coulter?

“The godless liberals are trying to link Pat Robertson to Charles Taylor’s diamond-smuggling cartel in Liberia while they cry crocodile tears over the poor starving Africans they’re helping to starve by conniving with radical ANC goons trained by Winnie Mandela who controls every mine in South Africa, all because they hate Robertson’s Christian beliefs so much they’ll be cheering and dancing in the streets if Taylor and the God-hating Marxists succeed in smearing him!”

If Coulter lacks Jennie Churchill’s sophisticated wit, neither does she show any trace of Dorothy Parker’s lethal impishness. Parker’s assessment of her dependent husband — “Alan will always land on somebody’s feet” — would probably leave her cold. Not because she didn’t get it, but because it is so perfectly epigrammatic that there is no way to “mischaracterize” it, to use Coulter’s favorite fighting word; it can be quoted in context, out of context, or out of the blue without losing a thing.

Wit keeps sexual repartee from being offensive; the sharper the wit, the cleaner the joke. Challenged to use the word horticulture in a sentence, Parker immediately shot back, “You can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her think.” Her opinion of the current crop of debutantes: “If they were laid end to end I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.” The English adventuress who broke her leg in the middle of her divorce trial: “She probably did it sliding down a barrister.”

If only Ms King were a hottie, she'd get the tv gigs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:07 PM


Mel gives cops hell: Report: Drunken Gibson threatens officer in rant (MICHELLE CARUSO, 7/29/06, NY DAILY NEWS)

Gibson, 50, was pulled over for speeding at 3:10 a.m. on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, Calif., cops said. The Oscar-winning "Braveheart" star and director was driving 80 mph when he was snared by a radar trap, sheriff's deputies said. The speed limit in that area is 45 mph to 55 mph.

Gibson failed both alcohol breath and field sobriety tests, deputies said. His blood-alcohol level was .12, Deputy Anthony Moore said. The legal limit is .08 in California.

According to the incident report obtained by TMZ.com, the Road Warrior embarked on a belligerent, anti-Semitic outburst when he realized he had been busted.

"F-----g Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," Mee's report quotes him as saying.

"Are you a Jew?" Gibson asked the deputy, according to the report.

The actor also berated the deputy, threatening, "You motherf----r. I'm going to f--- you," according to Mee's report.

The actor also told the cop he "owns Malibu" and would spend all his money "to get even with me," Mee said in his report.

TMZ quoted a law enforcement source as saying Gibson noticed a female sergeant on the scene and yelled at her, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar t--s?"

But he took responsibility well, Mel Gibson apologizes for DUI arrest (SANDY COHEN, 7/29/06, AP)

Mel Gibson issued a lengthy statement Saturday apologizing for his drunk driving arrest and saying he has battled alcoholism throughout his life.

The actor and "The Passion of the Christ" director also apologized for what he said were "despicable" statements he made to the deputies who arrested him early Friday on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

"I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested," he said in a statement issued by his publicist. "I disgraced myself and my family with my behavior and for that I am truly sorry. I have battled with the disease of alcoholism for all of my adult life and profoundly regret my horrific relapse."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:06 AM


Report: Cuban baseball players defect in Colombia (ESPN.com, 7/28/06)

Two more Cuban baseball players have reportedly defected.

Three days after three Cubans defected to the Dominican Republic, Yulieski Gurriel and Eduardo Paret defected to the Colombian city of Cartagena, the local press reported Friday.

"One of the members of the Cuban team who deserted is star second baseman Yulieski Gourriel, considered as one of the best in the world at his position," The Bogota Times reported Friday. "It appears that his next destination would the New York Yankees.

...that the Yankee farm system depends on importing immigrants.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:49 AM

THAT IS THE PARADIGM (via Raoul Ortega):

Carlessness (Philip Dawdy, 7/27/06, Seattle Weekly)

This week, our paper has a cover story about bicycling in Seattle, and especially about commuting by bike. I mention this because a little over a year ago I decided to go carless and try to do the good prog-liberal thing and see how it worked out. [...]

I am here to tell you at the liberal paradigm is, in this respect, an abysmal failure. Or at least it was for me.

My social life went down the tubes. If a friend of mine lived outside of Capitol Hill, downtown, Belltown, the ID, or Pioneer Square, I was screwed. I have a lot of friends who don't live in those places, and suddenly I wasn't being invited to pop over to a friend's house for impromptu barbeques and parties. That sucked. And if I needed to run an errand to, say, Best Buy at Northgate, it would take an hour-plus in each direction to get there—and with Metro's schedules, don't try that in the evening. Besides, you cannot carry more than a couple of shopping bags on Metro.

Not having a car got in the way of work, as well. I am the kind of reporter who prefers to meet people in person, if possible, and I suddenly had to resort to doing a lot of phone interviews unless I did a lot of planning for taking transit—and giving up half an afternoon for a half-hour interview. There were also public meetings I wasn't able to attend, either, all of a sudden—unless they happened to be downtown or somewhere close by.

In other words, he had to make friends with his own neighbors, stop running pointless errands, and do a job by phone that should be. It worked.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 AM


Burying the elephant (CURTIS RUSH, 7/29/06, Toronto Star)

So, how do you bury an 8,500-pound elephant?

Not easily, as you might suspect.

Patsy, the 40-year-old African elephant who had arthritis so bad it was tough for her to walk, was put to sleep Monday night, and buried in an unmarked grave Tuesday at a remote location at the Toronto Zoo.

There were several logistical issues in burying Patsy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


The 'Baby Bump' Is So Hot Right Now (Ellen Goodman, July 29, 2006, Truthdig)

So how did this fixation on celebrity babies, this upbeat bump beat, happen just as we are being told that parenthood is onerous and grueling and that parents are overworked and overwhelmed?

Readers of Star, In Touch, OK! and US Weekly probably did not pick up the latest lament about parenting at their supermarket checkout. It was offered by Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, co-director of the National Marriage Project and still best known for siding with Dan Quayle in his spat over single motherhood with Murphy Brown. Now, she's painted a disheartening picture of parenthood as "a conspicuous source of anxiety and distress.'' She then points to a demographic and cultural culprit. (full report / summary)

Parenting, writes Whitehead, takes up a shorter amount of the expanding life cycle these days, somewhere between a child-free youth and a child-free empty nest. So the culture that once thought of adulthood and parenthood as synonymous now portrays child-raising as an unsatisfying timeout from the fun.

"If the popular culture were the only source of knowledge about American parenthood,'' she says, "one would quickly conclude that being a parent is one of the least esteemed and most undesirable roles in the society.'' She describes a society that is "indifferent at best, and hostile, at worst, to those who are caring for the next generation.''

But if the popular culture casts parenthood as grim, who's feeding the pro-natalist message to its audience?

Here's a better question: how can intellectuals still not grasp that America holds them and their ideas in contempt?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 AM


Hezbollah Politicians Back Peace Package (SAM F. GHATTAS, 7/28/06, AP)

Hezbollah politicians, while expressing reservations, have joined their critics in the government in agreeing to a peace package that includes strengthening an international force in south Lebanon and disarming the guerrillas, the government said.

The agreement - reached after a heated six-hour Cabinet meeting - was the first time that Hezbollah has signed onto a proposal for ending the crisis that includes the deploying of international forces.

Once they're running a government in Lebanon we'll supply them with weapons and training.

Shiite Pilgrimage Leads to Church: On Perilous Border, Lebanese Christians Take In Muslims (Anthony Shadid, 7/29/06, Washington Post)

The word went out -- there was refuge in a Christian village -- and thousands came.

In a pilgrimage of fear, Shiite Muslims from the towns most ravaged along the Lebanese border fled for Rmeish, a hilltop hamlet along a road where Israeli shells fell, at times, every 15 seconds Friday. Here, they escaped to a church, and at the church, a basement lit by soft shafts of sunlight. In it were the wretched of this war: children with dirty feet and a pregnant woman who feared giving birth in squalor, an 85-year-old man whose donkey, his sole possession, was killed by a bomb and hundreds of others among the at least 10,000 who arrived in Rmeish, some drinking from a fetid pool and walking the streets in search of food and goodwill.

"The safety of God," said Heidar Issa, one of those here. "That's what we were counting on."

In a country fractured by faith, torn asunder by 15 years of civil war, they found refuge among the Lebanese Christians they once fought. Their politics often diverged -- over support for Hezbollah, their views of today's conflict -- but they shared a plight. And in a common misery wrought by war, less than a mile from the Israeli border, there was fleeting coexistence rather than talk of strife.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


Circus peanuts: one of life's sweet mysteries (John Seewer, July 29, 2006, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Steve Kerr pulled apart the freshly made circus peanut and pressed his thumbs into its spongy, orange center.

Not too moist or too rigid -- just right. "It's all about feel," he said.

He wasn't tempted to taste it, though.

"I'm not a big fan," conceded Mr. Kerr, vice president of operations for Spangler Candy Co., one of the few remaining makers of circus peanuts.

The marshmallow confection is as controversial as it gets when it comes to candy. What makes the circus peanut so intriguing and sparks debate among candy connoisseurs is that the treat is a mystery on many levels.

"People can't wrap their brains around why it's sweet and get really confused by the flavor," said Beth Kimmerle, author of "Candy: The Sweet History."

Though they are orange and look like peanuts, they taste like banana. And they are chewier than a traditional marshmallow. Even those who like circus peanuts can't agree whether they are better soft and fresh or stale and hard after sitting out for a week.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Minimum Wage Hike Passed By House: GOP Bill Also Cuts Estate Tax (Jonathan Weisman, 7/29/06, Washington Post)

The House last night voted to boost the minimum wage for the first time in nearly a decade while also permanently slashing the estate tax, a coupling that GOP leaders calculated might garner enough Senate support to become law.

House lawmakers also approved the biggest overhaul of the nation's pension laws in 30 years.

In the rush to bolster their party's accomplishments before leaving today on a five-week summer break, House Republican leaders effectively took a gamble. If the Senate follows the House and passes legislation shoring up the pension system, raising the minimum wage, permanently cutting the estate tax, and extending such measures as a research-and-development tax credit, Republicans can say they departed for the summer in a flourish of accomplishments.

The GOP should pass several more Democratic proposals, especially those of Hillary and the DLC, though tweaked to serve their own purposes as well.

July 28, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:25 PM


Landis says his testosterone is naturally high (AP, 7/28/06)

His voice steady and his tone defiant, Floyd Landis told the world he would clear his name of allegations he cheated to win the Tour de France and prove he deserved the victory in cycling's signature event.

In his first public appearance since a positive test for high testosterone cast his title into doubt, the American cyclist said his body's natural metabolism - not doping of any kind - caused the result, and that he would soon have the test results to prove it.

"We will explain to the world why this is not a doping case but a natural occurrence," Landis said during a surprise press conference in the Spanish capital.

Dang right his voice is steady and deep--not squeaky like those Euros...

Posted by David Cohen at 7:23 PM


The Political Economy of Beef: Oppression of Cows and Other Devalued Groups in Latin America Schedule Information


The focus of this paper is the effects of raising cows for “beef,” and the accompanying increase in the production of feed crops, in Latin America. It is suggested that the practice of “beef”-eating, a practice primarily of the elite and of the masses in affluent nations, has been promoted in the last century by large transnational corporations and protected by Latin American governments, with the support of the United States government and its military apparatus. Countless other animals and humans have been killed, and many others displaced, impoverished and exploited, as the profitable but devastating “hamburger culture” expands in the 21st century.

This paper will be given during the Animals and Society Paper Session at next months annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, in Montreal.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:14 PM


Army Dismisses Gay Arabic Linguist (DUNCAN MANSFIELD, 7/28/06, Associated Press)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:11 PM


Campaign Finance Effort Resumes, Without McCain (JOSH GERSTEIN, July 28, 2006, NY Sun)

The elided surnames of the four men, "McCain-Feingold-Shays-Meehan," have become synonymous with so-called campaign finance reform, but Senator McCain, a Republican of Arizona, is conspicuously absent from the latest effort. [...]

A longtime advocate for campaign finance restrictions, Meredith McGehee, said she believed Mr. McCain's decision stemmed from a desire to avoid criticism if he decides to forgo public financing during the Republican nominating contest.

"He does not want to be caught in a position where he can be accused, rightly or wrongly, of hypocrisy," Ms. McGehee, policy director at the Campaign Legal Center, said. She said Mr. McCain has pledged to abide by other campaign legislation he has proposed, even before it is enacted.

"I don't think he wants to lock himself into living by a bill, with a public financing system that's pretty broken,"she said.

Mr. Shays told The New York Sun that he could not speak for Mr. McCain, but could not advise him to agree to public financing under the current rules. "It doesn't really make sense to," the congressman said. "If Senator McCain or anyone else was looking to run for president, I wouldn't be recommending they stay on the system right now."

to still insist he isn't running, right?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:21 PM


Boosting Extremists With Bombs: Hezbollah's popularity rises, dimming the prospects for democracy (Dilip Hiro, 25 July 2006, YaleGlobal)

To understand how and why Hezbollah has loomed so large on the Israeli radar, take a quick canter down the history lane. By all accounts, Muslims now make up two thirds of the Lebanese population, with Christians half as numerous. But such is the “confessional democracy” – established by France as the Mandate Power, modified after the 1975-1990 civil war and buttressed by the Cedar Revolution of 2005 – that Muslims and Christians have an equal share of seats in the 128-member parliament.

While Shiites are three fifths of the Muslim population, they are entitled to two fifths of the Muslim seats. Among high officials, Maronite Catholics are entitled to the presidency, elected by the parliament; Sunni Muslims to the premiership; and Shiite Muslims merely to the parliamentary speaker. [...]

After the end of the Lebanese civil war in October 1990, Hezbollah fighters moved to the area adjacent to the Israeli-occupied southern Lebanon.

In late 1991 a three-way swap – involving 450 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners, seven dead or captured Israeli soldiers, and the remaining Western hostages – ended this phase of Hezbollah’s hostage-taking.

Steadily, Hezbollah increased attacks on the Israeli and its surrogate south Lebanon army targets, pushing the total to 1,200 in 1998. Unable to withstand the pressure, Israel withdraw unconditionally from southern Lebanon in May 2000, except from the disputed Shebaa Farms, as required by the UN Security Council resolution 509 of June 1982.

This boosted the standing of Hezbollah, led since 1992 by Hassan Nasrallah following the assassination of his predecessor Abbas Musawi by the Israelis. By then, Hezbollah had contested three general elections and established a parliamentary presence, with enough political clout to resist surrendering arms.

Kind of bizarre the way otherwise sensible folks think the Shi'ites of Lebanon ought to just lay back and enjoy it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:35 PM


Commuting Is a Drag (on the Economy) (Laura Rowley, July 28, 2006, Yahoo)

[Ron] Rogers is one of the 3.4 million workers that the Census Bureau has dubbed "extreme commuters." At least 2 percent of Americans wake up to a commute of 90 minutes or more one way. Not surprisingly, most of these workers live near major metropolitan centers: New York, New Jersey, Maryland, California, and Washington, D.C., have the most workers with extreme commutes.

The number of super-commuters nationwide has skyrocketed 95 percent since 1990, as workers hang on to lucrative jobs in city centers but move farther and farther afield in search of better housing, low crime, and good schools.

Unfortunately, commuting is a bitter pill that rarely gets easier to swallow. Researchers have found that people have the capacity for "hedonic adaptation" -- in laymen's terms, the ability to adjust to extreme circumstances, both happy and unhappy.

For instance, classic studies of lottery winners and paralyzed accident victims found only small differences in life satisfaction between these groups and control subjects. But certain experiences -- living near a noisy highway, for example -- become more aggravating over time, something scientists call "sensitization." Commuting falls into this category.

A 2004 study by two economists at the University of Zurich found that people tend to overestimate what they'll get by commuting long distances -- i.e., a bigger paycheck, a more prestigious position, the ability to buy more stuff -- and underestimate what it will cost them in stress, health, and loss of connection to family and friends. [...]

[Another] study suggests that our unwillingness to sacrifice our social lives at the office, combined with our love affair with cars, costs $3.9 billion in fuel and time annually.

You see this effect in action when folks pretend their cars liberate them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:30 PM


Pander and Run (Peter Beinart, July 28, 2006, washington Post)

It's jingoism with a liberal face.

The latest example came this week when Democratic senators and House members demanded that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki either retract his criticisms of Israel or forfeit his chance to address Congress. Great idea. Maliki -- who runs a government propped up by U.S. troops -- is desperate to show Iraqis that he is not Washington's puppet. And the United States desperately needs him to succeed because, unless he gains political credibility at home, his government will have no hope of surviving on its own.

Maliki took a small step in that direction this week when he articulated a view of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict quite different from that of the Bush administration. His views were hardly surprising: Iraq is not only a majority-Arab country; it is a majority-Shiite Arab country. And in a democracy, leaders usually reflect public opinion. Maliki's forthright disagreement with the United States was a sign of political strength, one the Bush administration wisely indulged.

But not congressional Democrats. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid demanded that Maliki eat his words or be disinvited from addressing Congress. "Your failure to condemn Hezbollah's aggression and recognize Israel's right to defend itself raise serious questions about whether Iraq under your leadership can play a constructive role in resolving the current crisis and bringing stability to the Middle East," wrote Reid and fellow Democratic Sens. Richard J. Durbin and Charles E. Schumer on July 24.

How, exactly, publicly humiliating Maliki and making him look like an American and Israeli stooge would enhance his "leadership" was never explained in the missive. But of course Reid's letter wasn't really about strengthening the Iraqi government at all; that's George W. Bush's problem. It was about appearing more pro-Israel than the White House and thus pandering to Jewish voters.

Reid's letter is not an anomaly; it is part of a pattern.

The one thing the Democrats have going for them is they can say any asinine thing they want because no one takes them seriously anyway.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 PM


'Nazi aircraft carrier' located (BBC, 7/28/06)

The Polish navy says it is almost certain that it has located the wreck of Nazi Germany's only aircraft carrier, the Graf Zeppelin.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:08 PM


Town Battling Illegal Immigration Is Emptier Now (JILL P. CAPUZZO, 7/28/06, NY Times)

The downtown streets of this working-class town — usually filled with many of the immigrants who have made this place home — were unusually empty the day after the Township Council approved an ordinance banning employers and landlords from hiring or housing illegal immigrants. [...]

“They’re jealous of the Brazilians because they’re hard workers and they live well,” said Celeste Martiniano, a Portuguese-American who owns the Pavilion Barbecue restaurant here. [...]

Before Brazilian immigrants began moving here in the last five years or so, Ms. Martiniano said, the downtown business district, once a bustling shopping area, had been in decline. But the new ordinance, she said, “this is going to kill the town.”

For the last 25 years, Ms. Martiniano has lived in this Burlington County town of 8,000 residents, where as many as 2,000 to 3,000 immigrants live today. Business has been good since the opening of her restaurant two years ago, largely because of the growing Brazilian population. But on this day, there were no takers for the chicken legs spinning on spits over open flames.

Ms. Martiniano said that immigrants here were scared in the aftermath of the vote, and that those who have been most vocal against immigrants “are not working and have nothing better to do.”

Ingrid Reinhold said that the new ordinance smacked of discrimination. She and her husband, Gustav, own three businesses along Scott Street: a music store that features mostly Latin music, a Brazilian cafe that is undergoing renovations, and a bustling Western Union office, where many of the immigrants can stay in contact with relatives back home. Down the block is another Brazilian restaurant and a Brazilian nail salon. The yellow and green Brazilian flag is pasted to many shop windows.

“Three years ago this was a dead town,” said Ms. Reinhold, who was born in Ecuador. “Now you see all the stores are open, the people are out. If they do this, it’s going to be like it was before.”

Standing in front of his recording studio next door, Ed Robins talked about the Wednesday Council meeting. Describing the meeting’s adversarial atmosphere among members in the audience, Mr. Robins said “it reminded me of being on Jerry Springer.”

Although his business depends very little on the town’s growing immigrant population, Mr. Robins also worried about the ordinance’s impact on the business district and real estate values, which he said have increased with the influx of Brazilians.

“As a community, we should have drawn everybody together, including the illegals and approached it intelligently, rather than taking this small town and ripping it apart,” Mr. Robins said.

Certainly, the Brazilians are not the only immigrant population to call Riverside home. This town on the Delaware River was originally settled by Germans in 1851, followed by Poles, Italians and Irish in the early 20th century. Once a thriving industrial town, the immigrants provided much of the workforce for the textile mills of Riverside, once the country’s leading manufacturer of men’s hosiery, and the Philadelphia Watchcase Company, headquartered here until it closed its doors in 1956.

After the factories closed, the movie theater burned down and many shoppers migrated to nearby malls. Its new distinction, recognized at one point by the Guinness Book of World Records, was having the most bars and liquor licenses in a mile-square town.

Many of those bars remain, and in some of them there is talk about what needs to be done to slow the tide of immigration.

Fairly archetypal: The immigrants work while the natives drink and fret about their culture. Here's a town that ought to be in Europe instead of America.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:40 AM


Brewers trade Lee to Rangers, get Cordero (Keith Law, 7/28/06, ESPN Insider)

The Milwaukee Brewers are trading slugger Carlos Lee to the Texas Rangers as part of a multiplayer deal, ESPN.com learned Friday.

The Brewers are sending Lee, minor league outfield prospect Nelson Cruz to the Rangers for relief pitcher Francisco Cordero and outfielders Kevin Mench and Laynce Nix.

Is Frank Fracisco really ready to set up Otsuka? On the other hand, Cruz could put up some nice numbers though you have to DH him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:08 AM


G.O.P. Nears Vote to Increase U.S. Wage (CARL HULSE, 7/28/06, NY Times)

House Republicans were still assembling a proposal Thursday night. But the momentum had clearly shifted in favor of considering an increase of at least $2 in the $5.15 an hour minimum wage, despite strong resistance from conservative Republicans and the party’s allies in the business community. [...]

Democrats have been trying to highlight the issue for months, accusing Republicans of blocking an increase while allowing Congressional pay to rise steadily.

There goes another "issue."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


Very light jet takes big step skyward (The Associated Press, 7/28/06)

A new fleet of very light jets that could redefine the way Americans travel received preliminary certification Thursday from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

It's the first step in getting 2,500 of the planes skyward to help reduce congestion at major airports, Acting Transportation Secretary Maria Cino said.

The FAA granted Eclipse Aviation of Albuquerque, N.M., the certification for the Eclipse 500, a cheaper and faster type of flying SUV, during a ceremony at the Experimental Aircraft Association's 54th annual AirVenture fly-in in Oshkosh.

Vern Raburn, a former Microsoft executive, is president of Eclipse Aviation, a venture that is backed by Bill Gates. He said the company expects to receive the final FAA approval by Aug. 30, allowing its first 50 new jets to be delivered to customers this year.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 AM


The Face of Poverty Ages In Rapidly Graying Japan (Anthony Faiola, 7/28/06, Washington Post)

As the world's most rapidly graying nation struggles to cope with the exploding costs of its aging population, it is cutting back its famed safety net of universal health care, generous pensions and welfare benefits for seniors of all social classes. But those already living on the margins are being hit the hardest.

Over the past decade, the number of indigent seniors nationwide skyrocketed by 183 percent to about half a million people, Welfare Ministry statistics show. Most of them are victims of the protracted recession that Japan endured in the '90s, and many have been abandoned by children bucking the Japanese tradition of living with one's elderly parents.

The creation of a new underclass of the down, out and old in Japan -- a country that long prided itself on being a "one-class society" -- is giving public housing complexes the feel of poor retirement communities. Almost one in every two people on welfare in Japan is now 65 or older, the government here reports. By comparison, roughly one in 10 welfare recipients in the United States are senior citizens, according to U.S. government statistics.

The homeless population expanded rapidly during the recession years and now numbers about 30,000, according to advocacy groups. An official survey in 2003 put the average age of the homeless at 56. The government requires seniors to have a fixed address to receive welfare, so many on the streets are getting no support.

Now the Japanese economy -- the world's second-largest -- is in the midst of a buoyant recovery. But the country is moving toward a more American-style system of senior services by shifting the burden of care from the government to the elderly themselves.

"The government talks about how we need to be more independent and care for ourselves now," said Kakizaki. "But we are old. How are we supposed to become independent at our age? How can they even ask us to?"

In the wake of WWII, American policy makers were so terrified of communism that they were only too happy to establish or re-establish socialism in Japan and Europe, making entire nations into welfare dependents not unlike our urban poor--except for the lack of kids. Among the costs of the Cold War was the sacrifice of these putative allies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:12 AM


Fixing the Sox: A 7-step solution (JOE COWLEY, July 28, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

The White Sox are no strangers to forcing their fans to the ledges of buildings. It happened last season, when a seemingly unconquerable 15-game division lead in August melted to just 1-1/2 games by late September.

The result? A World Series championship.

While avoiding one of the biggest chokes in baseball history would seem like a huge obstacle overcome, the Sox apparently enjoy doing things the hard way.

One season later, they're at it again. A team with arguably more talent than last season's went into the All-Star break trailing red-hot Detroit by just two games in the American League Central, while looking to be a sure thing for at least the wild card.

Two weeks later, Sox fans are back on the ledges, looking for answers.

While the problems are many, not one is beyond repair.

Baseball teams with that many problems don't fix them in season and he doesn't even touch on the two biggest.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:05 AM


The Church in Spain Is Sick, but It’s not Zapatero’s Fault: The sickness is the loss of faith among the people, and the poor instructors are above all the progressive theologians. The accusation comes from the Spanish bishops. In a document coordinated with Rome, as a model for other episcopates (Sandro Magister, July 28, 2006, Chiesa)

The document is in the form of a “pastoral instruction,” and is entitled “Theology and secularization in Spain, forty years after the end of Vatican Council II.” It is the outcome of three years of work, and was prepared by the commission for the doctrine of the faith of the Spanish bishops’ conference. But then it was examined by all of the bishops, who in two voting sessions, in November and then in March of this year, approved it by a margin of over two thirds. The bishops most active in promoting the document included the two most “Ratzingerian” cardinals of Spain, Antonio Cañizares Lovera, of Toledo, and Antonio María Rouco Varela, of Madrid, together with one of the latter’s auxiliary bishops, Eugenio Romero Pose, president of the doctrinal commission.

What prompted the instruction, and what are its aims? In an interview with “Il Regno,” Romero Pose said that with this document the Spanish bishops intend to indicate “both the sickness and the cure.”

The sickness is “the secularization within the Church”: a widespread loss of faith caused in part by “theological propositions that have in common a deformed presentation of the mystery of Christ.”

The cure is precisely that of restoring life to the profession of faith: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16), in the four areas where it is most seriously undermined today:

– the interpretation of Scripture,
– Jesus Christ as the only savior of all men,
– the Church as the Body of Christ,
– moral life.

The instruction is organized under these four main headings. In each section, the document first presents the features of correct Christological doctrine, and then denounces the theologies that deform it.

It denounces the theologies, not the theologians. The instruction does not target particular authors, but limits itself to denouncing erroneous tendencies. [...]

In Spain, the instruction could be the basis for the Church’s return to doctrinal order.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 AM


Best bet -- Red Sox should keep their top prospects (Steve Buckley, 7/28/06, Boston Herald)

If the Sox don’t make a huge acquisition by the trading deadline (or some kind of August waiver deal) and if they get beaten out of a playoff spot, a lot of people around here will be screaming.

But if Epstein is as smart as we all keep saying he is, then at this very moment he’s trying to steer the Red Sox toward a playoff spot without trading away the likes of Jon Lester, Craig Hansen, Manny Delcarmen and an array of promising kids who haven’t even tasted their first cup of big league coffee.

For the first time in recent memory, the Red Sox have a well-stocked farm system. Outfielder Jacoby Ellsbury, drafted only last year, already is at Double-A Portland. Outfielder David Murphy, who struggled early last year at Portland, is hitting well at Triple-A Pawtucket. Right-hander Edgar Martinez, a converted catcher, is opening eyes at Portland. Infielder Dustin Pedroia, currently at the Pawtucket Finishing School, could be a Sox starter next year.

Can you imagine a 2007 Red Sox roster that includes Jonathan Papelbon, Lester, Hansen, Delcarmen, Pedroia and Murphy? If they turn out to be as good as we all think they will be - and Papelbon already is a top performer - the Red Sox could emerge with the kind of payroll flexibility that could turn them into a powerhouse over the next five or six seasons.

With so many young kids on the roster, the Red Sox will have the financial resources to sign whatever big-ticket player they need to either solidify the starting rotation or add another powerful bat to the lineup.

Just finished reading Seth Mnookin's fine book, Feeding the Monster, which is less about how the Red Sox won the World Series in '04 and missed in '03 and '05 than about the struggle over the direction of the team between Theo Epstein and his baseball guys--who want to build from within and have the kind of team that can win together for five or six years--and the businessmen who own it--and would understandably like to maximize marketing and revenue. It's been my experience--and all such should be distrusted--that most Red Sox fans are down with the program and quite willing to go through a transition period where some of the more expensive vets get shuffled off while youngsters get broken in and true professionals--Lowell, Gonzalez, Cora, Loretta--fill in, even if it means not having the bnest team imaginable on the field for a discrete playoff run.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


Jewish voters dis Bush: Israel’s defender deserves better (Virginia Buckingham, July 25, 2006, Boston Herald)

Why aren’t Jewish voters rock-solid behind the first president who has made eradicating terror as big a priority for the United States as it has long been for Israel?

Because of his faith.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 AM


GM's dilemma: Are Tigers good enough to win it all without trade? (Danny Knobler, July 27, 2006, Booth Newspapers)

One veteran major-league scout who has seen all 30 teams play this season said the other day that he'd give three teams an equal shot in October: the Boston Red Sox, the New York Mets and the Tigers.

But other scouts who have watched the Tigers over the last several weeks have come to the same conclusion that many Tiger officials have. If you add Alfonso Soriano or Carlos Lee to this team, then you'd really have a good chance in the playoffs.

The Tigers don't seem to want to deal for spare parts. They don't want to tweak the roster. If they're going to make a move, they want it to be the big one, the one that puts them over the top.

General manager Dave Dombrowski has to be careful. Dombrowski and his staff (don't forget to credit ex-scouting director Greg Smith) have built this organization to the point where the Tigers could be good for several years to come.

A pitching rotation anchored by Jeremy Bonderman and Justin Verlander (both 23 years old) and a bullpen led by Joel Zumaya (still 21), with more pitching on the way (Humberto Sanchez, Jair Jurrjens, Andrew Miller), should give the Tigers more than just a one-year joyride.

Dombrowski would almost certainly part with Sanchez in a deal for Soriano or Lee (although he'd never admit it until a deal was done). There has to be some concern that the Tigers would again be trading a John Smoltz for a Doyle Alexander (Smoltz was less accomplished in 1987 than Sanchez is now), but the difference is that the Tigers have a young rotation in the big leagues, with multiple pitching prospects lined up behind Sanchez.

The biggest concern really ought to be how heavily they have to lean on Verlander to make it deep into the playoffs. After throwing just 120 innings in his first professional year he's on a pace for over 200 this year and looking at as many as six or seven more starts in the playoffs. It'd be a shame to do to him what Ozzie has done to the Sox starters.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:25 AM


Lowell putting up gold numbers with the glove (Gordon Edes, July 28, 2006, Boston Globe)

[Eric] Chavez has made just two errors and leads AL third basemen with a fielding percentage of .992, but Lowell is right behind him at .986, with just four errors, and he's handled 49 more chances (295-246). Lowell made three errors in a one-week span (April 21-28), then made an error almost a month later (May 24), but hasn't made one since, his errorless streak at 54 entering this weekend.

Last season, Lowell made just six errors for the Marlins, matching the NL record for fewest errors by a third baseman who had played at least 135 games.

This season, Lowell threatens to obliterate the Red Sox record for fielding percentage by a third baseman, set by Rico Petrocelli in 1971 with a .976 fielding percentage (11 errors in 156 games).

Mr. Edes understates how dominant Lowell has been with the glove.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM

O. G.:

Salsa pioneer still hearkens to a rebel beat (JORDAN LEVIN, 7/28/06, MiamiHerald.com)

They were rough, untrained kids from the slums, improvising streetwise rhymes, horrifying the musical and social establishment with their vulgarity and menace. They mixed traditional Cuban and Puerto Rican music with rock, funk, R&B, jazz, and a jumble of Latin American genres to come up with a new kind of Latin music that spoke for a new generation of Latinos growing up in the United States.

Before reggaeton, before Latin alternative, there was New York salsa. And one of the men who created it and changed the course of Latin music is Willie Colon, who plays the West Dade club La Covacha Saturday night.

He says it will be his last tour after 43 years of performing. Maybe.

''I had planned to stop touring in November,'' Colon, now 57, said recently from his office in midtown Manhattan. But we've gotten so many calls to please just come here.''

After a lifetime of musical revolution, it's hard to stop. [...]

Colon's grandmother worked in a sweatshop, but she managed to buy her 11-year-old grandson a trumpet. Colon started playing on the street with his buddies, passing the hat and picking up enough change to inspire him to continue in music.

By 13, he was playing in a professional wedding band. At 14, he switched to trombone. But he couldn't get an audition for the high school band. The frustration drove him to drop out. ``I became self-righteously indignant and just said screw them. I said I'm gonna make it on my own.''

It was a classic start to what usually turns into a road to nowhere. But for Colon it launched him into what would soon become an incredibly vibrant and creative music scene.

Latin music was about to come out of a fallow period in the mid-1960s. The mambo heyday, cut off from Cuban music and musicians after the revolution of 1959, was over, as was an early-'60s craze for a Latin/funk hybrid called boogaloo. But in the late '60s and early '70s, something new began to percolate: Cuban and Puerto Rican music mixed with jazz, R&B, and rock, with a wild improvisational edge and the driving energy of New York City.

It was called salsa, a term that old school Latin musicians often hated but gave a catchy ring to a style that pushed social and musical boundaries. The civil rights movement was inspiring the Young Lords and a movement for Puerto Rican rights. Black jazz musicians would sit in with the Latin musicians at clubs all over town.

Musically and politically, salsa was hot.

''You could compare it a lot to rap and reggaeton,'' says Colon. ``It was rebellious music. We were watching Martin Luther King walking into Selma and the dogs and water cannons. The music wasn't explicitly political yet, but the music was a magnet that would bring people together.''

Ed Morales, Latin music critic for New York Newsday and author of The Latin Beat, a history of Latin music, says the salsa scene's rough-and-ready vibe spoke to the exploding population of Puerto Ricans in a city that was rapidly becoming a much tougher place.

''It coincided with the formation of these hardcore urban slums,'' Morales says. 'The audience was mainly the people from the barrios. Willie said we invented gangster rap, and he sort of has a point. There's a lot of that transforming the elegant energy of the mambo dance halls to `this is the hood.' ''

Colon quickly became one of salsa's stars, largely because of his partnership with Hector Lavoe, a Puerto Rican country kid with an outsize voice and genius for improvisation. They recorded some of the biggest hits of the genre for Fania Records, the label for the burgeoning genre.

Records like El Malo (The Bad Guy, released when Colon was only 17) and Lo Mato -- Si No Compra Este LP (I'll Kill Him -- If You Don't Buy This Record, with a photo of Colon holding a gun to a man's head) featured a swaggering bad-guy image -- but laced with the substance of Lavoe's gorgeous voice and Colon's gift for musical innovation.

July 27, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:16 PM


Illusions of identity: Amartya Sen discusses his new book, in which he claims that the British approach to multiculturalism has undermined individual freedom: a review of Identity and Violence by Amartya Sen (Kenan Malik, August 2006, Prospect)

At the heart of the book is an argument against what Sen calls the communitarian view of identity—the belief that identity is something to be "discovered" rather than chosen. "There is a certain way of being human that is my way," the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor wrote in his much-discussed essay "The Politics of Recognition." "I am called upon to live my life in this way." But who does the calling? Seemingly the identity itself. For Taylor, as for many communitarians, identity appears to come first, with the human actor following in its shadow. Or, as the philosopher John Gray has put it, identities are "a matter of fate, not choice."

Sen will have none of it. "There are two issues here," he says when I meet him at King's College, Cambridge, where he was master until returning to Harvard two years ago. "First, the recognition that identities are robustly plural and the importance of one identity need not obliterate another. And second, that a person has to make choices about what relative importance to attach, in a particular context, to their divergent loyalties and identities. The individual belongs to many different groups and it's up to him or her to decide which of those groups he or she would like to give priority to." We are multitudes and we can choose among our multitudes.

Sen is particularly critical of the ways in which communitarian notions of identity have found their way into social policy, especially through the ideas of multiculturalism, and in so doing have diminished the scope for individual freedom. "I am not opposed to multiculturalism," he says. "But I am opposed to the way it has been interpreted. There are two basically distinct approaches to multiculturalism. One concentrates on the promotion of diversity as a value in itself. The other focuses on the freedom of reasoning and decision-making, and celebrates cultural diversity to the extent that it is freely chosen. The way that British authorities have interpreted multiculturalism has very much undermined individual freedom. A British Muslim is not asked to act within the civil society or the political arena but as a Muslim. His British identity has to be mediated by his community."

What makes the communitarians so maddening is that their analyses tip-toe right up to the edge of common sense and then they shy away for fear of being seen as judgmental, when the point is we a decent community has to make judgements.

The Dictatorship of Relativism (Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino – Bishop of Madison, April 7, 2006, National Catholic Prayer Breakfast)

Since I was asked to address the topic "The Dictatorship of Relativism" it behooves me to return to the original text from which that very important phrase emanated. In his homily at the mass "Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice" celebrated in St. Peters Archbasilica on April 18th, 2005, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, spoke as follows:

"whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be "tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine", seems the only attitude that can cope with modern times. We are building a dictatorship of relativism that does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of one's own ego and desires. We, however, have a different goal: the Son of God, the true man. He is the measure of true humanism."

In the space of just a few sentences, Pope Benedict connects the dots in terms of relativism as a divorce from God and friendship with Christ, and truth as attained in the most fully human way, only within the context of this friendship. Thus, Pope Benedict takes us back to the insights of the encyclical, Fides et Ratio of John Paul the Great – the desire written by the Creator in every human heart for the truth and for the fullness of love, can only be satisfied in Christ.

Those among you who know me will not find it surprising that my remarks this morning express three points. First I would like to, unpack, if you will, the metaphor of the then Cardinal Ratzinger, articulated as "The Dictatorship of Relativism". I would note that just this past January, Pope Benedict spoke of policies which promote contraception and abortion as "a dogma of hedonism" which opens the door to the culture of death. The second comment regarding a dogma of hedonism leading to a culture of death certainly explicates the metaphor "Dictatorship of Relativism" as we shall see.

The first question we might ask as we unpack the metaphor "the Dictatorship of Relativism" is "Who are the members of the junta who govern this dictatorship?" As one who is called to Holy Orders, and thus to refrain even from the appearance of offering partisan political comments, it would be best for me to refrain from naming the key players. However, we all know that the mass media are generally accomplices to those who govern the Dictatorship of Relativism; they are generally not innocent bystanders or detached journalists who report in an objective way – willing cooperators in this dictatorship are also those who live their lives according to polling results, frequently sponsored by the mass media.

We might also ask "What are the principal enforcement mechanisms of the Dictatorship of Relativism, what weapons are contained in the arsenal of these dictators?" The first is inconsistency in civil law and practice, inconsistency being just another instance of relativism. This inconsistency is especially neuralgic because the civil law is our teacher. We have the very same individuals protesting against warrantless surveillance of possible terrorists' activities, and then in the northwest, affirming warrantless surveillance of people's garbage containers to ensure that no recyclables are to be found. On the one hand warrantless surveillance with regard to possible terrorism is politically incorrect while warrantless surveillance of personal garbage is politically correct. The polls determine what is politically correct and thus the same people find themselves caught in a clear inconsistency in the context of a culture which never even thinks to question it. Polls rarely divulge information which reaches beyond the trivial and transitory but truth is neither trivial nor transitory. Those who claim otherwise promote the Dictatorship of Relativism.

A second example of this inconsistency has to do with killing of a mother who is carrying a child. In certain instances the murderer is charged with the death of two human beings, both mother and child. However, if a woman exercises her alleged reproductive rights and has an abortion, the law clearly determines that no crime of murder has been committed. Thus, a human life is precious when someone thinks it is, be it a parent or be it a civil court, and when that life is deemed not to be human or otherwise be without value, then it is expendable. This kind of gross inconsistency is not questioned in our society but is taken for granted with serenity, sad to say.

In addition to inconsistency in the civil law and practice, the second weapon in the arsenal of those who would dictate relativism to the rest of us consists in a series of linguistic redefinitions, euphemisms, and other anomalies. Language, as the philosopher Heidegger said, "is the house of being". If our language is contorted and deconstructed through euphemisms, redefinitions and other anomalies then, the being housed by language becomes indeterminate, there are no fixed meanings, that is relativism pushed to its pinnacle, nihilism itself. Allow me to take a brief excursion into these redefinitions, euphemisms, and anomalies.

In the first case, our society speaks of openness and tolerance as almost supreme virtues but to be open means precisely to be closed to the objective truth. If one would claim the existence of objective truth, one is considered closed and arrogant, rather than open and tolerant. So go the language games. The euphemistic approach is perhaps best captured by the words "late-term abortion." This term covers up the fact that a partially born human being is brutally murdered in the process of being born. It is always interesting to hear the commentators talk about late-term abortions, adding that these are sometimes called partial-birth abortions by anti-abortion activists. If one were to watch a video of this procedure taking place would one more likely describe it as a late-term abortion or a partial-birth abortion?

We also have the euphemism – discard, used when speaking of the fate of frozen embryos which are "superfluous" and "left-over" as part of the process of in-vitro fertilization. We never speak of the destruction of innocent human beings whose fate has become absurd and who are completely under the domination of other human beings. We say that these human beings are discarded, like the one last sticky note on our notepad that might just as soon be discarded, as we take out a fresh pad for our use. There are many language games being played. Supreme Court justices we're told, should be uniters not dividers, when it comes to Roe v. Wade. How ironic, since Roe v. Wade has become our great source of division. Now to be a uniter means to uphold that which divided us in the first place.

Pro-choice. I've never heard anyone defend a pro-choice position with regard to bank robbery. The only time this expression is used without reference to what we're pro-choice about is when the most innocent and helpless human being is at stake. Pro-choice is synonymous with pro- abortion because no one speaks of pro-choice in any other context. Pro-choice is a euphemism that causes us to forget the baby.

The word "transparency" it seems to me, is being used so that we no longer even hear the word "truth" in our public dialogue and conversation. We already have a very good word for transparency: truth and truthfulness. Why is it the agenda of some to rid our language of the usage of the word, truth? Talk about the Dictatorship of Relativism! When the term "prochoice" won the day in our cultural, linguistic usage we temporarily lost the battle to protect the most innocent and most helpless human lives. Language games, euphemisms, redefinitions are very dangerous. We are at the point where, because of in-vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood and what flows from that, we are no longer sure what the words "father" and "mother" mean. In some cases, there is the genetic mother, the gestational mother, and the mother who actually raises the child to adulthood. There are at least three mothers. When we move to the redefinition of marriage, as including other options than "one husband – one wife – one lifetime – with openness to children", we find ourselves in very troubling waters indeed. The Dictatorship of Relativism gains strength from the outrageous manipulation of language, and if we are to overcome this dictatorship with true democracy, we're going to have to regain control of the use of language so as to point to the objective truth. Certain Catholic legislators recently received a correction from our Bishops' Conference when they attempted to promote a redefinition of primacy of conscience as a line item veto with regard to elements of the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church, another example of surrender to the Dictatorship of Relativism.

Let me move on to the second point which, thank God, can be made more briefly. The opposite of dictatorship is democracy. The Dictatorship of Relativism leads to secularism as a state imposed religion. Only in the context of relativism and deconstructionalism can secularism flourish. Religions, generally, make claims to objective truth. To impose secularism as the state religion one must rule out as outrageous the concept of objective truth, which is precisely what the Dictatorship of Relativism seeks to accomplish. Opposition to the Dictatorship of Relativism involves the right relationship of church and state as taught by the Second Vatican Council and repeated by Pope Benedict XVI in his recent encyclical Deus Caritas Est – God is Love. The relationship between church and state involves three simple rules. First, the state is never to force anyone to practice a particular religion. Secondly, the state is never to prevent anyone from practicing a particular religion. And third, generally the state should favor the practice of religion, because religious experience includes a moral code according to which people restrain themselves so that restraint by the state becomes less necessary. Thus if the state wishes to encourage democracy and needs less to intervene in the lives of individuals, one key to this strengthening of the sphere of freedom, this strengthening of democracy, is the favoring of religion by the state. Secularism founded upon relativism and deconstructionalism, should never be imposed as a state religion.

The third and last point is, "what should our response be as we seek to protect democracy and combat the Dictatorship of Relativism?" Our response is not to seek the embodiment of distinctive Catholic convictions in civil law. We should not be seeking to pass civil laws requiring belief in the Trinity or attendance at Sunday Mass or fasting from meat during the Fridays of Lent. Our response should be to seek the embodiment of natural law in the civil law. Natural law is that law written on the human heart which can be known by every human being through reason alone. There are three propositions of the natural law that need our attention and promotion precisely as such, that is to say, as natural law not as distinctively Christian or Catholic doctrine. The first is the existence of God. The founding documents of our country made reference to nature and to nature's God because there are a variety of ways through which reason arrives at the conclusion that the Creator God exists. There are arguments that are more experientially based, there are arguments that are more abstract, but there are valid arguments which prove the existence of God. They are arguments of philosophy or logic; they are not arguments of science. Nothing is more narrow than to claim that the only real truth is scientific truth. This claim serves the cause of relativism because scientific truth develops through paradigm change whereas objective truth does not. Objective truth is not subject to paradigm change; its substance never needs to be updated. It is good when science advances through paradigm change. But to grant the claim that scientific truth is the highest form of truth is to hand over the day to those who lead the Dictatorship of Relativism.

The second proposition of the natural law teaches us that every human being has a priceless and unique dignity. So many modern and contemporary philosophers have arrived quite apart from religious faith at the conviction that a person is an end in him or herself and never a means to an end. Persons are never to be manipulated or treated as things by other persons. To live in peace in a just society is impossible apart from the conviction arrived at by reason alone, that every person is an end in himself or herself and never to be used as a means. The third proposition of the natural law teaches us, as we reflect on the desire of every human being for social relationships and intimacy, and on human anatomy – that marriage means a one-flesh communion of "one husband – one wife – for one lifetime – with openness to children". Artificial contraception and abortion are not behaviors which someone has a right to choose. To be sure, one is able to choose them but there is no right to do so. One has a right to marry or not to marry. Within marriage, one has a right to acts of marital intimacy and by mutual agreement, husband and wife also have a right to refrain from those acts for a just cause. Husband and wife do not have a right to a child - a child is a human being, a human being is not a thing, people have rights to things, and they never have rights to human beings. So there is no right to a child, there is no right to abortion, there is no right to artificial contraception. There is a right to marry or not. There is a right to the acts proper to marriage. That is a scandalously brief overview of the natural law.

In closing, let me say that we must reclaim the proper use of language if we are to combat the dictatorship of relativism. Instead of hearing "pro-choice" all over the place, we need to promote the use of "natural law" all over the place or better some equivalent, that is a more catchy sound- bite. Some of you might well be gifted to articulate that sound-bite. We need to insist that the existence of God, the dignity of every human being, and the definition of marriage are not catholic curiosities that we are trying to force on the rest of the world, but the dictates of reason - of the natural law itself. Language has been used to lead us into the Dictatorship of Relativism, the dogma of hedonism, and the culture of death. But Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead and the Church is alive with the truth of Christ and the truth of the natural law. Let us live with joy and with hope, proclaiming the truth of Christ with love for all, but especially for our time and our culture, proclaiming with love and a smile the truth of the natural law.

When you and I were first created, that is, when the Lord created your soul and mine, we glimpsed, just for a moment, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And as soon as our souls took flesh, when we were conceived in our mother's womb, because we were not immaculately conceived like our Blessed Mother but conceived as heirs of the sin of Adam, we experienced a kind of amnesia and forgetfulness of that glimpse which we have had of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When we listen to the voice of reason within us, that word, that meaning, is an echo of the Eternal Word Whom we saw and heard at the moment of the creation of our soul. The law of reason within us when given unrestricted range cannot arrive at any other truth in the end than the truth of Jesus Christ. He is Risen, His victory is ours. The challenges are difficult but we have every reason, the reason who is Christ Himself, never to give in to discouragement. Our faith in which alone our reason finds total fulfillment, that faith is our sure victory. Thank you for listening to me. God bless you all! Praised be Jesus Christ!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:12 PM


Congolese hopeful as they head to polls: The Democratic Republic of Congo votes Sunday in its first free presidential election in 46 years (Tristan McConnell, 7/28/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Yet, despite the monumental logistical challenges - and early claims of irregularities, sporadic violence, and opposition boycotts - most Congolese voters, especially in the country's war-torn east, have an optimistic outlook.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 PM


Report: Nasrallah is in Damascus (ASSOCIATED PRESS, 7/27/06)

A top Iranian envoy was in Syria on Thursday for talks on the Israeli-Hizbullah conflict in a meeting that brought together the guerrilla organization's two key sponsors, according to Iranian news reports. A Kuwaiti newspaper reported that Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah was taking part in the session.

Kuwait's Al-Siyassah newspaper, known for its opposition to the Syrian regime, said the meeting was designed to discuss ways to maintain supplies to Hezbollah fighters with "Iranian arms flowing through Syrian territories."

Al-Siyassah said it learned of the meeting from "well-informed Syrian sources" it did not identify. According to the newspaper, Nasrallah was moving through Damascus with Syrian guards in an intelligence agency car. He was dressed in civilian clothes, not his normal clerical garb.

While Israel mucks about in a sideshow...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 PM


Chinese rule-of-law activist becomes a case in point (Robert Marquand, 7/28/06 The Christian Science Monitor)

"This is justice in the Chinese countryside, not like Zhang Yimou's candied film version," says Jerome Cohen of New York University, who is assisting Chen. "There are no kind, avuncular public security officers or judges to mete out justice. They can instead be found surrounding his house. No local lawyer has been willing to help, and Beijing lawyers who have sought to defend Chen have been repeatedly beaten."

Chen's challenge to country justice makes him a kind of Rosa Parks of China. His standoff with Linyi authorities and Mayor Li Qun, who served briefly as assistant to the mayor of New Haven Conn., has captured the imagination of legal reformers here and top foreign legal eagles - raising the question of whether law in China is a tool for control or is evolving into a system to adjudicate justice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 PM


Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base: Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions. (Nicholas Blanford, 7/28/06, CS Monitor)

The ferocity of Israel's onslaught in southern Lebanon and Hizbullah's stubborn battles against Israeli ground forces may be working in the militant group's favor. [...]

The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines.According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.

Nohing Israel is going to do will change the fact that Hezbollah will be the dominant party in a free Southern Lebanon. All this episode has done is give a younger generation, that didn't experience the last foolish incursion personally, fresh reasons to hate them. Long term Israeli interests would have been better served by doing nothing at all.

Israel and Lebanon: a long and bitter entanglement: Does the latest conflict fit historical trends or is this something different? (Dan Murphy, 7/28/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Arab militants strike across the border from southern Lebanon, provoking a massive Israeli response, with thousands of soldiers pouring into Lebanese territory and airstrikes pounding enemy positions.

The Israeli prime minister says the only objectives of the invasion are to "root out the evil weed" of terrorism. Israel will protect itself by pushing militants beyond the Litani River and establishing a buffer zone along the border. The Israeli incursion is also described as "limited." And though Israel says its strikes are carefully targeted against militants, at least 100,000 Lebanese civilians flee their homes and hundreds die.

That was 1978.

Making Enemies: Hamas and Hizbullah should not be confused with Al Qaeda. Bush's insistence on doing so shows his failure to understand his foes (Michael Hirsh, 7/26/06, Newsweek)
The president has used Al Qaeda to gin up the threat from Iraq, just as he is now conflating Hizbullah and Hamas with Al Qaeda as "terrorists" of the same ilk. Actually these groups had little connection to one another—or at least they didn't until America decided to make itself their common enemy. Al Qaeda was always, in truth, the only "terrorist group of global reach" in the world—which is how Bush accurately defined things back in that long-ago fall of 2001. Both Hizbullah and Hamas had publicly disavowed any interest in backing Osama bin Laden's goals. Al Qaeda was Sunni, Hizbullah is Shiite. Even within the Muslim world these groups had scant support, although Hamas and Hizbullah had a lot more than Al Qaeda did because they were providing social services in Lebanon and Gaza.

How does this affect current events in the Mideast? In strategic terms, the U.S. endorsement of Israel's retaliation against Hizbullah had some merit at the start, within limits: a Lebanon with an armed Hizbullah in its midst was never going to graduate to real democracy. The Israeli action is also, in a way, a proxy war against Iran and its nuclear program. Reducing Iran's influence in the region by degrading the power of its principal means of terror (and therefore of retaliation) is in America's interest, as well. This is the unspoken logic both of the fierce Israeli assault and Bush's fierce defense of it: "In the back of everyone's head is Iran looming as a threat over the region," says one Israeli official.

But with each errant bomb that kills more Lebanese children, the U.S. position becomes less defensible. By walking in lockstep with the Israelis, we Americans make it impossible for Muslims not to see us as an enemy. And every Muslim official knows, even if Bush does not, that Hizbullah is not identical with Iran but is a client of it, in a relationship not unlike that of the United States and Israel. By making Israel's war our own we ensure that the Lebanese group and the Tehran mullahs will be even closer allies in the future. We place the Muslims whom we desperately need as allies, like Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in an impossible position. Maliki, a Shiite, can no longer stand with Bush, as he showed during his tense visit to Washington this week.

And at cafes and around kitchen tables throughout the Arab world, good-hearted Muslims can no longer defend America against their more hate-filled brethren. They have fallen silent; they have no arguments left. "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity," as the poet Yeats memorably put it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:01 PM


Widower of Terry Schiavo to campaign for Lamont on Friday (AP, July 27, 2006)

The husband of Terri Schiavo will campaign tomorrow for businessman Ned Lamont, who is challenging U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman in a primary.


Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:55 PM


Why Not Involve Iran in Effort To Establish Order in Mideast? (Abbas Maleki, July 21, 2006, The Forward)

If you look at the performance of Iran's Islamic Republic, it is clear despite all of the difficulties it has faced — the problems, the turmoil and the wars all around Iran — the system has survived. This is not accidental; rather, it shows that the Iranian system has checks and balances — think tanks and consultative bodies, as well as other structures and processes for rational decision-making — that permit the system to achieve optimum results.

If it is true that Iran is a major player in the turbulent areas of the Middle East and in the energy market, then why can we not use the influence of such a country to help establish regional order and solve global crises?

The major global crises the world is facing can be divided into three categories: terrorism, nuclear and energy. [...]

Insurgencies can be classified into two categories. The first is those groups that Iran and the United States agree to be terrorist organizations. These include Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hizb-ul Tahrir in Central Asia, Sepah Sahabeh in Pakistan, and the Mujahedeen-e Khalq. The elimination of terrorism by these groups suits Iran, and so Iran is ready to cooperate in the areas of media relations, social affairs, intelligence and perhaps even military strikes. Iran has vast amounts of intelligence and information on these groups, having monitored their activities and their predecessors's going as far back as several decades.

The second form of insurgencies includes those groups about which the United States and Iran can have a legitimate disagreement over their characterization as terrorist organizations. These include Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

However, even with this category Iran could be a key to moderating their activities, because Iran has some influence over these groups. [...]

Regarding the nuclear issue, Iran is seeking a face-saving resolution that maintains a minimum degree of access to nuclear technology inside Iran. The incentives proposed to Iran by the "5+1 group" — the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, plus Germany — are exactly the sort of things that Iran's economy and industries need. Iran simply wants to see better-defined and better-clarified terms in the incentive offer, something that is not very hard for the other side to provide. Addressing Iran's nuclear concerns can only strengthen the Non-Proliferation Treaty and ease the way for new steps to be taken together in the global effort against the threats posed by nuclear weapons and nuclear stockpiles.

Finally, regarding the energy issue it should be noted Iran has the second-largest proven oil and gas reserves in the world. There are still vast regions in Iran with oil potential that have not been studied in the past because of political conditions or technology limitations.

Iran's energy capabilities on oil, gas, pipelines, electrical power plants and its access to neighboring countries are unique.

Israel, Iran, and America share a common interest in stable democratic Shi'a states in South Lebanon and Iraq, an independent Palestinian state, and liberalization in places like Syria and Saudi Arabia. The only stumbling blocks to working together are psychological.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:02 PM


China's economy is out of control: China is growing so fast -- using cheap money to build steel mills, highways and textile factories it doesn't need – that the coming crash grows uglier by the day (Jim Jubak, 7/27/06, MSN Money Central)

In a train wreck, there comes the moment when it's no longer possible to avert disaster. Pull the brakes as hard as you can, the momentum of the train is so great that disaster is unavoidable.

I fear that China's economy passed that point of no return in the second quarter of 2006.

Today, I'm going to tell you why I think China's economy is headed for a train wreck. Not tomorrow, but in the reasonably near future. I'd say 2009. [...]

The government seems extremely reluctant to tackle the root causes of these bubbles. Despite the People's Bank of China's April increase in the benchmark one-year interest rates to 5.85% -- the first rate increase in 18 months -- interest rates for borrowing are still ridiculously low. Companies can borrow at an after-inflation rate of about 3.5%.

On the other hand, the People's Bank left the one-year interest rate that depositors get paid at 2.25%. That worked to bolster the profits of the big Chinese banks that the government is interested in taking public with Western investors as major buyers. It also created a massive disincentive for companies to save their cash. Instead, companies are reinvesting their cash, adding to the growth of fixed assets and to capacity gluts in some industries. According to the World Bank, retained corporate earnings accounted for more than half of new investment last year. That's about double the ratio in the United States.

Such corporate reinvestment has completely negated government efforts to shift more of China's national economy from investment and exports to buying by consumers. In 2005, the investment and export share of the economy actually increased and the consumer share fell to an all-time low of just 38% of GDP, according to the Institute for International Economics. And this corporate investment in fixed assets is largely unaffected by any changes in banking regulations or bank interest rates.

An increase in the value of the yuan against the dollar would damp corporate profits, slow the speed of investment in fixed assets and reduce speculative inflows from overseas investors who anticipate a yuan appreciation. Hiking the one-year benchmark interest rate again and again, and raising the interest rates paid to depositors would have similar effects. But such actions would also slow the economy and reduce the number of jobs that the economy is creating. China needs GDP growth north of 7% a year just to stay even with the number of new job seekers thrown up by its massive population every year. Reducing unemployment and underemployment -- categories that take in about 40% of the Chinese population by some counts -- requires even faster growth.

A significant portion of China's small ruling inner circle has fought efforts to attack the problem at the source to a standstill. Commerce Minister Bo Xilai, for example, has complained that any appreciation in the yuan will cripple profits in marginal industries such as textiles, where the profit margin is just 3%. A purely rational economic analysis would say that if Chinese textile makers can't compete after the yuan is appropriately revalued, then the least-efficient companies in the sector should go out of business and the jobs should flow to countries, perhaps Vietnam, where lower labor costs would allow textile makers to make a profit.

That would mean shipping jobs out of China, however, and advocating that is political death in a country that needs to create 20 million jobs a year to keep the population governable by the Communist regime.

Sure, cheesy jobs will calm those millions of single young men....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:56 AM


Syria's military flatters to deceive (Richard M Bennett, 7/28/06, Asia Times)

While it is still largely true that the Syrian military remains one of the largest and best-trained forces in the Arab world, it has significantly lost every major conflict with Israel since 1948. Its combat strength has deteriorated dramatically over the past 15 years as its equipment has become increasingly obsolescent, poorly maintained and short of spare parts.

The collapse of the Soviet Union created immense problems of resupply for the Syrians, and the slowdown experienced by the Syrian economy resulted in a further downgrading of the military's combat efficiency.

"Yes, yes, of course, we all know you cannot poke a stick through the walls of a concrete tower, but here's something to think about: what if the walls are only a painted backdrop?"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:48 AM


Tour De France Winner Flunks Drug Test (AP, July 27, 2006)

Tour de France champion Floyd Landis tested positive for high levels of testosterone during the race, his Phonak team said Thursday.

The statement came a day after the UCI, cycling's governing body, said an unidentified rider had failed a drug test during the Tour.

The Swiss-based Phonak said in a statement on it Web site that it was notified by the UCI Wednesday that Landis' sample showed "an unusual level of testosterone/epitestosterone" when he was tested after stage 17 of the race last Thursday.

"The team management and the rider were both totally surprised of this physiological result," the statement said.

Phonak said Landis would ask for analysis of his backup "B" sample "to prove either that this result is coming from a natural process or that this is resulting from a mistake."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:45 AM

F TROOP BACK TO NORMAL (via Mike Daley):

Theocracy, Theocracy, Theocracy (Ross Douthat, August/September 2006, First Things)

To understand what, precisely, the anti-theocrats think has gone so wrong, it’s necessary to understand what they mean by the term theocracy. This is no easy task. The word is often used to connote government by a specific institutional faith—Shia imams in Iran, say, or Wahhabi clerics in Afghanistan—with the clergy writing laws and a temple guard enforcing them. But the clout of institutional religion is at low ebb in American politics. No prelate wields the kind of authority that Catholic bishops once enjoyed over urban voters, no denomination can claim the kind of influence that once belonged to the old WASP mainline, and the evangelical Protestantism that figures so prominently in anti-theocracy tracts is distinguished precisely by its lack of any centralized ecclesiastical government.

Occasionally, the anti-theocrats flirt with the possibility that one institutional church or another might pose a threat to the democratic order. In American Theocracy, for instance, Kevin Phillips waxes paranoid about the Southern Baptist Convention’s role as the “state church” of the South, and he tallies, darkly, the number of Baptists who have insinuated themselves into the highest levels of American government. But for the most part, the sum of all secular fears is slightly—but only slightly—more plausible than a Southern Baptist caesaropapism. The real danger, the anti-theocrats suggest, is an ecumenical theocracy that would install a right-wing Mere Christianity as its established religion, subject unbelievers to discrimination, and enshrine the Mosaic code as the law of the land.

We've survived 400 years of that model quite nicely.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:38 AM


Administration and Critics, in Senate Testimony, Clash Over Eavesdropping Compromise (ERIC LICHTBLAU, 7/27/06, NY Times)

[C]ritics attacked the agreement Wednesday as abdication to the White House. Mr. Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican who heads the Judiciary Committee, appeared particularly stung at the hearing when a civil liberties advocate, James X. Dempsey, told him he would prefer to see no legislation at all, allowing the National Security Agency to continue wiretapping Americans without warrants, than Congressional approval of procedures outside the scope of the 1978 law that created the secret court.

In agreeing to that court’s review of the N.S.A. program, the White House had insisted that the bill include language implicitly recognizing the president’s “constitutional authority” to collect foreign intelligence beyond the provisions of the 1978 law. Mr. Dempsey, policy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, said at the hearing that he appreciated Mr. Specter’s efforts to bring the N.S.A. program under judicial review but that “the price you paid for that simple concession is far too high.”

The proposal, he said, “would turn the clock back to an era of unchecked presidential power, warrantless domestic surveillance and constitutional uncertainty.”

Mr. Specter grew testy over the attack, saying President Bush’s agreement to submit the program to the intelligence court was no simple concession.

“Have you ever gotten a concession from a president?” he demanded of Mr. Dempsey.
"No? Well, that makes two of us."

This whole issue is a demonstration of the central fact of the Bush presidency--he's never won more completely than when his foes think they have.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:22 AM

MOM KNOWS BEST (via Bryan Francoeur):

'Jeopardy' Champ Rips Show (AP, 7/25/06)

"Jeopardy!" ace Ken Jennings, who won $2.5 million during his 74-game winning streak, has a few unkind words to say about the show — and dapper host Alex Trebek.

"I know, I know, the old folks love him," Jennings writes in a recent posting, titled "Dear Jeopardy!" on his Web site.

"Nobody knows he died in that fiery truck crash a few years back and was immediately replaced with the Trebektron 4000 (I see your engineers still can't get the mustache right, by the way)."

Jennings also takes aim at the show's "effete, left-coast" categories and "same-old" format.

The Mother Judd was on Jeopardy with both Art Fleming, who she thought a real gemtleman, and Alex Trebek, who she thought a yutz.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


Travelling hopefully: ON THE ROAD TO KANDAHAR by Jason Burke (AMIR TAHERI, Times of London)

In this fast-paced narrative of a decade of travelling and living in half a dozen Muslim countries, Burke endeavours to share that fascination and sympathy. For the most part, he succeeds. His main concern is to show the diversity of Islam and to reject attempts by the West to turn Islam into a monolithic “other”. Muslims number 1,300m and are a majority in 57 countries. They are divided into six doctrinal schools and hundreds of sub-schools. Burke’s brisk reportage shows that being a Muslim in Pakistan is not the same as being one in neighbouring Afghanistan, let alone Bosnia or Morocco. That diversity, however, has not prevented Islamism from masquerading as the sole representative of the faith. Islamism is a political movement that, in its different versions, is seeking world conquest.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:11 AM

REDEFINING SKULL (via The Swaddling Duck):

Warrant issued after dancer skips her court date in body-parts case (TOM HAYDON AND SULEMAN DIN, July 27, 2006, Newark Star-Ledger)

Linda Kay, a dancer at Hott 22, an all-nude juice bar on Route 22 in Union, was arrested about 1:15 p.m. Friday when officers investigating a report of a man threatening to kill himself went to the Diana Drive house in South Plainfield.

Police didn't find any man there, but they did find found a jaggedly severed hand in a mason jar of formaldehyde on Kay's dresser in her basement bedroom.

Officers also found six human skulls in another bedroom. Authorities said they suspect the skulls were purchased online, but police they were included as part of the criminal charge until they complete an investigation into how Kay obtained them. The Middlesex County Medical Examiner's Office was attempting to get fingerprints from the severed hand. [...]

Daniel Russo, owner of Hott 22, said reports about Kay have been good for business.

"We've gotten a lot of calls. Guys are asking if the skull girl is dancing tonight," Russo said. "It's too much. It's pretty funny."

The Duke lacrosse team is lucky they didn't pick on her.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


A gas chamber in Manchester: a review of KALOOKI NIGHTS
by Howard Jacobson (A. C. Grayling, Times of London)

IN THIS AGE OF LAZY reviewing, facile judgment and inflated rhetoric, how is one to convey news of the arrival of a work of genius? This powerful, troubling, moving, profound novel is nothing less. Its architecture — more accurately: its engineering, the construction of it — is a feat of brilliance, so sustained and accurate is it; and yet this is the least of its merits. What really steals one’s breath away is its sharpness and depth of insight — a sharpness that flays, and a depth almost too vertiginous to describe — and the remorseless tragedy it unfolds, even as it makes one laugh aloud, sometimes in shock. It is the most intelligent and important novel to appear in this country in years.

Howard Jacobson’s gifts as a novelist of the first rank, not just in England but in English, are well known. He is a master of the language, whose piercing eye makes him the most excoriating as well as the wittiest of writers. Equally to the point, he is one of that small group of authors whose superiority to the average seems to put him well beyond the competence of Booker and Whitbread judges; it is as if winning any such prize would be a diminution of his stature, for he is in a different league, and this novel proves it.

The thread of the novel is its narrator’s effort to discover why a childhood friend from their Manchester Jewish community has murdered his parents by gassing them. By itself this theme is enough to jerk one’s attention to the highest pitch — consider the two awful impossibilities it combines: Jewish parenticide, and by gassing — but of course there can be no addressing such a theme without also addressing what presses behind it, namely, Jewish history’s 5,000 years of bitterness. Comprehending so speaking an individual Jewish tragedy has to involve comprehending the tragedy of the Jews — in both senses of comprehend — and that is what Jacobson essays here.

“Five thousand years of bitterness” is what the narrator, a professional cartoonist and refugee from the self-made shtetl of Manchester immigrant Jews, calls his magnum opus, a graphic (again, in both senses) history of his people. He had started it with his Orthodox Jewish friend, the later murderer, when they were at school together and first grappling with the fact of Jewish besiegement. Genius sees the universal and the particular in each other, and Jacobson’s genius leads him to anatomise the terrible relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the narrator’s unsuccessful (and wickedly funny) marriages to Gentile women, and in the spindle on which the murder turns, another attempt to bridge that fraught divide.

This is a novel of debate, and it is extraordinary how Jacobson achieves every point of view, every possible nuance of attack and defence on the question of the essence of Jewishness — its endurance, the implacable enmities it has suffered, its self-inflicted wounds and obsessions, its unutterable sorrows.

I confess to having never even heard of this author. Anybody read him?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:53 AM


U.S. outdoes Canada in cutting toxic pollution
Canadian Press, 7/27/06)

U.S. manufacturing facilities cut their releases of toxics by 21 per cent between 1998 and 2003, while Canadian manufacturers cut releases by 10 per cent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 AM


The Bolton Nomination, Act II: Bush Presses Anew for Confirmation of Controversial Envoy (Colum Lynch, 7/27/06, Washington Post)

U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton's blunt diplomatic style has made him a political rock star among conservative Republicans who relish his routine exposure of U.N. foibles and criticism of its bureaucrats.

But international diplomats, including several from countries closely allied with the United States, complain that he has furthered U.S. isolation here and undercut U.S.-backed efforts to reform the sprawling bureaucracy of the United Nations. [...]

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee begins hearings Thursday on whether to make Bolton's temporary appointment, which will expire in January, permanent. His appearance in Washington, where Democratic leaders have vowed to oppose Bolton, is expected to be as polarizing as his presence at U.N. headquarters.

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) said, "Mr. Bolton's performance at the U.N. only confirms my conviction that he's the wrong person for this job." He suggested that Democrats may filibuster a Senate vote unless the Bush administration releases documents Biden believes detail Bolton's use of National Security Agency intercepts involving U.S. citizens. [...]

Israel's U.N. envoy, Dan Gillerman, said Bolton's arrival has been a "breath of fresh air at Turtle Bay precisely because he's not your typical diplomat."

"I'm certainly not going to tell the Senate or House of Representatives how to vote, but if John Bolton were to be confirmed by the Israeli Knesset, he would get all 120 votes," Gillerman said.

Are Democrats really going to oppose a neocon with Israel at war? Their hysteria over Mr. al-Maliki's visit suggests they're in a kowtowing mood.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 AM


400-year-old pistol found on site of first American colonists (RICHARD LUSCOMBE, 7/26/06, The Scotsman)

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a rare but perfectly preserved early 17th-century Scottish pistol at the historic former British colony known as the birthplace of the United States, making the firearm one of the oldest artefacts of European origin ever discovered in North America.

The weapon probably belonged to one of the first settlers to arrive at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, and was recovered from a well at the site with several other "hugely significant" artefacts.

And here we thought the gun culture originated in 1994.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 AM

THUS THE BASEMENT RULE (via Bryan Francoeur):

Sun kills 60,000 a year, WHO says (Reuters, 7/26/06)

As many as 60,000 people a year die from too much sun, mostly from malignant skin cancer, the World Health Organization has reported.

It found that 48,000 deaths every year are caused by malignant melanomas, and 12,000 by other kinds of skin cancer. About 90 percent of such cancers are caused by ultraviolet light from the sun.

Radiation from the sun also causes often serious sunburn, skin aging, eye cataracts, pterygium -- a fleshy growth on the surface of the eye, cold sores and other ills, according to the report, the first to detail the global effects of sun exposure.

Yet people still insist Summer isn't evil?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


Conservative revival is bad news for Lib Dems (Julian Glover, July 27, 2006, The Guardian)

As MPs start their two-month break from the Commons, the Lib Dems emerge as the main losers in a poll which also sees the Conservatives on a 13-year high, equalling their best Guardian/ICM rating since Black Wednesday in 1992.

Only 17% of voters said they would back the Lib Dems in an immediate general election, down four points on a month, and six points below the party's rating a year ago when it was led by Charles Kennedy. [...]

[T]his month's poll puts Labour up three points, to 35%, narrowing the gap on the Conservatives, who climb two points to 39%.

That is close to the 40% rating which Conservatives believe could allow them to challenge for power in a general election. The Conservatives last scored 39% in a Guardian/ICM poll in January 1993, as they recovered briefly before a decade-long collapse in public support.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:01 AM


Flush with cash? BoSox toilet may fill your needs (Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa, July 27, 2006, Boston Herald)

How would you like to pee where Roger Clemens, Johnny Damon and heck yes, even Bill Buckner peed???? Well then, here’s your dream come true!

Lelands, the New York sports memorabilia auction house, is selling the potty that stood inside the home dugout. The very bowels of Fenway Park, so to speak.

The prize piece of porcelain “got up close and very personal with the likes of Boggs, Ramirez, Damon and Pedro,” the auction catalogue brags.

The possibly Cursed crapper was installed just prior to the doomed 1986 season and was ripped out during the clubhouse renovations in 2004 - taking its bad john juju with it! Lelands said it got the one-of-a-kind artifact from the construction crew that renovated the old ballyard. [...]

“Last year we sold the urinal from the Cardinals clubhouse to a St. Louis area urologist for over $2,100. He put it in his office,” said auction house spokesguy Doug Drotman. “The Cardinals fans are pretty rabid about their team but there are not many more avid collectors than Red Sox fans.”

And, as Lelands points out, this is the throne that “caught Clemens.”

The hardball loo is up for grabs at www.lelands.com for 30 days.

I'm almost afraid to tell W. Hodding Carter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Chicago's Struggles Alter AL Landscape (STEVEN GOLDMAN, July 27, 2006, NY Sun)

[W]ith the White Sox ice cold and the Yankees hot, the wild card safety valve is again open.

Chicago's tailspin began just before the All-Star break, when the Red Sox beat their hosiery counterparts in two of three contests. Beginning with that series, the White Sox have gone 4–11. Over that same span, the Yankees have gone 10–5 and a comeback kids-style Minnesota Twins team has gone 12–4. On July 6, the Sox held a wild-card lead of seven games.As of yesterday afternoon's loss to the Twins, it's gone.

Chicago's failure has been systemic, though it was pitching that went down harder. Left-handed ace Mark Buehrle has been so bad for so long that the soundness of his arm must be questioned.With another disastrous start yesterday, Buehrle has been pasted in five consecutive starts, going 0–5 with a 12.15 ERA. During the July slide, Freddy Garcia's July ERA is 5.76. Javier Vazquez's is 6.48. Overall, the staff's ERA during the slide has been 5.44.

Given hot hitting, a team might be able to survive that kind of pitching.The Sox haven't had it. Though their power production has remained steady, with 27 home runs and a .455 slugging percentage over the last 15 games, the team's onbase average is just .305. Key offenders include Paul Konerko, whose on-base average is just .281 (though he has hit four home runs in 57 at bats) and A.J. Pierzynski, who is batting .176 AVG/.208 OBA/.294 SLG. As a result, the Sox have scored just under four runs a game. When the pitching staff is allowing more than five runs a game at the same time, it takes an awful lot of luck to win.

July 26, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 PM


Alone in the Universe (Iain Murray, The American Enterprise)

As a long-time devotee of science fiction, I have always been excited by the possibility that mankind might encounter extraterrestrial life. But I have always tried to apply the rules of logic and reason to those prospects. And it is becoming increasingly clear to me, and others, that merely wanting to believe is not enough.

As our observation methods have improved, we've learned that somewhere on the order of 20-50 percent of all stars have planets orbiting them. We have no idea whether life-friendly planets are common, or what the chances are that life, much less intelligent life, exists on such planets, but if we assume that there is nothing special about our own solar system, we come up with some pretty optimistic numbers. Astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan suggested that there could be 10 million civilizations as advanced as or more advanced than us in the galaxy today.

Such a theory, however, begs an important question, one raised by Italian physicist Enrico Fermi way back in 1950. He turned to his lunch partners at Los Alamos, who included Edward Teller, and asked simply, "Where is everybody?" If intelligent, communicating life is common, why haven't we seen evidence of it? After all, if the formation of civilizations has been fairly constant through the long life of the universe, then there should have been billions of them by now.

... We are therefore led to the uncomfortable conclusion that there may be something wrong with the assumption that life can exist in numerous other places. Perhaps our solar system is not average at all. Perhaps life-friendly planets are rare. ... It is quite possible, then, that we are the only civilization around at the moment. ... For life as we know it, we are today left with the unpalatable but rational conclusion that instead of Carl Sagan's millions of civilizations, there is a very good chance we are the only one. The latest decade's discoveries and arguments do not mean that we are alone for certain, but they are probabilities that point strongly in that direction.

Mr. Watson offers the following comment: "This conclusion is, of course, unacceptable to scientific materialists because it would imply that the statisitical arguments against Neo-Darwinism have merit, that life does not arise easily from the random interactions of atoms, and that mankind occupies a unique position in the galaxy."

Puckish (Brothers Judd, 7/30/2003)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 PM


The Novel Moscow Feared: The precursor to "1984" wasn't published in its author's land until 1988. (JOHN J. MILLER, July 26, 2006, Opinion Journal)

Authors sometimes gripe about the long wait between the completion of a book and its publication. Perhaps the sad case of the Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin will help them put things in perspective: He finished his novel "We" in 1921, but it didn't appear in print in his native land until 1988.

The problem wasn't that Zamyatin and his manuscript were obscure or unknown. Rather, it was that they offended communist censors, who correctly understood "We" to be a savage critique of the totalitarianism that was starting to take shape in the years following the Russian Revolution.

They managed to suppress "We" inside the Soviet Union, but they weren't able to keep it from making a deep impression elsewhere: Two of the most iconic novels in the English language--"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and "1984" by George Orwell--owe an enormous debt to Zamyatin.

That's because "We" is the ur-text of science-fiction dystopias: It described an Orwellian society almost three decades before Orwell invented his own version. Although the book has never been especially hard to find in the U.S.--editions have been in print since 1924--it will now become even more readily available, thanks to Natasha Randall's new translation, published this month by the Modern Library.

Orwell actually had a tough time tracking down the novel for himself.

One novel of totalitarianism does remain stubbornly forgotten, Aerodrome.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:32 PM

RACING TO GATTACA (via Lisa Fleischman):

Confessions of a "Genetic Outlaw": A new method for screening embryos for disease may provide more reason to brand some people dissidents for bringing their kids into the world (Elizabeth R. Schiltz, 7/20/06, Business Week)

From time to time, we are all confronted with the disconnect between how we see ourselves and how others see us. I've always seen myself as a responsible, law-abiding citizen. I recycle, I vote, I don't drive a Hummer. But I've come to realize that many in the scientific and medical community view me as grossly irresponsible. Indeed, in the words of Bob Edwards, the scientist who facilitated the birth of England's first test-tube baby, I am a "sinner." A recent book even branded me a "genetic outlaw." My transgression? I am one of the dwindling number of women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and choose not to terminate our pregnancies. [...]

Scientists are beginning to tell me precisely how much dissident acts like not aborting my son cost society. A study published in 2000 in the American Journal of Medical Genetics concluded that the average lifetime cost of each "new case" of Down syndrome is $451,000. This study differentiated the lifetime costs of various types of prenatally diagnosed disabilities leading to abortions in one hospital in Michigan. For reasons I can't fathom, Down syndrome turns out to be the most expensive by far. In contrast, the lifetime costs of conditions like spina bifida ($294,000) and cleft lip or palate ($101,000) seem almost negligible.

This study was offered to quantify the cost of banning "second trimester elective terminations for prenatally diagnosed abnormalities." Imagine the public outrage that would greet the publication of a study calculating the cost of not terminating pregnancies if it were broken down into a category such as family income. Although most of our civil rights laws now include "disability" in the litany of prohibited bases for discrimination—along with race, gender, and ethnic origin—our enlightened liberal commitment to diversity appears to go only so far. While we are willing to mandate accommodation to make jobs or public transportation accessible to a person with spina bifida, the social cost of accommodating her birth is increasingly being seen as exceeding her worth.

EUGENICS BY DEFAULT. This emerging public consensus in favor of eugenics is not the product of any sort of reasoned debate. There has been no referendum, no debate in Congress, no move to amend the Constitution. It's emerging from the collective force of countless decisions by loving and caring mothers and fathers, in consultation with conscientious medical professionals who are using the truly miraculous and astonishing discoveries of brilliant scientists plunging deeper and deeper into the mysteries of life. These people are not intentionally practicing eugenics in order to create a perfect master race. They are simply trying to alleviate potential suffering and protect the quality of the lives they are bringing into the world.

But it is time for us to acknowledge the collective effect of these private decisions. Do we truly endorse the implicit message we are sending to our disabled brothers and sisters—that our commitment to diversity does not extend to genetic diversity? We need to confront the disconnect between how we see ourselves—as an enlightened, liberal society committed to fully integrating people with disabilities in all sectors of life—and how people living with the disabilities we would identify for extinction must see us.

The Holocaust began with the "best" of intentions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 PM


Jury finds Yates not guilty in drownings (ANGELA K. BROWN, 7/26/06, Associated Press)

In a dramatic turnaround from her first murder trial, Andrea Yates was found not guilty by reason of insanity Wednesday in the drowning of her children in the bathtub.

The 42-year-old woman will be committed to a state mental hospital and held until she is no longer deemed a threat. If she had been convicted of murder, she would have been sentenced to life in prison.

She's ill, not evil. The people who left her with the kids should be prosecuted.

Andrea Yates: More To The Story: As a judge formally sentences the convicted murderer, TIME's Timothy Roche examines the role of a key prosecution witness (TIMOTHY ROCHE , 3/18/02, TIME)

In Texas, the law on insanity defenses is among the most restrictive in the nation. So narrow are the nuances of the state's centuries-old law that it was not enough for Yates' defense lawyers to simply prove that she twice attempted suicide, had been hospitalized four times for psychiatric care and nursed a psychosis before the drownings clearly documented in thousands of pages of medical records. No, Andrea's motives may have been delusional, but if she were able to distinguish right from wrong — good from evil — while committing the crime, jurors had little choice but to reject her plea of not guilty by reason of insanity and convict her.

To reach their verdict, jurors seemed to rely heavily on the persuasive testimony of a famous forensic psychiatrist, Park Dietz, who was paid $500 an hour by prosecutors to dispute claims that Andrea Yates was insane under the Texas law. Now, TIME has learned, questions are surfacing about the reliability of the state's key witness who has admitted that he mixed up facts that prosecutors wound up emphasizing to the jury. Dietz also has told TIME that he opposes the very law that he helped prosecutors apply to Yates and jurors used to deny her insanity defense. [...]

While defense lawyers called several expert witnesses who had different opinions about Andrea's actual diagnosis, each told jurors she obviously had been psychotic and delusional at the time. After her arrest, jail psychiatrist Melissa Ferguson testified, Andrea was put on medications that enabled her to finally talk about the visions and voices that she says guided her actions. It was only after she was placed in a jail cell, naked, on suicide watch that Andrea spoke of the Satan inside her and the only was to be rid of him: She had to be executed. And she had to kill the children, as Satan demanded, to get the death penalty.

Andrea tried to explain. "It was the seventh deadly sin. My children weren't righteous. They stumbled because I was evil. The way I was raising them they could never be saved," she told the jail psychiatrist. "They were doomed to perish in the fires of hell."

Jurors took notes as Rusty testified about his life with Andrea, whom he had met when they were both 25 years old and living in the same apartment complex in Houston. He told them how their family had grown, and how they had moved from a house in suburbia to a camping trailer to a bus converted into a motor home, where Andrea focused on raising the toddlers. After the birth of their fourth child, Luke, in 1999, Andrea tried twice to commit suicide. She was hospitalized both times and was diagnosed with postpartum depression and psychosis.

The couple and their four sons moved from the bus into their house on Beachcomber Lane in a Houston suburb. She recovered while using Haldol, but eventually stopped taking the medication. Against the advice of her psychiatrist, Andrea soon became pregnant again with their fifth child, Mary. Within months, following the death of her ailing father, her psychosis returned. Instead of taking her back to the same doctor who'd treated her before, Rusty told jurors that he and Andrea went to the Devereux-Texas Treatment Network, where Mohammed Saeed became Andrea's psychiatrist. Rusty testified that he never knew that Andrea had visions and voices; he said he never knew she had considered killing the children. Neither did Dr. Saeed, even though the delusions could have been found in medical records from 1999. Andrea would not talk or eat.

After only slight improvement, Andrea was released from Devereux. A month later, she had another episode. Rusty took her back to Devereux. Again, she was released. Dr. Saeed reluctantly prescribed Haldol, the same drug that worked in a drug cocktail for her in 1999. But after a few weeks, he took her off the drug, citing his concerns about side effects. (For more on Saeed's response, see our previous examination of the Yates trial.) Though Andrea's condition seemed to be worsening two days before the drownings, when her husband drove her to Saeed's office, Rusty testified, the doctor refused to try Haldol longer or return her to the hospital. Rusty was frustrated, he told the jury, and he didn't know what else to do.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 PM


Cartoonist likens Olmert to Nazi (MICHAEL FREUND, 7/26/06, Jerusalem Post)

Invoking a scene from the film Schindler's List, one of Norway's largest newspapers recently published a political cartoon comparing Prime Minster Ehud Olmert to the infamous commander of a Nazi death camp who indiscriminately murdered Jews by firing at them at random from his balcony.

The caricature by political cartoonist Finn Graff appeared on July 10 in the Oslo daily Dagbladet. It has prompted outrage among the country's small Jewish community and led the Simon Weisenthal Center to submit a protest to the Norwegian government.

Muslims wouldn't tolerate it and Jews oughtn't appease him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:45 PM


Prosecutors Look at UWM Project, Meeting (Todd Richmond, 7/26/06, AP)

Gov. Jim Doyle brushed off word that state and federal investigators are considering launching two more probes of his administration Wednesday, dismissing the news as typical political fodder during a heated campaign season.

Department of Justice spokesman Mike Bauer said prosecutors are reviewing how a firm that donated to Doyle won a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee building contract and whether a campaign fundraiser for Doyle arranged a meeting between a lawyer seeking state business and Doyle's top state aide in his office. [...]

A decision to investigate the UW-Milwaukee affair and the meeting would mean more problems for Doyle, who faces U.S. Rep. Mark Green, R-Green Bay, in the November general election.

Doyle's administration already is under investigation over a state travel contract that went to a company whose executives gave to his campaign and whether campaign donations from employees of two utilities factored into state regulators' decision to allow the sale of the utilities' nuclear power plant. [...]

Bauer said the prosecutors are reviewing for possible investigation a complaint from a developer called Prism over how Doyle's administration handled the bidding process for the $68.7 million UW-Milwaukee project. Prism lost out on a bid to turn a university building into student housing and retail space.

Howard Dean says I should vote against such corrupt bums....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:41 PM


Gay-marriage ruling could rock Supreme Court races (DAVID AMMONS, July 26, 2006, AP)

The deeply divided Washington Supreme Court's decision to retain the state ban on gay marriage may roil the already volatile court elections this fall.

Chief Justice Gerry Alexander, who is under attack from the right and from the building industry and others, joined the shaky 5-4 majority. That puts him on the side of public opinion, according to the polls, but might alienate some of his progressive backers, analysts said Wednesday. Alexander is opposed by attorney John Groen.

Two other justices up for re-election this fall, Susan Owens and Tom Chambers, were among the four dissenters and would have thrown out the state's gay-marriage ban, called the Defense of Marriage Act.

Owens already was considered vulnerable and faces a strong challenge from state Sen. Stephen Johnson, R-Kent. Chambers is considered a safe bet for re-election and the case isn't expected to hurt him much.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 PM


Senate Removes Abortion Option for Young Girls (CARL HULSE, 7/26/06, NY Times)

The Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would make it a federal crime to help an under-age girl escape parental notification laws by crossing state lines to obtain an abortion.

The bill was approved on a 65-to-34 vote, with 14 Democrats joining 51 Republicans in favor.

...is a last ditch defense of killing minors' babies? They've come a long way....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 PM


CITIZEN MCCAIN: As the 2008 presidential race approaches, New York voters ponder the possibility of a McCain White House (JOHN DESIO, 7/26/06, New York Press)

At the end of March, the Arizona Senator was the keynote speaker at a packed-to-the-rafters rally for immigration reform in the heavily-Irish Woodlawn section of The Bronx. The greeting McCain received from the crowd—Republicans, Democrats and Independents all together—was not what you would expect to hear for a politician, but for a rock star.

They sang, they cheered, they even engaged in some traditional soccer chants for McCain. The crowd exploded for McCain when he walked into the room, and only stopped when he asked them to. Otherwise, they might have cheered all night.

That reaction illustrates just why McCain can do what no Republican presidential candidate has done since Ronald Reagan and win New York in 2008, so claims Charlie Szrom, director of the national movement to draft McCain for president in 2008 (www.mccainmovement.com). Headed into his senior year at Indiana University, Szrom formed the “Draft McCain” movement in April as a way to drum up support for the Senator’s likely presidential run. The all-volunteer group boasts members in 31 states including New York and regional coordinators in 11 of those states. Szrom says he hopes to have a New York director in the very near future.

“We’re fans of McCain, and we want to do something to put the man we feel is best suited for it into the White House in 2008,” said Szrom, adding that unlike most politicians, McCain does not guide his career on polling data, but makes pragmatic decisions on what he feels best serves the country and his own deep convictions. That practical streak will help McCain in New York, said Szrom, noting that one of the most liberal states in the union have handed Republican Governor George Pataki three straight victories, and that the largest liberal city in the United States has elected Republicans for mayor—Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg—four consecutive times. “New York is a great state for McCain,” said Szrom.

Victories by Pataki, Giuliani and Bloomberg are typically used as evidence by Republicans that their party is alive and well in New York. For Szrom, it represents the high level of sophistication of the average state voter.

“Voters in New York are more focused on issues, on what a candidate can offer, not just on their party line,” said Szrom. “John McCain appeals to a broad spectrum of voters, and he’ll appeal to New Yorkers in 2008.”

Not only can the Senator win NY, but he has a realistic shot at running the table.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Israeli 'Doves' Say Response Is Legitimate: Support for Campaign Bridges Political Divides (John Ward Anderson, 7/26/06, Washington Post)

Two weeks into a war that began after a cross-border Hezbollah raid captured two Israeli soldiers, Israelis have shown extraordinary unanimity in backing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's military campaign to inflict a punishing and perhaps lethal blow to the militant Shiite group, despite a rain of rockets into northern Israel and hundreds of civilian deaths and widespread bombing destruction in Lebanon.

This singularity of purpose, which bridges Israel's weary center, dovish left and hawkish right in a way rarely seen here, is all the more striking coming just six years after Israel's unilateral withdrawal from the self-declared security zone it held in Lebanon for nearly two decades, ending a painful experience that inflicted deep wounds on the national psyche and might have made some wary of reentering the Lebanese morass.

"Lebanon was Israel's Vietnam, and when we went there in 1982, it was really a march of folly, it was wrong morally, it was wrong strategically, and we paid dearly for that grave mistake," said Ari Shavit, a dovish columnist for Haaretz newspaper, referring to the full-scale invasion masterminded by then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon to drive out the Palestine Liberation Organization.

But today is different, he said, "because Israeli is not the aggressor marching into another land." Rather, the current campaign "is an old-fashioned war where we are right, and we were attacked for no reason whatsoever. This is probably the most justified war in our history."

In a survey published Friday by Israel's Maariv newspaper, 95 percent of those sampled said that attacks against Hezbollah were justified, and 90 percent said that fighting should continue until Hezbollah was pushed away from Israel's northern border.

They're certainly justified--the question is whether they're acting wisely.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


Twins creep closer to slumping Sox (Andrew Seligman, 7/26/06, The Associated Press)

The way Johan Santana sees it, this is how it's going to be the rest of the season — the Minnesota Twins and the Chicago White Sox locked in step.

At the moment, they're teams headed in different directions.

Santana outpitched Jose Contreras, and Jason Bartlett hit a three-run homer as the surging Twins pulled one game behind slumping Chicago with a 4-3 victory on Tuesday night. [...]

The Twins have won 33 of their last 41, while the White Sox suffered their 11th loss in 14 games. Chicago is 7 ½ games behind first-place Detroit in the AL Central, and the Twins are another game out in third. And the White Sox lead the New York Yankees by one-half game in the wild-card race, with Minnesota right behind.

In fairness to the Chisox, it's not as if they're choking, they just aren't that good.

July 25, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:10 PM


Web, Lieberman and the Netroots (ARI MELBER, July 25, 2006, The Nation)

As progressive bloggers focus on ousting Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman from office for his alleged disloyalty to Democrats, in Virginia, another candidate who embodied the Republican cause has infiltrated the Democratic Party. But ironically, the bloggers support this former Reagan official.

Jim Webb, a Vietnam combat veteran who served as Secretary of the Navy under President Reagan, is not only the new darling of the national netroots in his challenge to Republican incumbent George Allen; he was recruited to run for office by Internet activists. Webb, an iconoclastic, progun, prochoice, antiwar, libertarian, economic populist from a rural military family, recently declared his membership in the Democratic Party. In a summer campaign season punctuated by talk of purges and ideological purity, online enthusiasm for Webb's candidacy tells a different story about blog activism, raising fundamental questions about the netroots' emerging electoral strategy.

Hardly a coincidence that Joe Lieberman is Jewish and Jim Webb celebrates clanishness.

Hatred-politics endanger Lieberman race (Morton Kondracke, 7/25/06, Whittier Daily News)

If former Greenwich Selectman Ned Lamont beats Lieberman in the Democratic primary, it will represent a signal victory for the MoveOn.org- Michael Moore-DailyKos left wing of the Democratic Party and for vicious name-calling as a political tactic.

The Democratic Party already is handicapped by the fact that its liberal base amounts to just 20 percent of the electorate, while the Republicans' conservative base is 33 percent, according to decades of polling. Both parties must appeal to the remaining 47 percent who describe themselves as "moderate"- which Democrats can't do if the left triumphs.

But the left is ascendant. MoveOn's preferred 2000 presidential candidate, Howard Dean, is now chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and the party's leaders in Congress, Sen. Harry Reid, Nev., and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, give every evidence of being influenced by the left-leaning blogosphere's obsessive hatred of President Bush.

Reid and Pelosi press conferences are dominated by Bush-bashing and virtually empty of positive proposals. Even so, mainstream Democrats are under constant Weblog pressure to "take on" Bush and routinely get attacked for being too accommodating.

Lieberman is a target primarily because he supports the Iraq war, but also because he rejects Bush-hatred and often cooperates with Republicans, even though he votes with his party 80 percent of the time.

When fellow Senate Democrats Joseph Biden, Del.; Ken Salazar, Colo.; and Barbara Boxer; endorsed Lieberman, the liberal blog Democrats.com featured this warning:

"If they read progressive blogs at all - and by now one would assume they do - \ certainly know that the Democratic `base' hates Lieberman and will be furious at his defenders."

The blogger, Bob Fertik, asked, "So why are these senators kissing Lieberman's ass/ring?" He speculated that one reason was that Lieberman could help them raise money, "in particular conservative Jewish money" and noted that "ideologically, Lieberman practically owns the `Democratic sellout' brand," which he warned Biden and Salazar to avoid.

Even before the current Middle East conflict, Lieberman was subjected to anti-Semitic attacks on liberal blogs DailyKos and Huffington Post. One commentary declared, "Ned Lamont needs to beat Lieberman to a pulp in the debate and define what it means to be an American who is NOT beholden to the Israeli lobby."

Posted by David Cohen at 5:16 PM


Snookering Stevens: A justice gets duped (Ramesh Ponnuru, NRO, 7/25/06)

In deciding how to read the amendment [limiting the Court's jurisdiction over cases like Hamdan], Justice Stevens, writing for the Court, looked at senators’ statements, among other things. Here he encountered a problem: The senators disagreed. Senators Lindsey Graham and Jon Kyl, the Republican authors of the amendment, thought that it applied to pending cases. Other senators, notably Democrat Carl Levin, did not.

Stevens handles the problem in footnote 10. The statements by Kyl and Graham, he writes, “appear to have been inserted into the Congressional Record after the Senate debate. . . . All statements made during the debate itself support Senator Levin’s understanding” (emphasis in original).

But Stevens has it wrong. None of the statements he cites — on either side of the issue — was made during floor debate in the Senate. All of them were submitted for the record after the debate (but before the vote on the act).

Using the right legislative history, a judge can make a statute that says "white" mean "black."

Posted by David Cohen at 4:59 PM


Raise Wages, Not Walls (Michael Dukakis and Daniel J.B. Mitchell, NY Times, 7/25/06)

There is a simpler alternative. If we are really serious about turning back the tide of illegal immigration, we should start by raising the minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to something closer to $8. The Massachusetts legislature recently voted to raise the state minimum to $8 and California may soon set its minimum even higher. Once the minimum wage has been significantly increased, we can begin vigorously enforcing the wage law and other basic labor standards.

Millions of illegal immigrants work for minimum and even sub-minimum wages in workplaces that don’t come close to meeting health and safety standards. It is nonsense to say, as President Bush did recently, that these jobs are filled by illegal immigrants because Americans won’t do them. Before we had mass illegal immigration in this country, hotel beds were made, office floors were cleaned, restaurant dishes were washed and crops were picked — by Americans.

I assume the glaring problem with this plan is clear to everyone but erstwhile Democratic presidential nominees, and their ilk.

Posted by David Cohen at 4:44 PM


Hezbollah Says Israeli Response a Surprise (Scheherezade Faramarzi, AP, 7/25/06)

"The truth is _ let me say this clearly _ we didn't even expect (this) response.... that (Israel) would exploit this operation for this big war against us," said Komati.

He said Hezbollah had expected "the usual, limited response" from Israel to the July 12 cross-border raid, in which three Israelis were killed.

Never has the immorality of a proportional response been made so clear.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:58 PM


Chorizo is the new Racing Sausage (Don Walker, 7/25/06, JS Online Blogs)

Chorizo, a tasty Mexican sausage, will join fellow meaty friends Hot Dog, Bratwurst, Polish and Italian as the newest member of the Klement's Famous Racing Sausages team at Miller Park.

Chorizo, who will be adorned with a sombrero and decked out in red, green and white, will be formally introduced on Thursday at a press conference at Miller Park.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:32 PM


Case Closed: The truth about the Iraqi-Niger "yellowcake" nexus. (Christopher Hitchens, July 25, 2006, Slate)

I shall quote here, with his permission, from a letter I have received from Ambassador Rolf Ekeus. Ambassador Ekeus, currently high commissioner for national minority questions for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, is a founder of the renowned Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, has been Sweden's envoy both to the United Nations and the United States, and won great acclaim for his effective defanging of Iraq when he was the first chairman of UNSCOM after the first Gulf War in 1992. (When it was proposed 10 years later that the U.N. inspectors be sent back to Iraq, Kofi Annan actually renominated Ekeus for the job but was overruled by France and Russia, who wanted the more conciliatory Hans Blix.) Ekeus writes to me as follows, having known Zahawie in a professional capacity and having read the posting, apparently from him, in Slate's "Fray":

One of my colleagues remembers Zahawie as Iraq's delegate to the IAEA General Conference during the years 1982-84. One item on the agenda was the diplomatic and political fall-out of Israel's destruction of the Osirak reactor (a centerpiece of Iraq's nuclear weapons ambitions). Zahawie in his response [to Slate] appears to confirm that he was Iraq's delegate, though not the Permanent delegate, to the IAEA (the General Conference) and therefore clearly not foreign to the nuclear issues, especially as he was the under-secretary of the foreign ministry selected by Baghdad to represent Iraq on the most sensitive issue, the question of Iraq's nuclear weapons ambitions. His participation as leader of the Iraqi delegation to the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference merely confirms his standing as Iraq's top negotiator on nuclear weapons issues. [italics mine]

He confirms that he was Iraq's ambassador to the Vatican, a not unimportant position given that all Iraq's [other] embassies in the West lacked senior or ambassadorial leadership and that all Western embassies in Iraq were closed. His modesty in this case is puzzling if you don't take into account that a resident ambassador in Rome was ideally placed to undertake discreet and sensitive missions, especially as he was fully plugged into the intricacies of nuclear-weapons diplomacy.

Zahawie furthermore confirms his trip to Niger. The question remains, why Iraq's top man on nuclear weapons diplomacy and negotiations would travel to Niger: with all respect, not the dream-place for a connoisseur of Mozart and Italian bel canto, though no longer of Wagner.

(Ambassador Ekeus' allusion in that last sentence is to Zahawie's affecting claim that he was posted to Rome in virtual semiretirement and mainly for the music. This is as credible as his claim, made to Hassan Fattah—then of Time magazine—that when he visited Niger he did not know that it exported yellowcake—which is famously just about the only thing that it does export.)

Let me now introduce a second corroborative witness, whose acknowledged expertise in the field is hardly less than that of Ekeus...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:36 PM


In EU's new states, a return to nationalism (Richard Bernstein, July 25, 2006, The New York Times)

One villager, Wieslaw Cygan, who teaches in a technical college, is one of the 48 people here who voted for the League for Polish Families, a political party once deemed to occupy the Polish rightist fringe that is now part of the governing coalition.

"I would like to see a new political party," Cygan said in his tidy home, sparsely decorated with the kind of religious and landscape paintings in fashion across much of Central and Eastern Europe. "I call it a People's Democratic Christian Conservative Party that would be Catholic and patriotic," he said.

The labels that Cygan attaches to his dream party suggest the struggle for identity that is going on in deeply Catholic and rural Poland and in some ways rippling across other formerly Communist countries in Europe. Now that they are firmly embedded in the European Union and the Western alliance, they seem to feel an urge to reassert older, more traditional parts of themselves.

Indeed, nearly 17 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and two years after Poland and other former Soviet bloc states joined the European Union, it is a surprising time in Europe. On the very heels of what could certainly be deemed a historic achievement, the defeat of Communist dictatorship and the merging of Eastern and Western Europe into a 25-member club of peaceful, secure and solidly democratic countries, Europe is in a strange and sour mood.

What's strange and sour about opposing secularism and transnationalism?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:49 AM


Praying for Hummus, Getting Hamas: In the 1990s, Israelis sincerely thought that peace was just around the corner. Now, the Middle East is torn apart by war. A former Israeli peace activist explains why he has laid down his olive branch and is prepared to grab for his rifle. (Zeev Avrahami, July 25, 2006, Der Spiegel)

The war in Lebanon 24 years ago turned Israel upside down: A high-ranking officer refused his orders to invade Beirut and thousands of Israelis protested against the war while soldiers were still fighting and dying. After years of being the world's darlings, international public opinion suddenly turned against us. And then there were the horrors of Sabra and Shatila. There were no glorious photo albums after this war, no heroes. It was Israel's Vietnam. [...]

The growing opposition of my generation was our first major contribution to shaping Israeli society and to adding the next layer to our young nation. The first generation of Israelis built the country, fought its war of independence and developed the infrastructure of a nation-state. The second generation fought glorious wars helping establish a Jewish post-Holocaust identity. We, who were born in the mid-1960s and the beginning of the 70s, called for the normalization of Israel. We wanted Israel to become a country like any other; we wanted borders, both geographical and ethical. The war we fought was the one against the convictions of our parents' generation.

As my generation matured -- and began taking its place in the Israeli economic, cultural and political establishment -- we triggered a great change in Israeli public opinion. Ours was the generation that pushed -- both with votes and with lifestyle -- for talks with the Palestinians and for peace agreements with Arafat and Jordan. The young generation that came after us instigated the pull-out from Lebanon in 2000, and pushed for a final agreement with the Palestinians. In the last election, for the first time in Israeli history, three politicians who did not rise up through the ranks of the Israeli army were elected to our government's highest posts: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had been the mayor of Jerusalem, Foreign Minister Zipi Livni is a lawyer and Defense Minister Amir Peretz was a union leader. We wanted our government to focus on welfare issues, invest in education and civil rights.

Deep down, of course, we knew that was wishful thinking. My generation, after all -- which had largely missed the last heroic war in 1967 and which was born into the reality of Israel as an occupier -- also helped make Ariel Sharon prime minister in 2001. Sharon's reputation then was not only stained by the Lebanon war, but he was also the living symbol for the settlement project; it was Sharon, as minister of infrastructure and agriculture, who devoted huge amounts of money to the expansion of the settlements. His election signalled a change: There was a waning belief that peace with the Palestinians was possible and a desire for a strong leader as Israel braced for the next war.

Like an experienced shepherd, Sharon sensed exactly which way the herd wanted to go. After his election, he led Israel into confrontation with the Palestinians -- the Second Intifada. He also forced Israelis to take the next step, that of turning their backs on their Palestinian neighbors. For my generation, this represented a huge defeat, and we felt betrayed when the younger generation agreed to Sharon's policy. It is this betrayal -- and this complete rejection of the idea of peace with the Palestinians -- which fills me with sadness when I follow the news today.

The anger, though, is not far behind. When the rockets from Gaza began falling on southern Israel, my former peace activism became but a distant memory. The recent killings and kidnappings of soldiers on the Gaza and Lebanese borders sent us back to our past and into our closets: Once again, we Israelis are looking for our uniforms.

Today, I am convinced that Israel is fighting a justified war. Far from being an "optional war," this conflict was forced upon us. There is a feeling that every positive step taken in recent years has been answered by punishment. Now we are prepared to do whatever it takes to turn Israel into a safe place, even if this means invading Lebanon once again. We also want to sip coffee and play backgammon. We've had enough of rockets from the north and south and suicide bombers from everywhere. We also want to lead a normal life, just like the people in New York, Berlin or Rome who don't have to look up every time a stranger enters their favorite cafe.

We pulled out of Gaza and we have no desire to be pulled back in. We want to go to work, study, raise a family, enjoy the beach, and eat hummus as we watch with delight how the Palestinians use the money they get from around the world to build their own infrastructure, to create jobs allowing them to go to the beach, raise families, and eat hummus. We prayed for hummus and instead we got Hamas.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 AM


Democrats' Plan Focuses on Middle Class: Sen. Clinton Presents Domestic Agenda Featuring Tax Breaks and Tuition Help (Dan Balz, 7/25/06, Washington Post)

The American Dream Initiative includes proposals that DLC President Bruce Reed said would cost $450 billion to $500 billion over 10 years. He said the cost could be offset by eliminating corporate subsidies in the tax code, cutting out 100,000 unnecessary federal contractors and making a more aggressive effort to identify and collect taxes now going uncollected by the Internal Revenue Service. The initiative also calls for a return to pay-as-you-go budget rules in Washington, which means that all spending on new programs must be offset by cuts elsewhere.

The centerpiece proposal would provide additional support for college costs, with the goal of increasing the number of college graduates by 1 million a year by 2015. The proposal includes $150 billion in block grants for states to ease rising tuition costs and a consolidated tax credit for students. To qualify, states and universities would have to limit tuition increases to the rate of inflation.

Other ideas include requirements for employers to establish retirement accounts for all workers and a refundable tax credit for savers; "baby bonds" that would create a government-funded savings account of $500 for every child born in the United States; a refundable tax credit to help provide the down payment on housing; universal health care for children; and benefits for small businesses to lower the cost of providing health insurance to workers.

The DLC often has put itself at odds with the party's liberal wing, but the new agenda was designed to create a unified message for the Democrats, although congressional leaders also have put forth a party agenda. The DLC document bears the imprint of several other progressive organizations, and DLC founder Al From said he believed that it represented "a set of ideas around which Democrats of all stripes can rally as we head into the fall election."

A generally sensible direction made needlessly complex by their terror of being associated with bigger ideas. They could achieve all their ends by simply advocating: private accounts in Social Security to which workers would be entitled to add the money that now goes into 401k's (and invest in higher risk funds); making HSA's mandatory and universal and funding them for the poor and unemployed; and Paul O'Neill's plan for investment accounts that start at birth.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:51 AM


Gaza groups ready to deal on cease-fire, release of Shalit (Avi Issacharoff, 7/25/06, Haaretz)

All groups in Gaza, including Hamas, would now accept a cease-fire deal with Israel which would include releasing Gilad Shalit, according to the Palestinian Agriculture Minister, who also heads the coordinating committee of Palestinian organizations there.

Ibrahim Al-Naja said the factions were ready to stop the Qassam rocket fire if Israel's ceased all military moves against the Palestinian factions in Gaza. They are also ready to release Shalit in exchange for guaranteeing the future release of Palestinian prisoners.

Hamas leaders did not confirm this report on Monday, but if it is true, then this is the first time that Hamas has indicated its acceptance of the Egyptian proposal to solve the crisis.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:41 AM


Ex-president takes step into Connecticut's fray (Peter S. Canellos, July 25, 2006, Boston Globe)

Should national Democrats back Lieberman in big numbers, they would stand accused of abandoning the party's core antiwar voters. However, if leading Democrats supported Lamont, and if Lieberman were to win, there would be no end to the havoc a bruised and resentful Lieberman could wreak on his party. If control of the Senate were at stake, Lieberman could choose to vote with the Republicans. [...]

A few weeks ago, Clinton bemoaned the fact that Democrats were warring among themselves over the Iraq issue. ``If we allow our differences over what to do now in Iraq to divide us instead of focusing on replacing Republicans in Congress, that's the nuttiest strategy I've ever heard in my life," he said.

Clinton knows that if national Democrats abandon Lieberman, Republicans will argue that Democrats are the captives of the angry, antiwar left. He also knows that the party's leading presidential aspirants -- especially Hillary Clinton -- can't embrace Lieberman without alienating the increasingly influential liberal blogosphere. A former president can get away with such things far more easily than current contenders can.

Kind of sad that the only adult supervision in the Democratic Party comes from Boy Bill.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:17 AM


On the Benefits of Social Stigmas: REMOVING ROAD SIGNS CAN BE DANGEROUS (David C. Stolinsky, December 1997, Oxford Review)

For a generation now we have been busy removing crucial signs from the winding and dangerous road of life. Hoping to be nonjudgmental, wishing to increase freedom, believing even that we were being compassionate, we have almost systematically deprived the young and inexperienced of much of the benefit of our experience. Life holds as many sharp curves, steep grades, and hazardous intersections as ever, but we have conspired to render them unmarked.

For example, we removed most of the signs that warned teenagers of the dangers of premature sex and pregnancy. When I went to school in the 1950s, only one girl became pregnant in six years of junior and senior high. Pregnant girls had to leave school and go live with relatives or attend Continuation School, where returning dropouts went. There was stigma attached to unmarried pregnancy. This was hard on pregnant girls, but because of it there were far fewer of them.

There was little sex education then, but there also was little teenage pregnancy. Pregnancy rates rose as sex education increased, but this unhappy fact has not dampened our enthusiasm for sex education. Indeed, we are convinced that high teen pregnancy rates mean that even more sex education is needed.

Past generations would not have dreamed of rewarding pregnant teenagers with government checks, with which they could afford their own apartments. Pregnant girls had to live with relatives, which was difficult, or at homes for unwed mothers, which was embarrassing. The responsible boy was usually given a very hard time by his family, if not the court. In some states, birth certificates bore a notation that the baby was illegitimate. Stigmatizing a child seems unjust, but the effect was to add to the mother's stigma. There were, in short, penalties rather than rewards.

Moreover, abortion was unsafe, illegal, and rare. Some women were killed or injured by illegal abortions -- a terrible price to pay. But maybe that's one reason why there were so few abortions.

Transgressive behavior has to have consequences.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:16 AM


Daley calls big-box ordinance 'redlining' (FRAN SPIELMAN, July 25, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

Mayor Daley on Monday denounced as "redlining" a proposal to establish wage and benefit standards for Wal-Mart and other retailing giants and suggested that aldermen who don't want big-box stores simply "opt out."

Daley played the race card, flanked by some of Chicago's most influential black ministers, two days before a City Council showdown on an ordinance that could change the economic landscape in Chicago.

"This is going to hurt the minority community. . . . You talk about redlining. This is basically redlining. . . . This deals with economic development in the African-American community," Daley told a City Hall news conference.

"No one would ever bring that up in the suburban area. We're not talking about the Near North Side. . . . We're not talking about Wrigleyville. We're not talking about any of those [white] communities. We're talking about the West Side and the South Side. . . . For us to say, 'No, we don't want these stores,' that puts Chicago more on the map [as anti-business] than foie gras. That says, 'We don't want development.' ''

There's a whole stage full of folks who haven't accepted yet that they're Republicans.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:16 AM


Why Hezbollah won't be easy to defeat: Islamic group is deeply entrenched and enjoys grassroots support (OLIVIA WARD, 7/25/06, Toronto Star)

"I was going to university in 1982, but I believed that defending my land was a sacred duty," the wheelchair-bound Wahabi said in an interview before the current war. "Israel had invaded our country and my brother was killed in the fighting. It was not a difficult decision for me to go and fight too," he said, referring to Israel's offensive to root out Palestinian guerrillas attacking it from Lebanon.

But Wahabi's fighting career ended six years later when he was shot through the neck by an Israeli sniper. Quadriplegic, and deeply depressed, he lived in isolation in his parents' flat.

However, Hezbollah's loyalty to its supporters is as legendary as its ruthlessness toward its enemies. Its informal "marriage agency" for disabled guerrillas introduced him to Kamila, a striking young woman who shared his Shiite sense of sacrifice. It was, she said, "a love match."

With Hezbollah's medical aid, the union produced four healthy children, housed in an apartment tended by a paid nurse's aide. The family was confident the children would receive the best education until they were self-supporting.

The Wahabis' home now lies in one of the worst-hit areas of Lebanon as Hezbollah continues its rocket barrage into Israel and Israeli bombs pound Lebanon's towns and cities.

But the network of community support that Hezbollah (which means Party of God) has built during the past 15 years with its financial, medical, educational and housing services has paid dividends.

Although the group's military training programs have dwindled since the civil war ended in 1990, and it is estimated to have no more than 500 to 600 crack troops, it can call on tens of thousands of reservists whose will and loyalty are assured. They are joined by dedicated young people who have grown up under Hezbollah's paternal social wing.

"If we're at peace with Israel I can live with that," said Mustapha Naji, now 15, supported and educated by Hezbollah after his father was killed fighting Israeli forces near his village in southern Lebanon. "If they take aggressive action in Lebanon, I'm ready to fight."

And all we offer is that they subject themselves to a central government that's never given a fig about them.

MORE (via Marisa):
U.S. Wants Force To Block Arms Shipments (Ori Nir, July 21, 2006, The Forward)

During a briefing with senior officials at several major Jewish organizations, Deputy National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams reportedly said that a multinational force in Lebanon would have to be “combat ready,” authorized and appropriately equipped to engage Hezbollah militarily if needed. Such a force, he said, would also have to patrol not only Lebanon’s border with Israel but also Lebanon’s border with Syria, to prevent smuggling of weapons to Hezbollah. In addition, such a force would have to observe Lebanon’s sea and air ports to make sure that Iran is not rearming Hezbollah, Abrams reportedly said.

It is not clear whether Abrams’ position was shared by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, when she left Sunday on her Middle East shuttle mission in search of a resolution to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. According to several Washington insiders who in recent days spoke with senior State Department officials and other U.S. policy makers, Abrams’ statements do seem to reflect the administration’s approach.

In several conversations with Jewish communal leaders, administration officials made clear that, once the current hostilities subside, they do not expect that the Lebanese army will be able to reign in Hezbollah. The army is not only weak, understaffed and poorly equipped, but also approximately 60% Shiite, senior administration officials said. There is no guarantee that Lebanese soldiers would be more loyal to their commanders than to Hezbollah, a Shiite group, and therefore there is a chance that when directed to confront their religious brethren, the troops would either seek a way out or flatly refuse to carry out their orders.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:15 AM


Brown has moved as far to the right as Blair. So where do we turn now?: The concerns of the centre-left hold the key to the party's renewal, but they are being shut out of the debate (John Harris, July 25, 2006, The Guardian)

In the midst of the government's serial difficulties, one underlying story seems to have been missed. Blair may be on his way out - departing in "a year and a bit" according to an overheard Alastair Campbell - but for those of us who have spent the past decade standing at an ever-increasing distance from his government these are still grim times. If there were small shafts of light in the 2005 election campaign they now seem like something from another age: after the nosedive of the initially Blairite election effort and the PM's claim to have "listened and learned", we appear to be speeding into the unremittingly New Labour future we were promised in the first place - from trust schools to brazen healthcare privatisation, and on to John Reid's desperate 24-point crime plan.

Meanwhile, the figure on whom so many hopes are projected usually seems set on dashing them. Like most of my Labour friends, for reasons increasingly more emotional than rational, I cannot quite snuff out my faith in Gordon Brown, but the signs are hardly promising. No one expects any explicit words of dissent, but even when it comes to coded messages there is an uneasy silence - and from time to time there come pronouncements that seem to confirm the worst. Take, for example, the run of interviews at the end of last year, when Brown boasted - with the belligerent air of a school bully - about the blows he has landed on Labour orthodoxy: "I have introduced most of the private finance initiative, sold off air traffic control, made a controversial decision on the London Underground, set up the Gershon review to sack or make redundant 80,000 civil servants."

Flick through the recent Mansion House speech in which he announced his support for a renewal of Britain's nuclear armoury and you may start to feel very miserable indeed. Here, of course, he was playing to the City gallery, but his glowing mentions of "contestability and choice" in education, the necessity of seeking a "low-tax economy", and his obligation to make the flimsily regulated UK "more flexible" tapped into already familiar themes. As with Reid's latest wheeze, here was another reminder that nine years of Labour government have left the post-Thatcherite terms of trade depressingly intact. Brown and his associates talk a lot about the prospect of a progressive consensus, though it often seems a distant hope: if the commendable work done by the Treasury - not least when it comes to poverty - has either been hushed up or sat uncomfortably with much of the New Labour narrative, part of the explanation lies with the chancellor's own endorsement of priorities that would once have caused mainstream Labour hearts to sink.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:14 AM



ESPN yesterday fired analyst Harold Reynolds from Baseball Tonight, sources told The Post. The reason was not immediately known.

"We are not going to comment," ESPN VP Josh Krulewitz said. [...]

Reynolds was known for a smooth style that usually was player friendly. He never found himself in too much controversy for what he said on the air. In fact, ESPN was so high on him he was expected to stay with the network through its just signed eight-year deal with MLB.

Now, after yesterday, Reynolds is no longer welcome in Bristol.

Posted by Stephen Judd at 10:04 AM


Fat stem cells turn into muscle in US experiment (Maggie Fox, Reuters, 7/24/06)

The stem cells found in fat are known as multipotent stem cells. They can produce a variety of cell and tissue types, but are not as flexible as embryonic stem cells.

Last week, President George W. Bush vetoed a bill that would have broadened federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, saying he preferred that researchers pursue so-called adult stem cells, such as those used at UCLA.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:19 AM


West Coast boppers - Power helps Beckett claim 13th win (Jeff Horrigan, July 25, 2006, Boston Herald)

Alex Gonzalez, Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz each clobbered home runs off Zito to support the near-dominant pitching of Josh Beckett, who became the first 13-game winner in the majors. Jonathan Papelbon wrapped up the win with a scoreless ninth to lower his ERA to 0.53, and the Sox maintained their 2 -game lead over the New York Yankees in the American League East.

Tigers making habit of big first innings (TOM WITHERS, July 25, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

With a five-run first inning, the Tigers became the first team in 115 years to score at least five runs in the first at-bat of three consecutive games, and they held on for a 9-7 victory against the Cleveland Indians. The Tigers scored five runs in the first Saturday and six in the first Sunday against the Oakland Athletics.

According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the Tigers -- who opened a 71/2-game lead over the White Sox in the American League Central -- are the first team since the 1891 St. Louis Browns of the American Association to score five runs or more in the first inning three games in a row.

July 24, 2006

Posted by David Cohen at 5:12 PM


Peace prize winner 'could kill' Bush (Annabelle McDonald, The Australian, 7/25/06)

NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W. Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren....

"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.

"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered....

"My job is to tell you their stories," Ms Williams said of a recent [sic] trip to Iraq.

"We went to a hospital where there were 200 children; they were beautiful, all of them, but they had cancers that the doctors couldn't even recognise. From the first Gulf War, the mothers' wombs were infected.

"As I was leaving the hospital, I said to the doctor, 'How many of these babies do you think are going to live?'

"He looked me straight in the eye and said, 'None, not one'. They needed five different kinds of medication to treat the cancers that the children had, and the embargoes laid on by the United States and the United Nations only allowed them three."

In order to follow Ms. Williams' logic, let's accept for the moment that there were 200 Iraqi children who had "cancer" caused by "infection" of their mothers' wombs during the first gulf war. Let's accept that they couldn't get the medicine they needed because of the United Nations' embargo of Iraq. Why does Ms. Williams want to kill the man who did what had to be done to save the children?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:45 PM


Truly Inconvenient Truths: What we’re loath to talk about when we talk about Israel and Lebanon (Kurt Andersen, 8/08/06, New York)

Al Gore’s movie about global warming has a brilliant title: It flatters us—those of us who believe the scientific consensus about climate change—that we are clear-eyed and honest and brave enough to admit this “inconvenient truth” that the Bush administration and its reckless, craven, venal corporate allies refuse to admit. Yet the truth about greenhouse gases, although plenty scary, is really not so inconvenient: The blame for inaction is easy to lay on others, a solution seems possible, and that solution doesn’t look that onerous.

Whereas concerning the Middle East, there is for most of us no obvious overriding analysis, let alone fix. Concerning Israel and the Palestinian territories, all the truths tend to be truly, deeply, tragically inconvenient.

And the big one is this: Israel is a good and miraculous nation that deserves the support of civilized people, but the great unfortunate fact about its creation—being carved by the U.N. out of Arab land in 1947—cannot be ignored or wished away. We have no choice but to support Israel, even though the Israeli Defense Forces are killing civilians, dozens a day, in Lebanon. All of those deaths, one wants to believe, are unintentional, unavoidable mistakes. Yet as Richard Cohen wrote in his Washington Post column last week, “Israel itself is a mistake . . . an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable [but which] has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now.” Sixty years on, there can be no revising or reversing that mistake—and when the choice is Israel versus unaccommodating Islamist fanatics, we must be for Israel. Is there any more inconvenient truth?

Sure, the truth is even more inconvenient.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:41 PM


Joe Lieberman’s War: The hawkish senator finds himself in an epic battle—with his own party (Meryl Gordon, 8/07/06, New York)

Nothing is working out as Lieberman expected. Although he’d assumed that, because of his support for the Iraq war, he’d face some opposition for reelection, he was unprepared for the backlash of anger against him and the groundswell of support for Lamont, a cable-TV mogul and political novice who has surged ahead in the polls thanks to his get-out-of-Iraq stance. The shoot-out in Connecticut has turned into a national political event—a referendum on the war and a fight for the soul of the Democratic Party, one that may put a safe Democratic Senate seat at risk and have implications for other nonconformist Democrats around the country. In this topsy-turvy race, Lamont, a wealthy great-grandson of J. P. Morgan’s business partner, has somehow seized the mantle as the “real” Democrat. Meanwhile, Lieberman is being heckled at campaign stops (“It’s getting scary,” one aide says. “They’re so angry”) and excoriated in the blogosphere, from state sites like My Left Nutmeg to the leading national Democratic outlet, Daily Kos, where Markos Moulitsas Zúniga posted after the debate, “For Lieberman it’s all about power, and he’ll be as vicious, as rude, as boorish and dishonest as he needs to be to cling to it.”

This kind of reception is an astonishing turnaround for a man whose selection as Al Gore’s running mate in 2000 was seen as brilliant political strategy. Lieberman caught the public’s fancy back then as a social progressive who believed in a muscular foreign policy and a moralist who could help distance Gore from Clinton’s Lewinsky scandal. But now, as the body count mounts in Iraq, he has been recast as a villain, Bush’s lackey and partner in crime.

There's no room in the post-Clinton Democratic Partyy for a hawkish moralist.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:25 PM


He Who Cast the First Stone Probably Didn't (DANIEL GILBERT, July 24, 2006, NY Times)

In virtually every human society, "He hit me first" provides an acceptable rationale for doing that which is otherwise forbidden. Both civil and religious law provide long lists of behaviors that are illegal or immoral -- unless they are responses in kind, in which case they are perfectly fine. [...]

The problem with the principle of even-numberedness is that people count differently. Every action has a cause and a consequence: something that led to it and something that followed from it. But research shows that while people think of their own actions as the consequences of what came before, they think of other people's actions as the causes of what came later.

In a study conducted by William Swann and colleagues at the University of Texas, pairs of volunteers played the roles of world leaders who were trying to decide whether to initiate a nuclear strike. The first volunteer was asked to make an opening statement, the second volunteer was asked to respond, the first volunteer was asked to respond to the second, and so on. At the end of the conversation, the volunteers were shown several of the statements that had been made and were asked to recall what had been said just before and just after each of them.

The results revealed an intriguing asymmetry: When volunteers were shown one of their own statements, they naturally remembered what had led them to say it. But when they were shown one of their conversation partner's statements, they naturally remembered how they had responded to it. In other words, volunteers remembered the causes of their own statements and the consequences of their partner's statements.

What seems like a grossly self-serving pattern of remembering is actually the product of two innocent facts. First, because our senses point outward, we can observe other people's actions but not our own. Second, because mental life is a private affair, we can observe our own thoughts but not the thoughts of others. Together, these facts suggest that our reasons for punching will always be more salient to us than the punches themselves -- but that the opposite will be true of other people's reasons and other people's punches.

Statesmanship is childishness.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:55 PM

TCS Daily Spotlight Interview John Lukacs (Audio): TCS Daily columnist Ed Driscoll speaks with historial John Lukacs on his latest book, "June 1941: Hitler and Stalin." (24 Jul 2006)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:05 PM


Surveillance We Can Live With (Arlen Specter, July 24, 2006, Washington Post)

Critics complain that the bill acknowledges the president's inherent Article II power and does not insist on FISA's being the exclusive procedure for the authorization of wiretapping. They are wrong. The president's constitutional power either exists or does not exist, no matter what any statute may say. If the appellate court precedents cited above are correct, FISA is not the exclusive procedure. If the president's assertion of inherent executive authority meets the Fourth Amendment's "reasonableness" test, it provides an alternative legal basis for surveillance, however FISA may purport to limit presidential power. The bill does not accede to the president's claims of inherent presidential power; that is for the courts either to affirm or reject. It merely acknowledges them, to whatever extent they may exist.

Of course, the beauty of it is that if the power exists it doesn't matter what the judiciary branch says either.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:34 PM


Fear of Snakes May Have Driven Pre-Human Evolution (Ker Than, 7/24/06, Fox News)

An evolutionary arms race between early snakes and mammals triggered the development of improved vision and large brains in primates, a radical new theory suggests. [...]

"Primates went a particular route," Isbell told LiveScience. "They focused on improving their vision to keep away from [snakes]. Other mammals couldn't do that."

Geez, back when we were in school the Darwinists still pretended, at least rhetorically, that there was nothing special about Man, but now they view us as uniquely capable of evolving ourselves just by focusing hard?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:26 AM


Fight a democracy, kill the people (Spengler, 7/25/06, Asia Times)

Conventional armies can defeat guerrilla forces with broad popular support, for it is perfectly feasible to dismantle a people, destroy its morale, and if need be expel them. It has happened in history on occasions beyond count.

The British did it to the Scots Highlanders after the 1745 rising, and to the Acadians of Canada after the Seven Years' War; Ataturk did it to the Greeks of Asia Minor in 1922; and the Czechs did it to the Sudeten Germans after 1945. It seems to be happening again, as half or more of Lebanon's 1.2 million Shi'ites flee their homes. To de-fang Hezbollah implies the effective dissolution of the Shi'ite community, a third of whom live within Katyusha range of Israel. [...]

"Fight a dictatorship, and you must kill the regime; fight a democracy, and you must kill the people," I warned on January 31 (No true Scotsman starts a war), meaning that one turns a proud and militant folk into a deracinated rabble. Sometimes it is not necessary to kill a single individual to crush an entire people. When a warlike people rather would fight, eg the Chechens, the result is butchery.

Blame George W Bush for this grim necessity in Lebanon, where the refugee count already has reached 15-30% of the total population. In the name of Lebanese democracy, Washington brought Hezbollah into mainstream politics, and the newly legitimized Hezbollah in turn became the focus of life for Lebanon's 1.2 million Shi'ites. To uproot Hezbollah, one has to uproot the Shi'ite community.

The Shi'a aren't the enemy and we aren't going to kill the 150 million of them, are we?

and certainly not via an antiseptic air war, U.S. doubts Israeli figures about damage of air war (Rowan Scarborough, July 22, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Israel is overstating the damage its air war has inflicted on the Hezbollah militia, which hides its weapons in tunnels and civilian neighborhoods throughout Lebanon, Bush administration and intelligence officials said yesterday.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:31 AM


The Clash of Civilizations: A Novelist's Perspective (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, 7/24/06, History News Network)

The naval Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a galley fleet of the Holy League, a sometimes-flimsy coalition of the Papacy (under Pope Pius V), Spain, Venice, Genoa, Savoy, the Knights of Malta and others, defeated a force of Ottoman galleys. The 5-hour battle was fought at the northern edge of the Gulf of Patras, off western Greece, where the Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their naval station in Lepanto met the Holy League forces, which had come from Messina, in the morning of Sunday 7 October[1]. It was the final major naval battle in world history solely between rowing vessels.--Wikipedia

The challenge when writing historical fiction is to show the reader not what the people of the time in question did – that is known and readily accessible – but what they thought they were doing. Non-fiction may have a similar goal in mind, but it conveys its understanding of historical events by telling the reader about them. It may seem like a small difference, but it is not. As a novelist who has written a great deal of historical fiction, I am often caught up in trying to find ways to make a period’s view of itself comprehensible to the reader without resorting to the dreaded and boring expository lump. It is also an element I tend to search out early when I start putting a book together, for the matter of an era’s self-perception and context means the difference between solid historical fiction and costume drama.

So what does this have to do with my popular history book, Confrontation at Lepanto by one of my alter-egos, T. C. F. Hopkins? It came about as a kind of detour. I had written a portion-and-outline of a novel about the events leading up to Lepanto from the point of view of a number of different characters, and showing how the social climate in Europe and the Middle East were affected by the battle. My agent submitted it, and it went nowhere, not because it wasn’t exciting, but because almost none of the editors who saw the portion-and-outline knew anything about the battle and therefore assumed it was unimportant.

Lepanto (G.K. Chesterton)
WHITE founts falling in the Courts of the sun,
And the Soldan of Byzantium is smiling as they run;
There is laughter like the fountains in that face of all men feared,
It stirs the forest darkness, the darkness of his beard;
It curls the blood-red crescent, the crescent of his lips; 5
For the inmost sea of all the earth is shaken with his ships.
They have dared the white republics up the capes of Italy,
They have dashed the Adriatic round the Lion of the Sea,
And the Pope has cast his arms abroad for agony and loss,
And called the kings of Christendom for swords about the Cross. 10
The cold queen of England is looking in the glass;
The shadow of the Valois is yawning at the Mass;
From evening isles fantastical rings faint the Spanish gun,
And the Lord upon the Golden Horn is laughing in the sun.

Dim drums throbbing, in the hills half heard, 15
Where only on a nameless throne a crownless prince has stirred,
Where, risen from a doubtful seat and half attainted stall,
The last knight of Europe takes weapons from the wall,
The last and lingering troubadour to whom the bird has sung,
That once went singing southward when all the world was young. 20
In that enormous silence, tiny and unafraid,
Comes up along a winding road the noise of the Crusade.
Strong gongs groaning as the guns boom far,
Don John of Austria is going to the war,
Stiff flags straining in the night-blasts cold 25
In the gloom black-purple, in the glint old-gold,
Torchlight crimson on the copper kettle-drums,
Then the tuckets, then the trumpets, then the cannon, and he comes.
Don John laughing in the brave beard curled,
Spurning of his stirrups like the thrones of all the world, 30
Holding his head up for a flag of all the free.
Love-light of Spain—hurrah!
Death-light of Africa!
Don John of Austria
Is riding to the sea. 35

Mahound is in his paradise above the evening star,
(Don John of Austria is going to the war.)
He moves a mighty turban on the timeless houri's knees,
His turban that is woven of the sunsets and the seas.
He shakes the peacock gardens as he rises from his ease, 40
And he strides among the tree-tops and is taller than the trees;
And his voice through all the garden is a thunder sent to bring
Black Azrael and Ariel and Ammon on the wing.
Giants and the Genii,
Multiplex of wing and eye, 45
Whose strong obedience broke the sky
When Solomon was king.

They rush in red and purple from the red clouds of the morn,
From the temples where the yellow gods shut up their eyes in scorn;
They rise in green robes roaring from the green hells of the sea 50
Where fallen skies and evil hues and eyeless creatures be,
On them the sea-valves cluster and the grey sea-forests curl,
Splashed with a splendid sickness, the sickness of the pearl;
They swell in sapphire smoke out of the blue cracks of the ground,—
They gather and they wonder and give worship to Mahound. 55
And he saith, "Break up the mountains where the hermit-folk can hide,
And sift the red and silver sands lest bone of saint abide,
And chase the Giaours flying night and day, not giving rest,
For that which was our trouble comes again out of the west.
We have set the seal of Solomon on all things under sun, 60
Of knowledge and of sorrow and endurance of things done.
But a noise is in the mountains, in the mountains, and I know
The voice that shook our palaces—four hundred years ago:
It is he that saith not 'Kismet'; it is he that knows not Fate;
It is Richard, it is Raymond, it is Godfrey at the gate! 65
It is he whose loss is laughter when he counts the wager worth,
Put down your feet upon him, that our peace be on the earth."
For he heard drums groaning and he heard guns jar,
(Don John of Austria is going to the war.)
Sudden and still—hurrah! 70
Bolt from Iberia!
Don John of Austria
Is gone by Alcalar.

St. Michaels on his Mountain in the sea-roads of the north
(Don John of Austria is girt and going forth.) 75
Where the grey seas glitter and the sharp tides shift
And the sea-folk labour and the red sails lift.
He shakes his lance of iron and he claps his wings of stone;
The noise is gone through Normandy; the noise is gone alone;
The North is full of tangled things and texts and aching eyes, 80
And dead is all the innocence of anger and surprise,
And Christian killeth Christian in a narrow dusty room,
And Christian dreadeth Christ that hath a newer face of doom,
And Christian hateth Mary that God kissed in Galilee,—
But Don John of Austria is riding to the sea. 85
Don John calling through the blast and the eclipse
Crying with the trumpet, with the trumpet of his lips,
Trumpet that sayeth ha!
Domino gloria!
Don John of Austria 90
Is shouting to the ships.

King Philip's in his closet with the Fleece about his neck
(Don John of Austria is armed upon the deck.)
The walls are hung with velvet that is black and soft as sin,
And little dwarfs creep out of it and little dwarfs creep in. 95
He holds a crystal phial that has colours like the moon,
He touches, and it tingles, and he trembles very soon,
And his face is as a fungus of a leprous white and grey
Like plants in the high houses that are shuttered from the day,
And death is in the phial and the end of noble work, 100
But Don John of Austria has fired upon the Turk.
Don John's hunting, and his hounds have bayed—
Booms away past Italy the rumour of his raid.
Gun upon gun, ha! ha!
Gun upon gun, hurrah! 105
Don John of Austria
Has loosed the cannonade.

The Pope was in his chapel before day or battle broke,
(Don John of Austria is hidden in the smoke.)
The hidden room in man's house where God sits all the year, 110
The secret window whence the world looks small and very dear.
He sees as in a mirror on the monstrous twilight sea
The crescent of his cruel ships whose name is mystery;
They fling great shadows foe-wards, making Cross and Castle dark,
They veil the plumèd lions on the galleys of St. Mark; 115
And above the ships are palaces of brown, black-bearded chiefs,
And below the ships are prisons, where with multitudinous griefs,
Christian captives sick and sunless, all a labouring race repines
Like a race in sunken cities, like a nation in the mines.
They are lost like slaves that sweat, and in the skies of morning hung 120
The stair-ways of the tallest gods when tyranny was young.
They are countless, voiceless, hopeless as those fallen or fleeing on
Before the high Kings' horses in the granite of Babylon.
And many a one grows witless in his quiet room in hell
Where a yellow face looks inward through the lattice of his cell, 125
And he finds his God forgotten, and he seeks no more a sign—
(But Don John of Austria has burst the battle-line!)
Don John pounding from the slaughter-painted poop,
Purpling all the ocean like a bloody pirate's sloop,
Scarlet running over on the silvers and the golds, 130
Breaking of the hatches up and bursting of the holds,
Thronging of the thousands up that labour under sea
White for bliss and blind for sun and stunned for liberty.

Vivat Hispania!
Domino Gloria! 135
Don John of Austria
Has set his people free!

Cervantes on his galley sets the sword back in the sheath
(Don John of Austria rides homeward with a wreath.)
And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain, 140
Up which a lean and foolish knight for ever rides in vain,
And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile, and settles back the blade....
(But Don John of Austria rides home from the Crusade.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:27 AM


Cuban regime feeling heat from Czechs: The Czechs are stepping up their efforts to aid the Cuban dissident movement, triggering an angry response from Havana (PABLO BACHELET, 7/24/06, MiamiHerald.com)

Once a subservient member of the Soviet bloc, the Czech Republic is now one of Fidel Castro's top foreign tormentors, providing material and moral support to dissidents, leading efforts to condemn the island's human-rights record in U.N. bodies and pushing a reluctant European Union to take a tougher stance on Castro.

Such actions have earned the tiny nation of 10 million vitriolic condemnations by the Castro government, the harassment of its diplomats in Havana and the gratitude of the Cuban-American community.

''The Czech Republic is at the heart of the U.S. efforts to secure multilateral support for precipitating a transition for democracy in Cuba,'' says Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. ``They've stuck to their principles every step of the way. Thank the Lord for the Czech Republic.''

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


'New dawn' breaking for assembly (BBC, 7/24/06)

Legislation that will give the Welsh assembly more powers is facing its final hurdle.

Later on Monday, the House of Lords will debate the Government of Wales Bill, which will allow politicians in Cardiff Bay to make their own laws.

Welsh Secretary Peter Hain has called it a new dawn for devolution, but he also said the bill was on a knife-edge.

If peers do not accept the bill, it will run out of time and will have to be reintroduced in October.

The new legislation would be the biggest transfer of power since the assembly began sitting seven years ago.

It would give the assembly greater ability to pass laws without having to go through Parliament.

With even the most developed and stable countries devolving into their constituent nations, folks think they can hold together the utterly artificial states of the Third World?

Sectarian break-up of Iraq is now inevitable, admit officials (Patrick Cockburn, 24 July 2006, Independent uk)

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, meets Tony Blair in London today as violence in Iraq reaches a new crescendo and senior Iraqi officials say the break up of the country is inevitable.

A car bomb in a market in the Shia stronghold of Sadr City in Baghdad yesterday killed 34 people and wounded a further 60 and was followed by a second bomb in the same area two hours later that left a further eight dead. Another car bomb outside a court house in Kirkuk killed a further 20 and injured 70 people.

"Iraq as a political project is finished," a senior government official was quoted as saying, adding: "The parties have moved to plan B." He said that the Shia, Sunni and Kurdish parties were now looking at ways to divide Iraq between them and to decide the future of Baghdad, where there is a mixed population. "There is serious talk of Baghdad being divided into [Shia] east and [Sunni] west," he said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


Hezbollah's Iranian War in Lebanon (Dr Walid Phares, 7/24/06, History News Network)

The “Waad al sadeq” operation

By early July 2006, Hezbollah’s preparations for the bloody return to the top were fulfilled. The organization had already accomplished its Lebanese tasks:

1) Elimination (direct or in conjunction with Syrian intelligence or Syrian Social Nationalists) of visible symbols of anti-Syrian leadership: Tueni, Qassir and Hawi, and attempts against others such as May Chidiac, as an intimidation lesson to all others.

2) Paralysis of PM Seniora’s cabinet from the inside and in cooperation with President Lahoud's networks on the outside.

3) Paralysis of the parliament in collaboration with speaker Berri and the Aoun bloc.

4) Dragging the political forces in the country in the so-called national dialogue on the weapons of Hezbollah, a major waste of time and marginalization of the 1559 stipulation

3) Intimidation of the Lebanese army command.

4) Attempts to divide the Lebanese Diaspora by implanting agents linked to the axis.

5) Reactivation of the pro-Syrian and Jihadist networks in Lebanon and within the Palestinian camps.

6) Distribution of weapons among allied militias

7) Finally and most importantly, completing the final steps in the deployment of a system of rockets and long range artillery batteries aimed at Israel.


It is based on these domestic achievements in Lebanon and on strategic injunctions by its regional sponsors that Hezbollah decided to trigger its awaited Armageddon. What was the Hezbollah’s initial plan? The pro-Iranian militia had constructed a theory of invincibility based on the rationalization of a string of former successes against the United States and France in the 1980s, against Israel and the ex-South Lebanon Army in the 1990s, and its intimidation of the Cedars Revolution in 2005. In short, Nasrallah’s team was convinced of the following: A spectacular operation against Israeli military would

# Bring back the “struggle with Israel” to the forefront of Lebanese politics, thus cornering the Lebanese Government into capitulation on the Hariri and the disarmament matters.

# Lead to a harsh Israeli retaliation, good enough to attract world condemnation, but not strong enough to change realities in Lebanon.

The operation, dubbed “al-Waad al sadeq” (Faithful Promise) would signal the beginning of a series of skirmishes with Israel and a generalized assault on the Cedars Revolution and the Seniora cabinet, who were to be accused of treason and collusion with the Zionists.

With the crumbling of the Lebanese Government under the strikes by Hezbollah-Lahoud-Aoun, the pro-Syrian President would dismiss the Seniora cabinet, and in cahoots with pro-Syrian Berri, would disband the Parliament. A massive campaign of assassinations, arrests and exile would target the March 14 movement, followed by Terror-backed legislative elections, brining back a pro-Syrian Hezbollahi assembly and a radical Government.

The “putsch” would reestablish a Pro-Syrian-Iranian regime in Lebanon, and reconstruct a third wing to the Tehran-Damascus axis, reanimating the Arab-Israeli conflict, rejuvenating the Syrian dominance, isolating Jordan, reaching out to Hamas, crumbling Iraq, and unleashing Iran’s nuclear programs unchecked. The domino effects of Hezbollah’s “Waad al sadeq” are far from being even imagined by Western and Arab policy planners.

Plans and surprises

Nasrallah seemed to be in control of his strategy when he appeared in his press conference of victory. His back was safe since he has terrorized the Cedars Revolution’s movement, enlisted Aoun’s support (breaking Christian community unity), and pushed Sunni and Druze breakaways to challenge Jumblat and Hariri (the son). To his south, he was applauding Haniya’s Hamas “cabinet” for having already engaged the Israelis. To his east, Syria was mobilizing and waiting. In Iran, the “masters” were extending their strategic umbrella; and in Iraq, the Terror sapping of sectarian relations was on. All the brothers in Khumeini Jihadism were awaiting Hezbollah to break the chain of events from the Galilee. Nasrallah was at the forefront of a plan aiming at wrecking the rising democracy and the fledgling stability of the region. The stakes were really high for the “axis.”

But Hassan Nasrallah’s master plan failed. First the Lebanese Government, smelling the odors of conspiracy was quick to distance itself from the operation. “The Government was not informed by it nor does it endorse it,” stated the Seniora release. Second, Israel’s volte-face surprised Hezbollah and their allies. Why would the Olmert Government, declare a full war on an organization that classical armies cannot take out, thought the Tehran planners. Then came, the Arab position: Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, followed discretely by others didn’t extend their full support to the move. They certainly criticized Israel to the fullest of rhetoric, but didn’t praise the “Hizb.” On the international level, the Terror group “that-provide-services” didn’t fare better. The United States firmly extended its bipartisan support to UNSCR 1559; France and the rest of Europe stated the same –with their continental language- Russia wouldn’t side with Nasrallah against the world, and China has other priorities on its plate. Only Iran threatened to wage wars in the rescue of its most western army. Nasrallah fell into his own trap but decided to come up with a contingency plan.

Hezbollah’s Contingency plan

Not so different from Plan A, the objectives of Plan B have been readjusted. If Israel bombards Hezbollah’s infrastructure to the ground, Iranian oil will rebuild it. If Israel invades by land, it will find itself against a more aggressive Hezbollah than the one of the 1990s. Besides, Hezbollah will attempt nevertheless to go after the Seniora Government anyway. Calling on the “reserves,” Hezbollah enlisted President Lahoud and his son in law Defense Minister Elias Murr to drag the Lebanese Army in the War against Israel’s forces. And in collaboration with Aounist cadres (while the majority of his partisans are still stunned by the events), Hezbollah has unleashed an international campaign against the “inhumane aggression.” If things go well, Nasrallah expects Plan B to become Plan A, and a land advance by Israel would unleash a total offensive against the Government of Lebanon by pro-Iranian and Syrian forces. If Israel moves north to create a safe area against rockets, Hezbollah would move north to control the rest of Lebanon. The Syrian-Iranian axis will refuse UNSCR 1559, reject international initiatives for disarming the militias, and will make its stand in Lebanon, even if the Switzerland of the Middle East is to be reduced to rubbles. Assad wants to save his regime in Beirut, and Ahmedinijad wants to shield his bomb in the Bekaa: Alea Jacta Est, the dice are rolling.

They've been remarkably successful so far to precisely the extent that Israel has failed to take out the Assad regime and America has failed to eradicate the Iranian nuclear program.

Bush hopes to turn Assad against Hizbollah (Patrick Bishop, 24/07/2006, Daily Telegraph)

Israel's attack has turned Hizbollah's fighters into heroes in the eyes of the Arab street. But in the palaces of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, there is quiet rejoicing at the thought of the organisation finally getting its comeuppance.

The Sunni powers are worried by the rise of Shia influence in the region and the imperial yearnings of Iran - Hizbollah's patron and inspiration. A decisive Israeli military victory would be a welcome setback to Teheran's ambitions.

Now America is hoping to persuade its friends in the Arab world to deal a political blow to Hizbollah.

At the point where you think assad is your friend you've lost sight of your own purposes in this war.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Into the black: In Johnny Cash's last days, it took Rick Rubin's unlikely friendship to bring out his final statement (BRAD WHEELER, 7/24/06, Globe & Mail)

The world-shaker was winding down. He couldn't walk much, couldn't see much. His adored wife had died. All Johnny Cash had left was his voice, and some days he didn't even have that.

It was all he had left in him to churn out one of the best albums of his career.

Before he died in May, 2003, Cash laid down the vocals to 60 or so tracks. A dozen of them made their way on to the just-out American V: A Hundred Highways, the fifth release in a series of records produced by Rick Rubin, the serene bush-bearded enigma who owns his own imprint, American Recordings. The four previous discs all won Grammy Awards: American Recordings (1994); Unchained (1996); American III: Solitary Man (2000); and American IV: The Man Comes Around (2002). A sixth album, with material drawn from the same sessions as American V, is in the works.

Rubin (a vegetarian longhair who loves speed-metal, yoga and professional wrestling) and Cash (a deeply spiritual hell-raiser) began working on the fifth album the day after the fourth album was completed in 2002, with the pace accelerating with the death of June Carter Cash in the spring of 2003. "The schedule changed; it got more intense," Rubin recalls. "Johnny called me and told me, 'I need to work every single day.' "

July 23, 2006

Posted by Matt Murphy at 11:15 PM


Marriott Hotels Ban Smoking In Rooms (Michael S. Rosenwald, 7/20/06, Washington Post)

Marriott International Inc., the nation's largest hotel chain, said yesterday that it will ban smoking in its nearly 400,000 hotel rooms in the United States and Canada, casting the decision as less about public health and more about taking care of the bottom line.

Two decades ago, about half the company's rooms were set aside for smokers, but demand has steadily dropped, with only 5 percent of customers now requesting smoking rooms. At the same time, complaints about cigarette odor have increased, and company officials have struggled to address the issue.

When a company with as many hotel rooms as Marriott takes the plunge, everybody else will follow.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 9:57 PM


No More Joe: `Dead Wrong' On The War And Defense Of Bush, White House Excesses (Irving Stolberg, 7/23/06, Hartford Courant)

Joe Lieberman and I have been friends and colleagues for 38 years. We ran for and won seats in the Connecticut legislature as a team of reformers in 1970. He was my state senator and I was his state representative. He rose to Senate majority leader as I became speaker of the House. With others, we formed the Caucus of Connecticut Democrats, a progressive coalition, to further the causes of peace in Vietnam and justice at home.

I have supported him in every election he has had - until now. This year I am supporting Ned Lamont to unseat Joe. [...]

His blind support of the Iraq war, begun illegally and a continuing catastrophe, is monstrous.

And his defense of an incompetent president, a vice president who fits the dictionary definition of fascism and an extremist administration that has perpetrated torture, illegal eavesdropping and a general shredding of the Constitution is insulting to the people who elected him in the first place. [...]

His announcement that he will not support the winner of the Democratic primary but will seek election as an independent if he loses the primary seems to put self above principle. I thank Ned Lamont, a good and decent man, for giving the people of Connecticut a real choice. We need someone who will confront the Bush-Cheney evils of lies, manipulation and incompetence, which have done us so much harm at home and abroad.

This kind of hateful loopiness has become so routine that sometimes it pays to stand back for a moment and reflect on the situation: This is a mainstream figure -- a two-time former speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives -- who tosses off words like "monstrous" and "fascism" to describe his political opponents. And every indication is that he means it.

Posted by David Cohen at 8:57 PM


Kerry knocks Bush on handling of Mideast conflict (Valerie Olander, The Detroit News, 7/23/06)

U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D- Mass., who was in town Sunday to help Gov. Jennifer Granholm campaign for her re-election bid, took time to take a jab at the Bush administration for its lack of leadership in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.

"If I was president, this wouldn't have happened," said Kerry during a noon stop at Honest John's bar and grill in Detroit's Cass Corridor.

Bush has been so concentrated on the war in Iraq that other Middle East tension arose as a result, he said....

Hezbollah guerillas should have been targeted with other terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaida and the Taliban, which operate in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Kerry said. However, Bush, has focused military strength on Iraq.

"This is about American security and Bush has failed. He has made it so much worse because of his lack of reality in going into Iraq.…We have to destroy Hezbollah," he said.

What in the world can this mean? President Kerry only wanted to pull the troops out of Iraq to send them to Lebanon? Leaving Saddam in power would have impressed Iran and Syria with our resolve? Hezbollah was in on 9/11? I know there's a high threshold, but this might be the stupidest thing John Kerry has ever said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 PM


US cyclist's win lends glow to embattled Tour de France: Floyd Landis made up an 8-minute deficit to capture victory in France's signature sporting event. (Susan Sachs, 7/24/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

The "maillot jaune," the treasured yellow jersey of the Tour de France, went to Floyd Landis, a fresh-faced American farm boy who rode past the pain of a hip injury to win the 23-day race through the summer-scorched French countryside. He clinched the victory with a final sprint on Sunday up the Champs Elysées in Paris.

His performance and gee-whiz charm helped put the glow back into this year's Tour after its gloomy start, when nine racers were disqualified for suspected doping.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:51 PM


What if Black Holes Didn't Exist?: How an alternate theory of the universe exposes the 'war of words' that underlies modern cosmology. (Richard Morgan, July 21, 2006, Seed)

[George Chapline's] work reinvents black holes as so-called "dark energy stars," which are what is left over when matter transitions to dark energy as it passes a point of no return similar to a black hole's event horizon. That redefinition, if correct, would invalidate much of the intellectual framework of traditional black holes.

Chapline's ideas take inspiration from his colleague Robert Laughlin, a condensed matter physicist at Stanford University who won a Nobel for his work on quantum fluids.

Laughlin is quick to point out that the hubbub he and Chapline's ideas have caused "is a battle of words rather than a battle of science.

"In science, you decide whose theory is right (or wrong) by means of an experiment," he said, "not by polling experts."

Unfortunately for theoretical physicists, experimenting on the nature of the universe is not an easy undertaking. Revisionism of one sort or another is constantly occurring, due to the field's heavier-than-normal reliance on theories based on observation, extrapolation and imagination.

"In some ways our playground is too big," said Leonard Susskind, a theoretical particle physicist at Stanford and an outspoken critic of the Chapline-Laughlin theory.

"Practically speaking, much of our subject matter is inaccessible to direct experimentation," he continued. "It doesn't make the science any less valid...

Though it does make it not science.

Meanwhile, leave it to a baseball man to display the kind of humility foreign to modern science:

At the time of [Bill] James hiring, some observers predicted the Red Sox would be transformed into a team that relied on the computations of pasty, number-crunching geeks and completely ignored the tobacco-chewing wisdom of traditional scouts. James found this viewpoint comical. "I believe In a universe that is too complex for any of us to really understand," he says. "Each of us has an organized way of thinking about the world--a paradigm, if you will... But the problem is the real world is vastly more complicated than the image of it we carry around in our heads."

Darwinists, String Theorists, etc. confuse their paradigm with reality.

Posted by Pepys at 3:53 PM


The Romance of Economics Milton and Rose Friedman: Dinner with Keynes? Yes. War with Iraq? They disagree. (TUNKU VARADARAJAN, 22 July 2006, The Wall Street Journal)

Is immigration, I asked--especially illegal immigration--good for the economy, or bad? "It's neither one nor the other," Mr. Friedman replied. "But it's good for freedom. In principle, you ought to have completely open immigration. But with the welfare state it's really not possible to do that. . . . She's an immigrant," he added, pointing to his wife. "She came in just before World War I." (Rose--smiling gently: "I was two years old.") "If there were no welfare state," he continued, "you could have open immigration, because everybody would be responsible for himself." Was he suggesting that one can't have immigration reform without welfare reform? "No, you can have immigration reform, but you can't have open immigration without largely the elimination of welfare.
"At the moment I oppose unlimited immigration. I think much of the opposition to immigration is of that kind--because it's a fundamental tenet of the American view that immigration is good, that there would be no United States if there had not been immigration. Of course, there are many things that are easier now for immigrants than there used to be. . . ."
Did he mean there was much less pressure to integrate now than there used to be? Milton: "I'm not sure that's true . . ." Rose (speaking simultaneously): "That's the unfortunate thing . . ." Milton: "But I don't think it's true . . ." Rose: "Oh, I think it is! That's one of the problems, when immigrants come across and want to remain Mexican." Milton: "Oh, but they came in the past and wanted to be Italian, and be Jewish . . ." Rose: "No they didn't. The ones that did went back."
Mrs. Friedman, I was learning, often had the last word.

Once again, Mr. Friedman finds himself occupying the center of American politcal thought.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:35 AM


Buckley: Bush Not A True Conservative: In Exclusive Interview, Buckley Criticizes President For Interventionist Policies (Thalia Assuras, July 22, 2006, CBS News)

Buckley finds himself parting ways with President Bush, whom he praises as a decisive leader but admonishes for having strayed from true conservative principles in his foreign policy.

In particular, Buckley views the three-and-a-half-year Iraq War as a failure.

For the Darwinian conservative it can't be good policy to save brown peoples, thus the return to isolationism even if it makes their anti-Communism incoherent.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:32 AM


Seven Qassam rockets land in western Negev; no injuries (Mijal Grinberg and Avi Issacharoff, 7/23/06, Haaretz)

According to reports Sunday, the Hamas leadership in Gaza is ready to halt Qassam fire as part of a cease-fire deal that would involve an end to IDF action in the Gaza Strip. Senior members of Fatah made similar claims Saturday.

The initiative, discussed by representatives of Palestinian organizations in Gaza over the past several days, also includes an agreement to set up a unity government.

The Egyptian-initiated plan consists of freeing abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, a joint cease-fire and the cessation of IDF assassinations in the Gaza Strip. The release of Palestinian prisoners would be part of the deal, but come at a later stage.

It is not clear, however, whether the Hamas political leader in Damascus, Khaled Meshal, would agree to such a deal.

Israel's war isn't in Palestine, where Hamas is just a normal political partty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:49 AM


Pitchers 'paying for every mistake' (TONI GINNETTI, 7/23/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

Pitching drove the White Sox through the 2005 season and to the World Series title. Now inconsistent pitching more than anything else has hindered the Sox of late.

"The staff knows they're struggling,'' manager Ozzie Guillen said. "They need to be a little more consistent. Everyone except Jose Contreras has had some problems. I don't have many complaints about the last few starts. It just seems they have one bad inning. A bloop hit here and there is part of the game. But it seems they're paying for every mistake.''

In the 22 games before their latest loss to the Texas Rangers on Saturday, Sox starters had a 6.29 ERA and ranked eighth overall in the American League this season with a 4.71 ERA after finishing second in the league last year with a 3.75 ERA.

Levis improve when you wear them until they're distressed--starting pitchers don't.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 AM


Dogs are howling but nobody hears (Ted Byfield, 7/23/06, Calgary Sun)

The surest sign a society may truly be changing comes when it's discovered its old, tried and true incantations don't work any more.

I saw a lot of this back in the '60s, when frantic citations about "the traditional Canadian home and family," about our "reputation for sound government" and about our "moderation" were repeatedly uttered, but seemingly nowhere heard.

I saw it again in the '90s when the Klein government took office in Alberta and began sizable cuts in welfare and other provincial services. The usual pitiful photos appeared, with heart-rending stories attached, and everybody waited for Ralph to back down. He didn't. The media hype no longer worked.

I saw it again in the mid-'90s when big cuts to the CBC began, and the "Friends of Canadian Broadcasting" ran the customary full-page ads with the customary 500 or so names (Pierre Berton, Margaret Atwood and Patrick Watson in the lead), appealing for restoration of the traditionally big CBC budget. The silence in response was deafening.

Obviously, nobody but those within the CBC circle gave a damn. She might take a long time dying, but seemingly old Mother Corp was doomed.

Finally, and amusingly, I saw it again last week when Harper declared support for Israel, and implicitly for the Bush government.

Funny how a domestic terror threat focusses the mind.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:23 AM


Harper delivers: Liberals are in the hole and Canada is on a roll (Paul Jackson, 7/23/06, Calgary Sun)

Six months ago today every Canadian with even an ounce of patriotism in their veins put an end to the sleaze-driven, scandal-riddled Jean Chretien/Paul Martin era.

Assessing the past six months, and harking back across some four decades of political journalism, I have not seen an individual move as deftly into the prime minister's office as Stephen Harper, nor newly-installed members perform as well as those of the current Conservative cabinet.

A former MP -- and cabinet minister -- from Brian Mulroney's first term in office ventured even Mulroney's team hit a few initial bumps before finding its footing.

Harper and his team, he perceived, moved into office as if they had been skilled practitioners for years.

The learning curve shortens when all you have to do is ape Blair/Clinton/Bush/Howard/etc.....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:11 AM


In Iran�s Streets, Aid to Hezbollah Stirs Resentment (MICHAEL SLACKMAN, 7/23/06, NY Times)

There is a huge amount of anger here about what is happening in Lebanon, but it is not all the result of Israeli bombs, missiles and artillery.

�Of course I am angry,�� said Hamid Akbari, 30, a deliveryman. �All our income is going to Palestine and Hezbollah.�

For decades, Iran has been Hezbollah�s prime patron, helping create it as a Shiite Muslim militia and then nurture it with money, expertise and weapons. But now that Hezbollah is in the midst of full-blown fighting with Israel, Iranian officials have been adamant in insisting that they had nothing to do with the events that set off the crisis.

Part of the reason may be fear, or concern, that the United States and Europe would punish Iran, if it were proved otherwise. But Iranian officials may have a wary eye on their public. In interviews in central Tehran Saturday, person after person said the same thing: Iran should worry about Iran�s problems and not be dragged down by others� battles.

�We Iranians have a saying,� said Ali Reza Moradi, 35, a portrait artist who works in a small booth downtown. �We should save our own house first and then save the mosque. A lot of people think this way. The government should help its people first, and then help the people in Lebanon.� [...]

Although Iran sits atop one of the largest known oil reserves, it cannot refine enough gasoline to meet its own needs � and so prices are rising. Mr. Ahmadinejad may have been elected on a populist economic message, but on the streets people report more pain, more unemployment and higher prices.

Mr. Ahmadinejad can't survive the next election.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:30 AM


CAN ISRAEL WIN? (RALPH PETERS, July 22, 2006, NY Post)

ISRAEL is losing this war. For a lifelong Israel supporter, that's a painful thing to write. But it's true. And the situation's worsening each day.

A U.S. government official put it to me this way: "Israel's got the clock, but Hezbollah's got the time." The sands of the hourglass favor the terrorists - every day they hold out and drop more rockets on Israel, Hezbollah scores a propaganda win.

All Hezbollah has to do to achieve victory is not to lose completely. But for Israel to emerge the acknowledged winner, it has to shatter Hezbollah. Yet Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking.

Israel has to pull itself together now, to send in ground troops in sufficient numbers, with fierce resolve to do what must be done: Root out Hezbollah fighters and kill them. This means Israel will suffer painful casualties - more today than if the Israeli Defense Force had gone in full blast at this fight's beginning.

The situation is grave. A perceived Hezbollah win will be a massive victory for terror, as well as a triumph for Iran and Syria.

Israel Will Accept a Disarmed Hezbollah (Robin Wright, 7/23/06, Washington Post)
The United States, Israel, the United Nations and the European Union have reluctantly concluded that despite punishing military attacks, Hezbollah is likely to survive as a political player in Lebanon, and Israel now says it is willing to accept the organization if it sheds its military wing and abandons extremism, according to several key officials.

"To the extent that it remains a political group, it will be acceptable to Israel," Israeli Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said yesterday in the strongest sign to date that the Israelis are rethinking the scope and ultimate goals of the campaign. "A political group means a party that is engaged in the political system in Lebanon, but without terrorism capabilities and fighting capabilities. That will be acceptable to Israel."

In a bid to contain Hezbollah, the United States is hoping to persuade Arab allies over the next week -- Saudi Arabia in talks today and Egypt and Jordan at an emergency meeting Wednesday in Rome -- to get Syria to stop arming, funding and facilitating Hezbollah's military operations, U.S. officials said.

The hawks have been wrong about this episode from day one, egging Israel on in a futile offensive--the useful and winnable war is in Syria.

July 22, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 1:43 PM


U.S. needs help from World of Order (Thomas Friedman, 22 July 2006, Deseret News)

Lebanon, alas, has not been able to produce the internal coherence to control Hezbollah and is not likely to soon. The only way this war is going to come to some stable conclusion anytime soon is if The World of Order — and I don't just mean "the West," but countries like Russia, China, India, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia too — puts together an international force that can escort the Lebanese army to the Israeli border and remain on hand to protect it against Hezbollah...
I am not talking about a U.N. peacekeeping force. I am talking about an international force, like the one that liberated Kosovo, with robust rules of engagement, heavy weapons and troops from countries like France, Russia, India and China that Iran and its proxies will not want to fight...
Bush and Condoleezza Rice need to realize that Syria on its own is not going to press Hezbollah — in Bush's immortal words — to just "stop doing this s---." The Bush team needs to convene a coalition of The World of Order. If it won't, it should let others more capable do the job. We could start with the elder George Bush and Bill Clinton, whose talents could be used for more than just tsunami relief...

Hey Guys!... Guys!... I had this great idea last night!... Yeah, I had the bong out for a while... So what?... Listen!... There's not a New World Order, there's a World of Order and a World of Disorder!... And all we have to do is get the Forces of Order to act together and we can solve all this mess in the Middle East!... What?... Who's in the World of Order?... Dude, it's obvious when you think about it... There's us and Russia, China, India, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia... Hey, cut it out, I'm serious here!

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:49 AM


Sox' slide can't be stopped (TONI GINNETTI , 7/22/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

The scoreboard is reflecting what White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen is seeing in his players -- a sinking record and sinking spirit. [...]

The Sox dropped one more game to the American League Central-leading Detroit Tigers, who now have a 61/2-game lead. But the Minnesota Twins are gaining, too, their eighth consecutive victory Friday putting them only three games behind the wild-card-leading Sox.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:15 AM


Yo, Blair: the real meaning of the Tony 'n' George rap (Roland Watson, 7/22/06, Times of London)

The transcript: [...]

Someone asks Bush whether he wants someone to prepare his closing remarks for the end of the G8 summit.

Bush: No. Just gonna make it up. I'm not going to talk too damn long like the rest of them. Some of these guys talk too long. [...]

Blair, standing over Bush as the President eats, tries to engage on the stalled global trade negotiations.

Blair: On this trade thingy . . .


Some of the ensuing conversation is inaudible but Blair evidently wants Bush to make a statement on the talks.

Blair: Are you planning to say that here or not?

Bush: If you want me to.

Blair: Well, it's just that if the discussion arises . . .

Bush: I just want some movement.

Blair: Yeah.

Bush: Yesterday we didn't see much movement.

Blair: No, no, it may be that it's not, it may be that it's impossible.

Bush: I am prepared to say it.

Blair: But it's just I think that we need to be an opposition . . .

Bush: Who is introducing the trade?

Blair: Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor

Bush: Tell her to call me.

Blair: Yes.

Bush: Tell her to put me on the spot.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:51 AM


Bolton's Nomination Revives After Senator Changes Mind (Charles Babington, July 22, 2006, Washington Post)

One senator's change of heart about John R. Bolton has rekindled efforts to win Senate confirmation for the interim U.N. ambassador, as Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) yesterday called for "swift action" on the nomination.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has scheduled a hearing next week on Bolton, a sharp-tongued conservative whose aggressive style has earned him enemies as well as fans. On Thursday, Sen. George V. Voinovich (R-Ohio) said he no longer objects to confirming Bolton to the U.N. job for the remainder of the Bush administration.

Outlasted another one....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:46 AM


Blogger Media at the Forefront of the Middle East Coverage War (PRNewswire, 7/21/06)

Pajamas Media (PJM) is providing special extended coverage of the Middle East War in conjunction with its new initiative called Politics Central. Within the PJM Network of 90 bloggers are several in theater commenting on the war between Hamas, Hezbolla and Israel from a first hand perspective. Pajamas has also been providing a real time and continuous chronology of news events via its global editors and contributors. Within PJM's new Politics Central initiative, PJM is distributing exclusive podcast interviews that are longer and more in depth than typical cable news organizations are able to provide.

With full-time editors in Sydney, Barcelona and Los Angeles working with contributing bloggers worldwide in such places as Tel Aviv, Haifa, Baghdad and Washington, Pajamas Media has been offering round-the-clock battlefield reporting in tandem with the most thoughtful commentary from the global blogosphere and traditional sources. Under the guidance of Editor-in-Chief Gerard Van der Leun in Seattle, Pajamas Media mixes the best news and views from on-the-scene citizen journalists with seasoned professionals in an unprecedented manner.

A literal living chronology of the ongoing Israel-Hezbollah War has been created and made available on the Pajamas Media front page (http://www.pajamasmedia.com). "This chronology's intention is to give the public moment-to-moment access to the vicissitudes of the war and ultimately to provide historians with a record of the evolving struggle," says Pajamas' CEO Roger L. Simon.

In the early stages of the war, PJM wanted direct and exclusive coverage from the Middle East. With this Politics Central readers could actually hear what was going on from the people on the ground themselves.

"When we discovered a seventeen-year old -- Eugene -- blogging from a bunker in Haifa ('Live from an Israeli Bunker' @ http://www.israelibunker.blogspot.com), we jumped at the opportunity to do a podcast interview with him," said Simon. After Simon's podcast with Eugene was published on the Pajamas Media site, the young man from Haifa was immediately interviewed by the Washington Post, CNN and NBC, creating a virtual blog firestorm.

Pajamas Media's Politics Central is now planning other podcasts from the Middle East to appear in the next few days. Some of these will feature Arab bloggers talking with Israeli bloggers.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:44 AM


Greenpeace publishes nuclear waste train timetable for UK (GERRI PEEV, 7/22/06, The Scotsman)

ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners yesterday revealed detailed timetables for the trains that carry nuclear waste across Britain, triggering alarm that terrorists could exploit the information.

The report, from Greenpeace, includes details of more than 1,000 nuclear transports through the UK every year, including journeys through the centre of Edinburgh and other Scottish population centres.

The organisation's actions follow an undercover sting by a tabloid newspaper, which exposed how easy it was to plant a fake bomb on a train in London carrying nuclear waste.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:36 AM

ME, ME. ME, I, I, I:

The Old World is getting older, putting Europe in a new bind (Veronika Oleksyn, 7/22/06, The Associated Press)

"What's the world coming to? It's all about work and money nowadays," says 86-year-old Elfriede Kobsa. "Yes, whatever happened to having a family and children?" says Elisabeth Nagl with a sigh.

Good question.

The statistics speak for themselves. By 2010 — just four years from now — there will be more 55- to 64-year-olds than 15- to 24-year-olds in the European Union, Austria's social affairs minister warns.

The growing number of older Europeans, coupled with low birth rates across the 25-nation bloc, is giving lawmakers a big headache. At issue is how to financially shoulder the burden of an aging society while staying competitive globally and finding workable incentives for people to have more babies.

"It's getting worse and worse. If things continue like this, no one is ever going to get to retire," said Roni Howath, 56, a former Vienna postal worker who retired early and now drives a cab from time to time to supplement his monthly pension.

July 21, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 11:29 PM


Run, Newt, Run! Gingrich 2008? (Rich Lowry, 21 July 2006, National Review)

The casual TV viewer has probably noticed two things during the past few days — there’s a war in the Middle East, and Newt Gingrich is commenting on it...
The old conventional wisdom about Gingrich was that we wouldn’t have him to kick around anymore. The new conventional wisdom is that he’s back, and he’s doing the kicking. Ousted by his own party after its losses in the 1998 midterm elections, Gingrich has reestablished himself as a party leader through sheer intellectual energy. He has had something intelligent to say about literally every issue of the hour, from health care to Katrina to the war on terror. “He has helped himself immensely — he’s all over the place,” says former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie...
Whatever happens, Gingrich stands to be the party’s most important intellectual table-setter. “Whoever wins,” says Gillespie, “is going to have spent a lot of time talking about what Newt was talking about.” There are worse places for the party to look for a renewed agenda...

Of course, Gingrich can never win, but Lowry is right that he would be a fantastic asset during the primary season. His arrogance is only matched by his instinct for the politcally popular.

Posted by Pepys at 8:06 PM


The Judiciary Strikes Back: The government fails to kill off a court challenge to NSA snooping. (Patrick Radden Keefe, 19 July 2006, Slate)

Until Thursday, the NSA wiretapping scandal had gone remarkably well for the Bush administration...
But that all changed when a federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday issued a ruling on an obscure procedural point in a court case between the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights nonprofit, and AT&T. Judge Vaughn Walker rejected the government's claim that because of the doctrine of state secrets, traditionally used to prevent the introduction into court of specific evidence that might compromise national security, he should dismiss EFF's entire case against the phone company...

Game, Set and Match to Bush. Let's assume that 1) Bush's Separation of Powers claims are without basis and 2) that Congress fails to strip jurisdiction from the courts and that 3) both the Supreme Court and the 9th Circuit (who has been surprisingly deferential on these matters) side with Judge Walker, at that point, all Congress has to do is codify the common-law states secrets privilege into whatever form ends the suit.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 7:28 PM


Stabbed in the Back!: The past and future of a right-wing myth (Kevin Baker, 7/14/06, Harper's)

Every state must have its enemies. Great powers must have especially monstrous foes. Above all, these foes must arise from within, for national pride does not admit that a great nation can be defeated by any outside force. That is why, though its origins are elsewhere, the stab in the back has become the sustaining myth of modern American nationalism. Since the end of World War II it has been the device by which the American right wing has both revitalized itself and repeatedly avoided responsibility for its own worst blunders. Indeed, the right has distilled its tale of betrayal into a formula: Advocate some momentarily popular but reckless policy. Deny culpability when that policy is exposed as disastrous. Blame the disaster on internal enemies who hate America. Repeat, always making sure to increase the number of internal enemies.

As the United States staggers past the third anniversary of its misadventure in Iraq, the dagger is already poised, the myth is already being perpetuated. To understand just how this strategy is likely to unfold—and why this time it may well fail—we must return to the birth of a legend. [...]

On domestic issues as well as ones of foreign policy, from Ronald Reagan’s mythical “welfare queens” through George Wallace’s “pointy-headed intellectuals”; from Lee Atwater’s characterization of Democrats as anti-family, anti-life, anti-God, down through the open, deliberate attempts of Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove to constantly describe opponents in words that made them seem bizarre, deviant, and “out of the mainstream,” the entire vernacular of American politics has been altered since Vietnam. Culture war has become the organizing principle of the right, unalterably convinced as it is that conservatives are an embattled majority, one that must stand ever vigilant against its unnatural enemies—from the “gay agenda,” to the advocates of Darwinism, to the “war against Christmas” last year.

This has become such an ingrained part of the right wing’s belief system that the Bush Administration has now become the first government in our nation’s history to fight a major war without seeking any sort of national solidarity. [...]

Given this state of permanent culture war, it is not surprising that the Bush White House trotted out the stab-in-the-back myth when its Iraq project began to run out of steam early last summer. It was first given a spin, as usual, by the right’s media shock troops, and directed at both Democratic and renegade Republican lawmakers who had dared to criticize either the strategic conduct of the war or our treatment of detainees. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page opined, “Where the terrorists are gaining ground is in Washington, D.C.” and noted that General John Abizaid, of the U.S. Central Command, had said, “When my soldiers say to me and ask me the question whether or not they’ve got support from the American people or not, that worries me. And they’re starting to do that.”

Again, the link was made. Soldiers of the most powerful army in the history of the world would be actively endangered if they even wondered whether the folks at home were questioning their deployment. The right was looking for a target, and it got one when Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), appalled by an FBI report on the prisons for suspected terrorists at Guantánamo Bay, compared them to those run by “Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others—that had no concern for human beings . . . ”

The right’s response was predictably swift and savage. The Power Line blogger Paul Mirengoff commented that the senator “slanders his own country. Normally that kind of slander is uttered only by revolutionaries seeking the violent overthrow of the government.” Rush Limbaugh harrumphed that “Dick Durbin has just identified who the Democrats are in the year 2005, particularly when it comes to American national security and when it comes to the U.S. military. These are the same people that say they support the troops. This is how they do it, huh? They give aid and comfort to the enemy.”

There is far too much nonsense in this essay to debunk all at once, but note that Mr. Baker apparently thinks that the goofier segments of leftist antiwar criticism actually have no impact on the morale of our soldiers and don't get picked up by people who would enjoy doing us harm. Back outside the confines of the Harper's magazine croissant crowd, Saddam Hussein is sounding remarkably like Air America:

Saddam pins war on Bush, pro-Israel lobby (Bassem Mroue, 7/21/06, AP)

Saddam Hussein said in a letter released Friday that President Bush and pro-Israel groups lied to Americans to justify the Iraq war, and he added that Iran "and its agents" helped facilitate the aggression.

Saddam also urged Americans to "save your country and leave Iraq" in a letter written in prison to the American people and released by his lawyers in Jordan.

"I see that officials of your administration are still lying to you and they still do not give you a true explanation for the reasons that motivated them to rush on the road of aggression against Iraq," Saddam wrote.

Saddam said seven years of U.N. inspections failed to find evidence that Iraq was still trying to build weapons of mass destruction.

"They also exploited the so-called war on terrorism which prevailed in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks" to claim a link between Iraq and al-Qaida, Saddam said. [...]

He said the loss of prestige was due to the "reckless behavior of your government, pushed by Zionism and influential centers of power which led to the commission of these crimes and scandals in order to attain certain interests which do not include the interest of the American people."

Saddam said most Americans could not question U.S. strategy before the war began because "the Zionist people within the (pro-Israel) lobby that was pushing for war" was "deceiving you so you were confused and lost the ability to see the truth as it was."

Now, Saddam said the American people must decide whether to "allow the killing machine to continue grinding the flesh of both the Iraqis and the Americans" or to act "decisively to stop it."

Replace "Zionism" with the typical autopilot ranting about neocons, and you're all set.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:19 PM


Yankees' Mussina rips struggling Rodriguez
(CBC Sports, 21 Jul 2006)

"I don't know what's going on," said a pained Mussina. "I know he's played better. I know he's disappointed in the way he's playing. It's not him right now. We need him back the way he's supposed to be." [...]

"It's a play I should have made," said Rodriguez. "It got away. I just tried to throw it around the runner and kind of pulled it.

"I was a little hesitant. It was hit a little soft but I felt I had a play at home and I think I was right."

However, Mussina didn't mince words when assessing the play.

"All he had to do was throw it on target," he said. "He would have been out by 20 feet."

Mussina was cruising through the first five innings, but gave up three straight hits in the sixth after Rodriguez's blunder.

"It bothers me when it all mounts up like that, especially after pitching so well for five innings," said Mussina. "When you get momentum going like that it's tough to stop."

In fairness to the Yankees and White Sox, it should be observed that they got fat in the first half by facing bad teams and you just aren't going to look as good when you play better ones.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:04 PM


Britain And US Defy Demand For Immediate Ceasefire (Anne Penketh, Ben Russell, Colin Brown and Stephen Castle, 21 July 2006, The Independent)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:34 PM


How Faith Saved the Atheist: Why did the doctors stop asking me to pull the plug? (PAMELA R. WINNICK, July 21, 2006, Opinion Journal)

A medical resident--we called her "Dr. Death"--at the Intensive Care Unit at Long Island's North Shore Hospital chased us down the hallway.

"Your husband wants to die," she told my mother, again. Just minutes before I had asked her to leave us alone. [...]

"Dr. Death" was just one of several. A new resident appeared the next day, this one a bit more diplomatic but again urging us to allow my father to "die with dignity." And the next day came yet another, who opened with the words, "We're getting mixed messages from your family," before I shut him up. I've written extensively about practice of bioethics--which, for the most part, I do not find especially ethical--but never did I dream that our moral compass had gone this far askew. My father, 85, was heading ineluctably toward death. Though unconscious, his brain, as far as anyone could tell, had not been touched by either the cancer or the blood clot. He was not in a "persistent vegetative state" (itself a phrase subject to broad interpretation), that magic point at which family members are required to pull the plug--or risk the accusation that they are right-wing Christians.

I complained about all the death-with-dignity pressure to my father's doctor, an Orthodox Jew, who said that his religion forbids the termination of care but that he would be perfectly willing to "look the other way" if we wanted my father to die. We didn't. Then a light bulb went off in my head. We could devise a strategy to fend off the death-happy residents: We would tell them we were Orthodox Jews.

My little ruse worked. During the few days after I announced this faux fact, it was as though an invisible fence had been drawn around my mother, my sister and me. No one dared mutter that hateful phrase "death with dignity."

Though my father was born to an Orthodox Jewish family, he is an avowed atheist who long ago had rejected his parents' ways. As I sat in the ICU, blips on the various screens the only proof that my father was alive, the irony struck me: My father, who had long ago rejected Orthodox Judaism, was now under its protection.

As though to confirm this, there came a series of miracles. Just a week after he was rushed to ICU, my father was pronounced well enough to be moved out of the unit into North Shore's long-term respiratory care unit. A day later he was off the respirator, able to breathe on his own. He still mostly slept, but then he began to awaken for minutes at a time, at first groggy, but soon he was as alert (and funny) as ever. A day later, we walked in to find him sitting upright in a chair, reading the New York Times.

I've never been one of those Jews who makes facial contortions at the mere mention of the Christian Right; I actually agree with them on some matters. And this experience with my father has given me a new appreciation for the fight many evangelicals have waged against euthanasia.

Nice to know that even angels of death are reticent about trying to convince Jews that they're just offering deliverance.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:31 PM


Bloggers Offer Unusual Take On Raging Conflict: Silence (JENNIFER SIEGEL, July 21, 2006, The Forward)

Bloggers — as the feisty class of Internet pundits are known — love to paint themselves as free-speech warriors who bravely tackle the hard truths that mainstream media outlets either ignore or distort. But as the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah raged on and conventional media outlets covered the news from the ground, major players in the liberal blogosphere were keeping, by their own admission, decidedly quiet.

However, even shutting up the moonbats isn't worth the war.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:31 PM


The killing formula: What is to blame for the growth of Hezbollah? Lebanese-Canadian writer Rawi Hage says it was Israeli bombardments and invasions into Lebanon (RAWI HAGE, 7/21/06, Maclean's)

In Lebanon, Hezbollah are simultaneously respected and feared. They are respected because they were instrumental in ending the Israeli occupation of Lebanon (though they were not the sole resisters to the occupation of the Israelis. Many leftists' forces were also active in the beginning of the resistance movement). Hezbollah are also respected because they never turned their firearms inward, meaning that they never participated in the Lebanese civil war. And they always delivered what they promised, giving them an air of integrity in a region much plagued by corruption and political failure. They are feared because they are a religious party that advocates the dominance of one sect. As a person of non-Muslim background with a secular, social-democratic political affiliation, I wouldn't want to see Hezbollah as the sole ruling party in Lebanon (nor the old Reform party in Canada, for that matter).

But who is to blame for the birth of Hezbollah, if there is anyone to be blamed? In 1978, Israel bombed and invaded the south of Lebanon (on many occasions in retaliation for Palestinian operations), and in the process uprooted olive trees and demolished the houses and infrastructure of the Shiite community who predominantly lived in the south. Historically, in Lebanon, the Shiite community was the most underprivileged. Lebanon's sectarian/feudal society left each community to fend for its own. The Shiites of Lebanon were predominantly the farmers and the poor, with the highest illiteracy rate among all religious communities. With every bombardment and Israeli invasion, more farmers from that community moved to the city as they found it impossible to cultivate their land. Not to mention that Israel did reorient some of the rivers in the area, cutting off irrigation sources to the local farmers.

In 1996, the intensive bombardments by the Israelis drove half a million Shiite refugees to the periphery of the capital, Beirut, to add more refugees to one of the most overpopulated places in Lebanon, what is now known as al-Dahia (pronounced Dahieh in the Lebanese slang). Excluded from receiving social assistance from the government or outside aid, the area became a recruiting ground for religious fundamentalists, who offered social assistance, jobs, schools and hospitals. Hence, the birth of Hezbollah. Ever since, Hezbollah has evolved to become a legitimate party in the Lebanese government, having seats in the parliament, its own TV station (watched by Israelis and Arabs alike) and, as we lately have seen, a well-organized armed force.

One should stress and examine the motives that drove Hezbollah to such a unilateral confrontation with Israel. By doing so, the Party of God had achieved an unprecedented coup d'état on the Lebanese state, taking it by surprise and in the process imposing itself as an independent force that, like most religious fundamentalist parties, in the West and East alike, give a priority and allegiance to God over the nation-state.

Nation-states are never important to those who don't control them, which is why Shi'ism so resembles Judaism and Christianity.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:25 PM


North Korea’s Missiles Backfire: With Beijing and Moscow on the UN sanctions bandwagon, it’s time for a hard decision by Kim Jong Il (Shim Jae Hoon, 18 July 2006, YaleGlobal)

On his first extended meeting some years ago with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il reportedly joked to his host that his weeklong train trip over Siberia had taught him all he needed to know about the new Russia. Judging by Moscow’s and Beijing’s reactions at the United Nations to Kim’s missile threat, that remark may now be seen as misplaced cockiness.

Despite slightly toning the text down at the behest of Russia and China, the UN Security Council issued a unanimous resolution condemning North Korea’s recent series of missile launches in international waters and imposed sanctions – which must have come as a shock to Kim Jong Il. The July 5 launches by North Korea in defiance of international opinion, including its closest ally and neighbor China, proved to be the last straw for Moscow and Beijing, after patiently trying to shield Pyongyang against an enraged international community. More significantly, North Korea’s latest round of missile brinkmanship may have soured its relations with South Korea, whose political and economic support has been invaluable to a nation teetering on the brink of disaster.

The missiles of Summer seem to be falling most heavily on those who launched them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:22 PM


What a Bush veto would mean for stem cells (NANCY GIBBS, ALICE PARK, MIKE ALLEN, MASSIMO CALABRESI, July 17, 2006, TIME)

The good news for all sides is that over the course of this long argument, researchers have learned more about how stem cells work, and the science has outrun the politics. Adult cells, such as those found in bone marrow, were thought to be less valuable than embryonic cells, which are "pluripotent" master cells that can turn into anything from a brain cell to a toenail. But adult cells may be more elastic than scientists thought, and could offer shortcuts to treatment that embryonic cells can't match.

Researchers have discovered that many tissues and organs contain precursor cells that act in many ways like stem cells. The skin, intestines, liver, brain and bone marrow contain these stem cell-- mimicking cells, which could become a reservoir of replacement cells for treating diseases such as leukemias, stroke and some cancers. "Brain stem-cells can make almost all cell types in the brain, and that may be all we need if we want to treat Parkinson's disease or ALS," says Dr. Arnold Kriegstein, who directs the University of California at San Francisco's Institute for Regeneration Medicine. "Embryonic stem cells might not be necessary in those cases." When it comes to treating heart disease, "if you could find a progenitor cell in the adult heart that has the ability to replicate," says Douglas Melton, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, "then it's likely easier to start with that cell than begin with an embryonic stem cell, which has too many options."

Cheerleaders for adult stem-cell research point to progress on everything from spinal-cord injuries to diabetes. Scientists at the University of Minnesota have used umbilical-cord-blood stem cells to improve some neurological function; in a paper published last month, Dr. Carlos Lima in Portugal wrote about restoring some motor function and sensation in a few paralyzed patients. At a recent conference of researchers from around the world, a team from Kyoto University in Japan reported success in taking a skin cell, exposing it to four key growth factors and turning it into an embryo-like entity that produced stem cells--all without using an egg. The Kyoto group has submitted its work for publication, after which it will be open to the scrutiny of the scientific community. If successful, it could turn stem-cell science from a tedious, finicky process into a relatively straightforward chemistry project.

The embryonic stem cells aren't needed, some folks are just in love with Death.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:16 PM


Court voids 'Wal-Mart law': U.S. district judge says Md. violated federal authority (Matthew Dolan, Stephanie Desmon and Andrea Walker, July 19, 2006, Baltimore Sun)

Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.] told reporters Wednesday that he felt vindicated by the court's decision and accused Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Busch of endorsing an anti-business bill that threatened to harm one of the state's largest employers. [...]

The Maryland Fair Share Health Care Fund Act requires that companies with more than 10,000 workers spend at least 8 percent of their payroll for employee health care or make up the difference in an equivalent payment to the state.

Of the four companies that size operating in the state, only Wal- Mart matched the criteria set out in the law, leading the company to charge that it had been singled out unfairly. The law was due to take effect in January 2007.

Lawyers for the state argued that Wal-Mart had options under the new law to pay a tax to the state, estimated at $6 million a year, in lieu of additional health care payments for employees.

That alternative meant the Maryland statute would not conflict with federal law, the state's lawyers claimed.

But in February, a trade group filed suit in federal court on behalf of the Wal-Mart to strike down the law as passed, saying federal rules don't allow states to spell out how companies allocate benefits.

In the 32-page decision released Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge J. Frederick Motz largely agreed, writing that his ruling adhered to "long established Supreme Court law that state laws which impose employee health or welfare mandates on employers are invalid under" the federal Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, known as ERISA.

Motz, who was nominated to the bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1985, further ruled that the law harmed Wal-Mart by requiring the company to make reports to the state about its payroll and health care contributions, a requirement that was not imposed on other employers in the state.

Those problems were enough to doom the law, the judge ruled.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:14 PM


Count Ethnic Divisions, Not Bombs, to Tell if a Nation Will Recover From War (AUSTAN GOOLSBEE, 7/20/06, NY Times)

WITH repeated Shiite and Sunni killings in Iraq, the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel, Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, the assaults by the Taliban and counterassaults by American forces in Afghanistan, and a train bombing in India, it has been quite a fortnight for at least two of the horsemen of the apocalypse — war and death.

With little prospect of a quick resolution to most of these conflicts, perhaps it is worth looking at the long-run prospects for these nations once the wars actually end (assuming that they do end, of course).

The good news is that history suggests that the destruction of war has no lasting impact on economic prospects. The bad news is that most of these countries, especially Iraq, are filled with ethnic divisions and civil discord. The evidence shows that these problems, unlike bombs, cause lasting damage to the prospects for a nation’s economy, even if they do not boil over into civil war.

There's nothing real about these states to begin with--they're just creations of colonial powers. The quicker they devolve into their constituent and coherent parts the better.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:05 PM


Hostage to Hezbollah: Lesson for Nasrallah: "The violence done to Lebanon shall overwhelm you." (FOUAD AJAMI, July 21, 2006, Opinion Journal)

Nasrallah's brazen deed was, in the man's calculus, an invitation to an exchange of prisoners. Now, the man who triggered this crisis stands exposed as an Iranian proxy, doing the bidding of Tehran and Damascus. He had confidently asserted that "sources" in Israel had confided to Hezbollah that Israel's government would not strike into Lebanon because Hezbollah held northern Israel hostage to its rockets, and that the demand within Israel for an exchange of prisoners would force Ehud Olmert's hand. The time of the "warrior class" in Israel had passed, Nasrallah believed, and this new Israeli government, without decorated soldiers and former generals, was likely to capitulate. Now this knowingness has been exposed for the delusion it was.

There was steel in Israel and determination to be done with Hezbollah's presence on the border. States can't--and don't--share borders with militias. That abnormality on the Lebanese-Israeli border is sure not to survive this crisis. One way or other, the Lebanese army will have to take up its duty on the Lebanon-Israel border. By the time the dust settles, this terrible summer storm will have done what the Lebanese government had been unable to do on its own.

In his cocoon, Nasrallah did not accurately judge the temper of his own country to begin with. No less a figure than the hereditary leader of the Druze community, Walid Jumblatt, was quick to break with Hezbollah, and to read this crisis as it really is. "We had been trying for months," he said, "to spring our country out of the Syrian-Iranian trap, and here we are forcibly pushed into that trap again." In this two-front war--Hamas's in the Palestinian territories and Hezbollah's in Lebanon--Mr. Jumblatt saw the fine hand of the Syrian regime attempting to retrieve its dominion in Lebanon, and to forestall the international investigations of its reign of terror in that country.

In the same vein, a broad coalition of anti-Syrian Lebanese political parties and associations that had come together in the aftermath of the assassination last year of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, called into question the very rationale of this operation, and its timing: "Is it Lebanon's fate to endure the killing of its citizens and the destruction of its economy and its tourist season in order to serve the interests of empty nationalist slogans?"

In retrospect, Ehud Barak's withdrawal from Israel's "security zone" in southern Lebanon in the summer of 2000 had robbed Hezbollah of its raison d'être. [...]

[N]asrallah was in the end just the Lebanese face of Hezbollah. Those who know the workings of the movement with intimacy believe that operational control is in the hands of Iranian agents, that Hezbollah is fully subservient to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The hope that Hezbollah would "go Lebanese," and "go local," was thus set aside. At any rate, Nasrallah and his lieutenants did not trust the new Lebanon to make the ample room that a country at war--and within the orbit of Syria--had hitherto made for them in the time of disorder. Though the Shiites had risen in Lebanon, there remains in them a great deal of brittleness, a sense of social inadequacy relative to the more privileged communities in the country.

If true, the irony would be that what Hezbollah requires is a more nationalistic leader to vindicate the desire of a Shi'ite state in Southern Lebanon

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:55 PM


War Fair: THE ETHICS OF BATTLE (Michael Walzer, 07.19.06, New Republic)

It is an important principle of just war theory that justice, though it rules out many ways of fighting, cannot rule out fighting itself--since fighting is sometimes morally and politically necessary. A military response to the capture of the three Israeli soldiers wasn't, literally, necessary; in the past, Israel has negotiated instead of fighting and then exchanged prisoners. But, since Hamas and Hezbollah describe the captures as legitimate military operations--acts of war--they can hardly claim that further acts of war, in response, are illegitimate. The further acts have to be proportional, but Israel's goal is to prevent future raids, as well as to rescue the soldiers, so proportionality must be measured not only against what Hamas and Hezbollah have already done, but also against what they are (and what they say they are) trying to do.

The most important Israeli goal in both the north and the south is to prevent rocket attacks on its civilian population, and, here, its response clearly meets the requirements of necessity. The first purpose of any state is to defend the lives of its citizens; no state can tolerate random rocket attacks on its cities and towns. Some 700 rockets have been fired from northern Gaza since the Israeli withdrawal a year ago--imagine the U.S. response if a similar number were fired at Buffalo and Detroit from some Canadian no-man's-land. It doesn't matter that, so far, the Gazan rockets have done minimal damage; the intention every time one is fired is to hit a home or a school, and, sooner or later, that intention will be realized. Israel has waited a long time for the Palestinian Authority and the Lebanese government to deal with the rocket fire from Gaza and the rocket build-up on the Lebanese border. In the latter case, it has also waited for the United Nations, which has a force in southern Lebanon that is mandated to "restore international peace and security" but has nonetheless watched the positioning of thousands of rockets and has done nothing. A couple of years ago, the Security Council passed a resolution calling for the disarming of Hezbollah; its troops, presumably, have noticed that this didn't happen. Now Israel has rightly decided that it has no choice except to take out the rockets itself. But, again, how can it do that?

The crucial argument is about the Palestinian use of civilians as shields. Academic philosophers have written at great length about "innocent shields," since these radically exploited (but sometimes, perhaps, compliant) men and women pose a dilemma that tests the philosophers' dialectical skills. Israeli soldiers are not required to have dialectical skills, but, on the one hand, they are expected to do everything they can to prevent civilian deaths, and, on the other hand, they are expected to fight against an enemy that hides behind civilians. So (to quote a famous line from Trotsky), they may not be interested in the dialectic, but the dialectic is interested in them.

There is no neat solution to their dilemma. When Palestinian militants launch rocket attacks from civilian areas, they are themselves responsible--and no one else is--for the civilian deaths caused by Israeli counterfire. But (the dialectical argument continues) Israeli soldiers are required to aim as precisely as they can at the militants, to take risks in order to do that, and to call off counterattacks that would kill large numbers of civilians. That last requirement means that, sometimes, the Palestinian use of civilian shields, though it is a cruel and immoral way of fighting, is also an effective way of fighting. It works, because it is both morally right and politically intelligent for the Israelis to minimize--and to be seen trying to minimize--civilian casualties. Still, minimizing does not mean avoiding entirely: Civilians will suffer so long as no one on the Palestinian side (or the Lebanese side) takes action to stop rocket attacks. From that side, though not from the Israeli side, what needs to be done could probably be done without harm to civilians. [...]

Until there is an effective Lebanese army and a Palestinian government that believes in co-existence, Israel is entitled to act, within the dialectical limits, on its own behalf.

Too bad we couldn't get Mr. Walzer for yesterday's discussion, but we were fortunate enough to get to use one of his essays in the book.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:46 PM


Bush Uses First Veto to Reject Stem Cell Legislation (Bloomberg, 7/19/06)

"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others,'' Bush said at the White House, flanked by families with children who had been adopted as frozen embryos. "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.'' [...]

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, a Democrat and one of the measure's sponsors, said Bush was setting himself up as a "moral ayatollah.''

The veto is not based on constitutional or legal objections, Harkin said. ``He is vetoing it because he says he believes it is immoral,'' Harkin said. ``Mr. President, you are not our moral ayatollah, maybe the president nothing more.''

A surprisingly insightful analysis by Mr. Harkin of why Europe will be a better place after Islam takes over.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:52 AM


Evolution and Me: ‘The Darwinian theory has become an all-purpose obstacle to thought rather
than an enabler of scientific advance’ (George Gilder, July 17, 2006, National Review)

I first became conscious that something was awry in Darwinian science some 40 years ago as I was writing my early critique of sexual liberation, Sexual Suicide (revised and republished as Men and Marriage). At the time, the publishing world was awash with such titles as Desmond Morris’s The Naked Ape and The Human Zoo and Robert Ardrey’s African Genesis, which touted or pruriently probed the animality of human beings. Particularly impressive to me was The Imperial Animal, a Darwinian scholarly work by two anthropologists aptly named Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox that gave my theory of sex roles a panoply of primatological support, largely based on the behavior of patriarchal hamadryas baboons.

Darwinism seemed to offer me and its other male devotees a long-sought tool — resembling the x-ray glasses lamentably found elsewhere only in cartoons — for stripping away the distracting décor of clothing and the political underwear of ideology worn by feminists and other young women of the day. Using this swashbuckling scheme of fitness and survival, nature “red in tooth and claw,” we could reveal our ideological nemeses as naked mammals on the savannah to be ruled and protected by hunting parties of macho males, rather like us.

In actually writing and researching Sexual Suicide, however, I was alarmed to discover that both sides could play the game of telling just-so stories. In The Descent of Woman, Elaine Morgan showed humans undulating from the tides as amphibious apes mostly led by females. Jane Goodall croodled about the friendliness of “our closest relatives,” the chimpanzees, and movement feminists flogged research citing the bonobo and other apes as chiefly matriarchal and frequently homosexual.

These evolutionary sex wars were mostly unresolvable because, at its root, Darwinian theory is tautological. What survives is fit; what is fit survives. While such tautologies ensure the consistency of any arguments based on them, they could contribute little to an analysis of what patterns of behavior and what ideals and aspirations were conducive to a good and productive society. Almost by definition, Darwinism is a materialist theory that banishes aspirations and ideals from the picture. As an all-purpose tool of reductionism that said that whatever survives is, in some way, normative, Darwinism could inspire almost any modern movement, from the eugenic furies of Nazism to the feminist crusades of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. [...]

Based as it is on ideas, a computer is intrinsically an object of intelligent design. Every silicon chip holds as many as 700 layers of implanted chemicals in patterns defined with nanometer precision and then is integrated with scores of other chips by an elaborately patterned architecture of wires and switches all governed by layers of software programming written by human beings. Equally planned and programmed are all the computers running the models of evolution and “artificial life” that are central to neo-Darwinian research. Everywhere on the apparatus and in the “genetic algorithms” appear the scientist’s fingerprints: the “fitness functions” and “target sequences.” These algorithms prove what they aim to refute: the need for intelligence and teleology (targets) in any creative process.

I came to see that the computer offers an insuperable obstacle to Darwinian materialism. In a computer, as information theory shows, the content is manifestly independent of its material substrate. No possible knowledge of the computer’s materials can yield any information whatsoever about the actual content of its computations. In the usual hierarchy of causation, they reflect the software or “source code” used to program the device; and, like the design of the computer itself, the software is contrived by human intelligence.

The failure of purely physical theories to describe or explain information reflects Shannon’s concept of entropy and his measure of “news.” Information is defined by its independence from physical determination: If it is determined, it is predictable and thus by definition not information. Yet Darwinian science seemed to be reducing all nature to material causes.

As I pondered this materialist superstition, it became increasingly clear to me that in all the sciences I studied, information comes first, and regulates the flesh and the world, not the other way around. The pattern seemed to echo some familiar wisdom. Could it be, I asked myself one day in astonishment, that the opening of St. John’s Gospel, In the beginning was the Word, is a central dogma of modern science?

In raising this question I was not affirming a religious stance. At the time it first occurred to me, I was still a mostly secular intellectual. But after some 35 years of writing and study in science and technology, I can now affirm the principle empirically. Salient in virtually every technical field — from quantum theory and molecular biology to computer science and economics — is an increasing concern with the word. It passes by many names: logos, logic, bits, bytes, mathematics, software, knowledge, syntax, semantics, code, plan, program, design, algorithm, as well as the ubiquitous “information.” In every case, the information is independent of its physical embodiment or carrier. [...]

Darwin’s critics are sometimes accused of confusing methodological materialism with philosophical materialism, but this is in fact a characteristic error of Darwin’s advocates. Multiverse theory itself is based on a methodological device invented by Richard Feynman, one that “reifies” math and sees it as a physical reality. (It’s an instance of what Whitehead called “the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.”) Feynman proposed the mapping of electron paths by assuming the electron took all possible routes, and then calculating the interference patterns that result among their wave functions. This method was a great success. But despite some dabbling as a youth in many-worlds theory, Feynman in his prime was too shrewd to suggest that the electron actually took all the possible paths, let alone to accept the theory that these paths compounded into entire separate universes.

Under the pressure of nothing buttery, though, scientists attempt to explain the exquisite hierarchies of life and knowledge through the flat workings of physics and chemistry alone. Information theory says this isn’t possible if there’s just one universe, and an earth that existed for only 400 million years before the emergence of cells. But if there are infinite numbers of universes all randomly tossing the dice, absolutely anything is possible. The Peers perform a prestidigitory shuffle of the cosmoses and place themselves, by the “anthropic principle,” in a privileged universe where life prevails on Darwinian terms. The Peers save the random mutations of nothing buttery by rendering all science arbitrary and stochastic.

Science still falls far short of developing satisfactory explanations of many crucial phenomena, such as human consciousness, the Big Bang, the superluminal quantum entanglement of photons across huge distances, even the bioenergetics of the brain of a fly in eluding the swatter. The more we learn about the universe the more wide-open the horizons of mystery. The pretense that Darwinian evolution is a complete theory of life is a huge distraction from the limits and language, the rigor and grandeur, of real scientific discovery. Observes Nobel-laureate physicist Robert Laughlin of Stanford: “The Darwinian theory has become an all-purpose obstacle to thought rather than an enabler of scientific advance.”

Which is what makes them such boorish monomaniacs.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:03 AM


The backward veto (Seattle Times, 7/21/06)

President Bush's veto of an effort to expand federally funded embryonic stem-cell research shows once again how far he is willing to go to appease religious conservatives and set our country backward.

Once again, private religious beliefs drive public policy.

At least they acknowledge that signing the bill would have required setting aside one's religious beliefs. If you're going to advocate amorality it's best to do so honestly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:50 AM


In Mideast Strife, Bush Sees a Step To Peace (Michael Abramowitz, 7/21/06, Washington Post)

As the president's position is described by White House officials, Bush associates and outside Middle East experts, Bush believes that the status quo -- the presence in a sovereign country of a militant group with missiles capable of hitting a U.S. ally -- is unacceptable.

The U.S. position also reflects Bush's deepening belief that Israel is central to the broader campaign against terrorists and represents a shift away from a more traditional view that the United States plays an "honest broker's" role in the Middle East.

In the administration's view, the new conflict is not just a crisis to be managed. It is also an opportunity to seriously degrade a big threat in the region, just as Bush believes he is doing in Iraq. Israel's crippling of Hezbollah, officials also hope, would complete the work of building a functioning democracy in Lebanon and send a strong message to the Syrian and Iranian backers of Hezbollah.

"The president believes that unless you address the root causes of the violence that has afflicted the Middle East, you cannot forge a lasting peace," said White House counselor Dan Bartlett. "He mourns the loss of every life. Yet out of this tragic development, he believes a moment of clarity has arrived."

One former senior administration official said Bush is only emboldened by the pressure from U.N. officials and European leaders to lead a call for a cease-fire. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan demanded yesterday that the fighting in Lebanon stop.

"He thinks he is playing in a longer-term game than the tacticians," said the former official, who spoke anonymously so he could discuss his views candidly. "The tacticians would say: 'Get an immediate cease-fire. Deal first with the humanitarian factors.' The president would say: 'You have an opportunity to really grind down Hezbollah. Let's take it, even if there are other serious consequences that will have to be managed.' "

Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress, said Bush's statements reflect an unambiguous view of the situation. "He doesn't seem to allow his vision to be clouded in any way," said Rosen, a Democrat who has come to admire Bush's Middle East policy. "It follows suit. Israel is in the right. Hezbollah is in the wrong. Terrorists have to be eliminated, and he sees Israel fighting the war he would fight against terrorism."

honest broker (Answers.com)

A neutral agent, as in mediation: “enhanced Canada's position as honest broker in the Commonwealth” (Kenneth McNaught).

Imagine trying to explain to a normal American that we are neutral as between Israel & Hezbollah?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:19 AM


America's New Strategic Partner?: Over the last year, the U.S. and Indian governments struck a deal that recognizes India as a nuclear weapons power. Critics say Washington gave up too much too soon and at a great cost to nonproliferation efforts. Perhaps. But India could in time become a valuable security partner. So despite the deal's flaws and the uncertainties surrounding its implementation, Washington should move forward with it. (Ashton B. Carter, July/August 2006, Foreign Affairs)

Previous U.S. administrations adopted the stance that India's nuclear arsenal, which was first tested in 1974, was illegitimate and should be eliminated or at least seriously constrained. They did so for two reasons. First, they feared that legitimating the Indian arsenal might spur an arms race in Asia because Pakistan, India's archrival, and China might be tempted to keep pace with India's activities. Second, Washington wanted to stick strictly to the principles underlying the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT): parties to the treaty could engage in peaceful nuclear commerce; states that stood outside the NPT regime, such as India, could not. U.S. policymakers feared that compromising these principles might both give states with nuclear aspirations reason to think they could get around the NPT if they waited long enough and dishearten those other states that loyally supported the treaty against proliferators.

A stance, however, is not a policy. And eliminating India's arsenal became an increasingly unrealistic stance when Pakistan went nuclear in the 1980s -- and then became a fantasy in 1998, when India tested five bombs underground and openly declared itself a nuclear power. After India's tests, the Clinton administration sought to nudge New Delhi in directions that would limit counteractions by China and Pakistan and above all prevent an Indo-Pakistani nuclear war. All the while Washington firmly maintained that U.S. recognition of India's nuclear status was a long way off. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, which prompted Washington to take a fresh look at U.S. policies in South Asia, the Bush administration first reached out to Pakistan to secure its help against Islamist terrorists.

But then it also turned toward New Delhi, and in the summer of 2005 finally granted India de facto nuclear recognition. In a stroke, Washington thereby invited India to join the ranks of China, France, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom -- the victors of World War II -- as a legitimate wielder of the influence that nuclear weapons confer. When, earlier this year, the Bush administration negotiated the specific terms of its nuclear arrangement with New Delhi, Washington abandoned, against the advice of nonproliferation specialists, any efforts to condition the deal on constraints that would keep India from further increasing its nuclear arsenal.

Under the terms of the deal, the United States commits to behave, and urge other states to behave, as if India were a nuclear weapons state under the NPT, even though India has not signed the treaty and will not be required to do so. (Even if the Bush administration had wished to make India a de jure nuclear weapons state under the NPT, such a change probably would not have been possible, as it would have required unanimous approval by all 188 parties to the treaty.) Washington has also undertaken to stop denying civil nuclear technology to India and has determined to require India to apply the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) only to nuclear facilities it designates as being for purely civil purposes. India is now also authorized to import uranium, the lack of which had long stalled the progress of its nuclear program.

Nuclear recognition will bring enormous political benefits to the Indian government. Naturally, the deal is popular with domestic constituencies, which were already well disposed toward the United States. (In 2005, a poll by the Pew Research Center found that 71 percent of Indian respondents had a favorable view of the United States -- the highest percentage among the 15 leading nations polled.) Singh supporters in the National Congress Party have downplayed the importance of the few obligations that India has undertaken, such as the commitment to voluntarily subject some of its nuclear facilities to inspections, a routine practice in all the other recognized nuclear states, including the United States. Criticism from the opposition BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) has been narrow and technical -- and it probably reflects the BJP's chagrin that the agreement was secured while the National Congress Party was in power. Although some members of the marginal Left Front parties have criticized the terms of the deal, their complaints have smacked of antiquated NAM politics, and the detractors are unlikely to be able to block the deal's approval by the Indian Parliament. Barring the imposition of new conditions by the U.S. Congress, the deal is thus likely to sail through the legislature in India.

American critics of the deal contend that India's past behavior does not warrant this free pass. They argue that Washington should at least ask India to stop making fissile material for bombs, as the NPT's acknowledged nuclear powers have already done, rather than wait for the proposed fissile Material Cutoff Treaty to come into existence. Others contend that India should be required to place more nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards, to prevent any diversion of fissile materials from its nuclear power program to its nuclear weapons program. Still others want India to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty rather than be allowed merely to abide by a unilateral moratorium on further underground testing, as it has done since 1998.

The Indian government, backed by Indian public opinion, has resisted all attempts to impose such technical constraints on its nuclear arsenal. So far, the U.S. government has effectively supported New Delhi's position by insisting that the India deal is not an arms control treaty but a broader strategic agreement. The Bush administration has described the nuclear issue as the "basic irritant" in U.S.-Indian relations and has argued that once the issue is out of the way, India will become a responsible stakeholder in the nonproliferation regime, jettison its vestigial NAM posturing, take a more normal place in the diplomatic world -- and become a strategic partner of the United States. [...]

The real benefits of the India deal for Washington lie in the significant gains, especially in terms of security, that the broader strategic relationship could deliver down the road. For one thing, with New Delhi as an informal ally, Washington should expect to have India's help in curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions, even if India's assistance would risk compromising its friendly relations with Iran. There have been some promising signs. At meetings of the IAEA Board of Governors over the past year, India joined the United States and its European partners in finding that Iran had violated its NPT obligations and then in referring the matter to the un Security Council -- two welcome signs that India supports the international campaign to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions. Whether India actively cooperates with the United States against Iran or persists in offering rhetorical support for the spread of nuclear-fuel-cycle activities (uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing) will be the clearest test of whether nuclear recognition "brings India into the mainstream" of nonproliferation policy, as the Bush administration predicts will happen.

The United States will also want India's assistance in dealing with a range of dangerous contingencies involving Pakistan. Pakistan's stock of nuclear weapons, along with Russia's, is the focus of urgent concern about nuclear terrorism. Whatever version of the A. Q. Khan story one believes -- that the Pakistani government and military were unaware of Khan's activities or that they permitted them -- its moral is worrisome. It suggests that terrorists could buy or steal the materials (namely, plutonium or enriched uranium) necessary to building nuclear bombs from Pakistan thanks to diversion by radical elements in the Pakistani elite or if the Musharraf regime crumbles. And if an incident were to originate in Pakistan, the United States would want to respond in concert with as many regional players as possible, including India.

Such risks are still difficult for Washington and New Delhi to acknowledge publicly, however, as both governments try to maintain a delicately balanced relationship with Islamabad. The United States needs Pervez Musharraf's support to search for Osama bin Laden and other terrorists on Pakistani territory, prevent the radicalization of Pakistan's population, and stabilize Afghanistan; it can ill afford to be perceived as tilting too far toward India. The Indian government, for its part, also seems intent on improving its relations with Islamabad. But it is still reeling from the fallout of the bombings on the Indian Parliament last year, which have been attributed to Pakistani terrorists. And India, too, could be a victim of loose nukes in the event of disorder in Pakistan.

Down the road, the United States might also want India to serve as a counterweight to China. No one wishes to see China and the United States fall into a strategic contest, but no one can rule out the possibility of such a competition. The evolution of U.S.-Chinese relations will depend on the attitudes of China's younger generation and new leaders, on Chinese and U.S. policies, and on unpredictable events such as a possible crisis over Taiwan. For now, the United States and India are largely eager to improve trade with China and are careful not to antagonize it. But it is reasonable for them to want to hedge against any downturn in relations with China by improving their relations with each other. Neither government wishes to talk publicly, let alone take actions now, to advance this shared interest, but they very well might in the future.

The India deal could also bring the United States more direct benefits, militarily and economically. Washington expects the intensification of military-to-military contacts and hopes eventually to gain the cooperation of India in disaster-relief efforts, humanitarian interventions, peacekeeping missions, and postconflict reconstruction efforts, including even operations not mandated by or commanded by the United Nations, operations in which India has historically refused to participate. Judging from the evolution of the United States' security partnerships with states in Europe and Asia, the anticipation of such joint action could lead over time to joint military planning and exercises, the sharing of intelligence, and even joint military capabilities. U.S. military forces may also seek access to strategic locations through Indian territory and perhaps basing rights there. Ultimately, India could even provide U.S. forces with "over-the-horizon" bases for contingencies in the Middle East.

On the economic front, as India expands its civilian nuclear capacity and modernizes its military, the United States stands to gain preferential treatment for U.S. industries. The India deal theoretically creates economic opportunities in the construction of nuclear reactors and other power infrastructure in India. These should not be exaggerated, however. The United States would have to secure preferences at the expense of Russian and European competitors and would need to persuade India's scientific community to focus its nuclear power expansion on conventional reactors rather than on the type of exotic and expensive technologies (for example, fast-breeder reactors) it currently favors. India is also expected to increase the scale and sophistication of its military, in part by purchasing weapons systems from abroad. The United States can reasonably anticipate some preferential treatment for U.S. vendors. Early discussions have concerned the sale of f-16 and f-18 tactical aircraft and p-3c maritime surveillance aircraft.

In addition to the excellent piece on the Shi'a (below), this edition of Foreign Affairs has a series of good essays on India. This one is pretty amusing in the way it tries to argue both that the President gave away too much and that we stand to gain a tremendous amount from the new alliance.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:10 AM


When the Shiites Rise (Vali Nasr, July/August 2006, Foreign Affairs)

The war in Iraq has profoundly changed the Middle East, although not in the ways that Washington had anticipated. When the U.S. government toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, it thought regime change would help bring democracy to Iraq and then to the rest of the region. The Bush administration thought of politics as the relationship between individuals and the state, and so it failed to recognize that people in the Middle East see politics also as the balance of power among communities. Rather than viewing the fall of Saddam as an occasion to create a liberal democracy, therefore, many Iraqis viewed it as an opportunity to redress injustices in the distribution of power among the country's major communities. By liberating and empowering Iraq's Shiite majority, the Bush administration helped launch a broad Shiite revival that will upset the sectarian balance in Iraq and the Middle East for years to come.

There is no such thing as pan-Shiism, or even a unified leadership for the community, but Shiites share a coherent religious view: since splitting off from the Sunnis in the seventh century over a disagreement about who the Prophet Muhammad's legitimate successors were, they have developed a distinct conception of Islamic laws and practices. And the sheer size of their population today makes them a potentially powerful constituency. Shiites account for about 90 percent of Iranians, some 70 percent of the people living in the Persian Gulf region, and approximately 50 percent of those in the arc from Lebanon to Pakistan -- some 140 million people in all. Many, long marginalized from power, are now clamoring for greater rights and more political influence. Recent events in Iraq have already mobilized the Shiites of Saudi Arabia (about 10 percent of the population); during the 2005 Saudi municipal elections, turnout in Shiite-dominated regions was twice as high as it was elsewhere. Hassan al-Saffar, the leader of the Saudi Shiites, encouraged them to vote by comparing Saudi Arabia to Iraq and implying that Saudi Shiites too stood to benefit from participating. The mantra "one man, one vote," which galvanized Shiites in Iraq, is resonating elsewhere. The Shiites of Lebanon (who amount to about 45 percent of the country's population) have touted the formula, as have the Shiites in Bahrain (who represent about 75 percent of the population there), who will cast their ballots in parliamentary elections in the fall.

Iraq's liberation has also generated new cultural, economic, and political ties among Shiite communities across the Middle East. Since 2003, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims, coming from countries ranging from Lebanon to Pakistan, have visited Najaf and other holy Shiite cities in Iraq, creating transnational networks of seminaries, mosques, and clerics that tie Iraq to every other Shiite community, including, most important, that of Iran. Pictures of Iran's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the Lebanese cleric Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah (often referred to as Hezbollah's spiritual leader) are ubiquitous in Bahrain, for example, where open displays of Shiite piety have been on the rise and once-timid Shiite clerics now flaunt traditional robes and turbans. The Middle East that will emerge from the crucible of the Iraq war may not be more democratic, but it will definitely be more Shiite.

It may also be more fractious. Just as the Iraqi Shiites' rise to power has brought hope to Shiites throughout the Middle East, so has it bred anxiety among the region's Sunnis. De-Baathification, which removed significant obstacles to the Shiites' assumption of power in Iraq, is maligned as an important cause of the ongoing Sunni insurgency. The Sunni backlash has begun to spread far beyond Iraq's borders, from Syria to Pakistan, raising the specter of a broader struggle for power between the two groups that could threaten stability in the region. King Abdullah of Jordan has warned that a new "Shiite crescent" stretching from Beirut to Tehran might cut through the Sunni-dominated Middle East.

Stemming adversarial sectarian politics will require satisfying Shiite demands while placating Sunni anger and alleviating Sunni anxiety, in Iraq and throughout the region. This delicate balancing act will be central to Middle Eastern politics for the next decade. It will also redefine the region's relations with the United States. What the U.S. government sows in Iraq, it will reap in Bahrain, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf.

Yet the emerging Shiite revival need not be a source of concern for the United States, even though it has rattled some U.S. allies in the Middle East. In fact, it presents Washington with new opportunities to pursue its interests in the region. Building bridges with the region's Shiites could become the one clear achievement of Washington's tortured involvement in Iraq. Succeeding at that task, however, would mean engaging Iran, the country with the world's largest Shiite population and a growing regional power, which has a vast and intricate network of influence among the Shiites across the Middle East, most notably in Iraq. U.S.-Iranian relations today tend to center on nuclear issues and the militant rhetoric of Iran's leadership. But set against the backdrop of the war in Iraq, they also have direct implications for the political future of the Shiites and that of the Middle East itself. [...]

Just five years ago, Iran was still surrounded by a wall of hostile Sunni regimes: Iraq and Saudi Arabia to the west, Pakistan and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan to the east. Iranians have welcomed the collapse of the Sunni wall, and they see the rise of Shiites in the region as a safeguard against the return of aggressive Sunni-backed nationalism. They are particularly relieved by Saddam's demise, because Iraq had been a preoccupation of Iranian foreign policy for much of the five decades since the Iraqi monarchy fell to Arab nationalism in 1958. Baathist Iraq worried the shah and threatened the Islamic Republic. The Iran-Iraq War dominated the first decade of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's revolution, ravaged Iran's economy, and scarred Iranian society.

If there is an Iranian grand strategy in Iraq today, it is to ensure that Iraq does not reemerge as a threat and that the anti-Iranian Arab nationalism championed by Sunnis does not regain primacy. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and many leaders of the Revolutionary Guards, all veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, see the pacification of Iraq as the fulfillment of a strategic objective they missed during that conflict. Iranians also believe that a Shiite-run Iraq would be a source of security; they take it as an axiom that Shiite countries do not go to war with one another.

All this is small consolation for the Sunnis in the region, who remember the consequences of Iran's ideological aspirations in the 1980s -- and now worry about its new regional ambitions. A quarter century ago, Tehran supported Shiite parties, militias, and insurgencies in Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. The Iranian Revolution combined Shiite identity with radical anti-Westernism, as reflected in the hostage crisis of 1979, the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, and Tehran's continued support for international terrorism. In the end, the Iranian Revolution fell short of its goals, and except for in Lebanon, the Shiite resurgence that it inspired came to naught.

Some say the Islamic Republic is now a tired dictatorship. Others, however, worry about the resurgence of Iran's regional ambitions, fueled this time not by ideology but by nationalism. Tehran sees itself as a regional power and the center of a Persian and Shiite zone of influence stretching from Mesopotamia to Central Asia. Freed from the menace of the Taliban in Afghanistan and of Saddam in Iraq, Iran is riding the crest of the wave of Shiite revival, aggressively pursuing nuclear power and demanding international recognition of its interests.

Leaders in Tehran who want to create a greater zone of Iranian influence -- something akin to Russia's concept of "the near abroad" -- view Tehran's activities in southern Iraq as a manifestation of Iran's great-power status. Yet none of them holds on to Khomeini's dream of ruling over Iraq's Shiites. Rather, Tehran's goal in southern Iraq is to exert the type of economic, cultural, and political influence it has wielded in western Afghanistan since the 1990s. Although Tehran clearly expects to play a major role in Iraq, it may not aim -- or be able -- to turn the country into another Islamic republic. [...]

Iran's aspirations leave Washington and Tehran in a complicated, testy face-off. After all, Iran has benefited greatly from U.S.-led regime changes in Kabul and Baghdad. But Washington could hamper the consolidation of Tehran's influence in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and the U.S. military's presence in the region threatens the Islamic Republic. In Iraq especially, the two governments' short-term goals seem to be at odds: whereas Washington wants out of the mess, Tehran is not unhappy to see U.S. forces mired there.

So far, Tehran has favored a policy of controlled chaos in Iraq, as a way to keep the U.S. government bogged down and so dampen its enthusiasm for seeking regime change in Iran. This strategy makes the current situation in Iraq very different from that in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in late 2001, when Iran worked with the United States to cobble together the government of Hamid Karzai. Tehran cooperated with Washington at the time largely because it needed to: its Persian-speaking and Shiite clients in Afghanistan made up only a minority of the population and were in no position to protect Iran's interests. Tehran's calculus in the aftermath of the Iraq war has been different. Not only do Iran's immediate interests not align with those of the United States, but Tehran's position in Iraq is stronger than it was in Afghanistan thanks to the majority status of Shiites in Iraq. Seeing the Bush doctrine proved wrong in Iraq would be an indirect way for Iran's leaders to discredit Washington's calls for regime change in Tehran. Their recent willingness to escalate tensions with Washington over Iran's nuclear activities suggests that they believe they have largely succeeded in this goal; Iran is now stronger relative to the United States than it was on the eve of the Iraq war.

And yet, in the longer term, U.S. and Iranian interests in Iraq may well converge. Both Washington and Tehran want lasting stability there: Washington, because it wants a reason to bail out; Tehran, because stability in its backyard would secure its position at home and its influence throughout the region. Iran has much to fear from a civil war in Iraq. The fighting could polarize the region and suck in Tehran, as well as spill over into the Arab, Baluchi, and Kurdish regions of Iran, where ethnic tensions have been rising. As former Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Maleki has put it, chaos in Iraq "does not help Iranian national interest. If your neighbor's house is on fire, it means your home is also in danger." Clearly wary, Tehran has braced itself for greater troubles by appointing a majority of its provincial governors from the ranks of its security officials and Revolutionary Guard commanders.

Two groups within Iran could help convince the Iranian leadership that cooperation with Washington is in its interest. The first are Iraqi refugees, who act as a lobby for Iraqi Shiite interests in Tehran. They have encouraged Iran to pursue talks with the United States over Iraq, partly because they view Washington and Tehran as the twin pillars of their power in Iraq. The escalation of tensions between the two governments would not serve the interests of Iraqi Shiites, and that lobby does not want to see Iraq become hostage to the international standoff over Iran's nuclear program. The second important constituency is made up of the many Iranians who are greatly concerned about the sanctity of Iraq's shrine cities. Every major bombing in Najaf and Karbala so far has claimed Iranian lives. The Iranian public expects Tehran to ensure the security of those cities; its influence has already provided Khamenei with a pretext for publicly endorsing direct talks with Washington over Iraq.

Still, Iran will actively seek stability in Iraq only when it no longer benefits from controlled chaos there, that is, when it no longer feels threatened by the United States' presence. Iran's long-term interests in Iraq are not inherently at odds with those of the United States; it is current U.S. policy toward Iran that has set the countries' respective Iraq policies on a collision course. Thus a key challenge for Washington in Iraq is to recalibrate its overall stance toward Iran and engage Tehran in helping to address Iraq's most pressing problems.

President Bush's actions in the WoT have generally reflected a recognition that it is the Shi'a who are our allies in the region, but his rhetoric hasn't matched up, leaving open the question of whether he truly understands the effects of his own policies and the strategy we ought to be pursuing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:06 AM

TWO SEEMS AMPLE (via Kevin Whited):

Iraqis dismiss split, approve of al-Maliki (David R. Sands, July 19, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Iraqis overwhelmingly reject a breakup of their country along religious or ethnic lines and see some hope for progress with the formation of the new unity government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, according to a nationwide poll being released today.

The mid-June survey of nearly 3,000 Iraqis, conducted for the Washington-based International Republican Institute (IRI), found that 78 percent of Iraqis either disagree or "strongly disagree" with the idea of segregating the country by religious or ethnic sect.

Large majorities in both Sunni and Shi'ite Arab regions of the country rejected the idea, while reaction was more mixed in the Kurdish-dominated north.

About 55 percent of Iraqis approved of the job Mr. al-Maliki had done in his first month, compared with 20 percent who disapproved and an additional 25 percent who had no opinion or declined to answer.

The real question is why the Shi'a should give the Sunni a region of their own.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:01 AM


Scopes Guilty, Fined $100, Scores Law (The New York Times, July 21, 1925)
The trial of John Thomas Scopes for teaching evolution in Tennessee, which Clarence Darrow characterized today as "the first case of its kind since we stopped trying people for witchcraft," is over. Mr. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100, and his counsel will appeal to the Supreme Court of Tennessee for reversal of the verdict. [...]

Dr. John R. Neal of the defense spoke, and then Mr. Bryan rose again and said the people would decide this issue.

"I don't know that there is any special reason why I should add to what has been said, and yet the subject has been presented from so many viewpoints that I hope the Court will pardon me if I mention a viewpoint that has not been referred to," he said. "Dayton is the centre and seat of this trial largely by circumstance. We are told that more words have been sent across the ocean by cable to Europe and Australia about this trial than has ever been sent by cable in regard to anything else doing in the United States. That isn't because the trial is held in Dayton. It isn't because a school teacher has been subjected to the danger of a fine of from $100 to $500, but I think it illustrates how people can be drawn into prominence by attaching themselves to a great cause.

"Causes stir the world, and this cause has stirred the world. It is because it goes deep. It is because it extends wide and because it reaches into the future beyond the power of man to see. Here has been fought out a little case of little consequence as a case, but the world is interested because it raises an issue, and that issue will some day be settled right, whether it is settled on our side or the other side. It is going to be settled right. There can be no settlement of a great cause without discussion, and people will not discuss a cause until their attention is drawn to it, and the value of this trial is not in any incident of the trial, it is not because of anybody who is attached to it, either in any official way or as counsel on either side.

"Human beings are mighty small, your Honor. We are apt to minify the personal element and we sometimes become inflated with our importance, but the world little cares for man as an individual. He is born, he works, he dies, but causes go on forever, and we who have participated in this case may congratulate ourselves that we have attached ourselves to a mighty issue.

"Now, if I were to attempt to define that issue I might find objection from the other side. Their definition of the issue might not be as mine is, and therefore, I will not take advantage of the privilege the Court gives me this morning to make a statement that might be controversial, and nothing that I would say would determine it.

"I have no power to define this issue finally and authoritatively. None of the counsel on our side has this power, and none of the consul on the other side has this power. Even this honorable Court has no such power. The people will determine this issue. They will take sides upon this issue, they will state the questions involved in this issue, they will examine the information -- not so much that which has been brought out here, but this case will stimulate investigation an divestigation will bring out information, and the facts will be known, and upon the facts as ascertained the decision will be rendered, and I think my friends and your Honor, that if we are actuated by the spirit that should actuate every one of us, no matter what our views may be, we ought not only desire but pray that that which is right will prevail, whether it be our way or somebody else's."

His words brought a last retort from Mr. Darrow. He thanked Dayton for its hospitality and courtesy and liberality and thanked the Court for not sending him to jail, which aroused laughter.

"Of course there is much that Mr. Bryan has said that is true," he continued. "And nature- nature. I refer to- does not choose any special setting for mere events. I fancy that the place where the Magna Charta was wrested from the barons in England was a very small place, probably not as big as Dayton. But events come along as they come along.

"I think this case will be remembered because it is the first case of this sort since we stopped trying people in America for witchcraft, because here"- and he thundered out the last words- "we have done our best to turn back the tide that has sought to force itself upon the modern world of testing every fact in science by a religious dictum. That is all I care to say."

The contrast between Mr. Bryant's humility and Mr. Darrow's self-importance pretty much says it all.

"THE MONKEY TRIAL": A Reporter's Account (H. L. Mencken)

July 20, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:23 PM


Corruption Issue Comes to Fore (Jim VandeHei, 7/20/06, Washington Post)

Three months from the election, the political scandals in Washington are not resonating broadly as a major issue in a campaign dominated by Iraq and high gasoline prices. A series of public polls show corruption ranks near the bottom when voters are asked about the most important issues in this campaign. In a Washington Post-ABC News poll taken in May, 2 percent of voters listed ethics and corruption as their top concern.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:34 PM


Euthyphro's Dilemma: Plato's challenge concerning the nature of goodness is still being heard today: Is an act right because God says it's so, or does God say it's so because it's right? (Gregory Koukl, Stands to Reason)

Plato's famous dilemma concerning the nature of goodness is still being raised today as a serious challenge to Christianity. Is an act right because God says it's so, or does God say it's so because it's right? The question first surfaces in Plato's dialog Euthyphro.

The Challenge

In Plato's dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro, Socrates is attempting to understand the essence of piety and holiness:

Socrates: And what do you say of piety, Euthyphro? Is not piety, according to your definition, loved by all the gods?

Euthyphro: Certainly.

Socrates: Because it is pious or holy, or for some other reason?

Euthyphro: No, that is the reason.

Socrates: It is loved because it is holy, not holy because it is loved?

The dilemma Euthyphro faced is this: Is a thing good simply because the gods say it is? Or do the gods say a thing is good because of some other quality it has? If so, what is that quality? The problem stumped Euthyphro. [...]

Plato's challenge forces us to consider an important detail in any discussion on the nature of morality: grounding.

The word "ground" originally meant "the lowest part, base, or bottom of anything."

In philosophy it refers to the foundation or logical basis of a claim. Euthyphro's task was to identify the logical grounding of piety or virtue. What base does morality "stand on"?

Frank Beckwith and I chose a title for our book on relativism that paints a word picture: Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air. Our point: Relativists who make any claim to knowledge have no basis for their assertion. They are standing not on solid ground, but on thin air.

A law is only as legitimate as the authority upon which it rests. The U.S. government can't pass laws governing Canadians. Our federal laws apply only to the people of this country. Individuals can't make up laws that apply to their neighbors. They don't have that authority.

The founders of our country argued that even governments are subject to a higher law. Certain truths are transcendent, they argued, grounded not in human institutions but in God Himself. This appeal to higher Law was their rational justification for the morality of the American Revolution.

The problem of grounding morality is a difficult one for atheists who claim one can have ethics without God. Certainly, an atheist can act in a manner some people consider "moral," but it's hard to know what the term ultimately refers to. It generally means to comply with an objective standard of good, a Law given by legitimate authority. However, without a transcendent Lawmaker (God), there can be no transcendent Law, and no corresponding obligation to be good. [...]

The general strategy used to defeat a dilemma is to show that it's a false one. There are not two options, but three.

The Christian rejects the first option, that morality is an arbitrary function of God's power. And he rejects the second option, that God is responsible to a higher law. There is no Law over God.

The third option is that an objective standard exists (this avoids the first horn of the dilemma). However, the standard is not external to God, but internal (avoiding the second horn). Morality is grounded in the immutable character of God, who is perfectly good. His commands are not whims, but rooted in His holiness.

Could God simply decree that torturing babies was moral? "No," the Christian answers, "God would never do that." It's not a matter of command. It's a matter of character.

So the Christian answer avoids the dilemma entirely. [...]

Even the atheist understands what moral terms mean. He doesn't need God in order to recognize morality. He needs God to make sense of what he recognizes.

This is precisely why the moral argument for God's existence is such a good one. The awareness of morality leads to God much as the awareness of falling apples leads to gravity. Our moral intuitions recognize the effect, but what is the adequate cause? If God does not exist, then moral terms are actually incoherent and our moral intuitions are nonsense.

This "dilemma" is to the atheist as the peppered moth hoax is to Darwinists.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 PM


Without fix, Airbus may turn into afterthought (Andrea Rothman, 7/05/06, Bloomberg News)

Buffeted by delays in the A380 superjumbo jet that triggered the ouster of senior management this week, Airbus faces the growing risk of losing its position as one of the world's two dominant aircraft makers. [...]

Without a plane in this category, Toulouse, France-based Airbus would cede a market worth an estimated $450 billion over the next 20 years to Boeing.

"Airbus is at risk of becoming a marginal, niche manufacturer in a couple of years unless they act now," says Richard Aboulafia, vice president of Teal Group, a Fairfax, Va.-based consulting firm.

Is there really much of a niche for airplanes made by dying countries?

Boeing takes lead as Airbus order book nosedives (David Robertson, 7/05/06, Times of London)

AIRBUS will confirm tomorrow that it has lost the lead in aircraft orders to its rival Boeing after five years of dominance, The Times has learnt.

The beleaguered jet builder will collate its half-year order book at a sales meeting in Toulouse tomorrow and a yawning gap between the two companies will become apparent.

Airbus has definitive orders for 145 to 150 aircraft so far this year. In May it had 105 orders. Boeing has three times as many with 445 (358 in May).

There was no pig in the poke.

Posted by Pepys at 4:34 PM


The Era of Hostage States (Arnold Kling, 19, July 2006, TCS)

It is safe to assume that most Lebanese do not like what is happening to their country now. But up until recently, the Lebanese government seemed to have no objection to Hezbollah's weapons arsenal and control over territory. Based on the actions of their elected government, one might infer that the Lebanese people were quite willing to tolerate a heavily armed, radical independent militia in their country. Perhaps the Lebanese would say that they only did so out of fear. To the extent that is the case, then perhaps the Lebanese have been hostages of Hezbollah for a long time...

Perhaps this is the way to fight stateless terror. Declare every state that tolerates them a "hostage" and come to the rescue. Then again, there are no bad reasons to kill terrorists.

Posted by Pepys at 4:08 PM


Gateway to Nowhere? The evidence that pot doesn't lead to heroin. (Ryan Grim, 19 July 2006, Slate)

Earlier this month, professor Yasmin Hurd of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine released a study showing that rats exposed to the main ingredient in marijuana during their adolescence showed a greater sensitivity to heroin as adults. The wire lit up with articles announcing confirmation for the "gateway theory"—the claim that marijuana use leads to harder drugs...
On close inspection, Hurd's research, published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, doesn't show otherwise. For the most part, it's a blow to the gateway theory. To be sure, Hurd found that rats who got high on pot as adolescents used more heroin once they were addicted. But she found no evidence that they were more likely to become addicted than the rats in the control group who'd never been exposed to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, marijuana's main ingredient...
Extrapolate the study to human behavior, Hurd says, and it suggests that teenagers who smoke pot are no more likely than other kids to become addicted to heroin. (Her study doesn't speak to whether they'd be more likely to try the drug.)...

Give him a few more years of this and he'll ditch the old self-incriminating parenthetical statement thing.

Posted by Pepys at 3:25 PM


The Tribal Way of War Forget Clausewitz: Nations now fight clans driven by pride, vengeance and martial religiosity.(Robert D. Kaplan, 19 July 2006, Wall Street Journal)

While the U.S. spends billions of dollars on sophisticated defense systems, the dime-a-dozen kidnapper and suicide bomber have emerged as the most strategic weapons of war. While we tie ourselves in legal knots over war's acceptable parameters, international law has increasingly less bearing on those whom we fight. And while our commanders declare "force protection" as their highest priority, enemy commanders declare the need for more martyrs. It seems that the more advanced we become, the more at a disadvantage we are in the 21st-century battlefield...
There is no better example of how traditional warrior cultures hold fast in the face of globalization than Chechnya, where cowardice is among the worst of transgressions and a dagger the most prized material item. There is in Chechnya, too, as the authors note, the Sufi proclivity for asceticism and mysticism: the former providing the mental discipline for overcoming physical hardships and the latter for sustaining morale. Furthermore, the Chechens' decentralized, clan-based structure--and their tradition of raiding--help to determine their guerrilla style, which has resulted in lethal hit-and-run tactics by small units on large, conventional Russian forces in the "urban canyons" of Grozny...

That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor, and surviving.

Posted by Stephen Judd at 11:30 AM


OJ is moderating a panel at 11:30 Eastern this morning at the Heritage Foundation. To watch, go to http://www.heritage.org/Press/Events/index.cfm, and click on Watch Live under the Redefining Sovereignty event. The panelists are Paul Driessen, Ramesh Ponnuru, and Jeremy Rabkin.

Update (7/20/2006, 2:00PM): You can view the archived talk or listen to the MP3 here: http://www.heritage.org/Press/Events/ev072006a.cfm

July 19, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 11:30 PM


Strange Bedfellows: What's behind the enduring alliance between Syria and Iran? (Daniel Byman, 19 July, 2006)

The Middle East is home to many unusual alliances, but one of the oddest is the enduring partnership between Syria and Iran. Syria portrays itself as a champion of secular Arab nationalism, although in practice it is a minority-dominated military dictatorship. Iran, in contrast, rides under the banner of revolutionary Islam, although as a Persian country, it is often at odds with the Arab world, particularly since the vast majority of Iranians are Shiites, while most Arabs are Sunnis...
But geopolitics has brought Iran and Syria together despite these many differences. In a strategic partnership that would have made Metternich proud, the two nations banded together against Saddam's Iraq, which both saw as an immediate threat to their security. Israel, too, provided a common foe. Iran's revolutionary ideology saw Israel as anathema; Syria also opposed the Jewish state, especially after its humiliating defeat in the 1967 war, since when it has strived to regain the Golan Heights. The United States is hostile to both regimes, producing further incentive to cooperate. Both countries worry that the chaos in Iraq will creep across their borders, but they're also keen for the United States to suffer a bloody nose to dampen its enthusiasm for regime change. Finally, both nations have few allies, making the other's support especially valuable.

The last sentence is the truth. They're allies because they've go their backs against the same wall.

Posted by Pepys at 11:08 PM


Presidential Power on Steroids: Courtesy of Sen. Specter's eavesdropping bill. (Patrick Radden Keefe, 19 July 2006, Slate)

So, to sum up this civic morass: In 1978 Congress passed a sweeping law limiting the power of the president to spy on the American people. A quarter-century later, Bush administration lawyers concluded that this law was unconstitutional. Rather than challenge its constitutionality in the courts, they elected to violate it in secret. And now, in the name of oversight, the chair of the Senate Judiciary committee is proposing to bypass any rigorous judicial assessment of the president's constitutional prerogatives and instead to endorse the administration's position—a position, incidentally, that the Supreme Court rejected just weeks ago in another context. The bill amounts to the repeal-by-amendment of FISA.

The Left has become so accustomed to rule by judicial fiat that they can no longer conceive of an issue on which the Supreme Court does not have final say.

Posted by pjaminet at 10:48 PM


Iranian President Ahmadinejad: Day of happiness for region near (YNetNews, July 18, 2006)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, “The day of happiness for the region is near… The world is on the verge of great changes,” according to the Iranian news agency.

To those who have been following Ahmadinejad's statements to the Iranian people, the "day of happiness" is obviously the coming of the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi -- the hidden Imam who is supposed to usher in the reign of Allah and conversion of the whole world to Islam. The premise of Khomeinism (and Ahmadinejadism) is that the coming of the Mahdi can be hastened through terrorism and warfare by Muslims.

What's interesting to me is that in recent months, Iran has openly attacked the United States and our allies in Iraq and Israel. Hezbollah's attack on Israel has included cruise missiles based on the Chinese Silkworm that were obviously provided by Iran; Revolutionary Guard forces have been observed fighting with Hezbollah; and Iran has flagrantly orchestrated attacks in Iraq by Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and jihadist groups on democrats both Sunni and Shi'a as well as Americans. Iran is not hiding its effort to provoke war. Such openness doesn't make sense as a diplomatic strategy or as a warfare-by-terrorism strategy, both of which benefit from secrecy and try to inflict damage without provoking a strong response. But openness may make theological sense as a prerequisite for drawing the Mahdi.

I find that Omar at Iraq the Model has the same concern: Just new banners, or war drums? (Iraq the Model, July 19)

A few days ago we mentioned that we tend to believe that this ongoing war in -- geographically -- Lebanon is not only about Hizbollah and Israel; that it is probably the first stage of a wider regional conflict that is going to extend far beyond the borders of Lebanon and Israel....

What we must realize here is the involvement of the theological (mythological) element in this particular conflict which is also the reason why this conflict has the potential to expand into full-scale regional war....

[T]his time there's a totally different theological belief that is being used by Iran to provoke and direct this war; I think the best way to say it is that we are about to see Iran launch the mullahs' version of an 'Armageddon'.
I know this may sound absurd and maybe some of you are thinking no one could possibly be thinking that way but remember, I am telling you what extremist theocrats seem to be planning for and logic has very little space in the mullahs' way of thinking....

I know about those of the regime in Iran and its arm in Iraq; both Ahmedinejad and Sadr are devout believers in the 'Savior Imam' of Shia Islam who is the 12th grandson of prophet Mohammed, also known by the name 'Imam Mehdi' hence the name of Sadr's militias 'the Mehdi Army'....

Both Ahmedinejad and Sadr believe it is their duty to pave the way and prepare the ground for the rise of the Imam whose rise, according to their branch of Shia Islam, requires certain conditions and a sequence of certain events....

We are seeing some signs here that make us think that Iran and its tools in Iraq are trying to provoke the rise of the imam through forcing the signs they believe should be associated with that rise. One of the things that do not feel right is the sudden appearance of new banners and writings on the walls carrying religious messages talking specifically of imam Mehdi....

The interesting part is that these banners appeared within less than 24 hours after Hizbollah kidnapped the Israeli soldiers. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I believe that Iran has had nuclear weapons for several years, obtaining some from North Korea at about the time of the Iraq invasion in 2003 and completing its own assembly line since. They certainly have the capability to wage a very deadly war. Perhaps they believe that nuclear weapons are what the Mahdi has been waiting for.

The sensible thing for Iran to do would be to draw back from war, but they haven't been sensible for some time now. Any bets on where this goes next? Does Iran back down, or raise the stakes?

Posted by Pepys at 4:55 PM


A proud imperial defeatist (Michael T Klare, 19 July 2006, Asia Times)

Recently, I was accused by a writer for the ultra-right Washington Times of being a "defeatist" when it comes to America's expansionist military policy abroad. The giveaway, it seems, is that I penned a book for the American Empire Project - a series of critical volumes published by Metropolitan Books. Contributors to the series, the article claimed, want "a retreat from Iraq to be the prelude to a larger collapse of American pre-eminence worldwide". My initial response on reading this was to insist - like so many anxious liberals - that no, I am not opposed to US pre-eminence in the world, only to continued US involvement in Iraq. But then, considering the charge some more, I thought, well, yes, I am in favor of abandoning the US imperial role worldwide. The United States, I'm convinced, would be a whole lot better off - and its military personnel a whole lot safer - if we repudiated the global dominance project of the Bush administration and its neo-conservative boosters...
Why, then, is the US squandering so many lives and so much treasure in a desperate effort to hold on in Iraq? Only one answer makes any sense from a Washington policymaker's point of view: to remain the dominant military power in the Persian Gulf region and thereby control the global flow of oil. This is the only interpretation that fits with the Pentagon's admission that it plans to retain at least some bases in Iraq indefinitely, no matter what sort of future government emerges in Baghdad (or whether such a government approves of a US presence).
The striking expansion of the US military presence in Central Asia, Southwest Asia and Africa in recent months reveals a similar geopolitical impulse. All of these areas are becoming increasingly important to the United States as sources of oil and natural gas, and in none of them can it be said the US is setting up bases to serve as beacons for the further advance of freedom and democracy, not given the nature of most of the governments the US supports in those places. Because many of America's leading energy suppliers in these regions are subject to internal unrest and ethnic conflict - a reaction, in most cases, to despotic regimes that remain in power with Washington's blessing - the United States is becoming ever more deeply involved in their defense, whether through the delivery of arms and military aid (as in Angola, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Nigeria) or via a direct US military presence (as in Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates).

It's a strange sensation to agree on the facts yet disagree completely on the conclusion.

Posted by Pepys at 2:51 PM


Four in 10 Republicans Would Not Find McCain an "Acceptable" Nominee (Jeffrey Jones, 19 July 2006, The Gallup News Service)

A recent Gallup Panel poll asked Republicans and Democrats whether they would find each of several possible contenders for their party's 2008 presidential nomination to be "acceptable" nominees. Unlike other nomination ballot questions that measure respondents' first choice from among a list of possible candidates, this question paints a broader picture of the level of potential support and opposition for each candidate...
Hillary Clinton is the clear front-runner among Democrats when voters are asked to choose which one candidate they would prefer for the Democratic nomination for president, but the current poll finds Democrats are about equally likely to rate Clinton, John Edwards, and Al Gore as acceptable nominees. Rudy Giuliani and Sen. John McCain typically vie for the lead in Republican preference polls, but a greater percentage of Republicans say they would find Giuliani acceptable than say this about McCain (73% to 55%). Four in 10 Republicans say they would not find McCain to be an acceptable GOP presidential nominee. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is also widely considered by Republicans to be an acceptable nominee...

The thing is, as good as this looks for Rudy in the primaries, he does even better among independents and Democrats.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:43 AM


Political blogs: Are they dead? (Mary Carey, Daily Hampshire Gazette, 7/19/06)

IS the heyday of the political blog already past?

Joe Trippi, the savvy online political organizer for former presidential candidate Howard Dean, says the relevance of the Weblogs might be fading.

Skeptics say the discussions at the online forums inevitably tend to devolve into less-than-enlightened shoutfests. For an example, they point to a recent debate at the Daily Kos, the country's most influential left-leaning blog. Over 1,000 posters piled on to an exchange about whether the Kos had become a cult of personality.

Kos posters complained about 'trolls,' and 'troll ratings.'

The former, for the uninitiated, is 'someone who comes into an established community ... and posts inflammatory, rude, repetitive or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion, including the personal attack of calling others trolls,' according to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Asking whether political blogs are dead is kind of silly. If the question is whether political blogs have lost their influence, the answer is that they never had much influence. The on-line population is too different from the real world population. Try to imagine people voting based upon a blog's endorsement; once you get past Kos, it's almost impossible -- and Kos always loses.

Kos is an outlier. Kos (and DU and, for all I know, Free Republic) are Cass Sunstein's nightmare of self-selecting ideological segregation come to life. These sites are obsessed with the party line and punish the smallest deviation. A commenter who dares to suggest, on DU, that maybe the 2004 election wasn't stolen is dismissed as a Freeper. On Kos, he's made invisible. But these sites are not, in the BrothersJudd sense, blogs.

What a political blog can do is facilitate conversation between those who inhabit a more narrow ideological spectrum. Right libertarians can talk to theocons who can talk to neocons. Sometimes, Darwinists can talk to aDarwinists who can talk to anti-Darwinists. But for this discourse to work, there must be limits. For example, no one can talk to those who are anti-car.

This is a long way 'round to, once again, thanking the commenters for making Brothers Judd blog such a congenial place from which to stand athwart the information superhighway of history, yelling "stop."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:17 AM


Floyd Landis: The next great U.S. cycling hero? (Andrew Vontz, 7/18/06, FOXSports.com)

The ancient Greeks had some odd habits, but many of their life lessons continue to resonate today. Take, for example, the concept of pathos-mathos, or wisdom through suffering. The Greeks were a real lemons-into-lemonade bunch and believed that adversity existed so that humans could learn from it and push themselves to a higher state of consciousness and achievement.

American Floyd Landis, the current leader of the Tour de France, is clearly not an ancient Greek, but he does have a busted right hip in need of replacement pronto. During the Tour's first rest day, Landis let the world know that for the past two years he has suffered from a condition known as osteonecrosis. The degenerative condition has crumbled the ball of his hip joint so that it no longer fits neatly into the socket, and if that weren't bad enough, arthritis has set in.

The bum hip must be replaced, but Landis has elected to continue racing because there is no medical precedent for a Tour-caliber cyclist returning to racing and staying competitive following hip replacement. The 2006 Tour may well be his last ride and in the event that it is, he's headed for retirement flat out like Thelma and Louise flooring it toward the canyon.

The condition virtually cripples Landis off the bike, but since cycling is not a weight-bearing activity and doesn't place as much strain on his hip as, say, walking or getting in and out of a car, he claims he's able to manage the pain while on the bike.

Isn't this the condition that Bo Jackson had?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 AM

BUCK 94:

O'Neil to play in minor league all-star game (AP, 7/18/06)

John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil never got a free pass in life.

The grandson of a man brought to this continent as a slave, O'Neil moved to Kansas City to avoid racial persecution in the Deep South and played baseball during an era of segregation.

It figures that on Tuesday night, when the 94-year-old steps into the batter's box during a minor league all-star game, nobody will quibble over an intentional walk.

Except maybe O'Neil.

"I just might take a swing at one," he said before Tuesday night's Northern League event. [...]

"I imagine the bat's a little heavier than that club I've been swinging," said O'Neil, who maintains he can still shoot his age in golf. "It's been a long time since I've picked up a bat."

July 18, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:36 PM


Nasrallah's terms of surrender will be hard to change (Zvi Bar'el, 7/19/06, Haaretz)

After all that has taken place so far in Lebanon, nothing has succeeded in altering the basic equation: Any diplomatic solution will have to pass through the Lebanese political grinder and gain Hezbollah's agreement. "Everything is up in the air" according to Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, including direct and indirect talks with Hezbollah, and therefore nothing has changed since before the outbreak of fighting

The question is not only what will stop Israel's onslaught but also what will the conditions be that will allow Hassan Nasrallah to nod approvingly. Mediators heard about what may work in a meeting with Nabih Berri, a "contact person" to Hezbollah, the speaker of Lebanon's parliament and head of Amal, another Shi'ite group. According to Berri, even if the United Nations decides to deploy a "significant" force to south Lebanon, it will need Nasrallah's approval, otherwise such a force will be involved in incessant fighting and Israel will continue to suffer missile attacks.

If Hezbollah will be asked to lay down its arms, Nasrallah will have to approve this since there is not a single political power in Lebanon on Tuesday that is capable of carrying out the group's disarmament. In fact, the idea of a disarmed Hezbollah is so far-fetched to senior Israel Defense Forces officers and Israeli politicians that they are willing to make do with a "significant weakening" of the group.

It's a shame to see Israel and America squander a perfect pretext for doing Assad.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:38 PM


Bush to address NAACP (Reuters, 7/18/06)

After rebuffing the NAACP for five years, President Bush will speak at the annual convention of the oldest U.S. civil rights organization for the first time since taking office because he sees "a moment of opportunity," the White House said Tuesday. [...]

[T]ies have warmed with current NAACP President Bruce Gordon. Bush expressed appreciation for Gordon's "strong leadership" during a tribute to civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks in January.

Asked why the change of heart, White House spokesman Tony Snow replied: "He wants to because I think there's a moment of opportunity here. I think the president wants to make the argument that he has had a career that reflects a strong commitment to civil rights."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:36 PM


Pope backs G8 Middle East declaration (Ireland On-Line, 18/07/2006)

Pope Benedict XVI tonight lent his support to the G8 summit declaration on the Middle East, which blamed the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah for the escalation in fighting and which urged Israel to exercise restraint.

“I fully agree with the G8 communique,” the Pope said when he returned to his Alpine holiday retreat after an excursion in the mountains.

Nice to have the Church in the Anglosphere.

Posted by Pepys at 8:44 PM


Stealing First: Dick Cheney as the next First Amendment poster child. (Akhil Reed Amar, 18 July 2006, Slate)

In an administration not known for its love of the Bill of Rights, Vice President Richard Cheney may soon find himself in a new role: defender of the First Amendment...
Along with several other current or former administration officials, Cheney is being sued by Valerie and Joseph Wilson, who claim that, in response to an anti-administration op-ed Mr. Wilson published in July 2003 in the New York Times, the defendants violated the Wilsons' constitutional rights by organizing a vicious whispering campaign against them. One result of this campaign was a newspaper column, authored by journalist Robert Novak, that outed Ms. Wilson (nee Valerie Plame) as a CIA operative...
Zenger defended freedom of expression, and Cheney should do likewise. In other words, Cheney should use this as a teaching moment, to explain how a proper understanding of First Amendment principles actually supports him and not the Wilsons, who have claimed that Cheney violated their free-expression rights. The result would be an elegant First Amendment jujitsu, using all the Wilsons' free-press momentum against them, to defeat their lawsuits.
Here is the key fact that Cheney should stress: Unlike Nixon, who fired a government whistle-blower, Cheney did not fire the Wilsons. He merely spoke out against them. True, he did so furtively, in what many might view as an underhanded whispering campaign. But the First Amendment protects a wide variety of speech and expression, encompassing the right to print, orate, and yes, to whisper—even to whisper anonymously and with petty or partisan motivation.
And to whom were Cheney and his fellow defendants whispering? To the press! This is the other key fact for the New Dick Cheney—the Zorro/Zenger Defender of the First Amendment. The Wilsons claim that they were being punished for speaking out against Cheney and the administration. But if the Wilsons have a right to criticize Cheney in the press, Cheney can claim that he has an equal right to criticize the Wilsons when talking to the press, whether on the record or off.
Hear that? That's the sound of hundreds of Con Law professors tearing their hair out and gnashing their teeth.

Posted by Pepys at 8:26 PM


The GOP: Drinking Itself Sober (Douglas Kern, 18 July 2006, TCS)

My handy Republican catechism tells me that The Three Deadly Republican Spending Rationalizations are:

1) "This program will be expensive, wasteful, and corrosive to the virtues that make a free society function, but it's popular, and we need it in order to keep the Republican majority."
2) "This program will be expensive, wasteful, and corrosive to the virtues that make a free society function, but it's necessary in the name of national security."
3) "This program will be expensive and wasteful, but it will actually improve the virtues that make a free society function, because it uses the power and affluence of a large central government to subsidize independence, self-discipline, decentralization, and the rejection of the welfare state mentality."

Numbers 1 and 3 sure sound familiar, don't they?

Posted by Pepys at 7:38 PM


Rural China: Too little, too late (Swati Lodh Kundu, 19 July 2006, Asia TImes)

Using the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC) in March as its stage, the ruling Chinese Communist Party with much fanfare launched a package of rural policies with the expressed aim of building a "new socialist countryside"...
And why not? The top Chinese leadership is clearly alarmed by an upsurge in peasant protests unprecedented in China's post-1949 history. Last year, 87,000 "mass incidents" ripped across the country. Remote towns such as Huaxi, Taishi and Shanwei broke into the news and became symbols of China's "new rebellious countryside"...
After three decades of pro-capitalist reform, rural China faces a catastrophe: massive environmental degradation, falling living standards and a creeping takeover of villages by clans and gangsters. The income gap between urban and rural Chinese is officially 3:1, one of the largest disparities anywhere in the world. But Chinese Academy of Social Studies calculations put the difference at 7:1 when such factors as social services, health care and education are taken into account.

Economy grows 10.9% in first half (19 July 2006, Asia Times)

The Chinese economy surged 10.9% year-on-year in the first half of this year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) revealed on Tuesday, roaring ahead despite a range of measures imposed by the government to ease investment growth...
The six-month growth was driven by 11.3% growth in the second quarter - the fastest pace in a decade...
China's macro-economy presents "obvious overheating of investment" in the first half of this year, Wang Xiaoguang, a macroeconomics professor at the economic research institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, told Xinhua.

And I won't be much when she get's through with me....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:16 PM


Beaten off the start (Scott Merkin, 7/16/06, MLB.com)

The clear-cut strong suit of the White Sox first World Series championship since 1917, not to mention their drive to repeat in 2006, suddenly has become the South Siders' Achilles' heel.

Entering Sunday's series finale at Yankee Stadium, White Sox starting pitchers owned a 7.44 ERA over their last six starts and 33 2/3 innings. They posted a combined 6.73 ERA in their last 17 trips to the mound, covering 99 innings.

Ozzie Guillen's staff ranks seventh in the American League with a 4.69 ERA, after finishing second in 2005 with a 3.75 ERA. Having pitched an extra month of baseball, and a very intense month, at that, obviously takes a toll on pitchers such as Mark Buehrle, Freddy Garcia, Jon Garland and Jose Contreras.

But even with Brandon McCarthy available out of the bullpen to spell a starter or two for a turn in the rotation, the White Sox manager sees no reason to make any sort of immediate alteration.

"We aren't going to skip anyone. I don't think we need it," Guillen said. "Five days, with a couple of days off, they know how to do it. We try to stay the same way and not move anyone up and down.

"If we need someone to get a rest, then we will do it," Guillen added.

Everyone knew when he successfully rode his starters so hard in the playoffs that, coming into this year with an even worse bullpen, Ozzie wouldn't be happy until he was whipping Barbaro.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:04 PM


Gotta love Tony Snow.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:46 PM


Saddam 'warns Syria against alliance with Iran' (DPA, Jul 18, 2006)

'The president told us that the Syrian leadership should not go too far in its alliance with Iran, because the Persians harbour bad intentions for all Arabs and aspire to see them vanquished,' [Iraqi lawyer Khalil Duleimi] said.

'The Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the Palestinians is a natural result for what happened to Iraq with Iranian backing,' Saddam reportedly said, alluding to the US-led invasion of Iraq that resulted in the ouster of his regime in April 2003.

'Therefore, I do not exclude other Arab countries becoming the victim of US-backed Israeli attacks that serve Iranian objectives in the region,' he added. [...]

'I am convinced that the Iranian and US agendas have met in Iraq and elsewhere in the Arab world and Arabs are now placed between the US-Israeli hammer and the Iranian anvil,' Duleimi quoted Saddam as saying.

Saddam understands these de facto alliances better than any of the commentators and analysts you'll read.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:28 PM


The Gumps of August (Spengler, 7/18/06, Asia Times)

Until now, history has given Americans a great dispensation to wander Gump-like through the disasters that befall other folk, with bemused curiosity about the filling of the next piece of chocolate in the box. It will be borne in upon Americans that the destiny of most peoples is tragic, and there is no predicting how Americans will react to the rude awakening out of their complacency.

Only a delusion of surpassing consolation could prompt the extremes of denial that Washington has evinced over the past year. If a stupider idea possessed statesmen than the proposition that democracy could thrive in Lebanon in the presence of an Iranian-controlled military organization more powerful than the Lebanese army, I do not know what it was. Bush believed that drawing Hezbollah into democracy would persuade them to abandon terrorism. In a March 16 press conference he said:

Our policy is this: We want there to be a thriving democracy in Lebanon. We believe that there will be a thriving democracy, but only if - but only if - Syria withdraws ... her troops completely out of Lebanon ... I like the idea of people running for office. There's a positive effect when you run for office. Maybe some will run for office and say, vote for me, I look forward to blowing up America. I don't know, I don't know if that will be their platform or not. But it's - I don't think so. I think people who generally run for office say, vote for me, I'm looking forward to fixing your potholes, or making sure you got bread on the table.

The whole matter was so preposterous that I framed it as a Gilbert and Sullivan spoof, The Jihadis of Penzance (March 22, 2005). Hezbollah fixed the potholes, all right, evidently digging the deeper ones out as missile silos. Syrian troops departed, but Hezbollah remains unassailable by that summer camp for six-month conscripts comically named the Lebanese army. By drawing Hezbollah into the Lebanese parliament, US diplomacy made the Shi'ite militia legitimate. Now it cannot be displaced without tearing apart Shi'ite communities in southern Lebanon, at enormous human cost. That is precisely what the Israelis will do when their ground offensive begins early this week; there is no other way but military to stop the missile attacks.

The problem, rather, is that there is no Lebanon. Hezbollah will be the dominant political party in the Shi'ite state that emerges in at least the southern portion of what was Lebanon and the quicker you help them realize their nationalist aspirations and force them to accept responsibility for their people the better. The emergence of the Shi'a Crescent is obviously in the best interests of Israel, both because the Shi'a are natural democrats and because tensions between Sunni and Shi'a will deflect attention from the jewish state.

Hezbollah and the art of the possible (Sami Moubayed, 7/18/06, Asia Times)

It would be only natural for the Saudis, who are historically at odds with Iran, and tactical allies of Saad al-Hariri, the current leader of Lebanon's Sunni community and a member of parliament, to oppose the adventurism of Nasrallah. Too much Saudi money and investment, from the days of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik al-Hariri, is at stake in Lebanon.

The Saudis are the traditional backers of the Sunni community that is led by the Hariri family, which wants a Westernized, economy-oriented country and not a hotbed for revolutionary warfare. They cannot afford to losing their influence in Lebanon and have it replaced by that of Iran - which is exactly what happens whenever Hezbollah gets the upper hand in Lebanese politics. [...]

Jerusalem is currently asking for the release of the two prisoners and the disarming of Hezbollah. While releasing the prisoners is possible, if Israel offers Hezbollah something in return, getting Nasrallah to disarm is out of the question.

Israel should remember the words of German chancellor Otto von Bismarck: "Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable ..." And Israel forcing Hezbollah to disarm is impossible. Also, continuing this war to force Hezbollah to disarm is impossible for Israel.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "I have tasted command. I like it. And I will never give it up." Nasrallah has been in command of the largest armed sect in Lebanon since 1992. He is a highly popular leader who has a wide power base that spreads throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds. He is wholeheartedly backed by Syria and Iran, and the Lebanese Shi'ites (40% of the country's 3.7 million) are overwhelmingly with him.

Disarming Hezbollah, and writing them off the political scene in Lebanon, would be like asking the Shi'ites of Iraq, who now have real power since the downfall of Saddam Hussein, to give it up.

The Shi'ites of Lebanon have the exact same dilemma. They, too, had been the underclass in Lebanon, maltreated by Sunnis and Christians for more than 100 years. They had their day in sun under the leadership of Imam Musa al-Sadr in the 1970s, and Nasrallah from 1990s onward.

They believe that holding on to their arms is a must to protect them from further Israeli atrocities in south Lebanon, or in the case of sectarian violence inside Lebanon, from their opponents in the Lebanese political scene. Or from anybody who tries to disarm them by force, and restore them to the status of inferiors.

For all of these reasons, the Israelis will have to amend their proposal for a ceasefire in Lebanon if they want an end to hostilities. To gain the release of their arrested soldiers, they must talk to Hezbollah.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:01 PM


Violating 'Sovereignty': Questioning a Concept's Long Reign (Carlin Romano, 9/10/04, The Chronicle Review)

As an explosive real-world political idea, sovereignty propels international armies and costs untold lives. As a historical concept within political philosophy -- roughly defined by one scholar as "supreme authority within a territory" -- it remains a back-alley matter, outside the main arena.

Compared with idealistic de jure notions like "justice" and "democracy," it's often a de facto embarrassment. Compared with relatively coherent concepts like "desert" or "entitlement," it's a mongrel: born in "divine right" theology and circumstance, barely coherent at best, terminally ambiguous at worst, preternaturally dangerous.

[Alan Cranston's] posthumously published essay, recently issued as The Sovereignty Revolution (Stanford University Press), begins dramatically: "It is worshiped like a god, and as little understood. It is the cause of untold strife and bloodshed. Genocide is perpetrated in its sacred name. It is at once a source of power and of power's abuse, of order and of anarchy. It can be noble and it can be shameful. It is sovereignty."

An indefatigable international diplomat, Cranston insists on his subject's enormous sway: "The fires of passionate crusades to achieve, assert, or defend sovereignty for one purpose or another or to avenge some breach of it light up the night skies of our time like some giant uncontrolled forest fire raging all over the world."

Most of Cranston's essay alternates between reporting the bare bones of multiple world crises rooted in the vagaries of his subject, and advancing a few basic positions. He argues that when people understand sovereignty as the absolute power of a government over its own territory and citizens, a shield against the intervention of other governments, nongovernmental organizations, and outside powers, it is an illegitimate and dangerous medieval idea. At best, sovereignty should be understood as the right of people to determine their own destinies. Such sovereignty, he maintains, delegable to governments through democratic process, is the only legitimate form, and political history in the West happily continues to head in that direction.

Finally, sovereignty as a defense against outside intervention to stop extraordinarily unacceptable behavior by a government against its people is always, in Cranston's view, heinous and unjustified. International covenants on genocide and human rights similarly demonstrate the world community's declining appetite for claims of such absolute state sovereignty. [...]

Dan Philpott, the University of Notre Dame political scientist who offers the definition of "supreme authority within a territory" in his excellent Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on the subject, draws attention to facets of the concept important for current purposes. He writes that if sovereignty assumes authority, then authority, as the philosopher R.P. Wolff outlined, assumes both a right to command and a right to be obeyed. Philpott, author of Revolutions in Sovereignty (Princeton University Press, 2001), notes that a "holder of sovereignty derives authority from some mutually acknowledged source of legitimacy -- natural law, a divine mandate, hereditary law, a constitution, even international law. In the contemporary era, some body of law is ubiquitously the source of sovereignty." Yet much media discussion of sovereignty ignores the issue of whether a thug regime -- e.g., Saddam Hussein's -- has in any sense earned a right to be obeyed, and thus earned sovereignty.

Similarly, Philpott observes, "territoriality is now deeply taken for granted" in the sense that simple presence within a geographical area presumptively places someone under a particular sovereignty. But a case such as that of the Kurds, a stateless people who have suffered under Turkish, Iraqi, and Syrian sovereignty without any moral acceptance of that rule, shows how sovereignty often plays out merely as a recognition of power, not an acknowledgment of just power.

Such historical and philosophical perspective suggests that moral foreign policy must cut through the threshold concept of sovereignty instead of allowing it to be a conversation stopper. It must push on to sovereignty's etiology, to issues of justice, democracy, and legitimacy. Debates that reflexively criticize, for instance, the United States for violating Iraqi sovereignty, or Israel for violating Palestinian sovereignty, or Russia for violating Chechen sovereignty, make little sense if one doesn't explain why the supposedly violated sovereignty deserves that status.

Alan Cranston?

{originally posted: 2/06/05]

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:04 AM


Another key connector shut (Adrienne P. Samuels and Stephanie Conduff, July 17, 2006, Boston Globe)

The latest closing, expected to last for at least two weeks, shuts down the westbound I-90/Ted Williams ramp to I-93 in South Boston at Exit 24 and will affect motorists headed westbound from Logan International Airport, East Boston, and Route 1A. The ramp was open until late Saturday, but was ordered closed yesterday after inspectors discovered the suspect bolts.

Motorists will be forced to take Exit 25 and use surface streets. While additional Boston and State Police officers will be directing the traffic detoured onto local roads -- an estimated 3,000 vehicles an hour during peak periods -- the congestion will spill over into many parts of Boston.

``This is going to have a huge impact," said Mariellen Burns, spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, which runs the Big Dig. ``We're asking for the motoring public's patience. Obviously, safety is the first priority here."

Officials are urging commuters to take public transportation, alternate routes, or seek staggered work hours.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:00 AM


Democracy's Caudillo (Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Hispanic American Center for Economic Research)

These are the kinds of passions that Bolívar, the liberator of five South American countries (six if you count Panama, which was part of Colombia), continues to arouse. Not even two like-minded South Americans are able to agree on whether he was a great founding father born ahead of his time or a part of the reason why South America, two centuries after it gained independence, is still in its political and economic infancy. My own view of him has become slightly more benign, though I still insist that the Liberator was not only a military force of nature but also a dangerous strongman who did not understand that the best way to prevent the things he feared—factionalism, and ethnic and class revolt against the Creole elite—was the rule of law, and not an allegedly enlightened but still authoritarian caudillismo.

John Lynch's new biography of Bolívar is sympathetic to its subject—more sympathetic, I think, than is warranted by the facts that it presents; but it is impeccably researched, uncommonly honest, and genuinely balanced, and also very well written. The general conclusion to which Lynch leads us is that Bolívar's failures were due to factors beyond his control, that the leader of the independence struggle was a victim of the times he lived in. I am not so sure. Even though he towered above his peers in many respects and was the undisputed architect of the end of colonial rule, Bolívar embodied the original sin of the Latin American republics: elitism, authoritarianism, and an unexamined passion for what we call social engineering.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:55 AM


Unrelenting summer swelter pushes region's hot button (Nathan Bomey and Jon Ward, July 18, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Searing. Sweltering. Sizzling.

Forget the adjectives. It's just plain hot, and it's going to stay that way for the rest of the week.

"For Washington, D.C., it's looking like the high is going to be right around 100 [degrees]," said Sarah Allen, a meteorologist in the National Weather Service's Baltimore-Washington forecast office.

The District's high temperature reached 96 degrees, and the record high for July 17 is 102 degrees.

But high humidity made it feel like more than 105 degrees in the District and around the region yesterday.

A man's gotta have more sense than to violate his own state border rule.

MORE (via The Other Brother):
Understanding Hezbollah’s rockets:Katyushas and the failed Westphalian system (Austin Bay, 7/178/06)

When fired from positions in southern Lebanon or Gaza, the extended-range Katyushas place roughly sixty percent of Israel’s population in range. (That’s my estimate.) All of Israel’s major cities and towns may soon be a bull’s eye– Hezbollah leaders boast of striking beyond Haifa and “beyond beyond Haifa.” Indeed, there are indications that longer range rockets are being employed. These rockets are “FROG-type” — free rocket over ground. They lack guidance systems but have more reach. They may be able to carry chemical warheads (the Russian series of FROGs could carry chemical warheads).

But now for the layer complexity: Hezbollah hides these weapons among apartment houses and in villages– other words, nests of rockets in neighborhoods.

These neighborhoods and villages are controlled by Hezbollah, not the Lebanese government.

Israel is being fired upon from a Lebanon that “is not quite Lebanon” in a truly sovereign sense.The rockets, of course, come from “somewhere,” but Hezbollah’s “somewhere” is a political limbo in terms of maps with definitive geo-political boundaries. Lebanon is a “failed state”– a peculiar failed state (its not Somalia), but nevertheless failed. It will continue to fail so long as the Lebanese government cannot control Hezbollah–and control means disarm.

So Hezbollah attacks Israel with ever more-powerful, longer-range rockets, then hides behind the diplomatic facade of the greater Lebanese nation state.

Thus terrorists and terror-empowering nations, like Iran and Syria, abuse the nation-state system– or exploit a “dangerous hole” in the system..

Iran and Syria then appeal to the United Nations (a product of the Westphalian “nation state” system) to condemn Israel for attacking Lebanon– when Israel is attacking Hezbollah, which “is and is not Lebanon.”

Everybody’s got to be somewhere, but maps and UN seats and press bureaus don’t make an effective nation state; they are the trappings of state-dom.

Weaknesses in the Westphalian system exist, in part because it has never been a complete system. (The Westphalian system evolved from the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) and the series of peace settlements that ended the Thirty Years War in Europe.) Westphalia’s “nation-state system” has always faced “gaps” (anarchic regions) and “failed states” (which are often collapsing tribal empires with the trappings of modernity, not the institutions).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


Hezbollah a bump on 'escalation road'? (David R. Sands, July 18, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Israel's clash with Hezbollah in Lebanon may just be the undercard bout.

With the rhetoric rising and positions hardening, many in the region fear that the current fighting could easily spiral out of control, pitting Israel and the United States in the main bout against the two countries they accuse of arming and inciting Hezbollah fighters: Syria and, especially, Iran. ,/blockquote>
Clearly it would be better if we control the spiral of escalation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:23 AM


Canada's `evaluation' accurate, Harper says (LES WHITTINGTON, 7/18/06, Toronto Star)

"We sent a firm message that the extremists who committed cross-border murder and kidnapped Israeli soldiers bear the responsibility for instigating the crises in Lebanon and Gaza," Harper said of the G-8's position. [...]

With the death toll now above 200, mainly in Lebanon where Israeli warplanes have been pounding Hezbollah strongholds, Harper was asked if he regretted using the word "measured" in connection with Israel's military action.

"I think our evaluation of the situation has been accurate," the Prime Minister said at a news conference.

"Obviously, there's been an ongoing escalation. And frankly, ongoing escalation is inevitable once conflict begins."

But, rejecting charges by Arab groups who blame the current crisis on Olmert's government, Harper said, "We are not going to give in to the temptation of some to single out Israel, which was the victim of the initial attack."

He said it's clear that the current upsurge in combat was sparked by the raids on Israeli soil by Hezbollah and Hamas fighters.

the Burnets are in town and we were talking last night about how pleasant it is to have Canada standing with the good guys instead of backstabbing and about how little traction Mr. Harper's critics have bneen able to gain, particularly the press, which he's made a point of being confrontational towards.

It's also amusing to cast your mind back a few years to when the Left and Realists were certain that George W. Bush's unilateralism was doing irreparable harm to our relations with former allies who would never see the world in our stark moral terms. Funny how those nations have instead been electing leaders who see the world the same way and even the Arabs generally support Israeli unilateralism at this point.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:47 AM


Mickey Spillane crafted the steely Mike Hammer (BRUCE SMITH, 7/18/06, The Associated Press)

Mickey Spillane, the macho mystery writer who wowed millions of readers with the shoot-'em-up sex and violence of gumshoe Mike Hammer, died Monday. He was 88. [...]

Born Frank Morrison Spillane on March 9, 1918, in Brooklyn, Mr. Spillane attended Fort Hayes State College in Kansas before beginning his career writing for magazines. [...]

Mr. Spillane was a quintessential Cold War writer, an unconditional believer in good and evil. He was also a rare political conservative in the book world. Communists were villains in his work, and liberals took some hits as well.

"Spillane is like eating takeout fried chicken: so much fun to consume, but you can feel those lowlife grease-induced zits rising before you've finished the first drumstick," Sally Eckhoff wrote in the liberal weekly The Village Voice.

While intellectuals looked to Arthur Miller and other fellow travelers to explicate their world view, the American people followed Mike Hammer.

Detective novelist Spillane dies (BBC, 7/18/06)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


The End of the Affair: Novak exonerates the Bushies in the Plame case (Christopher Hitchens, July 17, 2006, Slate)

To summarize, we now know that:

1. Novak was never approached by any administration officials but approached them instead.

2. He was never told the name Plame but discovered it from Who's Who in America, which contained it in Joseph Wilson's entry.

3. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald had all along known which sources had responded to Novak's questions.

When one thinks of the oceans of ink and acres of paper that have been wasted on this mother of all nonstories, one wants to weep for the journalistic profession as well as for the trees. [...]

As Novak says, the original question was: How did a man publicly critical of the Bush policy get the CIA's nomination for a mission to Niger? When he asked this question of his first source, he was told in effect, "That's easy. His wife works there and recommended him for the trip." This has since been confirmed by the report of the Senate intelligence committee, which quotes a memo from Valerie Plame making the recommendation in so many words (on the bizarre grounds that Wilson already enjoyed warm relations with the people he would supposedly be investigating at the Niger Ministry of Mines). It seems to me that Novak was well within his rights to check with Karl Rove and with the CIA that this was indeed the case, and to take down his copy of Who's Who in America from the shelf. As he puts it, "I considered his wife's role in initiating Wilson's mission … to be a previously undisclosed part of an important news story."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:18 AM


Iran to Hizbullah: Curb attacks on Israel: Arabic language newspaper reports Iran was warned by European country that Israel is ready to attack targets in Syria in campaign to liquidate Hizbullah; Tehran sends foreign minister to Damascus to demand Hizbullah curtail attacks against Israel (Roee Nahmias, 7/18/06, Y-Net)

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was sent to Damascus to urge Hizbullah to curb rocket attacks against Israel and to release two Israel Defense Forces soldiers captured a week ago in order to avoid further escalations, a London-based Arabic daily reported. [...]

The report, which was based on leaks by an Iranian presidential aide, said Iran is worried by criticism waged against Hizbullah by an array of Lebanese politicians like Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and Saad Hariri, son of slain former prime minister Rafik Hariri.

The trio outspokenly attacked Hizbullah for being Iran's proxy and condemned as "irresponsible" the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers.

The official said: "Iran enjoyed a good reputation among the Lebanese for supporting Hizbullah. Today, many of our allies have turned their backs on us."

In a letter to his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran is ready to defend Syria against Israeli attacks.

You could hardly set the dominoes up better yourself. All Israel has to do (or/and the U.S.) is take out Hezbollah, Hamas, and regime targets inside Syria and then if Iran retaliates take out the Iranian nuclear program. You get four birds (Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Iran) with one stone.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 AM


How welfare reform changed America (Richard Wolf, 7/17/06, USA TODAY)

When Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, conservatives celebrated and liberals screamed; three administration officials quit their jobs in protest. The act ended a 60-year-old federal guarantee of cash aid for the poor.

The law, modeled on state pilot programs begun in 1994 with federal approval, was intended to prod welfare mothers and fathers into the workplace with a series of carrots and sticks. Work, and you got help with child care, job training, transportation. Refuse, and you risked sanctions and being cut off by time limits.

A decade later, the worst fears of liberals haven't materialized. States did not enter what critics feared would be a money-saving "race to the bottom." Thousands of poor children did not wind up "sleeping on grates," as Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted.

Major employers hired thousands of welfare recipients. UPS hired 52,000; CVS/pharmacy hired 45,000, 60% of whom remain. Welfare offices have shed the look and language of their first 60 years for the aura of job-services agencies.

Nearly 70% of all single women are working, compared with 66% of married women, a reversal of the past. Single women's incomes have risen, thanks in part to the expansion of the earned income tax credit, a tax break of up to $4,400 for low-income workers. Child poverty rates have dropped, particularly among blacks and Hispanics. Teen pregnancies are down. Child support collections are up.

"Everything has worked," says conservative Douglas Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute. "Every critique one might have is about what could have gone better, not something that has gone poorly."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:07 AM


Bush confirms reputation as straight talker (Caroline Daniel, July 17 2006, Financial Times)

The coarse exchange appeared to underline Mr Bush’s preference for colloquial straight talking Texan over diplomatic ambiguity. Mr Bush remains the gung-ho leader, with a black and white view of the world, clearly dividing it into enemies and friends.

For him the root cause of the crisis remains Hizbollah and Syria, as self-evident villains. As Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state, put it, the recent violence legitimised the US vision for a “different kind of Middle East” and showed that its “sponsors are in Tehran and in Damascus. Things are clarified now. We know where the lines are drawn.”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


f Israel has the right to use force in self defence, so do its neighbours: The west appears to insist that only one side in the conflict is able to intervene militarily across borders. That will never be accepted (Ahmad Samih Khalidi, July 18, 2006, The Guardian)

Much has been made in recent days - at the G8 summit and elsewhere - of Israel's right to retaliate against the capture of its soldiers, or attacks on its troops on its own sovereign territory. Some, such as those in the US administration, seem to believe that Israel has an unqualified licence to hit back at its enemies no matter what the cost. And even those willing to recognise that there may be a problem tend to couch it in terms of Israel's "disproportionate use of force" rather than its basic right to take military action.

But what is at stake here is not proportionality or the issue of self-defence, but symmetry and equivalence. Israel is staking a claim to the exclusive use of force as an instrument of policy and punishment, and is seeking to deny any opposing state or non-state actor a similar right. It is also largely succeeding in portraying its own "right to self-defence" as beyond question, while denying anyone else the same. And the international community is effectively endorsing Israel's stance on both counts.

From an Arab point of view this cannot be right. There is no reason in the world why Israel should be able to enter Arab sovereign soil to occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its perceived foes - repeatedly, with impunity and without restraint - while the Arab side cannot do the same. And if the Arab states are unable or unwilling to do so then the job should fall to those who can.

They have the same "rights", but it's precisely because these states are so dysfunctional that they lack the capacity. The exquisite irony is that in order to be the kind of states that we'd take seriously as strategic players they'll have to reform along the lines that we're insisting they should. Cool, huh?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:48 AM


Big Night for Drew Brothers (Steve Henson, July 18, 2006, LA Times)

Want to become a top draft pick? Turn off the television.

That's advice from the Drew brothers, the only family with three siblings drafted in the first round.

The oldest, J.D., played on the same field as his youngest brother, Stephen, for the first time in an organized game Monday. Middle brother Tim, a pitcher rehabilitating a shoulder injury, will join their parents in the stands tonight.

They'll watch a ballgame. Just not on television.

"We didn't have cable until I was 18, and we rarely watched any TV," J.D. said. "We played sports and spent our time outdoors."

So did the Brothers Judd, but, until they start a Professional Kick-the-Can League, the skills we developed don't seem to be in demand.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 AM


Warning over suncream's skin cancer protection (Daily Mail, 17th July 2006)

Rubbing suncream into the skin drastically reduces its effectiveness, experts have warned.

Protection against dangerous radiation linked to skin cancers and premature ageing is cut almost to zero.

The risk of damage can actually be increased because the cream still stops the skin burning, encouraging people to lie in the sun for longer.

The alarming research by the RAFT charity found that sunscreens work properly only if they are used in a thick 'buttery' layer.

July 17, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:58 PM


The Democrats' Unreligious Fringe (Gregory Rodriguez, July 16, 2006, LA Times)

Just as the Republican Party pays obeisance to the demands of the 37% of its base that is white evangelical Christian, the Democrats feel they must not offend the 22% of their core voters who claim no religious affiliation. Why not? Because although they make up less than one-quarter of the coalition, these secular Democrats are much more likely than others to be high-level party activists.

That was not always the case. Some scholars point to the Democratic National Convention of 1972 as not only the moment Democrats edged toward secularism but the event that created the religious rift in American politics. Before 1972, both major parties were essentially indistinguishable in their approach to religion. The activist cores of both were dominated by members of mainstream religious groups: the GOP by mainline Protestants and the Democratic Party by Catholics and Jews.

But the Democratic delegation that nominated South Dakota Sen. George McGovern for president at the '72 convention represented a profound shift from what had been the cultural consensus in American politics. Whereas only 5% of Americans could be considered secular in 1972, fully 24% of first-time Democratic delegates that year were self-identified agnostics, atheists or people who rarely, if ever, set foot in a house of worship. This new activist base encouraged a growing number of Democratic politicians to tone down their appeal to religious voters and to seek a higher wall separating church and state. With little regard for the traditionalist sensitivities of religious people within or outside of the party, the Democrats also embraced progressive stances on feminism and homosexuality that the public had never openly debated.

Meanwhile, the Republican delegation — and by extension the party platform — remained unchanged, and the GOP essentially became the party of tradition and religion by default. "The partisan differences that emerged in 1972," writes University of Maryland political scientist Geoffrey Layman, "were not caused by any sudden increase in the religious and cultural traditionalism of the Republican activists but by the pervasive secularism and cultural liberalism of the Democratic supporters of George McGovern."

Over the next generation, the shift in the Democratic Party pushed many religious voters, including the traditionally Democratic bloc of Southern evangelicals, into the arms of the Republican Party.

So, the GOP leadership may not be particularly religious in personal terms, but recognizes that its voters are, so advances religious causes. Meanwhile, Democratic voters may not be secular, but the party leadership doesn't much care about them and just advances its own fringe causes. Then they wonder why they're a 40% party?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:37 PM


Searching for baseball's Bigfoot (Jeff Passan, March 13, 2006, Yahoo! Sports)

The search started Saturday afternoon. I was looking for the pitch that doesn't exist.

I saw Daisuke Matsuzaka trotting off the field at Angel Stadium. He is the best pitcher in Japan, 25 years old with a grown-out mohawk streaked with red dye. His face is round, his body angular, his gait tall and proud. When he swooped into the dugout, I asked him about the gyroball. [...]

The gyroball is baseball's version of alien life. No one knows if they've seen it. No one knows what it looks like. No one knows much about it. Except there's a small pocket of American fans who graze the Internet champing to see Matsuzaka, because they're all convinced that he throws a gyroball and they're all convinced it will revolutionize the sport.

There hasn't been a new pitch in baseball since the split-finger fastball, and it did everything from making Bruce Sutter a Hall of Famer to prolonging Roger Clemens' career by 10 years. Baseball evolves so slowly, unearthing a new pitch is like finding an Easter egg that happens to be filled with gold.

In the minds of the gyro-obsessed, Matsuzaka is their 24-karat answer. So when he heard the gyroball question, chuckled and started talking, it was obvious he did know the pitch, and that maybe, just maybe, it existed after all.

The concept of the gyroball was perfected in a supercomputer by two Japanese scientists named Ryutaro Himeno and Kazushi Tezuka. In simulations, they showed how a pitcher with good mechanics could throw the baseball in a way that it spun like a bullet – or, in sporting sense, like a perfect football spiral – and broke like nothing anyone has ever seen.

Roughly translated, the title of their book is "The Secret of the Miracle Pitch," and it's loaded with anime cartoons and mathematical formulas that attempt to explain how to throw a gyroball.

The Ghost Pitch (Will Carroll, RobNeyer.com)

The pitch is like a ghost. People claim they have seen it, but like a UFO or the Loch Ness Monster, the evidence is a bit harder to come across. Jerky video from Japan hides in the depths of specialty baseball discussion boards. Breathless tales from scouts and fans discussing this ghost would be laughable...

If they weren’t true.

Not since the advent of the split-fingered fastball has there been a real "new" pitch. Sure, there are variants like R.A. Dickey's "Thang" and others that recall Rick Vaughn's "Terminator," but the gyroball is not only real, it's teachable.

The gyroball is less a pitch than an effect. Over the past five years, a new science of pitching is beginning to take hold in Japan. While the translations are non-existent, the best available to me is "Double Spin Mechanics." Rather than using high-speed video like advanced pitching gurus Tom House and Mike Marshall use, the Japanese have gone to supercomputers.

Simulating various mechanical models, Japanese researchers -- and I would name them if I could find someone to translate their book -- discovered a series of biomechanical techniques that would remove much of the stress from throwing a baseball. This new mechanical paradigm takes a book to explain properly, but the short version is that instead of using the linear kinetic chain that’s the subject of American research, the Japanese attempt to coordinate two circular motions. The first is a motion of the hips and is very similar to the findings of Dr. Glenn Fleisig of ASMI. There is a nearly one-to-one relationship between hip velocity and ball velocity; increase one and the other increases.

The second "spin" -- and this is what’s revolutionary, perhaps -- is the motion of the upper arm. This differentiates from Mike Marshall’s Newtonian model and demands a forceful yet controlled rotation of the humerus. To get the idea of this in your head, hold your arm out so that your upper arm (humerus) is parallel to the floor. Have your forearm at a ninety-degree angle and hold the ball so that the ball is between your hand and your ear. The proper second "spin" is done by rotating the upper arm so that the forearm goes from pointing up to pointing down and the hand goes from pointing in at the body to pointing away from the body (pronation) just after the release of the ball.

Got all that?

Double-spin mechanics are almost unknown in America, but slowly they're reaching these shores.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:50 PM


In reversal, Pedro up & throwing (ADAM RUBIN, 7/17/06, NY DAILY NEWS)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:46 PM


Why we're flush with success
: It's difficult to plumb the depths of the debt the civilized world owes to the brains behind our drains. (W. Hodding Carter, July 17, 2006, LA Times)

The Romans gave our heroes their name. The Latin word for lead is plumb, and the men who shaped it into pipes and connected them throughout the Roman empire were called plumbarii. Improving on Middle Eastern and Greek engineering, the Roman plumbarii lifted water supply to new heights (quite literally, with some lead pipes hundreds of feet above rivers and low valleys).

Besides insane emperors and a crushing army, Rome's most exalted creation was its baths and overflowing fountains — whether planted in semi-arid North Africa or sodden England. While local barbarians thought themselves lucky to gulp a handful of tainted river water, Roman citizens sipped somewhat-filtered water and took hours-long steam baths after a hard day betting at the Coliseum.

Skipping past the Dark Ages, because there wasn't a whole lot of bathing going on, we get to how those Irish monks saved civilization. They had indoor plumbing. As Roman aqueducts and water pipes fell into disrepair and people resorted to throwing their waste out into the streets, monks throughout Europe sat in private latrines flushed by running water and bathed with water supplied through — guess what — lead pipes. They therefore stayed clean, healthy and able to scribble down all those great works.

And how did England become Great Britain? Back in the mid-1800s, when London was engulfed by the Great Stink — a summer in which members of Parliament ran from their chambers thanks to an odiferous attack of rotting sewage frothing in the Thames — it was the plumbers and civil engineers who set things straight, building unequaled subterranean brick aqueducts and connecting all the city with modern lead and iron pipes. Queen Victoria's son, whose life was saved when a plumber realized that a faulty royal toilet was breeding typhus, declared upon recovering, "If I could not be a prince, I would be a plumber."

Flushed: Brothers Judd interview of W. Hodding Carter (Orrin Judd, July 17, 2006, Enter Stage Right)

W. Hodding CarterIn his new book, Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization, W. Hodding Carter plunges into the reality and history of sewage and plumbing with all the zeal of a missionary. His message for modern man is that we need to face up to the fetid facts about our own body functions and the technological marvels by which we process them. The book is as funny as it is fascinating and we recently had the honor of an e-mail interview with the author.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:00 PM


Attack Add: WHY ISRAEL SHOULD BOMB SYRIA (Michael B. Oren, 07.17.06, New Republic)

Back in 1966, Israel recoiled from attacking Syria and instead raided Jordan, inadvertently setting off a concatenation of events culminating in war. Israel is once again refraining from an entanglement with Hezbollah's Syrian sponsors, perhaps because it fears a clash with Iran. And just as Israel's failure to punish the patron of terror in 1967 ultimately triggered a far greater crisis, so too today, by hesitating to retaliate against Syria, Israel risks turning what began as a border skirmish into a potentially more devastating confrontation. Israel may hammer Lebanon into submission and it may deal Hezbollah a crushing blow, but as long as Syria remains hors de combat there is no way that Israel can effect a permanent change in Lebanon's political labyrinth and ensure an enduring ceasefire in the north. On the contrary, convinced that Israel is unwilling to confront them, the Syrians may continue to escalate tensions, pressing them toward the crisis point. The result could be an all-out war with Syria as well as Iran and severe political upheaval in Jordan, Egypt, and the Gulf.

The answer lies in delivering an unequivocal blow to Syrian ground forces deployed near the Lebanese border. By eliminating 500 Syrian tanks--tanks that Syrian President Bashar Al Assad needs to preserve his regime--Israel could signal its refusal to return to the status quo in Lebanon. Supporting Hezbollah carries a prohibitive price, the action would say. Of course, Syria could respond with missile attacks against Israeli cities, but given the dilapidated state of Syria's army, the chances are greater that Assad will simply internalize the message. Presented with a choice between saving Hezbollah and staying alive, Syria's dictator will probably choose the latter. And the message of Israel's determination will also be received in Tehran.

Any course of military action carries risks, especially in the unpredictable Middle East. But if the past is any guide, and if the Six Day War presents a paradigm of an unwanted war that might have been averted with an early, well-placed strike at Syria, then Israel's current strategy in Lebanon deserves to be rethought. If Syria escapes unscathed and Iran undeterred, Israel will remain insecure.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:56 AM


Is Bush Still Too Dumb to Be President?: You can't run a country on horse sense. (Jonathan Chait, July 16, 2006, LA Times)

WAY BACK when he first appeared on the national scene, the rap against George W. Bush was that he might be too dumb to be president. As time passed, questions about Bush's mental capabilities faded away.

After 9/11, his instinctive rather than analytical view of the world seemed to be just what we needed, and Americans of all stripes were desperate to see heroic qualities in him. (As Dan Rather announced at the time: "George Bush is the president; he makes the decisions; and, you know, as just one American, wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me where.")

On top of that, Democrats decided it was politically counterproductive to attack Bush's intelligence. Bruce Reed of the Democratic Leadership Council said in 2002, for instance, that calling Bush dumb "plays directly into Bush's strength, which is that he comes across as a regular guy."

In fact, there's no better predictor of which candidate will win a presidential race between non-incumbents than which one is perceived as less intellectual (the sole exception in over a century being Herbert Hoover) and none better for predicting the likelihood for success of the ensuing presidency than that the new executive is perceived as a dullard.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:52 AM


A New Alliance Of Democrats Spreads Funding: But Some in Party Bristle At Secrecy and Liberal Tilt (Jim VandeHei and Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, 7/17/06)

An alliance of nearly a hundred of the nation's wealthiest donors is roiling Democratic political circles, directing more than $50 million in the past nine months to liberal think tanks and advocacy groups in what organizers say is the first installment of a long-term campaign to compete more aggressively against conservatives.

A year after its founding, Democracy Alliance has followed up on its pledge to become a major power in the liberal movement. It has lavished millions on groups that have been willing to submit to its extensive screening process and its demands for secrecy.

These include the Center for American Progress, a think tank with an unabashed partisan edge, as well as Media Matters for America, which tracks what it sees as conservative bias in the news media. Several alliance donors are negotiating a major investment in Air America, a liberal talk-radio network.

But the large checks and demanding style wielded by Democracy Alliance organizers in recent months have caused unease among Washington's community of Democratic-linked organizations. The alliance has required organizations that receive its endorsement to sign agreements shielding the identity of donors. Public interest groups said the alliance represents a large source of undisclosed and unaccountable political influence.

Basically, any charge leveled by a Democrat at a Republican is self-description. They're either a party of ten year olds or of the emotionally disturbed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:35 AM


A Crash Course for the Elderly (ANDREW L. HAAS, NY Times)

Doctors are required to take continuing medical education courses each year in order to retain our licenses and hospital privileges. We must also take our board specialty examinations every 10 years to maintain our specialty certifications. We do this in order to reduce the risk to patients of injury or death caused by medical errors.

Yet there are few such precautions taken to reduce injury and death on American roads. Someone can get behind the wheel of a potentially lethal automobile without having had his basic competence tested in decades. Most drivers receive their last exposure to driver education and testing in their mid-teens.

This makes no sense. Given their great, and frequently proven, capacity to do harm, drivers should be required to take a continuing driver education course every 10 years.

Special emphasis should be placed on elderly drivers. Motor-vehicle injuries are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among 65- to 74-year-olds and are the second leading cause, after falls, among 75- to 84-year-olds. Older drivers have a higher fatality rate per mile driven than any age group except drivers under 25. The American Medical Association estimates that as the population of the United States ages, drivers aged 65 and older will eventually account for 25 percent of all fatal crashes.

Accordingly, it makes sense to recertify drivers at age 65 and require subsequent recertification, based on road testing, every five years thereafter.

You shouldn't be allowed to drive until 21 either.

Posted by David Cohen at 9:32 AM


Biography for Marcel Dalio (Michael Ryerson, IMDB)

Born Israel Moshe Blauschild, in Paris, in 1900, he became a much sought-after character actor. His lovely animated face with its great expressive eyes became familiar across Europe. He appeared in Jean Renoir's idiosyncratic Rules of the Game, and Grand Illusion, arguably the greatest of all films. True to his Frenchman's heart, he married the very young, breathtaking beauty Madeleine LeBeau. He worked with von Stroheim and Pierre Chenal. He had it all.

But then the Germans crushed Poland, swept across Belgium and pressed on toward Paris. He waited until the last possible moment and finally, with the sound of artillery clearly audible, with Madeleine, fled in a borrowed car to Orleans and then, in a freight train, to Bordeaux and finally to Portugal. In Lisbon, they bribed a crooked immigration official and were surreptitiously given two visas for Chile. But on arriving in Mexico City, it was discovered the visas were rank forgeries. Facing deportation, Marcel and Madeleine found themselves making application for political asylum with virtually every country in the western hemisphere. Weeks passed until Canada finally issued them temporary visas and they left for Montreal.

Meanwhile, France had fallen and, in the process of subjugating the country, the Germans had found some publicity stills of Dalio. A series of posters were produced and were then displayed throughout the city with the caption 'a typical Jew' so that citizens could more easily report anyone suspected of unrepentant Jewishness....

After a short time, friends in the film industry arranged for them to arrive in Hollywood....

Shooting started without a screenplay and little plot. Principal players were cast and a director hired but casting calls for supporting roles and bit players continued and sometime in the early spring Marcel Dalio and Madeleine LeBeau were cast as, respectively, a croupier and a romantic entanglement for the male lead. Veteran screen-writers were hired to produce a running screenplay, sometimes delivering pages of dialogue one day, for scenes to be shot the following day. No one knew exactly where the plot would go or how the story would turn out. No one was sure of the ending. And, of course, they produced a classic, perhaps the finest American movie.

They produced a screenplay of multiple genres, rich with characterizations, perfectly in tune with the unfolding events in Europe and loaded with talent from top to bottom. Oh, and they changed the title to 'Casablanca'....

Madeleine LeBeau plays Yvonne, the jilted lover of Humphrey Bogart, who is seen drowning her sorrows at the bar early in the film and who later, to get back at Rick and looking for solace takes up with a German officer finding only self-hatred. She is luminous.

And when Claude Rains delivers the signature line, 'I'm shocked! Shocked! To find that there's gambling going on in here!' the croupier, Emil, played by Marcel Dalio, approaches from the roulette table and says simply, 'Your winnings, sir.' It is a delicious moment ripe with scripted irony, one among many in this film, but one made all the more so, knowing where Dalio came from and what he and his wife had endured to arrive at that line.

Today would have been M. Dalio's 106th birthday.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:21 AM

GOTTA KNOW YOUR ALLIES (via David Hill, The Bronx):

In an About-Face, Sunnis Want U.S. to Remain in Iraq (EDWARD WONG and DEXTER FILKINS, 7/17/06, NY Times)

As sectarian violence soars, many Sunni Arab political and religious leaders once staunchly opposed to the American presence here are now saying they need American troops to protect them from the rampages of Shiite militias and Shiite-run government forces. [...]

[S]unni Arab leaders say they have no newfound love for the Americans. Many say they still sympathize with the insurgency and despise the Bush administration and the fact that the invasion has helped strengthen the power of neighboring Iran, which backs the ruling Shiite parties.

But the Sunni leaders have dropped demands for a quick withdrawal of American troops. Many now ask for little more than a timetable. A few Sunni leaders even say they want more American soldiers on the ground to help contain the widening chaos.

The new stance is one of the most significant shifts in attitude since the war began. It could influence White House plans for a reduction of the 134,000 troops here and help the Americans expand dialogue with elements of the insurgency. But the budding accommodation is already stirring a reaction among the Shiites, who make up about 60 percent of the population but were brutally ruled for decades by the Sunnis.

The War on Terror is actually just a war against radical Sunni Arabs--to side with them out of convenience would be a disaster.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 AM


Bond Criticizes, Invites Bush (Associated Press, July 17, 2006)

Julian Bond blasted the war in Iraq and conservative attacks on voting rights, yet the NAACP's chairman last night also urged President Bush to attend the civil rights group's annual convention this week.

"This year the convention has come to the president, and we hope and pray he is coming to us," said Bond, speaking at the Washington Convention Center, about a mile from the White House.

Bush has avoided the conventions since taking office in 2001, making him the first sitting president in decades not to have spoken to the group. His schedule for Wednesday lists an event with the notation "TBA," or "to be announced."

No matter how aggravating the appearance it would be great politics for the President to go there and challenge them to vote their values and interests instead of Democrat.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:03 AM


The Reagan Myth (FRED BARNES, July 17, 2006, Opinion Journal)

[I]t's...on the spending issue that the Reagan myth--Reagan as the relentless swashbuckler against spending--is most pronounced. He won an estimated $35 billion in spending cuts in 1981, his first year in office. After that, spending soared, so much so that his budget director David Stockman, who found himself on the losing end of spending arguments, wrote a White House memoir with the subtitle, "Why the Reagan Revolution Failed."

With Reagan in the White House, spending reached 23.5% of GDP in 1984, the peak year of the military buildup. Under Mr. Bush, the top spending year is 2005 at 20.1% of GDP, though it is expected to rise as high as 20.7% this year, driven upward by Iraq and hurricane relief.

Mr. Reagan was a small government conservative, but he found it impossible to govern that way. He made tradeoffs. He gave up the fight to curb domestic spending in exchange for congressional approval of increased defense spending. He cut taxes deeply but signed three smaller tax hikes. Rather than try to reform Social Security, he agreed to increase payroll taxes.

The Gipper's big spending ways are indeed the issue that makes folks like Peggy Nonan and Bruce Bartlett sound the silliest, but it's a more important measure of his liberalism relative to W that he did everything in his power to prop up the Second Way Welfare State.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Bush Curses Hezbollah at G-8 Luncheon (NewsMax, 7/17/06)

It wasn't meant to be overheard. Private luncheon conversations among world leaders, picked up by a microphone, provided a rare window into both banter and substance - including President Bush cursing Hezbollah's attacks against Israel. [...]

"See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this (expletive) and it's over," Bush told Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.

He told Blair he felt like telling U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who visited the gathered leaders, to get on the phone with Syrian President Bashar Assad to "make something happen."

The war is in Syria, not Lebanon.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM


U.S. Border Town, 1,200 Miles From The Border (Dale Russakoff, 7/17/06, Washington Post)

Jerry Nelson steered his grocery cart out of the Wal-Mart on a recent night, fuming about globalization, Southern style. "Another great night at the Mexican Wal-Mart," he groused to no one in particular.

The mass migration of Latinos to this corner of northwest Georgia known as the carpet capital of the world has changed the character of everything from factory floors to schools to superstores. On this night, Wal-Mart's ubiquitous TV monitors alternately promoted arroz and rice, aparatos and electronics.

Like many working-class natives of this once lily-white area, Nelson blames the changes on the carpet industry, which he insists lured the Mexicans -- and more recently, other Latinos -- to keep down wages and workers' leverage in this nonunion region. "We all know who the culprit is: Big Business. That's who's running our country," he said.

But the immigration-driven transformation of work in the United States is not simple, and Nelson played a role in the story, too. For decades, displaced farmers were the backbone of carpet mills. Nelson's mother left a farm in Appalachia to work in one until age 82. But Nelson didn't follow her. Neither did his wife, Georgia, also a mill worker's daughter. "We wanted more than our parents," said Jerry Nelson, who spent most of his career as a heating and ventilation contractor.

...Tom Tancredo would be sponsoring anti-elf legislation....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM

VANGUARD FUND (via Steve Jacobson):

A New Alliance Of Democrats Spreads Funding: But Some in Party Bristle At Secrecy and Liberal Tilt (Jim VandeHei and Chris Cillizza, July 17, 2006, Washington Post)

An alliance of nearly a hundred of the nation's wealthiest donors is roiling Democratic political circles, directing more than $50 million in the past nine months to liberal think tanks and advocacy groups in what organizers say is the first installment of a long-term campaign to compete more aggressively against conservatives. [...]

But the large checks and demanding style wielded by Democracy Alliance organizers in recent months have caused unease among Washington's community of Democratic-linked organizations. The alliance has required organizations that receive its endorsement to sign agreements shielding the identity of donors. Public interest groups said the alliance represents a large source of undisclosed and unaccountable political influence.

Democracy Alliance also has left some Washington political activists concerned about what they perceive as a distinctly liberal tilt to the group's funding decisions. Some activists said they worry that the alliance's new clout may lead to groups with a more centrist ideology becoming starved for resources.

If the Party had popular support it wouldn't need such funding from elites who despise the 60%-95% of Americans who disagree with them. It isn't possible to overstate how alienated the Left's bagmen are from the American mainstream.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 AM


Hil's keys to the Oval Office (FRANK LUNTZ, 7/17/06, NY Daily News)

Here's how Hillary can continue to lead the pack, and the four essential steps she needs to take to stay on top.

First, she must be herself. Her recent tack to the right - from equivocating on the Iraq war, to supporting a ban on flag burning - is fooling no one and is seriously agitating her liberal base. The reason Hillary became so popular in the first place was her unflinching willingness to tell it like it is. She must say what she means, and mean what she says.

Similarly, recent efforts by Clinton to inject religious references into her speeches to prove she's a person of faith is like fingernails on a chalkboard to Democrat primary voters. Clinton must win the primary first - then worry about the general election. If Democrats really cared about religion, they'd be Republicans.

Second, Clinton must give us answers, not just criticism. She is already applauded by most voters for her focus and determination and does a good job explaining the specifics (and even the minutiae) of the issues she cares about. None of that should change.

But she spends so much time criticizing the Republicans that voters aren't hearing enough of what she would do instead. [...]

Third, Clinton, who can be charming and funny in private, should be more candid and unpredictable. [...]

Fourth, Clinton needs to remember to speak from her heart, not her head. Right now, she sometimes sounds like Al Gore ... without the pizzazz. Successful Republicans think. Successful Democrats - like Bill Clinton - feel. Hillary should lower her decibel level, making voters strain to hear her. The softer she is, the more emotional she will sound.

Hardly surprising that Mr. Luntz would offer a Democrat lethal advice. There's little reason to believe that the American people would much like the real Ms Clinton and they've proven repeatedly that they hate her personal ideas about how to govern the country. More than anything she needs to not be herself and to be her husband, at least on the issues.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


Need an operation? Here's your air ticket to ... India (JANE H. FURSE, 7/17/06, NY DAILY NEWS)

Don't look now, but that operation you've been putting off may be outsourced - to India.

American companies are encouraging workers to travel to India and other countries for costly medical procedures, Business Insurance magazine reports.

"It saves you literally tens of thousands of dollars," said Bonnie Blackley, benefits director at Canton, N.C.-based Blue Ridge Paper Products.

A heart valve replacement, for example, that runs between $68,000 and $198,000 in the United States costs only $18,000 in India.

Blackley said that although her company's survival depended on keeping medical costs in check, local health care providers "offered no extra discount or anything."

So she contracted with IndUShealth, a "medical tourism" company that specializes in arranging employee travel to accredited hospitals and board-certified physicians in India.

The beauty of it is that Americans won't fly a French plane to their Indian heart operation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


Boston wonders: Is Big Dig fixable? (Donna Leinwand and Dennis Cauchon, 7/17/06, USA TODAY)

Boston residents endured years of upheaval and detours to get a highway system touted as an urban planning breakthrough. The Big Dig took ugly, congested, elevated highways that divided the city and moved traffic into tunnels and onto an attractive new bridge.

When the project neared completion two years ago, Boston was ready to embrace it. Residents spoke glowingly of a 15-minute zip across town to Logan International Airport.

A single traffic fatality changed that.

It would have been a breakthrough if they'd gotten rid of the roads in the first place.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


Economists in survey don't want rates raised (Barbara Hagenbaugh and Barbara Hansen, 7/17/06, USA TODAY)

The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates next month, then be done for the year, according to economists surveyed by USA TODAY.

But some economists aren't sure that's a good idea.

Nearly two-thirds of the 54 economists surveyed July 7-12 expect Fed policymakers will raise interest rates when they next meet Aug. 8.

But 61% say they wouldn't raise rates if they were the ones sitting within the Fed's marbled walls. Most of the economists expect the Fed will take the increase back early next year by cutting interest rates once.

Except that the rates have nothing to do with economics--they're just psychological.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:33 AM


Population decline (Boston Globe, July 16, 2006)

With all the attention given to continuing strong growth in the world population, one thing might come as a surprise: Forty-three of the 193 nations around the world will register a decline in population by 2050. Which country will experience the most significant population decline in absolute terms by 2050?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:26 AM


City's left is torn by Mideast crisis (Ben Smith, 7/17/06, NY Daily News)

The broadening violence in the Middle East is endangering a political species with deep roots in New York: the liberal Israel hawk.

Although parts of the American left are more sympathetic to the Palestinian side of that conflict, "in New York the liberals are Zionists, because they're Jews," says Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens).

But the anti-war, anti-Bush, pro-Israel "progressive" political space occupied by the likes of the upper West Side's Rep. Jerrold Nadler and national Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is shrinking.

Israel's American allies are increasingly in the Republican Party, and leading journals of the American left have been skeptical of Israel's aggressive military response to the kidnapping of its soldiers.

Nadler said he sees "an increasing strain on the far left that is unreasonably anti-Israel, which I do not understand." An unwillingness to support Israel's right to defend itself, he said, could be tantamount for supporting the destruction of Israel. "If this kind of support for genocide of Jews continues to infect the left - that's not a left I want to be part of," Nadler said.

The problem, of course, is that the entire Left isn't Jews and those that aren't hate Jews for the same reason they all hate Christians.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 AM


Growing number of voters ignore primary elections (Kathy Kiely, 7/17/06, USA TODAY)

Halfway through this year's primary season, voters are showing little interest in picking candidates for the Nov. 7 elections that will determine control of Congress and elect more than one-third of the nation's governors.

Twenty-five states held primaries through June 27. Sixteen of the 22 states that have certified figures or provided estimates to USA TODAY recorded voter turnout lower than 2002, the last national election that wasn't in a presidential year.

Some experts worry that a voter boycott of primaries could result in politics being dominated by single-issue special-interest groups.

"The higher the turnout, the more representative an election is," says Rhodes Cook, publisher of a non-partisan political newsletter. "The lower the turnout, the more the election is likely to reflect a wing of a party or an ideology."

The Democrats' delusion about a "throw the bums out" tide has obviously been exposed, but why would anyone expect many voters to be highly motivated to turn out for elections when both Republican and Democrat congresses and presidents have given us twenty uninterrupted years of growth and incremental implementation of the sort of Third Way entitlement reforms that majorities throughout the Anglosphere expect?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 AM


Tel Aviv plans 4-tier, intensifying offensive (Abraham Rabinovich, 7/17/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

One of the final stages, presumably, is the entry of ground forces into Lebanon.

If Israel's main objectives -- a halt in the firing of missiles into Israel and a Lebanese government agreement to displace Hezbollah from the border area -- have not been achieved by the end of this week, ground troops will cross the border, according to the sources.

Israel is unenthusiastic about the prospect of getting bogged down again in southern Lebanon as it was for 18 years before its pullout in 2000.

But the head of the IDF operations directorate, Brig. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot, said Saturday that any ground incursion will be limited in time and in the area affected.

Israeli officials say they don't think the international community will force Israel to cease fire before its goals are achieved.

Of course not--it would be the Israeli people who would force Israel to stop again because the objective is unattainable and the price not worth it.

In Israel, fury mixed with fears (Thomas Frank, 7/17/06, USA TODAY)

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, with cautious support from the Bush administration, signaled a newly aggressive strategy in which the aim is not to pummel Hezbollah into inactivity, as in the past, but to dismantle the Iranian-backed, Shiite Muslim militia for good.

That pleases some Israelis, especially in this northern region near the Lebanese border, within easy range of Hezbollah rockets.

But many also quietly worry about getting dragged back into what some call "the Lebanon mud" — a wary reference to Israel's bloody 18-year military presence in Lebanon that ended in 2000.

"We did it once. We don't want to do it again," says Alon Oppenheimer, who runs a now-empty family restaurant in this touristy beach town that has been peppered by Hezbollah rockets since Thursday. Israel's attacks on Lebanon will last a week, "two at the most," Oppenheimer says, "because our government is smart enough and doesn't want to get in the Lebanon mud."

July 16, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:47 PM


Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:01 PM


G8 Mideast statement targets Iran, Syria: US (AFP, 7/16/06)

The United States said that a Group of Eight statement on the Middle East crisis implicitly targets Syria and Iran as backers of extremists who attack Israel, even though it does not name them.

A G8 statement on the Middle East crisis warned that "extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict."

"'Those that support them' are clearly understood to be Syria and Iran, who have long been backers and funders of both Hezbollah and Hamas," the US State Department's number three, Nick Burns told reporters on a conference call, referring respectively to the Lebanese Shiite movement and Palestinian radical group.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:58 PM


We are far too soft on City villainy: The British should emulate the Americans' vigorous fraud-busting approach (Will Hutton, July 16, 2006, The Observer)

Last week three bankers - the NatWest Three - became almost national heroes, resisting the long arm of American law which required them to face trial in the US over an alleged offence related to the Enron scandal. The extradition treaty under which they were being removed from Britain had not even been ratified by the Americans, it was said; the burden of proof there was lower; and not even their own British bank was pressing charges. The plane left Gatwick for Houston carrying these tribunes of liberty to a manacled future; businessmen demonstrated; there was a special debate in the House of Commons. A delegation is to be sent to Washington to press the Americans to ratify the treaty.

You have to blink at the craziness. Only towards the end of the week did sanity emerge. The affidavit from the FBI agent in the bail hearings disclosed the email exchanges between the three, and the extent of their involvement in a series of offshore transactions apparently set up to throw up personal profits. 'We're going to get rich,' wrote one. The NatWest Three declare their innocence in the transactions, but there are questions to answer.

It is unusual for the British to witness fraud being taken seriously so long after the event and with such intent by the prosecuting authorities. This is the rule of law at work. The principle is surely right? If any government believes that British nationals may have been party to fraud against organisations under their jurisdiction then it should collaborate to see justice done. And if we don't want to prosecute, then we must stand aside and let others do it. The principle at stake is justice - and whether we want to ring-fence the City of London so that, in effect, anything goes.

Unlike 9-11, no one will much remember Enron in a few years, but it's fitting that the lesson we'll take away is: if you want corporate fraud prosecuted seriously you have to rely on George W. Bush's America to vindicate justice.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:14 PM


Cross border independence (BBC, 7/17/06)

The drive towards independence is gathering momentum in England as well as Scotland, it has been claimed.

SNP leader Alex Salmond has welcomed a poll suggesting almost one in three people in England favour independence.

The ICM poll for the Sunday Mail newspaper indicated 31% support in England to govern its own affairs.

The SNP leader said it would be "much better" to have two self-governing nations who were friendly neighbours rather than "surly lodgers".

Dying alone won't make Scots any less surly.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:34 PM


A Medical Crisis of Conscience (Rob Stein, 7/16/06, Washington Post)

In Chicago, an ambulance driver refused to transport a patient for an abortion. In California, fertility specialists rebuffed a gay woman seeking artificial insemination. In Texas, a pharmacist turned away a rape victim seeking the morning-after pill.

Around the United States, health workers and patients are clashing when providers balk at giving care that they feel violates their beliefs, sparking an intense, complex and often bitter debate over religious freedom vs. patients' rights.

Legal and political battles have followed. Patients are suing and filing complaints after being spurned. Workers are charging religious discrimination after being disciplined or fired. Congress and more than a dozen states are considering laws to compel workers to provide care -- or, conversely, to shield them from punishment.

Proponents of a "right of conscience" for health workers argue that there is nothing more American than protecting citizens from being forced to violate their moral and religious values. Patient advocates and others point to a deep tradition in medicine of healers having an ethical and professional responsibility to put patients first.

You aren't putting patients first if you assist them in evil acts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:51 PM


Correct the damage (THE JERUSALEM POST, Jul. 16, 2006)

At a time like this, we would like to be in a position to thank free nations, which we might expect would naturally come to the side of a country under unprovoked attack from some of the most vicious terrorist organizations in the world. Unfortunately, the leader of only one nation, the United States, President George Bush, has been unequivocal in his support for Israel's position, and even his Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, has pointedly called for Israeli "restraint."

This implied and preemptive US criticism is, of course, mild compared to the international chorus that is already condemning Israel for its "disproportionate response." On Thursday, the US vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution that would have, in a surreal reversal of time and moral culpability, first condemned Israel's "military assault" on Gaza and secondly "also the firing of rockets into Israel and the abduction of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian armed groups from Gaza, and the recent abduction and killing of an Israeli civilian in the West Bank."

The US veto came on numerous grounds, including that the resolution related only to Gaza, even though the Hizbullah-Iranian offensive had already begun.

It will be long remembered by this country that the UN could even consider such a lopsided resolution at a time when Israeli civilians were being killed over an international border that it had fully recognized. Though the US cast a lone "no" vote, it is the majority of 10 nations - including France, Russia, and China - which should be ashamed of their stance, as should the UK, which could only muster an abstention.

It's not really fair to measure the others against W, who is a Jewish head of state.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:50 AM


Islam's reformers: One year after the 7/7 attacks in London, a challenge to the traditionalist, literal reading of the Koran is gathering strength. A younger generation of Muslims is seeking a less insular and more western faith (Ehsan Masood, July 2006, The Prospect)

It is a scene I won't forget in a hurry: Jean-Marie Lehn, French winner of the Nobel prize in chemistry, defending his atheism at a packed public conference at the new Alexandria Library in Egypt. In much of the Muslim world, talking about atheism in public is dangerous.

But the Alexandria Library is run by Ismail Serageldin, a Muslim intellectual who has a bold and ambitious project for Egypt. This is to create a place for dissent in public life. He wants to encourage people to grow thicker skins, help them appreciate that if Muslim societies want to return to the forefront of global intellectual life, they need to be comfortable with public dispute. The library is one place where open debate can take place—although this is partly because it is protected by having as its chair Suzanne Mubarak, wife of President Hosni Mubarak.

Serageldin is not alone. In my travels across the Muslim world, I am finding that what he (and others) are trying to do in Egypt is also happening elsewhere. It is happening in places where you would expect it, such as multicultural Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as places where you wouldn't, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is happening at the level of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (a mini-UN of 57 countries with mainly Muslim populations), which has embarked on a ten-year reform plan to try to turn Muslim states into beacons of human rights and free speech. It is also happening on our doorstep, among Muslim minorities in the west.

In Britain and the US, we have seen the emergence of a number of Islamic "rationalists" who are building a case for Muslim societies to change from within, and for Muslim minorities in western countries to change how they think of themselves in relation to wider society. They include the British-Pakistani writer and thinker Ziauddin Sardar, the philosophers Tariq Ramadan (Swiss-Egyptian) and AbdolKarim Soroush (Iranian). From the US, change is being advocated by the evangelist Hamza Yusuf Hanson, who regards himself as more traditionalist than reformer.

Each has a different vision and a different way of working. But they all want Muslim societies—and minorities—that are vibrant, just, humane, at peace with themselves and with modernity. They also agree that elements of the practice of Islam can be of benefit to the modern west: the importance of family networks; a strong framework for morals; social responsibility. It is significant that each of these scholar-activists is either based in a western country, or has spent substantial time in western research establishments. They did not emerge from within the Islamic world, but the influence of at least two of them now extends deep into it. Sardar is influential in Indonesia, Malaysia and South Africa; and Soroush's ideas are so popular in Iran that he is banned from appearing in the media. Ramadan, meanwhile, is listened to by the British government and Hanson has in the past advised President Bush.

So what needs to change? One area on which all are agreed is the need to break with the traditional literal interpretation of the Koran. The majority of Muslims are taught to believe that the Koran is the uncreated word of God as delivered to Muhammad—that human agency did not interfere with the process from revelation to transcription. Islam is also regarded by most believers as fixed and unchanging—unlike Christianity, whose example of change in the centuries since the death of Jesus Christ is one reason why Islam is seen by some Muslims as the last true faith. Indeed, in most schools, Islam's "easternness" and resistance to western modernisation is seen as one of its enduring strengths.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:24 AM

A LITTLE LESS HELP, HERE (via Luciferous):

'Aid only feeds Africa's corruption' (Carl Mortishead, 7/16/06, Times Online)

A broadcaster little known in the West says handouts exacerbate the continent's problems
ASK Andrew Mwenda how rich nations can help Africa and you get a quick and disturbing answer.

“The best thing the West can do is nothing,” he says. [...]

Aid is directing self-interest elsewhere because, instead of engaging in a risky dialogue with their citizens about reform, African politicians would rather talk to aid donors and solicit handouts. “Africans need to move on from the slave trade and stop whining,” says Mr Mwenda.

He compares the old colonial administrators rattling around in Land Rovers with today’s army of foreign aid officials and government bureaucrats. “There were 72 colonial administrators and frugal public expenditure. Today, there are 2,800 foreign expatriates. They fight poverty in a BMW. When was Uganda more colonised, in 1962 or today?”

No surprise that the message is ill-received in Kampala where Mr Mwenda was a guest for several days in one of President Museveni’s jails. He accused the Government of incompetence and negligence in sending John Garang, the Sudanese rebel leader, to his death in a Ugandan government helicopter which recklessly flew into a storm in a rebel area.

Mr Mwenda admits freely that he would like to be president. While criticising the Ugandan opposition parties, he says that he will eventually join one. He wants to replace the African tradition of patronage with a meritocracy and admires Botswana and post-civil war Rwanda as better systems.

“Aid has destroyed the concept of civil society in Africa. What exists are the NGOs. They are bureaucracies committed to the interests of donors. Cut off the foreign aid and 90 per cent will disappear,” says Mr Mwenda.

Paul Driessen's book, Eco-Imperialism, is terrific on the subject. We're honored to have him on the panel this week at the Redefining Sovereignty event at the Heritage Foundation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:09 AM


Cry havoc, and let slip the puppies of war (Spengler, 7/15/06, Asia Times)

The old dogs in Tehran and Riyadh can do nothing to satisfy the deeply felt and long-frustrated aspirations of their pups in the Gaza strip or Baghdad's Sadr City, no more than Nicholas II could requite the nationalist hopes of Serbia without going to war with Austria and Germany. In fact, nothing can dampen the Palestinians' existential outrage against the misery of their circumstances, or fulfill the ambitions of Iraq's Shi'ites without the reduction of the Sunni population.

That leaves Tehran in a dilemma. Iran's power rests on its ability to threaten destabilization, especially in Iraq, and it is counting on this to keep the Bush administration at bay. Even the greatest military autocrat, though, is constrained by the character of his army, and the standing of the region's little powers depends on the outcome of the puppy fights now in progress. The logical result is continued escalation until America and Iran stand off in earnest.

Saudi Arabia, by the same token, cannot abandon its Sunni brethren in Iraq by acquiescing to an Iranian power play, which in the long run threatens the kingdom's own security. Dallas Morning News editor Rod Dreher spoke to Saudi Minister of State Abdullah Zainal Alireza on June 28, who stated "that the US cannot allow Iran to get the bomb". Dreher asked him, "What if it happens anyway?" The Saudi minister, Dreher reported, "repeated, firmly, that it must not be allowed to happen. Period. The end."

This declaration to a prominent US journalist should be assigned high significance. As I observed earlier this year, "Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have the most to lose from a nuclear-equipped Iran. No one can predict when the Saudi kingdom might become unstable, but whenever it does, Iran will stand ready to support its Shi'ite co-religionists, who make up a majority in the kingdom's oil-producing east."

It should be no surprise that Western governments are watching the events in Gaza slack-jawed and confused. Not only the dogs, but the dogs' owners, have plunged into the melee. The divisions inside Hamas make matters more complicated still.

Hamas' military wing in Gaza takes orders from the Syrian-based Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, "because he distributes the funds received from Iran and the Gulf States", as the Guardian of London reported July 4. The region's governments blame each other for failing to persuade Meshaal to free the Israeli corporal.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has the most to lose, blames Syria for ignoring Egyptian requests to arrange the soldier's release. But the Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath told the Saudi daily Al-Watan on July 9 that both Egypt and Saudi Arabia were blocking Western efforts to convince Iran and Syria to use their good offices to free Shalit.

Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and his Revolutionary Guard supporters are the puppies of the Iranian revolution. Western diplomacy presumes that the old dogs, specifically Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and former president Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, will kennel their curs before the US takes military action of some kind. But that is harder to do than some Western analysts suppose, for Iran's influence over Shi'ite militias in Iraq represents the Islamic Republic's most important source of leverage over the United States.

Tug on the loose ends and this whole ball comes untied. It obviously can not both be the case that Iran is the great center of Shi'ite power and the support and defender of Shi'ites across the Middle East and that it's primary weapon against the U.S. is to destabilize the Shi'ite dominated Iraqi state, an end that the Sunni enemy favors. In fact, one of the most important reasons for us to have withdrawn promptly from Iraq was because in our absence the Iranians would have to support the Shi'ite regime, even though it is anti-Khomeneist. Likewise, there is an easy conmtradiction to be forced in Syria, where Iran is in cahoots with a regime that represses the significant Shi'ite population.

Israeli strikes are part of a broader strategy (Robin Wright, July 16, 2006, The Washington Post)

Israel, with U.S. support, intends to resist calls for a cease-fire and continue a longer-term strategy of punishing Hezbollah, which is likely to include several weeks of precision bombing in Lebanon, according to senior Israeli and U.S. officials.

For Israel, the goal is to eliminate Hezbollah as a security threat -- or altogether, the sources said. A senior Israeli official confirmed that Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah is a target, on the calculation that the Shiite movement would be far less dynamic without him.

For the United States, the broader goal is to strangle the axis of Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran, which the Bush administration believes is pooling resources to change the strategic playing field in the Middle East, U.S. officials say.

Except that Israel can't prevent eventual Shi'ite domination of Lebanon and the United States views the Shi'a as de facto allies against radical Islam.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:04 AM


Clinton, in Arkansas, Says Democrats Are 'Wasting Time' (ANNE E. KORNBLUT, 7/16/06, NY Times)

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, returning to her red-state ties, chastised Democrats Saturday for taking on issues that arouse conservatives and turn out Republican voters rather than finding consensus on mainstream subjects.

Without mentioning specific subjects like gay marriage, Mrs. Clinton said: “We do things that are controversial. We do things that try to inflame their base.”

“We are wasting time,” the senator told a group of Democratic women here, on part of a two-day swing through a state that could provide an alternate hub to New York if she starts a national political campaign.

The simple reality is that Democrats can't afford to talk about social issues.

the only way that democrats can regain a majority (Michael Lind, 8/04/05, TPM Cafe)

The good news for Democrats is that they can regain the majority if the now-dead Civil Rights Democrat coalition of 1968-2004, a coalition of social liberals who agreed to disagree about economic issues, is replaced by something like the New Deal coalition of 1932-68, a coalition of economic liberals who agree to disagree about social issues.

The bad news for social liberals is that in a Democratic majority defined by economic liberalism the social liberals would be the minority in their own party and the socially conservative, economically liberal populists would be the majority. Not only would social liberals have to welcome back pro-middle-class-welfare-state social conservatives to the Democratic party, but also they would have to consent to being the junior partners, as in the New Deal era.

Social liberals can be the minority in a majority party. Or social liberals can be the majority in a minority party. But social liberals can't be the majority in a majority party--not in the United States, not in the foreseeable future. There just aren't enough social liberals in the American electorate.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 AM


An American Foreign Policy That Both Realists and Idealists Should Fall in Love With (ROBERT WRIGHT, 7/16/06, NY Times)

[I]t’s now possible to build a foreign policy paradigm that comes close to squaring the circle — reconciling the humanitarian aims of idealists with the powerful logic of realists. And adopting this paradigm could make the chaos of the last week less common in the future.

Every paradigm needs a name, and the best name for this one is progressive realism. The label has a nice ring (Who is against progress?) and it aptly suggests bipartisan appeal. This is a realism that could attract many liberals and a progressivism that could attract some conservatives.

With such crossover potential, this paradigm might even help Democrats win a presidential election. But Democrats can embrace it only if they’re willing to annoy an interest group or two and also reject a premise common in Democratic policy circles lately: that the key to a winning foreign policy is to recalibrate the party’s manhood — just take boilerplate liberal foreign policy and add a testosterone patch. Even if that prescription did help win an election, it wouldn’t succeed in protecting America. [...]

Progressive realism begins with a cardinal doctrine of traditional realism: the purpose of American foreign policy is to serve American interests. [...]

There is a principle here that goes beyond arms control: the national interest can be served by constraints on America’s behavior when they constrain other nations as well. This logic covers the spectrum of international governance, from global warming (we’ll cut carbon dioxide emissions if you will) to war (we’ll refrain from it if you will).

This doesn’t mean joining the deepest devotees of international law and vowing never to fight a war that lacks backing by the United Nations Security Council. But it does mean that, in the case of Iraq, ignoring the Security Council and international opinion had excessive costs: (1) eroding the norm against invasions not justified by self-defense or imminent threat; (2) throwing away a golden post-9/11 opportunity to strengthen the United Nations’ power as a weapons inspector. The last message we needed to send is the one President Bush sent: countries that succumb to pressure to admit weapons inspectors will be invaded anyway. Peacefully blunting the threats posed by nuclear technologies in North Korea and Iran would be tricky in any event, but this message has made it trickier. (Ever wonder why Iran wants “security guarantees”?)

The administration’s misjudgment in Iraq highlights the distinction — sometimes glossed over by neoconservatives — between transparency and regime change. Had we held off on invasion, demanding in return that United Nations inspections be expanded and extended, we could have rendered Iraq transparent, confirming that it posed no near-term threat. Regime change wasn’t essential. [...]

The slaughter in Darfur, though a humanitarian crisis, is also a security issue, given how hospitable collapsed states can be to terrorists. But if addressing the Darfur problem will indeed help thwart terrorism internationally, then the costs of the mission should be shared.

President Bush’s belated diplomatic involvement in Darfur suggests growing enlightenment, but sluggish ad hoc multilateralism isn’t enough. We need multilateral structures capable of decisively forceful intervention and nation building — ideally under the auspices of the United Nations, which has more global legitimacy than other candidates. America should lead in building these structures and thereafter contribute its share, but only its share. To some extent, the nurturing of international institutions and solid international law is simple thrift.

And the accounting rules are subtle. [...]

Of course, resources aren’t infinite, and the world has lots of problems. But focusing on national interest helps focus resources. Notwithstanding last week’s carnage in the Middle East, more people have been dying in Sri Lanka’s civil war than in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. But given the threat of anti-American Islamist terrorism, forging a lasting two-state solution in the Middle East is a higher priority than bringing lasting peace to Sri Lanka.

This sounds harsh, but it is only acknowledgment of something often left unsaid: a nation’s foreign policy will always favor the interests of its citizens and so fall short of moral perfection. We can at least be thankful that history, by intertwining the fates of peoples, is bringing national interest closer to moral ideals.

The obvious problem for Mr. Wright is that the moral ideals that America seeks to vindicate are Judeo-Christian and that means that it will never be the "purpose of American foreign policy...to serve American interests." Interests can not be squared with morals. For instance, the Realists are uniformly hostile to Israel because it would serve our "interests" to remove that irritant from the Middle East. American foreign policy, hoever, is and always has been pro-Israel for exclusively moral reasons. Likewise, it couldn't matter less to our "interests" how many Jews a Hitler kills, how many Shi'ites and Kurds a Saddam kills, how many blacks in Darfur the Arabs kill, how badly Haiti is run, etc... We intervene -- over and over and over again, in situations with virtually no strategic implications -- because it is morally right, even when it is directly against our own interests.

Our foreign policy in no way approaches moral perfection, but it is morally motivated and an argument against that historical truth is unrealistic.

The Prophet and the Evangelist: The public "conversation" of Reinhold Niebuhr and Billy Graham. (Andrew S. Finstuen, July/August 2006, Books & Culture)

In 1948, the well-known neo-orthodox1 theologian Reinhold Niebuhr appeared on the cover of Time magazine's 25th anniversary edition. Niebuhr's stern visage was accompanied by the original sin-inspired caption: "Man's story is not a success story." Six years later, a portrait of evangelist Billy Graham stared directly out at Time's readers. A Garden of Eden scene, complete with a naked Eve and a menacing serpent coiled around the tree of knowledge, provided the backdrop.

Their respective cover appearances were more than mere happenstance. These two giants of American Protestantism revitalized the doctrine of original sin in the post-World War II era. Their interpretations of sin differed: Niebuhr focused on the complexities of individual and social sin, while Graham focused almost exclusively on individual sin. Indeed, Niebuhr had little patience for what he referred to as Graham's "pietistic individualism," which asserted that the solution to the world's problems was individual regeneration. Despite this theological divide, Niebuhr saw great potential in the ministry of Graham, and he poked and prodded the evangelist in several mid-Fifties articles aimed in part at helping Graham realize his potential as a prophetic leader within American Protestantism. For a brief moment, then, these two leading Christian personalities were not so much polarized from one another as typically imagined but rather in "conversation" with one another. And to a large degree, ministers and some lay believers of the day followed the conversation closely, appreciating each thinker for his respective gifts to the community of the faithful.

Yet few scholars have recognized this basic point of contact in the thought of Niebuhr and Graham, however distinct their interpretations of sin, nor have they given careful consideration to the space they shared within the mid-century public sphere. As the two most recognizable faces of postwar Protestantism (Paul Tillich and Norman Vincent Peale were the others), Niebuhr and Graham's thought was often juxtaposed in popular periodicals. In 1955, McCall's asked the nation's religious leaders, "Is our religious revival real?" Graham and Niebuhr joined a handful of other respondents by expressing suspicion of the "revival." The thrust of their reservations had a similar tone. Graham announced, "God is interested in the quality of converts, not quantity." Niebuhr also questioned the "quality" of the surging church-going population. He wondered whether "this generation is not expressing its desire to believe in something," though perhaps unwilling "to be committed to a God who can be known only through repentance."

This was not an isolated incident. Both figures voiced their concerns about the depth of the revival frequently, doing so again alongside one another in a Newsweek article in 1955. That same year, The Reader's Digest printed Graham and Niebuhr's reflections, one after the other, on the prospect of world peace. Both were hopeful but not unrealistic; they each cited the corruption of human nature as the biggest obstacle to any lasting peace. [...]

[G]raham startled the Protestant world with his admission in 1958 that he had read "nearly everything Mr. Niebuhr has written." Graham apparently meant what he said. As late as the 1980s, Graham claimed: "Look, I need some more Reinhold Niebuhrs in my life. I would say Reinhold Niebuhr was a great contributor to me. He helped me work through some of my problems."

Niebuhr never went quite so far as to profess any Grahamian influence on his work, but he never ceased praising Graham for his sincerity, integrity, and certain aspects of his evangelism. Niebuhr noted in a 1955 New Republic article, for instance, that Graham's "fundamentalist version of the Christian faith . . . expresses some of the central themes of the Christian faith. He demands that men be confronted with God in Christ; and hopes that this confrontation will lead to conversion." (We should note in passing that even as Niebuhr characterized Graham thus, fundamentalists were denouncing the evangelist.) Niebuhr also consistently distinguished Graham from the "success cult" of Norman Vincent Peale. Graham, Niebuhr thought, had something of the prophet in him in comparison with Peale. [...]

To his credit, Graham tackled the race problem in Life magazine seven weeks after Niebuhr's "Proposal." The article, one of the more substantive pieces Graham ever produced for popular consumption, ran for six pages, brooking no compromise with racism and segregation. A companion article—no doubt encouraged by Graham—featured a dialogue regarding the problem of integration among some leading evangelical Protestants, including Graham's father-in-law, L. Nelson Bell. Both articles denounced racism as unbiblical, though the latter article advocated a gradualist approach to desegregation.

Graham's article opened with overtones of deflection as well. He painted the problem of discrimination on a broader North American and worldwide canvas. The Dutch, the English, New Englanders, and, of course, Southerners shared in the shame and sin of American slavery and racism. At the same time, he stated the problem frankly: "We have sown flagrant human injustice and we have reaped a harvest of racial strife."

Niebuhr read the article and judged it, not surprisingly, incomplete. The editors of Christian Century commissioned a rebuttal from Niebuhr, but he declined. Although he contended "he [Graham] did not answer my challenge in his Life article," Niebuhr felt strongly that it would be inappropriate to challenge him again, "since many of the readers will not have seen Life and will not know whether he answered adequately or not." Niebuhr's negative assessment bespoke a stubborn pride. Graham had risen to his counterpart's "proposal" but Niebuhr refused to see it.

Graham had directly addressed the essence of Niebuhr's charge against his ministry. Niebuhr had accused Graham, despite his "enlightened" attitude on the issue of race, of ignoring the Christian "demand of love" that transcended "racial boundaries." For Niebuhr, it was not enough to condemn racial prejudice. The Christian must recognize his complicity in the corporate sin of racism, repent, and pursue a "whole-souled effort to give the Negro neighbor his full due as man and brother."28 Graham answered Niebuhr point by point with a thesis statement fully attentive to the intricacy of social sin, the temptation to complacency, and the need for honest contrition:

It is fashionable in some circles to tolerate current evils because of their tremendous complexity and the knotty problems involved in any attempt to improve the state of affairs. We and our fathers have made the situation what it is. In the midst of this tangled web it is more than ever our responsibility to weave a pattern of justice—and more than justice: the principle of the Golden Rule, the spirit of neighbor-love, and the experience of redemptive love and forgiveness.

The article continued with an unequivocal refutation of biblical arguments for racism. Any arguments maintaining that Jesus "never specifically denounced slavery" were "silly," since Jesus regarded any violation of "neighbor-love" a sin. Graham also disputed other scriptural defenses of racial difference, for example the curse of Ham, concluding: "There may be reasons that men give for practicing racial discrimination, but let's not make the mistake of pleading the Bible to defend it." In perhaps unspoken deference to Niebuhr, he further recognized the social obligations of Christians and the importance of combating the collective evil of segregation. The gospel of "pietistic individualism" that Niebuhr so reacted against remained, but Graham insisted that individual regeneration could not be separated from social regeneration. "The pulpit does only half its job," wrote Graham, when it "neglects the 'power' for social reconstruction peculiar to the Christian religion."

Graham, like Niebuhr, also paid homage to secular advances in race relations that outdistanced any Christian efforts at reconciliation. This "tragedy of 20th Century Christianity" notwithstanding, Graham maintained that "true neighbor-love" was only possible through Christianity, more specifically through individual salvation from sin. For Graham, one had to begin with the individual. An unrepentant person—whether Christian or non-Christian—could not possibly conjure the humility necessary to embark successfully on such an important social problem. The openness of a "twice born" Christian toward his "Negro" brother exceeded that of both the secular individual and the uncommitted "Christian." The truly penitent understood the abundant sin of individual and corporate life through confrontation with God.

In short, the judged should not judge one another. But Graham anticipated the Niebuhrian critique of this undo sanctification of the Christian, arguing that even the "twice born" fell short of this Christian ideal. Graham summarized his position powerfully:

The church, if it aims to be the true church, dares not segregate the message of good racial relations from the message of regeneration, for the human race is sinful—and man as sinner is prone to desert God and Neighbor alike. When he receives Christ as his Saviour being regenerated by the Holy Spirit he finds a power that turns the social patterns upside down. The twice-born man may not live up to his possibilities—and it is sad he falls so far short—but he has the possibilities and potentialities of Christ, and we had better not neglect this tremendous fact in our preaching and teaching.

In this instance, Graham was the prophetic equal of Niebuhr. Niebuhr devoted his career to extolling the ultimate superiority of the Christian perspective against other "schemes of meaning." In other words, he believed that individual Christians working together had the best chance of enacting the love principle, however inadequately, here on earth and of achieving the closest approximation of peaceful coexistence with the neighbor. Graham's view of the church, if only for a moment, matched Niebuhr's conceptualization of the duties of the Christian life.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:45 AM


Lieberman Hopes His Fate Isn’t Sealed With a Kiss (MARK LEIBOVICH, 7/16/06, NY Times)

Kisses mock Mr. Lieberman, the incumbent Democrat, all over Connecticut — on signs, on buttons, even on giant parade floats. They commemorate the one President Bush appeared to plant on his cheek after last year’s State of the Union address, a symbol, in the eyes of Mr. Lieberman’s liberal critics, of an unforgivable alliance in support of the Iraq war.

“It’s a ‘Godfather’ kiss — one of those kisses that says, ‘I own you,’ ” said Edward Anderson, a supporter of Mr. Lieberman’s Democratic primary opponent, Ned Lamont, who was distributing “kiss” buttons outside a Lieberman campaign event in Stamford, Conn., on Monday.

In an interview in his Senate office, Mr. Lieberman said he recalled only a hug, not a kiss, but acknowledged, “There has been some doubt, based on the postgame films.” Asked if there had been any subsequent kisses with the president, he said, “None that I’m prepared to talk about,” and chuckled. [...]

Mr. Lieberman’s allies discuss him these days with a tinge of sadness, as if mourning a kindly gentleman who has wandered into a bad neighborhood. “He’s being subjected to the hate machine like Bill Clinton and George Bush have,” said Mr. Davis, a former special counsel to Mr. Clinton. “Joe Lieberman has never been subjected to this before.”

Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona and one of Mr. Lieberman’s closest friends in the Senate, called him “one of the most decent men I have ever known” and simply shook his head when asked about his friend’s situation. “I hesitate to say anything nice about him, for fear that it would be used against him,” Mr. McCain said. “And that’s a terrible commentary on the state of politics and the political climate today.”

Switch parties and he'll slip you some tongue.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


McGavick puts Cantwell on defensive (Seattle Times, 7/16/06)

If Washington's U.S. Senate campaign were a boxing match, the early rounds are going to Republican Mike McGavick.

McGavick is running numerous ads on TV and radio. He is advertising strategically on newspaper Internet sites. He is traveling around the state introducing himself, particularly to rural Washington. He is behaving like a well-organized, aggressive challenger. [...]

Last Monday, Cantwell launched her first TV ad, featuring her as a populist fighter on behalf of energy and gasoline consumers — a good ad with a clear message.

Still at this early juncture, the question arises: Who is running the better campaign? The edge goes to McGavick.

It can't be hard to counteract her pro-consumer theme when she opposes drilling for oil.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


More parents resisting vaccines for kids (Carol M. Ostrom, 7/17/06, Seattle Times)

They're the "conscientious objectors" of the public-health world: parents who resist giving their children vaccines.

Their numbers are increasing, public-health officials say, although nobody knows exactly how many there are.

Some are parents like Pam Beck, a Vashon Island mom who says she once trusted doctors and public-health officials to know best. But years ago, when two of her children had what she calls extreme reactions to pertussis vaccine, that all changed.

"There's a lot of people here who don't vaccinate," Beck notes. "My daughter-in-law decided not to do it, just to be safe," she said, speaking of her 2 ½-year-old grandchild.

How is it conscientious to put your kids and public health at risk?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:31 AM


The Race Savings Gap (Michelle Singletary, July 16, 2006, Washington Post)

Some black workers may have less saved because they are counting on getting a pension, the survey found.

In the latest investor survey, two-thirds of employed blacks -- compared with about half of employed whites -- work for organizations with a traditional pension plan. Far more black than white workers surveyed (44 percent vs. 25 percent) have jobs in government, which are more likely to offer pensions.

But there is no assurance that the benefits for a traditional pension plan won't be changed for the worse or taken away. Just look at the corporate world.

Among families with an employment-based plan, the percentage with only a traditional pension plan decreased from 40 percent in 1992 to 24 percent in 2004, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

"All across America, corporate pension funds are being frozen and many government pension systems are underfunded," pointed out Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel, a black-owned institutional money management firm and mutual fund company based in Chicago. "It's a national crisis that will hit blacks especially hard because we've all bought into the promise."

Of course, Democrats would prefer to keep them as permanent tax-eaters. It's the GOP, again, that wants to set them free.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:22 AM


Harper set to back Bush in G-8 Mideast debate (LES WHITTINGTON, 7/16/06, Toronto Star)

Bush is pressing for G-8 leaders to adopt a joint declaration laying the blame for the crisis directly on Hezbollah, as well as the militant Islamic group's allies in Iran and Syria and the Palestinian group Hamas.

But most other leaders here differ with Bush. While recognizing Israel's right to defend itself, they argue that the Jewish state's military onslaught in Lebanon in the past few days was an overreaction that is feeding the spiral of violence.

French President Jacques Chirac has sharply criticized Israel for what he said was an unbalanced response to the cross-border raid into Israel on Wednesday by Lebanese-based Hezbollah fighters who captured two Israeli soldiers and killed eight others.

Italian Premier Romano Prodi described Israel's military actions in the past few days as "disproportionate." Prodi called for all sides in the conflict to forsake violence.

Harper appears to be the only G-8 leader besides Bush who has singled out Islamic militants for blame in the latest outbreak of Middle East fighting.

Koizumi and Blair may be worried about domestic opinion, but won't likely oppose us openly. The others aren't allies.

Inside the Mind of Hezbollah (Robin Wright, July 16, 2006, Washington Post)

Nasrallah is a man of God, gun and government, a cross between Ayatollah Khomeini and Che Guevera, an Islamic populist as well as a charismatic guerrilla tactician. The black head wrap -- signifying his descent from the prophet Muhammad -- is now his trademark, and he is Lebanon's best known politician. Lines from his speeches are popular ring tones on cellphones. His face is a common computer screensaver. Wall posters, key rings and even phone cards bear his image. Taxis play his speeches instead of music.

At 46, Nasrallah is also the most controversial leader in the Arab world, at the center of the most vicious new confrontation between Israel and its neighbors in a quarter-century. Yet he is not the prototypical militant. His career has straddled the complex line between Islamic extremist and secular politician. "He is the shrewdest leader in the Arab world," Israeli Ambassador to the United States Daniel Ayalon told me on Friday, "and the most dangerous."

Until this eruption of violence along the Lebanese border -- the most dramatic cross-border acts of war by Israel since its invasion of Lebanon in 1982 -- Nasrallah had largely succeeded in being both. A fiery populist, he extolled the virtues of democracy to me in one breath, then argued that only suicide bombers can secure that democracy. "As long as there are fighters who are ready for martyrdom, this country will remain safe," he bragged in a speech earlier this year. But now the man who helped create Hezbollah may finally have to make a choice.

When we met in his office, before this new battle with Israel, Nasrallah claimed to see peaceful political activism as Hezbollah's future.

"We have ministers, we have members of parliament, we have municipal council members, leaders of unions and syndicates," he boasted as we sat on faux French brocade furniture at his now-bombed headquarters. "If we are maintaining our arms until now, this is due to the fact that the need for it is still there, due to the permanent or constant Israeli threats against Lebanon. Whether we keep on with the resistance or stop the resistance, we are effectively now a full-fledged political party." [...]

Hezbollah has become an enterprise in the dahiya, often outperforming the state. It runs a major hospital as well as schools, discount pharmacies, groceries and an orphanage. It runs a garbage service and a reconstruction program for homes damaged during Israel's invasion. It supports families of the young men it sent off to their deaths. Altogether, it benefits an estimated 250,000 Lebanese and is the country's second-largest employer.

In the dahiya, Nasrallah is an icon, famed for his oratory and revered as a champion of Lebanon's long-dispossessed Shiite minority. [...]

[H]ezbollah's shifts under Nasrallah should not be mistaken for moderation. As with other Islamist groups in the Middle East, change was about survival of both cause and constituents. The end of Lebanon's 15-year civil war in 1990 had altered the environment. From then on, Hezbollah needed to participate in the political system -- or face loss of the weapons that gave it power.

Today, Hezbollah holds 14 seats in parliament, one of the larger blocs, and in 2005 joined the government for the first time. This year, Nasrallah even made an unlikely alliance with a right-wing Christian who was once a Lebanese army general -- while still accepting what U.S. intelligence has pegged at about $100 million annually from Iran in goods, cash and arms, including an estimated 13,000 rockets and missiles.

For six years, Hezbollah also demonstrated some military restraint. When Israel ended its 18-year occupation of Lebanon in 2000, Nasrallah declared, "We have liberated the south. Next we'll liberate Jerusalem." Yet until last week, Hezbollah's increasingly infrequent offensives were largely limited to the disputed border town at Shebaa Farms.

But the transition is far from complete; Nasrallah still wants it both ways.

Hezbollah at a critical juncture: Conflict puts volatile movement's future up in the air. By Andrew Mills, Jul. 16, 2006. Toronto Star)
Most of the Christian and Sunni Muslim minority communities, which command a disproportionate control of Lebanon's political scene and its wealth, have never been fans of Hezbollah, which is funded by and tied to both Iran and Syria.

Recently, those communities had lined up behind the government's attempts to convince Hezbollah to set aside its weapons and hand over control of the Israeli border to the Lebanese army, which would bring the country into compliance with a crucial UN resolution most Western governments have been urging Beirut to address.

The government's efforts to disarm Hezbollah have not been going well. The central authority of the fractious coalition government has been too weak to strong-arm the group into giving up its weapons. And Hezbollah's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has insisted that Hezbollah must maintain its weapons to protect Lebanon from Israeli aggression.

This has unfolded at a time when Hezbollah's political clout is stronger than it has ever been. The group has its first member of the cabinet, making it a member of the governing coalition. What's more, most Shiite Muslims, who have long been Lebanon's most impoverished and marginalized sect, have started to look to Hezbollah as their first real representative that comes to the political table with significant clout.

"For the first time, they have been forming the Shiite identity and they are not willing to lose it," said Naoum.

"So if you want to disarm Hezbollah, you have to fight the Shiite community. In Lebanon, that means civil war."

Some experts believe Nasrallah's unilateral declaration of all-out war on Israel Friday evening has dragged the entire country unwillingly into conflict with its powerful neighbour. The fear is that the backlash against Hezbollah will only deepen the already-deep sectarian divide. [...]

But since the Israeli attacks have begun to target the infrastructure used by all Lebanese — and not exclusively Hezbollah — Timur Goksel, a former senior UN official and now a lecturer at the American University of Beirut, has noticed growing support for the militants.

"I think if the Israelis continue hitting non-military targets like they're hitting now ... there is a reason to line up behind Hezbollah," he said. "If the Israelis continue like this, they might be actually encouraging the people to unite behind Hezbollah."

Israel hasn't adjusted to the fact that the Shi'ites will be the dominant political force in Lebanon, which makes such attacks counterproductive. They should instead use this as a pretext for regime change in Syria, which sponsors terrorism in order to deflect attention from its own failings.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:16 AM


Has Putin sapped Russian democracy? (Damian Grammaticas, 7/16/06, BBC)

"The president is at the peak of his form," [Yaroslavl's Governor Anatoliy Lisitsyn] says. "He's the one who understands what Russia needs. Nobody could do a better job."

Even here, several hundred kilometres from Moscow, the Kremlin, under Mr Putin, has reasserted its influence.

On one side of the main square is Mr Lisitsyn's office, opposite it the local parliament. Russia has all the trappings of a democracy, but delve beneath the surface and it does not function like a democracy.

The debate in Yaroslavl's parliament is impassioned. But like the national legislature, it is now packed with government supporters. It's a rubber stamp.

The local media, like the national one, is now carefully controlled. People who supported opposition candidates in the last local election have been forced out of their jobs.

Oleg Vinogradov, an opposition MP, is in no doubt about Russian democracy today.

"Nobody is sent to Siberia now," he says. "But all our democratic institutions have been destroyed, our media, our parliament, our courts.

"Our country is led by people who were trained as spies, secret agents. Their view is if you are not with us you are against us. The trouble is, ordinary people just don't care."

The reason they don't care is that Mr Putin has delivered real improvements in people's standards of living, made possible by high oil prices supporting Russia's economy.

Stability and prosperity are prerequisites of the liberal democratic freedom that it is our role to keep pushing Russia towards.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:55 AM


No saves recorded during full day of baseball (IRA PODELL, July 16, 2006, AP)

There was no saving baseball during a wild Saturday full of blowouts and walkoff wins.

It marked the first time in nearly three decades a full day of major league games were played without a save recorded.

There were six blown saves in the 15-game schedule, including two each in Pittsburgh's 7-6 victory over Washington, and Cincinnati's 3-2 win against Colorado. The Nationals and Reds both won with ninth-inning rallies.

The last time baseball went a complete day without a save was Sept. 15, 1978, when all 26 teams were in action during a 14-game schedule -- including a doubleheader, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.

July 15, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:59 PM


Democracy's Best Friend or Antidemocratic Elitist? (EDWARD ROTHSTEIN, 7/10/06, NY Times)

Could any tyrant have plotted a more patient, thorough and ruthless path to power? Leo Strauss, the political philosopher who died in 1973, might have seemed just a harmless German-Jewish émigré, teaching Plato and Machiavelli at the University of Chicago. But according to recent critics, he was actually preparing an intellectual putsch, which would take place 30 years after his death and culminate in the war in Iraq.

His students and followers, these critics say, learned their lessons well and like good soldiers began a long march through a variety of institutions, seeking control. They maneuvered into foundations, institutes and departments of state and war. Then they began their shadow rule, leading the nation into foolhardy war. Presumably, their mentor gazes down from the heavens (or upward from the other place), beaming with satisfaction.

I exaggerate slightly, but this really is a theory that has taken shape in recent years in newspaper reports, magazine articles and books. Strauss has been characterized as an antidemocratic ultraconservative: the shadowy intellectual figure behind some of the men who planned the Iraq war. He has been called a cynical teacher who encouraged his students to believe in their right to rule humanity, a patron saint of neoconservatives, a believer in the use of "noble lies" to manipulate the masses. And he has been linked (with variable accuracy) to, among others, Paul Wolfowitz, the former deputy secretary of defense; and Richard Perle, former chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an advisory group to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld.

In 2004, Strauss's face demonically loomed over Tim Robbins's agitprop antiwar play "Embedded," at the Public Theater in New York, as he was hailed with brutish chants. Books like "Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire" (Yale) by Anne Norton have relished telling of his baleful influence. [...]

The self-righteous fury unleashed against Leo Strauss is partly because of the sense that he sinned against one of the most sacred doctrines of democratic culture: egalitarianism.

But in the end Strauss's message does get through. What the ancients remind us is that humanity is not infinitely perfectible, that the ideal world is not ruled by reason alone, that cultural and historical variation does not mean that anything goes, that notions of egalitarianism do not guarantee virtue.

These views can sound almost trite, reduced to such propositions. But consider, then, how few societies in the past have explored such far-reaching conclusions, how few have also been able to live by them, and how much opposition such views have spurred.

Hard to believe that the fury and the sinister caricature don't owe an awful lot to his being Jewish as well as denying the Rationalist (French) faith in egalitarianism.

Posted by Pepys at 2:12 PM


The United States inches ever closer to criminalizing bad thoughts. (Dahlia Lithwick, 15 July 2006, Slate)

The government claims to have foiled two major terror plots in the past month—both in early planning stages that had not crossed the line from talk to action. In late June, seven men were arrested in Miami for allegedly concocting a plan to blow up, among other places, the Sears Tower in Chicago. Then last week, several men were arrested in the Middle East for plotting suicide bombings of transit tunnels between New Jersey and Manhattan...
Even the FBI has conceded that the so-called Miami 7's plan was "more aspirational than operational." Comedy writers lie awake at night dreaming about indictments like this: The leader of the Miami plotters met with an FBI informant posing as a member of al-Qaida and promptly demanded "a list of equipment needed, in order to wage jihad, which list included boots, uniforms, machine guns, radios and vehicles."...
Gonzales and his colleagues seem to be falling into a familiar trap here: They think that since 9/11 happened due to government inaction, any and all government action should be welcome—including widespread arrests of genuine plotters along with hapless paint-ballers. The law works best when it's used as a scalpel, not an ax. So please, let's not start arresting citizens for the badness of their thoughts. Because whoops, I just had another one.

That last paragraph is a real doozy: every sentence is wrong. All threats to American Society (be it the Confederacy, the Communists, the Mafia or the Millitiamen) have been met with overwhelming legal force. That' s just the way we do things around here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:39 PM


Who's Resurrecting the Electric Car?: Forget those poky little golf cars — the battery-powered muscle car is just around the corner (JUDITH LEWIS, 7/12/06, LA Weekly)

The 1946 Oldsmobile that sits amid the old boat hulls and flywheels in the Reverend Gadget’s Culver City machine shop harks back to an era of voluptuous curves and radiant chrome; its owner, actor and comedian Tommy Chong, calls it “Ace,” and considers the car so exquisite that he lists it among his collection of sculptures. Open the door, however, and it looks like somebody doused Chong’s baby in gasoline and torched it: There’s no engine, no seats, no pedals — nothing, in fact, but a small white box bolted to the floor where the back seat should be, with two wires connecting the box to some contraption in the trunk.

“That’s for the air bags,” says Reverend Gadget, a.k.a. Greg Abbott, the craftsman, lay engineer and artist who’s restoring Chong’s Olds. A compact, muscular man, with a boyish grin and blue eyes that crinkle up when he laughs, he ushers me around the back of the car to see a little black machine branded “Praise the Lowered.” He flashes a smile and winks. “It’s a lowrider.”

When he finishes outfitting the Olds with a DC motor, enough serial-wired, nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) D-cell batteries to produce 340,000 watts of power, and a computerized controller to connect the two, Chong’s ride will be the first all-electric vehicle to bounce down San Fernando Road competing for glory with the ’60s-era Chevy Impalas of the Imperial Car Club. It will also do speed when necessary. “He’s getting a huge motor,” says Gadget of Chong. “He’ll be able to do burnouts in this car.”

And so what if the electric engine whines more than vrooms? “It’ll be my spaceship,” says Chong, who currently drives a Prius. “These cars glide. The only sound you’ll hear will be the sound system and the air bags.” Plus, he says, “by driving the ultimate electric stoner car, I can get off the titty. You know, the oil titty.”

There was a time not too long ago that Chong thought electric cars were only for “guys like Ed Begley — you know, people who wear Birkenstocks and don’t eat meat.” Only a year ago, he was building Ace as a hot rod with a gasoline engine. Then he went to a party at Gadget’s place and, as he puts it, “got educated.”

“He had all his cars sitting out, and I saw the possibilities,” Chong says. “He showed me the benefits of it all and how perfect it is, and how fast can it go. Now I don’t want to put gasoline in anything.”

Despite the reputation electric vehicles have as poky little wagons for hippies and old people, the electric muscle car has been around for a while. There’s even a National Electric Drag-Racing Association (NEDRA) devoted to high-performance electrics.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:59 PM


Technology Design or Evolution?: The two processes for building complex systems are fundamentally different. (Steve Jurvetson, 7/11/06, Technology Review)

Designed systems offer predictability, efficiency, and control. Their subsystems are easily understood, which allows their reuse in different contexts. But designed systems also tend to break easily, and they have conquered only simple problems so far. Compare, for example, Microsoft code and biological code: Word is larger than the human genome.

By contrast, evolved systems demonstrate that simple, iterative algorithms, distributed over time and space, can accumulate design and create complexity that is robust, resilient, and well adapted to its environment. In fact, biological evolution provides the only "existence proof" that an algorithm can produce complexity transcending that of its antecedents. Biological evolution is so inspiring that engineers have mimicked its operations in areas such as genetic programming, artificial life, and the iterative training of neural networks.

But evolved systems have their disadvantages. For one, they suffer from "subsystem inscrutability." That is, when we direct the evolution of a system, we may know how the evolutionary process works, but we will not necessarily understand how the resulting system works internally. For example, when the computer scientist Danny Hillis evolved a simple sort algorithm, the process produced inscrutable and mysterious code that did a good job at sorting numbers. But had he taken the time to reverse-engineer his system, the effort would not have provided much generalized insight into evolved artifacts.

Why is this? Stephen Wolfram's theory of computational equivalence suggests that simple, formulaic shortcuts for understanding evolution may never be discovered. We can only run the iterative algorithm forward to see the results, and the various computational steps cannot be skipped.

Thus, if we evolve a complex system, it is a black box defined by its interfaces. We cannot easily apply our design intuition to the improvement of its inner workings. We can't even partition its subsystems without a serious effort at reverse-engineering. And until we can understand the interfaces between partitions, we can't hope to transfer a subsystem from one evolved complex system to another.

These poor guys have themselves so far down the dead end they have to pretend there's a fundamental difference between kinds of intelligent design.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 AM


Report: Israel gives Syria ultimatum (Roee Nahmias, 7/16/06, Y Net)

The London-based Arabic language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Saturday that “Washington has information according to which Israel gave Damascus 72 hours to stop Hizbullah’s activity along the Lebanon-Israel border and bring about the release the two kidnapped IDF soldiers or it would launch an offensive with disastrous consequences.”

The report said “a senior Pentagon source warned that should the Arab world and international community fail in the efforts to convince Syria to pressure Hizbullah into releasing the soldiers and halt the current escalation Israel may attack targets in the country.”

Al-Hayat quoted the source as saying that “the US cannot rule out the possibility of an Israeli strike in Syria,” this despite the fact that the Bush administration has asked Israel to “refrain from any military activity that may result in civilian casualties.”

Stop them? We'll help them.

Q: How much fun would it be for W to pull Chirac aside and tell him we'd just done Assad?

A: Almost as much fun as this was, Putin rejects Bush's Iraq democracy model (CNN, 7/15/06)

During a joint news conference Saturday in St. Petersburg, Bush said he raised concerns about democracy in Russia during a frank discussion with the Russian leader.

"I talked about my desire to promote institutional change in parts of the world, like Iraq where there's a free press and free religion, and I told him that a lot of people in our country would hope that Russia would do the same," Bush said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:09 AM


The two sharias: Islamic law is open to interpretation: a review of Radical Islam's Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Shari'a Law Edited by Paul Marshall (Morgana Sinclair, 11/07/05, Weekly Standard)

[A]s the authors here explain, there is a crucial distinction to be made between traditional and extreme sharia, and at the outset they provide two essential insights. First, Paul Marshall defines radical Islamism as "a program for the restoration of a unified Muslim ummah, ruled by a new Caliphate, governed by reactionary Islamic sharia law, and organized to wage jihad on the rest of the world."

Second, extreme sharia is shown to be a radical departure from traditional sharia, the body of guidance for Muslims, organized in varied schools. These formulated a legal consensus based on the Koran, the hadith, the lives of the Prophet and his original companions, and precedents from early Muslim jurists. Traditional sharia--"the path" or "the way"--incorporates guidelines for marriage, economics, and criminal law that exemplify justice, "the right," and "the good."

By contrast, extreme sharia claims to manifest divine will. Because extreme sharia, says Nina Shea in her essay, "is maintained as God's direct reign on earth--and not simply a fallible human interpretation of sacred law--it precludes checks and balances, a separation of powers, real legislative powers, the rule of law, and free elections." [...]

[T]he most brutal form of extreme sharia is the original one: Wahhabism, the state religion of Saudi Arabia, which spawned al Qaeda. It arose just 250 years ago in the desolate Nejd region of Arabia. "It is not conservative," writes Stephen Schwartz, in the opening essay, "but radical.... It is not based on sharia as understood during more than 1,000 years of Islamic jurisprudence but on a crude and ultra-simplistic interpretation that rejects the sharia embodied in the four established Sunni legal schools." Women are beaten in the streets for the slightest dress code violation, denied the vote, prohibited from driving, and have no rights even to the children they bear.

Wahhabi extremism did not remain within Saudi borders. Shocked by the Iranian Revolution, and fearful of rising Shia power in the region, the House of Saud launched a campaign for worldwide export of the Wahhabi version of sharia in 1980, funded by their oil wealth.

And Wahhabism will be Reformed out of existence because it bites the statist hand that fed it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 AM


Crisis seen as chance to reshape Mideast (Anne Barnard, July 15, 2006, Boston Globe)

[Ahmad Moussalli, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut,] said that Hezbollah's aggressive move was aimed at showing that Arabs can still deal military blows to Israel and indirectly to the United States by staging such a brazen raid, as well as help its state backers, Syria and Iran, flex their muscles at a time when both are on the ropes. Iran is threatened with international sanctions over its alleged nuclear arms program and Syria wants to regain its regional influence after its embarrassing ouster from Lebanon last year.

Israel, on the other hand, wants to win international support for its newly aggressive stance against Hamas and Hezbollah, and paint its enemies as part of a larger anti-Western coalition led by a nuclear-hungry Iran. An obstacle to the Israeli goal is that even though Hamas and Hezbollah are both shunned as terrorist groups by many countries, they have won power through democratic elections -- Hamas ruling the Palestinian Authority and Hezbollah fielding a bloc in the Lebanese parliament.

Mark Regev, a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said Israel wants not just to stop Hamas and Hezbollah from firing rockets into Israel, but to force the total disarmament of Hezbollah -- a well-organized military group that operates as a state-within-a-state in southern Lebanon alongside the weak Lebanese government -- and to win strong international action against Iran and Syria.

Even more broadly, he said, Israel wants to build international consensus that armed groups should not be allowed to run in elections and to convince its allies that Hezbollah and Hamas have now made ``irrelevant" the decades-old assumption that Israel can unilaterally push for Middle East peace by giving up territory.

US, Arab, and Israeli analysts say that both Israel and its foes are taking big gambles that could end in disaster.

Israel risks repeating the mistakes of 1982, when it invaded Lebanon to drive out Palestinian militants and ended up bogged down in an 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon that spurred Hezbollah to popularity as a guerrilla group and eventually ended only because of widespread Israeli opposition.

Six years after the occupation ended, the Sh'ite Muslim militant group had lost considerable sway: It had been ordered to disarm under a United Nations resolution and had worn out its welcome among some sectors of Lebanon's complex mix of Sunnis, Shi'ites, and Christians.

Now, said Edward Walker, a former US ambassador to Israel and Egypt, Hezbollah is seeking through its attack Wednesday to provoke a new Israeli occupation in order to renew its popularity. By launching broad attacks on Lebanon's airport, bridges, and parts of Beirut, he said, Israel is playing into that strategy.

``They're the pawn in this thing, they were drawn into it," Walker, who now heads the Middle East Institute, a Washington think tank, said of Israel. ``They are being used by Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria to change the pieces on the chessboard."

He said Israel's military might was unlikely to root out Hezbollah entirely or to prod the weak Lebanese government to confront the group. ``Even when they occupied Lebanon they couldn't change the chessboard," he said. ``It's not something an occupying power can do, which we're finding out in Iraq."

Bush refuses to curb Israeli assault (Alec Russell in St Petersburg and Tim Butcher in Beirut, 15/07/200, Daily Telegraph)
Sheikh Nasrallah raised the stakes, threatening to attack Israel beyond the city of Haifa, 20 miles from the border, which was hit for the first time on Thursday. Also for the first time, Hizbollah rockets hit an Israeli naval vessel off Beirut. Four crew were reported missing although the military had said earlier that there was only light damage.

"Surprises will start from now," said the sheikh, who is admired by Arabs for Hizbollah's success in forcing Israel out of Lebanon in 2000. [...]

But the White House made clear that he would not call on Israel to end its offensive. Tony Snow, the White House spokesman, said the president "believes the Israelis have the right to protect themselves and that in doing that they should limit as much as possible so-called collateral damage, not only to facilities but also to human lives".

He said that Mr Bush had rejected Mr Siniora's appeal for him to tell the Israelis to rein in their assault. "The president is not going to make military decisions for Israel."

Occupations have been uniformly disastrous for Israel and they won't even try again this time, but sometimes you have to defend your friends even when they're acting foolish. But, as a genuine friend, we should push them to shift their focus to, and then help them to implement, regime change in Syria and a strike on Iran's nuclear program.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:48 AM


Wiretapping Review Is Criticized (ERIC LICHTBLAU, 7/15/06, NY Times)

Critics of the Bush administration’s program for wiretapping without warrants said Friday that they would fight a new White House agreement to let a secret court decide the constitutionality of the operation, and the compromise plan failed to deter lawmakers from offering up competing proposals of their own.

The agreement, completed Thursday by Senator Arlen Specter after negotiations with the White House, drew immediate scrutiny in Washington, as politicians, national security lawyers and civil rights advocates debated its impact and legal nuances.

The plan would allow the secret court known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which normally issues wiretapping warrants in terror and spying cases, to review the program and decide on its legality. The proposal would have to be approved by Congress.

Representative Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who has been critical of the National Security Agency wiretapping program, said in an interview Friday that he saw the White House-Specter proposal as “a further abdication” of the role of Congress in setting rules for federal surveillance and wiretapping.

“We’re going to let a secret court decide for us what to do?” Mr. Schiff asked. “I think it’s a cop-out.”

Don't worry, the Executive won';t let a court stop them either. It's a Constitution-in.

Wiretap Surrender (Washington Post, July 15, 2006)

[T]he cost of this judicial review would be ever so high. The bill's most dangerous language would effectively repeal FISA's current requirement that all domestic national security surveillance take place under its terms. The "compromise" bill would add to FISA: "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the constitutional authority of the President to collect intelligence with respect to foreign powers and agents of foreign powers." It would also, in various places, insert Congress's acknowledgment that the president may have inherent constitutional authority to spy on Americans. Any reasonable court looking at this bill would understand it as withdrawing the nearly three-decade-old legal insistence that FISA is the exclusive legitimate means of spying on Americans. It would therefore legitimize whatever it is the NSA is doing -- and a whole lot more.

Allowing the administration to seek authorization from the courts for an "electronic surveillance program" is almost as dangerous. The FISA court today grants warrants for individual surveillance when the government shows evidence of espionage or terrorist ties. Under this bill, the government could get permission for long-term programs involving large numbers of innocent individuals with only a showing that the program is, in general, legal and that it is "reasonably designed" to capture the communications of "a person reasonably believed to have communication with" a foreign power or terrorist group.

The bill even makes a hash out of the generally reasonable idea of transferring existing litigation to the FISA court system. It inexplicably permits the FISA courts to "dismiss a challenge to the legality of an electronic surveillance program for any reason" -- such as, say, the eye color of one of the attorneys.

This bill is not a compromise but a full-fledged capitulation on the part of the legislative branch to executive claims of power.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


Couple Reiterate Claims They Were Punished (Daniela Deane, July 15, 2006, Washington Post)

Former U.S. ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV and his wife, former CIA officer Valerie Plame, said yesterday that Vice President Cheney, presidential adviser Karl Rove and other administration officials knowingly lied and abused their power to get revenge against the couple for criticizing President Bush's rationale for going to war in Iraq.

I must be missing something, why shouldn't the government punish an employee who seeks to undermine it?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:57 AM


Harper's a hit in London (LES WHITTINGTON, 7/15/06, Toronto Star)

Stephen Harper got a vote of confidence from Margaret Thatcher, exchanged global strategies with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and chatted with the Queen during his first visit to London as Prime Minister.

And on the eve of the G-8 summit in Russia, he announced Canada's emergence on the world stage as a "new energy superpower."

Earlier, Harper spent an hour going over his government's agenda with Thatcher, the former British prime minister, in an unannounced meeting at the PM's hotel in London.

"She complimented the Prime Minister on his government," said a Harper aide. Those around the Prime Minister felt it was an honour for Thatcher to have dropped in on Canada's new leader.

Harper also won praise from Blair for Canada's military role alongside British troops in Afghanistan.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 AM


A true diva swings concert from ordinary to memorable (JOHN LITWEILER, July 15, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

'Bring 'em Back Alive" was an old circus-menagerie slogan, and Thursday's Millennium Park concert surely brought back popular jazz of the 1950s and '60s.

True, Henry Johnson's Organ Express quartet is from a rather younger generation, but they specialize in playing good ol' soul. And Johnny Pate was a noted 1950s Chicago bassist and bandleader before he went on to Hollywood fortune, if not exactly fame. Guitarist and sometime singer Johnson and Pate's big band works were the main features of the show, but for the crowd, the most excitement was generated by a guest who joined to sing just four songs: Nancy Wilson, who like Pate was making a rare return to our town. [...]

There were no real highs or lows to the evening before, at last, Nancy Wilson appeared, in a white pantsuit. Immediately she raised the heat and humidity with "Day In, Day Out," which she swung despite a super-fast tempo and her rat-a-tat syllables. Her style is a more dramatic variation of Dinah Washington's, with her own strange emphases and drops in volume, with a wide, slow vibrato in long tones, with momentary catches, yodels and even one falsetto climax.

Earlier, Johnson had sung the sentimental "Here's to Life." He sounded like a bland Jacques Brel, and the colorlessness of his baritone voice and style stood out like a sore when he returned to sing duets with Wilson, from their recent CD "Organic." By contrast, there was Wilson's vocal vitality -- she sang with real flair, and her varied lines and jokey ad libs carried him through two songs. Wilson has always been a singing storyteller, and this time her tales almost turned an otherwise ordinary concert into an event.

July 14, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 PM


Welcome to Politics Central

Very much a work in progress, the mission of POLITICSCENTRAL is to elevate our political discourse.

Opposed to sound-bite politics, POLITICSCENTRAL aims to promote a deeper level of discourse, and seeks to introduce a consistent tone of civility in our coverage and discussions.

In addition, POLITICSCENTRAL will address the environment, which has allowed our discourse to become often crass and frequently thoughtless — that is the environment of knee-jerk polarization and hardened partisanship.

As citizen and voter you have undoubtedly noticed that American politics has become pretty polarized - meaning - are you in the “liberal box” or the “conservative box”. In addition partisanship goes further - “are you 100% in the liberal or conservative box or not?” (See X21 Central for more.)

In sum POLITICSCENTRAL will present the thoughts, opinions and insights of a broad range of people that span the American political spectrum. In doing so, it will strive to create a civil and collegial atmosphere to encourage this more thoughtful discourse on our views and aspirations.

Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, libertarians and the many who don’t choose to identify with any ideology are all invited to participate and debate the issues with us and with the blogosphere at large. Our topics will include election coverage, political issues, media the politics, and the X21 phenomena.

We will be exploring electoral issues via podcasts, vblogs and plain old-fashioned text from politicians, candidates, bloggers, pundits and others for the election of 2006… and then onward toward 2008.

Some of the people participating you will find on this page today. Others who will soon be joining our initiative include Joe Trippi, Claudia Rosett, Ron Rosenbaum, Victor Davis Hanson, Marc Cooper, Mike Godwin, Jeralyn Merritt, Jeff Goldstein, Micah Sifry, Michael Barone, David Corn, Michael Leeden and Austin Bay - a deliberate ideological hodge-podge. With more to come…

Not to mention the Mystery Pollster - yes, we intend to have fun.

Given the beta phase that we are in, there may be technical or content items that will need to be improved or even fixed over the next few weeks.

For now, we commend to you Craig Karpel’s article on moody voters and the exclusive podcast interviews with Sen. Rick Santorum and Jim Jonas of Unity08.

We thank you for visiting and both welcome and encourage your feedback (Suggestion Box: below right).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:50 PM


Talabani: Iraq not compelled to pay debts accumulated in Saddam's reign (KUNA, 6.7.2006)

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said his country was not compelled to pay back debts accumulated during the reign of the ousted regime.

"We are not responsible for the debts of Iraq during the reign of dictatorship," the president said during a joint press conference held Wednesday evening with the UN delegation headed by Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown.

Talabani added, "International law stipulates that countries that helped dictatorships or accumulated debts through cooperation with these regimes have no right to demand that democracies set up after the fall of the dictatorships pay those debts."

They loaned it to a dictator, let them try and collect it from him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:53 PM


The making of a terror mole: How a sharia activist infiltrated the 'Toronto 17' and helped authorities build a case against them (SONYA FATAH and GREG MCARTHUR AND SCOTT ROBERTS, 7/14/06, Globe and Mail)

One night in October, a group of young Muslims gathered at a Toronto banquet hall and tried to raise money for two men who had recently been convicted of gun smuggling and imprisoned.

The event was supposed to help their cause — but it may end up being remembered as the night that Canada's first home-grown Islamist terror cell came crashing down.

Among the men and women gathered in the room was an outsider named Mubin Shaikh, 30. He didn't attend the same Mississauga or Scarborough mosques as the supporters in the hall, and he didn't know many of the people in the room.

But he had instructions: Get to know Fahim Ahmad, the young man believed by authorities to be behind the gun-smuggling operation and an emerging terrorist cell.

The outsider approached Mr. Ahmad and told him about his training as a six-year member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. He told him about his survival skills and weapons training. He also told Mr. Ahmad that he believed firmly in jihad.

By the end of the evening, Mr. Shaikh was in.

That was 10 months ago, and since then, in media reports around the world, Mr. Ahmad has been identified as the ringleader of the so-called “Toronto 17,” the group of men and teenagers tied into an alleged plot to blow up three targets in Southern Ontario and storm Parliament Hill.

This is the story of the 18th man, the civilian mole and devout Muslim paid by CSIS and the RCMP to infiltrate Mr. Ahmad's circle and thwart an alleged plot to blow up those targets. Over a series of discussions with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Shaikh detailed his motives for bringing down the alleged terrorist cell. Above all, violence in Canada in the name of Islam cannot be tolerated, said Mr. Shaikh, who says he has learned to juggle his fierce commitment to both Islam and the secular values of Canadian society.

On one hand, he is an official at his west-end mosque, supports the jihads in Afghanistan and Iraq and was one of the most public supporters of the failed bid to introduce sharia law in Ontario, occasionally commenting on the debate on television.

On the other, he is also a onetime member of the York South-Weston Liberal Riding Association, whose family keeps a sticker of the Canadian flag on their mailbox.

“As a practising Muslim, the interests of the Muslim community are paramount,” Mr. Shaikh said.

“And as a Canadian, the safety and security of my fellow citizens is also primary.”

He's ably demonstrated that the two are quite compatible.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:43 PM


Cosmos a 'Lifetime' of memories for Messing (JOHN GENZALE, 7/14/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

[P]erhaps the most interesting character in the drama of goals, greed and girls was Shep Messing, the U.S. goalkeeper who was a native New Yorker and probably the least comfortable of all the Cosmos.

Messing was a key character on the team of stars put together by Warner Communications chairman Steve Ross years before most American parents were driving their kids to soccer practice. The Cosmos roster also included Pele, the world's greatest player; Franz Beckenbauer, the German soccer icon who led his country to World Cup titles as both player and coach, and the charismatic Italian idol Giorgio Chinaglia.

Messing is a key character in a new documentary that chronicles the rise and fall of the Cosmos, a team that was playing in a dilapidated facility on Randall's Island when Ross tried to turn them into the world's most glamorous club.

''Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos'' has been released in the United States to coincide with the close of the World Cup in Germany.

''The film captures the chaotic story of the Cosmos,'' said Messing, who served as a color commentator for some of the World Cup matches on ESPN. While other North American Soccer League teams were drawing crowds that wouldn't fill an elevator, the Cosmos of the '70s were putting 70,000 butts in Giants Stadium seats and vying with the Yankees, Mets and Jets for the city's ink -- and were known as much for wild team parties and sex on planes as their on-field exploits. [...]

The reluctant goalkeeper, who excelled at baseball, basketball and football, became a soccer player ''because my high school stunk at the real sports but had a championship soccer team,'' he said. Messing hitchhiked to St. Louis in 1972 to try out for the U.S. Olympic team. [...]

He recently sold the rights to his 1979 book, The Education of an American Soccer Player, to Brian Helgeland, who optioned it to Sony and has written a script with the working title ''Messing.''

His book is worthwhile just for his first hand experience of the '72 Olympics (where West Germany peppered him with something like 70 shots on goal), where he'd befriended several Israeli athletes. If I recall correctly, he heard the games had been resumed from a stunned Duane Bobick, who was practically sleep-walking his way to the boxing venue where he'd been told on a moment's notice to go for his bout with Teofilo Stevenson. His impressions of Mark Spitz are interesting too.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:27 PM


Smoke in the Womb Makes Unruly Toddlers (Ker Than, 7/14/06, LiveScience)

A new study finds that unborn babies regularly exposed to cigarette smoke in the womb are much more likely to have behavioral problems as young children.

The study, detailed in current issue of the journal Child Development, is the first to show a link between smoking during pregnancy and child behavior problems in the first years of life.

The researchers found that 2-year-olds whose mothers were exposed to cigarette smoke while pregnant were nearly 12 times more likely to show clinical levels of behavioral problems compared to their unexposed peers.

Isn't it more likely that anyone with so little self control that they're engaged in this kind of self-destructive behavior in this day and age just isn't a particularly good parent either?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:15 PM


Court reinstates Nebraska's same-sex marriage ban (Omaha World-Herald, 7/14/06)

A federal appeals court has reversed a ruling that struck down Nebraska's same-sex marriage ban. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today overturned an earlier ruling by U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon, who ruled last year that the measure was too broad and deprived gays and lesbians of participation in the political process, among other things.

Or Tennessee, Voters to decide gay marriage ban (Knoxville News Sentinel, July 14, 2006)

Voters will be allowed to decide in November whether they want a constitutional ban on gay marriage in Tennessee, the state Supreme Court said in a unanimous decision filed Friday.

Had a legal challenge been successful, a public vote on the proposed amendment to the Tennessee Constitution would have been delayed by at least two years, the court said in a press release.

Writing on behalf of the court, Chief Justice William M. Barker rejected a legal claim by the American Civil Liberties Union, three state legislators and others that would have prevented the amendment from being placed on the ballot.

"Wishing to decide this constitutional matter, as we should, on the narrowest grounds possible, we affirm the ... decision dismissing the complaint because the Plaintiffs have failed to establish that they have standing to bring this lawsuit," Barker wrote.

Dang voters...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:01 PM


Bush Compromises On Spying Program (Charles Babington and Peter Baker, 7/14/06, Washington Post)

The White House conceded in part because it believes the NSA program will survive constitutional muster and the Specter bill will make it easier to argue that the program complies with congressional statutes as well. "We've always said it's constitutional," said one administration official who was not authorized to speak on the record.

The language acknowledging the president's constitutional authority to conduct intelligence operations also was important to the White House. "We see it as historic because here's a statute recognizing an authority the president says he has," the administration official said.

Still, that language alone might mean little because it did not define the scope of the authority or explicitly suggest that a president did not need to seek court approval for warrants. But at the same time, Specter agreed to repeal a section of the original FISA law that made it the exclusive statute governing such intelligence programs.

The combination of the statement acknowledging presidential authority and the deletion of the exclusivity clause left open the interpretation that Bush has the power to conduct other surveillance outside FISA's purview, a possibility administration officials noted with approval.

Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) criticized the agreement, saying he will oppose "any bill that would grant blanket approval for warrantless surveillance of Americans, particularly when this administration has never explained why it believes that current law allowing surveillance of terrorist suspects is inadequate."

A thing of beauty--the Executive allows the courts one opportunity to rubber stamp the program or be ignored.

The Specter Bill’s Major Shift in Constitutional Authority to Conduct Monitoring (Orin Kerr, 7/14/06)

I have read the Specter bill, and am most intrigued by Section 9 of the bill, which is titled “CLARIFICATION OF THE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT OF 1978.” Interestingly, the Section is a “clarification” only if you assume the correctness of the President’s more controversial claims to Article II authority. If you accept the more traditional understanding of the separation-of-powers seen recently in the Supreme Court’s decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and Justice Kennedy’s concurrence in that case, then this “clarification” is actually a major reorientation of the role of Congress in foreign intelligence monitoring away from the 1978 framework of FISA. [See the Update at the bottom for further discussion.]

The key language is the new Section 801 of FISA:

Nothing in this Act [FISA] shall be construed to limit the constitutional authority of the President to collect intelligence with respect to foreign powers and agents of foreign powers.

That strikes me as a pretty major change, given that the purpose of FISA in 1978 was to attempt to regulate that authority. The Specter bill then would rewrite the prohibitions of FISA to explicitly allow for this authority.

He just keeps winning....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 AM


Senate denies funds for new border fence (Charles Hurt, 7/14/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Less than two months after voting overwhelmingly to build 370 miles of new fencing along the border with Mexico, the Senate yesterday voted against providing funds to build it.

"We do a lot of talking. We do a lot of legislating," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Alabama Republican whose amendment to fund the fence was killed on a 71-29 vote.

Like all the silliness about cargo ships during the Dubai dust-up, no one's going to pay for serious security measures. It's an easy contradiction to force.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 AM


Hezbollah may have overplayed its hand (MITCH POTTER, 7/14/06, Toronto Star)

There are multiple reasons why Hezbollah chose precisely this moment to throw an already turbulent Middle East into cartwheels of even greater turmoil.

But for most observers, none stands larger than the militant Shiite Muslim movement's overarching quest to elevate itself as the pre-eminent defender of the pan-Arab realm.

Whatever secondary reasons may come into play — and there is no question that for Hezbollah's sponsors in Syria and Iran the new crisis presents a convenient diversion from the critical issues confronting them — Arab-Muslim pride is paramount.

Actually, Sunni Arabs have played this all quite wisely, criticizing Hezbollah and Iran as long as the Israelis are fighting the Shi'a for them.

Saudi Arabia blames Hizbollah in Lebanon crisis (Reuters, Jul 13, 2006)
Behind the Crisis, A Push Toward War (David Ignatius, July 14, 2006, Washington Post)

After Hezbollah guerrillas captured Israeli soldiers Wednesday, a furious Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz warned that the Israeli army would "turn back the clock in Lebanon by 20 years." Unfortunately, that statement was truer than he may have intended.

By pounding the Beirut airport and other civilian targets yesterday, the Israelis have taken a step back in time -- to tactics that have been tried repeatedly in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories without much success. Many Lebanese will be angry at Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah for provoking the crisis, but that won't translate into new control on the militia's actions. Instead, the outcome is likely to be similar to what has happened in Gaza over the past several weeks: Israeli attacks to free a captured soldier further weakened the Palestinian Authority without much damaging the terrorists.

Watching the events of the past few days, you can't help but feel that this is the rerun of an old movie -- one in which the guerrillas and kidnappers end up as the winners. [...]

Israeli and American doctrine is premised on the idea that military force will deter adversaries. But as more force has been used in recent years, the deterrent value has inevitably gone down. That's the inner spring of this crisis: The Iranians (and their clients in Hezbollah and Hamas) watch the American military mired in Iraq and see weakness. They are emboldened rather than intimidated. The same is true for the Israelis in Gaza. Rather than reinforcing the image of strength, the use of force (short of outright, pulverizing invasion and occupation) has encouraged contempt.

Israel’s Invasion, Syria’s War (MICHAEL YOUNG, 7/14/06, NY Times)
Iran, of course, has long bankrolled Hezbollah, and the Israeli government said yesterday it feared the two kidnapped soldiers were being taken to Tehran. But Syria is the nexus of regional instability, giving shelter to several of the most intransigent Palestinian militants, transferring arms to Hezbollah, and undermining Lebanon’s frail sovereignty.

Israel can brutalize Lebanon all it wants, but unless something is done to stop Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, from exporting instability to buttress his despotic regime, little will change.

Get Tough with Syria (Jeffrey Azarva, July 14, 2006, Weekly Standard)
On June 25, Hamas terrorists tunneled into Israel and kidnapped 19-year-old Gilad Shalit, who was manning a border post. While executed from Gaza, the operation was planned in Damascus. In response to the Syrian connection, Israeli warplane buzzed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's summer palace.

Assad was unfazed. On July 3, he criticized "Israeli aggression" and rebuffed U.S. appeals to shut down Palestinian terror offices in Syria. A week later, Khalid Mashaal, head of Hamas' exiled leadership in Damascus, accused Israel of "violating international law."

That terrorists operate openly in Damascus is no surprise. According to the 2005 State Department Country Reports on Terrorism, the Syrian government hosts Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other terrorist groups. Damascus serves as the main "transshipment point" in Hezbollah's supply chain.

Assad may act with impunity because he perceives U.S. strategy to be scattershot.

Israel has failed to learn the primary lesson of 9-11. When radicals strike you use the pretext to retaliate against regimes, thereby raising the costs of terrorism and creating an unalloyed benefit from your reaction.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


What we could learn from John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush: Lower taxes increase government revenue (Klaus Rohrich, July 13, 2006, Canada Free Press)

It seems that every 20 years or so social democrats have to relearn the same lessons. Laid out by three American presidents over the last 40-odd years, the lesson is that lower taxes increase government revenue. Voodoo economics? No, it’s proven to have worked three different times and each time the results have been the same.

The latest evidence that low taxes are good for the economy is the announcement by the U.S. Treasury Department that U.S. government revenues will be $274 billion higher than anticipated this year and are expected to be $243 billion higher the next year. Despite all the nay saying and hand wringing on the part of American Democrats, the Bush tax cuts have stimulated the economy to the extent that new jobs have been created through increased investment resulting in a corresponding increase in government revenues.

The Dems, of course, see the glass as half full, protesting that only "the rich" are benefiting from the tax cuts. Be that as it may, the increase in government revenues is in large part due to "the rich" paying a lot more in taxes because of their increased investments. But it isn’t only "the rich" who benefit. Those with more moderate means are also benefiting in terms of new jobs being more readily available. And, while the poor may not be reaping the rewards of investment income, they also pay the least in taxes.

This phenomenon occurred both in 1962, when John F. Kennedy (Senator Edward Kennedy’s smarter brother) instituted the biggest tax cut in American history and again in 1986 when Ronald Reagan cut income and investment taxes to the bone. It’s now reoccurring under Bush 43.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


A new intolerance visits Provincetown: Police say gays accused of slurs (Adrienne P. Samuels, July 14, 2006, Boston Globe)

Town leaders here are holding a public meeting today to air concerns about slurs and bigoted behavior. And this time, they say, it's gay people who are displaying intolerance.

Police say they logged numerous complaints of straight people being called ``breeders" by gays over the July Fourth holiday weekend. Jamaican workers reported being the target of racial slurs. And a woman was verbally accosted after signing a petition that opposed same-sex marriage, they said.

The town, which prizes its reputation for openness and tolerance, is taking the concerns seriously, though police say they do not consider the incidents hate crimes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:00 AM


PBS board nomination raises eyebrows (Los Angeles Times, 7/14/06)

Less than a year after the chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting was forced to resign amid charges that he injected partisanship into the agency, President Bush has nominated a television sitcom producer who has described himself as "thoroughly conservative in ways that strike horror into the hearts of my Hollywood colleagues" to the nonprofit's board.

The nomination of Warren Bell, executive producer of ABC's "According to Jim" and a contributor to the online edition of the conservative National Review magazine, has raised fears he could revive the sharp political debate that engulfed the system last year.

Did they think the President would appoint Meathead?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:43 AM


Mariners promote Jones: Young center fielder one of top prospects in organization (DAVID ANDRIESEN, 7/14/06, Seattle P-I)

Despite the need in center field, where Jeremy Reed is out because of a broken thumb, Jones' promotion is somewhat surprising because of his age and high prospect status. But his recent strong play apparently made the case.

Jones was batting .277 for Tacoma with 14 homers, 55 RBIs and 13 stolen bases and was the Rainiers' only representative in Wednesday's Triple-A All-Star Game -- but the Mariners made a late request that he not play in the game, portending Thursday's move.

Jones has been red-hot since June 1, batting .336 with six homers and eight doubles in 140 at-bats.

Jones, the Mariners' top pick in the 2003 draft, was the organization's minor league player of the year in 2005 after batting .296 between Inland Empire and Double-A San Antonio. He started this season in Tacoma and batted .234 in April and May before heating up. In June he batted .342 and had nearly as many hits (39) as he managed in the first two months of the season combined (44).

The right-handed batter recorded 25 multi-hit games and produced a 20-game hitting streak that ended just before the All-Star break, the longest in the Pacific Coast League this season.

It would be astonishing if he can hit the curve once that's all he's seeing. Matt Kemp can't.

Mariners building for now and the future (Bob Finnigan, 7/14/06, Seattle Times)

If Seattle officials choose to rebuild/reload by July 31, or later in the offseason, at least there is a solid nucleus with which to start.

If nothing else, the Mariners are far ahead of this time last year. They now have a middle infield that could excel for a decade, with second baseman Jose Lopez and shortstop Yuniesky Betancourt; a catcher in Kenji Johjima, despite his intermittent struggles behind the plate, to provide time for Rob Johnson, Rene Rivera or Jeff Clement to develop; and a bullpen centered on Rafael Soriano, George Sherrill and closer J.J. Putz.

When one adds Adam Jones or Jeremy Reed in center field, Seattle is strong in the spine of the defense, and young. That's huge.

They have also established pitching standards under new coach Rafael Chaves. [...]

The Mariners are also in a quandary concerning both Joel Pineiro, who has drawn some interest from the Yankees and other clubs, and Gil Meche. [...]

As it stands, the Mariners could be $24 million lighter in salaries next season, depending on which way they go with Moyer, Everett and Pineiro, at the July 31 deadline or this winter.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 AM


Sox-y offer to Mets: As Pedro ails, Javy available (ADAM RUBIN, 7/14/06, DAILY NEWS)

The Mets may have found a partner willing to deal a starting pitcher after all, which could be even more pressing as Pedro Martinez is about to miss his third straight start.

The White Sox have been calling around to clubs - including the Mets - letting it be known that Javier Vazquez or Freddy Garcia would be available. The price: top-notch relief help, which would allow the Sox to fortify their bullpen leading to closer Bobby Jenks, sources told the Daily News. Chicago has 23-year-old Brandon McCarthy ready to step into its rotation.

The Phillies, also looking to add to their rotation in a thin market, are willing to give up closer Tom Gordon in a deal with the Sox, according to a source. [...]

Omar Minaya has long been fond of Vazquez and pursued the former Expo last winter, before he was sent from the Diamondbacks to the White Sox for current Met Orlando Hernandez as well as reliever Luiz Vizcaino and outfield prospect Chris Young. He's 9-4 with a 5.07 ERA this season, while Garcia is 10-5 with a 4.91 ERA.

If the Phillies can get Brandon McCarthy for Tom Gordon it's a no-brainer (may as well swap Rowand for Brian Anderson too), but Aaron Heilman is a better starting pitcher than Vazquez. Indeed, he's better than El Duque, but that didn't stop Omar Minaya from making an awful trade.

Meanwhile, the cream of the Yankee system sinks, Duncan can't hide from expectations (M.A. MEHTA, 7/13/06, Newark Star-Ledger)

[Eric] Duncan could easily be a 21-year-old ball of stress, succumbing to the pressures that have swallowed recent Yankee bonus babies. The Florham Park native earned a $1.275 million signing bonus after the Yankees selected him in the first round (27th overall) of the 2003 amateur draft.

But the former Seton Hall Prep star has learned to live with the heightened expectations and scrutiny that comes with playing in your backyard, where anonymity isn't an option.

"It's not just that he's a Jersey kid playing professional baseball," Hal Duncan says of the ever-present spotlight on his son. "It's a Jersey kid playing for the Yankees. If he were in Kansas City, who cares?

"But the pressures never bothered him. I think it would have bothered me, but it doesn't bother him."

So the father wasn't surprised how his son dealt with his most recent challenge. Duncan was demoted to Double-A Trenton earlier this season after struggling at the start and then hurting his back at Triple-A Columbus, a stark reminder that, beyond the up-front cash, nothing is promised.

"He knew there would be setbacks on the way up," Seton Hall Prep coach Mike Sheppard Jr. says. "The road would be bumpy at times."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:35 AM


Oh brother, Papelbons shine all over (Jeff Horrigan, July 14, 2006, Boston Herald)

Forty-eighth round draft choices do not typically get showered with standing ovations upon entering games, customized chants and endless requests for autographs just weeks after turning professional.

Then again, not many 48th-round draft choices find themselves in the unique situation of playing Single-A ball just up the road from an overachieving older brother who has been nearly flawless during his first half-season as closer for a first-place, major league club.

“It’s unbelievable,” Lowell Spinners closer Joshua Papelbon said. “Every time I come into a game, it’s a standing ovation and everyone chanting, ‘Papelbon,’ and everyone wanting autographs. I knew it was going to be somewhat like this because of my brother but not this intense. I don’t think there’s ever been this much hoopla for a 48th-rounder.”

Papelbon, 23, bears a physical resemblance and possesses the same, “Awww-shucks” personality as his older brother, Jonathan. But that’s where most of the similarities end. Unlike the Boston closer, who was a highly regarded, hard-throwing fourth-round draft choice out of Mississippi State in 2003, the younger Papelbon is a submarine-style right-hander who nearly went undrafted before being selected by the Red Sox out of the University of North Florida with the 52nd of their 54 choices.

While hardly considered a can’t-miss prospect, he has done little on the field for the Spinners to end the comparisons to his brother. Through six appearances entering last night’s action, Papelbon is 0-0 with a two saves and a perfect 0.00 ERA, while striking out nine batters and walking only one in 7 1/3 innings.

So he can use Super Bon Bonn.

July 13, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:55 PM


Is Defeating Aging Only a Dream?: No one has won our $20,000 Challenge to disprove Aubrey de Grey's anti-aging proposals. (Jason Pontin, 7/11/06, Technology Review)

Last year, Technology Review announced a $20,000 prize for any molecular biologist who could demonstrate that biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey's "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence" (SENS) -- a much publicized prescription for defeating aging -- was "so wrong that it was unworthy of learned debate." The purpose of the challenge was to determine whether de Grey's proposals were science or fantasy. [...]

In the end, the judges felt that no submission met the criterion of the challenge and disproved SENS, although they unanimously agreed that one submission, by Preston W. Estep and his colleagues, was the most eloquent. The judges also noted, however, that de Grey had not convincingly defended SENS and that many of his ideas seemed somewhat fanciful.

Nathan Myhrvold, writing for all the judges, offered this summary of their deliberations:

"At issue is the conflict between the scientific process and the ambiguous status of ideas that have not yet been subjected to that process.

"The scientific process requires evidence through independent experimentation or observation in order to accord credibility to a hypothesis. SENS is a collection of hypotheses that have mostly not been subjected to that process and thus cannot rise to the level of being scientifically verified. However, by the same token, the ideas of SENS have not been conclusively disproved. SENS exists in a middle ground of yet-to-be-tested ideas that some people may find intriguing but which others are free to doubt.

"Some scientists react very negatively toward those who seek to claim the mantle of scientific authority for ideas that have not yet been proved. Estep et al. seem to have this philosophy. They raise many reasons to doubt SENS. Their submission does the best job in that regard. But at the same time, they are too quick to engage in name-calling, labeling ideas as 'pseudo-scientific' or 'unscientific' that they cannot really demonstrate are so.

"We need to remember that all hypotheses go through a stage where one or a small number of investigators believe something and others raise doubts. The conventional wisdom is usually correct. But while most radical ideas are in fact wrong, it is a hallmark of the scientific process that it is fair about considering new propositions; every now and then, radical ideas turn out to be true. Indeed, these exceptions are often the most momentous discoveries in science.

"SENS has many unsupported claims and is certainly not scientifically proven. I personally would be surprised if de Grey is correct in the majority of his claims. However, I don't think Estep et al. have proved that SENS is false; that would require more research. In some cases, SENS makes claims that run parallel to existing research (while being more sensational). Future investigation into those areas will almost certainly illuminate the controversy. Until that time, people like Estep et al. are free to doubt SENS. I share many of those doubts, but it would be overstating the case to assert that Estep et al. have proved their point."

Doesn't it depend on the size of the pinhead the angels are dancing on?

Posted by David Cohen at 7:44 PM


Former CIA Officer Sues Cheney Over Leak (Toni Locy, AP, 7/13/06)

The CIA officer whose identity was leaked to reporters sued Vice President Dick Cheney, his former top aide and presidential adviser Karl Rove on Thursday, accusing them and other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.

In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Valerie Plame and her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, accused Cheney, Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby of revealing Plame's CIA identity in seeking revenge against Wilson for criticizing the Bush administration's motives in Iraq.

Several news organizations wrote about Plame after syndicated columnist Robert Novak named her in a column on July 14, 2003. Novak's column appeared eight days after Wilson alleged in an opinion piece in The New York Times that the administration had twisted prewar intelligence on Iraq to justify going to war.

The '08 strategy starts to fall into place....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 PM


Liberal Assault on Joe Could Hurt Democrats in Other Senate Races (E.J. KESSLER, July 14, 2006, The Forward)

Some Democrats are nervous that if Senator Joseph Lieberman loses his primary to an antiwar challenger, thousands of hawkish Jewish Democrats who see the Connecticut lawmaker as their standard-bearer will either abandon the party or sit out the November election.

As long as he's rejected for his ideas and not his ethnicity there's little evidence they'll mind.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:32 PM


Swedish Models (Johan Norberg, Summer 2006, National Interest)

Long the paragon of social democracy, the Swedish model is rotting from within. Ironically, the unique social and economic foundation that first allowed Sweden to construct its political edifice--and which makes it such a difficult model for other countries to emulate--has been critically weakened by the system it helped create. Far from a being a solution for the new sick men of Europe, Sweden must face serious and fundamental challenges at the heart of its social model.

TO SAY that other countries should emulate the Swedish social model is about as helpful as telling an average-looking person to look like a Swedish supermodel. There are special circumstances and a certain background that limit the ability to imitate. In the case of the supermodel, it is about genetics. In the context of economical and political models, it is about the historical and cultural background.

Gunnar and Alva Myrdal were the intellectual parents of the Swedish welfare state. In the 1930s they came to believe that Sweden was the ideal candidate for a cradle-to-grave welfare state. First of all, the Swedish population was small and homogeneous, with high levels of trust in one another and the government. Because Sweden never had a feudal period and the government always allowed some sort of popular representation, the land-owning farmers got used to seeing authorities and the government more as part of their own people and society than as external enemies. Second, the civil service was efficient and free from corruption. Third, a Protestant work-ethic--and strong social pressures from family, friends and neighbors to conform to that ethic--meant that people would work hard, even as taxes rose and social assistance expanded. Finally, that work would be very productive, given Sweden's well-educated population and strong export sector. If the welfare state couldn't work in Sweden, the Myrdals concluded, it wouldn't work anywhere.

Sweden's economic success story began in the late 19th century, after a fundamental political shift towards free markets and free trade. Swedish traders could export iron, steel and timber, and entrepreneurs created innovative industrial companies that became world leaders. Between 1860 and 1910, real wages for factory workers rose by about 25 percent per decade, and public spending in Sweden didn't surpass 10 percent of GDP.

The Social Democratic Party came to power in 1932 and has governed Sweden for 65 of the last 74 years. They realized early on that a party of class struggle wouldn't be able to hold on to power in Sweden. Instead, they became a party of the middle class by creating social security systems that gave the most pension, unemployment, paternal-leave and sick-leave benefits to those with high wages. (Most benefits were proportional to the amount paid in, so the wealthy middle class would have an interest in supporting the system.) It was a policy of socialization from the consumption side: The government would not take control of the means of production, but would instead tax workers, in the form of sales and income taxes, to provide welfare. It was markets and competition for big business, a welfare state for the people. Still, as late as 1950 the total tax burden was no more than 21 percent of GDP, lower than in the United States and Western Europe.

This meant that the Social Democrats were eager to please industry and not allow the social agenda to interfere with the economy's progress. Free trade was always the rule. Regulations that were introduced were adapted to benefit the biggest industries--for example, wages were equalized, but for the purpose of keeping wages low for the big companies, while small and less productive companies were forced out of business. The trade unions, for their part, were relatively positive to the creative destruction of capitalism, so they allowed old sectors like farming, shipping and textiles to pass away, as long as new jobs were created.

These policies, and the fact that Sweden stayed out of two world wars, meant that the economy yielded amazing results. Sweden was rich: In 1970 it had the fourth-highest per-capita income in the world, according to OECD statistics. But at this stage the Social Democrats began to radicalize, with coffers filled by big business and heads filled with ideas from an international leftist trend. Social assistance was expanded and the labor market became heavily regulated. Public spending almost doubled between 1960 and 1980, rising from 31 percent to 60 percent of GDP.

This was also the time when the model began to run into problems. From 1975 to 2000, while per-capita income grew by 72 percent in the United States and 64 percent in Western Europe, Sweden's grew by no more than 43 percent. By 2000, Sweden had fallen to 14th in the OECD's ranking of per-capita income. If Sweden were a state in the United States, it would now be the fifth poorest. As the Social Democratic Finance Minister Bosse Ringholm explained in 2002, "If Sweden would have had the same growth rates as the OECD average since 1970, our common resources would have been so much bigger that it would be the equivalent of 20,000 SEK [$2,500] more per household per month."

Too Much of a Good Thing

THE SOURCE of the problem was the fatal irony of the Swedish system: The model eroded the fundamental principles that had made the model viable in the first place.

The civil service is a powerful example of this phenomenon. The efficiency of the civil service meant that the government could expand, but this expansion began to undermine its efficiency. According to a European Central Bank study of 23 developed countries, Sweden now gets the least service per dollar spent by the government. Sweden still reports impressive results on living standards (just as it did before the introduction of the welfare state in the years following World War II), but not at all what you would expect from a country with the world's highest tax rates, currently at about 50 percent of GDP. If the public sector were as efficient as Ireland's or Britain's, for example, the expenditure could be reduced by a third for the same service. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions reports that Swedish doctors see four patients a day on average, down from nine in 1975. It is less than in any other OECD country, and less than half of the average. One reason is that a Swedish doctor spends between 50 and 80 percent of his time on administration.

On the economic side, the old Swedish system of encouraging investments in big industry worked well, as long as there was little need for innovation. Once that occurred, however, the system ran into trouble. The competitiveness of industry had to be propped up several times by depreciating the currency. Globalization and the new knowledge and service economy made it more important than ever to invest in human capital and individual creativity. High marginal tax rates on personal income, however, reduced individuals' incentives to take risks and to boost earning potential by investing in their education and skills, and made it extremely difficult to attract skilled workers from abroad.

Furthermore, the Swedish model was dependent on having a small number of large industrial companies. As these diminished in importance, or moved abroad, Sweden needed something to take their place. But the policies that benefited the biggest firms created a deficit of small- and medium-sized businesses. Those that did exist didn't grow, partly because of the risks and costs of highly burdensome employment rules that prevented the firing of workers. Indeed, the most important Swedish companies today are those that were born during the laissez faire period before the First World War; just one of the fifty biggest Swedish companies was founded after 1970. Meanwhile, services that could become new private growth sectors, like education and health care, were monopolized and financed by the government. As they grew in importance and size, a steadily growing part of the Swedish economy thus became protected from international market forces and investments that could have turned them into successful and productive enterprises.

In the early 1990s a deep recession forced Sweden to abandon a lot of the excesses from the 1970s and 1980s. Marginal tax rates were cut, the central bank was made independent, public pensions were cut and partially privatized, school vouchers were introduced, and private providers were welcomed in health care. Several markets were deregulated, like energy, the post office, transportation, television and, most importantly, telecom, which opened the way for the success of companies like Ericsson.

But Sweden retained the world's highest taxes, generous social security systems and a heavily regulated labor market, which split the economy: Sweden is very good at producing goods, but not at producing jobs. According to a recent study of 35 developed countries, only two had jobless growth: Sweden and Finland. Economic growth in Sweden in the last 25 years has had no correlation at all with labor-market participation. (In contrast, 1 percent of growth increases the number of jobs by 0.25 percent in Denmark, 0.5 percent in the United States and 0.6 percent in Spain.) Amazingly, not a single net job has been created in the private sector in Sweden since 1950.

During the recession in the early 1990s, Sweden had an unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The official rate has been halved since, but the difference has been offset by a dramatic increase in other forms of absenteeism. For example, there are 244,000 openly unemployed workers in a total population of 9 million. But this does not include 126,000 working in labor-market projects (the largely unsuccessful programs geared towards helping people acquire the skills to find employment) or the 89,000 job-seekers who are receiving some form of education. And there are another 111,000 in "latent unemployment", people who are not defined as part of the work force, but who can and would like to work. If all of these workers are included in the calculation, Sweden's true unemployment rate is still 12 percent. (Although other countries' unemployment figures, including those for the United States, also fail to reflect the real rate joblessness, Sweden's array of government-funded projects for work and education particularly distort the data. In addition, Sweden does not include in its figures students that are seeking employment, breaking with international norms.)

Moreover, the unemployment rate says nothing about another hidden labor problem: rampant absenteeism. Swedes are healthier than almost any other people in the world, but they are also out sick more often than any other people, according to available data. In 2004, sickness benefits absorbed 16 percent of the government budget, while health absenteeism has doubled since 1998. With a sickness benefit of up to 80 percent of a recipient's income (depending on his or her wage level), it is not surprising that there is an epidemic of absenteeism. Moreover, about 10 percent of the working-age population has retired with disability benefits. A researcher at the main trade union, LO, recently left his job when he was not allowed to publish his estimate that close to 20 percent of Swedes are unemployed, either openly or hidden in labor-market projects, long-term sick-leave and early retirement. [...]

SO IF THE Myrdals were right when they said that if the welfare state couldn't work in Sweden, it wouldn't work anywhere, what will it mean if Sweden's system fails? The answer seems obvious.

Culture matters, but at the end of the day culture is nothing more than religion.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:28 PM

AMERICA ISN'T A PLACE (via Mike Daley & Tom Morin):

Born American, but in the Wrong Place (Peter W. Schramm, April 2006, On Principle)

The war was hard on everyone and the war’s end brought little relief. When the Communists took control of the country in 1949, my parents’ little textile shop (about half the size of my living room) and everything that was in it, was taken from them. They were considered the "bourgeoisie," and therefore dangerous to this new kind of tyranny now in control. My father was later sentenced to prison for a year for "rumor mongering" (someone claimed he called a Communist a tyrant, which he did). He got out, washed windows for awhile and made illegal whiskey. He lived, and his family survived.

In that same year, 1949, my grandfather was sentenced to ten years hard labor by the Communists for having a small American flag in his possession (much like the kind we wave at July 4th celebrations or with which we decorate the graves of our fallen heroes). Dad tried then, unsuccessfully, to persuade my mother to leave. But their ties to family and friends were too strong, and she would not hear it. At my grandfather’s "trial" they asked him why he had the flag. Was he a spy? He replied that it represented freedom better than any other symbol he knew and that he had a right to have it. When my grandfather got an early release from the labor camp in 1956, he came back to us looking like a victim of the Holocaust. Still, the first thing he wanted to know was whether we still had the flag. Of course, we did not. It had long ago been confiscated. But my father did not want to break his father’s heart so he somehow managed to secure another one. We took it out of its hiding place and at that tender age I learned the very adult lesson of the complexity of telling the truth. Seeing that flag somehow erased much of the pain and torment those years of imprisonment caused my grandfather. That flag restored in him something like hope. In my father, it also stirred up righteous anger.

Now, with the revolution failing, came the final straw for my Dad. On one of his trips out to secure some bread, a hand grenade landed next to him but, miraculously, it did not go off. The spark that should have set off that grenade set off my father instead. He came home and announced to my mother that that was it. He said he was going to leave the country whether she would come or not. Mom said, "O.K., William. We will come if Peter agrees. Ask Peter."

My mother tells me, though I don’t remember saying this, that I told my father I would follow him to hell if he asked it of me. Fortunately for my eager spirit, hell was exactly what we were trying to escape and the opposite of what my father sought.

"But where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to America," my father said.

"Why America?" I prodded.

"Because, son. We were born Americans, but in the wrong place," he replied.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:23 PM


Finches on Galapagos Islands evolving (RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, 7/13/06, AP)

Finches on the Galapagos Islands that inspired Charles Darwin to develop the concept of evolution are now helping confirm it - by evolving.

A medium sized species of Darwin's finch has evolved a smaller beak to take advantage of different seeds just two decades after the arrival of a larger rival for its original food source.

The altered beak size shows that species competing for food can undergo evolutionary change, said Peter Grant of Princeton University, lead author of the report appearing in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

It would be sadder that this -- citing disproof as proof -- is what they've been reduced to had their ideology not been so destructive. It illustrates again though that were they willing to settle for what was true about Darwin's insight it's still quite brilliant and useful, just not supportive of their ideological ends.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:31 PM


Tigers pick Miller named top NCAA arm (Kevin Yanik, 07/12/2006, MLB.com)

A southpaw topped a trio of right-handers Wednesday night for the Roger Clemens Award.

University of North Carolina left-hander Andrew Miller was the recipient of the third annual award at the Marriott Westchase of Houston. Miller won the award over right-handers Eddie Degerman of Rice, Tim Lincecum of the University of Washington and Brad Lincoln of the University of Houston.

"I never really thought it would happen," Miller said. "Those other guys had such great years. It's just such a huge honor to be here. It was in the back of my mind. To win an award with Roger Clemens' name on it is amazing."

For Miller, this last month has been a whirlwind. First of all, North Carolina played in the College World Series finals. Then, the Detroit Tigers selected Miller No. 6 overall in this season's First-Year Player Draft.

Now this.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:00 PM


Nationals acquire Austin Kearns, Felipe Lopez and Ryan Wagner as part of eight-player deal with Cincinnati (MLB, 07/13/2006)

The Washington Nationals today acquired outfielder Austin Kearns, shortstop Felipe Lopez and right-handed pitcher Ryan Wagner from the Cincinnati Reds in exchange for right-handed pitcher Gary Majewski, left-handed pitcher Bill Bray, infielder Brendan Harris, shortstop Royce Clayton and right-handed pitcher Daryl Thompson. Nationals Vice President and General Manager Jim Bowden made the announcement.

Kearns, Lopez and Wagner are former first-round selections-none of whom is older than 26 years-old. [...]

Lopez, 26, was batting .268 with 14 doubles, nine home runs, 30 RBI and a career-high 23 stolen bases in 85 games for the Reds at the time of the trade. Lopez is currently on pace to establish career highs in walks, stolen bases and runs scored. Currently tied for fourth in the NL in stolen bases, Lopez's 47 walks pace all NL shortstops, and his nine home runs are tied for 2nd among NL shortstops behind only Khalil Greene (12).

A career .259 hitter (477-for-1843) with 93 doubles, 17 triples, 54 home runs, 216 RBI and 56 stolen bases in 505 career games, Lopez is coming off his finest offensive season. Last season, at the age of 25, Lopez hit .291 with 34 doubles, five triples, 23 home runs, 85 RBI and 15 stolen bases in 148 games. For his efforts, Lopez earned his first Silver Slugger award, given annually to the league's top offensive shortstop. He also earned a spot on his first NL All-Star team.

Majewski and Bray are serviceable enough middle relievers and conceivable closers, but all of those Nationals together aren't worth either Lopez or Kearns.

Reds pay steep price to improve bullpen (Ken Rosenthal, 7/13/06, FOXSports.com)

"We paid a steep price, there's no question," Krivsky told FOXSports.com. "It speaks to how hard it is to get quality relief pitching in this market. You've got to give up good players."

Krivsky certainly did that; Kearns and Lopez are both 26, while reliever Ryan Wagner, the third player sent to the Nationals, is 24. [...]

Upon learning of the deal, one rival general manager was dumbfounded.

"On the surface, the Nationals made a great trade," the GM said.

The GM went on to explain, "Relief pitchers are risky. Their performance is risky. One year, they're great; the next year, they're mediocre. They're the hardest players to evaluate. Position players are the easiest. And the Nationals got two premium position players in their 20s."

Kearns is enjoying a long-awaited breakout season, batting .274 with 16 homers and 50 RBIs. Lopez was an All-Star last season, though his offense has dipped this season and Clayton is a better defender at shortstop.

Krivsky said that the right-handed Majewski, 26, and left-handed Bray, 23, will be setup men along with righty Todd Coffey for closer Eddie Guardado, whom Krivsky acquired from the Mariners last week. Majewski is in his second season. Bray, the Nationals' first-round pick in the 2004 draft, is a rookie.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:21 PM


House GOP senses shift in political winds (Patrick O’Connor, 7/13/06, The Hill)

House Republicans say they are growing more optimistic about their chances this November after a politically disastrous stretch and repeated fumbles that fomented discord within the party.

The newfound optimism is grounded in what Republicans say is a shift in the political winds — and their fundraising prowess.

In preparation for midterm elections, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) has been tapped to helm the Battleground program, the GOP’s final fundraising push of the 2006 election cycle. [...]

“We have to raise money to sustain and to win,” House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) told a group of reporters after the conference meeting. “People are anteing up, and we’re looking forward to increasing our majority next year.”

This is the first time in recent history that a senior Republican lawmaker has even discussed the possibility of increasing the GOP majority in the House this election cycle. Many Republicans have said they would be extremely pleased if they retain control of the lower chamber. [...]

Republicans in the House launched their Battleground effort in the wake of news events that have been favorable to the GOP.

The California special congressional election last month was a tremendous relief for Republicans in the House, even though many had dismissed its significance on the eve of that election. It came the same week that insurgent leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in Iraq and coincided with an extension of tax cuts on dividends and capital gains.

This week, Republicans crowed about new figures showing that the budget deficit is smaller than had been anticipated.

While Republican leaders have had a hard time corralling their members on a number of votes this year, leaders and rank-and-file members have said passing the budget resolution through the House was the biggest hurdle and significantly eased the way for all of the spending bills, allowing members to complete their most basic duty on Capitol Hill.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:54 PM


Commuter agony: 12 days a year stuck in traffic
(VIRGINIA GALT, 7/13/06, Globe and Mail)

While urban sprawl and longer travel distances have contributed to increased commuting times, Statscan analyst Martin Turcotte reported rush-hour congestion is a growing problem -- "and the negative consequences . . . are numerous and well-documented: pollution and increased greenhouse gas emissions, lost time, delays reaching work and home, increased stress, reduced productivity and other economic costs."

Despite the cost and aggravation, 86 per cent of Canadians travel by car all the way or partway to and from work, because private vehicles are faster and more convenient than public transit for most, Statscan found in its survey of commuting times in 2005.

The duration of the round trip increased for both public transit users and automobile users between 1992 and 2005, with the result that the average Canadian now spends 63 minutes a day, or 12 full days a year, commuting to and from work, Statscan said.

It's nothing more than an urban myth that cars are faster or more convcenient, but one that foks are desperate to believe.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:57 AM


Saddam begins fresh hunger strike (BBC, 7/13/06)

Who knew that's how they worked? I too am on a hunger strike to protest the All-Star break wasting three perfectly good days of the Summer and will be on a fresh one after lunch.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:55 AM


'Many die' in new Afghan fighting (BBC, 7/13/06)

At least 19 suspected Taleban militants have been killed in clashes in southern Afghanistan, officials say.

A Helmand province government spokesman said Taleban fighters attacked the village of Nawzad, targeting a garrison of Afghan and coalition troops.

Shopkeepers were surrounded and ordered to leave the centre of the village before the attack began, reports said.

Coalition forces launched air strikes, with reports saying 12 Taleban died in a car, with others killed elsewhere.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:49 AM


Turkey inaugurates oil pipeline, bypassing Russia, Mideast (LOUIS MEIXLER, 7/13/06, The Associated Press)

Almost a decade ago, U.S. President Clinton threw his weight behind a multibillion-dollar pipeline designed to bring the oil riches of the Caspian Sea to the West, bypassing Russia and tapping a source of crude outside the unstable Middle East. [...]

"No one would have thought that when oil reached Ceyhan it would be $75 a barrel," said Suat Kiniklioglu, director of the German Marshall Fund of the United States' Ankara office. "It's a huge success."

The pipeline was part of a U.S. strategy to diversify the sources and flow of oil imports, cutting the risk to consumers that any shock would affect oil supplies, sending prices higher.

It began pumping late last month and some 430,000 barrels of oil are flowing each day, said Norman Rodda, construction manager for the Turkish section of the pipeline.

Just in case you thought the Axis of Good was anything new....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


Get CBS News on demand from Amazon (Monica Soto Ouchi, 7/13/06, Seattle Times)

Developed by Amazon subsidiary CustomFlix Labs, the service allows customers to select and create customized DVDs from up to 10 CBS News segments or 90 minutes of video.

CBS News said it planned to offer content not widely available to the public before, including segments from "60 Minutes," classic and current "Evening News" broadcasts and "CBS Long-Form Documentaries" produced in the past 10 years.

While film and TV networks already sell their most popular titles online, the service erases the financial risk associated with manufacturing DVDs and holding inventory for lesser-known works that might not sell quickly, if at all.

CustomFlix managing director Dana Lopiccolo-Giles said the service also enables CBS to offer a wider selection of content to customers. "There's some real depth and incredible stories that really weren't available before," he said. [...]

The service has enabled TV networks to offer up niche shows for sale on DVD, including NBC's Westerminster dog show, plus the "Antique Roadshow" and "Nova" for PBS.

There's no reason to burn the DVD at all, just access the date on-line.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:34 AM


Russia brings revitalized economy to the table (David J. Lynch, 7/13/2006, USA Today)

Thanks to high oil prices and prudent fiscal policy, Russia today is flush with cash and brimming with confidence.

Eight years after it bottomed out in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis, the Russian economy is in its fourth consecutive year of 6% annual growth. Unemployment has been roughly halved and inflation tamed. "In financial and economic terms, it's just a totally different country than it was eight years ago," says Roland Nash, Moscow-based head of research for investment bank Renaissance Capital.

Russia's economic rebound is minting money for investors from Novosibirsk to New York. The past 12 months, the Russian Trading System (RTS) index galloped ahead 106%. This weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin will publicly celebrate his country's resurgence by hosting President Bush and other world leaders at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. [...]

The ruble's steep devaluation acted like a giant price cut, making Russian factories more competitive while discouraging imports of suddenly more expensive foreign goods.

The crisis also forced the Russian government to address long-standing structural problems by slashing subsidies for inefficient state enterprises. Some factories closed. Others were sold to private managers who whipped them into shape. By 2000, government spending was 16% lower and the budget was back in balance — where it has stayed for seven consecutive years. Meanwhile, industries from food processing to metallurgy surged.

"The crash of '98 really cleaned out the macroeconomy," says Anders Aslund of the Institute for International Economics.

In 2000, Putin, 53, replaced Boris Yeltsin as president and inaugurated tax and judicial reforms that helped spur the recovery. But the biggest factor fueling the economy, once the initial post-recovery bounce faded, was a welcome rise in oil prices. From their 1998 lows near $12 a barrel, prices rose to current levels of about $75. For Russia, the world's second-largest oil producer, that meant a financial bonanza: oil export revenue jumped from $8.8 billion in 1998 to more than $58 billion in 2004.

Since 2004, Moscow has banked much of its windfall in a dedicated stabilization fund as insurance against a sudden drop in oil prices. That account already holds about $70 billion and will top $600 billion by 2013, according to the World Bank. Eventually, investment income from the fund could finance much-needed health and pension expenses. Along with Russia's massive foreign exchange reserves, it goes a long way toward explaining the Kremlin's newfound indifference to foreign pressure.

Today, the robust economy is attracting foreign investors at a quickening pace. Russia last year took in $13.1 billion in foreign direct investment — more than three times as much as in 2002, according to the World Bank. Already in just the first half of this year, the 2005 figure has been exceeded.

But the investment flows could be even larger if investors weren't so worried about the Russian state's growing role in the economy.

Bush Urged to Be Cautious of Russia Joining WTO (Paul Blustein, 7/13/06, Washington Post)
Joining the WTO has been a priority of Russia for years. Membership in the Geneva-based trade body, which sets the rules for most international commerce, would protect Russian exports against arbitrary sanctions by other countries.

The United States is the only nation among the 149 members that is balking at approving Russia's entry, in part because of concerns that the Russian economy is still autocratically run with too much favoritism shown to state-run companies and other powerful interests. U.S. business groups and policymakers are also upset about Russia's use of food safety rules to block imports of American meat and poultry, and the rampant pirating of music, movies and other forms of intellectual property in Russia. One fear is that Russia would follow the path of China in failing to crack down on the piracy problem once it gains WTO protection. China joined the WTO in 2001.

The Bush administration's stance has been a major source of irritation for President Vladimir Putin and his government, which complains that Russia is being held to a higher standard than other countries. In an effort to prod the United States into a deal, Moscow has played hardball by holding up bids by American companies, including ConocoPhillips Co. and Chevron Corp., to drill for natural gas in a major field in the Barents Sea.

U.S. officials, while expressing the hope that WTO membership will advance the rule of law in Russia, have vowed that they will insist on tough terms. They say they are keenly aware that any deal must pass muster in Congress, which would have to lift Cold War restrictions on U.S.-Russia trade as part of an agreement.

We need to keep the pressure on, but prosperity is vital to establishing a viable liberal democracy and is not often achieved by maximizing freedom early in the process.

Boeing awaits Bush-Putin talks (Dominic Gates, 7/13/06, Seattle Times)

Boeing executives will watch with keen interest when President Bush meets Friday with President Vladimir Putin of Russia because a large 787 order may hang upon the meeting.

A person familiar with the deal says Russia's state airline Aeroflot has all but sealed a contract to buy as many as 22 Boeing 787s listed at $3.2 billion, awaiting only Putin's approval.

Also, Boeing Capital, the company's aircraft-finance division, has arranged to lease eight used MD-11 freighters to Aeroflot so that the airline can launch a new Russian air-cargo carrier.

While the Aeroflot order is smaller than some of the huge orders won last year, it's one of the major wide-body competitions pending. For Boeing to snag the deal would be a blow to Airbus, which hopes to sell Aeroflot its revamped A350.

No reason a Third World country shouldn't fly first class planes....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:22 AM


Administration Prods Congress to Curb the Rights of Detainees (KATE ZERNIKE, 7/12/06, NY Times)

A day after saying that terror suspects had a right to protections under the Geneva Conventions, the Bush administration said Wednesday that it wanted Congress to pass legislation that would limit the rights granted to detainees.

The earlier statement had been widely interpreted as a retreat, but testimony to Congress by administration lawyers on Wednesday made clear that the picture was more complicated. [...]

The maneuvering now under way was prompted by that Supreme Court decision, which struck down the tribunals the administration had established for terror suspects at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The court left it to Congress to decide what kind of trials to set up for detainees and what protections they should be granted in interrogations and handling before trial.

Administration lawyers have argued that the “most desirable” solution would be for Congress to pass a law approving the tribunals that the court said the president could not establish on his own, proceedings that would grant minimum rights to detainees.

But some leading senators said they believed that the White House stance might still be evolving, despite the public pronouncements by the lawyers who appeared before Congress. In particular, they thought the White House might be open to a solution that would abandon the tribunal approach in favor of one that would modify court-martial procedures to reflect the realities of putting terror suspects on trial. [...]

Mr. Graham said defining Article Three would be “the hardest part” of the debate on how to bring detainees to trial. He suggested that Congress could limit it in a way that resembled the language of the measure setting standards for the treatment of detainees that was written by Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and signed into law last year.

“It says that every detainee will be treated humanely and that cruel, inhumane treatment will not be allowed against detainees,” Mr. Graham said. “Common Article Three with its language goes well beyond the McCain standard.”

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:15 AM


Deficit figure jump-starts tax-cut debate (Stephen Dinan, July 13, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

This week's lower deficit figure has been a shot in the arm for tax cutters in Congress and has reignited the debate over supply-side economics and whether President Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts helped or hurt the federal budget.

"Supply-side economics are alive and well," said Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican and the budget point man for House conservatives, who added that tax cuts are the only explanation for the declining deficit. "Spending's not down; spending has increased every single budget. What happened is we're awash in tax revenue because supply-side economics is alive and well." [...]

The improvement was credited almost entirely to an 11 percent jump in federal revenues, far more than predicted just six months ago, which left tax cutters claiming vindication and calling for Congress to extend the 2001 and 2003 cuts. The OMB even included an entire section in its report to Congress crediting the tax cuts with solid economic gains and predicting that making the cuts permanent would further increase the national income by seven-tenths of a percent. [...]

"Democrats on Capitol Hill only know how to do two things, and that's shrug their shoulders with a vacant look when challenged to present their own ideas and then spew negativity and blame-mongering when Republicans offer our ideas," said Kevin Madden, a spokesman for Mr. Boehner. "The fact that their doomsday predictions about the economy will never be realized just shows how the Democrats are absolutely, totally devoid of credibility."

Of course, prodding the Democrats into offering ideas is Karl Rove's dirtiest trick.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 AM


Coalition forces hand over security of southern province to Iraqi (AP, 7/13/06)

British and Australian forces handed over security for the relatively peaceful southern province of Muthanna to Iraqi forces on Thursday in the first such transfer of an entire province. [...]

Al-Maliki announced last month that Iraqis were ready to take over security responsibilities in the predominantly Shiite desert province of about 550,000 people, located 230 miles southeast of Baghdad.

Coalition troops have said they would maintain a presence nearby and be prepared to help the Iraqis if needed.

That fits with the coalition's overall strategy: American and international forces hand over security for specific regions and redeploy to larger bases — where they can act in a support or reserve role. A final future stage would involve the drawdown of troops from those bases.

Posted by Pepys at 12:34 AM


On Iran, Giving Futility Its Chance (Robert Kagan, 13 July 2006, Washington Post)

Let's imagine, and this is purely hypothetical, that President Bush has already decided that he will not leave office in January 2009 without a satisfactory resolution of the Iranian nuclear problem. Let's imagine that he has already determined that if he cannot obtain Iran's agreement to dismantle its nuclear weapons program voluntarily and verifiably, then he will order some form of military action to destroy as much of that program as possible before he leaves. Let's imagine that he has resolved not to end his two terms in office the way Bill Clinton ended his, by leaving every major international crisis -- from Iraq to Iran to North Korea to al-Qaeda -- for his successor.
Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that Bush had made such a decision. What would he be doing right now? The answer is that he might be doing exactly what he is doing.

Kagan has hit the nail on the head, Bush will not go out like Clinton.

July 12, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 PM


Update From CT: Schlesinger Chased From Race? (National Journal)

Hartford Courant columnist Kevin F. Rennie sends along this late breaking news:

Connecticut Republicans may soon have a vacancy to fill for their United States Senate nomination.

Former state Representative Alan Schlesinger is being dogged by gambling rumors, and Bradley Beecher, former commanding officer of the state police’s casino licensing and operations unit, says he received a call from Schlesinger on Tuesday, July 11th seeking information on who was checking out his gambling habits. Beecher is now a consultant on casino security and law enforcement. He’s also a critic of Connecticut gaming policies. [...]

Republican state chairman George Gallo has conferred with Schlesinger and is concerned about the implications of the brewing gambling scandal.

Karl Rove clears the decks for the party switch.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 9:29 PM


Purely foolish Democrats (Jonathan Chait, 7/9/06, Los Angeles Times)

Ned Lamont's challenge to Sen. Joe Lieberman in next month's Connecticut primary has blossomed into a full-scale Democratic civil war. What's at stake is the legitimacy of partisanship.

A good window into the competing mentalities can be found in two arguments, one by prominent Lieberman supporters, the other by a prominent critic. First, the supporters. Writing in the Hartford Courant, Marshall Wittmann and Steven J. Nider of the moderate Democratic Leadership Council complain that "far too many Democrats view George W. Bush as a greater threat to the nation than Osama bin Laden."

Those loony Democrats! But wait, is this really such a crazy view? Even though all but the loopiest Democrat would concede that Bin Laden is more evil than Bush, that doesn't mean he's a greater threat. Bin Laden is hiding somewhere in the mountains, has no weapons of mass destruction and apparently very limited numbers of followers capable of striking at the U.S.

Bush, on the other hand, has wreaked enormous damage on the political and social fabric of the country. He has massively mismanaged a major war, with catastrophic consequences; he has strained the fabric of American democracy with his claims of nearly unchecked power and morally corrupt Gilded Age policies. It's quite reasonable to conclude that Bush will harm the nation more — if not more than Bin Laden would like to, than more than he actually can.

Jonathan Chait talks with the nutty, yet lovable crank. (Hugh Hewitt and Jonathan Chait, 7/11/06, Radioblogger)

HH: Do you still hate George Bush?

JC: I've grown no more fond of him over the years, but I'm very glad that I'm the one who invented the whole thing. I didn't know that.

HH: But you did write in September, 2003, I hate President George W. Bush.

JC: It's true, it's true. I did. I just think it would be giving me too much credit to give me credit for sort of inventing Bush hatred, or authoring Bush hatred.

HH: Do you still hate him?

JC: I do.

HH: You do? Why do you still hate him?

JC: Well, look. There's the sort of separate questions of how I feel about him personally, and how I feel about him as a president.

HH: Hatred's kind of all-encompassing.

JC: It's both. I mean, you can hate someone as an individual, and…

HH: Are you going soft on your hatred here, Jonathan?

JC: I'm not, no. Let me try to explain what I mean by that, because you, you're a longtime…you have a long-time avid interest in the topic, so let me try to explain it for you. You can hate someone individually, and you can also be extremely opposed to their policies, or you can do both, which is my view of George W. Bush. I have a very strong dislike of him as an individual…

HH: Hatred? Not dislike, hatred.

JC: Correct.

HH: You hate him.

JC: That's right. [...]

HH: All right. Let's get to the two paragraphs that I want to talk about. These are paragraphs three and four.

JC: I knew what it would be. But let's go on.

HH: "Those loony Democrats, but wait, is this really such a crazy view? Even though all but the loopiest Democrat would concede that bin Laden is more evil than Bush, that doesn't mean he's a greater threat. [...] It's quite reasonable to conclude that Bush will harm the nation more, if not more than bin Laden would like to, than more than he actually can." Now, we begin by a couple of facts. Bin Laden was behind 9/11, right? No bin Laden, no 9/11?

JC: That's correct.

HH: So George Bush, in your opinion, has done more damage…

JC: No, no, no. I wouldn't…well, first of all, no, I wouldn't necessarily say that no bin Laden, no 9/11. No, no, no. That's personalizing history to much to high of an extent. No, I wouldn't say that.

HH: Well, I mean, there might have been other terrorist attacks, but no bin Laden, no 9/11, Jonathan.

JC: Look, you can't necessarily say if bin Laden was dead that they wouldn't have carried that out, no. I don't accept that premise. [...]

HH: Okay. How about the Canadian cell that we broke up last month in Canada? Were they followers of al Qaeda?

JC: I don't know about that one.

HH: Yeah, they were. Were they capable of striking at the U.S?

JC: Tell me. Were they?

HH: Yes, they were. You see, I think you're being very dismissive here of the amount of harm, because it flows into your premise that what bin Laden can do is much less that Bush has done.

JC: Well, no, wait a second. But all of these plots were foiled, so in a way, that makes my point for me, right? I mean, none of these guys had the ability to get anything done.

HH: No, it doesn't. Exactly the opposite. How many terrorists are there, Jonathan Chait?

JC: How many terrorists? You tell me.

HH: No, you wrote the article, and you asserted that there are apparently very limited numbers of followers capable of striking at the U.S. How do you know that?

JC: Because they haven't had a successful strike at us since 9/11.

HH: And that is, in fact, evidence of what? That there are very few followers, or that we're very good at blocking plots?

JC: Well, how many attacks have they had on us before 9/11?

HH: In the United States, '93 and 2001. Outside, scores.

JC: That's one every eight years.

HH: Yeah, but Cole counts, and the Tanzanian and Kenyan Embassies counts, and the Khobar Towers count. And I could name other ones for you. They all count.

JC: Right.

HH: Striking at Madrid's rail station counts, because it lost us an ally in the war. It counts to bomb London as an ally in the war. It counts to kill people in Bali. Don't you believe that? [...]

HH: Do I…am I in that wonderful inner circle of hatred with George Bush?

JC: No…

HH: Do you hate me, too?

JC: No, I don't hate you. I think you're a kind of nutty, but lovable crank.

Imagine having the ability to calmly eviscerate your opponent to the point where he sounds like a raving loony, and then getting him to say that at the end.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:20 PM


Man is fined buffalo and pig for bigamy (AP, 7/11/06)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:17 PM


When killer kangaroos roamed the earth (Reuters, 7/11/06)

Forget cute, cuddly marsupials. Paleontologists say they have found the fossilized remains of a fanged killer kangaroo and what they describe as a "demon duck of doom."

A University of New South Wales team said the fearsome fossils were among 20 previously unknown species uncovered at a site in Australia's northwest Queensland state.

Pity the poor biologists, they've been waiting around so long to find anything meaningful that even they don't take their stories seriously anymore.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:02 PM


Bush spends days with his new German ally, Angela Merkel (William Douglas, 7/11/06, McClatchy Newspapers)

The huge headline in Wednesday's edition of the German national newspaper Bild blared the question that inquiring minds in Germany wanted to know: "What Does Bush Find So Fascinating About His Girlfriend Angela?"

President Bush, who arrived Wednesday evening in this Baltic Sea coastal region of what once was communist East Germany, has formed a fast friendship with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that has made them the new odd couple of international politics. [...]

"There's a personal chemistry that works for them," said Helga Welsh, an associate political science professor at North Carolina State University who specializes in U.S.-Europe relations. "Merkel can bring up unpopular topics like Guantanamo Bay and not get mad."

While other European leaders, such as British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac, are in the twilight of their political careers, Merkel is on the rise. She has forged a leading role in Europe's efforts to prevent Iran from resuming its nuclear program. Next year, she will head the G-8 - composed of leaders of eight major industrialized democracies - while holding the rotating European Union presidency for six months.

Merkel has been in office only eight months, but she's becoming the White House's go-to ally in Europe, experts in transatlantic relations say. She's already made the frosty relationship that Bush had with former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder a distant memory.

The President has outlasted most of his enemies.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 2:12 PM


Bad girls on campus (Barbara Kay, National Post, July 12th, 2006)

But before they blithely commit the approximately $60,000 it takes to send the average young woman off to reside for four years at one of Canada's "sacred groves of academe," parents should buy the University Student Issue of Maclean's (June 26, but available on newsstands until Aug. 31).

Skip the articles with all the graphs. Go directly to pp 51-54, where you'll find the chronology of a typical campus day through the eyes of a woman student. Nineteen-year old Hailey Wojcik from Guelph is supposedly "studying" Sociology and Communications at Toronto's York University. But mostly she's trying to find a public space where she doesn't feel sensorially or territorially besieged.

She begins her day with the pre-shower "towel dance" in the co-ed bathroom. Sometimes in the neighbouring shower stall, there's "that couple that has to ruin it for everyone...'What the hell is that noise?' And then, 'Ew, awkward.'"

Later Hailey wants to study, but her residence room is too distracting -- MSN, TV, phone, constant visitors. In the library, even in the stacks, the chatter of cell phone users chases her away. (Cell phones are banned in theatres and concert halls, but not in university libraries?) There's a nice study room in the basement of her residence, but sadly "There's this couple that comes in and hard-core makes out..."

Never mind, it's now mid-afternoon and time for pot, literally at 4:20 p.m. every day. Pot isn't Hailey's thing -- she prefers booze -- but anyway all drugs are readily available, to those of legal age or not. Thursdays it's karaoke in her room, then serious puke-level party time. Finally, after a techno-intense day of surfing Facebook.com, text-messaging in 500-strong classes (those she attends -- notes are available online, so...) and partying, Hailey is naturally exhausted: "Collapsing into bed, [Hailey] has a direct view of her roommate's enormous collection of empty liquor bottles." Later she awakens to the roommate having sex with a guy ("Whatever.") But when they get into "X-rated activities" and the guy suggests the roommate ask Hailey to join in a threesome, Hailey bolts from the room "and I just hid in the stairwell."

Hailey doesn't use the word, but she has been "sexiled," the neologism coined in I Am Charlotte Simmons, Tom Wolfe's extravagant satire of campus life in the U.S. The novel was assumed to have been wildly exaggerated, but if Hailey is a "typical" freshie, then Wolfe's assessment seems spot on target. As Wolfe correctly observed, it isn't actually women who rule on campus, it's ideologically ramped-up sexual brinksmanship that rules women. Girls are behaving in ways that run counter to their instincts and self-interest to prove they are men's equals.

Since men of any era are always eager to "get lucky," but take their cues as to acceptable levels of sexual aggression and wantonness from women, today's campus men are in promiscuity heaven. But women? The pattern that emerges is -- exactly as laid out in Wolfe's novel -- one of male delight, female anxiety.

Hailey Wojcik never seems confident or even cognizant of her right to personal dignity and modesty. Why, in spite of her discomfort, does she meekly tolerate shower sex 10 inches away? Why does she displace herself from her own bed and room to accommodate her roommate's noisy hook-up? (Why for that matter cede the library to the cell-phone users?) Hailey's experience is a depressing gloss on women's vaunted "empowerment": She has the "power" to join in the social campus norm of promiscuity and indecency or slink off into voluntary sexile. Some power. Some feminist triumph.

The charm of all this is that the men have all convinced themselves they are firm believers in the equality of women, ready to drop all to fight for their rights at a moment’s notice.

Posted by Pepys at 1:16 PM


The Libertarian Dem (Markos Moulitsas, 7 June 2006, Daily Kos)

So in practical terms, what does a Libertarian Dem look like? A Libertarian Dem rejects government efforts to intrude in our bedrooms and churches. A Libertarian Dem rejects government "Big Brother" efforts, such as the NSA spying of tens of millions of Americans. A Libertarian Dem rejects efforts to strip away rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights -- from the First Amendment to the 10th. And yes, that includes the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms.
So far, this isn't much different than what a traditional libertarian believes. Here is where it begins to differ (and it shouldn't).
A Libertarian Dem believes that true liberty requires freedom of movement -- we need roads and public transportation to give people freedom to travel wherever they might want. A Libertarian Dem believes that we should have the freedom to enjoy the outdoor without getting poisoned; that corporate polluters infringe on our rights and should be checked. A Libertarian Dem believes that people should have the freedom to make a living without being unduly exploited by employers. A Libertarian Dem understands that no one enjoys true liberty if they constantly fear for their lives, so strong crime and poverty prevention programs can create a safe environment for the pursuit of happiness. A Libertarian Dem gets that no one is truly free if they fear for their health, so social net programs are important to allow individuals to continue to live happily into their old age. Same with health care. And so on.

Rightward looks to be the direction Markos wants to push the netroots. Here in all its glory, is a more muscular, masculine and all around white-male-friendly version of progressive politics. Note the presence of the 2nd Amendment and the complete absence of gender and race. He's trying to give NASCAR Dads a way to join the party of Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton without surrendering their masculine self-conception.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:54 AM

WANNA WIN A BOOK? (via Glenn Dryfoos):

Quiz: Test your baseball knowledge! (ESPN.com, 7/10/06)

Every year, a new chapter in baseball history is written. Players win awards, chase significant milestones and experience the thrill of victory. One team gets crowned World Series champion. And memorable performances often resonate far into the future.

But as new stories are being told, we cannot forget about the game that preceded these current history-makers. Before multimillion-dollar contracts, performance-enhancing suspicions, shrinking strike zones, smaller ballparks, interleague play and expansion -- there was nothing but a field of dreams.

Baseball is still a simple game -- throw the ball, catch the ball, hit the ball -- but a lot has changed over the years. To make sense of this evolution, we must look back at the heroes, goats, legends, villains, scandals, tragedies, and triumphs that connect one generation to the next.

As a way of examining the past, we developed a baseball history quiz. The 50 questions were broken into five eras -- The Early Years (1845-1899), Dead Ball Era (1900-1919), Rebirth of Soul (1920-1945), Golden Age (1946-1979) and Modern Days (1980-today) -- and designed to test general knowledge, educate and challenge.

We fielded a lineup of major leaguers and ESPN analysts to take the test. Now, it's your turn.

Dryfoos got 42. I only got 36. We'll give a book to whoever gets the most.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 AM


Terror and Presidential Power: Bush Takes a Step Back (SCOTT SHANE, 7/12/06, NY Times)

After the Pentagon released the memo, the White House confirmed that it had formally withdrawn part of the 2002 order and accepted that Article 3 now applied to Qaeda detainees. That article prohibits “humiliating and degrading treatment” of prisoners and requires trials “affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.”

“This is an important course correction, and there are political ramifications to it,” said Scott L. Silliman, an expert on the law of war at Duke University. Top defense officials “never really clarified when Geneva applied and when it didn’t,” he said.

Richard H. Kohn, a military historian at the University of North Carolina, said the administration might have anticipated that it would have to adjust its policies, formed under immense pressure after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“They were going to reach as far as possible to prosecute this war, and if they were forced to scale back, they’d scale back,” Mr. Kohn said. “Almost from the beginning, the administration has had to back away and fuzz up the issues.”

If there has been a retreat, it may partly reflect a change in the perceived threat from Al Qaeda since the disorienting days after Sept. 11. As months, then years, passed without a new attack in the United States, the toughest measures seemed steadily less justifiable.

“As time passed, and no more buildings were blowing up, it was no longer an emergency, and the rules had to be renegotiated,” said Dennis E. Showalter, a professor of history at Colorado College.

Charles Krauthammer nearly had this right, High court made a premature ruling on tribunals (Charles Krauthammer, 7/10/06, Philadelphia Inquirer)
1861. 1941. 2001. Our big wars - and the war on terror ranks with the big ones - have a way of starting on the first year of a decade. Supreme Courts, which historically have been loath to intervene against presidential war powers in the midst of conflict, have tended to give the president until mid-decade to do what he wishes to the Constitution in order to win the war.

During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus - trashing the Bill of Rights or exercising necessary emergency executive power, depending on your point of view. But he got the whole troublesome business done by 1865.

During World War II, FDR interned Japanese Americans, but he got his war wrapped up by 1945.

Had the current war on terror ended in 2005, the sensational just-decided Hamdan case concerning military tribunals for Guantanamo prisoners would have either been rendered moot or drawn a yawn.

But it wasn't a particularly big war and we did win it that quickly. Nor are Congress and the Courts going to to be able to limit the Executive to any significant extent even though the emergency has passed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:21 AM


Jerusalem religions united against gay parade (MITCH POTTER, 7/12/06, Toronto Star)

At first glance it has all the hallmarks of a miracle: virtually the entire orthodox leadership of the Holy City — Jewish, Muslim and Christian alike — are gathering in an unprecedented show of unity for the betterment of Jerusalem.

A long-overdue edict of peace, perhaps? A decree against the spiralling violence between Israelis and Palestinians? A crusade to end poverty, even?

Try none of the above. The target of Jerusalem's multi-denominational jihad is the imminent arrival of gays and lesbians for the upcoming World Pride Parade.

We have more in common than separates us.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:37 AM


My Role in the Valerie Plame Leak Story (Robert Novak, Jul 12, 2006, Human Events)

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has informed my attorneys that, after two and one-half years, his investigation of the CIA leak case concerning matters directly relating to me has been concluded. That frees me to reveal my role in the federal inquiry that, at the request of Fitzgerald, I have kept secret. [...]

[T]wo days before my meeting with Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor informed Hamilton that he would be bringing to the Swidler Berlin offices only two waivers. One was by my principal source in the Valerie Wilson column, a source whose name has not yet been revealed. The other was by presidential adviser Karl Rove, whom I interpret as confirming my primary source's information. In other words, the special prosecutor knew the names of my sources.

When Fitzgerald arrived, he had a third waiver in hand -- from Bill Harlow, the CIA public information officer who was my CIA source for the column confirming Mrs. Wilson's identity. I answered questions using the names of Rove, Harlow and my primary source. [...]

I have revealed Rove's name because his attorney has divulged the substance of our conversation, though in a form different from my recollection. I have revealed Harlow's name because he has publicly disclosed his version of our conversation, which also differs from my recollection. My primary source has not come forward to identify himself. [...]

In my sworn testimony, I said what I have contended in my columns and on television: Joe Wilson's wife's role in instituting her husband's mission was revealed to me in the middle of a long interview with an official who I have previously said was not a political gunslinger. After the federal investigation was announced, he told me through a third party that the disclosure was inadvertent on his part.

Following my interview with the primary source, I sought out the second administration official and the CIA spokesman for confirmation. I learned Valerie Plame's name from Joe Wilson's entry in "Who's Who in America."

I considered his wife's role in initiating Wilson's mission, later confirmed by the Senate Intelligence Committee, to be a previously undisclosed part of an important news story. I reported it on that basis.

Posted by Pepys at 12:09 AM


The World According to Grover: Grover Norquist talks to the Prospect and friends about Iraq, gay marriage, Jack Abramoff, and more. (The Editors, 6 July 2006, The American Prospect)

The challenge for McCain is that he lost in 2000 because he was ten paces off dead-center -- campaign finance reform. He was generally a Reagan Republican except for campaign finance reform, and that was enough to up-end him because the right-to-life people were concerned, the gun people were concerned, the tax people were concerned. I ran two press conferences on campaign finance reform, one in New Hampshire and one in South Carolina, just before those primaries. He was running around telling people I spent $12 million to kneecap him in South Carolina. I held a press conference. But it had the effect of unsettling the base of the movement. People said he’s not with us on this stuff. So his challenge is, having been 10 paces off, he’s now switched his positions on taxes, on guns, on judges, on Kyoto, and he’s got to run as the guy who flip-flopped on central issues...
And the other challenge he has, and George Will wrote about this, he can’t give the right-to-life people the judges they need, and they figured it out. Because his No. 1 goal in life is to chisel off Keating 5 from his tombstone and spray-paint on campaign finance reform. There are no judges in America who look at the Constitution and say it’s flexible enough for campaign finance reform but not flexible enough for Roe v. Wade, OK? Judges will either say campaign finance reform is unconstitutional and Roe v. Wade is bad law, or campaign finance law is OK and Roe v. Wade is OK, too. So he’s got a number of challenges on that one.

Grover is right on here. Campaign Finance Reform destroyed McCain as a Republican contender because it strikes at the very heart of the movement. Everything but that is forgivable.

July 11, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:10 PM


Taliban in search of a winning formula: In the three months of their spring offensive, the Taliban have changed tactics several times, indicating that all is not going as well as planned, or trumpeted. A leading Taliban commander, however, in talks with Syed Saleem Shahzad, dismisses the notion, claiming optimistically that the latest switch in operations, in which US air bases will be targeted, will pave the way for ultimate victory. The US has other ideas. (Asia Times, 7/12/06)

Posted by Pepys at 5:07 PM


Why I'm an American ( Ruben Navarrette, 2 July 2006, RCP)

Just in time for the Fourth of July, a reader sends along this charming query: "Are you an American?''
I don't take offense. I assume this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm Hispanic, or that I often defend immigrants (legal and otherwise) against scapegoating, ignorance and bigotry. I figure this guy is just taking a survey...
Well, put me down as a "yes.'' I am an American -- a brown-skinned, Spanish-surnamed Yankee Doodle Dandy...
I'm an American because my sympathies lie with the little guy (especially when he is being pushed around by the big guy) and because I won't stomach bullies, foreign or domestic. The country is most righteous when it defends the underdog and shows the world how to be tough and compassionate at the same time...
I'm an American because I'm convinced that U.S. law exists to protect the rights of minorities -- racial, religious, those with a particular sexual preference, etc. -- because the majority can protect itself. And because I believe that institutions, if left unwatched, would often roll back hard-earned gains in civil rights...
I'm an American because I believe that the future belongs to the bold, the optimistic and the hardworking. And because I'm convinced that -- despite the insistence by some that sinister forces are undermining America's poor and middle class -- the direction of our lives is in our own hands.

America's First Modern President (Ruben Navarrette, 9 July 2006)
Nearly 100 years after leaving office, Theodore Roosevelt is more popular than ever. While biographers in his day sneered at him as a showman who was all talk and no action, he is now seen as one of America's most consequential presidents...
Worshiped by fellow Republicans such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Roosevelt is also admired by Democrats. Bill Clinton kept a bust of T.R. on his desk in the Oval Office...
Personally, I've always thought that the public's fascination with Teddy Roosevelt had a lot to do with his maverick ways. Elected with the support of the business community, he broke up unfair monopolies and pushed for food inspection and workplace safety laws. A hero for his exploits leading the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War, he was also the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for helping end the Russo-Japanese War. And although he came into office at a time when the United States was expanding and amassing great wealth, he made his mark as an environmentalist and conservationist determined to preserve natural resources so as not to -- as he said -- "rob, by wasteful use, the generations that come after us."...
Some of his thinking led him onto dangerous ground. According to Murphy, Roosevelt developed a concern over "race suicide'' -- the idea that, if the older-stock Americans didn't keep pace with the birthrates of, say, Irish Catholic immigrants, the privileged class could meet its demise...
Many historians agree that Roosevelt invented the modern presidency, where the man shapes the office and not the other way around. It didn't hurt that he had a legendary enthusiasm for life. As T.R. noted at one point, "While president, I have been president -- emphatically'"..
Rove picks up on that thread, writing that Roosevelt's life was "characterized by passion and zest and a drive to achieve great things.''...
I get it now. In that respect, T.R. was the very embodiment of America -- not just in his time, but for all time. It's no wonder that one still can't get enough of the other.

Navarette seems to embody the "Hispanic" voter we all hear so much about. There is much to admire about his optimistic can-do spirit and the generosity of his soul. His realization that T.R.'s powerful appeal comes from his passion, zest and "drive to achieve" is simply wonderful. I wish I had written such a great summary of what it means to be American. The problem is that underpinning his world-view is a deep distrust of the majority culture or what some might call "white America". The inescapable implication of his writing is that what he truly loves about this country is fragile and has had to be wrested from those in power (the majority or more simlpy, whites). Obviously, most people around here believe this to be an egregious misreading of history, but it is that opinion we as conservatives need to correct if "brown America" is going to turn red rather than blue.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:50 PM


A Jewish friend and Met fan just had a daughter and I asked him if he'd named her Mookie:

A: "I named her Kazmir Shoah Cohen, as both tragedies should always be remembered."

Posted by Pepys at 4:40 PM


The Gitmo Fallout: The fight over the Hamdan ruling heats up—as fears about its reach escalate. (Michael Isikoff and Stuart Taylor Jr., 17 July 2006)

David Bowker vividly remembers the first time he heard the phrase. A lawyer in the State Department, Bowker was part of a Bush administration "working group" assembled in the panicked aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Its task: figuring out what rights captured foreign fighters and terror suspects were entitled to while in U.S. custody. White House hard-liners, led by Vice President Dick Cheney and his uncompromising lawyer, David Addington, made it clear that there was only one acceptable answer. One day, Bowker recalls, a colleague explained the goal: to "find the legal equivalent of outer space"—a "lawless" universe. As Bowker understood it, the idea was to create a system where detainees would have no legal rights and U.S courts would have no power to intervene...
In January 2002, Bowker and other State Department lawyers pushed back. After seeing a Justice Department memo arguing that Qaeda and Taliban prisoners did not even deserve basic protections under the Geneva Conventions, they warned that the administration was inviting an enormous backlash, both from U.S. courts and foreign allies...
But the complaints went unheeded. The hard-liners forcefully argued that in wartime, the president had virtually unlimited powers to defend the nation. They may come to wish they'd listened a little more closely to the warnings. In a ruling late last month, the Supreme Court came down squarely on the side of the dissenters...

That last bit really gives the game away. Who doesn't believe the President has unlimited powers to defend the nation in wartime? Who actually thinks SCOTUS came down squarely on anything in Hamdan? Who thinks we'll tolerate our people being tried internationally for what they've done in this war? In a way, it's reassuring that this is the worst State can come up with. Oh well, I guess Bush'll just have to get a rubber stamp from Congress.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:17 PM


Canadians kill 20 Taliban in intense battle: Fiercest fighting for troops since Cyprus and Korea, commander says (Matthew Fisher, July 11, 2006, CanWest News Service)

The most intense fighting Canadian troops have been part of since the civil wars in Cyprus or the Korean War involved virtually the entire 1st Battalion Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry and the big guns of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, as well as U.S. fighter jets, attack helicopters and armed airborne drones.

The Battle of Zharei/Panjwei tailed off at dusk yesterday in the village of Pashmol with at least 20 Taliban dead, 20 seriously wounded and six captured, according to General Ahmad (who goes by one name only) of the Afghan Army. [...]

Among the prisoners seized was a Taliban dubbed "the Man Who Wouldn't Die," because he had eluded multiple attempts by Canadian troops and coalition aircraft to kill him. The insurgent was finally captured yesterday in a tunnel complex underneath the compound where Corporal Anthony Boneca of Thunder Bay was shot and killed on Sunday.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ian Hope, the Patricias' commander, praised Cpl. Boneca -- the 17th Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan.

"We know it will cost in the lives of our soldiers and we will pay that cost," Lt.-Col. Hope told a news conference held for Afghan and Canadian journalists at the forward operating base, which was crowded with weary and dirty soldiers returning from battle in LAV (light armoured vehicle) III and Bison armoured fighting vehicles.

After about 1,000 Canadian and coalition troops paid their respects at a ramp ceremony at Kandahar Airfield at dawn yesterday. A C-130 Hercules carried Cpl. Boneca's flag-draped casket on the first leg of the long journey back to northwestern Ontario.

Three other Patricias infantrymen were hospitalized with injuries suffered during the fighting. Four other Pats were treated for severe heat stroke after daytime temperatures touched 60C.

When an engagement where you lose one guy is an eleven, what does that make the wars your fathers and grandfathers fought? Apocalyptic?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:20 PM

HIGHWAYS ARE MURDER (via Bryan Franceour):

Massive Big Dig debris crushes woman to death (AP, 7/11/06)

Twelve tons of concrete fell from the ceiling of one of Boston's Big Dig tunnels, crushing a woman in a car and again raising concerns Tuesday about the integrity of the massive highway project in the central artery through the city.

Authorities said they were inspecting at least 17 other sections of the tunnel system where similar "tiebacks" were used to hold ceiling panels in place.

"I don't think anyone can feel the tunnels are safe, given what happened this morning," Gov. Mitt Romney told a New England Cable News reporter after touring the tunnel under an industrial area of South Boston where the woman died.

Though such projects are inherently anti-human they aren't always this obviously so.

Posted by Pepys at 2:00 PM


The GOP's Looming Battle (E. J. Dionne, 11 July, 2006)

WASHINGTON -- As it looks beyond the elections of 2006, a Republican Party known for ideological solidarity is on the cusp of a far more searching philosophical battle than are the Democrats, historically accustomed to bruising fights over the finer points of political theory...
The coming Republican brawl reflects the fact that President Bush will leave office with no obvious heir, and Bushism as a political philosophy has yet to establish itself in the way that Reaganism did...
Moreover, the four top candidates in most polls for the GOP's 2008 presidential nomination -- Sen. John McCain, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich -- all promise very different styles of leadership...
Even in this year's elections, Republicans are fleeing aspects of the Bush record. Many conservatives are criticizing the deficits that they voted for when they supported Bush's earlier budgets. There is the deep internal rift over immigration. And many in Congress (notably Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska) have been critical of the administration's handling of the war in Iraq.

Now that Dionne has predicted division in the Republicans ranks, we can be sure the future will be calm. All we need now is for him to declare victory for the Democrats and it's a done deal.

Posted by Pepys at 1:40 PM


Taliban in search of a winning formula (Syed Saleem Shahzad, 12 July 2006)

KARACHI - The Taliban's spring offensive in Afghanistan is now three months old. It is the biggest ever mounted against foreign forces in the country since the Taliban's ouster in 2001, and it has taken a heavy toll on insurgency as well as coalition forces.
And, according to one of the Taliban's top 10 commanders who spoke to Asia Times Online, the rising spiral of death is just the tip of the iceberg and the coalition's "Operation Mountain Thrust" in the southwest of the country will be severely challenged...
Despite Jangvi's optimism, though, the fact is that the Taliban have only inflicted about 100 casualties on coalition forces in the past three months, while the body count of Taliban and civilians in southwestern Afghanistan, most of them Taliban supporters, is estimated at more than 2,000...
And critically, in some areas the insurgency has degenerated into an unholy mess of internecine strife, so much so that even Karzai has decried the bloodshed and called on coalition forces to alter their tactics as "even the Taliban are sons of the soil"...
Jangvi is unperturbed, though. "More foreign troops means more of their casualties. This would be the time for the world Muslim community to understand that jihad in Afghanistan has reached a significant level and it is time again to help the resistance with manpower and money."

That "internecine strife" and 20 to 1 kill ration has really raised their spirits.

Posted by Pepys at 1:17 PM


Syria's one true friend - Iran (Sami Moubayed, 12 July 2006, Asia Times)

DAMASCUS - Since former president Hafez al-Assad came to power in 1970, the Syrian government has managed to rally the street behind its foreign policy. Time has proven the regime correct since all the steps it took in foreign affairs, which seemed questionable to many at the moment, turned out to be wise...
Today, Syria's foreign relations are based on a conviction that relations with the United States are no longer repairable so long as Bush is at the White House. Relations with France, the Syrians believe, are also strained so long as Jacques Chirac - an ally of the Harriri family in Lebanon - is in power in Paris. And so long as Chirac is around, Europe is not a priority on Syria's agenda. Mostly the Syrians have decided to ignore the West and head east. They want to create economic and political alliances with Malaysia, India, China and Russia, feeling that when the Western world sees that it has lost Syria, it would recalculate its relationship with Damascus. First on the list of the countries that Syria is reaching out to is Iran...
One question arises: if Syria does not ally itself with Iran, what country in the neighborhood is an alternative? The Syrians, at daggers end with the US since 2003, are surrounded by a pro-American regime in Jordan, an anti-Syrian regime in Lebanon, an American regime in Iraq, and Israel. With such a neighborhood, Syria naturally sides with the Iranians. Gone is the Arab nationalist regime in Egypt. Gone is the Soviet Union. With such an anti-Syrian neighborhood, Iran, it is believed, is the only true friend to the Syrians.

The truth is the implication of that last sentence. Iran and Syria are now very much alone. All their brilliant foreign policy has left them up against the wall with no way out.

Posted by David Cohen at 11:10 AM


Budget Deficit Drops $296B Under Estimate (Andrew Taylor, AP, 7/11/06)

The White House Tuesday touted new deficit figures showing considerable improvement upon earlier administration predictions, trumpeting the news as a validation of President Bush's pro-growth tax cuts....

Bush himself was to trumpet the good news, attributing the improvement to tax cuts he pushed in 2001 and 2003 and his clampdown on domestic agencies funded by Congress.

However, the results are less impressive when compared to the $318 billion deficit posted last fall for fiscal 2005. Despite strong revenues, the high costs of the Iraq war and Gulf Coast hurricane relief have weighed on the deficit _ as have higher interest payments paid on the national debt.

A question for the journalists among us: Whose opinion is being quoted in that last paragraph, or is that supposed to be a statement of objective fact?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:56 AM


'Marriage' amendment OK'd for vote (Cheryl Wetzstein, July 11, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday upheld the legitimacy of a proposed constitutional amendment to end same-sex "marriage," saying "no error" was made in the measure's certification. [...]

The unanimous decision comes as Massachusetts lawmakers are scheduled to gather tomorrow for their first vote on the amendment. Fifty out of 200 lawmakers must approve the amendment in successive sessions for it to go before the voters, possibly in 2008.

Yesterday's ruling is a setback for homosexual rights groups, who hoped the high court would derail the effort by saying state Attorney General Tom Reilly incorrectly certified the amendment.

Russian Farmer Asks Putin’s Permission to Marry Cow (MosNews, 7/10/06)
A young Russian farmer from the small village in the Kemerovo region (South Siberia) has asked President Vladimir Putin to allow him to marry a cow, the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reported Monday.

“All girls have left our small village and moved to the city, so I cannot find a woman to be with. But I see the solution to the problem. I love animals very much and want to ask you when it will be allowed in Russia, as it is in Holland, to marry domestic animals?” his question to Putin reads.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


General Speaks of Immigrant Father: Congressional Hearing Turns Personal (Glenn Frankel and Daniela Deane, July 11, 2006, Washington Post)

A congressional hearing on immigration came to a dramatic pause Monday when Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, choked up as he talked about his Italian immigrant father and the opportunities that America had given to his family.

A hush fell over the auditorium at Miami Dade College as Pace, a Marine who was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and grew up in Teaneck, N.J., was overcome with emotion and struggled to continue reading from his statement as the opening witness at the field hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Pace was explaining his family's origins to the committee and the opportunities he and his three siblings enjoyed in America when he lost his composure, much to the surprise of the 150 people gathered in the hearing room and to the five senators, who sat riveted as the general paused.

After he composed himself, Pace described his older sister, who went to law school, and his older brother, who, like himself, attended the Naval Academy and was a Marine.

"There is no other country on the planet that affords that kind of opportunity to those who come here," Pace concluded. The audience burst into applause. [...]

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), who was at the hearing, said Pace made an "enormously moving comment and statement" and added: "We just hope our colleagues in the Congress can hear it."

Seventy years ago this is who the Tancredos of the day were trying to keep out (including, of course, the actual Tancredo family).

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Mexico conservatives biggest party in new Congress (Reuters)

Mexico's ruling conservative party won enough seats in the July 2 election to be the biggest party in the next Congress, although it will not have an overall majority, final results showed on Sunday. [...]

Calderon's National Action Party, or PAN, won 33.39 percent of seats in the 500-seat lower house of deputies, the IFE electoral authority said late on Sunday.

The left-wing Party for the Democratic Revolution, or PRD, came in second with 28.99 percent of the lower house, and the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, that is the biggest party in the outgoing Congress came third with 28.21 percent.

The PRI's weight in the current Congress has prevented Fox from pushing through the tax, labor and energy sector reforms that foreign analysts say Mexico needs.

...the conservatves win down ticket too.


Edging to the Right (Michael Barone, 7/10/06, Real Clear Politics)

The apparent victory of Felipe Calderon, the candidate of incumbent President Vicente Fox's PAN party in Mexico, is the latest in a series of defeats for the hard left in Latin American elections. It also means there will continue to be a trio of center-right North American governments. Leftist Evo Morales, with help from Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, did win in Bolivia, but Chavez's candidate lost in Peru, center-right incumbent Alvaro Uribe won re-election by a huge margin in Colombia, and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, former Mexico City mayor and candidate of the leftist PRD party, lost after leading in the polls for most of the past two years. The cry has been going up that the "Washington consensus" favoring free trade and free markets is dead in the region. But that consensus is not threatened by responsible center-left presidents like Lula da Silva of Brazil and Michelle Bachelet of Chile. And the defeat of Lopez Obrador, who called for renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, shows it's still alive in Mexico.

That doesn't mean Calderon can solve all of Mexico's problems. His PAN will be the largest party in the Congreso but without a majority in either house. For one thing, oil production will most likely continue to lag if PRI, the ruling party from 1929 to 2000, keeps joining PRD in resisting any change in the monopoly status of government-owned Pemex. Government corruption and urban crime will probably persist. But Mexico's economy, in tandem with ours thanks to NAFTA, is now growing robustly, inflation is low, and there has been no peso devaluation since 1994. And in the Congreso, legislators may be developing the knack of compromise and negotiation that was never necessary when they were just rubber stamps for PRI presidents.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


US in $80m 'Cuba democracy' plan (BBC, 7/10/06)

US President George W Bush has approved an $80m (£43m) fund which he says will go towards boosting democracy in Cuba.

Mr Bush said the fund would help the Cuban people in their "transition from repressive control to freedom".

The fund is part of proposals by a commission analysing US policy towards Cuba after the eventual death of Fidel Castro, who turns 80 next month.

The Cuban government said the plan was an act of aggression, violating Cuba's sovereignty and international law.

Precisely. States that don't conform to our standards of liberal democratic protestant capitalism don't have sovereignty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


Dozens of suspected Taliban killed in raids, U.S. bombings (NOOR KHAN, 7/11/06, The Associated Press)

Coalition and Afghan forces killed an estimated 30 extremists today in a raid on a hideout in southern Afghanistan, the military said. Coalition aircraft destroyed a helicopter damaged in an emergency landing during the operation.

The firefight came a day after a U.S. warplane bombed another militant hideout in southern Afghanistan, killing more than 40 Taliban fighters, the military claimed.

A U.S. warplane dropped four 500-pound bombs on an insurgent hide-out in southern Afghanistan on Monday, officials said as Britain announced it is sending more troops to the region.

One Afghan soldier was killed and three coalition soldiers were wounded during the battle at the Taliban base in Uruzgan, after heavy clashes in a neighboring province over the weekend left 20 fighters and a Canadian soldier dead.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 7:01 AM


Circumcision cuts the risk of HIV infection: study (Alexandra Shimo, The Globe and Mail, July 10th, 2006)

A study published Monday stated more than two million new HIV infections could be prevented over the next 10 years if African men were all circumcised. The report, in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal, is built on data released last year that estimated male circumcision reduces HIV transmission from women to men by 65 per cent.

“We looked at what happened to the number of infections and the number of deaths assuming we achieved full coverage [every male was circumcised],” said Catherine Hankins, chief scientific adviser for the UN Program on HIV/AIDS, and co-author of the study. “We found there is a definite reduction in the number of infections and the number of deaths, in the range of 1.6- to 5.8-million people.”

The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/Aids, which was involved in the study, is currently gathering information on the rate of circumcision and its social acceptability, to help countries decide whether they want to pursue a more active circumcision policy, said Ms. Hankins.

Now this is what we call a self-correction. It's marvellous how they can go from "no significant benefits" to prophylactic against a plague in just a few short years without missing a beat.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:57 AM


Allegations fly over what Italian said (Quentin Casey, National Post, July 11th, 2006)

All may be fair in love and war, but what about at one of the world's biggest sporting events?

Italy's victory in the World Cup on Sunday was partly overshadowed by French midfielder Zinedine Zidane's astonishing head -butt to the chest of Italian defender Marco Materazzi. Yesterday the French playmaker's agent said the assault, which caused his ouster, was provoked by a "very serious" comment.

According to one report, Mr. Materazzi called Mr. Zidane's sister a prostitute, while another claimed Mr. Materazzi called him a "terrorist" or suggested he did not have the right to play for France -- insults based on Mr. Zidane's Algerian heritage.

Tough guys, these soccer players. As the international sporting world continues to debate whether the insult was hurtful enough to merit one of history’s most outrageous and dangerous assaults in a championship game, those of us who watched much of the 2006 FIFA snoozefest are finally beginning to understand that the game is not about sport or winning, but about theatre. As such, it truly is the perfect European game. There is no point getting excited about goals–there are almost none–but the watchful, discriminating viewer will come to appreciate the thespian talents of the truly world class player. You, too, could represent your country in games watched by billions if you just mastered the following arts:

A) On those rare and surprising occasions when you get a shot on net that either goes fifteen feet wide or directly into the hands of the goalkeeper, place your face in your hands, then look skywards and shake your head at the cruelty of the fates as if your lottery ticket just missed by one number;

B) If hurt, writhe in agony on the field, face in the grass to keep everyone guessing. Await trainer. Keep writhing. Await stretcher. Manfully rise very slowly with assistance and hobble off the field grimacing to the cheers of the crowd. Have a drink of water. Sprint back on ten seconds later, good as new.

C) When taken off the field for a sub, walk as slowly as possible to the side of the field, eyes downward. Make it last. Look unassuming, reflective and heroic as if you were thinking of your dead comrades just before being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Salute the crowd at the very last second, double high-five the s.o.b. who is replacing you and accept the effusive congratulations of the rest of the team as modestly as you can.

D) If your teammate really is hurt by a dirty play, ignore him and chase the referee around the field complaining about something. Act outraged and throw arms up in exasperation. Avoid looking at any of the opposing team and especially the perp himself. You might get hurt.

E) If awarded a penalty or corner kick, start yelling at all your teammates as to where they should be. As they will be doing the same, the whole team will look incredibly strategic. Then kick the ball towards the goal and hope for the best as everyone surges towards it together.

F) Never accept an offside call with good grace. Remonstrate with the linesman in pantomime. Repeat “A” above.

G) If by some miracle you score a goal, run around in circles while lifting your sweaty shirt to treat everyone to flashes of your abs and pecs. (Don’t ask, we don’t know).

Well, what are you waiting for? 2010 is just around the corner. Start practicing.

July 10, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:59 PM


Coulter syndicator rejects plagiarism charges ((AP, 7/10/06)

The syndicator of Ann Coulter's newspaper columns rejected allegations that the controversial conservative columnist had lifted material from other sources, saying a review of the work in question turned up nothing that merited concern.

"There are only so many ways you can rewrite a fact and minimal matching text is not plagiarism," Lee Salem, editor and president of Universal Press Syndicate, said Monday in a statement.

After all, there are only so many ways you can rewrite facts and it would seem that minimal matching text isn't plagiarism, no?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:47 PM


Çatalhöyük excavations unveil very dawn of human civilization (Turkish Daily News, July 10, 2006)

A total of 130 houses have been unearthed to date during excavations at the 9,000-year-old site of Çatalhöyük in Konya's Çumra district, excavation assistant team leader Shahina Farid has said.

The first excavations at the site -- considered one of the oldest settlements in the history of mankind, dating back to the Neolithic Age -- were conducted by British archaeologist James Mellart, who uncovered 80 houses during excavations between 1961-1964, according to the Anatolia news agency.

Work at the site resumed in 1993 after a long hiatus.

Michael Balters' book about the site is fabulous, not least because he structures it like an archaelogical dig..

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:44 PM



THE British military defines experience as the ability to recognize a mistake the second time you make it. By that standard, we should be very experienced in dealing with captured terrorists, since we've made the same mistake again and again.

Violent Islamist extremists must be killed on the battlefield. Only in the rarest cases should they be taken prisoner. Few have serious intelligence value. And, once captured, there's no way to dispose of them.

Killing terrorists during a conflict isn't barbaric or immoral - or even illegal. We've imposed rules upon ourselves that have no historical or judicial precedent. We haven't been stymied by others, but by ourselves.

Units in the "Good War" used to brag about how few Japanese they took prisoner.

Posted by Pepys at 9:17 PM


The destabilization game (Tom Englehardt, 8 July 2006, Asia Times)

... In The New American Cold War, the cover story of the most recent Nation magazine, Russia specialist Stephen F Cohen finally catches the essence of that ever degrading relationship. What Cohen points out is that, after the USSR unraveled, the Cold War never actually ended, not on the American side anyway...
This was to be accomplished by:

- Ensuring that the former challenging superpower, once rolled back to something like its pre-imperial boundaries, would never arise in any significant new form from the rubble of its failed empire.
- Ensuring that no new superpower would arise in economically resurgent Asia; in this regard, the Chinese would be essentially hemmed in, if not encircled, by American (and Japanese) power; a potentially independent Taiwan supported; and the Japanese and Chinese set at each others throats.
- Ensuring that the oil heartlands of the planet in what was by then being called an "arc of instability" running from the Central Asian borderlands of Russia and China through the Middle East, North Africa (later, much of the rest of Africa), all the way to Latin America would be dotted with American military bases, anchored in the Middle East by an emboldened Israel and new more pro-American and subservient regimes in formerly enemy states like Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and that the planet's oil flows (hence the fate of the industrialized and industrializing parts of the planet) would remain under American control.
I call it benevolent genius.
Posted by David Cohen at 8:16 PM


IN RE: SEARCH OF THE RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING ROOM NUMBER 2113 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515, Case No. 06-0231 M-0, slip op. (7/10/06)

“All laws should be made to operate as much on the law makers as upon the people; . . . Whenever it is necessary to exempt any part of the government from sharing in these common burthens, that necessity ought not only to be palpable, but should on no account be exceeded.” 2 Founders’ Constitution 331 (Philip B. Kurland & Ralph Lerner eds., 1987) (James Madison, The Militia Bill, House of Representatives (Dec. 16, 1790)). Pending before the Court is Congressman William J. Jefferson’s Motion for Return of Property and Emergency Motion for Interim Relief, in which he contends that the execution of a search warrant on his congressional office was unlawful in violation of the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause, separation of powers principle, and Fourth Amendment. Having carefully considered the submissions of Congressman Jefferson, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the Unites States House of Representatives as amicus curiae, and the Government, the Court will deny the motion....

Congressman Jefferson also argues that the issuance and execution of the search warrant in this case violated the general principle of the separation of powers, stating that “[t]he delicate balance of our democratic system was disrupted when the court authorized the executive branch to search the Member’s office and peruse and remove Speech or Debate material.” Mem. 13. This argument too must fail. As the Supreme Court has recognized, “The check-and-balance mechanism, buttressed by unfettered debate in an open society with a free press, has not encouraged abuses of power or tolerated them long when they arose. This may be explained in part because the third branch has intervened with neutral authority.” Brewster, 408 U.S. at 523.

Indeed, this Court intervened here with the neutral authority of the third branch as a check on the power sought to be exerted by the Executive Branch when it authorized a particularized search warrant only upon a showing of probable cause. The statement by amicus that if the search here is upheld, in the future the Government need “only to persuade a federal judge” to obtain warrants to search other congressional offices, is a gross trivialization of the role of the judiciary. Amicus Brief 33. A federal judge is not a mere rubber stamp in the warrant process, but rather an independent and neutral official sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution.

If there is any threat to the separation of powers here, it is not from the execution of a search warrant by one co-equal branch of government upon another, after the independent approval of the third separate, and co-equal branch. Rather, the principle of the separation of powers is threatened by the position that the Legislative Branch enjoys the unilateral and unreviewable power to invoke an absolute privilege, thus making it immune from the ordinary criminal process of a validly issued search warrant. This theory would allow Members of Congress to frustrate investigations into non-legislative criminal activities for which the Speech or Debate Clause clearly provides no protection from prosecution. “Our speech or debate privilege was designed to preserve legislative independence, not supremacy.” Brewster, 408 U.S. at 508. The execution of the search warrant upon Congressman Jefferson’s congressional office did not violate the separation of powers principle....

The facts and questions of law presented here are indeed unprecedented. It is well-established, however, that a Member of Congress is generally bound to the operation of the criminal laws as are ordinary persons. The Speech or Debate Clause does not “make Members of Congress super-citizens, immune from criminal responsibility.” Brewster, 408 U.S. at 516. Members of Congress are not “exempt[] . . . from liability or process in criminal cases.” Gravel, 408 U.S. at 626.

The existing broad protections of the Speech or Debate Clause – absolute immunity from prosecution or suit for legislative acts and freedom from being “questioned” about those acts (including privilege from the testimonial act of producing documents in response to a subpoena) – satisfy the fundamental purpose of the Clause to protect the independence of the legislature. The Court declines to extend those protections further, holding that the Speech or Debate Clause does not shield Members of Congress from the execution of valid search warrants. Congressman Jefferson’s interpretation of the Speech or Debate privilege would have the effect of converting every congressional office into a taxpayer-subsidized sanctuary for crime. Such a result is not supported by the Constitution or judicial precedent and will not be adopted here. See Williamson v. United States, 28 S. Ct. at 167 (“[T]he laws of this country allow no place or employment as a sanctuary for crime.”) (quotation omitted). [Footnotes omitted]

Presumably all those who applauded the Hamdan decision for reining in the imperial presidency by interfering in the President's well-established authority in military and foreign affairs will also applaud this clearly correct slap-down of an unprecedented power grab by the Congress.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:00 PM


Quirky Liechtenstein marks bicentennial (SAM CAGE, 7/10/06, Associated Press)

Prince Alois von und zu Liechtenstein can see almost his entire realm from the castle — mountain ridge to mountain ridge and down to the capital below.

In a Europe of nations coming together in a vast continental superstate, Liechtenstein is a quirk of history that harks back to an older world — of separateness, neutrality and sharp survival instincts.

Created by Napoleon in 1806, it has managed to avoid the upheaval of the past century to celebrate its bicentennial, starting Wednesday, in peace and prosperity.

This wedge of central Europe is no fairy tale kingdom, however, but a banking and tax haven which, like other constitutional anomalies such as Monaco and the Isle of Man, has done well out of the world economy.

Had all of Europe avoided the past two centuries it would be in similarly good shape.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:54 PM


Va. Governor Exonerates Convicted Witch (SONJA BARISIC, 7/10/06, Associated Press)

The Witch of Pungo is no longer a witch. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine on Monday exonerated Grace Sherwood, who 300 years ago became Virginia's only woman convicted as a witch tried by water.

"I am pleased to officially restore the good name of Grace Sherwood," Kaine wrote in a letter Virginia Beach Mayor Meyera Oberndorf read aloud before a re-enactment of Sherwood's being dropped into the river.

"With 300 years of hindsight, we all certainly can agree that trial by water is an injustice," Kaine wrote. "We also can celebrate the fact that a woman's equality is constitutionally protected today, and women have the freedom to pursue their hopes and dreams."

The fresh new faithful face of the party turns out to be a crypto-Wiccan?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 PM

50-0 FILES:


A shocking new poll in the super-Democratic state of Massachusetts shows Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton could be in trouble there if she faces Republican John McCain in the 2008 presidential race.

McCain draws 44 percent to Clinton's 43 - a statistical tie - in liberal lion Ted Kennedy's home state, the Rasmussen Reports poll found. Clinton's surprisingly weak showing comes despite the fact that Massachusetts voters say they'd prefer to vote for a Democrat in 2008 by an overwhelming ratio of 53 to 22 percent.

"It's hard to think of a scarier scenario for Democrats than Massachusetts being a tossup state in 2008. Even George McGovern [who lost 49 states in 1972] carried the Bay State," said independent pollster Scott Rasmussen.

Al Gore does no better than Clinton, and while Rudy Giuliani trails Clinton by 8 percentage points (50 to 42 percent), that's still strong for a Republican in such a Democratic state.

The problem for Democrats is that they've spent seven years lionizing Senator McCain, the GOP will have the advantage of incumbency in '08, and there's no Florida to make the party faithful hate him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:47 AM


Paige family remembers Satchel (Justice B. Hill, 07/08/2006, MLB.com)

At the table with Robert Paige were his siblings. His sisters Lula, Rita, Caroline and Pam were there. His little brother Warren was at the table as well, and throw in his nephew Michael, and Robert Paige had his father Satchel's present and future at his side.

They were there Saturday for a simple purpose: to celebrate the family patriarch's 100th birthday, and they were there, all of them smartly dressed in white-and-red Monarch jerseys, to offer insight into the iconic life of Satchel Paige, the baseball globetrotter and the most storied name from "black baseball." [...]

[T]hey all said their father and his success as a baseball player had created a comfortable life for them. They wanted for little, and whenever money did get a bit tight, they adjusted. So their father had earned the right, as one of Satchel's grandsons put it, to "supervise."

He also earned the right to live life on his terms. Satchel Paige, who died June 8, 1982, had his likes; he had his dislikes. He was a caring father; he was also energetic, talkative and a natural comedian.

Satchel Paige's time-honored maxims about age prove the latter:

• About age: "Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter."
• Or airplanes: "Airplanes may kill you, but they ain't likely to hurt you."
• Or work: "I ain't ever had a job, I just always played baseball"
• Or character: "Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but there ain't no man got to be common."

Call Satchel Paige a lot of things, but he wasn't average or common. He was special, particularly so to the men and women who called him their father.

Now, they'd just love one more dance contest with him. Just one more time of whirling around the dance floor to a Motown or jazz favorite. Even an old Elvis tune would do. Their dad's taste in music didn't fit neatly into a pile anymore than his life did.

They remember that fact well, just as they remember endless stories about the man whose legacy they intend to carry on.

Robert Paige, 54, offered one such story:

His mother needed to go to the grocery store to buy some chicken, so she asked Satchel for some money. All he had was a $100 bill, so he gave it to her. Off she went to the store with Robert in tow.

A short while later, she and Robert returned with the groceries. She took the bags into the kitchen and Robert went to watch TV. A short while later, his father comes into the room.

"Pull the shades back," Satchel told Robert. "He said, 'You know you and your mother went to the store.' I said, 'Yeah, we went to the store.'

"He said, 'You know I gave her $100 bill.' I said, 'OK, you gave her $100 bill.' He said, 'I want you to pull the shades back so I can see the truck that's gonna bring that chicken up in here.' "

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


Dogged detectives, alert physician nailed Speck (SCOTT FORNEK, 7/10/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

The bloody guy on the gurney was brought in to Cook County Hospital as a Skid Row bum named B. Brian. He had tried to kill himself by cutting his arms with a broken wine bottle.

But something caught the eye of 25-year-old Dr. LeRoy Smith when he looked at the scruffy, sandy-haired man with the acne-scarred face.

"I said, 'This guy looks awful familiar to me,'" Smith remembers.

The first-year surgical resident went into the office where he had just tossed a fresh copy of the Sunday Chicago Tribune with a photograph of fugitive murder suspect Richard Franklin Speck. It looked like his patient.

Smith read that the man wanted for the murder of eight student nurses less than three days earlier had a bunch of tattoos, including one on his left arm reading "Born to Raise Hell."

The emergency room physician went back to the gurney, moistened his fingers with spit and rubbed away the dried blood caked on the man's arm, revealing a B, an O, an R, and finally the entire tattoo. Wanting to be sure, Smith grabbed the man's neck, pinched a nerve and whispered, "What's your real name?"

"Speck. Richard Speck," the man answered.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:10 AM


Portman expects decrease in deficit (Stephen Dinan, 7/10/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The Congressional Budget Office on Friday said federal revenue is running 12.8 percent ahead of the figures at the same time last year. The double-digit increase is the second-highest growth rate in the last 25 years, following only 2005's increase of 15 percent. [...]

"It's amazing. For the first time since 1997, last year Congress actually reduced the growth of entitlement spending," [Rob Portman, a former congressman and U.S. trade representative whom Mr. Bush tapped two months ago to be director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB),] said.

Mr. Portman also said the deficit as a percentage of total economic output, or the gross domestic product, is falling, both because of spending restraint and economic growth, and said Republicans are not getting enough credit for controlling spending.

"If you take out defense, if you take out homeland security, which increased just above inflation, last year you actually had a slight cut and a little bit of progress on entitlements," he said. "We're actually making some progress on spending."

In fact, the entire deficit comes from just the post-911 increases in defense and other national securoity spending. Although you won't hear the purported budget hawks on the Right screaming for big cuts in those programs...

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:42 AM


Major Shift in Auto Policies: Rates would emphasize safety and mileage, not ZIP Codes, for drivers insured by Auto Club. Adherence to Prop. 103 is a win for Garamendi. (Marc Lifsher, July 10, 2006, LA Times)

In a move that could presage lower auto insurance premiums for many of California's 23 million drivers, the state's fourth-largest provider has agreed to base its rates on how safely and how much its customers drive rather than primarily on where they live.

The plan, to be announced today by the Automobile Club of Southern California and California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi, would slice as much as $133 million from the annual bills of the club's nearly 1 million policyholders. More broadly, it could compel the club's rival insurers to follow suit.

The shift is a victory for consumer advocates, who say that rates based largely on ZIP Codes saddle city dwellers with higher premiums than suburban and rural drivers with similar records. It also is a coup for Garamendi, who has been working to force insurers to comply with requirements approved by voters with the passage of Proposition 103 in 1988.

In revising how it sets rates, the Los Angeles-based Auto Club is breaking ranks with the state's other major insurers. It expects that 88% of the 993,000 drivers it insures will see their bills drop 7% on average, or $134 annually.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:28 AM


Hillary Clinton seeks to woo Wall St (Financial Times, 7/10/06)

People familiar with the meetings said they appeared intended to help Wall Street figures get to know the New York senator better as she coasts through an easy 2006 re-election campaign and paves the way for a possible Democratic presidential run in 2008. Bill Clinton's early forays to Wall Street helped advance his bid for the Democratic nomination in 1992.

Some events, such as a recent gathering at Morgan Stanley that included chief executive John Mack, a big Republican donor, have been fundraisers for the Senate campaign. Others, including a chat with executives at Lehman Brothers, are more policy-oriented. Mrs Clinton is said to be planning meetings at Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse, among others. [...]

"She wants to reassure them that she is really OK," said Maurice Carroll, a pollster and political analyst.

Analysts said the meetings also gave Mrs Clinton, viewed as a favourite for the Democratic presidential nomination, an opportunity to argue that she would improve the standing of the US abroad and demonstrate her commitment to free trade. This has been called into question by her vocal opposition to DP World of Dubai's attempted purchase of a company controlling certain US ports.

Didn't she vote against Fast Track Trade Authority too?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:25 AM


Japan mulls preemptive stike on N Korea missile bases (Associated Press, July 10, 2006)

Japan is considering whether a preemptive strike on North Korean missile bases would be an acceptable form of self-defence under the pacifist Japanese constitution, the government spokesman said on Monday.

"If we accept that there is no other option to prevent an attack ... there is the view that attacking the launch base of the guided missiles is within the constitutional right of self-defence.

We need to deepen discussion," Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe said. Abe added that the ruling party might take up the matter internally.

Pre-emptive strikes on the rogue states that have nuclear programs would be the best form of non-proliferation.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:08 AM


The Tao and Fro of Steve (LINWOOD BARCLAY, 7/10/06, Toronto Star)

Deals on some issues went right down to the wire, like when the Prime Minister was waiting in a room just moments before he was to stand shoulder to shoulder before the assembled news media with the most powerful man on the planet.

One of the Prime Minister's aides slipped into the room out of breath. "There's one more thing," he said.

"What is it now?" sighed the PM. "Iris scans to cross the border? Fingerprints? DNA testing?"

"It's not that," the aide said. "The White House is pressing us on another item."


"The president wants some sort of a nickname for you, and he's leaning towards Harpo."

"Excuse me?" said the Prime Minister. "Harpo? He's the Marx brother who never speaks, right?"

"That's correct, sir."

The Prime Minister shook his head. "It might work for any of my cabinet ministers, but not for me. Tell them it's a deal-breaker."

"They're willing to give us everything we want on the lumber deal, and they'll scrap their plan to introduce beetles the size of, well, Beetles, into B.C. forests if you agree to Harpo," the aide said.

The PM considered it briefly, then waved his hand. "Forget it."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:04 AM


Why We Will Win the War on Terror (Larry Schweikart, 7/10/06, History News Network)

As historians (objective ones, that is) look back 30 years from now, and write the history of this war, they will find the battle of Iraq essentially was over after November 2004. I do not say that because Bush won reelection--that was critical, but so was the formation of the Iraqi government at that time--but because those two events then allowed a military victory at Fallujah, which was the tipping point of this battle (or, if you prefer, "war"). At Fallujah, more than 2000 terrorists were killed and the real al-Qaeda back of the so-called "insurgency" broken. Since then, Zarqawi was scrambling, as did the Japanese after Okinawa, to re-stock his ranks of suicide bombers. They were both unsuccessful. Last month, Zarqawi was killed, replicating the shooting down of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's plane in 1943. Even then, the war in the Pacific was not over--and the bloodiest battles had not been fought--but again, the outcome was further cemented.

Beyond Iraq, the U.S. will win the War on Terror because it's what Americans do: we win military conflicts. Leftists love to point to Vietnam. But again, is that a "war," or a battle within the Cold War, which we won? Either way, Vietnam illustrates one of the strengths our military possesses that our enemies almost never do: the ability to learn from loss. In many (not all) Muslim societies, especially those from Bedouin/Arab cultures, it is shameful to lose, and doubly shameful to admit one lost. How can such a foe possibly adapt to the inevitable battlefield screwups? Japanese admirals went down with their ships out of a code of "honor," while American commanders transferred their command--and their experience--to another ship.

Americans win wars because, despite the claims of Senator Richard Durbin, we have an unusual and almost distinct concern for the sanctity of life--ours, and our enemy's. We take better care of prisoners than most combatants, and unlike any I've ever encountered, we make more efforts to rescue our own (including three planned rescue missions for POWs in wartime over the course of three different wars). We win wars because, despite the claims of the left, our soldiers come from every sector, every lifestyle, and every part of American society (zip code studies have proven this). Our troops are simply the best trained, ever, which virtually all military analysts agree is the most important ingredient in successful military operations.

There is a myth of the War on Terror that we "can't beat an ideology," and "terrorism is an ideology, not a state." It seems to me we defeated three much more powerful ideologies in the 20th century alone--fascism, bushido-ism, and communism.

The war actually ended when Baghdad and the Ba'athist regime fell in April 2003. There was never any possibility after that point of the Sunni minority resuming political control of the Shi'ite majority.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:00 AM


60% of NHS trusts admit care failings: Self-assessment reveals widespread inability to meet basic standards (John Carvel, July 10, 2006, The Guardian)

Most NHS trusts in England have admitted they are failing to achieve basic standards of safety and quality of care that all patients are entitled to expect, the Guardian can reveal. [...]

Self-assessments by the 570 trusts are showing widespread non-compliance with government guidance to ensure that treatment is safe, effective and well managed.

The most common breaches included:

· Failure to decontaminate reusable medical equipment;

· Lack of systematic control of patient records;

· Inability to conform with national guidelines on diagnosis and treatment;

· Uncertainty about whether staff have taken part in mandatory training. Only a third of trusts claimed to be meeting all the commission's 44 core standards of basic competence. A quarter admitted lapsing on at least four standards and 10 trusts were below par on at least 14 - the yardstick used by the commission for declaring a trust to have failed overall.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:45 AM


Hear it before you see it with podcasts for tourists (KATE SHELLNUTT, July 10, 2006, The Virginian-Pilot)

No suitcases, no road map, no $40 gas tank fill-ups, no hotel reservations. This summer, all it takes to visit Virginia attractions is an iPod and a few free downloads. [...]

Don Pierce, publisher of Civil War Traveler, uses podcasts to supplement a different experience – touring battlefields.

“This is really the first walking tour designed in a digital format, at least that I’ve heard of,” said Pierce, who worked with the National Park Service to produce a podcast for a 1.5-mile tour of Malvern Hill, located at the Richmond National Battlefield Park.

“A historian can be talking in your ear while you walk through the battlefield,” where Civil War soldiers fought in 1862, said Pierce. His site, called www.civilwartraveler.com, also includes maps so listeners at home can see the troops’ positions.

Both Monticello and Colonial Williamsburg developed podcasts, aiming them at history buffs and touring families.

Chad Wollerton, Monticello’s Webmaster, said some people download podcasts to listen to them on the way to Thomas Jefferson’s central Virginia home, while others keep them on their iPods to listen whenever. “They’re so portable; they really go anywhere,” said Wollerton.

The digital audio format allows people to experience information in a different way, he said. Monticello launched its podcast program last August, and about 1,000 podcasts are downloaded from its Web site each month.

Colonial Williamsburg began posting weekly podcasts on its Web site in June 2005. Last month, the site had more than 54,000 podcast downloads. [...]



Colonial Williamsburg:
Williamsburg began posting weekly podcasts on its Web site in June 2005. They include interviews with costumed actors playing famous figures or Colonial citizens.

Malvern Hill Battlefield in Richmond:
A 1.5-mile walking tour of Malvern Hill, at Richmond National Battlefield Park, is designed to put a "historian in your ear."


Monticello in Albemarle County:
Aimed at history buffs and touring families. The Monticello webmaster said many listen to its podcasts while driving to the home.

Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.:
Several Smithsonian museums offer podcasts, including two specializing in Asian art that offer tour narration, interviews, storytelling and music.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:44 AM


Missing migrants put area farms in tight spot (Sophie Swecker, Jul 08, 2006, The Daily News)

A third of Jerry Dobbins' 155-acre strawberry crop rotted on the vine this year. His blueberry bushes are so heavy with fruit that the branches are hanging near the ground.

There is no one to pick them.

Dobbins Farm in Woodland is one of many farms across the state facing a huge labor shortage this growing season, as tighter security along the U.S.-Mexico border has crimped the supply of Latino migrant farm workers.

The strawberry harvest, one of the hardest fruits to pick because of it's low proximity to the ground, has already come and gone at Dobbins' farm, the largest of its kind in Southwest Washington. Now Dobbins is worried that his other crops will suffer a similar fate.

"We won't pay any of the bills on our strawberry crop this year," Dobbins said.

The labor problem is not unique to this region, either.

Production at the Bell Buoy Crab Co. in Chinook is down 50 percent since Immigration and Custom Enforcement raids in April, according to the Washington State Farm Bureau.

Growers across the state are feeling the void left by the worker shortage, said Dean Boyer, spokesman for the Farm Bureau.

"This is a rolling problem. As various harvests come, farmers are going to feel the effects," Boyer said.

Were you expecting the Minutemen to pick them?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:39 AM


In Tibet, Dalai Lama Continues to Hold Sway: China Wary of Exiled Spiritual Leader's Politics (Edward Cody, July 10, 2006, Washington Post)

The intermingling of Buddhism's hold on the Tibetan spirit and the Dalai Lama's role as a political as well as religious leader has confronted Chinese authorities with a difficult situation. Reluctant to be seen stifling religious sentiment or local culture, they have opened up space for worship and pilgrimages, but at the same time they have taken tough measures to prevent Tibetans from coalescing around the Dalai Lama into an organized separatist movement.

The balancing act has produced a more relaxed climate in recent years, although Tibetans who spoke their minds in interviews did so on condition of anonymity for fear of getting into trouble with the authorities. Time, however, may be Beijing's best ally. Economic growth holds the promise of swift evolution in Tibetan society. Economic output in Tibet has risen 10 percent a year recently along with that of the rest of China.

A Tibetan middle-school teacher said intense devotion to Buddhism and to the Dalai Lama as a figure of Tibetan independence is most pronounced among the elderly. Teenagers who learn Chinese and English in his classes have new perspectives on their minds -- from China and the West, he said.

The first train line from Chinese cities to Lhasa, which opened July 1, is likely to accelerate the pace of change, linking Tibet ever more closely with the Chinese heartland. The train not only will bring in thousands more tourists and merchants, but it will also take copper and iron ore from Tibet's extensive deposits to China's mineral-hungry industries, injecting cash into the local economy and outside influences into the culture.

"The opening of the railway will further open up people's vistas and change their concepts," said Champa Phuntsok, chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the top Tibetan official here under the Han Chinese Communist Party secretary, Zhang Qingli.

Phuntsok, in an unusually detailed briefing for foreign reporters on a government-sponsored visit, said Beijing's intermittent contacts with representatives of the Dalai Lama have not produced fruit because, beneath recent offers of compromise and limited autonomy, the Dalai Lama's goal remains Tibet's separation from Chinese rule.

The Dalai Lama's envoys have raised the prospect of broadening the Tibet Autonomous Region to include Tibetan-inhabited areas of neighboring provinces, Phuntsok said, and have suggested loosening Beijing's rule to give Tibet an autonomous status similar to that of Hong Kong. Most objectionable, he added, are the elections they have proposed to select a regional government.

These conditions are unacceptable to China, Phuntsok said, because "the final goal is the independence of Tibet."

There is a Tibet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:20 AM


McCain, Giuliani to campaign for Topinka (ASSOCIATED PRESS, July 9, 2006)

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and U.S. Sen. John McCain will travel to Illinois in the next week to stump for Republican gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka, her campaign said Sunday.

July 9, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:17 PM


Democrats' Fundraising Letter Is Bankrupt on Ideas (Steve Lopez, July 9, 2006, LA Times)

It's not often that I reach into my mailbox at home and find a letter from Ted Kennedy, so I was eager to see what was on the mind of the saber-rattling senator from the great state of Massachusetts. [...]

In anticipation of my generosity, Kennedy enclosed a complimentary bumper sticker:


Vote Democrat in '06

As a matter of fact, I do share Kennedy's concern about the Bush administration, and so I was eager to read the four-page letter and other enclosed materials to find out more about the alternative vision being offered up by the Democratic Party.

Page 1, however, contained no such clues. It just fired more bazooka shots at the president and his "extreme right-wing allies," so I figured the fresh ideas from the Dems had to be on Page 2.

Wrong again. Page 2 was nothing but groveling for money for contested races in Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Minnesota. ("It's urgent for each of us to do as much as possible as soon as possible!")

Page 3 suggested the Republicans will burn in hell for sins against humanity ("They've poisoned our air and water"), and Page 4 warned, "They'll never stop unless we stop them. They're shameless!"

That's quite a cavalry call, but it seems to me the Democrats are once again rushing to the front lines with empty muskets.

I'm not asking for the Democratic equivalent of a 10-point Contract With America, having lowered my expectations while on the campaign trail with Al Gore and bearing witness to his nationally televised identity crisis.

I'd settle for a five-point "Contract With Western Blue States." Heck, I'd be happy with a warmed-over crumb of an idea or two.

Instead all we get from the Democrats is the reminder that they stand for … wait, let's see, where was that platform draft?

Oh, yeah. They're anti-Iraq war, or at least they are now that it's turned out so miserably.

And they're passionately … hold on a second. What else was there?

Anti-Republican. That's it.

They're the Seinfeld party, about nothing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 PM

BURYING MISTAKES (via Kevin Whited):

Texas' patient care law at hub of Houston dispute: Life-support case 'raises questions of whether the law might be used to bury mistakes' (TODD ACKERMAN, July 8, 2006, Houston Chronicle)

Texas' controversial futile care law is at the center of a drama at Memorial Hermann Hospital involving a patient who suffered brain damage after her breathing tube became disconnected.

Doctors invoked the law, which allows hospitals to remove life support in cases deemed medically futile, two weeks later, after deciding 29-year-old Kalilah Roberson-Reese was in a vegetative state.

"This case raises questions of whether the law might be used to bury mistakes," said Jerri Ward, an Austin attorney who this week asked a judge to stop Memorial Hermann from withdrawing life support from Roberson-Reese. "At the very least, there is an appearance of a conflict of interest that should preclude a futility review committee from making a life-or-death decision before an independent investigation is made."

Forget the times when they're trying to literally ditch the evidence, the hospital also has a financial stake in killing the ones who can't pay their bills.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:01 PM


Cause and Effect: It's time to stop blaming the good guys for problems in Iraq (Christopher Hitchens, July 5, 2006, Slate)

The other night in New York, I was approached by someone who is very well-known (and justly renowned) as a novelist and a critic. He mentioned to me the recent kidnapping and hideous mutilation of two young soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division. I was beginning to concur with his horror and disgust when he said abruptly: "How can you support a war like that?" For a moment, I truly did not understand what he meant. But in fact I knew well enough. It was just that the transition was so swift. In a sense, the subliminal message of every bombing and torture and beheading is—"now how do you like your precious regime-change?"

In this week's National Review, John J. Miller contrasts the current situation in Nicaragua with the Sandinista period and writes that Daniel Ortega "nationalized Nicaragua's economy, lifted its rate of inflation to roughly 30,000 percent, cracked down on dissent, inspired the Contra resistance movement …" Just hold it right there. I didn't much like Ortega then, and I like him even less now, but the contras were being organized by the CIA in camps run by the sadistic Argentine junta long before Ortega's Nicaragua had its first election. They were also led by elements of the previous dictatorship. I gave up my campaign to have the Iraqi thugs called contras some time ago, but I still wish it had caught on. Of course, as well as drawing on former Gauleiters, their ranks also contain the elements of a future religious dictatorship. But that doesn't much alter the case. (I was amused to find, reading a history of the period recently, that Gen. Francisco Franco's Catholic fascist and Islamist Moroccan forces in Spain were blandly called "insurgents" by the New York Times.)

Lest we be too hard on those today who would appease the Islamicists, it's nice of Mr. Hitchens to remind ius that in the last war he was on the side of the murderous deology and against the West.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:52 PM


Choice: the current mask of nihilism (Peter Sellick, 7 July 2006, Online Opinion)

We kill our unborn babies under the rubric of choice. Never mind the closure of a future that the new born will bring with it or the haunted mothers and grandparents who wonder about that future. Never mind the sexual and emotional disorder that has brought about the pregnancy in the first case. Never mind the wishes of the potential father. Never mind the fact that we are teetering on the brink of demographic extinction. No, the only thing that is important is the choice of the mother, hence to be pro-abortion is to be pro-choice.

I first knew that the notion of choice could be used to cover up a moral abyss when attending a conference on religious education in Uniting Church schools I overheard a besuited principle tell his colleague that the admirable thing about church schools was that they provided choice. This set me wondering what his sponsoring denomination would have thought of such a weak excuse for running a school.

The celebration of choice is a mask covering the underlying nihilism that our quest for ultimate freedom has brought us. In the absence of God and a seminal story of identity and purpose, the only thing we have to turn to is the desire of the self, epitomised by the notion of the free individual who may choose. [...]

Choice has become a word that signifies that we believe in nothing. The theologian David Hart makes the point that Christianity, in its spread through the ancient world, emptied the shrines of all the old gods and adopted and transformed what was useful in the ancient philosophies. In short, it overcame the ancient world, leaving nothing left that still invoked the old authorities.

The thoroughness with which the Christian tradition swept the world of impossible belief left us with nowhere to go but to Christ. As Simon Peter declares, "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. (John 6:68 NRSV). Hart concludes that Christianity set the stage for modern nihilism simply by emptying the world of all viable alternatives. So when Christianity is rejected even the old baptised authorities of the ancient world must also be rejected.

There is no one else to go to except to the self, which must then be the autonomous self, the totally free self, but alas the self floating free and directed by whim and fleeting desire. This is the nihilism that is masked by our distortion of the word choice.

Multiculturalism or Toleration is nihilistic precisely because it insists that we are incapable of making moral judgements about various choices.

Life vs. Death: The religion of the 'Right to Choose.': a review of The Party of Death
The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life by Ramesh Ponnuru (Wesley J. Smith, 07/03/2006, Weekly Standard)

Does human life have intrinsic value simply because it is human? Answering in the affirmative is crucial to achieving universal human rights. Otherwise, who matters more and who matters less--who lives and who dies--depends on who has the power to decide. Moreover, Ponnuru demonstrates that the wrong answer is the key that opens the door to various killing practices beyond abortion. These include euthanasia, treating nascent and cognitively disabled humans as mere natural resources (embryonic stem cell research, cloned fetal farming, organ harvesting from patients in a persistent vegetative state, etc.), and resurrecting eugenics policies that would not only wipe out people with Down Syndrome, which is already happening, but also potentially lead to genetic engineering aimed at creating a "post-human" race of superbeings.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:48 PM


Bernard Lewis: Window on Islam: Renowned scholar weighs in on religion, politics, extremism and war (Dallas Morning News, July 9, 2006)

A lot of things are being said about Islam now. There is a view, for example, that could be summed up this way: These people are incapable of decent, civilized, open government. Whatever we do, they will be ruled by corrupt tyrants. Therefore, the only aim of foreign policy should be to ensure that they are friendly tyrants rather than hostile tyrants.

We know versions of this approach produced well-known results in Central America, in Southeast Asia and other places.

To say that they are incapable of anything else is simply a falsification of history. What we have now come to regard as typical of Middle Eastern regimes is not typical of the past. The regime of Saddam Hussein, the regime of Hafez al-Assad, this kind of government, this kind of society, has no roots either in the Arab or in the Islamic past. It is due to an importation from Europe, which comes in two phases.

Phase one, the 19th century, when they are becoming aware of their falling behind the modern world and need desperately to catch up, so they adopt all kinds of European devices with the best of intentions, which nevertheless have two harmful effects. One, they enormously strengthen the power of the state by placing in the hands of the ruler weaponry and communication undreamt of in earlier times, so that even the smallest petty tyrant has greater powers over his people than Harun al-Rashid or Suleyman the Magnificent or any of the legendary rulers of the past.

Second, even more deadly, in the traditional society there were many, many limits on the autocracy, the ruler. The whole Islamic political tradition is strongly against despotism. Traditional Islamic government is authoritarian, yes, but it is not despotic. On the contrary, there is a quite explicit rejection of despotism. And this wasn't just in theory; it was in practice, too, because in Islamic society, there were all sorts of established orders in society that acted as a restraining factor. The bazaar merchants, the craft guilds, the country gentry and the scribes, all of these were well-organized groups who produced their own leaders from within the group. They were not appointed or dismissed by the governments. And they did operate effectively as a constraint.

All of that disappeared with the process of modernization, which, as I say, strengthened the government and weakened or eliminated the previous limiting factors.

The second, really deadly phase came – and here I can date it precisely – in the year 1940. In 1940, the government of France decided to surrender and, in effect, changed sides in the war. The greater part of the colonial empire was beyond the reach of the Axis, and the governors therefore had a free choice: Vichy or de Gaulle. The overwhelming majority chose Vichy, including the governor – high commissioner, he was called – of the French-mandated territory of Syria-Lebanon. So, Syria-Lebanon was wide open to the Nazis, and they moved in on a large scale – not with troops, because that would have been too noticeable, but with propaganda of every kind.

It was then that the roots of Ba'athism were laid and the first organizations were formed, which ultimately developed into the Ba'ath Party. It was then that the Nazi style of ideology and government became known, eagerly embraced simply because it was anti-Western rather than because of inherent attraction. From Syria, they succeeded in spreading it to Iraq, where they even set up a Nazi-style government for a while, headed by Rashid Ali. It was possible to deal with that, and they were driven out of the Middle East.

But after the war, the Western allies also left and the Soviets moved in, taking the place of the Nazis as a champion against the West. To switch from the Nazi to the communist model required only minor adjustments.

This is not the part of the historic Arab or Islamic tradition, and, for that reason, I think that the prospect not of our creating democratic institutions but allowing them to develop their own democratic institutions is definitely a possibility.

What could be more disastrous than importing rationalist French political ideas?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:35 PM


Sox drop in 19 to Chicago (Michael Silverman, 7/10/06, Boston Herald)

If anyone goes into baseball withdrawal over this three-day All-Star break, they can refer back to the box score and play-by-play of yesterday’s Red Sox-White Sox series finale for a fix.

This 19-inning game had it all, and it was the Red Sox who came out on the losing end, 6-5, some 6 hours, 19 minutes after it began with Jose Contreras’ first pitch to Kevin Youkilis. And 568 pitches later, Rudy Seanez threw a one-out, bases-loaded pitch to Tadahito Iguchi, whose single put an end to a long day and the first half of the Red Sox season.

Considering the Red Sox had already won the first two games of the series and, at 53-33, are still three games ahead of the New York Yankees in the AL East, the loss did not create a pall over the visitors’ clubhouse.

Still, as baggy-eyed players sought the advice of traveling secretary Jack McCormick on how to re-schedule missed flights back home, the loss still looked painful. [...]

The White Sox had more chances as the game wore on but splendid defense kept the game tied. The highlight was third baseman Alex Cora tapping third on a ground ball and then making an off-balance throw to first for a double play to end the 17th inning.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 8:28 PM


Mexico leftist sees unrest unless ballots are retallied (James C. McKinley and Ginger Thompson, 7/10/06)

While the announced winner of the presidential election, Felipe Calderón, kept a low profile over the weekend, his leftist rival led a rally of at least 150,000 people, charging that the voting had been marred by fraud and suggesting that there would be civil unrest without a vote-by-vote recount.

"If there is not democracy, there will be instability," said Andrés Manuel López Obrador during a news conference before he addressed his angry and defiant supporters in Mexico City's central plaza Saturday. [...]

"Let it be clear," he said. "This is a peaceful movement, and we will never fall for the provocations of our adversaries."

Most of you are probably too mature to watch Chappelle's Show on Comedy Central, but they once ran a hilarious skit -- apparently based on a true story -- in which Rick James visited Eddie Murphy's older brother and put his dirty shoes all over a new white sofa. Rick James, apparently drugged-out as usual, gave an interview in which he completely denied ever having done such a thing and, in the very next breath, said yeah he remembered putting his shoes all over Charlie Murphy's new couch.

Obrador is basically doing the same thing and, if I was a Mexican voter, I'd be awfully happy that my country declined to invite this guy into our house.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 7:42 PM


Many press-bashers lacking in credibility (Nicholas Kristof, 7/9/06, New York Times)

With President Bush leading a charge against the "disgraceful" New York Times and a conservative talk-show host, Melanie Morgan, suggesting that maybe the Times' executive editor should be executed for treason, we face a fundamental dispute about the role of the press in America.

At stake is the Bush administration's campaign to recast the relationship between government and the press. [...]

Two disclosures by the Times have sparked particular outrage: a report about National Security Agency wiretapping without warrants and one about a program to track terror financing by examining bank transfers.

The first scoop strikes me as the best of journalism, for it revealed possibly illegal behavior without any apparent risk to national security. [...]

The more recent disclosure about bank transfers seems to me a harder call. The program seems both legal and sensible, and it would be a setback in the unlikely event that bankers backed off in the glare of publicity.

So, I might have made that decision differently. But so far, there is no evidence that the banking story harmed national security. And I'm sure that editors of the Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal weighed their responsibilities seriously, for they have repeatedly held back information when necessary.

In contrast, the press-bashers have much less credibility. [...]

More broadly, the one thing worse than a press that is "out of control" is one that is under control. Anybody who has lived in a communist country knows that. Just consider what would happen if the press as a whole were as docile to the administration as Fox News or the Wall Street Journal's editorial page.

When I was covering the war in Iraq, we reporters would sometimes tune to Fox News and watch, mystified, as it purported to describe how Iraqis loved Americans. Such coverage (backed by delusional Journal editorials baffling to anyone who was actually in Iraq) misled conservatives about Iraq from the beginning. In retrospect, the real victims of Fox News weren't the liberals it attacked but the conservatives who believed it.

The Bong-Hit School of Political Analysis strikes again. Imagine what kind of amnesiac partisan chucklehouse the New York Times has entered for them to accuse others of lacking credibility.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:30 PM


Israel's mixed messages in Gaza: Prime Minister Olmert rejected a cease-fire offer, but some Israeli officials take a softer line (Ilene R. Prusher, 7/10/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

[T]his weekend, Israeli officials appeared to break ranks; one official suggested that it might release Palestinian prisoners as part of an Egyptian-brokered deal.

The mixed messages, say analysts, are the product of a deep uncertainty about the goals of the operation. Is the goal primarily to get the captured Israeli soldier returned home alive - or is the aim to undermine Hamas, the Palestinian party in power?

The problem for Israel is that Palestine is a democracy and invading has probably only strengthened the popular appeal of a Hamas government that was floundering.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:26 PM


Congress argues the recrafting of terror tribunals: At issue: the extent of fair-trial protections for suspected terrorists (Warren Richey, 7/10/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Now, on the heels of a US Supreme Court rebuke of Mr. Bush for acting without clear legislative support, the debate is taking place again - this time in the halls of Congress. At issue is to what extent suspected terrorists should be afforded the same fair-trial protections as US soldiers facing prosecution in courts-martial. [...]

Other analysts say that how the United States treats its captured enemies reveals something fundamental about America's character as a nation. They urge that Al Qaeda suspects be granted the same due process protections as American soldiers under the military justice system.

Even the Democrats can't have come so unhinged that they're willing to go to the voters insisting that terrorists be afforded privileges that no prisoners we've ever taken in wartime have received.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:00 PM


Phone Booth: A New Genre Comes of Age: It’s official: the gunpoint conversion movie is now its own genre. And while it feels new, it comes from one of the oldest and most revered traditions of our storytelling species. (Read Mercer Schuchardt, MetaPhilm)

The caller, like the God of the Old Testament who is the original caller, is invisible, all powerful, and known only by his voice and the effects of either his wrath or his blessing. Only if the caller is an all-knowing God can the audience make sense of what otherwise looks like completely random violence.

What the caller wants, it turns out, is for Stuart to make a full-blown confession and repent on live national television. He says to Stuart, “Bare your soul.” Stuart complies in what is one of the most compelling confessions ever shot on film. The scene is so moving, in fact, that in our real life, the real crowd watching the filming burst into applause once Mr. Farrell completed the scene—which only had to be shot once.

This alone, I think, tells us something significant about the state of things today. Whether you call it moral decay, widening of the gyre, or spiritual warfare, the decline and fall of America’s moral empire has been palpable for the last decade in a way that it hasn’t been before. And this is why, I believe, more films like Phone Booth are showing up at the multiplex, because desperate times call for desperate measures. As such, Phone Booth represents the coming of age of a new film genre, the gunpoint conversion movie.

Raymond K. Hessel in Fight Club, Nicholas Van Orton in The Game, and the executives of Mooby Corp in Dogma are all examples of this genre.

In Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk updates the genre when his main character Tyler Durden begins practicing what he calls “human sacrifice.” Threatening death at gunpoint, he forces his victims to actually engage their life and become the person they wanted to be.

In an earlier David Fincher film, The Game, protagonist Nicholas Van Orton is pushed to the breaking point by the seemingly ruthless CRS Corporation, who make him believe he has killed his brother and his only escape is to commit suicide—on exactly the day (his 48th birthday) that his father before him committed suicide. Van Orton leaps to his death from atop a building, only to land squarely in the air mattress of his savior, who actually has been his brother’s keeper all along.

In Dogma, all the executives except a few are gunned down for their spiritual blindness, just as the porn king, the pimp, and the corrupt businessman are annihilated in Phone Booth.

Walker Percy, greatly influenced by Flannery O’Connor, addressed this situation in most, if not all, of his novels, as well as his non-fiction. In The Last Gentleman, he writes, “There is a certain freedom in having your house burn down.” Perhaps the most famous example from literature is Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” in which the character of the Misfit, who remorselessly kills the grandmother, later says of her, “She would of been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.”

This film kept popping up on my recommended lists at Peerflix and Netflix so finally I got it without knowing much about it. It's so contrived and full of plot holes that it requires repeated suspensions of disbelief. There's too much profanity to no good end and the only characters of any substance are Colin Farrell's, Forrest Whitaker's cop and The Caller. The two women, in particular, are such ciphers that there's not much drama to the threat hanging over them. And Farrell's character is so off-putting initially that there's a strong temptation to let the tiger out of the cage.

However, if you stick with it a while, it does seem to be a religious allegory, of some sort or another. I was curious to see whether my own impressions were off-the-wall so Googled "phone booth sniper god" and found this essay which does jibe. I too was especially moved by the confession that Farrell gives and by what is a true moment of self-recognition and a heartfelt plea for forgiveness. What's especially interesting is that it is only under the pressure of The Caller's unrelenting gaze that this character begins to become the man he wishes he was. Likewise helpful is that he is not a moral monster and his sins are generally those that all of us are guilty of. None of us could withstand the gaze either.

In his new book, The Central Liberal Truth, Lawrence E. Harrison suggests that the most successful human cultures can be distinguished by two chief characteristics, the first is the faith that men have free will and that their fates rest in their own hand; the second the belief that men are, however, required to choose to conform to moral strictures. If we consider the Enlightenment and the various rationalist isms to be nothing more than the attempt to escape from morality, then we can look at the brutality of The Caller as necessary to get Farrell's attention and recall him to the fact that he is Observed and being judged on the basis of how well he loves his fellow men. That's why, as Farrell stands there, bloodied and battered about, the viewer can't help feeling his character has been given a great gift (as Clarence said to George Bailey, in somewhat parallel circumstances). He's been forced to stop and listen, afforded a look at himself as God sees him, and granted an opportunity to recast himself in greater accord with His Image.

The one problem I had with the film and the allegory is that The Caller obviously enjoys what he's doing. He's so emotionally invested in controlling Farrell that it somewhat diminishes the free will point nor can it really be reconciled with even the God of the Old Testament, who does not, after all, have fun with Abraham, Noah, Job, and Pharoah.

That said, it's very much more thoughtful than the usual fare and certainly worth a viewing.

-INFO: Phone Booth (IMDB.com)
-REVIEW ARCHIVES: Phone Booth (IMDB.com)
-REVIEW ARCHIVES: Phone Booth (MetaCritic)
-REVIEW: of Phone Booth (Jeffrey Overstreet, Looking Closer)
-REVIEW: of Phone Booth ( DAVID BRUCE, Hollywood Jesus)
-REVIEW: of Phone Booth (Steven D. Greydanus, Decent Films Guide)
-REVIEW: of Phone Booth (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times)
-REVIEW: of Phone Booth (James Berardinelli, Reel Views)
-INTERVIEW: When life and art collide: talking to Joel Schumacher about what happened when the real-life D.C. sniper crisis led to the postponed release of this month's Phone Booth, his movie about a fictional sniper (Interview, April 2003)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:26 PM



"Tony [Snow] has chilled the White House press corps - and that is some Snow job if you ask me," said Democrat Bill Clinton's star press secretary, Mike McCurry, one of the best White House spinmeisters in memory. [...]

Over the past few weeks, Bush has gone on CNN's "Larry King Live" for the first time in two years, stopped at a Dunkin' Donuts for coffee and a kiddie stand for lemonade - buying for reporters both times - and held an unusual Chicago press conference where local reporters were invited.

He also scored a presidential first worthy of Clinton: touring Elvis Presley's home in Memphis, Tenn., with Japan's Elvis-fanatic Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who did a little bopping.

Expect more of the same all summer as Bush scales back his usual month out of sight at his Texas ranch to spend more time on the road getting close to voters - the kind of images that TV loves.

Just yesterday, Bush and wife Laura showed up unexpectedly at the Washington Nationals game against the San Diego Padres. Unlike Bush's previous visits to RFK Stadium, there was no red, white and blue bunting in front of his box, and there was no advance warning to anyone, including the reporters accompanying his motorcade.

Donuts, baseball and Elvis shut the press up? I oughtta be president....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:23 PM


A decade after TWA Flight 800 crashed, it's safer to fly (SYLVIA ADCOCK, July 8, 2006, Newsday)

In the decade since TWA Flight 800 exploded off Long Island's South Shore, flying on commercial airlines has grown so much safer that the risk of dying in a plane crash has plunged to its lowest level in history.

Improvements in technology and training -- and an added focus on safety spawned by Flight 800 in July 1996 and the ValuJet crash in Florida two months earlier -- have helped usher in an unprecedented period of air safety, experts say.

In the past five years, the accident rate "has been brought to the brink of extinction," said Arnold Barnett, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has done extensive studies of aviation statistics. [...]

The last major crash of a commercial airliner in the United States was in November 2001, when Flight 587 crashed in the Rockaways. That span without a major accident is the longest in modern aviation, Barr said.

Excluding the loss of life on Sept. 11, 2001, the chance of perishing in a domestic flight in the United States has been virtually nonexistent in the past five years. Of the 46 million flights of U.S.-based airlines from 2000 to 2006, only two crashed, including 587, en route to the Dominican Republic, and Alaska Airlines Flight 261, off the California coast in January 2000.

"By every measurement the industry is safer today than it has ever been," said John Cox, a former safety chief for the Air Line Pilots Association and now a Washington, D.C.-based consultant.

Posted by Qiao Yang at 2:14 PM


REVIEW: of Night Watch (Emanuelle Levy)

For Bekmambetov, the members of Night Watch and their opposite members in the Day Watch represent two different, competing social philosophies. “They represent two different ways to live -- total freedom versus responsibility,” he comments. “The Day Watch are the Dark Ones and they represent a kind of totally free independence, but the Night Watchers are all about responsibility and conscience. It’s a dualism that’s existed for a thousand years. It’s a very old idea that you must consider the consequences of your actions.”

I'd like to urge everyone to go out and grab this just-out-on-DVD, powerful Russian feature film by director Timur Bekmambetov -- an anti-abortion, supernatural, Good-vs.-Evil fantasy thriller. Indeed, it's difficult to categorize, but I would insist on inclusion of the "anti-abortion" descriptor, it being absolutely central to the story and message. This movie has it all: haunting allure, humor, action, terror, nitty-gritty production, Good vs. Evil, vampires gnashing their teeth over moral dilemmas, and the inescapable planting of the abortion debate in its proper the-stakes-could-not-be-higher perspective. Guaranteed edge-of-your-seat-shaped bruise on your rear end when the credits roll and you'll be thinking about it for days. When you consider that it was made for less than $4-million, you'll be astonished. The soundtrack even kicks some serious butt. It's no coincidence that the ending credits explode to The Bravery's "Fearless" ... "The best time I've ever had ... waiting around for something bad."

This was one of the most inspiring films for me in a long time. That this is a blockbuster film in Russia -- a country in which for decades abortion was the "preferred method of fertility regulation," to use the preferred euphemism of a recent Rand Corporation study -- should be a hopeful sign indeed for it would suggest the embers of spiritual yearning and the innate humane wisdom still glow in that dark nation.

I just watched NIGHT WATCH again last night. I don't wish to over-influence anyone's viewing or hype it any more than I have. I'll just say that one favorite detail was when one character, who, faced with the irreversible, eternal choice between joining the Light Others or the Dark Others, has difficulty distinguishing morally between the two (because -- ! -- both do bad things). The Light Others have a distinct disadvantage here of professing they believe in Good, but appearing hypocritical because they also do bad things; hypocrisy is a sin understandably over-loathed by the young. It could be that the only advantage The Light Others have in a world where the rules are getting over-bent is Hope.

I did want to mention that the US edition you would receive from Netflix has on Side A an English-dubbed version and, on Side B the original Russian voices version. I am usually very inclined to enjoy actors' original voices and avoid dubbed audio versions. But in this case, I found that many scenes are so intensely paced and contain so many different people talking almost at once that many important details can be missed if one is relying only on the English subtitles in the Russian-audio version. In fact, I had the best viewing experience watching the film in the English-dubbed voices version AND with the English subtitles ON. An enamoring aspect of the English-dubbed version is that all the dubbed voices are native Russian speakers, speaking endearingly accented English, which adds a lot of character to the viewing experience. They did a perfectly fine job on lip-synching.

By the way, no one else I've seen is calling it an anti-abortion film ... everyone chime in and tell us what you think. I'll admit to an agenda -- I have not yet seen people discussing this as an anti-abortion film and would like that meme to be given a chance at life within the noosphere. Often a great work of popular art (note that Quentin Tarrantino was knocked out by this film, as he was by Mel Gibson's The Passion) can persuade the greater public of the truth of an issue they have been blind to, where other, more dismissible vehicles of argument, fail miserably.

When we kill an inconvenient fetus (is there any other reason, ever?), whom exactly are we killing? This film mesmerizes the viewer with the idea that the precise identity of that supposedly faceless individual (and hence their personhood) is of unimaginable relevance.

God may indeed forgive us for the blind sins of our youth. But the ink with which they stain the fate of the world is indelible, Timur Bekmambetov suggests. And can return to haunt us. A design aspect of the world of Good vs. Evil? Certainly one in the world of the Night Watch.

Enjoy the film.


    -Science Fiction Writer: Sergey LUKYANENKO (Official Web Page)

    -Sergey Lukyanenko (Wikipedia)

    -FILMOGRAPHY: Sergey Lukyanenko (IMDB.com)

    -PROFILE: Taking Tips: Are sex-filled thrillers up your alley, or science-fiction fantasies? Think fast, because the bestselling novelist Sergei Lukyanenko is accepting suggestions online. (Anna Malpas, November 19, 2004, Moscow Times)

    -Sergei Lukyanenko - Filmography (New York Times)

    -PROFILE: The Original NIGHT WATCH-Man (NICK HOLDSWORTH, Fangoria)


    -FILMOGRAPHY: Timur Bekmambetov (IMDB.com)

    -Timur Bekmambetov (Wikipedia)

    -INFO: Nochnoy Dozor (2004) [Night Watch] (IMDB.com)

    -INTERVIEW: 'Night Watch' Q&A with Timur Bekmambetov: Mark Salisbury catches up with the director of the most spectacular sci-fi film of the year (Mark Salisbury, Oct 4 2005, Time Out)

    -INTERVIEW: Night Watch - Timur Bekmambetov Interview (horror.com, 04-15-2006)

    -INTERVIEW: Timur Bekmambetov: Night Watch (Interviewed by Rachel Simpson, BBC)

    -INTERVIEW: It's The Matrix versus vampires; the trilogy begins now! Timur Bekmambetov on Night Watch (MovieWeb, 2/14/06)

    -INTERVIEW: Night Watch: Nocturnal and Unleashed in Los Angeles (Interview by Sonya Alexander, Underground Online)

    -INTERVIEW: Q&A With Timur Bekmambetov, Director of Night Watch: Straight from the horse's mouth (Buttonhole, 2 April 2006)

    -INTERVIEW: Exclusive Profile: DIRECTOR TIMUR BEKMAMBETOV COMES INTO THE LIGHT WITH NIGHT WATCH - PART 1: The director of the most successful Russian film ever, brings his unique world to the United States (CARL CORTEZ, 2/23/2006, iF)

    -INTERVIEW: Exclusive Profile: DIRECTOR TIMUR BEKMAMBETOV COMES INTO THE LIGHT WITH NIGHT WATCH - PART 2: From his sequels DAY WATCH and DUSK WATCH to his adaptation of the comic book WANTED, the director definitely has his plate full (CARL CORTEZ, 2/27/2006, iF)

    -ARTICLE: Universal loves Timur Bekmambetov (Martha Fischer, Feb 14th 2006, Cinematical)

    -ARTICLE: Timur Bekmambetov Finds a Home At Rogue Pictures (Variety, 1/19/06)

    -ESSAY: Great SF Writer You've Never Heard of: Sergei Lukyanenko (Aliens in this World, 9/14/04)

    -ESSAY: Return of the Russian blockbuster (Pravda, 2004-07-07)

    -ARCHIVES: Timur Bekmambetov (Find Articles)

    -FILM SITE: Night Watch (Fox Searchlight)

    -FEATURETTE: the whole movie in 2.5 minutes

    -REVIEW ARCHIVES: Night Watch (MetaCritic)

    -REVIEW ARCHIVES: Night Watch (IMDB.com)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Emanuelle Levy)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Todd Hertz, Christianity Today)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Kenneth Turan, LA Times)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Dolan Cummings, Culture War)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Anthony Lane, The New Yorker)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times)

I confess to a flagging interest in the struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness. It's like Super Sunday in a sport I do not follow...

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (James Berardinelli, Reel Views)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Stephen Holden, NY Times)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Ruthie Stein, SF Chronicle)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Michael Wilmington, Chicago Tribune)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Sean Axmaker, Seattle post-Intelligencer)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (MaryAnn Johanson, FlickFilosopher.com)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Ann Hornaday, Washington Post)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Philippa Hawker, The Age)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (AVRIL CARRUTHERS, InFilm Australia)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (LESLIE FELPERIN, Variety)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Film School Rejects, BlogCritics)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Adam Hakari, Reel Talk)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Andrew Wright, The Stranger)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (David Edelstein, New York)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Stephen Metcalf, Slate)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Andrew L. Urban, Urban Cinefile)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (J. Hoberman, Village Voice)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (JAMES EMANUEL SHAPIRO, Reel.com)

    -DVD REVIEW: of Night Watch (Stella Papamichael, BBCi)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Matthew Leyland, BBCi)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Philip French, The Observer)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Colin Serjent, Nerve)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Luke Y. Thompson , Dallas Observer)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (ABBIE BERNSTEIN, Cinescape)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Eric Hynes, Cinema Scope)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Kirk Honeycutt, Hollywood Reporter)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Claude Lalumière, Locus Online)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Beckett W. Sterner, The Tech)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (William R. Newcott, AARP Magazine)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (David DiCerto, Catholic News Service)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Nathan Rabin, Onion AV Club)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Kurt Loder, MTV)

    -REVIEW: of Night Watch (Stomp Tokyo)

    -REVIEW ESSAY: Night Watch: Inhabiting a moral universe:
I've heard about this Russian fantasy thriller for more than a year now. Made on a tiny budget , but sporting impressive and imaginative effects, this movie has won raves. (John Mark Butterworth, 3/01/06, Spero News)

    -INFO: Dnevnoy dozor (2006) [Day Watch] (IMDB.com)

    -REVIEW: of Day Watch (David Austin, Cinema Strikes Back)

    -REVIEW: of Day Watch (LESLIE FELPERIN, Variety)

    -REVIEW: of Day Watch (Gabriel Powers, DVD Active)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:26 PM


Coulter copying charge probed (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, July 8, 2006)

In "Godless," Coulter writes: "The massive Dickey-Lincoln Dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on upper St. John River in Maine, was halted by the discovery of the Furbish lousewort, a plant previously believed to be extinct." An article that ran in 1999 in Maine's Portland-Press Herald contains the following passage: "The massive Dickey-Lincoln Dam, a $227 million hydroelectric project proposed on upper St. John River, is halted by the discovery of the Furbish lousewort, a plant believed to be extinct." In a newspaper column that ran in 2005, Coulter wrote of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter: "As New Hampshire attorney general in 1977, Souter opposed the repeal of an 1848 state law that made abortion a crime even though Roe v. Wade had made it irrelevant, predicting that if the law were repealed, New Hampshire 'would become the abortion mill of the United States.'" A Los Angeles Times article from 1990 noted: "In 1977, Souter as state attorney general spoke out against a proposed repeal of an 1848 state law that made abortion a crime - even though the measure had been largely invalidated by the Supreme Court in Roe. vs. Wade."

Can't they at least find a case where she did more than borrow facts?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:23 PM



Intelligence agencies, navies and air forces from at least 13 nations are quietly co-operating in a "secret war" against the outlaw regime.

It has so far involved interceptions of North Korean ships at sea, multinational naval and air surveillance missions out of Singapore, investigators poring over the books of dubious banks in the former Portuguese colony of Macau and a fleet of planes and ships eavesdropping on the "hermit kingdom."

Few details filter out from Western officials about the program, which has operated since 2003. But it has tightened a noose around Kim Jong Il's bankrupt nation.

"Diplomacy alone has not worked, military action is not on the table and so you'll see a persistent increase in this kind of pressure," said an official.

If the regime is evil why punish the people? Put military action back on the table.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:21 PM


Social Security battle reignites (Amy Fagan, July 9, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The seemingly dead issue of Social Security reform came to life again in recent weeks, with President Bush saying it should be high on the agenda and Democrats warning that Republicans are resurrecting their plan to privatize the system.

Mr. Bush, in a June 27 speech extolling the line-item veto, vowed to keep fighting to fix the impending financial crises in both Social Security and Medicare.

"If we can't get it done this year, I'm going to try next year. And if we can't get it done next year, I'm going to try the year after that because it is the right thing to do," Mr. Bush said in a speech in Washington hosted by the Manhattan Institute think tank. "Now is the time to solve the problems of Medicare and Social Security and I want your help."

Democrats immediately went on the attack, saying the president intends to bring back his plan to divert a portion of the Social Security payroll tax into personal accounts for individual taxpayers -- a plan that failed to gain traction last year.

All it takes is a few more Senate seats and Americans will get the partial privatization they keep telling pollsters they want and keep electing W and Republicans to pass.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:48 AM


India tests nuclear-capable missile (AFP, 7/09/06)

India successfully carried out its first test of a nuclear-capable ballistic missile with a range of 4,000 kilometres (2,480 miles), defence officials said.

Making North Korea look even more backwards, if that's possible.

This time, Crazy Kim has upset the wrong country: China (Niall Ferguson, 09/07/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

The intercontinental Taepodong-2, which is supposed to have a range of up to 3,750 miles, crashed just 40 seconds after being launched.

Now, I can understand why some people find it hard to take North Korea seriously. As the ruler of the world's maddest Marxist dictatorship, Kim Jong-il makes Fidel Castro look like a model of political gravitas. For one thing, he is effectively a hereditary monarch, having stepped into the shoes of his father, Kim Il-sung, following the latter's death on July 8, 1994. For another, "the Dear Leader" - as he likes to be known - looks like an escaper from a lunatic asylum. With his Elvis hairstyle, his outsize specs and his khaki pyjama suit, he's the kind of person we would all cross the street to avoid.

There's also Kim's Olympic-standard hypocrisy. While millions of his subjects were starving to death in the famine of 2000-1 as a result of his policy of "self-reliance", his eldest son was arrested at Tokyo's Narita airport, apparently en route to Japan's Disneyland. This is surely more than just a rogue regime. It's a raving mad regime.

But madmen with missiles need to be taken seriously.

Why? Just take him out and move on.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:45 AM


The Hamas boss who is stoking resistance in Gaza...from the safety of Syria (Harry De Quetteville, 09/07/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

Attacking with helicopter strikes and machine gun fire, in tanks and on foot, Israel yesterday pushed deep into the Gaza strip - even though the "most wanted" target of its campaign was nowhere near.

Instead, hiding behind a thick veil of security, top Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, 50, remained hundreds of miles away in Damascus, where he enjoys the protection of the Syrian regime.

For Israel he is the master puppeteer of Hamas, pulling the strings behind terror attacks and waging an unrelenting ideological war designed to wipe it off the map.

"Like bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, Meshaal is a terrorist of the worst kind," said Israel Justice Minister Haim Ramon.

Why attack Palestine when Syria is the problem?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 AM


The future has room for Mauer's sweet swing (Dave Kindred, 7/08/06, SportingNews.com)

He's 23 years old, 6-4, 220 pounds, a lefthanded hitter whose stroke is so pure, sure and quick that it puts his grandfather in mind of a tall, skinny kid he saw play for the Class AAA Minneapolis Millers at Nicollet Park in 1938. That one hit .366 with 43 home runs. Ted Williams.

Grandpa Jake was 7 years old when he saw Williams. Maybe that's why he became a lefthanded hitter. What the old man knows for sure is that one day he saw the infant Joe pick up a toy plastic bat righthanded. "No, no," Jake said, stopping that foolishness, and forever after he has said that the first time he saw Joe swing, in diapers, he knew Joe had it. "Ho-leee cow, what a cut!" is what he remembers saying. As Tiger Woods, with a golf club in his hands and a diaper on his bottom, had it, so did Joe.

"Yep, diapers, true story," says Bill Mauer, one of Joe's two older brothers and a repository of Mauer lore. Amazing thing is, most Joe Mauer stories are true.

A T-ball prodigy? "Hittin' it clear to other fields," Bill says. They sneaked him into regular little league games, disguised in a baggy big kid's uniform.

Best high school quarterback in the country? "Florida State wanted him so bad that Bobby Bowden said he'd hold the scholarship 12 years until Joe finished baseball," says Jim Souhan, veteran sportswriter at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. [...]

Late this June, when the wonder boy had gone 46 for his last 95, which comes to .484, the Twins voluble center fielder Torii Hunter said, "What Joe Mauer's doing is sick. . . . He's 23 years old. What's he going to do when he gets man muscles?"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:30 AM


Celebrate a messy, democratic vote (Seattle Times, 7/09/06)

Mexico knows tidy elections. For 70 years, the outcomes were never in doubt days before the polls opened. For all of its high-stakes intensity, this week's paper-thin presidential contest is a triumph of democracy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:25 AM


AUDIO: "Go, Go You Pilots!" (1969)

Written by local broadcaster Rod Belcher and performed by a musical group he named "Doris Doubleday and His Command Pilots."

Endearing & enduring: The 1969 Seattle Pilots (Larry Stone, 7/09/06, Seattle Times)

Tommy Davis laughed heartily when asked for his prime recollection of the Seattle Pilots.

"Bunch of mutts, man," he said. "Bunch of mutts."

Then Davis, a two-time batting champion and one of the Pilots' few players with stature, quickly added another pertinent point about Seattle's first major-league baseball team: "Very comical."

It's a recurring theme one finds in delving into the madcap world of the Pilots.

They lasted just one season, 1969, and then "poof, they were gone," in the words of first baseman Greg Goossen, one of many zany characters from that team.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:12 AM


Red Sox breath sigh of relief, halt Chisox (SEAN McADAM, 7/09/06, Providence Journal)

The situation could not have been more dire. The Chicago White Sox had loaded the bases against starter Josh Beckett, and the middle of the American League's most productive lineup was due -- Jim Thome, Paul Konerko and Jermaine Dye -- in the home half of the seventh inning with the Red Sox in possession of what seemed like a very tentative three-run lead.

Already, in just six innings, the trio had combined for three homers, a double, a single and five RBI.

Into this predicament from the bullpen stepped first Javier Lopez, then Craig Hansen.

"It's not a deal where you put them in that situation and expect them (to get out of it unscored upon)," acknowledged Beckett.

Boston manager Terry Francona understood the enormity of the task and kept his expectations in check.

"You hope for the best," he said.

Only a few weeks ago, this job might have gone to Rudy Seanez and Julian Tavarez. But having seen enough from the struggling veterans, the Red Sox have lately turned to the less experienced relievers.

Never has their faith been so richly rewarded as yesterday. [...]

"I was battling myself out there," said Beckett, who nevertheless improved to 11-4.

7 7/8ths, thanks.

Acquiring Lopez worth the Riske (Michael Silverman, July 9, 2006, Boston Herald)

The June 15 transaction that sent Red Sox reliever David Riske to the Chicago White Sox for minor league reliever Javier Lopez merited no more than agate type in most newspapers and did not create massive headlines in either city.

Yesterday, the trade caused a huge ripple and the tide was clearly in favor of the Red Sox. Riske took the loss for the White Sox in a 9-6 victory by the Red Sox, thanks to a poor sixth inning in which he gave up the run that put the visitors ahead to stay.

An inning later, the left-handed Lopez came into the game with the Red Sox up by three runs, but with three White Sox on the bases, no outs and the home team’s most feared slugger, Jim Thome, coming to the plate.

Lopez got Thome to strike out swinging and the Red Sox were on their way to victory. [...]

Lopez has a history of success against Thome, including striking out the left-handed hitter last season in Philadelphia, when Lopez was with the Arizona Diamondbacks and Thome was with the Phillies.

Count on Cora contributing (Steve Buckley, 7/09/06, Boston Herald)
It’s not a trade that Red Sox fans will be talking about with glee for generations to come. We’re not talking Derek Lowe and Jason Varitek for Heathcliff Slocumb, or Pedro Martinez for Carl Pavano and Tony Armas Jr.

But in its own way, the Alex Cora-for-Ramon Vazquez deal is one of the great coups in recent Red Sox history. A year ago this past Friday the Sox acquired Cora from the Cleveland Indians for Vazquez, a deal that continues to be huge.

In addition to being a slick defender with infield versatility, Cora has been hitting. And running. And, to use the old line, doing the little things. Playing shortstop in the Red Sox’ 9-6 victory over the White Sox yesterday at U.S. Cellular Field, Cora made a couple of crisp defensive plays, had a couple of hits and stole a couple of bases.

“And he makes a lot more contributions besides what you see,” said Red Sox manager Terry Francona. “When I make a trip to the mound, his questions are always about where we’re playing, what we’re doing. He sees the game very well.”

Posted by Pepys at 12:30 AM


What You Don't Know Can Kill (Regina Lynn, 7 July 2006, Wired)

It has long been illegal in California to knowingly pass a communicable disease, venereal or otherwise, to another person. But earlier this week, California's Supreme Court published a decision that makes us potentially liable for infecting our partners with HIV even if we did not know for certain that we were HIV-positive...
The decision was reached as part of a case, John B. v. Superior Court, (PDF) in which a woman named Bridget sued her husband John for allegedly infecting her with HIV. Bridget has tested HIV-positive, and John has been diagnosed with AIDS...
The Supreme Court's job was not to determine who got HIV first, but rather, the extent to which Bridget can investigate John's sexual history to find evidence for her allegations.
John apparently used the internet to meet men for sex even after he began dating Bridget, and continued to do so throughout the couple's engagement and marriage. Bridget wants details about his assignations to support her contention that he knew or should have known that he might be HIV-positive at the time he persuaded her to stop using condoms with him.
"The issue here is simply the extent to which Bridget may inquire into John’s medical records and sexual conduct in order to confirm or refute her allegations that John knowingly or negligently infected her with HIV," explains Justice Marvin Baxter in the majority opinion.
"The proposed discovery treads on important statutory and constitutional privacy rights. To decide what discovery should be permitted, we must balance Bridget’s right to discover relevant evidence against John’s right to privacy."

Good Lord.

July 8, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:07 PM


Russian plane crashes; 150 feared dead (AP, Jul. 9, 2006)

An airplane with about 200 passengers crashed early Sunday in the Siberian city of Irkutsk and with most on board were feared dead, officials said.

The Sibir Airbus A-390 crashed on landing, veering off the runway at 2:50 a.m., local time, and bursting into flames, Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:40 PM


Republican electorate supports Senate’s immigration bill (Dick Morris, 7/08/06, Cagle Syndicate)

Respected Republican pollster Lance Tarrance reports that the House Republicans are misreading their own base in their hardened and doctrinaire opposition to an earned-citizenship program and in their efforts to besmirch this alternative by calling it “amnesty.”

Tarrance’s poll, only of Republican voters, found that the base embraced the idea of an earned path to citizenship, in which illegal immigrants could “earn legal status and eventual citizenship by working, paying taxes, learning English and waiting their turn behind people in their home countries who are already waiting in line for visas.” The Republican sample backed this proposal 80-17 percent.

Conversely, the Republicans rejected out of hand the House-passed option, in which “illegal immigrants could earn legal status as a foreign worker but would have no possibility of ever becoming citizens,” 25-70.

In all, when the Senate and House versions of the immigration legislation were fairly explained to voters — in some detail — Republicans backed the Senate version 75-17 but only broke even on the House bill, 47-46. Asked if the Senate bill constitutes “amnesty,” the dirty word in the immigration debate, 39 percent said yes but 49 percent said no.

The fact is that Republican voters are far ahead of their Neanderthal leaders on the immigration debate.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:27 PM


Dems' Fighting Words: Acrimony Marks Battle Over Identities, Party Loyalty (MARK PAZNIOKAS And CHRISTOPHER KEATING, July 7 2006, Hartford Courant)

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman relentlessly attacked Ned Lamont during a televised debate Thursday, painting his challenger as a rich neophyte with a single issue - the war in Iraq.

Unlike the collegial tone employed in his vice presidential debate with Dick Cheney in 2000, Lieberman was alternately caustic and dismissive, leaving Lamont wide-eyed and visibly rattled in the opening minutes of the one-hour confrontation.

If he can't stand up to Joe Lieberman it's no wonder he wants to run from the WoT.

Posted by Pepys at 4:38 PM


Process Makes Perfect: John Roberts' marked, and positive, influence on the Supreme Court (Rodger Citron, 7 July 2006, Slate)

Every year, immediately after the Supreme Court term ends, the politics of law briefly becomes our national obsession. This year, inevitably, the pundits' focus was on just how far to the right the court had shifted as a result of the arrivals of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito...
John Roberts presented himself as a "legal process" justice at his confirmation hearings. Legal process was a theory propounded by a number of elite law professors in the 1950s in response to the activism of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren. Adherents hold that cases should be decided by "neutral principles" and that the more representative government actors (Congress, the president, and his representatives) should decide big policy questions. They believe in—indeed they emphasize—the distinction between law (which they see as an autonomous discipline governed by reason and principle) and politics (which they view as merely the expression of one's political preferences)...
The question for the future: Can Roberts continue to orient the court toward his goals of judicial modesty and greater consensus on the court? If so, he may succeed in his task of distancing the court from the political fray...

The threat of Bush's signing statements (Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein, 7 July 2006, San Diego Union Tribune)

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter held a little-noticed hearing in late June to air concerns about presidential signing statements...
Since 2001, President Bush has objected on constitutional grounds to more than 500 provisions in more than 100 pieces of legislation – a number approaching the 575 constitutional statements issued by all of his predecessors combined...
The president has not simply objected to an overall law – he has said flatly that he will not enforce, or will use his own interpretation, for specific provisions of the laws. And, of course, he has not vetoed a single one of the bills to challenge Congress either to override the veto or to rewrite the law to fit the president's concerns. Nor has he turned to the courts to adjudicate the constitutionality of provisions he believes are over the line...

Bush and Roberts are attempting something truly radical here. Roberts, as he said he would, is using his formidable interpersonal skills to extricate the Court from its disastrous incursion into political rule and Bush is using the signing statements to quickly step into the vacuum and declare his independence from the court.

Who really rules the Supreme Court? In Kennedy's swing vote vs. Roberts' consensus-building, the chief justice holds sway. (Douglas W. Kmiec, 8 July 2006, Los Angeles Times)

THE RECEIVED WISDOM at the end of the most recent Supreme Court term is that because of his swing vote, Justice Anthony Kennedy is more in control of the court than the new chief justice, John G. Roberts Jr...
But in my judgment, it's a misleading picture of what's happening now — partly because Kennedy alone is often deliberately speculative and partly because Roberts has at least the nascent but constructive capacity to span partisan division...
Roberts' ability to influence justices across the spectrum of ideas suggests that the most apt modifier for the court is neither "Kennedy" nor "Roberts" but "open-minded." The strengthening of this quality for the nation's highest tribunal ought not to be missed by outworn efforts that either pigeonhole the court by partisan label or make it a cult of personality.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 4:29 PM


Turkey to Prosecute Publishers of Noam Chomsky's Book (Cihan News Agency, 7/4/06)

The Chief Public Prosecution Office has decided to prosecute two publishers for publishing a book renowned American intellectual, Noam Chomsky, accusing them of degrading the Turkish identity and the Turkish Republic.

The office prepared an indictment against the two publishing house that released the book written by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman titled "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media."

The indictment claimed that certain extracts from the book degrades the Turkish identity and the Turkish Republic, and fuels hatred and discrimination among the people.

Publishers Omer Faruk Kurhan and Lutfi Taylan Tosun could face up to 6 years in prison if found guilty.

The million-dollar question is: How precisely did Chomsky connect Turkey's sins to the United States? It seems almost a truism that if Chomsky criticized a foreign power he must have dragged America in somewhere.

Posted by Pepys at 2:22 PM


Kiss of Death? Lieberman's unforgivable sin: He doesn't hate Bush. (Mathew Continetti, August 2006, Weekly Standard)

On July 6, the commuters stopping by O'Neill's pub on North Main Street here for a beer and a ballgame on their way home from work found themselves in the middle of a political rebellion. While the after-work crowd stood along the bar, drinking Stella Artois and carousing, watching the Yankees wallop the Indians on small television sets scattered throughout the premises, another group--quieter than the regulars, friendly and polite--sat at tables in the adjacent dining area, watching an other spectator sport: C-SPAN's feed of the first, and only, scheduled debate between Sen. Joe Lieberman, the three-term Connecticut Democrat and former vice presidential candidate, and Ned Lamont, the Greenwich cable magnate who is challenging him in the Democratic primary...
This is the first time anyone has mounted a primary challenge to Lieberman in his 18 years in the Senate. And while the senator continues to enjoy a comfortable lead in the polls among likely primary voters, that lead is dwindling--from 46 points in early May to 15 points in early June, according to researchers at Quinnipiac University in Hamden. (In mid-June, the pollster Scott Rasmussen, using a smaller sample, put the lead at 6 points.)...
There are two explanations for this apparent paradox. The first is that the true divide in the Connecticut Democratic party is not between hawks and doves but between a veteran, "establishment" politician and the grassroots supporters who feel the party has abandoned them and wish to reassert control...
The second, and more convincing, explanation for the furious assault against Lieberman in spite of his longstanding liberalism is that the assault actually has little to do with Lieberman. Its real target is George W. Bush. Each of Lieberman's alleged errors comes from siding with positions that the Bush administration also has taken. Since the Iraq war is the major project of the Bush administration, and since Lieberman supports that project, it stands to reason that the Iraq war would dominate the primary. For the progressive bloggers, the actual content of Lamont's positions on the issues is mostly irrelevant. What is most relevant is his willingness to oppose Bush and conservatives in general.

The article ends where it should have begun: Just how ideologically radical are the "netroots"? They are clearly angry in general and consumed by hatred for W in particular, but they are remarkably silent on most policy issues. As far as I can tell, they are nothing more than run-of-the-mill Democrats with boundless energy and a taste for over-the-top political debate. Like the mobs of Rome, flatter them and give them someone (anyone) to fight and they are yours.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 11:14 AM


Vatican 'is going back to days of Inquisition' (Roger Highfield, The Telegraph, July 8th, 2006)

The Vatican's threat to excommunicate scientists who carry out embryonic stem cell research was criticised by fertility experts yesterday as intellectually incoherent and "a step back to the Inquisition".

As Catholic Church leaders gather in Spain, scientists responded to the claim by Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, the head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, that excommunication "will be applied to the women, doctors and researchers who eliminate embryos and to the politicians who approve the law".

Dr Stephen Minger, of King's College London, said: "Having been raised a Catholic I find this stance outrageous. Are they also going to excommunicate IVF doctors, nurses and embryologists who routinely put millions of embryos down the sink [instead of using them for research]? I would argue that it is more ethical to use embryos that are going to be destroyed anyway for the benefit of mankind."

Professor Julian Savulescu, an expert in applied ethics at of the University of Oxford, said: "You can say it is a step back to the Inquisition.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 10:49 AM


'Bed and booze' deal for city's drunks (Catherine Elsworth, The Telegraph, July 8th, 2006)

Chronic street drunks are being given publicly-funded accommodation where they can continue to drink in a controversial scheme designed to save taxpayers' money.

The "wet apartments" in Seattle house homeless alcoholics whose frequent admissions to hospital, arrests and overnight detention in jail cells cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Now 75 of the city's most costly "chronic public inebriates" have been given new flats in Eastlake, a special city centre block. Residents are not required to become sober, join Alcoholics Anonymous or attend church and while support services and counselling are provided they are not mandatory.

Previously, most homeless drunks would be turned away from shelters and housing projects unless they agreed to stop drinking or undergo treatment. Instead, Eastlake hopes to reduce the strain on local emergency and criminal justice services by getting drunks off the streets and out of harm's way.

Sobriety is "encouraged" - no drinking in public spaces is allowed - but residents, most of whom are on disability benefits, are allowed to buy alcohol at nearby shops to drink in their rooms.

Apparently their 3:00 am demonstration for free cable service was something to see.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:29 AM


DeLay Suggests He Might Not Retire (AP, 7/08/06)

Former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay suggested Friday that he may not be ready for retirement just yet, a day after a federal judge ruled that his name must remain on the November ballot even though he resigned from Congress.

DeLay, who came home to Sugar Land for a previously scheduled event, also criticized U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks' ruling that the former House majority leader's name had to remain on the ballot.

"For this guy to say he can't tell where I'm going to be on Election Day, and that I am forced to be on the ballot, well, they may get exactly what they want," DeLay told supporters to raucous applause. Sparks is a Democrat appointed by Republican former President George Bush.

Nails...as far as his eyes can see.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:25 AM


Surprising Jump in Tax Revenues Curbs U.S. Deficit (EDMUND L. ANDREWS, 7/08/06, NY Times)

An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy is driving down the projected budget deficit this year, even though spending has climbed sharply because of the war in Iraq and the cost of hurricane relief.

On Tuesday, White House officials are expected to announce that the tax receipts will be about $250 billion above last year's levels and that the deficit will be about $100 billion less than what they projected six months ago. The rising tide in tax payments has been building for months, but the increased scale is surprising even seasoned budget analysts and making it easier for both the administration and Congress to finesse the big run-up in spending over the past year.

The Big-Bang Story of U.S. Private Business (Lawrence Kudlow, 7/08/06, Real Clear Politics)
Did you know that just over the past 11 quarters, dating back to the June 2003 Bush tax cuts, America has increased the size of its entire economy by 20 percent? In less than three years, the U.S. economic pie has expanded by $2.2 trillion, an output add-on that is roughly the same size as the total Chinese economy, and much larger than the total economic size of nations like India, Mexico, Ireland, and Belgium. [...]

Since the 2003 tax cuts, tax-revenue collections from the expanding economy have been surging at double-digit rates while the deficit is constantly being revised downward.

For those who bother to look, the economic power of lower-tax-rate incentives is once again working its magic. While most reporters obsess about a mild slowdown in housing, the big-bang story is a high-sizzle pick-up in private business investment, which is directly traceable to Bush's tax reform. It was private investment that was hardest hit in the early-decade stock market plunge and the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist bombings. So team Bush's wise men correctly targeted investment in order to slash the after-tax cost of capital and rejuvenate investment incentives.

The move paid off. Investors now keep nearly 50 percent more of their after-tax capital returns -- an enormous increase that has resulted in a remarkably profitable and highly productive business sector. While the overall economy has grown by one-fifth since mid-2003, private business investment has expanded by 37 percent.

The dirty little secret here is that record low tax rates on capital are leading to continued job and income gains as businesses continue to expand.

The rich got tax breaks and all the rest of us got was an economic boom, full employment, millions of new Americans, free government services, and the liberation of Iraq....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 AM


Genes don't treat gender the same: New UCLA study raises idea of sex-specific drugs (LEE BOWMAN, , July 8, 2006, SCRIPPS HOWARD NEWS SERVICE)

Genetic differences between men and women hardly end at the X and Y chromosomes.

A new study by researchers at UCLA has determined that thousands of human genes behave differently in the corresponding organs of males and females -- even in fat and muscle tissue.

The findings help explain why the same disease often affects men and women differently, and why the effects of some drugs may vary drastically between the sexes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


Stephen Hawking has a question for you (AP, 7/07/06)

Some questions even stump Stephen Hawking.

The famed British astrophysicist and best-selling author has turned to Yahoo Answers, a new feature in which anyone can pose a question for fellow Internet users to try to answer. By Friday afternoon, nearly 17,000 Yahoo Inc. users had responded to Hawking.

Hawking's question: "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"

As if it weren't amusing enough that he asks at a time of unprecedented order in human history, the question is nothing but a mark of utter self-absorption.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:09 AM


Gays at Globe told to marry or lose benefits (Jesse Noyes, July 8, 2006, Boston Herald)

Memo to Boston Globe gay and lesbian Guild employees: Get married or lose your domestic partner benefits.

Globe staffers have been told that health and dental benefits for gay employees’ domestic partners are being discontinued. Gay couples who want to keep their benefits must marry by Jan. 1.

Gotta love the law of unintended consequences.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:07 AM


Gone to Pot? (Mary Beckman, 6 July 2006, ScienceNOW Daily News)

In what could be a coup for antimarijuana forces, new research shows that rats exposed to pot's active ingredient at an early age devour more heroin as adults than rats without early exposure.

Puritan Nation is always right.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 AM


Studying a Brain Healing From 19 Lost Years (BENEDICT CAREY, 7/07/06, NY Times)

Terry Wallis spends almost all of his waking hours in bed, listening to country and western music in a cramped, two-room bungalow down a gravel road off state highway 263.

Mr. Wallis, 42, wears an open, curious expression and speaks in a slurred but coherent voice. He volleys a visitor's pleased-to-meet-you with, "Glad to be met," and can speak haltingly of his family's plans to light fireworks at his brother's house nearby.

For his family, each word is a miracle. For 19 years — until June 11, 2003 — Mr. Wallis lay mute and virtually unresponsive in a state of minimal consciousness, the result of a head injury suffered in a traffic accident. Since his abrupt recovery — his first word was "Mom," uttered at the sight of his mother — he has continued to improve, speaking more, remembering more.

But Mr. Wallis's return to the world, and the progress he has made, have also been a kind of miracle for scientists: an unprecedented opportunity to study, using advanced scanning technology, how the human brain can suddenly recover from such severe, long-lasting injury.

In a paper to be published on Tuesday, researchers are reporting that they have found strong evidence that Mr. Wallis's brain is healing itself, by forming new neural connections since 2003.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:49 AM


Justices Tacitly Backed Use of Guantánamo, Bush Says (SHERYL GAY STOLBERG, 7/08/06, NY Times)

In his most detailed comments to date on the Supreme Court's rejection of his decision to put detainees on trial before military commissions, President Bush said Friday that the court had tacitly approved his use of the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. [...]

The president also gave an endorsement of sorts to Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor who handled a leak investigation involving Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political adviser.

Mr. Bush said Mr. Fitzgerald, who is also the United States attorney in Chicago, had done a "very professional job" in handling the leak investigation, which resulted in the indictment of I. Lewis Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Mr. Rove was not indicted.

All comedy is conservative.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:43 AM


Sex is essential, kids aren't: Why are 30% of German women choosing to go childless? Free will, baby. (David P. Barash, May 10, 2006, LA Times)

THE GERMAN PUBLIC was recently shocked to learn that 30% of "their" women are childless — the highest proportion of any country in the world. And this is not a result of infertility; it's intentional childlessness.

Demographers are intrigued. German nationalists, aghast. Religious fundamentalists, distressed at the indication that large numbers of women are using birth control.

And evolutionary biologists (including me) are asked, "How can this be?" If reproduction is perhaps the fundamental imperative of natural selection, of our genetic heritage, isn't it curious — indeed, counterintuitive — that people choose, and in such large numbers, to refrain from participating in life's most pressing event?

The answer is that intentional childlessness is indeed curious — but in no way surprising.

One of the most endearing qualities of the Darwinists, though it helps make it impossible to take them seriously, is their dual insistence that Man is nothing special but that he's uniquely broken free from Evolution.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:38 AM


In Arabs' Eyes, the U.S. Is on Trial, Not Hussein: A Shiite with reason to hate the ex-leader is his defense lawyer because he defied America. (Megan K. Stack, July 8, 2006, LA Times)

Like most Arabs, Khalil, who is Lebanese, is no stranger to the hard reality of despotism: Her Iraqi cousins were put to death for rebelling against Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated regime.

But ever since the wintry afternoon she switched on Al Jazeera and caught sight of the bedraggled Hussein in U.S. custody, she has devoted herself to securing his release. Her work on his defense team has invited angry slurs from fellow Shiites, but Khalil views her work as an epic assignment on behalf of the pan-Arab "nation" — a cause Hussein espoused during his years in power. Khalil believes it eclipses religious divisions and the question of whether Hussein was a worthy leader.

"When I met [Hussein], he looked at me and smiled and said, 'These Americans think I am fighting to save my job as president, but I am fighting to defend my homeland,' " said Khalil, who is unabashedly enthusiastic about the Iraqi insurgency. "He never surrendered. He did not quit. If he'd quit, then the whole Arab nation would have been handed to America on a plate of gold."

Khalil's story illustrates an inherent irony in Hussein's war crimes trial, which is grinding through the first phase of closing arguments: The Americans pushed to get him into court, but it's America that has ended up standing trial in the eyes of the Arab public.

In ways both subtle and blunt, Hussein and his lawyers have repeatedly compared Iraq's fate under his heavy thumb to the blood-spattered security vacuum created by the U.S. invasion.

This debate — in essence, whether the invasion improved life for Iraqis — resonates loudly in the Arab world, where many people are concerned about how Hussein's fall has shifted the region's power structure. Iraq's Sunni-dominated neighbors are fearful of the emergence of the Shiite majority in Iraq and terrified of expanded Iranian influence. (The trial has included allegations that Iran tried to assassinate Hussein.)

Hussein blossomed into a cause celebre among Arab intelligentsia and legal experts.

The story highlights two things American leaders have misunderstood: (1) prisoners are weapons for our opponents; (2) the war is between us and the Shi'ites on the one hand and some portion of Sunni Arabs on the other.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:36 AM


Iraq Security Forces Will Control Half of Country by '07, Says Officer (Associated Press, July 7, 2006)

By the end of this year, responsibility for security in about half of Iraq's 18 provinces will have been shifted from U.S. to Iraqi forces, a senior American military officer said Friday.

Brig. Gen. Kurt A. Cichowski, deputy chief of strategy and plans for the U.S. military command headquarters in Baghdad, said the shift is part of a broad "road map" worked out by U.S. and Iraqi officials.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:28 AM


Federal deficit may fall below $300B (ANDREW TAYLOR, 7/07/06, Associated Press)

The federal deficit appears on track to register less than $300 billion for the budget year ending Sept. 30, as surging tax revenues continue to signal significant improvement over White House estimates released in February — though only modest gains over last year.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which makes estimates for lawmakers, said Friday that the deficit for the first three quarters of fiscal 2006 came in $41 billion less than the red ink recorded for the same period in 2005.

The 2005 deficit registered $318 billion.

Time for a pre-emptive tax cut before we don't have enough debt to meet world demand.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


Bonderman Excels as Tigers Down Mariners (GREGG BELL, July 8, 2006, The Associated Press)

Jeremy Bonderman now knows how to pitch. That's why he came within one out of a shutout Friday night and hasn't allowed more than two runs in any of his last seven starts for the Detroit Tigers.

"Well, maybe not knowing. Thinking I know what I'm doing," the soft-spoken Bonderman said.

"I don't know. It's working."

Ask the baffled Mariners. Bonderman allowed three hits before three ninth-inning singles prevented him from earning his first shutout of the season in the Tigers' 6-1 win over Seattle.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:56 AM


Chinese to Prosecute Peasant Who Resisted One-Child Policy: Decision Reveals Growing Clout of Beijing Hard-Liners (Philip P. Pan, 7/08/06, Washington Post)

The Chinese government is preparing to prosecute a blind peasant who exposed excesses by authorities in enforcing the one-child policy in eastern China, where local officials were accused by residents of forcing thousands of people to undergo sterilization or to abort pregnancies. The decision, disclosed by court officials Friday, follows a prolonged bureaucratic stalemate in the ruling Communist Party over how to handle the allegations in the city of Linyi, and it highlights the growing clout of hard-liners in the party since President Hu Jintao took office three years ago.

Chen Guangcheng, 34, the blind rural activist who drew international attention to a violent crackdown on unauthorized births in Linyi last year, is scheduled to be tried July 17 on charges of destruction of property and assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic, according to his attorney, Li Jinsong.

The charges stem from an incident in March in which Chen is accused of leading a protest against local officials who had illegally confined him to his house and who were beating villagers who tried to help him, Li and residents of Chen's village said.

Chen's trial could renew international scrutiny of China's population-control practices, and it represents a major setback for reformers in the government who have been trying to soften the one-child policy and eliminate the abuses long associated with it. [...]

For months, the party appeared torn about how to proceed, but the decision to prosecute Chen suggests that the Linyi officials have outmaneuvered others in the government who wanted to use the case to send a strong signal to local officials that forced sterilization and abortion would not be tolerated. [...]

Chen's case was also complicated by an internal party debate over the future of the one-child policy. Some party officials and scholars have urged the government to relax the policy, arguing that it now causes more harm than good and that China faces a retirement crisis as its working-age population shrinks. But provincial leaders and others in the party have resisted.

Note the idea that there are abuses "associated with" the policy, suggesting that the policy itself isn't abusive of every traditional concept of human decency.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:53 AM


U.S. and Russia to Enter Civilian Nuclear Pact: Bush Reverses Long-Standing Policy, Allows Agreement That May Provide Leverage on Iran (Peter Baker, July 8, 2006, Washington Post)

President Bush has decided to permit extensive U.S. civilian nuclear cooperation with Russia for the first time, administration officials said yesterday, reversing decades of bipartisan policy in a move that would be worth billions of dollars to Moscow but could provoke an uproar in Congress.

Bush resisted such a move for years, insisting that Russia first stop building a nuclear power station for Iran near the Persian Gulf. But U.S. officials have shifted their view of Russia's collaboration with Iran and concluded that President Vladimir Putin has become a more constructive partner in trying to pressure Tehran to give up any aspirations for nuclear weapons. [...]

A nuclear cooperation agreement would clear the way for Russia to import and store thousands of tons of spent nuclear fuel from U.S.-supplied reactors around the world, a lucrative business so far blocked by Washington. It could be used as an incentive to win more Russian cooperation on Iran. And it would be critical to Bush's plan to spread civilian nuclear energy to power-hungry countries because Russia would provide a place to send the used radioactive material.

U.S.-Russia Energy Treaty On Horizon (AP, 7/08/06)

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President George W. Bush are expected to make progress at next week's meeting toward an agreement on civilian nuclear power, a Western official and analysts said.

The two leaders have been promoting nuclear energy as a clean alternative and made similar proposals earlier this year on providing nuclear power to developing countries while building in safeguards for nonproliferation.

"I think it is possible you're going to see further discussion of how to advance that cooperation" at the presidents' meeting on the eve of the Group of Eight summit that starts Saturday in St. Petersburg, a Western diplomat said Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


Israel considering deal on prisoners (SARAH EL DEEB, 7/08/06, ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Israel's Public Security Minister Avi Dichter suggested yesterday that Israel is ready to cut a deal that would fall short of a direct prisoner swap.

Dichter said Israel could free some Palestinian prisoners as a goodwill gesture after Shalit is released and Hamas stops rocket attacks on Israel.

If there is calm, "Israel will need to, after some time, release prisoners as a reciprocal gesture," Dichter said. "Israel knows how to do this. Israel has done this more than once in the past.'' [...]

Egyptian mediators have proposed a two-stage deal in which Hamas would free Shalit and halt rocket attacks. In exchange, Israel would halt its offensive and promise to free some Palestinian prisoners in the future.

A Palestinian official close to the negotiations said Israel has agreed to the Egyptian formula, but wants the deal to be confidential, to avoid the impression of a direct prisoner exchange.

July 7, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 11:48 PM


RELIGION IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE (Kevin Drum, 5 July 2006, Washington Monthly Blog)

The reaction among liberals to Barack Obama's recent speech about religion in public life (text here) has largely been a complaint that he's attacking a straw man. Actual Democratic politicians — governors, senators, members of congress — never disparage religion, after all. In fact, they're never anything but respectful toward it. So what is Obama complaining about?...
It's obviously possible to disagree with Obama. Frankly, I'd have to discuss a few specific examples with him to see if I think he's on the right page. But the plain fact is that he was careful in his speech and also plainly correct: "some" liberals are uncomfortable with any mention of religion in the public square, and he thinks this is too bad...
It's a funny thing. When I post about religion, I usually get two kinds of comments. The first is people telling me that I'm falling into a conservative trap by even entertaining the idea that some liberals are contemptuous toward religion. The second is snarky liberal secularists telling everyone else to take their stupid myths and shove 'em where the sun don't shine. Do you think both sides will show up in this thread as well?

To quote Manolo, this piece and the subsequent comments are Super-Fantastic! It is apparently a common belief on the Left that they are quite solicitious of religion and the religious. After all, their pols never have a bad thing to say about religion or the religious in public.

MORE (Via Tom Morin):
Exclusive Poll Info: Democrats Devolve Deeper into an Anti-Christian Party (Patrick Hynes, 6 July 2006, Ankle Biting Pundits)

The headlines covering the Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, which was conducted in late-June, focused largely on the troubling statistic that revealed 35% of respondents would not vote for a Mormon for President of the United States. Religious bigotry, while a shadow of its former self, still lurks around electoral corners.
But as if that information were not disturbing enough, some statistics from the same poll have received less attention but appear nevertheless to invalidate the American Left’s affectations of religious tolerance and pious political correctness. The following data has not yet been published in the mainstream media–but could have explosive repercussions on the 2006 elections.
According to cross-tabulated data I have received from Bloomberg, 37% of self-identified liberals say they would vote against an evangelical Christian candidate for president; 38% of self-identified liberal Democrats would do so. Democrats as a whole are significantly more likely to vote against an evangelical Christian candidate for president–over a quarter (28%)–than either Republican or Independent voters. And barely a majority (53%) of all Democrats would vote for an evangelical candidate for president.
This new information could not come at a worse time for Democrat politicians. Since their 2004 electoral drubbing, some Democrats have initiated a campaign to win the hearts and minds of America's faithful. Perhaps they should start by opening the hearts and minds of their own political supporters.

Posted by Pepys at 11:28 PM


The Financial Paradox of Our Time? (Jerry Bowyer, 7 July 1006, TCS)

My friend Rich Karlgaard, the omnivorous and 'air-apatetic' publisher of Forbes magazine has declared that the simultaneous existence of a flat (and, sometime, inverted) yield curve and high gold prices is "the financial question of our time." I agree. Supply side economists who have lived in blissful peace with one another (at least as far as economic issues are concerned) are now split. They have fundamentally different views on the state of our economy, and what the Fed should be doing. Since the days of Ronald Reagan the supply-siders have been driving the policy debate and have, generally, forecast the pants off of the Keynesian establishment. But now they're forecasting different things. Some of those think you should focus on the gold market and some put more emphasis on others markets; bonds, for instance...
For the past year or so, the different indicators have signaled different things. Gold and other commodity prices have soared, a sign of high inflation. Interest rates and the yield curve (the difference between long term and short term rates) have been more low and flat, a sign of modest inflation. This is the paradox, and it's not just theory.

Apparently, the paradox is resolved when one realizes that the Federal Reserve has 1) printed too much money, and that 2) the excess liquidity flowed straight into commodities like gold and oil and 3) created a speculative bubble that is 4) not rationally related to the ever more efficient underlying market. Fair enough, but the imporatant question remains unasked: how and when is this disconnect going to reconnect?

Posted by Pepys at 10:51 PM


Giuliani's Convictions Could Win Over Republicans (Mark Davis, 7 July 2006, RCP)

I still don't believe Mr. McCain will be the '08 nominee, but his loyal support for the war has healed some distaste that the GOP base has had for him since he challenged Mr. Bush six years ago. His disconnect with many Republicans on overhauling campaign finance is still an anvil around his prospects, but I can no longer write him off...
As for Mr. Giuliani, I used to say that he won't run and couldn't win if he did. The gay-friendly, abortion-rights-supporting ex-New York mayor whose legacy includes an embrace of gun control? It would seem highly unlikely...
Unless you were in a room with me at the Hotel Crescent Court last month as the Dallas County Republican Party welcomed Mr. Giuliani to a fundraiser also heralding local congressional candidates...

Eyes are opening to the fact that Rudy is quietly laying the groundwork to trounce McCain. He's killing in the Deep Evangelical South and owns the Northeast. A few months in Callifornia and the Midwest will leave McCain with nothing but Arizona. I guess it turns out there are no real litmus tests for conservatives. Securing the Republican nomination is as simple as having unbeatable executive experience, a powerful emotional and ideological appeal to the center and not showing your disdain for the rest of your party every minute of your life.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:46 PM


>Germans hit road in search for jobs (Kate Connolly, 08/07/2006, Daily Telegraph)

More Germans are emigrating than at any time since the war, driven from home by unemployment or the search for better job prospects.

Around 145,000 mainly young people turned their backs on the country last year, more than at any time since 1945, and almost a three-fold increase since the 1980s, according to the Federal Office of Statistics.

The favoured countries were America, followed by Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Britain and France.

Doctors and academics constitute the largest groups of those leaving. Doctors in particular are choosing to move to Switzerland and Britain, where they are better paid and have to do less overtime.

Young scientists and researchers are moving to the United States, where universities are better funded.

The figures reflect Germany's chronically high unemployment rate of about 10.5 per cent.

But the real emigration figure is believed to be even higher, since many émigrés do not tell the authorities that they are leaving. At the same time about 500,000 so-called "gastarbeiter", or foreign guest workers, left the country largely because there was not enough work.

Isn't the press going to have trouble reconciling this with all their stories about our decline in science?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 PM


Japan pushes for sanctions on N. Korea (NICK WADHAMS, 7/07/06, Associated Press)

Over Chinese and Russian objections, Japan introduced a draft Security Council resolution Friday that would impose sanctions on North Korea for its series of rocket test-launches and also order a halt to its development of ballistic missiles.

Backed by the United States, Britain and France, the resolution condemns the series of missile launches that the North conducted Wednesday after both its enemies and allies around the world warned it not to.

By putting forth the resolution, Japan risked a showdown with China and Russia, which have said they oppose sanctions or even passing a legally binding resolution on the issue.

When you've got the US and Britain on your side it's the opposition that's taking the risk.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:05 PM


Plan to beatify martyrs of Spanish civil war attacked (Daily Telegraph, 08/07/2006)

The Pope has provoked controversy with plans to beatify 168 Catholic martyrs of the Spanish civil war.

Historians believe that about 10,000 priests, brothers, nuns and laity were killed during the civil war from 1936-39, as Leftists fighting to defend Spain's secular republic tried to wipe out what they saw as Catholic resistance. [...]

The Spanish Church was a powerful ally of Franco. Every house and classroom had a crucifix, and priests often wielded more influence than judges or police officers.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 6:33 PM


WWFFD? Who cares?: Let's stop fussing about what America's founders thought, and let our minds run free. (Mark Kurlansky, 7/4/06, Los Angeles Times)

Someone has to say it or we are never going to get out of this rut: I am sick and tired of the founding fathers and all their intents.

The real American question of our times is how our country in a little over 200 years sank from the great hope to the most backward democracy in the West. The U.S. offers the worst healthcare program, one of the worst public school systems and the worst benefits for workers. The margin between rich and poor has been growing precipitously while it has been decreasing in Europe. Among the great democracies, we use military might less cautiously, show less respect for international law and are the stumbling block in international environmental cooperation. Few informed people look to the United States anymore for progressive ideas.

We ought to do something. Instead, we keep worrying about the vision of a bunch of sexist, slave-owning 18th century white men in wigs and breeches. [...]

To be honest, the U.S. was never as good as it was supposed to be. Perhaps no nation is. [...] Writer after writer, from British novelist Charles Dickens to the French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville, arrived to discover less than they imagined. Tocqueville observed of American character: "They unceasingly harass you to extort praise and if you resist their entreaties, they fall to praising themselves."

Fanny Trollope, the English writer, made a similar observation in 1832: "A slight word indicative of doubt, that any thing, or every thing, in that country is not the very best in the world, produces an effect which must be seen and felt to be understood." I have no doubt the response to this article will show an America still unwilling to be criticized. But it is difficult for a society that accepts no criticism to progress. [...]

The founding fathers were all men of the establishment who wanted what Robespierre sneeringly called, when his own French Revolution was accused of excess, "a revolution without a revolution." John Steinbeck noted that the American Revolution was different from that of France's or Russia's because the so-called revolutionaries "did not want a new form of government; they wanted the same kind, only run by themselves."

Yet it is only with anti-establishment thinkers that a society progresses. [...]

So let us stop worshiping the founding fathers and allow our minds to progress and try to build a nation of great new ideas. That is, after all, the intent of the founding fathers.

Note the usual amusing tactic: Declare yourself sick of American ideals, spend all your time trashing the Republic's history and loudly trumpeting its shortcomings, and then expect people to take you seriously when you say it's the American thing to do.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:53 PM

Reached for comment, Senator Biden said he was only surprised that Chopra hadn't made one birdie more and Singh one less.

Posted by Pepys at 5:12 PM


Emergency Over, Saith the Court (Charles Krauthammer, 7 July 2006, RCP)

1861. 1941. 2001. Our big wars -- and the war on terrorism ranks with the big ones -- have a way of starting in the first year of a decade. Supreme Courts, which historically have been loath to intervene against presidential war powers in the midst of conflict, have tended to give the president until mid-decade to do what he wishes to the Constitution in order to win the war...
What the Supreme Court essentially did in Hamdan was to say to the president: Time's up. We gave you the customary half-decade of emergency powers, but that's as far as we go. From now on the emergency is over, at least judicially, and you're going to have to operate by peacetime rules.

Krauthammer is only partially correct here. The liberal wing of SCOTUS has never believed this was a war. What happened in Hamdan is that Justice Kennedy called the whole thing off. Of course, both parties reserve the right to revisit the decision pending further attacks.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:05 PM


The high court's Hamdan power grab (John Yoo, July 7, 2006, LA Times)

The court's decision in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld ignores the basic workings of our separation of powers and will hamper the ability of future presidents to respond to emergencies with the forcefulness and vision of a Lincoln or an FDR.

Long-standing U.S. practice recognizes that the president, as commander in chief, plays the leading role in wartime. Presidents have started wars without congressional authorization, and they have exercised complete control over military strategy and tactics. They can act with a speed, unity and secrecy that the other branches of government cannot match. By contrast, legislatures are large, diffuse and slow. Their collective design may make them better for deliberating over policy, but at the cost of delay and lack of resolve. [...]

Congress has an important role but one exaggerated by critics of the war on terrorism. It could easily have blocked any aspect of the administration's terrorism policies simply by removing funding or political support. It could have closed Guantanamo Bay in a day, if it wished. Instead, it authorized the president to use all necessary and appropriate force against any individual, organization or state connected to the 9/11 attacks. Then, following past practices, it sat back and let the president handle the details and assume the political risks. Critics seem to believe that Bush's policies are at odds with the Republican Congress. They are not.

What makes this war different is not that the president acted while Congress watched but that the Supreme Court interfered while fighting was ongoing.

As a matter of constitutional principle it would be best for the Executive to simply ignore the Court's decision.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:05 PM


We get you read for the Futures Game with rosters, bios and stats for both teams. (Baseball America)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:06 AM


Club high in pitch counts (Scott Merkin, 7/06/06, MLB.com)

At first glance, the sheer amount of pitches thrown by the White Sox rotation over the past few years might explain why the starters have been somewhat inconsistent through the first half of 2006.

According to John Dewan's Stat of the Week, the White Sox went into the final week of June with four of the highest pitch-count totals in all of baseball since the start of 2003. Mark Buehrle ranked fourth at 12,103, Javier Vazquez sat sixth at 11,628, Freddy Garcia was seventh at 11,507 and Jon Garland rounded out the top 10 with 11,218. Livan Hernandez topped all of baseball during this particular time frame with 13,127 pitches.

It's no coincidence that Livan's arm is toast. With a bad bullpen and starters who threw complete games in the playoffs, Ozzie Guillen decided to be Billy Martin and just ride these guys' arms into the ground, which will be painfully evident come September.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:56 AM


Cycle thefts rare feat (Bill Chastain, 7/06/06, MLB.com)

Carl Crawford stole for the cycle Wednesday night, swiping second, third and home. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the Rays outfielder is the first player to turn the trick in the same game since Tom Goodwin of the Rockies did it in 2000.

Crawford also became just the seventh American League player to go for the base stealer's cycle since World War II and the first since Gerald Williams of the Yankees in 1996.

But it was Crawford's steal of home -- the first of his career at any level -- that everybody wanted to talk about. [...]

Crawford offered this analysis: "Ah, man, I was just running."

Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell marveled at Crawford.

"He's so fast, it's unbelievable," Lowell said. "[Tuesday] he stole third from a standstill with both hands on his knees. Most guys, they try to get momentum. He's going from a standstill. Everyone talked about Deion [Sanders] and how fast he is, but I've never seen anyone faster than [Crawford]. He just goes from a standstill [position] to full speed so quickly. Even [Tuesday], his triple, he's waltzing into third and most guys are only getting to second on that. It's impressive. God, I wish I ran like that."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:09 AM


Bush dines with Daley on 60th (KATE N. GROSSMAN, July 7, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

President Bush kicked off a two-day visit to Illinois Thursday night by celebrating his 60th birthday with Mayor Daley and business leaders at a South Loop restaurant.

"Laura said, 'What do you want for your birthday?' I said I want to have dinner in Chicago with the mayor," a jovial Bush told the press corps and his guests in a private room at the Chicago Firehouse Restaurant at 14th and Michigan. Daley is a regular there.

With the exception of Jeb, the Mayor may be the government executive whose policies are most like the President's.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:59 AM


Do Pennies Still Make Sense?: As Zinc Prices Rise, the Idea of Losing the Cent Gains Currency (Jeff Donn, 7/07/06, Associated Press)

A penny used to buy a loaf of bread, but in an age of inflation and affluence, the coin is slowly sliding into monetary obsolescence.

For the first time, the U.S. Mint has said this year that pennies are costing more than 1 cent to make, thanks to higher metal prices.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:52 AM


Democrats divided over Lieberman (Eric Pfeiffer, July 7, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

The split of support for Mr. Lieberman among Democrats centers on a battle for the party's national identity. Mr. Lieberman has been a vocal supporter of the war in Iraq, which has drawn the ire of many liberal bloggers.

"The most radical fringe is running the show," said National Republican Senatorial Campaign spokesman Brian Nick. "Hillary Clinton and John Kerry want to be president, so they have abandoned him."

Such important liberal voices in the Internet "blogosphere" as DailyKos, MoveOn.org and Arianna Huffington have endorsed Mr. Lamont, often condemning Mr. Lieberman in very harsh terms as a political sellout. Mr. Lamont's campaign has run an ad showing Mr. Lieberman morphing into President Bush.

John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. ought to go to CT and campaign for him.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:49 AM


Migrant worker figure 'too low' (BBC, 7/07/06)

The number of East Europeans coming to work in Britain since 2004 may be 50% higher than previously thought, a BBC Two Newsnight survey suggests.

The survey of 500 Poles in the UK found 64% had signed the workers' register.

Official figures show 375,000 workers have registered since the EU expanded in May 2004 but the survey suggests 187,000 more may have come to the UK.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:47 AM


Somalia soccer shooting arrests (BBC, 7/07/06)

The Somali gunmen who shot dead two people watching a World Cup match have been arrested and will face Islamic justice, an Islamist leader has said.

Hardliner Sheikh Dahir Aweys says the killing of a cinema owner and a young girl was an accident. The gunmen could face the death penalty.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:40 AM


AOL may give away more services (ANICK JESDANUN, 7/07/06, The Associated Press)

AOL may give away even more of its services, including its vaunted AOL.com e-mail accounts now limited to paying subscribers, to boost ad revenues and offset declines in subscriptions, a person familiar with the discussions said Thursday.

One proposal under consideration among top AOL executives calls for Time Warner's online unit to stop charging subscription fees to users who have high-speed Internet access or even dial-up service from a rival provider.

The person familiar with the talks said a major strategic review over the past several months sought to identify additional ways to keep users within the AOL family regardless of whether they want to keep paying fees of as much as $25.90 a month.

Someone want to tell Ben Bernanke it's safe to come out from under the bed?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 AM


PM's new agenda relies on Bush's help (JAMES TRAVERS, 7/07/06, Toronto Star)

What's on Stephen Harper's mind is now on his lips. Anyone who bothers to listen will learn what's worrying the Prime Minister and where his government will lead Canada this fall.

In conversation here with George W. Bush and later with the press, Harper made it crystal clear the federal government's first priority is an open America. "If the U.S. becomes more closed to its friends, the terrorists win," he told reporters at the White House.

That's much, much more than a war-on-terror bumper sticker. In a handful of words Harper connected the most important dots in a multi-layered relationship: Security, the economy and a border that must remain a conduit, not a barrier. [...]

Prospering in that economic climate requires not only robust investment in the country's bricks and mortar but also in its social infrastructure. It demands hard and immediate reconsideration of policies that cross the spectrum. Making Canada more competitive means adjusting education to meet the higher needs of the knowledge economy and reforming current immigration practices to ensure new arrivals can contribute to the economy and fulfill Canada's promise.

It also will lead to changes in a tax system that currently discourages marginal workers and corporate innovation.

None of that will be easy and may well be impossible if the United States, bruised from its foreign adventures and unsure of its neighbours, withdraws into a shell.

Tougher border controls already legislated for 2008 by Congress are just one symptom of a disease that would poison trade and tourism.

Harper's prescription is holistic medicine. He's aligning Canada with the U.S. internationally while working with an equally concerned Bush administration on first slowing new border controls and then ensuring the range of acceptable documents will keep people, goods and services flowing. [...]

Bush might have been reading from Harper's briefing notes when he emphasized the importance to the U.S. of trade with Canada. More surprising, he made a point of volunteering that the two countries would go beyond fighting terror to end genocide.

Both are important presidential asterisks attached to a relationship that inevitably tilts toward the interests of the dominant partner.

In effect, Bush was acknowledging both Ottawa's concern about sharing future continental prosperity and the Canadian worry that waging war in Afghanistan is keeping it from making peace in Darfur.

Mr. Harper has drunk deeply from the cup of Bush/Howard/Blairism.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:25 AM


Drones reshaping Iraq's battlefields (Tom Vanden Brook, 7/07/06, USA TODAY)

The use of unmanned surveillance planes over Iraq has soared, revolutionizing the way U.S. troops wage war and crowding the skies above Iraq.

The Army says that before the Iraq war started in March 2003, it had 14 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); it now has about 700 in Iraq and Afghanistan, most of them small.

In 2003 and 2004, the Army flew the aircraft about 1,500 hours per month, the Army says. In the past year, the aircraft flew 9,000 hours a month.

The unmanned scout planes and sensor systems have made it easier to spot insurgents and roadside bombs, thus saving American lives, Pentagon officials and experts say. Using the aircraft, troops can often get an instant picture of what lurks behind the next hill or building. "One can argue that the standard equipment for a Marine or infantryman now is the helmet, rifle, boots and UAV," says Christopher Bolkcom, a defense expert for the Congressional Research Service.

New blow to Airbus as A350 faces delay (David Robertson, 7/07/06, Times of London)

AIRBUS may be forced to delay the launch of its £7 billion A350 project because Christian Streiff, the group’s new chief executive who has still not formally started work, needs time to approve the venture, The Times has learnt.

Posted by Matt Murphy at 1:36 AM


Statement by Howard Dean on the New York Court of Appeals Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage (Breitbart, 7/6/06)

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement in response to the decision by the New York Court of Appeals that the state constitution does not guarantee the right to marriage for same-sex couples, but that the state legislature could provide this:

"As Democrats, we believe that every American has a right to equal protection under the law and to live in dignity. And we must respect the right of every family to live in dignity with equal rights, responsibilities and protections under the law. Today's decision by the New York Court of Appeals, which relies on outdated and bigoted notions about families, is deeply disappointing, but it does not end the effort to achieve this goal.

You'd think the Democrats would be smart enough to avoid pejorative language when they're relying on robed dictators to end-run the will of basically every state's voting population.

July 6, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 PM


U.S. Seen Backing Israeli Moves To Topple Hamas (Ori Nir, July 7, 2006, The Forward)

Sources close to the administration said that policymakers in the White House and the State Department, who in the past advised Israel against toppling the government in the territories for fear that the collapse of the P.A. would bring about chaos, have now concluded that there is no real value in keeping Hamas in power. Hamas is not making any significant effort to moderate and act pragmatically, administration officials recently told Washington insiders. The Hamas government's support of continued terrorism against Israel — whether it is the launching of home-made rockets from Gaza, the kidnapping of Israelis or suicide attacks against Israel — is viewed by the administration as intolerable and therefore as justification for decisive Israeli action, sources said.

"In the war against terror, in 9/11 there was a line drawn. As far as this administration is concerned, you get our support if you're on the right side of the line, and you don't if you're on the wrong side," said Aaron Miller, a former senior State Department negotiator on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. That approach was applied to former Palestinian president Yasser Arafat when the administration became convinced of his support of terrorism, and it is now being applied to the Hamas government, said Miller, currently a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington.

In addition, administration officials said that they understand the domestic Israeli pressure on Olmert to act decisively. The fear, sources told the Forward, is that American efforts to restrict Israrel's reaction to Hamas-sponsored terrorism could hasten the fall of Olmert's government and lead to the demise of his plans for an Israeli withdraw from large parts of the West Bank.

No matter how badly they've handled the election of Hamas, the Israelis weren't going to lose our support when pursuing their own WoT.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 5:51 PM


N. Korean missile tests could threaten Canada: Harper (CBC, July 6th, 2006)

Canadians should be concerned about North Korea's missile testing, Prime Minister Stephen Harper warned Thursday after meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush.

"Missiles that are fired in the direction of the United States constitute a threat to Canada," Harper said.

And also Europe, Australia, South America, Africa,. Asia, Antarctica.......

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:14 PM


When Do We Publish a Secret? (DEAN BAQUET, editor, The Los Angeles Times, and BILL KELLER, executive editor, The New York Times, 7/01/06)

SINCE Sept. 11, 2001, newspaper editors have faced excruciating choices in covering the government's efforts to protect the country from terrorist agents. Each of us has, on a number of occasions, withheld information because we were convinced that publishing it could put lives at risk. On other occasions, each of us has decided to publish classified information over strong objections from our government.

Last week our newspapers disclosed a secret Bush administration program to monitor international banking transactions.

Setting aside the question of the press's obligation in such instances, it's worth noting how deceitful their language is there. Just as we went from having a U.S. Congress in October 2004 to a Republican Congress in November, so too do these guys dodge referring to the program as one run by the United States government. After all, they didn't just disclose a secret George Bush was keeping from he public but one that America was keeping from its enemies.

Steiger, Downie Refused to Join Keller/Baquet Op-Ed (Joe Strupp, July 05, 2006, Editor & Publisher)

Managing Editor Paul Steiger of The Wall Street Journal and Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. of The Washington Post were both asked to be part of last weekend's unique joint Op-Ed piece by the editors of The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, which defended the publication of stories about the secret SWIFT bank monitoring program, E&P has learned. But each declined.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:49 PM


Biden Say What? (Hotline, 7/06/06)

In thanking a young Indian-American man for the support of his Indian-American group, Sen. Biden touts how Indians are the fastest growing immigrant group in Delaware and says, "You CANNOT go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts without an Indian accent."

Lucky he's not a member of the Stupid Party or he'd be known mostly for being an idiot.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:45 PM


Mexico's Calderon Has Insurmountable Lead (LISA J. ADAMS, 7/06/06, Associated Press)

Ruling party candidate Felipe Calderon built an insurmountable lead in Mexico's presidential vote count Thursday, but his leftist rival vowed to challenge the results in court.

With 99.56 percent of the vote counted, Felipe Calderon would win even if all the remaining votes went to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party. He had 35.82 percent of the vote, compared with 35.37 percent for Lopez Obrador.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:13 PM


Poll shows re-election chances strong for Schwarzenegger (Chronicle Staff, July 6, 2006, SF Chronicle)

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, winning back voters with a series of moves including helping gain agreement on a $131 billion budget with increased money for education, is in strong position to win re-election in November, a poll released today shows.

Schwarzenegger is favored over his Democratic challenger, state Treasurer Phil Angelides, by 44 percent to 37 percent among state voters in the poll by the Survey and Policy Research Institute at San Jose State University. Fourteen percent of those surveyed are undecided.

The governor's job approval rating has jumped to 49 percent among voters surveyed compared with 41 percent who disapprove of his performance -- the best results he has seen since March 2005.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:55 AM


The Trade Deficit: Much Ado About Nothing (Lawrence W. Reed, December 1998, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty)

I have a dirty little secret that I want to share with readers of The Freeman. It’s about a nagging problem I have had for a long time. It just never seems to go away. Heretofore, I have not wanted to admit to this problem in public because the newspaper headlines remind me monthly that this sort of thing is bad and it’s embarrassing. But I’m going to come clean, hoping that maybe someone out there can help me.

My problem is this: I have a trade deficit with J.C. Penney. That’s right. Month after month, I buy more from J.C. Penney than J.C. Penney buys from me.

In fact, J.C. Penney has never yet bought anything at all from me. It’s been a one-way street right from the day I got my credit card in the mail. And I don’t expect that this is going to change any time soon because the retail chain shows no interest in buying my chief export, which is columns like this one. It just doesn’t seem fair.

I’ve actually considered several options. Each one would probably reduce or eliminate my trade deficit with J.C. Penney, but some wise guy always points out new problems each of these scenarios might create:

• I could get Congress to force the company to buy enough of my columns to offset what I spend in its stores. But the more J.C. Penney buys from me, the less it will be able to buy from others, which will only increase their trade deficits.

• I could get Congress to force J.C. Penney to cut its prices so that I won’t have to spend as much to get what I want. I thought that might at least reduce my deficit, but at lower prices I might actually be tempted to buy more. Or J.C. Penney might come under fire from the antitrust people for dumping its goods below cost.

• I could simply quit buying from J.C. Penney. That would really teach them a lesson. But then, doggone it, I like what I’ve been buying from them. If I boycott them, wouldn’t that be like cutting off my nose to spite my face?

Of course, I don’t really mean any of this. As a free-market economist, I know that there’s a fourth option here and it’s the only one that makes any sense: I should ignore this “problem” and never pay any attention again to whatever the trade situation is between J.C. Penney and me, except to pay my bills on time. America as a whole should do essentially the same thing. We should fire the people in Washington, D.C., who compile the numbers, and the problem will go away.

They had a sale over the 4th where they were practically giving stuff away anyway.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:33 AM


Gay marriage ban upheld: State Supreme Court reinstates Constitutional amendment (SONJI JACOBS, 07/06/06, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Georgia's amendment banning gay marriage is constitutional, the state's highest court ruled Thursday.

The decision effectively reinstates the ban, which was thrown out by a lower court judge in May.

The state Supreme Court justices ruled that the amendment to the state constitution, approved by 76 percent of voters in November 2004, does not violate the single-subject rule by addressing other issues such as civil unions in addition to marriage.

New York court declines to recognize gay marriage (Reuters, 7/06/06)
The New York State Court of Appeals refused to recognize same-sex marriage in a ruling issued on Thursday, saying the issue was a question for the Legislature to decide.

Someone wanna tell Friend Perlstein to call off the tchochki hunt....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:17 AM


The Kid Who Struck Out Joe Mauer: His name isn't the answer to a trivia question—not yet (Jim Walsh, July 5, 2006, City Pages)

He doesn't want his picture in the paper. He doesn't want his name in the paper. In fact, he'd rather you not know his name at all. He understands how Mauer Mania and the media can hoover up a fella in the blink of a CNN crawl, and he has little interest in becoming the next Pete Best or Babe the Blue Ox. No, he will not live out his days as an asterisk or an answer to the trivia question: Joe Mauer struck out just one time in high school. What was the name of the pitcher who got him?

Paul Feiner.

So let it please the court that Feiner is more than just The Kid Who Struck Out Joe Mauer, talk of which, he says, "makes my stomach cringe with feelings of extraordinary self-indulgence at this point, six years later. I feel as deserving of this attention as Paris Hilton [is of] an Oscar nomination." Hence, The Kid would only agree to an e-mail interview, which, in terms of the myth-making that is at the heart of all baseball lore, could actually backfire and turn him into Shoeless J.D. Salinger, or some such thing. [...]

We are here to talk about what happened only once in 222 at-bats, a feat that Mauer's high school coach, Jim O'Neill, described as "phenomenal" last week. "I coached him three years in high school," says O'Neill, an older and wiser man who is apparently not at all uncomfortable with phone interviews or his place in history. "I coached him 50 games in the summer, so that's at least a couple hundred more at-bats where he didn't strike out. I've never heard of anything like it. Even great hitters have five or six strikeouts a season. It's just the law of averages."

When Mauer was small, his father built a hitting contraption for the back yard: a PVC pipe that dropped a ball in the air. It gave young Mauer quick wrists and helped make him the hitter he is today (the machine is now available for 59 bucks at quickswing.com). As such, he probably had great confidence as he came to the plate that day in the sixth inning with two outs, nobody on, and the score tied 1-1. Feiner worked Mauer to a 2-2 count, then came with his best pitch, a hard curveball. The All-American swung and missed.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:43 AM


Yay, Yay for USA!: a review of John Lewis Gaddis' "The Cold War: A New History" (John Dolan, July 5, 2006, The eXile)

Ok, let's get realistic and lower our expectations here. As in: it would be foolish to expect anything other than smug gloating in an account of the Cold War by an aged American insider like Yale Professor John Lewis Gaddis, who has spent a lifetime battening on the uniformly wrong predictions of the Sovietologists' Guild. So suppress your gag reflex and any vestigial intellectual rigor, and you can enjoy this book. After all, Gaddis' thesis is simple and sensible: "For all its dangers, atrocities, costs, distractions, and moral compromises, the Cold War-like the American Civil War-was a necessary contest that settled fundamental issues once and for all. We have no reason to miss it. But given the alternatives, we have little reason either to regret its having occurred."

Fair enough, though you have to wonder why Gaddis needs 200 pages to point out that not having a nuclear exchange which wipes out the human race was, in retrospect, better than having one. It's kind of like the old joke about old age being preferable to the alternative -- comes under the "Duh!" category, more suited to the punchline format than a book-length treatise.

Which means this book must have some purpose other than its ostensible one. And it's not hard to discern this purpose: yup, good ol' gloating. Of course, Gaddis' book, like the two million other gloat-histories Western cheerleaders wrote after 1989, isn't so much a history as a long Monday-morning sports page, another chance for Reaganites to relive their Superbowl victory over the Moscow Medvedy.

The good professor is wrong, of course, it would have been much better to avoid the long Cold War by fighting a short Hot War. But what's interesting is that, not only was he not a Reaganaut, he was, at the time, in favor of fighting an even longer war and not forcing the final confrontation with the USSR. He's not a Reagan apologist, but a man big enough to apologize to Reagan.

We included his excellent essay on the Bush Doctrine in our book

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:36 AM


Gunning For the World (David Morton, 7/05/06, Foreign Policy)

The ad starts with a sober, simulated news report. A news anchor, looking directly into the camera, warns viewers about Brazil's proposed gun ban. "People are misrepresenting the disarmament issue," she says. "It won't disarm criminals." The anchor fades and a news-on-the-march montage begins, highlighting freedom's red-letter days. Nelson Mandela is released from prison. A single man impedes a row of tanks in Tiananmen Square. The Berlin Wall falls. "Your rights are at risk," says the anchor, returning after the inspiring film clips. "Don't lose your grip on liberty." And then, to bring the message home, archival footage runs of thousands of Brazilians taking to the streets, restoring popular rule after more than two decades of dictatorship.

The ad was the first in a series that aired on Brazilian prime-time television last October, when both sides of the country's gun control debate engaged in a heated exchange about the future of gun laws in South America's largest democracy. Proponents of the gun ban proposed outlawing the commercial sale of arms and ammunition to civilians, capping a series of controls enacted in recent years. Unless you were a police officer, a soldier, or a private security guard, you wouldn't be allowed to acquire a gun or the bullets to fire one. The idea was promoted by nongovernmental organizations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, adopted by two presidential administrations, and then delayed for years due to the lobbying efforts of Brazil's arms manufacturers. Finally, it was to come to a vote, the first time any country held a popular referendum on gun laws.

But Brazil's gun poll was never just about Brazil. Brazil was merely the most recent battleground state in a raging global debate over gun rights. A week before the vote, the London-based International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), which represents more than 500 gun control organizations worldwide, coordinated an international day of support for the Brazilian ban. Demonstrations took place in Britain, Italy, South Africa, and Turkey, among other countries. Passage of the ban, IANSA said, would "reinforce the movement in favor of gun control in other Latin American countries riddled with armed violence, and back the efforts to control private gun ownership at [an] international level."

Polling numbers heading into the last month of the campaign gave gun control advocates every reason to be optimistic. As late as mid-September, support for the proposed ban was running at 73 percent, thanks in part to the backing of the federal government, the Roman Catholic Church, and Globo TV, a large media conglomerate. Yet, when Brazilians went to the mandatory polls on October 23, they handed the international gun control movement one of its most stinging defeats, rejecting the ban by a margin of nearly 2 to 1. The number of civilians in Brazil who legally own a gun is estimated to be only about 2 million. In other words, some 59 million Brazilians voted to preserve a prerogative the vast majority of them will never enjoy.

There was no single reason for the landslide defeat. Many voters voiced their discontent with a government mired in a corruption scandal. Others distrusted the government's pitch to disarm because they distrust the government. But few doubt that the ad campaign made the difference. During the three weeks the ads ran, support for the ban plummeted. "They didn't talk about guns," says Guaracy Mingardi, a São Paulo-based crime researcher affiliated with the United Nations. "They talked about rights."

The idea that owning a gun is a human right as dear as, say, the freedom to protest, was new to most Brazilians. But the rhetoric used in the Brazilian commercials echoed talking points used by local pro-gun groups in Australia, Britain, Canada, South Africa, and elsewhere. Such a line of argument might not exist if not for the National Rifle Association of America (NRA), which had shaped, tested, and honed the message before many of these groups ever existed. The NRA, perhaps America's most powerful political lobby, serves as spiritual godfather to gun groups around the world. Nor does it see its pro-gun agenda as one that stops at the water's edge. Indeed, shortly before the vote, NRA spokesperson Andrew Arulanandam said, "We view Brazil as the opening salvo for the global gun control movement. If gun control proponents succeed in Brazil, America will be next."

The NRA may not be actively funding gun lobbies around the world -- the organization claims its charter prohibits it -- but its influence is felt in much more than dollars. It lends support to the anti-gun control effort at the United Nations. It promotes lines of argument, strategy, and political tactics that others adopt for local use. And, if you contact the association, its representatives will come to explain how to get it done. Although many of the nra's members may not own a passport, their leaders are savvy operators in international politics. For all their red-blooded American pretensions, they have a deep understanding of how globalization works. "We live in a very globalized society," says Thomas Mason, the American gun lobby's top representative at the United Nations. "[Y]ou can't say what happens in Scotland doesn't affect the United States, because it does."

Globalization is just Americanization, which is why the Left hates it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:22 AM


Looking Backward: Hamdan and the "New" War on Terror (Joseph Knippenberg, July 5, 2006, American Enterprise)

While the dissenters do an excellent job showing how Stevens cherry-picks or misconstrues precedents and obtrudes his judgment in areas where the responsible political branches—President and Congress—are demonstrably more competent, I want to explore a larger issue underlying this inter-branch dispute: the difference between the kinds of judgments made in courtrooms and those made in executive offices and legislative chambers.

Much of Stevens’s argument depends upon his understanding of the “common law of war,” a significant portion of which is codified in treaties like the Geneva Conventions, with the remainder embodied in practices and policies commonly adopted, explicitly or implicitly, by “civilized” nations. In other words, he looks backward at these rules and practices and applies them, either directly or by analogy, to the case at hand. He does not (and ought not) purport to be making new rules; at most, he develops the implications of rules already at hand. That’s what judges are supposed to do.

Such a procedure is, of course, ill-suited to a situation not anticipated (or at best only imperfectly anticipated) by those who developed the rules in the past. If al-Qaeda is a different sort of adversary than we have encountered before, and if the global war on terror is a new and different sort of war, then simple application or even narrowly analogical reasoning may not be adequate to our new challenges. When they confront something like this, judges ought to be properly deferential to the other branches, whose job it is precisely to deal with novelty.

Indeed, the very notion of a common law of war acknowledges the possibility of novelty and adaptation, undertaken especially by those responsible for civilized conduct on the battlefield (if that is not too contradictory a notion). When encountering new circumstances, commanders and commanders-in-chief innovate, not only by adopting new strategies and tactics, but by devising new means of dealing with captives, all within the confines of the civic and military ethos they have cultivated. When such new practices are endorsed, accepted, or imitated by others, they too become part of the common law of war, despite having originated outside its bounds. Judges—who do not have trained military judgment, access to information to which commanders are privy, or the responsibility to “wage war successfully,” as Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes (who had also served as Secretary of State) once put it—ought to be very chary of second-guessing these new developments.

If anyone is going to second-guess the President and his battlefield commanders, it ought to be Congress, which seems actually to have done so only in part in this instance. While the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 limits the interrogation methods that may be used with captives, it avoids explicitly addressing the question of military commission procedures, leaving it subject to judicial review (albeit a different kind of review than the one undertaken by the Court in this case). In other words, Congress in 2005 passed the buck, failing to enter into a responsible political conversation with the executive branch over how to try detainees in this new kind of war.

Given the nature of courts in general and of this Court in particular, the result in Hamdan was almost predictable, once Congress’s directive about how and when Hamdan’s appeal should proceed was ignored. Since the new rules aren’t the same as the old rules, the former are said to be illegitimate.

One good thing may result from the Court’s willingness to exceed the bounds of its competence and tread on the toes of the politically responsible branches. Everyone seems to agree that Congress now has to step up to the plate and legislate for the military commissions that are supposed to try alleged al-Qaeda members. Given the manner in which national security seems to be the Bush administration’s political and substantive strong suit, the resulting legislation may establish procedures that look a lot like those already in place. On the other hand, the Court’s repudiation of those procedures in Hamdan provides some ammunition to those who have a conventional or law-enforcement view of the global war on terror, which is (I’m sure) what they hoped when they succeeded in passing the buck in the first place.

If the Bush administration (as it ought) chooses vigorously to fight this battle, it can accomplish two things at least. First, its judgments about how to try detainees will in the end be vindicated, thus enabling us to “wage war successfully.” And second, the two politically responsible branches will have repudiated the judgments of Justice Stevens and his colleagues, which would have the salutary effect of reminding the Court of its mere equality with, and the deference it owes to, them.

Better would be a joint statement from the President and the Congressional leadership that the Court had no constitutional prerogative for its ruling.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:58 AM


Songs That Fall from the Sky: Meet the Handsome Family: the Story of the Band that Forgot Time (STEVE PERRY, July 5, 2006, City Pages)

In the first line of "After We Shot the Grizzly," the fourth song on the Handsome Family's new Last Days of Wonder, a hunting party from long ago, pioneer days, goes badly awry. In the second line, a plane crashes. Then, before the song even catches its breath, the two scenes fuse and a single survivor—of which calamity, there's no telling—starts relating the story, which is narrated in the blackly stoic, just-the-facts voice of 19th-century frontier diaries and goes on to recount progressively more deadly mishaps with the verve of top-flight pulp adventure writers from the authors of the New Testament on down. First the survivors kill and eat some horses. They fall ill with fevers. When all the easy food is gone, a few sneak away and build a raft from the skin and bones of their dead confreres. One by one they die at sea ("The captain jumped into the storm/Then we were but four," singer Brett Sparks reports in a voice grave and droll) until only the guy telling the story is left, singing to his Mary back home that he can feel her presence in the shark-filled waves.

The song is clever, pretty, weird, touching, and funny all at once. It started as sort of a private joke. Brett and Rennie Sparks both wanted to write their own version of a Jim Reeves song they particularly loved, "The Blizzard." In it, a man and his mule trudge over six miles in a blizzard, at night, so that he can get home to his beloved Mary Anne. A hundred yards from the front door, the mule can't take another step, so the man stands out there with the animal and freezes to death by morning, as a Nashville chorus repeatedly laments, "He was just a hundred yards from Mary Anne."

It's tough to overstate how strongly Brett and Rennie feel about Jim Reeves. He is the only human being expressly named in the list of "Influences" at their Myspace page. (The others: "noises in basements, strangers at crossroads, abandoned graveyards, stray dogs, hissing cats, old men in windbreakers, old ladies in polyester turbans, the clenched fists of small children.") The affinity is easy enough to understand. Reeves, who died in a plane crash in 1964, was one of the most anomalous country music stars of his day, a rich baritone singer of careful, precise phrasing and diction. Brett has a similar sort of baritone voice, and similar impulses as a craftsman. Then, too, Reeves's records could be a little weird themselves: There was a gulf between his vocal approach and use of strings, on one hand, and the traditional-sounding country story songs he often liked to sing. The contrast made certain of his performances sound very strange. If David Lynch had not had a Roy Orbison record to score the roadside beating scene in Blue Velvet, he might have done well enough using a Jim Reeves record. [....]

In 1952, a 29-year-old filmmaker, music archivist, and bohemian moocher named Harry Smith compiled 84 traditional music recordings on six boxed Folkways LPs collectively titled the Anthology of American Folk Music. The performers included people who would come to be known as legends of early blues and country music and people who would forever sound like fleeting, anonymous cranks with a single story to tell. All they had in common, the deacons and the drinkers alike, was that they were singing old songs (some dating at least as far back as the British Isles in the 15th century, some based on events that happened only a few years before they were recorded) and they were making folk music once removed: Unlike the field recordings that the Lomax clan and others had been harvesting for years, all 84 sides on the Anthology had been cut in the late '20s or early '30s for commercial release. Somehow all this apparently disparate music created its own sense of place—"Smithville," Greil Marcus dubbed it in his 1997 liner notes to the reissued set.

"He gave us a past we didn't have before": Harry Smith in the mid-1980s

Photo by Allen Ginsberg
The few thousand people who bought the 1952 pressing were left to puzzle over the bizarre yet clearly painstaking way it had been assembled. The six records were paired off in sets labeled 'Ballads,' 'Social Music,' and 'Songs,' each color-coded to correspond to a primal element: red for fire, blue for air, green for water. The booklet Smith designed featured big, bold block numbers for each song and was festooned with cryptic symbols. Many years later, he explained to folk music historian John Cohen that the point of the Anthology, for him, lay less in the music than in the patterns expressed by this particular set of songs when organized in this manner. "I'd been reading Plato's Republic," he said. "He's jabbering on about music, how you have to be careful about changing the music because it might upset or destroy the government. Everybody gets out of step, you are not to arbitrarily change it because you might undermine the Empire State Building without knowing it."

"I felt social changes would result from it," he said of the finished work.

Harry Smith, in other words, was crazy as hell—deluded enough to believe a sprawling compendium of obscure 78s released on a tiny record label could effect broad alchemical changes in the ground we walk on and the air we breathe, that it could change the world.

"We met in college. On Long Island. I was waiting for a date in the student union building, a date at a dance. It sounds like a '50s song. Rennie the crazy woman came along with a bottle of some kind of alcohol. Tequila, I think. Cactus juice. And some card with a quote from Thomas Pynchon on it. I think she had a tambourine for some reason. She was probably on LSD, too.

"She sat down and we started talking and pulling on the bottle and kind of bonded. Then my date showed up, and I think the three of us went to a party. I ended up hanging out with Rennie and pretty much hanging out with her ever since. This was 1986 or '87. I was 23, I think, and Rennie would have been 20. I was in graduate school, she was an undergraduate. Rennie finished and went to the University of Michigan for an MFA program in creative writing. I followed her a year later. I worked in a music store in Ann Arbor for a year or so while she was finishing her degree. I'm just kind of a thirsty, hungry musical person. I went through a phase where I didn't listen to anything but opera for months. I went through a phase where I didn't listen to anything but art music, classical music that was composed in the 20th century, like John Cage, Stockhausen, Schoenberg.

"When I was in New York, somebody gave me a Hank Williams greatest hits tape. I was really just knocked down by its raw power. Really punk, very edgy. The lyrics were great, the music was great, and it was really simple. At the same time I was also really getting into Bob Dylan, and I saw the obvious line between the two of them. I was gravitating a little bit. I was in a rockabilly band that was basically playing all the material from Elvis's Sun Sessions. I was getting closer and closer to that kind of thing.

"When we lived in Ann Arbor, they had a great library with tons of records. I gradually checked them all out. Among those things was the Anthology of American Folk Music, the Folkways thing compiled by Harry Smith. It was another tire-iron over the head, like Hank Williams was. I started trying to write country stuff.

"It wasn't until we'd been married for about five years, and I was just working on my four-track stuff, that I asked Rennie to revise some lyrics that I'd written to a country song. They were cheesy, baby-oh-baby lyrics. She turned the song into a murder ballad. That was 'Arlene,' a song on our first record, and we still play it live." [...]

If the first set of songs they wrote together was a mish-mash of country and punk influences, the next batch moved more deliberately toward traditional folk and country sources. Up to a certain point, Rennie says, she thought songwriting "was for fun on the side. But what happened was, when we started really listening to this folk music with its great lyrics, we could see the potential that was there. If you're thinking about songwriting in terms of the Ramones or something, it's like, yeah, there are some funny lyrics, but then you hear something like 'Knoxville Girl' and there's so much there that it makes you think about all that can be contained in one song. I started getting more interested when I realized [songwriting] could be done in a different way and could be more satisfying."

Brett had been headed in that direction for a much longer time. Musically, he says, "Our biggest influence, pool of song, is a lot of the stuff people associate with the Harry Smith collection, the folk music that was recorded in the 'teens and '20s, which has antecedents in the British Isles and Scots-Irish stuff, the Appalachians. If you listen to our songs knowing that music enough, you will figure out the fact that we've extensively ripped it off. A lot of the vocal mannerisms, the contours of the melodies, are directly traceable to those ancestors. See, the great thing about folk music like that is that when you cover something, it's impossible to rip it off. It's just like another cut on the stone, another refinement of the song. Even if it sucks, just to make the thing go on is the important part—the fact that it persists in time."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:55 AM


Pragmatism may trump zeal as Iran's power grows: Iran faces a July 12 deadline on the West's incentives intended to defuse nuclear standoff. (Scott Peterson, 7/06/06, The Christian Science Monitor)

Iran and its leadership have also changed over time, experts say. Dreams of exporting the revolution evaporated long ago. "Twenty years ago, the Iranian public sphere was [still] ideological.... At that time, talk of US-Iran relations was taboo," says Hamid Reza Jalaiepour, a US hostage-taker, former intelligence officer, and provincial governor. [...]

There is new "common ground," because US military control of adjacent Iraq and Afghanistan means "the US is a close neighbor of Iran," says Jalaiepour. Populists like Ahmadinejad "are looking for development [and] need votes"; the US likewise "can't solve its problems through another war, or through sanctions."

The distance from de facto allies to sweetness and light is short in all but emotional terms.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


To read Harper Lee (Boston Globe, July 5, 2006)

FOR YEARS, Harper Lee has lived in the city of famous, silent writers alongside even more mute neighbors like J.D. Salinger. Her 1960 book, ``To Kill a Mockingbird," about a black man accused of rape in a Southern town, made her a literary legend. But Lee herself has hardly spoken publicly since then, turning down interview requests, letting her novel speak for itself, offering no news of a second book, and declining to cooperate with Charles Shields, who wrote the recent biography ``Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee."

Enter Oprah Winfrey. The queen of talk has done readers a favor, cracking the silence by publishing a letter from Lee in the current issue of O, Winfrey's magazine, making it seem like an easy matter to pry a reclusive writer out of privacy, implying that nearly anyone who is asked can't resist answering Oprah.

The letter begins: ``Do you remember when you learned to read, or like me, can you not even remember a time when you didn't know how?" It goes on to talk about Lee's father, who read four newspapers, and the ways children swapped books with one another against a Depression-era backdrop of nothing-else-to-do: no parks, no movies, and ``nothing you could call a public library."

``We were privileged," Lee continues, recalling that she ``arrived at the first grade literate," unlike children from rural areas who had ``never looked into a book until they went to school." Many children of African-American servants, she writes, learned to read ``three children to one book." Not surprisingly, Lee bemoans the present abundance of iPods and cellphones.

It's an interesting meditation on the wealth endowed through reading, and the highly relative nature of a word like ``privileged."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:44 AM


New World, Old Myths: A review of Charles C. Mann’s 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Bruce S. Thornton, Private Papers)

Mann for the most part successfully recovers that truth, giving us a portrait of New World Indians that restores their agency and humanity, and thus rescues them from their pathetic status as the victims of a marauding, uniquely evil European civilization. Mann writes about science for the Atlantic Monthly, and his book is typical of most science books addressed to non-scientists. The discussions and explanations of scientific controversies are interlarded with personal anecdotes about the author, scholars, researchers, and various other people he meets on his research journeys. But despite these chatty distractions, he manages to discuss pretty clearly and fairly three key controversial ideas about the conditions of pre-contact American Indian life, even if his conclusions are not always convincing.

The first concerns the population of the Americas when the Europeans first arrived. How many Indians were alive before they encountered the strange and deadly diseases the Europeans brought with them? This is a highly charged political issue for those who see Columbus and his successors as genocidal racists. Mann takes his readers through the decades of research and the arguments for and against the higher and lower estimates, as well as the politicized issue of assigning blame for the deaths and characterizing them as "genocide." In the 1920s, estimates put the population of the entire hemisphere at 40 or 50 million; 20 years later, the guess was a fifth that number. He tells us that today the "High Counters" are winning the debate, but he doesn't provide a number. He does endorse Henry Dobyns's estimate of 90-112 million, but nothing in his discussion makes this estimate convincing. Part of the problem, he writes, is to figure out where all these people went, given how few Indians were left by the 17th century; in central Mexico , for example, there were fewer than a million.

One solution is to posit astronomical mortality rates, such as 95%, for the diseases the Indians caught from Europeans. But such mortality rates from disease are very unusual. The Black Death killed a third of its victims, the 1918 flu epidemic 5%. These low mortality rates make evolutionary sense, since a disease that kills almost all its victims dooms itself. One explanation for these estimated high rates is a genetic vulnerability that afflicted New World Indians and left them uniquely vulnerable to disease — a lack of variety in the human leukocyte antigens, which help the body fight off various pathogens. But this explanation, while promising, is still speculative. Given the margins of error that compromise pre-contact population estimates, and the questionable reliability of sources contemporary with the Indians, we still can't say with much certainty what the Indian population was at the time of European contact.

The second issue Mann discusses is the evidence that pre-contact Indian societies were "older, grander, and more complex" than the primitive hunters and gatherers of earlier descriptions. Support for this view comes from recent research that pushes the Indians' presence in the New World to 20,000 or even 30,000 years before the present instead of 14,000 or 15,000. This added time allows for more generations of people, supporting the population estimates of the "High Counters," and also provides extra time for developing more sophisticated civilizations. Mann surveys the recent archaeological discoveries of irrigation works, textile production, writing systems, calendars, roads, pottery, the domestication of cotton and maize (the latter something of a miracle, given how little the Indians had to work with), and even in the Peruvian Andes a "great wall" made of stone and stretching for 40 miles. All these remains testify to a level of civilization far beyond the old picture, painted by Indian idealizer and demonizer alike, of Indians as primitive hunters and gatherers indistinguishable from their natural environments.

On the contrary, pre-contact Indians were builders of many more urban centers and complex societies than just those created by the Mexica (Aztecs) and Inca. In North America, for example, the Cahokia chiefdom near modern St. Louis was the greatest city north of the Río Grande between 950 and 1250 A.D., with a population of 15,000. Its huge mounds are still visible today, the largest 900 feet long, 650 feet wide, and 20 tall. Fronting it was a plaza 1,000 feet long. As Mann observes, "[a] thousand years ago it was the only place for a thousand miles in which one could be completely enveloped in an artificial landscape."

But the sophistication of Indian cultures, in addition to their greater numbers, creates a problem for the third controversial notion — and one of the most cherished myths of Indian idealizers — that they were natural ecologists, harmonizing with the natural world, and "living lightly on the land." When many millions of people create cities and domesticate plants and animals, they necessarily affect their environment much more extensively than would hunters and gatherers or rude farmers. Mann surveys the evidence and finds that, like humans everywhere, Indians shaped and transformed their surroundings in various ways: "At the time of Columbus the Western Hemisphere had been thoroughly painted with the human brush."

The most important tool used by Indians to shape their environment was fire. It cleared space for farming, drove herds during hunts, promoted useful plant and animal species, and even served as entertainment: Rocky Mountain tribes entertained Lewis and Clark "by applying torches to sap-dripping fir trees, which then exploded like Roman candles." The Great Plains is mostly an artifact of Indian burning, and the presence of bison in the East was due to the Indians, who burned off forests and thus created a landscape more suitable for bison. Even the vast Amazonian rainforest, "[f]ar from being the timeless, million-year-old wilderness portrayed on calendars," is in fact "the product of a historical interaction between the environment and human beings." As much as an eighth of the Amazon forest was created by humans who nurtured plants like the peach palm, bacuri, and açai. They even invented dirt: terra preta, a nutrient-rich soil produced by mixing charcoal and organic refuse with earth, helped their orchards grow.

Indeed, some of the icons of America 's supposedly pristine wilderness were in fact the consequence of the Europeans' presence, which disrupted the resource management techniques the Indians had developed over the centuries. The endless flocks of passenger pigeons celebrated and mourned by John Muir and James Fenimore Cooper were the result of fewer Indians. So too with the bison herds, which flourished in the ecological space once occupied by Indians whose number had been diminished by disease. So too with the "forest primeval" admired by American Romantics. All were part of the new environment that came into being after Indian numbers plummeted and the landscape they had crafted and tended over the centuries began to alter. As Mann concludes, "Far from destroying pristine wilderness…Europeans bloodily created it."

At the end of the day, all that matters is that they were uncivilized.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:39 AM


McCain sitting pretty for 2008 race (Ralph Z. Hallow, July 6, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Some top Republicans at odds with Sen. John McCain on core conservative issues say privately that the party's 2008 presidential nomination is "his to lose."

They cite the Arizona senator's head start in fundraising, a primary calendar that is shaping up in his favor and a growing belief that he enjoys the tacit support of President Bush.

In state after state, Mr. McCain has been passing out money to Republican candidates for other offices, to state party organizations and even to Republican county chairmen. Extending such largess to the county level is unheard of in pre-nomination campaign maneuvering, party officials say.

Now, one of the most widely respected conservatives in the country says he is ready to help pull the McCain campaign bandwagon whenever the senator makes his 2008 Republican presidential run official.

"He is the only person I know who is running and capable of getting elected who is tough enough to do what needs to be done," says former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, who has quietly been helping to write Mr. McCain's speeches. "He will veto spending bills and earmarks and stand up to the Social Security and Medicare challenges that will fall in the next president's lap with the baby boomer retirement."

Careful not to get any scraps of conservative brain on you when their heads explode.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:36 AM


New Canadian leader to rebuild military (Fawzia Sheikh, July 6, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

In a White House meeting today with Canada's first Conservative prime minister in 12 years, President Bush will find an ideological soul mate who has moved quickly to rebuild his country's long-neglected military and committed to keeping 2,300 troops in Afghanistan through 2009.

Long known for its blue-helmeted peacekeepers, Canada has been eager to alert Americans to a more militaristic image. A smartly designed Web site (www.canadianally.com) -- promoted with ads in the D.C. Metro system and elsewhere -- bristles with photos of Canadian troops in action abroad.

More significantly, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government last month announced a major increase in troop strength and plans to spend $13.5 billion on new ships, trucks, helicopters and aircraft. The announcement was coupled with an extension of the Canadian troop commitment in Afghanistan.

The United States has urged Ottawa to spend more money to rebuild a military that has been embarrassed by having to hitch rides or borrow equipment from coalition troops.

What ever happened to all those foreign leaders who opposed George Bush?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


The Myth of the New India (PANKAJ MISHRA, 7/06/06, NY Times)

[T]here are much better reasons to expect that India will in fact vindicate the twin American ideals of free markets and democracy that neither Latin America nor post-communist countries — nor, indeed, Iraq — have fulfilled.

Since the early 1990's, when the Indian economy was liberalized, India has emerged as the world leader in information technology and business outsourcing, with an average growth of about 6 percent a year. Growing foreign investment and easy credit have fueled a consumer revolution in urban areas. With their Starbucks-style coffee bars, Blackberry-wielding young professionals, and shopping malls selling luxury brand names, large parts of Indian cities strive to resemble Manhattan.

Indian business tycoons are increasingly trying to control marquee names like Taittinger Champagne and the Carlyle Hotel in New York. "India Everywhere" was the slogan of the Indian business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this year.

But the increasingly common, business-centric view of India suppresses more facts than it reveals. Recent accounts of the alleged rise of India barely mention the fact that the country's $728 per capita gross domestic product is just slightly higher than that of sub-Saharan Africa and that, as the 2005 United Nations Human Development Report puts it, even if it sustains its current high growth rates, India will not catch up with high-income countries until 2106.

Nor is India rising very fast on the report's Human Development index, where it ranks 127, just two rungs above Myanmar and more than 70 below Cuba and Mexico. Despite a recent reduction in poverty levels, nearly 380 million Indians still live on less than a dollar a day.

Malnutrition affects half of all children in India, and there is little sign that they are being helped by the country's market reforms, which have focused on creating private wealth rather than expanding access to health care and education. Despite the country's growing economy, 2.5 million Indian children die annually, accounting for one out of every five child deaths worldwide; and facilities for primary education have collapsed in large parts of the country (the official literacy rate of 61 percent includes many who can barely write their names). In the countryside, where 70 percent of India's population lives, the government has reported that about 100,000 farmers committed suicide between 1993 and 2003.

Feeding on the resentment of those left behind by the urban-oriented economic growth, communist insurgencies (unrelated to India's parliamentary communist parties) have erupted in some of the most populous and poorest parts of north and central India. The Indian government no longer effectively controls many of the districts where communists battle landlords and police, imposing a harsh form of justice on a largely hapless rural population.

The potential for conflict — among castes as well as classes — also grows in urban areas, where India's cruel social and economic disparities are as evident as its new prosperity. The main reason for this is that India's economic growth has been largely jobless. Only 1.3 million out of a working population of 400 million are employed in the information technology and business processing industries that make up the so-called new economy.

No labor-intensive manufacturing boom of the kind that powered the economic growth of almost every developed and developing country in the world has yet occurred in India. Unlike China, India still imports more than it exports. This means that as 70 million more people enter the work force in the next five years, most of them without the skills required for the new economy, unemployment and inequality could provoke even more social instability than they have already.

The promise of India is largely tied up in the fact it hasn't even had its manufacturing boom yet.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:03 AM


Computer consultant hacked into FBI's classified system (Eric M. Weiss, 7/06/06, Washington Post)

A government consultant, using computer programs easily found on the Internet, managed to crack the FBI's classified computer system and gain the passwords of 38,000 employees, including that of FBI Director Robert Mueller.

The break-ins, which occurred four times in 2004, gave the consultant access to records in the Witness Protection program and details on counter-espionage activity, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Washington. As a direct result, the bureau said it was forced to temporarily shut down its network and commit thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars to ensure no sensitive information was lost or misused.

The government does not allege that the consultant, Joseph Thomas Colon, intended to harm national security. But prosecutors said Colon's "curiosity hacks" nonetheless exposed sensitive information.

Colon, 28, an employee of BAE Systems who was assigned to the FBI field office in Springfield, Ill., said in court filings that he used the passwords and other information to bypass bureaucratic obstacles and better help the FBI install its new computer system. And he said agents in the Springfield office approved his actions.

Oughtn't we be grateful?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:58 AM


Rookie Is a Quick Study (Thomas Boswell, July 6, 2006, Washington Post)

On Father's Day, Ryan Zimmerman hit a walk-off two-run home run against the Yankees at RFK Stadium, turning a probable defeat into a 4-3 victory. As he saw his blast land in the Nationals' bullpen, the 21-year-old rookie raised his right index finger far above his head. As he headed toward home, he fired his batting helmet high into the sky, then leapt into the arms of his waiting teammates at home plate with a huge grin on his face. Then Zimmerman went 1 for 25. [...]

On the Fourth of July, Zimmerman hit another walk-off home run, this time a three-run, two-out, two-strike drive into the same bullpen to beat the Marlins, 6-4. One strike from defeat, he handed Washington its fourth straight win. He also became the only player this season to hit two such instant defeat-to-victory homers. Some players go a whole career and never pull off that trick. [...]

This time, as he saw his ball disappear, Zimmerman only fired his finger halfway over his head. As he headed for home, a half-smile on his face, he merely flipped his helmet a couple of feet over his head, almost mocking his performance of 16 days earlier. And his leap into his teammates' arms was enthusiastic, but not kid-crazed.

His teammates noticed. "Well, hell, he's getting used to it," veteran catcher Brian Schneider said.

Scouts say he's going to be as good a fielder as a Mike Lowell or even Mike Schmidt and he handled shortstop pretty well at the end of last season. Why not try leaving him at ss for awhile?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


Reining in the president (David S. Broder, 7/05/06, Seattle Times)

Justice John Paul Stevens, the author of the majority opinion in last week's historic decision on Guantánamo detainee trials, was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1975 by President Gerald R. Ford. Had there been no Supreme Court decision ordering Richard Nixon to turn over the White House tapes that led to his own resignation, Ford would never have been in a position to appoint Stevens — or anyone else — to judicial office.

It was that first Supreme Court decision requiring Nixon to turn over the incriminating evidence of his complicity in the Watergate cover-up that set the tone — if not the precedent — for the 5-3 decision Stevens wrote last week, telling the president he could not try Osama bin Laden's former driver before a commission of military officers because Congress had passed no law authorizing such commissions or regulating such trials.

Once again, the chief executive had to be reminded that he is not above the law. No more than the security threats Nixon invented in order to justify his rogue police-state operations will the war on terror relieve the president of the burden imposed by the Constitution to "faithfully execute the laws." He can't just make them up to suit his convenience.

For anyone who was worried that the United States was in danger of losing its precious freedoms as it mobilized to combat the threat of Islamic terrorism, the Stevens opinion was the best possible Independence Day gift.

On the other hand, anyone worried that the Court is willing to risk precious lives just to defend its own prerogatives, can rest assured that on the day Justice Stevens retires the presidentcan go back to making up laws for captured terrorists. Sadly, that's a lesson more fitting for Dependence Day, since it demonstrates that the Constitution means whatever just 5 people say it does.

July 5, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:54 PM


Judicial nominee asked about club (Charles Hurt, July 5, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Just six months after quitting the all-male social club to which he belonged for 50 years, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy is questioning one of President Bush's nominees to the federal bench about his membership in an all-male dining club.

"What is your reason for failing to resign from the club any earlier than February 2, 2006?" Mr. Kennedy demanded in writing of Oklahoma lawyer Jerome A. Holmes, nominated to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. [...]

In January, Mr. Kennedy quit the Owl Club after The Washington Times revealed his continued membership in the fraternitylike organization for Harvard University's select male students and alumni.

Apparently, as no self-respecting person of the Left could remain a communist after August 23, 1939, no decent human being could be in an all-male club a day longer than Mr. Kennedy.

Posted by Pepys at 6:38 PM


Everything's Relative: Is Hillary Clinton "electable"? Sure. More electable than the likely alternatives? That's doubtful. (Matthew Yglesias, 5 July 2006, American Prospect)

Here is an op-ed arguing for Clinton’s strength as a candidate that rather curiously fails to tout her strength in any serious way while remaining relentlessly upbeat...
The evidence, however, tends to indicate that she'd be a relatively weak candidate. The main source of information we have comes from the 2000 election, where she won a contest for an open Senate seat in New York by a healthy 12 percentage point margin. That's a pretty good result. But as Brendan Nyhan points out, just two years earlier Chuck Schumer beat an incumbent Republican senator by 11 percentage points. The same year Clinton was running, Al Gore won New York's electoral votes by 25 percentage points. Four years later, John Kerry achieved an 18 percentage point margin...
A straightforward read of this data is that Clinton has less electoral appeal than Kerry or Gore, and about the same (or maybe even worse, depending on what you think of the incumbency factor) level of electability as Chuck Schumer. Nobody, of course, thinks Schumer should run for president, though he has considerably more experience as a legislator than Clinton. The reason for this is clear -- a candidate who seems likely to run 6-13 points behind Kerry and Gore, all else being equal, simply isn't a very appealing choice.

She's not only running into trouble with the base, she hasn't made significant inroads with the rest of the electorate. It looks like triangulation only works with issues (like welfare and unlike Iraq) that the base isn't ready to immolate itself over. Her utter lack of charm can't be helping either.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 3:43 PM


Watergate figure John Dean assails Kyl (Dan Nowicki, 07/05/2006, Arizona Republic)

John Dean, the convicted Watergate figure who has parlayed a second media career as a harsh critic of the Bush Administration, attacks Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C....

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:29 AM


Convicted Enron founder Ken Lay dies (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 07/05/06)

Enron Corp. founder Ken Lay, who was convicted last month of fraud and conspiracy for his part in the Houston-based company's collapse into bankruptcy in 2001, has died of a heart attack at his vacation home in Colorado, Reuters reported, citing a Houston television station report on Wednesday.

Just as the CIA closed the unit it had searching for OBL, so too can the Times close it's Lay-hunting unit.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:12 AM


China's choice: Baby boom or bust (Antoaneta Bezlova, 3/21/06, Asia Times)

Fixated on maintaining the country's high-powered economic growth, Chinese policymakers have been soliciting opinions from economists about how to avoid future labor shortages by relaxing and even scrapping the rigid one-child policy. [...]

The government's confidence...has been dented by a series of studies in recent years, and demographic evidence suggesting that because of the low birth rates China is growing old too early and too fast.

Fears have risen that a rapid increase in aged people will put a strain on the working-age population and slacken economic growth. As China's baby-boomers born before 1979 start retiring, there will be fewer young people of working age to take their places and fuel the country's economic powerhouse.

"For 20 years China benefited from its 'demographic dividend', but now we anticipate that around 2015, this dividend [will] turn into deficit," said Cai Fang from the Population and Labor Economic Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Cai's research credits the surge in the number of working-age people, or what he calls the "demographic dividend", with contributing to 24% of the economy's growth between 1978 and 1998. But Cai predicts China will see the growth of its working-age population coming to a halt around 2013 and might begin experiencing labor-force shortages.

"We are currently witnessing the transformation of China into an unprecedented aging nation," Li Keping of the National Social Security Fund Executive Council told a recent meeting on family-planning policy where various population and economic experts gathered. "What is unique about China's case is that the aging process is happening before the country has grown rich, and it is happening too fast."

A Sickly Compromise for German Healthcare Reform: Like so many ageing Western societies, Germany has struggled with surging healthcare costs in recent years. But instead of coming up with a grand reform to the healthcare system, the government in Berlin has agreed to a sickly compromise. (Der Spiegel, 7/04/06)
The surge in costs comes at a time when the German birthrate is decreasing, the population is aging, fewer people are paying into the country's elaborate social system and the costs of providing treatment are growing. On top of that, the country has a two-class healthcare system that has further complicated matters. The country's highest earners can opt out of the public healthcare system and go with an often cheaper private insurer instead. This means that of the 78.7 million Germans who are insured, 8.4 million of the country's highest earning individuals are not contributing to the public-private national healthcare system. Private insurance companies attract new customers with prices that are often below the patient's actual health care costs, but as an insured person gets older, that person's monthly premiums also increase.

Both the conservatives of Chancellor Angela Merkel and her junior coalition partners the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) agreed the system needed an overhaul, but for months, they were at loggerheads over the best way to do it.

So instead of opting for a clear plan, the ruling grand coalition opted for a sickly compromise after Merkel and her colleagues emerged from an overnight bargaining session on Monday morning. She called the planned reform a "true breakthrough," but since then, nobody, not even the members of the two ruling parties seem particularly happy with the deal.

Instead of radically altering the system -- for example, by financing it significantly via taxes, or eliminating many of the duplicated bureaucracies of the state-funded health insurers -- contributions that are roughly equally divided by employers and workers will continue to rise from their current 14 percent of an individual's salary. The compromise enables the coalition government to neatly avoid imposing a hefty new tax (in recent days, SPD leaders were calling for up to €45 billion in fresh taxation to support the costly healthcare system) at the same time it is making a major three percentage point increase to the country's value-added (sales) tax, taking it from 16 percent to 19 percent. [...]

The ideological differences between the conservatives and the SPD left the coalition unable to deal with the question of what to do with Germany's private health insurers, which generally cover the wealthy, civil servants and the self-employed for often far less than the state insurance.

Merkel's Christian Democrats hailed their ability to limit the SPD's attempts to place a greater burden on the private insurance companies. The Social Democrats were dead set against a system based on a flat fee per insured, which could have helped Germany lower its non-wage labor costs.

But it is exactly this jumble of models that makes German healthcare so expensive and inefficient. And it is far from certain that the proposed reform will increase competition or transparency enough to help rein in exploding costs.

A nation of 300 million (Haya El Nasser, 7/05/06, USA TODAY)
The USA is closing in on a milestone that seemed unthinkable 25 years ago. Sometime in mid-October, we will become a nation of 300 million Americans.

We will then embark on a relatively quick journey to 400 million. Target date: around 2040.

How did this young country get so big so quickly? Immigration, longevity, a relatively high birth rate and economic stability all have propelled the phenomenal growth. The nation has added 100 million people since 1967 to become the world's third-most populous country after China and India. It's growing faster than any other industrialized nation.

The biggest driver of growth is immigration — legal and illegal. About 53% of the 100 million extra Americans are recent immigrants or their descendants, according to Jeffrey Passel, demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center. Without them, the USA would have about 250 million people today. [...]

The USA is alone among industrialized nations in its relatively rapid population increase. The populations in Japan and Russia are expected to shrink almost one-fourth by 2050. Germany, Italy and most European nations are not making enough babies to keep their populations from sliding.

"There's a fertility malaise in (other) industrialized countries," says Carl Haub, senior demographer at the non-profit Population Reference Bureau. "Europe and Japan and South Korea and Taiwan are getting desperate."

Women have to give birth to an average 2.1 babies to offset deaths and keep the population even. The birthrate in Western Europe is 1.6. It's even lower — 1.4 — in Italy, Spain and other southern European countries. France, which has done more to accommodate the needs of working mothers, has the highest rate at 1.9, Haub says.

Germany, where leaving children in day care is not socially embraced, is proposing a family allowance that would pay mothers 67% of their partner's net income up to 1,800 euros ($2,304) a month for up to a year after childbirth.

The USA would hardly grow in the next 50 years except for Hispanic immigrants, who have a higher birthrate than non-Hispanic whites. White women, who give birth to 56% of the children born here, have an average 1.85 babies. Blacks average about two and Asians 1.9. Hispanics have 2.8. The overall birthrate is slightly above two — just below replacement levels.

And as the Blue Staters die off the fertility rate for non-Hispanic whites will head back up over replacement.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:04 AM


China's impending talent shortage (Swati Lodh Kundu, 7/06/06, Asia Times)

A labor shortage, with a population of 1.3 billion? As unbelievable as it may seem, this is precisely the situation China now confronts.

With a huge supply of low-cost workers, mainland China has fast become the world's manufacturing workshop, supplying everything from textiles to toys to computer chips. Though China has a vast pool of unskilled labor, firms in the south now complain that they cannot recruit enough cheap factory and manual workers. The market is even tighter for skilled workers. As the economy grows and moves into higher-value-added work, the challenge of attracting and retaining staff is rising with the skill level, as demand outstrips supply.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:01 AM


N Korea's missiles met by Tokyo sanctions (Hisane Masaki, 7/06/06, Asia Times)

Within hours of a series of provocative North Korean missile launches, Japan has responded by cutting the two countries' main direct transport link. The United States and Japan are leading a drive for punitive sanctions, but despite international fury at Pyongyang for thumbing its nose at the world, a United Nations resolution is unlikely, given Chinese and Russian reluctance. Still, a newly assertive Tokyo has shown its resolve to go it alone if necessary (with Washington by its side).

...than with Uncle Sam by your side?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:50 AM


Homer Simpson as Macbeth? Doh! (MISHA DAVENPORT, July 5, 2006, Chicago Sun-Times)

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wickedly funny this way comes. It has been 400 years since it was first performed, but William Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth" is perhaps on the verge of re-entering the pop-culture lexicon courtesy of "The Simpsons" and Canadian actor Rick Miller.

"MacHomer" features "Simpsons" patriarch Homer as he is seduced by power and encouraged by his wife to seize the throne by any means necessary, including murder.

Miller performs all of the roles in "Macbeth" as characters from the hit animated show on Fox. [...]

Purists of the Bard might be quick to cry foul, but director Sean Lynch says there's nothing to worry about. Though Miller's show condenses the tragedy's five acts down to 55 minutes, the abridged version is faithful to its original source material.

"Rick has succeeded in maintaining the the integrity of Shakespeare's work," Lynch says. "Over 85 percent of the text is Shakespeare's. The last thing we wanted to do is have this come off as unfaithful to his story."



When: Tonight through July 23
Where: Upstairs at Chicago Shakespeare, 800 E. Grand
Tickets: $30
Call: (312) 595-5600

The night before my Shakespeare final my Freshman year in college I still hadn't read five of the plays. Luckily, I worked in the Music Room at the Library so I just played them all at 78 and got though all five in a few hours. It sounded like cartoon characters were doing all the parts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:16 AM


Democrats Not Eager to Emulate Texas's Redistricting (Charles Babington, 7/05/06, Washington Post)

A state-by-state analysis...finds that Democrats' ability and apparent willingness to seize the opportunity left by the high court ruling in favor of the Texas plan are slim.

"I don't see much evidence that Democratic partisans around the country are salivating to do this," said Rep. David E. Price (D-N.C.), a former professor who has written several books about Congress.

The Supreme Court's June 28 ruling let stand the main elements of DeLay's audacious plan. It began in 2002 with adding Republican control of the Texas legislature to the governorship, which gave the party full rein over the redistricting process. Then, over Democrats' objections, Texas Republicans immediately redrew the U.S. congressional district boundaries in ways designed to maximize their gains, only two years after the traditional once-a-decade redistricting had taken place.

Left unsaid is that the initial Texas redistricting was distinctly awful and left the House delegation not the least bit representative of the overwhelming majority that the GOP has in Texas, a majority that gave them the power to redraw the districts.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:13 AM


Sen. Clinton: Lieberman on own if he loses Dem primary (MARC HUMBERT, July 4, 2006, AP)

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a longtime supporter of Sen. Joseph Lieberman, said Tuesday she will not back the Connecticut Democrat's bid for re-election if he loses their party's primary.

Backing Mr. Lieberman would give Ms Clinton some moderate credibility nationally and given that he's going to win the general would potentially make her a key figure in keeping him in the caucus if other Democrats turn on him. Ditching him associates her with the far Left and fuels the possibility of a future party switch by the Senator.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:10 AM


Former regime said at core of insurgency (BASSEM MROUE, 7/05/06, Associated Press)

The Iraqi government's list of the 41 most wanted fugitives suggests that former members of Saddam Hussein's regime form the backbone of the insurgency despite attention paid to the role of religious extremists such as al-Qaida in Iraq.

The list, released last weekend, includes at least 21 former regime figures, among them Saddam's chief lieutenant, his wife, eldest daughter, two nephews and a cousin — allegedly financiers of the insurgency.

Only five of the 41 names are clearly identified as members of al-Qaida's local branch.

It can hardly be surprising that the bone of contention is whether the majority Shi'ites will finally get to govern Iraq or whether a Sunni elite will continue to.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:02 AM


Will George be slayed as England's patron saint? (STEVE DOUGHTY, 7/02/06, Daily Mail)

His dragon-slaying heroics have kept his legend alive through the centuries.

But the Church of England is considering rejecting England's patron saint St George on the grounds that his image is too warlike and may offend Muslims.

Clergy have started a campaign to replace George with St Alban, a Christian martyr in Roman Britain.

The scheme, to be considered by the Church's parliament, the General Synod, has met a cautious but sympathetic response from senior bishops.

But it clashes with the increasing popularity of the saint and his flag in England.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Democratic leaders at odds over long-term, midterm strategy (Jeff Zeleny, 7/05/06, Chicago Tribune)

Four months before the midterm congressional elections, Democrats are mired in a ferocious battle for control of the House and Senate.

Among themselves.

A feud within the ranks of party leaders is creating concern and consternation about Democrats' ability to capitalize on the bountiful political advantages the GOP has dealt them. Democrats are beset by competing messages, quarrelling messengers and conflicting visions for the future of the party, all of which could complicate and impede their fall election strategy.

In Washington, the fingers of blame are wagging largely at Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who has pledged to rebuild the party in all 50 states and U.S. territories rather than solely concentrate on the next election. But outside of the capital, party officials praise Dean for taking a longer view and devoting attention to Democrats everywhere, from Alaska to the Virgin Islands.

"They can say what they want, but we've been doing it the old way for a while and it's time for a change," Dean said in an interview. "To find out if the 50-state strategy is going to be successful, you'll have to wait for a couple of presidential cycles. It won't be deemed a failure, because I'm going to keep doing it."

Yes, when you keep repeating a failed strategy it's called insanity.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:45 AM


'Superman' Soars to $52 Million Opening (DAVID GERMAIN, 7/05/06, AP)

Superman may not be the world's greatest superhero at the box office, but the Man of Steel still flies high. "Superman Returns" took in $52.15 million over opening weekend, lifting its five-day total since its debut Wednesday to $84.2 million, according to studio estimates Sunday.

That puts the Warner Bros. film ahead of the premiere of last year's "Batman Begins," another Warner superhero revival, which took in $48.7 million over its opening weekend and $72.9 million in its first five days. But "Superman Returns" finished far behind Sony's "Spider-Man 2," the record-holder for best five-day openings, with $152.4 million over Fourth of July weekend in 2004.

It's silly to look for a conservative subculture when the American culture is itself so conservative.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:41 AM


North Korea hit by W on missles (RICHARD SISK, 7/05/06, NY DAILY NEWS)

The Bush administration lashed out at North Korea last night after the kooky Communist regime test-fired at least six missiles, including a failed launch of a new rocket that could reach the West Coast. [...]

One missile that definitely got Washington's attention was the new Taepodong-2, which has a potential range of 9,000 miles or better, enough to reach Alaska or California.

The missile blew up about 35 seconds after liftoff, which U.S. officials called a dramatic failure.

Debris fell into the Sea of Japan between the Korean peninsula and Japan, according to military sources who said the launch was monitored by spy satellites.

The other five missiles were believed to be Nodong-B short-range or intermediate-range missiles, similar to the aging Soviet-era Scuds that were part of the arsenal of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

There wasn't much chancethat a missile they tried developing on their own would work, but that's no reason not to take out the entire program.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:32 AM


Bush urged to intervene after Castro's death (David Usborne, The Independent)

A new high-level report due for publication later this week urges the United States government to begin preparations to intervene in Cuba in the event President Fidel Castro's death. The goal is to help spawn a speedy transition on the island towards "democracy and political freedom".

The recommendations, which include the creation of an $80m (£43m) fund to promote democracy in Cuba, are contained in the latest report compiled by the Commission for Assi-tance to a Free Cuba, created by President George Bush three years ago. The group is co-chaired by the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and by the US Commerce Secretary, Carlos Gutierrez, a Cuban-American.

A classified annexe to the document lists future measures the US should consider further to undermine the regime of Mr Castro, who has led the island since 1959. The report's release, probably this Wednesday, is certain further to aggravate already tense relations between the two governments.

The president of the Cuban parliament, Ricardo Alarcon, condemned the report over the weekend, describing its publication as an act of war. "What's most important is that they admit to a secret plan to overthrow another government," Mr Alarcon told reporters. "What on earth could the secret part say when the public part violates all kinds of international law?"

That we should cause his death?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:00 AM


A friend wanted to die, so I helped him do it his way: Once full of life, Mel sought to escape being diminished by the cancer that was killing him (ANNE LAMOTT, 6/30/06, Houston Chronicle)

THE man I killed did not want to die, but he no longer felt he had a choice. [...]

Mel and Joanne (that's what I'm going to call them) told me about it one night over dinner.

Their grown kids wanted him to do chemo, but aggressive treatment might buy him six months, or maybe not, and he had decided against it. He wanted to feel as well as he could for as long as he could, savor family and friends and the beauty of life, on his own terms, in the strange basket of sickness. And if the fear and suffering got too great? Well, they'd deal with that then.

That night was the closest I came to drinking in all the years I'd been sober, but somehow I didn't. I believed that God would be close to us all no matter how things shook down, even though Mel was not a believer. The next three months were a mosaic of beauty, love and his body breaking down. He could no longer hike, and he wasn't hungry. He was depressed...

It's an odd sort of god who's closest when you prey on the weak.

July 4, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 8:25 PM


Swing Ideas, not Swing Voters (Kenneth S. Baer and Andrei Cherny, June-July 2006, The Democratic Strategist)

At this spring's exclusive Gridiron Dinner, Senator Barack Obama - according to reports, as the dinner is closed press - offered up a complaint common in Democratic circles. "You hear this constant refrain from our critics that Democrats don't stand for anything. That's really unfair," he said, "We do stand for anything." As they say in the Catskills, the line killed. But the problem it refers to has been killing Democrats for years...
Tactics and targeting, media and messaging - these are the ways we try to put lipstick on a party that does not know what it stands for. Democrats today are rich in strategies and poor in beliefs. Ask most Democrats what they believe in, and they will respond with a list of policies and programs, criticisms of Republican wrongs, or a series of painful stammers...
Understanding what you believe and developing a view on how the world works and how it should are critical to the nuts-and-bolts of politics. That is to say that you cannot work on the bumper stickers or on talking to swing voters if you do not know what it is exactly you believe. Think of policy platforms, political slogans, and bumper stickers as the tips of icebergs. The ones that work are deceivingly simple but strong because underneath the surface is all the substance and weight that holds them up and that most people never see....

Happy 4th of July!! The Left is dead in America!! Now, what's going to rush into the vacuum?

Posted by Pepys at 2:40 PM


Squigglevisionary: The return of Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (Sam Anderson, 4 July 2006, Slate)

When the animated series Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist was canceled in 1999, its fans reacted with a natural hoarding instinct: They recorded the final marathons and braced themselves for a couple of Katz-less years. But scarcity soon turned to famine. While every other cartoon in the history of the world came out on DVD, Dr. Katz remained inexplicably locked in the Comedy Central vault...
...Even after all this time, Dr. Katz continues to fill an important comic niche. Compared to Comedy Central's current flagship shows—the fake-news hour, South ParkKatz is an oasis of good old-fashioned, apolitical, pre-9/11 detachment. It's quiet, slow, and about as edgy as a pebble of sea glass. Its humor is relentlessly wry, droll, and self-conscious, and it grows out of mild domestic drama: playful living-room banter between a psychologist and his unemployed son, the son's inept flirting with his father's crabby secretary.

This was just a great cartoon: good natured and clever, but not too clever. It's also worth checking out Home Movies, the next series the creators made.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 1:02 PM


A new team in Vietnam (Japan Times, 7/04/06)

As expected, the National Assembly approved the changes plus the appointments of nine new Cabinet members, who also represent a generational change in Vietnam's leadership.

At 56, Mr. Dung is 16 years younger than his predecessor and the youngest prime minister since Vietnam was reunified in 1975. He has a background in the security service and served as deputy prime minister for eight years while being groomed for the top slot. He was also governor of Vietnam's Central Bank.

Like Mr. Triet, the Communist Party chief for Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Mr. Dung is from the south. This marks the first time that the government has been headed by two southerners. Traditionally the top posts have been balanced among officials from the country's north, center and south.

A Politburo member since 1997, Mr. Triet has led the Communist Party in Ho Chi Minh City since 2000. As party head in Song Be province, he oversaw infrastructure development that turned his largely agricultural province into a favorite for business and second only to Ho Chi Minh City for foreign investment.

Mr. Triet is considered one of the more innovative economic thinkers in the country and has long favored a culture of accountability. He has pledged to use the presidency, usually a ceremonial post, to push the reform agenda.

Following through on reform tops the list of priorities of the new government. Two decades ago, Vietnam embraced "doi moi," or renovation, to push economic growth. Doi Moi has made Vietnam one of the fastest growing countries in Southeast Asia. Growth reached 8.4 percent in 2005 and is projected to hit 8 percent again this year. But the process has been inconsistent as the impact of reform has been dulled by regular retrenchment. The biggest concern is the corruption that dogs the country.

In his inaugural speech to the National Assembly, Mr. Dung pledged to "push up economic reforms, build a law-based society and an administration that's clean and close to the people." Here, Mr. Triet's experience should come in handy. While serving as head of the party in Ho Chi Minh City, he led the campaign to arrest Truong Van Cam, known as Nam Cam, the acknowledged leader of the underworld until he went on trial in 2003. That effort also ensnared several party officials.

While the new leadership understands its task, follow-through will be tough.

It only took twenty years for the South to defeat the North after we cut and ran.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:57 PM


Trade plan would allow nuclear sales to India (Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | July 3, 2006, Boston Globe)

Over the past six years, the largest consortium of businesses in India spent more than $1 million on fact-finding trips to India for US members of Congress, their staff, and spouses, and on lobbying Congress to pass a law that would fundamentally change India's relationship with the United States.

Last week, the efforts of the New Delhi-based Confederation of Indian Industry and a simultaneous lobbying campaign by American industrial companies paid off: Two key congressional committees approved a controversial plan to allow trade with India involving nuclear technology and other sensitive areas.

If the full Congress approves the plan, the deal would cement a historic new US-India alliance and open the doors to billions of dollars worth of high-tech and military sales to the South Asian nation. India will become the only country in the world to gain access to sensitive US nuclear technology without signing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and agreeing to give up its nuclear arsenal. In return, India would tighten its export controls and place some of its nuclear reactors under international inspections.

Supporters of the plan say it is a ``win-win" proposal, increasing business ties with one of the world's fastest-growing economies and strengthening nuclear safeguards in India at the same time.

Cement India into the Axis of Good and get them to reform their economy some more and there's no reason the Alliance shouldn't generate trillions in trade in a fairly short time.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:52 PM


Twitchy Labour MPs look to ditch Brown along with Blair (Rachel Sylvester, 04/07/2006, Daily Telegraph)

It is perhaps inevitable that ambitious politicians will detach themselves from a leader who has announced he is going to stand down. What is more surprising, however, is that there is a parallel process of disengagement going on in the Brown camp.

Left-wingers who had been courted so assiduously by the Chancellor in the past were horrified by his call (made in characteristically cautious code) for Britain's nuclear deterrent to be replaced.

Clare Short, long one of Mr Brown's loudest cheerleaders, spoke for several MPs when she said that, after his pronouncement on Trident, Gordon could no longer be her man. Meanwhile, Labour's many civil libertarians will be dismayed by the Chancellor's support this week for proposals to increase the amount of time terrorism suspects can be held without trial from 28 to 90 days.

Those ministers who have swung both ways between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor look forward to a Brown premiership with little enthusiasm. "We'll all support Gordon in public, of course, but behind the scenes there'll be quite a lot of flirting with Alan Johnson if he stands," one said. Even Mr Brown's closest allies in the Commons are becoming frustrated with their preferred leader.

"Changing people who are set in their ways is very difficult," according to one weary MP.

An editorial by Neal Lawson, head of the Left-wing pressure group Compass, in this month's issue of the journal Renewal reveals a growing irritation with the Chancellor among those who have always championed his cause. "Brown is saying less and less about anything that really matters," it says. "We have every sympathy with the delicate position [he] is in, but eventually all prospective leaders have to do just that - lead."

No doubt the Chancellor will be delighted to be alienating the Left-wingers who have plotted for so long on his behalf. His over-riding concern now is to court Middle England - with whom, as he told the Mail on Sunday over beer and football, he goes to bed every night in the form of his Home Counties-born wife Sarah. But Middle England, and its paymasters in the City, remain suspicious of Mr Brown.

This is not just because of his father-on-the-dancefloor attempt to look cool by discussing his choice of underwear and iPod collection. The Chancellor has, throughout the Blair years, deliberately wooed the Left by setting himself up as the "true Labour" opponent to the "new Labour" Prime Minister. He spoke of the "limits to the market" in the public services.

He let it be known that he opposed university top-up fees and foundation hospitals, raising the rhetoric as his anger with Mr Blair increased. Although he supported the war in Iraq, he came as close as he could to questioning the way in which it was being handled by calling for MPs to have a vote over all future conflicts.

In fact, Mr Brown is almost certainly not dramatically to the Left of Mr Blair, but he is paying the price of positioning himself on that wing. The danger for the Chancellor now is that he will alienate his power base without persuading Middle England that he is one of them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:46 PM


The Atlantic is widening by the day (Ben Fenton, 7/04/06, Daily Telegraph)

We don't like the Americans, YouGov discovered, finding them vulgar, racist, greedy and yobbish ("Physician, heal thyself" is a phrase that springs to mind).

We don't trust their government to act wisely on the world stage. We think George W. Bush is a fool. And a hypocrite to boot.

What this tells me is that we are not happy with our gang membership. We signed up with this bully after our own lordship of the playground crumbled. The American bully served our interests and the world's, standing up to the only other really big lad around and forcing him into irrelevance. His gang skulks around in the far distance, much diminished.

But the poll shows that either we are tired of our bully because we don't feel threatened any more, or we think he's the wrong sort of mate to have in the current scrap, where you aren't facing up to a rival gang, but taking cheap shots from the other side of the railings from someone you can't see.

Perhaps we are just scared that our bully doesn't seem to understand that the rules of play have changed.

I have already stretched this schoolyard analogy well beyond its tolerance limits, but there is one further point to it: where is the teacher?

Another strain on relations between America and Britain, even more manifest in relations between Washington and the big bucks of the European Union, is that we are increasingly disinclined to believe in the existence of a higher authority.

At the same time, a very significant section of Americans is heading in the opposite direction.

There's nothing more frightening to someone who wishes only peace than a partner who actually believes in ideals.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:42 PM


It's Miller time in race for state Senate seat (Jon Ward, July 4, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

A black Maryland Republican has ended his run for Congress and will try to unseat Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s nemesis in the Democrat-controlled General Assembly -- state Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr.

"I do believe I can make a bigger difference here," Ron Miller, a former U.S. Homeland Security official who now works at a tech consulting company in Fairfax, said yesterday. [...]

Mike Miller has wielded the Senate gavel for 19 years and is the longest-serving state Senate president in the country.

He and Mr. Ehrlich, a Republican seeking re-election, worked together during the governor's first three years on an unsuccessful bid to bring slot machines to horse-racing tracks in the state. However, the Senate president also killed Mr. Ehrlich's plan to reform the state's medical-malpractice insurance system.

This year their relationship soured, as the legislature overrode 17 of Mr. Ehrlich's vetoes during the regular session and three more in the special session.

What's more, Democratic lawmakers have stripped the governor of many long-held powers and privileges, including free rein to select the members of the utility-regulating Public Service Commission.

"When the governor was first elected, the Senate president told him he would work with him for the first three years and in the fourth year, all bets were off. This is one promise the Senate president was able to keep," Ehrlich spokesman Henry Fawell said.

Mike Miller said Mr. Ehrlich's push for Ron Miller to run was part of the governor's re-election effort.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:35 PM


Calderon set for Mexico victory (BBC, 7/04/06)

Conservative candidate Felipe Calderon has won Mexico's presidential election, according to preliminary results.

Electoral authorities give Mr Calderon the narrowest of margins of just over 1% ahead of his leftist rival, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. [...]

If Mr Calderon's win is confirmed, the victory will halt the rise of the so-called left in Latin America, and the US will continue to have a like-minded administration on its southern border, the BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Mexico City says.

Why didn't the Leftist losses in Costa Rica, Colombia and Peru halt it?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:28 PM

Word of the Day (Wordsmith, 7/04/06)

vetitive (VET-i-tiv) adjective

1. Relating to a veto.

2. Having the power to forbid.

[From Latin vetare (to forbid).]

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:12 PM


Senator's Plan B Creates Quandary for Democrats (PATRICK HEALY and JENNIFER MEDINA, 7/04/06, NY Times)

Once more the problem is Iraq. But this time it is not only Mr. Lieberman who is being challenged; it is the national party leadership, as it faces a grassroots push to toughen its stand against the Iraq war and distance itself from a senator who supports the war.

Leaders of the national Democratic Party, like Mr. Dean, the chairman, and Charles S. Schumer, who is leading the effort to regain control of the Senate, may have to choose between Mr. Lieberman and an antiwar Democrat in the fall, when they had hoped to make Iraq squarely the president's problem.

Mr. Lieberman is making contingency plans to run as an independent in November if he loses the Aug. 8 Democratic primary to the antiwar candidate, Ned Lamont. A Lieberman loss in the Democratic primary would put national Democrats in a bind. Many of them are longtime colleagues and friends of Mr. Lieberman's, and he has said he will vote with the Democrats if he is re-elected as an independent. Democrats are trying to hold onto all of their seats and pick up six Republican seats to regain control of the Senate.

Senator Schumer, a strong supporter of Mr. Lieberman's, has been careful in recent days to limit his endorsement of his colleague to the primary race. "We are supporting Joe Lieberman in the primary, and we're not going to speculate about things afterwards because that undermines your candidate," Mr. Schumer said on Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We're supporting Joe. He's going to win."

Karen Finney, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, said the party would support its nominee this fall, whether it is Mr. Lieberman or Mr. Lamont.

They either end up rejecting just about the only nationally known and respected Democrat because he's too moderate for the Party, or backing a guy who's more hawkish on the WoT than the President.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:05 PM


From the present to the past: Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking and his CERN colleague Thomas Hertog have proposed a radical new approach to understanding the universe that studies it from the "top down" rather than the "bottom up" as in traditional models. The approach acknowledges that the universe did not have just one unique beginning and history but a multitude of different beginnings and histories, and that it has experienced them all. But because most of these other alternative histories disappeared very early after the Big Bang to leave behind the universe we observe today, the best way to understand the past, they say, is to trace our knowledge back from the present (Phys. Rev. D 73 123527). (Physics Web, 30 June 2006)

Most models of the universe are bottom-up, that is, you start from the well-defined initial conditions of the Big Bang and work forward. However, Hawking and Hertog say that this method is flawed because we do not and cannot know the initial conditions present at the beginning of the universe and that we only know the final state -- the one we are in now. Their idea is therefore to start with the conditions we observe today -- like the universe is 3D, nearly flat and expanding at an accelerating rate -- and work backwards in time to determine what the initial conditions might have looked like.

The new theory aims to get round a fundamental problem of string theory -- the most popular candidate for a "theory of everything" -- which is that it allows the existence of a multitude of different types of universes as well as our own. [...]

[H]awking and Hertog say that the universe did not take just one path through time to arrive in its present state, but took a multitude of paths, or histories. The "sum over all histories" is therefore the universe we observe today.

The new top-down theory could also explain why some constants of nature seem to have finely tuned values that have allowed life to evolve in our universe.

Some folks objected the other day to the description of physics as an ideology, but note that these contortions are just an attempt to explain away the obvious scientific fact of the Observer.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


President Bush Thanks Military on Independence Day at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (George W. Bush, Iron Mike Plaza, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 7/04/06)


Two-hundred-and-thirty years ago, 56 brave men signed their names to a document that set the course of our nation. It changed the history of the world. Our Declaration of Independence was a bold statement of revolutionary principles. It laid down a creed of freedom and a quality that has lifted the lives of hundreds of millions here in America and around the world. Yet, without the courage of the soldiers of our Continental Army, the words of the Declaration would have been forgotten by history, dismissed as the radical musings of a failed revolution.

We celebrate Independence Day each year because that ragtag group of citizen soldiers challenged the world's most powerful military, secured our liberty and planted a standard of freedom to which the entire world has aspired.

Since that first 4th of July, some 43 million Americans have defended our freedom in times of war. These brave men and women crossed oceans and continents to defeat murderous ideologies and to secure the peace for generations that followed. We live in liberty because of the courage they displayed -- from Bunker Hill to Baghdad, from Concord to Kabul -- on this Independence Day we honor their achievements and we thank them for their service in freedom's cause. (Applause.)

At this hour the men and women of Fort Bragg are carrying on this great legacy, facing danger in distant lands and carrying out their missions with all the skill and honor we expect of them. In a time when the terrorists have attacked our homeland and hope to strike again, Americans take comfort in knowing that the soldiers of Fort Bragg are on duty and standing watch for our freedom. (Applause.)

Fort Bragg is the home to some of our country's best and bravest: the men and women of the United States Army Special Operations Command. (Applause.) Army Special Forces define their mission in a motto: "To Liberate the Oppressed." And in the war on terror you've done just that, overthrowing cruel regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and bringing freedom to more than 50 million people. (Applause.)

Green Berets were the first U.S. forces on the ground in both Operation Enduring Freedom and our Operation Iraqi Freedom. And along with others, you remain on the offense against the terrorists today. A few weeks ago, I had a chance to visit Baghdad and visit with some of Fort Bragg's finest soldiers, the special operation forces who helped bring justice to the terrorist Zarqawi. (Applause.)

They were the first coalition forces to arrive on the scene after the bombing of Zarqawi's safe house. They administered compassionate medical care to a man who showed no compassion to his victims. And when this brutal terrorist took his final breath, one of the last things he saw was the face of an American soldier from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. (Applause.)

We're on the offense. In the weeks since Zarqawi's death, coalition and Iraqi forces have launched more than 190 raids on targets across the country. We've captured more than 700 enemy operatives and killed some 60 more. In these raids, we've uncovered caches of weapons and suicide vests and Iraqi army uniforms to be used as disguises in brutal terrorist attacks. We've seized new intelligence information that is helping us keep the pressure on the terrorists and the insurgents. And at this moment of vulnerability for the enemy, we will continue to strike their network, we will disrupt their operations, and we will bring their leaders to justice. (Applause.)

Last week, Iraqi security forces announced the capture of an al Qaeda terrorist from Tunisia named Abu Qadama. He's one of the men responsible for the bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samara. The Golden Mosque is one of Shia Islam's holiest sites, and the terrorists blew it up in the hope that this vicious act would provoke sectarian reprisals and drag the nation into civil war, and derail the formation of the unity government. Hundreds of Iraqis were killed in the violence that ensued.

But in the end, Iraqis stepped back from the abyss. They want to live in a free and peaceful society. Their mothers are no different from the mothers here in America who want their children to grow up and be able to realize dreams. They came together to form a new government. Iraqi and coalition forces working together have brought justice to a key player in the Samara attack. We're going to continue to strike blows against the terrorists. We'll continue working to support Iraq's new government.

When I spoke here a year ago, Iraqis still had a transitional government that was operating under administrative law issued before the restoration of sovereignty. Today, Iraqis have a permanent government chosen in free elections under a democratic constitution that they wrote and they approved. And the Iraqi people have a courageous leader in Prime Minister Maliki, who has formed the cabinet and laid out a clear agenda for the people of Iraq.

I met the Prime Minister. I met with his team. I was impressed by them. I was impressed by his strength. I was impressed by his character. I was impressed by his determination to succeed. He's laid out an ambitious plan to improve its economy and deliver essential services and to defeat the enemies of a free Iraq. And I told him this, that as he stands up for freedom, the United States of America will stand with him. (Applause.)

There's more work to be done in Iraq. The Iraqi people face deadly enemies who are determined to stop Iraq's new unity government from succeeding. They can't stand the thought of liberty. Our strategy is clear, our goals are easy to understand: We will help Iraq's new leaders, we will help the people of Iraq build a country that can govern itself and sustain itself and defend itself as a free nation. Our troops will help the Iraqi people succeed because it's in our national interests. A free Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will make America and the world more secure. (Applause.)

I'm going to make you this promise: I'm not going to allow the sacrifice of 2,527 troops who have died in Iraq to be in vain by pulling out before the job is done. (Applause.)

General Casey is working with the Iraqi government on a path forward. But we're not going to set an artificial timetable for withdrawal. Setting an artificial timetable would be a terrible mistake. At a moment when the terrorists have suffered a series of significant blows, setting an artificial timetable would breathe new life into their cause. Setting an artificial timetable would undermine the new Iraqi government and send a signal to Iraq's enemies that if they wait just a little bit longer, America will just give up. Setting an artificial timetable would undermine the morale of our troops by sending the message that the mission for which you've risked your lives is not worth completing. We're not going to set an artificial timetable to withdraw from Iraq. I will make decisions about troop levels in Iraq based on the advice that matters most -- the measured judgment of our military commanders. (Applause.)

I'll make you another pledge: We're going to make sure you have the resources you need to defeat our enemies in Iraq and secure the peace for generations to come. I believe in you, and I believe in all the men and women who are serving in the cause of freedom with such courage and such determination. You're winning this war -- and enemies understand that, too.

We get all kinds of evidence when we raid these safe houses, about their concerns. They bemoan the fact that we're keeping the pressure on them. They see the successes we're having in training. They know we're damaging their cause. This moment when the terrorists are suffering from the weight of successive blows is not the time to call retreat. We will stay, we will fight, and we will prevail. (Applause.)

Prevailing in Iraq is going to require more tough fighting; it's going to require more sacrifice. And when the job in Iraq is done, it will be a major victory in the battle against the terrorists. By achieving victory in Iraq, we will deny the terrorists a safe haven from which to plot and plan new attacks on America and other free nations. By achieving victory in Iraq, we will send a signal to our enemies that America's resolve is firm and that our country will not run in the face of thugs and assassins. (Applause.)

By achieving victory in Iraq, we will help Iraqis build a free nation in the heart of a troubled region, and inspire those who desire liberty -- those democratic reformers from Damascus to Tehran. By achieving victory in Iraq, we will honor the sacrifice of the brave men and women who have risked their lives and given their lives for a just and noble cause.

Victory in Iraq will not, in itself, end the war on terror. We're engaged in a global struggle against the followers of a murderous ideology that despises freedom and crushes all dissent, and has territorial ambitions and pursues totalitarian aims. This enemy attacked us in our homeland on September the 11th, 2001. They're pursuing weapons of mass destruction that would allow them to deliver even more catastrophic destruction to our country and our friends and allies across the world. They're dangerous. And against such enemy there is only one effective response: We will never back down, we will never give in and we will never accept anything less than complete victory. (Applause.)

We will keep the pressure on them. We will stay on the offense. We'll fight the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq and every battlefront in this struggle. Yet, in the long run, we will defeat the terrorists and their hateful ideology by spreading the hope of freedom across the world. Our strategy to protect America is based on a clear premise: The security of our nation depends on the advance of liberty in other nations.

On September the 11th, 2001, we saw that problems originating in a failed and oppressive state 7,000 miles away could bring murder and destruction to our country. And we learned an important lesson: Decades of excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make it safe. So long as the Middle East remains a place where freedom does not flourish, it will remain a place where terrorists foment resentment and threaten American security.

And so we pursue a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East. We ought to be confident in the pursuit of that strategy, because liberty is universal. And by standing with those who desire liberty, we will help extend freedom to millions who have not known it, and lay the foundations of peace for generations to come. (Applause.)

These are historic times, and I thank you for putting on the uniform, and for volunteering to serve this country during these important times. I have confidence in our country and I have faith in our cause. Because I see -- I know the character of the men and women who wear our nation's uniform. And I know the character of the men and women here at Fort Bragg. We see that character in 24 service members from Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base who have received the Silver Start for gallantry in combat. We see that character in men and women who have received serious wounds in battle, but fought on -- exposing themselves to enemy fire to save their comrades and complete their missions.

We see that character in special operations soldiers, like Captain Chip Eldridge. In December 2004, Captain Eldridge was deployed at a coalition base near Shkin, Afghanistan, where he got a report that the terrorists were preparing to attack the base with a rocket. When his unit went out to look for him, his Humvee was hit by an anti-tank mine and his unit came under a barrage of gunfire. He pulled out of his vehicle and he looked down and he saw that part of his left leg had been blown off. Despite the intense pain, he refused pain killers offered by a field medic so he could stay alert to deal with the enemy. Soon, a team of A-10 Warthogs arrived and took care of the terrorists, and Chip and his men were evacuated.

Eventually, Chip was transported to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where doctors told him that he would be in recovery for at least a year. He told his doctors he had a change of command in six months and that he'd be out of recovery by then. To speed his recovery, he tripled his daily physical therapy regime. He told his physical therapists, "I'm going to need to run, swim, jump out of planes, possibly ride horses; I'm not going to accept anything different." His therapist recalls how angry he was when someone told him he'd never run a sub-7 minute mile again. Chip proved him wrong.

Today, his commanding officer says, "I'd say he's fitter than 90 percent of the people in the unit he commands. In a room with four people, I bet he could beat three of us in a mile run." Chip is here at Fort Bragg, he's jumping out of planes, he's training with his men, and next April, he's heading back to Afghanistan, where he'll once again command a unit in the zone of combat. America is blessed to have brave soldiers like Chip Eldridge. With men like this leading our forces in the battle, the enemy doesn't have a chance. (Applause.)

Like Chip, some of our servicemen and women have returned from war with terrible injuries, wounds they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Others left our shores to defend freedom and did not live to make the journey home. They left loved ones behind who mourn a loss that time can never fully heal. We hold the families of the fallen in our hearts, and we lift them up in our prayers, and America will always honor their sacrifice. (Applause.)

In the past five years, the men and women of Fort Bragg have met hardships together, and you have looked out for each other. Last year, more than 6,400 members of the Fort Bragg community served as volunteers, put in more than 725,000 hours of service to your friends and neighbors at this base. You've coached little league teams, you've comforted children who miss moms and dads deployed on missions far from home, and you helped returning soldiers make the adjustments from life in a combat zone to life at home.

As you stand with one another here at Fort Bragg, you need to know, America stands with you. We support you. Last week, at the White House, I met with leaders of military service organizations from across this country. These groups are sending letters to our troops and offering scholarships for the children of our fallen and severely wounded soldiers. And they're providing millions of dollars in assistance to families of servicemen and women in need.

I met some remarkable people at that meeting. I met a lady named Emily Dieruf -- Dieruf -- who lost her husband, Nich, in Iraq. Emily Dieruf has dedicated her life to helping our servicemen and women and their families in difficult times. She travels the country raising funds for a group called USA Cares. And together, they provided more than $1.4 million in assistance to our military families.

I met a wonderful lady named Mary Harper. Mary has got five children and a son-in-law in the United States Army, all of them in the Army, and all of them have served in Iraq. Mary was concerned about our troops not receiving mail from home, and so she started something called Operation Shoe Box. Today, she has 500 volunteers working with her, shipping between 500 and 700 care packages a week to our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and other fronts in the war on terror. People like Mary and Emily represent the heart and soul of our nation, and they make this country proud.

Across our country, Americans are coming together to help our deployed forces and their families. And we can do more. So on this 4th of July, I ask all Americans to take a moment and consider what you might do to support the men and women who wear our nation's uniform. If you're interested in helping, go to a Department of Defense website called AmericaSupportsYou.mil. That's where you can find a place to volunteer, an opportunity to help. I ask every citizen to consider making a contribution to the men and women who defend us, because every one of us owes our freedom to these courageous Americans. (Applause.)

The men and women who serve here at Fort Bragg are making a difference for America, and you're a part of great history. From the Battle of Trenton to the Battle of Tall Afar, brave soldiers have stepped forward to risk their lives for liberty. Two-hundred-and-thirty years after America declared her independence, the Spirit of '76 lives on in the courage that you show each day.

You've given our citizens a priceless gift, the opportunity to live in freedom and to pursue their dreams, and enjoy lives of purpose and dignity. You've kept America what our founders meant her to be: a light to the nations, spreading the good news of human freedom to the darkest corners of earth.

I want to thank you for all you do for our country and for the world. May God bless you all, and may God continue to bless the United States of America. (Applause.)

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:04 AM


Bolivia's Morales fails to win assembly majority (Dorothy Kosich, 03-JUL-06, Mineweb.com)

Despite claims of a growing spread of an anti-neoliberal movement in Latin America, both Bolivian President Evo Morales and Mexican presidential candidate Manuel Lopez Obrador failed to score resounding victories Sunday in their respective national elections.

Mexico's presidential election was considered too close to call late Sunday night. Meanwhile Morales' plans to exert more state control over the nation's economy sustained a setback Sunday when his party failed to win control of the constituent assembly, slated to redraft Bolivia's constitution.

In fact, the spectre of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez was used both in Mexican and Bolivian campaigns to dissuade voters from supporting leftist candidates. Mexican business leaders ran a series of television ads featuring Chavez, comparing him to leftist candidate Lopez Obrador, a former mayor of Mexico City. [...]

Meanwhile, voters in four of Bolivia's nine states chose greater political and economic autonomy for their states.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:56 AM


C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden (MARK MAZZETTI, 7/04/06, NY Times)

The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.

The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:37 AM


Anti-English feeling 'at its strongest in nationalists' (HAMISH MACDONELL, 7/04/06, The Scotsman)

SCOTTISH nationalism is fuelling anti-English feeling in Scotland, according to major research published today.

The first detailed analysis of Scottish attitudes, both to the English and to Muslims, found that people with a strong sense of Scottish identity are more likely to be anti-English.

Researchers found that while Islamophobia in Scotland remained at roughly the same level regardless of whether people were nationalist Scots or not, Anglophobia was higher among Scottish nationalists.

The SNP leadership has insisted for years that it represents an inclusive and positive civic nationalism, not negative ethnic nationalism.

It's the perfect day to celebrate the blessing that America is nearly devoid of nationalism.

July 3, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 PM


The Faith-Based Attack on Rational Government: As "people of faith" step up their crusade to inject religion into judicial decision-making, people of reason must understand why America should be a wholly secular state (Thomas A. Bowden, AynRand.org)

They call themselves "people of faith," and they are waging war
against a basic principle of American government: the separation of church and state. Complaining that our secular culture has improperly banished God from government, religious conservatives are working tirelessly to inject faith-based decision-making into America's legal system.

This conservative onslaught requires a bold defense of the secular state--by people of reason. [...]

A proper defense of the secular state must penetrate to fundamentals. It is insufficient, for example, to criticize Christian evangelicals for imposing their own narrow creed on a diversely religious citizenry. Such superficial criticism implies
that faith-based governmental action is permissible if representative of all beliefs, when in fact our Constitution forbids it.

America was established for a secular purpose: the protection of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution neither mentions God (except to forbid religious tests for public office) nor imbues government with any religious purposes.

Individual rights can be protected only by a secular state whose every action is grounded in objective fact and guided by reason, not blind faith.

It's always an insipid argument--particularly since you can't derive rights rationally--but it's especially so on the 4th of July Weekend:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The Republic is explicitly faith-based.

MORE (via Matt Murphy):
-The Mark of Zorach: REHNQUIST'S AND SCALIA'S COMMANDMENTS (Leon Wieseltier, 06.29.05, New Republic)

Here is Rehnquist. He begins by remarking upon the somewhat paradoxical instructions of American law on the question of religion and government. "Our cases, Januslike, point in two directions in applying the Establishment Clause. One face looks toward the strong role played by religion and religious traditions throughout our Nation's history. ... The other face looks toward the principle that governmental intervention in religious matters can itself endanger religious freedom." Or non-religious freedom: Freedom for conscience is not always the same thing as freedom for faith. But otherwise Rehnquist's account of the tension in our tradition seems unremarkable. And by way of annotating the more pious face of Janus, he cites Douglas in Zorach: "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being." This citation here looks only like an exercise in precedent, which is the food of law. By quoting Douglas and two other judicial observations about the central place of religion in the history of American self-understanding, Rehnquist appears to be making a comment about jurisprudence, not a comment about metaphysics. He is describing the law, not the universe; history, not philosophy; what is legal, not what is true.

Then comes the trick. He continues: "This case, like all Establishment Clause challenges, presents us with the difficulty of respecting both faces." So it does. But this immediately follows: "Our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being, yet these institutions must not press religious observances upon their citizens." Hold on. What sort of proposition is this restatement of Douglas? "Our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being": When Rehnquist smoothly incorporates Douglas's theistic language into this supremely reasonable sentence, he alters its tone. It is no longer a statement about what is, and has been, believed. It is now a statement of belief. It is an ideological statement disguised as an empirical statement. Rehnquist is saying not that this is said to be so, but that this is so. When he writes plainly, nakedly, innocently, sincerely, that "[o]ur institutions presuppose a Supreme Being," he has left the realm of legal hermeneutics for the realm of political theology. He has used history to smuggle philosophy.

Perhaps history is a better guide to what our institutions presuppose:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Ah, yes, the institutions of the Republic are established to secure the Blessings from our Creator.

[originally posted: 2005-07-01]

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 PM


Two chip scandals set back China's IT industry (Wu Zhong, 7/04/06, Asia Times)

China's efforts to design its own computer microprocessors suffered another major setback when the state-supported research and development (R&D) project for the Arca-3 embedded CPU (central processing unit) chip was interrupted because of suspected embezzlement of research funds.

The crisis in the Arca-3 project was exposed just weeks after the "Hanxin chip" scandal erupted, leading to the disgrace of a star chip designer, Chen Ji of Jiaotong University in Shanghai. Chen's Hanxin chip, a digital signal processing chip hailed as a "breakthrough invention" by the Chinese government, turned out to be simply a copy of a US design.

Patent infringement is their industry.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 PM


Ex-student Hailed as Iran's Hope (Toby Harnden, 7/02/06, Daily Telegraph)

An Iranian student leader who was imprisoned and tortured before fleeing to the United States in May is to meet Vice-President Dick Cheney and deliver his message about the need for "regime change" in Teheran.

Amir Abbas Fakhravar, 30, has become the poster child of some of the leading neo-conservatives in Washington and, less than two months after leaving Iran, the former medical student who spent five years in jail and still bears the scars on his youthful face, is being championed as the person who can unite his country's fractious opposition. [...]

Mr Fakhravar's most prominent sponsor is Richard Perle, a former Reagan administration official who later served as chairman of the Pentagon's defence policy board.

Mr Perle was among figures who once hailed Ahmed Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress, as the natural successor to Saddam Hussein.

The main lesson of Iraq is to stand up a replacement government ahead of time that has the approval of moderate ayatollahs and a plan for transferring powers to a democratically elected successor regime. Until Mr. Perle has all that in place the ball's in his court.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:20 PM


France Approves Sweeping Immigration Law, Protests Escalate (AFP, 6/30/06)

The French parliament on Friday approved a divisive new immigration law which tilts the system in favour of qualified foreign workers and increases the restrictions on others.

The vote coincided with an escalating furore over threats by the government to deporting school-age children whose parents are illegal immigrants, which is expected to cumulate in a mass protest in Paris on Saturday. [...]

As the immigration bill worked its way through parliament, a political row intensified over the fate of thousands of young illegal immigrants, who campaigners fear could be deported with their families once the school term ends in early July.

Politicians from the left-wing opposition, media personalities and sports stars have been among thousands to sign a petition which promises to provide refuge for children threatened with expulsion after June 30, when a government moratorium expires. Former Socialist minister Jacques Lang has described the government’s action as a "manhunt".

The children are from families who entered France illegally and who would normally be expelled along with their parents. But campaigners say that most of them know no other country and that deportation would be inhumane.

It'd be heartening to see them defy their own state, but for every decent Frenchman there'd be three others ready to trade a kid's location for a pair of nylons or a pack of cigarettes.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:14 PM


MPs condemn Blair on terror powers: Government backed police over longer detention of suspects on 'flimsy' evidence (Richard Ford and Greg Hurst, 7/04/06, Times of London)

TONY BLAIR and his ministers will be condemned by leading MPs today for their botched efforts to give police new powers to hold terror suspects for up to 90 days.

Although the influential Home Affairs Select Committee concedes that some suspects will have to be detained without charge for longer than the present 28 days, it rebukes the Government for its failure to properly examine the police case for giving them more time.

Mr. Cameron will be exercisinmg these powers soon enough, so it'd be nice to see him come to the PM's defense.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:38 PM


Grand theft Mexico: The election race south of the US border is officially too close to call. Now, where have we heard that before (Greg Palast, July 3, 2006, The Guardian)

As in Florida in 2000, and as in Ohio in 2004, the exit polls show the voters voted for the progressive candidate. The race is "officially" too close to call. But they will call it - after they steal it.

Reuters reports that, as of 8pm eastern time, as voting concluded in Mexico, exit polls showed Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the "leftwing" party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) leading in exit polls over Felipe Calderón of the ruling conservative National Action party (PAN).

We've said again and again: exit polls tell us how voters say they voted, but the voters can't tell pollsters whether their vote will be counted.

Normally, when you say something again and again and it keeps turning out to be spectacularly wrong you re-examine your assumptions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:11 PM


Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic (Murray Waas, July 3, 2006, National Journal)

President Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq, according to people familiar with the president's statement.

Bush also told federal prosecutors during his June 24, 2004, interview in the Oval Office that he had directed Cheney, as part of that broader effort, to disclose highly classified intelligence information that would not only defend his administration but also discredit Wilson, the sources said.

But Bush told investigators that he was unaware that Cheney had directed I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the vice president's chief of staff, to covertly leak the classified information to the media instead of releasing it to the public after undergoing the formal governmental declassification processes.

Bush also said during his interview with prosecutors that he had never directed anyone to disclose the identity of then-covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife. Bush said he had no information that Cheney had disclosed Plame's identity or directed anyone else to do so.

Libby has said that neither the president nor the vice president directed him or other administration officials to disclose Plame's CIA employment to the press. Cheney has also denied having any role in the disclosure.

Is there a less read paper than the 4th of July's?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:07 PM


Mexico conservative creeps toward slim victory (Frank Jack Daniel, 7/03/06, Reuters)

Mexico's conservative presidential candidate Felipe Calderon declared victory on Monday in a bitterly contested election and official returns appeared to show his leftist rival could no longer catch him.

Calderon had a lead of almost 400,000 votes over Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador with returns in from almost 98 percent of polling stations and a senior election official said it was unlikely to change with a recount ordered for later this week.

A Calderon victory would ensure Mexico sticks to the free-market policies of outgoing President Vicente Fox and hold steady as a U.S. ally, bucking a trend of Latin American nations who have turned to the left and away from Washington in recent years.

.,..or because this is Reuters do you assume that headline isn't accidental.

Posted by Pepys at 6:03 PM


Candidate Giuliani (Fred Siegel, July-August 2006, Commentary)

Will Rudolph Giuliani be a heavyweight presidential contender in 2008? Some of his enemies evidently think so. They have already begun to raise the alarm.
One early entry is Giuliani Time, a newly released documentary film that aims to land a preemptive blow....
...The principal voice is that of Wayne Barrett, a Village Voice reporter and the author of a 1999 book, Rudy! An Investigative Biography, which argued that city hall under Giuliani was “a government of, for, and by white people.” Other witnesses for the prosecution flitting across the screen include some who, in the pre-Giuliani era, helped bring New York to its knees. One of them is the political scientist Frances Fox Piven, whose influence during the mayoralty of John V. Lindsay in the late 1960’s contributed to a doubling of the city’s welfare roles; another is Norman Siegel, who as head of the New York Civil Liberties Union labored tirelessly to thwart the crimefighting efforts of the New York City police department; a third is Ron Kuby, the attorney who played a bit part in lighting the long fuse that went off on 9/11 by helping to win a murder acquittal for Sayed Nosair in the 1990 assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane. (Nosair’s apartment contained plans for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center that were left untranslated and unread by the FBI.)

Seriously, how great is this? It's not often that your opponent trots out a parade of horribles for your benefit. As long as the far Left is attacking him and the Evangelicals in the South keep seeing and hearing him in person, Rudy has a smooth ride to the nomination. Saving NYC from the Left and keeping it together during 9/11 trumps McCains' time in the POW camp and anything he's accomplished in the Senate.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:22 PM


New U.S. citizen, new U.S. champion (Mike McDermott, 7/03/06, Providence Journal)

Annika Sorenstam's championship may be extra special because she just became a United States citizen last month.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 5:02 PM


Hamdan: What the ruling says--and what it doesn't say. (DAVID B. RIVKIN JR. AND LEE A. CASEY, July 3, 2006, Opinion Journal)

The Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, invalidating for now the use of military commissions to try al Qaeda and associated detainees, may be a setback for U.S. policy in the war on terror. But it is a setback with a sterling silver lining. All eight of the justices participating in this case agreed that military commissions are a legitimate part of the American legal tradition that can, in appropriate circumstances, be used to try and punish individuals captured in the war on terror. Moreover, nothing in the decision suggests that the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay must, or should, be closed.

Indeed, none of the justices questioned the government's right to detain Salim Ahmed Hamdan (once Osama bin Laden's driver), or other Guantanamo prisoners, while hostilities continue. Nor did any of them suggest that Mr. Hamdan, or any other Guantanamo detainee, must be treated as civilians and accorded a speedy trial in the civilian courts. Precisely because opponents of the Bush administration's detention policies have advanced these, or substantially similar claims, Hamdan has dealt them a decisive defeat. Together with the Supreme Court's 2004 decision in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld--directly affirming the government's right to capture and detain, without criminal charge or trial, al Qaeda and allied operatives until hostilities are concluded--Hamdan vindicates the basic legal architecture relied upon by the administration in prosecuting this war. [...]

Overall, the administration should immediately respond to Hamdan by revising its military-commission rules, conforming them to courts-martial practice where possible (and properly justifying such departures as may be necessary), or by seeking congressional action to make clear that military-commission rules need not be the same as those applicable in courts-martial. Indeed, as these are not mutually exclusive remedies, the pursuit of both options would make very good sense. More fundamentally, however, the administration should stick to its guns on the fundamental question whether the U.S. is fighting a war with al Qaeda secure in the knowledge that the Supreme Court has, and continues, to validate the legal basis of this conflict.

Isn't the main lesson of all this that it's better to take fewer prisoners?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:56 PM


We Need Fewer Secrets (Jimmy Carter, July 3, 2006, Washington Post)

A poll conducted last year found that 70 percent of Americans are either somewhat or very concerned about government secrecy. This is understandable when the U.S. government uses at least 50 designations to restrict unclassified information and created 81 percent more "secrets" in 2005 than in 2000, according to the watchdog coalition OpenTheGovernment.org.

Moreover, the response to FOIA requests often does not satisfy the transparency objectives or provisions of the law, which, for example, mandates an answer to information requests within 20 working days. According to the National Security Archives 2003 report, median response times may be as long as 905 working days at the Department of Agriculture and 1,113 working days at the Environmental Protection Agency. The only recourse for unsatisfied requesters is to appeal to the U.S. District Court, which is costly, timely and unavailable to most people. Policies that favor secrecy, implementation that does not satisfy the law, lack of a mandated oversight body and inaccessible enforcement mechanisms have put the United States behind much of the world in the right to information.

Increasingly, developed and developing nations are recognizing that a free flow of information is fundamental for democracy. Whether it's government or private companies that provide public services, access to their records increases accountability and allows citizens to participate more fully in public life. It is a critical tool in fighting corruption, and people can use it to improve their own lives in the areas of health care, education, housing and other public services. Perhaps most important, access to information advances citizens' trust in their government, allowing people to understand policy decisions and monitor their implementation.

Nearly 70 countries have passed legislation to ensure the right to request and receive public documents, the vast majority in the past decade and many in middle- and low-income nations. While the United States retreats, the international trend toward transparency grows, with laws often more comprehensive and effective than our own. Unlike FOIA, which covers only the executive branch, modern legislation includes all branches of power and some private companies. Moreover, new access laws establish ways to monitor implementation and enforce the right, holding agencies accountable for providing information quickly and fully.

Bring back Admiral Poindexter and put everything on-line

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:51 PM


Harper hot stuff on Apple's iTunes (JORGE BARRERA, July 3, 2006, SUN MEDIA)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to sit next to Chantal Kreviazuk, Wolfmother and Spearhead - in your iPod.

The prime minister tops the list of most-downloaded podcasts at the online iTunes music store, Apple's massively popular music download site.

Every Harper speech since the April 4 speech from the throne can be downloaded for free. While the speeches are available on the Tory party's website, putting them on iTunes has given them much wider exposure and triggered a slight tremor through cyberspace. [...]

University of Ottawa political historian Michael Behiels said politicians are historically quick to ride new media to get their message out. He said the Conservatives under John Diefenbaker were the first to exploit television in Canadian politics.

"This is part and parcel of having brought in a younger generation of business-orientated Conservatives," said Behiels.

"The Conservatives are leading the way at the moment and the other parties will soon have to catch up."

Diefenbaker even co-starred on that show with the dreamy Mountie.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:47 PM


Poland hopes for Bush visit after NATO summit in Riga (AFP, 7/03/06)

Poland is hoping that US President George W. Bush will visit its staunch ally in the Iraq conflict after attending a NATO summit in nearby Latvia in November, the Polish presidency said.

"We are working on several possible scenarios, including this visit," said Andrzej Krawczyk, head of foreign policy at the office of Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:41 PM


Lieberman Will Petition (MARK PAZNIOKAS, 7/03/06, The Hartford Courant)

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman announced today he will petition for a place on the November ballot as an "independent Democrat," giving him a chance to stay alive politically should he lose an Aug. 8 primary for the Democratic nomination.

Lieberman, 64, a three-term senator whose outspoken support of the war in Iraq has brought months of grief and inspired a strong primary challenge from Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont, announced his decision this afternoon at a brief press conference at the State Capitol.

"I've been a proud, loyal and progressive Democrat since John F. Kennedy inspired my generation of Americans into public service and I will stay a Democrat, whether I am the Democraitic party's nominee or a petitioning Democratic candidate on the November ballot," Lieberman said. He added that he would, even if re-elected as a petitioning candidate, remain a member of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

The more interesting question is would JFK have been a member of this Democratic Party?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 12:48 PM


The fraud of primitive authenticity (Spengler, 7/03/06, Asia Times)

Two billion war deaths would have occurred in the 20th century if modern societies suffered the same casualty rate as primitive peoples, according to anthropologist Lawrence H Keeley, who calculates that two-thirds of them were at war continuously, typically losing half of a percent of its population to war each year.

This and other noteworthy prehistoric factoids can be found in Nicholas Wade's Before the Dawn, a survey of genetic, linguistic and archeological research on early man. Primitive peoples, it appears, were nasty, brutish, and short, not at all the cuddly children of nature depicted by popular culture and post-colonial academic studies. The author writes on science for the New York Times and too often wades in where angels fear to tread. A complete evaluation is beyond my capacity, but there is no gainsaying his representation of prehistoric violence.

That raises the question: Why, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, does popular culture portray primitives as peace-loving folk living in harmony with nature, as opposed to rapacious and brutal civilization? Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel, which attributes civilization to mere geographical accident, made a best-seller out of a mendacious apology for the failure of primitive society. Wade reports research that refutes Diamond on a dozen counts, but his book never will reach the vast audience that takes comfort in Diamond's pulp science.

The Wife, who has never been bashful about disagreeing with our reviews, picked up Guns, Germs and Steel on a recent trip and called home three times because she thought she must be missing something. After all "how could such an incoherent and self-contradictory mess get such good reviews?"

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:42 AM


On Right and Left, a Push for Government Openness (JASON DePARLE, 7/03/06, NY Times)

[Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma,] wants to create a public database, searchable over the Internet, that would list most government contracts and grants — exposing hundreds of billions in annual spending to instant desktop view.

Type in "Halliburton," the military contractor, or "Sierra Club," the environmental group, for example, and a search engine would show all the federal money they receive. A search for the terms "Alaska" and "bridges" would expose a certain $223 million span to Gravina Island (population 50) that critics call the "Bridge to Nowhere."

While advocating for openness, Mr. Coburn is also placing a philosophical bet that the more the public learns about federal spending, the less it will want.

"Sunshine's the best thing we've got to control waste, fraud and abuse," he said. "It's also the best thing we've got to control stupidity. It'll be a force for the government we need."

But Mr. Coburn's plan, hailed by conservatives, is also sponsored by a Democrat, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, and applauded by liberal groups that support activist government. The result is a showcase of clashing assumptions and the oddest of coalitions, uniting Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent critic of gay rights, with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Let the sun shine in.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:30 AM


A New Partnership Binds Old Republican Rivals (JIM RUTENBERG and ADAM NAGOURNEY, 7/03/06, NY Times)

After years of competitive and often contentious dealings, President Bush and Senator John McCain of Arizona are building a deepening if impersonal relationship that is serving the political needs of both men.

Given their history of intense rivalry and sometimes personally bitter combat, their newfound partnership is seen by some Republicans as born more of political calculation than personal evolution. Either way, it could prove valuable to Mr. McCain in his efforts to win the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 by sending a signal to Mr. Bush's conservative base and fund-raising network that, at a minimum, the White House will not stand in the Arizonan's way.

Did the Times not cover the presidential campaign in '04 when the two men campoaigned together and, by all accounts, put the past behind them? Now the Senator needs the President to lock down the Evangelical Right and the President needs the Senator to lock down the legacy and keep the Oval warm for Jeb.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:27 AM


Internet Calling Pressures Bells to Lower Rates (MATT RICHTEL and KEN BELSON, 7/03/06, NY Times)

Competition in the phone business, intensifying this year as Internet-based calling has taken root, has reached the point where many industry experts are anticipating an era of remarkably cheap and even free calls.

We rapidly approach the point where companies will give you the computer for free if you sign up to use their services.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:19 AM


Retirement picture in black and white (MARY WISNIEWSKI, 7/03/06, Chicago Sun-Times)

Higher-income blacks save far less for retirement than whites, and are more likely to count on pensions, according to an investor survey.

The ninth annual Ariel Mutual Funds/Charles Schwab Black Investor Survey found that blacks who make at least $50,000 had a median retirement account of $59,000, compared with $93,000 for whites who make at least $50,000. Blacks also contribute less each month to their retirement accounts -- $254 for black employees compared with $306 for whites.

"It's a story that only gets worse over time," said Mellody Hobson, the African-American president of Ariel Capital Management, a Chicago-based investment management firm.

...dependent on the Man and why the Ownership Society is so threatening, because it would liberate them.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:08 AM


Ruling may spell end of Guantanamo, senator says (WILLIAM MCQUILLEN, July 3, 2006, Bloomberg News, AP)

The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that barred President Bush's plan to use military tribunals to try terrorism suspects detained at Guantanamo Bay may be the first step toward closing the prison, Sen. John McCain said Sunday.

...we'll take seriously the first public figure who takes steps to have them relocated to his own state.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:46 AM


Iran plans to cut gas imports, subsidies (Andrea R. Mihailescu, July 3, 2006, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Iran, which relies on imports for almost half its refined petroleum products, plans to halt those imports and introduce gasoline rationing later this year, the government announced.

The decision appears related to a plan to allow the nation's heavily subsidized gasoline to spike in price in order to reduce the smuggling of fuel to neighboring countries, a practice that aggravates shortages and costs the country billions of dollars every year.

One of the distinguishing features of the Long War is that it has never been existential for we parliamentary democrats because our foes' ideologies preclude their organizing their states/societies in any kind of sensible fashion. Witness the Iranian regime destabilizing itself.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:41 AM


Low Airbus valuation blow to BAE (BBC, 7/03/06)

An independent valuation of Airbus has valued BAE Systems' 20% stake in the business at 2.75bn euros (£1.9bn).

BAE had hoped to receive double that amount for its shares before recent disclosures about delays to deliveries of Airbus' A380 superjumbo jet liner.

BAE said it would consider the verdict and advise shareholders whether to accept a sale at that price.

The low valuation is a new setback for Airbus, coming the same day the bosses of EADS and Airbus both resigned.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 9:08 AM


Phone sex not conjugal enough for authorities (Adrian Humphreys, National Post, June 30th, 2006)

Having phone sex is not enough to qualify a foreigner as a "conjugal partner" when it comes to gaining immigration status in Canada, the Immigration and Refugee Board has ruled.

In a blow to the old phone company jingle of "Reach out and touch someone," the board has denied permanent residency status in Canada to a woman from Hong Kong who claimed she and a Toronto woman "became lovers" during a six-hour session of phone sex.

"In my opinion, the [Immigration and Refugee Protection] regulations did not contemplate that the holding of hands and having sex on the telephone on one occasion, where there was no continued intimacy, would constitute a conjugal relationship," an adjudicator with the board ruled.

"The term conjugal relationship implies a physical relationship involving the physical presence of both partners," Roger Boire wrote in his decision for the board's appeals division.

One suspects the Board would have fast-tracked her if she had been smart enough to strip on her webcam.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:44 AM


Brazil fails to live up to expectations (Tales Azzoni, Associated Press, July 2nd, 2006)

Brazil's star-studded team is leaving Germany without the trophy many assumed it would take home.

It also leaves without playing the beautiful game or displaying the flair many expected from the five-time world champions.

The team's disappointing World Cup ended on Saturday after a 1-0 quarter-final loss to France in Frankfurt.

"Technically, we have a very good team, very experienced," Brazil coach Carlos Alberto Parreira said. "But when you don't win the title, it's because there has been something missing."

Goals? Shots? A sense of direction? Excuse the self-referential rant, but we haven’t had a soccer commentary for a while now. Saturday I decided to park my Brothersjudd prejudices and dedicate a whole day to the “perfect game”. Two matches (England/Portugal and Brazil/France) promised the best the sport has to offer and I served notice on the family that they would have to do without me for the day.

Two hundred and ten minutes of soccer later, I had seen one goal and just a handful of unspectacular shots on net and I was in that defensive, grouchy mood men get into when they know they have abandoned their families for no good reason. There was nothing--absolutely nothing--to remember or admire about either match or any of the performances in them. In hockey, a low scoring game usually features memorable goaltending. In baseball, a low-scoring game makes heros of pitchers. But what, pray tell, was the purpose of these time-wasting snores? Could any of our resident soccer buffs please explain why the essence of soccer can’t be summed up in Robert Duquette’s quip that unless someone pointed out the nets to him, the man from Mars would assume the purpose of the game was to see which team could best pass the ball back and forth across midfield without letting it cross the white sidelines?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:32 AM


Senators promise Gitmo statute (Eric Pfeiffer, 7/03/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Senators of both parties yesterday said Congress would provide President Bush with legislation to deal with the terror suspects detained at the U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, following a Supreme Court decision that limited the White House's authority in dealing with the detainees.

Some Republicans said they hoped to have legislation in place by September, with influential liberal Democrats saying they expected to give Mr. Bush the necessary tools for handling the issue and not obstruct the bills.

All you need to know about how thoroughly BDS grips the Democrats is that Senator Feingold will improve his standing on the Left by opposing this and Ms Clinton get in more trouble by supporting it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:27 AM


More restrictions on teen drivers result in less accidents, study shows (AP, 7/02/06)

Laws that set numerous strict conditions before teenagers can get a license can reduce fatal crashes involving 16-year-old drivers by up to 21%, public health researchers say.

The more restrictions imposed, the greater the reduction.

No one should be allowed to drive until they're at least 21.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:24 AM


Infamous Enumclaw horse sex case to be made into movie (Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times)

Seattle filmmaker Robinson Devor has begun filming this month for his new documentary, "In the Forest There Is Every Kind of Bird." The film examines the widely reported 2005 incident of a man in Enumclaw who died after having sex with a horse.

And those birds are scared of Heath Ledger.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:21 AM


Mexican election too close to name winner (The Washington Post and The Associated Press, 7/03/06)

Mexico's presidential election was too close to call Sunday, with voters bitterly divided between a leftist offering himself as a savior to the poor and a conservative warning that his rival's free-spending proposals threaten the economy.

Officials said they wouldn't be able to declare a winner until at least Wednesday in the election, which has major implications for the United States.

Felipe Calderón, 43, of outgoing President Vicente Fox's National Action Party, had been running an exceedingly close race with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 52, of the leftist Democratic Revolution Party. The Institutional Revolutionary Party's Roberto Madrazo, 53, had been trailing in third place.

López Obrador said late Sunday that he would respect the delay in declaring a winner, "but I want the Mexican people to know that our figures show we won."

López Obrador said his party's exit polls showed he had won by 500,000 votes.

Calderón spoke minutes later, saying he, too, will respect the results but that the official preliminary results, as well as the exit polls, show he's the winner.

"We have no doubt that we have won," he said.

The specter of the two sides claiming victory and calling street protests hangs over Mexico's young democracy, key to U.S. interests in border security, immigration and drug smuggling.

It wasn't easy, but Al Gore not only acted with less honor than Richard Nixon but did lasting damage in the process.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:05 AM


How Bush Breaks the Ten Commandments (Brooke Allen and Patrick Doyle, July 3, 2006, TheNation.com)

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

It might be a stretch of the imagination to think of Saddam Hussein as a neighbor to Bush and Cheney, but they undoubtedly bore false witness against him.

They're all pretty funny -- accidentally -- but this one, with a qualifier that negates their point, is pluperfect.

Posted by Peter Burnet at 8:01 AM


How liberals lost their way (Robert Fulford, National Post, July 1st, 2006)

These ancient Cold War questions have recently been revived by a fascinating book hidden beneath a clumsy subtitle, The Good Fight: Why Liberals -- and Only Liberals -- Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, by Peter Beinart of the New Republic.

This is a passionate political love story. Beinart adores the intellectuals who fought for president Harry Truman's anti-Soviet policies in the 1940s. And, Beinart believes, liberals of today can learn from that noble history. The same principles that eventually defeated communism (even if Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were in at the kill) can now inspire American liberals to fight jihadism.

Emboldened, they could breathe fresh life into the Democratic Party, defeat the Republicans, and build a new foreign policy. They could marry military strength to multilateral idealism, as late-1940s America married the threat of atomic weapons to the Marshall Plan. A patriotic, humanitarian and progressive Democratic administration could restore the internationally co-operative style of previous generations and discard George W. Bush's go-it-alone bravado.

Beinart believes liberals should be ready to use American power -- but in the spirit articulated by John Kennedy, emphasizing "not the export of arms or the show of armed might but the export of ideas, of techniques, and the rebirth of our traditional sympathy for the desires of men to be free."

Is Beinart dreaming? His back-to-the-future argument will certainly be discussed by Democrats -- but perhaps it won't go beyond discussion. Hard-core Democrats won't change their beliefs with a light heart. Their intransigence is founded on cherished 40-year-old memories. Even today, they remain governed by the 1960s. Beinart, a post-boomer of 35, doesn't seem to understand how deeply the '60s ethos burned itself into the souls of his parents' generation. He's studied that period with care, but he knows only the words, not the music.

Kennedy's assassination in 1963, followed by Lyndon Johnson's expansion of the Vietnam war, dissolved Truman's consensus. To the mortification of their elders, many eager young activists let it be known that they considered anti-communism a joke, an obsession of their fathers. The New Left, founded in 1962 to express a generation's ideals, turned against democracy itself, not just Vietnam and other American mistakes. In 1968 New Leftists rejoiced when they helped force Johnson to retire. For a giddy moment, the young and the radical imagined they had all the answers to questions of social justice.

They were fools, but important fools. Ignorant of history, contemptuous of freedom, they nevertheless shaped the underlying assumptions of the generation now controlling much of the Democratic party. And as the New Left gained force, traditional liberalism buckled.

Individuals can renounce the mistakes of their youth, but never a whole generation. Opposition to the war on terror and the visceral anti-Americanism that attends it are not fueled by any rational policy analyses or coherent world view, but by the desperate existential attempt of history’s most self-indulgent generation to cheat death by living the putative glories of their youths forever. The West will survive Darwin, Freud and Marx, but whether it can survive the legacy of these men-children is a whole other question.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:59 AM


Corporations Aren't People (Joshua Holland, July 3, 2006, AlterNet)

"Corporate personhood" gives corporations -- entirely artificial entities created by the state -- the same individual rights that the framers fought and died to secure for flesh-and-blood citizens (or at least for white male property-holders, but you get the idea). The doctrine started in England reasonably enough; it was only by considering corporations "persons" that they could be taken to court and sued. But during the 19th century, the Robber Barons and a few corrupt jurists deep in their pockets took the concept to a whole new level. After the Civil War, while many of those same interests were fighting to keep African Americans from being enfranchised, the doctrine took on new weight -- the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment was extended to corporations, and Thomas Jefferson slowly rolled over in his grave. The trend of granting more and more rights to corporations continues today.

As long as these ideas are embedded in our legal system, talk of cleaning up government -- of campaign finance and lobby reform -- are just that: talk. On these fundamental issues of democratic participation, incremental reform is a road leading nowhere.

Which is why we need bold, populist ideas for real structural reform. I say let's rip a page from Karl Rove's Scorched-Earth Politics for Dummies and offer a progressive Constitutional Amendment that would end this madness once and for all.

That could be as simple as a one-line amendment that rolls back Buckley by explicitly stating that regulating the amount of money donated to campaigns or setting limits on what candidates spend on advertising isn't the same as putting limits on political speech.

But I think something even bolder is in order. I think it's time for a Defense of Human Citizenship Amendment -- language that would strip the "personhood" from corporations and give reformers a fighting chance to establish a true democracy in the United States.

It should be as brief and straightforward as the Republicans' gay marriage amendment:

SECTION 1. Citizenship in the United States shall be conferred only on human beings. Neither this Constitution nor the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that citizenship or the legal incidents thereof be granted to corporations, partnerships, proprietorships or trusts.

This would be great policy if enacted, and great politics regardless of whether it were to become law.

An excellent idea that would not only allow the banning of all corporate political donations but provide a justification for not taxing them to pay for a government in which they are not represented, a step which would remove one of the two prime motivations for their lobbying.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 7:54 AM


Bush Is Not Incompetent (George Lakoff, July 3, 2006, AlterNet)

Progressives have fallen into a trap. Emboldened by President Bush's plummeting approval ratings, progressives increasingly point to Bush's "failures" and label him and his administration as incompetent. [...]

The idea that Bush is incompetent is a curious one. Consider the following (incomplete) list of major initiatives the Bush administration, with a loyal conservative Congress, has accomplished:

* Centralizing power within the executive branch to an unprecedented degree
* Starting two major wars, one started with questionable intelligence and in a manner with which the military disagreed
* Placing on the Supreme Court two far-right justices, and stacking the lower federal courts with many more
* Cutting taxes during wartime, an unprecedented event
* Passing a number of controversial bills such as the PATRIOT Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare Drug bill, the Bankruptcy bill and a number of massive tax cuts
* Rolling back and refusing to enforce a host of basic regulatory protections
* Appointing industry officials to oversee regulatory agencies
* Establishing a greater role for religion through faith-based initiatives
* Passing Orwellian-titled legislation assaulting the environment -- "The Healthy Forests Act" and the "Clear Skies Initiative" -- to deforest public lands, and put more pollution in our skies
* Winning re-election and solidifying his party's grip on Congress

These aren't signs of incompetence. As should be painfully clear, the Bush administration has been overwhelmingly competent in advancing its conservative vision. It has been all too effective in achieving its goals by determinedly pursuing a conservative philosophy.

It's not Bush the man who has been so harmful, it's the conservative agenda.

If nothing else, progressives should be scared that the Right agrees with them.

July 2, 2006

Posted by Pepys at 8:46 PM


Slate's Most-Read Stories: The 10 most popular articles of the year. (28 Dec 2005, Slate)

During 2005, Slate covered the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, and the future of the Supreme Court, but our most popular stories were, for the most part, about dogs, beer, celebrities, and naked ladies. Below you'll find a list of the 10 pieces that attracted the most readers this year.

The political affiliation of most Democrats is merely a signifier of social status to others and proof of superior intellect for themselves. In the end, they care about the exact same things all decent Americans do: Dogs, booze and depending on their sex, either celebrities or naked ladies.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:55 PM


Indo-US nuclear deal blasts ahead (Krishnadev Calamur, 7/01/06, Asia Times)

"I believe that this agreement is the most important strategic diplomatic initiative undertaken by President Bush," Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate panel, said in prepared remarks ahead of the committee's hearing.

"By concluding this pact and the far-reaching set of cooperative agreements that accompany it, the president has embraced a long-term outlook that seeks to enhance the core strength of our foreign policy in a way that will give us new diplomatic options and improve global stability."

The panel's 10 Republicans all voted for the agreement, while two Democrats voted against it.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:42 PM


The challenge of unilateralism (Henry C K Liu, 7/01/06, Asia Times)

State policies or actions are deemed "unilateral" if they have significant impacts on people in other states but undertaken by a single state without the mandate of bilateral or multilateral treaties or in violation or defiance or rejection of such treaties.

US unilateralism did not start with the administration of President George W Bush. Its moralistic roots lie in Christian Right influence on US foreign policy after World War II, especially over policy on China. It was the ideological basis for the Cold War, with a self-righteous superpower leading subservient allies who did not have the wherewithal to resist it. It has continued after the end of the Cold War even as allies attempt to assert increasing independence with the disappearance of perceived Soviet threat. The huge power differential between the US as the sole remaining superpower and its former subservient allies gave the United States a natural claim to, and de facto privilege of, unilateralism.

Which begs the question: when has America ever not been primarily a unilateral actor driven by Judeo-Christian moralism? It's especially dubious to date the unilateral period from after the presidencies of TR, Wilson and FDR.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 4:39 PM


So far so good for Iraq's Maliki (Sami Moubayed, 7/01/06, Asia Times)

British prime minister Winston Churchill once said: "I pass with relief from the tossing sea of Cause and Theory to the firm ground of Result and Fact." Today in Iraq, we stand - for the first time since the Iraq war began in 2003 - on the firm ground of "result and fact".

First, we had the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (announced on June 8), followed 40 minutes later by completion of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet and the appointment of a Sunni as minister of defense. Hopes that the Sunnis, now in government, would shoulder responsibility for security and end the three-year-old insurgency were once again heightened.

Next, we had the national-reconciliation plan of Maliki, who said a truce would be reached with armed groups in the Sunni insurgency followed by a series of amnesties.

Personally, I'm inclined to count the toppling of the Ba'athist regime and the creation of the democratic system that brought Maliki to power as facts and results, how 'bout you?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:43 PM


Perfect 10th (Gordon Edes, June 28, 2006, Boston Globe)

How good does it feel to be in the Sox clubhouse these days? Instead of the usual suspects, like the winning pitcher (rookie Jon Lester), the guys who hit the home runs (Mike Lowell, Alex Gonzalez) or the outfielder who threw out another runner at the plate in a pivotal fifth inning (Ramírez), listen to a guy you may never have heard of: Jason LaRocque, who serves as the team's bullpen catcher.

Moments after Mike Timlin retired Paul Lo Duca on a fly ball to Coco Crisp for the final out, the Sox pitchers hustled LaRocque out to the players' parking lot, where he normally stashes his 1994 Ford Explorer, the one that was already on its last legs even before a recent accident left it with a bashed-in front end. There, they gave him the keys to a brand-new Ford F250 truck. The co-conspirators who hatched this plan: Timlin, Curt Schilling, and Josh Beckett.

``I can't put into words how I feel about the guys," said an overwhelmed LaRocque. ``Sometimes you feel like you're a little lost in the clubhouse, and then they do something like this."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:29 PM


Lean and unseen: Unlike General Motors and Delphi, most of America's manufacturers are thriving (The Economist, Jun 29th 2006)

Most [American manufacturers] have enjoyed roaring success of late. Net profits have risen by nearly 9% a year since the recession in 2001 and productivity has been growing even more rapidly than is usual during economic expansions (see chart). The country's various widget-makers, moreover, show no sign of losing their innovative edge. [...]

Capital equipment and durable goods-makers such as Caterpillar, General Electric, an industrial conglomerate, and Boeing, an aerospace giant, have always been the strongest bits of America's manufacturing base. Their position is the most secure, says James Womack of the Lean Enterprise Institute, a think-tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts, because there is so much knowledge embedded in what they make. Even when a company such as Boeing stumbles over its efficiency, as it did a few years ago, its intellectual property gives it room to recover. These days, however, American manufacturers of all sorts—not just the big durable-goods makers—are quickly improving their efficiency.

Take Littelfuse, a firm that makes fuses and other equipment to protect the electrical circuits in everything from cars and mobile phones to the machines in its customers' factories. It recently started three new production lines in an area of its plant in Des Plaines, Illinois. The sophistication of the equipment, the skills of the workers and the quality of the output are all admirable. But something else about the new 10,000 square foot (930 square metres) assembly area is even more impressive: it used to be a warehouse for the site. Littelfuse gained the space by drastically cutting back its need to store raw materials, unused scrap, unfinished goods and other sorts of wasteful material. After starting a new “lean manufacturing” drive three years ago, the plant took inches off its waistline. It now receives its raw materials—such as resins and high-grade zinc—“just-in-time” to pull them through its production line.

The same sort of thing is happening all over America. Manufacturers were already outpacing their rivals in rich countries during 1995 to 2000, when their productivity was growing by 4.0% a year. After 2000, the country's metal-bashers somehow managed to raise their productivity growth by another notch, to 5.1% a year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. No serious economist thinks that America can maintain such a torrid rate of productivity growth over a longer period; indeed, the pace has already eased in the past year or two. But there are signs that America's productivity in manufacturing has been boosted by forces inherent in the structure of the economy, so that the sector should continue to thrive.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 2:01 PM


State Tracked Protesters in the Name of Security: Officials say they have stopped monitoring antiwar and political rallies. The practice violates civil rights, Atty. Gen. Lockyer says (Peter Nicholas, July 1, 2006, LA Times)

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and antiwar groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties. [...]

California Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer's office learned of the monitoring activity more than two months ago. On Friday, a spokesman condemned the actions, saying they violated the groups' constitutional right of free speech.

"When people exercise their 1st Amendment rights to rally, march and protest, they should not have to worry that intelligence officials are watching them or their activities are in any way being painted with the terrorism brush," Lockyer spokesman Tom Dresslar said in an interview.

"That kind of conduct by anti-terrorism intelligence agencies threatens civil liberties, runs counter to our values and violates this office's policy regarding criminal intelligence gathering," Dresslar said.

The civil liberties crowd hasn't exactly cloaked itself in common sense the past few years, but this may be their most novel argument, that the right of free speech carries with it a right not to be heard and observed speaking.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:39 AM

HAD ENOUGH? (via Raoul Ortega):

Siegelman, Scrushy found guilty; Hamrick, Roberts acquitted
(Eddie Curran, Bill Barrow and Sallie Owen, AL.com)

A federal jury has found former Gov. Don Siegelman guilty of seven of the 32 remaining criminal charges against him, and the panel found guilty on all counts the trial's other high-profile defendant, former HealthSouth Corp. Chairman Richard Scrushy. [...]

The jurors wound up convicting Siegelman of bribery, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and mail fraud. Most of those charges were related to Scrushy and the state Certificate of Need Review Board, a panel that regulates hospital expansions. One charge related to a check written to an aide purportedly to cover partial costs of a motorcycle.

No matter how deep the press buries his party affiliation it can't help Democrats who want to run on the meme of corruption.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:16 AM


Moderate Islamists Found (Michael Totten, 7/01/06, Middle East Journal)

When I went to the Middle East for a six-month extended visit I wanted to see if I could find a genuinely moderate Islamist political party, one that not only practices democracy but also believes in it. [...]

The Kurdistan Islamic Union...does seem to be genuinely moderate. Its leaders appear to have more in common with conservative Christian Democrats in Europe than with any terrorist organization or Middle Eastern religious dictatorship.

I met with Ali Muhammad, Director of the Suleimaniya bureau of the KIU, Iraqi Kurdistan’s third largest (and growing) political party, in his office. He provided his own in-house translator, a plump woman in a dark brown abaya. My own translator, because he was a stranger, was not to be trusted.

Ali looked to be in his sixties. He wore a trimmed beard, glasses, and a distinctly unfashionable Western suit and tie. He greeted me warmly in English. I greeted him and thanked him in Kurdish. Then we spoke to each other through our translator.

"How do you feel about the U.S. occupation of Iraq?" I said.

“We blame Saddam for the occupation," he said. "Life is much better here now. But of course no one wants his country to be occupied.”

"Do you think the U.S. soldiers should leave now?" I said. "Or would it be better if they waited until later?"

“It is better to wait until the Iraqi army is strong and the country is calm," he said.

"What do you think of the West in general?" I said.

“The West is a successful civilization," he said. "But we think it is too materialistic and technological. If the Islamic East united with the civilized West, all of humanity would benefit.”

Isn’t materialism a problem in the Middle East, too? Saddam’s palaces, the skyscrapers and malls in Dubai...

“When I talked about materialism, I did not mean wealth," he said. "I mean that humans need both the material and spiritual sides of existence. Each civilization has a material side and a soul side. Western people are missing parts of the soul side. But the soul side in the West isn’t zero. Human rights are much more respected there than here." His translator spoke slowly and gave me time to write everything down. “Islam is the medium between socialism and capitalism. In socialism everything is soulless. In capitalism there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. In Islam we can possess things, but not with such a huge distance between the rich and the poor.”

Given the winning streak they've been on since 1991, it's not surprising that the Kurds are among the most optimistic Muslims in the Middle East and the most friendly to the US.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:13 AM


Mistaken Entry Into Clan Dispute Led to U.S. Black Eye in Somalia (Craig Timberg, July 2, 2006, Washington Post)

In the weeks that followed this little-known incident, which U.S. officials have refused to confirm or deny, the United States expanded its role in Somalia to levels not seen since it abandoned the country in 1994. The Americans helped organize a group of secular warlords into an "anti-terror coalition" and provided them with a large, steady diet of cash.

The warlords, feared and hated by many Somalis, bragged about the money as they armed themselves as never before.

The infusion of cash upset a fragile balance between the two sides -- but not in the direction the Americans had hoped.

By March, the warlords were under siege. By June 6, they had fled. And by June 24, Hassan Dahir Aweys, a militant Islamic leader hostile to Western democracy and reputed to have ties to al-Qaeda, had taken control of Mogadishu. Late last week, Osama bin Laden boasted of successes there in an audiotape that singled out Somalia as a front in his war against Americans.

"Simply, they made a mistake," Ali Iman Sharmarke, a prominent Mogadishu businessman and radio journalist, said of the Americans in an interview in Nairobi. "If their intent was to capture terrorists, they needed a wider approach . . . to help the people of Somalia."

American analysts, though not knowledgeable about the incident at the airstrip, said that by giving cash to the warlords the United States triggered events that quickly moved beyond its control, producing a setback likely to hurt not only Somalis but also the U.S. war on terrorism.

A rare instance of the President backing the wrong side.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 10:09 AM


Tory plan to restrict Scots MPs (BBC, 7/02/06)

The Conservatives are to recommend Scottish MPs be banned from voting on issues that only affect England. [...]

The Tories want to end what they believe is the unfairness of Scottish MPs voting on issues such as health and education in England, although these matters are decided by the Scottish parliament north of the border.

That could dent the leadership credentials of Gordon Brown, who represents a Scottish constituency.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:53 AM


Melding Faith and Tolerance (Jim Hoagland, July 2, 2006, Washington Post)

A half-century dominated by the secular ideologies of capitalism, communism and physics has given way to a time of religious backlash provoked by the uncertainties and menaces of vertiginous modernization. [...]

The spiraling growth of evangelical Christianity in the United States -- as well as in Latin America, China and Africa -- reflects the central reality that also helps drive the radicalization of Islam across the Middle East, Central Asia and the northern Caucasus. When people feel threatened by rapid and mystifying change, they turn to the most literal forms of religion for explanations and justifications.

It was not supposed to work this way, says Karsten Voigt, a political intellectual whose main job is studying the United States for the German government. It was assumed that "there was an indissoluble link between modernization and secularization. But that turns out to have been wrong," Voigt told a gathering of Europeans and Americans sponsored by the Council for the United States and Italy here last week.

Voigt argued that religion is becoming an important factor in a widening gap between Europe and the United States.

Mr. Hoagland wanders around an insight there. Capitalism is, of course, dependent on Judeo-Christian morality, while it is properly biology (Darwinism) that belongs with the modernist ideologies. And the backlash has come because those ideologies were wrong, murderous, and anti-human. As Europe has shown, to tolerate them is to destroy your own society.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:30 AM


The Power of Hillary (James Carville and Mark J. Penn, July 2, 2006, Washington Post)

We don't know if Hillary is going to run for president, but as advisers who have worked on the only two successful Democratic presidential campaigns in the past couple of decades, we know that if she does run, she can win that race, too.

Why? First, because strength matters. Our problems as a party are less ideological than anatomical: Our candidates have been made to look like they have no backbone. But the latest Post-ABC News poll shows that 68 percent of Americans describe Hillary Clinton as a strong leader. That comes after years of her being in the national crossfire. People know that Hillary has strong convictions, even if they don't always agree with her. They also know that she's tough enough to handle the viciousness of a national campaign and the challenges of the presidency itself.

One thing we know about Clinton campaigns: Nobody gets Swift Boated.

The woman who gave the War Room its name knows how tough politics at the presidential level can be. Adversaries spent $60 million against her in 2000, and she endured press scrutiny that would have wilted most candidates. She gave as good as she got, and she triumphed.

For those who think that the politics of personal destruction might be rekindled against Hillary or her husband, we can only remind people how consistently that approach has backfired in the past. Bill Clinton would certainly be a huge asset if Hillary decided to run.

In fact, Hillary is the only nationally known Democrat (other than her husband) who has weathered the Republican assaults and emerged with a favorable rating above 50 percent (54 percent positive in the latest Post-ABC poll).

Yes, she has a 42 percent negative rating, as do other nationally known Democrats. All the nationally un known Democrats would likely wind up with high negative ratings, too, once they'd been through the Republican attack machine.

The difference with Hillary is the intensity of her support.

Pundits and fundraisers and activists may be unsure of whether Hillary can get elected president, but Democratic voters, particularly Democratic women and even independent women, are thrilled with the idea.

Democrats have been seduced by their own myth that they lose elections because of personal attacks, rather than ideas. But Bill Clinton thrived amidst the strongest attack because he ran as a conservative. Michael Dukakis, Al Gore and John Kerry lost entirely winnable races because they ran as Northeastern liberals (only Al Gore is smart enough to emphasize an Ivy League pedigree over representing TN). Ms Clinton has not yet demonstrated the required willingness to run to the Right and may not have the credibility with the Left -- blacks in particular -- that allowed her husband to.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:18 AM


Feds hot on state jobs trail: Prosecutors say multiple agencies implicated in rigged, political hiring (Rick Pearson and John Chase, Tribune staff reporters. Tribune staff reporter Ray Long contributed to this report, July 1, 2006, Chicago Tribune)

Federal authorities have uncovered evidence implicating multiple state agencies in their investigation into "allegations of endemic hiring fraud" in Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration, U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald said in a letter made public Friday. [...]

[T]he letter carries severe political overtones for Blagojevich, the first Democrat elected governor in 26 years, who rode to office on a populist theme of reform but who finds his bid for re-election in November clouded by scandal.

Fitzgerald's letter said federal investigators originally began investigating "allegations of fraudulent hiring practices" about a year ago and opened a second investigation "late last summer."

The letter said the federal investigation focuses on possible violations of the 1990 "Rutan" decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that ruled that most state jobs should be free of political influence in hiring or promotions.

"Those investigations have now been merged and involve the alleged rigging of state employment practices to enable political hiring in violation of Rutan and include, among other things, the preparation of fraudulent hiring documentation," Fitzgerald wrote. "Our investigation has now implicated multiple state agencies and departments and we have developed a number of credible witnesses."

Portions of the Fitzgerald letter were blacked out to prevent the release of further information, and a Fitzgerald spokesman declined to comment further.

Fitzgerald's letter said Madigan was prepared to broaden her investigation "concerning fraudulent hiring practices at two state agencies" that she had begun in November.

The Tribune reported last fall that Blagojevich's office along with three state agencies--the Departments of Children and Family Services, Corrections and Transportation--had received federal subpoenas seeking hiring information dating to March 2002, when Blagojevich won the Democratic primary.

On Wednesday, administration sources told the Tribune that the federal government's request for information had gone beyond those three departments as Blagojevich's top attorney made a sweeping request for information from 15 state agency directors. The request asked the directors to compile lists of their personnel staff since the beginning of the Blagojevich administration as well as any computer records they possessed.

The Tribune also reported last fall that a federal criminal grand jury was investigating allegations of hiring improprieties involving the head of Blagojevich's patronage office, Joe Cini, and two others "in relation to public corruption." Blagojevich has steadfastly denied that Cini, the director of the governor's office of intergovernmental affairs, and the others engaged in any wrongdoing.

Madigan's office also had been looking into allegations raised by Blagojevich's estranged father-in-law, Ald. Richard Mell (33rd), in January 2005 that prized state board and commission appointments were exchanged for campaign contributions. Mell later recanted the allegations, but Blagojevich has blamed his father-in-law's comments for the scrutiny of federal and state prosecutors.

Madigan released Fitzgerald's letter in announcing in a statement that she had agreed to refer her hiring investigation to federal prosecutors to "avoid the potential for inadvertent interference with each other's investigations."

Fitzgerald thanked Madigan for realizing "the most important consideration for both our offices is that the very serious allegations of endemic hiring fraud be thoroughly and expeditiously investigated and, if appropriate, prosecuted."

The move by Madigan also provides her with some political cover as she seeks re-election to a second term on a Democratic ticket headed by Blagojevich.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:51 AM


Justice Kennedy gains clout (Charles Lane, 7/02/06, The Washington Post)

In the Supreme Court's just-concluded 2005-06 term, two new justices, Chief Justice John Roberts and Samuel Alito, changed the court's style and ideological balance.

But by the end of the term, it was clear the main impact of the turnover was to enhance the influence of a justice who has been at the court since 1988, Anthony Kennedy, 69.

With the January retirement of centrist Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the nine-member court is frequently split between two four-justice liberal and conservative blocs, with Kennedy as the sole remaining swing voter.

Kennedy repeatedly cast the decisive vote on the most polarizing issues the court faced, from President Bush's military commissions, to the Clean Water Act, to the death penalty. He is poised to do so again next term, when the court takes up abortion and school integration.

And then judges wonder why the public views them as mere political animals.

July 1, 2006

Posted by Orrin Judd at 9:08 PM


Blair a failure on crime, say 3 in 4 voters (Patrick Hennessy, Ben Leapman and Andrew Alderson, 02/07/2006, Sunday Telegraph)

Three out of four voters believe Tony Blair has broken his promise to be "tough on crime" in the nine years since Labour came to power, an opinion poll reveals today.

The ICM survey for The Sunday Telegraph also shows overwhelming backing for a top-level independent inquiry - a royal commission - into the failures of the criminal justice system, the key demand of this newspaper's Make Britain Safe campaign.

In another blow for the Prime Minister, who has put the fight against lawlessness at the top of his personal agenda for his remaining time in office, four in five voters are worried about crime levels.

It is not possible, once they embrace the Third Way, for them to be "too far to the Right." They can always afford to go further.

MORE (via Pepys):
The Constant Pardoner (Peter C. Glover, 23 Jun 2006, Tech Central Station)

The minimum five-year sentence for convicted pedophile Craig Sweeney has deepened the public's crisis of confidence in the British criminal justice system -- and stirred the government into pledging a 'sentencing review'. But while the mother of Sweeney's three-year-old victim spoke of wanting to "throttle the judge" who sentenced Sweeney, it is actually the liberalized system itself which may need "throttling". That's the point soon to be made by an explosive new film currently in production entitled Outlaw.

Nick Love's film, starring Sean Bean and Bob Hoskins, is designed to show the devastating consequences of a British justice system soft on criminals. The film focuses on five vigilantes who, "betrayed by their government and let down by the police", take matters into their own hands, meting out summary justice with baseball bats, knives and fists. What Charles Bronson's Death Wish character brought to cheering audiences in the 1970s, Love's Outlaw appears destined to repeat for contemporary audiences.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 6:23 PM


Mets snap slide with big day (Marty Noble, 7/01/06, MLB.com)

The Mets scored eight runs against Johnson, who has an 11.45 ERA in two starts -- one loss and one no-decision -- against them this season.

The Mets scored five times on four hits and two walks in the fourth inning, when they extended their lead to 7-2. David Wright, who drove in two runs in the first inning with a double, and Julio Franco scored when Ramon Castro singled with the bases loaded and one out. After Johnson struck out Eli Marrero, Jose Reyes drove in one run with his second hit, and Paul Lo Duca drove in two with the second of his three hits.

Marrero accounted for the eighth run when he hit his second home run as a Met with two outs off Johnson (9-7) in the sixth. The home run was the 16th allowed by Johnson this season and the 23rd the Mets have hit against the Yankees in 17 games.

Interesting to note that Randy Johnson has faced substantially easier competition this year than someone like Josh Beckett, who does have four poor ooutings but all against the top offenses in baseball.

Here are the teams that have scored the most runs in '06:

Chicago White Sox
Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees
Toronto Blue Jays
Cleveland Indians
Los Angeles Dodgers
Detroit Tigers
Texas Rangers
New York Mets

And Beckett's starts:

4/05 BOS @TEX
04/11 BOS TOR
04/16 BOS SEA
04/21 BOS @TOR
04/27 BOS @CLE

05/03 BOS TOR
05/09 BOS @NYY
05/15 BOS @BAL
05/20 BOS @PHI
05/25 BOS TB
05/30 BOS @TOR

06/05 BOS @NYY
06/11 BOS TEX
06/17 BOS @ATL
06/23 BOS PHI
06/28 BOS NYM

vs. Johnson's starts:

04/03 NYY @OAK
04/08 NYY @ANA
04/13 NYY KC
04/18 NYY @TOR
04/23 NYY BAL
04/29 NYY TOR

05/04 NYY @TB
05/09 NYY BOS
05/14 NYY OAK
05/19 NYY @NYM
05/24 NYY @BOS
05/29 NYY @DET

06/03 NYY @BAL
06/09 NYY OAK
06/14 NYY CLE
06/19 NYY @PHI
06/26 NYY ATL
07/01 NYY NYM

It's especially easy to see why the Big Unit got off to a quick start, eh?

Posted by Pepys at 1:20 PM


Suit: NBA Player Watching Porn, Drunk Before Crash (29 June 2006, CBS Channel 13 Minnesota)

MINNEAPOLIS On March 30, Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin was drunk and masturbating when he crashed his luxury SUV into a parked Suburban outside a store in Minneapolis, according to a lawsuit filed Thursday by the man whose Suburban was hit in the crash...

...Abed Hassuneh, who is the brother of the victim, said Griffin told him, "That he was masturbating himself going down that street. That's how the accident happened because he was not paying attention. He's paying attention to that video and all of a sudden he's shoveled somebody's car on the top of the sidewalk."
Ban driving. Keep drinking and watching porn.
Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:38 AM


Tigers have been coy on moves (Lynn Henning, 6/28/06, Detroit News)

Q . What other players fit the Tigers profile?

A . Just because it made perfect sense for both parties, a call was placed last week with Larry Walker, the ex-Cardinals, Rockies and Expos star who would be precisely what the Tigers need down the stretch. He, of course, retired after last season, but he is only 39 and various aches and pains that helped bring about his retirement have all but vanished.

The question was whether a left-handed hitter of his prowess, with the ability to play outfield, first base, etc., might be interested in joining his old manager, Leyland, for a half-season playoff run?

Walker appreciated the inquiry but said he was happy in West Palm Beach, Fla. He also said he was not interested in a Roger Clemens-like "un-retirement," which is a response to be respected.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:15 AM


Jihad and the Novel: UPDIKE TAKES ON TERRORISM: a review of Terrorist By John Updike (James Wood, 06.25.06, New Republic)

Terrorist portrays an eighteen-year-old American Muslim named Ahmad, who, as the novel begins, is about to graduate from his New Jersey high school. Ahmad "is the product of a red-haired American mother, Irish by extraction, and an Egyptian exchange student whose ancestors had been baked since the time of the Pharaohs in the hot muddy fields of the overflowing Nile." (Ah, those Egyptians. This lofty genealogy is an extraordinary example of airy Orientalism, which, because the sentence combines baking and mud, clumsily manages to imply that the ancestors were somehow baked in mud. Egyptian bog people! Does Updike reread his own prose?) Ahmad has been violently influenced by his imam at the local storefront mosque, one Shaikh Rashid. As we encounter him at the start of the book, Ahmad is already boiling over with anti-American thoughts; we are thus offered no idea of what he was like before meeting the imam, what he was like as, say, a moderately Islamic fifteen-year-old.
What is most striking about this novel is that, despite Updike's massive familiarity with the technical challenges of fiction-writing--this is his twenty-second novel, for goodness sake--he proves himself relatively inept at the essential task of free indirect style, of trying to find an authorial voice for his Muslim schoolboy. He will begin a paragraph in his character's voice, and then, apparently losing any capacity for the necessary ventriloquism, decide utterly to write over his character. Here is Ahmad surveying the desolate downtown of the book's invented city, New Prospect, New Jersey:

To Ahmad's eyes, the bulbous letters of the graffiti, their bloated boasts of gang affiliation, assert an importance to which the perpetrators have pathetically little other claim. Sinking into the morass of Godlessness, lost young men proclaim, by means of defacement, an identity. Some few new boxes of aluminum and blue glass have been erected amid the ruins, sops from the lords of Western capitalism--branches of banks headquartered in California or North Carolina, and outposts of the Zionist-dominated federal government, attempting with welfare enrollment and army recruitment to prevent the impoverished from rioting and looting.

This standard-issue anti-Semitism is obviously not Updike's own thought, but an attempt at Ahmad's. Then why not make it sound like Ahmad's? But then, what does Ahmad sound like? Presumably to set him apart from his infidel coevals at school--principally, a nose-studded sluttish African American called Joryleen and her thick-set boyfriend Tylenol--Updike gives Ahmad a formal diction, a "pained stateliness" that is redolent, I suppose, of many hours of Koranic study and deep, intolerant cogitation. The effect is that whenever Ahmad opens his mouth he sounds like a septuagenarian Indian aristocrat. In fact, he sounds a bit like V.S. Naipaul--and late Naipaul at that. When Joryleen invites him to her church, Ahmad attends. Afterward, he thanks her: "You have been gracious to me, and I was curious. It is helpful, up to a point, to know the enemy." Up to a point, eh? He walks Joryleen from the church to her house: "I wish to see you home." And the long perorations are worse. Here Ahmad tells a colleague about his mother:

He tells Charlie, to be honest, "I think recently my mother has suffered one of her romantic sorrows, for the other night she produced a flurry of interest in me, as if remembering that I was still there. But this mood of hers will pass. We have never communicated much. My father's absence stood between us, and then my faith, which I adopted before entering my teen years. She is a warm-natured woman, and were I a hospital patient I would gladly entrust myself to her care, but I think she has as little talent for motherhood as a cat. Cats let the kittens suckle for a time and then treat them as enemies. I am not yet quite grown enough to be my mother's enemy, but I am mature enough to be an object of indifference."

One can understand, then, why Updike, in third-person narration, writes over his character so absolutely: he is icing a hollow cake. Ahmad has no personality, no quiddity as an eighteen-year-old American, so he is Updike's serf, ready for whatever the writer chooses to do with him. In Updikeland, this means lyrical authorial commentary. [...]

Updike has spoken of his desire to treat Islam "sympathetically" in his new novel; and he has been praised, if a little wanly, for differing from "other novelists looking over their shoulders at 9/11." Unlike them, says John Leonard in New York, "Updike isn't writing from the victim's point of view." There is no reason to doubt Updike's intention. If sympathy brings understanding, let us have sympathy. But who would desire Updike's kind of sympathy? Wanting to dignify his hero, Updike drastically overcompensates and turns his schoolboy into a stiff stereotype--he's a bigot, Updike seems to be saying, but rather a stately bigot, for all that. How can it be sympathetic to a religion to present, as its exemplar, such a solemn robot?

Again, one is struck by the peculiar clumsiness on Updike's part. He surely knows that what makes Conrad's anarchists poignant and Dostoevsky's revolutionaries profound are the contradictions of their resentments. They long for a place in the society that they plan to destroy, and their destruction is related to their longing. Underground impotence, for Dostoevsky, is a hatred almost indistinguishable from love: this is his great insight, which is still helpful for anyone trying to analyze modern religious and ideological alienation. For a contemporary novelist, the way to animate these contradictions would be to evoke an American Muslim who sounded just like his secular friends, who indeed had secular friends (unlike the anchoritic Ahmad), who shared their taste in music and films, or was at least tempted by their music and films. Such a character would then be interesting in proportion to his resistance to a pressure--the great pressurizing blandishments of American postmodernity. All this should be obvious to a novelist on his second, let alone his twenty-second, novel. Equally, such a writer would surely know that the way to close down such authenticity, to freeze the novel in the colorless gas of the inauthentic, would be to make the Islamic young man an absurdly one-dimensional, furious solitary who has already rejected as an "infidel" everyone from the president to his mother.

Until the last pages of the book, when Ahmad must decide whether or not to bomb the Lincoln Tunnel, this young man is never seen engaging in any kind of internal struggle at all. So he has no real relation to American society. He seems attracted to Joryleen, but we are not told of any previous attraction, even furtive, to anyone else. Ahmad seems to have moved through his teens in hormonal quarantine. (How remarkable, for instance, that Updike, of all novelists, never courts the possibility of Ahmad masturbating.) Updike has done his research, and he has inky fingers to show for it: the Koran is quoted, sometimes in phonetically rendered Arabic. But again, because we first meet Ahmad after his conversion to radical Islam, we have no sense of how the Koran lived inside him before the great awakening. Edifying suras are solemnly quoted, but as a kind of religious logo, as blocks of dogma only. Moments of skepticism, of doubt, are promptly quashed as infidel ideas.

Perhaps this is indeed what the mind of a radical Muslim terrorist looks like, but it makes for a peculiar inversion of the very notion of fiction: Updike's "sympathy" has resulted in a figure who would not be out of place in a work of Islamic propaganda.

Isn't the point that it is just a piece of terrorist propaganda and that the terrorust is hollow because Updike doesn't actually feel any sympathy with him or his cause, but is merely trying to be PC?

Posted by Orrin Judd at 11:09 AM


Bush Takes Koizumi for Tour of Graceland (JENNIFER LOVEN, Tenn. Jun 30, 2006, AP)

With an in-flight airing of Elvis Presley's greatest hits and an offering of his favored grilled fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches...unarguably Koizumi's highlight of the week.

On the tape C-SPAN aired last night you can see them slathering sausage gravy on the sandwiches.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:34 AM


'Elvis diplomacy' a hit with Japanese leader (Alec Russell, 01/07/2006, Daily Telegraph)

The world has become accustomed to unconventional diplomatic routines. There has been panda diplomacy and ping-pong diplomacy. Jack Straw and Condoleezza Rice have inaugurated "courtship" diplomacy. Yesterday Mr Bush unveiled Elvis diplomacy, as he became the first sitting president to visit Graceland.

Since the Japanese leader pointed at the cowboy-boot wearing Mr Bush at their first meeting, five years ago yesterday, and said "High Noon", the two have hit it off.

The White House staff had clearly done their homework. On that first encounter at Camp David, Mr Bush gave his visitor a poster of Gary Cooper. Mr Koizumi returned to the theme in his after-dinner speech at the White House on Thursday, when he said: "I see the image of the United States as Gary Cooper in my favourite movie, High Noon. Marshal Cooper stood up alone against four outlaw men. However, the United States is not alone when facing the evils that exist today."

High Noon is the ideal metaphor because Will Kane selflessly does for the townfolk what they will not do for themselves, indeed, what they resent him for doing.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:12 AM


China Leader Makes Appeal on Corruption: President Sounds Alarm Loudly on Party Anniversary (Edward Cody, 7/01/06, Washington Post)

President Hu Jintao, reacting to a cascade of recent scandals, marked the Chinese Communist Party's 85th anniversary Friday with a stern warning that rampant corruption could erode the party's popular legitimacy and undermine its hold on power. [...]

Since taking over the party four years ago, Hu frequently has expressed dismay over what he seems to think is sinking probity among its 70 million members. He presided over a just-completed 18-month campaign to rekindle their zeal, discipline and orthodoxy. Two months ago, he suggested to dutiful party members a list of do's and don'ts, known as "eight glories and eight shames." But in his remarks Friday, he seemed to suggest these campaigns had not borne all the fruit he had hoped for.

If they were legitimate they hold and win elections.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:09 AM


Bush Takes Koizumi for Tour of Graceland (Peter Baker, July 1, 2006, Washington Post)

As a farewell gift to Koizumi, one of his best overseas friends and a longtime Elvis aficionado making his final U.S. visit before retiring in September, Bush organized a special trip to the mansion where the legendary singer lived and died. The mecca of fans everywhere closed itself to ordinary tourists for the first time since opening in 1982 as it played host to its first sitting president. Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley flew in for the occasion.

If the president stuck to understated good humor, Koizumi plunged into the spirit of the occasion, mugging for cameras in Elvis's sunglasses, belting out some of his favorite lyrics, serenading Lisa Marie and even mimicking her father's famous stage moves. The prime minister, who once released a CD of his favorite Elvis songs, gleefully checked out the extravagant concert costumes and the pink Cadillac on the lawn and the wall after wall of gold records.

"My dream come true," Koizumi said, after singing a few words of "The Impossible Dream" to make the point. [...]

That Bush would take the time to come to Graceland testifies to the strength of his personal bond with Koizumi, first forged on the grass at Camp David in 2001 when they played catch, traded baseball stories and talked about favorite movies such as "High Noon."

Bush is at best an accidental tourist. He once raced through the Kremlin cathedrals in Moscow in seven minutes flat, did the sprawling Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg in a half-hour and turned to go soon after arriving at the Great Wall of China. He declined an invitation to visit the Taj Mahal altogether while in India, pleading lack of time.

Yet he managed to carve out eight hours to fly here from Washington, trailed by a media throng the likes of which rarely accompanies him to, say, a Medicare speech in Missouri.

And there you see why the Left will never figure out Kansas.

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:06 AM


GOP Seeks Advantage In Ruling On Trials: National Security Is Likely Rallying Cry, Leaders Indicate (Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman, July 1, 2006, Washington Post)

Republicans yesterday looked to wrest a political victory from a legal defeat in the Supreme Court, serving notice to Democrats that they must back President Bush on how to try suspects at Guantanamo Bay or risk being branded as weak on terrorism.

In striking down the military commissions Bush sought for trials of suspected members of al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, the high court Thursday invited Congress to establish new rules and put the issue prominently before the public four months before the midterm elections. As the White House and lawmakers weighed next steps, House GOP leaders signaled they are ready to use this week's turn of events as a political weapon.

Congress Tackles the Guantanamo Challenge: Lawmakers could OK Bush's setup or create a whole new system for handling detainees. (Maura Reynolds, July 1, 2006, LA Times)
Key lawmakers moved Friday to begin creating a military justice process to determine the fate of Guantanamo detainees, a day after the Supreme Court wiped out the special tribunals established by the Bush administration.

Under the justices' ruling, Congress — which has largely stayed on the sidelines in shaping the war on terrorism — must take the lead role in implementing the most important legal decision affecting terrorism suspects since Sept. 11.

"I think we are under duty to move very, very promptly, because these people have been detained a long time," said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). "The court has told us what to do."

Posted by Orrin Judd at 8:04 AM


Frist: Europe missile-defense site needed (LIZ SIDOTI, 6/30/06, Associated Press)

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist urged President Bush on Friday to intensify efforts to put interceptor missiles at a site in Europe to protect against potential attacks from Iran.

"The threat from Iran is only going to grow in the years ahead. We need to take steps now to prepare to deal with that threat," Frist, R-Tenn., said in a letter to the president.

"The time has come to revive and reinvigorate discussions with allies in Europe that have previously expressed interest in hosting these interceptors at a third site on their territory," said Frist, who is retiring from the Senate and is considering running for president in 2008.

Talk about not getting it.

Tokyo Cowboy: Why Japan is a crucial part of the Bush foreign policy legacy. (Duncan Currie, 06/29/2006, Weekly Standard)

Upgrading the alliance with Tokyo represents one of the most unsung diplomatic feats of this White House. Neither Bush nor Koizumi did it alone. Both built on the security dialogues of their predecessors. But the Bush-Koizumi years have witnessed an acceleration of the process and historic levels of military cooperation. Their work has already bore fruit. "I think the Chinese have been deterred," says Michael Green, a former National Security Council staffer. (Beijing squealed loudly in February 2005 when America and Japan affirmed that protecting Taiwan was a "common strategic objective.") ]...]

Over the long term, the two biggest challenges for U.S. policymakers in East Asia are managing the peaceful rise of China and defanging North Korea. Both challenges will require a robust security relationship with Japan--a relationship that Bush and Koizumi have done more than any other pair of leaders to nourish and expand. It is true that Japan may never see another Koizumi. A big fan of American westerns, especially High Noon, the maverick prime minister has blended cowboy-like populism with a boldly pro-American foreign policy. The alliance may inevitably fade a bit after he retires next September.

But in Iraq and elsewhere, Koizumi has crossed the Rubicon. As U.S. ambassador Tom Schieffer recently put it, "Under Koizumi there was a fundamental change." Future Japanese leaders may find there is no turning back.

Samurai and cowboy seal their special relationship (Alec Russell, 01/07/2006, Daily Telegraph)
Chinese officials will have looked on with irritation yesterday as the leader of their great regional rival, Japan, sealed his extraordinary bond with the United States.

The "samurai" and the "cowboy" first made a connection five years ago. Now Japanese and US officials coo that the relationship is the warmest it has been in decades as highlighted by a recent agreement to redeploy 50,000 US troops based in Japan.

Ending years of tetchy negotiations the deal will lead to the withdrawal of 8,000 troops and a reduction of numbers on the island of Okinawa, where bases have repeatedly stirred local resentment.